#also the designer of one of my ocs that i wanna put on their is in the middle of the woods
shoves my art fight here cuz i said so
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blujayonthewing · 5 months
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it took a lot of keeping an eye out over months of thrift shopping but I finally found two pieces that work together perfectly as a small brazier-- the kind a wizard might have specifically for casting Find Familiar, for example 😌
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aria0fgold · 7 months
I have so many drawing WIPs that I did a pro gamer move and created another WIP instead of working on the other WIP I have. Thumbs up!
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waluigisgaybf · 2 years
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THIS TOOK ME A HOT SEC, and I totally feel like I somehow cheated because theres 3 sets of siblings so there doesnt appear to be much variety 😳😳😳 heres the picrew!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH @numbaoneflaya for tagging meeeee- Literally the only person I can think of rn tag is @the-rxven-king????
Alphonse Overa | Avie Overa
Meiji Redgrave | Beatrice Redgrave
Nigel Maevrie | Reid Maevrie
Miris Tabris | Cassian Surana
(Rip cause Bea is only 10 but I couldnt make her look younger, and extra rip for me purposly giving Meiji fun anime hair so no option looked right)
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Mario oc character species go brr, thus far unnamed
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So character lore conceptually they have a common ancestor with whatever species Bowser is known as, I've seen someone call them Kaiju Koopa so I'm going with that!
Of course ancestor is probably quite a ways back along the family tree, the only common traits the two species share is the defined Koopa nose, massive size, strength, some degree of armor scaling, fire breathing and general audacity.
While Koopa developed shells and the Kaiju variants like Bowser horns and spikes this species developed without shells instead getting robust defined wings which probably implies the ancestor had the capacity for both they just probably couldn't physically afford both features cause big wings heavy shell that's a lot of energy burnt so certain individuals had one or the other due to gene expression ect and then they'd probably go on to mate with those sharing traits with them or with individuals that didn't express either passing on the genes for either shells or wings thus becoming more specialised and splitting off from each other ect whatever look im starting to doubt my own fake lore sh sh.
From there others likely developed like how Bowser has Koopa Troopers and Para Troopers ect, there's likely smaller wingless versions as to grow the wings was still difficult it took a lot of energy and some individuals likely had faulty or wing genes that were recessive and didn't show leading to needing less food and diversity within the species and creating subspecies ect.
Some likely became specialised in their claws turning to digging up roots and tubers ect so theres Koopa Trooper sized individuals with powerful claws for slashing and kicks, there's likely a hammer bros type variant that is bigger than the Trooper like ones but is just more muscular bulky that hunted prey and capable of taking down bigger prey items to grow bigger than the clawed variant that stuck to fruit and probably a more stealthy shy variation that grows spikes from their back in defence displays as although they don't have the genes to create a full shell the genetic makeup to create spikes was still there.
These spike back individuals becoming with time the equivalent of magikoopas as they likely would guard food supplies with magical properties scaring away prey and predator with the threat of spikes and ultimately becoming magical from eating the magic plants fruits roots ect cause mushroom world magic rules idk. They would in modern day still need to eat magic plants to replenish their inner magic levels.
Being that they're probably the smallest and meekest looking of the bunch they were permitted closer to the large wing variant as they saw them as no challenge in fact spike backs were very good for scaring away predators from the nest when their chicks were small and both parents were away foraging so the spike backs were allowed to stay and were provided for in return for protecting the nest and naturally became the winged rulers advisors and overseers as the species developed.
As for the winged variant only the largest more aggressive ones with access to food and intellect managed to thrive using their flying privileges to access new food sources the others could not allowing them to continue producing offspring with the wing gene and the other genes resulting in their vast powerful appearance as they have access to the claws for slashing the gene that makes them muscular and the spike gene. They're the ultimate accumulation of their species really they hold all the cards.
They essentially become as the species and subspecies grew in intellect the Royals as more food and more care input from parents and probably being slower growing with longer life spans made them smarter and also generally biggest strongest is the leader.
Of course I imagine historically there was horrible bloody territorial battles between this species and the Koopas. While the territory they both developed in originally were likely vast and fruitful during the development of the defined species and the shifting of the world the Koopa territory started to grow barren while the territory this species resided remained lush with vegetation and complex ecosystems that they'd evolved to be apart of. And they weren't going to allow Koopa to come in and take their hunting grounds or threaten their nesting spots.
Due to the access to magic plants the spike back variants at this stage were likely far more intelligent than those around them, the two species during these territorial battles had not yet developed cultures or civilisations so they weren't going to communicate and work it out peacefully a peace treaty trade was not something that would occur for many years they were still young animalistic species even if future hierarchies of what would become Royals and citizens were clearly established within them.
They used their magic to separate their home from the rest of the world almost like putting it into a bubble, I feel like what they did was somewhere between straight up putting the whole area they considered their territory between dimensions so it just poofed but also making a copy of it so their civilisation could live in peace in an almost other world a powerful magical veil around their territory that separates them from the rest of the world while the forest and lush area still exists in the original world. If one went to the edge of the kingdom they could see the shimmering veil and see out into it the other world that was likely taken over by Koopa or destroyed by natural world stuff, though if they were to leave they may not return. Someone could stand right next to the veil on the other side in the actual world and they may sense the magic but would not be able to access their kingdom.
To some degree it was purely selfish reasons from the spike backs they didn't want to share their magic resources and potentially see the giant winged variants that they gain protection through be potentially slaughtered and have to hide flee and provide for themselves once more.
Their civilisation grew in this magic veil held up by the many generations of spike backs, they gained Royals they managed to survive in their territory creating a thriving town of their species.
Of course I'm awful and this character here was a princess and could've been next in line for the throne. Could've be. But unfortunately an illegitimate child of her grandfather and of the muscular strong man subspecies of their kind challenged that, hes smaller than a true full grown winged Royal but he's much larger than any of the other subjects, he grew claws and spikes but his wings are insufficient as he cannot fly with them and thus he has no claim to the throne. Had he had viable wings he would be accepted as a potential heir despite not having both winged parents, ya know prevents inbreeding since a lot of the times the winged variant genes are dominant and will produce a valid heir so they can marry who they like. The drawn characters father was likely a clawed variant while her mother had the full winged and extra genes.
However he wouldn't accept this long standing tradition and accepted system of inheritance believing it his birth right as most others born of a winged royal had the acknowledged traits to be next in line and he was bitter he was one of the rare few who did not. So he took it into his own hands. Or claws. He slaughtered the other viable potential heirs, he killed the then king and Queen and destroyed their brood.
Save for one egg. A spike back who had been with the Royal family for many year as council and guide descended from one of the original spell casters of the veil and even believed to be descended of one of the first few spike backs to begin cohabiting with winged variants had taken one of the eggs before the brute got to the nest. She would have taken more but she could only grab one in her hurry and he knew there was a nest full had she taken it all he wouldn't have stopped until he'd smashed them all. Being unable to stop him from slaughtering her Royals and being helpless to save more than one of their young is one of her biggest regrets.
She took the egg through the veil as it would not be safe in their kingdom, being one of the first of their kind to step foot in the mushroom kingdom world for many many years. She raised them hidden in one of the dense thick unexplored jungles of the world that no other species toad Koopa or otherwise had yet adventured. The feral plants and brutally cruel wildlife quickly got rid of any that did manage to get through the vegetation. The area along with its unusual fruit remeniscent of the original kingdom territory in its youth, so the old spike back was quickly able to readjust the instincts still residing inside her old bones on what to do. Though it was still incredibly dangerous for a curious hatchling.
For now they remain there hidden, the princess knowing hardly anything of her origin of her home or the outside world and the old spike back her only family. The old magic one terrified of what will happen should the other kingdoms learn of their presence, it could easily spark a war especially with the brutal Koopa King, she knows he is powerful and she doubts the king would take well to the Princess likely triggering some deep rooted territorialism maybe even seeing it as a direct challenge to his authority, she doesn't want him finding out about her and killing her. As for the other Princesses of a much different kind, smaller and soft,,, their kingdoms are powerful with many citizens and she has heard tales of them having unstoppable immortal warriors, they may see her young royal and simply regard her as another Koopa a threat and have her destroyed.
Or if the self proclaimed new king were to ever become aware of their existence outside the veil. He may break the veil rip back the curtain that once separated them from this world to hunt them down and would no doubt trigger assault from both the Koopa and Toadstools potentially destroying completely the civilization her ancestor worked to hide and protect due to his arrogance.
Basically it's straight up not a good time and she doesn't want Peach or Daisy knowing of their existence in case the Mario bros are sent to destroy them as she doesn't know that they'd probably be pretty alright and maybe even helpful as I feel like Peach would recognise that yea this isn't a Koopa they've never threatened us you're in danger we'll protect you. However Bowser probably would see the winged royal and it set off a deep instinctual territorial behaviour especially as she's not yet full grown but I think she will challenge him in size so I doubt he's gonna want something that'll potentially become bigger than him around for long especially as he may perceive her whole existence as a threat against his young as well what if she beats him and then kills his young so there's nothing to take over from him and challenge her in future. Pure animal logic there but understandable.
Of course eventually the secret will come out what is hidden cannot remain that way forever and they will meet and interact with the outside world one way or another by their choice or not. Me thinks Bowser Jr may accidentally fall in a fight into the dense uncharted jungle scared alone hurt and unable to call for help he's just a kid I think it would reduce him to tears and really luckily for him Bowser Jr shares enough traits with the young of the princess' kind that she'd see him and go "Oh that's a baby" and instinctually want to protect him and make sure he's safe even if he looks a bit strange. Baby instinct yall could save your life. Of course the old spike back is gonna have a heart attack when she sees the princess feeding and cuddling the offspring of THE KING BOWSER in their nest because oh they are so doomed and so dead. She knows bowser will be looking for his child and he may rip them apart, if they release the child to find his own way home he'll tell on them to his dad. This poor old lady cannot catch a break bout to have a heart attack.
I will attempt to when I have time draw the other species individuals so clawed, muscle and spike backs and hopefully name the species to give them proper classifications. For now I'm thinking of naming the old spike back caregiver of this oc Kamit keeping the kam theme of Kammy and Kamek two magikoopas cause hey they were related once a long long time ago and cause she's going to Kamit treason against the false monarch. Typical I name the character I didn't draw
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chisatowo · 2 years
Oh fuck it's Tali's bday I nearly completely forgot I'm so sorry Tali also happiest bday 2 you
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Water is Thicker Than Blood Chapter 33
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So neither deuce nor Yamato, im sorry to say :) but now i know NONE of you were expecting this guy (he is a canon character btw)
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“Ass?” Is one of my fav gags that ive had saved up for a while, im glad its finally free!!!!
