#am drinking a hot drink and gonna maybe listen to music in a bit once i hopefully stop feeling so overwhelmed by TEXTURES
you are so so loved by God and by all of us here on tumblr and I am sending you so much love tonight. please stay. things will get better I promise. <3
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blurblurdeactivated · 2 years
Hello! I would love a matchup for The Boys and Stranger Things! :)
Physical description: I’m brunette with dark dark brown eyes (a guy once was trying to flirt with me and said I have the darkest eyes he’s seen on a white chick (men and the audacity lol)). I’m 5’5” and thin, flat stomach and such with a pear body shape. I would say I’m conventionally attractive, defined cheekbones, pretty lips and nice eyebrows and such. However, I am self conscious of my nose (Jewish ancestry and such).
Traits: I’m that girl who puts work above all else which is great because it gives me some sense of purpose but it also takes me away from enjoying the small things in life. On top of that, I can get too intense about things which just stresses everyone out. I’m a very passionate person, especially with my hobbies and in romance. I do have a TON of anxiety that causes me not to do things I really want to a lot of the time. I have been told I’m very friendly, I like to make friends, especially with strangers at the bar. I’m also a bit quirky which I like.
Hobbies: I love to sing, I trained from over 10 years but stopped cuz life. On top of that, I am a huge music lover and discovering new music is one of my favorite activities. I am a big reader, read 21 books this year already cuz escapism is the best way to make the bad thoughts go away haha. I love to write too, a lot of it stays in the notes section of my phone though.
Likes: Indie music, romance novels, horror movies, hot girl walks, drinking my weight in tequila and doing shitty karaoke, finding coffee shops to camp out in while listening to good tunes, making friends with strangers
Dislikes: Slow walkers, scary drivers, the unknown, heights, people who say they’ll call but don’t, fakeness
What I do in life: I work in operations at a major record label. Kinda the dream job haha
Hopes and dreams: I know it’s lame but to be happy and fulfilled. I don’t wanna make it to definitive because what if it doesn’t come true?
Hope this helps! Thanks so much for ur time ♥️
i’m matching you with Billy Butcher and Steve Harrington !!!
Butcher is absolutely gonna get lost in your eyes. This man doesn’t shy away from eye contact and with you he’s never going to. He also likes the fact he’s a decent bit taller than you simply cos that’s one thing he’s always gonna be able to hold over your head. He would be so admiring of your work ethic and your passion. Butcher is very intense himself but he’s been known to tone himself down for the people around him and would definitely make sure you don’t overwork yourself. He also appreciates your integrity. He’s a “take no shit give no shit” kinda guy (maybe he gives a little shit but y'know) and he loves that you’re similar. He can't handle in-genuine people and together y'all would put up with nobody's BS. I can also imagine you making him sit down to watch a horror flick and despite his hesitance at first he’s fully invested soon enough. He might struggle with settling given everything he’s seen but you’d be his priority and his future <3
Steve is so into you it’s not funny. This guy thinks you’re all that and will be telling you whenever he can (especially if you try making any comments about your nose). Also he’s a big fan of brunettes so there’s that. Your work ethic is something so special to Steve and you bet he’s a top tier supporter of everything you wanna do. He’s always there to soothe your anxiety, whether you need him to lighten the mood or be your rock. Altogether, you would have so much fun! Music is a common ground for the two of you. We’re talking karaoke, jamming in his car, singing in the shower. And I think your future goals align. Steve might have a very set idea of his life but I know that he’d much rather set a strong foundation with someone he loves than fulfil an obligatory idea of happiness. You’d be cute :))
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psychelis-new · 9 months
🍁Autumn Asks🍂
Creature comforts
That's a lot of ask....😅
How are you? I hope you're just fine...
Here's a gif of video I took a few hours ago...my country doesn't experience four seasons, so I don't know how Autumn feels like. I only have the power of imagination 😝
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Hahah hi Nari! Happy to see you around. I'm doing okay thanks, I hope you're doing fine too tbh. Thanks for sending, as usual! Hope you're having a lovely day/night.
Gonna answer your questions and then add something for you too. Love your moon's gif. I'm thinking about the moon a lot these days :)
Amber - what's something you do every day? I think it means in Autumn so.. Uhm, I try to sunbathe as much as I can with my friends lizards (when possible ofc lol)
Blankets - sweaters or fuzzy blankets? Sweaterssss
Boo - ghosts or witches? Hmm ghosts?
Crow - what's an unpopular opinion you have on autumn? Dunno what can be an unpopolar opinion about Autumn... Rainy days are cool? And also... Autumn is cool too, it has been prolly my fav season for a huge part of my lifetime but... it's starting to get overrated lol. You also get running nose more easily because of how much the temperature changes through the day. :/
Creature Comforts - cats or dogs (or other)? Dogs before everyone else<3
Cozy - describe your ideal fall day. Wearing my fav coat and going out to casually walk around under the sun. Hitting the the park and stepping over a bunch of crashy colored leaves; getting to sunbathe a bit and meeting a couple of dogs I can pet (been there, done that<3).
Dream - describe your perfect au. My au regarding autumn? Uh... Idk, should I write a ff? Honestly it feels good as it is... okay, maybe I'd like to experience more often Autumn near big rivers or the sea. Or also somewhere else in the world. I guess it may be different and a nice experience.
Oven - what's your favorite holiday thing to bake? Hmmm not that there are real holidays here in Autumn but I generally bake cakes, like apple pies and chocolate/almonds cakes. I want to try something else this year though.
Quiet - how do you relax? I sleep :') Or I walk around (especially try to go to the countryside if I can) trying to take some pics and listening to music. I used to read once but I can't so... I do what I can lol. I might also watch movies and indeed I bake more often in this season.
Syrup - waffles or pancakes? Uh... waffles maybe, Idk... I am not sure I really tried them properly yet tbh, maybe I should make them myself
Tasty - do you have a comfort food? Comfort food... These days I discovered rice with cheese (different types mixed together) and I moved it on the first place of my fav comfort foods list lol. But I am also eating rice flour biscuits and bread as usual.
Warmth - bonfires or indoor fires? Never really experienced any yet but bonfires feel cooler.
Hmm your country sounds exactly like a country I'd like to visit! What autumn feels like... let me try to add something for your imagination. The light is particular in autumn, still bright but warmer, more on the golden-shade. And if you stop under the sun (even not during the golden hour) you can feel its warm rays laying like a blanket over you. Speaking of which: after the first late summer storm, nights get suddenly chill (and so the air especially in the early morning) and you need to put on a blanket to sleep and a sweater + eventually a scarf (or even a coat, later on) to get out. So yeah, the sun just feels good in this season. Autumn for me starts with the smell of ripen rice, frogs and "humidity" filling my nose when I open the windows of my home and it ends with kids running under the trees trying to catch falling leaves on a foggy day, before it starts to rain. Autumn often feels sad and nostalgic, at times even comforting though, like wearing your favorite sweater and coat or drinking a cup of hot tea or chocolate. It also feels more natural to start to spend time inside during this time, espcially on cold rainy sundays. TBH it's not really very Autumn-ish yet here (except for the light) but still... Ofc you have already seen images too, but I'm gonna add a bunch of mine too:
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I Love You, You Idiot | Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Here I am, once again writing in my favorite "we're best friends but we won't say we're in love" trope. Someone stop me.
A/N: This does not fall into the TFAWTS timeline!
Warnings: swearing, fluff, angsty-ish
*not my gif*
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The bass rumbled through your entire body as you tried to listen to whatever story Sam was telling to the group. You tried with everything in you to listen but the mixture of the loud music of the club and your best friend's hand just casually laying on your exposed thigh was making it very difficult. You noticed the group laugh so you let out a small chuckle but if anyone asked you would not be able to say what was so funny.
“You okay, doll?” You glanced up at Bucky, who’s blue eyes were squinted with concern. His thumb slowly rubbing circles on the spot on your inner thigh where it was rested. “You look a little out of it. Do you need me to take you home?”
Say words, Y/N. You told yourself. But forming sentences was getting harder and harder with each circular pass the pad of his thumb made.
Good job. Very articulate.
You didn’t want to be that person. The person who falls in love with her super hot best friend, but doesn’t say anything because they don’t want to “ruin the friendship” and then ends up sad and alone because said best friend doesn’t realize the feelings and moves on to someone else. And yet here you were. Being that cliche.
“Guys, I think I’m going to take Y/N home.” You heard Bucky say. Snapping out of whatever trance you were in you shifted away from him so his hand was no longer on your leg.
“No, I’m fine.” You stood up, strong and steady. “See? I was just thinking about some work stuff. But I’m gonna go grab another drink. Anyone want anything?”
The group shook their head and you made your way to the bar, happy to be away for a couple minutes.
Your moment of solace lasted only a few seconds though because you felt Bucky’s presence behind you. He trapped you in by placing his arms on either side of you, his chin landing on your shoulder.
“Wanna take shots?” Bucky’s voice rumbled in your ear. You really hoped he couldn’t feel the goosebumps that arose all over your skin. His breath smelled like a mix of spearmint and whiskey. A scent that if it came from any other man you would have probably been repulsed but on Bucky it was just comforting.
“Only if they’re tequila.” You turned around so you were face to face with him. Bucky gave you a cheeky smile as he waved the bartender over, ordering two shots each and then your regular drink order. As the bartender got your drinks ready, Bucky leaned down on his arms so he was even closer, your faces barely an inch apart.
“You’re my best friend, you know that?” Bucky smiled, pressing a slight kiss to your cheek.
“You’re mine too.” You whispered but you knew he heard you. Thank god for that super soldier hearing. Bucky stood back up and you could tell that he was on high alert, making sure that no one bumped into you or was making a beeline in the direction you guys were in.
You turned back around and placed your arms on the bar and leaned against it, your breasts pushing up slightly causing the guy next to you to take notice.
“Hey,” you glanced over as the guy next to you turned his body to fully face you. “You are the most beautiful woman at this bar.” You were amazed at how bold this guy was being. Bucky was still behind you, his arms still on either side of you. To anyone who didn’t know the two of you, it would be safe to assume that you were a couple.
“Thank you, that’s very sweet of you.” You smiled at him and leaned against Bucky’s arm a bit, to hopefully give that couple illusion even more.
Bucky was watching the interaction carefully, not yet ready to intervene but there if he needed to. You noticed his vibranium hand flex on the bar as the guy continued to flirt with you, that small action causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
“You wanna get out of here, pretty girl?” The guy leaned in even closer to you, officially popping the imaginary bubble you had around you. That was enough for you and for Bucky.
“Alright buddy, ease up.” Bucky pushed a hand against the guy's chest, moving him away from you. “She’s with me.”
“Relax, big guy. Why don’t you let this little mama speak for herself.” The guy stood up from his chair, he was Bucky’s height but you, Bucky and the guy knew that if it came down to it Bucky would kick his ass.
“This little mama doesn’t want to go home with you.” You said sternly. As you finished speaking, the bartender placed the shots and the drinks in front you.
“Bitch.” The guy mumbled, shaking his head and making his way around Bucky.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Bucky grabbed the guy by the front of his shirt. His eyes blazing as he glared down at the asshole. With each second that passed you could tell his hands were tightening around the guy’s shirt.
“I called your little slut girlfriend a bitch.” He spat out. “Maybe control your woman from flirting with other men at-”
Before he could finish, Bucky slammed his fist into his face. You let out a scream as the guy fell to the ground. Everyone’s eyes now focused on the three of you. Bucky reached down and grabbed him, pulling him back up. You had to look away as blood started to pour out of his nose and down his face. It looked like Bucky was about to punch him again but you quickly put your hand on his arm. Bucky looked over at you, his chest heaving, his metal arm shifting under the stress of his grip.
“Bucky, please. It’s not worth it. Look.” You glanced at the crowd that started to form, phones out and recording.
You could see the headlines now: Winter Soldier Bar Brawl: Is he still unhinged?
You spotted Sam making his way over, his face full of concern. Turning back to Bucky you squeezed his bicep. “Please. Let’s go.”
“Buck.” Sam made it over to you. “Go, I’ll take care of it.”
Bucky heaved as he pushed the guy away from him and then grabbed your hand. He quickly threw down a crumpled hundred dollar bill on the bar and didn’t wait for the change as he pulled you through the crowd of recording phones and out of the club.
He quietly pulled you down the street until you guys ended up at least four blocks away from the club.
“I should have killed that guy.” He huffed as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. Immediately he winced and pulled his flesh hand out. You hadn’t noticed before but his hand was definitely red and swelling. “Fuck.”
“Oh my god, Bucky,” You sighed as you gently took his hand in yours, turning it over and inspecting any damage. It didn’t look fractured but it was definitely sprained and going to be sore for a while. “You could have broken your hand, you fucking idiot.”
“It will heal in a couple hours. And you’re welcome.” Bucky scowled in your direction. “Next time, I’ll just let him shit talk you all night.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that. If you would have waited another twenty seconds we would have gotten our drinks and probably wouldn't have seen that man again.” You glared. “Instead you had to turn into a cave man and beat on your chest and prove your dominance.” You tried to sound tough but your voice was shaking given how cold you were. You had left your jacket back in the club.
“I wasn’t proving shit, Y/N.” Bucky snapped as he pulled his hand out of yours, sliding his leather jacket off and putting it around your shoulders in a huff. “Maybe it infuriates me to hear someone talk about you like that.”
“Well it’s not all cake and ice cream for me, but you don’t see me throwing god damn punches.” You sighed as you wrapped the jacket tighter around your body. “This is going to be everywhere tomorrow.”
“Who gives a fuck.” Bucky muttered.
“You should!” You fumed. “It’s not a great look to have you out here punching random guys at bars, Bucky. Especially over nothing that important.”
“Stop talking like that. God, it’s like you are the only fucking person who doesn’t see how goddamn special and important you are.” Bucky hissed as his hand continued to throb. “So please just..stop talking.”
You snapped your mouth shut as you shot daggers at Bucky which he gladly returned. You turned away from him, calling a car to take you back to his place. You both waited in silence, Bucky only making the occasional foul exclamation whenever his hand hurt. Finally for what seemed hours the car finally pulled up. Bucky, always the gentleman even when angry, held the door open for you as you slid in closing it gently but not making any moves to get in the car. You looked up at him through the window confused but he only shook his head and tapped the car, signally for the driver to leave.
“Can you please wait.” You turned to the driver who let out an annoyed huff.
“Five minutes lady. It’s almost bar time.”
Quickly you opened the door not stepping completely outside, the air having an unforgiving bite to it now.
“Get in the fucking car, Bucky.”
“You go, you have a key. I just need some time.”
“You can take some time in your apartment. Just get in the car.” You retorted.
“I’m not getting in that car.”
“James, I swear to god.” You were fully out of the car now. You slammed the door shut causing the driver to cast an annoyed look your way. “What is your problem? We argue all the time, it’s not that serious.”
“It’s not about the argument,” he grumbled. “It’s about the fact that you are so completely oblivious to how fucking perfect you are and how it wasn’t just that guy that was staring at you but every other guy in that bar. And how angry it makes me that I just want to go up to every single of one of them and tell them to put their dicks away because you’re mine and only mine.”
Your breath hitched as you processed his words.
“And I’m doing everything in power to not just shake you until you realize that I love you, and not just as my friend.”
“I can’t believe I just told you that.” Bucky shook his head and let out a humorless chuckle. “Get in the car, Y/N. I’ll see you later.”
Bucky turned and started walking down the street.
“James Buchanan Barnes!” You yelled after him. “If you don’t think that I love you back, then you really are a bigger idiot than I thought.” Bucky stopped in his tracks.
“What did you just say?” He asked as he faced you again. He stayed where he was but you could see the tension start to leave his body.
“I said,” You smiled as you let out a long breath. “That I love you, you idiot.”
Before you knew it, Bucky was over to you and he had you scooped up in his arms. His mouth moved feverishly against yours, every emotion that the two of you had for each other pouring out in this one kiss. Your hands found their way up his chest and around his neck. He let out a low moan that sent vibrations through your whole body.
“Alright, lady, I’m leaving.” You both ignored the driver as he waved you off and pulled out and down the street. But you couldn’t care less because you were finally in the arms of your best friend.
“Say it again.” Bucky whispered against your lips.
“I love you, you idiot.”
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mayraki · 3 years
✧ let me make your night better - bucky barnes
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-> asterie’s gif
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summary: it all starts as a fun girls night out with your friends but when you get the unwanted attention from a man, your mood completely changes so you decide to call your boyfriend bucky to take you home. which leads to him wanting to make your night better.
check out my bucky barnes x oc series let’s play fire with fire
a/n: there’s something about bucky riding that motorcycle........
warnings: creepy guy at the bar. oral (female receiving) +18!!
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“Do you actually have to go?” Bucky asked as his eyes were glued to your body while you were checking the outfit you picked for the night. You turned around to see the poor man giving you puppy eyes as he was sitting on the bed behind you. “I mean, you can stay with me and we can watch a movie or something-”
“Bucky, I haven’t seen my friends in person in a long time. And I see you everyday... c’mon, it’s just for tonight.” You left the mirror to get closer to him and stand in front of him to grab his cheeks with your hands and make him lock eyes with you, as his eyes didn’t seem to want to leave your body. “My eyes are up here, baby.” You bit your lower lip as he let out a little laugh and grabbed the back of your thighs to pull your body even closer to him.
“I’m sorry, doll, but the way you look on that dress... what I would give for you to stay tonight here with me.” He said softly while gently caressing your skin. You let out a little smile getting closer to his face to feel his breathing against your skin.
“Maybe when I get back.... someone has to take this dress off..” you said with the intention to tease Bucky and leave him with wild thoughts on his mind, but as soon as you tried to take a step back he quickly grabbed your waist and pulled you up to sit you down on his lap with your legs between his body.
“So you’re teasing me and now you want to leave? That’s kinda rude, doll.” Bucky said softly against your lips before pulling in closer to touch yours with his. You immediately felt the hotness of his skin against yours, feeling your body with that desire you would love to feel so much. But you needed to keep your head up and not give him what he wanted, after all, that was your favorite game.
You pulled away and bit your lower lip seeing how his eyes were filled with lust. “Save it for later, Bucky. We don’t want you to get tired now, do we?”
Before he could make any other movement you left his lap and gave yourself a last look in the mirror. That tight red dress fitted your body like a glove. Ending right in the middle of your thighs and those tall black shoes making your legs more longer. You felt hot... and for the way Bucky was checking you, made you feel even more sexy.
You turned around to face Bucky once again and noticed how his eyes were slowly going down on your body, making the butterflies on your stomach go wild. But no wanting to show any weakness under his eyes, you walked closer to him and grabbed his chin to make his eyes look at yours, once again. “Time for me to leave, baby. See you later?” You asked softly before leaving a simple yet hot kiss on his lips.
“You count on that, doll.” He said when you pulled away. You smiled at him and then turned around ready to leave Bucky and your apartment behind. But not before feeling those blue eyes on your body just one more time.
“Cheers, cheers, cheers girls!” Your friend Kelly said as the sound of the glasses clinching together hit your ears. “For a wonderful night, for a wonderful life filled with love, money and success!” Those words were followed with yours and your friends happy laughs before taking your shot to your mouth, feeling the burning sensation on your throat as soon as the liquid was going down your body.
“Another round, please!” Your other friend, Jessica said loudly to the bartender which nodded quickly.
“I’m not going to black out tonight, girls.” You said as a little laugh escaped your lips. Immediately, you had your two friends looking at you disappointed.
“What?! Why not baby?” Kelley asked while shaking your arm playfully.
“C’mon! We haven’t party like this for a while! Let’s bring back those nights Y/n!”
You let out another laugh as you were shaking your head the moment the bartender pulled another round of shots for you and your friends. “I’m not ready to wake up with a horrible headache and throw up everything I ate today. Not happening. I need more night outs to finally get to that point.”
“Alright, seems fair! But we’re dancing until your feet can’t no more.” You and Jessica quickly nodded as Kelly let out those words. You all grabbed your shots and lifted them up ready to toast again. “For a hot and sexy guy to take me home because I haven’t got any action for months!” Jessica said and you let out a loud laugh before taking your glass towards your mouth, feeling once again, the horrible sensation against your throat making you close your eyes and shake your head waiting for it to end.
“I feel you on that one, Jess.” Kelly said after leaving the shot glass on the table. “I haven’t had a guy on my bed for ages, I’m starting to wonder if sex changed or if I have my virginity back.”
“Definitely.” Jess agreed. “We need to look for potential guys to take home, please. Someone rich, if it’s possible.”
They both turned around to wonder around the club as you let out a smile looking at your friends being their goofy selves. But soon after, they all turned around to face you with grins all over their faces. “What?” You asked confused at their facial expressions.
“Since we don’t have any sexual encounters in our lives, we need to live through yours.” Kelly said making you let out a laugh feeling the hotness going towards your cheeks. “C’mon, tell us what that hot boyfriend of yours do.”
“Girls! I don’t kiss and tell!”
“Don’t be like that, Y/n! Help your friends out.” Jess complained shaking your arm. “I’m pretty sure that man leaves nothing to the imagination.” She lifted her eyebrows repeatedly making you shake your head while biting your lower lip as the memory of the other night came back to your head.
“Oh, am I seeing that correctly? Am I seeing Y/n remembering something? Oh, girl, c’mon tell us!”
“She’s probably thinking about her boyfriend’s huge-”
“What? C’mon, Y/n, I’m such touched starved!”
You looked at your friends but your mind was somewhere else, his hands touching you, his lips against your skin, your bodies dripping with water, your back against the wall... “The other night,” you started before your brain gave you a chance to decide about telling your friends “he decided to surprise me with something that he knows I like. He prepared a bath with roses in it and chocolate sented candles. We got in and well... one thing lead to another and we ended up-” you let out a tiny laugh seeing your friends carefully listening to your words “we ended up turning on the shower and doing it against the wall.”
Your friends pulled their bodies backwards to let their backs rest on the chair as they were covering their faces with their hands. “Steamy and wet, that’s the one right there!” Kelly said as you were letting out little laughs seeing how funny their reactions were.
“Please tell me he likes to go down on you.” Jess said and then carefully waited for your reaction, and then again, once you slowly nodded they both let their bodies hit the chair as Jess was waving air with her hand towards her face and Kelly ordered another shot. “Jesus, that man keeps getting hotter and hotter the more I found out about him.”
You gently punched Jess on the arm as she shrugged her shoulders. “Hey! That’s my man you’re talking about!” You said with a smile seeing how Jess took another shot like it was the easiest thing in the world.
“Yes! I know you lucky bitch!”
“I need to dance and shake my ass.” Kelly said with her eyes closed, feeling the burning from her shot. “Twerking is the only thing that’s gonna make me feel better.”
After Kelly grabbed you and Jess to take you two to the dance floor, you danced and danced until you started to feel your throat getting dry as you started to move along with the music. Your feet inside those heels were making your toes hurt so realising your defeat, you pointed at the bar to your friends and they quickly nodded, letting you know they got it.
Making your way to the chair you were sat down a half an hour ago, you let your body as well as your feet relax once your weight was on that tall chair. You let out a relaxing breath as you felt your toes getting comfortable and the cold wind that was entering the club hit your skin, making your sweat slowly fade away.
“Can I have a glass of water, please?” You asked the bartender and as soon as they nodded, you let out a tiny smile thanking them. While waiting for your drink, you pulled out your phone to check out the hour and as soon as the time ‘01:35’ appeared on your screen, you blocked it to leave it again inside your tiny black purse. “Thank you!” You said as the bartender left with a smile a glass of water in front of you.
With a quick move, you grabbed your drink and headed it towards your mouth to let it fresh your mouth and throat. Seconds later, the water was long gone and you were feeling better. So, with the intention to see your friends and check if they were still on the same spot, you turned your head around but when a strange guy walked in front of you making it impossible for you to see your friends, you slowly followed him with your eyes as he quickly made his way towards the chair by your side.
“Waiting for someone?” He asked letting his elbows rest on the counter as his face was facing you.
You let out a tiny smile after checking your friends. “No, I’m with my friends. They’re dancing right now, so-”
“Oh, don’t tell me they left you alone! They’re bad friends.”
You slowly shook your head while you locked eyes with him. “No they’re not. We were dancing together but I got thirsty so I decided to come here.”
The guy nodded as his eyes looked down to your lips. You moved in your seat uncomfortably as you felt his eyes under you. Trying to make it obvious that you didn’t want to talk you turned to the bartender and kept your focus on what they were doing. But when you still felt the guy by your side, you turned around to them once again to give them an awkward little smile.
“I’m Peter.”
“Do you want a drink?”
If guys ever approached you on the street you would usually tell them politely that you had a boyfriend of that you weren’t interested, making them to leave you alone or sometimes leaving the typical comment ‘you’re not that hot anyway’ in the processes. But for some reason, there was a feeling in your gut that this guy wasn’t good news. The way he was staring at you and after every word getting his body closer and closer to you, made you even more uncomfortable and wanting to go out of that situation as fast as possible.
“Not really. I already had a lot.” You said dryly and wanting the guy to leave you alone you faced the bartender once again, but instead, Peter touched your elbow with strength the moment he moved his body closer to yours.
“C’mon, what’s one more? Please, hey, you!” He snapped his fingers to call the bartender. “Two shots!”
“Hey, I said no.” You said shaking your head. “I’m sorry but I have a boyfriend.”
“And what about it?” Peter let out a loud as soon as the two shots were in front of you. “Can’t your boyfriend share?”
You stared at his eyes and soon felt how your heart dropped to your stomach. You looked at his hand handing you the shot but then quickly shook your head, grabbing your purse with the intention to go back with Jess and Kelly. “I better go find my friends, they must be looking for me.”
“You told me they were dancing so they’re probably having fun, Y/n! C’mon, take the shot with me.” Peter got closer the shot to your face which made you turn your head backwards. “Don’t be a party boomer!”
“I don’t want to.” You said firmly trying to take his hand out of your face’s way, but him taking it even more closer to your face made you unintentionally push his hand away, making the shot fall on his shirt.
“You little bitch! This shirt is new!” With the intention to grab your arm he lifted his now wet hand towards you but soon was stopped by the bartender grabbing his shirt and pulling him away. You quickly got up from your chair and looked how the bartender looked at you and once they noticed you were fine, they turned back to Peter.
“You better leave her alone, asshole.” They said and soon called the security guard, who grabbed Peter to take him out of the club after the bartender told him some words quickly. “Are you alright?” They asked and you quickly nodded. As they were about to say something else, you felt someone grabbing your shoulders and soon noticing your two friends standing by your sides looking at you worringly.
“Y/n! What happened?! Are you alright?” Jess asked as Kelly was looking around for Peter with anger on her eyes.
“I’m fine.” You said after gaining the control of your tongue. The realisation of what just happened hit your head so feeling annoyed at the music around you, you turned around to walk out the front door and leave the club behind, soon followed by your two friends.
“I’m gonna kill that guy!” Kelly said with anger while Jess was gently caressing your shoulder.
“Are sure you’re alright?” Jess asked softly and you slowly nodded pulling out your phone from your purse.
“I’m gonna call Bucky so he can take me home.” You said and your friends quickly nodded.
“We better go too.” Jess said turning to an angry Kelly, who was still looking around for Peter. “Kelly?”
“Yes, you call Bucky and tell him what happened because I’m sure he’s going to be down with me to kill that guy.” Kelly said but you quickly shook your head.
“No, I’m not telling him what happened.”
“What?!” Kelly turned to you confused. “Y/n you need to tell him.”
“No, that’s going to lead the whole situation into more chaos and I just want to go home.”
Kelly was about to say something else but Jess cut her off. “Kelly, is Y/n’s decision.”
Knowing that Jess was right, Kelly let out a sigh and walked closer to you to gently caress your arm. “Alright.”
You looked at your phone and once you saw the name “Bucky” on your screen, you let out a little sigh before looking at your friends. “Not a word, ok?” They both nodded and then you clicked on his name taking your phone towards your ear, already ringing.
“Hello? Y/n? Are you alright?” Bucky asked with worry in his voice the second the call was answered.
“Bucky. Yeah, I’m fire. I just- can you pick me up?”
“Why? What happened?”
“Nothing. I just want to go home. Jess and Kelly want to stay and I don’t want them to end the night earlier because of me. That’s all.” You looked at your friends and noticed the anger still coming out Kelly’s eyes, but her mouth stayed shut.
“Doll, you don’t sound alright what happ-?”
“Can you come Bucky?” You cut him off with your voice cracked. Something about him sounding so worry about you made your throat to close up and to feel some tears wanting to come out.
“Stay there. I’m on my way.” He quickly said before ending the call. Leaving your phone back in your purse you locked eyes with your friends and tried your hardest to keep your tears inside your body.
“Are we taking an Uber?” Jess asked to Kelly but before Kelly could answer, you shook your head.
“No, you guys stay. C’mon, it’s early. I’ll be fine with Bucky. Besides, you two still need to find someone rich so they can take us on their fancy boat.”
Jess and Kelly let out a tiny laughs while you felt your throat going back to normal. “I can’t promise you the boat, but a house on a lake is enough?” Kelly asked jokingly and you quickly nodded while a little smile escaped your lips.
Soon after, the sound of a motorcycle hit your ears making your head to turn towards the noise. You got up noticing the entire attention of the people outside the club was now on your boyfriend arriving while riding his motorcycle. Seconds after pulling over, he took off his big and black helmet off and left the motorcycle to make his way towards you.
“What happened, Y/n?” He asked with anger on his voice. “Did someone touch you? Who? Y/n, please tell me.” Not getting an answer from you, Bucky immediately understood and looked around with anger. “I’m gonna kill whoever touched you.”
“That’s the fucking spirit!” You heard Kelly say behind you.
“Where is he? Is he still here? C’mon, Y/n, tell me so I can show that guy that nobody touches my girl.”
“Bucky!” You yelled loudly enough to gain Bucky’s attention. He turned to you and once seeing the tiredness on your eyes, he quickly grabbed your cheeks and left a simple kiss on your lips. “Just take me home.” You said softly once he pulled away.
You moved back ready to walk towards his motorcycle and put the extra helmet on, soon followed by Bucky. Once you were on his bike sitting behind him and wrapping your hands around his waist, you turned to your friends and let out a tiny smile.
“With a lake house?” Kelly asked with a little smile and you nodded.
“Nothing less.” You said before Bucky turned the motorcycle on and started the way towards your apartment.
As the wind was hitting your skin you started to feel cold and your body to shiver, so trying to look for warmth you touched your forehead with Bucky’s back as you tried to get your body closer to his as possible. Moving your hips to his, you noticed how Bucky did a quick look to you on the back and understood what you were doing. Being able to manage his motorcycle with just his metal arm, he let go and with his warm hand touched your naked thigh with strength, giving it a little squeeze before gently caressing your skin with his thumb.
