#also the new intro is ugly af
ratgirrrl · 2 years
one time saw someone talking about new cr intro and there was something along the lines of "if they changed it due to response to the first intro props to them!!!!"
and like. girl what. they literally didn't do ANYTHING.
its just so fucking buffling to me that at any point they could've made a statement or apology or even just saying that they started working on new intro because of the backlash and 100% benefit from it receiving either "omg dont worry its no a big deal it was fun for you that what matters 😊🫶" (white people) or "omg you are SO brave for apologizing!!! 🥺🥺🥺 you are soooo slay for taking responsibility for your own fuck up"
they could've done the bare minimum and the community would eat it up and they would be brave and cool and dont forget to love each other ❤
but the funniest part is that THEY DIDNT DO IT
they literally just decided to ignore the whole thing. to not even acknowledge it. to just pretend like nothing happend and people will eventually forget about it. (and everyone did lmao)
and yet somehow SOMEHOW you are still finding a way to praise them and give them credits for something they didnt do
this is actually so funny yall really be praising this white rich people for literally not doing shit its actually. hilarious
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kiba-the-lucky · 2 years
Disco Elysium (SPOILERS)
I played through Disco Elysium a while ago. I recommend it if you haven't tried it yet... Don't buy it though, money doesn't go to the original devs anymore, and the people it does go to are shady af.
So, I had tried to play through the game before, but was never really able to actually get through much of the game. Very un-motivated at the time.
But a while ago I actually started a playthrough I'd be able to finish, and I gotta say, I love the game, best game ever made to be honest. Genuinely beats out any other game I've ever played, and that I'd ever play. So I'm making this post to share my experience, and the paths I took to complete it.
Day 1
I easily remembered the whole of the intro, the first day is all I've played at this point, and anything outside of the intro in the Whirling in Rags I did not remember.
I chose one of the template builds, the Thinker, and immediately started thinking of what kind of character I wanted this sad sad man to be. I ultimately decided in making him an ace detective, and horrible socialite, and also swearing him off of alcohol. Pretty much the opposite I imagined he was like before the INCIDENT.
He woke up, he grabbed his things, took a look in the mirror, and saw the beautiful man I would be playing for the rest of the game.
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He went outside to grab his other shoe, and then conversed with his neighbor for a bit, her being confused at his lack of understanding of who, what, where, why, and how he is. He goes downstairs and meets Kim Katsuragi, his new partner. When asked his name, he came up with "Raphael Ambrosius Costeau." This obviously wasn't his name, as faint bits of memory would later return in the form of "Harrier".
He would then go on to talk to the few people inside the Whirling in Rags at the time, learning about his new debt, and his job as a police officer. Learning about the world as he investigates. Once arriving at the crime scene he immediately throws up. Putting off investigating the body until later. He would investigate everyone around the crime scene, and those at the traffic blockade nearby. Getting a bit of a picture, multiple men carrying a man from a mercenary group to hang him on a tree, the main questions being: Why? Who? Was the man alive at the time, or already killed? He came back to the body, somehow resisting the urge to hurl his internal contents out into the now pre-stained ground. he was able to investigate some while the body hung, but he had an idea, a better idea. Asking for Kim's gun, he was somehow able to convince Kim that he would be able to shoot the body down. And he did it, after all, even if he doesn't remember, he took more off days at shooting ranges than anyone else in his precinct. He was a skilled shooter, and he knew it.
He tried his best to inspect the body, and did a decent job at it, but felt like he wasn't done, and took the body to a fridge to keep it cold to investigate tomorrow. He then went to go talk to the one person available he had not contacted yet.
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God, he's ugly.
Managing to avoid sitting in THE CHAIR, he was able to get some information out of Evrart, namely the location of his gun, a rather important thing to have, and a bad thing to lose. Who knows what sort of malicious individual could have found it, and be actively using it for CRIME??
He took the money from Evrart, not because he was agreeing to help him, but because he needed to pay his debt.
He passed by the shipping container, and after yelling at the doors once, he pulled out his crowbar and tried to pry the doors open. In absolute disbelief, he managed to
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Quickly forgetting about what just happened, and whether or not he thinks capitalism is even an okay practice, he absconds with even more money than he came in with. And investment he said, somehow finagling a cool hundred into his pocket.
At this point, there wasn't much left to do, he had people to interrogate still, but they were elsewhere at the time. So he went back to his room, paid off his debt, and slept the day away.
...But not before tricking Kim into sleeping, and stealing the boots off the dead body, vowing to find the rest of the armor.
Day 2
The Hardie Boys
He went through a whole day without drinking, this is good, this is healing. He knew what he needed to do this day, and first went to investigate the body, as it was early in the day, and the Hardie Boys weren't at their spot yet.
He looked over spots he had already looked at before, but noticed something new.
A bullet hole, in the back of the neck of the body.
This is it, this is new, this implies that the hanging was not the true cause of death, or at least puts it into question.
He was hung post-mortem.
He went to the Hardie Boys for their interrogation at this point. They proved to be very... Strange. It's like they wanted to make themselves seem guilty, practically admitting outright that they hung the body, that they killed them. With the evidence of the bullet hole, this seemed off.
There was nothing else to do at this point.
He went to talk to someone who was near the tree where the body hung, and got directions to a piece of armor.
Harrier told Kim to bring the body back to the police while he went to sleep after a hard day's work.
Day 3
At this point, Harrier is getting a semblance of personality, a crucial part of any personality being, of course, politics. Harrier became a communist, partially due to the debt really cementing in his mind the idea of the cost of living being bullshit, but mostly just reflecting the beliefs of the player controlling him, who is also a communist.
Before his time, his prime time, Harrier's prime time, there was a war that broke out on this island, a fight between a group of revolutionary communists, and the government, a fight which, ultimately ended with the government winning. Of course, by the time of Harrier, this war was a distant memory of the older people of the island, specifically two people, two possibly gay men who both fought on different sides of the war.
A thought in Harrier's head as he investigated more of the surrounding areas of the body, was that, what if he, himself was the reincarnation of the founder of communism, Kras Mazov?
This was a stupid thought. He kept this thought for the rest of his life.
I'm starting to forget many small details at this point, so I'm going to skim through things.
At this point, Harrier was going into the fishing village, and there... He found his lost badge. In a car. Crashed into the ground. After it had been driven over the bridge connecting the village to the city. Which broke the bridge.
Harrier also joined a group of communists, although it wasn't what he expected, he had a good time with them, whether or not they are fit to lead a new-era revolution. They were fun.
During this time, Harrier also got really into the idea of cryptozoology. Becoming friends with a patron at the Whirling in Rags, and being asked to find her husband, a cryptozoologist. He was found at the fishing village, and he started helping him catch a cryptid, a sort of large bug of sorts, setting traps and lures to try and catch it.
At this point, he also talked to a friend of said cryptozoologist, noticing something strange about him, he got this friend to reveal that he had been keeping, and wearing, a piece of armor belonging to the hanged man.
He had acquired all of the pieces of armor he could at this point.
Day 4
Pew Pew
Today was the day. The day the gun would be found. Harrier's pistol.
It had originally been sold to a pawn shop, then bought by someone, and until today, the identity of that person was a mystery.
That person is "The Pigs", a policiphiliac, a wannabe cop. Possibly insane. Taking multiple things belonging to police, she pretended to be one. In front of the police. Harrier managed to talk her down, and was able to acquire his pistol, before telling her off and continuing the investigation.
It was at this point Harrier had found his style. He was a communist, unfortunately trapped within a reality of ultra-captialism. And at this point he didn't care who knew, which was perfect as he had found a had, a winter hat, worn by those during the war who had sided with the commune.
And thus. Harrier, ultra-communist, was finished.
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And he looked damn good.
He also became very good friends with Kim yesterday, and was able to show off his sick pinball skills to him, managing to actually win a game. I only just remembered that.
His investigation was going well, as he was talking to his neighbor again. Klaasje. With her, investigating reports of sexual assault by the victim, reported by the Hardie Boys, although unintentionally. Harrier almost had a mental breakdown, losing touch with his multiple thought-personalities in the process of interrogating her. She revealed to him what actually happened with the victim...
Ellis Kortenaer, an Oranjese mercenary, and Klaasje's lover. During a party involving the Hardie Boys, she and Ellis had went up to her room, and FUCKED had private involvements within. This caught the attention of a so-called corporate assassin, who then shot Ellis in the back of the neck, while he was on top of her. Using his high perception, Harrier took into account the angles, the bullet hole in the window of the balcony, and where Ellis would have been when he was shot.
He deducted that there would only be three places where a possible killer could have be posted.
Klaasje, afterwards fearing that the bullet that hit Ellis was meant for her, and thinking if she covered it up as a group hanging it would not be noticed by who was after her, she gathered the Hardie Boys and another accomplice, deeply involved with the drug issues in Revachol, to fake a hanging.
Kim suggested they arrest her, but another option was to give her a note that makes her obligated to turn herself in.
Harrier took this option, at the behest of his easily-manipulated psyche, his inner thoughts, his personality. Although his volition was against it, his gut feeling, it told him to get Kim to arrest her here and now, but Harrier was too easily convinced by his other, compromised thought-patterns.
Within the day, he investigated two of the earlier mentioned killer's locations, noting that one has had no human life within it for weeks, if not months, the other, he was unable to rule out, being very secluded.
He then investigated a lead from an earlier delve into a drug trafficking ring. Below, where he found his revolutionary hat, in a secret tunnel network. He was assaulted by the accomplice of the fake hanging, Ruby, although not a willing accomplice. Using a device to disorient the two detectives, but after they destroy the device, she threatens to shoot herself. Harrier manages to de-escalate the situation, promising not to arrest her if she puts the gun down, and telling her they just want to talk to her. She does drop the gun, but runs afterwards, back towards central Revachol. Following her, the detectives stumble upon a most troubling scene...
The Mercenary Tribunal
The time has come, a promise from the mercenaries fulfilled. On this day, they have come to exact their revenge. Confronting the Hardie Boys. The detectives intervene, guns drawn, they try to talk down the mercenaries, trying to convince them that they know who did it, that the killer is going to be found soon, but nothing works. They say they already know who did it.
Bullets fly. Time slows to a halt. Harrier has just shot the leader of the mercenaries. He tries to yell for his comrades to shoot him, but he collapses before words could leave his hole-abundant mouth. The mercenary full clad in armor raises his rifle, but Harrier manages to dodge it, while Kim aims a shot at the man. Harrier notices the mercenary standing next to the leader raise her gun, towards Kim. Before he could call out, two shots ring out. Kim is unscathed, and the fully clad shooter is killed instantly... A member of the Hardie Boys has been shot. The leader, in his dying breath, his final moments of living, shoots Harrier.
Harrier blinks, collapsed on the floor, in pain too immense to describe. A lot of good the armor did him, he thought, as he bled out on the ground, seeing in his fading vision a figure, walking up to Kim who is trying to make sure Harrier is still alive. Harrier yells out to Kim.
Day 5
Harrier Du Bois
In the Whirling in Rags, Harrier wakes up, Kim standing next to his bed, explaining the situation, and aftermath. Two Hardie Boys have been killed. All of the mercenaries are dead. Harrier is in too much pain to move properly, unable to run too much, lest the pain take him. He decides to continue the investigation anyways, just one last place to look before it's all over, an island, an abandoned base back during the war.
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Harrier, trying to feel better, brings a radio on the ride to the island. It feels badass. He feels badass.
Arriving, he makes his way up to the spot he had seen from the balcony of the Whirling in Rags. On the way, he spots a man, a very old man carrying a gun used by the communist revolutionaries.
After some time of questioning, Harrier discovers this man is a deserter of the army that fought for the commune in the war. The deserter explains some things, finally tired of the life he had been living all these years.
He had been spying on Klaasje from the island, and through a peephole inside the Whirling in Rags back rooms, watching her every move, watching her sleep every night, wake up every morning, watching her stand on her balcony in fear and contentment. He developed feelings for her, through these times watching her, leaving her flowers on her balcony that bloom mainly on the island he lived on.
Something is wrong with him, clearly, but something else is there. Another presence, which shouldn't be there, shouldn't exist.
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The creature the cryptozoologist had been chasing the whole time. It was real. It was controlling the deserter through pheromones, controlling his brain processes, making him ignore its presence, but also making him go slowly insane the whole time he had been on the island, and live longer than he had any right to. Once it appears, the link is severed, and the deserter falls limp, catatonic.
Harrier touches it, linking his own fractured psyche with the creature. The conversation is long, a talk about the pale, a mysterious force akin to radiation, that appeared along with humans to the world, although Harrier, for a moment, thinks its talking about him when it mentions the pale coming into existence with "you". It talks about the bad relations between flora and fauna, and humans, with the creatures of the world believing humans will bring the destruction of everything, eventually. It talks about its own history, about how it, as a species, has gone unnoticed for over 4,000 years.
Harrier urges Kim to take a photograph. As soon as he does, Harrier moves away, sensing hostility building up in the creature.
The creature leaves, and leaves behind its nest. In the middle of which lies a helmet, the last piece to the set of Fairweather T-500 ceramic armor.
The detectives agree to leave and, when they get back, they find police officers gathered, finally catching up to Harrier, wanting to take him off the case, thinking he'd do irreparable damage to the stability of the investigation, not knowing that he had already completed his investigation.
The police have no idea of Harrier's recovery over the past week, Kim, having become very close friends with him very quickly, backs up Harrier saying that he has completely stopped drinking, and become a very good cop as well, at the same time also becoming extremely communist, though Harrier insists it won't interfere in his work.
They reluctantly accept this, and the evidence of a cryptid with the photo that Kim took, and in the end, Harrier is back to work, along with Kim who agrees to be his partner for good.
That was my completed playthrough of Disco Elysium. And I will never play it again. I feel like if I even make one, tiny, small choice that differs from my original playthrough, I'll be betraying my original experience of the game.
I recommend, even after reading through basically the entire main plot of the game, and spoilers on the ending, that you still play through the game. This was just my one perspective, and you could get a WILDLY different experience from this. You could become a fascist if you want, or a hyper-capitalist. Or a liberal. You can become a superstar cop, or a cop who is sorry all the time.
For me, I played through the boring cop communism, while accidentally dabbling into capitalism by constantly asking for money from people.
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Please don't buy the game. Play it though.
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suzukamizuchi · 5 years
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my bro borrowed my laptop and broke it at the same time... so.... can't no longer ctrl z 😤
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fatgalfitness · 4 years
I started an Instagram for #fatgalfitness, so I'm starting to push more of my posts there. I'll still keep the blog for some of the longer, deeper things. But it's nice to explore a new space to share this journey. Fatgal_fitness if you're interested. See below for the intro I gave tonight.
Hello friends, it's time for me to really welcome you to Fat Gal Fitness. This journey began back in 2013 when something finally clicked and I found myself ready to make changes. If I'm honest, it started as a goal to lose weight so I could stop hating myself so much. But as I lost weight, I found out there was so much more to it. I found myself in my journey.
From mid-2013 to early 2014, I lost 120 pounds. In 2015, I ran a half marathon, did a triathlon, and became a group fitness instructor. I started my masters in health studies. I started CrossFit, and figured out that public health is where I belong.
In 2015, I also developed a panic disorder that threatened to kill me. I got on medication, into therapy, and focused on not dying. I started to gain some of the weight back.
In 2016, I quit CrossFit, finished grad school, and moved away, thinking I could outrun the panic. I was wrong.
In 2017, I joined an urban missions program. That year was one of the hardest of my life, and I gained 40 pounds back. I still couldn't work out without panicking.
I stumbled out of that year, grateful and humbled by the experience, but still fighting so many of the same battles.
2018-2019-2020 brought glimpses of the old me. I moved to Indiana and fell in love with my job. I joined @revolution_fitnesscp and found a gym family. I became a certified fitness instructor and started coaching part time. I went through stints of finding the old me, but I couldn't get her to stay.
We are almost 4 weeks into 2021. And Theresa, finally, is back.
Fat Gal Fitness is the journey to find who I am through the lens of radically caring for myself. I lost 120 pounds. I gained back 80. I lost 40 again. I'm strong AF and learning that the numbers I care about are on the barbell, not the scale.
I'm sharing all of this because this journey isn't a straight line. It's messy and ugly and we fall off and fall back and sometimes it's just really hard.
I started my blog 8 years ago because I wanted accountability for myself. I kept it going when I realized other people were feeling the same things and a radical commitment to vulnerability can be life-changing.
#fatgalfitness #fitness #strongAF
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smartguyreviewed · 4 years
1x7 - A Little Knowledge
Original air date: May 7, 1997
Hello there, friends. How are we holding up during these “unprecedented times?” I am currently holding up by pretty much being high 18/7, not sleeping and obsessing over a show that pretty much nobody talks about because I am that bored.
Really, I do want to thank anyone who takes the time to read this blog and/or drop a like. I started this blog because I enjoyed reading reviews of Lizzie McGuire and Boy Meets World. And then I thought of how not that many black sitcoms are pretty much ever really discussed. I watched Smart Guy so much when I was a kid but didn’t realize how important it was to even be watching it because we had so many other black television shows during my childhood, the complete opposite of how it is now. I always thought about even making a YouTube channel reviewing that black ass nostalgia that I love so much, but since I’m in the ugly phase of growing my starter locs, I figured I’d blog for now. 
