#an immortal fragment - hunter immortal
aethon-recs · 8 months
Love the blog!
Wondering if you have any Tomarry/Harrymort case-fic/mystery recs?
Thanks so much for the ask! I also can’t get enough of the casefic/mystery genre.
Usually I throw together a mix of both WIPs (why WIPs?) and complete fics, but for this set of 15 recs, I selected for fics which are either complete or still actively updating, so as not to leave you on a cliffhanger on a mystery fic! A few of these fics are outright casefics, and a few of these have a mystery component where the big reveal comes to light as the story unfolds. Hope you enjoy!
Tomarrymort Mystery Recs
aurora polaris by @aglassroseneverfades (E, 153k, WIP)
Harry wakes up one day with no memory of his past, upon which he’s greeted by a handsome, doting older man named Gaunt who claims that he and Harry have been in a relationship together for years. 
Blood in the wine by @girl-with-goats (E, 31k, complete)
Tom Riddle achieves immortality by the means of vampirism. Enter young copper Harry Potter, fresh recruit from Scotland Yard, sent to investigate the mysterious disappearances of all the young men who uncannily look like him.
Corpse Party: Hogwarts Edition by @robinegberts (E, 67k, complete)
Harry, Hermione, and Ron skip the Halloween feast, only to wake up to a world where the castle isn’t right. It’s cold, empty, quiet. The layers of dust suggest it’s been abandoned for years. And outside the classroom lies the corpse of a girl who went missing years ago. As they wander the halls of this strange alternate version of Hogwarts, they encounter corpse after corpse, warnings left behind by the dead, and for some reason Harry feels they’re being followed.
Dead Leaves on a Wet October Day by @trelloreads (T, 29k, complete)
Harry is a ghost hunter. Riddle Manor is his strangest case yet.
Everything We Dream Can Be Real by @vdoshu (E, 52k, complete)
Harry had a life after Voldemort. He had a family. He had a career. And then one day it was all ripped away when he woke up at Number 4 Privet Drive. Or: Where Harry doesn’t exactly get that chance to do it over again. And things are Not Okay.
Keepsake by IceLynx (M, 5k, complete)
“I am Lord Voldemort, and I have not kidnapped you.” “That's... I should have known that.” Because Voldemort's words ring true, deep in Harry's heart. Harry tries to remember, but the thoughts won't come to him. The more he forces it, the more obvious the gaps in his memories become. “Why didn't I know that?”
Let's Cross Over by @whisprchrysalis (M, 251k, complete)
A hundred years after the end of the Second War, Harry Potter, Master of Death, unwittingly helps the last fragment of Lord Voldemort’s soul escape Limbo. Now, bound to Tom Riddle for the next five years, Harry has to coexist with the man he feared the most. Or: Auror MOD Harry and Tom Riddle strike an uneasy truce and solve crimes together, and Harry has to decide if his capacity to save everyone includes everyone, really.
love seeping from their guns by @purplemineralwater (E, 41k, complete)
Detective Harry Potter is just trying to enjoy his holiday when the tranquility of the lovely cruise along the Nile is shattered by the discovery that Theodore Nott has been shot. He was young, rich and beautiful, a boy that had everything – until he lost his life. Or: Harry investigates some murder, Tom tries to help, everyone has many, many secrets.
No Body, No Crime by @duplicitywrites (M, 20k, complete)
Harry works as a car mechanic in a small town. He and Ginny are best friends, their close bond the product of a traumatic event that scarred them both as children. One day, Ginny confides in Harry that she thinks her husband—the charming, enigmatic Tom Riddle—is cheating on her. A day later, Ginny goes missing. Harry is convinced that Tom is behind her disappearance, and becomes determined to exact justice by any means necessary.
One Year In Every Ten by @saintsenara (E, 165k, WIP)
A decade after the final battle, just when the wizarding world thinks itself safe, a serial killer emerges, leaving a trail of dead women in his wake. Each of the bodies bears a gruesome message for the Aurors. A message which claims the Dark Lord has risen again. All Harry wants is something to distract him from a marriage falling apart at the seams. Maybe his latest plan to save the world, requiring Lord Voldemort to agree to turn his talents in the realm of wrongdoing to solving the case, will be just the thing…
Personal Assistant by @phantomato (E, 10k, complete)
Harry receives a mysterious package. Inside is a ring. A weird, ugly, old one made of gold and some kind of black stone.
Reconciling with Death by Madame_Psychosis (M, 27k, complete)
Featuring a dead girl in a forest, little-soldier-boys, some tenuous grasps on reality, straw mothers, a ghost in a bathroom and, slowly and sadly, kindness from a boy who’s just passing through time.
The Matchmaker by @eris-dawn (M, 44k, complete)
The Matchmaker is a serial abductor whose modus operandi consists of pairing two same-sex individuals together in a coffin, six feet underground - buried alive. He isn't a killer. He's a kidnapper with morals, and Detective Chief Inspector Tom Riddle finds himself obsessed with solving the case. Unfortunately for Tom, the Matchmaker is just as intent on knowing him.
Tom Riddle and the Quest for Vulnerability by lejf (E, 16k, complete)
They found him in an old house, under the stairs. His face was pale and instantly recognisable. aka: Auror Harry Potter has eighteen-year-old Tom Riddle bent over the table barely a day after he becomes his ward.
Wings of Ash by IceLynx (M, 31k, complete)
If eight people going missing isn't cause enough for panic, one of them being found dead might do it. The Ministry of Magic has no choice but accept all the help on offer, including that of former Auror Harry Potter. For Harry, it might be a chance to get his job back, if he can only crack the case first. Surely Harry can be forgiven if he too takes all the help that's offered. Including that of his pet snake, the former Dark Lord Voldemort.
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lochnkey · 1 year
I like to think that Jaye's curse of "resting triad face" follows him onto the battlefield with RI.
