#also we don't like ethans out here
fadewalking · 1 year
I barely know who Jojo Siwa is, but ive also publicly defended her numerous times for all the "relationship drama" she seems to get cancelled for on twitter and tiktok, and i guess i still stand by that we need to be leaving ourselves out of the romantic affairs of celebrities. But now i also feel like having publicly defended her for anything is a bad look, given her stupid statement on Colleen Ballinger and her victims. And thankfully this situation is nowhere near on the scale of horrific as the Danny Masterson situation, but I can't help but draw some kind of parallel between Ashton & Friends defending Danny in their letters and Jojo defending Colleen. Like... why on earth would anyone make a decision to publicly support someone who has victims... is it money?? Just like being famous and having money??? That's the only thing jojo and Ashton seem to have in common, is that they're both famous and have money. So like when you're rich and famous do you automatically just not have a soul? I'm just floored at what could possibly cause this behavior of supporting people who do awful things. Unlike Ashton & Friends though, I think Jojo could recover from this if she just realized she's in the wrong and apologized. But i dont see her as the type to admit to being in the wrong, which is based off of nothing tbf, it's just a vibe and my own personal opinion. But yeah, horrible look. Not a girl's girl, i hope she grows up real quick and sees this situation for what it is.
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letorip · 2 months
kiss with a fist [ii]
"Blood sticks, sweat drips, break the lock if it don't fit, a kick in the teeth is good for some, a kiss with a fist is better than none"
pairing: tara carpenter x reader
summary: you signed up to help tara with her stupid plan. not whatever the hell one would call this.
warnings: implied sex, use of alcohol, puking, arguing loudly and wrongly, curse words(?)
word count: 5.2k
A/N: sorry to make you wait so long, but here's the second part. there will probably be a third, so fear not, the story doesn't end here. i originally thought i would be able to just end it off right here, but it’s going kind of really well and i think a third or maybe even a fourth part is more reasonable
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For almost the entire walk to the frat house, Tara didn't actually say much. It surprised you too, the way she just glanced around the city that passed as you walked and fiddled with her nails. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, but you were so used to Tara having something to say that it made you speak instead.
"Wow, for once, you're speechless," you commented as you passed under a streetlight. Tara shot you a glare, shoving her hands into her jean pockets.
"Would it kill you to shut the hell up?"
“There we go, back to normal. Why are you being weird?”
“I’m not being weird,” she scoffed. “Mind your own business.”
"I'm just saying."
"Well don't say. Don't say."
The party fucking sucked. It was quintessential college, with frat boys who attempted to yell over the loud music that rattled your eardrums. Coolers upon coolers of shitty, cheap beer sat against the far wall, and a crowd had gathered around them to pick off all the free alcohol they could. Maybe a year ago this would’ve been fun. Now you found yourself disenchanted with the ordeal.
Tara was off god knows where, doing god knows what, which you figured was the point of the arrangement anyway. You weren’t too concerned with tracking her down, especially if situation also presented itself as a pleasant bonus— not having to put up with her.
Chad had wandered out of the room when he saw you and Tara arrive together hand in hand, going deeper into the party without a word. He was usually the one you hung around with at these kinds of things, but he had been a sad little dog with his tail between his legs since you and Tara announced you were meant to be a few days before the party. It seemed some of your friends were still adjusting.
The immediate reaction after Tara said “soooo, we’re together,” was to laugh, like you two were doing a bit. It got less funny when they saw you both blankly staring back at them and then Tara grabbed your hand and held it up with a forced smile.
The whole group was going through a somewhat awkward seven stages of grief thing. Chad was avoiding you completely, Quinn was a bit annoyed you were off the market now after an egregious few months of hitting on you, and Ethan was the only one to be a bit normal, even though it was clear he too had a crush on Tara and was disappointed with the matter.
When Mindy had gotten over her disbelief, she dove right into an endless game of questions, only occasionally staved off by Anika. "So who confessed first?" had been one of the first ones, accompanied by a glint in her eye. Tara jumped in before you could even open your mouth, eager to answer.
"(Y/n) showed up on my porch, all sweaty and disgusting looking, just smelling so unbelievably bad it was overpowering-”
“I had been working out,” you rolled your eyes. “That’s why I was sweaty."
“Mhm, whatever. Anyways, apparently they were just being such an asshole because they were in love with me," Tara said, with a wide, shit-eating grin. "Right?"
You had to hide your glare behind your solo cup. "Mhm. I was just overflowing with it. I have so many things to say about you."
“All nice things,” Tara corrected.
“Yeah. That’s what I said.”
“Was it?”
“Uh huh.”
Mindy’s questions followed you everywhere she did. Who kissed who first? Who’s more cuddly? Have you guys slept together yet? They volleyed back and forth and you and Tara fought for the first word each time to pin it to the other with gleeful sadism. Of course, it was then flipped around once the next question came and you would huff in annoyance at the other for being an asshole.
It wasn’t as bad of an arrangement as you had dreaded. You only had to be couple-y when other people were watching you two interact, or when Sam would glare in suspicion. Hold hands a few times, smile, share a glance. Other than that, things stayed mostly the same. The group probably appreciated you both not acting head over heels for the other and you liked it because it meant you didn't have to pretend to like her.
Tara had a brazen way about her that made you roll your eyes. She never took no for an answer, had a teasing remark for anything, and always felt the need to be doing something. Other people seemed to find themselves charmed by it. Others, but not you. Never you.
The walk there had been about all she could take of your personality, and the moment after you two were seen together, she ditched you at the door and wandered off to the dance floor. After that you had lost track of her, and ended up splitting your time between the kitchen, the bathroom, and the front room, away from the crowd. Mindy found you there, tugging Anika along with her.
"Cut the bullshit," She said with an eye roll, sitting right down on the couch in front of you. Anika plopped down next to her. "There's no way in hell you got together with Tara."
You grinned, sipping your beer and partially using it to block your expression. "No, we're together. I really like her."
Mindy scoffed. "You're a terrible liar." Your cheeks warmed and you tilted your head to the side.
"We have to separate you two like warring chihuahuas every time we hang out together," Anika said. She leaned forward and narrowed her eyes in a study of your face. "You're not confessing your undying love."
"I did."
"You didn't!" Mindy said, and she threw up her arms.
"I did."
"You didn't," Anika snorted.
"I...," you looked at them both, "...are you guys going to snitch?"
"Snitch to who?" asked Mindy. Now they were both leaned in, like eager children around a campfire. You swallowed.
"Sam." Mindy blinked. Then she sat back.
"What the hell did Tara get you involved in?" she asked. As much as Sam was part of your group, it was known not to fuck with her, and that's exactly what Tara was making you do.
You frowned. If anyone was going to ruin the plan, it probably wouldn't be Mindy or Anika. "You can't tell Chad, but we're not actually together."
Anika raised her eyebrows and shot Mindy a glance. "That didn't take a lot of brain power to figure out." You shrugged.
"Well, we fooled Sam. Tara needs a fake partner so she can go to parties and see people and stuff. And, well, you know how Sam is about that stuff."
Mindy crossed her arms. "And you said sure?"
You shrugged. "I mean, I didn't really see why not. Plus, she was being super annoying about it. Showed up at my house. She was begging, almost."
"So, you what, took pity?" Anika asked, giving you a look. You rolled your eyes.
"Trust me, it's not because it's fun. She's way too annoying and she'd probably say the same thing about me."
Mindy frowned, looking out the doorway and into the booming party. "Chad wouldn't like it."
You sent her a worried look. "Please please please, don't tell Chad. I know he's upset by the whole thing, but Sam would literally kill me if she knew I was helping Tara run around town."
"I don't know...," she said. "I know Tara wants freedom, but this is kind of bullshit, (Y/n)."
"It won't be for long. She just wants to meet someone. When she does, it's over. Life goes back to normal."
"Do you guys have a target in mind, or something?" Anika asked, a bit amused.
"Not even a little a bit. It’s like, her second party ever,” you shrugged. “I don’t know if she’s really dead set on a person yet.”
“Well… she better figure it out soon.”
“Mhm.” You looked out the same glass door and into the booming party outside. Through the jumping crowd, you could see in the distance Tara, who was dancing with her eyes shut and a smile spread wide across her cheeks. She looked happy like that.
You took a swig of your beer.
The boom of a fist on your door shook the thin walls of your apartment, and you jolted awake to hear three more hit the wood.
Immediately, a headache washed over you and you groaned. You tried to smush your head into the pillow to make it go away but there were the banging fists again, and you sat up, letting your legs dangle off the edge.
“OPEN THE FUCK UP,” came the voice again, and you blinked. Oh shit. You knew that voice. You clambered to your feet and stumbled out your bedroom and down the hall in a dusty pair of shorts and shirt. “I’M NOT KIDDING! OPEN THE—”
You pulled the door open like a deer in headlights, seeing Sam seethe on the other side with her fist raised. Nostrils flared, forehead creased, eyes narrowed. She looked about ready to rip your head off.
“You,” she said, spitting the word. You flinched. “Where the fuck is Tara?!”
Shit shit shit shit shit. Had she not gone home the night before?? Things felt a little bit fuzzy still. You remembered grabbing another beer from Ethan and flopping down in an armchair, then another and another, and then maybe wandering home while the sun started to rise. Had you seriously lost track of the attempted murder victim on her first night out???
You blinked, already aware that your cheeks were a dusty pink. "I, uh... she, um..."
Her hands went to her hips, glaring at you expectantly. "Well?! Where the hell is my sister?!" When you were still staring like an idiot, she threw up her arms. "I fucking knew I shouldn't have trusted you with her! This is what I get"
You stared, feeling a lie (though probably a clunky one) come to your brain. "I think her phone must've died, but she just left."
Sam's eyebrows rose, but you weren't sure if it was in disbelief or even more rage. "What do you mean?"
"We, um," your eyes went to the floor, feeling her glare laser itself into you as you spoke. "We got super drunk last night at the party, and I brought her back here and we both fell asleep," you looked back up to see her giving your pyjamas a once over, nose wrinkled. You flushed. "No! No— we didn't do that. We just fell asleep."
Sam looked at you for a moment, then crossed her arms. "I waited all night for her, you know," she said.
You nodded. "I know. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again."
"It won't." Sam repeated. "When I don't hear from her for a whole night, you know what I assume happened, right? You know how that feels?"
You swallowed. "I do."
She sighed. "I'm really trying here. I know she doesn't want me worrying about her, and I know she wants freedom. So I'm trying, (Y/n). Don't make me regret it."
"I won't, Sam." It felt like a giant wedge in your throat, and you tried to smile at her but she continued to frown, and she turned around and walked off. The moment she was gone, you spun around and slammed the door. You dashed through your apartment, grabbing your phone off your nightstand and quickly pulling up her contact.
Little Shit (do not pick up). You pressed the button and put it up to your ear, wandering over to the nearby curtain and lifting it to look out onto the city. "Come on, come on," you pleaded aloud. "Fucking pick up, asshole."
After the third ring and a good prayer to god even though you weren't especially religious, it stopped ringing and you could hear her grumbling.
"Tara??" you rushed. "Tara, where are you?"
"Mmm," she groaned, "the hell do you want so early?"
You scoffed. "Tara it's almost noon." There was a pause on the other end of the line.
"Uh huh," you grunted. "Your sister just almost ripped my door off it's fucking hinges because she doesn't know where you are. And you know what, neither do I!" There was some shuffling from her end, and then what sounded like running footsteps.
"I went home with this girl last night, I just woke up," she rushed. "Sam is going to kill me!"
"She almost killed me!" You almost yelled into the phone. Now that the worry had subsided you were left with anger. "She almost killed me because you wandered off and didn't go home."
"It's not like I meant to fall asleep," she argued back, and you could hear some talking in the background in faint voices. "I must've slept through my alarm— wait, what did you tell Sam?"
"That your phone died, and you were on your way home."
"WHAT?! (Y/n), this girl's apartment is at least fifteen to twenty minutes away," Tara said into the phone.
"Well it's not like I knew that, now is it?" you shot back, scratching your arm, "considering I didn't know if you were even alive until you picked up."
"God, not you too. I'm fine, drama queen."
"Drama queen?"
"Yeah, drama queen," Tara repeated, and more noises flooded in. It sounded as if she was in the city now, walking, "you sound just like Sam. I picked you because I thought you knew I didn't need a babysitter."
"That's not being babysat, Tara. That's making sure you're not dead," you rolled your eyes.
"Well, I'm not."
"Fine!" you shot back.
You sighed into the speaker. "Pick up some flowers or something on your way back. Claim that's why you're late."
"Good idea, actually," Tara hummed.
"I know." And you hung up.
You found yourself at an identical party the very next Friday night too, and the Friday after that, and after that too. The walls were just as stained. It smelled just as full of mold. This one didn't have a front room for you to barricade in, so you sat at the bar top instead, in the kitchen with your chin rested on the cool granite.
It had taken a whole night to get rid of the hangover from a few weeks before, and in doing so you had remembered why it was exactly that you didn't find these things too fun, anyways. You hadn't gotten anywhere near as drunk since. Mindy and Anika had decided on date night instead, and Chad and Ethan were off to watch a movie that originally you would've been invited to, had it not been for Tara.
It was painful, that Chad was ducking you. The irony wasn't lost, that the more time you spent with your fake girlfriend at parties and outings like a couple, the closer you got to actually repairing your relationship with him. You still would've rather gone to the movie, though.
You could actually see Tara, from where you sat. Through the bar window in the kitchen, she was on the dance floor, moving along with the rhythm of hard EDM as best she could. It was a giant mob of people, all clumped up and hopping around in excitement, and you didn't especially want to be out there.
As you watched, a guy came up behind Tara, tapping her on the shoulder and smiling down at her. You thought nothing of it, until you got a longer look at the guy's face. In the revolving, multicoloured lights that hung over the crowd, you recognised him in an instant, standing straight up and weaving your way through the party.
"You having fun, Carpenter?" He asked, with a douche-y smirk on his face as he said it. You rolled your eyes, coming up behind Tara and standing right behind her.
"I—" but you interrupted her.
"She is, Frankie," you shot, staring at him and crossing your arms. Tara whipped around to you with a glare.
"(Y/n), go away," she whispered loudly. But you stood your ground.
"Tara, literally anyone but him. I mean, anyone—"
"That's not your decision."
"Sam tased him in the balls last time. I mean, come on, you have to know he's a douche."
Frankie scoffed. "I'm sorry, who are you?"
"(Y/n) is just a—"
"—We're dating," you interrupted again. "So fuck off."
"No, we aren't," Tara shook her head. "Not really."
"Yes, we are," you nodded at Frankie. "Please leave. She's not sleeping with you tonight." He frowned, but started to walk off.
"That's not your decision, asshole!" Tara scowled and she reached out an arm to stop him. "Frankie, stay. You know what, I wasn't going to, but I will now."
"Frankie, leave. I mean it, you creep." You turned to her and glared. "Tara, listen to me, you—"
"No! Frankie, stay. Maybe I need the company," she shot back, narrowing her eyes. Frankie looked between you both, as did a few other people in the room who were starting to notice.
"They literally call him Date-Rape-Frankie, Tara. There's no way in hell you're sleeping with Date-Rape-Frankie. Frankie, leave."
"Frankie, no, stay. Well, what if I want to?"
"Then you're being stupid."
"Bold choice of words coming from you! You're not my mother."
"I'm not trying to be your mom, Tara. I'm using basic common sense. That guy is a creep and a perv," you pointed to him.
"Hey!" Frankie interjected, raising a hand to your shoulder.
"Fuck off!" you and Tara said in unison, dismissing him to glare right at each other.
"Well maybe I deserve the freedom to sleep with weirdos and whoever I want! I mean, who are you, the fucking sex-Nazi?"
"I don't have a problem with literally anyone else, Tara, but he's a weirdo!"
"Well then let me make that call! I'm not five. You don't need to baby me, I know he's a weirdo!" People were definitely staring now. You were both shouting, but a lot of it was drowned out by the EDM. It didn't stop others watching you point in each others faces and scowl.
"It's not babying you, Tara! It's basic caring! You have no clue about this shit, this is like your fourth party ever!"
"I've managed this far, haven't I?!"
"What, you want a cookie?!"
"Yeah, maybe I fucking do! I'm an adult, asshole! Let me do adult shit!"
"Wow, it's so adult and mature of you, to sleep with creeps and get hungover every Friday. How adult."
"Well, maybe it's not, but who gives a shit! I'm having fun for once! I'm being free without a fucking serial killer on my ass! I know you can't relate, but Christ, take the stick out from your ass!"
"Real nice," you shook your head. "This is what I get for helping you. Of fucking course." Before she could reply, you turned around and headed out the sliding glass door, into the fenced-in backyard. There was a pool back there, and you collapsed into a wrought iron pool chair, right near the edge.
People watched you warily, as you sat out there, but within minutes, the party was resumed. Even from outside, you could hear the thumping bass shake the windows gently as the glass moved in the panes.
There was a faint scent of petrichor from the small patch of grass out there, and the sky rumbled in the distance. It was peaceful out there, with small hanging fairy lights and the pool in front of you. You propped your legs up on the glass table and tried not to scream.
This was exactly what you should've expected, from Tara. Of course she would be selfish. Of course she would be brash. A part of you wasn't surprised. Disappointed, sure. But not surprised. You just sat there and tried to cool your breathing, watching the city lights in front of you.
You must've sat like that for an hour or two, just watching the city. It didn't feel like long enough. You might've even felt at peace, until you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Um...excuse me?" You craned your neck around, looking up in your chair to see a concerned guy looking down at you.
"Are you (Y/n)?" He asked, awkwardly scratching his neck. You nodded, confused.
"Uh, yeah? Do we know each other?"
"No! No, I was asked by Tara, I think was her name? She wanted me to get you. She's your girlfriend, right?"
