#also sorry late post even though I finished this like hours ago I had some irl issues HKdhakfh o7
isjasz · 8 months
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[Day 221]
+ some experimental doodles of shapeshifter grian :D
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pedroshotwifey · 1 year
Joel Fucking Miller
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Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader (Can be pictured as either HBO or Video Game version)
Word Count: 8.1k
Tags/Warnings: NO use of Y/N, Smut with a lil garnish of angst, kinda mean Joel, Borderline Dark!Joel, but consent is given at a point, one singular spank, rough piv sex, exhibition kink, slight humiliation/degradation, possessive behavior, enemies to lovers-ish?, reader is a menace but we love her, spit kink, anal play, this is pure filth and I'm not sorry
Summary: You and Joel Miller have been sworn enemies from the very start, both of you at each other’s other's throats since the first glance. What he can't know is that you have been harboring a stubborn crush on him this whole time---It’s not until he has you up against a wall that you realize he feels the same way.
A/N: Now that I have all of my one-shots posted, I'm going to start posting my ongoing stories as well as some new works. I'm almost finished with the Frankie Sex Pollen fic so that will be posted sometime this week. I will also be working on creating both a masterlist and a recommendation list, so hopefully that should be done soon too. Thanks for reading!
Today has been a shitty fucking day—no pun intended. 
Not to say every day isn’t shitty here in the QZ, but this one really takes the cake. To start your fabulous day, you woke up an hour late, making you one of the last people in line to pick up jobs. When you got to the assigning station, you found that you had been left with two options for the week: janitorial service at one of the mess halls, and sewer duty—where you literally have to shovel shit. The only card left for the mess hall was an all-day shift. You took them both.
That's why you find yourself here now, below the city, finishing up sewer duty, covered head to toe in stench and sweat even though it’s the middle of winter. You’re pretty sure you are the last one down here; it’s been a while since you saw or heard anyone else. You aren’t surprised. You’re used to being the only one who cares enough to actually finish whatever job you were tasked with that day, no matter how repulsive it may be. 
You don't take pride in much, but you are willing to admit that you admire that quality about yourself. You are a damn hard worker and you aren’t afraid to show it. You have no idea where it stems from, maybe your stubbornness, or possibly your inner perfectionist. Whatever it is, you find yourself often wishing that more people would have the same mindset. God knows it would make your life easier at the very least. In the time you have spent in the Boston QZ, you have only had the pleasure—or maybe you should say displeasure—of meeting one other like-minded person. 
You became acquainted with Joel Miller within the first day of being in the QZ, which was about three years ago now. The first glance you got of him was as you were being hauled through the gates, lucky enough to have not been shot on the spot when a couple of FEDRA officers caught you hiding out in the woods. Your eyes met his before they met anyone else's, and he’d held your gaze, his expression anything but welcome, as if he were trying to evaluate you with one look. 
By the looks of it, he had to be at least a couple of decades older than you, but that didn’t stop the heat that started to simmer between your legs at the first glance you got of him. When his eyes didn't leave yours, you took it as a challenge and forced yourself to keep your gaze on him until he was completely out of sight. You knew what you were doing, and so did he, both of you deciding on the spot that you would be enemies until one of you either died or left. 
Sure, you knew that it probably wasn't the best idea to piss people off before you made any allies, but you couldn’t find it in you to care. From the first second you saw that man, you knew that one way or the other—one of them being a heated feeling you chose to ignore—he would be trouble. As per usual, you were right. If you didn't know any better, you would have said that he was dead-set on following you around, bumping into you at almost every job you took. At first, you had been convinced that he had been doing just that.
 The first couple of times it happened you considered it some stupid coincidence, some twisted kind of unluckiness. Granted, it wasn't every time, but it was more often than not, and that was more than enough for you. By the fifth or sixth time out of ten, you waited until the very end of the shift, until it was only Joel and yourself left working. You kept a close eye on him, and as soon as he started wrapping up, you cornered him. That had been the first time that you had ever actually spoken to each other instead of tossing nasty glances back and forth. 
You had immediately gone to work with your rushed interrogation, demanding him to tell you why he was following you, to tell you what his problem was. The most frustrating part of the whole ordeal was the way he had sat back, leaning on one leg with his arms crossed, his expression bored as he waited for you to finish. He said nothing until he was positive that you had nothing more to say. 
“I ain't followin’ you, kid,'' he had said, his voice deep and more pleasant than you would have liked it to be. His tone was hard, as you had expected it would be, but the tangy southern drawl and depth of his voice took you off guard, an unwelcome heat suddenly forming between your legs—which only pissed you off more. 
The stone-cold look in his too-pretty eyes only worsened the feeling, and suddenly you found that you weren't able to speak; you didn't even know what you had come up to say at this point.  “Don’t fuckin’ bother me again,” he muttered and pushed past you before you could realize you had been staring.
“You just gonna fuckin’ stand there all day?” A much too familiar voice pulls you out of your thoughts and back into reality. Speak of the fucking devil. 
“Just finishing up, Miller,” you spit, not bothering to look in his direction. You can hear him start to walk up to you but you ignore it, opting instead to actually finish what you had been doing. It only takes a few more seconds, and by that time, you can practically feel Joel staring a hole into your back, no more than a few feet behind you now. 
He doesn't move, so you continue to ignore him and start walking to the ladder so you can get out of this literal shit hole. You only make it a few steps before you realize that he is moving with you, following at the same distance he had stopped at before. Your jaw ticks as you spin around on your heel, so suddenly that Joel almost knocks into you.
“Is there something I can help you with?” you ask him as sweetly as you can manage, the fire in your eyes contradicting your tone. His own eyes narrow as he takes a step back, crossing his arms in his usual fashion. 
“Maybe you should learn how to help yourself first before you go offerin’ it to other people, princess.” He says the name as an insult, and you have to bare your teeth to keep your composure. 
“What the fuck is that even supposed to mean, old man?” You ask him, taking a step toward him. He doesn't back away this time, instead taking a step toward you in reciprocation. The two of you lock gazes and stare at each other for what could have been ten seconds or ten days before Joel breaks the trance and shoves past you instead of answering. 
You just stand there and let him climb the ladder to the street above you. You can see right through him, the asshole wants a reaction, and you're not going to grant him that satisfaction—not this time anyway. 
You wait for a few minutes until you can be sure that he's long gone before you grit your teeth and turn on your heel, walking to the ladder and hoisting yourself up. As you reach the surface you catch a whiff of yourself and scrunch your nose. You need a fucking shower.
The next day, you wake up in a sour mood, already dreading today's job—janitorial services. At least it's not scooping shit this time. You’re the first one there, as per usual. The hall is a mess after breakfast and you take a deep breath as you think about the fact that even after you scrub it spotless, it will be trashed again by the end of lunch and then again after dinner.
To top it all off, it's ridiculously cold in the room, the fire lit in the back of it not doing much to increase the temperature. You look down at your white cotton t-shirt under your flannel and find yourself wishing you had put a thicker undershirt on.
There aren't many people working with you on the first shift, only the usual other three this morning, not that you're complaining of course, it just means fewer people to get in your way. You keep your eyes to yourself most of the time, only looking at someone if they address you to ask for help or to comment on something. Before you know it, lunch has come and gone and you are preparing for dinner. 
You notice halfway through that time that your friend is working the second shift, and she approaches you so you can work together for the rest of the time, though she only has the after-lunch shift. Rachel is a hard worker for the most part, though she likes to slack off a lot, but you appreciate the help while you have it. The two of you gossip and joke quietly until it's time for her to leave and time for you to sit back and wait for the dinner crowd to flood in.
It feels like a week has passed by the time the last person clears out after dinner, and you breathe a sigh of relief—you’re so close to getting back to your apartment and into your welcoming bed. You immediately get to work on sweeping up the trash that collected underneath the tables, eager to get out of here. 
There are only two other people working with you this shift, which is weird because FEDRA usually has at least four people on each job, but you brush it off. They seemed to know each other and they blab amongst themselves as they work. At least the couple seemed like they were in the same mindset when it came to getting this job done, so you didn’t mind the fact that you are missing a crew member. 
Halfway through your sweeping, you hear the door slam open, startling you and the couple that is now busy with taking leftover dishes into the kitchen. The chill that sweeps through the large room makes you assume it was just a gust of wind, probably blowing snow into the doorway. 
Great, something else to clean, you think as you huff an annoyed breath. 
When you turn to face the sound though, you find yourself wishing that the problem had been snow, but of course, when did anything ever go your way? The supposed gust of wind is actually Joel fucking Miller.
Your mood immediately sours and you have to fight not to roll your eyes as you watch him slink into the room and follow the couple into the kitchen. You hear the girl inform him that he was late—as if he didn’t know, or care for that matter. He only grunts in response. You don’t bother to stop your eyes from rolling to the back of your head. If Joel sees it, he doesn't say anything. 
An hour later, Joel hasn’t bothered you, much to your relief. The only time you have to look up from your work is when the couple from earlier bids you farewell before they walk out the door. There is nothing left to do but scrub the tables, which you are doing now. 
You only have two to go, and then you’re free for the rest of the night. Now that you're the only one left, the room is almost eerily silent, the only sound being the drip of water as you dip your sponge into the bucket and wring it out. After the table you are working on is thoroughly cleaned, you move on to the last one. It sits right next to the busted window, and you shiver as you walk past it. 
“Cold, sweetheart?” The baritone voice sounding from behind you just about causes you to jump out of your skin, the bucket of water in your grasp suddenly spilling over your front. Of course, it was a huge fucking bucket, so it was enough water to coat almost your entire body. 
The white t-shirt you have on under your thick flannel is soaked through so that it’s practically transparent. Dropping the now empty tub to the floor with a loud clang, you swivel on your heel to face Joel, who is leaning against the wall to his right, arms crossed.
 If he sees the fire in your eyes, he ignores it as he smirks at you, obviously humored by your reaction—and likely by the fact that he can see your bra. Your mouth opens and closes repeatedly, every expletive or reprimand that comes to mind doesn’t seem to cover what you want to say. 
As you stand there soaked in dirty, soapy water, you find that you can do nothing but stare. Your gaze is stuck on the man still standing in front of you, not a twinge of empathy in his own, which he has trained on you in return. You have no idea how long the two of you stay rooted to the same spots, staring each other down, but it must have been at least a few minutes because you can feel your body start to involuntarily shiver as your drenched form begins to freeze. 
Of fucking course you had to have been standing right next to the broken, half-assed boarded-up window, and not by the fire that still rages into the chimney on the other side of the room. 
The cool air sweeping in seems to trap you in its frigid grasp, threatening to turn the grayish liquid that covers you into ice. You can't help it as you finally move, bringing your arms up to cross over your chest in a feeble attempt to warm your rapidly cooling body and cover your exposed undergarment. You flinch as your arm presses the freezing fabric closer to your skin.
The action seems to break the invisible spell that had set over the two of you because Joel takes that as his queue to take a step back off the wall and lift his chin. The movement makes him look bigger and you have to lift your own to look into his eyes again. You can only hope he sees the fury that burns on your own. If looks could kill, he would be dead on the floor right now. 
“You’re fucking joking,” you are the first to break the silence. The quiver in your voice would be embarrassing if not for the fact that it was placed there out of anger. The asshole who put it there must know it too because you can see the way he swallows as if trying to rid himself of his guilt, though if that’s what he is feeling, he doesn’t show it any other way. 
You can expect that the action will be the only sign of such a thing—if Joel Miller doesn't want to feel a certain way, he doesn’t, simple as that. You have never once met a man more rude, nor stubborn as the one currently in front of you.  
“Didn’t realize I was bein’ funny,” he says, straight-faced with that stupid southern drawl that you have come to despise. You don’t reply as you continue to stare daggers at him, and you can't tell what’s making you shake more at this point—the layer of fucking ice about to coat your body, or the unmatched rage that brews in your mind.
 Right now, you would place your bets on the rage, considering it’s actually starting to warm you up. The sight of Joel, arms crossed to mimic your own, still staring down at you like he's some fucking god, only fuels the feeling. Sighing quietly, your eyes shut as you try to calm yourself down before you say something you would really regret. It only takes a few seconds until you speak again, which might not have been long enough, truthfully speaking. 
“That was pretty fucking shitty, even for you, Miller.” You manage to get the sentence out through gritted teeth, but it sounds strained. Anyone would agree that it sounds like you are trying your best to contain yourself, though it’s obviously a task you are struggling with. He says nothing, and his body gives nothing away, so you speak again. He knew exactly what was going to happen if he snuck up on you like that, and he probably didn’t even give it a second thought.
“I mean really, how fucking immature can you be? You really thought scaring me while I was holding a tub of dirty water was the best way to get my attention?” Your mouth starts to let words out before you can even think about what threatens to escape, and there is nothing you can really do but allow it to happen. 
Your lips are moving far too quickly for your brain to comprehend at this point, your anger completely taking over. As hard as it can be to hold yourself back from an argument sometimes, you always managed—but this was the last fucking straw. 
“And why the fuck are you even here? You obviously don’t have anything left to do.” Your voice is quickly raising but you doubt you could do anything about that even if you wanted to right now. Of course, it doesn’t matter how loud you get, you could probably scream right in his face, it never seems to affect him.
“Seemed lonely,” he says simply, shrugging and shifting off of the wall. He looks at your bewildered expression and decides it would somehow make it better if he elaborated, though you both know that he only does it to dig further under your skin. 
“Never got anyone around, s’ all. Too fuckin’ stubborn n’ self-absorbed to make any friends.” His tone is condescending and nonchalant at the same time, like he is both stating a fact and trying to beat you down. You continue to stare at him as he finishes. This is a whole new level, one you wouldn’t even have assumed Joel would ever jump to. 
You’ll admit it, he’s managed to find one of your most delicate insecurities, and he knows it, too.  Even before the outbreak, you always had trouble making friends, your anxiety and general mistrust always got in the way. Every time you thought you were getting close to someone, you would push them away. It was your biggest fear, being betrayed by someone close to you—a worse fear, you decided, than being alone. 
To this day, you have only ever let one person really get to know you. When you met Rachel during your first week in the QZ, she showed you a sort of open kindness that let you know she was a good one. You knew then, and you know now, that she would never do anything to hurt you in any way. 
In the time that you've gotten to know her, she’s become the best friend you’ve ever had, and the only one you wanted. But she is only one person after all, and she can’t spend all of her time with you, so you find yourself on your own most of the time—and of course, Joel Miller, of all people, would pick up on it. 
“You are such an asshole, Joel,” you spew out after a moment. “And you have the audacity to call me lonely?” You can't help the tears that start to blur your vision, so you ignore them as you continue to rant, your hands now flying wildly. The pit of insecurity in your stomach is starting to grow to the point where you feel like it will swallow you whole. 
“You act like you’re so much fucking better than me! Who do you have?” Through your watering eyes, you can see the way Joel flinches slightly, and as much as it pleases you that you seem to have finally found a soft spot, it also eggs you on. You recognize it and think to yourself that he's a fucking idiot for pointing out the fact that you don’t have anyone in your corner when he has the same exact problem. 
“Huh? You say I'm alone, and maybe I am, but I’ve never seen you with anybody.” Your vision starts to clear as you feel hot tears begin to streak down your already-soaked cheeks, allowing you to see the deep scowl set on Joel's face. It almost scares you how mad he looks, but it's too late to back down now. 
You stare at him for a moment, waiting for him to say something, but it never comes. His silence only encourages you, and you know you probably seem immature as you continue to insult him, but it gets pushed to the back of your mind as you quickly realize it’s the least of your worries right now. Your tears are streaming freely at this point, your breaking point finally has been reached. The words are coming out faster than you care to stop them. 
“You have no fucking friends, Joel,” you spit out. That one definitely struck a nerve, and you watch as he takes a step towards you, his face giving you a warning expression as if he already knows what you are going to say next. You know his history, and you know it's a bad idea, you know it is, but you say it anyway.
“You have no friends…” You pause, your brain subconsciously trying to talk you out of what you’re about to do. Of course, you don't listen. “...and you have no fucking famil-” you get cut off as Joels hand makes contact with your throat, his grip crushing your windpipe as he pushes you back until you hit the wall and lifts you onto your toes so you are looking into his rage-filled eyes.
He says nothing for a moment as he lets you struggle in his firm grasp, watching you writhe and try to gulp in air. The panic that courses through your body is almost paralyzing, sending a hot flash throughout your entire body as your brain catches up with what's happening. 
You find yourself panicking even more when you realize that fear isn’t the only thing your senses seem to be overwhelmed with as his hand tightens around your neck. The wetness beginning to gather in your panties is suddenly the biggest problem you are faced with, an unwelcome feeling or arousal suddenly making itself known. 
Everything seems to be happening in slow motion as you feel your hands start to claw at the one wrapped around your neck, no doubt leaving raised scratch marks across his wrist. The man doesn't wince or falter though, as you struggle to try to pry his hand away. You can feel your mouth opening and closing, though you’re unsure of what you are trying to say. You suspect it's something along the lines of “Please”, but no sound comes out. 
Eventually, after you realize that nothing is going to come from your struggle, you let your body fall limp, the only movement left is the tears that still crawl tauntingly down your cheeks. Though some of them may still be from the anger that had overcome you before you felt his large palm on your throat, most of them are now evidence of your shame. 
Logically, you reason that there is no way for him to know what kind of response his aggressive actions pulled from you, but you can't help but feel like somehow, he can see right through you. 
Upon seeing you submit, Joel lifts you more until you are close enough to feel his hot breath fan across your face. He loosens his grip enough so that you are allowed to catch a breath, but not enough for you to fall away from him. He starts to lower his arm, letting your feet hit the ground, but he leans his body down with your own so that his face stays less than an inch away from your own the entire time. 
You know that realistically, he only had you in the air for a few seconds, but it felt like an hour with the fear—and unexpected lust—that was coursing through your veins. Though you are still trembling with the silent threat he delivered, you seem to be able to calm down a little as his hand loosens and slides around to the back of your neck, only holding you in place. 
You stare into his eyes because you have nowhere else to look, and are almost surprised to see the array of emotions on display. You see anger, impatience, annoyance, a hint of restraint, but the one that seems to dominate them all is the one that takes you aback the most. You see in his eyes, what must be a reflection of your own. 
Your mouth drops open again as you begin to place the look of longing and desire that burns in Joel's gaze as he stares you down, his mouth just centimeters from your own. You take a chance and allow yourself to look down at the way his lips almost brush yours, his own mouth parted as you both try to calm your ragged breathing. 
You have no idea why you suddenly feel this way—well, you do, you just refuse to admit it. You hate his fucking guts because he is the only man that has made you feel something since before the outbreak. Every time you look at him, it is evidence that you are still capable of letting your guard down, that you are still weak. 
You promised yourself the first time you understood what the potential problem with Joel Miller could be, that you wouldn’t allow it to become one. But this god-damned man makes it so fucking hard to keep that in check when he is staring at you like he wants to ruin you. 
You feel his hand tighten around you again, and you snap your eyes back up to his, suddenly blushing as you realize that you have been staring at his lips for far too long. For once, you are at a loss for words, you have no idea what to say that might save your ass from looking like you had been doing exactly what you had. Thankfully, you don't have to wonder for long because Joel cuts right back to the chase, seemingly shaking himself out of his own thoughts as he speaks again. 