Imagine you are some clueless mercenary running into an ordinary Rhode Island squad, and you see: the One True Inheritor of the Sarkaz Crown with all the terrifying abilities that entails, a half-lucid Abyssal Hunter with a monstrous capacity for violence who knows nothing but her orders and the target in front of her, 2 elite operators hand picked by an ageless (possibly immortal) scientist to participate in fate-of-the-world level incidents, a widly feared assassin trained from a young age and known for always reaching her target with whatever means are available no matter how brutal, the strongest woman in all of Sargon who thus far really has been able to solve all of her problems with violence but still chooses not to, and the fragment of an actual dragon god.
Unfortunately, since they just look like: an adorable little cautus teen (Amiya), a polite and demure-though slightly creepy nun (Specter), Terra's first ever e-boy (Elysium), a couple of hot feline ladies-one in a swimsuit for some reason (Blaze and Schwarz), some overly aggressive medic personnel (Gavial), and someone who you swear looks exactly like that one terrible movie director (Nian), you are not terribly alarmed.
But then you look a little to the left, and there's just This Guy standing there. This Stone Cold, Dead Eyed, shredded as hell ursus man holding a goddamn kitchen knife like some serial killer.
He Stares. Right. Through. You.
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innovatorbunny · 2 years
always funny how arknights characters will be like "Kal'tsit, immortal scientist who has survived countless turmoil and endeavors for a better world" and "Skadi, bounty hunter, secretly part of a special unit of augmented humans fighting off an apocalypse level threat" and "Nian, powerful blacksmith who is actually a fragment of an ancient god with the goal of reuniting her family and defeating her true self once and for all" and then you have "Utage, university student"
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askbloatedbellyblog · 6 months
Hi hi, i was wondering if you could do Blade stuffing hc? Since he'd def try to starve himself to death (which never works because of his immortality) until someone manages to eat?
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Blade is interesting (though I will admit his lore is a little tricky because of lack of a companion mission as far as I can tell.) because of his inability to die and because of his lack of memories.
We know some broad strokes about his past, mostly that he was human and turned into an immortal being with Mara due to an accident (as far as I know, due to getting older and his lover Dan Feng trying to help and not working well). Now we know he's an immortal who can't die, despite many attempts with only fragments of memory and hate for Dan Feng and by proxy Dan Heng.
Well as far as stuffing belly canons go, I think there are a few things that could happen. Possibly more but that may come when we know more about him. I do think you're right, he'd definitely try starving himself to death as I think he'd have tried many things. I also think this is a fairly default state for him. It is said that when he was a young man, he'd be obsessed to the point of forgetting to eat or drink. So he's used to be hungry a lot, though forgets it a lot.
There is the thought that his body simply won't let him die and when it gets to a point, his body forces him to consume massive quantities. Though because of his attempts to die, I think the opposite is true, and that he also very willingly drives to stuff himself to near bursting as an attempt to die but it never comes. Because of this I think that Blade has a large capacity when needed but not necessarily a large appetite. This is the same for his drinking of booze. When he does stuff on purpose, I think every attempt is always with the thought that if he pushed a little further, ate a little more, that may be enough to be free and die, just like everything else he does.
However, I think that Blade would also have a point where he's comfortably stuffed and enjoy it, though he wouldn't admit it. He's stubborn and would sooner kill you or threaten you, then show weakness.
I do think Blade also has a competitive streak though doesn't always manifest. I think that he can be talked into an eating contest, especially if the Trailblazer or Dan Heng are involved and will do anything to beat them and gloat over them. He'd jut his belly out and slap it when he wins asking if they are ready to die in their defeat.
There is one scenario that is possible, especially when you involve his hunger. I think that it's very likely when he's that hungry and he's either forced to eat by his own body or by one of the Stellaron Hunters, that once his body feels food pass his lips or hit his stomach, that he starts to go into feral mode and just starts to eat everything he can in sight until he's had his "fill". I think this is when he definitely wakes up from a stupor and his incredibly bloated, his shirt buttons forced open and belly gurgling and he has no memory of how much he ate, just left with a swollen mound.
It's probable that Kafka often has to remind him to eat and scolds him for it. He might even be sat down at a large feast and told to not move until he eats all of it. Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if Elio himself required it as part of his plan to make sure he has his strength up. Or if Elio foresees some future where Blade's stomach capacity might be of some use.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Okay, but hear me out: an au where Nico is a Champion of Nyx.
Or an au where Nyx is a competent mastermidn and not this naive idiot. (Yes, I am still salty with Rick about his Nyx interpretation)
Kat I have excellent news for you---I have just come up with a brand new AU that still revolves around Nico and Nyx and Bob but a little darker. I was just bawling over it last night. Idk if it counts as Nico Champion of Nyx but if it doesn't we'll just leave it for another day lmao. (I still have a collection of asks from Ponii--)
Anw. So.
This AU is just me indulging my obsession with angst and darkness (as always). Basically, for Nico to join Nyx, instead of Nico going to Tartarus, I simply send him directly to her. How, you ask? Well there's always one thing that connects them.
Darkness, that's what.
As in: Nico disappearing into the shadows due to transporting the Athena Pathernos, and his soul returning to the House of Nyx afterward.
This is not baseless btw bc like. I headcanon dying by shadow-traveling - which is supposedly literally dissolving into the shadows - would be different from regular deaths, hence the special resting place for Nico's soul.
I understand where Rick stands to have Nyx as she is in TSATS but yeah, I can take some not-dumb Nyx as well. In this AU, Nyx still finds Nico - a soul lost in her House. Nico, though, since I've alr established that he literally died. So here he is in the Mansion of Night, wandering through Nyx's garden, and humoring her with his existence.
He asks for his father and Nyx just gazes at him pitifully, "Little one, this darkness is where your lost soul belong" and Nico figures he has nowhere else to go.
He talks to her and tells her stories, about himself, about everything he knows, and asks her for everything she knows without barely any interest besides appeasing his bored consciousness.
I just want to make it clear that Nico is, by every means in the world, dead, so I imagine this Nico to be a little indifferent, disassociated, careless. You know, the type of attitude a mindless ghost might adopt?
Nico's still emotional enough to react colorfully to Nyx's prodding and games though. As a result, Nyx becomes interested in him the same way Anklys adores him and Cupid haunts him.
Think of Nico as Nyx's most beloved favorite pet - the one with which you take joy in playing, which you'd feed carefully, cater to its need, and be concerned with every change in its behavior.