The worry came back, and you stood up. "Why, what happened? Where is she?" Sam was really going to kill you.
"She's in the guest bathroom, I think she's sick."
"(Y/n)?" you heard a very uneasy voice on the other end.
"Can I come in?" you asked, and when there was no response, you let yourself inside. She was on the other end of the massive bathroom, leaned up against the bathtub with her head close to the toilet bowl.
Tara looked absolutely green, with her hair sweatily stuck to her forehead and eyes barely open. "Christ Tara, how much did you have to drink?" you asked in worry, coming to stand over her.
"Oh, just—" she gagged like she was about to puke and you bent down to grab her and tug her towards the toilet bowl. You spun back to the guy in the doorway, who stared at you both with wide eyes.
"Can you get me some crackers and Gatorade?" you asked him, sending a hopeful glance. He nodded and closed the door, and you turned back to Tara, who was bent over the toilet bowl.
You moved her gently and lifted the toilet seat up. "Are you okay?" you asked with a frown. You felt like an idiot the moment it left your mouth.
She raised her eyebrows. "Do I look okay?" Tara mumbled.
"Well, no."
"Thass' good," she slurred. "I had too many," she hiccupped. You nodded.
"I'd say so. How much did you have Tara?"
She giggled. "This many." She held up four fingers with a giant, toothy grin and slumped with her arms encircling the toilet bowl.
"Since when?" you blinked.
"Since you got allllllllll pissy!" You sighed, hands going to her hair and pulling it back. She wrinkled her nose at you. "Why are you touching my hairrrrr?!"
"So you don't vomit all on it, idiot," you replied, shaking your head. Tara huffed.
"I'mnuh gonnuh puke."
And then Tara puked. Everywhere.
You both sat there, that way, for about ten minutes. Tara vomited three times, during that span, and when she was done, you handed her the crackers and Gatorade and told her to do her worst.
She downed them in another fifteen minutes, sitting in the bathtub and eating while you sat leaned up against the bathroom wall, across from her, just in silence. The sounds of the party seemed to have died a little bit as the night droned on, and by now people would be wandering home or to someone else’s place.
While you waited, you shot Sam a text, letting her know you’d bring Tara home and that she was okay. Sam didn’t reply but she saw the message, and you figured that was good enough. When you checked the weather app, Tara finally spoke, coming to her senses a bit with more food in her system.
“Thank you,” she said quietly, staring down at the package for the crackers in her hand. “Thanks.”
You shrugged, staring at the toilet in front of you. It probably reeked in there, but at this point you were nose blind. “For what?” You meant for that to be it, just a small little acknowledgment, but Tara shook her head.
“Thank you for that. For being here.”
She stared right at you when she said it, and you knew she meant it with conviction. You nodded. “I know we don’t always get along, but I had your back, back there.”
“You have my back?” she asked, smiling a little and grabbing her Gatorade from the edge of the tub.
“I agreed to help you, didn’t I?”
She paused for a moment, then nodded. “You did, yeah.” Tara looked over at you, then tilted her head to the side. “I still don’t get why, though.”
“You were honest, for once.” It came from a surprising place, and you said it before you entirely knew you were speaking. You didn’t completely know what it meant either, until after you said it, but the words passed between you almost like a new understanding.
A few moments of silence came and went, before she spoke again. “I walk silently places at night in case I hear I’m being followed. By Ghostface. Same thing as when I’m home alone. I don’t do it as much anymore, but I still do it sometimes. Don’t tell Sam, please please please. She’ll make me go to therapy.”
“Okay,” you said, nodding gently. You leaned your head back up against the wall, craning it up to look at the ceiling.
“Why are you being nice to me?” She asked. You laughed, tracing the popcorn pattern of the roof with your eyes.
“I’m not the devil, Tara.”
“…Neither am I.”
“I know,” you said, and you reached your arm out for a cracker. She gave you one and you crunched down on it, while an especially large bass hit came from the speakers outside. “God, this music fucking sucks,” you groaned.
Tara nodded. “It’s really hard to dance to.”
“Well,” you shrugged, “it didn’t seem like you were struggling earlier.”
Tara frowned, then tilted her head in curiosity. “What’s your favourite song?”
You raised your eyebrows in amusement. “Why?”
“Just wondering,” she said.
“Okay… you’re going to laugh, though.”
“Am I?” she grinned. You nodded.
“Do you know that one song, The Promise, by When In Rome? It’s from the 80s, it’s super cheesy?”
She stared off for a moment, in thought, then shook her head. “Don’t think so, how’s it go?”
You rolled your eyes, but began to quietly sing it in a tone that wavered in between spoken word and humming. It was terrible and you were tone deaf, but it was the song. “If you need a friend, don’t look to a straaanger. You know in the end,” your voice broke a little at the low note, and Tara giggled but you continued, “I’ll always be thereee.”
“Mhm. And then it skips a little bit and the chorus goes, ‘I’m sorry but I’m just thinking of the right words to say, I know they don’t sound the way I planned them to beee.’”
She cut you off with her hand, laughing hysterically. You felt your cheeks flushed, and in any other time you would’ve been annoyed with her laughing at you. But this didn’t feel mean. You just smiled right back.
“That was good, actually,” she managed, between small laughs. “Why is it your favourite?”
“Um,” you shrugged, “my brother used to sing it to me, years ago when I was scared.”
“I didn’t know you had a brother,” Tara said, leaning her head on the tile wall of the tub.
“I have six.”
She blinked, then sat up straight. “Since when?!”
“Always, Carpenter,” you shrugged. “Everyone knows.”
“Everyone who?”
“Chad, Mindy, Anika. Even Quinn.”
“I didn't know. How come you never talk about them?”
”I just don’t,” you frowned. Tonight was definitely not the night to get into that. Instead, you pivoted topics. “Why, what’s your favourite song? I showed you mine, now you’ve got to show me yours.”
“I’m ninety nine percent sure that’s not how that saying is used,” she laughed, “but fine. When I was crying as a baby, my mom sung me this song, called Baby, I Love You by The Ronettes.”
“Don’t think I’ve heard of it.”
Tara shook her head. “Probably not, but they’re the same group that does that one song Be My Baby?”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Apparently my mom had Baby, I Love You playing in the hospital, when I was born and everything. It’s kind of comforting. When I miss her, I play it.”
“How often is that?”
She shrugged. “More than you’d think, considering she’s a giant asshole.”
"That's always how it is."
"Mhm... and just so you know, I know Frankie was a creep. I wasn't actually going to do anything with him. Just flirt. Have fun."
"I know. I wasn't trying to babysit you, I just wanted to warn you. That creep has so many stories."
"I know. I just don't like being told what to do, sometimes. It's a whole thing. I'm working on it, seriously."
You didn’t know what to say to that, so you didn’t say anything at all. You both sat in what you assumed was a prolonged silence, until you looked down finally to see Tara’s eyelids falling heavy.
You stood up with a sigh. “You should go home.” There was no reply, and you checked out the small window in the bathroom to still see it was pitch black out. It was definitely too late to send her home this sleepy, and after the incident a few weeks ago, there was no way Sam would let her stay at yours. “Tara,” you nudged her.
She groaned, rolling over in the tub and snuggling up. You rolled your eyes, then looked out the window one more time with an annoyed grumble.
The longer you had to walk with her on your back, the more you regretted this. Her arms were wrapped around your neck, face pressed onto the back of your shoulder and knees held up by your hands. You couldn’t see her, but you knew her eyes were shut and she was super close to being actually asleep.
"We make a good team, you know," she mumbled into your shoulder. You knew she was being funny, but you were too tired to laugh as you trudged up the hill. Carrying a drunk girl home was not at all what you had anticipated of the night, and though it had been shitty at the beginning and shitty until almost the very end, you could definitely say it wasn't shitty right then.
When you arrived at her apartment complex, Tara was soundly asleep and Sam came out to meet you both, taking her sister from you and stumbling with her towards the door. In the distance, right over another hill, the sky was already beginning to lighten up a bit.
Right as both Carpenters reached the door, Tara stopped for a moment to turn back to you with a smile. "Thanks, babe," she said with a cheeky grin that was only half awake. You smiled back.
"You too, babe."
Sam rolled her eyes, pulling Tara through the door. It was a pleasant night, still with the same faint scent of rain oncoming. In your weird, newfound peace as you walked home yourself, you didn't see that Quinn was watching you from the upstairs window.
so that was fun lmao. anyways there will be a part 3 but you and tara are kind of maybe friends now? now it's time for feelings 😈
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shuenkio · 2 months
Dirty Boy | ▹ Lhs
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▹Paring: Heeseung X male!reader. ▹Genre: soft smau.
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▹Cw: mentioned masturbate, cum, dirty, cursing, public masterbation.
▹Synopsis: Your buddy wants your help.
▹Non proof read|▹wc:1.6k
▹Eng is not my 1st lang | do not copy.
▹Aln: I'm still improve how to write a good SMAU one, so I'm making a way to make it please don't expect too much :').
Been a buddy for life ever since you were young together with Evan Lee or Ethan Lee. That's what everyone called him.
Whenever there's a party or hangout, even if it's not related to you, he'll still ask you to invite him just so you can socialize and accompany him. He just loves to awkward you with the outside environment.
Later on, coincidentally, both of you and Hee got into the same college with the same major and the same dorm. And you were glad that you didn't have to live with the new face because you were an anti-social human. To your surprise, the Heeseung you've seen every day was the half-surface of him from his inside.
He was actually the most unpredictable man you've ever met after living with him for a few months. You thought man would always be man, even though you are also a man, but politely dirty. For Evan? He was two times worse.
There was a time you saw his stained underwear splattered all over the floor, his sweaty shirts, and his unwashed pants, just like teenage kids. No matter how hard you've tried to scold him or tell him those, he was free to care about your words. Laterally, water spilled on a duck's head.
Not long after, this is getting worse. You have known that Heeseung was a gamer addicted and would play in front of the computer screen for hours; however, instead of playing games, sometimes you hear a moaning, whimpering noise echoing through the ceiling from his room to the kitchen. And it's none other than his alone time, masturbate.
It's not like you were disgusting, yet it's just bad timing whenever he faps his meat. Your mom was face-timing you while you were cutting the vegetable for lunch, but the huffing sound was so loud that your mom got suspicious of you, and in return, you had to end the call in a sec. That's one of the memories you still left traumatized.
For now, you've made up your mind to have a conversation with the growth-ass man, Heeseung. Once you finished your work, you quickly dragged your feet to his room before knocking, in case you interrupted him again.
You enter the room, and while he was sitting back facing you, both of his hands were placed on the mouse and keyboard, as his ear was covered with a headphone, blocking all the noise.
"Hey EVAN!" You yelled, holding your waist as your blood boiled in response to the silent response.
"..." Unable to wait any longer, you take off his headphones suddenly before you unplug the computer. The moment you did that, you've now gotten all the attention from him.
"M/N, what's your problem? I'm in the middle of the  game." He fired out as he spoke, almost shouting at your unexpected move.
"We need to talk!" You reply back with the seriousness in your expression, which calms the nerves in the Heeseung vein in a blink of an eye.
"Talk about what?" Exhale the deep breath out as he lay on his palm on the table, still holding on to his non-care attitude.
"I need you to change your childish behavior, Evan! Not only did you pressure me, but the whole damn dorm started to smell like you." You spoke, and as a result, you got an eyebrow raise from him.
"I live here."
"THAT'S NOT THE POINTS—ok, let's say this, you're dirty!" You implied honesty; speak out what's on your mind. Straightforward to the point this time, as he was a little taken aback by your comment.
"You never wash your laundry, your clothes, especially your damn underwear? Are you even an adult at this point? I'm telling this because it's for your own  good." You scolding, all the bad things he had done that drove you nuts, but they're still in the basket. Heeseung seemed to be quite after these; his gaze didn't even focus on you, lingering on the shorts you were wearing, probably daydreaming about something you clearly couldn't imagine.
"HEY HEY! Are you even listening? At least be guilty for your action."
"I don't know, but that short look better be off; it's distracting."
"You pervert, STFU, what got into you, ugh?"
A week had passed, and Heeseung started to change because of your nagging all day. And it turned out pretty well. He then began to wash his clothes, do the housework, clean his room, and do many other things. It's brought a smile to your face to see him being a good friend or human for once, maybe.
Today at the weekend, since your groceries have been out ever since yesterday, you suggest Heeseung come with you for shopping, which he can't decline.
All he did was carry the groceries and nothing else, while you were having a hard time choosing the food that both of you needed and wanted to eat for a week.
Finally, you're done with the shopping. After you finish paying for the items, you feel like you want to go to the restroom.
You then told Heeseung about it; if it's happened, he'd be looking for you or waiting for you because of you. Nevertheless, he also wanted to go to the restroom, which made it awkward.
In the bathroom.
Making your way into the room, you couldn't wait to unleash your pee, which you've been urging to release into the urinal toilet. You believe that Heeseung will give you privacy; he will pee across from you, although the next thing you know, he is seen beside you.
"Oh, for god's sake, do you not feel ashamed or embarrassed? I'm peeing!!" You claim, almost irritated by his unpredictable action, did he want to show his dick or what?
"We're friends; there's nothing to hide anyway, even this!" Heeseung responded by stepping back a little so you can see his full aroused cock, spring-free from his underwear. And it was... Dripping—
"What in the actual hell?" You are speechless at what you encounter. Is that your friend's cock? In front of you? In a public space like this? No fucking way.
The size of his full, hard cock painted a messy red blush stain on your face. His balls were round and stretched with those little hairs. Meanwhile, his mid-size cock was uncut, and the ash pink head is pecking from the foreskins, and it's twitching from your point of view. Kinda smells (all men smell from their hormones).
Fail to make any word out of your mouth, you look around before looking at his face in disbelief. Why did he blush? His eyes were half-lidded. As if he were holding on to something.
"Are you out of your mind, Evan?" We're in public!! Not at  home." You quickly look away, pin both of your visions to the entrance, having an anxiety that someone could come in, misunderstood to this.
"M/n... Could you spare me a hand? I can't go out like  this." He covered his eyes; his tone was almost desperate because he couldn't take any longer to pleasuring.
"Why can't you?"
"I would, but I want your hand instead," he finally stated, thirsting for your touch because touching yourself is not enough. You need somebody's help; it's better.
I couldn't even leave any comments. Someone is coming in as you harshly push him into the bathroom stall, with you inside too. With the rush decision, now you're stuck with him, with his distracted cock, jiggling non-stop.
People come in to do their business in the bathroom. It's normal for people to pee and poop, isn't it? On the other hand, the heat started to drive Heeseung nuts since his cocks often rub on your clothes because of how close you are to him, fearing someone might see you two inside.
The idiot heeseung he is, and the pleasure he's holding in can't be left inactive. Heeseung is then making an unacceptable dare for you in a situation like this.
If you don't jerk him off, he will moan loudly in this tight stall. You were furious at his dare as you glared at him with your piercing eye that was about to fall out.
Though it's the only choice right now, to prevent him from doing the nasty shit that could lead to misunderstood.
Biting the lower lip, you hurry take out Heeseung's cock out of his underwear, fully free to get more access.
Without further ado, you began your ritual. Taking a hold of his testicles before you spit your Silva on them, you started giving him the hand job without any warning.
The most sensitive part of man was the tip. As an experienced person, you focus on around the tip of his so he would cum faster.
The speed of your hand makes Heeseung thrust out his hip while his hands are holding on to the walls. The pleasuring almost left gasps out of his throat. His toes are curling together at the sensation of your touch.
"Right there, m/n, give it... *huff* your all, Ngh." Fap fap, the wet sounds are also making you slightly horny. Sliding up and down nonstop, holding his cock just like your own, You then increase the speed and continue to jerk him until the end.
To the point where he bit his sleeve because of the overwhelming sensation he is experiencing right now.
"Too good, I'm cumming!! Holy fuck" as you masturbate till he feels the orgasm in his cock is building, at the same time with the magic hand of yours, making him squeak. Shooting out the sticky, wet cum, stained all over your palm.
"Er—sss, I feel numb. You're too good. M/N, I'm ascending." He said it with his shallow breath, still catching on to it as he laid his head against the wall behind, closing his eyes, drained out already.
"This is unbelievable, damn it." You stared at the orgasms, that dripping on your hand as you disgusted at them. But at least he doesn't have any crazy ideas this time. This was enough to traumatize you once again.
And that's your friend, Heeseung.
🗣️ Please mind my English! ><
🗣️Crd to all pics&dividers
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Mutual masturbation with virgin!Ethan. Maybe reader teaches him how to touch a girl? He’d be so shy and cute and ugh I want him
The face Jack does in the gif represents many situations in this one
Warning: smut, virgin!Ethan, mutual touching, 
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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''It's weird. Do you think it's weird?''
''Should we be doing this? I really don't want to ruin our friendship.''
''Are you sure about this? We don't have to if you don't want—''
''Ethan.'' You felt like screaming. Consent is good, but he really needed to stop asking if it was okay every three seconds. It was starting to get on your nerves. You breathed out your emotions, then curled your lips into a soft smile. ''I would not be here with my pants off if I didn't want to.''
He bit his bottom lip and nodded. ''I'm just...I'm nervous. In case you cannot tell,'' Ethan explained, a light flush coating his cheeks. ''I've never seen a woman naked before — other than in porn. That's not how people look though.'' He drew his eyebrows, getting flashes of the porn he watched last night. Your body looked very different than the woman with the massive fake tits.
''Well, how do I look?'' You did a little twirl, giving him a three-sixty view and Ethan's breathing changed.
''Really nice.,'' he croaked, honest and innocent, feeling his cock stiffen beneath his pants.
That's not how you compliment a person's body, but you let it slide.
''I've also never touched a girl...like that before. Sorry in advance if I suck or can't find the clit,'' he added with deeper flushed cheeks.
