#also robin has the les colours
trustmeifyoudare · 5 months
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penacony is for the lesbians
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I think i asked this once but i don't know if you saw it, i would really LOVE to read this whole fic, but the link doesn't work, was it deleted? 🥺
Oh lord, so that one has the distinction of being the only fic I have ever written to get dogpiled hate on ao3 and it startled me so much I deleted it. God help me if the england stans find this one. It's also back on ao3. It's got a sequel here too, when Matt is older.
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In late autumn—and sometimes in early spring—a rainy morning would press its wet nose against the glass storefront of papa's bakery. Outside, where the leaves were starting to turn, it was cool. And inside, where papa and his part-timers made pastry and bread, it was wonderfully warm.
Sometimes the ovens made the glass foggy. When they did, Mathieu drew squiggles and left his palm prints to make turkeys and even sometimes a little BONJOUR in crude toddler letters for the passersby, then hastily wiped away the evidence with his sleeve, so Papa couldn't scold him for using his fingers. He sometimes opened the door for customers just to look at the trees on the avenue. He wanted to climb them, but if ever he got the chance to wander near, Papa tugged him back onto the sidewalk and tugged his coat back into place.
He heard his name, insistent, and he paused for a second to let a rain-bedraggled man in a stinky wool coat through the door.
"Bonjour-hi!" He waved at the stranger, of which there were always many passing through his father's shop, and scrambled back to the table nearest the counter in an awkward little corner next to the display windows. There, and in the cushioned basket behind the counter where he'd nap after the lunch rush dwindled, he'd spent many a day with his stuffed bear, his blocks and his trains, and his books, nose to the paper as he coloured in big leafy forests of gold, amber, maple and green. The man had a sharp face under his damp, straw-colored fringe and gave a weak wave. Matthieu thought he looked very tired.
Arthur needed a fucking cup of tea. Soaked through and freezing, he stumbled into a cafe off the avenue thumbing his money clip. A small lad in a cheerful red jumper chirped the bilingual greetings so common to this part of Canada, and Arthur waved at him, staring at the menu written in beautiful calligraphy above the counter. There were a few loaves of bread, no doubt leftover from the morning rush.
The lad hopped up onto the counter, kicking his legs off the edge, as comfortable as a round little robin red breast who'd perched on the same branch thousands of times.
He said something to him in French, broad baby Quebecois that ended in a giggle. He thought he'd spoken French quite well before coming to this city, but Montreal was a city of a thousand languages, and about 900 of them were supposed to be French. He mouthed words and the child gave a shy smile and switched to clumsy but adequate English.
"You're not one of Papa's regulars,"
"No," Arthur said. "I suppose I'm new to the city."
The lad's eyes popped open wide.
"PAPA! C'est un Anglais!" The boy cupped his hands over his mouth to shout at a figure moving behind the doorway and hopped off the counter to stand on a stool. He peered over it shyly.
"Are you really… one of the… a les goddams!?"
Arthur gave a hearty snort, unoffended. He'd only read that term in books. He thought it came from how much English sailors cursed. And, well, he was an English sailor.
"Suppose I am, lad. But you can call me Arthur." He leaned over the counter, extending one gloved hand. The small boy took it and shook it, looking very serious and grown up.
"Like the king?"
"And you are?"
"Mathieu!" Came a much deeper, lilting voice, full of the music of European French rather than the flat stubborn sounds of Canadien. "Get down from there; you'll snap your neck!"
The boy sighed, "Ouais, Papa," and leaped off the chair he'd been standing on.
"Apologies," The man said. "What can I get you?"
Later, he wouldn't remember ordering tea and a sandwich. He'd gone quite deaf. The bakery owner couldn't have been much older than 30—well-built, compact, and lean. His great arms showed off as he rolled short, flour-dusted short sleeves over his shoulders. Perky ass Arthur tried desperately not to look as the man bent double for a bagel from one of the display baskets behind the counter. Bloody fucking hell. He had beautiful hair, pulled neatly back except for spirals to frame his face. It would have been a womanly look on anyone else, but it only drew Arthur's eye to a beautiful pair of clavicles. No wedding ring, Arthur noticed, and not even the pale outline of where one might have been. He cleared his throat and raked his damp hair back, a bit embarrassed at his rumpled, rain-splattered state.
The tea was godawful. Probably bagged and a little burnt and left to seep too long. But the sandwich was fantastic. There'd never been that good of bagels in any port in the world. He was about to become, if luck gave him nothing else, a regular.
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arunneronthird · 1 year
Hi, this is the Bruce and Jason anon again and you're completely right! Tim and Kon's situation is very different from Bruce and Jason's because Tim was like...literally trying to engineer a perfect replacement for someone he lost ON PURPOSE. Which is just completely fucking crazy from start to end. Especially when Kon, as a clone himself, struggled in the past with the idea of being created in a lab explicity to perfectly replace another person, then ending up not being identical/perfect enough to do that and having to learn to become his own person instead, not just superman 2.0. Like Tim was actually insane to still try and clone him while actively KNOWING all of this about his best friend and still deciding to go ahead and become the cadmus/lex luthor in this poor clone's story.
Also with the benefit of being able to actually know what happened while Jason was dead, how Bruce grieved, the whole messy process of how Tim actually became Robin, etc. through the comics, I agree that Bruce wasn't necessarily wrong. What I was mainly talking about was Jason coming back from the dead without any knowledge of how much of a wreck Bruce was when he was gone and seeing the product of that grief without any of the context.
Like Jason checks back in on his dad after maybe a year or two (idk comic timelines) and there is just a full ass new child (around the age jason was when he died no less) living in Jason's house, swinging round Gotham in Jason's old suit colours using Jason's vigilante name (the suit he died in, the name that he died for). He even LOOKS like Jason with his black hair a blue eyes. And because of the severe lack of context Talia provides, from the outside it's exactly as if Jason has been replaced, not grieved. Like when TV shows recast one of their main actors and the story continues on without stopping to acknowledge that anything is out of the ordinary. As if this new person has been here the entire time and the old one never existed at all.
Jason was also having problems with Bruce before he died so seeing this shiny new Robin take his place (and actually be good at it) is just so heartbreaking. Again, without knowing anything about Bruce and Tim's relationship, to Jason it'd seem like Bruce just got a shiny new sidekick that was Robin in all the ways B wanted and valued, all the ways Jason wasn't. It's worse when Dick, who Jason had a pretty strained relationship with, is all over the new guy in a way he never was with him. It mirrors what you were saying about Tim making the version of Kon that loved him in the way original-Kon didn't. Obviously not what happened to Bruce and Tim but WE know that not Jason
The third part doesn't really fit them so much, the only thing I can think of is Jason coming to the realisation that Bruce didn't actually care about him, or Dick, that he probably didn't even care about the new kid either. Like Tim and his clones, Robins all eventually get discarded and thrown away when they don't meet B's standards, when they're not perfect enough. It's what Bruce and Dick used to fight about all the time too, before Jason died. Has Steph been Robin yet by the time Jason comes back? Idk. It would certainly add to that idea. Child after child, in the middle of gun fight after gun fight. What kind of a monster does that? So Jason decides to put it to the test. How much does Bruce actually care about Robin? He certainly didn't seem to care when Jason died, but maybe that's too small of a sample size. There needs to be multiple test trials. If Batman thinks so little of his sidekicks, if he's really going to be so careless with them, then he should to be prepared to lose a few.
Sorry for how long this is, I was typing and completely lost the run of myself.
i... had like a page typed out and then the whole building lost power so i think thats a sign for me to stop answering while at work, i wont listen though
honestly im really glad that tumblr now shortens posts, but never apologize for length, i thought this was a great read and i love getting peoples opinions on things!
i agree with all this, really, i think jason, pumped full of green pit rage water, would come back and see himself replaced and completely snap, it works really well and i love that narrative
i dont think jason feels bad for losing robin, it wasnt his to lose, he wore dicks suit while tim wore a new one out of respect for him, i think he felt replaced in a... deeper level
he came back to see that someone was occupying the space the grief and pain would have been in, someone else was pushing his ghost away, living his life, being loved by his father, being cared for by his brother, someone better at his job than he ever was, cold and smart where he was rash and angry, he came back to see that he was not only replaced, him being dead made things better
ofc, this wasnt true, his death nearly destroyed bruce, and it took a lot of effort to get him to feel human again cause he had lost his son, but jason didnt know that, as u said
meanwhile, i love the new 52 tim, i think hes tragic in a visceral way, and i love how his pain is so easy to feel, but in a way im glad we dont really talk about that era too much and usually act like its not relevant to the canon cause... its hard to justify tim being a good person in the new comics after reading the 2015s one
like, tim failing to clone kon doesnt justify him actually trying to replace his dead best friend who struggled with his place in the world, and i think the writers recently realized if they want tim to be a dark but brave hero they cant also make him morally corrupt at best and absolutely insane, theres a difference between red robin desperately trying to find batman and being a rude mess in the process and red robin basically experimenting with lives
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bookclub4m · 9 months
25 Food/Cooking Non-Fiction Books by BIPOC Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
Niqiliurniq: A Cookbook from Igloolik by Micah Arreak, Annie Désilets, Lucy Kappianaq, Glenda Kripanik, and Kanadaise Uyarasuk
New Native Kitchen: Celebrating Modern Recipes of the American Indian by Freddie Bitsoie
Cooking for the Culture: Recipes and Stories from the New Orleans Streets to the Table by Toya Boudy
Cooking from the Spirit: Easy, Delicious, and Joyful Plant-Based Inspirations by Tabitha Brown
tawâw: Progressive Indigenous Cuisine by Shane M. Chartrand with Jennifer Cockrall-King
Start Here: Instructions for Becoming a Better Cook by Sohla El-Waylly
50 Pies, 50 States: An Immigrant's Love Letter to the United States Through Pie by Stacey Mei Yan Fong
Modern Native Feasts by Andrew George Jr.
Cook Korean!: A Comic Book with Recipes by Robin Ha
A Foodie's Guide to Capitalism by Eric Holt-Giménez
Chop Suey Nation: The Legion Cafe and Other Stories from Canada's Chinese Restaurants by Ann Hui
Korean American: Food that Tastes Like Home by Eric Kim
Indian-Ish: Recipes and Antics from a Modern American Family by Priya Krishna with Ritu Krishna
100 Million Years of Food: What Our Ancestors Ate and Why It Matters Today by Stephen Le
A Splash of Soy: Everyday Food from Asia by Lara Lee
Eat, Habibi, Eat!: Fresh Recipes for Modern Egyptian Cooking by Shahir Massoud
The Mexican Home Kitchen: Traditional Home-Style Recipes That Capture the Flavors and Memories of Mexico by Mely Martinez
Mi Cocina: Recipes and Rapture from My Kitchen in México by Rick Martinez
Food-Related Stories by Gaby Melian
Stuffed and Starved: Markets, Power and the Hidden Battle for the World Food System by Raj Patel
Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm’s Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land by Leah Penniman
Plantcakes: Fancy + Everyday Vegan Cakes for Everyone by Lyndsay Sung
Chef Tee's Caribbean Kitchen by Chef Tee
Vegetable Kingdom: The Abundant World of Vegan Recipes by Bryant Terry
Cooking with the Wolfman: Indigenous Fusion by David Wolfman and Marlene Finn
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sussex-nature-lover · 2 years
Monday 21 November 2022
Rain, Rain and more Rain
I’m struggling with my lap top at the moment, the battery is beyond its last legs and even using it on mains power, it isn’t always being cooperative - which is a bit like the weather. Our local reservoir has had a sharp increase and is now 50% full (as of the 10th)
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We have had some brief periods of bright sunshine. I captured these shots from a front bedroom window one mid afternoon, I love the way that Autumn sun plays across the treeline.
