#alys triangle
mrstargkonnen · 8 months
⚠️Helaemond Brain Rot. Proceed With Caution⚠️
It would kinda make sense to me (a non-book reader), that dutiful Aemond would “perform his duty” for the sake of the family and realm resulting in Helaena’s children, if Aegon was always too drunk or just outright refused to perform his.
Who knows? The way he begged Aemond to help him escape might not be first time Aegon has begged Aemond to free him from something he simply did not want to do.
“Please brother, no one has to know-”
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Eventually not even him. Specially if Aemond and Helaena grew to actually love each other, because in her own words, “it is our fate, I think, to crave what is given to another. If one possesses a thing, the other will take it away,” and what does Aegon crave most, if not love? 🐸☕️
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someawesomeamvs · 3 days
Warning: Potential spoilers
Title: Do you Believe in Magic
Editor: oceanseas123
Song: Do You Believe in Magic
Artist: Aly & AJ
Anime: Saint Tail, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, Cardcaptor Sakura, Chance Pop Session, Angelic Layer
Category: For fun
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why haven’t we as a society fancasted bollywood iwtv
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pairing eve and grayson feels like a cheap, easy, lazy choice lmao
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doodleroses · 2 years
And yet another book ruined by an unnecessary love triangle.
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missglaskin · 7 months
HOTD AU Concepts Masterlist part 1
Main series: HOTD AU Masterlist
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Reader demanding Criston is punished Reference: Part 2 
Possible love interest?  Will Daemon be a love interest 
Connection between Aemond and Luke   Reference: Part 3
Why Aemond snitched Reference: Part 5 
How Alicent contributed to Aemond’s tendencies Reference: Part 5 
Reader’s title in court   Y/N’s Aliases
When reader has a breakdown 
Helaena’s nickname
If reader went with Rhaenys Reference: Part 5 
----> Reader crowning Rhaenyra
If reader has a child with someone else 
Naming after them some chs ;
Naming the child 'Y/n' Naming her Aemma  Carbon copy 
Fighting over the name If Aemond was the father
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How reader is carried through history 
Paintings commissioned   Portraits inspirations for the reader 
Interpretations of ‘love triangle’ Aegon IV w/reader Other nicknames 
Old!reader like Olenna Reader dying before blackfyre rebellion
Criston react to Y/N being insulted
What if reader’s biological family wants her back
----> What if it is a powerful kingdom 
Reader being a Gremlin 
Liking shiny & cool things Bringing a snake Likes to take their things 
In a dragon onesie Getting sick from biting ankles Finding secret passages 
Does Aemond see Rhaenyra’s kids as competition 
Reader has diary 
---> If it’s found during Daenerys time  Aegon alters it 
If reader ends in GOT timeline 
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Reader’s dress are mostly being stolen
----> Noticing Helaena’s embroideries 
Does Helaena know of Aegon’s feelings?
Bisexual reader falling for Helaena 
Reader getting Marie Antoinette syndrome
Y/N teaching the children to dance  children having nightmare
Reader likes singing Luke secretly being the favorite 
Reader losing an eye
Because of Luke and Jace
Reader requesting Aemond/Daemon a rare item (separate)
Young!reader bringing a pin to Otto
Does Viserys know of Aemond’s feelings 
Alys in the story? 
Reader telling them she's like Leanor 
Drunk!reader being affectionate 
Reader sprained her feet Reader suddenly falling ill 
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Maroon (part two)
modern!Aemond Targaryen x f!reader
And I wake with your memory over me
That's a real fucking legacy to leave
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A series loosely based on the song Maroon of off Midnights by Taylor Swift ▪︎ read more Daemon & Aemond midnights imagines here: masterlist
series list: part one - part two - part three -
themes/warnings: fluff, angst, slow burn, mutual pining, slight love triangle, language, accident/severe injury (towards the end)
word count: 7.3k
a/n: just a little explanation on their ages, since they are aged up for this series. Jace, the reader, Helaena and Aemond are in their mid-twenties. Alys is in her mid-thirties. Luke is around 21/22. Feel free to adjust if you wish.
Also, the photo I used is of Tom Bennett, as I felt the need to use a modernized look for Aemond, but nevertheless, he is still Aemond - silver haired, sullen, and soon enough, sapphire-eyed. If my photo editing skills are up to par, then I would have edited shoulder-length (yup, for this story) silver hair and modern clothes on our Aemond, but alas...
happy reading, beautiful people. 🖤
The morning after their interrupted kiss, the reader learns more about Aemond's apparent lover. She grows discouraged with striking up a romance with him, but he is determined to change her mind.
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There is a curious knot in your stomach when you wake, remembering the night before. Aemond had leaned in close, so close, that you feel as if his scent still surrounds you.
The deep green walls of his bedroom are still burned into your eyes. From then on, there is no way that this particular shade of green won’t bring you back to that night. With him.
With Aemond. The one who has flooded your thoughts for almost a year now. The object of your desire.
Although, it seems… that he might already have his own object of desire.
Why did Alys visit him so late last night? You want to feign innocence, and remain oblivious to any and all lewd possibilities. Maybe she’s just a dear friend, who needed some company. Perhaps to have a drink, or to borrow a book? Or perhaps she has had some romantic trouble earlier last evening, and needed to vent her heart out to Aemond, who is nothing if not an attentive listener.
Well, shit. You slam your palm to your forehead as you allow reality to set in. You can continue to hope, but deep down, you know that Alys is not just a friend to Aemond.
This might be one of the very few instances wherein tabloid fodder has some truth to it. Dragonstone heir and model socialite spotted leaving Claridge’s Hotel in London after a wild night out.
That was just one of the several headlines that caught your eye, and immediately chose to ignore. You don’t even remember how long ago that was, but it seems as if their story is yet to reach its end.
If, indeed, it ever will.
But why was he going to kiss me? I mean, he was, wasn’t he?
You turn to the side, and notice that you’re all alone in bed. Helaena always wakes up much earlier, preferring to be awake as the sun rises, which leaves her ample time to go about her extensive morning routine.
Before you allow your rampant thoughts to get the better of you, you finally get up, wiping sleep from your eyes, and stumble to her bathroom. As you study your reflection is the mirror, one thing springs to your mind. What is going to happen if you meet Aemond downstairs? Granted, it is rare for the whole family to convene early during weekdays, but he did say he will meet you in the morning.
You take your sweet time getting ready, delaying the inevitable, before finally heading downstairs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The clock above an alcove in the kitchen reads 8:17. The smell of pancakes waft through the air, calming your senses. Breakfast food is always a good idea.
Helaena comes into view, stacking the last pancakes on a plate.
“Hey, sleepyhead. Nice face.” She jokes, smiling in her carefree way.
“What about it?” You scrunch your nose in response, picking off a blueberry from a glass bowl on the kitchen counter.
“Rough night?” She turns off the induction stove, having finished, and you help her carry the dishes to the dining table.
Talia, their housekeeper, walks in the kitchen. A worried look is etched on her face. “Ma’am, are you sure there isn’t anything I can do for you? I can cook you something else, or fetch something from the store? Your mother says - ”
“Everything’s fine, Talia.” Helaena assures her. She has never really indulged having a maid to clean up after her. One thing about Helaena, she’s very likely the most simple one out of the family, not bothering with the usual trappings of luxury, and that includes having a maid at her every beck and call. Helaena only asks for help when she needs it, and as it stands, she’s perfectly capable of cooking up a damn good breakfast. “Why don’t you attend to yourself this morning?”
“A-attend to myself, ma’am?” Talia asks.
“Yes,” Helaena shoots a smile at you conspiratorially, “Talia, go out and take a walk, or watch a movie, or get a massage. Whatever you want, it’s on us. The rest of the family are either busy working, hungover somewhere, or out of town, anyway. We’ll be fine for today.”
Talia smiles brightly in appreciation. “Very well then. Thank you, ma’am. Please do call me if you need anything at all.”
Helaena nods her head once. Talia makes a move to leave, but she seems to recall something.
