#am 3.08
gifsofhubris-a · 1 year
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How can a man with those deep green of eyes be this fucked up I need him immediately
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shnippers · 1 year
“Coach's views on romantic relationships are not too dissimilar from his views on cooking steak. You know, you spend any more than five minutes on one, loses its flavor.”
Coach Beard and Jane Payne are the only romantic relationship which has continued across all three seasons (Higgins’s excepted). If they don’t break up then I’m going to be very confused about this whole romcommunism deal.
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
the next episode I need to gif for the tk/carlos + touch series is 3x08 and I’m definitely not over here making gifs of tk strand in gym clothes as a distraction to avoid it... that’s definitely not something I would do 👀👀 cause that episode isn’t painful at alll... nope.
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merlinemryspendragon · 3 months
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I went back and read all of the letters you have sent me. Your letters have always been the ones I am most eager to read. Bridgerton 3.08 - “Into the Light”
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dailyflicks · 3 months
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Pen, ever since I found out you are Whistledown, I have done everything I can to separate you from her. But the other day, I went back and read all of the letters you have sent me. Your letters have always been the ones I am most eager to read. And I realized you are her. You have always had one voice. There is no separating you from Whistledown.
Bridgerton (2020—) 3.08 | Into the Light
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daeneryssansa · 9 months
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KILLING EVE 3.08, Are You Leading or Am I
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wandafiction · 8 months
I Got Him - WandaNat
Warnings: fluff, Wanda x Natasha x Reader and 3 month old.
You wake with a groan as you hear the cries echo around the bedroom from the baby monitor, opening your eyes as you grab for your phone to check the time. Closing your eyes when the harsh light of the phone practically blinds you, rubbing at your eyes, like somehow that's going to stop the pain. 
"3.08 am. Better than yesterday I guess." Slowly you get out of bed, your feet hitting the soft carpeted floor making you feel even more sleepy. "It's like a cloud." You mumble to yourself not even sure of what you're saying in such a sleepy state. 
The continued crying suddenly stops and that's all you need to be fully awake. Your mind switching into overprotective mother and panic mode. He never stops crying that quickly. You jump out of bed grabbing the hoodie that's laid haphazardly on the floor from where you had thrown it down after getting too hot in bed with it on, even though it's stupidly cold this winter. 
You hardly notice how cold the wooden floor is on your feet as you hurry down the hallway to the baby's room, panicking more when you see the door open. Running into his room your whole body tenses as you see two figures standing over his cot but not a second later completely relax when you recognise the red and blonde hair of the two figures. 
"You're okay little man. Shhh, shhh, shhh. That's it. There is no need for this much noise this early in the morning. Is there?" Nat cradles your baby boy in her arms, gently swaying from side to side as well as bouncing up and down, her voice ever so soothing. "No there's not." She coos as she boops his nose. 
"Holy shit." You whisper into the room and both women turn on their heels with slight surprise.
"Detka, what are you doing up?" Wanda makes her way over, checking over her shoulder at Nat who gives you both a small smile, Wanda's arms wrapping around your torso and pulling you against her. 
"I heard him crying." Wanda's hand starts to weave through your hair as your body practically melts into hers, both of your hands gripping on her waist for support. 
"I thought I turned the monitor off in time. We've got him so let's get you back to bed." 
"So that's why he stopped crying.' You sniffle causing Wanda to pull away slightly looking at you with slight worry. "I thought the worst. He never stops crying like that. I thought….I don't even know what I thought…but-but the moment, the moment that he went quiet…I-I-I…." 
"Okay, shhh you're okay." Wanda pulls you back into her, her hand scratching at your scalp while the other one rubs up and down your spine. "Let's get you to bed. Nat will get him settled."
All you can do is nod, your body struggling to keep you standing and your mind slowly shutting off due to how exhausted you are. Wanda feels your body fall into hers more so she slowly bends down a little, her hands moving to the back of your knees and lifting you up. Your arms lazily wrap around her neck, her arms sliding up your legs a little so they are wrapped under the top of your thighs and butt. She turns to look back at Nat, not that you are looking with your ace buried in her neck taking in her strawberry scent. 
"I got him my love. Let Wanda get you back in bed." Natasha whispers over to you as she continues to gently soothe Max back to sleep.
"I'm taking her to bed princess, will you be in soon?" Wanda's soft voice is not helping you as you try not to fall asleep in her arms but when she slowly starts swaying, knowing how soothing it is for you, your body finally succumbs to the darkness and the last thing you hear is Natasha's voice. 
"Of course I will. I love you both."
