#an anger every time mahiru tries to do something by himself
kotokos-cafe · 3 years
Five Stages Of Grief (Hajime Hinata x Reader)
You weren't sure how things had happened. How everything had gone like this. Stabilizing your breath, you allowed your mind to wander back to the happier times.
You two used to be so happy... You completed each other, you were like two peas in a pod. You guys did everything together. Cooking with Teruteru... Dancing with Hiyoko... Helping shield Mikan from perverted eyes... Gaming with Chiaki... Petting Gundham's hamsters, watching the way their noses would twitch at your familiar scents...
"Heeeeey, Haji!" you chirped, running up to your boyfriend and hugging him. Though he was flustered, he wouldn't deny you your fun, and allowed you to do so. He was never a huge fan of PDA, but he allows it for you. "So, I did a thing!"
"Oh yeah?" he questioned incredulously. "What did you do, hm?"
"Here!" you shouted, holding out your hands. Inside them was a tiny charm bracelet. Hajime picked up the bracelet and examined it, marveling at the attention to detail. There was a charm for each of your classmates. A mask for Ultimate Impostor... A knife and a fork for Teruteru... A camera for Mahiru... A sword for Peko... A guitar for Ibuki... A traditional Japanese fan for Hiyoko... A band-aid for Mikan... A hamster for Gundham... A chain link for Nekomaru... A shamrock for Nagito... A controller for Chiaki... A crown for Sonia... A chicken leg for Akane... A pistol for Fuyuhiko... A screwdriver for Kazuichi... And most importantly, an orange for himself and a heart for you. "I understand if you don't like it! I just thought it'd be cute is all!"
"Like it?" he repeated. "No, I don't like it. I love it! Thank you so much! This is one of the reasons I love you!"
Giggling as he hugged you, you felt content. Happy. This was where you're meant to be, you were sure of it. You two were meant to be together. You were both so thankful you had one another.
Hajime hadn't had much time to hang out with you as of late. And you understood, really! Everybody needs their own space, after all! You had only been dating a couple of months by now, anyway, so it wasn't like you could really claim that you "owned" him or something. After swallowing your nervousness, you finally pressed the call button, delighting in when Hajime picked up. This was the first of your calls he had answered in weeks!
"Hey, Haji?" you called. "Can we go out sometime? I miss you! I know you're busy and all, but... can't you at least make some time for me?"
"I'm really, really sorry, S/O," Hajime apologized. "But I really can't. It's not up to me. I'm sorry. I'll see what I can do and get back to you when I can."
Sniffling a little, you nodded. It was alright, right? It wasn't Hajime's choice, so you couldn't fault him. Besides, he said he'd get back to you when he could!
He never got back to you.
You barely even saw Hajime anymore. It was... amazing, in the worst of ways, how you could go from spending every day together, to harmlessly having to decline sometimes, to barely even seeing each other. It sickened you. What was wrong with you? Did he not love you anymore? Had you upset him? You went over every possible thing you could've done to upset him this badly, and nothing came to mind.
It had been eight months by this point, so the fact that you never saw him was ridiculous. He had sworn his love to you, right? He still loved you, right? Well, maybe, you thought, he doesn't. And that wasn't your fault, was it?
Your texts went unread. Your calls went unanswered. Your pleas went unheard. And yet, did you really have to be the one to suffer, when it seemed like you were the only one putting effort into this relationship with Hajime?
You ran your fingers across the smooth surface of the glossy photograph, allowing your tears to drop. It was like the five stages of grief. Denial, when you believed you were still meant to be together. Anger at yourself whenever he wouldn't want to be with you. Bargaining, when you tried to reason with yourself that he still loved you. And now, depression, and acceptance was starting to hit you like a ton of bricks. You knew what you had to do for you both both be free.
And now, holding back your sobs, you threw open the door. You had requested an urgent meetup with Hajime, which he reluctantly agreed to. Reluctantly. That was what stuck out. Even when you claimed it was an emergency, he was still hesitant to see you. That just gave you more solidarity in what you were about to do.
"Yes, S/O?" Hajime impatiently demanded. "Please make this quick. I have things to do right after this, you know."
"It's over," you stated firmly. Hajime's face went pale and his eyes widened. You were leaving? No, you couldn't leave! He needed you! "Goodbye, Hajime."
"Wait!" he cried, rushing forward and tightly gripping your hand. "What's this about? Is this because I've been so busy? I can stop, really! I can—!"
"No, Haji," you cut him off. You forcefully wrenched your hand out of his grip. He wasn't your boyfriend anymore, you reminded yourself. And broken up partners don't hold hands. It's weird and brings back unpleasant feelings. "I don't want you to change who you are. There's someone out there that will be content with your schedule and love your lifestyle for themselves, too. Unfortunately, I just... can't be that person."
"Please," he pleaded with broken eyes. You looked closely at your ex's face, and... Oh god, was he... crying? Odd. You had never seen Hajime cry before. But your decision still stood. "Please, just... Say you’ll see me again... P-Please..."
"I can't stay," you replied coldly. You were trying not to cry, yourself, although Hajime's tears didn't make it easier. "Nothing makes sense anymore. We used to be so close, and now, we're not even attached to each other. I'm sorry, but this is goodbye, Hajime. I hope you find that special person, and I'm sorry I couldn't be them."
And you left your heartbroken ex to cry about this alone for the last time.
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fanon-canon-idfk · 3 years
Hiyoko Saionji x GN reader
Request: Circus AU
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You were an idiot…
I mean you had to be, running away from home with nothing packed or nobody to turn to? What were you thinking!?
You were running on the dark streets of a neighborhood likely far from your own, the pavement still damp from the previous rain fall this morning. You saw the flashing lights of a police car gaining up on you, you ran as fast as possible.
When you noticed that the sidewalk you were running across was coming to an end you turned to the right which led to the bigger city. “I can lose them in the crowds!” You thought to yourself. You entered the city, being immediately crushed between people and nearly tripping multiple times.
As you just popped out of what you hoped to be the last crowd of people, you bumped into something, cause you to fall back due to shock and the wet ground.
You looked in from of you to see what you had bumped into. A small girl sat in front of you, seemingly long blonde hair and awfully reddened cheeks that added a cuteness to her painfully angered expression.
You snapped out of the former daze you were in at the sight of her when you felt a rough ‘bonk’ on the top of your head, you looked up to see a red headed girl with a freckled face and a camera. “Hey! Don’t you watch where you’re going?! Do you have any manners at all!? Why aren’t you apologizing?!” The red head scolded at you as the cute blonde girl stood up with her arms crossed and nodded her head in agreement to the red head.
You began shaking your head and waving your hands in front of you defensively, “I-I’m so sorry! I really didn’t mean to I’m just in a rush-“ you quickly spat out before remembering your situation and stood up immediately looking behind you to see the police car entering the city.
You began panicking, the expression in your face and body language must’ve been clear to notice, the blonde haired girl grabbed your wrist and looked you dead in the eyes.
“If you’re running from the cops you won’t get anywhere by foot moron! Come on, we have a place you can hide out at but you owe us you impolite weirdo!” She spat out, proceeding to look up at her friend nodding as the both of them grappled your hands and ran with you to and oddly large tent.
Once you were inside you looked around, it was like magic, it was so much bigger than it appeared to be outside. The girls let go of your hands and looked you in the eyes, seemingly waiting for you to speak. “So? Aren’t you gonna introduce yourself?” The red head nagged again
You began trying to fumble together words in your flustered state “I- Uh- I’m Y/n! T-thank you for saving me back there! I don’t know what I would’ve done! If there’s anything at all you ever need from me then I’ll do it!” You rambled nervously.
The blonde girl looked up at you with quite the mischievous grin, “Well, I’m Hiyoko Saionji! And this is Mahiru! So Y/n, can you do anything? Like a talent? Or are you a useless rodent?” She said snickering at her insult she seemed to think up especially for you.
You began thinking, can you do anything? Then you remembered one thing you know you can do! “Well I did aerial silks and dance last year? I haven’t since then though..” you answered hesitantly, what were they hoping to gain out of this question? “Well while I doubt you were literally ANY good at it, we’ll give you a chance!” She began, only to dramatically raise her arm and point to the roof of the tent.
“Welcome, you pea brained kitten, to the Danganronpa Circus!” She continued on “We’ve been running low on staff recently due to a certain freaky perv scaring off evertone who tries!” She shouted angrily glaring over at a small man who seemed to be hiding himself in a human sized canon in a comedic cartoonish way.
“You will be showcasing your skills to us and you will be joining or circus! Got it?” And with those words, you practically signed off your life to the Danganronpa Circus.
Don’t tell Hiyoko this but in your opinion…
It’s totally worth it to see her cute face light up whenever you buy her gummy bears every morning..<3
!Authors Note!
Yo, so this was my first request. It was requested anonymously but just know that the credit of this AU does not belong to me! And feel free to request from me as well! I have a sheet at the very start of my page on rules and stuff of making requests! Thank you! Bye!
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katzkinder · 4 years
Pomegranate Seeds, Give My Life To Thee
“This is so troublesome I could just die.”
“It’s not that big a deal. I’m immortal, after all.”
“Thanks, but I’d rather kill myself.”
Mahiru hates the way his Servamp talks.
There were a number of things Mahiru disliked about Kuro.
Getting oil on the controllers, leaving crumbs and empty chip bags behind, forgetting to take stuff out of his pockets before chucking his dirty laundry into the bin, not managing to make the dirty laundry get to the bin at all, and most annoying was certainly Kuro’s habit of snacking just before meal times.
But these were all small things. Minor things. Things that Kuro had, he had to admit, improved upon since they had begun living together. The sort of things you’d expect from someone who had essentially lived for who knows how long as a bachelor (he thinks? He’s still honestly not sure on just what kind of relationship Kuro and Gear had had in the past. Thinking too hard on it made his heart twist) and then however many decades as a homeless bum. And he was proud of him! Of course he was.
These were things he could overlook. Easily help Kuro improve on. Nag him into submission about, though the housewife and “yes mommy” jokes were getting stale. But there were some things, some habits, some phrases… He just couldn’t stand. And it ate at him.
“This is so troublesome I could just die.”  
“It’s not that big a deal. I’m immortal, after all.”  
“Thanks, but I’d rather kill myself.”  
“Who cares? I’m immortal.”
“I do.”
The words were out of his mouth before he could stop himself, and Kuro blinked up at him, lackadaisical in even his surprise at how… Firmly it had come out. The bag of chips, once full of empty calories and now empty itself thanks to the Servamp’s habitual snacking, crinkled noisily in the still air. The burgeoning argument over Kuro’s dietary habits had come to a halt before it even really started, yet somehow Mahiru felt as if it would have been better, simpler to just let it play out like usual.
Mahiru couldn’t find it in him to care. Not when all these bubbling, festering, unpleasant feelings were reaching a boiling point over such a tiny phrase.
He swallowed, Kuro’s eyes flicking down momentarily to track the motion in his throat, then back to his eyes, and Mahiru felt another pang, along with another stroke of anger that quickly cooled to simmering annoyance.
“You’re starving yourself again, aren’t you?”
Kuro broke their impromptu staring contest at the accusation, gaze drifting somewhere else, anywhere else in the tiny apartment living room as he literally turned his back on his Eve, returning to the safe, artificial light and colorful world of his handheld.
“I was literally just eating chips,” he mumbled, all the petulance of a child who knows they are guilty in his drawled words. He scooched the empty bag closer to himself, posture practically screaming that he wanted Mahiru to let it alone, let the sleeping lion lie.
“That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it.”
“... Why does it matter? It’s not like there’s any danger here. I’m fine. I’m-”
“Yes! I get it! You’re immortal! But... that’s not the problem!”
He was also not very fond of the way Kuro never wanted to address anything until things were nearly as a breaking point.
The heat in his chest was back, along with a bit of bitter satisfaction at the way his outburst had made Kuro turn to really look at him. But then his partner was standing, and the look on his face was so full of concern, gingerly taking the laundry basket from Mahiru’s hands and setting it aside so that they could stand face to face and Mahiru resisted the urge to bow his head in shame. The vampire caught his bottom lip between his teeth, worrying it in a way that worried Mahiru.
A gentle thumb just below it made Kuro freeze, sanguine eyes widening ever so slightly when Mahiru carefully pulled it free, voice uncharacteristically gentle for his scolding.
“Stop that. You’ll make yourself bleed.”
“... Sorry. Didn’t even realize I was doing it…”
“That seems to be a running theme with you.” Mahiru winced ever so slightly at the harsher than he’d meant wording, but Kuro didn’t seem to mind. Or, at the least, was too concerned with other matters to mind at the moment.
“Mahi…” Kuro’s voice had taken on that softer, more raspy quality that Mahiru recognized as sincerity, and coupled with the nickname, he couldn’t help but soften just a bit more himself. “I…” Another pause, Kuro moving to take his lip between his teeth again but managing to stop himself. His fingers twitched ever so slightly, and Mahiru reached for it, carefully interlocking their hands. “What is the problem, then? This… Isn’t just about the blood, is it?”
Biting down a snarky comment, Mahiru replied, “No, it’s not,” gripping the larger hand in his own more securely, knowing far too well that Kuro was liable to bolt. He’d been getting better about that, too, but his issues with taking blood were particularly touchy for him, he’d found. He hoped that, one day, the other would be able to be candid about it with him. To tell him the why and the how. Until then, though... It was better safe than sorry. “But if you keep it up I’ll start hiding it in your food like a cat who won’t take his pills.”     Kuro snorted, relief making his shoulders sag and stiff posture unwind. If Mahiru was joking, it wasn’t that serious. He hoped. “So? What gives. Talk to me. It’s not like you to just… Suddenly explode like that.”
It was Mahiru’s turn to look guilty, staring at their joined hands and Kuro’s pale, almost translucent skin. There was the faintest scar on the webbing of his thumb, and his nails were getting long again. He’d have to trim them for him soon. The vampire, he’d found, was prone to either chewing them down to the quick or clipping them too short. It was simpler to do it for him, and had become part of the routine of their lives. He didn’t mind it. Enjoyed it, even, if only for the excuse it gave him to hold Kuro’s hand, admire his long, elegant fingers and the difference between them and his own sun kissed ones smattered with freckles.
“Would you believe me if I said I don’t even know where to start?”
A finger at his chin, lifting his gaze back to Kuro’s, red, red eyes focused on him and so, so worried.
Why can’t you worry about yourself like that?  
“Keep it simple, then.”
Having his own life motto parroted back to him, he couldn’t help but crack a smile. Of course. Simple was best. And simply thinking… He just needed to say what he felt.
“Earlier, what you said…" he began, words slowly picking up steam as he found his voice again, found his thoughts again, "About how you don’t really care, because you’re immortal? It kinda... Pissed me off.”
A stunned look, Kuro once again blinking owlishly at him, no doubt thrown for a loop by the rare swear dropping from the Eve's lips. “O… kay? I won’t… Say it anymore?”
Still missing the point, huh?  
How did he ever end up with such a dumbass vampire?
Mahiru extricated his hand, instead cupping Kuro’s face, ensuring that the vampire of Sloth had no choice but to look him in the eye as he spoke. “Just because you’re immortal, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of yourself. In fact, when you don’t, it… It hurts! It hurts a lot. Because you’re important to me. Because I care about you. And I hate seeing you suffer.”
“Yeah. Oh." The words were coming faster now, louder, more desperate, as if this were somehow his only chance to get them all out and he couldn't stop himself if he tried. Didn't want to, because holding it in was so much more painful. "And not just that, either! When you say things like you want to kill yourself, or that you want to die, or that it’s fine that you got hurt… I hate those too! I really, really, hate it...”
His voice cracked on the last word, embarrassingly so, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care at all, not when Kuro had a dawning look of realization, not when halting hands were reaching for him as the Servamp’s face twisted with contrite, not when he really, really wanted the hug that was being sort of half offered to him. He stepped forward, let Kuro embrace him, a shuddering breath leaving his lungs and all that awfulness he had been hoarding with it. He really... Wasn't okay at all, was he?
 “It scares me… And I’m sorry I got mad at you-”
 “I’m sorry, too. For not… Noticing that it bothered you so much.”
 “... I mean. I dunno if you’ve noticed, but I’m… Kind of really good at hiding when something is bugging me. To be honest…” He snuggled closer into Kuro’s chest, shut his eyes and breathed deep, that mixture of misty mornings and his body wash because of course Kuro was too lazy to pick out his own, all layered over the subtle metallic tang that seemed to cling to every vampire he met. It was soothing. It felt like home, and safety, the same but different as his uncle. Like everything would be okay, if only he just stayed right where he was. “I don’t think I even realized how badly it bothered me myself until just now…”
Kuro hummed, Mahiru feeling the vibrations under his ear and against his cheek. “That seems to be a running theme with you.”
“Ass.” A light thwack to his shoulder, Kuro releasing a little puff of amusement.
“My bad. Couldn’t resist. We’re both… Pretty similar, huh…?”
“I guess so. Who would have thought?”
A pat or two to his back and Kuro drew away, Mahiru reluctantly letting him go. “I’ll clean up my mess, and, um, once I’m done…” The human blinked, head tilting curiously when Kuro cleared his throat, scratched at his cheek. It could sorely use some color. “Maybe we can figure out an, uh… Feeding schedule? Or something?” He gave a helpless sort of half shrug, quickly dropping it when all he got in return was a blank stare. “Sorry, forget it, dumb idea, just thought it would, like, help or something. I dunno-”
 “No!” Kuro jumped at his shout, his anxious rambling cutting off and replaced instead with anxious finger fidgeting, clenching and unclenching his hands while Mahiru rapidly moved to reassure him. “No, feeding schedule is great! In fact, let me get a marker for the calendar and my phone while you do that.”
It was a small thing. A minor thing. Something that shouldn’t even be a problem to begin with. But it was a step towards getting Kuro to take proper care of himself. To value himself. Even if he was only suggesting it to comfort his Eve…
Mahiru tried and failed to hold down the amused little smile sprouting when he sighted the red at the tips of Kuro’s ears, quickly padding out the living room and leaving Kuro to his task, and the dirty laundry in its basket in the middle of the otherwise clear space.
No matter what the reason, it was a step in the right direction. For the both of them.
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melissachan · 4 years
Un(reality) for two
AO3 link
All Nagito Komaeda really wanted was to be understood. Hajime Hinata tried to grant this wish.
…or Danganronpa 2, but Hajime is 20% less tsundere 20% more smart and 100% more cool.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandoms: Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Relationship: Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito
Characters: Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime
Main Tags: Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Bonding, Eventual Romance, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Complicated Relationships
TWs: self-harm, suicide and suicidal ideations, threats of violence, canon-typical violence, canon-typical Komaeda
Language: English
Wordcount: 14173
Status: Completed
Chapter 1: Destination Hope
Hajime’s voice was very sudden, enough to make Nagito flinch a little. The beach was peaceful, the sound of the waves coming up and down was calming, and nobody usually came here – a perfect place for a trash like him to sit without bothering anyone. The soft sand probably made Hajime’s steps too quiet for him to notice. Not that Nagito minded it too much – if some of the others just came from behind and put a rope against his neck, or hit him with something heavy, or plunged a knife into his back, it would have been fine, but he’d still rather prefer them to consult him first.
“Ah, Hajime. Hello there,” he answered, waving his hand, his smile cheerful as always. Hajime’s expression was bleak. It didn’t seem like he slept much, and it made Nagito wonder what was keeping him awake. He had no idea what was such a big deal, but something on the back of his mind told him that it probably was his very own behavior, and this evoked a weak pang of guilt… It didn’t matter, though. It all was necessary for Hajime’s hope to shine brighter, someday he will understand. “What are you doing here? You don’t seem like a person who likes to take random beach walks, and I got a feeling it’s not that pleasant for you to see my face either,” he said, looking at Hajime curiously, his smile staying the same as the other boy came closer.
“There is something… that keeps bothering me since… since the last trial,” Hajime answered, looking unsure, trying to avoid eye contact. His voice was tense, even more tense than when it was there in the trial room, that damned day when Byakuya Togami’s and Teruteru Hanamura’s portraits became crossed out forever. Nagito was ready to join them, as ready as ever; he was always eager to become the last in the list of his many, many victims… But Hajime didn’t seem to be here to take up his offer, so he tilted his head questioningly.
“Aw, what a shame, I almost thought you came to discuss your brilliant murder plan with me,” Nagito sighed, making Hajime’s face go red as he furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips. No wonder he’s so angry, Nagito thought. It was way, way too arrogant of him to think someone with such a bright hope inside him would need any help from a useless, incompetent idiot like himself. “So, what is it?” he asked, smiling all the same.
“Just… just what the hell were you trying to do there in the dining hall?” Hajime suddenly blurted out, probably a bit louder than he intended. Accompanying his words, he kicked the sand underneath his foot, making countless grains go up and land on his shoes and clothes, picked up by the soft, warm tropical wind, too calm, too peaceful for this cursed island.
“Huh? Didn’t you figure it all out in the trial? I was going to stab someone with that knife, but alas, Teruteru and Byakuya stopped me,” Nagito answered, shrugging, continuing to smile friendlily, but it seemed to make every muscle on Hajime’s face go even more tense.
“So you were going to stab someone. With the glowing knife. In the complete darkness,” he spoke after a short pause, seeming to take a bit of time to calm down.
“Yes, exactly! Amazing, Hajime. Is your real talent the Ultimate Analyst?” Nagito exclaimed cheerfully, attempting to sound natural. He tried to think of something reasonable to say, but every option seemed to make the truth even more clear so he just smiled, hoping Hajime would drop it.
“You were trying to get yourself killed,” Hajime spoke, now sounding calm, almost… cold. The confidence in his voice, the one that made it clear he was stating it, not asking, made every bit of Nagito’s hope to avoid this talk shatter at once. Hajime now was looking into his eyes, with a weird mix of anger and… guilt? “Your weird behavior as you were on the cleaning duty. Telling Teruteru your plan. Mentioning the floorboards, planting the glowing paint, it was all a part of it,” he continued, clenching his fist – and his every word felt like a punch, piercing a piece of armor. “Am I right?” anger returned in his intonation, making Nagito take a step back.
“And what if… you are right?” he asked, looking at the sand underneath him. Hajime came closer and stood by, putting his hands on Nagito’s shoulders. He shook him, gently, but enough to make him lift his head up. Every trace of anger disappeared – now he looked like he was about to burst into tears.
“Why?” Hajime asked quietly, clenching his shoulders tightly, almost painfully. For some reason, it felt weirdly comforting – another human nearby, slightly warm, breathing, so close…
“I… I thought I explained it all already,” Nagito answered, still keeping up his cheerfulness, as if it was enough to wash away all the worries, to rebuild the lost defense. “From all of you guys, from all the shining symbols of hope… My life is the least valuable. The world needs you, and this is why I am willing to die if it means someone, anyone, leaves this damned place,” he explained, his smile going wider, his tone becoming too weird and too forceful and too sinister – he knew he should stop it, he knew everyone hated it, but he couldn’t do anything about it anymore, now absorbed into his own words. “Nobody would care if I’m gone. Nobody would miss me, or mourn me. There is no way for me to have any value except for being your stepping stone” – he spread his hands widely, making Hajime take a step back.
“Why?” the other boy asked, very quietly, and for some reason it made Nagito stop, now looking at him in confusion. “Why would you say such a thing?” Hajime yelled at him, indecisive to come closer again, tears in the corner of his eyes.
“Huh? Am I wrong?” he asked, trying to ignore the waves of guilt spreading through his mind. Not only was he useless trash, a person with a fake talent, Hope’s Peak Academy’s mistake… but now they all also hated him… right?
“Yes you are!” – the answer was clear, clear enough to make Nagito flinch. “I… I would’ve been sad” – it seemed like Hajime was trying not to yell, but his efforts didn’t do much good. Nagito gulped, the feeling of uneasiness becoming too hard to ignore. “You… Well, honestly, you’re a weirdo!” – he looked like a puppy robbed of a treat. “But… the kind boy who was with me when I was feeling scared and confused… The one who made me feel calm and peaceful… The one who wanted to investigate the island with me, it was also you, right?!” – Hajime stared at him, as if looking for an answer, but Nagito couldn’t find the words.
“I’m not sure… Was that person even real? Or is this person before me real? I just want to understand!” – Hajime was now crying, not even bothering to try to hide it. “And if you died, I would never know… No, that’s not it…even without this… I don’t want you, or anyone else, to die,” he finished, now breathing heavily from talking too much, his cheeks red from both tears and anger. Nagito still couldn’t find any words, or any right way to react, as if the whirlwind of emotions in his head stole his very voice…
And for some reason, at the very back of his mind, behind all the guilt, there was a wrong, sickening feeling of happiness.
“I give up. Going to my cottage now… Feel free to come if you ever want to explain yourself,” Hajime spoke after a long pause, now seeming to calm down. His breathing was still heavy, and despite the soft, warm tropical sun, the look on his face made Nagito feel cold. Not waiting for the answer, he turned back, and began to walk away slowly.
“But those kinds of talks… are exactly why I didn’t want anyone to figure out,” Nagito said quietly, sounding a bit colder than he intended. Hajime turned his head to him. For a short moment he looked like he was about to return and… do something. Start another talk, perhaps. Slap him, probably. But he didn’t, and very soon his silhouette fuzzed and disappeared in the distance.
Chapter 2: Sea and Punishment, Sin and Mahiru's Tasty Toast That Finally Gets Eaten
Lying on the floor without motion for so long was not the most pleasant feeling.
Nagito tried to move, to wriggle with his whole body, to change his position even for a bit. Not to free himself – he knew it was useless, and if not one, but two of the shiny, worthy Ultimates decided he’d be better off that way, who is he to argue – but to make his arms and legs feel a little less numb. Of course, he would deal with bruises and abrasions with no problems, but if it got too bad, he would become even more useless than he was now, tied up and unable to help anyone even a little, and he didn’t want such a perfectly fine stepping stone go to waste.
His stomach ached, reminding him he hadn’t eaten for… how long? Nagito had absolutely no idea, since the metal plates on the windows stopped him from seeing the daylight, but judging from the amount of sleep he got, it was about two or three days. In any case, he really, really regretted not trying any of the food Teruteru made – it all looked so good that even remembering it made his stomach growl even more pitifully.
He almost thought he shouldn’t have told Mahiru to go away and make him a better breakfast either. Almost. The hunger was unbearable, and actually seeing and smelling that hot pot of freshly cooked rice made him want to cry, but the thought of letting someone like her, a person with such a strong personality and such an ability to make everyone smile, touch his ugly, disgusting mouth was worse.
The door opened, making Nagito lift up his head a bit. He smiled – no matter how much discomfort he experienced, he shouldn’t make anyone worry about him. To his surprise, the person who came in wasn’t Mahiru Koizumi this time. It was… Hajime Hinata, holding a plate with toast and a glass of milk, along with two small packages of butter and honey. It was such simple food, but even looking at it made him want to drool. He couldn’t let that happen though, so instead he decided to greet his guest, distracting himself a bit.
“Oh, Hajime! Hello there!” he exclaimed, his voice sounding perhaps a bit too cheerful, but the other boy didn’t seem to notice, looking at him with the same annoyed expression as always. “Sorry for making someone as great as you look at something so pathetic and unworthy of your attention. Seems like Mahiru sent you to feed me, what great luck I have today,” he continued after understanding Hajime wasn’t going to answer. He sighed, coming closer to Nagito, the plate still in his hands.
“Oh, I’m so sorry for making an embodiment of hope do such a thing, dirtying their wonderful hands made for spreading hope by touching someone like me, but it seems necessary so those who left me here won’t get executed,” he said, talking a bit faster than he wanted to, as his eyes latched onto the toast. Food, he just wanted to finally get some food, just a natural need of the human body. The sudden easiness he felt definitely had nothing to do with the fact that of being touched by Hajime didn’t seem that bad at all…
“Or maybe you played that game Mahiru told me about and now came to kill me?” Nagito asked, making Hajime groan. “See, I wouldn’t mind it at all! I’d say I wouldn’t mind just dropping dead at any second, but dying such a meaningless death when there’s so many wonderful opportunities to strengthen everyone’s hope would’ve been a bit sad, so I thi–” – Hajime leaned down and put the plate on the floor with enough force to make the milk splatter, Nagito’s words drowning in the loud clang that followed.
“Seriously, what the heck is wrong with you? Cut it out!” Hajime said, the anger clear in his tone. “I’m just going to finish this quickly and go do something more useful, I got no time for listening to that nonsense,” he sighed. To Nagito’s surprise, he didn’t reach for the toast or the milk, leaning over him instead. The next second he felt how the rope fell off, freeing his legs.
“What are you doing?” he asked, confused, as Hajime continued to untie his arms. A feeling of relaxation suddenly spread through his body as it was no longer restrained, making him turn on his side, taking a more comfortable position.
“Freeing you, of course,” Hajime said with the same hint of annoyance in his voice. “And don’t get me wrong, I won’t let you actually roam freely. I just asked Monomi to give me the key to this room, so I’ll just lock you up,” he added as Nagito crawled to the wall, now taking a sitting position. His whole body ached and it was difficult to move, but the comfort it brought made him forget about the hunger, at least until his eyes latched onto the toast again.
“I mean, I can feed you, but like… You need to move, right? Bedsores and atrophied muscles are not the funnest things to deal with,” Hajime said, almost like he was trying to convince himself it was a good idea. “Besides, keeping you like this is just… unnecessarily cruel” – Nagito couldn’t answer, now stuffing the toast into his mouth with greed he wasn’t expecting of himself. “I also figured that you’d get bored, so I brought… this” – Hajime held out his hand, giving him a small colorful device with a set of buttons at each side. “That’s a video game console. I got like half a dozen of those from the MonoMono Yachine,” he explained, looking a bit awkward.
“Wow! Not only coming here to feed someone like me, but actually being worried about the well-being of someone so lowly and worthless? You’re not only the Ultimate Serenity, you’re also the Ultimate Compassion!” Nagito exclaimed, making Hajime groan again. He looked at the device, feeling… weird. He knew he didn’t deserve it, he knew he made Hajime waste the time and effort instead of doing something useful, or fun, or hopeful, but god, why did it feel so good? “Videogames are fun, although I prefer to spend my time reading books,” he suddenly said, trying to distract himself.
“Books? What kind of books?” Hajime asked, looking at him seriously. Nagito took the second piece of toast, putting the butter and honey on it.
“I love murder mystery books the most. Although I read a bit of nonfiction and science literature as well,” he answered, not putting much thought into it. Actually holding the food in his hands made the hunger stronger, and he didn’t know it was even possible…
“Wait there, I’ll get you some,” Hajime said, getting up. Hearing that almost made Nagito choke on the toast out of surprise as he watched the other boy stand up and head to the door. No, you shouldn’t, you wasted way more time and energy and kindness on me than I will ever deserve today, he wanted to say, but Hajime already closed the door, locking it from the other side with a quiet soft clang…
Nagito waited, looking at the door. Hajime was taking longer than he expected. He turned on the console and tried to find something like a clock, or a calendar at least, but he there wasn’t anything like this in that weird device. Hajime probably decided to just leave him, he suspected, and that’s probably for the best – no, really, that was more of a comforting thought than an unpleasant one. He got up and walked around a bit, more to give his stiff and numb muscles some work than anything, when he heard the door opening again.
“Hello again, Hajime!” he spoke, as the other boy came in, looking like he was out of breath. He really was holding a couple of books and some piece of a heavy-looking cloth this time, making Nagito feel a pang of guilt again. Just, what drove him to do all of this? Was it the same thing that made people suddenly give him sad looks when they hear about his absolutely normal and logical desire to trade his worthless life for something more valuable, something that could bring the slightest ray of hope to the world?
“Hello… Can’t promise they’re any good, but these are all I could find in the library,” Hajime said, putting the books on the floor. Nagito wanted to thank him… but every word in his head seemed either not enough or too overdramatic. “So, you like murder mysteries?” Hajime suddenly asked, as if he wanted to end the awkward pause between them.
“Yes,” Nagito answered unsurely. “What about it?” – he made several steps back and sat down, leaning against the wall in the most comfortable position he could get in this empty room.
“Why is that?” Hajime asked, looking at him a bit more intently than Nagito expected.
“I like everything that makes you think, I suppose,” he answered unconfidently. “I also like the… unique relationships between the author and the reader they create. The balance between deceiving them and at the same time giving them a chance to figure everything out,” he added, putting his finger on his chin. “In a novel I read recently, the murderer creates different scenarios specifically to give the main character a chance to understand not only “whodunit” and “howdunit”, but also their motive… and them as a person. And I feel like… this is what the author of the mystery should do, even if their character doesn’t want this in-universe,” he spoke, now noticing that Hajime was staring at him thoughtfully, listening to every word with a surprising amount of attention.
“I once read a story where the mystery was about if a human did it, or an ancient god’s curse… And by the end it turned out that the ancient god did exist, but it was a nice sweet girl who begged people to stop as they slaughtered each other in her name. Was pretty cool,” Nagito continued to talk. Hajime frowned slightly… damn, he must’ve said something weird or stupid again.
“So you can talk like a normal person when you want to,” Hajime stated with a quiet sigh. Nagito felt his face turn hot and red. “Sorry, I was never a fan of this genre, so I don’t have that much to answer,” he added, scratching the back of his head.
“Huh? I wouldn’t think that, given how easily you solved ours with Teruteru’s mystery,” Nagito said, looking up at Hajime. For some reason, it made the anger return to his eyes. “Oh, I’m sorry. I know a smart, hopeful and talented person like you doesn’t need to know every trick in the book to solve the mystery,” he added, attempting to fix his mistake, but it made Hajime’s face look even more displeased.