She ends up going so far as crowning him as her Champion and giving his soul a vessel. A body made of shadows and darkness, with eyes made of supernovas and hair woven from the soul fragments in her dress. (I'm playing don't mind me. Just picture him as normal lmao)
For a long time, they stay like that.
What leads to the changes can be two things, 1/ Bob finding the Mansion of Night; or 2/ Jason's death. Hades plays a crucial role in both scenarios, however.
In the latter, I hope to draw a scenario in which Jason, upon dying, is summoned to Hades' request as the last resort to get his son's soul. In exchange for returning Nico to Hades, Jason would have another chance at life. (Though I suppose if Jason heard Nico's in Tartarus he'd go there unconditionally lmao he's too kind).
If I were to write this, I'd add Reyna and Hazel as well - since 1/ A quest is best done in three; 2/ Reyna is an immortal Hunter; 3/ Hazel is an Underworld child.
Who's the better fit for a trip to the deepest of Hell am i rite?
Anw. A ghost, an immortal and a former-ghost Underworld child go to Tartarus to find another Underworld ghost-child (jeez this is such a tongue-twister). This includes the potential for: Jason-Reyna reconciliation (bc they deserve it), Jason-Hazel reconnection (only bc I hc Hazel never forgives Jason for the jar debacle), and Hazel-Reyna friendship over praetorship and/or as Nico's sisters.
All the while, they're still mourning Nico and Jason.
It's a mess, I know. I find joy in it anyway.
I have few visions of Nyx in this, however. Jason Reyna Hazel trio took too much out of me lmao.
I suppose things would go along the way of them reaching out to Nico thanks to Hazel. And the stories progress through a series of dreams spent trying to communicate without Nyx catching wind, the trio trudging through Tartarus and Nico finding a way to liberate himself.
If I could, I'd add a plot twist that Nyx knew of this all along - Hades' trick could never pass her by, but she left Nico and Jason's gang to it because she wants to see his despair upon realizing he could never leave - for she believes in his soul belonging to her darkness, that this Mansion is, indeed, Nico's home.
I'd also like to see Nico successfully free his own soul of Nyx's shackles, and Nyx, despite the pity of losing her favorite pet, let them go because she now sees Nico's burning thrive for life - a child of both darkness and spring (She's a primordial goddess of ancient times. She can live with a little bit of boredom).
I've yet to decide on an ending, mainly because it was 2 AM and I needed to sleep LMAO. But at least it was fun.
As for the first one, I just assume Bob doesn't get captured - since Nyx already has Nico to entertain him. He might be wandering across Tartarus or staying in Damasen's tent, still calling out to Nico.
His call reaches Hades instead, and he takes advantage of that to send him for Nico. Maybe send a message through Hypnos or Thanatos, telling Bob to look out for the kid, while at the same time sending for Nico as well, telling him about what might be waiting for him thereover and that Hades wants him back. This leads to Bob coming to the Mansion of Night, alerting Nyx and awakening Nico in the process.
After that, I have yet to figure out a certain plotline, but if I were to write it, it'd run along the lines of:
Bob finally found Nico and now Nico sees the hopes of escaping, he suddenly has the desire to leave the Mansion, to which Nyx vehemently forbids. He fights back, ofc. But as a soul, there's nothing Nico can do to harm her. She's a freaking primordial what do you expect--- However, there's one thing he could do - if only to oppose her, as someone who has been holding Nyx's attention for so long. And that is why Nico rejects his own Patron.
Surely, Nyx doesn't like that. She'd have many horrible things to do with him in order to retain her champion, but ultimately Nico would be released and return to his father's side along with Bob.
Yeah obviously i haven't thought that far lmao i was too invested in what Nico and Nyx might be doing back when he's still her Champion. Tbh that's the thing I like most.
I gotta say none of the above ^^^ has any morals whatsoever - Nico's still dead, Nyx would never be defeated bla bla bla - but srsly I could care less. I'm indulging my Nyx and Nico agenda and I'm enjoying myself too much. Who cares.
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anger-ey · 2 months
Death The Kid far future hcs
Once everyone starts getting older, he starts wearing his reaper mask at all times. This is to hide the fact that he’s aging much slower and still looks like a young adult among his aging friends.
Black Star lives a very long time, but he isn’t immortal, just awfully hard to kill. But it catches up to him eventually. His death breaks kid’s heart the most, because at least patty and liz had expected lifespans.
Has not wanted an heir until decades after black star’s death. His fragment is a little girl who resembles liz, but acts like patty and black star the most. (Considering Kid is based on someone lord death knew, long story)
But he does have someone from the old days still around!! About 10 years post manga, he and black star took in a witchling to protect her from witch hunters. She’s still very close to him, although he is terribly distant from her. He can’t handle waking up every day expecting to loose his daughter of 700 years.
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glauconaryue · 2 months
I have been on this hellsite for years and only now do I learn that writeblr introductions are, apparently, a thing. So here goes my
Writeblr Introduction
Glauconar Yue (they/them, xe/xir)
Nonbinary trans femme lesbian
I write horror, weird fantasy and poetry.
I also do drag and theatre sometimes.
I grew up with Spanish and German, I write in both and also in English or mixing it all up.
I love to meet people on tumblr dot com so please send asks and dms if you see common interests.
My novels
El Empalador (Spanish)
Gothic horror, historical fantasy
A retelling of the life of Vlad Tepes Dracula, blending myth and history through the paranoia of a doomed antihero.
Las crónicas del templo negro (Spanish)
High fantasy, metafiction
Immortals form a community to share their knowledge, but their individual personalities and strange abilities make coexistence no easy task. The book includes many notes on alternative translations of the cryptic source texts.
Das Herz des Zahnradmädchens (German)
Steampunk, romance
An inventor finds a mysterious female automaton whose body contains mechanical and magical secrets. To confront industrial and supernatural threats, they must first figure out their own feelings.
Many shorter texts have been published in magazines and collections, see a longer list here.
