#also weird to think that i am just. no longer a student now.
miodiodavinci · 29 days
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you done it
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usagikookiejams · 11 months
A/N: Hey peeps! Sorry for the long wait 👉🏻👈🏻 I was busy for quite some time due to the final examinations. I hope you guys don't mind me not updating for long. Okayy so here we go, enjoy!~
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Ryuguji Ken, Shiba Taiju, Sano Manjiro
⚠️Warning: curse words, aggressive behavior
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Ryuguji Ken (Draken)
Today was weird, Draken felt like everyone was avoiding you for some reason. He couldn't quite put a finger on it. The school bell rang indicating recess time, he walked through the corridor to go to your classroom and have recess together. However, once he walked by the toilet, he heard a conversation mentioning about you, hence he halted his movement. "Do you know that Y/N from Class 3-1 was a bully during elementary school?," "Ugh, no wonder she's in relationship with Draken, they must enjoyed bullying people together during their elementary," the conversation continued which most of the time were about you. Draken couldn't hold it any longer, he has knew you since the elementary! He knew how you were a timid kid, and instead, you were the one that were bullied! That was why he came to your rescue and protected you since then. He approached those students in the toilet, "Repeat that again. I want to decipher whatchu you mean by that... ." They all frozed in their spot, not knowing how to reply. "He! He was the one saying that!," one of them pointed out at a certain guy. Huh..? Draken knows him, he was the guy that confessed to you before and he also went to the same elementary school you both went to. Draken felt enraged and grabbed the said guy's collar. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that!," "As if! You literally throwing dirt on her name and now you are denying it!." Fast forward, Draken arrived at your class but with the man tailed behind him, "Kenny, why is he here?," you asked curiously. "This guy will confess his sin in front of the school gate after school, you will see why," Draken smirked. Glad to say by the time the school ended, the guy were kneeling in front of you while screaming how he made up those rumour as a revenge for your rejection. The next day, many students approached you to apologize for believing those lies.
Shiba Taiju
Taiju were currently relaxing in his office room. He has ordered one of his subordinate to grab him a drink at the coffee shop across the street. He was minding his own business when suddenly he heard those subordinates of his were chit-chatting at the garden. He happened to hear their conversation due to him currently sitting by the open big window in his office. "Y/N has made our boss becoming less powerful! I hate her! I joined Black Dragon as I admired our boss so much due to his power and strength! But it seems like our boss has become mellow once she came into the frame. How I wish I could broke them up so that we gotta have our old boss back!," the guy that was ordered by Taiju has voiced out his complaint to another subordinate. Without a warning, Taiju jumped from the window and luckily he didn't broke any bones considering that it was quite high. After landing, he threw a punch towards the guy's face. The impact was very shocking, as the guy broke some of his tooth and coughing blood in the process. "I asked you to get me a coffee! Not to badmouthed my girlfriend, asshole!," he kicked the guy in the stomach. The poor guy sworn on his life that he was joking. "Joking my ass! You fucking think I'm dumb huh?!," Taiju continued to punish him. "Drag this guy to the torture room, do as I said or you will become the next target!," Taiju ordered the other subordinate. By the next hour, you entered his office and you could see Taiju was smiling by himself. "Err scary! Why are you smiling like that when no one is around?," you asked him. Taiju walked over to you and hugged you, "Nothing babe. I am just glad that a pest was diposed! He was such an eyesore... ."
Sano Manjiro (Mikey)
Mikey was currently waiting for everyone at the Toman's meeting area. While waiting, he saw some of the Toman's members started to gather there. It seems like none of them noticed him as he waited near the big tree. Mikey started to hear mumblings from the group, so he started to eaves-dropped to their conversation. "Where is Y/N?," "I don't know, maybe she didn't feel like tagging along this meeting anymore," "Glad to hear that, she's no use. I don't know why Mikey let her participates in our meeting. It's not like she helps us fight too." Mikey started to see red, what the hell were they saying about you?! He got up from his position and walked over to the group, "I agree with you guys! Ugh... why would I ever let her in the meeting with us, right?." The group fell silent, most of them looked at Mikey horrified. "Hey, why are you guys not talking anymore? It's okay, just talk! Fill me in with the gossip you have," Mikey faux his smile. They remained silent, that is when Mikey felt like he couldn't take it anymore. He kicked one of them swiftly, making the guy thrown away quite far. The other guys were now begging for forgiveness, saying that they didn't mean what they said about you. Fast forward, you arrived at the meeting area with all of the other founder members of Toman. You ran to Mikey as you saw some of the members scattered on the ground, "What happened Mikey?! Did the enemy group attacked you guys?!." Mikey turned to look at you, "Hehe nothing happened babe! These guys wanna have a match with me so we did, but as you can see, I won!." You sighed and scolded him not to hurt his members anymore. Mikey just nodded his head and walk you along to the other founder members. Unfortunately, the next day, those guys that were found scattered on the ground were nowhere to be found, hmm you wonder why...
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songbirdseung · 23 days
photobooth / sim jaeyun
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synopsis: take a picture, it'll last longer
pairing: college students jake x reader, strangers, campus crush
warnings: none?? maybe college?? lol, lmk if i missed anything
wc: 1k
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Sitting outside, eating lunch with your friends in one of the park-like areas of your university was a common occurrence. But today was different. Today, you caught a glimpse of the new foreign exchange student from South Korea.
You were the friend who was always single, the one who constantly complained about being alone but never really ventured outside the house. You never made the effort to ask anyone out. Yet, something inside you compelled you to get up from your picnic blanket and approach the attractive stranger.
"Your soup is going to get cold, YN. What are you even looking at?" Yuna asked, trying to match your line of sight. Eventually, her eyes landed on the man sitting on a bench. "Oh, Jake. I see."
"Jake? You know him?" you asked. Yuna nodded and explained that he was in her science class. He was known to be a smart guy, originally from South Korea but also from Australia. You looked back at where Jake had been sitting, but the bench was now empty.
"Awh, is little baby YN finally falling for someone?" Sunghoon teased.
Ever since that day, you had a new endeavor: to find or at least catch a glimpse of Jake every day. Whenever you got out of class early, you would rush to Yuna's science class, knowing Jake would be there. Naturally, your friends teased you, calling you obsessive and a stalker. Unbeknownst to you, you weren't very discreet because Jake had definitely noticed your love-filled stares, thanks in part to his friend, Jay.
"Do you know her?" Jay asked one day while he and Jake were playing soccer with other people. Jay had noticed a girl sitting in the bleachers with her friend. That girl was you, and you had convinced Yuna to watch Jake practice.
"Don't forget about me when you start dating him," Yuna nudged you playfully.
"Oh, please. Like you didn't avoid me for a week when you started dating Sunghoon," you retorted with a grin. As you both playfully argued, Jake paused, took a good look at you, and shook his head at Jay.
"This is actually the first time I've seen her," Jake admitted.
A week later, there you were again at Jake's practice, but this time you were by yourself. Deep down, you knew you were being kind of creepy and weird, but having a crush makes you do the strangest things. Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t pay much attention to the game, simply spacing out until the very end of the practice. You snapped out of it only when Jake made his way towards you, his Aussie accent pulling you back to reality.
"Hey, space cadet!" Jake called out with a grin, snapping his fingers in front of your face.
Startled, you blinked and looked up at him. "Oh, hi. Sorry, I was just… thinking."
"Thinking, huh?" Jake laughed. "Must have been some deep thoughts. I'm Jake, by the way."
"Yeah, I know," you replied nervously. "I'm YN."
"Nice to officially meet you, YN," he said, extending his hand. After you shook it, he continued, "So, I’ve noticed you’ve been around a lot lately. Do you always come to watch soccer practice, or am I just that interesting?"
You blushed, trying to find the right words. "Well, um, maybe a bit of both?"
Jake chuckled. "Don’t worry, I’m just teasing. Jay told me you’ve got a bit of a crush on me."
You felt your face heat up even more. "He did, did he? That’s… embarrassing."
"Not really," Jake said with a smile. "It’s kind of cute, actually. So, tell me more about yourself. What’s your major?"
As you both started talking, the conversation flowed effortlessly. You found yourselves laughing and sharing stories, and it felt like an instant spark, as if you had known each other your whole lives.
"You know," Jake said after a while, "I feel like we’ve been friends forever. This is nice."
"Yeah," you agreed, smiling. "It really is."
Over the next few weeks, your friendship with Jake grew stronger. You found yourselves hanging out more often, whether it was grabbing coffee after classes, studying together in the library, or just chatting about life.
One afternoon, as you were both sitting under a large oak tree on campus, Jake turned to you with a smile. "So, YN, tell me something I don't know about you yet."
You thought for a moment, then grinned. "I can play the guitar. Not many people know that about me."
"Really? That's awesome!" Jake exclaimed. "You have to play for me sometime."
"Only if you promise not to laugh if I mess up," you said, nudging him playfully.
"I promise," Jake said, raising his hand as if taking an oath.
Another day, you both decided to go for a hike in the nearby hills. As you reached the top, the view took your breath away. Standing side by side, you both admired the scenery in comfortable silence.
"It's beautiful up here," you said softly.
"Yeah, it is," Jake replied, looking at you instead of the view. "Thanks for suggesting this."
"No problem," you said, feeling a warm blush rise to your cheeks. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
As the days turned into weeks, Jake became a constant presence in your life. One evening, after a particularly grueling study session, Jake looked at you and said, "You know, I really appreciate having you around. You make everything more fun."
"Thanks, Jake," you replied, smiling. "I feel the same way."
One night, while sitting on a bench after a late-night coffee run, Jake turned to you with a serious expression. "YN, I've been thinking… We've become really close, and I don't want to ruin our friendship, but I feel like there's something more here. Do you feel it too?"
Your heart raced as you met his gaze. "I do, Jake. I’ve felt it for a while now."
He smiled, reaching out to take your hand. "So, what do you say we give this a shot? See where it goes?"
You squeezed his hand gently, feeling a surge of happiness. "I'd like that a lot."
From that moment on, your relationship with Jake blossomed into something even more special. The bond you shared, built on a foundation of friendship, grew stronger with each passing day.
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WIBTA (idk if asshole is the right word or more creep idk) for keeping younger friends after high school?
