#also these designs are based off how i imagined them as i was reading--which is to say very wrongly XD
hi pae pae!!!
what is your process of designing your maps? and how do you approach lore? how does that brilliant mind of your work to create such fascinating history and complex worldbuilding?
je would like to know the trade secrets pretty pls
p.s. how far along are you on xaeren? if it’s not far enough, im afraid i’m going to have to start protesting soon… 😔
p.p.s. before you say school is taking up your time—understandable. have a great day. keep being brilliant. i just really want more xaeren content.
p.p.p.s. in my head, i imagine xaeren as so mighty fine that there’s an occult in some middle school of a suburban neighborhood with an old classroom turned into a shrine for his feral fangirls to host club meetings simping over him
that’s it’s. that’s all the pspspsppsss i have. miss you! have a great day! cheerios!
Hello Naveena! Lots of questions! We will go through them one at a time.
What is your process of designing your maps?
So with maps I will start by just noting down the history and current function of the city which gives me an idea of style and layout e.g. all of the cities that were part of the Laith’Edrels have lots of circular designs whereas a modern altic city may have more typical alleyways and rectangular buildings Next I plot in the districts of the city, like where the upper class live, where the high streets are etc. I also add any key buildings at this time, like a plot relevant church or a mages tower. Lastly I go back in and draw boxes and house shapes for 2 hours.
How do you approach lore?
A lot of my lore is just a set of stories where I look at a place on the map, or a group of people and go ‘what could have happened here?’ The bigger worldbuilding points like the dissolution came from me wanting to have magical decay from fewer more powerful beings to more less powerful beings, so I needed gods. However it always frustrates me when there are canonically gods in a world who just sit back and ignore the world crashing and burning as one frustrated hero has to fix the problem, so I made a reason for them to be gone
History and worldbuilding
Honestly a lot of my history writing was based off of the large amounts of real life history I read in my free time. Studying how cities and empires develop then putting my own spin on them because magic would change some things. Worldbuilding comes from my maps really. I will label different cultures on the map then come up with myths and legends for that culture, magic specific to them or their ancestors, wars and internal conflict. Then that spirals into pages of notes on the socioeconomic background for Onkairel. It is lots of fun.
“would like to know the trade secrets” she says after writing a whole book with detailed political lore and plenty of depth to the world.
You know the secrets. You also know the secrets to actually writing the book too.
So about Xaeren…
I will be writing the scene where he meets Kell soon so I will tag you in it when I do, but you are right about the school work :( so it may take a little while.
“an occult in some middle school of a suburban neighborhood with an old classroom turned into a shrine for his feral fangirls to host club meetings simping over him”
So you say that jokingly… No, to be fair he isn’t known for his an appearance but he is quite well known in Zairel as an assassin and member of house Hiresias. He is terrifying and intriguing to many because of his unique magic that Lysandri can’t explain so I would not be surprised if there was discussion of him in the lower ranks of Lysandri and Hiresias.
I will write some Xaeren soon. Have a lovely day <3
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neptunes-sol-angel · 3 months
A reading dedicated to my days before I discovered my gifts and unexpectedly received out of the blue messages that I really need from psychics who usually kept their talents private. Personal readings will be opened soon. Thank you for your patience
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Pile One 🔮
You would be in an environment where you’re not as free as you want to be which could lead you to be stuck in your head either by overthinking and catastrophizing or dissociating as a way to find some space for yourself to calm down before you lose your cool. It also seems like the people around you may not help you feel any better. They could be very judgemental and see you as not worthy of compassion because you’re not smiling or feeding into their entertainment. They use your frustration as a way to presume that you have no future. The psychic amongst this negative crowd sees your frustration as a sign that your future is actually bigger than what anyone could ever imagine. Sight is very important, so they could mostly receive messages about you through clairvoyance. You could feel guarded with this person and maybe not give them the nicest look as a way to protect your pride and your heart, but this person is not going to be threatened by you or vilify you like everyone else. They could be older or “seasoned” with wisdom to know exactly what you’re going through and why you’re feeling the way that you do enough to know that more than anything you just need someone to sit with you and see you as not a person who doesn’t care but someone who’s genuinely lost and doesn’t know where to go in life. I feel that you remind them of what their past was, so out of instinct they would tell you directly what they’ve channeled instead of keeping it to themselves. Maybe this person isn’t open to using their gifts, especially if they are older and grew up around traditional religious beliefs, or they could simply have the mindset that it’s beneficial for people to not know their future. However, in your case, they’re pulled to go against the grain because they’re looking at a person who is convinced that they just won’t make it. What this psychic would tell you is that you’re actually going to make it farther than you would expect and reach a level of gratification that makes you proud of yourself and look back at moments like the one you’re having presently to be grateful that you didn’t give up. It could sound too good to be true, but what makes you a believer of what they’re saying to you, is how they mention specific details that are too intimate for them to know as a coincidence. They’d tell you that as you make your way to success, to not give too much of your energy towards who or what isn’t supporting you because your contingency to reach the top is dependent on your own will. You must support yourself and believe in your plans even if no one else can see it with you.
Pile Two 🔮
If a psychic unexpectedly saw you, they’d assume you’re one of them. They could have a talent with clairvoyance like pile one, by specifically being able to see other people’s auras. This psychic is comfortable with who they are and blends well with other occultic practices besides divination. They see you as a magician, someone who’s skilled to bend their reality. For some people, I see that they would label you as a glamor mystic based off of your appearance. Even if you aren’t a heavy practitioner, they detect that you’re someone who channels spirituality through other avenues. They see it in how you do makeup or enhance your looks a certain way, but can tell that you’re into passing on your magic by serving others. I get that this mainly has to do with cosmetics or aesthetics like hair styling, being an esthetician or a dentist, designing clothes, or being a tattoo artist. What this tells them is that you understand the power in helping others tap into their own beauty and how rewarding it could be towards their healing. However, they want to tell you that your life is not meant to be solely based on things that you have already mastered and that there’s a lesson that you’re not seeing at the moment. Just as there are different philosophies, forms of witchcraft, and options to physically reinvent yourself, it’s the same with healing. They would pick up on the way that you’ve been dealing with pain is very close to wearing off. The insight that would be given to them by the source starts with acknowledging the many ways that you are stunning that aren’t only based on your looks, and that trying to add more to what you can visually see cannot be the backbone for how you handle grief with rejection, endings, and betrayal. Your inner world needs to mirror how much you groom your outer world and you’ll realize how the root of your exhaustion that you don’t show to others comes from always needing a tool to get you through your feelings or a temporary escape from a situation that you need to be released from. The vision from this psychic that’s being passed onto you will make you understand why some things can’t be fixed by trying to make them pretty and buying or meeting someone new, because going through it to reach that state of no longer holding onto what’s been breaking you down is not exactly a glamorous sight, but that’s only because it’s a work in progress. Allow yourself the patience to see this new path of soul searching all the way enough to where you’re reaping the benefits and justice for yourself. Welcome in the new changes around you and what you feel doesn’t resonate with you anymore compared to this magic that you discover within yourself. Ironically, what you need currently to find relief, is to not always try to alter things because what’s shifting for you isn’t done paving its way for you to victory yet.