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I’ve also been documenting the colours in the back garden. The Acer on the corner has been absolutely wonderful value this year, really stunning. The photos don’t convey what a bright spot it is on the dullest of days. The green leaves you can see here have turned yellow this weekend.
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I don’t think the Weeping Willow will keep its leaves much longer, they’re turning yellow too.
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Two Christmas trees and a fully leaved Maple - odd as its big brother was de-cloathed a couple of weeks back.
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From the same window as we look at the Acer and The Corridor, we can also see this nest box. It wasn’t used during the Spring and Summer, but I noticed a few sparrows yesterday in the hedge along the corridor and followed their path. There was quite a bit of excitement and one sitting on top of the box for ages, then I saw why...
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I wonder if it’s going to be a Des Res for a winter roost?
The feeders have been much quieter as there are so many seeds, nuts and berries around. The old favourites still return of course, particularly great spotted woodpeckers, all kinds of tits, nuthatch and sparrows. The robins have been singing and the magpie’s been coming for kitchen scraps. One infrequent visitor who’s been spotted up on the roof is the grey wagtail, such a pretty and fine little bird. I wish I’d had the camera handy a few times
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Speaking of Winter, I did mean to treat my Christmas Cactus to a repot earlier in the year and somehow never got around to it. Clearly it doesn’t mind too much. I’ve seen other people on social media documenting how theirs are flowering already, so it’s not just mine - look at how it’s doing
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I’ve got to be honest, they’re not one of my favourite plants. I think I bought it a few years back when I wanted something to put in my Santa’s sleigh/ Of course it’s no use for that if it’s not flowering when the sleigh’s on display, but somehow I don’t have the heart to rehome it.
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News from the Kitchen is that I’m planning lots of football friendly menus. There are matches on at all times of day and evening. Today we had some leftover beef stifado. I have to say it’s improved over several days of resting and thinking about itself in a le Crueset lidded casserole and it was very warming with a slice of toasted rye sourdough. Next stop is a roast chicken dinner and plenty left to make into soup that’ll keep us going.
And for mornings I’ve got lots of English plums to roast down into a compote - nothing added - to go with either yoghurt or porridge with some bananas and granola...can’t wait.
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hey there demons. It's me, ya boy. And by demons I mean the common cold, I've contracted the common cold. Lo I don't think I've missed breathing out of my nose so much in my entire life. I can't even greet you with the usual cute little nickname my head's so cloudy :(
In theory I like layering but in practice my sensory issues get the best of me, so the closest I get is like an open button up and a t-shirt.
the book is called Bridge to Elsewhere by many different authors since it's a collection of short stories! Fustercluck is from one short story called Whose spaceship is it anyway? by John Chu, and is one of my favourites in the whole book because at heart I am a theater kid. The whole book has amazing queer and POC rep in and out of the book!(there's a story about lesbian space birds!!!)
I love The Hobbit and Hunger Games too! There's also Sal and Gabi break the universe by Carlos Hernandez, yes it was released in 2019 and yes by then I was probably too old to read middle grade novels but that did not stop me. I have an old french encyclopedia called le petit larousse illustré, it has so many beautiful illustrations! It is reprinted every year but my copy is from 1924 so it's kinda falling apart and the part of me that worked in the library for years just wants to tape it back together but I need to buy better tape so I don't ruin it. Of course i'm a hopeless romantic so i've read pride and prejudice like a million times, it's just a really pretty book don't judge me. I really like Salt To The Sea by Ruta Sepetys it's a bit bleak but I listened to the audio book while painting the guitar and really enjoyed it.
OUTLAW ROBIN I am foaming at the mouth. if you ever finish a story like that i'd love to read it!
I really don't think you understand how red my face gets every time you call me darlin' it's not even funny.
If you want you can send me more songs and I can tell you what colour they sound like to me.
I don't get how some pretty flowers simply do not match in scent, like you look beautiful you should smell like rainbows and unicorns. it's unfair.
I only have three piercings (two on my left ear and one on my right) but like I said I need more.
asdfghjklkfj back home is also a farm for me. There's 2 dogs, 3 cats, an assortment of chickens(demon spawn), 5 ducks(my babies), and an ancient beta fish. I've always wanted a fluffy cow too! and a mini donkey 😂
I am not from the us. I really thought I already gave it away with my rantings about Alvvays not having canadian tour dates.
I am but a simple Canadian who wears tuques, listens to the vinyl cafe, and drinks maple syrup by the jug. fr the funniest thing is debunking people's Canadian stereotypes it's hilarious
your damsel under the incredible duress of her cold
Oh no!!! That is terrible!! I hope you feel better soon, lovely! <333 Drink lots of water and take medicine! I wish I could make you some soup.
Is it just me, or is the whole Ronance side of Tumblr falling ill? What’s with that?
Understandable! There are some days I get like that, but for the most part I love layers. My main issues lies with long sleeves that are too loose on my wrist. Drives me nuts.
I’ll have to check that out! It’s been a while since I last read a short story collection, and I’m always down for good representation! Lesbian space birds? Sign me the fuck up.
I haven’t heard of that one! Definitely also going on the list. I’m also not above reading middle school books at my age. Sometimes they’re just that good, damnit. You’re never to old to enjoy something like that. And the encyclopedia? That is the absolute coolest thing!! Antique books are so beautiful and you gotta love the old book smell. 😌 1924, damn that’s old. Getting close to a whole century old, wow! P&P is one I know but haven’t read. I’ve never been much into period pieces, but the amount of times it’s popped up in conversations recently is feeling like a sign that I need to read and watch it.
I hope I will! It’s a future project since I’ve got too many already, but outlaw Robin lives in the back of my mind rent free
Then I will continue to do it, darlin’, because that sounds cute as hell ☺️
Ooooh, okay, I’ll give you three. “Late Bloomer” by Mereba, “Linger” by The Cranberries, and “honey” by Coastal Club (that one is a personal favorite!!)
For real! It’s so sad when you see a cute flower and go to smell it and it just,,, stinks. Bradford pears are definitely my least favorite though. They make the whole campus smell bad every spring ahdkskkw
That’s so cool! I hope you can get more! I just know they look sick as hell
Oh my gosh, that’s so cool! I love animals so much <33 And mini donkeys, you say? Well let me introduce Hope and Brayleigh—
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Here’s where you figure out I’m kind of a dumbass because I definitely remember you saying that and it definitely went riiiiiiight over my head. At least I’m cute! Canadian, that’s so cool! What’s your favorite stereotype to debunk? 😂
Wishing you speedy healing and love,
- Max/Lo
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thedreadvampy · 4 years
also uhhhhh while we're getting Robin Hobb Critical in this Chilli's tonight: I understand why White Fitz appears on so many book covers. As an author you don't have a huge amount of say in a lot of the design and art direction stuff as I understand it and like if you're a female author in the 90s using a gender neutral name just so pub l people will take your fantasy novels seriously it takes a lot of courage to pull an Ursula le Guin and hold your ground on insisting that publishers stop putting whitewashed versions of your characters on the covers. It's admirable to do but it's a lot to ask.
when the publisher is putting out a 30 year anniversary illustrated copy of your phenomenally successful book which has made you one of the big names in the genre, you can't pretend you don't have a say in that (and she hasn't, she's very definitely claimed she picked out Magali Villeneuve's work)
so tell me
Like I know that Robin Hobb wrote her characters as dark-skinned people of colour. I have a list of quotes and references as long as my arm to prove that is a deliberate choice. But honestly this kind of thing genuinely makes me wonder if she knows she wrote a book about people of colour because all the official art is lily-white and it's like. It's 2021 it's no longer unthinkable to sell a medieval fantasy book with pictures of brown-skinned people and also for fuck's sake you're like. One of the biggest fantasy authors of the modern age. There is literally no risk. And yet here we are assailed by White Fitz and what message does that send? Ughhhhh
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droo216 · 3 years
finally fall book tag
tagged by @wormwoodandhoney (not really, she tagged everyone, but I wanted to do it), and she got it from Elliot Books on youtube!
1. In fall, the air is crisp and clear: name a book with a vivid setting! Gilded by Marissa Meyer! I was lucky enough to read an ARC of this one, and I’m already itching for the second book in this duology!
2. Nature is beautiful… but also dying: name a book that is beautifully written, but also deals with a heavy topic like loss or grief. I recommend this book all the time but Grounded: The Adventures of Rapunzel by Megan Morrison deals with these topics in amazing and unexpected ways.
3. Fall is back to school season: share a non-fiction book that taught you something new. As You Wish by Cary Elwes taught me a lot about behind the scenes of The Princess Bride. I suggest listening to the audio book because the excerpts provided by the other actors from the film are actually read by those actors! So you get to hear from Robin Wright and Carole Kane and Wallace Shawn and a bunch more!
4. In order to keep warm, it’s good to spend some time with the people we love: name a fictional family/household/friend-group that you’d like to be a part of. I want to join the found family in The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune!
5. The colourful leaves are piling up on the ground: show us a pile of fall-colored spines! 
6. Fall is the perfect time for some storytelling by the fireside: share a book wherein somebody is telling a story. Ohhh, I highly recommend the graphic novel The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen.
7. The nights are getting darker: share a dark, creepy read. I’ll say Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas. I don’t know if I’d call it creepy because I don’t read creepy books, but it has some darker elements.
8. The days are getting colder: name a short, heartwarming read that could warm up somebody’s cold and rainy day. I think Never After by Rebecca Lickiss is a lovely book that not a lot of people know about!
9. Fall (luckily, it’s my favourite season) returns every year: name an old favourite that you’d like to return to soon. I’ve been thinking lately about rereading Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire and Bound by Donna Jo Napoli!
10. Fall is the perfect time for cozy reading nights: share your favourite cozy reading “accessories”! Oh, I don’t know! I’ll just pillows and blankets because I like to be super comfy when I read!