Everyone please read the keep reading :) 👇
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I rigged it~
i bet you guys werent expecting i pull out one of the least known characters in all of One Piece for this silly little comic!
But~! ☝️
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i do my research~~~
At the time of posting this, the results could not be closer, which has been a very thrilling ride for me to watch with Overseer Knowledge.
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I'd say that those who voted 'Another Canon Character' get half credit, since no one guessed the character correctly. Who ever voted 'OC' also gets half credit, cuz i meann... This guy doesn't have a canon design. He doesn't even have a canon name! So even though he is a canon character, i am going to count him as a KOC (kinda Original Character)
Yamato Girlies, thank you for showing up [i hand you a bouquet of flowers, each] if it makes you feel any better, i already have Yamato content with design and headcanons galore in this post!
As for Deuce Girlies...
[i hand you guys bouquets as well]
im so sorry... but... I've never read the Ace Novels :D
I'm sure if i had, i would have put him in here somewhere as a major character, but I didnt, and i couldnt
it is very evident by the reactions i got on the post that yall are Starved For Deuce Content!
i designed a modern au look for him here just for you guys :)
I've put a lot of foreshadowing on who this guy is in the comic! I would love to point it all out, but i wanna see if you guys get it with hind sight :D
i will point it all out eventually though 👍 perhaps at the next SBS :)
Thank you all so much for being so invested in my silly little comic! it makes me really happy to see everyone get passionate about something I've been working really hard on!!!
This was all so much light hearted fun :) thanks again!
bonus unshaded/ less shaded Emmanuel design:
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so you can see his colors~
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dontlookforme00 · 4 months
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Tridental regicide,
I won't hesitate to kill my Heart and Mind.
MY 300 FOLLOWER DTIYS IS FINALLY HERE!! Info and alt versions below the cut!!
Helloo!! I hit 300 followers a good while ago now but I'm only getting to the DTIYS now lmao. About half of those were ninjago followers, and the other half were chonny jash followers, so I was gonna do a sort of mix between the two fandoms, but just decided on plain old HMS, sorry!!
If anybody at all entered I'd be honoured :] because last time I did this I only got one (admittedly amazing) entry lol.
> also this took me thirteen hours jfc. I haven't spent this long on a drawing for monthssss.
Here's some notes if you plan to join!!:
You can use any iteration of any HMS designs, it doesn't have to be my ones.
But by all means, if you do wanna use mine/my colour schemes, there's some clearer images below.
The text in the background says "Tridential Regicide". It'd be nice if you included it!!
What the entry does have to have is Heart, Mind, and Soul, with Soul threatening the other two.
I once saw someone enter a dtiys by making a plushie lmao??? So just gonna put down that ur entry can be whatever
If you have any questions or wanna extend the deadline, send me an ask.
Feel free to change any details not mentioned, or the poses that they're in.
Tag me in any submission!
Use the tag #donniesDTIYS300
Prizes (??) and deadline:
The deadline will be (checks watch) two months from now, so, the 14th of July.
Again, if anyone needs more time for an entry they wanna do just send an ask.
Uhhh I have no idea how many people will actually enter, and I've never actually drawn DTIYS prizes.
So I suppose I'll go with the standard??
1st (chosen by me) fully rendered drawing of any character or OC.
2nd, just coloured in drawing of any character or OC.
3rd, doodle or lineart of any character or OC.
(Keep in mind the characters have gotta be sfw though!)
Here are some other versions of the image:
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Thanks for reading!! :D
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kissforyouu · 9 months
making a sanrio bento box for your boyfriend ! ♡
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pairing : jungkook x sanrio girl!oc
genre : fluff
a/n : happy new year!! hope you guys have a wonderful year ahead ❤️
i wanna know, know, know, know,
what is love?! ♡ !! (๛ ˘ ³˘)۶
you were so excited. so excited that you could run a marathon, have a dance battle, binge watch 10 dramas and study a whole semester in one night. you have all the energy in the world right now.
for the past 2 weeks, all you've been seeing on the tiktok is women making cute little bento boxes for their partners. and you just KNEW that you had to make one for your boyfriend. it's a must. they looked so freaking out your heart literally fluttered at the mere thought of making one for your boyfriend and seeing his reaction.
so now here you were, in front of your kitchen island, preparing your boyfriend's lunch box. the box was just plain steel (boring!) with no design or anything else. it suits jungkook. but you were gonna personalise it according to your likings. you don't think jungkook would get mad anyways. he'd find it rather cute.
currently, you were placing all the tiny fried shrimp in the lunchbox, also making sure to pin cute hello kitty and flower toothpicks on it. you also put a little mini container with some sauce in. for the main proportion, you decided to just make a cute hello kitty sandwich. truth is, jungkook was just going to his aunt's house to see his little cousin. a lunch box wasn't even necessary, but you wanted to do it anyway. you made sure to make it look extra cute so that jungkook's cousins would want a bite too!
closing the sandwich and placing it inside, you also sprinkle some rainbow sprinkles around the sandwich. oh my god, so cute! (you want to eat it now)
the lunchbox was turning out pretty cute and really really pretty. there were flower shaped dragon fruit inside alongside another small container of sprinkles and raspberries.
you're having so much fun by just cutting these fruits into little shapes.
"AH!" you let out a big scream, you're startled. obviously there's only one culprit. jungkook. he pinched your waist.
"baby, what is wrong with you?" you send him a small glare, turning back to continue your work.
"what's this?" jungkook takes a step further to stand next to you, his head hovering over yours to look at the food.
"ugh, i wanted to surprise you with this." you pout, leaning your head towards jungkook's shoulders. he snorts, humming.
"it's fine, i like seeing you cook anyway."
"it's already cooked! i'm just putting it all together!" you whine, completely annoyed by his sudden appearance.
"tssk, come on, baby." jungkook leans forward to rest his forearms on the table, head turned to you. he tries to sneakily sneak a piece of dragon fruit in his mouth but fails. laughing out, he still munches on the fruit, making your eyebrows frown.
"jungkook! you're so annoying!" your lips formed to a big fat pout, eyebrows raised as you playfully slapped jungkook's back.
it was clear to jungkook that you just wanted to surprise him with the bento box and that he ruined all of your plans by checking on you. but it was so cute. he was watching you from afar earlier, finding it completely endearing and adorable how you were so focused and just in your little bubble. he was so in love.
"no, you love me." he teases back.
"no, i hate you. you're a very annoying man." you roll your eyes, going back to your work while jungkook snickers.
"that's not what you say in bed though. oh my god, jungkook! i'm yours! i wanna cum!" he snickers.
"hey!" you slap his back again. jungkook dramatically clutches his heart, making exaggerated noises. "don't do that." you glare.
"yes, ma'am."
he couldn't help but smile, enjoying this sweet moment to the fullest. for the rest of the time, jungkook stays fully quiet, just letting you have your fun meanwhile he's just admiring you. here and there, he would sneak his arm around your waist to tickle you a little and make you shriek or rub your ass a little.
currently, he had his chin on your shoulder, arms on each side of you on the table. you were taking an awfully long time finishing off this little lunchbox.
"done yet?" he groans. you hum a small no. jungkook whines back.
"i'm finishing off the last bit, wait."
jungkook nods, letting go of your body and sitting on the table instead, right next to the lunchbox.
"you look so pretty." he coos, the tip of his toes poking your waist.
"ew! get your dogs away, jungkook!" you can't help but giggle as you poke his feet.
"no, they wanna touch you. my toes love you sooo much."
"ewwww, i didn't know you liked feet!" you laugh.
"yeah? wanna try it out next time?" he jokes.
"no! what the fuck?! that's nasty!" your face turns sour, vigoursly shaking your head from side to side.
"joking! joking!" he pokes his tongue out.
"very funny. but anyways, i'm done." you hold out cute bento box for him to see with a bright smile on your face.
jungkook giggles, jumping off the table and bringing you into a hug. you place the bento box on the table and hug him back, letting the big man make you completely disappear in his embrace.
"thank you, i love you." he kisses the side of your head, then temple.
"hey!" you grab the collar of his hoodie before he pulls away, then point at your lips.
he scrunches his nose in reaction to your actions, "of course."
your body pulls you closer by holding your face with both his hands, connecting your lips for a sweet kiss.
"oh my god, i forgot something!" you mumble in the middle of the kiss. jungkook pulls away, letting you wander off to wherever again. you run to your room, pulling out one of your pink sticky notes and a pen.
"what're you doing?" your boyfriend trails behind you, curious to see what you were doing.
"i'm writing you a note."
"lemme see." he places his hands on your hips to have a peek but you quickly shoo him away.
"read it when you eat it."
"anyways, i'm done." you interrupt the poor man. he opens his mouth to say something, but stops. instead, he ruffles your hair.
once you're done assembling everything together, and also folding the sticky paper and making a heart out of it, you wrap everything in a serviette and hand it over to jungkook.
"okay, byebye. eat it with your cousin, okay? tell him i missed him!" you pat his cheek.
"of course, baby. bye, i love you." he kisses your lips one more time with a small squeeze to your waist.
"kookie!" jungkook's cousin jumps on his back, super excited that his very much older brother is back to see him again.
"hey, buddy!" he squeezes him in his embrace, delivering a small kiss to the child's cheek.
"you wanna eat something?" he playfully punches the kid in the stomach.
"you remember y/n? she made this for us. you know, she told me to tell you that she missed you."
"yes, kookie! the pretty lady you brought with you." the tips of the little boy's ears turn into a deep shade of pink at the thought of you. once jungkook notices this, he laughs, pinching the little boy's ear.
"you like her?"
"y‐yeah..." he shyly admits.
"okay, i'll bring her with me next time, hm?"
the kid's eyes instantly lit up as he excitedly jumps up, arms in the air.
"let's eat this for now."
the little note you wrote had been in jungkook's mind the entire ride and he's so eager to finally open the food up and read what you wrote. sure, it was just a small note. but jungkook loved these kind of things. it was the little actions that mattered the most to him. he loved it whenever you showed your love through little things like this. it was so much more than just little for him.
once the little starts to happily munch of some of the fruit, jungkook quickly picks up the little note. he carefully opens it up, excited. it amazed him how he would get excited over the smallest things you'd do.
once he reads the notes, he swears he's never been more in love. there's a big fat smile on his face.