Graustadt: Kopfgeldjäger und Mythen
Urban fantasy, crime thriller
A couple of bounty hunters trying to make a living in a run down city. They hunt for magical artefacts and literally for the heads of luckless outlaws, while trying to not get caught up in the rising gang wars.
Status: Volume 1/3 completed, figuring out how to best publish it.
Princess on the Run
Quest fantasy, queer fairy tale, road story
After her castle is burned down, a princess roams across the land, stealing cars, fighting ghosts and con-men, questioning both her gender and nobility.
Status: Scattered fragments in various languages.
Discurso de Transmutación Alquímica
Queer poetry, witchcraft
A queer reading of alchemical mysticism, celebrating gender transition as a spiritual process. The poetical essay with embedded sonnets mixes Spanish and English, historical language and neopronouns.
Status: Revising and expanding on it.
Voyage of the Lieutenant Nun: Transition of Public Spaces
Experimental theatre
My second take on the historical queer figure of an infamous swashbuckler and sinner nun that terrorized South America in the 17th Century. Likely to contain Catholic drag and mixed language gibberish.
Status: Funding approved, probably showing in Cologne this summer. Writing in process, dates tba.
These are the book-sized ones, many small texts are constantly in the works or just happening.
Thanks for reading, I'd be happy to hear from you!
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deathlessathanasia · 3 months
„In Book Four of the Argonautica, Apollonius takes the implicit contradiction between Hera’s sunny view of Thetis’ marriage in Book 24 of the Iliad and Thetis’ own bitterness about it in Book 18 and puts it on full display. Hera visits Thetis to ask her to help steer the Argo safely through the wandering rocks. She repeats her claim to have reared Thetis herself, and later goes on to mention, quite insensitively, that Thetis has not been breast-feeding the young Achilles: ‘he whom the Naiads are now tending in the abode of Chiron the Centaur, though he craves your milk…’). Apollonius endorses Hera’s Iliadic claim to have raised Thetis, but he also shows us that Hera already knew, decades before the Trojan War, that Thetis had not breast-fed Achilles, and hence authorizes us to read Hera’s awkward evasion of the subject in Iliad 24 as a deliberate suppression of her knowledge of the negative aftermath of Thetis’ wedding.
Helpfully filling in most of the information that is missing in the Iliad, Apollonius’ Hera gives us plenty of detail on the background to Thetis’ forced marriage to Peleus. She firstly says that Thetis rejected the amorous advances of Zeus out of respect for herself and that in retaliation Zeus swore an oath that she would never marry a mortal. This apparently reflects a version of the myth that was told by Hesiod and the Cypria, according to a fragment of Philodemus. Subsequently, Hera says, Zeus continued to pursue her until Themis told him the prophecy that she was destined to bear a son more powerful than his father; at that point Zeus gave up pursuing Thetis to preserve his own power. This latter version is similar to how the myth appears in Pindar (Isthm. 8.29–38) and in the Prometheus Bound (907–927). In Hera’s compounded account, Thetis’ humiliation appears to be doubly determined by Zeus’ selfishness, first by his spite and then by his instinct for self-preservation. Despite all this information, Hera goes on blithely to present the subsequent wedding to Peleus as a great boon to Thetis, just as she had done in the Iliad: But I gave to you the best of the sons of earth to be your husband, that you might find a marriage dear to your heart and bear children; and I called all of the gods together to the feast. And with my own hands I raised the bridal torch, in return for the kindly honour you paid me (Argon. 4.805–809).
As Hunter has pointed out, this reference to bearing children is one of several cruel and heartless touches in Hera’s speech. For Thetis has already abandoned Achilles and we know of the grief that he is destined to cause her in future. At the conclusion of this graceless speech, Hera acknowledges that Thetis is angry with Peleus and asks her to forgive him. In the end, Thetis does what Hera has asked because she has no choice; but she does not forgive Peleus, and she helps him with ill grace, which we may imagine to have been provoked, at least in part, by the feelings reawakened by Hera’s unsympathetic speech. Apollonius’ stoke of dramatic genius was to take the tendentiously rosetinted view of the wedding of Peleus and Thetis that Hera offers to the other gods in Iliad 24 and to have Hera deliver it to Thetis’ face. Just in case the reader does not understand how strongly Thetis’ reality contradicts Hera’s optimistic picture, after Thetis has delivered her instructions to Peleus in sharp, bitter words, Apollonius fills us in on yet more of the backstory. The narrator tells us that previously Peleus had interrupted his wife in alarm when he found her trying to make their newborn son, Achilles, immortal by burning off his mortal parts in the fire (4.865–879). Thetis angrily threw the baby down and left, never to return. The apparently glorious wedding ofPeleus and Thetis had an ugly aftermath, and anyone who has read Apollonius will have known that.”
- Peter Heslin, Secrets and Lies: The Power of Thetis in Roman Culture, in The Staying Power of Thetis: Allusion, Interaction, and Reception from Homer to the 21st Century
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coolrpblog · 1 month
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As this topic won in the poll it is time for some really fun deep lore on Klein laddies so sit and buckle up. First, we'll talk about the soul as that well later get into the past life better.
Klein doesn't have a normal soul. There's a fragment of an old soul that has attached itself to the new soul. Because of this, there are differences with how he looks compared to, well, we'll use the killer verse Klein as an example.
Klein vs the Spider lily Killer version of himself doesn't have the same hair color and their pupils are not the same in color as well. To add onto this Klein has a massive birthmark on his back that looks like something huge swiped at him from behind. Those are the biggest differences with looks. But another thing to add is Klein has much stronger reflexes than his killer counterpart and because of that if he's in any physical fights he seems to always counterattack with shocking speed.
However, because of the way the soul is, upon death the soul will split. But with that there is more that will happen on his death as the birthmark on his back is not just the mark of what killed his past life, but a curse. His death will have him have the same fate as his past self; to be erased by history to never be remembered.
Now onto the past life.
Many years ago, in Japan there existed a demon hunter by the name of Jun'ichi Yamamoto, he followed in his family's steps though he in time only started to kill select demons as he came to learn that not all demons are harmful and want to kill humans.
