#amazon designer
amazongraphics · 10 months
Best practices for Amazon listing images, optimization guide for 2024
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In the highly competitive world of e-commerce, Amazon stands out as a giant, offering a platform for millions of sellers to showcase their products to a global audience. While compelling product descriptions and reviews are crucial, the visual appeal of your Amazon listings is equally, if not more, important. In the digital marketplace, where customers can't physically touch or try products, the images you present play a pivotal role in influencing purchase decisions. This is where Amazon listing image optimization becomes a critical aspect of your overall strategy.
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The Power of Visuals:
Amazon listing image optimization involves enhancing your product images to make them more visually appealing, informative, and persuasive. With countless options available to shoppers, your images must stand out and effectively communicate the value of your product.
Here are some reasons why image optimization is crucial:
First Impressions Matter: When potential buyers scroll through search results, the first thing that catches their eye is the image. A high-quality, engaging image can make them stop, click, and explore further.
Increased Visibility: Amazon's search algorithm considers various factors, including click-through rates. Optimized images that encourage clicks can positively impact your product's visibility on the platform.
Boosted Conversion Rates: Clear, well-optimized images help customers better understand your product, reducing uncertainty and increasing the likelihood of a purchase.
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Tips for Amazon Listing Image Optimization
Use High-Quality Images: High-resolution images are not only visually appealing but also instill confidence in potential buyers. Invest in professional photography to showcase your product in the best light. Clear, crisp images that accurately represent your product can enhance customer trust and satisfaction.
Follow Amazon's Image Requirements: Before diving into the creative aspects of image optimization, it's essential to adhere to Amazon's image guidelines. Ensure your images meet the technical specifications, such as the required file formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF, or TIFF), resolution (at least 1000 pixels on the longest side), and a pure white background. Non-compliance can lead to suppressed listings or even account suspension.
Leverage Multiple Angles: Provide a comprehensive view of your product. Include images from different angles to provide a comprehensive view of your product. Show close-ups of key features to highlight quality and craftsmanship.
Optimize Image Size for Quick Loading: Fast-loading pages are crucial for a positive user experience. Compress your images to the smallest file size possible without compromising quality. This ensures that your product pages load quickly, reducing bounce rates and improving the overall shopping experience for customers.
Highlight Key Features: Use images to showcase your product's unique selling points. Incorporate graphics or text overlays to emphasize important details.
Tell a Story with Lifestyle Images: Include lifestyle images that show the product in use Help customers visualize how your product fits into their lives.
Optimize for Mobile Users: Many shoppers browse Amazon on mobile devices, so ensure your images are clear and impactful on smaller screens.
Consistency Across Images: Maintain a consistent visual style across all your product images. This includes consistent lighting, backgrounds, and overall aesthetics. Consistency creates a cohesive brand image and helps customers recognize your products easily.
Test and Iterate: Optimization is an ongoing process. Regularly analyze the performance of your product images using Amazon analytics. A/B test with different images to understand what resonates best. Iterate based on customer feedback and market trends to stay ahead of the competition.
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In the competitive landscape of Amazon, effective listing image optimization is not just a good practice – it's a necessity. As the first point of contact between your product and potential customers, your images must convey trust, quality, and value. By following the tips outlined in this guide, sellers can enhance their Amazon listings, increase visibility, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates. Remember, in the world of e-commerce, a picture is worth not just a thousand words but potentially a thousand sales.
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cyrranka · 16 days
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A Star Is Born
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faunshiii · 2 months
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tysm for all the love on my other starlight drawings!!!!! here's some more fanart, featuring other characters this time :DD
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maviyenot · 4 months
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allegriana · 16 days
Every time I see those godawful rings in The Rings of Power I am filled with indignation. You're telling me that the greatest living Elven smith set these chunky bizarrely cut stones into these incredibly basic bands?? Was this the wretched work of Sauron to make Celebrimbor forget everything he ever knew about lapidary???
