#amazing recap tho
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joelsgreys · 8 months
do you have any joel miller fic recs?
so i only just started having time to really read now that my schedule has opened up slightly, i want to make a fic rec list once i get semi caught up but most recent fics that I have read can be found under the tag vee’s recs (they aren’t all just Joel tho) and I also have a few of them on my list which you can find under tbr shelf
but until I can get a proper post going, here are some fics that i have enjoyed in the past and that live rent free in my brain
Soft & Sweet, Neon Moon, and Burlesque by @cavillscurls (all her work is great though so go snoop that masterlist)
Ghost of You by @thetriumphantpanda (also has a ton of great work, once again, go snoop that masterlist)
In My Hometown by @swiftispunk (if i remember correctly a little bird aka han teased on she might be working on something related to this universe so it’s been on my mind)
Honeyed by @softlyspector (I need to catch up on all parts, but the first one had me head over heels)
bloodshed, crimson clover by @morning-star-joy (this was an amazing story, you’ll blow through all 12.1k so fast you’ll be like wait it’s over?!)
one more cup of coffee by @cupofjoel (also a masterlist worth snooping tbh this piece is so beautiful and if your favorite color isn’t brown, it will be after you read this)
Seams by @fuckyeahdindjarin (this series can cheer you up no matter what, i am willing to bet my life on that)
June by @atinylittlepain (i advise that you read this with a box of tissues in hand)
so these are just a few of the fics that i have read before and think about often, again, i want to make an effort into making either a fic rec post or doing some kind of weekly or monthly recap like so many of my mutuals do, so hopefully i can figure that out soon. 🤍
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Rose Recaps 2023 - Thailand
Ok. Let me just get this out of the way. If there were awards for "started of great but forgot what it was about by the end" Thailand would win them all. No other country can touch them. So when I was going through my list of watched Thai Bls there weren't all that many to choose as favourites. but I'll try to be kind.
The one about family
Moonlight Chicken
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First and foremost this show is stunning. This really cannot be overstated. I really enjoyed all the different relationships represented here and that the idea of family is what you want it to be. I love all of them, and Wen did absolutely nothing wrong.
Favourite Moment This conversation left me in tears.
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The one hated by so many but not me
Dangerous Romance
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This was me whenever there was a new episode.
I'm not gonna say people were wrong. Everybody has the right to their own opinions. But I never expected anything else.
This show gave me exactly what I expected of it. They made a romantic version of the trailer for christ sake. The ost video that came out the day before the premiere was a love fest with the softest song sang by Chimon. I agree that the first 2 episodes were different and for some, misleading about the direction of the show.
Not for me though. I got what I wanted. Chimon and Perth on my screen being boyfriends with some drama sprinkled in for good measure. And with the amazing bonus that was Marc and Pawin together again and the character of Auto that I just adored. I actually enjoyed all the characters in this one.
Favourite Moment
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The one that is beautiful
I Feel You Linger In The Air
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The amount of screenshots I took while watching this would fill a hard drive. It's just gorgeous. The way they played with the spaces was just such a treat.
This show was almost perfect. I had a couple of issues with it midway through and I felt that they dragged the goodbye a tiny bit much but overall I really liked it. These two are very special but overall there were a lot of characters to root for and enough of them to hate, which I appreciate.
But also WHERE IS THE SPECIAL??? I need to watch it!
Favourite Moment
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The one that was I was ready to hate and then didn't
Be My Favourite
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Confession time. I didn't like Krist. Watching SOTUS was something I endured but didn't enjoy for the most part. I know I'm not alone in this. But also. I didn't like Fluke. In anything. He was the only thing I didn't like in Not Me, and I skipped most scenes of his couple during Dark Blue Kiss. No particular reason tho. I just didn't enjoy watching him. So the bar was set pretty low on this one for me.
And then what happened? I loved Kawi. Like immediately. And surprise surprise, I liked Fluke. Immediately. It's like I was on an alternate universe and I couldn't believe my eyes.
With that said, it was not even close to a perfect show. It started off really strong, I enjoy the way the relationship grew, I loved that the characters were being honest with each other and being mostly kind to one another. Some moments felt really grounded. And then it kinda fell apart for me. But this is a positive post so I'm not going there.
Favourite Moment: The whole montage.
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The one with the redemption of Mame
Wedding Plan
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I already explained what I went through with this show here prompted by this episode of @the-conversation-pod. You should all go listen to this and all the other episodes because both @bengiyo and @shortpplfedup are brilliant and funny in convenient audio format.
Anyway, in the end I loved this show so much and took me a minute to come to terms that it was actually that good. The characters are actually multidimensional and the woman have depth. Groundbreaking stuff.
Favourite Moment
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The one with all the cuteness
My School President
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Not gonna lie, not a huge fan of singing in my bl. But this was great. From the beginning the fact that it made constantly remember my beloved Love Sick was an unexpected and delightfull bonus. I was living for Tinn's expressions, Tiw just being delightfully loyal and the epitome of sharing one brain cell group of friends. Not to forget the parental relationships that were some of the best of the year. I even liked the singing.
Favourite Moment
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The extra one
Our Skyy 2 - A Tale of a Thousand Stars
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This happened. It was perfect. That's it.
I watched more than 40 thai shows that came out this year, I'm not counting the ones that are still on, and these were my favourites. Mostly because some of them were the ones that I had the least to complain about.
That's it for my recaps. I still wanna gif some stuff today and it's late so I can't review this post again so if there are mistakes, don't tell me. It'll haunt me.
Have a good night💜
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asteriass · 2 months
I will not deny, due to being busy and procrastinating, I’m a week late to starting the new Black Butler season, but now I have and I can confidently say I love the adaptation
The visuals are SO GORGEOUS overall I recently found out the storyboards & direction for the ending theme were done by artist okazakiokaa and as usual they delivered! A great fan of their work(≧∇≦)
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The opening theme and the foreshadowing and symbolism in it were also well done. The contemptuous look Ciel has right at very end… he looks so cool 🥹
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As I was watching, the scenes with the stained glass for the P4 kept catching my eyes. The details for each of them look emaculate!
