#also thank you anon thank you so much 💐
weltonreject · 1 year
i mean i haven't read any of your original work but based just on what you've posted for fandoms you Are a good writer. you're actually one of my favourite writers and i revisit your work all the time. maybe that doesn't mean anything because i'm just a stranger on the internet but don't judge yourself on one little piece of writing you don't really remember working on. you have a lot more to give !!! and you work hard for it !!!
this is gonna sound so sappy and like, idk, taking this blog from undergrad "too seriously" or whatever but i was shouting into the 2AM insomnia Vast last night and to take my first break at work and see this? like goddammit maybe i deserve a smidgen of kindness. a little dash here and there. a little self belief because i want it. so thank you for reminding me in that belief. and that whatever i am i afraid i never had (or worst, lost entirely) is still in there, in me. bc it's joy and it's excitement and it's just silly ideas to put theo decker in situations lol. and that's it. in the best, most freeing way, that's it that's all. 💌
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intimacyequalsdeath · 7 months
heyya!!!... Beautiful💐.
I see requests are currently open, so if you don't mind... can I request a sexy wife s/o who loves to cook and will always make slasher food? And prepare all their needs (you know like a good wife in general🙃),My twin sisters really like their slasher Especially for Bo, Lester, Vincent, Thomas hewitt,Charles Lee Ray and Michael Myers...
Oh, I also think it would be great if they had obedient children with the wife s/o. They know how their father is and they choose not to worry too much about it. Please....I'm sorry if I requested when your requests were closed, but, I've been looking for a blog for a long time whose requests are still open and finally I found your blog 😭.
My twin sister is sick and I want her to be able to read the story you made from my request 🙏.
Love you dear
Thank you so much for the request sweet anon! <3 I hope me deciding to do Headcannons for each story was ok to anon. Sorry this took so long, I worked on it in chunks over the course of a few different days.
Also I hope you sister feels better soon Anon <3 <3
Slashers with a good little wife and good little children: The Sinclairs. Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt and Charles Lee Ray.
Also not my gifs, not of the gifs I use are ever mine and full credit goes to the original creators <3
Notes: Minors DNI, Written with AFAB in mind as per request, suggestive themes. Story under the cut. Request centers around "traditional" wife roles. Talks of pregnancy and children.
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<3 : Bo loves the idea of having a good little wife and good little children to boot. He just never thought living in Ambrose and as a man with his hobbies he would get to experience that, until he met you.
<3: You instantly took over cleaning and cooking, even some of the spots in Ambrose no one even went into anymore. You had no idea how the boys had managed to survive so long with living like they were raised in a barn.
<3: Bo also liked how you liked to steer clear of anything having to do with his business and what went on at the gas station.
"it ain't your place" He murmured once into your hair when you asked him about it when the relationship was still relatively new. That was the first and only time he ever had to tell you that.
<3: Bo was thrilled by your want to stay out of his and mind your own that it was surprising when you ultimately fell pregnant after only about a year being in Ambrose. As if he'd let you leave.
<3: Bo let you take care of all the child rearing duties, with him being gone usually all day it was just easier plus the last thing he wants to come home too is crying children after a long day.
<3 As the children grew you had to teach them about what their father and uncles and explain why it would be inappropriate to ask anyone about it. All they needed to know was that they were safe and their daddy loves them.
<3 The sight of you being rounded with HIS baby also does things to Bo, So don't be surprised if he makes it a goal to keep you pregnant as often as possible.
<3 Bo would be a in and out father I think though, not that he means to be he does love the children. His relationship with his own father affects how active he is a lot of the time and since that's the only father figure he has to go off of he doesn't wanna turn out like him.
"Papa!' The children yelled as they ran through the door of the gas station to their father. You had a free instance of free time so you thought you'd bring them down to bring Bo some lunch.
"There's my babies" Bo said opening his arms to catch all 3 of them up in them. He turned to you poised and ready for the kiss you planted on his lips as you set the basket of food down on the counter.
"We made you lunch papa!" Your youngest girl said as he placed her back on the floor. Bo smiled at her.
"You did now didya?" All three children nodded as you opened the basket and began to explain to Bo what you made him. It wasn't long before your family bubble was interrupted by a car pulling up outside.
Bo's gaze hardened as he turned to look outside the station windows he then turned to you and the kids before barking an order.
"You four need to go on and get back to the house now" He said, The children having been through this before nodded before falling in line behind you to head back home.
"I'll come get ya'll when I'm done" Bo said planting a last kiss to your lips before you waddled out of the gas station, giant pregnant belly and all three little ducklings in tow.
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<3 Soft mushy Vincent is soft and mushy.
<3 You are his doting little wife and he is your doting husband. His heart swells every time he sees you coming down into the basement with a plate of food and a drink.
<3 At first he was a bit nervous about you growing board of Ambrose since he wouldn't let you be involved but when he saw you begin to clean literally anything and everything he figured you were alright.
<3 Vincent loves your cooking and it actually helps rouse him out of the basement to come and sit at the table with you and his brothers.
<3 When you fell pregnant the first time, He was stunned. Like truly stunned. He never thought fatherhood more or less being a husband was in the cards for him ever.
<3 To know have both he couldn't believe it. A cute little house wife and a baby he hoped would look just like you.
<3 If the baby isn't twins expect to start trying for a sibling right away. Vincent like his brothers adores the sight of you pregnant with his baby. It awakens a primal instinct inside of him to be the provider and keep you safe at all costs.
<3 Vincent would be afraid that the baby would be afraid of his face or his mask, no matter how many times you assured him other wise he couldn't help but worry.
<3 If the children grow up to question their fathers face or what he does in Ambrose, you and Vincent will tell them the loose truth obviously omitting a lot of detail. At least until their old enough.
"Vincent, your her daddy. She'd never be afraid of you" You told him softly, reaching out in an attempt to hand him your daughter.
Ever since she was born Vincent refused to hold her as he didn't wanna scare her off with his mask or his face.
He looked into your eyes as he went to shake his head, before he could though you had shoved your baby into his arms and positioned his hands in the proper places to hold her.
Vincent jumped at your sudden action but was never the less quick to cradle his daughter. He looked down at her once she was settled and when his eyes met hers that matched your perfectly he felt his breath leave his body.
Vincent had never experienced a feeling like this in his entire life and doubted he would ever feel it again. He was head over heels in love with this little human the two of you had made together and from that day he vowed that anyone who tried to come in-between him and his family would have him to answer too.
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<3 Lester is used to cooking and cleaning his own space so it takes him awhile to get used to you doing it for him.
<3 He appreciates it greatly but he doesn't fully understand why you would want to clean up behind him like you do though. Like he picks up roadkill all day who would want to smell that?
<3 He doesn't complain about you cooking though, He thinks your food is amazing and it's great to come home to a warm cooked meal every night.
<3 You do so much for him so don't be surprised if Lester comes home every so often with little gifts he's collected for you. Some of them may or may not come from victims but as Lester's good little wifey you never question it, you just press your lips to his and thank him for the thoughtful gift.