“Oh, uh, Miss Y/n?” She addresses you this time. “Sir Aemond did say that he’s very sorry that he isn’t able to see you this morning. He left very early, quite in a rush. There must have been something very pressing at work.”
“Oh.” You could not hide the disappointment in your voice. Or was it relief? “Aemond’s not here?”
“He did say he would call you, though, as soon as he can.”
Aemond isn’t here. “Right. Well, thanks for letting me know, Talia.”You smile at her genuinely, while feeling slightly empty inside from the notion of Aemond’s absence. There was no reason to be excited or nervous, after all. A shame, really. “And please, call me Y/n.”
“Of course, Y/n. And, it’s not a problem. Sir Aemond did seem quite distressed about having to leave. I’m sure he’d be annoyed with me if I don’t let you know.”
“Oh, that’s for sure.” Helaena rolls her eyes, smiling at you. “If I didn’t know any better, I would say that my brother’s kinda infatuated with you.”
Before a warmth can develop in your chest from what Helaena claims, another person walks in the kitchen. A long-legged, impossibly unblemished figure that is Alys Rivers.
Talia straightens, not as comfortable around Alys as she is with you and Helaena. She takes that as her cue to leave. She politely addresses each of you in turn. “Have a lovely morning, Ma’am. Y/n. Miss Alys.” Her tone bristles at the last name.
“Sooo,” Alys saunters over to the table, and daintily plops down on the seat opposite you and Helaena, “good morning, girls. You don’t mind if I join you for breakfast, do you?” She pops a piece of fruit in her mouth before you could respond.
“Not at all, Alys.” Helaena sighs. “It would be nice to finally speak to my brother’s…” She trails off, one eyebrow raising slyly. “…friend.”
Alys simply laughs it off, unfazed. “That’s nice of you, Helaena, but you don’t need to watch your words around me. I know that Aemond has never clearly stated what we are yet. But we are something, that much I’m sure of.” Her gaze trails over to you. “Nice sweater. You know, it looks a lot like my Aemond’s.”
My Aemond’s. God help me. “Oh, uhm,” you balk, not wanting to overstep the line with something that is completely none of your business, as far as you’re concerned, “he lent it to me last night. Clumsy ol’ me apparently can’t handle too much red wine. Literally and figuratively.”
You smile at Alys placatingly, but you’re not sure what for. Nothing happened last night, right? Nothing at all.
“Well, it looks good on you, darling.” She winks at you. The more she speaks, the more you realize how self-assured she is. Your first meeting, you’re wearing her… boyfriend’s…. sweater, and she’s only quick to accept your explanation. It’s as if she’s truly certain that no one can steal Aemond away from her.
“Thank you.” You awkwardly say, taking a sip of your coffee.
“So, Alys,” Helaena says, “tell us more about yourself. Surely we cannot just believe everything the gossip blogs say about you.”
“Right, well. I’m aware that I do have a certain image, but that’s all it is. An image. A kind of persona. It makes it easier to draw a line between my job and my personal life. I do enjoy the luxurious and fast-paced lifestyle that modelling brings, but that’s not everything. I am… more than that.”
Her statements catch you by surprise, slightly. You knew more than just to take her reputation at face value, but it’s different now. Aemond’s attraction to her might run deeper than you had hoped.
“I think it’s right that you do whatever you feel is best for you.” You find yourself genuinely saying, empathizing with how she feels. “I can’t claim to know exactly what it’s like, being in the public eye like that, but it must be hard. You should protect yourself, and if keeping up a kind of mask is something that works, then…” You purse your lips, and tilt your head, a show of your approval.
“Solidarity, sister.” Alys smiles at you, one which you return. “I mean, thanks for not judging me right away. Most people do.”
The rest of the morning is spent in a way you never would have expected to enjoy, but you do. Alys turns out to be more friendly than she seems, and it’s plain to see that she truly cares for Aemond. She did share her insecurities when it comes to him, and how he has set implicit boundaries between them.
Whenever she gets too close, he’s only quick to pull away. Aemond has predictably not made it clear what they are, and has never protested when Alys goes on dates with other people. Although she wishes that he would.
Each time Alys hints at how Aemond means to her makes you feel guilty. You know you want him, but she has been in the picture much longer than you. Do you even have a chance? Do you want one?
Eventually, Alys receives a call, which she explains is from her disgruntled manager, telling her that the call time for her photoshoot is nearing. She excuses herself, sashaying confidently out of the apartment. You can’t help but feel small, and the fact that you find her a tad intimidating is the least of your worries.
Aemond seems farther away from you, if he ever was close. Helaena notices your lowered spirits, and she spends the rest of the morning helping you get your mind off things.
But no movie, series, or copious amount of baked goods proves effective.
Despite your best efforts, Aemond Targaryen has taken refuge in your mind. And perhaps, your heart. But you would never admit that too soon.
Especially not now.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The weekend is a welcome respite from your busy university schedule. Although you have to work a full shift at a local bookstore, you wouldn’t complain about it. It’s a calm and decent enough part-time job, and while it doesn’t pay much, you’re more than happy to be surrounded by books all day.
You rush into the bookstore, already half an hour late. Your bus was delayed for too long, and you did not even get to pick up your usual coffee on the way.
“Mel?” You call out to the owner. She’s always the first to come in, and open up shop. You rub your boots on the welcome mat, and make your way around the tall bookshelves. You spot her at the counter, arranging yesterday’s receipts into a folder.
“Good morning.” She greets you with her usual warm smile. “Don’t even worry about it, y/n.” She reassures you in time, already knowing you would apologize profusely for being late.
You breathe a sigh of relief, dropping your bag behind the counter. “I’ll just stay a bit later after closing. Help clean up everything.”
“No need.” She places a hand on your shoulder, and whispers close. “By the way, you have a visitor.”
“A visitor?”
“A handsome one, might I add. He’s sitting in the corner desk by the Classics section. I found him waiting outside so early. Poor kid said he wanted to be here as soon as the shop opened, and I don’t know about you, but I hardly believe it is because of his raging love for literature.”
“Oh, I see.” You stand dumbfounded, a new sense of nervousness settling over you. That handsome visitor can only be Aemond, can it?
“Go on, honey. Take your time. It’s not like the shop gets particularly busy this early.”
You slowly walk deeper into the shop, past the new releases, the sci-fi section, and then the romance.
And sure enough, there he sits.
His shoulder-length silver hair is in its usual half-up style, and his expensive black coat is draped on the back of his seat. His left hand holds a book on the table, while the other props up his face, his index finger absentmindedly running over his lips, deep in thought.
Your footsteps carry no sound, so he does not notice as you walk closer. You almost don’t want to bother him, as he looks so serene. Faint sunlight from an awning window warms the scene, casting a glow over him. Beautiful.
You find yourself leaning against a bookshelf, studying him, flashes of that night running through your head. He did leave you a message, explaining why he had to leave the morning after. You were not sure what to respond with, apart from “No problem. See you soon.”
Impersonal. Direct. Safe. Getting to know his lover that morning was a sort of wake-up call. You aren’t sure whether you’re ready to dive in deeper into the enigma that he poses. So you decided to leave it at that.
But it clearly was not enough for him, as evidenced by numerous subsequent missed calls.
His head turns, languidly, finally sensing your presence. When your eyes meet, a soft smile forms on his lips.
“Hello, darling.”
Shit. Two simple words and you’re all but ready to let go of any uncertainty you might have about him, then and there.
“Aemond,” you can’t help but smile in return, “to what do I owe this visit?”
He closes his book and sets it down on the table. He turns his body towards you, still seated, leaning back to take you in.
“Would you believe me if I said that I missed you?” He says smoothly, so sure of himself. He stresses, “I miss you.”
“It’s only been days since I last saw you, Aemond.” You roll your eyes in a poor attempt to hide the way you grow flustered.
“Feels like forever.” He stands, walking over to the bookshelf you’re leaning on, making a show of perusing the titles. “You have not answered my calls, darling. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you’re ignoring me.” He steps closer to you, mirroring your position.
