#amy x laurie fanfiction
haaam-guuuurl · 6 months
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Little Women Amy x Laurie Fake Dating Modern AU
Theodore Laurence and Amy March run into each other in France, after years of not speaking.
The not speaking thing wasn’t their fault, though, not really. But Laurie and Amy’s sister Jo, who’d been his best friend, had a big falling out a couple of years before, after he told her he loved her and she told him she didn’t. Consequently, Laurie took upon himself a March embargo, determined to completely forget about Jo and anything that could remind him of her, which included her family.
Which is a shame, since he’d been quite close with the March sisters, and came to regret not keeping in touch with Meg and her husband, his good friend John, and their new babies, as well as not being there as Beth got sick, and no longer seeing Amy, whom he’d started to be real friends with as well.
So, the contrast of denying himself their presence and suddenly being completely surrounded by Amy almost overwhelms Laurie, but as it turns out, he’s nothing but happy upon seeing her, as well as relieved.
Amy March is as bubbly as he remembers, even though she’s older, and accordingly more mature. She’s not as dramatic, he thinks, and seems to be more careful of what she says and how she moves. For a second, he reflects on how the innocence and freedom of childhood is truly gone, if Amy, the youngest among them, is now a grown woman, but mostly he marvels at the adult she’s become.
Amy, for one, is ecstatic at seeing Laurie again – he’d been severely missed in the March household, and while Jo had been annoyingly vague about what had happened between them, they got the gist of it, and gave them the room they needed to process it all.
Amy always thought it was unfair, though. That just because he and Jo had a fight, that no one else could be in contact with him either. Sure, they’d been best friends (which they’d never missed a chance to remind the others of, always going off on their own lone adventures), but Laurie had at least been friends with them, too. But they weren’t allowed to say anything, and Laurie became a ghost, vaguely somewhere across Europe, but as good as dead for Jo March, and so as well for the rest of them.
Finding him in France, though, leaves no room for Amy’s grievances, or her insecurities. They were friends, it’s clear now. They are friends. They can have their own relationship, independent of Jo, and she’s so happy to have her friend back, to have back a piece of home that’d been missing for long.
They become almost lifelines for each other in the foreign country. Laurie has his contacts, and Amy has made friends in the art course she’s taking there, but the two quickly become inseparable, almost as if making up for all the time they lost not talking - she fills him in in all things March; he regales her with tales of his gap year misadventures. And a misplaced piece of the universe rights itself a little bit.
So, when Amy needs an reason to refuse a date with Fred Vaugh – an old acquaintance, here on business, whom yes, she’s admittedly been flirting with for the past few weeks, but whom she can’t, in good conscience, actually go out with, because while he’s perfectly nice and respectable, he doesn’t actually do anything for her romantically, and wouldn’t that be leading him on? – Laurie’s is the first name to pop into her head, and is, she thinks, a perfectly valid excuse. Well, valid, with a few tweaks. Namely, saying that he’s her boyfriend, as opposed to the far truer, yet less usable, boy friend.
When she explains the situation, Laurie finds it weird. Then funny. Then, given the opportunity to act out the role at a party she knows Fred will be at, downright hilarious. Amy would be furious at him for making fun of her situation, if he didn’t manage to, at the same time, make a convincing enough showing that Fred leaves her alone. And, she has to admit, it is pretty funny.
It hadn’t been anything more than that, really. Shortly after, Fred went back to London, and the whole thing was simply a lark between the two friends, notable only because Laurie starts referring to Amy as a heartbreaker.
It only becomes a thing a couple of months later.
Amy has since returned home, her summer course over, and spends the first weeks of Autumn in Massachusetts, prepping for her final school year, looking after Beth as she waits for test results about her remission, babysitting the twins for Meg, and avoiding telling Jo about her summer, since she’s not quite sure how her stance on Laurie has shifted (or not) in the past few years.
This becomes apparent when Laurie calls her, a few weeks into the semester, to cash in.
Apparently, Amy has inspired him, and Laurie is returning to the US as well. Seeing her has made him realize he misses home, and, admittedly, his grandfather has been on him about what is an acceptable amount of time for a gap year. This decision prompted him to reach out to Jo. They talked, for a bit, and mostly everything was fine. Great even, and signs pointed to them being able to return to their friendship after all! Until Laurie had the brilliant idea to tell her he’s dating her sister.
Amy, which she feels he deserves, promptly laughs in his face when he tells her.
He says he’s completely and totally over Jo, he is! (Amy maintains a healthy skepticism about this, but lets him go on) It seems that Jo had been looking forward to seeing him again, but adamant that her feelings hadn’t changed, and hoped he’d finally moved on. He’d made assurance after assurance, but the only way he could think of to truly prove it was to tell her he was seeing someone – which isn’t completely a lie, as he had dated other people in the meantime – only to then pop out Amy’s name when Jo asked about it – which is completely a lie.
Here is where Amy questions his reasoning, since he could have said literally any other name beyond Jo’s baby sister’s, and how could he think she’d take that well, and Jo was going to think she’d kept it from her, Laurie, did he have any idea how furious she will be when she sees her at Christmas??
But Laurie maintains that Amy owes him for Fred Vaughn – which has her rolling her eyes every time he mentions it, because c’mon, that was nothing like this – and that she’d been the first person he’d thought of – which does warm her heart a little – and who else could he rope into a fake relationship who could understand the whole thing with Jo?
“Fake relationship” stops Amy in her tracks.
Apparently, Laurie has a plan. A whole plan.
Amy tries to explain that all her lie had demanded of him was going to cool party. Laurie doesn’t see the relevance. Amy wants to yell at him through the phone.
Laurie will be arriving in Massachusetts shortly before Amy’s winter break, giving him only a while to face Jo on his own (and hopefully mend some bridges), at which point Amy will return home, spend her break cuddling with him by the fire – “Is that really so bad, Ames?” – convincingly enough that Jo sees he has completely moved on. Come the New Year, Amy will return to school, and eventually they’ll break the news of their uncoupling, stating how they’re better as friends, and everything will go back to normal.
It’s so easy!
It starts off not easy at all, when the very next call Amy receives is from Jo, demanding to know every single detail of her relationship with Laurie.
For all intents and purposes, Amy is pretty proud of her performance, actually, given how little time she had to prepare. She thinks she manages to sound convincing yet apologetic, explaining how they’d gotten close in Paris and had been keeping it low-key because they weren’t sure where it was going yet, plus the long-distance while Amy went back to the States and Laurie stayed in Europe, not to mention his previously chilly relationship with the rest of the family (a not-intentional, but also not-untrue dig at Jo, there, which Amy isn’t sure she gets or not). She talks about how she totally intended on telling her when they knew it was serious, but Laurie totally blindsided her by telling Jo so soon. The best lies, Amy finds, have a little bit of the truth.
“So it’s serious?” Jo asks, and Amy hesitates for a second. A serious relationship. With Laurie. Faking a serious relationship with Laurie.
