#amazingly random
spookyscarysnails · 2 years
Please help me. The Wizard Police are after me. I am a simple man, er wizard. I'm femme coded and delicious and thus break many wizard laws by existing. I have potions that have powers beyond your imagination. Your small small imagination. You should read and draw more so your brain will grow and you can understand my powers. This potion in my hand is purple and swirly. Its smells delicious, doesn't it? You want to drink it don't you? I know you do. Stop staring at my chest. My eyes are up here! *Points at the tip of my hat*. FOCUS! This potion is so important and you must STOP SNIFFING ME. Yes um drink the potion. Oh you don't want to? What if I put a silly straw in the bottle, will you drink it now? WHAT WAS THAT?? *Wizard Sirens in the distance* I have to go. You must hide me. What is your credit card number? Don't say the numbers out loud! You'll summon the interdimensional Identity theifs!!! Write it down! On my hand! Oh that tickles!! Stop it at once. Your hand writing is shit. Whatever youll have to just come with me. *covers you in the potion and you turn into a small creature*. Now I'm going to place you in this bag. Never mind why theres so much broken glass in there!! Stop eating it! Stop eating it! Stop it!! I hate you. *Shakes the bag really hard* stop enjoying this! *Sirens get closer* we have to go now!! *Does a little break dance and disappears into another plane* oh God we're 2d! Stop turning to the side and looking like a flat line! This isn't funny. Now, what is your mother's maiden name. What do you mean you don't have a mom. Everyone in the universe is assigned six mom's when they're created. What is a dad? A boy mom? I don't understand what you're saying. How are you able to make your teeth jiggle around like that? That is ungodly. Your teeth should be placed firmly in your gums! I don't care what Chinese deer can do. *coughs up blood in a gay sexy way* oh I forgot to mention I have tuberculosis. Yes it's serious. No Im not going to the doctor. We have to get out of this plane. Hmm I have one more spell I can cast that will allow one of us to get back into the 3d world. I will send you back and you must get help from my hot wizard girl husband. What do you mean wife? What is that? They're my girl husband! You don't say things that make sense. *Riffles through bag* I need to find My bang energy drink so I can power up before I do my teleportation beam. Why is the can empty. Why do you mean you drank it? Why would you drink someone else's energy drink! It gives me my wizard power! That's it, I've had enough. *pulls out revolver from the bag* this is goodbye to you. BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG good gracious they were blanks! I hate you I hate you I hate you!! *Throws you on the ground and you make a loud thud* why do you sound like you're full of milk? Webkinz cat? What does that mean? Who is rainbow dash and why was she in a jar? THEY DID WHAT TO HER? I can't do this anymore. *Loud bang* WIZARD POLICE PUT YOUR ARMS UP!!
NEVER! *Throws you at the police*
*I'm shot four thousand times by a thousand different wizard beams* I die instantly
rip in peace
I hope you have better luck in an alternate universe (another ask box)
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cryptidkey · 2 months
chuuya because his birthday is so soon!! /nf
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Drawing his hair causes me grief and joy simultaneously
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skyward-floored · 6 months
Another Incredibles au fic... sort of a little character study? I suppose it could be that. I just started writing the other day and this came out, so it’s not much, but I figured it would be a shame not to post it. Maybe someone will like it.
Set when Sky and Warriors are preteens, and Time is a fairly-young adult. Little warning for implied past character death.
Warriors walked slowly along the path he was following, his scarf trailing behind him as late afternoon light filtered past. It had been a bit of a detour to head here instead of straight home after school, and his legs were growing tired, but he’d been needing to come here for weeks, and finally had the time to today.
Warriors didn’t stop until the path curved, and he found himself at a tree with fan-shaped leaves that had begun to spread themselves across the ground.
There was a stone beneath it’s branches, and Warriors knelt beside it, gently brushing off the yellow leaves that had fallen on top. His hands brushed the letters carved into the stone, and he leaned back, smiling a little.
“Hey, Mom.”
A few moments of silence ticked by, and his smile faded, Warriors folding his hands in his lap as he exhaled.
“Um... I know I haven’t visited in a while, I’m sorry. Things have been kind of crazy lately. Time got in some trouble, and it was... a lot of stuff happened.”
He cleared his throat, and adjusted his scarf, shaking off the little flakes of ice that had begun to form on his fingers.
“We’re all doing okay now, though,” he continued, watching a leaf fall. “Time’s still kinda worried about me and Sky, even though we keep telling him we’re fine. He’s been sort of... clingy. But even though he’s been clingy, we finally convinced him to let us go out with him, so that’s been pretty great. We’ve already stopped some villains.
“Um... oh right, he hasn’t yet, but Time is totally going to propose soon. When he isn’t worrying over me and Sky, he’s acting almost giddy, it’s been so weird. He’s been so weird lately.”