The amount of safety he made you feel by just touching you it was unbelievable. Everything that you felt moments ago was slowly fading away, making you feel butterflies in your stomach and filling your chest with warmth. You unconsciously let out a tiny smile as the feeling of freedom hit your body, you let your chin rest on his back as his hand was still on your thigh. The way he made you feel on that situation, him riding his bike with you on the back, it couldn’t be described. You felt in movie, those things you were used to seeing in old movies where the guy is something so far off by reality that would always made you feel sad because you thought you were never going to find something like that. But there you were, with the man of your dreams driving his motorcycle while his hand was resting on your thigh, ready to protect you and make you the happiest girl in the world.
“Want something to drink?” Bucky asked softly as the door of your apartment was being closed by him and you were on the couch, taking your shoes off.
“Not really. Just want to take this dress off and go to bed.” You tossed your shoes aside and made your hair into a bun ready to head into your bathroom and take off your makeup.
As you feet touched the coldness of the floor in the bathroom, you shiver but quickly turned on the hot water to wash your hands and start with your routine. As soon as you grabbed the makeup remover, you sigh regretting going out with your friends. It made you feel so disgusting on the inside as the memory of Peter was slowly going back to your head. It was more anger right on that moment than sadness and shook, the way that some guys felt you were obligated to say yes to them just because they wanted to buy you a drink. No matter if you said no multiple times. It was sickening.
Your muscle memory made you remember his hands touching your elbow making you stop throwing with anger the makeup remover towards the counter and close your eyes to try and forget it.
“Doll?” A hand touching your elbow made you jump and quickly open your eyes. But as soon as your eyes locked up with his, your heart went down to its normal speed. “You ok?”
“Yeah.” You nodded before opening the cold water to wash your face. You opened your eyes to see the water dripping down on your skin but then your eyes went directly to the man behind you. Once you did, you slowly followed him and his lips as they were ready to kiss your bare shoulders. Feeling their warmth, you closed your eyes enjoying the feeling.
His free hand slowly traced your body until it arrived in your stomach to gently push you against him, to warm your bodies against the other. Slowly living kisses on your shoulder, he then moved his lips towards your neck. Wanting to leave him more space, you tilted your head sideways as little breaths were coming out of your mouth.
“Open your eyes, doll.” He said against your skin making you shiver the second your skin felt the air hitting you.
As he said, you slowly opened your eyes to meet his as his lips were leaving gentle kisses on your skin. Your left hand touched his, the one that was carefully resting against your stomach to gently caress it with your thumb. Without giving you the chance to do something else, Bucky turned your body to face him and quickly grabbed your cheeks to leave a simple yet full of passion kiss on your lips.
“Let me make your night better, doll.” He said softly right in front of your face making you feel the hot air leaving his mouth in your skin. His eyes were glued to your lips and his thumb was caressing your cheek. With his metal arm, moved a piece of hair that was covering your face and carefully tugged it behind your ear.
“What do you have in mind?” You asked when a grin escaped your lips. Suddenly, like Bucky was waiting for that exact answer, with his metal arm grabbed your waist and pulled you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist while he was making his way towards your bedroom.
Once inside, as he was getting closer to the bed he pulled up your dress and left it right on your stomach. He carefully dropped you and quickly positioned himself on top of you. Feeling the coldness of his metal arm it made you shiver once again, but soon it was covered by the hot kiss he left on your lips.
Leaving your lips, he started to move on your neck and then your chest while his other cold hand was slowly pulling your dress up. Soon after, you were wearing nothing but your underwear. Tossing your dress to the side, Bucky held his body up by his knees and stared at your body like he was staring at a piece of art freshly made.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, doll. You know that?” He said with a little smile and that made your stomach turn as you felt the heat going towards your cheeks. Even if he had been your boyfriend for over a year now, no matter how many times he had seen you naked or called you beautiful, it still made you feel like it was the first time.
Getting closer to your face once again, he united his lips with yours but this time he managed to make the speed faster than the ones before. His tongue touched your mouth so you opened it wider to let it play with yours. As slowly as they were moving, you could feel the heat growing in your body. He had his metal arm by the side of your head holding his body on top of yours while his other hand was slowly massaging the side of your thigh.
His fingers found themselves playing with your underwear, pulling it and twisting it while his mouth was still focused on yours. But soon leaving your lips desiring for more, he ended the kiss and looked down ready to pull your underwear down. Like he was a pro at it, with quick moved he sat down on the bed and with his metal arm lifted your waist so the thin underwear you were wearing would come off easily. Letting out a grin Bucky toss it aside and used his hand to touch your stomach and slowly move it up towards your chest.
You could feel your insides asking for more. Wanting to feel Bucky against your legs even more as his hands were tracing your body. Joining them soon his lips were now against your skin. Taking his tongue out he gently licked your bare chest around your bra. Needing to take it off, you arched your back to let his hand go under and with a quick move making it undone to take it off your body and again, toss it on the floor.
“I’m never going to get tired of watching your naked body under me, doll.” Bucky said softly making you let out a smile as his lips were already flying towards your mouth.
“Bucky-” you said against his lips.
“What, doll?” He asked leaving your mouth to slowly caress your cheek with his thumb as his eyes were staring you and your eyes full of lust. “What do you want me to do to you?” He asked with a smile and you bit your lower lips while million of ideas were flying around your mind. “What is it, doll?” He asked more with a joking tone than before. The grin on his face became even bigger as a smile appeared on your face. “Oh, you want me do the thing- I’ll do the thing, alright.”
A little laugh escaped your lips as Bucky moved his mouth towards your chest and left little kisses on it, but soon placed his body lower so his face could be closer between your legs. Ready to feel that sensation your body was desiring so much, you closed your eyes and soon felt his lips against your inner thigh. Wanting to make more space for his head Bucky grabbed your thighs and slowly separated them without taking his lips away from your skin.
He was taking his sweet time around your folds leaving little kisses making you feel the hotness and the wetness of it become even more stronger and noticeable. You moved your hips to feel his lips more strongly against your skin, noticing this Bucky let out a tiny smile and looked at the desire in your face. “Want me to move quicker, don’t we?”
“Fuck, Bucky.” You let out softly gaining a little smile from Bucky’s mouth.
Just like you wanted, soon after you felt Bucky’s lips against your inner lips making you slightly shake under his touch. He started to leave gentle kisses before taking his tongue out and slowly tracing every single angle.
You could feel the sweat starting to leave your body as Bucky was carefully moving between your legs. That burning sensation he would always make you feel it was starting to appear when he moved to the top of your inner lips, towards your clit. With the tip of his tongue he started to make circles around it making you embrace every feeling that was happening inside of you. The butterflies in your stomach seemed to have gone into riot mode as your heart was going full speed under his warm touch. It was like he was putting you under a spell, making your entire body to fall for him no matter what he did.
“Fuck, fuck.” You spitted out almost in a whisper as Bucky’s tongue started to move faster against your clit. The faster he was getting you could felt your legs starting to shake around his head. The tightness of your inner lips and lower stomach was starting to make their way into your body as his tongue was professionally moving against you. But once you felt like you were coming undone, Bucky stopped leaving you wanting for more. “Oh, fuck you.” You said softly while Bucky just grinned before going back to your clit and leaving gently kisses on it.
Taking his fingers closer to you, with his index finger started to caress your folds up and down, making you, once again, fall under his touch. You could feel the wetness of your sex becoming stronger and stronger the more he spent between your legs. Moving his index finger away and taking his thumb against your clit, he started to caress it to place his middle finger right outside your orifice.
Feeling how slowly his fingers was entering your body you slightly arched your back and let out a long breath. The combination of his thumb moving against your clit and his fingers inside of you was making you fall into such a big relaxation and lust that whatever your body did or came out of your mouth was no longer under your brain commands.
Your hand flew towards Bucky’s hair to gently caress as he moved his tongue towards your folds to trace them up and down. Now, you had him touching your folds, his thumb tracing your clit and his middle finger slowly moving inside of you. He was a damn good multitasker.
The sound of your wet vagina was now louder as Bucky entered his ring finger inside of you to accompany his middle finger and make your legs shake around his head even faster. He replaced his thumb with his mouth and started sucking on your clit with strength to help you reach that wanted orgasm.
With the tip of his tongue and with speed, he started play with your clit and moved it around making your feel everything around it turn tighter and your folds to burn.
“Fuck, Bucky, I’m close- don’t stop.” You said with your voice cracked as he was gaining speed and moving his fingers with more decision between your walls. As they started pounding he slowed down and took his fingers out to enter them once again, making you let out a loud moan in the process. “Shit.” You said as your legs were shaking and his tongue wasn’t stopping against your clit.
Seeing how close your were, Bucky removed his fingers from inside of you and took his two hands towards your thighs to spread them wider and make more space for his head once again and for you to feel his tongue even more deeper against your clit.
Faster than you could let out another moan, you felt your inner lips fill with lust and your clit to burn with passion as his tongue was slowly taking its speed down. “Fuck..” you said in a whisper and you felt the orgasm slowly fading away as Bucky was leaving gently kisses on your folds and caressing your thighs with his thumbs.
He slowly went back to your face as he was leaving multiple kisses on your skin. Once he arrived at your lips he left a simple kiss in them as you tasted yourself. As soon as he ended the kiss your heavy breathing started to mix with his, feeling how his chest was touching yours and his free hand tracing your legs up and down.
The amount of lust he made you feel under those minutes it was more than you ever felt with any other men in your entire life. The way he made you feel under his touch, under his eyes, under his presence... it was like no other. He was yours and you were his. You were his girl and he made sure you knew that, nobody was ever going to hurt you ever again.
“Feeling better?” He asked with a smile the moment you opened your eyes to meet his.
“Better than ever, Bucky.” You said softly before uniting his lips with yours one last time. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad night after all.
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@milazka @love-chx @dmonchld
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diedbutterflies69 · 3 years
Drunk in love- Bang Chan imagine.
This is pure imagination. Minors don't interct.
Contains: explicit stuff fingering, blowjob, sex etc.
Red lights mv is the reason for this imagine.
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Being alone never bothered you until now. Being alone at a place you don't belong. Sitting in An expensive night club, after quitting your job you decided to have time for yourself and do all the things you missed out so and the sixteenthth goal of your list was drinking in the city's most stunning and expensive club, you decided to get Fully wasted while slurping various wines, champagne, sweet Mimosa etc. but after seeing the price you realised that the one shot of vodka's price was equivalent to your whole month's grocery budget.
So yeah this is how you were struck, with a beautiful woman who gave you rich CEO vibes slightly drunk and was ranting about some buisness stuff you barely knew.
And she was really something else so damn pretty, elegant even her voice was sexy even though you were quite straight you wouldn't hesitate to be her sugar baby cause Money .
You don't understand how a powerful women like her was being so vulnerable infront of you, maybe because you helped her fixing her expensive backless dress, which was on edge of tearing, who didn't expect her to give you such a great treatment and open up to you. It has been 2 hours since you have been with that stunning women, but now you were really tired and was just wished to go to your nest. While being deep in your thoughts that women whose name was Sana (pretty people have pretty name too) her phone ranged .
" hey, your phone is ringing", you said her softly resulting her in giving a whiny look.
" whoever that is calling can suck fuck itself, you hear me , ignore it", Sana said after silencing her phone and again giving you some great intellectual knowledge.
The phone may have vibrated more than 6 times before Sana decided to to pick it and you again knew however was on the other line will be hearing tons of unique insults now ..
"hello, Bang I am absolutely fine and just having drinks with my new found friend, you relax and go, bye" Sana said screaming her lungs out as the music was hella loud. You were quite surprise by how kind she sounded, She called someone Bang as far you remembered , Must be someone special to her you thought.
"who was it? ", You asked her cautiously trying to not appear too nosy. In answer to your question she gave you a big smile and continuing " My little brother, you already know what kind of shit I am going through so he just worried for me, I am lucky right?", While describing her little bro there was a big smile on her beautiful face and yeah she surly was lucky cause the brother you had was a druggist because of whom you used to get really low on money back in days. And now the phone again rung and she picked up guess she really hated how the person on other side of line was feeling.
"Hello again", Sana said her voice really tired and vulnerable. You guessed that person on the other side asked her where she was as she said the club's name next. You really hate this club from the depth of your heart, cause you didn't got any alcohol to taste nor good food. You were bought back to reality As Sana yelled at the person who was on phone.
"I will kill you if you come here", Damn Sana sounded 1999 times more dangerous now and you were scared to death. But a little glad as someone was coming to pick her up and that meant you can go back to your dead apartment too.
"Guess he will eventually come here, I should just get fully wasted than hearing his boring lecture" Sana said after cutting the call , she signalled a waiter to your table and ordering some great quality of alcohol. Yess finally you could too get a little raste too of that sweet paradise drink, you were internally screaming as the waiter bought some nice too good to be true shots. Sana immediately gulping down three shot one after another means she just swallowed your three months grocery.
Now pushing your urge to atleast try one shot, you stopped Sana from getting wasted and distracting . Once again you killing your desires, after about 20 minutes you saw a drop dead gorgeous Man approaching your and Sana's table . That man was wearing an expensive black suit you could feel his intimidating aura even from a distance, his eyes darker than your future, even in those blurry red lights you can easily notice every feature of that hot stranger. You were bought back to reality when that stranger straight up goes to Sana who was little wasted but still sane. You salute her alcohol tolerance level.
" you fine?" The man asked Sana, now you were sure that he was Sana's little bro but you didn't thought by little she meant such a great human with outstanding body proportions. He was so sexy you were internally drowling over that sexy human's visuals.
" You seriously came here? Damn I love my brother so much", Sana said in her voice clearly indicating how drunk she was. She was smiling adorably at her bro but he looked at her with a annoyed gaze.
"get up, let me take you to your house, come", the stranger said and helped Sana to get up from her seat, which made her stumbled and now you clearly knew her alcohol tolerance level was trash, she wasn't able to even stand without any support . Your hands reached her waist in attempt to save her from falling. And that action finally made the man to look at you . your heartbeat increased so much just by his mere gaze at you . And for the first time in night he talked to you.
"who are you", he asked you . Ouch, that was an obvious question to ask but you were disappointed because how boring and uninterested his tone was with you while with Sana he sounded so fuckin caring. But regardless gulping down your nervousness, you replied to him politely.
"umm, I helped Sana slightly and from then we are talking", you knew your explanation was just trash but it atleast made that man realise that you were the 'new found friend' who Sana described on call.
"Okay, can you help me carry her back till parking lot?", The Stanger asked you, his voice now laced up with little gratitude and expectation. You simply nodded your head and wrapped Sana's one arm to your shoulder and helped her walking while that man went to pay the bill.
At parking lot you were standing with a little dead women, while waiting for him , all you saw at parking lot was beautiful and costly cars, something which you won't be able to afford it this lifetime. You never felt this much out of place before. That man's presence bought you back to reality, again feeling insecure as you standed next to Sana. She was a goddess and her brother an alluring devil.
He didn't spoke much to you and simply helped you carry Sana to the Car.
Now, an overdramatic old aged man coming out of car, which you think you knew, her deceased husband's dad, Sana had gave you her whole family history , future and economic information, apparently that old man treated Sana as his own daughter and today Sana lost the lawsuit related to her late husband's death and that was the reason for Sana's mad women behaviour today. That old man looked as Sana and it seemed like he was controlling his urge to cry, but nevertheless got inside the car with her to tired to even thank you.
Now here's when the fun begins. You were left alone alone with that alluring devil. But you sadly knew he wasn't even interested in you even 1 % so you got ready to go back to your nest and started walking until..
"wait!, Let me drop you to your home please", he said and wooow how could you say no to that glamorous offer as it was too late at night to get a bus and too hard to get a cab. You acted like a little hesitant but eventually said yes, as you didn't knew how less time it will take him to take back his offer. Following him to his car And again your jaw almost dropped it was the hottest car you ever seen in your life. And it was honour for you to get a chance to be inside it. The man opened the door for you, you not being sure if he was being a gentleman or to was preventing you to touch his car, but nevertheless you got inside it the temperature was warmer inside the car and the air freshener was doing a great job. He got on driving seat next to you and started driving.
After exiting the parking lot he asked for your address, and you just told him to drop next to bus stop cause the building you lived was apparently more like a abandoned haunted place.
he didn't forced you for further answers and started driving to your direction.
You were lost in admiring the Stranger's car from inside and literally got startled by his deep voice.
"listen, can I please drop you somewhere , your place is too far from here, I need the go somewhere today", he said you and your mood literally dropped, yeah it was true that you lived far away from club it took you 3 hours to reach there in traffic, so swallowing your disappoint you replied.
"it's okay, drop me here only", you didn't knew why your voice was so weak at the moment maybe because you wanted a little bit kindness from that man but he just ruined your every expectation.
"I am sorry, but there is another option too" that man said to when you were getting ready to yeet yourself out of his useless expensive car.
"you gonna call cab for me, no thanks I will look for it " you Said and you didn't expect to sound rude. You thought now that man will now won't hesitate to throw you out of window.
But in response he smiled, for first time in night but his smile a little evil.
"no, I meant you can spend the night at my house", he said voice laced up with nothing but purness.
And your heart stopped. Spending a night at someone else house and that someone was a dangerous devil. You immediately said no to his tempting offer but
"Please,it doesn't make me feel good to drop off a such a fantastic women of my car and you even helped my sister, I should repay your kindness, please.."
You were more than just shocked, whatever he just said was something you least expected, he fucking called me gorgeous you thought and your heart literally flied in the sky.
"no, it's okay please drop me here", you said impatiently, the nervousness kicking you on head.
"Relax, I am not gonna do anything to you, don't be afraid" he said you in such a calm tone fully opposite of his devil like demonor, you immediately melted and tried to consider his offer, his house won't be less than any luxury hotel and you being you..
"are you comfortable, letting a stranger in your house?" You asked him honestly you didn't wanted to make yourself a burden to that man. In response to your question the stranger let out a soft chuckle.
"forget me,are you comfortable being in some Stranger's house?", He asked you with strange curious tone. You honestly didn't knew the answer.
"Yes, I am comfortable, you only told you won't do anything so", your voice coming out softer a little innocent. He smiled at your answer, somehow satisfied.
"So should I take car to my house?", He asked you again, damn you wanted to shout a big ass yes, but suppressed the desire by simply nodding. And so the stranger reversed the car back to his house direction.
"what's your name ?", He asked you, looking at you finally he initiated a conversation.
"Y/N, what's your name?", You asked him.
"Chan", he simply replied.
"nice", you said and again silence. You were a super awkward person and that fact wasn't hided from Chan.
"What do you do for living?", Chan asked after some second and you frowned upon hearing that question.
"I am sorry, if it was too personal", he quickly noticed your behaviour you tried to say something "No, I am just unemployed at the moment and I am writer, yes writer", you replied what you said wasn't completely a lie you used to write some articles back in past but your recent job from which you quitted was at a restaurant.
"Wow, writers are amazing, it's great make people connect to your work", Chan complimented you for something you really didn't did. Still you took it and smiled back.
" your work must be tough sir, balancing off an company ain't easy", you complimented Chan back.
" Sana must have told you about what I do, right?", Chan asked you to which you nodded.
Again silence and in 5 minutes the car stopped infront of a skyscraper.
Rich people really live in sky. You thought.
"here we are", Chan said after opening the door for you and handing off the keys to guard.your neck almost got twisted to see end of the building.
"Done looking?", Chan asked you slightly waving his hand infront your face and damn he was veiny. Having a thing for hands was definitely your thing and Chan must have noticed your hungry gaze on his hands but didn't said anything .
"yeah let's go", you replied and started walking with him.
You both entered in heavantor. And again the same awkward air surrounding you both. Maybe it was sexual tension in Chan's mind which you scrapped off as awkward.
"Do you perhaps... Have a boyfriend?", Chan asked with a little hesitation in his, and for the first time in your whole life you got this nervous, he didn't proposed you but his question was very suggestive.
"no I don't, do you have girlfriend?", You answered and asked back.
"No", Chan answered and again silence.
"why you asked?", You again questioned him
"To know if I can make you interested in me or not", Chan said back a proud smirk dancing on his face and you were dead. He said something bold so confidently your mind pure hazey now.before you could say something the doors of hellevator opened.
"let's go", Chan said immediately getting out like he just didn't almost gave you heartattack. Nevertheless you followed him.
He put on the passcode and you both entered in his luxurious house. The house something you didn't expect. Dark, just as much dark as your future, but it looked freaking classy.
Chan showed you a room, to spend a night, but you noticed how he was holding back from something and as well as you. And you knew it was now or never.
"I am already interested in you, why would you want to make me though?", You asked if you thought it was bold but you stuttered as much as students who gave presentations.
But Chan find it alluring about you. Cliché but, he was too in daze after meeting you. And now finally his wish coming true. He smiled and come a little too close to you.
"Because, I am really interested in kissing your beautiful lips", Chan said , if this line would be came out of any normal guy then it would be to cringy, But Chan was your alluring hot devil and fantasy, someone so beautiful interested in me you thought. you tried to say the first thing that came to your mind.
"Then kiss.. me", You said the last word almost like a whisper , Chan smirked at you, you were literally his ideal type he knew you weren't innocent but ironically you were.
Chan's hand reached your cheek and made you look at him, being too embarrassed you avoided his eyes.
"Look at me, Y/N", Chan almost said as a whisper. Gathering your scattered courage you finally managed to look in to Chan's eyes and his eyes were .. scary.
"I can kiss you, right?", Chan again asked you and you sweared nothing is as hot as consent. You nodded a yes to him.
"Baby, use your words", Chan said the word baby rolled of his tongue so erotically.
"Yes", you said not breaking the eye contract.
"is it okay to Call me sir?", He asked you, now you were dead sure that this man was Kinky af. And you won't be surprised if he had a tons of chain in his bedroom.
"Kiss me, Sir", you said literally feeling so submissive to him. A last smile Chan gave you before his lips touched yours and the butterflies in your stomach exploded. His lips were soft, but the kiss wasn't he sucked at your bottom lip almost painfully and when his tongue entered your mouth, butterflies again exploded, his tongue doing wonders in your mouth , you didn't even knew a kiss so deep, so sensual can happen. With Chan's right hand at back of your neck ,the other one reached down to squeeze your hand in a tight yet sensual grip you finally feeling those veins and the kiss getting more heated.
"let's continue this in bedroom, Chan said after finally breaking the kiss to catch breath, he lifted you up in his arms and it felt so fuckin great, he was so strong even though you were little heavy Chan showed no sign of uneasiness. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and while he carried you to his bedroom, you never felt this much safe in anyone's arms as much as this hot Stranger's.
He put you down while unlocking his door, after unlocking he again carried you and softly laid you down on his grey bedsheets. His room was a mix of grey and blue a little weird but you didn't got much time to explore as Chan immediately started his ministrations on your body. He was a great man who believed in foreplay supremacy.
"Aah", you moaned a little as he sucked at your neck the little sound of yours making his dick painfully hard. He got on his knees towering your frame.
"Can your mouth handle this?", Chan asked you pointing at his memeber and were glad to give him a positive answer. Getting up, you undid his belt and removed both his pants and briefs simultaneously, Chan looking at you like a animal the whole time. The moment his erection was visible to you , you were beyond shock, he was so fucking big he won't obviously fit in your mouth, but you didn't wanted to disappoint Chan so you slowly entered the tip of cock in your mouth going little by little back and forth slowly till it was deep enough to hit the back of your throat. You slightly gagged and that sended shivers to Chan's spin ,to get that feeling again his hand wrapped around hair and detaching you from his cock.
"will you be comfortable, if I go rough?", Chan again asked you , and without any second thought you said yes to him. After being satisfied with your answer, he immediately tightened his grip on your hair and shoved you back on his cock, his tip directly coming in contract with back of your throat and a gagged being heard, you didn't expect him to be this rouf but it was such a turn on for you. You stumbled a little as he was ramming himself inside you hands gripping on to his thighs for support. He wasn't moaning too much but grunting and occasional deep breaths.
"Fuck, you have wonderful mouth babe, so fucking perfect", Chan praised you that resulted in your pussy skipping a heartbeat and encouraging you to go Even deeper.
Your one hand coming in contact with his balls which maybe was his string before cumming. He was grunting too much which meant he was close .
"keep going babe, I am gonna cum inside your mouth, will it be okay?", Chan asked and to affirm him you just increased the speed.
"don't let it fall" , Chan said and after a few seconds he bursted in your mouth, a warm feeling welcoming inside your throat and just as Chan commanded you swallowed it all without letting his seeds fall. After fully empting himself inside your mouth Chan removed his cock from your mouth.
"let out your tongue", Chan commanded you in his breathless voice you immediately following his words. Slowly removing your tongue.
You looked so submissive to Chan, the perfect person to fuck he wished to fuck. Chan spitted inside your mouth, your eyes widen on his sudden such a filthy yet hot action.
"Swallow it, babe", Chan said voice fully filled with lust. You obeyed him without any hesitation, whatever Chan was doing to you made you feel like being on cloud nine.
Chan again made you lie on the matteress , him staring at you from top, ever so submissive. Chan's hand directly reached your Fully clothed breasts his mere action made you whimper, your small little sounds were giving him so much satisfaction.
"so fucking sensitive", Chan said to himself as he his fingers were dancing on top of your breast. To eager to see your naked body, he slightly tilted your body to undo the dress zipper after successfully removing it he undid your bra next. Your breasts immediately being exposed to his eyes and Chan just lost his sanity, immediately slapping your right breast as an instict,. You moaned loudly at the sudden pain but it was pleasurable enough to make your panties wet.
"Do you like it, you like being gropped and slapped ,huh?", Chan asked you and your head in pure haze .
"yes sir I like it", you breathlessly said causing Chan to smirk , he loved to know what kind of effect he had on your body and mind. After twisting and slapping your nipples Chan finally decided to take them inside his mouth and paint them with beautiful marks. You were questioning his real identity at this moment his teeth felt like Some wolf was devouring you but it was damn pleasurable.
You were a moaner even a screamer during sex , which fueled Chan's lust to give you even more pleasure.
Being done with your boobs now Chan's hands reached your most sensitive part. He wasn't really surprised to know how much wet you were down there when his hands cupped your pussy through the panties.
"my baby is dripping, who caused her wetness?", Chans asked you in dangerous tone you just moaned at his words but he harshly slapped your cunt.
"I asked a question, answer it", Chan warned you his sudden rude tone again surprising you you stuttered as you answered him .
"you sir, I am dripping because of you", you answered Chan and he was satisfied. He entered his middle finger inside your pussy with through the cloth, the harsh texture of cloth making you moaned out. He removed your panties and without a warning entered his 2 fingers inside you and twisting them ever so harshly , Chan was a sex God.
And it was just the beginning of night.
Thanks for reading ❤️.
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eeunoia · 3 years
Hi. Can I request a Jay fic just like Ni-ki's in "Enhypen as Campus Hearthrobs" and can it be with Sunghoon? Tysm <3
I love your stories so much. Take care always! I love you 💜
hello bb, here you go! Jay’s kind of a playboy here. But still the concept is still there. Btw, enjoy! Thank you so much for requesting anon! Ily <3
ENHYPEN Imagines
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pairing: jay park x reader
summary: you were in love with the campus playboy and he wanted nothing but plain hook ups.
warning: a bit spicy.
word count: 5.5k
a/n: It was long, lmao sorry. This was a request from the concept of Niki’s in my campus heart-throb series. You guys seems like to love his plot a lot because this was the second time it was requested. Anyway, enjoy reading this!  🌸
“Y/n!” you rolled your eyes when you heard the voice of your brother from outside of your room. Instead of responding, you continued flipping through the pages of the book you were holding and ignored him.
“Y/n!” he once again called out and you can’t hold it anymore so you shoot glares towards your door.
“What do you want?” you hissed at him.
“Aren’t you at least gonna send me off? Give me some hug or something?” you’re not quite sure if he’s being sincere or he’s trying to piss you off.
You let go of the book and marched towards the door to open it. There, in front of you was your twin brother, all dressed up, ready to go out and party.
“You should know that’s the last thing I would want to do, Jake Sim!” you glared hardly at him.
He sighed, “I’m not bringing you tonight.” his decision was firm as he put both of his hands inside his leather jacket then leaned over the wall.
You let out a frustrated sigh, “Why not? I promised to behave tonight.” you looked straight to his serious eyes.
Jake shut his eyes for a while before he let out a sigh, “No. I want to party hard tonight and I cannot do that if all I can think about is my sister.”
He was always the protective brother. Maybe the fact that he went out minutes earlier than you gave him an instinct that he’s older and that he has to protect you at all cost.
You pursed your lips and leaned over your door frame and stare at him. “You don’t even need to look after me. I have friends there too and besides, Jay will be there!” your voice sound so excited when Jay’s name went out from your mouth.
Jake’s stares became more serious as he eyed you. He was pretty much aware about your feelings towards one of his best friends. He’s not against it but he also not saying he won’t interfere if it’s already hurting you.
He clenched his jaw, stares not leaving you, “Jay won’t be able to look after you as well. He’s gonna get laid tonight, y/n.” he straightly told you. When it comes to the activities of his friends, he was not gonna lie about them. If anything, you need to be aware that Jay isn’t the type of guy who will settle with one girl.
You gulped, trying to get rid of the lump inside your throat and to mask out the sudden pain that took over your chest. You knew about how wild of a teen-ager Jay is and how hard it is to handle him. But you also think that if you give up on him pretty much quickly, it wouldn’t be worth it.
“What taking you guys so long?” both of your heads snapped over to the person who just appeared at the hallway.
It was Park Sunghoon, one of the best friends of your twin brother. He’s looking so handsome as always, seems like he’s also ready to party hard tonight. You rolled your eyes inside your mind, you don’t want to think about how many girls will he get tonight. You bet they will kneel before him without him even asking.
There’s a mischievous smile plastered over his face as he eyed his friend then over at you. His eyes then went over to your pajamas and it now furrowed hardly.
“Why are you in your pj’s, y/n?” he asked confused as he walked closer to you.
You pouted and looked back over to your brother. Jake looked over his friend, “She’s not coming.” he said right away that made both you and Sunghoon to look at him.
“What? Why?” Sunghoon asked and stood beside you like as if he’s on your side. Well, he is always taking your side.
“She just can’t, dude. I wanna party hard tonight.” Jake huffed out a stressed groan as Sunghoon slowly smiled at him.
“I can look after her.” he volunteered that made you smile widely and you looked at him.
He smirked and winked at you that made you chuckle a bit. Jake watch the two of you and he rolled his eyes.
“Dude, I’m serious.”