Alright! There’s my intro. I really did mean it, but I had no idea how else to segue into the opening for this episode. By the way, if anyone is a super meticulous asshole and thinks the numbering of the episodes is off, I was honestly confused because Disney omitted a whole ass episode of the show, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the numbering of the episodes is different here but nowhere else on the web. The first season is already less than 10 episodes, so whatever.
Okay, so we open to Floyd about to do his books but he needs the little precocious calculator to help him out. This triggers me because I still have not done my taxes even though the deadline was extended. Luckily, it doesn’t appear that the Hendersons have any timely bills due but they are broke. After TJ adds up all the numbers, Floyd sees he is definitely not in the black. 
Because the episode is about money, naturally, both of Floyd’s grown children need pricey things all of a sudden. Yvette comes down and asks for a coat to replace this...thing that she’s wearing because it’s clearly ill-fitting. Floyd says he can buy her a new coat, as long as she’s not particular as to which winter she gets it in.
Up next is our Marcus, asking for something totally egregious. At least Yvette was asking for weather appropriate clothing. Marcus is asking Floyd for a $1500 bike. And now I’m confused. Why the hell would Marcus of all people need a bike? If he’s really trying his damndest to get the girls, I thought the band alone served that purpose. Regardless, Marcus needs it and he’s a teenager so the world is going to end tomorrow if he doesn’t get this deathcycle of his. He even tries to manipulate his dad by showing him a photo of Floyd on his bike. I actually think it’s cute how Floyd lights up at the sight of younger him. Maybe he met his deceased wife during these years? 
Floyd breaks out of memory lane and reminds Marcus that he, a human parent, wants the finer things also, including the chance to see his old friends at his high school reunion but that doesn’t seem to have a snowball’s chance in hell of happening. Yeah, because Floyd has to put food on the table for a woman and three guys (yes, I’m including Mo and guys eat a lot and I don’t wanna hear shit about how girls eat a lot too because guys just eat more and that’s a fact) and school all of his children. No room for the finer things.
He then says that Yvette and Marcus can buy what they want but simply have to get jobs. Marcus balks at the idea and says he wouldn’t want work to interrupt his studies. Yvette and TJ have a nice little kii over this since hahaha “Marcus is dumb,” hahaha.
We cut to TJ in his room attempting to strategize ways for the Henderson clan to save money while watching a bootleg version of Jeopardy!. Marcus comes in on the phone with Craig, the guy selling the bike, and convinces him to not sell it, even though Marcus only has 4.2% of the funds. Yvette barges in and is pissed at her annoying little brothers for not unlocking her door when they’re done with the bathroom. See, they share a bathroom in this episode. In another episode, Yvette gets her own bathroom built...somewhere because she’s tired of sharing with them. This bathroom is never mentioned again. In another episode, Marcus temporarily moves to the attic. I just wonder exactly how the Henderson house is built because it seems like there’s so much space yet so little space? 
The boys aren’t listening to Yvette however, because she stank. She credits this funk to the job she just got at the Cluck Bucket, “yanking the gushy stuff out of chickens,” as Marcus eloquently puts it. She brags, saying she makes $100 a week, which is obviously $1000 a week in 90s money. 
After TJ proposes that Yvette cut Marcus’s hair, Marcus realizes TJ is attempting to optimize their family’s finances. TJ really is doing a lot for a 10 year old here. Normally, he’s being extremely rude to them, but in this episode, he’s trying to use his intelligence to fix a problem that he has no business worrying about. Clearly, this intelligence is a gift and a curse. I’m about to be 29 and I worry all the time about things I can’t even control along with the things I can. Imagine being 10, gifted AF and stressing only about adult things you can’t control.
Marcus actually delivers good advice this episode, most likely unbeknownst to him. He commands TJ to turn off his brain and stop worrying because this is something he can’t fix. And Marcus is right. A 10 year old has zero reasons to be trying to balance the family checkbook. It would have been better if he threw a Gameboy at him and told him that’s his homework instead.
But this is TJ and he is the determinator AKA hard-headed. Bootleg Jeopardy! is about to end but the host announces a junior version of the show. TJ checks all the boxes. Youngster? Check. Living in the D.C. area? Check. In desperate need of $25k? Double check!
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TJ and Marcus are back home and go over how they’re going to break the news to Floyd since obviously he wouldn’t have given TJ permission to audition if they asked. Floyd seems pissed at first when they tell him but Marcus makes sure to place emphasis on how TJ kicked ass. Floyd is proud now, even though a few moments ago, he was about to go full Papa Bear.
The next day, Piedmont is buzzing about TJ’s television debut but he’s confused because he only told his fam. We then cut to Marcus blabbing to some girl about how he can get her a seat next to him so she can give him a handjob on the sly. (Of course, we don’t even see said girl at the show.) TJ tells Marcus he didn’t want everyone to know because, understandably, now there’s more pressure on him. Marcus responds to this by putting even more pressure on him, telling Craig that TJ is going to win him the bike. Then he puts a damn anvil on it by telling Craig to raise the price to $1700 and he’ll just take the bike now. This will end well.
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TJ, under immense pressure because the show is filming in 6 hours at this point (film/TV people, if you’re reading, feel free to say if this is even normal for it to move this quickly especially for an underage guest?), is up late at night studying his ass off and high off legal coke. He’s awoken Marcus who is wondering why on earth TJ would be up this early studying for a quiz television show that has a large monetary prize and they’re broke. He wants TJ to get some sleep by he’s in the zone because he had 20 cups of coffee. After a drug fueled rant, he just passes out. 
6 hours later and TJ is still high. Floyd chalks it up to nerves before TJ starts sprinting around the set. Marcus shows up, announcing he just chained up his new bike to a dumpster. This will end well. He checks in on TJ who is still coked up and not coming down anytime soon. His dad calls him over to meet the other contestants which include Dylan Roof and Yung Sharpay.
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After the kids are ushered onto set, Floyd goes to the other hoity toity parents, bragging about their kids’ accomplishments. He dismisses them and says TJ actually has a life. Floyd, you dick! Afterwards, the show begins. The host is opening and says he believes that children are our future. Floyd and Marcus are backstage and in true black parent fashion, once TJ is announced, they lose their shit!
The game is now underway and Yung Sharpay and TJ are caught up. Dylan Roof is pretty much just there because he’s so far behind that it doesn’t even matter. Amy loudly tells TJ that he has a broken leg and they’re loading the shotgun because she just caught up to him. Of course, nobody heard this even though she was loud as hell. Also, racial implications much?
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Yvette comes late in her work uniform and is hurriedly trying to tell Marcus a bit of info he’ll want to act fast on, but naturally, he shushes her to listen to the game that TJ is about to possibly lose. Yvette is also a petty asshole, so she doesn’t even try to tell him again. They cut to break and Yvette announces then that Marcus’s bike is gone. Turns out, locking it to a dumpster isn’t the best idea because some guy in a garbage truck stole it dragged the dumpster away. Marcus is pissed and lets slip that he paid $1700 for it which gets him in trouble because he just told Floyd that he was taking it on a test drive. Then the rest of the truth spews out. Marcus says he wanted something from the money TJ was going to win and oh mama is Floyd pissed because he naturally expects the worst from Marcus always and thinks he forced TJ to be in the competition which wasn’t even the case. Floyd tells Marcus he’s going to talk to TJ and warns him to “brace himself” for when he gets back. Yvette gleefully says she’s going to get chalk for his body outline. What did Marcus do to everyone to make them hate him so much? TJ does way shittier things than him and he’s still held in high regard. Hmm.
Floyd comes over to TJ to check in and lets him know that he’s aware of what’s going on. TJ, who has only consumed coffee and chocolate for the past few hours, is now dizzy. Floyd has to remind TJ that he has plenty of time to worry about rent and bills and student loans and credit card debt and finding a therapist and the pressure to have it “together” by the time you’re 30 which is crazy unrealistic. Good lesson and one of the few times I don’t wanna strangle TJ. Understandably, with the pressure off, TJ wants to dipset. The host, while seeing TJ and Floyd leaving, says they signed a contract so somebody needs to fill in for TJ. Cut to one of the funniest scenes in the show, hands down.
The question is how much did Thomas Jefferson, another TJ, pay for the Louisiana Purchase? This is word for word what Marcus-as-TJ says.
“Well uh, let’s see. In DC, the most you can take out of the ATM is $300 and you would wanna hold back a $20 in case something comes up, so I’m gonna say $280, Hugh.”
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Yvette’s reaction says it all.
In the end, we see Yvette at the Cluck Bucket, putting on her functional gray pea coat that she probably got from Contempo Casuals or something. Marcus is the janitor now because he has to work off his debt to Craig and because remember, Marcus is a dark-skinned buffoon and couldn’t get the same job as Yvette for some reason. Whatever. I wonder what Yung Sharpay did with her prize money.
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Stuff I Noticed:
- Yvette’s jacket. What is this?
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- Marcus’s face for Lil’ Dylan and Yung Sharpay versus TJ. I love black families.
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White lady on the left does not approve.
- No Mo this episode! :(
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Writebr Intro
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Writeblr Intro Time!
Hiya! This is so overdue and I apologize for that lol. I’ve been meaning to write this but school seems to always be getting in the way of just that. Writing. But here I am finally writing this! And yes my username is a pun of my own last name but I just couldn’t resist.
So basically, I really want to surround myself with other writers and have stumbled across tons of writeblr’s (I think that’s what they’re called lol). Instantly I was in love and wanted more of what the community had to offer. I’ve been a self-proclaimed “author” or writer since my early years of grade school. I was that child in the back of the class with ADHD that couldn’t sit still (the cliche bouncing leg and always chewed down nails) and had what my mother called an “overactive imagination”. My notebooks in high school were often filled with wild stories about “galaxies far far away” or dystopias with cruel governments ruled by dictators. Now I’m in my second year of college swamped with classes about the Psychology of criminals (or I like to call the science of murder), and trying to find time to write a novel. So the struggle is real my dudes.
A little about Me:
Forensic Psychology Major and English with a concentration in Writing Minor
Book hoarder
Dog Mom
Vintage AF
Low Key Emo Punk because I’m no average white girl!
History nerd (Love learning about the old wars and cultures)
Movie nerd (There’s an endless stack of DVDs in my house)
The Mandolorian (or the ManDADolorian)
Star Trek
Star Wars
King Falls Am
Welcome to Nightvale
Transformers (Obviously not the bad movies lol. Bumblebee is baby and must be protected always.)
Good Omens
Lord of the Rings
Marvel (There are so many shows and movies in this category we would be here all day if I tried to list them.)
Timeless (Not sure if the fandom is still alive after what the writers did to one of our ships lol)
DC (I’m a huge Batman geek and adore Wonderwoman, but I take the good with the bad when it comes to this fandom. Especially movie-wise anymore.)
And there’s probably more but my memory isn’t working currently.
Goals?. . . maybe:
Get my novel finished (This has literally been on my To-Do List for who knows how long.)
Meet more writers/new writers.
Improve my poetry (I suck at poetry so I bad I never let it see the light of day, so I need to work on it.)
Start my bullet journal.
Okay by now you all know I have at least 1 Wip because I mentioned getting a freaking novel done, but just as a precaution as to what I mean by Wip or Wips. I get distracted quite easily, for some odd reason my brain absolutely loves to jump from one idea to another for no absolute reason. Like WTF dude we already have an idea we’re working on why do you keep bringing all these new ones to me like stray dogs. And like any good dog Mom or distracted writer, I want to keep all the ideas/stray dogs. So, when I say Wip I mean “Look at this cool idea I came up with” and I’ll make sure to specify which one is hogging most of my time.
Renegade: Dystopian, Thriller, Post-Apocalypse, and Science Fiction.
This is my baby. Most of my free time is dedicated to adjusting plotlines, character arc’s, fixing freaking plot holes, and other important stuff other than just plain writing. I’m hoping to finish this also monster of a story by 2020 and get it published. So big stuff!  
“So tell me little wolf do you want to punish those who have wronged you?” An assassin known as the Crimson Ghost makes their way through the corrupt city-state of Ashton completing a job given to them by the Black Rose. What is a seemingly normal job though turns into something far more complicated when they stumble upon the fractions of an abandoned notebook from the past. A past the Republic is trying to desperately hide and bury no matter what. On the other side of the world in the Republic’s capital Eshar, plainly referred to as “The Prodigy” or “machine” by his superiors,  Eric Coalwood has built a life upon the ashes of his family, striving to meet the high expectations set before him by his mentor General Wolfheart. However, his life falls out of its normal day to day routine when the unexpected is asked of him. Command a task force made up of the Republic’s most wanted or his life is over. Eric doesn’t need reasons for why he must do what he has to, all he needs are orders and the Republic is more than happy to give them. Either way the clock is ticking for both the Crimson Ghost and the Republic’s prodigy and with time running out they both have two options. Either get over their different beliefs concerning the Republic or allow the world to once again succumb to war but this time nobody is going to survive it. “Legends are slippery things. For the glory that coats them hides the pain, suffering and death that created them.”
The Trouville Files: Dystopian, Thriller, Post-Apocalypse, and Science Fiction.
Not my biggest priority but definitely one of them considering the plot of this story. I mainly use this wip as a reference for Renegade because it’s actually the prequel to it. Also, it’s great to use as writing practice when I’m plagued with writer’s block for Renegade or frustrated with a plot hole. So this is my double-edged sword that does a lot of good.
“Death in these black days is neither kind nor quick.” The year is 2153, the world we know is nothing more than a wasteland strewn with the dead and a sky being choked by their ashes, not glorious and thriving but desolate and starving. The Red Death, a pandemic with a steady progression and a gruesome countdown to the demise of those infected. No one outruns it or survives it. “United we stand, divided we fall.” The Allied Nations, a totalitarian superpower, promised a united people but all they gave this world was more death and destruction. The Red Death isn’t the only thing slowly killing humanity anymore, we are in the form of the War of Broken Pacts. The spark of revolution is lit, but if it will remain so is a question asked by everyone. Does it stand a chance against the iron-fisted government holding the people in shackles? “Rebel with a cause.” Genius Medical Officer for The People’s Republic, Cyprus Ramiro works day and night in search of a cure for the Red Death exterminating hundreds, at least before this war kills him first. But he is also a man on the run and the rebellion can only shelter him for so long. “Duty over pain.” Cunning Spy and Soldier, Orion Ultor is ordered by the Allied Nations to infiltrate and gather information on the ever-growing People’s Republic. In bold letters is Search and Destroy; make a ruin of the rebellion and ensure the Allied Nations remains as it should -- unquestionably in power. No matter the cost unless he wants to suffer the consequences again. “If we fall we shall rise from the ashes like a phoenix.” They should have never met, battlefields don't make good friends. It wasn't fate, it wasn't destiny, only war throwing people together.  The Allied Nations is trying to stamp out something they fear, but can they before the Red Plague? Or will humanity find itself extinct.
Beyond his point is where I house my stray dogs/ideas
Hiraeth: Paranormal, Horror, Mystery, and Thriller.
Scooby-doo who?
Hiraeth means a homesickness for a home which you cannot return. That is how Arcane feels like she’ll never be home no matter how hard she tries to connect with her family. The closest she feels to being home is with her friends and in the worn leather seats of the van they all pitched in to buy. It all started out as a way to pass time and for all of them to escape their families because to be honest parents never understand, but it all turned sideways when a simple “ghost hunting trip” stirred something that was meant to remain buried. The truth never remains buried though, not really, somehow it will always creep back in ugly and twisted. Arcane has never felt “at home” but she’ll do whatever it takes to keep what she considers her family safe.
Sweet Dreams: Historical Fiction, Thriller, and Romance.
A literal dream turned into story plot and no I’m not kidding.
The Red String of Fate, The Lovers, and War. These are the three elements intertwined within the plot of Sweet Dreams but before anyone makes any assumptions this isn’t some chummy rom-com. There will be tears and heart strings may get yanked clean out because the angst is real. War and love never mix well, it leaves a sour taste in ones mouth and makes the mind question things it shouldn’t. Like is the woman in his dreams the same woman he sees in all his dreams? Constantly he somehow ends up spotting that same ruby red lipstick, honey golden eyes, and brunette hair laying in perfect curls. She’s everywhere except in his actual life. They say you and your soulmate share dreams, living proof of how intertwined souls are. She doesn’t believe in love or the idea of souls, not with the monsters roaming around the countryside and battlefield carrying assault rifles. Society tells her where her place is, but she disagrees and rather create her own destiny.
The Prophet: Paranormal, Thriller, Post-Apocalypse, and Science Fiction.  
A short story I can’t seem to let go or it doesn’t want to let me go, but either way, this story has the makings for something great. It also at times seems strikingly similar to Good Omens, so don’t be surprised.
There’s no anti-christ in this story, he already has a book about himself so let’s not make another one besides there are other stories that need to be told. Such as, have you ever heard of modern day prophets and I’m not talking about those people with cardboard signs saying “the end is near!” or giant churches with people preaching about the end times. No, I’m talking about a kid with messy hair and dark circles under their eyes because sleep is no longer a choice due to migraines that plague them every night. Migraines that bring weird cryptic messages that make one question their own sanity. And what happens when strange people start asking about said migraines and messages?
Virago: Fantasy, Thriller, Historical Fiction, and Romance.