This time when you wake up it's a lot more pleasant. The feeling of soft lips travelling around your face, from your forehead along your eyebrows, down one side of your face. Then they travel across your cheek to the bridge of your nose before a feather light kiss is pressed onto the tip of your nose causing it to scrunch. The lips then travel across the other cheek down to the hinge of your jaw, along the whole of your jaw to the other side before they finally land on your lips that quirk into a smile. 
"Good morning my love." You smile against Natasha's lips as she mumbles against yours. 
"Good morning honey." Your eyes shoot open when your brain suddenly registers how quiet it is, and your upper body moves quicker than you can register as you sit up. 
"Woah calm down. Max is fine." Natasha's hand is on your chest keeping you in the bed and it's only now you realise she is straddling your lap, your eyes flick up to meet hers and you let out a small breath. "He is okay."
“Where?” You mumble out as Natasha slowly pushes your body back down onto the bed.
“Wanda has him, she is giving him a bottle.” You just nod letting out a long drawn out sigh, your hands rubbing your face up and down trying to find the energy to get out of bed.
“Do you not have work?” Natasha leans down, shaking her head, leaving a small kiss on your furrowed brows as you ask.
“Nope. Me and Wanda finally convinced Tony to let us have some time off and to not contact us until Monday. Guess it's a positive of being his business partners.” You smile at the thought, it has been so long since you have all spent time together since they returned to work and are working extra long hours and weeks to help with payments for everything since you’re on maternity and you don’t work for Mr Tony ‘I have lots of money’ Stark so your pay decreased….dramatically. 
“Yay.” You whisper as your eyes flutter closed, but a smile playing on your lips as you hear Natasha giggling at your relaxed state.
“Mhmm. Anyway, I came in here to tell you breakfast is ready and waiting for you.” Natasha plants a few more kisses across your forehead pulling away when you open your eyes to look up at her.
“Lead the way.” 
Natasha climbs off of you holding her hand out to help you sit up, smiling as you use her to hoist yourself out of bed and stretching so much you hear a few pops from your joints. Natasha then passes you a new hoodie, now only realising you were in nothing put a shirt and underwear again assuming Wanda took the hoodie off when she got you into bed. You mumble a small thanks slipping the hoodie on, pulling at the strings to make it wrap tightly around your face; Natash giggling at your antics. 
“Let's go see the wifey.” You hum with a nod as Natasha grabs ahold of your hand and starts pulling you out of the bedroom and down the hallway towards the kitchen. 
You smile to yourself when you hear humming coming from the kitchen, recognizing it as a russian lullaby, your smile only growing more when you lean against the door frame of the kitchen seeing Wanda with Max cradled in one arm. Her chin rests gently on the base of the bottle, keeping it up as your little boy takes small gulps of it, her other hand holding a spatula so she can transfer the pancakes from pan to plate. 
You jump slightly when you feel arms wrap around your waist, a head pressing between your shoulder blades. The hands rest on your abdomen over the hoodie for only a second before the venture down to the hem of it and travel under it and your shirt, her hands gently rubbing along your stomach and the skin on skin contact makes you release a content sigh. 
“Good morning darling.” You voice raspy from just waking up, feeling Natasha squeeze you gently in reply as Wanda turns to face you with a toothy smile.
“Good morning detka. Good morning princess.” You feel Natasha grumble into your back at the pet name, but you and Wanda both know she secretly likes it and will pout for a whole day if you don’t call her it, at least once.
“They smell delicious.” Your eyes travel to the stack of pancakes as Wanda puts one last one on top and before you can even offer to take it Natasha removes herself from your body and enters the kitchen to help.
“Go sit down my love, we will bring it all in.” You go to say something back to Natasha but she gives you a challenging look and you hold your hands up in fake surrender and do as you’ve been asked. 
It takes them no longer than 30 seconds to join you at the table, both taking a seat either side of you Wanda keeping your son in her lap. One arm is around his small body keeping him sat up straight against her while the other uses a fork to stab a pancake and transfer it from the stack to her plate. Before she can even ask you, lean across and start cutting them up for her, not wanting to see her struggle to eat while she holds your son, and it earns you a kiss on the temple from her and a slobbery kiss on the arm from your son. 
You manage to get through breakfast without any issues and all three of you are now lounging on the couch while Max is on the floor having some tummy time. All three of you are watching fondly as he babbles baby nonsense to himself as his hands hit the floor a few times and his legs kick out behind him. You all melt at the sight of his gummy smile as he reaches for his small teddy which is just out of reach, using his other arm on the floor trying to push himself forward.