I tag @intelligencehavingfun @cinderellasfella @korra-of-the-watertribe @padmeisqueen @luucypevensie @fantasticalnonsense18 @shirewalker
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gunpowdville · 4 years
Just a warning: this playlist is mostly just me having Emotions about our beloved Drumbot and attempting to organize them into a vaguely coherent format.
Silver Platters // Les Gold - this is a pre-drumbotted Brian song to me. Like he's stuck in this place and he's kind of miserable but is just pushing through. I don't really know how to explain it. But it is very much pre-drumbot Brian.
Blood on My Name // the Brothers Bright - this is when everything starts to go wrong and the mob starts coming, and Brian starts considering the things he's done. I also very much have it on here for the 'oh lazarus' line, because symbolism.
Take Him Away // Dirt Poor Robins - this song is just. so very brian backstory. Like it's. it's the people on this planet seeing this man who they deem unnatural and something that doesn't belong, and them just sending him into the sky. it's so good it makes me feel so many things
Burn the Witch // Shawn James - BRANDED A WITCH FOR WHAT HE COULD DO,,, that's it. that's the entire reason this song is on here.
Body // Mother Mother - this is just. Brian getting mechanized. This song is literally just Brian getting mechanized. That's it.
Is There Anyone Out There? // Delta Rae - just mechanized Drumbot, he's lost and he has this new body that doesn't feel right and he can't really feel anymore and he honestly doesn't quite know who he is and he feels so lonely and I cry
Ordinarily Human // Aviators - ok not gonna lie this song is. kinda weird. BUT. FUCK DOES IT GIVE ME EMOTIONS ABOUT FRESHLY MECHANIZED BRIAN. 'artificially soulless, perceiving that i'm ordinarily human but programmed to seem too unnatural' ?? I CRY
Sleeping Sickness // City and Colour - Brian doesn't sleep anymore. so now he has all this time to sit and think and be alone with himself and his new metal body and he's not doing ok.
Mercy // Bo Baskoro - Brian has done. So many things. So many things that he regrets, and he knows he will keep doing more, but he's trying. He hates himself but he is trying so very hard not to and I love him.
Wretch // Autoheart - Brian is SAD. Brian is SO sad he is NOT ok and he feels so alone because while the others are dealing with similar stuff it's not quite the same. I also like to think of this as a Brian & Jonny song, not particularly as a ship but just... The two of them, one with a metal heart, one with a human one, both of them very much Not Okay.
Liar // the Arcadian Wild - Morality switch angst!!!
Immoral Men // AlicebanD - morality switch angst but fun!!
Pipes // Tom Milsom - this was recommended to me as a Brian song and it. Very much is a Brian song. In the context of this playlist I see it as Brian adjusting to his new situation and figuring out his body and how it works.
Be Calm // fun. - Brian is still not okay but he's figuring stuff out and sometimes it's overwhelming but he's trying not to let it get to him because it won't help to just wallow.
A New Mission // Josh Whitehouse - Brian has adjusted to everything, he's STILL not ok but he's decided to try and find the silver lining and make the most of it and be there for his crew.
Constellations // the Oh Hellos - Soft Brian song!! I don't particularly know why this is a Brian song, it just... Feels like him.
Strange World // Sugar Parks - 'i am just a wanderer rebuilt and torn apart'. this is just. this is just Brian. He's just wandering. He's seen so many things and he's done so many things and he feels set apart from the rest of the everything.
Sinners // Barns Courtney - ok at first listen this was a Jonny song, but I have recently realized that it is actually a Brian song. I can't really explain why it's just. Brian on a bad day.
Promiseland // MIKA - another song that was recommended to me! It's just a vibe that also happens to fit Brian very well. We've reached the section of this playlist which is just Songs That Are Definitely Brian Songs But I Can't Really Explain Why.
Hymn For a Scarecrow // Tally Hall - hanged man hours!!!!!
Stronger // Dirt Poor Robins - Hanged man hours pt 2! I often think that Brian has a collection of mantras he repeats to himself regularly, because he wants to feel like he's in control when he's not, and I think this is one that he sings to himself while on Camelot. This is kind of just very vaguely Brian, but when I think about it in that context, I cry. I love him your honor.
Scarecrows // Dirt Poor Robins - hanged man hours again!!! but this one is more I think at the end, when everything is going wrong and they're falling into the sun. it also gives me very much Mordred vibes.
Infinitesimal // Mother Mother - GOD THIS SONG IS SO BRIAN. I just. He's done so much. He has been through so much. And he's honestly a bit scared of himself. Like. This man does NOT like himself. He's tired of being who he is and he's trying but it isn't going anywhere and he just. Brian,,
The Ends and the Means // Robby Hecht- I.. don't really think there's much more to be said here. The title says it all.
Expiration Date // Ben Below - I couldn't make a Brian playlist without something by the lovely Ben Below himself now could I? This is Brian at the end of his immortal life, pretty much everyone else is gone and he has nothing left so he's just. Ready to go.
Golden Shore // Kyle Neal - off into the void Brian goes. maybe to see his friends in another place, maybe cursed to be forever alone. Either way, he's making his final journey and I am Sad.
Dummed Brian Botman... I love you
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marianagiuseppe67 · 4 years
Triggers: no triggers, only Arthur being a massive seducer and a bit of a jerk 😂. Some innuendos are there. It can be read by ages 15 and above.
Growing Feelings
Hues of faint blue streamed through the half drawn curtains in the silence of the hallways. A drop of water was dripping continuously from a leaky tap in the kitchen, its sound resounding in the quietude. Sparrows and robins that frequented Le Comte's garden had already begun their day chirping away merrily, their wings fluttering about excitedly. Dew drops graced the petals of the crimson, lavender and fuchsia roses around the lawn and the gazebo. The mansion was steeped in a peaceful silence that characterized the hours of dawn.
The residents of the house were by no means early risers except for Sebastian, their steadfast butler and their newest addition Magnolia, whose lone figure could be seen strolling about near the roses in this hour of twilight. It made for an intriguing spectacle for an onlooker.
Humming distractedly by herself, she closely observed the beauty of the flowers that swayed gently in the crisp morning breeze. An aroma of fresh milk tea wafted from her cup which she held in both hands to warm her palms from the chilly air. She sauntered over to the gazebo, sipping her tea slowly and sat down comfortably on the ornate wooden bench. She quietly took in the tranquillity of her surroundings and pondered deeply about her current stay.
'Had it not been for the fateful day in the Louvre, I wouldn't have been here today. All because of one door' she mused.
Today marked the thirteenth day of her arrival at the mansion. The past few days had gone by in a blur, and just about everyone had been warm and friendly towards her. Well, just about everyone, except for Theo and Sebastian. She felt a growing sense of hostility from Sebastian because he wanted her to help him out in domestic chores which she had flatly refused to do. After all, Comte had treated her as a protected guest, so she saw no reason to serve as a maid just because Sebastian wanted her to be one. On the other hand, Theo had seen her go on her nightly sojourns and had become increasingly suspicious of her motives - quite rightly so. She didn't want to reveal her true identity nor her newfound purpose after her accidental venture into this time.
Conflictlingly on her part, she had found herself increasingly drawn to Arthur in a strange friendship of sorts and had felt that he too was drawn to her in an unsaid manner. He had also expressed his doubts about her, but unlike Theo, he didn't pose a threat to her.
In fact far from it, as he had even risked his life for her just two days ago. The bizarre events of that fateful night flashed through her mind as she absently sipped her tea; how Arthur had taken a bullet for her and how she had to save him, and yet the very sight of him feeding off of her had pleased her cold heart with an unexplained euphoria, a surge of power that she throughly relished, a growing desire where she wanted him to serve her. She wanted him for her own purpose, that was absolute, but the extent of her feelings for him were yet unclear to her. Was it a crush or just her ego? His appealing sultry charms? Or the fact, that she wanted to use him? She was uncertain about her own sentiments and hence, she didn't want to pursue her inexplicable feelings regarding him, thus arriving at the decision that she would distance herself from him.
"Busy much love?" A familiar voice spoke with a jovial lilt, thereby breaking her reverie.
She turned around to peer into a pair of deep blue eyes; eyes that were clever but also earnest; eyes without any hidden motive; eyes that she was mesmerized with.
"What brings you here this early?" She questioned skeptically.
"Well, I saw you from my window and decided to follow you here" he smirked, "..and there is no denying the fact that my presence brought a sparkle to your eyes.." he took a step towards her, grinning from ear to ear.
"Don't be deluded. The so called 'spark' you speak was simply annoyance." she scoffed.
"Interesting. Self denial and frustration are the first part of love." he chuckled.
"I'm quite tempted at the moment to break this tea cup on your head, but I'll give you the choice of the saucer too." Her eyes narrowed at him in seething anger.
'The nerve he has to suggest that I would "love" him! What a fool!' she fumed inwardly.
"I believe Sebastian would be utterly displeased. Why take it out on the crockery my wild flower? Just admit it. You want me." he murmured delicately, taking another step towards her seated figure.
"I'm not in the mood to jest. Leave me be." She muttered sourly and got up from the bench.
She was moving away from him when suddenly, he closed the distance between them in a single fell swoop and grabbed her wrist, the one she had fed him from. The flirtatious smile faded away from his handsome coutenance and was replaced by a sombre expression as his ocean blue eyes bore into her onyx ones.
She stared back into his sapphires, riveted by their unspoken words. His gloved hand held up her wrist reverently, his eyes examining it keenly. His thumb caressed gently over the smooth porcelain skin of her dainty hand, the blue veins of her wrist appearing perfectly intact under her translucent skin, like unbroken miniature streams. She liked the sensation but she showed no reaction. The silence between them seemed to linger for an eternity.
"Magnolia..." he finally whispered, "...what are you?"
He spoke softly, repeating his question from two nights ago, his implication becoming even more obvious as his fingers began to interlock themselves in hers as if welded together.
She gazed at him with a deadpan stare and answered resolutely.
"Don't meddle in things that aren't meant for you Arthur. Leave me alone."
As she irritably freed her hand from his grasp and turned around to leave, he pulled at her hand even more forcefully this time and clasped it with an iron grip. Astonished, she shot him a glare.
"Before you go back to your time, I will discover what you are and what your purpose is..." he stated in a matter-of-fact tone, his eyes point blank and then added with a wolfish smile, "...besides..I want more of this.." and brazenly, he raised her hand towards his lips, kissing it slowly, seductively, relishingly, the tip of his tongue trailing along her wrist.
Snatching away her hand in a heated flurry, she frowned and said icily, grimacing at him "And what if I only wanted to use you? You trust me that much?”
“Unequivocally", he answered spontaneously.
His eyes were honest, with not a trace of his typical foxy smile on his lips, instead an expression of solemnity clouding it.
Astounded at his admission, she exclaimed passionately, "But how can that be? You just proclaimed you want to investigate me. What kind of trust is that?"
She was perplexed at this contradiction.