I’m not a huge fantasy reader, for some reason I can’t stay invested in them, but here I am with a fantasy story in my wips. It has mages, knights, assasination plots, and one super badass general who takes zero shit from her king. That’s right women empowerment, my dudes! I don’t really have much of a synopsis inline or a plot because this is only of those wips I let rattle around in my brain from time to time. But I will say it does give me that LOTR vibe but also Game of Thrones.  
Don’t be surprised if you see my stray doggos from time to time because I will admit I love to play around with storyboards. Even if I don’t have a fully planned out plot put together for it.
And that concludes this what was supposed to be short Writeblr Intro. I hope I have peaked some of your guys’ interests because the community definitely got a hold of minee. Feel free to send me a message about anything I mentioned (even if it’s just fandom shit I don’t care) and don’t be shy. I’m a huge introvert but somehow love talking, so don’t worry it won’t be awkward and odds are I’m equally nervous about conversation lol. Also, feel free to add me to any taglist and reblog/like if you’re active and would like more Writeblr mutuals!
Happy Writing,
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martiniblves · 5 years
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mijoo and her iconic entrances DFKLSJGDF
yes, i really am recycling the intro some of you probably Just caught when you followed me DGSFLJLGSD
hey y’all, i’m kat, english student and an old hag :/ also slowly coming down from an anxiety moment, hence only deleting old shit now and potentially going rogue from my blog for the night after posting this ( aka, best if y'all send me your d*scord users bc it's much easier for me there ) sfdgjgfd i’m super excited for this group and can’t wait to read all about your muses !  and hoping you feel the same, i’ll get right to introducing avalon bay’s resident messy brat, dahlia !
[ lee mijoo ] dahlia kim, twenty-four, cis female, she/her, radio dj — a world-class traveler in the making, self-proclaimed “ reformed ” groupie, has been a tennant at avalon bay for two years, her cherry blaster obsession is the sweetest thing about her, she slept with an ex-best friend’s roommate and crush as revenge. [ kat, 22, nt, she/her ]
she often goes between dahlia and dia, first and foremost sdfglkj
came from a super small town in upstate new york where there wasn’t much to do or much to see, so growing up she had an adventurous streak that would run rampant when she was able to go off by herself, able to drive, and finally able to leave it behind
her family life was rather average, her parents scraped by financially but her and her two younger siblings never really went without — aside from a toy or two at christmas or a brand new car for their sixteenth birthdays sfgkljgdf
gets on fine with them, but her and her little/middle sister have had an on-and-off contentious relationship that, at the moment, is very much ON SDFGFG
small town life was.. okay overall, she was social Enough and polite but never really maintained any close relationships with her childhood pals once high school came and went, mostly bc the town was full of gossips so everyone thought poorly of each other and passed it onto their kids LSKFDGJGDFL
and yes, i’m kinda basing this off of the antics of adults from my hometown, what about it ??
she spent most of her formative years with her head in the clouds and music always around her or on her mind
so you bet she wound up taking guitar and piano lessons when she was a kid and well into her teens, and dare i say she was pretty good at it fsdglkjgdf
having that skill gave her the boost of confidence she needed from middle school onward, having been a tad reserved before then
idk what else to add bc i honestly can’t think of anything else about her past Before moving away. dull as hell probably, more than it’s already been said LKGSDF
upon moving to the city, she attended nyu just to keep her parents from completely losing their minds over her not.. wanting to go on a sure path, majoring in communications and spending much of her time as a dj for the campus radio station’s late night shows
soon began searching for dj gigs at major radio stations once she’d graduated and landed a spot as an intern to meet with artists the station wished to interview, etc, and even had an opportunity or two to interview them herself
through that job, she became more exposed to the groupie lifestyle and — having always been somewhat intrigued — soon became one ( of sorts ) 
sorry if you’re a fan of h*lsey bc this might come across as a dig, but this is where she becomes the chill version of groupie!h*lsey that h*lsey wishes she had been DFLSKJDGSFL
she liked the attention from drummers, singers and rappers alike — plus having sex with talented, rich people whenever they were in town didn’t hurt one bit — and she kept it all separate from her job, although it did help the station land more interviews, tickets for contests, etc
wasn’t big on hard drugs, but she never shied away from a bong being handed to her or a couple of xanax tablets, just so we’re clear here sdflkgjfdgk
however, the no-strings set-up quickly shifted for dahlia upon meeting a rising indie band’s lead singer
he was smooth as hell, which she already knew alongside his tendency to get bored easily with fangirls-turned-groupies like the rest of the musicians she’d met, so when she played along with his game, it didn’t take long for him to maintain an interest in her and for them to forge something of a friendship
she’d never admit it to anyone, but he was her first love as the initial sexual attraction very quickly became romantic after long conversations about music and aspirations, mundane happenings in their lives separate from their encounters and who should’ve won immunity on the recent ep of masterchef; dia knew he wouldn’t settle down now and she knew that while she was his number one at that point, she wasn’t the only one he had. a couple of months passed where it seemed like he was going only to her, that his interest rarely waned to the other girls that would swarm him, which led her to believe he was at least somewhat into her and to her confessing when they were both drunk one night — only to be shut down but not shut out
dejected and heartbroken, she still couldn’t quite distance herself from him like she knew she should and the front she put up — that she exaggerated her feelings and would get over it — made him none the wiser
however, he couldn’t get over the thought of his fwb still being in love with him and cut ties with her abruptly before his nth departure from nyc
it took her right out of her bubble, left a horrible taste in her mouth to even go back to being a groupie for others over how poorly it all went with him, so she abandoned the sexual aspect and potential intimacy of it — but not before taking herself completely out of that lifestyle for a few months to get over him
which.. lbr, she’s only 90% of the way there to this day sfdlkkdfsgl
upon going back, she showed up to shows and parties solely as a friend of the performer.... before that got old Quick and she realized how soul-sucking it was for her sexually frustrated And repressed ass KFSLJGS
though ask her pals and they’d think she’d given it up altogether, hence her supposedly being reformed
.. at least she isn’t indulging in drugs like she occasionally used to, so that counts for something lksdfjlgdf
as for her time in radio, she got promoted to a morning slot as a dj with a couple of co-hosts last year, though once an afternoon slot opened, she high-tailed it out of there
anything to get back to her chill, late night roots and this was the first step
lastly, she moved to avalon bay 2 years ago, after uni was done and she had to move out of the dorms. in that time, she’d become best friends with another girl and had a massive falling out bc the other was. well. changing for the worst sgfjgfd
she became selfish, judgmental, advantageous and disloyal, and soon dia had enough of her hypocritical and generally nasty antics ( and not without a brutal argument that left both of their egos bruised )
dahlia isn’t always one for petty revenge, but when the ex-bff’s roommate and crush — who dia had a slight interest in as well — bumped into her in the hallway of their dorm one night, she took her chance to knock the other down a peg by initiating a flirtatious conversation that quickly turned sexual
with her ex-bff being on the other side of the wall of said roommate’s room
safe to say that their ( final ) conversation in the morning was a fucking disaster SDFLGKJGFDK
it’s not something she’s entirely ashamed about, but dia doesn’t feel the need to disclose what happened
she loves her friends, would die for them, would kill for them. let’s get that straight first and foremost !
does that mean she’s the nicest or even the most tolerable person ?? fuck no SFGLJGKDF
i described her to one of my pals as a “ chaotic free-spirit with a mean streak when she doesn’t get her way, ” which. could also describe a couple of my bitchier muses tbh FLDKGJDS
but she’s stubborn, irritable and has a sense of high self-worth and self-preservation
she obviously has an attitude that can and will come out if you hurt her or someone she cares about/someone she thinks doesn’t deserve it
or if you think you’re a god or something
and it can get ugly.. as explained above dfskgdgkf
however, we love confident women on this blog and here you have one !
she’s chill for the most part, so you ( probably ) won’t have anything to worry about if you stay on her good side gfsdkljgfd
passionate af about radio and music as a career, wants to have a gig like zane lowe’s beats hosting job or even annie mac’s one day
although she also wishes to put out music of her own at least Once before she dies dfgsljdfgk
bit of a wild child, likes to party and just do her own thing — partially bc she’s scared of getting older and having to give that all up/being forced to act her age
doesn’t mean she doesn’t like her quiet nights in though !
closet romantic, just wants to be swept off of her feet..... but no one needs to know that, at least she doesn’t think so FSDJKGFD
won't let you see it anyways, at least unless she's Interested and knows you're not someone who's only useful for her in the short-term
also quietly doting, will never be the mom friend bc it’s too much responsibility and patience, but will always be a good shoulder to cry on who tells you your feelings are valid before she tells you to toughen the fuck up and amend a situation yourself, might even tell you how
some exceptions may apply FDLSJGSFLK
a bit vulgar at times, just warning you now fgldskf
wants to see the world and has travelled a little as it is bc of her connections. loves it
has a pet succulent bc she Knows she can't look after the big fluffy dog of her dreams rn
named him bobby after one of the characters from the love island game DFLKGSJF
i honestly dk what else to add rn, plus i’m eager af to post this so we’ll end it here ! cute extras can always be posted later !
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dvrkhclme-blog · 5 years
✕ — wasn’t that raven darkholme wandering the streets of new york, 1973? civilians know them as mystique and see them as a villain. as far as i know, the one hundred and fifty+ year old stands with the x-men (sometimes), and are rumoured to be pretty deceptive & misanthropic. ( julianne moore / gender-fluid / typically she/her ) 
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{ trigger warnings : mental illness, suicide, sexual abuse, drugs, terrorism, murder  }
hey everyone, i’m sophia!! i’m trash and neglected the intros for all my babies soooo i’m finally getting to them now!! anyways, i’m super excited to be here at 1973hq & i hope we can all be good friends!! <3 sooo. more about my first baby aka my murder!baby under the cut  
im not even gonna touch the mceu version of mystique ok thx therefore shes gonna be combination of comics mystique and a bunch of my own headcanons — soooo
( skip this part if youre familiar with the mcu its basically a shortened version of her bio )
the binch is oLD ok??/ old af. probably several centuries old. i’d say 200 years old at minimum but its never really been disclosed
don’t even get me started on wtf i think happened to her to fight just to survive at age 12 when her mutation kicked in bcus,,, yike
her entire life has been characterized by betrayals. whether it be mystique betraying someone else (most likely) or her being betrayed by someone else (in the case of destiny)
her n destiny met in the early 20th century. destiny asked her to help decode her prophecies and to stop the terrifying ones from being fulfilled. they fell in Luv. they are partners. gay ass partners. (the original idea for mystique n destiny was for nightcrawler to be their canon kid. via mystique in a males body. but this was retconned bcus of homophobia thx but i’d personally love this hc if we get a kurt & it’s ok w/ them anyway )
anyway after ww2 she met sabertooth n had her first (canonically recorded) kid, graydon. who. lo n behold, she abandoned.
that’ll be a trend, fyi, better watch out for that
but graydon turned out to be a mutant hating human so thats fun
then mystique from our time went back in time in attempt to assassinate graydon (which doesnt, in the end, work),,,, also fun
then she gets married to a wealthy german count,,, uses her power to start seducing other people, when she meets azael who  manipulates and seduces her. has nightcrawler via azael ,, its cool
raven murdered her husband and was then regarded by her townsfolk n as a demon. she escaped but abandoned kurt,,, also cool
she adopts raven then. and actually genuinely loves her. (more on this in the next section)
she founds the 3rd version of the brotherhood n they do more terrorist shit good job mystique #magnetowasright
sike mystique betrayed  magneto and turned him into the government, turned the brotherhood into the freedom force, n started working for the gov. working for freedom force is when destiny died and that triggered one of mystiques many breakdowns (also more on this below)
she was v depressed at this time and taken advantage of by the shadow king. raven let herself be brainwashed by the government into thinking she was her own government handler to take down the shadow king. didnt work. he torments her the rest of her life. yike.  
she had nanotech put into her head so the government could force her to work for x-factor, while with them she finds out destiny during their partnership had other partners and kids she didnt know about and one was a mutant
graydon has this mutant savagely beaten. before mystique can kill graydon for this, hs followers kill him n turn him into a martyr. super fun. cue operation zero tolerance.
mystique went undercover as the senators wife for a while n used her connections to the fbi to do shadier shit
she then ran away and took some random chicks form and became a model and made a ton of cash — u go girl
except this kinda sucked for her because she moved into a penthouse suite which in the neighbouring building had skulls plotting to take down mankind. they framed her for a murder, her powers stopped working, n she was arrested
the government eased all her alternate identities and froze all her assets and access to the money she and destiny saved up for decades. cue another mental breakdown
then she finds out destiny was responsible for founding the anti-mutant conspiracy mystique spent her whole life trying to stop, and that destiny also didnt give medical attention to mutant kids who were deformed from their mutations
long story short she has an even worse breakdown n goes completely nihilistic, realizing she cant change the world for the better, she remakes the brotherhood and impersonates moira mctaggert to get her research on the legacy virus  
a bunch more shit happens with raven ending up in the care of homeland security. xavier makes a deal with her and breaks her out. everyont thought she tried to kill xavier,,, when she didnt actually,,, because xaviers a shady fuck,,, but oh well. rogue disowns her for it. leads to another mental breakdown.
because of this she decides fuq u xavier and creates a mutant kid identity for herself known as foxx and joins the xmen to stop rogue and remy’s relationship
she helped the x-men during this time n also helped save rogue’s life via the messiah baby. but once again her intentions are misconstrued
she snaps again and impersonates bobby drake’s girlfriend & gets the poor boy hospitalized
norman osborn then recruited her to the dark x-men, injected her with nanites, then helped logans soul to hell, but then changed her mind and helped get him back. when he got back tho he uh. well. killed her. her and sabretooth were both resurrected by the hand (more on this later)
mystique then rejoined the brotherhood, impersonated alison, and took her place as mutant liaison for shield, harvesting her DNA to make MGH (mutant growth hormone)
i imagine she went back in time to 1973 under the guise of helping people & being “reformed” but in reality she was also doing shady mystique shit on the side and probably trying to tie up some loose ends, whether it be with graydon, the shadow king, destiny, or someone else. or probably a combination
anyways now shes staying w/ the x-men part time and playing Good Girl for now. she wants to show everyone that shes reformed n better n just wants to do things for the betterment of mutant kind. wants 2 get their trust too
shes pretty. level headed right now i’d say. betsy braddock helped her during one of her mental breakdowns by telepathically realigning her fragmented psyche — she’s still mystique n still awful but not as chaotic anymore. and less prone to attack rogue or other people aimlessly. it’s much more goal oriented now.
ok so she identifies as gender fluid bcus she shape shifts forms but also because i imagine shes so sick of having sexualized herself all these decades to get what she wants that shes just fed up with gender norms and thinks theyre bullshit. she’s fine to go by she/her pronouns but she doesnt really identify as a specific gender in my head
she drinks but mostly absinthe and only w/ people she trusts. along those lines it’s similar for drugs but she loves a good high and a good hallucination
she has bouts of psychosis that her wiki defines as schizophrenia. it manifests in much more anger and aggression. hallucinations. delusions — especially presecutory and grandiose delusions — lack of pleasure (hence the nihilism), social withdrawal, and poverty of speech. her sense of identity becomes so fractured that she cant keep herself consistently in one body without it taking all of her concentration — and sometimes that isn’t even enough. she gets lots of mood and cognitive changes during these episodes — and completely loses her sense of self
despite her grandiose ego she’s actually very self conscious and refuses to look in a mirror. actually she’s scared of her appearance. she cant look at herself normally in fear of seeing a monster look back
this is also the reason she was so easily deceived by azael. he looked like a monster, too, and embraced her for how she is. he didnt make her change to fit another appearance that couldve been “more beautiful”
lastly, her motives for doing things??? are always for the betterment of mutantkind. over time this got very skewed and her belief became that the only way for mutants to actually live is for all humans to die. shes a terrorist through and through, but she loves mutants. she just has a personal vendetta against the x-men that’s grown over the years — her constantly being betrayed by people during her episodes of psychosis and the x-men never actually believing the real story (but also like. why would they??? shes often so awful too)
shes attempted suicide canonically in the past. she loses control of herself. it’s also heavily implied she’s been assaulted in the past. anyways shes a sad baby too
— so thats about it for my murder baby! yike this got a lot longer than i expected it to but anyways i cant wait to write her with all of you!! <3
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Queer Eye - You Can’t Fix Ugly
Okay, to preface this: I don‘t like Reality TV. At all. I decided to put Queer Eye into my watchlist… because it was available, obviously queer and I‘d heard very good things about it.
I wanted to like this show, I really did! But going in, I was also very sure this was not going to be my kind of thing.
Hoo boy was I wrong about that!
Starting with the intro (just like the episode) I‘ve gotta say that I approve a helluva lot of all these rainbows and dancing guys. Very nice! The whole thing is very cute, very relatable, there‘s been a few faces and names. (Five, in fact, which I remember only because I know their group has been dubbed „Fab 5“ - they even put it on their number plate! How is that legal? I don‘t actually care!) How in hell is anybody supposed to remember so many people and faces though? Also, the intro seems a bit weirdly cut in some places? To match up their little speeches and give everyone equal screentime? Which is a good idea, but ends up a smidgen chaotic.
But it‘s VERY queer, VERY cute and I like the music! Introducing, then, the guy our actually very well put-together motley crew is out to fix! His routine and those interactions with the diner lady, as well as his own introduction itself, feel very staged. Then again, this IS a TV show. Everything is staged; it has to be.