“I am too. You can have your fun tonight and I can take care of your sister.” You smiled widely at Jake while you stood beside Sunghoon then you even cling your hand over to his firm arms.
“I promise to behave.” you added.
Jake’s stares exchange from Sunghoon and you then he let out a sigh of defeat that made a grin appeared over to your face. “Fine. Hurry up and get change.” he said and rolled his eyes.
You cheered in happiness and went to him to give him a hug before going inside your room. The two followed you with their eyes, smile slowly spreading through their faces.
“Look at her, she forgot to close the door of her room. How stupid...” Jake mumbled and slowly shut your door for your privacy as they patiently wait outside.
Jake eyed Sunghoon who’s now busy with his phone. “Dude, I swear. You asked for this. You have to take care of her and promise not to hook up tonight.”
Sunghoon raised his gaze up to him then he gave him this assuring smile, “I got her, don’t worry. I won’t blink while looking after her.” he said.
Jake smiled and nodded his head raising his fist towards him for a bro fist. Minutes passed and you finally went out looking great as well. Of course, you’re Jake Sim’s sister. Good genes ran through your blood.
As you made your way out of your house, your smile grew bigger when you saw a familiar fancy car parked right outside. While you approach closer, the window of the driver’s seat rolled down and the face of the boy you’re crazy with appeared.
He looked amazing as always, his all black outfit sure makes him look dangerously hot and his stares pierced towards you making chills ran down through your whole system.
“Why is she coming, Jake?” Jay’s stares were fixed at you and you didn’t break the eye contact as well. You even raised your eyebrow at him.
“Sunghoon said he will look after her, don’t worry.” your brother answered as he went straight to ride the passenger seat.
You put your tongue out over at Jay to tease him as Sunghoon opened the door for the back seat, offering it to you. He was smirking as he watch you tease Jay.
Jay scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Just don’t expect me to babysit for her. She’s all yours, Park Sunghoon.” he said and you just entered his car while Sunghoon followed after you.
“It’s okay, I’m planning to behave tonight.” you smiled and you saw how he looked at you through the mirror and Jake turned his head towards you.
He raised his pointer finger and point it at you, “Don’t make Sunghoon have a hard time.” he reminded you with those serious looking eyes.
You sighed and rolled your eyes before shoving away his hand. “Yeah yeah, whatever.”
You didn’t notice that Jay was still watching you and he slowly shake his head from side to side. He doubt it that you’ll behave. If Jake’s the nice one, you’re the stubborn twin. You just don’t listen to anyone and you often push his buttons.
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You can hear the loud music even from the outside of the house. Since the person who’s organizing this was pretty famous in throwing great parties, people sure go here to have fun. You’ve been in a lot of parties already, this isn’t the first time.
You were walking between Jake and Sunghoon. Jay was in front of you, walking like he’s in a fashion show. Eyes followed him shamelessly. He was used to it, it was almost like it’s part of his daily life.
Your face showed a displeased expression how a girl flirt with Jay. He seems to recognized her because he stopped to talk to her. Since you’re behind, you have no choice but to stop as well--or that’s what you rather want your brother to think.
You felt a hand rested over your shoulder so you turn and saw your brother. He leaned closer to tell you something, “I’ll go party now. Remember, behave.”
You rolled your eyes and raised your hand to show him an okay sign. He starred at you for a while.
“I’m warning you. Create a problem, Sunghoon’s dragging you out of here.” he added before messing your hair before leaving.
Sunghoon chuckled behind you so you turned towards him. He smiled and looked down at you, “Ready to party?” he asked.
You smirked and bite your lower lip before nodding your head. He cheered playfully before grabbing your hand to drag you somewhere. Your eyes unconsciously looked for Jay since he’s the main reason why you wanted to be here.
You saw him now sitting over a couch, a girl was hovering above him. They were having an intense making out session. You starred at them blankly, not completely surprised by the situation. It wasn’t new for you anymore.
Sunghoon stopped from his tracks and followed your line of sight. He scoffed and pull his hand away from your hand then relocate it over your waist.
“Let’s get you drunk first and then you can bother him.” he whispered at you, lips slightly touching your ears as he talk. His suggestion sounds fine so you turned over him with a smirk over your face.
“What if I cause a problem? I’m wild when I’m drunk.” it’s not like he’s not aware of your drunk state. Of course, he was well awared about it.
He smirked before he turned towards the drinks to get both of you some. He then looked over at you, “Don’t worry. I’ll handle you if he can’t.” he said and pointed Jay using his chin.
You chuckled and accepted the drink he was giving you. The night continued and the people in that party just increased just like the number of shots you took. After your fifth shot, you can feel yourself starting to feel hot already. You fan yourself as you turned over to Jay. He wasn’t there anymore, panic took over you for a while but Sunghoon tried to calm you down.
“He went to the bathroom. You should follow and stop them.” he have this sly smirk, messing up with Jay sure sounds funny for him.
You nodded your head and was about to take another shot but Sunghoon held your wrist, stopping you, “Nah-uh. You already had five shots. The sixth one will be deadly.” he said smiling.
“You should go. If you need anything, you can find me here.”
You pouted but followed what he said. You stood up and even if eyes were darted at you, you ignored them. Your mind was fixed over to the guy who’s probably planning to bang someone at the bathroom.
You gulped when you arrived in front of it. Your fist balled as you hear soft whimpers and grunting from inside. You want so bad to just barge in and pull that girl away from Jay.
After letting out a heavy sigh, you knocked furiously at the door. They didn’t responded so you repeated it once again, now a bit harder to make sure they heard it. Since the music was so loud, you were afraid that the two was so immerse with their lusts.
“Occupied!” you heard a girl shouted from inside. You clenched your jaw as your eyes pierced over at the door. Imagining Jay’s hand wrapped around her body just made your blood boil.
“Jay! Sunghoon left me!” you shouted from outside.
Suddenly, the whimpers was stopped and in just an instance, the door opened. The first one you saw was Jay,  his used to be neat black polo was now crumpled and you can see lipstick stains over his neck. Your eyes then darted over to the girl at the back, she was glaring at you while she fix her dress. You rolled your eyes at her before looking back at Jay.
“What the fuck are you doing here, y/n?” he sound so frustrated as he ran his hand once over to his sweat stained hair.
You pouted, “I was getting a drink and when I turned around I can’t find Sunghoon anymore.” you lied to him.
The girl slowly approaches Jay as she kept her glares at you. You ignored her because she don’t matter to you anyway, you’re just glad that you stopped them even before they can do the did.
You heard Jay muttered soft curses, “How many did you have?” Jay asked you that made you furrow your brows.
“What?” you asked because you didn’t quiet catch it.
He sighed, eyes darkly darted at you, “Shots... how many?”
You raised your hand showing him five fingers. He shut his eyes for a while before he turned towards the girl behind him and his other hand reached over your wrist.
A smile then slowly appeared over your face. A winning grin was present at your beautiful face when you turned towards the girl.
“I need to take care of her first.” Jay said firmly that made a displeased expression appear over her face.
“See you around.” he didn’t even let her finish her sentence and he turned over at you. His eyes were dark as always.
“I knew this would happen. I told Jake to fucking not bring you.” he mumbled to himself but you managed to hear it anyway.
He pulled you over to a less crowded part of the house before he fished his phone. Maybe to call Sunghoon or something.
You stood just in front of him and let yourself enjoy the sight. He looked extra hot after his hair was all messed up and the first three of his polo was now open letting you have a sneak peak of his chest.
You gulped, feeling your cheeks burn because of the thoughts that taking over you. As you continued checking him out as you hear frustrated groans from him, still at his phone. Your mouth fell a bit open as you saw the bulge over his pants. Oh... you interrupted something.
You gulped and starred back at his face. He was hardly furrowing his brows, “Fucker’s not answering his phone.”
“Do you want me to help you?”
He glanced at you for a while, brows still hardly furrowed, “Help me with what?” he asked still focused with his phone.
He was about to dial somebody again but you advanced towards him and rested your hand at his erection. Jay was taken aback, he do know about how you feel but you never done this before. You were never this bold to him. His hand rested over your shoulder, ready to push you away from him before you can do something you will regret.
But Jay had lose it when you look up at him and he saw how your eyes were so innocent. Despite of your actions, your eyes was big and seems like clueless of the situation. It drives him crazy.
His breath hitched as he raised his head up, shutting his eyes and trying to breath heavily. You leaned closer and rested your face near his neck, breath fanning over to his skin.
“Damn it, y/n. Stop.” he was about to push you away because he’s slowly losing his mind.
You didn’t back away and moved your hand over to his shoulders. Jay stared down at you, slightly getting pissed after your hand left his erection.
“Y/n you don’t want this.” he said with a low voice, eyes completely darted at you.
You leaned closer, your lips were just inches away from each other. Both of your noses slightly touching each other. Your eyes were fixed over his slightly parted lips and Jay’s was just at your eyes.
His mind was clouded with a lot of bad thoughts about you. The wall he had created between you and him was slowly being broken down by you. Not even once does the thought of you initiating this had occurred to him. Between the two of you, he was the corrupted one. For him, you’re just an innocent little kitten.
“You sure?” was it the liquor? or is it the jealousy that drives you to do this? You have no idea, all you know is you love being this close to him.
His scent was invading your nose as your body felt hot close to him. Jay’s dangerous, you know it. But he’s the kind of danger you want to be involve with.
Your eyes trailed from his lips up to his eyes as your hand slowly cupped his face, “Because I really want this Jay--” you didn’t even have the time to finish your sentence when Jay cursed under his breath and pulled you over the bathroom where he just went out moments ago.
He pushed you inside, body dangerously close to each other. He kicked the door close and click the lock before carrying you. He placed you over the sink as he connect his lips at yours.
“Fuck y/n.” he mumbled between the kisses.
You hissed and groaned at the feeling of his lips over yours. You didn’t expect this would happen tonight. Jay’s hand moved from your face down over to your waist.
You pulled away and Jay was smirking at you, “I’m gonna ruin you tonight, y/n.” he mumbled that made your heart thump.
As he leaned over your neck, your fist balled and your eyes shut. You were very nervous since this is your first time and you didn’t really expect to lose your virginity in a bathroom.
Jay, as expected was professional at this thing. He knew where to kiss you to make you feel good but your slightly shaking body didn’t slip off from him.
He reached over your wrists and pushed you a bit away from him. His eyes were serious as he eye you now.
“You’re shaking.” he said, disappointment lures over his tone.
You gulped, lips trembling a bit as you try to compose a sentence. You can’t deny that you are nervous.
“I w-was just--” Jay cut you off as he took off his leather jacket and silently cover rested it over your shoulder.
“I can’t hook up with you when you’re acting like this.” he said. You were left silent.
Not because he said he ain’t gonna do it but because of what you heard. Hook up? Your eyes watered as you let out a sarcastic chuckle, “Hook up?”
Jay eyed you as he fixed the buttons of his black polo, running his hand over to his hair once.
“Yeah, what do you think? I still don’t like you, y/n. I never did.” his word rings inside your head and you felt your heart sank.
You’re so stupid for thinking that he will take you seriously just because he pulled you inside a bathroom to have sex. Of course, Jay was known for being a notorious playboy in your campus. You should’ve known better.
“And you really pull me here just to get in my pants?” your tears streamed down your face now. Jay looked at you blankly like as if it doesn’t bother him.
“Well you asked for it, didn’t you? You were basically throwing yourself at me--” your hand hardly slapped Jay’s face after you went down the sink.
You starred angrily at him, tears still pooling your eyes. You felt pathetic, you feel sorry for yourself for being this desperate.
“Screw you.” and you turn your back at him without saying anything anymore.
Jay clenched his jaw as he watch you walking out. He didn’t know but the slap did something to him.
You’re a bit still clouded with thoughts when you met Sunghoon’s eyes. He was flirting with this one girl but when he saw your face, his smile fell and he left the girl right away to approach you.
“Hey, what happened? Did he do something to you?” he asked worriedly.
You pursed your lips and gulped trying to get rid of the lump inside your throat. You wiped the tears away, “I wanna go home, please.”
Sunghoon didn’t know what to feel when he heard your voice crack a bit. He sighed heavily, slightly regretting that he send you to go after Jay. He fixed Jay’s jacket that was resting over your shoulders before he guided you outside the house.
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It’s been a week already and you were trying so hard to avoid Jay. It was kind of hard because he’s basically everywhere you are since he’s friends with your brother. They often hang out at your house and you stay at your room during those time.
Jake noticed that you were avoiding him but he just shrugged it off since maybe you just had enough of the chase. He’s somewhat happy about it because he doesn’t have to worry for you being hurt by his playboy friend.
On the other hand, you were spending most of your times with Sunghoon. Lately, you two just became more close to each other. He’s always fun to be with but since he always accompany you, he became even more entertaining for you.
“What’s up babe?” he was smirking as he called you with that playful endearment he kept teasing you with.
You rolled your eyes but did your handshake with him before you plopped down beside him. Jake didn’t give much attention to the two of you because he was used to it. But Jay was different. He starred at the two of you with hawk-eye like eyes. His brows furrowed as he watch Sunghoon rested his hand over to your waist to pull you closer to him because he wanted to whisper something.
His jaw clenched as an unfamiliar emotion took over him. Were you guys always this touchy with each other? And Jake was fine with it?
He then eyed Jake who’s busy eating his food while chatting with Heeseung. He, then roamed his eyes to their other friends to see if he’s the only one thinking that you and Sunghoon is flirting right now.
Feeling a bit frustrated, he lost his appetite and just played with his food. Your giggles and Sunghoon's laughs ringed inside his mind and it just made him pissed even more.
He knew he had said that he never liked you but maybe that’s not the case? Maybe he’s just afraid of how crazy he’s gonna end up if he lets you into his system? Yeah... maybe that was it. He really liked you and you being the sister of one of his good friends created a boundary he made his-self.
“Hyung, you okay?” Jungwon had noticed how Jay hardly played with his food and how his brows were hardly furrowed.
“Huh?” Jay asked finally snapping back to his senses.
“You were playing with your food.” he said and even pointed the food using his chin.
He eyed it and he just let out a sigh. He stood up and decided to leave first. The boys were eyeing him weirdly. Jake had also noticed that something’s up with his friend. Lately, he’s not like his usual self.
“Did you had a fight with Jay?” Jake suddenly blurted out while you two were chilling at your living room.
You tried hiding your surprised reacting by covering your face with the book you were holding. Your feet were rested over your brother’s thighs as he sat beside you, watching television.
“No.” you answered.
If you’re gonna be honest, you kind of miss Jay. You missed hanging out with him. You messed his pissed off face whenever you follow him around and cling unto him. But you also think you had enough, he had made his self clear that he don’t have feelings for you.
“Really? He seems like not himself lately.”
Hearing that made your heart thump faster but you tried to shrug it off once again.
Your head snapped over the door when you heard your door bell rang. Even before Jake can stand up to go and open it, you stand up.
“Are you expecting someone?” he asked curiously.
“That’s Sunghoon! He’s gonna sleep here tonight, we’re gonna watch movies.” Jake just watched how you opened the door for his friend completely abondoning him.
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“Where’s Sunghoon?” you asked Jake as you walked down the stairs, finger combing your hair.
Jake looked over you and he furrowed his brows as he gave you an elevator look. “On his way here... you look great.” he complimented you.
You smiled after muttering a soft thank you and held a leather jacket by your other free hand. His eyes darted over it.
“Is that Jay’s?” he asked you. You blushed and you panicked a bit but you tried to compose yourself once again.
“Yeah he let me borrow it last last week. I’m gonna return it to him now.” you said.
He just gave you a nod, “He’s outside,”
You nodded as well and walked yourself out. You’re partying tonight again and you decided to return his jacket to him. You had forgotten about this and while you’re fixing your room, you found it.
“Hey,” you softly called out.
Jay's eyes sparkled as he eyed you walking closer to him. He doesn’t know how to contain his excitement, you just talked to him again after that incident. He was actually so happy.
“Hey.” he greeted, trying to keep his cool.
You sighed and handed him his leather jacket. His brows furrowed and slowly reached for it.
“I forgot to return it, I’m sorry.” you plainly said and turned your back ready to leave him.
Jay doesn’t what got into him but he quickly grabbed you by your wrist.
“Are we good?” he asked you, lips ran over to his lower lip.
You starred over his eyes and you smiled. Even if you’re in front of him smiling, Jay felt your coldness lingers around you. You were cold towards him like as if he doesn’t matter for you at all.
“Yeah, of course.” Lies. You were lying.
Not really feeling okay about the situation, you were planning to get away but Jay held unto you tighter.
He was about to say something but you both heard someone talk.
“Hey sorry if I was late. I had to look for someone who will accompany Yeji for tonight.” it was Sunghoon. You pulled your wrist away from him as you playfully shoot glares at him.
“You’re just slow, Park Sunghoon.” you said and you heard him laugh before he wrapped his arms around your shoulder.
Jay clenched his jaw as he stare at the two of you. He couldn’t handle it but he knew he was at fault why all of this was happening. He’s the one to blame why the girl he loves hates him now.
Jake went out afterwards and you all went inside Jay’s car. Jake was at the driver’s seat while you and Sunghoon was at the back. The drive was silent until Jake decided to break it.
“Oh I remember, I really had a hard time sleeping last night.” he said that caught all of your attention.
Jay was clueless about the situation so he just kept his mouth shut and decided to just listen.
“You two should try and lower your voices. I was at the other room but I can still hear you. It’s annoying, you know.”
Sunghoon laughed and so did you. Jay on the other hand was gripping tightly at the steering wheel. He wanted so bad to stop the car and punch Sunghoon right there.
Jake shake his head acting like as if he was really disappointed at the two of you.
“Blame Sunghoon, Jakey. He’s such a baby.” you joked and laughed again.
“What? I told you I can’t take horror movies so well but you still insisted and it’s not like I’m the only one screaming! You were loud too.”
You two continued bickering as Jay spaced out. His grip slowly loosen up as he realized he was being dirty minded and actually thought Sunghoon and you did it.
When you arrived at the party, Jay was planning nothing but to have his eyes at you. He’s not gonna hook up or even look at other girls. It’s not like he ever did the past week because ever since he realized his true feelings for you, he stopped fooling around with other girls.
The night was pretty much going smooth, not until a girl approached Jay and he was trying to reject her in a nicest way. But the situation appeared differently for you, he seems like flirting for you so you can’t help but to feel bad.
Your eyes started to water, you had a couple of shots already so your emotions were getting the most of you.
“Hey doll face, why are you crying?” Sunghoon asked, making you face him. Now, you’re not facing Jay anymore.
Sunghoon laughed at your crying face before he leaned closer to fix your slowly getting messed up mascara, he was too close that you two were almost like kissing.
That was Jay had seen and he exploded. He couldn’t take it anymore and before you even knew it, Sunghoon was already at the floor.
“Jay! Oh my gosh, Sunghoon! Are you okay?” you asked and was about to go help him but a pair of strong arms wrapped over your waist to carry you.
You tried freeing yourself but you failed. He managed to bring you inside his car and his jaw clenched hardly after sitting down at the driver’s seat.
“Are you out of your mind? You punched Sunghoon!” Jay was pissed and you defending his friend just made him pissed even more.
He darkly looked over you, “He was kissing you!” he shouted that made you shut silent for a while.
Your brows furrowed, “What? No he wasn’t!”
“I’m not blind!”
“He was really not kissing me and if he is, then so what? So what if he’s kissing me, Jay?” you said, tone sounding a but challenging.
He clenched his jaw, “I don’t want you kissing someone else.”
You scoffed at him, “You have no right saying that.” and you were ready to go out of his car but Jay stopped you.
He snaked his arms over your waist and carry you to place you carefully over his lap.
“You're not going anywhere, y/n.” he mumbled under his breath that made your knees go weak.
You rested both of your hands over his chest for support. Silence took over both of you, eyes just starring at one another.
“I’m not planning to hook up with you, Jay.” you tried making yourself clear.
He licked his lower lip as his eyes trailed over your lips. “I am too.”
Your brows furrowed, “Then what is this?”
His eyes went back to you and you can’t explain how your heart thumped faster when you saw his eyes starring lovingly at you.
“This is me trying to confess to you.” he mumbled that made you pursed your lips together.
“I’m in love with you.”
You were surprised of course, you’re refusing to believe him but his eyes just makes it a bit more hard not to.
“I-Impossible.” he helped you sat to him properly, both of your legs over his sides then his large hands held unto your thin waist.
“You don’t know how crazy I am to you, y/n.” he mumbled, face leaned closer to you and now claiming your neck. His lips peppered you with soft feathery kisses.
“I was a fool for hurting you. Forgive me,” he said sincerely between his kisses.
You lose it as you shut your eyes, head tilting over to the side giving him more access. You hitched your breath, a low groan letting out.
“I love you.” you said that made Jay’s heart jump in excitement.
He smirked as he suck unto your neck, leaving a mark before he pull away to claim your lips.
“I love you more, baby.”
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“Where were you?” Jake asked when you entered the party again. You saw Sunghoon and he was holding an ice over to his cheeks.
He smirked at you but his grin grew wider when a tall figure appeared behind you. The party continued like as if no commotion happened a while ago. You went inside and found your brother and his friends at one of set of couches at the living room.
“I w-went out for fresh air.” you reasoned out to your brother.
Sunghoon scoffed as he eye your neck, a couple of hickeys were visible but the party light makes it quite hard to see. He smirked as he saw Jay’s hand possessively rested over your waist.
“Did you fix her mascara, Jay? I was just helping her, you know?” Sunghoon said, a sly smile plastered over his face.
Soon, the boy’s eyes were darted over the two of you. Your brother’s brows furrowed in confusion and he just noticed Jay’s hand.
“Shut up, Sunghoon.” he said, smirking.
Jake smirked too, finally getting the situation, “You fucker, what did you do to my sister?” he jokingly said and pushed his shoulder a bit.
Jay looked at you for a while before he kissed your temple gently then he smiled warmly. His eyes looked at you with full affection and love.
“I just claimed what’s mine.”
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3desiderium3 · 3 years
For your love
chapter three - Rotten Wine
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pairings : reader x damiano david
story summary : damiano and reader are in very loving relationship that sometimes almost too quickly becomes too toxic for anyone likings
chapter warning (s) : yelling , angst , manipulation , guilt tripping , mind games , toxic behavior , manipulative behavior , strong language
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Saturday morning. Special saturday morning.
Today marks exactly a whole week of Y/N and Damiano not fighting. No yelling , no crying , no sleepless nights , no pushing out of the doorway , no drinking to wash away the sins , no mental damage , no nothing.
Instead of all that , they went on a museum date on Friday , they had a picnic day on Wednesday , Y/N bought him the pearly earrings he has been eyeing on for a while , Damiano made breakfast every day for them , Y/N went out in town to frame some of their pictures they took on their previous vacations . They had a few pamper nights in a row , painting each others nails , putting on face and hair masks and even those weird feet one ! Drinking wine and dancing slowly with some slow music. Damiano singing to Y/N more than 2 times a day.
They made love every night.
It was a dream.
Both of them secretly hoping that this dream won't turn into a nightmare.
Y/N was in kitchen cutting some strawberries for the cake she planned on bringing on tonight's gathering at Victoria's house. Ethan and Thomas where coming as well.
Damiano was still sleeping. Y/N was glowing from happiness and joy. She was so in love with him. She had a smile on her bright shiny face for 7 days in a row , her eyes seemed warmer and more calm , her posture was less tensed and she even smoked less.
While she was busy chopping the reddish fruit under her delicate fingers , the room suddenly felt warmer and creamy cinnamon smell filled it.
Damiano had this weird thing about him that often put Y/Ns mind on wander. It was the way his scent and his aura color changed during his mood swings.
Even if it was not visible to human eye , Y/N swore she could see that dim cloud surrounding his body and changing color in some situations.
His scent was natural , depending on the occasion it was sometimes too strong or it could barely be felt.
When he was happy he was shining deep orange tone with the scent of light cinnamon and lemon ice cream.
When he was sad his color was indigo and he left a strong scent of mint and lime.
When he was angry which is often , he gave of wine crimson vibrations and poisnosly sharp smell of rotten wine.
As for the matter of speaking , when lust would take over him and his senses he smelled sweet like rotting roses and he was gleaming in deep burgundy color.
Just like now he was filling the room with the smell of lemon ice cream and cinnamon.
A pair of slender , sun kissed arms wrapped themselves firmly around Y/N's shoulders and chest .
Damiano's warm , naked chest pressed against Y/N's back pushed her slightly to the edge of the kitchen counter. Closing the gap between her and that cold marble.
His lips found their was to gently kiss the lovely delicate neck of hers. Cracking a sly smile upon seeing some of the soft bruises he left on her neck previous night.
"Morning mio amore." Y/N's lover whispered in her ear. His voice was low , golden , filled with care and adoration.
A huge grin appeared on Y/N's face , turning her head to her left side to kiss Damiano's temple.
"Morning love. It was about time you wake. " His raspy chuckles sent shivers down her spine. " It was , but you have no idea how sad it made me to realize I woke up without you by my side. "
Oh what a sweet talker he was..
"Why don't we go back to bed hmm amore? We have a whole day ahead for us." Damiano nuzzled his face into her neck giving it multiple pecks.
" I need to finish this cake first , after it we can do whatever." " You plan on bringing the strawberry cake tonight?" " Yes.. Why?"
Y/N frowned , she turned around slowly hoping that her boyfriend was playing jokes with her. But he had the same confused expression on his morning face.
" Well... My mom is allergic to strawberries I thought you knew that already?" " Why would your mom be there??"
Damiano stepped back a bit clearly confused.
" Why would she be in her own house? I don't know she is living there I suppose."
Y/N blinked. More than once. Is there some sort of a plan she forgot about? Her mind racing now already , trying to remember all of his family members birthdays and important anniversaries .
" Did you forget the plans we arranged for tonight Y/N?" Damiano asked , now with much more serious tone , his face was not so relaxed and it seemed like the air got thicker and it was harder do breath. The look he gave her was chilling.
' Oh not this shit again.. Are we really going to fight now?? And for what?? '
"I understood that we are going to stay in tonight with Vic and the boys at her place?"
" No. We promised my parents we are going to dine out with them. Did you seriously forgot?!"
He half shouted leaving poor Y/N confused and in slight shock. Why was he getting mad at her for such nonsense? Was he waiting for the right timing just to start an argument?
" I am sorry but I do not remember , you ever telling me that we are seeing your folks. "
" Cause you never fucking listen to me maybe."
He walked over the small coffee table in living room to grab his pack of cigarettes' and a lighter. Taking one in his fingers and placing it between his lips lighting it and taking one long drag. The slow smoke coming out of his nose and hardly parted lips.
" Not just that you never fucking listen but you also never fucking care to remember the important stuff I have! "
Okay what the actual fuck.
Y/N though while her eyes went wide from shock under the furrowed eyebrows and clenched jaw.
This was some sort of a set up. She clearly remember that he never mentioned that to her before.
And both of them knew very fucking well that she would never in her life forget something that's important to him.
" You are obviously pissed at me right now for whatever reason that you have so I will let you be. When you get your shit together you can talk to me. " Y/N said with her head held high.
She was not gonna let him ruin this day. Instead she continued to make her cake. She needed to focus on something else than his deep dark eyes filled with fire from the thrones of hell burning inside of them.
The room smelled like rotten wine.
" What's the problem Damiano. Are you mad at me for not remembering something you never told me?"
He huffed , aggressively shaking ashes off his cig into the ashtray on the coffee table.
" And don't even try ruining my mood , I was perfectly fine before you woke up , I had a wonderful morning thanks for asking. "
" Are you seriously gonna jump on my nerves with that attitude Y/N? "
" That's what you are asking me to do. If you just admit that you forgot to tell me about plans with your parents we are gonna end the day in peace. "
" You are beyond fucking sweet and so beyond fucking dumb if you expect me to stay calm and be in peace with you. You are so ungrateful and so disrespectful towards me . "
Y/N felt like crying , her hands slightly shaking while wiping the fruits into cream . Why now? Why today? Why did he decided to start all this now?
" I am not believing my eyes now , instead of showing me that I am wrong and that you are not ungrateful , you are standing right here and not even bothering to listen what I have to say! "
" I don't wanna hear your crap Damiano! I am trying to maintain the fucking peace in this relationship while you are constantly the one to break it! "
Damiano also felt like crying. Cause Y/N was right. He did forgot to tell her they where invited to go out with their parents , he was in fact mainly responsible for each of their fights. But was he ever going to admit that he is wrong? No.
Instead of trying to process something she is saying to him right now , or trying to apologize , he stood up from the chair he was sitting on , his mouth placed in a smirk , his gaze piercingly cold despite his hot temper.
Damiano walked up to her standing beside her like an annoying child blocking her movements.
" I am sensing slight disobedience in your tone amore.. Now I think we should start again. You are gonna apolo - " " I will certainly not fucking apologize for anything ! Especially not dealing up with your egoistic ass Damiano!"
Y/N was yelling at him. Not able to handle this pressure of rotten wine.
She was tired again. Everything was pale and grey again. She swore that even the sun outside stopped shining. She was tired again from having to deal with a fucking brick wall.
He was just torturing her. For what? His ego.
He was watching her from above , still smirking with his arms crossed . He adored seeing her shake from rage. She was so obedient and so desperate for home peace that she tried doing everything she could to hold herself back.
" You know what Y/N , if you just once , just for once stopped playing a fucking victim then ma- "
She screamed. Y/N Y/LN fucking screamed at Damiano David with all the fore she had in her lungs. Inside her ears it was ringing and she didn't realize that she dropped one bowl at the counter , which just provided clacking noises.
Complete silence that smelled like rotten wine.
Damiano took whatever he could feel under his fingers which was on Y/N's unfortune a bowl filled with cake whipping cream . He gripped it firmly before smashing it in one stir way right beside her.
Y/N was standing paralyzed her eyes watering and palms visibly shaking. She was watching Damiano straight into his deep dark eyes which showed no emotion.
" Once you accept your place and know your role and once you admit you are fucking wrong ,we can talk properly. " That was all he said as that sly half smile never left the corner of his lips.
He passed her by walking to their bedroom.
No other sounds or words left.
Y/N grabbed the edge of the counter , holding herself steady so she wouldn't fall. Her mind racing. Legs shaking. Heart beating mad.
'So this is the man I wanna marry? The man I want to have family with?'
The one who just throw an heavy object right beside her head?
The one who attacks her for his mistakes?
Her legs finally gave her away. She couldn't stand straight , crying all the tears she never knew she had. Y/N hugged her knees and placed her head temple on them. What a lovely Saturday morning.
She stayed there on the floor crying for at least thirty minutes. With running nose and sobs that turned into whimpers and hiccups.