“You want to try that again, little girl?” Fuck. How the fuck are you supposed to ignore the pit forming in your stomach when he says shit like that? You are too caught up in thinking of a response to answer him immediately, and he clearly doesn’t appreciate that as he shifts his position, pushing you back further into the wall behind you. 
When he moves, you realize that one of his legs is slotted between your own, and your eyes widen as you feel how close his thigh is to your center—one little movement and you will give yourself away. You must be dripping at this point, and if he's not close enough to feel the heat coming off your cunt from where he stands right now, he will be if he moves any closer. 
Steeling yourself, you opt not to speak as you bring your hands back up to grasp at his wrist again. Joel watches as you struggle to get a grip before he growls and uses his free hand to grab both of yours and place them on the wall above your head. Your eyes somehow widen even more and you want to shrivel up into a ball as you feel the blood rush to your cheeks.
You need to move now. You can't let this man see what he does to you, the way your body reacts to the way he so easily dominates you. You know that you have no time to plan anything out, so you do the first thing that comes to mind—you try to tug your hands out of his grip and you lunge to the side. 
You’re not sure why you even attempt it, you know that it won't get you anywhere, but you do it anyway. Of course, he overpowers you once again, and nothing changes but his grip, both of his hands tightening as he leans in even closer to you. The new position causes his thigh to crush into your throbbing clit, and before you can stop it, a whimper breaks through your lips.
Nothing is said for a moment as you stare at Joel with shame, and him at you with a newfound amusement. You can feel yourself melting on the spot, and you let your head hang in humiliation, your eyes trained on the ground next to Joel, who is now smirking as he stares back at you. You feel his thigh crush into you again, deliberately this time, and you have to bite your lip and close your eyes in concentration so as to not give away any more sounds. 
You hear Joel chuckle darkly above you, and the sound goes straight to your pussy. How are you supposed to resist this man when he sounds like that, when the rough denim of his jeans is rubbing you in all the right places as he begins to rock his thigh back and forth, making you bite your lip even harder. The hand on your neck suddenly releases its grip and you feel his thumb come to your mouth, tugging your bottom lip until it falls away from the punishing bite of your teeth. 
“C’mon now, princess,” you hear Joel speak again and you can't help but moan softly as he sets his hand on your hip, starting to guide you across his firm thigh. 
“You’ve given yourself away now, you ain’t gonna get outta this one.” His tone is taunting as he presses down on your hip, bringing you down harder against him. 
The pressure on your clit is almost overwhelming with pleasure, and you find yourself moving on your own, beginning to chase the orgasm that has suddenly come within your grasp. You can’t help it with the way your wet jeans rub you just right and the firmness of his thigh is just enough to push the seam of them onto all the right places.
“F-fuck you, Miller,” you say, opening your eyes and bringing your head back up to look into his eyes, hoping the anger is apparent in yours. He stares at you for a moment before he speaks again. 
“Yeah, I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t ya?” He doesn’t give you a chance to respond before he moves his hand down to where your cunt meets his thigh, and places his thumb right on your clit, rubbing quick circles. The touch is all you need to send you over the edge, becoming a moaning mess under Joel’s body. He’s right of course, you want him to fucking ruin you. God, you hate it when he’s right. 
He continues the circles on your clit as you come down from your high, riding you through it. When you are finally able to catch your breath, you look him in the eye to find him staring right back at you. His gaze is intense and full of want. 
“You want me to quit, darlin?” You can tell by the way he says it, that he asks genuinely. He would stop if you said the word. As much as you want to hate him, you know that he is respectful enough that he wouldn’t do anything to that effect without your consent.
Joel may be an asshole, but he would never put his hands on a woman in that sense if she showed any sign of resistance. Though he didn’t seem to have a problem with wrapping his palm around your throat. 
“I can give you more, all you have to do is ask,” Joel says after you don't answer him. His gaze is hungry as he waits for your consent, his eyes slowly tracing up and down your body, taking you in. When he looks back to your face, you nod slowly, watching as his already blown-out pupils seem to take over his irises. 
“I'm gonna need to hear you say it, darlin,” he says as he brings his chin up to the side of your head, nibbling your earlobe and making you shiver. 
“P-please, Joel,” you say, giving up the act. You know you want him, he knows you want him, and now you know he wants you, too. 
“I need you, please.” At your signal, he doesn't wait any longer as he starts to pull you away from the wall, his free hand traveling back to the back of your neck, the other still grasping your wrists. Before you can figure out where he’s moving you to, your chest slams onto one of the tables, the force almost enough to knock the wind out of you. You had expected him to be rough, but not this rough… not that you mind. He’s clearly done with being gentle with you now that he has free reign.
“Jesus, Joel,” you say, throwing him a look over your shoulder as much as you can with your neck still being pinned down. 
“You fucking mind?” You hear Joel chuckle behind you and feel him step closer to you, pressing himself against your ass and leaning over so that his chest is flush with your back. 
“Nope, not at all.” His breath tickles your ear as he whispers into it. 
“Now I'd be quiet if I were you, girl,” he tells you, his tone almost threatening. “Unless you want to wake the whole town, of course, cause now that I’ve started, I ain't gonna stop.” Your eyes widen and a whimper falls from your lips as he finishes his threat and pushes his top half off of you. 
“Maybe you’d like that, huh, little girl?” he pauses his sentence to rip your pants and panties down in one fluid motion, making you cry out.
“Let the whole town watch me fuck you, show everyone who you belong to, who this cunt belongs to.” He knows you too fucking well, knows that you’re thinking about it now, salivating over the thought of someone walking in on you like this, your pants around your ankles, him, balls deep inside of you, taking what he wants. 
“Dirty little girl, out here whorin’ herself out to me so quick. Slut’s just damn desperate for some good fuckin’ cock.”
You hear a sharp zip from somewhere behind you and you struggle out of instinct, pushing up on the hand holding you down. He ignores your protest and slams himself into you, sheathing himself in one fluid motion, giving you no warm-up or time to adjust. 
You expected him to be big, but you weren't expecting this. He's fucking huge, stretching you out and reaching depths you didn't even know existed. You scream out at the sudden burning intrusion and Joel moves the hand that isn't on your neck to your mouth, silencing you halfway through the outburst. 
The tears that fall from your eyes catch on the palm of his hand as he brings his cock almost all the way out before slamming himself back in, setting a brutal pace. 
“Tha’s alright baby, Ima take good care of you,” Joel assures you through gritted teeth. “Make you feel real good creamin’ all over my fat cock.”
Your fingernails scrape the surface of the table once he releases your hands, scrambling for purchase as Joel slams into you without remorse. You’re almost surprised at how quickly you feel the knot in your stomach start to build back up, the pain promptly turning to pleasure as Joel brutally shoves his cock into your already-sore pussy. 
The sounds of Joel's grunts, your muffled sobs, and the squelching of your cunt quickly fill the room, you would be embarrassed if you weren’t so cock-drunk on Joel. Right now, the only thing you can focus on is the way the head of his dick slams into your G-spot with every harsh thrust. 
The way his dick drags against your walls makes you clench with every swift pass. That combined with the way his hips slap against your ass might just be the best thing you’ve ever felt. 
Your body begins to go slack, your stomach and chest pressing harder into the table, you barely even register Joel's hand being removed from your mouth until you hear your unfiltered moans break through. 
“Jus’ wait one second, darlin,” Joel's voice is strained as he talks. You try to nod back at him but find that it's a bit hard when your bones have melted. His pace never falters as he reaches down to where he pulled his pants down just enough to free his thick cock and heavy balls. 
When his hand finds the open buckle of his belt, he tugs it through the loops and uses the edge of the table to fold it once before bringing it to your lips, pushing it toward you until you bite down on it. 
He tells you something, by his tone it sounded like a command, but you can’t seem to make out the request.  If you weren’t drooling before, you certainly are now with the taste of leather on your tongue. Joel smirks to himself as your moans quiet down with the help of the belt. 
“There ya go, such a good girl holdin’ on t’ that for me,” he runs his fingers through your hair as you keen at his praise. He can feel your cunt tighten around him as your second orgasm approaches once again and he has to steel himself so as not to come right then and there like some teenager. Instead, he brings his hand down to touch your clit again, not with his thumb, but with his middle three fingers, rubbing up and down, immediately setting a furious pace. 
The new sensation combined with the pistoning of his hips pushes you over the edge and you have to bite down on the belt so you don't scream as you receive the hardest orgasm you’ve ever had. It's like nothing you’ve ever felt before, the white-hot pleasure almost blinding you, and the force of it almost pushing him out of your cunt. 
You sob as you listen to Joel talk you through it, telling you how good you're doing for him, how you were made for him to stuff his cock into. His pace never falters as you gush around him, but he does push himself further into you so as to not be forced out of you. 
The strength of his thrust is enough to surge you forward, the table screeching on the concrete floor below you as it too is moved forward slightly. After you come down completely from your high, he grasps your hands and tugs them behind your back for leverage, fucking down into you to chase his own pleasure. 
“Goddamn, darlin, tight, young, little cunt, squeezin’ the fuckin’ life outta me.” His dirty words are almost humiliating as he throws them out, but you love every moment of it, the way you clench around his cock giving you away quickly. 
“Oh, you like that, little slut?” he almost sounds surprised as he continues rambling. 
“Filthy little thing, lettin’ some old man stuff his cock into your sweet little pussy. ‘F you didn’t take dick so good I would think you’d be a damn virgin.” You whine beneath him as much as you can with the leather between your teeth, a shameless request for him to keep talking. 
“Yeah, you like that, huh, little girl?” He grants your wish, spewing more filthy comments every few thrusts. “Like bein’ told what a f-fuckin’ whore you are f’ me?” You keep, drooling on the belt trapped between your teeth.
Suddenly, you feel the large hand that was pinning your neck disappear, only to reappear on your ass, making your eyes widen as Joel quickly slides to your other hole, his thumb right above the tight ring of muscle. 
Usually, you would want to struggle, but for some reason, the thought of Joel taking you there is something you find yourself wanting. He feels you squeeze around him again and he chuckles at your desperation. 
“Now, you’re just full of surprises, ain't ya, princess?” He says, his voice even more strangled than it was before. It almost sounds like it should be painful for him to talk. He stops talking for a moment to allow his saliva to drip down and slide down your ass crack. 
“You’d let me fuck you here, wouldn't you, little girl?” Fuck this man, you both know the answer to that. 
“Put my dick in this pretty little ass?” When you don't object, you feel him spit on top of his thumb again before pushing it into you. 
Your eyes roll to the back of your head and your toes curl as he slides his thumb into you until he can’t anymore. The intrusion triggers your third orgasm, your body melting into the table as you press back into him. It’s less intense than the first two, but you are still fully consumed by the waves of pleasure that wash over you.
If you had been standing, you would have fallen to your knees. You’ve never felt so full in your life, the feeling almost overwhelming as he leans on top of you again, continuing to whisper filth into your ear. You can tell he’s getting close by the way he lets go of your wrists and tangles his fingers into your hair, slamming himself somehow even deeper inside of you.  
“Tell me who these fuckin’ holes belong to, princess,” he spews out through gritted teeth, pulling the belt away from your mouth and throwing it somewhere off to the side. 
“Who makes you feel good, makes these little holes feel good?” When you don't answer immediately, your unleashed moans and whimpers making it almost impossible, he uses the hand that’s not fingering your ass to deliver a sharp slap to your left cheek. 
“Fuck, fuck Joel it’s you,” you practically sob as you tell him what he wants to hear, what you want him to hear. 
“T-these holes are yours Joel, you make them feel so good, they belong to you, all yours,” you cry out frantically. Satisfied with your response, he rubs over the red spot on your skin before returning his hand to your neck. 
“That's right,” he praises you softly and you soak up every word. “Such a good fuckin’ girl, knowin’ who she belongs to.” He thrusts into you half a dozen more times before his pace finally starts to falter. 
“W-where do you want me, sweet thing?” As he asks you, all you can think is “fuck this man for being respectful with shit like that.”  If he hadn’t asked, you probably would have shoved him away, but instead, you make another stupid decision—why the fuck not at this point? 
“I-inside, Joel, inside me, oh my god, fucking c-come inside me,” you’re only slightly aware of how desperate you sound as you beg for his cum, but again, you can’t seem to find it in you to care. You let your cheek rest on the cool surface of the table and close your eyes, too exhausted to hold yourself up any longer. 
You hear Joel groan and start to say something above you, but he cuts himself off as he releases inside you with a strangled moan, almost like he is biting down on his lip so as not to shout. 
A stream of curses laced with your name spills from his lips as he twitches and pulses inside you. The feeling of his hot cum spilling into you is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. It seems like forever before he stills, practically collapsing on top of you, his cum dripping around his softening cock and down your thighs. 
Despite his weight on top of you, you think you could probably manage to fall asleep there. Your body has never felt so spent and tired, every muscle sore in one way or another. Joel waits only a minute before lifting himself off of you, and you attempt to lift your head to follow his movement, only for your cheek to be gently pressed back onto the table by his palm. 
“Jus' hold on a second, princess.” His tone is softer than you’ve ever heard it, and it makes your heart warm, but you can't resist the perfect opportunity to tease him as it presents itself. 
“You’re happier after you get your dick wet,” you say with a small smile as you follow his request, letting your eyes close as you bask in the feeling of euphoria that’s taken over your body. 
At your snippy comment, you expect him to scold you, or maybe to swat your behind, which is still presented for him. What you don’t expect is to feel his tongue on your spent cunt. Your body jolts and your eyes snap open at the unexpected feeling, your reflexes causing you to try to sit up again, only to be pushed down by Joel’s hand on your lower back. 
“I said to wait a second, darlin’,” he says as he pulls away from you, his tone more stern now. He waits until you nod your head to return to your pussy, dipping into your hole and lapping up your mixed release. You shudder as his tongue grazes your overstimulated clit, but do your best to hold still for him. 
After he seems to have gotten his fill, you feel him pull away again and stand up to lean over you. His hand suddenly grabs your chin, making you twist your neck slightly so that you are looking up at him. He keeps his mouth shut as he brings it to his own before squeezing your cheeks, making you open your lips, and drops his jaw open. 
You gasp as you feel the combination of his spit and your cum mixed with his own slowly spill onto your tongue. He keeps his eyes open and locked onto yours as he keeps your lips together and lets the liquid drip into your mouth. When he pulls away, he replaces his lips with his hand, forcing your mouth shut. 
“Swallow,” he commands. You obey without a second thought and let the substance slip down your throat. He smiles when he's sure you’re done and moves his hand, motioning for you to open up. You do, and he smirks as he sees every drop gone. 
“Good girl,” he mutters as he lays back down on top of you, and you let your body rest on the table again, enjoying the feel of his body on top of yours. As the two of you stay there, catching your breath, you feel Joel's chest start to vibrate against your back in silent laughter. You furrow your brows and attempt to stand and roll him off you, but only succeed in the latter, your legs failing as if they were made of jello. 
Joel stands back and tucks himself back into his jeans as you slump back down on the table, temporarily accepting defeat. You see him take a seat in the chair next to you out of the corner of your eye, his chest still rattling the slightest bit. 
“What the fuck do you find so funny, bastard?” You slur your words, your tone is a lot less fierce than you had wanted it to be. He looks at you before answering, and you feel your both heart and your cunt clench at the almost adoring look in his eyes as he meets your gaze. Maybe the asshole will try to be decent for a moment, his expression promising. 
“Looks like your gonna have t’ scrub this table again, princess,” he says, his tone toeing the line of playful. You feel your lips tug up into a smile as you recognize the fact that this is probably Joel being friendly. Or at the very least, he’s not at your throat at the moment—in a bad way anyway—so you’ll take it. Upon seeing your smile, he sits back further and allows himself a small smile of his own as he continues to watch you sink into the polished wood beneath you.
“Fuck you, Miller,” you say. You erupt into a quiet yet delirious fit of exhausted giggles, Joel following soon after with his own gentle chuckle. 
“Might have t’ give me a second for that, princess.”
Pt. 2 here
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Chats and cuddles (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**I got a request for some cute, clingy boyfriend Rúben and then was totally inspired by my favourite model and WAG posting on IG about visiting her boyfriend who plays in the MLS. Thanks, Luna 😅 and to everyone else, enjoy! ❤️**
Word count: 1325
"I'm off to training".
"Ok, babe. I'll finish packing and then I'll wait for you. Do you want to do something special today? Or do you want me to pick up some food for lunch or something?"
Rúben turned to look at you and you could only laugh at the pout on his face.
"I want you to stay. Can you do that?"
"I wish. But I have to travel to Paris for work tomorrow. You know that. And it'll be only 3 days this time. It's a quick campaign shoot".
"One day I'll move the entire fashion industry to Manchester and you won't have to abandon me anymore".
"One day", you responded, laughing at your boyfriend's words.
He sighed, picking up his bag and coming back to give you another hug. Separating because of your job was getting more and more complicated. He was usually only away for a day or two. But you could be gone for weeks.
"Let's just stay home. We can watch a movie and cuddle. And eat and cuddle. And talk and…".
"How did you guess?", he asks, hugging you tightly while you still laugh.
"My sixth sense".
When he left, you started to make sure you had everything you needed for these days away in the French capital. That obviously included stealing one of Rúben's hoodies so you could wear it while on the plane. Which one should you get this time?
Once everything was ready and you could relax, it was time for lunch. But Rúben wasn’t back yet even though he was supposed to have finished training over an hour ago.
“I know I’m late, sorry”, he said when he picked up the phone.
“It’s fine. I just wondered where you were. Everything ok?”
“We had extra training. Pep didn’t like anything we were doing today”.
“Poor you. Come back so we can enjoy those cuddles”.
"On my way!"
Since you now had more time to get lunch ready, you decided to prepare something a bit more exciting than a boring sandwich.
By the time you were putting everything on the plates, you heard the door opening and a bag falling to the floor.
"Hi! Where are you?"
Before you could turn after hearing footsteps getting closer, you already felt strong arms wrapped around your waist. You knew tired boyfriend Rúben was very clingy and secretly loved it when he was like this. You loved spoiling him.
"I guess", he said, putting his head on your shoulder and sighing. "You smell so good".
"Thanks. I showered today".
You had to drag him with you around the kitchen while getting the glasses and cutlery to set the table.
"What movie should we watch?"
“I’ll fall asleep the moment it starts so whatever you want”.
That made you laugh. It wouldn’t be the first time it happened.
“Then we can nap. I could use the sleep too. I’ll be working long hours the next few days”.
And so that’s what you did. Putting all the stuff away in the dishwasher and getting ready for a little nap once you were done eating. You didn’t mind getting into bed wearing the t-shirt and leggings you had been wearing around the house. But Rúben, of course, had to take his shirt off before collapsing on the bed.
You had to laugh at how dramatic he was. But also wanted to spoil him some more, especially knowing you’ll be away from each other for a couple of days. So you sat on his lower back, startling him slightly.
“What are you doing?”
“Shhh”, you said, starting to massage his shoulders. He was so tense.
“That’s better than the nap, yeah”.
You laughed and continued to massage his shoulders, moving a little lower, trying to find all the little areas that felt like they needed some help. Honestly, you could spend hours doing that. It was relaxing for Rúben but also for you.
After a little while, Rúben took your hands to stop you and you looked down at his face.
“That’s enough, thank you. Let’s take that nap”.
So you moved to lay down next to him and he brought you closer to him.
