#also she-ra flynn: I need it
innytoes · 2 years
autumn prompts: 25 + polyphantoms
Ever since getting involved with Alex, and then getting dragged into his 'wait this isn't just a weirdly codependent friend group it's a polycule', Willie had been... well, happy. Happier than he'd been for a long time. He had Alex, of course, which would have been more than enough. But he also had adventures with Reggie, and cuddles with Luke and Bobby, and 'going to the thrift store to find fabulous outfits' with Flynn and Julie, and that one time he'd thought his old boss had sent a limo to kidnap and murder him but it was really just Carrie taking him for mani-pedis.
With the help of his new friends, boyfriends, and 'we made out one time but it was way too weird', he managed to... unlearn a lot of toxic stuff. Like how your manager wasn't supposed to make you practice your dancing waiter routine for six hours after hours until your feet blistered and then not pay you for it. Or how opening up wouldn't result in being mocked or shamed. And also the joys of deep-fried Oreos.
So Willie owed them. Like a lot. Even though they assured him he didn't owe them anything, they loved him. He still wanted to... he didn't know. Prove to them he could contribute. As more than just a pretty face or mani-pedi partner.
So when Willie found out they all went hard for Halloween, he did some research. He'd spent pretty much every Halloween since he was sixteen and had been hired at the Hollywood Ghost Club, working. But he was determined to do it right. So he got all the decorative gourds. He found the perfect scary and not-so-scary movies for them to watch. He even tried to make caramel apples. (Thankfully Bobby helped him put out the fire and clean up all the mess before anyone else got home.)
Another Very Important Part of Halloween, he'd learned, was the costume. This year, they'd all agreed to dress up as ridiculous 'Sexy' costumes. (With a very thick robe at the door in case of any trick or treaters who didn't see the 'take one (or two, we're not cops)' bowl of candy and cute little toys on the little table in front of the porch.)
So Willie did his best. Like, his very best. He'd seen the pictures of Halloweens Past, okay?
The party was a great success. Alex looked delicious in his Sexy Alexander Hamilton costume. Flynn and Julie looked amazing in their She-Ra and Catra costumes, while Carrie had gone for 'Sexy Carrie'. Not Sexy Carrie Wilson, which she'd wanted to at first, but horror movie Carrie. The sight was... unsettling.
Luke had somehow managed to make the little Among Us Amogus sexy, while Reggie had opted for Sexy Ghost, with a white sheet cut high enough to just catch a glimpse of his red panties to go with his black fishnets and red heels.
Bobby was met with some boos and dismay, seeing as he was just dressed as the fox from Robin hood, no fishnets or booty shorts in sight, just a regular costume with an added fox tail and ears. "The fox from Robin Hood is totally sexy!" he insisted. "He was Luke and Reggie's first crush so shut up!"
And hey, from the way Luke and Reggie were all over him, it seemed to be really working for him.
Willie had kept his costume in a bag until the last minute. He hadn't wanted to ruin Alex' upholstery on the way over. So he slipped off into the bathroom with five cans of spray on body-paint and the rest of his supplies.
When he came out, it was worth it. Alex gaped at him as he made sure his duck-bill wasn't crooked. His body paint matched the booty shorts perfectly, and it made the yellow fish nets and heels stand out. He'd put his hair up in a tight bun so he could whip his hat on and off dramatically.
"You're a... sexy... teal..." Willie turned around to show his tail. "Platypus?"
Immediately, heads popped out of doorways, Luke and Reggie and Bobby stacked on top of each other as if they were a cartoon. Reggie was grinning from ear to ear, especially when Willie donned the brown fedora dramatically. Alex still looked confused.
"PERRY THE SEXY PLATYPUS?" Luke and Reggie shouted in unison. Willie shot them some finger guns, doing the little Perry-the-Platypus rumble he'd been practicing for weeks now.
"Oh my god you ruined my childhood," Bobby said, half glee and half horror. "Well done."
Yeah, it was a pretty successful party. Even if the sheets in Carrie's guest room were absolutely ruined with teal body paint the next morning.
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fi-fitz-flynn · 10 months
How could I refuse? {Self Para}
In Which Flynn makes a couple background deals.
Set early/mid October.
Flynn was bored, it wasn’t anything unusual for the man these days. Though Leo appearing gave him plenty of amusement especially when Gil was in the room. But it just made him remember the past. 
How good he was at what he did.
That the only reason he gave it up was because people had toed the line a little too far.
Otherwise he would still be in there. 
It was a jarring thought especially as the RAS got closer as Leo and Gil worked together again. 
It made him antsy to do something.
So he did.
He hadn’t meant to get in contact with Alex, but she always did have some of the best items for sale and she always needed someone to find the right contacts.
And Flynn always knew the best ones across the world.
Despite living with Gil, the letters and the details came in and Flynn grinned. It was an easy job. Get buyers to an auction. Help get illegal goods into the country and make sure it wasn’t known that they were forgeries.
The hard part was making sure he didn’t arose suspicion. The good thing was he barely spent time in the apartment when he had to worry about Gilly boy making eyes at Leo and Leo teasing him.
It was foreplay, Flynn was not into.
Taking the train into NTO, Flynn bought Alex and himself a cup of coffee as he waited for her to sit down.
“Prompt as always Nic.”
“What kind of fence am I if I can’t be on time.” Flynn mused back leaning his arms against the table nodding toward the drink for her. Something sugary and sweet that didn’t taste like coffee anyway.
“I have two pieces I want to sell there, and I need you to get information to a couple potential buyers.”
“You know if it’s an auction and it looks good it doesn’t matter who it goes to?” Flynn questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“Sure but I do have requirements.”
Flynn rolled his eyes but who was he to care. She had her things and as long as he got paid, it wouldn’t matter to you. 
“Do I get to see the pieces? If my name is going to be attached It better be for something good.”
“A couple weeks, after you get one of them into the country then we can talk about you seeing them and admiring my work.” 
“Why- you know actually I don’t care.”
“Sure give me where it is and where you want it to go, I’ll make sure it gets there.”
“Good, I also have another contact for you. He’ll need the same thing. Getting certain buyers for his antiques. You in?”
“How do I know he’s good for it?”
“He’s going my stamp of approval. And he’s local so you’ll have no problem meeting up in a tiny place like this.” Alex mused her nose scrunched up, If she only knew how much smaller Swynlake was then she would be reacting a whole lot differently.
“Alright. Put me in contact but if he’s anybit twitchy I’m dropping him.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less. I”ll see you around Nicky.” 
Flynn rolled his eyes at the nickname, but hey two jobs for the work of one. Who was he to say no.
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I was tagged by @emiliosandozsequence
What was your first ever story idea? What happened to it?
I would say probably some kind of adventure story probably with witches. It's likely written in some sort of journal somewhere but i don't remember exactly.
The oldest story I have a good chunk of is a slice-of-life drama about a kid with mental health struggles who also has visions into other people's lives. It's written entirely in poems, it's in my google drive. I still think it's an idea I might rework.
What’s your writing routine?
Music, I have specific writing playlists for some of my stories and trying to prop up pillows so I'm not hunched over.
Are you a plotter, a pantser, or something in between?
I usually have outlines of a broad timeline of the stories. And I do keep records of dates/ages/magic systems to refer to. So definitely do a lot of plotting. But often if I get into a story I will veer off from what I planned lol. Or I realise what I originally planned doesn't make a lot of sense with how my character is anymore.
I do write a lot of poetry from just what I'm feeling without thinking.
Do you try to tell moral stories throughout your work, or any other life lessons? What are they?
I won't go into a story trying to teach a life lesson or base it around proving a point. I mean my opinions come through in my stories. So there is implicit morals in the story. My POV characters do tend to have strong views, so you will pick up on certain things, but it's not meant to convince people I just like opinionated characters. But some of my characters have buck-wild opinions.
What do you prefer, character development or worldbuilding? Why?
Character development definitely. My worldbuilding is generally in service of the characters. I like Worldbuiling! And I try to have rich worlds with some degree of constancy so no one is thrown by shit making no sense. And I do enjoy creating things, like religions, but characters and relationships are what I'm best at and most invested in.
Do you have any tips for budding writers?
Nope! I don't feel like I have enough experience.
Who inspires you to write the most?
Stephen Chbosky, Beverly Cleary, Suzanne Collins,  E.L. Doctorow, Gillian Flynn, Ellen Hopkins, Tamsyn Muir, Matthew Stover, Ned Vizzini, Hanya Yanagihara, and Markus Zusaks are my literary inspirations. They are some of the writers I admire the most in how they convey complicated emotions.