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This entire sequence in Ep 2 was originally just official artworks for the manga, but I like how cloverworks utilized it for the recap scene. The paint-like style they went for it looks amazing too
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The character designs & general art direction are a mixture between Yana Toboso’s current art style & also Cloverworks adding their own flare and honestly I like how everyone looks!
[Perhaps in another world I would’ve been an Edgar simp…]
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[THE iconic scenes]
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[I can not deny, Maurice’s visuals are on point. Too bad this winsome face masks a wicked character]
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[As I was watching I suddenly remembered that as a kid I used to simp for Harcourt lmao 😭. I can’t say my preferences for designs have changed… I still lean towards this haircut and blonde characters 😓
Anyway… I feel so bad him, especially given the… tragedy he is subjected to later on 😭]
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[I look forward to Soma’s scenes ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶. Tho I predict a bittersweet feeling enveloping my heart in the coming episodes ❤️‍🩹]
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All in all, the Public School arc is one of my top faves and I very much enjoy the adaptation so far. Cloverworks did an amazing job and it’s clear a lot of hard work has been put in to adapt the source. I look forward to the rest!
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vikersund · 8 months
Hi! I hope this post won't flop </3
first of all I wanted to finally reveal myself on this platform - many of you know me as Himbeertee_ on tiktok and twitter, Hello! Yes, I'm also here :P
I felt like last few days were like a fever dream - so I decided to write a summary/recap of my journey to Stozice.
It was not my first Joker Out show, last month I was in Żalec and both times I traveled by train and bus, so if anyone wonders how to get to Slovenia from Poland - the cheapest way is by Flixbus, but the fastest is by plane. I spent 5 hours in train and 11 hours in bus and it was only one way ride.
Me and my friend arrived at the arena around 4pm and we were 24/25 in the queue and we ended up at barricade in front of Kris, thanks to long catwalk and very long barricade. (I wanted to be at Kris' side, because duuuh i'm a Kris girlie).
If it comes to new merch - there were new winter beanies, new shirts, hoodies, socks, UM and Demoni CD's, condoms, new notebook (juhuhu hahaha), new tote bags and if you ask me... well.. those shirts didn't look good at least for me, but the rest of it was fine. I bought baby boos socks, because (to the unpopular opinion) I love the name xD
If it comes to the show alone, I will try to describe few songs. As you might have seen on twitter I managed to get the setlist (which was leaked at least day before - and unfortunately i saw some of it so I didnt experience the surprise).
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The live-from-backstage intro was so cool, like I had chills, the screen was turning from the backstage to black screen or to joker out sign with the music that made your heart beat to it, it definitely built an atmosphere, we saw Jo getting ready to rock the stage, Kris leading the 5 of them to the stage from backstage, then they finally came from behind drums, which was such a cool entrance!
First song was Sunny Side of London - and now I understand that they picked it as an opener because of the "welcome" at the beginning, but when I first heard it i was kinda sceptical why is this the first song. People from the brass band joined them for the iconic balcan solo (dare I say - Kris outwhored himself during the solo).
Then we screamed for the record and we beat it, but honestly I think that the result should be higher, but because it was such an open space, the device didnt gather the sound as good as in smaller venues.
Then gola and bele sanje - honestly don't remember much of it because I was enjoying myself, maybe a little too much, but the guitar transition from bele sanje to plastika was sooooo good.
Plastika oh plastika! This song is made for concerts, everyone were screaming their lungs off and Bojan was everywhere, including the cat walk.
Proti toku - what can I say other than justice for Proti Toku! Like i dont understand why they abandoned this song at the shows...
As you already know I was at Kris' side and I had the best view on him, let me tell you. This man didn't hold back during dopamin, his moves were electric and there should be another twitter account "Kris shuffles to:"
Padam - Bojan sang the song laying on the catwalk for the entire length of the song and for a moment I was so confused where he went, because I didn't see him at first.
Then after Padam we had a small break, that included screenings of pre-eurovision clips from their vlogs and during that everyone was lying on the stage (not sure about Jure tho).
Then demoni happened and the Iconic scream was... well... demonic xD Bojan ended up almost on all fours in front of 12k audience. You're welcome or something.
Katrina - is another song which was made to being played on stage. I loved the red and white lights especially, bojan was very slutty and we were introduced to releasing fumes from the pyro stuff (not real pyro or fire on their show in Stozice).
ASTP - AMAZING intro played by a dude with trumpet, I had chills, Bojan was sitting on his knees on the stage, listening to it. I'll try to upload it to tiktok later! It is one of my fav songs. Great vocals from Bojan and Kris, the second one was very slutty af during the song (who is surprised at this point?). No Janace ending, Jan ended the song playing at the end of catwalk, nice moment between Nace and Bojan.
Omamljeno Telo - well this is the only JO song that I am not that much a fan of, but they definitely delivered their perfomance, especially when everyone went to the catwalk. We had Kris/Nace moment during the song.
Kot Srce Ki Kri Poganja - will you banish me If I tell you that I have never heard any of their unreleased songs?
Anyway I LOVED THIS SONG, can they release it on new album please? I already knew that Martin will join them because I saw pics from backstage before the show, but I was surprised to see Matic there. This songs slaps and I fell in love with the vibe martin gave while playing the bass. I couldnt stop staring at him, he was magnetic and so happy to play with others. I might cry a little when Nace gave him his bass. I loved how everyone was hugging each other before and after the song. Such a heartwarming moment, even if Martin doesnt play anymore, you could definitely see that he is still part of the family <3
Metulji - amazing perfomance, again they delivered, love the song, also amazing Jan solo at the end of the song, kinda improvised i think? At least I have never heard those sounds before.
Vse Kar Vem - well, you know who I was focused on xD I guess I have a new Vse Kar Vem iconic video for you xD
NGVOT - before the song I was wondering if they will do Tavastia 2.0 with ngvot and the scream i I let out when I saw that Bojan was far from the mic, far enough to be late to start singing the song if he had to, and then I turned to look at Kris and I already knew. This is all I've been asking for. I'm so glad that Kris is more comfortable to sing the first verse, his voice was more relaxed, less shaky than in Tavastia, I loved the way he sang "ti pa barvo las" the way Bojan does. But I still think he has to work a little bit on his voice, because I know he CAN sing (from other videos). I wonder if they will leave this song as a duet for other shows in the future or If it was like one-time thing.
