#also this is a side blog so please don’t assume I don’t want to talk to you because we’re not mutual
seventh-district · 1 year
CW: mention of death and health issues (but it’s in a relatively positive light, for once!)
#cw death mention#cw health issues#Seven.txt#Seven’s Public Diary#i finally got all the results back and I’M GONNA LIVE BITCHES I’M GONNA BE FIIIIIIINE!!!#it’s not as bad as i feared!!! i do gotta take some meds for a bit but that should be it!#and like. continue taking better care of myself in general so these issues don’t get any worse and i don’t do any more damage#good fucking god i can finally relax#hoooooooly shit this has been so stressful#but on the bright side having such a health scare really kind-of forced me to reevaluate some things that i’d been avoiding and ignoring#even though i didn’t quite have to look death in the face i *did* have to sit with him and have a long talk about life#and about what’s truly important. and what’s not. and what i’ve done so far with the time i’ve been given. and what i haven’t done with it.#it’s an important thing that i think everyone has to do at least once if not several times. lest we take the gift of being alive for granted#because yeah life fucking sucks a lot of the time but at least for me… i don’t want it to be over yet. i never have and probably never will#not because i’m scared of what happens after but because i don’t want this life to be over yet#there’s still *so* many things i want to do and accomplish and experience before i’m done with this life#you know?#it’s so easy to trick ourselves into a false sense of security in being complacent because ‘oh i’ll get to it someday’#we always think we’ll do the things we want to do at some ideal time in the future that we just assume we will still be alive for#but no one is guaranteed anything. not even tomorrow. and at least for me it’s very important to remember that#as much as i want to live to be 100 years old that is not a given. it’s a hope and a goal but it’s not guaranteed whatsoever#i can’t live like i’ve got all the time in the world to get my shit together and go be the person i want to be and live the life i want to#live. i have to work my ass off every day or i’ll never get any of those things done in time#anyways. enough philosophizing at 9AM on a Monday. actually it’s 10AM now wow where does the time go#methinks i’ll change this blog’s header image back to the Not Dead Still Alive banner. because i think it’s awfully fitting & very on brand#don’t know why i ever changed it in the first place honestly#also if anyone reads this i am once again aggressively reminding u to get up and go pee if u need to and go drink a tall glass of water#even if u don’t feel like u need it go do it anyways please your body will thank you#also. today’s suggested listening is ‘If We Were Vampires’ by Jason Isbell and ‘Live Like You Were Dying’ by Tim McGraw
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Disclaimers: Sensitive topics are discussed below the cut; please do not incite drama, speak hate, or engage in bullying. I am not a mental health professional; I make no claims of expertise (in anything). This is a collection of my thoughts about what is currently happening on the Taekook side of ARMY, in the hopes that it may help us as a community respond more effectively to the toxic parts of our fandom. If you click below this cut, you are assuming responsibility for your own behavior and agreeing to engage with my blog respectfully, or you will be blocked.
I submit that shipping Taekook is both an evolving conspiracy theory and a living cult.
There are various narratives within this subgroup, but in general, to ship Taekook, one must believe Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook are in a closeted gay romantic relationship.
One also likely believes that their company (both BigHit and Hybe) and everyone around them have always actively hid their gay relationship.
Initially, Taekook (the “real” gay couple) was being hidden by Jikook (the “fake” gay couple) because Jikook was somehow more popular in Korea and therefore considered to be more profitable.
And this was the main narrative for years. It got Jimin dragged and hated online and in real life, to the point there was even a credible shooting threat at a concert.
Now, the narrative is being modified in light of the video footage revealed this week involving Taehyung and Jennie.
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If Taekookers accept at all that Jennie and Tae were indeed photographed holding hands in Paris this week, then they likely believe both their companies are using this as a PR Relationship stunt to hide their real gay relationships before military service and comeback projects.
This belief includes:
1) assuming Taehyung and Jennie are not being honest;
2) believing Taehyung and Jungkook have no agency or power within their own companies; and,
3) all of their members and managers are also in on this nefarious plot.
Whether they believe Taennie is just cosplayers in an orchestrated smear campaign, or two actual idols in a PR Relationship, regardless, a large segment of this subgroup still believe that Jimin is the company favorite who gets special treatment.
Therefore, things that should be Taekook’s (such as songs and subunits and couple-like interactions) are instead given to the company’s king of fan service, to the point where Jimin “assaults” Jungkook with “unwanted” attention and physical contact.
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As amazingly popular as our Korean It Boy is, I have serious doubts about Jimin being the “company favorite” ever since Hybe took over two years ago.
As the “company favorite,” I’d love it if he got more lines in group songs, or was allowed to film as many music videos as he wanted, or could be given more than 10 days of promotion time for a project he spent a year working on. It would be stellar if the “company favorite” had in-ears that worked correctly during live broadcasts, or was invited onto IU’s show, or could host streaming parties or sell exclusive merch. To say nothing of the “company favorite” getting far more reality show appearances and magazine interviews and a Disney documentary with behind the scenes footage! Heck, I’d settle for his songs not being split on Spotify, his views not being culled on YouTube, and maybe just one congratulatory statement to the press or even just a CAKE celebrating his historic Hot 100 #1.
At least Jimin was “allowed” to include a hidden track with Jungkook (that wasn’t advertised or available to stream, so not fan service) and he was allowed to queer code his Like Crazy music video. So I believe he has some agency and say over his projects. I’m not sure he’s entirely understood or appreciated by his company—frankly, I think his potential was underestimated—but I don’t claim he’s a victim. Victim narratives play into cult dynamics.
But I digressed. I was talking about logical fallacies.
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Let’s entertain the idea that for more YEARS, Jungkook and Taehyung have been horribly abused by their management and forced to hide their relationship.
They never thought to address this issue when they were renewing their contracts?
Also, what’s up with all the footage during RUN episodes when they are standing together, or on the same team, or hugging and cuddling, or leaning their heads on each other’s shoulders and legs?
Why were they allowed to flirt and dance and do skinship on stage—and all that stuff even made it into official footage?
Now let’s entertain the idea that Taennie is a PR Relationship.
So… two rival companies, just coming out of a bitter failed deal around a music industry monopoly, are now working together to make people believe Jennie and Tae are dating?
Even though idols LOSE popularity and company stocks take a DIVE when couples are revealed?
So Taennie is the strategy to promote solo albums and upcoming projects?? And both companies’ PR teams say “We can’t confirm it as it is their personal lives.” So no PR statement is the PR strategy??
We know it’s bullshit. It makes about as much sense as Hillary Clinton running a child sex trafficking ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor that doesn't have a basement.
But many in the cult believe it’s Absolute Truth.
The question is why?
The answer is in the dynamics at play here.
Baby ARMY get curious about BTS, hop on YouTube or TikTok, and are bombarded by the algorithm that claims Taekook is real.
Unless they go searching for original content (which takes up dozens and dozens of hours to sift through and much of which sits behind a paywall), they will not have much to contradict these claims.
Most older ARMY are understandably so sick and tired of the ship discourse that they don’t go into Taekook spaces and duke it out in the comments. Plus, content creators know that Taekook content gets hits and likes, which translates into passive income, so they keep making it.
See this video where a cult leader shows you she made over $109,000 in a year just from her Taekook edits:
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So in the din of all this nonsense and noise, it’s up to Baby ARMY to seek out other voices, other input, to form an opinion. They have to be proactive. And sadly, a large segment of the population lacks critical thinking skills and do not WANT to seek facts.
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We live in a very busy, post-fact world, where “credible messengers” (i.e., someone you know and trust) tell you their opinions. Then you try those opinions on for size, and they eventually become your opinions. It’s faster, it’s easier, and…
It lets you be part of the IN-GROUP. Next thing you know, you're part of a group chat with 400 indoctrinated members, spitting conspiracies like gospel truths.
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In today’s globalized, fast-paced, hyper digital world, most people cannot tell you the names of their neighbors or local butcher or even their state’s politicians, let alone what all they stand for. But they can tell you how the Kardashians feel about organic salad in a plastic bowl, or what Trump believes about election results.
There’s a lack of real-world relationships that tether people to a shared reality.
And yet, there is a human need for Tribe.
A cult uses that instinct for TRIBE by constantly re-enforcing the notion that People Out There don’t understand, aren’t very nice, will even persecute you for knowing the truth.
But People In Here, the IN-GROUP, they appreciate you, they are reasonable and open-minded, they will be there for you when everyone else turns their backs on you and puts you down.
All you have to do to belong to the IN-GROUP is subscribe to these CONSPIRACY THEORIES.
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First, you should think about becoming Anti-Establishment.
You cannot trust the Authority (company, government, scientists, whatever). The Authority is corrupt and will lie to you because it wants something from you (money, votes, microchips in the vaccines, whatever).
Do not trust what your eyes show you and what your ears hear. Believe your in-group. Be loyal to your found family. Your found family is SPECIAL.
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Second, you need to begin to wake up to the Signs and Wonders.
Once you’re willing to see the truth, suddenly there are all these hints. All these little “Q-drops” of information. Like Taekook touching face moles during a song. Or seeing slowed-down, edited videos of facial expressions that look like evidence of jealousy. Or maybe hidden meanings behind tattoos of tigers and green mics. Or making a secret handshake or symbol with their fingers. These Signs and Wonders are FOR YOU.
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*Now, I’m inclined to give Taekookers a bit of a break on queer couple coding because, culturally speaking, similar clothing and jewelry are couple-coded in Korea. And there are just as many if not MORE theories about Jikook using similar black and white clothing, matching jewelry, related tattoos, using special numbers in songs and timestamps, and even changing up lyrics as secret messages.
The issue here is that Jikook ACTUALLY DOES SOME OF THOSE THINGS. They actually deliberately type out specific numbers on some of their social media messages. They actually have dressed in the exact same outfits or worn each other’s clothes. They actually have changed up lyrics and sung them to each other.
Even so, any reasonable Jikooker will say “all of this is suspicious as hell, but not proof.” Like when Jungkook says his J tattoo stands for Jungkook—the placement over the M is suspicious, yes—but all sane Jikookers accept that Jungkook has spoken about that tattoo and he did not say it was for Jimin. We don't sit around calling Jungkook a liar just because we preferred our theory.
Taekookers, however, want what Jikook have so badly, even as they scorn it for merely being fan service.
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Half the time the hints they claim are completely made up.
They see sandal footprints in the sand, and their leaders say it’s proof that Jungkook went on a secret beach date with Taehyung. Even though Taehyung went out with a friend and his parents that night.
Taekookers will see a photo of shoes all neatly lined up and say it’s a secret ski date with Hobi. Even though Jimin owns the exact same pair of shoes and there were no photos or accounts of them ever being at a ski lodge the day after Jin went into service.