It‘s both obvious that his daughter is the one who actually made Tom (yassss got the name) apply to this and she also seems to be the driving force behind this endeavour.
Then again, it‘s not like Tom himself doesn‘t realize he has a problem! He seems very willing to trust the Fab V with his life and it‘s sweet how he‘s looking forward to the new him! (Inciting factors for him wanting to change right now are… his grandson? Also his loneliness? And uh… him being too settled in his own routines and not knowing how to escape them? Let‘s see how that holds up later.)
Oh, that title-drop tho! They are not being subtle here! „You can‘t fix ugly“ seems to be set up as a statement that, at the same time is easily disproven and perceived by many to be true, making it an ambitious, great set-up for a first episode. Good job, show-runners! I also like the implication that by choosing to emphasise this statement as the one that needs to be torn out by the roots, they take a firm stance against letting genetic disposal (meaning something that one has no input in) dictate one‘s life and self-image. In the meantime, between fantastic shots of rural Georgia, the Gays are getting ready in the car – and I sense a theme here. To be fair, mostly because of all the car gifs that I‘ve seen on the internet. They can‘t possibly all come from this one episode. But still, I sense it in my bones.
Holy shit, I do love the ROMEOS! It‘s such a nice and self-humouring name! And I love how supportive all these old people are of the good dude. Is it too much to ask to have such a nice circle of friends to grow old with? Evidently not!
Just as evidently, they are also not afraid to give Tom shit, like, at all. They are brutally honest, in fact. And they do have very strong opinions on him needing to get his act together.
Why the constant reiteration of relationship issues, though? Isn‘t there another angle they could push? I mean, it‘s obvious that he‘s lonely and needs someone to share his life with and a girlfriend/wife would do him worlds of good… but why does EVERYONE instantly jump on that?
Seriously, jumping forward to the apartment inspection a bit, the main point every single person seems to consider is relationship and sex stuff. It does make me uncomfortable – not the relationship stuff itself, that‘s adorable, more that it‘s the one thing that, in the blink of an eye, becomes the focus of the whole episode. It‘s teased already, with the goal of the makeover being to make Tom a new and better Tom until the car show. Where he is going to take „a special person“. Maybe. But of course, there needs to be a tangible goal, to actually see some results. Aside from that, it is very cute to see the Gays play around with his stuff – Jonathan using the hair-dryer to blow his luscious locks around? And then picking out the… whatever that thing is supposed to be. A robe? Personally, I would probably murder anyone who‘d put their hands all over my stuff like that – but then again, that‘s what they were invited to do! It doesn‘t feel disrespectful either, the way they just have fun with his stuff and tease Tom about it. (To be honest, though, it was kind of surprisingly clean and everything? Except for the reclining chair of course, I do get why they were so grossed out by that thing… Not much of a revelation, then, that Tom had very little to do with the decoration of his own apartment. Which is obviously a problem! Hearing Tom talk, it is very obvious that he‘s never taken the time to shake off some of the influence his past relationships have had on him. Of course, you don‘t need to completely reinvent yourself once you break up with your partner; or the reverse. But even if Tom doesn‘t see it that way, he does tend to hang on to things that don‘t belong to his current life anymore. Having the Fab 5 rearrange his house will certainly help him have a space completely independent from past and evidently failed marriages…)
The pyjama was really cute though! I don‘t get why Tan jumped on it so viciously as a sex-killer – sure, it‘s NOT sexy, but it shows that the wearer doesn‘t hang on too much to a constructed self-image? Then again, Tom already radiated putting zero thought in his appearance at all times anyway. Good call, maybe. It is a pity that the dude doesn‘t take advantage of what he already possesses, though. Forgoing any kind of interesting in favour of comfortable and I‘m glad the Gays are there to show him that you can have both. (Even if that‘s the quintessential bisexual experience… shutting up, now!)
The skin care tips are very helpful and I like how they don‘t even give Tom a chance to blame everything on his lupus and instead show him ways to make flare-ups easier to circumvent and ease. And yeah, the beard does show potential. Not into it as much as Jonathan and Tan (?) seem to be, but… it`s good? Obviously a point of pride for Tom, too.
Oh, so that is what they meant with „culture“! Karamo is there for the psychological aspect of it all, for interpersonal relationships and the way he presents himself. Focussing on the dating website profile seems to make sense, then. Albeit the fact that it is rendered almost unimportant by the revelation occurring… in the kitchen?
How come the ONE conversation that didn‘t involve dating issues from the start derailed SO HARD into the big revelation? OF COURSE, after this there‘s no going back from that angle – the goal is now to woo a woman… that already loves him? And he loves her too?
Why the FUCK did they divorce though??? WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ABBY???
Very nice ending for the day: everybody tries the Redneck Margharita!
„Who doesn‘t love mountain dew? Who doesn‘t love margaritas?“
(Cue spluttering and dramatic puking noises)
„That shit was gross AF!“ Didn‘t think it was gonna be any good :/ All of the Fab 5 simultaneously screaming „you need to stop saying that“ whenever Tom‘s title-mantra comes up gives me life, btw. (Also, what DOES „snatched“ mean? Isn‘t it just like… SNATCHED? Help? Is there another secret slang meaning there?)
Second day! And they are ritually getting rid of The Chair, which, good for Tom! Very nice how they pulled this off!
Also great is how every bit of sexism and homophobia is addressed within seconds and murdered, but gently! It is both gratifying to see that being brought up in the show and very nice how Tom is willing to work on his attitude and internalized prejudices – a bit uncomfortable, but wholesome! Mattress shopping surely is not the most important thing in the world, but you sleep on those things every day… so you better get something that actually makes you feel good! Introducing the memory foam for back problems is very helpful and it‘s wonderful to see how much thought the Gays put into accommodating Tom‘s ailments – as they should! But back issues etc are not often approached with the care they demand and here, they are! Beautiful interactions between the Fab 5 themselves, too! The birth-reenactment was hilarious!
The vintage clothing store is looking good – great decoration and everything, but the best thing about this is that they‘re not actually buying much. Actually, the cap thingie might have been the only thing they bought? And it does make him look so much more sophisticated! It‘s really good that they‘re not replacing his whole wardrobe though – just giving him the means to shop for clothing that he‘ll look good in any time. (Everything is so cute!) (Isn‘t he wearing a reddish pink shirt right now? Wouldn‘t that also have to go into the „not your friend“-pile?) The makeover cleanses my soul. A new haircut! Better beard! All of this is such an upgrade and he looks so much better with just these relatively small changes! (Let‘s just hope he‘ll keep this up afterwards too?) Everybody complimenting him the second they lay eyes on him is both well-deserved and – repeating myself here – so very sweet. (I‘ll have to interrupt myself here, though – what. The fuck. Is going on with Antoni‘s smile? Who allowed him to have that??? Like, every single member of the Fab 5 is incredible. But this guy‘s smile? Divine. I don‘t do crushes on random celebrities – still don‘t – but hell if I didn‘t just fucking FALL IN LOVE with that smile. What even) The most interesting part by far is Karamo‘s, though – and it‘s comparably short, but holy hell if Tom ain‘t just calling Abby. Hoo boy, he‘s very forward and she seems to have no clue what‘s coming… aaaand she said yes! Awesome!
(Realistically, she must have signed all sorts of waivers to appear on this show and can‘t have been too surprised at what is happening here – but the conversation is also very short. Not a lot to analyze, there…) This point in the episode was when I felt a slight tinge in my cheekbones and realized that I was smiling; had been for a long time, actually. Thus began my descent into really loving this show that I so far have only seen one episode of. Oh well.
House reveal! House is amazing! Prepared Looks are amazing! The food, the body care, the beard care – everything is amazing! Tom‘s daughter reacting to all of that is just awwwww and my teeth are dissolving from all this sweetness! The grandson doesn‘t look too happy, but why would he?
Jonathan is just a reaction gif trapped in human form, I have no idea how many #relatable things he‘s said in this episode alone, but I believe that may be cuz it‘s been too many to count. ...and now everybody‘s crying, they‘re all saying goodbye – but there‘s still a fair chunk of the episode left? What… is going on? Of course! The car show! And of course, Tom has to do this alone, has to use the resources he‘s been given and prove his mettle!
Meanwhile, the Fab 5 are watching and commenting from afar. Golly, they can be mean though… I mean, yeah, there are a few hiccups with the outfit choice! (And the green stick thing. But he eventually found his nose!) In the end, though, BY GOLLY does Tom show that he hasn‘t forgotten everything. Even though he sticks with his most comfortable option. That‘s okay, buddy! Still need to have an ace in the sleeve for the next date(s)! That‘s the car show – is this the first time since his magical girl transformation that Tom actually meets his peers? They seem appropriately surprised and in awe. Every single one of these (tbf not that) old guys looks so happy to see their friend thrive and I‘m here for it! Holy crap, that‘s Abby! She‘s so pretty, what‘s up with that? Naaaawww that is cute. Gotta hand it to Tom, he may be incredibly unsubtle, but slick. Very slick.
Then again, as Abby, according to earlier in the episode, already loves him anyway, I don‘t think she requires that much persuasion? We‘ve got the upcoming dinner date and the „his and her“ space and it ends on a very positive note. All of this is culminating in Tom and Abby awkwardly getting closer – but the best thing?
The Fab 5 reacting to this ordeal! Why is this so lovely? Also, Antoni, put that smile away, I swear to all that is sparkly! (jk pls don‘t lol)
All in all, this first episode was surprisingly enjoyable, lovely to the nth degree and I think I might be addicted. Even the outro is a thing of beauty! Thanks for the concept explanation, the margarita tips and more impromptu dancing!
Actually, thanks for this whole show! I shall now scour the deepest edges of the internet for numerous flashes of Antoni‘s smile, and reappear to the surface only when but the grainiest snapshot remains untouched by my hungry eyes.
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paradcxes-blog1 · 6 years
ok ok ok i am finally making a little intro post for all my bbs!! i already want more so i’ll have to control myself right now lol!!
delaney cooper; 23; artist/photographer; bisexual; vanessa morgan
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delaney was born and raised in the rougher parts of kola so she can fight and argue until she’s blue in the face. 
she has that ‘don’t fuck with me’ attitude but she’s really a sweet person once you get to know her. she is mad loyal to her friends and family. 
10/10 will kick your ass. 
she has a huge love of art. she’s been drawing since she was little and moved into other areas as she grew older. 
she saved up enough money for a camera and she’s been making money being a photographer. 
her mother died when she was younger so it’s basically been her and her dad trying to stay up with the bills so delaney has worked many jobs over the years. bartender, maid, retail, waitress, you name it!
she loves being spontaneous and doing things at the jump of a hat. she has to stay busy to forget about her life tbh. 
she’s dated here and there over the years and only been in love once (wc!!) but that ended poorly. very poorly! but she’s had many hook ups as well. 
she wants to be in magazines with her art. that’s her ultimate goal. 
alex santiago; 28; paramedic; bisexual; ryan guzman
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his real name is alejandro miguel angel santiago but if you call him that, he will literally punch you in the face. alex is just fine. 
he is fluent in spanish and english and definitely will throw some spanish your way when he’s drunk. 
he’s one of four siblings, the second oldest. two brothers and one sister. it was a mess in this house. those poor parents lol. 
he’s from a middle class upbringing and was encouraged to attend college after high school but that wasn’t really his thing so he took a course for paramedics and that’s what he’s been doing for the last ten years. 
he loves his job like literally when is he not working? that’s a huge question. 
that’s part of the reason why he’s no longer engaged. 
he met a person (wc!!) many years ago in his early twenties and they were like that poster cute couple and alex loved them so much but he was distracted and it tore them apart. 
so he’s single and definitely finds time to have fun when he’s off shift. 
he used to bartend while he was taking classes to have a little money so he can mix a pretty mean drink. 
he loves kids but he’s not ready to have them. 
hudson clarke; 22; college student; homosexual; cody christian
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hudson comes from a rich family. his parents own a hotel in kola. 
he has a sister and a brother and most of the time they don’t get along but hudson tries hard. he’s the oldest so that’s his job, right? 
he’s a student athlete, trying to go pro after graduation so he’s always working out, practicing, all that. 
he could probably take over the family business but he has no interest in that. maybe a back up plan. 
hudson is gay af. he’s been in one relationship since coming out and they were together for a while but it just didn’t work out. (wc!!)
he’s also a frat boy and loves to party and hook up with guys and he’s on tinder all the time looking for some ass. fuckboy, plz. 
he doesn’t want to get too attached to anyone incase he gets drafted but he longs for a relationship and someone to care for him, y’know??
don’t challenge him in a game of anything bc you will probably lose and it’ll get ugly. 
he’s a pretty chill guy but can get angry if his buttons are pressed. idk??
jamie roberts; 21; college student; bisexual; noah centineo
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jamie’s full name is jameson but after one too many jokes about being named after alcohol, he goes by jamie. 
he’s probably one of the nicest guys you’ll meet??
he plays soccer for his school and he’s been playing all his life so he loves it. 
he likes to people watch and try to figure out what they’re thinking or planning on doing. 
he’s undecided major in college but leaning towards psychology because he likes how the mind works and mannerisms. 
he has a twin sister that he adores and would lit do anything for. (wc!!)
he loves to travel and discover new places. he hasn’t been too far out of kola but when he has, he definitely makes the most out of it. he wants to travel all over europe after graduation. 
he just loves that feeling of being free and able to do his own things without the constraints of life holding him back. 
he’s very wise for his age. 
he loves meeting new people and talking. he’s a huge talker and wants to know everything about you. 
he’s looking for that perfect person to travel with and enjoy their lives together. 
in the mean time, he’s dating here and there, having a good time. 
he drinks but not all that often. he wants to enjoy life without any of that. 
honestly, just a wholesome guy. someone you want around. 
come plot with all my bbs!!
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exquisite-yoongi · 7 years
This post is hella long but there is everything you should know or watch about Min Yoongi. You’ll find facts, best of fancams, unforgettable quotes & legendary lyrics.
• real name is Min Yoongi
• born 9 March 1993
• from Daegu 
• Suga is short for Shooting Guard (his position in basket)
• alias Min Suga alias Grandpa alias Agust D alias Motionless Min alias Turtle alias Sugar alias DBoy alias Min Suga Genius Jjang Jjang man Bboong Bboong 
• loves music 
• absolute lyrical genius
• raps faster than the speed of light. hella control over his voice (X)
• is ranked 11 as the fastest rapper on Korea & on top three as fastest ‘idol’ rapper
• plays the piano (X & X)
• amazing on stage : completely in his element
• released a mixtape under the name Agust D 
• his mixtape saved hip-hop. Saved lives. Saved the world goddamn Yoongi
• he produced his entire mixtape just by himself. Worked very hard on it every time he could (between schedule, in planes, along working for other musics for BTS)
• this masterpiece was released for free
• there is no imitation, no meaningless lyrics, no misogyny and no racial slurs on it
• his mixtape talks about him and his struggles
• was the happiest person in the world when he met Kumamom. It was way too adorable for this world to handle (X)
• very socially aware, he wants to use his fame to shift people’s attention to global problems 
• which he did with the campaign Love Yourself in 2017 
• when he got sick and was rushed to the hospital, he couldn’t assist a concert. During his vacation time, he went to the stadium by himself and wrote about it in the fancafe. He sat in the seats of the stadium and forced himself to imagine the fans’ emotions on the day that was supposed to be the concert. He then wrote a long apology. 
• works from 12 am to 6 am on music. even after a full day of training or concert preparation or filming etc. That’s why he sleeps whenever he gets the chance
• when BTS had to pack for their backpacking trip through Europe, he was the one that remembered to pack medicine and first aid supplies. he cleaned up before living the hotel room, helped cooking and was in charge of their budget
• wrote, composed, produced some of BTS songs (like Tomorrow, Never Mind, Dead Leaves, Boyz with Fun, ~) 
• participate in the making of almost every Bts song
• looks gorgeous in every hair colour 
• twice said he would sue Bighit if his hair started falling out haha
• gummy smile (X)
• laughs in 10 different ways
• in the song ’Moving On’ he dedicated his section to his Mom, who was sick after she gave birth to him
• he danced around the studio in the early hours of the morning when ’Never Mind’ was approved to be the intro of HYYH pt.2
• really like a lamb skewers. wants to open a lamb skewers restaurant with Jungkook (X)
• his only goal is to make music that gives people emotions or comfort
• the root of his passion goes back to when he started making music at the age of 13
• his dream was to perform at Olympic Gymnastics Arena. at the end of the concert, he looked for his parents and brother in the crowd. when he saw them he smiled and got on the floor to do a deep bow (the kind where your forehead touches the ground) and cried for the first time at a concert (X & X)
• at fansigns, fan get to write them a question “What’s more important? Face or body?” Is asked a lot and Yoongi is the only one that writes a third option “Personality” and circles it and write that it’s the most important. he does this every time the question comes up
• when asked for the ideal weight in a girl he writes a ridiculous number
• when asked what age difference he would date he wrote 81 years haha
• tells everyone to eat well and take care of themselves 
• loves his fans more than anything
• extremely open-minded person 
• in a recent interview in the US, he always specified boyfriend or girlfriend when asked about dating
• when he and Namjoon were being disrespected by Bfree during an interview, he stayed calm and handled the situation very well.