However, in doing so he rolls himself onto his back and the three of you can’t help but smile when his arms and legs move up and down a few times as if that's what's going to get himself flipped back over. The giggle that leaves his mouth makes the three of you laugh and smile brightly until his face suddenly scrunches and starts turning red. The poop face. That is what it is known as to you, and you have learnt that he has different poop faces, and you know just by looking at him that it's going to be that of an atomic stink bomb.
You make a face when you hear the wet fart, his face relaxing into that devilish baby smirk that leads you to believe he knows exactly what he has done. You go to stand up but a hand on your shoulder pulls you back down, looking over to Wanda with confusion written all over your face before turning to see Natasha standing up and picking him up. 
"I got him." Natasha says easily as she makes a small face when she checks to see if he has actually pooped, holding him carefully by his armpits as far from her as possible as she slowly starts walking out of the room.
“Why can’t I look after our son today?” You question a slight offence to your voice, that takes Wanda a little by surprise as she brushes some hair out of your face. 
“Detka, you are exhausted. You need some you time. You have been looking after him since you gave birth to him 3 months ago, because of mine and Natasha’s schedule, so we decided to take the whole weekend off to give you a break. We have diaper duty, feeding duty, and waking up at 3 am duty. All you have to do is sit there and let us do the hard work for once.”
“I feel bad letting you take care of him and me.” You pout at the thought of being a burden but Wanda is quick to diminish the thought as she pulls your body against hers.
“We love taking care of you detka. We are taking care of him today because you need a selfcare day. That being said, why don’t you go run yourself a bath, enjoy some peace and quiet while me and Natasha keep him entertained.” You nod into her neck mumbling out a small thank you. “No need to thank us, detka, we are in this together.” 
“Holy fucking shit. How the fuck does one baby produce so much shit?” You and Wanda laugh as you hear Natasha gagging a little at whatever bomb is in the diaper.
“I am going to go help her out, she will end up putting the diaper on backwards. Go have a bath, we will join you when he goes down for his nap.” She kisses your temple before standing from the couch and quickly making her way to Max's room to help out your wife.
A small knock at the door pulls you from your small half nap, tilting your head to look back at it, a smile growing on your face when you see the two women you love standing in the doorway.
“Can we join?” You simply nod with a smile sitting up slightly so your wives can arrange themselves.
You always loved that Natasha ensured that you had a bath made that would fit all three of you, it was one of her few requests when you guys all decided to live together. Natasha climbs in, in front of you between your legs and pushing herself backwards till her back is flush with your front; pulling your arms around her waist so your arms rest on her toned body. She would never admit that she was the little spoon and the softest of the three of you in the relationship, she had an image to uphold as the scary business partner of Tony Stark. 
Once Natasha was settled Wanda climbs in at the opposite end of the bath, facing the both of you as her legs tangle with yours, her hands resting on Nat’s calves that lay next to her. Your chin rests on the top of Natasha’s head as her body slumps down into the water more, both you and Wanda smiling at each other at her relaxed state. Natasha pulls your hands up to her face peppering your knuckles and palms with gentle kisses, a soft smile on your face at her actions as Wanda watches with all the love in the world swirling around her eyes. 
“I love you both so much.” You mumble into Natasha’s hair, closing your eyes as you finally allow yourself to completely relax. 
“We love you to detka.” Wanda answers for the both of them as Natasha simply hums in agreement nodding her head. 
“So how has work been?” You move your head off of Natasha’s to plant a small kiss on her temple, resting your cheek against the side of your face as she moves your hands back down to scratch at her abdomen.
“Busy, but nothing we can’t handle.” 
“Tony keeps asking when you are coming to work for him.” Natasha finally opens her eyes, turning her head slightly to look at you as you purse your lips to the side.
“You know I have another year on my contract after I go back. Tell him to ask again then.”
“Why do you stay when you hate it so much?” Wanda tilts her head in question and you let out a small sigh.
“Because I was young and naive when I signed the contract and didn’t look at the small print that mentioned a minimum of 8 years of occupation. One more year and I will be free from Strucker and his silly hydra goons, who know nothing about anything.”
“Tony is holding a seat for you once you do leave.” You hum in acknowledgement not really wanting to speak about work when you are relaxing. 
“Okay so how about we go on a date tomorrow?” Wanda changes the subject easily, noticing your hesitancy to talk about anything work related.
“What about max?” Having been around max non-stop for 3 months he is all you can think about when it comes to doing anything.
That includes when you are doing small mundane tasks, your mind is always playing tricks on you by making you hear sounds that could easily be Max crying out for you. You only really manage to eat and take showers later at night once you have put him to bed, meaning you don’t normally get to sleep until 11 or 12 and then you are woken up again at 3 by a hungry screaming baby. You love him to bits, you do, but you are really starting to hate the lack of routine and selfcare you have.
