#also saw someone checking and he's actually pressing the right buttons as if playing the trumpet
luchiaketchum-art · 10 months
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His taunt of singing along to his theme is just too cute....
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yrsdf · 2 months
Do you happen to be taking requests at the moment? if so, could we have Highschool Charlie x Y/n (no smut!) just Charlie being a bully while also having secret feelings for Y/n, but Y/n just plainly doesn't like him cuz of his poor treatment of them
The Bully
charlie dompler
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school was usually an escape for most, but for you it was dreadful, you took extra long in the mornings getting ready contemplating whether to even go or not, but you sighed and got dressed. you packed your back pack with your homework and laptop you double checked your outfit and grabbed your car keys heading out of your room and parents home. you pressed the unlock button and opened your car door getting in and heading to school. as you approached the building you parked in your usual spot and got out of your car slinging your bag over your shoulder. you walked toward the school and got in by scanning your school ID.
you walked through the crowded hall and accidentally bumped into someone without paying attention, you looks up and connected eyes with a [pissed off] charlie dompler. you mentally winced at the fact youd bumped into him
"Im sorry charlie - i didnt see you there. wont happen again" you said truthfully, his angered eyes scanned your face momentarily before he scoffed, he adjusted his backpacks strap "i knew you had bird brain but seriously man - you cant be that dumb bumping into me" he said with a harsh tone that made a small frown appear across your face. "next time use your eyes - seems your brain hardly seems to work. y'know because you couldnt sense me coming." you were tempted to clap back a response but you sighed in defeat, which elicited a smile from his stupid face. you quickly apologized once more before hurrying off to class.
the day went on like everyother day until 8th period came around, you heard that charlies friend veronica was going to jump you, you kept a cool appearance acting as if you didnt hear a single word, you convinced yourself it was some sick prank or silly rumor.. the bell rang. you scurried out of class and made your way through jammed halls and out of the school to your car, before you could even reach your car you heard her "dont even think about getting in that car bitch." you turned to face her fuming face, you audibly gulped. "im sure you have the wrong person v..?" she scoffed before approaching you "i heard you degraded charlie this morning? you know i dont fuck with that." you went to speak but that resulted in a unexpected fist lodged in your nose. you stumbled back holding your nose, blood flowed between your finger tips and down your wrist. "i swear v! i didn-" her foot collided with your right rib cage resulting in a omph noise rising from your mouth, here you were getting beaten down with your back against your own car all over a stupid rumo-
"veronica??! what the hell man - dude.." charlie moved her and his eyes peered down at you, they widened at the gruesome look of your physical state "veronica seriously man - what the actual hell ran through your head when you did this?" she looked at him with guilt as they both fought it out you attempted to pull yourself up using your car door handle, you didnt notice her storm off until you felt a hand helping you up. "you seriously sat and took this beatdown? - are you stupid or something? i mean you have to be dumb taking this much damage with no retaliation" you saw pity in his exspression, you didnt care of his attempt at feelings. you pushed his touch away using your sleeve to rub the blood from under your nose "if this is your attempt at being nice charlie its not working, and stop getting your friends on me... im tired of playing punching bag."
you didn’t know but he felt a pain in his chest knowing there were fights you lost that he couldn't break up in time. his eyes scanned your broken face and you saw a sympathetic frown cross his face, you sighed at this and grabbed your keys from the floor unlocking your car that was behind your back. "listen man - ..im sorry alright? i helped you up and she left i mean - what more can i do?" you rolled your eyes seeing as he assumed common decency was a way to your heart. you saw a self centered smile cross his face which was actually a attempt at genuiness and you scoffed your eyes rolling as you grabbed your car door handle “fuck you charlie." you got into your car and started it, you took no time leaving him in the dust.
requests open
leave opinions in the comments please
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leclerced · 6 months
obviously when it all starts, you do start to cling to them a bit more right? Because all these murders happening around is enough to freak a sane person out, especially when it’s classmates, and people you see every day at college you know? and sure there are little things that tip you off, but you don’t want to see them, so you don’t really notice them. how they don’t want you driving around after dark can just be seen as them trying to protect you because there’s a scary murderer around! they’d love the fact that it makes you a little jumpy, and you become so much more attached to them, and they do also have to admit that your fear is hot as hell. They like being your big strong protectors you know?
And realistically. You are probably the safest girl on campus right now, and just because they are a little murder happy doesn’t mean they don’t love you, though it is odd that every time you tell them something that someone did to upset you, that person ends up dead.
ok sorry … this was actually saved in my drafts … so it was my fault this time not tumblrs. i hit save not post. but i found it !!!
the first murder happens after the three of you go to a party, at some point you get separated from them. you went to pee while they were playing beer pong and somehow get distracted, bump into some friends after peeing and forget to make your way back to your boyfriends. twenty minutes pass and you suddenly remember promising to return to them, so you do. only they aren’t at the pong table anymore. you check your phone for texts, assuming they went looking for you and may have texted or called, but there’s nothing.
you spend an hour searching the house party for them, texting and calling both before you give up and decide to go home. you text the group chat, and both of them privately, and hit the “notify anyways” button that tells you their phones are both on do not disturb. the walk is short and uneventful, but because you’re alone and it’s dark, you’re a bit scared until you get home. you go to bed and try not to be annoyed that you were ditched. there’s got to be a worthy explanation.
when you wake up hours later to your boyfriends crawling into bed, you’re angry. mostly, from being woken. “excuse me. what time is it?” you lift your wrist and check the time on your smart watch, not even allowing them enough time to check and answer. “it’s four am. where have you been?”
max grunts, “we fell asleep upstairs.” your brows furrow in confusion but before you can ask why they went upstairs, he adds, “fooled around.”
you gasp, “seriously? without me?” it’s a bit rude to be honest. to go upstairs at a party and not take you with.
charles presses his face into your chest, “m sorry, pet, i thought i texted you. make it up in the morning? too tired now.” you glare at max as he cuddles up next to you too, but let them smother you despite the annoyance.
you have a nice morning, they wake you up after letting you sleep in later than usual and clean the apartment up. they debate making breakfast to surprise you, but charles points out their lie from the night before, and how he promised they’d make make up for fooling around without you. so you’re woken with sex and then breakfast, in that order, so it won’t get cold. then you take a nice bath and finally pick up your phone to check it, screen any socials you may have posted on the night before.
instead of seeing photos and videos from the night before on your feed, it’s full of news stories about a student being found dead. it takes two scrolls of your thumb to find out who. eric from your physics class. the guy who sits behind you and incessantly bothers you with his attempts at flirting. the last time you saw him outside of class was a few weeks ago, when he tried to force himself on you at a party. he was kicked out by the frat brothers, one of them caught him trying to corner you on the way to fetch a drink and he was kicked out. you hadn’t told anyone about it, just forced yourself to forget about the situation. you feel guilty for thinking he deserved it.
you find out a few hours later what happened. or at least, what your friends know from the rumor mill. he was at the same party you were, and he left around midnight, then his roommate found him murdered when he came home. it never crosses your mind that charles or max, or both, could be behind it; they went upstairs around two in the morning and came home at four. two of your friends even joked about seeing them go upstairs only to see you coming down minutes before, saying they thought you may have been fighting since you weren’t with them.
you think it had to be related to something he did, you’re convinced it’s a one off. the first murder doesn’t shake you too much, but your boyfriends insist on walking you to and from every class, taking you anywhere you need to go. they make a schedule that works around their own to create a buddy system so you’re never alone. when neither are in class, they’d just wait around for you to need to go somewhere so they could escort you. you think it’s silly until the second person dies. an ex boyfriend who was really shitty to you. your first thought is it was probably a drug deal gone bad until you find out he was stabbed just like eric. that one shakes you.
you excuse it though, and list all the people that also knew both of them. your ex was in the same friend group before he was ousted for treating you like shit, and a few of your friends have had classes with eric. one shared a dorm with him freshman year.
the third one is a girl you met once in the library. she spilled coffee on your laptop and refused to replace it. that doesn’t mean you knew her. it’s not another person connected to you. you tell yourself there’s no reason to freak out. but you really fucking like the buddy system.
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flurrys-creativity · 11 months
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effervescent - Bubbly
Pairing: Hyungwon (Monsta X) x Fem!Reader; Genre: fwb to lovers, romance, SMUT, jackson wang party; Rating: MDNI, nsfw, 18+; Warnings: typical house party stuff > drinking alcohol, loud music, body shots, jealousy, possessive, SMUT > masturbating, kissing, unprotected sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, breast play, slight fingering, use of petnames (princess), slight degradation, being watched while doing it; Wordcount: 3.478; Collab: Project X
Summary: Initially Hyungwon didn't plan on going to the party. But his own jealousy forced him to go after he heard someone flirt with you in one of your dozen voice messages. This time he didn't want to stand by. This time he wanted to win your heart.
A/N: The second of three entries is here! Also the entry by @mingsolo is out too! Some time in the future you'll also get to read stories by @daemour @sanjoongie and @hongcherry Look for the easter eggs all of us have dropped in each story to connect them! Have fun reading!
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Hyungwon sighed deeply, feeling the continuous vibrations of his mobile phone on his desk. He pushed himself away from his desk and pulled his headphones down. There was no way he could concentrate on mixing music when someone spammed him with messages.
That someone being you. 
He grabbed his phone and leaned back in his office chair, opening the messages app. A smirk played over his lips while he felt his ego being stroked. 
You had gone to a party - the biggest party of the year according to you - and you had begged him to join you but Hyungwon didn’t feel like going, deciding to rather stay back at his apartment. 
So knowing you were texting him instead of actually enjoying the party gave himself a huge confidence push - not that he needed it in the first place.
You stood in the corner of a room, nursing a red solo cup in one hand and holding your phone in the other. The screen illuminated your face while your thumb flew over the letters. You knew Hyungwon read your messages, the little check marks telling you he did, yet he didn’t answer a single message of yours.
Hyungwon brushed his fingers through his hair, silently chuckling to himself as he read your messages. He could picture you perfectly. He could even hear your tone of voice when he read your messages. 
“Hyunnie”, you whined in a voice message. Barely louder than the music playing in the background. “Please come over!”
Hyungwon closed his eyes and tilted his head back, playing your message again while he imagined you in front of him. His free hand wandered down to his jogging pants, cupping his slowly growing erection. He loved it when your voice was like this, begging for him. 
You saw the colour of the voice message turning and squinted your eyes. You waited a little but Hyungwon didn’t reply again, making you scoff. Feeling slightly irritated you raised the phone to your lips again, pressing the button for yet another voice message. “Don’t do this to me! Please! Please, please, please, please come over! I want you here with me.”
Hyungwon groaned softly, his hand sliding under his pants and boxers. He pumped himself leisurely, picturing you jerking him off instead.
“Hyunnie!” You whined even louder now. “I know you’re listening to my messages! Please!” 
“Hey Y/N! Didn’t think you’d be alone here.”
Hyungwon’s eyes shot open, his gaze immediately dropping to his phone. He paused your voice message and pulled the controller a few seconds back. His arousal was now forgotten when he heard another male voice in your message.
You looked up from your phone, meeting eyes with San, who had one hand against the wall right beside your body and somewhat cut you off from the rest of the room. He eyed you slowly and licked over his lips, making you giggle and grin at him. 
You knew San as the biggest party flirt in existence. “Sannie”, you squealed in delight and hugged him, forgetting you had your voice message still running. “It’s good to see you here.”
“Same to you”, he chuckled lowly and leaned closer against you. He whispered into your ear, making you giggle again. 
“No, he didn’t want to come”, was the last thing Hyungwon heard on your voice message before the audio stopped. He had stopped touching himself, feeling nauseous hearing you giggle at the words of another man. 
Surely Hyungwon had no right to feel this way as you two were nothing more than friends with benefits. Still, a dark pit formed inside his stomach while irritation was written all over his face.
His thumbs flew over his screen, typing that he was on his way to you as fast as possible. Hyungwon nearly slammed his phone down on the desk as he pushed himself up - the chair rolling back by the force until it hit the wall. He rushed over to his closet, searching through his stuff to find an adequate outfit. After all, he wanted to show you he should be the only man allowed to flirt with you or touch you. That probably wouldn’t be as effective with a simple black shirt and some sweatpants.
While Hyungwon changed his clothes, you had pushed your mobile phone back into your little bag and concentrated on the conversation with San. Flirting came almost naturally to you as it had become your default mode whenever you were with Hyungwon. Now you simply switched it on like a machine. 
One of your fingers trailed along San’s chest while he talked to you. Your attention was barely on his words as your finger wandered lower and lower until you hooked it around his waistband, pulling it shortly with a knowing smirk.
“I can see why Hyungwon is so smitten with you”, he rasped, eyes briefly cast down at your hand. 
You shrugged your shoulders, trying to overplay the sudden weight you felt inside your chest. “Apparently not enough to be here as well”, you murmured more to yourself than to San. Before he could notice your shift of emotions though, you grinned back up at him. “How about a few more drinks. I need the extra kick with the slight buzz from the alcohol.”
You didn’t even wait for his answer nor did you look over your shoulder to check whether he followed you after you made your way towards the kitchen.
Once you reached the kitchen you grabbed the first bottle of alcohol and poured a generous amount of it into your solo cup and downed several large gulps of it, feeling the burn down your throat. If Hyungwon didn’t want to party with you, you would make it joyful yourself.
Hyungwon had a few struggles with his outfit, hissing when the cool chains hit his upper body. Usually he would ask you to close them behind his back but this time he had to twist his arms to get the job done. Thankfully this was the only part of his outfit that gave him trouble. The simple black jeans and mesh shirt he chose highlighted the chains. He quickly brushed his fingers through his hair with a little gel, styling it casually and out of his face.
After one final look into the mirror Hyungwon put on his black boots, grabbed his leather jacket and his keys for the bike. He skipped a few steps down the stairs, hurrying to the garage as quickly as possible.
The engine howled loudly when Hyungwon started the machine. He placed the helmet on his head, shutting the visor and letting the engine howl again. With screeching tires Hyungwon dashed out of the garage and onto the streets.
He slalomed around other cars, clicking with his tongue when it felt he didn’t get to the party fast enough. His annoyance tenfold as soon as he turned the corner into the street where the party was held. “That’s what she meant with the biggest party”, he grumbled, seeing dozens of people having the time of their lives on the street and lawn.
The sound of his engine slowly drowned out the closer he came to the heart of the party. Hyungwon placed his feet on the ground and scanned the area, hoping to see a familiar figure. He recognised a few faces but none of them were you. 
Disgruntled Hyungwon parked his motorcycle next to the fence of the house where people went in and out like busy bees. He pulled his helmet off and hung it over the brakes. Even without the helmet he couldn’t see you anywhere.
Hyungwon got off of his bike and walked over the lawn, pushing drunk girls who basically threw themselves at him away with disgust written all over his face. One of them seemed especially clingy and Hyungwon almost had to fight her off. He didn’t want to be touched by anybody but you and even then preferably somewhere private.
While Hyungwon searched for you and asked other party goers whether they might have seen you, you had found yourself a fun little quest. You noticed a girl in the kitchen, who every now and then glanced at Hongjoong - one of the most hardworking students you knew from campus.
Without any hesitation you shouted ‘bodyshots’ loudly, raising a liquor bottle into the air. As soon as you got everyone’s attention within the room you pointed at Hongjoong with the bottle, a mischievous smirk on your lips. “And you’re taking the shots.”
A look of surprise washed over his features before he giggled softly and agreed. He cleared a table together with his friends and waited for you to make the next move.
You walked over to the girl, still grinning like a cheshire cat as you grabbed her hand and pulled her along to the table. You winked at her, wiggling your eyebrows knowingly before the both of you sat down on the table.
Both of you tried to hold in your laughter when you pushed your tops up, revealing your bare stomachs. You lied down, giggling once you felt the cold of the table against your skin, and grabbed the hand of the girl again. You two looked at each other and burst into another fit of giggles while one of Hongjoong’s friends poured the liquor into your belly buttons.
You felt some of the cold liquid running down your side, letting you arch your back immediately.
Hongjoong stepped closer to the table, eyes roaming over you two. He quickly leaned down and drank the shot out of your belly button, getting hyped up by the crowd.
The moment Hongjoong turned his attention to the girl, his friend poured another shot into your belly button, making you squeal. Though instead of letting Hongjoong take the shot again, he placed the bottle on the table and leaned over you, slurping the liquid through his lips. 
His tongue darted out, running circles around your belly button. He even followed the trail of liquor that had run down your side.
Hyungwon stormed into the kitchen, having heard from Minhyuk that you wanted to drink something the last time he had seen you. Hyungwon’s eyes jumped around the area. He didn’t see you and was about to leave the room again when he heard your squealing. His head snapped towards that direction, seeing you on a table and some other guy hovering above you.
You gasped in surprise when the guy got pushed away and you got pulled up harshly, making your head spin for a second. Once your eyes focused on the person before you, you nearly crashed into him while wrapping your arms around his neck. “Hyunnie!”
Hyungwon pulled you close against his side and basically dragged you out of the kitchen with a prominent scowl on his face.
You somewhat clumsily stumbled along with him, oblivious to his frustration. Instead you giggled in delight and wrapped your arms around his middle. “You came! I’m so happy you’re here now!”
“We’re leaving though.”
“What? Why?” You pulled on his clothes as you whined, trying to ignore how incredibly hot he looked. “I don’t wanna go now!”
Hyungwon stopped in front of his bike. He grabbed you by your shoulders and pulled you in front of him, staring down at you. “I really don’t have the patience arguing with you now.”
You pouted and looked up at him through your eyelashes. Without even thinking your hands wandered to his chest, playing with the chains and running over the mesh shirt. “You don’t have to argue with me”, you told him seductively, “just stay with me here and have some fun.” One of your hands wandered lower and over his stomach.
You hummed in want when you felt his prominent bulge. Your fingers followed the outline of his dick, wishing you could simply wrap them around his shaft and pump him. Heat pooled in your lower regions and your desire for this man clouded your mind.
Hyungwon grabbed your wrist and halted your ministrations, already breathing heavily from the few touches. “You need to stop or I won’t be able to control myself.”
A sly grin played over your lips. “That’s what a party is for, losing control.”
He groaned and closed his eyes, leaning his forehead against your own. “You’re testing me, y/n.”
You tilted your head and pecked his plush lips. “I just want you.”
Another groan left his lips. As if a switch got turned on, Hyungwon suddenly grabbed the back of your neck and slammed his mouth on yours, kissing you with a hunger you’ve never felt before. His other hand wandered down your sides and to your ass. He slid it under the skirt you wore to grab a handful.
You had your hands in his hair and simultaneously pushed your body into his. Under the guidance of his hand on your ass you rolled your hips against his bulge, becoming a moaning mess. Soon enough your own hands travelled down his body and fumbled around with his pants. You needed them open or preferably off so you could feel Hyungwon’s dick.
“You do know we’re surrounded by dozens of other people, right?” Hyungwon whispered into your ear, nibbling at your earlobe and kissing a trail down your neck.
“I don’t care”, you breathed out, “they’re all drunk anyway!”
“Does it turn you on? The thought of me fucking you in front of all these people? Are you that desperate for my dick that you can’t even wait to get somewhere a little more private?”
“Fuck, yes”, you mewled, his little ministrations turning not just your legs into puddy. “I want you so bad.”
Hyungwon moved his other hand to your ass as well, groping it and pressing your front against his hard on in the process. “You really are something else, sweetheart.” 
“Please, Hyunnie, please, I need you!”
As much as Hyungwon wanted to simply cave in, he decided to torture you a little longer. He nosed along your jawline and inhaled your sweet scent. “Are you absolutely sure you want to do it here?” For a second Hyungwon let his gaze wander around the front lawn, seeing people dancing, making out, chilling or drinking some more. He also noticed how a few guys already stared at you, bringing out his possessive side again.
“I won’t hold back, princess”, he growled and placed his hands on your hips, spinning you around and pressing your ass against his dick.
The sudden movement almost left you dizzy but you braced your hands on the saddle of his motorbike, your nails slowly scraping over the leather. You pushed even harder against his front, even swaying your hips to rail him up some more. “I don’t want you to hold back.”
Hyungwon chuckled and leaned over your back as his hands wandered over your body. “The second you change your mind, you have to tell me. Otherwise I won’t stop until I’m satisfied.” He grinned upon feeling the shiver running through your body. His hands snaked under your top and cupped your breasts. “No bra, huh? My naughty little princess.” He pinched your nipple, making you moan out.
“I’m not wearing panties either, only the fishnet tights.”
Hyungwon exhaled loudly, cursing under his breath. “You’re such a little slut, princess.” He kissed your shoulder before he grabbed the front of your top and pulled it upwards, exposing your breasts. “And a slut wants to be seen. Open up.” 
You opened your mouth immediately, letting Hyungwon push the fabric of your top into your mouth. You closed your mouth again after he commanded you to. The excitement and nervousness vibrating through your body. You moaned when Hyungwon fumbled with your breasts again, driving your need up through the roof.
Once your nipples were hard and perky, Hyungwon moved his hands down to your hips again. He grabbed the fabric of your skirt and pushed it upwards, revealing your ass to his eyes. His cock twitched upon realising you said the truth about not wearing any panties.
You squealed and slightly jumped in surprise upon hearing and feeling how your tights got ripped, making you somehow feel even more exposed. Hyungwon was awfully quiet and you worried whether he liked what he saw.
Hyungwon moved one hand between your legs and used the other on your hip to hold you in place. The slick out of your pussy already dripped down your legs. “Fuck”, he cursed and ran his fingers through your folds, “you’re super turned on right now, aren’t you princess?”
You nodded quickly, whining and moaning through the fabric in your mouth. His fingers already felt so good without even properly touching you.
Hyungwon continued to rub his fingers through your folds as he leaned forward and grabbed the fabric of your top, pulling the front over your head and letting it sit behind your neck. Like that you were still exposed, breasts already jiggling from the minimal vibrations running through your body, and able to voice everything.
He placed his hand back on your hip and pulled his fingers away from your core, holding them in front of your mouth instead. Hyungwon didn’t even need to say a word. You instantly opened your mouth and wrapped your lips around his digits, licking your own arousal off of them.
“You’re so good for me, princess”, Hyungwon hummed and pulled his fingers out of your mouth, needing them to open his pants. “I want you to let everyone know who you belong to.” He glared towards the men watching you hungrily. “Let them know who’s the only one allowed to touch you, to fuck you.”
“It’s you! It’s you Hyunnie!” You were so desperate for him, every fibre of your body begged for his dick to be inside of you.
Thankfully you finally felt his thick cock between your legs, rubbing along your folds and getting covered with your wetness. You gasped for air when Hyungwon pushed into your hole with one hard thrust. “Oh fuck, Hyun-”
You couldn’t finish your sentence as Hyungwon started a relentless pace and fucked into you from behind like a mad man. You basically clawed at the saddle of the bike to keep you in place, the force of his thrusts nearly making you lose your balance. 
“That’s what you wanted, right princess? Having a bunch of guys watch you get fucked by me. Look around princess! Look at them and tell them your pussy belongs to me!”
You blinked rapidly but followed Hyungwon’s command, turning your head from side to side and realising how many actually watched you being railed like that. “Fuck”, you cursed, clenching around his dick harder than before.
“TELL THEM, PRINCESS”, Hyungwon growled at you, loud enough for everyone to hear as well. He moved one of his hands to your front, circling your clit and driving you even closer to your release.
“FUCK”, you yelled out as your body already started to twitch from the pleasure, “FUCK, oh my god, fuck, fuck, fuck. HYUNGWON!”
“That’s it princess! Who do you belong to? Whose dick is making you feel this good? Who is the only one allowed to fuck you like this? To fuck in general!”
“YOU, HYUNGWON, ONLY YOU!” You cried out before you turned into an incomprehensible mess, blabbering praises with every thrust.
Hyungwon pinched your clit, making you scream as you got caught up in your orgasm. He pushed deep into your hole, spilling his seed into you. 
Hyungwon stayed inside of you, even though he felt his dick slowly softening. Instead he rubbed his hands over your sides and pulled your top back down over your torso, patiently waiting for you to come down from your high.
Once you whined from oversensitivity, he pulled out and brushed your skirt over your ass again. He slowly turned you around in his arms and brushed some strands of hair out of your face, kissing you ever so softly. 
“Ready to go home now?”
You nodded slowly, still slightly dazed from this experience. 
Hyungwon leaned closer to you, grabbing the helmet from his bike, while he whispered into your ear: “Be prepared, this was just the beginning of our night.”
You clenched around nothing, wishing his dick was inside of you again. “Fuck”, you breathed out, turned on once again. Now you definitely couldn’t wait to get home with him.
Hyungwon chuckled lowly and placed the helmet on your head, securing it and then helping you on his bike before he sat down himself. He patted your hands that automatically wrapped around his middle, feeling his ego rising again after this little stunt.
“Let’s get home so I can fuck you again”, he stated and turned on the engine, driving off and away from the infamous Jackson Wang party.
© all rights reserved  
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​
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enchantestuff · 3 years
hatred - Charles Leclerc
I think I might make this into a mini series with an enemies to civil with each other to friends to lovers kind of vibe but I'm still not sure, anyways here's Charles x reader wanting to rip each others throats but instead end up ripping each others clothes off
gonna dedicate this to the lovely @yungbludz​ happy birthday <33
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warnings; smut as per usual, Charles being very egotistical, choking, language, enjoy <3
2k words 
part two
It was safe to say you and Charles hated each other. You knew hate was a strong word, but you also knew that you felt nothing but hatred for the man. You hated his cocky smile and the fact that everyone seemed to be obsessed with him. You also hated the fact that you had to spend the whole weekend with him.
You worked for Ferrari, meaning that, unfortunately, you had to spend a lot of time with Charles. You were actually excited when you first got the job of being Charles Leclerc's PR manager. You had admired the driver and couldn’t wait to work alongside him, but that all changed once you actually met him and realised what an ass he really was. Everyone else loved him, of course, because he seemed to be nice to every single person on the planet except you.
You and a select number of the Ferrari team had been invited to a special charity event taking place in the ballroom of a luxurious hotel. You had all decided to check into the hotel the day before the event, in order to save time and familiarise yourself with the venue. Of course, according to your job description, you also had to run through the possible questions Charles could be asked with him.
Although Charles loathed you, he had to admit you were good at your job and managed to prepare him for every possible scenario, which is why he hadn’t begged Mattia to fire you, at least not yet.
You sighed as you reached the check in desk, all you wanted to do was flop onto the hotel bed and sleep until the morning. You gave the lady behind the desk your name and watched as she quickly typed on the computer in front of her. “Ah yes, Y/N and Charles, room 506”
Your eyes widened at her words as you shook your head. “No no, that can’t be right” you pleaded as you leaned your arms against the counter.
“Im sorry ma'am, but the booking is for the both of you” she explained with apologetic eyes as she handed you the room key.
“Take your time, Y/N. Not like we aren’t all exhausted from our long trip” you heard Charles scold from behind you. You quickly turned around and shoved the room key into his chest.
“Politetly, go fuck yourself, Leclerc” you muttered as you shouldered past him and walked straight to Mattia on the other side of reception. Mattia sighed once you walked over and gestured for you to begin arguing with him, he knew it was going to happen.
“Why? Why would you stick me in a room with that-that imbecile!” you snapped.
“Listen, Y/N, i know how much you dislike him and vice versa, but everyone had to be paired with someone and I thought this was the best option for you both” he explained with a soothing voice.
“Why do I have to be with her?” you heard Charles ask from behind you. You felt small standing in front of him, his broad frame practically trapping you between him and Mattia.
“Y/N is your PR manager, it's her job to prepare you for this event” Mattia once again calmly explained
“And she couldn’t do that over breakfast?” Charles inquired, you could feel his tense gaze on the back of your head and you whipped around scoffing at him as you placed your hands on his hips.