“That’s not it!” he said, waving his hand angrily. “Just… don’t compare it to that. You know, Nagito, people actually died for it. It’s not some kind of… an entertaining story” – Hajime looked at the floor, his tone becoming less furious and more sad with each word.
“I… I see…” Nagito answered, fighting with the desire to make Hajime finally understand that their sacrifice was definitely worthy, and meaningful, and not a sad thing at all… But something at the back of his mind told him that it was the wrong time and place for it.
“Glad you understand,” Hajime said, his face softening a bit. “I’d be happy to read those stories we were talking about… when we get out of here,” he added, looking weirdly determined.
Hajime wanted to… leave this place? With him? With them both being alive? No, it was too good of a thought. He just meant this in general, Nagito was sure.
“Anyway, now I think I need to go. Everyone’s probably worried about me already,” Hajime spoke. “Oh, before I forget, take this too” – he put the piece of cloth he was holding the whole time on the floor. “It’s a blanket… It was just lying there in the library so it doesn’t seem like anyone needs it. Figured that sleeping on the floor wouldn’t be the most comfortable experience…” – Hajime paused, suddenly looking straight into Nagito’s eyes. “Moreover, you look like you’re cold… Always cold,” he added thoughtfully, and for some reason it made Nagito gulp.
“Before I go, need anything else?” Hajime asked, heading to the door.
“Some more food… please,” Nagito answered, accompanied by his stomach growling loudly again. Hajime smiled with a nod, and left.
Chapter 3: Set Free by the Ocean Scent
Nagito’s mind was reeling, his ears were ringing and his eyes fluttered around the room nervously as he sat on the hospital bed, with Hajime standing nearby, looking at him with an expression of a clear, unfiltered concern. He must not lie. He must not lie. He must not say stupid bullshit. He must just control his body, and his mouth and tongue were just other parts of it. Collect your thoughts, then say what you think. It was that simple.
“Leave me alone. I hate you. I can’t stand seeing your stupid face anymore.”
The words left without his permission, and all he wanted now was to grab his head and shake it with all his strength, or to smash it against the wall, or to drop his body against the floor with all his might so he would break his jaw and stop speaking forever… But his limbs weren’t moving, and all he could do was look at Hajime with a silly smile, drooling slightly as the other boy sighed, staring at him, a hint of curiosity suddenly making its way into his expressions.
“What are you waiting for? Do you want me to vomit from seeing your stupid face? I bet you’re actually not even a symbol of hope; you’re a worthless, talentless piece of trash. Erase yourself from this world and replace that pathetic loser you are with someone better,” – more words escaped from Nagito, and he wanted to put his hand on his lips, to take the bedsheet and stuff it into his throat, to take a bottle of acid and drink it so nothing would leave his dirty, disgusting mouth ever again, but all he could do instead was look into Hajime’s eyes. For a split second he seemed… hurt, really hurt, even more than he was in that trial, when he learned about Nagito’s role in it, and it made him want to rip off his own tongue with his bare hands. But it lasted just a split second, before Hajime suddenly smiled at him warmly.
“Wow, you want me to stay that badly? Not that I have nothing better to do… But if you’re begging like this, then I think I have no choice,” he sighed, coming closer, sitting down on the bed nearby. Feeling his presence that close made Nagito’s head spin. It was too near. Too personal. Almost about to touch him. Almost like he could give in and put his head on Hajime’s shoulder, and fall asleep peacefully… Feeling his coarse, spiky hair tickle his ear lightly… It was pleasant… Why was it so pleasant?
The thoughts consumed him, and he noticed it too late when his body began to fall down. He tried to direct it to the side, so he lands on the pillow and not on the floor, or, even worse, on Hajime, but…
“Hey, be careful. You’re very weak and we don’t want to give Mikan more trouble,” Hajime said, smiling, lightly holding Nagito’s shoulders, keeping him sitting upright. His hands were warm and soft, and feeling them suddenly made Nagito’s mind calm and peaceful, almost ready to fall asleep. “So try to not fall and bruise yourself, okay?” Hajime said, his tone slightly worried, as he pulled Nagito a bit closer to himself.
“Don’t touch me with your disgusting hands, you filthy, unworthy idiot. Every second I feel them on me feels like a torture. If I spend one more minute in your presence, I swear, it would make me lose my will to live, and your voice will haunt me in my nightmares,” Nagito blurted out, suddenly even for himself, his body feeling numb, every muscle going weak and limp. It was hard to breathe, and for the first time since he arrived on Jabberwock Island, he felt hot, overheated, almost as if his body was burning. His body began to shake weakly. He will die here, right? This is the place where his pathetic life ends… And the last thing Hajime hears from him will be those awful, bitter words.
This thought suddenly made him want to cry, but his face didn’t reflect this feeling either, instead making his dumb disgusting smile grow bigger.
“So it means… My touches made you regain your will to live and my voice comes to you in your sweet dreams?” Hajime asked, half-flattered, half surprised. Nagito’s face got hot, and it wasn’t from his body temperature rising up this time. “If so… I think I don’t mind being closer for a while,” he added, pulling him near again, holding him gently with one arm.
“The only positive of it is that you might catch the Despair Disease from me and die! Yes, my talent will surely make it happen, and it would be such amazing luck,” Nagito spoke again, his own tone – cheerful, almost like he wanted to burst into laughter – making him flinch. Hajime looked at him with a mix of confusion and surprise, and then smiled calmly again.
“Oh, that does make sense, I probably shouldn’t get that close,” he said, scratching the back of his head. But, contrary to his own words, he didn’t let go, instead wrapping his other hand around Nagito’s shoulders, now cuddling him tightly. His body was soft, and it made Nagito relax unwillingly, now leaning against him, letting himself enjoy the moment. He could feel his heartbeat: strong, methodical, probably a bit faster than normal, but nothing compared to his own heart, racing rapidly.
“Aw, I’m sorry,” Hajime said, sounding playful, without the slightest hint of remorse in his voice. He leaned back, still not letting go, but now gently putting Nagito’s body, still way too weak and limp, on the bed. “God, you’re hot… Um… I mean, your body temperature,” he said awkwardly, and although Nagito couldn’t see his face, he was sure he was blushing, scratching the back of his head again. “I know you probably feel overheated already, but we need to keep your body warm, so please understand,” he said, fiddling with something on the other side of the bed. The next second Nagito felt the weight of a pretty heavy warm blanket on him, as Hajime tucked it in carefully.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be here. I’ll just sit on that chair on the other side of the room and will watch you until Mikan arrives, okay?” Hajime asked, his tone starting to become worried again. “Don’t worry… Monokuma is forbidden from actually killing any one of us. So I’m sure it’ll get better. Just hold on a little bit longer,” he added, probably trying to calm himself down just as much as he was attempting to comfort Nagito. His breathing became a bit easier, but the waves of weakness were getting worse with every second, and he felt like he couldn’t get up no matter how hard he would try.
Hajime put his hand on his forehead… then pressed his lips against his cheek lightly, giving him a soft, pleasant kiss. Body temperature, he was just checking his body temperature, nothing more, Nagito was sure, but his face went red nonetheless. He turned his head to the side, burying his nose into the pillow, in a pathetic attempt to hide it. “So, try to sleep and regain your strength,” Hajime said, not noticing – or pretending not to notice – his pitiful efforts. Nagito still wanted him to stay, and he hated it, hated it, hated it, it was an awful wish, so selfish, it would be horrible if Hajime got the disease and gave Mikan more work or if he got it really bad and had to stay in bed, if he experienced all that weakness and shortness of breath and temperature and everything, and…!
And died. Nagito wasn’t sure why he suddenly was so hesitant to let his thought into his mind. Everyone he wanted to stay with him had always died, one by one.
“Hope you’ll get well soon,” Hajime spoke quietly, as if he was thinking Nagito might be sleeping already. Then he took a step back, now making himself comfortable in the chair.
Nagito struggled not to answer, trying to stop his tongue from creating another terrible, twisted, hurtful lie and bring it to reality. This time he succeeded, as his weak, failing body succumbed to the pleasant unconsciousness faster than he could form a single word.
Chapter 4: Do Ultimate Lucky Students Dream of Love Confessions?
“I was fine with it when I was healthy, but it would be lonely to die alone…”
The room was bright. Too bright. It made Nagito head spin, although he wasn’t sure if it was from those awful, acidic colors twisting the walls and the furniture and everything that was in the Funhouse into a mess with the single purpose of making people go insane, if not from the hunger and the lack of sleep. He tried to concentrate on Hajime’s face, the only thing that looked familiar, and normal, and comforting in this hell of wonderlands. The other boy stared narrowly into his eyes.
“So, it was a weird thought. Never would have thought it’d appear in my mind. But now, when I feel death coming closer and closer, all I want is… someone to love me. Or at least, to understand me,” he said quietly. The weight of his words suddenly got to him, but he understood it all too late. Hajime looked at him seriously, and he expected to see a familiar glint of pity in his eyes, but what he saw instead was genuine concern. For some reason that’s even worse, and he turned his head away, looking at the palm of his hand, unable to bear seeing the other boy’s eyes.
“Or… maybe it was something I read in a book,” he said calmly, smiling, waving his hand as usual. He definitely told him too much. It probably was the hunger, and the sleep deprivation, and those stupid walls, green and pink and green and pink and green and pink and grape and strawberry. And his genuine desire to have someone believe him, have someone take him seriously, have someone love him, but he would never let those dumb feelings control him. He knew he didn’t deserve any of that. But he hoped he at least was worthy or of someone who will make him a good and appreciable sacrifice for them. So, it must’ve been hunger. Definitely hunger.
Hajime made a step forward. His motions seemed slow, but Nagito was not sure if it was because he was hungry and powerless too or because his own mind was just processing things like that. Without words, Hajime lifted up his hand and gave Nagito a strong, sonorous slap on the face, enough to make him turn his head away.
It didn’t feel painful, though. His cheek just got numb and red, as he looked at Hajime, blinking in surprise, the flashing images of his face surrounded by green and pink and green and pink and green and pink and warm and dear to his heart almost making him feel nauseous.
“Why did you lie?” Hajime asked, quietly, but his low voice just made it sound more clear in the silent empty hallway.
“Aw, that. I just wanted some of your sympathy, I guess. Wanted to know how it felt,” Nagito answered carelessly, making a step back in confusion.
“Do you think I’m stupid?” Hajime asked again, lifting up his head and looking him into the eyes. Nagito gulped, making another step back instinctively. He was so stupid, upsetting a shining symbol of hope with his problems unworthy of anyone’s attention.
“Of course not,” he answered reassuringly, a look of worry on his face. “I would not ever think that about someone chosen by the Hope’s Peak Academy, ever,” he said, clenching his hand and putting it on his chest.
“Damn it, not this again,” Hajime groaned, his quiet fury giving up its place to a good old annoyance. “Forget about damn Hope’s Peak Academy. Do you think I am stupid? Or do you think I don’t care?” he asked, now staring at Nagito seriously.
“No,” he answered without thinking, making Hajime’s face soften. For some reason he felt a chill go down his spine.
“Good. I believe you,” Hajime smiled, coming closer. “Now, knowing I’m not stupid and I do care about you, which part of everything you said was a lie?” he asked, frowning slightly, a look of concern returning to his expression.
“The part…” – Nagito gulped nervously, struggling to find the right words. His mind screamed, and his very being begged him, no, don’t do this, don’t pull Hajime closer, don’t drag him deeper into this mess than he already is, he wouldn’t last long, your luck will do him in and if it won’t, your delusional mind and awful personality and ugly face and disgusting voice and your utter uselessness will bring him down forever, but…
But he gave up.
“The part with the book, I think,” he said awkwardly, looking at his hand again. It was a convenient place to look; anywhere but Hajime’s eyes and those green and pink walls
“You think?” Hajime asked, sighing, but the expression on his face was one of relief. “See, I know why you would… not want anyone to know those things,” he said, his voice soft and calming. “If I were you, I wouldn’t want that either. It is difficult to make someone you know, and someone who is dear to you, go through this. But making yourself go through it alone, not letting anyone help, is even worse,” he added, clenching his fist with a weird determination in his eyes, like when he was talking about how they all would leave that place, alive and well, without needing to sacrifice anyone. “And for me, making you go through this alone is way more painful than… any alternatives,” he spoke softly, but firmly. In a tone that made Nagito want to believe him.
“I see…” – Nagito was bad at finding the words, but he mustered enough courage to look back into Hajime’s eyes. The other boy smiled at him affectionately. He came close, touching his cheek gently.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done this,” Hajime said, sounding way more remorseful than he probably needed to.
“Huh? Oh, it’s nothing, really…” – Nagito smiled, as Hajime’s warm fingers against his cheek made it tingle, slightly. The spot was still red. Hajime frowned.
“What you should do first is stop this ‘I’m okay if people hurt me’ stuff,” he sighed, putting his hand on Nagito’s shoulder. Nagito looked at him with confusion, and for some reason it made Hajime’s eyebrows furrow more in displeasure.
“But why?” Nagito asked, looking at him seriously. “Isn’t it just a logical thing, I mean? If I’m worthless, at least I can make someone else worthy? Like, if someone had a bunch of sticks, a ragged cloth, and an old hat, he could make a scarecrow from it, making a worthless thing into a worthy one?” – or burn it all to get some warmth, he wanted to say, but didn’t. Hajime sighed.
“That’s… that’s not it at all…” – He looked resentful, almost as if it was he himself who’s being called trash. “Don’t compare people to garbage!” – Hajime’s body got tense; Nagito could clearly feel it standing so close to him.
“But they are! Those poor fools, powerless to change anything, deluding themselves that hard work will get them somewhere, will let them change the world, how pathetic,” he said, shrugging, a weird hint of gleefulness sneaking into his voice as he continued to ramble. “But hey, as least they can be useful! Me, though? My literal destiny is to bring misery and pain upon anyone I meet! That’s all I’m good for!” he exclaimed loudly, almost sounding like was proud of it. Hajime’s hand relaxed as he pulled it away. Nagito wanted him to slap his face again, stronger, with all his power, maybe then his luck will make him fall and snap his neck, or crack his skull, and then Hajime will escape, finally, someone would leave this cursed island…!
Hajime wrapped both of his arms around him, pulling him into a hug. His warm body was shaking weakly, but only by the tone of his voice did Nagito understand that he was crying.
“Stop it,” he said, softly, but sternly, voice remaining clear. “Stop comparing people… to those weird things. And stop comparing yourself… to those weird things as well,” he added, cuddling Nagito closer, making all his words and all his counterarguments stick in his throat, and even his thoughts go empty, thinking about nothing but Hajime’s gentle hands and his arms on his back and the warmth of his body. “And even if you won’t stop… You’re my ragged cloth that I will patch to the end of time, and I will never throw it away, or burn it, or make a scarecrow of it, because… it’s dear to me,” he said seriously. The comparison made Nagito’s face red and hot again, his embarrassment doing a good job at hiding his amusement.
“So, please, stop,” – Hajime looked into his eyes, without interrupting the hug. Nagito didn’t remember when he started to hold him back. “I said it earlier and I repeat: I don’t want you to get hurt, or to die” – he pursed his lips and that weird aura of determination returned to him again. It brought… a truly pleasant, hopeful feeling in Nagito’s mind. Even for a second, he could just enjoy it, getting lost in the moment, closing his eyes and putting his head on Hajime’s shoulder. Only when the other boy leaned back, he remembered…
He knew he didn’t deserve it.
“I love you,” he said, a bit too simply for those powerful words, but for some reason they came out easily, like it was something always meant to be said. Hajime smiled…
Before he could understand, Hajime pulled him into another hug, silencing his worries with a gentle kiss.
All his doubts were gone. He knew it now.
If he gets to the Strawberry house ever again, he will go into the Final Dead Room.
Chapter 5: Smile at Hope in the Name of Despair
“Really, you shouldn’t worry about me. Just go and have fun with the others,” Nagito said, smiling. The hotel lobby was quiet, and nobody was there except Hajime. Why did he come? Wasn’t Nagito clear enough about not wanting to have anything to do with any of them? He probably should’ve tried to shoo him off harder, way harder, but he couldn’t summon the past feelings of rage and betrayal, to fuel all the hurtful things he could think about. He just got worn out, his mind weirdly clear, now completely focused on the plan.
After all, he is no better than any of them himself, so what right did he have to pretend to feel so hurt and disgusted by their actions?
“No!” Hajime exclaimed loudly, anger flashing in his eyes, as he kicked the floor underneath. Nagito looked at him with surprise. “I refuse,” he said, trying to calm down, tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes.
“Why not? Do you want something from me?” Nagito asked casually, expression unchanged. For some reason, his nonchalant tone made Hajime look more hurt and enraged than any of his previous remarks ever could as he came closer, his resentment clear in each loud footstep.
“Yes, I do,” he blurted out, tone almost sarcastic, like he was saying something obvious and self-evident. “Just what the hell happened to you?!” he exclaimed, the anger and sadness mixing up in his voice still making Nagito feel a pang of guilt, and he had no idea why would it have such an effect, because even the thought of killing them didn’t seem to do the same. He sighed, trying to shrug off that weird sensation… god, why was there no switch in his head to stop caring about that stupid red face, about those oddly keen, but kind eyes, about that spiky, pleasantly tickling hair.
Right now, he could as well have been tying up his arms and legs, applying knots slowly with one hand, the spear’s cord already in his grip.
But he didn’t, as he continued wasting time with Hajime. “And I don’t. Leave me alone,” he said firmly, trying not to look at the other boy. It got harder as he came closer, almost like he wanted to pull him into another hug…
“Back off,” Nagito snarled at him, pulling out the army knife that he already had prepared long ago. Hajime stopped, looking at it with more confusion than fear. “I don’t want to kill you and die a dumb death from being executed, but come any closer and I will use it,” Nagito said, his tone friendly, but serious. Hajime seemed to hesitate.
Right now, Nagito could as well have been lifting up that knife above himself. He did hesitate, especially before the first stab, when he sat there for a good minute, looking at the blade until the anxiety became more unbearable than any pain he could imagine. Then he swung his arm as quickly as he could. The feeling of one’s skin being torn up a bit was probably familiar to any person, but the agonizing sensation of the muscles and tendons and vessels getting ruptured as the knife was tearing through them all alike was like nothing he ever felt before. His scream, even muffled by the tape, echoed through the room, ringing in his ears more than the loud, roaring music.
Right now, he could as well have been preparing to pull it out, the thought of doing it all again and again and again making him shiver, even though he knew it was what he deserved.
But he didn’t, as Hajime continued to come closer, still looking a bit unsure. “You won’t,” he said, trying to hide his anxiety, but his voice was giving him away, every hint of anger and sadness washed away by the fear. He made a step forward.
“What makes you think so?” Nagito asked, his tone sounding curious and almost amused. He looked at the knife, playing with it in his hands, hoping his luck would stop him from accidentally losing a finger.
“Because…” – Hajime came close, dangerously close. Despite being the one with the knife, it was Nagito who needed to take a step back. Hearing Hajime’s voice, seeing his face, letting him touch his cheek, hugging him, kissing him; it was all too much, it could make him give up, and he couldn’t, he didn’t want to…!
Why was he even so hesitant? His plan would end up with Hajime, and all the other people he had called his friends and his classmates, dead anyway. Except the traitor. He didn’t know who it was, but he knew for sure it couldn’t have been Hajime. What a terrible luck it was to be aware of that. Damn that notebook for stripping him from the only delusion that would bring him any comfort. In the Funhouse, he was still clinging to the pathetic chance of “dying for the sake of his beloved”, how stupid, how childish, how pathetic it was. Nagito looked at the knife…
Right now, he should have been staring at this very knife in his hand, already covered in his own warm blood, and gripping it tighter. Pulling it out was almost worse than plunging it in. His shaky hands probably didn’t help, making the knife disturb already wounded flesh, all his instincts telling him to stop. He thought it would be way easier, way faster, a quick succession of stabs and slashes. In reality, he just wanted it to end already, despite the fact that it had just began. But he couldn’t. There was no going back now.
There was no going back the moment he read the files.
Right now, he could as well have been taking a deep breath, preparing himself for another wave of excruciating pain. It didn’t make it any more bearable when he swung his arm again until it hit something soft – and his mind registered that this something was his own flesh, ruptured way too easily by the sharp steel. He cried out, writhing, screaming until he was gasping for breath, thankful that the tape made all the sounds muffled, too weak to be heard. His leg jerked – or at least tried to, held back by the rope, but it was enough for the blade to press against the muscles, buried deeply into the flesh, evoking another weak attempt to shout.
Right now, he should have been pulling the knife out as fast as he could. He was trying to catch his breath, desperately needing a break, but it didn’t stop him from bringing the knife down again. His body was fighting against itself, making him try to jerk his hand away before the blow, to move his leg out of its way, to do anything just to make it stop, but he struggled against it, moving his arm down in another shaky motion. He missed the spot a bit, making the tip of the knife press against the already open wound, and the sensation was unbearable; the feeling of the burning, violent agony was so bad it made him drag the knife away way faster than he should…
Right now, he could’ve been screaming, yelling. It was loud, so loud that he was hearing it despite the gag, feeling the tape stretching out around his mouth. He could almost call it relieving, painfully comforting, his pathetic cries and thrown-back neck and arched back distracting him from the pain, if it wasn’t for his throat starting to get dry and sore.
Nagito’s head was spinning, and he tried to shake it, as if that could help him to see anything but red. The new injury was not even half as deep as the other ones… Bad… Suspicious… He was weak. Why was he so weak? He knew that if he ever wanted to clean himself from despair, to earn the world’s forgiveness, he needed to endure any punishment prepared for him. Everything was deserved. In fact, he deserved way worse.
And yet, he decided to just leave it like this, hoping Hajime and the others wouldn’t actually check.
Right now, he should have been swinging the knife again, trying to hold it more steadily. With the fourth stab, he realized that the pain started to get weaker. Probably because of the severed nerves, or just from getting used to it, perhaps. With the fifth one, he was slowly regaining his ability to think straight. With the sixth blow, he felt like the new pang of pain was nothing compared to the lingering feeling of agony from the previous wounds…
With the sixteenth one, he realized there was no place on his right leg he could reach that wasn’t already ripped apart and covered in deep bleeding injuries. He felt the blood soaking his clothes, making them wet and sticky, and sensed it flowing down to the floor. At the beginning of it, it was just slightly warm. Now it felt almost hot, as his skin was getting colder, somehow paler than it already was.
Right now he could as well have been trembling in fear, realizing it was less than half of what needed to be done.
But he didn’t, instead desperately trying to figure out what he was supposed to do with the situation he found himself in. He could’ve just listened to Hajime, then waited until he’s gone, then continued with the plan. He could’ve done this, it was so easy, or it would be so easy if Hajime wasn’t so kind to him, so supportive, so understanding, so willing to listen and to reach out. Even now, he was still trying to do this, despite everything Nagito did and said to him, despite every insult, both accidental and those carefully chosen to sting as deeply as possible. Despite the fact that he was threatening his very life, along with the lives of all his friends.
Nagito didn’t deserve him.
Why was he still thinking about Hajime in this way, Nagito wondered. He was supposed to be an enemy, a living incarnation of despair. He was an awful, evil person; Nagito knew it for a fact. And yet he was there, so dear and so close and still wanting to talk to him, to figure him out already. Why was he so stubborn with this?
He should’ve just tricked him, saying it’s alright now and he doesn’t want to hurt anyone anymore. Thinking about it, it would have made the plan even more likely to work by decreasing the chance of them starting to suspect any malicious intent from him.
But he knew himself and he knew that he couldn’t. The moment he let Hajime come closer, he would lose. He would succumb to his selfish wishes and give up.
He wanted to give up.
He let the thought of abandoning everything, of betraying hope, not the first, but the second time, invade his mind. The realization started to sink in, and he pointed the knife at Hajime. Why was the idea of hurting him directly was still so unbearable?
“Seriously, don’t get any closer,” Nagito said, all his energy directed at keeping his composure. He hoped Hajime couldn’t read him well enough to understand how panicked and conflicted he was. “As I said earlier, I don’t want to actually kill you, so I’ll aim at your non-vital points, but hey, knowing my luck, anything could happen” – he wanted to laugh cheerfully, but the sound that escaped was more of a cough. “So, can you make it easier and just go away?” – he didn’t understand when his tone had become pleading, almost desperate.
Go away.
Go away.
Go away.
Just go away.
Just come closer, come closer, ignore everything I said, just be with me for now, hold me closer.
Hajime flinched, pausing for a bit, his whole body tense and sweat running down his forehead. Nagito gulped, watching him in anticipation. Hajime made another step forward, making him feel both fear and relief… and regret, regret that he didn’t just go to that damn warehouse earlier.
Right now, he could as well have been there, finishing with his second leg. At first each wound brought him a feeling of sharp, intense pain. Now those feelings were slowly transforming into an overall agonizing sensation that felt like it was covering every muscle in his thighs. His legs started to get numb, he noticed with relief. He needed to do something with his arm now, he remembered, getting dizzy from the blood loss, breathing heavily through his nose.
Right now, he could as well have been tracing the blade down across his shoulder, barely having energy to make the knife even rip through the fabric of his jacket, leaving a shallow, bleeding cut. His screams died down to weak pitiful whimpers, barely audible even for his own ears.
Right now, he could as well have remembered the most painful part is yet to come.
But he didn’t, as Hajime was coming closer and closer, making Nagito take a step back with each of his steps forward. Nagito soon found himself pressed against the wall, the knife still in his hand. Hajime now looked at him a bit more confidently as he made the final step forward. Their noses were almost touching each other. Carefully, Hajime put his palm on the blade of the knife, then gently took it from Nagito’s hand. Nagito looked at it, almost feeling like he was unable to move as the other boy sighed with relief and tossed the weapon across the room. He heard it hit the wall with a clang.
“See?” Hajime asked, wrapping his arms around Nagito’s shoulders, holding him, tears standing in his eyes. “God, it was pretty scary, I must admit,” the other boy spoke softly, laughing a little. That was almost enough to make Nagito smile in return. “But I believed in you,” he said, sounding weirdly solemn, before cuddling him closer. “Always believed, and it always will be this way” – Hajime was crying now; Nagito could hear it in his voice.
At this very moment, he could’ve been raising his hand above the knife standing blade-up. His breathing was heavy and ragged. His body quivered weakly – he didn’t know if it was from the pain or from the fear, or probably both. He really, really, didn’t want to do it. It wasn’t even necessary for the plan. He could as well have tossed the knife aside and left it at that, waiting for the poison to bring him mercy…
He slammed his hand down with all the power that was left in his broken body.
The pain came delayed, and it felt almost like the time it took for his brain to process it made it worse. His immediate reaction, the instinct that stops people from accidentally hurting themselves, made him try to jerk his hand back, to get it away from whatever was attacking. His arm twitched, lifting up instinctively, but the weight of the knife brought it down, the metal screeching against the floor. Only then did he scream, and before that he was ready to swear he was unable to do so anymore. His body wriggled in convulsions, trembling, no longer in his control, his fingers twitching as the pool of blood underneath his palm was getting wider.
Right now, he could have been slowly regaining his composure, barely keeping himself conscious, tossing the toy away with a swift movement and stretching out his arm to make it look like it was tied up, hoping to do it before the flash of adrenaline wears out.
But he didn’t, instead hugging Hajime in return, trying to keep his warm body closer. He was crying – not from pain or fear, but from happiness, feeling his gentle touches and listening to his soothing words. Hajime leaned back a bit, to look right into Nagito’s eyes.
“I knew it all along. It’s because you love me. And, no matter how much you want to deny it, I love you.”
Hajime Hinata never said that.
He smiled warmly, as if Nagito didn’t threaten him with the knife a couple minutes ago. As if he didn’t try to scare him and his friends with the bomb. As if he didn’t spend the last few days insulting him and putting him down at every chance he had. He still stood there with open arms, welcoming him back.
Hajime Hinata never did that.
Hajime Hinata never approached him on the beach. Probably never figured out his real scheme either. The ones who took the effort to take care of him and keep him from starving were Mahiru Koizumi, and Monomi, the teacher. Hajime Hinata never was able to figure out his lies, whether they were caused by the disease or said voluntarily. Even if he did, he never bothered to explain it.
Right now Hajime Hinata was probably having fun with the others. Well, searching around, chasing after the non-existent bombs was not exactly fun, but…
Nagito let out a quiet, short sob. From the pain, surely, only from that. The torture had ended long ago, and most of his body felt numb and distant, but the burning sensation all over it was still nothing short of agony. He knew he deserved it all. To suffer until his last breath; a fitting end for him.
Even now, why was his mind still clinging to Hajime Hinata?
He didn’t know how much time had passed, or how much he had left. Minutes passed, and he felt like each of them was an hour. Or maybe those really were hours? Nagito was not sure. He was trying not to move, but his body was still trembling, with occasional convulsive motions shaking him up. Something was breaking inside him, he could tell. He had tried to make the blood loss slow, with the stab wounds facing upwards and the knife remaining impaled into his hand, making the bleeding weaker. All to hold on long enough for the traitor to kill him. All for the sake of fixing his mistake.
He’ll die alone.
All he wanted now was to hear Hajime’s voice once again.
Hajime wasn’t perfect. Hajime was, in reality, just a scared, stupid kid. But he tried to help. Even if it was not enough, he really tried. He didn’t understand, but he wanted to understand; he was trying to understand. He needed just a little bit more time.
Or that was what Nagito chose to think.
Finally, he heard a sound that was not the repeating music. It was the roar of a fire as the curtain ignited to his right, the blaze chasing away the creeping darkness. All Nagito could see was his own blood. He tried not to look, staring at the ceiling instead. There were voices… Akane and Kazuichi, yelling loudly, but he still couldn’t make out the words. Sonia mentioned the fire grenades…
It will end soon, and he didn’t know if that brought more fear or relief.
He just wanted a confirmation that Hajime Hinata was real. That he did care in his own awkward way. It was so pathetic. The way was he still clinging to this idiot, this moron, this traitor… Sadly, not the one from the Future Foundation –  instead he betrayed the very idea of hope.
But Hajime did come to him in that hospital. He volunteered to help Mikan. He helped him to get up, and assisted him as they went there… That was all reality, right?
Something whistled. The sound of broken glass followed. The fire was closer than Nagito thought, and he suddenly felt hot, even more than he previously did with the disease. The smoke filled his nose and the music continued to play. The poison was probably spreading from somewhere already.
For some reason, he tried to hold his breath.
He wanted to stay there just for a bit longer, just to hear something, anything that Hajime would say. It didn’t matter what. It didn’t matter how. He just was clinging to this irrational, pathetic wish.
No matter who Hajime Hinata was, Nagito loved him.
His body grew too weak. He felt like his consciousness was about to leave him at any second as his vision now filled with colorful flickering spots. The spear was dangling above him – that was all he could see… He closed his eyes… Just the sounds. Focus on the sounds. On hearing Hajime’s sweet voice once again.
The next thing he felt was his hand slipping.
The flash of fear in his mind was not fast enough to make him tighten his grip again. Before the blow, all he could do was scream.
The pain didn’t come this time. All that followed was a cacophony of sounds, of all kinds of things in the human body getting torn apart and destroyed. The wet, sickening noise of steel going through his skin and flesh was all too familiar, but the loud crunch that followed still made Nagito flinch, something primordial inside him saying it was not right. He just hoped that it was his ribcage, not his spine. Why so, he had no idea, as he knew a long time ago it was the end for him anyway.
Unable to hold on any longer, he finally took a deep breath.
He expected the poisonous gas to burn his lungs, to make him choke, but instead it just made him feel sleepy and numb. His body finally stopped shaking, all his sensations fading away slowly. For some reason, he opened his eyes again. The sounds, he was still trying to focus on the sounds…
The voices didn’t come again, and soon the fire and even the music faded away, as if he was hearing them through a wall of water. As his consciousness finally left him, all that remained was his own muffled scream that was ringing loudly in his ears until it got stuck in his throat, his expression distorted into a look of fear and agony.
No matter what Hajime could think or feel about him, seeing that expression engraved on his face brought him nothing but guilt, regrets and nightmares.
Chapter 6: The Day Before the Future
“Hey, can you hear me…?”
Of course, Hajime knew nobody in the room could hear him, but it felt right to ask this question anyway. He looked at the person behind the glass pod with an expression that could be described as a weird mix of both hope and resignation, determination and fatalism. He will work on it. He will, eventually, wake everyone up. He just knew it wouldn’t happen right now, as some sort of magical miracle. After all, if something as small as words would be enough to break a person out of a deep trauma-induced coma caused by their brain accepting they were dead, why would anyone train doctors and nurses and surgeons?
He wasn’t sure why he kept coming there, because it made no sense, and the fact that he was actively trying to talk to someone who gives him as much of a reaction as the wall of glass between them made even less sense, but…
It would be just too sad to leave Nagito completely alone.
So Hajime came to visit him… occasionally. Not every day, like Sonia did with Gundham, or Fuyuhiko – with Peko. But definitely more often than to anyone else on that island. Recognizing it made him feel… weird. He sighed, unknowingly placing his hand against the glass, tapping his fingers slightly. Of course, there’s no reaction.
“Why do I still want to talk to you so much?” Hajime asked, talking to both himself and the boy in the pod. Really, why? By all logical means, he should hate him. His rational mind told him to fear him. He knew it was weird, to hold this much attachment to someone who tried to kill you twice. And yet…
All his efforts to hate Nagito was always weak and vain, and all the grudges he could hold vanished the second he saw the boy’s dead body. When he came closer and closer to the truth behind the murder, he still felt fear, and anger, and he wanted to yell that this was messed up and wrong and not fair and what the actual fuck, but… As soon as he said final goodbyes and stumbled to his cottage, barely awake, trying to forget that day like it was a bad dream, all that was left was just sadness and guilt and inability to comprehend why in the world would anyone wish – and not only wish, but also actively inflict – that awful torture upon themselves.