Her heart does a weird little twist she isn’t sure comes from lying to her sister, the anticipation of the scale of the performance she’ll have to give when they’re all together, or something else entirely.
“I guess.” she settles on, and promptly puts it out of her mind. There’s no point in spiraling for the intervening weeks, she tells herself, even if she does get progressively more stressed out as the semester ends.
When she does get home, though, it’s all so familiar, her anxiety just vanishes.
She’s missed her family. As close as they’ve always been, it’s always been tough being away from them all for months at a time. As soon as she walks through the door, it’s all hugs and smiles, and she feels nothing but welcomed.
And, admittedly, despite everything else, she’s missed Laurie, too. He’s already there when she arrives, like he’d told her he’d be, and Amy doesn’t even think about it before hugging him tightly when she sees him. It’s been ages since they’ve been together in person, after all, and this after months of spending every day together. No matter what else is going on, she just missed him.
It’s only when Jo chides at them to “break it off, lovebirds” that Amy remembers, and hopes her resulting awkward smile/grimace is seen as embarrassment for being with her “boyfriend” in front of her family, instead of regret over her every decision of the past few months.
Other than that, though, it ends up being not too bad. As much as Amy is loath to admit it, Laurie wasn’t too far off in his plan. They don’t have to act that lovey-dovey, just sit together at gatherings, hold hands once in a while, talk amongst themselves for a bit. It’s actually remarkably similar to how they’d behaved nearly every day in Paris. Amy hadn’t even thought of it as romantic, though, not until now, when the contrast of how they used to be, in their childhoods, is so apparent.
Her family’s reactions aren’t so bad either. Dad makes a joke about Laurie having to watch himself from now on, but since it’s been well established how much he loves him and the Laurences, it’s never meant as nor taken seriously. Marmee attempts to have a talk with her about their relationship, but Amy manages to abort that pretty quickly. Meg looks at them like she wants to say something, but doesn’t ever actually do it. Beth, bless her, just tells her she’s happy for them. And Jo makes a few comments here and there, which almost get to Amy, until she reminds herself that the whole purpose of this thing was for Jo and Laurie to get their friendship back.
And it even seems to be working. Since she’s been home, Amy’s watched Jo and Laurie joke around, argue and play off each other almost exactly like they did when they were kids. She can’t bring herself to talk about it with Laurie, but he hasn’t said anything to indicate otherwise, either, not that it was going poorly between them, nor that it was going in any other direction at all.
She’ll admit she was skeptical, when Laurie explained his plan to her, and that a large part of it was because she wasn’t ever truly sure if Laurie was really over her sister, as he claimed. He’d seemed so in love with her, before. And he’d been so heartbroken, when she’d rejected him. A small part of Amy wondered if he wasn’t just saying all of this for show, and if, once he saw Jo again, his feelings wouldn’t come rushing back. Amy does hope not. Even if she had her doubts, she wants for Laurie to be over Jo, really. She never did think they be very good together, is all. And she doesn’t want them to go through that heartbreak again.
If she watches them closely, just to try and see if there’s anything in Laurie’s eyes beyond friendly affection… Well, she’s just looking out for him, isn’t she? For both of them, really, or even for all of them, because everyone’s been excited to have the March and Laurence families together again, and another big emotional fight is the last thing they need.
And if she’s a little relieved every time Laurie notices her there and comes over, slinging his arm over her shoulders, or giving her a peck on the cheek… Well, that’s not really anyone’s business, is it?
It all goes fine, though. Jo and Laurie are perfectly friendly, not a hint of romantic drama nor icy coolness between them, and everyone’s happy through the holidays, and no one’s seemed suspicious of Amy and Laurie at all.
Amy’s all but forgotten about the plan and her anxieties over it, until it becomes all too real right on top of her.
On Christmas morning, after they’ve opened their presents, and once Laurie and his grandfather have joined them for breakfast, Amy’s just greeting him, like she’s done every day, when Beth pipes up.
Amy hadn’t realized. She hadn’t been there when they decorated the house this year, even though their decorations haven’t changed in years.
As it always has been, right in the middle of the archway that separates the kitchen from the dining room, and right on top of where Amy and Laurie are standing, is a sprig of mistletoe.
It’s not even a big deal. Beth is the only one who noticed, and then Jo, who turned to look at them when she said it, but everyone else is busy, no one is really paying attention to them.
Yet, in Amy’s mind, this is maybe the worst thing that could’ve happen.
Mistletoe. Of course there’s mistletoe. How could she not have remembered the mistletoe?
Laurie seems as dumbstruck as she is, but he recovers quickly. They’re supposed to be a couple, after all. Couples aren’t supposed to be completely terrified by the mere notion that they kiss.
Amy only has time to register that it’s happening before it happens. Laurie inches his face closer to hers, and Amy doesn’t move away, doesn’t say anything. She meets him when he reaches her, and they kiss.
Laurie only intended it to be a chaste kiss, anyways. Something tangible enough for the others to not get suspicious, but light enough as to not make things uncomfortable, threading the needle to slip under the guise of them not wanting to kiss in front of their families.
It was supposed to be a chaste kiss.
It’s not that.
It’s something else entirely.
Before he knows it, not only has Laurie stepped closer into Amy’s space, but his hands have come up to her cheeks, and Amy has responded by placing hers on his waist. His eyes are closed, yes, he can’t see the room surrounding them, but all of a sudden he isn’t even aware of it. The only thing he’s aware of is Amy.
It’s so familiar. She’s Amy. He’s known her almost all their lives. They’ve been close for most of that time, have seen each other in all sorts of ways, have touched each other numerous times, they’ve shared friendly kisses and teasing ones, they’ve even kissed under the mistletoe before, a simple kiss on the cheek, when they were very little, after which Amy had blushed furiously, and Jo mercilessly made fun of them for the rest of the day.
But it’s also so new. He’s never been this close to Amy. Has never touched her like this, has never known what her lips tasted like before now. Peach chapstick. It should all be so simple and familiar, and Laurie should just let go and pretend it was nothing, but it isn’t and he can’t.
He has no idea how long they’ve been kissing, when Meg and John’s twins barge into the kitchen, crashing into Amy and Laurie and sending them almost flying apart. Jo “oooh”s at them teasingly, but it’s quickly forgotten about, in the bustle of the twins’ arrival, and the adults trying to get everyone to sit down and have breakfast.
Except that Laurie can’t forget about it. He can’t stop thinking about it, in fact. He can’t even make sense of it. He tries to catch Amy’s eye, to try and see how she’s feeling, but she won’t meet his. Is she being glib? Did it really mean nothing to her at all, just a fake kiss for their fake courtship? Or is she totally weirded out, unable to meet his eye? Could she be just as lost as he is?
The rest of the day passes by quickly, almost in a blur, and before he knows it, goodbyes are being exchanged, everyone headed back home for the night.
Amy’s barely looked at him since the kiss, but he tries one more time to talk to her before they leave.