Angie Sage is another writer who has always been a favourite. For her, it is the emotions as well but the sheer ability of her to construct an immersive world with consistent magic and world-building really expanded my imagination as a kid.
I would say Inn Between, The Magnus Archives, The Penumbra Podcast (Juno Steel Story), Welcome to Night Vale and Where The Stars Fallalso all inspire me! These podcasts are captivating and all have very interesting story mechanics! The surrealism of Welcome to Night Vale is also something I really like.
Doctor Who is something that inspires me as the amount of time I've spent dissecting that show I think has really made me think of the bones of my stories. ATLA & She Ra as well.
Web Weaves! Reading all the ways people are struck even by just fragments.
Mythology! Folk Tales! History!
And also like the amount of bullshit I'm going through in life. I need to get my pain and loneliness out somewhere. The way stories have always been my lifeline through all of my life! I need to create, the urge to tell stories is in my soul. And the way it saved me I hope others will feel seen by my writing as well.
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robinrequiems · 3 years
I know you're probs swamped with asks but if it's ok, I'd like to ask for my weekly hcs 😔
night Jon and prince Damian, or the other way? 😳👀
ofc you can:) I love that sm
• prince damian of nanda parbat, son of talia, & grandson of late king ra’s
• jon, lovely jon is his assigned knight. Damian is known for trying to sneak out of the castle. what can he say? he’s a pain in the ass
• jon was made a knight because of his impressive strength he showed at a young age
• jon comes form a far away kingdom, krypton. he wanted a change of scenery
• they met when Damian ( & himself included ) was 15, he had been running away from his other guards because he didn’t want to do a fitting for this outfit he found ugly
• jon was ordered to catch him. He was the only one who could keep up with him.
Jon: gotcha! I got the prince!
Damian: let me go!
• damians sly like a snake, he was able to get out of jons hold. at first. then jon learned. and Damian then learned more too.
• it was a game both of them loved. Damian always had to bite back a smile because he secretly loved it too
• jon was the only one able to counter damian, all the other guards were able to be manipulated and played with by Damian who pretended to get injured because of them. they didn’t want to hurt the prince
• jon found out that Damian could fight, he was taught from ages 5-10, but his teachings ended once ra’s had died, talia had wanted Damian to have a normal childhood ( as normal as a prince could )
• but.. Damian didn’t really have any friends his age, he had met his fathers children, but the civilians didn’t exactly accept the bastard son, so damian resided mainly in nanda parbat, going to visit gotham every so often, his father came sometimes too.
• it was funny watching bruce trail after talia like a dog
Jon: you’ll break your leg if you try that
Damian: you’ll catch me if I fall
• jon didn’t know how to feel about damians subtle flirts. they were so smooth. and then they were also not smooth sometimes
Damian: you’re attractive when you’re training :)
Jon: dam— shoot! * proceeds to lose/gets taken down in sparing *
Damian: oops
• damians whiny, jon finds that out so fast when he has to protect Damian at a ball.
Damian: the stupid girls keep trying to get me to dance, I don’t want to dance
Jon: I know, you’ve said
• damian liked to swordfight with Jon, jon wasn’t too sure if it was a good idea. but queen talia said it was
• damian wore a lot of gold. and green. And so much jewelry
• jon got to see and listen to Damian complain while he took it off
• damian watched jon train a lot. he liked watching swords fly and how amazing jon was. he also watched jon move really heavy things and goddamn.
Damian: wait where are we going?
Jon: I’m visiting my parents today
Damian: what if the castle gets attacked?
Jon: there are other guards, your highness
• damian was pouty, but he just rolled his eyes and let Jon go. even if he wanted jon to stay
Talia: you have hardly touched your dinner, mahbub ( darling )
Damian: i am not hungry
• damian was often busy with schooling, unfortunately. So jon was posted outside his door, having to ignore damian so Damian would focus studying
• alright let’s talk abt.. the people things? I can’t explain. we have queen talia, princess mara ( still his cousin ) , prince Damian , knight Damian , slade wilson as the captain of the guards, ravi is damians teacher still, rose is a knight as well; when she was a knight in training, she babysat Damian from from he was 10-13, it was a nightmare. she gave up when he turned 11. she just let damian go half the time, she could have caught. she just didn’t care
• colin is servant ( oops ), maya is sorta like a ‘Flynn ryder’, she tried to steal something from the castle, but was caught and was going to be executed.
• until damian saw her worthy and wanted her to become a knight in training.
• suren is a mage, idk bc it sounds cool
• flatline is a thief who has stolen damians possessions. he still hangs out with her.
Jon: I can’t stay in here, you need to sleep
Damian: sleep with me?
Jon: I-
Damian: literally. please?
Jon: I can’t.
• they had to be professional. which just made damian want to be even less professional
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
"The Librarians and the Graves of Time":
Ooh, Nicole went around making fake graves for herself? Neat.
"Sir, with all due respect to Mr. Dare—screw him!" JENKINS. He has SO MUCH FAITH in his unstoppable precedent-breaking children. :)
Love that Eve can't go out for a day without everyone here going "Hey, where is she? we had plans :("
Though also... Eve. If you were going to go off the grid for a day, you might have wanted to cancel some of those plans first. Just sayin'.
This episode is like "Eve and Flynn are GOING on field trips with the nearest immortals and they ARE going to listen to what they have to say"
Ohhhh, Koschei's needle. Didn't recognize the name just from hearing. So, trying to kill an immortal, are we?
...You know Ezekiel is going to have "Ra ra Rasputin" running in his head for the rest of this episode. I don't even know that song and I know that's what's in his brain right now.
Eve's compassion and courage are the best of her and I love seeing her extend that to Nicole.
Also love Flynn finding them and hugging them both, one after the other, because yes he's with Eve but he still loves Nicole! He's not stopping that!
Jenkins. I've aid it before and I'll say it again: your warnings against Nicole would carry a lot more weight if you at any point told us about ANY actual concrete bad thing she did.
Yeah, buddy. Sure you're a Romanov. You're definitely not Rasputin himself.
See? SEE? You done goofed, Eve.
Flynn, internally, staring: This is the Dracula thing all over again
I'm laughing, though, at the fact that Rasputin's magical revitalization includes CRAZY HAIR AND BEARD rejuvenation. That's crucial!!
Eve: "I couldn't protect her! I failed as a Guardian, Flynn. I let one of my own down" I LOVE how much she adopts people. Can't be stopped.
...Jenkins. I love that you're doing everything you can to atone for your misjudgement, but I'm not sure giving Nicole refreshed immortality is actually a gift?? She doesn't really seem to be crazy about it, y'know??
(And also I am relating to the trio's reaction of "JENKINS :O You can't be mortal!! Not allowed! :(")
Listen. I think that, ultimately, Flynn's relationship with the Library is healthy, because it loves him, and he loves it for what it really has been to him. On the OTHER hand, being the Librarian HAS let him in for a lot of consistent grief and loss and trauma that always circles back to the moral of "you need to stay with the Library" one way or the other, and so I think Nicole kiiiinda has a point.
I also think that Flynn has a right to try and detach himself from the Library and figure out what he wants/needs on his own... but also that he REALLY should have had that conversation with Eve, at LEAST, in person before leaving. Dude. You can't just walk out.
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Today I present you
Blue(ish) Characters Who Were Definitely Bi but The Showrunners were Cowards : Cartoon Edition
Quick disclaimer: This should go without saying but all of this is just my personal opinion/headcanon, so don't go apeshit if you disagree
That said, let's get into it...
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Lance and Sokka from Voltron: Legendary Defender and Avatar: The Last Airbender (respectively) It's safe to say these are two of the most iconic Blue Bis of our time, and they both have the classic Red and Moody Boyfriend
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Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano from The Clone Wars and other Star Wars media. This franchise is jam-packed with queer coded characters, but these two take the crown for Starwars bicons
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Eugene Fitzherbert aka Flynn Rider from Tangled and Tangled: The Series. Not only is he bisexual, but he's been in multiple polycules, including his relationship with Rapunzel (honerable mentions to Rapunzel, our pansexual queen, Cassandra, the other end of their vee and a demi lesbian, and Varian, the queer enby I hope to be, but as non of these characters use the label "bi" they didn't make the list)
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Coraline Jones from Coraline (specifically Coraline the movie as I have yet to read the book) It's not until her 20's that she gets over her internalized homophobia, but once she does she's our aspec bi queen
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James of Team Rocket from Pokemon. Both he and Jessie are the gender nonconforming bicons of my childhood, but only James makes the "blue" requirement of this list
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Eclipsa Butterfly and Janna Ordonia from Star vs the Forces of Evil. Look at their outfits, need I say more? Honorable mentions to Jackie Lynn Thomas; the Cannon Bi, Tom Lucitor and Marco Diaz; the Red Bis, and Star; the Blue Polyamorous but Straight one (yes she's in a polycule with Tom and Marco)
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And finally our King; Megamind. He's got all the aesthetics: punk/grunge, space, and some indecipherable flavor of academia. He walks the line of giant nerd and theater kid like no one else. In addition to being bi, he's also he/him nonbinary and drinks Respect Women Juice on the daily. This list is not ranked, but if it were he'd be number one.