Ok so I (F16) am autistic + struggle socially and my high school has like a unit to support people who are disabled or neurodivergent in some way, I spend most of my breaks and lunchtimes in the classrooms here and have been since I started here, and over that time I’ve made a lot of friends there but the issue is some of them are a few years younger than me
I’ve been friends with most of them for like 3 years now and I don’t think I specifically approached them or anything we just ended up meeting via spending time in the same place at lunch and made friends because we have similar interests/personalities, I didn’t see anything wrong with it but I’m starting to doubt that/I’ve seen people calling it weird (age gap friendships in general, not me specifically)
I have other friends outside of this group who are my age,both in school and who go to different schools, but then the group I mainly spend my lunches with is mostly people younger than me except my best friend S (f15, same year group in school though we just have like a few months apart) - started by me meeting my friend (m15, again same year just a few months) little sister let’s call her P (f14 + in the year group below me) and making pretty good friends with her and her best friend
It’s a British school so you start in y7 (age 11) and leave in y11 (age 16) so I’m leaving in a few months, friend group is me, S, P + her friend who are also in the year below me, 2 who are in year 9 and one who’s in year 8 (she’s 2010 I think and I’m 2008), let’s call her L
I know that sounds really weird and makes me sound like a creep but pretty much all of these I met when I myself was like 13 and they were 11/12, apart from L who started hanging out with P last year and sitting with us which caused me to make friends with her. For most of my time in school I haven’t seen a problem with this because they’re my friends and nothing more (I’ve been in love with someone for like 2 years now and she’s the same age as me soo) but I keep seeing like TikToks of people saying it makes you a pedo for having younger friends and i know it isn’t true but also I’m worried it’s creepy for me to have these friends even if it’s strictly platonic because idk I miss social cues a lot and I don’t know maybe having friends in a younger school year is weird
For the rest of school I’m just treating it as normal because I only have 3 months left, I’ve been friends with most of these mfs since 2021 and I’m not going to start being really distant to them now because that would be mean and they’re my friends who I care about but I feel like when I graduate it’s different and it’ll be weird for me to be friends with them as a college student when some of them will only be like year 9, we have a group chat and stuff but I feel like keeping touch with them would make me come off wrong but also cutting contact with them would be really mean
I’ve been bullied since I was in primary school I’m talking like year 3 and a lot of the people in my year group don’t like me even if I’ve basically never spoken to them (again this makes me come off wrong but it’s bc I’m “emo” aka im not emo I’m just quiet and somewhat alt and because I masked a lot less when we started hs so I was like. Harmless but weird/cringy 11 year old and even though I’ve changed a lot since then people still have that impression of me, i was also outed as bi in year 7 in a school full of homophobic people so there’s that) and so idk I feel like if people already don’t like me they’ll jump at anything to make me seem like I’m a bad person
Tl:dr I’m a 16 year old and my youngest friend is 13 but I feel like once I leave high school it’s no longer socially acceptable to have younger friends and that I’d be a creep to keep in contact, am I right That id be a creep for having young friends or am I just paranoid ?
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ticklygiggles · 8 months
Miya&Mia's Tickletober Day 20 - Cursed
Tighnari x Cyno
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A/N: the amount of times Cyno calls Tighnari 'Nari' in this one is ridiculous, but do I regret it? I certainly don't dkdkfkf This one also got longer than the others, so I hope you enjoooy iiitt
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"A curse?"
"Yes, something like that," Cyno said, smiling tenderly when Tighnari pressed a kiss to his forehead as he placed a cup of tea in front of him. “Thank you, Nari– some treasure hoarders disguised as Akademiya students were discovered stealing some ancient scrolls that no one has been able to decipher,” he explained, taking a quick sip of his tea as Tighnari sat beside him on the couch. 
“That is weird. To think the Akademiya would let something like that slide… but if they do not know what is written on the scrolls, why do you say you’ve been cursed?”
Cyno wrapped an arm around Tighnari’s shoulders, leaving the cup on the little table in front of them. “Well, apparently, the reason why these scrolls were well hidden was because anyone who is in contact with them, gets cursed."
"Did you touch them, Cyno?"
Cyno tensed up. Oh no, that was Tighnari's nagging tone.
"N-Nari, I didn't know they were cursed! They only said so when I had put them back! I promise!" 
Tighnari frowned. "And what kind of course is it?"
"W-Well, they don't know. They say it's something different each time. Some people forget who they are, some others fall into a deep sleep, s-some others lose their vision?"
Tighnari gasped and quickly got on his feet. "Are you crazy?! What are we going to do?! When is it going to happen?!"
"N-Nari!" Cyno took his hand, trying to pull him back to the couch. "They say the curse has an immediate effect, so whatever is going on, it's happening right now," he said, trying to calm his lover. "Also, the curse has a limited time! It depends on the person, they said, but most of the times, it goes away within a few days! I remember who I am, I am wide awake and I still have my vision, see?" 
Tighnari looked at him intently, his eyes lingering in the glowing purple of Cyno's vision. It was true that Cyno didn't feel extraordinarily strange. He was tired, but that was only natural after a long day of work and the butterflies fluttering inside his stomach were also common when seeing Tighnari. Everything was just as always.
Tighnari hummed, sitting back beside Cyno. “Well, you should tell me if you feel anything strange.”
Cyno smiled, nodding softly. “I will, Nari,” he said, leaning in to kiss Tighnari’s lips. The forest ranger kissed him back gladly; for a moment Cyno grew worried, would he pass the curse to Tighnari if they kissed? That’d be troublesome, indeed, but once he felt Tighnari’s breath fanning across his face, he couldn’t hold back. 
Cyno gently cupped Tighnari’s face and pulled apart from the kiss so he could tilt Tighnari’s head back and kiss his neck. Tighnari shivered and when Cyno kissed a sweet spot under his jaw, he giggled. 
“You knohow that spot tickles.” Cyno flinched heavily, pressing his body against Tighnari’s with a soft squeal. “Cy-Cyno? What’s wrong?”
Cyno blinked, pulling apart, looking at Tighnari’s face and then at his face. “Did you just… tickle me?”
Tighnari tilted his head to the side. “No? I said you tickled me- whoa!”
Cyno flinched again, jerking to the side and letting out a soft giggle as he felt something brushing against his side. He was certain Tighnari’s hands weren’t touching him. And when he quickly checked his side, there was nothing, not even a bug crawling up his skin. Was he imagining things?
“Are you okay, Cyno?” Tighnari sounded worried again and Cyno was quick to take his hands and kiss his fingers. "Is this about the curse?"
“I am okay, I just felt a little itchy on my side, that’s all. Did I scare you?” 
Tighnari hummed affirmatively, but soon was humming pleasantly as Cyno started to kiss his neck again. Tighnari smelled so good, Cyno wasn’t sure if it was his ointments and oils, but he smelled fresh and nice and-
“Cynoho, stohop doing that, it really tickles- again?!”
Cyno shrugged his shoulders, giggling when he felt a tickle under his ear, the exact spot where he was nuzzling his nose to smell Tighnari’s scent. Why was that happening? It seemed that every time Tighnari said that word Cyno would feel-
Oh no.
Tighnari gasped, “Cyno… do you have a tickling curse- ah, you do!”
Again, Cyno giggled, shivering when he felt something akin to fingers brushing down his spine. He had a tickling curse. How humiliating, of all things, it had to be a tickling curse? Really? He had to admit, though, this was better than losing your memories or your vision, but still… wasn’t it a bit too stupid? And was this triggered only when Tighnari said any variations of the word tickle? Would other people also trigger the curse if-
Cyno doubled over, laughing when an invisible hand clawed at his tummy. “Nahahari!” Cyno looked up at him with an arm around his middle. “Stohop saying that!”
Tighnari giggled, “so this is the curse? Perhaps the scrolls knew you didn’t have bad intentions?”
Cyno blushed, “that’s silly, Nari. Now, I think we should go to bed and rest for-
“Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle!”
Cyno threw his head back, laughing loudly, his hands clawing at his sides in an attempt to make the sensation go away. It felt like someone was squeezing up and down his flanks, but there wasn’t anything there, only the pure tickly sensation. 
“I think the scrolls knew you were very ticklish.”
“Nahahahari, plehehease! Dohohon’t say that word!”
Tighnari laughed. “Oh, I wish I had a Kamera right now, you look so cute. How does it feel to be tickled by actually nothing, Cyno?” Cyno couldn’t talk between his laughter as the tickling latched to his hips. He jerked and squirmed around the couch as Tighnari chuckled and giggled seeing his reactions. “Hey, if I say I want to tickle your ribs, does it work? Oh, it does.”
Cyno cackled, wrapping his arms around his ribcage, but the tickling spread from the lowest one to the highest, making him shiver and arch his back, the sensation unbearable. 
“Nahahahari! Dohohon’t be mehehean!” 
“I am not mean, maybe if we make use of the curse it will fade away sooner?” Probably because he was already overwhelmed by the tickling, Cyno thought that that wasn’t such a bad idea, but he could barely say anything as the tickling wrapped around each of his ribs, making him hiccup already. “Maybe, if it tickles more it’ll be faster!”
No, he was just being mean!
“Nahahari, don’t you da-
“Maybe some tickles under your arms will do the trick.”
“AHAHAHAHA! N-NAHAHARI!” Cyno clamped his arms to his sides, shrieking with laughter. Of course Tighnari had to get his worst spot, right? He soon became incapacitated by the tickles and could only throw his head back in hysterics. “NOHOHO!”
Tighnari chuckled seeing his lover laughing his head off. “Tell me, do you feel less ticklish?”
Cyno was howling, tears of laughter falling down the sides of his face. He certainly didn’t feel less ticklish, if anything, he felt even more ticklish the more Tighnari said the word. Oh, it seemed he was really going to die because of this curse. Dying of laughter wasn’t so bad, was it?
“Okay, I won't say the word. Stop now- oh it worked! Does the curse respond to my commands?” Tighnari said and Cyno collapsed on the couch, laughing still as the sensation stopped all at once, leaving him twitching at the residual tingles under his arms. “Are you okay there, Cyno?”
“N-Nahahari,” Cyno whined, trying to sit up. “Y-You are soho mehean,” he said before feeling Tighnari’s lips pressing against the tip of his nose. 
“And you are so cute,” he said, wrapping his arms around Cyno’s waist. “I am glad this was your curse, Cyno. I was really worried.”
Cyno huffed, wrapping his arms around Tighnari’s shoulders. His poor lover, he really had a bad time thinking that something terrible would happen to him, in that case, tickling was not all that bad. 
“I think you’ll have to stay here until the curse fades off,” Tighnari said and Cyno nodded. “I wouldn’t want anyone accidentally tickling my boyfriend.” Cyno started to giggle, feeling the tickling against his ears. “And seeing his cute smile as he gets the tickles on his hips.” Cyno nearly pushed Tighnari off him as the tickling kneaded at his hips. “Or his tummy?”
“Nahahahahari! Stahahahap!”
Oh, Tighnari was really going to kill him!
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usagichuu · 1 year
university!dan heng x reader headcanons
a/n: i uhhhh am back
genre and tags: fluff, modern au, some general headcanons but also an x reader storyline towards the end, first meeting type stuff, dan heng is chinese cus lol
reader: gn, uni student
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
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A history major, and one of those ones that can churn out 8 page essays so fast everyone wonders if he’s actually a computer in a human suit. He hops in and out of lectures so fast, his day moves like clockwork. For all his previous classmates care, he probably is.
Has the *absolute bare minimum* in his backpack: laptop. tablet. id. charger. a *singular mechanical pencil*.
+ Has been using the same mechanical pencil he’s been using since middle school.
Brings a thermos to school that he only ever fills with tea. Coffee makes him too buzzy and he’s not a fan of the smell.
Mutters under his breath to himself in frustrated Chinese when he’s stumped. Also whispers to himself in Chinese when doing mental math.
Because he’s always got either a book or his phone in one hand he does that *thing* where he unzips his zip up hoodies by biting down on the collar and tugging on the zipper with his hand. it gets him lots of stares, but he never notices, and if he does, is probably wondering what they’re looking at.
He ended up becoming your library crush. You went to borrow a charger from the library desk on a day he had a shift. You can’t say the library is your most favorite place on campus, but suddenly you started “forgetting” to charge your laptop overnight so you could have an excuse to see him again. He’s started to anticipate your arrival every day he’s on the job.