One of the most notable physical traits he had was the vivid red pupils that contrasted his emerald-green eyes. His hair was that of a dark greyish lavender. With scars that littered his body from past battles as well as a large burn over his left arm and shoulder.
He was known by everyone in his country, there were books written about him and a statue of him in one of the larger cities in the time.
Yet all that was known of him, including his bloodline was wiped, destroyed and gone in a day. Those that knew of the once brave samurai suffered memory loss or were found dead or remained missing to this day, and the few that may still know of him are either demons or immortals.
All this because he went to face a demonic false god on an island that costed him his life. The being ripped apart his soul, devouring a fragment of it while two other fragments drifted. One remaining in the blade he fought with and the other finding its way into the spirit world where it would remain and wait for the right time for an attempted at reincarnation.
It is lucky for him that the false god is bound to that island, though in years to come it shall set out its puppets to look for that soul that escaped, as it doesn't want even a fragment of that hunter to exist.
But the body of Jun'ichi...? It remains with the god, a soulless and lifeless puppet that will lay in wait for the day that fragment of his soul to return to that island where he will strike down that fragmented reincarnation of himself as the god wishes.
It is fitting for the soul to die where it originally split apart at after all...
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superscourge · 6 days
hell yeah let's go >:3
i'm in the process of writing a fic based on it but i have almost nobody to yap about it to lol
basically in my au, post-06 solaris is still a thing, using the last of its powers to preserve the fragmented chunks of its core, of which landed on the planet at the beginning of the new timeline way back in ancient times. some of the smaller chunks landed in ancient civilizations both human and mobian and became historical artifacts. others pierced the veil between the mortal and immortal planes, and others still landed in remote places and weren't found until thousands and thousands of years later. others still did not survive the return to the surface and burned up in the atmosphere.
when modern society, now calling the planet both earth and mobius depending on the region, began to emerge, soleanna was a place that emerged too, now a kingdom that worshipped a dead, imperfect god. the residents of soleanna had gotten their hands on one of the larger chunks of solaris' core, and considered it a divine blessing, with priests able to somewhat communicate with the fragment of mephiles inside, who called them to find the rest of the fragments so that he couldregainhis form andmakethe triple s pay for what they did to solaris. over the centuries, soleanna (now a full blown cult town) slowly started reassembling the core, but it was difficult because of how far spread they were.
this lead the leaders of soleanna to start hiring groups to hunt for the pieces, like treasure hunters and mercenaries, only telling them that they were red gems with mystical properties. one of these groups was a family of jackals (infinite's family) who were lost in a scuffle over a small shard that they lost to the other group. the surviving members created the jackal squad and carried on the business in honor of their deceased family. when they get word that eggman found a non-emerald mystical red gem that he called the phantom ruby, they went after it and cue the events of sonic forces and all that.
because infinite's hunch about the phantom ruby was right, he found a chunk of solaris' core, but as a result, he ended up lowkey possessed by mephiles, eventually becoming a puppet for him a few years post-forces. at the same time, sonic started up a rehabilitation program for villains because he believed that everyone deserves a second chance, no matter who they are. infinite-mephiles found out about that and took advantage of it to get closer to sonic, using infinite's body to create a massive explosion that cost tails his arm and ability to fly without assistance. this caused the public's opinion of any troublemaker to become extremely negative, leading to lots of social unrest and kicking off the plot of the fic.
throughout the entire series, mephiles is the mastermind behind it all, bringing back a bunch of old foes and creating new ones in his ambition to return and exact revenge on the triple s. i've yapped a bit too extensively to reveal the part of the fic currently being posted, but i'll try to come back and do that when i've officially revealed the plot twist
apologies for the all the reading i just got a bit excited lol
u must keep going with it <3
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cursedfortune · 2 months
In a free-for all between all your muses with no outside help allowed, but full access to all their abilities (such as interlaced with cosmic beings) who would win, do you reckon? :)
This is ROUGH.
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Eugh eugh eugh, Quen whhhhy. I'm not going to mention older blogs I have on hiatus at the moment and just focus on the ones I've been either consistent or semi-consistent with since 2020. That's mainly because I wrote my main and overarching villain for years alongside a fandom muse on a separate blog. While the latter is fallible despite being a Problem. My main villain (as you know Quen) would clear the fucking board. Despite Nestor and Mortem being the prime individuals to set the plan in motion and get it far, without the rest of those players they'd just be fucking erased.
That's not very fair so 2020 and onward it is with the blogs I've maintained. Blogs included are this one, Nestor (major crimes and supernatural agent), Marie (journalist and cult hunter) and the fandom WORM (a stitched up curse) briefly mentioned.
Going under a read more cause this may get lengthy.
So first off it comes down to technicality. Marie has the Leviathan fragment within her - it's a sentient being that acts on its own accord. However, Marie doesn't know about it because whenever it shows itself it ends up killing her (if an outside thing doesn't do that already). Without the Leviathan, she's dead - and the entity doesn't consider itself a player in the game (that's not a game). If it so much as opens an eye chances are the vessel (Marie) and whatever its focusing on are getting got.
So if Marie doesn't know about it (due to the resetting factor it scars her soul with every time), can she actually utilize it in a competitive field like this? Answer is: She wouldn't even know to. If the Leviathan acted on its own agency, she's still likely going to die despite it recovering her right after. Which is very canon of them.
In a free for all, Leviathan wins. But I'm not sure I can count them as a muse when they are more just a passive bystander. Since Marie can't be separated from it, though, by default she wins. She just... dies a wakes up to everything being dead already once its inconvenienced enough.
I say Marie because even with Mortem's spell of (constant/endless) regeneration, she's still able to tire out. She can't withstand the damage the Leviathan can do to her. And I don't mean to her body - it's to her soul, no living thing can. Mortem's spell has a failsafe, which I've never really used or talked about. If her soul is destroyed, the residual energy condenses and becomes hostile against whatever destroyed her until it burns out. This was designed into her spell because if something killed her (or worse, she ceased to exist) the remaining energy her soul emitted could attack something that was no doubt posing a problem to the natural cosmic balance. Mind you, she has a lot of energy reserved and the spell engraved into her chest kept an open channel to all energy. So when she goes, that doesn't just cut off. It tapers off, meaning there's a fuckton that condenses and becomes rabid.