“We can bring him with us. We can go for a walk in the park and stop for coffee, relax on a bench as we people watch.” Wanda suggests and your mind eases at the thought of not leaving Max with some babysitter for a few hours. 
“Yeah and then we can come home, put him down for his nap. We could maybe watch a movie, or we could.” Natasha walks her fingers up your arm as she makes the silent suggestion and you raise your eyebrow at the silent insinuation. “It’s been three months. Doctor said three months.”
“It has been three months.” You reply with a smirk, dragging your nails down Natasha’s abs feeling her shiver against you. 
“I mean I for one have missed your body detka.” Your eyes dart to look at Wanda who has her bottom lip between her teeth as she eyes you and Natasha up and down. “Me and Natasha have missed you taking control. Telling us how good we are.”
“Is that right my girls?” Your voice is sultry and both of them hum with a nod as they look at you. “Well I guess since you have been good and waited so long you should at least get a reward.” 
Before any of you can continue a cry echoes around the hallways of the house and you lean your head back against the edge of the bath a small ‘for fuck sake’ leaving your lips causing the both of them to giggle. You go to haul Natasha off of you but she presses herself against you more and tilts her head at Wanda.
“I cleaned that absolute fucking stick bomb of a diaper, you can deal with the crying. I am haunted by it, I shall never sleep again as the images of it play forever in my mind.” You and Wanda give Natasha a look as she rambles on and on about her poor eyes and nose, but soon she is made to go quiet when Wanda hits her leg and makes a move to stand. 
“Why did we ask her to join our relationship again?” You shrug at Wanda’s question, Natasha pouting as her body sinks into the water more now Wanda is out of the tub and isn’t stopping her from sliding down. 
“I guess it’s because we both love her.” You make it sound more like a question and the small whine that leaves Natasha’s lips makes you and Wanda giggle. 
Wanda leans over the edge of the bath as she holds a towel around herself with one hand, her other tilts Natasha’s chin up so the Russian is looking directly up to the Sokovian. Wanda presses her lips against Natasha’s, who sighs at the action and you press your lips along her bare shoulder. Natasha smiles against Wanda’s lips before the latter pulls away and wraps her towel around herself properly and your  lips come to rest at the top of Natasha’s collarbone. Suddenly you are all brought back to why Wanda is out of the bath as the cries get a little stronger and Wanda leans down to press a kiss to your temple. 
“I got him.”
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scoatneyhall · 4 months
WILD. Was anyone else aware that the Ted Lasso team has gone in and made post-production edits on season 3 episodes, sometime in the last year?
I've been rewatching the finale in advance of the one year anniversary of it airing, and straight off, I noticed that the points total on the graphic looked different to how I remembered it - a much closer race. It stuck out because I remembered being annoyed that they didn't celebrate the moment Richmond got confirmed for the Champions League, as the gap was big enough for it to have happened a while ago, offscreen. I still have a screencap from when the episode aired:
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However, the current copy on Apple has an updated graphic, making the post-production graphic in line with the numbers on the actual physical whiteboard prop and the script mentioning the win streak. See here:
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The corrected copy makes Richmond's points match the whiteboard, but it also puts the teams in 3rd to 5th place much closer to them points-total wise, meaning that now, in the current version of the episode, Richmond only qualified for the UCL in "Mom City," making it make more sense that the start of 3.12 is the first time it gets discussed. Would have been nice to mention that stake in the City match commentary during 3.11, but I genuinely am shocked that they went back in and edited the already-published episodes to clean up the post-production errors. For the record, here's the whiteboard as of 3.08: W10, D9, L6.
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Just in case anyone cares, the order of those results was - 1 draw against Chelsea, 6 wins with Zava, 1 loss against West Ham, the rest of the draws and losses occurring between 3.05 and the loss against Arsenal in 3.07, and then the 4 wins mentioned at the start of 3.08. By the start of 3.12, it's mentioned they are on a 16 game win streak, so that's 22 wins overall, 9 draws, 6 losses, going into the final weekend, hence the updated graphic.
I like that they went in and fixed it - no idea when in the past 12 months that occured - but I also kind of can't believe they bothered? Then again, I can't believe the mistake was made in the first place, as they were so specific with details in the prior seasons, so maybe they couldn't live with it being wrong.
I know there were rumours about a ton of issues in terms of getting these episodes posted in time - right down to the wire, still fixing the edit on the airdate - and it's clear that these details were not checked and confirmed by the poor people in post who were not working off the show bible that lives in the writers heads. I don't blame them at all, I blame the people who got the edit to them late, but it did annoy me during the season a LOT. The maths wasn't mathing, and as we know this is a show that has been careful with dates and timelines and stuff like that.
