#anakin and obi wan and reader
anakin-dovahkiin · 1 year
After This, It Won't Be The Same
Summary: Very early on in the Clone Wars, soon after you've been knighted, you are involved in an intense battle that leaves you extremely injured, affecting your ability to be the successful Jedi General you have become. Not only does this affect you, but it brings things to light about you and Anakin's friendship.
Notes: This can act as a "prequel" to You're Not Weak, it is the injury that was mentioned briefly there. Was supposed to be relating this to an athletic injury as opposed to a life-ending injury but it is Star Wars so basically anyone can die at any time so Anakin freaks tf out...
(PART 1 of 2)
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Becoming a Jedi Knight was all you ever wanted, and now that you were one you found it both thrilling but also extremely exhausting. You certainly never wanted to be a part of a war, but the adventures that you went on each and every week was everything you could have dreamed of. You also loved the freedom that was granted to you, and you loved even more that you were actively helping people which was something you wanted to do ever since you first became a Padawan. A lot of people, Jedi or otherwise, doubted your ability because of your small stature but time and time again you got to prove them wrong with your strength in the Force and agility and battle intelligence.
So, despite how tired you were after missions, you at least felt like you were fulfilling your purpose as a Jedi. The only downside, of course, was that you could not see Anakin as much. The two of you are best friends—arguably more than that, but that’s a problem to deal with another time—and it’s been that way ever since he arrived at the Temple. Your Master was good friends with Obi-Wan and worked with him quite often in the aftermath of Qui-Gon’s death, so you often found yourself training alongside Anakin and spending a lot of time with him. 
He was different from other Padawans you knew, and for some reason that you could not quite place, he felt more like family than your friends, than your Master even, and being with him gave (still gives) you the same feeling you get when you think of your family before you were brought to the Temple. He gives you a new perspective on things, and you find yourself treating your former Master, Obi-Wan, and the clones in your battalion more like siblings than friends or fellow Jedi. You have found both yourself and the Force more enriched ever since you started thinking in that way. 
Anakin, however, is something more to you, now. Perhaps it is somewhat romantic, but it honestly surpasses any definition you can think of. He’s just… with you, and you’re with him. You love him, and he loves you. You aren’t sure what that means exactly, but you hope someday soon you will.
You’re currently thinking about him because you are going to be in a rather large fight with him as soon as your transport touches down on this planet. Well, you should rephrase; you’re heading into battle alongside both him and Obi-Wan with each of your respective clone battalions. It will be one of the bigger battles you’ve been in recently, but you’re forcing yourself to be up to the challenge because it means you get to be with Anakin after not having seen him in what feels like forever.
The gunship shakes as you land, and instantly you are into the fray. 
You sense Anakin somewhere north-west of you, but almost immediately you see Obi-Wan through the smoke ahead of you. Blocking blaster bolts and dispatching droids is rather easy, but Obi-Wan feels overwhelmed in the Force so you decide to come to his aid. 
Explosions sound left and right of you, and one lands so close that dust and dirt sprays all over your face and clothes. You grimace at the sight of you being so dirty because you literally just washed your armor this morning, but you figured you would have to clean it again anyway.
Finally, you reach him.
“Ah! Nice of you to finally make an appearance!” Obi-Wan shouts over the sounds of blasterfire.
You roll your eyes, but can’t help but smile. “Not my fault you didn’t send a transmission until the last minute!”
You take out the droideka directly behind him and he nods his thanks. He had been surrounded, but your presence allowed him to take on the super battle droids in front of him. You then pull the remaining droids towards you with the Force and leave many of them in crumpled heaps after doing so. You’re both afforded a moment to breathe.
Obi-Wan pulls you in for a quick embrace, and says as he releases you, “I’m glad you are here, young one.”
You scoff, “Of course! Any excuse to be with you both, I won’t ever hesitate to help out.”
He smiles. “Well then, let’s get this over with as quickly as possible so we can have some proper time to visit with each other!”
And then you’re in the battle again. You lose track of time and let yourself sink into the Force as you work your way across the battlefront and take out seriously so many clankers that you’re sure your clone Commander is going to be jealous. 
Even with the Force, though, you feel yourself getting tired. The alarming thing is that the battle is far from over. 
You catch a glimpse of Anakin on the other side of the damaged ship you are fighting on top of, and it takes everything in you to not rush over to him and tackle him in a hug. That would surely be the end of both of you in a setting like this. 
Obi-Wan is cornered again, though, and you have to leave Anakin for now to go help his Master once again. It seems like the droids are being absolutely relentless on Obi-Wan in particular, and you wonder if Dooku is around somewhere or directly control of the enemy squadrons stationed here. Given the difficulty of this battle, you’d say it is a near certainty.
“Obi-Wan!” you shout, drawing some of the droids’ attentions to you as you pull them towards you so you can quickly dispatch them.
You’re fighting inside the damaged ship now, and it’s not a very safe place to be. The walls are coming down around you and all it would take is one well aimed tanker blast to make the whole thing come crashing down on top of you.
That is unfortunately what happens. 
You get a warning in the Force preemptively, as you often do, and it makes you feel like your limbs are being turned to jelly. You really hate that feeling, it freaks you out to no end, the last time you felt it was right before Anakin lost his hand, and the time before that was when you almost lost your Master while on a particularly dangerous mission as a Padawan. 
“Shit shit shit!”
You’re panicking when you shove your hands out and push Obi-Wan and consequently the droids surrounding him out of the ship and into the clearing, and you want to launch yourself after them. 
The tanker blast hits right when you start to run, and you almost make it, almost, but then something smashes into you and your legs are twisted and crushed under debris. There’s a crack that is only audible to you as both your knees go numb, and you can’t help yourself from crying out. You cover your head, protecting yourself as best you can while everything crashes down around you.
It’s completely dark.
Your head is alright, but only because you are so focused on using the Force to keep anything from hitting your head.
Finally, things stop falling around you and you can release your arms. You let them fall harshly to the damaged floor. The slight movement makes you flinch as the debris around you groans, but nothing moves. 
It’s really hard to breathe. 
Your legs hurt like nothing else has ever hurt before—it feels like bone on bone every time you shift the tiniest bit, and you don’t keep yourself from crying out.