Mortem could absolutely clean house with everyone by default either with her combat experience or endurance thanks to her regen spell. However, she can't overcome the cosmic tool that is the Leviathan, which exists to make sure all things mortal and immortal get recycled. It's eco-friendly.
If the entity didn't act, yeah of course she'd freaking break Marie over her leg no issue.
Everyone with her fae patron nothing would really work. Her fae patron serves the same purpose as Mortem, but he leaves heavily into entropy whereas she life. His creation was influenced by the Leviathan's existence, he acts like smaller piece of it that was meant to stay within one territory vs roaming the cosmos. Safe to say, he'd get got too.
Nestor is just human. Even later in her story, when her body is mostly mechanical because she has sustained so much damage over the years, she's still limited by comparison. Sure, she has Anthony (I joke he's God because it's not a joke, he technically half of my canon's God-adjacent figure) but he's a side muse at best and I can't really rope him into this. If I said Anthony got a pass like the Leviathan could, then he wins. Leviathan? No. Mortem? Nope. Technically Nes wins, too, cause they are bffs. But no, he's competitive, everyone loses. Eat it.
Without him, however, she stands no chance. And that isn't because she isn't competent, girl very much is. She will find a way to fight and defy even if her body is riddled with damage. If she wasn't so soul weary, she'd probably create a new witch bloodline she's so fucking willful. But there's a difference between surviving out of duty and surviving because you want to be alive.
Would she give someone like Mortem a run for her money? In a strictly hand to hand or weapon vs weapon scenario, yes. If Mortem doesn't utilize magic and just relied on her core abilities (including enhanced senses and strength) then yeah. Nestor could take her head off and fight back very competently. She's an efficient executioner when need be. Doesn't change the fact Mortem can outlast her.
Against just Marie? Nestor wins. Her pseudo-family member isn't combat efficient. She'd make it quick and painless. With Mortem, she couldn't afford to drag it out either even if she didn't have a choice, knowing the endurance levels aren't even on the same planet. ...But she'd have a little fun, admittedly. Feel that adrenaline that gives her some life back.
If I have to bring a particular Worm into this, he can end the humans easily. He'd probably throw the Leviathan off a little with his technique - even if the entity could and would crush him for the audacity. Against Mortem? His technique wouldn't be effective much. He'd have to burn her through her energy reserves and I believe he'd do a great job with it. But she could unravel him, at the same time with entropy and targeting his soul. I think they'd have a super fun time fighting and learning one another, though.
These two absolute freaks share some fun overlaps when it comes to how they approach an encounter, what they can get out of it and their abilities. And Mortem knowing he could come back in her lifetime would make ending his fucking career all the more amusing to her, tbh. Would be a very fun fight for them to adapt to.
It's hard to conclude a winner with the technicalities. Excluding outside help, Anthony, Leviathan and the fae patron are all cut I think. Mortem takes the crown for mentally present fighter to outlive them, but Marie will probably just be face down in the mud until the Leviathan reactivates her.
With the exclusion of the Leviathan being outside help (even though it's inside), Marie wins on that technicality even though it isn't her own ability that gets her through to the finish line.
Nestor just stares into the camera because you made me pit her against some of the freaks of her canon. Thanks, Quen. xD
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yary-t · 1 year
The Sandman in general (and dreamling in particular) has somehow gotten me to be truly active on Tumblr for the first time in years, to unearth my ao3 account, and to bury myself under a pile of fic ideas. 
List of Dreamling fics I actually managed to finish:
When your breaking point’s all that you have: Hob gets captured by Burgess, a fishbowl breakout ensues (and then a good chunk of the word count is just unwittingly dating), or, as summarized by ao3 user reallyhotgoose, “you look at them and think shall we play it safe? no, you say LET’S MAKE THEM MORE TRAUMATIZED“. Rated M. 
His skin was pale and his eye was odd: attempted human sacrifice culminates in identity reveal. Rated M.
My wildest dreamings could not foresee: vampire!Dream x regular human!Hob. Rated E.
The valley of the night: fairy tale AU, my attempt to write something more artistic. Rated T. Contains COMIC SPOILERS.
Like a hand in a flame: a sequel to the vampire au, from monster hunter!Johanna’s POV. Rated T.
List of Dreamling WIPs in case anyone wants to ask me about any of them thus adding to my motivation to actually work on them  (ordered by how much of the fic I actually have written):
No defense, no escape from the ties that bind: yet another installment in the vampire AU. Rated E.
Putting it together, bit by bit (Or: scenes from that one time Mr. Gadling was put in charge of the school play and dragged his goth not-boyfriend along for the ride, as seen through the eyes of assorted cast members): the multi-chapter outsider POV fic I started writing while working on the beginning of When your breaking point’s all that you have because I needed a break from all the pain and suffering. Pure fluff, more a series of drabbles and scene fragments in chronological sequence than a full story, pre-relationship.
Untitled siren AU: scuba diver!Hob x siren!Dream. Featuring: Dream saving Hob from drowning when he gets nitrogen narcosis while diving alone, Dream sort of becoming Hob’s dive buddy, Hob rescuing Dream from a literal fishbowl.