Giggles bubbled from your mouth. ''It's okay. Like I said, I'll show you.'' You reached out and pulled him by his belt buckle. ''Now, lose some clothes. I'm starting to feel unfairly exposed being the only one undressed.''
Ethan nodded and quickly pulled his polo off, showing off his surprisingly nicely toned chest, getting it stuck under his chin at the collar in his haste. You wanted to tell him to slow down, but it was amusing to watch. He undid his belt and popped open the buttons on his jeans, then pushed them down his thighs.
''Eh...one other thing. I've never been fully naked in front of someone before. Other than a doctor or my mom during bath-time when I was a kid. I probably shouldn't be talking about my mom right now...''
You stepped over and kissed him softly. ''You talk too much.'' Your hand fell down his bare chest, your fingers brushing over his clothed erection, and he jumped a little. ''Shall we get to business?'' you asked against Ethan's lips.
He let out a sigh at your touch. ''Fuck. I don't think I'm gonna last long. I'm about to fucking burst just from that one touch.''
''Do you?'' Mischief washed over your features as you reached back to your bra clasp. ''And if I do this?'' You pushed the clasp and unhooked it, the straps slowly falling off your shoulders as you let your bra fall.
You saw Ethan's eyes wandering down from your face to your breasts, his breath catching in his throat. He had peeked at your chest before, through tight shirts or on days where you didn't wear a bra, but he had never seen much skin displayed. They were round and perky and tipped with perfectly peaked nipples that Ethan was dying to wrap his mouth around.
''Give me your hand.'' You grabbed Ethan's hand and raised it to your right breast to cup it.
He squeezed the flesh gently, passing his thumb over your nipple to rub it. He swallowed the whine that left his throat, unable to tear his eyes away as you moved his other hand to cup your other breast. ''Jesus Christ.''
You let him have his moment, living his teenage fantasy of touching a woman's breasts, then brought him back to business.
You shimmed your panties off as Ethan did with his boxers, his cheeks turning a deep crimson. Nerdy virgins like Ethan were rumored to have a small shrimp between their legs, but his cock was fairly big — bigger than what you thought it would be.
Feeling observed, Ethan shifted on his feet.
You moved to the bed, sitting facing each other, and Ethan's cock twitched in his lap when he felt your knee brushing against his. Cute.
You spread your legs and Ethan's breath spiraled out of his lungs. ''Fuck, you're so pretty,'' he breathed out, his eyes, blown wide with lust stared shamelessly at your glistening pussy, his mouth almost salivating by how wet you were.
''Eh, thanks. I guess...'' Awkwardness was starting to plant its foot, so you cleared your throat. ''Ready to learn how to touch a woman?''
He nodded, nervous but eager to learn.
''First, you gotta work her up. You can caress or kiss her breasts and thighs, gently run your fingers over her skin until you dive lower.'' You grabbed your own breasts, then slowly slid your hands down to your mound.
Before you, Ethan's cheeks were a lovely shade of red as he took mental notes.
You reached down and spread yourself out with two fingers, showing and teaching Ethan the basics. He had learned the female genitalia system during the anatomy lessons in high school, but he didn't remember anything, too focussed on not getting hard in class.
''O-okay. I think I got it.''
Swallowing thickly, Ethan dipped his fingers between your legs, marveling and almost moaning when a wet substance coated his fingers. He gathered up some of the wetness like you had done and dragged it back up to your clit. ''Is this good?'' he asked, needing reassurance.
You nodded. ''Now go a little higher — you know where the clit is, right?''
He didn't look too confident, but ended up finding it, a soft whine slipping from your lips as he gently and slowly circled your clit.
''That's it, E, you're doing so well. Keep doing that.''
Your encouraging words were a tap on the back for Ethan. They made him feel a little less like the virgin loser he did an hour ago.
You shifted your gaze to Ethan's cock, the tip so red it was practically drooling precum at this point. A hard shudder racked his body as you wrapped your hand around it. ''Big and hard for me. Right, E?''
He whimpered at that, his soft sounds filling the room as he bucked his hips towards you. You slowly — teasingly — moved your hand up and down, making Ethan shut his eyes, his head rolling back. His lips were parted, just slightly, but wide enough that if you pressed your mouth to his, you could slide your tongue between the pouty seam and taste him.
''I'm going to cum way too fast,'' Ethan said as a fact, absentmindedly pausing his movements.
You applied pressure at the tip of his cock to get his attention, eliciting a whimper. ''Keep your hand on me,'' you scolded, feeling him slip away as you were pleasuring him.
Snapping back into action, Ethan started rubbing your clit again and pressed harder against the bud but kept his pace, making you whine as an intense shock of pleasure shot through your body. Only your pink vibrator had ever made you feel this good.
You sped up your strokes, swiping your thumb over the head every upstroke to drive Ethan insane. He looked so cute struggling to keep it together and not cum right there.
''Fuck, fuck fuck, fuck,'' he cursed under his breath, rubbed you even faster to busy his mind and concentrate on something else.
Unfortunately, it wasn't very efficient. Each sounds leaving your mouth were making the situation worse.
He needed a distraction.
Ethan looked up through his sweaty fringe, catching sight of your full chest. With a glint in his eyes, his other hand skimmed up your body to cup one firm breast. He toyed with your nipple between his fingers and you bit back a growl. He wanted to suck on that puckered bud more than he wanted his next breath.
''Are you close, E?'' you asked although you already knew the answer.
''Shut up.''
You giggled softly. ''You can put a finger in, you know,'' you said, your voice was honeyed and sweet. ''No. Scratch that. Please put a finger in.''
That one little word almost sent Ethan over the edge.
His hand left your breast and traveled over your belly, down the edge of your hips. Your skin was so soft underneath his fingers. He made eye contact with you, then sank two of them into your pussy, while his other hand continued to tend to your clit.
The fullness of his fingers made you moan, a part of you wishing something other than his fingers was inside you. It would feel so fucking good.
''Fuck, you feel so good,'' you told him, pushing yourself against his fingers every time he withdrew them.
Your eyes had gone hazy with pleasure, and you were rocking restlessly on Ethan's fingers and crying out whenever he would curl them. Before you, Ethan's moans had become more whiny and his cock was so red and leaking more precum than you had ever seen a guy produce.
This wasn't going to last much longer.
Your body was on fire, but you stroked Ethan faster as you cried out, feeling the knot inside your lower stomach snap as you climaxed. A guttural moan echoed in the room and mixed with your cry, pleasure hurtling through Ethan and coating with spurts of white your hand and his stomach.
Several seconds later, your bodies relaxed and a sated sigh rumbled from Ethan's mouth, blowing a few curls of his fringe. Feeling a rush of tiredness, he fell back on his bed, his chest flushed from the heat of your activities. 
It was amusing seeing him like this, limp and spent and still having trouble breathing.
''Fuck, that was hot,'' he asserted, looking at the off-white colored ceiling. 
You chuckled and grabbed some tissues from the box on the nightstand and wiped your hand clean. ''Now you know how to get a girl off.'' 
Ethan hummed, his mouth curling into a beaming grin. He did.
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn​ @bt.oliana
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz
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w2soneshots · 4 months
Drunken love -W2S
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words: 0.5k+
warnings: alcohol consumption.
summary: you go on a night out and get really drunk, so Harry carries you home.
notes: Harry is definitely this type of boyfriend😆. I love this request and I hope you all enjoy!!💕🫶🏼
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Tonight me, Harry, Faith and Ethan are going on a night out together. We've all been super busy recently so I'm really excited to catch up with Faith and have some fun. We're meeting at seven so I hopped in the shower, styled my hair, put on some makeup then chose a cute dress and some five inch heels. By the time I was finished it was almost seven. Are apartment is only a five to ten minute walk away from the club so we didn't have to pay for a taxi.
We arrived and I quickly spotted Faith. "Hi! Oh my god, you look stunning." I beamed as I pulled her into a hug. She wore a tight black body suit with a short denim skirt and matching boots. "So do you! Where's that dress from?" She asked. "Boohoo." I replied. Ethan and Harry had been having their own little conversation so we asked if they wanted to go and get some drinks. They said yes so we all made our way over to the bar.
Harry said that he wasn't going to drink too much tonight so he had a beer while me and Faith ordered two tequila shots. It felt really good to let go a little and forget about everything other than having fun with my favourite people. Me and Faith headed to the dance floor after failing to convince the boys to join us. We jumped around and sang until we were out of breath.
As the night went on me and Faith became increasing more drunk while the boys had only had a few drinks. By the time the clock hit one o'clock Harry decided it was time to take me home. "No! I don't wanna leave yet." I wined. "Babe, you're really pissed. Come on." Harry tried to convince me. I huffed "fine. You're boring." We said goodbye to Ethan and Faith who were also about to leave, once their uber arrived.
Harry practically held me up as we made our way home. It felt like it was taking ten times longer than before and my feet were absolutely killing me. "Ugh. These fucking heels!" I groaned. "Here." Harry lent down to take them off of my feet. I lent my hands on his back as I stepped out of the uncomfortable shoes and onto the cold pavement. He held them in his hands when he stood up. "Ok, you ready?" He put his hands out as if he was going to pick me up. "Uh yea." I replied. He swiftly scoped me up, one arm under my back and the other in the crook of my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck then rested my head on his chest.
In a few minutes we were walking down the hallway of our apartment building, approaching our apartment. He set me down then unlocked the door. I stumbled inside, he followed behind. I turned around. "You look so hot." I mumbled, my hands subconsciously reaching out to touch his muscular arms. He chuckled.
"Let's go to bed." He gently led me into the bedroom. "Well if you say so." I pulled my dress off. He rolled his eyes with an amused smile. "Here let me grab you some pyjamas." He moved over to the dresser. "Clothes? No." I sassily spat out. Harry laughed "I love you so much but you're really really drunk, get into bed." He helped me over to the neatly made bed. "Fine." I huffed. Harry smiled.
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ethansluvbot · 1 year
riding ethan for the first time please!!! love your writing btw<3
warnings: adult content, spoilers?, rough sex, riding, unprotected sex, and smut :)
an: i just got really sick randomly? anyways, i'm so so sorry for not posting in awhile. i just started a new school and even though its the end of the year its stressful. it also didn't help that i had horrible writers block. also, I've never written smut before so i will get better at this eventually! i'm binge watching the harry potter movies while eating soup now lol.
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with a ton of convincing from sam, ethan and tara you decided to volunteer for a summer camp. sure, spending you day with kids had its downs, but you enjoyed seeing ethan interact with kids.
the kids screams filled your ears as you run to pick up their messes. the sticky hair didn't help your anxiety at all. you sat next to sam with your head on her shoulder.
"how did you convince me to do this shit?"
a quick slap hit your shoulder as you let out a yelp, "no cursing, there's kids around. plus you could never say no to ethan, it looks like he's enjoying it."
"i know. he's been going on about this since january.," you know ethan was a total soft guy, he never would harm a soul. it took him awhile but he finally convinced you to help out.
you both heard footsteps approach you, a sigh came out as you saw his shoes. immediately you jump up and wrap your arms around his neck.
"thank god you're here to save me from sam, she's trying to make me actually do something." he let out a chuckle as he waved to sam.
"im here to take you away," he smirked as you smiled back at sam. you heard her softly gagging beginning to walk away.
"hey! i missed you today, it seemed like you were having fun with your cabin."
"i was! i actually taught a kid how to swim today." you grabbed on to his hand. you loved this side of ethan the soft, dorky and funny side of him to be exact.
"umm, i was wondering where you see us in the future? i know we have a little until we finish college but it's been on my mind."
"well, to be exact i see us in well paying jobs, a modern family home and hopefully kids of our own." you felt his mood shift with that. you might've not been the most kid involved person, but it was great to know you would consider the idea.
you both stepped into the cabin immediately grabbing pajamas. you felt ethans shattered breath at your neck. turning around you slinked your arms around his torso.
"can i help you?"
"god- i want to kiss you so bad right now."
you gave in to ethans innocent act, attaching both of your lips. his cold hands found his way up your back as you moaned in surprise. he hummed in pleasure, kissing down your stomach.
you flip the two of you over, "i wanted to try something new if that's fine?"
he nodded intently, he trusted you with his life and knew you wouldn't do anything to hurt either of you. he's desperate to finally get you undressed as he tugs at your pants.
"someones needy," you tease unbuttoning your jean shorts. his hands explored your body, undoing your bra and throwing it to the side. ethan was already undressed by the time you turned around.
"lay down."
he threw his head back as you pushed yourself down onto his cock. you put your hand over his mouth being careful not to arouse any suspicion.
"will you be a good boy and be quiet?" he hummed in response, "words baby."
"yes, ill be good," he let a muffeled whined out.
you let your nails scratch down his abs as you begin to move. his fingers begin to trace circles on your clit as you bounce. you were still adjusting to his size but since ethan was so eager you began to move.
"don't stop," he lets an exaggerated sigh come out of his mouth. you grab his chin making him look at you. he keeps his hands on your hips as you trail kisses down his neck.
you rested your hands on his chest helping him move you. even without him speaking he could tell he enjoyed this greatly. you felt his hand kneed at your ass.
looking down you see his glossy eyes look up at you, "aw, poor baby. are you not getting enough attention."
you were almost using him for your own pleasure, which you felt bad but, oh did it feel so good. he was getting anxious as you felt him squirming.
you felt him thrust into you a few more times. you could feel his tenseness, only meaning that he was reaching his high. leaning down you planted a kiss onto his lips.
"oh fuck- i love you."
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mouseymilkovich · 1 month
Happy birthday to one of my favourite boys <3 yes it is Ethan's birthday so you're getting an extra special Carl birthday blurb, enjoy mwah
Content Tags: Mentions of Frank and Monica's wonderful parenting, other than that mostly just loads of fluff! And implied smut at the end lol
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"Baaabe..." You muttered softly, standing over your boyfriend's bed.
You knew Carl wasn't exactly the biggest fan of his birthday. Between Frank forgetting, Monica never being there, and not really getting to do anything special for it— try as Fiona might, she could never scrape up the money to do anything grand for their birthdays, she couldn't dig into the squirrel fund for that.
So, you were determined to make this special for him. As he stirred, you bent down and gave him a little kiss on the forehead.
"Wake up, birthday boy! We have plans." You giggled softly as Carl came to.
Carl groaned as he woke up. "I told you I didn't wanna do anything, babe..."
"C'mon, you'll like it, I promise." You insisted. "If you don't, you can... I dunno. Punish me, dealer's choice."
Carl laughed at the suggestion, and rolled his eyes as he sat up. "Fine, fine. You win."
First top on your docket was breakfast— or, rather, brunch— at iHop. You knew Carl hated when you spent money on him, but you insisted it was for his birthday this time so it was different.
Then it was time for some mini golf, which Carl actually seemed excited about. You were glad it was just the two of you though, probably because last time you two had gone mini golfing it was also with Debbie and Sandy, Sandy and Carl got way too competitive with each other while you and Debbie were trying to just have fun.
"Of course you grabbed a pink club and ball." Carl teased as you headed to the first hole.
"I gotta stay on brand!" You giggled.
Thankfully, Carl wasn't nearly as competitive with it just being the two of you.
"You're really bad at this. You sure you aren't letting me win on purpose?" He asked with a cocky grin.
"No, I'm just terrible at this." You laughed. You were winning the day though, seeing Carl so happy, that's all you needed.
After mini golf, you kept Carl out for a little longer, taking him to his favourite pizza place for dinner. Then finally, it was back to the Gallagher home where his family was waiting to surprise him with ice cream cake.
As the brigade of Gallaghers shouted, "Surprise!" Carl looked at you with such sincere love and appreciation, you could've cried.
"Happy birthday, buddy." Lip smiled, tossing his arm around his little brother's shoulder and guiding him over to blow out his candles.
You smiled at the sight of all of his siblings giving him hugs, and especially when Franny gave him a little homemade card.
"Did you have a good birthday, babe?" You asked softly as you two went two his room to wind down for the night.
"Yes. Because I have the most amazing girlfriend in the world." He muttered softly, kissing your cheek.
"Well, sit down because I have one more gift for you." You grinned.
Carl laughed softly, and sat on his bed while looking at you curiously. You quickly rid yourself of your clothes, and showed off the brand new lingerie you'd worn just for his special day.
He bit back a groan, smirking a bit at you. "Get over here so I can see it up close."
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aurorawhisperz · 4 months
little romance documentary
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contains: swearing, fluff, use of y/n and a whole lot of dumb things.
tom!peter parker x stark!reader
a/n: the long-awaited rory comeback! and i’m in my spiderman phase so..the ethan landry stuff will have to wait.
summary: (based off the video diary scene in homecoming) a compilation of all things you’ve done with peter :3
“What are you doing?” You poke at the camera, causing it to shake a little bit. “Please don’t tell me you’re going to show that to the rest of the world.”
Peter shakes his head, “What? No, it’s a little behind-the-scenes thing. Video diary, documentary..” He tries to find the right word.
This is probably why you thought your father hiring someone your age was a bad idea.
“Right, who are you gonna show it to?” And all you can do is stare into the camera while he keeps on recording whatever’s happening in the fancy car.
“Oh, it’s just for me. For memories!” Peter moves the camera away from your view and makes it look like he’s in the spotlight instead.
You’re quite overwhelmed, so you give him a smile in return. “You can do a little introduction.. if you want.” He says with a grin as he makes the camera face you.
“Okay,” You clear your throat, fixing the way you looked. “I’m Y/N Stark, we are going to Germany, currently being driven by my trusty servant, Happy Hogan!”
Happy quickly interrupts the process, “And I’m not too happy with how you have the nerve to call me your trusty servant.” You roll your eyes at his words. “Whatever.”
“And I’m here with uh..Spiderboy!” You continue after a short while, Peter laughs, turning the camera back to himself before correcting the name, “It’s Spiderman, actually..”