Final honorable mentions goes to Sea Hawk and Mermista from She-Ra: Princesses of Power; the only reason they're not in here is because they're cannon and I wouldn't dare call Noelle Stevenson a coward
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, feel free to add on
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littlehollyleaf · 4 years
(I had a really long, detailed version of this....... but Tumblr ate it D’: so this is... heavily abridged, sorry!)
Tagged by the ever lovely @castiel-saved-me-from-myself​ <3
pick 10 ships without reading the questions
Interesting... ok!
1. Dean/Cas (obviously)
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2. Aziraphale/Crowley
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3. Nygmobblepot
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4. Foxma
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5. Babitha
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6. Amy/Rory
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7. Nomi/Amanita
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8. Eve/Flynn
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9. Catradora
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10. Cosima/Delphine
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1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
I think I started shipping Amy/Rory during the Venice fish monster ep - cos that was when I felt Amy really did love him back and they had a future together. Before I suspected that her running away with the Doctor was a sign she and Rory weren’t right for each other.
2. Have you ever read a FanFiction about 2?
Only read a handful of Ineffable fic. Overall I’m perfectly happy with the canon alone.
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr?
Yes I’ve had Foxma themed phone backgrounds and a tumblr header :)
4. If 7 were to suddenly break-up today, what would your reaction be?
Disbelief and disapproval. Nomi and Amanita were one of the great constants of Sense8 for me. I think a break up would be out of character for them tbh. Plus it would be denying the black and trans characters a rare example of a happy ending, which would suck.
5. Why is 1 so important?
I wrote such a detailed thing about how DeanCas is not only important to me personally but also how I feel it’s been important for TV/media in general... ugh, tumblr!
In a nutshell - this ship helped me better myself in various ways. It introduced me to fandom,  which boosted my confidence and independence via increased socialisation; it encouraged me to write more, which improved my writing skills; meta discussions educated me on lots of issues, inc. but not limited to abuse, sexuality, gender identit, autism and racism.
I also genuinely believe that the loud and open fandom support of the ship has been a significant help in the ongoing battle for more and better queer rep in media.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
Serious! Catra and Adora’s relationship is a core part of the whole show, relating to lots of the wider themes of abuse, toxic behaviour, growth and forgiveness. Plus the significance of a same sex romance involving the lead character in a CHILDREN’S CARTOON really cannot be overstated.
(but it is also cute and funny sometimes :p)
7. Out of all of the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
I’ve spoken before about having issues with the concept of ‘chemistry.’ If I ship characters it’s usually because I find the combination of their characterisation and story arcs interesting/compelling. I often don’t notice (or I guess care about?) chemistry.
So I think I’m not qualified to answer this one.
8. Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?
Agreeing with @castiel-saved-me-from-myself​ here - you can’t really beat the Ineffables millenia long romance :)
9. How many times have you read/watched 8’s fandom?
I’ve rewatched The Librarians 2 or 3 times now. It’s DAFT. But it’s fun. And Eve and Flynn make me feel warm and fuzzy.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
Again, as @castiel-saved-me-from-myself​ said - it’s gotta be the Ineffables, both within AND outside of the story, since Good Omens was originally published over 30 years ago and the Zira/Crowley shippers have been going strong all that time. Otherwise it’s DeanCas.
(though idk if Catradora was a ship back when the original She Ra cartoon was airing, or when the original cartoon was made, so it’s possible that is also a contender!)
11. How many times, if ever, has 2 broken up?
Lol at @castiel-saved-me-from-myself​ for getting Nygmob for this one, as their relationship is, like, 90% break up :P
For the Ineffables though it’s basically just the once - when Zira chooses Heaven over Crowley. Not made such a Big Deal in the book IIRC, but in the show it’s the infamous Bandstand Break Up scene.
All other separations are only minor, temporary squabbles imo. Which is what makes the Bandstand scene so PAINFULLY, BEAUTIFULLY, ANGSTY AND EMOTIONAL and why I love it so! 
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
I figure angels and demons probably can’t be killed by zombies, so the Ineffables are the most likely.
But Eve and Flynn did actually face off against zombie-ghost things in an alt universe during a whole Loom of Fate plot and survived, so I think they’d probably also make it.
13. Did 5 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
No, Babs and Tabs were always open about being together, even when Tabs was also in a relationship with Butch.
I might argue they hid the depth of their feelings for each other though, even from themselves, and instead made out what they had together was just a casual ‘friends with benefits’ type thing.
Though Tabs did hide things a little when she sent assassins after Jim cos she blamed him for putting Babs in a coma. She clearly knew her brother would disappprove, which is why she didn’t tell him what she was doing. I guess that kinda counts as hiding her relationship with Babs? She was trying to conceal how much Babs mattered to her?
14. Is 4 still together?
Lol, Foxma were never together (ALAS!). But the show did end with their lingering fondness for each other intact I think.
15. Is 3 canon?
Is Nygmobblepot canon? Rather a touchy question for the fandom tbh.
If we are talking EXPLICIT canon - then no. 
They never got a kiss or a MUTUAL love declaration (and they had a controversial ‘we’re brothers’ exchange in the penultimate episode) - ergo there is not enough, imo, to say they ended the show officially romantically involved.
However, Ozzie DID EXPLICITLY DECLARE HIS ROMANTIC LOVE for Ed, and that was never rescinded. There is also LOTS OF SUBTEXT floating around Ed to imply he reciprocates. Plus they did end the show together as clear Partners in Crime.
So is Nygmob subtextual canon?
I would say yes.
But explicit, CANON canon?
A frustrating no that fandom remains, understandably, critical about.
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
I think a toss up between Nygmob and Babitha - because everyone else has too many morals that would hold them back from killing :p
(and since Ed and Oz have both bested Babs and Tabs in the past I lean towards them... but it would depend on when in Gotham canon the games were happening!)
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 10’s ship?
Breaking up Cosima and Delphine was a LITERAL PLOT POINT of Orphan Black at one point, so very much yes! I forget the details (the show got very twisty, with lots of different organisations working on different agendas in the shadows), but I’m pretty sure Delphine was shot because she was protecting Cosima. I remember it BROKE MY HEART and I thought it was a casebook example of Bury Your Gays. But, spoiler: it wasn’t ;)
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
Going with DeanCas, because I think that, historically, it’s the one that’s been in most need of defending.
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 1’s tumblr page?
Not anymore I’m afraid. Though 3 or so years ago I used to spend most of my free time on DeanCas and spn meta. Ah, nostalgia.
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she´d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
Foxma. Because while I adore the idea of a messy, confused ~something between them, in my heart I know that Foxy deserves better :P
I was too tired to bother with tagging the first time I completed this - DEF not gonna bother now!
Play if you want - it’s fun :D
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Tag Game!
Rules: Name ten favorite characters from ten different things (television, movies, books, etc.), then tag ten people.
I’m not sure who started this wonderful idea, but I was tagged by @electricslytherindog so thank you so much! I’m gonna tag @back-on-my-tulula-shiz @redhairedgryffindor @heleneplays @nostalgiastardew @rroseriver @brothergrimm71 @inksims98 @imagitory @thehogwartscursebakers and @confundoleah​
Let’s get started!
10: Ripred (The Underland Chronicles) 
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(He’s only had Lizzie for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, he would go Rager-mode on everyone in the room and then scratch his own face.)
(That...only makes sense if you’ve read the books.)  
9: Uncle Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender) 
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(There’s some stiff competition in this show and it was a tough toss-up between him, Toph, and Zuko...but in the end Iroh is just too wonderful to ignore.) 
8: Asahi (Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse) 
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(Oh look, a character utterly despised by the fandom, from a game that most consider to be sub-par...and I love them both.) 
7: Lucy Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia) 
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(C.S. Lewis might have had his problems writing female characters, but can we all agree he rolled a real winner with Lucy? Now if only he had treated her sister with the same respect...) 
6: Catra (She-Ra: The Princesses of Power) 
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(Continuing my well-documented trend of having problematic faves, Catra is an awesome blend of being a villain and a secondary protagonist at the same time.)