And though she does look at him, this time, and smiles, gives him a quick hug goodbye, even, she’s gone before he can barely say anything.
She clearly doesn’t want to talk about it, then, so Laurie decides to try his best at putting it out of his mind. It was a kiss. So what? A great kiss, yes, but that was that. It was part of a plan. His plan. A plan that went great, even. Him and Jo are friends again, the Marches don’t hate him, and all they have left to do is explain they decided to break it off, in a few weeks. That they tried, but determined they were better of as friends. Him and Amy. Friends. Because that’s what they are.
Except that friends don’t think about each other for as long as Laurie starts finding himself thinking about Amy that week. Friends don’t wonder what it would have been like if they’d kissed any other time in the past couple of days, or if they’d been alone when they had, or wondering about any scenario where Laurie could have kissed Amy again, or for longer. And friends probably take each other’s calls, too. Which Amy hasn’t done since Christmas Day.
While Laurie understands she could perfectly well be busy, which would be a logic assumption from her curt text responses saying just that, Laurie also knows how it feels like to be brushed off, and it quickly becomes obvious she’s just avoiding him.
He wants nothing more than to talk to her, be near her again, something in the back of his mind desperate to be with her. It’s like seeing her in Paris after all those years set something off in him that can’t be satisfied, and it was only made stronger by that goddamn kiss.
But he won’t push her. He hopes she isn’t mad at him for the whole scheme, it is possible it was more taxing than he’d anticipated, after all. She’s probably weirded out by the kiss and needs some space. Okay. Space. He can do that. He won’t push.
He does count down the days until he sees her again, though.
Namely, at the Laurence’s New Year’s party, a week later.
Though Amy hasn’t explicitly stated she’ll come, the Marches have all been attending for years, and while there have been exceptions granted for illness, or work, Laurie sees (hopes for) no reason for Amy not to attend.
He’s already planned out what he wants to say, how he’s sorry for the whole thing, how he understands if she feels put off by him, how he just wants the two of them to be okay, and they never have to mention anything about the whole mess ever again.
Of course, though, as soon as he sees her, walking through the door after her sisters, the first thought that comes into his mind is how he wants to kiss her again.
Instead, he turns right back around and gets a drink.
He spends the next hour telling himself to get it together, that it’s just Amy, and he’s being ridiculous, and only then goes to talk to her.
Amy is reticent about being alone with Laurie, but also knows she’s avoided it for as long as she can, and they really should talk.
It’s not like anything will happen, right? Just because they’re alone, and Amy’s been thinking about the kiss, as well as basically everything that happened over Christmas ever since then, it doesn’t mean anything will happen when she actually talks to Laurie, other than just that. Talking.
Aware she’s trying way too hard to convince herself of this, Amy follows Laurie, becoming determined to push all of her internal doubts and bubbling feelings to the side and just have a talk with her friend. They’ll clear the air, he’ll tell her how the kiss meant nothing and will never happen again, and they’ll be back to normal. Friends. As it should be. And anything Amy might be feeling that’s clearly been brought on by the nostalgia of being home and not having been in a relationship in a while and not at all by this new-found closeness with Laurie and inability to pay attention to anything else when he’s near, it will all just fade away.
When they’re alone, he does apologize for his scheme and how maybe it went too far. He thanks her for going along with it, but that he never meant to make her uncomfortable, and he probably didn’t think it through as he should have, and if she wants, they can just come clean to their families right now.
Something in Amy melts a little. She’s not mad at him, not really. The fake relationship thing was weird, sure, but in the end, she gets it, and if things can be good between all of them in the end, then it was worth it. It was all maybe a bit more than she’d bargained for, but that doesn’t really matter does it? It’ll all just go away.
She also predicts that telling everyone they were lying now will just make things worse and more confusing, so Amy tells him she appreciates it, but there’s no need, they’ll just lay low and stick to the original timeline.
They both leave the room feeling better for having hashed it out, but still a little disappointed. It’s been agreed. They’ll just let the next few weeks go by, and that’ll be that. Back to normal, and no possibility for anything else. Great.
The rest of the party goes well, as light and fun as it can be. And if Amy and Laurie barely leave the other’s side during it, well, to anyone else, they’re supposed to be in a relationship, right? That’s normal. Beyond even that, they’re friends, it’s totally okay! Just like before, Amy squashes any feelings, even part of her is telling herself to enjoy it while it lasts.
Either way, when Mr. Laurence announces to the party that it’s only a couple of minutes till midnight, of course Amy and Laurie find themselves next to each other.
The panic from their first kiss is gone, and a certain inevitability remains over them. Well, of course this would happen. Of course, as a couple they’ll be expected to kiss at the stroke of midnight. When they turn to each other, Amy’s prepared to shrug it off like just something else they’ll have to do – she does not want to be caught off guard again – but finds Laurie already looking at her, a slight smile on his lips, and she can’t help but mirror him.
When the clock strikes midnight, cheers go up around them, but Amy and Laurie are oblivious. This one doesn’t even start as a peck. For all her distancing herself from it, Amy leans into the kiss fully intending to savor it this time. And for all his denial over it, Laurie does the same.
Before long, Amy’s hands are reaching up into Laurie’s hair, and his arms are circling her waist. One kiss turns into two, then three, as they slowly disentangle themselves to get some air.
Amy feels lightheaded, her body against Laurie’s, their foreheads pressed together and her eyes still closed. She can’t push it away this time. She wants to do that again. She wants to kiss Laurie forever, if that’s even possible. She just wants Laurie.
She doesn’t feel able to say anything right now, but Laurie beats her to it.
He says he’s been wanting to do that again since the last time, and Amy can’t help but agree.
She opens her eyes, sees Laurie, looking at her like he’s just had some revelation of his own, and Amy wonders just how long they’ve been headed here without realizing it. Before Christmas? Since Paris? Maybe even before that? Either way, standing here now, it feels inevitable. Her and Laurie, it’s just… It’s fitting. She doesn’t want to let go.
Amy drops the pretense.
“What are we doing, Laurie?” she asks, softly,
“I don’t know” he answers. “Do you want to stop?”
She shakes her head no, and he smiles.
“Can you just…” Amy adds. She needs to make sure. “This isn’t… It’s not the plan, right? It feels, different, at least for me, so just tell me, Laurie, is this still about that? Is it still about Jo, about getting things back to how they were?”
Laurie shakes his head, already interjecting as soon as Amy finishes speaking “No! No, it’s different for me too. It’s not… It’s certainly not about Jo. Amy, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you in days. Actually, probably years. I don’t want things to go back to how they were. Not if they can be better.”
Amy can’t help but smile brightly. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you either. This feels… I don’t know what it is, but… Better, yeah. Better’s good.”
Laurie’s grinning right along with her, and he has, frankly, waited long enough, and dips his head to kiss her again.
When they finally separate, Amy asks “So, you still think we should go tell our families we’ve broken up?”