“I’ll return the favour when you come back from Paris”, he promised.
And you smiled, closing your eyes and thinking about that. Travelling so much was tiring, but knowing you were going to come back home to Rúben spoiling you made everything so much easier.
The nap only lasted a couple of hours and then you suggested to go watch the movie before ordering some dinner. By the time you went back to the living room, after getting changed, Rúben had everything ready.
“How many blankets do we need?”
“It’s cosy movie night. We need them to be cosy”.
You shook your head, heading to the kitchen. “I’ll get the snacks”.
Bowl of sweets in hand, you sat down on the sofa, allowing Rúben to cover you with one of the blankets before moving you so you were as close to him as possible.
"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"
“What?”, Rúben’s question almost made you choke on the M&M’s you were eating.
“You always say modelling is a short career. And football isn’t that long either. I don’t know, sometimes I think about that”.
“Yeah…I guess I do have a few ideas but I don’t know for sure. I’m just making the most of my career now. I don’t even know if I want to work in the fashion industry for long so…”, you shrugged. “And there is also you as a factor”.
“In which way?”
“Well, you are here now but might not finish your career in England. And for you, it’s easy because you can just play but if we had kids, that’s months of non-work for me…”.
“Sorry, I stopped listening after the word kids”, he said, making you look at him.
You had mentioned marriage and children a few times, vaguely. But it always made you smile to see Rúben looking so happy when mentioning those topics.
The way he looked at you made you turn your body so you could hug him tighter. It wasn’t just him that was clingy on days like today.
“Well, there is work for pregnant models but then the babies are born and they have to be looked after so…you know. It’s something to keep in mind”.
"Our kids will have to look like you".
"You're the model. The pretty one", he said, kissing your nose.
"Yes, you're such an unpleasant sight", you laughed.
"We can guess they'll be tall at least".
"Basketball players".
"Whatever", he rolled his eyes. You loved basketball better than football and always annoyed him with that.
“One can play football and the other one basketball then, so there is no fighting”.
“What if they want to model?”
“I rather they don’t. This industry is savage”.
“You could guide them”.
“I guess…”.
“Well, we’ll worry about that when that time comes. I just like knowing that it's something we both want in our future”.
“Yeah, should we watch the movie now? We don’t want to be here until too late or you’ll fall asleep again and the sofa will undo all the work my massage did”.
“Let’s watch it”, he said, kissing your head and moving you so you could be his little spoon.
The movie you picked was a comedy. You wanted something light for this cosy evening together and you loved laughing at all the silly jokes.
Rúben was laughing too but then he stopped and you just assumed he didn’t find them funny. Your sense of humour was quite different. But then you heard some light snoring and when you looked at him you saw he had fallen asleep…again.
"I guess we'll stay here then".
Another night spent sleeping on the sofa. At least you wouldn't be cold with all these blankets.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 8 months
Still With You | A Jeon Jungkook Series Chapter 3
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Summary: Jungkook asks about our plans tomorrow night Pairing: Luna (reader) x Jungkook and Jimin, f2l love triangle Word Count: 4.5k~ Warnings: Explicit language (Like one word) a/n: Sorry for not posting in a couple of days. I was stressing/studying but I passed my final so I'll get back to posting a bit more Start from the beginning
Another beautiful day off comes and goes as I head into my uncles store. "Hey Grey" I say walking past her. "Took you long enough" she says while flipping through a magazine not even sparing me a glance. "I'm only four minutes late" I say checking my phone and rolling my eyes. 
"Four minutes is still four minutes" she says raising an eyebrow at me. "Whatever, is my uncle around?" I say hoping he won't be in today. "He took the morning off, so knowing him he'll probably come in and check up on us in a couple of hours" she relays and I let out a sigh of relief. 
Don't get me wrong, I love and appreciate my uncle. He's the main reason I've been able to stay in this city for so long. He let me stay in the little apartment above the store until he had time to help me find my own place and let me keep this job even though he should've fired me a long time ago. 
It's just that, sometimes it's nice to take care of the store when it's just Grey and I. "Ya! Go put your stuff in your locker and get to work. We've still gotta finish putting away the rest of the shipment" she nags. "I thought Jason was supposed to take care of that" I complain while walking toward the back to put my stuff away. 
"Apparently your uncle told him to leave it for you to do as another punishment" she says relaying the information while scrolling through her phone, abandoning the magazine and continuing to remain uninterested in my struggles. "At least I'll have something to do" I mutter to myself while putting on the hideous store vest and heading out.
Grey, she's the kind of person that you never really know if she loves you or hates you since there's not really an in-between option. 
She can be pretty rough around the edges but at the end of the day I know Grey cares about me. She puts in the time and effort to spend time together even if she's standoffish the entire time plus she's there for me in ways Jungkook can't be. 
They know how to take better care of me than I know how to take care of myself. I'm kind of a mess if I'm being honest.I'm not sure why they stick around but I will forever be in their debt. They're just different, and I'm so glad they decided to love me, mess and all. 
I'm broken out of my train of thought by the sound of the bell signaling another customer arriving. "Welcome in" I say out of routine not realizing who came in just yet. I flinch at the feeling of someone coming up behind me and wrapping their arms around my waist. 
"Miss me?" he whispers in an amused tone. "Kook!" I say feeling my mood get so much better simply by his presence. Although now I have an added feeling of butterflies that I can't seem to control, a new edition to my reactions when it comes to him. 
"Hey" he says giving a firm hug. "You should really stop daydreaming and become a bit more aware of your surroundings you know. What if someone else would've done the same" he scolds. "Then I would've known how to take care of myself" I say turning around to face him. "That's right I forgot who I'm dealing with" he says shaking his head, amused at my confidence.
"So what are you doing here?" I question curious about the surprise visit. "I just wanted to see you" he says smiling down at me. "Also I wanted to see if I could squeeze some more information out of you about our date" he says ending with a wink. 
"Shut up" I say softly placing a slap on his chest, being met with a wall of muscle. "Stop teasing you know it's not a date" I say laughing off his efforts to make me shy. "Okay I'll stop" he says laughing. 
"I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm not telling you anything. Just meet me here with the truck and wearing comfortable clothes tomorrow night. My shift ends at 10" I say giving him a secretive smile at the end. "Okay you're the boss" he says putting his hands up in surrender. 
"How was class today?" I ask curious as to what he's been working on. "Oh you know the usual, just learning my shapes and trying to color in the lines" he says jokingly. "Very funny. What are you really working on?" I say more curious since he's not sharing. "Don't worry about it. I'll show you eventually" he says patting my head.
"Stop doing that, I'm older than you remember! You should be showing me a bit more respect" I frown while fixing my hair. "You might be older than me but I'm still taller" he says teasingly. "Whatever" I say crossing my arms in irritation. 
"Aww Noona you're so adorable when you're mad" he says gushing over me. "Ew don't call me that" I say squirming at his attempt of formality. "Why not? Didn't you just say you were older than me?" he says continuing to tease me, clearly seeing the effect it has on me. 
"Okay I'm done with this conversation" I say walking past him. He turns around and grabs my wrist. "I'm sorry I'll stop" he says clearly trying to hold in his laughter. I roll my eyes at his childishness. "Goodbye Jungkook" I say sliding my wrist out of his hold. 
"Hey what the heck? I wasn't finished talking" He says starting to sport a slight pout, knowing that it's one of my many weaknesses when it comes to him. I quickly turn around hoping to avoid it and continue on towards the front of the store. 
"You can talk to me tomorrow night. Plus, I've gotta get back to work before my uncle stops by and catches me slacking off" I say, grabbing a box full of ramen and heading towards the shelf that holds the wide variety that we carry. "I guess that's fine since I'll have you all to myself soon" he says smiling at the thought. 
"Now get going" I say laughing at his slight excitement I see shining through his pout. "Alright, bye Noona" he says giving me a quick peck on the cheek and runs out the door before I can hit him for teasing me again. "Hey I told you not to call me that!" I say yelling after him. "Bye Grey" is all I hear before the bell rings, signaling his departure. 
"Did Jungkook just call you Noona?" she says clearly disgusted. "Yeah he did" I say rubbing my temple. "Does he know you have a Noona kink?" she says smirking at me. "Shhhhh" I say glancing around the shop before continuing "Not so loud! And no he doesn't. You're the only person I've told and I would like to keep it that way" I say whispering back in response. 
"But I bet you'll love it when Jimin calls you Noona" she says with yet another smirk. "Who says I'm ever gonna see him again?" I say, oblivious as to who's about to walk through the door. "I don't know, why don't you ask him?" she says waiting for my very much anticipated panicked expression.
I keep my back to the door as I hear the bell ring. "Welcome in" Grey says greeting him immediately on his arrival. "Thank you" he says with a soft smile. "Luna?" he asks coming closer. "Hi Jimin" I say awkwardly, turning around and laughing nervously at his greeting. 
"I thought that was you! How have you been?" he says smiling down at me. Gosh has he always been this tall? "Um, pretty good thanks. Just working a lot" I say a bit slower than usual trying to calm down my nerves. "How have you been" I ask reciprocating his interest. "I've been good as well, just focusing on school. Hey since you're not in school now that probably means you're a bit older than me huh?" he says making me blush slightly. 
"How old are you if you don't mind me asking" he says slightly tilting his head waiting for my response. "Oh I'm 25" I say shyly. "I was right then! I'm only 21 so that means you're my Noona!" he says with boyish charm. I can see his eyes light up in excitement at the thought. 
"Yeah I guess so. But you don't have to worry about being formal with me, it's not like I'm that much older than you" I say slightly dropping my gaze to the floor. 
"But I want to, especially since we've only just met. I couldn't possibly throw away the formalities already. Even though we are close in age doesn't mean I shouldn't respect you. Plus Luna Noona sounds kinda cute" he says tilting his head down at the end trying to catch my gaze. 
I finally make eye contact with him and notice he's a lot closer to me than I thought he was. "Is it okay if I call you Noona?" he asks with a smile that's warm enough to cloud my vision. "Y-yeah sure if you want to" I say with a dazed air to my overall demeanor. I've gotta keep myself under control.
Alarm bells are being set off in my head telling me he's trouble but then again he's just a kid. How much trouble could he possibly be? He's a smooth talker for sure but I bet when it comes down to it he might shy away from anything that might be too much to handle. Wait! What? Luna stop being such a freak! He's cute but you've gotta keep it together. He's a customer as well and flirting with customers isn't the best idea. 
"Noona?" he says trying to catch my attention. "Yes!" I say, startled from being caught out of my daze yet again. "Do you think maybe sometime I could come see you again?" he says tentatively. 
"I mean you can come whenever you want, I can't really stop you" I say laughing off his proposal. "No I mean, well I wanted to see if maybe on your break we could go get some coffee or something? There's a great cafe down the street that I think you might like!" he says full of excitement but still showing a little vulnerability waiting for my answer. 
"Oh, I mean I guess so. My work schedule is kinda all over the place though so I never really know when my breaks are" I admit. "That's okay! I could just give you my number and you can text me when you're free! I live only a few train stops away so it'll only take me about 10 minutes to get over here" he says with an honest smile waiting in anticipation for my answer.
Should I give him my number? I barely know the guy, but then again he's probably just a kid that has a little crush on me. He seems like he might be fun to hang out with though and most days if Grey and Jungkook are busy I've got nothing better to do.
"Sure, that works" I say with a shy smile. Why am I so shy around this kid? Yeah he's cute, so what? Jungkook is cute too but you don't see me acting like this around him, or at least up until a couple of nights ago I wasn't acting like this around him. But I don't really have feelings for Jungkook right? But wait, who said anything about having feelings for Jimin. Oh gosh this is bad! 
"Can I see your phone real quick so I can put it in your phone?" he asks, extending his hand towards me. I wordlessly hand it to him and see him quickly add himself on KakaoTalk. He sends himself a quick message off my phone so he has mine as well. 
"Thanks Noona! I've gotta get going but I'll message you later!" he says handing me my phone. "Wait didn't you need to buy something?" I question as he heads towards the door. "No not really, I just wanted to see you again" he admits with a smirk. "Bye Noona!" is all he says and leaves without another word. "Bye Jimin" I say quietly to myself.
"Okay that was fucking adorable" Grey says laughing at everything that just unfolded right in front of her. "When did you get there?" I question flinching at her closeness and going to place my phone on the counter. "I never left" she says shaking her head. "How bad was that?" I say, hiding my face in my hands. "On a scale of 1-10, I would say that was a solid 8" she says while tapping her chin. 
"Wait really? That's not that bad!" I say regaining some confidence. "In all actuality it was probably more like a 6.5 at best, and that's being generous" she says with zero hesitation in taking me down a few pegs again. "Ugh don't do that! You know I'm not good at stuff like this" I say playing with my hair nervously. 
"It's okay Luna I think he actually liked seeing you all shy and blushy" she teases. "Was I really blushing that much?" I say bringing my hands up to my cheeks. "Yeah, a lot. To be honest I got secondhand embarrassment just watching you" she answers prodding further. "Stop!" I whine dragging out the word. 
"Okay okay I'll stop" she says throwing her hands up in surrender. "So..." she continues. "So what?" I say bringing my glance back to her. "When are you gonna message him?" she says rolling her eyes at my oblivious nature. 
"Why should I be the one to message him? He's the one who asked for my number" I respond in protest. I then hear my phone go off signaling that I have a new message. Grey and I make eye contact for a second before we both scramble to reach the phone first. 
"Grey stop give it here!" I say trying to grab it back from her before she sees it. "Oh come on you know you're gonna show it to me anyways. I just wanna take a quick peak" She argues, holding the phone up in the air out of my reach. 
"Fine" I say crossing my arms over my chest. "You're not gonna be able to unlock it anywa-" I stop in horror watching her turn the phone my way, using my face to unlock it. "Ha!" she says satisfied with her cleverness. "Whatever" I say pouting again. 
"You're gonna wanna see this" she says with a smile, seconds after she unlocks the phone. "What? What did he say?" I say scrambling to sit next to her behind the counter. We both look down at my phone and read the messages he sent.
Hey Noona, it was really good seeing you again! Hopefully we can get that coffee together soon!
Oh and I wanted to say this earlier but you look really cute today :)
Message me when you're free!
Have a good shift and stay safe!
"Aww he thinks you're cute" Grey says finally giving me my phone back. "I'm gonna puke" she admits, amused but disgusted all the same. "Shut up" I say rolling my eyes at her. "He just has a little crush on me, no need to tease me over something like that" I say explaining away her dramatics. 
"Well crush or not looks like you might have a little crush on him as well from what I just saw" she says. "Yeah maybe you're right" I say trailing off. "I'm sorry what was that? Is Luna being honest with her feelings already?" she says in disbelief. "No! Yes? I don't know" I say trailing off.
"How is my favorite employee doing?" my uncle says bursting into the store. "Hi uncle, I'm alright, kinda confused but okay" I say still lost in a bit of a daze. "Okay well I wasn't talking to you but I'm glad you're okay" he says teasingly. "Hey! You're gonna pass up your own flesh and blood?" I say offended. 
"Well you still claim the title of my favorite niece" he says rubbing my head, messing up my hair. "I'm your only niece" I say not hiding my annoyance. "Exactly. Now if you showed up to work on time everyday and stopped daydreaming then maybe you'll start to climb up the totem poll" he says turning to speak to Grey. "How's it going? Anything happen today?" he questions making sure everything is running smoothly.
"No" she answers, sending a quick glance my way. "Nothing to report really" she continues tapping her chin, turning her eyes up towards the ceiling in thought. "Well there was this one thing" she says and I see a devious smile start to crack her façade, clearly trying to torture me. I wave my hands in protest, desperately trying to beg her to not say anything about the exchange between Jimin and I. 
"Oh yeah one of your friends came by earlier asking for you" she says turning her attention back to him while seamlessly switching back to a normal smile. "Do you know who it was?" he questions, hoping to gain more information about the visitor. "I didn't catch his name. He was in and out pretty quickly. I think he was just going to say hi, he said he'd pass by and try again later" she finishes wrapping up the conversation expertly. 
"Well thanks for telling me. He probably stopped by on his way to go do something else" he says coming to a conclusion on his own about the unusual visit. "Yeah I think he said something along those lines" she responds and he heads towards the back to go to his office, still trying to figure out which one of his friends would stop by unannounced.
"You're evil" I say once he's out of ear shot. "What? I didn't lie! Someone did stop by asking for him" she says going back to work. "But you made it seem like you were going to tell him" I grumble. 
"Well I thought about it, but I know how protective he can be when it comes to guys. He can barely stand Jungkook so I could only imagine what he would act like if he heard about a new guy hanging around here pining after you. But honestly who would I be if I didn't tease you a bit?" she says shrugging her shoulders. 
"Well stop it! It's not funny" I say grabbing a broom from behind the counter. "But seeing your face full of panic is just priceless!" she laughs at my discomfort. "No I take it back. You're not evil, you're the spawn of Satan!" I say letting out a huff of irritation. "That is so sweet! You really know how to compliment a girl" she says holding her hands over her heart.
"Fuck off" I say turning around to go clean up and get as far away from her as I can. "Love you too" she says just loud enough for me to hear while walking off. I can't help but crack a smile now that we are past both of those painfully embarrassing situations. I swear I can never stay mad at her. 
I flinch feeling my phone vibrate notifying me that I have a message and my eyes widen at the sight of Jimin sending me a mirror selfie while making half a heart with his free hand. I respond by sending him a finger heart emoji and lock my screen again but it lights up immediately before I can even place it back in my pocket.
Noona, can I ask you a question?
I get nervous at the thought, trying to figure out exactly what's on his mind.
Sure, go ahead, I respond nervously, awaiting his reply.
Are you seeing anyone?
What exactly do you mean by that? I question wanting him to be more straight forward with his queries.
I guess what I'm trying to ask is if you have a boyfriend
Why exactly would you like to know that?
Well because I want to make sure that I don't have a crush on someone who is already taken. I'm taken aback by his sudden boldness and am left almost speechless.
I think it's way too early for any of that, but for the record no, I do not have a boyfriend. I respond simply, hoping to stop things before they get started. He's too young for me and I don't want him to get hurt from developing feelings too quickly.
Well it's too late because I'm already falling for you. he says simply and I'm left there almost frozen in place trying to figure out what my next response should be. But before I'm able to even begin typing I see a new message pop up.
Can I come see you tomorrow? he sends and I stand there in place still trying to figure out what would be the best plan of action.
If that's what you want then sure, I can't really stop you. I respond shaking my head at how easily I break but still keeping my tone neutral.
Great! Can I pass by and see you on your last break? he pleads and I can't help but feel his excitement shining through every message.
Sure, I think my break starts around 8. I respond hoping to end the conversation soon so I don't get any more distracted than I already am.
I'll be there at 7:45 then!
No that's okay you don't have to come early. I refute slightly panicking at the thought that my uncle might catch wind of this.
But I want to :( I want to spend as much time with you as I can! I can practically feel his pout through the screen.
Message me around 7 and I'll let you know if it'll be okay for you come early okay? I say, hoping that he'll simply agree.
Okay noona :) see you tomorrow!
See you tomorrow is all I say, ending the conversation for the night.
"Well I definitely wasn't expecting that" I say to myself. "Wasn't expecting what?" I hear a voice say right in my ear. "Shit Grey don't scare me like that!" I say swatting her on the arm.