✉⤷ you're the only one for me. ♡
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taglist : @fungie2332 @wintertxt @wheexine @hyunjinswifeee @ohsweetmimosa @canyon-lwt
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raya-hunter01 · 2 months
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 12
Not My Sister’s Keeper
Jey Uso X OC (Kayla)
Roman X (Jade)
Jimmy X Trin
Rhea Ripley
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspiciously.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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Philadelphia, PA
Jey’s POV
“That wasn’t what I told them I wanted.”
“I can just sit by your dad and it’s on the hard camera side. I won’t have to worry about being seen. Jey, it’s really not a big deal.” Kara said putting the finishing touches on her make up.  
“Kara, I don’t care what they said, after you and Trin walk pops to his seat, come sit with me. I’m not going to sit there for two or three hours away from my wife.”
“They don’t know we’re married Jey, if they did, I’m sure they would’ve seated us together.”
“They don’t know cause’ it ain’t nobody’s business until we ready to tell them that we are married. Hell, even if we were just boyfriend and girlfriend, you still would have been sitting wit me. You ain’t no secret, I don’t give a fuck what nobody thinks about us.”
I knew she agreed with my thought process, it wasn’t that we were ashamed it’s just that so much of our lives had been on display for the world to see and we wanted this to be ours and ours alone until we were ready to tell everyone.
“Us against the world,” Kara whispered as I put my ring finger next to hers, our matching ring finger tattoos on full display. “Damn right, us against the world.”   
We had gotten the first letter of each other’s name tattooed on our ring finger, into a ring design it was really unique, and we loved it.  I can’t help in thinking back to the night I finally proposed.
Four months earlier
“I am willing to move to Atlanta Kara, I know it was one of your choices.”
“Damn, we serious now you are using my real name.”
“Yes, because you’re not listening. Josh, I want to move back to Pensacola to do my residency.”
This has been a conversation that we’ve had for the last month especially since Tia is working to get transferred back to Pensacola to serve her sentence.
“Bae, I love that you want to come home but what about Tia being here. I can sell the house, or we keep it as a vacation house. My mom would understand and I’m sure Bill would.”
“Josh, this is home and has always been home. I don’t want to start anywhere else new. I want to live in this house as your wife and raise our kids here. I don’t give one nor two fucks that Tia is here.” Kara said as I smiled. Damn, she never put it to me like that before.
“You know I can’t wait to marry you and have some lil Uces running around here. I just didn’t want you to feel like you had to stay here for me, you’ve already done enough of that in your life.” 
“I have never thought that, knowing I’m coming here is like what helps me get through those tough days when I’m alone in Boston.”
“Kara, can I be honest wit you?” I asked ready to take a chance.
“You know I always want you to be honest. You don’t have to sugar coat nothing, and you know you can ask me anything. You know we locked in; I love you.” That was it, the invitation I knew I always had but it felt good to hear her say it.
“Kara, what would you say if I told you I couldn’t wait another day to make you, my wife.”
“I’d say why haven’t you asked me yet?” Kara asked without hesitation as I caressed her face. She better stop playin’ cause’ we can apply for this license in the morning, get it rushed and be married by tomorrow night.
“Kara I’m serious…. Baby, I wanna marry you, but you deserve so much like the proposal of your dreams, the big wed-”.
“Josh, I don’t need this big elaborate proposal and big wedding. I’ve done all that and it was more for others than for me. As long as it’s me, you, my dad and your mom there, that’s all I need.”
“And you’re ready? Like you ready to take that step with me?”
“Like I said, you won’t know till you ask.”
“Oh, you ain’t gotta keep tellin’ me.” Quickly reaching in my pocket I pulled out and opened the small heart shaped jewelry box. “Wait you really got a ring!” Kara exclaimed as I smiled kneeling down on one knee.
“Yes, and it’s been burning a hole in my pocket and luggage for almost eight months,” I said truthfully as Kara covered her mouth in shock.
I knew she didn’t like big and extravagant; she was more of a tear cut diamond girl, so Tiffany’s was nice enough to work with me on a design for her.
“Kara, I’ve loved you since I was five years old, and I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone but you. We’ve been through a lot, but it brought us here and I don’t want to waste another minute.
“Are you sure?” Kara asked with tears in her eyes as I kissed her hand and placed the ring on her finger. “Kara, you ain’t never gotta question my love for you. I love you so much and I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone but you, lau pele.”
“I love you too and I—I want to spend the rest of my life with you too.”
“Then how bout it, Ms. Kara Morris, will you give me the honor of becoming Mrs. Fatu and spending a couple of forevers wit me?”
“Yes, I would love to spend a couple of forevers being Mrs. Fatu.”
The rest as they say is history, we a license the next morning, pops knew the clerk, so he called in a favor, and we were able to get it that same day. Then later that evening we got married, with my parents and Bill as witnesses.  
“I’m going to meet Trin, and pops,” Kara said giving me a kiss. “A’ight, I’m heading back to Gorilla, and I’ll see you in a minute.” I told her before we parted ways, I don’t know why they do the Hall of Fame after smackdown.
The talent is tired and so is the crowd. I just worked the main evet and had to rush back here to get dressed for the HOF. I’m not complaining by any means, I love this, but they need a better planning system. This was so unorganized.
“Jey we been waiting, you’re up next.”
“Sorry, I had to make sure everything was straight on the home front before I came back.” I said falling in line behind Big E waiting my turn to go back out.
Kara’s POV
I felt nervous, but I can say I felt comfortable in my dress, and I wasn’t struggling to walk in my heels like some of the wives and girlfriends were, so I was ahead of the game.
“Pops, you look good,” I told him as Trin, and I each took an arm.
“So do ya’ll my beautiful daughter-in laws. Ya’ll about to have all the attention on me. Did ya’ll plan the matching hair?” he asked as we laughed.
“Nope, that was an accident, but we look cute, and you heard pops, sis. Even he knows you’re going to be his daughter-in law,” she said reaching over to fix my hair.
“Yes, I heard him.”
I smiled looking at Jey wave to the crowd as he walked down the aisle.  My husband is so sexy in all black, hell in anything he’s sexy.
“Kara, you hear me?”
“No, I was looking at my man if we are being honest.” I said, Pops belly laugh making me smile.
“See, you so in love with that man, I’mma need Ya’ll to stop playin’.” Trin said as Pops winked at me. He was getting a kick out of Trin having no clue Jey and I were already married.
“It’s our turn,” Trin whispered as they ushered us forward. I felt nervous, never had I ever went out in front of a crowd to be dissected. I had sat in plenty crowds, and backstage but this was new. I was more out in the open and felt exposed.
We couldn’t get pops to his seat fast enough, so many people were stopping us to talk to him. Picking up on my nervousness, he winked at me.
“We ain’t stopping again, they can come see me at my seat if they wanna talk,” he whispered as I nodded thankfully.
Before he sat down, he gave us a hug. “Thank ya’ll for makin’ an old man happy.”
“It’s no problem pops, I can sit with you if you want?”
“No, ya’ll go be with the twins, I’m good, ya’ll have fun.”  Quickly we went made our way to the other side of the ring. Jey stood up to give Trin a hug and to let her pass.
“I been waiting on you wifey,” he said making me smile, taking my hand in his as we sat down to enjoy the hall of fame.
Roman’s POV
I love Paul and I know what I said I would induct him, but I could have fell on my face seeing Jey and Kara sitting front row as I climbed in the ring.
I just walked past my ex-wife and cousin and had to play it cool but on the inside, I was breaking down. I guess they were finally coming out officially, but it wasn’t my business.
After introducing Paul, I couldn’t get backstage fast enough to go back to my bus. It was going to be a long weekend, sitting on my bus I went on twitter checking to see if anyone was talking about Jey and Kara.
As I expected some fans were already being messy, tagging me in an article from WrestleWorld, asking how I felt about the situation. I knew I should ignore it, but I couldn’t.
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Karma’s -A- Kara
By. Scott Jenson
Jey Uso has the wrestling world talking tonight he showed up at the WWE Hall of Fame with Kara Morris(pictured above). Kara is the ex-wife of Jey’s cousin, Roman Reigns. Kara and Trin were seen walking WWE Hall of Famer Rikishi to his seat before going to sit with their respective partners. Jey was seen also kissing Kara during Paul Heyman’s tribute video. It has been rumors swirling about the couple for years but it was never confirmed until now.
“How the fuck do they find out all this shit?" I hissed, angry at the fact people were picking apart my life and Kara’s.
Kara doesn’t have social media but has popped up on Jey’s Instagram stories and posts throughout the years. In knowing what transpired between Kara and Roman, we wish her well. Kara is about to actually graduate from medical school next month. Congratulations Kara, and Jey, enjoy the Hall of Fame ceremony.
“Then these damn tweets ain’t no better. Like how?!” Each tweet pissing me off more as I read them.
@Romanreignslover03 So, Jey Uso walked into the WWE Hall of Fame with his cousin’s ex-wife. That is some messy shit, Jey, you cold blooded kissing on that woman. #Jey&KaraHOF
@Roman0123 WrestleWorld stop spreading false news, Trin and Kara escorted Rikishi to his seat. Jey and Kara have been friends since they were kids. They are family regardless even if she divorced Roman, end of story. #Jey&KaraHOF
@Glowlove6 So what if they were kissing, ya’ll don’t know the half of what Kara went through with Roman. Do your research and good for you Kara, you deserve happiness. Plus, Jey loved her first, if anything Roman stole her from Jey.  #Jey&KaraHOF
@Usoluvsme That’s still messy sleepin’ with his cousin, damn she lookin for a come up since Jey popular now, straight up golddigger. Jey, better watch out. #Jey&KaraHOF
@Trinityglowsfans01 You do know Roman fucked her sister, had a kid with her while they were married, said sister then tried to kill Kara and Roman, right. Plus, Kara is graduating medical school soon. She doesn’t need Jey’s money, and her folks got money too.      
“Like how they know all this shit!” I wasn’t mad at Kara or even Jey, I’m mad at myself for fucking up. I allowed this to happen, but I also knew it wasn’t gonna be a secret forever that Jey was with Kara.
I hoped I got a chance to run into her to congratulate her on her upcoming graduation. She deserved all great things, and my investment in her paid off.
“Just get through this weekend and then you get a break,” I muttered putting down my phone to go grab a shower before bed.