You feel Obi-Wan’s alarm somewhere out there around you, but it is nothing compared to Anakin’s fear that he’s projecting into the Force. It honestly is giving you a headache… making you see spots…
Or is that lack of oxygen?
You’re stuck in there for an indeterminable amount of time and you feel like you’re about to pass out. You’re sweating, dizzy, and it takes a lot for you to keep your eyes open. 
Anakin’s presence gets closer and louder, but you’ve got a sinking feeling that it is going to be too late. Maybe if you were stronger you could find a way out of this on your own… You curse your smaller build, the weakness that you just can’t seem to shake, and your eyes water in frustration.
This was not how you expected the day to turn out at all. Of course, you had gotten hurt a couple of times while in battle and collected some scars, but every Jedi had. You are one of the Order’s most needed Generals, much like Kenobi and Skywalker, and if you failed here everything you worked so hard for would be for almost nothing. You never prepared yourself to lose everything like you had seen so many other lose. You really didn’t want to leave Anakin, either.
At least Obi-Wan was safe—you knew you would not handle it if anything happened to him, and Anakin would be absolutely crushed.
You just had no idea how destroyed they would be should something happen to you.
You’re that much closer to passing out when you hear the walls of the ship groan again, and you cover your ears at the sound. Then, a burst of light breaks through and you cover your eyes at the harshness of it.
Someone lands next to you, and you strain to hear who it could be. You’re frightened that it may be a droid or worse, Dooku, but your intuition in the Force is never wrong.
It’s Anakin. 
And he feels absolutely terrified.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. I’m here, I’m going to get you out of here…” He delicately holds your head in his hands before letting you use him as a makeshift pillow. “Force, you can barely breathe down here.” You hear him activate his comm, “I’ve got her, Master! But it’s so hard to breathe here, she looks like she’s about to pass out, her legs are stuck, it isn’t good—”
“It will be alright, Anakin. I’ll send for Kix and Coric, just do your best to get the hell out of there! The battle is almost cleared up here, you’ll be safe to carry her.”
“Got it,” he says shakily, and then he turns his attention back to you. “Alright, I’m going to get you out of here… can you hear me? Please, can you give me a sign? At least show me your eyes, I wanna see your beautiful eyes…”
You want to speak, but you are so exhausted that you can’t even manage to do that. All you can do is slowly slide your arm down your face and blink your eyes open. They’re barely open anyway, but it seems to be enough for Anakin.
Seeing his eyes makes you feel so safe, and you’re in awe of how ethereal and beautiful he looks in the spotlight created by the daylight outside. Even if his face is smeared with dirt and his eyes are bloodshot and full of tears, you find him the most stunning that he’s ever been.
“There you are,” he whispers, smiling, and smoothes your hair back from your head. The motion grounds you, and you remember your training. Relying on the Force and Anakin’s incredibly strong presence that surrounds you like a protective blanket, you pull yourself slightly up and into full consciousness. 
I love you. 
You think it to yourself, but all at once you understand what exactly it means this time. You love Anakin Skywalker enough to break yourself free from pain. 
“I love you too,” he whimpers, pressing a kiss to your forehead. His own declaration brings tears to your eyes in a way that is neither from sadness nor joy, but from the sheer amount of emotion you feel. He continues, “I need to get you out, alright? It might hurt, but I’m here with you, I’m not going anywhere—”
You whine when he tries to pull you out from under the debris that has you trapped because it tugs on your injured legs and it hurts terribly. You squeeze your eyes shut, your tears streaming down your cheeks and leaving clear tracks through the grime on your face.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, it’s almost over, just hold on…”
He stops, then lifts the debris around your legs with the Force. The pressure on your knees lessens immensely and you instantly feel relief. The pain is not gone completely, but any feeling in your legs now is better than none.
He quickly sweeps you up off the ground holding you close to his chest. He plants one more kiss to your forehead before he launches himself out of the wreckage and into the daylight.
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
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Star wars men you will always be famous, i’m in love with them.
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candyfloss5000 · 2 months
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Instantly thought this during this scene 💀
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antxlss · 9 months
I’ve recently been thinking about Anakin accidentally putting all his weight on you while you are fucking and you find out how much you love it…
Anakin was holding himself overtop of you ramming into you at an unforgiving pace. You were on your stomach with a few pillows under your hipbones to keep your ass propped up for Anakin. Your face was buried into the comforter blocking all the lewd noise escaping from your mouth.
You were so close to your orgasm and you could tell Anakin was too by the way his thrusts got sloppier by the second. With one last snap of his hips, you both unraveled. Anakin’s arms immediately buckled and all his weight came crashing down, pinning you completely flat on the mattress. You let out an unintentional choked groan. That just did something to you. He quickly lifted himself off of you, holding himself up again.
“I’m so sorry darling. I’m sorry if I hurt you.” He said quickly still out of breath from his climax.
“No.” You pant. “I like it.”
You reached your arm around and pulled him down as best you could in the awkward position you were in and his delicious weight crushed down on you again. His scent immediately ingulfed you. You couldn’t help but let out a moan this time.
You could feel Anakin’s smirk on the back of your neck.
“Oh…. I see what you mean, Love.”
Lets just say Anakin abuses this knowledge just about every time you guys have sex after he figured it out, and he is so fucking cocky about it.
a/n: i hope this reaches the right audience lol. please tell me you guys understand this, because it has been on my mind for a while. send in your anakin thoughts (nsfw or sfw) and i’ll write a little drabble! much love! <3
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iburnedmyselfalive · 3 months
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18+ -- saw someone do somethin' like this please lmk so I can give credits <3
Anakin Skywalker who fucks you cruelly, pounding your tight hole with no mercy whatsoever, with his firm grip on your hair, your body arches in perfect alignment for him, cries of pleasure escaping your lips exclusively for him, and him alone.
"yeah? you fuckin' like this huh?" he hisses into your ear, sending shivers down your spine, and in mere moments, you nod eagerly, tears glistening in your eyes.
"mmph, so good ani!," you whimper, lost in the intoxicating bliss of his touch.
His lips, warm and eager, pepper kisses all along your neck, while his hand boldly grasps at your ass, fingers kneading the flesh with firmness, relishing in its ample curves.
