#also wanna get something with my mom
sukifoof · 4 months
i think im just gonna start blocking people that engage in flowey age discourse <3 im not in the fandom for petty drama about nothing im here for analysis and art and its really irritating to be looking for art and all there is is arguments. i love uty dearly but the sudden uptick in pointless arguments regarding floweys character is infuriating. why can't we talk about how well hes written and that hes an extremely good example of ptsd why must we argue. if u disagree with something block and move on dont act like children
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holocene-sims · 6 months
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a sneak peek for an upcoming (timeline tbd) update 😊
#holocene.txt#hlcn: story extras#consider this a thanks for the kind words on gratitude day :)#i wanna respond to everyone individually when i have time and also wax poetic about how much every comment means to me#it really does mean a lot#it's been a rough year and a very lonely year like i'm genuinely just so :/#i lost both of my grandmothers this year very suddenly and the holidays feel empty now and i'm dealing with scary health issues#i finally had a brain mri after waiting for it to get scheduled since JUNE and now i have to wait on results and undergo some other testing#and i'm losing my mind a little because i planned a nice christmas gift for my mom and it feels ruined because the post office lost it#and my dad ruined the whole surprise of it by calling customer support on speaker phone with her in the room...and she ofc heard everything#i just wanted something nice for my mom :( she deserves it and although i have other gifts for her still it's not all what i planned#i don't mean to rant but i just wanted to add context when i say it means a lot that anyone even remotely likes my pixels#i may not know most of you very well *yet* (trying to fix that!!) but it's nice to feel a little support from somewhere :) beyond nice#and sorry for being absent a lot this year but i swear i have so much appreciation for y'all and i love you and your pixels dearly#i always feel bad like maybe it doesn't seem like i care in return bc i'm offline a lot now but i really do!! i care a lot!! love y'all xox
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skyland2703 · 1 month
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…ok so I got inspired <3
Thesis in the tags
#OKAY SO HEAR ME OUT#Amelia is probably the most jealous person to ever relationship.#but it comes naturally ONLY for Javi. she never got jealous while dating Ollie or any of the previous partners.#but when she started dating javi—something flipped a switch in her and BOI OH BOI DID SHE GET. JEALOUS. OF EVERYTHING.#which kinda sucks because Javi is a music sensation and POPULAR 😭#and she’s Horny. SO. so. SO. horny. like. maybe it’s the Rafkonian biology but if he wakes her up in the middle of the night#saying ‘babe I’m horny’ she just. fucking. would go down on him. then and there.#LIKE SHE WOULD SEE HIM TAKING A PEACEFUL BATH AND GO ‘i wanna fuck you slide over’#and the exhibitionist kink 😭😭 don’t even get me started on that.#Javi was always a mama’s boy so he is THE best at cooking. his mom is even better. (typical desi mom Rina 😭👍🏻)#and so he makes them food. and she does the dishes because his prosthetics don’t let him do watery work good.#Amelia isn’t good with lovey dovey words. Javi is a POET.#HE TOLD HER HE LOVED HER BY WRITING HER A SONG#AND TELLING HER ‘you are the very oxygen i breathe’.#and he waited for her confession for three years 😭 for her to fall in love with him and for her to tell him she loved him#and like#idk man#also she steals all of his clothes.#Javi got vvv annoyed once realising she doesn’t have ANY super loose sweatshirts and comfortable things to wear. not even pyjamas.#(she used to prefer sleeping naked) but ever since she discovered Javi’s oversized hoodies… that fit juuust perfectly. theresno going back.#ever#anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk :D#they’re sooooo in love your honor I cant~#power rangers#power rangers dino fury#amelia jones#Javi garcia#cosmic fury#power rangers cosmic fury#dino fury
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succubi-tch · 4 months
Friend is talking to me about the ghosting situation of our mutual friend- saying "these are some of the phrases I drop in the chat when I feel I'm being ghosted"
And wanting to say "no, I don't want to be petty, I just-" when one of the vaguer, one word ones catches my eye and I remember he randomly dropped that in our chat later last year right as I was about to respond to him
I had been out all day, just gotten home and was about to start mass responding to everyone who'd sent me messages that day, and if my memory serves correctly, the group server was popping off, so I made the mistake(?) of responding to that first and in the time between me getting distracted right before responding to him, he had said "damn"
So I asked him "everything alright? Sorry I've been out most of today" and he'd responded "nah, just some headassery on my part" or something of the sort and I never understood it
Until now lmao.