WrestleMania Night One
Jey’s Dressing Room
Kara’s POV
“I want you to check baby. You been waiting on this,” Jey said as I sighed.
“It’s been a good week; I don’t want to bring down the mood. I’ll just check when I get home Tuesday.”
“Girl, if you don’t get on this computer and look at those results, I know something.” Trin scolded as Jey smiled.
“I don’t know why she trippin’ she studied her ass I off, I know she passed both of the tests.”
“Come on girl, check it,” Jimmy said rubbing my shoulder.
“Ok, I’ll just take a little peak,” I whispered logging in to check my results. I was hesitant to even click on the link.
“Come on.”
“Ya’ll just had your matches, literally still in your gear. We should be celebrating ya’ll not me.”
“Girl, I’m bout to do it for you, if you keep on,” Trin said making me laugh as she pulled out her phone and began recording.
“Really Trin.”
“Yes, now stop stalling.”
Jey nudged his head towards the computer letting me know it was no other option but to open my test results. Sighing, I clicked on the link and nervously began to read.
“Dear Ms. Morris, thank you for taking part two and three of the USMLE,” I mumbled as Jey and Trin peered over my shoulder trying to read as well.
“All this shit to read, I just need my scores.”
“Calm down baby, just read it.”
“Hell, I’m looking and don’t understand all of them medical words.” Trin said frowning at the computer screen.
Continuing to scroll down, I finally saw what we were all waiting for.
“I passed!” I screamed in shock, covering my face allowing my tears to fall.
“Yes! I knew it!” Jey shouted, hugging me as I sobbed.
“Yes, ma’am we in there, let’s go!” Trin cheered as I nodded truly overwhelmed that I always almost there. I couldn’t think of any better people to share this moment with than them.
“Aye, I’m proud of you,” Jimmy whispered giving me a hug.
“Thank you, brother.”
This has been the most amazing week, but I knew I had to finish out strong. Now I knew for a fact graduation was less than a month away officially.
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Roman’s POV
I had to find Kara, I tried to play it off, but I saw Jey’s comment and I had to know was it true or was I reading too much into it.
I should have tried to find her earlier, but I had to meet with Cody, Dwayne and Seth to go over some last-minute changes. The main even went great and the crowd ate it up.
Heading through Gorilla, I was shocked Jimmy, Jey, Kara, and Trin were there waiting for me.
“Congrats Uce, ya’ll Killed it,” Jimmy said actually giving me a hug.
“Yea, ya’ll got them anxious for tomorrow and what’s going to happen next.”
“Speaking of that, I need to meet with ya’ll,” Paul said coming over as we all looked confused.
“Austin backed out, so we are running down something new. I’m adding in Jimmy, Jey and a few other surprises.”
“Oh, snap we in,” Jey said excited as Jimmy nodded in agreement.
“Meeting in thirty minutes in my office.”
“Roman, could I talk to you for a second?” Kara asked as I wiped the sweat off my face.
“Yea, sure I actually was gonna try to find you after my match.”
“We’ll leave ya’ll to it, I’ll meet you in the dressing room after the meeting,” Jey said without jealousy, giving her a kiss on the cheek before walking off with Jimmy and Trin.
We ended up going back to my locker room but stood outside the door. I didn’t want to push my luck, if I’m honest. Thankfully, the hall was empty, everyone was slowly filing out to get some rest and prepare to do this all over again tomorrow.
“Roman, I passed the second part of my USMLE so it’s official I graduate soon,” Kara said excitedly as gave her a short hug. “I’m very proud of you, I knew you could do it.”
“No matter how things ended, I couldn’t have done this without you and I’m thankful for all you’ve done to help me finish.”
“You don’t owe me anything except be a great doctor.” I didn’t want to make it awkward, but I had to know. “Thanks, Roman.”
“Uh, Kara I don’t mean to be nosey, but I saw Jey comment on Trin’s post. I-- Damn, I don’t even know how to ask because I know it ain’t my business.”
“Jey and I are married Roman.” I felt the air rush out of my lungs, he had married her. Looking at her ring finger I saw a tattoo. “So, ya’ll hidin’ it and you marking up your body with his initial’s n shit? What’s next his whole name on you somewhere?” I asked, my tone coming out more harshly than I intended grasping her hand and looking at the tattoo ring on her finger.
“No, we just don’t feel it’s nobody’s business until we are ready to share it.” We don’t owe the world, or you shit.” Kara said, snatching her hand away.
“Look I understand getting a tattoo to cover up the bullet hole, but putting someone’s name or initials on y-”
“Roman I’m trying to be nice, and we’ve been getting along. If you want to keep it that way, stop while your ahead.”
The warning was stern, and I knew I needed to calm down quick, fast, and in a hurry.  We were finally talking without it being awkward or forced. I didn’t want to lose her being apart of my life in any shape or form.
“Look, it just threw me for a loop when I saw his comment under Trin’s post. I’m really happy for you Kara, you deserve the world.”
“Roman, I don’t want the world; I never did. I just wanted to be happy and I finally am.” Her words cutting me to my soul, but if she was happy, then so was I.
I had did enough and cause enough damage to us both. Damage I thought would burden her for the rest of her life but I’m grateful it didn’t.
“If your happy, then that’s all that matters beautiful. I won’t tell anyone what you told me, it’s your business. Thank you for telling me.” I really was thankful because I heard it from her and not on the internet or from someone else.
“Even after everything, I would never blindside you Roman.  Now I know you gotta get ready for your meeting, so I’mma go. I just wanted to let you know about graduation and to tell you thank you.”
“You ain’t never got to thank me, after everything, I knew what I had to do and what you deserved.”
“No, let me finish…..Kara you put so much into my career, you held me down when I was broke. You took care of me when I was sick, you put your dreams on hold to be with me.”
“I wanted to do that Roman, there are no debts between me and you. Even after everything that happened.”
 “I know it ain’t no debts, I gave you all that money because none of this would have even been possible without you. Kara, there is no Big Dog, or Tribal Chief without you.  And I knew as long as I had breath in my body you weren’t gon’ struggle or want for anything ever again.”
“Thank you,” Kara whispered surprising me when she wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. I swear felt the weight of the world falling away as I hugged her back.
I had finally let it go…I would always love her, but I had let go and accepted my fate.
“I will always love you Kara, and I’m happy for you. I’ll always be here for you, and I just wanted you to know that.”  Wiping her tears, Kara gave me a small smile before she walked back towards the end of the hall.
Suddenly she stopped, turned and smiled at me once again. “No debts Roman, take care of Logan and be happy.” She said as I smiled back at her.
“No debts, Kara and I will.” With a nod Kara disappeared around the corner. I instantly felt my eyes watering as I turned the doorknob to go in my dressing room.
As soon as I closed and locked the door, I couldn’t hold it in anymore, silently weeping. I knew she would never forget everything that happened, but she forgave me…She showed me grace in my time of weakness, and it was time for me to forgive myself.
Yea, things weren’t how I wanted it or dreamed it to be, but life was going on and for the first time I was ok with my fate.
I had lost her, but I gained my Logan in the process.  I knew now my fate was to be the best father to her and everything else will fall in place…I knew it would.
New beginnings were on the horizon.
Jey’s POV
Roman was the last to arrive at the meeting and he looked to be somewhat in a daze but came around as we all talked about what was going to happen in the main even tomorrow.
I was amped myself; I was going to play a part in the main event. I felt like a kid listening to all the people who were going to get involved. Tomorrow night couldn’t come fast enough for me.
“So, Taker will be the last one out?” I asked making sure I had it right, poor Cody seemed to still be in shock realizing he was going over tomorrow.
“Yea, Taker is going to have an interaction with Rock, then Seth will get up and Roman will choose to hit Seth with the chair instead of Cody, costing him the match.”
“Oh, good call back to Seth being Cody’s shield,” Jimmy said as Roman smiled.
“I like it, the fans gone eat it up bad,” he chuckled as Paul seemed pleased with what we had come up with writing more notes down.
“Alright we’ll meet again tomorrow but for now ya’ll all rocked it tonight so go celebrate.” Dwayne said rubbing his shoulder.
“What’s the matter over there, Cuz?” Jimmy asked chuckling as I shook my head. He is so damn messy.
“Hell, you know Jim, I’m too old for this shit. I’m already sore as hell and we gotta do this again tomorrow,” he said as we all laughed.
After Paul adjourned the meeting and everyone began to leave, I noticed Roman still sitting.
“You alright, Uce?” I asked as he nodded finally standing up and walking towards me.
“Yea, I’ll be good by tomorrow, nice ring tat by the way,” he said with a small smile as I shut the door, to give us some privacy.
“Roman, I ain’t trying to argue…I know-”
“I ain’t arguing, Jey. I put it together after I saw your comment under Trin’s post, and I asked Kara.”
“I know you didn’t go in on her, did you? Because if you did-”
“I’m happy for ya’ll Jey.” Roman said barley above a whisper as I looked at him in shock.
“Kara told me that you made her happy, and as much as it hurt to hear it, that’s all I ever wanted for her.”
“That’s all I ever wanted too; and I love her.”
“Then take care of her,” Roman said extending his hand to me as I looked at him searching for any sign of dishonesty but found none.
As we shook hands, it felt different. It felt like we were finally starting to mend our relationship. We weren’t just putting up with each other for our family sake…
We were finally trying to heal and build back trust…..Ok Big G upstairs I see you working on us.
Philadelphia, PA
WrestleMania 41, Night Two
Roman’s POV
I was almost home free, after the meeting last night I went to get Logan from Ma. I kept her with me last night on the bus to give Ma a break but now she was running late. I had sat her up in a nice hotel suite, she deserved it and needed a break.
 Talking with Kara and Jey last night felt good, and I finally felt everything was falling into place.
“Daddy juice.” Logan said pulling on my leg. Putting my phone down I looked at her with a smile.
“Lo Lo wants to go get juice, huh?”
“Yea!” She yelled jumping up and down only stopping when she spotted Jey. I wondered how this was going to go especially since she just met him a couple weeks before a show.
 Before I could warn him, she took off towards him as fast as her little feet could move. “Jey!” She yelled running for him as he kneeled down to scoop her up in his arms as she squealed.
“Hey Lo, it’s good to see you,” he whispered holding her close. I felt even more guilty, he thought Logan was his and was preparing to be her father. I took that away from him and I still felt terrible about it.
“Sorry she is bothering you, I can take her,” I said as Jey frowned at me.