She regretted ever talking back to him . She should've simply agree that she forgot what she didn't even knew. A few times thinking and trying to remember if by any chance she did forgot about that plan.
But no. She couldn't remember. She lost all hope she had.
When she felt like she could stand again she stood up not quit bothering to clean up the white and beige mess on the floor. She skipped it skillfully directing herself to their bedroom.
'Think about all the times this has happened before , think about all other times when he was guilt tripping you and using you to water up his garden of ego. '
Y/N entered their shared room where her lover was in. Laying on his back on a bed surrounded by soft cloudy cotton sheets. His arms and hands behind his head . His eyes looking her up and down with a cold expression while behind them a fire from the throne of hell was burning.
The room stopped smelling like rotten wine.
It was smelling very little like the mint and lime.
Slow raindrops hitting the huge windows gently , the sky changed from golden to silver.
" I-I am sorry.. Plea-ase don't be m-mad at me.. " She managed to choke out this apology.
Wishing that she was the one hearing it.
Wishing she didn't have to pray away his sins.
He tapped the place for her to lay beside him.
He made her a bed of thorns. In which this gentle rose was supposed to blossom.
" Ti amo amore mio . "
Oh that silly word she always get instead of apology. Like it would fix something.
She laid down beside him , placing her head on his chest , her left leg in between his and her left arm around his torso.
One of his hands playing with her hair while the other caressed her arm.
His eyes becoming glassy as bitter drops of shame and regret left them.
Both of these lovers crying in each others arms purposely. Eager to be taken care of.
And not being able to stay on the calm shore cause the violence is the only way they know how to love.
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swcetnight · 3 years
It’s Definitely You || kth (m.) 1
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Working as a barista in NYC has its perks, but when your ultimate dream of being on the Broadway stage tends to come crumbling down, the only thing that raises your spirits is the comfort of a complete stranger… who seems to have known you for far longer than you thought.
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masterlist here
→ pairing: taehyung x barista!reader (also musical theatre performer cause I had to)
→ genre: fluff, angst, future smut | strangers(ish) to lovers… i won’t give the truth away... gonna have to read and find out for yourself ;))
-> warnings: self doubt, adorable plant names... there's really not many warnings for this chapter!
→ word count: 7,973
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authors note:
alrighty everyone... here we go! (i’m so nervous) this is the first chapter of this series (which it took me 50 years to figure out whether I wanted this to be a series or a two shot... lets just say that it's gonna be a long one, so I think that a series is the best way to go)! this story is really near and dear to my heart, so 1. I really hope you enjoy it and 2. I hope all of you know how hard it was to write this into words... my goodness. now, make sure you look for clues throughout this series... there's a secret in here that won't be revealed for a while ;)) but if any of you have ideas, please be sure to send an ask while we wait to find out together! anyways, I hope you enjoy !!
authors thanks:
a HUGE thank you to @hantaev and @monvante for beta-reading and being so so supportive of me and this little (but not so little) story... y'all truly have no idea how helpful you've been and how thankful I am to be friends with both of you! forreal, y'all are the greatest and I'm sending you all my love!!
also, if you are enjoying this story, please don’t hesitate to send me an ask (on or off anon) and let me know your thoughts, feelings, theories, etc!! i would love to hear from all of you 🤍
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If time-travel existed, you would be on the first time machine and head back to 2 years ago. A time when you had a free schedule and were able to go out on Friday nights. A time when you felt confident in yourself and were raring to pursue theatre. A time when you didn't have this job (cause apparently, theatre is impossible to get into) that forces you awake at 4 in the morning for the opening shift.
You can't say you don't love your Barista job because you do. Still, when your alarm wakes you from the beautiful dream of performing on the big stage, you have to use everything within yourself to crawl out of your sheet cocoon… and that is unacceptable.
What's even more unacceptable is the fact that your co-worker, Jimin, hasn't arrived at the Academia Cafe yet. You have about 30 minutes to prepare for the morning peak; brew coffees, set up the bakery items, clear the boards "coffee of the day," etc. The problem is, it takes up all of the 30 allotted minutes— and you can't start prepping early because Jimin has the keys to the cafe.
You’ve worked at the Academia Cafe for about a year now, taking a break from your endless theatre audition schedule— since that was getting you absolutely nowhere. No matter how badly you want it, nothing seems to work. No matter how many times you practice, it never seems to be good enough. Let’s just say, you took this job at the cafe because you were over the repetitive let downs.
… But here you are, with a “Jimin being late” let down.
[To: Jimin ☕️] hey, you almost here? times ticking, keys!
You stuff your phone into your winter coat pocket, the brown material catching snowflakes as they fall gently from the cloudy sky. You love this weather; it's always been your favorite. When you were little, you used to pretend to be a dragon; running all over your front yard and releasing heavy breaths that chilled in the air and spread like smoke. You don't enjoy the cold, but the entire feel of winter has you cozying up in a blanket with hot cocoa and a good book… nothing could beat that.
A buzz in your pocket catches your attention.
[From: Jimin ☕️] Hey! Look up.
Your eyes immediately lift to see Jimin smiling a few feet away, shuffling through the snow as he drags the keys out of his pocket. He's sporting a heavy blue coat that reaches down to his knees — making his short stature appear even smaller — topped with a matching blue beanie. Despite his tardiness today, you’ve always been fond of Jimin. He's like a ray of sunshine, beaming through the skyscrapers of the city and making everyone around him happy just by flashing a single smile. Honestly, you wish you could sneak some of that happiness from him and lock it somewhere safe... so you can save it for a time when you need it most.
"Your timing is impeccable." He laughs, gently placing the keys into the front door lock. "You texted me right as I was rounding the corner."
"I'm telling you, Jimin; we're always on the same wavelength."  Smirking, you make your way through the doors of the cafe, greeted by the warmth that surrounds you like your sheet cocoon did this morning, but accompanied by the smell of fresh coffee. "Except for the fact that you, my friend, are late, so now we only have twenty-eight minutes until opening."
Old, rustic book pages litter the cafe's dark walls, executing the dark academia theme flawlessly. You have to give the interior designers a hand, what with the black stools and high dark wood counters etched with different story pages. You wonder if anyone took the time to read the stories that covered the cafe; maybe the stories moved them in a personal way. Maybe there was a reason why they read them, a part of the butterfly effect of their life.
With a quick survey of the main room, you shuffle into the back to put your belongings away. "You would think it would be less busy on the streets because of the snow," Jimin calls, already working on the first batch of light roast coffee. "But unfortunately for me, that was not the case, and I nearly lost my life multiple times on the way here because of how slick it is."
A laugh emits from your lips, echoing in the backroom as you throw your apron over your head.
You begin with date labeling all of the pastry items, placing them accordingly onto the pastry cart; croissants, muffins, scones, etc. Then, you move onto organizing syrups and setting toppings along the bar where drinks are made. Bar is your personal favorite position-- since you're able to make the drinks… Plus, you're so busy that your shift goes by way faster. The sooner you're done, the sooner you get to go home and sleep.
“All set?” Jimin questions when you finish setting the steaming pitchers next to the espresso machine, tossing the rag he used to wipe down tables into the sanitizer bin. You give him a nod, taking a quick once over of the bar. “Alright,” he claps, “let's do this.”
This morning runs like every Friday morning, busy and fast. The sounds of coffee glasses clinking and the calling of customer names at the hand-off station echoes through the air.
Ahhhh, the scenery in coffee shops; the quiet hush over the room as soft jazz plays over the speakers. It’s soothing, all encompassing, and extremely helpful for motivation… You used to go to a local cafe for homework when you were still in school.
You take a breath, relaxing against the back counter as you overhear a conversation a group of regulars are having. It’s the usual small talk: the weather, families, sharing pictures of recent events. Coming up with questions of the day for customers becomes easier after knowing their stories, so you subconsciously listen in often.
Because of this, you almost don't notice the man waiting at the register, wholly delved into the neighboring conversation— only looking over when you hear your name called.
You turn your head, catching eyes with the stranger behind the counter who holds his credit card ready. The first thing you notice is that he's young, probably around your age, wearing a brown turtleneck and white slacks. His eyes are dark, standing above his perfectly sculpted nose and lips. His hair is dark as well, forehead drowning within the wavy bangs that fall over his eyebrows as he takes you in. To be completely honest, he's probably the most handsome man you've had the pleasure of seeing… is that weird? You don’t know him… maybe that is weird.
The second thing you notice is that he looks completely anxious, hands grasping the edge of the counter like there's a thousand-foot drop below him. Why is he looking straight at you while doing that? Maybe you should call Jimin to take ove-
“Is it really you?” He questions, taking you aback.
"I-" You clear your throat, walking forward to meet him at the register, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
With an intake of breath, he releases the counter as he studies you. Was he… crying? You swear his eyes were not this bloodshot three seconds ago.
"You-" He pauses, taking another sharp breath and running a hand through his hair. If you thought he couldn't get more attractive, you were wrong. "Do you know me?"
Attractive? Yes. Psycho?...possibly.
You shake your head slightly, “I… I’m sorry. I don't-"
Wait… is he a regular? You swear you haven't seen him come into the cafe before. Shoot.. What if he is? The number one thing your boss has made perfectly clear: remember the regulars, so they come back and feel at home; recognized. Customer connection was the most important thing at the Academia Cafe… He's probably a regular.
“I’m so sorry, there're so many people that come to visit us and sometimes I forget the regulars!” You apologize. “That’s my fault… remind me of your name again?”
He's staring at you. Full-on staring, jaw slacked. Shifting uncomfortably in your keds, you eye beside you to see Jimin working away at a macchiato. You consider changing places, nearly walking over to him before the customer speaks again.
"It's- It's Taehyung."
You force a smile, nodding while he continues to stare at you. He seems a bit more hesitant, his eyes looking in different directions but ultimately falling back onto your own. Even if he tried, he couldn't hide the rosy color that spreads onto his cheeks. What was this guy's problem?
"Taehyung! Awesome, well, what can I get for you today?" You chirp, attempting to brighten up your increasing discomfort. He might have mistook you for someone else, you decide, jumping back into your customer service personality: kind and quick to the point.
Taehyung doesn't move, training his eyes on you. You've never had a man's undivided attention before, since boyfriends were never an option. When you were a teenager, you stayed home most of the time in your hometown, and the boys there were all just in it to take your pants off. You avoided them and never really caught their attention, so you can't help the uncomfortable blush that grows on your cheeks. It’s short lived though, your nerves dissolving as soon as you notice a single tear fall onto the front of his shirt.
Oh. Okay, he’s definitely crying.
"Sir..." You begin, leaning in closer to avoid drawing attention. "Is everything alright?"
"I…" The shake in his voice is evident as he puts his credit card back into his wallet, still refusing to break eye contact. “Excuse me." Without another word, he turns on his heel and rushes towards the exit, clocking a customer in the shoulder in his rush. He apologizes quickly, bowing to them before glancing behind to make eye contact with you once more.
You wish you could read minds, wondering what the hell is going through his brain… but you notice the tiniest gleam of a hopeful smile that hides on his lips.
And then he’s gone.
“I swear it was the strangest thing, Jimin.” You speak nervously, tugging at the strings of your apron and lifting it over your head. It had been busy all day, despite a quick thirty minute break when everyone had left and the cafe was suddenly a deserted island. You appreciated the busyness, it made your shift go by faster. Right now, all you wanted to do was go home, eat a fat bowl of icecream and distract yourself from the events of today with a movie. Thank God your shift was over.
“Maybe he thought you were someone else?” Jimin insists, taking a bite into the extra Blueberry Muffin you’d accidentally heated when you were distracted by the events that occurred earlier.
“Yeah? Well, I must be the spitting image because he was totally freaked out.”
“You never know, y/n. Or, maybe he just used that as an excuse to talk to you.” You could hear the smirk in his voice, throwing your rolled up apron at him harshly before you grab your belongings.
“Ha, ha, you’re hilarious. This guy looked like he had seen his ex… He was crying. I don’t think he was into me.”
“Maybe his eyes were watering from the cold wind?” He offers.
“Enough to cry actual tears?” You scoffed, “C’mon Jimin.”
He shrugs defensively, picking up his things so the two of you can head out a few minutes earlier than usual. Whenever the baristas have a chance to leave early, they take it. “If he comes back, then ask him: hey, dude, what’s your deal?”Jimin works his way through the cafe, throwing an excess chair upside down onto the table with the rest of them.
You hold your hand above your heart, which is still beating at a faster pace due to this discussion. Can hearts even beat this fast? This can’t be healthy… “Oh wow, you have such a way with words. That definitely won’t make him feel uncomfortable!”
Yes. Sarcasm coping mechanism.
“Y/n.” Jimin meets you at the door and puts his hands on your shoulders, making extra sure he has your attention. “Go home. Don’t think too much into it… He was probably high or something and mistook you for his ex that dumped him and now he’s moping through the city and getting into all sorts of trouble and he’ll forget that he even came here tomorrow morning. Okay?”
You nod slowly, exiting the cafe with Jimin on your tail. "Don't worry, y/n." Jimin adds, "He probably won't even come back." He locks the door and gives you one last thumbs up before heading in the opposite direction, calling out at the last second. “See you tomorrow!”
The forced smile on your face appears again (looks like this was a regular occurrence today), waving him goodbye.
Yeah… tomorrow.
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Jimin was right. The handsome crying stranger was probably never coming back.
It has been a few weeks since you met him for the first time. Now, it feels like a distant memory. He hadn’t shown up to the cafe the day after the encounter, or the day after that, or the day after that, and eventually you’d come to the conclusion that he was probably never going to show his face again out of pure embarrassment. You can’t say you blame him. You’d be embarrassed too if you stared at and cried over a random stranger.
Still, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment... You'd kind of hoped you could figure out what his problem was, maybe ease his mind a little if you really did look like a past lover. You would make sure he knew that it wasn't you. What if he was avoiding the cafe because he literally thought you were someone else? Great… now you just feel bad.
"Y/n? Are you listening?" Jimin beckons over the phone.
"Huh? What?" You bounce back to reality, the soft comforter of your bed lying beneath you as you stare out the window. Thanks to your wonderful apartment search, you have a beautiful view of the city. Jimin had helped you find a place when you first moved here. The two of you had met when you visited to check out the first apartment options; he even took you out for a drink afterward to celebrate the first days' completion. Jimin had immediately clicked with you, as he does with everyone-- he was the kind of person to make friends insanely quickly. He must've been super popular in high school... unlike you.
"Y/n Y/l/n. I am giving you a chance to meet more people, and you're not even listening to me!" He cries, a light smack coming from the other end (probably from him slamming his hand on the table).
"Okay, okay-- I'm sorry. I'm listening now; what's up?"
With a deep sigh, he speaks again. "Party. My house. Tonight. It's not gonna be wild, don't worry... it's just a get-together with some of my friends, and you can have a few drinks if you would like to."
Gnawing at your bottom lip, you look over towards the clock on your nightstand. 5:00. "I don't know..." You begin, the bed shifting as you raise into a seated position. "I have to work tomorrow morn-"
"Already got your shift covered." He deadpans.
"I already got your shift covered, so you have no excuse."
This sly guy.
"Who covered it?" You question, setting the audio to speaker-phone as you rummage through old text messages you haven't gone through (to prep for your "thank you for covering my shift" text message).
“Jin.” Noted.
“So…” Jimin continues, “are you coming?”
You can't even remember the last time you met new people, let alone gone to a party. Parties weren't necessarily your thing, especially with your busy schedule of workdays and auditions-- you just never had the time. You should be excited, right?
Well, you aren't.
"Jimin, I don't know… I'm not really a huge fan of parties." You mumble over the phone, picking at the lone string that popped out of its stitch on your comforter.
"Y/n, it's a small get-together, and it's not gonna be that kind of party. Believe me; it'll be really chill. It's just me, you, a few other coworkers, and some friends from my journalism class."
You chew at your bottom lip, looking over at your closet to see a single green cocktail dress that you hadn't worn in years. The memory of the dress was a good one… you had just finished up curtain call for The Addams Family and wore that dress to the after-party. It's a short sleeve, layered green dress that flows just over your knees, the same color sash tying the waist in a floppy bow. You blush at the memory of winning best dressed.
A pause, “Okay.” You conclude. “I’ll go.”
Jimin was honest about how chill it would be; soft music plays in the background as the group sits around the table playing cards. A basketball game is playing on the TV, desperate for attention as a player scores a 3-pointer, but no one is watching. Shuffling of cards is the only sound heard in the room as the game continues.
The atmosphere is calm… quiet…
The immediate crumble of everyone’s mood causes the loud “HELL YEAH” that makes you jump in your seat.
"And that is how it's done, Ladies and Gentlemen." Jungkook (your fellow coworker) claps, his smile brighter than the sunset that seeps through the curtains on the opposite side of the room.
"And that's on cheating!" Jimin picks up the cards in the center of the table, gathering them clumsily back into a pile.
"It's called having skill," Jungkook replies, holding his hands up as he smirks at his opponents.
"No, it's called luck." Yoongi finalizes as he puts his hand of cards down on the table with a roll of his eyes. You haven’t met Yoongi before until tonight. He’s one of Jimin's friends from Journalism Class.
When you arrived, you decided to sit out of this round and learn to play before joining the game-- knowing you; you would've been crushed within the first minutes of playing. Card games weren’t exactly a skill of yours— board games on the other hand were where it’s at! That, and charades. For the sake of the party, a card game didn’t sound too bad this time around— so you poke at Jimin to give you the hand as he serves cards for everyone else.
“Wait, wait, wait—“ Jimin pauses, his hand disappearing beneath the table to grab his phone. “Hello?”
“I’m not Irish, so does luck really count?” Jungkook questions in a hushed whisper, nudging Yoongi in the side.
“Oh hey...yeah... it’s apartment 205.” Jimin continues.
“You’re so funny, Jk. Maybe you’ll actually become successful if you choose stand-up comedy rather than becoming a musician.” Yoongi replies nonchalantly, his cat-like eyes staring at the abandoned pile of cards before he seems to come to the decision to shuffle them himself. He gives you a small smile when you hold your hand out to signal that you’re joining in this round.
“Mhm, you can just walk on in! Doors unlocked… okay.. alright, see ya in a minute.” When Jimin's phone is down, Yoongi passes a hand of cards to him.
“Think you can beat me, Y/n?” Jungkook asks,”Since apparently these four can’t?” He motions to Yoongi and Jimin, glancing at the other two players of the game: Hoseok (Jimins other classmate) and his girlfriend, Faith.
“I think I can.” You say, smirking at the determined expression on Jungkooks face. Even if you weren’t very fond of card games, there was one thing you were even less fond of: losing.
“Mmm, might want to rethink that, but okay.” Jungkook replies. The two of you are death staring when the sound of the front door creaking open catches the attention of everyone else at the table. Jimin shoots out of his chair.
You freeze.
"You-" He pauses, taking another sharp breath and running a hand through his hair. If you thought he couldn't get more attractive, you were wrong. "Do you know me?"
Attractive? Yes. Psycho?... possibly.
“I’m so sorry, there're so many people that come to visit us and sometimes I forget the regulars!” You apologize. “That’s my fault… remind me of your name again?”
"It's- It's-."
“Taehyung, you just missed me creaming everyone in bullshit.” Jungkook boasts. Your eyes are glued to the side of Jungkook's head, not daring to make eye contact with the source of your nerves the past few weeks.
“Oh did I?” The familiar, deep voice utters.
Okay.. you can’t help but look…
Holy—it’s actually him.
Immediate regret sinks into your soul when you see him. God, he’s even handsomer than you remember. A white woolen sweater hangs over a pair of his black pants, matched with white sneakers and accenting the head of dark wavy hair you’d been thinking about since you last saw him.
“Yep!” Jungkook continues. “And now Y/n’s about to get shitfaced too.”
The moment his eyes swiftly glance your way is the moment you crumble and turn your head back to Jungkook. You had hoped to make a sly remark, something along the lines of “in your dreams,” but you’re caught breathless from the tension in the room. The tension only the two of you are aware of. He must be tense too, right?
“I wouldn’t underestimate her.” You hear out of Taehyung's mouth, stealing a look at his face once more. He’s smirking at Jungkook, hanging his coat on the hook beside yours, oblivious of the way you’re basically dissecting his every move.
“Have you met Y/n?” Jimin questions, provoking Taehyung's eyes to fall back onto yours. This time, you don’t look away.
He doesn’t answer right away, making you more nervous than you should be— the silence deafening as you make to explain, “We-“
“No.” He states plainly, cutting you off. An innocent smile plays on his lips as he looks at Jimin and places his messenger bag beside the door.
No? Uhhh, was he not the guy who pretended to know who you were and cried in front of you without even explaining why? Nope, it’s definitely him.
“I’m Taehyung.” He calls in your direction, offering you a boxy smile and a small nod, “Don’t let Jungkook fool you. A girl pinched him when we were in grade school. He barely lasted five seconds before running away screaming.” Taehyung moved to the table, sitting beside the man he just brutally embarrassed.
“That girl was terrifying. She was way taller than all the other sixth graders. It was an unfair situation.” Jungkook protested, sinking in his chair as he shuffled the cards he held in his hand.
You couldn’t help but stare dumbly at Taehyung. Was he embarrassed of his outburst at the cafe that he just hopes you forgot about him? You guess you didn’t exactly meet each other, other than a few words exchanged before he disappeared out the door. He probably doesn’t want his friends to know about what happened. Or did he not recognize you and completely forgot about the whole ordeal?
Okay, it’s fine… totally fine.
“I’ll have to keep that in mind,” you laugh, “no more coming in late, Jk. Or I’ll have to pinch you.”
Jungkook merely rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his beer. You see the crinkle in Taehyung's eyes as he laughs, the boxy smile taking root on his face again… a smile you’ve begun to enjoy the look of.
Hey. Snap out of it. This guy is so confusing. That’s a red card.
You straighten up in your seat, catching Jimin's attention when you move towards the kitchen, motioning with your hand to signal that you’re getting another drink. You have a feeling you’re gonna need some more alcohol to get through the evening.
Jimins place is clean, every knick knack placed neatly where it belongs; accompanied by the smell of potted plants that he keeps by his windows. Little name tags are attached to the plant stems: Flo, Sprout, Bob. He names his plants. Sweet.
He, like you, has a great view of the city too, a mid-size window perched above his breakfast nook where a small potted plant (quotabley named “bean”) grows. The city is bustling below as you reach for a beer, shrugging off the fact that you hate beer, but at least the taste will distract you from Tae-
“Hey.” You hear a soft voice call from the kitchen archway. When you turn you nearly drop the bottle out of your hand. Taehyung gives you a soft smile.
“Hey! Uh.. did you want a beer, or are you a wine guy?” You question, cringing at how much higher your voice sounds at his close proximity.
“I— Sorry, neither.” He starts, shoving his hands into his pockets as he makes his way around the island. “I uh- I just wanted to talk to you about something.”
You nod slightly, “Yeah of course… what’s up?”
“Um,” he’s nervous, you notice. “I just wanted to apologize about the whole thing at the cafe a few weeks ago.. I was— not in the right state of mind.” He meets your eyes hesitantly, “you just look like someone I know from a long time ago and it kind of.. took me by surprise, I guess.”
Jimin was right. You offer him a smile, shaking your head in disbelief, “You know what, I truly thought that was the reason… It’s totally fine. I’m not who you think I am, by the way.”
A flicker of something crosses his features at your comment, something you can’t quite pick up, but he changes it quickly to a smirk. “Obviously.” He laughs, “I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable.. I’m not weird, I swear.”
“Mmm, that’s what they all say.” You tease.
He laughs, a soft sound that you want to hear over and over again. “You’ve got me there.” He takes a pause, placing his hands on the island countertop. “Let’s start over? If that’s okay? I didn’t want to mention it when I came in because I wanted us to have a fresh start.”
You push down the questioning thought of who this woman he mistook you for was, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. “That’s totally okay.. clean slate?”
“Clean slate.” He finalizes.
“Straightforward,” You add, “I like it.”
He gives you a warm smile, the same edge in the way he looks at you dances in his eyes before he breaks it off, sliding the bottle of beer out of your own hand. “Actually, I think I will have a beer. You don’t seem like a beer drinker, anyway.” He turns quickly, smirking at you before striding out of the room. “Thanks, Y/n!”
Protestations die on your lips as he disappears from the room, your beer along with him. How rude. You can’t help the smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you turn back to the cupboard, skipping the beer and pouring yourself a second glass of wine. You weren’t a beer drinker, after all.
Although you weren’t one for parties, you couldn’t help but admit the fact that you were having a good time. No, a great time. All of you are seated in Jimins living room; a plate of chips sits on the coffee table, which was the hot spot of the night (considering there’s hardly any remaining). Others in the group still have a glass of alcohol in their hands, the tipsiness evident by the slurring of their words. You had stopped yourself after half of your second glass, playing it safe since you still have to walk home after the party. You weren’t much of a drinker anyway-- your family history being the root of this decision.
It isn’t the games that made the night this enjoyable, or the food, or the movie that is currently playing over Jimin's television (which, by the way, is Moulin Rouge, because half of the room enjoys musicals, and the other half enjoys regular movies. So, you decided to settle on a movie musical). None of that matters, except the fact that you’ve never felt this carefree in a long time.
For one night, you can put aside your cafe job, auditions, and never-ending to-do lists and just have fun. Real fun. Even in the audition rooms, it has never been fun for you. It’s been nerve-wracking to a fault and always ends with a “thank you for taking the time, but we’ve decided not to accept you this time around,” or a callback, which ultimately concludes with the same grueling fate.
But this is different.
This is a group of people who genuinely want to spend time with you and get to know you… with no “not this time’s” or open-ended questions.
Especially with Taehyung. You’re surprised at how quickly the two of you seemed to hit it off, despite the awkward introduction. Now, it feels like he’s known you for years… in the best way. You’re comfortable talking to him, chatting together during the movie about the plot points or songs you find specifically endearing. You had initially planned to sit next to Jimin… but ended up next to Taehyung on the couch.
It just happened.
He enjoys musicals as well, you learn. Maybe not as much as you do, but at least he doesn’t despise them. He’s one of Jimin’s friends from their shared art class. He loves the color brown. His favorite food is watermelon. He does illustrations for Jimins journalism projects (which, in your opinion, are exceptional from the photos he showed you during the movie while the others were engulfed in the film). He wishes to pursue traveling journalism, where he draws what he sees rather than taking pictures. His whole aura is warm… like a heated blanket that envelopes you whole when you feel him shift beside you on the sofa. A small reminder that he’s still there.
Okay, you’re liking his presence way too much.
He finds romance movies corny but a guilty pleasure nonetheless. This, the reason why he agreed to watch Moulin Rouge despite the cheesiness in the beginning. In the end, it was anything but cheesy.
"Well, that was stupid." Jungkook scoffs, slamming the remote onto the neighboring loveseats' armrest. The once loud room filled with music is now quiet from the after-effects of the movie.
“I told you it was sad!” Jimin exclaims. The two of you had seen this movie before in theatres… and this was nothing compared to how the ending hit the first time. “Y/N was nearly choking. She was crying so hard when we saw it.”
An immediate blush rises onto your cheeks as you shake your head in defiance, trying to hide the tears that had been stinging your eyes for the last thirty minutes. “Who wouldn’t cry at that??”
“Taehyung probably didn’t. He never cries.” Hoseok deadpans. Ha. You can’t help but remember the tear that ran down his face in the cafe… He never cries?
With a quick look over your shoulder, you find that Taehyung is no longer seated on the couch. When did he get up? You attempt to shrug off your curiosity, pivoting back towards the chip table where only sad little crumbs remain. You were worrying way too much over a man you quite literally just met tonight… even if it felt like you’ve known him for much longer.
Taehyung eventually reappeared, stating that he had to use the bathroom— you ignored the fact that it took him a solid 30 minutes to get back to the party. It wasn’t your place to ask any questions, especially since he lifted a smile onto his face the second he reentered the room. See, y/n… nothing to worry about.
It wasn’t long before you insisted you head home, knowing that you’d curse yourself in the morning if you stayed out past the sunrise. If you did, you’d sleep through tomorrow, and that would be awful. You’ve done this a few times… and every time, you felt like you had wasted an entire year of your life.
You move to grab your purse and jacket, which are hanging comfortably on the hook beside the front door. With a small smile, you bid everyone goodnight— smiling as they resume a card game around the table at one o’clock in the morning. It’s nice to know that the group of you hit it off… now; you can look forward to plenty of get-togethers in the future.
Your mind is bustling with all kinds of ideas: picnics in central park, late-night broadway shows, hangouts at the caf-
“Y/n!” The soft calling of Taehyung's voice causes you to halt near the exit, turning on your heel to see him jogging towards you. He had haphazardly thrown his jacket over him since it’s still being tugged onto his body as he runs. His hair becomes even more chaotic in his haste… Why do you want to run your hands through it?
“Hey!” You squeak, interrupting your thoughts before they trudged down a guilty road. “What are you doing? Weren’t you going to play another round?”
He gives you a smirk, catching his breath as he holds out your house keys. “You forgot these! You were really moving fast… sick of us already?”
“Wh— oh my god, thank you!” With a quick swipe of your hand, you’re stuffing your keys into your pocket with a grateful smile. “Also, hardly.”
You admire the way his eyes light up at your confession. “Well.. since you don’t want to leave us so quickly.. how about I walk you home?” He seems almost hesitant asking, but you can’t help but applaud him for actually taking the initiative to inquire.
You shake your head, pulling the strap of your purse farther up your shoulder. “You don’t have t-“
“I want to!” He cuts you off quickly, catching you by surprise as he moves past you to open the door. He glances back, taking in your reluctant expression, “It’s not safe this time of night Y/n… You shouldn’t be alone.“
You know he didn't mean anything by that statement… But the idea of someone genuinely caring and not wanting you to be alone makes your heart swell. Jimin cares about your safety of course, but this feels… Different.
This is the reason why you allow him to walk you home.
The snow crunches beneath your feet, like a symphony that beckons you home. You’ve been feeling exhaustion seeping into your bones for the last ten minutes, but Taehyung's occasional brush of his arm as he walks beside you keeps you wide awake. He doesn’t think to apologize for accidentally touching you, but you blame it on the time of night. Delusion.
“How long have you lived in New York?” You question, wrapping your coat tighter around you to kick out the nipping air.
“About a year now,” He responds, shuffling his feet, “though it feels like way longer. You?”
“Three years.”
Taehyung turns his head towards you, eyes wide. “Wow, way to one up me.” With a teasing smile he continues, “You must know this city like the back of your hand.”
The truth is… you don’t. You came here for the sole purpose of making it on Broadway... you never really took the time to focus on anything else. Part of you wishes you had learned more, craved more, wanted more with your life—then you wouldn’t be so miserable when the one thing you do want doesn’t work out. “Yeah… kind of.”