Anyway! The point is, a) this post about my UCL qualification fantasies is now moot, and b) I went back and checked another post production error that had REALLY pissed me off, which was the dates of texts in Ted's phone in 3.04. Phone dates have always given us the timeline quite strictly before - it's how @belmottetower and I started the timeline in our primer, with Ted arriving in London on January 6, 2020 and then following the football seasons from there to place the season 3 finale in May 2022 - but in 3.04, all the cute texts we see to all the characters in his phone were badly misdated, placing the timeline further in the future. This caused arguments or misunderstandings, at the time about the actual timeline of the show, but it seems this was another detail the producers really wanted to fix and tighten up, as they've gone back and had it edited.
It's weird, because the texts Ted was actually going back to - the messages from Doctor Jacob - were dated correctly as late 2019, and there's even a little easter egg in the form of a US rideshare notification picking him up to go to the airport in America, on 5 January 2020. (Even the area code, 316, is apparently correct to Kansas.) That's all correct even in the original version of the episode, but somehow we then skip a year and place his most recent texts, as of 3.04, in late October 2022, when they should only be in late September or early October 2021. (I found this post on Reddit that screenshotted his phone at the time.) Examples:
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I had to go back and check this, and sure enough, it's been edited to reflect the established timeline - they didn't just redate the year on each message, they also changed a bunch of the chats to be more recent - so rather than dates, his most recent chats with Henry, the Coaches, etc are from "Yesterday," then the first dated texts are in very late September 2021. This matches up pretty perfectly with where they are in a typical Premier League season - they REALLY cleaned it up. Further back, they do just switch the years on the dates, so he still got a picture from Sassy last Valentines Day, and his last one-on-one contact with Jamie is still set before the events of Wembley in 2.08 (FA Cup semi finals are in April, so a few weeks after the March 2021 date on Jamie's chat.)
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My brain is itching because I swear there was a screen of Nate and Ted's text chat at some point too? With Ted reaching out about his new job, on a date that deeply did not work with the timeline? But maybe I imagined it. There's no record of Nate's number in his phone at all now, and the texts date back to before Nate left, so I guess in this version of events, Ted deleted Nate's number and message history.
Anyway, I'm aware that basically no one is going to care about this, but I suspect that the three people who will actually care will REALLY FUCKING CARE. Has anyone else noticed it? Does anyone know when it may have happened? Does anyone know what else might have been changed or fixed? I love details and I love the fact that there is no longer conflicting data about what football seasons the show is covering - it's mid 19/20 to the end of 21/22, end of story - but what a fucking mess the production of season 3 must have been, to end up at this point!
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 5 months
i think something that frustrates me about ted and rebecca even beyond the whole no-romance thing (crying forever btw 😢) is that they never really got to have a coherent storyline together again after s1 and the christmas episode, and uh ..... i think it would have been cool to have more of those shared between the two leads of the show. like, in a way, i think i would have been more okay with it not being shippy if they'd had more storylines and more of a definitive overall series arc together, because presumably then at least we would have seen them interact regularly enough and in a variety of conditions enough that i would've gotten more of a feel for why it wasn't a romantic thing and what, in fact, it was? i don't know! i just really wish they'd given that dynamic wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more to do and way more interest after s1. it just felt like they were deliberately written to be ships in the night, all the time, no harbor ever, which feels crummy. like, s1 sets them up to be very close friends with these parallel struggles, but then they barely have even a shared b-plot together ever again after the christmas ep. the closest thing is one shared scene followed up by one phone call in 3.08, right? and then the series finale, where they do actually finally have three whole related scenes together, shock of all time.
anyway. so weird. SO WEIRD! such a funky writing choice that i am not a fan of.
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Back in 1973 Motor Trend ran a 6-car road test of performance cars at Ontario Motor Speedway. The goal was to find the highest top speed for an American 4-passenger car. The cars were as follows: Dodge Charger 440, Chevy Laguna 454, Ford Mustang 351, Buick GS Stage 1, AMC Javelin AMX 401, and the Trans Am SD-455. The AMX was the only car with a 4-speed.
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Gear ratios ranged from 3.08 to 3.54 (the Trans Am was equipped with 3.42 gears). The winner was the Trans Am, clocking in at 124 mph, followed by the Dodge Charger at 121 mph, the Mustang and Laguna at 118 mph, and the Buick GS and AMC AMX at 115 mph. The Trans Am SD-455 was rated at 310 hp, but this was the pre-production version and all production models would be rated at 290 hp. Sports cars were not included.