His eyes studied her face amusedly and with an air of confidence, he continued, "You're far from the innocent thing you seem to be love -that- is undoubtedly true. I know you're hiding something and you have a purpose. As evasive as it is, I will eventually find out. It's just a matter of time."
He paused, a serious thought colouring his face. "That being said...I don't think you're a bad person. You wouldn't have saved me otherwise."
"Did it occur to you that I might have done that for myself and not you?" She retorted coolly.
"No. There was no mistaking the look of pure horror on your face when I was shot. That was your natural reaction. Call it my eye for detail, but the moment you started feeding me, that's when I sensed the change...it almost felt as though you were enjoying it."
She was quiet but deep down inside, she knew what he said was true. She had indeed been terrified when he got shot, fearing the worst but those feelings had dissipated gradually at the sight of him bleeding - and she knew precisely why.
"It appears I've hit the mark darling," he conjectured shrewdly.
"No.. I'm done with your nonsensical rubbish. Have a nice day spinning your fantasies." She remarked sardonically and began to leave .
For a third time, he reached out for her hand again, and clasped it albeit gently.
Finally losing her cool, she yelled out loud, her shrill voice breaking the calm of the morning, her face flushing beetroot red, “I must have been a truly horrible person in my past life, to have been cursed with your continued presence in this one!”
With all her strength, she shook away his large hand and he backed off, chuckling hard.
“Aw~ You know you love me," he trilled, his mirthful laughter ringing in the air, "You forgot the teacup. By Jove! We don't want Sebastian scolding you for leaving it here, do we now dear?"
Provocatively, he took a sip out of the leftover tea from the same teacup, a smug, devilish grin curving his mouth. His lips touched the same spot on it where Magnolia's lips had touched it minutes ago. Fully aware of the innuendo behind his gesture, he winked at her unabashedly. She stared daggers at him but to no avail.
Careful not to drop the teacup in her exasperation, she took it from him carefully. Turning her back to him promptly while he watched in amusement, she rushed back into the mansion, vowing not to see him again the entire day, her face set ablaze with emotions.
Secretly though, she felt the skin of her hand that he had touched tingle and burn quite pleasurably and the feeling warmed her heart.
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imagekeepr · 4 years
Songs for Halloween Parties
Halloween parties offer the most wide open subject possibilities of any type of celebration. Halloween is the one day of the year that lets you be any living thing or dead thing, any occupation, any human or non-human and any personality type. You can be a cartoon character if you like. Since Halloween can go hundreds of different directions, the playlist will likely be a diverse list of novelty songs. The Monster Mash by Bobby Boris Pickett Rock Lobster by The B-52's Creep by Radiohead Everyday Is Halloween by Ministry Space Oddity by David Bowie Dead Man's Party by Oingo Boingo It's the End of the World As We Know it (and I Feel Fine) by R.E.M. Planet Claire by The B-52's Mad World - Tears For Fears Hell by Squirrel Nut Zippers Wicked Game by Chris Isaak Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack by Andrew Lloyd Weber Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon Black Celebration by Depeche Mode Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles Walking On The Moon by The Police The Fly by U2 Lola by The Kinks Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress by The Hollies I Wanna Be a Cowboy by Boy Meets Girl 2000 Light Years From Home by The Rolling Stones The Munsters TV Theme Not Afraid by Eminem Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down Enter Sandman by Metallica Superstition by Stevie Wonder People Are Strange by The Doors Evil Ways by Santana 1999 by Prince Revolution 9 by The Beatles Twilight Zone TV Theme Hotel California by The Eagles Season of the Witch by Donovan Psycho Killer by Talking Heads The Devil Went Down to Georgia by Charlie Daniels Band Highway to Hell by AC/DC Devil Inside by INXS Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran Thriller by Michael Jackson Super Freak by Rick James Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr. Le Freak by Chic Rapper's Delight by Sugar Hill Gang Girlfriend in a Coma by The Smiths Dark Lady by Cher Scary Monsters by David Bowie Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival Devil Woman by Cliff Richard Riders On The Storm by The Doors Runnin' With the Devil by Van Halen Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones Crocodile Rock by Elton John Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People Frankenstein by Edgar Winter Group Nightmare on My Street by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince Time Warp from Rocky Horror Soundtrack Rapture by Blondie She Said She Said by The Beatles Wanted Dead or Alive by Jon Bon Jovi Out of Limits by The Marketts Somebody’s Watching Me by Rockwell Bad Girls by Donna Summer Black Magic Woman by Santana Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses Welcome to My Nightmare by Alice Cooper Boris the Spider by The Who Jungle Boogie by Kool & The Gang Roxanne by The Police Back in Black by AC/DC Addams Family TV Theme The Blob by The Five Blobs Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson Take the Money and Run by Steve Miller Band Mama Told Me Not to Come by Three Dog Night Witchy Woman by The Eagles Speed Racer TV Theme Let's Go Crazy by Prince King Tut by Steve Martin Another One Bites the Dust by Queen Erotic City by Prince White Wedding by Billy Idol Hells Bells by AC/DC Fly Like an Eagle by Steve Miller Band Bad Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce Don't Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult Tarzan Boy by Baltimore Rocket Man by Elton John Live and Let Die by Paul McCartney & Wings Genie in a Bottle by Christina Aguilera Copacabana by Barry Manilow Black Cat by Janet Jackson You Dropped a Bomb on Me by Gap Band Zoo Station by U2 My City Was Gone by The Pretenders Eye of the Tiger by Survivor 99 Red Balloons by Nena Spirits in the Material World by The Police Monster by Fred Schneider Union of the Snake by Duran Duran They're Coming To Take Me Away Ha Ha by Napoleon XIV Rebel Rebel by David Bowie State of Shock by The Jacksons Walk Like an Egyptian by The Bangles Freakazoid by Midnight Star Low Rider by War Church of the Poison Mind by Culture Club Rebel Yell by Billy Idol Valley Girl by Frank Zappa E.T. by Katy Perry and Kanye West We Will Rock You/We Are the Champions by Queen All Along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix Strange Magic by Electric Light Orchestra Burning Down the House by Talking Heads Der Komissar by After The Fire Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive by Men at Work Taxman by The Beatles Monsters and Angels by Voice of the Beehive Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz Spiders and Snakes by Jim Stafford Secret Agent Man by Johnny Rivers 2001: A Space Odyssey (Also Sprach Zarathustra) by Deodato Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band by Meco Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead by XTC You Are a Tourist by Death Cab for Cutie The Joker by Steve Miller Band Run Through the Jungle by Creedence Clearwater Revival Bette Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes Head Like a Hole by Nine Inch Nails Jerry Was a Race Car Driver by Primus Clap For the Wolfman by The Guess Who Fear of the Unknown by Siouxsie & The Banshees I Ran by A Flock of Seagulls Centerfold by J. Geils Band Black Velvet by Alannah Myles Tears of a Clown by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, also The English Beat You Be Illin' by Run DMC Criminal by Fiona Apple Shout At The Devil by Motley Crue Weird Science by Oingo Boingo Swing The Mood by Jive Bunny and the Mix Masters Wild Thing by Tone Loc Whip It by Devo Planet Claire by The B-52's Legend of Wooley Swamp by Charlie Daniels Band Purple People Eater by Sheb Wooley The Freaks Come Out at Night by Houdini The Road To Hell by Chris Rea Billionaire by Travie McCoy featuring Bruno Mars Devil With a Blue Dress by Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels Rock Me Amadeus by Falco Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield Space Cowboy by Steve Miller Band Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash, also Social Distortion Walk the Dinosaur by Was (Not Was) Funky Cold Medina by Tone Loc The Night Chicago Died by Paper Lace N.W.O. by Ministry Paranomia by Art of Noise Birdhouse in Your Soul by They Might Be Giants If I Only Had a Brain by Lee Marvin from The Wizard of Oz Pink Panther Theme by Henry Mancini Orchestra Smuggler's Blues by Glenn Frey She Blinded Me With Science by Thomas Dolby Runnin' Down a Dream by Tom Petty Axel F by Crazy Frog (You've Got to) Fight For Your Right (To Party) by Beastie Boys In The Year 2525 by Zager and Evans Major Tom by Peter Schilling Man On The Moon by R.E.M. Happy Days Theme by Pratt & McClain Send Me an Angel by Real Life Convoy by C.W. McCall Particle Man by They Might Be Giants Pinball Wizard by The Who Fire by The Crazy World of Arthur Brown It's a Mistake by Men At Work Synchronicity II by The Police Mr. Roboto by Styx Wipeout by Surfaris Evil Woman by Electric Light Orchestra King of Pain by The Police Just a Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody by David Lee Roth Twilight Zone by Golden Earring Rockin' Robin by Michael Jackson Spooky by Classics IV Jungle Love by The Time A View To a Kill by Duran Duran Rain on the Scarecrow by John Mellencamp Love Potion #9 by The Searchers Cult of Personality by Living Colour The Candy Man by Sammy Davis Jr. Authority Song by John Mellencamp Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog The Bird by The Time Lil' Red Riding Hood by Sam the Sham & The Pharoahs Canary in a Coalmine by The Police Octopus's Garden by The Beatles Maxwell's Silver Hammer by The Beatles Puttin' On The Ritz by Taco Livin' La Vida Loca by Ricky Martin The Streak by Ray Stevens Bat Dance by Prince Theme from Greatest American Hero by Joey Scarbury Fame by David Bowie Eye In The Sky by Alan Parsons Project Devil in Disguise by Elvis Presley Mommy's Little Monster by Social Distortion Deadman's Curve by Jan & Dean Creature from the Black Lagoon by Dave Edmunds Zombie by The Cranberries The Killing Moon by Echo and the Bunnymen Haunted House by Jumpin’ Gene Simmons It's Halloween by The Shaggs Dragula by Rob Zombie Witch Queen of New Orleans by Redbone I Was A Teenage Werewolf by The Cramps Eye of the Zombie by John Fogerty Halloween by Misfits Pet Sematary by The Ramones Horror Movie by Skyhooks The Raven by Alan Parsons Project Bloodletting by Concrete Blonde Feed My Frankenstein by Alice Cooper Don't Be Afraid of the Dark by Robert Cray Hypnotized by Fleetwood Mac The Scientist by Coldplay Run For Your Life by The Beatles Dig My Grave by They Might Be Giants Waltz in Black by The Stranglers I Put a Spell on You by Screamin Jay Hawkins, Creedence Clearwater Revival Ghost Riders in the Sky by The Outlaws, Johnny Cash Ghost of Tom Joad by Rage Against the Machine, Bruce Springsteen Dead Souls by Joy Division, Nine Inch Nails Swamp Witch by Jim Stafford I'm a Goner by Matt and Kim w/ Soulja Boy & Andrew W.K. Mekong Delta - Night on a Bare Mountain Nightmare by Brainbug In the Hall of the Mountain King by Sounds Incorporated One Piece at a Time by Johnny Cash Tequila by The Champs I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night by The Electric Prunes Nasty by Janet Jackson No More Mr. Nice Guy by Alice Cooper Backstabbers by The O'Jays Pets by Porno For Pyros Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins Ghost of a Texas Ladies' Man by Concrete Blonde Dr. Tarr & Professor Feather by Alan Parsons Project To Live and Die in LA by Wang Chung Pictures of Matchstick Men by Status Quo, also Camper Van Beethoven Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves by Cher Land of Confusion by Genesis I Fought The Law by Bobby Fuller Four Naughty Girls by Samantha Fox Jimmy Olson's Blues by Spin Doctors Nightmares by Violent Femmes I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie 42 by Coldplay Haunted House of the Century by Tangent Sunset The Warrior by Scandal Pacman Fever by Buckner & Garcia Planet Earth by Duran Duran Skeleton River by Tangent Sunset Junk Food Junkie by Larry Groce Everything Is Broken by Bob Dylan The Gambler by Kenny Rogers Shark Attack by Wailing Souls Season of the Witch by Joan Jett Superman's Song by Crash Test Dummies Brain Damage by Pink Floyd Paranoid by Black Sabbath He's a Vampire by Archie King Mad Scientist by The Zanies
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badacts · 5 years
Dick and Jason Dick and Jason Dick and Jason Dick and Jason Dick and Jason Dick and Ja
this is pretty ridiculous, but so are dick and jason, so
also the premise of this is admittedly a little grim, but also it’s the two-dudes-and-a-baby trope ft. dick grayson: no idea about babies
Shooter versus pre-Christmas shoppers in an East Side mall. Civilian only, no masks. It’s a bloodbath, and Dick’s only here in time for the cleanup.