<3 When you fall pregnant, again like his brothers, Lester is thrilled. He can't be in the same room as you without running his hands up and down your swollen belly while trying to feel the baby kick.
<3 Lester wants a football team of children, so be prepared to make many renovations to the cabin the two of you share to accommodate all the children.
<3 Lester loves bringing his sons out on the road with him when their old enough and with your permission of course. He'd never let them participate in anything Bo or Vincent do but helping him with roadkill is just fine by him.
<3 If any of the kids ever questions what their uncles do in Ambrose and why Lester doesn't usually want them around it, He'll tell them that it's because of Vincent's delicate projects and that answer is enough for the kids.
"Nah sweetpea, you know why you can't go to Ambrose" Lester softly told your son after the fifth time he had asked to go see his uncles. Your son sighed and pouted slightly before speaking.
"I know uncle Vincent's art is easy to break but I promise I won't ruin anything"
"My love, I've told you it's rude to question your father" You piped up from your chair in the living room, running a hand over your slightly swollen belly. "Why don't you go join your brothers outside for a bit before dinner, and stay where we can see you" He gave you a sad look but nodded and went through the front door outside.
"I know the boys love Vinny and Bo, but I just want em to be safe" Lester told you sitting on the arm of your chair and putting a hand over yours sitting on your belly.
"I know Les, but when their older they'll understand why we have rules" You shot him a smile and he gratefully returned it. He was so lucky to get someone so understanding of the "Family Business"
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<3 Thomas was raised to be a family man. Luda Mae had always told him growing up that one day he would need to find a wife to continue the Hewitt family with.
<3 Enter you, ending up at the Hewitt farm like so many others, but not meeting the same fate as them.
<3 Thomas would've easily put babies before marriage but Luda Mae insisted that you two do it the traditional way and get married first.
<3 You were quick to win her over with your affinity to help out with cooking and other house chores. Especially when it came to taking care of her darling boy Thomas. She was thrilled he had found someone who loved him so much.
<3 In the Hewitt house hold with Monty and Charlie both breathing down your neck, it's easy to be reminded to leave the mans work to Thomas and just focus on helping Luda with whatever she needs.
<3 When you fall pregnant with the first baby, the whole house hold is thrilled.
<3 Luda, Charlie and Monty all never thought they would see the day that Thomas would continue the Hewitt family tree so it was a very big deal when you fell pregnant with Luda's first grandchild.
"Now darlin' you know your not supposed to be doing anything in your state" Luda reprimanded as she walked into the kitchen to see you doing dishes.
"I know mama but laying in bed all day everyday is driving me nuts" You told her drying off a plate you were washing. Luda joined you at the sink grabbing a cup to wash it before handing it to you to dry.
"When I was pregnant with Charlie I almost got driven up a wall myself. Just don't let Tommy see, You'll never hear the end of it" She said giving you a small smile before heading back to the living room.
You stood at the sink and continued to wash until you heard familiar footsteps heading up the basement stairs, you tried to pretend like you weren't washing dishes but it was too late, Tommy was on you in an instant.
"Tommy hun it's ok!" You pleaded as he took the dishes out of your hands and herded you towards a chair. You couldn't help yourself but the laugh of how your giant husband could be turned so soft and attentive with you.
You grabbed Tommy's hands before he made you sit down and placed them onto your rounded belly. His eyes met yours instantly and your foreheads pressed together.
"Tommy we're fine, I promise honey." Tommy looked at you incredulously before rolling his eyes and huffing at you, you laughed. If there was one thing in this world Tommy couldn't say no too it was you.
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<3 Now Charles I could see being a bit different. Sure he adores having someone cleaning and cooking since he's out doing what a serial killer does most of the time but when it comes to kids he's a bit hesitant.
<3 He loves that you love to cook for him. It's nice having warm meals to come home too for once, Brownie points if their his favorite foods.
<3 Doesn't so much like when you get on him about tracking blood through the house or getting one too many stains on his clothes.
<3 If you really want a baby start telling him how lonely you are when he leaves for long periods of time to go kill people. He'll give you want you want as long as the baby stays out of his way.
<3 He'll be a good dad though don't get me wrong and he'll love the kid or kids just as much as you but he's a busy guy that's got shit to do so he mainly sees them as your responsibility.
<3 Might get jealous of all your attention going to the baby though, he understands it has too but that doesn't mean he has to be happy about it all the time.
<3 Your never going to be the picture perfect family but for your Charles will try his best to give you and the kids everything you'd ever need.
"Charles! what have I told you about tracking blood in the house!" Your voice echoed through the house. You heard a muffled laugh as he rounded the hallway with your 3 month old in his arms.
"Babe I'm sorry, you know I never mean too sometimes it just happens" He said adjusting your bundle of joy in his arms.
"Whaddya think kid should mommy forgive me just this once?" He asked your child you babbled in response.
"You said just this once the last three times chuck" You deadpanned before breaking a smile when he did.
"Just a hazard of the job toots" He laughed, You joined him before your eyes were met with the deep red splotches on the blazer he was wearing.
His eyes followed yours before his froze and turned to walk away with the baby in tow as you yelled out behind him.
"Charles! The blood!"
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<3 The only inkling of what a normal family functions like that Michael has ever gotten was from his childhood, and to be honest I think his memories of that are very few and far between.
<3 You want to do what for him? Cook and clean ? why on earth would you want to do that for? Michael is confused.
<3 Though preparing to go out and finding a nice fresh out of the dryer jumpsuit all nice and warm and clean for him is quite nice. Michael thinks this is something he could get used to.
<3 On those late nights where he comes back late and finds plates of dinner wrapped in tinfoil ready for him to either heat up or eat just like that is also something he could get used too. It tastes way better then what he usually eats (Totally not dog, totally not)
<3 When kids get brought up though, it's a different story. I could honestly see him not really being all for it at least not at first.
<3 He's really like Charles but more so into the you can have kids as long as they stay far out of his way.
<3 His feelings towards them also aren't the most parental either. He loves them ? At least, Michael feels an emotion he could probably equate to love about them.
<3 But yeah I think for Michael it's best you just keep the kids clear of him. It's not easy when your father is the shape of Haddonfield.
"Welcome home Mike!, your dinner is wrapped up on the counter love" You greeted him as he came home after a night of terrorizing the town. Placing a kiss to the cheek of his mask.
Michael nodded wordlessly, as always, and turned to go into the kitchen. Tonight you had made his favorite, or at least what you only thought was one of his favorites by the way he every so slightly changed reactions every time you made it.
You gave him a second before following him into the kitchen and sitting next to him at the island. You watched as he lifted his mask up for each bite of food before lowering it to chew.
You made the mistake of questioning him once as to why he didn't just take the mask off. It was early on in the relationship and his hand instinctively went to his knife before you even finished asking. That was how you learned it's better to just not ask Michael questions at least not about the mask.