Laurie laughs, the whole plan he’d concocted feeling like a lifetime ago. “Well, maybe not right now. Or in the next few weeks. Or years. I don’t know, how about we just see where this goes?”
Amy grins. “That sounds good, yes.”
The two kiss one more time, blissfully unaware of the party going on around them, the Marches and Laurences and other guests toasting, and celebrating, and awaiting the New Year unfolding in front of them all.
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the-other-art-blog · 2 years
Top 5 favorite Amy March fan fics!
Only 5!?
I really like the ones that offer a glimpse into their life while respecting the canon. Extra points for deepening a small scene or element in the book that deserves more exploration. And of course, AmyxLaurie cuteness.
They’re numbered but it’s not that strict. I really love them all.
1. It reminded me of you by lauraschiller
This one gets extra point for taking one of my favorite elements of Amy (and Laurie): faith. I found it absolutely lovely and telling that Laurie gave Amy an ebony cross after spending time with Estelle at Aunt March’s. And then she kept it for years! How dare people say that Amy and Laurie were not close?! Also, how does people just ignore the effect that faith had on Amy to become a better person?!
Anyway these are short but absolutely lovely scenes surrounding the ebony cross. Actually, lauraschiller has another story about John and Meg that is equally fantastic.
2. The art of parenthood by Beth Harker (Beth_Harker), Beth_Harker 
This fic gives us a glimpse into Bess first year or so, when she was very ill and they didn’t know if she was going to survive. I can’t imagine what it was like to know how high child mortality was then and face the possibility of losing your baby. So this is very sad bit hopeful. And one of the greatest thing is to read how the situation made Laurie and Amy be more gentle and it brought them even closer, which does not always happen. Also, it features Amy painting!
(The author has other canon-compliant stories for them and other couples, so check them out.)
3. Spring breaks loose, but so does fear by lovelacegsl 
This one is from my mutual and fellow Amy March defense squad member @lovelacegsl, and it was a lovely gift. And it’s a nice moment during their first years of marriage. It’s sweet, romantic and has steamy bits.
4. Not in so many words by therealchancewriter
The first chapter, especially, is very influenced in the 2019 featuring Amy's insecurities about being second to Jo. BUT! the rest is a heartbreaking, yet hopeful and loving story about Amy and Laurie's journey until they got Bess. It's amazing and it's super long. Each chapter is a little less than 10,000 words! (there aren’t really long stories in this tag) And it's steamy! The love scenes are very well written, they're tasteful and hot.
And! It has lovely JoxFritz moments. I love that the author shows how close the couples are and that there is absolutely no drama between them. They’re friends and they support each other.
TW for depression, post-partum depression, miscarriages.
5. Countryside Dream by valkyriex 
This one is an AU but it’s absolutely beautiful. There’s not really many fics that give them a big family and this one gives them 5 children! It also has them living in Paris for a few years, which I loved. I know some people think that Amy should have remained a bit far because going back to Concord pulled her again to being “baby of the family” (she does goes back to sit on her mother’s lap the next day). So this is a nice compromise. And there’s a beautiful moment where her daughters discover her paintings.
Ok, there are my top 5, it wasn’t easy. There are many great stories, usually from the same authors, so I recommend checking their profiles.
Runner ups (but come on, I love them so much, all of them. And I read them constantly)
The other man by Tara R.A. Boomdiay
A lighthearted tiny shot of Amy and Laurie 20 years into their marriage. This is incredible, I love it so much
Visage through thine tears by Kamuela
Someone recommended this one to me, and Ican’t remember if it was you. But it’s another exploration of their difficulties having children.
Glory in the flower by frankie_bell
This would have been up there if it were finished. But alas, we haven’t had an update since 2020. So, if anyone wants, go ask for it, kindly. 
I want your midnights (you and me forevermore) by reciprocityfic 
This is the only modern AU that I have here by @reciprocityfic.
It’s a New Year’s fic so famous midnight kiss comes into play.
And, one of my favorite things: Jo totally shipping AmyxLaurie and basically putting them together and saying “kiss!” Like she basically did it in this fic.
Thank so much for the question, Niina!
Let me know if you read them.
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irene-with-a-gaze · 2 years
Laurie x Jo Fanfictions
i feel as though we are a minority, us Laurie and Jo shippers:
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1. on the edge of forever  Rating: T/ Status: One shot
where Jo and Laurie get married.
2. if you take this heart of mine, it will be yours Status: Ongoing
a reconciliation.
3. i won’t be late for this  Rating: T/ Status: Unfinished/Ongoing
an uncovered letter.
4. but tell it slant Rating: T/ Status: One shot
high infidelity.
5. i had the time of my life with you Rating: T/ Status: One shot
france, and the french.
6. platonic regrets  Rating: T/ Status: One shot
our requited, unrequited loves.
7. renewal  Rating: T/ Status: Unfinished/Ongoing
she brought me back to life.
8. souls too entwined to find peace Status: One shot
two souls and the heart is wee and bitter.
9. the spoken things (and the ones that can still be shouted) Rating: G/ Status: One shot
and the things that should be.
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zoesiapie · 8 months
Amy and laurie, an essey
At the beginning of this year I fell into a deep black hole: little women.
After reading the first and second books in the space of a second, I also hurriedly caught up with all the adaptations I could find (the two most recent movies AND the TV series--I liked them, but amy and laurie are NOT really them).
Of little women I loved: amy and laurie. the way they live their relationship and transform and are so… perfect… it's so beautiful. THE BOOK MAKES IT ALL MAGICAL.
So, I present to you my thesis (41 slides, quotes, chapters, colors): amy and laurie, a love that can change the world. Because I truly believe that Amy and Laurie are endgame.
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Have a good time! :)
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joandfriedrich · 2 years
Hi! If you’re feeling up for it could you maybe write a snippet of Laurie having spicy dreams about Amy before he realized what he felt (when he was in Europe of course) Haven’t gotten it out of my head since that one ask lol
This is a canon-verse fic, and I hope this will do, I did it in one shot pretty much.
Laurie sat at his desk, utterly frustrated, confused and ashamed. He tried his best to make something that would make Jo love him, a piece of music that would encapsulate all that he felt for her, and yet, whenever he tried, all he felt was frustrated, incomplete and sad. Taking a moment away from the desk to the balcony to breathe the warm and light air, he could hear music in the distance.
Chopin: Raindrop Prelude.
It was the same piece that he and Amy danced to at the ball in France, and suddenly, he recalled the scent of flowers that she wore, how close she was to him, her smile made him feel warm and her voice soothed something inside him that Jo never could. Music flowed freely in his mind when he thought of Amy, and he felt utterly ashamed to have done so. How could he claim to love one sister while dreaming of the other?
Shaking his head, he returned to his room and had decided to call it a night. Sleep at first alluded him, tossing and turning, his mind going back to Amy, back to that ball. He held her so close that he felt her warmth radiating off of her, the flowers by her neckline filling his nose. The candlelight had made her golden hair look like a halo, unbearably soft and curls tempting to caress. It was remarkable o him that this was no longer the same little girl he knew so long ago, but a young woman of wonderous grace and magnificent beauty, worthy enough to be the muse of any artist.