“O,” he says on the way down to ground level, “Send whoever’s free and whatever supplies they’ve got. I’m going to start triaging.”
The part of being a bat that goes without saying is that they’re also, when required, first responders. It’s not the first time he’s ever worked alongside GCPD during a mass casualty, and it won’t be the last.
It’s also the part of the job that gets the closest to turning his stomach. The screaming and the crying and the systematic first identifications of who needs help and who they’re too late for - it’s awful.
He gets to work anyway. 
The paramedics from the first ambulance on the scene take charge, arranging the transport of the worst-off victims and coordinating the further arrivals. Dick does as he’s ordered and works on stabilising some of the seriously wounded, working to keep them from going critical. He goes through his supply of wound dressings quick, nodding his thanks when an EMT shoves another pile onto him on her way past.
He’s not the only mask out: it’s a busy night in Gotham, but he catches sight of Batgirl across the roiling crowd as well as the shadow of Cass’s silhouette against the rolling blue-red-blue lights. The flash of a more vivid red in the corner of his eye makes him think, Red Robin, but it’s not the right colour, and definitely not the right shape for Tim. Jason, the sleeves of his jacket rolled up over his forearms and wearing latex gloves, is putting a pressure bandage on a teenager’s upper arm.
“Hi, Nightwing,” an unfamiliar voice says in a familiar I’m-here-to-take-over tone. “Hi ma’am. You’re up for a ride in the next taxi.”
His patient is most of the way unconscious, but she blinks at this in vague acknowledgment. She’s avoided a bullet, but broken her leg badly enough in the crush of the fleeing crowd to show bone. 
“There’s the leg, and I suspect some kind of crush injury to the abdomen,” Dick supplies, moving to make room for the stretcher. “I think she got trampled. Not very responsive either.”
“Any drugs on board?” The EMT asks, hands moving deftly.
“I don’t carry any.” And if he did, he would have used it all up about five victims ago.
“That explains a lot about you,” the EMT says. "We’ve got another two buses here to take the last of the seriously injured over to General, and backup from the GCPD. If you want to move onto patching the walking wounded, go ahead. Anyone who’s good with some disinfectant and a bandaid can head over to talk with the cops.”
Dick nods and gives the woman a last squeeze to her forearm before he clears out of the way. The walking wounded are congregated on the other side of the street, but he doesn’t go in that direction - his priority is still helping, but it’s amazing how even injured people get curious when faced by a Gotham vigilante in the flesh. That’s really not the way he wants to have his identity outed.
Instead, he heads over to Jason’s side where he’s handing off his own patient for transport, their thigh strapped tight with pressure dressings. Jason, standing and snapping his gloves off, says, “Old man.”
“Hood,” Dick says, but he’s thinking Little Wing because he always is when it’s the two of them. They’re drawing looks now even in the dim streetlights - probably Jason, all six-two of him topped with that stupid shiny helmet. “You sticking around?”
“If I -” Jason says, and then breaks off. At the same time as Jason’s head tilts, Dick hears it: a quiet crying, just barely audible in the din.
Dick’s ears are good, but Jason has to have the advantage of auditory enhancement in his hood because he zones in on the noise like a hunting dog. “I think that’s-”
There’s an alley with an access door at the end of it illuminated with a shitty fluorescent branching off the street. It’s otherwise dark as any other Gotham alley, crowded with dumpsters. It takes Dick a moment to pick the odd thing out - a crumpled figure hidden amidst the trash cans.
He makes it to their side first, finding a glaze-eyed young woman clasping something to her chest. The cognitive dissonance of her silence and the now-louder crying catches him out, but Jason catches on quick.
“-a baby,” he finishes, taking a knee on the woman’s other side. He moves as though to slip the bundle from her arms, but her arms tighten even as she hisses in reaction.
“It’s okay,” Dick says to her, “We’re here to help you both. What’s your name?”
She seems to come around a little, eyes flicking between the two of them. She stays quiet for a long moment, and then rasps, “Uh, Mira. You’re Nightwing.”
“Hi, Mira,” Dick says. “Are you hurt?”
“Oh, uh, my shoulder,” she says, and then her eyelids flutter like she’s about to pass out. Dick takes her pulse from her throat and finds it comfortingly strong.
“And your baby?” Dick asks. The bundle certainly sounds lively enough at this distance, but that doesn’t mean they’re not hurt.
“She’s okay,” Mira says, like she’s reassuring herself. “She’s okay. Can you?” 
Which is how Dick finds himself accepting an armful of bawling baby from a wincing, bleeding woman in an alley. “Oh. Okay. Sure.”
Meanwhile, Jason focusses on peeling Mira’s jacket away to reveal a nasty gunshot to the shoulder, high enough that it’s probably mostly missed her right lung but low enough to avoid rebounding off her scapula and bouncing around in her chest cavity. Non-vital, but bleeding badly. 
Mira watches Jason take out a patch dressing and seal it over the wound. She puffs, “I thought…you were…a bad guy.”
“I’m flexible,” Jason replies distractedly, taking out a roll of gauze and wrapping it tight around the shoulder for good measure. “You’re lucky. Little surgery, little hospital stay, you’ll be right as rain.”
That’s no guarantee - she could have more serious injuries than it seems, could get a secondary infection, could drop dead of a thousand different complications or unfair turns of fate in the next hour. However, Dick knows Jason isn’t the type to lie to anyone for comfort. If he’s saying it, he believes it.
Mira’s eyes bulge. “I can’t go…to hospital!”
“Sugar, the one benefit of living in Gotham is the rich folks like to pay hospital bills to assuage their guilt or whatever. Take advantage of that,” Jason advises, and then says to Dick, “Move.”
Dick steps to the side automatically, still holding his squealing burden. “What?”
“No, move. Babies like to move.”
“Oh.” Stiff-armed and feeling like the clumsiest man on earth, Dick sort of…sways. “Like this?”
“Oh my days, Nightwing,” Jason says, in the precise tone he’d usually say ‘Jesus fuckin’ Christ, Dick’. Apparently, he doesn’t deem that language appropriate for the baby. Or maybe Mira.
“I can’t,” Mira interrupts, “I can’t go. They - They’ll take her.”
Jason stiffens a touch in his crouch. Dick says, “Who?”
“The cops,” Mira gasps. “The - CPS. They’ll take her. I won’t get her back.” Her teeth are chattering - shock. 
“You got hurt,” Dick says, attempting a bounce on his toes. He feels a bit like he’s holding a small angry tiger. “This is Gotham. That happens.”
“No, you,” she says, and then closes her eyes and shakes.
Jason reaches across her body and takes her arm. For a moment Dick is dumbstruck, thinking he’s about to watch his little brother comfort someone who isn’t under the age of 15 or his family, but Jason is just turning her arm over to the light. The crook of her elbow is scarred up with pink-white marks.
Mira opens her eyes and stares up at Jason. For a long moment they’re caught in a tableau, her dead-eyed and patient, him silent and judgmental as an old saint.
Voice low, Jason asks, “You using?”
She shakes her head slowly, not breaking her gaze. “Not - not since before her.”
Dick says, more to Jason than her, “That won’t matter. At worst, the baby will spend a few days in respite-”
“Shut up,” Jason replies, and then says to Mira, “If you don’t go to hospital, you’re going to lose her anyway. Except it’ll be because you’re dead.”
“You think I…don’t know that?” she hisses back. “I don’t got family. Her dad’s a deadbeat. It’s just me and her.” The phrase I can’t lose her hovers, unspoken but clear as day in the set of her jaw.
Jason stands. Dick isn’t sure what he’s expecting, but it’s certainly not for Jay to walk to him and lift the baby out of his arms. He holds her the other way around from Dick, head to his shoulder and legs towards his belt, hand cupped careful over the back of her skull. He looks not only more capable than Dick with her, but more capable than anyone Dick knows.
“You got kids?” Mira rasps at him.
Jason laughs. “Christ no.” In his arms, the baby is quieting down, snuffling instead of screaming. She’s a red-faced scrap of humanity, no more than a few months old as far as Dick can tell. Sweet, in any other circumstance.
“Are you nursing or bottle-feeding?” Jason asks without looking up from her.
Dick makes a noise like a squeaky toy that��s been stepped. Thankfully neither of the others seem to notice. Mira says, “Bottle. I don’t - I don’t got the meat on my bones to feed her, I reckon.”
“I’ll do you a deal, then,” Jason says, and he reaches to the back of his neck and flicks the release on his helmet. It hisses slightly as he pops it off, leaving the domino on but exposing the clean human lines of his face. The move turns him from one of Crime Alley’s most fearsome denizens into a young man with truly terrible helmet hair. “You go to the hospital and let them fix you up. I’ve got a friend who fosters who’ll look after her until you get out, no questions asked.”
Mira stares at him for a long moment, and then carefully - and inadvisably - levers herself off of the asphalt to her feet. Then she says, “You do it.”
Jason’s face creases. “What? No. Definitely not.”
“You’re good with her,” Mira says. 
“I ain’t a babysitter.” It’s only partly belied by the ease with which he’s handling the baby.
“I don’t know your friend. I know you.”
“No.” Red Hood is Gotham’s third most stubborn person, behind their younger brothers. That’s infused in the single syllable. 
Mira sways, swallows. “Please.”
