#am i putting too much washing in the machine and not getting my clothes clean
infectiouspiss · 4 months
parents love to pick one specific thing and tell you you're always doing it wrong no matter what
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manyaccidents · 8 months
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"All done cutie, you can go back to coloring now" said Alyssa as she finished doing the last tape on my fresh diaper.
"But it's no fair!" I whined, all too aware of how childish I sounded. Trying my best to come across more mature, and wanting to be taken seriously, I continued in a slight huff "I don't even need a babysitter. I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself". The situation I found myself in painted the opposite picture, but I was still trying desperately to hold onto the few last crumbs of dignity I had left, and even those were quickly slipping out of my grasp.
"Oh you're a big girl?" Alyssa said with a hint of a smile. "I'm so sorry sweetheart, I didn't realize. Tell you what, why don't you explain to me why you're a big girl who can take care of herself. If you are able to convince me, I'll convince your Daddy for you!"
Excitement bubbled up within me. Finally! A chance to get out of this! But almost as soon as the feeling came, it was replaced by one of unconfident apprehension. "What am I even supposed to say now?" I thought to myself, starting to panic. I had to say something, Alyssa was waiting. I couldn't waste this opportunity.
"um.." I started "well you see, um...".
I was totally blanking. I swear I had good reasons, but now that they were actually being put to the test they sounded substantially more flimsy and not thought through.
"It's alright darling, take a deep breath and begin from the top" Alyssa instructed comfortingly. This was not starting off well.. I took a shaky breath. The stakes were too high, I couldn't mess this up.
"um.. so well.. first I can.." - why was it so hard to think of something?? I stood there desperately trying to think of at least one thing I could say, aware that every second that passed was making my reward less likely. My heart was pounding and my thoughts racing. Without giving it any thought, desperate to at least say something, I blurted out the first thing that popped into my mind.
"I can eat meals by myself!"
A look of slight incredulity could be seen on Alyssa's face but she stayed quiet, waiting for me to continue.
"Um.. and I can... help with laundry! And cleaning up my room! And... I can even use the microwave and toaster by myself! I've been practicing! And... I can take care of my pets!" I finished in a rush.
Alyssa nodded her head slowly. "That's quite a list you've got there cupcake, but I just want to ask you a few questions about it okay? I just want to make sure I understand"
I swallowed hard, feeling a mixture of fear and hope in my stomach. "Okay..." I managed to squeak out.
"Great!" Alyssa smiled warmly. "Now, let's see. First off, can you tell me which meals can you eat by yourself? The ones that are already cut up in bite sized pieces?"
Her question caught me off guard, and I felt a twinge of panic. I knew I had to be careful not to say anything that would give away too much. "Um, well, s-sometimes it's c-cut up..." I stammered, trying to think of an answer that wouldn't make me sound too incompetent. "I mean, I can eat some meals by myself, like macaroni and cheese or chicken nuggets.."
Alyssa smiled at me "Thank you sweetie I think I understand now. Alright, next question; Have you ever done the laundry by yourself?"
I took a deep breath before answering. "Well, I helped Daddy put clothes in the washing machine and dryer a few times, and last time I did it all by myself!" Raising her eyebrows, Alyssa replied
"Your Daddy told me about that.. He said there were soap suds everywhere and that a certain someone used a little too much soap" I looked away, not wanting her to see how pink my face was getting. She chuckled, continuing "Well, I'm sure your Daddy was very proud of you for trying at least. Now, let's talk about cleaning your room. Do you clean it every day or just when you're told?"
I shifted uncomfortably. "Um, well... "I try to keep it clean, bu-" Alyssa nodded, seeming to accept this as my answer. "And what about taking care of your pets?"
Finally confident in one of my answers I proudly state
"I pet them and I play with them all the time!! And they go outside and I watch them to make sure they are ok!"
"It sounds like you love them very much, but do you feed them, clean their litter box, and give them fresh food and water every day?" Alyssa inquired, already knowing the answer.
I felt a pang of guilt. "Well... um... I usually just play with them... but I thought that was taking care of them isn't it..?"
Alyssa smiled sweetly "So those are the reasons you think you're a big girl? You think you'd be okay by yourself for a few hours?"
I nodded shyly, looking at my feet.
"Well, I'm not quite convinced sweetie. Can you use the stove by yourself? Or the oven? Alyssa asked, her tone gentle but firm. "And what about changing your diapers? We wouldn't want someone's wet diapee to give them a rash right?" I felt my face flush even more. "I... um... I don't really know how to d-do those things..." I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.
Alyssa nodded, her expression sympathetic. "I know, and it's okay honey, I understand. You're still just a little girl, and there's a lot you don't know how to do yet. But that's why you have a babysitter here to help you when Daddy's not around, okay?"
I wanted to argue, but though I didn't want to admit it to myself, her words rang true. I looked down at my lap, the infantile garment stark proof of Alyssa's assessment.
Alyssa, noticing my silence, gently took my hand in hers. "I know it's hard to accept, sweetheart, but you're still just a little girl, and that's okay! Don't be in such a rush to grow up, being an adult is so boring... I know! Why don't I make us some popcorn and put on your favorite movie until your Daddy comes home, how does that sound?" Alyssa suggested animatedly, already knowing how easily my attention is diverted.
"Tangled?!" I squealed excitedly, forgetting everything temporarily. "Yeah, that sounds like fun!" I beamed up at Alyssa and ran to the living room to get ready, forgetting my skirt in my excitement.
Alyssa shook her head, smiling. "A big girl indeed.."
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furiousgoldfish · 3 months
To all of you who are feeling behind on survival skills, worried you won't be able to succeed in life because you're not allowed to learn/not able to learn, I want you to know that some basics are extremely easy to get once you're able to try it on your own, or even just have one person explain it to you.
When I ran away from home, I didn't know how to cook, I wasn't allowed to learn, and first month or so, I was preoccupied with just learning how to cook. What I learned was that it was far more easy than my parents ever made it seem. If you're trying to cook just for proper nutrition and not make some fancy meals, most of what you have to do is heat the groceries, and salt them. If you cut up some vegetables and put them in water an add salt, you will have a soup. If you lay them on a tray and put them in the oven, you've made food. You can put stuff in a pan with some oil and stir it on heat and you have a meal. For basic eating, it can be really that simple. I also was able to pick stuff up just from my roommates, who would happily answer my questions, and a lot of people out there will happily explain to you how they make a certain food, and of course, there's video tutorials for specific meals, if you want to make something more complex. Once you have absolute freedom in the kitchen, you will pick this up rapidly.
I have never used a washing machine prior to running away, and then one person showed me once how to use one, and that was that. I was washing-machine certified after that. I gained extra knowledge about cleaning it on the internet, and some people randomly had tips for me about it. I learned to handwash later as well, and that works good too.