5: Garcia Flynn (NBC’s Timeless) 
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(Another problematic favorite, the only difference is that I’m definitely not in the minority on this one. PS: Watch Timeless if you haven’t already. It’s basically the “Firefly” of this decade.) 
4: Rey (Star Wars, Sequel Trilogy) 
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(I refuse to list a last name, because Rey doesn’t need a blood-line. What she needs is to take her kickass new gold lightsaber and go after the fools who are still calling her a Mary Sue.) 
(PS: I also love Rose. Come. At me.) 
3: Toriel (Undertale, Deltarune) 
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(Another one where there was stiff competition. But...full disclosure, I am adopted myself, and characters like Toriel always make me think of my own Mom, because she’s awesome.) 
2: Remus Lupin (Harry Potter) 
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(I relate to this character so hard. I too want nothing more than to be liked. He’s a good and flawed person who’s suffered far too much and he’s been my favorite HP character ever since I was a child.)
1: Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire) 
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(Another divisive opinion but I don’t care. She has the best character arc in the show and I feel for her so much. Sansa is everything that Susan Pevensie could have been. I’m right, and I should it.)
Wow I made it! That was fun! If you know anything about my blog then you know I am delighted to discuss any of these characters or fandoms on anon or otherwise!
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wishwars · 4 years
Top Ten Favorite Fictional Female Characters
Thanks to @bloody-wonder for tagging me! This was hard to pair down because at first all I could think of was things I had read/seen recently, and then suddenly I was remembering things and characters I grew up loving and AHHH it was hard!!! I decided to only let myself list one character from each series/entity represented below to help limit myself. Also, these aren’t ranked in any particular order - they’re all amazing!
1. Catra (She-ra) – She isn’t my absolute favorite character from the show (that would be Scorpia) but she sure as hell is the most interesting! Her character arc is also one of the most complicated and satisfying I’ve seen in a long time. More shows need to learn from this series and their representation of Catra – redemption arcs aren’t just for shitty white men!
2. Egwene al'Vere (The Wheel of Time) – So I almost chose Nynaeve al'Meara instead, but I have to go with my first reaction to the series as a kid, and I just loved how much Egwene grew and how badass she became. Everyone saw her as a sweet, naïve girl from a small village and in many ways she was, but then she went through a lot of hard shit and fucking changed an entire system to make it better for everyone and I am still in awe of her!
3. Hua Mulan (Disney movie) – [Okay, yes, she’s actually a historical figure, but I’m only familiar with the fictionalized version of her we get through Disney, so I’m going to count that as “fictional”.] When I’m asked to list my favorite Disney movie I always cheat and list three: Aladdin (favorite hero), Hercules (favorite music), and Mulan (favorite “princess”) and so I have to list her here! Disney’s resident badass, she made me think as a child about what true bravery is—self-sacrifice and compassion. We could use a lot more of that in this world right now.
4. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) – I haven’t reread the books in a very long time, but I loved Hermione as a child because she was smart, stubborn, and compassionate and I still believe she’s braver than Harry. I think she taught a lot of young girls that it’s pretty cool to be smart; even if no one likes a know-it-all, they are very useful!
5. Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables) – I always find myself rolling my eyes at Anne’s antics and flowery language, but I honestly wish I could capture her imagination and whimsy for myself! Her drive for knowledge and propensity to get into ridiculous situations made her a delight to read/watch and I like to go back and live in her world when I can.
6. Tsukino Usagi (Sailor Moon) – I didn’t watch this series until college and at first, when I only listened to my roommate watching it across the room from me, I could not figure out what there was to like about it, but Usagi is truly one of the strongest characters I’ve come across in fiction, even as a clumsy, sometimes ditzy, cry-baby. I absolutely see her as a bomb-ass role model and that show was the shit.
7. Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) – I love Jane Austen and so while this may feel like the easy answer when it comes to Austen’s heroines, Elizabeth just had to be my pick. She’s witty, kind, and flawed – what more could you want?
8. Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing) – As a Shakespearean, I feel like I need to list at least one Shakespeare character and Beatrice is ultimately my favorite. She has such a quick wit, but her words speak a vast well of love for her friends and family. Also, “O God, that I were a man! I / would eat his heart in the marketplace,” is such a fucking good line and “Kill Claudio,” should be a rallying cry.
9. Okoye (Black Panther) – I feel like I have to do a Marvel character, and while she’s not exactly a main character [sorry Marvel, but one shot of all your female character’s converging at the same place in your epic battle scene doesn’t count as “representation” – give your female characters more lines/movies please], Okoye is actually my favorite female Marvel character. The fact that she puts her country over her lover and then has to struggle against loyalty to her vows/the throne and loyalty to her friends?! I get goosebumps every time I think of her scenes.
10. Candace Flynn (Disney TV) – This girl is just a huge ball of anxiety and I absolutely adore her! I see far too much of myself in her and found her ridiculous commitment to busting her brothers to be very admirable. Also, the alternate universe version we got of her in the 2-D movie was SO badass!! In all her forms, this girl is a rock star.
I tag @sansastarkofficialfanclub, @cassraven, @aurorafiberarts, @floraone, and @uglygreenjacket
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starlite-sin · 4 years
Note: I have done research on BPD. I don’t have it so I don’t know everything about it. If something is wrong either now or during a story/roleplay, please dm me so I can fix it.
(Yes she’s based off the tape girl. I’m trying to follow the logic of the FNAF the musical trilogy with their characters)
Around 18
MadPat’s kid
She has BPD, but will try and deny it
She lives and works in the same establishment that Danny and Mare are in
They don’t get along
She’s very smart. She can rewire the animatronics when she needs too
Was at one point a day shift guard, but when the missing children became a thing, she had to go under the radar
Her relationship with her dad is…not the best
Very pale
Brown eyes
Black hair
A rose tattoo on her wrist
And a crescent moon on her ankle
She wears a black hoodie shirt thing
And jeans or leggings depending on the day
She still has her old uniform and constantly wears the boots that came with it
Extremely aggressive, ruthless, etc
She’s also incredibly self-destructive and seemingly careless
Very apathetic
Slightly narcissistic
And sadistic
She’s not nice at all
But she just wants an actual relationship
Nightmare-Set it Off
Panic Room- AU/RA
Ashley Iplier: Actor daughter
Andy Iplier: Dark Daughter
Tenna McLoughlin: Anti Son
Amy Iplier: Dr. Iplier daughter
Aiden Brody
Penny Flynn
Hannah Iplier- Google Daughter
Thalia Sharp
Aileen Brody
Tiffany Schneep
Phineas Jameson
Cassandra Warfstach
Alex McLoughin
Mystic McLoughlin
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daughtersofauradon · 5 years
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“Cupcake? Attila made them especially for my mom’s birthday. They’re Lemon Blueberry with little sugar laterns atop...”
Sixteen years old.
Daughter of Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder/Eugene Fitzherbet.
While she shares her parents naturally dark hair, Daire (pronounced Daw-ra) prefers to dye her hair crazy colors. Her color of the moment being dark pink.
This, of course, means that once Dizzy comes over from the Isle, Daire immediately searches her out. She saw what she did to Mal’s hair and yeah...how did she feel about doing hers?
Is a lot like her mother -- friendly to everyone and kind of just...ready to face whatever comes along. Also curious, full of life, and not afraid of an adventure. Which means she more than keeps the royal guard of Corona busy when at home. Thankfully, her parents happen to be friends with the local band of ruffians. All of whom are ever ready to accompany the princess.
And she loves them. Which is why she can often be found plotting such adventures at the Snuggly Duckling. Or just dropping in for Attila’s cupcakes.
Has been known to bring said cupcakes back to school with her. Cupcakes for everyone!
Like her mother, she does have some magic inside her. Which manifests itself in a healing kiss.
@ daringdaire: Mini frying pans! Best invention ever! Who needs mace when you have one of those in your purse?
@ daringdaire: Poll time! Do I stick with pink or move on to purple?
@ daringdaire: What do we all think of savory cupcakes? Asking for a friend...
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atcnm · 5 years
The Ultimate Question
When a year ago I’ve started to watch Gotham, there was one curious thing.
I wanted to quit after s1 finale. Not because i was displeased with the events or got bored with series. But i’ve had a feeling that prequel story was over, there’s nothing left to wait. Bruce found Batcave, Oswald became King of Gotham, Barbara lost her mind (so no need for writers to think what to do with her), Ed started his mind-games, writing letters with clues about Doherty’s fate to Kristen. Jim got Falcone’s blessing to watch over Gotham. Jim and Oswald set to be clear opposite sides after s1 finale events. Side note - i LOVE fix-it gobblepot fics after s1. Their conflict back then was so much simpler.