“I was busy.” You respond quickly with a defensive tone. And you were, but not busy enough to avoid staring at your phone every time his name blinks on the screen, waiting for his call to drop.
“Hmm. I was hoping we could have a moment alone. To… talk,” His eyes rake your face, landing on your lips, “or perhaps, more?”
“More? Getting ahead of yourself, Aemond?” You look down, unable to meet his heated gaze.
“I really enjoyed our night together, and I was hoping we could have some more time to ourselves.”
“I’m sure we will. The next time Hel invites me over, or you guys throw a party…” You trail off, raising your head to look at him again, and sure enough, he continues to watch every change in your expression.
“How about now? Could I steal you away for an hour or two? I’m sure Melanie wouldn’t mind.”
“Already on first-name basis with my boss. Fast work, Aemond.”
“She’s a sweet woman. Nurturing. I’m glad you have someone like her as your supervisor.” His lips quirk in amusement.
“Really…” you raise your eyebrows.
“Mhmm. If she was unfair or unpleasant to you in any way, I would not hesitate to have someone better appointed in her stead.” He explains smugly.
“It’s an independent bookstore, Aemond, and not one of the hundred businesses your great empire owns. You wouldn’t have the jurisdiction.”
“Oh, you’d be surprised.” He lowers his face nearer to yours, his breath fanning your face. He continues, “I don’t believe you understand how much I would be willing to do for you.”
His proximity makes you short of breath, so you take a step back, wanting to clear your head. A frown materializes on his face, but it disappears just as quick as it arrived. He is determined to make himself heard.
“I have known you for a good part of a year now, y/n. And… my admiration for you has only blossomed as time passed. When we had a moment to ourselves that night, it just felt… right.”
“Aemond… ”
“I’m inclined to assume that you feel the same way. At least, I hope.”
Your throat feels dry all of a sudden, and you struggle to match his unabashed sincerity. “I’m not sure where this will lead. What you expect this to be. You already have… someone… ”
“Someone?” Props to him for seeming genuinely clueless as to who you’re referring to.
“I met her the morning after. Alys. She’s actually quite lovely.”
“It’s not what you think.” He finally looks away, his mood changed with the mention of Alys.
You sigh flatly, "That is exactly what someone involved would say. Look, I have no interest in ruining anyone's relationship - "
"I am not in a relationship - "
"But there is something between you and Alys, isn't there?"
"We aren't together. I have made this clear to her, time and again." He paces at the aisle, running his hand over the books. "Though I admit, in the times when I need... company... she's the one I have become accustomed to calling."
"Company." You almost roll your eyes at his casual implication.
"Hmm." His lips curl in distaste. "It does not come easy for me to connect with anyone. Even for a purpose as unseemly as that."
"There's nothing wrong with that."
"I know, I just... hope that you don't think any less of me."
"Aemond," you take a step forward, "you're free to want... company with whomever you want. So is Alys. But I can't get into this, whatever this is, with you if I will have to share you with anyone else."
"You won't. That already is far from the truth, darling. I have not even considered anyone else for a while now."
"But Alys - "
"I did not invite her over that night. I hadn't even seen her in weeks. Nothing happened after you left my bedroom."
"She cares about you. A lot."
"I know," he shakes his head slightly, "and I care about her, too. But it never became..." He bows his head, almost sheepishly. "... it's not... I don't love her."
Your gaze softens as you watch the torment in his expression. It becomes clear that Aemond does not throw around the word love without care. He sounds cautious. Nervous, almost.
His eyes find yours suddenly, the intensity behind them catching you by surprise.
"But you..." His brows furrow in frustration. He takes a deep breath, before repeating, almost accusingly, "You."
Suddenly, he pulls you close by the waist. His violet eyes keep you in place, holding you dear.
You take each other in with hungry eyes. His every little movement, every twitch, catches your attention. The way his lips purse, the way he swallows nervously. A stray strand of silver hair has fallen in front of his face, and you unconsciously reach up for it, your hand freezing mid-air when you realize what you're doing.
His hand comes up to caress yours, and slowly, he presses a soft kiss to your palm.
A soft moan nearly escapes your lips at how soft the gesture is. How gentle it feels. How right.
"I want you." He says, still holding your hand.
The two of you stand, mere inches away from one another.
Until a startled voice pierces the atmosphere, destroying the mood. "Shit, excuse me."
A boy stands in the middle of the aisle, a book in his hand. The day's first customer. He smiles sheepishly, pointing to the section you and Aemond have conveniently blocked, "Sorry, uh, I need to check out some of those."
You quickly step away from the shelf, and from Aemond. "Oh, excuse us. Please go right ahead." You wave him through.
Aemond does not move, his eyes irately landing on the boy. He is plainly displeased at the intrusion, not bothering to hide it. Spoiled, rich baby.
"Aemond, move over here." You address him, pulling at his hand. That gets his attention.
He does not let go of your hand, and directs you to the next aisle. But the haze has subsided for you. Or at least, it has to, for now.
"I have to work." You mumble. The words sound so dull after everything that has been said.
"Alright. I'll wait here."
"I'll wait here until you can leave with me for a little while."
Your mouth parts in frustration, confusion, or is it awe? You no longer know for sure. This day is certainly shaping up to be more eventful than you are prepared for.
"Aemond," you try to implore gently, "my first break is in four hours. Surely, you won't just wait here until then."
"Why ever not?" He looks amused at your growing incredulity. "I've got time to kill. Besides, I've got all these books to keep me busy."
"You would wait for me for four hours, and then what?"
"Then, I suppose, I'll take you out for lunch." His thumb continues to draw circles on the back of your hand, which almost escapes your notice. It felt so normal, just as if he has held your hand a thousand times before.
His hand reaches up to stroke your cheekbone, before tilting your head up at him. "Please say yes, darling."
Your heart races, even without its usual helping of caffeine. Looking at Aemond, you think that your break cannot come soon enough.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For the next four hours, Aemond keeps his word and waits.
He moves to a table within eyeshot of the counter where you're working. It is clear that he is watching you, glancing at you from time to time and throwing a smirk your way.
You struggle to keep up appearances, cordially greeting customers and ringing in their purchases. You fight the temptation to walk over to Aemond, nudge his face towards his book, and tell him to quit staring at you like that.
His presence makes you infinitely more self-aware, and you try not to watch your every move, but you do anyway.
Aemond seems content to wait in silence, poring over the pages of his novel, until someone in particular walks in the store.
“I’m sorry, miss, I must be in the wrong place. My good friend Y/n promised that this would be the best bookstore in the city.” A familiar voice says. “Seems cozy, sure, but far from the best, wouldn’t you say?”
You look up at the new arrival, whom you immediately recognize. Aemond visibly straightens in his corner, noticing him as well.
“Jace!” You exclaim brightly, reaching over the counter to give him a hug.
Jacaerys chuckles deeply, and you can't help but feel warm at the sound. The sound of his laughter is something you love about him, genuine and free.
"Somebody missed me." His voice is muffled against your hair, and his arms wrap around you tightly.
"Course I did." You move to stand in front of him. "Back from Pentos so soon?"
"Yes, I finished my course early. I'm just that smart, as you well know." He taps the side of his head smugly.
"Ha-ha." You playfully punch his shoulder.
"Nephew." Aemond greets, interrupting your little reunion. "It's been a while."
"Aemond," Jace turns around to face him, "I didn't notice you, dear uncle. You look well."
"As do you." Aemond replies stoically. His hands are neatly kept behind his back, and he watches you and Jacaerys with keen eyes. "I was not aware that you and Y/n are so close."
You know that Aemond does not have the best relationship with his half-sister Rhaenyra's children. At first, you could not understand why. Jace and his siblings are among the kindest boys you've met. Luke is a bit roguish, but that is part of his charm.
But that was before Helaena explained to you how Aemond must have felt neglected growing up, always in the shadow of his nephews, who are much favoured by his own father Viserys. Helaena learned not to mind, telling you how she has found peace with her own self and her passions. She is aware that Viserys loves Rhaenyra above everyone else, and by extension, Rhaenyra's children. His marriage to their mother Alicent was borne out of necessity, not love.