At least now he looked peaceful, sleeping behind the pod, lying without movements except for his chest raising up and down, showing that he’s still breathing, still alive, that there’s still some hope for him left. His face was calm, eyes and mouth closed, with no signs of any pain or fear and discomfort to be seen. Hajime focused on it, trying to remember it like this, as if it would erase the horrific imagery he saw in the stimulation, still vivid before his eyes.
It wasn’t real.
But the emotions and thoughts that caused Nagito to plan and do it were. He can’t ignore them.
Hajime wanted to understand them. Because only after understanding them, could he fight them.
He sighed again, standing up from his chair, removing his hand from the pod. Before leaving, he took another quick glance at the boy…
Was he giving him too much credit? Thinking about it, there was nothing that could guarantee he wouldn’t just try to murder them again if… when he finally wakes up. Hajime shook his head, trying to chase away that thought.
That thought, wasn’t it the same that caused Nagito to try to kill them all? Hajime knew he shouldn’t give up to it. He was preparing to show it wasn’t true. To prove that each one of them deserved a second chance. A chance to build a new shining future.
“I will come again soon.”
“Hey… I have researched your medical files…”
Hajime spoke quietly, still knowing nobody could hear him, and this probably had made his voice even more sad. Of course, Nagito didn’t answer, giving no signs that he’s listening, or even that he’s alive, although the latter was proven by the image on the monitor checking his vital signs, and his quiet, even breathing – a little bit too even, Hajime would say.
Three weeks had passed since the first person woke up, and it gave a much-needed morale boost to everyone who remained on Jabberwock Island. A ray of hope, Hajime would say, but using that word in this context didn’t seem right anymore. Mikan Tsumiki had opened her eyes at that morning, scared and confused and too intimidated to even leave her pod for hours, but thankfully Despair Disease didn’t seem to carry on into the real world. After that, the process of waking everyone up was slowed down a bit, since a lot of effort was spent on explaining everything to her, and making sure to deal with any complications in time.
But after that, everyone doubled their efforts. As the idea of waking their friends up turned from a miracle into a plausible possibility, Hajime could see the light return into Sonia’s and Fuyuhiko’s eyes, as he saw the princess leave Gundham’s side without trails on her cheek for the first time since their arrival on the real Jabberwock Island. They all were working, now knowing that their efforts would be eventually rewarded.
And Mikan was happy to join them. It was actually her idea to check everyone’s medical profiles – it would help to adjust the amount and the quality of food and meds they were getting, and to take care of any medical issues, if anyone had them. And, as Hajime figured out soon, they had a lot…
Reading Nekomaru’s file was just… painful. He was lucky Mikan got to wake up so fast – without extra meds and care from the nurse, he could’ve been dead before ever opening his eyes again.
And Nagito’s… Hajime didn’t know many of all those fancy medical words in his profile, but he clearly understood one thing – by all odds, he should’ve already been long dead.
But he wasn’t, instead continuing to plague Hajime’s mind with his existence, making him think and think and think about him, and everything he said and did way too much…
“When you said that… you have not much time left, and it would be too lonely to die alone, I didn’t know if I should believe you,” Hajime said, still not waiting for an answer, taking a seat in a chair conveniently placed near the capsule. “In fact, I probably just… didn’t want to believe it. Just like you didn’t want me to get too close, I didn’t want to let my weird… attraction grow stronger than it already was,” – he sighed. He still didn’t know why was he coming back to talk to a wall of glass, but if he wanted to get it all off his chest, Nagito was as good of a listener as anyone. After all, everyone else here has too much of their own emotional baggage to deal with.
“I want to say ‘damn, I wish I could figure it out earlier’, but in fact I just… chose to run away, didn’t I?” he asked, looking at Nagito attentively, trying to find any motion, any reaction, even if it was just his eyelids trembling or his mouth twitching, but there was nothing.
If he was awake, what would he say?
Would he put himself down, saying nobody should care about stuff like this anyway, every self-loathing remark hitting harder now, when Hajime knew it wasn’t all just for attention? Would he sneer and giggle, saying he’s surprised a Reserve Course fool like him could figure it out at all, pretending it’s impressive that he’s even able to read? Would he still try to take it back? Would he just ask to be left alone?
Hajime didn’t know, and this lack of knowledge was the worst. But at least now he knew it was possible to figure it out.
To fix it all.
This time he left without saying anything.
“Hello there… At least, now I have a good excuse to come.”
Hajime scratched the back of his head with his right hand, smiling slightly, holding a bucket full of cloths in his other one. At first, the manner of still gesturing, mimicking, adding intonations to his voice while talking to his sleeping classmates seemed weird to him. Now, he wished to keep it. By treating them like living people, he could remind himself they’re still alive. They would wake up.
Hajime came closer to the pod. After a short hesitation, he opened it. Thankfully, people in the capsules were still able to breathe properly, and support their own heartbeat. Their conscious minds were just… not responding. They’re just sleeping, they’re not dead, Hajime repeated again, looking at Nagito’s calm, pale face.
“Mikan told me your immune system is weakened and even the smallest sickness can turn into huge trouble when it comes to you, so we should keep you nice and warm,” he explained, and he didn’t know to who, but doing something like this without words felt a bit too awkward. “So I decided to bring you some warm blankets…” – Hajime’s face ran red for some reason, and the fact that it happened even when he knew for sure nobody could see or hear him anyway only made him feel more awkward.
He put his hands on Nagito’s shoulders. First, he needed to place the cloth under his body, so he lifted him up slightly, making him take a sitting position. He didn’t react. Didn’t respond. His skin was really pale and unnaturally cold. It was almost the same as turning around the hand of the corpse, to examine the blood pattern… Hajime shook his head quickly. He shouldn’t think about it in this way. He carefully placed a blanket over Nagito’s shoulders and gently put him back, returning to a lying position. Then took another one, and covered his chest. He was breathing. The corpse had not been breathing. There were no wounds and not a single drop of blood, but Hajime couldn’t shake the sense of uneasiness completely.
There was a hand in the pod, and it was not Nagito’s hand. Hajime preferred to not think about it when he covered it with another piece of cloth.
His hand… At first, Hajime thought they should just cut it off. But for some reason, it wasn’t rotting, and didn’t seem to affect anything in Nagito’s body at all, as if was just a morbid accessory he was wearing instead of a decaying piece of human flesh. Junko’s Enoshima’s flesh that he decided to made into a part of himself.
Another part of himself that Hajime needed to figure out. To understand. To accept. He touched Junko’s hand lightly. It was cold. He traced his finger up, to Nagito’s own shoulder, just to make sure it was a bit less cold. He waited for a short minute, until it could become warm. Only after that he closed the pod and stood up from his chair.
“I’ll come back tomorrow.”
So he did. Tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. He felt like he needed to.
“Hello… I hope Mikan was gentle with you today…”
Talking to Nagito didn’t feel weird anymore, probably because Hajime was doing it for so long. He came closer to the pod, hesitant, clutching a small box to his chest. He was the only one who kept visiting that place, except Sonia, who was coming to everyone and insisting that no friend should be abandoned since Gundham woke up, and Mikan, who was now taking care of them, moving their limbs and massaging them so their muscles wouldn’t atrophy from not being used.
Hajime offered his help. So did Sonia, and Mahiru. But Mikan insisted on doing it all alone, because nobody else was qualified enough, and to not feel useless, Hajime suspected, but of course he would never say such a thing.
“Everyone is waking up, slowly, but surely. The first was Mikan. Probably because knowing it was not real made it easier to her brain to cope. Then it was Mahiru, Hiyoko, Ibuki… and now Nekomaru and Gundham are with us as well,” he spoke with a slight smile, unable to contain the pride in his voice completely. But there was no reaction, as always, and it quickly made him frown again as he sat down near the pod.
How would Nagito even react? Would he be happy of this “hopeful” outcome, praising everyone for defeating Junko and overcoming their despair? Would he be mad that the incarnations of everything he hated were allowed to live again? Would he feel defeated? Maybe he could celebrate this defeat.
He surely wouldn’t be lying there so calmly, breathing slowly.
In this state, he couldn’t hurt and confuse them anymore. Couldn’t do anything dumb and stupid and dangerous to himself and others. Couldn’t bring any more pain to them. And to himself.
Couldn’t see the hopeful outcomes he was yearning for. Couldn’t help them to achieve it. Couldn’t drop roundabout hints and silent clues leading to the goal they pursued. Couldn’t explore the real Jabberwock, much bigger and grander, with Hajime. Couldn’t talk to him. Couldn’t make him feel special.
Now, when he didn't have to fear for his life, the thought that everything good and bad was now not here started to sink in again, making his chest heavy. He felt guilt. For deciding to take the offer and joining Kamukura project, mostly. For starting the mess they all found themselves in, for letting Junko sneak in, allowing her to drag them all into an awful killing game, and eventually to tell Nagito what he shouldn’t have known.
Of course, there was something more personal in this guilt too. He felt the regret of not taking more effort to reach out. To understand. To show more kindness… Would that be enough? Hajime wasn’t sure. Actually, he was more sure that only that wouldn’t have been enough to stop the tragedy from happening… But he still regretted not trying. Not taking a chance, just standing there, watching how someone who he once called a friend succumbs to his own insanity at best, and actively speeding up the process at worst, clueless what to do.
Hajime shook his head. It was the person who tried to kill him, he had to remind himself. The one who was ready to confuse them, mess with them, make them scared for their lives, actually risk their lives, all for the sake of a weird idea he still couldn’t completely understand. But he wanted to understand… no, needed to.
“Hey, can you hear me?” he asked again, still not sure why and for what. That phrase was… special for him, probably. Like a symbol, a memory of a kind, carefree boy who once helped him when he was in need. Approached him and tried to be his friend. He spent hours and days trying to figure out how much of that boy was real, and how much was just a twisted, cruel lie. And how he was still looking at him. Nagito’s eyelids twitched slightly in a barely noticeable motion, as if he was seeing a dream.
What he was dreaming of? Was it a happy and hopeful world, or the one where they all burned in hell, dragged there by Monokuma’s claws? Hajime wished to know it.
“I brought you something,” he suddenly spoke, opening a box hesitantly. Inside was a mechanical hand, fancy, cold and shiny. “I asked Kazuichi to make this for you… Convincing the Future Foundation to allocate resources for this was pain in the ass, Makoto said,” he added with a slight smile. He imagined Nagito with shining eyes, clapping his hands and gushing about how great Makoto, The True Ultimate Hope is, and it was enough to elicit a soft giggle.
“And, um, these are from me,” Hajime said hesitantly, putting the hand on the table near the pod and taking out what was underneath it. “These are books. After you wake up, we would have to place you under watch until we’re convinced you aren’t immediate threat to yourself and others… so you’ll probably need them for a while,” he explained with a soft smile. Nagito still didn’t react, without the slightest movement on his face, but Hajime was ready to swear he now looked at him slightly mockingly.
“Hey, you would be more grateful if you knew how hard was to get these on this damn island. There’s no convenient, perfectly-organized library with everything in excellent condition waiting for you,” he spoke with slight annoyance, but the soft smile never left his face. “These are detective books… Figured out you’d like them from looking around your cottage…” – he frowned slightly, trying not to think about the context of that visit. “Although I have no idea if you do like them or just used them to create and solve all those mysteries…” – he sighed. He probably was just overthinking. Nagito was just a person, he had to remind himself. A person who was allowed to just like and dislike some things.
If Hajime was more open to the thought that he was not as incomprehensible as he seemed from the beginning, the story could’ve ended differently.
This time, it will end differently…!
“Hope we’ll get to enjoy them soon together,” Hajime said, putting the hand back in the box and leaving it besides the pod. “I would read them for you now, but that would be too stupid, right…?” he asked, looking at the other boy, who was still lying there, quiet and motionless and unable to answer… but alive. Breathing and thinking. His face still didn’t move an inch, and the expression of sadness was surely just Hajime’s all-too-vivid imagination, amplified by stress and overworking himself…
“Okay, okay. Just one chapter, no more,” he said with a sigh, opening the book and thinking what he would say to Mikan and Kazuichi when they would eventually ask what took him so long.
Nagito’s consciousness was drifting in and out, as his weak and broken and failing body was clinging to its life desperately when all his mind wanted was a swift, merciful end. He didn’t even have the energy to convince himself it was what should’ve happened to people like him, to those who are too weak and too easy to break and drag to despair – he was just wishing, pleading, begging for it to stop already. Even now, his limbs continued to try to jerk away from the fire, all the pathetic attempts at motion with muscles that shouldn’t be able to move prolonging the pain that should’ve ended long ago.
Flashes of agony were followed by periods of numbness, while he was drifting away in daze, feeling like his body no longer belonged to him. It probably didn’t, as he couldn’t recall the last time when he was moving consciously, by his own free will… Right now he was feeling nothing except the pressure of the metal that got a bit stronger as he took each breath, and a bit weaker as he let it out. He tried to ignore it, to not think about what was causing it.
“Hey, can you hear me…?”
The voice in his head was all too clear, way closer and louder than the music, and the fire, and his own quiet muffled screams. It was Hajime’s voice, he recognized immediately. The voice he was searching for for so long… Of course, Hajime couldn’t have been that close. It was his imagination running wild, he knew it, but he still found the strength to feel a little grateful for this small gift from his delirious consciousness. He was living in delusions for so long, so why not allow himself that weakness one more time?
“Are you okay?” the voice repeated, now even closer, and he could’ve sworn he felt someone leaning over him if he didn’t know for a fact it was not possible, unless Hajime somehow found out the new talent of running through the fire and breathing highly toxic substances without any harm to his sweet, calming voice. “You look like you’re hurt, is it your hand?” – the voice now was worried and concerned. His hand… He tried to twitch his fingers, but for some reason he couldn’t.
“Hey, open your eyes, I see you aren’t sleeping anymore.” – the voice became demanding, annoyed even. Hajime being annoyed and not worried or concerned, it seemed like his delusions started to fit into reality a bit more, imitating it better. He sighed, and it suddenly made him realize he wasn’t screaming anymore.
He obeyed, opening his eyes, and immediately squinted from the bright light, instinctively covering his eyes with his left hand. His left hand… for some reason, it wasn’t tied up or injured anymore, he noticed as he slowly got used to the light. Hajime was leaning over him slightly, his face worried and uncertain. He wasn’t lying on the floor in the warehouse, that thought was slow to come and hard to sink in, but the floor beneath him was warm and soft, there was no knife and no spear in his flesh, and not a single drop of his blood was shed there anymore. His body wasn’t too numb to the pain – there was just no pain, and that feeling was so alien and unfamiliar it almost made him feel dizzy from the sudden switch.
“You must be so confused right now,” Hajime said quietly, as if he didn’t want to scare him off. Nagito blinked, and looked at his hand… It wasn’t his anymore, and realizing that evoked a flash of memories, distant and not so distant, forgotten and not so forgotten.
Hope’s Peak Academy. Chiaki Nanami, lying in a pool of her own blood. Junko Enoshima. The Tragedy. Neo World Program. Fixing what they’d done and giving the world’s future back to it… These words and concepts were familiar, but not enough to make total sense.
“Probably more confused than I was there on the beach,” Hajime spoke again, this time with a nostalgic smile. The beach and the killing game, those were the parts he remembered all too well, but still failed to make sense of. “But don’t worry. I’ll tell you everything. After a mandatory physical and mental health check up, of course…” – he smiled awkwardly.
Nagito wasn’t sure how to respond, with so many emotions twisting in his head to the point where he was unable to feel any of them properly. He probably should’ve been mad, enraged that his scheme failed, if Hajime was still alive… But for now he thought he should just obey until he knows more.
Hajime reached out his hand, smiling.
If it was reality, he could gladly accept this reality.
If it wasn’t, he would enjoy whatever his mind prepared until it gets crushed, to make the suffering from seeing it crumble more deserved.
But Hajime seemed so real, more real than on the beach, more real than anything he had seen in his life.
Nagito reached back and allowed him to grab his hand.
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cobaltusami · 3 years
That's what Friends are for
Hello! This Is my first Danganronpa tickle story, It's very long I'm sorry! I got a little carried away eh heh heh... It sits at 3521 words, And that's AFTER trimming It down, For future fics I will try not to ramble on as much! Anyways hope you enjoy!
Main characters: Kazuichi, Gundham, Sonia
It had been unusually peaceful that day, Everyone seemed to be getting along well... Much to Usami’s delight.
But Hajime knew that wasn’t going to last much longer. Normally when something was going well, Something chaotic would happen and today was no different.
It was the middle of the day, And Usami had thought It to be a good Idea for everyone to hang out at the beach. The students decided to make It a party, And that’s when the chaos started.
A group of students had gone to the supermarket to get decorations and everything they would need for the party, While another group waited at the beach to decorate.
Mostly the boys had been lumped Into bringing the stuff back, Mahiru mentioned something about them being stronger. Once that had been done they were free to relax.
Hajime was sitting by the ocean waves next to Nagito In near silence, He tried to relax but he couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. He tried to distract himself by turning and looking at all his classmates having fun.
Nekomaru and Akane were “Play fighting” as they claimed, Though with how intense their spar could get, He wasn’t sure It counted as play fighting.
Kazuichi was rigging up some kind of Firework display per the request of literally all the girls.
Ibuki was setting up a sound system for music with the help of Chiaki.
Peko and Fuyuhiko were stringing up lights and Mahiru, Hiyoko and Mikan were making floral decorations and Lei’s.
Sonia was tying ribbons to the tables and placing other decorations along the beach.
And Gundham was well.. Being Gundham. He was In a spot further away from everyone else, and also further from the water. He seemed to have taken to playing In the sand, His hamsters gathered around the sand sculpture he was crafting.
Sonia decided to take a small break from decorating to approach the isolated student, Wanting to make sure he was included In the group rather than avoiding them.
“Gundham, What are you making?” Sonia asked as she sat down across from him.
The self proclaimed ‘Dark Prince’ glanced up at the Princess, Meeting her curious gaze. “I am recreating my Four Dark Devas of Destructions’ home, The Imperial Hell Palace!”
Sonia blinked as she processed what he said. “Oh, You are making a sand castle?” She smiled. “It looks wonderful so far, It will be a nice additional decoration for the party!”
“I-It Is not a mere decoration! It Is to serve as a nightmarish reminder of--”
He was cut off by a soft giggle, And stopped talking when he saw the Four dark devas of destruction crawling Into Sonia’s lap. She picked them up In her hands carefully and snuggled them affectionately. “They are so sweet and friendly! You have raised them well.” She smiled kindly at the Ultimate Breeder.
His face went red as he looked away, Pulling his scarf up to hide his blush. “You… You truly think so…?” He asked quietly. “Th-Thank you, Princess…”
“Hey hey hey, What the hell’s going on over there?!” Kazuichi asked suddenly, Startling Hajime.
“Uh, By the looks of It, I’m guessing Sonia complimented his hamsters again?” Hajime suggested, Recalling his reaction the first time she complimented them.
“He better not be making any moves on Miss Sonia! I called dibs!” He complained childishly.
“I don’t think you can call dibs on a Person, Kazuichi.” Nagito spoke up, Smiling in vexation.
“Yeah, Especially when that person doesn’t like you back.” Hiyoko chimed In, Snickering at the glare sent her way.
“If It bothers you so bad to be left out, Why don’t you just go join In?” Mahiru suggested. “Go build sandcastles with them.”
Kazuichi looked at her, Exasperated. “You aren’t possibly suggesting I go be friendly with my rival, Are you!?”
Mahiru shrugged. “Why not?”
“W-Why not!?”
“L-L-Look at I-It this way…” Mikan stammered. “I-If Sonia were t-to s-s-see you ge-getting along with him… Sh-Sh-She might like you m-m-more!”
“That’s a stupid Idea, Don’t listen to this pig barf!”
“Actually, It makes sense If you think about It.” Mahiru agreed with Mikan’s sentiment. “If you make an effort to be friends with Gundham, Sonia might be impressed.”
Hajime exchanged glances with Nagito, Who sighed quietly. Both silently saying the same thing; That’s not going to work.
“Y-You really think so?” Kazuichi asked warily, Glancing back over the two. Sonia was now helping Gundham make his ‘sand palace’. They seemed to be having fun, The Blonde giggling happily as she worked on making a mote.
“I’m sure of It.”
“Or, You could be a man and tell him to back off.” Hiyoko suggested. “If that doesn’t work, Maybe you could embarrass him and make him look like a total loser In front of her. You should know what those look like.”
“H-Hiyoko! Don’t give him any ideas!” Hajime cut In, But his words fell upon deaf ears.
“How do I even get her away from him so I can try to ‘befriend’ him?”
Mahiru hummed In thought for a moment. “I got It!” She walked back over to where the flowers were and picked up some of the decorations carefully In her hands. “Hey Sonia? I’ve got some of the decorations done!” She called out.
Sonia jumped a bit. “O-Oh my! I forgot entirely about the decorations!” She gasped out In surprise, Giving Gundham an apologetic look. “I am so sorry, I will be back!”
“It Is alright, Princess. Go tend to your Embellishing duties, The Imperial Hell Palace will be here once you return.” He played It cool and acted as though he wasn’t disappointed- Though he definitely was.
Sonia carefully put the hamsters down and stood up, Giving a small bow and stride gracefully over to Mahiru to discuss the decorations.
Kazuichi made his move, Casually walking over to the Ultimate Breeder, who seemed a bit more downcast than usual. “Hey Gundham, Whatcha making?” He asked while feigning interest, Crouching down next to the solemn student.
The Supreme Ice Overlord was taken aback at first, Why would he all of a sudden approach him? Kazuichi doesn’t seem too fond of him… Oh… Ohh. His face had initially seemed to perk up a bit at the prospect of someone joining In, But he immediately became annoyed once he connected the dots.
“Foolish mortal,” He grumbled. “Do you take me for a fool? I know what you are up to.” He narrowed his eyes at the Pinkette.
Kazuichi flinched. “W-What are you talking about man? I just wanted to see what you were doing.”
“You are merely over here to assert to me that you have claimed Sonia, Are you not?”
“N-No! Of course not! I thought It looked like you guys were having fun so I wanted to ask If i could join in.”
Gundham gave one more piercing glare before turning back to his sandcastle. “Why must you constantly chase after her, Fiend? You seem to have dedicated your existence to fawning over her.” He asked In annoyance, Unable to even look at him.
“I-I don’t!”
Gundham didn’t have many friends, In fact, Growing up he didn’t have any. Most people write him off as weird or scary and avoid him. Having someone try to pretend to be friendly with him, Was only reminding him of how few people actually care about him, thus making him irritable.
“Why?” He mumbled under his scarf. “Why must you try to chase her off? Is It really that intolerable to you for her to wish to speak to someone such as me?”
Kazuichi stammered, Taken aback by this unexpected response from the Dark Prince. He was actually starting to feel bad about his actions until…
“Foolish Mortal! I shall not let you take her away!” Gundham declared, Locking eyes with the Ultimate Mechanic.
Sonia was one of the only people not put off by the way he acts and speaks, And seemed to genuinely care about him as evident by trying to include him every chance she got. Of course, He didn’t have romantic feelings for her, Per se, He just longed for a sense of belonging.
He just wanted someone to call a friend.
Kazuichi’s face got red with anger. “I knew It! You really do like her!”
“Of course I do, Fiend! How can one not?” He shot back, Oblivious to what Soda actually meant by ‘like'.
“L-Listen here! You better stay away from her! She’s mine dammit!” He threw any attempts at getting along out the window and instead took Hiyoko’s advice.
Much to Hajime’s dismay. He watched on in silent horror.
“Fool! You cannot lay claim to someone who does not return your affections!” The Ultimate Breeder fired back. “You cannot control one such as her!”
“But I can control you… Stay away from her- Or else!”
“Fuahahaha!” Gundham burst out laughing bitterly at this threat. “That truly Is amusing, You think you can order me around!? You pathetic human! I am the great GUNDHAM TANAKA! What could you possibly do to stop me?”
That was the boiling point, Kazuichi lunged at Gundham and the two went rolling around on the beach. Soda had some decent muscle built up from all the work he does on machinery, So he expected to have an easy upper hand against Tanaka.
However, The Great Gundham Tanaka was also much stronger than he looked, Of course he’d have to be with the wide variety of animals he cares for.
Neither one of them were giving up without a fight, And both struggled to obtain the upper hand as they wrestled around.
The commotion they made had garnered the attention of the other beach goers, Most were taken aback, But someone was egging it on.
“God, Kazuichi! How are you struggling this much? Even I could win this fight.” Hyoko called out, Encouraging the Mechanic with her insults… Somehow.
“S-Soda! Tanaka! What the hell are you two doing?!” Nekomaru stammered, Shocked by the sudden fight amongst classmates.
“Should we intervene, Coach Nekomaru?” Akane asked, Both of them were unsure so they waited.
Gundham tried to pin him down to put an end to this ridiculous fight, But Kazuichi grabbed for his shirt to throw him off. In the process of doing said action, His fingers came into contact with Gundham’s sides, Drawing a sharp gasp from him as he went tumbling down beside Soda.
His arms instinctively wrapped around his midsection, Causing Kazuichi to pause. Tanaka slowly scooted away from him, Watching him cautiously as though he were a wild animal.
“What the…” Soda slowly sat up, Watching him with intense interest.
“F-Foolish mortal… Do not give me that look!” He tried to regain his previous composure.
A sharp, Toothy grin plastered Itself onto the Ultimate Mechanic’s face as he dangerously pursued the Dark Prince. “Whatsa matter? You look a little flustered there, Gundham~” His words were laced with Mischievous intent.
“Stay back!” He intended It to come out as a command, Or a threat, But It came out as panicked. Gundham could recognize the almost predatory look In Kazuichi’s eyes, And unlike with Animals, He had no way to diffuse the situation.
Before Tanaka could scramble to his feet and retreat like he intended, Soda grabbed his ankle and pulled him back towards him. “Ohhh no you don’t.” He grinned, settling himself on his hips. “It’s not like you to get scared… Could It be because you’re… Ticklish?”
Gundham, Who had previously been struggling, went eerily still. Almost as If hoping that If he didn’t move, Kazuichi wouldn’t do anything. For a moment Kazuichi could see the panic in his eyes.
Gundham glanced over to the rest of the beach, So many people were staring at them. Most likely trying to figure out If they should intervene and pull Kazuichi off or not.
All those eyes on him was making him even more uncomfortable, He had to do something to gain back a semblance of control.
He looked back up at Kazuichi, His coldness returning to him. “Mortal, If you do not get off of me In the next-- ACK!”
Or not.
Kazuichi grinned as he dug his fingers into his sides. “I’m sorry, What was that?”
Gundham tried not to react, But due to being touch starved and having no resistance to something like tickling, He was giggling within seconds. He pulled his scarf over his face to hide his reactions and muffle any embarrassing sounds he might make.
“Looks like you’re not so tough when you’re a giggling mess.” Soda teased, He noticed that his shirt rode up a bit during the last struggle and opted to dance his fingertips all across the exposed skin of his stomach.
This drew laughter from the normally stoic Ultimate, His laughter- What Soda could hear of it- Sounded different from his usual laughter. It was still deep but not quite as deep. It was also breathy and rich, The gasps between laughs he took indicated that Gundham wasn’t used to laughing.
"What’s the matter? Does the Great Gundham Tanaka really have nothing to say?” Yes, Kazuichi was quite enjoying himself right now. He liked how big bad Gundham Tanaka was reduced to a quivering pile of laughter by a simple touch. It was amusing. “Looks like I finally found your weakness.” He chuckled.
“St-Stohohop this at once!” He managed a feeble command between laughs.
What Is this feeling? He was utterly embarrassed being tickled In front of his entire class, but yet… It wasn’t unbearable. Even the feeling of his calloused fingertips slowly spidering up and down his sides right now, It tickled like hell but It still wasn’t… Unpleasant?
Gundham’s laughter shot up In volume once Kazuichi reached his ribs, He took advantage of this sensitive spot and honed in on it. “Aww, Does the Supreme overlord of... whatever, have ticklish ribs?” He cooed teasingly, Discovering that lighter touches seemed to be more effective.
The Ultimate Breeder found he was having more trouble breathing now with his scarf In his face, But he didn’t want people to see his face.
Kazuichi, Noticing how frequent the gasps for air had become, Slowed down significantly. “You might wanna move that scarf, You might suffocate yourself.” He laughed a little, But this was a genuine fear of his.
Gundham shook his head defiantly, Giggles still pouring past his lips. He’d rather suffocate than have everyone see him blushing and laughing like a fool.
The Mechanic reached with one hand for the offending article, But The black and gray haired student held on tightly to it. “Fine, I guess we’ll do this the hard way.”
He brought the hand that was still tickling him up, His fingers snaking their way into his underarm and began tickling him without mercy.
This drew a scream from the pale student, His back arching as if revolting against the sensations. He immediately brought his arm down In an attempt to protect the sensitive area.
This allowed Kazuichi to grab hold of the purple scarf and rip it away from the gasping and laughing ultimate beneath him. “Aha! Got It!” He gloated, Tossing the piece of clothing out of Gundham’s reach.
Now Kazuichi was free to tickle as much as he wanted without fear of Tanaka smothering himself.
Although now he needed to worry about making him pass out from laughing too hard. “What do you say, Gundham? Are you going to admit defeat?” He asked teasingly as he danced his fingers up and down his ribcage.
He shook his head defiantly, Bringing his hands up to cover his face. “N-NEVER FIEHEHEHEND! AHAHAHAHAHA!”
“Yeah, It’s just as I thought. You’re just having toooo much fun to give up.” He cooed as he slowed down to give Gundham a chance to breathe a little. “You’re lucky I don’t know how to undo your boots, You’d really be In for It!”
“When Ihihihihi get freehehehe you’re dehehehead!” He giggled hysterically behind his hands, His face reddening even more-- If that was even possible.
He knew that Kazuichi was just trying to fluster him with his words but… Huh. Was he having fun? Wh-- NO! Don’t be ridiculous! Why did that thought even cross his mind?! He’s GUNDHAM TANAKA, He doesn’t find joy In such childish things!
“Oh yeah? Well good luck.” Soda scoffed. “Because all I have to do to stop you Is tickle you… HERE!”
He suddenly shoved his wiggling fingers back under his arms, drawing another scream from Gundham. This one wasn’t muffled because he shot his arms down the instant he felt the ticklish sensation.
“NOO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Gundham threw his head back with loud laughter, His back arched as he kicked his legs In a feeble attempt to get free. He grabbed for Kazuichi’s wrists but he couldn’t muster enough strength to throw him off.
“You’re like, MEGA ticklish here!” Kazuichi laughed along with him, Finding his laughter to be somewhat contagious.
Sonia, Who hadn’t heard the previous commotion, Was startled by the sound of Gundham’s scream, She set down the floral arrangement she held in her hands and whipped around looking for the source of the sound. “G-Gundham?” Her eyes scanned the beach until… She saw It.
She gasped softly, Covering her mouth in surprise. “Oh my! Is he okay??” She was worriedly making her way over to the two but then she realized, He was… Laughing. Sonia took a closer look at them. “Is he… Tickling him?” She asked curiously.
“Yeah, Definitely looks that way.” Nagito sighed, Shaking his head. Though he couldn’t help but smile at the two’s antics.
Sonia giggled in delight. “That Is adorable! I never knew Gundham was ticklish.”
“I don’t think Kazuichi knew either.” Hajime whispered, Receiving an elbow to the ribs from Nagito. He recoiled quickly drawing an interested gaze from the Ultimate Lucky student.
“What? Don’t have any more threats for me?” The pink haired student grinned as he watched the pale man shake his head In response as loud laughter continued to flow freely from his mouth.
“Kazuichi, He needs to breathe!” The Mechanic quickly looked up to see Sonia approaching them. He withdrew his hands, Relenting his attack.
“M-Miss Sonia!” Soda stammered In surprise, Moving off of his winded classmate sheepishly.
Sonia knelt down next to Gundham and put her hands on his shoulders, Gently helping him sit up. Her blue eyes looked to Soda.
He was expecting her to be angry with him, But she looked amused. “It makes me happy to see you two getting along.” She beamed. “You guys looked like you were having so much fun.”
Kazuichi untensed as he realized she wasn’t angry. He and Gundham both exchanged glances. “Yeah, I guess we did have fun.” He laughed happily, Blushing and Folding his arms behind his head.
Gundham’s face flushed again as he looked away from both of them. “Hmph, Speak for yourself, Mortal! No part of that was--”
He was interrupted by Sonia lightly wiggling her fingers against his neck, Drawing a very uncharacteristic squeal from the Supreme overlord of ice. “P-Princess!” He gasped out, Quickly bringing his hands up to shoo hers away.
Sonia giggled as he fixed her with a look of betrayal. “Come on now, Gundham. Surely you cannot deny you were having fun.” She smiled.
“Yeah, You probably could’ve shoved me off If you really wanted to.” Kazuichi smirked.
“I-I did not enjoy any of that cursed activity.” He blushed, Looking down as he folded his arms stubbornly.
“Hey Sonia, Maybe we should tickle him until he admits It?”
For the second time today, He froze up. He quickly looked to the Ultimate Princess to gauge her reaction. Of course, She had a similar predatory glimmer to her eyes as Soda had earlier.
“Hmm.” She hummed thoughtfully. “Maybe~”
“NAGITO STAHAHAP!” Hajime’s sudden laughter drew attention away from the panicking Gundham, Who took this opportunity to grab his scarf and sneak back over to the Sand castle to reclaim his four dark devas of destruction.