Taekookers will swear they hear Jungkook’s voice off camera during Taehyung’s vlog and insist he was hiding in the trunk of the car during the drive to film. As if JK would hide in the trunk for hours instead of just… go in a different car that didn't have a camera??
All of these Signs and Wonders require a huge leap to arrive at the conclusion that Taekook is a romantic couple.
Meanwhile, evidence of Jikook spending birthdays together and couple holidays together and going on trips alone together and having integrated families and inner circles (stylists, tattoo artist, boxing coach) are ALL fan service. Every single person is in on the conspiracy.
Yes, even when JK’s mom screams “I love you!” to Jimin and makes her son eat seaweed soup on Jimin’s birthday, (JK was clearly FORCED to make up that story) it has to be fan service.
And when Jimin’s dad posts a photo of JK’s old dog on JK’s birthday (a birthday where Jimin visited him in the middle of working on his album, but Taehyung did not even though he wasn't working on anything), it's fan service. And when Mr. Park hosts a give-away event at his café where JK’s music is playing and cap and photo are proudly displayed next to JImin? Absolute fan service; he’s a money-hungry, attention-hungry cad, don’t you know? Even the charity he and his son do are fan service!
But JK went bowling with Wooga, so, Taekook are married. (Legally married. Not in Korea. But you know. They ARE married. Coming up on their third anniversary already!)
It’s all there, if you’re just willing to see the Signs and Wonders. And believe your cult leaders when there's nothing to see or wonder about at all.
Third and perhaps most important, is the Star-Crossed Lovers angle. The VICTIM CARD.
You see, it’s not bad enough that openly gay couples face pure hell in conservative countries anyway—losing their jobs, their families, sometimes their will to live because the stigma can be so bad. But on top of all that, for years and years, Taekook have been forced apart.
They’ve been just tortured by Jimin’s attention-whoring greedy nature, and made to endure fabricated fan service skinship!
(When Tae and JK look happy to be around Jimin, it’s just because they are professionals and such good actors!). Darn that Park Jimin, the abuser and sexual predator!!
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And after so long being forced to hide, now in solo era, poor abused victimized Taekook can be loud. So loud. So very loud and wild and free!!
After all, during the Vegas concert, Jungkook sat on Taehyung’s lap!! He's NEVER sat on any other BTS members' lap (except for all of them).
And when Jungkook came online and said “Keep being jealous, I’ll keep holding Jiminie!” and that Jimin was HIS! Then fans kept asking him about Taehyung, so he also said Taehyung was his. It was totally his own organic idea (except for how it wasn't).
When fans kept pestering Jungkook during his camping VLive about Taehyung, he said he was forced to admit that Taehyung was attractive, he’d never seen a man so attractive! (FORCED to admit it! So romantic!)
Meanwhile, as all this shakes down, there’s this scandal in the press that Jimin didn’t pay his insurance premiums because his mail was omitted by the company. News of this dropped EXACTLY the moment his first OST With You came out, and he went totally quiet.
And then, Jungkook also went quiet for a while too. He deleted all his previous Insta photos that were personal and changed the layout to be totally professional. He went to the White House. He did a collab. He partied for JitB. He went on a Meat Tour of Korea. He did a concert with his members. He headlined World Cup. But mostly he was getting quieter and quieter.
Eventually Jungkook deleted the app entirely. Sometimes he stayed in his home for six days at a time. He stopped working out or going into Hybe; he started drinking whiskey. And nowadays he doesn’t even want to look at the comments on lives. Not because he was sick of the Taekookers or anything, but because “the company is forcing them to hide!”
Of course.
And all throughout 2022, Taehyung and Jungkook are paired up for things, and Tae's talking about a fortune teller saying he and Jungkook were “fire and water.” And rather than be taken as cute moments between friends, these are just VERY LOUD SIGNS AND WONDERS.
Then there are leaks online of all these photos that involved Tae and Jennie.
And thus begins tons of lives where he mentions Jungkook.
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I'm not saying Kim Taehyung had an agenda to throw fans off the scent of his actual relationship, but I'm also not NOT saying that.
Whatever his motivations, the cult interpreted this as a direct message for Taekookers to keep the faith!
And indeed, Taekook do hang out—sometimes openly. (Sometimes where there’s press that make them hold up signs while cameras are going off—but that’s not for work, that’s a date, because the security team there wasn’t Hybe’s, and it was a friend’s premiere.) Sometimes quietly, where they share photos of hanging out afterwards.
But it cannot be just two friends hanging out. It’s Signs and Wonders!! SO LOUD!! SO FREE!!
So many reveals—mostly coming from Taehyung, but Jungkook doesn’t often deny them. And it’s mostly Taehyung stroking Jungkook’s hair or laying his head on Jungkook’s thigh or whatever—but Jungkook doesn’t stop him. And Jimin seems totally unbothered by all of it, which is strange because it sort of debunks years of his efforts at fan service.
Yet, clearly THIS cannot be fan service or misdirection.
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It can’t just be friends playing games, or a TikTok made for work. It can’t be recording someone without their informed consent for attention. It can’t be going to a concert with other members and sitting in separate rows as friends. Or going to a musical or movie to support friends. Unlike all the things Jungkook has done with Jimin, this has to be Real Love!!
So just to recap:
When the cult had no evidence of Taekook hanging out, they were a private couple.
When the cult had ever-increasing evidence of Taekook hanging out, they were being loud.
When the cult had evidence that Jikook hang out outside of work, that was just fan service.
When the cult had no evidence that Jikook hang out outside of work, that was just fan service getting exposed.
When the cult has evidence that Taehyung has a girlfriend, that’s a punishment.
You see, Jungkook and Taehyung would go on WeLives without permission, remember? And Taehyung set up a dual live chat on Insta and JK didn't seem that into it but he was persuaded. Then they giggled and couldn’t find much to talk about for ten minutes. And Taehyung said he would take full responsibility for it.
And the cult now believes that “taking responsibility” means pretending to be in a heterosexual relationship. Even their insider sasaeng accounts predicted it!
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Never mind how mad all of this seems. And it would be one thing if just one or two ideas were far-fetched, like looking at a pair of shoes and making assumptions. But all of it is far-fetched.
Facts do not matter. Because you cannot trust the Authority. You can only trust the In-Group.  
And the In-Group sees Signs and Wonders. So the In-Group knows the Real Truth.
The In-Group DECIDES TOGETHER what is real.
They can make entirely fake edits; cosplay; post false witness statements; harass models, coworkers, brands, businesses… they can hire trucks to circle the building with loud speakers, protesting and shouting their truth!!
And anyone who doesn’t believe the Real Truth is a Fake Taekooker.
No disbelievers allowed. Get out of the tribe. Only the faithful can stay in the Tribe.
Right now, you might be asking yourself: Why would you stay in a tribe like this??
Because the dynamic is ever-evolving, which is titillating, and participants get a sense of power, because they are able to help craft the narratives—by being so smart as to see the truth where others are blind sheep—so they can bond over how unique they are.
The boys absolutely depend on their support. You see, Taekookers are the real HEROES here.
They understand the boys like normal people never could. If you know you know, and they are steadfast against any and all lies presented as evidence. They are loyal.
The whole world is against their baby bear and baby bunny!! They are the boys Only Defense. Just take a look at this video of their rallying cry:
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If you've got martyrs, you've also got... CRUSADERS.
Yikes, right?
So, here are millions of fans who were lied to, misled, misinformed… They developed relationships over time with people who also believe this misinformation… They get a sense of power in crafting their own reality, in which the objects of their affection are victims and they are the heroes… And the only way to prove themselves worthy of the group is to stalwartly ignore anything that contradicts these narratives.
This is a literal, textbook cult.
Cults use deception, isolation, peer pressure, group-think, and suppression of critical thought. To varying degrees, all Taekook spaces do this too. (And yes, other ships and solos and mantis ALSO rely on these tactics. But I've never seen anything quite so open or pervasive in ARMY like the Taekook cult tactics.)
I feel I should make one thing should be made clear: a LOT of people sincerely believe in Taekook.
But there are also a lot of Taekook content creators who sincerely believe in the money they make off people believing in Taekook.
Like all cults, at the end of the day, it's a scam.
Now there’s evidence of a real relationship, and of course anyone who has invested time and money in Taekook is going to be pushing back—hard.
So how do we navigate this chaos?
Well, most cults end in one of two ways: an FBI raid, or everyone drinks the Kool-Aid and dies.
But more often than not, cults don’t really end so much as fizzle out over years.
Plenty of cults are still alive and well despite amble debunking (Scientology, Q-Anon, Illuminati, flat-Earthers, Larries—what they believe doesn’t really matter; it’s how they believe that makes them a cult.)
 Cults are a bit like hydras—you cut off one head, three stronger ones pop back up.
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They won't stop. They have to BE STOPPED.
Well, back in the 70s, in the early days of deprogramming, the only thing that was effective was to separate the individual from access to the cult (by kidnapping if you had to), then bombard them non-stop with facts (using imprisonment or restraints if you had to) and eventually they are coerced into re-integration. But none of that is humane or legal by today’s standards.
It also leads to relapses.
Really the only way to deprogram cult conditioning is for a mental health professional to slowly and methodically discredit the cult leader(s) and gently present contradictions.
(How can Jungkook really be in a relationship with Taehyung if he’s always mentioning Jimin? How can Jimin be hurting Taehyung and yet they are on FaceTime for hours, trading fan art and watching tv shows? Why would the two most rich and famous pop stars in the world need a publicity stunt?)
And even then, the cult member has to be sort of able to question things for themselves, and it just helps to have other supportive people echoing their own questioning sentiments back to them.
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It can take YEARS until a cult member reaches the breaking point and begins to listen to Out-Group ideas. (On average, five years, to be exact.)
And then they may begin a journey of self-expression, where they openly voice doubts or complaints against cult narratives. They may even engage in transference, jumping off the Taekook ship and onto another (the need for tribe is very real). This is an extremely vulnerable stage and should not be taken advantage of.
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At this critical moment when someone is tittering on the fence, trying to figure out what reality is, you need to REWARD THE BEHAVIOR YOU WANT.
You want them to question. You want them to express their grief and doubts. You want them to look for real sources of information.
This is NOT the time to kick someone when they are down, or look for “gotcha” moments to shame them publicly.
If you see a Taekooker wondering if they’ve been lied to this whole time—they HAVE. And that is abuse. And abuse victims need to be handled with care.
I know that Taekookers have dragged Jimin to hell and back for years so I’m not about to preach love and acceptance.
But it’s also fair to say that Taekookers have been gas-lit and realizing that can be traumatic.
Wounded animals are dangerous. A traumatized human lashes out. And you know who the prime target always is. They are already starting to take it to Jimin directly.