The two of you sat in silence, a routine you repeated pretty much every night unless you were already asleep when he got home. You would spend all day cleaning and making sure everything was ship shape for him then you would greet your monster of a man when he came through your front door.
You were brought out of your thoughts when Michael's plate crashed into the sink and broke into pieces. Michael still didn't understand how to not hold the plate too high and just to sit it in the sink.
Looks like something you'll still have to work on. No one said the shape of Haddonfield was smart when it came to chores anyway.
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axelthegreat101 · 2 months
hello!!! im not the bird wings anon but i loved it sois much I was wondering if you could do the support classes as well? if you cant just sniper is fine<3 awesome writing!!!
Omg thanks so much!
Support Classes with a winged reader.
💉 Medic 💉
“You have wings? Oh, now zat is interesting..” “Put the scalpel down Medic.”
Yeah.. pretty obvious
He is very interested in them, but he knows that they are part of you and stays away from his surgical tools when it comes to your wings
That doesn’t stop him from being a little weird about them, feeling all the muscles in them and stroking the feathers
“Oh schatz, your wings are beautiful. I wish I could see the bone structure in person…” “Medic, you’re being weird again.” “Sorry, Liebling.”
🦉 Sniper 🦉
“What the hell- Since when did you have wings?”
He’s pretty confused about the fact that you have wings, but he gets used to it after a while
Like Scout, I also think he’d really like to touch them, but he’s worried you might think he’s weird or creepy
When he does touch them, he is so gentle, I ain’t even lying
Very respectful of your boundaries and will stop if you ask him to
I also think he’d love to have them wrapped around him when you cuddle. He likes the sense of security it brings him, being surrounded by your feathers
I also think that he likes sitting behind you and stroking your wings while you talk about things, a bit like Pyro except you’re the one talking
”And that’s how I got my cat.” “That’s nice roo.”
🗡️ Spy 🗡️
I think at first he pretends to not be impressed by your wings, when really he’s internally screaming at how pretty they are
I think he also likes helping you groom them, always with expensive shampoo and stuff, cause he doesn’t want to see your wings as anything less than perfect
“Spy, this is the third time you’ve groomed me this week.” “I know, I know, but ‘ou’re wings are magnifique, (magnificent) and I will not be seeing them in a mess.”
He loves it when you let him touch them, taking the utmost care when he does to not rumple the feathers.
And because he’s a flirt he kisses them too, normally at the place where they connect to the shoulder, as it’s the most sensitive area.
“Oh hoh? Is someone getting a little… flustered?~” (I’m sorry)
Oml, this was another one I loved writing. Definitely in my top three favourites
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rabbittf2x · 11 months
Heyy it's me, Spaniard anon again lmao. I just LOVE your writing. It's so in-character. I'm so in love with your writing- UHM sorry lmao.
I was wondering if you could write some relationship headcannons for Demo, Engie and Sniper?? I love them so much. It's okay if you don't want to :]
Have a nice day!! <33
-Spaniard anon 💐
Thank u so much!! Ahh that means a ton!!!🥹💖
Mercs x Reader Headcanons
Includes: Demoman, Engineer and Sniper
Demoman purposely sought you out when he was drunk. He adored how caring and gentle you were with him. His face also lit up with so much joy when you entered the room
Demo was so soft for you. He practically melted in your arms. He had the biggest grin on his face as he wrapped his arms around your waist and snuggled you close. It gave him life when you grew so flustered, squirming in his hold as he whispered in your ear
Demoman was constantly whispering sweet nothings. He never skimped on telling you just how much you meant to him. He called you all kinds of pet names, like dearie or laddie/lassie. All while slurring that you were the love of his life
You were Engie’s everything. You were always on his mind. He didn’t know what he’d do without you. After any battle or work, he came to you first with a big smile. He loved nothing more but to cuddle up with you and talk about your day
The Engineer and you spent countless nights by a campfire. He always tried to impress you with his fire building skills. Actually, he tried to impress you with his building anything skills. Your words of praise were his favourite
Engie’s face got so red anytime you kissed him. Even just a small kiss to his cheek or forehead got an, ‘aw, shucks.’ out of him. You made him so shy! Being around you was the only time he ever felt dumb. You made this poor Engineer feel some type of way <3
Sniper may of been aloof or shy at first, but you were sure to break through that. He soon became putty in your hands, even falling head over heels. His lanky arms around you or his hand on your thigh became a regular occurrence. In fact, it was weird if he wasn’t touching you
Sniper wasn’t big on other people, but you were his favourite. That meant you got all his attention and no one else. He even grew clingy! Relaxing in your room by yourself? Not without him! Taking a shower all by your lonesome? Nuh-uh!
When you two kissed, Sniper liked you on his lap. He slipped his hand under your shirt and glided it along your back. His face was redder than he would’ve liked to admit as you giggled against his lips. He was smitten
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winterrrnight · 3 months
go on without me - #28 w/ drew 💐
thank you for such a sweet req anna! 🫶🏼 and thank you to my 🦚 anon who's request I combined w this one! I hope you like this <3
PAIRING: drew starkey x gn!reader
SUMMARY: you surprise drew with a daisy bouquet.
WARNINGS: fluff!
EDITH SPEAKS: I'm writing for drew after so long omg, I need this man I can't even put into words UGHHHH he's so cute 🫶🏼🥹 please comment and reblog!! 💐
PROMPT REQUESTED: “I don’t need a reason to bring you flowers, I just wanted to.”
600 followers celebration (now closed!) || navigation
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It’s a nice beautiful spring afternoon, the sun quite bright and warm as its hazy rays fall down on you. You continue to walk with a certain prep in your step, and a huge daisy bouquet in your hand.
You’re on your way to your boyfriend’s apartment, deciding to take a walk instead of your car because of the warming weather and the soft chirping of the birds surrounding you. It’s just about the most perfect weather you can have; not too hot or too cold, the breeze whipping past you is fresh and sweet, accompanied with the warm aroma of the breads being baked at the bakeries you pass by, and little butterflies flying all around you.
It’s been around two weeks since you last saw him because he got busy with some movie shootings locally. If he was at home, he was either home extremely late at night or extremely early in the morning, and that time too was also spent in sleeping or practicing his scripts over and over again, which led to a lack of time being spent between the two of you.
However, he finally gets the time to call you up and tell you that he has a free day, and he doesn’t wish to spend it with anyone except you. You were beyond ecstatic to receive the phone call, practically already out the door before you can even hang up.
You reach his apartment and just as you ring the bell, the door is opened as if he was waiting at the door for you, and you are quickly engulfed in the most warm hug you’ve ever known. You sigh against his shoulder, closing your eyes as your arms wrap around his torso firmly, letting out a sigh as you let his scent encase you completely.
“Hi baby,” you mumble against his shoulder, the bouquet you’re holding in your hands behind his back.