It was quite an amusing sight though to be fair, Nagito was currently wrecking Hajime with tickles much to everyone’s amusement.
Gundham hesitantly returned to the two, Though on high alert for any sudden movements. He felt better now that he had his scarf back on and his Devas with him.
He did have fun, Somehow, Of course he wasn’t about to admit this.
“Oh hey, Your sand castle fell apart.” Kazuichi pointed out.
“It Is alright. We’ll help him make a new one!” Sonia smiled.
“I crafted It once, I can craft It again. I do not need assistance.” Gundham’s attempt at pushing her away however, Didn’t work. Not for the reason he was half expecting though.
“Nonsense! If we help you, You’ll be done In time for the party to start.” Kazuichi intervened.
Sonia nodded with a delighted smile. “He Is right. After all, That Is what friends are for, Is it not?”
“Yeah, What she said.” Soda agreed.
“Friends?” Gundham closed his eyes and smirked a little. “That’s a nice line.”
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Can you do a Gundham Tanaka scenario we’re the two of you are dating and have an argument in the dining hall, then he says something hurtful and every pauses and you cry then runaway. Later Monokuma said a body has been discovered, Gundham gets worried sick, but it’s not your body but you’re still missing. You’re not the murderer either when the class trial ends he can’t help but pull you in a bone crushing hug and apologizes.
Ooooo angst! My favorite! Sure thing, buddy!  
Justified-Gundham Tanaka x Reader
The first trial had ended, and the perverted TeruTeru was executed. You hadn’t had a great opinion of him before, but you had to say he had earned your respect. You felt sorry for the boy. He deserved better.
“My lady?”
You blinked as your boyfriend Gundham called out to you. You turned over to him. “Yes, Gundham?”
“Are you alright? You are going to return to the surface world with us, correct?” He asked, walking over to you.
It was then you realized you had been staring at the screen you were forced to watch TeruTeru’s death on. “...Yeah. I am.” You replied, turning from the screen and looking to Gundham. He had his bandaged hand outstretched, so you took it.
As the two of you walked to the elevator, your boyfriend glanced at you. “Was the brutality of the mortal’s death too much for you, my Dark Queen?”
You slowly shook your head. “No...it’s not that...” You muttered. “I mean, it was awful. But I more felt bad for TeruTeru.”
Gundham raised a brow. “You felt bad for him? He had committed the atrocity of stealing a mortal life. Of course, the monochrome bear’s punishment is much too far, but he had taken Byakuya’s life sooner than he was meant to leave this mortal coil.”
You frowned. “But you know he didn’t mean to kill Byakuya.” You reminded him as you boarded the elevator. “He meant to kill Nagito, who was going to kill someone. And he set TeruTeru up!”
“Does it matter who the victim of his onslaught was?” The breeder countered. “Let us assume TeruTeru’s plan had indeed worked and he killed Nagito. We would still have had to investigate and solve the murder.” He leaned against the elevator wall. “It does not matter who concocted the original plan, nor whom was killed.”
“But he did it to protect us!” You argued, looking at your partner from the opposite wall. “Nagito is obviously crazy. If he had died, we wouldn’t have to worry about him, as awful as that sounds.”
Gundham narrowed his eyes and met your own. “Then why is it he did not come forward?” He retorted. “If he truly wished to protect us all, then he would turn himself in, would he not?”
“He was scared!” You exclaimed. “Anyone would be in that situation! And you heard him, he wanted to check on his mother and his diner. Sure, it’s a selfish reason, but can you really blame him?”
The elevator came to a stop, and Gundham pushed himself off the wall, walking towards the exit. “Perhaps it best if we part ways and rest for the night.” He suggested. “We will most likely be on better terms after being well rested.”
You nodded in agreement. “Yeah. Sounds like a plan. Goodnight, Gundham.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.” You frowned when he called you by your name and not a pet name. However you said nothing, and the two of you made your way to your separate cottages.
The next morning you woke up still feeling a little bitter. You tried to push the feeling to the side as you got ready and left your cottage, heading to the restaurant. When you arrived, you saw that Gundham had already arrived. You took a deep breath before sitting beside him.
He looked up at you and gave a small smile. “Good morning, my paramour.” He greeted you. So at least he seemed to feel better about the little argument the two of you had last night. “Are you recovered from the previous night’s...incident?”
“Good morning, Gundham.” You returned the greeting, then began picking at the food in front of you. “...Not really.” You admitted. “I’m still thinking about it, and I still feel the same way.”
Your boyfriend let out a sigh. “My Queen of Darkness.”
You looked up to him. “I just don’t think it’s as cut and dry as you say it is, Gundham.” You began. “Like, what if I was in danger and the only way to save me was to kill someone?”
“Clearly I would obliterate the fool who dares harm you.” The breeder answered. “But it would still not justify my actions.”
“You don’t think there is any justified reason to kill?!” You said, exasperated. “Yes, killing is wrong and should be avoided, but there are a few times where I think it’s acceptable. TeruTeru’s trial being one of them!”
“Murder is murder no matter the reason, Y/N.” Gundham said, his voice clearly agitated. “I am not saying there are not reasons where one could be pushed to slay another, but it will never be justified.”
“What about killing a known murderer?! Or someone extremely dangerous?!” You asked him, your voice raising to the point a few of the others turned to look at the two of you. “Is killing someone like that not justified?!”
Gundham narrowed his eyes. “No, it is not.” He said bluntly, almost glaring at you. “Killing a murderer does not reduce the amount of killers. The amount remains the same.”
You clenched your fists, getting irritated. “Then what if I killed to protect you?!” You snapped out. “Would that be justified, or would I deserve death like TeruTeru?! Would me being executed be justified?!”
Something in Gundham seemed to snap. He glared directly at you. “Just because you kill for protection does not make it right, you damn fool!” Your eyes widened at that, and you heard a few gasps from the others. “If you truly look for any reason to commit a murder, then yes! Your death would be more than justified!”
The room was deathly quiet.
You looked at Gundham for a long time as tears filled your eyes. Gundham’s face softened slightly as he realized what he had said. Before he could say anything, you turned and ran out of the restaurant, crying heavily.
Gundham watched you run out, guilt filling him. He hadn’t meant any of what he said. Why did he say that?
“Dude...” He turned at the voice and saw Kazuichi looking at him, along with the rest of his companions on this island. “That was...so not cool.”
“Yeah, I thought Mikan was a nasty pig shit, but what you just did was even worse than how that skank smells!” Hiyoko agreed.
“You should probably give her some space.” Chiaki said to him. “Then after a little while you can apologize.”
Gundham nodded. ”Yes. That is...most likely the correct action to take.” He stood from his seat and walked to the stairs. “I believe I will make my exit. Farewell, mortals.” And with that, the breeder left through the hotel.
Gundham was unable to relax, even as he walked down the first island’s beach. He felt completely terrible for what he had said. He had no right to get so upset, and should never had said such awful things.
After a while of worrying, he couldn’t take anymore and made his way to your cottage. When he arrived, he knocked on your door. “My dark lady?” He called out to you. “I would like to formally apologize. It was very wrong of me to speak to you in such a manner.” He waited for you to respond, but there was nothing. He knocked again, louder this time. “My dearest fallen angel? I understand your anger, but if you could please open the door...”
No answer again.
Gundham began to get really worried. “Y/N? Y/N, are you in there?!” He called desperately, attempting to open the door to no avail. After a third time with no answer, he bit the inside of his cheek and rushed off, beginning to search the entire island.
He had just finished searching the first and central islands and was on his way to the second when it happened.
Ding dong bing bong!
Gundham’s eyes widened, and his blood ran cold. No. No, it couldn’t be.
A body has been discovered!
Without a second thought, Gundham began running to the second island, it being the only one he hadn’t gone to yet.
“It’s not her. It’s not her. It can’t be her. Don’t let it be her. Please for the love of everything unholy don’t let it be her.” He thought as he sprinted across the bridge. He noticed others running to the beach as he got closer, so he began making his way there as well. He pushed through the crowd that had formed around the beach house until he could see and....
It was Mahiru.
Mahiru lay dead against the wall.
A wave of relief washed over him to the point he had to lean on the doorframe to keep from falling over.
Sonia looked over at him worriedly. “Gundham? Are you alright?” She asked, grabbing onto his arm to steady him.
He nodded and straightened himself. “Y-yes. Yes, I am. I was just worried the announcement was for Y/N. I cannot find her no matter where I look.”
The princess gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh no! That is awful! We must assemble a search party at once!”
“Um, Miss Sonia?” Kazuichi spoke up. “There’s kinda been a murder? We need to investigate that.”
“But if Y/N is missing, she could be hurt!” Ibuki pointed out. She then gasped. “Or worse! She could be dead too!”
That statement caused Gundham’s blood to run cold.
Hajime looked over to him, then to Mahiru’s body. He sighed in slight annoyance. “Alright. Gundham, Sonia, Kazuichi, you three go look for Y/N. The rest of us will investigate the murder.”
Kazuichi gave Gundham a sideways look, but at the moment the breeder was too worried about you to care about his “rivalry” with the mechanic.
The three of them left the beach to go search for you.
Ding dong bing bong! It’s time for the trial! Make your way to Monokuma Rock!
Gundham’s head shot up at the sound. “What?! No! It cannot be! We have not found her yet!” He exclaimed.
“Dude, we’ve looked everywhere.” Kazuichi said in annoyance, leaning against the ranch fence. “I dunno where she is, but she clearly doesn’t wanna be found.”
“Do not worry, Gundham! She has to appear at the trial, so we will see her then!” Sonia assured the breeder.
Gundham perked up a bit at that, though worry still remained in the back of his mind. “You are right, Princess of the Dark.” He began to walk in the direction of the trial grounds meeting place. “Come. Let us rendezvous with the other mortals.”
He heard Kazuichi scoff as he pushed himself off the fence and walk slowly behind him. Sonia however nodded excitedly and walked beside him. Gundham paid neither of them any mind. He was focused on getting to Monokuma Rock and finding you alive and well.
They were the last ones to arrive.
As Gundham looked around, his stomach dropped when he saw no sign of you. He noticed the others’ heads shoot over to the three of them, and most of their expressions turn to worried ones when it was just the three of them.
“You didn’t find her?” Hajime asked, sounding concerned now that the stress of the investigation was behind him.
Gundham shook his head, and he began pulling at his scarf worriedly. “No, I did not. I...do not know where she could be...”
“But you didn’t find a body either?” Hajime questioned. “There were three of you, so if you had, there would have been another body discovery announcement.”
Gundham flinched at the very thought, then shook his head. “No, thankfully we did not encounter her body.”
“Maybe someone tossed it in the ocean?” Fuyuhiko suggested, sounding less than interested. “No body no trial, though. So maybe someone just hated the bitch.”
Gundham’s head shot over to the Yakuza, glaring at him. Before he could even open his mouth however, Monokuma suddenly appeared.
“Nope! No bodies are allowed in the ocean! That would be ruining this island’s beauty, and that would break one of the school trip’s rules!”
The breeder looked down to the robotic bear. “Then where is my dark angel?”
Monokuma gagged. “Bleh! Gross, young love is so cute and wholesome and gross!” He sighed. “Don’t you worry your weird haired little head! I’m going to go get her now!” And with that he disappeared.
The wait seemed longer than it probably was, but eventually you were seen being dragged by the wrist by Monokuma. Gundham let out the biggest sigh of relief he had ever had before.
Monokuma released you in front of the group. You glared at the bear, and purposely avoided Gundham’s gaze.
He took a step towards you. “My dark-”
“We’ve wasted enough time already! Everyone get your asses in the elevator now!” Monokuma interrupted him. The escalator appeared, and you quickly boarded it.
Gundham was cut off from you as the others stepped onto it as well. He sighed before following suit. It seemed you were still angry at him. You had every reason to be, of course. He just wanted to apologize.
The elevator ride seemed longer than before to the both of you. You were on the opposite side of the elevator, not wanting to see Gundham right now. Ibuki was talking to you, surprisingly softly. She was making sure you were alright and telling you how happy she was you were alive.
“Gundham was like freaking out so much!” Your friend told you. “It was like totally killing my vibe, but I couldn’t blame him! I was worried as hell too!” She gave you a hug, and you chuckled softly. “But seriously, that man was running around so much I thought he would pass out! He was worrying himself sick!”
You smiled softly at that. Gundham was that worried about you? You knew he had knocked on your door, your cottage is where you had been this whole time after all. But you had just ignored him. After the third time he knocked he just...went away. So you assumed his apology wasn’t that important to him anyway.
The elevator came to a stop, and as you all went to your podiums, you looked at Gundham for the first time since Monokuma dragged you from your cottage. He looked exhausted. He looked completely drained.
You watched as the ambulance carried Fuyuhiko away. You sighed as you looked over to the screen where you had watched another of your friends die. And once again, you felt yourself feeling it was justified. Maybe not for the same reasons, but Peko only wanted to protect the only person she really cared about. You could understand that.
You went to walk to the elevator, but before you could take a single step, you felt two strong arms wrap around you tightly. You let out a surprised squeak.
“Oh, my fallen angel.” You heard Gundham murmur. “I am so terribly sorry. I should have never spoken such cursed words to you. It was entirely wrong of me.” He held you protectively to his chest. “When you would not answer your door, I feared the worse. I began to search, but i could not find anything. And then the announcement. I...I feared...”
You felt your should begin to become wet, and you realized Gundham was crying. You let out a soft gasp. “Gundham...” You gently hugged him back, and this only caused him to pull you closer into his chest.
“I thought...I thought you were gone.” He continued. “I thought I had lost you. All because I lost myself.” He pulled away from you for a moment, and you looked into his tear stained eyes. “I mean none of what I said. I promise, my precious sparrow.” He told you. “You are the most important thing in my life, and there would be no reason I’d allow someone to take you away from me.”
You smiled softly, feeling tears of your own forming. “I know, Gundham. I...I’m sorry I ignored you. I was just so upset. I thought you didn’t care about me. I never meant to make you worry so much. I...I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “No. The fault lies entirely with me. If I had not said what I had, you would not have felt the way you did.” He hugged you tightly once more. “I shall never make you feel as if you do not matter to me again, for it could not be further from the truth, my dark queen.”
You looked up at him. “I love you Gundham. So much.” You told him, caressing his face gently.
Your boyfriend smiled at that and pressed his lips against yours passionately, almost like if he stopped you would disappear. You returned the kiss eagerly, closing your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you.
After a short while he pulled apart and placed his forehead on yours. “Would you mind accompanying me to my abode this night?” He asked softly. “I do not wish to be alone after the ordeal I went through today. I wish to be with you.”
You gave him a small smile and nodded. “Of course, Gundham. I’ll gladly do that.”
He gave you a grateful smile and took his hand in yours, leading you to the elevator. While waiting for it to reach the surface, he pulled you into another soft kiss, his hands rested lightly on your waist.
You smiled into the kiss, humming happily. All the anger and doubt you had had before was long gone from your mind. You knew Gundham cared for you. And you loved him.
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Mod, who are your top 10 favorite characters and top 10 least favorite?
//I have actually been wanting to discuss something like this, so I’m glad someone brought it up to me.
//I’ll go through with this, but I won’t be discussing my least favorites, since I don’t want to bring any negativity, and to be honest, I enjoy writing pretty much everyone in this blog. I also fear if I share who my least favorites are in the main series, said characters won’t get as many asks, and I don’t want any unfair bias. I can definitely admit to hating Haiji though, because...well...he obviously won't be receiving any questions anymore. Besides, I doubt many people will disagree with me.
Honorable Mentions:
Makoto Naegi
Mahiru Koizumi
Kirumi Tojo
Kaede Akamatsu
Tsumugi Shirogane
Shuichi Saihara
Iroha Nijiue
Mikihiko Koyasunaga
Yoruko Kabuya
Tsurugi Kinjo
Uchui Porosen
Kibin Hatsudoki
//Though to be honest, everyone may as well be an honorable mention because I love writing every single one of these guys. Also, like I just said, don’t let this top 10 affect your asks. I love every character in this blog and I’m happy to make asks for each and every one of them. It was really hard to narrow it down to 10
#10: Tenko Chabashira
This might seem a little surprising, given that Tenko hasn't had a whole lot of screen time and story relevance so far. She's only been prominent in two arcs, Deadly Harmony and Novoselic Revolution, both of which she didn't have as much screen time as most of the other characters. However, not to spoil anything major, I have big plans for her, and what I've pulled out of her so far is something I'm proud of. My main goal is mainly to give her a bit of development, and tone down on the sexism element of her character. Not remove it entirely, mind you, because let's be real, Tenko unfortunately isn't Tenko without it, but basically to not do what the DR dev team did and make it the forefront of her character, while her other exceedingly good traits are just at the back until later on in the story.
#09: Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi is one of, if not, my favorite character in the original DR series. My main goal of him in this series is trying to grapple with his constantly changing attitude, mainly towards the DRV3 cast besides himself. At first he's glad to see them, then he turns spiteful towards Shuichi and Kaede when they try to fight him, then he straight up just abandons them and attempts to cut off contact. As he is right now, he's conflicted about how to feel about everyone. Sure, they all still hate him, but during Cabaret Kyojin's they came to his defense when he most needed it. That whole arc might've seemed pretty pointless and acted as needless filler, but my true intention of it was to flesh out the characters involved, mainly Kokichi and Kuripa. Speaking of which, that's another plot point that I'm looking forward to branching upon: the little companionship those two have going on right now.
#08: Monaca Towa
Monaca is a character I actually tend to struggle with in the grand scheme of things. The reason being that, arguably, she in canon is the second biggest antagonist in the series behind Junko. What I tried to do with Survivor though, is not make her an antagonist, but make her slowly become more and more redeemable, despite her actions. The reason why I went with this approach is mainly due to Monaca's last appearance in the series, where she states to Toko and Komaru that she's kind of just done with everything to do with Junko and Despair. I don't think it would be easy to bring her back as an antagonist because of THAT fiasco, and that is legitimately one of favorite scenes of her...which is funny because it's from DR3 and I kinda hate the anime. Her whole presence in Survivor is based around the idea of trying to seek redemption, but she doesn't outwardly want to admit this, nor does she really think she's worthy or deserving of said redemption. She's an adult now, and she grew a conscience. A guilty one that weighs her down and makes her come back to earth to basically settle things and make peace, and though it's been difficult, I love how she's turned out so far.
#07: Akira Tsuchiya
I understand many have their reservations about Akira after what he did this arc, but he's still legitimately one of my favorite villains in this blog because despite the fact that he's a psychopath who kills and ruins people all just for causing Despair, he's just kinda super relatable. He constantly lives with the attitude of just being done with everyone's shit, and I know a lot of DR fans can relate to that. He's also the kind of guy who marches to the beat of his own drum, which is obviously a very slow beat. He rarely ever does what Tsumugi tells him to do, unless the plan interests him or gives him something to do, and his character in general is based around the idea of "Shut-in NEET who just so happens to have a power complex." Overall, what makes him unique to me is just how normal he is, especially when he's compared to the chaotic sea that is the Danganronpa Villains.
#06: Mikan Tsumiki
Novoselic Revolution had the very important role in the story of mending Mikan. Without her efforts and the sacrifices she made in that arc, there's a high chance that the group would have failed to retake the kingdom from Angie and Mikihiko. It goes without saying that the screentime Mikan got in this arc was some of my absolute favorite moments on this blog from a writers perspective. A lot of people in DR dislike Mikan for her actions and character change in the third case of the second game, which I really don't think is fair. Mikan was just the character chosen to be afflicted with the Despair Disease. Nothing else would have been changed had it been a different character, so her role early on in Survivor is mainly her trying to come to terms with her actions, as well as things like making things right with Hiyoko (and Ibuki by extrension) and reevaluating whether or not she's a good person. Mikan is an emotionally and mentally broken child, and it's my full intent in my writing of her to heal her wounds like she does for so many other people.
#05: Narumi Osone
Easily my favorite Zetsubou villain in the blog. During Novoselic Revolution, I really buttered up how much I enjoyed writing Mikihiko, but in reality, I was just waiting for the Rebirth Duo (her and Akira) to burst onto the scene. She didn't make for as great a twist villain in Life and Lies of Akeru Yozora as I would've liked her to be, but even now, I still feel like she left an impact. I mean, she committed quite the number of atrocities. The main reason why I like Narumi though, is how she diverges from the rest of the Zetsubou group. While most of them are doing their evil things for reasons that constitute to causing as much Despair as possible, she does it for almost the complete opposite reason. She absolutely despises Despair, and the only reason she's with Organization Zetsubou, is so that she can patiently await and watch as the Hope that stems from the people fighting back. It's also plays into her ideal. Narumi is so obsessed with Hope that she believes that anyone and everyone who is without hope, and gives into Despair, doesn't deserve to live (and ideal that also allows her to easily hit it off with Nagito). To name the best example: The UUV. Their revenge fantasy is based around the Despair they feel post Ayumu and Marin's deaths, and not around the Hope of their goal of reforming society, even if by force. When Narumi notices this, is angers her so much she murders all of them in cold blood, believing them to be beyond redemption. As a final note, Narumi's violent nature and lust for bloodshed (and lest not forget her weird obsession with Makoto) is also made all the more tragic when you remember she's literally just a 14 year old kid with not a lot of life experience. For someone to be this far gone at such a young age is pretty depressing, but it also provides me with a lot of great writing opportunities, and god damn it she isn't a fun character to write.
#04: Mukuro Ikusaba.
I could pretty much just copy/paste the basic things I said about Monaca's personal conflict for Mukuro, but on a much more extreme level. This is something that I plan on actually branching on later down the line, but Mukuro's backstory and reason why she has a presence here is briefly mentioned by Sayaka in one post. To sum up what she said, when the Foundation were first starting to use the machines to bring back the victims of the first killing game, Makoto was the one who suggested possibly bringing Mukuro back, something that understandably, his classmates initially were against. However, at the time, Kyoko was still new to being the Foundation Chairwoman, and Makoto very much pressed the issue with her. Kyoko eventually agreed to the resurrection, but in exchange, any and all actions committed by the soldier, most notably any treacherous or bad ones, would subsequently be Makoto's responsibility. Of course, as you can imagine, Makoto accepted these terms, and Mukuro was resurrected. For a while afterwards, many were very wary of her presence, and most didn't outright accept her as a member of the Foundation, even when the Remnants of Despair officially signed up. What you have to remember is that Mukuro wasn't really brainwashed into helping Junko, at least not in the same way that the Remnants were. Most of what she did for Junko is what she did willingly, but Makoto felt that in reality, Mukuro was just another one of Junko's victims and she'd never known Hope in her life, which is why she turned out so chaotic, so his whole intention of reviving her was to redeem her honor, of which he was pretty much successful. The main trait of Mukuro's though that I tend to focus on, is arguably her most serious: her PTSD. Of all the characters who could have been hit hard with PTSD, it makes the most sense for it to be a soldier, and since the beginning of her revival, Mukuro has been cursed by the lingering ghost of her dead Despair sister. Junko's presence in her mind less drives Mukuro insane though, and simply makes her doubt herself and her presence, wondering if it was worth being revived, or whether or not she truly deserves to live. But regardless of how she feels, she's duty bound to the end, and still supports everyone unquestionably, especially towards those in her own branch being Makoto, her boss, the man who saved her, and of course her undeniable love interest, and Kuripa to whom she disciplines, but also acts as a mother/big sister figure to.
#03: Hajime Hinata.
It might just be me, but I feel like Hajime in particular is the fan fav in this blog. I feel he's shown up in more posts than any other character, which is fine by me given he's also one of my personal favorite characters, and is probably my favorite protagonist (it really changes depending on my mood, honestly, I think they're all as great as each other). The remnants of Despair's conflict is an obvious one that you commonly see in post-game fics such as this one, and in Survivor, and my personal opinion, Hajime is undoubtedly the one who has it the hardest. However, out of all of the characters in the series who HAVE trauma (and let's be real, that's undoubtedly a LOT of characters in both DR canon, and this blog) he's also undoubtedly the one who handles it the best. However, there is a limit to how much pressure he can take, and that causes him to lash out (like he did with Mahiru during Misfortune's Revenge, which I know we don't like to talk about but its the most notable example). He's been through a whole load of shit and the pressure is constantly crushing him like a gigantic boulder, yet he still forces himself to carry it. Outside of my own writing, Hajime has so many conflicting thoughts and trauma in other fics, and in Survivor, I don't intend to flat out copy them, but I do desire to live up to them. The reason why Hajime has so many burdens placed upon him, and as of Misfortune's Revenge now has double as many, yet is still able to keep going strong, is because he's no longer allowing himself to be weighed down by events that are in the past and out of his control. What makes his ideal unique, is that he has power, almost limitless amounts of it, but instead of focusing on what he can do with it, he's more conflicted and focused on what he CAN'T do, and changing the past is one thing he can't, and as of such doesn't focus on it. He only ever focuses on the present, and the future, and worries about that. And you've got to hand it to the guy, while it's definitely been better, his life is actually super good right now. He has at least 15 really great friends/found family members, a home on an island resort, an AI companion in his phone who will always help him out and support him, a smoking-hot red-haired girlfriend, a pretty good job and a lot more. For him, it's not simply a matter of abiding by the Foundation and fixing the chaos that he indirectly caused. It's also about the fear of losing what he has, and wanting to protect it.
#02: Ayumu Fujimori.
I've said this one or two times before, but I think Ayumu turned out spectacular, and when I eventually had to kill him off, I felt really bad about doing so. The main reason why I removed him, and why I currently don't have any plans to bring him back, is due to my future plans, having him around would make little to no sense. He serves mainly as a catalyst for the new phase of the story, a much darker one, and with his death, we enter that phase. I know many people are worried about it, but it's not just Ayumu's reason for being in the story that makes him great. While it isn't obvious right away, the main character that I was trying to portray with him, is that he's basically the darker side of Hajime. The two of them share very similar traits in character, personality and backstory. Some notable points would be
Both of them are incredibly self-doubtful, and that self-doubt caused them to become Ultimate Hopes.
Both of them once held huge admiration for a powerful group of people. For Hajime it was Hope's Peak and for Ayumu it was the Japanese Government
Said power called them useless, which led to their transformation
Both have pretty sad backstories, which involve two different types of cruel parents and family's.
They both have a best friend who likes to sleep.
Said best friend ended up dying horribly right in front of them, with them both unable to do anything about it, which eventually leads them both to go insane and make some bad decisions.
Though their methods differ, ultimately, they both want the same thing: a brighter future for their friends and the people they love
Ayumu might be a threat, and an antagonist, but he doesn't really count as a "villain" per se. At the core, he's basically just a misguided young man, who the world treated like shit, so he just wants to get back at it. He's also an influential figure, pulling many people into his fight, and gaining many supporters outside of his friends in the UUV. For the short time he was on the blog, he was an absolute BLAST to write, and you can damn sure bet I'm going to miss him.
#01: Kuripa Kurafto.
This is undoubtedly the riskiest part of this list, especially since we're talking about an OC here, but I also think a lot of you guys saw this coming. I can understand why some of you might disagree with me on this placement, but I'll tell you now, if you're unimpressed, trust me, I am barely scratching the surface of Kuripa's character. As of such, I have to go on this based off of what's already known about him. His whole character I feel comes full circle at the end of the Ultra Despair Gang arc, in which the first monumental event in the blog actually happens: him killing Haiji Towa by stabbing him in the gut and sending him falling to his death. This is then followed by a speech to Makoto, Komaru, Toko and Byakuya, which basically lays out the key part of Kuripa's character, being his ideals. Every protagonist in Danganronpa goes by a certain ideal that contrasts that of their enemies. For Makoto, it's Hope, for Hajime, it's Future, and for Shuichi it's truth. Kuripa is the complete reverse, being a protagonist that represents Despair. He's not outright a villain, or even a generally bad guy, but he definitely has some apparent darkness to him, and is also incredibly violent when at the peak of rage. Of course, it all stems from a huge event in his life, the murder of his little sister Kotoko by the hands of Matta Gyalusetsu, which has led to his over-arcing conflict: his desire to find Matta and kill him as revenge. I tend to hate characters in stories who have the "My Sister is Dead" archetype or trope, but the main reason is because most characters who have that JUST have that, and for Kuripa that's something I'm trying to avoid. One of the most important parts of Kuripa's character is the contrast between his dark, almost psychopathic side that believes murder is a suitable way to indefinitely solve a problem, and his regular self, who to put simply, is a complete and total clown. He's like a walking meme, and makes a total fool out of himself, either through just being a mindless tomfool, a playful perv, or a loveable idiotic otaku. Still, his presence is indeed important to everyone around him, especially seen through his interactions with Makoto, Kibin, Mukuro, Uchui, Kokichi, The Kyojin's and the High Roller staff. This is another thing in regards to Kuripa's conflict that is quite saddening to. Similar to Hajime, as things currently stand, Kuripa has an excellent life. He's a successful animator who makes a lot of money from his work, he enjoys his time at the Future Foundation and really looks up to both Makoto and Mukuro who both treat him with a reciprocated amount of respect, he gets to work in tangent with his best friend, he has many pals, some of which are part of an anime club, and on top of it all, he has a cute girlfriend who playfully flirts back and forth with him all the time. He has everything a guy could possibly ever want, but due to his one track mind, he can never be satisfied knowing Kotoko's killer is still out there, and he will do whatever it takes to avenge her...even if he needs to cut a few people down to get it...
//Doing this kind of self-reflective character analysis is pretty refreshing and fun to be honest, although, doing it makes it sound like I have a big head, and am complementary of my own writing where I know many might disagree with my techniques and opinions. You're free to, believe me, but please keep any criticism constructive.
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years
OnS Chapter 99. Yuichiro Hyakuya/Amane - Deep Analysis
Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing alright, one of the things I’ve noticed is one of the most controvertial characters within the series and that character is Yuichiro Hyakuya, the main protagonist of the story.
Therefore, I’d like to make a deep analysis on him due to his psychology and his bevaior. 
Yuichiro Hyakuya is well known for being the main protagonist of Vampire Reign; but of course, like any other character within the story; he has had his hardships within the past along the fact that he was something without form but rather, someone treated as an object or a synthetic human by Sika Madu.
It is well known that Yuichiro had quite the personality before he befriended Mikaela Hyakuya; he didn’t consider the Hyakuya orphanage his family until the events with Ferid Bathory changed his life:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 01
Of course, this only made Yu fear of bonding with other people; the only figure he could rely on was Guren since he was his saviour, a person that found him lost in a destroyed world; but even after Guren picked him up and trained him to defend against others; he couldn’t interact with people; Yu was left unable to make friends nor wanted to follow up orders; which eventually gave him the result of going to a school in order to bond with others; thus leading with the encounter of Shinoa Hiragi:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 02
Shinoa was tasked to keep an eye on Yu but along with this, she was also ordered to make sure Yu was able to make friends; and of course, her being an observant, she detected easily Yu’s fear which was to make friends or find the love of his life, though of course Yu wasn’t having such thoughts, his only thoughts were to avenge Mikaela and slay vampires.
Gradually, his world started to become bigger; he was able to find a new family; despite the ways he made friends; those who became important to him were Shiho Kimizuki, Yoichi Saotome, Mitsuba Sangu and Shinoa Hiragi.
He took his time to follow up orders; and that was due to the fact he aimed to be stronger, he wanted to defeat vampires to fulfill his revenge, that was his sole reason to live. 
But after several chapters which could mean days within the demon army; a fateful event occured.
Correct, he was able to meet Mikaela once again; with the surprise he was alive but as a vampire. Though, the reunion didn’t go as expected since Mikaela was aware the demon army only experimented on humans; by worst Yu saw his new friends being food for vampires which made him lose control and awake his seraph until he ended up returning to normal and thus lead to a comatose state of a week.
But then, was this the factor that made him acknowledge Guren as everything?
No. At this point, Yu was happy Mikaela was alive no matter what, plus he received the support of his new family. He felt blessed; until he discovered that Guren had knowledge of previous events but despite that, he stated the next thing:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 18
Correct. Yu stated he wouldn’t mind being a Guinea Pig if it meant to bring Mika home; of course Guren dismissed such thoughts and stated they were family, and family would bring or save each other.
Despite that, time went peaceful, Yu was still impulsive and mostly when the Nagoya Arc began; he met another squad which was Narumi’s squad; they eventually worked together and supported each other until they heard Guren was caught.
This triggered Yu’s mind to the point he didn’t mind consuming pills in order to unleash his demon; of course, Asuramaru at that time halted him from doing such reckless move towards his body and instead suggested him to allow him to possess him; which only made the squad rush for him and save him; only to see Mikaela attempt to retrieve him without thinking that he was surrounded by the Demon Army.
Afterwards, they were reunited again, but something changed; what do I mean?
If many might recall, Yu went towards Nagoya’s airport with Mikaela in order to meet with his friends, but what he wasn’t expecting was to see the demon army killing humans in order to trigger the experiment of the Seraph of the End with Mirai Kimizuki.
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 40
This was the detonant as to why Yu had the mental set of seeing Guren as a good person and in fact, he’s not wrong; Yu’s aware Guren carries a big weight over his shoulders but like any other rational being, such message isn’t easy to deliver specially when the squad doesn’t know Guren like Yu does; Yu was able to see sides of Guren since he was the one that took care of him after his rescue.
But then, does this mean Yu will always be trusting Guren as if nothing happened?
At first, it seemed he understood why Guren did such thing and that was because he commited the biggest taboo which was to bring back the dead; Yu understood that his actions were out of the pain and grief and thus he didn’t mind his return nor the fact he’d use him again; thus lead to Mika get angry 
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 58
Mika was the first one to tell Yu it wasn’t alright but Yu didn’t respond to that because to Yu’s possible mindset, it was that Guren endured a lot and he needed everything he could to restore the world again; such event followed suit to the preparations to face the 5th progenitor Ky Luc.