I've struggled at the beginning, to find easy and cheap ways to get stuff; the most common way to get things is to go to the store, but I didn't have a lot of money, and buying things was too expensive for me. I've since discovered just where to find the second-hand markets, how to get people to give me their old clothing so I never have to buy any, how to temper with stuff I have so I wouldn't have to buy anything, at this point I even know how to fix shoes and sew my own stuff. I've fixed blinds on almost every window in here, without even knowing how, I just dismantled everything and figured it out. I've put together closets and lamps. I've learned to open up my own laptop and change the parts inside, I've even changed the screen on my own, by watching a video on how it's done. I've learned how to repaint walls, how to tend to plants, how to maintain a living space. Often I'd see someone else who is able to do these things, and just ask. People who are not parents have no reason to gatekeep this information, and they proudly told me how they do it.
I've learned to organize my stuff to the point where I'm able to easily clean a big mess, and I don't get overwhelmed with things anymore. I've had to do some reading on the internet to figure out the situation with finances and economy, and I also asked some people, got wildly different answers from every person. When I have the opportunity to chat with someone who has a specific job, I ask them about what they do, and have them describe to me how that field of work functions. It gave me insight into a lot of inner workings of society that were previously a mystery to me.
I was able to figure this all out while having zero faith in myself; I believed I was stupid, incapable of survival, honestly thought I would be dead within few months. I was reading army survival guides so I could survive in the wild if I ever got homeless. I was learning even without believing that all of this would help me, it's only now looking back at everything that I understand how much knowledge I gained just from trying it and doing it in every possible way until it clicked.
The most complex for me, were the social skills, since I'm still easily scared of people. But I am slowly making progress on that and finding better ways to deal with people's behaviours. Being curious works well because people love when someone is curious about them and shows interest in what they do. It's been a revelation that outside of my home, I really can just ask any question I am interested about, and will usually get some kind of an answer, and not 'how do you not know this already'. Outside of abusive homes, you're not expected to know everything, without ever being told.
While survival skills and independence are deeply forbidden in an abusive situation, being out of one will practically guarantee you that you'll get them. Sometimes you'll be forced to learn some stuff like cleaning and cooking and you'll have no choice but to learn, and it will become easier the more you do it. But nobody will make you feel bad for not doing it right the first time, there will be no punishment, no berating, you're free mess it up any amount of times, without any consequences. I would say that maybe you wasted some time and effort, but no time or effort is truly wasted when you're learning something; rather it takes that time and effort to learn. But it's not painful, it's not shameful, it's not forbidden anymore. You can learn a lot of things at your own ease and convenience, without worrying about someone's opinion on what you're doing. You can also learn dumb things and never be criticized or called out on it, you can do absolutely ridiculous stuff that brings you joy and no harm is done.
I know feeling behind sucks, and it feels shameful and horrible, but the good news is that you can catch up very quickly, and not only that. If you really want to have a lot of survival skills under your belt, and you keep learning, you will soon know more than most people do. You can out-do any person out there if you have a passion for it. I had people who were telling me how to do basic stuff, surprised at me knowing more than they knew, just months later. It's a great feeling!
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lost-in-fandoms · 30 days
I know maybe you're not in the mood right now but any thoughts about Tarzan!Max? I'd accept thoughts about any of your pics because everything is amazing tbh but there's something about Tarzan!Max discovering a new world through Daniel and discovering how amazing is to fall in love.
Does Daniel take him to his farm? I think Max in Daniel's farm would be hilarious, amazed by everything and finding a family in Daniel's family too.
babe i am always down to talk about my boy in all and any situations! sorry this took a while, i took a little nap and then couldn't think about anything but!!!
(the first thing I thought was like..how do you get a whole person through customs. obviously max doesn't have a passport or any form of id so would they have to go through a sort of immigration procedure? but he's not emigrating from anywhere???? i guess i'll leave that problem to them sdfbdjhbf)
I love the idea of Daniel taking Max to his farm.
I'm imagining like. The jungle is Max's home right? But I imagine he's a little less in contact with his monkey pack. He likes to wander around and he has his own little hidey holes and his own places to sleep. So when he imprints on Daniel, he sees Daniel's "pack" as his new family. (and I am now thinking about Max trying to "groom" Daniel or Josh or whoever, gently raking his fingers through their hair and fiddling with their clothes and cleaning dirt smudges away after licking his thumb).
So when Daniel asks if Max wants to go with them, both because he can't imagine leaving another human being in the jungle and because he can't imagine leaving Max behind, Max goes. And in whatever way they manage to do it, Daniel brings him to his farm.
He understands that Max will probably never be ready to live in a city or close to a lot of people, he needs to be close to nature, and even if the nature in Daniel's farm is different from the jungle, it's still better than most options.
I imagine at first Max will struggle to adapt. He is used to have a lot of space to roam, to have trees to swing from, a whole different climate, a whole different diet. and now Daniel asks he wears at least underwear and a tshirt most of the time, he has to eat different foods, it rains so much less? where is the rain? how is he supposed to be clean if there is no river?
Daniel has to really help him through a lot. it helps that Max is learning to communicate more and more every day, but sometimes they bump into a new roadblock that they weren't expecting, and Daniel is reminded about how different Max's life has been so far. (would love to explore an overstimulated-by-electronic-noises max when i have more energy maybe. or a deeply-sad-because-where-is-my-jungle max)
But I think Max also really enjoys learning new things. He is delighted by some of the simplest things, which makes Daniel look at life in a different way too. How did he never realise how amazing forks and knives are? why does he think so little about how incredible it is to be able to make ice in his own freezer? the wonders of a ceiling fan???
I can picture Max spending long minutes just staring at things. Clocks, the washing machine, the fan, the turned off television, the kitchen sink tap. turning lights on and off. flushing the toilet over and over. And I can also picture him taking apart stuff and then (try to) put it back together, like the toaster (was never the same), the blender (was left with several pieces on the counter), the tv remote (tried to eat the buttons).
Max being terrified of Daniel's phone and then, when he gets used to it, absolutely fascinated by it. Asking so many questions about everything that Daniel doesn't know the answer to and forcing him to look them up because Max will simply not stop asking until he has a satisfying answer.
On the other hand, Max taking care of the vegetable garden and the animals. Being so incredible at it that it becomes mainly his job. They're different from the animals he's used to, but he is amazed by the chickens and loves them so much. Sometimes he likes to just sit with them and pet them softly. He becomes best friends with the donkey and the alpacas. maybe Daniel gets him bunnies and at first he's worried Max will kill them when he's hungry, but Max is so so gentle with them and loves them all so much.