But Gotham universe is beautiful, and so i watched s2. There was more unsettlingly weird tones (Sasha Van Dahl, just... why), resurrections started and finale was open, with monsters unleashed and brainwashed Jim happily driving away (that humorous tone was off for me too). But there was also some of my all time favorites Gotham scenes and episodes - Firefly’s origin, Ed’s breakdown and murder of Kristen, Bruce’s relationship with Silver, his zen detachment, Ed and Jim dialogue in the woods before Ed was arrested, Jim and Barbara in 2x18. Jim’s relationship with Pack (cried like a little girl over that). So, if i had to pick my season of Gotham, it would be s2. And this time there was an element of uncertainty in the finale, and intrigue. 
So i’ve started s3. While i’m on it, i’m sorry for victims of love triangle plots of s3a, namely Valerie Vale, Mario Calvi and Isabella Flynn. They could be more than who they ended up to be. And they didn’t do justice Fish Mooney. Brought her back but couldn’t find a decent story. But other than that - interesting and visionary at times. At the moments like this i think that i’m a bad fan - because i don’t feel for characters all that much and rarely spot OOC. In fics it’s different, interestingly enough. In fics i’m in tears when they even simply sad. Or when fics are beautifully written. About s3 finale - it was solid. With closing voice-over, scenes echoing the beginning of show etc. It felt like a real ending. Bruce is the Dark Knight, rogue apprentice of Ra’s al Ghul like proper Batman, Oswald opens canonic Iceberg Lounge, Selina masters the whip.   
But i couldn’t wait to start s4. And the reason was very shallow. I saw fanedits with Sofia Falcone and was in awe. She had glamour. And so i’ve started. There was this feeling of disjointment. Characters turned into inversions of themself (Grundy), transformed (Ed, Barbara, Lee), lost their patch (Bruce and his party hard, Jim and another step in his moral disintegration with Pyg and Harvey), or suddenly revealed they had a twin all along who can replace them (Jerome-Jeremiah). So there was a distinct feeling of rehashing, recombining of familiar elements. Scarecrow came back after 2 seasons of absence, Ivy aged up again, sometimes childish Oswald adopts an orphan and tries to have trusting relationship with Falcone’s daughter. Bruce sees a variation of Jim’s soul saving hallucination, Oswald in Arkham again, Ed wears emerald suit and organizes a show. Even finale with chaos, fire in the streets and Gotham in darkness borrowed elements from s3 finale. But this time it was open again.
S5 i’ve followed in real time. It was heavier, more stark - but uneven. And it had a tendency to undone itself. Barbara wants Oswald dead - Barbara wants Oswald to ship her and her baby away. Ivy’s seed will change Selina’s nature - except it really wont. Selina kills Jeremiah - but he faked his death and ready to make creepy meet the parents tea party and Ace Chemicals comics nod. Lee is back and ready to be with Jim again - why? Why not. Bane wants to destroy Gotham because Ra’s al Gul’s daughter wants this, and she has people everywhere - until it’s time for her plan to crumble. And in the end finale was even creepier than i could expect. I don’t think i was supposed to symphatise with Jeremiah, but after acid bath - it was hard not to. Batarang piercing his hand - isn’t it too much? There was something twisted in that finale. As if, with Bruce leaving the city, it somehow froze in stagnation (mayor James. seriously?! And why Arkham exists in victorian nightmare mode?!), and Jeremiah’s net covered it in the shadows, sick, dark, hurting. Clean and bright on the surface, but rotting inside. As if Gotham became something much worse than it was all those years ago, when Jim deemed the city as lost. Damn, i’m pessimistic about this. Maybe it was supposed to feel not right - so Bruce’s comeback was a promising new dawn etc.  
So what do we have in the end - Batman is the answer to Gotham’s question. It was obvious, it’s the nature of prequels. But all the characters had different questions - and i’m not sure Batman can answer them too. 
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
She-ra Theory: Sea Hawk (Seahawk?) and why he’s dressed the way he is.
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So with recent events in the world of She-Ra we’ve gotten to see what Sea-Hawk fully looks like and the one thing I noticed was that there was a lot of design ascetics taken from a few places that I would like to point out to.
For starters, the good Captain Jeoff wears in the new series similar colors to his other self. This to me is important because it shows that they’re at least keeping consistent to the rules regarding their outfits as per Mattel’s original designs. So at least in regards to the color scheme they have meaning:
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Brown: Traditionally is an earth tone. Unlike Bow who is given Golds, whites and reds (which are all hot colors in the color wheel tradition and are also connected to someone with a fire like temper or emotions) Sea Hawk is given a heavy doses of browns. His pants his hair and his boots. The color has a clear connection to stability as we tend to walk on earth and dirt and it’s pretty rock solid, wouldn’t you all agree. The idea of earth also calls to mind the idea of a solid foundation and someone who knows who they are and what they are doing. Nature and natural things are connected to this color and typically show up in characters that are warm and reassuring. Someone who is safe and is less willing to take risks that don’t have rewards and that person must have a plan in hand before they run off into danger. On top of that it tends to convey the idea of honesty and sincerity. To a lot of people it can come off as simple and unsophisticated, but browns tend to become elegant and noble when worn with other colors.
The thing about the color brown is that normally you see the brown color worn a lot by rogues or figures that are seen as stable. In many animated shows that take place in a period that’s “way back in ye olden days” green and brown tend to be a big color for older motherly figures to wear. Thus signifying that the person is honest, safe, reliable and wholesome. This is why (along with green) someone like Flynn Rider or Robin Hood wears the color brown with the green. While the green means the positive nature of the character, someone who is full of energy and life, while the brown counters, shows that the person can be responsible, and stable as well.
In the case of Sea Hawk, there’s a huge hint there that of the two males in the group he’s probably the one that is the less risky. Whereas Bow is going out of his way to take a chance on something, Sea Hawk probably has his crew and his boat to think of. As such it makes sense that he would be seen as a person that is ready for action but also someone that could be there as a backer to Adora. Like Flynn, there’s a sense of being a rogue, but also someone that can be solid and knows what he’s doing and can not only improvise but can take an order and give it.
He’s got brown everywhere on him. From his hair and stache, to his bracers to his pants, boots and belt. This guy has a lot of indication that he’s a down to earth sort of person who probably will be there for the team and have their backs via the water.
Speaking of which…
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Blue: It’s the second biggest color in his outfit. Blue has a lot of connections to the sea and sky, and is it any wonder that his name indicates both. Hawks are a bird of prey that tend to be very protective of their young and also are fierce fighters. (There are so many connections to Hawks everything from Assassins creed to Berserk, to various movies that have the Hawk as their main symbol of a team or a character that is seen as the strong fighter.) Thus the connection to the sky. As a pirate or Captain of his own ship, Sea Hawk’s connection to the water is clear. Water itself is flexible and can be very fluid in nature as it can be both gentle and ferice when need be. (Have you ever been hit by a wave, it can hurt like hell.) Same idea for Sea Hawk here, he’s a persons that can come off as someone that is fluid and ever willing to roll with whatever happens, but I also think that he’s going to show that he’s a strong fighter and someone you should not underestimate at all.
Blue’s color though is an interesting one. For someone that is a fighter, blue is used to promote calmness and peace, and usually indicates someone who is tranquil and serenity. This normally shows up a lot on mages and other magic users, but so far Sea Hawk doesn’t have this ability. So it’s interesting that they would give him that color as the largest color scheme outside of the earth brown. Blue also indicates trust, loyalty, integrity, responsibility and honor. All aspects that connect with brown and the earth tone, making it clear that Sea Hawk is going to be the go to guy to get things done for the team and be the most loyal when it comes to Adora and have her back outside of Glimmer and Bow. It’s a cool color that could also be seen as kind of aloof, showing a bit of royalty, and could hint at him being a prince that chose to become someone doing something for his kingdom rather than sit there and do nothing to help the people. It’s also a conservative color, meaning it’s not something that stands out and is too flashy, unlike red.
This bring up a point in regard to the opposites of Bow and Hawk. Bow himself has been shown to be someone that fires up a lot, whereas Sea Hawk, as in the past, has been shown to be a bit more reflective of a situation. Look before you leap, which also shows in their colors since Bow is more hot colors as is Adora, and Sea Hawk is more cool color that show he’s the anchor to the groups more insane ideas. This could hint at something in regard to Adora and his relationship. We’ve seen so far that she’s a bit on the head strong side, and that, like Catra and Bow, there’s a heavy number of hot colors on her to show she’s not always the person that thinks before she acts. Meaning that Sea Hawk and the others with the more cool colors (Mermista for example) probably will have more direct connections to being the ones trying to keep everyone from running off and doing something dumb. This would probably mean that Sea Hawk will be a voice of reason to her and give her a strong push when she’s not sure of herself, especially when it comes to Bow and saving him, since it’s been indicated by the VA’s that Sea Hawk and Bow are friends.