“Don’t act like this was my idea! Not everyone wants to share a room with you Charles, get your head out of your ass”
Charles opened his mouth to throw a rude remark your way but Mattia stopped him before he got the chance. “The both of you are sharing this room, whether you like it or not. I think everyone would prefer if you took this time to sort out your problems instead of bickering like children. I’ll see you both at breakfast. Goodnight,” he scolded as he walked off with his luggage in tow.
You felt your cheeks redden as embarrassment creeped up your shoulders. “Are you trying to get me fired?” you accused Charles as you grabbed your own luggage and made way for the elevator.
He shrugged in response, “Wouldn’t be the worst thing” he muttered, stepping inside with you. You pressed your floor number and sighed in frustration. “Can you stop breathing so loud?” he groaned, rolling his eyes.
“It was a sigh, dipshit.”
“Trust me, i don't want to be near you as much as you don't want to be near me”
“Glad we're on the same page” you replied, stepping out of the elevator and storming to your room, which in hindsight was a foolish idea as Charles had the key and you had to wait for him as he took his sweet time walking up the hallway.
He unlocked the door with a smug look on his face and stepped in before you, dropping his luggage on the floor as he surveyed the room. “You have got to be kidding me” he complained once he saw the double bed in the middle of the room.
“Oh what is it now, Charles?” you asked as you shut the door behind you “is the carpet not to your liking? Is it too bright? Are there no chocolates on the pillow” you continued and slipped off your shoes, “do you want me to - oh shit” you cursed as you saw the predicament you both were in. “Looks like you're sleeping on the floor” you shrugged whilst walking towards the bed.
“I am NOT sleeping on the floor,” Charles complained.
“What? And you think I am?” you argued, once again placing your hands on your hips.
“I don’t see why not,” he commented, crossing his arms across his chest.
“I am not sharing a bed with you, Leclerc! So you,” you jabbed a finger at his chest, “are going to have to step off your mighty throne and take the gentleman approach and sleep,” jab “on,” jab “the floor,” you snapped.
Charles raised his eyebrow as he stared at you. You could cut the tension between the two of you with a knife, it was almost unbearable. You had never fought this long, somebody had always interrupted you both before you got the chance to really push each other's buttons. “I'm going to say this nice and slow, sweetheart,” Charles growled, taking a step forward, you in turn took a step back as you removed your finger from his chest, “I’ll take the high road, we can share the bed just this once, as long as you stop acting like the spoiled princess that you will never be” he continued to walk towards you as he spoke and you were eventually trapped against the wall.
Charles moved his hand to lie on the wall next to your head, the distance between the two of you becoming smaller and smaller by the second. “I might be ready to step off my throne but are you ready to be a good girl and step off yours too?” he concluded. 
“Bite me, Charles” you retorted and something in the both of you snapped as you grabbed his face in your hands and he roughly grabbed your waist. Your lips violently pressed against his as your tongues practically fought against each other. You almost moaned at the force of his kiss, but refused to give him the satisfaction.
Charles pulled away, giving your mouth a final short kiss before he moved to mark your neck. “Come on, princess. Stop being stubborn for once in your life and let me hear the noises that you can make''
You however kept your mouth shut, Charles smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “If that's how you want to play it,” he smirked before gently grabbing your breast and slipping his hands into the waistband of your leggings. He rubbed circles on your clit as he pinched your nipples. “I want to hear you, sweetheart,” he grunted.
You rolled your eyes back in pleasure and involuntarily let out a moan. Charles felt his dick twitch in his pants and cockily grinned as he kissed right under your nose. “Good girl,” he whispered. It wasn't long before his trousers were discarded as well as your own leggings. You hadn’t moved however and were still pressed up against the wall. “Are you sure you want this?” he asked and although you felt your heart skip a beat you rolled your eyes at him and nodded.
“Yes, please just - just hurry up” you squirmed against the wall. That seemed to be all the validation he needed. He slowly put a condom on before easing into you. You scrunched your eyes at the uncomfortable feeling and tapped him to move. Your lips parting on their own accord as the feeling was replaced with pure pleasure. Charles forcefully grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist, providing him with a better angle for both himself and you.
“O-oh shit” you moaned as you scraped your nails down his shoulders to his arms, which left harsh red marks in their wake. Charles moaned at the feeling and you were almost aroused by the sound. Almost.
One of Charles hands were digging into the soft flesh of your thigh while the other moved to wrap itself around your neck, his signature pinky ring digging into the flesh of your skin causing you to mimic his actions and let out a moan at the pain.
“You like that?” he grunted as he continued to thrust into you, lightly placing some pressure on your throat, not enough to suffocate you, he didn't hate you that much, but enough for you to enter a state of pure bliss.
“I hate you, Leclerc” you found yourself muttering but you certainly did not hate him at that very moment.
“Feelings mutual, love”
You continued to scrape your nails across his back, desperate to pull more moans out of him. Charles however, didn't like being the only vulnerable one and removed his hands from your throat, he grabbed both of your hands in his own and shoved them upwards, beginning his assault on your chest.
Your toes curled as he hit all the right spaces, you knew you were close but you really didn’t want to be the first one to let go. Charles could feel the clenching of your walls and smirked into your chest. “Are you close, princess?” he asked, bringing his mouth to your lips and for some reason you found yourself kissing him back.
“No” you blatantly lied.
You moved your head closer to him when he pulled away but he refused to connect your lips once more and you found yourself pouting at the lack of attention. God, how pathetic had you become.
“Now, i knew you were a spoiled brat but i didn't take you for a liar as well”
“Glad to know your ego has no off moments, Charles” you scoffed and were about to start an argument before he began slowly pounding into you, his precise thrusts made it extremely difficult to formulate a sentence let alone hold onto the knot in your stomach. So, against your brain telling you not to, you let go.
You would have fallen onto the ground if it wasn’t for Charles' strong grip trapping you against the wall and his own body. The noises that he made as he reached his own high caused your heart to flutter in your chest and you began to wonder if having sex with him was a bad idea.
“Are you okay?” he asked after he had pulled away from you. You nodded your head as you furrowed your eyebrows
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you asked.
You were surprised the both of you were capable of having a normal conversation, but you supposed nothing could be normal between you after that.
Charles gently ran a finger across your neck and by the look on his face you knew you looked worse for wear. “I kind of lost myself in the moment, I’m sorry if I hurt you. Really I am” he clarified.
“Its okay” you sighed as you rubbed your neck, “lets just go to sleep”
“I’m still not sleeping on the floor”
“Just stay on your side of the bed, Leclerc”
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Tech problems (bucky x reader)
Summary: bucky doesn’t know how to work the TV, his new phone, anything. After getting made fun if he wants to quit but the reader helps him out.
Pairing: bucky barns x reader
Warning: mentions of death near the end, but it’s mostly fluff
Bucky stood at the counter in the kitchen, full weight leaning on the concrete slab that most people ate off of. His eyebrows were basically touching as he fiddled with his phone that Tony just gave him, he just couldn’t figure it out for the life of him.
“Hey, old guy!” Tony walked in, “whatcha doing?” He walked over and peered over Bucky’s shoulder.
“Trying to…” his brain wasn’t focused on completing the sentence, more on creating an e-mail.
“I see,” Tony snatched the phone from Bucky’s hands and turned his back to him, Bucky tried to see what he was doing but Tony kept walking around. A little bit of anger grew inside him because Tony seemed just fine at working with tech- everyone did.
Steve had walked in, “Tony, what are you doing?” His voice was tired and annoyed, he already knew what was happening simply from the way Bucky looked longingly at Steve. “Tony-“
“Ah-ta-ta, let me help him.” Tony smirked, his voice dripping in sarcasm. “I’m doing it all for him, aaaand- done!” He turned and slapped the phone in the table, it looked like everyone else’s.
“What did you do to it?” Bucky asked, his anger coming through in his tone.
“Nothing, tin man- old man- silver hair, just nothing.” He seemed like he was telling the truth, “i just did it so you wouldn’t keep annoying me and asking so many god damn questions, jeez.” Tony scoffed and walked away, Bucky didn’t pick up the phone, rather stare at it.
“How stupid am I?” Bucky asked, “really, like you got this figured out in less than a week, Tony told me when I asked for the Bluetooth password.”
“Wifi.” Steve corrected.
“What?” Bucky looked over, “same thing, who cares…” Bucky waved him off, his head snapped up at Steve suppressing a laugh, his stomach sank, “what?” His voice light and almost a whisper.
“It’s not the same thing, very much not the same thing.” He laughed, Bucky sighed, he’d had enough of this. Bucky picked up the phone and walked down the hall, “oh, come on! I’m having fun with you!” Steve laughed.
You wiped the sweat from your forehead, training with Nat had just ended and you were heading back to your shared room with Bucky. As you walked past the kitchen you saw Steve looking at nothing, he hand kept his head up.
“Why the long face?” You panted, still needing to catch your breath.
“I made fun of Bucky, he’s mad now.” His mouth barley moved, the sentence was muffled.
“About what?” You asked softly but you were still mad, he made fun of your boyfriend.
“Him not knowing how to use tech,” Steve looked up and saw your jaw drop, “what?”
“Literally last night he was so upset because he called me when I was training and he used the emergency signal, so I came running to our room and he had no idea.” You looked towards the bedrooms, “he was so upset with himself that he made me scared, he was all in his head. I need to go check up on him,” you sighed and turned to go to your room; that hot shower had to wait.
Once you made it to your room you softly knocked on the door, “Bucky?” You called, when you heard a hum you opened the door a jar, seeing him slumped over with his phone in his hands. “Hey, babe.” He seemed to break out of his thoughts when you placed a hand on his back.
“Hi, doll face.” He tried to smile, “how’s training?” He looked over to you as you sat beside him.
“Very long and very tiring,” you chuckled, you knew if you asked how he was doing he might get mad or breakdown, “Steve told me what happened, he seemed sad when I was in the kitchen.” Your hand started to rub his upper back, making sure you didn’t hit any scars through the shirt. “You wanna talk about it?” His phone was still on the home page, all the apps were downloaded but you knew he didn’t do that himself.
“I don’t know anything,” he sighed, “i don’t know how to work my phone, the microwave, the TV…I don’t know how to use the system thing in here properly, I can barley understand cars these days, that’s why I use the motorcycle because they didn’t change much but-… y/n, everyone thinks it so funny, the old guy who doesn’t know jack shit about tech.” He slumped forward.
“I don’t think it’s funny,” you moved up to the back of his neck, knowing he likes when you get under into his scalp.
“You’re different.” He stated.
“How so?”
“Because you’ve never been mean to anyone, you’re this shining star, you’re a light and you’re never mean.” His eyes left his phone and he looked at your leg, not wanting to make eye contact after saying that.
Your heart melted, his lips turned up at the quickly kiss to his cheek. He looked over and kissed you back, your hands wrapped around his neck and his pulled your waist in. After pulling away your foreheads rested on one another’s.
“Let me teach you, yeah?” You whispered, “no jokes. No funny business. As long as you need, I’ll go through it all.” You leaned back and waiting for his response.
“I don’t wanna make you go through-“
“Nope. Final rule, no self-doubt.” You smiled, his lip pouted out and he tried to cover his face and blush.
“Okay,” he nodded, “teach me.”
“Not right now,” you laughed, Bucky quirked a brow, “I’m tired and sweaty and I feel gross, also, I would like some cuddles.” You stood and grabbed your towel and a change of comfy clothes, “tomorrow.”
It was the next day, Bucky sat on the bed as you walked around the TV in your shared room, deep down he wanted to take some notes but he knew if anyone found them, he’d never hear the end of it.
“So let’s start basic,” you stood in front of the blank TV, “let’s say you’ve lost he remote, this is how you control it. Right here,” you pointed to the circle with a line through the top symbol, “that is the universal signal for on and off, look for that. Then, once you’ve pressed it here is the little notches for the volume and then the channel notches.” You pointed as you went along the bottom of the screen.
“Sounds easy,” Bucky muttered more to himself.
“But we have a remote, here, same little symbol, on and off. There, that’s the volume, and the big circle can help navigate up and down, side to side.” You showed him up close, “lots of these buttons will never be used, so I won’t really go through them.” You waved it off. “Okay, test number one, turn of the tv.” You passed the remote.
“Okay…” bucky clicked the button with the symbol he now knew and the screen lit up, some random cartoon played, “yes!” He shit up and jumped, quickly catching himself he sat back down.
“Can you change the channel for me?” You asked, a smirk on your face from his reaction before, he clicked the channel button and it went to the news. “And turn it up, please.”
“Easy,” he smiled and clicked, no sound came out. “What?” He clicked again and the sound came back, but not louder.
“You hit the mute button, use the long button here,” you pointed, he clicked up and it went up one level, after catching on and holding it the volume kept going up, “Bucky-“ you tried to warn but the volume cut out completely.
“Shit.” He stood up, Bucky fiddled with the notches on the actual TV but nothing happened. “What did I do?” His face i genuine terror, “did I break it, oh god, Tony’s gonna get some mad.”
“You blew out the speakers,” after observing the smoke coming out from the side of the TV that was the only possible answer.
“I knew i’d mess it up, I get so cocky, I really thought I had it.” He paced around, tugging his hair.
“Don’t worry, it’ll all be fine,” you calmed him and sat him in the bed, “it’s hard at first but it will only get easier.” You smiled before pulling him into a hug, you could feel his sigh of defeat as he hugged back.
You both headed out to the kitchen, Bucky still in a mood from breaking the TV a couple minutes ago. You both had some coffee, yours with a little milk.
“Hello, lovebirds.” Tony walked in, Bucky looked right at his feet and tried not to look awkward. “What’s up with cyborg over here?” Tony giggled.
“Nothing,” you dipped your coffee, Bucky just nodded along.
“I got a notification that the speakers in your room were blown out,” Tony teased, Bucky stiffened and inches closer to you, “what happened?”
Bucky looked up, his mouth open and about to talk. You gently placed a hand on his chest and looked him in the eye, a way of saying ‘I got this’.
“I sat in the remote, turns out my ass poked it right at the volume and I couldn’t figure it out in time.” You laughed, Bucky looked at you crazy before forcing one out.
Tony hunched over, “I can picture that, oh wow- I wish I was there!” He cackled before turning away and walking down the hall, “it’ll be fixed by tomorrow!” He called over his shoulder.
It was lonely without you, it was very rare you’d go in missions without Bucky but also rare you’d go alone. It was a simple infiltrate, you were more on the espionage rather than Captain America side of powers. 
Bucky had tired to talk to Steve about letting someone go with you, this mission would involve zero contact with the base. But no one listened, it was always going to be you.
It had been a month, three quarters done with the they needed. The tech lesions had to be halted, you weren’t there to teach and Bucky refused to let anyone tell him anything about the tech in his room.
“If only you could see me, babe…” he whispered as he worked the TV, that was the only thing he knew, and he was great at it. Last week he recorded a show, he was never going to watch it, but it as recorded. He almost had a heart attack when the remote stopped working, but it just ran out of batteries.
After doing all the cool tricks he knew he looked over to your side of the bed, it was neatly made and seemed untouched. Whenever you’d be fine for even a night he’d sleep on the ground, but he promised he’d sleep on the bed, but he never rolled over or even sat on your side.
The one thing he missed was the way your shampoo stunk up the whole bed in a good way, when he’d wake up the morning after you’d showered he’d could smell your lavender shampoo right away, it almost puts him back to sleep. But as the days went on, it faded.
Bucky looked around before gently placing his face your pillow, almost like an afterthought of your sent came through; just barley there. His face hovered before he gave in and relaxed on it, he knew if he’d roll around the sent would fade quicker, he didn’t really care.
There was a hard spot on your pillow, he reached under and found a green spiral notebook. It didn’t have anything in the cover, once he opened it a gasp fell from his lips.
It was a notebook, for every piece of tech in the house. From his phone to how F.R.I.D.A.Y. works, it was all there. Intricate diagrams that where labeled, one page had everything he needed to know.
Bucky’s phone sat face down in his bedside table, he flipped the that page and looked it over. He picked up his phone and read through it all, slightly muttering then words that were written to himself like he was being taught.
“Okay, you got this,” he said as he pressed the on button, as he navigated around he learned how to add a contact, send and text, google, the a picture, send an email. Everything.
You walked into the compound completely exhausted, one black eye layer, the base had been infiltrated. You went to your mission report computer and Tony was there, he gave you your phone.
“Connect back to the wifi,” he nodded before leaving you to connect.
Once you were fully back online your phone began to buzz, over and over. Tons of notifications rolled in. You went to emails first.
From: bucky
To: y/n
Subject: test?
Hellooooooo this is a test, don’t worry about it!
You laughed and scrolled through the other emails, finding out they were all kind of the same, then you went to text messages.
There was a selfie of him holding the green book, his smile couldn’t have been wider. He sent three, probably by accident. But they were still cute.
So I figured hit text!
Kinda cool
I found the book, it was like Christmas
Anyway, I know you won’t read this but I think I’ll try the oven next, I’ll ask wanda about it.
As the texts went on, your heart started to drop and your stomach swirled. They had been getting progressively sadder.
Hey doll face, I hope you’re well, miss you
I miss you
I love you
I wanna marry you one day, maybe live on farm and have a few kids
If you want
Sent: two months ago
I finished your book, I think I know it all now, I’ve been going over those tests you put in the back sleeve, they’re really good
You’re very thoughtful
I know you can’t see this
I don’t know what to do with myself, this is very hard.
Sent: one month ago
Are you dead?
I had a dream you died in my arms, and I can’t tell if it was a flashback or a dream
I hope you’re not
I love you too much
Please come home
I really need you
I wish I never learn how to use this shit, honestly, I can’t seem to put my phone down because this is all I have if you right now. I keep checking it to see if you’ve responded but I know you haven’t, but part of me wants you to respond so I know you’re alive.
I’m not ready to say goodbye to you yet.
Sent: 24 hours ago
You slammed the phone down and raced down the hall, you passed the kitchen and everyone who smiled at you because they hadn’t seen you in three months, they probably also thought you were dead.
You stopped right before the door, you could hear soft whimpers coming from inside.
“I miss you,” the voice was muffled.
You opened the door silently, you saw Bucky lying right next to your side of the bed, it was still perfectly made. You also saw what looked like glass shattered by the wall, a closer look and it was his phone.
“Bucky?” You asked.
His head shot up and he sat up straight, after wiping his face he ran right over to you. His hug pushed you back on the floor, he just stayed there.
“Don’t ever do that again, please.” His voice was still shaken, “I can’t go through that again.”
“Never again, i was so worried when I saw your text a minuet ago.” You whispered and ran your fingers through his hair.
“Your name in my phone, your the only one.” He sniffled, “it was like it was taunting me, I got really mad and I threw it.” He hugged you tighter, “you were supposed to come home two days ago.” He cried.
“I know,” you housed him and sat up, as he pulled away he saw your bruised face, his thumb gently traced the purple mark.
“I don’t want a phone, I like knowing about it, but I’ll only ever borrow yours.” He seemed like he was pledging something, like an oath.
“Done deal,” you pulled him in for a long kiss, hoping it would never end.
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
a helping hand [henry cavill] - part 2
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A/n: I’m sorry it took me so long. I don’t like how this part turned out, at all, but I rewrote it 3 times and I can’t even think about these scenes anymore without getting annoyed. I’m just happy it’s finished and that I can start working on part 3 (that is, if you like this one enough to want to keep reading lol)
Summary: After you post on onlyfans a video starring another man, Henry decides to take matters into his own hands. (cameo: Steve Rogers) KINKY 4k
Warnings: spanking, daddy kink, dirty talk, mentions of smut and masturbation (male), humiliation/degradation kink, groping, mentions of porn and filming pornographic material, stalker-ish/obsessed Henry. (also tumblr crashed when I first tried to upload this so maybe that a sign this sucks)
You can read part 1 here!
The sight brought down a storm upon Henry's mind. He stood there, mouth agape, watching the screen, unable to believe his eyes. It was one thing to post videos of yourself on the Internet, but to have someone else take part in them was too much. At least for Henry. Still smart and composed, he realised there wasn't anything he could do about it, but nevertheless, he was determined to not let this shit slide for much longer. 
As much as he wanted to hunt down that man who dared put his hands on you, Henry gathered himself, took a deep breath and closed the onlyfans page. He was perfectly aware that just the right amount of you could get him to lose his sense of control and do things he'd later regret. Still, in desperate need to see you, he grabbed his phone, eyes scheming over your socials, only to see that the last time you had been active was 7 minutes ago. So, without much consideration, he started typing.
"You up?"
"Yep. Finishing up an essay. Coffee in 30??"
Oh, and how deeply that hurt him. "Of course" he sent you, and then checked again the post you made at 3am. '...I'll go to sleep right now, edit it for you when I wake up...'
You were lying? Why were you lying to him? It drove him insane. Henry felt like he couldn't sit down anymore, like he had no chance to catch his breath. He couldn't think straight, so he wasn't really to blame for what he did next. 
Henry's fingers flew over the keyboard, accessing Facebook and logging into your account, desperate to see whether he could find out who the man in your video was. And it was as easy as it could've been, considering your last 5 conversations were with the girl friends he already knew about. But somewhere among them, he spotted an unfamiliar name - Steve R., and instantly clicked and opened the conversation. His blood started to boil when the multitude of emojis you sent reached his eyes, but he scrolled up, until he found the beginning of yesterday's conversation. 
It was started by you, and with a request. You were blunt and went straight for it, asking him with just one message to be in the video with you. There was no trace of your relationship with him on the Internet, so Henry had no idea regarding the nature of yours and Steve's connection. Judging by the way you addressed him, he could easily assume the man was nothing more than a fuck buddy. Even though it angered him, Henry kept his calm and decided to go about this with care. It would only be a matter of time until he removed Steve from your life. But for now, he just had to keep digging for information. 
Steve R.: "Exactly what do you need me to do, baby? Spank you? In front of the camera? Are you serious?" 
"Yes, Steve. Come on!! I know we haven't seen each other in a while, but still... 😇 when it comes to these things, you know me better than anyone"
Henry scoffed. Who the fuck was this guy?
Steve R.: "I know, baby"
Steve R.: "What's in it for me?"
Smoke came out of Henry's ears, and the fact that you acted so sweet and innocent made him want to smash his keyboard.
"Whatever you want! Just do this for me!!! Please!!!! 🥺😊😋"
Steve R.: "Ofc I'll do it, sweetheart. I got you"
"Thank you thank you thank you 😘"
Steve R.: "I should be the one to thank you"
Steve R.: "Send me the location and I'll be over there asap"
After that, your address followed and then that was it. Determined to dig deeper, Henry started to scroll up again, wanting to find out as much as he could about this mysterious man. He didn't get a chance to lurk too much before this computer alerted him of a notification, the onlyfans tab glowing orange. His attention was instantly won, smiling devilishly as he checked the content.
Posted 30 seconds ago, was the new video. Ready to kick back and enjoy, Henry pressed the play button, ready to go at it with an open mind. 
He reluctantly accepted the fact that there was another man in it with you, but he decided to enjoy it nevertheless. The video started, displaying Steve seated on the couch, thighs suggestively parted. He had a pair of black dress pants on, dangerously stretched over his massive thighs. A white, elegant shirt hugged his visibly sculpted torso, the top two buttons undone to show just a hint of chest hair. Quite a sight, but all Henry saw was trash. With his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a silver watch on his wrist and a pinky ring on, Steve patted his thigh, cueing your entrance.
When Henry saw you, he felt his breath reach a new, sudden level of difficulty. With the shortest of skirts barely managing to cover your ass and a mostly see-through shirt on your top half, you made your way to him in such an angelic way that Henry couldn't believe his eyes. 
You looked like happiness personified, and it came in such a painful contraction to what you were about to do, that it twisted Henry's mind in such a perverse way, his cock nearly twitched just by seeing you. 
When you were about to bend over Steve's thigh, he grabbed your chin and stopped you mid action, his lips slamming against your as his free hand lewdly caressed your ass. He flung the skirt over your hips, your flimsy underwear on full display. 
Attentive to the events unfolding on the screen, Henry found his cock, teasingly rubbing it over the material of his pajama pants. His mouth watered when he felt the sensibility in his tip, actually believing this would be easier than he initially anticipated.
"Are you going to be Daddy's good little girl, or do I have to make this fucking hurt?" Steve asked and Henry almost threw up. 
"Yes, Daddy. I'll be good" you mewled, wiggling your feet. 
"Let's see" the man menacingly chuckled, releasing a sharp slap against your ass that made you yelp out in pain.
At this point, about 30 seconds in that was, Henry was already losing his mind. It was as if you took a trip inside his dreams and decided to play out his fantasies. The only problem was that you did it with another man. It was next to impossible for him to keep this going.
"Can you count?" Steve taunted, his hand traveling all over the back of your thighs, your exposed ass and between your legs. 
"Yes, Daddy" you eagerly nodded and Henry almost threw up.
"I wouldn't be surprised if a dumb slut like you didn't know how to" Steve chuckled, "But it's ok, that's how we like our girls. Dumb and pretty"
"Thank you, Daddy"
Henry couldn't believe his eyes. He refused to accept the fact that a random man got to play with your innocence like that. You were his sweet little girl. And if until now he pushed through heroically, when literal yelps of pain started erupting from your lips as the blonde man slapped your ass hard enough to rock your whole frame, Henry's blood ran cold.
But no matter how hard the jealousy had hit him, the video was still pushing his limits of self control. It was still what he always wanted to see. When he reached inside his pants and grabbed his cock, a low grunt of early satisfaction left his lips. He once again found himself picturing you, willing to please him, but this time, he didn't get to go too far. The buzzing sound of his doorbell rang through his apartment, and he never stood up faster.
Cock still hard and completely visible through his pants, Henry slapped the pause button and minimized the browser, before springing to his feet and rushing to the door.
"Henry!" you exclaimed as soon as he came into view. He looked somehow tired, but it was easy to tell there was something else bothering him. "You didn't answer your phone" you pouted.
"Yeah, sorry" he shook his head, a few sweaty curls falling against his forehead. "I was busy with something. What's up?"
You raised your eyebrows and pointed to the door of your apartment, "You said you'd come over? Coffee? Remember?"
"Oh, shit, yeah" Henry cringed, rubbing his forehead. "I'll be over in 10 minutes, that ok?"
"Sure" you beamed, completely oblivious to the way he just tried to get rid of you. With utter nonchalance, you pushed your way past him and strolled into the kitchen.
"You wanna wait here?" he muttered.
"Yeah... Is that a problem? I can leave..."
"No, no" Henry eventually sighed and rushed over to you. He cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead. "Wait here, I'll be right back"
And that was what you did. You silently sat down, grabbing a bag of chips you found laying around, and settled to wait. And maybe, a few seconds passed where nothing devious came to mind, but as time ticket itself away, boredom got to you. First you stood up, and padded to the hallway, looking around. There was almost nothing new over there, but it still felt so homey you absolutely loved to inspect every detail. The TV in the living room was turned off, a couple of pizza boxes on the floor and his DVD cases laying around - absolutely nothing interesting.
You sighed and plopped down on his couch, folding your legs under your body, ready to flip through the channels on TV until he'd decide to join you. Nothing seemed of interest, being bombarded with news and fishing programs. "Old man" you thought to yourself, before opening up the menu in search for something less depressing. A wave of nostalgia hit you when you came across a Spiderman marathon, and you were done for. Maybe one full episode passed until Henry walked out of the bathroom, but you were nowhere near ready to leave.
"Look what's playing!" you beamed, pointing to the screen. Henry raised his eyebrows in amusement, his shoulders shaking as he softly laughed at your unusual choice of entertainment. 
"Are you serious? Cartoons?"
"Yes!" you scoffed, extending your arms and gesturing for him to join you. Although reluctant at first, Henry agreed to sit and watch the show with you, but not before brewing some coffee first.
When he returned from the kitchen, two steaming mugs in tow, you shuffled to the side and welcomed him on the couch. He brought you close against him, draping his arm around your body. With your head resting on his shoulder, you sipped your coffee, eyes glued to the TV. "You seriously never watched these as teen? You were 11 when it came out."