And in all this, Max loves Daniel. He does his best to make Daniel food, gives him little "gifts" (eggs from the chickens, tomatoes from the garden, a clean sweater straight from the drier, a glass of water with clinking ice), curls up around him at night because he always refuses to sleep in his own bed. He's very protective of Daniel and gets upset when Daniel needs to leave the farm for errands or other things.
And Daniel shifts from I am very fond of this weird jungle boy to I would very much love to sleep in your arms for the rest of my life with a side of oh my god when is this beefy jungle guy gonna rail me. He sees how gentle and sweet and smart Max is, how quickly he learns about things and adapt to this new life, how interested he is about everything, how he takes care of Daniel, the farm, the animals, and can't help but fall in love with it all.
And the first time Daniel kisses Max at the farm, they're on the couch, Max watching something on the tv, almost without blinking, and Daniel watching Max. He calls his name and when Max turns (because Daniel will always be more important than anything else, even if the guy in the tv is cooking beef and Max is kind of hungry) Daniel kisses him. Max stays still for a bit and then when Daniel pulls back Max licks his cheek in response. It's not perfect, but Daniel can teach him. and Max always learns.
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siremasterlawrence · 4 months
The Hypnotist Circle - Gassing Glen
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What happened to Glen? Well! You see it all started because my car was dirty driving on my way to the beach.I saw his place was open so just drove in to see him enjoying hosing himself down a bit too much.My God! He had a hard to a disturbing level as he saw me, he giggles putting it down and lifts up the pocket.
I shake my head as he gets to work soaping up my car soon every inch in crevice is all suds up and I am hir with a blast off water works. I exit the car to see it pristine clean so I aid him to clean the car and as he goes in with his vacuum my plan is unfurled.I watch him do his job from the back I enjoy his butt with the knowledge of would soon be all mine to fuck with as I please.
He notices my engine light is starting to act weird when he bumped in to so he offers it free of charge and pops the hood.A bellow of gas’s shoots outward on to his face covering it as he yawns, eyes close, hands falls to the side and he falls backwards in
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to my arms.
“Glen Activate”
“Glen Activation Initiated “
“Stand up”
“Open your shirt “
“Grab a hose”
“You add the hottest guy ever”
“You want to keep your customers “
“Put on a show “
“Yeehaw! How about you soak me up bud”
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Enthusiastically I take the opportunity with gusto charging at him with the bucket of soapy water. Nothing gave me more lust and pleasure than soaping him up head to toes as he smirks with gleeful joy and wild abandonment.
On my command he grabs the hose washing himself off with it as he smiles excitedly like a wicked as if he were a petulant little kid who so behaving so abhorrently but who could be mad at that face I certainly can’t in fact I refuse too.
Quickly he gets dressed as he semi comes to his senses of his life but not of what had happened for him. Nor does he care at all because a few minutes later he is back to cleaning my car again.
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“Can you check the air conditioner?”
“Sure! What’s wrong with it?”
“It’s the smell “
“Yeah! It’s horrific “
“I know right! It’s so hard to smell anything else.”
“You can’t but inhale it”
“It turns you on”
“Makes you hard”
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A few weeks later I saw him at a gym he goes to apparently completely in beast mode as it were demolishing every rep he could muster. I stood in amazement watching. I sign before I get a brilliant ideaIf I say so myself sneaking downstairs with no one eyes on me I manage to make it to the air vents.
Turning the distribution of air up I pour in a bigger amount of the gas as I watch its pump output increasing by second and place to nose plugs in to my nostrils as I wait for the magic. I waltz back upstairs to see him solely occupying room mindless on the machine with a sweet smile on his face unsuspecting of what is going on.
All my feeling of guilt evaporating from the moment I see his chiseled frame fill out his clothes and I even to fondle him with so much alertness and care. I strip him of clothes as I sit on his lap embracing him with a hug, inhaling his scent and finally kissing him.
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Snapping my finger he comes to life once more finishing his set for me to watch in awe but also to do a victory lap in his bed later as a thank you. The place closes as we leave dog the night my words go soft to him inviting me in to his car as we drove off to his home.
He offers me a drink which I take feeling a deep connection to me he sits closer than before his eyes dart between mine and my cock. We kiss as electricity surges between us the whole world we be in awe at my good ole Hypno magic at work and no escape from it.
“Shall we take this to the bedroom”
“Yes Sir”
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“No please !”
“I understand your apprehension “
“I am in control though”
“You can sit back”
“Take a back seat”
“Go to sleep”
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“Your body is in a world of reckoning “
“Ecstasy “
“True beauty “
“Love every touch of my hand “
“The warmth of my body “
“Our connection “
“Your heart beats fast for me”
“Can you deny it?”
“Speak up next time”
“Here me out”
“Love me”
“Sweetheart “
“Fuck! I love you “
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“My hand guides your cock”
“At my command cum and submit “
“Yyyyeeesssss Mmmaaasssttteeerrrr”
The end
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autism-autobot · 2 months
Flower of a Poisonous Seed Part 11
Part 10:
Nezha didn't want another incident like the last one to happen again. He hadn't realized just how attached Sun Wukong had gotten to be with him until he learned of the cause of his recent attack of pica cravings.
After ensuring that Wukong was asleep with little to no chance of waking up soon, he got to work.
Nezha had bought a lotus-themed blanket that matched the color scheme of his armor. Remembering Wukong's description of his own scent, he soaked the blanket in a mixture of river water and crushed up lotus plants for several hours while he got to work crafting a doll in his image. While he wasn't the best at crochet, he gave it his all for the sake of his friend.
SWK: What are you doing?
Nezha: Oh! I hadn't expected you to be up this late!
SWK: At 7 am? Dude, did you even go to bed last night?
Nezha: *checks clock to confirm*
*it is, in fact, 7:13 am*
Nezha: I seem to have lost track of time.
SWK: Obviously.
Nezha: Are you feeling well, my friend? Normally you sleep until I wake you... unless something has happened?
SWK: The thing that happened is that you weren't in bed with me and I got worried.
Nezha: Well, as a matter of fact, I was working on some projects that hopefully will dispell any anxiety about my absence.
SWK: Wait, are you planning on going somewhere?
Nezha: No, no, no, it's for when I attend meetings and such. I hate that you get so worried in my absence, so I made a few things to try to help you when I cannot be in your company.
SWK: I don't try to be anxious. Sorry...
Nezha: You need not apologize for anything. I simply wish to help you through this difficult time.
SWK: What's that you're making?
Nezha: Oh! One of my aforementioned projects! I made a doll for you to hold while I am away. And I have a blanket for you to wrap yourself in currently in progress too.
SWK: Thank you! You didn't have to do all this! I could've managed.
Nezha: I doubt that.
SWK: What?
Nezha: Nothing.
Nezha: Would you like to see the blanket I prepared?