Pile Three 🔮
This psychic could actually be someone in your family, someone close to your family, or someone from a field related to education or social work. I’m also getting that this could be a neighbor that you initially weren’t comfortable with. Maybe this person doesn’t speak much or could have a facial expression that isn’t very welcoming or a stare that makes you feel like they’re invading your privacy as if they know something that you’d want other people to not know about. They have the energy of a black cat. People would want to stay away from them and advise you to do the same, especially if they’re a family member who’s a black sheep. There will be a day though where you can’t avoid interacting with them, and you’ll realize that this person isn’t actually a danger. What they’d channel for you are related to secrets. This person is a psychic that doesn’t see their gifts as something psychic. They see it as just discernment, instinct, or even just common sense. Or maybe they do see their gift as something out of the ordinary, but are humble enough to not get caught up with labels. A lot of you are young or significantly younger than this person, and the purpose of their insight is to mentor and elevate you into maturity. They could reveal the generational curses in your family that need to be broken or sense the ways that your past have left you vulnerable to possible dire mistakes because you didn’t have anyone to teach you about certain things. Something that is significant is that this person would most likely channel things about your love life, especially if you’re with someone at the moment. They could sense either your unhappiness or dissatisfaction with your partner or pick up infidelity that you’re not aware of. If you’re not in a relationship, then this person would channel wisdom about how you’re selling yourself short in love by investing in the wrong people. This psychic is meant to help empower you by teaching you about what it means to have autonomy and the authority you have to defend what’s yours and what you deserve. It’s likely you will encounter this person multiple times because there’s a lesson that you need on how to balance your masculine and feminine energy, healing from your childhood traumas, and learning how toxic habits in your lineage have contributed to the ways that you’re self-undoing that mostly have to do with how you tend to restrict yourself for others. It’s generally independence and learning how to be resilient in environments where you feel ostracized that is what you will take in from this person’s channeled guidance.
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s-b-party · 4 months
HSR’s Guns & Roses: Analysis of Boothill & Argenti
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****Possible spoilers ahead, esp. Boothill’s & Argenti’s lore****
With Boothill out now, I’ve been very intrigued by the Boothill & Argenti duo which I’ve noticed so many details that are similar but also different about them, some of which many people may have already noticed but I still would like to analyze them since it’s been a hot minute since my last lore thread
The main aspects of these 2 characters that I want to talk about are their gameplay, characteristics, and lore/backstories
When we look at their gameplay, some details stand out; for example, both have the same element (physical) but opposite paths when it comes to their DPS roles (Boothill is Hunt which specializes in single target fights & Argenti is Erudition which specializes in dealing dmg to multiple enemies)
Their weapons are also opposites of each other where guns are ranged & the lance is typically used in close combat
This is more of a coincidence which I tweeted about recently but I still think it’s funny that their best-in-slot relics can be found in the same cavern of corrosion
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Next we’ll look at their characteristics by which I mean their personalities & designs; off the bat we can see that Boothill has a more gruff personality & if he weren’t censored by his synesthesia beacon, he would be the sole reason for bumping HSR to a higher audience rating; this man probably would not hold back on the expletives 😂)
Meanwhile Argenti is shown to be very kind with his words, often using compliments & praises; typically he speaks with levelheadedness & grace, just like how we imagine a knight would speak
If we think about it, Boothill & Argenti are both very flamboyant characters but in different fonts; just look at their demo trailers as references since they both move like dancers (Argenti looks like he’s in a graceful ballroom dance while he’s fighting the swarm disaster; Boothill straight up MOONWALKS while dodging bullets from the IPC, we literally went from Marilyn Monroe to Michael Jackson 😂)
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What accentuates their flamboyance even more is the way they both have spotlights on them at various points of their demo videos
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Bonus shot of Boothill being so extra (read: fabulous) while fighting:
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They also have very flamboyant designs which makes them stand out (as Boothill explains, they’re both clad in silver which definitely is one of the first things you would notice when looking at them); I don't know how much value silver has in this universe but it is considered a precious metal & valuable to us due to its many uses which is thanks to its malleable nature
Another thing to point out is that Argenti is based off the Latin word for silver argentum; fun fact, the Latin translation is the reason why the symbol for silver on the periodic table is Ag :3
I feel like their color palettes are a bit similar (silver, red, black) but they also have varying degrees for shared colors, specifically red & black; from a visual standpoint, this goes very well because Argenti having more red helps to emphasize his association to roses & Boothill having more black helps to emphasize his identity as “death” (well, for the IPC at least)
Moving onto their lore, although Argenti doesn’t have lines about Boothill, we do get lines about Argenti from Boothill himself; based on Boothill’s voicelines, we can assume that he holds some respect for Argenti as someone to whom he can relate
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Their backstories are quite similar when we take a closer look at them
For example, they both have experiences where they lost their homes & the people important to them (damn, HYV really said you’re gonna suffer 💀)
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Their respective factions are both noted to be groups of solitary people
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Interestingly the factions have different reputations according to the data bank where the Knights of Beauty are looked down upon & the Galaxy Rangers are seen as heroes which may be a bit different from what we’re used to since knights normally have a positive connotation as people who hold chivalry as one of their most important values
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Their goals are similar in the way that they both are looking for a specific person or entity: Boothill is looking for Oswaldo Schneider (who is responsible for the loss of his family & home; we might possibly meet him soon since we ended off 2.2 with the cliffhanger where Boothill confronts Aventurine to ask him where Oswaldo is) & Argenti is looking for Idrila the Beauty
They also have their critical turning points in their respective Character Story Part 3 portions
Boothill’s portion talks about his transformation into a cyborg & his adoption of the name “Boothill” which he explains is what they called gunslingers who ended up dead; it is a clear representation of his old self having died along with his loved ones & his home when the IPC destroyed everything
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Argenti’s portion talks about his journey as a new Knight of Beauty & the obstacles he faced after having met the knight that was mentioned in his Part 2; here we see his transformation into a Knight of Beauty & his dedication to the path he walks
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Before I had mentioned silver being an important part of their designs; here I think is where we see the importance of silver the best (since silver is a malleable material, it can change its meaning for both characters based on their situations)
To reiterate, becoming a cyborg by replacing his body w/ silver represents Boothill saying goodbye to his old self who knew of happier times & his loved ones; for Argenti, the silver that he wears is a sign of his devotion to Idrila the Beauty
What ties their differences so well in my eyes is that silver acts as a symbol of Boothill’s & Argenti’s resolve to accomplish their goals (silver may be malleable but it still can be strong metal & it’s even better since Argenti does talk about his will/faith being unbreakable)
I truly love their dynamic as complementary foils & I really hope that we’ll be able to see more interactions between them in the future since we just only have Boothill’s voicelines about Argenti but considering their goals, it probably won’t happen, at least not any time soon
Let me just say that I only cooked this idea up after listening to Boothill’s demo trailer on repeat…..a normal amount, I’m so normal about him 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Thank the YEEHAW man :3
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
honestly, the fandom dismisses wars trauma a little too much. Have you noticed it’s always never brought up in his character studies? And when it is, it’s totally brushed off him and cia had a WEIRDDD age gap. It’s also weird hyrule warriors never acknowledges this. I honestly don’t think it’s gonna be recognized in LU but idk. It’s just weird how quickly the fandom brushed over all that. What’s your opinion? Cuz you have cool opinions lol
Disclaimer: Everything you’re about to read is my opinion and my interpretation of a game. I’m not talking about headcanons (unless otherwise specified), I’m just talking about my experience with the game and everything else. All of this is from MY perspective interacting with the canon material from both Hyrule Warriors and Linked Universe. Also! I am dyslexic, my bad for oddly autocorrected words or weird spelling mistakes
A huge reason I started yapping so much on this blog was because I saw a lot of people either actively disliking Wars, making fucking INSANE comments about his body, overly sexualizing him, or just straight up dismissing him all together and it helped me get over my posting anxiety because it genuinely made me so upset. He’s been my favorite character since only a few posts into LU (i originally liked Twilight better based sheerly on design but it took like only a few posts before that changed), and I love HW Link in general, and I thought it was actually crazy that more people didn’t like him. I’ve written several of my own characters studies on him, some of which I’ve posted, others lay trapped in my old laptop in the form of a full on analysis paper, never to see the light of day
You can send a full grown man to war and he will come back with trauma, imagine what happens when you grab some poor teenager and tell him everything relies on him. Literally forget Cia for a minute, Link as a teenager was taken and shoved into a full on war where his men turned on him and in order to survive, he had to kill. Monsters and hylians alike, it was him or them, and he’s the one who made it out. Not to mention he was constantly running all over the battle field trying to prevent the hylian captains from being defeated, and he most certainly lost many people he cared about just because he couldn’t get there in time. He had to carry around the guilt that this war was started because some sorceress was obsessed with him ON TOP of that
This was said earlier by an anon on a post I reblogged, and I’ve been saying it myself for months but I will say it again: If Warriors had been a girl and been obsessed over that same way, I fucking GUARANTEE you people would be taking it more seriously
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I literally just typed in the character name and the game she’s from and that is what google had to say about her. If an older man was described as ‘harboring serious affections’ and having a ‘desire to claim’ a teenage girl I literally don’t think it would’ve been glossed over or ignored like it is
I don’t think nintendo was ever gonna elaborate or really recognize it in the game, they never go super in depth on anything in Zelda games from my experience, and I doubt Jojo will really get into it in LU mainly just because she has so much going on with eight other dudes and potentially two more (based on the header on the linked universe blog)
I saw a lot of characterizations of Warriors and opinions of him that made me so confused and also a bit mad, such that he is a womanizer or a stupid twink (of which he is neither), and that’s a huge reason I started writing fanfiction for this fandom. Firstly to just create more content for my favorite character because I rarely saw any that focused on him, and secondly because I didn’t like some (NOT ALL) of how I was seeing him characterized. (i cannot emphasize enough: NOT ALL people in the fandom characterized him this way, I saw plenty of amazing and beautiful characterizations of Warriors)
I do not think he is a womanizer at all, in fact I fully believe his flirtatious behavior is a defense mechanism. I think his ‘woman problems’ are the fact that he’s afraid of women (especially older women) he doesn’t know or trust, but also that’s just my opinion. And I am genuinely a bit worried that now that people have stopped talking about how they noticed he seemed off a few updates ago and now that they’re saying he’s back to normal that people are going to start reducing him to a stupid dramatic twink again, as if Warriors was not the one who came up with the initial plan to fight Dink and was not the first one to fight him. As if this is not a man who lead a god damn army. As if everything he’s done and everything he is no longer matters because he’s ‘pretty’
anyways I have a lot of thoughts about him in general and im just glad the fandom has been treating him better as of late, but i am a bit worried it’s just gonna go back to how it was
thanks for the ask!! sorry i got a bit carried away 😭
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
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I had a lot of trouble with this lil guy. Weird lil music men aren't easy to shift over when their body's are so... Weird. Still, here! Hermit Crab Music Men!