Vem Da Gres - all I remember was Nace on our side and how handsome he looked. I'm not a Nace girlie, but I can definitely see why others are, and his new hair and the outfit... asdfgrew
Ne Bi Smel - this time Jan joined our side and he had a nice moment with Bojan
Ona - Another time when men from brass band joined and it was the song which had changed arrangement. I loved it. the whole vibe of the song stayed the same, but the brass instruments elevated it. (If i think about any fuck ups during the show - it happened here - the mic of the Saxophone guy didnt work at first, I've heard him from the front row, but idk if people in the back have heard him). During this song they also showed me and my friend on the screen and i cant stop thinking about how the hell it happened xD Now i am immortal in joker out stozice lore xD
Tokio - honestly don't remember what was happening - probably I was just screaming and singing.
Umazane Misli - i loved it. I LOVED IT. The way Bojan was demanding the audience who and when should they sing, and then he came down to us and let 2 people sing, and he received the THREE KAKSI ANANAS LONKERO shirt and he loved it so much, he was so smiley and took this shirt with him on the stage.
Novi val - I almost cried. This is my fav song, and thanks to Joker Out Subs and Spela the project came true, the coloful lights flashed beautifully above boy's heads. We and them were touched and it was such a special moment. At the beginning of Novi Val Jure came to our side and we could see his outfit from the closer proximity, and dare I say it was second best after Kris'.
Last but not least - Carpe Diem. After novi val they left the stage, but everyone knew it wasnt over. The break was too long and It just clicked in my head that what if they are changing into their Eurovision clothes. AND THEY DID. I just predicted it seconds before it happened. It was unreal - like i just travelled back in time 5 months.
Overall it was the best night of my life. Everything was perfect. The lights were amazing. The stage was amazing. Clothes - god, the amount of details on each outfit! Personally I think Kris and Jure had the best outfits. I couldnt really see Jan and Nace outfit details, but the looked GOOD. But if I have to complain - not a fan of detachable sleeves on Bojan's shirt.
They all delivered their performances. Not a single mistake - i am so impressed because thats a skill.
We all agree that Kris outdid himself that night. The way he moved, the way he sang, the way he was SO CONFIDENT. Like he was born to be in that exact moment.
I also loved every single interaction between boys, the group ones, or the doubles. Maybe there was no Jan and Nace astp ending but they had few moments. It was so nice to see Jan and Bojan jamming together, Kris and Nace doing their thing, Bojan and Kris' little shenanigans and even Jure and Jan had their moment when Jan ran to him at the beginning of the show.
I also love how they had movie-like credits. Everyone from their crew was credited, every person who worked on the show, team of photographers etc.
Other thing was how nice it was to being supplied with water all the time. The people behind barricade were giving us cups with water all the time, and even at the end of the show we got whole bottles.
Please don't take this post as a proper review - these are just my thoughts of the show <3
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strugglingatart · 4 months
Jr Year ep 3
This is me live blogging bc I need to get thoughts out also would love fandom friends full spoilers bellow the cut just so no one accidentally reads anything they don’t want to this will be long
EX GIRLFRIEND I will legit fight Brennan why did we at least not see it....
btw me saying I will fight brennan is mostly a joke like I get why we made all these changes, I don't actually love everything but I do trust all these people enough that it will serve the story and play out great
Immediately clocking the fairy festival (Frosty whatever it is I'm so sorry Brenan says it and then it's immediately out of my head) connection we love
love love looove the aguefort projections, so many Arthur statues!
Riz's manic energy is such a vibe, not exactly healthy but a vibe I get
the astral realm where all the dead gods go
lowkey love that Gorgug and Fabian are solid like the boys lowkey play them so dumb but that's just teenage boys for ya (also thought maybe Fabian would be in less trouble but still some so this makes my anxiety relax a bit, only issues we already knew off)
Actually for the wizards I'm really chill is an A+ and also probably true sentence
ah the answer I needed about Fig's multiclass
Ah the society of shadows again, and a college for sad alone adventureres lol
their record is bad but it should be worse when talking about the one person sports team is SO FUNNY to me
the friends bit is so good, everythig about it, all the laughing, Emily failing intentionally, Ally letting it work even tho it shouldn't, perfection
Lydia still making half orc meals we love and stan
Adaine-Riz friendship is SO IMPORTANT to me
the sibbling energy our girls have are amazing
the Thisstlesprings will literally just go into sex ed and Gorgug's reaction is gold everytime
"Can I run from you?" LMAO
ok I'm getting the silly energy they were talking about now
listennnn we are gonna get into Gorgug isn't a good barbarian according to his teacher again aren't we? it's why it wasn't pre approved? I will fight this teacher he literally saved the world twice as mostly a barbarian let him be a chill barbarian
yes Fabian make Fig go to class
yay new lunch lad
also I legit thought the time quangle was just an explain continuity errors away and also get rid of the agueforts who break encounters thing but it might be related to the plot now that it's come back up in the recap and in the intercom in story
Fig has Gillear's luck confirmed ok
Zac's physical comedy continues to be SO GOOD
the sillies really are here I'm laughing so much
straight away this lady is insane
four different dogs is such a good burn, love agro Kristen
do not trust this people at all
ohhh skullcleaver, Katya's aunt? cousin? I don't recall the seven mentioning that
listen Fabian's house being party house is lowkey dangerous
Kristen being a disaster gay even when trying to help friends flirt is a mood and a half
ooohh I like mazey
don't trust the attomaton tbh
also yes I just thought of this now so it's late but going back to Kipperlilly whatever her name is, like homegirl can't make big institutional changes youre class president not on staff
rules always being followed to the letter is tbh scary there has to be room for interpretation, perfect order doesn't exist
YES PLOT love how it's already too much bc mood and "yeah I cannot think about that right now" and "embodyment of writers block" oh this season is gonna continue to hit me in the face
Wanda Childa is wild
she was a turncoat, more importantly she was a mirror
why is Ally's hey girlie voice so terrifying
fully forgot porter was the barbarian teacher and I will fight porter LET GORGUG MULTICLASS...
aaaa I'm going into a worry is here, legit thought it was gonna be in battle but I love Gorgug's energy here bc I've been there where you do things kinda nontraditional way and have teachers make the achivements sound so much worse just bc i didn't get there through the path they wanted me to take
love terpsichore immediately
they get 30's fairly often now we love level 10
fabian is such an arsty kid at heart and always was like Lou wanted to make a jock maybe but never did
listen trashbag sandwich is worrying but it was indeed fine
I get that Riz is type A but he is the non annoying kind
homegirl who desn't like technicalities and ppl gettign away with stuff got out in one huh? also I have no idea what that means the teacher found her? what?