If he hears the somber tone of your voice, he ignores it, turning against the wind as he walks backwards down the sidewalk. “It’s overrated in my opinion.”
You raise your head at this, “Why is that?”
“Everyone here has dreams… and those dreams get crushed more often than not.” He shrugs, “No one cares if you want to succeed, only if you already have.”
You stare at him for a moment, awestruck by the weight of his words. “But,” he adds, turning back towards the wind, “the ones who never give up and continue to chase that dream can become successful. Despite all of the no’s they might face, they always hold on till they hear a yes. That sounds like true success to me.”
Turning your head, you stare at the side of his face— admiring the way his hair tosses back a bit against the harsh winter winds. His words hit you way deeper than he probably realized, sinking into your chest with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. You’ve been contemplating recently on whether or not to give up on your dream… that maybe it just wasn’t going to work out for you. You have been trying for so long, and have repeatedly been let down. There was no way Taehyung could have known, which is why his words hit you as hard as they did. Despite the hardships, you’ve been here for three years and you’ve never given up or stopped trying to chase your dream.
That was an achievement, right?
“To be honest… I've heard a lot of no’s in my three years of being here.” You speak softly, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind your ear. “Sometimes it feels like there will never be a yes… but here I am. At least I'm still working— at a coffee shop, not on the stage.”
“It’s admirable that you keep going.” Taehyung glances at you over his shoulder. “It makes you different from a lot of people who have left the city when they faced failure. It’s something to be proud of. Plus, coffee shop or big stage, you’re in New York City and pursuing your gift. It’s special.”
When your eyes meet, you smile at him, feeling a sense of victory the longer you hold his gaze.
“Don’t give up, Y/n. No matter what.” He speaks genuinely, leaning towards you to nudge you gently on your shoulder. You can’t help but laugh at his playfulness, giving him a nudge in return before your eyes downcast to your winter boots. The snow on the ground is fresh, powdery and sticking to the toes of your shoes. “Plus,” He adds, sucking in the chilly air, “you've got what others don’t have…”
This time when you meet his eye he has a serious expression, making sure he has your full attention as you round the corner towards your apartment building. His gaze is genuine, captivating… and a part of you hopes that the close proximity of your apartment wouldn’t cut this moment short. Finally, he speaks.
“You have passion.”
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Taehyung's words weigh on you for the rest of your night. It started off as something simple, looking up audition songs for an upcoming off-broadway show your agent was telling you about. Then, you went to learning it. After that, putting on makeup. And finally, completely forgetting about your sleep schedule and filming an entire audition tape in your room at 2 in the morning (and you were belting… your poor neighbors). It wasn’t until four that you finally turned in for the night, not bothering to take off your makeup or get changed-- simply falling onto your pillow and blacking out the moment you hit it. You were definitely sleeping the next day away… but at that moment, you didn’t mind. Having a day off from your busy schedule wouldn’t be so bad.
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“I sent in an audition tape two nights ago.” You speak confidently, wiping down the back counter that’s littered with coffee grounds. They stick to the rag like glue, tiny dots scattered along its white surface. If it weren’t for your apron,
and your expertly rolled up white turtleneck sweater, you would look alot like this rag right now.
“Did you?” Jimin questions from the bar, sleeving the cup before placing it on the handoff counter.
“Christopher! Medium cappuccino!” He calls, multitasking while he cranes his neck to still hear you.
“I did. I feel really good about this one..” You add, meeting him beside the bar as he lifts the pitcher up and down to create the latte-art of a flower in the center of the mug. You have tried sooooo many times to make latte art… and every time it ended up looking like a glob. A big, distorted snowball. Jimin was the master of latte art, always finishing it off beautifully with a whip of his wrist. The foam atop telling a story. “It was so late-- I was totally out of it… and yet I actually enjoyed myself while filming it. I just imagined being there.. In center stage.”
“I’m happy for you, Y/n!” He smiles, turning to place the hot mug next to the cappuccino.
“Caleb! Medium caramel latte!”
He was only half listening to you. The cafe was bustling, so it truly wasn’t Jimin's fault that he was sidetracked— but nothing could hold back the small smile that played at the edge of your lips. You had actually enjoyed singing for the first time in a while.. all because of Taehyung's Academy Award winning pep talk. Who knew that all you needed was for someone to tell you like it is. With a minuscule smile, you turn back towards the counter and lift the latte you’d whipped up this morning to your lips. Your distorted snowball is fully on display at the top.
Despite the busyness, the front register is deserted, giving you time to think for a moment about the pep talk... or rather, the person who gave you it.
“I think Taehyung likes you.” Jimin deadpans.
Uhhh… You nearly spit out your snowball at that— clearing your throat as you set it down slowly onto the wooden countertop. He speaks as if this is a natural conversation starter… it’s not.
“I’m sorry?” You croak.
“Taehyung.” He repeats, turning his head in your direction with a knowing smirk. “I think he likes you.”
You give him a scoff of disbelief, watching as yet another group of regulars enter through the door. “That’s not true, he just doesn’t know me… so he made an effort to talk to me.” If you weren’t studying the group, you would've seen Jimin giving you a scrutinized look.
So, now you have his attention.
“Y/n. It’s so obvious… He spent the entire night talking to you, he left moments after you did to give you your keys and he never came back. If that isn’t someone who’s interested, I don’t know what is.” Jimin is an expert at multitasking, finishing off two drinks at the same time and calling them out.
“Well, Jimin, when people don’t know each other, they get to know each other. It’s this thing called talking and becoming friends.” The sentence hangs in the air as the doorbell chimes, signaling that yet another customer has entered the cafe and into the swarm of regulars, but the two of you disregard the sound and continue on through your bickering.
“I’m just saying, Taehyung doesn’t usually talk to girls.” Jimin adds, wiping his hands off on the white rag seated beneath his espresso machine. “Even if they wanted his attention, he didn’t give it to them. I mean— he’s nice to girls, don’t get me wrong.. but he’s never talked to them like he did with you on game night. I don’t think he’s dated anyone since he got here.”
“He’s career driven.” You say quickly.
If you thought his smirk couldn’t get any wider, you were wrong. “Yeah, girls don’t know that about him— meaning he told you, and not other girls.” Jimin deadpans.
You stare blankly at him. There’s no way. No way that a guy as attractive as Taehyung would even think about looking at you like that. There’s just no way. You’ve never had a boyfriend... or even a guy friend, until Jimin. Eventually, you’d accepted the fact that maybe you just weren’t that interesting. Maybe you weren’t pretty enough. Maybe you couldn’t flirt…. okay, you definitely couldn’t flirt— but that’s besides the point.
“He’s not interested in me.” You conclude.
“He is.” Jimin counters.
“He’s not.”
“He so is.”
“He’s so not.”
“Y/n. I swear to you. He’s interested and you need to shoot your shot.” He whisper-screams, throwing the rag in his hand onto the bar.
“Taehyung is not-“
A clearing of someone’s throat from beyond the register cuts your argument short, nearly making you lose your balance when you see who the source was.
You’re fairly certain you’ve turned pale.
Taehyung stands in front of you, eyeing between the two of you with an awkward expression. God, how long has he been standing there? “I figured I should step in before the two of you start fist fighting.”
“Hey!” The shrill of your voice causes you to wince.
“Hey.” He says with a smile, folding his arms in front of him and raising his eyes to the menu above your head. You can’t help the glare you send towards Jimin, who's notably holding back his laughter as he moves to the blender, the station farthest from the register. Ridiculous.
“What can we get for you?” You ask routinely, trying not to make it obvious that you were just talking about him… and praying that he wasn’t there to hear what the two of you were talking about.
“Hmm…” He looks especially good today, wearing a brown, long coat and a brown plaid scarf around his neck. He wasn’t kidding when he said his favorite color was brown, that’s for sure. It suits him. His hair is wavy, flowing to a point just under his eyebrows with a split off center, giving you the tiniest glimpse of his forehead. “How about an americano with hazelnut, and some cream?”
“We can do that for ya!” You have to force yourself to stop looking at him, pressing the buttons to ring up his order before you forget. You nearly overlook ringing up the hazelnut syrup. Why were you so dazed? He’s already placed his credit card into the chip reader, but your foggy brain asks anyway. “Anything else?”
“Yes, actually.” He speaks as you move towards the bar beside the register. Grabbing an empty pitcher, you pour the milk inside and reach for the steamer. He drops a dollar into the tip jar, not giving you enough time to thank him for the unnecessary effort before he speaks again. “Are you free later?”
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taglist: @monvante @moonchild1 @strawverryxmilktae If you would like to be added to the tag list, please send in an ask!! 🤍
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
not sure if u are still taking this but, celebrity/fan au for JUKEE 🤭
Okay this one's a little involved but I got you!
Rated T for mentions of sex and maybe some language
Julie tugs against the rather short dress Flynn had squeezed her in, not caring for how much she looks like a glorified candy wrapper in the shimmering gold.
She feels like she's some Ferrer Roche, waiting to be devoured.
Which seems to be her intention for tonight because she's insane, and so is her bestie Flynn, because she's supposed to grab the attention of a certain someone in this club.
Her motives for tonight sound like they come straight out of a Wattpad story, but her boyfriend- or well maybe an ex boyfriend now'- forced her hand.
So a year ago, right around the time they started dating, they both disclosed their 'hall passes'. Just a list of celebrities they were both 'allowed' to cheat on their partners with. It was fun. Just to see who the other person would pick. 
It was harmless because the whole point is that these people are so famous, so far out of reach, that the odds of hooking up with them would be essentially impossible.
Nick's was the lead singer of the world famous pop group Dirty Candi. And Julie remembers drunkenly applauding the choice ("She's pretty! Wowww you like them Bubblegum Pop girls?")
They had a laugh that night and Julie doesn't really consider that hall pass conversation all that much since then-
-Until fast forward to last week when Nick disclosed to her that he ran into Carrie Wilson at an event. And then promptly disclosed to her that he invoked his 'Hall Pass' rights.
His rights?! She had exploded at him, and he claims that its no big deal. That he thought she would understand that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, a crazy set of circumstances, and that- 'Holy shit Jules, she was actually into me. Like what?'
Understandably, Julie stormed out and has been staying with Flynn for the time being. And it must have been the haze of crying and watching a lot of true crime series to cheer herself up that she and Flynn concocted this... plan.
One fueled by spite and pettiness.
Get back at Nick, make him jealous, make him feel how she did- by invoking her own 'Hall Pass' rights- 
-which so happens to be Sunset Curve frontman, Luke Patterson... 
"There he is" Flynn whispers from their corner of the club and Julie gulps.
"I don't think I can do this," Julie hisses at Flynn, when they spot him at the bar, nursing a drink with his bandmates like he usually would (they did their research). 
See, Julie’s been a fan of Luke’s for a long time. Ever since she heard ‘Now or Never’ in freshman year of high school, she’s been hooked onto their music- especially Luke and his voice and playing. 
She had their posters on her bedroom wall and had been that girl who would (when no one’s looking) press her fingers to her lips then press them against Luke’s image before going to bed. 
It was that bad. 
And Julie had probably fantasized on more than one occasion of meeting him and all the other scenarios you would picture in a typical Celeb x Reader scenario. 
And she’d like to think she grew out of it, now she’s in her mid-twenties and just casually listens to Sunset Curve, following up on their careers every now and then. 
But you can never really shake your first major celebrity crush. Hence he had been on her so called ‘Hall Pass’ list. 
(”You into rockstars, Jules?” Nick had teased her that night.)
Seeing him there, in the same place as her, is so surreal, but Flynn’s continued pinches to her arm remind her just how real this is. 
“This is ridiculous,” Julie crosses her arms, ready to bow out because what is she thinking? Why would Luke Patterson pick her up, of all people, at the bar? It’s like a supermodel runway in here, filled with girls more accomplished and famous. Her confidence is shaken a bit and she rethinks everything. 
"Nick didn't seem to have a problem when he did it," Flynn points out, “And girl, you look great. He would be blind to not want you.” 
The mention of Nick still boils her blood, which only reaffirms her plans for revenge. She’s still nervous but they both stand up from their booth and walk over to the bar. 
“You’re just saying that because you’re my best friend,” 
“No. You’re musician extraordinaire, Julie Molina! The world may not have heard about you, but they will one day. I bet that’s something you can talk to him about. Music? Lyrics?” 
Julie could use her songwriting credentials to her advantage, “I mean I guess-” 
“Quick, he’s getting up!” 
“Flynn, wait I’m not-�� 
With a forceful push, Flynn sends Julie into the path of Luke Patterson, colliding into him and effectively spilling his drink all over her dress. 
“Oh my god,” Luke gapes at her, “I am so sorry-” 
Julie fans herself, shaking slightly from the fact she’s drenched and also that her freakin’ high school celebrity crush is looking at her, actually talking to her. 
But she recovers quickly, and she speaks, “It’s fine. Really. I guess I’m just... clumsy.” She shoots a glare at Flynn, who merely winks and retreats to their booth. 
Luke grimaces and takes her by the hand, leading her somewhere, napkins in his other hand, “Here, let’s get you cleaned up. Again, I’m sorry. Hate to ruin a pretty... dress.”
It’s the way he eyes her that catches Julie off guard. He’s... not talking about the dress, is he? 
Julie reels it back in tries her hand at a joke, “I wouldn’t call this a dress. I feel like fancy leftovers in this thing.” 
Luke stifles a laugh, “Okay, I mean I wasn’t gonna say anything but yeah. I guess it’s a bit tin foil-y.”
“Not your style?”
His gaze drifts over to her one last time, “Well, any way to take a meal back home is fine by me. I mean-” Luke scrunches his nose, wincing, “I didn’t- I didn’t mean it like that. Shit. That was too... much. Are we-” he laughs nervously, “Are we still... talking about food?”
“Unless you just called me a meal. Then no.” 
The look in his eyes say that he’s absolutely mortified, “...yeah. I think I did. I was hoping that was a nightmare.” 
“Nope, it definitely happened,” 
“Feel free to slap me,” 
Julie giggles, somewhat delirious because she hasn’t tried to flirt with him but here Luke is, flirting with her. Or trying. And failing. Like a far cry from the suave rockstar she had pictured him to be. 
“No need. Just, can you-?” she points to the napkins he’s holding hostage. 
“Oh yeah. Here,” They stop in front of the coat check, and he hands her the napkins so she could try herself off with the best she can.
Suddenly, a weight falls onto her shoulders, she looks up and sees Luke draping a jacket over her- his presumably. 
“You looked cold,”
Julie wraps the jacket tight against her, relishing in the warmth, “Wow, thanks.”
Luke smiled and stepped back, “Just so you know, if I made you feel weird in any way, I’d like to throw out my third ‘sorry’ of the night. Nothing has to happen though. So, just say the word and I’ll leave you alone.”
Whew. Um, okay. Julie stands there, faced with this decision. 
The compliments aside (she will revisit those later), Luke’s giving her an out. Any reservations she has about moving forward with this plan, this is her chance to leave. 
She could just treasure these amazing few minutes for the rest of her life. This could be a story to tell friends at a dinner party, about the time a rockstar lent her his jacket. Would be up there with the time Jack Black passed her on the street and said “Nice hat!”. 
Maybe she wants to see where this goes. 
“All this talk about food is making me hungry though...” she says and Luke lights up, “I could go for a bite to eat.” 
Luke snaps his fingers, “I know just the place.” 
Half an hour later, Julie and Flynn are in a smelly alleyway with the guys from Sunset Curve, in line for a street dog cart just a couple blocks away. 
“An Oldsmobile?” Julie gawked after hearing Luke and the guys describe the delicacy, “Are you trying to poison me?”
“I swear by it,” Luke insists, taking her hand and moving them up in the line. Flynn sees this and doesn’t comment, but Julie’s starting to get used to Luke doing that, “You have to try!”  
Julie doesn't know when she got over her initial starstruck, but by now its so easy to treat Luke like a regular person.
Well, celebrities are all regular people in the end, but more so now that he and his friends, have their sleeves rolled up, smiles wide, ready to dig into what may be the most disgusting hot dog she has ever seen.
Julie takes a bite out of hers and her eyes widen. Wow. It's not terrible.
"Ayy! We got another one, boys" Reggie laughs, noting her reaction.
"Told ya" Luke needles her sides and she giggles, ticklish. Her knee jerk reaction is to playfully shove him, but in the process accidentally smeared some mustard onto his face.
Luke goes to lick it off with his tongue, making funny faces as he did which amused Julie even more.
"Here," she takes a napkin and wipes at his cheek, "Now we're even."
The whole group gets to talking over by the couches, while Flynn chats up the other boys, Julie and Luke are sequestered in their own corner, and yes, eventually the topic switches to music.
"Wait, so you know Rose and the Petal Pushers?" Luke chokes out, "Like everyone I talk to hasn't heard of them!"
"Yup. Have their record actually" Julie beams proudly, censoring out the part that its her mom's band and hence she has one of the few records ever released.
Luke is floored by that and continues to poke her brain for music and Julie finds that their spiels go on naturally, that she could probably talk with Luke for hours and hours.
Which ends up happening. Flynn had already made her escape, having texted her to come home safely, the boys had gone too, leaving them in the nearly empty lot.
When the food truck closes down for the night, they end up taking a stroll down the streets of L.A, talking and getting to know each other.
Julie learns so much about Luke, things she's never heard about from the press- like his songwriting practice, that he cries at Finding Nemo, and that he can do a cartwheel only when drunk.
And in return Julie shares with him her crazy college stories, how she misses her mom sometimes, and that she is encyclopedia of commercial jingles (a fact Luke exploits by rapidly quizzing her at random moments)
Somehow they end up near the beach, with Julie pointing out the different stars she could see, but finds that Luke isn't looking at the sky.
"Hey, Julie..." He gets her attention, "I had a really good time tonight."
"Me too"
"So... would it be alright, if I kiss you?"
Julie's mouth parts, speechless. It happened. Holy shit it happened or... is happening. She has Luke exactly where she wants him.
She could only nod and Luke takes it as the sign to lean in, but just as his lips is about to brush against hers, she freaks-
"Wait" she steps back. Luke opens his mouth, "No. No more 'sorry's from you. This one's one me. I'm sorry but... this- this" She sighs, "I have to be honest with you."
Then she tells Luke everything- Nick, The Hall Pass, her plans for tonight- basically admitting to using him.
When she's done, she expects for Luke to get angry, to leave in a huff and never want to see her again.
That's not what happens.
"This Nick guy sounds like a piece of work" he says.
Julie nods slowly, "Yeah... I guess he was. So maybe that's why I did it. But I don't think I could have gone through with it. Like I don't think we're together, me and Nick but-"
"You wouldn't want to do what he did. Because you don't want to hurt people," Luke surmises, understanding, "And by doing that, that means you're a better person than he is."
"I guess"
"No Julie, you're a good person" Luke insists, "Man, I think that makes me like you even more."
Julie laughs, "God, if my high school self could see me now..."
"You were a big fan?"
"I'm not having this conversation right now with you,"
"Okay cuz now you got me curious-"
Julie swats his shoulder but it doesn't deter the guy from snickering.
On a more serious note though-
"I think..." Julie hums, "I think this means that I got some stuff to work through. Before I could start considering... this."
"I understand"
"But thank you... Luke. For tonight"
"It's been real, Julie,"Luke smiles and pulls her in for a half hug, "And you should keep the jacket. Looks better on you anyway."
Julie goes back to Flynn's that night and her bestie's still awake, wanting all the deets. But there's not much to tell. Nothing happened.
She shrugs off the jacket and resigns to the couch, not caring that her makeup is still on. She's about ready to pass out.
Her phone dings.
She pulls it out and sees two notifications.
luke_patterson is now following you
luke_patterson is requesting to message you.
Curious, she accepts the request.
'here if you want to talk, Tin Foil :P'
Julie rolls her eyes and collapses onto the couch, sleeping with a smile on her face.
She doesn't know it now, but the oncoming years would be filled with more messages back and forth, meetups with their friends for more shady street food, building a solid foundation of friendship and eventually, when Luke asks again if he could kiss her, Julie would eagerly prop herself on her toes to close the gap.
Yeah, Julie's high school self would definitely be screaming...
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violetlilysunshine · 3 years
Late Night
Chris Evans x Female Reader
Summary: You meet Chris working in a bar, before he invites you to his house after closing.
WC: 3,525
Warnings: maybe a quick make out?? idk if I need to warn that, but better safe then sorry. Fluff, fluff, fluff 
A/N: I’m sort of feeling a part two, because I’ve been in such a fluffy turned smutty mood recently. Anyone down?? Lemme Know :)
Tagging the lovelies that wanted this! @maximeevansblog @saltyflowermakertaco
You’ve been working in this small bar for years now; it mainly catered to older folks, the owners having fallen in love with the 40s and 50s and themed their bar after that. You quickly fell in love with the decades as well, hearing the old music and seeing all of the older people’s faces light up, reliving their glory years. However, usually, there were a couple younger groups there to relish in the theme a bit.
You started as a waitress at 18, trying to work your way through college. Quickly, you moved up to bartender, before one slow night when you randomly decided to sing along to one of the songs that the Thursday night live band always played. They were a pretty good group, and you soon found yourself listening to the songs they played in your free time. After you sang with them, the owners decided to add you to the regular Thursday night entertainment, still bartending on other nights.
You were nearing the end of your set, just two more songs to go before you could take off the heels you had ridiculously decided to wear tonight. They were very 50s and you loved the look, but, carelessly, you hadn’t broken them in yet. You thought you would be fine, but your typical little dance during Fly Me to the Moon had suffered greatly. However, they matched your midi-navy-polka-dot dress and your pin-up style curls, so it wasn’t a total loss.
“Alright everybody, we’re getting close to that time of the night,” you hummed into the microphone, “for this next one we’re gonna slow things down a bit. To those of you I’ve been watching sit in your chairs all night, you’ve only got two more chances to ask your ladies to dance. Even if you don’t know how, ask her anyway, she'll love it.” you joked.
The band started to play Paul Anka’s Put Your Head on My Shoulder, a personal favorite of yours.
“And remember, if anyone needs a partner, I’m ready and willing,” you joked as the intro played. Quite a few times, older men who no longer had a partner took you for a spin for a song or two and you loved it.
You hummed a bit before you started singing along.
As you were singing, you watched a few of the younger guys in the back finally bring their girls out on the floor. Smiling as you watched them, you swayed back and forth.
You kept going with the song, almost at the end, glad that someone hadn’t asked you to dance, because your feet were really killing you.
You finally finished it off, earning a small applause as you twirled with the mic.
“Alright y’all, last song of the night and you know what that means as well,” you spoke to the crowd, “last call for alcohol,” you sang out.
You pointed back at the bar, and your friend who was tending tonight, before she waved at the group. A few people left the dance floor to get a drink as you continued your end of the night spiel, “fellas still sitting by themselves, last chance to take a spin on the floor. I see you still sitting there in the back! It’s a short song, I promise,” you chastised the last table you saw still sitting there.
Two couples from that table got up to dance, leaving one man sitting by himself. You felt kind of bad for turning everyone’s attention to him, but you had offered earlier to dance if anyone needed a partner, so the ball was in his court.
You signaled to the band to start up and spoke, “alright here we go,” into the mic.
It’s Been a Long, Long Time kicked off, and you instantly swayed. The band didn’t usually play this song, but after your Marvel obsession kicked in, you convinced them to add it to the set list.
You sang away, loving life, but your eyes didn’t leave the man in the back. He was obscured by shadows - probably purposefully - but you felt drawn to him already. Something about him sent tingles down your spine.
Before you knew it, the song was over. You took a small bow before turning and pointing at your band, getting the audience to applaud them individually.
“Thanks everybody, have a good night and drive safe. Hope to see you next week!” you spoke quickly and everyone filed off the dance floor to collect their things.
“Thanks, you guys, that was a good show!” you spoke to the band before you rolled up your mic cord and packed it away backstage. As soon as it was safely in its case, you took a seat on one of the saxophone cases and started rubbing your feet.
Soon, the band came back to put their instruments away and you reluctantly gave up your seat. You headed to the bar to sit with your friend while she finished cleaning up; this gave you a chance to rest your feet a little more before attempting to maneuver yourself home.
You glanced around the room quickly and everyone had cleared out except the back table. They were all standing, putting on jackets, and just beginning to file out the door. The couples went first hand-in-hand, followed by the single man. You looked back at your friend and began to make small talk about the next night, seeing as you were off, before you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“That was a great set,” the man spoke out in a low raspy voice, “I wish I had a dance partner.”
“Thank you, but if I remember correctly, I did offer to dance with anyone. Anyone included you, Chris,” you quipped back lightly, chuckling.
“Well, doll, the way you were stumbling about up there, I didn’t want to risk it,” he joked back, “and you know who I am?”
“I’m gonna head in the back to finish cleaning up and then we can go,” your friend spoke, gently tapping your forearm. You usually carpool to work because you live a few houses down from each other and it just makes sense.
“Alright, sounds good,” you answered her before turning back to Chris, “well I did just sing Steve and Peggy’s song. I wouldn’t be doing it justice if I didn’t know at least its major history. And I don’t think I was stumbling.”
“Okay, fair,” he answered, “maybe stumbling wasn’t the right word, but I can tell your feet hurt in those shoes.”
A small silence settled between the two of you as you got lost in his eyes, barely registering what he had said. His lips curled into a small smile as he gazed back. His eyes darted from yours to your lips for only the slightest second, before wandering down to your feet, which you were rolling slightly on the leg of the barstool, attempting to massage them a little. He looked back into your eyes again, his smile growing. The tension in the room rose quickly, and you began to get a little hot under his gaze. You were wondering how you ever got so lucky to have Chris freaking Evans looking at you like that.
“I’d offer to get you a drink, but you did say last call a little while ago,” he spoke slowly.
“That I did,” you answered, “maybe next time.”
“Or, I could take you somewhere else,” he offered lightly, his voice raising in pitch.
“Hmm, I don’t know if my feet are up for it,” you said softly, “and I don’t know where else we would go on a Thursday night. Everyone is probably announcing their own last call.” You were surprised by your own confidence in front of him. You had no idea how you were keeping it together, let alone flirting.
“Another option,” he suggested, “I could offer you a nightcap at my place. Or maybe coffee? A glass of wine?”
“Eager there are we?” you quipped.
“Well, what can I say, that last song did it for me,” he chuckled, “but really, it would be totally casual, no expectations.”
You thought for a moment, weighing the options. He probably wasn’t a murderer, or a kidnapper. He was probably one of the gentlest guys you could go home with, and lord knows you’ve taken a few risks with others.
“Totally casual doesn’t sound too bad.”
“Really?” he asked, “great! Do you have a car here?”
“No, we carpool,” you said, gesturing at your friend who had just walked back into the room.
“Ready to go?” she asked.
“Actually I was going to head out with Chris,” you said, looking at him while you spoke.
“Oh, okay,” she said, her voice dropping slightly, “well, I’ll lock up the front and we can head out the back together then.”
“Great,” Chris answered, his eyes never leaving you.
You slipped your shoes back on and stepped down from your stool. You grabbed your purse from next to you and turned to grab your jacket, which was no longer on the back of your chair. You looked up and saw Chris holding it open for you and you slipped your arms in, your heart swooning wildly. You smiled at each other and followed your friend out the back.
You hugged her quickly, whispering “I’ll send you my location,” in her ear. After all, a girl can’t be too careful.
You followed Chris to his car around the front of the building, where he opened the door for you before jogging around to the driver’s side.
His car was nice, as to be expected, but not flashy and you enjoyed his modesty. It smelled freshly cleaned - a big plus - but also rode incredibly smoothly. You were more than content to drive around with him, listening to pop songs and belting out musicals, but before you knew it, he was pulling into his driveway.
He got out first, stepping out quickly. You waited half a second, sending your location to your friend quickly. As you were reaching for the door handle, it was being pulled from the outside. Always a gentleman, he is.
Chris flashed you a charming smile as you stepped out, swinging your purse over your shoulder.
“This way, darlin’,” he spoke lowly, shutting the car door. His hand was quick to find a home on your lower back, gently guiding you towards the front door.
Once up the stairs, he crossed in front of you, unlocking the door and slowly pushing it open. The alarm on the wall chirped, signaling the opening of the front door. Chris quickly bent down with his hands in front of his knees, preparing for the impact. Dodger came flying around the corner having heard the chirp, and slammed right into his dad’s hands before jumping onto his dad’s legs begging for pets.
“Hey bubba, how you doin’?” Chris spoke to his best friend, rubbing his ears, “this here is Y/N, be nice to her buddy, no jumping.”
Dodger quickly took notice of you and immediately tried to jump onto your legs, a greeting you weren’t necessarily against, but since Chris said no, you quickly pushed your hand down and met him on the ground. He sat at your feet, immediately accepting your presence.
“He never does that!” Chris spoke, shocked at how quickly Dodger took to you.
“What can I say? I must be magic,” you joked and shrugged at him, making him laugh.
“Well let’s move out of the doorway, yeah?” Chris asked before closing the front door behind you.
Chris moved to the side of the hallway quickly; he kicked off his shoes and encouraged you to do the same. You happily followed suit, aching to get those damn heels off again. You sighed in contentment once your bare feet hit the cool hardwood floor, throwing your head back slightly, closing your eyes, and breathing deeply.
“That bad, huh?” Chris chuckled, waiting for you at the end of the hall.
“Oh yeah, I definitely have to get used to those before I try to wear them again,” you answered back.
“Well, follow me and we’ll figure out that drink I offered.”
You set your purse on the bench next to your shoes before following him into the kitchen. He strolled around the island, resting his forearms on the island.
“Take a seat, doll,” he encouraged you, gesturing to the barstools on the other side.
Usually you wouldn’t have obliged so quickly, offering to help him make whatever, but given the state of your feet, you hopped up quickly.
“Alright, so you have a lot of options, water as always, coffee, beer - my personal favorite - tequila, a slew of other liquor, juice, soda, milk, - which would be weird but whatever - wine, take your pick,” he said smiling at you.
“Coffee sounds good to me, to be honest,” you answered quietly. You would’ve chosen beer simply because it was his favorite, but you weren’t a big fan if you’re being honest.
“Coffee it is, gorgeous,” he answered, filling the pot with water and loading in the grounds, “milk, creamer, sugar, black? What do you like?”
“Milk and sugar would be good.”
“You sure? I’ve got peppermint creamer,” he coaxed you.
“On second thought...” you chuckled, taking him up on his offer.
“Alright, doll, peppermint it is,” he laughed.
Soon the coffee was ready and as excited to try the peppermint creamer as you were, you could’ve watched him flutter around the kitchen for days. He handed you a sleek navy blue mug, taking a red one himself.