Thinking they’re alone: fantasy AU, sex worker!Hob x unspecified-magical-being!Dream. [I have it plotted but it requires smut and will be maybe 10~20k words so I’m putting it off]
List of fic ideas not yet promoted to WIPs, aka concepts that I want to read more than write (please send me links if you know fics that match! I haven’t been able to keep up with everything posted):
Untitled ballet AU: dancer!Hob x choreographer!Dream. [I have no plot, just a few ideas that may become a plot. This was originally listed as a WIP but it got demoted; I think in the end I did want to read this idea more than write it because once I did I was no longer invested in this WIP at all. So if you want an AU with this set up may I recommend bartered tendons; battered rhythm]
Untitled 1: and then they were roommates, except Dream is the ghost that came with the cottage in the middle of nowhere Hob (a regular, mortal, human) suddenly inherited. Hob’s lived on the streets, though -- he’s not about to let the fact that it’s haunted drive him away from a perfectly nice house. [I have some random worldbuilding but the entire note is three short paragraphs]
Untitled 2 (tw: dub con): instead of Dream being the one who feels obligated to provide sex, it’s Hob who thinks like this. Hob who offers the use of his body, feeling he owes it for his immortality. Dream who is being offered something he wants, who has no reason to assume it isn’t willingly offered, and so he takes. Hob would do anything for immortality (if it's set early in their acquaintance), for his friend -- to keep his friend (if it's set in the present) [This is literally all I have written on the note for this idea. I wrote it after reading illuminetic’s arguments re: 1489 Hob’s fuckability. Illuminetic wrote an AMAZING fic about Hob fearing that his stranger wants sexual favors. I also want one in which he actually provides them on the mistaken assumption that Dream requires them]
Catch me I’m falling (below there are COMICS SPOILERS; also, tw: mentions of suicide and depression):
Once upon a dream, an ordinary man faced the fates, the kindly ones, the furies with no weapon but his humanity. And he got them to bend--to be satisfied with Dream of the Endless, and to spare Morpheus. His friend, his love.
This is not that story.
This is the aftermath of that story.
Morpheus, no longer Dream, cast into a silence as fatalistic as that of his glass cage, with no hope of ever escaping it. Caged into a flesh that is human, if not truly mortal. Bereft of his function, his purpose.
Aka the epic Hob trying to support Dream through navigating humanity while still struggling with his depression fic I am in no way shape or form qualified to write. A retired!Dream fic in which being freed of his burden doesn’t solve his problems, but makes them worse. Hob struggles with guilt that he didn’t see what Dream was doing, fear that he’ll try again, anger at Dream for being willing to just abandon him, anger at himself for being angry at Dream. [the sheer amount of research I’d have to do to sill maybe mess it up somehow is dauting. I mean, should I even call it depression? Idk, I’d have to read up on it]
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darkmatter-nebula · 9 months
Colli watches a meteor shower with Hunter
Hi! Thank you for the request!
Drabble: Meteor Shower And Matching Bracelets
It was a quiet night on the Boiling Isles as the most inseparable pair of brothers, a certain young Grimwalker and a certain small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold, watched an meteor shower together.
Out of a sudden, Colli had an idea. Hunter's greatest treasure floated up and carefully shattered an meteor into millions of tiny pieces. The kind and sweet eternal little boy used his magic to form some fragments into matching bracelets.
"What'cha got there, Colli?" The former Golden Guard asked softly, his magenta eyes were filled to the brim with love and adoration for him. "These are matching bracelets for us!" Colli had a bright smile on his adorable multi-colored face.
"Awwwww! That's an wonderful idea, my beautiful little Sunshine!" Hunter wrapped his arms around Colli and cuddled him close to his chest. The blonde boy couldn't hold himself back and showered the immortal celestial boy with lots of soft and loving brotherly kisses.
The End
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the-monkey-ruler · 7 months
The Creation of Immortals 1 (2018) 封仙册之铁扇罗刹
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Director: Liu Baoxian Screenwriter: Zhu Na Starring: Lin Siyi / King Kong Genre: Comedy / Romance / Costume Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Type: Retelling
"The Iron Fan Rakshasa in the Book of Immortals" is produced by Hua Vision (Xiamen) Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. Sun Wukong broke the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, and the fragments fell into the country of Qiuci, forming the Flame Mountain. Not only did it bring an everlasting mountain fire, but it also unintentionally opened the demon seal, and the demon king's "inner demon" took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the world. Princess Meiyue is a demon-hunter. In order to get rid of Princess Meiyue, the inner demons designed to force out her third-life personality, making her insane and blaming her for the murder of the king. Princess Meiyue defeated her inner demons with the help of her first life partner Yuan Buxie.
Source: https://chinesemov.com/2018/The-Creation-of-Immortals-1
Link: https://www.nunuyy5.org/dianying/99014.html
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Hello, all. I have been reminded of the JOYS of ask blogs, and I do have 80 or so ocs lying around that the likes of you have yet to experience..... There wouldn't be visuals, I haven't got the time nor energy for that, but... As a way to introduce you to my original characters, I bring you an opportunity. You may ask anything to my ocs, anything at all. Not all will be available, but there are some I'm particularly curious as to what your impression of them is.
So, here are your options:
Story 1: Machinations. In this universe, humanity is long dead. Their shadows live on after them using the knowledge collected of their lives attached to humans, creating deathless robotic vessels for their consciousness on a scorched, crumbling earth devoid of most life. Hordes of brainless vessels with no continuum of their own travel on foot to swarm the tower of their former prince by the mesa shore. I have a whole document typed up for the lore of this story, so if you're interested, throw me an ask or a dm!
Characters available in Machinations to talk to:
Overclock: A shadow man with many secrets about the dwellings and doings of his human years. He's now a gruff and morally spineless bounty hunter, employed by an unknown individual to kill the very prince residing in the tower he stalks. He's basically against the horde to get to him first before the whole place topples down.
Noonwraith: When the rapture happened and humanity succumbed, the shadows of a mass grave became one, creating a singular, massive hivemind being called Noonwraith. Typically, they reside beneath the ocean or squished into the cracks of the Earth, but just for you, they are cooperating to speak to you. Friend of Overclock, they can remove pieces of themself to create smaller, easy-to-transport shadow beings in any shape. They're not very happy with society. Total emo. You can specify whether you'd like to speak to the hivemind or an active fragment in the world.
Seraph and Maven: Maven, a mere shadowling who's been lucky enough to escape death or persecution, and his "brother" Seraph are a package deal. Only problem is, Seraph is nothing like the world has seen before: a being of pure light in the shape of a child, who's been here since the rapture and is quite unimpressed with the fools among them. They never leave eachother's side and know EVERYBODY'S secrets, kinda just following Overclock around.
Dreamcast: The best friend of the Prince. At least, he used to be. A long time ago, he and the Prince were sent to the gallows to join the many robotic vessels. The Prince went into this new life joyously, whereas Dreamcast did not. He's resentful, horrified, and wasn't ready for the curse of immortality. He's still stuck in the tower, and not happy about it. He claims to have prophetic dreams.