Anakin Skywalker, the epitome of pleasure, satisfies you so profoundly that each withdrawal elicits a fervent whimper from your lips. Fortunately, he shows no inclination to leave your embrace anytime soon, keeping you blissfully consumed by his huge cock, touchin' at your good spot just perfectly.
"you're so unbelievably tight for me, doll," he coos, his words dripping with praise as he drives deeper into you, his pace quickening. Your hands clutch at the bedsheets, your back arching even more as his sweet words fuel your desire.
"oh my fuck," you whimpered, your eyes closing tightly as sensations threatened to overwhelm you.
"that's all you've got to say?" he taunts, his hand delivering a sharp smack to your ass before he grips your neck, his lips hovering just above your ear.
He's talking to you as if you could speak full on sentences with the way he was fucking you, with the way he fucks you, he's too good.
"tell me, baby, does this feel good?" he teases, a devilish glint in his eyes as he mocks your pleasure, a low chuckle rumbling in his throat. All you can manage is a nod and a moan, which only fuels Anakin's desire to dominate you further.
"come on, use that pretty mouth, tell me," he demands, his voice laced with cruelty.
Anakin Skywalker who relentlessly pushes you to the brink until all you can muster are fragmented gasps of pleasure. With each assertive thrust, he claims you anew, pulling back only to tease before delving back in, melding your pussy while his cock is covered in your cum, not daring to put any of it to waste.
His lips find yours, a fleeting taste of heaven before his sultry voice commands your surrender, his awfully filthy words only leading you to make a mess all over him, again.
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queenie-official · 9 months
Judge: He’s responsible for killing children
Me: But your honor, he’s just so baby girl
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geminibsworld · 3 months
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i have to be locked up
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science-hoes · 1 year
I don’t want to hear “Oh I’m sorry you had a bad day, here are some flowers”
I want to hear “Oh I’m sorry you had a bad day, here’s a new x reader fic with your comfort character”
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katiapostsss · 13 days
two words: desperate men.
anakin skywalker, whose cool heeding and quiet stern change completely when you're rolling your hips on his cock, hands on his sweaty abs, perched atop him and facing him directly so he can see every contort of your face, every bounce of your breasts.
anakin skywalker, who once vowed he'd only take, never beg, but moans such pretty little lewd sounds just for your ears, soft pleas forming your name over and over again.
you're everything all at once to him. he's never had anything like you. you, who makes him hard with even the slightest touch, and knows it. you, who has taken every ounce of dignity from him, he once warded so heavily against.
"please— fuck please—" he whines out, his chest rising and falling with his every, labored breath. you look like a goddess atop him, drawing yourself up and down his dick rapidly, moving your pussy in tune with his fervent bucks.
the sounds he makes are borderline pornographic. his hands are on your hips, trying to drive his own upward, trying to get into every fucking inch of you. "i'll be so good.. i'll be such— a— fuck— good boy...!" he cries, face flushed.
and the snarky smile that comes easy to your lips has his cock twitching within you. "yea, you'll be good for me?" you ask, cocking your head. he can only moan a pathetic whine in response, trying to guide your hips. finally, you let him.
you grab his head and shove it to your boob.
he quickly catches the memo and latches his lips to your nipple, suckling as he stares up at you for confirmation that he is indeed, doing good. you throw your head back and groan, nodding. "yea, such a good boy, ani..."
and he's rutting up faster, trying to pleasure you as best he can but ending up only pleasuring himself further. he doesn't know what to do with himself in his heat, his desire compelling him to fall limp and just keep rutting up, but his wanting for your release keeping him going strong. his lips detach and reattach as he tries to do two things at once, but he can't, spit stringing and falling down his chin and your bare boobs.
"fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck," he cries out, lifting you up and forcing you back onto him so your body can meet his thrusts. "need it— need you so bad! shit!" and all his attempts to get you to cum end up getting him to in the end. he's toppling over that edge and shooting his thick load into your tight pussy, crying and begging like a pathetic bitch in heat, tears down his face, cock sputtering within you.
"such a good boy— so good— just for you—! promise it!" he chokes out, head falling limp occasionally as he tried his hardest not to lose his senses, stammering your name weakly. "only yours—! yours—"
words he never thought he'd say. but here he is.
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[Anakin and Y/N are sitting on a bench]
Obi-Wan: What's wrong, why do you both look so sad?
Anakin: Sit down with us so we can tell you.
Obi-Wan: *sits down*
Y/N: The bench is freshly painted.
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jediavengers · 3 months
Need some help? ⋆ ˚。⋆
Warnings: 18+, smut, dom!ani, sub!reader, bratty!reader, oral (f receiving), squirting, praise kink, arm kink, overstimulation
Pairing: Gamer!Anakin x fem!reader
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The glow of the holo tv wasn’t the only thing keeping you awake. Anakin’s relentless clicking of his game controller and the sounds of muttered insults directed towards his opponents wasn’t either.
The ache in your lower abdomen that had been eating away at you all day was the real reason you were tossing and turning. It seemed like every move you made caused the slight discomfort to worsen, so your back and forth movements definitely didn’t help.
You groaned, shoving your face into your pillow. Normally, you didn’t like to initiate anything in the bedroom between you and your partner. You preferred him to do that. But the ache was only worsening, so you felt it was time to hint that you needed some assistance.
Anakin, his back resting up against the headboard and his body covered in a blanket, was oblivious to your nearly painful arousal. He was far too caught up in the stupid game he was playing.
You turned so you were facing him, cheek smushed against your pillow as you peaked up at him. The dim light of the TV illuminated his face deliciously, outlining his jaw and extenuating the scar next to his eye. His pretty little lips were pursed and his nose was scrunched, focusing on whatever the hell he was doing in his game.
Anakin was shirtless, like he usually was at home. You didn’t mind it. Although, it was making your situation a little worse. Your eyes glued to his chest, admiring his muscled pecs and bulging arms. Maker, his arms..
You swore his arms were the biggest you’ve ever seen. Every move he made with his controller traveled up his limbs and made his muscles ripple.
Practically drooling, you subconsciously rubbed your thighs together as your thoughts got away from you.
Slowly, you scooted closer to him and snuggled into his side. The hint was subtle, especially since you were basically always in his arms. So, like a typical man, Anakin didn’t get the hint and thought you just wanted to cuddle.