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If you wanna see what went on in my mind for this come right this way...
So a lil info about these boys! These lil music men have adapted to live in the safe shallows, as well as some undersea areas if need be - having two different palettes which match... you've probably guessed by the additions of orange in the music mans usual pastels
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Acid mushrooms! I realized as I was trying to get it all sorted that they are a nearly identical color scheme so it worked out that their colors are a little wacky. Not that real life crabs aren't a bit audacious in their colorings too. Actually the deep sea version of this guy is based off a purple crab called the Palawan Purple Crab who comes from the Philippines.
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Their colors are more so for other crabs of their species to recognize them, or so I've read, but in this particular scenario it suits our lil music man as a sort of camouflage too.
Aside from it being a sort of camouflage, it also gives you insight into these lil guys diet. Most of what (I really need to come up with a name for these guys, but all I keep thinking of is crab rangboom. like crab rangoon? but a sound pun.) they eat are poisonous, which has directly affected how predators view them. Yea see, there are certain families of crabs which are toxic only because they are eating things that should not be eaten.
So music men don't have a lot of predators, other than those who have natural immunities to things like that... ahem, moon.
I imagine that the crabs closer to the surface tend to a little smaller than knee high for an average height human, where as deeper sea versions of them are a lot bigger... Like... I DONT KNOW, Leviathan big? After all these are just lil guys, lets not forget about the big music man!
Next topic is... oh yeah!
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Seismic communication is basically communication through vibrations. Not just through the water, actually it's used by spiders which we can all sort of agree is what the OG music boys are. Spiders use seismic communication when it comes to their webs in particular, able to sense through vibrations in their web if they've captured prey.
Similarly a lot of sea creatures use vibrations as means of communication. Not only in the way spiders do, but sensing out prey; but by avoiding predators or talking to each other. Crabs in particular use all three, but in terms of communication to one another its been noted they will rub their legs together like crickets to talk to other crabs.
For our lil crabby boys, their claws are fashioned sort of like the the original music man has. Hollowed out in the center, they are able to click their lil crab claws together to make sounds and vibrations which distress and confuse their prey long enough to snatch em up and eat em.
Of course they also have the very on brand to SB behavior of just being a literal face hugger if they come out of the shell.
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m...mmmmm..... no... noo....ooo.......
I guess the only thing left to mention is his lil
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I struggled with how i'd give this lil guy a top hat. Then. I remember how WEIRD barnacles are. You see a lot of barnacles that look a lil something like this:
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But they come in many variations!
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And I hate all of them! they are great for designs, helpful in this case, but I get nauseous when looking at them and I can't even begin to understand why.
Sorry if my adhd really popped out on this one, I am actually holding back some of the mostly irrelevant information about colors and uh, other stuff.
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shuuen-no-cimory · 4 months
Also of course, it ain't me if I don't crossover my current hyperfixation with my ultimate current hyperfixation. So... Degrees of Lewdity x ProjectMoon! (This post is full of me yapping as I explain each drawing, so I guess, be ready?)
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First, I'll go hard with Whitney as R Corp. 4th Rabbit Team. The initial idea was that he reminds me so much of RHeath LMAO But eventually I love the idea because I think he'd go along with Myo well. Plus... Somehow imagining Whitney in Rabbit Team Hatchery shenanigans seems... Interesting.
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Next is Eden. If anyone notice, I originally designed him based of 2 Abnos: Der Freischutz and Big Bird. Der Frei was, of course, a nod to his title as a Hunter, and a marksman as well. For Big Bird... Yeah definitely there's the Big Bird in DoL, yet I think temperance-wise, Eden does felt similar to Big Bird. A creature living in a forest, thinking they protect others by doing the action that definitely doesn't seems to be out of protection. As for RRH, oh think about this: Being hunted down while getting marked. One by a hunter, and another by a wolf. Oh isn't it just reminds me of something...? Right
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Funny enough, before I designed the school LIs properly, I reimagined them as The City's feathers. "If they're living in the City and has to work with one Wing, which one they'll work on?" I've talked about R. Corp Whitney earlier so I'll talk about the others! Robin, L Corp. - I can imagine him with the pressing needs to survive under the weight of Bailey's rent ends up either being sent or signed himself up as an agent for L Corp. The Wing doesn't ask that much requirement as per Hokmah's story while the agent supposed to have a great pay (being a wing and all). Hence, I think he might work for L Corp. Sydney, K Corp. - The idea was that after graduating, Sydney might follow Sirris path in science. Being the obedient child she is (as we sees on the game before they get corrupted), she probably choose to do what Sirris might do hence her as K Corp. researcher. Oh anyway, truly this is just a fyi that doesn't seems to be related to anything, I reimagined Harper as Dongrang in this scenario, with the whole Teary-Thing problem exist. Oh, lucky enough for Sydney to help producing K Ampule that definitely just as seen in the canon Limbus story. Just saying. Kylar, W Corp. - This one actually a rather fun idea. This is set with the idea that Kylar work as the Clean Up Member, with parents that's definitely unaware with how their child work but nevertheless proud with him. They'd even use WARP Train solely to be sent off by Kylar each time, much to Kylar silent dismay. If only they know what Kylar has to clean up among the 6 seconds they went into the train... Read one of the reblog tag and yeah. It has to do with Love Town. And pretty much how Kylar had to regularly assemble his parents again and again each trip they made.