“Hi bubs,” he mutters as he presses a kiss to your forehead, before gently cradling your face in his hands and pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
Your grip only tightens around his torso as you gladly oblige to the kiss, exhaling deeply when he parts from you. A small smile rests on your face as you unwrap your arms from around his torso and show him the bouquet.
“I got you a little something,” you grin, showing him the fresh bouquet of daisies. He softly gasps at the sight and takes the bouquet from you.
“You got me flowers?” He asks, his eyes wide and a certain glint in them as he looks from you to the flowers.
“Yeah,” you smile, “do you like them?”
“I love them,” he whispers, moving the bouquet closer to him as he takes a sniff, the fresh herbal and grassy aroma of them filling up his nose. “But you didn’t have to, you know?” He says, smiling softly as he steps aside from the open door to make space for you to enter inside, following you.
“Why not?” You ask as you watch him walk to the kitchen as he gets a glass vase and starts to fill it with some water. “I don’t need a reason to bring you flowers, I just wanted to.”
He looks up from the daisies with a smile on his face, one which is genuine, one which is laced with happiness, one which is reserved only to show you how much he adores you.
“You’re the cutest you know that?” He says softly as he puts the flowers in the vase and makes his way to you, wrapping his arms firmly around your waist. “Thank you, they are absolutely wonderful,”
You smile at him and press a soft kiss on his lips. “You are welcome baby,”
It’s safe to say that you surprised him with flowers a lot more often than just this one time, a different kind of flower each time, and his apartment always lights up with the clean aroma of flowers all the time, wafting around with the sweet memories of you.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @lunalitva @sadfury @shores-kayla @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @callsignwidow @starkowswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @rafegirly @addriaenne @leighbronk @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @raf3sgff @aerangi @drewstarkey1bae @moneymaybank @spideysimpossiblegirl @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment
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sainzfilm · 2 years
hii! can you do a instagram au of mick and a fem reader that are in a relationship and the reader is a figure skater(if you can make the face claim be Evgenia Medveda pls) who has win the olympics and mick is like a very supportive boyfriend? and she is also friend of the others drivers Ty <3
pairing: mick schumacher x figure skater!reader
a/n: i hope you like this anon!! hehehe figure skating’s so cool i wish i was signed up for this sport when i was young
ice princess - mick schumacher
instagram edit
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Liked by lilymhe, alex_albon, and 462,737 others
yourusername unwinding with the lover before the olympics 💐💟
view all 233,272 comments
lilymhe pretty girl!!! i miss you so so much 💝 goodluck on the olympics, my love
yourusername i miss you way more!!! i’ll come see you after it 🤍
estebanocon mick’s a bad photographer compared to what you took for him
mickschumacher nobody asked esteban
iceprincessyn hope you’re having fun!!! please get the rest you need before the olympics 🥰
mscupdates im certain mick’s making sure of that hehehe our best couple of the century
landonorris so cheesy, Y/N. surprised there weren’t any ants over there
georgerussell63 i second the motion 🤨
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Liked by estebanocon, charles_leclerc, and 372,848 others
mickschumacher olympics season upcoming for my girl! let’s go for gold 🥇🤍
view all 138,474 others
estebanocon best of luck, Y/N! rooting for you all the way 👊🏻
yourusername my bestie! thank you thank you ❤️
alex_albon tuning in to the competition, go for gold, Y/N! 🥇
yourusername thank you albono, send lily my hugs i miss her ❤️
babyschumi mick setting the standards again!!! best of luck to Y/N <3
schumiupdates he is THE standard 🤨 Y/N cheering squad lets go!!!!
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Liked by estebanocon, mickschumacher, and 563,363 others
yourusername GOLD MEDALIST, BABY 🥇 extremely grateful for all the love and support that ive received throughout the season. im lucky to do something that i love and im passionate about. this one’s for you all 🖤
view 364,363 comments
mickschumacher so lucky to have seen you grow and thrive in your world of skating. always proud of you, my love ❤️
yourusername i love you, having you here with me brings me the strength i need 🤍
estebanocon AND SHE DOES IT AGAIN. congratulations, Y/N! 👊🏻 will treat you when you come back
yourusername holding you to that, estie bestie 😉 see you real soon!!!
iceprincessyn IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU CONGRATULATIONS QUEEN 😭 well deserved!!!
danielricciardo LETS GOOOO, congrats Y/N! 🎉
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Liked by ginaschumacher, landonorris, and 475,748 others
mickschumacher flexing my girl and her achievements throughout the years ❤️ she’s taking the world by a storm and makes me the proudest boyfriend ever
view all 364,848 comments
ginaschumacher all your hard work paid off, congratulations Y/N! see you when you come back 🥰
yourusername GINA MY LOVE see you i love you!!
yourusername my best friend, my boyfriend – i love you more than words can say. thank you for being here with me ❤️
msc47lovebot they’re the cutest couple ever im actually going to cry
ynupdates tell me about it i just need myself a relationship like theirs 😭
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I've been absolutely loving the flower outfits. Like I know I followed you for the historical outfits (which I also love), but the flower ones have so much whimsy and happiness, I love them!
hello my dear anon! 💕
thank you so much for your super sweet words!! 🥰🥰
as I'm sure is evident by now, I adore the flower children and I thought they were such a fun way to throw a little fantastical (yet still historical!) touch in with the more "normal" polls 🌸💐
and I totally agree – they are so fun and whimsical! 💐✨ I am so so so glad that you enjoy them! ☺️☺️
and because I'm still not sick of this shitty meme, flower children be upon ye!! 🌷🍃🪷🌼🍀🌻🌸🌱💐🌿🌺☘️🌹
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wambsgansshoelaces · 4 months
okay so last night i had this horrible bad bad bad no good panic/anxiety attack and like . i went through IT . was really bad , shaking so hard my teeth clattered , barely breathing , etc . so maybe could I get succession characters helping a so who has a panic/anxiety attack and grounding them? tysm 💐
~ 🦈
I’m really sorry that happened to you anon :( I hope you’re feeling much much better now!!! If you ever need to talk, you got me <3 I love u thank u for requesting, enjoy xx
panic attack (succession main cast)
ᝰ he’s obviously had his fair share of panic attacks
ᝰ while he’s not really sure what’ll work for you specifically, he does his best to do things he wishes people did for him when he’d have attacks
ᝰ he has a few tricks up his sleeve, anyway
ᝰ when he first realizes you’re having one, he gets an ice cube
ᝰ and tells you to put it in your mouth and just leave it there
ᝰ “it helps your brain distract itself from its own meltdown,” he tells you softly
ᝰ all the while stroking your hair, your cheeks, your brow, whatever he can tell soothes you the most
ᝰ you suck on the ice cube until it melts
ᝰ and surprisingly enough, you’ve calmed down
ᝰ yes you’re still extremely anxious, but your breathing’s been regulated, your heart rate back to normal
ᝰ kendall coaxes you into a cuddle on the couch
ᝰhis fingers run through your hair over and over
ᝰ he’s just trying to bring you down from that bad high
ᝰ and he’s doing well
ᝰ he murmurs soft words to you
ᝰ and tries to get to the root of the issue
ᝰ “what caused all this, do you know?”
