#also this is long cuz i wanna show off more of them acting like siblings ‘^^
Rosea smirked, taking a second to get off of the counter. "Who do you think is~?" She asked teasingly. "I mean... if your guess is Rosea Malificium, you would be once hundred percent correct, hon~" She brought a hand up to her mouth and giggled. Oh, getting this sort of reaction out of people made her feel so special. She tilted her head, looking Mara over. "... I like your fashion sense, hon. Did you just pick those up somewhere, or is there a tailor I need you to introduce me to~?" ~ Rosea
Mara was grinning so much her face hurt. Her eyes practically had stars in them. Rosea malificium was pretty much her biggest source of inspiration when it came to... well, a lot of things. And she was standing right in front of her!!! Smiling at her!!! Talking to her!!! Complimenting her outfit!!! It was all a little much. She slouched a bit into a relaxed pose, trying her hardest to seem casual. Though the eager, gentle flicking of her tailtip from side to side sort of ruined it. She was so excited.
“These old things?~” mara shrugged, “oh, I just found em. You’d be amazed with all the nice stuff folks toss out without a second thought. I could show you the best places to look, if you want me to.”
A soft cough sounded off behind mara.
“... uhm... ex... excuse me...?”
Berimont’s recovered his voice. And, from the looks of it, he’s recovered his anxiety, too. Mara gave him a look that screamed ‘be cool!!!’ But he didn’t notice. He fidgeted worriedly as he worked up his nerve to talk again. “Who... um... I-I mean... do you two... know each other...? Or something...?”
Mara just chuckled in that way a mildly embarrassed sibling does. “Oh, blueberi... don’t you know the mother of demons when she’s looking at you?”
Berimont stared at her blankly. Then, suddenly, the meaning of it dawned on him. A kind of awed horror spread across his face.
“Th- the- the what???” He squeaked.
“That’s right! Say hi to rosea~”
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Chaotic Family Tingz - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader ft. Older brother L/N Ryu and Younger brother L/N Itazura
Warnings: Cursing, Crack, Fluff, Tatted Bakugou bc ✨SPICE✨
Summary: You have a very….special family. You were nervous to not only bring your Tatted, motorcycle riding boyfriend to your home but also to show your very loving boyfriend your insane family. Unfortunately, the truth cannot be hidden for long. Unfortunately for your boyfriend, Bakugou, he learned the truth in a very L/N family way.
A/N: Heavily inspired by Good Luck Charlie. ALSO, I wrote this more based around Y/N and her life but Katsuki plays part in it. I still think it’s good bc imagine Bakugou being in this situation 😆🤣
You and Bakugou Katsuki have been dating for a year. You fell in love with the Bakugou Katsuki.
He who had a sleeve full of tattoos, who wore black combat boots and chains, who rode slick black motorcycles yet was a total softie when it came to you
Even though you had been dating for over a year, you didn’t bring him home for multiple reasons
1. You wanted to be sure he was the one before he met your crazy family, 2. You didn’t want him to meet your crazy family
Notice how we keep saying crazy?
Eventually, Bakugou got tired of waiting. He wanted you to be comfortable but he also wanted to know you loved him enough to think he was the guy you would want to bring home to meet your family
Meeting the parents and meeting the family is a big step and shows that you really want him as part of your life. It would mean a whole lot to him
And when he requested to meet your family and you shut it down again, he began to question you
“Do you not want me to meet them because…of me? Do you not want them to meet me?”
You looked at your boyfriend with a sad look as he stared at you like a kicked puppy
“Baby, no. Of course I want my family to meet you.”
“Then why haven’t they?”
“….Because I don’t want you to meet them.”
“Suki! They’re insane! I’m just- *sigh.* What if their craziness drives you away from me?”
Bakugou laughed at you in disbelief. Leave you? Like hell he would. Bakugou’s done a whole lot in his life and you are the one thing he got right.
“Yeah no. Sorry princess but you’re stuck with me for life. I’m not going anywhere.” When he said that, he kissed your knuckles before leaving a kiss on your lips which convinced you to let him meet your insane family
He celebrated right in front of you
Anyway, what you need to know is that you’re family is….crazy crazy. Crazy as in things are never boring in your house because things are always happening
(Mind you, the actions below happened before you said yes to letting Katsuki meet your family)
Now back to what we were saying
Bad things happen a lot. Things like your little 11 year old brother, Itazura, always getting into trouble at school. In fact, this time he got into so much trouble that his teacher called for a parent teacher meeting
Not wanting to get in trouble at home, Itazura had you and your brother pretend to be his parents and go to the meeting
Now you said no in the beginning, but he blackmailed you by threatening to tell your parents you broke their priceless-antique wedding china and so you had to give in
It didn’t take much convincing for your older brother, Ryu, to join in on Itazura’s plan. Ryu was a very….simple person.
“You’re just gonna give in like that?” You asked him
“I mean, in the end it just saves time.” He said, referring to how Itazura will always find a way to get what he wants
“Yeah, that’s fair.”
And so, you and Ryu posed as Itazura’s parents. You dressed in your mom’s work clothes while Ryu dressed in a suit and put on a fake mustache for gags
You both presented yourselves along with Itazura to his teacher, who can barely see straight, and the plan went on perfectly. You guys got away with it!
That was until Itazura’s teacher, who was named Mrs. Iko, saw you at the movies on a date with Katsuki
And this is where it all goes down. Take a seat my bitches, and bros, and non-binary hoes cuz shits about to get real
(Shoutout to you if you get the reference ;)
*Ding Dong*
Your brother was sitting on the couch with his boyfriend when all of a sudden the doorbell rang, catching Ryu’s attention.
Opening the door, Ryu was met with the sight of Mrs. Iko. She took notice of his younger clothes, appearance, and mustache-less face. “Mrs. Iko? What’re you doing here?”
“Mr. L/N!” Mrs. Iko said with a shocked face and hand over her mouth. “You look so much younger! And your mustache has disappeared!”
Ryu grew visibly nervous at her words and gulped before letting out a shaky laugh. “O-Oh! Right! Yes, Uh- yes I’ve always been known for my Uh- youthful looks! And I just recently shaved- wanted a new look, you know?”
“Oh, well that doesn’t matter. I’m afraid I have some awful news.” Mrs. Iko said with a worried face as Ryu listened. “It’s about your wife.”
At that, Ryu’s longtime boyfriend, Daisuke, stood and walked towards the two. “Your wife? You have a wife?”
“No.” Ryu said.
“You don’t?” Mrs. Iko asked.
“Of course I do!” Ryu said, turning to her. Mrs. Iko looked around as if everyone in the house was crazy (they were) before speaking.
“Who are you?” She asked Daisuke.
“I’m his boyfriend.” He said. At that moment, you walked into the house holding Katsuki’s hand, ready to introduce him to your family, totally unprepared for what was about to go down.
“Hey guys! We’re back from the- GAH!” You said, yelping once you saw Mrs. Iko in the house. Mrs. Iko looked at you and Katsuki in shock as she pointed to you both.
“And here she is with her boyfriend!” Mrs. Iko exclaimed. Ryu felt pressured to play along and tried to save Itazura’s secret by keeping the husband act going.
“You’re cheating on me?!” Ryu said to you. “You’re a married woman!”
“You’re married?!” Bakugou asked you with an angry and hurt voice.
“No! No, no, no, no.” You said with a nervous laugh, trying to reassure him.
“You’re not?” Mrs. Iko asked.
“Of course I am!” You said, snapping your head to her. At that moment, Itazura walked in from the kitchen, but once he saw Mrs. Iko, he quickly turned back to go to the kitchen once more with a shocked expression.
“Geeeh!” He exclaimed before turning around, unfortunately caught by you.
“Uh- ITAZURA!” You shouted from the door as Bakugou held you close by the waist as a way of claiming his territory just in case things were in trouble for the two of you. Don’t worry, they weren’t. He believed you when you said you weren’t married but he’s starting to notice the weird shit that goes down in this house.
Itazura then came back, slowly poking his head in from behind the door as he stepped out. “Yes, Mother?”
Hearing you referred to that, Bakugou’s eyes popped before looking down at you. “Okay! I’m starting to see why you didn’t want me to meet your family.”
You nodded your head in a very ‘yeah…sadly,’ type of way.
“Uh- Itazura,” you said, walking towards your little brother. “Mrs. Iko has found out that your father and I are having problems.” You said in a ‘help us out of this you evil mastermind,’ type of way.
“Uhhh..and does she know that you guys are the reason I misbehave?” Itazura said, loud enough for Mrs. Iko to hear, hoping she would.
“Oh, I do now!” Mrs. Iko said sympathetically. Itazura came in like the evil mastermind he is and pulled out his fake tears.
“Well, maybe some good can come from all this pain,” he said with his fake tears and pouty lip towards his teacher. You faked a laugh before whispering to your younger brother.
“Hehehe…dial it down.” You said to him before turning to his teacher. “Um, Mrs. Iko, if you’ll excuse us, this family has some healing to do.”
“Which! I would like to do with just my parents and their apparent significant others,” Itazura said pointing to Daisuke and Katsuki.
“Welp! You should be on your way! Stay warm now!” Ryu said, beginning to escort Mrs. Iko out the front door by her shoulders. “Don’t wanna freeze off your toes!”
Unfortunately, right before the two reached the door, your actual parents came in. At the sight of them, you and your siblings flinched, sighed, and groaned before facing them. Luckily, Itazura came in once again to try and save the day in his lying ways.
“Grandma! Grandpa!” Itazura said going in to hug his actual parents to play his part. Your parents looked down to your brother in confusion and suspicion, well aware that your brother can get into some mischievous trouble.
“What’s going on?!” Your mom said, shaking off your brother’s hug.
“I’m Itazura’s teacher, I came to talk to his parents.” Mrs. Iko said introducing herself and gesturing to you and Ryu, to which the two of you scrunched your faces at being caught.
“We’re his parents.” Your dad said, gesturing to your mom and him. Mrs. Iko grew a face of utter shock before Itazura opened his mouth again.
“Hahaha, that’s right grandpa! You’re my dad!” Itazura said before whispering to Mrs. Iko. “He thinks he’s the president too.”
Your mom looked unimpressed at your brother’s lie until she caught sight of Bakugou in his white v-neck tee, and his big beefy arms covered in tattoos, holding his green bomber jacket, wearing his black ripped jeans and black combat boots. “Who are you?”
“Hey, I’m Bakugou Katsuki.” Your boyfriend said, waving with his gentler voice. Your dad looked outside and pointed to the foreign vehicle in their driveway before turning to Katsuki.
“Is that your motorcycle?” Your dad asked, making you nervous before you jumped to stand next to Katsuki to defend him.
“Um, yeah, about that-“
“I love motorcycles!” Your dad exclaimed with a smile.
“We’re dating!” You proudly said with a bright grin as you wrapped your arms around Katsuki’s as he looked down to you with a loving smile, loving when he heard you say those words to other people.
“Will you stop throwing that in my face?!” Ryu said, still playing his act.
“We’re not doing that anymore.” You blankly said to him with a dead stare.
“Great! Because I was getting a bit confused,” Ryu said and wrapped his arm around Daisuke’s waist.
And on that night, Mrs. Iko left, just as confused as Ryu.
“Alright,” your mom began, beginning to speak to you, your siblings, Daisuke, and Katsuki. “You, you, you, you, and you, sit. Now.”
“Uh, sorry,” your boyfriend said, “but I’m not your child. I don’t think you can tell me what to-“
“Did. I. Stutter?” Your mother asked with her devil eyes. Your gentler father stood behind her with a pleading look to your boyfriend to try and convince him to save himself. Katsuki felt his heart shake in fear at your mother’s tone and he opened his mouth to speak before closing it and taking a seat next to you on the couch.
“Mama Bear?” He asked you, referring to your mother.
“Mama Bear.” You confirmed. Bakugou nodded his head before relaxing into the couch.
“Okay. Now somebody tell me what’s going on.” Your mom demanded. You and Ryu remained quiet while your boyfriends sat in confusion. You all looked to Itazura who sighed before giving in.
“Okay, fine. I was getting in trouble at school and it got to the point where I had to have a parent teacher meeting. I didn’t want to get in trouble at home so I blackmailed Y/N and Ryu into being my parents so I could get away with it.” Itazura then explained.
“I guess somewhere along the line, Mrs. Iko caught me and Katsuki together so I guess she came here to tell Ryu, who she thought was my husband, that I was having an affair.” You then explained. Ryu was just sitting on the couch with his arm still around Daisuke before he raised his hand.
Your mother sighed at her oldest child being so..childish. “Yes, Ryu?”
“Uh- no I was just wondering if I could put on the fake mustache again.” He stupidly said with a genuine heart. You and your younger brother sighed in disappointment at his idiocy before turning to your parents.
“So? Are you going to punish us?” You asked your mom. She smiled at you sweetly before taking a seat in front of you on the coffee table.
“Oh, sweetie…..of course we’re going to punish you.” She said while placing a hand on your knee. She then stood to hand out her dealings. “Itazura, no video games, no sleepovers, no tv. Ryu, Y/N - no phones, no tv, no going anywhere after school. All of you, grounded. 2 weeks. We’re letting you keep your laptops for school work so if you need to communicate, use those. Am I clear?”
You and your siblings all nodded before your mother sighed and addressed the last thing. “Now finally, what did you say your name was, sweetie?”
“Oh! Uh, Bakugou Katsuki.” Your boyfriend said. Your mother smiled at him kindly before dropping that smile and giving him a look.
“Straight A’s.”
“Tattoos and Piercings. Why?”
“Most of them are to honor the people in my life.”
“Motorcycle. Why?”
“It was a gift I decided to not let go to waste.”
“Are you an asshole?”
“Only to idiots.”
“Why my daughter?”
“Because when she smiles everything in the world instantly makes sense to me.”
His last answer made you smile at him in awe as you scooted in closer. It also made your parents smile before your mom reached over to place a hand on his arm. “Welcome to the family, Bakugou.”
“So that’s your family, huh?” Bakugou asked as you both sat in your backyard on the hammock looking at the starry sky.
“Heh, yeah. A bunch of clowns.” You said, resting your head on his shoulder as his arm held you close.
“I don’t think so. They seem fun.” Bakugou said, trying to uplift your spirits.
“Fun. Crazy. Same shit I guess.” You said causing you both to laugh. Katsuki sighed in gratitude at finally getting to meet your family and allowed his head to drop on your own. “Umm..you’re not gonna leave me though..right?”
“Never.” He said with a small laugh and kiss to the crown of your head. “Like I said, you’re stuck with me. Besides. I now know if I’m ever bored, your family will always be around. S’like free entertainment.” He said making you giggle. “Plus, Itazura doesn’t seem so bad. I don’t know, might wanna pull a few pranks on him just to teach him a lesson.”
“Aww, baby.” You said kissing his cheek. “No you don’t, it’ll backfire on you and he’ll set your ass on fire. Doesn’t matter if you’re 5 years older than him.”
Bakugou widened his eyes in offense before chuckling and cuddling in closer as you both swung on the hammock. That was when you raised your head to look at him. “So…when can I meet your parents?”
Bakugou’s eyes once again popped as he thought about his timid father who was a doormat to his demonic mother. “Uh…I don’t know..They’re kinda…insane.”
Here we go again.
Taglist: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101 @ebiharachan @is-this-ash @iris-shihabi @sxturn-stars @isolight @lanantoine @whatdidshesayyy @qtsuki @lazyafgurl @dessykcm @misssugarless @unicornlover25 @sweethcnvy @hanamura-manami @thisuserlovesyouandyouandyou @ssurewhynottt
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author-luna · 3 years
My writing ideas (2/?)
<< Previous | Part 2 | Next >>
Ayo hi? I didn’t expect myself to be updating this series so soon 😂
anywho, a longer one this time with only 1 idea but it’s more fleshed out then the short synopsis style of the previous ones
Fandom: Trash of the counts family
There are 2 children, wait what?!
Brace yourself for a shit show
Literally, I had this idea 2 days ago at like 3 am and I’ve just gotten to write it out and work on it
Is it gonna make sense? No, who do you think am i??
It’s gonna be damn long cuz I kinda fleshed this out more then the others
Okay, so the idea was that after everything settles down, everyone low-key decides that Cale won’t be doing anything for at least a year or so
Cale has no objections of course, cuz that’s his goal
So, the first few weeks go by peacefully and Cale thinks ‘man, I could get used to this way of living. Nothing can get in my way now, right?’