And she only hinted at it, but apparently, Aemond was also bullied by the younger boys when they were children. Of course, that was long ago, but some scars never fully heal.
"We're good friends, Aemond." Jace responds, putting one arm over your shoulders, a movement that makes Aemond's lips curl in distaste. "Met her through Hel, of course, and I just couldn't get enough of this little rascal." He squeezes your shoulders, pulling you closer, making you wrap an arm around his waist.
"You're the rascal, leaving me for nearly half a year like that." You jest, matching his smile.
"Well, I'm back now, aren't I?" He says, then he turns back to his uncle, "What are you doing here, by the way? Just browsing for a new read?"
"No," Aemond loosens his stance a bit, looking at you, "I'm actually waiting to take Y/n out on a date."
A date? Is that what I agreed to?
"To lunch." You clarify, meeting his gaze.
"A lunch date." Aemond simply shrugs, deeming the matter settled.
"Uh-huh." Jace looks between the two of you, growing amused. "Listen, uncle, could you give me just a few minutes with Y/n. Then, I promise, she's all yours."
Aemond stands still for a few seconds, deliberating whether he should leave you with Jace. The silence is utterly deafening, so you say, "Aemond. I'll be with you in a bit. We can head out soon."
"Hmm." He relents, then stalks back to his table, his silver hair gently flowing behind his neck.
Jace watches Aemond walk away with a weird look on his face, and you already know what's coming next.
"Y/n?" Jace smirks at you. "What is going on?"
"He's... here for me."
"Worked your magic on him, I see? I remember you having a crush on him and all..."
"Alright, pipe down about it." Your face becomes flushed, and you catch Aemond's eye in the corner. "I didn't even do anything. He sought me out."
"Riiiight," Jace says, "and this is what you want?"
You shrug, "I do like him. You know this."
Jace studies your expression, seeing sincerity but also a tinge of something else. Doubt, perhaps? "Just be careful, alright? My uncle can be a little... unpredictable."
"He's... I mean, he actually seems a lot better than I expected. It's a shame you two aren't close."
"Yes, well, some things can't be helped." Jace's eyebrows furrow in thought. "What about that model that he's rumoured to be seeing? He can't keep messing around with her, if he wants you, y/n."
"Oh, I even met her, actually. She's nice. But Aemond says that they're apparently... over. Or... not working out. You know, I'm not sure." You shake your head, not wanting to think about it any further. It isn't really a matter that's been resolved yet.
"Okay, just be careful, alright? You're too good for him, y/n."
"Don't worry about me, Jace." You smile, looping your arm with his as you lean against the counter. "How's the family? How are Luke and Joffrey?"
"Well, Luke is Luke. You know. Gets into a fair share of trouble, what with his penchant for racing cars and all. Bloody well gives mum a heart attack each time he has to do a competition. I think he's coming back tomorrow from some race in Casterly Rock."
"That's our Luke." You sigh fondly.
"And Joff's as sweet as ever. Nearly done with middle school, that one. You're invited to his finishing ceremony, of course."
You smirk at his assurance, "I think Joff should be the one to invite me, no?"
Jace moves to stand in front of you again. "Doesn't matter. I'm the big brother, I say you're in."
He cages you in, with each of his hands on the counter. You then press your forehead against his chest, and he rests his chin atop your head. A position that the two of you have gotten so used to doing. Jace is truly like a brother to you, and he loves you like his actual sister in turn.
"Mmm, I did miss this." You breathe.
Aemond's fist bunches on the table, his book long-forgotten. You and Jacaerys were only friends, right? So why did he have to feel so uneasy?
He stands, not able to watch the scene any longer, and walks over to claim what he thinks should be his.
"Let's go." Aemond's voice pierces the silence, catching you by surprise. You move away from Jace, and throw him a sheepish smile, as if to apologize for Aemond's behaviour.
“I guess that’s my cue to leave.” Jace’s arm drops from your sides, and he takes a step back to keep Aemond’s envy from worsening.
“Won’t you join us for lunch?” You ask Jace. One glance at Aemond, and it’s plain to see that he’s not particularly fond of that idea.
“Nah, you two go ahead. I’ve got some matters to attend to.” Jace is quick to respond. Whether he’s telling the truth, or he just wants to appease Aemond, you remind yourself to ask him about it later.
“Nice seeing you, uncle.” Jace says to Aemond, as he heads for the door.
His hand is already at the doorknob, when he recalls something. He calls out to you, “Y/n, you will be coming to the Dragonstone ball, right?”
“Oh, I don’t know yet.” You reply. The annual Dragonstone ball is a grand event held by the Targaryens, and almost anyone of repute is sure to be invited. Celebrities, philanthropists, academics. You vaguely recall seeing last year’s ball everywhere in the news. That must have been around the time you first met Helaena, your friendship quickly developing soon after.
“Well if you are, would you - ” Jace begins to say, but he is immediately interrupted by Aemond.
“She’ll be coming with me.” Aemond declares.
“I am?” You say, startled, as you pick up your bag from behind the counter.
“Mmm. You are, darling.”
What the hell?
“See you around, y/n.” Jace relents, taking note of the heightened tension in the room.  
As soon as he’s gone, you address the silver-haired scoundrel who was quick to make a decision for you, much to your annoyance. “Listen, sweetheart,” you pat him on the chest, and head for the door, expecting him to follow suit, “it’s not going to be that easy.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The two of you sit in the secluded veranda of a Valyrian restaurant that, unsurprisingly, is owned by the Targaryens. Beautifully gilded tables are nestled in a garden, and Aemond had led you to their best section under an archway. The restaurant had been empty when you arrived, with all the staff standing ready to usher you inside. You suspect that Aemond went ahead and purposefully reserved the entire place for this very afternoon, but you let it slide.
“When is the Dragonstone ball?” you ask, after finishing most of your meal.
“I’d say in around two months. My mother is overseeing everything, as usual, so it’s really all up to her.”
“And,” you lean back, smiling wryly, “apparently, I am going with you?”
Aemond smirks, “Why wouldn’t you?”
You scoff. The ‘Prince of the city’ sure has a pair on him. “I don’t know, Aemond. Maybe because you did not really ask me to come with you.”
His smirk does not fade. He leans forward, taking your hand from across the table, his fingers tracing your skin. Your prideful facade is at risk of breaking, and you wish to simply hold his hand back lovingly.
But you keep a hold of yourself, waiting.
“Darling,” the corner of his lips turn up in amusement, most likely at your rapidly changing expression, “would you do me the honour of being my partner…” He deliberately pauses, taking delight in how your eyes widen, “… to the Dragonstone ball?”
Oh, you little shit. “Mmm,” you swallow, attempting to steel your nerves. Aemond patiently waits for your response, the damage already done. For a split second, he gets the urge to reach for your knee underneath the table.
Perhaps to comfort you. Or solely for his pleasure, adding to your already fluttering heartbeat. Or both.
“Okay,” you clear your throat, “I will go with you. Thank you for asking.”
Aemond smiles brightly, the dimples on his cheeks deepening. “I’m glad, darling.”
Something crosses your mind, and before you can push it down, curiosity gets the better of you. You find yourself asking, “By the way, who did you go with last year?”
His face falls, “You probably already know. Alys.”
“Of course,” you nod, “and the year before that? Her as well?”
“Y/n,” he says sternly, “that’s not of any importance.”
“Won’t she be expecting to go with you again this year?” You ask.
He simply shrugs, “She may have mentioned something recently to that effect.”
“Aemond - ”
“Look, the main reason why I brought her to previous balls was because I’ve always been expected to take a date. It’s just the proper thing to do, to keep up appearances, though I don’t really agree with it. If I were to bring someone, I don’t want to do it out of obligation. And I can finally do that now, with you. I want to be with you, and take you as my partner for the ball.”
How can I argue with that? It’s almost impossible, when his violet eyes blaze at me in the way that they always do.