• then proceeded to drag the HELL OUT OF HIM in Cypher pt.2
• the S in Suga stands for Savage
• sarcasm is his second name
• relatable af
• the time he and Hoseok (J-hope) reacted to a try not to laugh challenge of themselves and Yoongi laughed so hard he choked
• his existence is art
• the thing he does when his members are doing embarrassing stuff he just curls up and covers his face
• on his first birthday after he debuted he spent his own money to make gifts for the fans and hand-wrote over 300 notes (each one different…!)
• took pictures of Jungkook at his graduation like he was a proud parent
• the time when he and Hoseok lost a game and didn’t get dinner, Jimin brought them a crab from their table and Yoongi let Hoseok have it “seeing my dongsaeng eat makes me feel full”
• he silently takes care of bangtan
• says his members are his closest friends
• says Bighit is like a family
• when Hoseok was celebrating New Years alone in the dorms, Yoongi left his family and showed up with chicken just so Hoseok wouldn’t have to spend new years by himself
• that time during a fanmeeting a fan asked him “My Yoongi vitamin. I like you so much that I can’t live properly, tell me how to solve this?” and he responded “Just totally give up on this life and just only look at me.” (X)
• that one time Yoongi got really passionate about coffee and said he needed 309 people to help him “catch” coffee
• the time he sang his heart out with Hoseok for “I was able to eat well” and sounded terrible
• the time they had a high note challenge and Yoongi sang so high that no noise came out (X)
• so extra all the time
• that time he had to introduced himself and pulled confetti out of his pocket and threw it over himself (X)
• but also unamused all the time
• he’s a paradox
• the way he’s scared of fireworks going off (X)
• easily put in place by Jin, but also ignores all of his jokes
• really good dancer
• he just works hard
• that time a member woke him up by accident and Yoongi swore on camera (X)
• literally a deadass person at the awards show until Namjoon was up next to perform and Yoongi couldn’t stop being hyped and looking for him (X)
• that time Min Yoongi fell off a chair and told us on Twitter and RM made fun of him and suggested we now call him “MinClumsy” or “MinButt” 
• #MinButt (#민덩방아) was then trending on Twitter
• RM proceeded to publish a picture where Yoongi shows his butt and put 2 bandages on him (X)
• says he’s not always the best at expressing himself verbally, but wants everyone to know he is always thankful
• said in an interview his life style was “sleep eat work” 
• proud father of Shooky, his BT21 character 
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• Airplane pt.2, Lotte Family Concert (180622) -> I need holy water (1:44)
• First Love, Wings Tour Final (171208) -> couldn’t finish singing because of his emotions
• Spring Day, MMA (171202) -> absolute god
• Come Back Home, SEO TAIJI 25th Concert Anniversary (170924) -> this whole concert was dope tbh
• Fire, MMA (161119) -> infires man
• Blood Sweat & Tears, Mnet MCountdown Comeback Stage (161027) -> bless the wind
• Fire, (160907) -> happy, cute, cocky and sexy all at once
• Baepsae, in Beijing (160723) -> tired but still oh boy damn. 
• Tomorrow, in Beijing (160723) -> sweating Yoongi
• I like it pt. 2, (160614) -> smiles everytime he hears the fans screaming because of their dance then acts sexy on purpose
• Dope, KBS Open Concert (160315) -> this boy has no chill god dammit
• I Need U + Run, MBC (151231) -> Yoongi playing the piano
• I Need U, (151106) -> looks so good 
• Boyz With Fun, (151028) -> Suga having fun + smile smile smile + looks so fine 
• Cypher pt. 2 & 3, All Force One (150920) -> if you don’t know about this you’re missing on something big. 
• “A to the G to the U to the STD” - Agust D
• “My seat is business, yours is economy, forever behind me kissing my ass” - Agust D
• “Min Yoongi is already dead (I killed him)” - The Last
• “A word said like habit, oh, I don’t give a shit, I don’t give a fuck, those words are all words I use to hide my weak self” - The Last
• “This world sprinkled with my creations, I’ve tasted sweetness and bitterness and even shit, from that time I tried to sleep on the floor of a bathroom, now it’s a memory to me” - The Last
• “Dream, rather than humble, at the end we’ll be prosperous” - So Far Away
• “A brown piano settled on one side” - First Love 
• “It’s not easy but I say to myself, If you think you’re going to crash, step on the pedal harder” - Never Mind
• “Bultaoreune” - Fire
• “Yes, look down on me like that. It’s my hobby to prove you wrong” - We On
• “If I’m the sun you’re the moon, because when I rise, you go down.” - Cypher pt. 2 : Triptych
• “I’m a starfish that eats and grows on your jealousy and envy, As you know, my voice will turn you on, Whether it’s a guy or girl, my tongue will make you come" - Cypher pt.3 
• “Mic mic bungee” - MIC Drop
• “I’m a D-boy yeah I’m a D-boy” - Ma City 
• “love yourself love myself peace” - MMA (171202)
• "Min Suga. Genius. Those two words should be enough"
•  “I want to reincarnated and be a rock in my next life”
• “I’m father Louis Williams Suga Adams the Third”
• “I’m good at doing ugly stuff”
• “I’d like to introduce you to my lover… this neckpillow”
• “I’ve always wanted to nap in a different country”
Inspired by x 
OTHER MEMBERS : Jin / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Taehyung / Jungkook 
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britishchick09 · 4 years
danger force christmas special livewatch
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welcome to the final livewatch of 2020, ‘chapa kills santa!’ ...jk it’s called ‘down goes santa’ (same thing right?). without further ado, let’s dive into the chaos of ‘the best story of christmas’!
the little pre-show channel bumper has a kid skating on tp... ONLY IN 2020!
the theme at the beginning of the ep is ‘deck the halls’ aww :)
chapa: “did you get a job at nacho ball?” bose: “i got a career at nacho ball.” eyyyy ;D (also how does he have a job isn’t he like 12?)
chapa: “i’d say that’s an emergency, MILES!!!!!!!” oh boy will there be screaming chapa in this??
also since she cares a lot about christmas stuff maybe she won’t be the one to kill santa?
chapa: “no i don’t love christmas” BOIIIII
mika: “you took a long time to answer that question.” lol :D
why does ray sound so creepy when he says “oh you wanna hear a... christmas story?”
ray: “do you wanna hear the real christmas story?” the kids: “NO!!” lol :D
also all the kids said ‘ew!’ at the sight of it they really don’t want this story huh
story: “the first one was generous and jolly. the other was hot and fun.” lol
santa’s bro was named crampus wut
OMG SCHWOZ JUST SHREDDED THAT GUITAR YO!!! also hello george harrison’s lucy nice seeing you here :)
crampus wanted a jet ski and spent 1000 years on the naughty list where does this take place
this story is awesome not gonna lie :D
ray got the book from the truth store lol
story: “one day in the mid 90s” CLARISSA IS THAT YOU???
santa was lured to the desert with ‘promises of fish tacos, motocross and illegal fireworks’ lol
‘dill-weebs’ lol
santa and anti-santa fought in an abandoned mall lol
that was such a great story! :D
miles: “i don’t believe any of that!” ray: “CRAMPUS TOUCH!!!” miles: *SCREAMS*
and ray walks away with an evil laugh... >:)
mika’s sweater is so cute! :D
and the audience cheers! :D
schwoz: “the big man will be here soon!” bose: “you mean shaq?” lol :D
schwoz cleans santa’s sleigh how cool! :D
there’s a corn lady in a corn truck ICE CREAM TRUCK WHO??? I DON’T KNOW HER
ooh the gums can be used to transform their civilian clothes too!
awww ray did it for chapa’s christmas love! ♥
ray: “our pants are down. we’re exposed!!!” ???
OHHH IT’S ‘P.A.N.T.S’ :o
is santa gonna land in the man’s nest without protection?
santa’s beard is gray now is he my dad lol
chapa: “WE SHOT SANTA CLAUS!!!” out of context that line is so sad yet still hilarious
why did the meme airhorn just play
crampus: “it’s party tiiiimeee!!!” lol
the intro happened 10 AND A HALF MINUTES INTO THE 22 MINUTE EP what a record! :o
why did ray return with a big af senpai ball of yarn and needles
ooh the kids brought back strawberry ice cream :o
miles’ actor’s name appeared just as he was on screen coolio :D
there’s a sign on santa that says ‘none of your buzyness’ NUNYA WHO
also miles and chapa say ‘buzyness’ like nunya lol
santa doesn’t know who he is HO HO NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
chapa keeps zapping ray when she disapproves what he says YO CHAPA
bose is a mechanic apparently coolio :D
they’re getting christmas day off BUT NOT XMAS DAY
bose: “it could be worse!” *sees crampus* “hey, i was right, it’s worse!”
crampus: “where’s my brother uglies!” his watch: “sick burn, crampus that stings!!” lol
crampus can teleport coolio :D
the side effects of catching crampus are ‘hotness and diarrhea’ why :(
ray: “don’t say anything!” bose: “he left!” ray: “...seriously”
ray: “news is boring” indeed it is
on the newscrawl it says orphans were hit with a sack of presents who
the newsman said ‘in part 2 of our news-’ AND THERE’S A PART 2 OF THE SPECIAL EYYYY ;D
miles and mika transformed to applause! :D
punk bose thinks taco tuesday is the best holiday lol
english orphans are on the news WHY
HOLD UP are those the orphans from one of the previous eps???
the english boy sounds like schwoz when he’s crampus-fied lol
english girl: “percy you know i only have one lung!” ...omg
crampus is putting his hands all over the xmas sack AND IT’S SO WEIRD WTF
news lady: “now that you’ve found the sack of presents you can give them to the orphans!” ray and chapa don’t sound too thrilled with that...
it’s 8:28 pm when ray and chapa are at the news station NOT A LOT OF TIME LEFT TO SAVE SANTA!!!
the news people, orphans and crampus with energy drinks: “TACO TUESDAY LIFE!!” news guy: “LIFE SPELLED WITH A Y!!!” ray chapa GET THESE GUYS BACK FAST!!!!!!
aaand it didn’t work :/
news guy: “looks like this story will be c-c-c-continued!!!!” indeed it will! :D
onto part 2!
the main santa lady almost sounds like nat from bob’s burgers :D
did schwoz just speak russian??
schwoz: “♬ you’re never too cool for the holidays! ♬” yay! :D
bose: “rule number sleighven-“ i thought crampus hated christmas WHY THE XMAS PUN DUDE??
schwoz gave bose a candy cane AND IT TURNED HIM BACK YAS!!!! :D
bose: “♬ i used to love these as a boy... ♬” schwoz: “♬ you’re not a man... ♬” lol :D
bose’s singing isn’t the best but schwoz is great! :D
bose is happily helping yay! :D
the magic of christmas is tossing people a wrench lol :D
did bose just say ‘i still have these gross dimples’??? DIMPLES ARE ADORABLE BOSIE
an hp ad just played TWICE IN A ROW WHYYYYY
mika and miles look great as santa! :D
all the santas think they’re the real santa lol
real santa’s a rapper dj now lol :D
the santa lady just got a text from a 909 number is that the swellview version of 1-800?
santa lady to crampus: “who are you and what’s your number?” WOAH WOAH LADY YOU DON’T WANNA DATE THIS DUDE BRO
the lady didn’t change when crampus touched her WAS IT THE GLOVES???
mika used her shouting powers on crampus AND HE’S IN HIS UNDIES GROSS CRAMP :(
the santa lady likes crampus’ max body spray WHY LADY????
the into for this ep is 7 and a half minutes in and this is more like it! :D
i skipped the intro last time BUT IT’S AN XMAS THEMED ONE YAS!!!! :D
ray: “outta the way poor people santa just got his christmas bag!!” ray stop
also the card for ray’s actor appeared when he spoke cool :D
...no he’s just being ray
santa lady: “why do i get thrown through a door at this party every year?’ either you’re drunk or you just like slamming yourself through doors???
schwoz calls crampus ‘crampooss’ and it’s just his accent but it’s super funny :D
bose: “things can’t get worse!” news guy: “things just got a whole lot better...” bose: “see?” news lady: “for CRAMPUUUSSSSSS!!!!” bose: “...they got me.” lol silly bose! :D
crampus’ message is ‘rap, rock, love and CHRISTMAS HATE’
schwoz called italy ‘itallee’ lol :D
the world wide news anchors are just the swellview ones with accents lol :D
bose sees all those anchors being infected AND ALL HE WANTS IS A RUSSIAN HAT
oh hello ray
ray: “why didn’t anyone tell me lake swellview was frozen?” chapa: “,,,it’s december.” lol :D
bose called the infected people ‘crampas’ lol :D
schwoz pronounces christmas ‘christmuss’ :D
they have to go to the abandoned mall OMGGG!!!!!!!!!
the kids really don’t want ray to take a coal bath
crampus called the santa lady ‘babe’ ARE THEY A THING????
santa: “can i get nexties for a massage?” ...nexties?
YO the lady has cardboard cutouts of bts in her bathroom YOU’RE NOT DAN AND PHIL WITH THE 1D PIC
909 reminds me of ‘one after 909′ and that’s a lot better than this place!
bose got ‘ultra dark sick glasses’ OH NOES
miles is still standing GO MILES!!!!! :D
crampus said he and miles could be friends awww :)
...did crampus just say ‘your call t-mobile’
santa lady: “oh god THEY’RE FIGHTING OVER ME :D’ no they’re fighting for the other santa MS LADY
ray cried at KUNG FU PANDA????
maybe ray can give his jet ski to crampus to redeem him
ray said ‘oh gross that’s mine’ to miles’ (and my) suggestion :/
mika says muffled things and ray completely understands her lol :D
OMG CRAMPUS IS BACK!!! and he kind of looks like henry??
the hp ad played but the 2nd one had text this time so that’s cool i guess?
santa still doesn’t remember oh noes :o
bose could lift the sleigh and miles could teleport to different houses AND CHAPA IS RUDOLLLLLPHHHH!!!!!
bose said the ‘guide my sleigh tonight’ to mika lol :D
christmas is ‘taco tuesday’ but better :D
the kids are great as santa
miles: “merry christmas you filthy animals!” ooh home alone reference
a button down shirt and a ball made the news anchors transform back aww :D
all 7 members of bts are next omg why can’t it be blackpink
and mika is still muffled
crampus looks like freddy mercury
and he’s with ray and santa! :D
that was a fun christmas special and it’ll certainly be a classic! what a way to end 2020 livewatches! :)
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felicityb-reviews · 7 years
Review Roundup - Week 2 January 2018
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Hello loves!! My name is Jace (aka Felicity B), and this is your Review Roundup for the second week of January 2018!! I can't really tell if I liked this week in music better than I did last week. There's a better variety songs, at least.
Beware (Stray Kids)
I really wanna like these kids, because it's obvious af that JYP does not.
Nothing they've released has really been up my alley. Beware (I realize that the actual name of the song is GRRR Total Law of Madness, but sis...) sounds like a better produced version of Wolf, and you'd think that was a good thing because Wolf was a poorly produced mess. But this song takes itself so fucking seriously. It's not terrible, but it's not something I really want to listen to again.
I don't get JYP's angle with this group. First, there was the survival show that wasn't really a survival show (which I'm glad, because I fucking hate actual survival shows). And before that was Hellevator, another overly serious song that makes me roll my eyes. And now this. I really don't wanna be a dick because this is their second release and they're teenagers, but I'm not a fan of being growled at by a bunch of high schoolers and then having my ears assaulted by nasal singing (because, of course, their vocalists sound like they're trained by the same people who trained JB). It's not a fun experience.
Do betta, JYP.
Rating - 1/5
Going Going (Jang Wooyoung)
Oh look, it's another JYP act with a bad song!!
Okay, the song isn't that bad, but there's not enough positives for me to overlook the negatives. Of which there are many.
Firstly, this an uptempo that drags; I literally could not wait for the new section to begin, because I was ready for the last one to end. And this is New Jack Swing, baby. My black ass fucking loves New Jack Swing (yes, even The Boys). But I could give you an entire playlist of K-Pop songs in the style of NJS that are W A Y better than this.
Secondly, Wooyoung doesn't sound particularly good singing on top of it. The rap bits were the best parts of the song, for me. Which is about 90% not his fault, because whoever was on vocal production duties was slacking. His voice sounds like dude dropped them on the beat, adjusted the levels a lil bit, added some reverb to sound like he actually did his job, and went tf home.
Thirdly, the arrangement of this song is weird af. What do I mean by that?!?! There are two choruses. Yes honey, you read that correctly - two choruses. The song starts out with a section you'd assume is the chorus, but when you get to the second chorus, it's something completely different. In fact, you don't hear this first "chorus" till the end of the song again (which, in hindsight, I'm glad you only hear it twice, because the lyrics make me roll my eyes so hard and the vocal melody has the weirdest rhythm pattern). I guess that's not too weird when I write it out, but it majorly throws you off when you hear it play out in the song. For me, anyway. Which is surprising, because Red Light and I Got A Boy are All Time Faves™ of mine (with Oh! being a runner up). But I guess I just don't like it here.
Once again - Do betta, JYP.
Rating - 2/5
Don't Leaves (Block B)
And here come the ballads!! We're not mad at it, tho.