"I did" Henry laughed, rubbing his hand up and down your side, "I was in love with Felicia Hardy"
"MJ was so much better!" you shook your head disappointed, "You have no taste"
"No need for that" Henry threatened, his fingers exploring their way down your body. The way he trailed his hand across your hips and thighs made you squirm, smiling to yourself as you shuffled closer to him.
Henry was more than happy to reciprocate, kissing your forehead and squeezing you tighter. 
And just like that, you didn't care about Spiderman anymore. You flung your leg over Henry's lap, all but crawling on top of him. The episode was still playing in the background, but none of you was paying attention anymore. Henry wrapped his muscular arms around your frame, eliciting a soft moan from your lips as you pushed your hips down against his thigh. His hands traveled lower, exploring your body with delicate but greedy strokes. 
As you let yourself get carried away with absolutely no worry in mind, Henry knew exactly what he was doing. And considering how easily you let your guard down, he had you right where he wanted. 
When you hid your face in the crook of his neck, your nose rubbing across the slope of his collarbone, Henry's right hand found your ass. You froze for a second, but his gentle caress helped you relax again in an instant. With his lips against the top of your head, he allowed his fingers to sink into your flesh. Your whole frame stiffened as you gathered a handful of his hoodie into your fist.
"What's wrong?" Henry cooed, grabbing your chin, "You ok?"
"Yep" you whimpered, and then winced again as he squeezed your ass once more. "I'm good-" you lied, cupping the side of his neck into your palm as you crawled higher up his body, your lips right against his ear. 
As weak as he was for you, Henry stood his ground. If you wanted to play this game, he'd do it, but he wouldn't let you win.
"Does this hurt?" he asked, roughly groping your ass.
Jumping slightly from the pain, you still managed to shake your head, blurting out another lie. "... no"
"What about this?" Henry teased, grinning widely as he shoved his hands inside your leggings, under your panties. 
The urgency of his touch made your eyes open wide, your back arching as you tried to push yourself off of him.
"Does it hurt, darling?" he continued, keeping you in place with ease. 
Defeated, you sighed and lowered your gaze, "A bit" you mumbled.
"Just a bit?" 
"Did he fuck you good?" 
Your mouth fell open. "What- no, I didn't- we didn't do anything-"
"Didn’t do anything?" Henry grinned, his perfect teeth showing as he proudly pried information out of you.
"I just... fuck-" 
Seeing no way out of this one, and eager to stop hiding, you pushed yourself back. Henry's hands left your body as you sat beside him, and he watched you curiously, patiently waiting for you to word your thoughts. "I just filmed a video for my page, that's all" you bowed your head.
"What kind of video?" Henry questioned.
His demeanour was so relaxed, he was right in his element, unlike you, who were riled up to the extreme. "A spanking video-" you cleared, awkwardly fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. 
"Did he spank you good?" 
His hand found your hips again, and you leaned into his touch, nodding your head yes as you were too embarrassed to actually word your answer.
"Then show me" 
He was dominant and stern, and even if you wanted to, you felt like saying no wasn't an option. Henry didn't wait for your permission as he grabbed your waist and pulled you up to your knees, chuckling softly to himself when he saw you shyly smile down at him. 
His fingers curled around the waistband of your leggings, forcefully pulling them down your thighs. "Come on" he urged you, softly guiding you to lay down across his lap, your ass barely covered by the pinkish and slightly unflattering underwear you had chosen for the day.
Henry's breathing picked up at the sight, and so did yours. You watched him over your shoulder, his fingers tracing over the bruises Steve left on your bum the night before. 
"Henry-?" you whimpered, the anticipation building up in the pit of your stomach becoming too much to bear. 
"Yes, darling?" he cooed, leaning down to the side to kiss your cheek. His stumble tickled your skin and you whimpered when his hand made its way between your legs.
You felt his fingers against your opening and involuntarily clenched your thighs around him, hiding your face in the cushions of below your head.
"Tell me" Henry pushed, teasing your folds and clit over your underwear. 
"Nothing, I-" you cried, making him chuckle.
He loved giving you a taste of your own medicine. He straightened himself up and grabbed your ass into his hands, squeezing until you yelped out in pain. A soft laughter of approval escaped his throat as he bent down and pressed his lips to one of your cheeks, applying lingering kisses over each and every single bruise. 
The way he took control of the situation and handled your body, turned you on to no end. For whatever reason, being exposed like that for him, waiting for any kind of judgement to leave his lips, you were getting more and more riled up by the second. You were done for. You did your best not to moan with need, but little did you know that was exactly what kept you from being thrown onto the floor and fucked into oblivion. Just one single sign was all you needed in order to break his self control, but you didn’t have it in you to do it. 
But he didn’t say anything, instead just keeping you on your toes as he had his way. You were dripping through your underwear, and judging by the bulge in his pants that pushed up against your belly, you knew he was on the same page as you. But again, he didn’t allow things to go further. Everything about this moment pointed in the right direction - the teasing, the touching, you were all but whimpering in his lap, but he cut the moment short with a sharp slap against your ass before he helped you up. Henry acted as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened as he pulled your leggings back up, but this glare became colder when he found your eyes.
He bent down and spoke into your ear, "He could've done a better job"
Completely under his spell, you bit your lip and furrowed your eyebrows. "I don't think I would have been able to take any more"
"That's not what I said" Henry shook his head.
"Look at you being an expert" you teased, relishing in the fact that he seemed eager to keep things going. 
"All I'm saying is that if you had asked someone else-" Henry laughed, stroking your cheek, "Things would have turned out much more different"
"Oh" you pouted, ready to tease him further. "Who should I have asked-"
Just when you started getting comfortable and confident enough to push things further, Henry's phone rang. "I don't have to take that" he shook his head when he heard you stopped talking.
"Just see who it is" you giggled, slapping his shoulder.
Before doing so, Henry grabbed your chin and kissed your forehead, his touch drawing you in like a magnet as you leaned into him when he pulled away. With a sigh, you eventually crawled off his lap and then your face fell with disappointment when Henry showed you the screen of his phone. 
"Yeah?" he huffed after picking up, his boss being the last person he wished to talk to right now. 
You watched him closely as he listened to whatever the man was saying, and almost whined out loud when Henry frowned annoyed.
"I'll call you back in 5, ok?" he asked and after a couple of seconds hung up.
"I'm so sorry-" Henry sighed, turning to you, "I gotta go take this, there's a problem with one of the radars, I need to go see if I can fix it remotely"
"Sure thing" you shook your head. "But please tell me you don't have plans tonight"
"I don't" Henry leaned towards you and again, kissed your forehead. As much as you loved the sweet gesture, it was now more than ever that you craved something else entirely. 
"And please don't forget about me again" you giggled, grabbing his biceps and stopping him from leaving without a promise.
"I won't" he sighed, "I'm really sorry about that. I'll make it up to you"
"However I want?" you beamed and licked your lips.
"Absolutely" Henry smiled, sweetly embracing you before walking you to the door.
You had his word now, and you were planning on making it count. There was no way either you or Henry would act as if nothing had happened, and you couldn't wait.
Once alone and seated at his desk, Henry opened up the text editor associated with the code he wrote months ago. When his screen was flooded with errors and his chat popped up with three different messages asking for help from his colleagues, Henry all but yelled out loud in frustration. Not only did he wish to be with you, it was also Sunday, one of his days off. But he couldn't just text the pilot of the plane whose radar went berserk and tell him to wait. So he got to work, determined to get this done as soon as possible. 
But unfortunately, that 'as soon as possible' turned into 3 hours of continuous work. He didn't even stand up to go to the bathroom until he made sure everything was on point. It was about 4pm when the program started running smoothly again, and seeing how he had a few more hours to waste until he had to see you, Henry decided to make the best of them, by getting a head start on his tasks for the following day.
Productivity flowed through his fingertips as he solved the first issue he had been assigned for the day to come, getting ready to start working on the second one when a call caught his attention. He didn't recognize the ring tone, and it only dawned on him that he was still logged into your facebook account a couple of seconds after it stopped ringing. 
Still curious, Henry switched the tabs on his computer, noticing that the chat with Steve, which he left open hours ago, showed that there was an ongoing video call. His jaw fell. Henry tightened his hands into fists, fuming with anger. First as you for doing this, and then at himself for allowing you to believe this was an ok thing to do. He knew there was no way to eavesdrop on your conversation even if he had the password, but that didn't mean his curiosity died down. No, it only grew stronger.
He felt lost for a minute, but then he thought of something. On his dresser, right next to his winter gloves and under his favorite jogging hat, laid an extra set of keys. Henry remembered the day you gave them to him, saying something along the lines of 'I feel much safer knowing that if something were to happen, you could always get to me, Henry.' and then remembered how you stuffed them in his pocket, and kissed his chest before stepping back. Such different times. 
There was no trace of hesitation inside his mind as he grabbed the keys and made his way out of his home. He passed the hallway in less than a second and pressed his ear to the door. It was perfectly quiet, and through the peephole, he couldn't see any light. You weren't in the kitchen or living room, so he felt confident enough. After putting his phone on vibrate, Henry ever so gently pushed the key inside, turning it inside the lock with the most meticulous movement his wrist could muster. The sound of the door knob being turned was so faint he barely even heard it, but his pulse skyrocketed when he heard the click that signaled the door was finally open.
With small, careful steps, he made his way inside. The entire apartment was dark and quiet as he made his way in, stopping just outside your bedroom as the relaxed, deep voice of a stranger became audible through the wall. “Trust me, sweetheart. Just relax, I got you. You’re all tense, I can see it from here. You know I have more experience with this than you do, just do as I say”
With one hand on the doorknob of your bedroom, Henry was ready to put an end to this whole charade. He knew he might regret it later, but he didn't care. The image of a so called friend, pushing you to do anything that you seemed to have clearly stated your discomfort about, flipped a switch inside his brain. There was no stopping him because no one, no one got to push you around like that. Not while he could do anything about it.
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 19 - Chasing Silhouettes [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking, blood.
Word Count: 3800
Summary: Truce can be inevitable. 
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It was safe to say that you were officially off your rocker after the break up. Stress? Check. No sleep? Check. Getting drunk mid-day? Check.
Looking a serial killer in the eye and threatening him?
Also check.
The constant anger was gone though. That blinding fury was gone, the fear was gone, the only thing you felt was numbness. It was as if you were watching everything happening around you from behind a glass, it was there but you couldn’t touch it or feel it.
With one exception; you missed Spencer each and every minute of the day, so you at least knew there was something left inside of you that wasn’t broken. But after what had happened, it wasn’t like you could call him. You had already left him multiple voice messages whenever you got too drunk anyway, and you were sure he had deleted them without even listening.
Not that you could blame him. He had already told you he wished he had never met you, and there was nothing you could do to change that.
“You guys will get back together,” Kenzie assured you like the hopeless romantic she was, “This is just temporary. I just know it, it’s like me and Mina. You can’t stop true love.”
“I doubt Mina ever told you she never loved you,” you stated, exhaling the smoke of your cigarette. “Or that you told her you wish you had never met her.”
She stole a look at Mina who was waiting for your lattes by the counter and turned to you.
“Well alright, maybe you and Spencer are having a more intense fight than we did, but—“
“This is not a fight, Kenz. We broke up.”
“You broke up with him,” she corrected you, “And you’re still in love with him.”
“Doesn’t matter,” you shrugged your shoulders, “I burned that bridge, okay? After this whole case is over, he will want nothing to do with me—hell, he wants nothing to do with me right now and I don’t blame him.”
“Okay,” Mina said as she came to your table and handed you your latte before sitting down, “What are we talking about?”
“Her and Spencer.”
“Yeah no, fuck that guy.”
Kenzie gasped, “Babe!”
“Kenz, he’s in the FBI, okay? He was there when they brought her into that interrogation room.”
“He wasn’t there when they took me to the station.”
“Fine, he came later on but did nothing to stop his beloved team from hounding you.”
“Mina, he was in another room.”
“You can’t possibly believe he didn’t know what was happening in the interrogation room,” she insisted and Kenzie pulled her brows together.
“Wait, didn’t you say he was the one who called you? For the lawyers and everything?”
Mina shrugged, “Yeah, so? That was just because this one,” she pointed at you, “Was too much of an idiot to ask for a lawyer. What, did you never watch a movie? You always ask for a lawyer.”
“But think about it, it means that he was trying to protect her from that whole interrogation process before he even landed,” Kenzie stated, “He knows how that whole thing goes, he made the calls, he gave his professional opinion to the police, he sent his team because they wouldn’t let him in there, it wouldn’t surprise me if he thought they’d go easy on her.”
You held the warm cup in your hands, listening silently.
“Or he just wanted to play the nice guy so that he could manipulate her more.”
You pulled your brows together, “Dude, he’s not manipulating me.”
“Not right now.”
“Not ever,” you said, “That’s not… that wasn’t the reason. Kenzie has a point, he was trying to get me out of there with minimum damage, and he knows how the system works.”
“Yeah, and that’s exactly why you need to talk to him and explain—“
“Enough people got hurt because of me,” you cut Kenzie off, “Died, even. It would destroy me if it was him, okay? Me staying away is better for him, at least he will stay alive.”
Mina scoffed, “Not that your heartbreak is not important, but I need to bitch at you before I forget,” she said, “How could you not tell me Nolan was planning to propose mom?”
Kenzie smiled, “I think it’s sweet.”
“I think it’s a fucking disaster.”
“Oh come on,” you murmured, sipping your coffee, “You’ve seen them together, haven’t you? It’s bound to happen, he’s head over heels and mom can’t stop talking about him.”
Mina let out a whine, “I’m a good person,” she murmured, “I give to charity and stuff, I don’t deserve this.”
“You’re not ten years old you idiot, a stepfather will not disturb any dynamics you have.”
“He will though!” she protested, “To repeat, he is basically my boss, okay?”
“He’s a lot of people’s boss.”
“Yeah, do you know what people will think when I finally make partner?” she asked you, “That my brand new stepdaddy pulled some strings.”
“Please don’t call him stepdaddy, that’s just disturbing.” Kenzie made a face and Mina heaved a sigh.
“How are you so okay with this?” she asked you and you tilted your head.
“Mina, there’s a killer who’s going after people I know and making sure I see that,” you started, counting with your fingers,  “I’ve been drugged at my own apartment—in my own bedroom only to find my ex boyfriend’s dead body in my kitchen. I’ve been accused of murder, been handcuffed, interrogated and broke up with the love of my life. The last past week, I got maybe five hours of sleep and oh, before I forget, I also threatened our original serial killer father with death just a couple of days ago. Does it look like I’m in the right mental state to worry about getting a new stepdaddy?”
“To repeat, can you guys stop calling him stepdaddy?”
“What did you tell him when he asked for your blessing?” you asked and Mina rolled her eyes.
“I told him that mom is a grown woman,” she said, “She doesn’t need our permission to do anything. If she wants to get married to the guy who has apparently loved her for decades… who am I to say no to that?”
You tilted your head, “You were nice?” you asked in disbelief, “You’re never nice.”
“Eh, I have my moments.”
“What’s the real reason?”
Mina pointed at Kenzie with her thumb, “She said to be nice.”
“You’re so whipped.”
“You are seriously going to sit there and call me whipped when you’ve been wailing for the last month, miss I shall suffer forever after my lost love even though he was two seconds away from handcuffing me and not in a fun way?”
“He wasn’t-“
“Both of you are being too cynical about Nolan,” Kenzie interrupted you and grinned wide, “I mean come on, doesn’t it make you believe in love all over again?”
“It makes me want to get booze because I’ll never have that, Kenz,” you murmured and she pulled her brows together.
“Oh don’t be like that.”
“Kenz he was the love of my life and I lost—“
“I’m leaving if you start crying into your latte,” Mina deadpanned, “And please don’t say that you’ll plan Nolan’s proposal or God forbid, their wedding.”
“My client list is full.”
She let out a laugh, “You realize we all know that’s your favorite excuse when you don’t want to accept a client, right?” she asked you and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I think I’ll sit this one out,” you said and checked your wristwatch, “Well, I gotta get back to the office, I have this meeting and then I have two other meetings with these new pastry shops.”
“Hey, brat?” Mina stopped you as soon as you stood up and you tilted your head.
“You’re okay, right?” she asked, “Besides this whole mess?”
You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to smile, “I’m not but I will be.”
“Will you?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I mean I have to, right? There’s not much of an option there.”
Mina looked like she wanted to insist, but Kenzie squeezed her hand, silently telling her to drop it before you made your way through the street to approach the building your office was in. You nodded at the security guards then got in the elevator and pressed the button.
When the elevator got to your floor the doors opened but your assistant rushed to you as soon as you stepped outside
“Y/N, hi! You haven’t been answering your phone.”
“Shit, I forgot it on silent,” you murmured and checked it to see five calls from her, “Five calls? Erica, did you guys catch fire or something?”
“I was actually thinking maybe you would want to come to the balcony with me, you know, to get some fresh air before your meeting?”
You pulled your brows together, “What’s going on?”
“We didn’t know if we should call you or left them downstairs but…” she said, making your heart skip a beat.
“What is it?”
“Remember the time you said you were allergic to jasmines?”
You could feel the goosebumps rising on your arms, “Yeah?”
She pointed at something over your shoulder and you turned your head, your breathing catching up in your throat as someone opened the glass door to go outside.
There was a bowl full of jasmine flower petals but you could still take the overly sweet scent. Bile climbed up your throat as you walked through the door to approach the reception desk, and as soon as you saw what was in the middle of the petals, the room started spinning.
A vial of blood.
“Are you dating like a goth guy?” Erica asked as you took a step back, the walls closing in on you.
“Call the FBI,” you gasped as you rushed to the balcony, desperate for air, “Now.”
Panic attacks were a big part of your childhood, and even if you weren’t completely unfamiliar with them as an adult, they still managed to take you by surprise.
It took you nearly an hour to pull yourself together. An hour of sitting there in the balcony, your knees drawn up to your chest as your mind desperately searched for something to focus on, something to hold on to.
Some happy place.
By the time FBI had gotten there, your makeup was smudged around your eyes due to the excessive crying, your whole body was shaky and you were so exhausted that you could barely will yourself to get up and walk to your office.
The jasmine scent still clung to the air though.
You didn’t even have any energy to keep your eyes open, your whole mind wrapped in that numb haze that kept pulling you deeper and deeper into the absolute nothingness as you sat there on the couch, multiple agents coming and going into the office, into the reception, into your floor.
Dr Tara Lewis, Spencer’s coworker had given you a small bottle of hand lotion so that you could take in a scent other than those flowers before she had shot you a sympathetic smile and left your office to talk with the reception.
Even raising your hand to wipe at your nose with the tissue balled up in your palm felt way too tiring for you, but you wiped your nose, your eyes still fixed on the wall as the glass door to your office opened once again and footsteps came closer.
You didn’t even have to raise your head as Spencer approached you before he knelt down to look you in the eye.
You blinked a couple of times, “Hi,” you sniffled, “Is it okay if we don’t do this today?”
He raised his brows, “Don’t do what?”
“I’m too tired to fight,” your speech was almost slurred at this point but you pulled your brows together, forcing yourself to focus as much as you could. “So can we do that tomorrow please? Like truce for a day?”
He offered you a tight lipped smile, “I’m not here to fight,” he said gently, as if trying to pull you back to the reality without scaring you, “Truce for a day works for me.”
You picked at the crumpled tissue in your hand, “Thank you.”
“Do you think you can talk to me though?”
You nodded silently, wiping at your nose again. “Yes.”
“Great,” he said, his calm voice washing over you, “That’s good. What’re you thinking about right now?”
“I’m thinking…” you tried to put your thoughts in order, “Tara gave me a peach hand lotion, can you give it back to her after you’re done here?”
“Sure,” he said, “That’s a good thing to focus on. What else?”
“It’s not my dad,” you said, “My dad wouldn’t dare to fuck with me, not after- it’s not him.”
“Tell me something other than the case.”
You willed yourself to concentrate on his handsome face, “Do I look like a horror movie corpse right now?”
He scoffed a chuckle, shaking his head. “You look beautiful Y/N. You always do.”
“The only person who’s a bigger liar than you is that makeup artist that told me this eyeliner was waterproof.”
He reached out to tilt your chin up so that his hazel gaze could study you better, and even in your numb state you could feel the warmth spreading through your body with his touch, “How long have you been awake?”
“I dozed off for like an hour last night,” you murmured, “I have this new apartment but I can’t sleep in my bedroom because I keep thinking there’s some noise coming from the kitchen, like… like it’s going to happen again. It’s impossible though, there are like five different locks on that door, someone would have to come with a battering ram to open the damn thing but I still don’t feel safe enough to—to sleep.”
He thought for a moment, “You can’t sleep because you don’t feel safe,” he murmured and you heaved a sigh, your head dropping before you forced yourself to raise it again, making a face.
“I’ve never tried peach lotion before, it smells nice…” you mused, your gaze fixed on the wall while the black spots flew in your vision “Have you ever tried it? Also hypothetically speaking, what happens if you eat lotion? Like do you think—“
“Y/N,” his clear voice shot through the haze again, “Sweetheart, look at me.”
If you weren’t too goddamn tired, the pet name would make you snap out of it and even give you a spark of hope, but you could barely concentrate on what was happening.
“Can you do something for me?” he asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, anything.”
“Lie down.” he said and you pulled your brows together.
“We’ll try something,” he said, stealing a look outside to the reception crawling with agents before turning to you as you curled up on the couch, still holding the tissue tight in your hand, your eyes getting heavy the minute your head hit the small pillow.
“What are we trying?” you managed to ask through the fog and he smiled softly.
“Close your eyes, for thirty seconds,” he said, “Just focus on your breathing. I’m right here, okay? Can you do that for me?”
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath, counting in your head.
You didn’t even reach fifteen before the sleep surrounded you.
You were pulled away from the bliss when someone shook you by the shoulder gently.
“Y/N,” Erica’s voice reached you, “Y/N, wake up.”
You opened your eyes groggily, frowning. It was already dark outside and there was nearly no one in the office except for her and you. You attempted to sit up but stopped as soon as Spencer’s cologne filled your nostrils and you looked down at the jacket covering you.
He must’ve left his jacket on you while you slept in order to keep you from getting cold.
You could feel the small spark of peace shooting through you, the warmth spreading through your veins as you hugged the jacket tighter around your body and cleared your throat.
“What time is it?”
“Eight,” she shot you a small smile, “Um, everyone left and I figured you’d get a stiff back if you sleept on the couch any longer.”
“Erica,” you said, “You didn’t have to stay.”
“Come on, I wouldn’t leave you here alone after today,” she said, “Besides, I told that tall handsome agent that I’d drive you home. His team was called back to the FBI, some clue or whatever.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, I’d be a lousy assistant if I didn’t.”
“No, I mean—“ you swallowed thickly, “Thank you. It means more than you know to me.”
She grinned at you as you grabbed your purse and both of you made your way to the elevator.
“So I take it there’s no goth boyfriend but…” she said as the elevator went down, “Maybe a tall handsome flirt?”
“We broke up,” you murmured and she scoffed.
“Yeah no.”
You blinked a couple of times, “Erica, I’m pretty sure we broke up. I was there—“
“No I mean,” she huffed while you left the elevator to approach her car, “I have a talent to sense these sort of things you see. He doesn’t look at you like you broke up, and that jacket over you certainly doesn’t say you broke up.”
You got in the car with her and she started it.
“Is it because of your dad?” she asked you and your head shot up.
“What? How did you-?”
“It’s a small office, people talk,” she said as if apologizing, “But don’t worry, we all know that’s not the kind of person you are. I even had a fight with my boyfriend about it, but I told him that I knew you, you would never be able to do something like that. He was like you don’t know what people are capable of and I was like well...”
You were way too tired to answer her, so you let her talk about the time how she was great at sensing people’s true motives and how her boyfriend thought you were capable of murder while you sat in her car as she drove you to your place. You thanked her, your mind still fuzzy with sleep and made your way to your apartment.
After checking if all five locks were in their places and counting them in your head, you kicked off your heels and made your way to the fridge to get the bottle of whiskey. You took a swig of it and went to the couch, turning on the TV and leaning back to the soft cushions. You slowly took the jacket off and pulled it over your body, closing your eyes and inhaling his scent.
Maybe you could just imagine that you two were together, just for tonight.
You managed to distract yourself for a couple of hours, just sitting there and staring at the TV, barely paying attention to what was playing. By the time it was midnight, you had reached the half of the bottle and looked down at your phone for a couple of seconds before finding his name in the contacts.
You didn’t have to wait for long, and for once it didn’t go to voice mail.
“Hey,” you smiled, “Um… is the truce still on? Or should I— should I hang up?”
“No,” he said almost too quickly, “No, don’t. We have today, don’t we? Might as well use the truce until the end.”
“Okay,” you whispered, “Thanks, by the way. For today. I can imagine how hard it is for you—“
“No,” his voice was soft, “No you really can’t.”
A silence fell upon you and you grabbed a tissue, wiping at your eyes,
“What does science say about heartbreak? Hypothetically speaking?”
“About heartbreak?”
He cleared his throat, “Considering the stimulation that increases dopamine and-“
“In a way that I will understand while I’m half drunk?”
You pulled back to look at the phone, “Addiction?”
“You know the areas of your brain that are active when you’re in love? Those areas are also active when you use…well, you name it. Cocaine. Drugs. Nicotine.”
“So that means heartbreak means-“
“Withdrawals,” he finished your sentence for you, “Exactly.”
You grabbed another tissue from the box on the coffee table, wiping at your nose.
“Spencer, what if it goes on like this forever?” you rasped out, “This whole heartbreak. What if I feel like this forever? What if I… What if I’m like seventy and I still—“
Love you.
“Miss you,” you changed your mind mid-sentence, “What if I’m old and gray and still using your jacket as a blanket?”
“That’s what you’re doing right now?”
“Yeah,” you murmured, “Pathetic right?”
“I recorded that show you liked and still can’t bring myself to delete it,” he admitted, “I don’t even watch it, it’s just there. You sure you want to talk about pathetic with me?”
You let out a bitter laugh, “Nah, still no competition professor. I still call you whenever I’m drunk, remember? You’re handling this way better than me, you still have your dignity.”
“I saw a fridge magnet in a store a week ago and I actually walked in there to buy it before I remembered I couldn’t give it to you,” he paused, “I’m not handling anything, Y/N. I’m a mess, it’s like…”
You held your breath, waiting for him to continue.
“You took something with you on your way out,” he said slowly, “And I don’t know what to do with what’s left, to be honest.”
“My chest actually hurts when I see you, you know?” you murmured, “And I still haven’t deleted the pictures.”
“Me neither.”
You picked at the tissue in your hand, “So much for Dante and Beatrice huh?”
“All things considered, they’d handle it worse than us.”
“I doubt anyone could handle it worse than us, professor.”
“No think about it,” he said, “We had….we had each other, at least. They didn’t technically lose each other, because they were never together.”
“It’s still romantic.”
“Dante saw Beatrice twice in his life,” he told you, “Once when they were nine, once when they were both adults. Twice in his whole life. Ignore the poems, what would you do if a guy you saw when you were nine showed up years and years later, proclaiming his undying love for you?”
“Call the police?” you said, making him chuckle.
“There you go.”
“When you put romanticism aside, Beatrice should’ve gotten a restraining order.”
“They didn’t have those back then, Y/N.”
You let out a small giggle, “Yeah yeah…” you murmured, “So what does that mean then? We’re more tragic than Dante and Beatrice?”
He sniffled and cleared his throat, “Yeah,” he said, “I think that’s what it means.”
You could feel the tears burning your eyes, “It’s not going to get easier, is it?” you croaked out after almost a minute of silence and he thought for a moment.
“I don’t think so,” he said, “Not for me anyway.”
“Not for me either,” you murmured and wiped at your eyes with the back of your hand, burying your nose to the collar of his jacket draped over you.
If you closed your eyes, maybe it would stop hurting this much. You touched your screen to get to your gallery, then found your picture together, both of you smiling at the camera, unaware of the heartbreak that would hit you both very soon.