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LCB! SYDNEY LET'S GOOOO!!!! This idea came as I made my LCB-esque ID Card for Sydney. The idea of LCB Sydney's background was that it's pretty much what happened in the game, but make it The City-esque and seen from Sydney's eyes. It's fun imagining her as a Dieci Fixer who was caught in a complicated issue which she rather dip out from as she hasn't fully grow the backbone to face it yet. Oh right, in this AU I reimagined Ivory as Abnormality and both Sydney and Kylar got their EGO. Sydney got their Longing Phase EGO (HE, Gloom) while Kylar got the Haunting Phase EGO (WAW, Wrath). I actually had a draft of how the EGO works and its gimmick but let's talk it later on lol
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When Yield My Flesh event is up on Limbus, my head doing the funny by thinking, "Damn... Jun Wren sounds cool..." then I remember Tingtang exist like jfgdjfgbjd HE FITS BETTER AS TINGTANG WHY DIDN'T I THINK ABOUT IT ON A SIDE NOTE, I also had the thought on how Bailey MIGHT kills it as either a Kurokumo or a Middle. After all, Middle never forget... Just like how Bailey never forget your rent LOL
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And last but not least: Sydney and Robin as L Corp. Agent! Robin will be a high Temperance agent which work for Safety Team, while Sydney is the high Fortitude, high Prudence Disciplinary Team Captain. Oh, if you do notice: I made Sydney's cross looks like Penitence EGO Weapon. It's actually based of this idea of how One Sin and WhiteNight's dynamic thematically fits Sydney the Faithful and Sydney the Fallen. The name of both Abnos' EGO Set-- "Penitence" and "Paradise Lost" respectively, both fits the image of each Sydneys. Hence, I draw them in both EGO Sets!
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artiststarfire · 5 months
Erana Cotta, my Shred Force oc comforting Nordic Bunny after his long day, yet again defeated by Shred Force 🤍
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Introduction of my Shred Force oc, Erana Cotta
Erana Cotta is a steampunk cyborg as most parts works on mechanical and not very advanced like modern technology.
She was once a human but was abducted to become a slave and used as a weapon during wars but she managed to escape from the humans. Nordic Bunny found her alone (was captivated by her songs which lead them to her) so he took her in to his headquarters and now has a new friend 🎸🤍
At first, originally idea was to make her have dark music, tall rock gothic but I already have ocs that represent that part so my friend suggested to go for Steampunk (version for classical music), she explained how rock has sub genres and alternatives so I'm convinced and making her look more like a classy lady in the 90s. Though I'm still going through under her design so this isn't exactly her official yet until I post her official reference soon.
So which makes Erana has two outfits, one is her old steampunk appearance and another new one (which she currently is wearing in the doodle above) is alternative rock steampunk, a touch of rock influence to her appearance as a sign her appreciation and love for Rock and Nordic Bunny who is also into rock 🎸🤍
One of her main powers is singing which helps fulfilled and regain energy to his minions (ref to Lilith from Hazbin Hotel)
At first their dynamic relationship was based off loser x goddess but after I watched Fluttercord moments, their dynamic is exactly how I imagined it would be. A loud cocky chaotic partner with deep insecurities and anxiety with a quiet soft partner who is also very vocal when she's alone with her partner whether she's expressed her love or having deep/serious discussion with him. Since Nordic Bunny has no one else but himself and his minions, it makes sense to me that the whole friendship AND relationship might still be complicated and new to him.
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If you have read it this far, I just wanna say, thank you for taking your time to read about my silly self indulgent ship 💗😭
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vvickydisc · 1 month
I would love to hear about your three AUs! (Entangled, Springlock and Ribbons Attached)
All of them have gorgeous designs!!!
tysm!!! honestly i wish i did a little more with the springlock designs but didnt know what more i could do xd let me try my best explaining these aus haha, feel free to ask for elaboration!
Entangled AU
Is about Jax being stuck in a dating simulator with the hostess being, Ringleader Gangle!
cos it rhymes with gangle :)
In this AU, Gangle is a AI whos aware shes not real. So she tries to not be too attached to whoever plays, its hard since shes programmed to love em' throughout them playing the game correctly, because if they win they wont play again
She used to miss/yearn for the player(s) return but fucked around with coding to get rid of this feeling by deleting some saved data, ensuring Gangle won't even remember them if they 'won' and left the game
How to win is basically romancing Gangle and confessing your love to her, allowing you to leave the game. Which is why Jax is stuck here because he can't/won't "win the game" (Theres no reason for this, hes just being a stubborn asshole)
Despite Jax not playing the 'dating' part of the simulator or earning her affection in the correct way, Gangle falls in love with Jax oddly enough. The reasons as to why will be explored in the future!
couple of notes!
* Within this AU it's just them! The others won't be in this AU xd but im willing to explore some designs of how they mightve looked like
* Shoutout to the person who thought this was a Balan Wonderworld AU because Gangle was totally based off Balan with Jax being based off NiGHTS
Ribbons Attached AU
Springlock AU
like 'strings attached' and jax being the puppeter of gangle *wave off hand* you get it
If you like the asshole aspect of Jax and want him to be worse while liking Ribbun this may be the AU for you!
In this AU! Jax is actually a dead person stuck haunting this game as the Ringleader, no i won't explained how he died and how hes in the game just listen to cabinet man by lemon demon
It's quite a simple AU though, Jax makes torturous adventures based off the others fear. Gangle's prevalent fear in this AU is claustrophobia.
His main goal is to make the cast abstract for a laugh and possibly to not feel lonely? Since if they did abstract, its not like they can leave.
It's why his favorite is Gangle! He'd hate for her to leave somehow.
couple of notes!
* All the cast has some sort of clown names, Gangle being Jingle because of her bells.
* I like to think each "Ringleader!Character" has their gimmick. With Caine having "all seeing eyes" I like to imagine Jax has many expendable and extendable hands/arms? not like a spider!! think of floating gloves/hands
cos... gangle has springs and.. jax is a dead guy whos trapped as a rabbit.... you can only understand if you know about fnaf
In this AU, it's also kinda simple. I've been bouncing between the idea if I should keep Gangle as a AI and Jax as a human or just make them both human or both AI but its basically: Jax is Caine and Gangle is Bubble
Its a bit blaaand at the moment but hopefully I can come up with some ideas for this one..
The cast includes: Pomni, Kafumo, Queenie, Ragatha, Zooble and Kinger :) thanks for reading!! and sorry for answering this late :c
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I keep seeing posts about how snakes have bad vision and Crowley probably can't see the stars and that made me so sad. So instead of answering emails at work this morning, I looked up videos about snakes to figure out how they see stuff and I learned so much and the implications of these facts are ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTFUL:
(I'm putting it all under the cut because the post got long lol)
1. Snakes with vertical slits in their eyes are nocturnal.
2. Research suggests that snakes have the necessary receptors in their eyes to see mostly blues and greens (and any colors that are made up of those two) in the daytime and monochromatic (gray-scale essentially) in the night time. For reference, human color receptors in the daytime are red, green, and blue. For night it's monochromatic as well.
3. Some snakes have 'heat pits' along their pretty (pretty is subjective not a fact sorry) mouths that help them sense infrared light. The visual and infrared cues are overlaid in the optic parts of the brain. (Truly this is the coolest thing I've learned about snakes and I highly recommend reading the Wikipedia page about it, it is SO COOL). The heat pits work in such a way that if they don't cool down the receptors back to a 'thermal neutral' state (usually by providing extra oxygen to them) the snake will see afterimages even if whatever was giving off the infrared is removed.
4. Snakes smell with their tongues by picking up odor particles and then putting their tongue into little holes along the roof of their mouth where they have this thing called the "Jacobson's organ" that has receptors that can register the smells. To give you a sense of how sophisticated this sense of smell is, apparently snakes can tell which eggs have developing embryos in them in order to avoid them because it's easier to eat undeveloped eggs. (ISNT THAT INCREDIBLE?!?!)
1. Crowley can see at night because he's got them nocturnal snake eyes.
3. (Part 1) Nothing pisses me off more than that they didn't give Crowley's snake design heat pits along the lips because that would be so freaking cool to see in fanart of Crowley in like 'true form' or whatever cuz it would make him seem more "otherworldly" or "monstrous" but whatever. I'll forgive the designers because the heat pits he does have imply that he's a pit viper and also they're not visible on his human form (unless they're inside his nostrils?). Which means they're probably covered and don't cool back to 'thermal-neutral' properly so Crowley probably sees after images all the goddamn time (I'm gonna fucking write the saddest angstiest post season 2 fanfic for good omens called Afterimage BASED ON THIS FACT ALONE).