Baby, no, you’re soo wrong
One day, as Ron goes to wake his young master up, he finds 2 children in the bed instead of one
Yes, you’ve read it right, 2 little red haired boys who look like the reflection of each other
One of the little shits boys is our Cale/KRS and the other one is OG!Cale
Somehow, OG!Cale travelled from the past of a different world into this world’s future
He’s terrified of course, because who the hell are these people and oh god one of them has a sword someone save me
As for our Cale/KRS, his body and mind got regressed into the age of 7
he has OG!Cale’s memories as well as part of his own from his childhood
Everyone freaks out since there are 2 self sacrificing idiots now and one of them looks ready to bite them if they even look into their direction
OG!Cale and KRS lowkey act like siblings since they’re both kinda stuck here with these weird people
KRS takes on an older brother type of role towards OG!Cale and he can’t explain it but he feels like this little boy that looks like him deserves a lot of happiness
OG!Cale is kinda weirded out and panics because he has no idea what to do, but seeing the other boy take care of him kinda makes it easier for him to stay calm
Deruth is lowkey an ass here because he feels a bit too grateful that he doesn’t only have 1, but 2 Cale’s now that he can make up his absence for
But oh boy h boy, imagine his surprise when both Cale’s act cold towards him
Basen and Lily wanna spend time with their little brother (brothers?) but, uh, OG! Cale is shy and scared of them while KRS doesn’t take anyone’s bullshit
At some point they drop them off at Alberu’s and he gets stuck as a babysitter but it was surprisingly fun for him
Erhaben is grandpa ™️ and he fees so attached to both Cale’s
For everyone’s sake, one of them is called Cale while they call the other one Cal (Cale is KRS while Cal is OG!Cale)
The kids are kinda curious as to how their father figure. Is gonna act and they’re pleased to know that he still kinda acts like himself, just a lot ore reserved and rude
Cuteness overload is guaranteed
Everyone gathers together to figure out wat to do, and suddenly they get contacted by 2 gods
The God of Death as well as the Goddess of Time are the one’s responsible for this set up
They explain that OG!Cale is from a parallel universe and that the soul residing within their Cale is also a bit different then the one that was living here at that age
Upon questioning why they brought OG!Cale here and why KRS got regressed, they explain that there is an inter dimensional disaster awaiting everyone, and the only people who could stop it are these 2 children, and being in this form makes it easier for them to full fill the mission since children have a “purer” soul and mind
Everyone is understandably enraged and they want to know how they can bring OG!Cale back to his universe and how to undo the regression on KRS
The assho gods explain that in order for everything to go back to its original way, they have to go through different memories of Cale in a world where they are twins, find the thing that isn’t correct and change the outcome in order to obtain parts on how to stop the disaster from happening (I swear the actual scene in my head is way better and cooler then the explanation I’m giving)
So, they both go into a deep slumber type of thing so that they can fix the memories of Cale and KRS, and unbeknownst to them, everyone is able to watch them and their memories
After they fix the first memory they receive a page and some text appears on it, but they can’t read
They keep relieving those fake memories and some are pretty harsh
It takes a lot of effort to change them, but at the end, the page is filled with text and they’re eager to read it
Well from here out I’lll come up with something, I swear-
Anywho give me feedback on this idea pls, it’s the most detailed one but I’m still very unsure about this one
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milks-writings · 4 years
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ 。⋆♡° ✫  ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ 。⋆♡° ✫
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ PAIRING: Atsumu Miya x Male!Reader
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ WARNINGS: mention of stabbing, Hurt buT LOTS OF CUDDLES AND COMFORT AFTERWARD, mention of death (meaning of the red anemone)
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ REQUEST: all right so.. atsumu ⭐️ can you please write m!reader and him being teammates and reader being a big friend of osamu. he knows that reader is gay and in love with his brother, so he always like.. quietly supports him and takes care of him, helping with reader’s crush on his chaotic brother :D so imagine a training camp mhm, the team spends all the time together and reader has all this *gay panic* since atsumu is always there, near him (i also just can tell atsumu is damn handsy person) atsumu is mocking reader (in a loving way of course, cuz he crushes over a sweet boy himself) since reader is that shy and cute, but he doesn’t understand his words hurt him because reader is too sensitive to his words and actually thinks that atsumu is making fun of him. so just one day without any intense atsumu makes reader cry with his mocking and like.. he has no idea what to do and he’s like “eey.. wait.. wait! samu! he’s crying! what should i do?!” :0 please gimme some hurt/comfort 🤍
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ Masterlist
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✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ Scenario: After one loss would always follow one win
Shuffling over the court and leaving some squeaking noises behind was almost a calming sound that came to your ears, echoing through the big volleyball court. Between the two sides, of your teams side and the other teams side was only a net that divided the thick air. There would be always one team at least one point ahead, and depending on who it was, the air seemed to be bearable or rather toxic and suffocating.
It was only a training camp, yet the feelings were fatal. Each point would cause the opposite team to get panic, to fill up with the anxious feeling that screams ‘Just one point’
No one would give up so easily. No one wanted to give up so easily. It was just a training camp, yet it felt like their life depended on this whole game. Each point felt like the string was about to just cut into a half, but no one knew who would get the longer string since the scissors were wandering on the string, waiting for some random moment to finally break the nervous atmosphere and end this whole game that drove everyone insane. The heavy breaths filled the court with some kind of beat, since at this point everyone just wanted to rest, yet no one was ready to give up already. Until the last bit of power would they fight.
For a brief moment, you thought, only a brief second, Atsumu would look back at you. The tiring game must’ve made you delusional. It was quite some while since you guys played against such a great team, also known as Itachiyama. Osamu had told you quite often that Atsumu never really labelled himself with a sexuality, giving you at least some rising hope. Honestly, your crush towards him felt like trying to take care of an almost dead flower. And not just one flower, it was the well known  red anemone that symbolizes death or the act of forsaken love. For some reason, it never wanted to open up. The petals stayed up, risen to the sky and not showing the truth behind the facade of the red petals. The secret was just laying on the stigma of the flower, waiting to get opened like a present and to outshine everyone's appearances. But as long as the flower wouldn’t open, the love felt one sided.
The last point felt like a long moment of silence. It wasn’t a real game, yet it was laying heavily on your shoulders. Your team lost. Kita would be disappointed, but you just knew that he wouldn’t scold you. As a Libero it was literally your duty to keep the ball over the floor. Even if it was one centimetre, one finger between the ball and the floor, anything could be done to win this god damn game. For a moment, your mind tricked you into thinking that this was an actual game, but seeing the others just walking off with the words “thanks for the training game.”
Osamu already had taken place beside you with two bottles of water, passing you one of the ones he held while just letting out a small sigh. “That was intense” He admitted, and if he said such a thing he really meant it. He was fucking right. This game was intense.
The water slowly went down your throat, giving you a cool down and filling your senses with some refreshing thoughts, among with the thought of Atsumu.
That’s right, the boy you have a crush on, the boy who is the twin of one of your closest friends, Osamu Miya. It was like your thoughts had to manifest the boy that filled your mind with worries but also with dreams you never thought would come true. “Hey!” The setters hand landed on your shoulder, making your cheeks heat up and leaving a pinkish blush on them, almost like it was naturally after a hard game. But sadly the blush didn’t blend in, it rather made your red exhausted face ever worse. You could swear, for a moment the wind hit the anemone, almost opening the flowers with the sweet sound of the wind blowing but somehow the windflower stayed closed, not letting you enter yet.
“Ya wanna grab some food with me and ‘Samu?” Atsumu asked you, making you slowly nod in agreement.
It has been a curse or a blessing that Atsumu always suggested you three to hang out. Being around those Twins was like walking on a thin rope, over the water with shaky feet. You could never know what would happen, if the rope would just tear apart or if you would fall into the water out of balance and if anyone would safe you. “I didn’t even agree, jerk!” Osamu huffed out at Atsumu’s statement. And there they went again. Barking at each other like two mad dogs, yet they didn’t rip their heads off since they still loved each other as siblings. Osamu soon snapped out of it though, and gave you all his attention again. “Ya want onigiri?” His eyebrow raised in sync with his words, like the words were pulling it slowly up and the question mark set an end to the pulling, but instead tilted his head to the side. With slowly moving your head up and down as a nod, you answered his question. It was the first day of the training camp so the left overs from the drive to the training camp were still good and it would’ve been a pity to let them get bad. “Yer just tryna to get him fat!” Atsumu snapped at Osamu, somewhat sounding mad for something. You weren’t sure if Atsumu preferred skinny people -- or if he was trying to make sure that Osamu wouldn’t feed you too much so you could still eat together. Nevertheless, you didn’t take it personally, yet. Just brushed it off and moved on, thinking that nothing too bad could happen with ignoring that. “No I am not! Back off pisshair!” Osamu complained with a hiss. Sometimes he could only wonder how you could fall in love with such an idiot like him. “Let’s grab some food” You finally broke the heavy and almost hatred atmosphere that was among you three thanks to the twins. No one could blame them though. It was just a typical conversation between two siblings.
A small wind seemed to have blown over the flower when you three were sitting in the small cafeteria and chatted. The anemone was about to open, to show it’s real colour, but you got hit with the train of disappointment as soon as Atsumu let his guards down again and begun to mock you. “Yer aren’t in yer top form today huh?” Atsumu smirk only grew with the last words, beginning to push you into the corner of just a breakdown. “Not really” You honestly admitted. It always had been him mocking you, him pushing you off your edge emotionally. With pressing your lips together you hoped to swallow the slightly painful comment down your throat, but nothing seemed to help. “Yer gotta be more self confident!” Atsumu implied, almost complained about you. He wanted to help you. For the three people on the table, Osamu, Atsumu and you it was very clear that Atsumu cared about you, but the way he would say things would be sometimes sharp, like a stab in your heart. But in reality he would be patting your head and stabbing your negative feelings instead of you. “Listen, it’s not easy you know” Your voice laid hoarse in the room, creating a short yet uncomfortable silence. Just when Osamu was about to butt in, Atsumu had taken advantage of the situation. “What if yer-” Just as Atsumu was about to continue his sentence, the tears that you had swallowed down along with the rice balls had just came up, running down your cheeks. The mocking sometimes got overwhelming to you. All you wanted were sweet words, but all you got was sweet mocks. Of course, it was probably his way to tell you that he liked you… or not. “No no pretty boy don’t ya cry!” Atsumu’s voice was filled with worries and confusion, immediately jumping up and sitting besides you. Osamu, who sat on the other side of you, just let Atsumu be. He should take care of you. He was the one who thought that mocking was a way for flirting and a way of showing someone his love. “Osamu what should I do?” he asked confused, but his twin just carelessly kept eating the Onigiri, like you two had been ghosts.
The tears that had been just streaming down your cheeks were like a soft, yet meaningful wind that had blown over the red windflower. With the soft wind blow, the dead petals fell down onto the ground, and the flower opened like a present, showing of its beautiful colourful petals. They were glowing under the rain, almost like the sun kept on shining behind the clouds. If a human eye would get to see the bright presence of the flower, they could forget for a second about the rain that was pouring down. And if someone, who saw the flower opening up and showing their beauty, would see that it was actually a white anemone, just waiting to show their sincerity.
“Hey hey hey- I didn’t mean to hurt you!” Atsumu said while getting a hold of your hands, “I really like you, you know and I tried to flirt with you” It was like he begun to rant his heart out, not trying to find an excuse to hurt you, but to explain the situation to you. To make you understand better, to cheer you a little up. “Let’s uh… Let’s get some food, huh? Or a warm tea?” Atsumu offered, not letting you talk until now. The tears that had been streaming down your face became less and less after seeing the not red, but actually white anemone in his eyes. The rain stopped.
“You… you do like me?” Your voice was dipped in some spark of hope, and also sealed with some confusion.
“Do ya want tea?” “Atsumu do you really like me or did you use it to cheer me up?” “I am not sure,” “You have to give me an honest answer. Yes or no.” With a sigh the boy finally gave in. It was useless to fight with you now. “Yeah kinda like ya” a small pout formed on his lips, seeming to be rather a little embarrassed than pleased by saying that.
“I like you too” There was nothing to save or to destroy now. You had been at your end, emotionally, and Atsumu also just opened up like a book, letting you read whatever had been written deep down in his feelings and mind. “Yer want cuddles?”
That question took you off guard.
Cuddles was the last thing you would expect him to ask you, but could you say no?
With a small sob that had been still saved from the crying just a few minutes ago your head slowly motioned to a yes, making his goofy smile grow. “Good thing we share a room!” He cheered, ruffling your hair.
After that sentence you can guess what happened.
Lots of loving cuddles and hugs were exchanged this night.
After one loss would always follow one win.
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«𝐛𝐲 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞»
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berryscaryskies · 2 years
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time for Leo! Lil magic baby. 
-So when I put down that his dark form is call back to his father's death I didn't mean like literally thats what Leo choice or anything. Rather its more like the dark magic Luna used to take Arturo's life force and create Leo instead has warped Leo a bit so he appears sometimes the way Arturo lost his life. Drowned in a storm.
-I like to think that Leo's pendant is actually something of Arturo's that he found.
-Leo grew up very isolated, just him, Luna, and their orchard. And not feeling like mother really understood what he was going through Leo started reaching out to other vampires. Unfortunately the coven that lived nearest to him, the Cowers, weren't the best people. Leo became rather smitten over Alessandra who honestly didn't care much about him beyond the fact that he was attractive. And her two brothers were weird and intense, Raphael in particular didn't like Leo much at all and was Very against Leo and Alessandra's relationship(tho this was actually just his own romantic feelings for Leo causing him to lash out). Amina though, she took quite the shine to him, she saw a lot of potential in him. It didn't take long for him to get wrapped up in The Cower's less than legal business practices and what not.
-Despite growing close to his siblings upon finally reaching out to them, Leo prefers to keep them in the dark about the Cower Business. He doesn't want them to think less of him. 
-Okay so I wanna give into his love triangle nonsense, cuz just like his namesake before him, there was Indeed love triangle drama. So obvi Leo got with Alessandra pretty quick, Amina(Alessandra's mother and also his Boss) gave her blessing easily as she liked him at the time. But it didn't take very long for Leo to start to regret having developed and acted on his feelings for Alessandra. It started with Prom. She agreed to go easily enough, but while there she mainly just sat around uninterested in the event. Then later they were invited to an After Party at the peer. She wasn't interested in anything they did and even found him taking her on that one romance ride to be rather embarrassing. She even posted about how lame and uncool he was on social bunny!!! And right as i was gonna have them finish the night with a romantic ride on the ferris wheel she just dipped!!! It was pretty pathetic on Leo's part ngl. But fortunately his best friend Adriel was there to cheer him and they went on the ferris ride together instead,,, as bros.
-Adriel's quite cute actually cuz Leo met him all on his own, I hadn't sent him to school to socialize and yet he still returned with a new friend in tow and the two hit it off instantly, and then after the incident at the peer with Leo's gf Adriel asked to be his Best Friend!!!!!!!!!!! Leo'd never had a best friend before! It was so sweet so obviously by the next day I'd gotten a notif that Leo had developed a crush on Adriel. Leo spends more time with him than Alessandra, heck Adriel will just show up at the house to chill or will send him messages on Social Bunny. with Alessandra its always Leo reaching out first. The more Leo's feelings for Adriel develop the more he realizes he cant be with him though. Leo's literally in a gang with a powerful and ancient vampire, Amina would not take him breaking up with Alessandra lightly.
-After graduating high school he started getting pressure from the Cowers to propose, so he did. He tried to ask for advice from his siblings in the most round about way he could without admitting to WHY he was scared of Amina. But they weren't of any help. In the end the two got married and it wasn't long before Alessandra discovered herself to be pregnant. 
-Leo wound up confessing all of his fears and feelings to Adriel, and despite expecting rejection he was completely accepted. Adriel asked to leave Alessandra and be with him instead but Leo wasn't sure that is until the day Perdita was born. Holding her for the first time had everything fall into place. So he picked up and left back to his mother's place and Adriel met him there. The Cower family were not too happy to say the least.
Also here's headshots! Of Leo, Adriel, and Alessandra
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ellitx · 3 years
It stuck out to me that Dain specified that "the gods descended and destroyed Khaenri'ah" cuz Barbatos and Morax were never in Celestia (I can't remember if Barbatos briefly went with Venessa but even then he was for what ten minutes lol) ANNNNND the only power we see in the destruction of it (in that one trailer) is the Sustainer's. I highly doubt the god of freedom (and love) and a god who knows when to let humanity do its own thing were even remotely part of that destruction- I'm quite sure the gods Dain spoke of were the Celestial gods, not the ones in Teyvat. And if you think about it, Khaenri'ah being destroyed could be why the majority of the Archons we know about oppose/don't care about Celestia
My guess is Dain is assuming all gods are the same, but they're very much not. Also, while I'm at it I wanna point out that ppl in game insist on calling Venti useless and lazy or even imply he's bad... meanwhile Baal is over there blocking off her entire region and taking away Visions and no one (in canon) says a single word against that. How is Venti always talked about like he's some huge problem when Baal and even Tsaritsa are right there being actual menaces (from what we understand so far)... it makes no sense. Ppl are so mean to Venti even if he's not around and for what... what has the god who's always fought for humanity's freedom and happiness done to hurt anyone I just do not understand, I cannot see Venti doing anything of what Dain said. That goes against his entire being...
