#also the WHUMP??? HELLO????
the-lazarus-sign · 9 days
Carewhumper who convertly drugs whumpee with delirants
Maybe it's a small amount (or begins with) to get whumpee disoriented but not completely delirious
Whumpee starts experiencing mild (but frightening) hallucinations, pounding heart, dry mouth, nightmares, and anxiety
Carewhumper acts concerned and brings them to a doctor. Since delirants aren't drug tested for, whumpee is diagnosed them with schizophrenia
Carewhumper convinces whumpee that they are very ill, the doctor said so
Whumpee needs carewhumper to take care of them
Maybe whumpee realizes something is wrong and tries to escape...and experiences terrible withdrawal symptoms
Whumpee, of course, can't really escape
if this goes on long enough, whumpee would definitely develop health issues, including psychosis
Nothing to say about the physical symptoms
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Munchausen by Proxy - But with a Pet
A pet owner whose entire personality is their 'sick' pet. Always talking about how they selfless they are, how much of their time and money and energy goes to taking care of their pet that has all of these sickness the vets can't explain. Anywhere they bring the pet they always have a bag of supplies and meds for the poor thing.
And then once they get home, upping the dose of whatever agent they use to keep their confused and weak pet sicker and sicker.
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Vincey pissed off the wrong supervillain or hero again
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warmblanketwhump · 1 year
picture a chilled, soaked whumpee stuck outside with their team in a rainy forest, huddled under a makeshift shelter and wrapped in a damp blanket. the rainstorm had come on fast and strong and the team had rushed to set up shelter, but not before everyone got drenched in icy rain. now, whumpee can’t stop shivering, teeth rattling with cold as they tug the useless layer closer. a fire is impossible in these conditions. a stiff breeze blows through the tent, and they just shudder from head to toe. a companion wraps their arm around whumpee and pulls them close, and whumpee buries their face in their companion’s neck. it’s going to be a long, cold, miserable night.
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donationwayne · 5 months
Feelin Good (Could be Better) Chapter Five
Hello, I'm behind posting chapters over here but I've updated my fic again!! We're officially at the halfway point. (its completely written just posting as my irls beta it!)
You can read the first, second, and third, fourth, fifth chapter of my fic over on AO3 right here
In this chapter, Buck visits Eddie's while drunk off his ass, post dinner with his parents. He has a lil flashback of his childhood...
The Buckley parents come to town, turning Buck's already shaky mental status from precarious to worse. Despite avoiding a dreaded dinner at all costs, Buck consents to join Maddie, Chimney, and his parents for dinner. Buck is super fine thanks for asking, he'll just bake about it. And think about kissing Eddie, obviously. Secrets are revealed, leaving the 118 reeling.
a lil snip
Buck wants to blame the urge to kiss Eddie on the significant amount of booze in his system. But if he thought booze was the only reason, he was lying to himself. Kissing Eddie is an ever-present urge that's lived with him since the first day they’d met. From the very moment he’d spotted Eddie, shirtless and well-muscled, it had done something to his insides. Buck’s pretty sure that night his body chemistry was entirely rearranged. His attempts at flirting were bumbling and embarrassing. The 118 likened Buck to a dog pissing all over the fire station to mark his territory. Buck was never quite sure after that day how to classify his friendship with Eddie. There were times it felt so much closer and more intimate than friendship, but although they bantered, Buck had never been sure it could be considered outright flirting. At least not reciprocal. Through the years, they’ve always had a tactile friendship, always bumping shoulders, pressing their legs together, and even occasionally sharing a bed. He’s also mostly kept his crush under lock and key, outside of the one time Maddie very jokingly accused Buck of having a boy crush on Eddie. He’d almost blurted to her right there that it was more than a childish crush—so much more to him at least. Instead, he’s only confided in a single person at the 118. Hen always humored him, never pushed him, and had gone all soft around the edges when he’d confessed his feelings to her. They’d spent one night at a gay bar after his confession, getting deliriously drunk and discussing all their gay escapades through the years.