“Oh, hey there, pretty girl,” He chuckled, lifting up his arm so you could snuggle in closer. You laid your head on his lap and he rested his forearm along your collarbones so he could continue playing. “I thought you were asleep.”
You rolled your eyes. Had he not noticed your constant tossing and turning? “Nope.” You breathed in his scent, his musk making you slightly dizzy. “Cant sleep, Ani.”
“Oh? Why not?” He asked, not taking his eyes away from the screen. “Dammit.” He muttered, his clicking getting more aggressive as he gritted his teeth and stared at his game.
You grumble, smushing your face into his stomach. You could feel a chuckle run through his body, causing you to whine.
Anakin started mumbling curse words as he aggressively pressed the buttons, moving his controller closer to his body as whatever situation he was in got more intense.
“Ani..” Your voice was almost bratty, but you could feel that your panties were practically soaked. It was nearly impossible not to snap and yell at him that you needed him to touch you.
“Hold on.” He gritted, tensing up. He continued smashing away at the buttons.
“But-“ You began, but you were cut off.
“Just let me finish this round.” He insisted, eyes not straying from the screen.
You began to pathetically pout. An idea came into your mind and you devilishly smirked. You shifted so you were no longer lying on his lap. Now, you on your stomach, your face hovering above his crotch. Peeling back the blanket, you peaked up at him while you did so. He paid you no attention, so focused on his precious game.
That made you even more frustrated, so you began to gently paw at his clothed length. You could hear his breath hitch and he tensed up. “What are you doing?” He squeaked. Anakin’s eyes finally tore away from the screen, landing on your innocent little face as you looked up at him, your movements slow.
“You’re ignoring me.” You whined, frowning. Feeling his cock harden underneath his sweatpants, you smiled triumphantly as he tossed his controller to the side and pulled you up into his lap.
Gasping as you sat on his clothed hard on, you subconsciously rocked right as you sat down on him. “This what you want?” He chuckled. Anakin’s large hands gripped your hips, resting on the bare skin. You were in merely some panties and a white tank top, giving him a show of your hardened nipples.
You frowned and buried your face in his neck. “Ani..”
“I see,” He ran his fingers through your hair and then traveled his fingertips down your spine. “Are you horny, baby? Do you need some help?” Gently gripping the back of your neck, he made you look at him. “Come on, pretty girl. I need you to use your words.”
“It hurts.” You whined, tears welling in your doe eyes. You could feel the dam about to burst, your tears threatening to spill out onto your flushed cheeks.
“Oh, baby.” Anakin cooed, cupping your cheek. You leaned into his touch, the ache in your core only growing. “Why didn’t you just tell me? I would’ve turned my game off immediately.”
You didn’t answer, you just sniffled and let a few tears fall from your eyes.
“Alright, lay back.” He spoke firmly yet so sweetly at the same time. You did as you were told, climbing off his lap, your head now at the foot of the bed. Just as Anakin was about to move, he glanced down.
Where you were sitting on his lap, there was a large wet spot. Your arousal had soaked through your panties onto his sweatpants, causing Anakin to chuckle. “Baby, you gotta tell me when you need me to do something for you. This won’t do.” You blushed furiously at his words.
Anakin crawled down so his face was a few inches from your clothed sex, your cotton pink panties completely soaked through. He didn’t waste any time, hooking the fabric with his fingers and pulling them down your creamy thighs.
Tossing the panties to the side, he groaned as he saw your sopping pussy. “Maker, Y/N..” He whispered, his fingers tracing over your slit.
You whined, arching your back and bucking your hips. Desperate for more, you couldn’t help but groan.
“Easy.” He scolded, placing a soft kiss to your swollen clit. That’s what he did for who knows how long. Anakin placed soft, gentle kisses around your pussy. On your clit, your hole, your thighs. He even placed some pecked on your puckered ring a couple times. Each touch caused you to whine and thrash, bucking your hips towards his face.
By the time he was done teasing, you were absolutely dripping. Your inner thighs were slick with arousal and your clit was painfully pulsing.
“You’ve been such a good girl,” He praised, spreading your legs further with both of his large palms. “Good girls deserve rewards, don’t you think?”
Then, something snapped. His face was now harshly pressed up against you, his mouth devouring your throbbing cunt. His pace was rough and quick, making your back arch painfully and your eyes to roll back into your head.
Loud moans came from your throat, which were music to Anakin’s ears. He’d only been lapping away at your pussy for a half of a minute, but you could feel the coil in your stomach tighten.
“F-fuck- Ani!” You mewled, fingers tugging at his blonde curls.
Moaning into your pussy, he shoved two of his digits into your hole as he continued to eagerly lap away. He felt your walls begin to clench around his fingers, so he began to harshly suck at your clit.
A nearly pornographic moan fled from your mouth as you came, your juices gushing all over his chin and into his mouth.
Anakin didn’t stop there. No, he didn’t slow down his pace. He kept going, viciously, roughly. The pleasure was almost too much to bear. The overstimulation of him not stopping made you begin to close your legs around his head, but he harshly shoved them back down after his fingers slid out of your cunt.
You already could feel a second orgasm approach, Anakin’s pace only quickening if that was even possible.
With another pathetic whine, you gushed again. This time, it was like a faucet was opened. Your slick gushed out of you at a rapid pace, squirting all over Anakin’s hands, his face and your bed.
You were shaking horribly, which made Anakin pull away from your soaked pussy.
“That’s what you wanted? Huh?” He smirked, licking his lips and chuckling. You whined, breathing heavily and letting your eyelids flutter shut. Anakin used his bare arm to wipe all of your juices off of his face. “I’m not done with you yet.”
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
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Photos of the star wars men being boyfriend coded. I love them sm.
Reblog with more cause there are simply never enough.
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candyfloss5000 · 2 months
just gonna leave this here
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Hi again! May I also please request some headcanons of what being married to various Star Wars characters is like?
Various Star Wars Characters Headcanons: What being Married to them is like.
Hi, of course you can! I'm sorry it took me so long to finish this, but hopefully it will be worth the wait. I'm going to get started on your other request as soon as I am able, and also, I didn't add Cal to this one given how lengthy it already is, but feel free to ask me to. Oh, one last thing, if anyone wants to request Wedding Day or Proposals Headcanons you absolutely can, I would have added them in this one, but as I've said, it's way too long. Enjoy!