Dain even contradicts himself multiple times and kept the fact he knows the sibling a secret... for what??? Why is he so sketchy?? Frankly I don't trust him, especially if this theory holds any merit
All this being said, if Venti is actually evil somehow I'll take it I love villains😅😂 But it could also be true that Khaenri'ah was not as great as Dain made it sound... coulda been evil or plotting smth terrible for all we know. He was cursed after all (if I'm understanding right), and literally no one else that we're aware of has been cursed. If Visions are divine blessings then curses are divine punishments... Visions are given to extraordinary ppl and/or those who have suffered greatly; they're given to help ppl. Curses tho... you gotta really fuck up to be cursed I assume.
Last thing before I'm done rambling I am so so sorry I just have a lot of thoughts about all this: in the chapter outline video Dain literally tells us to 'defeat him and command him to step aside' after saying "we (humanity) will defy this world with a power from beyond". Idk about anyone else but that kinda sounds like "sure I wanna destroy the world, but you can stop me". And isn't changing the world what Tsaritsa and the Fatui (and the Abyss Order??) are doing... Dain why are you against the gods who seemingly have the same goal as you
Okay I'm sorry that's so long but I'm done now BYE GIDHWHGEJFJE
-🌧 anon
I'm quite sure the gods Dain spoke of were the Celestial gods, not the ones in Teyvat. And if you think about it, Khaenri'ah being destroyed could be why the majority of the Archons we know about oppose/don't care about Celestia
Yep yep, as ive said before i havent thought the gods dain had mentioned can also be referred to the gods of celestia so it’s my fault for not understanding it well. And iirc venti isnt really fond of celestia which is why he gave his gnosis to the tsaritsa who is going against them
Also, while I'm at it I wanna point out that ppl in game insist on calling Venti useless and lazy or even imply he's bad...
Ppl are so mean to Venti even if he's not around and for what... what has the god who's always fought for humanity's freedom and happiness done to hurt anyone I just do not understand, I cannot see Venti doing anything of what Dain said. That goes against his entire being...
This really saddens me a lot that they view venti as an irresponsible archon when in fact he has done lots of things to keep his nation safe
Rebelling against the aristocracy to stop it during the time of Vennessa, waking up when he heard the cries of his people when Durin was attacking Mond, and even helping out in stopping Dvalin’s corruption
When they say Venti's "irresponsible" it's.. scary
He was given responsibility for the whole nation and was brave enough to accept it. He worked hard for years,sacrificed his power for people's freedom. He still risks his life regularly
source: @/Genshin_Kineli
Venti has more to it than meets the eye and it just needs a better understanding of him yet they keep looking on his current state. Like how often he goes to the tavern for a drink or laze around. Venti’s done lots of things okay T^T even during the Windblume, he helped us out in assisting his students from afar.
Dain literally tells us to 'defeat him and command him to step aside' after saying "we (humanity) will defy this world with a power from beyond". Idk about anyone else but that kinda sounds like "sure I wanna destroy the world, but you can stop me".
Now this is something that piqued my interest as i was reading theories in the subreddit.
In his outro, it seems that the Traveller will be forced to fight him in the future, to save the Traveller's Sibling--"Defeat me, command me to step aside, show me that you are worthier than I to rescue her.
Then, the threads of all fate will be yours to re-weave." It's unclear who the hero or the villain is in this situation. Is it Dainsleif, holding the Traveller's Sibling hostage? Or is it the Traveller's Sibling, who is about to set the world into ruin with Dainsleif wanting to stop them?
Only time will tell but if anything's for certain, things are not as black and white as it may seem.
source: u/hrcmstrbl
Dainsleif really be suspicious and acting mysterious. His dislikeness towards the gods is what got my interest so much. There must be a reason why he doesn’t like them. Even towards the archons of Teyvat, Dain doesn’t seem to be so fond of them and we can see that when were about to go the Favonius Church to ask Barbara
Anyways— my brain is still processing all of these informations and im just reading all the lores i can find LMAO for now i still have to rewatch all cutscenes then go back to these theories and continue to dig some more
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(A very detailed) TMI Hogwarts AU
Cuz it’s been stuck in my head and I don’t have the time, patience, or talent to write an actual fic
This is part 1
Clary’s the quintessential Gryffindor- Good, brave, willing to fight and do anything for her friends, ridiculously impulsive and stubborn
Simon’s Gryffindor
Isabelle’s Gryffindor
Jace’s Gryffindor- It was a tie between that or Slytherin
Alec’s a definite Hufflepuff
Y’know what Imma put Magnus in Ravenclaw. He’s a witty dude, clever, super wise. Does really well in exams even though the teachers see him mostly chatting or distracted in class.  
So yeah Jocelyn ran away. She found Luke, who helped her find a job and a life in the small town he lived in.
She did not try to find a way to suppress Clary’s magic when it did show up. Mostly she just put up a bunch of wards and booby trapped parts of their house, keeping secret Portkey’s in random locations.
And because I hate it when parents keep a super important secret from their kids, and it’d be hard to explain away the weird stuff that happens around her, Clary grows up knowing about her magical heritage. She’s been told time and time again to keep it a secret from her classmates, so she never really found any close friends she could confide in
UNTIL Simon moves into town, and gets introduced to her third grade class. He’s kind awkward and shy (his dad just died, but no one really knows about that yet), so it wasn’t long before a couple of bigger boys decided to pick on the new kid. Clary hated seeing people get hurt, so she quickly stepped in and threw stuff towards them until they ran away. 
She had to get benched for three recesses, but it was worth it, and Simon came by every time to make sure the girl who helped him wasn’t too lonely
They were best friends after that 
Another thing about Simon: Weird stuff happened around him his whole life. It’s actually why his family had to move- people were starting to talk about that Lewis kid who somehow swept a table full of legos clean, made toilets explode into mean kids’ faces, turned lights on and off whenever he started crying
Rebecca, his (wonderful, loyal, I loved her scenes in the series oh my gosh) big sister who walked him back and forth from places, because people they knew their whole lives were starting to look and say and act mean towards her  brother, and she wasn’t having any of it. 
His mom was terrified of him, after the denial wore off. It was his dad who calmed her down, telling her that it was still their little boy, that Simon was just as confused just as confused as she was.  
It wasn’t long before Simon had one of his accidents, but fortunately it was in private, and Clary was there too.
They were playing hide and seek on Simon’s house, and somehow when Clary found him, his left leg was completely invisible. For a moment Simon was quiet, looking at his first and only friend and wondering if she was going to get scared and call him a freak like the others.
But no, Clary’s eyes got big and wide, and she breathed out, “You’re like me.”
The next day Jocelyn came over to Simon’s place, sat his mom down, and explained everything to her: The wizarding world, Simon being a muggle born, magic schools. It took awhile but his mom was on board with it, relieved that there was an explanation, that somebody else knew what was happening.
Rebecca and Simon were eavesdropping. Afterwards they went to the library and checked out as many fantasy novels as they could, with Clary looking them over and saying which ones sounded close enough to the world her mother told her about.
The mom’s became as close as Clary and Simon are, often sharing stories of their kids, with Simon’s mom coming and asking Jocelyn for advice whenever he had accidents.
The Hogwarts letter came when they were eleven. Clary ran to Simon’s house the moment she got hers, and they both jumped around and screamed together. 
The first trip to Diagon Alley was terrifying for the Lewis’s. Jocelyn helped them with most of the shopping list, whispering warnings and tips throughout for the next year, and everyone carefully ignored how they were being stared at- their weird clothes, gadgets, obvious confusion at some of the stores. They got out relatively unscathed, until Jocelyn got recognized by one of her old classmates from Hogwarts, who she pretended not to see and quickly walked away from. 
Clary and Simon, on the other hand, were having the time of their lives. They ran from shop to shop, whispering excitedly about all the candies and toys there. 
The only thing that dampened their mood was when they got to the robe shop for their fitting, and met the meanest, rudest, (prettiest) boy. 
He had looked over at Simon’s and Clary’s clothes, then at the Lewis’s who were standing a distance away, and snorted. Said something about muggleborns and mudbloods with this look on his face, like they were smaller than him.
Even though Simon didn’t know the M word, Clary very well did. How dare this (really cute why does someone this mean so cute it’s not fair) say that about her best friend.
And since Clary couldn’t stand bullies, she shoved him hard, until he fell down. Then yelled at him extensively about rude words, he had no right to say that about his friends, how dare he, until Jocelyn heard the commotion and had to physically drag Clary off of him. 
And Simon was there, not knowing what the big deal was but feeling touched anyways. And then a ridiculously good-looking family came over, finding a boy on the ground and a mother scolding her redhead. Jocelyn saw them, and froze. 
It was the Lightwoods. So the parents kinda both stop for a second, and it would’ve been more than a second if Alec and Izzy didn’t see Jace and run over, Alec glaring daggers at Clary, and Isabelle going forward and preparing to punch the girl for hurting her brother. 
And then after enough prodding, they find out what happened and force the two to apologize. Well, Clary had to apologize to Jace, and Jace had to apologize to Simon. 
Like, I headcanon that the Lightwoods are pretty snobby in this au, okay? 
But they’re trying to get better
Like they look at Simon and his family in the distance, and a part of them still thinks they’re better than them, but they also recognize that it’s not okay 
Backstory on Jace: He was born by Stephen and Celine before Celine died in childbirth, and Stephen got sent to Azkaban (and died a few months later), so he got raised by someone who was really Valentine Morgenstern. 
Michael Wayland is not dead in this fic and he is not used as Valentine’s alias. I want him to live. I got too attached to him too quickly in the short story. 
So he’s been raised on these elitist beliefs, and is still, like, eleven years old, and he’s being slowly trained out of it by the Lightwoods
And getting smacked by an angry (cute) eleven year old girl definitely did help
Or at least it seemed to. Jace got really quiet when they left the shop, but not in a sullen way.
It was similar to the way Alec and Izzy saw him looking at broomsticks, or quidditch matches, or hearing about magical weapons and wars, or when he was listening to the prettiest piano music
I just wanna imagine tiny Jace looking up at a yelling Clary and getting starry eyed, because (barring his sister Izzy) here was the coolest girl he’s ever seen
Like he got fond of Clary when she slapped him “For the other ten percent” tell me this isn’t how Jace gets a crush on her.
They don’t see them when boarding the train, though. The crowd was too big for that. Clary and Simon shared a coach. They kept whispering to each other about all the plans they have, the nights they’ll sneak out of their dorm room and just explore the grounds. 
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pokepony · 4 years
Changeling: Find
Did I write a whole oneshot for this AU? Yes, yes I did. :3
Word count: 2,298 (aka longer than my usual shjksjks)
“Mama, can I go play?”
She smiled. “Yes you can.” 
“Wanna play with me, Yak?”
“Nah, I’m still hungry.” Wakko shrugged to say ‘suit yourself’.
“Sweetie, remember not to wander off too far.”
“I won’t!”
With that, the younger Warner brother rushed off to burn his excess energy. This was Wakko’s favorite activity when his family went on picnics (well, other than eating). The garden they visited was an absolute marvel to look at. Not to mention that it was massive; it was practically a maze every time he went in. He still didn’t memorize the path despite how many times he’d been on it, but hey, that was the fun part!
He skipped along the stone path with his arms outstretched to his sides, tongue flopping out of his mouth happily. As he felt the wind breeze past his fur, he flapped his arms about. Ah, it was such a nice day.
But Wakko’s state of bliss was interrupted when he felt one of his ears twitch. Stopping in his tracks, he raised it up curiously; he heard something. Straining his ear, he noticed the sound was high and prolonged. Almost like.. crying. 
He slightly frowned. Who was crying? Why? He hoped that person was okay. He prepared to think nothing more of it and continue running about, but then the sound got louder. It definitely sounded like crying now.
He considered looking for the person but he wasn’t sure. His parents (and Yakko) always told him about “stranger danger”. But surely, no mean person could be crying like that. 
Well, if things went south, he had enough grasp on his toon powers to summon a mallet for a period of time. If not, he could always scream for his family.
His plan set in stone, Wakko followed the sound and heard it get louder as he neared a group of hedges that were arranged in a circle. He noticed that each hedge had a very small gap in between them, but not impossible for him to navigate through. 
As he reached the gap, he peeked through it and could see something sitting in a very small flower bed. The wailing was at its apex; he must’ve found the crying person! Slowly but surely, he squeezed himself through the gap to see what was up.
However, what he did see was.. questionable, at the very least.
The thing in the flower bed was a creature. It was facing away from him, but it looked small and it seemed like it wore something like a magenta onesie. A black tail like his poked out of the onesie and, most interestingly, light pink insectile wings poked out on its back.
Cautiously, he inched toward the creature as quietly as he could, but the soft crunch of the plants under his paw alerted it of his presence. As it turned around to face him, he got a little freaked out.
Its eyes were black like his, but there were no pupils. Wait, there was some gray in the middle of its eyes—were those its pupils? It also had noticeable eyelashes (and a yellow flower tied around its ears), so maybe it was a girl? But perhaps the freakiest thing was the two giant fangs jutting right out her mouth.
Upon seeing them, the young boy gasped softly, to which the creature let out a scared-sounding chirp and began backing away until she reached a corner. She continued to look at him with fearful eyes, whimpering.
Wakko wasn’t sure what to think. He was creeped out, but at the same time, intrigued.
She looked like the same kind of toon that he and his family were. Black fur, white face, red nose. Her fingers were really pointy though, almost like they were claws. In fact, she did have claws poking out of her paws.
What was she? Her features seemed kinda familiar, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
Besides, he needed to calm her down first.
The boy raised his hands up appeasingly. “‘Ey,” he called out, slowly walking over to her. “Don’ worry. I’m not gonna hurt you.” As long as you don’ hurt me.
The insect-like being seemed to understand him, her whimpers subsiding into sniffles. He stood right in front of her, taking in her appearance. She was indeed much smaller than him; she was most likely only a baby. As he gazed at her, she gazed at him in a similarly curious manner, her wings twitching likewise.
“Are you okay?” Wakko asked softly. She only tilted her head. “Can’ talk, huh?”
The baby tilted her head again and voiced a quizzical chitter. Her compound-like eyes surveyed over the boy once more before she closed them, concentrating, the flower on her head beginning to glow green. Bracing himself just in case, he backed away from her a bit. 
A green aura washed over the creature and as it reached the bottom of her feet, her normal form was not in place. Instead, Wakko found himself staring at a mirror; she copied his exact appearance.
“Whoa,” he gaped at her in awe, eyes sparkling likewise. She looked exactly like him. Well, almost; she was still the same size as what she was normally.
Then a light wind breezed by, carrying the pollen of the nearby flowers. His counterpart sneezed, causing the green aura to wash over his body again. When the aura dissipated, the baby was back in her place.
Wakko smiled, tongue sticking out. “Cool, you can turn inta’ people!” he cheered, clapping his hands. “Do me again! Do me again!”
His ears perked up again; that was Yakko. Upon hearing the new voice, the creature squeaked frightfully and scurried back into a darker corner, causing him to reach his hand out to her as he hissed, “No, come back!”. Much more to his dismay, he saw a flash of green before she disappeared before his very eyes.
“Where are ya, baby bro?”
“I’m ova’ here!” he quickly alerted, waving his hand.
He could the form of his brother pause before he saw him slide through the hedge gap. “Hey,” Yakko greeted with a smile. “Whatcha doin’ here?”
“I-I ‘eard someone cryin’ an’ I wen’ t’ go see, an’ I-I found this baby!” Wakko said frantically. “But you scared ‘er off!” He gave his brother a little shove.
The elder uttered a surprised ‘ow!’. “Sorry, I didn’t know.” 
Wakko scanned his eyes back to the corner where the creature ran for any sign of her. Luckily, when he squinted, he saw the end of her tail stick out in the sunlight.
His face erupted into a big grin and he turned back to Yakko. “Neva’ mind, she’s still here!” He turned back to the corner and urged the child forward. “You can come out, is’ okay. Is’ jus’ my big brotha.”
An uncertain pause of silence followed before both brothers saw another flash of green and the baby reappear. Warily, she crawled out into the light.
As he got a better glimpse of this baby, Yakko’s eyes widened. “Get behind me, Wak!” he shouted, summoning a mallet and holding it threateningly with a hardened expression to match.
“Huh?!” Wakko cried out, alarmed. Seeing the girl screech in fear once more, he stood in front of her protectively. “Hey, what’re ya doin’—?!”
“That’s a changeling, Wak!”
“A- huh?”
“A changeling!” he repeated. “Mom and Dad told us about them, ‘member? They’re bad!”
Changeling.. changeling.. Wakko tried to rack his mind on what his parents had told him. Changeling—Oh, that’s right! 