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I strongly recommend you take a very cautious approach if you engage with them right now. Especially if you’re thinking about arguing with them.
People who defend Jimin or Jikook end up doxxed, suspended, harassed--and someday, I fear a wounded cult member will get physically violent.
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Be especially careful because plenty of big accounts are closeted Taekookers. Here's a thread exposing some "mystery cult" members:
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I normally don’t try to police people or preach too much, but I’m going to give you some unsolicited advice if you managed to read all this:
Don’t go into Taekook tags or spaces. Don’t debate them. Don’t talk trash about them or the members. Don’t slam-dunk or spike the ball with snarky words or memes. Don’t give them a taste of their own medicine. Don’t be cruel.
First of all, don’t do any of that because Jimin and Jungkook would be mortified by it.
But second of all, don’t do it because it just makes them dig in harder; it adds weeks or months to the deprogramming timeline.
The goal is to get the cult out of ARMY fandom. Because they thrive on a victim/hero complex, attacking them reinforces cult dynamics.
I believe there is a better approach.
First, you can and should go Gray Rock whenever possible.
Starve them of oxygen. Don’t acknowledge them. If you do, be generic in your responses—boringly bland, detachedly polite. Ignore them completely; their hot takes do not matter.
Block and report if warranted, but never engage. On some level, they really want to be persecuted for their beliefs. It's why they keep coming into Jikook spaces looking for a fight.
But their beliefs are so ridiculous that they aren’t worth our time. Instead, direct your focus on what you want, which is to promote and celebrate Bangtan.
Second, you can provide what’s called a Graceful Exit.
It doesn’t always work if they know that’s what you’re doing, but it is perhaps the most effective technique, especially if they are already questioning the cult narrative.
You see, a shamed human being gets defensive, doubles down, won’t listen. But a human being offered a Graceful Exit Out of a Bad Place gets to reinvent themselves in a way that allows them some dignity while they change direction.
A Graceful Exit has a few components to it:
“Hello, Taekooker. I also saw a lot of misleading content when I was a baby ARMY. The algorithm feeds you Taekook content almost immediately. Then you make online friends, and they all believe in Taekook. Suddenly everyone is telling you really complicated theories about how Taekook is being hidden. Once you believe that, you have to also believe that Taekook are lying by omission, that Jimin and the members are also lying, that the company executives and translators and managers and staff are all lying, that Korean ARMY is lying, that fellow I-ARMY is lying… and that’s a lot of people spreading a lie for no real gain. Now that you have some evidence that Tae is happily in a relationship with someone else, it’s only natural to question your beliefs, because YES, Taehyung and Jungkook absolutely love each other. But are they IN love? NO. For my part, I trust Taehyung. I love and support Taehyung. I don’t spread the idea that he or Jungkook engage in fake relationships. If you support them, then you’ll accept what they are showing you. When you’re ready to stop shipping Taekook, ARMY will be ready to welcome you back. We can stream together and vote together and help our boys achieve their dreams. We can watch their content and go to concerts together and enjoy fan-works. But what we can’t do is make up really complex stories around BTS’ reality. Our place as fans is to appreciate their music, and let them live their own lives in their own way. It’s time to let go of old ideas, and embrace the new things they share with us.”
This tactic allows the cult member to feel sympathy for being human. It provides understanding that they’ve been deceived. It appeals to their higher nature and love for the objects of their affection. And reassures them they could have a place in a bigger tribe if they let go of the in-group.
It invites them in, instead of calls them out.
Now, you guys might not be willing to do that. Especially considering the hate trains and rape jokes and death threats they gave Jimin for years. Believe me, I get it. I GET IT.
So if you see someone spewing vitriol, now is not the time to call them in. Now is the time to block and report.
However, if I take out my anger on them, it’s serving my own feelings.
And I’m here to serve Jimin, Jungkook, and BTS, not my own need to be right.
So I believe the best way to do that is to Gray Rock the Die-hards and provide a Graceful Exit for the Questioners.  
Many cult members are not going to believe in Taennie unless Kim Taehyung makes an announcement directly--and even then, he’ll have to do it in such an emphatic way that they buy what he sells.
So we should accept that the cult is going to be around for a long, long time. Conserve your energy, my dears.
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But for the ones who just got fooled but don't intend any harm, we can either hope they let go of their own volition, or we can try to make room for them as part of true ARMY.
What we shouldn’t do is get down in the mud and start slinging. Everyone loses ground that way.
But these have been my thoughts over the last few days. I’m okay if you want to comment, but I would like to ask that you DO NOT reblog to tag Taekook and that you don’t weaponize this post by spreading it around specifically where it could cause drama.
Drama is the exact opposite of my intention.
My desire is to provide some better understanding around how cults work and how to disband them.
In conclusion: Keep it classy. Ignore assholes. Be gentle with people recovering from gas-lighting. Stay true to the principles of BTS and ARMY. Apobangpo.
Love, Roo
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doing-swell · 4 months
hello, my name's swellie 💖✨🌈 aka: new pinned post! new pinned post! read all abt it!
welcome to my blog! I started on here almost exactly a year ago, and since then I've learned not only so much about my pregnancy kink, but also about myself. being here has been formative for my kink exploration journey, and it's helped me deconstruct years of catholic school girl trauma (s/o to catholic guilt!).
This is a pregnancy and birth fetish vlog. This is an 18+ only environment. DO NOT INTERACT IF 18 OR YOUNGER. I am a 27 year old white cis woman with brown hair. I identify as a neurodivergent bisexual woman on the ace-spectrum. I live in the US - New England specifically!
I've had a pregnancy kink since I was a kid. I even got in trouble for google image searching "pregnat" on my childhood computer lol (it was 2006 folks, what else was i supposed to do?) I created this blog to share the beautiful side of this kink. I hope you enjoy! <3
Keep reading below!
As a queer person I will absolutely not condone any form of homophobia, transphobia, racism, misogyny, etc etc. I am an open and tolerant person, and please do not try to take advantage of me because of this. I mostly only follow back people whose content I enjoy seeing.
When I interact with kink content here, I mostly imagine myself as the pregnant carrier. I mostly get off to picturing myself in some sort of pain (i.e. labor) or I like to picture myself with a pregnant person.
Things I really enjoy:
Wearing a fake pregnant belly
Pregnant bellies (specifically, large pregnant bellies, smaller bellies, those with stretch marks, red bellies, moving bellies)
Breeding <3
Impregnation <3
Poking pregnant bellies, rubbing them etc
Birth, birth denial, labor and contractions
Pregnant lesbians (because duh,,, I’m fucking gay)
Historical pregnancies or pregnancies set in the past
Clothes not being able to fit/spilling out of old clothes
Giant swollen boobs (especially with veins 🙈)
Giant bellies in laps <3
Waddling and being out of breathe, struggling to sit up, contractions, unable to get up from sitting, etc
I’m not into:
Anime/ drawings
Monster fucking, slime, pups/litter talk, etc
Beastiality, aliens, monsters, anything sci fi
Eggs or pushing out objects
Feederism, feedies, or stuffing (in very very specific circumstances I tolerate this)
Anything to do with fatphobia or shaming folks for their size/weight
Swollen feet
It gets weird when it gets misogonistic in a "I would actually vote to overturn roe v wade if I had the chance" kind of thing -- if it's fantasy/pure imagination, I'm all ears. But when I think you would actually hate crime me IRL..... that's when I [not-so] politely decline ❤️🫶🏻
Other disclaimers:
I am in a relationship right now and she knows about this blog and my kink. She is so supportive and I love her very much. We are very open to exploring ourselves sexually, but never, and I mean never, would I risk my relationship because of something on here. If you cross a line, I will immediately tell you. Please do not assume I want to fuck you or be in a relationship with you in real life, this is purely for kink purposes. I think of you as my friends! If I talk to you, or respond to your DM's or like your content occasionally, that means I'm grateful to have you in my life and you make my life better by being in it. Xoxo, thank you for understanding!
Please send me asks, tell me about your fantasies, ask me questions about my fetish. I want to learn more about you as well! I’m an open book when it comes to most things, I promise I won’t judge you 🙈
I don’t want to tell you my real name, where I live, or anything about me in real life. You won’t ever see my face. It’s what I’m comfortable with, full stop. If you do get my name or anything from me, it’s for you only. Do not share that without my consent. For purposes of this blog, you can call me Swellie 🤪
I love interacting with mutuals through tags and captions 💋 it’s my way of flirting and will swoon if you do the same
Happy swelling, babies 🫡
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pkmn-smashorpass · 10 months
• “Why do you keep tagging ‘Markiplier’?”
This is why. He was literally my inspiration for this whole thing.
• “Is there a way to just look at polls? I don’t care about the rest of it.”
Yes!! Every smash or pass poll is tagged #JustThePoll
Conversely, asks will always be tagged #Ask
Sometimes I might forget to add the tag so don’t be afraid to send me an ask about a mistake I might have made!
I’ve also started adding a #PersonalLife for is someone asking a question just about me. Which I don’t mind at all!
• “Why only post one Pokémon a day?”
Cause we’re taking life slow and smelling the roses!!
• “Do you delete asks?”
I will delete asks if they’re rude, or overly sexual but sometimes I might just censor parts of it for fun. I might also delete an ask if I feel like we’re going on too long about one subject. Or, honestly, I might delete on my personal discretion. It’s never personal but I get so many asks that it’s gonna happen.
• “I should totally join the Discord right?”
Yeah you totally should!!! It’s a lot of fun!! And honestly not as sexual as you’re probably assuming. We just hang out and talk about Pokémon and there’s 2 specific and protected NSFW channels if that’s your thing but most of the conversation happens outside those channels.
Blog Lore if anyone’s interested
• Cofrgrigus Fucker
They were a beloved follower. Best known for being declared a coward for posting on anon and responding with “I would love to ask on my blog but that would ruin my incredible reputation for being someone who doesn’t follow a pokemon smash or pass blog” as well as making incredible propaganda fanart. They were the first person to make a side blog completely dedicated to responding to this blog. But one day they mysteriously disappeared and we will never know why but we will always honor and love them.
• “Cowards”
I can’t remember the first time it was said but we lovingly refer to many followers as cowards. You might be called a coward because you voted pass or because you ask on anon or for any reason. But it’s said with love and not with any hurtful intent.
• Asexual thread
The big thread started with one person saying “I’m asexual so I’m voting pass on everything” and many other asexuals coming in to say all the different ways they’re playing this game. All the way from “I pretend I’m smashing it with a hammer” to “I pretend I’m voting on if it’s dateable” to “I’m voting on if I want to transform into it”. And the point is that everyone can play this game however they want to.