Harbour: The prince himself. Figuring him out is a mystery. His motives, his life, everything. He's just a guy who doesn't see the wrong in plunging millions into immortality with no experience. One thing is for certain, he wants to keep Dreamcast around. But for what?
The Host: A robotic and definitely evil game show host residing on an island just offshore from the mesa! For sure my favorite character. He seems to have some unusual grasp on time... Nobody leaves the island unless he lets them, and yet, the bodies pile up. They all look so similar. His motivations and past are, well, unclear. The hordes sure do love him.
Player: The Host's favorite little plaything. Boy, do they have a history!
Story 2: Rendezvous. Follow the tale of a traveling punk band of Nymphs and humans alike. Drama within the band and within the area surrounding them are rich, and you might just uncover more characters to talk to as time goes on.
Chomps: Adoptive brother of Hora. He's the main character, a total stoner, and the band's drummer. He's a real tired dramaqueen that can hold a grudge, but he's got a good heart. He had a crush on the band's bass player a while ago, but that didn't go too well... He's also a Dark Nymph.
Hora: Little brother of Chomps and the official stagehand of the band. He's a shy 16 year old boy with a lot of issues and a pretty cloudy past. He was found by Chomps after fleeing his abusive parents, and now, after all this time, Chomps has full custody.
Kris: The bass player's asshole boyfriend, and the lead singer of the band. He's got some gripes with our main character. He's also the only human of the band. Good luck getting anything but complaints out of him.
Berry: The bass player and multitalented girlfriend of Kris. She's a Dark Nymph. She's got a lot of insight on the town, workings of the band, and where they've been. She's the backbone of the band and the designated driver. Responsible!
Carlotta: Hora's girlfriend, responsible for helping Hora out of his shell. She's a Light Nymph, and the piano player. Her head can become any shape she wants, usually an orb. She's mostly mute, but typing is no issue.
And, of course, some unknowns you will meet later.
Story 3: Hyde Serum Fever. An estranged scientist working for an old hospital accidentally creates something awful, a serum capable of bringing a human's worst sins to life. She drinks the serum, and at once, she is contorted, horribly twisting into an abomination! Oh, no! Rather than creating a method to confront sin, she made the sins take over. Now, as separate ego states, the monster may take over her body at any time.
Characters for Hyde Serum Fever:
Dr. Suzanne Enfield: The aforementioned scientist, an exhausted and overworked woman. She's now living with the malicious actions and physical strain of harboring a Contort, aka the monster of sin. She's terribly sick with Serum Fever, and looking for a cure. Meanwhile, her Contort stirs trouble and she's left to run the Institution. The Institution is the hospital, reformed to treat and house Contorts and their hosts.
Pride Edwards: The Contort of Suzanne, the embodiment of Pride. Due to the sheer concentration of serum that Suzanne consumed, he is hardly human. He's not only the main character, but the villain. He's a twisted abomination with no regard for anybody but himself. He peddles the serum as a drug in order to spread the Contorts. Truly a twisted, sadistic fellow. He has some interesting powers
Wrath: A Contort suffering from a condition called Inner Rot, where the physical damage done by contortion causes his insides to rot, essentially killing the human part of him and keeping him trapped as a Contort. He's got a huge temper, but a soft spot for Pride. His actions can be fiery, but all things considered, he's anything but evil.
Fritz: The embodiment of Envy, also suffering Inner Rot. They are nosy, and probably the worst enemy of Pride. Their screams and whines echo through the Institution. Often throwing tantrums and complaining about not having what other have, oddly, they refuse help, and make their own life miserable. They snoop around and know a lot of secrets, especially about Pride.
Blair: The embodiment of Lust. There's a human in there, somewhere. Living their life as a drag Queen, they cause minor problems throughout the Institution and lurk in the shadows at night... They're mostly just horny.
Fredrickson: The director and financial guardian of the entire Institution operation. They're an older man with some old fashioned ideas, and a penchant for dancing with Suzanne. They handle keeping the patients and Contorts healthy. They've seen firsthand some of Pride's doings.
Alright, and that's about it! Later on I might introduce more stories and characters. All asks and posts about this project will be put under the tag #Koro oc asks. I do hope people actually interact with this. It'll take a while to pick up the story, but for now, ask them anything.
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fantasiallamarcia · 2 years
thinking again about how i called the hunters, monsters with human tendencies. i don't think a lot of them acknowledge their humanity much - or even possess it at all, in certain cases - but for nightmare and alva, specifically, i think... finding the human in each other would both fascinate and terrify them, in a lot of ways.
i'd like to imagine it happens on accident, for both of them.
nightmare offers alva a drink, and alva, foolishly believing the immortality his god blessed him with also means he can no longer succumb to the intoxications of man, accepts. what neither of them are prepared for is how fascinated alva gets with nightmare, in this state. how he reaches out, strokes his beak, remarks that it's funny, in a way, that he should wind up in the company of a bird when those he once loved adored birds so much more than he. but alva says that he's always had a spot for ravens, though he shouldn't tell anyone that. and nightmare sits there, letting alva fawn over him, and it's... odd, but what terrifies him is the way he wishes he could see alva like this more often. learn what makes him tick, but not so much so for exploitation purposes anymore. no, nightmare just wants to know alva, longs for some companionship with the only one he suspects understands him better than anyone he'll ever know.
alva walks into nightmare's study one night, drawn to it by the slightly ajar door and the firelight glow that should've been put out hours ago, and that's when he sees it. nightmare's taken off his mask. and what lays beneath isn't as grotesque as alva thought it would be. sure, there are monstrous features here and there - some hardened scales and things that trace the undersides of his cheekbones, eerily reminiscent of gills - but he can still make out the shape of the young man he truly is. of course, he could leave. pretend he never saw it, try to erase the image from his mind. but there's something resting in his hand. a story, one that begins like a fairy tale, clearly written for the memory alva's found fragments of, all around the manor. and alva looks at nightmare again, the words on the page somehow softening his features. and he can't help but reach out and run a finger across the bits of untainted flesh, marvel at how alive he truly feels.
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