“Uce, I ain’t gone mistreat or turn her away if she comes up to me and speaks to me. Regardless of how it all went down, ya’ll both my family.”
“I don’t want nobody to be uncomfortable, Ma was supposed to get her, but she is running a little late.”
“You good, what got you so stressed? The meeting went good last night so what’s the problem?”
“I need to do a couple interviews and finish getting ready,” I said trying to think of how I was going to do everything I needed with my mom running behind.
“We got her Roman, go do what you need to do.” Kara said, coming up beside Jey as he looked at her in shock. I didn’t know what to say myself, I didn’t want to put her in that kind of position.
“Uh, it’s ok Kara, you don’t have to keep her.”
“Roman, go get yourself together, we got her. Text your mom and tell her to call me when she gets here and we will meet her,” Kara, said giving Logan a small smile.
“Tee Tee Kara, up, ” Logan said reaching for her as Kara’s eyes shot to me in shock as Logan wrapped her little arms around her.
“How does she-”
“Rebecca suggested we start showing Logan pictures of everyone, so she knows who her family is. We started before I started taking Logan to visit Tia.”
Kara nodded as Jey caressed her back. “You ok baby, I can get her back.” Jey said as Logan laid her head on Kara’s shoulder.
“Uh, no, it’s ok…Mom is right, I am her auntie,” Kara said looking at Logan. I felt like a true fucking heel…Even though I made peace with everything, I still know that in a perfect world this was supposed to be our daughter together and I fucked it up.
“Hey, Logan I’m your auntie,” Kara whispered as Logan seemed entranced by her. “Tee Tee pretty,” she said rubbing Kara’s cheek.
“Well so are you pretty girl.”
“Uce, go do what you need. We got her,” Jey reassured me as I looked at Kara.
“Are you sure?”
“Bye, Roman,” Kara said continuing to play with Logan as I looked back at Jey who waved me off but I still couldn’t move. I was too entranced watching Logan and Kara interact with each other.
Jey’s POV
Second by second, I watched in awe as Logan was breaking down the hard walls Kara had built to protect herself. I had met Logan at a smackdown show that I had to do a dark match at a couple weeks back.
 She was a beautiful child, and I couldn’t blame her for Roman and Tia’s mess.
I knew I had to let it go to actually move on. I knew Kara had done the same, but she still hadn’t dealt with the fact she had a niece that she hadn’t seen since the day she was born almost three years ago.
“I’ll be like an hour tops ya’ll. Hopefully Ma is on the way,” Roman said giving Logan a kiss on the cheek before finally leaving. I know he thinks I didn’t catch it but I saw the yearning in his eyes as he watch them.
Yea, I’mma have to keep a look out on that, I mean yea we made peace but I ain’t dumb.
“Hey, would you like to get some cookies?” Kara asked as Logan smiled. “Please.”
“A’ight lets go ya’ll,” I said guiding them to catering. Kara was quiet most of the time but was interacting with Logan adding in her two cents when the little girl would stop talking.
 It wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be, but I could tell Kara was deep in thought. I was glad they were bonding but I didn’t want her to feel like she had to do it.
 Janice finally made it about thirty minutes later and I could see the shock in Janice’s face as she came around the corner seeing Kara talking to Logan.
“Ya’ll traffic was a mess, I am so sorry,” Janice said coming up in a rush taking a seat next to Kara trying to catch her breath. “Janice breathe, we had her,” Kara said laughing as Janice looked at Logan sitting next to Kara eating her cookies.
“I see that..I just didn’t believe it…..Has she been any trouble?” she asked as Kara smiled. “Nah, she’s been a perfect little angel.”
“Grammy, I see Tee Tee!” Logan said pointing at Kara as Janice laughed reaching over and ruffled her hair.
“I see that and I’m very happy you got a chance to meet Tee Tee Kara. Do you need to try to potty before we watch daddy?”
“Yes, Grammy.”
“Alright, let’s go potty then little lady.” Janice said, taking a breath and standing up.
“Bye Logan, it was nice to meet you.”
“Bye Tee Tee,” she said throwing her little arms around Kara’s neck and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Janice whispered watching the exchange before picking up logan as she waved at me. “Bye Jey!”
“Bye Logan.”
I knew Kara was relieved that Janice was here. It was getting a little overwhelming for her. I could tell even though she was hiding it.
“Baby, are you ok?” I asked, wanting to know as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. “Yea, I’m ok.” Sighing, I got up and moved to sit beside her.
“Tell me what you thinkin’, Ma.”
“I am terrible, I never saw her. I let my anger for Tia and the hurt Roman caused block me from getting to know her.”
“Bae ain’t nobody blaming you for feeling how you felt. You had a right too, your life got turned upside down. How did you feel meeting her today?” I asked caressing her hand.
“I felt like someone reached in and snatched my soul when she looked at me and called me Tee Tee.”
“In a good way, or bad way?”
“Both…I felt horrible not being there for her knowing she has no mom. Then I felt a sudden joy when she called me Tee Tee, I am going crazy.” Kara said as I rubbed her back.
“No, you’re trying to come to terms with everything and ain’t nothing wrong with that baby.” I assured her as she seemed to be processing her feelings on the matter.
“I don’t see sleepovers and all of that happening, but I will acknowledge her and try to be less awkward when I see her. I’m going to be on the road with you sometimes and at family events. I’m bound to see her.”
“It will be ok when you see her again, stop sweatin’ it. You what I realized?”
“Before you know it, we will have our own little Uces running round here,” I whispered in her ear as she blushed.
“I can’t wait to have babies with you.”
“Aye, I been trying to shoot the club up. That damn IUD hell, was stopping my soldiers from reachin’ they destination, I’m glad you got it out.”
“See I can’t with you.”
“What, I’m just being honest about wanting to have a baby with my wife.”
“Let’s just go so you can get ready to fall off the side of the stage. It’s almost time for the main event.”
“Why you say it like that?” I asked as Kara rolled her eyes at me, getting up.
“Because I think it’s stupid as hell and dangerous, that’s why. But you my man, and I’m your #1 fan, so I’mma stick beside you.”
“Well thank you for stickin’ beside me, that’s why I love you and married yo’ fine ass.” I whispered, making her laugh.
“I love you too, so please be careful.”
 “I will and everything is going to be fine, just trust me. Jimmy and I got it planned perfectly.” Putting my arm around her shoulder, I lead her to Gorilla so we could watch the rest of the show, and I could be in place for when it was my turn to interference in the main event.
“Ya’ll better Mr. Main Event, or me and Trin will kill you both.”
 Kara’s POV
Trin and I sat by Paul in Gorilla watching on the monitor as the guys had gone off to go over everything again.
I already knew it was going to be pure cinema, and seeing Rock, Taker, Cena, Jey, Jimmy, Cody, Solo, Seth and Roman sneaking off to go over the finish, I knew we were in for a treat.
“I’mma need you and Jey to stop playing and get married already,” Trin said as we looked at some of the pictures she had taken on her phone this week. “Aww, send me those, sis.”
 It definitely was a week of fun and we were able to squeeze in a lot of fun things outside of their WWE duties.
“I need to you get an Instagram at least, social media ain’t so bad.”
“So, you see us getting married, huh,” I said ignoring her Instagram talk, trying to change the subject. I really wasn’t an internet person so I would leave that to Jey and her.
 “Yes, I do and you going to have me some nieces and nephews.”
Whoo, if she only knew….
One week Later
Pensacola State Prison
Roman’s POV
WrestleMania is in the books and I’m off for the next three or four months to try to ease Logan into a routine of seeing Tia once a week as well as trying to find a good daycare. I wanted to try to take some of the pressure off of Ma and allow her some alone time.
She has been my rock through all of this, but I can’t let her keep putting her life on hold.
Life for the moment is good, I just hate I agreed to this bullshit to bring Logan here. The only good thing that came from this is that Tia signed her rights over.
I’m just still confused as to how she all of a sudden wants to spend time with Logan.
What is she up too?
Maybe she wasn’t and I’m just still just somewhat reeling from Logan and Kara meeting during WrestleMania last week. It was not on my list of things happening this year but seeing Kara hold Logan made my heart ache.
Maybe she could be more apart of Logan’s life because bringing Logan here is seeming to do more harm than good.
“Hi sweetie, it’s your mom,” Tia said as Logan looked at her like she was a total stranger.  This was what I was afraid of, even though I showed Logan pictures of Tia she didn’t know her.
We have been visiting the prison once a week for the past month and Logan still wasn’t grasping Tia is her mother.
Then again, she recognized Kara and went willingly to her without any issue. “It’s ok Logan, it’s mommy.”
“Daddy,” her tiny voice whimpered clinging onto my leg. Sighing, I kneeled beside her. “I’m right here baby,” I soothed as she wrapped her arms around my neck and hid her face.
“What’s wrong with her Roman?” Tia asked as I looked at her like she was crazy. “She doesn’t know you Tia, it’s going to take time. She may never get comfortable with this.”
“You’ve turned her against me, all of you did. Tia accused as I had to bite my tongue to not say what I wanted. “Really, Tia after everything?”
 “You could have at least been showing her pictures of me or something.”
“I do show her pictures of you every night and explain who you are. Maybe it’s the vibe you’re bringing. Babies pick up on bad vibes,” I warned as she sighed.
“Fine, I will try to do better. She’s gotten so big.” Tia said caressing Logans hair as she held me tighter.  “Yes, she’s almost three, what do you expect, Tia,” I said somewhat harshly.
“I know and I’m trying to make up for it Roman if you just give me a chance.”
Hopefully this will get better, because if it doesn’t, I’m not going to keep putting Logan through this.
“We will try again next week and hopefully it will be a little better.”
“I hope so, I ain’t got nothing but time so I have no problem waiting for her to come around Roman.”
That’s the part I’m scared of, and I still feel like something is off.
One Month Later
Harvard Medical School
Commencement ceremony
Jey’s POV
I was anxious and excited to see Kara receive her degree. She had done what she set out to do. The day was going great until Rebecca showed up and sat right next to bill.
“A’ight chill ya’ll I’m trying to hear.” I warned as Rebecca continued to push Bill’s buttons.
“This year’s graduates have special messages for their families, and we are allowing them if they choose to bring their children up with them. This is a major accomplishment and should be shared with those they love. Please cheer on every graduate and let’s enjoy this year’s commencement ceremony.”
“Ain’t nobody invited you Rebecca, why are you here?”