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Obi-Wan Kenobi:
-I am absolutely convinced Obi-Wan would make the perfect husband, if his way of life didn't get as in the way as it does. Still, if he has decided to marry you, he surely has gotten over any conflicting feelings about breaking the code, and has made you and your marriage his absolute top priority. Obi-Wan is nothing if not a deeply committed man, and once he is pouring all of it on you, you can be certain he will fight to make your relationship work against each and every odd. 
-Obi-Wan is, most of all, a caring and attentive partner. He always makes the most of the time you spend together, and never makes you feel clingy or annoying if the separation ever gets to you. He never forgets your anniversaries or what and where your "firsts" together have been, and his gifts, while not necessarily expensive, are always super thought out.
-He is an amazing communicator with basically endless patience, fights with him are practically nonexistent, and even when they do happen he goes about it super rationally and never ever raises his voice. He would bend himself backwards for your happiness and safety and he always pays attention to make sure you are 100% comfortable with him, and with coming to him about any issues or feelings you might have.
-Obi-Wan proposed to you with the intention of letting you know just how committed he is to the family you are building together and how much he trusts you. So really, jealousy is definitely not an issue in your marriage.  Still, nobody knows about it, not even Ani, even though he and a few other close friends definitely suspect something. Especially because Obi-Wan absolutely refuses to not have his wedding ring hidden somewhere on his person. (There have been... a few close calls because of it, you're both lucky he can charm his way out of almost anything.)
-He is very domestic, or at least does his best to be, with his duties in the way and all. He always tries to cook at least one meal for you, and he absolutely adores coming home to you and something you've prepared for him (no matter how good you are at it. Honestly if you're still learning, he is your number one supporter and encourager.) He never complains about chores and does his best to make them enjoyable for the both of you, if you have something you'd rather not do, whatever it is he is more than happy to take over.
-Obi-Wan is great with children, and if you decided to have some after the fall of the Order, he would be an amazing dad. Just keep in mind that he might be quite a bit more apprehensive/protective after you are forced into hiding, he blames himself for a lot of things and it might take a while for him to be ready to expand your family. But don't worry, once you both find some peace again he will be ecstatic about it, after all, there's nothing in the Universe worth more than you guys.
Anakin Skywalker:
-Anakin wouldn't be a bad husband by any means, but he's got some work to do on himself you might have to help him through. Still, I assure you, he would do his absolute damned best to be great for you, and he would love you more than it should be humanly possible. Nothing could ever even come close to meaning as much as you do to him, he would literally let the whole galaxy burn if it made you happy. Which might, depending on you, be one of those tendencies you should pull him away from. Or don't, no judgment here.
Anyway, what matters the most is: Anakin is devoted.
-Ani is very empathetic, especially when it comes to you. Sometimes you feel like he might understand your moods even better than you do, which means, as soon as he feels like you might be even a little bit sad or stressed, Ani is dropping everything to come cheer you up. Which no doubt will get him in trouble, but it's not like he cares. He can be a bit clingy/overprotective of you, honestly. Again, if you want him to be a bit more responsible then you're gonna have to help him work on it. Won't ever forget your "firsts" or anniversaries, but gifts are not really his forte, so except a few handmade pieces every now and again he would much rather celebrate by going somewhere and creating new memories together.
-While he has no trouble at all understanding you, Ani has quite a few problems with communicating himself and his thoughts. Half the time he tells you every little detail of what's going through his mind, which could easily lead to him overthinking if you don't help him calm down. And every other time he can't even get his mouth open to tell you how his day is going, which usually happens when he is particularly upset about something, luckily it's easy to tell it's happening and you won't have too much trouble coaxing it out of him (He really really wants to tell you everything, he just doesn't know where to even begin.) So, even though fights can happen quite often, mostly because Ani tends to be a bit emotional about things he cares for, they are easily resolved. He refuses to go to sleep without you/knowing you mad at him, so really, they don't last more than a few hours.
-Anakin proposed to you shortly after you confessed your feelings for each other, seeing no point in waiting since he knows with his entire heart that you are his other half.  Jealousy might be a little bit of an issue, mostly because nobody knows that you two belong to each other and the secrecy drives him up the walls, and as I've said, Ani can be a bit hot-blooded about what he loves. But honestly, it's an easy fix, just don't spend more time with someone else than you do him, and let him hold you close if he needs it.
-Speaking of the secrecy, Ani didn't even think twice about breaking the code for you, what makes you think he wouldn't try to scream how much he loves you from every rooftop in Coruscant? Honestly, unless you don't mind all the endless problems that you and especially him would have to face with the Jedi Order, you're gonna have to be really convincing to make him see reason.  And even then, he's not going to act like you're not the most important person in his life, or accept that he can't kiss you whenever you feel like it, or be ashamed of displaying his wedding ring. The best he's going to do is probably move the both of you behind a column or something... as if that wouldn't be suspicious in a room full of force sensitives. So really, your relationship is only a secret because the people around you would rather pretend it is. Mostly because they recognise that you are good for him, Obi-Wan most of all.
-Anakin might not be the best at taking care of the house, or have much patience for chores, but he's not gonna leave all the burden to you. He's going to help until he completely runs out of patience and then he's going to distract both of you and make it a "tomorrow's" problem. I feel like he'd be great with kids if you decided to have them, especially if he's gotten away from the Order. And also, having them might really help him mature/become a little more responsible, he really wants to do right by you. 
Luke Skywalker:
-Luke is a sweetheart whose first priority is always his family, and that really shines through in your marriage. I mean, have you seen him with his father? There's nothing you could do that would make Luke give up on you, ever. He thinks the world of you no matter what, and he never blames you whenever you can't be the best version of yourself. Saying he's an understanding partner would be putting it very lightly.
-Luke treats you as if you were his shining light in the darkness, his saving grace, the beacon of hope in his life. He always wants you to feel appreciated and valued, and he does his absolute best to let you know that through his actions and words, but you can see it the most when any type of celebration comes up. He has a list of all the things you casually mention during conversations that you might want or need, and he gifts them to you any time he has even just a slight excuse to.