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jav-uni · 4 months
So Maddy changed her blog name…..again, just like she always does whenever she’s called out on her bullshit. Posting this as a receipt of her bs. One of her recent replies to someone was this:
“Time will tell but if and when she is pregnant I can not wait to see how it is spun. I always thought after the wedding it be like less insane but nope. So a baby will be amazing entertainment to watch and laugh at the PR crazies.”
Now wait, didn’t these team real fools claim to KNOW she’s indeed pregnant but now it’s “if” and “when”, they just assume that’s the next step since they believe this fool really married her.
Her reply tells me what we’ve known all along, THEY DON’T KNOW SHIT! 😂 also what a fucking weirdo you want them to have a baby for the purpose of your screwed up entertainment? You think we’ll all cry or kill ourselves over that? Bitch let her ass get pregnant and I’ll tell you it’s wasn’t Chris, let her ass get pregnant and watch his fandom go bye bye for good. The simple fact they are hoping and waiting for a baby is pathetic. Please let this shitshow end soon. All the bs her and lonesome pulled the past few weeks …….for what?! NOTHING! I knew her dumbass wasn’t a fan especially after calling Chris a pedo years ago for “dating” the girl whose ass they are kissing now. 🙄
@captregina @mid-westmonsters3 this is some insane shit to witness. I have no clue what you all must feel, obviously laughter and shock at how far idiots will go for internet clout.
I’m cackling because hit dog always holla. Her dumbass got caught in MULTIPLE lies this weekend and just like she did when she was on the pr side, back when she lied and claim she got doxxed and that led to her changing her blog name numerous times and today……it’s a new name and I’m sure she’s “over this” only to be back starting shit up days later. What a fucking lunatic.
I'm so tired of that pregnancy talk! They have nothing interesting to talk to?
Funny though, in that quote you posted it makes it look like she is more interested in the PR perspective than I don't know.... the "mom-to-be" like any normal person would do. Someone is switching sides again? lol
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endo-haven · 5 months
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Endo Haven!
This is a pro endo blog, so if you’re not endo or not supportive of them please kindly leave! It’s alright if you’re neutral or avoid syscourse but please don’t bring negativity in here. This is meant to be a place to talk freely without judgement about your system otherwise we’re no better than FDC or SC.
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What can you do here?
There’s a lot you can do here such as:
There’s a lot you can do here such as:
Talking about Hyperfixations
Submitting Posts
Asking Questions
Talking with Us
Talking about your Experiences
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The Venting Rules!
I only ask that there are proper trigger/content warnings when applicable!
You can vent about anti endos, you can vent about your day, anything about RAMCOA/OEA, absolutely anything! This is a safe space for all! If you don’t want to see the vents then feel free to block the tags endo-haven-vent and endo-haven-vents!
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The Question Rules!
You can ask anything within reason! We don’t mind answering any questions at all! But if it goes past what we’re comfortable sharing we don’t have to answer! If you want to know about us check under the cut first!
You’re also free to ask questions for other anons and people to reply to, getting answers and advice is always a good thing!
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Claimed SignOffs
- ⚡️🐩🟦🟨
- Skizz💙
- Starlight🌌
- 🍂☘️ system
- 🍓🍰
- 🎨🥫
- 🧣🌀sys
- 💜💠⚔️🌌☔️✨🪽 sys
- 🦴🐦‍⬛
- #nw💫
- 🌀👁️‍🗨️
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FAQ / About The Owners!
We are a Diagnosed DID system! While we are traumagenic we support endos and all types of systems! We have been in both sides of the community for a long time and have done a lot of research with our psychiatric team and personally so please don’t assume we’re just ignorant or don’t know a lot.
We will not be signing off alters that post but you are free to do so! We won’t be sharing our other socials on here unless on our main blog and close friends!
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Promo Ping
@inclusysboxes @inclusiveplurality @pluralrights @plural-polls @systempositive @pluralitywords @pluralterms @pluralprompts @pluralpolls @pluralpedia
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and-claudia · 1 year
His Heir pt. 32 (Darth Maul x pregnant! reader)
A/n I realized that most of the links on my master list were not working so I will be getting that fixed soon!!
Also please check out this post to see an update on what is going to be happening with my blog
Warnings: SMUT!!!!!!!!! mentions of negative body image
Word count: 2800+
Taglist sign up
gif not mine
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“But would you like to be?” 
His words echoed inside my head as I tried to decipher what he meant. Was he asking me to marry him? I didn’t want to jump to conclusions and get my hopes up. We still hadn’t actually defined what we were to one another. So, in my eyes, going from ‘no real label but basically in a relationship that no one actually knows the true nature of’ to engaged just didn’t seem possible. Right? 
I convinced myself it was crazy for that to be what he really meant. I mean sure we were practically together but Maul had never explicitly said we were, so we weren’t. Right? That is how this is supposed to work. 
I was working myself up. Maul’s voice is what finally snapped me out of my downward spiral. 
“Yn, can you hear me? Are you alright?” He asked, hand resting on my shoulder as he hunched over slightly to look me in the eyes. 
I stared at him blankly, trying to get my thoughts to quiet down. 
“My love you are worrying me. Can you just nod so I know you’re hearing me?” He asked gently. 
I nodded. 
“Good. I was saying that I know it’s sudden. I know we haven't officially been in a public relationship, but there is something between us that’s clearly much more than close friends, having and raising a child together. I love you, Yn. I know I am not the best at expressing the way I feel at times, but I need you to know that there should never be a doubt that I love you because I do, I have and I always will. I want to make you mine. If you’ll let me…. I don't need an answer now. You can take some time to think it over.” 
The last time he had said those two sentences to me was back when he first asked me to carry his heir for him. And just like when he said them then, I knew I didn’t need time to think anything over. I loved him. 
I began to shake my head, tears welling up in my eyes. 
“I don’t need to think anything over.” I stopped shaking my head and began nodding, “I love you too, Maul. Always have, always will.” I repeated his words, “Plus I think Yn Opress has a pretty nice ring to it, don’t you think?” I joked. 
He nodded, “I think does, definitely more so than Kryze.” He said, making me smile. 
A weight that I didn’t even know was sitting on my chest was lifted off of it. I was finally getting rid of the thing that tied me to them. I felt like I was finally freed from them. 
Maul grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze before bringing it up to his lips and pressing a kiss to my knuckles. Then he stood up. 
“I’ll be right back, my love.” He said gently. 
I watched as he walked into the bedroom as I leaned back into the couch, slouching a bit and letting my belly stick out more than it already does. I put my hands on the sides of it so I could feel him move as I spoke to him. 
“Did you hear that, big guy? We’re getting married.” I said. 
I felt him kick and smiled, “I know, it’s exciting, isn’t it?” 
“Who are you talking to?” Maul’s voice made me jump, I hadn’t expected him to be that quick. 
“I was talking to our son.” I said, pushing myself to sit back up. 
“Well I would hate to interrupt but I have something for you.”  He said with a smirk. 
“We’ll talk later, ik'aad (baby).” I said. 
I didn’t speak in Mando’s often, but lately, I have taken to the nickname for the baby. I pushed myself to sit up as Maul walked over. He had his hands collapsed behind his back clearly hiding whatever it was that he had for me. 
“Close your eyes and hold out your hand.” He instructed. 
I did as he asked and waited. He placed a small object in my hand. I could tell it was a piece of jewelry, the metal cool against my skin. I would have assumed it was a ring given the current circumstances, but it felt like there was a chain attached to it. 
“Okay, open.” 
I did and saw the most beautiful ring attached to a silver chain in the palm of my hand. Upon seeing the clear gem with the blank bands throughout it I had a hunch as to what it was. I was pretty sure it was Haxonzite, a crystal native to only the planet Dathomir. 
“Maul… it’s stunning. The stone is, Haxonzite, correct?” I asked, admiring the ring. 
“It is… and it’s not actually silver. It’s beskar. I wanted it to have a bit of both of our homeworlds in it.” 
I felt the tears prick at my eyes, “It’s perfect. I love it so much.” 
“I am glad you like it. I went ahead and put it on a chain so we could wait until after he is born to get it sized correctly. I remembered you saying some of your rings haven’t fit lately.” 
He was right, I had some swelling in my hands recently, but when I brought up my concerns to the medic droid but was assured that it wasn’t anything to worry about but to keep an eye on it. 
“Thank you. Will you help me put it on?” I said holding it back out for him to take. 
“Of course.” He took it from me and unclasped it. 
Then he carefully reached around me and then brought the chain up and around my neck before clasping it. It hung just above my beast, which meant I could wear it with most of my dresses and blouses to work and tuck it in so no one would see it. 
I reached up and picked it up, tilting my head down to admire it one last time. It didn’t feel real. Truly, it was unimaginable to me that not only was I having a baby with the man I loved, but we were now engaged. I turned around to face him and immediately leaned over to kiss him. He immediately responded, kissing me back and bringing his hand up to cup my cheek. I shuffled a bit in my seat trying to turn to face him better. The task was easier said than done, I managed though all without breaking the kiss. Once I was facing him more, I brought my hands up to grab the hems of his open tunic and pulled him closer. 
I could tell he got the hint that this wasn’t a single kiss to say “thank you, I love you” it was more of a segway into a whole experience that says “thank you, I love you, let me show you.’ His tongue grazed my bottom lip and before it even reached halfway across it, I was already parting my lips to let him in. 
It’s like he was surrounding me in every way possible. I could taste him as his tongue explored my mouth like he hasn’t done so a hundred times before. I could smell the cologne he put on this morning. That mixing with the subtle, burnt, and smokey smell that always seemed to linger on him was absolutely intoxicating. The sound of his small grunts and groans were spurring me on, knowing that if this went further I would get the chance to hear even more from him. By now, My hands let go of the edges of his tunic in favor of pressing my hands against his broad, tattooed chest. I swear he had to of been sculpted by the Maker himself, he was so perfect. Although my eyes were closed, I could see him in all his perfection as well. But I wasn’t seeing him in this moment, kissing me. I saw him in the future, doing all things I wished we were already doing now. My brain felt fuzzy. 
Maul pulling away is what ultimately made my eyes open. I was met with the sight of him smirking at me. I knew what that smirk meant and it was exciting. 
“So that’s what you want me to do to you, hm?” He asked his voice low. 
“Fuck me.” 
“You’re getting straight to the point aren’t you, darling?” He teased. 
“What can I say? I know what I want.” 
He huffed, amused at my statement before bringing one hand to cup my cheek and the other to rest on my side, “How are your hips feeling today? They hurt at all?” 
I was slightly confused but nonetheless, I answered his question, “No, they’ve actually felt fine.” 
He nodded, clearly pleased by my answer, “Good, because I want to see you…” he paused as his hands moved from my face and side to my bump, “all of you.” 