“Shall we head to the living room?”
“Whatever you want, it’s your house,” you laughed.
“Alright, follow me,” he said, leading the way, “you too, Dodge,” he called over the island. Dodger had been sitting at his feet the whole time, watching his dad.
He settled into one arm of the couch, pulling the coffee table closer to rest your mugs on. He placed his mug down and gestured for you to join him. You sat on the other end of the sofa, gently, looking over at him. He threw an arm over the back of the couch, kicked his feet out in front of him, and turned his body towards yours. Dodger watched you sit down and looked at you, almost saying “you’re in my spot,” before turning around and going over to his bed by the fireplace.
“How’re your feet doing now?” he asked you.
“They’re okay, it may take a few days to recover,” you laughed back, turning to face him as well. You held your mug in one hand, bringing the other to your foot as you swung your legs up at your side.
Chris reached over towards your feet, pulling them into his lap, “here let me,” he spoke.
You blushed lightly at the very domestic action, but who would say no to a beautiful man rubbing their feet? He massaged them gently and you let out a little groan.
“You really don’t have to do that, but you’re so good at it I don’t want you to stop,” you told him.
“Well then I won’t stop, darlin’.”
He looked at you from across the couch, making your heart swoon again. You let out the quietest moan, enjoying the work of his hands, and closed your eyes.
Chris laughed lightly, whispering something to himself under his breath. You were a little lost in the moment, so you didn’t hear him.
“Sorry, what was that?” you asked him.
“Oh, nothing, just talking to myself,” he answered. You knew that wasn’t the case, but let it rest anyway; it couldn’t have been too important.
Chris started asking you about your work and friends and family, what kind of movies you liked, and music preference of course. You asked him as well, really getting to know each other. He had stopped rubbing your feet a long time ago, but kept them in his lap, an arm thrown across them, rubbing your shins and ankles lightly. Dodger was snoring loudly across the room, and had been for quite a long time. The both of you were so lost in the conversation, that you didn’t realize how late it had gotten. You glanced out the window behind him, beginning to see the sunrise.
“Oh my goodness, what time is it?” you asked him, chuckling.
He glanced at his phone quickly, “almost 5:00,” he said with wide eyes, “I didn’t realize it had gotten so late.”
“I’m so sorry,” you said a little embarrassed, “I’ve stayed way too long, I’ll just get out of your hair.” You began to pull your legs out of his lap, but he locked them down.
“You don’t have to leave if you don’t want to,” he spoke quietly, “I’ve really enjoyed your company.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to overstay my welcome…” you trailed off.
“Positive, sweetheart. Please, stay.”
“Okay, if you’re sure,” you asked him, raising an eyebrow. He nodded slightly at you. “Then I'll stay,” you said, settling back into the couch.
“Can I get you another cup?” he asked, gesturing to your mug.
“Sure,” you answered lightly, handing it to him. He got up and trailed into the kitchen. You waited half a second before following him.
Chris heard you walk into the kitchen, turning around to look at you quickly, “sorry, can I get you something else?”
“No, I’m fine,” you answered.
“Oh, well, uh… I would’ve brought your mug back to you,” he chuckled.
“Oh that’s okay, I felt weird just sitting there,” you laughed lightly.
“Oh, okay,” he chuckled back, “well, since you’re here now, can I offer you breakfast?”
You didn’t realize how hungry you’d gotten until he offered, “only if I can help,” you responded.
“Oh well, that’s a deal breaker, darlin’,” he answered, almost seductively.
“Well then no breakfast for me,” you laughed.
He was starving too, only having had a small dinner before he went to the bar last night. He didn’t know when you’d eaten last, so you must be hungry as well.
“Well, maybe there is one way, you can help,” he said in a high pitched voice.
“What can I do?” you asked quickly.
“Come here,” he said.
You walked around the island you had been leaning on, joining him between it and the cabinets on the wall. Chris extended a hand towards you. You took it quickly and allowed him to guide you closer to him. Once you were fully in front of him, he dropped your hand and grabbed both of your hips. He picked you up quickly, surprising you, before setting you on the counter.
You laughed lightly at him, “okay, now what?”
“Now, you sit there and look pretty while I make breakfast,” he chuckled out, standing between your knees, keeping a little distance between the two of you.
“Chrissssss,” you whine out at him.
“What, doll?” he asks, taking a step closer to you as you wrap your hands around his shoulders.
“I can do more than just sit here.”
“Oh, really?” he asks, taking another step towards you, now standing between your thighs, almost flush to the counter.
“Yeah, I can,” you breathe out, barely able to contain yourself now that he’s slotted between your legs.
“Nope, darlin’, this is enough help. Promise,” he says quietly.
Chris glanced down at your lips quickly before looking back into your eyes. He ran his hands up your thighs, starting at your knees, before settling onto your hips again. The temperature in the room seemed to rise at an unbelievable rate as you stared into each others’ eyes. You could feel his breath on your lips, you were sure he could feel yours as well, the smell of coffee and peppermint radiated between you. He slowly leaned in and connected your lips.
It was like time stood still. He moved one of his hands around to your lower back, pulling your body to the very edge of the counter and flush against his chest. The other hand stayed firmly on your hip, digging in just a little. You wrapped your arms around his neck even tighter as you molded your lips together. He licked your bottom lip slightly, asking for entrance, which you granted. He explored your mouth just a little bit before pulling back, breathless, and resting his forehead against yours.
“Well, that was, uh…” he spoke.
“Yeah,” you answered, breathless as well.
You held his gaze for another second before moving forward and kissing him once again. You pecked him sweetly, before mumbling against his lips.
“I’ll let you cook, as long as you let me clean up,” you laughed a little before connecting your lips again.
Chris let the kiss hang just a little longer than a peck before pulling back completely. He pecked your forehead quickly, before answering.
“No,” he said firmly, turning around and letting out a loud laugh, one you knew so well.
You laughed right back at him, watching him start to cook and shaking your head to yourself. How did you get so lucky?
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mxchellesworld · 3 years
Attraction and Repulsion 
Harry Styles x Reader
Synopsis; Where Harry is too much of an asshole for a proper relationship but too good in bed for you to leave 
Warnings; mean!harry, arguments, name calling, smut, unprotected sex, creampies, degradation, impact play, choking, 
a/n; harry styles fans come get yall juice!! ok i wont lie this kinda seems all over the place but i like it anyways. hope yall enjoy and please send some feedback:)
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You thought it was real funny. It was absolutely hilarious how the whole world saw Harry as a sweet lad who wears big trousers and has fun nails. But you saw him for who he really was. Harry Styles was mean. Plain and simple. 
But you loved it. 
And as much as you tried to deny it, you both knew it was true. You were like magnets. When you weren’t absolutely repulsed by one another, starting an argument, you were wrapped up in each others sheets feeling the strongest attraction you’d ever felt for another person. 
You were always stuck in a limbo of back and forth. Arguments and name calling over the phone leading to quick hang ups and the eventual knock on the door signaling he was there to deal with you the only way he knew how to put you in your place. 
You were drawn to him like a moth to flame. And just like you, he was also too stubborn to admit that he’d want anyone else but you. No matter how cocky he got flaunting the fact that he could get any person in the world with just a smile and wink, he knew he’d never actually do it. 
Under all the petty acts and insults there was the smallest bit of adoration he held for you and you only. 
You had been lounging around your apartment when your phone chimed. It was one of your girlfriends sending you a link to a newspaper article. You hadn’t bothered to look at the title on the message before clicking on it and seeing the large cover photo on your screen. 
Right there Harry and some model getting cozy after his last show. Big bold letters on the teen magazine reading ‘HARRY STYLES AND NEW BAE???’. You audibly scoffed. 
It wasn’t like he was your boyfriend so you couldn’t really do much about it, you thought ignoring the small sting in your chest. Shaking off the feeling you skimmed the rest of the article then replied to the message, “she is kinda hot, maybe he’ll give me her number lol” 
With that you threw your phone on the other side of the couch and started to get up. It was 3pm a little too early in your book to start drinking at home and especially too early to start letting him ruin your day. 
Maybe it was time to start looking at other people. You were hot and single, living in a big city with other hot singles, it shouldn’t be too hard for you to find someone to get in a stable relationship with or at the bare minimum a good fuck for the night. 
So you did what anyone else does and picked up your phone once again, going straight to the app store. Right on the front page was tinder and just for good measure you added bumble. Making the accounts were easy enough but selecting the pictures for your profile was tricky. You wanted a good amount of selfies and body shots. Cute pictures but also something risky enough to catch the eye. 
Soon enough you were already swiping and giggling to yourself about the future prospects you had lined up. Meanwhile in a city about a few hundred miles from you Harry was sitting with a frown on his scowl on his face in the same predicament you were in earlier that day. 
He was in his hotel room packing up and getting ready to head back home when his phone chimed. He looked over to see if it was his manager or someone from crew with any updates on departure times however it was one of his close friends. 
At first he was expecting a sports update or an invitation to go to a bar when he got back but instead it was a screenshot of your tinder profile. When had you gotten that? he thought to himself. 
It wasn’t like he could get mad since he knew he didn’t treat you the best. But that was just your dynamic, deep down you both cared for each other and even then it made for the best sex of his life. 
Looking back down at the glowing screen he swiped through the few screenshots he was sent. Various pictures of you out with friends. The one that got him was a picture of you in the bathtub, your body was covered by the porcelain yet just enough of your chest just was showing in the mirror as you gave the camera your best sultry look. 
Yet the real kicker was the bio where you included him in your top artists. He scoffed and shook his head, biting his lip as he clicked out from the messages app. Instead he called up his manager to get him on the fastest plane back home. If the blood wasn’t rushing to his face he knew he’d be hard as a rock but for now he’d save that frustration for when he saw you. 
You knew tinder hookups were easy to get but you didn’t know just how easy. After spending the day scrolling away, putting your phone down for food and subtle chores you landed a ‘date’, which you really knew was ‘lets get tacos before we fuck on my couch’. 
You had planned to meet at 8pm at some restaurant by your house. At 6:30 you started to get ready slowly, taking your time in the shower, shaving, the works. You had your music connected to a speaker getting yourself excited for the night. 
Who wouldn’t be? You needed this. This was your time to get all dolled up and get to cum from someone other than yourself or the man who makes the vein in your forehead pop when you think about him. 
You put on your sweet smelling lotion and head to your closet looking for an outfit. It was starting to get warm so you settled for a black t-shirt dress that fell to mid thigh with tan heeled booties. You pulled out a jean jacket to put on top in case it was windy.
After finishing your hair and makeup, it was nearing 7:30 and you were back on your couch fixing up the pillows and picking up any misplaced items in case the night led you back to your place. Suddenly you heard a knock on your door, the same hard 3 rasps which only meant one person. 
Your heels clicked on the hard wood as you made your way to the door, unlocking it and opening it halfway, “What do you want Harold,” you said unamused. 
“You look pretty,” he said pushing past you, ignoring the annoyance in your tone. 
“Wish I could say the same about you. Now what do you want? I’m busy and I have to leave soon,” you said rolling your eyes. 
He took a seat on your previously neat couch, spreading his legs and putting his arms up on the back. The way he looked you up and down sent chills up your spine, “What did you get a date that quick? The internet works wonders doesn’t it love”, he said rolling his neck. 
“How did you know abo- actually I don’t care. As a matter of fact I do have a date and I’m meeting him soon so if you don’t mind leaving,” you said picking up your jacket and purse, “Why don’t you call that one girl from your show? She probably misses you.” 
He let out a short laugh before pushed on his knees to stand back up, “Ah I see what this is. You’re jealous and you think going on a little date with some nobody would hurt me.” The cockiness was just seeping out of him. 
“Pull your head out of your a-,” you started before he cut you off. 
“No no you’re gonna listen to me angel. We may not be together but you belong to me. No one else can ever touch you or fuck you as well as I can,” he said leaning in to whisper in your ear. 
It was almost sad how easily he could have you crumbling. Just then your phone dinged. It was a message from the guy, Danny? You couldn’t remember at this point. 
“Answer it sweatpea, tell him you can’t make it.” 
You were really debating it. On one side this could be your chance to finally tell Harry to fuck off but on the other you knew it would be hard to replace him and you weren’t even sure you completely wanted to. That was a whole other layer of emotions to dig through. 
You looked back up at Harry, one of his curls falling into his eyes which were filled with lust. The way his tongue peeked out to slip over his pink lips gave you the answer you needed. 
“Fuck,” you whispered unlocking your phone. Quickly you typed out a half ass apology about your sister needing you to babysit, even though she lived out of state, he didn’t need to know. 
After you hit send your phone was quickly plucked from your grasp and pushed into Harry’s pocket. You didn’t think much about it when his lips pressing onto yours was acting as a great distraction. 
He pulled away lightly mumbling a “taste like strawberries”. If you weren’t so turned on you would’ve giggled. 
You moaned into his mouth pulling him by his loose button up shirt into your bedroom. It was a routine you had almost perfected at this point with little stumbling or need to grab onto the walls as a guide to make sure neither of you hit any corners. 
Your lips never left each others in the feverish mess of kisses. Each one making you grow needier and needier. Your fingers worked quickly in trying to get the buttons on his shirt undone. You felt his warm ones wrap around yours halting your movements. 
“Not so fast, you think I’m gonna let you off easy for what you did today?” 
You huffed out, “You did the same-”, again he cut you off. 
“I get to do whatever I want because you know who I am,” he finished trailing his thumb over your bottom lip, slowly tugging it down. All you could do was nod. 
“Say it then.” 
“Harry Styles,” you whispered out. 
You could see his pupils get bigger with each syllable. It was his favorite thing, the power, the dominance. He got off on his own name. But so did you, the thought alone made you clench your thighs as you were in the moment. 
His hand came up and tapped on your cheek, a small implication of what you knew he could do, “You’re gonna have to be louder than that lovie. Don’t worry though I’ll let you try again later.”
He backed you up until your legs hit the bed, pushing you down. You slowly crawled back, pulling your jacket and dress off as he worked on his belt and pants. You made quick work of kicking off your boots and settled into the plush sheets. 
“Hurry up Styles. I think Danny could’ve made me cum at least twice now,” you said sliding a hand down to your panties. That move would bite you in the ass but the risk was worth it. 
You let out gasps at the touch of your fingertips, moving your hips, doing anything to put on a show and hopefully have him give you what you wanted quicker. 
He eagerly got on the bed, trapping you under his knees. His hands quickly ripped yours away from where you needed them most, pinning them over your head. He leaned down, face inches from yours until you shared the same breathe. 
“You just want to be punished don’t you? Don’t worry I’ll help you get it through that stupid little slutty brain of yours,” he finished with a sadistic smile. 
You nodded frantically moaning out pleases. His hand came down on your cheek, the chill of his rings pressed against the now warm skin on your face. His nails raked down until his hand was snuggly hugging your neck. 
You tilted your head back giving him more room to squeeze and mark as he pleased, “Please Harry, want you to fuck me already.” 
He tutted his lips giving your neck one last squeeze before he pulled away. “I think we should work on your patience,” he said moving down to your spread legs. 
His warm hands pulled on the lace fabric on your hips, scoffing at the visible wet patch, “Don’t tell me this was all for old Danny-boy.” 
“No Harry its all for you,” you mewled as he let his fingers swipe through your folds. It was evil how he was leisurely propped up between your legs teasingly circling your aching bud, switching between blowing on it and nipping at it. 
You already felt the tears springing in the corners of your eyes. So little was doing so much. Just a little more and you could cum right then and there. And he knew it too. 
“Oh you better not cum. I’m not gonna be very forgiving if you do,” he trailed off almost laughing. He never let up, quick circles on your bud making your body tense up. 
“Ple- no.. oh god Harry,” you whined out. You felt your juices gushing out of you as you reached your peak. He never let up on his motions, going even faster on your overstimulated clit. 
“God you’re so pathetic. Such a whore you just had to cum,” he punctuated with a slap right on your pussy. 
At this point you were sobbing. Your head was swimming in the pleasure. You tried to apologize but the words weren’t coming together, just broken whimpers and mixes of sorry’s. 
His hand came down on your sensitive cunt two more times, each one had you trying to close your legs but he was quick to keep them open with a bruising grip. 
“Please.. Harry.”
“Please what?” he said taking in your shivering frame.
“Please fuck me! Want you to cum inside me, mark me so everyone knows i’m yours!” you spoke out breathlessly.
Quickly he flipped your over, pulling your hips up so that your pussy was on display for him. He groaned as he swiped the tip of his weeping pink cock over your already puffy folds.
With a long stroke he filled you completely. Your nerves were on fire and he hadn’t even started. His rough hands grabbed onto your hips for leverage on his thrusts.
“Fuck you’re so tight. Such a good little whore just for me to ruin,” he gritted out. He kept a steady pace, quick and deep making sure to hit your sweet spot each time.
Your nails were digging into the pillows for dear life. Eyes shut closed as your mouth fell in silent screams and jumbled phrases of pleasure. The only thing on your mind was HarryHarryHarry.
“Wanna cum again.. oh my god.. Plesse Harry fill me up! I need to feel it,” you said arching your back further. You felt each vein slide along your spongy walls making sure to clench around him and milk him for all he was worth.
His grip on your never let up. He let his hand come down on your ass cheek. Once again the rings contrasting the heat radiating off of you, “That’s it cum for me baby. I want you to scream my name when you do. Can you do that love? Shit , tell me who fucks you this good? Who’s cum do you want spilling inside you?”
You all but screamed a “Harry Styles” letting your neighbors know just who was with you that night, nights before, and nights to come.
The sweet noises and screams of his name had Harry’s cock pulsing inside you, ready to burst at any moment.
One look down at where you connected and he was sent right to heaven. Your cute little pussy creaming right on his cock had him shooting his load deep inside you.
You both gasped and groaned at the feeling of him filling you to the brim. He stilled his motions and you all but collapsed onto your bed.
You felt him lean down once again, pressing a kiss to the shell of your ear before whispering, “You think Danny could’ve done that?”
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Javier Peña x f!Reader)- Chapter One
Summary: You live in Bogotá in the ‘90s, and work odd hours. No, you’re not a DEA agent, but a nurse. These odd hours prompt odd habits, like working out at 2:03 A.M. after a shift. Odd hours attract odd people, and you have a chance encounter with one DEA agent by the name of Javier Peña. Warnings: language, blood and violence (both graphic), descriptions of death and gun violence Chapter 1 W/C: 2.3K A/N: you guys! I am so in love with this fic. I already have quite a bit more written and can’t wait for you to read it! I hope you love it as much as I do! Javi deserves some softness... but not too much. this can’t all be fluff when you’re Javier Peña. Okay, this is not super canon-fitting of Narcos, I’m just gonna be honest with y’all. This is between the time of Escobar’s escape from La Catedral and his final capture and death, but also… Connie’s still in Colombia. Additionally, I don’t really have a year in mind, it’s just somewhere in that period. Please note that this is not a very lighthearted story- it begins with a death, though not of a significant character. Javier and reader both have some trauma, so please check the warnings of each chapter before you start reading. If you’re continuing on, I hope you like it! For the most part, if I use italics here when someone is speaking, it’s indicating that it’s in Spanish. I’m okay at the language, but I don’t want to butcher anything, so… just imagine it. Otherwise, it’s just the way anyone would use italics I guess.
next chapter
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Chapter One
You watched a woman you didn’t know die in your arms tonight.
 She was beautiful, all dressed up to go out and party, her makeup running down her face with tears. Her lips were the painted the color of the blood that trickled from the side of them, eyes glazing over as she coughed and coughed and ruined the beautiful dress she wore. The nurses had asked what happened, and she had told them, through gurgles of blood: she had slept with one of Escobar’s men. She got too close, learned too much, and they tracked her down. 
She flatlined not long after telling the nurses around you. You had stood in the corner, paralyzed at first. You were an experienced ER nurse, nothing was new. You had seen patients die, but something about her was different. Maybe it was the way she reached out to you right before her body went limp. You didn’t make it to her bedside in time to calm her, the panic holding you down, but you finally took her hand right as she took her last breath. 
After she passed, you threw up in the bathroom, shaking and clutching the toilet. The night air had grown unbearably hot and humid, causing your scrubs to cling to your skin, and the sweat from the heaving of your stomach didn’t make things easier on you. Lorena, a fellow nurse and your best friend at work, had found you and comforted you, rubbing your back and bringing you water. It didn’t matter. It couldn’t reverse what had happened. 
Now, you sit on a bench in the staff’s locker room, redoing the ponytail holding your hair from your damp face. Your shift ended a few minutes ago, but you don’t know what to do now. You don’t feel like drinking; that would only make the visions swimming in your head worse. You know you can’t go home, can’t attempt to find sleep tonight. You look up and spot a bag with tennis shoes and spare clothing and settle your mind on at least one thing: the gym could do you some good. You change into the clothes and put the blood-spattered scrubs in the laundry pile. 
As you leave, you give Lorena a little wave goodbye and exit the building. You’re hyper-aware of your surroundings tonight, and you groan as you look at your watch and notice that it’s precisely 2:09 A.M. here in Bogotá. The walk to your fitness club is short, but your step is slightly extra hurried and your hand is on your pepper spray the entire time, extra vigilant to the fact that a hit went down somewhere around here just a few hours earlier. Surprisingly enough, no one catcalls or bugs you tonight. 
The little gym is run-down and dilapidated, and there’s no working air conditioning, but it’s the only one near you. You paid the small monthly membership fee to gain access, and you were going to use it to get in shape, you’d decided. As you swipe in and enter, the tiny fitness center looks more depressing in the fluorescent lights, no daylight to sugarcoat the atrocities of the center. There are two of every machine, a punching bag and a speed bag, two weightlifting racks, and a couple of benches. 
It’s nice that you get to work out alone tonight, you tell yourself. Even better is the fact that you now get to control the music. Desperate for a taste of home, you flip the large boombox in the corner on and begin scanning the airwaves with the dial. There’s a station in town that plays American music, and you need it more than anything tonight. You listen carefully and nearly start sobbing again as you hear Billy Joel’s voice through the speakers. With a sigh of relief, you lock your bag in the rusty lockers in the corner and head to the treadmill. It’s a beat up old thing, but this is the one you always use. It provides a little bit of comfort tonight, the familiarity of it. You turn it on low and start walking. A few moments later, you up it to a jog, mouthing along to the words of the familiar song. 
As the song ends, you push the buttons enough to enter a running speed. Your feet slam into the treadmill harder than normal tonight, feeling as overwhelmed as when you left the hospital. Your body finally works up a sweat, the physical stress overwhelming the mental stress. 
As the events of tonight replay in your head to some other song from the late 80’s, your eyes start to water. Everything was so overwhelming, and your mind is just starting to process it. You finally allow the tears to fall, mixing with the sweat coating your cheeks. It’s hard to tell which is causing more of the mess, but you let yourself cry it out as you run for the next few minutes. 
The next song that comes on is Venus by Bananarama. You almost chuckle at the fact that it’s a few years old by now, but the song is comforting. It reminds you of home, of a time before you had issues like these. You slow down the treadmill a little, singing to the words aloud once you catch your breath enough. Daring to do a little spin on the rolling surface, you groove along to the music, chuckling a little
After the first chorus, you hear a creaking noise and whip around to find a man standing in the doorway. “Jesus fucking Christ!” You shout before you can stop yourself, hopping off the treadmill and onto the non-moving one before you get flung off. Your heart is pounding from the running, only intensifying the adrenaline rush from the scare. 
The man chuckles a little, but the smile on his face doesn’t reach his eyes. He’s tired- of course he is, it’s now 2:30 in the morning. “Lo siento,” you offer in Spanish, cringing at yourself and your reaction just now. “I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be here this late,” you stutter, still panting from the running. He shakes his head lightly. “You’re American,” he says simply. In English, in a beautifully American accented voice.
Your sweaty brow furrows, a glimmer of hope sparking inside your chest as you notice that he speaks like an American himself. “So are you.”
He nods at that. “That I am,” he says as he puts his things in a locker, snapping it shut behind him. He looks at you for a moment. You’re not working at the Embassy, or he’d know you. It was rare to find an American down here that wasn’t working for the government somehow. He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, looking at how tired he appears in the big mirrored wall. He’s curious, but he’s exhausted. 
You look at him for a moment. “You going to explain anything, like, tell me about yourself? Or do I have to go first?” You ask, hands on your waist as you hop back on the slowly moving treadmill, back into moving. He doesn’t respond. “Fine. I know you’re government. I’m not an idiot.”
He chuckles and tugs on his t-shirt, moving to the treadmill next to you and getting on. It’s been ages since you’ve held a conversation in English, and you missed this, missed how easily your first language flows from your mouth. “And you’re not.”
“Correct,” you nod, turning up the speed a little on the machine until you’re at a light jog. “My bigger concern was going to be why you’re here at 2-fucking-30, but I’m guessing I know the answer. You get called in around here for the hit?” He nods, starting the treadmill up and walking on it. 
“You don’t have to be so guarded, Jesus. I fucking hate Escobar, I’m on your side,” you scoff before turning up the machine until you’re running once more.
Javier shrugs. “Makes sense. How did you know-”
“She died,” you say quickly and firmly, keeping your eyes straight ahead and looking at the room around you. “Add that to your file.”
He nods, understanding a little more now. You knew her somehow. He doesn’t say a word either, cranking up the machine and heading into a jog too.
A few more minutes pass of the two of you silently running next to each other, the American music still playing throughout the gym. It’s a comfort to Javier too. Tonight was shit for the DEA- they had known Escobar’s men would be around here. They had the intel, they had everything ready, but the men somehow had escaped and left a victim in their wake. 
The frustration of everything, of the man being something close to home for you yet being a brick wall, threatens your eyes with welling tears again. “I just wanted to talk with an American,” you sigh and cross your arms, moving back into the walking stage of a treadmill. 
The man next to you gives a similar sigh, stopping his treadmill completely and offering you a hand. “Javier Peña.” You take it reluctantly, feeling the sweat of both of your hands mix, and tell him your name before retracting it and stopping the treadmill too. “So, what brings you to the gym at 2:30?” He asks, crossing his arms and leaning against the center part of the treadmill. 
“I’m a nurse. I work the graveyard shift. Bad night, a patient died because she got fucking shot for having a boyfriend and not knowing he was a narco, I need to get something out, I come here,” you shrug, unconsciously mimicking him by folding your arms as well. 
He nods at that. “I’m here for the same. Shitty stakeout, I’m pissed off, I come here.” He leaves out the part about his favorite call girl being taken, and how he needed another way to get the rage inside of him out. He walks off of the treadmill and to the weight rack, pulling a bench beneath the bar.
You turn again and turn the machine back on, slowly jogging. “I see. Odd hours to be here, that’s why I asked,” you say simply. “And to see another American at such a time. I haven’t interacted with one since I came here.”
Javier nods, adjusting the weights on the bar. “Yeah. Weird,” he nods. “And that you’re an American who isn’t working for the government and you’re down here. What, you got a husband who works for us?”
You shake your head, swallowing hard for a moment. “No, don’t have a husband in the first place,” you admit, adjusting the ponytail holding your hair up. “It’s a long story.”
“We got time,” he shrugs as he gets on the bench beneath the rack, looking at you in the mirrored wall. Even with the sweat and the stress of working out, he notices that you’re gorgeous. You have a nice body, and even your face is pretty while you’re working out.
You shake your head. “Fine, if you really want to hear it.”
“Might as well. It’s that or more of this fucking Wham! music, and I’m sick of George Michael.”
“First of all, first person here gets the music, so mind your manners.” This finally earns a chuckle from the man, and you want to smile but it just can’t come. “I came down here with a man. He’s a citizen here. We were going to get married, but he left me. That was a couple of months ago now,” you admit, the tears beading in the corner of your eye again. “My work visa was still valid, and I renewed it so I can keep working at the hospital. I don’t really have anyone down here except the girls I work with, but I like helping out. They need me.” He nods a little as he listens, breaking his focus as he starts his reps with the bar.
“And you’re government, so that explains everything I need to know about you,” you continue to babble. “One of the girls I work with has a husband who’s at the Embassy. Murphy,” you say offhandedly. 
Javier’s attention is caught, and he sets the bar on the rack. “Murphy?” He asks, and you turn your head to look at him and give him a nod. “No shit. That’s my partner.”
You chuckle slightly and look back at him, stopping the treadmill. “So you know Connie?”
Javi nods. “Yeah, great gal. She could do better than Steve,” he says, sitting up.
You laugh softly at that. “From what I’ve heard of him, I agree. She’s a really great girl, you’re right,” you nod in agreement, looking back at him. “She’s never mentioned you. She says her husband’s in janitorial, but we all know that’s not true. What, you guys CIA? DEA?”
Javier nods again. “DEA.”
“I see,” you say, folding your arms and leaning against the machine. “Can’t make you many friends around here. I learned pretty quickly to keep my mouth shut about being a gringa. They can usually tell though.”
“You’re right,” he chuckles and cracks his back.
You bite your lip as you look at him, your voice watery when you can finally speak again, suddenly overwhelmed by emotion again. “It’s nice to talk to someone in English again,” you admit with a forced smile. 
He can read your eyes easily. You’re a nurse, and you told him that the victim died. You saw it. “It is,” he nods, reading your pain and trying to show you he empathizes with it. Your eyes are beautiful, he notices as he looks into them. So much more hope and trust than anyone else he works with, but the pain in them is unbearable. He looks away, leaning back on the bench to lift again.
“So where you from in the States?” You finally ask when the silence is too long. 
“Laredo, Texas,” he chuckles. “Yourself?”
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hangovercurse · 3 years
Rook realizes he made a major mistake, but is it too late to win you back?
Rook Cappelletty x reader
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: I wrote this while listening to Loveless by PVRIS
Word Count: 2439
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You and Rook had been all over each other all night, as per usual. Ever since you’d met a few months ago, you had been attached at the hip. You couldn’t call what you were doing a relationship, because you’d never really talked about it, you were just kind of hooking up… exclusively. And making out at parties, and clubs, and anywhere else where you ended up together. Rook wasn’t exactly the settle down type, and everyone knew it, which was why everyone was shocked when he asked you to join the last leg of their tour with Young Thug.
You didn’t know what to make of it at the time, but you went with it, spending 2 weeks traveling with the crew and spending almost every waking second with Rook. It was a nice fairytale to live in for a little while, and you could almost convince yourself that maybe he harbored the same feelings for you that you felt for him.
You guys were out at a club in LA, celebrating the final show of the tour. Rook had his hands and lips on you almost all night, and you were loving every second of it. “Babe, I gotta pee.” You mumbled as his lips pressed sloppy kisses down your neck. He groaned, continuing his path. “I’ll only be gone for like 2 minutes.”