Changelings. Bug-like creatures that used magic and could disguise themselves as your loved ones while they drained you of your love; they were like energy vampires. The fangs, the wings, the shapeshifting.. She fit the bill.
He frowned. “But.. she didn’ do anythin’ bad.”
“Mom says it’s ‘cuz they try to trick ya,” Yakko countered. “They act nice so that they can attack ya when you don’ expect it.” He raised his weapon. “Now, c’mon, get away from it!”
His younger sibling shook his head firmly. “No!” His eyes turned pleading. “C’mon, big brotha. She’s jus’ a baby.”
Yakko repeatedly switched his gaze between him and the girl. When he looked at the girl’s petrified expression, he couldn’t help but soften, guilty for scaring her so much. He sighed. “I guess you’re right,” he admitted, putting away his mallet. “What do ya think she’s doin’ out here?” he asked, taking a seat on the grass.
“I dunno,” Wakko replied, also taking a seat. He invited the baby to sit in his lap, to which she obliged. “There wasn’ anyone else around.” He then summoned a small pair of keys from his hammerspace and held them above her, shaking them. She cooed and clawed at the keys happily.
The seven-year-old let a small smile reach his face. “Hey, let me play with her,” he said, opening his arms up.
Wakko smiled and nodded, preparing to hand her over when the child let out a whimper, clearly still intimidated by the older brother. “He’s not gonna hurt ya, I pwomise,” he quickly assured before giving her to Yakko. 
As she (reluctantly) settled in his lap, she still tensed up and shied away from his watch. However, when Wakko handed his brother the keys and he began to jingle them, she couldn’t stay away. A smile spread wide on her face, her fangs on full show, and she erupted into giggles as she clawed at the keys again.
Yakko’s own smile grew. “She’s pretty cute for a bug,” he chuckled. But his grin turned downward. “Where’re her parents?”
Wakko made an ‘I dunno’ sound. “Did they leave ‘er ‘ere?”
He shook his head. “No way. No parents would do that. Not good ones..”
The younger looked over to the baby concernedly. “She was cryin’ really loud.. Maybe she’s been out ‘ere for a long time.”
Yakko thought about it. It wouldn’t exactly be surprising given the reputation that changelings have. And, oh, man, was it him or was her stomach smaller?
He really didn’t want to consider it.. but it was likely that she was abandoned.
No matter what she was, a child didn’t deserve that at all. His big brother instincts were kicking in. She needed help.
The older Warner brother narrowed his eyes with conviction. “We should take her back to Mom and Dad.”
“Mom! Dad!”
Angelina and William felt a wave of relief when they heard their eldest son’s voice and saw both of their sons running towards them.
“There you boys are,” she said. “We were getting worried.”
“Sorry, Mom,” Yakko quickly apologized. “But Wakko found something.”
She quirked an eyebrow as her four-year-old approached them, seemingly trying to steady himself as he carried something in his arms. “Look!” he cried. He gently gestured to his parents, the thing turning its head to reveal the baby changeling. Angelina gasped and William tensed up just a little.
“Mama, Dadoo, can we keep ‘er?” Wakko asked.
“Boys,” William started, voice laced with apprehension. “you do know that is a changeling, yes?”
“Yeah, but.. But she was all alone back there!” 
“She could still be dangerous.”
His wife held up a hand. “Now, hold on, William. She is just a little one.” She kneeled over to Wakko. “Let me see her, honey.”
He did so, handing the baby once more. Being mindful of her claws, Angelina held her in a cradle-like fashion and began to rock her gently. The child nuzzled into her chest, gripping her almost like a koala. At that, Angelina became the third person to smile at the baby’s antics. She looked to her husband. “She can’t be dangerous, love. She just can’t.”
William couldn’t help but soften at both Angie and the baby. He sighed, “I will admit it looks unlikely.”
She turned back to her children. “Are you sure you didn’t see her parents? No notes for her or anything?” Her younger son nodded wildly.
Yakko clasped his hands in a pleading fashion. “Can we please keep her? She might be a changeling, but we can teach her not to be evil!”
“She even looks like us!” Wakko added.
Their parents shared a glance to each other, unsure. How were they going to take care of a changeling? It was definitely going to be questionable when it came to feeding it, for starters..
But they couldn’t leave her alone out here. She was such a darling to boot.
With no more words, Angelina and William looked at each other and nodded with finality. She looked at Yakko and Wakko with a soft smile. “Alright, boys. We can take her in.”
The brothers grinned ear to ear at the announcement, rushing to their mother in a hug. They looked down at the baby who gazed interestedly at everyone around her, softly cooing. “What are we gonna call her?” Yakko asked.
“Well, you boys were the ones who found her,” Angie said. “Have any suggestions?”
Yakko put a finger to his chin with a ‘mmm’, pondering. “Daisy?”
His parents ‘hmm’ed. “Fits with the flower, but not sure about her..” William commented.
Everyone looked to Wakko. “I like Dot.”
“Dot,” Yakko repeated, testing it on his tongue. He beamed. “Yeah, I like that, Wak.”
“Dot is very nice,” their father said. 
“It can be short for Dorothy,” Angie added. She looked at the child. “Do you like that, little one?” She was met with what sounded like a happy chitter. “Dorothy it is,” she smiled.
The newly-named Dot continued to giggle, cheerfully reaching out for her new parents. The brothers looked at their new sister affectionately, a new feeling of unconditional love rising from within them. 
Welcome to the family, Dot.
If you made it this far, thanks a lot for reading!! :D
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kyanmapng · 4 years
thoughts on ep 13 (true beauty)
i hate to do this again but here we go
bullying arc finally came to a close, praise the lord, it was 3 episodes too late already. it is still so unsatisfying that Jug didn’t get to truly confront her (old school) bullies. at least she stood up for herself for once and that is the first step to some development. it’s simply annoying how little progression there was for her, we spend 13 eps on this and just NOW we get something?
the teacher really had to tell the class off to realize they watched her being bullied, common sense has left the building long time ago... the kids hate on her and  then she comes back and suddenly they praise her, the change of attitudes is giving me a whiplash, i completely understand Sua’s reaction to Jug, people need to realize that she lied her butt of and her lies caught up with her, it’s understandable that Sua would be hurt
as usual praise the MVP, HAN SAVIOR SEOJUN !! instead of Jug he is the one confronting people for her (while she remains painfully oblivious), he goes to incredible lenghts to stop the vid from existing and confronts Soojin about it (shutting her up nicely), he is worried but doesn’t want to overstep his boundaries and doesn’t even text her because of that...
he also has big bro moment again and that makes me so happy, Han siblings popped off again and i LIVE for it. Gowoon giving speech to Jug’s bro about violence not being the answer but her Han genes tell a different story lol 
also Jug’s bro having character development is surprising but welcome! finally he realized how he acted towards his sis and in general. it was nice to see him grow a lil. 
onto Jug’s mom... i understand she cares for Jug deep down, she is her mom, but she stepped on her mentally more than those bullies ever could and made her close off and pent up all of that. i’m glad it got addressed for once and she saw how her actions affected Jug. but the plastic surgery scene was so SO useless and just plain stupid... with the power of make-up she is called “angel” they really didn’t need to have this scene in at all.. it’s all about her teenage acne please
another boyo to continue being a blessing, YOO TAEHOON, he was heartbroken over Suho’s relationship and then after his friendship with Suho, he is going through it, he deserves a break, Suho better take him knitting again 
onto Suho, I commend him for that incredibly embarrassing video he took, his lessons with Taehoon the love guru of all love gurus are paying off (the price is only his dignity right?). but what makes my head spin is ... why didn’t he confront Soojin? is his cold shoulder supposed to be that terrifying? he just looked at her angrily and left, that is kinda the Suho behavior since the start. I was hoping for more. 
Kang Soojin, again we are assasinating her character even more. so you wanna tell me, this smart woman did this stupid thing cuz of her feelings for Suho, completely ruining any chance to even be his friend and make him HATE her to try and scare Jug away? also ... she is obviously the only one knowing about the relationship with Suho, so Jug had to find out? so she canceled even this friendship for absolutely nothing, she gained nothing. as Seojun said she destroyed herself. how does any of that make ANY sense? this calculated mind suddenly overwhelmed by her feelings? 
also the teacher x Heegyeong thing... now we messing with that as well? over ANOTHER misunderstanding?? (is there any other trope they could use? do we need to do this every time?)
now onto the nightmare that is the preview, i am slightly torn about it showing a time skip and also why does it look like caveman Suho is making a comeback again? also where is the consistency going again with Seojun wanting to tell her his feelings now?? first of all it makes no sense cuz he was disgusted with the thought of it just ep before, second of all she didn’t even look his way for a few episodes??? why are we pulling Kang Soojin here AGAIN? (only meaning the ‘tell them your feelings even if you know it’s one-sided’ thing) the “originality” of this kdrama doesn’t cease to surprise me every week, we love to keep the nature clean but we need to stop recycling these tropes every episode 
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Standrew Serial KillerxAddams Family AU with Andrew as Fester and Steven as Debbie
Steven as the fancy golden truffle boy who dates people, acts all innocent, marries them then kills his husbands or wives (we stan pansexual Steven)
Andrew is the “Addams-Ilnyckyj” cousin who has been missing for 10 years now and has only recently returned because he got lost in the Bermuda triangle.
Shane and Ryan are prob the Gomez and Morticia Addams couple here, Shane and Andrew are distant cousins, so Shyan tries to help Andrew woo Steven
We’re gonna make a Shyan lovechild (Brett or OC?), Ryan saying he just wants to have it all, loving husband, family, and time to hunt ghouls and demons for his hellish crusade
Steven is that Nanny that barges into the Addams household saying that they’ll finally “found” someone to take care of their child
Andrew, the most stoic and reserved Addams in their family has finally found someone he actually feels attracted to.
Shyan organizes a welcome back home party for Andrew, all relatives invited.
Shyan lovechild grows suspicious of Steven and knows he’s up to no good with their Uncle Andrew
The party happens and Andrew and Shane dance the Mamushka, since both consider each other almost like brothers (they both killed their brothers or smth cuz the tradition of killing your siblings still runs in this era lmao) or they’re just only childs in general tbh idk
After the Mamushka dance, we’ll have Andrew and Steven dance the Hopak. Apparently, the Cossack cousins of the Addams are from Ukraine, Cossack is a Ukranian dance so, Andrew is that Ukranian Cossack cousin and I love this because I just researched this and it’s too fucking perfect for this AU.
Hopak, originally a male dance that eventually evolved into a couples dance, so we have Andrew and Steven dancing together with fucking knives and it will be beautiful, and sexy, and fucking perfect.
I need to research and watch many dances about Hopak and apparently Hora as well, because the Addams family is apparently Jewish in nature so I need a nice way to imagine them dancing with knives while learning all the terms for this fanfic lmao
Andrew and Steven take a lovely romantic stroll in the Addams graveyard, Steven goes in for a the kill, telling Andrew that he’s a virgin and he’s been waiting for someone to make the ultimate sacrifice with him.
Andrew when Steven said he’s been waiting for someone to make the ultimate sacrifice with: “A goat?”
Steven ignoring Andrew’s brain of equating sacrifice to goat and confessing instead that he loves him to which Andrew replies. “I never would’ve thought you’d feel the same way, I love you so much, I’d kill for you, I’d die for you... I’d pay.”
Steven practically moans seductively when Andrew tells him he’d pay lmao imagining all the gold and truffles he’ll have
A nice beautiful scene of Steven and Andrew digging up the grave of Andrew’s mother so that he could propose to Steven with a beautiful golden ring with blood red rubies on it.
Standrew announces to Shyan that they’re engaged and we have that iconic scene of Debbie-Steven showing the ring and holding a shovel with a psychotic look on his face.
Standrew wedding where Andrew has poured out all his feelings and emotions for the first time, shocking the entire Addams clan, it’s long and prob takes at least thirty minutes to an hour and he has misty eyes while his voice continues to almost break from too much love.
Steven, looking impressed and nodding his head, looks to the priest/uncle It and says: “Ditto.”
Shyan lovechild arguing and saying that Steven is prob gonna kill their Uncle Andrew and continues to wail.
Shane telling Standrew as they leave for their honeymoon “Have a nice life together!” and Steven replies. “I will!”
Cue in Standrew honeymoon and Steven tries to kill Andrew numerous times and gets frustratedly angry when Andrew keeps surviving.
Steven after amazing sex with Andrew and losing his virginity (Let’s admit it, even though Steven has married and murdered so many people, he didn’t think they were worthy enough for him. But Andrew is “rich-enough” for Steven to lose his virginity for, he thinks. Like the richest catch he’s ever had. And no, Steven thinks it’s not because he’s starting to fall for Andrew.)
He made Andrew promise to never-ever talk or contact his family ever again, Andrew indulges him and agrees.
Steven’s butler driving a hearse to the airport and waiting for Steven to get off his flight from Hawaii. “Hello Mr. Ilnyckyj, where is your husband?” He asks, expecting the husband to be dead.
“Oh he’s right there, getting off the flight.” Steven points to Andrew who’s currently looking at him with heart eyes. Butler: “But he’s alive sir!” he says in shock. Steven in a very angry and frustrated voice. “TELL ME ABOUT IT!”
Andrew: I love you mon cher
Steven: WHO?!
Andrew: mi amor???
Steven:  SPEAK IN ENGLISH. or chinese, but he is secretly slowly starting to love the pet names Andrew gives him, don’t worry, we only have tsundere Steven for a short time.
Steven forces Andrew to live with him in a pastel palace that’s very fancy and very un-Addams like, Andrew is intrigued because it’s Steven.
Shyan visits their home to demand to see Andrew, saying it’s not true that Andrew doesn’t want to see them anymore.
Andrew confirms to them that He wants to be alone with Steven now.
Shyan comes home to find that their lovechild has become a pastel monster, very un-Addams like and they cry but accept their child.
Steven tries numerous times to kill Andrew but to no avail.
And this one time that Steven blows up half of their house and finds Andrew “Dead”
He laughs maniacally and says finally but then he’s crying
His tears fall down on Andrew and he opens his eyes and Steven screams.
Andrew: You do care my love
Steven: No! Why are you still alive?! What does it take to kill you monster?!
Andrew laughs and Steven blurts out that he’s been able to kill all of his husbands and wives before but why doesn’t Andrew die?!?!?!
Andrew: because you love me and our love won’t allow us to kill each other
Andrew then explains that he’s known about Steven all this time, that he’s a serial killer, that he loves being this golden fancy boy, and that he even knows that Steven himself is from a notorious serial killer family as well
Steven still in denial but he’s all like “So you’ll let me use your money?”
Andrew: “My love, I love you so much, I’d pay for you and everything else.”
Steven, tsundere but slowly warming up to Andrew, mumbles “Fine, i forgive you.” He grumbles. “And I’ll let you be with your family again.”
Andrew meets the Lims full of serial killer family, only they’re more pastel and shit and he is absolutely in love and their families move to live close to each other and Shyan is also there and they meet the pastel Lim serial killer fam and it’s very very happy and nice and cute and amazing
the end
Wow, this got to be so long and I actually wanna write this but I have so many other Standrew fics in mind so yeah, have this one for now and I’ll think about it if I still wanna write this lmao
It looks and sounds like a lot of fun tbh and I only have to do little research about it I guess to write it perfectly sdjfksandkj
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volvolts · 4 years
i just wanna ramble about my headcanons with 1010 and neon j under the read more cuz it’s a lot
J has been working on 1010 for a while but they’ve only been online as artists for about 5-6 years. Rin, Purl-Hew, and Zimelu were officially put online first with Eloni and Haym coming online the next day. 
Only Rin and J can do the Attention call. None of the other boys can do it no matter how hard they try.
All of the boys are programmed to listen to Rin but thankfully Rin isn’t irresponsible enough to abuse his privileges. Technically there isn’t a second-in-command but the boys will default to Purl-Hew much to Zimelu’s frli ustration
Rin is the main singer, PH and Zimelu are the rappers but Z is the main rapper, PH and Haym sing and Eloni is the main dancer.