3. (part 2) because of how the regular vision and infrared vision are overlaid, anything that's warm/hot in temperature, like let's say an angel, probably looks like it's glowing. HELLO FANFIC AUTHORS WHERE ARE YOU?!? BLUSHING/FLUSHED AZIRAPHALE GLOWS BRIGHTER THAN NORMAL TO CROWLEY HELLO?!?!
4. When Aziraphale and Crowley kiss with tongue IF we give Crowley a Jacobson's organ, he would be OVERWHELMED WITH AZIRAPHALE. Imagine in every regular human sense, plus snake senses all of it is jUST AZIRAPHALE. Holy CRAP GUYS PLEASE (also like monsterfuckers/true form enthusiasts, the Jacobson's organ is just another fun snake feature you can include for funsies in your fanworks).
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fiepige · 1 year
My concept for Venom!Hobie
Okay here goes
I've made another post where I mentioned it as well but I'll reiterate it here:
I don't think Hobie would ever canonically accept a symbiote due to his history with them and how they're used in his universe.
Now with that out of the way let's speculate!
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This is my concept sketch for Venom!Hobie
Before I go into details about the design and the possible way he would work in universe:
I wanna give the world's BIGGEST shoutout to @levionok for being the coolest person ever and actually make some AMAZING drawings of Venom!Hobie:
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(Like how cool is this!?!?!!! I love these so much!! aaaaahhhhhhhhh<3 <3<3)
Okay so, first I wanna talk about his design and then I wanna speculate about the most "realistic" ways I think Venom!Hobie could come into existence/what his personality would be like.
I wanted the symbiote to exaggerate some of Hobie's physical features so I kinda went with the idea of Venom!Hobie being even lankier and spikier than regular Hobie/Spider-Punk (since the symbiotes seem to take more after the actual suit when it comes to their design I based most of their looks around how Hobie looks as Spider-Punk)
Since Hobie is already tall I of course imagine Venom!Hobie as being even taller/lankier.
Though due to his longer limbs he has a bigger tendency to walk crouched down on all fours (sixs technically?) as beautifully illustrated by @levionok above. (and less beautifully illustrated by me in the top right corner of my drawing lol)
Since Hobie also incorporates spikes into his looks I did the same for Venom!Hobie and added even more! He now has more rows of "mohawk" spikes, his choker spikes become longer and the same goes for the spikes from his jacket + he gets extra spikes along his back. He also gets spikes along his wrists! - He's a spikey boy!
Also all the spikes are made from symbiote "teeth" and could in theory be moved around on his body if he wanted to (though they mostly stay in place).
The "running mascara"-look (Idk what to call it lol) also carries over from Spider-Punk's mask and is once again even more pronounced in Venom!Hobie.
Now one of the more noticeable traits are the arms! I haven't figured every detail out yet, but so far the idea is that his arms split into two at the elbows but he's able to "fuse" them back into one arm if he wishes to (which he rarely does).
Also to get the idea across that it's his arm being split up I tried to add some symbiote goop between the two parts of the arms!
I kinda like the idea of him being able to change his "design" (changing his spikes and arms as he pleases) so to say, kinda referencing to him not believing in consistency and how he changes "filters" in his animation style! Though I picture him as looking like in the concept drawings above most of the time.
I'm also kinda toying with the idea of giving him barbed wire like webbing since I remember reading somewhere that Hobie apparently has used barbed wire instead of webs in the comics from time to time.
But I also headcanon Venom!Hobie as being more animalistic and more likely to just use brute force instead of webs.
He is fast when he's down on all fours (again sixs? idk lol)
Of course he also gets most of the classic Venom abilities and weaknesses (I haven't read the comics so I'm going off memory of the Venom movie which I've seen once like 5 years ago so please bear with me ^^')
The most noticable weakness being sound! I'll take a closer look at how this affects Hobie when I get to his personality/origin.
Okay that's all about his design for now, I might come back and add more stuff later if I come up with anything as this is still a new concept I'm workshopping (and inputs are greatly appreciated!)
Now we're moving on to his personality/origin as I feel like these two are very intertwined. Cause I feel like the way Venom!Hobie originates will affect his personality too! Let me explain:
So far I've come up with two possible ideas/reasons for Hobie to even bond with a symbiote in the first place and depending on which version you choose I feel like it would end up having different effects on his personality/how he handles the situation:
Scenario 1:
The symbiote is passed onto Hobie without him knowing!
Possibly from an encounter with the cops where a symbiote manages to latch onto Hobie as he kills its former host.
(Or maybe a villain manages to plant one on him somehow).
This would lead to a slow gradual "fusion" between Hobie and the symbiote as it would be very aware that Hobie is NOT exactly a fan of it and would do whatever he could to get rid of it/kill it if he found out about it.
If I recall correctly Eddie also wasn't aware of his symbiote in the beginning and only found out about it when it decided to make itself known. -(referencing the movie)
So I'd imagine a similar scenario here but instead of making itself known, the symbiote hides its presence from Hobie as much as possible while making small gradual changes to Hobie to prepare for an eventual fusion/take over.
Like slowly Hobie starts getting migraines whenever he plays his guitar or listens to loud music so he does so less and less without being even consciously aware of it.
At some point he even stops bringing his guitar with him on missions since he never uses it anyways and hey why did he even bring it in the first place? - I like to think that the symbiote is somewhat able to manipulate Hobie's thoughts over time to make him more susceptible to it.
Going to concerts also becomes a no no.
Hobie also changes his diet; the thought of going to the community garden just not appealing to him as much anymore for some reason. So he visits it less frequently until he also just completely stops going (affecting both his diet and his social life- the symbiote would want Hobie to be as isolated as possible to make him easier to manipulate).
Hobie doesn't realise it at first but he starts craving meat more and more and as time passes he also prepares his meals less and less until he basically eats meat raw. (I'm once again thinking about the movie and that lobster scene, though his symbiote would have to be a lot more sublte for him to not notice what's going on).
At this point Hobie would have to be almost completely isolated and under the influence of the symbiote for so long that it would finally feel "safe" making itself known, preying on his hunger (having been homeless Hobie has known hunger before but I imagine that the hunger that comes with a symbiote is its own unique thing and that it's rather extreme) and his declining mental health.
While a part of him would still very much hate it, Hobie would begrudgingly accept the symbiote and chaos would ensue.
And then of course the Spider-Gang would try and stop/save him cause they know that Hobie would never want this. Wether they're gonna be successful or not is up to interpretation.
Now personality vise I imagine this version of Venom!Hobie is gonna be mostly taken over by the symbiote and thus being more feral and animalistic. It most likely wouldn't talk a lot and mostly be focused on feeding (and like in the movie, its favourite food is gonna be humans. Hobie would try to make sure they only target cops but sometimes the hunger would win over reason).
I know this is pretty dark but I really can't imagine a positive scenario where Hobie would willingly accept a symbiote so this is my first "solution". (Though I also feel like his friends would intervene before he reached this point but still, I kinda like the idea of the slow corruption and the person not realising it until it's too late)
You still with me? Good, cause it's time for:
Scenario 2:
I'd wish that this one would be more positive but I guess that sadly isn't the case
In this scenario Hobie would have reached his breaking point.
He would have been through an experience so traumatic that he feels like a symbiote is his ONLY option.
(If I recall correctly he's reffered to himself as a "suicide machine" in the comics and this would really come into play here).
He'd become way more reckless and not really caring what happens to him in battle. He views this as his last resort.
Like maybe there's a new kind of symbiote that isn't weak to sound or fire and Hobie has no other way to defeat them than to get one himself.