Warriors huffed out a little laugh, then looked at the stone again, his smile slipping away.
“He really loves Malon. And I think you’d love her too Mom. I... wish you could meet her. We all do.”
He breathed out slowly, scratching his arm.
“I guess that’s pretty much it. I’m doing fine, in case you were wondering. Mostly just training with my powers. I figured out I can do really sharp icicle things if I focus really hard, so I’ve been trying to get better at that. I’ve also been working on making little stuff out of ice, but that’s not super useful...”
Warriors trailed off as a few leaves fluttered down around him, a weight much heavier than leaves weighing on his chest.
He closed his eyes.
“I miss you Mom. I... hope you’re proud of me. I’m trying.”
A leaf landed on Warriors’ head then, and he picked it up, running a thumb along it’s veins.
After a moment he raised his head, and let go of the leaf, conjuring some ice in his hands. He focused for several minutes, tongue slightly sticking out as he molded the ice in his hold, and slowly a flower appeared in his hands, made of pure ice. It was a little crude, and lacked the detail that Warriors would have preferred, but it would have to be good enough.
“I’ll come visit again soon,” he promised quietly, setting the flower at the base of the stone. “I have to go now though, or Time and Sky’ll worry. Even though I’ll be fine, and have powers to defend me, but you know. Time especially doesn’t need more stress.”
Warriors leaned back as a gust of wind blew some leaves past the stone in front of him, and he gently thumbed over the words again.
Then he breathed out, and got to his feet, noting that the late afternoon had trickled into evening while he’d been sitting. The leaves of the tree looked more orange now then yellow, and he tucked one in his pocket as it drifted by.
“I love you Mom. I’ll see you later.”
Warriors looked at the stone one more time, then gave a tiny smile, turning away and walking back down the path he’d come up.
A thin dusting of frost trailed behind him on the grass.
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synthshenanigans · 6 months
I feel like it was a mistake putting these two against each other in the first set of rounds...
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Instrumental Links:
[Reblog for more of a sample size of you'd like]
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sergle · 10 months
Now I’m curious, what breeds are on your list?
✨Golden Retrievers✨ Pomeranians Samoyeds Rottweilers Irish red setters German Shepherd (I like the black ones) Rough Collies and Shelties Great Pyrenees Bernese Mountain Dogs Cocker Spaniels St. Bernards Borzois and probably more that I forgot to list!! These are all dogs that I Especially want to cry when I see them, and that I could see myself loving / being able to meet the particular needs of their breed. I've expanded my Range a little in the two years since I brought Hugo home, since he's taught me a lot about dogs, and I could potentially take care of a baby with very different needs from the ones that he had. I'm still by no means a dog expert but. Yanno. You learn small things over time! In the end, when I was searching for a dog a few years ago, I had a few qualifications I didn't want to budge on. I needed a dog that's trainable, but not stubborn, a dog that's gentle and considerate with my cats and my niblings, a dog that's not too reactive, a dog with soft fur, and a dog that is affectionate. So... Hugo is all of those things!!! He picks up skills quickly and listens (I gotta work on his Recall though), he takes extreme care around the cats and is so careful that he can be left alone with kittens and baby chicks, so being sat on / bothered / tugged on by small kids isn't even a challenge. He has never growled at anyone or anything in Irritation in his life. He's never bared his teeth. He doesn't bark at strangers or at odd noises, he doesn't snap as a response to being surprised. He's extremely pillowy soft, and his fur doesn't irritate my skin or pierce my clothes. He is extremely, extremely sweet and loving, frankly to the point that he would easily fall in love with a new owner if he was kidnapped lmao. You can maybe see why I like goldens so much. I got REALLY close to adopting a Pomeranian, which I'll continue to Think About, basically forever... but as someone with a predisposition for migraines, I don't want to set the dog up for failure if I'm not ready to hear bark bark bark bark bark bark bark all day. That's the ONLY downside. Maybe I invest in some noise cancelling headphones? They're beautiful dogs though, I love an animal that looks like a little rat. You ever see one of them after a bath? My god.
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darnellthefirestarter · 3 months
The lesbians
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i-am-become-a-name · 1 year
For people who have cosplayed Narvin (penguin outfit), what fabric did you use for the white? I can’t think of anything that falls heavily enough. Want to be time war 1 boy when I meet Sophie.
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 1 year
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Artist: berrywizard (Deactivated) Source: Reddit Archives: Reddit Repost | Image
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givehimthemedicine · 1 year
quick Joyce / Bob / Hop / Cheers analysis & background details appreciation post
there's this scene of Joyce sitting down alone for her bleak microwaved lasagna and peas and watching TV, the show she used to watch with Bob. Joyce misses Bob, but that's just the surface level.
to go a little deeper, the show she's watching is Cheers.
unlike Ted Wheeler's Knight Rider really airing on Nov 6 '83, no Cheers episode premiered on the date Joyce watches it (it was between seasons), so it's a rerun, so they could just as well have had her watching any episode, but they chose this one. and this scene in it.