One day he isn’t the one at the desk when you arrive. You ask for a charger like always and the guy at the desk says they’re fresh out. That’s when you saw him, swooping in and handing you a charger before taking his spot behind the desk. “Sorry about that. late lecture. here.”
That particular day you spent a bit longer at the library than usual, so by the time you were leaving he was off the job. You hand the charger back, and the guy at the desk looks at you, frowning. “Is this your own charger?” You shake your head, confused. “This charger is a personal charger, it doesn’t have a library sticker on it. Where’d you find this?”
One day you’re doing some research in the library, and go to put one of the books you took back in its shelf. A hand reaches out from behind you as you’re about to slot it back in, gently taking it from you. Your hands meet - for just a moment - and you whip your head back around, startled. You think it may just be your memory going fuzzy now, but when you turn around to see him you swear his cheeks flushed pink for a moment. “Um. This is the wrong shelf.” He nodded, and then he was gone.
Weird. Now that you think of it, you’re pretty certain it was the right one.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
a/n: had fun w the last ones so i did another~~~ im happy to take requests rn actually for either dan heng or geppie 😎🙏 (cus im most familiar w them lol)
writing masterlist
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nfr-girly · 5 months
Little Hope - Bradley Bradshaw x reader (Part 3)
a/n: this one’s a little longer, not sure wether to make part 4 the last part or part 5, but hope you like it! x
part 1 part 2
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Hope had settled in nicely to pre-school. She had made a good amount of friends and Bradley’s nerves were completely gone upon seeing how happy she was.
Every now and then Bradley and Y/N would talk, usually either about Hope, or the Navy. Bradley cherished the few minutes they spent talking, as he knew he would never be able to go any further with them.
Y/N knew it was unprofessional to have a crush on a parent, she had tried to get over her little crush on him, but every time he walked in she could feel herself fall even more.
Your POV
As im sorting out my classroom, a few of my students, including Hope, colour as they wait for their parents. Today Hopes uncle, technically family friend, is picking her up today. So I didn’t glam up as much as I usually did..
“Mavvy!! Hope runs up to the man, who I assume is Maverick, and hugs him.
“Hey kiddo!! Listen you and me have got a fun day planned, me and Penny are gonna get you some ice cream, then we’ll take you to the beach. That sound good?”
“uhuh” she nodded
I walk over to maverick and shake his hand
“Hi I’m Hopes teacher, you must be Maverick?”
“Yeah well my real names Pete but thats my call sign, everyone calls me it. Nice to meet you” he says shaking my hand back.
“I’ll just go grab Hopes things for you!” I walk over to Hopes peg, before I hear some whispering
“Hey kid, is she the one your dad’s always talking about?”
I pause in my steps. The one your dads always talking about? He wasn’t talking about me? Right?
“Yep, daddy was right Miss L/N is very pretty. I think he has a crush on her.” Hope whispers that last part a lot quieter, but I still hear it.
“Well I think you need to start playing Cupid”
Hope gasps in excitement. Redness fills my cheeks as I try to comprehend the conversation I unintentionally eavesdropped in.
I realise I’ve been stood at the peg for way too long, and quickly grab her things and walk over.
“Here’s hopes things, are you doing anything nice this weekend?” I bend down to hopes height so she doesn’t have to look up.
“Yep, my dad and uncle mavvy are taking me to the beach, they’re going to play football.”
“Well that sounds like a lot of fun!”
“You know Y/N if you’d like you can come to watch! It’s mostly boys but there is a woman named natasha. I’m sure you guys would get along.”
“Yes please miss L/N please come!!” Hope jumps up and down in excitement
I pick myself back up and think. Would it be weird to go? I am Hopes teacher after all. But I suppose I couldn’t miss out on such a generous invitation.
“Okay sure! Which area of the beach is it? I’ll get an uber there” I ask
“Oh no we can pick you up. What’s your address?”
I gave him my address and we specified I meet them outside my apartment at 9.
“Thanks so much again for the invitation. I’ll see you then. Bye hope!” I wave at them as they walk towards their car. Did I make a mistake? Probably. Did I care? No.
The next day: Saturday
I’m deciding what to wear to the beach. I can’t put on much revealing. Hopes gonna be there, so will Bradley. I decide to go with shorts, and a short sleeve top.
I get a text from maverick that they’re outside. I can only assume Bradley’s there in the car with them. God what is he doesn’t know I’m coming? He’ll be so weirded out by me. What am I doing??
Bradley’s POV
Maverick comes to a stop next to an apartment building, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
“Hey why are we stopping?”
“To pick up miss L/N” Hope yells out before Pete can get a word in. But my heart stops.
What did she mean we’re here to pick up Y/N?
“Wait what? Pete what’s she talking about?” I started to get annoyed, but also worried. Pete knew about my stupid crush on Y/N. I didn’t think he’d do something about it though.
“Listen, you and me both know you aren’t gonna do shit about your feelings for that girl. So me and Hope decided to invite her to the game. She’s only watching and on the plus side she could watch Hope.”
“What and you didn’t even ask me first?” I ask, starting to get frustrated
“You can act mad, but are you gonna pretend that you aren’t thrilled about actually being able to talk to her for more than 5 seconds?”
Despite my frustration. That shut me up quick.
“She’s here!!” I hear Hope squeal out. I turn my head to the right and see her. Oh my god..
“I’ll go help her with her bags” Pete says before getting out.
I would protest to do it myself, but I’m caught in a trance and I can’t get out. Was it possible for any woman to be that beautiful?
She had decided to wear shorts with a top. Did she know how cute she looked? I snap out of my trance when I realise she has just gotten into the car.
I turn my head to look at her and she looked at me. No words were spoke yet we said so much. She smiled at me before smiling at hope
“Hello Hope how are you doing?” She asked
“I’m okay, you look really pretty miss L/N”
“Aw thank you very much, you look pretty too, I love your bow”
Hope giggled and y/n smiled and then turned to me
“Hey Bradley, how are you?” She asked
I take a moment to conjure up my thoughts, not processing what she had just asked me, being too fixated on her
“Oh uh- yeah sorry I’m great thanks, y-you look great by the way” I immediately regret asking that and internally slapped myself
Her cheeks go red for a moment before responding
“Oh- thank you um, you don’t look too bad yourself” she smiles, suddenly becoming shy
“Okay we ready to hit the road?” Pete asks putting his seatbelt on
We all nod and he starts driving. God. What am I going to do?
taglist 👇
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miradelletarot · 8 days
Sad brain hours are stupid
Personal post alert. Just me kinda mumbling my random sad brain thoughts into the void, and hope something make sense (or at least helps me get this shit out of my head idk).
*note: this is all over the fucking place so...sorry.* My confidence is pretty low lately. I mean, it always has been honestly. I was raised to have a low self-esteem (just like my mother, who also had self-esteem issues, and projected a lot of her shit onto me). So, I have never ever really been confident. In my marriage, I can't recall a time when my husband truly made me feel sexy/desirable (unless he wanted something from me...you know what I'm talking about). Even mentally and emotionally, I'm really not that smart. I'm not witty, or quick, or brilliant in any way, and my anxiety and depression and ADHD make shit hard enough to cope with as it is. I struggled in school. Mostly an A & B student, but I had to bust my ass for those grades. Not to mention my horrible memory...I'm lucky I know basic grade school shit. I have no illusions that there is anything remotely spectacular about me. I think that's why I love supporting and helping others. Especially with tarot. It's my way of trying to help lift people up, and make them feel good about themselves, and their prospects because *someone* needs to be in your corner (general "you"). It's just easier to give my love to others, because I'd rather use my energy to celebrate the people I care about. Lately, I am really just feeling so down about my body. More than I have in a while. I think I've ignored it for so long because I was married. He stopped putting in effort and so did I. I had no one to impress anymore. But, despite him completely letting himself go (he's well over 400lbs now, and does NOT take care of himself in the slightest,) he said he was no longer attracted to me. (this will make sense in a moment...promise).
in 2018, I had a weird ass health scare that landed me in the hospital for a week, and the nurse said I nearly died of sepsis. Her words were (and I'll never fucking forget it...) "if you had waited even until tonight to come to the ER, there's a good chance you wouldn't have made it." Drs still dunno what the fuck happened to me. Ever since that happened, my thyroid went stupid (thanks again, MOTHER...) and I gained a ton of weight. I have always been on the heavier side (180lbs when I got married 16 yrs ago. I'm 5 ft tall for context). Now, I'm 243 lbs. I was 265, but I lost a lot of that stress weight after I left my husband. So, that's certainly something.
But...I just don't see the improvement. i don't feel any better. I have such a horrible relationship with exercise, and i am working so fucking much I don't even want to even though I know I should. I hate wearing makeup b/c of how it makes my face feel, and in the Florida, soul-sucking heat? I could never. But, I still have breakouts like a fucking teenager going through puberty. and my hair? fuck. i hate it. it's a poofy, frizzy mop. ALSO...fucking hell. I have had a slight lisp since i was a kid. I worked really hard to correct it b/c i was in choir and shit and my music teacher helped me with it, but recently i find that it's a lot more prominent than it used to be, and it sticks out to me SO fucking much, and i feel so insecure about it lately.
It's time's like these when something my ex said to me before i left really sticks in my head (he apologized for saying this btw, but it doesn't make the pain go away). He said "you'll never find anyone as good as me." I really want to believe he's wrong, but sometimes? It feels like he's right. Like I'll never be pretty or thin enough to be desirable to anyone. Too much depression and anxiety. Too weird. Too vulgar. Just...Too much, and oddly not enough at the same time. Even though it's only been 6 months since I left him I am fucking lonely. I won't lie, I miss having a partner (and all that entails). I'm so afraid I'll be alone forever. If I lower my standards, I'll just get some shitty asshole again. Someone just like my ex. I'm too fucking old to date around like I'm in my 20s. I'm pushing 40. I'm either going to find the man of my dreams (the Gale of my heart, a real one lol) or I'll be forever alone.
I'm in hell...and it looks like a pixelated paradise.
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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— main HYBRID masterlist
SUMMARY: it was dark out and you were walking somewhere creepy. you were worried about possibly getting cat-called (🥁) at night. you felt someone walking behind, you start to walk faster but the footsteps only got faster. suddenly, you bumped into someone. it was none other than park jongseong…your classmate who everyone dubbed was weird.
warnings: idk if there is any? it's tamed but jay does kiss your forehead. you'll get the context if you read it :D
word count: 509 words (short i know, the later episodes will be longer. i promise)
NOTE: sorry this took a while to write. semester 2 (school) just started and already have panic bc there are projects due in 2-3 weeks time. i will stress this again, life as a designing student👍
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normally you’d be smart enough to not go home late at night after finishing your studies but tonight was different. you fell asleep whilst studying and the next time you ever woke up, the librarian was tapping at your shoulder and forcing you to get out.
it was late, she probably just wanted to go home hence she was extra grouchy. you couldn’t really complain.