Nezha brought Wukong to the bin in which the blanket was still soaking in. The access water made the blanket much heavier and the colors less vibrant. Wukong loved it all the same. The blanket was set to dry in a rack about a bathtub. Nezha didn't like going to the river to wash clothes, and his washing machine had recently broke. This was his solution for that.
While Nezha and Wukong picked the bits of lotus plants off of the blanket (Nezha with a brush and Wukong by hand) they talked about how each of them did their respective laundry routines.
Sun Wukong lived on a mountain with very few sources of filtered running water, so washing machines were a no-go. He still got the water he used from a faucet about three miles from his house to clean his clothes. Wukong was the only person besides Macaque to be a clothes-wearing resident to Flower Fruit Mountain, so it wasn't a serious issue that needed to be addressed. Hand washing was always a fun task in Wukong's opinion anyway.
Nezha had had an incident down at the river he used to do laundry in as a child so he tried not to wash any laundry publicly. He agreed that hand washing could be fun, but it was often more effort than Nezha wanted to put into chores, so washing machines were a welcome choice.
In seemingly no time flat they had finished with the blanket. It still needed to dry, but there were no longer any plant bits on it.
Sun Wukong transferred back over to a wheelchair and headed over to get an *actual* snack in the kitchen. Nezha followed.
Breakfast was as usual; taking turns being the one to rant about whatever subject while the other shoveled food into their mouth and switching every so often.
It was these moments that they really were happy to be close friends.
Part 12:
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henchy5824 · 2 months
Thinking about how some of the Hotel's operations are depicted in fanfics. I love the diversity and how many little things people think about that are nevertheless important everyday life things. If it serves the story or the worldbuilding, it's worthy of inclusion and I am in love with that.
One part that is almost universally agreed upon is, that Niffty is the one doing laundry.
I humbly disagree and want to put forth my own theory.
It is Alastor that does the laundry.
Firstly, it's much easier to summon a bunch of shadow minions and just read a book while the rest is going on. Also I think his perfectionism would absolutely get the better of him. Even just thinking about putting whites with colours will make his skin crawl. Same with thinking about just tossing his or Charlies jackets into the washing machine would evoke a look of abject horror on his face.
This just won't do!
Besides his perfectionism and need to take control of absolutely everything, nothing is a more unobtrusive and comprehensive means of knowing things about the people around you than doing the laundry or emptying the trashcans.
Everything is known to the people cleaning your rooms or your clothes or both.
Just one wiff is going to tell him things. Someone on their period? He's gonna know about it. Someone not taking their medication? Alastor's gonna know and WILL MAKE YOU TAKE THE DAMN THINGS WITH A GLASS OF WATER, YOU HEATHEN.
Everything can be used as leverage somehow. Vaggie in a bad mood? Avoid her. Charlie being teary and weepy and CLINGY? Make the most saccharine sweet breakfast known to demonkind and AVOID AT ALL COST.
Also imagining him with those elbow-length rubber gloves while handling Angel's work clothes. After long discussion and many protests Alastor has taken on that task, too, where before Angel would absolutely just make sure to wash those by himself and with industrial strenght biohazard solvents.
Smells like Valentino and Vox are in their "off" phase right now... interesting....
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solradguy · 6 months
hello professor radguy,
i am a student who recently watched the solar eclipse with my ky plushie on the campus park grounds. (don’t worry i gave the plushie eclipse glasses) and in the process he got a bit dirty. how do i clean a goodsmiles ky kiske plushie safely?
your student,
[insert ID#######]
Try to brush off as much of the dirt as you can before getting it wet because the water will turn the dirt into mud and push it into the fibers of the material. You can do this with any sort of paper towel or cloth. Once you've gotten most of it off, you can try spot cleaning it with warm water on a washcloth (paper towel will crumble/rip apart)
To spot clean, you can try using just the warm water but if the dirt is really ground into the material, mix some detergent into a cup of warm water and then use the wash cloth to apply it to the dirty parts. I think they make special all-fabrics cleaning pens that you could buy too, if you wanted. Let it sit for a while to give the detergent time to work and then carefully rinse it out. Do not wring the plushie, gently squeeze it to remove excess water. Wringing it will stretch the material and you'll end up with a baggy/stretched Mr. Kiske :(
Let it air dry. If the weather is nice over at your place you can set it by an open window or fan to speed it up a bit, but if the filling gets too wet it'll probably take a little while
I've got the Goodsmile Jack-O' plush and they're really nice quality but they have a lot of tiny details held on with fabric glue so I absolutely 100% do NOT recommend putting it into the washing machine because those tiny felt pieces will get obliterated...
If it got completely covered in dirt you could just soak the entire plush in warm soapy water then rinse it from there (DON'T WRING IT) but that's the nuclear option and I'd save that for last. If any of the detail pieces come off, just make a note of where they're supposed to go and then glue them back on after everything dries.
Hope this helps!! I'm not an expert on cleaning plushies or anything, this is just what I've tried before and had success with (AND FAILURES... DON'T WRING THE PLUSHIE....)
Good luck!!
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
Media - Some Dogs Bite Character - Casey Age up Couple - Casey X Reader Reader - Y/n Rating - Sweet Word Count - 549
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I paced around the apartment trying not to have a panic attack, Edgar crying in his high chair because apparently, he doesn't like bananas now even though he has been eating bananas since he was born, Mya was on the floor screaming and screaming and hitting the washing machine as she watches her teddy bear go for a wash after she dropped it in the potty, and just to top it off little newborn baby Sarah in my arms screaming about... I don't even know! 
I offered her food, Nope. 
I checked her nappy, Nope clean. 
I gave her her favourite stuffie and dummy, Nope. 
I tried to put her down for a nap, nope.
"I don't know what you want Sarah," I whined losing my mind with these kids, 
I cradled her in my arms as I threw away the banana and I tried to make Edgar a ham sandwich in the hope he would eat that, having to be careful every step I took dancing around Mya as she lay screaming on the floor in front of the washing machine, often spinning and kicking making me have to dance around her so I don't step on her, 
"Daddy! teddy!" She whines hitting my ankle,
"Oww oww, I know Mya, I know, teddy has five more minutes in the machine okay and then he'll be all better." I tried to tell her but she wasn't interested, I rolled my eyes and just accepted the hits as I finished Edgar's sandwich sitting it on the plate of his highchair, 
"DADDY! I don't like ham sandwich!" he yelled,
"You had one yesterday," I complained,
"Don't like it!"
I sighed, "What do you want?"
".... okay," 
"Hello little ones," Her voice echoed out as the door opened and immediately I felt more relaxed and the room silenced, even at that moment the washing machine stopped letting out its little ring and silencing. 
ummm... peace.