I gave him a look that read, “Seriously?” 
“Don’t worry, dear, I’ll help you.” He said, dropping his hands and clasping them behind his back before he turned around and began to walk off to the bedroom. 
I watched him walk away and just as he was crossing the threshold to the room, he paused. “My love, I cannot fuck you if you’re all the way over there.” 
That got my feet moving. I walked into the room and glanced around to find him over by the refresher door, by the large mirror, already removing his tunic. 
I leaned on the frame of the doorway and watched as he undressed. The way the muscles in his back flecked under black ink that adorned his skin had me subconsciously biting my lip as I stared. 
“And you said I was straight to the point.” I teased, before pushing off the doorframe and walking over. 
“Always with the attitude.” He teased me right back as he turned around and stepped forward to meet me. He leaned down to bring his lips to mine and gave me a long, slow kiss. 
Quickly, our clothes were removed, and all the while kisses were being shared. Once we were both completely nude, Maul stopped and stepped behind me, giving me an unobstructed view of myself, wearing nothing but the thin chain holding the ring around my neck, in the mirror. His body was pressed right up against mine and I could feel his hard cock pressing against me. 
“You feel that?” He pressed his hips forward slightly to ensure I knew exactly what he was talking about even though I didn’t need any clarification on it. 
“You do this to me, darling. Every time I see you like this, it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. You carry my son so well. Truly stunning.” He said between kissing my neck as his hands came around to rest on my bump. 
I blushed at his words. It has been hard at times to look at myself and still feel beautiful with the changes that my body was going through, but Maul was there to constantly remind me how beautiful I was as I grew and carried our son. I turned around in his hold and kissed him. He gently pulled me a little closer, mindful not to squish the bump. Just like before he quickly took control of the kiss before he began to slowly walk backward, using his hands on my lower back to guide me along with him. 
Once we got to the bed he broke the kiss to sit down a position himself on the bed. Once he was good, he reached out his hand to me. 
“Come here, my love.” 
I took it and allowed him to help me climb over him so my knees rested on either side of his thighs. 
“Does that feel okay?” He asked, leaning forward to give me a quick kiss. 
I nodded, “Yeah. I’m okay.” 
“You tell me if anything begins to feel uncomfortable or if your hips or thighs begin to hurt. Okay?” 
“I will.” I promised, punctuating it with a kiss. 
“Good girl.” He mumbled against my lips as he pulled away just enough to mutter the words before he was kissing me again. 
I felt something beginning to just barely trace light circles over my clit. It caused me to jump slightly as I wasn’t expecting it seeing as my hands were still on Maul’s shoulders and his were on my lower back. I knew he was using the force to do it. He laughed lightly against my lips at my reaction.
“Not fair.” I muttered back. 
“I could stop.” he said, pulling away from my lips to move on to making a mark on my neck. 
The sensation was gone and it almost had me whining from the loss of contact. “Don’t stop, please. Do it again. More please.” I begged. 
The feeling returned this time with more pressure than before. I began to grind down slightly on his thighs. I desperately wanted his cock inside of me. 
“So impatient.” Maul teased, pulling away entirely. “But, your wish is my command, though.” He gave me one last quick kiss before he laid back flat against the mattress. 
I leaned forward slightly and put my hands on his chest to help lift myself up. Once he was lined up, I slowly began to ease myself down. I had to take it slow. The stretch felt different than when I’ve been laying down when we have sex. Now, I was working with gravity. It was trying to pull me down which made the stretch feel much bigger than it did before, not that I was complaining. I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath, it always took me a minute or two to take him on the first try. 
“Fuck.” I sighed sinking lower. 
“You’re doing so good, love.” Maul praised me, causing my walls to clench slightly, earning a small groan from him. 
Once I had sunk all the way down, taking him completely I stayed there for a moment. 
“Are you okay?” Maul asked gently. 
I nodded, “Huge.” I sighed, already high off of the feeling, brain foggy. 
“But you take me so well.” He said, running his hands up and down my thighs. 
The praise is what spurred me to start moving. I lifted myself up and then sunk back down, Maul met me on the way back down, thrusting his hips ups, pulling a moan of his name from my lips. I felt the pressure on clit return which sent my mind into complete overdrive. I was in absolute heaven. It felt amazing. I then realized, my legs weren’t getting even the slightest bit sore, it hit me, Maul wasn’t just using the force on my clit he was also using it to help ease the strain on my quads. 
I sped up my pace and was reduced to an absolute mess of moans. Maul’s name left my lips in a repeated chant. 
Maul’s PoV
The sight before me was on I wanted to commit to memory. Yn, my fiance, bouncing up and down on my cock, looking stunning. She was absolutely perfect in every way. Seeing her belly grow, knowing it was our son she was carrying, that it was I who had put that baby there struck a nerve deep within me. It ignited the primal, breeding nature inside of me. 
Seeing her like this, knowing she was mine with that ring bouncing up and down on the chain in time with her riding my cock, was a sight I would never tire of. My hands gripped her thighs, surly the force of my fingertips would leave a few marks. Hearing her moan my name was about to send me over the edge. I felt her squeeze my cock and that was what did me in. 
Reader’s PoV
Maul grabbed my hips and pulled me down hard onto him as he came deep inside me. The feeling of his warm cum painting my walls sent me into my own climax. I hunched over slightly as my walls clamped down on him and I came hard. Maul’s hand moved from my hips to my shoulders to help support me as my body went numb in ecstasy. My hands were gripping his shoulders, nails digging into his back. 
Once we had both recovered enough, he carefully was helping off of him. I laid down beside him, on my side facing him. He turned to look at me and smiled. 
“What?” I asked quietly. A hush had fallen over the room. It was a stark contrast to the sound of our moans and skin against skin that had filled the room and echoed off the walls just minutes ago. I didn’t want to disturb the quiet. 
“You’re just so perfect, Yn. I can scarcely remember my life before you. I think my mind has forced out all that it could after you came along. You’ve always been nothing shy of perfect to me. I am overwhelmed at the idea that I will soon beagle to call you my wife, my queen.” 
@fan-g0rl @mxkyrie @onceuponanightmareisawme @lothiriel9 @wordsfromshona @kgbtardis @wondermia69 @mh073099 @ktrivia @fifithexeno @perseny @justalittletomato @pomiotszatana @ameliachastain @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @its-me-meg @kbarnes-2001@bluusugar @happyheartsss @clairebear1621 @rljart @xxxqueenlaufeysonxxxxo @lilallybug @ghoulishjester @kizzyxren @welcometothepedroverse @kaos-bringer @asxrum @kittenlover614 @kugelblubb90 @qweenrogerina @pedropcl @lunanightguard @moonsua1
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rocketink · 1 year
Tinder (gone wrong)
"When you install tinder to fix your love life and your big ass crush on Lee Chan."
a/n: anothe lame ass post from you fav lame ass writer!! I'm not sure if I'm coming back to the blog tho, I'm just having a very shitty summer and I wanted to write something cute to get it out of my system!!
friends to lovers kinda?? and side mingyu x reader (just one date tho)
tw: mentions of food and that's all I think??
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You installed tinder not that long ago. Not because you actually wanted to be on tinder, but because your love life is at this point nonexistent and you think that tinder is the only thing that can put a fast end to your situation.
“Just one date will make it,” you tell your best friend Seungkwan “one date from a random tinder dude and I’ll stop complaining about my love life”
Seungkwan looks at you, slowly shaking his head from side to side.
“Y/n, you’re an introvert, how the hell do you think that is going to work?”
“I can stop being an introvert for a couple of hours”
“Yeah, sure” Seungkwan scoffs, “call me when you actually go on that date, please, I don’t want to miss it.”
“Miss what?” a new voice sounds to your right. And there he is, Lee Chan, Seungkwan’s second best friend 一after you of course, and classmate. Seungkwan smiles at him and makes room for Chan to sit beside him at the small table from the cafeteria of your university, facing you. You give him a small wave and look down to your half-eaten sandwich.
“Y/n has installed tinder and wants to go on a date with quote unquote some random dude” Seungkwan answers.
You blush instantly, and reprimand yourself for having such a weak reaction, but what can you do when your best friend exposes you like that in front of Chan? Now, people might assume that since Chan is close friends with Seungkwan, and so are you, Chan and you are consequently friends, but the truth is that you have barely spoken to Chan in all the years that you have known him, let alone share personal details about your love life. Normally, you see Chan regularly, as he sometimes ditches his friend group to sit with you and Seungkwan when the timing is right for the three of you, but all those times, Seungkwan just acts as the glue between you two. He talks and talks, filling in the silence with his blabbering, and Chan answers back by teasing him non-stop. You, however, prefer to remain on the quiet side, because as an introvert you don’t know how to interact through the banter they share, and also because you can never think correctly whenever Chan is around. 
Chan to you is what most people would call a crush, but you never find the courage to even talk to him, too scared to sound ridiculous or making a fool of yourself in front of him, and therefore in front of Seungkwan, so you just stick to laugh at them when they tease each other and answer to Chan’s questions if they are directed to you, or if Seungkwan decides to ignore him. 
“Oh? A date? That's cool! There are some creeps around dating apps though, try to be safe Y/n”
“Thank you, Chan, I will” you give him a quick smile and he smiles back.
Seungkwan continues his nonsense and you pretend to listen to him, ignoring the fast beating of your heart after Chan’s words. If he’s staring at you more than usual, you pretend not to tell.
Now, you did find a date, and this Mingyu guy seems adorable. When he asks you on a date on a friday afternoon, you do not think twice and say yes.
The date, though, was not what you expected.
You promised yourself to speak about yourself, to ask and answer questions, to crack jokes, but all your effort vanished five minutes into the date. Mingyu was not a bad guy at all, he had lovely energy and would never let the conversation die. The thing is that he never asked anything about you, and you didn’t have it in you to redirect the conversation to talk about you. So you forced laughters when necessary and nodded at the right time, all that while looking subtly at the time on your phone. 
After the coffee, you excused yourself, claiming that you still had some work to do and promising to text him when you get home. Mingyu hugged you goodbye, and the scent of his cologne lingered in your nose, making you feel a little guilty of finishing the date so soon.
Your head was filled with questions: He wasn't that bad, was he? He didn’t disrespect you or anything, but you got the feeling that you didn’t get to click with him. Is that normal? Do most people feel like that after the very first date of their lives? Are you the problem? Is tinder the problem?
You couldn’t stop thinking, your head was going so fast that you almost missed the familiar voice calling your name. When you turned around, you cursed internally, how could you be so unlucky?
“Y/n! Fancy seeing you here” Chan shot one of his sweet smiles to you,“ what are you doing here?”