1:07 AM
the watch stated. you gripped onto your books and slung your bag over your shoulder. your way home felt pretty calming. well…that is until you could hear footsteps just after yours.
someone was following you home…
a stalker? a creepy drunk dude?
you only hoped that he wasn’t going to possibly murder you. so you quickened your steps but the person seem to only match your speed. your heart pounding on out of your chest. silently you prayed that you wouldn’t appear in the next unsolved murder case.
you groaned when you realised you bumped into someone. someone’s hard…manly chest. your eyes widened as you realise who’s jacket it was. it was a jacket that anyone would know of since only he wore it.
park jongseong
jongseong looks back, a clear glint in his eyes. he could easily tell some mugger was trying to get your valuables. he looks down at you and slightly bends forward to whisper
“play along, little one.”
it gets your heart pounding even more. jongseong wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer.
“where were you? you got me so worried, princess.” he kisses your forehead.
oh he is pulling the boyfriend card to trick the person
“sorry, I just lost track of time and also fell asleep in the library.”
jongseong nods. suddenly, you hear the sound of someone running towards you. he pushes you behind him and you watch as cat like claws appear. you were shocked. you quickly looked up at him and noticed how his eyes (which were previously black and were now yellow) were glowing in the dark. a small fang sticking out of his mouth, they weren't there before. well you think so, you just didn't really notice it.
he hisses before lunging at the person. you could hear the person yelling, he scrambles out of jay's grasp as the boy scratches him with his sharp claws and quickly runs away. jay's hat falls off, it reveals his black cat ears. it twitches as it is being exposed to the cool air.
jay turns to look at you. he watches as you back up the more he walks closer. his claws retract.
"let me walk you home. it's dark out and there will be plenty more creeps like that guy." you nod slowly, afraid that if you reject, he might just scratch you.
finally you noticed his black tail swishing, it was long and a little fluffy. which was comedically a contrast to how he was. it made him look more cuter(?). you were simply stunned.
park jongseong was not weird, he was just a hybrid.
a cat hybrid
taglist[open]: @nyfwyeonjun @luvkait @hello-stranger24
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
It's fascinating to me to encounter people on the internet who choose explicitly not to say what their pronouns are.
To be clear, I respect your decision and applaud the firmness of your stance. I think that overall there should be less personal information on the internet and restricting pronouns is simply another step on the way to taking back internet privacy. The thing is, I have spent enough time, effort, money, and grief on the project that is myself that I am having difficulty grokking the desire not to have one's gender be known at all. I am totally disarmed by the attitude, and I attribute this entirely to my own experience growing up on the internet. I can no longer abide resigning myself to the perceived genericized maleness of the average internet user. I deliberately make my pronouns available I go on the internet, and I correct people in conversation when appropriate.
This is because, in my past experience (middle 2000s ongoing), if one did not have clear gender they got the masculine pronouns. Assigned Male By Forum Users wasn't just the default, it was the practice, the de facto, the un-inspected habit of the english speaking internet user. There Are No Girls On The Internet was then and to a degree still is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Even though it was obviously never the case, and that women have always been on the internet, sometimes it is easier to just go along with the flow to avoid the inevitable misogyny.
Keep it up, you funky little internet person. I like your horse comix! They are good.
Haha, I totally get it! When you work so hard on yourself, you want to make sure people see it right. I'm all for pronouns being readily available and stuff.
That being said, I like keeping em a secret for a couple reasons! They'll come out eventually, obviously, I'm a film student with a job and eventually someone from online is gonna meet me in-person and I'll be happy to let them know then and when I (IDEALLY) have a career that'll be public knowledge. I've got a perfectly good gender I'm very happy and comfortable with. For now, tho, since I've seen it a million times with artists online that i really love, I've found out that people tend to weaponize your gender/pronouns a lot. No matter what they are, too! I think I just get less weird comments and mail by just keepin' that shit a secret. Folks don't gotta know cuz it aint really that important. I like being able to speak online and not having one trillion internet strangers who think they know me because of some words in my bio cross-examine me every time I talk.
Also, it's fun! I've had people think I'm a cis girl, a trans guy, a trans girl, a cis guy, a nonbinary no-gender something or other, a neopronoun user, genderfluid...basically everything under the sun! And I think it's fun to see how people perceive me since I don't think you get that option a lot. It's honestly really fun to know that my online presence doesn't have any...like, gender coding to it, if that makes any sense? Because I've seen NO consistency in the guesses and I find that incredibly entertaining. Even some people who've known me for years passively online still use the incorrect pronouns cuz I've never clarified and I think that's just silly and fun. I'm glad to know that I'm very much not explicitly in any sort of "box" with the way I present myself, because I think gender is kinda silly in the first place.
So, uh, yeah! That's mostly my reasoning for not clarifying anywhere, hehe. :3c
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takeariskao3 · 11 months
idk guys things are just weird
this is going to be a very chaotic and disorganized Personal Post (sorry in advance)
i know this is silly and i don't owe anyone anything, but i genuinely feel so sad that i don't have anything to contribute or post today on harry's birthday.
something is up with my writing and i can't quite put my finger on it.. harry and ginny are being...very soft and not in a way that is in-character or plot driven. things are just off. all my plans i have in my head are literally flying out the window everytime i sit down to write and i don't trust if it is the right decision for the story or just some weird mood i'm in that's manifesting in a really out of character tone on the page.
i suppose it could be a couple different things. i haven't met with my therapist in two weeks so my brain could just be overloaded with other crap that i need to process and or decompress before my writing thoughts feel organized again.
my husband has been massively stressed out because of many different things going on in his life separate from our family and so i've been going a little over the top trying to be there for him.
our daughter hasn't been sleeping all that well and she's been fighting a virus/cold for going on about two weeks that i think we are finally on the tail end of.
work for me is bleh. i don't enjoy what i'm doing right now. we are in one of those cycles that is all reporting and data entry and retention analysis and its so boring and just not at all what fulfills me from this position. however in the same vein, the semester is right around the corner so it's also the last push to make sure everything is ready to go for when students return to campus.
i killed a spider today which is like a very big deal for me. i am deathly afraid of spiders and my good friends can attest that when confronted with one i dissolve into a lot of screaming and sweating and general panic. so i def think i am experiencing the aftermath of an adrenaline rush even though that was like five hours ago.
all of this is to say, i think i need a break from wips. specifically already gone and the entire the path from you universe. i feel like this past month has just been me forcing something that doesn't need to be forced. i think if i take a step back from both stories, and quit putting so much pressure on myself, my head will clear and things will start falling into place.
this week is @corneliaavenue-ao3's ficfest! and i hope this will be a really good way to bring to life some of these soft moments that keep trying to knock down the door and also keep me in the habit of writing. i don't want to put a timeline on it and somehow set an expectation for myself or anyone else but i'm guessing you can expect a two/three week longer hiatus for those two stories, and you can probably expect a fair amount of random one shots and/or drabbles from me in the meantime.
i'm sorry if this is disappointing, i can promise it is just as disappointing for me. i miss having a clear head and the words flowing effortlessly. i hope someday i get that back, but for now, i'm going to hope a little time away from those plots helps settle the static that lives inside my head.
as always, thanks for reading and understanding <3
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vickozone · 7 months
The Magnus Archives
-S5 Notes-
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<- previous notes
Handwriting translated below:
#161 old memories, tape that Gertrude should have gave them, Jon says “I love you”, they don’t need to eat to live
#162 Gertrude and Gerry bonding, Tim and Sasha talking about a very relevant subject and Jon and Martin are leaving the safe house.
#164 Gross statement about an infection in a town and Helen talking to Jon and Martin like a proud aunt is beautiful. “I knew you crazy kids would make it work!”
#165 “Ceaseless Watcher, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing.” The Stranger statement. Not!Sasha messed up!!
#166 Martin suddenly is on a murder episode and a dude turned into a worm. Helen says “Slay!”
#167 “Yes, Martin, you are my reason.” Sweet bonding and why Gertrude didn’t have anymore assists.
#168 “I’m not going to kill a man just because you’re jealous!” “Why not?” Oh, Martin. Oliver Banks shall live another day and we are crossing The End domain
#169 Let’s willingly run into a burning building, disregarding your boyfriend and getting revenge together! Jude is now dead and Martin was just struggling in the background. He chose revenge over his boyfriend. Interesting. “We’re burning!”
#170 “I’m Martin Blackwood, and I am not lonely anymore!” “Oh… Hello!”
#171 No way I just spent 23 minutes listening to Jon talk about skin flowers in a botanical garden. “That your boyfriend?” “It is, actually.” “Oh.”
#172 Creepy theatre show that made me genuinely uncomfortable with The Web
#173 Where do you think all of the children went? That’s right! The Dark with Callum! Yay!
#174 Simon calling Jon killing him “rude” is hilarious and immediately dipping is iconic. Weird Vast domain with big explosions. Helen loves some good gossip.
#175 The Extinction items, hate for umbrellas, and Martin’s squelchy couch. We’re going to The Hunt next. Oh no.
#176 Adoptive uncle Trevor and Julia are dead. AWESOME HUNT STATEMENT! And we got Basira! :D
#177 ‘Dr. David’ Jon is so hot. This episode has so many trigger warnings. Helen is so silly. Basira is rad, staying with her boys. Won’t let them have a moment tho
#178 More Flesh. Gross processing line and Jon admits that the thing that traumatized him the most was Daisy going to kill him in the woods. Poor babies.
#179 Daisy is shot and killed. Basira is on her own and I have a reason to give Jon a cane.
#180 I have never felt more serene in my life. I can’t even describe it. I was smiling, giggling, and everything feels okay. Salesa and Annabelle are here and I love Salesa’s voice and HE CAN PLAY THE PIANO! Teaholding fluff, om nom nom, this episode is one of my favorites. The I-Spy game <3
#181 They decide to stay at Upton House for a bit longer before leaving. Jon feels his powers again and forgets the whole experience of ignorance. Pity. Seemed like a nice place. I like Salesa.
#182 Anatomy Class student hospital and Breekon asks Jon to kill him. I feel bad for him. :(
#183 “I’m sure I love you.” “I love you too.” THEY SAID IT!! Helen was concerned for them. She’s like a wine aunt who acts motherly to them. Also, Martin’s domain…
#184 Jon made Jordan an entity. That’s a lotta ants! Jon is just… so complicated.
#185 Ouch. Police brutality and wrongful imprisonment are rough subjects. That guy pleading out to Martin HURT. Martin is… somewhere at the end. Alone again, oh, Jonny, I feel horrible.
#186 Martin went from being a joke in Jon’s anger to being one of the most well-developed characters. He is either going to kill himself of Jon. Martin legit talks to himself. Statement made me cry. This better end with them being happy together.
#187 HELEN! D: Aw, man… I liked her. That poor woman. Calm down, Jon! Helen was their friend till the end. Dang it, that was a nail-biter.
#188 We’re in London now! Eyes, man. They’re everywhere. We grieve for Helen a bit. Did I mention EYES?
#189 MEL AND GEORGIE! OMG! They… made a cult and can hide from The Eye. Great.
#190 Fresh take on modern dating! Antichrist plus one! Archivist mocks poems, beloved pet turned monster, and a blind prophet
#191 Jon sleeps with his eyes open. Georgie wants to avenge her cat (I think I’ve seen this film before), mystery can, and Jon and Martin discuss death. Sobbing atm.
#192 Rosie is literally just going with the flow. It’s weird to see someone else’s perspective on things. Jonah’s incantation is awesome and gosh, I love Martin
#193 Elias 'high as a kite' Bouchard’s origins. Jonah’s distorted voice is hot.