“Good night Dante,” you whispered and Spencer exhaled a shaky breath, as if he was craving the addictive high of your presence as much as you did his.
“Good night Beatrice.”
Chapter 20
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tyongxnct · 4 years
𝑟𝑎𝑟𝑒 - 𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑒𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑛
Tumblr media
pairing: Haechan x reader
special guest: Mark, Jaemin
summary: You were always giving and giving, but you never received anything. Haechan stopped showing you how much he loved you and cared for you, but you never stopped caring for him and loving him. You were always there whenever he needed you. You did everything you could to make him happy. You let him use you but when you had enough and broke up with him, he realized that his biggest mistake was letting someone like you go. You were one in a million and he lost you.
song: rare - Selena Gomez
genre: breakup!au, college!au, angst
warnings: mention of sex, alcohol consumption, swearing
word count: 5,5k
A/N: this is the second short story of my series! I hope you enjoy and I recommend you to listen to rare by Selena Gomeu while reading :)) This is pure ficition!
© tyongxnct on all platforms
You've been so distant from me lately And lately Don't even want to call you baby
No answer.
Still, no answer.
“Lee Donghyuck!” you said a little louder this time.
“What the fuck? Why are you yelling at me?” he said, still staring at his phone.
“I didn’t yell.” You mumbled, “Can you like, stop staring at your phone and hang out with me? We didn’t see each other for a week.”
“Hm? What did you say?” he didn’t listen, but he looked at you for a second.
“I said I’m leaving, it’s late.” You lied but you really wanted to leave right now. What was the point of hanging out together when he didn’t even look at you or listen to you. Haechan and his phone couldn’t be separated. He was trying to beat his last high score like he always did when you hung out.
“Okay baby.” And he stood up from the couch and pressed the button on his computer.
Was he waiting for you to leave so he could play video games? He didn’t even kiss you goodbye.
When you arrived at your dorm, you thought of things you could have done wrong and you couldn’t really think of one thing. Did he stop loving you? Were you not sexy enough anymore? Did he get sick of you?
You had sleepless nights thinking of your relationship with Haechan. You’d do anything for him, you love him. You’d change for him, be a better girlfriend. You’d even change your appearance If he wanted you to.
Even though you were busy with college, you tried to make as much time as you could for Haechan. He was actually the clingy one in your relationship and at the beginning, he was showering you with so much love and you did the same. One day, he stopped showing you all of his love and you only felt the distance between you two.
You had feelings too and they were hurt.
Saw us getting older Burning toast in the toaster My ambitions were too high Waiting up for you upstairs Why you act like I'm not there? Baby, right now it feels like
You were at a frat party, your boyfriend was a frat boy after all and there was always a party on Saturday nights. You were hanging out with your friends and Haechan was greeting everyone and drinking with his friends. The party was fun for two maybe three hours, but you got bored and you just wanted to spend some time with your boyfriend, maybe even have sex with him, if he was in the mood. It’s been so long since Haechan touched you, you can’t even remember the last time he was over at your dorm.
You’re a little tipsy and you missed your boyfriend. You looked for him and when you found him, sitting on the couch with some of his friends, you walked up to him and sat on his lap. “Haechannie, I’m bored.” You started kissing his cheeks. God, you loved his cheeks.
“Babe- come on, I was in the middle of a conversation.” He tried to push you slightly away.
“I don’t care- I missed you.” You kissed his jaw and started sucking his neck. Haechan’s hand travelled from your arms to your hips. “N-Not here, Y/n.” he said but you knew that he was enjoying it, so you kept on sucking and kissing his neck.
“Can we fuck?” you whispered to him, hands going up and down his chest.
Haechan looked at you, eyes big and mouth slightly open. You never talked like that, you were actually a little shy whenever you talked about having sex, this was new.
“Wait for me upstairs, in my room. Okay baby? I’ll be there in a second.”
You smiled brightly. You were so happy that he still wanted to sleep with you, that he wasn’t disgusted or sick of you. You nodded in excitement and walked up the stairs to his room.
You checked yourself in the mirror and you looked pretty. Well, you hoped you did. A hour later, you almost fell asleep on his bed. He was still not there, and you started to get worried. Why did he take so long?
You decided to go downstairs and look for him. Maybe he was still talking to some of his friends who didn’t let him go or maybe he was busy cleaning the kitchen.
You were wrong.
He was doing body shots with a random girl.
You watched how he licked the space above her breasts and then he almost touched her lips while taking the lemon in his mouth. Everyone was cheering on him and hyping him up, as if he did something great. You were waiting for him and there he was, having fun without you but with random girls.
You had enough. You left the party and locked yourself in your dorm for the next couple days, and yeah, Haechan didn’t bother to text you or ask you where you went or if you arrived home safely. Hell, he didn’t even know if you were still alive or not.
It feels like you don't care Oh, why don't you recognize I'm so rare? Always there You don't do the same for me That's not fair
Four days. It took Haechan four days to knock on your dorm door. When you opened your door, you didn’t expect him to be crying. Did he finally realize how bad he treated you?
“M-My dad… My dad is in the hospital.” His eyes were red, lips trembling, and pain was written all over his face.
No matter how much you wanted to yell at him for taking so long to come to you, you couldn’t hurt him more than he already was.
You stepped to the side and let him enter. When you closed the door, he hugged you like two years ago, when you started dating. He hugged you like a big teddy bear and you hugged him back, as tightly as you could because you were scared that he’d go away.
“Tell me what happened.” You whispered to him after he calmed down a little bit.
“My mom c-called me and she told me that he had a heart attack a-and that his condition is critical… fuck.” He started sobbing again, holding onto you tightly as he cried and cried. You patted his back and told him that everything’s going to be alright.
“Do you want me to drive you there?” you asked him after a couple minutes. You had a car and your driver license and Haechan was still trying to get his driver license, but he never studied and always failed.
“B-But it would take us two hours to get there and two hours back…” he looked at you with puppy eyes.
“Haechan, we’re talking about your dad, it doesn’t matter. You should be with you family, your mother needs you right now.” You assured him that it was alright.
“Okay, okay. You’re right, we should- we should go, right? Right. Let’s go.” He rambled.
You finally arrived at the hospital and fortunately, his dad’s condition got better, and he was finally awake. You’ve met his parents for a couple times already and they loved you and you loved them. They were always so nice and kind to you.
Haechan hugged his mother tightly and kissed her forehead. His mother was a strong woman, she tried her best to smile as she saw her son and you.
“He’s awake now. You can see him if you want to.” She told her son, and he entered his room without thinking about it.
His mother hugged you and thanked you for bringing him all the way there. She also thanked you for taking so much care of Haechan. “I know that he can be a handful sometimes, but you take so much care of him. I can sleep at nights and don’t have to worry, because I know that he has you.” You smiled at her, tears about to fall, but you didn’t want to cry in front of her or Haechan.
You pushed all the anger you had for Haechan away, like you always did, and maybe, maybe he’d change after tonight.
After your visit at the hospital, Haechan could finally breathe again. He was so worried but now his heart was calm, he saw his dad and his dad assured him that he was alright, that was all that Haechan needed to hear.
You parked in front of Haechan’s frat house.
“Are you feeling better?” you asked him softly. You looked to your left and it didn’t surprise you to see him playing with his phone.
“Haechan? We’re here.” Your voice was about to break, you needed to go home, you needed to cry and ask yourself what you did wrong this time.
“What? Oh, yeah right. Thank you, baby.” He kissed your cheek and left the car without looking back at you.
You should’ve known.
Two weeks after that day, you were a little distant and it seemed like Haechan wasn’t aware or he simply didn’t care. You hung out with your mutual friends but kind of ignored him like he ignored you. You didn’t want the others to be suspicious, so you kissed him on the cheek when he stood next to you. He didn’t bother to look up or kiss you back.
It was finally Christmas break. You were staying at your dorm and you decided to spend the 24th with Haechan because he told you he’d also stay a little longer in college and spend the 25th and the 26th with his family. You’d also visit your family on the 25th.
You were watching a show while you were waiting for Haechan. He promised you he’d be there, he was two hours late though.
It was almost midnight and still, no Haechan. You turned everything off and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Suddenly a loud sound startled you. You could hear footsteps and you grabbed your phone as fast as you could and closed the light in your bathroom, your door was closed already. You could hear two voices talking about your stuff.
You were about to get robbed and you called the police as fast as you could. Your heart was beating against your chest and you didn’t care about your stuff, you just wanted to get out of your room and be safe.
You were in the bathtub, silently praying that they’d leave.
Haechan didn’t answer your texts, but Mark did. Mark was your first friend in college, and you were pretty close. He was also in the same group of friends. Mark, Haechan and Jaemin always played overwatch together and you thought that they could be playing again because Haechan played overwatch non-stop since Christmas break started. You knew that Mark was also staying in his dorm over Christmas, so you texted him.
You: Hey, do you know where Haechan is?
Mark: we were playing overwatch
Mark: I got bored, but he told me that he’d play a little longer.
You: Mark can I call you?
Mark: yeah Of course
“M-Mark. Somebody broke in.” You whispered.
“Oh my god, did you call the police? I’m coming don’t move and don’t make a sound okay, don’t worry okay, I’m on my way.” Mark rambled.
“I’m scared. I’m hiding in my b-bathroom and I did call the police, but I don’t know how long they’ll take, it’s Christmas after all a-and fuck I don’t know what to do.” You cried into the phone.  
The next thing you could hear was someone entering your dorm and the robbers yelling and trying to fight against the person. “You’re arrested! Hands behind your back!”
The police arrived right on time.
“Y/n? I can see the police, I’m right in front of your dorm.” Mark said.
The bathroom door was opened by an officer and he opened the lights and saw you curled up in the bathtub.
“Are you Y/l/n Y/n?”
You nodded slowly.
You left the bathroom and saw Mark standing at the door. “They wouldn’t let me in. Are you alright?” he asked you.
“Y-Yeah thank you. I’m fine.”
“Unfortunately, it’s common that student dorms get robbed at Christmas. They think that all of the students leave and try to rob them but luckily you called us right on time and we could get them. Do you need to go to a hospital?” the officer asked you kindly.
“No thanks, I’m alright. Thank you.”
“Of course. The janitor will take care of the door, but you need to sleep somewhere else tonight.” And then he left. The robbers literally destroyed your door.
Mark could finally enter your dorm and you jumped into his arms.
“I was so scared.” You sobbed into his chest and he didn’t mind. He stroked your hair and helped you calm down.
“I know. It’s over now, I’m here.”
And for the first time since forever, you felt safe in someone’s arms.
“Where the hell am I supposed to stay now?”
Mark didn’t ask you about Haechan. It was obvious that he ditched you again and he didn’t think twice when he asked you, “Stay with me.”
You looked up. “I-I mean you can have my bed I’ll sleep on the couch, you know. I don’t think that there’s someone else in this building.” He rambled and it was kind of cute.
“A-Are you sure?”
“Yeah of course.” He smiled at you.
That is how you found yourself in Mark’s bed.
You couldn’t sleep and after almost an hour you talked, “Mark?” you whispered, not quite sure if he’s still awake. Your phone died and you didn’t see the texts Haechan had sent you. The last thing on your mind right now was charging your phone.
“Can you, uhm, can you sleep next to me? Please?” you asked nervously.
“Do you really want me to?”
“Yeah please, I’m scared.”
Mark walked up to you and you moved to the side to make space for him. You were laying next to each other under the covers and your hands slightly brushed.
“Can you hold me?” you whispered.
“Okay.” Mark was nervous as he opened his arms to welcome you. He was warm and cozy, you felt safe in his arms and you started crying because not even your boyfriend made you feel this safe.
“It’s okay. I’m here.” He stroked your hair as you cried in his arms.
When you woke up the next morning, you watched Mark sleeping. He looked handsome and cute at the same time and when he turned to you, his face was so close to yours.
Mark slowly opened his eyes and looked at you. “Good morning. How are you feeling?” he asked you with his morning voice.
“Good. I guess.”
“Do you want some toast? I’m sorry, I suck at cooking eggs, I can only make toast and cereal.”
You smiled, “I’ll take the toast.”
After breakfast you charged your phone, and you didn’t expect so many texts and missed calls from Haechan. He also left a couple voice mails.
“Hey baby, I’m sorry, I’m on my way. I hope you’re still awake.”
“Baby please answer my texts why the fuck is the police in front of your dorm?”
“Y/n the police told me that you almost got robbed where the hell are you?”
“Please text me.”
“I can’t sleep without knowing you’re safe, please call me.”
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Mark thank you so much, I have to go check my dorm. Can I call you later?” you were also going to talk to Haechan.
“Sure. Do you want me to go with you?” he asked.
“No it’s alright. Thank you. For everything.” You smiled and hugged him. He was surprised and you were also really surprised but he hugged you back.
I don't have it all I'm not claiming to But I know that I'm special Yeah And I'll bet there's somebody else out there To tell me I'm rare To make me feel rare
You knocked on Haechan’s door and the first thing he did was to hug you tightly, but you didn’t hug him back.
“Oh god baby, where the hell were you?! I was so worried, the police couldn’t tell me where you went.”
“We need to talk.” You said coldly.
“Come in baby, it’s freezing outside.”
“No. I just have to tell you something and then I’m going to leave.”
Haechan looked at you curiously, “Okay, babe. But why didn’t you call me I was so worried-“
“Worried my ass!” you yelled, “That’s fucking bullshit! I called you! I called you thousand times and you never answered!”
“Baby, I was busy-“
“Fuck you! You weren’t busy! You were playing video games all day long don’t fucking lie to me! I waited for you! It’s Christmas and you left me alone!” you were furious.
“Yeah, I lost track of time baby, I’m sorry.” He tried to hug you again, but you stepped back. “I want to break up.” You said, letting your tears finally free.
“What? Baby, no. What are you talking about?”
“Don’t call me that! I can’t do this anymore, I just… I can’t-“ you sobbed. Haechan couldn’t realize what was happening.
“I love you baby and you love me? There’s no problem in our relationship-“
“No problem?” you laughed mockingly, “I don’t think that you love me, because no boyfriend acts like you do. You never want to spend time with me, you always push me away and you don’t kiss me, touch me, or say that you love me and that’s not even the worst part! You left me hanging so many times, I can’t even remember the last time you were there for me! I almost got fucking robbed and I needed my boyfriend, but you left me hanging, again! I was there for you when your father was in the hospital. You left me hanging at that party for some girls and fucking body shots! I was waiting for you, but you never came! You were busy licking some girl’s tits you didn’t even care about me! You didn’t ask me where I was or if I was safe! You don’t worry about me, you just don’t care about me and that’s not my fucking fault! It is all your fault! I’m giving my everything in this useless relationship and you don’t even ask me how I’m doing because you’re selfish! You are so selfish, and I can’t keep doing that…” your voice broke at the end and you didn’t look up from your feet.
Haechan gulped hard, he never knew you felt this way. “I-“
“No. Don’t say anything. There’s nothing you could do or say to change my mind or make me feel less of myself, because that’s what I always felt. I always doubt myself. Did I do something wrong? Did I gain weight? Is he sick of me? Am I not sexy enough? What the fuck are you doing wrong Y/n?!”
Haechan was crying, you could hear him crying and your heart clenched.
“But you know what? I never did anything wrong. I loved you more than I loved myself and I don’t want that. Goodbye Haechan, here are your things. You can keep my stuff or just throw it away. I don’t care. Oh and one last thing. I stayed over at Mark’s dorm. He answered his phone the second I called him, and he was there for me. The whole night. I was so scared, still am, and he was there. You weren’t.”
And then you turned around and left him standing there. Haechan didn’t know what to do as he watched you walk away.
Baby Don't make me count up all the reasons To stay with you No reason Why you and I are not succeeding
It’s been a week since your breakup and you still saw Haechan on campus or with your mutual friends. He looked… well, he looked devastated. He looked like he was really suffering but it was over.
You felt his eyes on you, but you never looked his way. You ignored his presence and it felt good to be yourself and not to worry about your relationship with Haechan next to your friends. They knew that you weren’t dating anymore, and they never spoke about it.
You were hanging out with Mark more and more. You got closer than before and he never left your side and you never left his. You felt safe and happy whenever you were with him.
One day, Haechan blew your phone with drunk texts. Maybe you should’ve blocked his number, but you didn’t think that he would drunk text you.
Haechan: miss your
Haechan: rlly missing u babr
Haechan: are you misng me tooo!
Haechan: I didn’t meean to yell srry
Haechan: lve u so much please come back to me
You massaged your temples, you had enough.
You called him and his heart was jumping, he was so happy.
“Baby, thank you for uhm, what was I gonna say? Oh yeah! Calling me. Thank you I love you.” He said.
“You need to stop texting me Haechan. Where are you? Are you alone?” you were still worried.
“In my room, all alone. Need you here with me. I- I want to cuddle, please?”
“I’m hanging up-“
“No! please, babe. Love me, please love me. I need you, love me please baby.” He cried.
“Haechan there are thousand reasons why we shouldn’t be together, and you know it. Drink some water or a coffee and stop texting me or I’ll have to block you.” And then you hung up.
Haechan knew that you were right, he still missed you and wanted you back. He was still selfish.
I don't have it all I'm not claiming to But I know that I'm special Yeah And I'll bet there's somebody else out there To tell me I'm rare To make me feel rare
“A date. You and me, I mean. Or? Wait shit, let me ask you again. Do you want to go on a date with me? Please?”
You giggled, “Yeah, I’d love to go on a date with you Mark.”
“Oh good, I was so scared you’d say no.” Mark put his hand on his chest, his heart was beating really fast.
Three months after your breakup, Mark finally asked you out. You hoped he would because you really, really, liked him. You’ve spent all your time with him, and he never ignored you or got sick of you like Haechan did.
You were still scared though, what if he was going to be like Haechan after a couple months of dating? Mark would never, even as a friend he cared for you and was worried about you. More than Haechan ever did.
“D-Do I uhm, Do I have to wait until the date is over to k-kiss you or can I k-kiss you now? Y-You know, I really want to kiss you.” He muttered and looked away shyly.
“You can kiss me now.” You smiled, also really shy.
“Okay, I’m going to do it now,” he bent down a little, “Here comes the airplane.” And you wheezed. You were laughing so hard, you almost cried. “Fuck I don’t know why I said that.” Mark’s face was the darkest shade of red.
“You’re so adorable Mark.” And without giving him time to say something back, you pulled him close and pressed your lips on his. He kissed you back, hands on your hips and eyes closed. The kiss was heavenly.
You slowly pulled away. “God, I think I’m fucking in love with you.” He breathed out. “Y-You are in love with me?” you asked shyly.
“Yeah, oh shit, we didn’t even get on first date level and my stupid ass told you that. D-do you still want to go to that date with me? Or did I scare you away?” he said worriedly.
“Mark, it’s fine. I’m really, like, really happy right now. I just need a little time to say that back. Is that okay?” you knew that you liked Mark, maybe it was more than like, but you didn’t want to rush things.
“God, you’re so perfect. So beautiful, kind, cute, funny, and so much more. The prettiest girl I’ve ever met. I’m sorry my vocabulary is always just this big whenever I’m with you. You make me feel dizzy, but the good kind of dizzy. I’m just going to say it one more time and then I’ll say it when you’re ready, but fuck, I love you.” Mark rambled again and that was one of the things you loved about him.
Mark made you feel special. He made you feel loved and important. You felt like the prettiest girl on the planet and you were never happier.
I'm not gonna beg for you I'm not gonna let you make me cry Not getting enough from you Didn't you know I'm hard to find?
Haechan felt like everything was getting worse. Every passing day, he missed you more and more. You were on his mind 24/7 and he was in so much pain. He realized that he didn’t value you, that he didn’t care about the future and that he didn’t love you like he should. After spending so much time with you, he drifted away, and he regrets thinking that it would be okay. That you’d still stay with him and care for him. Haechan was talking to his mother and she was asking him about you, one day or another, he had to tell her what happened.
“W-We broke up mom.” His heart clenched whenever he said those words.
“What? But everything seemed fine honey? What happened?”
“I-I messed up, mom. I’m sorry it’s my fault.” Haechan tried to hide his sobs. “Mom, it hurts so much but she was also hurt. I hurt her and then she left me. I don’t know what to do mom, I- I lost her, mom.”
For the first time, there was nothing she could do.
“Try to talk to her again maybe-“
“No, mom. It’s to late. She was the one mom. She was the one, but I pushed her away.”
“Everything’s going to be alright.” His mother told him, but for the first time, he didn’t believe those words.
After the call, Haechan kept crying.
“Yo Haechan- dude, are you fucking crying?” his frat brother Jaemin entered his room.
“Why didn’t you fucking knock?!” Haechan hid his face in his pillow. “Why are you crying?” Jaemin asked again, “Is it still because of Y/n?”
“Of course you dumbass.” Haechan mumbled into his pillow.
“Dude come on. It’s been 4 months already. Move on. There’s this party tonight- there are going to be hundredth Y/n’s.”
Haechan looked up. “There’s no one like her. She’s one in a million, she’s a fucking diamond in a see of stones- she’s everyone’s dream girl, she’s so perfect and so rare. I’ve never met someone like her. I can’t just get someone else.”
“Oh shit, well, so you don’t know about her and Mark?”
“What do you mean? Her and Mark?”
“I think it’s important that you know this. It’ll help you move on. As far as I know she’s dating Mark.”
Haechan’s heart stopped beating. He knew that you grew closer, but dating?
“No way.”
“I’m sorry. But you have to move on, come to the party with us.” Jaemin said.
“Fucking fine.”
It feels like you don't care Why don't you recognize I'm so rare? I'm always there You don't do the same for me That's Not Fair
Haechan looked around and his heart stopped beating the second he saw you on Mark’s lap. His arms around you and your head in the crook of his neck. You were laughing at something, Haechan couldn’t really hear anything, the loud music and the big crowd suffocated him.
You looked gorgeous, like always. It’s been months since he saw you smile like that.
Mark’s hand was going up and down your thigh and Haechan had to look away, it hurt him seeing someone else touch you. It hurt him how happy you looked with him and that you moved on. He couldn’t blame you or Mark. It wasn’t hard to fall for you, you were an amazing person with a lovely personality, everyone loved you and wanted to be friends with you.  
Haechan turned around and was about to leave but Jaemin pulled him to the kitchen. “Shots!” Haechan was definitely not in the mood to drink or party, he preferred hugging his pillow and crying.
“Come on, man! Have some fun!”
Haechan sighed, he took the shot and then another and then another and not long after, he was drunk. Drinking on an empty stomach was a big mistake and coming to this party even a bigger one.
He was trying to fight the urge to walk up to you and just hug and kiss you. You weren’t dating anymore, he couldn’t do that, no matter how much he wanted to. But when he saw you and Mark kissing on the porch of the house, he lost it.
You and Mark stopped kissing and looked to the direction the voice was coming from.
Haechan looked at you helpless and lost. “C-Can we talk? Just for a second. Please.”
You looked at Mark and he smiled, “Do you want to talk to him?” he asked. “Maybe I should. Yeah, I’ll talk to him If that’s alright with you?”
You felt bad that you hadn’t let Haechan talk when you broke up with him.
“Sure. I’ll be waiting for you inside. Text me and then we can go home?” you nodded and pecked his cheek. Haechan looked away.
Mark left you and Haechan alone, he knew that sooner or later you had to talk to him again. Even if they weren’t close, he knew that everyone would fight to get you back. And Mark trusted you, he really did.
You were waiting for Haechan to talk, but he only stared at you and you felt slightly uncomfortable. “Are you, uhm, going to say something?” you said after a couple seconds.
“Huh? Oh yeah, right.” He stepped closer, but not too close. “You look really pretty tonight.”
“Haechan, please, just- what did you want to talk about? I have nothing to say to you.” You crossed your arms. “I’m sorry, I-I… it’s been so long since I talked to you, I can’t find the right words.”
His hands were sweating, and his voice was trembling. “Look, I… I really missed you and I know that you are happy with… him, and I’m not trying to take that away from you because I love you so much and I just want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy more than anyone else. You sacrificed your happiness for me, and I hate myself that I used you like that. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I didn’t mean to hurt you and use you. You loved me like no one else did and I wasn’t able to love you like you deserved. I’m a stupid little boy. I regret it. So much. You have no idea how much I want to turn back time and start all over again and do things right, but I know that it’s impossible. I’m sorry that I was never there for you like you were for me. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you when you were getting robbed- or any other time you were alone and scared. I-I can’t believe I lost a girl like you. I can’t believe that I fucking l-lost you- I love you I’m so sorry-“ he started sobbing and you couldn’t stop your tears from falling.
You could see the pain in his eyes and that he was sad, but there was nothing you could do.
“H-Haechan I’m so-“
“No! Don’t say you’re sorry- please. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s all my fault, p-please don’t say s-sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”
You didn’t know If you should hug him but seeing him like this really hurt you. You still cared for him, and you hated seeing him cry because of you.
“I just wanted you to know, that I am sorry. Y-You can go back to Mark now. I hope he values you and knows how rare you are.” He turned around and was about to leave, but you held his wrist.
“No, please. I feel a little better now. I really do,” He turned to you and softly gripped your wrist and placed a soft kiss on your knuckles. “I love you.”
And that was the last time you talked to Lee Donghyuck. Your first love, your first boyfriend and your first heartbreak.
I don't have it all I'm not claiming to I know that I'm special Yeah And I'll bet there's somebody else out there To tell me I'm rare To make me feel rare
So rare
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Accidental Family
Hey folks! This is one of two fics for the six month celebration of this blog! Woohoo! Blood on the Ice is one of the most popular series I've written, and expanding it into Josie’s (@prohibitionincurls ) Winging It world with her was unbelievably fun. Disclaimer: one of the OCs has ADHD and it is a central theme of the story--while Josie based some of his characteristics on her own experience, we both recognize that this is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Thank you again for six amazing months, and I hope you enjoy!
Lots of love,
Eve <3
TW for mentioned injury
“Oh my god, they’re gonna kill me,” the kid whispered in a wavering voice, sounding much younger than he actually was as he left the penalty box.
“They’re not going to kill you,” Bowie soothed, still watching the tunnel where Remus had disappeared mere minutes earlier. From what he saw, there had been a bit of blood, but the bruising didn’t look too bad. Then again, there had barely been enough time for anything to visibly swell before he was whisked away.
“Can I just stay in the box?” Felix cast a look toward the Lions bench and his voice cracked. “They can’t yell at me in the box, right?”
“Hey. Look at me, Marty.” Bowie took him by the shoulders and gave him a gentle shake. “The Lions are good guys. They’re not going to hurt you, but you did just fuck up one of their best friends. What would you do if someone hit me in the face?”
“Come on, man, I’m a terrible fighter. I don’t know how well I’d be able to defend your honor after something like that. It was an accident. Do you think they know it was an accident? Should I go tell them?”
“I know. They know. Loops definitely knows. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re a little cold at first.” He ruffled the rookie’s hair and turned back to the game; the Lions were moving fast and brutal, slicing right through their defense for yet another goal. Shit. Felix clearly felt bad enough already--losing the game wouldn’t make him feel any better. 
They ended up losing the game.
Bowie had figured it might happen; he would have had the same fire if it had been his teammate that got clocked like that. Hell, he used to have the same fire when he and Remus had played together, so he completely understood. 
That did not change the fact that once they got home, Felix was still borderline inconsolable. The 18-year-old wasn’t technically billeting with them, but the apartment he was renting just so happened to be in the same building, on the same floor, and right across the hall from his and Simon’s. This led to an informal adoption of the rookie and he was around their house at least five times a week, if not more. 
Felix Martin was a good kid, and that idea was confirmed when Kronk immediately took a liking to him; the cat loved nobody but the three of them. Bowie was grateful that he and Simon were there to quell some of the homesickness that came from moving out to a new city on his own for the first time. The transition was always tough, but they could provide a little support.
They parted ways from the team when the bus got back from the rink and drove to their building in silence. Once they made their way up the stairs and down the hall, Felix moved to go back to his apartment. 