ᝰ you don’t have an answer
ᝰ but that’s okay
ᝰ he’ll take care of you regardless
ᝰ because you mean the world to him
ᝰ and if he can do anything to make you happy, he’ll do it
ᝰ you make him the happiest man to walk the earth
ᝰ is also a panic attack veteran
ᝰ kind of freezes the first time you have one in front of him
ᝰ but he snaps out of it immediately
ᝰ makes you lay down in bed while he runs to the bathroom
ᝰ he comes back with a cool washcloth and slaps it onto your face
ᝰ “roman!”
ᝰ “sorry, i didn’t think it’d go so hard!”
ᝰ you laugh
ᝰ but like you’re still having a panic attack
ᝰ he’s sat next to you, and rubs gentle circles into your cheeks and forehead with the washcloth
ᝰ the cool water helps soothe you as it seeps into your skin
ᝰ you calm down
ᝰ you’ve exhausted yourself
ᝰ once roman’s sure you’re not stressing the fuck out, he takes the washcloth and sets it on his side table
ᝰ he lays down with you and pulls you close to him
ᝰ “i’m tired, and i won’t be able to sleep unless you take a nap with me,” he states
ᝰ he sets your head on his chest
ᝰ and peppers kisses over your scalp
ᝰ he’s not even a little bit tired
ᝰ he just wants you to sleep and reset
ᝰ cheek smushed into his pec, you doze off
ᝰ he’s so happy, just having you here with him
ᝰ you’re safe when you’re with him
ᝰ and he’s safe when he’s with you
ᝰ he’s so warm and cuddly with you
ᝰ and you love it
ᝰ if she’s ever had a panic attack, she’s never let you see it
ᝰ or anyone
ᝰ but when you have one in front of her, she can’t just let it happen
ᝰ she takes your face in her hands and makes you breathe
ᝰ “you’re going to do it just like me, okay?” she asks softly, eyes searching yours
ᝰ helps you box breathe
ᝰ “four cycles, babe, come on,” she encourages
ᝰ in four, hold four, out four, hold four
ᝰ “that’s it. you’re doing so well,” she coos
ᝰ within minutes she has you back to normal
ᝰ you don’t say anything, just hug her tight with your chin set on her shoulder
ᝰ “wanna talk about it?” she asks
ᝰ she’s there whether you do or you don’t
ᝰ if you do, she sits, she listens, and she does her absolute best to help
ᝰ and even if she can’t solve the issue itself, she’ll do everything in her power to make you feel better
ᝰ she goes out a bit later, not telling you where she’s going
ᝰ she returns with a banana split from dairy queen
ᝰ you share it, you perched on the kitchen counter, her standing in front of you
ᝰ your legs tangle together as you eat
ᝰ you end up getting a bit of whipped cream on the corner of your mouth
ᝰ“you’re so messy,” she says lightheartedly
ᝰ“what? look who’s talking,” you say back, wiping ice cream from her chin
ᝰ“i don’t know how that got there,” she mutters
ᝰ she lets you have the cherry
ᝰ she knows you love it
ᝰ but she loves it too
ᝰ so she kisses you, savoring the taste of the cherry
ᝰ but mostly just the taste of you
ᝰ well read wambsgans strikes again
ᝰ he realizes you have a panic attack oncoming and sits you down in a chair
ᝰ he keeps a hand on your shoulder and quietly talks you through it
ᝰ when your breathing begins to get erratic, he begins asking you questions so that you ground yourself
ᝰ “can you name three objects you can see in the kitchen?”
ᝰ “i, ah, the blender, the, um, coffee machine, and that stupid looking mug of yours,” you manage, referring to his ‘world’s best grandma’ mug he’d gotten in a white elephant thing at work
ᝰ “there you are. how about three things you smell?”
ᝰ he’s smiling softly at you, hand now pushing back hair from your face
ᝰ you inhale deeply, grounding yourself
ᝰ just as he’d intended
ᝰ “your cologne… i still kind of smell dinner? and…”
ᝰ at a loss, you lean forward and sniff
ᝰ “…laundry detergent,” you say after giving his shirt a sniff
ᝰ “you’re a cheater,” he says, despite his smile
ᝰ “oh, well,” you reply, smiling up at him
ᝰ he kisses your forehead
ᝰ “want to move to bed?” he asks
ᝰ “please.”
ᝰ before you know it, the two of you are curled together, the blankets and duvets bringing you comfort
ᝰ he brings you comfort
ᝰ he’s scratching gently at the nape of your neck, your head pressed into the crook of his
ᝰ you press lazy kisses to the skin under your mouth
ᝰ you fall asleep, a tangle of limbs, the sheets warm with affection
ᝰ lowkey is also having a panic attack
ᝰ but not really
ᝰ he pulls himself together for you
ᝰ he’s not really sure what to do
ᝰ so he googles it
ᝰ “hey, hey. close your eyes, and, uh, i’ll count to five, and you’ll breathe in through your nose, okay?”
ᝰ not really sure what this’ll do for you, but trusting him, you oblige him
ᝰ “exhale through your mouth, now.”
ᝰ after a few cycles, you’re feeling a bit better
ᝰ you’re still anxious, but it’s not suffocating you anymore
ᝰ “go sit, i’ll get ice cream,” he tells you
ᝰ when he comes back to sit next to you on the couch, he has a pint of your favorite ice cream in his hands and two spoons
ᝰ his arm goes around you and gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze
ᝰ the two of you end up finishing the pint
ᝰ he talks about everything to take your mind off of whatever it was that was stressing you out
ᝰ eventually, your brow isn’t furrowed, your features aren’t tense
ᝰ he kisses your cheeks
ᝰ “are you feeling good? better, at least?”
ᝰ you are
ᝰ you’re finally at peace again
ᝰ you spend the rest of the night watching a favorite show of greg’s
ᝰ you love sitting there listening to him talk about why he enjoys it so much
ᝰ he tells you that he’ll enjoy it better when you watch it with him
ᝰ because the first time around, all he could think of was you and whether you would like it
ᝰ you’re all that’s on his mind
ᝰ ever
ᝰ this man is a masterclass in calm
ᝰ “hey, baby, take a breath,” he tells you, one hand brace on your stomach, the other on the small of your back
ᝰ when you clearly do not take a good breath, he changes tactics
ᝰ the hand on your stomach moves to take your own hand
ᝰ the one on your back begins rubbing in circles
ᝰ “i really want to go on a walk,” he tells you, “and i really, really, want you to come with me.”