She came through and set her bag from work on the table, she gave each of the children a kiss. "Ohh Teddy needs to dry now sweetie, you sit and watch him spin now and he'll be out for a big warm cuddle soon," she smiled getting Mya to sit nicely on the floor to watch the bear as Y/n put it on a dry cycle, "Ohhh that's a very tasty looking sandwich you enjoy it edgar," she smiled getting him to eat the sandwich, "oohh what's the matter little one ohh you just need a little nap don't you come here Sarah," she cooed taking the baby giving her the stuffie and dummy and setting her for a nap in the crib. "Hi Casey, how was your day?" she smiled kissing my cheek and immediately I could have melted into a puddle, but I hugged her tightly "Whoa! Hi,"
"Hi. You are... an angel." 
"I am?"
"Mhm," I nodded, "an angel sent from heaven. I love you so so so so so much," I peppered her with kisses,
"Awww I love you too Casey," she smiled so we shared a sweet beautiful kiss on the lips, "Can you handle them while I have a post-work shower?"
"I'm sure I can," I nodded, 
we shared another kiss and she headed off to the bathroom but the moment that door clothes, Crying began. 
"nooooo Y/n come back!" I whined, 
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karbisworld · 1 year
Still bored so P.2 right now
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓⟪SHIP⟫˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦ Jake Peralta x Reader
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⟪CATEGORIES⟫˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦ Romance // Comedy // Little angst // Friends to Lovers
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ⊹⟪SUMMARY⟫⊹ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦ Jake Peralta just got his heart broken by the two women's he liked the most, his formal girlfriend at the time Sophia Perez, who broke with him and his another romantic interest Amy after she told him that she didn't wanted a relationship inside work; now he's alone with only his friends.
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁
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-OH MY FUCKING GOD JAKE!- You scream feeling him puking in and next to you
-BLEAGH- he keeps on letting everything out - S-sorry! BLEH- he let everything out in his front door and you, making you a little nauseous too, but you also knew he didn't meant it so you just gave him little pats on his back when he ended
-Feeling better?- You ask him -Please show me your bathroom now- you said now feeling uncomfortable in your clothes
He nodded and took you to the bathroom -I am so sorry, seriously, I didn't meant that, I swear!- He says really ashamed
you nod and start taking your shirt off as you close the bathroom door -I know, but still I need a shower right in this second!- you say taking the rest of your clothes and hop into the shower
He got a little sober with all that and tried to clean in his front door, he was still a little wasted but the shame affected on him sobering him a little. After a couple of minutes you get out of the shower using his towel
-I am sorry, this is the only towel you had- you say a little embarrassed, can you please let me borrow some of your clothes? I could barely save some of mines-
Jakes gets quiet for a second and then nods like waking up -Yes! Of course!- he says and starts searching for clothes for you -I have this hoodie, in you it might look a little oversized, and I never really used these joggers cause they're too small for me, maybe they will fit you- he says giving her the clothes -You can change here, I will put your dirty clothes in the washing machine- he says leaving the room for you to get dressed
You start putting on the clothes, the hoodie was quite long for you since you were shorter than Jake, and the joggers were still a little loose but overall it was okay. After thinking on all this for a second you ran to the bathroom to see if Jake took all of your clothes already, you didn't thought that through, but you left your bra there since most of your shirt got dirty. He wasn't in the bathroom neither your clothes so you assumed he took them, which made you feel embarrassed. You thought on avoiding the shame and just act like nothing.
After some minutes Jake came from a small kinda like closet room that was his laundry room and he also looked a little embarrassed. He smiled -Hey the clothes fit you well- he says trying to avoid eye contact a little bit
-Yeah- you say doing the same, even though probably for a different reason
-Your clothes are already washing, it's probably going to take a little bit since my washing machine is not like the normal kind but, small apartment friendly- he says with a chuckle scratching the back of his head, he was more sober now but still feeling a little dizzy
-It's okay- you say with a smile and trying to not look so nervous about some parts of your underwear washing too
-Hey I am truly sorry- he says getting closer to you -Truly! Like, even if you would like to leave and block my contact now I wouldn't mind, I drank too much and you had to face the consequences- he says really ashamed making him on your eyes look extremely cute
You laugh softly and shake your head -No, it's okay really, I guess I rather prefer getting puked on but knowing that you're safe than I don't know, you drowning in it or whatever- you say playfully
His face light up -You mean it? You don't hate me?- he says with a smile getting closer to you sitting next to you
You chuckle and nod -I mean it, I don't hate you, you didn't mean it anyways so who cares, we all throw up from time to time- she says with a reassuring smile to him
He smiles -Thank you Y/N, you're truly the best! I really appreciate it, really, all of it, not only your sweet words but you being here... It feels nice to know that I am not truly alone- he says taking your hand
You squeeze his hand and smile -My pleasure- you say happily -plus you owe me big time now- you say playfully
He laughs -I know I do- he says still holding your hand -Any way you know I could repay you?-
-Not right now, but later when I have a ton of paperwork probably- you say playfully
He laughs softly -I see you already have a plan mhm?-
-Of course, I know you hate paperwork so torture you with it would be a good revenge for me- she says playfully
He chuckles and nods -Fair game- he says and caresses your hand softly making you a little nervous -Do you mind if we stay like this for a little more?-
-Holding hands?- you ask a little nervous
-Yeah- he says and looks at you
You shake your head -I don't think I mind- you say but still feeling your heart pounding a little harder than normal
He smiles and squeezes your hand softly, he not only holds your hand but lays his head on your shoulder and yawns -Thank you for being here Y/N, I am really thankful, and I am still sorry about all that but thank you for still being here, you and Charles I think has been the only consistent people in my life... And Gina too but we don't share that much anymore-
You nod -You don't have to thank me, that's why friends are for isn't it?- you say feeling a little sad at the same time you say that
He nods -Yeah, you're just the best- he says an yawns again -I am very sleepy, you can sleep in the bed and I will sleep on the couch- he gets up and as he gets up you pull him softly by the wrist
-Y-You don't have too, your bed is big enough anyways- you say shyly hoping that he won't think much about it
He looks at you a little surprised -You don't mind?-
You shake your head -If you snore much I will be the one going to the couch don't worry- you say playfully trying to not look nervous. He laughs
-Okay then, lucky for you, I don't really snore much- He says with a smile laying on one side of his bed -Once again... Truly thank you- he says to you with a smile
You nod -it's okay- you say carefully laying on the other side of the bed -Sweet dreams-
-Same to you- he says with a smile before you two lay back against back, you felt your heart going crazy and so was your mind, but since work was tiring and the drinks also hit you, you fell asleep quite quickly before noticing
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Small than before since the real person writing is sleepy now. Hopefully if my ADHD doesn't strike too hard I will come with more tomorrow, thank you for reading, remember you can ask if you want a specific idea for a small fanfic or a one shot!