“Nope,” Bowie said immediately, placing a hand on his shoulder and steering him through the door to his and Simon’s place. It wasn’t a good idea for Felix to be alone right now--there was nothing to do alone after a loss aside from beat himself up about it, and Bowie would be damned before he let that happen. 
Simon and Kronk were perched on the couch, but they both moved into the kitchen as soon as the door clicked closed. Simon took one look at the pair and carefully wrapped his arms around Felix; the kid practically melted. The three of them stood there for a moment until Simon pulled back a bit and tilted his head toward the living room. Felix nodded and Bowie followed the two, sharing the couch with Simon while the rookie curled up in the large armchair diagonal to them. 
He...well, if Bowie was being honest, Felix looked like hell. He chewed his lower lip like an anxious beaver and fiddled with the loose threads of the closest armrest; everything about him screamed discomfort. Bowie caught Simon’s worried glance in his periphery and let out a slow breath, trying to relieve at least a little of the tension in the room.
“You don’t have to relive it if you don’t want to. I saw the game. But if you want to talk about it…” Simon trailed off with a significant look.
Felix sighed and his shoulders caved in a bit. “It was just one of those moments. All of a sudden, I didn’t really have a grasp on what was going on, which feels like shit because I’ve been doing pretty well so far. I dunno. It was just...bad.” 
That was it. Bowie knew Felix had seemed a little off. When Felix mentioned he had ADHD at the start of the season during one of their ‘getting to know your neighbor’ chats, Bowie hadn’t thought much of it. But as they grew closer, he began to notice when Felix forgot to eat or drink, or got overwhelmingly excited about something, or when he suddenly spaced out. It wasn’t just Felix being Felix.
The whole team stepped up and became intensely protective, of course. They not only helped him remember meal times, but also scheduling, directions, and everything in between. Bowie felt especially responsible for reasons he didn’t entirely understand--there was just something about the kid’s sweet heart that struck a chord.
He also knew that Felix was highly emotionally intelligent, but had no concept of whether people liked him or not. He was someone who assumed the worst, all the time. So, Bowie decided to do the only thing he knew would work: after a few more beats of uncomfortable silence, he pulled his phone out, tapped a few buttons, and pressed ‘call’.
“Hey, Remus, are you alive?” 
An amused snort came from the speaker even as Felix blanched. “Hello to you, too, Bowie. Jeez, you’re worse than Sirius.  I’m one hundred percent alive, just a little swollen. Your rookie’s got a helluva shot, but maybe tell the kid to hit the puck and not my face next time.” 
Felix flushed red and put his face between his knees, though hearing the laughter in Remus’s voice and knowing that he was okay clearly took some of the weight off his shoulders. Bowie whooped internally and shot him a quick, reassuring smile.
“Yeah, the kid’s got spirit, but he’s also got ADHD. He’s great most of the time, but sometimes under extreme pressure he can’t figure out where the fuck he--or anything else around him--is. Something about focusing or neurons firing the wrong way, maybe? Either way, it’s why he’s a terrible fuckin’ driver.”
Felix flopped back against the chair with a groan. “How the hell am I supposed to know how far away the cars around me are based on the mirrors? And how am I supposed to park?!” 
Remus’s laugh echoed once again. “Don’t ask me, kid, I’m not allowed to drive, either. Not because I’m ADHD, but because I’m terrible at it.” 
“You can say that again!” a muffled voice called from behind Remus. 
“Please excuse my fiance,” Remus said politely. “He’s a jackass who’s trying to make me lay down again.”
Felix smiled, though it was a bit pained. “I didn’t get a chance to apologize earlier. That stick was totally on me. And--I mean, I heard some of the guys talking afterward and it sounded like you got pretty banged up, so I’m really sorry. Like, really sorry.”
“Hey, woah, you’re fine,” Remus soothed. Bowie recognized his ‘talking to newbies’ voice and hid a smile in the cuff of his hoodie. “It’s the name of the game, after all. Did Bowie ever tell you about the time I accidentally checked him into a wall? Or when I broke his visor with a puck? For context, this was when we were on the same team.”
“Or that time you kicked my legs out from under me and sent me sprawling across the ice during practice.”
“That one was on purpose.” 
Bowie glared at the phone, but Felix was snickering and his grin was genuine. It calmed him a bit. “Thanks, Loops.”
“No problem, kiddo.” Remus paused for a moment, then mumbled something inaudible to someone in the background before clearing his throat. “Bowie.”
“Yes?” Remus had never been a wild card, per se, but he certainly had a knack for asking strange questions out of the blue.
“Did you accidentally adopt a child or do my ears deceive me?”
Bowie was about to laugh at the absurdity of it, but then he took a moment to think, looking back and forth between Simon and Felix. “Fuckin’--maybe I did, Re, but he’s ours now. And if that’s the case, I’m going to formally request that you tell your fiance to quit being mean to my son.”
Remus laughed on the other end of the line. “Will do. Felix seems like a sweetheart, I’m glad he’s got you two.” 
Bowie nodded with a slight smile, even though Remus couldn’t see him. “So are we. I can practically sense Sirius hovering, so go let your boyfriend fuss over you for a little while.” 
An offended noise came from Remus’s side, followed by a lower laugh and the click of the call ending. 
Simon looked Felix dead in the eyes. “I’m seconding the ‘kid’ thing. You may just barely be a legal adult, but it doesn’t mean we can’t adopt you. Congrats on your new gay dads.” 
Felix’s bright laugh sent a wave of relief through Bowie. “You guys are only, like, eight years older than me.”
“Silence, spawn,” Simon said, pointing a playful finger at him as his grin widened into something sweet and lopsided. “Now both of you need to come eat something. I made cookies while you were getting pushed around for a living.”
Bowie was still worried about Remus’ face--he made a mental note to call the next day to check in--but all his concerns disappeared as Felix scooped the cat up for a snuggle and followed Simon into the kitchen. They may have lost the game, but he would lose a million Cups to keep that moment forever: his Simon fussing over them both, his cat purring in pure bliss, and his kid settling into place at last.
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forrests-waterfall · 3 years
Little!Tommy and CG!SBI // RPF
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A/N : Okay so I apologize if this writing is just everywhere. I just really wanted to get this done because it was a self comfort fic aa. I’m hoping that if I do enough small writings, it’ll help me improve! (Because I took a long long break from writing before this blog pff) Hope you enjoy none the less. (Is that how you use that sentence? I dunno). Also the place I talk about Tommy wanting to see is not an actual build on the Origins SMP.
Also, not edited!! There may be misspells!! And this does not represent the entire “Tubbo replaced Tommy with Ranboo” thing at all. I don’t like those kinds of things, so please don’t relate it to that. And this is based off their Internet personalities if that makes sense??
TW/CW : Cursing, the nicknames kiddo and bubs
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It was a good stream with the bench trio so far, the three of them just hanging out and poking fun at one another from time to time. Basically just the normal for the three.
It had been just them talking for about an hour or so, but they ended up deciding they were going to hop on the Origins SMP. Tubbo and Ranboo needed to fix stuff around the server and Tommy would follow them around, probably making fun of little stuff that didn’t make sense.
It was fun for all of them, especially Tommy since he hadn’t been on the Origins SMP much. It was cool to see all the stuff everyone built.
“Burn bitch!” Tommy’s avatar hit Tubbo’s with a diamond sword, making the other’s health go down. “I didn’t even do anything that time!” Ranboo let out a laugh at the other two—he then attacked Tommy’s character with his own weapon. “Sorry, Tommy! I have to do it for the content”
Tommy let out a groan, “excuses! It just cause you two are fucking married so you have to be like ‘oh I’m Ranboo, and I love a man platonically who likes eating DIRT with bees. And I must protect him’” The teen raised his voice higher so it sounded like he was mocking the other.
“Bees don’t eat dirt”
They continued messing around on the server, Tommy proceeded to do the same thing he was doing.
Though, he noticed a building on the SMP that caught his eye. He hadn’t seen it before so he had to go to it.
“Hey, let’s-“
“Ranboo we have to go over there to get the right materials”
The blond raised an eyebrow, and then went to the other’s characters.
Deciding what he wanted to explore wasn’t that important anymore, he followed them.
The other two just needed smelted stone for—whatever reason. Tommy wasn’t listening, he was focused on something else.
While on the way back to where they were, they passed by the place again. Since it was on the way, it wouldn’t be too much of an interruption to what the other two were doing. And he didn’t want to go alone, plus he needed someone to tell him what the hell it was.
“Mr.Ranboob, I think we shoul-“ “that’s cobblestone Tubbo!” The brunet looked at what the other was holding, which was definitely not smooth stone. Tubbo let out an exaggerated gasp, “what??”
Letting out a soft sigh, he knew they’d be taking another trip. So he went along with it again.
It wasn’t that big of a deal, it’s just a building in a game. He could always see what it was another time.
This went on for another two hours.
Tommy continued to be interrupted due to the other two needing to do something. And he didn’t want to get in the middle of what they wanted to do.
The teen always shook it off as what he wanted to do was not that important, and it wouldn’t be entertaining for the viewers for Tommyinnit to look at a new build he hadn’t seen.
Though he’d be lying if he said it didn’t upset him.
He just wanted to see the colorful arrangement of blocks! Was that so much to ask? Plus it had some flowers around it, it was pretty!
“Alright let’s go over here” Tommy whined at another instruction, at this point he felt like an extra. Not because it was them two doing stuff together, but because he wasn’t helping. He wasn’t adding on to anything, except some commentary.
But he wanted to do more than that! But after he saw the thing he wanted to see, but that wasn’t happening. So he couldn’t help but get distracted by what his mind seemed to be fixated on. (Aka, the structure.)
Luckily for Tommy, he wasn’t streaming. So nobody could see that he had his knees up to his chest, and that his eyes were a bit glassier than normal.
And they definitely couldn’t see him chewing on his fingers with his non vacant hand.
He was tired, mentally and physically. He wanted to be listened to, not ignored whether it was intentional or not. (Of course he knows it’s not intentional, those are his best friends! But he’s still upset about it.)
The now mentally younger let out a small whine, this wasn’t fair! They were barley paying any attention to him at all. “Tommy?” The little perked his head up and looked towards Ranboo’s character. He hadn’t noticed he was spaced out for so long. “Yeah?” “You were quiet so I was just checking up on you”
Tommy let out a long exhale before speaking, “I was doing big man shit! Somethin’ you wouldn’t understand, Ran-boo”
The other two let out a fit of laughter while Tommy took his other hand away from the mouse.
Acting big wasn’t fun and just hurt him in a way he couldn’t describe. He hated it. He wanted Wilby, and Techie, and Ph-
“I gotta get off. Mum is asking me to do the dishes”
He waited for a response, hopefully they didn’t question why is was so random. “alright! Bye Tommy!” “Bye Tommy!! Say bye to Tommy, chat!”
The blond let out a few giggles before clicking his mouse and ending the call. He let out a sigh of relief and quickly opened the group chat with the other sleepy bois.
He pressed the call button, not thinking if his friends were busy or not. He just wanted his caregivers right now, that’s all that mattered to him.
He messed with his fingers nervously while listening to the call ring. Surely someone could answer, right?
His doubts were cut off rather quickly by a familiar voice speaking up, “Hey Toms! Is everything alright? It’s not usual for you to call out of nowhere”
The little let out a small whimper again, too shy to explain what was going on. Though, Wilbur caught on quickly. He immediately shifted into caregiver mode, “Bubs, what’s wrong? Did something happen during the stream, bud?” Tommy messed with his fingers some more before chewing on them once again.
“Ah ah, go get your pacifier, Toms. Then you can tell me about what happened”
The mentally (and physically) younger got up from his chair and walked over to a nearby dresser. He grabbed ahold of his red and black pacifier and went back to his desk. “Good job! Now can you tell me what’s up, bubs?” Tommy messed around with his pacifier, since he had something other than his hands to distract him.
“Tub an ‘Boo ignorin’ me” he raised the pacifier up to his mouth, “don’ think they meanin’ to though”
Wilbur nodded at the response, seeming to think for a moment. “Well, why don’t I tell Ranboo and Tubbo how it made you feel, yeah? I’ll let them know after the stream. I’m sure they didn’t mean it”
Tommy looked up at the camera, “no! Theys gon’ think I’m c’ybaby. An’ then theys gon’ be sad cause they made me sad” he curled into a ball on his chair and put his pacifier in his mouth. Wilbur let out a small “ah” to show he understood.
“They won’t call you a crybaby, Toms.” The older took a second to think, “They’ll be happy that you told them though. So then they’ll know what they were doing to make a little one like you, upset”
The little seemed to think for a moment and then nodded his head as an, “okay”.
Discord made a noise from Tommy’s computer, notifying the two that someone else had joined. The blond smiled as Technoblade’s icon lit up, almost immediately he made grabby hands at the camera.
The older let out a soft laugh, you could tell he was smiling from behind the screen. “Hey, bubs. Do we have a little kiddo today?” Tommy giggled and nodded his head. Technoblade turned on his camera, he knew when Tommy was regressed it tended to make him comfier if he could see everyone.
“I’m sure Phil will be here in just a second, I was just on the call with him” he stopped to take a breathe, “and I’m sure he’ll be very excited to see little Tom Toms”
The little let out another small fit of giggles before standing up from his chair and grabbing ahold of a raccoon stuffie. He brought it back to his desk and held it up to the camera. “Look!! His name Racco!!” Tommy excitedly announced, basically bouncing in his chair. “He’s adorable, bubs! Is that the one Phil got you?” The mentally younger nodded as he played with the Raccoon’s tail.
Tommy looked up at his screen as he heard someone join, it was Phil!!
“Phil look!! ‘S name is Racco!!”
“Oh! You already named him, huh?” Phil had ordered him a new plushie since he had been doing good. It was a small gift from the older. “Mhm!!”
“Heyyy! I thought we agreed I’d give him his next stuffed animal” Wilbur fake pouted as he crossed his arms, “you took too long” Phil replied, letting out a chuckle.
Wilbur was going to get him a new stuffie too?? Wait huh? Tommy’s eyes lit up, “new stuffie from Wilby??” Wilbur replied with a nod, “yep! We can talk about that tomorrow though, there’s someone who wants to talk to you” the younger tilted his head to the side confused. “Well, two people”
Wilbur added Ranboo and Tubbo to the call after the stream had ended (after asking them of course). Tubbo spoke up first, “I’m sorry Toms, I didn’t know we made you upset and we didn’t mean to.” Ranboo hummed in agreement, “yeah. We apologize, we didn’t mean to hurt your feelings”
The blond thought about what they said for a moment before having a fake little conversation with his stuffie. “Shoul we fo’give them? They seems sorry” he whispered to his stuffie as he made the plush pat him on the arm, basically saying yes.
The little looked back at the camera and made a thumbs up. “Is okay! I fo’give you.” He seemed to think for a moment, “I will super fo’give you if you buys me a new sweater!!” everyone in the call laughed, “will do, kiddo”
Tommy then rambled on and on about a new cartoon him and Techno watched together the other night. They all listened and asked questions about it, and Tommy eventually forgot about what happened earlier. Plus, it didn’t matter anymore. They said sorry and it was all better!!
Soon enough, Tommy let out a small yawn as his eyes threatened to close.
“Aw, is bubs tired from his long day today?” Wilbur’s voice softened as the little looked away, “no! Not tired!!”
“You sure, Toms? You can always talk to us tomorrow if you want.” Techno explained while adjusting his headphones.
“Nope! Don’ wanna”
“But Toms, you can play allllll day tomorrow if you do! Wouldn’t you want to spend more time with Racco?”
The little looked at his plush before looking back at the camera. He let out a sigh and nodded.
“Alright, go ahead and get changed into some comfier clothes.”
“Yeah! Me and Ranboo have to go but it was really nice talking to you, kiddo! Goodnight” Tubbo smiled at the camera before waving. Tommy waved back as the two left the call.
He then turned off his camera and changed into a blue onesie with a rocket ship pattern on it.
He turned his camera back on, “good job, bubs! Can you try and switch over to your phone for me?
Tommy grabbed ahold of his phone and pulled up the discord group chat, with a click of a button he joined the call on his phone.
He went over to his bed with the Raccoon plush and pulled the covers over himself.
Everyone had turned their camera’s off by now.
“Goodnight, little Tom Tom. Sweet Dreams. We’ll be here when you wake up”
“Ni Ni”
Tommy then closed his eyes and drifted into sleep. Today was a good day for little Tommy.
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
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Summary: Y/N has been having an infuriating dry spell in the love department lately, thanks to lockdown, and her roommate Jensen is getting fed up with her attitude. So, he lets her in on a little secret…
Pairing: Danneel x Reader Rating: 18+ Tags: female masturbation, talk of male masturbation, phone sex, dirty talk, praise kink, light degradation, lockdown was hard on singletons but great for phone sex operators Word Count: 4.5k Created for: @anyfandomgoesbingo - Sex Hotline AU | @spnkinkbingo - Tribbing
A/N: Requested by @danneelsmain - hope this lived up to your expectations babe! I haven't written Danneel before but I really enjoyed writing this ❤️
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“Yes... yes... yesyesyes–”
“Hey, Y/N!” Bang, bang, bang! “Hurry up in there will ya? I’m dyin’ here,” Jensen jiggled the doorknob to no avail, and Y/N was incredibly thankful she’d remembered to lock it this time.
I’m dying here, Y/N thought to herself, pulling the shower head from between her legs with a frustrated huff, the water swirling down the drain carrying the fading vestiges of her almost-orgasm with it. She had been so close. Bang! Bang! Bang!
“Just a minute!” she shouted, frustration tipping over into anger. The knob on the faucet was twisted to the ‘off’ position with unnecessary violence, and the shower curtain was attached at one less ring than it had been half an hour ago when it was yanked open to settle against the back wall of the tub.
Bang! Ban–
“Seriously, Jensen?!” Y/N barely had the towel secured around herself before she threw open the door, hastily ducking to avoid Jensen’s knock-in-progress.
“Thank fuck.” Jensen danced around Y/N and shoved the door shut, sending Y/N slipping across the tiles on her still-wet feet and locking her on the other side. The clearly audible hiss of Jensen relieving himself leaked through the door and Y/N growled in frustration, aiming a kick at the door before stomping down the hallway to her room.
He couldn’t have waited ten more seconds…
It had been bad enough that lockdown got them all stuck at home with no possibility of one night stands, or follow-up booty calls to keep her sex drive in check, but now Y/N was having an even bigger problem. She hadn’t been able to get herself over the finish line for at least two weeks, and she had no earthly idea as to why. Y/N was beginning to think that regular orgasms were part of the reason that she was usually nice to be around, because right now she felt like she was one bad joke away from stabbing somebody.
And that someone was likely to be Jensen.
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Tucked up into the corner of the couch was Y/N’s standard position these days. She wasn’t sure what was playing on the TV, something as mindless as she felt right now.
“Budge up.” Jensen hit her feet and flopped back gracelessly on top of them without giving her the chance to move them.
“Ow, asshole!” A pillow whipped through the air and collided squarely with the side of Jensen’s face.
“What is your problem lately?”
“You, clearly,” Y/N snapped, pulling her knees into her chest defensively. Jensen raised a single eyebrow, giving her a pointed look. “No, it’s not you,” Y/N admitted, letting some of her aggression seep out of her frame with her words. “Sorry.”
“What’s up?”
“Nothing, it’s fine.”
There was a stiff silence between them, Jensen waiting for Y/N to break and answer his question and Y/N knowing that she didn’t want to talk about this with Jensen but not seeing a way out of the conversation. Jensen had an irritating habit of getting her to open up about things she never planned on telling people – like the fact that she was gay. And now he was about to hear far more about her sex life than she ever wanted to share with someone of the male species.
“I’m, um,” her cheeks were on fire as she glanced up to see Jensen looking back at her with concerned curiosity. “I’m… having a problem,” she finished lamely.
“I can’t… Do you ever–” Y/N choked on the words every time they tried to bubble through. “So… um, it’s– it’s been a while.” She saw comprehension flash over Jensen’s freckled face a moment later.
“You know PornHub has a whole section for lesbian shit, right?” Another pillow hits him in the face. “Okay, okay, ow,” Jensen rubs his jaw in exaggeration. “But seriously, it’s been a while for everyone. You just gotta take business into your own hands.”
“You don’t think I’ve been doing that?” Y/N hissed, unconsciously checking around them as if someone else was in their apartment who might overhear.
“Well then what’s the problem?”
“I haven’t like,” Y/N made a variety of nonsequitous hand motions that had no bearing on the word ‘orgasm’ but Jensen seemed to get the message.
“How long?” he cringed.
“Like, almost three weeks? And it’s not like I haven’t been trying like, everything, I just… can’t,” she shrugged helplessly. “Has this kind of thing ever happened to you? Is there something like, physically wrong with me?”
“No, no, I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with you,” Jensen rushed to reassure her, patting her leg awkwardly. “This kind of thing happens all the time.”
“So it’s happened to you too?” Hope shone from Y/N’s face that maybe she wasn’t doomed to a life empty of sexual pleasure.
“Well… no, not exactly.” Y/N’s shoulders drooped, hopes slashed.
“How are you staying so sane?” Y/N accused. “You used to be with a different girl every few days before all of this.”
“Hey! I was not,” Jensen was mock offended but Y/N could tell he was also a little proud. “And I’ve, uh… I’ve got my sources,” his eyes twinkled mischievously as he answered her question.
“Jensen Ross Ackles, have you been sneaking out behind my back!”
“No,” he rolled his eyes, “nothing like that.” Jensen pulled out his phone and started scrolling through the screen as Y/N watched.
“Jen, if you’re trying to show me porn, I’m good. Don’t need to see what you get off to,” Y/N shuddered at the thought. A text beeped on her phone a second later, Jensen’s name popping up on the screen.
“That’s my source,” he explains and she opens the message to see a 1-800 number, next to the word Red.
“Red.” Jensen confirmed with a wicked grin, nodding sagely.
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Y/N could not believe she was about to do this. She looked down at the number on her phone screen, ready to dial as soon as she pressed the little green button. Jensen’s assurances echoed in her head. Best phone sex I’ve ever had… she actually gets off with you, she’s not just faking it… sounds so hot, and her body is killer in her profile pic. Admittedly, the picture he’d shown her had been really fucking sexy. A slender girl in small red panties and unfairly pretty breasts cradled in a satin bra covered in little hearts, dark red hair pinned up around her face in a vintage style.
Before she could talk herself out of it again, Y/N pressed dial and held the phone up to her ear. It rang a few times before connecting to an automated menu, and Y/N was secretly relieved she wouldn’t have to ask an operator if she could speak to ‘Red’.
Thank you for calling the Sugar Lips Hotline. Please enter your card details to continue.
Jensen had warned her about this part, so she had her card sitting out of her wallet on the desk in front of her.
If you know who you are trying to reach, please press one. If you would like to be assigned a random operator, please press two.
Y/N shakily pressed the number one, and then put the phone on speaker while she was at it.
If you would like to speak with Candy, press one, followed by the pound key. If you would like to speak with Kitty, press two, followed by the pound key. If you would like to speak with Lance…
Y/N wondered if she would still have the confidence to go through with this by the time the robotic voice mentioned ‘Red’.
If you would like to speak with Red, press thirteen, followed by the pound key.
The moment of truth. Y/N entered the number 13 and then pressed the pound key. The line began to ring again.
“Hi there,” a temptingly soft voice slipped through the receiver of the phone sitting on the desk in front of her.
“Hi-i,” Y/N’s voice was jarring in comparison, breaking on the first word she uttered.
“Oh, so I’ve got a pretty little girl on the line today, huh?” Y/N didn’t know how to answer so she didn’t, hands frozen in a death grip on the sleeves of her too big sweatshirt. “What’s your name, baby?”
“Y/N,” she whispered back, suddenly scared that Jensen would be able to hear every word being said in her room. Quickly digging into her pockets she pulled out her headphones and plugged them into her cell. Why hadn’t she done that earlier?
“That’s such a pretty name, baby,” the woman cooed, and now her voice was right against Y/N’s ears; it felt like she was in the room, whispering against her skin. “I’m Red.”
“That’s what I should call you?” Y/N managed to keep the tremor out of her words this time.
“Unless you want to call me something else? I can be whoever you want me to be baby girl. Mommy, ma’am, mistress…” Y/N’s heart thundered against her ribs. She realised that she had no idea what she wanted from this – she just knew she was desperate. “Or maybe you want to be in charge? I could be your baby, your good little girl.” Y/N wished she could see Red right now, watch what she looked like as she purred all these promises down the line, teasing and tempting.
“Is,” Y/N gulped, “is there anyone you want me to be?”
“Nuh-uh,” she tutted, and Y/N could imagine her shaking her head, red curls flying by her cheeks. “This is all about you Y/N. I’m here to make you feel good.”
Y/N felt a lick of heat curl in the base of her stomach, twisting itself around her intestines.
“Yeah, I could use that,” she laughed nervously, figuring she should be honest if she wanted this to work out well. And she really needed it to.
“Oh, have you been feeling a little pent up baby?” Red’s voice echoed in Y/N’s ears. The small vibrations coming out of her earbuds were enough to start sending a pulsing sensation down the side of her neck, worming its way under her skin and into her veins. Christ, it had been too long.
“You have no idea.”
“Well, I betcha we can fix that. Are you somewhere comfortable sweetie?”
“I could get on the bed?” Y/N offered, wondering why she hadn’t started there in the first place, rather than at her desk.
“That sounds like a great idea,” Red purred seductively. “Why don’t you stretch out on the bed, get yourself nice and cozy. Maybe prop a pillow up next to you and think about me snuggling you in real close. Wish I could be there to put my hands all over your body.”
Y/N was thankful she was already sitting on her bed by the time Red finished painting her little scene because if she’d been walking, she’s pretty sure her knees would have given out.
“Fuck, it’s been so long since I felt another girl’s hands on me.” She tried not to be embarrassed at how whimpery her voice had gone. If this went well it was about to get a whole lot worse anyways.
“I want to touch every inch of you,” Red breathed heavily. “Run my fingers through your hair, over your neck, down your back. Would I find a bra there to unhook, baby?”
“Yeah,” Y/N sighed, arching her shoulders and feeling the band scratch taught around her ribs, pushing her breast up towards her chin.
“Why don’t you take that off for me?”
“Okay,” Y/N felt her voice shake as much as her hands as she reached behind her back to unclasp her bra, breathing deeply when the pressure of the garment disappeared.
“Bet that felt good, didn’t it baby?” Red laughed knowingly.
“Yeah,” Y/N agreed, loosening up a little at the acknowledgement of a shared experience, something all girls could relate to. She pulled her arms through the straps beneath her sweatshirt and shimmying the discarded bra out the bottom before pushing her arms back through her sleeves. The peaks of her nipples tightened as they caught on the pills of fleece that now sat against her chest.
“What else are you wearing?”
Suddenly embarrassed she hadn’t thought to put on anything sexy in preparation for this call, Y/N didn’t manage more than an “um…” before Red laughed, a warm sound that melted into her like chocolate against your tongue.
“Why don’t I tell you what I’m wearing?”
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded before she remembered that Red couldn’t see her. “Bet it’s something really sexy,” she attempted to flirt, cringing at how awkward she sounded.
“Well that depends,” Red mused. “Do you like lace?”
“Yeah,” Y/N breathed. She loved seeing girls in lace lingerie; the way the delicate weave of the pattern offered small tastes of the skin it covered, the way you could feel someone’s warmth seeping through such a thin fabric so easily, the way it felt to have someone touch you or suck you through such a meagre sheet of modesty…
“What about stockings?” Red voice broke through Y/N’s train of thought, pulling her back to the vaguely out of body experience she was having.
“Love them,” Y/N answered quietly, trying to pitch her voice the way Red was, low and alluring.
“Well, that’s a shame,” she sighed dramatically. “Because I’m not wearing anything at all right now, sorry to disappoint.” Y/N couldn’t see her but she would bet anything Red was wearing a big pout right now. She wondered what her lips looked like. In her head she pictured soft and pillowy.