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itspileofgoodthings · 14 days
I give my grad speech in a week, have been writing a million versions of what I want to say in my head all year, talked to my mom last night, boy did she separate the wheat from the chaff.
#teaching tag#allskskskksksjsjs my mom one of the only people in the world who knows me and appreciates me but is not under the influence of my charm#even a little bit#skksksksksjsj actually my whole family is like this. which is a GIFT. and also something that can be so hard for me skskkdjdjdjdjdjjd#truly my most ruthless critics#but I wanted to cut things down in my own mind to the truest and most bare essentials#and that’s why I asked my mom! because I wanna get the core straightened out#will it end up being slightly more joke-y and vulnerable than she would like? yeah. but I am not my mom and cannot live as if I were#anyway have I thought too much about this speech? 100%. and wildly overestimated its actual importance#which is pretty small. so I have a week to wrangle myself back in line#idk i know it’s a good thing—the wave of excitement I can create#and I’ve had many people tell me they’re so looking forward to it etc.#but with it also comes a lot of pressure. a lot of pressure to be funny and to be charming#my own instinctive desire to fly too close to the sun and to take everybody on a ridiculous journey#but I want to go back to the core. especially in my teaching#it feels extremely important to me#anyway. what I need to do is let this go. and pray. and stop having a huge ego etc.#but it’s very hard because I am a self-obsessed narcissist who LOVES the sound of her own voice#I am also exhausted and have a lot of teaching/grading to do in the next week#sorry just processing thank you for listening
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baycitystygian · 4 days
bro just wanna say everybody loves raymond is a fucking god awful show i hate it with a burning passion i watched so much of it against my will it was PAINFULLY written by a man it's so misogynistic and Straight(TM) with boomer humor and i LOATHE it with every fibre of my being and i hope you loathe it too so we can loathe it together <3 also the only good character is Amy
oh it’s painfully obvious that the writers hate women 😭I gotta say that enough of it is entertaining to me to be somewhat enjoyable (it helps that the cast, especially Frank/Marie/Robbie, are strong comedic actors), but yeah I absolutely completely see your opinion 😅I couldn’t get more than a few episodes into Home Improvement for that same reason- it was WAY too much for me
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wereh0gz · 7 months
Is my discomfort with my boobs gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, or just a general discomfort with the sensations of having a human body that comes with possible neurodivergency
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minglana · 4 months
girl help my mother has achieved what she couldnt achieve in 23 yrs (give me an ED)
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h-harleybaby · 7 months
I miss my husband tails
I miss her a lot
I’ll be back
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supercantaloupe · 8 months
earlier tonight my roommates were talking about the halloween party they're planning in a couple weeks (i will be out of town) and since the convo went towards "party supplies needing to be purchased" one of my roommates mentioned that she had the present she's planning on getting me for my birthday in her digital shopping cart already and then made a little mischievous face at me. and like it's sweet i suppose but my idea of "celebrating" my birthday is basically acting like it doesn't exist cause i'm kind of...uncomfortable with receiving Direct Praise And Attention especially for things i don't think are worth it (for example, Existing Another Year). at any rate my idea of the perfect gift this year would be Not being stuck in rehearsal until 10pm that night but that will certainly not be the case so whatever
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moodr1ng · 1 day
time to stop and think woah i love my little sister so much.. i saw her yesterday and she told me she broke up w her boyfriend of 6 months a couple days ago and we talked about it for a while (i think hes a dick, she thinks its not that bad, im probably just overprotective of her lol but whatever) and she mentioned that during the breakup he said she had done nothing wrong in the relationship and it was all on him, which it was, and i was just thinking like. "yeah obviously. youre the one person i know who has literally no flaws." like i thought about it for a sec and i cant think of a single trait of hers that i find annoying or that causes me problems or whatever. the only times ive ever found her to be like, a bit too harsh or moody or something is when shes responding aggressively to our mom, and having grown up w our mom i honestly cant blame her at all cause ik she can be really hard to bear with sometimes lol. but like. i dont think weve ever had a single fight in our lives yknow. its rare and precious to have someone so great in your family and im so glad she is there :)