“Fine.” He stood back up, letting you go, “But hurry up, I’m gonna miss you.” You rolled your eyes, turning to walk towards the hallway when he grabbed your hand and spun you around. His lips moved against yours in a very hot kiss.
You smiled against his lips, reaching your hands to his chest, and gently pushing him away. “I’ll be right back.”
The line ended up being longer than you expected, though you shouldn’t have been surprised. 10 minutes after you left him, you returned to where your date had been standing, only to find him missing. You searched the room, only to find no sign of him anywhere. You did, however, spot the 6’4” lanky giant that was his best friend, so you made your way through the club to him. “Kells, have you seen Rook?” You yelled over the music.
Colson shrugged, looking over the crowd for the brown-haired boy. You saw his eyebrows furrow in confusion and he looked down at you. “It might be better if I tell you I didn’t see him.” Colson shouted back to you.
“What does that mean?” You asked, looking behind you and standing on your tiptoes. Your question was answered when you saw his tongue shoved down another girl’s throat. Suddenly your good mood faded, and your throat went dry. You fought the sting behind your eyes and sighed, turning back to Colson. “Never mind.”
He looked at you with pity in his eyes, “Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
You shrugged, “It’s whatever. I mean it’s not like we’re together.” You tried to hide the fact that you were dying inside.
“Right…” Colson trailed off, obviously not believing you.
“I’m gonna get going, I’ll see you later.” He nodded, pity still in his eyes. You squeezed through the crowd of people and finally got out the door. You ordered an uber while you leaned against the building, taking deep breaths to calm your racing heart. You couldn’t get the image of him with another girl out of your head. You felt so utterly stupid.
  The next day you were laying on your couch, watching old TV shows on Netflix and trying to ignore the clawing in your heart. A knock on your door pulled you away from the TV, and you paused the episode. You weren’t expecting JP Cappelletty to be standing at your door, a smile on his face. “I’m bored.”
You tried your best not to scoff and roll your eyes, but the annoyance on your face was obvious. “I’m busy.”
His eyebrows furrowed, arm reaching to grab your waist. “What’s wrong, babe?”
You pushed his arm off of you, moving away from him. “Nothing. Don’t call me babe.” Your hand grabbed the edge of the door. “Look, J, I’m really busy right now.”
“Yeah, really looks like it.” He said, sarcastically, as he looked past you to see the TV. “Y/N what’s up?”
You let out an annoyed sigh as he took another step closer to you. “Why are you here?”
You saw the confusion in his eyes, “because I wanna hang out with you. We haven’t really gotten to be alone in like 2 months, we were on the tour bus whenever you were with us.” His hands reached to grab yours, but you pulled them towards your stomach and out of his reach.
You rolled your eyes, “we could’ve been alone last night but you were busy.” There was definitely venom in your voice, but Rook didn’t seem to understand why.
“Yeah, but I’m not busy right now.” He smiled, and you scoffed in disgust. “What?” He asked as if he couldn’t grasp why you were upset.
“Are you serious right now?” You asked, studying him as he shrugged. “Okay, JP. I need to know what I am to you, because I thought we were one thing but apparently I’ve got it all wrong.”
You really didn’t understand his confusion at the question, “We’re friends? I don’t know. I like messing around with you, I guess.”
You bit your tongue to hide the pained expression on your face. “God I’m such a fucking idiot.” You mumbled under your breath, walking away from him.
“Y/N, come on? You didn’t think this was a serious thing, did you?” He asked, as if you were the one in the wrong.
You turned to look at him, glaring at him. “You think I wouldn’t think this was serious? You brought me on tour for fuck’s sake, Rook! You don’t invite the person you’re screwing around with on tour if you’re not at least a little serious about it.”
“Y/N its really not that big of a deal.” His face was emotionless, and you were convinced that he had no emotions.
“Maybe not for you, Rook, but it was everything for me.” You were trying really hard not to cry.
He let out a dry laugh, shaking his head at your pathetic image. “You know I’m not like that, I don’t do the whole commitment thing.”
“Yeah, clearly.” You ran a hand through your hair. “Just get out.”
“What? Why?”
“Because, you asshole, I fell in love with you and you couldn’t give two shits. I’m done. Go fuck around with someone else.” You pushed him towards the door, tears starting to fall down your face. You felt utterly humiliated.
Rook stood in the doorway, studying you. “What did you think was gonna happen? You’d change me? I was gonna just magically fall in love with you? You’re smarter than that.”
You glared at him, watching as he walked away, closing the door behind him.
 A month and a half later you found yourself at a house party thrown by none other than Machine Gun Kelly himself. Even though you hadn’t spoken to Rook, Colson had checked in on you every so often, making sure you were okay.
And you were, surprisingly. You realized that it was probably for the best that you had cut ties with Rook, even if it hurt. You could finally move on with your life and find someone who actually wanted you and only you. It’s a lot easier said than done.
But when Kells invites you to a party, you can’t exactly turn him down. So, there you were, standing in his living room with a drink in your hand talking to a guy you’d just met. He seemed pretty cool, and he wasn’t Rook, so you figured you’d see where it went.
It was going nowhere, but once you felt Rook’s eyes on you, you faked interest in the man, if only to get his attention off of you. You were an hour deep into a conversation at this point, and your glass was empty. “I’m gonna go get a drink.” It was almost like he read your mind. “I’ll grab you another, if you want.”
You nodded, “thanks.” He made his way to the bar, leaving you alone in the middle of the crowded room. Not 3 seconds after he left was he replaced with your ex-fling.
“Y/N, I didn’t know you were gonna be here.” He looked you up and down, taking in every detail of your all too familiar body.
You flashed him an uncomfortable smile, “yeah, Kells invited me.”
“Who’s the guy?” He asked and you rolled your eyes.
“No offense, Rook, but fuck off.” You sighed.
He furrowed his eyebrows. “It was an innocent question, fuck.” You let out a dry, angry, laugh. “Seriously, I was just asking.”
“It’s none of your business anymore.” You really wished you had a drink in your hand right now.
Rook’s face fell, and you almost dropped your cold façade. “I know, I just. I miss you.”
And it came back up again. “You don’t get to miss me. You never wanted me in the first place.” A few weeks ago, you could never had said everything you’d been thinking since that day, but now you realized just how fucked up what he had done was.
“That’s not true.” He muttered, a serious expression on his face.
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Look, it was fun, but I’m over it, I’m over you. You could never give me what I need, anyways.”
You started to turn to walk towards the bar, wanting your drink, but he grabbed your wrist softly. “I did want you. I do want you. I didn’t realize it then because I’m an idiot, but I think I love you.”
You shook your wrist out of his grasp, blowing a quick breath out of your nose. “No, you don’t. Rook, you don’t know how to love.”
“I can learn, I will learn. For you. I’m gonna be better, I swear.”
“You don’t have the capacity to love anyone but yourself. You’re a loveless person.”
Satisfied with that, you turned and left him standing there, gazing after you with a lost look in his eyes.
 You realized as soon as you walked away that you didn’t really mean what you said. Truthfully, you were still hurting, and seeing him made it worse. But you couldn’t apologize. You needed him to think you really felt that way, so he wouldn’t chase after you.
That plan didn’t work, which was apparent when JP showed up at your door, a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a butterfly squishmallow.
“I know I majorly fucked things up with you and you have every right to never want to see me again. But I’m not giving up on you. You are the only girl I’ve ever felt this way about. Like, seriously, you make me wanna settle down and be a better person, and I realized last night that I might never feel this again.” He had a whole speech and everything, and you could tell he put a lot of thought into this.
“Come in,” you whispered, leading him inside your house. You pulled out a vase to set the flowers in, placing them in the center of your small living room. You then grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit on your couch, the stuffed animal still in his arms.
“Y/N, I really meant it when I said I’m in love with you.” His voice was soft and he could barely meet your eyes. He was really nervous.
You bit your bottom lip, smiling. “You really planned this out, huh?”
He chuckled, looking down at the small butterfly in his hand and then placing it in your lap. “Yeah. I heard you and Ashleigh talking about these things a while ago. Kinda have had it for a while, but I was scared you would think it’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid, it’s sweet.” You tilted your head, admiring him.
“You would not believe the stares I got when I was buying this. It was like no one had ever seen a guy with tattoos buying a stuffed animal before.” He chuckled, finally looking up to meet your eyes. “But it was worth it.”
You blushed, you two were quiet for a moment as you tried to sort out your thoughts. “I was really hurt.” You whispered, “when you said that we weren’t serious. And it’s not your fault, I just misread things, but I couldn’t be around you after that.”
He nodded, “It is my fault, though. You were right, people don’t bring other people on tour if they’re not serious about them. I led you on, and you had every right to kick me out.” You let out a soft sigh, relieved he was admitting some responsibility. “But I realized that I was so much better when I was around you, once I couldn’t be around you anymore.”
“I just wish it didn’t take me kicking you out for you to realize that.” You looked down at the blue plushie in your hands.
He was quiet for a while, studying you. “You can flip it inside out and it becomes a different animal.”
You chuckled, “yeah, it becomes an axolotl.”
He nodded, a smile on his face. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
His statement brought a blush to your cheeks. “Shut up.” You giggled, reaching up to push his chest lightly. He grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers.
“I’m serious. You’re literally perfect.” He pulled you closer to him, leaning towards you so your faces were inches apart. “I never thought I would feel this way about anyone, but I am really, really in love with you.”
You took in a small breath at his words, processing them before you leaned closer to him, closing the gap between you. His lips moved effortlessly against yours, the hand not holding yours reaching up to lightly touch your jaw. When you finally pulled away, you rested your nose against his. “I’m really, really in love with you, too.” You whispered, a smile on your face.
He leaned forward to capture your lips in his again, both of you smiling into each other. “Just because I forgive you doesn’t mean you’re done making this up to me.” You giggled.
“No? And what else could I do to make this better, princess?” He whispered; sarcasm laced in his voice.
“I could think of a few things…” You trailed off, a giggle leaving your lips.
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jean-kayak · 3 years
Falling Back Into Your Bed
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Summary: One night was enough to have you crawling back to him
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: college!au, (smut 18+!!), fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, degradation, Eren's a little shit, little bit of ass smacking, mentions of sex under the influence (consensual), enemies to lovers sort of?
Word Count: 3120
A/N: This is has been in the drafts for a while, and it wasn't supposed to take the turn it was supposed to but I'm happy with it lmaoo. Completely unrelated, but I like making headers lol
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It happened one time. To say you weren't really in the straightest mindset, but it happened once and now you're hooked. Your brain only filled with those images from that night. You groan as you pull at your hair, no matter how hard you try, you can't focus on studying. Your brain completely occupied.
"You seem troubled? Need some help?" The snarky comment comes from your right, and you scoff as you rub your forehead.
"Shut the fuck up," you spit with a little more aggression than you intended as you try to focus on anything but that amazing night.
"You thinking about that night? It could always happen again." The words whispered against your skin makes the images flash fully in your head, and you push him away from you, which only gets a chuckle in return.
"Fuck off, Jaeger," you groan as you close your textbook.
"You alright?" Sasha asks you, and you sigh as you nod.
"Yeah, it's just been a long day. I think I'm gonna head back to my dorm." You end your study session with your friends, stuffing your books in your bag, giving them a wave of goodbye as you walk out of the library, sighing in content when the sun rays hit your skin.
You slept with Eren. The only person who can get on your nerves to the nth degree. You woke up in horror realizing what you did, but the horror was that you liked it. It was amazing, the best sex you've ever had. Of course, it has to come from the person you despise the most.
It was a party that Jean wanted you to go to, and he happened to be there, annoying you to no end as he usually is, and then he was kissing you, and then you're walking up to his room and the rest is history. The memories of that night flood your head again.
The way his hands felt hot against your skin, branding a path all over your body. The way his lips brushed all over your skin, stopping to show some parts of your body some love by sucking dark marks onto the skin that took you forever to cover up.
The way his d--
Wait, stop! What am I doing?
You shake your head as you take another deep breath. This is not how you thought your week was going to go.
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"I don't know if you have mind-blowing sex what's the big deal? I'm failing to see the problem," Hitch says, and you roll your eyes as you fall back on your bed.
"The problem is that I don't like him. He gets on my last nerve. Why can't I have amazing sex with a guy that I don't wanna stab on a daily basis?" you argue, and Hitch scoffs as she rolls her eyes.
"Well, maybe it's the fact that you don't like each other that's making the sex great."
"I just wanna stop thinking about it," you admit.
"Well, it doesn't seem to be bothering him as much as it is you," she responds, and that part is what makes you the most irritated and confused.
You were sure you weren't that bad,  but it's like he isn't even fazed by it, only teasing you about it in the best way possible. You groan as you roll over, burying your face in your pillow.
The only reason why you're forced to interact with him is that you're friends with Armin who's best friends with Eren. If that wasn't the case, you probably would never see him again, let alone be in the same room as him where he can annoy you.
"Whatever. Maybe I just need to get laid again, get him off my mind," you mumble into the pillow, and you know Hitch is giving you a look without even turning your head.
"Yeah, okay. Whatever you say," she muses. "Speaking of getting laid, there's another party tonight if you want to go."
You turn your head to the side to face her. "Weren't you just a party last weekend?" you comment, and she shrugs.
"You only live once." You raise your eyebrows at her answer but shrug anyway.
"If I don't have anything to do, then I'll go."
You should've stayed the fuck home because this party is not it. You don't know if it's because you really don't want to be here or the fact that you're sober, but you can't help but sigh in annoyance as you walk through the crowd until you find a corner where anyone isn't making out.
You nurse your drink, but the taste of the beer is slowly making you sick after two sips, so you just hold it to give you something to do. "You look like you're having fun."
You roll your eyes at the familiar voice, tilting your head to the side as you look at him. "I should've known you'd be here." You knew that you should've listened to that weird feeling in the back of your head the moment you stepped into the room. "I'm not really feeling it," you say, and he steps closer to you.
"Well, we could always go somewhere else, and I can make you scream while I split you open on my dick again." You clench your jaw as you find something else to look at, trying and failing to ignore the way his words make your body hot all over.
You scoff. "Yeah, in your dreams."
"Really? You don't miss this?" he asks, pulling you into him, and you can't help when your mouth falls open slightly your breath hitching. "Cause I sure miss the way your tight pussy clamped around me."
Your thighs squeeze together subconsciously as you let out a small moan, luckily it's muffled by the music, but he doesn't miss your reaction. "Yeah, I'll pass," you muster, and he smirks as he chuckles.
"Fine, have it your way. The offer still stands," he says before he walks away, and you sigh heavily as you drink from your cup. You have to get out of here.
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Eren can't take his eyes off of you as you walk around the room. You've filled your cup back up, but you haven't drank from it, the only thing on your face is that you want to get out of here. Even as you talk to some blond guy, Reiner he thinks his name is, your face is very evident in showing that you're tired of this conversation, but you're too nice to leave.
He walked over to talk to you just to tease you but ended up doing the same thing to himself. He finds it funny that you seem to deny what happened between you two even though you reacted the way you did. If he could take you in front of all these people, he would.
Well, he can, but he's better than that.
He doesn't tell you this, he doesn't think he will, but you're the only thing that's been on his mind, but he's just better at hiding it. He can't count how many times he's thought about your body, the noises you made, how fucked out you looked as you took his dick. Every time he touches himself, those are the only things he thinks about.
And every single time he finishes, he declares that he's going to get you back into his bed.
Which is why he decided to come to this party even though he didn't want to. He knew Hitch would drag you out here, and he knew that there was no way he was letting you go.
He almost feels bad for the guy. Even though he can't hear the conversation, he knows Reiner is trying and failing to woo you with his awful flirting tactics. He can recognize your fake laugh from a mile away.
He decides that he can't stand to watch this horror show any longer, and he moves over to where you are, rolling his eyes at a lame pick-up line he hears come from him. "Hey, I need to talk to you," he buds in, and you give him a look.
"I'm in the middle of a conversation." You state the obvious, and he gives you a lazy look.
"Yeah, not really," he responds, and you squint at him. "Come on, it'll take a second."
You sigh, giving in before turning to the buff guy next to you. "I'll be right back," you tell him, and only Eren knows that that's not true.
He eyes Eren before giving you a smile and a nod, and you follow Eren as you walk the too familiar walk to his room. He closes the door behind him when you walk in, and you cross your arms. "What was so important that you had to pull me from my conversation?" you question, annoyed, and he smiles at you.
"Yeah, it totally looked like you were enjoying that little chat." You roll your eyes as he takes your cup out of your hand, setting it on his dresser. "How much have you had?"
You frown at him. "To drink? Not enough because it's difficult to have a conversation with you sober."
He chuckles lightly as he walks closer to you until your knees hit the bed. "Can I say something?" he asks, and you try to act like his close proximity isn't bothering you.
"If it'll make this end sooner."
"All I've thought about is that night," he tells you, and he moves closer, making you fall down onto the bed as you look up at him with wide eyes. He hovers over you, one hand on the mattress next to you, the other trailing down your body, making goosebumps break out over your skin.
"How good you felt, how loud you were, how fucking soaked you were." His lips brush against yours as he runs a hand down your tube top, biting your lip when he rolls his finger over your nipple.
"What does this have to do with me being sober?" you ask breathlessly, and he smirks as his hand moves down to your shorts, and he doesn't miss the way your thighs tense like you don't know whether to close them or not.
"Because I want to see if I can make you scream just as loud." He crashes his lips down on yours, making you squeak in surprise before you finally let him in, moaning when his tongue rubs over the roof of your mouth.
You thought your thoughts about Eren would change if you were sober, but he's just as addicting as he was that night, and you find it difficult to object to anything he's doing.
He crawls with you as you move up further on the bed, your body flushing hot all over. He works your shirt off, throwing it somewhere off to the side before trailing hot, wet kisses down your neck before moving to your chest.
Your hand makes its way into his hair, messing up the bun that it was in as he mouths at your nipples, pulling the taut bud with his teeth and his fingers before switching. "Did I ever tell you that you have nice tits?" he tells you with a playful smile on his face as he fondles them, and you scoff at his childish comment as you shift on the bed, the rough abrasion of your shorts against your crotch becoming extremely uncomfortable.
He works his shirt off as he slides down your body, his lips just grazing your skin to be teasing, and he unbuttons your shorts, peeling them off your legs, letting out a huff when his eyes land on your panties.
"You're so fucking wet," he mumbles, and you hiss at the cool air hitting your sensitive core when he pulls the fabric down and off your legs. You start to say something when he doesn't move, but you let out a low moan in surprise when he licks a broad stripe up your folds.
Your back arches off the bed at the sudden stimulation, and he lays an arm over your hips to keep you still, his other hand digging into the flesh of your thighs as he keeps you spread open. "And you taste so fucking good," he groans as he moves from licking between your folds to flicking at your clit.
"Fuck, Eren," you whine, pulling at the roots when his tongue prods at your hole.
"Come on, baby, I know you can be louder than that," he challenges, pushing one of your legs over to give him more room. His tongue prods at your hole before he replaces it with his fingers, his mouth going back to focus on your clit.
He's already curling two fingers inside of you as he sucks on the bundles of nerves, pulling it into his mouth, before circling his tongue around the bud. What you definitely didn't forget was how amazing his head game was. Your toes curl as the grip on his hair tightens, and it takes a few more pumps on his fingers hitting that sensitive spot inside of you to make you cum, moaning loudly as your orgasm hits.
"There we go. That's better," Eren says before moving his tongue to your hole to lap up your release. You're panting as he moves back up towards your face, his covered in your release. "But I still think you can be louder."
"You sound like you're all talk," you challenge even though you're still breathless.
He chuckles darkly before getting rid of the rest of his clothes, putting himself right back over you. "Sounds like you're undermining my skills," he jabs back as he lines himself up.
"Sounds like you're overestimating yourself," you counter, but you trail off before you can finish the last word as he pushes himself in, and you both moan at the feeling.
"Shit, I'll never get over how amazing you feel," he breathes once he bottoms out, and you're urging him to move, which he quickly obliges, your mouth falling open at the feeling of being stretched out with every stroke.
He moves himself so that he's on his knees, your hips angled upwards as he thrusts into you way too slowly for your liking. "Come on, Eren," you whine, knowing he can make you feel way better than he is right now. "Fuck me harder," you plead, and he coos at you.
"Aww, but I'm trying to make love to you, princess," he drawls, and you groan in frustration as you try to move, but he holds you down, making sure he's the only one moving.
"I don't want you to make love to me," you whine, desperate to have him fuck you until you see stars.
"But I like seeing you beg for me, seeing you so desperate, it's cute, keep going," he says, and you roll your eyes.
"Fuck--" He cuts you off with a sharp thrust, nailing your g-spot with ease.
"Me? Well, you're already doing that, sweetheart." You scrunch your nose at the stupid pet name, and you scoff before you smirk at him.
"As I said, you're all talk," you taunt. "Pretty sure Reiner could make me scream louder than you ever could." The playful demeanor in his face drops and his eyes are going dark, and suddenly he's pulling out of you, and rolling you onto your stomach.
He pulls you up to your knees, and he slams into you, making you cry out at the sudden intrusion as your eyes roll back. "You think you're funny, huh?" he spits before pulling you to his chest by your shoulder. "You wanted to get a rise out of me so that I could fuck you like a filthy whore."
You can barely respond, your body feeling like it's being shocked every time he rams that spot, and you jolt when he pushes on your clit. "Already going stupid? I haven't even done anything yet."
He pushes you back down, pushing your back until your chest is flush against his bed. "You're such a needy slut, aren't you?" A smack to your ass, the sting snapping you out of your daze. "Answer me."
"Fuck yes!" You can barely get it out, your knuckles starting to hurt from how hard you're gripping the sheets.
"Who's fucking you this good?" You don't answer quick enough, it's not like you can, but that only makes him fuck you harder. "Who?!"
"You! God, Eren, you," you moan, and you release your grip on the sheets as you feel yourself starting to drool.
"Who owns this fucking cunt? Fuck." His head falls back on his shoulders as you clamp around him, and he pushes on your clit again when you don't respond.
"You, oh fuck, 's all yours." You buck your hips back, meeting his, and he smacks your ass again.
"Come on, baby, you can say my name." He sounds just as wrecked as you, and his name is the only thing you're coherent enough to say, and you know that you're loud and that anyone walking past the door or on the other side of the walls can hear you.
"Shit, your pussy is so," he cuts himself off with a groan, his body curling as he feels his high building up as you suck him back in.
"Eren, I'm--" You try to tell him that you're close, so close, but you can't, tears running down your face from the constant stimulation on that spot inside of you.
He responds with a groan, and you know he's close too, and the next thing you know, you're cumming hard, your body going rigid. Your orgasm triggers his, and he cums with a moan of your name, his climax hitting him so hard, he falls on top of you.
Both of you fall down on the bed, his ragged breathing fanning against your neck, and he rolls the both of you over before rubbing up and down your top half softly. "You okay?" he asks against your neck, and you can feel the smirk on your skin.
You respond with a content whine, and his grip on your waist tightens when you try to move. "Stop moving. I'm trying to cuddle you."
You scoff before chuckling lightly. "Since when you do cuddle?"
"Since now. Now, shut up, I'm trying to go to sleep."
You roll your eyes at the words, but there's no heat behind them, and you feel sleep catching up to you as well.
Eren Jaeger might annoy to no end, but maybe this isn't so bad.
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combat-wombatus · 3 years
Crimson Snow
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Pairing: Hawks (Takami Keigo) x Fem!Reader
Genre: angst :’) (a lil bit of fluff thrown in here and there)
Warnings: mentions of blood, character death. 
WC: 7.8k. am i sorry? no.
Summary: Childhood friends doesn’t always equal lovers in the future. You wished that was the case, but ever since Keigo disappeared, you found it hard to believe in love again. 
(A/N): this was. i had to write this. it wasn’t up for debate. finishing this at 4am in the morning aldksjfhajshd. spent a grant total of 2 days brainstorming & writing this fic. not proofread at all. heavily inspired by the song 小幸运 by Hebe Tien. i strongly suggest you give it a try and listen to it as you read this :p (for all my chinese speakers out there...let’s see how you deal with this heartbreak :’) so yeah. i’m actually...really really proud of this fic. i tried a new format with this, and i think i kinda like it. also i left the ending up to interpretation if you don’t read the epilogue. enjoy! 
credit for this au goes to @wafflesandkruge​
here’s the link to the music :)
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The one constant in your life.
The boy who’d always been there for you, through the dark days and the cold nights, holding your hand through it all.
The one who’d held you when you broke down.
The one who’d tucked you under his wings as the skies crackled with energy, rain pouring from the heavens, and told you that no matter where you went, he’d stay with you. He’d keep you nice and dry, snuggled close to his body as he shielded you from the storm.
The one constant in your life.
He’d left quietly in the night, not stopping by to say farewell.
In his place, he’d left a lonesome letter, tucked away beneath a boulder on your special hill.
“I’ll come back for you. Wait for me, okay?”
And from within that plain white envelope, a single red feather floated out, carried on the autumn winds, drifting aimlessly.
Almost as if it were lost.
And in that moment, you felt as if you’d lost a part of yourself, a little piece of your soul.
You weren’t sure you were ever going to get it back.
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Years passed. You waited. There was no sign of him
Not in the skies, not on the land, and even though you’d sometimes see him in the reflection of the water, sitting next to you as you told him about your day, he wasn’t really there either.
I won’t give up on him.
I’ll stay strong.
He told me he’d come back for me.
Against the test of time, your resolve never withered. It only grew, strong as steel, taking over the crevices in your heart where he’d left his mark.
I’ll wait for you, Kei.
But please…come back to me.
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“Hey, (Y/N)!” Your friend called out enthusiastically from her position on the couch. “Come look!”
“What?” You stepped out of the kitchen, only to be greeted by a familiar face, smirking on the TV screen.
“Look at him! He’s this new hero, and he’s only 18! (Y/N)! He’s our age! Isn’t he hot?” She pointed at his flickering image. “His hero name is Hawks!” Squealing, she turned to you. “Isn’t that so cool?”
You stood in shock, the glass of water that you had been holding slipped from your fingers and shattered onto the floor. Liquid pooled around your feet, soaking your slippers, but you made no move to step aside.
“Woah! (Y/N), are you okay?” She jumped off the couch, rushing towards you. “Hey, (Y/N)? He’s cute and all but…this is a little bit much, isn’t it?” She looked at you with concern, eyebrows drawing tighter when you didn’t respond.
“(Y/N) …what’s wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost.”
Shaking yourself from your daze, you averted your eyes. “Ahh, I’m sorry. Uh…I just, I never thought I’d see him again.”
“Wait, you know him?” Your friend looked at you, surprised. “(Y/N) …did he do something to you?” She asked softly. “If he did, I don’t care how cute he is, I’m gonna kick his ass to high heaven if need be. Someone like that shouldn’t be a hero.”
You shook your head, chuckling a little. “No…no, there’s no need to do that. It’s just…it’s been a long time, and I just didn’t expect to see him.”
“Ahh. Well, step out of that puddle! Come on, let’s grab you some paper towels.”
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It’s me, (Y/N). I…I saw you on TV today. You look…different. In a good way, I suppose. You’ve bulked up a bit.
You never used to smile like that though. Not like…like you were smiling for others. Seeing you smile for the camera, well…it made me sad.
But I’m happy that you’re ok. I think it would probably be hard for you to find me, since obviously I’m not on the news. So I’ll come find you instead, yeah? What do you say we catch up sometime?
I miss you. I’m in college now. I’m doing pretty good. You’re an overachiever, aren’t you? 18 years old and you already have your own agency.
Not that I’m complaining. Thanks for making it so easy for me to find you :)
So…let’s meet up sometime, when you have time? Maybe for some coffee? I know a quaint little place. It’s not too far away from your agency, three blocks to the right, turn left, and walk to the next intersection. It’s the corner shop. You can’t miss it.
I’ll wait for you there this Saturday, okay? I’ll do my work there. You can walk in whenever you have the time.
Your chicken, (Y/N)
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Saturday came faster than you could prepare yourself. You checked your reflection repeatedly in the mirror, double-guessing your outfit decisions.
What if he doesn’t like it?
Is this too formal for a coffee date?
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Your friend barged into the bathroom. “I saw all the clothes on your bed! Are you going on a date?”
“Uh…just a meeting with an old friend. To catch up,” you explained.
She looked at you suspiciously. “Old friend…is it that guy on TV? Hawks?”
You grew flustered. “Err…yeah. If he got my letter.”
She looked you up and down, then dragged you into her closet. “Good thing I just went on a shopping spree last weekend then!” She pumped a fist excitedly in the air. “I’m giving you a makeover!”
Two hours later, you stood in front of the bathroom mirror once more. Your friend had put you through every single possible combination of outfits using both your closet and hers, and you had to agree that she had impeccable taste.
“Come on, you’re going to be late!” She shoved you out of the bathroom.
“I didn’t set a time!” You protested, laughing.
“Well, get your ass out of here! My boyfriend’s coming over!”
“So that’s the real reason you want me gone, hmm?” You teased her.
“Shush! Get out!”
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Hawks was on patrol. You had been on his mind the entire week. Ever since your letter had reached his desk, he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
Thinking about you brought back happier times, and he wasn’t masochistic enough to give himself false hope.
No, it would be better for you to forget about him, and vice versa.
Still, he couldn’t stop himself. His body flew of its own accord, ignoring the sensibilities of his mind that screamed at it to stop.
Go back! The reasonable voice inside his head yelled.
Fly back!
His body refused to listen.
He found himself gently landing on a rooftop, right across the little café you told him to meet you at.
He even debated going inside. Just for a second. Just for a cup of coffee, to warm myself up in the chilly late-afternoon breeze, he told himself.
Then, he scoffed. Who was he kidding? If he went inside, he wouldn’t have the resolve to step back out before he saw you.
Shaking his head, he flew away as quickly as he could.
If he’d stayed a moment longer, he would’ve seen you walk down the street, humming a little tune to yourself.
Maybe then his resolve would’ve cracked.
Too bad he’ll never know.
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Sitting alone at a table for two was an unpleasant feeling. Especially when you’re on your third drink, the waitress keeps eyeing you with pity, and you couldn’t concentrate on your work.
“Miss?” The waitress stopped by your table again. “Sorry to bother you, but we’re closing in 15 minutes.”
You checked the time on your laptop. Crap. It was already 5:15.
“Oh yeah, uhh, sorry to bother you!” You chuckle awkwardly. You quickly packed your books and laptop, dropped a $20 bill on the table, and hurried out the door. Walking home in silence, you tried your best not to feel too disappointed.
Maybe he just didn’t have time?
It’s ok. You’ll just ask him again, another time.
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Another time.