We all knew what kind of ballad Don't Leave Me was gonna be. More of a midtempo than an actual ballad, Don't Leave Me sounds a bit like a B1A4 or Seventeen song, but with Block B's track record as of late, we're not gonna dock points for that. Don't Leave Me starts out with a filtered percussion section that they unfilter for about 2.75 seconds before getting into the verse, almost as if they're reassuring us that they haven't gonna completely left of center with this ballad. Which is nice, because it creates a nice transition (not the word I'm working for, but you get what I mean) into the verse. And from there, they layer in more elements to create a nice backdrop for Block B's vocalists to actually show us what they can do.
Because God knows Shall We Dance was literally Zico and the boys. It was fucking ridiculous.
From the teasers, I thought I was gonna hate this (or be extremely apathetic to it ) but I should've known better. These B1A4 style/YG template ballads always get me, sooner or later (*WINN4R cackling as Fool plays in the background*). This isn't something I'm gonna put into Heavy Rotation (because God only knows my hyperempathetic ass doesn't need another reason to randomly be thrust into a depressive episode), but I wouldn't relegate this to Shuffle Bait.
Especially with Zico and P.O sounding as good as they do here. Granted, Zico sings half his verse and P.O doesn't rap at all, but you gotta take those small victories where you can find them. And they have really nice singing voices, too.
Rating - 4/5
The girl from back then (LONG:D)
This, however, is a ballad that's going right into Shuffle Bait. If I even download it, at all.
Where is the LONG:D that gave me All Night, sis?!?!?! The intro literally sounds like the Sad Piano Music™ that Youtubers download en masse from those royalty free music sites. Like, I was literally tempted to skip this release all together, but I rather like the way LONG:D's vocalist sounds (if Baekhyun was a properly trained and a baritone who actually needed all that chestiness in his mix, with a dash of Kang Seung Yoon's rasp).
The girl from back then sounds like a more generic version of Seventeen's Campfire. It's not what I'd consider a classical ballad (has too much going on), but it's just as boring as one. On repeat listens, the Gospel influences (however faint they are) did grow on me, but I can't even see myself wanting to listen to this when I'm in the mood for downtempo ballads. LONG:D's voice puts this into Shuffle Bait, but just barely.
It's too anybody of a ballad, sis.
Rating - 2.5/5
Dongwoo's demonic ass starting this song with a whispered "Anywhere, Anytime" should have prepared me for how catchy this fucking song was gonna be.
Tell Me, like Wooyoung's Going Going, starts off with the chorus. But instead of giving us two different choruses when no one needed that in their life, it makes a very typical pop song sound a lot more interesting than it actually is.
Now... What Tell Me's composers/producers did isn't original by any stretch of the imagination. I know it seems a little counterproductive to mention this before I explain what they did (and why it's so cool), but I just know someone is going to try me on this.
Tell Me (after Dongwoo terrorizes us with the raspiness in his voice) starts with the chorus, but a very stripped back and simplistic version of it. If you're not paying attention (which I might not have been the first time I listened), you could easily mistake it for the verse. That surprised me, because composers/producers don't usually start out their songs with the chorus being sung, if they have the chorus first; they usually play the chorus melody using some kind of instrument that sounds important (like Orange Caremel's Magic Girl, for example). Tthey'll also usually have it going at full intensity, so when it switches to the verse it's very obvious that what you just experienced was the chorus (since that's usually the most important aspect of the song in pop music).
So yeah, nothing too left field, just an interesting twist on an oft used formula.
Outside of that, this song is a very typical INFINITE title track. Very intensity, much dramas. Which I don't hate, because they're one of three groups in K-Pop who can do a song like this, and not bore me to death.
Rating - 4.5/5
Secret Garden (Oh My Girl)
Secret Garden is Orchestral Pop. It's not just typical, it's cliche af. Even IU, circa 2010, wouldn't have touched this with a 10ft pole.
But God save us all, I really like this song. And it's not even that I'm OMG trash (their anti-South Asian foolery during Windy Day era, combined with my general disinterest with anything they've done since then, stopped that right in it's track), but that chorus melody, sis. It's just so G O O D!! That, combined with the sweet, almost milk chocolatey texture of the instrumentation makes me feel like I'm floating. And you know what, 2018 is all about me livin my best Gife™ (Gay Life), but it's also about me being self-indulgant and liking what I like, no guilt attached.
I will say that I wish that this song had more live instrumentation in it. Those strings are definitely synth generated, and it's kind of distractingly obvious. The percussion is also too heavy for this type of song. It feels like I'm listening to a demo that OMG's company decided to send to a mastering house and release, cause they couldn't be fucked to work on the song anymore. It doesn't ruin it for me, but I can't help but notice these things.
Rating - 3/5
Glow (Choi Jaemin featuring EZ KIM)
Glow is a Sad™ song for Sad Days™. This is a song that throws down a blanket of it's angst and just revels in it. And while that isn't something I'm trying to listen to On The Daily™, I can save this for for those really bad days I just need to cry out those ugly emotions.
Contrary to what I said about Secret Garden, Glow is a song I felt like could have been beefed up by some electronic elements. The bass could have been thickened up in post, because it feels too limp for a song like this. Hell, they could added a low af ass sine bass to sumplement the bassist, and I wouldn't have minded. Overall, the production of this song is very loose. And I get that super tight production in an emotive song like this would have bleached out all the emotion, but more could have been done to tighten up how the elements don't really blend together. Especially the vocalists. They don't really fit together like they should, and I guess that kind of enhances the experience since this song feels like one long ass disonant chord, but still.
Teenage me would have played this song to death. Which makes me glad that I'm not that person anymore.
Rating - 3/5
Lonely (Jo Kwon)
See... I wanted to be petty, and just post his dance videos with Lia Kim, but we're trying to be a better person in 2018.
This is a really nice ballad. Not something I'd put on Heavy Rotation (i feel like a fucking broken record), but if he H A D to do a classical ballad, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I'd have preferred a ballad like his duet with Gain, Q&A, but it was nice of Mr Kwon to remind us plebians that while he is a Dancing Diva™, he did get his start as a ballad singer.
I'm gonna need him to throw it back to his Animal days for the next release, tho. This was nice and all, but I need to see him featuring in Hyuna's next comeback with those shiny red boots and a trope of male dancers.
Also in red heels.
Rating - 3/5
Candy Pop! (TWICE)
Firstly, can I just say that TWICE's Japanese team are R E AL L Y giving these girls the push to be huge, because this video is ridiculously high budget. That is the best animation I've seen in a J-Pop music video. And I used to be a huge J-Pop stan before I got into K-Pop.
Secondly, whoever put that pink monstrosity on my girl, Sana, needs to be fired. I just can't, sis.
Do betta, JYP.
Lots of people are not a fan of Candy Pop, and I can't lie - that's partially why I like it so much. I will admit that I'm a sucker for cutesy pop tracks like these, but I'm also a petty bitch who's no stranger to loudly stanning TWICE because people want to talk shit out the side of their mouths about their supposed lack of talent.
News flash Marleigh/Zeno - the concept of talent in K-Pop literally doesn't fucking matter, because your level of talent does not dictate the kind of music you produce. Groups like SPICA and Mamawhomst Mamamoo have songs that vary wildly in quality, because some of the people they've worked with get lazy af when they work with vocal groups.
Anyway, Candy Pop will do just fine in Japan, because TWICE already have a sizable following there and it fits within the sonic landscape. It also has some pretty cool musical twists, like a halftime break for a post-chorus refrain. I definitely like One More Time better (Candy Pop can get aurally tiring pretty quickly because of that chorus, which is why that post-chorus breakdown is appreciated), but Candy Pop is pretty great, too.
Rating - 4/5
Spotlight (MONSTA X)
Monsta X may have revisited their debut sound, but I don't want to stab them all for it. It's a Christmas miracle!!
Spotlight is Monsta X doin' what Monsta X does best - intense trapstep uptempos with choreography to match. The difference between something like this and Trespass (*shudder*) is that they're taking themselves W A Y less seriously. They look like they're having fun ruining our lives with how hot they are, and even though Spotlight isn't something I'd describe as ~fun~, that still translates to the music.
Spotlight was quite the surprise for me when Universal Japan dropped the video on us. Mostly because it was a Japanese release with a full MV on Youtube (don't look at me like that, Japanese companies are allergic to digital releases actually making sense), but also because I had no idea MX was in Japan.
Spotlight is a banger. It brings me joy to see MX showing their sons how to make music like this and not be absolutely boring or pretentious af. This song is definitely going on Heavy Rotation.
Rating - 4.5/5
Stagger (Cheetah)
This song makes me extremely uncomfortable.
And I get that that was the point, with the video featuring Cheetah in various states of intoxication, but... God, I just feel so fucking unsettled anytime I listen to this song. It feels Wrong™. I get the concept (it's actually pretty cool), but you can't just be outchea makin' songs that no one wants to listen to more than once. That makes no sense, sis.
How does one even describe this song?!?!?! First, there's that horn (I think) sample that has been manipulated to all fuck. There's no way in hell they just copy n pasted that from somewhere with it sounding like that. That's like the base of the song. And then you've got that stilted drum machine patterns, combined with parts of the song playing in reverse. Cheetah almost doesn't fit in this song with how sharp her rapping is, but it works (I guess), because it adds to the disonant atmosphere of the track.
I'm here for artistry and experimentation in popular music circles, but can we make songs that people can actually, you know... LISTEN TO?!?!?!?!?!?
I will say that I'm here for the preview she showed at the end of the video, tho. Ma'am outchea givin us High Fashion Butch™ with a tropical beat, and my wig was instantly in tatters.
Rating - 1/5
20th Century (V.E.I.L)
Idk who V.E.I.L is, but I love this song.
The quickest way to get me into your band is to give me New Wave. Or NuDisco. Or Deep House. Or Lo Fi Electronica (like 20th Century). To be honest, you could give me any number of throwbacks to the '80s or '90s, and I'd fucking love you.
But that's neither here nor there.
20th Century is a fun af song, and I wonder when this became such an oddity in K-Pop. Companies these days (as well as stans) are obsessed with perfection in their groups, at the cost of personality. And granted, it's always kind of been this way, but it's at an all time high these days. Every group performs like a well oiled machine. Which is great. But they look like robots. And with the music these agencies give their groups, it's not a pleasant experience. Very rarely is a terrible one, but at least when it's bad, it registers a reaction.
Anyway, 20th Century sounds like something I'd expect from the Polysics (now that's a throwback to my weeb days, if I've ever seen one), but more on the electronic side. It's got that same Lo Fi/'90s feel to it, but it's dressed up in '80s synthpop. Which is never a bad thing. A part of me almost wonders what this song would be like if an idol group promoted it, but she quickly hushes up when my logical side reminds her an idol group would never promote anything with production this Lo Fi.
I mean, there's TAHITI's Tonight, but sis... Let's not kick 9muses 2.0 while they're down.
Rating - 4/5
Butterfly (Weki Meki)
Fascinating how Weki Meki had to have their comeback delayed because of trouble with a shareholder, but they were able to push out this song for the Winter Olympics.
But I'm sleep, tho.
Weki Meki's Butterfly is a cover of the 2009 OST for the film Take Off, originally by Loveholics. Weki Meki's cover was released in honour of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games.
Um... I like Weki Meki's cover more than the original.
Weki Meki's cover is in the style of synthpop, and that fits the chord progressions and song structure a lot more than the pop/rock arrangement of the original. It also brings out the nostalgic vibes of the song, because these types of chord progressions were used very heavily in the '80s/'90s. After listening to Weki Meki's cover, the original just sounds flat and poorly produced. Which I mean, K-Pop didn't really have good production till about 2013/2014.
The video linked above doesn't feature the full song, so here's a lyrics video that does.
Rating - 4/5
Electric Kiss (EXO)
Yes, I do realize this song has been floating around the EXOnet since around November, but I haven't seen an official release featuring the full song till this dance practice. And I've been wanting to cover this forever.
You guys, tell me why I thought EXO was really about to throw some 5th Harmony/BO$$ type shit down with that intro?!!?! I really thought I was about to get EXO outchea, flexin' on these heauxs, but maybe we aren't ready for alladat. Lordt knows the way EXO L reacted to Lotto shows it.
But that's neither here nor there, sis. What matters is how amazing Electric Kiss is. She starts out strong with heavy brass stabs and an even heavier drum beat, and only builds from there. Miss Kiss is not playin' games with us, ladies. She might not have been the BO$$ style flex that I thought she was gonna be, but that doesn't mean she's a slouch, neither.
When teasers for a Japanese EXO album turned up on SM's YT channel (which makes no fucking sense, but okay, girl), I was iffy. With singles out like Love Me Right ~romantic universe~ (as if adding a subtitle would make that song any better) and Coming Home, I was not hopeful. But Electric Kiss bangs harder than anything EXO has released since Call Me Baby. I never would have expected a Japanese EXO campaign to net me music this good with how bad their Japanese singles have are, but I really should've known better. EXO has always thrown down when it comes to the music, and Electric Kiss is a certified B A N G E R!!
I was tempted to put this in the Fabulous Five, but the songs there deserve to be, so...
Rating - 4.5/5
Refresh (TSUN featuring YUMADA)
So I see y'all just gon' hit me with the a sexier version of Blah!??!?!?! We really doin' that, sis?!?!?!
Alright, sis... Don't be mad when you see these rough ass body rolls.
Refresh, like I mentioned above, is a sexier version of Planetarium's Blah. It's the same kind Tropic/RnB hybrid arrangement, but the instrumentation is more Tropical than RnB. Miss TSUN's singing definitely gives Refresh an RnB vibe, tho. The production here is a little loose, but it's not too glaring obvious.
Rating - 3.5/5
The Fabulous Five
5. Timeless (Jaehyun, Doyoung, and Taeil of NCT U)
Firstly, I need someone to tell me what song this sounds like, because it's been bothering me since release. These chords sound vaguely familar to me, I just can't tell what song Timeless shares them with.
Moving on.
When SM annouced that the NCT U Trio were making a comeback with a ballad for SM Station, I was not pleased. Station ballads are notorious for being lackluster af, and I was annoyed that SM really wanted this to be the song that followed Lower.
This is me eating my words.
I'm a little blown away at how amazing this turned out. NCT is a "group" (if you can even call them that) that has always come as more machine than man, so a ballad release (especially a Station ballad release) is the opposite of what I wanted from them. But they sound so raw and vulnerable here, it's a little heartbreaking.
Doyoung, Taeil, and Jaehyun are all very nice vocalists, but it is clear that Taeil is the main vocal of this unit, sis. Like... A bitch really started tearing up during his parts!! Doyoung and Jaehyun have the technical skill, but Taeil was really outchea singin' for his life!! And his belts are so nice?!?!? Fuck... He's really giving Taeyong a run for his money as my NCT bias, and I don't need this.
I can see why they wanted to do a live video here - K-Pop producers have a tendency to overdo the vocal production when doing studio recordings. And while that results in perfect vocals, it comes at the cost of any emotion or integrity in the vocal performance. And for an artform like K-Pop where the ability to emote isn't high up on the list of requirements for idols, that's a big fucking deal. Especially when ballads are usually used as more of a way to show off vocal ability than what they're supposed to. Which is kind of ironic, considering most main/lead vocalists have shit technique, and are usually picked for their ability to belt really powerfully (read - holler real loud).
I definitely would not have liked this if it was studio recorded. Yes, they're recording this *in* a studio (them vocals is too clean, sis), but... Y'all know what the fuck I mean!!
Rating - 5/5
4. Full Moon (Dreamcatcher)
Dreamcatcher said in a recent interview that they do enjoy their sound, and most of the members (literally everyone except one; and even then, she just wanted to branch out a lil) would like if they could go darker. So I guess this is their agency honoring that.
Full Moon is a very typical Dreamcatcher song (which makes sense, since this is their anniversary release) with symphonic elements mixed within a heavy rock backdrop, which gives off the vibe of heavier J-rock and VISUAL KEI songs. And you wouldn't think that would make for a very pop friendly song, but their composers/producers use very pop-friendly chord progressions and song arrangements. Add in the members of Dreamcatcher (who have voices that are very suited to pop music), and you have a formula that shouldn't work. But it does.
It works, oh so well.
The video linked above doesn't feature the full song (I'm guessing they're gonna release the full video with their March comeback, because the song is already out in full), so here's their performance at their fan meeting that does.
Rating - 5/5
3. I'm all ears (Kim Taeyeon)
I'm all ears is a song from Taeyeon's Christmas album (which I might have downloaded, but never listened to). I'm guessing the video release is a gift to the fans type dealio, because she's not promoting it.
I find it interesting that I'm all ears was included on a Christmas themed album, because it feels springy. In fact, this song almost feels like Taeyeon heard Jessica's Because It's Spring, and decided that she wanted to make her own version. Which I'm cool with, because I like I'm all ears better. I like when Taeyeon gives us light and airy. Beltyeon is annoying, because her belts sound pinched and nasal. And Taeyeon relies on them far too much to cover up the fact that she can't emote very well with her voice.
But this is good.
I'm definitely putting this song on Heavy Rotation. I know, #Shocking. But if anyone peeped how I was fawned over Twenty Something from last week's list, it really shouldn't be that surprising.
Rating - 5/5
2. Love You (Eom Ji Hee)
Now this is a real throwback to my youth days (don't ask, I'm not about to become That Kind™ of blog).