The car speeds along the road, and everything felt okay. You were staring into the sun, enjoying and relaxing, Peter was recording you as you were doing so. Admiring how he was able to work with a really cool person..and his daughter.
Reporters and even influencers were calling you a privileged pretty girl, but he didn’t believe those people at all.
You look back at Peter, who’s quick to move the camera in Happy’s direction. You knew what he was doing and all you hoped for was that he didn’t capture a bad angle.
“Okay, okay, let's do this properly,” you say, taking the camera from Peter. “I'm Y/N Stark, the brains and beauty behind this operation. And this,” you turn the camera to Peter, “is Spiderman, our main character and friendly neighborhood hero in Queens.”
Peter gives a mock salute to the camera. “I’m here to save the day or, at the very least, make some pretty cool memories.”
Happy shakes his head, a small smile tugging at his lips as he focuses on the road ahead. “Just don't get yourselves into too much trouble, kids.”
“Trouble? Us? Neverrrr~” you say with a smirk.
This was also the start of a great friendship.
The camera flicks on and Peter’s face fills the screen as he grins mischievously. “Alright, we’re going to pull the ultimate prank on Happy. Wish us luck.” He whispers into the lens.
You appear next to him, just as excited, holding a box. “We’ve been planning this for a while. This is going to be EPIC.” You whisper.
The two of you sneak through the hallway of the lavish suite, making sure you aren’t attracting any attention. Happy was inside his room, absorbed by a movie, completely unaware of what’s happening as usual.
“Ready?” you ask Peter, who nods to the camera.
You press a button on a small remote, activating the surprise. Suddenly, the speakers hidden around the room begin to play the song “WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?”
Happy’s movie is long gone when it’s replaced by a compilation of embarrassing moments such as Happy looking into the fridge at three in the morning, him slipping on the floor, Happy trying (and utterly failing) to dance and getting scared by jumpscares.
He looks up, startled at first. “What the hell..?”
And that was your cue.
You and Peter burst into the room, laughing hysterically. “GOTCHA!” You shout, holding up the camera to capture his reaction. Happy was trying to suppress such levels of anger behind his crossed arms. “Really, kid? You’re involving the boss’s daughter OR SHOULD I SAY THE DEVIL’S OFFSPRING in your shenanigans?”
You both grin sheepishly. “Happy, relax..it was all her idea. I was just the accomplice, I was cool.” Happy shakes his head in disgust. “You’re lucky I have a sense of humor.” He says, holding up a finger as he walks to the bathroom. “THIS MEANS WAR!” Happy yells out.
“Bring it on, grandpa.” You tease. “You’ll never top this.” You and Peter high-five. “Think we need to wrap this up before he gets any other ideas..” Peter scratches his head as you turn the camera back to yourself.
Peter put on a cowboy-ish accent, “Until next time, folks. We are now signing off.” He tips his invisible hat, still grinning.
You’re on a plush couch next to the famous Tony Stark, sitting across from Peter who has the camera in his hand.
“Hey, nonexistent audience, welcome back to our comedy club! We’re here with Mr. Stark since this is a special episode.” Peter leans over at the camera, making him look like he’s upside down.
He pans the camera to you and Tony. Your father looked slightly bewildered and you were enjoying the spotlight.
“Thank you so much for joining us, Mr. Stark.” Peter settles down in front of the two of you. “First off, Y/N—how does it feel to be the daughter of Iron Man? Is it all..uh, glitz and glamour?”
You laugh, glancing at your dad. “It has its pros and cons. I still wanna sue that reporter for calling me a bitch.” Peter laughs at your words and focuses the camera on you as you go on and on about trying out the latest tech before it even reaches the world.
Tony raises an eyebrow at Peter and then looks back at you while you ramble about being a Stark.
“That’s a bit odd,” He places a hand on his chin, probably showing off his goatee. “My daughter likes to do solo projects, so it’s odd seeing you two of all people working together for this..video diary but if you’re out of trouble and it keeps Y/N happy, who am I to complain, right?”
You smirk, “At least Dad’s on board.”
Peter smiles, moving on to the next question. “Y/N, what’s one thing people would be surprised to know about Mr. Stark as a dad?”
You think for a moment, then grin. “He’s actually a big softie. He pretends to be all tough and serious, but he’s the first to offer a hug when you need one. And he makes the best pancakes.”
Tony chuckles, shaking his head. “You’re ruining my tough guy image, kid.”
Peter chuckles but doesn’t remove the camera’s focus from you. “And Mr. Stark, what’s one piece of advice you’d give to Y/N as she navigates her way through life?”
Tony’s expression turns sincere, his tone softening. “Always be true to yourself, buttercup. It’s easy to get caught up in what people expect of you, but at the end of the day, it’s your own integrity and heart that matter the most. And remember, you’re stronger than you think.”
You smile, touched by your dad’s words. “Thanks, Dad.”
Peter glances at his notepad, then back at the two of you. “Alright, final question. Y/N, what’s next for you? Any exciting projects or plans?”
Tony raises an eyebrow, he definitely caught on Peter’s not-so-secret intentions by now. “Well, I’ve got a few ideas in the works,” you say, smiling at the camera. “But you’ll have to stay tuned to find out. Can’t give away all my secrets now, can I?”
Tony leans back. “You know, Peter, you seem very interested in Buttercup’s plans. Any particular reason for that?”
Peter stammers slightly, his cheeks turning a bit red. “Oh, I just think she has some really cool ideas, Mr. Stark.“
You laugh, leaning towards the camera. “And you can bet we’ll be documenting every step of the way in our video diary.”
Peter grins, wrapping up. “Well, that’s it for today’s episode. Big thanks to Tony Stark for joining us. Until next time, keep watching for more adventures.”
As the recording ends, Tony shakes his head, smiling at the two of you. “You know, this might actually be a good thing. Just don’t let it go to your heads.”
You leave the room and the first thing Tony does is head over to Peter. “I’m not the kind of father to tell boys to stay away from their skanky little daughters but..don’t lay your..spider hands, spider legs, eight legs, whatever spiders have on my daughter.”
Peter sits on the edge of his bed in his hotel room, bouncing slightly with excitement despite the cuts and bruises covering his face. The adrenaline from the fight still runs through his veins. He can't help but giggle as he replays the battle in his mind.
There's a knock on the door, and before he can respond, you step inside. “Peter? You in here?”
“Y/N! You won’t believe what just happened, I met Captain America and I took his shield and I was like..” Peter puts on a deep voice as he runs his mouth even faster, “Hey, what’s up, everybody? I’m Spiderman from Queens and—”
“Okay, okay, you’re talking too fast.” You stop him but you can’t help but laugh at how enthusiastic he is about everything. “You probably looked impressive out there, Spider-boy, but are you okay? I mean-”
Peter’s grin widens and he interrupts, “I’m more than okay! IT WAS INSANE! I was out there with Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye and a bunch of new guys and I..” He stops when he sees how genuinely worried you are. “But yeah, I’m fine..really. Just a scratch.”
You can’t help but smile. “Alright, let’s see those ‘few bruises’ then,” you say, sitting down on the bed and patting the spot next to you.
This was the moment where you realized you were falling in love with him.
Peter sits beside you, still bubbling with excitement. “Okay, so there was this one moment where I webbed Cap’s shield and—”
“Wait, you webbed Captain America’s shield?”your eyes were wide. “Yeah!” His face lit up. “And then he’s like, ‘You got heart, kid,’ and I’m thinking, ‘Did Captain America just compliment me?’”
You laugh, shaking your head. “That’s incredible, Peter. But seriously, are you sure you’re okay?”
Peter nods, his expression softening a bit. “Sore, but good. It was just... so surreal. I’ve never been in anything like that before.”
You reach out and gently touch one of the bruises on his cheek. “I’m glad you’re okay. You did great today, Peter. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself too.”
“I will, I PROMISE.” He gives you a little pinky promise, both of you linking your small fingers together. His excitement gave way to a more relaxed, contented smile.
As Peter finished talking about everything that happened at the airport in detail, you lean in and press a gentle kiss on his roughed-up cheek. “Goodnight, Pete.”
Peter’s eyes widened in surprise, nearly all of his blood rushing to his face. “Aww, thanks.” A blush creeped up his face.
As you stand to leave, Peter's gaze shifts to the table where the camera is.
His cheeks flush even deeper as he realizes the camera caught your goodnight kiss. He quickly reaches over to turn it off, Peter can't help but smile as he replays the moment over in his mind until he drifts off into sleep.
This was also the moment he realized he was falling in love with you too.
The two of you sat side by side on Peter’s bed, watching the footage from his laptop.
Suddenly, the scene transitions to the part where you kissed Peter goodnight. Peter shifts next to you, scratching the back of his head. “Um, so..that was uh, unexpected!”
You nod as well, “Totally unexpected.”
Peter clears his throat, his eyes darting around the room, looking anywhere but straight into your soul. “I mean, not that it wasn't nice! It was... really nice. But, um, I just didn't expect it.”
You chew on your lip, trying to find the right words. “Right, yeah. I mean, it's not like I planned it or anything. It just... happened.”
There's a long pause when the awkwardness decides to stay forever. Finally, Peter breaks the silence. "I... I have to tell you something. Ever since we started this video diary, I kinda..uh, liked you. Not like a ‘you’re cool’ like but yeah! I..like-like you. More than just a general..likeness.”
You were caught off guard. “Oh, wow, that’s um, even more unexpected.”
Peter winces, his cheek turning as red as his suit. “Yeah, I know, it’s kind of out of the blue..sorry. I didn’t wanna make things weird because I work for your dad of all people.”
“No, it’s not weird..uh.” You shake your head, trying to find the right words to say. “I don’t feel the same way but uh-“
Peter’s eyes widen, “Oh, that’s alright, I mean, I wasn’t forcing you to like me back but—”
“NO! NO! NO!” You sit up and look down at Peter, “I do feel the same way, I uh..like-like you too but it feels like I care a lot more than you do..like I like you a lot more than you like me. Shit like that..”
“Really?” He breathes out, “You do?”
You nod, fixing Peter’s messed-up hair. “Yeah, I do.”
Before either of you can say anything else, Peter gets up, places the laptop on the other side and leans in hesitantly, his lips mere inches from yours. He looks at you, and all you can do in the intensity of the moment is nod. Peter closes the gap and captures your lips in a soft kiss.
He grabs you by the waist and has you straddling him as you try to deepen the kiss. Peter, considering your father, probably thought you had some experience but you didn’t. You, on the other hand, were thankful for the playboy genes kicking in so this wouldn’t turn out horrible.
It's awkward, clumsy, and completely perfect in its imperfection, just like how any other first kiss two people have should be.
You both pull away, breathless and wide-eyed.
Suddenly, a loud knock on the door breaks the moment, causing you both to jump apart in surprise. Aunt May's voice calls out from the other side, oblivious to the lovey-dovey moment within.
“Peter, dinner's ready!”
You share a sheepish smile, Peter realizes he’s not alone in his embarrassment. “Guess we'll continue this later,” you say, your cheeks still flushed.
“She makes terrible meatloaf, I just wanted to tell you.” He says as you get off his lap.
You look at the laptop next to Peter and laugh at the sight of Peter blushing and gushing like a fool after you kissed him that night. “I think we turned your video diary into a little romance documentary instead.”
“At least I’ll have something to show people when they ask how we met.” Peter shrugs and closes the laptop.
“You still can’t show that to anyone else, man..” You groan as you stand up, grabbing Peter’s hand to help him up.
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pookietv · 6 months
manager to missus | arthurtv
little social media au! arthur tv drabbly thing
first post! enjoy, sorry if it's a bit shit :3
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liked by arthurtv, chrismd and 17,073 more
yourusername: turns out not being in london all the time isn't so bad, can actually see some stars in the sky
gkbarry: come back to london, i miss u x
↳ yourusername: i miss u more, ready for the podcast when you are
georgeclarkey: never thought i'd say this but please come back, chris cannot do anything without you sorting it out
↳ yourusername: afraid to tell you you will be stuck with chris for a little longer, suck it up
arthurtv: hope you're having a good time!
↳ yourusername: thanks arthur! will have to catch up when i'm back :)
↳ georgeclarkey: @/yourusername how come you're nice to him and i get told to suck it up ??
↳ yourusername: @/georgeclarkey thats because i like arthur more then you, glad we cleared that up x
chrismd10: slacking from work, typical
↳ yourusername: if you had to work with you, you would slack too x
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liked by georgeclarkey, arthur tv and 23,803 more
yourusername: if i have to go to one more cold place for the sake of filming i fear i may actually kill one of the boys
faithlouisak: kill ethan if you want, i might get some peace then x
↳ yourusername: on it, i think i was debating it after he flashed his arse at the camera anyways x
maxbaledge: don't come back with them, life without george has been incredible x
↳ yourusername: i will try my best x
chrismd10: you have to admit i was the least annoying this time
↳ yourusername: i fear you are incorrect, you were easily the most annoying
↳ chrismd10: what ?? propaganda going on here
↳ yourusername: you literally almost smashed me in the face with a football
↳ chrismd10: was just trying to fix your face for you
↳ yourusername: and you say you're not annoying??
arthurtv: i am with you on this i do not want to be cold any longer
↳ yourusername: we should unionise against chris together x
↳ arthurtv: time and place and i'll be there
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liked by arthurtv, bambinobecky and 25,930 more
yourusername: so apparently i'm twenty four now, not a big fan, feeling quite old. at least i got to get very smashed to ignore it! ps, thank you everyone for coming <3
bambinobecky: glad u had a good night, was so lovely to see you x
↳ yourusername: absolutely, you too! glad you were there to neck pints with me in solidarity x
↳ bambinobecky: anytime, what i was built for x
chrismd10: i will forever hate you for guilt tripping me into doing all those shots just because it was your birthday
↳ yourusername: don't lie, you loved it
arthurtv: couldn't have missed it, drunk y/n is one of the best things out there
↳ yourusername: glad to be of service
arthurtv: also the first photo is very pretty
↳ yourusername: going to make me blush mr television
↳ arthurtv: sorry but not
gkbarry: picking you up from the bottom of your own stairs after tumbling down them was a real bonding experience x
↳ yourusername: stop outing me on the main, i'm trying (and failing) to be classy x
georgeclarkey: glad you had a good night!
↳ yourusername: crazy that you're only nice to me when its my birthday
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liked by arthurtv, georgeclarkey and 24,903 more. tagged, arthurtv
yourusername: well.. cats out of the bag ?
arthurtv: surprised it didn't come out sooner with chris' fat mouth
↳ chrismd10: hey i hid it for a while ! was getting bored
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liked by bambinobecky, arthurhill and 32,048 more tagged, yourusername
arthurtv: to those who said i'd never go anywhere in life, i got a hot gf so
yourusername: clearly your biggest accomplishment
↳ arthurtv: too real it hurts
217 notes · View notes
peachhcs · 3 months
summer days
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
a small glimpse into spending the summer on the lake with the hughes siblings + company
1.7k words
as requested, here’s samy & the guys enjoying a fun day on the lake. this takes place a few weeks before samy + will talk during their vacation. i also didn’t know how to really end this so if it’s bad i’m sorry lol btw i'm sorry for my lack of posts, i've been super busy so i got a little behind!
au masterlist
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"come on, moose, you don't ever back down from a challenge," ethan hollered from across the boat where mark, rutger, gavin, dylan and seamus all sat watching their friend bicker back and forth with jack.
samy snickered along with kayleigh, hannah, ryan, gabe, drew, and aram from the other side of the boat. it started with jack bragging about how he had the record for being able to stay up on the board longer than any of his siblings. luke's always been the most competitive out of the four of them, so he took jack's words to heart, arguing he stayed on way longer. of course, the middle hughes challenged his younger brother to a friendly competition.
"alright, fine. fine. you're on," luke shook jack's hand like they were making a deal. the older brother smirked, looking to quinn who was amused by the entire thing.
"okay, i'm up first then," jack dropped the board into the water before zipping up into his life jacket.
"jesus, you guys are competitive," hannah rolled her eyes slightly making samy giggle.
"just be glad i didn't decide to join in. we all know i can stay on way longer than them," the youngest hughes hummed, eyes landing on luke who heard all of it.
"don't you start with me, too," the boy warned her making samy shrug.
"what? you're just scared all of us are better than you," she stuck her tongue out making the guys laugh.
"keep talking and i'll throw you off the boat," luke's tone went flat, but samy knew he was just messing with her. he was trying to act tough as always in front of his friends because his little sister could not be better at him at wakeboarding.
"maybe we should add the rest of the siblings into this friendly fire," jack grinned, overhearing the conversation.
"hey, i'm in. you guys know i'm way better than all of you combined," the younger brunette stood, throwing her own life jacket on.
"is that so? why don't you go first then. show us how it's done if you're so much better than us," jack held his hand out to where the board was, the rope in his other hand.
"you're on," samy said before she jumped into the lake.
she came back up and climbed her way onto the board while jack handed her the tug rope. hannah and kayleigh shot their friend two thumbs up while samy gave quinn her own thumbs up indicating she was good to go.
the oldest hughes revved up the engine again and started pulling samy along. she glided across the water before quinn went fast enough to create waves. the guys cheered the girl on while jack kept the time on his phone.
she hit some of the waves in impressive jumps, letting the board take her across the water. "shit, she may be better than you guys after all," mark laughed.
"shut up," luke rolled his eyes in annoyance, but he secretly was impressed that samy hadn't fallen off yet. she never stayed on for more than minute when they were younger and now they were significantly past a minute.
the boat began rounding a corner, so samy leaned back, dipping her finger tips into the wave while the other held the rope tightly. jack checked the time again and saw that his sister was inching closer to five minutes which was a near record for her because she never lasted until then.