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matenrou-fan · 2 years
Can you please make a hc for Ramuda, Kuko and Jyushi with really short fem! s/o..?
Ramuda, Kuko, Jyushi with short fem! s/o
comfort, cuddling, kissing, petnames
-If you are short you two are probably the same height, and he loves it..! You just so cute, almost so cute as he, hehe~
-Loves to make matching outfits for you two and then going on dates like that.
-"Hey, hey, look at us..! Aren't we look like two precious dolls?" - he ask, while you two standing in front of big mirror in his workshop, he just finish new outfit in bright pink colours, for you and him, and decided to try it on. "Come on, we should go outside like that, let everyone see how pretty we are..!"
-Also-- He's a little bit controlling and teasing in relationships, so it's good that you're the same height, it's just so easy to pin you to the wall
-"Huh? What that blush from?~" - he tease you a little, smirking. When you're so short it's easy to him to get closer, his body push you to the wall and his face so close you can feel as yours noses touch each other, "You look so cute when you embarrassed, hehe~"
-He calls all girls "onesan", but he has a special pet names just for you, such as his little precious doll, angel and his marionette.
-"You know, I always thought about making clothing line in lolita style, what do you think?" - he shows you some of his sketches "I want you to be my model, it would look great at you..!"
-He take your hands, slowly caressing them with playful smirk. "You're perfect for this role, with such tiny hands and dollface.. Just image a huge banner ad with your face in Sibya centre, I'm sure it would be one of the most successful clothing fashion line that I would ever have!"
-Doesn't matter if you're too shy to do something like that, he's already too excited.
-"Ahhh, I already have so many ideas! I need to come up with the most stunning dress to my little doll, am I?"
-Adores you small form much more than show it
-He will tease you a lot, bit honestly, so so so overprotective when it comes to you
-If someone will ever dares to make fun of you he don't mind to get into fight, even if he would be against few people (of course he would win, did you see him in fight? crazy man)
-"Tch, they'd better not laugh at you again.." - he scoff when you get closer to check if he alright.
-He's the only one who can tease you, but even he do it really slightly, just to see you blush.
-It's so easy to carry you around, he's pretty strong and love to take you in his arms sometimes.
-"Mm? What's wrong? It's unusual to see a word from such height?" - he smirks as he notice your surprised expression when he held you closer to him, carrying you to the couch.
-Absolutely love when you sit on his laps, you just so small and adorable. And he can finally hold you tight to himself, while you two kissing slowly.
-He don't really like to admit this but love seeing you small form in his clothes, its just make his heart flutter.
-The first time when he lend you his jacket was when you two get caught in the rain and he immediately put around your shoulders so you don't catch cold.
-"Don't worry about me..!" - he snorted when you look at him with worried eyes. He takes you hand, leading through the streets - "Come on, we should hurry up.."
-After that he will start "accidentally" leave one of his t-shirts just laying around in his bedroom, and everytime you pay a visit he start sigh.
-"Huh? You got caught in rain again? Such a foolish girl, here, takes this T-shirt, I will put yours clothes in dryer" or "Hm, I think you have something on your sweater here, come on, I will put this in washing machine. It will be clean and dry by the time you need to leave, I will lend you my clothes..."
-Even if its a small reason, he will try to take a chance just to see you in his clothes.
-"Ah, of course.. My little ray of moonlight is finally here for my pleasure... " - he chuckle every time you two have a dates.
-He loves take you to date..! Your arms so much smaller in his, holding hands with you is one of his favourite things. and when you hug him?? He'll melt right into your arms.
-You just much smaller then him and when he hugs you it's like he's protecting you from everything cruel in this world.
-Also, forehead kisses. Slowly leans closer, caressing your cheeks with his hand, charming smile on his lips as his half closed eyes look at your blushing face
-"My fallen angel, don't need to be shy now..." - he kisses your forehead with such love and passion, slowly get down to your nose and then your lips.
-He's pretty tall but never will laugh at your height difference, even in teasing form.
-Besides, it's doesn't matter if you're ashamed of your height or not, he will always compliments you, telling just how cute and precious you're, as his princess of dark night.
-Well, when he's in his "childish" crybaby form he can forget a little about just how taller than you he is and start to clinging to you tightly, complaining about something with high pitched voice, almost crying
-"Uwaaaa, s/o, you're always so kind to me..." he whine after you comforts him, his head on your laps as he sniff sadly. He loves to lay on your laps, you legs so small and short but so warm and soft, it's always soothe him, especially if you'll play with his hair "I should be more mature, I'm the one who should comforts you, as a real man...!"
-Vice versa: when you lay on his laps, he can't help it and smiles widely, you like a small kitten, he loves to play with your hair too or just caress you head, cheeks, neck, while quietly humming to himself.
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0hbunny · 1 year
🫧Washing Plush Dolls🫧
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I am VERY new to collecting these kinds of dolls. The doll shown above is literally the only one I have (as of right now…). That said please take everything I say with a grain of salt! This blog post is more of a log of my experience with washing my doll for the first time than a tutorial :)
Material List:
wash cloth (2x)
toothbrush (not used duh)
dawn dish soap
micellar water
tide to go stick/non bleach stain remover
blow dryer/fan
Before bath time there are some things I did to prep.
I started by taking off any stains on my doll. In this case mine had one on their embroidered paw on their foot. I used a “TideToGo” stick to get rid of it and it work wonders. I also heard great things about “Grandma’s Secret Spot Remover” too! Though as long as your stain remover doesn’t have bleach in it I THINK it will be fine, though I’m no expert.
After that I removed my doll’s blush. I did this by putting a little bit of micellar water onto a wash cloth and gently rubbing away where the blush was on my doll. When it comes to this please keep in mind a little goes a long way! Though I will say, I did asked some experienced plush doll collectors if I needed to remove the blush before a bath because I was scared of the blush getting moved around and staining the doll or embroidering. They told me it probably didn’t matter but it wouldn’t hurt. Do with that information what you will.
Bath Time:
Now for the actual bath I started by filling up a container with cold water and about 3 drops of dawn dish soap. (Please make sure it’s cold water because warm water makes things bleed!) Once everything was mixed together I took my toothbrush and dipped it into the mixture.
With the soapy mix I started scrubbing away at my doll. I was sure to be gentle over the embroidery in fear of loosening/damaging it if I was to rough with it. I made sure really get into all of the cracks and crevices too.
Once washed with soap I replaced the soapy water with just plain cold water. Then I scrubbed my doll again but this time with just the water. I made sure to dip my brush back into the water very frequently during this process. On my last scrub I brushed everything up in the same direction with my bruh.