The only positive is that Hobie would be more mentally in control as he's fully aware of the symbiote and how it can influence his mind.
He'd still have cravings for raw meat but he wouldn't have been as mentally unstable and only target cops/other symbiotes becomming kind of a double cannibal.
Once again his friends would try to stop him and he'd definitely be more resonable in this scenario than in the first one.
But he'd still push them away both to protect them and out of shame over his situation.
This time more of Hobie's personality would shine through but it still wouldn't be a very positive version of Hobie as I imagine any scenario with him having a symbiote would really have a negative impact on his mental health.
But still there's room for a happy ending if the Spider-Gang manage to get to him in time!
So yeah, both of these scenarios are kind of a bummer for Hobie (to put it mildly lol) but I honestly can't imagine a positive situation where Hobie would willingly accept a symbiote! (I'm more than happy to hear any takes you guys might have that prove me wrong though!)
Okay, I think that's everything for now!
I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions of Venom!Hobie!
Also let me know if there's anything you want me to elaborate on! Or of you just wanna talk Hobie or Venom!Hobie in general <3
If you made it this far you are honestly a champ and deserve all the gold stars in the world. As I sadly can't give you that have a GIF of Hobie smiling to cheer you up!
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Also I wanna give another huge shout out to @levionok! Both for the amazing drawings of Venom!Hobie and for giving me the courage and motivation to share my concept of him! <3<3<3
also have another Venom!Hobie cause I can't get over how cool she made them look! If you haven't already you should really check out their tumblr! They have made some AWESOME ATSV art there!!!
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luciddaydreamsstuff · 6 months
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Desert Duo Doodles! I am in way too many fandoms to count, including content creators and whatnot. It wasn’t until a doodle of some CCs that I realised how many were MCYTs. But I wanted to draw these two cause I liked how I drew Scar in the other original doodle and have drawn Grian a bunch but constantly changed the design. Now I have one that I like.
Under the cut are the individual drawings plus stickers that I forgot to add to the original but decided fuck it it’s done, plus some explanation about design choices and headcanons. (Does anyone even care about that?) Idk and idc, I’ll ramble anyways.
(you don’t have to read the stuff, I don’t really care, but you can if you want)
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First off, this one was annoying since it was supposed to be a hug. I was too lazy to draw the Third/Sercet Life outfits, so they are in their default outfits with crowns representing the fact that they won at least one of the Life games.
Ramble: For Grian’s design, I wanted to keep the bird/avian hybrid but also reference other series or past friend. The Life series has the poppy has memorabilia, the blue and red bracelet represents YHS/TS, and the eye necklace is for Evo. The tail is more so a mix of Watcher magic and Avian DNA, bird feet cause why not. The wing ears are hidden to look similar enough to his regular hair, I like to imagine that wing ears are a rarer trait and to not draw too much attention, he would use Watcher magic to change the colour of the wing ears to match his hair. The freckles are based off of the idea that Angel Dust’s freckles are actually just eyes (which were shown in the show), and I liked that idea. He didn’t have freckles before Evo but after in Hermitcraft he did, they are just eyes that are always closed though he can see out of them. It’ll be clearer in the next piece, but his eyes are based off of some bird eyes so a black sclera with coloured pupils. Grian just hides his eyes under his hair since they are more sensitive than normal. Also I didn’t wanna draw his eyes cause it was one of the things I kept changing before.
I’ll go into Scar later since it’s just a half body but he goes by the same rule of his outfit showing where he’s been. So the poppy and lavender for Third Life and the heart necklace for Secret Life. The earrings are based off of the crystals from Season 7.
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Alter Egos! Or at least Hot Guy and Arianna Griande. Not much here, but you can see what I meant with the eyes beforehand.
Also, I can’t be the only one to notice or at least point out that Ari and Cute Guy have like the same or a least a very similar colour palette of pink and white.
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Final one, and the two are taking a much needed nap. This could take place anywhere though I like to imagine somewhere in Double Life or somewhere between Season 7 - 10
(also I find it very funny how close these two’s bases were for Season 6 - 10. both were near each other in the futuristic district of season six, then next door neighbours at the start of season seven, I don’t need to mention much besides boatem in season eight, again near the start and most of season nine with Scarland and Grian’s timejump build, then finally again in season ten with Magic Mountain. just funny to me for some reason)
Ramble: Scar is like a hybrid between an elf/fae creature and a cat centaur (that I cannot remember the proper name for). The cat half is based off of Jellie, RIP, and his body is scarred because well I mean the dude is accident-prone it’s bound to happen. I imagine that Scar would wear slightly baggy outfits, like they hang off just a bit to not hug his figure. His hair is more based off of Season 9 with him leaning into the whole elf aesthetic, and I both hate and like the hair but whatever. Idk, I kinda just wanted to make him centaur based cause that visual isn’t something I see often. I imagine that hind legs are weaker than the front so he would switch between a cane and a wheelchair that you would see for animals. I might draw that later idk, but yea
If you actually took the time to read this incoherent mess, idk comment a content creator you like, no matter how niche they may be
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missedditart · 10 months
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Along with my Lackadaisy hyperfixation I've also become obsessed with under the devils moon by @libras-interactives. I absolutely love their ocs and can't wait to see more of them in the story. I made some fan designs of them and thought it couldn't hurt to share them. I had a lot of thoughts about their designs so anyone who is interested can read about that below. Also, English isn't my first language so please ignore any spelling mistakes and such.
Malwina's design was really fun, also the first one I did. She is described as having black fur and hair and orange eyes. I knew if  I wasn't careful she could end up looking like Ivy, so I made her hair color brighter than her fur color and also made her hair curly/wavy. I also emphasized the eyes as they're often pointed out in the text as big and pumpkin-like. I wanted her to look curious but maybe a little unsettling if she stares at you too long. I also gave her soft shapes and rounded years since she is very friendly albeit a bit pushy.
for Máire just mostly followed the description we get of her, calico, auburn hair and green eyes. The thing I had to think about for this drawing is what kind of clothing she would wear. I went between thinking she would prefer something stylish or something comfy. I'm not an expert on 1920s fashion so I mostly looked at old clothing catalogs to get a feel for the clothes she could wear. I settled on something more in between a comfy shirt with a stylish skirt. I based the tarot cards in her hand on Pamela Colman Smith’s designs. Also since she is wearing a shirt I couldn't show off the heart fur pattern on her chest but it's definitely there.
Sylvester doesn't have a very striking design but that's the point. For his facial structure i took some inspiration from Asa Sweet and Bobby Bastion from the comic but I also tried to make him stand out on his own. Other than that I kept close to the text, gray suit and graying fur. I was tempted to give him a colorful gaudy tie, maybe something his wife insisted he should wear. To make him more interesting but again he was supposed to be drab and unassuming. So I decided against it. (I still headcanon that his wife gives him gaudy ties and insists he wear them and he cant say no to her.)
Flynn was the one I had the most ideas for but also the one I'm the least happy with the result of but might as well share it. We haven't gotten many physical descriptions of him and what we get is somewhat vague. I also haven't played all the backstories so there might be something there that I've missed. But from what we do get he is often described as odd eyed and two faced, this gives me the impression he has a chimera pattern. We haven't been given any specific color so I chose what I thought fit best. black and bluish gray to make him cold and dark looking, i gave him green as an accent color. I probably went a bit heavy on the devil shape language but it's fun so… I also wanted to color the tip of his shoes white or gray to make them look like goat hooves but they ended up looking too much like bowling shoes so I decided against it. He still has a hoof-like pattern on his shoes which probably isn't very historically accurate for 1920s men's shoes haha. And lastly his cane is only described as black and ivory but nothing specific on the shape. I figured giving it some interesting motif would be fun so I went with a snake. specifically a black mamba witch don't look dangerous until you get too close or they open their mouth. I'm sure a fitting metaphor could be made from that. My design for him will probably change if we get new info about him later in the story but so far this is how i imagine him.