Jawbone I love you and also I worry about how much I relate to Riz
I so hate this girl I'm with Adaine, she's the worst we've had
oh no the Applebee's
ok so I have a huge like essay somewhere about both why I don't like how Kristen is dealing with Cassandra but also how I 10000% understand her as someone who abandoned religion but was then forced to still be in similar roles and religious enviornments after that somewher in my head buut also who cares but just know it exists
omg Bucky giving her a hug I cry
Kristen is not doing well but that was actually a pretty good parental confrontation tbh I'm proud
oh damn poor Adaine I'm sosorry my dear you don't deserve this
Brennan really went you know what? we are not having your wildness work for you this time Emily, your shit is catching up to you
yay fig went to class finally
we got SO many designs with all the teachers and such and they are all so great
oh nooo Kristeeen, each step I take the step behind me vanishes is such a raw ass line like this poor teenager is legit so lost like someone help her please (also that was a relatable little monologue.. am I ok?)
love the cleric teacher a lot
ok but i love cassandra alright twilight, mystery and doubt are such a cool ass domain you can sell it and embrace it Kristen I belive in youuuu
but also again: a good ass teacher
awn I love that they're back in the forest
again Siobhan promised no taers and I have cried twice now maybe three times in three eps??? rude af
the bad kids should've helped with the whole Cassandra stuff I just realised I'm so sorry
oh shit not Kalina again.... I feel like i got stabbed in the heart
oh I am sooo pumped for next ep!!!!!
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ladyluscinia · 8 months
Organizing my thoughts on OFMD 2x01 - 2x03
Strong start to a season. I really enjoy the black comedy aspect of the show, and the "all these people are kinda terrible" aspect, so win for me! The opening scene gave me a lot of thoughts. Actually, lots of stuff gave me thoughts that I'm gonna dump here (as I rewatch the episodes since I spent the first go around whooping and cheering more than paying attention to details lol) so I can start picking through them more coherently.
Ok, first. OHMYGOD EDWARD AND IZZ- *I am yanked off the stage* Ahem. BlackHands thoughts will go into a different post, so as not to overwhelm the many other things going on worth discussing. (Link to post)
So. Real first point:
Kraken Era
Big thing I was absolutely wrong about was how dark Edward's Kraken arc would go. I was counting on a very handwavy resolution that would still let him do some fucked up shit, but I expected it to be mostly externally directed violence that toed up to a potential line but didn't quite cross it. Reminiscent of Flint's vengeance rampage after Miranda is killed. Self-destructive harm but only tangential harm of others in your social sphere.
That is... we did not get that. But what we did get I am very here for.
I'll be honest - I wasn't sure they were bold enough in a romcom to blast right over the line into horrifying and then be so audacious it looped back to funny, but they did. And I think the tone is working for them so far. Big saving grace is they went way further with Edward's cruelty but they counterbalanced it by going way further with the suicidal themes, which made the whole situation more extreme and sympathetic. He should still probably apologize tho.
The Breakup Boat
Frenchie my beloved! Also Fang & Jim & Archie & Izzy! Literally the breakup boat is a resounding success all around and I adore every second of their fucked up trauma bonding. Win after win after win.
Frenchie is repression king and it's hilarious. I love how he gets named first mate for presumably being the only one who sounds plausibly honest when getting interrogated, tries to turn the job down, and then doesn't follow a single order while vibing. Also the bonding with Izzy?!? He's steps in during the intervention. He hides him after Edward shoots him, and then later he's checking in on him and leaning against his leg in the cell. Please Frenchie get all up in that Edward and Izzy mess!
And I'm trying not to turn this into a breakup boat recap but also Fang sobbing through basically every scene. The wooden boy story. Jim's terrible voices. Izzy hiding in the walls. "He's our dick" to "He was your friend" holy fuckkkkkk. And the whole mutiny scene was amazing. Jim saying fuck this toxic bullshit and Izzy saving them all!!! (Sidenote: love how all the nameless extras got washed overboard in the storm. More bodycount!)
The tearing into a seagull like zombies scene - perfect. Archie recognizing Stede (did they tell her about Stede in hushed whispers or was it literally just Izzy's singular statement?). All backing each other up on the "retirement" story. Izzy taking the blame to motivate Stede in trying to defend the crew again.
Trauma bonding WIN!
Also sympathetic Izzy has been real forever despite misreads of S1 and the mistaken predictions they spawned, but once again... Izzy!!!
BlackBonnet "On A Break"
They are idealizing each other so fucking hard. Also Stede what on earth are you talking about in the first episode??? "He's just blowing off some steam." "I'm afraid that your life is better without me?" MY GUY are you reading that list of what Edward has been up to??? Denial so strong.
So we have Stede still full of self-loathing and simultaneously convinced Ed couldn't want him but also avoiding the realization that he hurt him really bad because Ed wanted him. And we have Edward actively suicidal over feeling unlovable and determined to murder-suicide his situationship and the kids, except he can't kill himself so he's trying to make everyone else do it.
(And, you know, Edward is very pointedly refusing to see how the people around him would care for and support him if he would let them - even when they straight up offer it to his face - because he is more concerned with the misery of his own twisted narrative about being fundamentally unlovable than whether or not that is a true statement. Stede doesn't want him and everyone else is just a prop for his depression's final act. Very "I don't have any friends" of him - shoutout to that flashback in his purgatory sequence too.)
Edward's self-loathing throwing him into the water, but Edward starting to save himself well before merman!Stede shows up. Because he does, deep down, want to live with or without Stede. Very strong. Like that. Also the idealization on Edward's end of envisioning Stede as a legit magical being of golden scales??? Fuck, you two need to get some perspective.