I happen to know Cheers, so lemme tell you why it's relevant.
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the thing to know about Cheers is that Sam (the guy on the phone) and Diane (the woman he's talking to) are possibly the most famous will-they-won't-they relationship in TV history, drawn out over several seasons.
in the scene Joyce is watching, Sam and Diane are currently on "won't", and she's calling Sam to tell him she's considering someone else's marriage proposal - in a tacit please-ask-me-to-marry-you-instead way.
Joyce and Hop aren't as obnoxious about it, but they've got a similar will-they-won't-they going on through the years.
and Bob made it clear that he hoped to settle down with Joyce. the reason she gave for her hesitation was that "this is not a normal family," which is not untrue, but I think it was also because she had Hopper in the back of her mind, like Diane did Sam.
so I think the sad lasagna scene is not simply Joyce grieving and missing Bob, but also her reflecting on the way she kinda knew it was Hop she really wanted all the time she was with Bob, and feeling a little bad about it. (she did care for Bob, Bob was great, but it's pretty clear she was trying to be with him for the normalcy, which is a strong repeating ST theme)
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plus, in the flashback, she and Bob are watching an earlier episode with Sam and Diane bickering (it's what they do) and Bob remarks "They're funny, don't you think? I just wish they'd get back together again already."
now remember that Joyce and Hop spend this entire season bickering.
and remember that Hopper is the Sam in this analogy, not Bob. and that Bob spent a lot of his screen time helping Joyce find Hopper.
so the specific memory Joyce ponders while she eats her sad lasagna is the time when Bob effectively rooted for jopper and she went "aww, me too."
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fideidefenswhore · 2 months
What was more, there were whispers circulating that she was not even the King's child; Chapuys had been told that while annulling Cranmer 'declared by sentence that the concubine's daughter was the bastard of Mr Norris, and not the King's daughter.' There is no evidence that Henry ever questioned that Elizabeth was his; indeed, according to Ales, 'your father always acknowledged you as legitimate' and nothing could 'persuade the illustrious King that you were not his daughter.'
Young Elizabeth: Elizabeth I and Her Perilous Path to the Crown, Nicola Tallis
#hmm...so maybe ales can actually serve as corrorboration for that report by thevet?#i mean by statute that clearly was not true but i wonder if behind closed doors henry argued his own version of bona fides... probably with#rather mercenary motivations (securing betrothals for her for alliances) but...still#(altho thevet specifies deathbed and ales says 'always' so it's more incidental/sideways corroboration and that...might be a stretch#'chapuys had been told' = almost always preface to an L#does not name or even somewhat identify his own source here either iirc...#as he does elsewhere.#nicola tallis#something amazingly transparent about the correlation of his reports which portray ab in a sympathetic light#actually tending to be the ones where he cites 'many reliable quarters' or sources#and also being the one he personally believes in the least; as he appends to all of them#since im on a pgreg shading roll:#absolutely incredible that she tries to fashion a narrative in her kparr novel#where henry doesn't believe elizabeth is his and yet...puts her in the succession anyways??#so contrary to the standards of the time not to mention hviii specifically#'this random whore's daughter probably/might not be mine but let me make sure i sign an enshrined law that places her third in the successi#*succession....like...#the defining dimension of his kingship being fear of civil war. but sure. he's gonna play fast and loose with that. cus why not#his wife likes this child whose paternity - pgreg writes- him saying could be smeaton's like mary said#and that's apparently enough for him . she writes SUCH a malleable henry it's insane...#he is a claydoll masquerading as a man
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mess-n-moss · 3 months
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These are some sample pics from last year, some from Amsterdam in late March, some from English parks from late Summer. I love my old Pentax LX, it's got a broken frame counter so I never know when I'm about to run out of shoots :') And sometimes the mirror stuck... But who cares, I, for example, have a bad back and still am somebody's friend!
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heavenknowsffs · 1 year
Cannot understand photographers that stopped posting their own work to start putting in AI generated shit and then even think they did something incredible. You did nothing, you're making this worse for all of us
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einaudis · 5 months
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smooth-boob · 5 months
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oh-meow-swirls · 10 months
one of the weirdest yo-kai watch things to me is how allegedly yo-kai watch also has ivs (individual values) like in pokemon. i've literally only seen this brought up once ever and it's on the old defunct yo-kai watch fans wiki thingie whatever you wanna call it. it has a whole page about it. i've never seen anyone actually bring this up but it's supposedly a thing.
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l0gitex · 1 year
i kno ive been posting a bunch of diffeerent stuff but i'm not rly done doing naruto art ok o7 i'll return to that sometime.
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