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The results chart is proof that stories of then-new cars going 140+ mph off the showroom were sometimes exaggerated. Wind resistance is one of the major factors in obtaining top speed, and 1973-era were not exactly aerodynamic marvels. - MCN
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kolbisneat · 2 months
I read a lot more than I was expecting this month but I ain't complaining. Here's how I spent the month of July!
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Evil Dead II (1987) Didn't love Evil Dead (not that it's not good, I just get too spooked by straight horror) but had no idea that this would be what it is. Puppets and stop motion! Looney Tune antics! Magic with rules! This is my kinda movie and I'm baffled the modern films in the franchise don't try for this sort of energy.
Poor Things (2003) It took a while for me to settle into this, but around the time Dafoe's Godwin explains Bella's condition, I was all in. It's a dreamlike movie with dreamlike logic so despite some of the discourse I tried not to take too much of it literally. Beautiful and far funnier than I expected.
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Columbo (Episode 1.04 to 1.07) Gosh I love the era of television where each episode was self-contained. Episode 7 features Columbo smoking in a doctor's office and I was not at all expecting him to comment on the dangers of tobacco, but he did! I notice this first season only had a handful of episodes with the classic "oh one more thing" schtick so I'm curious if that pops up more in later seasons.
Scavenger's Reign (Episode 1.01 to 1.12) This is a show where I sit down, turn it on, and while the beautiful opening credits play, think, "I wonder what horrifying imagery is gonna f*** me up this episode?" The animation and design are sooooooo good that it made up for the occasionally baffling writing. Please go watch it so a second season can get greenlit.
Bridgerton (Episode 3.05 to 3.08) I missed a few eps there in the middle but it all worked. That final party, and all that went with it (the speech, the bugs, the reveal of who paid for it) was 10/10. Good stuff.
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Yoko and The Beatles by Lindsay Ellis Yoko Ono didn't break up the Beatles. And while this video essay expands on the factors that DID split up the band, it's also a really great dive into the weight of fame and the weight of fame on women. VIDEO
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Was starting a product business a mistake? by Simone Giertz An honest and detailed insight into the dream vs. reality of small business and internet fame. Looks like it's going to be a full series and I'm looking forward to more. VIDEO
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N or M by Agatha Christie (Complete) Spy Thriller set during the Second World War? With a husband/wife spy duo? Oh heck yeah. Sometimes I find the clues to be a little convoluted/unnecessarily obscure but this one struck a great balance of visible but easily forgettable.
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The Knight of the Swords by Michael Moorcock (Complete) Having first read the comic adaptation (penciled by Mike Mignola!) I now realize some of my issues (pacing, understanding the abstract) work better in novel form. An elevated pulp adventure that has some great ironic twists.
Sherlock Holmes vs. Dracula or The Adventure of the Sanguinary Count by Loren D. Estleman (Complete) Thrift find purchased based on the premise alone. Exactly what you'd expect but not much beyond that. It's at its best when you get Dracula directly interacting with Holmes and/or Watson.
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Spider-Verse by Dan Slott, Christos N. Gage, Mike Costa, Dennis Hopeless, and many many more (Complete) Really enjoyed reading this but am baffled by its production. Why the issues aren't collected in chronological order, I'll never know. I know the book is over ten years old now but the writing (especially all of the Spider-Women) really stands out as...not great. All but the Superior Spider-Man essentially sound the same (perhaps the point?) but Gwen and Jess and Cindy mostly talk about things like body image and pheromones and it's glaring. I'm curious what I'll think upon a second readthrough (reading in order, and after the first wave of nostalgia has completely rinsed off) but I definitely think this story walked so the movies could break the speed of sound.
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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe! by Ryan North and Erica Henderson (Complete) North's writing and Henderson's artwork are the perfect blend for such a bright and enthusiastic character. Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is such a great series (which I gotta go back and finish) and this is an equally great introduction to the character.
Superior Foes of Spider-Man Vol 1 by by Nick Spencer, Marcos Martin, and Steve Leiber (Complete) I was really excited for this series (the premise! the cover art!) but the pacing, humour, and art just didn't connect. Honestly really bummed that I didn't like this more.
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3D6 Down the Line (Podcast) A nice change of pace from the modern D&D games I play in. They use Old School Essentials for their system (more akin to 2nd Edition D&D) and play with a mindset similar to the 70s style of play (treasure for experience, everything is lethal). I'm still having trouble distinguishing some of the voices from each other, but it's a great listen.
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Oz: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) Tuesday crew watched a peaceful inauguration and gained notoriety for saving a neighbourhood from roaming monsters (you can read all about it here!) and the Mof1 crew is dabbling in dangerous contracts with dangerous people (all for a cap that controls the winged monkeys).