I placed my wet doll on a dry wash cloth and started to pat them dry with it. I was able to get the longer pieces of fabric (like the hair) pretty much dry with just the cloth but I can’t say that about the other parts.
For the other parts I used a mini fan to help the process go a little faster. (⤵️)
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A blow dryer on the cold setting should also work for this if you’re impatient like me lolol. Good old fashion air drying should also work fine too but make sure it’s in a well lit room just to be careful of mold! I have also heard of people putting their dolls in pillowcases and throwing them into the drying machine along with a towel to cushion them more on a low setting. I have never tried this though personally so I’m not sure how well that would work and I’m to nervous to find out.
Also not going to lie I did not enjoy the smell of the “TideToGo” stick very much and I couldn’t get the smell to go away with just the soap and water so I did spray my doll with a bit of perfume. I’m not sure how safe/good this is for dolls but personally for me my doll turned out fine and now smells really good!
This method worked very well for me I think! My doll is all clean and their hair feels so soft just like when I first got them which is very exciting. If anyone has any tips or thinks I should have done anything differently let me know! Also I’m here to answer questions too🫡 This is my first time making a blog post like this so I hope it was helpful and easy to understand!🙂
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Laundry Days
(Dieter x horror loving female)
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Words: 1,039
Summary: it’s laundry day, and you catch Dieter looking
Warnings: Dieter being adorable and chaotic, really delicious food gets a mention, slight saucy suggestions at the end because it’s Dieter
Check out masterlist here
Laundry day, some may find it an unnecessary evil, you found it pleasant. Your apartment complex laundry room was empty but for you which in a horror film situation would spell disaster for the lonely female protagonist. But you may have scoped out the place since moving in and knew when it was free, like a smart horror survivor would. It’s not that you distrusted your neighbours, rather you wouldn’t want them hanging around your undergarments. Currently you were reading while waiting for the washing machine to finish its cycle. Your phone, however disturbed your reverie. You smiled when you saw a familiar name flash on the screen.
“Hi Dieter.”
“Hey, honey cakes. What are you up to this fine day?”
“Oh, I’m doing laundry,” the machine had finished so you had to tuck your phone onto your shoulder.
“Laundry? I did laundry once.”
“Oh really? When?” There was a long pause, “Are you struggling to remember?”
Dieter groaned, “It’s hard to remember back that far.”
You chuckled while moving your clothes to the dryer, “Do clean clothes just magically appear?”
“Yeah pretty much. So, were you maybe wanting some company today? I could bring lunch?”
“Maybe. Depends on what you’re offering.”
“I can bring you an Eggslut Fairfax Sandwich.”
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
That brought out a chuckle, “Everyday honey cakes.”
You closed the door to the dryer, “I am Brucin’ for one right now.”
“Brucin’. ‘Cause you know, the shark from Jaws was named Bruce after Spielberg’s lawyer and I’m craving food like the shark craved man flesh,” you were rambling now, “Yeah it doesn’t really work because only I know it and I have to explain it every time so…”
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
That brought out a chuckle, “I should be finished in about forty-five minutes. Does that work?”
“Yeah, gives me time to get food and everything.”
You both said your goodbyes and you were left alone with your laundry and your book.
Exactly forty-seven minutes later you trudged your way up your flight of stairs and was greeted by your boyfriend with a big bag of takeout. Your laundry basket got in the way of greeting him and opening the door, so he offered to carry it for you. You swapped him for the takeout bag and led him inside. The smell from the bag was too tempting so you opened it and took out your favourite sandwich. A huge bite revealed its glorious taste of egg, cheese, and caramelised onion to your tastebuds. Dieter saw that you snuck a bite by your happy dancing.
“Hey,” he looked upset, giving an adorable pout.
“Sorry,” you mumbled through a mouth of deliciousness and gave him a kiss.
“It’s okay, I know that sandwich is good. Which is why I got you two.”
That brought a squeal of delight from you, and you gave him a hug, avoiding getting any egg mess on him. “I’ll get plates, just put my laundry basket anywhere.”
You came back to find him staring at the pile of clothes in your basket, he jumped back as if he was caught doing something untoward. “I wasn’t looking at your underwear!”
You sat down calmly next to him, “It’s fine.” You passed him a plate. “So long as you don’t put them on, I’m fine with you looking.”
“They wouldn’t fit anyways.”
You both ate a little bit before he looked at them again and said, “They’re just so colourful, compared to mine.”
“Why don’t you get yourself some?”
“Ladies underwear?”
“No, some colourful men’s underwear.”
“Those things exist?”
After you had your food, you got your laptop out and showed him a few options. “See, they have lots of colourful options.” You scrolled through, showing him. “Oh, here’s some cute ones: doughnuts, pizza, animals.”
“Oh, there’s Disney ones!”
You left him to his perusal while you put your laundry away, an occasional gasp of surprise coming from his direction. You sat back down next to him, the excitement on his face evident.
“So, find any you like?”
“Oh yeah, heaps!” he showed you a few new favourites. “And I found some Halloween ones if you want me to...”
You grabbed his thigh in excitement and gave him that crazed look only Freddy Krueger would get before killing his next victim. “You’d do that for me?”
“Of course.”
“Really really. If you want sexy Halloween themed underwear, then I will do that for you.”
“No one’s ever done that before.”
“Bought sexy Halloween themed underwear?”
“Well that, and also done anything like that for me. Go round in public with something that’s me themed.”
“You want me to go out in public with them?”
“No,” you rubbed his thigh where you suspected you may have squeezed him too hard, “If I bought a certain someone a horror themed t-shirt, they’d never wear it out in public because they don’t want to embarrass themselves with something like that and it would just be a waste of time and money, and so I never bothered buying things unless they were on a pre-approved list and…”
Dieter had to stop you in your ramblings with a tender little kiss, “If you want to buy me a horror themed t-shirt, I will happily wear it in public.”
“You will?”
“Yeah, you’ll just have to explain the whole film to me first in case I’m too scared to watch it.”
“You won’t be embarrassed?”
“I don’t think it’s possible for me to be embarrassed. You can try if you want to.”
“You’re just too adorable. Have I told you how much I love you?”
“You have,” he now drew close to you, “Can I show you how much I love you?” he kissed you deeply, “Your stomach is satisfied so let me satisfy the rest of you,” he kissed your neck, “Because I’d really like to.” He felt a slight hesitation in your body, “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“Well it being laundry day and all, I’m not wearing my best underwear, I’m a little embarrassed…”
“That’s okay, that underwear will come off so quick you won’t have time to be embarrassed.”