You sent him countless letters. For the first year, at least. When he ignores all of them, you visit his agency in person.
As you walk through the glass doors, there’s a man sitting behind the reception desk.
“Hello, miss. How can I help you today?” He asks in the customary polite tone.
“I’m looking for Keigo. Hawks,” you answer, trying to hide your nervousness.
He looks at you suspiciously. “How do you know his first name?”
“We…we were childhood friends,” you tried to explain. “I…well, I haven’t seen him in a while.”
He took a closer look at you. “Can I ask for your name, miss?”
“(Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
He sighed. “I’m afraid that you’ll have to leave the premises, Miss (Y/L/N). You’re not allowed to be here.”
He hadn’t kicked you out before you told him your name.
“Why-” you started, but he cut you off.
“Miss (Y/L/N). I’m afraid that I have to ask you to leave, and don’t come back. Should I call security to escort you out?”
Holding back tears, you clutched your purse close to your chest and hurried out the glass doors, wishing nothing more than to shatter them into pieces.
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You didn’t send any more letters after that.
Years pass. Every year on your birthday, Keigo gave you a feather.
“So I’ll always be with you,” he joked.
His feathers are extra durable, but time can wear down even the strongest things.
The last feather you got from him was ten years ago.
It can barely be considered a feather at this point, and you keep it in a special glass case so it can’t get any more worn down.
Ten years.
You’re turning 25 tomorrow.
Ten years of waiting around for him turned into ten years of watching him date other women. Ten years of hiding your pain every time another picture of him kissing a new girl graced the covers of the tabloids.
The first time, you cried yourself to sleep.
It wasn’t the last time.
Again and again, he breaks your heart.
By the third year, you convinced yourself to stop looking at the tabloids and the gossip sites.
By the fifth year, you scold yourself. You vow to stop crying over a stupid childhood crush.
By the seventh, you told yourself that you needed to forget about him. Step back into the dating ring, make out with someone else, and remove his presence entirely from your mind.
That didn’t work out.
Ten years.
It killed you to finally harden your resolve, but you told yourself that you couldn’t spend your whole life waiting for someone who was never going to love you back.
You’re turning 25 tomorrow, and you’re going to go on a date.
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He’s watching you. He always is.
It makes him feel like a creepy stalker, but he can’t help it.
He watches you as you step into the restaurant, decked out in formal wear that looked amazing on you.
Going on a date. With someone who wasn’t him.
He stays on the rooftop, watching you through a window as you ate and laughed.
He wishes that he was the one making you laugh, that he was the one helping you order food from the menu, that he was the one sharing a dessert with you.
He’s selfish like that. It never does him any good.
He’s scared, really. Scared of commitment, tarnished by his time spent in the work program.
He sees you as the one thing in life that they can’t take away from him. You have this innocence, this purity that you always carry around with you, because you’re a part of a time when his life wasn’t so complicated.
He doesn’t want to shatter that illusion.
He never reached out to you because he’s scared.
He’s scared that he’ll break you.
He stopped sending you feathers, heart splintering every time your birthday comes around, hoping you’ll eventually forget him.
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You don’t.
It’s not that you didn’t try.
No one else really interested you.
That is, until Masaki came along. He was bright, happy, always upbeat. He could find the words to cheer you up, to make a bad day that much better. He was attentive, caring, sweet.
He was everything that most people would look for in a partner.
And slowly, you began to open up to him too.
You fell into his embrace easier. You got a little happier when he came over for dinner.
You felt just a little safer when you were wrapped in his arms, a luxury you never thought you’d have.
Two years later, during a picnic date, he proposed.
You always had a love for picnic dates. Maybe because your first date, with Keigo, was a messy picnic affair during the spring, on top of a little hill where wildflowers bloomed and birds pecked at your leftovers.
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“Stop!” You giggled, whipped cream smeared all over your cheeks. “You’re going to get it on my clothes!”
Keigo laughed, then popped another strawberry in your mouth. “You can wash that off later, silly! Just have fun!”
“It’s not fun when my clothes are all sticky,” you whined. “You try it! It feels gross!”
He smirked. “Oh really?”
Taking a strawberry, he dipped it in the container of cream you had brought, then stuck it down his shirt.
“Ha! Take that!” He gloated.
You stared at him in shock. “Did you just–”
“Yes I did! And it’s not gross at all, see?” He plucked the strawberry back out and shoved it in his mouth.
“Eww! Kei, that’s disgusting!”
“No it’s not, it still tastes like a strawberry! Mphm!” He chewed, licking his fingers.
He regretted that decision later, when bees swarmed the front of his shirt.
“Eek!” He shrieked, hopping backwards.
“Kei, take off your shirt!”
“It’s so sticky!” He yelped, trying to peel the front of his shirt away from his chest.
“I told you!”
“Hey, now is NOT the time for the ‘I told you so’ speech, okay?” He finally ripped his shirt off.
You couldn’t help it. You cackled.
“What now?” He looked at the bees feasting on his ruined tee.
“I told you so,” you teased him.
Taking one look at the devious glint in his eyes, you scooped up the picnic supplies and raced down the hill.
He followed, wings beating, taking off into the air. He reached you within seconds, tacking you to the ground.
“Hey, that’s not fair!” You struggled against him. “You know you’re fast when you fly!”
He looked at you mischievously. “And what about it?”
“You can’t race me like that when I’m on foot!”
“Who said we were racing?” His eyes locked on your lips. “I was just trying to catch up to you.”
You blushed, suddenly realizing how close his face was to yours.
“Kei–” you started.
“Can I kiss you?” He interrupted you, then quickly blushed. “I mean, only if you want to-”
You wrapped your hands in his hair, interrupting him with a kiss.
He tasted like the remnants of strawberries and cream, sweet honey on a beautiful spring day.
And it was a beautiful spring day.
Perhaps the last beautiful spring day you’d ever have, for the next spring, he was gone.
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Beautiful spring days were few and far between. You’d learned that the hard way.
But today…you were inclined to think that it might be another one of those days.
Your boyfriend of two years had proposed on a beautiful spring day reminiscent of one long ago.
You supposed that this marked a series of firsts.
First date. First kiss. And now…a proposal.
You accept his proposal, tears in your eyes. He thinks that they’re tears of happiness, and in part, they are.
You don’t tell him that this was the one thing that you never thought you’d do. You feel like you’re betraying Keigo.
You have to remind yourself that he betrayed you first.
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Half a year later, you have a wedding. It’s a small wedding, with only your families and close friends. You considered reaching out to Hawks’s hero agency, but decided to spare yourself the pain.
He’d moved on. So would you.
Unbeknownst to you, when the ceremony rolled around, Keigo was standing on a nearby rooftop, the wind blowing away his tears.
He couldn’t believe how beautiful you were.
He knew that he couldn’t have you, but didn’t you know that he was a sucker for pain? Watching you repeat the vows was like getting punched full-force in the gut, but the wind never returned to his lungs.
He felt empty inside. Something essential was missing, and he knew what it was, but he also knew that he couldn’t ever have it. Not if he wanted you to stay alive.
As the ceremony finished, he flew away into the sunset, and you caught a glimpse of his crimson wings, purely on accident. You shook your head in disbelief.
“Now I’m hallucinating too,” you muttered to yourself.
But no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself you imagined the whole thing, that final view made it so much harder for you to forget him.
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Another year passed, and the seasons changed as they did. Spring flowing into summer, summer fading into autumn, autumn slowly drifting into winter.
Gradually, your new life engulfed you, the comfort of it all slowly draining away your doubts. Your husband was a good man. A faithful man. A caring man.
He held doors open for you and snuggled you on the couch. He played with your hair and made you breakfast in bed. He made it difficult for you not to love him.
You weren’t entirely sure you wanted to resist, anyways.
One night, you woke up in your shared bed, screaming in pain. Your lower back burned, almost as if you were getting branded.
Your husband woke up to the commotion. The bedsheets were stained with blood. Fresh, crimson, blood, all of it coming from you.
Whimpering, you laid limp as Masaki set you on your belly, trying to figure out the source of the injury. Taking a clean paper towel, he gingerly wiped the blood off of your raw skin, showing a tattoo emblazoned in gold ink.
Written in elegant cursive were three simple words.
Three words, but they hurt to look at.
(Y/N) …I’m sorry.
Your husband stared in shock. This didn’t happen. This couldn’t happen, could it? The only way someone got a tattoo like this was if their soulmate died, and, well…he was still very much alive.
He wasn’t your soulmate.
In this world, quirks weren’t the only strange thing.
Soulmates existed. But most never found out until it was too late.
When your soulmate died, their last words would be tattooed permanently on their other half’s skin in a bloody and painful process.
Their last moments would flash before the other’s eyes.
Nothing you could do. Nothing you could be sure of, until it was too late.
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Fires blazed everywhere.
Building after building, it ate away at the crumbling city, tearing down everything in its path.
“Help!” A voice choked out, raspy from smoke intake. “There’s a beam—ugh—on my leg. I can’t get it off!”
A winged figure crouched on a burning rooftop, out of breath and utterly exhausted.
Backup wasn’t coming.
The whole city was burning.
Standing shakily, he sent the last of his feathers off to help the trapped woman.
“That’s it for me then, I suppose,” his smile wobbled slightly. “My work here is done.”
He couldn’t risk jumping off of the roof. His wings were stubs on his back, and only a single feather remained.
“That’s not enough for me to fly off, now is it?” He chuckled mirthlessly. “Oh, if only you could see me right now, (Y/N). You’d be proud. Saved more than 500 people today, you know that?” He sighed, sitting down on the roof. “Lost count somewhere around there. You were always proud of me, weren’t you? The only one that believed in me when I told myself I couldn’t fly.
You’re the one that taught me to fly, remember, chicken? Those were the good times.
Look at me now. Talking to myself. Don’t even have the strength to fly down anymore.” He coughed into his hand, blood staining his palm. He grasped tightly onto a keychain around his neck, smearing the metal with crimson.
“I never did thank you. Guess it’s too late now.” He stared up at the sky, hues of orange and gold dancing across the horizon.
“Never did treat you right.” He plucked his last feather off of his back, twirling it around in his fingers.
“You were always too good for me. Too good for anyone, really.” He laid down on the roof, back no longer sensitive to the burning heat.
“I lost the right to love you a long time ago. I’ve got no business crying over you.” He chuckled bitterly. “But is that going to stop me?”
Letting go of the keychain and his feather, his hands went limp.
“(Y/N),” he sighed, closing his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
The roof collapsed, the hungry flames licking at the bottom finally swallowing him whole. His comms fell out of his ear, the plastic melting in the heat.
A single red feather floated down to the ground, charred and blackened.
The only remains of his body they’ll ever find.
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You were sobbing uncontrollably. Keigo.
He was your soulmate.
The boy you loved.
The one who’d abandoned you.
The one who you tried to forget.
He was your soulmate.
Your soulmate, who was dead.
“Turn…turn on the TV,” you whispered weakly. “Turn it on. I need to see.”
Masaki reached for the remote, flipping it on to the news channel.
“Earlier tonight, a bomb was detonated in Nagoya prefecture. Top heroes were on the scene, including Endeavor and Hawks, but their quirks are ill-suited to fight the conflagration. Endeavor has resorted to using brute strength to rescue people from the rubble, while Hawks hasn’t been seen since the beginning of the night. We are now reporting his status as MIA, and will continue to look for the Winged Hero, along with updating our reports on the status of missing civilians–”
You shut the TV off. You’d heard all you needed to.
Throwing on a mishmash of clothing, you sprinted out the door. Hailing a taxi, you hopped in before it had even screeched to a full stop.
“Hawks Hero Agency.” You told the driver, not bothering to mince your words. You hadn’t bothered to wipe all the blood off of your back either, so it was gradually staining your coat a deep crimson, a mocking parody of the way that Keigo’s feathers used to lay against his back.
His feathers that were burnt, charred, turned to ashes, no longer able to bring you the comfort they once had when they wrapped you in a warm embrace.
The driver looked concerned. “Miss, do you know what happened today? Hawks isn’t–”
“Yes, I know. Drive.”
You pressed your forehead against the window, breath steaming up the glass. It reminded you of one winter, when the two of you had been building snowmen, and your mother called you in for dinner.
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“Kei, I have to go,” you tugged at his hand.
“Aww, (Y/N),” he kicked at an unfortunate stone with the scuffed toe of his boot. “Why can’t you stay a little longer? We haven’t finished his head yet.” He pouted.
“I can’t, Kei,” you tried to make him release his iron grip on your hand. “Mama’s gonna get mad.”
“Then I’ll make you stay!” He boldly declared, wrapping his little arms around your frame, tackling you to the snow-covered ground.
The two of you giggled, engaged in a tickle war, your mom’s voice fading into the distance.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N)!” Your mom yelled, marching over to where the two of you lay, tangled in a heap. “Do you want to get a cold?”
“No, Mama,” you said, slowly getting up and dusting the snow off of your parka. “I’m coming.” You turned around and poked your tongue out at your friend, letting your mom drag you back into your house.
Keigo sat in the snow for a while longer, not exactly excited to go back to his house.
Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.
He beat his little wings as fast as he could, half flying, half stumbling to your kitchen window.
Sneaking a peek inside, he saw you staring questioningly back at him. Not bothering to hide his mischievous grin, he puffed out a breath, steaming the window, took his little glove off, and started writing.
“D O  Y O U  W A N T  T O  F L Y  W I T H  M E ?” He painstakingly wrote out.
You shook your head, and his grin quickly dropped from his face. Looking down, he almost missed the words you mouthed out.
“I can’t read it!” You tried your best to sign. “It’s backwards!”
“Oh!” He tried his best to write the mirror image of what he had just written, making sure that you could read it from your point of view this time. You read his little message, a grin taking over your face.
“Y E S!” You mouthed. “YES, YES, YES!”
Quickly scarfing down your dinner, you waved a hasty goodbye to your mom, racing out the back door, only to get tackled into the snow.
“Come on, let’s go!” He took ahold of your hand. “Race you!”
“You can’t race me if you’re holding my hand!” You shrieked in delight. “Stop it!”
He paused, turning around. “Hmm. Well, maybe I don’t want to race you then,” he looked at you with a small smile on his face. “I wanna try something new!”
“Oh?” You asked, seeing the way his eyes lit up with delight. “What is it?”
“I wanna fly! With you!”
Giggling, he turned you around so that your back was facing him. He circled his arms below your armpits.
“Hang on!” He flapped his wings as fast as he could, kicking up a storm of snow around you. To his surprise, he actually managed to lift the two of you off the ground for around 3 feet or so. He wasn’t expecting it to work on his first try, but the two of you really were flying!
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Sighing, you turned away from the window.
Happier times, you chuckled mirthlessly.
Isn’t it sad that I’m only remembering them now?
The car screeched to a stop at the front door to the Hawks Hero Agency.
You stepped into the lobby, the fluorescent lights blinding.
It’s the middle of the night, but they don’t seem to mind, you thought. Everyone was bustling around the place like it was normal.
The receptionist had changed since you’d last been here.
She spotted you and hurried over, most likely because of the blood staining your clothes.
“Miss, are you hurt?” She gave you a once-over. “Can I help you?”
You stared at her in shock for a moment. What were you here for again?
“Oh…uh,” you wrung your hands nervously. “I’m here for Hawks.”
Her expression of concern melted away into one of annoyance. “Another fangirl. This one appears to be married too,” she scoffed at the band adorning your left ring finger. “People these days…” she muttered underneath her breath, already hurrying back to her desk, where the phone rang incessantly.
“No. I’m not a fangirl.” You lifted your head. You might be in pain, but damned if you were going to let a stranger strip you of the remaining shreds of your dignity.
“I’m his soulmate.”
The way you said that phrase with such conviction made the lady pause.
“Soulmate?” She questioned. Girls had tried this trick on her before, but…when asked to prove themselves, they merely responded with “oh, it’s just a feeling,” or “I just know it.”
Never once had anyone said this phrase with such confidence.
“Yes.” You shut your eyes, defiantly holding back tears. “You have comms, right? What did he say before the comms died?”
The lady stared back at you, a pang of sorrow shooting its way into her heart. You weren’t joking around, were you?
“I…yes, yes we do. What’s your name, miss?”
You sucked in a deep breath. “(Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
She stared at you for another moment, then quietly pulled out her comms.
“He said…” she choked a little. “He said, ‘(Y/N) …I’m sorry.’ We weren’t sure who he was talking about. We assumed it was a civilian he wasn’t able to save,” she pressed the back of her hand to her mouth. “Oh God…”
Quietly, she choked out another question. “Was it…was he talking about…you?”
You didn’t want to reply. You’d heard enough.
The lady didn’t try to stop you as you ran to the elevator, your fingertip pressing the “up” button so hard it bruised.
Quickly looking at the directory, you found his office.
“420.” You choked out a pained laugh. “He always did like messing around with people.”
Collapsing against the corner of the elevator, you wrapped your arms around your knees and lowered your head. You felt so goddamn tired.
Why did it have to be you?
Why couldn’t he break someone else’s heart?
Someone who was stronger?
Someone who could take this in stride and move on?
Why did the universe choose you?
The elevator bell dinged, rousing you from your thoughts. You stood up slowly, a trail of blood staining the place where you once sat.
Crimson, like the trail of feathers he’d (perhaps intentionally) shed during that game of hide and seek.
You buried your face into your hands.
Goddamnit, Keigo! Why does everything have to remind me of you?
You made your way into his office, most likely the messiest of all the top pro-hero offices. Paperwork was scattered everywhere, jackets strewn across the floor. You even saw a shoelace string laying on the carpet next to his desk.
It’s almost as if he’d always expected to come back.
Stepping cautiously over the objects that littered the ground, you came face-to-face with a cabinet next to his desk.
Snowglobes. So many snowglobes.
Snowglobes occupied every shelf of the cabinet, and the glass doors made it easy to examine the contents.
You squinted closely at them. They were all…different angles of the same scene, you realized.
The snow park above your houses.
He’d had snowglobes made.
They immortalized the place where the two of you played all day in the snow.
The place where he first learned how to fly, gliding off the hills like a paraglider.
The place where he’d picked you up and learned how to fly with another person’s life in his hands, hugging you close to his chest, reveling in your warmth.
In the spring, it was the place where he took you on your first picnic date.
The place where the two of you shared your first kiss.
The place where he left you his goodbye note, tucked away under the grounding weight of a boulder you used to lay on, basking in the sun’s warmth.
He’d had 12 snowglobes made. Your lucky number.
12 different angles that showcased the same scenery.
Suddenly, your legs wouldn’t carry your weight anymore. You leaned back into his chair, still smelling faintly of his scent.
How can someone’s scent not change over 13 years?
You closed your eyes, and quickly opened them again when you saw a pile of letters on the corner of the desk.
You weren’t sure why they caught your eye. They weren’t anything special, really. Plain white envelopes addressed in plain black print.
You took a closer look.
That was your name on the envelopes.
You leaned closer, quickly shuffling through them all.
Each and every single one of them was addressed to you.
Each and every single one of them was dated a year apart.
Each and every single one of them was marked for your various addresses over the years, his handwriting steadily improving.
You couldn’t resist your curiosity. Taking a paper cutter, you tore through the seal of the earliest envelope.
A single red feather, beautifully preserved, floated out.
You stared in shock. He…he didn’t forget.
He never forgot.
He just chose not to send it.
Hurriedly opening the remaining envelopes, you acquired more feathers, each fresher than the last.
By the end, you had a pile of 13 crimson feathers, right next to 13 shredded envelopes.
You looked around, confused. Why hadn’t he left a note? Any note?
Did he…did he never write letters?
You knew that you had sent him letters.
Maybe they did throw them out as spam.
Your curiosity piqued, you pulled open drawer after drawer, but none of them held anything of personal importance.
Finally, you came upon the bottom right drawer.
It was locked, you realized.
You carefully place the feathers back in their respective envelopes. Sealing them up once again, you carry them in a stack, making your way downstairs.
The agency workers saw you with the letters in your arms, not sure if they should stop you or not. When you looked to the receptionist and murmured a quiet “thank you”, they stood their ground. If she was okay with you walking away like this, then there shouldn’t be a reason that they wouldn’t be.
The taxi driver who took you here was still waiting outside. Seeing you arrive, he stomped out his cigarette butt and opened the backseat door for you.
“Rough night, miss?” He looked at your back, pity obvious in his expression. “Do you want me to take you to a hospital with that?”
You shook your head. “They can’t fix that. Do you remember the way we came?”
“Aye, yes I do,” he stepped into his own seat. “I’ll take you there right quick, miss. Don’t you worry.”
As you rode back home in silence, you couldn’t stop thinking about the cabinet in Keigo’s office.
The feathers, folded away safely in the envelopes you were holding.
If he never forgot, why did he never reach out?
The car door slamming shook you from your daze. “Miss, you’re back home.”
You stared at the man, realizing that you didn’t have your wallet on you.
“Do you mind waiting a second? I’ll go get my wallet now–”
He shook his head. “I know where that blood came from. See here?” He rolled up his sleeve.
“Got mine when I was 22,” a melancholy smile framed his face. “Rare, right? I never did find out who she was.
But the hospital staff helped me that day. Looked for deaths around my age, and then when I tried to pay ‘em, they refused. Said ‘twas only the right thing to do. Now I finally get to repay the favor. Don’t you go tryna pay me now. Won’t ‘ccept it.”
He leaned back against the hood of his car. When you opened your mouth to object, he merely saluted you, hopped back into the driver’s seat, and drove off into the night.
You turned to your house. The lights were still on inside, meaning your husband was still up. He probably couldn’t sleep, not after what had just happened. You couldn’t blame him.
Stepping inside, you heard muffled sobs coming from the kitchen.
“Masaki?” You leaned on the doorframe. He looked up at your voice.
“(Y/N)?” He rose from the table. “You’re…you’re okay,” he wrapped you in a hug.
You cleared your throat. “…yeah. Yeah, I’m okay,” you hugged him back.
I’m okay, you tried to convince yourself.
“Where did you go?” He looked at you curiously. Finally seeing the envelopes in your arms, he paused.
“Babe?” He asked softly. “Did you…did you know him?”
You buried your face into his chest. “Yeah…yeah, I did.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked softly.
“Not really…not now…” you replied.
He patted your back lightly. “That’s ok. I understand.”
The rest of the night went by in a blur. The letters were scattered on your nightstand, your husband helping you into the shower. He’s changed the bloody sheets already, but the stains on the mattress were stubborn and refused to come out.
Crimson stains, in the shape of wings.
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Days later, some people from the agency stopped by your house.
“Is there a (Y/N) (Y/L/N) at this address?” The receptionist from your earlier encounter knocked on the door.
“Uh, hi. Yeah, that’s me,” you answered, not bothering to change out of your bathrobe. Your complexion had grown waxen, face shallow. Your hair formed an unkempt nest, spiraling around your face.
She gave you a smile, pity etched in her face. It disgusted you, really.
All anyone ever gave you nowadays was pity. Pity cards from your coworkers, although you weren’t sure how the information leaked out. Pitiful glances from your husband, who insisted on doing all the chores around the house.
Pity, pity, pity.
“What is it?” You asked her.
“We have some…documents for you.” She waved over two guys, each lugging a large crate of…paper?
“Wait…all that? For me?” You were confused. There was no way that that bottom drawer, even if all it contained were letters, had that much paper in it.
“Yes, (Y/L/N)-san. It’s all for you.” The men dropped off their crates at your door.
“What’s going on?”
“These were stored in the records house. Hawks filed them. They were all addressed to you, so we felt that this was the proper treatment.”
“We’ll leave you to go through these in your own time.” She started down the steps. Then, as if remembering something suddenly, she paused.
“You know…he was a good man,” she smiled gently. “We all knew he had a secret someone. We just didn’t know who they were. I’m glad he found you. Hero work is dangerous, especially for top heroes like him.
I hope that you find joy in those letters.” She turned back and finished her journey down the steps.
You turned around and looked at the crates.
Found me?
You smiled bitterly, a brittle coldness taking over your heart.
He never really did find me, did he?
Sighing, you sorted through the crates, looking for the ones that were dated the earliest. You carried the oldest set of letters into the bedroom and tore open the first envelope.
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Hey, (Y/N). It’s me, Kei.
I hope you haven’t forgotten about me. I mean, I’m not an easy person to forget, I suppose, but it has been a while. Three years, to be exact.
Three years can do a lot to a person.
I should know.
How are you doing? I hope you managed to keep Timothy alive. You were always prone to overwatering him.
I’m not sure how long cacti live, but…if you nurture something, anything can happen, right?
I’m a hero now. I’m sure you know. My debut was broadcasted all over national television. They just can’t resist making themselves look good, can they?
At least now I’m allowed to write. I hope you understand why I haven’t written to you in so long.
I didn’t forget about you. How could I? Even though we were only 15, how could I forget someone like you?
I missed you. I don’t think you understand how much. It felt so empty, living without you by my side. Like…like I wasn’t ever warm enough, even bundled in the tightest blankets. I was always missing you.
Sounds like a curse, eh?
But don’t worry. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I just wanted you to know that.
Yours, Kei.
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Ripping open letter after letter, you realized that you held his entire life story in your hands.
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Hey chicken. It’s Kei again.
Realized I’ve been treating these letters as a kind of diary. I guess it’s…therapeutic? Even though I know I’ll never send these. I don’t want to put you in danger, you know?
Do you remember when we were kids?
We had all the time in the world to do whatever we wanted.
I miss that time.
Not as much as I miss you though.
I check in on you every so often, but I make sure you never see.
False hope is a dangerous thing. It shatters your soul into pieces, and when you try and piece them back together, it cuts your heart so badly you wish you’d never started.
But, you see, you’re like a drug for me.
I can’t seem to stop myself. No matter how bad it hurts, I…I still come back.
You wouldn’t know, of course.
I suppose there’s a reason it hurts when you stare into the sun.
I’m already broken, yeah? I don’t want you to break with me.
The thing is, I know you’d want to. I know we promised we’d always come back for each other. We promised we’d always be here for each other.
But some promises were meant to be broken.
You can’t be here for me, birdie. You’ll get hurt.
That would hurt me more than anything else, (Y/N).
So for my own safety, and yours…
This is the last time I’ll write to you.
I have to move on, or else those pieces of my soul?
They’re already in splinters, but if I keep going like this, they’ll be nothing more than powder, and I don’t think I could go on like that, yeah?
I love you, forever and always.
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Ha. Guess what.
What I said in the last letter?
A fucking lie.
I physically. Can’t stop.
The thought of not writing to you breaks me more than the thought of never being with you, and that’s a milestone I never thought I’d be able to pass.
So here I am again.
You’ve already heard my entire life story.
I wish I could be there to hear yours.
I saw you tonight, standing on your balcony. You know, the stars were so bright tonight. Reminded me of your eyes the first time I flew with you around the whole field, yeah?
Sparkling. You never stop sparkling, do you?
You know…do you ever wonder who your soulmate is?
I know that the world is cruel. I know that we don’t know exactly who our soulmates are until one of us dies.
But…do you ever think about it?
Who’s out there, just waiting for you?
Because I do.
And sometimes, when I’m at rock bottom, I’ll imagine that we’re soulmates.
I’ll create scenarios in my head. We’d be happily married. I’d spoon-feed you ice cream.
We’d play tickle wars with my feathers, have pillow fights, binge TV shows.
We’d watch horror movies, and you’d hide your face in my chest the whole time.
But…those scenarios always make me feel worse after I wake up. Because they’re not real.
And I…I so desperately want them to be real.
But you can’t always get what you wish for, yeah?
Going on a big mission soon. Undercover. Cool, right?
You’d be proud of me, I think, if you saw me.
I have to go now. But I’ll come back safe for you, yeah?
I know you won’t wait for me. I want you to wait for me, but…I know it’s not in your best interests. Probably not in mine either.
Sometimes I try and convince myself that it’s okay to be selfish. I want what I want, and you only live once, right?
But then I realize that you’re the one I’d be putting in danger.
And that’s when I realize you can’t ever stay with me.
It’s okay. I’ll watch from afar.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop loving you.
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You put the letter down and rummaged through the second crate, desperately trying to find the last letter that he wrote.
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Hey birdie. Long time no see. Ha.
13 years and I still can’t forget about you. Doesn’t seem normal, does it?
I’m convinced that we’re soulmates, but then again, I may have convinced myself. You know…I used to hate the idea of soulmates. Sharing your life with another person, seen as incomplete without them?
Sharing my soul?
Bunch of crap, right? I like making my own decisions. Wasn’t ever much of a rule-stickler. But…you know…I’m starting to warm up to that idea.
But only with you.
And that’s why I’m convinced that we are, in fact, soulmates.
You don’t know how my heart breaks every time I see you. Manual is a good guy. I know he’s treating you well.
That’s the only reason I’m letting you stay married to him, really. If it was anyone else, I would’ve busted their ass.
But…you deserve someone like him. Someone who can give you their all.
Someone who, if you date them…they won’t lead you into danger.
Soulmates are a finicky concept, yeah?
So…I guess we’ll never know ‘till one of us dies.
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Rainy winter days were the saddest days of the year.
Especially today.
Strolling through the park, you held a black umbrella in one hand and clutched a glass case tightly in the other.
You stopped in front of a marble headstone.
“Hey there,” your voice cracked.
“Miss me?”
A whistling wind, scattering powdered snow and frozen rain across the landscape, was your only answer.
“Kei, I–” You collapsed onto your knees, uncaring of whether or not the cold would seep in. It couldn’t get colder than your soul now, anyways.
“I…I didn’t go to your funeral.” Tears rolled down your cheeks, leaving a silvery sheen in their wake. “There were too many people and I…I couldn’t handle it.”
“But…Kei…” You choked out an ugly sob. “Why didn’t you send me the fucking letters?”
“I don’t care how dangerous your work was. You can’t get anywhere without taking risks in life, Kei!” You screamed at the marble façade, willing it to crumble.
“You can’t–”
“You can’t make my decisions for me!”
“I should be the one who gets to choose who I love!”
Your screams attracted the attention of several bystanders, who quickly averted their eyes and walked away when they saw your distraught state.
“You shouldn’t have tried to choose for me!”
“And now–”
“You’re dead, Kei! What am I supposed to do now?” Your tears pooled on the frozen ground, marking little dents in the snow.
You slammed your fists into the ground, the glass case in your hand cracking.
Another ugly sob made its way out.
“Kei–” you whimpered.
The glass shattered, splintering into thousands of tiny pieces, each fragment glittering like diamonds.
Slivers found their way into your palm.
Crimson blood, the color of the worn-out feather freed from its enclosure, splattered the snow-white ground.
“Kei,” you whispered, carefully placing the feather on top of the chiseled marble.
“Wherever you are, I hope you’re happy.”
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