"looks like we got some real competition, huh?" jack nudged luke's arm, a smile spreading across his lips.
as much as luke wanted to be mad, he couldn't. he enjoyed seeing samy take on the waves that were once so hard for he. plus, seeing her as happy as them put a smile on his face because it meant she wasn't thinking about will.
after another couple of minutes, samy fell off. everyone on the clapped for the younger girl while quinn slowed the boat back down and circled back around for her. jack and luke helped her back on and held their hands out for high-fives.
"awesome run little hughesy," jack side hugged his sister.
"i guess you have been practicing," luke hummed making the girl giggle.
"i mean i have to do something while you guys aren't here," she threw her life jacket off before going to accept her high-fives from everyone else.
with jack and luke being a bit rusty, they didn't stay on as long as they did normally. jack would complain and say it was his shoulder still healing, while luke mumbled something about being away making him "lose his talent." despite it, the others enjoyed seeing the siblings bickering with one another about stupid things. it always felt like summer whenever the hughes kids got into it with one another for some friendly fire.
samy even convinced hannah to finally give it a go after her refusing to try it. she only stayed on for a minute, but the others cheered for her bravery. gabe and ryan started getting good at it after spending the last three years trying to perfect their form while the other two were too afraid to do it still.
things died down a bit after an hour. everyone spread themselves out while quinn drove them back towards the house. samy sat on the bench with her legs curled to her chest and nose in a book when gabe plopped himself down beside her. she turned to him, smiling a bit.
"hey," the brunette hummed.
"hey. reading anything good?" gabe asked, trying to catch a glance of her book.
"just this memoir. it's actually really good," she showed the boy the cover that read everything i know about love. it was something samy heard about online and wanted to give it a try considering she'd just gotten out of a relationship.
"looks good. this was a fun day," the dark-haired boy said, gaze falling across everyone on their phones or close to sleep from the long day in the sun.
"yeah, it was. i always like entertaining my brother's teasing. although, it still has felt..different. i hate that we're missing.." samy trailed off, but she didn't need to say their names for gabe to know who she was talking about.
"yeah, i get it," the hockey player frowned.
"i just hate that everything is like ruined between all of us. i mean..of course will didn't want to come. grace probably felt weird coming too," the lake house wasn't the same without the smith siblings there and everyone knew it.
"you know they would've been here if they could've. will's got his many things to do before joining the sharks and grace is searching for places and a job. you'll still see them for the family vacation," gabe found samy's gaze again.
"the family vacation is more of a forced thing. just being here..i know will's trying to busy himself as an excuse for not coming. it's probably better like this anyway because i didn't want to really see him anyway," the girl sighed a little. even if he did break her heart, she still thought he'd come to the lake house this summer.
"but you wished he was here, right?"
samy didn't respond. instead, she refocused her attention on her book leaving gabe to sit beside her in silence. the two didn't speak until they reached the dock again where samy scrambled up to help tie the boat in with her brothers. once they secured everything, she beelined to the house.
her bedroom door shut tightly, locking herself in for a moment. she dug her phone out from her pocket where she clicked around until bauer hockey's instagram page lit up her screen. for a moment, samy stared at the pictures of will on her screen and his huge smile like nothing was wrong. he looked so happy in all of them like he was having a blast and here she was with him stuck in her mind.
she probably hadn't even crossed his mind once.
samy threw her phone on her bed, a frustrated sigh leaving her lips. she shouldn't do this to herself. it was summer. she wasn't going to waste these months sulking about him when nothing mattered but being outside and getting really bad sunburns.
"samy? you in here?" ryan's voice startled the girl when he knocked. she quickly popped the door back open a crack where the taller brunette stood on the other side with a raised eyebrow.
"hey, sorry. just looking for something," she mustered her best smile.
"okay, just checking in. you kind of took off once we docked," ryan laughed a bit while samy forced her own little chuckle.
"yeah, my bad. i'll be down in a second," with that, ryan left and samy released the breath she was holding in.
she quickly changed out of her suit back into some more comfortable clothes before racing back downstairs. the others piled into the kitchen searching for something that wasn't the snacks they ate all day.
"shit, i'm starving," gavin mumbled as he stuffed leftovers into his mouth.
"you guys are disgusting," hannah rolled her eyes, tugging her brother out of the way in search of her own food.
"nice shirt," someone nudged samy's arm. gabe stood at her side again, eyeing the clothes on her body. the girl's gaze flicked down, widening a bit when her shirt read boston college hockey across the front because everyone knew who that belonged to.
"m-must've been mixed into my clothes still," she managed weakly. gabe just shrugged.
"you know it's not too late to..reach out?" his voices lowered a few tones so no one else heard.
almost immediately, samy's expression crinkled up, "no way. he's busy with the bauer combine. plus, i'm sure he's met a bunch of other girls there anyway."
gabe didn't say anything, but all he could think about as samy said that was the call him and ryan got from the blonde a few days ago while he had a panic attack in a bathroom. now if only samy knew that..
"guys, wait! you know what i just realized we haven't done yet this summer?" ethan quickly spoke up, catching everyone's attention.
his gaze turned to samy's, flashing with some sort of mischief as he began inching closer to the younger girl. "i think it's time for throwing samy into the pool!" the older boy exclaimed before running at her.
samy shrieked, pushing gabe out of the way as she attempted to run away from her brother's friends despite them rounding every corner in means of capturing her.
140 notes · View notes
Whatever Comes
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,147
Warnings: A lot of angst. Mentions of blood, life-threatening injuries, hit-and-run, fracture wounds, and miscarriage.
Summary: Doctor (y/n) (y/l/n) and Jay Halstead are secretly dating when there is a terrible accident involving (y/n) and a lot comes to light.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way, or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Okay, so this is my first fic in a long while and I don't think it's all that good but I had to restart somewhere, so I hope you like it anyway!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
| masterlist |
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You had just gotten out of your car across the street from the side of Med and, as you were making your way through the bit of road that led to the hospital, a car comes into the driveway — screeching tires, in full speed — and runs you over long before you could even see anything and, there, in the matter of a few seconds, everything goes black and you’re left bleeding out in the street.
Almost an hour later, after you had regained consciousness and had begun dragging yourself, very slowly, towards the hospital, Will and Ethan, about to go inside Med, spot you and run your way eager to help you out — even if they hadn’t known it was you at first.
“Oh man, it’s Dr. (y/n) (y/l/n)!” Ethan exclaimed.
“(y/n), can you hear me?!?” You sort of heard Will ask through your dizziness haze.
“Wow, you’re actually shorter this up close than I had imagined at first.” You attempted a joke with your friend, momentarily gaining some clarity.
Ignoring you, Will just asked no one specifically, “oh Lord, how long has she been bleeding out here?”
Decisive as always, you heard as Dr. Choi commanded, “I don’t know but, come on, Will, let’s carry her to the ED!”
As soon as your friends get inside the hospital with you, everybody stays in shock for a moment until Maggie yells: "get her in treatment 4, now!"
Following her lead, Will and Ethan get started on treating you, who has a few broken ribs, and free fluid in your belly besides from a punctured spleen. Having done their best in the ED, they decide to send your upstairs for surgery with Crocket.
Once you're going to surgery, Miss Goodwin tells Maggie and the doctors to call PD and specifically ask for Intelligence, since you were friends with the unit. As the cops get there, one stands out: Jay Halstead. He's frantic, devastated-looking, just completely lost, and desperate to hear more news about your condition. No one really understands why he is reacting like that, but all of them do share the fear of losing a great friend. Voight's giving out assignments to the team, so Jay knows that that's when he needs to speak up.
"Um, sarge?" All eyes are on him. "If you and the team don't mind running one man short today... I was hoping that I could, um, stay here with- with her?" Hank just stares at him, unlike everyone else — who are shocked — the older man's focus is on his detective's eyes, on the way he was so distraught from the moment they got the call about (y/l/n). That was the behavior, the look, of a terrified man. And, as everyone there knew, Jay Halstead — the freaking war vet — wasn't one to get scared easily. "(y/n) and I-"
"It's fine. No need to explain. You should stay here, Jay. Let us know, in case anything changes. And we'll catch the son of a bitch." He said firmly, making Jay feel as appreciative as ever, and, also, sending an implicit message to all the other members of the unit, one that said: we work this with all we got right now, for (y/n), and for Jay, no questions asked.
After the officers left the hospital, there was still a big commotion from everyone who stayed, because it was one of their own up there in the or. But, surpassing everyone else's, was Will's surprise by how distraught Jay looked, especially considering how his little brother wanted to stay at the hospital, instead of going to find who hurt you. So he comes to confront the detective about it. "So... You and (y/n) are a thing?" Will asked, trying to understand. Since Jay just nodded his head, he decided to push a little further: "And... Were you ever planning to tell me? What the hell, man?"
"Will, I-"
"She's one of my best friends, Jay! Not to mention the fact that I'm the doctor who oversees her work here!"
"Will you put it down?" Jay pleaded with his brother, motioning him to a more reserved corner of the waiting room. "I know, okay? I know. And I'm sorry if it upsets you, man, I really am. But this could've blown her career. That's why we hadn't told you yet." It was clear that Will didn't exactly like his brother's explanation, but he knew it was true.
"Just... How long?"
"Um, about six months?"
"Six months?!" The doctor yelled in shock, then repeated it in a lower tone. "But, six months?"
"Yeah, I know it's a lot of time keeping you in the dark, Will. But, trust me, we weren't thrilled about it. And we were hoping to tell you soon. I swear." Jay said, and his brother could, once again, see it was the truth.
"So, that means that when you started seeing each other she was still finishing med school?"
"Yeah, that's right. Which was, like, the main reason for us to keep it under wraps. An intern dating the attending doctor's little brother? Wouldn't look good."
"That's true..." At that point, Will took another look at his brother. Jay looked so worried and scared, even while trying to hide it. "So, uh, you guys are serious?" That question got a little smile out of the detective.
"Yes, we are. I know that it is new for you... But, I love her, Will. I really do." He took a moment to breathe, not being able to hold back some tears this time. “And, I can’t lose her. I just can’t.”
“Jay…” Will started saying but didn’t quite know how to continue. What could he possibly say to comfort his brother right now? “We just… We just gotta stay hopeful, okay? (y/n) is a really tough person and Dr. Marcel is a great surgeon, you know it. She is gonna pull through.”
A lot of disquieting hours later Crocket finally comes out of the surgery, just to be met by a very worried hospital staff and an on-edge Jay Halstead.
"Where is sh- How is she? Is (y/n) okay? Can I see her?" The detective hovers, not even taking a breath.
"Wow! Uh, you gotta calm down a little, buddy."
"Don't give me that crap! Just- just tell me how she is!" Jay shouts again, not giving a damn about what anyone was thinking. You were the only thing on his mind right now.
"Alright. But try to keep breathing, okay?" To that, the other man didn't even bother to answer. "Okay, um, it was a very complicated surgery, I had to do a lot of cleaning and moving around to get to the worst parts and-"
"Can you please just cut to the part where you tell me if she's okay? No offense, but you can fill me in on the details later." Jay stated nervously. It wasn't just that he wanted to know what was the result of all those hours in the or, but, also, because Jay knew he wouldn't understand half of what Connor was saying, even with the simplified language. You would. But not him.
"Right. Okay. She's, um, she's okay for now. We'll need to monitor her on an hourly basis, though." By that point, the surgeon could already see the relief on both Halsteads' faces, so he went on. "We controlled the bleeding, but, with all the blood loss," he stopped to take another look at the detective, "I'm afraid," another pause, because, sure he had delivered this kind of news before, but this time it was a lot harder, because those people were his friends. And, what they had just lost, he had just lost too, in a way, "we couldn't save the baby."
"The baby?" This time he got an answer from both brothers.
"Uh, uh... You, uh, you didn't know she was pregnant?" Crocket asked, kind of already guessing the answer while sharing a look with Will.
"Oh my God..." It was all the youngest Halstead managed to let out. Seeing how his brother was unable to react any further, Will decided to step up and ask the tough questions.
"So, um,  if everything goes well from now on, you think that (y/n/n) will make a full recovery?"
"Ahhh, yes, actually. She was in great health, so, after making it through, uh, through the night, she shouldn't have any major issues." At that point, Marcel himself was trying to be as objective and as doctorish as possible, in order not to make things worse for the man who had just heard that he lost a child he didn't even have a chance to wait for.
"So, is it, um- is it possible that she didn't know about the pregnancy yet?" But, damn it, Will just kept asking all the impossible questions.
"Uh... It is, actually. Very possible." Hearing that, the detective immediately glued his eyes on him. "We estimate that the fetus was about seven weeks. It's very common that women on birth control haven't found out about it at that point." As neither Halstead said anything, Marcel continued, "well, she's up in the ICU now and in and out of consciousness but, if you want, you can see her for a few minutes."
Hearing that, the detective came out of his haze and said: "Yeah, I wanna see her!"
A few hours later, as Will Halstead gathered his things after finishing his shift, he decided to go check on you but got surprised when he realized that his brother was still there, in the waiting room. "Jay, what are you still doing here?"
"I'm waiting," he said simply.
"Jay." Will called again, "you can't do this, you need to go home, get some sleep, eat…"
"I'm not leaving her alone."
"She's not gonna be alone, Jay." Not getting any response, Will decided to lead with something else. "You know, Voight called Goodwin and said that they're hitting a lot of walls in the (y/l/n) investigation…" Measuring his brother's reaction, Will continued: "Maybe they'd have better luck working with the whole team…"
"Yeah, you're probably right. Tomorrow I'll tell Voight that I want in on the investigation." Jay said, not making any sign of wanting to leave.
"Jay, you can't work tomorrow after staying here the whole night!" Seeing his little brother still not intending to leave, he threatened, "if you don't go home right now, I'll call Voight myself and tell him that you're in no shape to work-"
"Oh, c'mon! You're gonna do that!"
"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you," Will said, looking as serious as they get. "Look, Jay, you know she's in good hands here. And, whatever happens, you'll be the first to know, I've made sure of it."
"But nothing, Jay! It's time to go, come on!" Will pressed so much that Jay resigned himself to do as his brother told him.
For almost a week, you stayed in the ICU. For almost a week, Jay Halstead passed by Med on his way to work and on his way home from work.
Once you were moved to a room, Jay started feeling like he could finally breathe again, even though there was now the baby that someone had still to tell you. And, after chatting with Will and Crockett, Jay had already decided he was gonna be the one to deliver the news to you. So, one day, after Intelligence had already caught the drug dealers that were running away when they hit you, Jay asked Voight for the afternoon off to take you home from the hospital.
When you were at your place, you asked Jay what was going on: "Hey, you didn't say a word on the way here, is anything besides the fact that I just spent almost two weeks in the hospital and that everyone found out about us wrong?"
"Let's sit down for a minute, babe."
The minute he said that, you knew there was something really wrong.
"Okay, you're scaring me…" You said while sitting down on the couch.
"I just- I have something important to tell you," and, like that, Jay proceeded to tell you the worst thing you ever heard. It's not like you'd been planning on becoming a mother or anything like that anytime soon but it was still a possibility that was brutally taken away… You and Jay cried together for the first time and, consoling each other, you felt your relationship growing stronger. 
So much so that after some time you could start talking about the future that both of you foresaw with one another and, even though nothing was completely decided, there was one thing you knew for sure: as long as you were together, you could face anything.
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lil13 · 1 year
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REHEARSAL - j. champion
You're an actress on Scream VI and your scene partner is frequently Jack Champion. The two of you soon have to film a scene where your characters give into their tension and confess their feelings for the first time, ending in a kiss — and the directors want you to rehearse outside of set. You knew you'd have to kiss Jack eventually, but the thought of rehearsing the scene alone with him made you nervous.
It's nothing, right?
You had simply just invited your castmate over to your apartment to rehearse a scene that the directors asked you to rehearse. No big deal.
Jack Champion was one of your castmates and happened to be playing the best friend of your character. Except, both characters had secretly fallen for each other and confess their feelings, ending in a steamy kiss. Apparently, when you'd gone to film the scene the day before, the directors weren't convinced with your performance — they'd even called cut before you got to the kiss.
You had hyped yourself up all day for nothing.
A couple weeks ago you'd confided in Devyn, one of your other castmates — she played a character named Anika. You told the girl that you were pretty sure you'd fallen for your castmate and were freaked out about it. Devyn assured you that this feeling was okay, and if you had fallen for Jack, it wasn't the end of the world.
So, when you'd gotten nervous about your kiss scene, you confided in Devyn then again too. She assured you once again, that you'd be okay.
When you heard a knock on the wood of your apartment door, all air left your lungs.
You wiped the sweat on your palms off on your sweatpants before walking — nervously — over to the door. You'd tried on approximately 5 different outfits before settling on sweatpants and a tank top, even told Jack to dress down as well.
"Hi." Jack smiled once you opened the door.
Your heart skipped a beat and you immediately knew that running this scene would be difficult tonight. But alas, you pushed through.
"Hi." you echoed, stepping aside so Jack could step into the apartment.
Closing the door behind him, you told Jack where he could drop his things. When you saw him looking around, you remembered he'd only been here with the group, so he hadn't really had the chance to look around. You couldn't help yourself but walk right up next to him, nudging his body with your own. It was like you were drawn to him. 
"Like it?" you questioned.
He nodded quickly, glancing down at you. "It's cute."
After a couple minutes of small talk, you agreed to get started. Your characters were standing during the scene, so you and Jack stood in the free floor space between the couch and the small kitchen table you had.
You flipped a switch inside of yourself and began to act as Piper, your character in the movie.
"Um, hello? Are you forgetting something?" This scene was supposed to take place right after a frat party.
You'd gone with Ethan and the group to this party. Whilst there, you and Ethan had flirted some, like the two of you had been doing for the past few months. Long story short, Piper and Ethan had been friends since high school, both moving to New York for college. Piper had always felt something toward Ethan, but being with him at college and seeing how girls looked at him really solidified her feelings.