There's something so... Nice™ about hearing something this raw and unmastered, especially since we're so used to hearing such high production values in K-Pop. And I know I've clocked other songs on these lists for having loose production, but the difference is that this is SUPPOSED to be low production; this is literally a girl singing with her backing band with a camera on. I could point out all the things "wrong" here, but they don't really take away from the performance. The songs I've clocked for being low production, however, were studio recorded affairs that missed the mark. And granted, not everyone can afford to send their shit to a professional mastering house, but it's not hard to get harmonies to sit nicely in the mix.
Anyway, this is another song that sounds real familiar (I'm pretty sure this is a cover, because even the vocal melody sounded familar, and that's a big fuckin no no), but it sounded real nice. This is musics I'm trynna listen to on good days when I can't sleep. The video is even perfect for it, with it's starry projection on the band!!
Rating - 5/5
1. Diamond Girl (MxM BRANDNEWBOYS)
Remember how I said you could give me any kind of throwback to the '80s and/or '90s, and I'd be happy?!?!?!
Diamond Girl is exactly what I'm talking about.
Diamond Girl is a funky n (most importantly) fun throwback to the '90s (with a little bit of '80s synth work thrown on top for good measure). The bass work is a highlight for me, and that damn "my diamond girl" hook won't leave me the fuck alone. That, and the "treat you like a gentlemen, like a gentlemen" (which is literally the same rhythmic pattern and interval as Chuu's "you attack my heart, you attack my heart" in Heart Attack) refrain are certified ear worms. Even the biggest pop haters couldn't resist those lines getting stuck in their head.
Like... I really don't know how to describe what I like about this song. Sure, I picked some stuff out, but that's just the tip of the iceburg. This song is balls to the walls A M A Z I N G!!!
2018 is the year of groups with lackluster debuts making amazing comebacks, I guess.
Rating - 5/5
Alright, babies, that's it for this week!! Don't forget to tune in on Friday for the next installment in my Jonghyun tribute with the first SHINee Feature Spotlight at 6pm EST, and next week at 6pm EST for this week's Review Roundup. Love you, guys!!
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p101recaps · 7 years
Broduce 101: Episode 11 (Livestream Recap)
I removed the ‘quick’ in the recap title for the last episode because I saw a comment shading me for that since these are anything but quick lol
This post contains spoilers.
We start off with some old trainee videos from school performances and company auditions (hello lil Samuel!) then move into the first intro vids and interviews. 
This is where we cry about their hardships like Mnet isn’t making billions of won off their dreams and haven’t axed more than half of them on the way here.
Special shoutout to chubby cheeked baby Sewoon!
BoA starts us off with a prelude to the season finale. I’ll miss seeing her on a weekly basis and we’re told to vote for our favourite trainee before last week’s ranks
The live broadcast has the first ever Nayana stage set up too, its beautiful
Last season’s winners, the IOI girls are attending (for the reaction shots ofc) but they all look so pretty!! Look at my girl, solo artist Chungha.
Yes NAYANA LIVE LETS GET HYPE look at these cuties grinning away
Whoa its centre Daniel! He has his babiest baby smile on
Samuel has purple hair for the finale, its a better look than the blond
That hall is full kids. This season has raked in that cash. The CEO can probably buy a small country.
IT’S MY ELIMINATED BOYS! The stage is cramped af 
The group name is Wanna.One 
Cut to pre-recorded content for the stage prep, starting off with vocal check in for Super Hot. 
Seokhoon praises Hyungseob’s improvement, Daehwi’s consistency, Byeongari Seonho’s progress.
Centre battle time with the contenders all singing the ‘killing part’. Seonho is unexpectedly not bad, and he says grew taller as his vocal skills did too. Dead.
Sungwoon and Baekho are good, Daehwi takes the key down to hit the notes. Samuel is shaky but fine. Youngmin is also good, and Shin Yumi says he sounds like Jaehwan, prompting Jaehwan to emit a soulless, scornful HA HA before getting up to sing the other team’s song just to show him up
Sewoon is made to sing the line too and he makes up for the little crack in his voice with a funny hand dance
Hands On Me does their check in and then centre competition.
Ong-ssi’s voice wobbles and Jaehwan literally slits his throat because ‘killing part’. Daniel tickles his own chin lol 
Bae Jinyoung is the most surprising because of how clear he is
Jihoon is Centre Jihoon as always (Auntie Jisung is impressed)
Dance check in next! They’ve done their own choreos for the songs for this mission.
Super Hot goes first, and Kahi applauds their effort because its hard to devise formations and choreo 
They all perform the choreo as centre one by one. This looks exhausting, btw but they all do their own little bits to stand out
Hands On Me goes next and their choreo passes muster too.
Next they all try centre choreo. Honestly, all of them have distinct appeals, how do you even pick.
Kahi tells them that centre will be picked based on the vids that were uploaded recently, with every trainee in both groups performing as centre one by one 
They go to pick the centre in the same room that the coaches used for their level evals w/ Nayana performances
Super Hot team goes first, watching every vid. Youngmin’s voice cracks in his vid and Samuel’s eyes widen in response in the background lol
I just realised all of Nu’est but Minhyun is in this group. Baekho falls into a natural leader like role just because he seems to have a lot to say 
They then do an emotional verbal appeal for the centre position, all of them feel like they need it for this last leg of the journey, and then vote.
It comes down to Sungwoon and Samuel, and the live performance reveals who won
IT WAS HA SUNGWOON! Get it, boy!
The actual performance was fine, all of them dressed in red and white. This song is a bit iffy (seriously), but they all perform well. Megaton bomb is the obvious highlight. The choreo is enjoyable, very energetic and gimmicky, the kind that leaves plenty of room for the trainees to insert personal gestures
Lol Cube Chicks do another Troublemaker reference. Jonghyun and Sam do a bit of a dance in between
There’a a bit of choreo that looks vaguely like a Seventeen stage. It’s like a revolving door? I remember seeing it elsewhere. 
Very cute, all in all. The total effect is similar to Oh Little Girl from last mission
They have a lot of cuts to the eliminated kids as the coaches talk to BoA
Sung Hyunwoo’s there, his eyes are glazed over when the camera pans to him lol 
Kwon Hyunbin has dark hair again while Kim Sanggyun has his deep blond slicked back. 
Oh! Kim Taemin is in the stands! He’s lost so much weight!
First reveals are for trainees currently at 11-14. 
This anticipation is the pits. It just drags on and on endlessly. Kenta’s almost crying again
Sewoon, Jisung, Bae Jinyoung, Daehwi are potential trainees. 
I’m losing hope for Auntie.
And then cut to Hands on Me team in the viewing room for centre voting.
Yoon Jisung is jealous of Park Jihoon’s face and expressions lol 
Bae Jinyoung is at peak Sasuke Uchiha levels, coolly and sharply flipping his jacket around. 
Everyone is amazed at how handsome Ong is on screen while Jisung pulls out every bit of his trainee experience in his video. Ong says Jisung’s clever with expressions but expressed it weird lol
Cuts of them working hard and talking about the need to be centre before they vote. It’s down to Ong-ssi and Bae Jinyoung for centre. 
Live performance reveals it to be Bae Jinyoung!
The boys are dressed in sharp suits, which is how you know which one is the stacked team. They all look good, and scrounge up every bit of their charisma for the performance. This song is a lot more enjoyable, and has a choreo that’s more smooth rather than gimmicky, with a lot of jacket flapping. I can hear Minhyun, Ong and Jaehwan’s voices a lot although they all perform well.
There’s a bit of breakdown in between for the rappers’ benefit
Ong-ssi is wearing a pretty choker while Sewoon looks like a boy at his first prom. Bae Jin does the now patent Yoo Hwiseung lip swipe.
There’s a lot of loud yelling for Park Jihoon. It’s so distinct.
Cut to a large thank you letter the trainees wrote BoA. She’s moved by their sincerity and laughs at the cuteness. It’s really rather sweet, even if it is filler content. She was a phenomenal representative - I watched this season for her, and she was so much more invested in actual training than Jang Keonsuk. That guy annoyed me the most last season.
The trainees also send a video letters to their other coaches, thanking them for their help and for teaching them over the last few months.
Cut to the trainees recording with the composers of the token ballad song this season, called Always 
Check it out if you’re keen, it’s meant to be this season’s Downpour I reckon. The boys perform it under soft white and pink lighting. Minki looks like he’s crying at one point, so does Seonho. Sungwoon, Baekho and Jaehwan hard carry the vocals.
BoA closes live voting. 
That’s of the Seventeen members in the crowd! The leader kid! I might have to confirm this later.
Cut to pre-recorded footage of the trainees all gathering together to talk. 
Ahhh it’s product placement for Naver’s streaming service. They listen to their concept eval songs.
Then they talk about their first appearances on the show, and they play their P101 countdown intro videos to all their embarrassments. Guanlin sings All of Me loudly and increasingly out of tune while Sewoon dances Pick Me. Jaehwan dances Seventeen′s Boom Boom lol. 
...I don’t even know what Emperor Hwang is doing.
Then sad video messages to their families for the tears, with that mournful Nayana intro in the background. Then footage of their families watching the video letters and sending one back.
Yoon Jisung has his mum’s eyes, and Samuel has his mum’s mouth exactly. Youngmin looks startlingly like his dad.
My heart aches, ugh. Mnet, you bastards. 
I wish I could fly down to see my mum too :(
All the ugly tears. Seonho is bawling straight up. 
Haknyeon’s mum is there too! And Guanlin’s dad and sister! 
Aw, his sister knows Ong-slate and Yoonjhumma’s clapping. 
Back at live stage, popular model Kwon Hyunbin gets coerced into filling some air time by BoA, so does Kim Taemin, who had to leave because of his sudden illness. Lee Euiwoong gets some screentime to himself to thank everyone for their support and help.
Dorm footage from their last stay with the kids imitating Hyunbin singing Downpour lol
More of that Nayana piano instrumental as they reminisce about their last few weeks in the dorm with the other trainees. A neat little shot of the set with the chairs, then shots of them practicing. 
Back to live for final rankings.
My heart can’t take this. The eliminated kids are all praying too.
Seriously, how can they waste airtime like this.
Trainee at number 10 is C9 Bae Jinyoung. He looks pale and relieved, thanking his fans, parents, and the Mnet staff. 
Number 9 is Pledis Hwang Minhyun!! 
Pristin Nayoung is thrilled while the Pledis CEO looks unimpressed. Why do they even invite these old bastards. 
It takes Minhyun a bit to start speaking to thank people, his words less smooth than normal because of how overcome (lol) he is. His mum cries constantly, I hope he can buy her something nice soon! 
BoA’s making a lot of tiny mistakes off her script because of the live broadcast burden. It’s cute.
Weird clapping forever! Oh, his dad calls up his family to tell them the good news while the eliminated MMO trainees cry in relief. 
He says in his thank you that he really had given up hope, but he’s so appreciative of all the support he received. It’s so cute that all the trainees are so excited, clapping his weird clap and laughing at him. He starts ugly crying again when he sees his dad, and same tbh. 
Everyone loves him so much!! I love him too! My Auntie! He made it! Yoonjhumma! I’ll actually follow this Wanna.One mess because of you Auntie Jisung! 
CUBE Lai Guanlin makes the final group at number 7!
He and Seonho are going to be able to help Hyuna keep Cube from the shredder!
Sweet Byeongari Lai Guanlin first thanks people in Mandarin (a lot of shots of the Chinese Yuehua kids+Kenta), then in English (it’s so terrible but so cute), and then he thanks everyone in Korean. He keeps saying ‘jinjja’ a lot, and his accented slurring gets worse because of how excited and nervous he is. BoA prompts him to thank his dad, which he does in Mandarin. He also gets to do his awkward audition dance. 
Trainee number 6 is Brand New Music Park Woojin! Good on you my wolf boy! You deserve it!
He starts his thank you with a full waist bow, then thanks his voters, BNM family, Rhymer, the P101 PD-nim (the audience protests this - dead but same tbh) and staff, the teachers and his family. He apologizes for worrying people when he was sick - pls. Like people need to feel more entitled. 
Woojin and Guanlin give each other massive bear hugs when they meet at the chairs. 
Trainee number 5 is Fantagio Ong Sungwoo!!
He’s immediately smothered by hugs, his mum is sobbing and his CEO looks happy. Doyeon gets a solo shot as she claps too.
His voice wavers when he starts his thanks, to the staff, Fantagio people, his parents. He does his really, very hyperbole, dramatic and earnest and promises to work hard before ending it with a waist bow. BoA asks him what position he would like (besides the slate) and he says he’ll try to maintain team balance and spirit and then does his Get Ugly meme face. He’s so excited!!
Ah, with him and Yoonjhumma in, you know the group will do well in variety.
You can see the hope leave Daehwi and Sungwoon’s faces as resignation sinks in :((
Trainee number 4 is Kim Jaehwan!!
He gets body slammed by the trainees and his mum looks visibly relieved. Chaeyeon looks shocked as she claps in genuine appreciation, so clearly surprised that the camera pans to her twice.
Jaehwan mentions that he didn’t have much hope as an independent trainee and thanks his parents for supporting him as he rehearsed alone. He promises to be a hardworking vocal and thanks everyone for their support so he can improve.
At number 3 is Brand New Music Lee Daehwi! 
He instantly collapses in shock, his trainees crowd him. His mum begins to sob, so does Jeon Somi. He jumps up and waves at her as she cries in relief.
Obviously grateful, he thanks his BNM crew, the p101 staff, and the usual, as well as everyone who voted him in as Nayana centre to start with. His mum, who flew in from the USA, gets a personal thank you telling her to not worry and thanking her for his support. 
Sat in his chair, he cries a little. I’m so relieved for him too, he’s so incredibly well rounded and talented for a sixteen year old.
Spots for number 2 and the main centre number 1 are between MMO Kang Daniel and Maroo Park Jihoon.
We’re all surprised, I’m certain. I’m more shook by Nation’s Leader Angel Wartortle GodJonghyun not appearing so far. The vote reset must have shaken his ranking up. 
They walk to centre stage for the announcement, the two issue makers of the season. 
Dead at how SM bought NCT a promo ad slot during P101 airtime
The truly expected yet unknown battle of votes between these two leads brings us MMO Kang Daniel at number 1, with Maroo Park Jihoon behind him at 2.
Daniel takes a while to speak, his throat dry from nervousness, saying he was grateful to be able to be in the top 11, much less be centre . Yoonjhumma is rubbing his arms at the revelation, while Daniel’s mum cries. Little Lee Woojin gets a shot. Daniel can barely speak, satoori slipping out as BoA teases him for becoming GodDaniel. He says he loves his voters in satoori, and even BoA giggles.
Park Jihoon speaks next, poised and polished as ever as he rattles off his list of people to thank. He doesn’t mind losing the spot to Daniel at all, and rounds off by doing his adorable Shugo Chara aegyo with the crowd. 
Daniel does a few full waist bows standing at his number one crown chair before sinking into it, finally.
I suddenly remember the MMO kids sitting on the chair like it was the family couch first episode, just so they could know what it was like. It’s been a whirlwind journey.
Time for final spot number 11, between Baekho, Sungwoon, Sewoon and Jonghyun. 
Sungwoon has no expectations. Baekho isn’t sure what to think. Sewoon is nervous too (not as much as Gwanghyun in the crowds though). Jonghyun thanks everyone and anticipates the results.
BoA looks pained being made to draw this out too. 
Nation’s Leader Angel Wartortle GodJonghyun is 14. Resetting the votes and spooking Pledis voters with Minhyun’s rank probably unsettled him. What a shame, I’d have put my money on him as a sure debut bet what with the edits and his general manga boy personality.
Sungwoon looks like his soul has left his body.
Sexy Bandit Pledis Kang Dongho is number 13. What a shame. The crowd screams in support for him anyway.
Gwanghyun and Taehyun are both increasingly worried in their seats. 
How crazy would it be if it turns out to be Sewoon. It was the same for Yeonjung last season, and they’re both Starship vocal kids.
I cannot believe it but I’M SO HAPPY MY BOYS!! Taehyun is fully ugly sobbing in his seat, the trainees around him are trying to comfort him but he’s truly a softie, poor Scratching Ajhusshi.
Sungwoon thanks everyone after running to the stage in excitement, emotional and grateful for everyone who believed in him, and promising to work hard. 
Sewoon, who was close, gives a very well worded and neat speech at the end, put together even through his disappointment. I look forward to seeing him debut as an idol. He’s going to be great.
Kang Daniel leads the last greeting to the viewers and BoA bows out for the season finale.
Well. This has been emotionally draining and completely unexpected. I never thought I’d have so many of my faves in the final line up, I’m going to have to keep following this group even if they put out crap music because there are so many reliable singers too! They sure showed my pessimism, but I’m not complaining. 
For the final time, below is a comprehensive list of the final ranking for Produce 101 Season’s 2 group, Wanna.One:
Kang Daniel
Park Jihoon 
Lee Daehwi
Kim Jaehwan 
Ong Sungwoo 
Park Woojin
Lai Guan Lin 
Yoon Jisung
Hwang Minhyun 
Bae Jinyoung 
Ha Sungwoon 
It’s been wonderful on this blog with you guys! As always, please let me know you spot in any errors!