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cinna-bunnie · 8 months
i had a fun day 2 day ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა everyone has been so nicey 2 me all day from the minute i left my house earlier ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა ♡⁠
i went to a Retreat for the first time for work earlier 0: and I did SO good for being up since 2am it didn't even feel like it 💀
it was so chill i drove like an hour away but Away from the city so there wasn't rly traffic and the mountains r so pretty 2 drive thru (❁´◡`❁) got some rain n v low clouds and since it's autumn there's all these pretty colors. i took an edible on the way n was just jammin out n enjoying the scenery among the many safe opportunities 2 look
and then at the thing we got 2 do different ice breakers n go on decently long breaks; i got 2 hang in different groups n actually Talk w a bunch of ppl which i never have time for omg. it's nice working at a legal nonprofit, i would NOT want to do this with corporate mfs !! 😹
went around n said hii to the enbies and i ran up a hill that looked a lot smaller than it was, i made it like 80% of the way before my legs were immediately like no girl we're done !! but my brain was like but it's Right There, and i struggled 2 finish the climb but I Did !! ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა and i was so so tired i do not remember ever being that winded before 💀 getting down was so much slower n worse bc my legs were Done and when i finally made it to the bottom i laid flat on my back for like 15m, and when when i made it back to sit n chill i still need like 10 more minutes akskska. i do not b exercising !! i just wanted 2 play it looked fun and i got excited (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
in between things i was working on my sister's choker n kept winding up w a group of ppl around me 2 talk to about it and just talk 2 in general n the company was rly nice (❁´◡`❁) ♡ had a lot of different kinda talks 2day!! everyone is a sweetie!! some ppl r so funny n chill and i rly hope 2 get 2 talk more casually w people perhaps As Friends when i go in 👉👈
there's one girl in particular who is rly cute n sweet and i want 2 see her again ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა when I got home finally i had 2 hop on my work laptop real quick 2 look up her name again 2 make sure i didn't forget ☝️😌 we do not work at the same office but hii i am visiting next week 🐇
yippee!!!! ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა !!!
#i think i have become an introverted extrovert at some point 0:#which is rly nice bc my social anxiety was SO bad at the beginning of the year like i didn't even know where to start skskdksk#but i kinda figured it out? but it's also just being me? idk.. much 2 think. but i made good progress#i am getting a good grade in being funny and nice and talking to people !!#i want 2 kiss someone on the forehead#omg but if there's ANYONE who deserves a kiss it's this old lady who lives a few buildings down on the way to my car#where EVERY time i see her she always has something so so sweet to tell me about how i look#today she said I'm always looking fancy (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) ♡⁠ and more but that's the main thing i remember besides the small talk#and the first time we met she asked me if i was a model fr and she's told me I'm cute and I'm just like PLEASE SKDKDKS#i can't fully tell if you're just really sweet or kinda 👀 at me but girl u r so sweet like hello do u Want a hug or a kiss ?? i love u !!#old ladies have a warmth they fill u with that just take the weight of Everything off ur shoulders n leave u feeling full n happy!!#bless old ladies fr!! literally my favorite people to interact with always i love u abuelas everywhere u r everything to me and i would do#anything for u !!!! i miss getting to help friends grandmas w stuff as a kid 🥺 it was just always great 2 talk 2 them and be close n on#good terms n stuff :3 i was the same way with their moms hehe. hi hello i want 2 help !! (⁠✿ ‚‚⌒‿⌒‚‚)#my friend is being lame and acting embarrassed but i love you please talk to me i am so so interested and think you're really#cool and funny and sweet and wise actually ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა ♡⁠ i wanna be around u if u wanna hang out#even if it's as simple as getting 2 help in the kitchen n always helping w dishes n stuff ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა aaa ♡⁠#omg i was late 2 the thing too and missed the breakfast and there's this sweet energetic old lady who's always like#omg u didn't get to eat? do u want this? can i get you some coffee or tea? and I'm always just like no no it's okay I'm gonna get it but#appreciate the offer and just ૮ – ﻌ–ა she is always looking out 4 me !! but she's just a sweetie like that !!