He noticed for the first time the shape of her lips, full and romantic, begging to be kissed and kissed again and again. What if he had kissed her? Would her lips be as soft as rose petals and taste as sweet as honey? What if her hands buried themselves in his hair, pulling him closer? His lips brushing along her lips to her rosy cheeks, down her elegant and white neck, and before he could stop himself, he kissed the lovely white breasts that were adorned in flowers.
His hands sought the laces in the back of her dress, kissing her lips again as her sweet and gentle hands worked to remove his jacket. And then...
He woke up.
Laurie laid there for a moment, trying to clear his head and understand what had just happened. Then shame and shock over came him; how could he have made a melodramatic and what was supposed to be a heartfelt hurt expression of love for Jo, but dream of Amy like this? Thank goodness he was far away from both of them, so he would not have to face the shame of seeing other of them and trying to pretend this hadn't happened. He put himself in a tub of cold water and then dressed to walk around, try to figure out why on earth he could have passionate dreams and loving thoughts of Amy, but never once have had a thought or dream of the kind of Jo.
Why on earth could he feel this way?
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kay-emm-gee · 3 years
always, only, you
Pairing: Theodore Laurence/Amy March Rating: Mature || wc: ~1.5k a/n: Always loved the two of them, and I absolutely adored the 2019 adaptation, and I felt inspired to write jealous!laurie, so here we are.
* * *
For what felt like the tenth time tonight, Laurie was staring at her from across the room, not saying a word. Amy did not look away from her vanity mirror, ignoring the feel of his eyes on her. Their party had gone well as any of their previous endeavors, and she simply wished for the happy sort of exhaustion that normally came after a successful night as hostess to sink into her bones. But instead, after the way her husband had behaved, she only wished for sleep. He had barely spoken to her during their customary waltz or at the dinner table. No kind words for her, no usual shower of compliments--only silent, sidelong looks, just as he was doing even now.
Stubbornly ignoring him, she reached up and continued pulling pins from her hair. Curl after curl fell, and as the last one tumbled down, she heard Laurie’s breath catch. A small thrill of satisfaction tripped up her spine to have finally shaken some semblance of reaction from him. Too soon, however, it died under the weight of her lingering annoyance.
“Are you going to stand there all night?” She finally asked breezily. “Or do you plan to sleep standing up?”
“I will, at the very least, take my cravat off. Still deciding where to sleep. The wall here is quite comfortable, I’ve never noticed before.”
Ignoring his dry quip, she began brushing her hair. “I thought it went well tonight. Not as much of a success as our Christmas party, but still a grand time.”
“Fred Vaughn certainly had an excellent evening.”
She paused mid-stroke, turning to face her husband. When their eyes met, his mouth twisted into a sharp mockery of a smile.
“Whatever do you mean by that?”
“I suppose any man would have had just an excellent of an evening, being so devotedly attended to by my wife.”
He said the last word softly but with such force that it seemed to shatter as it dropped into the silence between them. Slowly, Amy set down her hairbrush. Then she rose from her chair, staring at him in disbelief.
“You...you’ve behaved this way all night, because you are jealous?”
Laurie scoffed, pushing off the wall. He turned from her and shrugged off his evening jacket, then reached up and removed his cravat with short, jerky movements. Incredulous, Amy stood and approached him, her chemise swishing against the floor.
“Laurie, I paid him no more attention than I would any other friend of ours—”
“But no other friend of ours has proposed marriage to you, hmm? No others have been in love with you, have they?”
“It has been more than five years since he and I...you are being ridiculous. Laurie—”
He spun around. “Am I?”
The tinge of angry desperation in his words brought Amy up short. She swallowed down the words of her sharp retort and simply looked at her husband. His chest rose and fell rapidly, and his hair was mussed. No doubt he had been running his hands through it before he had come up to bed. Instinctively, she moved towards him, resting her palms on his shoulders. She could feel the tension in them, and so she slid her hands up until they cupped his jaw. Forcing his gaze down to meet hers, she felt her breath catch again as she glimpsed something all too familiar in his eyes.
Worry that something was slipping away. Fear that something precious and so desperately wanted would be wrenched from his grasp.
This worry, this fear—she had felt it in the first years of their marriage. Despite the rings, and despite her sister’s blessing, Amy had struggled to leave her girlhood insecurities behind. In those early years, jealousy had been her constant foe. She knew Laurie and Jo were connected by threads of closeness that could not be severed. It was as incontrovertible a fact as the shape of her nose or that her sister had died too young. She had known this and said her vows anyway. She had known this and still honestly believed Laurie when he had promised to love and cherish her until death did part them. Never once had she truly thought he considered betraying his vows, and never once had she believed her sister ever wanted him to. Even so, in the infancy of their marriage she had fought this battle that she now saw raging in her husband’s eyes.
She stroked a thumb over his cheek. He closed his eyes, and let out a tired sigh.
“He made you laugh.”
Amy bit her lip to keep from smiling. “Old Mr. Rochester also makes me laugh, but I don’t see you worrying about me spending time with him.”
“I tried to make you laugh all week, and you just snapped at me every time.”
“Well, because, for example, you almost destroyed our flower arrangements--our very expensive flower arrangements--for the party in the process of trying to make me laugh. Besides, you know how I get before these events. I’m insufferable.”
She watched as his lips flexed in stifled amusement. The heavy weight on her chest lifted at the sight.
“Theodore Laurence,” she whispered. “I love you. Only you. Always have, always will.”
His forehead knocked gently into hers. “You do?”
“I do.”
“How much?” His voice was tender, rasping.
“More than those flower arrangements.” She paused for a beat. “But only just barely. Certainly not more than my blue muslin, however.”
He chuckled, the corner of his mouth kicking up. She pressed a kiss there, soft and lingering.
His eyes finally opened and met hers, and the heat Amy saw reflected there made her stomach clench. He always loved it when she called him that—particularly because no one else did. It was for them. Angling his head, he let his lips drift just over hers, a breath away from touching. Anticipation shivered down her spine.
“Yes, dear?” He answered as he slid hands around her waist.
Her own hands slid down his neck, over his shoulders and down his back as she perched up on her toes to whisper in his ear, “I want my husband to take me to bed.”
He took in a sharp breath, and then his mouth was on hers, hot and claiming. His fingers dug into her sides, and she gripped his shoulders for balance. They stumbled backwards, but neither of them were paying proper attention, so Laurie ended up backing her into the wall beside her vanity instead of the bed. With each stroke of his tongue against hers, the tension inside her wound tighter, and she let out a small moan as he pressed his hips into hers. With an answering hum of pleasure, he broke the kiss and spun her around so quickly that she had to grip the wall to steady herself. His fingers unlaced her underclothes with little trouble, and she shimmied out of them hurriedly. When she faced him again, he had already made quick work of his shirt. Her hands went to his pants, fumbling with the fastenings.