“I just,” you look away, choosing to admire the way the vines wrap themselves around the archway, to distract yourself from Aemond’s heated gaze, “I don’t want her to feel like she’s being slighted in any way. I don't want her to feel like I’m… stealing you away… or something.”
Aemond smiles, “By all means, steal me away, darling.”
“I’m being serious.” You attempt a stern tone, but it falls flat as soon as you see his smile.
“I was never hers to keep. You, however…”
“You’re more than welcome to call me yours, if you wish.”
“Aemond.” You want to scold him for being so forward, not when there are some things that still need to be resolved. But you also want to trust him, to trust in whatever it is the two of you are becoming.
You realize you are already in too deep. How? The possibility of ever losing him is enough to fill your stomach with dread. If Aemond will be yours, then he will also be yours to lose.
And you don’t know what you will do if that happens.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next two weeks pass by in relative bliss. Aemond makes an effort to see you almost every day, visiting you in the bookstore or meeting you after your lectures. You learn more about him in this time, than in the past year you’ve known him. The two of you have always admired each other from afar, but now that Aemond has begun to completely open up to you, it’s as if you’ve known him your whole life.
It's as if he’s one of the pillars holding everything together around you. A comfortable constant. As well as a conflagration, casting his radiance over everything. Aemond is like a magnet, a desirable paradox drawing everyone to him. The amount of looks you get from your fellow students whenever Aemond picks you up from university made you uneasy at first, but you’ve learned to find the humour in it.
Aemond’s smug smirk at their reaction each time he takes your hand, stealing you away, is surely enough to make you feel giddy inside.
Everything seemed too good to be true, and perhaps it was.
The abrupt end to this brief golden period began one evening, as you and Helaena are in her bedroom, perusing through countless gown designs online to wear for the Dragonstone ball.
Aemond had been away on business to a nearby city, and you eagerly await his return. Then a sharp ringing echoes throughout the room, coming from Helaena’s phone, a sound that makes you anxious though you cannot pinpoint why in the moment.
She glances at the screen, before quickly turning to you. “It’s my father.”
“Oh, answer it then.”
“That’s strange,” her face contorts in confusion, “he almost never calls.”
Helaena excuses herself, walking over to stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Her reflection on the glass is only faintly visible to you, and you struggle to make anything out of the muffled conversation.
A long, torturous minute passes before the call finishes. When Helaena turns to face you, her face is white as a sheet.
You stand, and rush over to her side. “Hel? What is it?”
At your touch, something snaps in her, and she becomes frantic. “It’s… it’s my brother… it’s Aemond… ” She quickly scrambles around the room, putting on her coat and shoes.
“Aemond?” You feel nauseous with worry. “What happened, Hel?”
“I have to get to the hospital. Aemond and Luke got into an accident.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An entire week passes before you hear from any of them. Helaena had rushed off alone to the hospital that night, and while you were desperate to come along and see Aemond, she explained that her parents preferred that only family came to visit.
You understood. Or at least, you tried to. You went home feeling weak all over, and it only worsened when you saw that the accident was already plastered all over the news.
It was reported that Aemond and Lucerys were each driving their cars at dangerous speeds, when one of them must have collided with the other, crashing onto the freeway. It was alleged that Aemond’s car had flipped over multiple times before finally landing down a hill. The extent of their injuries are not made public, probably at the authority of Viserys himself, but the masses have been quick to speculate.
Jace calls you while you are staying home one afternoon, having opted out of attending all your lectures for the day. For the past few days, actually.
“Hey, you,” He greets softly, knowing how you must already be reeling with stress. “Holding up okay?”
“Me? What about you, Jace? How is everyone? How is Luke? Aemond? Fuck, I haven’t heard from anyone.”
He breathes, “We’re fine, y/n. Luke just has a broken leg, but it should heal fine. He does have to put up with a cast for several weeks, though.”
Okay. Luke is alright. But you still can’t let out a sigh of relief, not until…
“What about Aemond?” You ask nervously.
“That’s… another thing.”
“Please just tell me, Jace.”
“Are you home? I’m actually nearby. We should maybe discuss this in person.” He offers.
And only half an hour later, he is standing at your door. You quickly envelop him in a tight hug, and he breathes deeply, feeling comforted by your presence.
Once the two of you are settled on your couch, cups of warm tea held between each of your hands, you begin talking.
“Aemond is fine. For the most part.” He says. “He’s alive and well, but he’s suffered an injury.”
“What injury?”
“He doesn’t want anyone to know, Y/n. At least, not just yet.”
You pause, unsure if you want to press further. You do want to know, but you also want to respect Aemond’s privacy. Besides, if he wanted you to know, he would tell you himself, wouldn’t he?
“I understand,” you relent, sinking into the couch, “I’m just glad they’re okay.”
Jace notices your distress, and reaches for you, “Come here.”
The embrace offers a momentary respite. Your head drops down on his shoulder, and you both enjoy the silence that follows.
“One thing’s for sure,” Jace says after a while, “There’s no way in hell that mum is letting Luke drive again. At least not for a long, long fucking time.”
You smile at that, feeling light for the first time in a while.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Dragonstone ball is once again making its rounds in the media, and this year, it is reported to have been delayed for two more months, allowing the dust to settle over the terrible accident that befell two of the Targaryen heirs.
Just a week after you learn about this piece of news, you finally hear from Aemond.
Your heart skips a beat when his name flashes on the screen, and you pick up your phone with a slightly trembling hand. You press the green button, and lift the phone to one ear.
Nothing. But then, you hear soft breathing at the other end. It’s a silly notion, but you think you recognize those breaths to be his. It can only be him.
“Aemond, I know you’re there.” You say, biting your lip in anticipation.
“Dar…” he cuts himself off, “Y/n. I’m alright, I apologize for only calling you now.”
Coldness seeps in your bones when you notice how he corrected himself. Why?
“It’s alright, Aemond. I’m just relieved that you’re fine. I was so worried, you have no idea.”
The sound of your voice tugs at his heart, one which he sorely missed. He swallows, struggling to bring himself to say what he means to. “I need to tell you something. About the ball… I’ve decided that I should take Alys instead. She was already expecting that she is to be my date, and I just think that it’s rude if I…”
“That’s fine.” You say, far too quickly, not believing your own words. “I… I did consider that. You should take her.”
“Darling,” Aemond finally says, unable to hold back, “I…”
“It’s okay,” you attempt to comfort him, but it’s mostly for your own sake, “I completely understand.”
He takes a deep breath. As he envisions how you must look on the other line, he instantly feels a pang of regret.
“I’ll… I’ll see you around, yeah?” You say, wanting to be done with this damned call.
“Hmm. I’ll see you, darling.”
You throw your phone down on your desk. Feeling numb all over, you make your way to the kitchen, and quickly take a bottle of red bottle from the cabinet. You make quick work of the cork, and pour yourself a hefty amount.
You slosh the liquid around your glass, staring at that familiar shade of maroon.
And sure enough, it brings you back to that night on their balcony.
“For fuck’s sake.” You whisper to yourself. Closing your eyes, you see him.
What happened, Aemond? Have I already lost you?
“How could I?” You say bitterly. “When he was never mine?”
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The part two preview that I posted, has been relegated to part three, after much editing. It's meant to be a steamy, little scene that unfolds in the Dragonstone ball.