Stede's Crew
Trauma Lucius I was not counting on, but Lucius going from BlackBonnet supporter to FUCK YOU STEDE was fun. Also Stede offering to be supportive and then immediately trying to nope right out.
Sea Witch Buttons!!!!!! We're going to get naked Buttons charging into a scene screaming about how he's a seagull or something, aren't we?
Confirmation that Oluwande can't read in the funniest way. Well I guess on reflection the scrolls are probably in Chinese so reading wouldn't help, so maybe this point is null.
I did like the note of Stede knowing "The Soul Reaper's" real name. Piracy hyperfixation bonus.
JimOlu vs JimArchie... If we get another poly ship then I'm calling SteddyHands real. I'm just saying.
Oluwande taking initiative to step up and flex his boytoy powers to advocate diplomatically for the crew - very Captain material of him. Also conveniently doubled as a distraction so he was essential to the plan. Go Olu!
Antagonists New and Old!
Spanish Jackie was a treat. I enjoy that she still hates Stede. The Swede literally became a new man by marrying her. AND WE SAW THE HUSBANDS!
Prince Ricky is so far just kind of a shady classist scumbag - presumably that's going somewhere.
Zheng Yi Sao on the other hand... interested what's happening with this whole armada plan she's apparently enacting. The whole Olu boytoy arc was fun. I'm not as into the whole "girlboss" approach to every single female character in this show so far, so, uh, concerned about that. Hoping for more exploration of how she's doing Stede's version of piracy but what exactly is off about it? Because so far there's no real reason to resist her, other than maybe the whole "I didn't conquer China by listening to pirates ramble about their feelings" bit.
Hornigold. Yeah, I know he was a subconscious manifestation of Edward's self-loathing but I still have hope. "Last time I saw you, you said you were gonna flay my skin and feed it back to me." Does that not sound like a great foreshadowing for S3???
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foodiegoogie · 1 year
lost in the woods (of your vast beauty)
woah, this is my first piece of writing on tumblr,,,,, whaaaaaat
anywhooo, to whoever comes across this, i hope you have a blast reading this! i had a blast writing it :>
TW: nothing heavy, there is a presence of water and fish tho
also, this was supposed to be set in the forest but uh,,, idk what happened LOL <3 happy reading!
( ♡ )
Kaedahara Kazuha is great with words. No, scratch that – he's excellent with words. Actually, no, he's amazing with words. He's eloquent. Hearing him speak is almost identical to the sound of birds singing to you in the morning as rays of sunlight step into your room.
His voice is undeniably gentle. It is an audible representation of leaves gracefully drifting through the wind. Long story short, being with Kaedehara Kazuha guarantees a moment of peace and tranquility.
Of course, Kazuha, himself, knows this: he starts to speak at some point, not minding the way he tells his stories and forgets to think about anything else. In fact, he often reminds himself to speak as simple and understandable as he can while he's telling stories. But most of the time, he's off rambling to his heart's content about nature or anything else of his interest to certain people he's with.
To recap: Kaedehara Kazuha is an absolute pro when it comes to speaking, yes? So… why is it that whenever he's with you, he gets a little tongue-tied?
"Kazu?" You call him by the nickname you came up with (that he grew to be fond of as you used it over the years), "You still with me?"
"Huh?" Kazuha blinks a few times before registering the intensity of your curious and slightly concerned gaze on him. Oh shit, I must have done it again. "Uh, yeah. Still here."
"Oh, good! I thought I lost you," You chuckle awkwardly, tucking your hair behind your ear.
Kazuha thinks you did lose him. Somewhere in your beautiful eyes or your blinding smile or your pleasantly deafening laugh.
He can't even bring himself to utter a whole sentence in front of you, especially not with you looking so graceful and pretty in the sunlight. He's very much thankful that you both chose fishing as your bonding activity for the time, because he has the sounds of the water rippling and splashing to keep him sane; the same goes for the fishing part.
"As I was saying, I really don't know why Xiangling thinks I'm a bad cook. I mean, I'm not the best - that's for sure. But like… I am pretty decent," You nod to yourself as you say these words, almost even convincing yourself that you are, in fact, decent in the kitchen. This lasted for less than a minute until you remembered that you were with the most observant person you knew in Teyvat.
"I am a pretty decent cook, right, Kazuha?"
"Yeah, you're pretty."
Kazuha wanted to use his elemental powers to fly far, far away from embarrassing himself at this moment.
"Decent. Pretty decent."
You nodded and said thanks to his confirmation, and then you were off again on another rant, talking animatedly with hand gestures and all. Kazuha could (and would) spend a whole day listening to you, basking in the warmth of your presence, and he couldn't have imagined a better way to spend his day.
What he thought was mere admiration for someone like you, who he has spent so much of his life with so far, turned into this immense feeling of affection and endearment for you. It scared him, at first, when he realized the weight of his feelings. He could have just been confusing one emotion with another. But there was no mistaking the way his stomach feels weird when he locks eyes with you, or the way his heart beats a little faster when you smile at him. There was nothing to have second thoughts about when Kazuha finds himself to be lost in the woods of your vast beauty - and as a wanderer, that frustrates him a bit because it happens more often than he'd like to admit.
"Well, that's enough about me." You say to him after pausing for a while. "What about you, Kazu? Anything interesting happened to you lately on your adventures?"
The man in question feels the corners of his mouth slip into a frown (he hadn't even realized that he was smiling in the first place). Kazuha didn't really feel like he could tell you anything interesting at the moment. Hell, he's pretty interested in you now, would that count as a topic of conversation?
Kazuha began to open his mouth to say something after pondering for a while, but then you directed your attention to your makeshift fishing rod.
"I think I caught something!"
"May the Archons bless us with at least a Pufferfish for lunch."
"Shut up, Kazuha!"
"Gladly." He didn't actually say this to you. But Kazuha did, indeed, gladly shut up for you. He watches you struggle to reel in whatever was caught on your fishing rod with a fond smile on his face, wishing he could help you instead of just standing around like a lovesick fool.
The lovesick fool snaps out of his train of thought by the slightly concerning sounds you were suddenly making. Kazuha started towards you, arms spread out slightly in case you needed an emergency landing (he's half hoping you will need it because of obvious reasons).