"Ow stop okay okay" she says begging me for mercy. "Now tell me" she says straightening her attire. "What was it you weren't expecting? You've been standing over here in the same spot with the broom tucked under your arm for like 10 minutes just looking down at your phone with your face all scrunched up" she questions. 
"Is it Jaemin?" she teases. "His name is Jimin okay? Ji Min" I say laughing at her intentional stupidity and emphasizing each syllable. "Well either way you should start to get back to work now that your uncle is here" she warns. "Shit I forgot about that! Thanks for the reminder" I say, thankful that she's helped me doge a bullet.
After she heads back towards the counter I begin cleaning up and I start to think about what has happened the past few days. First I was late to work and my uncle threatened to fire me, second Jungkook kissed me and I kissed him back, third Jimin came back to the store just because he wanted to see me and then he says he's falling for me. 
I don't even know how I'm supposed to process all of this. I'm stressed enough as is that I don't have the mental capacity to really deal with my feelings towards Jimin, let alone Jungkook. First of all I've only just met Jimin but for some reason I already feel drawn towards him. 
Then on the other hand Jungkook is someone that is so precious to me and I don't want to hurt him. What are his real feelings towards me? Am I really just his best friend or does he want something more out of our relationship? 
Jimin is just a kid, I don't really know him and he doesn't know me. I need to figure out how to handle his feelings carefully since I'm not even sure about mine just yet and I really don't want to start sending him mixed signals.
"Fuck!" I say but immediately cover my mouth realizing that there's a woman and her child just a few feet away from me shopping around. I bow to them a few times in apology and fast walk over to Grey. 
"Grey!" I whisper so the other customers who happened to sneak in while I was cleaning don't hear our conversation. "What?" she whispers back. "What am I gonna do?" I question running my fingers through my hair. 
"About what?" she says clearly losing patience with this conversation. "I told Jimin he could come and see me tomorrow" I say worriedly. "Okay good for you? I don't see how that's a problem" she says confused as to why I'm so stressed about it. "Do you know who else is coming to see me tomorrow?" I say hoping she'll catch on. 
"The tooth fairy? I don't know, just get to the point" she says going back to being on her phone. "Jungkook!" I say with a panicked expression. She looks up at me with a devilish glint in her eye "Oh this is gonna be fun". "Grey stop, this isn't funny, I'm really freaking out here!" I say continuing to worry.
"Don't stress, just make sure that there's enough time between the two of them coming here. What time are you supposed to see Jimin?" she questions. "Around 8, he wanted to come see me on my last break" I say informing her of our meetup. 
"Okay and what time is Jungkook supposed to come pick you up?" she continues. "Around 10 when I get off" I say getting a bit calmer realizing how much time ill have between the two. 
"So you're golden! Just make sure to finish up with Jimin around eight thirty and then you'll still have plenty of time until Jungkook gets here" she explains helping to bring my heart rate down. 
"You're probably right" I say agreeing, realizing that I overreacted. "I know, now go away. I don't want your uncle to see us talking and then lecture us both for messing around" she says shooing me away and going back to organizing the items held behind the counter. 
"Damn no sympathy for your best friend in crisis?" I say letting my head droop down towards the floor. "Nope, go away" she says with her back to me. "Wow okay I'll remember this next time you need something" I say faking threats. "Yeah yeah whatever" she ends, ignoring any other efforts I make to continue the conversation.
"Y/n!" I hear being yelled from the back office. "Shit!" I say under my breath. "Told ya" she says still not sparing me a glance. I trudge towards the source of the voice, getting ready to receive another lecture from my loving uncle. 
When will this torture end?
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badcaseofcasey · 1 year
call me, maybe?
When Derek gets a call from an unknown number at 3AM, it sets of a chain of events that leads to Stiles Stilinski would become a major part of his life. He's only kind of mad about it.
Or, five times Stiles talked to Derek on the phone and the first time they meet in person
Read the full fic on AO3
omg it's my first Sterek fic in years, I'm so excited. big thank you to kali, who won my Fandom Trumps Hate auction and prompted me to write this fic. I can honestly say I had so much fun writing it. The entire fic is posted over on AO3 (linked above). I hope you all enjoy! ☎️☎️☎️
There were a lot of perks to being a werewolf - and Derek means that with no sense of irony, even if it was something that had brought a lot of inconvenience into his life. It was definitely a perk to be able to tell exactly when his annoying neighbor was out in the hallway so he could avoid running into her and getting sucked into a twenty minute conversation about the condo association’s latest schemes. It also certainly came in handy as a firefighter that he could use his senses to tell if there was someone still left in a burning building that he and the team were trying to put out.
But there was one thing about being a werewolf that was unavoidably annoying, and that was super-hearing. It pretty much only came with downsides. Derek had overheard more conversations he never wanted to be a part of than he could count. (It was genuinely shocking the kinds of comments people felt comfortable making about his appearance when they assumed they were out of earshot.) Right now, though, Derek would like nothing more than to ignore the phone vibrating on his bedside table and get a few more precious minutes of sleep. Unfortunately, the soft buzz of the phone against wood was enough to jolt him awake.
He sighed and turned to look at the lit-up screen to see who exactly he was going to be yelling at for waking him up at 3 AM (God, really? He’d only fallen asleep an hour ago), but was surprised to see it was an unknown number. He debated answering for a few more moments before deciding that there was a chance it could be one of his sisters or betas calling from someone else’s phone, so it was worth it to at least check.
“Hello?” he answered the phone, voice still gritty with sleep.
“Scott! Oh my god, it worked. Okay, sorry to wake you, but I stayed up late finishing my final paper for Munroe’s class, but then I couldn’t fall asleep, so instead of doing my usual midnight snack routine, which I’ve been avoiding since I accidentally set a tiny fire in the microwave and woke the whole building up with a fire alarm, I decided to wander the halls, you know, as you do at 3 AM, and lo and behold, there is an honest to god payphone. I didn’t even know these things still existed! So of course, I had to go back and grab some quarters and try it out.”
Derek’s eyes had fluttered closed as soon as he heard the rapid fire voice, hushed to not disturb the quiet hours of the early morning. It was clearly a wrong number, but he was way too tired to try and interrupt the steady stream of words flowing out of his mystery caller. He was seconds away from hanging up and rolling back over when there was a pause on the other line.
“Scott?” the voice asked. “You usually interrupt me by now, did you fall back asleep?”
“Not Scott,” Derek replied, eyes still mostly closed. “But I was almost back asleep after being rudely awoken at 3 AM.”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” the voice on the other end of the line rushed to apologize. “I swear to god I dialed my best friend’s number - it’s my first time using a pay phone.”
“You don’t say,” Derek said, voice sounding surly even to him.
“Okay, I’ll hang up now - sorry again, so sorry.”
Derek dropped his phone back onto the table and rolled back into bed, his eyelids heavy. He had nearly fallen back asleep when the phone rang again. He growled lightly when he saw the same unknown number flash across his screen.
“Still me,” he answered in lieu of a greeting.
“Oh god,” the voice said, clearly embarrassed. “Sorry again - I know what I did wrong this time, though! Your number must be one off from Scott’s - I was debating between it ending in 8845 or 8846- annnnd you definitely don’t care about that part. The good news is now I know, so you shouldn’t be hearing from me anymore.”
“Hey, kid?” Derek interrupted.
“Yes?” came the nervous voice through the phone.
“Get some sleep,” Derek replied. “And maybe, since you know the payphone works now, you can spare your friend the 3 AM wake-up call?”
“Good call,” he said. “Sorry again.”
Derek was already asleep by the time his head hit the pillow.
When he woke up the next morning, he saw a text from an unknown number. Confused, he opened it and saw a message from the kid he spoke to last night.
Unknown [4:37 AM]: sorry again for waking you up in the middle of the night! have a coffee on me if you need the extra caffeine today.
Beneath the text was a link to a Starbucks gift card. Derek rolled his eyes; if he was secretly grateful for the extra caffeine as he headed to the fire station that morning, well, nobody needed to know but him.
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halsteadlover · 5 months
Just a little rant here about my personal life so feel free to skip lol
I know nobody is gonna read this and I’ll probably delete this when I’ll come to my senses but right now I feel so depressed I just need to get this out of my chest. I always felt tumblr like a safe space so here I am.
I don’t know if you remember the times where I took some time off because of anxiety and my mental health.
Lately it feels like it’s getting worse and I really don’t know what to do, I don’t know if many of you will relate (I really hope not) but it’s just like I don’t know how to be happy and I really hate it here man. I’m so tired of feeling like this, always worrying and having anxiety about something I don’t even know about. I feel so crazy sometimes you know? Like there’s nothing wrong with me, I’m honestly so grateful for the things god gave me. I’m healthy, I have a loving family (even if sometimes they’re overbearing to the point of crazy), I get to study for my dream job, I have a bf that puts up with my ass, friends even if few of them, there’s nothing wrong there are so many worse things people go through and I don’t even have to right to rant about any of this. So why do I feel like I don’t deserve any of this?
I have such deep trust issues it’s ruining my life and relationships, I don’t know why. I hate myself and I sometimes think I don’t deserve to be loved, I’m not that speciale and I’m so damn insecure that every good thing that happens in my life I can’t help but think it’s gonna fade in a minute, that something bad might happen, that I’m so easily replaceable.
Sometimes I truly think that if I disappeared no one would notice or miss me, I thought about doing it but I’m so damn scared. I don’t know where this is coming from, maybe the bullying had something with it I don’t honestly know but I’m so tired of feeling like this.
Why can’t I just love me? Why can’t I enjoy a single good thing that happens to me? Why do I keep sabotage myself by thinking I don’t deserve any happiness and it’ll soon fade away?
For example, these last two days I took three different exams and even though I’m relieved I can’t help but think I’m such a failure, that my parents are so disappointed in me for taking so long to finish a degree I was supposed to finish years ago.
I had an anxiety attack yesterday morning while I was with my bf and I sobbed for hours while he held me but if you ask me what triggered it I wouldn’t know how to answer you.
Why am I like this? Why am I not normal?
It’s just a bit of everything and I honestly don’t know what to do.
But please don’t judge me. I’m aware these “problems” are nowhere serious like some others and I’m so sorry for being so dramatic it’s just… I don’t know guys, I just want to be happy, to feel loved without actually thinking about the worst.
Am I soo pretentious? Do I sound so ungrateful? Complaining about these things when I have everything some people unfortunately dream of? I don’t want to sound like that and I feel so guilty about having these thoughts.
I know you’ll think I’m an attention seeker, fishing for compliments or things like that, I’ve been told that before here and I’m so sorry if it seems that way but trust me it’s the opposite of that. I’m telling this here because I guess it’s easier behind the screen, when no one knows you and can really judge you, but I also thing you’ll judge me anyway but at least it was good for me to let this out.
If someone reads this I hope you won’t think of me any less, and if you’re feeling something like this too I’m so sorry and if you want to talk my inbox and DMs are ALWAYS open for you guys, I’m here even if it takes me some time to answer.
Sorry if something doesn’t make any sense, I didn’t even read this back I’m just cried my eyes out while writing this post and now I have a headache. At least I hope the sleeping will be good lmao.
But tomorrow will be better, I’m sure of this.
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
This is was supposed to be a simple ask but it ended up getting long because of there being too many question and discussions but barely any answers so sorry about that.
On the topic of WhatPumpkin sometimes we all have to wonder what the fuck is going on behind the scenes, the latest news we got werent that much and it felt more of a like "Hey guys we are still alive dont forget about us" situation and it doesnt help that we cant really get any info because of how the only guy that Im atleast aware that works on it and is online is James and although I have no source because it was months ago, when beyond canon came back I remember him getting asked about Hiveswap and i dont remember if he answered it on the blog or on a reddit qna but he had said he cant really do much about it because hes just the music guy on that department and not an director or writer and he probably cannot say whats going on if hes aware of even the minimum because of NDAs and you know the situation is weird when not even the new director for post canon can do nothing about it or doesnt know what the fuck is going on over there either (i believe its more of the former).
On the same topic Hussie jumping the ship in my opinion feels like such an awful move in a moral and community sense, he hires fucked up people and ends up going through development hell and instead of trying to fix it he just runs away and gives someone else the work. He becasically invited destruction to that place by not doing background checks and shit and now everyone else but him has to suffer for it. I wonder if WhatPumpkin will close business after they finish Hiveswap (if they even manage to finish it) or if their writting quality wont be bad if they try to do Hauntswitch now.
I also sometimes wonder if Hauntswitch was made first maybe things could have been better. Think about it:
It happens on the Human World and you play as a cool kid looking troll and that could open the doors for a lot of potential to explore more about the Earth on the Homestuck universe and its conspiracy theories and also give us more video game parody mechanics.
The whole conspiracy theory Jude had that iirc had even the USA presidents connect to may be right considering the easter egg that shows some sort of cultists standing outside the mansion we see on the background and watching the events unfold.
We would get more answers for whatever the fuck those creatures that attacked the manor where.
another good dog best friend to fill the bec shaped hole in our soul <:
Exploration of what SkaiaLabs exactly does.
Overall sounding like an awesome story itself, a alien coming to earth and fighting a cult related to the presidents with a human companion. Especially considering how Dammek sounds like hes an asshole and also because of how trolls are usually violent could lead to interesting interactions.
I might be wrong and biased though but I feel like that concept could attract more outsiders than Hiveswap could ever wish to do. And hopefully thats it and that I wont waste almost an hour of my life rambling about this stuff (for my own sake because i feel like i could have spent my time better but i also need to post this somewhere and i dont use social media most of the time and when i do its usually to see fanart, memes and overall discussion of my fav franchises) but I probably will in the future.
It's cool with this ask. You brought up many good points here.
Yes, the question about Hiveswap was asked in a Q&A back in October 30th, 2023 from James Roach here (Archive ver for backup). The news about development should be something more like how Toby does with the Deltarune newsletter. Monthly, maybe do a special event ARG thing that gives insight of what's coming up, or anything like that. Though even with that, it might be probably too little too late since we are at 11 years since the Kickstarter had funded. Probably doesn't help since 2 million dollars was wasted, it's a mystery how the game is still being worked on if the original Kickstarter money that was given to them, had been used up. What is WhatPumpkin's new source of income then? Do they have a second job they aren't telling us about? Are they using part of that Patreon money from Beyond Canon since technically there are some that work within Hiveswap too like James? Then there's the fact Hussie not only wasted the money, but basically left the Kickstarter project he started in the first place. He may own it and be credited as the creator, but he won't be involved in the future Acts and Hauntswitch. I'm surprised nobody is pissed at him for scamming them out of 2 million dollars. Do people not care if the original person who hosted it left? Especially with the truth come to light thanks to Gio's research on this. I wouldn't be surprised if WhatPumpkin does shut down because they couldn't gain the sales needed after releasing Hiveswap Act 3. People will probably wonder if even buying stuff from Topatoco would help or not with HS merch like the prints slowly resurfacing. Drawing in the crowds from old and new to play the game will be tough. I wouldn't be surprised if Hauntswitch was first made in mind before Hiveswap. Dammek even had a 3D model ready too.
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Likely back when it was still a 3D game, we would control briefly but then after the cutscene of them being transported to the other planet, we would then have to take control of Dammek, have him meet Jude to possibly have him find a way to help him back home, and the pair would adventure on Earth itself for the rest of the game to find out about the monsters and the cult. Dammek's paranoid nature would play off Jude's conspiracy theory pretty well as it has the two involved looking deep into the mystery. I wouldn't be surprised if something about the cult would eventually tie in to his home planet and the rebellion as a final grand twist. An idea like that sounds more interesting than some girl getting lost on an alien planet and was roped into some rebellion that she has no reason to be part of besides being concerned for a friend.
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randomtacoscry · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Honestly, I wrote this a month ago (and totally forgot about it), but since I'm probably not going to finish it.... I thought I'd finally post one of these again in celebration of the 911 finale airing tomorrow. So... (sorry people who followed me for top gun but) here is a short buddie fic! (It's set right after like 7x06 but is canon compliant to 7x05) There's more after the break >>
A slow work day was all Buck needed after everything that's been happening lately—Chim getting attacked, Maddie freaking out over their entire wedding, the whole Tommy-break-up-thing. Honestly, all he wanted to do was have an easy shift, and it had been just that so far. 
That is until the last call of the shift. God, one more hour and he would’ve been home free…
“...multiple lacerations so they could be bleeding out.” Bobby turns back to the road and Buck picks up speed to the mall.
“Ambulance won’t start,” Hen’s voice comes crackling through the radio as he peels out onto the main road. “We’ll meet you there in the ladder truck.” They didn’t have time to turn around so hopefully Hen and Chim could get there quickly. It’s early so there shouldn’t be much traffic.
“You and Eddie will go in and I’ll wait for Chim and Hen. We got a light crew today but that shouldn’t be a problem, right boys?” Bobby turns back to Eddie and Buck can feel him smiling behind him.
“Nope. Hen trained me well!” Eddie’s alone in the back and Buck almost wished Ravi was with them just to give them some more backup. He had a bad feeling about this call for some reason…
“Third floor?” 
“Yep.” Buck says as they make their way into the pitch black mall, only the full moon above lighting the tiled floors.
“Ever been in a mall after closing?” Eddie makes his way to the stairwell before looking up at the levels of stairs above them.
“Nope.” Meeting him there, Buck can’t help but dread the flights ahead. “But I can’t say I’m the biggest fan.” It was a bit eerie if Buck said so himself; the dark shadows and only the sound of him and Eddie’s boots making their way across the floor. 
“Elevator?” And Buck could kiss him right there. 
Clicking the third level, Buck leans against the wall and waits to hear the gears start turning. He lets out a huff of air and can feel Eddie’s eyes staring into him. “What?”  He turns his head before looking over at the shorter firefighter, whose hands are placed on the railing behind him, giving Buck a clear look at his physique, even with the uniform. 
“You okay?” Of course he could tell. Buck hadn’t exactly been vocal about him and Tommy ending things (he actually hasn’t told anyone yet) but of course Eddie knew every one of Buck’s tells to figure out something was going on. 
“Yeah-” Buck would elaborate with some excuse about being tired if it was for the jerk of the elevator and clicking sound. They didn’t quite reach floor three though.
They were stuck.
“Shit.” As soon as Eddie notices the stagnant ‘2’ on the display, he reaches for his radio, “Cap, elevator’s stuck.” 
“Do you have the patient?” 
“We were going up to get her,” Eddie lets out a huff before continuing, “didn’t quite make it.” 
“Hen and Chim here yet?” Buck clicks into his radio to ask and Bobby doesn’t reply immediately. “Cap?” Buck tries again before Eddie locks eyes with him, also confused. 
“Guys, we got a problem.” Chim’s voice comes through the radio and Buck already knows it’s going to be a long night.
Apparently, there was a fucking robbery going on upstairs. Or, at least, now there is. Bobby informing Eddie and Buck that there’s a few hostages in the jewelry section of the mall and that one of them got away to make a phone call is now the highlight of Buck’s day. Great. They’re dealing with being stuck in an overheating elevator, with no backup, at three in the morning, while there’s a robbery going on thirty feet away. 
“Sit down, Buck.” Eddie breaks Buck out of his mind from his seat against the wall and Buck obliges, sinking down across from him. They’ve been here for a good fifteen minutes now and at this point, Buck just wanted to get away from Eddie. Not that Eddie was bad in any way, it was just…. 