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zillasafe · 8 months
I am literally begging. It's been many, many, MANY moons since the last chapter drop of kegare. My very best amazing lovely friend is genuinely tweaking so I'm here to ask on their behalf PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP (AND SPRINKLES) PLEASEEEEEE CHAPTER PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU ITS CRUCIAL TO THE FREEDOM OF AMERICA OR SOMETHING
OKAY OKAY JUST FOR YOU HERES A SMALL SNIPPET FROM THE UPCOMING CHAPTER (It’s almost done I just need to find the time to wrap it up and edit 😭)
The next several cycles of eat—cable—sleep (Days? Who could possibly know—) passed by in a haze. Well, more of a haze than usual. A bone-deep fatigue had settled within him. He hardly moved, half-asleep and lethargic even as the Others’ auras poked and prodded at him. He was too tired to put up any resistance, to fight back, to even really think. It felt like he was trapped at the bottom of the ocean, miles of water pressing down on top of him.
And even though he had sunk to the ocean floor, there was a deep trench nearby, one that stretched down to the very core of the earth. And something was down there, calling out and writhing and buckling under the pressure of the entire ocean. It screamed incomprehensibly from somewhere down below. Down, down, down, so deep that he could hardly hear it. But he could feel it. And he could feel that it wanted him. He didn’t know how he felt it. He didn’t even know what it was. But he knew it was down there… Down where? The ocean thing was a metaphor, there was no ocean, just pressure. But somehow he knew it was down. Below. Deeper. It was down there, somewhere, and it wanted him.
By the time he regained enough strength to move, he pushed himself up to stagger forward until he hit a wall he couldn’t see. He scrabbled for purchase, fingers scratching uselessly against the plush padding, desperate to get up and away from it. He had to get away, he had to get away, he had to gET AWAY GET AWAY GET AWAY PLEASE—!!
Exhaustion overtook him within a matter of minutes. He collapsed to his knees and then slumped over onto his side, panting. His weakened body rendered motionless in stark juxtaposition to the fear gripping his heart. It was down there, lurking just out of sight, poised to get him any moment. He laid there, stiff and trembling and resigned to his fate, and waited…
And waited…
And waited.
And waited—
Itchy cloth and rough twine coiled around his arms and torso, yanking him upright. His breath hitched at the sickeningly familiar sensation. Mogami was—no, Rope—who?—was here, binding his limbs with fabric. Almost immediately his mind started working on detaching itself. But no, it was still there, trying to haul itself up from the abyss. It was coming. He couldn’t let it get him. For the first time in what felt like centuries, Shigeo found his voice.
“P-please, please, what is it? What, what is it? Mm—make it stop. S’loud. It’s coming. It’s coming! It wants me! It’s gonna get me! Help!” Despite the urgency, his words were quiet, raspy things. Rope’s telekinesis dragged him away from the wall and into the white nothing. Hands began to poke at his mouth. He jerked his head away with an exasperated yelp. “No! Listen! It’s down there, it wants to get out, it wants me. I feel it, I feel it down there, I feel it!”
Much to his surprise, the Hands froze, and the tightening cloth paused. A brief splash of trepidation leaked through the cracks of Rope’s aura. For a moment, everything was still. There was just the sound of his quickened breath, the squeeze of Rope’s power, and the faint presence of it in the back of his mind. Did… did Rope hear him? Was Rope listening?
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whumpbees · 1 year
Hello! I'm Honeybee, although I also go by Honey or Bee interchangeably.
Main acc: @honeybees-125
Nsfwhump: @spicy-whumpbees
I'm a 20 year old mentally ill trans guy who uses whump to deal with a lotta really Big feelings - so proceed with caution! I mostly post prompts or the random ideas in my brain, plus the occassional bit of art or writing.
Asks are open!
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ratwars · 1 year
Would you guys still love me if I formally wrote one of my whumper!Lewis/whumpee!Fyodor scenarios before my actual s/i introduction fic.
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straight-to-the-pain · 10 months
Hello this might sound out of the blue but I've scrolled your blog a bit and I think our brains work in a similar way, including the escapism, finding comfort in scary scenarios and the general vibe. Idk just a feeling I got.
Hey! Thank you for telling me this, I always like hearing that people are on the same wavelength as me about stuff or that my content is relatable to people!
I’ve generally always found that thinking about scenarios other people find scary can be a way to deal with difficult situations and cope with real life by processing it through a lens of fiction. A lot of the stuff I’ve written here has been during times when I personally was going through difficult circumstances or processing stuff that happened in the past.