Jack furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"
"For fucks sake! When you went to find Tara with Chad I went to get another drink and when I came back all 6 of you were gone. You left me at the party." Your character was supposed to be out done with his. "What happened to never leaving friends alone at parties? I could be upstairs fucking a rando right now for all you care."
His face contorted as he stepped closer. "Piper, i'm sorry! Chad just grabbed me and we left... I forgot."
You were supposed to be mad, but also hurt.
You shook your head, "No, no, no. Don't Piper me. Ever since we became friends with those people you've put me on the back burner! Do you know how much that hurts?"
Jack reached out to put a hand on your arm, but you jerked back. His facial expression fell.
Even though you knew it was acting, it still made your heart hurt.
"I'm really sorry, I just. Things have changed since we moved here."
You cocked an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest. "Like what?"
"Us." his voice was quiet.
Piper was supposed to stay quiet at this point, taking a step or two backwards. This was Ethan's turn to speak.
"Piper, we've known each other since freshman year and I just... the way I, see you now. It's different."
The kiss was coming up soon and your heart was going crazy. But what you didn't know, was so was Jack's.
"Different, huh?"
Jack's eyes went wide, mimicking Ethan's panic. "Good different! Piper, these past couple of months i've seen you differently than before and it scares the shit out of me. It's like every part of me is itching to be around you 24/7, and when you're finally close it feels like nothing bad will ever happen to me."
You cracked a smile, this was when Piper was supposed to realize that Ethan felt the same. Your heart skipped a beat, thinking about how amazing it would be if Jack felt the same way as you. But that would never happen in a million years.
"You like me." Jack swallowed harshly, Ethan now realized that was Piper was saying was right. He 'liked' his best friend. "You like me!" The second time was Piper convincing herself.
Jack nervously scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah, I guess I do."
This was when you kissed.
Piper was meant to initiate it. So, you took a deep breath and followed through. If you were meant to rehearse a scene, why not rehearse all of it?
You closed the space between you by walking those few steps, your hand grabbing the back of Jack's neck and pulling his face to yours. Your eyes fluttered closed right as your lips met in the middle.
Butterflies. Fireworks. All of the above.
The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Jack pulled away, a smirk on his lips. That's when the scene was supposed to end.
You wiped your mouth off with the back of your hand, taking a couple of steps backwards. "I think we did a pretty good job, think the directors will be satisfied." You were nodding as you stepped back some, creating space between you.
Jack stepped forward, "I, uh... I think we should practice again."
He did? But you'd done so well. "Which part?" You were genuinely curious.
The boy was quiet now. Something that was rare.
"J?" you called him by the nickname you'd bestowed upon him. Unoriginal, but you liked it.
His eyes wouldn't meet yours. "The kiss?"
He'd been so quiet you almost missed it. But you hadn't. He had asked to rehearse the kiss.
Suddenly bold, you decided to play dumb. "The kiss? I thought we did fine, why should we practice? We can if you want to, though."
Jack saw right through your ploy.
You mentally cursed yourself. But the blush on his cheeks clued you into the fact that maybe you weren't the only one with feelings at the moment.
With your boldness still out to play, you continued. "Or, you could just kiss me as Jack and not Ethan?" This made Jack's eyes go dark.
A smirk twitched on his lips as he crossed the floor, ducking down to crash his lips into yours. He immediately picked you up, your legs wrapping around his torso as he held you as close as possible.
You couldn’t really believe this was happening. Jack was actually kissing you. Devyn was gonna freak out.
Your fingers went into his hair, playing with and tugging on his curls. You’d dreamed about the day you’d get to play with his hair and that day was finally here.
Jack walked over to the couch, his lips never leaving yours, and sat down with you now in his lap. His kiss was rough and passionate, but everything else was so gentle. The way his hands ran of your body? It felt magical, but he was so careful, almost as if he didn’t want to do something wrong.
After a couple minutes, you pulled away. A frown flashed on Jack’s lips and you couldn’t help but smile. Your hands held his cheeks while his rested on your hips, his thumbs caressing your bare skin due to your tank top riding up.
“Did I ever tell you that I think you’re really cute?” you laughed.
Jack blushed, for the second time that night, and dropped his head against your chest to hide it. You laughed even harder picking his face up so he’d have to look you in the eye again.
He tried to fight against you, but you won. “And when you blush it’s even cuter.” This time you kissed him.
When you pulled away, his face followed yours, almost as if he wasn’t ready for the kiss to be over.
“In all honesty, i’m pretty sure that scene went badly yesterday because I was nervous.” he chuckled, lifting a hand from your hip to tuck a strand of fallen hair behind your ear. “And until you said I could kiss you as Jack I still was nervous. I like you so much, Y/N.”
“Would you say you’re itching to be around me 24/7 and when i’m around it feels like nothing bad will happen?”
Jack’s jaw dropped and he playfully squeezed your hips, “Are you quoting my character to me?”
“I might be.” You said with a smirk.
A squeal came from your lips when Jack pushed you down onto the couch beside him, his hands attacking your sides as he tickled you. Laughter poured from both of your mouths. All you wanted was to kiss him again, his brown eyes looked like coming home. He made you feel like nothing bad would ever happen.
Eventually, you managed to control the situation and pull Jack’s face down to yours. Your lips connected in a way that it felt like they were always meant to. This was something you could definitely get used to.
“Oh my god, what did I walk into?”
You and Jack both made noises of surprise, the boy falling down onto you, his head tucking in your neck. Your hands held his head, keeping his face out of sight of your guest.
“Devyn, hey.” you casually greeted the girl, “I forgot I gave you a key.”
Jack pinched your waist at your confession. You pulled his hair in retaliation.
The girl laughed, “I came over to get my phone charger I left here last night, didn’t think i’d walk in to you hooking up. I know you’re freaking out though.”
“We’re not—”
“Bye!” She grabbed the cord and walked back out the door.
You were embarrassed, taking your hands away from Jack’s head and covering your face with them. Your face was burning in embarrassment.
Jack propped himself up, looking down at you, “Freaking out, huh?”
“Ok, I might’ve ranted to Devyn about how much I liked you. Shut up.”
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w2soneshots · 5 months
Early -W2S
words: 1.9k+
warnings: pregnancy, birth.
summary: the boys surprise you with one last trip before you and Harry become parents but it doesn’t go as expected.
notes: hey! Haven’t done one for bog in ages so here’s the longest one shot I’ve ever written to make up for it😚. This was a request and I think it turned out really cute, enjoy🫶🏼💕
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y/username: one last trip🫶🏼
Tagged: @wroetoshaw @behzingagram @tobjizzle @faithlousak
taliamar: can't wait to see you!😘
-> y/username: hurry up!!
faithloisak: no not that pic pahahaha
y/nfanpage21: are they all on a trip together??🥺
user41095623: the horse🫶🏼
Me and Harry have been together for around 7 years and got married a two and a half years ago. We had a very private wedding with just our closest friends and family. Over a year after we got married we decided that we were ready for a baby and were really excited about it. It took just a few months before I had a positive pregnancy test in my hand. I told Harry that night and he was elated. Everyone has been so supportive and the girls are so excited. We also decided to keep the baby's gender a secret so have only been buying gender neutral clothes.
Last month the boys surprised me and Harry with a three day long trip to a huge lodge/ house in wales, the reason it isn't somewhere extravagant (like usual) is because I'm almost 36 weeks pregnant and can't fly. It's going to be JJ, Simon, Josh, Tobi, Ethan, Harry, Freya, Talia, Faith, Olive and me, unfortunately Vik wasn't able to make it due to being busy abroad DJing. Since we're going to be pretty busy once we have a baby the boys wanted to have one last trip before we become parents.
This morning I got up early and got ready. Since we're going to be in the car for a few hours I put on some jeans and a simple white top. Then Harry got up, took a shower and once all our bags were in the car, we left.
Faith called me after a few minutes of driving, "hey!" She said excitedly. "Hi! We just left." I replied. "Same, it took ages to get Olive in the car. One second she was in tears, then she needed her nappy changed... that'll be you soon." She laughed. I sighed "can't wait." I said sarcastically. She giggled "well, I'll see you there!" "Bye!" And with that I put the phone down.
After almost a three hour drive we finally arrived at our destination. Harry got out and quickly ran around the front of the car to help me out. "Hey!" Me and Harry turned around to see Tobi walking towards us. "Alright mate?" Harry asked as they did their little bro handshake. "Ye great, how are you too?" He pulled me into a quick hug. "Really good! I'm excited to have some time to relax and this place is beautiful!" I answered. Before anything else was said Ethan's car pulled up. Faith jumped out excitedly and quickly ran to give me a hug while Ethan got Olive from the back seat. "Hi!" Faith exclaimed. I smiled "how was your drive?" I asked. Faith went on to tell me about the fact Olive was crying the entire time, up until the last five minutes when she inconveniently fell asleep.
I took a picture of the boys outside the house and sent it to the group chat along with a caption telling them to hurry up. JJ arrived a few minutes later, then Josh and Freya. Talia text the group saying that they were going to be late. So we decided to go on a walk and explore.
We grabbed our coats and started walking, Olive being carried by Ethan. After just five minutes we ran into a dog who seemed to be all by himself. Just as Faith knelt down to pet it I pulled my phone out and told her to pose for a picture. She awkwardly smiled at the camera and we all burst out laughing. The owner started running towards us a few seconds later "oh my gosh. I'm so sorry!" She said after calling her dog over. Faith smiled "don't worry about it."
As we continued walking we spotted a beautiful horse in a field across from the one we were in, both me Faith and Freya took a photo. Then we made our way back to the house. All the boys went out in Ethan's car to get the food for the next few days while we chilled. They came back after an hour with a large selection of food and we decided that we were going to have spaghetti bolognaise for dinner.
Simon and Talia finally arrived a while later, just after we started making dinner. Faith started making the sauce and I helped her by cooking the pasta and tidying up as we went. Talia quickly jumped in to take my place once she'd put her bags in her and Simon's shared room, telling me to 'go sit down and relax'. Which is exactly what I did. Sitting down on the couch next to Harry I sighed and placed my legs on his lap. "You alright?" He whispered into my ear. I hummed "yea."
We ate dinner together at the huge dining table and it was delicious. We decided to watch a movie so all sat in the living room. Me and Harry sat in our previous position on the couch, along with Faith, Ethan and JJ while Talia sat on Simon's lap in the arm chair and Tobi, Freya and Josh sat on top of some pillows on floor. We decided on a movie and within an hour JJ was fast asleep. I was fighting to keep my eyes open when Harry spoke "do you wanna go up to bed?" He asked quietly. I just nodded. "Come on then."
We said good night to everyone and Harry helped me upstairs. "Are you alright?" He asked me as I took my makeup off. "Yea, it's just- my back hurts." I replied. He walked over to me and placed a hand on my lower back, gently rubbing circles. I hummed and leaned into his touch. When we finally got into bed Harry wrapped his arms around me and placed his hand on my bump. I rested my hand on top of his and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning I woke up with a strong urge to pee. I slid out of the bed but just before I made it to the ensuite I felt warm liquid trickle down my legs. I looked down "did I just piss myself?" I thought. My eyes widened "no, it's too early!" I whispered to myself. I waddled to the toilet and sat down. "What do I do? We're in the middle of nowhere!" My brain raced, along with my heart.
Once I'd calmed myself down slightly I stood, took a deep breath and went to wake Harry up. "Haz wake up, Harry!" I shook him. He slowly opened his eyes "what is it, babe?" He mumbled. "I think my water just broke." He immediately shot up, now fully awake "what?!" He exclaimed. "Shh, you're gonna wake everyone up!" I whispered.
When we figured out what we were going to do I got changed out of my wet pyjamas and into some sweatpants and one of Harry's t-shirts, brushed my teeth and tied my hair back into a ponytail. All while Harry tried to calm himself down. "How are you so calm right now?" He asked me. I turned my head to him "everything's fine Harry, I've not even had a contraction yet-" just as the words came out of my mouth a tight pain spread through my stomach "ow" Harry rushed over to me "oh shit- are you ok? Are you having a contraction?" He rambled. I nodded "I think so." The pain wasn't that bad (yet) but I was struggling to focus on what Harry was saying.
Once it finished Harry helped me down stairs. I assumed it was really early, like 5am or something but almost everyone was sat in the kitchen. I glanced the clock on the wall, it's half nine. "Hey! Uh is everything ok?" Ethan asked. Me and Harry shared a look. "What's wrong?" Talia stepped toward us. "Uhm- y/n's water just broke." Harry said. All of their eyes widened and their mouths fell open slightly. "What?!" Faith expressed. "So the baby's coming like now?!" Simon asked loudly. "Well, probably in the next few hours." I answered calmly. "No no no, this can't be happening!" JJ nervously started to pace back and forth. Me and Harry giggled slightly at how stressed they all were.
Just as everyone started to calm down I was hit with another contraction. I grabbed onto the counter and my eyes fluttered closed. Harry gently rubbed my back and everyone went silent. I chuckled lightly through the pain "guys I'm fine."
Faith and Talia helped me to the car while Harry pulled together a bag with some of my things. "This will be a good story to tell in ten years." Faith said as we walked out of the front door. I giggled. Once we got to the car I got into the passenger seat and Harry raced out of the house a few seconds later. Everyone waved us off as we pulled out of the driveway "good luck!" Freya shouted.
The nearest hospital was around half an hour away so I had a few painful contractions as Harry drove, nervously glancing over at me as I breathed through them. I called my mum and told her what was going on, she chuckled "it could only happen to you, good luck and call me when she's here!" "Mum we don't know if it's a girl yet." I told her for the one hundredth time since I told her I was pregnant. "Just a feeling!" She exclaimed "I love you." she continued "love you too, bye."
When we finally arrived at the hospital me and Harry walked inside and were almost immediately taken to a room. The doctor checked me out and told me I was almost 7 centimetres dilated and that it wouldn't be long.
She was right because just an hour later I was holding our beautiful baby girl, mum was right. Even though she's early she was checked over immediately and is perfectly healthy. After getting cleaned up a nurse came in to tell me that there were some people in the waiting room that wanted to see me. I told her to let them in, knowing exactly who it was. A few minutes later Talia ran into the room, followed by everyone else. "Oh my god!" She whispered, careful not to wake up the sleeping baby. "Is it a girl?!" Faith whispered. I nodded with tear stained cheeks "yea." All the boys (except Ethan since he was outside with Olive) gave Harry a pat on the back while the girls fussed over me and the baby.
The next day we drove home. Thankfully we'd already installed the baby seat into the car so we could actually take her home. "I still can't believe she's ours." I said as I watched her from my place in the back seat. "Ye, we're actually parents, it's crazy." Harry replied.
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Liked by tobjizzle and 1,501,923 others
y/username: our baby girl🤍 Our hearts couldn't be more full, welcome to the world little Willow Lewis. Mummy and daddy are so excited to be your parents.
wroetoshaw: my girls❤️
behzingagram: congratulations again guys😁
faithloisak: cuties💕
r0sielewis: I'm in tears🥺
y/nfanpage21: OMG!!
user71015839: wroetoshaw and y/n are parents. I'm officially old😭
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zegrasdrysdale · 4 months
Thinking of: reader going to one of Ethan’s games with their son/daughter and once the kid sees his dad he’s so excited! Jumping up and down and screaming “daddy!! daddy!!”
[ memorable ] e. edwards
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paring : Ethan Edwards x fem!reader
summary : Ethan plays first game as a Devil in October 2025 after signing his entry level contract over the summer so his fiancée brings their three year old son to the game to surprise him
warning(s) : none really (a suggestive comment it were getting picky)
author’s note : i also had baby fever so here we are lol
The day Ethan came home one afternoon and told her that he made the Opening Day roster for the Devils, there was excitement in the air. She couldn’t be any prouder of her fiancé than she was at that moment, except for maybe when he was drafted by the Devils in 2020. There were a handful of days between the end of the preseason and the start of the regular season so that excitement only grew as Opening Day got closer.
Ethan can’t wait to get on NHL ice with the Devils for the first time. He’s looking forward to sharing the ice with Luke and Seamus again for the first time since the three of them played at Michigan.
No one is more excited than their three-year-old son Chase though. He has told everyone at his preschool over the last few days that his “daddy is gonna be on TV”. He can’t wait to watch Ethan play hockey on TV.
Or so he thinks.
She hasn’t told Chase yet because she knows he’ll tell Ethan but she isn't taking him to preschool because they're going to spend the day getting ready for the game. She's taking Chase to the Prudential Center tonight so he can watch Ethan play in person. Both of them have no idea of her plans.
Yes, Chase has seen Ethan play in college, but playing in the NHL is so much bigger than playing in college. Plus, she's not sure if he even remembers watching Ethan play in college. He was barely a year old when she took him to Tampa in the spring of 2023 for the Frozen Four.
Now he's three and all he can talk about is how excited he is that his dad is playing in the NHL. It makes her heart so warm and she can't wait to bring Chase to the arena for the game. Ethan's parents came in too as part of her surprise. All four of them will be at the glass for warmups to celebrate his first NHL game.
Her alarm goes off on game day at the usual time so nothing seems off to Ethan, though he's already up and in the mini gym doing his pre-practice workout by the time her alarm goes off.
At seven, she leaves her shared bedroom to go wake Chase up like it's a normal day. She throws on a hoodie on top of her tank top and boxer shorts she usually sleeps in before she goes to get Chase up.
She walks into his bedroom and he's already sitting up in bed like he's been up for a few minutes already. She turns the lights on and smiles. "Good morning, Chasey," she says.
"Hi, mommy," Chase giggles. "Daddy's music woke me up."
She leans down and presses a kiss to her son's head. "I'll let daddy know that he needs to turn down the music in the morning so he doesn't wake you up," she promises. "Should we go tell him to turn it down?"