Films referenced: Jaws (1975), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @brilliantopposite187 @chaithetics @myloveistoolittle @cevans-is-classic
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pygmi-cygni · 1 month
life tips! part 1: cleaning up
trying a new series lmk if you like it
So i am the literal worst at cleaning up, it's just a huge mental block for some reason. these things work about 70% of the time which is a passing grade so lemme share w yall:
take all the laundry and stuff and put it on your bed. then start sorting it into little piles. you can take breaks and stuff, but the only way to go to sleep is to get all the stuff off your bed (i.e organized and put away or in the hamper). Sometimes I get 50% of the way there and just shove everything else back onto the floor but hey, that's half of the problem fixed.
Vacuum! I love vacuuming for some reason, so I just clear all the stuff onto my bed and vacuum. then it feels like I got something done, even if by the end I can't tell any more.
use trash bags. pick up the laundry and shove it into trash bags. don't need to sort the colors or anything, just shove it in. Then, you have a blank floor and nice bags all lined up to be washed. Looking at a messy floor makes my brain melt, so seeing it tied up in bags is easier to manage. Every day, take a bag down to the laundry machine and wash the clothes. By the end of the week, all done!
if you can't do anything, at least wash your sheets. this is hella important for hygiene. strip and wash them, maybe watch tv while you wait so you aren't tempted to sleep on a naked mattress. Clean sheets will help you sleep better and avoid getting sick.
Act like you're picking up after a friend. I have a hard time caring for myself but I can take care of others. Pretend it's your friend's bedroom who needs help. talk to them on the phone while you clean, talk to yourself and pretend it's them, but if you play a little game then it can ease the anxiousness of cleaning.
Study space:
make it usable. it doesn't have to be spotless, but if it's 'clean enough,' good for you. that's all you need.
a good dusting makes it look so much better.
get a clutter basket; anytime you have too many trinkets or scraps or whatever, shove em into the clutter basket and go through it later.
General tips:
do a little every day. the big spring cleanings at the end of the month or whatever aren't as productive. there's no way you can clean an entire living space in a day without feeling hella burnt out. set a timer for like 20 minutes before bed and just pick stuff up, clear the dishes, vacuum a little.
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iwantjobs · 2 months
7/10/2024: Look, Trang cracked a smile even though she's smelly because it's the end of a hot day but never dirty (for none of my body parts touches the dirt or food or bathroom crap; and my female places abd armpits are washed with little water and plain soap 3 times a day because the eging body stinks of death as we age. My hands are always lightly washed with soap and water when I have to pull out my nose boogers and touch the saliva of my mouth when brushing teeth. My hands always washed after touching the female parts to clean. I hate me not washing their hands after touching their male parts to pee. I hate men not wiping their ass after number two and have poop stuck on their undies. Nasty vile man. My teeth are always brushed, flossed, and tongue scrapped but the breath of an aging human coupled with depression stinks very often so I am ok never to kiss again. Moreover, ethnic people, people with melanin, and even white people with some thingy color do stinks more so we have to work extremely hard to maintain our stench. However light skin people might stink less, they tend to take advantage of their light smelliness and get them self in forty places like throw bags and jackets onto the bathroom floor of the library, jump onto their beds with their slippers and outside shoes, they put their dry clean clothes on the floor of their room, sit on the streets floor, etc. So diseases like. Nasty) and about to jump into shower. It's all because of the stretching on my arms,shoulders, neck, and head using my paws and hooks to grab onto chairs, sewing machine, corners of coffee table, and leaning my neck against them as if I have 5 physical therapists grabbing on top legs, arms, and head to stretch. Now the pain of the tightness of depression is reduced by 25% and things feels lighter as I walk. OK, I'll be off away from the Internet to stretch to see if it works to prepare me to write the Palestinian lawsuit reply on 7/22. See me back a few days after that if you want to see the power of my way of stretching, the crippled on your back way. See ya alligators. Trang's thinking at 51.23 years old. Oh no, smiling causes wrinkles and it looks stupid on old people and all people if done too much so Ill go back to my blank mental face again.also, for fear Tumblr might shut down because its going broke, I have shifted some of my content to X because it's not too gay and it suddenly allows me to use my email address to open a new account instead of my phone number lole before. Tumblr will be my website that is my main work: philosophy.
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serendipetite · 2 years
Hi! In answer to your post about how do you keep your head above water -
First, adults definitely do get help. I'm a real live adult and so are my friends, and we ask/help each other out when we need to. Not just the autistic/adhd havers either - when my friend who doesn't have those things was sick, I went out and picked her up tissues/meds/magazines/food to help her out!
Second, for the actual tips part-
I find breaking it down into little chunks can help? Big tasks can be overwhelming. So even if I can't do the dishes, I can move all the dishes to the sink. Then maybe I can wash a couple of things at a time. Even if it takes days to clear it all down, it's better than being so overwhelmed it doesn't get done.
Laundry is the same. Off the floor and into the basket. From the basket into the machine. Actually putting a washing on. Hanging it up to dry. Taking it down. All their own little bits so even if I don't do the whole thing it's at least somewhat done.
Basically it's giving yourself permission to only do a little. Or only do the tasks you feel up to. If you feel like you could hoover, but not fold your clothes, then fuck it, get the hoovering done while you have the energy for it and worry about the other stuff later.
The other thing is definitely letting yourself have permission to not have everything done or perfect. As long as things are tidy enough not to be a hazard, and you can navigate your space, it's okay if it's not tidy. It's your space!
Idk if any of this is helpful. But it's how I deal with it. Seizing any energy I do have to clear away what I can, and just taking the rest of it bit by bit. (Also, I recommend having one room/space you keep clean enough you're happy with it to retreat to when you get overwhelmed. I've had meltdowns over feeling my house is too messy that were helped by going to the cleanish space until I calmed down.)
Anyway this is a big ramble from a stranger, sorry! Hope there's something useful in here, and if not, that somebody else has good advice!
oh my goodness thank you so much!! this means so much to me! i think i'm trying to teach myself how to do this. like last night, i was so overwhelmed and i ended up moving one side of the sink's dishes into the dishwasher, and today i'm running it. tomorrow, i'll put it away and do the next side. i also got some compostable paper plates and bowls so when i am very tired and feeling overwhelmed, that can be a very last resort option if dishes are bogging me down. and thank you so much for saying it doesn't have to be perfect. when i look at my space, it is relatively clean. like everything is mostly picked up and in it's proper place. i take the trash out every other day, and keep up with the pet care. but it's other things like the laundry or the dishes in the sink. my mom always has to have a perfect house and is always appalled when i even have a water bottle or two out on a counter. so i'm trying to teach myself grace and patience when it comes to myself and what i'm capable of keeping up with, and at what pace. one thing i'm having to accept is that the world isn't built for me, and how to navigate and at least make my space built for me, and little helpful tricks to make things easier.
i appreciate this message and these tips and encouragement so much!! thank you, it is very useful <3
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