For Buck, at least.
Why? Oh no reason, just Tommy may have alluded to Buck having more-than-platonic feelings for his best friend of six years and he wasn’t exactly keen on humoring that take. That wild, ridiculous, unrealistic take. And wrong. The take was wrong. 
He had said it so naturally too:
“Evan, it’s okay.” Tommy’s eyes softened and Buck couldn’t quite fathom the words coming out of his mouth. 
“I don’t–” Buck shook his head before looking back at Tommy’s knowing face. “I’m not-”
“Evan.” Buck let out a breath of air before letting the pilot continue whatever horrors that were to be said next. “I saw it the first time you mentioned him.” And Buck can’t quite think of when that was. Maybe right before their first kiss; before his world flipped on its head and his eyes were fully open for maybe the first time in his life? Or maybe when he took the tour with Tommy? Or maybe the phone call when asking for the tour?
“How–?” Buck didn’t think he believed it, but that was the only word that came out. 
“I knew what I was getting into, Evan. This wasn’t going to be forever.” And maybe that stung. Maybe those words hurt like when Tommy had said he ‘wasn’t ready’ for them. Maybe those words would’ve affected Buck if he wasn’t still reeling from his supposed feelings for his best friend. “I think you knew that too.” Did he?
Since that night, Buck’s pushed those feelings back. Far. To the depths of his mind where they shall never see the light of day. Or so he thought. But those thoughts are slowly working their way to the front of Buck’s mind as he takes in the tanned, exhausted firefighter in front of him. The small beads of sweat beginning to make their way down the sides of Eddie’s face before he wiped them away with the back of his hand. His jaw locking as his muscles in his arm tense while he raises his hand. Buck could’ve drooled, but decides to take the more responsible path of ignoring the warm feelings blossoming in his chest (and probably face). 
“Tommy and I broke up.” He doesn’t know why he says it. Maybe to break the silence or take his mind off the man in front of him and place it on another. Eddie turns to look at him and Buck can’t quite place the emotions painting his face. It seems like a mix between pity and confusion and Buck doesn't exactly feel like answering any questions right now.
“Sorry to hear that.” It’s reserved, and Buck gets the sense that there’s a part of Eddie that doesn’t quite mean the sentiment. They both let out a deep breath and Buck tries to ignore the movement of Eddie’s throat as he swallows. Ugh. Why’d he have to be trapped here, now, with Eddie of all people. 
Buck almost wants to elaborate. To continue talking for the sole sake of removing the uncomfortable silence between the two of them but he’s not exactly keen on where that elaboration may lead. “How’s Marisol?” Nope. That’s worse. So much worse.
Eddie looks up to Buck, his face now free of the apparent conflicted emotions he was having a minute ago. Buck can see the way his eyes dart around, not quite making eye contact with Buck until he opens his mouth. “Fine.” 
That’s it? Fine? 
Personally, Buck thought it was going decently well between the two, which is now starting to sound more like an amicable, boring acquaintance rather than a romantic relationship. But Buck wasn’t exactly upset with the answer. He almost lets himself take a sigh of relief until he’s realizing why the hell he’d be relieved in the first place.
Fine means good. So Eddie and Marisol are doing good. Which means they’re not going to break up or end things anytime soon so there’s no reason for Buck to get any hopes up (not like he should in the first place) but—
“Buck?” Eddie snaps him out of his mind again and Buck wants to curse himself for spiraling. So what if Marisol and Eddie are great; good for them.
“Yeah?” Eddie looks down at his hands, pondering, before his eyes lock onto Buck’s. They don’t look away from each other, even as Buck can feel his throat tightening. A wave of heat travels through Buck’s stomach and he has to consciously take a breath to keep himself breathing. Buck can feel his face burning up and he can’t quite figure out if it’s because of the prolonged eye contact, gradually warming box they’re trapped in, or maybe just his suit trapping his body heat too well. Buck notices the way Eddie bites his bottom lip, which means he’s thinking of how to continue what he’s going to say, before he finally breaks their eye contact. It’s hard not to stare at the other man as he wets his lips and huffs out a breath of air before finally opening his mouth to speak, and honestly, Buck would rather just press his lips against his to keep him from saying another word. To finally taste his lips instead of remembering the thick, red liquid that he imagines when he pictures himself running his tongue over the man’s body. 
“Chris told me, the other day,” Eddie starts after a long breath and Buck can feel his shoulders tensing for some reason, “he wants me to be happy.” While he can’t quite see where this is going, Buck nods along, hoping the conversation can move his mind from the thoughts that have been on a loop since Tommy left. “What if…” Eddie looks back to Buck and he feels himself raise his eyebrows with a nod, a reaction of his that Eddie knows means ‘it’s okay, keep going’. “I don’t think Marisol makes me…happy.” The last word sounds foreign on Eddie’s tongue; like he’s never humored the possibility of someone making him happier than he thinks he should be.
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acidh2otoby · 2 years
Agent Kennedy, Part 14
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Leon Kennedy x Male!Reader
Warnings: None
Part 13 > Agent Kennedy, Part 13
I'm back to the series! I've been busy with some personal shit, holidays are harsh with timing and trying to remember my wacky work schedule is... yeah, it's fun. But there aren't many parts left in this series (hopefully 🥲👍) and this one will be the beginning of the end. I'll still be making content but it'll be different stuff. Also, currently so excited and impatient for RE4R and the movie Resident Evil: Death Island coming out!
Also, happy Valentine's Day! Didn't intend on posting this on the day but here we are!
Some months had passed since the incident in China, you and Leon were starting to get back together. Leon had been staying at your house for a little after you two talked and agreed to somewhat start over. The relationship was a little healthier and you were both a little happier than before.
You still worked with the BSAA and had to spend a few days at work for longer than you wanted to, trying to find new soldiers and even new equipment since a lot of it either got destroyed or got lost. This ended up in Chris calling you late at night when you were sleeping to ask if you could come in.
And to speak of the devil, you and Leon had fallen asleep an hour ago and your phone just started ringing. You sighed and groaned as you rolled over and sat up, grabbing your phone and answering it.
"Hello?" You said, hearing Leon sit up as well.
"Hey, (Y/N). Sorry to call you at two in the morning." Chris apologized, knowing you were sleeping.
"It's fine. What's going on?" You asked, wanting to get whatever he needed done so you could go back to bed.
"I'm gonna ask if you could come in soon? I need to show you something." Chris said, he sounded a little nervous.
"Yeah, I'll be there soon." You said, sighing a little.
"Thanks, (Y/N). I'll see you when you get here." Chris said before he told you goodbye and hung up the phone.
"What was that all about?" Leon asked, laying back down.
"I gotta go in." You said, putting your phone down and grabbing your clothes. Leon groaned at the news. "Look, I don't want to either but the sooner I get this shit done, the more I don't have to do this every night."
"I know... but, I miss you when your gone." You felt Leon wrap his arms around you as he finished his sentence.
"I miss you too when I'm gone, but that makes it even better when I come home." You said, placing your hand on Leon's arm and gently headbutting him.
Leon sighed, he seemed to get a little heavy on your shoulder. You glanced over and saw that his eyes were shut and he was relaxed.
"Leon..." You chuckled, shifting a little to get him to wake up.
Leon lifted his head from your shoulder before letting you go and laying back down, he fell asleep relatively fast after laying down. You smiled at him before you put on more clothes than just a t-shirt and your underwear.
You had left around 1:00.am and got back home at 4:00.am. Leon slept the entire time you were gone but woke up almost immediately once you sat down on the bed to change again. You were busy taking your shoes off when Leon sat up and did what he did before you left, wrap his arms around you.
"Dammit, Leon. You scared me." You said softly, smiling a little.
"Sorry." Leon muttered, he chuckled a little. "How did it go?"
"Okay... Don't remember half of it since I wasn't really involved and because I was really tired." You joked, it wasn't a full lie though.
Leon chuckled before he tried to pull you closer. "Leon..." You muttered, knowing what he was trying to do.
"Hmm?" Leon asked innocently.
"Let me finish changing, I'm not sleeping in clothes that smell like gunpowder." You said, smiling a little.
Leon groaned before he just decided to let you go, he didn't lay down like last time though. Once you finished changing, you laid on the bed and drapped the covers over you. It didn't take long for Leon to practically wrap his entire body around you, obviously not wanting you to leave again until you guys woke up the next day.
You giggled before relaxing and falling asleep, Leon followed shortly behind you and fell asleep a few seconds later. You had forgotten to tell Leon in the little bit of time before sleeping that Chris had given the entire BSAA base the rest of the day off, so when he woke up and realized it was 12:18.pm...
"(Y/N)! Get up!" Leon semi-yelled, shaking you a little.
You groaned before sitting up, thinking something bad had happened. "What? What? What?" You replied quickly, confused and alert.
"You're late!" Leon said, he looked a little scared.
"Huh?" You questioned, looking at your phone that you left on the bedside table. You chuckled a little before laying down and facepalming yourself. "I forgot to tell you that I got the day off today." You laughed, feeling like a dumbass.
Leon sighed before laughing with you, laying back down as well. "Must've been too tired." Leon chuckled, ruffling your hair a little.
"Yeah... happens." You shrugged, still smiling.
There was a little bit of silence where the two of you just smiled at each other. Leon had this look in his eyes that was full of admiration and... love? You weren't sure if the look in his eyes were real or if your tired brain was making things up. It wouldn't have been the first time that--
"I love you..." Leon muttered, still smiling at you.
Did he just? He did. He said it. You weren't making it up.
Your eyes widened and you felt dumbstruck. He really said it and he didn't even apologize after like how most people do. What the fuck do you say now??
Leon chuckled at your expression, finding it adorable. "What's wrong, honey? Cat got your tongue?" Leon joked, causing your face to turn red.
"Shut up, you jerk." You said, lightly hitting him, making him laugh. "I love you, too, Leon." You finally muttered, catching Leon by surprise a little.
You leaned in and kissed Leon, feeling as if time stopped for a moment. After the kiss, you cuddled. You did miss Leon a lot and with almost nothing but work being on your mind, it felt like you were gone even if you were home and with Leon.
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Hi @fangirlstorycreator! Your last post inspired me to send you an ask 😁 could you write a story about CK Terry crashing reader's wedding?
Thank you so much for the ask anon! Of course I will write this for you 😃 I hope you enjoy 🤗💚
You were having to juggle so many thoughts and feelings recently, nervousness, worry, excitment, unknowing, and so many other feelings. Mainly because you were just a few days from getting married. You were marrying Paul, he was lovely to you and you had been with him for nearly 2 years. He proposed to you a number of months ago, and you did say yes...but it wasn't an easy yes. You and Paul had your ups and downs, but all in all it was a good relationship...but there wasn't a spark, there wasn't excitement or adventure. It just felt like a boring relationship that was going to turn into a boring marriage, and you knew deep down, it wasn't what you wanted. You wanted to get married, yes. But you wanted to also travel the world with your husband, experience all you can of the world, see things only a small majority of people have seen, you wanted to live, really live. But with Paul, that wasn't going to be the case.
He only wanted a small honeymoon so he could get back to work quicker and get promoted, you felt a little off about it, but at least you'd be having a honeymoon...so why were you feeling like this? You loved Paul...but were you IN love with him? You had your own job too, you worked as one of the best sensei's in the dojo of cobra kai, along side John Kreese, Kim Dae Un and Terry Silver. You got on with all 3 of them, but your bond with Terry was the strongest, somehow being around him just felt so much more comfortable than the rest. And even though you didn't want to say it out loud...you got on better with Terry, than your own fiancee Paul. You and Terry would talk for hours, have so many things in common and would always be there to support eachother, he was the greatest friend you could ever ask for, and being your colleague was just a bonus.
You had invited all 3 of them to the wedding, and they had all RSVP'd, Terry was the only one who was not bringing a plus one, which was interesting, because you thought he was with Cheyenne. After the daily lessons had finished, it was just you and Terry sat by the front desk, you signed some paperwork, and Terry was sipping a coffee. "Are you excited to me getting married this weekend Y/N?" "Yeh...yeh I guess" "You guess? You look unsure" "I don't know, I just think it might be wedding jitters" "Y/N, you know if something is bothering you, you can talk to me"
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"The thing is Terry, I've been thinking about this wedding and....I don't know...I just don't know if it's the right thing to do" "What do you mean?" "I love Paul, I really do...but I don't think-" "You don't think your IN love with him" "Yeh! Wait, how did you know I was going to say that?" "Because I know what your going through Y/N. It's part of why I only RSVP'd to just me on the invite" "Terry, have you and Cheyenne broken up?"
"We have yes, I just couldn't see a future with us, and yes I loved her, but I wasn't in love" "Oh Terry I'm so sorry you guys broke up" "Its ok Y/N, if it wasn't meant to be, then it's not the end of the world" He smiled, but you could see he wasn't fully happy. "Listen, its getting late Y/N, why don't you head on home and I'll lock up" "Are you sure?" "Of course, you go ahead" "Alright Terry, I'll see you later" You stand up and rest your hand on his arm with a smile, before you leave the dojo...and it seems he couldn't keep his eyes off you as you left. When you arrived home, you are about to put your key in the door, when you realise it's open, why is the front door open? You hear noises from inside, they sound like...happy shouting? Loud banging noises? What is that? You sneak in and stay quiet as you find the source of the noise. Its coming from the bedroom, and that's where your stomach slowly begins to drop. You can see through the slightly open door, your fiancee in bed, having s#x with another woman!
He's cheeting on you, right infront of your eyes! It really hurt to see this, you slump to the floor as tears fall from your cheeks, how could he do this to you? You couldn't believe he was f#cking another woman, that #sshole, yes you were upset, but you were more angry! You didn't want to just barge in there, but you did want to get revenge on him, in a way where everyone would know what he was really like. You pull out your phone and take a picture of him with this woman, it's a very clear picture so you can see it's him, and the woman he is with. Then you slip out of the flat and head back down towards your car. It's there that you finaly let out all the pent up rage from what Paul has done, and you shout and scream and cry in your car, letting it all out. Your eyes are red and your cheeks are wet from the crying, and you just felt so numb from everything. Your marriage was over before it had began, so what were you going to do now?
You knew that you needed to talk to someone, and who else than your bestfriend, Terry. You drive to his home in the hopes that he's there, and thankfully, his lights are on as you pull into the driveway. You stomach feels like it's twisted in a knot, you just needed some comfort and someone to talk to, you knock on the door and wait for a response. This man in a uniform opens the door, it's not Terry. "Mr Silvers residence, may I help you maam?" "I need to speak to Terry please, I'm his colleague Y/N" You hear a voice from in the room behind this man "Y/N? Is that you?" Terry walks up to the door and is happily suprised to see you. "Y/N what a wonderful suprise to see you hear. What brings-wait, why are your eyes so red? What's happened?" "Terry, I really need to talk to you" "Of course, of course, come in. Sebastian, you can go home now, everyone else has too" "Yes Mr Silver, goodnight"
Terry lead you inside and sat you down on the big black sofa beside the fire place, he grabs you a glass of wine with his own then takes a seat beside you to listen to what you have to say. "What's happened sweetheart? You look so upset"
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"It's Paul...he's cheating on me" "He's what!? That b#stard! I swear I'll-" "Terry sit down! Please don't go and do anything stupid" you say gently pulling him back down on the sofa by his wrist. "Y/N what happened?" "I was on my way home when I noticed the front door open, it was when I went inside that I saw him in bed with another woman. I didn't realise how much that would hurt to see" "Y/N I am so sorry, you didn't deserve that at all. Are you sure you don't want me to deal with him?" "No Terry please don't do that" "Can I do anything? Please let me help you" "Can I just have a hug?" "Oh come hear"
You both hold eachother in a tight and much needed hug, you haven't felt this at ease in your whole relationship with Paul, what was it about Terry that made you feel so calm? You both pulled away and are now able to look at eachother. "You deserve a real man Y/N, a man who will treat you like the queen you are, please tell me this engagement is over" "Absolutely, I won't marry a cheat" "Good for you.....you shouldn't waist your tears on him sweetheart" He says as he wipes your tears away...his hand stays close to your face, gently cupping your cheek as your eyes find his. "You should marry for love, because love is.....is a truly remarkable thing..." His voice during that sentence got gradually quieter as he couldn't keep his eyes off both your eyes and lips, he was mesmerized by you. You couldn't deny you were tempted, Terry was so handsome....your eyes closed as you both inched closer and closer to eachother, his lips were just about to graze yours...when you suddenly stop and stand up away from him.
"I can't! I...Terry I'm sorry but I can't do this" "What do you mean?" "Terry I, I really want to kiss you but- I can't" "You say looking at your engagement ring. "Sweetheart, he cheated on you. This isn't wrong-" "No no Terry, it is. I'm still engaged, I can't be like him with what he's done, I'm not a cheat. I'm so sorry Terry I...I have to go, I need to end this thing with Paul" You walk up to the front door, closely followed by Terry "Y/N-Y/N" Terry says as he stops you at the door. "Please just...please stay..." "I'm sorry Terry...I can't..." And with that, you run out of his house and back to your car, driving out of his driveway, poor Terry looked distraught. You drive back towards the flat, unsure about what to think or do, you knew you were going to break up with Paul, but what was this thing with Terry? Yes you've had a crush in him before you got together with Paul, but was that turning into something else now? You didn't feel that way when you were with Paul, but it seems that you may have been with the wrong man the whole time.
You storm up to the flat and barge into the living room, where you see Paul and this woman getting dressed after finishing their affair. "You mother f#cker!" "Aarggh! Y/N! This-this isn't what it looks like-" "B#llocks! Save the lies Paul! It's over! And you! Get out now!" You say to this woman as she runs out of the flat. "Y/N come on, we can work this through" "Ha! I'd rather rub dirt in my eyes! The wedding is off!" You are about to storm out when he shouts back to you. "Y/N wait! You can't leave!" "Oh really and why's that #sshole?!" "Because I own you!" "You what?! You don't own me! I'm not property!" "No no your not...but your father is" "What?" "Well not your father, but his job. The job he worked so hard to get for so many years, the only way he is able to put food on the table for your family....I've bought his company, I own your family. Your going to marry me, or your father loses his job, and your family loose everything" "You wouldn't dare" "Wouldn't I? You dont have a choice Y/N.....marry me...or your family loose everything"
2 days later, you find yourself feeling so low and so down, despite you being in a wedding dress. You were stood in the bridal room of the wedding venue, fully dressed for your wedding that you were now being forced into, this was the worst moment of your life. You wanted so badly to end this all, but how could you when your husband to be was blackmailing you into marriage, you hated him, despised him! But you had to do this for the safety of your family, for them, you would do anything. You were just twiddling with your ring when a loud bag came at the door, and in bursts Terry. "Y/N!" "Terry!" "What's going on? He cheated on you! Why are you marrying him?! Are you insane?!" "Terry it's not that easy, I can explain-" "Y/N no matter how much he might have swayed you with his promises, he will never change! And you can't-" "Terry he's blackmailing me!" "He...he what?" "Terry I'm so sorry about this, about everything, but I dont have a choice. Paul is blackmailing me, I have to do this" "What is he blackmailing you with?"
"I...I can't" "Y/N you can trust me, please! Maybe I can help!"