"I got it! It's a–"
Your eyes squint to try and see what was hanging on the end of your fishing rod. Down goes the last of your hope to see the look on Kazuha's face when you show off your fishing skills and your expected catch for the day… which is apparently a broken piece of wood.
"Hey, don't sulk now, sunshine. I haven't had my turn with the fishing rod yet, anyway." Kazuha attempts to comfort your defeated self, feeling like a hole was carved out of his chest after seeing you so disheartened like a wilted flower - all droopy and sad. He gently takes the rod from your hands, letting his own linger a little bit longer on yours when they meet.
The rest of the day is spent like this: Kazuha gets great catches when he has the fishing rod, and you get a few ones with the remaining amount of hope within you - even then, it's to you he gives praise and admiration, not to himself and his own catches. You return the compliments though, showering him with all the good adjectives you know and taking pride in the way his cheeks look a little red right after.
But for Kazuha, the rest of the day is spent like this: He takes all the time in the world with breathing you in. He looks at you as if you're the most fascinating being to ever exist within the vast world of Teyvat. He notices each and every little thing about you like he hasn't known them all already by heart. All the while, he doesn't say a thing as he does all these things.
Because that's Kaedehara Kazuha's way. Sometimes, no words are needed to be said. Besides, 'actions speak louder than words.' On that note, peace will always be at the heart of his actions. It will always be what he will fight for and stand for.
As they all say, "beautiful things don't ask for attention." Well, it's true that they don't, but Kazuha is willing to pour every last drop of his attention on you, even if it means embarrassing himself because he suddenly can't quite find the right words to say. I guess that's the price you pay for getting lost.
( ♡ )
HIIIII THANK YOU FOR MAKING IT THIS FAR INTO THE DRABBLE o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ pls feel free to comment/reblog and tell me what u think abt this one <3 also tagging @ittodori … this one's for you! (shoots ball)
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clarablightt · 5 months
this year was honestly one of the biggest years in my life just in terms of person developments! i wasn’t planning on doing a recap thingy of everything that happened, but i kinda had a lot happen?? idk im doing it anyway haha sooo…
✨2023 Recap Time✨
this year i started work on a personal writing project!! it’s nowhere near completion, but i’ve made so much progress in the span of this year that i genuinely believe it could be released some day! creating an entire fantasy world from scratch has been hard, to say the least, plus developing so many different characters, but this world has become so big and interesting and im so excited to share it with everyone!! idk what that will be, but maybe i’ll be able to share some artwork next year?? no promises tho oops
this is also the year i realized im aromantic and asexual. i genuinely didn’t think this would happen, but im so glad i finally realized myself! knowing that this is who i am has made life much easier to navigate. im now able to be true to myself without getting bogged down by the nonsense of romance and sex which is honestly great! im glad this is who i am and im proud to call myself aroace
but most importantly!! this year i met someone who has changed the course of my life for the better. i met the kindest and sweetest girl in the world who has given me the most beautiful and comforting queerplatonic relationship i could have ever asked for! the way we met honestly feels like destiny, because there’s just too many coincidences for it to simply be accidental haha
i look forward to going into the new year with her, because i know it’ll be amazing as long as she’s by my side. i love you sweetheart!! thank you for everything! ♡ ♡
in the new year i hope to… idk draw more?? definitely draw/write more. i didn’t plan how to end this uuhhh thanks for a good year tumblr! i’ll see you all next year! (bad joke bad joke)
also im tagging you in this hehe @animalsandskyyy
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youngveinsworld · 10 months
quotes from a fan's recap of the young veins' show in orlando, florida (7 july 2010)
first of all i did not expect for tyv to be so tiny! theyre so cute and tiny! Jon walker wore a grey tshirt, pants and flip flops! yeeeh. flip flop in florida!
ryan ross of course had on a collard shirt and jacket with pants. it matched tho! haha.
Z berg danced to tyv's set and was being too cute (and distracting) smiling and being cute. after she got her second drink she moved closer in the pit and her and ryan ross exchanged many smiles. so fucking presh youve got no idea!
during young veins die tonight: "We're in looooooove." *Ryan looks at Z and smiles* :3
during change, their last song, beach balls were thrown haha! bc tyv had them for sale with a towel haha. it was SO much fun!
ryan also liked orlando bc thats where his 3 favorite bands from: o-town, named after the town nysync & the backstreet boys haha! so jon laughed and dedicated the next song, which he sang, to nysync haha.
[ryan] was thankful to us for coming to their show. they are were rly thankful (: all i wanted to do was rly youre awesome and amazing and wonderful. thank youuuuuu. hahaha.
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source more pictures
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apopcornkernel · 21 days
like yeah i bought titans burning rage #5 bc of hawk and dove and i know it's not amazing but i got it regardless bc it's good art (for h&d) and its 50 pesos bc its a back issue. and its more decent writing for hawk and dove than im used to (sigh.) post-kesels, but now that im rereading it, yeah, im still pissed off at the characterization. like, idk, if youre describing dove as an eternal pacifist who needs to be driven to violence, you're just plain wrong. and honestly the whole mind-control battling each other from 2 diff sides/ideologies is so boring like its. So shallow. like hawk and dove vol 3 have literally done this already (druspa tau arc) (although not mind-control but instead mind,,, influence? and some manipulation on both ends i feel like) and the conflict is much better in there because it illustrates hank and dawn's personal beliefs and shows what it means for them to be not just avatars but also advocates of chaos and order. meanwhile, in titans burning rage, their reasons (under mind-control) is that.......hawk is gathering rich people to "defend" their wealth via street warfare vs dove who gathered... im not sure if they're activists or just regular people but like. you get it it's supposed to be a rich vs commoners thing and it's so???? why???? what's the point????? the elitism class divide stuff they try to touch on wrt breuer is just so painfully underwhelming and undercut by the fact that the moral of the h&d mind-controlled street warfare is that Violence Bad No Matter Who or Why also they ended the villain (breuer) with gar's dad fucking Trapping Him Inside His Own Head Forever???? insensate in a vegetative state????
so to recap, the conflict of hawk and dove's gangs 1) don't say anything meaningful about hawk and dove 2) don't contribute anything meaningful as well to whats supposedly the overarching theme of class divide. so what the fuck is this comic even trying to do? what's the point? "ooooo the assistant i always liked actually secretly hates me and all rich people even tho it's not my fault i was born rich and rich people are human beings too yanno :(((" or??? like what was the point 😭
like i'm not saying that comics always have to be political. i have enjoyed my fair share of comics that is just about punching a mindless space monster however you also cannot AVOID politics due to the nature of vigilantism and crimefighting. and furthermore if you're not prepared to actually say something that MEANS something beyond the superficial then why did you even try? for god's sake
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crylolcrytwo · 1 year
MAJOR Lost (series) vibes I've been getting lately with all that's been going on.