Afterwards, Yu’s heart stopped and was treated quickly but this only made Mikaela fear rage and anger towards Guren due to how he was using Yu specially after showing those two that he kept the 6th trumpet within his household:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 64
Nevertheless, Yu still supported Guren’s ideals. After stopping the 6th trumpet, the squads went to Shibuya since Kureto Hiragi called Guren; of course, he called them in order to inform he was possessed by something Godlike for the time being and his demon was fending against such monster; said events would follow suit to the possession of Shinoa Hiragi and the fracture of the squad.
Yu was kidnapped by the Hyakuya Sect along his cursed gear; Mikaela eventually found a way to escape and find Yu; Yu’s friends escaped by their own while Mitsuba tried to find them; and of course, after Guren saved Shinoa from Shikama’s possession; the battle between Yu, Mika against Guren, Mahiru and Noya began.
Such battle was intense, it only made Yu allow Asuramaru take full possession of him in order to give him power but the results of that strength weren’t enough; Yu was halted by Mahiru; Mika did the imposible to rescue him leading to his death and of course, the biggest impact on Yu’s heart came:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 90
Yu stated he wished to die; Yu’s been bearing too much pain for so long and whenever he attempted to rescue someone, he couldn’t go further which made him think he was the problem. And as surprising as it was, Asuramaru conforted him and made him recall what Mikaela told him; the fact he needed to live was what made Yu cry and see his first family, his treasured person die in front of him.
After such events, the demon Mikaela started to manifest on the real world; Krul Tepes was able to meet up with Yu and told him a way to save him but of course, they needed to find a spot where to hide for the meantime. Within this, he pleaded Krul to save Mikaela or to at least get knowledge on how to save him
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 96
This result only ended up making the Queen start asking them if they knew who the enemy of the world was, who they were fighting, what their reasons to live were; but before everything could keep going, the First Progenitor took control of Shinoa’s body which was something Krul quickly detected and luckily, Mahiru managed to supress his cells from Shinoa’s body with quite the strange drug.
After that, we saw Guren and Mahiru entering the building the squad and Krul were in leading to the eventful details of chapter 99, which were the sealing of the demon Mikaela and the most controvertial scene for the fandom:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 99
Now the real analysis begins.
Why is Yu so trustful? Why is Yu so easygoing with Guren’s actions? Or something that the fandom asks, why is Yu so dumb to not even doubt Guren in the sightlest?
WARNING: Theories and analysis aren’t focused on viewing characters in a bad light nor attacking the faves of the readers; analysis and theories are held within a neutral view and ships are excluded.
Something the fandom hasn’t noticed is Yu’s nature within the story. What do I mean?
Yu himself viewed as the character that deserved to die for bringing harm towards those who were close to him which explain why he didn’t want to make friends before meeting Mika and after Mika’s death as a human.
The fact that he eventually found support made him have a change of heart and the fact that he discovered Mika was alive gave him more reasons to fight the world he lived in; he was tired of always running away from everything that could harm him and so, he decided it’d be best to find answers; such answers would lie with the Vampire Queen.
But among this, Guren kept coming back to his life; was it bad that he did?
In a sense it wasn’t bad, because despite the harsh decisions Guren had to take in order to fight a God like entity, he did care about Yu and the squad as well;he understood the distrust they had and it was fine for him to carry such weight on his shoulder but, does this mean Yu will easily forgive Guren every time his feelings gets hurt?
The answer for this isn’t a yes or a no, but rather a why. Why is Yu forgiving towards Guren?
The answers is scary and the reason is because Yu has an overwhelming fear.
How can I state such thing?
Yu’s mentality hasn’t been stable from the very beginning; ever since the incident with his parents; he saw himself as a monster, and the fact Mahiru met him one day and saw the terrible experiments they did with Yu only made her give him an advice which was to find a reason to live even if it was a simple one. He had the right to live.
After Yu grew up and learnt the Hyakuya Sect performed experiments with kids and learnt that Guren knew such thing, he didn’t care if Guren used him, he was fine with that as long as he could provide help.
But, have you dear readers noticed such thing?
Of course. That’s the most terrifying thing Yu is afraid of. He is afraid of being alone and not being loved. He is afraid of being discarted, he is afraid that those persons around him hate him. He is afraid to be a let down to those who surround him.
Yu can’t simply discard such idea of his mind; that’s why when Mika was a half vampire, he didn’t mind if Mika drank his blood; he didn’t mind fighting and using his seraph powers or having his demon give him power if it meant doing something for the greater good. 
When his most important persons were endangered or were close to dying, he’d lose it; he wouldn’t even know what to do, he begged God or anyone to save them. But whenever he heard there was a chance, he didn’t mind the result, as long as it made it possible to bring back the person he cherished which is something that can be seen with Mika.
Yu’s nature goes to not only from being a kind guy but rather, he seeks to be helpful but along this, it only leads to a self destructive attitude despite him not acknowledging it.
The reason he lacks character development is not because of being badly written but rather, because his heart carries many traumas, he hasn’t been able to move on from them, he hasn’t learnt how to overcome them and have the confidence to state what he really feels aloud; he’s afraid of rejection; his actions alone speak that he wouldn’t dare to betray someone’s wishes because it’d mean losing the trust he might have built with the characters he has interacted with.
But then, there’s something else to notice about Yu’s behavior, what could it be?
Correct. Despite Yu being someone who wishes people could rely on, he unconsciously sets barriers towards the people that know him, such barriers are directed towards the squad that has worked up with him and became an important family to him; but how can make such statement?
That’s simple. It is reflected within the behavior seen in the latest chapter. Shiho and Yoichi for losing their loved ones and seeing Yu crying for losing his loved one as well, understood the pain he went through; and thus, for them being easier to express such thing without the fear of losing anything else, they don’t want to risk to lose more; such behavior is directed towards them unknowingly
It can only be said it is required to wait and see when Yu will stop fearing to have contradictions or rather, when he’ll start being more honest of what he truthfully feels.
What do you think dear readers?
Let me know!
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GIF belongs to clair-audients
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vinaity · 4 years
Hey! So! I heard you wanted DR requests 👀 How would you feel about writing a Hanahaki au with Gundham? I really like your writing so it’d be really fantastic!
thank you so much! I’m so sorry this took so long to write but life has been rough and I put some work into this! i hope you enjoy dear! 🥺🥺
Sonia Nevermind.
It was all that stupid princess’s fault. If it weren’t for her, you wouldn’t have been going through what you’re going through right now.
You were slightly envious of the princess, she was basically everything you weren’t. That’s why you hated her, because of the fact that she was up to his standards.
You have had a crush on a boy for months, Gundham Tanaka to be exact. At first, you denied having any form of liking to him as you thought he wouldn’t be into you. Scratch that, you still think he isn’t into you.
That was because of Sonia’s mere existence.
You knew that Gundham had standards, he called himself ‘The Dark Lord’ for a reason. At first, you thought that he wasn’t looking for anyone to be with romantically- that was until you saw him hang out with Sonia more and more often.
That’s how you saw things of course.
Sonia met Gundham’s standards, while you were probably just a mere peasant to him. Sonia was definitely the girl Gundham was looking for, she was an actual princess after all- why not promote her to his ‘Dark Queen’ while at it.
This leads to where you are now, hunched over the toilet bowl and throwing up ‘Queen of the Night’ flowers. You hated this, you wish that everything would be over- you were sick of throwing up flowers for a boy who probably doesn’t even know who you are.
It really made you feel like trash, it made you realise how stupid you were for liking Gundham in the first place.
You were so close to not getting to the bathroom this morning, it took you a ton of effort just to leave the bed. Mikan had told you a while back that your state was getting worse; that one day either the thorns would be too much for your insides, or you’ll choke on the flowers you’ve been throwing up.
All this pain, pain that Sonia and Gundham would never understand. That pain just made you hate her even more. At this point, you were disgusted by her name even mentioned in a conversation.
Today, you had enough of this pain. One day or another, you would have to tell Gundham your feelings or you would die- and today was going to be that day (if you could even get out of the bathroom that was).
“Are you sure you want to do this? What if he doesn’t believe what you’re saying?” Mahiru questioned, grabbing fresh clothes for you to change out of your bloodstained clothes.
“Don’t say things like that!” Akane hissed, coming out of the bathroom with you in her arms.

You had asked for Akane and Mahiru to come to your cottage to help you out with today. You had told them both about you wanting to confess, and they were more than willing to help you out.
“I know he likes Sonia more than me.” You rasped, “But it’s worth a shot. If he does know, at least he’ll regret it if I died. It’s sort of like a death bed wish.”
“Don’t remind me that you’re dying.” Akane placed you down on your bed, “It breaks my damn heart that you are, especially over a man like Gundham.”
“To me, he’s not even a man.” Mahiru walked over towards you and Akane, “If he’s going to down right ignore how you’re feeling, that’s just being a coward! Men aren’t supposed to be cowards!”
“But what you said, how do you even know he even likes Sonia more?” Akane countered what you said, starting to help you change.
“H-He talks to her more then me.” You coughed, a flower falling onto your thigh, “He’s hangs out with her more than me. You saw them the other day right? They’re that close that they finish each other sentences!”
During home room the other day, you had saw Sonia and Gundham laughing while they were talking. At one point, Gundham was talking and Sonia had finished his sentence.
“You never know Y/N.” Mahiru assured, “They could just be best friends. To me, it doesn’t even look like he’s interested in her in that way.”
“What makes you think that?”
“It may be because I’m naturally observant, but there’s this vibe with them that feels like they’re only friends you know.” Mahiru shrugged, “I’ve just noticed from the start that Sonia isn’t the type of girl he’s into- to be honest, I think she’s hanging out with him because of his hamsters.”
“But it looks so different. Why are they that close if she’s just in the friendship for those hamsters.” You furrowed your eyebrows, looking down and picking up the flower that fell on your thigh.
“I said that was my opinion on it. But think whatever you think of it. Just remember, Y/N, there’s more then what meets the eye.” Mahiru finished up helping you get ready.
“As much as I hate to say it, I agree with Mahiru on that one.” Akane chimed, helping you stand.
“What? I’m saying my opinion. Come on, let’s go and find Gundham and the others.”
You had chose the wrong day to do it, why did you have to choose today.
Currently, you were with everyone else at the restaurant. Everyone else seemed to have a good time, except you of course.
You had noticed that Sonia was sitting awfully close to Gundham, and you tried to brush it off. It was stuck in your mind the entire time everyone was there, you had tried to distract yourself by talking to Akane, Mahiru and Ibuki- but it only seemed to make things worse.
As you looked down to eat some food, that’s when you felt it.
You could feel the flowers coming through your throat. You stood and ran out of the restaurant, leaving everyone confused and shocked in their seats.
“Why aren’t you guys doing anything, you cowards!” Mahiru yelled as she rushed out of her seat and towards outside, Akane following her with a plate of food in her hands.
Mahiru and Akane walked outside to a horrifying sight.
You were kneeling in front of the garden, flowers coming out of your mouth without control. You arms were clutching your throat, coughing continuously as tears brimmed in your eyes. From a distance, you could see thorns slightly poking the skin of your throat.
Blood was staining your clothes and the grass around you as it seeped out of your mouth. It was all over your hands as you gagged and coughed.
“Get Mikan!” Mahiru screamed to Akane, who nodded and ran back inside as Mahiru ran to your side to try and help as much as she could.
“What happened to Y/N?” Kazuichi thought loudly, “She was acting strange- running outside and all that.”

”I’m not sure why.. But I do hope that she’s okay.” Chiaki replied with concern, “She looked more pale then usual, she has for a while.”

”Ibuki thought she was the only one who noticed!” Ibuki added, “Ibuki also noticed that Y/N hasn’t left her cabin in a while.”
“Maybe she got a bug or something. Something isn’t right with her in any way.” Sonia chimed in, “Like, something really isn’t right.”
“Maybe she has been cursed.” Gundham sighed, “But what would she be cursed w-“

“MIKAN!” Akane’s voice boomed and she slammed the door open, “IT’S Y/N, SHE’S DYING!”
“H-Huh!” Mikan turned around startled and starting to stumble towards Akane, “I-I’m on my w-way!”
Akane and Mikan rushed outside together, Mikan instantly going to Y/N after seeing the state she was in.
Mahiru’s clothes were covered in blood and petals, a gloomy yet concerned look on her face as she was pulled away from Y/N by Akane.

“Please Y/N.. Don’t die on us..” Mahiru whispered, tears filling her eyes, “I tried as much as I could to stop the bleeding bu-“
“Oh my god.”
Akane and Mahiru turned around to see everyone else on top of the steps, looking down at Y/N’s body and Mikan near them.
“What’s wrong with her? Why is she like that!” Sonia screamed.
“I am right, she was cursed-“ Gundham began.
That’s when Akane lost her cool, she couldn’t stand Gundham at this point. He’s the one bringing Y/N pain, if it weren’t for him you wouldn’t be dying.
“IT WAS BECAUSE OF YOU!” Akane snapped, pointing at Gundham, anger filling her eyes.
“What do you m-“

”IT’S BECAUSE OF YOU AND SONIA! YOU TWO ALWAYS BEING TOGETHER!” At this point, Akane was being held back by Mahiru. If it weren’t for Mahiru, she probably would’ve knocked him out by now.
“Akane, calm down please. Being violent isn’t going to help the situation right now.” Mahiru tried to calm Akane down, much to her avail it made Akane even more angry.

”I DON’T CARE! HE NEEDS SOME SENSE KNOCKED INTO HIM!” Akane broke from Mahiru’s grip and starting to storm towards Gundham.
Grabbing him by his shirt, Akane looked at Gundham in the eyes and hissed, “You better make things right with Y/N. She’s been in love with you for the longest time, and you’ve been ignoring her for Sonia. So you’re going to make things right with her.”
Gundham was beyond shocked with what Akane said.
Y/N liked him too? She thought he was ignoring her for Sonia. He had to admit, Sonia was consuming too much of his time lately.
He knew that Sonia had a crush on him, he knew that if it weren’t for his Deva’s- Sonia probably would’ve never spoken to him or even have feelings for him.
But he liked you, he yearned to be in your presence every time he was hanging out with Sonia. He wanted to talk to you, to see if you had feelings for him too, but he knew that you probably weren’t interested in him.
But now, after knowing that you had liked him back and finding out the hard way, he had wished that he had spoken to you earlier about it.
He was going to when you first arrived, but Sonia was in the middle of talking to him and she moved towards him.
But now, he regretted every second he spent with her today. If he had spoken to you, you wouldn’t be in the situation you’re in. Because of that feeling, he had the urge to shut everyone out so it’s just you and him, and pour his heart out to you.
But he had to keep calm, like what Mahiru said, being violent isn’t going to help or change things.
“I will.” Gundham hissed to Akane, “I am now, get off of me, mortal.”
Akane complied, letting go of her grip so Gundham could walk towards Y/N.
“I-I’ve tried as much as I c-can! I-I’m s-sorry if it made Y-Y/N worse!” Mikan exclaimed sadly, looking over at Gundham with wide eyes.
“It’s fine, Mikan. I think I know how to get rid of this curse.” Gundham reassured Mikan as she slowly nodded and stumbled away from him.
“Y/N..” Gundham whispered as he crouched next to you, “I’m so sorry for this..”
“Why are you apologising?” You coughed, looking at him with dark eyes, “I thought you would want to see someone like me in pain.. especially when you have feelings for her.”
He realised the hurt and bitterness in your voice at your response, he didn’t want to admit it but what you said had broken his heart.
“My dear Y/N, why would you think that I have feelings for her? I get why you would, but if you were to observe my actions closely you would see that I have no attraction to her.”
“It didn’t look like that way to me.” Your eyes teared up as you started to cough up even more flower petals. You felt the thorns pressing harder and harder into your neck, making you gag.
“Y/N? P-Please don’t pass on.. it’s n-not your time. ” He was concerned, you could tell by the shakiness of his voice. That’s when you realised that he generally cared for you.
You kept on gagging, it was all too much to handle. You didn’t want to muffle out what Gundham is saying but your mind is starting to fuzz out.
“I-“ Before you could continue, flower petals fell out of your mouth along with blood, the pink staining Gundham’s hands as he placed them on your shoulders.
“P-Please.” You also realised that Gundham had broken character, that he wasn’t his usual ‘evil’ self, “Don’t leave.”
“I-I love you.”
Once he had said that, you could feel the thorns start to retreat from your neck and start to shrink down from your neck. You could feel the petals shrinking in your stomach along with the stem of the plant.
Your head was pounding, but you didn’t care. Relief felt through your veins as you looked up at him with teary eyes.
“So you weren’t lying..” You looked up and him and murmured as he took your hands into his, “You really do love me.”
“Like what I said, my dear Y/N.” Gundham pulled you close, whispering into your ear, “I love you.. and I always will.”
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pocket-luv101 · 4 years
Summary: Mahiru is a ninja but he decides to run away from that life. (KuroMahi, Ninja AU)
“Have Lily brew this with your usual tea and drink it before bed, my lord. I know you don’t like how bitter it tastes but it is good for you.” Mahiru instructed Misono and handed him a packet of herbs. “You were able to fight off your fever last night so that’s a good sign that your constitution is improving. I have to go but Lily will be here soon. Don’t stay up late. Okay, Misono?”
“You’re my doctor, Hana, not my nanny. You don’t have to lecture me.” Misono pouted at him and Mahiru chuckled. While it was improper to laugh in front of a war lord, they were close friends so Misono didn’t mind. “Hana, do you think I’ll be well enough to see the Sakura trees blossom next month? Each year, Tetsu will bring me back flowers but I would like to go see the trees in person.”
“You have taught me that anyone can forge their own future despite the obstacles. I am certain that you will watch the Sakura blossoms with the rest of the castle. I will make treats for the occasion.” Mahiru said confidently. He patted his shoulder and then stood. “I should get going now. Goodnight, my lord.”
After Mahiru gave him a respectful bow, he left the room. He slid the door closed behind him but he paused to listen for the subtle sound of footsteps in the room. He had been trained from a young age to search for danger. Mahiru walked away once he was certain that there were no assassins or ninjas lurking in the shadows. Since Misono was a lord, his life was always at risk.
Mahiru stepped out of the castle and started his walk home. The castle hired him as a healer but he didn’t live with the other servants. He had requested to have a small hut where he could make medicine at night without disturbing others. The Aliceins were generous and understanding so they honoured his request.
The true reason he wanted his own quarters was so he could keep his true identity a secret. Most people in the castle only knew him as the simple healer, Hana Taishi. Mahiru wondered how they would react if they knew that he was once a ninja. While he was raised to kill for profit, he hated violence. He fled his village a year ago and he had been in hiding ever since.
The punishment for becoming a fugitive to the shinobi village was death. Since a ninja held many secrets, the village couldn’t let a fugitive live and sent hunters to kill them. Mahiru was lucky enough to find refuge with the Alicein family who hired him as a healer. The village couldn’t kill him without causing suspicion and angering a powerful family. There were times he missed his friends and family from the shinobi village but he doubted they felt the same.
A movement in the trees caught his attention but he hid his reaction well. He kept his eyes forward and continued down the path. He walked close to the wall and effortless blended into the shadows. Mahiru stepped behind his hut where he was hidden from people’s view. He scaled the wall and perched himself on the clay tiles. He dropped down from the top of the wall and landed without a sound.
Almost immediately, a throwing star flew towards him. He dodged the weapon and stared at the direction it came from. Mahiru didn’t know if the ninja was after his friend or him but he would protect the castle. He slipped a thin knife from the folds of his kimono and crept towards the thick trees. His eyes narrowed when he saw the glint of the man’s weapon.
“So, this is where you’ve run to?” The man snarled. “I heard tales of the shinobi with the poisoned smile but I pictured you differently. I never thought you would be a coward who used a castle as your shield. The village is still debating how we should dispose of you but it’s dangerous to let you continue. I will take matters into my own hand and—”
His words trailed off and the man slumped to the ground. Mahiru walked to the ninja and pulled a dart from the man’s neck. “The paralysis will fade in an hour or so. In that time, please remember your training. A shinobi is strongest in the shadows but you tried to confront me openly. Your pride would’ve killed you if I were still a ninja like you.”
“Deserter.” He spat the word at him. Mahiru only regarded him with pity and shook his head lightly. “If this castle knew the truth, they won’t let you call it home. The village won’t take you back either. You don’t belong anywhere anymore.”
“That may be true but that’s something I’ve decided for myself. Please, return to the village once you’re able to move again. I suggest you be quiet until then or else the guards will find you and kill you. They will be less merciful than me.” Mahiru warned him.
He reached down to take the man’s weapon but then he sensed a presence nearby. He heard the snap of a bowstring before he leapt back from the man. An arrow found itself in the man’s back. Mahiru drew a knife from his sleeve to confront the archer but he quickly stopped himself. While he wore a mask, he was able to recognize him. “What are you doing here, Kuro?”
“I was returning from a mission when I overheard his little tantrum. ” Kuro said and placed his bow over his shoulder. “He would’ve tried to kill you again once the poison wears off. The chief wants to keep you alive so it’ll be troublesome if I didn’t stop him from killing you.”
After the short explanation, Kuro stepped back into the shadows to leave. He stopped when he found Mahiru in front of him. He had moved quickly and quietly. Mahiru placed his hand on his mask and gently lifted it from his face. “There’s blood on your forehead. Were you injured on your mission? We’re on different sides but let me treat your wounds.”
“You’re pushy. That part of you hasn’t changed since we last met. Can’t deal.” He groaned lightly but he allowed Mahiru to take him over the wall to his hut. Kuro entered the simple room and he thought that it smelled similar to Mahiru; herbs and flowers. “I only have a few scrapes and bruises so they don’t need to be treated immediately.”
“You should know that even small wounds can become dangerous once they’re infected. Take off your shirt and let me check.” Mahiru instructed. He lighted the lantern and then sorted through jars of ointments and salves. He turned around and he was glad to see that Kuro hadn’t left like he expected him to. As he loosened his clothes, Mahiru sat in front of him.
Mahiru pushed his kimono over his shoulder and examined the bruise on Kuro’s shoulder. With a practised hand, he smeared ointment over his skin. His fingers lingered over his muscles and he traced a line from his shoulder to his heart. They had been friends since they were children and would often go on missions together when he was a ninja. He couldn’t count the number of times he had treated his wounds. “Was it a dangerous mission?”
Kuro didn’t answer him but Mahiru was able to read his thoughts. He couldn’t tell him about his mission since he was no longer a part of their village. His heart squeezed painfully and Mahiru dropped his hand. He missed Kuro while they were apart. He thought he would never see him again yet he would picture their meeting countless times. Mahiru didn’t know what he should say to Kuro though.
He felt Kuro’s strong fingers against his lips. Mahiru didn’t move as he rubbed the red lipstick from his lips. Kuro brought his finger to his lips and licked it. “Deadly nightshade. There’s not enough to kill a person but it’ll knock them out easily. You’re not a shinobi anymore. Is there a reason you still use nightshade?”
Mahiru heard the question he didn’t voice. He must’ve been worried about him as well and his kindness caused Mahiru to smile lightly. The smile didn’t reach his eyes though. “It’s a habit from my time as ‘The Poisoned Smile’. I haven’t had a reason to use it since I left the village.”
Since he hated fighting, he would use poison to kill his target on missions. He would tell himself that they died painlessly but it eventually became too hard to lie to himself. Mahiru decided to leave his old life behind to become a healer. He knew that he could never wash the blood from his hands though. He took Kuro’s hands into his but he couldn’t meet his eyes.
“I want to apologize to you, Kuro. The day I left, I didn’t say goodbye. I wanted to see you one last time but I knew I wouldn’t be able to leave if I did. How could I leave the one person who meant everything to me?” Mahiru bit his lip. He didn’t want Kuro to see him cry so lowered his forehead against his shoulder. Shinobis were forced to live in the shadows yet Kuro was his moonlight in that darkness.
“I’ve treated your wounds and the only thing left is for you to rest.” Mahiru gathered his composure and leaned back from him. He took a small bag from his sleeve and held it out to Kuro. “Do you still get nightmares? This will help you sleep. Burn a candle next to your bed but be careful of a fire.”
He thought of the late nights they would spend together on missions. Kuro didn’t tell Mahiru that he was able to sleep best when he was by his side. He was happier as a healer so he could never ask him to return to the village for his sake. He took out the small candle from the bag. “Every few weeks, I’d find this same incense placed beside my bed.”
“Since I left the village, people who try to kill me has found an arrow in their back.” Mahiru replied. They had continued to protect and care for each other. He wiped the berries from his lips and closed the space between them. Lightly, he kissed Kuro. “Be careful on your way home. If you get hurt again, I will be here for you.”
“Mahiru,” He whispered his name. Since he took on a new identity, he hadn’t heard his name in months. The love that filled his voice when he said his name caused a shiver to run through him. Kuro cradled his face his hand and tenderly ran his thumb over his cheek. Mahiru closed his eyes and leaned into his palm. He kissed his forehead but his warmth only lasted for a moment. “Please, stay safe. I love you.”
When Mahiru opened his eyes, Kuro was gone.
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drchiakinanami · 5 years
Us (Fuyupeko)
Rating: General/teen
Summary: She doesn’t wake up for months.No one does, for awhile, but he wasn’t upset about that.  The only thing that mattered was her waking up.
Read it on AO3 here!
She doesn’t wake up for months.
No one does, for awhile, but he wasn’t upset about that.  The only thing that mattered was her waking up.
The pods were all in a circle around the main hub that the Neo-World Program, both victims and blackened surrounding it, looking as though they were sleeping peacefully.
Fuyuhiko sat next to Peko’s pod every day, to the point where the others were starting to get worried about him.  Sometimes it would seem like she’d moved, even though that wasn’t possible- his eyes were just playing cruel tricks on him.  He talked to her sometimes too, but that felt weird most of the time, so he ended up just being in her company most of the time.
Hajime joined him every once in awhile.  It was sort of unspoken that he was going to be the ‘leader’ among them.  He was the most level-headed, since he had a little bit of Izuru in him still, and his logical thoughts almost freaked Fuyuhiko out some of the time.   He was so different than he’d been in the simulation. But really, everyone was different.  Those were different people.
The days were long.  Sometimes he’d talk to Peko, and tell her how things were going.  “You know,” he’d tell her, “Sonia decided she wants to learn to cook.  She’s never had to because of all that princess shit. It’s kinda funny.  I think you’d laugh.”
He wished she would wake up and laugh. Or just stare.  It didn’t really matter. It had been such a long time since he’d seen her eyes.  
“You should really eat something,” Hajime said, feet kicked up on a stool he’d brought in from his cottage.
Fuyuhiko was leaning his elbows on his knees, watching Peko’s still face.  “I ate this morning.”
“I meant eating with everyone else, in the hotel,” Hajime said gently, “It would probably be good for you to have some conversation.”
“We talk.”
“Yeah, we do.”  Hajime said, “But I talk to Kazuichi too, and Sonia and Akane go do girl stuff together.  You don’t really hang out with us.”
“You miss Chiaki, don’t you?” Fuyuhiko snapped suddenly, looking over at Hajime with a sort of anger he wasn’t sure even he understood.
Hajime’s eyebrows went up and his face took on a bit of a shield. For a moment, Fuyuhiko felt guilty for bringing her up and almost took it back, but Hajime answered his question anyway.
“Of course I miss Chiaki,” he said softly, looking away from Fuyuhiko.  “I miss her every day.”
“So you’re saying if she was in a pod right now, you wouldn’t spend every moment with her until she woke up?”
Hajime blew out his cheeks. “I can’t say that I would or wouldn’t, but Chiaki wanted us to move forward.  She would’ve… Probably yelled at me, to the best of her ability, if I spent all my time by her side when she wasn’t awake to know I was there.”
Fuyuhiko let out a short laugh. “I can’t imagine her yelling at anyone.”
Hajime laughed too, though it was weaker.  “Yeah. Me either.”
Though he didn’t like it, Fuyuhiko took Hajime’s advice to heart and started spending time with the others.  They didn’t seem to know how to handle it first, and Akane specifically asked him what his deal was, but he just laughed them off and tried to act as normal as possible.
But then people started waking up.
Gundham woke up first, shouting about the Dark Lord never being fully able to die, but he softened up real quick when Sonia started crying.  Fuyuhiko looked away when he offered her a hug, feeling a stab of pain go through him. He noticed Hajime left the room.
Hiyoko and Ibuki were next, both of them disoriented and Ibuki far quieter than usual.  Hiyoko called two people stupid once she woke up, so at least one of them was normal.
Fuyuhiko fell into his old habits when the others started coming out of their comas, sitting by Peko and praying to God she’d be the next one up.
Nagito woke up.
Nekomaru woke up.
Mikan woke up, apologizing.
Byakuya woke up, though none of them could say with one hundred percent certainty what his real name was.
Hajime left each event earlier.  Fuyuhiko stayed later.
Mahiru and Teru Teru woke up too, leaving just Peko.  And Mahiru was too nice to him about the whole damn thing for him to even yell at her or say something snarky.  She should hate him, after all.
But more than anything, Fuyuhiko didn’t understand the order of things.  Peko was the strongest person he knew, and he knew she could pull herself out of this.  So why wasn’t she?  
A few more days passed, and Hajime started bringing him food instead of arguing that he should be hanging out with the others.  If anyone got it, it was Hajime. He went on lots of long walks by himself for hours, after all.
“You know, you should probably wake up soon,” Fuyuhiko said softly one night when it was far too late for him to even be up.  “I can’t do this much longer on my own, Kazuichi is driving me fuckin’ crazy since Gundham woke up. He’s loud as shit.”
He heard a huff from beneath the glass.
His eyes grew wide.  “Peko?”
The pressurized inside of the pod disengaged and the glass on the pod slid back.  Fuyuhiko didn’t even breathe for several moments, leaning forward to stare into her face. After a few moments, she opened her eyes, staring up at him.
Fuyuhiko felt himself tearing up. “Peko?”
She blinked, opening and closing her mouth.  She sat up a little, struggling to support herself.  “Young master?”
Unable to help himself, he sat next to her on the bed and pulled her into a loose hug so she could get out if she wanted to.  She was stiff in his arms for a couple moments, then wrapped her arms around his waist, settling her cheek against his chest.  
“Do you remember what happened?” He asked her.
She nodded against his chest. “Everything.”
He let out a shaky sigh and pulled back to look at her, still holding onto her shoulders.  Peko’s arms were still around him as well, and once she got a good look at him, she reached up and touched the skin under his eye with delicate fingers. He’d almost forgotten that his eye, or Junko’s eye, rather, had been removed from the socket, and he was actually needing to wear an eye patch again.
“Is it gone?” Peko asked softly.
“Yeah.  Yeah, it’s gone.” She snatched her hands back suddenly and sat up a little straighter.  “My apologies, young master, I seem to have overstepped-”
“Nah, you can cut that shit out,” he said softly, cutting her off.  “I don’t want you to call me that. Not anymore. You and me, we’re equals.”
She nodded, though she seemed unsure. “Then would it be alright… If I hugged you again?”
He didn’t even answer, just pulled her up against him once more.  She sighed almost inaudibly and hugged him as tight as her feeble muscles would let her.  Fuyuhiko wasn’t sure what he had expected from their reunion after all this time, but this was the best possible outcome, in his opinion.  
“Do you want anything? Like some water, or something to eat? Or maybe you want to go back to sleep?”
She shook her head.  “No. I want to get up.”
“Okay, yeah, we can do that. I can help, if you want.  We could go down to the beach?”
“We’re on a beach?”
“Yeah.  Jabberwock island.  It’s real, we were just on a… Virtual one.  I’ll explain later.”
She was wearing a thick grey nightgown, so Fuyuhiko didn���t ask her if she wanted to change, but he helped her to her feet and helped her drape one arm around his neck.  Their height difference actually made it easier for her to lean against him. He led her down to the beach slowly, hoping no one else would see them. He wanted her to himself for a little while longer.  
Peko sighed when they got out into the sun.  She stopped walking and tilted her head back, letting the sunlight kiss her face.  Fuyuhiko watched her, once more in awe of her. Not that he ever really stopped feeling that way.  After a few moments, she felt him staring at her and glanced down at him, blushing lightly.
“I’m sorry,” She said, “Let’s keep walking.”
“No, we can stay still if you want to. I don’t mind.  You don’t have to worry about what I want anymore, you know.”
“Ah… I’m not sure I can do that.”
She looked a little unsure, and he watched her for another few seconds.  “Man, I fuckin’ missed you.”
She blushed, rather uncharacteristically, but Fuyuhiko thought it was cute, so he didn’t want to say anything drawing attention to it.  Instead they just kept walking, down to the beach, and Peko started to direct him towards the water.
“Whoa, be careful,” he reached around to take her hand that was farthest from him.  They were very close now. “Your muscles probably aren’t what they used to be.”
She sighed.  “No, they aren’t.”
“Hey, don’t be discouraged.  Nekomaru was bedridden for a day before he could get up.  You’re already doing better than him.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you,” Peko said softly, as though she hadn’t heard his last words at all.  “In the end, I wanted to save you. I wasn’t expecting you to come after me, during the execution. It… Surprised me.”
“Well, you would’ve  done the same for me.”
“Of course.”
He knew what she meant- he knew she was sincere.  She would’ve done it for him even if she hadn’t been a tool.  They’d been friends before her training, they’d grown up together. “No, like, I mean… Shit, I mean if I’d done it, killed Mahiru, it would’ve been to protect you.”