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"You can't Terry...he has bought my dads company, and he's threatening to sack him if I don't marry him. My dad holds the family together, without a job, my family will starve, and I can't do that to them" "Y/N...I can try to help you, you don't have to go through with this-" He is interrupted by one of the bridesmaids knocking on the door. "5 minutes Y/N" "Oh, Ok...Terry I'm so sorry...I have to go" "Y/N I..." You both look into eachothers eyes. "Come on Y/N! Your getting married let's go!" The bridesmaid said again, giving him one last sad look, you left the room and headed to the girl outside, leaving Terry in the room on his own. He hated that Paul was doing this to you, he couldn't let you throw your life away, he had to do something. He pulled out his phone and called in of his contacts
"Malcom? Yeh its Terry. Listen, I need you to get me the contact details of the owner of the stainless steel company on 5th street. Why? Because I'm going to make him an offer" Terry waits for his friend to get all the details, and that's when he sees your phone on the table, he opens it and sees the picture you took of Paul and this woman. "Thank you Malcom, put him on the line" Terry hears a young woman who worked at the wedding venue walk past the room, he stuck his head out and asked her "Excuse me miss, do you have a projector I can use?" During that time, you were making your way up to the wedding itself, feeling so lost and alone from everything that was happening, you wanted so desperately to tell someone, but who could you tell? You were outside the door, waiting to go inside when your dad came and took your arm. "Are you ready honey?" ".....hmm? Yeh..." "Are you ok? You don't look happy"
You heart was screaming to tell him, but your mind remembered the consequences if you did say anything to him. "I'm fine dad.. just nerves that's all" He kisses your forehead before the door opens, and then it begins. You walk through with him to the music of the wedding, seeing your family smile and stand as you enter the room and walk up the isle. You fake a smile as you head closer to Paul, despite the mear sight of him making you feel sick. Your father gives your hand to Paul and he smirks as you stand up with him, he really was a smug pr#ck. You couldn't see Terry anywhere, you just wanted to see him, he wanted what was best for you, he cared for you and you loved him for that......you....you loved him. "We are gathered hear today to witness the union of Paul and Y/N. Now before we continue, if there is anyone hear who does not wish for these two to be married, speak now, or forever hold your peace"
The sound of thundering feet as someone runs into the room is heard all around, then the shouting of the words "I OBJECT!" Everyone turns around in shock as you see Terry standing on the isle, he looks like he's willing to do anything for you. "Terry?" "You? What are you doing old man?" "What am I doing? I'm exposing the truth about you Paul!"
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Everyone is so confused and interested in what's happening. "Terry what are you doing" you whisper. "This wedding is a sham! This man is a lying, cheeting b#stard!" "What are you talking about old man? I've never cheated on my fiancee!" "Oh really? And I'm guessing you've never blackmailed her either!" "What?" "Its all coming out now Paul! Everyone hear will know the truth! Poor Y/N found Paul cheating a matter of days ago, and to keep her trapped, he threatened to sack her father from his job so she would marry him!" Everyone makes a shocked sound, they can't believe their ears. "You lie! What proof do you have huh?"
"Funny you should ask....I've just got off the phone with your brother, the man who REALLY owns Y/Ns fathers company! And your blackmail idea won't work anymore!" "Oh really? And why's that?" "Because I've just bought it!" It was your turn to be shocked now "What?! Terry you-you bought my dads company?!" "Yes Y/N, you don't have to do this anymore...your free" Tears stream your eyes as you feel an enormous weight come off your chest. "You lie old man! I didn't blackmail her! And I didn't cheat! You cant prove I've cheated! It's my word against yours" "Well...actually...."
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Then he pulls out a little remote and presses a little button, where a projector in the background shows on the wall, the picture of Paul and the woman when he cheated on you. Everyone including you is completely shocked, and your dad looks furious after everything has come out. "Y/N...you don't need to be trapped anymore, you can do what ever you want. Be with whoever you want to be with....you DO have a choice"
Your eyes are filled with tears as you hear Terry say this, and your dad can see something in both yours and Terry's eyes, he knows what it is...its love. You look to your dad, and he gives you the nod, the nod that says "go for it, have real love" You smile at him before running down to Terry and jumping into his arms, both you and him are over the moon about how he has saved you. "Terry, how can I ever thank you?" He doesn't even answer, he just cups your face and kisses you with such a deep and explosive passion, it makes everyone in the wedding hall cheer and clap for both of you. Everyone can see the love you have for eachother, and after his heroic rescue of you, its safe to say that all the family approve of Terry. Your dad is so happy your now who you truly want to be with, but then that's when his attention turns to Paul back up on the wedding stand. "Hey uhh-this is just a big misunderstanding-I didn't mean anything by it-believe me I-Oh f#ck this!"
And with that, Paul runs out of the wedding hall, closely followed by the men in your family who are chasing him down after what he did to you, including a few of your aunties. You and Terry stay holding eachother as you see Paul being chased away, making both you and him laugh, it's then that you both feel a hand on your shoulder. "Dad! I'm so sorry for everything. Please believe me, I wanted to tell you but I didn't want you or the family to-" "Y/N my darling, it's alright. Paul was never good enough for you anyway, and I'm glad someone does truly love you for who you are. You'll take care of her won't you?" "I promise, I love Y/N with every fiber of my being" "I can see that...well, it seems my daughters new man is also my boss" "Actually...I'm just the owner....your the new boss" both you and your dad are confused. "What?" You ask. "Sweetheart, I bought the company yes, but your dad has worked so hard to raise you and support your family, it's more than he deserves. And if he wishes to hire anyone in the family to work there too, he can"
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Your dad smiles and thanks Terry while shaking his hand. "Your a good man Terry, I'm glad my daughter has you. Well, I suppose you'll be wanting to go on the honeymoon early then? I'm guessing you and Terry would like some time away" "But dad, what about everyone else?" You let me worry about the family, I think it's safe to say they're all happy you have someone who really loves you. And once their threw with Paul, we'll all come back and drink to you and Terry as your on your way to Greece, happy that we're all getting a little drunk, your happy together, and Paul is no longer around. I love you honey, go and live this exciting new chapter, and we'll see you when you get back home" "Oh dad, I love you, thank you so much" You give him a big hug and a smile, then he sends you and Terry on your way to the limo outside, where your stuff is already in the back of it. "Wait Terry, what about your stuff?" "Its ok, I'll get sebastian to get some of my things and meet us at the airport. Now come on! Let's go!"
Terry opens the door for you as you climb in, and you both wave to your dad as the limo drives away. You feel so happy and over the moon, even Terry pulling out a bottle of champagne excited you too. "Too us, and the wondeful future I will try my best to give you.....I love you Y/N" "I love you too Terry" you both cling your glasses, have sip of champagne, and proceed to have one of the most wonderful and emotionally charged makeout sessions as you both head to the airport, ready for your new adventure.
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theheartpyre · 10 months
Happy Audiodrama Sunday everyone (we are ignoring the fact that it isn't Sunday here anymore even though I posted this on twitter hours ago ☠️)!
Spent my weekend selling at a book fair & had some flyers for THP with me and I got to explain to a bunch of people what audio dramas are 👀 maybe there'll be some new fans out there now
Big congrats to The Love Talker for their launch! Listened to the first 2 episodes and I'm truly intrigued. Great characters, strong premise, just make sure to check out the CWs before listening since it can get pretty heavy. If you love TSV's Carpenter as much as I do, I think you'll also appreciate Rin. Very similar no-bullshit vibes.
Bit late, but also a big congrats to @thewyrdsidepodcast for their season finale! I can't wait to know how it all unfolds in the next season! If you're into folk horror and podcast-in-a-podcast formats and spooky folklore investigations absolutely give them a listen!
Also, there's a new Shadows at the Door episode out 👀 this one started out genuinely cute (with a great rap performance by David hehe) and then turned into the squelchiest nightmare you can imagine. Great episode once again 👌
And I finally finished Peadar O'Guilín's Creepycast where he narrates his short stories! (6 months after I started it. I'm so sorry, Peadar) If you like spooky or strange short stories, definitely give it a try! There's some episodes that tend towards dark fairytales and a lot of stuff set in Ireland and I really enjoyed all of them!
I'll take a tiny little break from audio dramas next week to listen to Publisher Rodeo and get really depressed about the publishing industry 🫠 (jokes aside, it's really informative for anyone who wants to be a writer. A bunch of interviews with published writers explaining their journey before and after publication with a focus on the industry itself.)
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ratralsis · 3 months
Sorry I still haven't written anything that I promised a couple of weeks ago. I'm still working on the ol' novel, and the thousands of words I spent writing about Tina after her death might count for something. I dunno.
If I can manage to get my sleep schedule back to something resembling its previous normal soon, and get a little further ahead of schedule on my progress on the novel, I'll try to write what I hoped to write earlier for this blog.
Tina used to be pretty demanding that I go to bed before 10 PM. I actually had a decent handle on it for a while. I'm gradually getting my bedtime slightly earlier again now, but after she died, I was definitely up pretty late for a few days because I wasn't looking forward to going to bed without her. Which I realize is absurd, but it's still the truth.
If you missed the earlier posts on the subject, Tina was my cat. She wasn't, like, a human lady I lived with who dragged me to bed every night and slept next to me. She was a small cat who demanded I go to bed every night and then came and went several times throughout the night but almost always was there when I first fell asleep. Now she's not, because she's dead, and I let the vet who came to my house to euthanize her take her away for cremation and to scatter her ashes. I do still have Max, but he has never been good at sleeping next to me at night and, at fourteen years old, I don't think he's likely to learn now. He might, though! He's also never been the only cat in the house before. He and I are both still getting used to that.
I spent the last few months playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3 on my Switch off and on. Much like I did with Pokemon Legends: Arceus, I finished the game and then figured out a way to grind for resources without actually needing to play the game, which inflated my playtime by over 100 hours, but I still put over 200 into the game. That includes all the DLC. I liked the gameplay, though I honestly never really connected with the characters that much. I don't have a specific reason why not. I just didn't like them or care about them nearly as much as I did even in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. But the game itself was fun, and I really did enjoy the postgame Archsage Challenges and learning how to build party compositions that could tackle the hardest challenges. It took me a lot of tries to finish the 140th stage of the Gauntlet on Hard mode, but I did it, and then I did it again, and then I bought everything I wanted from the store where you use the currency you earn in those challenges and I realized I was done playing the game.
Since I did back it all the way back in 2020, I've decided to try playing Eiyuden Chronicle. I started it yesterday. So far, I don't like it much, but I said the same about Xenoblade Chronicles 3 when I first started it, too. But Eiyuden Chronicle has two big things working against it: I hate the way it looks, and it has really bad performance issues on Switch. Neither is a surprise.
I've always, always, always hated the way it looks when 2D sprites are in a 3D environment. That was true from Xenogears back on PS1 up to Octopath Traveler. I just think it looks jarring and bad. The camera moves slightly and the background moves and the character sprites can't and it just looks dumb to me. I can't get past it. I'm not at all looking forward to the HD-2D remake of Dragon Quest III (and possibly the first two games, as well), but I'll probably get it, because I love Dragon Quest III enough to have played nearly every version of it already, even the untranslated Japanese Super Famicom version. My Japanese is probably at the level of a 9-year-old native speaker, but believe me when I tell you that that's good enough to play Dragon Quest III, because I did it.
It's also good enough to tell you that the localization for Eiyuden Chronicle takes some pretty serious liberties in its translation of the Japanese dialogue into English, but I honestly don't mind that part. I think it goes a good job of turning the subtext from the Japanese dialogue that would be understood from context and tone and turns it into text that an English reader can understand, which is the most important thing. Anybody who complains about the localization would be better off spending that energy studying Japanese themselves.
Anyway, I got sidetracked. Point is, I'm still around. I'm feeling better than I was a week ago. I'm still writing, just not here, and I'm holding down my job and doing everything I need to do and playing video games on the side and so on.
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chaotic-kitty · 2 years
Could we get a part 2 of Edge of despair where its hurt/comfort and a more happy end god please I just read it and now I need a hug :,>
I’m so sorry! 😭😅But yes, I would love to do a second part. There were a few other people wanting to see more, specifically, more selfish Asra. I did a poll on my Insta asking if I should do more hurt then comfort, or straight to the comfort…..The winner was more hurt then comfort. So, unfortunately there is a bit more angst to come. BUT!! There is a better ending. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you like this next part.💕
Edit: Hey 😭😭 I posted this on my Insta awhile ago but held off posting it here because I wanted to post both this and the last chapter. Because of writers block and other issues, I have never finished it……yet. I’m finally going to post this, but unfortunately……..it has no comfort what so ever😭😭 (another reason I wasn’t going to post it). So if you do read this, you’re going to need another hug. I do hope to finish this at some point though, so you may end up receiving that hug😭🫂
The Arcana: The Edge Of Despair: Chapter 2
I would like to issue a Trigger Warning for this chapter! Please read with caution.
Warnings: Angst, Descriptive Flashbacks, Hurt, Past Character Death, Suicidal Thoughts.
Pairing: GN! Apprentice x Asra
Chapter one link
You don’t know how long you had been here, hunched over yourself on the floor as you cried. Was it minutes? Hours? You didn’t know. Time felt like it had stopped, but also flew right by. You didn’t know how it had happened, the fight with Asra. The things he had said had taken you by surprise. You had never even considered he felt like that given how kind and loving he was towards you, especially in the past few years. He had been there for you. And he was always the one encouraging you to heal and move on and to not force the memories. The Asra that you saw tonight was nothing like the Asra you’re used too. He had never treated you like that, never treated anyone like that. You didn’t even think Asra was capable of being so selfish.
You take a deep breath as you notice yourself starting to hyperventilate. Since Asra had left, you had just been sat here crying. Every time you thought it had stopped, all these thoughts would come rushing back in, and you’d start all over again. As your heart rate slows, you muster up all the will you have to pull yourself together, just long enough to get to bed. You sink into the soft nest of blankets and pillows as you’re lost to sleep. Your dreams a mixture of memories of the argument and the previous night as you recall your breakdown and the incident that had led you here…
~The night before~
It had been a busy day. You had spent the whole day running around serving customers, taking inventory, stocking the shelves. Usual shop up-keep. You’d barely been able to go five seconds before another customer had come in needing your attention. You were getting tired and hungry. Usually, attending to customers wasn’t THIS draining, but recently it was different. After binding the Devil to his realm, word had spread about your situation. Sure, people used to stop and stare at you all the time. Huddling in groups, talking to each other in hushed tones as they looked you over with barely contained dismay. Guess you knew why now. You had died of the plague. But there you were, alive and well. These days, however, customers had taken to asking you about it. Wanting to know how you died, how it felt to stay at the Lazaret, if there was a place after the death. The obvious questions you ask the only former-dead-person-you-know. You tried your best to divert the conversations, especially as you didn’t know the answers to most of the questions.
After serving the last customer for the day, you put up the ‘closed’ sign and watched as the sun dipped below the horizon. It was getting late and Asra was likely to be home soon. He had been acting strange lately. You didn’t know what it was, though. Seeing as you had barely eaten, and it was approaching dinner time, you decided that a nice home cooked meal was maybe what the two of you needed. You thought about food options as you made your way to the small kitchenette.
After prepping everything for dinner, you had moved on to go light the stove as the stove salamander was refusing to. Your mind raced through the stressful events of the past few months as you lit the fire. The smell and heat of the fire caused you to stop. The world before you began to fade in and out, and you felt your heartbeat pulse throughout your body…
Your head grew heavy; the sudden smell of smoke and, what could only be described as burnt flesh, was smothering. Your body felt weak and distant. You vaguely registered the sound of a piercing wail. It was everything you had to just peel your eyes open. It was near darkness, the only light coming from the furnace just a few feet from you. That furnace was your future, the future of all who came to the Lazaret. You watched as two people, dressed in protective gear and beaked masks, load a body into the furnace. Your heart lurched as tears pricked your vision, you thought of Julian, likely in the middle of searching for a cure, oblivious to the fact you were here on the floor of the Lazaret dying of the plague. Or Asra. You hadn’t seen him since the fight, it had been so long since then. Was that going to be the last memory you had of him? Was that going to be the last memory he had of you? Neither of them knew you were sick. Neither knew you were here, alone, dying. Your tears were straining to break free, “I-I’m s-sorry.” You choked out, your voice hoarse. You knew they couldn’t hear you, you knew they wouldn’t know that they were all you could think of as you lay here. One of the people was approaching you, the sight of them fading in and out as you struggled to keep your eyes open. You felt arms grip you. It was suddenly too hot. You tried screaming, tried moving, but it was of no use, your body wasn’t responding. Why couldn’t you move?! The temperature was rising, and unbearable pain filled your body. Your screams still stuck in your throat. Your thoughts slowly came to a stop as flames filled your vision. *CRASH*
You were thrown back into the present, body trembling, skin clammy, as your ears filled with the sound of a window crashing against the window pane. As you move to get up, vertigo seizes you. After waiting for it to stop, you groggily make your way to the window to close it. Your thoughts are slow to surface, the feeling of your heartbeat still pulsing throughout your body. With the last of your energy, you collapse on the bed. After a few moments of silence, tears start pouring down your face as your mind finally catches up with itself. You can no longer hold it back, you scream into the pillows as every emotion tears though you. Every fibre of your being screaming out in pain. That’s how you stay for the rest of the night, until your body succumbs to exhaustion.
~The next morning (Present)~
Sunlight filtered through the windows, rousing you from your slumber. You felt exhausted, your body heavy. The events of last night played again, and again, in your mind. You were still upset, angry, and heartbroken. You had every right to be, of course. But, that didn’t make you feel any better. While Asra had said some horrible things, you had too. Sure, it was actual emotions and feelings that you felt, but screaming them at him probably wasn’t the right way to go about telling him. If you felt this bad, you couldn’t imagine how Asra was feeling. After the things he said to you last night, it was hard to separate your fears and insecurities from fact and reality. You knew that he was likely regretful about what he said to you. Likely beating himself up over it. No matter what had happened, anytime you and Asra had ever fought (that you could remember) he was always so horrified at his actions. Horrified that he raised his voice at you, ignored you, made you cry, anything. You knew that the thought of hurting you in any way would often tear him apart. Not that the two of you ever really fought. You both get along so well together, and Asra in particular tries to diffuse a situation before it gets to that point, but when fights do happen it’s bad. 
Though, for all that you knew that, you couldn’t help but feel like he didn’t care, like he truly regretted bringing you back. Maybe it would’ve just been better if he had never brought you back. You wouldn’t have to suffer through the pain of not remembering him or your life before, wouldn’t have to suffer with the memories of your death and the plague, wouldn’t have to heal from everything. And Asra? He wouldn’t have to suffer through dealing with this pale imitation of the person you used to be, wouldn’t have to deal with teaching you everything again, like you’re some child. Maybe if you weren’t here anymore he could finally move on, properly this time. And so could everyone else. Maybe, just maybe, you could leave this realm behind again and find peace somewhere else. Finally able to rest. It would be easier, you wouldn’t have to deal with the pain anymore… 
You gingerly pull the covers off yourself as you wake your way downstairs to the shopfront, anxiety coursing through you. Being a magic shop, you owned and sold a lot of potions and other magical remnants. Though some you never put on display for customers. Making your way to the small storage room, you search through shelves of potions, looking for a specific one. There! You pick up the small vial, turning over to read the label. ‘Deadly Starstrand’. One of the most powerful poisons you owned. You sink to sit on the floor. One drop. One drop is all it would take. You sit in silence for a few moments, contemplating your next move… You can’t. You can’t do this. Asra gave up half of his heart to bring you back, whether you wanted him to or not. What would it do to him? That other half beats in your body. If you were to die, what would happen to him? You can’t risk hurting him. You shake the thoughts from your head, putting the vial away and leaving. One day you’ll be able to go back, you’ll be able to find peace again. But today’s not that day.