-Luke is also a great communicator, and he always keeps his calm during conflicts. He does his absolute best to put himself in your shoes if you disagree on something, and even when he can't he never makes you feel like your opinion is "wrong". Even though he might seem a bit plaintive to those who don't know him well, Luke only brings up even really small issues to avoid either of you stewing on it needlessly. It's much easier in the long run to just get things off your chest, and reach an understanding. So in the end, while disagreements surely happen, they extremely rarely evolve into fights.
-Luke proposed to you out of the simple and pure desire to be able to call you his family. There's nothing that brings him more joy than catching a glimpse of either his or your own ring shining on your fingers. It's like the physical proof that he is yours as you are his, that he has a home he belongs to. Leia and Han love you to bits, the happiness you bring to the family and most importantly to Luke, is the best thing they could've asked for. Han would say he knew you two would get together from the very start, but honestly, it was Leia who just felt it. Either way, the chemistry you two shared would have been hard to miss, which is why Luke didn't have much of a choice in telling them about your relationship. (It's difficult to keep feelings secret when your twin sister is force sensitive.)
-Luke isn't a jealous man by nature, but really, the sheer trust he has in you and what you two have is more than enough for him to never be bothered by those who flirt with you. And honestly, he understands them, how could they not want to, he's just unbelievably glad that out of everyone, you chose him.
-Luke is amazing at taking care of the house, (the perks of growing up on a farm) he never leaves messes behind, he knows how to cook, and any chore will be carried out efficiently and without complaints. His way of life is simple and peaceful, like a true Jedi, and depending on you, you'll either be the most homely and tranquil couple the galaxy has ever seen, or you will bring fun and excitement into his life and you'll balance each other out. Either way, he is amazing at going with the flow.
-For as much as your family means to him, Luke might still be a little hesitant about having kids. It's not as if he doesn't want them, stars no, but he has quite a few worries. Most of all, he fears turning out like his own father, and how fragmented and unsteady the Galaxy is, even after the victory of the rebellion. Honestly he just wants them to be happy and have an easier life than he did, which he's deadly afraid of not being able to provide. It might take a while to reassure him, and you'd have to be patient, but he's going to be the happiest man in the whole Universe as soon as he's holding your child in his arms, so it's gonna be worth it.
Han Solo:
-It would take a while for Han to realize that hey, this is serious, that he truly really might want to spend the rest of his life by your side. There would be a time when that realization would frighten him, make him pull away from anything he isn't ready to lose: you. Commitment is not something that comes easy to him, and it would be the roughest patch in your entire relationship, it would take lots of reassurance and persistence on your side, but once that is over, oh boy is he committed. When Han finally accepts the true extent of his feelings for you, that he now can't for the life of him let you slip through his fingers, be prepared, cause he's gonna make this work, you're stuck with him now. (And Chewie)
A relationship with him is fun, he knows how to have a good time and he wants any time you two spend together to become a good memory, even under less than ideal circumstances. He's going to make the most inappropriate jokes at the most inappropriate times, he's going to tease you like his life depends on it, and he's going to make you laugh like nobody else ever could. It only takes putting up with his enormous but quite fragile ego, really.
He has a tendency to avoid taking anything too seriously, which depending on you might get a little annoying at times, but he is also really dependable when it comes down to it. Sure, he is going to complain to hell and back, but he would die for you in a heartbeat, anything less than that is just more material to jokingly throw back at you when he wants to get out of doing something. It never works.
-Celebrations and anniversaries are Han’s favourite days, does he only remember about a few of them the literal day of? absolutely, but damn him if he doesn't make them special. Han is all about living in the moment, he wants every second dedicated to celebrating you or your relationship to be memorable, and he can be cheesy when it comes to it, just never say that out loud. You guys' song is playing, even tho he insists you don't have one? He is holding your hand or dancing with you. What do you mean he's being romantic, he just had to show off his moves. You have a favourite food and you suddenly find it in the kitchen? Don't look at him like that, he didn't do it for you, he was just craving it and was nice enough to get you some, even tho there's only one plate and you are pretty sure you can still spot the residues of a failed cooking attempt.
He might not get you a gift every time, cause that's not really his forte, and depending on the time you might be a little short on money, but there are a few really significant ones every now and again, like the dress or suit you’ve been saving up for, or the necklace he bought you when you'd been away from each other for a few days and stars did he miss you.
-Han is… not great at communicating in a way that doesn't contain an excessive amount of snark. It's never insulting, and he makes sure to stay clear of anything that might actually hurt you, but this man grew up with only fighting spirit and sarcasm on his side, and he still has a hard time remembering that he doesn't have to defend himself from you, that showing you his emotions and caring doesn’t mean he’s pathetic. The longer you two are together the better he becomes at taking a step away to calm down before speaking, sure, your relationship is still made of almost constant banter, but now it's playful and lighthearted, and Han truly makes an effort to be serious when you want him to be. Hotheaded and stubborn as he is, he would never hurt you on purpose.
-Han proposed right after he got over the mental breakdown that came with realizing the extent of his feelings for you, now that he's aware? It's ride or die. Really, there have been very very few people that he has ever cared for more than himself, he would trade his happiness for yours, he couldn't love you more than he already does, couldn't love nobody else the same way.
Still, this man's jealousy is through the roof. It's definitely not because he doesn't trust you, but he can't help but fear the day you might meet someone worthier of your affection then him. For as cocky as he tends to be, Han knows he is not always the easiest to get along with, so just let him stand close to you when you're out, and wrap his arm around you when somebody is “clearly” trying to flirt with you, and he will be back to his confident self in no time. It would be even easier to deal with if you were comfortable with letting him tell everyone and their families that you're married. No but seriously, there is no chance your relationship was ever a secret, Han has no filter when it comes to bragging and oh boy is he proud of you. And lets not forget the wedding ring, being a pilot he mostly wears it on a chain around his neck, but that thing is on display. He even develops the endearing habit of holding onto it when he is doing something just a little too risky, you're his lucky charm, and if you were to show off your ring just as much as he does? Well, you might never hear the end of it, but you can tell he gets sentimental about it.