#194 THEY HAD AN ARGUMENT D: After a gruesome metamorphosis statement, Jon tried to find Martin to apologize only to find he was taken to HILL TOP FREAKIN ROAD
#195 Just Basira and Jon, catching up and trudging through water. Omg. The Mr. Spider tape.
#196 Earth shattering rip-in-space time crap. Annabelle is wicked cool. Martin keeps getting sucked into things AND THE TAPES!! ASDFEKGLZMV
#198 If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you too? Ew, bones reforming. Chill ep. Silly.
#199 Group agrees on plan after ten minute discussion. Martin consulting Jon while he cries in his arms HURT!! Also, Mel thanks Jon. This is going to end horribly, isn’t it?
#200 Statement ends.
Crying tally: |||| |||| (I cried ten [10] times listening to this stupid podcast)
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heartkyeom · 1 year
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grad student!seokmin headcanon
word count: 742
notes: hi, long time no see! I don’t know what this is tbh, my writing has been quite stalled lately but this has been sitting in my drafts so I figured I would finish and post it, I hope you like it. happy new year and I hope you’re taking care of yourself 💗 also sorry for the duplicate line under the read more!! tumblr hates me so it won’t let me fix it
taglist: @weakforsvt @junhui-recs @rasparagus @just-here-to-read-01 @baekhyunstruly
grad student!seokmin walks you home after your shared lecture that always runs late. He always grumbled that your professor should be aware of the time, and you always agree wholeheartedly. You insist that you can walk by yourself, but he doesn’t mind, and you secretly enjoy his company. You both keep each other accountable for thesis deadlines and you’re definitely the closest to each other out of your cohort. Even when you cry on his shoulder about your research feeling unorganized or meaningless, he’s making sure you remember why the work you do is important. In return, you text him not to stay up until 5 am writing like usual. After you both finish your final presentations on the final day of the semester, he walks you home one last time.
“But still, thank you, I really appreciate it,” You smile at him, but you’re not sure you can capture the gravity of your feelings.
“But still, thank you, I really appreciate it,” You smile at him, but you’re not sure you can capture the gravity of your feelings.
The silence is quite intense, you’ve never been this awkward around him before. Both of you are typically able to keep conversation better than this, but you internally grasp for anything that could make him stay a bit longer.
“It’ll be weird not seeing you every few days,” You admit. He turns his head away for a moment, looking slightly reminiscent of the past few months already.
“Same, I’m gonna miss it. We can still hang out though!” He exclaims sweetly.
You knew it wouldn’t be the same, though. You could spend time with him anywhere, but these night walks were a different kind of intimacy that you didn’t think you could replicate with anyone else.
You were already used to the way he laughed slightly too loud at all your jokes, the way he smiled so bright that it reached his eyes, and the way he always waited for you to enter your building before walking away.
His kindness had all built up to feelings that were more than platonic. Now, it was just a matter of if you could confess to him or not.
“Of course, but I have to be honest,” You clear your throat and he stiffens slightly.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’ll miss you because I like you,” You sigh too loud at your own words before continuing, “and letting the semester end without saying anything would make me realize how much I like you. Then, I’d have to wait even longer to tell you.”
He blinks at you, but you notice he’s blushing. You’ve fucked it up, you don’t know why you couldn’t have just bit back your crush like most people could.
Yet, you knew you’d regret it if you didn’t tell him. You prepare for the worst as you watch him approach you, your faces only a few inches apart. He holds your hands in his own.
“I like you too, I just wasn’t sure how to say it yet,” He almost mumbles as he looks down at your hands.
“But, I’m glad you found the courage to tell me,” He finally makes eye contact with you and your heart could nearly burst from how sweet he looks.
“You’re cute,” you giggle. He brings his face closer to yours and it makes you laugh even harder.
“Kiss me and I’ll be even cuter,” He replies. You take the command and connect your lips to his, you can barely comprehend how good it feels. You feel his hands on your face and it draws you into his orbit even further.
You’re almost gasping for air by the time you pull away from him.
Silence lingers between the two of you, and you decide in that moment that you can’t let him get away, not this time.
“Do you want to come upstairs?” You ask quietly, your heart is in your throat but you can’t help but press your luck one last time.
He turns his head away from you for a moment, but you can see the brilliant smile that spreads across his cheeks.
He faces you again and you can hear his excitement before he speaks a single word.
“I would love to.”
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silent-sanctum · 2 years
Entries from the Sidelines - Jotaro x Reader
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Synopsis: A series of journal entries from a random student that is simping over you, not knowing that you were no longer free to date thanks to one menacing delinquent.
November 14, 1988
You won’t understand it at first but there are 2 things that are currently taking over my life right now.
The first one is weird and that’s me being able to see… ghosts? Demons? Spirits? I don’t know but I see them sometimes on a few people and they can do stuff. And then there’s my ghost.
Yeah. Yeah, I have my own personal ghost and I’m not sure if me having one is wackier or others having one is. Though gotta say my ghost is pretty lame and useless compared to the rest. It’s just some sort of magical keychain that doesn’t do anything but transform into ordinary stationary.
But enough of that, there’s still the second thing.
I have a crush. Like a massive crush on this girl who’s my classmate and former groupmate that one time.
Her name’s Y/N L/N and she’s one of the most talked about students around school and for multiple reasons.
Where do I begin about her? She’s really pretty and majority of the guys thinks so too. She does well in her studies. She’s friendly and welcoming. And I’ve heard she can sing too! I wish I could hear what she sounded like.
There must be something she had done for those 50 days of absence last year for her to improve this much compared to when I first saw her.
Talk about her absence was the gossip of the school, together with that scary delinquent who also was absent for 50 days. Many speculated they sort of cut classes together but I believe those were just rumors jealous girls made up so they wouldn’t think of that student as anything but single.
Though honestly seeing a guy and girl absent for the same number of days does seem suspicious, so I don’t blame them.
I should start connecting with her sometime soon, get that social points you know? And maybe by February or March, I’ll be able to confess my feelings to her.
Wish me luck!
December 14, 1988
Oh my god I actually managed to talk to her for the first time since our group project.
I intended to start as soon as possible and so I waited for the perfect time to approach her, and by appropriate time, I meant sometime around our snack or lunch break, or if I’m lucky, I’d be able to finish club activities and meet with her after classes.
So let me tell you how our conversation went.
After I mustered enough courage, I sought her out on one eventful snack break. Evaluating my performance, I did a pretty crappy job.
I stuttered a lot, my cheeks were fuming like crazy, and I couldn’t hold eye contact for more than 5 seconds. Fortunately for me, she was super understanding of my incapability to speak straight and that just made me even fall harder for her.
For that past hour, she picked up all of what I wanted to say through my broken sentences and even I was looking like a complete and utter fool, she wasn’t fazed by it at all and she even smiled at my goofiness. SMILED. Can you believe that?!
What a win, am I right? Well, here’s a bigger win: She can see my ghost thingy!
She called it a “Stand”? For some reason? But she was surprised that I had one, I asked why, and holy crap, she had one too! It was way cooler than mine- indestructible fabrics that she can shoot out or shield her body with.
A double win for me that day!
So, after that break, I was determined to maintain this friendly rapport we had so I urged myself to tell her If it was alright if we kept meeting up like this, and she said it was fine! I am making progress with her in no time. When she wasn’t too busy, we would meet up often on snack breaks and the seldom after-hours period.
Though I gotta say, after every meet-up we had, I always felt like someone was glaring at me from the shadows, but at the same time, it could just be my usual anxiety trying to distract me.
I offered to meet her up during lunch time, since I’ve heard it was a recommended time for people to bond, but she kept refusing the offer and said she was meeting with someone else during that time.
Honestly?... Made me a bit insecure because it could imply that she was meeting with another man, but I forced those thoughts out the drain and came with the rational thought that it was probably with a group of female students. She was a social butterfly after all.
By the time I’m writing this, I have attained “friend” status with her and I consider that win for me, since it was better than staying in the level of “groupmate” or “acquaintance”.
I’m seeing hope for this! Perhaps I’ll achieve that “boy” before the “friend” by March!
January 14, 1989
Valentine’s day is on the next month and the status of “close friend” seems to be in my favor.
I say that but I noticed how every other guy in school approached her even if it was for a minute or 2. I have a hunch they were thinking the same thing too. She was as accommodating as she was with me when we first met that day, but I swear I could see the slight discomfort in her body language when engaging with them.
That discomfort wasn’t present whenever she was with me.
Ha! Good thing I started early! Serves them right for picking on me for being a nerd.
I kept up with our regular meet-ups and I’d say progress with her is going better than expected! She began sharing random trivia facts about herself and I said mine in return and she smiles more too! Yes, all according to plan.
But something came up when I stepped into school for the first time this year.
I had to be extra early for a school project and so by being early, I get to see most of the students arrive to school, including her.
Here’s the thing.
Remember when I said every guy approached her at least once to try and get into her good side? I meant that literally and they were all either the good-looking ones or the troublemakers who always picked on me. However, there was the one student who didn’t bother trying to get close to her.
That very tall, tough-looking delinquent with the ripped hat and golden chain who looks like he could snap anyone’s back anytime with no problem.
He was pretty much the delinquent of delinquents because every other bad student with an attitude who ever crossed his path physically cowered and turned away as if they didn’t want to be in a fight with him.
And because of his infamous nature, of course every female student would congregate around his presence, squabbling for his attention like seagulls.
All except for her.
And it felt like a heavy weight doubled with another weight were lifted off my chest knowing the school’s darling and infamous bad boy weren’t interested in each other.
But going back to that early period before classes bit, she arrived minutes after I did and the second she stepped into the building, all the guys began quietly murmuring to themselves about her, how they’re totally gonna receive sweets on Valentine’s from her. To which I rolled my eyes at.
Then after another few minutes passed, the loud noise of girls from a distance was an enough of a tell that that delinquent arrived as well.
She was standing by the lockers that time, fixing her stuff as he walked by with his flock of fangirls behind him.
And then this happened- A single strip of her Stand’s fabric shot out from her side, and then at the same time, a muscular purple arm manifested out of the delinquent’s back to reach forward and gently grasp the fabric that wrapped itself around the hand.  
The heck? That guy’s got a Stand too?! A cool one at that?! And it’s holding her Stand??!
It was brief but it was strange. What’s stranger is that when that happened, she was smiling with pink on her cheeks the same time that guy tipped his hat over his face. And then they went on their merry way as usual.
Had to up my ante after that happened. Gotta say… she hasn’t noticed my growing insecurities and she’s still pretty close to me.
Like my parents said, as long as I believe in my goals, it’s bound to happen!
February 14, 1989
The day arrived! And even if I admittedly think I did pretty poor job in establishing a bond with her, the events of what had happened turned out quite great actually!
So let me tell you.
When snack break happened, all the girls began their move and started giving out chocolates. Some of my classmates got one, others who are kind of in my level didn’t get any (to which I call foul), the bullies got at least one too though I think they threatened a girl to get it, the male faculty got some appreciative chocolates…
And then there’s the egregious number of candies being given to that delinquent. I’m talking about a full circle of girls either placing their chocolates on his desk or in his locker that came with sticky notes of love.
Just to double check, I kept an eye on both his desk and locker if she did the same as they did. Creepy I know but… at least I’m not actively stalking anyone. Just on watch-out.
And good news! When she began distributing a piece of chocolate to the boys she acquainted with around school, she didn’t leave one at any of his belongings.