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maniculum · 9 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Raggfong
This week's beast was the Raggfong, much to the dismay of everyone who is sick of birds. Again, sorry, there are a bunch... and the random distribution put a clump of them in December/January, so it's going to get worse before it gets better. If it helps, imagine it's some kind of ritual to empower the birds currently eating the Gävle goat. Or maybe a "Twelve Days of Christmas" sort of thing -- we've already had the partridge.
Also again please forgive me if I fail to string sentences together properly -- still sick. Covid, actually, turns out. The brain fog is difficult; almost forgot I was supposed to do this today.
Anyway, here is the link to the entry that our artists are working from:
(Why did I redact the Greek and Latin names for the coot? I'm not making any effort to hide its identity... baffling choice on the part of Past Me.)
And if you have no idea what this is about, you should take a look at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting for an explanation and previous entries.
As usual, art will appear in roughly chronological order under the cut.
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@elodieunderglass (link to post here) responded days before anyone else with this image, which successfully conveys a lot of emotion in my opinion. Those are some very communicative facial expressions on the birds. I particularly like the coot, and how it's positioned to shield the chick from the sun. The real gem here, however, is the text of the post linked above, which I would describe as a prose poem about the bird depicted. I'm genuinely a bit blown away by it -- go click the link and read it for yourself.
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@embervoices (link to post here) has got some kind of effect going on here that I don't know enough about art to describe, but I like the way it looks. Her post mentions the phoenix connection, which I think comes through pretty clearly in the design and pose. The linked post explains some design decisions, including which real-world birds were the inspiration for this one.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) helpfully specifies that this Raggfong is resting on a bed of sea kale. The design of this bird is very good, I think, conveying a certain gravity one does not always associate with seabirds. I also like the effect created by the background; it kind of looks like it's the cover for something, you know? The linked post explains the various birds from which the artist borrowed features and why, and also discusses the evocative nature of the entry this is based on -- I'm glad people are enjoying that aspect.
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@rautavaara (link to post here) has made the executive decision that this bird is actually a frog, and the drawing is frankly too pretty for me to have any kind of problem with that. Look at that border. And the wonderful color palette. Also there's a flying frog, which is very cool.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) notes an emerging theme in these entries that birds (except coots) are jerks. I honestly can't remember how consistent that theme is across all the birds... I know there are some the author likes, but there are also definitely going to be additional Birds That Are Jerks in future. I like the crown-like crest on the Raggfong, and I'm impressed by the dedication involved in doing all those little body feathers with a fountain pen. Also, if you look closely, you'll see that one of those chicks the adult Raggfong is carrying has been shown staring off in the same direction as its parent, while the other has its head turned and its eyes closed, meaning we can expect it to join the coots off to the right... and there's already a young Raggfong there, too. The linked post contains a detailed explanation of design decisions, which you should go check out. (Also, thanks again for providing alt text.)
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has employed her usual medieval stylization to depict a Raggfong inspired by an albatross (on the grounds that they are a seabird with "judgy" eyes... you know, I can see it). I am absolutely delighted by the scrungliness of the chick being shown here, which does indeed have the "muppet made from dryer lint" quality of a real albatross chick. They have also included a series of pictures that show the whole life cycle, which I've decided (after substantial back-and-forth) to not copy over here as there's a certain color-of-the-sky quality there, but which I strongly encourage you to click on the link and look at for yourself. I particularly like that the coot in the "life cycle" picture appears to have a couple Ilyechams in her flock in addition to the new Raggfong.
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@moustawott (link to post here) describes their Raggfong as a gannet mixed with an eagle, and it looks pretty majestic, honestly. The background really enhances that effect, and I think it makes a much more entertaining contrast with the two little chicks being carried below. There's a certain severity to the design that I think is fitting.
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@pomrania (link to post here) has ditched the whole "coot" thing for a more direct interpretation of the Raggfong's "common counterpart", which they deem the "Ritchfong". I kind of like the idea of two related species of bird that the human observer has interpreted to have class divisions. The crest on the Raggfong is also a very appropriate touch, I think. The linked post contains additional detail on design decisions, and links to some process images, so go check that out.
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@treesurface (link to post here) has decided that the Raggfong should actually be a sort of insect that people mistake for a bird, which I think is quite clever. They explain their reasoning for that a bit more in the linked post, along with some other notes on design and execution that I think are worth reading. I really like the concept that the "unmoving wings" are elytra, and the kind of glittering quality that they suggest here. (I also appreciate that they provide their own alt text.)
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@karthara (link to post here) has drawn a Raggfong in several scenarios to express the behavior described in the entry. I really like the overall design here, with the feathery tufts on its head. Also charming is that one flying up near the sun -- it looks so happy to be on fire. The linked post explains the design decisions and the real-world birds from which karthara has taken inspiration. They also mention they included the coot chicks after looking them up and seeing how colorful they are, so I did a quick google and found this great headline:
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(Tl:dr coot parents show preference for more colorful chicks, so the later the chick hatches, the more colorful it is, allowing it to compete with its larger, older siblings for food and attention.)
And finally, the Aberdeen Bestiary depiction:
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The one diving into the basin just looks so goofy to me, sorry. Anyway, as I'm sure everyone has guessed, this is the eagle.
Yeah. I know. The whole "fiery rebirth" thing sounds like it should be the phoenix, but this bestiary has an entry for "Phoenix" and it's not this one.
Regular listeners to the Maniculum Podcast may recall this particular eagle behavior coming up before, in the quiz-show episode we did for the second part of "Sidrak & Bokkus". I still don't really know where this idea comes from, but there you go. Eagles.
I feel like there's some kind of comment that could be made over the lack of compassion shown by the medieval eagle here and, you know...
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... but I can't quite formulate it, so you'll have to write your own.
Anyway, see y'all next week for our next beaſt.
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kurithedweeb · 3 months
Y'all remember that post I made about how Levin should have long-term walking problems because of the time he got possessed? I had more ideas about it. I've done some research for this and I've been basing these on my own experiences with my own bad knee, but if anyone who actually shares the same disability or uses the same mobility aids or medical devices Levin does wants to weigh in or add to this, please do! I'd love the input.
Both of his legs got some damage, but the left one took the brunt of it. He gets some occasional pain in the right foot and ankle, and a much more consistent and persistent pain in his left knee and ankle since that's where most of the misalignments happened when his legs were damaged.
Majority of the time he doesn't find the pain bad enough to justify taking painkillers. Synthetic ones make him fuzzy and most natural painkillers either aren't found on the coast or involve getting high, and he can't afford to be fuzzy or high when he's trying to be a good Lord. He'll end up suffering through it most days and spending the worst of his pain days, when he feels like he's been hit by a truck and can't make himself stand for longer than a few seconds, either administrating from bed or knocked out most of the day.
If he feels like he does need to use painkillers I'd say he prefers capsaicin, which is apparently a natural remedy for joint pain and the peppers for it can be grown on the coast, plus they can be eaten. Capsaicin can be made into a medical cream and applied directly to the affected area, and the anti-inflammatory properties also make it good for bruises and sprains.
While he uses an elbow crutch day-to-day for maneuverability and comfort, he also has a set of axillary crutches to help keep weight off his bad leg when he's having bad days or if he's injured. I've read that axillary crutches are more suitable for people with weaker balance or weaker upper bodies, but using them for too long can lead to crutch bruises around the armpit area and you can damage the axillary nerve that runs through your armpit if you spend too long putting extra pressure on the upper arm or resting your whole weight on the crutch’s soft pad when fatigued, so I imagine Levin occasionally gets awkward crutch bruises and Malachi always notices and tells him to sit down already.