And that's it. See you in August!
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tossedout · 1 year
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on being a good boy, on behaving, on "roll over."
i wanna be your dog 2 - AJJ // spiderman: homecoming // step on me - the cardigans // x // Donna tartt // the righteous gemstones 3.08 // x // mcrcardiff 5.28.22 // prettyhatemachinegf on tumblr
I think I am doing all this right, this is really really fun!! will only become more strange with time!!
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danystargaryens · 1 year
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A HUG A DAY: [8/∞] ♡ Keeley & Jamie [Ted Lasso: 3.08]
‘’I’m sorry, i’m really sorry Keeley really am. Thank you Jamie.“
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guardian-angle22 · 4 months
Tag Game Tuesday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
Thank you for the tags! @thisbuildinghasfeelings @rmd-writes & @goldenskykaysani
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
I first started watching LS around the 2nd or 3rd episode of season 1 after seeing some adorable gifs of Owen & TK floating around on my tumblr feed.
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I wish I could find out who patient zero was that first brought them to my attention from my follow list, but I think it must've been someone from the Skam fandom? maybe?
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3, baby!! and ngl, I highly doubt anything will top it at this point just based off where the plots have gone since.
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
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I mean - y'all knew what the answer would be to this one, right? Obviously Paul is my favorite. I do also really love TK. I know I have a reputation for loving Paul because I get very animated about him LOL... but I would like to put TK in my pocket and keep him safe forever, thank you.
Top five episodes. Go!
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Paul. One hundred percent, I need it from Paul. I know everyone and their brother is going to or has answered Carlos for this and that tracks for a tarlos based fandom... but my unpopular opinion is that we've gotten quite a bit of character backstory for him this past season compared to some others like Nancy, Paul, and Marj. I feel like Paul has been part of the core group since the beginning but hasn't seen the amount of meaty plots as some of the others have. He's due!
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What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
Okay, I have two ideas for this: - an episode in which some of the characters who rarely interact are somehow trapped together due to some kind of emergency/disaster/storm and must navigate their way out together while the rest of the team helps from the outside. There are a few groupings we could use for it, but I personally would have the potential pairings be one of the following (or all three at once??): Paul & Tommy... TK & Grace... Judd & Carlos. I feel like these 3 pairings are people we don't get to see interact one-on-one often (or at all) and it would be super fun! - a true HEAT WAVE. they very briefly had that heat thing happen in 4x01 but I want a whole episode about a temperature heat wave and how first responders have to deal with them. this is TEXAS, c'mon. Plus the theme of heat throughout the episode could pop up in various character's stories. Tarlos = sexy heat. One of the firefighters = heat in the form of pressure in their job like a promotion of some kind. etc.
What do you think is going on in this still?
I have absolutely no fucking clue 😂 So I will instead direct you to this wonderful little spec fic by @littlemissmarianna As much as I hate everything to do with the Gabriel plot and tbh am not excited to see its continuation... if they manage to pull something off like that fic, I might actually enjoy some of it!
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
... soooooooo I must confess something here...
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*whispers* I don't actually know all about the elusive 5.05 spicy scene. someone needs to fill me in. I have not been paying attention to spoilers & speculation as much this time around since last season's speculation went so terribly for me 🤭🤣
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
Something about Carlos "getting homesick after a weekend in Branson" just tickles me. and the sarcastic way TK talks about the idea of Carlos wanting to travel the world also just amuses me to no end...
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so this paired with the way the wedding went down, I think TK wouldn't want to make Carlos travel very far. or leave his mother so soon. I think TK wants his husband to feel as safe and comfortable as possible and so they spend a weekend at a nice spa/resort near Austin. Some place like this: Miraval Austin and then spend the rest of their honeymoon week bundled up together at home.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
for fics, I'm gonna be a little lazy here and link some of my previous themed fic rec lists:
but truly there are some wonderful fics in those lists!!! For some fanart: - this one by @whatsintheboxmh is one of my faves. ankle grab my beloved. 🥺🥰 - this one of s5 TK by @fitzherbertssmolder is so adorable! - this one of BUTTERCUP! by @greentealycheejelly is absolutely precious. - this one of Paul & Marjan!! by @heartstringsduet is amazingggg. give me all the paul fanart - this one of Grace by @yorit1 is stunning.