Rin is the most responsible of the boys by default, being J’s main partner/test subject involving 1010′s various promotion ideas. Whenever Rin helps out J, he really likes to draw designs or blueprints during their brainstorming sessions. He’s the leader and spokesperson of 1010 which he takes pride in but he has a lot on his shoulders. However he really doesn’t like conflict and tries to stay as neutral as possible whenever the boys have arguments. Rin feels self-conscious about the fact that, compared to the others, he doesn’t have a distinctive personality or a notable hobby because he’s busy with J. Sometimes Rin thinks bitterly that if J didn’t always go to him when he needs help, Rin would have more time to explore who he is as a person
Purl-Hew is the second oldest and also the unofficial second in command. In the beginning of their creation, PH was the most socially awkward of the boys so he spent a long time studying up on emotions, tics, and relationships to better understand it. He’s an expert on reading the crowd as a concept but he also gained the habit of overthinking, obsessively trying to find cause of minute changes in a person’s in case he gets the message wrong. He still isn’t great at visibly expressing emotions either so he wears his shades and sets himself up as “the cool one” since after all no one expects him to act emotional if being cool/unemotional is your brand. The only people who understands his emotions are the other boys and J. PH is aware that his lack of emotions can put people off so he tries to compensate by overacting his emotions when he’s with people other than his family but then he realizes that he’s overreacting and making them uncomfortable, he tries to underact with same results which only fuels the cycle of his anxiety
Zimelu is loud-mouthed and prideful, usually the first to start complaining and the last to ever admit he’s wrong. It really puts him at odds with Purl-Hew and Rin. Zimelu wants to be the leader when Rin isn’t around but because of PH’s expertise in people (and also his willingness to listen to Eloni’s and Haym’s suggestions), PH takes the role over him. Other then that, Zimelu also has an interest in mechanics. He’s possibly the only one of his brothers who would know how to reattach an arm by himself if J isn’t around and he’s probably the only one who would know how to operate the flying factory. Zimelu loves to argue, not because he likes to provoke (though he does. a lot) but because he likes the debate and learning new things. He’s probably had lots of debates with J whenever he comes down into the lab
Haym is both the baby and the prankster of the group. He’s the most immature and naive. It never looks like he ever takes things seriously which he doesn’t most of the time. For him, ignorance is bliss. However Haym has a strong sense of empathy and can often dissipate any tension in a room with a simple prank so he can be both an annoyance and a blessing within the group. 
Eloni is technically the youngest of the group but he doesn’t particularly act like it. He’s less bombastic compared to his other siblings but he also has a prankster soul much like Haym and they usually work together as annoying younger siblings do. Despite his outlandish hair (which he takes much pride in thankyouverymuch) he doesn’t particularly have anything that makes him stand out. He usually needs someone (usually Haym or Zimelu) to work off of which also settles his role as the funny one/the punching bag due to the group’s playful ribbing at his expense during interviews. Eloni pretends that he isn’t bothering by his lack of fanbase but secretly he’s afraid that J will one day find him useless due to his low ratings and get rid of him
Neon J’s name was originally Jae. that’s it. 
Even before the war, J was always camera shy.  He needed at least 30 minutes to psyche himself up before the interviews and even then it still took a while for him to relax. It honestly got worse after the war. However if you can get him to forget about the camera or the crowd, he steals the show 
In the beginning of 1010′s creation, J had to do the interviews and act as the judge for the Lights Up Audition until 1010′s AI became advanced enough to act without his input. Before B2J’s revolution, not a lot of the fans knew what Neon J looked like unless they were like super hardcore old fans. Afterwards he became a popular background character within the 1010 fanbase.
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tomiyeee · 3 years
2, 5, 7, 13, 17, and 20 (you gave me so many lol)
under cut cuz it’s long(er than usual)
2) What do you like most about the series?
hm. if im honest, im not entirely sure! i think at least part of what got me hooked and why the series has remained so entertaining for me is just the sheer ridiculousness of it. the faces and animations, the whole concept of an ancient alien race whose society revolves around racing cars...it’s great! i don’t mean this in a bad way or that i dont take any fan content seriously, i just find it amusing looking at my content of it and thinking “man. this from a kids’ show about cars.” makes it much easier to enjoy what i make and not take it all too seriously. im just here to have fun!
5) Favorite & least favorite car(s)?
mm i answered already but i realize those were only acceleracers cars sooo…
fav: markie’s stingray..i always say this but it’s vanilla flavored..it’s so pretty
least fav: gosh all these cars are so ugly it’s hard to pick just one...i’ll just go by teams lol
wave rippers - alec’s truck is so bulky and ugly and boring *graffiti’s on it in vr chat*
street breed - side draft is such a stupid name
road beasts - moto-crossed. what the fuck?
dune ratz - kadeem i love you but...sir ur car…
scorchers - red baron. the fucking. driver has to bend over just to see out the vehicle, how is this a car
7) Favorite scene or line?
vert house scene in BP. i’ve probably watched/listened to BP at least twice as many times as any of the other movies. nolo isn’t in this scene but i like vert too and he looked cute and had nice voice acting so it’s in second place. what can i say, i cant stand action and eating lunch in the cafeteria and talking to ur dad at home is about as far from action as you can get :)
13) What ships do you like (if any)?
i have them all listed on my blog but i wanna talk about some of em that have been on my mind a lot anyway:
vertnolo - tbh i can’t see either of them being very romantic, esp with each other. they aren’t so much boyfriends as they are just friends who like to kiss lol. this ship is almost purely self-indulgence which im a little embarrassed about sometimes but hghhh. i love vert and i love nolo and instead of loving both of them individually, why not love two boys with one ship? :)
banjee/kadeem - they had very cute exchanges in world race and i would’ve loved to see more of them!
banjee/ez/skeet - damn banjee how come i let you have two boyfriends AND a girlfriend? they seem to be canonically very good friends, and i love the idea of the three of them getting into trouble together...or rather banj/ez getting into trouble and skeet being reluctantly dragged along. he seems the least willing to break rules but they are all ride or die for each other
tork/tone - this may not have worked out in canon and there’s not much to work off of there anyway in terms of dynamic so i don’t draw it much, but rival team leaders are always an interesting ship in my experience lol. plus they both desperately needed some character development so hey they have that in common!
dad wheeler/tezla/gelorum - the dilf/gilf/milf dynamic. they are all exes.
lani/vert and karma/nolo - platonically, they both feel like they have a sibling-like dynamic and their aesthetics fit together very nicely. vert and lani have some stuff in common and get along fairly well and karma seems to look after nolo quite a bit. i don’t have a lot of solid ideas for either of them, but seeing/thinking about them interacting makes me really happy :D
17) If you could design a realm of your own what sort of theme would it have?
well i’ve already answered for my flower/forest/fairy-themed aesthetic and fish and stars are already taken...what other aesthetics do i have..?
this is very vague but i really like seeing vibrant pink color palettes. im better at designing stuff thru drawing than text but i dont feel like drawing rn so ig just something that looks like either this warm pink sort of palette or this purple-ish one. like a sort of..sunset realm? not sure about the track or obstacles, i just want it to be pink and pretty. ooh or a crystalline realm!! maybe even combine the two!
20) What would you like to see/have seen in a continuation?
i want the drivers to beat the shit out of tezla. i really loved the parts of ult race where the two teams worked together and made amends, but it’s sad that we didn’t get to see much of that dynamic until the very end, especially since it’s kinda drowned out by all the action (i get it’s the finale, but also...i hate action). i would love to have seen more of those new relationships and how they would work out in different situations. like more of what we got to see of the characters’ interactions throughout the series, only this time its without them all being ~2 secs away from strangling each other.
the characters working together and building completely new dynamics between each other as the series progresses..maybe certain characters become unexpected but very good friends whose personalities complement each other in unexpected ways! maybe there are new conflicts that arise between the characters that stem from their personalities/backgrounds/etc. themselves rather than some arbitrary team rivalry! ooohh there’s just so much potential here!!
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fluffybunnybadass · 4 years
Obligatory Father’s Day fic
Title: Get Rekt With Embarrassment, Silver (no, I will not be taking CC) (yes you can shorten it to ‘get rekt silver’)
Characters: Silver, Gold, Blue; brief appearances by Lance
Word Count: 4600
Rating: idk pg-13 for language?
tw: uhhh cursing and bad dads club, threats of violence by silver but none actually happening
inspired roughly by masters but mostly because it’s a funny idea of silver sending lance a “happy father’s day” text and then it spiraled from there thanks to plot bunnelbys. please enjoy and leave your feels in the tags or rbs, thank you.
You can read on ao3 here cuz my theme is atrocious to read on desktop, I apologize
also please don’t tag this as ship wrt lance and silver or else.
“Are you going to text him?”
“Gold, you know about my father.”
“No, not him. I meant Lance!”
The redheaded teen gave a suspicious stare at his friend, who was mirthfully grinning at him, playing the innocent but well-intentioned fool. He knew what Gold really meant, but he decided to play along, seeing if he could get his companion to drop the conversation before it even started.
“Because it's Father's Day!” The redhead's face went full flush and he angrily glared at Gold, who only grinned more at his best friend, knowing that he had hit his target. “C'mon Silver! We all know that Lance has been a better father figure to you than your actual father. The guy's got total dad vibes!”
Silver gritted his teeth, his anger and embarrassment growing more with every word that Gold said. “Don't even--! I don't have a dad and that's it, Gold!” He barely held himself back from getting in his friend's face, wanting to hit him but knowing that he would regret it if he did.
Gold help up his hands in a defensive, placating manner. “Okay, okay! I get it! You don't have a dad. You came straight from an egg like Togepi and Sneasel did,” he said, laughing at his own joke.
“... Let's just get on with training today.”
The two had planned to hang out for part of the day. Gold knew that days like today brought his friend some unnecessary reminders of the past that would always haunt Silver, and he wanted to help distract his friend from the cloud of despair, at least for a little bit. Blue was going to join them later on, her understanding of Silver's feelings too good for the redhead to stop her from dropping by unannounced. Silver knew exactly what his friends were doing, and when Gold had asked him to hang out today and train, he shrugged and said, “Suit yourself.” Now he was starting to regret that decision, if Gold was going to be like this the entire time....
They had spent a few hours training. They sat down for a break, letting their Pokemon rest as well. Gold looked over at Silver, sizing him up as he tried again.
“Hey Silver! Can I borrow your phone real quick?”
Silver gave his friend another suspicious stare.
“. . . Why.”
“I wanna see something.”
“Aw, c'mon, please? Pretty pleeeeaase? With a cheri berry on top?” Gold had clasped his hands together and bowed his head, begging pointedly.
“The answer's still no.”
Gold gave his friend a pout, and Silver shook his head, sighing a bit. But Gold was relentless in his teasing, and pushed once more.
“You know, you really should send him a text.”
“I'm not sending Lance a text!”
“But he really is a dad! It's courtesy to send your friends a 'Happy Father's Day' text if you know they're a dad.”
Silver gave Gold a skeptical look. In the time that he had spent training at the Dragon's Den in Blackthorn, he had never heard any mention of Lance having kids. Even though the man was pretty private for a public figure, he felt that the bond he shared with his mentor would have earned him some information like that. Not even Clair, who loved to share embarrassing things about her cousin with Silver, had made any mention about being an aunt, any niblings, or anything embarrassing about Lance and fatherhood.
“Oh really? Who's this kid I haven't heard about?” Silver asked, a smug look on his face. He was probably going to regret this, but he felt confident about his information.
Silver flushed redder than a Charmeleon. He lunged after Gold, who cackled and leapt out of the way of his glaring friend who shouted at him.
Silver chased after his friend for a moment, stopping only when he noticed Blue had join them for the day. He stopped and put his fist down, embarrassed that Gold had gotten a rise out of him. He turned away, glaring at where Gold had stopped to watch him, grinning at his friend.
“Don't let me stop you two from your games,” Blue said, teasing her best friend.
“I'm not playing any games...!” Silver said, gritting his teeth. He took at deep breath to calm himself like his two mentors had taught him, and turned around, putting on a smirk to mask that he had been caught acting like a fool.
“We were training.”
“Uh-huh. And part of your training involves literally kicking Gold's ass?”
“...Not literally.”
“That's not what it looked like to me,” she said, teasing her friend still in a playful greeting. Gold caught back up with the two trainers, slinging an arm around Silver's shoulders, who shrugged him off with a groan.
“Hi, Gold.” Blue exchanged a look with him, and the other teen shook his head slightly at her when Silver wasn't looking. “Have you guys taken a break yet? I brought snacks.”
“Nah. We were in the middle of one when Silver got mad at me all of a sudden,” Gold told her with a huge grin on his face, looking at Silver when he said it. “Don't know why though. All I did was ask to borrow his phone...”
“You...” Silver growled in warning, but he shook his head to rid himself of his frustration. “I wouldn't let you borrow my phone even if it meant you were dying.”
“Yeah, because we all know you would be the one using it!” Blue and Gold both laughed, and Silver's face flushed.
For all their ribbing at him, Silver was grateful that he had earned himself some true friends. He had spent a lot of his life alone, with only Blue beside him as part of a childhood promise they had made. But when they got separated, he vowed to never have any friends again, the pain and ache he felt without them too much to bare. He had spent a lot of his childhood and early teen years telling himself that it was better off that he was alone, that he operated better like that, that he didn't need friends because they'd only hold him back. He didn't need anyone. Not a father, mother, any siblings or any cousins either; just himself. Even his Pokemon were tools to him, no companions in any way that he could have wanted.
But things changed when he met Gold. He kept running into this trainer who kept beating him, even though he knew his Pokemon should have been stronger because he trained them to the ground. He evolved them as soon as was possible. And Gold, who still had a Togepi, a Pichu, Pokemon that were unevolved and powerless on their own, had won against his team that he trained harder and harder each and every time this dopeyheaded trainer crossed his path. It was unfathomable to him that he could ever lose to someone who spent his time laughing and playing with his Pokemon as much as he did train them.
And then he ran into him.
Lance had thoroughly trounced his team with no effort at all. The Dragon-type trainer had given him a pitying look, as though he felt sorry for Silver and his Pokemon.
“Why...? Why? How did I lose so terribly against you?” He had been holding back tears of frustration, shaking as his emotions played with him, the defeat stinging far worse than any against the kid he kept running into. Tears slowly filled his eyes, threatening to fall once the child closed them. He couldn't cry on top of the embarrassing defeat, he just couldn't--
Lance looked at the prone Silver, who had his hands curled up into fists as he slowly beat on the ground, the frustration the child felt too much for the young adult's heart. Lance let out a long sigh, and stood in front of Silver. He knelt down to the child's level, as much as he could.
“You lost because you don't trust your Pokemon. You don't love them.”
Silver found the empty despair within himself burning up with anger. His shaking stopped. He looked up at Lance, and spat on the ground next to him.
“Tch. I lost because of a thing like love and trust? Don't mess with me! I don't need things like that.”
Lance let out a sigh. The child, a preteen, wouldn't be open to hearing an explanation, but he wanted to try anyways. If nothing else, maybe it could plant the seed that would let this kid grow into becoming a better trainer to his Pokemon, and a better human. How he had acted during their battle... To treat his Pokemon so terribly during the match, he almost wanted to stop it before the child had called out the other half of his team. How much had this kid gone through, anyways, to think like this?
“Listen carefully. If you really want to become strong, then you'll need to love and trust in your Pokemon's abilities, and they'll fight their hardest for you. It starts with treating your Pokemon with respect. They're not tools; don't run them ragged in an attempt to be better than someone. Having a rival is all well and good, but don't use it as an excuse to abuse your Pokemon. I hate that. It's things like that, that will cause a trainer to lose, no matter how much training their Pokemon undergo. Once you've established respect with them, spend time with them outside of training. Play with them. It's okay to let go and be childish every once in a while. You won't be able to establish any sort of connection or bond with them if you don't show them love and appreciation. And that bond will turn into trust.” Something it felt like the kid hadn't seen a lot of in his life. The realization pained him to think about, but there was nothing he could do about it if the child wasn't open to him.
“I don't get it....! What does any of that have to do with being the strongest Pokemon trainer there is?!”
Lance let out a half-chuckle, shaking his head. He didn't know how else to explain it to him, but... “I hope that one day you will be able to understand. Please let your Pokemon have some well-earned rest. Even with how poorly you treat them, they still made an effort, and deserve some time off. I think that you, as well, should take some time off to think about things. If you're ever near Blackthorn City, stop by the Dragon's Den. You might be able to find some answers there.”
That had been several years ago.
Silver had grown a lot since then. He had made friends, and re-connected with someone who had vowed to stay beside him. He had confronted his own father, the weak, spineless man who had abandoned him years and years ago, and while he hadn't exactly made peace with his feelings on the matter, it didn't eat him up inside to think about his old man like it used to.
That didn't exactly mean that days like today --where good-natured salesclerks brightly asked him about his plans for Father's day as part of their scripts, or tried to push a sale on him under the notion that he would be seeking a gift for or spending time with anyone who could even remotely be considered a dad-- were any easier or better than they had before. But as he watched Blue and Gold talk and laugh, as they sat around and ate the snacks that Blue brought them, it made him feel a little better to know that he had such good friends that stuck by him. Friends that trusted him, and people that he could.... rely on.
His hand reached into his pocket, absentmindedly tracing the edges of his cell phone.
“Hey, Silver?” Blue asked, pulling him out of his thoughts. He quickly pulled his hand out of his pocket, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Can I borrow your phone real quick? I think I left mine at home and I wanna call to find it.”