When she found me that time, let me tell you she gave me… a small pouch of chocolates! A POUCH! Instead of a piece or two! She had this beaming smile on her face and I, of course, was a proud flustered mess when that happened!
And oh, to see the look of disbelief on those bullies and pretty boys. Man, that felt really good!
I think she’s into me!
It’s pretty much a guarantee that she’ll accept my confessions next month based on what just happened.
 A bright future awaits for me!
February 14, 1989
That clingy bitch!
Who does she think she is showing off like that to Jojo?!
Here I thought I gave the best homemade chocolates in school. Every boy had found them delicious and had said it was the best because it is! I made them myself and I packed them in a neat red box with white crumpled paper fillings, topped with a silk white ribbon.
I had full confidence he’d be bringing that home for sure while he threw away the rest. So, I waited to see what happened at the end of classes. And this absurd shit happened!
Jojo was standing by the gate, cigarette in his mouth like the hottie he was. BUT IN HIS HAND WASN’T MY RED BOX!
Instead, in his possession was a navy-blue bento-sized box with an assortment of sweets inside, wrapped around with a silky rose-gold ribbon. AND THEN, she rushed out of the building towards Jojo and they walked out of school grounds. TOGETHER. AGAIN.  
SERIOUSLY. I’m surprised they aren’t dating yet though I’m pretty sure he’s gonna turn her down because he’s always like that with the multiple others before her.
Good thing that little eyeglass nerd that’s simping over her wasn’t there to see that bullshit. Don’t think he’s gonna handle the sight like me.
I’ll get him next time. Watch out Y/N!
March 14, 1989
I’m sad.
I feel like curling into a ball and wallow in my own embarrassment and sadness from what just happened.
So, if you weren’t aware… today was White Day a.k.a. the day where the guys give the gifts this time. Obviously, my gift was this letter I wrote for her and a rose I bought nearby, all meant to be an aid for my confession towards her.
All the guys I mentioned before had their own little penchants and gifts ready for her, and I watched her receive them with the same friendly smile she’d give to anyone. And I had to steel myself to remember that she didn’t feel comfortable with those guys months ago and she was accepting them out of politeness.
While they were busy with that, I waited for the right to confess.
I read that the best time to confess was when she was alone so when I thought of that, I figured it was around dismissal where most of the students already went home.
Alas, cue to the end of classes period where the sun was about to set and the crowd was minimized to a handful of students. I was sweating bullets when I waited for her by the entrance. I had the letter and rose in hand ready to be given.
When I heard her giggles, I gave one last pep talk to myself and faced her.
I tell you, the moment I saw her, my chest collapsed in on itself. She was still the same pretty girl I’ve bonded with for the past months, but in her arms was a huge brown teddy bear holding a bouquet of roses.
She saw me. And I began coughing nervously. I thought to myself who??? I didn’t see anyone give her anything that big during class hours.
As usual, she smiled at the sight of me standing there like an out-of-place weed and asked why I was still at school. Oh god, I fumbled so bad with my words, nothing was coming out like how I practiced back at home.
I kept saying how much I admired her and everything and so far, she was flattered by my mess of a status, and before I had the chance to confess-
The delinquent stepped behind her, hands in pocket, smoking as he glared straight at me. LIKE FULL ON DEATH GLARE AT MY DIRECTION.
I nearly peed my pants that time.
She wasn’t at all surprised at his presence, in fact she recognized him standing behind her and she promptly apologized for his intimidating aura.
And oh boy, the next bit fully ripped my sensitive heart to smithereens.
She told me a secret since we were “close friends” to which I now find a curse more than a blessing.
She told me that the very same delinquent that looked like he didn’t give a crap about romance and was giving me the look of death… was her boyfriend who gave her his White Day present to her.
Yes. You read that right. BOYFRIEND. The school’s darling and the infamous delinquent being a couple.
But then I remembered the whole “their-Stands-were-holding-each-other-as-they-passed-by” scene I witnessed months ago, and those times where she couldn’t hang out with me every lunch time. Because she’s with him during that period. And those bits made sense now given the context.
She still asked me why I was there because she was genuinely concerned. My stutters worsened more, face was burning with embarrassment, and my hands holding the gifts I had for her behind my back turned clammy.
I tried to navigate myself around the whole dilemma of appeasing her concerns while choosing the right words under the pressure of the delinquent’s solid gaze that was still piercing into my soul. Eventually, I hesitantly gave her the rose without the letter.
And even after my whole mess, she still smiled and accepted it.
After saying out goodbyes, they were on their way and I thought I could relax and be free to burst into bashful tears, but I physically tensed when that guy’s Stand fully manifested in its entirety.
Holy crap the thing’s so jacked it was scary. It had one arm around Y/N’s waist while the purple behemoth looked at me with an icy glare much like its user.  
Hence, here we are- me basking in the darkness of my room while my heart’s still recoiling from the reality of being utterly broken due to Y/N L/N’s sheer kindness and relationship status.
Ah great, I can’t see much now because my tears are clouding my vision.
Time to breakdown. Bye.
March 14, 1989
Wonder why that kid’s so flustered today. We’ve communicated with no problems the past days I knew him. Maybe it was because today was White Day and he’s shy? Most likely.
Though, I think a major contributor to his messy speech was Jotaro just being his slightly possessive self standing behind me, even though I told him countless time that the poor kid just needed a friend.
But I understood where he was coming from- he’s my secret boyfriend and he had to watch other boys give me gifts like I was still single. The teddy bear and roses were really sweet of him though. I still engrained the sight of his blushing cheeks and averted gaze in my mind when Star gave me the gifts on his behalf.
He took me out to a park as one last surprise gift. We saw the stars for a moment and then I stayed over at his place, to which he proceeded to rail me into oblivion, and now I’m here writing an entry into my diary while he continues to cutely snooze beside me.
Poor kid though. He must have been scared shitless yesterday. I think I’m gonna smooth things out with him when classes start again.
For now, I’m going to join Jotaro in his arms again and fall into dreamland with him.
 Until next time!
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kuraitsune · 2 years
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PARiNGS - ...Mysta Rias x GN!reader
MENTiONS - ...Elira Pendora, Aia Amare, Aster Arcadia
SUMMARY - ...he decided to speak up after several weeks of hesitation. only then does Mysta realize that he was the one you chose to love.
READER'S PROFiLE - ...as a student in NIJI Academia, you were one of the top students and most liked person throughout the campus. you're also a childhood friend of Mysta's + you both are roommates.
DiSCLAiMERS - NIJISANJI school AU! in no way am i a professional writer, i just like english lol. please know that these writings are a work of fiction and are the appearance and persona of the character! not the person behind the screen.
IMPORTANT NOTE - this was supposed to be a little more different so i may make a prequel to the events of this work from what i'm thinking of 👀
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"Mysta, get your ass up before I drag you off myself," you look at the ashen haired laying on the bed, still somewhat asleep.
"Nooo... It's the weekend though, [name].." he mumbled, turning over to face the other way and stuffing his head in the pillows.
"Ughhh, don't you remember? We're going on a study session with Elira, Aster, and Aia!" you sighed, "We've been planning this since last week."
He groaned before rubbing his eyes, "Fine. But only because it's you." He quietly mumbled the last part.
"Huh? I couldn't quite catch that... Mysta?" you set your hands on your hips.
"Oh, nothing important!" you shrugged and walked out of his room. He looked at your figure with a familiar yet strange feeling as you left.
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Finally, when Mysta finished getting ready, the two of you drove to the campus library, the planned meeting spot.
Entering the library, you look around to see a purple-yellow haired boy, who we all know as Aster Arcadia.
"Hey, Aster! Where are the others?" you ask, creeping up behind him. He jumped very slightly before turning towards Mysta and you.
"Oh, hello [name] and Mysta! Elira's looking around for books and Aia hasn't arrived yet."
The ashen haired sat down at nearby table as you and Aster chatted a bit, "Hey, Mysta? Can I talk to you for a moment, by the way?"
He looked up at the celestial being, and shrugged slightly, "Sure I guess."
You quietly sat down at the opposite seat of where Mysta had previously sat at, him getting up and following Aster to a secluded part of the library.
"So, I've noticed something between you and [name]."
"Ah-! What do you mean by that..?" Mysta's ears perked up at the mention of your name, casting his gaze to the shelf next to Aster's head.
"I mean that you were staring at them while we were talking. And I've seen you do this several times already, Mysta," he crossed his arms, furrowing his eyebrows but still had a small smile by his lips.
"It really isn't anything weird, I assure you! It's just... something else I guess."
"And..?" the other slightly shorter male continued to question him.
Shocked, he stumbled along his words to answer, "I- err... what else is there to add?"
"Bro, you can just be honest. But you do have a talent for hiding it well, except for the fact that you were blatantly staring~" Aster teased the ashen haired as he sighs in defeat.
"Whatever... either way I don't even think they would share mutual feelings. Since after... well y'know, that incident," Mysta confessed, thoughts full of your ex and how he'd comfort you through it all.
"You can be really unsure of yourself however much, but it won't change who you are. Don't change, Mysta, okay?" the purple-yellow haired looked at his aquamarine eyes to deepen his words. "Elira and Aia must've arrived by now, let's go!"
The two boys walked out of the corner, seeing you, Elira, and Aia chatting away while waiting for them.
"Oh there you guys were! Now let's get this session done, shall we?" Aia "gently" slammed the table, clearly pumped up to start studying and not fail her classes.
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"Ughhhh, how much fucking more longer do we have to keep doing these problems..??" alluded a very drained Mysta.
"We have about 30 minutes left until we're done for today, so you should at least pass the test when we're done today. Unless you forget everything we've been studying," you roll your eyes, a very small smile tugged your cheeks.
"That's so long though...." he groaned, his face stuffed in the pages of a book.
"Mysta, chill for like 10 minutes. We're almost done, then we can go get ourselves some lunch," Elira peaked in the conversation, attempting to convince the fox-like boy to stay for at least 10 more minutes.
"I'll get you some Magnum ice cream if you stay~" you lightly sung at the end, of course you'd know what the fox likes.
"Fine! I'll stay, but right after I'm going to fucking leave the place and go find a place to eat."
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After the great dismay of a study session, it turned into a chill hangout, going to a local cafe to eat lunch, you getting Mysta his promised ice cream, and ending off with a walk in the park when everyone else went back home.
The birds were chirping, the evening orange-yellow skies turning to the blue-purple hues, and the chatter of you and Mysta's voices. You both decided to sit down by a hill and a tree, facing where the sun was going to set.
Soon enough, the two of you slowly were put into a comfortable silence, just you, your thoughts, and Mysta.
You let your thoughts wander to a very multitude of things. Ranging from wonders of what Aster and the very person sitting next to you were talking about earlier in the day, to everything about him.
"[-me]? [name]..? Hello? You good in the brain up there?" Mysta's such recognizable voice broke your train of thought.
"Oh-! Sorry, I was thinking about... things."
"Right... anyways, are you ready to head home now? The sun's setting, y'know..." he pointed at the sight in front of you guys, looking forward as well, taking in the scenery and relaxing his muscles, the two of you standing up to your fullest.
It was astounding, honestly. You couldn't help but stare at Mysta's facial features and the golden hues of the sun hitting them, especially his teal blue eyes, forgetting the question at hand.