I'm not sure who has already done this, but I'm gonna tag some mutuals that I don't think I've seen it from yet (no pressure though!!) @lemonlyman-dotcom @herefortarlos @tkstrandreyes @three-drink-amy @littlemissmarianna @mikibwrites @alrightbuckaroo
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polivias · 3 months
A few years ago (*cough* at least a decade ago at this point), I made a proper "tags" page for this blog so people could look for specific Peter x Olivia things to their heart's content. But that was back when people mainly used their computers to go on tumblr, so I'm aware no one has seen the actual look/structure of this blog in a long time. So I created this pinned post with the tags to help you navigate this page :)
Peter x Olivia Tags
Touch and Comfort
With Etta
♥ (love)
Pain (literally, only painful stuff in this tag)
Past P/O events organized by this page
25 days of P/O
One Year Anniversary - The Little Show That Could
Wish Me Luck - A Story About Love
Back to the Start
Tags for each episode under the read-more!
1.01 - Pilot
1.02 - The Same Old Story
1.03 - The Ghost Network
1.04 - The Arrival
1.05 - Power Hungry
1.06 - The Cure
1.07 - In Which We Meet Mr. Jones
1.08 - The Equation
1.09 - The Dreamscape
1.10 - Safe
1.11 - Bound
1.12 - The No-Brainer
1.13 - The Transformation
1.14 - Ability
1.15 - Inner Child
1.16 - Unleashed
1.17 - Bad Dreams
1.18 - Midnight
1.19 - The Road Not Taken
1.20 - There’s More Than One of Everything
2.01 - A New Day in the Old Town
2.02 - Night of Desirable Objects
2.03 - Fracture
2.04 - Momentum Deferred
2.05 - Dream Logic
2.06 - Earthling
2.07 - Of Human Action
2.08 - August
2.09 - Snakehead
2.10 - Grey Matters  
2.11 - Johari Window
2.12 - What Lies Below
2.13 - The Bishop Revival
2.14 - Jacksonville
2.15 - Peter
2.16 - Olivia. In the Lab. With the Revolver
2.17 - White Tulip
2.18 - The Man from the Other Side
2.19 - Brown Betty
2.20 - Northwest Passage
2.21 - Over There (Part 1)
2.22 - Over There (Part 2)
3.01 - Olivia
3.02 - The Box
3.03 - The Plateau
3.04 - Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep?
3.05 - Amber 31422
3.06 - 6955 kHz
3.07 - The Abducted
3.08 - Entrada
3.09 - Marionette
3.10 - The Firefly
3.11 - Reciprocity 
3.12 - Concentrate and Ask Again
3.13 - Immortality
3.14 - 6B
3.15 - Subject 13
3.16 - Os
3.17 - Stowaway
3.18 - Bloodline
3.19 - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
3.20 - 6:02 AM EST
3.21 - The Last Sam Weiss
3.22 - The Day We Died
4.01 - Neither Here Nor There
4.02 - One Night in October
4.03 - Alone in the World
4.04 - Subject 9
4.05 - Novation
4.06 - And Those We’ve Left Behind
4.07 - Wallflower
4.08 - Back to Where You’ve Never Been
4.09 - Enemy of My Enemy
4.10 - Forced Perspective
4.11 - Making Angels
4.12 - Welcome to Westfield
4.13 - A Better Human Being
4.14 - The End of All Things
4.15 - A Short Story About Love
4.16 - Nothing As It Seems
4.17 - Everything in It’s Right Place
4.18 - The Consultant
4.19 - Letters of Transit
4.20 - Worlds Apart
4.21 - Brave New World (Part 1)
4.22 - Brave New World (Part 2)
5.01 - Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11
5.02 - In Absentia
5.03 - The Recordist
5.04 - The Bullet That Saved The World
5.05 - An Origin Story
5.06 - Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There
5.07 - Five-Twenty-Ten
5.08 - The Human Kind
5.09 - Black Blotter
5.10 - Anomaly XB-6783746
5.11 - The Boy Must Live
5.12 - Liberty
5.13 - An Enemy of Fate
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episodeoftv · 1 year
Round 1 of 8, Group 7 of 8
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propaganda and summaries are under the cut (May include spoilers)
Lego Ninjago: 3.08 Episode 34 The Titanium Ninja
TW major character death ig?
The ninja repair the broken Arcturus ship to return home. When they do, they find the Overlord has used the golden weapons to return to the physical world as the all powerful Golden Master.
First on screen character death of the show one of the main characters gets incinerated by a god as he sacrifices his life to defeat them so many people dropped the show after just hearing the music played during they scene can make me cry There are so many good lines from his funerals scene they describe Zane so well the guy who died had ice powers and the funeral took place in July and! It! Started! Snowing! When! Kai! Gave! His! Eulogy! I am so very emotional about it I love it so so much you would not believe
Torchwood: 2.12 Fragments
As the team is trapped in the rubble of a building, their paths to joining Torchwood are revealed.
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