And I had to work in the tragic injury that Aemond suffers in a way that might be suited to this modern setting. It's just hard for me to picture child on child violence happening here, with one of them taking a brutal dagger to the eye. At least not in this world, which is meant to resemble ours 😂
Oohh and thoughts on Jace? I actually don't intend him to be a love interest for the reader, and more so a genuine friend. But Aemond doesn't need to know that, does he? He surely won't believe it in the events at follow... 😏
Taglist for this series is still open (for now) so comment below if you wish to be added. 🤍
Series taglist: @caught-in-the-afterglow @aemondtargaryensrider @punggo66 @dollfaceyourfear @candypurplebutterfly @moonmaiden1996 @bdpst-massacre @mxrgodsstuff @lolitaisreal @blue-serendipity @depressedperson88 @melsunshine @thejanecampaign @fxngsfxgxrty @padfooteyes @msmarvel-19 @noxytopy @louschan @aemondssuit @virginslut08 @tempo-rary-fix @lauraneedstochill @julczimozart @booknerd2004 @sarcasticfangirl @witchyvik @julieeba @pyjama-shorts @bellaisasleep @account3168 @this-is-a-bad-idea @zillahvathek @thincrusttheworks @krispold @yougotthatlove @raging-panda @fleetingly-artistic @its-hopes-world @ririrare @throughgoeshamilton @polireader @katsav17 @minttea07
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wildlife4life · 3 months
Alright, so I consider this to be a safe place to speak my mind on this whole buck/tommy/eddie relationship triangle. I hope.
I am super excited on the very high prospect of getting bi buck.
I am meh on Tommy's character. He is a plot device that I do not love nor do I hate. He is just there. It has been stated he is in only for a few episodes and my theory is that he is there to re-affirm what the 118 is to each other, what Buck/Eddie could be to each other, and give us a true outsiders perspective, with inside knowledge on what the 118 used to be like. The whole, past showing the present how truly good things are now.
Am I excited for a Buck/Tommy potential romance? Nope. But I am not going to throw a fit if it does happen nor will I rage against those that are excited for it.
I do believe that Tommy is in someway going to stir the pot that is the Buck/Eddie dynamic, pushing them closer towards feeling realizations and a possible romantic relationship hint in the S7 finale. How he stirs that pot... well I'm waiting and seeing.
Eddie and Marisol...the end is near. Like I thought Ali got limited screen time, but damnnnnnnnn, the DIY girl makes Ali look like a regular character. Lol. Ready to watch another awkward Eddie break-up.
Buck and Eddie don't have a typical 'friendship' and both of them trying to be friends with Tommy, is going to expose that. Making Buck question it first, most likely and then Eddie later on (he needs to remember the girlfriend first, then lose her for real.) That is my biggest theory.
There we go. Buddier truther. Tommy neutral. Anti-Marisol. Level head for what is to come... well sort of. When/if Buddie goes canon that level head is tumbling down a very steep cliff, screaming the entire way down.
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marthastewieeee · 3 months
modern alicent hightower au.
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head canons.
born september 1st, 1993 (virgo)
high femme lesbian
daughter of otto hightower, head adviser of balerion co.
from oxfordshire but moved to london at age twelve to attend an all catholic girls boarding school.
that is where she first met rhaenyra targaryen, heir to balerion co.
favourite subject: english literature and history
(she get's REALLY attached to her female English teacher)
(and still had no idea she was a lesbian...)
prefect in sixth form while rhaenyra eventually becomes head girl
absolutely adores vintage stores and drags rhaenyra to notting hill every leave weekend they possibly can
(rhae always complains but she secretly adores it)
alicent becomes vegan for a few years
(rhae does NOT like that)
otto does not want alicent to go to university truly but (through rhaenyra) viserys convinces him to allow her to apply.
alicent is allowed to apply to edinburgh and UCL.
(upon hearing that, rhae applied only to edinburgh and UCL).
both decided on edinburgh in the end.
alicent studies english literature with a minor in business.
(no one can really remember what rhae studies, it's an ongoing joke between them)
viserys pays the rent on their flat in the city centre and the two truly become roommates.
(now THAT is a real joke between the rest of their friends)
after a messy, weird, love triangle where they realised they were way more interested in each other than the exchange student (Criston Cole), they finally figured out what all their friends had been joking about.
after graduation, rhaenyra takes over balerion co. while convincing (demanding) otto to allow alicent to get her PHD in classic literature at UCL.
the two move in together in a penthouse in Knightsbridge.
Otto discovers their relationship too late and vehemently disapproves, refusing to pay for the rest of Alicent's education.
rhae murders him (no she doesn't)
rhae threatens to fire him unless he pays for her PHD course.
she fires him two years later, the night alicent receives her PHD.
alicent ends up writing bestselling fantasy novels (think shadow and bone/six of crows) while also being on call as an advisor for balerion co.
rhae proposes the day the book series becomes a New York Times bestseller (the aim alicent was always reaching for).
(Ali said yes).
they are married when they are thirty.
the wedding takes place in lake como.
laena velaryon is rhaenyra's maid of honour and emmeline tully (Alicent's cousin) is Alicent's maid of honour.
Otto refuses to attend.
Gwayne walks alicent down the aisle.
(to the instrumental of this love by Taylor Swift)
alicent goes on to win the Pulitzer Prize for her book on how catholic guilt manifests in the 21st century.
continues to write while rhae and alicent raise their children.
three carried by alicent (aegon, helaena, aemond).
three carried by rhaenyra (jacaerys, lucerys, joffrey).
alicent never allows them to meet otto.
but they have a grandparental figures in corlys and rhaenys velaryon (rhaenyra's uncle and aunt).
and they all live happily ever after <3
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mariacallous · 7 months
Max Hightower, a senior at Sherman High School in North Texas, always loved theater. He sang in his school’s chorus and was in school plays but had never landed a speaking part.
Then, two weeks ago, he was cast as Ali Hakim, a leading role in the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “Oklahoma,” after another student was cut from the roster.
“It was just overwhelming,” the 17-year-old told HuffPost. “I was so excited. I ran and told all my friends.”
But that joy was short-lived. Max was called into the principal’s office on Friday, where he says he was told about a “new policy” stating that students could only be cast in roles that aligned with the sex they were assigned at birth.
Max, a transgender boy, would no longer be able to play the male part of Hakim. Local outlet KXII first reported that Max had been removed from his role.
When Max left the principal’s office, he saw a line of other students who had been cast in the musical and were waiting to get the same disappointing news.
“We just had this giant cry sesh outside of the choir room,” Max said.
Sherman High students and parents who spoke to HuffPost said that about a dozen students ― transgender, nonbinary and cisgender alike ― were cut from the show because their sex assigned at birth did not match the sex or gender presentation of the roles in which they were cast. Three parents said their cisgender daughters who had been cast in male roles or wore masculine clothing for their roles were cut from the show due to the school’s new rules.
Meghan Cone, the communications director for the Sherman Independent School District, told HuffPost that there isn’t a blanket policy on how students will be cast for future performances and that she was “unable to address the number of students impacted.”
“As it relates to this particular production, the sex of the role as identified in the script will be used when casting. Because the nature and subject matter of productions vary, the District is not inclined to apply this criteria to all future productions,” Cone wrote in a statement.
Like most plays, “Oklahoma!” does not note that sex should factor in casting.
The school’s performance of “Oklahoma!” has been postponed until early 2024 because the district learned about “mature adult themes, profane language, and sexual content” in the show, Cone said, adding that the district is working to produce a version that is “appropriate for the high school stage.” The musical revolves around two fiery love triangles against the backdrop of Oklahoma’s journey to statehood, but Sherman families said the school has put on the musical in the past without any issues.
“It’s very clear to us and all the other parents and families that this isn’t an issue about ‘Oklahoma!’ itself or the content of the show,” Kayla Brooks, who said her daughter lost her part, told HuffPost. Her daughter had been cast as a male ensemble character in August.
“This is an issue about a trans kid who got cast as one of the lead roles,” Brooks said.
CJ Price, a senior at Sherman High who was also removed from her part, said that she and some of her cisgender female cast mates were told they could no longer participate because they preferred to dress as cowboys instead of wearing dresses.
Students said they were told that they would be recast in new roles that align with the school’s casting rules.
Cone said she did not know why some cisgender female students were cut for playing male roles or wearing typically masculine clothing but that the “sex of the role as identified in the script” would be used when recasting. “No recasting has occurred at this time,” she said.
Max’s dad, Phillip Hightower, said the school had been fairly supportive of his son’s transition — Max had, for example, worn slacks and a black tie when performing in concerts — and that he was “so taken aback” when he received a separate call from the principal informing him of the school’s decision to remove his son from the role.