He looked back at you, noticing a pair of eyes on him. Quickly looking at the sunset itself, you didn't want to explain why after all. You were really hoping that he didn't notice it was you.
"[name]...?" Ah, of course he would. Of course he'd notice. "If you have anything on your mind... I'm here to listen."
"...Mysta... Mysta Rias."
"Mhm..?" you took a deep breath in, you were going to do this now. Save for the fact that you were shaking very slightly. "Hey, what's up..?" he came up to your side, his brows furrowing and worrying that something was seriously wrong.
"You have no idea how much I... love you, do you?" you bashfully look away from him. His mouth was slightly agape, due to the shock of this sudden confession. He couldn't even find himself to say anything.
Alas, he needed to trust his guts. Mysta lifted one of his gloved hands under your chin, gently turning your head towards him.
You saw an expression full of adoration and love. You smiled, small happy tears forming at the corner of your eyes.
He cautiously leaned in, his eyes half-lidded until you swiftly connected your lips with his. It was a gentle yet passionate kiss.
After so many weeks of hesitation, how could Mysta ever believe that this was happening?
As soon as you separated, you held a comforting smile along the lines of your lips.
"I love you too."
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NOTE - i feel so full of love and fluffiness in my heart after writing this omg i can't even believe i wrote this goodness- hope you mystakes enjoy this~
DO NOT: repost or copy any of @kuraitsune's works! sharing is fine with credits.
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fearlessword · 11 days
I’ll meet you in my dreams - Chapter 3
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Summary: You dreamed of the boy who played piano before you knew who he was. Humming the melodies you heard in your sleep brought BTS into your life and you thought it was just meant to be.When you finally have the chance to see him perform live, you realize that the dreams you have are more than a coincidence. You hope he dreams of you too.
Slow burn/ Slow build/ canon divergence/ d-day tour / soulmate- ish
Pairing: Idol! Min Yoongi x Reader
Author’s note: You are the kindest readers! Really! My phone kept lighting up with notifications of your likes and even some comments! Thank you so much! I am currently writing chapter 6, I wanted it to be ready before the 13th, but it may take longer than that. Chapters 1-5 are already posted on AO3. Thank you for the love and I hope you like this one! See you soon!
“You’ll never see, you sing me to sleep every night from the radio”
March 1st, 2023
Your hands were tied now. You got waitlisted, Cami got waitlisted, the other coworkers without a membership didn’t stand a chance. You are sure a code isn’t a guarantee that the tickets would be yours. The only hope was a friend of one of the teachers at the school, that was the only person you knew that had the code, and well, maybe you have a new ARMY friend now.
Just the fact that someone got the code was a relief. The downside was that there’s nothing you can do, and, considering you were a control freak, having no other option but wait was enough to make you freak out.
To be honest, everybody was freaking out, from your roommate to your co-workers and even the principal, everyone knew how important this was to you because you were acting crazy and anxious, everyone signed for the pre-sale (even if you knew that people without memberships wouldn’t stand a chance). Today, of all days, you felt cared for by everyone around, who made a point to check if you were okay.
So, when the afternoon came, and the bell rang announcing the end of the school day, you bid your students farewell and immediately opened twitter on your laptop, just to check how things were going. There was nothing you could do on the Ticketmaster website, your account wasn’t linked to a code anyways.
“You know, refreshing twitter 1000 times per minute won’t make it any easier. I’d say it will make it worse.” Camila’s voice echoed behind you.
“I know, I know. I just need to know. It’s my first time doing this, and I’m not actually doing this and it’s driving me insane!” You retorted standing up and pacing.
“Woah, have you thought about calling her? I’m sure she’s nervous too”
“Don’t you think that’s too controlling of me to do that? We kind of talked about the seats we want and the other options in case they sell out. I’m so obsessed with this man it’s probably not healthy.”
“ I mean, you are a fan and it means something to you and it’s obvious you have a connection of some kind with him because you keep dreaming about him which is weird and interesting at the same time” she rambled “But, you are also paying and you are a fan, so, I know this is important to you, and not too much at all, just facetime her!”
You stared at your friend and smiled. Then, grabbed you phone in your bag and called Natalie, your newest ARMY friend.
“Hi, ________! I was about to call you”
“No way!”
Cami looks at you with arched eyebrows, amused.
“ Yes! You know, we both want the Saturday show, but I was thinking that maybe I should try the queue for Wednesday or Thursday too. Just in case. Many people will want to go on Saturday cause it’s the weekend, I want to make sure I can get us tickets”
“Uh, sure, I mean, Saturday is ideal, but I also don’t want to risk it” You answer.
“Alright, any minute now. Floor as close as possible or any of the side lower bowls right? I don’t know why I am asking, we talked about it. I’m so nervous” she lets out a nervous laugh and you laugh as well. At least you’re not the only one.
“ It’s gonna be okay, I’m sure we’ll get great seats” You don’t know if you’re telling this to her or to yourself, still, you try to believe it.
“We will. It 's time! Wish me luck”
“Good luck, Natalie!”
“_________, the page is refreshing! Oh God! I hope the school’s wifi is good enough” At exactly 3 p.m Natalie's nervous face gives space to focused features. You held your phone tighter and sat on your desk, shaking your legs while silently watching the woman’s face through the screen.
“ More than 2000 people in front of me, what the fuck” Your heart stops at the same minute, even if you could get to the map page, the chances of getting a great seat seemed far away now.
“More than 2000 for the one on Thursday too… Come on!” She paused and then screamed “Oh my God, 200 people before us for Wednesday”
“God, Natalie! I was about to cry here”
“Don’t fail on me, Ticketmaster.”
Your free hand runs through your hair, making a mess of the long curls. You wonder how many of your students are probably going through this same process right now, and you want to laugh and cry at the same time.
“It’s my turn… let me see. We want the floor… _________, floor is general admission, are you okay with that? It’s the soundcheck too.”
“Yes. I’m good with that, yes”
“Okay, selecting… Your credit card number is on my account, right, let’s get it, please ticketmaster work for once in your life, let me get it”
At this point, you didn’t even want to look at the screen, you knew how this website was tricky on pre-sale days, especially after the whole fiasco with the Taylor Swift Tour. You hoped the website wouldn't break down on Natalie’s turn. It felt like time was passing slower than it should, your legs hanging from the desk couldn’t move more, and you were scared of having the chance just so to have it taken away from you.
“Yougottheticketslettheanticipationbegin, __________!!!!! We are seeing him”
“Did it work?” You look at the screen and she’s showing you the confirmation page.
“It worked! Oh my God! I can’t believe it actually worked. Oh fuck it’s on a Wednesday, my poor students. Oh God, we are seeing him”
“Are we truly seeing him?!” Excitement was an understatement, you squeaked and jumped from the desk and smiled so big your cheeks hurt.
“____________, I’ll talk to you later, maybe I can still talk to the HR and tell them I’ll need the day off, make sure to do that too, okay?”
“Natalie, I can’t thank you enough. Thank you so, so, so much!”
“No worries, I can’t wait to scream with you during the show”
You put your phone away and look at Camila, who was watching the whole scene silently with a smirk on her face.
“Tell me this isn’t a dream”
“It’s not a dream, amiga. You’re seeing the guy from your dreams so soon now”
“This does not feel real. It was so fast.”
“It was meant to be. I feel it.” You cover you tearing eyes with both hands and and giggle as you hear your best friend saying that.
“I'm seeing Yoongi”
“About that, now that you got a ticket for the concert here, I should give you this” She took a folded sheet of paper out of the back pocket of her jeans and handed it to you.
“And that is?”
“Just unfold it and see”
And so you did, and looking at the paper, you couldn’t help but shed some tears.
“Is this what I think it is?
“If you think it is a confirmation email for a ticket of one of the shows in Korea, then yes, yes it is”
“Cami, how did you do this?”
“You forget that you made me get a fan club membership, so I wanted to make sure you saw him.”
“In Korea?” You say in a high-pitched voice.
“It’s not that difficult to stay up and buy tickets in the middle of the night, when you have a real purpose. I mean, I got a nosebleed, I hope you don’t mind, I guess the time difference and lack of practice count when doing this, but I got it and it’s during Summer and you don’t have school as an excuse for not going, so you better get your savings for your Korea trip and actually buy flight tickets to go to Korea and see your dream man there.”
“You are the craziest person I’ve ever met” You hug your friend tight, not knowing what to do with the tsunami of information that came in your direction in the last 15 minutes.
“Besides, I think that your dreaming about this guy is weird but I also feel there’s something there and I know you won’t do anything about it if there’s no push. So here’s your push, consider this an early birthday gift.”
“I don’t know what kind of ideas you have about this, but they are just dreams.Thank you. Hell, I’ll see him twice”
“Yes, _________, yes, you will”
April 21st, 2023
The first thing you did when your alarm went off was to grab your phone and open the Youtube app. Thankfully, the miniature for the music video was already on your home page, so you lost no time and just played the video.
To say you were mesmerized and entranced by the music video and the song playing was an understatement, you were so impressed by the lyrics and the two versions of Yoongi you were seeing, everything looked so perfect, and that was enough to make you excited to listen to the entire album. But it was when Yoongi pulled a cigarette out of the box with his teeth that you let out a loud squeal, that made your roommate come check on you.
“Are you thirsting for the BTS guy at this time in the morning?”
“He just smoked a cigarette in the MV”
“You hate those things!"
“He made it look really hot”
Cami rolled her eyes and dragged herself to your bed.
“Come on, I wanna see it”
You both get comfortable on your bed and you restart the video. Your roommate watches attentively, and teases you, elbowing you slightly everytime a cigarette appears. You end up watching the rest of the video together and you barely have words when it comes to an end.
“He is really an artist” that’s all you can say.
“I saw what you meant with the smoking thing, nice song, he’s just not really my type”
“And what’s your type?”
“A tall brunette with a buzzcut and very, very handsome, but also nice and kind and good with his words. He could also be a doctor, maybe, I don’t know”
“That’s oddly specific”
“Well, maybe you get to meet him soon”
“I get to WHAT?”
“We need to get ready, we are teachers and we can’t really be late, come on”
“Camila, get your ass right here” you scream as she runs through the door. “This is not over!”
You laugh as you get ready to work. You decide to listen to the album after you get home, to actually pay attention to the lyrics. As you walk to the subway station, you make sure to run your lesson plans for the day through your mind, taking the time to also plan the Friday night ahead of you.
Your work day goes by slowly, like every other Friday. At this point of the school year, with Summer Vacation approaching, your students don’t want to have classes anymore and, if you’re being honest, as much as you love your job, you weren’t fond of teaching at this time of the year either. So you did your best to make your lessons light and fun, for them and for you, eventually taking some time to talk about topics that were interesting for all of them.
When the bell rings, you wish a great weekend for everyone and pack your things as quickly as you can to walk to the subway station. As usual, you stop at Times Square, but instead of changing trains, you decide to walk around the small Bryant Park. You buy yourself the sweetest and creamiest cold brew. The cold coffee was not the best idea, considering the city was still chilly, but it was your favorite, and it was your way of treating yourself after a long hard week of work. You people watch for a while, taking in the groups of tourists walking on 42nd street, from where you assume was Grand Central, in the direction of the outdoors on Times Square. You see people talking, sitting around the tiny green tables, you observe the empty carousel, and the outfits of the women walking around (those were always nice to watch). You observe the mix of trees and the buildings all together and the food trucks around and although this area of the city was incredibly chaotic and not your favorite to walk around, you were glad you could sit and appreciate the beauty in this chaos.