After having a quick breakfast, you get ready. You’re going to go find Asra and sort this all out. After doing what you need to do, you leave the shop. With everything that has happened recently, you lock all the locks and put a ‘cross-me-not’ spell on the door. Now to find Asra. You close your eyes, searching for the connection you share with him. A connection that binds his heart to yours. Even now, forging the connection is as easy as breathing. You follow it through the streets of Vesuvia until you arrive at the docks. The docks are bustling with people and boats. Why would Asra be here? You thought, looking around. Unless he’s not… You seek out the connection again…. It’s coming from the Lazaret. You take a deep breath, calming yourself. If Asra was at the Lazaret, then that’s where you’re going. Now you just needed to find a way to get there. There are plenty of boats, so hopefully that means that there is someone here who could take you. After a few minutes, you find a gondolier cleaning up their gondola. “Excuse me, hi. I was wondering if you could give me a ride?” 
The person looks at you as they stand. “Sure thing. Where to?”
“The Lazaret.”
The gondolier raises an eyebrow. “The Lazaret aye? What are you doin’ going there?” 
“Oh, nothing that interesting… So can you take me or not?”
“Yeah, I can take ya’”
“Is this enough?” You ask, pulling out a pouch of coins.
“Yeah. That’ll do just fine.” They say, testing the weight of the pouch in their hands.
The trip passes by quickly, before you know it you’re at the shores of the Lazaret. Swallowing any fears that you have, you get out of the boat, your feet sinking slightly in the ashen sand. “Could you stay here? I’ll be back soon.”
They look over at you, then to the Lazaret. “You got 30 minutes, after that you’re on your own.”
Seeking out the connection once more, you head off. The Lazaret isn’t as bad as you had remembered. Sure it was kinda creepy and smelt horrible, but, it was different. The water reflected the sun beautifully, the black sand was giving way to gorgeous, blossoming plants. The birds were chirping happily in the trees. For a place of death, it was amazing how much life there was. How much this place was still one with nature. However, you could feel it, the weight of all the souls still stuck here. You could feel them, watching you from afar, curious. 
“-end”. A sound stops you in your tracks. But it didn’t come from the Lazaret, you could hear it in your mind. “Friend!” 
Faust! You could hear her little voice clearer this time. They must be close. Rounding the corner you see Asra, knees to his chest, Faust draped across his shoulders. “Friend here! Friend here!” She says happily, slithering to you. You pick her up. “Faust. How’s my little danger noodle?” 
“Danger noodle!”
“I missed you so much, Faust.” 
“Missed friend!”
You pat her, scratching lightly under her head. “How’s Asra?” 
“Friend sad. Worried.”
“It’s okay, Faust. It’ll be okay.”
“I’ll try.” You give her a small smile as you make your way towards Asra.
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One More Step Out of the Pit: Chapter 3/26
Summary: It had been Tommy and Tubbo for practically forever. They clawed their way out of hell together. They discovered their superpowers together. They started working for the Superhero Guild together before even coming of age. Tommy probably owed Tubbo his life ten times over. So, when the three supervillains he'd been assigned to bring in managed to take Tubbo hostage, well, there was really only one thing to do.
He knew, of course, he was signing himself up for torture and death by offering that trade, but that was okay.
It'd have to be okay.
AO3 Link (See AO3 for Warnings.)
(This story is finished and has been posted on AO3 for a while, but I'm posting it on Tumblr so it's somewhere else too (considering the day AO3 was down a bit ago). The author notes will all be kept as well. If you are following the blog and don't want to see these posts, block the tag #backlog.)
Author Note: There is some sword/knife violence in this one.
“Are these tomatoes?!” An excited scream was what woke Tommy up. It was not even two hours after he’d fallen asleep and part of him wanted to be pissed about being woken up when he was so exhausted. The other part of him smiled into his pillow.
“Cut them open,” Tommy called back.
He listened to the rustling coming from the kitchen area as Tubbo rushed to do as he said. “Seeds?” Tubbo asked after a moment, his voice quieter and closer now like what he was saying was a secret. It was a secret. Tommy peeled his face off of the pillow to look up at the boy in their bedroom doorway. “Where on Earth did you find these?”
“I stumbled on a hidden community garden on the way back from work last night,” Tommy explained.
He watched the war on Tubbo’s face as he bit his lip. His hands were covered in tomato juice from where he’d picked a few seeds out of the vegetable. He was cradling them between his palms now. “These are very illegal to have,” he said. Yet, despite his half-hearted protest, the seeds had already started to sprout in his hands. As Tommy watched, a baby stem curled up his finger, a pair of leaves opening and sitting at the tip of his thumb.
“You should find some dirt for them,” Tommy suggested softly.
“Right,” Tubbo agreed. “Dirt, water… and sun somehow in a place no one can see. Or maybe a grow light in the bathroom? I’ll figure something out.”
Tommy nodded, struggling to keep his eyes open. Tubbo seemed to notice. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to wake you up. I was just excited.”
“I know Tubs,” Tommy yawned.
“You got back kinda late last night, huh?”
“Had a run in with the SBI,” he said.
“Are you hurt?” Tubbo asked, concerned.
Tommy shook his head. “They didn’t even manage to get a finger on me,” he assured proudly, but then deflated a bit. “But, uh, Dream wasn’t too happy that I didn’t arrest them. I got whatever they were trying to steal, but that wasn’t enough for him. So… no paycheck.”
Tubbo frowned. “What were you supposed to do?” he asked. “1v3 the SBI of all people?”
“That’s not fair.”
“Life’s not fair,” Tommy reminded.
“I hate that you fight them,” Tubbo said, quietly. “The Blade killed 4 level 6 heroes with a flashlight and a set of car keys two years ago and that’s with him being taken unaware and alone.”
He’d also held a sword to Tommy’s neck once. It had been just them alone in an alleyway. He’d lowered it a moment later and slipped away into darkness without a word. Tubbo didn’t know that though.
“Eh, Philza’s scarier and Whippoorwill’s more creatively bloodthirsty.”
“They shouldn’t send you after any of them.”
“They know I’m a big man!” He paused at the look on Tubbo’s face. “I’ll be fine,” he promised.
“I just worry…”
“Don’t,” Tommy said. “I’m wily. Like the coyote… wait, no. I’m the Road Runner! The Road Runner wins those things, right? Never gets caught, right?” He’d never really had an opportunity to watch cartoons. He’d just absorbed knowledge from other people talking about them. “That’s me! Meep meep motherfucker.”
Tubbo cracked a half smile. “Well,” he said. “No paycheck, but we do have veggies and veggies that will regrow if we’re careful to hide them. Well, the tomatoes are fruit, but still.”
“Not a fruit,” Tommy enlightened him.
“I… they are?”
“No,” Tommy said solemnly. “I reject that reality.”
Tubbo stared at him for a moment and then shook his head. “Go back to sleep Tommy. I’ve got to get ready for work anyway. I’ll make you something for breakfast and leave it in the fridge.”
“Mmm, thanks.”
“See you at work,” Tubbo said, closing the door behind him. He and Tubbo’s work schedules just barely overlapped. He worked 4am-2pm and Tommy worked Noon-10pm with one day off a week. They’d somehow managed to scam having the same days off this month thanks to Puffy, which was nice. Otherwise, they’d barely see each other except when they were both asleep.
Thinking of sleep...
Tommy woke to the sound of an alarm on his phone at 8am. He barely resisted the urge to throw it out the window. The only thing that stopped him was that it was expensive company property, and he did not need to have that added to his bills.
Groaning, he pulled himself out of bed and into the small bathroom to take a shower. He hadn’t gotten the opportunity to wash the gross off himself last night. He winced in sympathy for Tubbo as his bedmate.
A few minutes later, he was padding into the kitchen. He glanced in the fridge to see a Tupperware container labeled ‘Breakfast’ in Tubbo’s horrible handwriting. Popping open the lid revealed scrambled eggs with tomatoes mixed in, and after making some toast, Tommy sat down on the recliner to eat. (It’s fine. It was already stained to hell when the dragged it up here from the trash, so it wouldn’t matter if he spilled.) There was a sticky note on the arm that didn’t have a bite taken out of it. ‘Buy melk and bread today, pls.-Tub’ it read.
Tommy grabbed the discarded pen next to it and wrote ‘No.-Tom’ with a smile on his face. It looked like he was going to the store before his shift today. He glanced at the time on his phone. Ugh. He should probably get moving if he wanted to get to the shop and back before needing to leave for his shift.
Reluctantly, he put his dishes in the sink and went to the bedroom to change. He pulled Tubbo’s green hoodie over his t-shirt for warmth since it wasn’t like the boy was using it right now, and it was the warmest piece of civilian clothing they had. He counted out how much money he had in his wallet, winced, and dug his hand into their ‘saving’s account’ (and old pickle jar).
Figuring he had enough cash on him, he left the apartment. His and Tubbo’s apartment was on the 2nd floor of the building. It was the lowest priced housing they could find within walking distance of the Hero Guild’s HQ. They’d had the option of living at the much nicer apartments the Hero Guild provided, but they’d quickly learned those came with a cost much steeper than the one they paid for their dirty little two room apartment. They’d bolted as soon as they’d realized the apartments came pre-outfitted with cameras. They weren’t dumb.
They were lucky, really, that they were able to afford this place even with its lack of an elevator and staircase so rickety that Tommy was worried he’d need to use his powers to survive them one of these days.
It wasn’t that the Hero Guild didn’t pay well, it was that it didn’t pay people like Tubbo and Tommy well. Your salary wasn’t based on what you did or who you fought. It was calculated based on two things: years of experience and rank. He and Tubbo each had a bit more than one year of experience. Tubbo had rank 1. Tommy had rank 1.5 even though he’d regularly been doing rank 5, maybe even rank 6 work lately, but people under 18 weren’t allowed anything above rank 1.5.
Then, on top of that, they were both hit with what was referred to as the “teenager tax.” Minors weren’t really allowed to work for the Superhero Guild, at least not on their own. They needed an adult sponsor (which was actually kind of the opposite of a sponsor because part of Tommy and Tubbo’s paycheck was siphoned off to them in payment for being mentors.)
Still, it was better than how Tommy and Tubbo had been surviving on the streets ever since Tubbo was tossed out of his house. They were, at the end of the day, able to pool their resources to pay rent and eat every month no matter how much of a stretch it ended up being sometimes.
Plus, they wouldn’t be 16 forever. With Dream as his sponsor, three years of experience, and the work he’d already been doing for the Guild, he was positioned perfectly to climb the ranks quickly when he shucked the shackles of childhood. He’d be making the biiig money then. Tubbo would probably struggle a bit more since his power was not really a combative one, but Tommy was sure he’d also get promoted eventually.
Who knew, if Tommy managed to be good enough and to kept Dream’s favor, maybe Tubbo could even quit and get a gardener’s license or something. That would be nice. He’d definitely be happier then. Tubbo with a garden of his own. Now that’d be a sight to see.
The thought put a smile on his face as he entered the small grocery store a couple of minutes later. The woman manning the till gave him a suspicious look as he entered, probably because he was an obviously poor teenager with no parents to be seen. Tommy half wished he was allowed to flaunt his superhero identity so people would stop glowering at him like he was going to steal shit whenever he went anywhere. Of course, if he did that, then people like Whippoorwill with his desire to slowly peel Tommy’s flesh off his bones to make into soup (Yes, it did sound gross. Yes, Whippoorwill really had said that. And just because Tommy sprayed mace into his mouth one time! Dude was mental.) would be able to track him down at home. That would put Tubbo at risk.
As it was, he had to bear the lady’s unpleasant expression as he scanned the aisles.
“Can I help you?” she asked in a nasty voice after he stood there for a few seconds too long apparently.
Tommy rolled his eyes and pulled the wad of cash out of his pocket to show to her. “Buying bread.”
“Aisle 2,” she said, still sounding like a fucking asshole, but not quite like she was going to push the panic button behind the counter to summon a hero to arrest him.
Ignoring the eyes that remained on him, he wandered over to peer at the expiration dates on the bread. He was trying to decide which option was better: bread that was a bit more expensive but would last longer or bread that was cheaper and expired in a few days when he heard the sound of metal scrapping on metal.
Tommy’s head jerked up to see some guy with a giant sword at the front counter. Now, Tommy could immediately tell he didn’t quite know what he was doing with a sword, and it was much too big for his lack of muscles, but still, anyone could be dangerous with a giant sharp thing in their hands.
Ugh. Come on. He wasn’t on duty. He didn’t even have his costume for crying out loud.
“Man, do you really have to right now?” Tommy asked him as he rounded the corner, irritated. It probably… wasn’t the wisest thing to say, but it did get his attention away from the nasty lady by the register that he was holding at sword point. Tommy grimaced when he realized she was too far away from the panic button to hit it.
“You have a problem, kid?” the sword wielder asked.
“Yeah,” Tommy said, taking a nonchalant step closer. The guy let him, seeming not to register him as a threat in the slightest in the too tight green sweater with a daisy on it and ripped jeans. “Last night really fucking sucked for me. You couldn’t have done this, I don’t know, in 20 minutes?”
“Believe it or not I’m not on your schedule,” he said with a curled lip. The sword had dropped just a bit, too heavy for him especially when his attention was split. “Now shut up, kid.”
He took his eyes off of Tommy for a moment to return to his crimeing and Tommy jerked forward, grabbing his wrist and twisting. The sword clattered to the floor and the nasty checkout lady took her chance to dive for the panic button.
The man stared at him in shock for a moment as Tommy kicked away the sword, but he quickly recovered, fury on his face. He lunged forward suddenly taking Tommy unaware as he’d been focused on making sure the sword was far enough away. Unfortunately, that hadn’t been the only sharp thing on him. Tommy gasped even as he punched the guy in the face sending him sprawling.
A moment later, a superhero Tommy vaguely recognized, the Boomerang or something, crashed though the door and surveyed the scene. The nasty lady pointed at the man Tommy had just punched and who was getting to his feet with a bloodied knife. Boomerang was on him in a second.
Tommy slowly looked down at his bleeding side, feeling a bit dizzy.
“A-are you okay kid?” the woman at the register asked. She suddenly seemed to be trying to be a whole lot nicer to Tommy.
Tommy breathed slowly, strangely calm. Why, oh why, did he have to get stabbed off duty? He didn’t have the money to deal with this sort of crap. At least it didn’t seem too bad… Tommy thought. “Does the store have medical supplies, perchance?” he asked as Boomerang stopped beating the sword man’s face in and started to put him in handcuffs.
“Shouldn’t you… go to the hospital?” she asked.
“Nah, he’s as bad with a knife as he was with the sword,” Tommy said. “‘Tis just a flesh wound.” Probably. He hoped.
She looked at him for a long moment. “I…” she said and honestly the concern pinching at her brow was just annoying. Tommy almost liked her better when she was being a bitch. “Yeah, we should have some stuff. Let me… Let me go look for you.”
Tommy nodded at her. “Okay,” he said. “I’m gonna…” He slowly sunk down onto his knees. “I think I’m going to sit here for a minute ‘till the shock wears off.”
Author Note: He's fine. It's just a light stabbing. As long as he doesn't do anything strenuous or get shoved around at all, he should be a-okay.
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iwadori · 3 years
When they neglect you for another girl Part 5 (Kuroo)
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Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Word count: 1.3K
Genre: angst, fluff
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You and Kuroo have been dating all throughout highschool and now your in you first year of university
It’s a bit harder to see each other because of your conflicting class schedules
But when you did see eachother kuroo has been acting a big suspicious, ‘secretly’ glancing at his phone or always needing to head out early.
And you were going to get to the bottom of this.
You were just finished with your class, and you had plans to meet your boyfriend at the library so he could tutor you for your chem test that you on Tuesday. On your way over there, you got boba for both of you and some study snacks to get you through the session.
You arrived their first, which you didn’t really mind as Kuroo was usually a bit late to your study sessions (especially recently with his dodgy behaviour.) You decided to go over your recent class notes as you were waiting, which was pretty useless as you didn’t understand anything.  
You actually met Kuroo bonding over chemistry, since it definitely wasn’t your best subject so in your first year your chem teacher suggested getting a tutor and recommend Kuroo Testuro the self proclaimed best ‘chemist’ in the school.
It’s been half an hour and Kuroo hadn’t shown up, you were about to call him until you saw a quite disheveled looking Kuroo who is heaving out of breath.
“Tetsu, what happened to you?” you exclaim with amusement.
“Umm I kind of got in a fight?” he said questioning himself “well not really a fight but a disagreement.”
“A fight? With who?” you said a bit too loudly, as the librarian gave you an obnoxious ‘shusshhhh’ glaring at you.
“It doesn’t matter babe.” he said nonchalantly “I see you have your electrolysis work out, why don’t we get started.”
“But what abo-”
“So what is positive, the anode or the cathode?” he asked distracting you from asking him about what happened.
You spent two hours going over all the topics that were going to come up on your exam, and you can’t lie and say Kuroo didn’t help you. However, you weren’t as focused as you were wondering what happened to him.
After your study session, you both went to your dorms. Sadly, you couldn’t share a room since your University didn’t allow co-ed dorms (and maybe if you did live together, you’d be able to understand his odd behaviour.)
Even though he was still in highschool, every Friday afterschool you and Kenma made sure to spend atleast an hour playing a game online together, and today it was minecraft.
“Kenma help, theres a creeper outside my door!” you screech frantically running around on game.
“One second Y/N” he murrmed
“Kenma, do you know what’s going on with Kuroo.” you inquire.
“What do you mean, isn’t he being his loud cat-like self?” he responded
“Well yeah of course, but recently he’s been on his phone ALOT, and always leaving our dates early or showing up late and stuff so I don’t know I thought maybe you’d know something.”
“Oh maybe it’s just that he’s been pretty busy with Hana right now.” he said nochalantly
“Who’s Hana?” you say, your eyes squinting.
“Oh you don’t know Hana,” he said a bit surprised “Ooops Kuroo’s going to be so mad at me.”
“Mad at you, what do you mean mad at you?”  
“Um, I got to go by Y/N!” he said quickly
“But Ken-” the sound of him leaving the party cut you off, and now you were in more of a confused slump then you were before. What is Kuroo hiding? And who the hell is Hana?
Since you couldn’t go over to Kuroo’s dorm right now because of your universities weird curfew times, you decided the only thing you can do right now is call him. After a few rings he finally answered and you could hear his background was really loud.
“Um, Y/N this isn’t really the best time right now – ow shit.” he said frantically.
“Kuroo, what's going on it sounds like you’re at a rave. Wait are you at a rave?”  
“No I'm not at a rave I'm just – Hana stop doing that.” he said trying to whisper the last bit.
“Who’s Hana, Kenma mentioned her on PlayStation tonight but he didn’t explain.”
“Kenma did what? God – Ouch “there was ruffling in the background before Kuroo finally “Sorry Y/N I got to go..”
He hangs up before you could respond. What is wrong with these boys today?  