Jason looks at her for a long moment. Dick can’t really make out his expression under the domino, but doesn’t need to in order to know that it’s Jay’s particular brand of piercing consideration. Dick used to think he’d learned it from Bruce, but now that they’re both older he’s inclined to think it predates the Bat.
Then Jason sighs, and very obviously rolls his eyes. “Jesus, fine. On your freakin’ head be it, though.”
Mira’s eyes close as she lets out a relieved sigh. The swaying is more obvious now. Dick wraps an arm around her waist the split-second before her knees give out, swinging her up into his arms.
“I should give you my number,” Mira says into Dick’s collarbone. 
“You think I can’t find you?” Jason replies, disparaging. “I’m the Red Hood.”
“Let’s get her a ride out of here,” Dick suggests, before it can devolve further. Mira’s outlook is getting bleaker by the minute - they don’t really have time for her to change her mind now, and he knows if she does Jason will happily continue talking in circles until she makes a decision. 
The scene in the street is much the same, even though it feels like they’ve been in the alley for a thousand years. Dick takes her to one of the ambulances parked up on the corner, sending people scattering out of his way. 
“Her name’s Rachel,” Mira says faintly. “You’ll help him, right?”
“Sure,” Dick replies, and then to the waiting EMT as he deposits Mira straight onto her gurney, “Got another one for you. Gunshot to the shoulder.”
“Got it,” comes the brisk reply. Dick hovers for a second when he should be getting out of here, caught in the grip of uncertainty.
The subject of that uncertainty is currently being zipped into the front of Jason’s body armour. “Good thing she’s so little. Toddler would be a tight fit.” 
“Yeah, it’s great,” Dick mutters, noting the careful arm Jason curls around his chest to keep her steady. He’s got his helmet back on, at least. “Go.”
“Going,” Jason says, and melts away into the crowd like a guy his size definitely should not be able to do.
“Did he have a baby?” The EMT asks tentatively.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Dick replies.
Dick catches up with Jason a couple of rooflines over. He’s not exactly moving as fast as he usually does. “Where’s your helmet?”
“Stashed it,” Jason replies easily. “It’s like a target. That isn’t the look I’m going for right now.”
Huh. Dick says, “Let’s take her to GCPD.”
Jason looks at him like he’s lost his mind. “What?”
“Social workers? People who know about babies? This ringing any bells?”
“Dick, I just promised not to do that.”
Dick sputters. “I didn’t think you were serious!”
“As death,” Jason replies, and smirks when Dick frowns at him. “Besides, didn’t you used to be a cop? They didn’t teach you anything about little kids?”
“Cops don’t arrest babies.” He can sense Jason’s judgment. “I only dealt with the ones old enough to talk.”
“Right,” Jason snickers, as though Dick’s somehow the weird one here. “C’mon. I’ve got somewhere.”
“I’m not coming with you.” Dick has better things to do. Also, he doesn’t want to. Jason might make him hold the baby again.
“You promised to help.”
“I didn’t pinky swear,” Dick grumbles, but he follows along anyway. After a couple of minutes of quiet he adds, “The care workers - they’re good people.”
“Lots of ‘em, sure,” Jason agrees. “I’d still have slept on cardboard in a back alley ten times over if it meant keeping myself out of the system, though.”
Dick doesn’t have much to say to that. His unfortunate childhood aside, he had his parents, and then he had Bruce, and then he was a legal adult. He never faced the threat of state care, or homelessness.
They touch down on the fire escape of an apartment building that Dick recognises but hasn’t been into. Jason one-handedly disarms what looks like a taser trap and then lets them in through the window, folding himself gingerly to get inside without squashing his cargo.
She lets out a little cry as Jason sheds his jacket and takes her out, little fists bunched and pulled tight to her chest. Jason says, “She’s cold. Grab the blanket off my bed.”
“Do you speak baby?” Dick asks, perturbed by the thought. 
Jason dumps off his domino, probably to give Dick the full force of his eyeroll. “Blanket, big bird.”
The blanket in question is a pretty quilt in shades of indigo, splayed across the unmade bed. Dick picks it up and brings it back out to the lounge, offering it to Jason.
“Good,” Jason says, wrapping her in it. “Sit down.”
“Huh?” Dick asks, though he does it anyway. The next thing he knows, the bundled grizzling baby is in his lap. “No!”
“Yes,” Jason growls, like he’ll pin Dick to the couch if necessary. “I need to make her some food. You just sit there and hold her up until I’m done.”
“Can’t she just lie on the couch?” Dick asks. She’s even smaller pillowed on his thighs, not much longer than a foot by the looks. 
“No.” Jason’s already in the kitchen, his voice half lost over clattering.
“Fine,” Dick says, more to the baby - Rachel - than to Jason. “Do you really keep baby food around?”
“Just formula and bottles,” Jason replies. “And some diapers.”
“Just in case you find a lost baby?”
“No. Because sometimes people need that shit, and they’re more likely to take it from the back of my pantry than if I offer to buy it for them.” More rustling. “Also, my neighbour’s a single mom. Sometimes I watch her kids.”
“Who’s your friend? The one who fosters?”
“Mind your own business, Grayson. I’ve just got to sterilise this bottle.”
Dick has a sudden mental image of Jason firing up an autoclave in the kitchen. He looks down at Rachel, who’s looking back at him. She has her fingers in her mouth. “How long do you think Mira will be in hospital?” 
“A few days, at least.”
“You’re going to look after this kid for days?”
Jason laughs. “Jesus, Dick, it’s not like it’s hard. She’s little. All they do is eat and sleep and make dirty diapers at this age.“
Now Dick’s imagining Red Hood patrolling with Rachel in one of those baby backpacks. Maybe one made of kevlar, though. “What about work?”
“A few days off never killed anyone,” Jason replies. “I’ll catch up on my shows.”
“His shows,” Dick mutters to Rachel. “Hey, you can’t eat yourself. Stop that.” He gently pulls her fingers away from her mouth, wincing a little at the slimy texture. Rachel, unperturbed, tries to put Dick’s finger in her mouth instead. Her eyes are huge and very blue, her hair fair and tufty where the blanket has ruffled it up.
“Here,” Jason says, waving a bottle in front of Dick’s nose. “She might want it warm, but try this first.”
“Oh, I can’t-” Dick manages to get out before Jason literally pushes the bottle into his baby-drool hand. “I don’t know what I’m doing!”
“She does, though,” Jason points out. “Relax, Dickie. Here.”
He twists Dick’s arm until the bottle is inverted and in the range of Rachel’s mouth. Dick notices that her concentration has shifted onto the bottle, her little mouth open like a baby bird. “Keep it tilted up so she doesn’t suck in too much air.”
She latches on and sucks. Dick, surprised, says, “Holy shit, look at that.”
Jason chuckles. “You got it. Now just let her do the work.”
Dick watches her guzzle the bottle. “She’s kinda cute. You know, when she’s not screaming.”
“Oh, yeah. You’re now enjoying one of the two tolerable parts of a baby at this age - eating and sleeping. The only times when they’re not crying.”
“You can’t find it that intolerable.” After all, no one’s making Jason babysit enough that he’s clearly more than just competent. 
“I got depths,” Jason replies with a shrug, as though Dick didn’t realise that. “Bottle up, pal. Seriously, you haven’t heard screaming until your neighbour wakes you up at 3AM to take a turn with a colicky baby.”
“Remind me to never, ever have kids,” Dick mutters. In his lap, Rachel has already almost drained the bottle. She’s slowed right down, her eyes nearly rolling in her head as she struggles to keep them open. “I think she’s tired.”
“Good. Now, put her up on your shoulder and rub her back a little.”
“Really?” Dick asks, awkwardly maneuvering her up his chest. She stretches a little when he makes circles on her teeny back. “Wait, isn’t this the part when babies-”
Rachel hiccups a little, and Dick feels a trace of wetness along the seam of his uniform around his neck. He sighs.
“Well,” Jason says, biting back a laugh. “Here, let me.” He lifts her away, easy as pie. “I’ll deal with the diaper situation. You get a clean shirt.”
“You’re too kind,” Dick says, and actually means it, “But you should know that I’m going to get you for that later.”
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gothamdetected-a · 5 years
i know what you’re thinking. sim are you absolutely fucking insane, don’t even TRY to tackle this one. you’re right i am insane. and yes i am still going to try and tackle a meta about DC multiverses HOWEVER, to give myself on shred of sanity on this treacherous journey, i will say that this is mainly going to be about the multiverse from a bruce perspective. this ride is a batman focused train i’m afraid. also i want to state that this is by no means a perfect explanation – i’m a) trying to keep it simple and b) still am lost on parts of the timeline myself so. its what i can offer.
ok so, originally NCP, or the national comics publication (who will one day become DC), wrote their golden age heroes on an earth now designated as earth-2. in the 30s, just before the war, comic books absolutely exploded as a media format, and a bunch of companies all jumped the gun on creating superheroes. many of DCs most endearing and recognisable heroes were created all the way back then, however many of them also are not quite who you will recognise as the character today. hal jordan wasn’t green lantern, but was instead a man called alan scott, jay garrick was the flash instead of barry allen etc etc. don’t worry though! batman is still batman, and has been bruce wayne since 1939. earth-2 batman, as he will come to be known, is a bright kind of guy found on technicolour pages with a cute lil robin by his side – there is a reason for this. the war. literally NCP said we cant be sending out dark and gritty comics to people dying in trenches so time to make it colourful and faintly ridiculous, and bruce wayne is a surprisingly optimistic guy for a man who watched his parents be slaughtered in front of him.
of course, by the 60s, NCP (who are also sort of known as NPP and really known by your average joe as superman-dc, based on their most successful comic runs) had realised their timelines were getting a bit squiggly for their golden age heroes, and most of them had been replaced out by their silver age counterparts anyway. so between 1961 and 1963, NCP start creating another “earth”, officially designated earth-1, which would become their main planet for all kinds of superhero shenanigans. the justice society of america becomes the justice league of america, and when you think of batman, you’re probably thinking of earth-1 batman. at least pre crisis. and, once they get taste for building whole new earths, we also get earth-3 (1964), or “opposite world”, where the good guys are bad guys, and batman is owlman and instead of the jla we have the crime syndicate of america.  
so sim, what other earths did dc come up with? well, i literally refuse to list them all because it was a multiverse and they did not slow down, but the ones that are most important to me are earth-5 where the only hero to live on this planet is bruce wayne/batman, and earth-89 where lois marries bruce instead of clark ahAHAHHAA. but i can tell you that pre-crisis there are 91 designated earths, and basically it could have gone on forever. there was an earth-c minus, earth-124.1, an earth where everyone was reptiles, honestly it was a MESS. and therein lies the problem.