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These rings are completely out of step with the rest of the elven art nouveau aesthetic. Elrond was 100% correct; they should have been cast into the abyss before they infected Middle Earth with the desire for subpar costume jewelry.
The whole point of cutting gemstones is to make them catch the light and sparkle in a way that shows off the unique properties of the stone. Celebrimbor's grandaddy understood this perfectly when he crafted the Silmarils, which captured the light of the Two Trees of Valinor. (Then he apparently died without passing this knowledge on to his descendants and Celebrimbor was forever dragged for his questionable design choices, I guess)
Here are some examples of rings made by people who had a budget of more than $50 and more than a weekend to knock out their Jewelry 101 summer camp project
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I'd be willing to entertain arguments about using larger/weirdly faceted stones, but you still have to design the ring to take this shape and style into mind
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Galadriel, gazing in fascination at the first Ring Pop ever crafted by the elves. Look at how delicate the rest of her jewelry and costume are in contrast to the Temu engagement ring. The elves eventually have to take these rings off not because Sauron forged the One Ring but because theirs were turning their fingers green.
There are so many set and costume designs in this show that I love; clearly a lot of talented people worked on this show! I just wish that as much elegant craftsmanship had informed the TITULAR rings.
(I'm sure some there have been some defensive justifications for Why the Rings Look Like That but I tell you I will not be swayed by any of them)
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bailadeluna · 5 months
there’s something so brilliant in cooper howard’s costume design - it’s so much more than just a simple blue and gold cowboy fit.
at the beginning of the show, before the bombs dropped, cooper howard was a good person - always kind to others despite the circumstances or how he was feeling in the moment.
you could say… he was exemplifying the golden rule.
this is evident in his costuming - cooper is decked out in gold even when the bombs dropped. the golden rule is still so close to his heart - i mean come on - look at how tight that bandana is around his neck.
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even in certain lighting, his hat looks gold.
cooper howard being a good person and living by the golden rule is what barb probably fell in love with (she has her own interesting character analysis and thought process which i would love to discuss later). because this trait is so admired by her and those around cooper, she probably saw him as who she would hope future generations would become as they grow up in the vaults. people like him are the better future she envisions - so it’s no coincidence that the vault suit is in his colors.
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what does the blue symbolize?
well, to me, i think it’s the corporate presence in the world. there’s more blue in the suit than there is gold - hinting at vaultech’s corporate greed, capitalism, and evil machinations. (there was also blue in his old cowboy costume - i.e. the presence of the studio and how they use cooper to push a mccarthyism narrative. kinda in the same way vaultech will use him)
the blue in the suit - symbolizing vaultech’s overwhelming presence and the reason for such a bleak and cruel world - does not swallow up the gold - the small semblance of humanity’s capacity to do and be good. it’s the small hint at barb’s intentions (analogous to the road to hell being paved with good intentions).
yet the man who was an inspiration for vaultech’s workers - the man who they all wished they could be like, the man who symbolized all the “do good” ideas they pass down to their children but in the end have no intention of following them (wink wink, looking at you, hank) - was in the end stripped of all his humanity by the world vaultech created (wow, would you look at that? another analogy for capitalism!)
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this man, once rich in morals now robbed of them all, wanders the wasteland a ghoul. everything has been taken from him - symbolized being devoid of layers of skin.
now, he’s nothing but the ghost of the man he once was - haunted by what has been done. everything he wears as the ghoul is frayed, tattered, and dark - symbolizing that cooper howard, that kind and caring man before the bombs is dead.
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but wait - is that…
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you don’t see it? Ok, i’ll zoom in some more
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GOLD? (perhaps even the same shirt he was wearing during the bomb drop??)
perhaps the golden rule, those values that he once held so dearly, are still there just dormant - waiting to be awaken again.
maybe cooper howard can come back… that just maybe there’s still hope for the good in humanity…
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ultimatepad · 7 months
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Amazon House, Amazon rainforest, Brazil,
Infinity Art Studio
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xxautumnivyxx · 29 days
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Are you a fan of masks?