ᝰ you know he’s lying
ᝰ but you go with him anyway
ᝰ the fresh air helps you
ᝰ and just moving around helps clear your head
ᝰ eventually, you’ve calmed down a bit
ᝰ your breath is still stuttering and tears are welling in your eyes
ᝰ stewy still has your fingers intertwined with his
ᝰ his eyes never leave your face
ᝰ he reaches over and thumbs away your tears
ᝰ “you know, i think we’re on time to watch the sun set,” he tells you, eyes twinkling
ᝰ you end up at a nearby park
ᝰ he pulls you onto a bench overlooking empty meadows
ᝰ his arm loops around you and he lets you lean against him
ᝰ your arms wind around his wast, your fingers fiddling with his belt loop
ᝰ he dots kisses all over your head as the sky melts into pinks and oranges
ᝰ “so gorgeous,” you whisper, the colors blending and swirling together before your eyes
ᝰ “not as much as you,” he murmurs back
ᝰ “cheese ball,” you say happily
ᝰ “you know you love me.”
ᝰ “i do. very much.”
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 5 months
Hellooooooo. 🎀🌸
A jealous BEN Drowned, and jealous Eyeless Jack with fem S/O who is admired her comfort characters like Nagito Komaeda, Kokichi Ouma, or N Harmonia(from Pokémon, if you don’t know who he is.).
💐 anon (~^_^~)
I love getting to write for jealous creeps 🤭
Thank you so much for requesting!!
BEN Drowned
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He will get soooo pouty about it omg
Like, Helloooo?? He's right there???
Why would you even have fictional crushes if you have a boyfriend right next to you at all times?
(He thinks this as if he doesn't have the fattest crush on Bayonetta smh)
As you rant and rave about your latest fictional baby girl, he will simply sulk and sigh
When you realize this, you will immediately stop talking and place a hand on his back worriedly
"Hey, you ok?" you ask, your brows furrowing
He will let out another dramatic sigh and turn away from you, a small angry expression forming on his face
You will sit in silence for a few minutes, trying to think of what possibly set him off like this
All of a sudden, it hits you
"baby...are you upset I was talking about N?" you ask, a light chuckle coming out while you speak at the pure absurdity
"maybe" he mumbles
This makes you fully laugh, and makes BEN look at you with shock
"What are you laughing at?!" he asks, stunned
You wrap your arms around him and kiss him all over his face
"you were jealous" you finally say, kissing the top of his pointy ear
He rolls his eyes and scoffs "whatever"
You press your head to his shoulder "Well you don't have to worry. Because you're my favorite no matter what" you mutter, finishing off the statement with a kiss to his shoulder
He finally turns and looks at you "promise?"
You smile and kiss his lips, to which he frantically does back as if this is the first time you've kissed him in years
"Promise" you say, looking into his eyes
He smiles and kisses your forehead "Ok"
Eyeless Jack
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He tries to be reasonable with it
Logically he knows that sometimes, characters in media are something people can latch onto, whether that be for projecting their own little spins on the characters, writing stories with them, and finding them attractive
He knows this
But that little itty bitty part of him gets anxious
With his demon senses, he can get very territorial
And he's pretty much marked you as his and his alone
So when that comes into question, even with something as silly as fake characters, that territorial part of him spikes up
He will try to (not so) subtly show off to prove he's better than any fictional character
He will also get way more physically affectionate with you, making sure he gets his smell on you
He will also make sure to show you off as his partner to all of the other creeps
Which is strange for him, because he's always so reserved and isolated from the others
suddenly making a show of nuzzling up your neck, kissing you passionately and leaving very obvious bite marks all across your body is very strange
That being said, you catch on rather quickly what's going on with him
But you decide you won't embarrass him by calling it out
Instead, you just don't talk about your fictional crushes around him anymore
And suddenly, the territorial behaviors stop almost altogether
Weird, huh?
You just go along with it, keeping the information in the back of your mind that if you ever want some extra affection, just start talking about fictional people you find attractive and that'll do the trick
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peachjagiya · 2 months
I watched the reaction and when it got to The Dream Premiere I was like how do you not SEE. They were screaming in our faces. Actually the whole of chap.2 was them screaming in our faces how smitten they are with eachother. How much space they take in eachother's lives despite busy schedules, (spending time before and after trips, hello) The couple vibes they were giving off was so real and it couldn't just be explained away as fan service because most of these moments were during free time. If this was a man and a woman it would not be up for debate. Look at how easily everyone accepted Taennie despite so much wonky and dodgy evidence and there you have Taekook blushing and shyly staring at eachother in HD at The Dream Premiere looking like they coordinated their outfits. Tae was looking at Kookie like he was ready to claim him on the spot, like this man is his whole world. The Kappa sweetheart shirts? Lets be real that was no coincidence and that's the type of stuff couples do in Korea which is why nobody really wants to talk about it lol. But okay, brothers I guess.
I'm intrigued by the planning of the tee. Tell me if I'm working this out wrong but I believe the timezones are too far apart for it to be a spontaneous lol wouldn't it be funny if we did this kind of thing.
JK's call sheet for dressing/glam was 6:30am LA time which is already 10:30pm Seoul time. Bruno Mars had probably already finished?
I'm betting he either showed Tae his costume fittings earlier and Tae wore his or they really sat down and plotted couples outfits. The Celine jacket and padlock MIGHT be a coincidence but Tae was absolutely definitely fully ensconced as Celine boy at that point. The association is clear to me.
I'm not sure how anyone is watching the Dream premiere and thinking it's not a little bit loved up. 😂 I was, I think, barely TKing when I first saw it and I was like WTF IS HAPPENING. Pivotal.
Though in non-shipper defence, it was the fancam of JK stopping, his wide eyes and extreme shyness and Tae reaching for his hand that did it for me. Maybe that's not shown so often in non-shipping spaces?
Also hello to this defiant look Tae gives the staff:
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It's giving I am taking my man, try and stop me. 🫠🫠🫠
Thanks anon. Here I got you flowers 🌺🌹💐🌻
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nariism · 7 months
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links ➠ event masterlist ✧ rules ✧ send a request!
thank you everyone for participating <3
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hiii all my lovelies💗 i'd like to give a huge huge huge thank you for 1k followers and friends (!!!), 4.5 months of endless support, and the chance to be a part of such an amazing community of people :')
i've always been on and off with writing because of my self-doubts but i've come to absolutely love writing as a hobby and remember why i enjoyed it so much in the first place back when i was a dweeby 13 year old kid 🫶
i would love to do a small appreciation writing event for anyone who would like to participate. it's open for everyone so don't feel nervous to send an ask! see below the cut for more info.
if you're just stopping by, then i'd like to tell you thank you for everything!! 💐
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info — you choose 1-3 prompts/tropes + a character and i'll write a drabble/one-shot! requests can be sent to my inbox like this (preferably off anon so i can let you know when it's up!)
prompt number: fandom/character: additional info: (ex. tropes you want, angst, fluff, platonic, etc. anything you'd like to add that you want to see!)
i will be closing requests for this event on 13 Nov EDT
the same rules apply as my regular writing rules. please see those before you send a request!
note. all writings will be x gn!reader. i have free creative liberty for anything i write and i may not get around to all of the requests if i can't think of anything for the combination submitted. i am also busy with life stuff so it might take me a bit to finish things. remember, this is all for fun!