Silver gave her a suspicious look. She was good at talking her way into and out of things, being sneaky while seemingly innocent. He looked over at Gold, who was busy playing with his own phone and feeding an Aipom he was training today.
“Can't you get Gold to do it?”
“Gold doesn't have my number saved and I don't remember it.” She gave him a plaintive, sad look.
“You don't-- What do you mean you don't remember your number!?”
She shrugged, looking at him sadly and innocently.
“Pleaaaaase? Pretty pleaaaase? It's just to call it!”
Silver had a feeling he was going to regret this. “...Fine.” He jammed his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone, shoving it at Blue. “Take it. Just don't do anything to it, and definitely do not give it to Gold.”
He rolled his eyes and turned towards his Pokemon, remembering Lance's words about raising them. He had learned how to love and care for them, from his time watching Gold in order to figure out what exactly made the trainer stronger than him, back when they were still kids. Now they were older, practically young adults, and he wondered what he would have thought of himself back then, if he saw who he had become now. No doubt he'd call himself another bleeding heart like he did Lance that one time... But his Pokemon were happier than they had ever been; his Golbat had evolved into a Crobat once he had learned how to change himself and his attitude towards his Pokemon. He had gone to the Dragon's Den a reviled child, but now he was considered respectable among his peers there. Even Clair had remarked on his change, and it was hard to get some good praise out of the easily jealous, haughty lady.
Blue nudged his phone back at him.
“Thanks! I found it! Turns out it was on vibrate in my bag the entire time!” She laughed at her foolish mistake, waving her phone in her hand.
“...You're welcome.”
“Oh cheer up! You did a good deed today! You helped an absolute damsel in distress.”
He rolled his eyes, and was about to speak, but a text notification on his phone went off, nearly startling him. He gave Blue and Gold a suspicious glare, but they only grinned at him.
“Oh? Wonder who that's from; Gold and I are already here, so I'm not sure who else would be texting you...”
“Shove off.” Based off his friends' grins, Silver had an idea of what had happened. He shoved the phone in his pocket without looking at it, turning away from his friends who were waiting expectantly for the chain of events that were about to happen. “It's probably some spam mail or something.”
“You didn't even look at it!”
“I don't need to look at it to know that it's spam!” he yelled. “You two are right here, as you said! Leave me alone!”
The two other trainers exchanged looks, and Blue sighed. “Fine, fine. So what have you guys been up to?”
Gold and Silver explained to Blue what they had been working on as far as training went, and Blue offered to join in. The two boys weren't about to turn her down, so the training regimen for that day was adjusted to allow for a third person, including a three-way battle amongst the trio. Curiosity had itched at Silver's mind. He had managed to put the text out of his mind by focusing on training, but now that they were having another break, their Pokemon cooling off in the nearby river, Silver couldn't help but wonder exactly what it was. He wasn't signed up for any text messaging offers like Blue was, and he didn't give his number out to just anyone, like Gold did. Silver looked over at his friends, who were busy chatting and dipping their feet into the cool riverbank.
Hmph. They sure are spending a lot of time talking to each other today, he thought with mild bitterness. He chided himself before the selfish, jealous thoughts could spiral, and looked at them once more. They were distracted enough that maybe... Maybe he could sneak a glance at the mystery message.
Silver slowly pulled out his phone, looking around quickly to make sure no one else was nearby. The teen took a deep breath, turned on his lock screen, and took at look at the name on the message preview.
He immediately threw down his hand holding his phone, the screen turning back off. His face flushed immediately as he looked over at his friends, knowing exactly what had happened.
“Ho-oh damn these people with its Sacred Fire...” Silver muttered under his breath, trying to calm himself down. It could have been a coincidence, but he didn't believe in things like that. Okay. Fine. What did they send him?
He took a deep breath, and looked at his messages.
<<< Happy Father's Day
That's it. That's all they sent. He breathed a sigh of relief that it had been something simple, nothing big, silly, or extremely out of character for him to send; only to seize up once he realized what the implications were, since he was still very certain that Lance had no kids of his own, biological or otherwise. In a mixture of frenzy and fear, he looked at Lance's reply, worried that the Champion had questioned the message at all, or said something equally as embarrassing as the sheer fact that his friends sent this message at all. Silver's thoughts were rapidly trying to figure out how to escape any exchanges that could have happened, as he looked at Lance's response.
>>> Awe, thanks Silver. :-]
Silver stood there, stunned into confusion as his face flushed. He just.... accepted it? Didn't question it? Didn't press for more? There was no comment on if it was in relation to the implications of Silver sending it. There were a lot of people among the Dragon Clan who swore that the mentor-mentee relationship had evolved into one more familial, of a father and son, and he didn't seem phased at all by them being proven right, had the text been truly sent by him? But more importantly....
<<< What the fuck is :-]
Was that... supposed to be an emoji? A clown? Did it even mean anything? Silver was too embarrassed by the entire thing to even remember to deny any implications that the message could have given Lance, or any that the Champion could have inferred...
His phone's text notification went off almost immediately, and it startled the redhead out of his confusion as he quickly looked up to see if Gold or Blue had noticed what he was doing. He didn't see them by the riverbank anymore, or anywhere nearby, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
“Well... Whatever.” He looked at his phone again. An arm was suddenly swung over his shoulder, as Gold leaned against him, chin resting on his friend's shoulder.
“Soooooooooo, who was that message from?” Gold asked loudly, peering at the phone with the biggest grin on his face.
Silver scowled and tried to shove him away. “None of your business!”
But Gold held on as Silver struggled to push his friend away. In the process, Silver's phone dropped. Before the redhead could retrieve it, a purple flash ran by, swiping the phone in the process. Gold's Aipom had the phone gripped in the hand on its tail, waving it around playfully before passing it over to its trainer. Gold quickly unlocked the phone and read the message aloud.
“Awww, he said thanks! Aren't you lucky to have such a good dad in your life? He didn't even question it! It's almost like he knows.....”
Blue was standing by Gold, and read over the younger trainer's shoulder, before looking at Silver with a mock gasp. “Silver! You really use that language with him?”
“That's none of your concern!”
“Eh, I'm not surprised,” Gold said, as though Silver weren't right in front of them. “Though I'm surprised Lance didn't tell him something like to mind his language or anything. He seems like the kind of dad who would frown on cursing. What is that thing he put anyways? Oh, he replied! Let's see....... 'A smiley face'. What is he, fifty? Use an emoji like the rest of us. Or call it that...”
There was a pause. A devious smile crept onto Gold's face. “I'm gonna reply!”
“D...A....D, That's dad....  space... P...L...S..... please. There, sent!” He tossed Silver's phone back to him, darting away from Silver before he could lunge at him.
“I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!” Silver growled at Gold, who was busy laughing his ass off. Blue wasn't helping, as she was trying to stifle her own giggles. This was great. Just great. He loved his friends, but sometimes.... Sometimes he regretted being friends with them. This was one of those times.
There was another text notification. Silver snarled at them, then quickly looked at the message to see what kind of damage had been done.
>>> Did you just type dad?
Hastily, Silver replied back, his face hot from embarrassment and ignoring his friends' teasing laughter, asking him to read Lance's response out loud.
For some reason, he didn't have the heart to tell him that Gold and Blue had gotten a hold of his phone and sent those messages. As easier as it would have been to explain it, his flustered feelings had gotten in the way, and he found himself responding in a panic before he could even think about his responses. Silver's own panic had given a response to Lance that was possibly worse than telling him that his friends were pranking him and not Lance,which would have meant that there were no good feelings in the messages at all. He could have at least spared him that had he just been more honest and upfront about his feelings, but his own denial made it difficult to even see that he cared about what the older trainer had thought of him until it was too late.
Silver groaned, slapping a hand to his forehead. “Arceus end me, please.”
He ignored his friends, shrugging them off when they gave him apologies for the teasing, asking what he had furiously texted back. Silver showed them, embarrassed, head hung as they read.
“You guys couldn't just leave well enough alone, could you?” Silver snapped. He shook his head, realizing that was harsh. He knew they actually meant well, despite all of their teasing. They really were just trying to get him to open up and see that he had at least one potential paternal figure in his life that cared about him, that he could have had given the barest recognition to. Another groan escaped from Silver and he crouched down, embarrassed and ashamed of all the hard work that he had done thanks to Lance, resulting in this rejection of him. “...He's going to hate me now.”
“I don't know... He didn't seem to hate you when you met; actually, I remember him being concerned about you during the shutdown of the Mahogany hideout,” Gold said, trying to be helpful.
“Gold's right! He's helped you grow and change your life around so much! I think Lance knows you better than that. You're pretty tsundere after all.”
“Ugh. I hate it when you guys call me that.”
“Well, maybe you should stop being one!”
“Nah, if he did that, I don't think he'd be Silver!”
There wasn't a very long wait to find out, as Silver's phone now began to ring in his hands.
All three of them looked at the caller id at once.
“Should I answer it?”
“What do you mean should you answer it. Do you really think he's going to just give up if you don't answer him? He knows that you're looking at your phone right now!!”
“I don't know! I've never had this issue until you guys made it a thing.”
“Hey, don't look at me! I told Gold it was a bad idea.”
“You still took part!”
“Guys...” Silver sighed loudly, trying to quiet down the squabbling. “I'm answering it.” The other two immediately shut up.
“Hey.” His voice was unsteady as he tried to play it cool, like his usual, detached self. The other two listened intently, trying to hear how the conversation was going. Silver turned away from them, going a few paces away.
“Y-yeah.... Sorry about that. ….Mhmm.... Yes... No, not like that! It's just...” There was a sigh and the other two trainers leaned in, straining their ears to hear as Silver walked away further from them. Blue pouted. Gold threw his hands behind the back of his head.
“Think we might'a pushed it a little too hard?” he asked Blue.
“Mmm.... Maybe? It's not good for him to pretend like he doesn't feel some sort of way towards his mentor. Lance really has been the father figure that Silv's lacked in his life. And I felt a little guilty for awhile that I got my parents back while he still... but the few times I've seen him with Lance, it's like... he actually has a parent for once? Even if Silver hates to admit it, he doesn't wanna let Lance down. He wants to surpass him, sure, but...” She frowned, looking at the silhouette of Silver in the distance. “He's probably wanted a better dad than what he had, and now that he has someone who could fit that bill,  he... doesn't think he's good enough for that? I don't know how to explain it. I just know he needed a push in the right direction and I'm pretty sure that Lance isn't gonna sign some adoption papers unless Silver wanted it. And,” she gestured in Silver's direction. “We all know how that would go if we don't.”
“Yeah, that sounds 'bout right for him. Well, maybe one day he'll feel okay. Maybe next year he might actually send him a text without us saying anything!”
Blue laughed. “Wouldn't that be nice? 'Hey Silver, did you remember to text your dad this year'?”
“ 'Yeah, I did, and he said I was a good son'--” Gold broke off, snorting in laughter. “Okay, okay. He probably wouldn't say that. But maybe we could try again next year. Who knows? Maybe by the time we're thirty, they'll have adoption papers.”
The two broke off their chatter when they saw Silver heading back towards them. They watched as he approached, his expression surprisingly calmer than it had been the entire time they had spent together. He looked... relieved?
“Okay... Yeah. ….... Bye.” Silver put his phone away as he walked back towards his friends, the smug expression they were used to back on the redhead's face.
“What happened?”
“What'd Lance say?”
“...Heh. You two are in sooooo much trouble.”
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teetlesandnimjas · 4 years
Alright- y’all wanted it- or at aleast like 2 of you did- so uuuuh TMNT OCS!! WOOOOHOOO!
Uh they’re not that good- And yeah! There is a 2012 one on here- I’m working on a Rise design for her (I wanna make her Baxter’s older sister in Rise, she’s not related to him in 2012 other than he built her the legs/tail she has)
First up is my favorite one- Cami!
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Cami is a futacuchi onna (a two mouthed woman or in Cami’s case girl and one of my favorite tradition japanese Yōkai) and a mostly speechless assassin. Her mouth talks more than she does but the “talking” is just garbled speech. She’s quiet because she doesn’t know that much English, and is fluent in Spanish. The only times she gets above a whisper will she talks is when immense anger over comes her and just *intense Spanish yelling* She was hired to kill the turtles, but YKNOW she gets a huge ol’ crush on April and wouldn’t want to hurt her so REDEMPTION! I don’t have a 2012 version yet but I’m gonna make one. In that I think she would be hired by the Kraang to get April, since she can act much more human than they can. She would infiltrate April’s school, wearing her hood obviously, and pretend to befriend her. But Then she actually befriends her and- y’know- then she gets a huge ol’ crush on April and wouldn’t want to hurt her so XD
Next up is the Snake Sisters! They don’t have names yet but I’m working on it!
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These two were snake charmers before getting mutated and stuck together. You’d think because they’re siblings they’d get along but they absolutely hate each other! Of course, the turts help them bond (very, very tediously) and eventually they become closer! And then start destroying things! Because what’s a mutant got to do? In 2012 they’re much more monstrous and physically violent towards each other, and is an experiment by the Kraang, leaning more into the darker ways 2012 is than Rise. They’re animalistic, sort of like bat dad (or Kirby, since we don’t wanna have fun around here) but they can still talk and act human when calm. The sisters attack whatever they can before April calms them down and they basically become her annoying aunts. In Rise, April isn’t that important to them, since they’re more focused on M U R D E R skekekejeje they also have a flute staff lol
Next is... ugh- I named her Cameron- I’m so sorry-
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The reason I didn’t finish this or post her is because her design is too confusing. Before mutation, she was a student in photography club. Basically she got fused with her camera because idk in 2012 you can mutate with electronics and food so why not Rise??? I also made a bubble gum girl- a girl made of bubble gum- but I didn’t like her design so I’m fixing her up XD. Now back to Cameron. Cam is actually very happy with her mutation since she didn’t show her face online anyways, and in this form she can take photos and videos of anything as soon as she wants. However- that kinda sucks for the turtles cuz- well- SHE VIDEO’D THEM. They have this whole fight and eventually knock her memory card out and shut her down (it kinda sucks to be a camera) but Mikey convinces them not to wipe her because let’s not purposely make someone forget their entire existence. Too bad the Foot Clan does it anyways, gives her a machine gun arm and tells her that the Turtles wiped her memory and that she is actually a Foot soldier who now forgets all of her training because of them. So yeah! That’s fun!! I don’t have a 2012 version for her but I’m working on it! It’s probably gonna be very similar to Rise though.
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Okay so I don’t actually like her design that much. This is kinda an old drawing but basically- she’s a metal cyborg. She’s not a mutant, but before Baxter was mutated she found him and wanted him to build her legs after seeing what he did for Xever. The Foot promised he would as long as she repayed them with her service. So she did. She can change her legs into a tail and y’know that episode where the turtles had to go under water but there was a giant thing outside and they thought it was gonna kill them but it mistaked their turtle submarine thing for another of its species and like... flirted with it??? Uh yeah that’s not just randomly there- it’s her under water (with a mask of course) and that’s her introduction! After that they see her more often. Also Fish Face tries to flirt with her and she smacks him because, it’s not a weird crush or tsundere thing, she legitimately just hates him and his weird advances. She’s a really party-loving, fun girl but while working for the Foot and Shredder, her mind kinda twists a little. She becomes more angry, much more short tempered, but quieter and scared when people raise her voice or get mad at her. She’s scarred because of the Foot and I think that really extenuates how evil they are.Eventually the Turtles and April help her out, and for a little while she’s a spy, and then gets out under the boys’ protection! She becomes a scout for them and helps them on missions. Of course, her legs self-destruct because the Foot made Baxter add it in case she betrayed them. Of course there’s an intense scene of her trying to get out of them, and the Turtles desperately tearing them off of her, and she just narrowly escapes exploding. But Donnie builds her new ones, she’s got legs with a tail AND a jet pack so she can fight with her tail on land and fly! And of course, when Karai sees that mermaid girl got outta the clan, she’s really happy. Karai viewed her as the big sister she never had and they reunite happily. And then In Rise she’s Baxter’s older sister and is in a wheelchair. She’s very protective, sarcastic, and has some anger issues sometimes, but always has a soft smile on her face. She’s trying her best and genuinely cares for her lil bro. Bax of course rigs the wheelchair so she can fly in it, and she gets a tail of course! But it happens later. She’s not really evil and her and April are BFFs, but she‘s on Bax’s side and “plays his little game and entertains him. He’s only a bored little kid.” She’s friends with the turtles tho and it’s all really chill with her XD
Anyways that’s all of them!
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rpausandwhatifs · 4 years
There’s This Guy|| Elliot Drabble
Elliot had been fighting it for so long, that it was causing him to lose sleep. He didn’t want to bring it up in family therapy because maybe he could learn how to work through his problems without a trained mental health professional in the room. It wasn’t the best decision, but he had walked himself out of his room and down the stairs. Making sure on the way down that the girl was still outside.