“I was having coffee in the coffee place around the corner” you smiled back at him, trying to dissimulate your nerves “and you? Do you live nearby?”
“I do! I was going for a walk but then I thought I saw you and well, here you are!” He chuckled and you stared at him for a second longer than you should “how was the coffee?”
“Oh it was great! It’s a lovely place,” at this point, you were just glad that he knew how to strike a conversation, you could feel the awkwardness in every pore of your skin. 
“Did you go alone?”
“Oh no, I actually went there with my…” you hesitated for a second before finalizing that sentence “my date, yeah.”
He looked around, putting his hands inside his pockets.
“Oh yeah, Seungkwan mentioned it, yeah, how was it?”
“I don’t really know, to be honest. I was a bit uncomfortable and I didn’t talk much, I barely even laughed at his jokes. I think I was way too nervous”
“Did he seem interested, though?” He frowned ”because if I were him, I’d like to make sure that the person I’m on a date with seems comfortable, and it doesn’t sound like he did”
If I were him, if I were him, if I were him.
Those words barely left your mind.
“I don’t know, Chan, I don’t know how an interested person looks like”
“Was this…?”
“My first date? Yeah” you cursed under your breath and looked to the other side, you had exposed yourself too much.
To your right, Chan didn’t say a word for a whole minute. You opened your mouth to say goodbye and run as fast as you could, in hopes of not seeing Chan for the rest of your life, but he was faster than you.
“Let me take you on a date, then” his voice was lower, softer, sweeter. He meant it, you just knew he was not joking. “Let me show you what an interested person looks like”.
You didn’t answer instantly, not knowing how to react to your crush asking you out.
“I’m sorry if I made it uncomfortable, I do not want to misinterpret the signals but I just- I just thought that maybe I was right and you… I had hope- I’ve always had hope that you liked me too” his words were fast, barely making sense, not as soft as a couple of minutes ago.
“Please take me on that date then” you smile and hold his hand “but treat me right, Chan, I have been waiting for this moment, too”
He smiled back, feeling how his soul came back to his body, and kissed the back of your hand.
“I’ll treat you as best as I can, like the way you deserve.”
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listen... listen. i'd love just as much as anybody to get to make a fool of myself in person with all my fellow fools, as opposed to making a collective fool of ourselves online. I just don't know if we have the brainpower to organize it. The first dashcon, as far as i know, was a logistical disaster. I know there's a spreadsheet side of tumblr, and... *shudder* a business side (I checked) but are they willing to help? are we willing to accept their help?
More issues to consider: With the cost of living and travel and the very decentralized tumblr userbase, on what continent would dashcon 2.0 be held? would there need to be online signups? payments? a website? who would create and oversee those things?
What if we tried to have a number of smaller cons for different regions? Only around 600 folks have answered 100% YES on your poll - How many users need to show up before we have folks from enough major communities to feel like a true tumblr party? How do we guarantee those numbers? What about major blogs? do we just hope they show up or pay them to sign autographs? is it a multi-day affair, like dashcon tried to be, or do we aim low?
There is so much that goes into an event like this- transit, trucking, storage, space, sign-ups, accounting, licensing, begging, scheduling, convincing, emailing, hiring, firing, decorating, ordering, packing... I haven't even gotten to the tip of the iceberg meme.
Do we hire planners and event companies, or are we too embarrassed to ask? How does everyone work around their day jobs and careers? Who is organizing dashcon 2.0, and what is their stake in it? How do we not repeat the mistakes of those who came before us?
Anyway, if you're gonna do it, I want to help. let's talk.
hmm alright I have thoughts
because I agree, I don’t know if we have the brainpower or money to organize it. my sincere hope with posting about a hypothetical dashcon has been that some super determined millionaire would be like “hey here- have this money and here’s a bunch of connections I have to people to help you organize this”…..so basically lots and lots of wishful thinking lmao.
while the business side of tumblr does seem terrifying, we might have to accept their help if they’re willing.
all of the logistics you mentioned are very very true things that I imagine the original dashcon creators didn’t fully take into account (or i’d assume as much based on the chaos that ensued lol)
as for location, yeahhh that’s the definite hard part. in my head, I keep seeing this as like a vidcon (which is terrible because it wouldn’t be as big but idk) which is held in California. but idk how feasible that is for the average Tumblr base. and that does definitely cut down the amount of people that would be able or willing to come so idk.
and I also imagine having like panels and possibly meet and greets or something with major blog owners, but idk if we’d just beg them to come or find a way to pay them.
As for the whole last paragraph- aaaaah I have absolutely no idea.
i’m definitely not going to spearhead organizing such an event (mostly because I don’t want my real name associated with it in case it goes to shit again lmaoo) but if someone else had more resources to do so, I would absolutely be willing to help.
and if anyone sees this and has conference-planning experience and wants to help make a bunch of wishful Tumblr users dreams come true…. please let me know and i’d love to help!
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ropebuny · 5 months
im so sorry but i can't with the pedo callout post and then the posts right next to it for daddy to do stuff to you on your blog djksgehrk. like -- i might be wrong here -- but is it possible faggotrocious and you both have..... kink related fantasies? of ageplay? with no actual evidence that you're fr acting on them outside of kink contexts? there's no actual evidence either u or faggotrocious is sexually abusing underage people or being sexually abused; that'd be a different thing. what you screenshotted are some edgy posts where it's unclear how much fantasy it is, sure, but given the context of horny posting can we assume it's a kink? i swearrrrr to god ppl take any chance to cancel trans fems w "gross" kinks at any moment lmao
I understand what you mean. but you’re saying like I made that post to ‘cancel trans fems w gross kinks’ which I don’t appreciate btw. this has nothing to do with cancelling trans fems with gross kinks. I’m an avid supporter or gross kinks, very clearly. lots of my mutuals are gross trans fems and I love them with all of my heart and I was in a relationship with one for 3.5 years and my best friend is a trans masc with gross kinks.
but this person I posted about literally reblogs things like “you hate pedos for loving children more than you ever will” that is Not normal horny posting btw. and them saying how “pedos are silly haha :3 ^_^” is Not normal horny posting btw. and literally nowhere on there blog is stated that this is all fantasy. but it is on mine. so please don’t compare my posts with theirs lol. and they rbed a photo of literal teenagers and made a weird tag that said something like “I need to be them. and I need to [redacted]” which I can only speculate means something sexual towards the kids in the picture. which is Not normal horny posting when you’re involving actual kids. like we aren’t even on the hypothetical side anymore, that is a photo of actual teenagers they reblogged on a blog where they talk about being a pedo, supporting pedos etc… is that not a little weird to you ? and not like. oh weird kinks, whatever. but like. weird, on the illegal territory ? weird, like this isn’t a kink anymore because you are involving not only hypothetical but also literal kids ? it’s not like they post ageplay like I do where I, an adult, want to pretend to be little with a consenting partner and I post about my fantasies. they post things like “pedos are silly ^_^ x3” which is weird in my opinion, because you are lumping all pedos in one positive group. like why would you do that unless you were a pedo or supported them ? like talking about pedos in any light that isn’t “I hate them” on nsfw tumblr is weird to me. cause even ageplay accounts on here are like “dni if you’re an actual pedo” but this person has never written anything like that, but instead reblogs what clearly seems like pro-pedo posts. which is WEIRD to me and no longer considered a kink and many others agreed with me
like I’m all for kink positivity. I think people using the ‘p3do bait’ tag is weird as hell but if I check their profile and see that they are over 18, not much I can do. but that person I called out has no age in their bio which is immediately a red flag. and the pedo joking, calling themselves a pedo and how they support pedos etc… is not normal horny posting. and even if they thought it was and they weren’t an actual pedo, they are making a community for pedos to interact with. I make it avidly clear on my blog that I despise actual pedos and I constantly make sure to out them so when I saw this, I did so. without ever thinking about their gender or if they’re trans cause that’s the least that matters in this situation. like if one of my mutuals rbed something like this, I’d immediately have the same problem with them. and you don’t need to “actually sexually abuse anyone underage” like you say there is no proof they are doing so. yes,,,,, but if you’re a pedo who has sexual thoughts about kids and posts about it, you’re a bad person. no actual inappropriate contact with a child is needed for you to be considered a bad person in that case
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hyeitsju · 1 year
can you do g!ploona reaction to reader pranking them abt being pregnant?
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Loona reaction to f!reader pranking them by saying they’re pregnant!!
(Loona x FEMALE!Reader)
Note(pls read):
anyways, im sooo sorry that this took so long, I was lowkey procrastinating. also, this is such a good idea!! i loved writing it! i did have to split it into two parts because i want to have every member have pictures. but don’t worry, the second part will be out shortly after this one!!! keep it coming with the requests please! 💞💞
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Heejin was very confused and a little nervous when you asked her to sit down once she walked through the door
Usually you would be jumping on hee and giving her kisses
However, her jaw dropped once you gave her the pregnant test
Heej would be frozen in shock, looking between you and the test, asking if it was really
Smiles so big, hugging you tightly and giving you a huge smooch while squealing
Actually starts to tear up before you tell her and it takes her a second to fully process what you said
And her smile slowly drops as she does
Would give you a soft hit on your shoulder, frowning
Makes you sleep in the guest room because she’s mad at you
On the bright side, Heejin does decide that she wants children now so you do start actually trying for one
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When you asked Hyunjin to sit down, she didn’t think much of it
Just assuming you wanted to talk about what you’d dinner for next week or maybe another lecture about how she’s taking up 87% of the pantry space with her bread
But never a confession that you’re pregnant
She would gasp so loudly, covering her mout with her hands and look at you with wide eyes,
Whispering a quiet “really?” behind her hands before smiling and giving you a tight hug
But pulls back immediately once she remembers that you’re pregnant, muttering a small “sorry”
Excitedly asking a million questions per second with a wide smile on Hyunjin’s face while holding your hand in one of hers
The other rests on your belly
“How far along are you” “When did you find out” “Do you know the gender yet?” “Did you tell anyone else yet?”
You couldn’t keep up and eventually give up and say it was a prank
She immediately smacks your shoulder, scoulding you
A bit upset but not too much
Hyunjin gives you the silent treatment until you get her some cotton candy bread from the store as a peace offering about 3-4 hours later
Gives you a big hug after, but does let you know that she doesn’t like pranks like that and too keep them low
Like salt in her food or something
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Haseul knew something was off the second she walked into the house, immediately going upstairs and into your shared room
Almost having a heart attack when she doesn’t immediately see you, but calming down once she notices the water of the sink running in the bathroom, along with the light peeking under
She hesitantly walks up to the door, knocking lightly and asking if you are okay and earning a small “okay” in return
Once she opens the door she finds you in front of the sink looking at a positive pregnancy test
It takes Haseul a minute to fully process what is happening, immediately giving you a hug once she does and lifting you off of the ground
“Oh my god, is that real?”