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blue lock: itoshi sae, itoshi rin, isagi yoichi
genshin impact: open for any characters!
haikyuu: miya atsumu, miya osamu, kita shinsuke, ushijima wakatoshi
other: hayakawa aki, gojo satoru, geto suguru, loid forger (💐)
++ i would consider characters not listed here that you want to see!
1. friends to lovers / childhood friends to lovers
2. forced proximity
3. fake relationship / marriage of convenience
4. soulmates (any rendition)
5. coffee shop
6. roommates
7. accidental confession / accidental kiss
8. handcuffed together
9. hurt & comfort
10. enemies / rivals to lovers
11. mutual pining
12. oblivious pining
13. one bed
14. drunk confession
15. second chance
16. unrequited love
17. matchmaking / matchmaking gone wrong
18. domestic
19. "do we like... hold hands now?"
20. "please, come home."
21. "i could kiss you right now!"
22. "oh no, the power went out, however will we stay warm?!" (/s)
23. "we fell asleep by accident and woke up as a mess of tangled limbs."
24. "i'm done waiting."
25. "i've always needed you!"
26. "you look so beautiful in the moonlight."
27. "i think i'm in love with you."
28. "don't look at me that way."
29. "do you want my jacket?"
30. "wait, don't pull away... not yet."
31. "i can't sleep."
32. "i can't believe it took you this long to admit you like being the little spoon."
33. "your necklace fell off... let me put it back on for you."
34. "i could stay up all night talking to you."
35. "say it again. please."
36. "we're fighting. i'll take the couch tonight." ➡️ (bonus) "we were fighting???"
++ feel free to add any you want! these are just some examples
i'm so thankful to each and every one of you. i hope you enjoy! <3
links ➠ event masterlist ✧ rules ✧ send a request!
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
If I’m not mistaking did you or another anon ask if Angela and Damien ever hung out outside of Smosh? If so, I remembered seeing on Damien’s instagram a few months ago about him going to the renaissance fair thing and I remembered Chanse being there and a couple other people. I just went back to check and Angela was in fact also there with him
So they have indeed hung out with each other at least once 🫶
That was me Anon! I don’t think I’ve ever seen post of them hanging out! Thank you so much!
That’s so cute! She went with him and Chanse!
She commented
She’s so silly 😝
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luneariaa · 2 months
Hi there!how are you?! Could you write hc about the life of ash lynx x (fem)reader in which they've get rid of dino golzine? Please take your time and thank you!!
hii OMG so sorry this took quite a bit of time to do!! 🌻 had to revisit some BF stuff just to refresh my mind lmao,,
(^▽^" ) 💛💛💛
and i'm doing quite well THANK YOU DEAREST ANON!! 💕💕 hoping you're doing well too!! 💖💖💐💐 and i tried my best w/ this so i'm sorry if it's not to your liking!! :")
. dividers by @/cafekitsune ! 💛
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first things first, of course, life would be way more peaceful as ever for ash. he doesn't particularly need to feel worried as much. his guard is still up at times ofc, but not as bad as bef.
which means he is able to see you freely now.
and like, he might leave the whole gang/mafia stuff behind, just to try pursuing a normal life with you.
with your constant support ( and maybe sometimes he wouldn't admit it ), he'll get through it well! <33
and i couldn't really decide but-- i feel like he wouldn't need much studying anymore anyway bc of his IQ level :")
buuuuut if he ever did, he probably would've wanted to take the same classes as you do if possible. i mean, he isn't that, yk introverted or anything. he still possesses the feeling of deep mistrust toward people, and i feel like maybeee it's smth he might do.
but yeah i also feel like he would try to actively avoid the whole school stuff. he wouldn't want to be asked with unnecessary questions about his past, lifestyle, etc.
he already wishes to live a normal life, after all.
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and like, i somehow able to imagine him working as a barista/waiter of some sort for some reason?? idk why.
anyway, life would still be much better despite on whatever he decided to do ( away from the whole old stuff he experienced ).
he's still healing himself; both physically and mentally. and whatever your role might be around this time-- either as his best friend or even as his girlfriend, you would've support him either way.
just know that ash appreciates you a LOT. even when sometimes he doesn't even know on how to express it that well :")
okay so if the romance route happens somehow, he would be taking you out on a casual date during your break days or even his. depending on your schedules.
but his protective and cautious instinct is still present as always. he wouldn't want anything to potentially harm you when he's trying to move on from his old life with you.
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his trauma and his past still haunt him at times, so he's just so, so lucky and grateful that you're there with him even during his lowest moments.
if he ever works or something, you probably will join him so you both work together in a way ( if it's smth you're able to do ).
you both def would live together if you two finally got some stable jobs ( or if you're still studying somehow, part-time job then ); separating the bills smth like that so you both would pay in a fair amount for the monthly rent and even for the groceries stuff.
omg dunno why but the idea seemed comforting-
he wouldn't mind for anything else bc if it meant to live a normal life with you, then so be it.
eiji and shorter would def pay you both a visit occasionally 10000% ( idc this will be my canon now )
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i wanted to add more but i'm quite short on ideas rn :") TY FOR REQUESTING HIM OMLL <333
@luneariaa. do not repost; reblogs are alright. all rights reserved.
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emeritusemeritus · 3 months
hii! hello!! how are you? may I request a little something from you? I love your friends to lovers stories with dear Freddie so anything involving him and mutual pinning would be amazing 🫶🏻
oh, if it's not too much to ask could reader be a ravenclaw?
thanks in advance! 💐
Hi Anon! I’m very good thank you, hope you are well too! So I have to admit that this request sent me spiralling, so much so that I wrote a little more than a drabble.
From one Ravenclaw to another, please accept this insert from a fic I will be posting soon, inspired by your request 💙
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George was perceptive by nature and had picked up on his brother's infatuation not long after it began, noticing that Fred's attention was often pulled away as soon as you'd walk into the great hall or class. Didn't matter that they were in the middle of a conversation or a tactful sale, in you'd walk and out would go Fred's sanity. George couldn't deny that you were pretty, you'd turned his head a few times, not that he'd ever admit that to his brother, but the affect you had on Fred was almost laughable. He was certain he'd seen his brother drool once over you, the hearts in his love-stricken puppy eyes almost making George want to laugh and vomit at the same time.
When he wasn't pining for you in ways George could hardly fathom, Fred was often touchy and sulky at the unrequited nature of his crush. If he saw another bloke talking to you or making you laugh, he'd be insufferable for the rest of the day, shooting daggers at the culprit and threatening under his breath to set off a dung bomb in the unsuspecting lad's dorm.