Persi had been doing this futile assignment her therapist gave to her to read a book about personality disorders and anxiety to help her answer her questions and move along in her sessions to a point where she wouldn’t need to take them. They were visiting in London with Bryony, but the three parents had stepped out for a little while and trusted that the two were old enough to look after themselves. A beautiful day, she had her hair out of her ponytail, allowing herself to relax in order to get settled into the book. Criss-cross applesauced under the tree, she viewed the pages and started to fill her head with the words, her long orange locks blowing in the wind. It was a rare and gentle moment for her. 
Elliot watches from the sliding door and begins to think about what he’s about to do. He’s basically giving her (and Persephone) cannon fodder, and he has a hard enough time as it is trying to figure out all of this out. Who knows? It might even be a passing thing but he wanted to test it on someone other than his parents, who he felt like would be uncomfortable at best, and probably disgusted worst-case scenario. Plus, Persi is gay(?), right? It won’t feel weird if he is, but it might be the person; you can’t help who you love, right?
The boy was so tangled in his thoughts that his saunter through the grass made him trip on his own awkward feet, exclaiming before tumbling in front of her. He sighed and stared at the sky a little longer on his back, his entire train of thought derailed.
Look, Elliot! It’s your cousin Harlan!
Baby cousin! Gimme a hug!
H-heyy Harlan...coming to babysit?
Yeah, but first I gotta finish my homework, your parents aren’t leaving for a little while...c’mere I’m not a stranger gimme a hug, cuz!
Ugh! Your sister snuck out again *sighs*...
*shrugs* You can call Papa and Otosan, and then come back, we can play a game- Oooo! Dibs on the good controller!
Du är så lat! Just go upstairs and get the other on.
The-then I’ll lose...
Then wrestle me for it! Show me how strong you are!
Y-You’re so big! I hate wrestling...
Why do you hate wrestling?
Because Persi is too big and she hurts my arm...
Do you like..wrestle with other boys?
Ew, no...why would I do that?
Cus sometimes boys wrestle! I wrestle with Reiner and stuff.
Again. Not me. Also huge. And ew. 
Okej! Jag fattar!..And stop saying “ew.”
Stop talking other than English.
Make me...*looks at him, raises brows* Jag slår vad om att du inte kommer
Tell me why it’s gross to wrestle boys.
“Ellie,” Persi said, “Yo, why are you being weird?...Helllooo!” 
Elliot snapped out of it and turned his head to look at his sister, “Huh?”
“The fuck?!”
“Papa told us not to curse,” he replied, turning his head toward her.
“I don’t care. You came out here, ate shit on my patch of grass, then stared at the clouds...*sighs* What do you want?”
“I think there’s something wrong with me.”
“*scoffs* Oh that’s easy! You were born. Next question.”
“Noo! Persi...I-I-I’m...I think I’m a bigot.”
“Bigot? Do you even know what that word means?”
“I don’t like people...right?”
“No, dumbass-”
“I’m serious, Persi! Stop! I think I have a problem with sombeody...”
“Oh! Is someone picking on you?” she finally caught on, straightening and narrowing her eyes.
“Well...It’s hard to explain...”
“Is it a teacher? Another kid at school?..School bus?” she asked sitting up, feeling her chest drop that someone might be bullying her baby brother.
“He’s older than you...” he says sheephisly.
“Ew! Did you say something to Dad or Dan?”
“N-No...” he feels like the world is closing in on him.
“Some fucking perv is diddling you and I have to say something. Ellie this is serious shit, how long has this been going on? Do you know where he lives?”
“N-No! I-I-It’s something wrong with me...” he timidly tries to explain, finally sitting up and leaning over and points to his chest, urging his sister to keep her voice down.
“There’s nothing wrong with you. What he’s doing is wrong and that fucko is about to go to jail!” Persi exclaimed, shutting her book and starting to stand up when Elliot grabbed her arm in attempt to get her to sit back down, then jerking away from him, “NO ONE FUCKS WITH MY BABY BROTHER! Come on, we’re telling Dad.”
“STOP!” he yelled, his voice cracked, “It’s not like that! I don’t think I like...act like a normal boy, or I don’t think I like boys like Harlan or if I’m supposed to grow up like...I WANNA WRESTLE WITH HIM AND I DON’T KNOW HOW!”
“...W-...Is Harlan diddling you?” Persi whipped around to face her brother, the disgust on her face, “Wait, what? I dunno what you’re trying to say...Is he making you uncomfortable or touching you in the no-no zone?”
“N-No, no! Nothing like that! I just...I guess...can you like teach me how to wrestle with Harlan?”
Persi was completely perplexed by her brother's request, "Huh? What? Why? And why Harlan specifically?"
"Well if you were here that one time he was babysitting me he wanted to wrestle and I said ew and he told me it was bad to say ew to wrestling with other boys."
"Wait, like how him and Reiner wrestle? Like how boys just kinda roughhouse? Why do you say ew? That's weird."
"'Cus it's the first thing I say when he says it, but it's not how I felt. I dunno why I said it, and that's why I said that something is wrong with me and one of my friends called me a bigot because I don't like touching boys, but I like touching boys, I just don't know how."
Persi sat back down slowly and attempted to digest what her brother was explaining. She watched him try to use as much as his sixth grade vocabulary can muster. It made sense enough that his friends weren't helping him much, but the whole thing with Harlan wasn't clicking for her. Her eyes looked to the sky as she pushed her hair back and sighed, "You...Do you think you're not tough enough?" she asked.
"That's, like, part of it, but my friends don't wrestle, and I don't hang out with like big boys like Reiner or Harlan."
"So you want to learn how to wrestle because you want to wrestle with Harlan to be tougher?" she asked carefully.
"Kinda. I wanna learn how to wrestle so that I can only wrestle with Harlan," he admits with confidence.
"So the word you were looking for is probably homophobe. Just thought I let you know. However, if I think you're saying what I think you're saying then I really think you need to talk to Dad or Dan."
"I don't think they would understand-OWwwwwah!"
"Fucking idiot! Our parents are gay grown up boys! Gay means you like boys!" she bursted, extending a leg out to kick his, "You're not a bigot, though, and you're not a homophobe. Thank God."
"So you're calling me gay?" he asked, sitting up on his elbows.
"No. I'm calling the feeling you have towards Harlan gay...do you like girls?" she corrected him then asked swiftly as to not cause any awkward tension.
"I mean yeah, who doesn't?"
"Bigots and gay boys."
"So I'm a bigot," he nods and offers his answer, causing the girl to throw her foot down into his chest and knocking him back, "OWwwah! Get your dirty foot off me! This is my Versace shirt Otosan bought me!"
"How dumb are you?" she asked with a bite.
"Dumb enough to lay in the grass and think your foot is dirtier than the actual dirt I'm sitting in."
"Maybe you are a bigot," she scoffed, but trying not to be too mean on her innocent sibling.
"Seriously, Persi! What do I do?" Elliot whined, "Tell meeee!.."
"Alright, alright! Stop crying...Well. Do you wanna wrestle for real or do you wanna like they do on TV?" she asked.
"There's a difference?"
"Oh my god- yes! Absolutely!" she exclaimed.
"What's the difference? D-Don't show me!.."
"Uh, Reiner did competition wrestling for a while...And that's like sumo where you're trying to make him tap out or go outside the circle. The one on TV, which is fake, by the way, is a lot more slamming and jump moves and got some interesting drama," she said with a smile.
"Who's cuter?" Elliot asked innocently.
"What's your thing? Like why do you wanna wrestle Harlan?"
"Not enough! I like Reiner and he's big. Do you like being held or do you like bonding with him or something like that? You understand that these are contact sports, right?" she folded her arms.
"Why ew?"
"Because my friends and I don't play contact sports."
"Well then you're just gonna have to be different. Teach them and see if they like it."
"Again, I only wanna do it with Harlan."
"Stop dancing around why you like Harlan so much and just tell me."
"Uhh...cus..I-I'm not supposed to. He's our cousin. You can't have a crush on family."
"He's not our family technically...not blood anyway."
"That's why I'm not completely grossed out. See, you're old enough now so I can tell you."
"What? That I'm adopted?"
"Harlan is, actually..."
"Well, technically. Harlan has a mommy, but she couldn't take care of him, so Uncle Felix and Uncle Shane adopted him."
"Whoaa...but is it still wrong?"
"Yes, because he's too old. He's got 10 years on you, easily."
"Well can I still tell him how I feel?"
"Absolutely! He’ll still probably answer more of your questions, too."
Elliot was finally able to relax, pushing his hair back from his forehead and let it flop back down. Persi started to pick up her book and opened it to try and find where she left off. He watched her, sucking his teeth, causing her to flip the book and inhale sharply, widening her eyes at him. "Teach me to wrestle!" he whined, "And stop hurting my arm! C'mon! We fly back to the states tomorrow and I wanna try it with him."
"Ugh! Fine!" Persi said, moving her book and getting on her knees, "Get up, just like this." 
Elliot moves as his sister puts her hair in a ponytail, "Alright! What do I do?" he asks, taking a heavy huff to prepare himself.
"Mentally prepare yourself to be grabbed...Physics dictates that your lower torso is the center of gravity so he's gonna grab your torso to get you off your feet and knock you on your ass."
"Ew-OWwwaah!" he exclaimed at Persi slamming her palm into his forehead, followed by her bonking him on the top.
"Stop. Saying. Ew. Open your knees and brace yourself," Persi said.
"H-How else do I prepare?" he asked, his shoulders still wound up. She puts her hands on his shoulders, trying to roll them.
"You've gotta loosen up. You can think clearer if your muscles aren't tense...What did it for you? With Harlan?" she asked, showing him to shake out his nerves.
"Arms...I-wow!...I like-yeah- I like his arms,” Elliot surprised himself with how automatic the response flew from his lips, then realizing how his heart felt to say it. 
“That’s normal. And yeah he’s got nice arms, makes his hugs feel like you can trust him,” Persi said. 
“When do you not trust a hug?” Elliot asked with a raised eyebrow.
“If you’ve been heartbroken, you’re me, or their energy is wayy off. Now, when I approach you I’ll try and go easy but I want you to try push back and pin me to the ground,” Persi explained, making sure to lock eyes with her brother, and get herself in position to tackle him with a small expectation he’d go down like he always does, “Ready? It’s gonna happen fast.” She recieves a nod, but just before he pushes her shoulders a little.
“Hey..uhh Persi?” he asked nervously.
“Hm? What?” she asked, popping her head up.
“I’d trust a hug from you, Persephone, too! Also, uh, thanks for not being whole jerk...” he admitted with a little smile. 
Persephone looked at the boy and grimaced, but Persi felt like she might well up with tears because she really didn’t think she was a good sister, let alone he could trust with Persephone and everything, but she figures they should since their circumstances are unique.
[One Week Later]
“So...how was England?” Harlan asked, sitting on the couch, leaning back and flipping through something to watch as he settled into the easiest $200 he’s ever made. Persi had to go to work for the night and since her parents didn’t know when she’d be back (or if she was coming back that night), Harlan could use the down time and the money for when he went back to school after summer break.
“It was cool as usual, my mom, dad, and Otosan went out more by themselves so Persi and I got to hang out,” he started, watching the other’s sweatshirt-clad arms rest by his head, while he chose something to watch, settling by adjusting his hips into the couch. For the first time, Elliot was sweating, and not because it was too hot or because he rarely got in trouble, but because of the boy’s dark brown hair lazily gelled on top into a neat quiff, the soft curve of his body molded into the couch, making his sweatshirt ride up a little, “Uhh...how’s college?”
“UHm...I’m really busy. Was doing a lot of work and then I had a few projects. I like the library up there. The events are pretty fun. I was a little surprised freshman year but they don’t..do much for sophomores,” he said, looking at him with a sigh then furrowed his brows when he saw Elliot, “You okay? You feeling alright?”
“I think I like boys...” Elliot says, not realizing how quickly he jumped into the topic, “But I-I’m new a-and...Persi said for me to ask you for some advice.”
Harlan tried to understand what he was saying and sat up a little more, “Elliot...you know I’m too old for you, right?...I didn’t mean to make you feel nervous or uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, I know...but uhh..you made me realize it, so in a way you’re responsible  for making me like this,” Elliot started, getting a little more comfortable and uncrossing his arms, slinking into the couch with him.
“Oh, am I really?..What’d I do?” Harlan chuckled lightly, tilting his head up and shaking his head a little in disbelief.
“I learned how to wrestle because I wanted to wrestle with you. Also, I sorta learned how homophobic it was to say ew all the time.”
“Ahh...so your sister is a good influence on you...” he said with a nod, smiling still to keep from spilling over with a giggle, he wiped his mouth and scratched his little hairs growing along his jawline just clustered enough to say he was trying to grow a beard. 
“Yeah well, sometimes she’s good. I just wish sometimes was a little more often, but she’s still my sister and I love’r!” Elliot says pridefully, then backing up a little when Harlan looks at him, “Uhh..uhm yeah, she said this means I’m starting to go through puberty, but I gotta ask my dads about it.”
“Well I’ll tell you right now, it sucks, like pojke gör det jävla suger...enjoy being young, Elliot. Revel in that innocence for as long as you can...but if I heard you correctly, you said you wanted to wrestle me?” Harlan caught him before he wavered off and downplayed his gesture. 
“Uhh y-yeah, but I just wanted to learn because I like how...uhh..strong you are~ and uhh it feels really nice to get hugs from you,” Elliot continued, not expecting him to pick up on it, his sweat getting a little worse as he struggled to look the boy in the eye that was staring him down. 
“Bluush! Är du inte en söt?~..There’s nothing good on anyway..so get up, lemme see what you got! I’ll go easy on you as long as you’re not weird about it, okay?” Harlan mentioned as he sat up, slapping the boy’s knee as he got up.
“Uhh I’ll-I’ll try..maybe we should have a code word for if it’s too much?” Elliot asked, slowly getting up as he felt like he was about to throw up, but he could practically imagine living in the boy’s arms. Harlan rolling his sleeves up and standing over him just caused his knees to weaken just a little more. He didn’t remember him being this big, or brawny, or smelling so good.
“HOw aboouutt...hm..what’s your favourite colour?” he asked, taking in the boy’s obvious hesitation at approaching him.
“Black,” he answered quickly.
Harlan rolled his eyes at his selection and shook his head, then asking again, “What’s your second favourite colour?”
“Why doesn’t black work?” he quickly asked back.
“Too many hard consonants. If you can’t breathe, you can’t get your lips together to create blah noise and the ack is just gonna sound like you straining against me. Pick another colour,” he quickly explained as he tried to fashion a ring out of some pillows and throws.
“Oh. Orange then. I like how it sounds! OORRaannnggggEEE....”Elliot added, which made Harlan giggle and nod, shuffling over towards the circle in the middle of the room, “Oh hey can you just talk to me about how this whole puberty thing goes? I really don’t feel all that jazzed about asking my parents..I’m their baby and all..”
“Maybe later, cus I wanna talk to them first to make sure it’s okay. Especially since you have this little crush on me, men jag berättar inte för dem om det...” Harlan said shaking out his limbs and getting on his knees while he rolled his neck, “That’ll be just between us boys.”
Elliot got a wave of excitement and anxiety, a little frustrated that he spoke in Swedish over whatever the last part of the sentence was, but he thinks he’s not gonna tell his parents. It made him wonder, but it also made him worry. Was he just not going to tell them right away? Was Persi onto something about Harlan being a perv? His head was swirling and he was both scared and confused, which Persi told him he needed to clear his head before he engaged in a fight or any sort of activity like this. “Yeah..uhh yeah..sure..” He awkwardly gets on his knees and stares at Harlan before thinking of something that might calm him down, “H-Hey, Harlan?”
“Yeah? What’s up?”
“Uhh before we start..c-c..would it be too much to ask for a hug?” he asked, shy and timid and feeling the full weight of his question despite what he’d just explained. 