She would be smiling so hard her cheeks will hurt for the next few days
Talking about all of the things that she’s so excited to do before you stop her and tell her that you were pranking her
Is actually so sad :((( starts tearing up and won’t talk to you for the next hour
she can’t go very long without holding you
Haseul makes you apologize and scolds you for pranking her with something so serious
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Yeojin was lowkey nervous when you said you had to have a serious talk with her
She thought you found out that she actually kept the lizard she found instead of giving it away like you told her
So imagine her surprise when you shoved a positive pregnancy test into her hand
She squeals so loud, jumping up and down and running around
Actually forgets about you for a minute or two before running back over to you and giving you the biggest hug Yeojin has given you since you accepted her confession
Is speaking at 100M words/ph and you have to slow her down to tell her that you were joking
At first she was in denial “what? no, you just showed me that you are” and shoving the pregnancy test back into your hands as proof
But her smile would drop when you would show her proof of the purchase for the false pregnant test online
She would actually be so upset and a little disappointed in you for lying to her like that
Wouldn’t exactly yell at you, but would raise her voice more than she normally would when scolding you and would make you apologize by getting her some food
Yeojin would still be a little bit upset with you for around two weeks until she forgets about it
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You and Kahei were just cuddling on the couch while watching a show when you “blurted it out”
She heard you but it took a good minute for her to process what you said because she was so focused on the drama
But her head would snap towards you once she does, blurting out a loud “what?” with wide eyes
When you confirm she gets up quickly with a smile that she covers with her mouth from shock and a surprised face, asking “Are you being serious right now?”
Gives you such a big hug, just sitting in silence for a second before pulling back and asking questions.
Questions such as “How long have you known?” “How far along are you” “Do you know the gender?”
When you burst out in laughter, seemingly randomly, she gets a little concerned. Asking “what’s wrong?”
Kahei actually gets a little mad and says that she needs space
Saying “that wasn’t an okay thing to joke about”
She eventually, late at night, comes back home to you and explains to you that she doesn’t like you doing those jokes and after she gives you a hug
🦉kim lip/jungeun🦉
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You and Jungeun were sitting at the kitchen table, having a regular at home dinner date.
However, when she went to pour you some of the wine she bought for the date, you stopped her and said “no thanks, I don’t need any”
When she asked why not as she sipped on her glass, confused because you never said no to wine, you replied with “because I’m pregnant” as if it was the most normal thing in the world
She instantly choked on the beverage, wide eyed and asking you to repeat that
When you did she was very excited, asking if you were serious with a big smile
You, however, just couldn’t hold in your laughter and shook your head, saying no
She frowned and smacked your shoulder, scolding you for saying that and you two went on with your date as regular.
Best believe that she’s pranking you back tho.
so sorry Kim Lip’s is so short!!! anyways, have a good day/night/afternoon!!🎀🎀
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pantherheart · 8 months
Hiii! I wanted to DM but didn’t see an option.
I love love love your blog and meant no disrespect in organizing Shuriri week (doesn’t start until the 28th) without reaching out. I’ve postponed it like 4 times due to outside life circumstances so I was definitely a bit scrambled pulling it together for this first event. My goal was just to create a fun event and side blog to just enjoy Shuriri content with other folks. You’ve been doing that for a while so I truly hope I haven’t offended you in any way. I took inspo from other fandoms and figured “why not?” .
I just wanted to touch base and check in because I 100% do not want to step on your toes or seem disrespectful/careless with my presence in the Shuriri fandom/community.
Please DM me whenever you get the chance/want to! I’m 100% down for collaboration etc. but also don’t want to pressure or assume - just truly checking in and wanted to apologize for not reaching out sooner. I always planned to but again, life has just been crazy.
All info about the Shuriri Week event can be found on my page and @shuririweek. Again, I realize I should’ve at bare minimum hit you up since you run the literal FIRST blog dedicated to Shuriri. Which I love and deeply enjoy and appreciate! My apologies again!
- Ace ❤️
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All I said was that I wasn't aware that this event was going on. I don't get how you thought you were being offending. You're totally fine 😄
The fact that you took the initiative and made that Shuriri Week blog and event is superb! You're awesome!! And I want to post this publicly because of your tidbit:
All info about the Shuriri Week event can be found on my page and @shuririweek
Y'all go participate ‼️
I'm still open to talking with you if you want the help, and I can do what I can.
(Let me know if you indeed want this ask deleted.)
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moose-muffin · 9 days
It’s been a while, but after a lot of mulling it over I have an announcement for you all.
When I turned 13 I remember being so excited because I could FINALLY legally download tumblr and this account was born, or well, a different account that I ended up losing access to when I made a new email so THEN this account was born HAHA.
I will always be grateful for the love and support this community has given me over the years. I mainly used this blog as a means to make friends and talk about tickling without being the fear of being judged and it did that for me. Thank you all for being so kind. I had a blast making up silly headcanons for characters I enjoyed and loved that I could share them with others who found them just as fun.
I think I’ve realized though that my interest in tickling is not entirely SFW. For a lot of my childhood I assumed I was ace (I still do believe I’m somewhere on the spectrum) but I do know that tickling as a form of intimacy is not just platonic. I want to be able to explore the more NSFW sides of the community. And it wouldn’t feel right doing it on this account. I know that my time in the SFW tickle community has taught me so much. I know that community isn’t strictly for minors, but I also realize a majority are. And I want to keep it a safe space, just as kink communities are safe spaces for people 18+. In no way am I saying this interest can’t be SFW for those who are 18+, that’s valid!! For me, that simply isn’t my reality.
I don’t plan on deleting this account. It can serve as a time capsule of the experiences and the love that this community has to offer. Plus people do interact with my old posts from time to time and they were written as SFW, and I don’t want to take it away because I remember trying to look for niche fandom tk content and often finding nothing, so hopefully they continue to bring people joy.
I’m sure I’ll run into some of you on the other side, I don’t think I’m going to advertise my new account here just yet (it also isn’t created at the moment either HAHA). I’m not sure if I will share it here at all, so please feel free to reach out if you want to stay connected, as long as you are over 18.
To any minors reading this, I want to say I know it can be frustrating and it can feel like you’re being purposefully excluded from something. Kink communities are a beautiful thing, but the reality is there are sexual encounters that occur in those communities. And there is an age of consent for a reason, and while it may be different in different places, I feel strongly that 18 is the age that makes sense. Once you’re an adult, you’d be welcomed into NSFW communities with open arms, but these aren’t just rule for the sake of control, they serve an important purpose. They’re for your safety and also the safety of everyone in the communities as well.
I’ve felt inspired to do this for a while by some of the accounts around me. If you’re someone who’s also moved accounts, most likely you helped me realize I wanted to do the same thing. Thank you for setting a positive example and showing that it’s ok when things change.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading! Tumblr is probably my favorite platform and a lot of that has to do with the kindness and also the setting and following of boundaries. Remember to read users intro posts before following and just because it’s the internet doesn’t mean you don’t need consent. (Minors cannot give consent for sexual encounters btw let’s not forget that please) Ok I think that’s about it. Remember to have fun and let yourself be weird and freaky. The world needs more freaks in all honesty. Fuck cringe culture too, do what makes you happy and take care of yourself and your friends. Good luck to each and every one of you!
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anxiety-and-fandoms · 11 months
bored so I’m making a new intro post :)
General info: queer minor, I use any pronouns, I have so many nicknames it’s hard to keep track at this point, please talk to me I love making new friends
Hello! My name is Plague- that’s what most people call me, anyways. But I go by many things! Asterisk, Void, Anx & Fan are also quite popular! You can also come up with an affectionate nickname for me if you’d like :)
I use any pronouns! Get wild with it! Mix and match as you see fit!! I’m also queer in general but in a way that can’t be described comprehensively.
I’m also a minor, so no majorly 18+ or whatever blogs please :)
The anxiety part of my username is all about modern events, artist/writer’s block, donation/visibility posts, etc., whereas the fandom part of it is where the actual art/writing goes.
Speaking of which, here’s what fandoms you can expect from me, in no particular order:
Just Roll With It (mainly Riptide)
Sonic the Hedgehog (mainly Sonic Prime)
MCYT (Hermitcraft/Traffic Life/Empires)
Minecraft in general :)
Dimension 20
d&d in general
Sander Sides
StarKid Musicals (especially the Hatchetfield musicals/Nightmare Time)
the occasional musical theater! (Hadestown, Newsies, Legally Blonde, etc.)
Continuing on with the about me:
I’ll never be mad at you for saying hi! I promise I don’t bite :) Even if we’re not mutuals I’m pretty much always happy to chat! I may take a while to respond though (oopsies)
My ao3 is @/ThePlaugeDoctor (yes I misspelt plague don’t worry about it)
in case tumblr dies you can find me on Cohost with the same name (@/anxiey-and-fandoms), or if we’re mutuals you can ask for my discord as well :}
In case you need me to add content/trigger warnings, or if you’re just curious about how I sort my tags, please feel free to ask!
onto something more serious is stuff regarding pro/anti/whatever ship. There’s a lot of different definitions on these terms so I can’t say where I fall in line on it, but I think child porn is bad and glorifying pedophilia/abuse/etc. in stories and then posting them online makes you a bad person I don’t want to interact with.
However, I don’t think that something being ‘gross’ is reason enough for it to be considered wrong. Something being gross is different than something being harmful, and if something is gross but not harmful (and it is probably managed in terms of consent irl or trigger warnings/tags online) than it is perfectly fine!
also if you put asks in my ask box for donations or help I will assume you’re a bot or a scammer and I will delete it :,)
Also if you’re the type of person to make ‘kys’ jokes I don’t think we’re gonna be friends :/
My Side Blogs:
@a-picrew-a-day Picrew themed side blog, updated once in a blue moon
@chocolate-guy-compilations Amaury Guichon/chocolate guy sideblog
@simply-ask-games ask games, polls, uquizzes, etc.
@haiku-bot-approved old gimmick blog that people keep mistaking for the actual haiku bot, guys please stop following this blog I gave up on it forever ago
@thevoidcreates saved posts about writing/art/whatever tips and tricks
@anxiety-no-fandoms vent blog :( posts there are VERY vague and I usually don’t tag them so follow at your own risk
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
Operation Weretiger: Success! (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Primary Universe
Summary: Dazai calls on Atsushi to help him after what seems to be a failed suicide attempt, but little does the weretiger know it's actually a trap set just for him...
A/N: This is my half of a collab with @giggly-squiggily! To read an alternate version of this story (in which Dazai's plan backfires), go check out her blog, or click here!