#i think sharing food is a universally good way 2 make friends and it always warms my heart 2 meet ppl who r the same (❁´◡`❁)#they r always so so sweet 😭🥰 for my astrology girlies i correctly guessed that she's a taurus hehe 😼#there's another old lady who's an office manager for one of the offices n she is so soft spoken n sweet and i wish i got 2 hug her n talk#to her more 🥺 she's so far though omg i don't get to see her in person much#n e ways i work w some really warm bubbly ppl ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა i am a happy girlie 2day!! then im going Serious Mode again tmrw 🫡#oo i get to setup like an Actual server for a rack w linux and it's being delivered 2 my place tomorrow 0: I'm excited abt it as a project#AND my new jewelry came in today along w some cute underwear we r starting this wk off strong !!!#there was so so much more frm 2day i am just rly stoned n thinking abt it all (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)#if u actually read all of my ramble ily ty for letting me Talk ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა ♡⁠
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anaalnathrakhs · 23 days
manifesting for everyone people who love them how they want to be loved 🙏
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ihatebnha · 2 years
I wanna shave Bakugous face for him ☹️
IIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE yeah. Idek know what to say, really. How to begin w/ this.
I feel like... shaving for him isn't just a razor and cream type moment but rather... a sharpened blade and unscented soap one. He has a whole... routine and special kit, and when you first start dating, it's kind of a surprise to see given that... he never really talks about it. Tho... why would he really, cuz it's mundane to him, you know? Something he's been doing for a while.
But like... i feel like.................. there's probably a lot of days in your relationship where you don't see each other all that much because of work... so maybe the only time you can really be w/ each other is in the morning before he leaves? Which is why you'll sometimes make a point to just sit w/ him in the bathroom while he gets ready (even if it is like. asscrack am)...
So his shaving routine ends up being something that he teaches you that way. Or maybe you just pick it up on your own by watching and ask to help w/ it eventually... and he actually really enjoys it; a rare treat for him on his few days off from work a month, when he can sleep in and you can go slow and take your time.
it honestly probably becomes a little... ritual, of sorts. Bonding. Something he looks forward to. Esp when you rub aftershave on him all gently and go around smelling like him for a while after.
Oh and maybe on vacations or holidays, too, when he doesn't have to be in work for a couple days, he lets his scruff grow out a bit so you can shave it in the evening sometime. He definitely gets all sleepy as you do it... and it's berry CUTE to watch him try to stay awake for it all!!!
(What a sign of trust tho, just in general, to let you hold and direct his face w/o fear of getting hurt.)
anyway. You guys end up the old couple that has a weekly day for it and everyone is jealous of you. What if i cry myself to sleep?
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oars · 1 month
my mom keeps telling me that things keep getting messy between her and my dad because of me leaving and that he's saying the reason i left is because of what happens between them and that im never coming back and if i do it'll never be the same and its like sigh. the reason i wanted to leave was just because of him. i wanted to finally be in a space where i didnt feel like i had to walk on eggshells all the time. its lonely but i can finally just exist like my paranoia has been nearly nonexistent since leaving
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sea-buns · 2 months
cut my hair just above my shoulders today and discovered that i have a cowlick (or two maybe idr) that makes my hair way thicker on one side than the other
which makes sense but it's also kinda infuriating cuz the last time i cut it was the first time i've ever had short hair and it felt like it was so uneven i was losing my mind
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