I feel like I haven’t had the inspiration to write for a long time but I still really like thinking about and imagining dark and violent scenarios and situations to put my characters in, and I am trying to remember how to write again, for fun and also as an outlet for my emotions and current struggles :)
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starheirxero · 7 months
Ohhhhh. today's thumbnail has unlocked something in my brain. very excited 2 watch this
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databent · 1 year
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sneezydarliing · 1 year
FINALLY got around to watching sha/dow and bo/ne yesterday and I'm. Halfway through s2 now. And I'm loving it so much
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kingcrow01 · 9 months
DC x Marvel Fic Recs
@jas-per11 @letthedeadghostrest
Hello! I saw your post, and I've been meaning to rec some DC x Marvel fics anyways, so I'll do that here. I don't know what you've read, so I'll start with
Peter Parker / DC Series:
The Dark Matter Multiverse Series by @mysterycyclone
Dark Matter is the blueprint for most Peter Parker / DC fics, and it's also fucking fantastic. If you're reading a crossover and don't understand why, without explanation, Peter is talking to ghosts? Why he by default ends up living in a firehouse? Read Dark Matter.
Spider and Bat Friends Series by @emmacortana
So far, 12 well written and hilarious works from my all-time favorite author, Miss emmacortana. This, coming from someone with over 1,500 bookmarks. She's that good.
Bitsy and The Bats Series Series by @wibbwoby
Haven't read this one in a while, so I don't have much to say, but Rated T for Traumatized is an absolute classic.
Pizzaverse Series by Irisen
A heavier read, wherein Peter tries to keep his job, make rent, and has a lot of unfortunate run-ins with Gotham's rogues.
Peter & The BatBoys (Doctor AU) Series by @thepoppypress
Peter is the Wayne family's doctor. He has a... chaotic time. I've only read Part 1, but I am still including this here because it's a series.
Peter Parker needs a hug (From the BatFamily) Series by @true-blue-fool
Shorter fics about Peter bonding with the Batfamily. Part 3 is especially cute.
Spider and Bats Series by @superklutzkent
Peter Parker whump, featuring the Batfam. All of the whump.
Let's take a break and look at some DC x Marvel fics that DON'T feature Peter:
Steve Rogers: Man out of Time and Place Series by RavenclawAngel
After Civil War, Steve gets exiled to DCs earth and builds a new team.
from the nucleus flight Series by @blackkatmagic
Khonshu whisks (Comic) Moon Knight away to DC. Very well written and passionate. If it's not your thing, don't let the Bruce Wayne/Marc Spector tag dissuade you from reading; since it's unfinished, the ship hasn't happened yet, and it's too good of a fic to miss out on.
The Devil's in Gotham (Remastered) by @prince-link13
Matt Murdock moves to Gotham and befriends Jason Todd, his neighbor. Bruce Wayne/Matt Murdock
Marvel/DC Crossovers Series by @bamboozled-and-alone
What it says on the tin. My favorite, part 2, is Matt Murdock taking care of Damian Wayne.
Echolocation Series by Firecat23
Matt Murdock and the bats; though, part 6 does have Team Red, meaning Peter.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming:
Peter Parker slash fics:
Cassandra Cain/Peter Parker
Along Came a Spider Series by @rags-n-bones
Quiet Respite by @faeriekit
I'm not too far in this one yet, but it's Faeriekit, so it's bound to be good.
Peter Parker/Tim Drake, affectionately called redspider
a shining spider web by Selador
Needling by LaughingFreak
How dimension travel can lead to love. Series by Psychic_Queen05
My current Favorite Ongoing Peter Parker / DC Crossovers:
The Ones Burnt by This_is_lovin
After the events of No Way Home, Dr. Strange's magic sends Peter to Gotham. He wakes up in another boy's body, and has to deal with the consequences. Part one just ended with a bang, you all should be there for part two, it's gonna be awesome.
Arachnomaly by @songue85
The (Comic) Amazing Spider-Man, being neighborly in Gotham. Plus some sick art from the author.
time flies by (bye) by WHYISEVERYNAMETAKEN
Two difficult years after No Way Home, Peter ends up in Gotham, but with a whole lot of introspection. One chapter left; you better be there.
All of the rest, that didn't fit in the prior categories:
Unforeseen Consequences by @mysterycyclone
Gotta Get to Rock Bottom! by @emmacortana
Read the initial notes first.
Set Naked on Your Kingdom by sassydandelion
Peter's Gotham Debut by BlankGeode, Leeavy
This Was Home by @emmacortana
The Peter Parker Theory by nicfics
and even though we are strange and exquisitely scarred by Wingfeather6913
What happens in New York by @violent138
A Long Way From Home (And No Way Back) by Vivia_wants_boba
Ignorance is Death by No_idea_what_Im_doing_lmaooo
One Dead Spider by Miellonek
If you do check out any of these fics, always leave a comment. Authors love those, it’s like catnip to them.