“Faster, wife,” he muttered as he tried, and failed, to help. She huffed in response, unable to hide her grin any more than Laurie was able to hide his own. As she felt the fastenings finally give, she sighed in triumph. That sigh quickly turned into a moan, however, when she felt Laurie’s fingers slide over the heat between her legs. He stroked her slowly, firmly, just the way she liked. Vaguely she heard him kick off his pants, but she was too lost in the pleasure he was giving her to know for certain.
By the time Laurie positioned himself at her core, she was aching for him, and when he entered her, she let out a throaty cry of relief. He moved in and out of her in short, rough thrusts, her leg hitched over one of his arms, the other curled around her lower back for support. The friction between them wound her tighter and tighter until, with one last long slide, it peaked. He groaned and found his pleasure just as she keened and found hers. Together, they rode out the crashing wave until it was just small ripples.
As Laurie cleaned them both up, Amy focused on catching her breath. It had been a claiming, no doubt, but on both sides. She was his, and he was hers. The heat inside her had smoldered down to coals, and now suffused her with a low, satisfied burn. He stood and leaned into her once more, and she looked up at him lazily.
“Now will you take me to bed, husband?”
With a smug grin, he leaned down and kissed her on the tip of her nose. “Certainly, my dear.”
Then he grasped her hand and tugged, and she followed him gladly--always had, always would.
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What are your favourite amylaurie fics, if you have any? I can't believe how little fanfics there are of them.
I know, there’s, like nothing, and frankly it’s criminal. However, here are some that I like:
This one by the incredible @lovemywaywrites
This one
And this one but most especially chapter four
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imkittyjustkitty · 2 years
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Little Women Masterlist
— back to main masterlist
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requesting rules — who i write for — what i will and won’t write
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genres ;
Angst : 🌩️ Fluff : ⛅ Hurt/Comfort : 🌧️ Spicy : 🌡️
reader ;
fem!reader : 🌙 masc!reader : ☀️ gn!reader : ⭐ other/neopronouns : ☄️
extra categories ;
Pride 2022 : 🌈 pride 2022 masterlist can be found here
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Jo March
(prompt: love letter) Your Love Like No Other — ⛅⭐🌈
You're in love with Jo March, and really, how could you not be? She feels like home.
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Amy March
Sleepover — ⛅⭐🌈
Just fluffy first kiss with Amy March <3
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Meg March
. . . nothing here yet , feel free to request !
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Beth March
. . . nothing here yet , feel free to request !
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Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence
. . . nothing here yet , feel free to request !
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dylanlila · 4 years
🌸welcome to my garden🌸
📜Little Women Fanfiction📜
📝Requested Stories📝
(+ 🔮mirrorball universe🔮)
🌺Original Stories🌺
side blogs: @fluorescent-gilmore-witch @sparklycardigan @coffeeroseblush
you can also find me on ao3 under the same name🌹🌸🌻⚘🌼🌿
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littlejeanniebean · 4 years
Since I loved the last one so much here’s another if you’re up for it :)
For Amy x Laurie
“you’re mine, and i don’t share”
Laurie stood in front of his full-length mirror, adjusting his stance to the weight of the small, palm-sized box in his pocket. It wasn’t that heavy, but it might as well have been for how aware he was of its presence. 
“Amy…” said Laurie, putting on his most serious face for the mirror. Immediately, he turned away. “No, no, it sounds like you’ve done something wrong…” He turned back to the mirror, a debonair grin stretching across his cheeks. “Hey there, little lady — No, that’s worse, that is so much worse!”
He paced the length of his bedroom before diving for his phone on his bed, suddenly struck with a brilliant idea: call Jo.
“Hey, Teddy.” The brunette appeared on his screen.
“Hey, I have your permission to ask for Amy’s hand in marriage, right?”
“Hold on.” Jo turned around in her leather armchair and yelled with her full chest, “Mama, does Laurie have our permission to ask Amy’s hand in marriage?”
“Yes!” the girls’ mother yelled back.
“Jesus! Don’t tip her off!” Laurie’s eyes were nearly bugging out of his head.
But Jo just waved him off, her long nose scrunching as though he was something that mildly annoyed her, like a pebble in her boot or a pen out of ink. “Amy’s gone out. Christmas shopping.” 
Laurie exhaled heavily. “I swear, you’re going to give me a heart attack one of these days.”
“Not if you give me an aneurysm first,” Jo quipped. 
Laurie laughed. “Right, so now that we’ve worked that out: How should I ask her?”
“That’s your job to figure out. I’m not going to help you be lazy —”
“I am not being lazy!” He sat up indignantly, taking his phone with him in such a haphazard way that only half his face was in the frame only half the time. “I’ve tried —”
“How many times?”
“How many times did you get up in front of your mirror and say something you thought was stupid?”
“Like… two,” he mumbled. 
“Call me when you get to a hundred.” 
“No, no, no, Jo! Don’t leave m—”
Beep. The call disconnected.
“Ugh…” Laurie flopped down onto the floor. “Amy, you’re mine and I don’t share, will you marry me?” He flipped over so he was lying on his stomach, his hands lightly clasped under his chin. “Amy, love of my life — no, she is literally going to tell you you’re full of it and laugh in your face while putting the ring on her own finger, goddammit.” 
Quite literally, Laurie wracked his brain for the right words. His hair was in such disarray by the time he stilled. He knew Amy would most likely say yes. They’ve talked about marriage before. They’ve talked about building a life together, even having kids (they both wanted exactly one), and he knew this should have set him at ease, made the proposal flow naturally, but he was still nervous, more nervous than he’d ever been in his life (and he’d asked Jo out and she was a regular bulldog). 
Laurie got up, only to get down on his knees and take the small box out of his pocket. He looked up at where he imagined his girlfriend’s beautiful face would be and popped the box open. “Amy… I love you… the kind of love that felled empires and broke hearts and started scandals... but also... the kind of love that built homes in hostile lands and made hearts whole again and didn’t care what anyone else thought… I love you… and I will love you for the rest of my life, the only question is… will you take it?”
“Yes,” she whispered behind him. 
He spun around quickly, still down on one knee, and promptly fell sideways to the floor. And that was Amy’s favorite part of the story to tell at Christmas, Thanksgiving, every. Single. Occasion. Over. And over. Again. For the rest of their lives.
thank you for this ask, @thatmartinskishit! i had so much fun with it! hope you liked it and happy holidays! xx
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haaam-guuuurl · 11 months
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Little Women Amy x Laurie Ballet Modern AU
The March sisters grew up tripping over dance bags and discarded ballet slippers. Piano music and counts of eight were the soundtrack of their childhoods, ever since Meg first joined the ballet class at their local dance studio, every sister following her soon after. Careful Meg, spirited Jo, delicate Beth, and artful Amy all found their place along that barre, different tempers and styles united by effort and a love of dance.