Blue is all over his jacket and his eyes as well, showing that there’s honesty and trust to him that Adora can depend on.
Speaking of Trust, and depending…White is the next large color of his scheme.
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White: So we know he has a shirt of white, with the Power girl window in the front. (Why they did that, I don’t know, seems a bit odd but I guess they wanted to make him seem sexy without being too sexy? Like showing skin ala Bow.) The thing about white is that it’s heavily associated with the color of goodness, innocence, light, purity and in some cases virginity. It’s normally considered as a color of perfection and can go with just about any other color.
The thing about white with Sea Hawk is that it’s there to show one of the other meanings. Someone who is safe and faithful. One thing has been clear in every shot of him, that he’s someone that seems to be in the background but also always smiling and seems to be ready to help out. Even in the early trailer we see him looking over at Adora and smiling at her before turning his head and getting ready for a fight. It’s clear that he has a lot of faith and trust in her as a person, and one that will probably stand by her no matter what.
It's easy to see why they threw white on him to counter act the other colors, but also one could argue it goes back to the idea of him being a responsible, honest, caring and stable character with a strong streak of doing the right thing and being loyal and there for his friends. Again while he’s a sea character and thus blue for the calmness, he’s also an earth character so he has a lot going on in the more stable aspect of his character and the cooler colors to help show that he’s someone who knows who he is and what he wants.
Speaking of wanting…the two hot colors…Gold and Red in his look.
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Red: There is only one bit of red in Sea Hawks look and that’s his bandana. Red is a passion color, that tends to have a lot of dramatic meaning behind it. You see a character wearing red when they tend to be a character that has a hugely dramatic moment (Masque of Red death in Phantom of the Opera) or when the character is highly dramatic in nature (Red worn by Mother Gothel or the Incredibles). Red tends to attract attention, and Sea Hawk wears it around his neck to draw your eyes to his face so that he can give you looks that could make you back up.
Typically red can convey the idea of courage, which we know he has as the captain of his own ship, strength –Bow indicates that about him and we can see it in his body that he’s not some small thin person, and power, which again, leader in his own right of his ship. It can also be used to show danger, as with Catra and the Horde. Thus why it’s limited on him because he’s not a overtly passionate person in the same way Bow or Catra, or Adora would be. Red usually is used to promote excitement and is seen as vibrant and a lucky/prosperous color in Chinese –and somewhat in Japanese and other Asian cultures. One of the bigger aspects is that it tends to denote desire and pushes to show case action. Something that Sea Hawk seems to be built for.
So why give him Red at all when he’s mostly an earth based cool tone character. For the express reason that you want to show that he can have an excitement for life. In the early trailer we see him run off weirdly with the group. I think the red is designed to show that while he is a very down to earth sort of person over all, he’s not beyond being full of excitement and engaging with the others in a goofy way for a short while of time. The small bit of red shows to the viewer that he can be passionate when he wants to.
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Gold: Gold is the other hot color here. As part of the yellow area of the color wheel it can take a lot from that. It’s the cousin to brown and yellow so pulls from both aspects of the colors. From Yellow it can be an optimistic color, uplifting the person and people around it, it also is a color that tends to simulate clar thinking and quick decisions. It’s also a color that has confidence in it and grabs attention as well as indicating success. Yellow itself is seen as a cheerful and childish color at times, and can be seen as spontaneous. However, because gold has the brown aspect to it, it dulls down a lot of the excitable levels of Yellow.
Gold is an extravagant color, usually showing wealth in some way and why it’s not used a lot for those who don’t want to seem like a show off. It is known as a warm color, connected to the idea of illumination, love, compassion, courage, passion, magic and wisdom. All things that previously Sea Hawk was known for in his past 80s version.
Again the color gold seems to indicated someone who has a deep understanding of who they are, confidence and optimism. Something interesting here too, is that it is a positive color, with a heavy emphasis on the masculine. Which was why a lot of queens and kings wore it to denote their power.
Sea Hawk, unlike Bow, or Adora, doesn’t have a lot of gold on him, but what he does is significant. The bands around his jacket to balance out the blue, the gold earring and the belt buckle and on his bracers. Now the interesting thing about the earrings is that most pirates tend to wear some form of jewelry, and this wasn’t a fashion statement. The reason for this is due to the aspect of keeping their money close. Rather than have their money set out in gold coins, some would actually have the gold melted and shaped into earrings or other trinkets they could wear. It’s more than likely that Sea Hawk’s earrings are a nod to this.
Lastly the black band….
Black: Matching his old look with the band around the head. The color black is one that tends to indicate mystery, and is a strong and powerful color that tends to imply formality as well as sophistication and secrecy. It could be seen as an intimidating color, and one that is refined, elegant and confident. It shows that someone has control over things, and as the captain of the ship this could mean that Sea Hawk is someone that is a strong leader.
With this all in mind, it makes me think that a lot of the physical look of Sea Hawk comes from a few places.
Firstly and right off the bat I automatically thought of a few characters: Robin Hood, the famed captain Blood, Lando Calrissian, Jack Sparrow, and the one I think has the most influence here Dread Pirate Roberts.
Allow me to go farther.
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Robin hood comes to mind (much like Flynn Rider) since Sea Hawk is a pirate and robs from the Horde to return to the people of Etheria. We know this from the old series and I have no doubt this would come up in this one too. Robin’s outfit is traditionally all green and brow, but of note he’s very much the sort that tends to be very cocky and sure of himself. Something that this Sea Hawk has shown in his few appearances so far. Physically we get a sense that he’s very much like the Robin from the old 1950s version, as played by Errol Flynn.
A charming person that has a smile on his face and a wink in his eye. Unlike say, Jack Sparrow or Lando, you know he’s not going to screw you over and he’s genuine about his feelings in regard to helping the group. The other thing is that Sea Hawk’s smile seems like a merge between that of Robins, Lando’s and Wesleys. There’s a confidence about him, and he’s able to stand up  for what he believes in, yet still keep a smile on his face, and get serious when he needs to. Also the costume’s shirt seems to be a bit of a nod to his and Pirate Roberts looks.
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Next we have Captain Blood, and the pants and boots seem to have come straight from this movie. I mean, save for the shirt the pants and boots set are the same, and before Jack and Wesley, Captain Blood was one of the most influential pirates known in pop culture. As with Robin there’s a charm to him, that Sea Hawk seems to have as well. I can’t really say much here as I haven’t seen enough of this movie, but it’s a strong indication that at least there was some influence from this in the past that probably made it to the present.
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Now as for Lando…well come on. Noelle has said that she’s a Star Wars fan, and there’s no one that doesn’t know about Lando. He’s pretty much a pirate in space, and has every air of someone that plays up the looks and charms of a rouge type of person. Both he and Sea Haw share the same smile and I’m pretty sure that some of the inspiration for Sea Hawk came from him in regard to the more charming looks that he keeps giving. Also he has the stache and the threads that show someone who knows fashion and can be one hell of a fighter when need be.
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Now Jack sparrow probably has a bit of the goofy aspect that they added to him. Since most people know this character it’s easy to see that they more than likely wanted him to be a bit of a dork to counter Adora’s dorky moments as well. I would say the earrings and the design of the shirt probably came from him.
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Everything else…Wesley the Dread Pirate Roberts. You can tell in the stance and the way he smiles that someone spent time watching this movie to get an idea of a pirate that is not Jack Sparrow. Wesley’s personality is in tune with how Sea Hawk has been shown so far and very much matches up with the color scheme. Someone who is loyal and devoted, can be passionate, but is calm, cool, and responsible. We see in the Princess Bride movie how he stays calm during events of his capture, when explaining things to Buttercup, how he stayed away from being killed and eventually became the Dread Pirate Roberts.
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Given that we probably will have a similar backstory for him having his father be wealthy and that he chose to be an adventurer I’m sure that Wesley’s “As You wish” sort of personality may come into play here. Blending in the old and the new. I hope.
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dameronalone · 6 years
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Future-Lucy is everything Lucy never thought she could be: confidant, lean, unafraid, filled with purpose, and less detail-oriented, better at thinking on her feet - and rocks short hair. Future-Wyatt is more muscular, quieter, more supportive, and less reckless, more think-before-he-leaps - and looks… really good with a beard.