It was your study week break, so you don’t really go into school to do classes you just have to prepare for studying. Which was great for you, since you could actually get revision done without being distracted and you can avoid Kuroo whilst thinking about what happened a few days ago.
Kuroo didn’t message you anyways, which kind of sucked, since these chemistry notes aren’t going to learn themselves. You went over each of your topics that you need to learn and you’d say you were pretty much ready for your exams. So for the rest of the week, you didn’t have much to do. Kenma was pretty busy with volleyball and his high school life and your boyfriend was still being odd and you didn’t have any real close friends at Uni since you’re only a first year and Kenma and Kuroo were mainly all you needed anyways.
You chose to go on a date, by yourself, to your favourite bookstore café to have some ‘self care’ time. On the way their you heard a familiar voice shouting down the street, looking in that direction you saw your boyfriend yelling “HANA!” “HANA!” repeadetly.  
Going over to him you said, “Kuroo, are you okay?”
“Umm hey Y/N...” he said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck “to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“The pleasure of being my boyfriend properly again,” you said smartly.
“Oh Y/N shit, im sorry about that” he apologised “I’ve just been really busy right now with Ha-”
“Hana.” you say rolling your eyes “Who is she?”
“I can’t really say Y/N, it was meant to a be a surprise.”
“A surprise for who?” you say  
“Well fo-”
Before you can finish you say a loud ‘HISSS!’ Come from near your feet. “Hana! Thank god!” Kuroo said picking her up, but then dropping her again when she did a even louder HISSS at him. “Umm I really need to work on that..”
“So this is Hana.” you say a bit stunned “She’s a cat.”
“Indeed she is.” he said “ surprise...”
“You got me a cat?” you said still very stunned
“Indeed I did.”
“A feral cat?”  
“Feral!” he said shocked “What do you mean feral!”
“Tetsu! She’s obviously feral!” you say reprimanded him.
“No she’s not! Look” he tried to pet her again and she nearly bit him and then sped off “Okay...maybe she is.”
Kuroo explained that he saw this cat one time outside of his dorm building and wanted to adopt her and give her to you as a gift. He’s been spending his time trying to ‘train her’ but every time it would result in Kuroo getting scratched up or him having to try and chase her around the city. You did appreciate the sentiment, however you reminded Kuroo that if he would’ve told you, you could’ve easily shown him that she was feral or if he listened to Kenma, then Kenma would’ve told him (which he did) that she was feral.
Kuroo did feel bad that his big plan didn’t work and he ended up looking like an idiot, not knowing the difference between a stray and feral cat. But you took him to a cat café as a little ‘pick me up,’ and promised him that for his birthday you’ll adopt a real cat for him.  
An: this is basically a shit post but who cares 😃 Also am I the only that thinks that hana being a feral cat in the end is funny? Or is my humour that dry😭
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folkloreguk · 3 years
French Class [6]
A/N: You guys might want to whack out your love song playlist for this one…I cried writing this BYE I'm posting this from my grave!!
genre: optional bias (m) x reader (f), fwb, f2l?, college!au, fuckboy!bias, nerd!reader, ANGST, smut
words: ~ 3.8 k
✽series masterlist✽
taglist (lmk if u wanna be added!): @lovely-ateez, @runaway-fics, @mainexiii, @awfullytiredbuthealing, @erikyoong, @etherealuv, @staysuki, @justcuz-ican, @yeostars, @hyuckthangs, @teenloves, @mexious18-blog, @sunghoonied, @mailobjaeyoon
couldn’t tag: @chorizoek
You: can I come over? I kind of need u
H/N: you need me huh…you’re lucky I’m home alone
It always starts differently. Some other question, or a subtle message of telling him you’re bored, or a flat-out confession of being horny. The ending is always the same. You, naked in his bed. You just had to get there, and things were easy when you were already on his dorm’s doorstep.
The moment he had opened the door, you had fistfuls of his hair between your fingers and attacked his mouth in a feverish kiss. He made a noise between a laugh and surprise but reacted quickly. His lips parted right away, letting you in, and you tasted mint from the chewing gum he liked so much.
“Let me- at least- close the door,” he mumbled. “Jeez, what’s gotten into you today?”
You stepped aside and mirrored his grin. He was acting surprised, but the way he instantly locked your lips after he had shut the door told you he was enjoying this as much as you were. You ran your hands down his torso and along the side of his thighs. His happy hum only poured oil into the fire, and you saw no reason as to why you should have kept your clothes on any longer. In minutes, in the middle of heated kisses and clumsy chuckles, your clothes were discarded, and you were left in your underwear. You stumbled into his bedroom in a tangle of arms and legs and heads barely pulling apart.
“Will you tell me about the date you had today or are we skipping over that part?” he asked, as he pushed you down by the shoulders onto his bed. You groaned a little, not even knowing where to start.
“Didn’t go well, huh?” he asked. Only a few nights ago you had consoled him after his failed date, now the roles were reversed.
“That’s one way to put it,” you said. He was climbing on top of you now, and the weight of him between your thighs still did the same things to you it had done the first time. There was one of his random playlists playing quietly from the speakers, but you were both too occupied to even consider switching the music off. You weren’t in the mood for a chat, not when he was biting and sucking bruises into your chest, pushing aside your bra just enough. But you knew he wasn’t going to let it go this easily.
“Tell me about it or I won’t take one more piece of clothing off your body,” he threatened. You shot him an are-you-serious-look while he only blinked at you innocently, like he was awaiting your response.
“Fine,” you groaned. “But hurry, now.”
“That’s my girl,” he said, before unclasping your bra and throwing it to the other side of the room. “Go ahead, I expect a story.”
You had rolled your eyes at him, but when he sucked on your nipple all of a sudden, and his tongue flicked over the sensitive bud ever so perfectly, your eyes moved to the back of your head involuntarily. And, before he could complain, you started to retell today’s events.
“Alright. First of all, he acted all gentleman-y. Pulling back my chair at the restaurant, letting me have a look at the menu first, letting me order first, asking me if I was okay with our seats because they were in the sunshine, or whether he should have requested we get a different in the shade table, blah, blah, blah.”
With the lewd noises he was making, kissing your chest and fumbling with your breasts, you almost wondered whether he was paying attention to you at all.
“I’m waiting for the plot twist,” he chuckled. “If he had been this great, you wouldn’t be in my bed right now, would you?” He was now on his way to your lower regions. Your breaths came out shaky when he gripped your hips with familiar fingertips and placed a few kisses there, right above the material of your underwear. Nonetheless, you had to continue your story.
“Oh, it’s coming,” you said. “Because I suspect, the only reason he was acting that way was to compensate. For the fact that he was an hour late.”
He stifled a laugh, and you slapped his head playfully. “It’s not funny! I stood outside that restaurant on a busy street like an idiot for an hour. During exam season!”
“I wonder, if studying is so special to you- ,” he said. He tugged on your underwear, and you barely cared about his words when you were already imagining his mouth on your pussy. “Why aren’t you at home right now, doing just that?”
“Too frustrated,” you groaned, spreading your legs, practically inviting him in. “You don’t get it. That was only the beginning of the date. It gets worse.”
“Oh, damn,” he laughed, and you were going to slap him again. Harder, this time. But his tongue kitten-licked over your clit and you didn’t dare interrupt him further.
“First of all, he turned out to be boring. An economics major. And look, I’m not generalizing, I’ve met some cool economics majors. But when I said I never really understood the whole thing with inflation and deflation, I wasn’t asking for him to explain it to me. I know what it means, I just meant to say money is the root of all evil,” you said, little moans slipping inbetween your sentences. He laughed whilst sipping on your clit. You couldn’t be mad at his laughing anymore. In fact, at the sound of his chuckles, your own lips curled into a smile, too. God, he was so good with his tongue.
“But turns out he loved money. Like it was the sole reason he was doing anything. When he showed me his gold watch I almost yawned,” you continued.
“Dating a rich guy can have its upsides too, though,” he said, but you knew he was joking. He was running the tips of his fingers over your core, and you whimpered at how badly you wanted him to put them inside of you. You loved watching him, loved feeling his hair tickle the side of your thighs and having his free hand laying on top of your hipbone. The familiarity of it all, his little habits, made your heart heavy, so full of emotion, all of a sudden. But you had to snap out of it.
“Not this guy. He kept saying these lowkey sexist things I won’t repeat now. It’ll only make me mad again. He was one of those who thought money would buy him a girlfriend. And I was really trying to see the good in him…only there was none,” you said.
“Alright, I’m starting to understand why you needed some cheering up,” he said. “Good thing you’re at the right place. I know just the thing.”
At this, he slid his digits into you. You hummed and dropped your head into the plush pillow. Slowly, you exhaled, happy you finally got to relax after being so upset. But of course, he had to interrupt. Again.
“Did I say you could stop? Was that the end of the story?” he said. How did he expect you to form a coherent sentence? He fingered you gently, but the slowness of it all only drove you crazier. You felt every tiny sensation, every new bit of you he touched.
“No,” you sulked. “Fuck, it feels so good.”
“Go on, then,” he encouraged you, grinning because he was proud of your reaction he had caused.
“Fuck- okay. He was super shitty to the waiter. I’m talking about criticizing everything. This man had the audacity to complain about the food. I’m not a food critic, but I swear the food was amazing, there was nothing to fault at all,” you said, and then whined when he switched from licking your clit to sucking it between his teeth. You knew he was doing this on purpose. To make speaking harder for you.
“Oh my god, H/N. Wait, let me finish this. Not only was he horrible to the waiter in person, but he also made fun of the waiter’s appearance behind his back. And all along he expected me to find him funny. I used to think he had a sense of humor but not after today. Blech.”
“At least you got a free dinner?” he said, and without awaiting your answer, went back to work. Your head was spinning in pleasure, and you could only laugh sarcastically at his suggestion.
“Yeah. And after that train wreck of a date, he really thought he’d get to stick his tongue down my throat,” you said.
“Did he at least ask permission?” asked the boy between your legs.
“Mhm…but I told him I don’t do that on the first date,” you said. “Safe to say there won’t be another date, though.”
He looked up now, laughing more than before. You grinned, mainly because the sight of him was so cute. He folded his hands on your belly and put his face down onto your skin to giggle. In no way could you be upset or urge him to keep giving you head. In fact, you had forgotten about all of that for a while, as he seemed to enjoy your misfortune a little too wildly. You should have been hungry, eager to have the half-naked boy inside of you. Yet, you laughed at the way his breaths tickled your stomach and when he finally made eye contact, it was a wholly different sort of hunger which overcame you. Instead of the heat he usually made you feel, it was a comfortable warmth that was in your chest. It reminded you of a bonfire or of drinking your favorite hot drink on a cool autumn day.
“I want to watch you come,” he said, casually. “Were you close?”
You were so lost in his trustworthy, dreamy eyes, you almost forgot to reply. Quickly, you nodded and hummed.
“I would have already come, had you not pestered me to tell you all the details of my date,” you said. The way his cheeks beamed when he smiled made you feel as if your insides were turning into mush.
“I’m sorry. I’m your friend, aren’t I allowed to ask how your day went?” he asked.
“Of course you are,” you said. The word ‘friend’ echoed off every wall in your head until you wished you could have deleted it from the dictionary.
“I’ll make sure it feels extra good now,” he said, kissing your stomach. You shivered as you watched his gentle lips move lower, to your hips and the insides of your thighs. The touch felt like butterfly wings on your skin, and the tardiness of it made you impatient. When his tongue came in contact with your clit again, you sucked in a breath of surprise.
He tried to start slowly, but then you gripped his hair tightly, and carefully pushed him further. It was something you did often, a way to tell him you wanted more without having to use words. After all this time, he understood perfectly. Your clit was between his lips and his tongue flicked over the sensitive bundle of nerves with just the right amount of pleasure. It felt incredible, creating a funny sensation in the pit of your stomach. His fingers grazed over your slit until you were whimpering and shifting your hips, trying to make him hurry.
One of his digits slid into you easily, curling against your sweet spot, and it hit you only now how much you had missed him between your legs since he had stopped a few minutes ago. It made you feel as though you were suddenly overwhelmed with all of him, but you were willing to let the heat crash over you if it meant you could be close to him.
“Am I making it up to you now?” he asked as he pulled away merely for a breath. “I’ll turn your day into a good one after all.”
In a different tone his words would have sounded like the exact thing one would have expected to hear from a fuckboy in the bedroom. He could have boasted and bragged endlessly about how great he was with his tongue and fingers – he would have been right – but he didn’t mean it like that. You could tell from the uprightness and the authenticity in his voice that he really was doing his best because he wanted to make you feel better and turn your day around. Because you were special to him. Or so you desperately hoped.
Your legs wrapped around his shoulders as if you were trapping him between your thighs. But he was right there, and he would gladly stay for so much longer, and to say it puzzled you was an understatement. The boy who belonged to everybody, who was known by all of the campus, was treating you like you were royalty, and not the other way around. You moaned, his name inevitably falling from your lips. He added another finger and the slightest stretch made you lose your mind for a split second.
“That guy could have never made you feel this good, could he?” he suddenly asked. Your initial response was a helpless whine. You had been so close, and his talking had interrupted the otherworldly bliss for a moment.
“No, never,” you then whimpered shortly. ‘No’ was such a tiny word. It could barely encapsule what you truly meant to say. Which was that it would have never even gotten that far. That other guys couldn’t even have you at all. They didn’t get their turn to try and beat him. Not as of lately, at least. That you didn’t so much as dare to think about sleeping with other guys. That even before you had gone on the date, you had known it wouldn’t lead to anything. No guy could let you develop an interest on him in the same way the boy between your legs had done it. No other would be able to kidnap your brain like that. H/N was always there. Even when it was only you and your sex toys, you would automatically pretend it was him getting you off. You were so far gone that it was embarrassing how long it had taken you to admit it to yourself. But it was a colossal thing to confess to him, and you would never do that. Rejection would hurt a billion times more than whatever it was you two had now.
Your heart was racing as you closed your eyes. You had been so lost in thought, it was wondrous you hadn’t fallen yet. But you were right on the edge, making your breaths come out like puffs and a string of moans and swears sound from your lips. He too had stopped talking, concentrating on the task at hand, and judging by the way your back arched he was doing one hell of a good job.
“Oh my god- “ you whimpered. “I’m so close, H/N.”
This time he didn’t reply, which was for the best. Only a few seconds passed until you started to quiver and whine beneath him. You were going to outer space behind your eyelids as your high rushed through you. Your fingers curled and tightened in his locks while your legs clenched around his head. He was quick to pull your thighs apart again, still not being finished. For long seconds you swam in pleasure, with nothing on your mind but bursting stars. He was heaven, knowing precisely how far he could take it until you were too sensitive to take any more.
When you were at that point, he finally pulled away and looked up at your crumpled form. There was a lazy smile playing in the corner of your lips and your vision was hazy after having had your eyes closed for a while. He climbed up your body until his chest was against yours so he could really look at you.
“I get all of this without ever having been on a single date with you? I’m so lucky,” he said. You only smiled at him, at a loss for words. What were you to say? The two of you were clearly past the awkward dating stage already.
“I’m lucky you let me come over all the time,” you said. “I would have expected the campus fuckboy to be busier. To not have an empty spot in his bed every night.”
“Ah, shut up,” he said. “I’d rather have you here than a girl I don’t know at all. Look, I’m really tired so I don’t know how this will go…but can I?” He was on his knees, a tent visible in his boxers. With a questioning look, he was tugging them down his legs now.
“Of course,” you said. As you watched him roll on a condom, your ears perked up. Did that song have to come on shuffle just now? The coziest, most romantic love song you adored so much? You knew if you looked him in the eyes you’d be done for. But there wasn’t anywhere else to look when he settled between your legs and held up his weight with his forearms. His eyes were deep enough for you to get lost within a second. Distracting yourself was impossible. The one last thing you could do was to reach between the two of you and guide his length into you.
The song’s chorus came on, you looked at him once again, and suddenly you were all his. You didn’t need to tell him so. He thrust gently, almost carefully, like he had never done it with you. Your heart hammered against your ribcage so vivaciously, you wondered whether it had turned autonomous and was now trying to jump out of your body, onto his skin and through it, so it could nestle next to his own heart.
Neither of you spoke. Yet, there had never been so much chemistry, such a heavy amount of uncommunicated emotions between the two of you. You were ready to hang on his every word, should he decide to speak up. In your head rampaged a billion sentiments you needed him to know, but there was no option to express them adequately. Perhaps there were simply no words in the English language to declare your feelings for him.
Small whimpers and moans left your lips only for him to hear. Sometimes he moved a little quicker, gifting you with the most perfect sounds he could make. And to know you were the cause for it sent you into overdrive. His mouth was right above yours. If you lifted your head slightly, you could have kissed his sweet, sweet lips. But you were so afraid. What would he think? You had never kissed him during sex. Not softly, like you wanted it so terribly.
Even worse, you craved so much more than that. You wanted to pull him in, envelope his mouth in your own, crawl over the edge of his lips and reside in his chest for safety. Because that’s what he was. Comfort. Reassurance. Home. How foolish you had been, pretending this little fling would lead to nothing more. You really had told yourself this would work. No feelings. Just fun. You couldn’t deny having fun with him. He was the best company you had ever known, and he had become your most precious friend quickly. It was as if you had only been waiting for the silly, flirty boy to sit across from you in the library and make weak advances towards you.
The love song tuned out slowly, replaced by something more sensual and sinful. In accordance with the new background noise, he gripped your hips a little meaner and went faster. You barely noticed how his breathing had sped up as he was getting closer to his orgasm. A trance had overcome you, transfixing you on his godlike features and how much it hurt to know you couldn’t call him yours. In your head you were made for each other. They always said to date your best friend, didn’t they? You could try to turn back time, go back to your first meeting place, at the party. See if things would turn out different. But you knew they wouldn’t. As much as your fear tried to suppress it – you would take the same path again, stumbling head-first into his arms and letting him into your life like a crashing wave of laughter and heart-crushing conversations.
Now you reflected in despair, how he had taken your heart in a storm, without having to try too hard. And worst of all, you were okay with it. Your heart was secure with him, you thought. The feelings yearned to be spoken out loud, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“You feel so good,” he said. “Always, so fucking good.”
He snapped his hips against yours, burying his cock deep inside of you and all you could muster was a hum of agreement. This is what you got for keeping him at arms-length from the beginning. Wasn’t it you who had challenged him to be friends and only that? Perhaps you would be okay, so long as no one else called him theirs either. You could go on like this, letting him use you for sexual relief and making him laugh when he needed it. Gladly, you would take the pain of not being allowed to love him with your whole being if it meant you could see him whenever you wanted. Exposing those silly emotions would wreck your friendship and you wouldn’t let it happen.
He grunted and only then, when he lowered his head into the crook of your neck and moaned your name, you realized he was reaching his high. Softly, you cradled his head in your hands, as if it was the last time you could hold him like this. When he put his forehead against yours, he had his eyes closed and his chest was moving steadier than before.
“You’re the best,” he whispered. “Stay the night?”
Should you have gone home, and missed him all night? Would you have regretted saying no while you curled up in bed with no Cheshire-cat-grin-boy to hold? Or were you to remain in his bed, and pray you would survive the torture of not speaking your mind? His skin radiated the most wonderful warmth and you wanted to trace his lips with your eyes until you fell asleep. That’s how quickly it was decided.
“Okay,” you answered.
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