“You can’t block me out from her graduation, Bill. I’m her mother, I invited myself.”
“Man, can ya’ll be quiet I’m trying to hear. This ain’t bout ya’ll, this is Kara’s day,” I hissed. They were pissing me off, this was about Kara and not their damn drama.
“All I said is she should have told Kara she was coming instead of just popping up.”
“Now ain’t the time though, and if ya’ll can’t chill out you both can go.” Trin said as Bill moved from beside Rebecca.
“Thank you! Stop feeding into it and move.” Jimmy scolded as Trin shook her head.
“I don’t even know why you sat over there anyway,” I said moving so he could sit beside me.
“She sat beside me,” he hissed as I rolled my eyes. “So, you move…Don’t let her control your emotions Bill,” my mother whispered as Bill sat back trying to calm down.
The last couple months Bill had started the process of filing for a divorce and Rebecca is grasping at straws to try to keep him in the marriage.
“Rebecca sit there and chill out before I throw you over this balcony.”
“Don’t threaten me Tani, I know how to act.”
“Mama, let it go,” I whispered seeing it’s almost Kara’s turn to have her name called.
“How does this work?” Trin asked seeing they were skipping around. “They are calling by program, and degrees earned.”
“Ok, I was about to say they got my girl messed up, she supposed to be in line with the M’s,” Trin said taking pictures of Kara standing in line as Bill snickered shaking his head.
“There she is, look at her in her cap and gown.” Trin gushed as Kara nervously rubbed her hood.
“Still though, her last name Morris, we on the letter D on this program Trin,” Jimmy said as I shot him a look to shut the fuck up.
“Maybe don’t nobody last name starts with E through L, in this degree program Jimmy. Now hush, so I can hear,” I hissed as he smiled at me.
“Sure thing twin, even though-”
“Don’t worry about it Jimmy.” My mother said cutting him off with a smile.  “Just know Kara is where she’s supposed to be at in line, I can assure you,” mother said rubbing my knee trying to calm me down.
I felt nervous, like it was my graduation.
“Once again, these following graduates are receiving their degree in Doctor of Medicine and management.”
“Dr. Kara Fatu!” Dr. Kouper said as we all jumped up cheering her on. My heart filled with pride watching Kara walk across the stage, her beautiful bright smile on display.
I was so proud of her, after everything she had made it.
“Yes! That’s my sister!!!! Wait, what the hell did she say?!” Trin screamed, pausing in shock as Jimmy snickered rubbing her shoulder before continuing to cheer.
“Kara and twin done snuck and got married on us baby.”
“Oh my gosh Jurdy! I knew something was up!”
“Gon’ head sis, welcome to the family!” Jimmy yelled as I shushed them wanting to hear Dr. Kouper.
“Kara will be hooded by Dr. Stanly Moore.” I couldn’t image how that felt for Kara. Dr. Moore meant the world to her and was there from the beginning. He encouraged her throughout the years and even kept in touch when she left medical school for the first time.
“Yea, Dr. Fatu, you did that, Ma,” I whispered trying to hold it together as Dr. Moore placed the hood around her neck.
“Kara would love to thank her amazing husband Joshua, her parents, her sister Trinity, brother-in-law Jonathon, Roman, Dr. Moore and her other professors for their unwavering love and support.”
 I couldn’t contain it no more.
“You did it baby! I love you, Dr. Fatu!”  I screamed not caring about protocol in that moment. My girl was standing there looking like a goddess and was now a doctor.
“Yes! We love you, Kara!” Trin screamed as my mom laughed. “Lord, ya’ll gon’ get us kicked out.”
“Hell, it’s over with now, they done gave her that degree and hooded her, we can leave now.” Bill said wiping his tears.
Dr. Kouper smiled in our direction, giving us a few more seconds before handing Kara something and picking right back up from where she left off.
“Kara has deferred the start of her residency until February 2025 in pediatrics and internal medicine at Pensacola’s children’s hospital & Pensacola General Hospital. Kara also wanted us to help her share some amazing news with her husband and family in attendance."
“Oh my God, look!!!” Trin screamed as I looked up at the big screen in shock seeing Kara holding up a tiny onesie.
“Daddy’s #1 fan.” I read in shock, getting choked up as my mother hugged me. “Congratulations baby. I’m so happy for ya’ll.”
“I’mma be a daddy.” I said in disbelief.  
“Baby Fatu will be arriving Thanksgiving 2024, congratulations Kara and Joshua!”
“How about that, I’m about to be a paw paw again.”
“Yes!!! Auntie is on duty!” I heard Trin yell as I turned to look back at her still in shock as she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “Congratulations Brother.”
“Thank you, sister.” Looking back at the stage I saw Kara making her way back to her seat. “Congrats twin.”
“Thanks, bro.”
Like I couldn’t believe it, I was going to be a daddy…Like Kara and I made a baby. She was so worried she couldn’t have children because her and Roman tried so hard for years, but they couldn’t get pregnant.
“I can’t believe you did this to her! It wasn’t bad enough you rushed her into marriage. Now she’s pregnant, you did this on purpose and now she’ll never complete her residency.”
“Rebecca shut the hell up.” bill hissed as I put my hand on his shoulder. “I got it pops, first off, I married Kara because I love her. She ain’t never gotta worry about givin’ up anything for me. We in this together.”
“How is she going to fulfill her dreams now Joshua with a baby depending on her? She’s going to get attached, and never want to leave home.”
“Kara is going to do her residency, open up her practice and do everything she’s ever wanted to do if I gotta sit home while she does it.”
“Yea, right….Kara is going to be home alone stressing, and resenting you in the end.”
“Don’t assume you know our relationship based off the shit she went through with Roman and your life with Bill. I got Kara and she got me, end of discussion.”
Feeling myself about to lose it and cuss her ass out, I got up and moved to the end of the aisle.
“Josh, where you goin’ baby?”
“I’m going to wait for my wife at our designated meeting place to tell her how much I love her, and how happy I am.” I needed some air because we were about to get thrown out  if I stayed in there with Rebecca.
Kara’s POV
It was done, I was now Dr. Kara Fatu. It seemed time passed so fast as we stood to give the Declaration of Geneva before being dismissed.
Marching out of the auditorium I stepped outside taking a deep breath. “Kara, you did it…It was hard, but you did it,” I whispered overwhelmed. Not wanting to get lost in the sea of people I chatted with a few classmates before their families found them. We took a few selfies waiting for the crowd to move a little, people were everywhere.
The only thing I really wanted to do was hug my husband. Finally heading towards our meeting place, I was shocked to see my mother.
“Now wait a minute you ain’t gonna blame Josh for Kara wanting a break to live her life. These last two and half years been hell on her. Hell it's been rough on everyone especially with the shit you let Tia pu and your dirty lil secret," my dad said as I shook my head.
Damn, can we have one day where everybody gets along.
"Kiss my entire ass Bill."
"You gotta actually have an ass to kiss first off."
They really doing this now and why is she even here. I didn’t invite her. Making my way towards them I heard Jey standing his ground.
“I ain’t got time for you Rebecca I’m leave Bill alone. I'm looking for my wife to congratulate her,” Jey said before spotting me. With a smile and his arms stretched out wide, I ran to him.
“I did it!” I cried jumping in his arms.” I’m so proud of you baby."
"We did it" I cried tuning out everyone else but him, as he held me tighter.
"Oh shit, am I holding you too tight.”
“No, I’m ok,” I reassured him. The look of joy and love on his face was something I will remember forever as he put me down and I gave him the onesie. “Congratulations Daddy.”
 “I can’t believe this; we made a baby,” Jey said in disbelief now caressing my stomach.
“We did, and I can’t wait to meet him or her. Our lips met in a gentle kiss as the realization really hit us, we were really going to be parents.
“I hate I have to share you with everybody right now.” I hated it too and he was right. As soon as he released me from his arms, Trin came over.
“Girl, give me a hug! You done gagged me for today.” Smiling, I gave Trin a long hug both of us laughing when Jimmy joined in. “Sister-in-law welcome to the family.”
“I’m sorry, ya’ll we just wanted to wait a little while before we told anyone.”
“It’s’ ok I’m so happy for ya’ll and I’m about to be a whole auntie out here in these streets,” Trin gushed as my dad came towards us.
“My baby is a doctor, let me see her,” my dad gloated as I gave him a hug and then Ma Fatu.
“So nobody is gonna ask Kara why she would do this to herself?” My mother asked as I rolled my eyes.
“No what we want to ask you why you ain't congratulated your daughter?” Jimmy asked pointing out my mother’s attitude.
"And what exactly did I do to myself mama, besides finally living my life for me?"
“Kara, I just can't--- You really got married and didn’t tell me? I would have been there. You’re pregnant, like what were you thinking?”
 “Well, I didn’t want you here mama, and I thought that was made crystal clear since we haven’t talked since I told dad what you did.
“I married Josh because I love him…I’m having his baby because that is our dream, and it doesn’t concern nobody but me and him.”
Seeing how serious I was she changed her tune. “I’m sorry, it all just hit me at once that you got married and about to have a baby. I got scared you were giving up on your dreams again.”
 The look of shame on her face wasn’t lost upon me. I got it and understood it, but it wasn’t her place especially after all she had done.
“I’m not givin’ up nothing, Ma. You ain’t gotta worry about me.”
“Um, so how long have ya’ll been married?” Trin asked changing the subject as Jey smiled. “It’s been about five months, sis.”
“So right after the trial, you made an honest woman out of her, huh?” Jimmy joked as my mother sighed, pulling me into a hug.
It was awkward to say the least. “I know you didn’t invite me, but I wanted to show you I’m serious about us working this out. I love you and I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you for coming.”
“How far along are you sweetie?”
“I’m three months along, Ma. I found out a couple days ago when I went for my checkup.” My mother frowning, hearing me call Jey’s mom, Ma.  
“I can’t believe this shit-”
“Hush, it don’t matter what you believe Rebecca,” my dad said rubbing my back.
“Well, you gon’ be sick of me, cause I’mma stay doin’ this,” Jey said rubbing my stomach as I laughed.
“I would never.”
“Hey baby, it’s yo’ daddy.”
“Oouu! I can’t wait to shop for baby clothes,” Trin said as I saw my mother looking very uncomfortable.
“Well let’s get some pictures with Dr. Fatu,” my dad said somewhat breaking the ice as we all posed for a few photos.
Regardless of how my mom felt, today was a good day and she wasn’t going to spoil it for me.