Also, something different Lucy notices is how close future-Lucy-and-Wyatt are. It’s different from the closeness she and her Wyatt were, less so, since Jessica came back. Future-Lucy-and-Wyatt don’t leave each other’s side; future-Lucy-and-Wyatt read each other’s minds; future-Lucy-and-Wyatt practically finish each other’s sentences, and when they look at each other it feels too intimate to be looking at.
What fresh hell are they put through that sends Lucy out looking like Lara Croft - they pop culture reference Rufus would have - should have - made hurts acutely.
“How did you get here?” Was the first question out of Mason’s mouth, and future-Lucy hops down lightly, followed closely by her Wyatt, and then she tosses a thumb over her shoulder.
“Me,” she says, “Jiya taught me.”
Connor looks a little blindsided at her words, then says,
“No, not who flew - how did you get here, I mean - I thought it wasn’t possible-”
“To travel back to a time when you’re alive?” Future-Lucy finishes his sentence, with a slight smirk and a tilted head. “That’s what you thought. That’s what we all thought.” She glanced at Wyatt, and lifted a shoulder. “We proved you wrong.”
Present-Lucy opens her mouth, but she doesn’t know what she wants to say. Neither does her Wyatt, or Jiya, or Flynn, or Denise.
“So…” future-Wyatt begins. “Are we just going to stand here?”
Or get to work? The rest of the question is implied, and unnecessary to say.
Denise lets future-Lucy-and-Wyatt have two rooms next to each other and tells them,
“Our team needs rest. I have a feeling you both do, too. We can talk in the morning.”
So future-Lucy-and-Wyatt share a look, and enter their seperate rooms, and Flynn is the first to leave, then Connor, and Jiya, and Denise, and then it is present-Lucy-and-Wyatt.
“And then there were two,” Wyatt jokes lightly, and Lucy knows neither of them are sure why they still here. She still hasn’t quite processed everything he told her. I love you, Lucy. God. She can’t not love him after everything they have been through. She has always loved him. She just isn’t sure…. she’s scared, to be perfectly honest. She doesn’t want to get hurt again like that.
“I, um, should probably go to sleep,” Lucy mumbles, shuffling away.
“Lucy, wait,” Wyatt says suddenly, and steps forward, wrapping her in a hug, one hand carefully cradling the back of her concussed head. Lucy releases a breath and the tension in her shoulders all at once, leaning into him. They both still had a lot to work through, but she would never refuse a hug; she couldn’t anymore, she didn’t have enough self-control left.
“Get some sleep,” he murmurs, holding her close, careful and gentle, forehead resting on her shoulder; all the tension in him had dropped out as soon as she relaxed.
“You, too,” Lucy tells him, pulling back, and smoothing out the wrinkled she put in his shirt. She tried to smile, but winced as it tugged on her stitches. “It’s been a long day for everyone.”
She leaves him standing there staring after her.
Future-Lucy can’t help a smirk when a quiet tap sounds on her door. She has no doubt who it is - it was pretty laughable when Denise put them in separate rooms. Lucy pulls the door open to see her Wyatt leaning on the doorframe, a similarly amused smile on his bearded face.
“Can you believe Christopher?” He asks somewhat under his breath, as he slips past her. “Putting us in separate rooms?”
Lucy snorts lightly, shutting the door and turning to face him. Wyatt lets his eyes rake down her figure: one of his t-shirts, cotton boy shorts, and bare feet, and he gets a look in his eyes Lucy has grown to love.
So she pops her hip out and lets her eyes rake down him in return: loose cotton t-shirt, plaid boxers, black socks.
“She probably wanted us to actually sleep, Wyatt,” she says, sauntering forward and twisting her fingers in his soft shirt. Wyatt hums, and slids his hands underneath her shirt and up her back, and tilts forward.
“Well, who’s to say we can’t manage that, too?” He asks, breathes, and when Lucy laughs he covers her mouth with his, and her laugh turns into a groan. A quiet part of Lucy's brain tells her they need to lock the door, but the other part, the part pulling Wyatt's shirt off tells her to screw it, the team will find out eventually.
Present-Lucy needs answers. She needs to know something about anything, anything at all. She doesn't know what's allowed, or what isn't but she needs to know whatever future-Lucy can tell her. She hopes the other her is awake - preferably awake and not with future-Wyatt, because she's not sure what future-Lucy-and-Wyatt's relationship is, and also, considering the fact that Lucy can barely resist her Wyatt's charms, she isn't sure how well she could hold up under future-bearded-Wyatt's charms, if he were so inclined.
It's early, early enough that there isn't much natural light coming in, and everyone else is asleep, except for maybe Connor, but Lucy couldn't help, and she'd already been awake to take her painkillers, which had worn off a half hour earlier. 
Lucy makes her way softly through the corridors of the bunkers, stops in front of future-Lucy's door, and hesitates. Should she knock? Go in?
She settles on knocking - no answer. Half expecting the door to be locked, she turns the knob, surprised when it turns, and the door swings open a few inches. 
Future-Lucy is asleep, short hair a tangled mess, bare legs half covered by the sheets, looking closer to Lucy now than she had last night. A half smile tugs at her stiches as she reaches to pull the door shut, accidentally knocking it open, and she freezes.
Future-Wyatt is asleep next to future-Lucy, face tucked against the back of her neck, an arm tucked securely around her waist, hair sticking up in all direction, and no shirt on.
He is more muscular than her Wyatt was, and more scarred, and then Lucy shakes herself out of her stupor. Future-Wyatt is moving, waking up, and Lucy feels like she's intruding, so she backs out, pulling the door shut quickly.
Lucy exhales hard, and leans against the wall. Well. That answered that question.
Future-Wyatt stretches, yawning, and resettles into the warm spot he and his Lucy had made. He pulls her wild hair off her face and neck so he can press kisses to the side of her neck. Lucy yawns and stretches like a cat, rolling over so she can wrap her arms around his neck.
"Mm, morning, babe," she mumbles, voice thick with sleep, scratching lazily at his scalp. She tilts her head back, and squints. "Was somebody in here?"
Wyatt smiles a little, and she can taste it when she kisses him once, unable to help herself.
"Yeah. The other Lucy peeked in, I think she wanted to talk to you, or something. Anyways," he says, with an air of satisfaction, "she knows now."
His Lucy laughs lightly, and wiggles closer, sliding her hands under his arms and tucking her face into the place between his neck and the pillow. They had work to do, but right now she never. wanted. to move.
"Now everyone else does," she say lightly.
Either way, she's not worried about it. She knows they can take it. After all, it's not like they haven't handled worse.
@modernlifehistorian​ @simply-anya​ @lucys-preston​ @chasethesun18​ @leopoldjamesfitz​ @blackcanarydinah​
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babyitsmagic · 6 years
📝 any of the children. all of the children. fuck me up
@amongstmortals || Send a ‘📝’ to see what plot I’d like to do with our muses.
SOUL MATE AUS. give me hades and seph writing messages on their skin back and forth. it starts bc she’s writing down the names of flowers on her hand and he’s intrigued and decides to write back, asks her which is her fave. one day, when they decide to meet up, he brings her those exact flowers, because of course he remembers.
gael and xal have been soulmates for forever and make it their personal mission in life to find the person with the same soul mark as ara, leading to a million different and hilarious misadventures. she’s their platonic soulmate but gael thinks it’s so important they find her romantic one.
apollo playing godly matchmaker for andie until hecate finally takes pity on her and is like LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE and he pouts but lets andie do her own thing-- maybe she’s stuck with the ‘soulmates feel each other’s pain’ thing and apollo was hoping to help her out who knows.
cait and parri have the ‘first words written on their skin’ thing and cait’s is something unflattering/vulgar like ‘fuck me with a cactus’ and parri’s is something like ‘excuse me?’ and parri’s definitely heard that one a lot so he doesn’t even realize right away what’s happened. not until/if cait brings it up.
i went into the tags and found “soulmate au: when your soulmate gets magically affected by something, so do you. what the FUCK did you do to get turned into an old person?? this is super inconvenient” and all i have to say is: RA. ra and literally anyone.
nico/callie being platonic soulmates and not realizing it bc they’VE NEVER MET but they still just keep in touch all the time and bitch about any and all misadventures on the soulmate front and in life in general.
i’m not done but i’m throwing out a read more bc i’m on a ROLL.
i’m hoping off the soulmate train now even tho my brain’s like all up in this bitch.
declan potentially ending up working for hecate??? so phe and gus have to put up with him for ages? maybe it’s not like a permanent thing but she’s def his patron goddess bc witchcraft so if she showed up and was like ‘yo i need help’ he’d be like ‘well this doesn’t seem optional so i guess i’m in’ but also the whole time he hits on gus and phe bc he’s trash.