After taking the Q train and arriving in your apartment, you take a long relaxing shower and wear your most comfortable set of PJs. You feel inspired to cook a nice dinner to watch the documentary with. As you get the ingredients to make your favorite pasta dish, you hear the door open.
“I beat you home today” you sing from the kitchen.
“I had some papers to grade and decided to follow your steps and not bring work home. I hated it. My bed is a much more comfortable grading spot” your roommate answers.
“Are you having dinner here?”
“Yes, give me a minute to shower and I’ll help you out”
But dinner was so easy to make that, by the time Camila was back, you’re already done. You put the creamy pasta on plates and take them to the living room, opening the Disney + app to find Yoongi’s documentary.
“I’ll only watch it with you because I’m a great friend” you hear your best friend say and you look at her with an amused smile, knowing well she wouldn’t watch anything she was not interested in.
And so you watch the documentary and see how this album started. You are washed with a sense of deja vu when you see a scene of 2020. Differently from the In The Soop cuts, this time, what you see is exactly like your first dream and you pay attention to all of the details to make sure you’re actually watching it. How could you forget your first dream with him? This time, thanks to the subtitles, you could actually understand what they were talking about and your heart skips a beat when Yoongi tells Jimin about the amygdala, explaining how this is a part of the brain that processes trauma, and telling his friend about the song. You vaguely remember thinking about how you wanted your brain to process your trauma better and wishing for it to just work right before dreaming of Yoongi for the first time. And as the performance of the song goes, you take in the lyrics.
It's no news that you identify yourself with BTS songs. But this one felt different. As he raps and unfolds each of his traumas you can't help but think about your own traumas and how you did that too three years ago.
You can feel Camila’s eyes on you. And you know she knows what you are feeling and she knows that you dreamed about this. You feel like you should comment on it, but saying it out loud sounds like madness, because this time, you actually know that it happened in real life too.
The movie continues with his trips and his writing process and you try to let your deep thoughts go to watch it properly. It is your first time listening to the songs of the new album, and you can see that all of the effort shown in the documentary was worth it, the songs and the performances were more than anything you were expecting and you couldn't wait for the tour.
"You and this guy are so similar." Camila says when the documentary is over.
"I guess I can relate to him a little bit" you say. "Now, I need to start practicing these songs for Wednesday"
"You cooked, I do the dishes" your roommate announces when you both stand up.
"I won't argue you with that"
You say goodnight before walking to your room, where you get your airpods and get ready to listen to the D-DAY album, in sequence, of course. With the lights out and cell phone in hand, you search for the translation of each song as you listen to them. You observe every figure of speech, every rhyme, all the story telling, and you repeat, inside your head, the scene from your dream, the one you just watched on the TV. How could someone on the other side of the planet think in the same frequency as you and describe your feelings so well? You didn’t want to get obsessed with the idea of it, because it gets crazier with time, but you can’t help but feel like, somehow, the universe brought you Min Yoongi because it knew you needed someone to relate to.
You listen to AMYGDALA once again, and another time, wishing you could take the pain away from someone that didn’t even know you, and with Yoongi’s voice singing in your ears, you fall into deep sleep.
When you gain consciousness again, it’s dark and pouring. You find yourself in front of a beautiful house that looks like it just came out of a movie set. Its light colored bricks (you couldn't possibly identify the color in the dark) were covered in vines, the only illumination surrounding you is the warm yellow light that comes through the windows.
You run to the porch to avoid getting even more wet. The hiss of the wind is loud and the cold early spring air embraces you as tiny droplets of water touch your skin, making you shiver uncomfortably.
You look at the imponent maroon door and entering the welcoming house sounds like the perfect plan right now. It’s obvious you are dreaming, there are no houses like this in New York City, so worst case scenario, it’s a nightmare and you’ll wake up regretting your decisions. This, or you’ll freeze to death and then wake up. Either way, you’ll end up in your tiny apartment anyway, might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
The door opens at the same time you raise your hand to give it a knock. You take a step back and take in the scene. Nobody is on the other side. Weird.
A mass of warm air touches your face gently when you step into the living room. The smell of coffee, cinnamon and vanilla flies around and makes you look straight to the kitchen and dining room to your left, but they are empty, so you walk to the fireplace in front of you, taking a moment to appreciate its coziness while getting warm.
You decide to walk around and explore the other levels of the building, which, from what you saw until now, has no furniture except for the old blue Victorian couch.
Holding the rail, you go up the stairs, and see that the walls are filled with beautiful, but empty frames. At this point, you don’t even bother finding it weird anymore, after all, it’s a dream, but you wonder why there are no pictures and why your mind decided that the only pieces of decoration you see in this house of stone are simply not serving their purpose.
As you walk down the aisle of the first floor, you see 4 doors. Slowly, you try to open the first one to your left, just to find out it is locked. You try the one to your right and the two other doors after that. All locked. You huff.
“Why is this too boring?” you say out loud, as you turn around and direct yourself to the stairs to go to the second floor, only to hear a muffled female voice upstairs. Curious as you are, you run up in the direction of the voice, just to find the same set up of the floor below you, with the exception of a pulled down ladder at the end of the corridor, that led to what you can only assume is an attic, where the sound and the voices come from.
You walk with caution to the ladder and the sound is louder, but not clearer. It takes climbing the steps to realize that the female voice that is now screaming, is actually your own. You stop midway, your upper body just past the attic door,and search for the source of your own voice, just to realize a video is being projected on one of the ceiling walls. You recognize the scene of that dreadful day so many years ago when you got home after an early dismissal day, just to find your ex boyfriend with your best friend. This time though, you could see it through a different point of view, the exact moment when you started packing your bags to leave your old apartment.
“Where do you think you are going? Hey! Stop! We can talk through this” your ex said, while dressing himself up. You hear your old self let out an ironic laugh after that. You look at her, the shorter curly hair was a mess, the red eyes burning with anger and disappointment.
“Talk through this?” Past you screams, opening another drawer and just throwing clothes in a suitcase. “You must think I’m really that stupid to give you the time of the day after this. I don’t want to hear from you, I don’t want to see you. I wanna pack my things and go to the farthest place from you”.
“_________, this is your home. Calm down.”
“My home? My home? You should’ve thought about that before cheating on me at my fucking home on my fucking bed. I’ll come back to get the rest of my things when you’re not here.” You close your suitcase, and direct yourself to the front door. You turned, just in time to catch a sight of him and your so-called best friend getting dressed as well. "Please, don’t even bother, just keep doing whatever you were doing before. I’ll make sure I won’t interrupt you ever again.” And you walked out.
The video stopped after that and you were stunned. Talk about a dramatic event. You don’t understand why your subconscious wants you to remember that, especially now that you are actually healing. Maybe this is in fact a nightmare, and you were supposed to keep rewatching that infernal scene until you wake up.
You decide to go up the rest of the steps either way, whatever comes next, can’t be more painful than what you just watched. As you step into the room at the same time someone stands up and comes in your direction.
“What the hell?!” You exclaim.
“Hm, this never happened before” The one and only Min Yoongi mumbles, staring at you.
Right, you have never had a conscious dream about him where you could actually talk to him. But, considering that his documentary was the last thing you saw, it seems like his presence in your dream this time is not that weird. You stare back at him, his dark messy hair, puffy cat eyes and black hoodie. Your heart jumps through your shirt and that unexplainable feeling comes again.
“Did you watch all of it?” You ask.
“I did. I’m sorry. I should’ve stopped when I saw what it was”
“I mean, it’s not actually your fault. It’s my subconscious.”
“It 's fine.” You look around, finding the film projector and another film reel on the side. “Interesting. What’s in the other film?”
“I don’t know. I only set the one we just watched.”
“We should watch the other one”
“I don’t know, I’ve already seen too much”
“It’s not like you are real”
“Not real?”
“Besides, I don’t think there was any other moment of my life more traumatic than that one. I’ll be fine” You say while taking the other film reel out of the projector and putting the new one. Yoongi doesn’t look too sure, but he directs himself to the pile of pillows on the floor and waits for the projection. As it starts, you sit by his side and focus on the wall in front of you.
It is a cloudy day and the dirty atmosphere of the city makes the scene look even grayer. You try to recognize the place, but it takes seeing a tall black haired boy to see that this wasn’t about you.
“I shouldn’t be seeing this” You say and make the mention of standing up before dream Yoongi holds your wrist gently and pulls you back.
“It’s only fair.” he says.
So you sit down and watch it with him.
A younger version of Min Yoongi leaves the door of a restaurant with bags of food on his hands, then proceeds to put the bags inside of a delivery box on a motorcycle. He wears his helmet, jumps on his bike and rides it around the city. He stops once. He stops another time. And you know what is coming, because you remember when Yoongi had the surgery, you remember seeing videos of him dancing in pain and you remember the lyrics of Amygdala, even if you only listened to that song a couple of times since the documentary release. You know the feeling of wanting your brain to erase the memories you so want to forget in order to move on. And even if it’s all in your head, it hurts to think of what happened to a human you love so much.
You stare at the dream version of Yoongi sitting by your side who has his glistening eyes fixed on the scene projected on the wall. With his lips closed in a line, he swallows thickly and you turn your attention to the movie again. And that’s when the scene unravels: The rain starts to pour and, as he is turning, a car hits young Min Yoongi, who falls on the road. You can’t help but feel your heart breaking into pieces as you watch the rain touching his face, it feels even worse when the scene is cut just to be substituted by flashes of Yoongi crying, in pain, and taking what seemed like an unhealthy amount of pills. If only you could change the past to comfort him. You’d do anything so he wouldn’t have to go through this kind of pain again.
“Was that what really happened?” You question, almost whispering.
“Exactly like that” the man by your side responds, then proceeds “What I saw... Did it really happen to you too?”
“Yes, but, for what is worth, you really helped me through it, it doesn’t hurt anymore” you look at the version of Min Yoongi in front of you, and think of everything you’ve learned about him through his songs and through the documentary of the day before. You are conscious this is not real, even if it feels like it, but you also know you will never have a chance to say to the real Yoongi what you wish to say, so you take a chance in this parallel dream reality, or whatever this is.
“ I know this is all in my head, and there are so many things I’d like to say, but, I just want you to know that if I could go back in time and help you through all of the pain you felt, I would. I know it doesn’t change it, but I really wish you’d know that. I wish I could’ve saved you, too, Yoongi” you stop and see the corner of his lips curve slightly. “I guess this was a weird thing to say out loud” cover your face with your two hands and a muffled groan leaves your lips.
“No, no, no… it’s not weird” He turns his body completely to you. “I don’t know if you’d believe me, or if anyone would believe me, but you did.”
“I did?!”
“You saved me in so many ways”
Your head turns in the direction of his voice immediately. And all you can see is a kind smile and bright eyes. You can’t help but feel that old familiar warmth all over your body, and as much as you wouldn’t like to indulge in delusion, at that moment, you pretended it was all real.
And just like it started, you’re pulled from deep inside your subconscious to you tiny apartment in New York City, where the ringing of your alarm clock announced the start of a new spring day.
To be continued…
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