“My life is not that-”
“Peko, I would die for you.”
She blinked hard, like she hadn’t expected that and didn’t know if she could believe it or not.  He kept eye contact with her so she would know that he was serious.
“Forgive me, young master, I think it would be best if I sat for a moment.  I’m getting dizzy.”
“Hey, you don’t have to say sorry,” he replied, helping her to sit on the sand.  She let out a sigh and sagged forward a bit once she was sitting.
He shifted a little uncomfortably next to her. “I… I would get if you don’t wanna be around me anymore, you don’t have to, but if you do, you don’t have to call me that shit.  Just Fuyuhiko is fine.”
She turned wide eyes upon him. “Why would I not want to be around you?”
“Uh…” He hadn’t expected this question.  “Uh, well, I mean, you were basically forced to hang around me and serve me.  I don’t want you to feel like you have to do that.”
“Can I do that and still be around you?”
“Yeah! Yes! I just, uh, I don’t want you to think you owe me anything, or, shit, I don’t know, I just don’t want you to feel trapped.”
She dug her toes into the sand. “I don’t.”
“Okay, yeah… Good.”
“I feel… Happy, I think.”
“Yeah?” “Yes.”  She cocked her head to the side. “I am also aware that we have done many awful things.  I want to feel worse about that. For now, I think I am just happy to be alive.”
He shoved the toe of his shoe into the sand, watching it intently and trying not to smile.  Peko didn’t often speak of how she felt, mostly because his parents hadn’t wanted her to feel anything, so it was nice to not have to guess what she was feeling.
“Hey, I wanna say sorry.”
She turned surprised eyes onto him. “What for?”
“For not sticking up for you more, when we were kids.  For not forcing my parents to understand that I never wanted a tool.  Because I… I meant it, you know, what I said before…” He heaved a deep sigh.  “I just wanted you.”
Her gaze softened. “You do not have to apologize for that.  When we were the ultimate despair, we were equal, I suppose.” “We were also killing people.”
She leaned closer to him. “We were killing people before that too.”
He laughed.  “I guess you’ve got me there.  God, we were fuckin’ stupid, huh?”
Peko rested her chin on her knees, looking out over the ocean.  “Hm. I think… Perhaps, there is more to it then our intelligence level.”
He nudged her shoulder with his. “Do you… Do you forgive me though?”
She looked over at him again. “I would have given my life for you.  Not just because you were my master.” That took him by surprise.  “I never wanted that.” “Not wanting it doesn’t make it any less true.  I very much would’ve done it. I did, in fact.” “That’s because-”
“Not because I felt an obligation,” She said firmly.  “I did not.”
They sat in silence for a bit, just listening to the ocean and watching it.  Fuyuhiko wanted to say something else, anything. He’d been sitting and waiting for her to wake up so he could talk to her.  Tell her, you idiot, his mind screamed at him.  He looked over at her, watching her, curled up in a ball.  She was so perfect. He should tell her that, right? He sighed and looked away from her again.
“I feel like we’re both dancin’ around the real question,” He said.  “I care about you. A lot. I don’t wanna live without you.”
“I want to be with you in whatever way that looks like.  I don’t want you as a tool, I want you as my partner in crime- or, no, let’s not do anymore crime.”  He knew he was rambling now, but he couldn’t stop. “I just want you to know that I don’t know when I fell in love with you, I just know that I did and to be honest I think I might actually die without you.  Doing life without you… In the simulation… Even if there weren’t any more murders, that was the hardest shit I’ve ever had to do.”
She didn’t seem to know what to say, so his mouth caught up with the nervousness of his brain and he kept talking.
“Shit, I didn’t mean to put on that pressure on you, that’s super uncool.  You don’t have to answer right now, or ever, really. I’m okay with us just spending time together in whatever way possible, we can just… Yeah.”
She laughed.  It was a real laugh, one that came from her gut, one that he hadn’t heard since they were kids.  After a few moments, it died down, but he felt the reverberations of it for hours.  
“That was… Very nice.”  She looked at him, smiling.  “I do feel… Strong feelings for you, as well.  I never knew how to place them, and I was always told they were wrong. I suppose I am in love with you.  I don’t know how to do that.”
“However you do it is the right way,” he said softly, ignoring how his heart was exploding and putting itself back together all at once.  He scooted a little closer to her. “Cause for the first time… We get to be us.”
She smiled.  “Us.” She seemed tired all of a sudden, or maybe just content.  She leaned against him, head on his shoulder. “It will take some… Getting used to.  I am very used to serving you.”
“I’ll be… Ahem,” he cleared his throat, “Serving you, every once in awhile. You deserve that.”
“Oh, I’m not so sure about that.”
“I’ll just have to prove it to you.”  He tilted his cheek against her head. “I’m so glad you woke up.”
“Me too.”
The others flooded the beach then, pulling both Peko and Fuyuhiko to their feet and chattering loudly.  Ibuki was crying the loudest, hanging onto Peko, and Peko didn’t seem quite sure how to react or where to put her hands.  She was graceful with everyone who approached her, trying not to show too much emotion, it looked like, and finally, Mahiru stood before her.  
“I’m sorry,” Peko said, her voice strong.
“We all did what we thought we had to,” Mahiru replied, and gestured to everyone.  “There’s no blame on this beach.”
Peko’s eyes welled up with tears then, and she turned back to Fuyuhiko.  They became the center of a massive, very loud group hug, and Peko was crying harder than he’d ever heard her cry.  But that was okay. They were all going to be okay.
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araxiis · 5 years
The Art Of Anaesthesia- Kuzupeko
For @let-it-be-canon ♡
Words: 2547 (jesus)
Based on the song The Art Of Anaesthesia by SayWeCanFly (video above)
Read on Wattpad
A/N: I had an idea for an AMV but I can't draw so I wrote it out :) it's really long and the format screwed up and I'm sorry
Bold italics are lyrics
Sometimes I think about who I should believe,
The people who are dead or the people who are free.
Sometimes I hear them as they whisper to me.
I try to stay awake so I won't die in my sleep.
The game was over. The Neo World Program had been destroyed, the students freed from their false reality. The 5 survivors woke up in a hospital, fashioned with everything they needed to recover from their stasis. Luckily for them, it was a rather quick process to get them back on their feet. When they could walk steadily on their own, they were permitted to go to the wing where the 'dead' students resided.
Sonia found Gundham's room first, with Kazuichi trailing behind her like a lost puppy. She tested the handle, but found the door to be locked. Akane did the same to Nekomaru's door, and received the same result. It seemed all the doors were deadbolted, impassable. Hajime lingered behind the rest, quietly coming to terms with the fact that there was no door with Chiaki's name written on it.
Fuyuhiko walked slowly through the wing, reading each nameplate carefully until he found the one he was looking for. He put his fingers on the edge of the door's small window and peered inside. She was there.
Lying unconscious, facing away from the window, glasses missing, but she was there. And according to the doctors, she would be okay. Fuyuhiko fumbled for the doorknob, but came up disappointed as he remembered the boundaries set. He heard Sonia's bright voice from behind him.
"Don't worry Fuyuhiko, it should not take too long for everyone to return to us."
She was wrong.
And I was quick to take a second look through
The window on the door of the operating room,
And the adrenaline, it threw my eyes
To the table on the floor where the patients lie.
I saw his face and I could not speak,
As the anesthetic kissed his cheek,
I felt my lips go cold and my limbs go weak
Because the body on the table where the patients die was me.
It was me.
It should have been him.
He should've been the one that got executed, not her. The whole thing was his stupid fucking idea anyways. He leaned his head back, resting it on the cold steel of Peko's room. Ever since the wing was opened six months ago, he spent every day sitting in front of her door. He would stay there all night if he could, but the staff weren't too fond of that idea. Sometimes he would talk to her, about how everyone was doing, about the final trial, whatever he was thinking about. He knew she couldn't possibly hear him, but it made him feel better either way. He saw Sonia down the hall, crying in front of Gundham's room, Kazuichi trying desperately to comfort her. Fuyuhiko closed his eyes tight, on the verge of tears but refusing to cry. It was gonna be okay. Just a little fucking longer.
Give me back my oxygen mask,
Cause I don't want to feel the walls of my heart collapse,
So put me under.
I would sooner die on this table
Than face what causes me to be so unstable.
The five of them sat in a small lobby in the hospital, waiting for the patient's wing to be open. They were talking normally, trying to distract one another from the harsh reality they were living. At seven precisely, a tired-looking doctor opened the door to the wing and addressed the classmates.
"Good news. The first of your classmates has woken up."
The doctor continued talking, but was unheard. The group sprinted past him and frantically started testing the doorknobs on the rooms. Fuyuhiko ran to Peko's door and clumsily reached for the handle.
It didn't move.
Something in his chest dropped. He couldn't contain his disappointment, but was distracted when he heard crying down the wing. Blinking his eyes clear, he continued to run until he reached the open door. Upon entering, he saw Sonia, crying, arms thrown around Gundham's shoulders. He looked like absolute hell, but there was no denying he was alive. Akane and Hajime were smiling politely, and Kazuichi was in the corner of the room, face as pink as his hair. Fuyuhiko half-smiled, nodded to Gundham, and left. He walked towards the room he was staying in, hands shoved deep in his pockets. He was happy for Sonia, and Gundham, obviously, but he couldn't help but wish it had been Peko. He stopped by her door and placed his hand on the thin, wired window.
"Cone back to me soon, okay?"
There was a lie between my demons and me,
And a body made of paper in the passenger seat.
As I open my eyes, I could not see.
I felt the stitches come loose and the blood run free.
Six months after Gundham had woken up, almost all of their classmates had returned to them. There was no structure to their recovery. Two days after Gundham, Mikan woke up. About a week after, it was Mahiru. (That was a rather uncomfortable reunion for Fuyuhiko.)
Twelve of them were awake, but three remained asleep.
Nagito, Ibuki, and Peko.
Fuyuhiko sat in one of the poorly-upholstered chairs in the lobby, staring down at his hands. It had been two weeks since Teruteru woke up, the next person had to wake up soon, right?
Just then, he heard shouting down the patient's wing. His heart filled with hope. Someone woke up. It had to be Peko, right?
Yeah, it had to.
He ran towards the sound of voices, anxious and hopeful, but was stopped short when he found the source. The class was gathered in the room across from Peko's, door propped open, talking to Ibuki.
Fuyuhiko's body began to shake. Why the fuck wasn't Peko waking up? It was his fault, wasn't it? He felt anger, worry, hate, building up inside of him, and he punched the wall at full force. The walls were sturdy and solid brick, but he couldn't feel anything but his blood boiling. He kept punching, yelling, until his fist was bloody and mangled. One punch hit a nerve that shot sparks up his arm, and he dropped his hand to his side. Sweating and overwhelmed, Fuyuhiko looked down at his broken, bloody hand, the pain of his actions finally setting in. His head went light as the pain started to spread, he felt his knees give out below him. He heard Hajime distantly call his name, and everything went dark.
And as my thoughts began to shake,
I felt the hand of the darkness kiss my face.
And then the devil woke up and he grabbed my throat.
He pulled me down to the place where the silence grows.
He looks at me with hollow eyes,
And he whispered my name as the flowers died.
I felt my heart go cold as I sank between
The ocean I am and the river I'm meant to be.
I'm meant to be...
Fuyuhiko opened his eyes to find himself lying in a hospital bed of his own. His clothes were still dusty and stained with blood, but his hand had been stitched up and wrapped in gauze. Running his good hand through his hair, he leaned back onto the paper-covered pillow.
"What the fuck happened?" He mumbled towards the ceiling.
"You passed out," a voice replied.
He was talking to himself, so he was rather startled when he heard the response. His head snapped towards the door, where he saw Hajime leaning against the doorframe.
"It was either shock or blood loss," he continued. "Twogami and I got you here, and Mikan helped the doctors fix you up. We're just across the hall from everyone else. You should be fine to walk around now, just be careful." Hajime turned to leave, but paused outside the door.
"Don't take too long though," he said over his shoulder. "There's.. something you should see."
With that he left, leaving only Fuyuhiko, considering his words. Something he needed to see? What the fuck was..
Holy shit.
Give me back my oxygen mask,
He practically fell out of the bed in his panic to get out of the room.
Cause I don't want to feel the walls of my heart collapse,
So put me under.
He ran faster than he ever had before, shouting breathless profanities at the nurses that tried to stop him.
I would sooner die on this table
He sprinted through the lobby, down the blank white halls, to the door he had spent so much time talking to. He forced his way through the group of his classmates gathered outside of it and-
Than face what causes me to be so unstable.
She had been looking for him too.
As soon as he burst into her room, their eyes locked. They stayed frozen like that for a while, Peko sitting perfectly straight in her bed, Fuyuhiko struggling to catch his breath in the middle of the room, eyes never leaving each other's. Eventually, Fuyuhiko slowly crossed the room to Peko's bed, and perched himself on the edge. Peko had so much she wanted to say to him, but for once, she wasn't able to find the right words. He rested his good hand gently on her leg and started the conversation himself.
"You look like hell."
Peko smiled weakly. "So do you," she retaliated, noticing the bandages on his arm. She reached out to take his hand in hers, but pulled her hands quickly to her chest when she realized what she was doing. 
"Forgive me, Young Master, I wasn't-"
Fuyuhiko leaned forward and took her clasped hands in both of his, startling her into silence. He held their hands between them, even though the rest of the class was only feet away.
"Forget that shit, Peko. I'm just so damn happy you're okay."
Peko felt her face go warm as the reality of his words set in. She could remember their last moments together on the island, but that hadn't been real.
This was real. They were real.
Fuyuhiko let go of her hands, which saddened her for a moment, until his hands came to rest on either side of her face. She felt her heartbeat quicken as he rested his forehead against hers. He stroked her cheekbone gently with his thumb, able to feel the corner of her mouth twitching up. Cautiously, Peko rested her shaking hand on his side, just to see what would happen. His smile grew wider, almost splitting his face in two, and he whispered something she could hardly hear. She couldn't be sure, and it could've been wishful thinking, but she could've sworn he said 'I love you'.
She slid her other arm around his waist and locked her hands behind his back. They could hear the quiet words of their classmates, as well as Kazuichi scoffing "fucking finally" and getting shushed by Sonia. They were both smiling wide, eyes closed, beyond thankful to be together again.
Now I'm standing by the window on a Sunday.
And I can't quite recall
Why I cannot move at all
Neither one of them wanted to leave the other's side, but Fuyuhiko insisted Peko start the recovery process as soon as possible. Her body was weak from being immobile for so long, so, much to her dismay, she was bound to a wheelchair. Most days she sat with her back to the room, staring vacantly out the window.
And I feel so tired and wounded,
Like the stitches on my soul came apart.
I'm standing here in the dark.
Despite his protests, the doctors refused to let Fuyuhiko stay with Peko at night while she recovered. During the day, however, you would never find him anywhere else. He stood by her side when she stared out the window. She would admire the view, he would admire her.
Well, maybe it's from the drinks we had last night,
But good god, I love those friends of mine.
The best that alcohol can buy.
Sometimes they talked, but mostly they enjoyed the silence. It was that special kind of silence, where you don't have to talk to enjoy each other's company. On this day in particular, though, Peko's voice cut through the quiet.
"I could hear you. While I was asleep."
Fuyuhiko raised his eyebrow slightly, but said nothing. Peko was still staring out the window, but her eyes seemed less vacant than they were before.
Or maybe it's from the lack of sleep,
But all those secrets I've kept, trying to be so sweet to you.
It's dark, my dear,
But it got me through,
It got me through.
"Most of the time, it was just dark. Dark and quiet," she continued. "Sometimes, though, I heard you talking. It was difficult to tell what you were saying, but I am certain it was your voice. I was unsure what it meant, but," she paused. "But I had reason to believe you were okay. And it was.. very relieving. Before I woke up, I remember hearing you yelling. You sounded hurt, but it got suddenly silent a moment later. I believe-" she looked down at her knees. "I believe my concern for you in that moment was the reason I was able to wake up."
Fuyuhiko stayed silent, causing Peko to fear that the words she chose were the wrong ones. She searched for the right words to apologize with, but her panic was cut short by the feeling of his lips on hers.
So give me back my oxygen mask,
She would be lying if she said she had never imagined this moment before, but never in a million years did she think it would actually happen.
Cause I don't want to feel the walls of my heart collapse,
So put me under.
It wasn't just their professional relationship that wavered her hope; she knew him well enough to know he wasn't exactly the sentimental type. She was unaware at the time, but losing her had been the thing to change him.
I would sooner die on this table
She wasn't complaining though, quite the opposite. She was rather inexperienced though, so she was unsure what she was meant to do. Luckily, she wasn't the only one who was nervous.
Then face what causes me to be so unstable.
She brushed her fingers through his hair, their kiss growing more intense.
Causes me to be so unstable.
He rested one hand on the back of her neck, pulling her closer.
Causes me to be so unstable.
They could worry about consequences later. For now, they were the happiest they had ever been.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm only a ghost,
Wearing human skin I never chose.
I listen to the devil as he spoke
Because he tempted me with a beautiful rose.
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murdertrialimagines · 5 years
SDR2 Girls Finding Their S/O Dead
“If it isn't too much may I request the SDR2 and v3 girls finding their S/O dead?”
Yay, finally writing for some DR2 girls!! I’m so glad this was requested, I can’t wait to start! Story under the tag! Warning: All of these deaths are probably medically wrong, but I tried my hardest
Chiaki Nanami
You and Chiaki didn’t talk until the night of the party
You had asked her what game she was playing on her handheld, and both of you were delighted to know that you had a common interest in it
But when the lights went out and Togami’s body was discovered, you were both quick to help find clues and get alibi’s from everyone
From then on out, you guys were always together, whether it be playing games together or just lounging in silence while each of you does your own thing
So when you didn’t show up to breakfast with Chiaki, everyone was suspicious, and those suspicions were doubled when Chiaki revealed that you hadn’t come to her beach house last night like you usually did
Everyone quickly split up to find you, Chiaki checking around with Hajime
No one saw a clue of you until Chiaki and Hajime made it to the airport, where they saw a horrific sight
Your body, propped up against a planter, blood staining the collar of your shirt
Your girlfriend immediately ran over, hands hovering over the multiple small puncture wounds in your neck
While Hajime ran to gather others, she looked at your body, careful not to disturb a single thing. Who would do this to you? Everyone seemed to be perfectly fine with you!
Everyone rushed in, multiple shouting your name and Chiaki’s
Everyone started searching for clues while Mikan checked the body
The room was practically spotless besides the blood pooling over your shirt
Mikan had confirmed that your cause of death was choking on blood due to multiple stab wounds to the neck with an incredibly small weapon
Hajime took alibis while Chiaki left to check your beach house
It was locked like it was earlier when they went to find you, so she quickly called for Monokuma to let her in
 The place was spotless, like it usually was since you slept over at her place
She looked over it one more time when she found a note on the bookshelf, surprised she missed it earlier
Chiaki picked it up and read it, the piece of paper simply saying that they needed your help, and to meet them at the airport after dinner
Who needed your help? Why didn’t you tell her before you went, just in case something happened?
Knowing you, you trusted your friends enough to think this outcome would’ve never happened.
Chiaki heard the trial announcement ring out, and quickly put the note in her jacket pocket, walking to the beach
When the trial started, they brought up the obvious things, the note, and the unusual wounds you suffered
They went through each alibi, slowly realizing they didn’t have much to go on since everyone went on their own ways after dark.
That is, until Fuyuhiko came up and confessed he saw a figure head up that way before going to the beach, and seeing you walk over a few minutes later
He gave the fuzzy details he had, and Chiaki and Hajime were able to pinpoint who’s alibi and looks matched up.
“Mikan...did you do this?”
Mikan started blubbering, saying she was too weak to do it, too fragile to commit a murder
But when the evidence started being laid on heavier, she snapped.
Mikan began cussing everyone out for bullying her, even those who hadn’t, demanding that she was the true victim
She confessed how she lured you there and had actually asked you to help her commit a crime on others, thinking you wouldn’t say no
When you refused, she had threatened you, and when you still refused, and even attempted to walk away, she snapped, pulling out a syringe and stabbing you multiple times in the neck until you fell, bleeding out.
Everyone watched as Mikan broke down crying, saying that she only killed you because everyone else was so mean to her.
Sadly, that doesn’t save a revealed blackened, and everyone watched as she was dragged away screaming, to her doom
Chiaki watched through winced eyes as Mikan was executed, quickly leaving after it was done and heading to her own dorm
She locked the door behind her and laid down on her bed.
Oh, how empty it felt without you by her side.
Akane Owari
Akane grew to love you practically the second she met you
She laid eyes on you and boom! Need for your attention acquired
You took longer to grow into the relationship, but when you did, the bond you guys had were strong
The only time you guys spent apart was when she was training with Nekomaru, as you took that chance to mingle with others around the island
So it wasn’t suspicious when she didn’t see you immediately after they finished their sparring
What was suspicious, however, was how the two of them didn’t see anyone
They walked around the main island, finding everyone at the diner
“Hey, is everyone having a party without us?”
Mahiru looked at both of them, eyes lingering on Akane
“You didn’t here the announcement? That’s why you guys were so late...”
“So late to what? Where’s Y/n?”
Akane saw Mahiru’s eyes shift to the kitchen and briskly pushed passed everyone in her way
She threw the door open and looked down, seeing you, knife in your chest and eyes covered by pink flowers
She started crying, yelling and pulling you onto her lap
She watched as the flowers fell from your eyes into your lap, already wilting from being cut
Everyone watched as Akane yelled, tears on her face showing a grievance no one should have to go through
Nekomaru crouched next to her, letting her cry on him, and eventually beat on his chest as her anger returned, now demanding for whoever had done this to her S/O to come clean so she can hurt them
When no one fessed up, she stormed out, walking aimlessly until she calmed down and returned, asking anyone for clues to the culprit
All they had had were some scuffs on the floor, a bruise on your ankle, and the flowers
Pink chrysanthemums, Fuyuhiko called them. Traditional flowers for funerals
The trial came, and no one looked hopeful
Any words that could be twisted against you got the speaker a glare from Akane
She listened as Hajime put together the evidence, slowly weeding out people from the suspects list
So when it came down to Peko, she connected it instantly
“The bruise on her ankle was mostly certainly from Peko’s bamboo sword, used to knock her down so you could land the final blow!” Hajime pointed at the prime suspect
It took every nerve in Akane’s body to not pummel Peko right then and there
Peko refuted intensely, trying to pull up evidence to point it at someone else 
But that’s when she slipped, giving them a huge break in the case
Akane’s shoulder’s tensed, turning all of her attention to the accused
“Wait...you said that you were at the beach when this happened, but Komaeda saw you going in the direction of the diner, so your alibi is false!”
This earned a scream from Fuyuhiko, letting out a stream of curse words in a pitiful attempt to save his friend
But in the end, it was useless, Peko finally giving up and apologizing
Akane tried to jump over her stand and lunge at Peko, but the blackened was pulled away, causing Akane to hit empty floor.
They all watched as Peko was executed, Fuyuhiko crying the entire time
After it ended, they all went their separate ways, Akane  ignoring Nekomaru’s condolences as she turned her back, running to her dorm
As soon as her door shut she began sobbing, punching the wall
She didn’t care if anyone heard her
You were gone
Nothing could bring you back
Sonia Nevermind
When you two met, there was an instant connection
You guys realized you liked each other extremely quickly
Just like the rest of Sonia’s life, it was a fairy tale
If a fairy tale included Souda’s constant whining and nosebleeds when you two did anything intimate
But that fairy tale ended when your body was discovered, brutally beaten with a hammer in your own dorm
While everyone investigated, Sonia had shut down
Everything in her life had always been perfect, worry free
So why this? Now?
The feeling of despair only further sunk in when it came out that they had very little clues as to who had done this to you
The bat, a towel and a door with signs of forced entry were all they had to find their murderous friend
So once the trial started, it took what seemed like hours to Sonia for them to finally discover a lead
Everyone had initially suspected Souda, on the motive of his undying love for the ultimate princess
But then it turned to another boy, someone no one expected
“This towel had been used to soak up some of the blood, perhaps to stop it from dripping out of the door. But we found something quite unusual. Gundham, care to explain why there is hamster fur, stained red with blood, stuck to this towel?”
Gundham choked up at Hajime’s words, his heterochromatic eyes staring at him in disbelief
But he couldn’t find the words to stand up for himself, quickly making it clear what his role in this trial really was
And that was when he confessed
He too, had fallen for the princess, killing Y/n out of raw jealousy
The voting ended as quickly as it had come, and they all watched as Gundham perished, leaving behind his beloved Devas.
Sonia took them, cradling them in her arms as she walked back to her room, silently sobbing
Everything changed after you were gone
People noticed that the once outgoing teen was now meek and docile, having lost all her energy after her second half was taken away
Even Souda backed off, barely talking to her
Life had color when you were here
Now, her sight showed nothing but the grey, monotone life she now had to endure.
Hiyoko Saionji 
No one believed Hiyoko could ever make a close friend with her foul mouth and matching attitude
But when they met you, and saw how you saw the good in everyone, they knew you could do it
seriously how did you see the good in komaeda tho
The first time you two actually walked was when you criticized her for mocking Mikan, quickly calming down the argument with your calm voice and sensitive words
You were the first one ever who had been able to defuse her, which made her stick to you like glue
Everyone seemed relieved, you had decreased the fights on the island drastically
And at the same time, you two grew every closer, inseparable after only a week
It was dark outside when it happened
You two were walking along the beach, filling the air with laughter and witty banter when you two saw a shadow approach from behind
You turned around first, her turning in time to see them hit you with something, causing you to fall back
Hiyoko let out a scream as the assailant grabbed the back of her kimono, and the world went black, the last thing being heard was the ocean crashing to shore, and the crunch of sand
When she woke up, she was being forcibly shaken by Ibuki, almost everyone surrounding her
As soon as she sat up Ibuki engulfed her in a hug 
“Oh thank god Hiyoko is safe! Everyone thought you were dead too!”
Hiyoko shoved her off, standing up and wiping the sand from her clothes
“Get off me you nasty, good for nothi- wait, did you say ‘dead too?’
Everyone suddenly turned away except for Chiaki, who walked up next to her
“Y/n was attacked, I’m sorry.”
That was all she needed to hear before she ran off the beach, leaving Ibuki calling for her
She ran around the island, stopping when she saw a group in the park
She screamed your name, shoving through them before anyone could stop her
Laying in the grass curled up, was you.
She felt the contents of her stomach rise up, unable to take in the blood around your neck and fingers
She felt a hand on her shoulder, twisting around to see Mahiru, tears staining her cheeks
She let out a sob, burying her face into Mahiru’s stomach, not caring who heard her wails of anguish
She just lost the most important person in her life, why would she care about anything else?
She refused to look at the body, having Mahiru escort her to her room, where they stayed until it was trial time
As they stood in the circle, Hiyoko rubbed her burning eyes, tears long dried up and unable to produce more
As much as everyone hated it, they had to ask her what happened, all feeling guilt as she hiccuped and stuttered through the traumatic even all over again
She silently thanked them for leaving her alone for the rest of the trial, letting her merely listen to their statements
Then it came out that only one person has a weak alibi- Souda
The second they questioned him he cracked, stammering out an apology, explaining what happened
“I...I was going after Hiyoko! I thought I knocked out Y/n, but they attacked me when I tried to drag Hiyoko off...and I hit her again, but I think I hit her too hard...”
Hiyoko’s head snapped up at his words, the feeling of emptiness now being replaced by hot anger
“I panicked, and dragged her to the park in hopes that it would save me some time. I thought about going back and killing Hiyoko too, but what’s the point? She didn’t see me!”
Hiyoko wanted to march right up to him and punch him, but settled for screaming profanities and harsh insults towards him, resulting in him pulling his beanie even lower, trying to cover his eyes
She continued screaming until he was dragged away, where she collapsed onto the floor in a heap, exhausted
Nekomaru picked her up and turned her away from the execution, not wanting her to have to see the gruesome death of their friend
He carried her into the elevator and all the way back to her room, where Mahiru stayed with her for the rest of the night
She accepted Mahiru’s warmth as she started to fall asleep, but it could never replace the warmth of her own heart when she was with you.
Mahiru Koizumi
You and Mahiru didn’t get off to a great start
You two first interacted when you pulled her back from going off on Hajime when he first tried to introduce himself
She glared at you, spewing some ill-mannered words before storming off
You had thought that that was the end of it, until she pulled you aside at dinner and meekly apologized
After that, you two kept running into each other, before finally your relationship had blossomed into something more
It was after the second motive when it happened
You had played the game, quickly realizing what it meant
You two had a confrontation, ending in both of you yelling and storming off in different directions
That was the last time she ever heard from you
The next day she was dragged by Hajime to the beach house, where you were laying on your side, dead
Mikan had deduced that you had been strangled to death, the murder weapon being a wet suit, still laying by your deceased body
She lashed out at everyone who approached her, focused only on your body and glaring at others
She would occasionally let a few tears slip, wiping them away before anyone could see them
But a few did see them, horrifically aware of how their strong friend was breaking down
When the trial started, everyone expected Mahiru to be angry as ever, demanding justice for her s/o
But she stayed quiet, only looking through her camera
Somehow, this was more scary, surely leaving the blackened feeling terrible for their actions
Chiaki was the first to speak, stating the obvious about the case; the murdered, the location, and the weapon
This got the trial rolling, people throwing in and refuting evidence when deemed necessary
The whole time Mahiru stared into the screen on her camera, slowly flipping through photos of the two of you, analyzing the smiles on your faces, the way you two would pose and laugh together
She only snapped out of her daze when a shout erupted
“Like hell I’m the killer!”
Hajime pointed at Fuyuhiko, the Yakuza leader’s face now red and his body shaking
She watched intensely as Hajime laid the evidence out, turning everyone to his side of the debate.
Peko continued to stick by her friend’s side until he gave up, guilty eyes confessing to the heinous act
Fuyuhiko explained how he knew Mahiru played a part in killing his sister, and wanted revenge by turning her s/o against her
“I told her of the things Mahiru did, but she just...kept defending her. I got angry, and before I knew it I was hurting her, and I didn’t stop until she was dead.”
 He turned to Mahiru, tears in his eyes
“I am so sorry, Mahiru. If I could take it all back I would.”
All Mahiru could do was turn away, looking anywhere but at him
And thus, the execution started, Peko and Fuyuhiko sharing pained goodbyes before the blackened was dragged away to his fate
Mahiru watched the execution, no expression in her eyes as she watched the one who murdered her s/o die
After the execution they all went back to the surface, her going to the dining hall
She sat alone in the room, the only light coming from the camera she had in front of her
A picture of you sat on it, one you guys had taken on your first trip to the beach together. You laying in the sand laughing next to the sandcastle you two made together
Everything was perfect then
And now, all she had were painful memories
Mikan Tsumiki
She was one of the first to find you
When everyone started getting sick, you had been one of the ones infected, having caught the phobia disease
You were scared of everything, even your own girlfriend when she tried to help you
So you sat in your own hospital room along with the other patients, Mikan refusing to leave the building while she took care of her patients
But she had fallen asleep overnight, only waking up when the front door slammed open, Hajime, Gundham, and Hiyoko racing in
“No time to explain, we have to check on everyone!”
All four of them raced through each room, checking each ill student to make sure that they were safe
Until they got to your room, the door thrown open
And they all saw you, arms tied to the head of the bed, blood covering your stomach and staining the sheets under you
Mikan screamed, pushing past the other three and throwing herself at your side, checking your pulse and shaking your shoulders
Gundham announced that he was going to go get everyone and left, Hajime comforting Hiyoko in the hallway
The only thing she could hear was the body discovery announcement ring through the building, tears blurring her vision as she held onto your body
Slowly, everyone trickled in, shocked to see the scene playing out before them
They all jumped into investigation, Mikan quickly identifying the cause of death as multiple stab wounds to your stomach, almost passing out at all of the blood on your body
She sat in the hallway until the trial started, where Akane walked with her to make sure she was alright
During the trial everyone could tell she was shaken, her bursting into tears whenever they had to show photos of your body or ask her to speak
Everyone knew how much this hurt her, which make Hajime’s gut sink as he realized who the killer was
“The only reason we knew someone was hurt was because Gundham got a suspicious letter, right? But only one person’s alibi gives them a chance to write that note. I hate to say this but...Mikan, was it you?”
Akana and Souda immediately began scolding Hajime for accusing her, Mikan herself bursting into tears over his words
But Chiaki shut them down, asking them calmly to listen to Hajime’s words
Mikan continued crying, repeatedly stating how she wasn’t the killer, how much she loved you, and how her alibi was rock solid
But Hajime persisted, and everyone watched as Mikan’s demeaner went from sad and broken and angry and harsh
“There’s no way I killed Y/n! I loved them! You’re just trying to cover for yourself!”
Mikan slowly cracked, and everyone got to see her true colors
She screamed at Hajime, only stopping when Chiaki raised her voice at her to stop.
“Monokuma, may I ask something? Is Mikan sick too?”
Monokuma jumped for joy, gleefully stating that Mikan had the remembrance disease
They all turned to the nurse, watching as she panted and hugged herself
“I remember everything! I know what the world is like- I know what we’re in! I gave Y/n a way out, you should be thanking me!”
She began laughing, only repeating the words “I saved Y/n the trouble...”
And she continued until she was led away, turning back one final time to wave to her fellow classmates
“See you guys later.”