To make matters worse, you'd started attending Quidditch games regularly when Ron made Keeper in support of your friend and also as support for Hermione so that she wouldn't have to sit alone with her two best friends on the pitch, despite being a Ravenclaw. Many people went to support their friends and as long as they weren’t competing against your house you figured it was fair game to support them. You'd also infrequently started attending practice sessions with Hermione, sitting in the stands or on the side lines where you would spend most of the time studying or drawing. It was a double edged sword for the team if you showed up or not; if you didn't, Fred would mope about and keep checking that you hadn't arrived late during the entire time on the pitch. If you did show, he'd spend the time trying to impress you with comical dives on his broom, outlandish tricks and almost everything exactly fulfilling his actual role to get your attention.
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lacunafiction · 9 months
This might be a dumb question, but is the nightmare we experienced in chapter 1 what Milton was experiencing when he was kidnapped? I hope you have a great day and thank you for creating this world we can all get lost in! 💚
Hi Anon,
I hope you're doing well and thank you for your well wishes! 💐
This isn't a dumb question at all. :D I haven't seen much discussion about this nightmare as compared to the others, so I love that you have mentioned it. I'm going to have to give a non-answer for now, but I will say Book Two also includes a similarly more 'thematic' style of nightmare before we get into the ones that are more grueling and call out the MC's choices. If each one is a warning, a glimpse into what befell someone in Fernweh, or a tease from the ??? is up to you!
There is a point behind every nightmare, even the opener ones. 👀
One detail I'll mention from Book One is: After the very first nightmare, if the MC chooses to go see B, there is a subtle line about them still feeling some discomfort over B's room theme (the vines!).
Time spent in Fernweh will let those nightmares gain more ground, including the MC's ability to recall them more vividly. I can't wait for you to experience more of them as we continue. Thank you for what you said about getting lost in Fernweh; that's my sincere hope! 🥰💚
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seelestia · 1 month
who are a few mutuals that you appreciate alot? mutual appreciation day 🥰❤️😊🤩💐✨
OOOO FUNFUNFUN!!! thank u so much for sending this in and for essentially spreading positivity, nonnie. this is appreciated ♡ also, instead of strictly moots, i decided to extend my appreciation to everyone! moots, anons, friends and readers alike ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
some odeliaesqué sappy appreciation under the cut:
@yvnaology - one of my fav facts abt yona was that she's one of the first moots i ever had on tumblr!!! and she's a lyney kisser and a fellow aventurine kisser (#taste). also she's so silly (/aff) and easy to talk to! like u'll feel at ease around her. she deserves good great and awesome things in life, so make sure to water ur yona daily with love <3
@solarisfortuneia - mika wished me congrats when i reached 1k and i still remember it till this day <3 she's friendly in a shy/modest way and suchsuchsuch a good writer! e.g. i cry over this every day actually. mika also has her silly moments sometimes too. someone save her /j
@floraldresvi - simply the sweetest & most supportive moot EVER! vivi is full of love and she's good at giving some of that love to others <3 her selfships are like bottles of serotonin to me. 100% would drop anything and everything in my hands to support her!!! and ik she'd do the same for me <3 mwah mwah 💐💐
@monicahar - the moot who comes online once in a while and drops absolute meals when she does. ate, left no crumbs 🔥🔥 also SUPER FUNNY!!! and unhinged, i'm concerned but amused at the same time. i hope she's having a nice break!! thank u for ur past & future services ma'am. we love u 🤭🤭
@milk-violet - MIREI !!! sunshine personified but also vv precious. i'm the leader of # protecc mirei squad (real). best person to have ever appeared in my notifs and i lovelovelove when her username pops up. take care & good luck with school! IK U CAN DO IT. remember what i said: slay before ur slayed 🗣️
@xianyoon - the butterfly moot 🦋 !!! both socially and aesthetically hehe. sosooso sweet & kind. has creative projects and executes them well at that too. i personally crown her as genshinblr's best hostess™! also, send her a moodboard and she'll cherish u forever - that's one of her love languages <3 ++ her pretty & aesthetic rb's are such a good refresh for my dash. love her for it!!
@hermosacolibri - the name, 'starlight' fits them sm bcs i feel like if we were to take a peek into their mind, stars will burst out!!! /pos (<- unique complimenting skills ik pardon me). their ideas are brilliant and i can tell they put their all into pursuing their vision <3 it's truly an honor to be a witness & reader. if u want to check them out, they write over at @/starlightlacrimosazpsff !!! ★
@wolfhookk - aaaaa ri !!!! booping her x1000 rn bcs i cannot believe boop trend ended when she came online. the discrimination 😔 /j i'll always remember ri as my first ever moot on here like first, 1st, #1!!! i forever thank her for swooping into my inbox back then and she's welcome to do that even now any time she likes <3
@kaiserkisser - skylia is the true angst consumer, the realest of it!! even in different fandoms LOL. she's nice (and gremlin-ish) when u get to know her more and she reciprocates energy really well! i'll never forget the disaster of boops in my notifs /lh
@callilouv - COOL MUTUAL ALERT !!!! cool art & cool interests. truly, picasso w/ the finger and fandoms!! idk if cal still draws with his finger dhjahshsj but still vv mega cool!
@manager-of-the-pudding-bank - the grandpas & old men kisser where art thou 💔 /j loqua has that awkward & silly rizz!!! idk if she still does wax stamps but i still think it's really cool. bcs qua's just cool in general !!! hehe
@calxlu - aaaaa vi!!! the one who enables my rambles and selfships shhshsh i am so thankful <3 rambler 🤝 rambler is the best. i love talking to her and it's super reassuring to know that it's mutual! even if i take some time but i always look forward to seeing her replies in my inbox. it's like we're penpals across the screen talking abt irl stuff and our f/o's ꒰✿´ ꒳ ` ꒱♡
& honorable mention: @/zhongrin. rin does not interact with minors anymore (which i respect and so should everyone!), so we count as former moots. but !!! i still think she's an amazing person regardless <3 (note: her blog is equally as great but plsplspls be mindful of her rules beforehand.)
brainrot anon - A REAL ONE!!! always there when i come back from the grave each time. i get reminded of them whenever i look at my inbox, it's an instinct atp. their brainrots are so fun & random (but that's a charm in itself /pos) !!! tbh i love elaborating them all so never stop sending the brainworms in <3 feel free to treat my inbox as a drop-off for ur thoughts LMAO /gen. come by again soon!
michiki anon - MY COUSINNNMNMN!!! i still love and miss when they'd come into my inbox to chat. it was so nice getting to know someone in a casual way <3 i hope ur doing well wherever u are, michikinon! i'm doing well these days and i hope u are too 🤍
rix anon - their series still has me FLOOOORED. i still think it deserves a proper platform than just thru my lil ol inbox. it deserves more recognition :( but just the fact that i got to help share their writing alone is an honor of its own!!! i hope ur doing well too, rix anon <3
++ everyone who has left a nice feedback / said anything nice in my notifs or my inbox!! even a simple 'cute' or 'this is good' or even just leaving a note means sososo much to me. i'm just a measly guy in my own little corner on this site, really - so thank u thank u thank u all !!! 🫂
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