-Han never thought he'd be one for domesticity, and in a lot of ways he still isn't. He can't cook to save his life, he despises chores so much that you can pretty much just thank Chewie if the Falcon is a somewhat livable space at all, and some of his clothes have holes in them he barely tried to mend. But you have made a huge difference, and even tho he won't even try and help you when it comes to stoves, he'll take care of the coffee and he'll set the table and you don’t even have to ask. He won't help you and Chewbacca with the cleaning and tidying but he'll make sure to stop leaving things around and pick up after himself to give you an easier time (not a day goes by that Chewie doesn't thank the stars for your existence). And he still fusses about his clothes, but he makes you something to drink and watches you sew with so much awe you feel like you're hanging the stars in the sky.
So yes, he still sucks at it, but he loves what you two have more than anything in the world, and he tries, he really does, cause you make him want to be the best version of himself. And when it comes to kids, well… parenthood scares him half to death, but he knows it will be amazing if he has you to learn with, and no matter what obstacles your family will have to face, he promises you, he'll make it work.
The Mandalorian/Din Djarin:
-Din is a family man through and through. He would be dedicated to your relationship from the very beginning, and even more so now that you are married. If he has gotten into a serious partnership with you, especially if it happened after he found the child, it means that you are it for him, you are the love of his life, the parent of his kids, his clan, the only one he will ever have by his side. And it's useless to say that he is loyal to a fault, he will have your back against anything and anyone, come hell or high water, and he will protect you even on the smallest of things as if his life depended on it. Anything that is important to you automatically becomes top priority for him as well, and you will never want for anything as long as there is breath in his lungs. It can be a bit much at times, especially because he pretty much puts you on a pedestal, but it's not as if he wants you to be perfect, he knows your faults and embraces them, he just can't help but be adoring of every single part of you.
With him, you will never even have a chance to look down on yourself, you and Grogu are the best thing that could have ever happened to him, and he will remind you of that until his voice gets hoarse if he thinks you don't believe it.
-Din is not big on celebrations, but he always does something to make you feel appreciated, and he remembers all of them. Even if he doesn't bring you anywhere fancy, he knows quite a few beautiful and secluded spots, where the two of you can simply bask in each other's presence and be at peace. A simple but thought out gift he remembers you like, your favourite song in the background, any type of food you like the most. He's observant and he knows you like the back of his hand, so rest assured, the entire day will be tailored to fit your mood and preferences. And if you do something for him? Stars, you just might kill him. No, his voice isn't shaking, he's fine, don't worry he just needs a minute.
-Din never raises his voice at you, and he has the patience of a saint, but he isn't great at expressing his own thoughts and feelings. He listens to everything you have to say, and because of how much he respects you and values your opinion, he always takes the points you make into consideration with great attention. Din hates fighting with you and he isn't afraid to admit when he's in the wrong, so usually arguments end fairly easily, but he also isn't afraid to stand his ground, which is where most of your troubles reside. If he has listened to your perspective and still thinks he's right, he can come across as a little… patronizing. He would never believe himself better than you of course, quite the opposite, but he can at times sound curt or dismissive, even when he doesn't mean to be. Just tell him that, and he will be more than willing to try and express himself better, you might have to help him with it tho.
-Din proposed to you almost out of the blue, you probably wouldn't expect it, and he might not even have a ring on him, but his speech would be so heartfelt and honest that you might have a hard time holding back tears (and honestly, once you say yes he would too, you just wouldn't be able to see it). I imagine it would happen something like this: he came home from a job that had dragged on for a little too long, ready to just collapse somewhere on the floor of the Crest, and forgetting in his tiredness that he is not alone anymore. He would be almost taken aback once he opens the door, finding the lights still on and you, with the child held tightly in your arms, asleep on his chair in the cockpit, clearly having tried to stay up to wait for him. It would be a sudden but gentle realization, that now he has everything he has ever wanted and never thought he could have, that you are his family, and he has to officialise that, he has to properly make you a clan of three. And oh is he itching to rip off his helmet and finally let you see him. Altho he would rather do things properly, because you deserve nothing less, he’d just have to ask you right in that moment.
Any jealousy Din might have would evaporate once you get married, but please, do flaunt your ring, he will melt.
-There's not much space for domesticity in the life of a bounty hunter, nor is it a Mandalorian specialty, but against all odds, Din craves it more than anything. You are his home, and he tries his damn hardest to be the same for you, and he's quite the natural at it, although the last time he's experienced it himself has been way back when he still had his parents, so he is a little rusty.
Chores are swiftly dealt with, he'd much rather do it all himself than make you do it, and he rarely accepts help unless he's basically dead on his feet and things can't wait, because he's stubborn like that. But if you were to cook for him and the kid? And he could watch you do it? And maybe you have some music playing in the background? And stars forbid there's a smile on your face? Din is convinced he has died at some point and this is heaven, and he doesn't deserve it at all but you're clearly an angel and for some reason you care for him and he really hopes reincarnation isn't a thing because he wants to stay here with you for the rest of eternity. It's dramatic and he will never say it out loud, not like that at least, but he's sentimental at heart.
On the topic of kids, do I even have to say it? Din is more than willing to expand your family, especially if you were to somewhat settle down, and as we've all seen, he's a great dad.
Poe Dameron:
-Poe would be an amazing husband. Affectionate to a fault, Poe is a very tactile person, which translates to him being quite physical in his demonstrations of love.  If he can, he will always stand or sit close to you, feeling more at ease while sharing your space, and if you aren't uncomfortable, there would definitely be some hand-holding, or you could even sit in his lap honestly, he'd be happy about it.
He'd give you his arm when you are tired so that you can rest your weight on him, wrap an arm around your shoulders or waist when you're walking together, lift you up and down from high places, especially when it comes to you climbing into a ship, especially if it is his ship (Yes, he knows very well that you are more than capable of doing things like this on your own, doesn't mean he can't dedicate his life to making it easier tho); He would offer you his hand to hold onto if you're walking on unsteady ground so that you won't risk falling, he would surprise hug you so much you'd come to expect it anytime (but really, the surprise part was just an excuse so it's not like he's gonna stop), would hoist you over his shoulders if you were ever too short to see or reach something, and give you piggy back rides at absolutely any time.
-Poe is also a very passionate and very charming man. You could be married for a hundred years, and he would still treat you as if he was trying to win you over, every chance he has to court you, he's gonna take it. Which is exactly why he thrives when it comes to celebrations and anniversaries. Flowers find you anytime he has a chance to go pick/buy any, which is far less often than he'd like given his position in the Resistance, but travelling so much means that he has a good excuse, every planet warrants at least one new bouquet to gift you.