Ibuki Mioda
Ibuki was the one that started to like the other first, having introduced herself in her own bubbly manner
You two always only ran into each other, until she asked you for some feedback on a new song she was writing
After that, you two were inseparable, always creating wild memories, whether it be having a beach party of two or setting off fireworks
you almost caught Komaeda’s hair on fire but that’s besides the point
You two had planned a day to hang out in the music venue, as Ibuki was teaching you how to play some notes on the guitar
You both agreed to be there at noon, so Ibuki strolled in a little before that
“Y/n~! Mioda is in the house! You ready to get our jammy jam on?!”
She threw open the door smiling, expecting to see you sitting on the stage, feet dangling off of it like you usually were
Instead, she found you on the floor only a few feet from the doorway, blindfolded and beaten, tear tracks running out from under the covering on your eyes
Ibuki stared, wide eyed, and before she could even scream, she blacked out
When she woke up, many of her classmates were circling her, her head in Peko’s lap
Dazed, she sat up, asking everyone why they were having a sleepover, before seeing the look on everyone’s faces
Memories flooding back, Ibuki jumped up screaming your name, eyes darting to your body
She threw herself to the floor, ripping the blindfold off of you and cradling you in her arms, crying
“Y/n, come back to Ibuki, please! Ibuki needs you to wake up!”
The only response she got was your head rolling back, engraving the despair in Ibuki’s heart
She felt a hand on her shoulder, and looked up through blurry eyes to see a few of her classmates offering their condolences
Ibuki sniffled, looking at you before laying you back down, backing away from your corpse
She tried her best to help throughout the investigation, helping them find the weapon, a bat, in the storage closet
Even thought she was investigating, people could tell her mind was elsewhere, and everyone could guess where it was
It was on the memories of the two of you, all the crazy things you did that led to nights of cuddling and laughing afterwards
Once the investigation period was over, everyone walked to the elevator
Ibuki stayed back a few minutes, crouching down next to you and brushing the hair out of your face
Her last goodbye to you
Finally, she got up and left, looking back one more time before closing the doors to the music venue 
When they all got to the beginning of the trial, everyone was put off by how quiet Ibuki was
It started off quietly as all the trials did, no one wanting to start a conversation about a deceased friend that would only lead to another one dead
But slowly, the conversation gained momentum, the group obtaining alibis and new clues from the crime scene
Slowly Ibuki started integrating herself into the conversation, determined to help solve your case
This trial had been a relatively quiet one, which is why it scared everyone when Ibuki suddenly shouted at the top of her lungs
“OMIGOD GUYS! Ibuki knows who did it!!”
Everyone stared at her stunned as she rambled off a ton of confusing sentences, before finally just yelling
“So it was Teruteru!”
Everyone immediately turned to Teru, watching as he stuttered and pulled at his shirt collar
“I have no idea what you’re talking about!”
That was when Chiaki gasped, simply saying, “The time of death!”
That’s when it clicked for Hajime, realizing that the time of death was at the exact gap in Teru’s alibi, Teru himself not even realizing it yet
All three of them laid the info out, causing Teru to break down and confess, stating that he just wanted to go home
They all voted after the confession, and watched as he gave his teary goodbye and was dragged off to the brutal execution
Ibuki didn’t watch, instead already walking towards the elevator so she could leave as soon as it was over
She left alone, making sure the doors shut before anyone else got on
Silently, she walked to the supermarket, grabbing a few things before she headed to the beach
A few people walking past saw her sitting on the sand, but didn’t dare bother her
Ibuki sat alone, watching the ocean as she lit off fireworks, remembering how you two would sit here covered in blankets, saying nothing as you watched the colorful light-show
She shivered
It was cold without you
Peko Pekoyama
Peko really thought you two were going to make it
After you two confirmed your relationship, she swore to protect you on the same level as her master
And she did, making sure any suspicious places were deemed safe and that any wounds you may suffer were properly cared for
You two always made it a habit to tell each other where you were, so when Peko realized that you weren’t in your said location, she began to panic
Expression remaining calm, she hurried around the island, not stopping when people tried to ask her where she was heading
She only stopped when she heard a scream, immediately turning towards the noise and sprinting
She raced towards the beach houses, running towards the dining hall
When she burst in the room, the sight alone made her sick to her stomach
Hiyoko was there crying, standing over your lifeless body
Peko ran over, falling to her knees and pulling you up, talking as if you would respond
“...Y/n? Please, get up...I need you to get up...please!”
Everyone else soon filed in, but Peko didn’t notice them
She continued to hold you, eyes closed as she held you as close as possible, as if it would bring you back
But it wouldn’t
Nothing would
She felt a hand on her shoulder, looking up to see Fuyuhiko
Letting her walls fall more, she got up and hugged him, holding onto him tightly as everyone investigated
She let her tears dry and sniffles stop, and eventually began helping with the search, stoic as ever
She stayed like that through the trial, listening as she let Hajime and Chiaki carry the conversation, glaring at Komaeda every time he made a snide comment about the crime
She had felt her hopelessness form into anger at hearing the murderer confess after being cornered
“I-I’m sorry! Ibuki didn’t mean it!”
Everyone turned to Peko, expecting her to lash out harshly at their blackened friend
Instead, they were greeted with the same cold Peko they were used to, somehow now being much more scary
“The only thing I’m sorry for is that I couldn’t protect Y/n before you killed them. I can’t say I’m sad to see you go, but I don’t speak for everyone.” 
With that, Peko turned away from Ibuki, closing her eyes and allowing her breath to steady
She wanted to kill Ibuki, but she knew that wouldn’t be what you wanted
She listened as Ibuki gave shouted goodbyes, then her screams as she was dragged away and executed
Everyday after that, Peko seemed normal to everyone, only allowing a shadow of despair to cloud her when your name was said, and even then she quickly dispersed the darkness with a small comment on you or a swift topic change.
She couldn’t let her friends, especially Fuyuhiko, know how broken their loyal protector was.
What she didn’t know was that almost every night, anyone passing her dorm could hear the sniffles, or even sobs she gave through her door as she remembered what she had lost
You two were going to get out together.
Omigod. I finally finished one! I can’t believe this took me like what, three weeks?! I’ve been busy with a combination of school, writers block, and pure laziness, so I apologize for the late update! The next one is already halfway written, so I hope it gets out soon! Thank you :)
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dotwrites · 5 years
Meetings Chapter 2- Despair
Summary:  Peko struggles with despair and goes searching for her sword. Fuyuhiko isn't happy about it.
Read on AO3
The next day was hard. Peko had been warned about the possibility of experiencing a relapse of sorts, where she might feel herself falling back into despair. It was common amongst the remnants, each one having experienced it a handful of times. She was lucky to have been able to avoid it for the first month after awakening, but it seemed that her luck had run out. 
It started early in the day, when Mahiru was suffering a headache at breakfast. It was just a headache, but Peko felt an inkling of guilt in the back of her mind, telling her it was her fault. She tried to avoid talking to Mahiru that day, but she caught a glimpse of the photographer glaring in her general direction that made the inkling grow larger and harder to ignore. 
Soon she found herself going to the store room, looking for the bamboo sword that had been kept away from her. The others insisted it was for her own safety, but in that moment Peko found that she didn’t believe them. Part of her knew it was irrational, that she had no reason to use it anymore, but she couldn’t shake the desire to hold the weapon in her hand.
She remembered feeling a similar desire, when she was filled with despair.
Sonia found her just as she found her sword, and on instinct Peko went into a fighting stance, ferocity in her eyes that startled the princess into jumping back. 
“What are you doing, Peko?” Sonia asked, hands up in a sign of surrender, “You aren’t supposed to have that.”
Peko blinked, standing up straight when she realized it was just Sonia. She kept her grip on her sword, still unwilling to give it up.
“I apologize for frightening you. I simply want my sword,” she explained, walking towards the door. 
“I understand, but I must request that you leave it here!” Sonia insisted, blocking the only entrance to the room with her body. 
Peko paused, slightly raising the sword to threaten Sonia before thinking better on it, “I do not understand. I will not attack anybody with it, I simply want to have it with me.”
Sonia frowned, disappointment in her eyes, but Peko didn’t care. Sonia wasn’t a Kuzuryuu, so her opinion did not matter. 
“It isn’t that we think you’ll attack somebody, we know you won’t. We just...fear that it might be harmful to your recovery.”
“It will not be, now please get out of my way,” Peko insisted.
“Please be honest with me, Peko,” Sonia requested as she stood her ground, “Are you struggling with despair?”
“I can handle it,” Peko answered immediately, repeating her phrase from the night before.
“I see. Then…” Sonia paused, biting her lip as she thought about the best course of action, “leave the sword, ask Fuyuhiko if you may take it.” 
Peko thought for a moment, then turned to gently place her sword back on a shelf. Sonia was right, she decided. He had been part of the group that decided she shouldn’t have her sword, so to take it now would be directly disobeying him. She was certain, though, that she could get his permission to take it back. She turned back to Sonia and nodded, and only then did the other girl move from the doorway, motioning for Peko to take her leave. 
The two went their separate ways, Peko searching for the man she was struggling to not refer to as her master. She knew it was wrong, to think of him like that, but it didn’t make it any easier on her in that moment. Part of her thought she would always feel like a tool with a master who didn’t want her, and it only fed into her struggle.
She looked for Fuyuhiko in the dining hall first, then the lobby of the hotel. When she didn’t find him in either of those locations, she headed towards the cottages. She found him talking with Sonia in hushed tones outside of his door, and Peko felt her heart sink. Sonia was probably requesting that Fuyuhiko deny Peko’s plea, she decided. 
She approached the pair as Fuyuhiko glanced up, feeling like an arrow was shot through her heart at the pity in his eye. 
“Peko,” he said, cutting off whatever Sonia was whispering.
Sonia looked back at Peko, eyes widening when she realized she’d been caught.
“Fuyuhiko,” Peko answered, bowing her head slightly out of habit. She quickly picked it back up, but her eyes remained downcast. 
Sonia took a step away from them, but she didn’t walk away like Peko had hoped.
“Uh...I heard you were…” Fuyuhiko struggled, unsure how to phrase whatever Sonia had been telling him. 
“In the store room, yes,” Peko glanced at Sonia, who looked at her apologetically, then looked back at Fuyuhiko, “I would like my sword back.”
“You know you aren’t supposed to have it,” Fuyuhiko said, crossing his arms over his chest, “Why do you want it, anyway?”
“I…” in truth, it would make her feel more useful. If anything were to happen, she would have a better chance of protecting Fuyuhiko if she had her sword with her. That was the wrong answer, though, so she tried to find one that was suitable, “it would help bring me comfort.”
“How?” He pushed, and Peko found herself starting to regret asking.
“It is familiar,” she decided to answer, hoping that it would convince him to stop looking at her like she might break any moment.
“Okay...and why did you feel the need to ask me?” He continued his line of questioning, not giving into her request so easily.
“That is my fault,” Sonia piped in, “I told her to ask you if she could take it. I apologize for putting you in an awkward position, but do you see what I mean?”
“Yeah, but...Peko, I want you to tell me the truth. Are you just asking me because Sonia told you to?”
Peko almost gulped, feeling guilt overwhelm her. She knew she wasn’t supposed to see him as her master, but here she was, asking him for her sword. 
“No. I thought it made sense that I should get your permission.”
Fuyuhiko sighed, running a hand through his hair, “Then I’m not giving it to you.”
“But young--Fuyuhiko, please--”
“No. I don’t want to see you with that stupid fucking sword, okay?” He insisted, voice raising as he spoke. Peko remained silent, hands grasped in front of her as he continued, “I’m not your master and I don’t want to be. You’re a person, and I want us to be equals, but if me telling you no is the only thing that will stop you from taking your sword, then I’m telling you no.”
Tears stung her eyes as Peko bowed her head. Accepting his scolding was always the hardest part of her job when they were growing up, and for some reason he seemed even angrier than usual. She had made so many mistakes, she should’ve known better than to ask for her sword. Of course he was upset with her, he had every right to be.
A small part of her seemed to enjoy the stinging pain of Fuyuhiko’s anger.
“Fuyuhiko, please don’t be too upset with her,” Sonia interjected, “Please remember how hard it can be to relapse, she is struggling very much right now.”
“I know,” he snapped, then taking a deep breath to try to calm himself down, “I know. It doesn’t make it any easier.”
“We talked about this. You knew she was likely going to act like this when she relapsed,” Sonia tried again, “This is passing, she will get better. Remember how Mahiru was, at first?”
“Don’t remind me,” he scoffed, turning his attention back to Peko, “I’m sorry for losing my temper at you.”
“It is alright. I shouldn’t have asked for my sword, it is my fault.”
“It isn’t your fault, and it isn’t alright,” Fuyuhiko sighed, “just...go on a walk or something.”
With that, Peko turned and left. She spent her walk feeling guilty, like a failure for relapsing into despair at all. She was causing Fuyuhiko pain, and that made her own pain grow even stronger. She didn’t return to the hotel until lunch time, after a good hour spent walking around the island they were trapped on.
During the meal, everyone gave her the same frightened look, walking on their toes around her in the way that drove her mad. She couldn’t stand them acting as though she was about to fall apart, even when she did feel so fragile.
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theotpauthor · 7 years
Ons ships week day one: royalty
“So you’re my husband to be?” Shinya laughs, but there’s anger hidden in the curve of his smile.
“It would appear so,” Guren responds, grinning in a way that let him seem wide and open: weak. Without another word Shinya slips his arm around Guren’s waist (bastard) and they both smile convincingly for the cameraman hired to commemorate their first meeting.
Guren’s hand moves to the others hair; from the photographer’s picture it would look like Guren was just ruffling it in amusement.
He twirls a clump between his fingers, pauses, then yanks painfully. Shinya’s smile doesn’t falter, but his fingernails are suddenly digging into Guren’s hips.
The magazine pronounces it love at first sight. Guren leaves the burnt remains of the article on Shinya’s pillow as an early wedding gift.
“Thank you so much for what you left on my pillow last night, Guren,” Shinya announces loudly later, amid the servants pretending not to listen. “But I’m really surprised—who knew the son of the prestigious Ichinoses would be into something like that!”
The back of Guren’s neck grows warm but luckily his face stays blank. He plasters on a smile. He thinks back to the clothing Shinya had ‘gifted’ him—the outside was the fanciest and the most beautiful silks but the inside coarse and chaffing.
“Yet the gift you granted me weren’t at all surprising about you, taking into account the rumors,” Guren retorts. There’s a flash of anger in Shinya’s eyes that is covered by loud laughter.
“I only hate you a lot!” Shinya chirps that night, in the bed they have to share, and all Guren notices is the tone he says it in—aggravating but cheerful enough to seem teasing to anyone spying.
“Trust me, husband, when I say I love you as much as you love me.”
“How kind.”
Guren’s birthday hypothetically passes without much fanfare, as the Hiragis didn’t think it was for another four months.
He had planned to spend the day signing legal papers and stoically dealing with Shinya’s bullying and passive aggressive remarks, so of course he’s woken by loud horns, blaring streamers, and Sayuri quite literally jumping onto him.
“Happy birthday!” she chimes, practically screaming into his ear, but Guren has a hard time focusing on that when Sayuri is digging into his stomach and it’s a bit hard to breath.
“Isn’t this great?” Shinya drawls, eyes glinting, clearly not happy to have been fooled. He does, however, look amused at Guren’s plight. “Now we can all celebrate your birthday together, dear.”
Oh, fuck you, Guren thinks, but out loud he only replies
“Well, sweetie, I don’t think the day part of today starts for another couple of hours.”
“It’s eight in the morning,” Shigure informs him, pleasing Guren slightly with the way Shinya jumps at her sudden appearance. “We thought letting you sleep in would be for the best.”
Affection curls in his chest, so he focuses on Shinya’s smug, irritating grin to force himself to frown.
“You should be working on your training,” he admonishes, but his voice comes out happy despite it. Shinya’s blinks, the glinting in his eyes fading.
“We would never miss your birthday!” Sayuri exclaims, hand darting to her chest. Guren glances away politely and says,
“Well, would you mind getting off me? I am a married man after all.”
“In an arranged marriage,” Shigure says softly, eyes narrowed.
“Married’s married,” Guren waves away. Sayuri doesn’t get off but she does flop down, stretching over the comforter like a cat.
“We bought a cake!” she interrupted, a large toothy smile on her face, but Guren’s known her long enough to know she’s trying to prevent a fight.
“We bought two cakes,” Shigure corrects. “And we cooked one.”
“. . . Thanks,” Guren mumbles, resolutely not looking at Shinya, who’s leaning against the doorframe with a thoughtful look on his face. He walks to the dining room and he can feel Shinya boring holes into his back as he goes.
“So you do have redeeming qualities,” Shinya says, later when the lights are dim and people couldn’t hear them. Shinya still doesn’t drop the fake smile.
“Sure,” he says noncomittially. “But the jury’s still out on you.”
“Maybe when it’s my birthday you’ll meet my friends and have a huuuuge epiphany where you realize I’m the perfect human being.”
“Doubtful,” Guren deadpans. “Who even are your friends? Actual friends, not political connections.”
There’s a pause, which was expected. And then Shinya answers, which wasn’t.
“Mito Jujo,” he offers, “and Norito Goshi. They’re good people.” Another pause. His voice was softer now. “You’re friends seemed like good people too.”
“They are,” Guren confirms, and can’t keep the affection from his voice.
Guren finds a magazine that claimed to have inside details about the deteriorating relationship between the Hiragi and Ichinose, so he snarks and insults the author in the margins. Then he leaves it on Shinya’s pillow, thinking he would be amused by it.
The next day Guren puts on his clothes and pauses when he realizes the material doesn’t scratch at his skin.
The next few months pass agreeably, which Shinya’s bullying turning more teasing and kindhearted than cruel. Guren stops trying to make him look like an ignoramus in front of his adopted family.
Then one day Shinya laughs, not that fake laugh he uses for politics or the cruel one he uses when he’s insulting someone. No, it’s a true laugh, one that brightens his eyes and makes his whole face light up with happiness and Guren’s heart does funny things in his chest.
Shit, he thinks.
“I never hated you,” Shinya admits one night. “Just the idea of you—the person I was forced to be together with and love. I hated it.”
“I hated you,” Guren replied honestly, heart thumping, thinking of lilac hair that didn’t seem to shine quite as much anymore. “But not because of who you are. I just hated that you weren’t someone else.”
Shinya doesn’t reply, and when Guren looks over his eyes are closed. It might be a lie, but if it is Guren lets him have it.
Guren leans back and let’s himself fall.
Shinya’s past comes out, a horror story of experimentation and children murder and shattering innocence.
More importantly, Shinya is whimpering, sobbing, and still smiling like somehow it’ll distract Guren from everything else.
Shit, Guren thinks, heart thumping a bit. He replies,
“Geez what a kid. Crying over such a cliché story.” Guren doesn’t look at Shinya when he says it, but he tears off the blanket hanging on the back of the couch and throws it at him. “Grow up, baby.”
“Your actions don’t match up with your words, ya know?” Shinya teases, leaning back a bit. Unlike Guren he’s not scared of eye contact, and a small spark of rivalry makes Guren glance back—only to get lost in blue eyes and regret it all of a sudden.
Shinya, blinking slowly as a smile crawls over his tear stained face, unfolds the blanket without breaking eye contact and throws it over both of them.
“Here,” he announces, leaning in. Guren refuses to move back out of sheer stubbornness, and he can feel Shinya’s eyelashes on his check. “Now we can share, hmm?”
(Maybe he stayed still out of more than a rivalry.)
They fall asleep like that.
Guren’s heart keeps up its stupid gymnastic routine every time Shinya walks into a room, and eventually Guren decides enough is enough. He steps in front of Shinya, stares him in the eyes, and tries to force Shinya to understand without saying a word.
“Yeeeess?” Shinya asks, clearly wondering why Guren had stopped him in the middle of the hallway.
“I love you,” Guren forces out, voice a bit stunted.
“What about Mahiru?” Shinya asks, frozen, chilled. It shouldn’t surprise Guren that he knows her name, that he knows their past, but it does.
“What about her?” Guren asks, and Shinya’s eyes narrow, so he adds, “I haven’t seen her for almost 15 years. I’m not pathetic, you know.” I’m not in love with her anymore, you know?
“You’re a god damn dick,” Shinya tells him, the faux innocence and joy for once gone from his voice. A second later he grabs Guren’s shirt and kisses him fiercely.
“Fucking finally,” Mito says from the couch.
“That’s only been coming for forever,” Norito adds.
“Congratulations, Master Guren!” Sayuri chirps, and Shigure nods beside her. Guren flips them all off. His hand falls quickly, as he’s still kissing Shinya and it makes it hard to concentrate on other things.
The large smile on Shinya’s face makes it worth it.
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yellowcanna · 7 years
Life Is But A Walking Shadow
Summary: "Our wills and fates do so contrary run, that our devices still are overthrown. Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own." The blond haired teen whispered softly as he gazed up to the moonless sky as the cold droplet of rain seeped through his clothes. "Why couldn't you take me with you, you stupid angel?"
Pairings: Lawless x Licht
Genre: Shounen-ai
Rating: T
Author: Canna / Yellow Canna
Status: Complete 
Related Story: To Be, Or Not To Be
Before you begin:
This story is a spin-off of my other one shot, To Be, Or Not To Be (Kuro x Mahiru). You don’t necessarily have to read that one to understand this story, but it would be easier if you do as there are some parts in the story referencing to the other story.
“Our wills and fates do so contrary run
That our devices still are overthrown;
Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own.”
I lifted my head up to the starless night sky. My hood slid off, pooling around my shoulders as I feel the chilling droplet of rain dabbing against my skin. I opened my crimson eyes, not even blinking as a droplet fell in and rolled out from the corner.
How many years since he last left?
How many more years will he continue to leave?
How many more years until this bittersweet torture end?
I slowly picked up my pace again. The men who were eyeing me before were now looking away in fright once they saw the colour of my eyes. I spared one of them a bored glance and watched as he frantically scurried away.
Despite how heavy the rain was, I could still smell the heavy stench of blood. Through the pitter-patter melody, I could make out various types of screams. There were screams of those still clinging onto bits of hope, screams of despair, as well screams of anguish and promise of revenge.
I hopped over the rubbles of a demolished building.
It was disgusting.
This place is just a giant garbage dump. It was a sealed off little place abandoned by the rest of the world. This was the remains of a war—something I was all too familiar with. With no countries stepping up to claim this land, the people who are left lived without any laws to keep them together.
My nose scrunched up at the possibility that he might be here.
How many years since I’ve last seen those strong, unwavering eyes?
How many years since I’ve heard that arrogant and condescending voice?
How many years since I’ve properly felt his warmth?
A voice spoke, stopping me in my track as I turned to see a figure stepping out of the shadow from the narrow alleyway—crimson eyes shining brilliantly in the darkness.
“You’re Old Child’s subclass?” I asked, receiving a nod in confirmation before the vampire gestured me to follow.
We moved through the maze within the alleys. I didn’t pay attention to my surroundings. I just followed the subclass leading me, my heart squeezing tighter and tighter every step of the way.
Is it him?
Could it be him?
What if it isn’t? What if…?
“You have to be prepared. It…it may not be what you expect…” The subclass mumbled.
I trailed behind him quietly, never once asking what he meant as I wasn’t sure if I wanted an answer. It was only when the other vampire stopped did I realize how we’re standing before a worn out building with a small, narrow window near the ground with light shining from the other side.
I crouched down; peering through the holes in the rag that was the curtain and what I saw made my blood froze.
“What is this?” I choked out hoarsely. My eyes were dilated as I stared unblinkingly at the scene inside.
“…He wasn’t given a name.” The subclass said after a long moment of hesitation—obviously as disturbed as I was. “His mother was the woman of the gang leader in the town’s northern area. Both of them are Europeans, so when she gave birth to an Asian looking child, naturally everyone’s convinced she slept with another man. The leader was so angry that he threw her into one of the brothels he owns and forced her to work there ever since.”
I gawked at the small body sitting in the corner. It was so battered and broken…but that wasn’t all. The room I was peeking in had a bed. And on that bed, I saw the naked bodies of a woman and man, sliding against each other in ways that I wanted to throw up.
“That woman was indeed sleeping around, but never with any Asian as there aren’t many around here.” The subclass continued. “So she saw the child as a monster and refused to admit she gave birth to him. The only reason he was able to survive so long was because one of the other prostitutes in the brothel took pity on him. But according to our information, that prostitute died three years ago from overdose and since then the child was—”
“Trash!” A woman’s screech vibrated against the window. I turned back in time to see a cup being hurled into the air and shattered against the cracked cement wall right beside the child. It must have meant to hit him, but it missed, causing glass shards to fly everywhere instead.
I gritted my teeth when I saw a couple shards grazed by the delicate skin of the still growing child, drawing out bright red fluid from his flesh.
“Get another cup of water!” The woman shouted impatiently. “Are you listening you—”
Before the woman could finish, the broken body of the boy surprisingly moved. I blinked in shock, only catching a glimpse of defiant and unwavering blue eyes before the kid limped out of the room. The woman’s angry shrieks filled the air, but I didn’t even notice as my eyes focused on that open doorway.
A crazed smile stretched over my face as my heart beat heavily.
It’s him.
No child—no, not even a grown man could have such pure eyes after living in a dump like this.
It has to be him.
It has to…
I crouched down as the muscles in my legs tightened. Without another word to Old Child’s subclass, I kicked off the ground, propelling myself into the sky as I landed soundlessly on the edge of the building.
My eyes searched around until I found that small body shuffling out of the side door in the alleyway.
The kid was using the wall as support for his bad leg, leaving behind bloodied fingerprints that lasted only a couple of seconds before getting washed away by the rain. I followed him quietly from the roofs, crimson eyes never leaving that tiny form as he slipped from shadow to shadow until he arrived at a dump.
I could almost hear the sound of my heart shattering when I saw the kid digging around the trash until he found a blacked apple core and something completely I couldn’t even identified filled with mould.
Before I could even think, I was in front of the boy, slapping away the spoiled food he was about to shove into his mouth.
The child’s surprise only lasted for a second before fury twisted over his face. A low growl echoed from his throat as he curled into himself. His form looked exactly like an animal, starved for days and pushed into a corner, yet those eyes burned with the will to survive…to keep on living.
“Come with me.” I mumbled softly as the boy stilled.
His eyes widened for a brief moment before those sapphire eyes frosted over.
“Whoa!” I jumped back when the brat tried to aim a kick to my shin. Taking his chance while I had backed away, the boy turned tail and ran. Despite all the injuries and the weakness he showed before, he was surprisingly fast. However, I caught up to him in no time and grabbed him by his shoulders.
“You’re hurt, you shouldn’t—ow!” I cried when his ragged nails sank into my wrist.
“You little—AH!” I jerked back, now desperately trying to push away the kid whose jaw is locked tightly around my hand.
Tears poured out of my unblinking eyes as I stared at the scene before me. The white of his hair was died in red as he lay in a puddle of crimson blood. His body was completely battered, filled with bullets and holes as proof of the massacre that had happened.
I tried to form words, to call out to him…but only cries escaped.
Why does it always come to this?
Why does fate always make the Eves come back to our side, only to die in front of us over and over again?
What sins did they commit to deserve this?
I held onto the cold body that already lost all its warmth long ago. I hated him for leaving me alone all over again…I hated the world for always taking him away from me…but most of all, I hated myself for my inability to protect him.
“It’s certain now.” Pride said with anger twisting his face. His pipe was lying on the ground beside him, shattered from the sheer force of his tiny fist. “There is a traitor among the subclass.”
The loud pattering rhythms of the rain were the only sound around us. The cold droplets beat heavy against my body, but I could barely feel it. I just stared unblinkingly at the tombstone in front of me.
Again…how many times will I have to bury him? How many more times do I have to come back here, reading those same words engraved on the stone tablet?
Why couldn’t I join him?
Once more, I was lost.
As the last bit of sunlight faded away into the darkness, I returned to my human form. How long has it passed since that time? That night when we left them in the safe house, believing that everything will be alright…
“Human life is so fleeting…” I cackled bitterly as I leaned against the cold stone tablet, looking down at the newspaper in my hand.
The existence of vampires has finally been exposed to public and the world was now in thrown into chaos. In this war with the humans, it was ironically the Eves that lost their lives. The government killed them while pretending to discuss treaty with the eight Servamps. To get rid of us, they murdered their own kind.
“Lawless. Let’s go.” A deep voice spoke flatly as I looked up to see the eldest of the Servamp standing in front of me. His shoulders were hunched and his hands in his pockets. Behind him were the other Servamps, all of them were there, even Tsubaki with a grim look on his face.
“Ah.” I answered slowly as I hopped onto my feet.
I stared at big brother’s back as we walked in absolute silence.
That’s right…
We have no choice but to move forward. For the sake of meeting them again…for the sake of giving them a brighter future…we have to keep on moving.
I raised a furry little paw, rubbing the sleep off my face before I slowly looked around to find that I had fallen asleep on the roof again. I yawned, arching my back towards the warm sunlight as my quills shook gently.
Hearing a gruff voice, I walked over to the edge of the roof, peeking over to see Guildenstern reading a book with a small, black haired child sitting docilely beside him.
I rested on the warm tiles, listening as the child little by little repeated the lines the older man had read. Gradually, the sun disappeared into the horizon. Thinking that it should be time to go back, I leaped into the air, morphing into my human form and landing onto the balcony with a soft tap.
While my steps were light, the child immediately reacted like a cat with its fur all puffed up. I laughed out loud at the reaction I’ve gotten.
“That happy to see me, huh?”
“Who would be happy to see you?” That was the retort I got.
“Hey now! Is that the attitude you should use for someone who bought you that new book?” I smirked, eyeing the book in my subclass’s hand containing a collection of the Disney’s short stories.
When the kid heard my words, he instantly paled. Those shimmering blue eyes darted between me and his new book. Unable to find anything to counter back, the boy snatched the book out of Guildenstern’s hand and chose to flee from the room.
I listened as his little footsteps echoed down the hallway before the door to his own room was slammed shut.
“Did you have to tease him?” Guildenstern sighed once he was certain the child was out of earshot.
I didn’t respond. I stared out the doorway for the longest time before turning to the window and disappeared into the forest surrounding our little house.
By the time I came back, it was way past midnight. I checked my phone and saw a couple new messages—most of them were complaints from Gluttony. There was still nothing from the eldest of the family. Even Doubt Doubt texted me once…though that was more of a threat message.
Seeing the dim light shining from the window on the second floor, I knew that brat hasn’t gone to sleep yet. With a simple jump, I landed quietly onto the windowsill. I peered into the room and found the boy lying on the edge of his twin bed. His back was to me, curling as close as he can get to the lamp on the nightstand as he struggled to read that new book I got him.
“And so…the…pre—…puri…” The boy’s clicked his tongue constantly, as though doing so will help his tongue roll better as he struggled on forming words.
Slipping off my shoes, I crawled onto the bed. Before the boy could even react, I had already pulled him against my chest, holding the book in front of him and the lamp over our heads.
“And so the princess and her friends lived happily ever after.” I said softly, easily finding the sentence the boy was trying to read. Almost immediately, the anger on the black and white haired kid vanished, replaced by determination as he looked back down at the sentence he was stuck on.
While he didn’t read it out loud like he did with Guildenstern, I knew he was mentally repeating the words I had just said. When a pleased look crossed his face, I smiled and turned the page to the next story. I slowly read it to him as time ticked by.
By the time I’ve finished the fourth story, the little brat was already asleep in my arms. I set the book and lamp aside before wrapping both my arms around him. I could feel the rise and fall of his body every time he breathes. I could feel that tiny heartbeat beating gently against my chest. His eyes under his eyelids would occasionally move and his muscles would twitch, making me curious as to what kind of dream he was having.  
He was so warm…so full of life.
Yet how long will that last?
How many years will I have to feel it again…that cold, hard body that would shatter if I apply just the slightest strength.
“Hey…Licht-tan…there are a lot of Mr. Pigeon today.” I chuckled as I rested my chin on the rough surface of the tombstone and stared at those grey coloured birds flocked in front of the grave.
“Hey Licht-tan…can you hear me?” I called out again, my voice softer as I threw out another hand full of dried breadcrumbs.
“Hey Licht-tan…didn’t you like Mr. Pigeon?”
Another handful.
“Hey Licht-tan…don’t you want to see Mr. Pigeon?”
Another handful.
“Hey Licht-tan…”
Blood splattered over the grave, dying the lush green grass in crimson as feathers slowly fluttered down from the sky.
“Hey…Licht-tan…” I said quietly as I leaned back against the cold stone tablet that was also sticky with blood. “Look…I’ve killed all of them. Are you angry? Are you going to kill me?”
I buried my face into my knees. My hands that were stained with blood quivered ever so slightly as I felt nauseas building from the bottom of my stomach. The heavy smell of rusted iron made me want to vomit.
It was strange how time changed people. Or perhaps it was after meeting Licht did I really start to understand how to cherish life. The feeling of killing the things Licht loved was anything but pleasant…but I was already broken.
I was broken long ago. He was the one who kept the pieces together…but now he’s gone again.
“…Why couldn’t you take me with you, you stupid angel?”
“Angel-chan! How many times do I have to tell you that it’s impossible?!” I cried, pacing back and forth under the shadow as I stared at the boy high up in the pine tree. He was wearing those dumb wings again as he looked towards the horizon fearlessly.
“This time for sure.”
“Like hell!” I screamed as I scratched my head furiously. Where in the world are those damn subclasses when you need them?! More importantly, just what in the world is wrong with that kid’s brain for him to think he can fly with those stupid things? Even if Licht was delusional, he at least knew what he was capable of. But apparently, the bandages wrapped around that brat’s head did nothing to remind him of how gravity works.
“Get down from there Licht-tan!”
“Stop calling me that!” The kid snapped, annoyed that I got his name wrong again.