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the-wandering-whumper · 2 months
Hello lovelies.
I don’t exactly know how to do this, but here goes.
You haven’t seen me around lately because I’ve been dealing with some pretty serious health issues. Turns out I’ve got this very rare genetic disorder that’s only going to get progressively worse from here on out. It’s called Spinocerebeller Ataxia, if you want to look it up. It attacks my cerebellum causing balance and coordination issues. And, as of right now, there is no cure and no treatment. It’s a terminal diagnosis.
I struggled for a long time trying to decide if I should tell you guys about this or not. Or if I should just slowly fade out of your collective recollections like a happy memory, but then I thought about how nobody in my real life really knows about this wonderful community, and how they wouldn’t know to tell you all once I was gone. And I couldn’t just drop off the face of the planet like that without some kind of explanation. And… well, I just really miss you guys, too
I have no idea how long I’m going to have. This disease is so rare and it affects everyone so differently, but I think doing some gifs and getting back into reblogging whump might help. So I’m going to try and finish up all the requests I have over at my gifs blog and get this blog active again.
I hope it was the right decision to tell you guys. In fact, I may share some of my journey on here if you’d rather unfollow me so you don’t have to read about it. This is heavy and I don’t expect anyone to stick around for it. But I also could have another 5-10 years, depending on how my disease progresses, and I’m going to make the most of it. It’s just going to be very hard fought. I’m disabled now and I need all the love and support I can get as I traverse this new normal. I can still work and I’m still mobile for now, but that’s changing fast. I start physical and speech therapy soon, and hopefully that will help with some of my symptoms.
I love you all so much and I’m happy to answer any of your questions over DM but, please forgive me if I don’t respond to many asks publicly.
Love you always,
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rabid-mercenary16 · 10 months
hello! I'm curious, how do the moments of clarity work? Like, do they get triggered by something or are they random, and how long are they? And-
Another thing is can CAINE have moments of clarity? Since he is also infected with the virus? Or how does that work
Hope you have a good day!
-whump and questions anon
Sometimes it’s a inner voice of themselves but sometimes they do see something that reminds there sanity
Caine does have these moments but it’s like talking to a different person
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feveruary · 10 days
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Introductions and FAQ
Well hello! This is @sombersapphic and @goldenempyrean, separately we have sickfic blogs that have been running for 2 years and 1.5 respectively. We created Feveruary as a fun little event for other sickfic/whump writers to enjoy and share their writing. We are both volunteers and hope this will be as enjoyable for you as it was for us to create!
Overall Explanation aka, what is it?
Feveruary is our little event that runs through February, with one prompt for each day. We will have a total of 32 prompts which includes the main 28 and 4 alternatives. You can view this as a challenge to write all 28, you can pick and choose, you can save prompts for later, you can do pretty much whatever you want! After all, this is supposed to be fun!
Who can participate?
Everyone! Dont write? Draw something! Get creative :D
Is this an SFW event?
Yes considering we want this to be open to everyone we have decided to make it a SWF event. This brings us to some...
No sexually explicit material
No non-con, pedophilia, incest 
No DV or other negative power imbalance relationships. This is centered around hurt/comfort, not pure whump.
What if I want it to be NSFW?
Detach yourself. We cannot stop you from using these prompts as inspiration but if you are choosing to break these rules do not align yourself with our event.
How do I tag?
To tag your works as a part of the event use the tags: #Feveruary and #Feveruary 2025. As well as these please use appropriate tags and content warnings on your fics, we want this to be a safe and fun event for everyone. 
Can I Write On Ao3?
Of course! The same tags apply however they'll also be an open collection which you can add your post too!
When will the prompts be released?
We plan to release the prompts in mid October which will give everyone 3.5 months to start writing!
What if I have more questions?
Your best bet will be to send us an ask! If it's something you’re uncomfortable with other people reading (anon asks are on) or you simply don’t want to wait for an ask to be answered you will have to message either @somber-sapphic or @goldenempyrean directly. Since this is a group blog we are unable to receive PMs but if you have questions don’t hesitate to ask! There is no such thing as a dumb question.
Just double checking, I don't have to write them all?
Of course not! You can do as many or as few prompts as you want, if it stops being fun you don't have to continue!
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