“You are such a tease,” Y/N laughed, hoping to disguise the pang of arousal that had shot through her a moment before.
“Yeah, but you like it, don’t you baby?”
“Yeah, I really do,” Y/N found herself admitting unconsciously.
“Are you gonna keep teasing me, or are you gonna get naked too baby girl?”
A throb of desire fluttered between Y/N’s legs, her pussy clenching, and when she squirmed back into her pillow a little she felt the lace fabric of her own panties sliding a little more between her thighs. Her arousal had started to soak out of her and into the material.
“You want me naked?” Y/N’s words scratched their way out of her throat, trying to pull her confidence along with them.
“Oh god, please baby,” Red moaned loudly, but it didn’t sound fake. It was like Jensen had told her, it sounded like she was really enjoying this, and like she was actually getting off on what was happening between them right now. “Want to feel your skin against mine.”
“I want that too, baby,” Y/N’s hasty breaths shook her words. She stripped out of her underwear and shoved her phone and headphones down the front of her sweatshirt so she could shimmy it over her head without disconnecting the earbuds. She didn’t want to miss anything.
“God, if I was there I would kiss all over you. Bet you taste amazing,” Red sighed, and Y/N could hear something shifting over the phone, like fabric moving around.
“Are you on your bed too?” Y/N asked.
“Yep, all spread out for you baby girl.”
“Are you touching yourself?” Y/N’s confidence was starting to build as she heard how much Red sounded like she’s into this, and she couldn’t deny she was turned on too. She felt wetter than she’d been in weeks, and when her fingers drifted down over her stomach its muscles twitched in anticipation of where she was about to touch.
“Where do you want me to touch?” Y/N let her eyes slide closed, and she could imagine Red batting her lashes as she asked - where do you want me to touch? - She pictured the girl she’d seen in the photo poised over her, legs straddling Y/N’s hips as Red ran her hands over her own body, fingers trailing over her throat, fondling her breasts, twisting around the pink flesh at the tips of each, lingering on the soft of her stomach before dipping lower.
“I want you to touch between your legs and tell me how wet you are,” Y/N said between deep breaths, trying to keep her voice even.
“I’m already so wet for you, baby,” Red gasped, and Y/N hoped it was a reaction to her fingers slipping inside her pussy.
“If you were here with me, what would you do right now?”
“I’d make you watch me fuck myself on my fingers.” Holy shit, Y/N couldn’t help the moan that bled through her lips, and she heard Red chuckle. “Yeah, you like the sound of that baby?”
“Mm-hmm,” Y/N whimpered, her own fingers finally making their way between her legs and sliding easily through the slick she found there.
“I’d straddle myself right over your face, so you could see my fingers fucking my pussy, feel me dripping on you.”
“Oh, fuck.”
“And then, when my fingers are nice and soaked, you’re gonna suck them clean like a good little girl, aren’t you sweetheart?” Red’s monologue was absolutely wrecking Y/N, she wanted everything the woman on the end of the line was describing so badly. “Want you to do it to yourself, since I can’t be there to do it for you. Can you get those fingers nice and wet for me baby?”
“Fuck, yeah, okay.” Y/N pushed two fingers inside her pussy, clenching around them wantonly. She must have let out some kind of noise because Red giggled again before she continued talking.
“That’s it, fuck yourself for me baby girl, until I can do it for you.” And fucking hell, the thought of Red actually with her, touching her, fucking her… “Your fingers nice and dirty now?”
“Mm-hmm,” Y/N squeaked, pressing against her g-spot to get herself even wetter.
“Good girl,” Red hummed. “Now suck them clean for me, Y/N. Want you to taste just how sweet you are. God, wish I could taste you too,” she moaned, her breath hitching.
Y/N obeyed Red’s instructions, sucking her fingers into her mouth and twirling her tongue around them, curling it across the dips and whorls of her fingertips. She groaned around the digits in her mouth, trying to make it audible that she was doing as she was told.
“Good girl,” Red cooed again, obviously hearing Y/N’s sucking. “Good filthy girl. You’re so dirty aren’t you baby, bet you’re dripping onto the sheets right now you’re so horny.”
“Oh my god,” Y/N felt her whole body clenching as she pushed her hand back between her legs, toying with her clit and sending fresh jolts of desire to her core. “Fuck, I’m touching myself again. Couldn’t help it, you’re so hot baby.”
“I want you to touch yourself sweetie. Want you to make yourself feel so good.”
“I want you to feel good too,” Y/N whimpered, maybe stupidly, but she remembered Jensen saying that Red got off with him and she wanted the same thing. She wanted to know that Red wanted her, that Red found her sexy. She didn’t want to be in this alone.
“Oh, I am feeling so good baby girl,” Red assured Y/N, her voice brimming with sincerity and whimpers to back it up. “Fucking myself so good, pretending it’s your fingers inside me.”
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Y/N couldn’t come up with anything more eloquent than that. The more she played with herself the foggier her brain got.
“What are you imaging right now?”
“Thinking about you, you on top of me.”
“You want me on top, huh? Want me to hold you down a little, baby?”
“Mm, yeah,” Y/N sighed, slipping two fingers from her free hand down to her entrance and pushing them inside, keeping her other hand on her clit, rolling it between her fingers. “You could hold me down, grind yourself against me. Use me to get yourself off.” Y/N’s breathing was ragged now, and the fingers inside her pussy sought out her g-spot again, starting to focus their efforts a little more concertedly on the spongy bundle of nerves.
“Oh sweetie, that’s so hot, fuck,” Red moaned heavily, her breath catching on her curse. “I’d grind against you so good. Rub our pussies together, all slick and hot, grind my clit against yours nice and hard. Fuck, touch your clit for me baby.”
“I am,” Y/N gasped, drawing fast little circles over the nub between her legs. “Fuck, want all that so bad. Think you could come like that? Just from rubbing your pussy on me, getting me all wet and dirty?”
“Fuck yes, love rubbing my pussy on yours, love grinding our clits together. I could tease you so good. Go nice and slow, wonder how long you’d last before you start begging me to let you cum.”
“I’m close,” Y/N whimpered, surprised at how true it was. She hadn’t gotten so close to cumming this quickly in ages.
“Already baby? You naughty little girl,” Red groaned, and the sound of bed springs crackled through Y/N’s earbuds too. Y/N pictured Red arching off the bed, fucking her hips into her fingers. “You want to cum for me baby?”
“Fuck, yes, yes please,” Y/N begged, feeling the muscles in her thighs and stomach starting to constrict, heat singing through her veins.
“Not yet baby, keep fucking yourself.” Y/N let out a pathetic whine in protest. “You can do that for me, can’t you sweetie. Fuck yourself on those pretty little fingers for me?”
“Yeah, yeah I am.”
“Good girl, I’m so fucking close baby.”
“Fuck, please, want you to cum. Want you to cum with me.” Y/N’s eyes squeezed tight as small pinpricks of light started to burst in the darkness of her vision.
“Gonna cum for you, baby girl,” Red cried, voice high and tight. “Fuck, I’m gonna squirt, I can feel it. Gonna squirt all over your pussy, fucking soak you.”
“Oh my god,” Y/N felt like she might actually start crying, she needed to cum so badly. She was so so so close.
“Rub that little clitty, pretend it’s me rubbing up against you. All hot and wet,” her voice was breaking, her words short and breathless, and Y/N could tell Red was as close as she was. “Gonna cum all over you. Fuck, gonna squirt so hard bet I could actually cum inside you.”
“Holy fuck!” Y/N’s hips snapped into the air, searching for the imaginary body she wished was there. It was becoming hard to hear through the intense buzzing in her ears. Every nerve in her body was pulled taut, ready to snap.
“Cum for me Y/N, c’mon baby, you can do it, want you to cum for me like the good little girl you are baby, c’mon.”
Y/N was sobbing, wrist pistoning her fingers in and out of herself faster than she ever remembered being able to move, and she felt the walls of her pussy clamping down, trying to keep the pressure inside where it wanted it. And then she couldn’t take it anymore. Everything froze. She might have screamed, but to be honest she couldn’t be too sure, because she couldn’t hear anything except the white light that had flooded the dark space behind her eyelids.
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Lockdown became much more bearable after that day. Though Y/N did have to try really hard to not think about the fact that she and Jensen were kind of fucking the same girl. In a way. It was weird. But if she ignored that part, then her ‘dates’ with Red were perfect. She was finally able to release all the tension, sexual and otherwise, that this whole mess had building up in her system constantly. And eventually, the world started to open back up and things started to get just a little bit easier.
Y/N wondered what she would do when lockdown was well and truly over. When the bars and clubs opened up again, would she and Jensen go out and try to hook up like they always had before? Would everything just go back to normal? Would she still want to call Red if she was getting actual sex with a real girl, and not just her hand or a bit of silicone? Yes. The answer was most definitely yes, Y/N had to admit to herself. Even though it was just phone sex, it was still some of the best sex she’d ever had.
Well, Red is a professional, she thought to herself wryly as she spooned some froth onto the top of the cappuccino she was making. The coffee shop she worked at had reopened last week, finally.
“Y/N! Can you jump on register while I take my break?” Michelle called from the end of the counter.
“Sure thing,” Y/N smiled and wiped her hands off on her apron, making her way behind the other baristas to the cash register. She briefly glanced at the line of people waiting to order – a couple of college kids carrying some scary looking textbooks, a portly man scratching his bald patch, a pretty girl with shiny hair and awesome winged liner. Y/N blushed as she caught the eye of the girl, and immediately looked back at her tablet, typing in her register code.
“Hi there, what can I get you?” Y/N’s customer service voice was alarmingly cheery, and the two college guys blinked, startled, clearly still unused to interacting with humans again – Y/N knew the feeling, cringing internally. She made a note to dial the pep back a little.
“Hey, what can I get you?” It was the pretty girl at the front of the line now.
“Um, I’ll have a caramel latte, please,” she answered with a bright smile, red lips stretching across shockingly white teeth.
“Size?” Y/N asked, tapping the order into her tablet.
“How big can you make it?” the girl giggled, and Y/N looked up, something tugging at the back of her mind.
“Um, large?” Y/N answered absentmindedly, trying to figure out what was bugging her so much. The girl just nodded, politely accepting the fact that Y/N had skated over her joke. “Can I get a name for the order?” She grabbed the large sized cup and uncapped the marker, hand poised over the white cardboard, ready to write.
“Oh, sure. It’s Danneel.”
“Danielle?” Y/N asked, her mind still wandering.
“No, Dan– you know what, it’s a weird name. Just go with Red.”
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Just Someone You Used to Know
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part 1/? | from this ask
NEXT (Lost In Thought and Lost In Time)
Summary: Your childhood friend Billy (whom you thought was dead) turns up at a hospital and you get a call about it.
pairing(s): Billy/Four x Gender Neutral!Reader
Warnings/authors notes: the request was for Hurt/comfort and while there's not a ton of that in this chapter there will be elements of it and also a lot of other things. angst, fluff, a lot of emotions going on here. swearing. poor writing skills, barely proofread/edited. this will be a multi-part fic, tho I don't know how many yet.
word count: 2.3k
Your phone lit up with a call from an unknown number which you promptly ignored and continued with your day as you figured If it was important they’d leave a message, which they did. When you had a free moment you grabbed your phone clicked on the message.
“Hello, is this Y/N?” said a voice you didn't recognize “I’m a nurse and a man was just brought in having sustained some injuries. when we asked him if there was anyone we could call to be with him he said your first name and listed this number. He had no forms of identification but he said his name was Billy.”
This made you stop cold. The nurse continued but you weren’t quite hearing what she said. Your mind was reeling. Billy? Your Billy? Surely not, you must’ve misheard or maybe the nurse did, or maybe the nurse misspoke and had really said “willy” or the man just spouted random numbers in a delirium caused by his injuries that happened to make up your number. That must be it because Billy is dead. Your Billy died several years ago. You attended his funeral and had mourned him with your whole being every day since.
You relistened to the voicemail to clarify you hadn’t misunderstood and there it was clear as day Billy. You ran a hand over your face and tried to focus as the voice continued, stating the name and address of there they were as well as what floor and wing of the hospital which you wrote down. You stared at the address. The rational part of you said not to go. Not to get your hopes up because Billy will not be there. Billy is in the cemetery a few miles from where you were and yet... and yet everything else in you was screaming at you to go. You knew he wouldn’t be there and you’d be heartbroken all over again but there was a man, an injured man who may not be your Billy but who needed someone nonetheless. After staring at the address for what felt like an eternity you stood abruptly, put your shoes on, grabbed your things and swept out the door.
When you arrived at the hospital you went to the desk in the correct wing and on the correct floor (you triple-checked) you stated your name and explained how you got a call about a man named Billy. The woman at the desk checked a few things and clarified your name before directing you to the waiting room. You made your way to a chair and sat on the edge of it bouncing your leg and fiddling with your fingers. You were anxious, very anxious, and your mind was racing. After a few minutes, a nurse walked in and called your name, you stood and went to her. She leads you down a hallway and stopped outside a room.
She turned to you and said, “He has a fractured wrist, face lacerations, lots of bruising, and we had to take him to surgery to stop some internal bleeding. He’s probably still asleep from the procedure but he should be all right and should no complications arise he should be about to go home within the next few days” you nodded, your eyebrows knitted together “would you like me to come in with you?” she asked and you shook your head, no. she nodded briefly and said, “I’ll be at the nurse’s station we just passed should you need anything and please press the ‘call nurse’ button when he wakes up” then she smiled warmly and went on her way.
You turned to face the door and placed a shaking hand on the handle. You took a deep breath and opened the door.
The first thing you saw when you opened the door was the beautiful blond man you’d once known lying in the hospital bed, covered in cuts and bruises and unconscious. You went to his bedside unsure of what to feel. Your heart swelled a little when you saw him, but you were also scared and hurt and confused and angry. You reached out a hand and brushed some hair out of his face, almost as a way to confirm his existence, to confirm he was actually there and you hadn't lost your mind.
As your fingertips made contact, your eyes dropped shut and your lip quivered. You retracted your hand and collapsed onto the floor as sobs tore through your body, your mind swirling with questions. How was he alive? Why did he tell them to call you of all people? Where has he been this whole time? How could he have faked his death? How could he have put you through that? How was he back?
After a while, the sobbing and tears subsided and a certain numbness took over you as the questions faded to be replaced with memories. Memories of Billy danced through your mind as you sat on the floor, cheeks streaked with the tears you hadn’t bothered to wipe away. Billy was your best friend and your first… everything really. First kiss, first love, first sexual partner, first heartbreak, first death of a loved one- or so you’d thought anyway, the first person you’d ever mourned and now, the first person you’d ever known to somehow return from the dead. Billy and you had what seemed like a complicated history, friends to lovers back to friends but he had been your person in every way. He was the one you went to about everything and you were his. His “death” had crushed you. But now, he was just someone you used to know.
You were brought back to reality by shifting in the bed before you and the sound of a sharp intake of breath. You glanced up and saw Billy looking at you, his face twisted in pain and his casted hand holding his ribs. He had clearly tried to sit up on his own. You stood and pushed him back down. With one hand still on his chest, you reached for the button to call the nurse. As you did you felt his unharmed hand cover yours and you froze. You could feel him looking at you but you couldn't get yourself to look back. You heard the doorknob rattle and you pulled away from him, wiping your face on your sleeve and turned to see the same nurse as before entering the room. You gave her a quick, tight smile and sat in one of the chairs near the bed. Over the next several minutes as the nurse checked in with Billy you sat numbly. You saw Billy glance your way once or twice but you paid no attention. You just zoned out. When the nurse turned to leave you shot her another quick smile.
Once the door closed behind her, you saw Billy open his mouth to speak up you held up a hand to stop him. The two of you sat in silence for a long while as you wrestled with your emotions. Your heart telling you to go to him, be happy he’s back and love him, your mind telling you to scream, yell, chew him out because how very dare he hurt you like that? and your body was telling you to just break down again.
After a long while, choosing your words very carefully, you said, “did you have a good reason?”
Billy gulped, knowing exactly what you were referring to “yeah, love. but I-” you held up a hand again and he stopped again instantly
“I am so pissed at you right now. I can’t-” you took a deep breath “I accept that you had a reason but I lost my best friend, my-” you paused “I lost everything when I lost you and now you’re here. And I’m so fucking angry but also… you’re here. You’re actually fucking here and shit… I’m so mad at you. How fucking dare you”
Billy was silent, staring at his lap
You sat in silence again. Both unsure of what to say or do or feel. Both aching for each other, having missed the other dearly. As upset as you were, Billy was actually here. He was right there, just a few steps away and you just couldn’t help yourself. You stood and his head whipped toward you. You went to his bedside and gestured for him to scooch over, which he did with a puzzled look on his face, and you lay on your side next to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I missed you” you whispered as you gently played with his fingers on his non-injured hand.
Billy leaned over, placed a kiss on your forehead, and said “I missed you too, love”
Before long you had both dozed off and you slept more peacefully than you had in a long while. Since Billy’s death actually, but you couldn't bring yourself to remember that just yet.
After a while, you weren’t sure exactly how long, you were woken up by Billy poking at your forehead and whispering your name. You batted his hand away and glared at him
“I need to wee and you’re on me”
You sighed, swung your legs over the side of the small bed and sat up. You stretched and stood. Ben groaned behind you and you turned to find him struggling to sit up as he had before and once again you went to him but this time you helped him up. As he went about his business you decided to head to the nurses station for a stretch and to see if the nurse you’d spoken to before was still here. She was and for that, you were grateful as you had some questions.
You spoke to her about Billy and his injuries and care. She said he seemed to be doing well when she saw him earlier, that his injuries were not too extensive and the surgery for the internal bleeding was as minimally invasive as was possible and that while he would be good to leave the hospital very soon (tomorrow or the day after depending on her next check-in with him) he would need to be released into someone else’s care to keep an eye on his recovery and so on. Then she said,
“I assume that would be you”
You gulped and took a form she was holding out to you. Taking care of Billy... Living with Billy through his healing process… as much as you’d missed him and as much as your heart ached for him you were so afraid he’d leave again. What if he used your help then bailed? No, not Billy. You told yourself. Yes he left before but he’s not a user and he said he had a good reason for what he did, and because it was Billy, you believed him.
“You’ll both need to sign it agreeing that he is in your care for the hospital to feel good about letting him leave this early but of course we can’t make you guys sign it or technically make him stay”
You nodded “I’ll talk to him” and you started to drift off to his room still staring at the form
“I’ll be in shortly before the end of my shift and again tomorrow morning”
You nodded again even though you were nearly at his door already and it was unlikely she could see such a subtle movement of your head from there.
You stepped back into his room and found him back in bed.
“What’s that?” he asked pointing at the paper in your hand
“A form” you said still lost in thought and drifting toward his bed. When you got close enough he reached out and snatched it from your hands.
“Release form?” He questioned his eyebrows scrunching together “I, the undersigned, agree to be released into the care of..” he stopped reading and looked at you “what is this?”
“They think you’ll be all ready to leave the hospital possibly as soon as tomorrow providing you have someone to keep track of you, which they assume will be me”
“Well, yeah. why wouldn’t it be you?”
You opened your mouth to speak but couldn’t find the words to express everything going on in your head.
Billy set the form down and reach out to you with both hands. You took his hands in yours and he pulled a bit so you tipped onto the bed and he pulled you into a tight hug. “I’ll explain everything, where I was, what happened to me, why I-" he paused "everything. I promise. But not here, not now. I fucked up by not telling you about all this as it happened and I’ve regretted it every day since”
You pulled away from him and grabbed the - now slightly crumpled- form from where he’d placed it on his lap and left the room. Billy watched as you left, confused and scared but then you swept back into the room, with a pen in hand and you signed the form. You handed Billy the form and the pen and said, “I’ve gotta go home, see you tomorrow” and you left again leaving Billy in a bit of a daze.
When you got back to the small place you called home, you got nervous. Billy had been your best, well… everything for so many years, he’d seen you at your worst and your best and he’d seen your home in greater disarray than it was now and yet you were nervous about him seeing your life like this. So you cleaned and tidied until you couldn’t think of anything else to dust or move and when you finally went to bed that night you dreamt of Billy. A mix of fact and fiction intertwined in your brain as you slept fitfully. Happy turned to sad, sad turned to confusing and confusing turned to scary until you awoke with a jolt.
witing tag list: @transeliot @sarah0687
want to be added or removed from my writing tag list? just let me know :)
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milkiane · 3 years
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photo booth picture
pairings: peter maximoff x reader
warnings: strictly follows the events of DOFP at the beginning, mentions of food
word count: 2193
note: ‘twinks’ is your nickname for each other. for @peterssweetpea and @sunflowergirl522 because i love the both of u to the moon and back <3
“how does the breakfast club sound to you, twinks?” you asked your best friend, flipping through the movie catalog of the newspaper.
he scrunched his nose up, “ehh,”
“oh, come on, pete,” you groaned, letting the paper fall on your face, “you’ve protested to every movie that’s showing in the theaters.”
“you know we could just go to new york in like a span of a minute to look for a great movie.” he shrugged, “or watch a production of that chick flick you’re waiting for,”
“i- wait, actually, that sounds like a great plan,” you grinned, sitting up.
but before you could even say another word, he shushed you and sped out, and back with a box of popsicles. he dropped it on your lap and went back to playing table tennis with himself.
“peter!” magda called out, “the police are here,”
“what? did they immediately know that you stole these?” you asked, unwrapping one.
“... again.”
“nope, and they’re not cops. i checked,” he said.
footsteps were heard as three men went down the stairs, you looked at them suspiciously but didn’t say a word.
“what d’you guys want? i didn’t do anything,” he said, before speeding around and sitting at the couch from behind them, “i’ve been here all day, ask her.” he nodded towards you, letting the tennis ball fall on the floor.
the three men looked at you, you waved your hand and smirked.
“just relax peter, we’re not cops,” one of them said, completely ignoring your existence.
“‘course you’re not cops, if you were cops you wouldn’t be driving a rental car,” he retorted, making you laugh.
“how’d you know we’ve got a rental car?” the long-haired brunette asked, you shook your head in disbelief, continuing on eating your popsicle.
“i checked your registration when you were walking through the door,” he said, “i also had some time to kill so i went through your rental agreements, and saw you were out of town.”
“are you the fbi?” you asked, peter looked at you and you nodded at him.
peter took the hint and sped around them, time slowing by as he did. he went through the scruffed man’s wallet, hoping to get some money while he’s at it, but instead of money, he saw a folded envelope with his and your name on it. the handwriting was yours, which confused him because as far as he was concerned, the both of you didn’t know who these men were.
he looked at your frozen states before pocketing it and grabbing the next guys wallet, “nope, you’re not cops,” he swiped through it and grabbed the crumpled card, “hey, what’s up with this gifted youngster’s place?”
“that’s an old card,”
“he’s fascinating.”
“he’s a pain in the arse,”
“what, a teleporter?”
“no, he’s just fast,” one of them said, “and when i knew him he wasn’t so… young,”
you looked through his mind, seeing all his emotions, his memories, and his crowded mind. he isn’t from here.
peter sat beside you on his bed, eating his popsicle as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, “young? you’re just old,”
you snorted before staring at the man whose name you found out was logan, “what’re you doing here, logan?”
the three of them blinked at you, finally acknowledging your presence. he spoke up, “you know what i’m here for,”
you squinted your eyes at him, trying to go deeper into his mind.
“stop entering my mind, y/n,” he growled, he knew that if you went in any deeper, he’d lose connection with the future.
“a telepath?” charles asked, looking at you with wonder.
“and a time traveler, creating portals to anywhere and anytime,” logan groaned, rubbing his head.
“so you’re not afraid to show your powers?” hank asked.
“powers? what powers?” peter furrowed his eyebrows, turning to look at you and ask, “do you see something strange here?”
“nothing anybody would believe if you told them,” you quipped, grinning as peter used his powers to speed over his pacman.
“so, who are you? what do you want?” he asked, eyes focused on the game.
“we need your help, peter, y/n,”
“for what?” you asked, sitting up straight.
“to break into a highly-secured facility,” he sought, “and to get someone out.”
“prison break? that’s illegal, you know.” he retorted, hands still aggressively pressing and pushing on buttons.
they looked around the basement, observing peter’s stolen stuff.
“what’s in it for us?”
“you, you kleptomaniac, get to break into the pentagon.”
this piqued both our interests, peter stopped playing the game and faced them. you sighed, creating a portal and appearing in front of them, “how do we know that we can trust you?”
“because we’re just like you,” he answered. you knew that he meant they were mutants like you, but if peter’s in, then you are, too.
“show him,”
slowly, sharp claws of bones started to appear in one of logan’s hands. you grimaced, turning around to wear your sneakers.
“that’s cool, but it’s disgusting,”
as soon as you’ve got everything settled and planned out, you and peter got into action. you waited in the elevator for the assigned guard as the others went on their ways.
peter messed with him as soon as he got in and grinned, getting the duct tape out. you immediately wrote a note and stuck it on the food tray.
peter went out, uniform-clad and the tray in hand. you sat on the floor, looking at the guard who’s been duct-taped against the wall, “so, you come here often?”
he started muffling out words you obviously couldn’t understand so you blinked at him, “what was that? oh, yeah, you’ve got tape on your mouth,” you hummed, feigning sympathy as you stood up, hearing the glass shatter.
in a blink of an eye, peter and erik, who looks like he’s going to be sick, appeared. peter immediately changed back to his clothes you handed back.
erik looked at you, and you smiled, “it’ll pass, it happens to everyone.”
“you must’ve done something serious,” peter commented, “what did you do? what’d you do? what’d you do?”
you ignored the annoying remarks of your best friend and offered the man a comforting look, “why did they have you in there?”
“for killing the president,” he muttered.
you and peter exchanged shocked looks, “shit!”
“you take karate? you know karate, man?” peter asked, doing some hand motions. you rolled your eyes, wondering why you couldn’t go watch a movie like the both of you had planned instead.
“i don’t know karate,” he groaned, “but i know crazy.”
“they told me you control metal,” peter said, looking at him curiously.
“they?” he asked, looking at you and peter worriedly.
you just shrugged, but peter didn’t stop talking, “you know, my mom once knew a guy who could do that.”
your eyes widened, looking back and forth from erik and peter, but before you could even go into his mind and see if he and your best friend are related, the elevator doors opened.
“charles?” he faltered, but before he could say anything else, charles gave him a right punch on his face, making him stumble, “good to see you, too, old friend… and walking.”
you shook your head in disbelief, waiting as the two of them bickered like an old married couple.
you leaned into peter, and whispered, “can you feel the sexual tension, too?”
“definitely,” he snorted, watching as the events unfold.
the shouts of the guards snapped you out of thought, “nobody move! hold it right there!”
“charles,” erik began. all of you stepping out of the lift as more of them slowly came in. peter moved you from behind him, you calculated each of their moves. you knew that you wouldn’t handle them all at once, especially if you haven’t fully controlled your powers.
“don’t move, hands up, or we will shoot!”
“freeze them, charles,”
“i can’t,”
you grabbed peter’s walkman, and carefully placed it in his hold as erik manipulated the metals around you.
in a millisecond, the guards are down and the bullets were away from you.
you smiled, making your way towards him and giving peter a high-five, “great work, twinks,”
he blushed, but a small frown on his face as charles and erik walked out without acknowledging him. logan smirked, patting him on the back, “thanks, kid.”
“c’mon,” you wrapped your arm around his waist, “how about that movie, now?”
as the rest of them boarded into the jet, you leaned against the car.
“peter, y/n, thank you very, very much,” charles said courteously, shaking peter’s hand, “you take care.”
charles looked at you and smiled, “do me a favor and return it for me,”
you grinned, catching the keys and going in the driver’s seat, “sure thing, charlie,”
peter scoffed in disbelief as you started the car, revving the engines to spite him.