“It’s Angel!” Angel snarled.
If the boy had any doubt he could fly with cardboard wings before, it was all washed away by the moment of rage and the determination to prove me wrong. I panicked when he edged further on the branch he was clinging onto. I looked down at the shadows by my feet then to the sunlight just inches away.
Hearing the creaking sound of wood, I looked up and screamed when the boy propelled himself into the air with his arms spread wide. I ran out, but only to lost control of my legs as I tumbled and rolled into the bushes.
I wiggled around, desperately trying to pull my quills from the ground before darting out on my stubby paws. When I saw the sight before me, I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding in. There, under the pine tree, were my subclasses with the idiotic child tucked safely in their arms.
“Hurry up and step back.” Guildenstern said as his large frame suddenly appeared before me, blocking me from the kid’s view. “How do you plan on making contract with him if he sees your animal form beforehand and find out it’s you?”
I huff, taking a couple of steps back until I returned to the shade and fell heavily on my rear. I wiped off some of the cold sweats that have seeped out of my pores and heaved out a heavy sigh.
“Are you still not going to confront him?” Guildenstern asked as he stepped off to the side, letting that child back into my view once more.
I eyed the boy in the distance. The idiot was surrounded by all types of mascots trying to distract his attention with various toys.
“That’s none of your business.” I mumbled as I fell onto my back, looking up to the lush green leaves rustling in the gentle wind.
Ten years old.
Licht was just ten years old.
During these two years with that kid, I can’t help but hesitate every time I think about sealing our contract. Wouldn’t it better for him to keep living like this—not knowing that he can only live for eight more years?
Wouldn’t it be better for him to not remember the feeling of when those bullets tore him apart?
Wouldn’t it be better for him to forget all those final moments?
Wouldn’t it be better if—
“What are you thinking about?” A voice spoke as I suddenly found Licht’s face hovering over me. He had on his usual scowl as he glared down at me with those sapphire eyes brimming with confidence.
“That’s a dumb look on your face, stupid demon!” He spat before his face disappeared from my view. I hurriedly sat up to see him walking away with Guildenstern and the rest of my subclasses.
“Wait, Licht—” I reached out, trying to call out to him. But at that moment, the young Licht was gone, replaced by the 18 years old Licht that I had first met.
“What are you so afraid of, you damn rat?” His deep voice echoed, looking down at me with those sharp eyes. Then he turned around and vanished into the nothingness.
My hand slowly fell back to my side as a breeze swept by, causing the forest to come to life. I sat there for a long time, eyes never leaving that spot where Licht once stood.
And then…I laughed.
I fell back onto the grass and laughed so hard that tears started to prickle my eyes.
Seriously, what am I doing?
This is so uncool.
Since when did I returned back to that time?
I carefully slipped a hand into my shirt, pulling out a worn out dog tag with a name carved into it. I took a step forward, then two. Before I knew it, I was running on all four, scurrying across the tall grass as I chase after Licht.
Needless to say, no one in the house was able to sleep that night…
“YOU BASTARD!” That was the first word he had said—or roared as I tasted his blood on the tip of my tongue and the pain of his small foot drilling into my stomach. Despite the pain, I couldn’t stop laughing as I looked up at those sapphire eyes filled with rage.
My jaw dropped when I saw the boy’s eyes moistened. Anger I had expected it, violence even more so…but never did I think that he could tear up like this. But then I remembered that the boy is still just a boy. Even with his memories back, he was still a child and the body of children can become very emotional.
That’s right…that gotta be it. There’s no other ways to explain it.
“For two years…you’ve wasted two years of my time! You rotten rat! DIE!”
Ah…this was Licht-tan…
It really is Licht-tan...
My Eve was finally back…
“Ow, ow, OUCH! W-wait, time out! Time out, Licht-tan!”
…For how long?
How much longer will this happiness last?
“Let’s go to Japan! I wanna go to Japan!” I squeaked, trying to show off my cute side as I wiggled my paws at my Eve. Unfortunately, the boy didn’t even spare me a glance. His eyes are practically glued to the television showing some newborn panda cubs at the Shanghai zoo.
“Hey Licht-tan!” I jumped up and down, but those eyes didn’t waver by the slightest bit. I glared at the screen behind me. I’m obviously way cuter than those stupid monochrome bears, how can he ignore me like this?!
I sat on the edge of the table, thinking for a moment before an idea came to mind. I turned back into my human form and grabbed my phone from the counter.
“Hey Licht-tan, let’s go see real life panda!”
“Mr. Panda?” That caught Licht’s attention as his eyes snapped towards me.
“Yeah!” I flopped down onto the couch beside him and held up my phone. “See? Japan got giant pandas too! They have three cubs in Tokyo!”
I hurriedly showed him the picture of the bears. I grinned when Licht snatched my phone from my hand to get a closer look.
“And their birthdays are tomorrow! They’ll be a year old Licht-tan! Let’s go celebrate their birthdays with them!” I lied easily. If there is anything Licht can’t reject, it’s animal and…
“Birthday?” Licht’s eyes sparkled in delight before he was already running up the stairs. “Pack your things you stupid rat! We’re going to Japan right now!”
I snickered quietly into my hand and picked up my phone that had been left on the table. “This never gets old.” I smirked as I closed the photo before seeing that message that was still left open from this morning. There was just one sentence written on it.
[Sleepy Ash is in Tokyo.]
It was a message from Old Child.
After forty years, the Servamp of Sloth has finally shown himself.
My eyes drifted to the fumbling noises coming from upstairs. Seeing as Licht has been reincarnated, the other Eves are surely somewhere in this world as well.
Does that mean that after all this time the news of the Eves’ return finally reached Sleepy Ash? Or perhaps…was Shirota Mahiru finally found?
My eyes darkened as the image of that day flashed by my eyes. The memory of those claws ripping through the flesh of the human that turned out wasn’t who we all thought to be. It was a fear that haunted the oldest of the Servamp…as well as the rest of us to some degree. The very thought of making a contract with someone who looked like Licht—only to realize he wasn’t made me sick. I set my phone aside and leaned back into the couch. I stared at the gray sky beyond the window, quietly counting down the time we have left.
Ninety-one days…
In ninety-one days, Licht’s time will come to another end.
“Hey…what exactly are Eves?”
I asked, poking around the food in front of me without an ounce of interest. The sound around me stopped as the other Servamps glanced at me. “What exactly are true Eves? Why do they keep on reincarnating, even though they’re supposed to be ordinary humans?”
“Hah? What kind of question is that?” World End said through a mouthful of food. “They are our other half of course!”
“Other half?” I cackled as I dropped my fork into the plate. The clanging sound echoed through the silent dining room. My smile disappeared as my fist struck down, breaking off a large chunk of the wooden table.
“What other half?!” I screamed and stood up to face my other siblings. “It’s just a curse! They keep dying over and over again and each time they come back they won’t live longer than their previous lifespan! They come back only to die in front of us again!”
What exactly are Servamps?
What exactly are Eves?
“Why don’t you all just admit it?!” I shouted as my eyes snapped to the only chair that was missing its occupant.
If the existences of Eves are truly made for us…
“They’re dying because of us!”
Why are we the ones killing them?
“Lawless, that’s enough.” Old Child snapped in an ordering tone, but I was done.
I walked out of the manor, slamming the door behind me as I go. I hated how none of them had to guts to admit it. They knew it was true. We had all known, but we kept silent as if not admitting it out loud meant it wouldn’t be the truth.
We are the ones killing our Eves, and it was because of us that they kept coming back. It was because of us that they kept dying and will continue on dying until every trace of their existences are erased from this world.
They could have died peacefully…Licht had died at a peaceful age of ninety-five.
That was the end…it should have been the end, but he came back.
When I saw that replicate of the eighteen years old pianist exactly eighteen years after his death, I knew instantly that was Licht. I was scared by the discovery, but that fear was soon left behind and replaced by relieve. I even thought of it as a miracle. But as he died over and over and the time it takes for him to reincarnate becomes longer, I realized it wasn’t a miracle.
It was a curse.
I was the one who crippled his wings.
I’m the devil chaining the angel to this world.
“Nii-san!” I shouted, kicking the door to the old manor open as I ran in—only to be greeted with a bunch of curses and swearing.
I stared at the group of vampires in front of me. They were all gathered around World End and Old Child, shouting and cheering as the two Servamps wore weird looking gears and performing even weirder movements as though fighting some invisible enemies. When I looked up, I saw holographic screens hovering over their heads, showing a completely different world where two characters faced off with one another.
“…What is this?”
“Oh, Hyde-kun! You sure arrived quickly. I wasn’t expecting you until another day.” I looked over at the voice and found the second youngest of the Servamps, All of Love standing beside me.
“Of course I did!” I snapped, taking out my phone and shoving it into his face. “What’s with this message?! Where’s nii-san?! Didn’t you guys found him?!”
“Ah, if it’s Kuro-kun, Tsubaki-kun took him out this morning.” All of Love said as he lightly pushed my phone back.
“…Hah?” My brows furrowed. Since when did those two gotten so friendly? “Then when is nii-san coming back?”
“I don’t know, Tsubaki-kun didn’t say.” The Servamp of Lust replied before two blood curling screams came from the other side of the room. I looked over and instinctively jumped back when I saw Wrath standing between the two terrified Servamps as the screen above showed a horrifying looking monster beating the two humanoid characters down.
“Seems like everyone’s here.” I mumbled, hurriedly shifting my eyes away as Greed and Pride’s screams continued to resonate from the background. “Come to think of it, where’s your Eve?”
“Misono went out with the other Eves about an hour ago.” All of Love replied. “Where is Licht-kun? Did he not come with you?”
“Who knows?” I grumbled and glanced down at the time on my phone. “He ran off the moment he got up this morning.”
“Then would you like to join us?” All of Love said, gesturing to the game the vampires are playing.
When I looked over, I sweat dropped at the two Servamps lying on the floor, literally beaten up with The Mother’s high heel pinning them to the ground.
“Big sister Wrath! You don’t need to fight in real life! It’s VR! It’s VR!”
“To hell with your VR, it’s called virtual reality! It’s not real, big sister Wrath!”
Wrath’s subclasses scrambled to explain how the game works to their boss-lady while the subclasses of the two defeated Servamps were frantically trying to save the pair from under Wrath’s foot.
To sum it up, it was chaos.
“…I’m fine!” I said as I hurried to the doorway. “Call me when nii-san comes back!”  
The door slammed shut, cutting off the noises inside the manor as I grabbed one of the many black umbrellas by the doorway and flicked it open. With the parasol’s protection, I headed out into the sunlight. I checked my phone every now and then, but Licht didn’t even called or message.
I clicked my teeth in annoyance. I didn’t know why I was so irritated, but today just felt like a bad day.
“Licht-tan!” I kicked open the door to our hotel room and was disappointed to find that Licht didn’t come back. I huffed and sat on my bed. I gazed out to the sun gradually setting beyond the window, then to the doorway as if a certain pianist will walk in at any moment.
“That bastard…where did he go?” I muttered into the palm of my hand.
I ran my fingers through my hair, heaving out a heavy sigh as I glanced to the picture sitting on the nightstand. I picked it up to see Licht and I…sitting on a bench with a panda cub between us. I laughed out at the stupid look on Licht face, just like I was doing at the time the picture was taken.
However, my laugh didn’t last long as silence soon returned to the hotel room.
I flopped down onto the bed and closed my eyes. I bit the bottom of my lip, not caring that I was drawing out my blood as memories began to flood my mind.
In a little over three months…how will it end this time?
Will he die right on that cursed date, or will he die before then?
Will it be painful, or will it be swift?
I covered my forearm over my eye. A familiar itchy sensation came to my nose as tears began to gather around my lashes. I pressed down my arm harder, using the sleeve to soak up the moisture before they can grow too heavy and fall from my eyes.
I didn’t know how long I’ve remained like that for. It wasn’t until I felt my phone buzzing beside me that I finally moved. My joint popped as I reached out, patting around the mattress until my hand found the tiny device. I winced when the bright screen almost blinded me. It was then that I noticed how dark the room had become.
I walked out to the balcony. The sun was now nothing but a golden line across the horizon. Rubbing my eyes a little to adjust, I looked down and gasped to see that it was a message from Licht. I quickly opened it up, expecting a few verbal harassments when all that came out was a screen shot of a map with a red dot.
“The heck…?” I mumbled as I enlarged the picture. I stared at that red dot, then to the distance where a dark silhouette of a tower was in clear view.
The Tokyo Tower.
I scratched the back of my head. I had no idea what Licht was playing at, but I knew he was telling me to go there. I didn’t think much of it as I hopped off the rail and into the busy street below. The people around just walked by as though nothing had happened. When I caught some young kids staring at me with sparkly eyes, I just waved. I watched as they giggled and ran off. It was at times like this that I couldn’t help but think of how time had changed.
When I’ve gotten to the Tokyo Tower, the sun has completely set. But seeing as the sky was still somewhat bright, I couldn’t be too late. Either way, I braced myself for some kicks as I stepped out of the elevator and looked around the inside of the tower.
Since it was in the middle of September, there aren’t much people around even if it was a weekend. With just a simple glance, I knew Licht wasn’t here. I looked at the map on my phone again, but the red dot is specifically marking down this place.
I looked around before noticing the emergency staircase.
Immediately, I wanted to slap myself for how dumb I was. I slipped through the door, going unnoticed by the staffs as I headed upwards until I’ve reached the very top. When I came out into the still warm autumn breeze, I saw a lone figure standing in the distant.
“Yo, Licht-tan~” I greeted with a smile on my face as I skipped over to him. “I knew you’ve missed—ugh!” I coughed as a foot was drilled into my stomach, sending my flying back until I crashed through the door I came out from.
I rolled down couple flights of stairs before finally hitting a wall and coming to a stop.
I laid on my back with my spine bent and knees touching the ground on each side of my head. I blinked once, then twice before I noticed something wrong. Licht had kicked me without saying a word.
Usually, he would shout “die” or “stupid rat” or “die”. But this time, he hadn’t said anything. Hastily untangling my limbs, I hopped to my feet. With a burst of strength, I charged back out only to find Licht gone.
“Licht-tan?” I called as I looked around the empty space. At that moment, the gentle melody of piano sounded through the night.
“Up there, huh?” I mumbled, looking upward to the complicated maze of the tower itself. With small little leap, I landed onto one of the red steel beam with ease. I began jumping from one to another, effortlessly scaling up the tower until I was arrived at the very top. Being this high up, the space was naturally narrower, but Licht didn’t seemed the slightest bit bothered as he sat there, gracefully playing on a piano conjured by his power.
It was a soothing, relaxing melody, but as I began to listen closer, goose bumps began to crawl over my skin. Something wasn’t right. Licht’s attitude today, his melody…nothing seemed right today.
“Licht-tan?” I called out, not caring if I was disturbing him. Interruption was one of the things that Licht won’t tolerate, but he kept playing as though he didn’t even hear. I walked onto another steel beam and called out to him again, but he continued to keep playing.
Getting frustrated at being ignored, I called out to him for the third time, raising my voice to the point of screaming.
The melody was abruptly broken by Licht slamming his palms over the keys just as the tower flared up in fiery reddish-orange light.
My eyes rounded as I stared at the image of the boy wrapped in the golden light as though the darkness behind him couldn’t even taint him no matter how hard they tried. Those bright, sapphire eyes were dyed into amber as they slowly locked against my crimson ones.
I stared into those bright eyes, searching for something…anything to calm this uneasiness I was getting.
“Licht-tan, let’s go back.” I found myself saying weakly.
I didn’t know why, but something didn’t feel right. Nothing felt right after arriving at Japan. This timing, this place…it was all driving me crazy.
“It’s late. Good angels sleep early, remember?” I softly spoke out the words I would tell the young Licht when he was still oblivious to his true identity.
“…Your blood.”
“Ah?” I looked up at Licht when the other finally spoke.
“Give me your blood.” Licht demanded haughtily.
“…Hah?” For a split second, I was dumbfounded, but I quickly regained myself as I met his gaze steadily.
“What kind of joke is that?” I snapped. If my voice had any playfulness before, it was completely gone now. “We’re going back to the hotel, Licht-tan.”
“What are you so afraid of?” Licht huffed as a strong breeze blew by, blowing up his midnight black and pearl white hair along with the pair of wings attached to his backpack. “Don’t tell me you’ve never once thought about turning me into your subclass, you stupid rat.”
“Licht-tan…” I growled as my hands rolled into fists.
“What’s wrong? Got nothing to say to that?” Licht sneered, holding his head even higher as the shadows casted over his eyes darkened. The bastard was looking down on me.
“You’re running away again.”
“What are you so afraid of, shitty Hyde?!”
“I’M AFRAID OF LOOSING YOU!”I screamed, for the first time voicing out my unease ever since the start of this year when the atmosphere between us grew tense.
“You’re already losing everything!” Licht yelled back, he too letting go of the things he had also kept to himself for so long. “You think you’ve changed? You haven’t changed at all! You’re acting the same as you were back then!”
“Better than to risk losing you forever! You don’t know what it could do! Do you want to disappear for good?!”
“I’m an angel! I can’t disappear!”
“Gaah! Shut up! Shut up! We’re going back!”
“Just give me your blood you damn rat!”
“I SAID we’re going BACK!”
“WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT?!”I howled, panting harshly as I glared up at Licht who was equally out of breath from that short exchange.
“Tell me…” I said, not even realizing how my voice became vulnerable as I gazed up at that being shining so brightly like the sun we’re cursed and denied from. “Tell me what is wrong with that, Licht-tan.”
“…Shouldn’t you know that long ago?” Licht sneered. “If you can’t make up your damn mind, then I will do it for you.”
“What are you—?” Before I could finish, Licht was suddenly in front of me.
Time seemed to slow as I watched his hand reached for my stomach. It was when I noticed two piano keys drawn on my shirt in some kind of black ink that I realized what was going on. That kick back then, this is what it was for!
I reached out to stop him, but I was too late. The moment his fingers jammed into my stomach and right into those keys, my body vibrated as the deep stringing sound of piano tore me apart from inside out. In that moment, I felt like I’ve lost control over my body. I could only watch as Licht leisurely balanced on the narrow steel beam. His back was turned to me with his head tilted back as though gazing up at the murky sky. His winged backpack was dangling in his long, slender fingers—swaying to the strong current of wind.
I wanted to call out to him, to reach for him…but my body wouldn’t move and the piano was still resonating inside my head.
I watched that backpack the angel treasured so much was thrown into the air and disappeared into the night. He spun around—arms stretched out wide as those brilliant eyes still bathed gold met with mine. A smile lifted the corner of his lips before he kicked off the steel beam.
The soft glow of light wrapped around him vanished as darkness took over, swallowing him whole as Licht began to fall.
This had all happened within a split second.
Everything had happened so fast that I wasn’t even given time to think. The moment I broke free from the vibration, I bolted downward like a stream of black lightning.
“LICHT-TAN!” I cried, only able to catch a glimpse of those sapphire eyes softening at me before a sickening smack echoed into my ears.
Screams of humans shortly followed as they all scurried away from the body that had seemingly appeared from out of nowhere and painted the concrete in a vibrant crimson hue.
“NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!” I screamed over and over as my knees fell into the warm puddle of blood.
Once more, I had to watch Licht disappear from me…helpless to do anything.
Not helpless.
There was method. There’s always been a method; I was just too scared to try.
“Is this revenge?” I mumbled, my voice trembling as I leaned over the bloody mess. I gazed down at those sapphire eyes that are rapidly losing light. Licht’s lips trembled for a moment before going still. He was dying, yet those eyes still held that arrogant look I wanted to smack off his face.
To be or not to be.
I knew this was it.
To let my Eve die now, or to let my Eve die in the future.
The decision was simple, yet difficult. And worst of all, the one forcing me to make such stupid decision was that same damn Eve.
“You don’t play fair…” I whispered as my lips lifted into a bitter smile. My sight began to blur, but I held it in, refusing to let any of my tears fall. “Once this is over I’m going to kill you with my own hands.”
I bit down on my tongue and dragged my fang over the flesh, ripping it open as the bitter blood unique to only vampires instantly filled my mouth.
Our lips met in the most normal way possible.
For the first time, there was no fighting over dominancy, no anger, no pain. Even the competitive desire to beat one another was nonexistent. And yet it was such dull kiss that craved a place in my mind. I watched as those sapphire eyes slowly disappeared behind those pale eyelids before I closed my eyes as well, finally letting lose my tears as I tried to commit every moment into memory.
That was our first and last mundane kiss…
“What now?”
“Like I said…this is impossible!” I cried, clawing desperately at the rope digging into my furred belly and my poor quills.
“Quit complaining and sniff out their scent.” Licht ordered as I rolled to the left to narrowly avoid getting kick into the air.
“This is animal—no, vampire abuse!” I cried. “It’s domestic violence! Besides, why don’t you do it?”
At the mention of that, Licht’s eyes suddenly lit up. Immediately, I found myself regretting my words as I stare at the dangerous gleam in his eyes.
“That’s right, I can also turn into Mr. Hedgehog now!”
“Licht—tan?!” I squeaked as smoke blasted through the small alley. I coughed and waved my tiny paws around, trying to clear some of the smoke away so I can actually see. When a white blur darted by me, I chased after it without a second thought. “Licht-tan!”
I yelled, running out of the dark alleyway and into the wide street. Since it was only four in the morning, the place was devoid of life, so spotting that ball of white with a single black strip animal wasn’t hard.
“Licht-tan! Wait! That’s the way we came from!” I shouted, running after him only to trip on the tail of the rope (leash?) still bounding my waist. “LICHT-TAAAAAN!”
That was how I found myself crashing through the door three hours later, my face burning as I slid a couple feet across the finely waxed floor before coming to a stop.
“You bastards! What do you two think you’re doing in other people’s home?!” That agohe midget’s voice echoed from somewhere in the distance, but I can’t bother with that now.
Quickly wiping off the footprint on my face, I looked up and the first pair I spotted was the eldest of the Servamp and his Eve.
“Ah! Big brother and Shirota Mahiru!” I waved my hands in the air to catch their attentions. “Merry Christmas Eve!”
“Merry Christmas…” Sleepy Ash yawned, lazily as usual.
I looked around. When I saw all the familiar faces of my siblings and some of their Eves, I wasn’t surprised that we were late to the party.
“Licht-tan, Licht-tan!” I smirked as I turned to the open doorway. “Looks like we’re the last to arrive!”
“Whose fault do you think it is, you stupid rat!” Licht growled before I found myself smacked onto the ground with a foot pressed on top of my head.
“How is it my fault?!” I yelled, flopping my arms in useless struggle. “Besides, if Licht-tan didn’t insist on turning right, we would have—kyah!”
I slapped the ground hard when that stupid sadist began to grind his foot down. “Ow, ow, ow! I’ll go bald! Licht-tan! My hair! You’re pulling out my hair!”
 “I didn’t make the wrong turn!” Licht hissed and all of the sudden the pressure over my head disappeared.  “That is because I am…a fallen angel!”
“WOHOO!” I bounded up, getting onto one knee beside him and fluttered my hands. “There it is!! Fallen angel-chan! So cool! Fallen angels are way cooler than any archangel!”
I hopped onto his other side and threw out a handful of the black rose petals I have prepared for this special occasion. “In Spanish, it’s ¡Qué chido!”
“Oi you bastards!” Lust’s Eve shouted again. “Don’t litter over my floor!”
“Lawless.” A dark voice spoke, sending a chill down my spine as I stiffly turned to see Wrath standing there with her arms crossed over her chest. There was that scowl on her face as she glared down at me.  
“I-I’m sorry.” I trembled, darting behind Licht’s back and using him as a shield to keep a distance between us. “A-are you angry?”
“No…?” Wrath said, keeping that stern expression on her face as she clapped her hand. “That was good.”
I can never get used to her sense of humour…
“Lawless!” I yelped as World End was suddenly in my face, gripping onto my scarf and began to shake me violently. “Where is it?! Hand it over right now!”
“Where is what?!” I shouted back while gripping onto the frame of my glasses to prevent it from falling.
“Croquettes! Tortilla Espanola! The jamon!” World End screamed with drools already leaking from his mouth. I was digging my heels into the ground, desperately keeping a certain distant between us as I watched those thick saliva barely missed me. “You said you’re bringing food from Spain!”
“I only said croquettes! Don’t add to that list on your own!” I snapped while struggling to free my scarf from that death grip. “Besides, Gil and the others should have brought it here already! Didn’t they arrive here before us?”
“If it’s your subclasses, they are resting upstairs.” All of Love informed us from the banquet table. “The croquettes are currently in the refrigerator. I will be bringing it up shortly—”
“Lilly!” The Eve of Lust gasped as All of Love paused, seeming to realize he has said something he probably shouldn’t have.
Just as the Servamp of Gluttony was about to charge to the kitchen, a black gloved hand grabbed him in the back of his shirt and stopped him in his tracks.
“Where are you going?” Wrath said, looking down darkly at her sibling who gulped and just allow himself to be dragged away.
I watched from behind Licht while the Servamp of Lust behind his Eve. It was only when The Mother was further away did we both let out synchronized sighs of relieve.
“How long are you going to hold onto me, you lowly ranked demon?”
“Gyah!” I yelped, kissing the floor once again as Licht mercilessly stepped over my body and ran for Christmas tree.
“You seemed like you’re having fun, Lawless.” Hearing a high pitched voice beside me, I turned to see Old Child. Since he was short, I didn’t even need to crank my head back to see that smug look on his face.
“Well…” I rested my elbow on the ground and settled my chin in my palm. I took a look around this manor I had grown to call home. My eyes eventually drifted back to Licht who was examining the presents one by one, searching for all the presents with his names on it.
“Yeah, I guess I am.” I smiled widely as I watched my Eve/Subclass now at the banquet table, eyeing all the cute food that were obviously made by the female subclasses.
“Say, Old Child.” I said after moment. “What exactly are Eves?”
Old Child sat down next to me and tapped his pipe lightly against the floor.
“That question again?” He huffed, but the smile on his face never left. “Shouldn’t you get it by now?”
“…Then what was that person thinking when he made us?” I asked again, quieter this time.
“Who knows?” Old Child said after a moment. “And perhaps we never will.”
I chuckled when I saw Licht carefully holding up a hedgehog shaped bun in the palm of his hands. I wonder if I should tell him that Guildenstern was the one who made it. That would surely ruin any fantasy going on inside his head.
“Can they still be even considered Eves?” I sighed as I ran my fingers through my blond locks.
The ability to tolerate sunlight, turning into the same animals as their Servamps, immortality…
All of those were traits of Servamps. The only difference is that the Eves can’t create subclass nor make contract like a real Servamp. But everything else was frighteningly the same. Just like that person created us, we created them.
Or rather…it was more like that person made us create them, but why? It couldn’t be for something as simple as companionship.
“Does that matter?” Old Child asked, giving me a look as though I was stupid. I laughed, knowing that he was right on that. None of that matters anymore. The only thing that matters is that he is right there, and will continue to be there where I can reach him.
“Have you heard of the names humans started calling them?” I asked, changing the topic as I sat myself up. “They named them the seven virtues to counter us!”
“Of course I have!” Old Child said proudly as his straightened his back. “Tetsu has been called Humility! Such fitting title, wouldn’t you say?”
“Pfft, fitting?” I snickered. “Licht-tan is Charity. Charity! Seriously, that’s not even funny! What part of that guy looks like he can be sorted under charity?!”
When I think back, the only thing I can ever remember about my Eve were his kicks and curses. The only plus side of his is his piano and his strange ability to never be tainted no matter what kind of environment he grew up in. He somehow always kept that child-like innocence in him.
“Do you really think that?” Old Child asked. “I’ve heard some things about him from Tetsu. I found that title quite suitable for your Eve.”
“Hah?” I turned to him, only to see a pair of large hands reaching down and picking up the tiny Servamp.
“There you are, Hugh.”
“Oh, Tetsu!” Old Child chirpped happily as he sat on his Eve’s shoulder. I watched as the ridiculously tall kid walked off, listening intensely to whatever Old Child was chattering.
I glanced back to the banquet table.
All of Love was wearing a smile on his face while holding up his struggling Eve who looked like he wanted to strange Doubt Doubt’s Eve.
Doubt Doubt’s Eve on the other hand acted completely oblivious as he crouched down by the table, lifting the table cloth up with a devilish smirk and said something to a certain Servamp huddled under there. Gun shots and laughter followed shortly after that, but I had already looked away.
I stared at the Christmas tree and inhaled the warm aroma of various types of food. Hearing the sound of doors opening, I gazed over my shoulders to see those ex-C3 trios walking in. I blinked, surprised that two of them even dared to go out seeing as it was sunny. They were each holding one of those UV ray blocking parasol while the shortest in the middle was holding bags from the convenient store.
Wrath was there a split second later, taking some bags off the raven’s hand while petting his head like a mother complimenting her child.
It wasn’t until World End also went over did I noticed one more person hidden behind the three. While I couldn’t really see, it was most likely the Eve of Gluttony.
I stretched my arms over my head before flopping onto my back. I stared at the light in the ridiculously high ceiling. Seriously, how All of Love’s Eve could afford this place after so many decades, I would never know.
As I bathed in the cozy light, Licht’s face suddenly entered my view.
“Lying on the ground there fits you. Finally learnt your place, shitty rat?”
“As if~” I smirked, raising my head a bit to see more of that delicate face. “Speaking of which, did you find my present to you, Licht-tan?”
“Ah.” Licht gestured to the other side of the room with his thumb. “I found yours too.”
I sat up and glanced towards the direction where Licht was pointing. I screamed when I saw that stack of presents shoved into the trashcan by the lonely corner. “What are you doing throwing other people’s presents away?!”
“Hah?” Licht’s face darkened as he glared down at me. “As your superior and higher ranked demon, I have already given you a present. You don’t need any more than that.”
“Licht-tan…” I gawked at him for the longest time before a mocking smirk lifted my lips. “Could it be...Licht-tan’s jealous~?”
I leaped into the air as Licht’s foot thrust out; hitting the spot I was sitting on as the hard wooden floor completely shattered under the force.
“HEY!” The midget Eve’s voice echoed from the other side as I ran across the room, laughing with a menacing devil chasing after me.
“Get back here, you rotten rat!”
“If I’m a rat then so is Licht-tan!”
“You bastards! Stop destroying other people’s home!”
“Oho~ Aren’t they lively?”
“Do you want to play too, Hugh?”
“Haha, are we having tags right now?”
“Don’t join them, Tsurugi!”  
After an hour of the game tag and beat up, I was completely drained. I lay on the couch as I stare at my phone. Since I haven’t adjusted the time yet after arriving at Japan, I was able to see what time it should have been and found out why I was feeling so drowsy.  
“12:00 am…” I groaned. “Hey, All of Love!”
I waved at the second youngest Servamp to come over. “Give me a room! We still have jet lag from Spain.”
“I’m sorry, but all the available rooms are taken by our subclasses.”
“Eeeeh?” I whined while fighting back another urge to yawn.
“Ahh, then I’ll just kick Gil out.” I decided, hopping onto my feet before looking around for that mop of black and white hair. It didn’t take long for me to find him crouching by the Christmas tree. Just how much does that guy like his presents? I made a mental note to throw away all of his presents except mine once he sleeps.  
“Oi, Licht-tan~” I walked over to him, but Licht just ignored me as he continued to stare intensely at something.
When I leaned over him, I had to refrain from bursting out into laughter. Two kittens, one black and one brown were cuddled together in the puffy white cotton.
“And here I was wondering where they went.” I snickered, quickly taking out my phone and snapping down a couple pictures. I didn’t waste my time sending it to everyone on my contact list and posting it onto the vampires’ group chat.
“Come on Licht-tan, I’m tired. Let’s…” I paused as I glanced at the stairs, then back to the two kittens. I looked over the colourful lights glowing from the Christmas tree to the thick, fluffy cottons layering the floor. It looked comfortable. If there’s anything the eldest of Servamp is good at; it’s always choosing the best sleeping spot.
“…Hey Licht-tan.” I said as I crouched down next to him. “How about we join them?”
“Join them?” That got Licht’s attention as he snapped his head towards me.
“Yeah! We’ll have an animal sleepover!”
“Animal…sleepover!” Licht’s eyes shone in excitement as he looked back at the two kittens. “Come on you rotten rat!”
“Ah!” I choked when I was grabbed by the scarf and thrown towards the tree. I hurriedly transformed just in time as I crashed through the pines and face planted right into the trunk of the tree.
“Ow…ow…ow!” The ornaments on the tree jingled as I fell down, hitting one branch after the other before I finally fell onto the soft cotton.
“That bastard…” I winced as I rubbed my sore muzzle. However, when I turned around, anger immediately melted away at the sight of that snow white hedgehog nested within the white cotton. I was completely mesmerized by the sight as I shook off some loose pines from my quills and crawled over.
“Licht-tan?” I called out softly, but the other hedgehog didn’t budge.
Licht was already deep in sleep.
I grabbed some cotton from the branch over my head, stuffing some of it under my Eve and the area around for a thicker padding before I lay down next to him. I yawned; about to close my eyes for the much needed sleep when the body next to mine shifted.
I shivered when I felt Licht’s quills sliding to fit nicely against my own and turned to see the other hedgehog’s face only a centimeter away. I smiled and gently leaned my head against his before closing my eyes.
“Sweet dreams…Licht-tan.” 
“Our wills and fates do so contrary run
That our devices still are overthrown;
Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own.”
This quote means that we can control everything that goes on inside our heads, but the end result is something we cannot control.
Author’s note: Thank you for reading! I hope everyone enjoyed this story! If you have any comments you would like to make, you can leave a review HERE
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