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merilles · 3 months
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Ladies of the Ring 💍✨
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bamsara · 1 year
hey so I see everyone liking that 'social battery' enamel pin design everywhere, and reposts and stolen designs are popping up on amazon and etsy so i'd like for you guys to please aknowledge and support the actual artist! Their name is atelier_eumori, and their instagram is here!
Please don't buy the stolen 'Social Battery' enamel pin elsewhere, and support the og artist!
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anda-korrado-housing · 4 months
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In preparation for Dawntrail, my apartment received a makeover inspired by the Age of Exploration and private bungalows in the Amazon Rainforest. Open for visitors on Zodiark, Lavender Beds, 8th Ward, Room 36!
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amazongraphics · 10 months
Why do you need professional and attractive Product Images to sell online?
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1. Grab your customer's attention:
Your PRODUCT IMAGE is the main thing that determines if someone will click on your listing. So now, you may guess Graphics is the most important thing in E-commerce. Because your eCommerce shop is not a physical shop. And, the only option for your customer to know about your product features, quality & details is a set of great eye-catching Listing Images and Descriptions. And it really drives more clicks, conversions, and sales.
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2. Product Infographics Images:
After adding the primary image and photos, you can also add infographics highlighting different aspects of your product. Customers often note key features more quickly than simply reading text.
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3. Enhanced Lifestyle Images:
Images of lifestyles can be an incredible asset to any Amazon listing, but instead of just focusing on that, why not highlight some important benefits or features? As long as the product features tell the story and lifestyle images show the story, then enhanced lifestyle images can tell the story simultaneously.
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4. Assembly and installation instructions:
If your product requires assembly, why not make it easy for customers to assemble it before they purchase it? An image that shows customers how to use or assemble a product not only increases conversion rates but also reduces negative product reviews and returns by helping the customer use it correctly the first time.
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5. Comparison Table Image:
A comparison chart image convenience your customers to understand why they should buy your product among a large number of products from other reputed sellers. Your product must now prove its superiority over the competition in this last stage & that's gonna be the deal-breaker!
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NEED assistance with eCommerce product listing graphics?
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Grow up Your Online Business from today. Learn How to Catch Your Customer's Attention on the First Impression🚀
ORDER your product listing images here!
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annie-of-the-arts · 7 months
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[begin id: A drawing reference/fullbody of Doctor Rat, specifically the character (?) he plays in Content SMP. Next to him are design notes, and a color palette of his colors. The design notes read: "-dress looks to be made of low quality, party city material. but, it's actually well taken care of, and clearly has been stiched over several times. -tons of pockets. tons. -oh defintely changes his heels up every now and then. i think he could gouge a man's eyes out with stilhettos. -ngl i think he looks like geronimo stilton." As for the design itself, he is a tall half-rat man with a pink rat tail, and grey fur that covers where regular human body hair would go. He has curly purple hair, about shoulder length, and a grey mask with a blotch of lighter grey near the eyes. He's wearing a maid dress; consisting of a black dress with poofy sleeves, an apron, gloves, and wedged ankle mary janes. The apron and gloves are covered in dark but faded stains, and his dress is covered in scratch marks to indicate consistent and constant repair of it. As for the pose, he's standing straight, feet together. His left hand on his hip, the right standing idly by in a calmed fist. He's smirking. End id]
to people who loved my silly rat sketches. thank you very much. im reminding you all yet again that im a big nerd for character design forever and ever. thank you very much
[reblogs >>> likes | don't like without reblogging!! if you like and don't reblog i will curse your bloodline.]
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sinizade · 2 years
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Wonder Woman
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toeybox · 10 months
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Hercules beetle (Dynastes hercules) plush photo & listing: [KEAIart]
[id: a realistic plush rhino beetle with a black body, yellow elytra with black stripes and spots, and a long, brown horn which has fluffy orange fur on the underside. the first image is a side view; in the second the beetle is facing the camera; in the third you can see the underside, which is black, with realistic brown beetle legs coming out. /end id]
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oceancentury · 9 months
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