“maximoff,” logan called, he patted down on his pockets for the envelope, but then realized that he’s got what he needs already, “open it with her, alright?”
peter blinked, “oh- uh yeah, sure,”
“come on, peter!” you beeped the car, and teased him, “mcdonald’s may be open 24/7, but i’m not willing to wait for you that long,”
“and peter?” logan added, “take it slow,”
peter chuckled, shaking his head as he got in the passenger’s seat. you waved goodbye at them and started to drive off.
“play some music, i’ve always wanted to sing obnoxiously loud in the car with you,” you said, flicking at the turning signals.
he connected the aux to your ipod and pressed shuffle play on yours and his playlist, another brick in the wall, pt. 2 by pink floyd started playing.
the both of you sang along (quite horribly), as you rolled down the windows, acting as if you didn’t just break into the pentagon, as if it was just the two of you and the rest of the world— how it should always be.
you lowered the volume, ordering by the drive-thru, and carefully parked the car.
you fiddled with the keys, turning the engine off but letting the music play as peter grabbed the takeouts and hopped on the hood of the car, you not too far behind.
you took a bite of your fries, and spoke up, “i know i’ve said it before but i really do think that you did amazing out there.”
he chuckled, “thanks, twinks. you did, too,”
“please,” you scoffed, “i barely did anything but be the moral support and the comic relief.”
he turned to look at you, but you were just watching the cars drive past you, “i don’t think i would’ve been all superhero-ey without you there, y/n,”
you smiled, “well, what kind of best friend would i be if i wouldn’t be there for you?”
the both of you chuckled humorlessly, because, oh, yeah, you were just best friends and nothing more. just secretly pining over each other and hoping that the other feels the same.
peter hummed, taking a sip of his soda before remembering what logan told him, “oh! hey, see. i knicked this from the big dude’s pocket,”
to y/n and peter
“huh,” you scooted over next to him and opened the envelope. in it was a photo booth picture of the both of you, but a bit older.
summer ‘83, peter and y/n
“hey, this is 10 years from now,” you pointed out. the two of you were smiling, plain and simple, but still adoring at the first one.
“how very y/n of us,” he joked.
“shut up,” you laughed, shoving him a bit.
in the second photo, peter had your cheeks squished in one hand, his eyes were crossed and his tongue out while your hand was raised as bunny ears behind his head.
“and how very peter of us,” you retorted, falling in love with the photo from the future.
in the third photo, your nose was scrunched up while you’re smiling as peter was kissing your cheek.
heat crept up on both of your faces, that’s fine, the both of you thought, friends kiss each other on the cheeks, too, right? purely platonic.
but the fourth photo had both of you choking on air. you and peter were kissing. like on the lips.
the both of you turned to look at each other but immediately avoided each other’s gazes as you were too flustered.
you cleared your throat, “well that’s…”
“yeah…” he muttered, “look, there’s a note at the back,”
just kiss already! and admit that you like each other so that you can finally watch a movie!
“oh,” you whispered, you looked at peter, “you, you like me, too?”
“i- well, yeah, for a long time now, actually,” he smiled softly, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“me, too,” you leaned in slowly as he did. and surely, your lips collided, all those years of mutual pining and shameless flirting came to a stop and a start of a new beginning for the both of you.
“so, how about the movie now?”
general taglist: @daltonacademia @inks-and-jinx @weasleyyy @oldschoolkiddo @accioweaslcy @inglourious-imagines @peterssweetpea @iwritesiriusly @fives-cup-of-coffee @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @band--psycho @marswilson24 @miraclesoflove @chokemepansy @spideyspixies @lolooo22 @justfangirlthingies @sw33tgirl @remugoodgirl @tatestripedsweater @gryffindorgirly @hellounicorn
marvel taglist: @marswilson24  @magicalxdaydream
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closedafterdark · 3 years
LOOΠΔ Kimberly Lippington x Male Reader
8038 words
categories: smut, oral, tsundere! lip, detective! lip
Read on AFF
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A bright, spring morning is anything but upon your return to Starship Precinct following your suspension for allowing the now rogue Detective Lee Luda to escape. While many were excited for your return, being called into Captain Choo Sojung’s office the moment you got out of the elevator meant the problems were only beginning. All eyes were on you as you walked by Kim Jiyeon and especially Son Jooyeon’s desks.
“What are you all doing? Get back to work!” Captain Sojung ordered in a loud voice before slamming her door shut.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she yelled the moment you sat down in front of her desk. “It’s bad enough I had to suspend you for defying my orders, but for you to continue working the case while off the clock?”
“Boss, I managed to find Park Chaeyoung…” you said quietly.
Captain Sojung glared back at you. Many at the precinct were no strangers to be on the receiving end of the Captain’s temper. From mislabeled case files, to her podium in the briefing room being moved a full half-inch - everyone knew not to get on her bad side. Luckily for you, you never did anything that warranted to provoke her. That is, until now.
“No. You didn’t just find Park Chaeyoung. You slept with her.” Captain Sojung said in a soft, cold tone. Despite it not having the same volume level, each word is chilling and sent shivers down your spine. “I chose not to say anything about you and Jiyeon because you both promised me it wouldn’t affect your work. And if that wasn’t already enough, you slept with Jooyeon immediately after Jiyeon asked for a break. So you work the case even after I specifically told you not to. You get the Lieutenant to arrange a meeting with her liaison from the Dreamcatcher Precinct. And what do you do with her? You fuck her too! Seriously, how hard is it to not stick your dick into every female you work with? Well, am I wrong?”
You were unable to refute the Captain’s claims. The no nonsense, straightforwardness of your superior put things into perspective about what exactly happened during your one week suspension. Somehow, you managed to sleep with a different woman every day, with Bora being the only one you saw multiple times.
“No, ma’am.” you quietly reply.
“Oppa.” Sojung said. You knew that whenever she dropped the formalities, she was talking to you as a friend and not as your superior officer. You looked at her straight in the eyes and saw a hint of sadness.
“I know the breakup with Jiyeon was hard on you, as well as being on a forced suspension. I also know why you let Luda go. But you can’t use these meaningless one night stands as a coping mechanism. Sooner or later, everything is going to come crashing down. When you’re absolutely alone - all those thoughts fill your head. Trust me, I know. I’ve been through it.”
“You’ve let someone you trusted escape? You’ve gone on a date with a florist who turns out to be an internationally wanted criminal? Or you find out your Lieutenant’s liaison is someone you used to be close friends with who happens to know your ex very well?”
“Focus on the big picture here, fool.” Captain Sojung replied back angrily. “I know what it’s like to bury yourself in work after a major breakup. You can’t let it consume you.”
“Jiyeon was everything to me.”
Captain Sojung looked at you and noticed tears beginning to stream down your face. She was thankful the blinds on her window were closed, preventing curious people from snooping around to see what you two were discussing. The only sounds made were the fans inside her computer and you quietly sobbing.
“I always said she meant the world to me, Sojung. And because of one fuck up, I lost her. Do you know why I haven’t been the same that day?” you fumbled in your pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. After handing it to the Captain, she opened it. Inside was a simple diamond engagement ring.
“I planned on bringing it up at the hospital. But once we discussed the case, I couldn’t help but accuse her of helping Luda. Maybe it was me projecting my insecurities in a negative way. I wasn’t in the right state of mind. I guess… I guess Jooyeon was there to comfort me. She’s always been so nice and I guess I was seeking solace in someone I could easily confide to. Chaeyoung was a throwaway one night stand, I’ll give you that. That still doesn’t excuse me letting her get away. But Bora… I don’t know. Have you reunited with someone from the past and felt nostalgic? Like, what if you chose them back then? How differently would your life be now? It’s just… I don’t know. Working the case and being intimate with her. I… felt something, you know? Something I thought I felt with Jiyeon. But I guess what they say is true.”
“You can never truly forget about your first love.”
Two flashlights are shined inside a wrecked car. The airbags were deployed with traces of blood staining the cracked windshield and driver’s side window. Upon careful inspection is a card left on the passenger’s seat. A gloved hand picks it up and places it under the flashlight.
“What do we got?” you asked, shining your own flashlight at the card.
The plain white card only has six words printed on it. Three in black, three in pink.
“Playing With Fire, See U Later!”
You take a look at your partner and reciprocate their frowned expression. It’s been five years since these types of calling cards have been left at the scene of a crime. You thought they were gone for good.
German shepherds sniffing the surrounding area for clues while the bright red and blue lights from various police cars filled the darkness of nightfall as the surrounding area was sanctioned off with yellow police tape. Considered to be the early evening for some, you were awoken from your sleep after it was reported that several gunshots and screams could be heard.
“Detectives.” someone said from behind.
You and your partner turn around and are met by a shoulder-length haired woman wearing a precinct provided windbreaker and a badge on her neck thanks to a thin chain necklace. It was hard to make out much thanks to the ample blanket of darkness but her large eyes and fair complexion gave her a glowing-like appearance. Three simple words - the woman’s ranking and her name were embroidered on the left side of her jacket. Lieutenant Ha Sooyoung.
“What is it, boss?” you asked. 
It was a nickname you bestowed upon her on your first day at the precinct. The confident aura and way she was able to lead those around her lead you to believe she was the captain of the squad. One mistakenly sent email and a slightly awkward encounter at the break room later, you learned the actual captain was away on a special mission. Expecting her to be intimidating and cold in demeanor, you were pleasantly surprised to find out she was anything but. When not on the field or consuming her various fruit flavored yogurts, Ha Sooyoung was known as a bit of a wisecrack. As much as she enjoyed cracking jokes and playing harmless pranks on people, she cared about them even more. Everyone considered her the “mom” of the precinct, willing to drop whatever she was doing and lend a willing ear to those who had concerns or just wanted to talk.
“Seems like they’ve made a comeback.” Lieutenant Sooyoung replied, holding up another calling card. The words were in all pink this time along with the quote: “Love to Hate Me, You Never Know!”. Before, the cards left behind only contained individual letters or a black or pink line on them. You weren’t sure what to make of these new ones, but knew that the criminals who were all but dormant for the past five years have resurfaced.
“Who?” your partner asked.
“It’s someone your partner here knows very well.” Lieutenant Sooyoung said, raising an eyebrow at you. Having known you the longest out of everyone in the precinct besides your partner, you confided to her about how you were transferred to your current precinct and of the various unsolved cases you had. The Lieutenant was particularly famous for her passion when it came to work but also quips and being able to come up with one-liners on the fly.
“Very amusing, boss.” you said, maintaining a calm expression while asking for the calling card in her hand. It was a piece of laminated papyrus leaf with very high quality ink used. You knew such a card would be quite expensive to make, meaning the criminals either had their own private source - or, there was a possibility to trace it to a public entity with a bit of research. “They’ve been busy.”
“I still have no idea who you guys are talking about.” your partner said.
“How have you not heard of them? They’re-” Just then, your phone began ringing. Taking it out of your pocket, you pressed the green button to accept before placing it against your ear.
“Hello? All right, I’ll be there soon.”
You end the call and place your phone back in your pocket before facing the Lieutenant and your partner. You nod to Lieutenant Sooyoung, who nods in return as she understands the current situation.
“I… gotta go. I’ll see you guys back at the precinct.” you said, patting your partner’s shoulder twice before making your exit.
“Tell them I say hi. And make sure to get the full fat strawberry yogurt.”
“I’ll make sure to bring back the durian flavored one for you, boss.”
“Hey! I will end you if you do.”
You smiled and flashed her a peace sign before getting into your car and driving off. It seems the preliminary investigation is finished as the tape is being collected and the additional backup units are also making their leave after having checked in with Lieutenant Sooyoung. Thanking the final officer for their hard work, she turns to your partner and crosses her arms. The mischievous smirk on her face is one that arouses suspicion.
“What…?” your partner asked.
“Don’t you want to know where he suddenly went off to?”
“Not particularly.”
“Still don’t want to admit it then, huh? Fine.” Lieutenant Sooyoung teased. Taking out her phone, she began scrolling for something until she stopped and showed it to your partner.
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“What the fuck…” your partner said, wide-eyed. “Why are you only telling me this now!”
“Because we are professionals and on the clock, Detective Kim Jungeun.”
“Unnie…” Jungeun whined.
“Just admit you like him. You practically fell for him his first day at the precinct, remember?”
“I’d rather not.” Jungeun said, bringing her hair to her face and using it to shield her eyes.
Captain Sojung was able to call in a couple of favors and have you relocated to a new precinct instead of being fired. You were thankful, although it was sad having to say goodbye to a place you called home and all of the memories that were made. You noticed Jiyeon and Jooyeon didn’t attend the farewell party. Which was fair, you probably would’ve done the same if you were in their shoes.
Walking in the unfamiliar hallway of the precinct filled you with uncertainty and hesitation. It’s been awhile since you had to start over and be the new kid. The warm color tones and wavy lines on the floor put your mind at ease slightly as you go and find your assigned desk.
Greeting you when you arrive are a welcome card and the computer monitor on which displays the precinct’s logo and name underneath.
“Blockberry Precinct…” you said to yourself quietly.
Bowing your head to the few employees working next to you, you put your bag aside and immediately work on the case files assigned to you. Having to fill out a large volume of paperwork is something you humorously described yourself as “being allergic to”, but you knew it had to be done.
“Knock, knock.”
You looked up and were met by a stunning dark haired woman with bright, large eyes hidden behind a pair of gold framed glasses. The rosy pink tint of her lips were curved upwards as she smiled and handed you an unmarked hot beverage cup which you assumed contained coffee. While you wouldn’t call yourself a coffee drinker at all, you accepted it due to not wanting to get on anyone’s bad side, especially on the first day.
“Good morning.” she said cheerfully. “You must be the reassigned detective. My name is Ha Sooyoung.”
“Ah yes, hello.” you replied, standing up and greeting her with a bow. She raised both of her hands and waved them, saying there was no need to be so formal with her.
“How do you like the precinct so far? It’s not much, but it’s home.” she said, sitting on a vacant chair next to your desk. Trying your best not to stare, you couldn’t help but notice the woman who introduced herself as Ha Sooyoung wearing a cropped, tight fitting button up shirt with a black tie which showed off the contour of her breasts. Her midriff was prominently displayed due to this - fair colored skin and the cutest navel you have ever seen, as far as navels are concerned. She proudly showed off her abs that led to well-formed hips accentuated by a skin tight pair of jeans. She was the perfect combination of curves and being toned.
“Good morning, unnie!” a glassy-eyed raven haired woman greeted Sooyoung before heading to her own desk.
Watching various uniformed officers and even custodial staff saying hi to her, you knew she was of a high enough ranking. She was on the younger side appearance wise. But the mature aura she possessed and the way she knew about you led you to believe she is the captain of the precinct.
“I’d love to stay and chat some more, but duty calls.” Sooyoung suddenly said to you. She brushed off her jeans and fixed the wrinkles in her shirt before addressing you once more. “Make sure you send me that email and put the case file on my desk afterwards.”
The next several hours leading into your lunch break pass by relatively quickly. You were looking forward to it - trying out a new recipe you learned from watching a video, but also to have peace and quiet alone. It seemed everyone had their preferred partner for eating, something you missed about Starship Precinct. If nothing else, having established friendships and work relationships with your old squad made going into work something to look forward to.
You opened the door to the break room, peeking your head inside slowly and breathing a sigh of relief as you found it completely empty. Taking your food out of the shared refrigerator, you heat it up in the microwave. You hummed to the tone of a song that seemed familiar but you were unsure how the lyrics went. Scrolling through your phone, you didn’t hear someone else enter the room.
A pair of hands are firmly planted on your shoulders. You were startled - almost dropping your phone as you fumbled to catch it. You turn around and are greeted by Ha Sooyoung covering her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh. She runs her fingers through her long, shiny hair before pushing it behind her and heading to the refrigerator.
“Mind if I join you?” she asked, peering her head to presumably look for her food.
“Not at all.”
Sooyoung smiled as she handed your meal from the microwave and replaced it with hers.
“Mind telling me why you’re eating here alone instead of going out with the others?” she said, her back towards you as she entered the time it would take to heat up her food. Even from this vantage point, you could tell she was well toned through the defined muscles on her back. You questioned to yourself internally if all captains of a police precinct got to know her detectives personally on a one-on-one basis. Sojung was the same - however the two of you already knew of each other well before either of you were ever a part of Starship Precinct.
“Not much of a social person.” you replied sheepishly. “Don’t do too well in large groups of people. Figured no one would want to hangout with the newbie.”
“I understand.” Sooyoung said, sitting in the unoccupied seat next to you. “There’s no need for you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. I’d like to be your lunch buddy though… if you’re okay with that?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what case were you working on before you came here?”
“Oh, it’s -”
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The door opens once again suddenly. The sounds of loud, cheerful voices and heels clanking against the floor with each step alerted you that people have begun returning to the precinct. The person who called for Sooyoung leaned against the door frame. There was a hint of arrogance her body language was giving off - back against the wooden beam while crossing her arms. Her pearly white button up shirt was complimented with a frill scarf-like accessory that looked more like a napkin from a fine dining establishment. The blazer she wore was form-fitting: it was evident she had put in a lot of time into meticulously picking out her outfit. She appeared to be ready to hit the runway at a moment’s notice.
“Unnie, there you are. We’ve been looking all over for you!”
Sitting adjacent to the both of you, she slouched slightly in the chair. Placing her left elbow on the ear of the chair, her focus was solely on Sooyoung before she turned around and faced you.
“Oh, you must be the new rookie. Hi! It’s nice to meet you. My name is Kimberly Lippington.” she said, flipping her hair in a whirl of brown and blonde wind and extending her hand out.
“Ah yes, h-hello.” you replied timidly.
“Not this again...” Sooyoung said, shaking her head. “I’m sorry about her. She can be a handful sometimes.”
“I am not! Anyways how is your first day so far, rookie? Yeah, I remember my first day. But that was so long ago. If you need help with anything, don’t hesitate to ask me.”
“He’s actually-”
You shook your head at Sooyoung, placing your index finger in front of your lips. Sooyoung’s eyes widened as she smiled and formed an imaginary zipper with two fingers. The woman who is known as Kimberly Lippington has piqued your interest - you were curious what more else she would reveal about herself.
“How long have you been here?” you asked.
“About to be a whole year in a few weeks!” she said proudly.
“Pft, please.” Sooyoung scoffed. “Since when has four months become twelve? You’ve only been here ⅓ of the time you claim.”
“Unnie!” Kimberly Lippington whined. “You’re making me sound like an egoist!”
“I’m pretty sure you’re doing that yourself. Who was the one who described herself as the eclipse to twilight? Which, by the way, makes absolutely no sense.”
“Figures you wouldn’t understand. Only visionaries and those with a deep knowledge of the universe would. Am I right, rookie?”
The door is open for a third time today. You are thankful, breathing a sigh of relief about not having to answer her question. In walks in the same raven haired woman who greeted Sooyoung earlier in the morning. Her hair cascaded down like a waterfall - her eyes bright and expressive. The smile on her face was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the person next to you who was slightly pompous and haughty.
“Sergeant, the captain is looking for you. She wants you to bring sunbaenim as well.” she stated, motioning her hand towards you. You rubbed the back of your head in embarrassment as Kimberly Lippington’s expression went from confident to shocked. 
“Wait, wait, wait. So you’re not a rookie?”
“Come on, Kim Jungeun. We’ll explain to you on the way.”
“Kim Jungeun...?” you asked as the three of you made your way out of the break room. “As in the Supreme Leader Kim Jungeun?”
Sergeant Ha Sooyoung burst into laughter at your sudden realization as Jungeun hit your shoulder and pushed you behind your back.
“You just had to reveal my real name like that, unnie. Now everyone calls me supreme leader or claps like him when I pass by!” Jungeun whined.
“Hey, it’s not my fault you introduced yourself with that ridiculous nickname. I mean seriously, who else called you that on purpose besides yourself and Jinsol?”
“I’m the one who has a ridiculous nickname?” Jungeun asked, glaring at her superior officer and raising her left eyebrow. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I’m the one who makes the guys I bring home call me mommy.”
“H-Hey! Guys love calling me mommy…”
“Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that, unnie.” Jungeun said, rolling her eyes in mild annoyance as she leans against the Lieutenant’s car.
“You know… Every second you’re here talking to me is another second she’s with him. If I had to take a guess - she could be confessing to him as we speak.”
No sooner had the words left Lieutenant Sooyoung’s mouth that the sound of a door being closed was heard. She peered inside and saw Jungeun crossing her arms after having put her seatbelt on.
“Come on we have to hurry unnie!”
The place you were called to was a cafe - one you frequent often due to its close proximity to the precinct. The interior decor provided an intimate cozy feeling, something much needed after being out in the chilly winter evening. You ordered a hot peach green tea waiting for your contact to arrive. Taking a sip of the hot liquid after blowing on it to cool it off, your throat and body begin to warm up.
You stood up and turned around, being greeted by a tight embrace. Having the wind knocked out of you slightly, you looked down and found the culprit was a cute woman whose mostly brown hair with blonde highlights tickled the bottom of your jaw. She is Jeon Heejin - someone you have gotten close to over the years. The defining traits upon looking at Heejin were her cute moles: one just below her eye and another on her right cheek.
“Hi Heekie.” you said, smiling. While Jungeun was your main partner, you have been assigned to work several cases with her before. She earned the title of senior detective by virtue of having been in the precinct the longest. Her particular nickname was bestowed upon her by the squad - an amalgamation of her given name Heejin and bunny; due to her shared physical characteristics with the animal.
“Oppa, where were you this afternoon? Lunch was so boring! I had to listen to Kim Hyunjin talk about various types of yeast and why she hates sourdough bread.” Heejin said as she pouted at you, puffing air through her nose while she made a face that looked mostly cute and less intimidating and angry. You pinched her cheeks, stretching them slightly as she adorably continued to ask you where you were.
“I’m sorry, Heej. I was a bit busy today. But why did you call me here? What’s so important you couldn’t wait to tell me tomorrow morning at the precinct?” you asked as Heejin let go of you and sat on the opposite side of the table.
“Pft, you’re no fun oppa. Always wanting to be so serious about things.” Heejin teased. “But I called you because I have some good news.”
“Remember that case we worked on last year?”
“How could I forget. Not everyday you have the scene of a murder where the main witness is a dog.”
Heejin laughed. “It was funny watching you try to communicate with the dog by barking.”
“So what is the good news you have for me, Heej?”
“Take a look.” she replied, handing you a plain manila file folder. You opened it, observing the crime scene photos and a summary about the case attached. It contained the standard briefing report - photographs of blood stains, weapon used, a trail where the victim tried to escape. You sighed while skimming through them. That is, until you reach the final photo. Upon first glance, nothing is out of the ordinary. But something catches your eye at the very bottom.
“How could we have missed this?” you asked.
“That’s what I’ve been asking myself all afternoon. Which is why I’m still mad at you for leaving me alone with Hyunjin!” Heejin pouted. Even during tense situations, she knew how to lighten the mood.
“I’m sorry, Heej.” you said, pinching her cheek softly. “Why don’t we go eat some grilled meat tomorrow? Promise.”
“The other reason why I called you here is because Sooyoung unnie and I planned something.”
“What? You and boss did?”
“We had to since you’re always so oblivious!”
“About what?” you asked with a confused look on your face.
“Oh my god.” Heejin replied, rolling her eyes. “This is why we did it. You know Lip unnie likes you right?”
You laughed. “Kim Jungeun? Likes me? You’re funny, Heekie.”
“Oppa, I’m serious! She’s been in love with you ever since your first day at the precinct.”
“That’s absurd. All she ever does is call me a pig and hit me whenever I compliment her about a case or how I like the outfit she wore on that particular day.”
“Unnie squeals so loudly and goes on and on about how she almost melted hearing you tell her she's pretty when we’re fixing our makeup in the restrooms. So I sent fake texts to Sooyoung unnie to show her saying I was planning on confessing to you right now.” Heejin cheerfully said as she showed you her phone.
“Heej, I don’t know…” you said, still doubtful about the new information you were given.
“If you don’t believe me, why don’t you ask her yourself? But do this first...” Heejin teased you, crossing her arms before grabbing your hand and placing it on the side of her head as the automatic entrance to the cafe opened.
“Jeon Heejin!”
The loud voice startled you slightly as you looked up and were indeed greeted by an angry Jungeun. Her nostrils were flared as her cheeks are a slight rosy pink. You knew she was one to wear glasses whenever she was off the clock.
“What’s sooo important that you had to call my partner away from work?”
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Heejin said, feigning innocence.
“Don’t play dumb! I saw the texts. You know what you said!”
“Jungeun, I-”
“Be quiet.” Jungeun snapped at you. “And you. He’s my partner. Don’t try to sway him.” Before either of you could say another word, Jungeun grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the cafe.
Once the commotion quickly subsides and both you and Jungeun are far from earshot of the cafe, Heejin smiles once more.
“Good luck Jungeun unnie. You too, oppa.”
Jungeun continues holding onto your wrist until the two of you find an empty bench next to a lamppost. Having had enough, you forcefully remove her hand. Massage the tender skin, you see her glaring back at you.
“Jungeun, what the hell was that? Why were you so rude to Heejin?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to meet with her?”
“Why would I do that? I don’t have to report to you about my location everywhere I go. You’re my work partner Jungeun. It’s not like you’re my girlfriend...”
“You’re a jerk…” Jungeun said as you saw her eyes begin to water. It was the first time you ever saw any other emotion from her. Maybe there was indeed some truth to what Heejin told you. But it wasn’t enough. You had to probe further.
“Look, Jungeun.” you said. “I’m sorry if I came across as harsh. I didn’t tell you I was meeting with Heejin because even she didn’t tell me what it was about. All she said was to come to the cafe and that she had some information for me.”
“Yeah, right.” Jungeun said, pouting. You never knew she had such a soft, cute personality to her. Most everyone knew her as chic and curt, but caring about those closest to her. Your working relationship consisted of teasing each other and being a strong duo when it came to solving cases. Seeing her lower her defenses and be vulnerable in front of you lead you to believe she was being sincere.
“But…” you began. “You did sound pretty jealous when talking to Heejin. Is there something you aren’t telling me?”
“W-What?” Jungeun blurted out, surprise evident on her face. “Why would I be jealous?”
“I don’t know, Jungeun. Heejin and I were just talking. There was no reason for you to tell her to not try to sway me. Sway me from what, exactly?”
“What are you implying?” Jungeun asked, raising her voice. “It’s not like I l-like you or anything, p-pabo.”
“So you like me, Jungeun?” you teased.
“I never said that.” she pouted. You could tell from her refusing to look you in the eye that her words betrayed her feelings.
“Kim Jungeun.”
“What?” she said.
“Look at me, please.”
Jungeun still refused, prompting you to hold onto both sides of her shoulders and shake her slightly until her gaze met yours. You gently squeezed both of her cheeks together, causing her eyebrows to furrow as she looked at you slightly annoyed. You smiled and leaned down, pressing your lips against hers. They were extremely soft - containing a nice pink hue from her lipstick as her eyes fluttered close and allowed you to deepen the kiss.
The two of you finally disconnect after a few minutes, both of your breath could be seen thanks to the chilly evening weather. You pressed your forehead against hers as she wraps her arms around your waist. Her eyes were glistening with tears, but you knew this was different. Earlier it was because your tone was harsh, stating an obvious fact while getting Jungeun to openly admit your feelings for you. Now stood before you a completely different person, one that could take some getting used to. But also - one you were happy to get to know better.
You and Jungeun continue to look at each other lovingly as you take turns giving each other soft, sweet kisses. Still in each other’s embrace, it seems the both of you refuse to let the other go. Five years. Five years was the amount of time it took you to open your heart up again and allow someone inside. With one final kiss, Jungeun looks up at you and says something you never expected to hear from her:
“Do you want to come over?”
Jungeun seemed to do pretty well for herself - what with her apartment located in a private area. The elevator was large enough to contain twenty people by your estimate. The two of you hardly spoke on the ride up, occasionally smiling at each other or connecting your pinkies together.