Roman’s POV
I had come to Kara’s graduation and sat where nobody could see me. I felt I had to be here and the joy on Kara’s face was something I’m happy I got to see in person. The news about the baby stunned me, as if I needed even more proof we weren’t meant to be together anymore.
“Daddy, see Tee Tee,” Logan said pointing at Kara who was taking a picture with auntie Tani.
“No baby, we just came to cheer her on. I don’t want to bother her because she’s really busy right now.”
“Ok daddy,” Logan said sadly. I knew it was for the best, I didn’t want things to be even more awkward than Kara’s mother was. That was cringe watching from afar because I know she was probably showing her ass.
Feeling a hand on my shoulder I tensed. “Aye, it’s just me, Uce,” realizing it was Jimmy the nervous tension left my body.
“Hey, we were just leaving, I just wanted to support Kara on her graduation day.”
“Hey, lil mama it’s nice to meet you,” Jimmy said kneeling down as Logan gave him a hug.
Damn, she really recognizes and likes everyone but her own mother.
“Tee Tee win Wimmy,” Logan said as Jimmy chuckled. “She sure did.”
“Sorry, she has a little trouble with her J’s.”
“I knew what she meant, and I think it’s cute, so why ya’ll hidin’ over here.”
“I wanted to support Kara; I was planning to come over there but hearing about the baby, i’m still a little stunned.”
“I can understand that, and I know she would too,” Jimmy said standing up with Logan as she put her head on his shoulder.
“She’s going to be an amazing mom and I’m just happy for her. I’m happy for both of them, it just still stings a lot.”
“Well, I ain’t pushin’, they think I went to the bathroom and that’s the story I’m sticking with,” he said looking around at the crowd starting to thin out, passing Logan back to me.
“Tell Jimmy see you later.”
“See you later,” she said blowing him a kiss. “Bye Logan, I’ll see you soon.” The bright smile on her face as he blew her a kiss back let me knew then and there Jimmy was going to be her partner in crime as she got older.
Logan and I quietly slipped away unnoticed and went back to the car.
“Mr. Reigns anywhere else you would like to go?”
“Uh, can you find us an ice cream shop before we head back to the airport.”
“Yay! Ice cream!”
I knew she was going to be bouncing off the walls of the jet, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. After setting up Logan's ipad, I pulled out my phone to see had Trin or Jey posted any pictures on Instagram. I knew Jimmy hadn't, his ass might as well not have Instagram since he never posts.
Trin hadn't posted anything yet. "Damn, you slippin' Trin." Heading to Jey's page, I saw he hadn't put any photos up from the ceromony but had just made an apreciation post in honor of Kara.
It was a photo of Kara in her wedding gown, on the beach.
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In this moment I had to agree with Jey and I don't do that much.
Life was good.
Two Weeks Later
Pensacola State Prison
Rebecca’s POV
“What do you mean you can’t help me?!” Tia hissed as I sat with her in the family visiting room. “I ain’t being an accessory to this Tia, it ain’t right.”
“Look, all you gotta do is come to the hospital. I’ll make a scene when they try to take me for a CT scan. I will ask can you go in with me and I’ll handle the rest.”
“I can’t Tia, and I won’t. You’re on your own.”
“I already have it all worked out and I promise if you help me, you’ll never see me again.”
“Look just think about it, its months away anyway, this type of thing takes planning. I’m only going to have one chance, and I got to make it count.”
“Where are you planning to go Tia?”
“Far away, that’s all you need to know. Now are you going to help me or not?”
“No, I’m not.”
“Then I guess we got nothing else to discuss, you ain’t gotta worry about visiting me ever again.”
“Tia, I love you, but you are going to get yourself killed and I’m not going to watch you do it.”
“I don’t need you, but you’re going to be sorry. I promise you will.”
Standing up I looked at my daughter and for the first time I realized she was a lost cause…My child was a lost cause that couldn’t be saved.
“Just leave then, and tell Kara I’m happy she got everything like she always does. I mean she finally got knocked up right, even married Josh. I saw that little post he made on instagram.
“Tia, leave Kara alone and how do you even have a phone in here?”
“I have my ways, guard I’m ready to go back to the yard,” Tia said smugly standing up as well.
“Tia, I’m tellin’ you, leave Kara be!”
“I’ll see ya’ll soon, Ma..Just remember no matter what you do from here on out, I'll always be two steps ahead of you.”
"You're going to get yourself killed."
"Well, lucky me, cause' I ain't afraid to die."
Her statement chilling me to my soul as I left her alone in the visiting room. She was just too far gone, and I knew what I had to do.
Waiting until I got to the front, I politely went over to a guard. “Um, excuse me, I have some information that I need to tell the warden. A prisoner is trying to plan an escape.”
“Ma’am come with me.”  Leading me into a somewhat small conference room I felt closed in and nervous.
Yea, I could never do prison time, I ain’t built for it at all.
 “Just have a seat if you’d like and I’ll fetch the warden for you.” As the guard disappeared, I couldn’t help but pace, my nerves were getting the better of me.
“I just can’t let this go on anymore. Continuing to pace, I couldn’t help but think about Logan, Kara, and the baby. I couldn’t let her hurt them; I would die first.
Kara and I were trying to work on our relationship, I knew we had a long way to go but I knew the first step was finally choosing her.
This time and for the rest of my life I’m choosing her, even if it kills me.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl @melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo@arination99 @2-muchsauce
@bakugoumarianawrites@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae
@anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld jeyusosgirl  theninthwonder mya2real  justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant  reignsboy19
wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
harmshake  truefant4sy  yana3sworld amandairene88
unapologeticqueen94 empressdede xbriexx tshepisho
 thatgirlest98 zdotspinalot mainthingdoja jimingotthajams
rose-bliss mrswolffs-blog maeb99 jstarr86 nbanenefrmdao
sayyestoheav3nn digidestned  heathetherlamont30 trashbin-nie
rebelrel0987 kriissy4gov brokenglassslippers headoftheetable
severenswife sayyestoheav3nn pittieprincess22 mindairy
jaded-human mainthingdoja mrswolffs-blog shamaness11 justarheaslut @shamaness11 @fearlesschimera
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violetvulpini · 6 months
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Made myself some references for how I wanna draw these guys! [Please reblog, don't repost!]
Some design notes I gave myself:
Blues is more visibly robotic, with visible seams and joints. His armor is not removable, it's just his actual body. Roll's dress has a lil hood she can put up. Rock and Roll were built from the same base design, so they have identical body types. Quint's armor can be removed, but it's coded into him not to, so it's pretty hard for him to switch out. Blues' color scheme is somewhat grayer than the others, while Quint's leans on the paler side.
AHA YOU FOOL YOU FELL FOR MY TRAP. BEHOLD MY OC!!!! (co-owned with my good pal Axolotl Parade#8795!!)
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Their name is Landscaper and they were the result of Axo and I joking about giving Roll a rivalry just as intense as Bass and Rock's. Landscaper was made by Dr Light to assist Roll as her duties grew, specifically to handle everything to do with the property's outdoors. They take care of the lawn, curate the flower and plant displays, keep a small colony of bees, and handle any outdoor activities. Unfortunately, Landscaper and Roll have developed a bitter rivalry over who's better at cleaning and maintenance. The two are constantly heckling each other and attempting to one-up one another. The only thing scarier than how intense they get about their competitions is if they team up against a third party.
Landscaper is also pretty good friends with Vesper Woman! They trade tips and visit each others' bees. Being a couple of the younger Robot Masters in their respective families, they gravitated towards one another. Gutsman will also sometimes help them whenever terraforming or new constructs are needed. He'll usually put them on his shoulder so they can direct him (and they like to be tall.) They have a much milder rivalry with Woodman, who keeps trying to convince them to let the lawn grow wilder for the good of the ecosystem, and sometimes stands in front of their lawnmower in protest.
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and for sticking around through all that, here's a little height chart for funsies!
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plumipal · 3 days
AAAAAOMG UR TWST OC IS SO ADORABLE?? i'm absolutely in love with eden sm (+ his design?? the star eyes and the wings are my favorite,, i wanna smooch all his tattoos!) and i hope it's okay to ask a few questions about him... (I KNOW U SAID IT WAS OKAY BUT I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE 😭 i'm genuinely interested in knowing more!)
1) does he have anyone in the twst cast that he tolerates/likes? i know he's part of the whole harem thing but is there anyone he doesn't necessarily mind being around (or even sharing with the prefect?)
2) do grim and eden have a good relationship? i would assume so since they're living both with one another but do they just get along with each other for the prefect's sake or are they actually best buds? (๑ > ᴗ < ๑)
(little dumb idea but i think it would be so cute if the prefect treated the two as if they were all like a little family! eden and prefect being the two parents and grim their rambunctious kid lmao,, i would imagine the others not being so happy about it (っ‘ω`c))
3) is he okay with physical affection/pda? is he totally chill about it or would he rather shy about the whole thing? is he open to having the prefect touch his wings or his tattoos?
4) oooo any funfacts that you have about the new ramshackle resident?? just in general really if that's okay with u ofc!! ☆
aa okay that's it!! i hope my questions weren't annoying or anything! (っ‘ω`c)
Had to get one of those wheels ive seen going around where you put the oc and how they feel about the character and how the characters feel back about them, but with a twist lol (most of them are haters).
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The ones he are most tolerant with are grim, ace, deuce, jack and kalim. Only one he could possible share with would either be kalim, jack or deuce, because of how he sorta is annoyed by ace.
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Of course cant forget how he feels about you :) he thinks you are very very very special and he loves you a lot <3
He likes grim a lot, seeing as grim isn't one of the students that is oh so annoying. He warms up to the monster, seeing how gently you take care of grim, wanting to do the same. It feels, domestic, in his opinion.
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Grim likes Eden a lot too, he has never belittled him, he has always made sure to feed grim along with Eden being very warm (and therefore very nice to sleep on). In grims opinion, he thinks you should go with Eden, cuz he is a good candidate for marriage (grim has been bribed with love, affection, and tuna).
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He takes good care of the cat son, making sure he is healthy and happy.
Now onto pda. Eden are only okay with you touching the wings, the tattoo and the core, being as they are quite sensitive. The scar is still off limits, but maybe if you make him warm up to you even more you might be able to-
He loves when you help him with his wings, it's one of the best feelings out there. Fo mind that only you (and grim) can touch the wings, anyone else is off limits, ESPECIALLY ROOK HE IS FORBIDDEN TO TOUCH THEM.