Some parents told HuffPost that they suspect a community member complained to the school district after Max was cast as a lead, and they said they plan to raise the issue at the school board meeting next week.
“I am really disappointed that the school district didn’t take the opportunity to educate the concerned person about gender-blind casting and the history of theater,” said Betty Price, CJ’s mom. “But instead of doing that, they had a knee-jerk reaction and decided to make a policy change that has now forever ruined the history of theater at Sherman High School.”
Christina Shelton, the mother of an another transgender student, said she’s waiting to find out if a production her child is involved with will be similarly affected. Shelton’s child is in the school’s University Interscholastic League theater program, a statewide organization that brings schools together in competition.
“Is this politically motivated? Is this religiously motivated? What are you supposed to tell your kids?” Shelton told HuffPost. “It’s just not a friendly place for LGBTQ students.”
Phillip Hightower said he has been closely following how far-right forces have taken over a school district in Grapevine, just an hour south of Sherman, over the last year — including accusing a top-rated queer teacher of “grooming” students.
“That is the atmosphere we’re living in. I feel like the same thing could happen here,” he said, noting that he thinks his district has adopted more extreme and explicitly Christian policies recently.
Texas’ Republican-controlled legislature has introduced more than 140 anti-LGBTQ+ bills this year, according to Johnathan Gooch, the communications director at Equality Texas. Seven such bills have passed, he said, and have caused significant harm to trans and queer kids, including restricting access to gender-affirming care.
“I think it’s important to state blatantly it is illegal to discriminate against anyone based on their sexual orientation or gender identity under federal civil rights law, specifically Title IX,” Gooch told HuffPost.
Title IX is a civil rights law that bars sex-based discrimination, which includes protections for transgender students in any school or educational program that receives federal funding.
“It’s a difficult time to be queer in Texas, and schools need to be safe havens for these kids. It’s important that our schools affirm young trans kids, support them, encourage them in the arts and in their school work,” Gooch said. “These policies are just piling on, creating toxic climates that only further harm young people in the state.”
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apod · 10 months
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2023 August 24
Meteors along the Milky Way Image Credit & Copyright: Ali Hosseini Nezhad
Explanation: Under dark and mostly moonless night skies, many denizens of planet Earth were able to watch this year's Perseid meteor shower. Seen from a grassy hillside from Shiraz, Iran these Perseid meteors streak along the northern summer Milky Way before dawn on Sunday, August 13. Frames used to construct the composited image were captured near the active annual meteor shower's peak between 02:00 AM and 04:30 AM local time. Not in this night skyscape, the shower's radiant in the heroic constellation Perseus is far above the camera's field of view. But fans of northern summer nights can still spot a familiar asterism. Formed by bright stars Deneb, Vega, and Altair, the Summer Triangle spans the luminous band of the Milky Way.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap230824.html
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star-railfanboy · 10 months
Hello I was wondering if you could make a honkai star rail story with the reader being a member of the Astral Express crew and their extremely innocent and naive, but when the Astral Express crew arrived at the Xianzhou Loufu the reader is kidnapped by Blade and Kafka after a small battle and the reader is injured and they kidnapped the reader because they were much more useful to the stellaron hunters alive than dead because of their ancestry from a forgotten race that was known as the Ali beautiful creatures with wing made of crystal and the light that shines through their wings can harm those they see as an enemy. (I made up the whole Ali thing but you're more than welcome to write this in anyway you please, and I wish you a good morning/afternoon or goodnight ☺️)
|Hello anon I'll be changing the Ali concept to something else. The reader will still have wings. They will still be from a forgotten race. :) I hope it's written ok. The trailblazer is not the reader and will be Caelus(it'll switch between Caelus and Stelle with requests.) This will be a love triangle between Blade and Kafka with a gender neutral reader as well as scenario as it wasn't specified. It'll be a love triangle since I don't write poly my apologies. I have nothing against it I am just monogamous. As always feel free to change the pronouns to fit your own. I hope you enjoy and I wish you a lovely day or night.
Blade and Kafka x A Gender Neutral Reader.
Warnings: Mentions of fighting, minor injuries, kidnapping, spoilers for Kafka's companion quest as well as the main story quest, |
Kafka and Blade Love Triangle
(Name) had gone with the first group of the Loufu. They were confused about several things that happened. Once everything was done and over with they were walking around and had seen Caelus in an alleyway. They were about to go over and greet the silver haired trailblazer but stopped when they saw Kafka.
They tilted their head and walked over. "Are you friends with the Stellaron hunters Caelus?" (Name) asked seeing Blade in the shop. Kafka's eyes lit up upon seeing them again. "Oh we met again." She said with a smile. Caelus gave her an uneasy look and stepped between the two. As the smile she made seemed to be plotting something.
"Don't worry Kiddo. Our intentions with them aren't bad. Now It's time to get back to your friends. I want to chat with this little one for a bit." Kafka stated using her powers. Caelus felt he couldn't refuse. (Name) looked confused. "I'll catch up with you after our chat." They said giving their friend a smile. She's friends with Caelus so she must not be too bad.
After Caelus left Blade walked out of the shop. "Sam messaged me an update to our script from Elio. So (Name) we're supposed to bring you back with us. He didn't specify alive or dead." She said with the same smile from earlier. She thought they were definitely a cute one. What's more they are supposed to have a hidden power.
There wasn't much know about their race. What Kafka was able to find out wasn't much which piqued her curiosity. They gave her a confused look. She grinned they seemed so innocent. It was rather adorable.
"I can't go with you though. I told Caelus I'd head back after them. Dan Heng and Mr. Yang get worried if I'm gone for too long. I dont want to be scolded again about how dangerous it is to be alone by Mr. Yang." (Name) said with a frown. Kafka gave a small laugh they were simply too adorable. She wanted to see what was so special about them.
"Bladie detain them to bring them back with us." Kafka commanded. Blade simply nodded and charged them they didn't appear to have weapon up until he brought his down to strike them. A weapon made of a pure looking crystal appeared in their hands quickly blocking Blade's strike.
Blade's eyes widened as he felt his mind coming back to him. Only Kafka's powers kept his mind in tack from the Mara inflicted on him. He felt his sanity coming back just being near them. He wondered what kind of powers they held to achieve that. He definitely couldn't kill them now. It seemed his partner realized the same thing. "Looks like they will be useful to us Bladie. Better keep them alive." Kafka stated.
Blade and the nameless started clashing Weapons once again. The stellaron hunter being relentless in his acts to weaken the other's defenses and energy. At one point his feet were encased in some sort of crystal like substance. He quickly smashed it and rushed the other to prevent them from thinking of a plan.
He wanted to avoid harming them but with every battle some wounds are bound to arise. The clearness he felt from his mara stricken mind was nice almost addicting to him. After all its been a long long time since he was able to think clearly and not just be a puppet for Kafka. He'll have to patch them up back at the base. Eventually they lost all of their strength by trying to block the acts as well as the injuries they sustained.
(Name) unwillingly dropped their crystal weapon and their legs gave out on them. Then before they were aware of what happened they blacked out. Falling completely to the ground. Blade walked over and carefully picked them up. After they fell unconscious wings that appeared of the same crystal as their weapon appeared on their back as though the nameless had been concealing them.
"You didn't over due it did you Bladie? It'd be a shame for someone as lovely as them to be harmed." Kafka stated walking over. As she approached she noticed their injuries they got slowly fading away. "It seems that our dear (Name) has an enhanced healing ability. The powers seem to also effect your mind. Though I feel they are too much of a cutie to stay with you. I wonder if Eilo would let me keep them with me."
Blade gave her a quick glare as if to warn her he won't let that happen willingly. The two shot the other a look signaling this wasn't going to resolved easily. They made their way back to the base. Silverwolf looked up from her game and saw the two enter with an unconscious person. The person looked like a new character that was recently released in her gatcha game. Wings and a lovely appearance go match. She wondered if the person was inspiration for the character.
"Whose that?" She asked her taller companions. Kafka gave her a smile. "My new partner Eilo sent us to retrieve them while we were still aboard the Loufu." She answered putting a hand to her chest. She decided after all they were simply too adorable for her to resist.