Chase nods and sprints out the door at the suggestion. She lays out his outfit for the day and quickly walks out after him. When she gets down the hallway to the gym, Ethan has Chase in his arms and Chase is hugging his dad.
"Good morning, buddy," Ethan greets Chase. "Sleep well?"
"As well as I could with your music too loud," Chase comments. She covers her mouth with a smile as she watches her fiancé and son. "Mommy said she'll tell you to turn it down."
Ethan smiles and turns his attention to her. "Did she?" he asks. "I'll make sure keep it down in the mornings when you're sleeping, okay?"
Chase smiles and hugs his dad. She bites her lip and looks at her boys. It's the little things that make her happy, and watching her son and her fiancé together makes her incredibly happy.
"Chasey, why don't you go get ready?" she suggests. "I'll make sure you get to say goodbye to daddy before he leaves for practice. I laid out your jersey so you can wear it to school today."
Their son nods and Ethan puts him down. Chase giggles and runs back to his room, leaving her alone with Ethan for the first time that morning. She kicks the door closed, but not all the way so she can hear Chase run back down the hallway.
She takes a few steps toward Ethan as he turns down the music. She wraps her arms around her sweaty fiancé's neck. "Good morning to my favorite NHL player," she comments. Ethan's hands rest on her waist. "Excited for tonight?"
"I feel a lot of things about tonight," Ethan admits. "Excited, nervous. I have been looking forward to my first NHL game and I wish you could be there so it's going to be a bittersweet moment."
"You know I'll be cheering you on from wherever I am, even when I'm home," she tells him with a frown to sell her lie. "Both Chase and I will be rooting for you tonight, and every game after."
Ethan shoots her a sad smile. She surges up to her tiptoes to press a quick kiss to his lips because she hates seeing him so sad.
When she lowers herself, Ethan cups her jaw and pulls her back into the kiss. It's a deeper kiss than the last one they shared and neither of them pulls away this time. Her arms slide from around his neck to around his bare torso so he can't go very far.
"I'm so proud of you," she mumbles against his lips.
He hums and deepens the kiss even more. She laughs as Ethan's fingers curl in her messy locks. "Love you," Ethan tells her between kisses. "Both of you."
There are quick footsteps in the hallway so she pulls away quickly. Ethan runs his fingers through his hair as they step away from each other so they don't traumatize their three-year-old. "Mommy, can we have chocolate pancakes for breakfast before school?" Chase asks as he pushes open the door. "Pretty please?"
"I think it's a special day so I think we can have chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast," she replies. "You look handsome in your little Devils jersey. Do you think your friends will like it?"
Chase nods and does a little spin. A little "Edwards 73" being on his back could make her cry. This is truly Ethan's moment, and she can't wait to celebrate at the arena with their son and Ethan's parents.
"I'm going to go shower really quick but we can eat some breakfast together before I leave for practice and you leave for school, okay?" Ethan says to Chase. Chase nods and grabs her hand. "I'll be out in a few minutes. Maybe mommy will let you help her with breakfast if you listen to her."
She shoots Ethan a look as Chase drags her out of the room. Her three-year-old pulls her down the hallway to the kitchen. She grabs ingredients for pancakes and the chocolate chips. As much as she would love to have Chase help with breakfast, she doesn't want his jersey to get dirty so she puts him at the table with some coloring books so she can cook breakfast in peace.
Down the hallway, she can hear Ethan in the shower as she mixes the ingredients together. Chase gets her attention to show her one of the pages that he colored. She tells him it looks good as she begins to pour the batter into a pan to cook some pancakes. She makes some smaller pancakes for Chase and full size pancakes for her and Ethan.
He emerges from the hallway in a Devils hoodie with his number on his chest and compression shorts that don't hide much. She's piling the already made pancakes on a plate for the three of them. She grabs plates out of the cabinet and puts them on the table for them.
"They look amazing, baby," Ethan tells her. He presses a kiss to her cheek before he sits down at the able.
"If I didn't have to bring Chase to school in a little bit then I would have cooked something healthier for you since it's game day," she replies.
Ethan grabs two pancakes and starts to cut them up. "It's okay," he says. "I'll make it up with a healthy lunch. I'm pretty sure that Luke, Jack, Shea, and I are going to lunch so I'll suggest something on the healthier side. Maybe Chipotle since I know Luke and Jack love it. I'll probably head to Shea's to hangout before the game, maybe nap. I don't know yet."
She cuts some pancakes up for Chase. "Sounds good to me," she tells him. "I think I'm going to do some shopping today. Grab some groceries, maybe some new outfits for when I do attend games this season." Ethan smiles at the last comment. "Then I'll pick Chase up from school at the normal time and we'll both be here for the game."
She hands Chase's plate to him and takes away his coloring book and crayons so he can eat. He shoves some of the pieces into his mouth.
Her phone dings with a text. She pulls it out of her hoodie pocket and glances at the nofication.
from: tara edwards - 7:38 am lee and i are landing in about 30 mins. has e left? does chase know about the surprise?
to: tara edwards - 7:40 am eating breakfast w the boys rn. eth is leaving when i "leave" with chase at 8. i'll tell him in the car about the surprise
"Who's texting you so early this morning?" Ethan questions.
"The groupchat I'm in with the other wives and girlfriends," she lies. "They're all excited for you to play in the game tonight and they wish that Chase and I could be there."
Ethan smiles and swallows a bite of pancake. "I'm happy you're getting along with them," he tells her. "Especially since I have no idea what's going to happen this season. I'm on the roster today but I could be sent to Utica any day. I think you could use some extra support just in case."
She matches his smile and nods. "It's nice to have a group that was so welcoming too," she replies. "The girls really welcomed us with open arms, and they adore Chase."
His phone starts buzzing and he realizes what time it is. "Oh, I gotta get going," he tells them. "It's almost eight and Keefe wants to hold a meeting before practice. I don't want to be late today."
Chase finishes eating as Ethan talks. "Time to go to school?" he asks. He looks at his mother.
"Time to go to school," she confirms. "All done?" Chase nods and she takes his plate. She grabs Ethan's plate as well as her own and puts them all in the sink. Ethan goes to grab his things and she pulls Chase out of his seat.
She holds Chase on her hip as she grabs his backpack sans lunchbox since he's not actually going to school. She slides on her slippers by the door as Ethan emerges with his new equipment bag with the Devils logo on the side. She smiles as he puts on his slides with his socks that go halfway up his shins. "Wow, you look like a hockey player on his way to practice, E," she teases him.
He rolls his eyes and opens the door for the two of them. Chase has been put down but holds his mother's hand so he doesn't go running down the hallway. Ethan follows close behind them.
Their apartment is on the third floor so they just take the stairs down to the first floor. Ethan struggles a little bit with his large equipment bag. He's good once he's on solid ground on the first floor.
Ethan throws his equipment in the trunk of his car. She stands next to him with Chase as the trunk is shut. He picks up Chase and holds him on his hip. "Good luck tonight, daddy!" Chase says. "Score a goal for me and mommy!"
"I always do, Chasey," Ethan tells him as he presses kisses to his son's cheek. "You look good in your jersey. Have a good day at school and I'll see you in the morning." Chase wraps his little arms around Ethan's neck. She smiles at the two of them.
He holds his extra arm out for her and she steps into a hug with her son and fiancé. Ethan presses a soft kiss to her forehead as she wraps an arm around his waist. "I can't wait to see you in Devils red, E," she tells him when she looks up at him. "We'll be looking for a 73 on the ice."
Her fiancé presses a quick kiss to her lips before he hands Chase over to her. "I love both of you," he says as he walks around to the driver's side of the car. "I'll be thinking of both of you while I play tonight."
She blows a kiss in Ethan’s direction, and Chase mimics her. She laughs as Ethan catches both kisses then gets in his car. She and Chase wave goodbye to him since it will be the last time either of them see him before they see him on the ice tonight.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Needless to say, Chase was estatic when she told him the plan for the night. In the car on the way to pick up Ethan’s parents, she told him that they were going to go to the arena to watch him play. She has never seen him so excited for anything in his very young life. He was even more excited when grandmom and grandpa got in the car. He wouldn’t stop talking about seeing Ethan on ice.
She leaves Chase with his grandparents to actually go shopping for groceries and an outfit for that night. She wasn’t lying when she said she needed to go pick up a couple of groceries and outfits.
Plus, she needed some time alone since the day is already super chaotic.
Ethan does text her after lunch to tell her while she’s out that he is going over to Seamus’ apartment before the game to hangout and maybe nap so she doesn’t have to tell his parents to take Chase out since he’s supposed to be at school. She tells him to let her know when he’s up from his nap, if he naps.
When she gets home, Tara and Lee are playing with toys in the living room with Chase. Her son greets her at the door despite her hands being full with bags. “Hi, my handsome boy,” she says when she drops her bags and embraces Chase. “What are you playing with?”
“Animals,” he replies. “All my favorite animals. Lions and wolves too.”
She smiles when she sees the setup on the coffee table. “I’ll join in the game in a little bit, okay?” she tells him. “I have to put away the food.”
Chase nods and runs back to his toys. She hauls the bags onto the kitchen island and begins to unpack them.
It’s not until she’s nearly done when Tara walks up to her. “He’s so excited to watch Ethan play hockey at the arena tonight,” she tells her. “It’s all he’s been able to talk about since you left. I’ve never seen him so excited.”
She smiles. “You should’ve seen him in the car,” she tells Tara. “I mean, he went from looking miserable because he thought he was going to school to being the happiest kid in the world when I told him. He was so excited and asked so many questions. I think this is going to be a core memory for him.”
“It’s going to be memorable for all of us,” Tara replies. “I mean, it’s Ethan’s first NHL game after four years of college. I didn’t think he was going to sign his contract for the longest time, especially after Chase was born. It makes me so happy that he has the life he wants. A beautiful baby boy, a beautiful wife-to-be, and an NHL career.”
The women both laugh and she wipes away tears that have rolled down her cheeks. “I can’t wait to see Ethan’s reaction when he sees all of us there tonight,” she says. “He has no idea that we’re coming.”
“Thank you for flying us in for this,” Tara says. “It means so much to me and Lee that we’re here.”
“It was no problem,” she replies as she pulls Ethan’s mom into a hug. “I’m going to start getting ready. I have one of Ethan’s Michigan jerseys if you want to wear it?”
Tara pulls back from the hug. “I think his wife and son should wear his name and number,” she tells her. “Lee and I will be just fine in our Devils gear.”
She smiles and nods. Tara goes back to playing with her grandson and she takes her outfit into her bedroom to get ready for the game since it’s about three. She was out a lot longer than she thought she was going to be so she has less time to get ready since she wants to be ready and have Chase fed by five.
Knowing that Chase is occupied by his grandparents and Ethan isn’t coming home before the game, she takes an everything shower and takes her time. She shampoos and conditions her hair, washes and exfoliates her face and body, and then shaves all necessary parts of her body.
She has some soft music playing as she showers to calm her nerves about tonight. All she wants is for Ethan to have the best game and all she wants is for her son to have fun at the game. She hopes for the best tonight.
A Devils win with an Ethan goal is the ideal outcome for the night, but as long as Ethan has the best time on NHL ice then she’ll be happy. If Chase has the best time at the game watching his dad then that’s a win in her book, no matter what the score of the game is.
Once she’s out of the shower, she wraps a towel around her body and secures it under her arms. She blow dries her hair before she leaves the bathroom.
She throws on a robe to check in on Chase and Ethan’s parents. Tara is in the kitchen while Lee and Chase are at the table. “Hi,” she says, confused. “What’s going on in here?”
“I thought I would make some dinner,” Tara replies. “Just some chicken nuggets before we leave. Chase requested chicken nuggets.”
She kisses the top of Chase’s head. “Ah, okay,” she says. “Thank you. I was going to make something before we left.”
“I got it,” Tara says with a smile. “Go finish getting ready. I’ll have some chicken nuggets for you when you’re done.”
She looks at Chase. “Are you being good for grandmom and grandpa?” she asks. Chase nods and looks up at her. “We’ll leave when I’m done getting ready. Make sure you eat whatever grandmom makes for you, okay?”
He nods again and goes back to playing with his animals with Lee. She runs her fingers through his dark locks and decides in that moment to take him to get a haircut over the weekend. She goes to do her hair, put on her makeup then get dressed.
She straightens her hair and does some neutral makeup when she gets ready. She puts on a pair of loose ripped jeans that she bought today and black ankle boots with a two inch heel to give her some height. She puts on the red Devils jersey that Ethan got her and tucks in the front of the jersey into the waist of her jeans.
“Mommy!” Chase calls. “I’m done my nuggets! Can we go see daddy?”
“Yes, Chasey,” she calls back. “We can go see daddy!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The ride to the Prudential Center is the most exciting and nerve wracking experience of her life. Ethan has no idea that the four most important people in his life life are on their way to watch his first NHL game.
Chase basically vibrates in the backseat as she drives to the arena. He is very awake and didn’t take his nap after lunch because of how excited he is.
They pull into the player parking lot and sees Ethan’s car parked next to Seamus’. Chase is on her hip and Ethan’s parents walk behind her when they walk into a back door to get into the arena. She plays with her engagement ring as they get their credentials so they’re free to watch warmups with the other wives, girlfriends, and families.
“Have a good time,” the security guard says as soon as the three adults in the group get badges that hang on their neck. She puts her on and checks the time.
Warmups start in ten minutes. She quickly walks through the hallways with Chase still on her hip. The four of them come out at the glass in the opposite corner of where the players will come out.
She looks around at the stands that are filling up and puts Chase down for a few minutes since she’ll have to hold him once warmups start.
Fans are gathered at the glass to watch warmups. A sea of red, white, and black jerseys are lined up with signs. A handful of families, wives, and girlfriends are standing in the corner, and she sees Seamus’ parents at some point.
Then warmups start. Per NHL tradition, the rookies get a lap when warmups start. Seamus and Ethan take their lap before the the lights come up. As soon as they do, the other Devils players come out onto the ice, as well as the other team. Ethan takes a shot and skates right by the four of them without a second glance.
Chase notices though. He bangs on the glass in front of him and yells, “Daddy! Daddy!”
She pulls out her phone to get a picture of this moment. Chase has the biggest smile on his face as he tries to get his father’s attention. She even manages to grab a video of Chase banging on the glass.
Once the boys start stretching and taking line rushes instead of shooting pucks at the net, she notices Ethan standing with Seamus and Luke at the blue line. The trio talks about something but she has no idea what.
It just ends with Ethan looking directly at them. His jaw drops and he glances at his friends before he skates over to them.
Curtis Lazar stands at the glass talking to his wife and kids when Ethan skates up to them. Chase is moving so much in her arms that she stands him up on the boards. Lazar says something to Ethan that she can’t hear but it makes Ethan smile.
“Daddy!” Chase yells. Ethan waves at his son and Chase happily waves back at his dad. She has one arm around Chase so he doesn’t fall. She presses her lips in a line and holds back tears as she watches the interaction they’re having.
Ethan waves at his parents then makes a hand heart at her and Chase. She blows him another kiss and he smiles at her before he skates away to warm up. She smiles and watches her fiancé as he does his warmup routine.
The moment when Chase saw Ethan was everything she wanted. Her boys interacting at a game was a beautiful experience.
Tears roll down her cheeks and Chase asks, “Mommy, why are you crying?”
“I’m okay, Chasey,” she tells him as she wipes them away. “They’re happy tears, I promise. I’m very proud of your daddy. That’s all.”
Chase smiles and hugs his mom. She wraps her arms tightly around her son. Her eyes fall on Ethan as he takes a line rush. He is already proud to wear the Devils logo and she knows he’s about to put his all into this game.
Her son turns her attention back to his dad on the ice. He is so fixated on watching Ethan. It’s like he’s mesmerized by Ethan skating around on the ice. He passes the puck back and forth with Seamus for a second before he leans down to grab it.
Ethan skates back over to them and holds the puck up for Chase to see. He smiles and giggles as Ethan gets the puck between the net and glass. She catches the puck for Chase and hands it to their son.
While Chase is preoccupied with the puck, Ethan puts his hand up to the glass. She rests hers on his and smiles at him. “Love you,” Ethan mouths.
“Love you too,” she replies before he skates off.
One by one, players begin to leave the ice. Ethan is one of the last players to leave the ice and he makes sure to stop by one more time before he does.
She puts Chase down so she can get herself together. It was a very emotional moment for her, and it was everything she expected and more. She’s incredibly proud of Ethan and can’t wait to see what he does during the game.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Because it’s so late when the game ends, she takes her son home to try and put him to bed. Chase isn’t going to sleep anytime soon because of how exciting the game was. He watched his dad score his first NHL goal from the blue line and a Devils win. It was a 2-1 win over the Wild.
There’s no way he’s sleeping any time soon. She’s almost a hundred percent sure that he’ll still be awake when Ethan gets home. It was truly an exciting and memorable game for her, her son, and Ethan.
Tara and Lee stayed behind at the arena to come back to the apartment with Ethan while she went home with her son.
She looks back in the rearview mirror at Chase and he’s holding his puck. He’s turning it over and over again as he looks at it. “Did you have fun at the game?” she asks.
“Yeah!” Chase giggles. “Daddy scored a goal for us.”
With a smile, she nods. “Daddy did score a goal for us,” she replies. “His first NHL goal. Are you proud of him?”
Chase nods. “Yeah,” he replies. Then he yawns. “Will I see daddy before I go to sleep?”
“I don’t know, Chasey,” she tells him. “You look a little sleepy.”
He smiles as she pulls into the parking lot of their apartment building. She parks the car and gets out before she gets Chase out. The spot next to her is still empty so Ethan isn't back. She assumes he's doing media since he had an incredible NHL debut. He'll probably be back late, but Chase will probably force himself to stay awake anyway.
She pulls Chase out of his carseat and takes the elevator up to their apartment with Chase on her hip. His head rests on her shoulder. He really is tired.