“Sure. Anytime. Never saw harm in a hug,” he says brightly and pulls his forearms in as he embraces him. It was so surreal to think that Elliot looked to him as such an influence. Elliot squeezed against the boy and sighed a huge deep sigh, allowing his body to relax into his. Harlan rubbed his back a little, feeling him relax, giving him a soft kiss on the top of his head before giving him a playful shove, “Alright, now come on, cuz! Ge mig allt du har!“
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thehyperkraken · 6 years
EDIT: yall idk why the actual fic isnt showing up in the tags but this shit is, bc thats literally the opposite of what i wanted, but for the love of god read the fic first and/or instead, that’s the thing i spent more than 20 minutes on: [link]
Hey random idea dump for that one fic i done did yeehaw... it’s almost longer than the fic itself but jesus christ i need to get these ideas out of my head and throw them into the internet ether, seriously don’t read this its a goddamn mess
So ghjkdf the actual plotty part of that fic came from that one b99 bit... the Bone one.....u kno
Arthur: Come on, Dutch. The O'Driscolls thing isn't the problem. You're in a bad mood because you've been so busy planning this heist that it's keeping you and Hosea apart. You two just need to bone. John: Oh no... Dutch: ...What did you say? John: Don't say it again! Arthur: I said you two need to bone. John: Oh my god... Dutch: (with barely contained fury) Hhhhhow Dare you Arthur Morgan, I am thIS GANG'S LEADER!!! You have NO RIGHT to comment on my sex life— (5 minutes later) Dutch, standing on top of a table screaming: BONE?!?!?! (10 minutes later) Dutch: What happens in my bedroom, son, is NONE of your business— (20 minutes later) Dutch, jumping up and down on the table: BOOOOOOONE!!!!!!!!! (40 minutes later) Dutch: And don't EVER speak to me like that AGAIN! (storms off) John, sunken down in his chair in horror: Why the hell did you do that? Arthur: (shrugs) They need to bone. John: Gross, Arthur! That's our dads!
And then like a day later gfdhkg
John: Oh hey Dutch! I know you don't want to talk about Hosea, BUT, I had an idea— Dutch: No need, John, it's all good. John: So... your fight with Hosea is over? Dutch: Yep. John: Because you finally figured out a plan for the heist...? Dutch: Nope! Arthur, excitedly: Because you guys—? Dutch: Yyyyep! Arthur, looking smug: Knew it. John: Ugh... Arthur: (leans down close to him) See, what happened is, our dads had sex— John: UGH, SHUT UP!
Another inspiration I had was John Mulaney’s bit about zoning out for John with adhd,,,,, the part where he’s like “the doctor was reading me the results of a blood test, it was IMPORTANT that I LISTENED, but NO, I zoned out, I was like, I’m just gonna stare at the wall and think m’thoughts” that’s why I wrote the part where John was like “ehhh attention deficient something something disease” bc it made me laugh gjhggdjh
Dutch: so the doctor says you have ADHD John: (thinking about minecraft) what?
Also unrelated but blease consider Arthur teaching John to drive like
Arthur: are you watching the road? John: ........I am looking through the windshield Arthur: John: .......and I’m not gonna hit anyone...... Arthur: John: ....but no. I’m thinkin’ about minecraft
(Also I don’t know anything about ssb I’ve played it once and hated it, minecraft is my og video game love, but Abigail beating John at ssb is funnier, I’m a fake gamer boy :^( rip)
Arthur: are you drinking coke for breakfast? John: yeah, what did you have for breakfast? Arthur: ........nothing John: (sipping his drink) I’m doing better than you, then
So when Dutch and Hosea decided to adopt, they agreed they wanted to take in kids who needed good homes the most, so they were specifically looking for older kids who would probably age out of the system and wind up on the streets
They met Arthur who was a clearly depressed and gender non conforming thirteen year old who hated everyone and everything and wasn’t getting the Love he Deserved, and Dutch was like “I want THAT ONE, with the SAD EYES”
Arthur tried to push them away at first, cuz he absolutely didn’t trust anyone, and some part of him believed they’d just give him right back up for adoption if he disappointed them in any way. But he eventually learned that they were good guys who really just wanted to help him, and they weren’t gonna abandon him if he wasn’t the perfect kid they always wanted
(he probably told them about this fear eventually and Hosea just snorted and was like “if we wanted a perfect kid we woulda got a cabbage patch doll. something that wouldn’t scream or make a mess” and Dutch was like “yeah! or like a 27 year old with a job and their own house and kids of their own. pre-made grandkids” and Hosea was like “or a cat” and Arthur was like “...okay”)
Anyway it took a loooong time but Arthur eventually trusted them enough to come out to them as trans, without really knowing the proper words for everything, just knowing that He Is A Boy And That’s That. As much as Hosea is the one the lads go to to talk about stuff and get comfort and Wise Dad Advice, he probably told Dutch first bc he was more uncertain how he’d respond and he wanted to get it over with in the worst way possible.... like, if they were gonna react badly, heap all the bullshit on in one fell swoop
I imagine he did it off the cuff too, in response to something Dutch said, like Dutch was like “u get back here right now young lady” and Arthur was like “first of all I’m not a lady, I’m a BOY, and second of all FUCK you, I do what I WANT” and Dutch was like “groovy. you’re grounded.” Arthur was like (offended) “don’t say groovy... don’t try to be hip” and Dutch was like “no it’s totally tubular that ur a boy. It’s absolutely funky. You’re fucking grounded though”
Then he went and told Hosea like “congrats! it’s a boy” and they helped him transition and they didn’t tolerate a single person misgendering him the whole time. Like before he’s even begun transitioning, they’re literally at the doctors office to discuss it w/ their doc for the first time, and a nurse is like “ms. morgan?” And Dutch is like “INCORRECT” and the doctor is like “what seems to be the problem (deadname)?” and Dutch is like “FOOL! THIS CHILD WAS LABELED INACCURATELY, WE REQUIRE A GENDER RETRACTION” and Hosea’s like “please stop yelling”
Anyway probably about a year later they got John when he was ten and Arthur was fifteen. Arthur was a little bit jealous like, wow, am I not enough kid for u, but Dutch and Hosea always planned on getting at least two bc they wanted them to have siblings, and they know John came from a pretty abusive situation, so Arthur can’t be too mad at him. At least until he met John and realized what a fucking brat he is
Since John was younger and way more desperate for affection, he immediately loved Dutch and Hosea just bc they were nice to him, he was ready to call them his dads within the month but he was nervous that it was too soon and they’d be weirded out. But I imagine he got triggered by something and had a meltdown and they got to see just a glimpse of what he’d been through, and Dutch and Hosea were falling over themselves trying to comfort him and tell him they love him and now I’m making myself cry :’^(
Anyway... from that point on John was like “these are the only dads I’ve ever had and I would kill a man for them.” He gets in trouble quite a bit bc he’s Naughty, but Dutch and Hosea always make sure to punish him fairly and never yell or be physically intimidating with him or permanently take away his stuff, like they make him do chores to earn back the right to use the xbox or something. And they always explain to him exactly what he did wrong and why he’s being punished and talk to him about how he can make it better or what he can do next time, or if there’s a root problem, like he’s acting out bc he’s overwhelmed with school work or smthn, how they can help him. Especially after he gets diagnosed with ADHD
And of course they do all this with Arthur too, but they make a special concerted effort with John bc he’s The Baby :^) and Dutch somehow maintains an attitude of “idk what ur talking about, John has never done anything wrong ever in his life” every time he gets in trouble meanwhile Hosea is like “what do you MEAN, he’s a GREMLIN” fjfjfhhf
Arthur was probably diagnosed with depression and anxiety at some point... it was probably a long process to get him to even admit he had a problem bc he didnt wanna bother anyone... Arthur also probably came from an abusive situation from the way canon Arthur talks about his dad, but Arthur is much more the type to be like “i’m gonna keep all my feelings inside, and then one day, i’ll die” whereas John is like “i will SCREAM if i get a papercut”
[EDIT: i woke up in a cold sweat at 4 AM with this in my head so now i’m putting it here
Charles: So, Arthur... Do you wanna talk about your feelings? Arthur: No. John: I do! :) Charles: ...I know, John. John: I’m sad! :) Charles: I know, John.
i’m sure it’s been done before but it’s so good. ok now back to our regularly scheduled programming]
In regards to Arthur being trans, John doesn’t really Get It, Arthur tried to explain it to him once and John couldn’t care less, all he knows is Arthur used to be a girl or something, there’s tea involved probably, and John is thinking about minecraft again... he has 2 am thoughts about it sometimes and comes to Arthur like “what IS gender” and Arthur’s just like “hm. big mood”
Dutch is “Dad” and Hosea is “Papa” or “Pa” or “Pops” or “Dad, No Not You, The Other One” or “Other Dad.” Hosea really doesn’t mind at all, he wouldn’t care if the kids called him Hosea or mom or anything else, it truly isnt important to him. But Dutch Loves being Dad. Every time they call Dutch Dad he grows three times stronger and 10 years are added to his lifespan. Dutch is an Alpha Parent, he 100% goes to every parent teacher conference and bake sale, he’d go to every game and concert too if either of his kids had a single athletic or musical bone in their dumb little bodies. I guess the school probably hosts art galleries sometimes to display art the kids make, Arthur always has a drawing in one of those, and Dutch will absolutely go just to brag about his cool son.
Dutch is the Fun Energetic Dad who embarrasses the boys in front of their friends but can always be talked into taking them out to get ice cream. Hosea is the more quietly anxious dad, he makes sure they do their homework and keep their rooms clean and shit, and he's the one the kids always go to talk to when they’re having problems... like Arthur will rant for an hour and a half about high school drama and Hosea will patiently listen to all of it and when he's done he’ll offer to kick the other kids’ asses for him, and Arthur’s like lmao but Hosea Means It.
Hosea is also the one the kids go to for help on their homework because Hosea and Dutch have five brain cells between them, and four of them belong to Hosea. Dutch is like “suddenly I don’t remember basic math, time to make shit up” and Hosea is like “I must become an expert on 1820s Chinese history in two days for my beautiful sons”
I have NO idea what either of their jobs are, I wanna say Hosea is a lawyer or smthn but idk, Dutch is probably like......................a used car salesman LMAO...... they clearly make a lot of money (or maybe STOLE SOME) bc I gave them a huge house w/ a pool gjhkdhg
Anyway more about THE KIDS
They go to a school that is a combination middle school and high school, bc that’s what my school was like
Mrs. Grimshaw is the strict and irritable principal with a secret soft spot for kids, Mr. Pearson is the cafeteria cook, Strauss works in the office, I wanna say Rev. Swanson is a weird but friendly janitor or something lmao. Uncle is Dutch & Hosea’s annoying forever-drunk neighbor who everyone barely tolerates fjfjhfh
Micah is The School Bully but like bc this is a cutesy high school au and I can do what I want, he’s not actually like a violent racist or anything he’s just a bad mad sad kid who is a huge dick
Bill is Micah’s Bully Henchman, he’s generally not as much of a dick as Micah is, but he punches whoever Micah asks him to bc they are the closest thing to friends that either of them have
Trelawny is a new student who just moved from another school and he’s that fucking Weird Magician Kid who can’t hold a conversation longer than five seconds without saying “wanna see a magic trick,” tried to do some unimpressive card tricks for the school talent show, unironically wears a cape, etc.... Arthur stood up for him when he was getting pushed around by Micah and Bill so now Arthur has +1 more weird friend
Karen is the Popular Girl who somehow knows everyone, is probably a cheerleader, everyone is either extremely intimidated by her or thinks she’s gonna be a stuck up bitch, but she’s actually just super fucking chill and nice, WILL stab a man for her friends, she won’t hesitate bitch
Tilly is Karen’s bff who was getting bullied by *shakes fist* those dang foreman brothers.... Karen stood up for her and Tilly was like “no don’t u will get hurt!!” and Karen was like “ha... fool... cheerleaders cannot die” and whooped ass with her gymnastics skills and somehow got the foreman brothers expelled. So now Tilly is like “I owe u one (1) Life Debt” but Karen is like “nah it’s chill just come to target w/ me & we’ll call it even.” Tilly is just tryna get shit done and do her damn homework but everybody else is going on adventures and being nuisances so of course Tilly has to go too bc come on....... who do you take her for, some kinda two-bit GEEK? NO WAY
Mary Beth is a quiet nerdy girl who’s always reading or writing and never talks in class or anything. Karen and Tilly became her friends thru sheer brute force, Karen just sat by her one day n was like “sup” and Mary Beth was too shy to ask her to leave. They were surprised to discover Mary Beth is actually pretty nice and funny when you get to know her and also the Biggest Lesbian Alive
Sadie is a BAD BITCH... NOBODY fucks with Sadie, not even Micah, Sadie is the girl who when some dipshit boy spreads a rumor that he had sex with her, she agrees and tells everyone she pegged him and he cried after, she hasn’t given a fuck since 2007. she climbs on the roof to get lost frisbees. one time she got the gym coach to agree to give her an automatic A in the class if she did 100 push ups in 5 minutes. Then she Did That. She might have pulled several muscles in both of her arms but She Did That. Karen, Tilly, and Mary Beth (but mostly Karen) approached her like “damn that was sick” and Sadie was like “yea i know” and then they were friends
I literally don’t know anything about Sean I’m sorry...... maybe he’s a transfer student who becomes friends with John, they play Minecraft together and Sean boobytraps the houses John builds. Sean is the only living human being who understands how redstone works and he uses his powers for evil
Molly is going to a nearby community college and is working at the high school part time as a TA and she is like 19-20 or smthn so the kids all think she’s The Hottest Shit,,,, like they think she’s just the coolest hippest person alive, but also she is Very Attractive so fuckin everybody has a crush on her, most specifically Javier and Mary Beth. She ineptly tries to flirt with Dutch every time he comes to a parent teacher conference bc she’s dummy thicc and thinks it’s friendship goals that Dutch lives with and has adopted children with his Best Bud Hosea
The teacher Molly is TA for is Charles Chatenay, an all-grades art teacher who takes his job WAY too seriously, like dude chill they’re high schoolers. His class is where Arthur met Albert, bc Arthur loves drawing and obviously Albert loves photography. They were both like “wow he’s cute” but were too shy to talk to each other for more than basic pleasantries, until one day Albert’s Big Project was ruined a day or two before he was gonna turn it in, and Arthur helped him fix it.
They’re so sweet on each other it’s unbearable, they’re both Soft Boys so they fuckin blush if they make eye contact...... the most bold either of them get is when Arthur is feeling insecure about his body and Albert gladly tells him how perfect and handsome he is in every way, and he wishes he was half as gorgeous as Arthur is, and Arthur is like (offended) um, excuse me, how dare u insult my beautiful boyfriend in this way?? They both wanna grow beards so while they’re still going thru Changes they excitedly bond over their facial hair......... they run up to each other at school like LOOK AT MY NEW CHIN HAIR and the other one is like WOW!!! GOOD JOB
Javier has a big lovely family who spoil him rotten and tbh love to spoil his friends when they come over too, his parents are in a constant and devastating game of dish-gifting with Dutch & Hosea, Arthur and John have eaten more of Mr. & Mrs. Escuella’s tamales than any other food, neither Dutch nor Hosea are very good cooks but luckily Javier has plenty of aunts and uncles and cousins who are happy to occasionally take one of their unimpressive lasagnas or cakes from a box mix
Lenny’s cool dad in canon is the high school au dad of Charles and Lenny, he and Charles’s mom amicably divorced and he got remarried to Lenny’s mom, who is a Cool Stepmom to Charles. Charles and Lenny go stay with Charles’s mom all the time, in fact she was around so much when they were younger that she practically helped raise them both. maybe she gets a gf and Charles and Lenny have so many moms and are so loved & cherished like they fuCKIN DESERVE
Kieran is the weird horse girl at school, he’s Lenny’s age, they become friends when they’re forced to sit next to each other and they’re both too awkward and shy to say anything until they’re paired up on a project together bc everyone else in the class already paired up and they were the only ones left gjkhfd.... John wants to dislike Kieran bc Lenny is HIS friend now, but Kieran is a sweet lad with a mean dad.... His dad is Colm O’Driscoll, Dutch & Hosea’s other neighbor and Dutch’s sworn enemy
Dutch expects Kieran to be as shitty as his dad, but he is a SWEET BOY, and as soon as they realize his situation, they tell Kieran he can come over whenever he wants and spend the night any time, he doesn’t have to ask or anything, but Kieran is super respectful and always asks permission and always tries to come over when John or Arthur are there so he can go under the pretense of hanging out with them, bc he doesn’t wanna intrude...
Once he came over when Hosea was the only one home and he was like “hi Mr. Matthews are John and Arthur home” and Hosea was like “no sorry they’re out” and Kieran was like “oh... ok sorry I’ll just go then” and Hosea was like “absolutely not” and brought Kieran in and made him snacks and wrapped him in many blankets and watched a kids movie with him until he fell asleep on the couch... when Dutch came home he was like “??? new son ???” and Hosea was like “yea I guess. oops”
When Kieran gets older they help him become an emancipated minor and get a job and his own place (even tho he knows they’d let him stay with them if he wanted) and he changes his last name to his mom’s maiden name Duffy... Colm and Dutch glare at each other over their fences and Colm is like “enjoying stealing my son?” and Dutch is like “my son now” but Colm really doesn’t care bc he’s an asshole... and even tho they don’t legally adopt him, Kieran’s like “I’m more of a Van der Linde than an O’Driscoll” and oops i’m making myself cry again :’)
And yes Abigail does eventually teach John how to play stupid super smash bros. She’s Pro Gamer level of competent at nearly all video games and John has the biggest heart eyes for her, the end thank u for listening
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