If you haven't see or don't know what Lost is, watch the series or watch a recap (tho I recommend watching it cuz its fucking amazing)
But a summary, its about a plane that crashes on an Island, but the island ITS NOT A NORMAL ISLAND, and there's A LOT OF MYSTERIES. But is NOT a coincidence, they were brought there for a reason...
Kinda excited for what's coming lol
I don't wanna say more, but there is a lot of coincidences between Qsmp and Lost and I love it!
(Spoiler: This specific part reminded me when they found a radio signal that was looped, it was in french, and Sayid found that the signal was being transmitted since 16 years ago...)
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milano summer festival recap
what a dayyyy !!!
first of all I arrived and the line was so fucking long I'm not kidding I had to walk 30 minutes to get to the end and the venue people had realized how many we were and opened the gates at like 1pm instead of 6pm skjsk it was INSANE and I was so emo already about seeing so many people there for my little guy 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I thought Milan in April was huge but this show was more than double the size !! it was incredible!!
so many fans are so young like I was genuinely one of the oldest excluding the parents 😭 I was like what do u study ? and they were like oh Im still in high school!! rippppp but I'm glad many people are still finding louis ! the girls next to me became fans just last year !! although all those parents standing around us not knowing the words were kind of annoying like go to the back man !!!!
also there was a big game in the stadium next to us and the line for that was right next to our line so there were all those dudes in footie jerseys looking at us with our flags and signs skjs it was very like 2 worlds collapsing and one guy yelled at us "there's the game and u guys want to see 1d??" and I was like sorry if we have TASTE ksjsk
when we finally got in everyone was lying on the grass picnic style and there were stand with food and drinks and merch all around! it was really cute !! and the stage was HUGEEE
fast forward 5 hours (🥲) to the snuts and they were good although nobody knew a word and it was v awkward sjjsks but they didn't seem too annoyed sjks I felt bad also bc I couldn't even understand them ripp
then finally louis !!!! literally nothing will ever compare to the wmi intro and that feeling!!! gahhh so good !! bigger than me was fucking amazing live I feel so blessed 😭😭😭 the visuals and lights are absolutely a work of art they look so beautiful! and then it zooms on the fans when he says it's bigger than me ??? the intelligence in that ! the emotion !!! the ART!! and not many people knew it well yet so u can hear his voice fairly fell and it was so good 😭 I'm so proud of how far he's come !!! it's so impressive!! his VOICE!! God!! and then he was like so glad we got that out of the way !!! skdjkd he's so funny 😭 he looked so cute, this little red dot running around like crazy to wave to everyone!! and on the big screens he was so HANDSOME!! and he kept interacting with the fans in the front and making silly faces and being absolutely wonderful!!! he was so happy and emotional and proud you could FEEL it in the air it was so 😭😭 I'm just so incredibly happy for him he makes my heart so full :((( <3333 when he sat down to make his speech I was crying and in the other moments u could see how much he was in disbelief and I just wanted to yell YOU DESERVE ALL THIS AND MOREEEE !!!!! I hope u get to do this forever!!!
I'm kinda sad I didn't get to hear change bc I also didn't have it at my show in April but we got BTM so it's fine skdjdk also nobody knew the words to 7 it was so Annoying like he's been playing this for ages people!! I was singing tho sjsjsk and I'm kinda glad I could hear his voice so well !! also in beautiful War God that song sang by him is so fucking stunning and hearing him say the warmth of your bodyyyy always makes me shiver !! I would do anything to be his s/o it's true 😭😭😭 also there were SO many fireworks all the time it was such a good show !!!!! the walls visuals are also so beautiful and clever!!! and the band was at the top of their game !!! Steve and Michael absolutely smashed everything and every time they were in the screens u could see how fucking hard they were going!! I'm sure everyone was emotional about the tour ending 😭😭 ltwt you were everything and more!!!!
I'm so grateful I got to experience louis' growth and healing process with him and that I got to be even a small part of that journey and of the happiness that he was radiating tonight ♡
being a louie is such an honor and constant reminder that your heart can always store more love and pride for that sweet little man ! it never ends !!! love you forever louis ❤
ps: special thanks to @weareonejazzhand for allowing me to have this experience and to @tanktop-lou for the ride ! love ya !
I leave you with a pic of the state of my poor shoes
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eleetalks · 7 months
I don’t like Sprint weekends, or let’s put it this way, I like the extra race and all… what I don’t like is the fact there’s only one practice. Only 60 min to try different set ups and paces.
Red Bull and McLaren risked it and didn’t try qualy pace, it paid off for them seeing the results.
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Not too many surprises in Q1 and Q2 honestly.
What a Q3 tho, everyone waiting until they had enough time for one lap and then half of them not having a good lap time because of the weather changing. And this made so that Stroll got a P3 !!!!
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The race didn’t start really well for us Ferrari fans. Charles was OUT on the formation lap, after everything he did and managed (saved a new set of Softs for the race) he had a good chance to be on the podium.
A pretty bad start from the two Astons gave Norris and Hamilton the chance to pass and go P2 and P3.
The accident at Turn 1 between the two Haas and Albon was shocking and created a lot of damages to not only Albon and Magnussen (OUT) but also to Piastri and Ricciardo who had to pit and would have had to retire the car had it not been for the RED FLAG.
After the restart the race setteled to be honest, not too many changes in positions except for the two Mercedes. Like we saw yesterday in the Sprint they attacked in the first few laps but then lost all power after 15/20 laps and were left fighting for their lives.
Alonso still surprises me (I know I shouldn’t be) the fight it’s Perez in the last few laps was AMAZING !
I dont even know what Sainz was doing, he didn’t do anything.