This was so much fun to work on! I've been wanting to write a ler!Dazai, lee!Atsushi fic for a little bit so this worked out really well! I also decided to go ahead and make it part of my Primary Universe since it seemed to flow pretty naturally into it.
Thanks so much to giggily-squiggily for joining me in this adventure! This was a lot of fun to write! ^^
Word Count: 1,513
Warning: Slight suicidal ideation (Dazai as a character likes the idea of suicide, so please be warned if that bothers you <3)
It was a beautiful day to die.
At least, that’s what Atsushi assumed Dazai had been thinking when he went to the park instead of the agency this morning, worrying him and making Kunikida angry in the couple of hours before he got a text saying the man was stuck and needed help. He decided not to tell his bespectacled coworker where he was going over his lunch break. It would probably be better for everyone if he didn’t know.
Now the young detective walked slowly and observantly through the park Dazai had mentioned, looking around for him, wondering how he could have gotten stuck in a place like this, and with so many people around.
He was just passing under a particularly large tree when he heard someone call out, “Atsushi! There you are.”
Atsushi whirled around, frowning when he didn’t see anyone, but it only took him a moment to understand that the voice had come from above him. Sure enough, when he looked up into the branches of the tree he stood under, Dazai was at least a dozen feet above him, waving cheerily.
“Dazai,” the weretiger scolded. “Please don’t tell me you planned to—” He cut himself off when he remembered how many little ones he’d passed on the way here. “…you-know-what, in a park of all places?”
“It was a beautiful morning to die,” Dazai said reasonably.
I knew it, Atsushi thought to himself, clenching his fists in frustration. “There are kids here!”
“There weren’t this morning. Besides, why do you think I hid myself up here? It would have been far more likely for an adult to find me—”
“Please stop talking.”
“But if it makes you feel better, I changed my mind after the sun came up.”
Well, that was a surprise. Atsushi felt relief flooding through him. “Good! I’m glad to hear that. But you were already up there and got stuck, so you need help getting back to the agency?”
“Well…I may have lied about the getting stuck part.”
“What do you mean?”
Dazai shifted into a crouching position in the tree, showing off his freedom of movement and the fact that he was very much not stuck at all. Atsushi stared at him incredulously.
“So you had me come all the way out here for nothing?”
“Not for nothing,” Dazai replied, suddenly flashing a beaming smile and lunging for the poor weretiger, simultaneously freeing himself from the branches and tackling his mentee into the plush grass surrounding the trunk of the tree.
Atsushi didn’t even have time to process that he was on the ground before he felt a strange, giddy sensation rising up in him and he bubbled out a handful of giggles, slapping a palm over his mouth in embarrassment before his brain caught up to what was happening now.
“Cheer up, Atsushi,” Dazai teased, pinching and poking sporadically up and down his sides and ribs. “I don’t want to die today after all.”
“Wha – whahahat? Dazahahahai! Nohohoho!” Atsushi squeaked, trying to roll over but feeling a weight settle on his lower stomach, trapping him in place on the ground. He stared up at Dazai’s smiling face and the picturesque view of the sunlight streaming through the tree branches above him and suddenly felt a wave of emotions come over him at once – none of which he had time to process since he was busy giggling up a storm right here in the open. “Plehehehease, Dazai! Not hehehehehere! We’re in puhuhuhuhublic!”
“So? No one seems to mind.” The older man glanced briefly around them, smirked, and continued, “Most people aren’t even paying attention, and those who are are smiling just as big as you. They seem to think you’re cuuuute, Atsushi~”
That only made the poor detective feel even more self-conscious. “Nohohohohooo!”
He’d only been tickled once in his entire life thus far, and that was Akutagawa’s doing. Where the Port Mafia executive had been straightforward and downright ruthless, Dazai was being gentle and playful, and it was messing with Atsushi’s mind in ways he couldn’t even explain. Was this the kind of tickling one did to a child? Was this what he’d been missing out on all his life?
“Cootchie coo~” Dazai teased him now, bringing him back into the present, quickly switching from poking to kneading into his sides, drawing a whine and a snort from the younger man. “Aww, are you ticklish here, Atsushi? Tickle, tickle~”
“Nahahahahaha! Plehehehehease!” Atsushi giggled, trying to lift his hips to buck him off, twist away, pull his hands off his sensitive sides, anything. He even tried shifting into his tiger form, but he realized immediately upon failing to do so that that wouldn’t do him any good against Dazai, whose ability was canceling others’ abilities. He wasn’t getting out of this through sheer force, that was for sure.
“Aw, you’re turning all pink like a cherry blossom,” Dazai cooed, scooting back a little so he was straddling his waist instead, able to scribble his fingers all over his belly. “Oho! That’s quite the reaction. Got a ticklish tummy, little kitty Atsushi?”
Atsushi was going to die if Dazai didn’t stop teasing him! “Nohohohoho! Don’t sahahahahay that!”
“Tickle, tickle, tickle! Where do you think you’re going, squirmy wormy kitty cat?” Dazai giggled along with him, circling his navel with a finger, thrilled when it got Atsushi to yelp and try to shove him away. “Uh-oh, did I find a good tickle spot?”
“Plehehehehease! N-Not thehehehehere, please, Dazahahahahahai!”
“Did Akutagawa find this spot?”
Why was he always bringing that grumpy jerk into things?! “Yehehehehehes!”
Dazai chuckled. “Did he tickle it?”
Atsushi’s face was positively burning at this point. “Stahahahahahahap teheheheheasing me! Plehehehehehease!”
“Fine, fine.” The older man finally took mercy (kind of) and plunged his finger into Atsushi’s belly button, beaming at the way it made the weretiger arch his back and screech and frantically claw at his arm in an attempt to escape. “Ooh, you’re super-duper ticklish here, aren’t you, Atsushi~?”
Atsushi simply could not take what was happening right now. He dug his heels into the grass and laughed openly and loudly, shaking his head in desperation, emotions swirling like a hurricane in his chest. He felt so playful and loved and seen, but at the same time he knew they were in public and everyone was watching him fall apart and he was so embarrassed he couldn’t stand it; he had a reputation to uphold now!
“DAHAHAHAHAZAI PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! AHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAP!!” he begged, trying to push the man’s finger away from his navel and cover it up but too weakened by his laughter to follow through. Dazai just kept coming back to that spot, slipping in over and over again with an ease that was distressing to Atsushi. Through his teary vision he could see his mentor smiling gently at him, and it was all he could do not to completely unravel underneath his touch. “PLEASE, IT’S TOO MUHUHUHUHUHUCH!! I CAN’T – DAHAHAHAHAZAI I CAHAHAHAHAN’T!!”
Dazai seemed to understand that he was being serious, so he retracted his finger from Atsushi’s belly button and went back to gently skittering up and down his sides, easing him back down from the heights of his laughter to the gentle lows of a stream of giggles.
“I can’t believe you’ve never been tickled before. The people in your life before the agency have no idea what they were missing.”
Atsushi’s eyes widened, but thanks to the soft tickles he was still giggling, so he couldn’t even let the words sober him at all. That was probably Dazai’s intention.
“P-Plehehease, stohohohop,” Atsushi whined, letting out a squeak when his ribs were tweaked playfully. “It’s too muhuhuhuch…”
At last Dazai did stop, though he didn’t move from his perch on his mentee’s waist. “You should laugh more. It looks good on you. Also, tickling you is a lot of fun – I should tell the others how blushy and squirmy you get~”
“Dazai!” Atsushi cried, covering his face with both hands in embarrassment, but he couldn’t help but smile despite himself. Though it could be too much for his untrained nerves to handle, so far he hadn’t really hated being tickled. “You’re so mean. You promised you wouldn’t tickle me to death the first time, but here you are making me laugh my head off in public!”
Dazai gently pried his wrists from his face and smirked wickedly at him, sending a sharp, excited chill down the weretiger’s spine. “You think I was tickling you to death just now?”
Atsushi immediately had flashbacks to when Akutagawa had tickled him, saying, “You think you were laughing? You’ll know when you’re laughing, weretiger.”
He still had a lot to learn about tickling and being tickled, but he had a feeling he’d be getting plenty of lessons from here on out. He giggled nervously at the thought, which made Dazai chuckle as well.
“This was nothing,” the older detective promised teasingly. “But if you want a demonstration of how much worse it can be, I’m sure that can be arranged…”
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leieryx · 1 year
they / he
art #Lei art /// rambles #lei talks?!? /// queued or scheduled #queue
kofi: ko-fi.com/leieryx
ONLY ART SIDEBLOG. if you turn on notifications here i am blessing you with 3 shiney pennies thank you
new disco elysium sideblog because im insane.
if you want to know I am a intersex trans guy but bi-gender about it and kinda aro ace ? but a little gay? :) we stay funky and strange
moving up here because it’s relevant I do not reblog donation posts from people I don’t know or post asks from people I don’t know asking for donations in my inbox. it kinda sucks that’s how it has to be, but there’s no way I could independently vet them all and it feels like the situation with scammers has gotten a lot worse lately. Plus I’ll be honest I’m not popular. on sideblogs I will occasionally but it’s made with the assumption I haven’t done research. For this blog I make sure what I reblog is vetted. Please do not send me asks or messages about donation posts I will assume you are a scammer and block you. Please do your own research before donating especially when it’s on one of my side blogs. Ty
I don’t fuck with TMA/TME but I won’t usually block based on that alone because I know usually it’s from a different experience than mine, and I do value that experience. However some of you are rancid about it and if you think that all of transphobia is redirected transmisogyny, or that you can easily categorize people individually as TMA/TME in every case (especially by going ‘well no one but trans women are -actually- affected by this bigotry) just like. Don’t bother.
always tagging unreality and flashing lights, and I don't reblog things that can be guilt trippy or superstitious about reblogging (when I do, it's with #reblog bait) I also don't reblog donation posts unless I know you :( I know a good portion are probably legit, but. 'probably legit' is kind of an issue..
Edit edit: does not apply to verified Palestinians fundraising because verified.
On top of that im not someone with many followers at all so it's very unlikely to help anyways.
I don't tag most fandoms (unless im drawing art) (i want to change that eventually though) because my laptop is a potato (lovingly) and the thought of tagging every post with it's fandom makes me vaporize into dust. other times it's because i don't know them ;; sometimes im just enjoying whatever my mutuals are reblogin :] even if id on't know what its from lol
also ill try and tag anything i think needs tagging for warnings but stuff not mentioned here may not be universal. #bugs is for bugs and spiders though. you can send me an ask if you need something else tagged
basically it's a mess :] thumbs up. oh yeah also if you're gonna get mad at people who do not understand pop culture things DO NOT FOLLOW ME I LIVE UNDER A ROCK. LIKE HIM
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