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Eden facts!! He has lil "ear-holes" like birds, just behind the feathers. Be careful around that part when you help him with his feathers, otherwise you might have a pouty and angry Eden on tour hands.
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His eyes also glow in the dark! It's the scariest during the nightly snack runs down to the kitchen, seeing him suddenly stare at you, but you slowly get used to it!
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You don't know where the extra eyes sometimes come from tho...
Also some general facts about Eden!
Dorm: Ramshackle
Birthday: 1/1
Age: ???
Height: 185cm
Fav subject: alchemy
Hobby: cleaning in ramshackle, birdwatching
Likes: you
Dislikes: Loud noises, blond 3rd year hunters named rook hunt, people trying to grab onto his wings that aren't you
Fav food: he don't need to eat to gain sustenance, bur he likes mashed potatoes with gravy
Least fav food: soup, any soup, he hates it
Btw if anyone were to write for Eden I would explode it would mean the world to me
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aria0fgold · 7 months
Staring at the WIP of my OC Lulu just so I can figure out what kind of length I want for his dress to actually be cuz I'm so indecisive for it. Tea-length looks nice and it makes the translucent part of the dress be longer than the main dress itself but an A-Line looks just as good too and makes the translucent part seem shorter yet makes the dress more flowy in an elegant manner. I don't know which to go for...
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kozachenko · 2 months
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OK finally back with some more drawings! Since Touhou 17 is approaching it's 5 year anniversary soon, I wanted to draw at least one of the charatcers (hopefully I'll still be motivated to draw Keiki lol) and I had some ideas for Saki and I've never drawn her before, so that's how we got here!
Artist's Notes;
So after doing some drawings of my OCs (who I will reveal upon a later date since I still wanna finalize their designs) and finally getting out of my art funk that I've been in for a while, I started off this drawing with the mentality of "oh yeah I'm just gonna put together this quick outfit for Saki and I won't bother rendering it"
...and then I did but to be honest I am very happy I did because oh my god clothes are so fun to render for me now. I remembered the technique I used on my drawing of Reimu and applied that here. That technique being using triangles to imply shadows and highlights in clothing and then blending out those shadows to give the clothing some three dimensionality. My favourite things that I rendered in this piece were the gloves, hat and the belt buckle (since I applied a technique for rendering gold and metal objects that I remember seeing/hearing about a while ago). Don't get me wrong, I love how all the clothing turned out in this piece but the gloves are the real standout of this piece to me. I also had some fun with the cowboy boots (I couldn't figure out how to make those cool metal star things work on the boots though that is a sin I fully intend to fix later down the line) since when I looked at references for them I noticed how some of them had these intricate details embroidered (?) onto them.
Also, in the earliest phases of this drawing Saki had this really big black coat that I decided to get rid of later down the line because it really does not work with her fighting style and it did not stand out against her wings, and the logistics of her getting said jacket with her wings on confused me. Like, I can kind of imaging that on her shirt she has a little open spot for her wings that she can just put them in. That goes for Yachie to but now I'm even more confused because all her clothes must need some open backs because of her shell??? Which raises some more questions, like, can she just never be on her back when sleeping??? Looking at Yuuma we can see that the beast yakuza in Touhou can freely change their form from human to beast so can Yachie just double down on the human bit and get rid of her shell temporarily so she can sleep comfortably??? Because if she lays on her back is she just kinda wobbling around like most turtles are when they're on their backs? Can she hypothetically retreat into her shell, if so that has some weird implications to how her anatomy works. Like, what does her skeleton look like? Seriously, what are the logistics here WHERE DOES YACHIE GET HER FUCKING CLOTHES BECAUSE THEY PROBABLY NEED TO BE SPECIFICALLY TAILORED SO SHE CAN PUT IT ON TO FIT HER SHELL I DON'T NEED SLEEP I NEED ANSWERS YACHIE WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS-
....rant aside, you can see the remnants of this idea in the tattered back of her... idk what to call it but I know she has a variant of this in her OG design. I mainly wanted to test this out because of the cursed realization that The Ghoul in Fallout Prime is just a male Saki but if Utsuho gave Saki radiation poisoning. No seriously, they're smug ass cowboys who are so sure of their own strength that have fought at least one mechanically engineered robot in some variation of a wasteland with an affinity for dogs. I'm now morbidly curious as to what would happen if you put the two of them in a room together. Would they try to kill each other? Would they become besties? Would they try to kill each other and then become besties? Who knows. But yeah jokes aside the tattered cloth was a design choice that was inspired by The Ghoul from Fallout Prime because y'know, same vibes. And also because yes I do love Fallout Prime and I am so ready for season two IT'S SO GOOD GO WATCH IT EVEN IF YOU AREN'T FAMILIAR WITH FALLOUT AS A SEIRES GO DO IT NOW, SAIL THE SEVEN SEAS FOR IT IF YOU HAVE TO JUST WATCH IT-
I knew for Saki's face I wanted to give her some thick eyebrows, it just makes sense. I also wanted to give her some scarring on her face because she's a crime boss, why wouldn't she have scars? I also had some fun with her little horse ear that's sticking out from the side of her hat since it would kinda look weird if she just had no ears period. I also went ham on stylizing her ponytail into this weird swirl, since if I were to show you some of my recent doodles from my sketchbook you would notice that that has become a common motiffe in some of my art. I don't know why but I just like it. Saki's wings were also very fun, I found a good reference for bird wings that are specifically shaped for high speeds (though I did add some stylistic touches so her one wing that's out wouldn't look like a big blob) since her whole thing is speed. From very early on in the process I knew that I wanted Saki to not look skinny, so I found some refs of female kickboxers for her legs and noticed that while parts of their upper body are maybe a bit toned, it's the legs that have a lot of power. I mainly did this because kicking is a huge part of her fighting style.
Overall, I'm really happy with this drawing, and once Touhou 17's anniversary rolls around I do want to go more in depth on my thoughts in the game, it's themes, and how the animal realm functions as a dark parallel to Gensokyo in many ways. I'll also have to get around to drawing Yachie and Keiki as well (if I still have the time and motivation to do so) since I have some ideas for their designs that I'm very excited to draw (especially Keiki).
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ika-archieves · 9 months
how i make color palettes of my ocs before i pick one, an art tutorial?
hello, whenever i made a new design for myself i found a way to make lots of color palettes and pick one! i see this method more in paintings and rendering but not much on character designs? here are some examples i used that on.
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it helps me so much when i feel experimental with colors. here are what you need
a wip character design. sketchy or pixel art works better since the colors can have some anti aliasing issues
a program with gradient maps. i'm using clip studio paint but ik photoshop also has it. like i said this is used more on photos or paintings
and here's what you do!
draw your character. i'm making a new fursona for myself but anything should work.
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2. decide on their markings/color placement in grayscale. i recommend doing grayscale so you can easily see the values. split your grays into however colors you want. i like doing 5-6 the most. i reccomend duplicating the color layer if you wanna try multiple palettes.
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3. this part is program dependent but in csp's case go to edit > tonal correction > gradient map.
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4. i made a few default 5 color gradient maps but if don't use gradients like me i reccomend making the graph like this so they become solid color. split the map into however many colors you used. i'll add a color to the red-orange one bc my character has 6 grays.
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5. replace the colors by clicking below specified color. it all depends on your creativity and what you want. experiment til you like it.
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6. fuck around, try stuff, put them together to see if you like any of em. i made 9 to see if i can focus on one of them and i actually ended up loving the bottom right. it really makes them shiny
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7. (optional) if you like a palette you can further and play with colors while keeping the palette. you can use color balance (in the same menu as gradient map in csp) or layers to mess around, have fun!
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also a color tip because people seem to compliment that a lot in my art: digital art has millions of colors! don't be afraid of using wacky tones unless you're going pantone. if you want to get something physical i recommend being open to alternative colors as they tend to be more limited. i know whoever is doing it will try their best to keep the colors close.
color theory is something i don't...care much about mostly because this is something i'm doing for fun. i'll consider it in professional work.
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rayed2death · 2 months
Creepypasta ocs gift drawing !!
their designs were actually so fun to draw like,, all of them are so satisfying to draw AND I LOVE HOW UNIQUE EVERYONE IS i love em and i had an absolute blast drawing them :3
‼️these ocs are NOT MINE, they belong to their rightful owners to which i will tag them below‼️
i hope that i did them justice and that you all like my gift to you! just gonna put this out there, all of ur guys' ocs" colors work so well together and thats so important and awesome sauce and i love it sm
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These two charming characters, Tera-Byte and Mari Lam, belong to @bunvie
(their names are absolutely genius and i cant help but gush about that heheeh GANG I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THEIR BACKSTORIES)
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The lovely lady herself, Gothic Anon, belongs to @tiredemzz
(as soon as i saw this design i absolutely loved it and how its so elegant looking LIKE...i went "i IMMEDIATELY wanna draw her.")
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Our pretty miss right here, Miss Black, belongs to @sillysarahsthings
(if im not mistaken, one of the said inspiration for this oc was morticia and i love that idea dearly and i totally see the vision!)
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This sweet individual, Kiki, belongs to @saturnns-star
(i really love the backstory of this oc! just a concept and idea of it makes me go insane/pos. i just love sentient ai characters or somethings similar to that)
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The badass looking girlboss, Lust/Juliette, belongs to @cheesecakeislazy
(she's really pretty and badass, im not even gonna lie about that and i would like to see more of her :3)
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This bewitching and kickass woman, Lighter/Elinor, belongs to @justpinkazure
(when i was lookin for ocs to draw, i came across this oc and fell in love with her! just her overall design caught my eye and her colors as i am a sucker of desaturated tones, also like,, her relationship with smoking is such a unique idea in my opinion and that's absolutely amazing)
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This adorable and reserved guy, Keith, belongs to @marsopadraws
(the first time i saw artworks of him, i really loved the soft colors and the simplicity of his design! it sorta breaks the cycle of badass/alt clothes that most creepypasta ocs have in my opinion and that's something that i love to see :3 this ocs concept is so cool and i, too, would love to see more of this silly guy!)
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and last but not the least! Our tragic but absolutely breathtaking bride, Bonnibel, belongs to @crushedsweets
(i absolutely ADORE her design u dont even understand like,, i took one good look at her and went "this is so pretty..SHE'S so pretty!!", her backstory is so tragic, justice for our sapphic girly!! i hope that I did her justice with this drawing!)
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— ࣪𖤐
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