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megane-sama · 5 months
I want my last tumblr post for the year to be a kind of recap of my year in media. Sort of.
Noone asked but here are my top 3 books and top 3 mangas of 2023.
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1. Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao.
This one honestly rewired my brain chemistry in the best ways possible because on God, bloodthirsty, traumatized, polyamourous bisexual revolutionaries is something that can be so personal to me. I can talk from now till tomorrow but I doubt I'll ever be able to fully explain how much I love this book so I won't bother, just know it's amazing. The sequel Heavenly Tyrant will be released in 2024 and y'all know I will be sat. Heavily recommend, read it if you haven't already or I will chew through your walls and devour your immortal soul :>
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2. NOS4A2 by Joe Hill.
AHHHSHDHHNSN THIS BOOK...Had me practically enthralled actually, I didn't even notice the length because of how badly I was hooked, lined and sinkered. I loved how human the characters felt, they felt real so I felt a lot for them in return, also the "you get cool powers for the low low price of your own mindscape being stripped away" was fun. There is so much in here I loved, especially the running theme of love in itself, a flawed family that only keeps standing because it's filled with nothing but love, the love between Vic and Lou and Vic herself as a character too. Its filled with an array of amazing characters (except Charlie Manx and the Gasmask man, fuck them) and it flows so satisfyingly. So yeah I also recommend.
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3. Confessions by Kanae Minato
Now I love a good revenge plot, especially when it chooses not to go down either the "I've done this so now what more do I have to live for" pipeline or even worse for me the "if I go through with this I become just as bad as you" one. Confessions really scratched that itch for me and it's presented in such a simplistic yet really well written manner, watching the web that slowly being spun and revealed as the plot progresses and when it finally comes together at the end and catches the fly, ohhh it's so satisfying. Also even tho the perpetrators in question were teenagers Yuko Moriguchi said fuck them kids and fuck you too and I think she's an icon for that. Also heavily recommend.
Honourable mention to The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky because it came really close to being in my top 3. It took me 8 months to finish and I'm pretty sure I didn't get most of it but I enjoyed it. There's so much in it to be enjoyed no matter what angle you're reading it from. Its not an easy read but honestly if you think you're up for it, go for it.
My worst book of the year however was The Stand by Stephen King. And for a book titled the Stand I really couldn't stand it, which kinda sucked because I'm a Stephen King fan but my God did I dislike a lot about the Stand. I won't say much but maybe I'm not white or Heterosexual enough to enjoy it idk and honestly if someone tells me it's their favourite SK book I'm going to assume they're either white, painfully straight or a liar.
Now for Manga.
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1. Jigokuraku by Yuji Kaku.
Honestly this should come as a surprise to no-one. If you know me, you know I have a terrible case of Jigokuraku brain, like that shit is chronic, literally my fave shounen right next to Haikyuu and JoJo. But yeah I was Jgkrk obsessed yesterday, am Jgkrk obsessed today and I will be Jgkrk obsessed tomorrow.
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2. Rosen Blood by Kachiru Ishizue.
Honestly it was everything I thought Diabolik Lovers would be (don't get me wrong I like DiaL but in a very messy, that's the kinda shit you watch from a distance reality TV way). I would lay down my life for Rosen Blood and all its Characters, especially Gilbert (beloved). It also made me want to read more Shoujo so we'll see how that goes in 2024.
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3. MADK by Ryo Suzuri.
Honestly I have nothing to say about this except I'm sorry, the voices in my head won with this one. If you know, you know.
Honourable mention to Boys Run the Riot by Gaku Keito tho. Gotta be one of my favourite genders.
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
Okay I am fucking around in the Kamoshida Palace rn so lets recap.
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Went back to meet with the doctor lady because she felt like an SLink I mean Confidant (which is frankly a WAY BETTER TERM for SLinks, they should backport that shit).
Punk Doctor will hook Reverie up with the good shit but only if he acts like a test subject for her. This is extremely inethical! I love it! Lets do it.
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lmao okay having a doctor as the Death arcana is pretty funny even if that isn't what Death means. But given the nature of Death as an irrevocable transformation, a back-alley doctor is great for that. Hopefully the transformation isn't going to be organ failure or her selling my kidneys.
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Reverie The Fifth has so much personality tbh and I love it. Even if I'm kinda cold on my team so far, he's vibrant enough to actually carry this story so far. I'm gonna need some ffffcuking weirdos soon tho.
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these gym uniforms are bad, can we all agree on that
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So far Ryuji is not thrilling me but I do like a book-dumb-emotionally-smart boy who loves his mother.
Also, finally getting the background on what the fuck Kamoshida did to Ryuji. It feels stupid at this point to say "jfc the lack of professionalism" but wow, telling your other students about one athlete's abusive father, you'd think that was a breach of SOMETHING. Goddamn.
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anyway Ryuji literally says something like "well that's in the past now, we need to look to the future" so he's Chariot as fuck so far.
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Morgana I don't like heights okay they are scary, what if i fall???? and crack my head on the shelf and bleed out and Sojiro already left for the night so I would die?????? did you think of that?
Sojiro would probably get mad at me lbr
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I DUNNO HOW Y'ALL CAN HATE MORGANA. THEY ARE A TALKING CAT WHO SLEEPS IN MY DESK OR SITS NEXT TO ME WHILE I READ. Like, the degree to which Reverie is living the fucking Sailor Moon dream here is amazing. He is a fucking Magical Girl.
do i get petting rights someday. will morgana permit pets. i wanna pet them. is that like a rank 8 confidant thing.
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god i fucking hate the VR. there's no one to flirt with in there.
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I DO LIKE THAT OUR PERSONA ACTUALLY FUCKING HAS A RELATIONSHIP WITH US? Like, Arsene stops to talk to Reverie before fusion, which is a nice touch.
Sorry did I say fusion
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what in the everloving fuck
YANNO Persona 3 had to endure years of jokes about how edgy it was for having the summoning being a fake gun to the head. EVERYONE OWES PERSONA 3 AN APOLOGY. FUSION IS NOW EXECUTION AND THE COMPENDIUM IS THE INMATE REGISTRY.
B R U H.
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man i don't wanna advocate violence on children but also i want to punt caroline through a goal post, what do.
anyway I'm working on the palace, bbiab.
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