The clear glass window gives you a wonderful sight of your partner and now soon to be a significant other. You always considered her fairly attractive, as were pretty much all of the members of the squad; but you never noticed how beautiful she truly is. The way her skin glowed even under the ugly fluorescent lighting. The way she pouted randomly just because. How she had a helix and orbital piercing that shined just as brightly as she did. Or how she scrunched her cute nose because she caught you staring at her through the reflection a little too long.
When the elevator finally dings and the doors open, Jungeun steps out first. Coolly offering her hand while still looking away you take it, interlocking your long fingers with hers. Your hand was a bit damp due to nervousness, something that Jungeun didn’t bother to point out even though you’re sure she noticed. She leads you down the long hallway, each apartment unit looking the same as the last.
No sooner had the door to her apartment closed with the familiar jingle signifying it was now locked did the two of you find yourselves in each other’s arms once more. Each kiss you gave her contained fervor as you quickly unbuttoned your shirt and helped her remove her soft-feeling sweater. She smiled at you as you gently bit her lower lip, causing Jungeun to moan. You then find your way to her neck, lightly sucking on it as your hands began to unbutton her jeans which were form-fitting to her perfectly toned body. 
You weren’t sure how different your relationship would become - having been close work partners and one of two long standing duos in the precinct, the other being Heejin and Hyunjin. Both of you took the next step to become something more. While you were no stranger to having a relationship in the workplace, you were slightly worried how this could affect the already established dynamics within the squad. The thought quickly dissipates however, as Jungeun reciprocates your kisses and starts to become a bit more aggressive.
She removes your second and final shirt before her hands fumble their way to your pants. Your hands are not idle, as they snake their way to her back and find the clip connecting her bra. Jungeun’s bust was far from big, but it proved to be an unnecessary problem. Once the silky fabric hit the floor, you were greeted by her perky breasts.
Once your pants have been unzipped and are lowered, she cups your crotch, earning herself a breathless moan from you. Both articles of clothing are removed from your body as you do the same to her own pair of jeans. All Jungeun is left in is a matching black silk thong.
“I n-normally wear panties but felt like spicing things up today.” she moaned as you pinched her nipples. Any sort of facade Jungeun was trying to put on was beginning to break as you felt them start to become erect in between your fingers.
“Are you sure you aren’t wearing them because you expected me to sleep with you?” you teased before latching back onto her neck. You soon joined Jungeun in releasing your own satisfied moans as you felt her hand grab a hold of your cock. She gave you several short strokes, going up and down as she combined twisting her hand in a corkscrew motion while grazing her thumb against your desperately leaking slit. Your breaths got heavier as the mood in the room began to increase in temperature. Jungeun skillfully removes her thong with one hand, leaving you both fully exposed to one another.
Your cock continued to throb and strengthen in Jungeun’s small hand as she kneels down on the pile of discarded clothing surrounding the both of you. She stroked your shaft several more times before running her tongue upwards and collecting the precum dribbling out of you.
“Fuck, Jungeun…”
“Do you know how badly I’ve wanted this?” she quietly said before spitting on your cock and spreading it all over with her hand that was stroking you. She puckered her lips and kissed your length, moving from your base and deepening each wet kiss until she finally reached the tip. One long, strong kiss that doubled to suck out more of your precum. She looked up at you before finally parting her lips and taking you inside her mouth for the very first time.
Jungeun’s mouth fit like a velvet sleeve on your cock - warm and wet were just some of the sensations you felt. In the same agonizingly slow pace she used while she stroked you, you looked down and saw a soft pool of blonde hair as she bobbed her head up and down your length. Placing her hands on your thighs for support, she was rewarded with soft moans and sighs of satisfaction as you felt your knees could give out from any moment as the pleasure she was giving you spread throughout your body.
It seemed like she knew just what you liked, swirling her tongue around your tip while running it against the underside of your shaft each time her head descended. Her eyes formed inverted crescents as she maintained eye contact with you. Your hands did not remain idle as you ran them through her beautiful long blonde hair. Jungeun seemed to take the hint as you felt no opposition from her end. You placed both of your hands onto the back of her head and gently guided her rhythm as she took more of your cock inside her mouth. The only sounds emanating from the two of you are your moans and heavy breathing and Jungeun’s throat gargling on your cock. You alternated between having her bob her head and you thrusting inside her mouth. These actions encourage and excite the both of you. Jungeun saliva began to seep out of her lips and thoroughly coat you as her nails dug into your skin. You pushed the back of her head down all the way to your base and released a noiseless scream as her eyes looked up at you in satisfaction. Your orgasm arrives without warning. Feeling your cock throb inside her mouth, you explode in her mouth with long pulses. Thick ropes of hot semen paint a work of unseen art as Jungeun giggles, causing her tongue to vibrate against the underside of your length. Despite the two of you not wanting the moment to end, Jungeun tapped on your thighs to release your hold on her. She withdraws her head inch by inch as you admire the glistening caused by her saliva as it drips onto the floor. She opens her mouth and lets you admire her draining your balls. Swishing it around her mouth several times, she tilts her head up to show your load going down her beautiful neck and throat. Humming in satisfaction, she sticks her tongue at you - evidence that she has consumed it all. You helped Jungeun onto her feet as her legs wobble slightly. She smiles at you and grabs a hold of your shaft once more, stroking you several more times before dragging you into her bedroom.
When the two of you reach the bed, you gently push Jungeun on her back. You admired the glow of her skin as a thin layer of perspiration caused it to glisten. Her heavenly moans filled your ears as you kissed upward on her thighs, taking a bit more time on the inner creases before making your way towards her awaiting pussy. The heat radiating from it is enticing - watching how wet she was caused you to sink your head lower. Jungeun realizes what you are doing and holds onto both sides of your face.
“You can eat me out later, baby.” she moaned. “I can’t wait anymore. I want you inside me. P-Please.”
You rose from between her legs and repositioned yourself in front of her entrance. Grabbing a hold of your shaft, you slapped her slightly splayed lips with the tip of your cock. Jungeun whimpered as you teased her a bit more in order to lubricate yourself. Holding onto her thighs, you spread them apart and create another first moment for you both as you enter her.
The soft silky flesh greets your cock kindly greets you as a sudden rush of sensations overloads your body at once. Her walls grip onto you tightly, almost refusing to let you go. You felt your cock throbbing inside her as it continued to squeeze you for dear life.
“Oh my god…” Jungeun breathlessly said.
You give her several shallow thrusts, allowing her to adjust to you - which was much easier said than done as her pussy’s tightness made it a bit difficult to withdraw from. Once the initial hurdle was crossed, it became easier to fuck Jungeun as your cock began to be lubricated. Her bed softly creaked in rhythm to your thrusts as the two of you looked in each other's eyes. She wrapped her feet around your waist and used her strength to pull you down on top of her.
Jungeun’s eyes were filled with desire - but also genuine happiness towards you. The two of you give each other a weak smile before connecting your lips once more. While your tongues get acquainted once more, Jungeun moans in your mouth with each and every thrust of your cock. She playfully runs her fingers through your hair as your palms hold onto the bed below for support. Noticing your stamina was slowly starting to deplete, Jungeun places her hands on your chest and softly pushes you off her body. As you look at her with confusion, she smiles and motions for the both of you to trade places.
Jungeun straddles your lap before laying on top of you. She reaches below and rubs your tip against her pussy before having it return back inside her. The wet and warm walls caused you to moan louder than you expected as she pushes her tiny cute butt against your lower body. This position allowed you to pinch her hardened nipples once more as she fucked herself on top of you.
The sweet honey inside her body glazed your cock in a familiar sweetness as it made each entrance inside her silky walls extremely smooth and effortless. She interlocked her toes with yours as the sounds of her bed and your skin smacking with each other began to increase in volume.
“Baby…” Jungeun managed to moan out.
She tilted her head slightly, asking for a kiss as you continued to stimulate her nipples while she fucked herself against you. Feeling her pussy’s walls pulsate, you knew it wouldn’t be too much longer until Jungeun’s orgasm arrived. Several more thrusts on you was all it took - Jungeun screamed loudly as her toes squeezed yours while her silky flesh did the same to your cock. You pinched her erect nipples and raised your hips to push your cock inside her as a steady stream of vulgar language and erotic moans escaped Jungeun’s lips.
“Baby… that was… f-fuck…” Jungeun said in a half moan, half laugh as the sweat on her back stained your chest. Having used her remaining energy, you watched as her eyes showed exhaustion - and a desire for more. Each kiss sent an electric-like current into her spine as you feel her walls still pulsating. Her body unconsciously pushes back against you. Holding onto her hips, you removed Jungeun from your cock. Both of you moaned at the loss of each other’s warmth as your shaft glistened with her sweet juices. Giving her time to rest before going again, Jungeun is on top of you - both of you holding one another as you rub her back and give each other kisses.
“You did so well, Jungeun.”
She holds your face, rubbing her pussy lips against your cock as she gives your forehead a peck. She moves on and does the same to each of your cheeks. Then, your nose. Once she captures your lips once more, biting your lower lip tells you she is ready to go.
Jungeun removes off your body and gets into position in front of you on her hands and knees. Though she wasn’t curvy like others in the precinct - or a complete gym rat like the Lieutenant, she still had a lot to be proud of. You kissed her back several times before holding onto her hips.
“I want to make sure we can’t get out of bed tomorrow, baby.” Jungeun said, turning her head back towards you.
You felt the breath leave your body as you entered her once more. You didn’t think it was possible, but Jungeun felt even wetter and tighter from behind. Holding onto her wrists, you began to fuck her once more. Her orgasm made it so that the hot flesh kept you trapped between its velvety silk walls.
“Fuck, baby…”
Jungeun’s moans of pleasure caused you to increase your rhythm as her bed creaked in silent protest. Neither of you said anything, too lost in the moment as your shaft throbbed inside her. Her upper body gave out as you saw her bury her face into the silk bed sheets below.
“I-I’m cumming…” you moaned to say as the pressure inside you was unable to be suppressed any longer. You grabbed her arms and raised her body once more as she began to push her beautiful backside against you.
“M-Me too, baby.”
Using your final amount of energy, you fucked Jungeun as fast as you could. Her loud, needy moans and the bed frame creaking loudly only motivated you to increase the pace even more. With one final thrust, you joined Jungeun in ecstasy as you erupted for the second time of the night. Her walls tightened deliciously around you as you felt that she too succumbed to another orgasm. You gave her several weak thrusts in order to ensure that you have fully emptied yourself inside her.
The two of you gasped and panted heavily as you both collapsed onto the bed. Jungeun managed to turn herself around - mirroring the same position she was at previously. Giving each other satisfied, loving kisses, she straightened her back as the two of you watched her splayed pink lips release their vice-like grip on your cock. Your semen and her juices were mixed together as they ran down her beautiful thighs and onto your own and formed a pool on the bed sheets.
“Baby… that was so intense.” Jungeun said, her voice barely above a whisper.
“It was amazing.” you replied, tucking several loose strands of her hair behind her ears before running your fingers through her golden locks.
“Want to go another round in the shower?” Jungeun asked. And although you wanted nothing more than to satisfy her request, you wanted to savor the current moment with her a bit more.
“We’ll have plenty of time for that. Why don’t we take a nap first?” you said, wrapping your arms and pulling her in for a hug. Jungeun giggles as she laid her head on your arm. The two of you looked at each other - her eyes glistened with happiness as she brought you closer to her. Another kiss. It was a seal of sorts; assuring one another that you were now partners in more ways than one.
A dark brown haired woman enters a relatively fashion forward boutique. She garnered stares from the employees and a few patrons - partly due to her beauty, and partly because she was wearing sunglasses at night. Black knee high boots, form fitting black jeans and a black sweater that outline the curvature of her breasts were complemented by her bright red lips and a red zippered leather jacket. A slightly intimidating aura radiated from her. Running her fingers through the various clothes, she eyed each one as an employee slowly approached her.
“Can I help you find something, ma’am?”
She turned around and smiled. “I’m looking for a gift to give my boyfriend. Something to welcome him home with.”
As the employee bows and goes to the computer to find what would, the wind chime on top of the door makes noise as it is opened. The sounds of high heels echo loudly with each confident step. They stop behind the woman who raises her head in acknowledgement, but does not turn around.
“I was wondering when you were going to show up.”
“I’m here to take back what’s mine. I’m here for him.”
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erotica, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Your roommate, Min Yoongi, catches you masturbating. You catch him masturbating. Well then, dear reader... This should be interesting, shouldn’t it?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, smut (fem reader, f and m-masturbation, cum eating); non-idol!AU; switches between Yoongi’s POV and your POV
Being in the music industry was rough. It meant long nights struggling for inspiration, fervent mania when it did hit, and crippling anxiety when it was being evaluated. But being a music producer was all Min Yoongi ever wanted.
He had given up a lot to chase his dreams, moving to the big city alone, friendless, trying to find his way, living meal by meal. He needed a roommate, but finding a trustworthy one was difficult. Friend of a friend of a friend and he finally found someone who seemed alright. A young woman in the middle of grad school, who was looking for a place to stay. At first Yoongi thought it would be weird to room with a girl, but one conversation and he realized it would be a good match. Her first question was if he was going to have guests over often. Of course not, Yoongi had music to work on. Her second question was if he was clean, because she couldn’t stand a dirty living situation.
In short, he now had a quiet, paying roommate who kept to herself, holed up in her room all day studying or rushing to class.
Yoongi worked for a small entertainment company, but he also had a home studio because he couldn’t afford to rent a space. This was enough for now. He asked if she was fine with a little noise and she responded by holding up her over-the-ear headphones.
But Min Yoongi had a secret.
Nothing that incriminating. Nothing like drugs or a gambling problem or a recurring STD or something like that. It was in innocent secret, a very small one.
Min Yoongi liked to read erotica blogs.
Now, Yoongi could watch porn. He could go through all the hoops and find some to jack off to. That wasn’t why he preferred to read smut stories online. He just liked to use his own imagination. He liked closing his eyes and painting the scene, but he wasn’t creative enough to dream up all the freaky scenarios he could read online. Some people had some… big brain energy. Some wrinkly brains. He was pretty sure all his gray matter was used on music, so why not let someone else craft the story for him? It took the work out the equation and he could get off. Win-win.
Also, it was much easier to hide it in public. All people would see is him scrolling on his phone, the same thing everyone else did.
Yoongi had his favorites he went back to. They were updated often. Every week there was something new. He checked at least once a week, since that was his usual routine his body wanted. And it was fine. No one knew. He could do it whenever he wanted and relatively quickly. So, all in all, not that bad of a secret, really.
It was six in the morning and Yoongi was scrolling on his phone, mildly horny. Oh! One of his favorite blogs had updated late in the night. Nice. He chewed on his lower lip, reading the summary.
There was a knock on his door.
He nearly dropped his phone. The door was locked, thankfully.
“Yoongi-ssi?” He heard his roommate yawn sleepily. “Did you drink the last of the milk?”
He screwed up his face to think. “Maybe? I’ll buy some the next time I’m at the store.”
He heard the sounds of teeth being brushed and a muffled, “Nah, I’ll place a delivery order right now. I need stuff.”
And that was that. He heard her wander off.
Okay, a very, very, very small part of him did kind of want to get caught. Not embarrassingly or shamefully caught. Just… maybe if it ended in something kind of sexy. Like the stories.
That was would fun.
Yoongi went back to his phone.
You cracked your neck in the mirror, yawning again as you brushed your teeth. You rubbed your eyes, inspecting your dark circles. Ugh. Maybe a little concealer today couldn’t hurt.
You had stayed up late again, writing.
You hadn’t meant to. It happened every once in a while, when the scene played out in your head and you needed to write it down immediately. When inspiration struck, you couldn’t let it run away from you. Sometimes the best things come in short bursts of energy.
At least you didn’t have class today. You were caught up on your classes, so you could spend today writing for your blog. What you posted last night was written several days ago. You had a slight backlog so that you could review things multiple times before posting. Even if it was something as meaningless as smut posted on the internet, you took that shit seriously. This was your outlet and you wanted to personally like everything you posted.
If what you wrote didn’t make you horny, it wasn’t going to make anyone else horny either.
You spat and rinsed out your mouth.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, your tired eyes looking back to you. Maybe you needed some socialization. Real socialization, not you eventually venturing outside because you needed to get laid for… research purposes. You chuckled. Well, you weren’t going to get that here. All your male roommate ever did was work on his music or eat. Which was alright; people were allowed to do what makes them happy. And besides, it was better that way, because you did actually need to study and eventually write your thesis. Less distraction at home was always better.
You turned off the lights in the bathroom and stepped out.
A strange noise came from Min Yoongi’s door.
You blinked, staring at the door several feet away from you. Then you shrugged. He probably just tripped. He was kind of clumsy sometimes, knocking shit over with his fat ass. Well, not really, but it was funny to think of it that way.
You went back to your room.
Oh fuck.
Yoongi stared at his door, clutching the toilet paper roll he hid in his nightstand. He was usually quite skilled at keeping quiet, but he accidentally moaned a little too loud. His hands were still sticky. He waited.
Her bedroom door down the hall closed and he sighed with relief.
When you got back to your room, you made the online grocery order. You needed pads anyway. Then you checked your blog. At this point, you had some familiar usernames you watched for. People rarely commented. Maybe their hands were busy or something. You could forgive. Besides, there were likes and that was enough. To be honest, you never expected anyone to actually do more than read. It felt kind of nice, knowing someone out there was willing to take one second to press one button to let you know.
It made you grateful, even if it was a small thing.
Your eye paused at one particular username. You only noticed it because it was gendered.
For the life of you, you couldn’t understand why someone would put their location and gender in their username. Maybe it was a reference to their favorite singer or something. Probably. You shrugged it off and flopped on your bed.
You fell asleep.
Big surprise since you had posted at four in the morning and only gotten up to brush your teeth because your mouth was too disgusting to exist. Ah well. Sleep was good.
You woke up, super groggy. You stared out the window, seeing that it was already dark. With a sigh, you looked into the tiny mirror beside your bed. Yikes. A master yikes even.  You climbed your hair with your fingers and got out of bed, your purple pajamas rumpled and crazy. Maybe a shower would do you good. Or a bath. Oh! That sounded nice.
You looked around for your slippers. You found one. Ack, so annoying. You weren’t a messy person, but when you were preoccupied with something, you forgot everything else. You straightened your room and found the other slipper. It was in your blankets, oof.
You opened your door and realized you forgot clean underwear. You stuck your head out, looking around. Faint bass was coming from Yoongi’s room. He’d be there for a while. Eh. You still had your violet pajamas, with long sleeves and long pants. Fully covered. He wasn’t going to know in the two seconds it would take you to get to your room. A good shake of the fleece fabric and the wrinkles would fall out. You’d look way less crazy after a good bath.
You hummed to yourself as you made your way to the bathroom.
Yoongi rubbed his neck, frowning.
It wasn’t coming out the way he wanted. The sound just wasn’t right. He leaned back in his chair, furrowing his brow. Maybe he needed to move on for now. Leave it and work on something else. He spun around in his chair, lazing about. He hadn’t heard his roommate make much noise all day. Was she dead? Yoongi heard the water running in the bathroom. Oh. She was taking a shower.
He thought about her for a moment. She was generally calm person, quiet and reserved. The only time he had ever seen her panic was when she was late to class, which wasn’t often. Other than that, she was kind of boring. It was like the only thing she thought about was school. She was pretty in a casual sort of way. Yoongi rarely saw her dressed up, but the few times she left at night, she always looked very nice in a short black dress and black heels. Probably a recurring outfit she used at every outing. He could respect that. Being strapped for cash meant a lot of repeating outfits.
Anyway, they didn’t interact much at all. They had their respective things to do, so they co-existed in a mutualistic, symbiotic relationship. It was nice not having to be distracted by a bad roommate, so for that he was grateful.
You pushed back the shower curtain, dripping water.
That was nice. You waited as the bathwater drained. Your hair was wet, kind of by accident, but whatever, you needed to wash your hair anyway. Your brushed water off your body absentmindedly, poking your nipples. They were hard from the cold air.
The water gurgled as you rubbed them slowly, sighing softly. That was nice. When was the last time you masturbated? You couldn’t remember. You looked at the bathroom door. It wasn’t locked, but what was Yoongi going to do? Open the door on you? Yeah, right. You pinched and pulled your nipples, sucking in a breath. It was nice to touch yourself, to cup your breasts and press them together, grazing your nails over the hardened nubs, imagining someone else’s hands touching you, wanting you.
You slid against the wall, moaning quietly as you played with your breasts, water beading on your skin. One of your hands slid down between your legs and slid around your folds. The wetness of your pussy was different from water, thicker, more viscous. Your eyes closed as you stroked your clit, slow and gentle and pretty. Imagining a tongue there, licking you softly, giving you just the right amount of pressure to build your arousal. No rushing, letting it last.
You ended up sliding to your knees, spreading your thighs wide to give your hand space. Your other hand played with your nipples leisurely, pinching and pulling, making your heart jump. You were quiet, barely making any noise.
Your eyes opened hazily. They shifted slowly to the faucet. It was dripping water. Slow, fat plops hitting the bathtub.
You pressed harder on your clit, rubbing roughly.
Your eyes shifted to the silver faucet again. It was right there, after all.
Fuck it.
You turned the water on again, setting it to a nice temperature. You waited impatiently, touching the water. It heated up quickly. You bit your lower lip, and then raised the temperature a tad. It torrented down and, for a split second, you thought you weren’t going to do it.
Then you adjusted your hips and planted your ass on bottom of the bathtub and slid down to the water.
Instant, unyielding. You shivered, the blasting water jet-streaming right into your pussy. Holy fuck. You slid down a little more and moaned, hoping the water masked your sound as the high-pressure water smacked your clit, lowering to your elbows to get a better angle. Heart beating fast, legs folded flat against the edge of the tub, leaning your head back, tits straight up. It was a difficult position to keep, but a rewarding one, because the water was getting you off fast, gentle enough that you weren’t in pain but hard enough that you could really feel it radiate all over you, the heat adding to the pleasure.
So close, so close…
You closed your eyes, thighs burning, core tightening as your entire body began to throb. A slow hiss escaped your lips as you felt your orgasm unfurl and hit you, wave after wave of delicious pleasure swimming through you, spreading to every point of your body.
“Are you drowning or wasting water, the fuck is–”
Min Yoongi’s voice was trying to cut through your reverie but it was impossible because you were too far gone now, legs collapsing inward, body falling flat against the tub. The door was open and he was staring at you, eyes so wide they looked like dinner plates. Water flowed over your hot body, blanketing you. Slowly, slowly, you came down, like an addict losing their high. His mouth was slightly open, kitten-like. His white t-shirt stuck to his chest and black track pants far too oversized for his slim legs.
You might have been ashamed if you were younger, but you were older now. If he couldn’t handle you getting off every once in a while, then he was the one who needed help.
You reached up and turned the water off, panting. You quirked an eyebrow at him.
“If you’re so worried about it, I’ll pay the whole water bill this month,” you gasped, chest heaving as you glared back at him.
Yoongi sputtered back to life.
“N-no, that’s fine.”
And then he slammed the door.
You sighed, frowning. Now things were going to get weird.
Holy shit.
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.
He just witnessed his roommate masturbating with the goddamn water faucet.
Yoongi scrambled into his room and onto his bed, red in the face. He hadn’t meant to. He thought something weird was going on when he heard all the water. And, oh fuck, something was, but not the something he thought. His mind replayed the image for him, her legs spread, her breasts glistening with water, nipples hard and out, head tipped back and mouth open, tongue peeking out.
He was still hard.
His heart was thumping in his ribcage. Yoongi grabbed his phone and flipped through his liked posts. He had to get off. Now. Anything else could wait.
He slid in, hard, rough, gasping at her pretty lips opened and her eyes closed in bliss, enjoying his cock, just his, enjoying the way he felt, enjoying his hips slapping into hers and his cock twitching inside her.
Impatiently, he reached down and fished his dick out of his pants, sliding to his back and pushing his track pants down. Oh fuck, sweet relief. Yoongi stroked himself, reading, imagining her wet body, her slick hair, those fucking delicious breasts right in front of his face. Had Yoongi ever fantasized about his roommate before? Hell no, he wasn’t a damn pervert. But he was doing it now, because, fuck, how could he not? How could he not want to fuck her, press himself against her, hearing that soft moan against his ear, her wet body and smooth skin on his?
Yoongi dropped his phone, pushing his head back against the pillows, closing his eyes. Yes, he’d jacked off in the morning, but it was already late and he was so fucking horny it didn’t take very long for him to bite the inside of his cheek, trying to muffle his noise, trying to silence himself as the familiar wind-up came. He cracked his eyes open. His door was slightly ajar. Had he left it like that? Whatever, she was probably too embarrassed to come over here anyway.
Yoongi shut his eyes again, a soft cry leaving his lips as he chased his orgasm.
Then he felt it. A presence to his left. But he was so close, so close, so close, he couldn’t stop. His hand moved at a feverish pace, spreading the pre-cum over his length, adding to the pleasure. He felt lips on his cheek, her soft breathy moans against his skin. Was he imagining it? Then her lips on his, softly licking his tongue, so sensual and sexy that he was losing it, moaning into her mouth. He felt her hot breath glide into his and he groaned, too loud this time, feeling his cock twitch and spurt his cum everywhere, sliding down his hand, his wrist, onto his pants and shirt.
Yoongi panted, opening his eyes.
His roommate moved away from his face. Eyes dark in the low light of his room, pupils blown wide with lust. Her hair was still damp, slicked against her purple pajama shirt. He didn’t know what to do. Hos hand was a mess, covered in his cum. She leaned forward, tongue sliding out.
His thought was cut off as her warm tongue ran over his knuckles, scooping up his cum and eating it off his hand. His eyes went wide as she licked all around his hand, his fingers, dipping her tongue into the crevices. Yoongi could barely process what was happening right now. Was his nerdy, school-obsessed roommate licking his cum off his hand after he just masturbated? After he just witnessed her masturbating? Her mouth enveloped the head and part of his hand and Yoongi moaned, feeling her tongue press against the tip and tease the sensitive opening, licking it all clean.
After a sufficient amount, she removed her mouth and backed off. Yoongi blinked blearily, slowly detaching his hand from his limp cock. He didn’t know what to say. Or do, really. Her eyes were on his phone, screen still lit up. Then she shifted her eyes to his raised hand. Gently, she took him by the wrist and brought his hand to her face, placing his fingers in her mouth, sucking on them.
Yoongi was speechless.
Her tongue slipped between each finger, prodding around his joints, slurping slightly. She was still looking at his phone, eyes pensive. Yoongi wished his cock would wake up, but it wasn’t meant to be.
Her eyes went to his, his fingers still in her mouth. Shit. His brain tried to process the thought, trying not to fixate on her pink tongue moving amongst his fingers.
“I can’t fuck you…” he mumbled, swallowing. “I already came twice today.”
She nodded. Slowly, she pulled his fingers out of her mouth, joint by joint. His body jerked at the movement, aroused but unable to get hard. Strings of saliva snapped as she removed her mouth from his hand. She turned it around and licked his palm lightly, making him shiver.
“You like my blog?” she finally said.
He blinked.
She pointed to his phone. “That’s my blog.”
Yoongi’s eyes went wide. He stared at his phone and then at her. Then back at the phone. Then back at her. What? She cocked an eyebrow, smiling at him.
“So, you’re daeguboy0613, huh?”
He blinked rapidly. “I… what… ah…?”
“Guess that makes sense when you like my posts at two in the morning and such.”
She climbed on the bed – where were her pajama pants? Her panties? – and laid down next to him.
“You don’t seem like the type to read erotica,” she said absentmindedly. “I thought only girls read erotica.”
Yoongi stared at the ceiling. “Obviously not, since I’m a guy.”
She nodded. “You’re right. I shouldn’t stereotype like that.”
“We can always do more in the morning, Yoongi-ssi.”
Two things happened that day. One, Yoongi’s secret was exposed. And two, the source of Yoongi’s secret passed out in bed next to him, head on his shoulder.
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