-slams hands down- TEYO FINDING OUT ABOUT PENELOPE’S POWERS AND TRYING TO USE THEM TO HIS ADVANTAGE and this is why he starts deciding to romance her maybe??? and all the angst and pain with that.
........let’s fuck flynn up idk. xy says no but my brain says WHAT ABOUT A TOXIC SHIP so if you’re up for that let’s find someone to do it.
also MORE CHILDHOOD FRIENDSHIPS. xy and flynn wreck me on the regular and i need more of that????FUCK WAIT maybe penelope and ian knew each other as kids???? bc his mom was a witch so he grew up around magical people and they lived in mexico for most of his life before moving to los angeles but maybe they visited new orleans or smt???? and fell out of touch but like. both of them have been like frozen at points in time for different reasons and stuff idk it’s just a Thought.
and also like maybe barry and callista meeting??? and bonding over having powers that are dangerous even tho they don’t really wanna be dangerous?? bc barry is an incubus and callista has the eye thing so. that’s also a thing????
i could honestly keep going but this is already so much so here you go friend. i hope i fucked you up good.
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veloxaraptor · 7 years
Training Day (Captain Errol Flynn)
(Lapold Reul belongs to @schrammes-ramblings and is used with permission.)
“Alright maggots, listen up.” Errol strides out, front and center of the troops daily formation. “You've been receiving training under the commander and I for a while now. But that's all pointless if you never get to test the things you've learned. So today, we will have a real, live-fire simulation.”
The troops all side eye one another and a quiet murmur breaks through the ranks. A tic goes off in Errol’s jaw and she immediately calls them all to attention. “Oy! No talking in formation! How many times must we cover this?!” It was true, she had. And each time they messed it up, only served to infuriate her more. “All of you! Drop! Rifles on your hands, give me twenty! The Lieutenant here will keep watch. Any of you screw up and you start back over. As a group. Lieutenant.” She turns to her randomly selected accomplice. “Once they’ve finished their exercise satisfactorily, escort them to the training grounds out back.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He offered a snappy salute and Errol marched off, hands clasped at the small of her back.
Half an hour later, the troops began to putter in, looking sweaty and tired. Errol, on the other hand, looked well rested and quite refreshed. She stands up from the random lawn chair she had managed to produce with a clap on her thighs.
“Ah yes, my little gizka. Perhaps next time you’ll remember to keep your trap shut.” She claps her hands together and then gestures to a table full of water bottles. “Hydrate yourselves and take a few moments to catch a breather while I explain today’s training.” Gratefully, the men stampeded over to the table and drank as they turned to focus on their Captain.
Once she was confident she held the men’s attention, she gestured behind her to the open desert where barricades were set up. “Today’s scenario, gentlemen, is a small scale riot. Now, as I am sure you’re aware, sometimes our leaders make decisions that are not popular with the general populace. For example, putting down a group or sect of people because they feel they’re no longer relevant and pose a threat.”
She clenches her fists behind her back and takes a deep breath before continuing. “Other examples are changes to laws, or tax raises that the local populace doesn’t agree with. Sometimes, this causes such dissent, that locals will arm themselves and revolt. They’ll take to the streets, gunning down anyone they perceive as a threat or opposition. Anyone they think is supporting the leadership.” Errol pauses to make sure the men were registering so far. Pleased with their responses, she continued. “It’s in these scenarios which men like you and I are called into action to protect not only the leadership, but the law abiding citizens in harm’s way. So today’s exercise is two fold. One; put down any violent rioters. Two; protect and avoid civilian casualties.
“Things can get pretty hectic.” She continued. “Sometimes you don’t always have a clear shot at a target because they are using a hostage. In that case, you need to use your better judgement. Sometimes it is better to let the target go than risk the life of an innocent bystander. Sometimes it’s not. Today’s trial won’t put you through that, however. Just don’t shoot civilians, yeah?”
With that, she waves the group over. Beyond the barricades which were meant to simulate buildings and kiosks, was an array of droids. Skytroopers, target dummies, and protocol droids. The men seemed a bit confused for a moment and looked towards Errol for explanation.
“Alright, mites. Here’s the scoop. I had some defunct Skytroopers shipped here and repaired with training protocols. The Ras was kind enough to loan us some of his outdated protocol droids, and I bought some training droids. I think they’re defunct HK models…. ANYWAYS.” She claps her hands again. “The Skytroopers represent heavy duty rioters who may take more than a few shots to take down. The training droids are standard folk who are just dumb enough to try and fight with no training. And the protocol droids represent civilians.
“NOW. I have programmed these droids to shoot at you.” There were gasps and murmurs amongst the men. “Oh stop it.” Errol waved a hand. “They’re programmed to shoot weak bolts at you that’ll feel no more painful than a punch. The point is, don’t get shot. If you get hit in the chest or head, you’re down. And I’ll know who because it’ll hurt.”
Errol’s grin widened as a collective gulp rippled through the company. “These barricades represent buildings and kiosks you’d likely encounter out in town. Use them for cover while you wait for an opening. And DONT,” She stressed, “Shoot any civilians. These droids are on loan from the Ras with the strict understanding that any damages will be paid for out of the Commander’s pocket. I really don’t want to deal with his rage when he finds out what I’ve done behind his back if one of those droids get destroyed. Because then I’ll take it out on you.”
“You have two minutes to get into position. Starting… NOW.” And with that, the men scurried off to find a place to hide from incoming fire. Or at least tried. Several ran into one another trying to get to spots, others tried to cram too many into one spot.
By the time the scenario began operating, only three quarters of the company were behind solid cover. Immediately, three individuals were tagged in the head or chest by incoming fire. Errol used the force to pull them to safety while the remainder of the troops continued the exercise.
Several managed to adapt to the situation remarkably well, almost as though they had had training before. Errol made a point of taking note of who they were to pass along to Lapold. Others seemed to struggle, but she hadn’t expected a well oiled machine. This drill was to see where the men stood and what needed to be worked on most. A couple panicked. They had either hid behind cover, cowering the whole time, or would pop up, spray and pray, and then hide again. Errol also took note of who they were, so that she could make recommendations and pull them aside for personal tutoring if necessary.
Finally, at the end of the hour long session, the “rioters” were down, more than half the company had “survived” and only a few “civilians” had tragically lost their lives. Luckily, she had been joking about Lapold having to pay for them. Mostly. Errol was mildly impressed. The company had fared better than she had been expecting, though not as good as she would have liked. Still, she was proud of them and called them all over for post-scenario debrief.
“Alright, everyone. Take a knee and put your safeties on.” She stood in the center as they all formed a half circle around her, ready to listen to what she had to say. “I’m honestly impressed with you lot today. You did much better than I had expected. But you still have a long way to go. So I’m going to address what went wrong first, and how to improve, then tell you all what you did right so we end on a high note. Hmm?
“Now,” Errol had begun when suddenly the sound of a weapon firing echoed through the field. Suddenly, there was a searing pain in the Captain’s gut. It took a moment for her to register what had happened and the congregation sat there silently, looks of pure shock and terror on their faces.
From his office window, Lapold had looked up just in time to see the events unfolding in slow motion. One moment, Errol had been addressing the men, the next, a stray blaster bolt whizzed by and pierced through her abdomen, just below her ribs. He was on his feet in an instant, rushing to the scene.
Errol looked over to where she had suspected the blast had come from, to see a cadet holding his weapon, looking petrified. “I-I’m sorry, Captain. I… I was trying to turn the safety on and hnng--” His words were cut off as Errol reached out with the force and began to choke him.
Finally, the men had snapped out of it and one stood and rushed off, shouting behind him. “I’ll go get the Commander!”
“GET A GODS DAMNED MEDIC. I CANT HEAL MYSELF.” Errol roared, tightening her grip on the cadet’s throat. Her free hand gripped the hole in her gut that had gone clear through. Bad day for her to have chosen her Scion’s gear over armor.
Lapold rounded the corner as Errol was shouting, medic already in tow. The man had impeccable timing, Errol thought to herself as the pair rushed over to her. Lapold placed his hand on her outstretched arm, gently trying to lower it.
“Captain, let the cadet go. You need medical attention.” His voice was soothing, at least to her.
“No shit, sir.” Came her response through gritted teeth. “Choking the everloving life out of this buffoon is the only thing keeping me from collapsing right now.”
“Let go.” Lapold repeated himself firmly. “I will deal with his punishment while you’re treated.”
Errol didn’t want to let go. She wanted to wring the life out of the little fool with all of Tyth’s rage. She wanted to snap his little neck. But alas, her injury finally took its toll and weakly, she released the young private before crumpling into a heap on the ground.
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