Blade gave a glare and held them closer to himself. "They are not." He stated. He was willing to fight Kafka for the person who cleared his mind. The two were certainly going to fight for (Name)'s love and affection. However one thing was for certain the nameless weren't getting their innocent (Name) back anytime soon if ever. Kafka and Blade would ensure they remind as the Stellaron hunters dear Ali.
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hvrrietgen · 10 months
Genevieve estava fodida.
Não cheirava como seus amigos, mas era mestre em consumir bebida alcóolica e acabou fumando metade de um baseado com uma amiga na parte externa da casa noturna. Ela estava decidida a se divertir naquela noite e, mais do que isso, a levar Joel junto dela. Foi depois da terceira shot de tequila que havia arrastado o namorado para o banheiro e lhe dado um dos melhores boquetes da vida.
Ela o expulsou do banheiro para fazer xixi e retocar o batom, pedindo para que o Ward arranjasse mais alguma coisa para beberem no meio tempo. Fez o melhor que pôde com sua aparência e ajeitou o vestido no corpo antes de sair.
"Fuck." Ela gemeu ao se sentar ao lado dele no bar. Era o segundo andar da casa e ali não era tão barulhento quanto o de cima, ainda que conseguissem ouvir o som da música dali. "Você não foi o único que ganhou uma chupada. O aniversariante está recebendo um presente no meio da escada."
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cantsayidont · 6 months
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July 1983 to October 1986. In 1983, DC lured Doug Moench away from Marvel and books like MASTER OF KUNG FU and MOON KNIGHT to take over BATMAN and DETECTIVE COMICS under the editorship of Len Wein. Their run, which lasted 40 months, was the final phase of the Bronze Age Batman continuity; although it continued for some months after the end of CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, everything up to DETECTIVE COMICS #566 and BATMAN #400 is functionally part of pre-Crisis continuity, in particular most anything to do with Jason Todd becoming the second Robin. (Jason debuted during the end of Gerry Conway's run in early 1983, but it was Moench and Wein who oversaw Jason's actually becoming Robin.)
From 1981 to 1986, there was a tight continuity between BATMAN and DETECTIVE COMICS: a story begun in one book would continue in the other two weeks later. This was something new for Batman; there had been occasional multi-issue storylines for years, and Steve Englehart and Len Wein had introduced a certain amount of Marvel-style continuity in the late '70s, but having around 40 story pages per month allowed more room for character-focused stories, supporting characters, and subplots. When Doug Moench arrived, a central focus was on leading up to Jason Todd becoming Robin, but there were also numerous other major and minor subplots, from Alfred's attempts to connect with his adult daughter, Julia Remarque (introduced by Conway in 1981), to Gotham's messy city politics and power struggles in the underworld.
In MASTER OF KUNG FU, Moench's signature storytelling preoccupation had been "kinky weirdos hurting each other's feelings," and his initial run on the Bat-books also featured a series of messy, sometimes bloody romantic triangles, the most important of which involved Batman; the now-reformed Catwoman; Nocturna (Natalia Knight), a pretentious Goth burglar who attempted to adopt Jason Todd; and Nocturna's adoptive brother Anton, who became a cat burglar out of deranged obsession with Natalia and later tried to kill her so no one else could have her. It was all very grandiose and inevitably somewhat florid, but then expecting gritty, understated realism from a comic book about a man who fights crime dressed as a bat is itself pretty silly.
The strongest story in this run actually has little to do with that soap opera: "What Price the Prize?" in BATMAN #372, is an intelligent, grounded drama about an up-and-coming young Irish boxer maneuvering for a bout with a Black champion obviously inspired by Muhammad Ali, featuring some of Don Newton's finest Batman art; the conclusion in DETECTIVE #539 isn't quite as sharp, but is still one of Moench's best. Other highlights include a clash with Catman (BATMAN #371/DETECTIVE #538) in which Thomas Blake's determined belief in the magical power of his costume nearly gets both him and Batman killed over and over; a wistful story about the private life and hidden depths of boorish Harvey Bullock (DETECTIVE #549); a delightful one-shot (BATMAN #383) in which Batman repeatedly tries and fails to get some sleep; the debut of Black Mask (BATMAN #385–386 and DETECTIVE #553); a comedic tale of Batman and Catwoman on an actual date, in costume (BATMAN #392); and a distinctly '80s-Bondian espionage adventure reuniting Moench and artist Paul Gulacy (BATMAN #393–394).
Artistically, the run got off to a good start with Don Newton on BATMAN (inked by Alfredo Alcala) and Gene Colan on DETECTIVE (generally inked by Bob Smith). Newton's departure in 1984 hurt, leading to a period of artistic musical chairs and some really bad early Pat Broderick art, followed by Tom Mandrake taking over BATMAN. Mandrake gets a bad rap in some quarters, mostly because his style is looser (and about two steps further in the direction of Gene Colan) than many comics fans care to tolerate, but his work here is mostly fine, and certainly an improvement over Broderick's. The Annual has some very nice early Denys Cowan pencils, inked by Alcala, and BATMAN #400 is an all-star extravaganza art-wise.
Maddeningly, DC has never properly reprinted a lot of this material, which I think is badly overdue. If it's not as epochal as some more familiar periods both before and after, the median level of quality is pretty decent (and certainly no worse than the 1987–1991 period, which has now been reprinted in its entirety); its emphasis on characterization wouldn't be matched again in the Batman titles for many years. Denny O'Neil supposedly hated much of what Moench had done (Moench has said O'Neil especially loathed Nocturna, whom he flatly refused to revive in any form), but Denny is dead now, and in any case, his Batman stories include their share of stinkers as well as gems. I don't know that DC has any kind of real reprint strategy anymore, but I hope they won't wait until Doug Moench is dead to properly remaster and collect these issues. Doing them all (BATMAN #360–400 and Annual #10, DETECTIVE #527–567) in something akin to Marvel's Epic Collection format would probably take four volumes — there's around 1,800 pages of material, more if you include Moench's Superman/Batman stories from WORLD'S FINEST — but why not?
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missglaskin · 2 years
Concepts regarding Yan!Hotd Au-Masterlist 
Note: Hope I didn’t miss any 
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If reader had an assassination attempt  
Reader demanding Criston is punished
When reader has a breakdown 
Possible love interest? 
Connection between Aemond and Luke 
Why Aemond snitched 
How Alicent contributed to Aemond’s tendencies 
Reader’s title in court 
Theory on why Cregan chooses a side 
Will reader snap? 
If Daemon has secret feelings for y/n
How old is Y/N? 
Reader reaction to Criston insulting Rhaenyra
If reader has a child with someone else
-Naming after them some chs 
-Fighting over the name
-Carbon copy 
Helaena’s nickname
If reader went with Rhaenys
Y/N’s Aliases
How reader is carried through history
-Paintings commissioned 
-Interpretations of ‘love triangle’ 
-Aegon IV with reader
-Older!reader like Olennna Tyrell
-Reader living before blackfyre rebellion 
-Other nicknames 
Criston react to Y/N being insulted
What if reader’s biological family wants her back
-What if it is a powerful kingdom 
Reader being a Gremlin 
-Liking shiny and cool things
-Bringing a snake in 
-Likes to take their things 
Does Aemond see Rhaenyra’s kids as competition 
Reader has diary 
-If it’s found during Daenerys time 
-Aegon alters it 
Will Daemon be a love interest 
What does Dany think of reader 
Y/N teaching the children to dance 
If reader ends in GOT timeline 
Reader’s dress are mostly being stolen
-Noticing Helaena’s embroideries 
Bisexual reader falling for Helaena 
Reader getting Marie Antoinette syndrome
Does Helaena know of Aegon’s feelings?
The children having nightmare
Reader losing an eye
-Because of Luke and Jace
Reader requesting Aemond/Daemon a rare item 
Young!reader bringing a pin to Otto
Does Viserys know of Aemond’s feelings 
Alys in the story? 
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