now i’ve just used the term “pre-crisis”. what’s that, sim? maybe you’re not very familiar with comics, or with the recent dctv version of said comics, and so i will endeavour to explain one of the most brain numbing storylines that spans DC. also known as a retcon. see all these earths with their own histories and heroes and well everything really was becoming very inconvenient and meant a lot of world jumping and who can interact with who and everything was getting like spaghetti because they couldn’t calm down on the earth-building. so DC (who are officially DC at this point, 1977 babeyy), specifically a guy called marv wolfman (coolest name ever) who was sick of so many earths, comes up with the bright idea that will later form into a comic run called crisis on infinite earths (1985-1986). it was a serious crossover event, really considered by many to be the first of its kind. it sold extremely well, boosting dc’s flagging sales against it’s biggest rival, marvel. and as for the plot, it’s a bit convoluted but essentially some bloke turns up and starts to destroy all these worlds, and it becomes a race between the heroes and villains as to who can save/conquer the remaining earths that are left. although there are crises before and after this specific run, pre-crisis basically always refers to this particular crisis event, as it really shaped DC for the next 30 years.
for a while the retcon does an okay job of keeping the number of earths low. there’s still some earths that are considered non-continuous floating around, but mainly there’s just earth-1, which is now a merger of the most important “earths” that existed pre-crisis, and a way for all of DCs heroes to now be in one place and interact with each other. other earths at this point include;
earth-23 (1986) – a small pocket dimension
earth-17 (1990) – we don’t talk about this. honestly spare yourself and. don’t look. its horrific.
earth-27 (1990) – a historically divergent planet with a hero actually called vegetable man.
earth-85 (1987) – a hodgepodge of post-crisis characters live here, chillin
earth-988 (1990) – superboy is the only hero in this universe
the antimatter universe – all of pre-crisis’ earth-3 villains, including owlman, get shoved here for later use when dc need a couple of villains to come back.
and for a while all is well. then comes DC elseworlds (1989). which. you know. i love. it gave me victorian batman. pirate batman. caveman batman. vampire batman. frankenstein batman. terrorist batman fighting against russian!superman. they even gave me marvel crossovers, with captain america meeting batman. it was a glorious time. technically elseworlds is not considered canon, ran outside of canon as a way for writers to explore those wacky kind of worlds lost to the crisis, which is dumb because some of the plot lines are both hilarious and incredible. but the numbers started to get ridiculous again. most elseworlds are named after the year that the plot takes place in, so we get earth-1889, earth-1938 etc, but even more of them just seem to have random designations. i think by the time they reached earth-5050 they sort of knew that theyd fucked up again. we’ve had zero hour, we’ve got hypertime and kingdom come, and besides, its been a while since they had a good crossover, so by the time 2005 rolls around its time for crisis pt 2 (because dc love to use the word crisis for crossovers) or as it’s officially known infinite crisis. infinite crisis has an even more confusing plot involving a bunch of slightly nuts versions of characters escaping a pocket dimension, earths being created and then merged, and a rogue ai which batman made and then has to destroy because his own creation becomes too powerful etc etc. the only good thing to come out of it was earth-0, or bizarro world, because bizarro & batzarro are my babies. don’t worry though, this new set of earths won’t last long either, as in 2008 DC conclude their trilogy of crises with final crisis that featured one of the most important events in batman’s history – darkseid “killing” him. yes the quotations are important. i’ll leave you to infer what they mean.
so 3 crises later and everything is still just as messy as they’ve ever been and there’s 60 years worth of comic history being tangled about, and marvel had already established a very successful reboot in 2000, and anything marvel do, we can do better, so DC do their first, full and proper reboot. unlike retcons before it, which is where they retroactively try to fix what people already know and simplify timelines & earths, this is like someone shaking the etch-a-sketch and starting fresh. back in infinite crisis an arbitrary number was assigned to how many “earths” there could be – 52. and so in 2011, DC go hey that’s neat and create what becomes known as the new- or nu-52. heroes are given shiny new backstories, everything is streamlined and wonderful, sales rise, DC has a clean slate to build off again.
yeah that doesn’t happen.
this reboot, also known as flashpoint, due to it being spawned from another big ol’ crossover of the same name, shows barry allen trapped in an alternate universe where everything is not quite right – his mother is alive, superman is nowhere to be found and he doesn’t have his powers. worst of all thomas wayne is batman. yeah, batman’s dad is batman. thanks DC, i hate it. reverse-flash has tried to change history and stop the jla from ever being formed – le gasp. barry goes to fix it, merges three universes together – earth-0, which isn’t a bizarro world but now the “main" earth, also called new earth or prime earth (DC), earth-13 (vertigo) and earth-50 (wildstorm), but also causes 10 years to be “lost” to these characters. there are now 52 brand spanking new earths, each sitting in their own universe as part of the multiverse. no one remembers anything except barry. even for a reboot and convergence of DC’s franchises, it’s messy as fuck. and it goes to shit very very quickly. people don’t really like n-52. DC have cancelled everything, certain characters such as cassandra cain-wayne are fucking ERASED from existence, no one likes the new costume designs, its an absolute shit show and the plots get very confusing very quickly.
so what do DC do?
they reboot again. sigh.
only 5 years after the mess of nu-52, they produce DC rebirth, a new relaunch of all their famous runs. brainiac does some magic and collects a bunch of worlds together and magically we’re all going to forget the last 5 years of comic hell. it is a reboot to retcon flashpoint as though that never happened. yes, DC are actually retconning their own reboots. talk about sweeping it under the carpet. technically “rebirth” only ran for a year as a promotional thing for the reboot, before joining with the larger, now-singular DC universe, however everyone still calls it rebirth because if we don’t give these things names it will get even more fucking confusing than it already is. rebirth also still has 52 universes making up the DC multiverse, just to make things even more simple and easy to understand (DC what is it with 52. why 52.) although lots of the earths in this multiverse have been re-designated – eg. pre-crisis earth-31 was home to an aged batman who fakes his death to go train a bunch of new vigilantes (the dark knight returns), and now 31 is an apocalyptic wasteland or some shite. a lot of these earths were re-designated during the flashpoint/nu-52 era, and even though rebirth was supposed to erase that, DC have decided never mind we’ll keep it. there’s also 7 mysteriously undesignated earths – ooh spooky, they definitely won’t feature in the next major crossover. also for a multiverse with 52 universes, they sure do have more than 52 : there’s the microverse, a bunch of universes collectively called “the sphere of the gods” where apokalips and like, literal heaven & hell exist, an innerverse???, dreamworld, limbo, DC are taking the piss they only said there were 52 earths but that means they can make as many other shitty dimensions and pocket-universes as they please apparently. don’t even get me started on the source wall. for the most part the writers just. don’t acknowledge this and stick to the main prime earth. for the most part. thanks for throwing thomas wayne as batman back into the mix, rebirth.
so that’s the last of it, right sim? eh, almost. it should have been the last of it, really. and then geoff johns couldn't keep his mouth shut and produced possibly the worst comic in recent history, if not ever, doomsday clock. now doomsday clock is a nightmare for an impossibly long list of reasons that i won’t get into here because this isn’t a rant about why i think doomsday clock is the worst thing to ever happen to dc (although that’s a catchy title i should use that some day) - no, the reason i bring up doomsday clock is because. oh my god even saying this makes me sad. doomsday clock proves that the pre-crisis universes still exist and are still out there. somewhere. canonically. sim why is that sad i thought you liked everything pre-52. it’s sad because it means at any point now, DC could bring them back, ruin their own legacy, make everything even more confusing than it already is. i love pre-52 stuff but you gotta leave it alone. currently doomsday clock has only established that these universes exist as a way to honour every era of superman, because DC didn’t want to completly erase some of the incredible work and storylines put into him as a character. fine, fair enough. but it does leave the possibility that they will try and return to them too. comic book writers love doing funky story lines like that. they think they need to write something that’s never been done before and instead of coming up with something actually unique, they just poke around in the multiverse WHICH IS HOW WE ENDED UP WITH THIS AS A PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.
hopefully this helped clarify some stuff for people, especially those folks who aren’t big comic fans/expereience dc through the DCEU or DCTV, when encountering rpers who say they base their characterisation off of, for example pre-n52/flashpoint comics, like myself.
oh, and thank you for coming to my ted sim talk.
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architectnews · 4 years
Ten modernist architecture highlights in London's Metro-land
Joshua Abbott has written A Guide to Modernism in Metro-Land to highlight the modernist architecture in the northwestern suburbs of London. Here he selects ten of the most interesting examples.
A Guide to Modernism in Metro-Land focuses on 200 modern buildings that were built in London's northwestern suburbs, which sprung up in the 1920s and 30s along the route of the Metropolitan Railway, much of which became the Metropolitan London Underground line.
Abbott began documenting the area's architecture while studying at the Harrow campus of the University of Westminster, as he noticed that the occasional modern buildings stood out within the largely traditional, residential suburbs.
"The default style of Metro-land was historical, taking influence from the Tudor and Elizabethan eras," explained Abbott.
"The modernist and art deco buildings that also appeared in this area, often cinemas, tube stations and schools, catch the eye with their use of concrete, steel and glass, especially when contrasted against the half-timber and tiles used elsewhere."
Abbott hopes that the book will draw attention to the city's modern architecture beyond the brutalist highlights in central London.
"The recent interest in brutalism has seen people concentrate on the big beasts in central and east London; the National Theatre, the Barbican Estate and Balfron Tower."
"I hope the guide can show that there is a great wealth of modernist buildings throughout London, especially in the suburbs, and a variety of different modernist styles including the International style, art deco, festival style, high-tech, brutalism and more."
Below Abbott selects ten building from across Metro-land that are worth making a trip to see.
East Finchley Station by Charles Holden and Bucknell & Ellis, 1942
This Northern Line station is perched on a viaduct next to the Great West Road. From street level its not one of Charles Holden's best designs, but the platform level is a joy.
When passing through the station on my commute, I sometimes used to hop off the train and wait for the next, just so I could enjoy the glass staircase towers and Archer statue.
Arena and Empire Pool by Owen Williams, 1934
Now better known for hosting the X-Factor finals and overshadowed by new buildings, including Hopkins Architects' Brent Civic Centre, this former sporting arena was Owen Williams' great leap forward towards "The New Objectivity".
The reinforced concrete roof has a 72-meter span and is supported by brutal-looking exterior fins and boxy water towers.
Hoover Factory by Wallis, Gilbert and Partners, 1935
Somewhat derided in the architectural press when completed, the Hoover Factory has become a fixture on Western Avenue, with its Egyptian-derived colour scheme livening up many a dull car journey.
The rear production area is now a supermarket and the front art deco offices were recently converted into apartments by Interrobang.
Enfield Civic Centre by Eric Broughton & Associates, 1957-75
One of many civic centres built around London in the 1960s and 70s, this scheme encapsulates the post war change from small-scale Scandinavian modernism to uncompromising Brutalism, with an evident change in style over the 20 year project.
Unfortunately, many civic centres have now been demolished to make way for new housing.