Ballet brought them closer, brought them friends - most notably Theodore Laurence, Jo's partner and best friend - and even brought them their futures. All of them incredibly talented and dedicated, it was no surprise when the four sisters each found their way in the world of ballet.
Meg surprised everyone when, though gifted enough to pursue a profissional dancing career, she settled into a teaching position at the studio they'd all attended, happy to instead pursue what had captured her heart from the very beginning. None shocked more than Jo, however, who got as far as being offered a contract from a prestigious ballet company, but turned it down and turned away from dancing all together, pivoting into academics and other passions, seeking to make her own mark in the world. Beth remained in the studio, but fell in love with the music instead of the steps, finding an inclination for the piano in the corner of the room, and a talent for it unmatched among her artistic possibilities. It was only the youngest, Amy, who'd dreamed of becoming a prima ballerina since first stepping foot in a ballet class, that followed those dreams all the way to her place at a professional ballet company.
Though they'd all loved it, Amy was the one who'd wanted it, wanted it all, had ambition for it beyond the passion. She didn't only want to dance - she wanted to be great. That ambition carried her through her apprenticeship, through the corps, through being one of many and feeling like she'd never be good enough to stand out, all the way through to one of the coveted soloist positions. At last, a chance to be seen, to be exceptional! A chance she wasn't going to give up that easily, not even when she was cast opposite Theodore Laurence for the company's production of Firebird.
Laurie had been the closest friend of the March sisters, once. And though he'd cared for them all, Jo was definitely his favorite. She was his partner, his best friend, his beloved. And when she'd abandoned dance, she'd left him too. He'd envisioned them working side by side forever, spending their lives together. But that wasn't what Jo saw. It wasn't what she wanted. Though they'd always fit together so well, they couldn't understand each other in this, not really. So, Jo went on, and Laurie did too, signing with the furthest company that would have him, determined to forget all about Jo, and about their childhood.
Amy and Laurie had not seen each other for years. They'd gone on to different companies, in different cities, and only now, by chance, did they find themselves in the same place, Amy just promoted, and Laurie just hired. Though she was still new and eager to prove herself, he'd been a soloist at his previous company for some time, had grown comfortable and complacent in his position. The two had been pleased to see each other again after so long, if not also surprised, and it could've been fair to assume they would've worked perfectly well together, if not for that difference in their careers and dispositions.
Dancing Katerina, Amy was working hard every day to be great, yet also constantly feeling the sting of second best. Laurie's attitude was no help, either. As Ivan, he had a principal role and every advantage and talent one could have, but he seemed intent on wasting it, going through the motions every rehearsal and putting in only the bare minimum in his performance. He had lost his passion for dancing, carrying on mostly out of habit and duty, but he hadn't felt the same ever since Jo left. And Amy, in his arms, couldn't help but feel like a poor substitute.
The pair had been friends for years, before. Even clashing during rehearsals, they did get along well now, managed to become closer than before and have fun together. But this wasn't something they could move past. Amy finally had enough of it. She couldn't bear to see Laurie waste it all like this, throw away everything he had, while she was fighting for every opportunity. He wouldn't work with her, and he wouldn't work for himself. She came very close to quitting the production.
Amy had always been powered by her ambitions, but deterred by the knowledge of how hard it was to succeed in this business. If there was something she couldn't get past, if this was the best she'd ever get, if she'd only reach second tier, only ever good enough, and never great, then what was the point?
Surprisingly, however, Laurie heard her. Amy made him see what he'd been avoiding for years. He knew what he was doing. He knew he was wrong. He just didn't want to face his own pain, didn't want to change, to grow up, to truly leave it behind. But he also knew he had to. If he wanted to keep going, he couldn't be dragged back by the past.
And then there was her. He and Amy had become so close through the course of rehearsals. She had been the one to wake him up, and to see there's a future beyond Jo, to make him start to love dancing again. He desperately didn't want her to quit the show, to quit him. He wanted to be there, to be better for her, wanted to dance with her, wanted to be the partner she deserved.
Laurie committed. He showed up, for Amy, every rehearsal and every show after that. More than that, he worked hard on it, not just for her, but because he'd begun to feel passionate about dancing again. And in his revival, he made Amy feel it too. Though she'd never abandon her dreams, seeing Laurie like this made her remember why she loved dancing in the first place. Not just to be a prima, not just to be great, but to be an artist.
The two of them, dancing together, managed to get past complacency, past ambition, past insecurities. They managed to dance, to create something beautiful, to fall in love with it all over again. They managed to fall in love.
Amy and Laurie made each other better. They inspired each other, captured one another's hearts. They danced together, and together they shined.
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the-other-art-blog · 3 years
I just found this jewel of a fanfic!
Pre-2019 was not a nice world for AmyxLaurie... mostly. Especially in fanfiction, I cannot stand the amount of fics that either kill Amy so that Laurie can be with Jo, or he cheats on her in some way.
But this one is just amazing. I wish it were longer.
Anyway, here it is if anyone is missing this beautiful pair: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1623875
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kiljoytrout · 4 years
The Proposal, reimagined
Summary: Reimagining of the proposal scene from Little Women (applies to the movies and the book)
Rating: Scandalous for the 1870′s, the tamest and fluffiest you can get for the 21st century
Pairing: Amy March/Theodore ‘Laurie’Laurence 
Word Count: Less than a 1k, its pretty short, you’ve got time
It was rather improper for a young woman to sneak out in the middle of the night to go off on a rowboat, but Laurie tended to bring out such actions in the March sisters. Tonight though was not another merry romp with Jo or a covert convening of the Pickwick Club. It was something far more lasting.
Laurie stood on the grounds above the lake, the old chill of night ruffling his hair and his nerves. Suppose Amy didn’t come? Suppose she really had decided to marry Fred Vaughn? Suppose after all of his repentance and devotion, she still couldn’t bring herself to love him, just like-.
But all of these worries were cut short by the sight of a small figure trundled up in fleeces and overcoats making her way down the grassy knolls towards him. He could see the excitement in her flushed cheeks, which coupled with her nervous looks back to the imposing stature of Plumfield Hall conveyed a scene of scandalous subterfuge, as if they were sailing away to China, rather than just reclining in the lake. Laurie grinned and waved to her as if there were other people on the banks hoping to take a row in the dark.
“Laurie, Laurie!”, softly cried Amy as she finally approached him, half running from the thrill of it all.
“Why Miss March, I was beginning to fear you had turned down my invitation,” Laurie quipped, his charismatic smile masking his sigh of relief.
“Don’t be absurd. I just had to get past old Aunt March’s room. She snores so loudly and it gave me such a fright!” Laurie chuckled and swept his dashing hand to the little rowboat.
“Well you needn’t be frightened anymore Miss March. The night is young and our ship awaits.”
“Oh stop that Miss March business Laurie, you’ve known me since I was a school girl. Just Amy is fine,” fussed Amy as she took a seat in the rowboat, carefully spreading her skirts under her.