He has at least two knee braces. His main brace is bulkier and offers more support with metal joints and plates running up and down his leg with hinges at the sides of the knee, and the way the plates are arranged almost make it seem like armor but probably won't fool a guard or anyone who regularly wears armor. He does maintenance on this one almost religiously because if it breaks it'll be at least a fortnight before he sees a replacement, and also squeaky metal joints are not stealthy in any way. His other brace is much slimmer and can be hidden under clothes, with an appearance like an athletic brace. It's primarily made of leather, which isn't ideal for a knee brace but in mostly-medieval times you don't really have spandex to work with. Yes, spandex is an actual material used in knee braces, along with latex. Materials aside, it is much more adjustable than his main brace, where the plates are forged to fit a certain way around his leg, and the straps can be buttoned down. If he has to go somewhere for diplomacy reasons, Levin sometimes prefers to wear the second one specifically because he can hide it under his clothes. If he thinks a fight's likely to break out, he'd prefer people don't immediately target the bad knee as an obvious weakness because of his brace.
Most of the braces he used growing up and the ones he owns as Lord were designed by Kenmur! He’s an engineer and used to be very close to Cadenza, so when she sent him a letter asking if he could help her out with something for little Levin of course he agreed, and together they puzzled out a variety of designs with varying levels of support. They also end up offering to make some for the guards of their villages and maybe will end up selling some designs to some craftsmen in other villages.
Levin's done a lot to try and correct his posture into something more regal when he was learning how to be Lord, but his hips are a little uneven from the way he fell when the possession wore off and he's got a bit of an awkward gait from how a few of the little bones in his feet ended up misshapen.
Whenever he sits down, he digs his thumb or the heel of his hand hard into the area where the femur meets the knee, and he often massages little circles around his knees when he's taking breaks.
On his best days he can manage without the braces or the crutches for a couple hours at a time, but he prefers not to go without.
Malachi has a habit of hovering on bad pain days, always at the ready to catch him if he pushes himself too far, but Levin appreciates it because his brother reminds him to take breaks when Levin himself would otherwise just push through to get work done.
As a baby he probably cried a lot because walking and sometimes crawling or even rolling onto his bad side sometimes hurt. He was probably given baby doses of painkillers on a somewhat regular basis until he was cognizant enough to deny wanting them. He never had a bad temper as a kid except when he didn’t wanna take his medicine. He did end up being carried around a lot because Zoey was worried about him walking too much when walking hurt.
Levin didn’t have any of his mobility aids or medical devices when the crew disappeared into the Irene Dimension, so when they got back and Levin was having a bad pain day, they must have been so worried he’d been horribly injured when they came home to see Levin using a crutch and his extra supportive knee brace while Malachi tries to herd him someplace he can sit down because he looks like he’s about to fall over.
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abibeur · 10 months
Headcanons about the "Serveur du Lundi" and how it integrates to QSMP lore
Somebody had to do it one day, and I had some ideas, so... Bear in mind these are mostly headcanons, even if I'm basing these on what we already have. Oh also, even if I don't write "q!", if I mention our French streamers' names, know that I'm obviously talking about the cubitos.
The server in itself
Vacations for the friends on it, think of it as wild camping
The land was bought by JDG (more on that later)
Aypierre wasn't here, because he fled in the wilderness due to being pursued by Ayr0b0t (yeah, funnily the "hardcore" season of his LP coincided with the Serveur du Lundi). Etoiles could still call him, tho', so he wasn't totally cut off.
Kameto also wasn't here, but we could imagine he was actually already spying for the Federation, lurking in the shadows, watching the Serveur du Lundi doing their thing...
The players (and their skins)
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JDG / Jidège / Frederic Mollas / Fred / "Pepito Kawazakii"
Is actually pretty famous, like in our world
Big entrepreneur, responsible for many things: parkings, factories, recycling plants, architectural design, talk shows, tv programs...
"His theme" Antoine taught to Pomme is the theme of his talk show!
Antoine was the first to met him personally (probably due to being a doctor). He introduced him later to his other friends.
Aypierre didn't really met him, but he knew of the guy. He did talk to his engineer, though!
Was the one who bought the land for the Serveur du Lundi, under the name "Pepito Kawazakii"
"Pepito Kawazakii" is actually one of his (many) aliases (which include "Odessa Silverberg" and others), when he wants to travel incognito (or do some shady stuff without facing the consequences).
Horty / Hortense
Is a weird humanoid sea creature (and I must restrain myself from doing any Splatoon reference)
Met Baghera in her childhood, while she escaped Quesadilla Island
Both are pretty good friend (even besties!) since this, so Baghera introduced her to her other friends
Both of them are pretty close to nature (due to their animal nature?), causing conflicts between them and JDG
Due to being an aquatic being, she can actually come and go from Quesadilla Island, visiting Baghera sometimes, even if she can't help her escape (because she can't carry her and also because the Federation watches, this time!)
AngleDroit / Florence
Judge, PhD and lawwoman extraordinaire
Actually a furry (even if the idea of her being a human-animal hybrid without any link to the Federation was funny)
Met with Antoine and Etoiles through friends (Antoine really likes befriending powerful and influent people)
Baghera likes to make fun of her but they're still very good friends
Zerator / Adrien
Showman, he met most of the others through social events he organised
Even if he organises caritative events for environmental causes, it doesn't stop him from partnering with JDG in his urban projects
Once again, Antoine can't stop himself from befriending influent people-
Normal headcanons:
A man of the land: farmer, worker, miner, baker...
Met with Zerator through friends (well the French viewers reading this know which friend it is)
Has a Ricardo Milos shirt because why not
Probably the friend with who Antoine bickers the most
Unhinged headcanons:
IT'S A GIANT FLOATING HEAD (oddly similar to Ricardo Milos')
Antoine introducing him to the others, who quickly brushed off the fact that he is a giant floating head, telling themselves that if Antoine said it's a normal human, then it is, why would Antoine lie about that?
Has a weird obsession with animal reproduction
Seems to be abundantly secreting a mysterious liquid, which apparently is edible, but only Antoine dares to drink it
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definatelymrhyde · 2 months
I guess I’ll send in my ask now 🤣
Since I already seen a post on Edward’s design choices, I’m curious what was the inspiration for Jekyll’s design? Like do you based him on a musical cast actor? Or your personal preference? Things like that.
Jekylls design is based mainly off of personal preference and how I imagined him in my head when I first read the original novella!! I also gave him long hair because one; I love that design idea for Jekyll and think it’s super neat! I took inspo from the musical in that effect. And two; It made a great subject for any transformation scene. Because Hyde’s hair is shorter. How would Jekylls hair get shorter? Yeah. Im not gonna say it outright though because the implication is terrifying both to ME and to Jekyll. Because he was still very much so conscious during any transformation. He could see hear and feel what was happening. I also really REALLY love the red/green motif in TGS, so I snatched that too! Jekylls eyes also have opposite light/dark halves to Edward’s which was so I could have a little nod at the ‘opposite halves’ bit. I also think it’s funny he looks more like TGS Hyde than TGS Jekyll. Jekylls Eyes are a huuuge part of his design too!! As I mentioned before him and Edward have got an opposite eye thing going on, not just colour wise either. Jekylls eyes are darker on the bottom and lighter on the top while Edward’s are lighter on the bottom and darker on the top. I kinda think this gives Jekyll a neat little effect where he looks MUCH more worn out and tired than Edward does!! I also really liked the idea of Jekyll having little circle Victorian Glasses, but never actually decided wether or not I wanted him to HAVE said glasses. Hence we get that sometimes he wears glasses and sometimes he just doesn’t. I think it’s because he’s stubborn and refuses to wear his damned glasses for anything that doesn’t require fine detail vision like reading, writing or alchemy/doctor stuff. The glasses don’t really have arms on them though when I draw them so it’s beyond me how they stay on his face. For the rest of Jekylls clothes I went with the THS red/brown/warm colours theme. Originally it was meant to be just a TGS au but then @fanartsandstuff (sorry for the ping!!) drew an amazing photo of wtiht Jekyll with a darker vest and I fell in love with that idea!! So credits to them for that part of the design!! I also loooooovvveee gradients on my designs so of course he gets a little gradient on his pants and when I’m in shading occasionally the rest of his clothes too lmao.
Anyways I apologize for how long that was, I just think a lot about my character designs and how I execute them woshishahs
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