Highpoint I & II by Berthold Lubetkin & Tecton, 1938
An icon of early British modernism, this twin apartment block was originally intended for workers from Sigmund Gestetner's factory in Tottenham.
Berthold Lubetkin's final design was deemed too good for that, and now its apartments looking out onto central London change hands for millions of pounds.
Rayners Lane Grosvenor by FE Bromige, 1936
A former cinema, now the Zoroastrian centre, has a facade supposedly designed to resemble an elephant's trunk.
This building, along with Rayners Lane station across the road, was one of the reasons I started the modernism in Metro-land project, a piece of exuberant art deco amongst the brick and half-timber.
97-101 Park Avenue by Connell, Ward & Lucas, 1936
Designers of probably the first piece of modernism in Metro-land – the High and Over house in Amersham – Connell, Ward & Lucas intended these three houses to be the start of a modernist village.
Ruislip was not ready for that, but we still have this small slice of Le Corbusier in suburbia.
23 Strand on the Green by Timothy Rendle, 1966
This slim 1960s house is slipped into an 18th-century terrace alongside the Thames at Chiswick.
The design is perfectly of its time, from the steel spiral staircase inside to the pop art concrete relief number 23 on the outside.
Parkleys Estate by Eric Lyons, 1956
One of Eric Lyons' earliest and best Span developments, this estate near Ham Common features flats, maisonettes and shops, spread around mature trees and hedges, allowing the estate to flow and be part of its neighbourhood.
The Span style would prove hugely influential in mass house design over the next twenty years.
Askett Green by Peter Aldington, 1961-3
A reimagining of the traditional cottage, this house in Buckinghamshire has a long sloping roof and an almost blank face to the street.
This building was the furthest point out from London I visited for the book, and despite the rain and patchy transport links, it was well worth the effort.
Hille House by Erno Goldfinger, 1961
An instantly recognisable Ernö Goldfinger building, complete with trademark cantilevered box with coloured glass.
Built as an office, showroom and factory complex for the Hille furniture company, who were patrons of modernist designers with offices in Piccadilly by Peter Moro, and designers such as Robin Day and Fred Scott on their staff.
The post Ten modernist architecture highlights in London's Metro-land appeared first on Dezeen.
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jungleindierock · 5 years
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Jungle Indie Rock Playlist August 2010
Dear followers of Jungle Indie Rock, here is our fourth playlist from way back in 2010, now here as a Spotify playlist. Posted again after nine years. Sadly it won’t embed as it should, still no news from tumblr staff, about when this problem will be fixed, it has been five weeks since i reported this issue and it is still unresolved!! Thank god that Word Press have bought tumblr, we might all get things working properly now!!
Like the other playlists that we have re-upload to Spotfiy, not everything is there!! So whatever is missing i have added a link to take you either to youtube or bandcamp to play the missing tune, said tracks are highlighted via bold text. 
On this the fourth playlist tracks were compiled from tracks from daKradha (Dak), David (Dao), Mar (Campingas) and myself Reb (Rebjukebox) along with two tracks selected by a guest, Robin. I will show on the tracklist who selected which tracks. Also yeah the cover says Jimdo Indie Rock as that was what we were called way back then, we later re-named the site Jungle Indie Rock. The cover was created by Mar and the playlist’s running order was compliled also by Mar.
So sit back and enjoy this trip into the archive of Jungle Indie Rock!! Play the playlist Here or click on the title at the top of this post. I have enjoyed playing some of these tunes once again!!
Reverend & The Makers - Open Your Window (2007) - Camp
The Sunshine Underground - In Your Arms (2010) - Reb
Ra Ra Riot - Do You Remember (2010) - Dao
Foals - What Remains (2010) - DaK
Phoenix - Girlfriend (2009) - Camp
Cherry Ghost - A Month Of Mornings (2010) - Dao
Steve Mason - All Come Down (2010) - Reb
First Aid Kit - Heavy Storm (2010) - Camp
Dear Reader - Way Of The World (2009)  - DaK
The See See - Up The Hill (2007) - Robin
Clara Luzia - Two Of Them (2009) - DaK
Marina Topley Bird - Too Yuff To Die (2010) - Dao
Nina Hagen - Personal Jesus (Depeche Mode Cover) (2010) - Reb
Adele - Tired (2008) - Camp
Colour Of Clouds - Left You (2009) - DaK
Delorean & Tiedeye Remix - Real love (Tiedeye Remix) (2010) - Dao
The Sister Ruby Band - Rebecca (Just Take It From Me) (2010) - Reb
Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill (2010) - Camp
The Bluetones - Carry Me Home (2010) - Reb
My First Earthquake - Neon For You (2010) - DaK
Karpatenhund - Meer (2010) - Dao
The Thermals - I Don't Believe You (2010) - DaK
Boston Spaceships - Come On Baby Grace (2010) - Reb
Dinosaur Pile-Up - Melanin (2009) - Camp
Interpol - Success (2010) - Dao
Big City - The Smiths (2010) - Camp
Chief - Breaking Walls (2010) - Reb
The Notwist - Gravity (2008) - DaK
Albanopower - A Ghost O  (2009) - Dao
Club Smith - Lament (2010) - Camp
Mackintosh Braun - Nothing Else Is Real (2008) - Reb
CFCF - Big Love (Junior Boys Remix)(2010) - Dao
Bearstronaut - Shannon (2010) - DaK
The Postelles - White Nights (2010) - Camp
Yeasayer - Ambling Alp (2010) - Camp
Les Savy Fav - Sleepless In Silverlake (2010) - Camp
The Waves Pictures - I Just Want To Be Your Friend (2010) - Camp
The King Blues - Headbutt (2010) - Reb
Silvery - Indentity (2010) - Reb
O.Children - Ruins (2010) - Reb
I Am Kloot - Northern Skies (2010) - Reb
Jordi Skywalker - Caravane (2010) - Dao
Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Sunrise (2010) - Dao
Limbotheque - Buon Giorno (2010) - Dao
Crocodiles Master - Sleep Forever (2010) - Dao
Yeti Lane - Floating (2010) - Robin
Young Heretics - Risk / Loss (2010) - DaK
The Most Serene Republic - Four Humours (2009) - DaK
Entertainment For The Braindead - Maybe (2008) - DaK
Get Well Soon - Werner Herzog Gets Shot (2010) - DaK
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pepperf · 5 years
Popsugar Reading Challenge 2019 - update
So we’re now 2/3rds through the year (yikes), and I’m just under 40% of my way through the Popsugar Reading Challenge 2019. I had a strong start in January and February, and then crashed and burned from March to May. I started to get back on track in June, and I’m picking up pace now, but I think I need a few easy wins to be sure I’ll finish. For me, that’s YA fantasy and scifi, so I thought I’d try the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series - if I can find a way to wedge them into the prompts.
So, oh wise internet, or the corners thereof who have read the series - these are my prompts. Strikethrough are ones I’ve read. Italics are ones I might read. I’ve stuck The Lightning Thief in at #35, but I also have Circe by Madeleine Miller for that, and I’ve just bought that book and really want to read it. Do you have any bright ideas for where the full Percy Jackson series can fit? I’ll also take suggestions on how to rearrange my list in order to wedge them all in, if you’re so inclined. :)
A book becoming a movie in 2019 (uggggh, they all look terrible!)
A book that makes you nostalgic (The Colour of Magic, Terry Pratchett)
A book written by a musician (fiction or non-fiction) (Shiver, Maggie Stiefvater)
A book you think should be turned into a movie (Trail of Lightning, Rebecca Roanhorse)
A book with at least one million ratings on Goodreads (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowling / The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger)
A book with a plant in the title or on the cover (The Bean Trees, Barbara Kingsolver / Cereus Blooms At Night, Shani Mootoo / Gossip from the Forest: The Tangled Roots of Our Forests and Fairytales, Sara Maitland)
A reread of a favourite book (Jingo, Terry Pratchett)
A book about a hobby (Sourdough: A Novel, Robin Sloan)
A book you meant to read in 2018 (Carry On, Rainbow Rowell)
A book with "pop" "sugar" or "challenge" in the title
A book with an item of clothing or accessory on the cover (A Hat Full Of Sky, Terry Pratchett)
A book inspired by mythology, legend, or folklore (I Shall Wear Midnight, Terry Pratchett)
A book published posthumously (The Shepherd's Crown, Terry Pratchett)
A book you see someone reading on TV or in a movie
A retelling of a classic (The Silence of the Girls, Pat Barker)
A book with a question in the title
A book set on a college or university campus (Zuleika Dobson, Max Beerbohm)
A book about someone with a superpower (Vicious, V.E. Schwab)
A book told from multiple character POVs (The Lion's Daughter, Loretta Chase)
A book set in space (The Martian, Andy Weir)
A book by two female authors (Spoiled / Messy, Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan)
A book with a title that contains "salty", "sweet", "bitter", or "spicy"
A book set in Scandinavia (The Girl Who Saved The King Of Sweden, Jonas Jonasson)
A book that takes place in a single day
A debut novel (Selling Lip Service, Tammy Baikie)
A book that's published in 2019 (Storm of Locusts, Rebecca Roanhorse)
A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature (A Natural History Of Dragons, Marie Brennan)
A book recommended by a celebrity you admire (there’s a list of these on GoodReads, far too many to put here)
A book with "love" in the title
A book featuring an amateur detective (Miss Phryne Fisher Investigates, Kerry Greenwood)
A book about a family (Kindred, Octavia E. Butler / Purple Hibiscus, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)
A book written by an author from Asia, Africa, or South America (Convenience Store Woman, Sayaka Murata)
A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title (Half Of A Yellow Sun, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)
A book that includes a wedding (Don't Tempt Me, Loretta Chase)
A book by an author whose first and last names start with the same letter (Circe, Madeline Miller / The Lightning Thief, Rick Riordan)
A ghost story (Beloved, Toni Morrison)
A book with a two-word title (Wayward Son, Rainbow Rowell)
A novel based on a true story (Once More With Feeling, Victoria Coren and Charlie Skelton - not a ‘novel’, strictly speaking, but idc)
A book revolving around a puzzle or game
Your favourite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge: A book you bought on a trip (2017) (The Secret Lives of Colour, Kassia St Clair)
A "cli-fi" (climate fiction) book (The Overstory, Richard Powers)
A "choose-your-own-adventure" book
An "own voices" book (Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi)
Read a book during the season it is set in (Wintersmith, Terry Pratchett)
A LitRPG book
A book with no chapters / unusual chapter headings / unconventionally numbered chapters (Snuff, Terry Pratchett)
Two books that share the same title (1) (The Doll's House, Neil Gaiman)
Two books that share the same title (2) (A Doll's House, Henrik Ibsen)
A book that has inspired a common phrase or idiom (e.g. Big Brother from 1984) (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, John le Carré / Gaslight, Patrick Hamilton)
A book set in an abbey, cloister, monastery, vicarage, or convent
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