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swearronchanel · 8 years
AHHH OMG, I was out all day & Actually MISSED the NEW episode like wtfff?!!? it was TOrture!! & I literally had to delete twitter and Tumblr off my phone because the devil himself would’ve tempted me lmfao😭 I love spoilers but not when everyone has seen the episode but me! it’s okay though I had some rum chata to distract me lol, which is just rum and horchata which is the Hispanic version of Horlicks so, At least I was in the CtM Spirit 🙃
Anyway I’m finally getting to watch it so here we go ..
shit I’m so nervous and I haven’t pressed play
why is my heart beating so fast omg
i usually skip the intro but I’m legit not ready
damn Vanessa already hinting at what’s to come
Baby Susan so precious omg!!
No lie one of the prettiest babies I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen lots of ugly babies and lots of cute babies, I’m qualified to judge.
“Courage and resilience will matter most of all” 😭😭ahh omg
My spirit animal and campion Phyllis deserves nothing but the best I’m not ready to see her hurt
But I’m going to binge series 6 with my mother when I’m home Saturday and can’t wait for her to watch because she wanted to see shelagh have a baby & also she doesn’t know what tf has happened 😭😭😂 it’s been a crazy series! She will be s h o o k
“I know I’m just not a very relaxed sort of person” SAME but BBY RELAX 😭💕
That was a cute moment with Babs and Shelagh!! But still wish it was w/ Trixie though 🙁 also it didn’t seem like a “heart to heart”? was it supposed to or was I expecting too much
Aw Rhoda 💔
what a ignorant ass teacher though, I’ll  FIGHT HER REAL QUICK
ugh Shelagh and Patrick’s faces 😫 I hope they don’t feel guilty for having a baby
But also why does shelagh have to keep wearing the same things lol, I feel cheated of all the cute maternity looks she could’ve served instead
“Having to explain” poor Mrs Antoine UGH THAT MAKES ME SO ANGRY, THERE’S NOTHING TO BE EXPLAINED   I’m mixed, Hispanic and white not black and white but still my dad is tan & we’ve been places where people have given my parents the dirtiest looks and have heard a nasty comment or two & it BOILS MY BLOOD
Omg the Antoine boys are precious
TRIXIE 😍😍 my bby looks good!
I swear if she says anything more I’ll lose my shit
“No one can really choose who they fall in love with” BLESS U DEELS
Bless Phyllis for making sure those cubs don’t grow up to be as ignorant as their parents
“I surmise the puller of teeth is intended to admire it” SISTER MJ IS A GEM
A bassoon? Lmaoo what the actual fuck Tim
Oh it’s for girls ofc LOL give him a girlfriend already, I’d get such a kick out of it. & Patrick could make another dad joke and say like take a lesson from me I legit beat God over a woman’s heart
The Mullucks fam 😭
Patrick with Susan omg aww
Trixie looking like a b a b e I’m dead 😍
I need Trixie’s everything, no joke. HOW
But I’m dying my hair blonder this week don’t play
Ah my bby shelagh again 😍💕
I feel so sorry for Patrick like this wasn’t your fault
She’s scared to take her driving test aw 😂😂 same like I have my permit but I’m scared to fail the actual driving test
“Oh I have a soft spot for the Antoines” PHYLLIS TIENE UN GRAN COROZON 😭
Omg Mr and Mrs Antoine are so cute too, dios te bendiga 😰
Christopher being a flake wtf no me gusta
Sister W is in on the drama like Sister B was, am I right??
Prosthetics are so wild, my abuelo has a prosthetic leg and I was so interested when he first got it. But also I’m going to hell for being evil because I joke around way too much when he’s extra senile
“People call my kids hair frizzy, but I think it’s beautiful” MY HEART😭💔 literally my mom was the same with me. Defensive over my curls - even tho my hair is frizzy sometimes😭
The song though, took me a second to process but that’s my bby shelagh’s song ?? Ummm wut
lol sister Winifred hella late, let me guess this will make her want to drive?
this prosthetic place is so great wow omg
damn it Bernie
GET THE RUM ! or I will lol
ah never mind
the question is, does/has sister Winifred drink/drank ? she seems like a light weight
fuck is this when it’s gonna happen
damn Bernie..
Phyllis is in shock o h m y g o d
I can’t process this either
TIM SUCKS LMAO stick to the damn piano boy
“That lovely gp of yours” lol does everyone have a crush on Dr Turner but me? Lol don’t come @ me pls I’m sorry I know people love him 😭😭 Im here for Christopher and Tom But He is handsome, just in an older man way Lmaoo guess it’s cause he could be my dad 😂 lol he’s older than my dad
I’d take him as a sugar daddy real quick though. I need my tuition paid and he is so sweet😏 😭😂
So it was a scarf, hmm I thought trixie was gonna find like stockings or something
“Not Hermès but something very like it” lol how does Trixie know what Hermès feels like on a nurses salary?
Valarie is on my nerves & she’s had like 2 mins of screen time Lmaoo I’ve liked her until this episode. I hope they don’t ruin her for me
Aw Sister Winifred
Oh Rhoda 💔💔she’s such a great mother
Tom trying to comfort Phyllis😭😭
“You’re fond of your meat, and our views on God and His existence are divergent to say the least, but we both follow vocations…. so if you caused harm to someone else, even inadvertently would it not make you question what everything in your life has come to stand for?” I’m c r y i n g
“I, a rational woman, have no one to question but myself” 😭💔
“Sometimes cheering people on the sidelines doesn’t help”
my bby killing it 😍
Why you being a flake Christopher? go ahead man tell her about your kid
he’s divorced ah, thought it was out of wedlock. I don’t care though haha
NO DRINKS FOR TRIXIE, TELL HIM BBY.. in your own time of course 💕
Fred brought her car ugh And Phyllis is still so hurt as am I 💔
This lady is so sweet! I hope she and Rhoda become friends right now
lol wait where are the Turners I miss them??
“.. and the words ‘Nonnatus house this is not a midwife speaking’ are most unlikely to reassure the caller” SISTER MJ!
YES SHE DID OMG. I need them to be best friends omg 💔😭
“Nothing was said, nothing was done” 💔💔
my heart my heart
aw the mullucks'😭 ofc IT WASNT YOUR FAULT!
TWO GEMS 😭💕 but also if this was the birth they meant that sister MJ was involved in ill be lowkey sad, but we shall see next week if she’s randomly with Shelagh when she delivers
Trixie serving more looks 😍
Aw my bby 💔does she tell him about her alcoholism at the end of this ?
Also what are we guessing about Valarie rn?? she has a secret? tragic backstory to be unlocked? what ? She gay?
Aw the mulluks’s again! All so sweet💕 & YES LYDIA BE FRIENDS
ugh Christopher looks good af😍 and that car yes
YES TRIXIE 😍 my girl looking good as well
Oh shit Patsy’s dad is dead. I assumed that was coming
Phyllis reassuring Delia awww
Lenny’s speech omg brb crying
The support group for thalidomide victims omg my heart
I was cryin before and now I’m crying more for this Irish lady
Omg side side side note there was this cute old interracial couple that seem like my parents in 20yrs in JFK yesterday that were so precious and sweet and we’re talking to me the whole time waiting at the gate & then there was this sweet Irish couple who were confused about the time difference and I helped them out and then when we landed they helped me out looking for my bag so now I have much more faith in humanity because usually the people in NYC airports are angry new yorkers who don’t care lol like me (jk)
“There’s no rule of life so simple or so true ..” 😭😢💔💖
Thank u Vanessa I’m so emotional, show me next week 
Bonus: next week
Lol oh shoot I didn’t take mine yesterday or today brb
Lol idk why but even though I like Tom and Babs their relationship just doesn’t do anything for me😂😂 like I don’t give a shit? They’re cute but idk it doesn’t cut it. Like they’re just there and I’m like “aw ok”
I will die next week. For real. 
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fromparishwithlove · 8 years
IT’S BEEN OVER A WHOLE WEEK SINCE I SAW RENT AND I need to remember everything about that show because OH MY GOD it was the most perfect thing I have ever witnessed and I’m so upset I can’t go and see it a BILLION more times so I’m writing down everything so I don’t forget. I need to relive it. I’m not sorry. AND THIS IS ONLY ACT 1 HAHAHAHAHAHA
Also dedicated to my boo @itsbeaconhillsbaby because I know her memory fades so quick and we need this to LIVE ok. 
·                     Before it even begins, the curtain is up so you can see the stage and the set up and Ross e.g the guy portraying Roger is just wandering about on stage so you just kinda feel like you’ve walked into the apartment. You’re immediately transported from your seat in the theatre to their flat in New York
·                     Mark being that typical friend who shoves a camera in your face and asks you to do something cool and you’re literally like please go away but you can’t say that to him because he’s too fucking cute
·                     EVERY SINGLE PHONE CALL FROM MARK’S MUM. AND IN FACT ALL THE PARENTS. THEY ARE GOLDEN. And they give the show a sense of realism because yes they’re all bursting into song every five seconds but guess what, they still have parents who won’t leave them alone
·                     Tom Collins being that friend everyone loves to bits, he has a heart of gold and a voice to match
·                     Collins being shocked when he thinks it’s Roger that picked up the phone. Even though he’s been away for 7 months he knows his friends so well
·                     Joanne not being a theatre person when she literally sings two of the most theatrical songs in the entire production
·                     You Okay Honey is the sweetest frigging song in the entirety of the world and I cannot believe they cut it from the film. 
·                     Every single word Collins sings ever but especially the “Well you missed a sleeve” and “Angel indeed” and “Nice tree”
·                     That hesitation before Collins takes Angels hand. Y’all know his life just got 68796847292190465 times better after they run offstage together
·                     MARK ACTUALLY EXPLAINING WHAT HAPPENED TO APRIL. The film kinda glosses over it. You learn she died and she and Roger had AIDs but other than that you’re like huh?
·                     Roger being 100% relatable when he’s like “Zoom in on my empty wallet!”
·                     Ross Hunter singing One SOng Glory because really does life get better than this? 
·                     Philippa’s portrayal of Mimi is on point! She made it very obvious that Mimi was not only coping with AIDs but also a drug addiction. She was shaking and fidgeting and tapping and yes, just yes. She did a damn good job
·                     Her laugh when she steals her drugs back from Roger and runs off stage
·                     “WHO RAN NAKED THROUGH THE PARTHENON!” Now why has no one made a show about that?
·                     Collins throwing Mark and Roger food and drink and firewood. HOW LONG DID THEY HAVE TO REHEARSE THAT?!? 10 out of 10 was waiting for one of them to miss something
·                     “’Oh hi’ after 7 months?!” 
·                     “Struck gold at MIT” That line... god I’m drowning
·                     Roger not leaving the house and telling Collins that’s because he was waiting for him to get back. 
·                     Layton WIlliams is a certified Queen of Dance.
·                     And then when she’s done, she just goes and sits down with Collins and starts drinking vodka and fanning herself. IF THAT AIN’T ME!
·                     Benny spreading out the blueprints for his cyber-arts facility and Angel pretending to be interested
·                     “That boy could use some prosac! Or heavy drugs! Or group hugs!” Tag yourself.
·                     The little reprise to You’ll See and Roger’s “Let it be boys.”
·                     Mark being overdramatic af as he enters the lot. I also appreciate the fact he turns the camera on himself just in case he dies at the hands of Joanne and the others never see him again
·                     TANGO MAUREEN. A S D F G H J K L
·                     The film does not have a patch on Billy and Shanay. OH MY GOD. Their dancing. The little bum wiggle Billy does and the stamping and the fucking length of time they took to take off their coats. It was intense af
·                     Mark squealing when Joanne stood on his toe.
·                     “fUCKING CHEATED!”
·                     Joanne answering the phone to tell Maureen they’re patched and she calls her Pookie and Mark laughed so fucking hard I was dying
·                     Angel and Collins introducing themselves at the life support meeting like asdffghjkl you guys talk about married
·                     MArk interrupting and being awkward af and kinda insensitive before just blurting his name in Paul’s face. That’s me. I’ve literally done that. Just shouted my name in someone’s face by way of introducing myself
·                     Lets talk about the fade from Steve to ROger singing about how he should’ve died. WOw. Thanks. My hearts not broken
·                     And then she just hops off the little platform into Roger’s apartment and does that lil face nuzzle. Mimi is my kinda girl I swear to god.
·                     Another Day... WHo doesn’t love everything about that song?
·                     HOW BEAUTIFUL DID THE ENTIRE CAST SOUND HARMONISING WILL I? God it was gorgeous. 
·                     ANd you could see Roger realising that he doesn’t want to die alone and that maybe he can have another shot at love and he puts on his coat and leaves the house. Talk about character development!
·                     That lady coming at Angel after she’s all like “Easy sugar easy” This is after Angel holds COllins back from saying something?! ANd Angel is having none of it she just backs the hell up like mmm no honey
·                     RYAN O’GORMAN SAVED MY LIFE?
·                     “Sang it girl!”
·                     The bass line is to die for
·                     Mark third wheeling to hell and filming the whole thing
·                     There was a moment in one show when Angel got the spliff the wrong way round and then when it eventually got passed to MArk he just sat there with it like ??? before pasisng it back to Collins. WHAT A FUCKING INNOCENT
·                     Collins hitting Angels boot and doing that spin and swinging round the ladder and imitating Angel playing the drums when he says “You can drum a gentle drum”
·                     When they all sit on the bench and pretend to be driving a car to Santa Fe and then Collins pushes Mark’s camera round to film the horizon as he sings “Do you know the way to Santa Fe?”
·                     Dead. I’m dead at this point.
·                     ANd then I get hit with the intro to I’ll Cover You and I think I’m going to survive but y’all know I’m not.
·                     Anyway... Mark FINALLLLLLLY leaving!!! And Angel being like thank the gods and Collins is like “He’ll be back I can guarantee”
·                     With that in mind Angel is like shit better tell him I love him immediately before Mark crashes that party
·                     “I’ve been hearing violins all night,”
“ANything to do with me? Are we a thing?”
“Darling... We’re everything.”
·                     They just sit on the bench and sing to each other and then Collins kneels down in front of ANgel when his verse comes on
·                     RYAN PULLING OPEN HIS SHIRT TO INDICATE “I ain’t got much baggage”
·                     Then they fucking dance and look at each other from across the stage and it’s so soft you want to die but then you realise you already have and you’re in heaven
·                     AND THEN THE KISS AT THE END. HOLY MOTHER.
·                     Collins being a sweetheart and telling Angel she doesn’t have to do this for him and Angel’s little “Hush your mouth its Christmas”
·                     The look Layton gives the vendor when she offers Angel that ugly ass coat... Stunning. Hilarious. I’m choking.
·                     KISS ME IT’S BEGINNING TO SNOW.
·                     Mark retelling the past half hour of the production as he suddenly appears with Roger and is trying to get to grips with the whole Mimi/Roger thing
·                     Roger spotting MImi and being like there she is and Mark and his one track mind is like MAUREEN?! And Roger’s voice literally sounds like an eyeroll as he says “MIMI!!!” 
·                     Mark’s “WHoa?!” Like ummm how did you get her interested in you Roger?
·                     Then the whole thing descends into chaos and its brilliant and everyone’s shouting and singing and Collins sees his old coat and he’s like fuck you but Angel wants to buy him one so she’s there haggling and Mark is filming them both again as they hug in the snow and it’s so fucking cute
·                     “WHich way to the stage!”
·                     Watching everyone else through Maureen’s performance is also the cutest thing. Angel and Collins were clicking along and Mimi was trying to teach Roger the Over The Moon dance
·                     Also Joanne had me giggling the whole way through. She was stood in the background holding the boombox and whenever Maureen sings the chorus she holds it up so the backing track sounds louder. But she was wearing this beige/brown roll neck under her coat and as she lifted the boombox her coat would come open and I swear I thought I was seeing skin and I was like JOANNE!?? Where are your clothes woman!
·                     Anyway… That whole song was legendary and I can’t believe I’m so blessed to have seen it.
·                     Then we head straight into La Vie Boheme which is a personal favourite anyway but it was just to die for. All the movement of the tables, the hand clapping, the kissing, seeing Lucie Jones’ bum three times, everyone basically pretending to bang and masturbate and Mark riding Collins like a motorbike and Mimi and Angel’s friendship and just the purity of believing in something and being something that other people can’t understand. It’s a beautiful song.
·                     And we take a break from it to watch Roger and Mimi sing their lil duet an that’s really cute and sweet and HOW HAS IT TAKEN THEM THIS LONG I SWEAR TO ALL THE GODS
·                     Ok so during I Should Tell You everyone else is frozen in the background sitting round a table but on the Friday night, Ryan was just standing and then one of the swings came in and he just beckoned her over and they hugged and he gave her a lil kiss on the forehead and that was the cutest thing ever
·                     And on the Saturday night they’d been having issues with the tables and then Maureen’s chair was too close to another bit of the stage so she couldn’t pull it out to sit down so she was just in the background wrestling with it and it was just so funny
·                     And then we come crashing back into La Vie Boheme B which I’m currently trying to learn all the words too because it’s brilliant and beautiful and it’s for everyone, everyone should be accepted and loved an-THE RIOT CONITUES
·                     Yeah… One minute you’re all singing and then BAM Mark’s there shouting about a riot and the Christmas tree is burning down and Mimi and Roger are kissing in the rafters
·                     “The snow dances”
·                     Seriously everything Mark says is poetic af
·                     VIVA. LA VIE. BOHEME.
·                     Crash. Bang. End act. Sit and scream internally for 20 minutes while you wait for imminent death to occur.
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