“ Then off we go Miss Amy,” said Laurie with a roguish grin, carefully turning the oars and pushing the boat into the water.
It was a quiet night out on the glassy lake with the echo of tinny crickets chirping and deep bellowing bullfrogs scarcely interrupting the lovely silence. Neither of the paramours minded, until Amy caught Laurie looking at her with a curious light in his eyes and she hastened to say.
“You must be tiring by now. Do let me row a little!” “It’s no trouble, but you may take an oar if you like” Amy obliged and though she used both hands and he only one, they kept together marvelously and cut a smooth course across the silver glazed lake.
“How well we row together!”, said Amy, who needed some conversation to temper the tranquil beauty of the night.
“So well that I wish we might always row in the same boat. Will you Amy?”, tenderly asked Laurie.
“Yes Laurie”, Amy replied, dropping her oar to look up from the melancholy water to the boy who’d been there all her past and the man who would now be her future.
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looking back at you - part i
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Summary: Everybody talks about the terror, the calm, the longing in staring in the abyss. But nobody talks what happens when the abyss starts staring right back at you. Or, you’ve love him all your life and now you don’t know what to do. 
Pairing: Seokjin x reader
Warnings: This scene is heavily inspired by the scene between Laurie and Amy in Little Women (2019) although this story will veer off its course as we go on.  Notes: Short chapters for quicker updates is my jam. I love Seokjin and I’m finally writing for hiiiim.  Word Count: 1k *ish*
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Everybody talks about the terror, the calm, the longing in staring in the abyss. But nobody talks what happens when the abyss starts staring right back at you.
You’ve loved Seokjin all your life. Have looked for, at, and after him ever since you’ve known him. You’ve looked at him with a sheer of innocence in your youth that eventually fell away when you grew older and learn how to desire. And your eyes began to stray from just his beautiful face but down to his chest, to the way his arm flexes when he lifts books for your mother, and to the way his thick thighs fills his breeches.
You’ve looked at him with naked desire and longing for more than a decade, it’s impossible he doesn’t know. And yet, he’s never looked at you with anything other than a passing glance, all his sight consumed by your brighter, whirlwind of a woman sister.
And for so long, you were angry. Angry at the world, at your sister, at the universe for making you less and putting you beside someone who makes you look even lesser. As a child, jealousy is your greatest flaw but it was negligible as many children’s flaws are but when nobody’s looking - and when had anyone ever bothered to look? - between your elder sister’s departure to Seoul, and your younger sister’s death, you’ve turned into a woman.
A woman with responsibilities. To secure a husband, to secure a future for the good of the family. And a woman with that lofty of a goal cannot afford to carry anymore of her childhood flaws. And so you’ve changed.
Away from the family that never saw you, from the sister that outshone you, and from a man who didn’t love you - you’ve changed, grown into your cheeks and filled out your dresses. Learned how banter with wit, flirt with your eyes, keep them hooked enough to come back, give enough push to tease but never to be admonished for it.
And with your own charms, wit, and beauty, now, you’re on the precipice of achieving your goal in the form of a proposal from another Mr. Kim. (“You’ve always known you’re going to be a Mrs. Kim,” your mother wrote, “you just never specified which one.” - ah but you did, in your prayers, every night, in every temple visit and in every coined toss in every fountain but that’s all for naught isn’t it?)
So, like everything else, of course, Seokjin comes to ruin it all. As he always does for you, and you, stupid girl you are - the one you revert to for him, with just one glance, one smile - allowed him.
“You’re being mean, Seokjin.” Childhood bleeds into your words and you completely miss the way his eyes flit to your mouth back to your eyes, and the sheer despair in what he sees in them. Your words a deflection to his earlier command (a plea, he wishes you could see) of “Don’t marry him.”
“Mean? How am I being mean?” he asks, his heart aching at the complete distrust in your eyes even when it’s not laid upon him but at his clavicle, as if you fear even just looking into his eyes.
When you were younger, you never thought of Seokjin to be capable of being anything other than perfect. He’s light, wit, beauty and charm made alive with every gesture of his beautiful hands, with every theatrical delivery of his woes.
But you know better now. After all, hadn’t it even been a month since your disastrous argument at the ball? Where he showed up drunk, heartbroken from a long-coming rejection from your sister, with two equally beautiful and bold women draped on his shoulders like ermine fur. Where he stared at you, surprised, as if he hadn’t made you wait for an hour. Surprised, perhaps, that you even showed up at all.
Younger Y/N would’ve cowered and wept at home, but you’re older now. Wiser. You know your worth and even if you love him - and you do, quite desperately, the type of love that consumes and threatens everything - you will not compromise on this.
“You— you can’t do this to me,” you say, and you allow yourself one small reprieve, a reminder of youth long gone and clutch the sides of your dress like a petulant child trying to keep their crying at bay, “Not now.”
Seokjin advances on you, purposeful steps eating away the distance between your heart and his and wills you to understand and allows a bit of his gentlemanly wiles fade away, “If not now, when? When you’re married to Namjoon? Is that when? Would you rather I stand witness at your wedding and protest in front of hundreds of people—“
“You wouldn’t—“
“I would,” Seokjin interrupts, his hands on yours pulling it to his chest, “I would for you.”
His heart cracks yet again at the distrust and suspicion in your eyes as you pull back your delicate hands, stepping back looking every bit of a woman you’ve turned into. “You lie.”
You turn away, and suddenly your dress is too tight and you heave out heavy breaths, stepping out of the shadow of the courtyard to where the sun lays its rays heavily. Underneath it, you are brilliant, shining and beautiful in Seokjin’s eyes, and he wonders how he’s missed it — how you’ve missed it.
You’re beautiful. So, so beautiful. 
Enamored as he was, he’s not prepared for you to eat up the distance between the two of you, your very presence suddenly so big and undeniable in his life.
“I…” you begin, eyes dry and voice steady, your aunt would’ve been proud. “I have been second to my sister my whole life. Second-born, second place, the spare daughter — what have you. But I will not be someone you settle for just because you cannot have her.”
If your sister is a whirlwind, then you are the sea, Seokjin thinks. And the two are incomparable, forces of nature but while he is nothing but swept into your sister’s world, you— you make him want to sail, and dive, and drown in you.
“Not when I’ve spent my whole life loving you.”
He wants to tell you, but as you turn away, hair glinting in the sunlight, steps sure and back straight, he fears that he has lost his chance.  
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End Notes: I think this will be a short series, maybe 5 parts!  Hearts are appreciated but comments are gold. Let me know what you think and if you want to be included in a tag list!
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joandfriedrich · 2 years
Have you read this fic? It's absolutely wonderful
I have now and I am so glad you recommended it to me. I love the way the fic addressed Laurie's infatuation with Jo and the way he started to realize that Amy is the one he really wants. I recommend this to anyone, especially the Amy x Laurie fans, small warning though, it's nsfw, if that sort of thing isn't for you.
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