Once inside their apartment, she kicks off her shoes and walks right to Chase's room to at least get him into his pajamas. He puts the puck on his pillow. "I wanna sleep with the puck daddy gave me," he tells his mom.
"That's all up to you, Chasey," she laughs as she pulls out a pair of pajamas for her son. "You can sleep with the puck or put it on your table. Whatever you'd like to do, my love. Get changed and we'll wait for daddy to get home together, okay? Maybe watch his interview." If he did any interviews.
Chase gives his mom a little thumbs up and she laughs as she leaves the room to let him get into his pajamas. She changes out of her own outfit into one of Ethan's old Michigan hoodies that she stole and checkered pajama pants.
When she emerges from her room, she sees Chase on the living room couch already. She smiles and shakes her head as she joins her son. She grabs her laptop and goes to the Devils’ YouTube page to see if Ethan did any media after the game.
He did. The most recent video was uploaded ten minutes ago and is titled “Edwards, Hischier, J. Hughes, Keefe talk about Wild win over Minnesota”. She smiles and clicks the video. Ethan does his interview first, and it’s about two minutes long.
“Ethan, how did it feel to get your first NHL goal so early in the season?” one of the reporters asks.
“Really good,” he replies. “Takes a lot of pressure off of me early so I don’t focus on that and focus on bettering my play this season.”
He looks around as another reporter asks, “Was there anyone special in the building for your first NHL game? We saw you interacting with a group behind the glass during warmups.”
A smile grows on Ethan’s face as he says, “Yeah, uh, I had a few people here today. it was a surprise that my fiancée planned at some point. She flew in my parents from Canada and brought our son to watch the game. Chase had so much fun during warmups. I could see him from every angle on the ice and it was a really special moment for me to have them all here tonight.”
“Daddy said my name!” Chase exclaims. “He mentioned you too, mommy.”
“Yeah he did,” she replies. “Keep watching, buddy.”
The first reporter asks another question. “Do you consider your roster spot safe after tonight?”
Ethan shakes his head. “I will keep fighting hard every single game and practice to keep my spot,” he explains. “I scored one goal tonight and blocked a couple of shots throughout the game but I don’t believe my spot is safe. I’m aware I could be sent down at any moment and I want to make sure that doesn’t happen. As long as I keep fighting and producing then I don’t see why I couldn’t be on this roster for all 82 games.”
She smiles at Ethan’s response. He’s told her so many times over the last few days that he’s worried about his roster spot. It sounds like he knows what he has to do to stay on the NHL roster.
“How was the locker room before the game?” another reporter asks. “Was it intense or were the boys ready?”
“Oh, the locker room was buzzing before the game,” he replies. “I mean, everyone was ready to start this season on a winning note, especially after getting knocked out in the first round last year. I came in and realized what kind of team I’m on this season and I’m ready to fight with them to get further into the playoffs and get the Cup.”
The reporters thank Ethan and it cuts to Nico’s part of the interview. She pauses the video and looks at Chase. He has a proud look on his face, like he’s showing how proud he is of his dad.
“Yes, Chasey?”
“Will daddy have an interview after every game?”
“I think it depends on what he does during the game,” she explains. “If he scores then he’ll most likely do an interview. If he has a good game then he might do an interview. I don’t think it’ll be after every game.”
Chase nods in response.
The sound of the door opening sounds behind them and they both look behind them. Tara and Lee walk in first. Ethan follows them in his game day suit. Chase is off the couch immediately as he goes to greet his dad.
She’s slower to approach them so the boys can have their moment. Tara and Lee say their good nights and go down to the extra bedroom. Ethan picks up Chase and hugs his son. “Did you have fun at the game, buddy?” he asks Chase.
“Yeah!” Chase giggles. “Thank you for the puck.”
“You’re very welcome,” he replies. “Let me say hi to your mom and we’ll go put you to bed. Can you go get ready for bed? We’ll be right in.”
Chase nods as he is put down. He scurries down the hallway and Ethan turns to his fiancée.
She smiles. “That goal was very sexy of you, E,” she tells him. “I’ve never found you hotter than when you scored in the NHL.”
“I have a bone to pick with you,” Ethan laughs. “I did not know that you guys were coming to the game. Of all days to surprise me at a game.”
As she drapes her arms around his neck, she says, “I was able to surprise both you and Chase. I wanted the game to be memorable for both of you.”
“It was,” he tells her. “I’ll never forget my first NHL game. It makes it so much more special since you and Chase were there.”
She smiles and surges up to press a lingering kiss to his lips. Ethan’s hands rest on her waist and he holds her there for a second. “We’re going to end up having another baby by the end of the season if you think me scoring goals is sexy,” he mumbles against her lips.
“It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world,” she tells him without breaking the kiss. “Having another little Edwards running around. Plus, I’ve always thought you scoring goals was sexy.”
Ethan laughs.
“Mommy!” Chase calls. “Daddy! Come put me to bed!”
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w2sology · 1 year
can you do a harry dating headcanon pls? thank you!
headcanons are my absolute fave form of writing honestly 🤭
me + you, harry lewis.
summary: what it's like to date harry!
warnings: language, that's about it!
Tumblr media
you guys have been together since you were quite young
probably around 16/17
honestly there could be different stories of how you two got together
harry was always outgoing, especially if it was just between you guys
he brought the energy out of you and it made you love him for all he was
having been together for such a long time, you definitely know almost all there is to know about each other
"she doesn't like tulips as much as she likes baby breaths, so maybe get some of those"
"hm, i don't know, harry's not too fond of buttons so maybe not that top"
introducing you to the boys was one of the most nerve racking things for harry
but he knew that if he loved you, then so would they
play fighting. no doubt.
it could start off with something like harry not giving you the tv remote
and from there it's just... full on wwe
but of course harry goes gentle snd trues not to hurt you
harry loves physical contact between you guys
like when you'd both be laying in bed under the sheets, he had to be touching you in some way
whether it was an arm around your body or his head on his chest, he'd be content with whatever
but there are sometimes where harry's insecure about his clinginess
he doesn't want to come off as too clingy or needy, but he wants to literally live in your skin
and you'd always welcome him with open arms, catering to his needs as well as you could
you two love to spoil the other, not even with just gifts, it could be something like affection, date nights, or something harry randomly came up with
having to deal with harry's random bursts of energy
also having to deal with broken chairs, controllers, and a whole lot more thanks to your boyfriend's game rage
having your own groupchat with the sidewomen and spilling all the goss and whatnot
harry wanting in on the goss
harry becoming one of the girls in the sense that he's always ready for whatever gossip you have for him
forehead kisses !!!! literally yours and harry's brand at this point
you hurt yourself? here have a forehead kiss. you had a good day at work? forehead kiss. you're looking pretty today? forehead kiss.
harry becoming visibly flustered whenever one of the boys mention you on camera
he goes all shy and smiley and shit
and everyone is in love with you two, they see how happy you make each other and honestly that's the most important thing
begging harry to get a pet but also having to school him on how to take care of one properly
baby feverrrrrrrr goes through the roof when you see how he is with olive
it's enough to make anyone's ovaries burst
"look at how tiny her feet are!─── why're you looking at me like that"
"we should have a baby"
going on the most random dates
one week could be the movies the next could be go karting
going on girls trips with his sister, leaving harry feeling betrayed and sad (he hates sharing you)
both of you are the duo that everyone hates to look after when drunk, you're either giggly or obnoxious, but the good type of obnoxious
"they're on their what, seventh drink?"
"ethan, they've been at it all night, that's not drink number seven"
"for fuck's sake, someone cut them off ─── harry! get down from the fucking counter???"
complimenting him no matter what and he never fails to blush
literally just having a good time. you're relationship is so fun.
him using you as a sofa/bed and literally flopping down on you
you never complaining too much because you do the same
bickering non stop but knowing where the line is so it doesn't become a full blown argument
wearing his clothes all. the. time.
"babe, have you seen my beige hoodie─── of course you have it"
accidentally being in the frame of his streams sometimes and his chat going wild
hugs from behind !!!! harry always snakes his arms around your stomach and pulls your back into his chest, he finds those times of hugs much nicer
hand holding is a must, even if just your pinkies are holding on to each other
harry being a little shit and teasing you all the time (both in that way and not in that way)
he has a folder in his camera roll full of pictures of you
never failing to express to each other how much you love each other
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httpsdana · 1 month
do you write for musiala? if so, can you do something like enemies to lovers, they are forced to spend time together because of mutual friends, but they constantly fight, secretly like each other<3 ty
Cupid in Bali~Jamal Musiala
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I might start putting pictures like these instead of the gifs cuz they're prettier. also first Jamal fic hope you enjoy <3 long fic ahead.
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers I write for
All these characters are made up and not real!!!
The Characters: Jason & Leah, Ethan & Serena, Tyler & Emma, Carlos & Abigail, and Jamal & y/n
"I'm on my way. are you done?" Leah said through the phone to y/n.
"I am, I'll be waiting for you" y/n replied, walking her suitcase into the elevator. Her bag was on her back and she was in some comfortable clothes for the very long trip ahead of them.
They were gonna be a group of 10, 5 girls and 5 boys. Funny thing is how all of them were in couples, except for y/n and Jamal. Of course people will say that they go along very well, which was the most inaccurate thing to be said about those two. They were basically enemies.
y/n exited the elevator, and stood outside waiting for her friend that was gonna take her to the airport. It only took 2 minutes for Leah to arrive, but not alone. She had her boyfriend, Jason, in the passenger seat, and Jamal...in the backseat.
y/n rolled her eyes, opening the rear of the car and placing her suitcase and bag there, then opening the backdoor, sitting next to Jamal.
"hey guys" she said as soon as she sat in her seat. Both Leah and Jason greeted her back, while Jamal just rolled his eyes and huffed.
y/n ignored his presence, while the drive to the airport was silent.
"Okay guys, so as you know we have a very long trip ahead of us. Our first stop will be in the United Arab Emirates. From there, we have to take another plane to Singapore. After landing in Singapore, we will stay in the same plane, and leave for Bali. About 7 hours between Germany and the Emirates, then 7 hours between the Emirates and Singapore, and about an hour and a half between Singapore and Bali" Tyler explained, while everyone listened.
It was going to be a very long trip. Everyone checked in and got in their seats. And lucky for y/n, her seat was on the window.
"you've got to be kidding me" y/n heard, so she looked up, seeing the guy she was planning on avoiding the whole trip so she can have a good time. Jamal.
"what is it now?" she rolled her eyes at him, only for him to sit down next to her.
"your seat is here?" she said, already knowing his answer. He huffed and nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. She let out a sigh, knowing it's gonna be a very long trip.
The first part of the trip was a bit quiet. Jamal didn't speak much and y/n was just watching a couple of movies she had. When she finished her movies, they still had about 20 minutes to land in the Emirates.
She was getting bored, and started moving a bit in her seat. Jamal, who has been trying to sleep, all the trip looked at her annoyed.
"Can you stop moving " he complained. She let out a sigh, sliding down in her seat
"I'm bored" she mumbled.
"now that you have nothing to do you're complaining? I've been trying to sleep for 6 hours but I didn't say a word." he rolled his eyes, before closing them and trying to fall asleep again.
"we land in a while I don't think it's a good time to sleep" y/n pointed out, making him sigh
"better than hearing your voice till we land" he said rudely. y/n was taken back a bit by his response, but only looked away from him and to the window, where the sun was setting in a beautiful way.
She ignored him for the rest of the time until they landed. After they landed, everyone got their bags and met each other.
Some got food, and others got coffee, until it was time to get on the plane again. Another 6 to 7 hours to Singapore. This time y/n was sat next to one of her friends, Abigail, where they talked for a bit then went to sleep as it was almost midnight.
When they landed in Bali, it was almost 4 am in the morning, meaning that they were going to sleep more before starting their vacation.
"I'm sorry y/n, but you're gonna have to share a room with Jamal" Tyler said, making y/n sigh. She knew that all the girls wanted to sleep with their boyfriends, but she thought that maybe one of them would sacrifice the sleep with her boyfriend so y/n wouldn't sleep in the same room with Jamal. I guess not.
She let out a sigh, nodding her head. She had no energy to argue with any of them, nor did she have the energy to stay standing. She just wanted some sleep.
Jamal noticed her tired figure, so he took their room key and helped her carry her bags.
"I'll take her to our room, good night everyone" Jamal said, before walking behind y/n with both of their bags.
Everyone looked at each other, confused by Jamal's nice behavior towards y/n, but they were secretly happy that the two might actually get over whatever problems were between them.
Meanwhile, Jamal and y/n had reached their room, and already got in. y/n was almost asleep while walking, unaware of whatever was happening.
"y/n? are you gonna change before sleeping?" Jamal asked her, while she was walking to one of the beds. She dropped on one of them already asleep.
Jamal let out a sigh, walking to her and taking off her shoes. She was wearing comfortable clothes, so he decided to let her be.
The next day arrived pretty quick as everyone was tired the previous night. The girls went shopping in the day, while the boys hung out together for a while. At night, they all decided to visit a club and party at the beach. At the end of the day, they were in Bali and every night was a party.
"Ready you guys? we are about to have the best first night in Bali!" Serena cheered, making all the girls cheer with her.
They were getting ready in Leah's room, and after they finished, they walked out all dolled up while their boys were waiting for them.
Each of the girls held the hand of her boyfriend, and started walking out of the hotel, leaving Jamal and y/n alone.
He looked her up and down, making her think he was going to comment about how she looks like always.
"you look nice" he said, taking her by surprise. She expected him to speak something mean, but he did the opposite.
"oh thanks" she mumbled, looking down at her sandals that suddenly seemed more interesting.
"well...we have to get going" Jamal said, putting his hand out for her. She looked at his hand suspiciously, making him sigh.
"let's just have a nice trip and not ruin it for anyone" he said, making her sigh but nod too.
"you're right. we should just get over our problems for our friends" She took his hand and walked behind the others, who already reached the party without them.
As soon as they stepped onto the beach where the party was, Jamal was pulled by Carlos who took him to where the boys were, leaving y/n alone. She pushed through the sweaty bodies, until she reached the bar where her friends stood.
"y/n, you took so long, we were just looking for you" Emma said, turning everyone's attention at her. She coughed awkwardly before speaking.
"um me and Jamal just talked for a bit" she said, looking away quickly.
"you two talked? about what exactly" Abigail asked, while everyone else looked at y/n waiting for an answer.
"nothing important, just that we should have fun on the trip" she shrugged, making the girls smile
"finally you two made up, it was about time" Leah said.
They ordered their drinks and started their own party. As the girls were dancing, y/n stood at the bar with her drink, just looking around the dance floor, until her eyes landed on Jamal, except he wasn't alone but with a girl next to him. They were talking and laughing seeming close.
For some reason her heart sank as she watched him laughing with another girl. A mix of jealousy and hurt clouded her thoughts. Despite their constant bickering, seeing him with someone else stirred unexpected emotions within her, making her feel a strange mix of emotions she couldn't quite understand.
She looked away immediately, afraid he might see her watching them and making fun of her. She turned to speak with one of her girls, only to see them all on the dance floor with their boyfriends.
She let out a sigh and turned to the bartender, refilling her drink. She took a huge sip, feeling herself loosen up a bit. Suddenly the music slowed down, and some people left the dance floor as couples started dancing in a slow dance.
y/n always felt lonely as a person who never had someone. But when she's with her friends they always made her feel included. However, this trip was different. The girls wanted to spend time with their boyfriends, and y/n could never blame them. They didn't have to cancel their plans, so she doesn't feel left out.
For some reason, her eyes drifted to where Jamal and that girl were, to see if they were dancing together or not. Instead, she didn't see them. Her eyes started scanning the place in panic, not seeing any of them anywhere.
"y/n" a voice from behind her startled her. She turned around to see Jamal standing there, his charming smile present on his face. He barely smiled at her as they're always arguing.
A small smile found y/n's face without noticing, as she saw the handsome boy standing in front of her.
"Jamal" she said in a low voice, feeling a relief wash over her.
"Would you like to dance with me?" his voice soft and a hint of nervousness in his eyes.
Y/n, touched by his shyness, smiled warmly and replied, "I'd love to dance with you, Jamal."
Jamal then extended his hand to y/n, leading her to the center of the dance floor with a gentle smile. Placing one hand on her waist and holding her other hand in his, they began to move gracefully to the music.
Their bodies swayed in harmony, creating a magical moment between them.
Their dance was delicate, each step was like a silent conversation between their hearts.
Jamal's touch was both reassuring and tender, guiding y/n with a sense of care and understanding.
As they moved across the dance floor, their bodies swayed in perfect harmony, lost in the enchanting melody that filled the air. The warmth of their embrace and the closeness of their dance spoke volumes, expressing more than words ever could.
It was a moment frozen in time, a dance of forgiveness, understanding, and newfound connection.
Their eye contact was intense. None of them daring to break it. As the dance was coming to an end, Jamal decided to speak up.
"I'm sorry for everything I've done and said for the past like 2 years. It was never my intention to make you hate me" he said in a gentle voice, making her smile
"it's okay. I've said some things too and I'm sorry about that. I just eneve understood why you hated me" she chuckled, making him shake his head
"i never hated you y/n. It just bothered me so much back then how you were close to everyone and we never talked. so i figured bickering and arguing with you would be the only way I can talk you because I really like you y/n and just wanted to talk to you in any way. And looking back at it now it wasn't the best way to approach you" he said laughing slightly making y/n laugh too
"obviously it wasn't. I just hope we can move past that because I like you too Jamal" she said, making him smile
"of course y/n. I wouldn't have asked for a dance if I didn't want us to start over" he said
She smiled back at him, leaning her head on his chest as they still swayed to the music. He pressed a small kiss on the top of her head, tightening his grip around her.
Their friends watched them from afar, realizing that their plan of getting them to make up has worked better than they thought it will.
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