He will either leave them somewhere for you to find, like on your bedside table when you wake up, or give them to you personally, while trying to wait until things have calmed down and not immediately after he is done embracing you when he returns to base. Both options are accompanied by a note he has written while away, whether the note is going to be extremely lovesick or downright flirty depends heavily on his mood at the time, and if your cheeks are going to be flaming hot by the end of them... well, that depends on your willpower.
Speaking of which, you might start to associate the flowers to a promise of safe return, and picking up on it, Poe will gift you a beautiful, specially commissioned pendant that has both of your favourite flowers on it, that can immortalise without withering his promise to be by your side until his dying day.
Also anything interesting he might see while travelling will be brought back to you, from clothes to special types of local chocolate to anything that correlates to a hobby of yours. Or, truth be told, anything that reminds him of you, and that is a lot of things, but he might keep some of those for himself, just to have a piece of you to hold close to his heart when he can't hold you.
-Poe hates arguing; sure, playful teasing or loving banter are his bread and butter, but actual fights make him more sad than angry.  Of course, disagreements happen, and Poe is more than willing to listen to your point of view, before swiftly changing the subject and letting it be water under the bridge.  Honestly, maybe influenced by his parents relationship, Poe believes in a somewhat fairytale-like kind of love, and most of the time he does manage to make it a reality, other times... well, sometimes fights just can't be avoided, especially when it comes to someone as impulsive as he is. He always finds a way to make it up to you tho, so that's good.
-Poe proposed to you after a dangerous mission that almost ended terribly wrong, with either you or him getting out of it by the skin of your teeth. He'd have been keeping the ring he had intended to propose with for the past couple of months, right in the breast pocket of his pilot suit, where his heart is. He'd had a grand proposal in mind, one that would be romantic and memorable, but never found the right time.
That all went out the ship the moment he got slapped right in the face with the reminder of just how possible it is for either one of you to not come back for the night, to die, and just like that, leave behind your relationship and your love, and all that you have been together. He didn't even let his feet touch the ground after jumping out of his X-wing before he went down on his knees. He of all people should know, that no time is better then right now, with his heart in his hands.
Now, it might come as a little bit of a surprise, but Poe isn't a jealous man, and not only because he is almost always draped over you in one way or another, but because he is incredibly sure that the two of you are soulmates. On the same note, there's absolutely no reason for you to worry either, while he might have been a bit of a flirt before, it all stopped the moment he took interest in you. Also, everybody knows that you belong to each other, and not just because the entire Resistance was invited to your wedding, but because Poe's absolute favourite topic of conversation is you. And if you're wondering, BB-8 was both the ring bearer and the flower girl at your wedding.
Speaking of rings, being a pilot Poe can't wear his on his finger, not that he would have anyway, when it looks so perfect on the same necklace that holds his mother's ring, right in front of it, with your name carved on the inside on display.
-Poe, as I've said before, is pretty much a hopeless romantic, so domestic life is definitely right up his alley. He knows how to cook, and he does so rather well, and with as happy as he is to prepare you homemade candlelit dinners, he attunes himself to your taste so much he could very well be considered your personal five stars chef. With Poe’s positive attitude towards pretty much anything, chores are definitely not something to be dreaded in your house. Stopping to dance and sing at some point or another is basically a requirement, and pillow fights are far more common than they should be for high ranking members of the Resistance, but it's so fun and lighthearted that time will run by just as fast as if you were out on a date.
Poe would love nothing more than to start a family with you, but you're both still young, and he is in no rush. Ideally, the two of you won't have to wait too long until your victory will once again bring stability to the Galaxy, and you could settle down on a beautiful planet (Yavin 4 sounds great to him) where you'd have all the stability needed to raise your children.
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iburnedmyselfalive · 3 months
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┃synopsis brothers best friend!sam x female reader,, reader takes sam with her to get her nipples pierced.
┃18+ nsfw, all smutty n shit I know i said i would be taking a break for awhile but guys this is based on a true story (winks) and its been bugging me, not proofread sorry :’(
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You and Sam Monroe have always shared a close bond, perhaps inevitable given his status as your brother's best friend. Over the years, with his frequent presence, your relationship naturally blossomed, forging a strong connection between the two of you.
Your birthday came and went, and just a couple of days prior, you finally mustered the courage to book an appointment for a piercing you'd been longing for. Despite your excitement, you couldn't shake the nerves; you were a total wimp when it came to pain. Faced with the prospect of enduring it alone, you pondered the idea of bringing along a friend for support.
Initially, Sam wasn't your first choice at mind, but with all your other friends tied up, you figured, why not? After all, he'd seen your body before, albeit accidentally during that awkward vacation moment when he stumbled upon you changing. Though flustered at the time, it was never brought up again.
As he locked his car and stood beside you, he gallantly held the door open. "So, y'feelin' nervous?" he teased, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
"No," you replied, your tone dripping with sarcasm, rolling your eyes as the piercing shop loomed ahead.
"Maybe a little," you confessed in a hushed whisper, earning a shake of his head and a chuckle. He reached out, grabbing the door for both of you, his easy confidence adding a touch of reassurance to your jittery nerves.
As you approached the front desk, butterflies twisted in your stomach, a nervous energy coursing through you. Confirming the appointment, the receptionist informed you that they'd be ready in about fifteen minutes due to the busy schedule. You nodded reassuringly, both you and Sam making your way to the small seating area.
He could sense your unease, fully aware that this moment would rattle your nerves. "Drink," he offered, handing you a bottle of water you hadn't even realized he brought along.
"Relax, I'm right here, remember? n' you've gotta stay hydrated, you look pale. Does this shit really get you that worked up?" he questioned as you accepted the cold bottle, nodding in response. A mixture of nerves and excitement coursed through you; after all, you'd been eagerly anticipating getting your nipples pierced for ages.
Shortly thereafter, you found yourself in the chair, your shirt pulled up and bra discarded, feeling a rush of vulnerability as the piercer meticulously arranged her equipment. With a gentle touch, she guided you to lie back on the piercing table, where she began the process of cleansing both of your nipples with precision, using alcohol and surgical scrub.
"I'm going to need you to take a deep breath, alright?" she asked, her voice calm but firm, as she positioned the needle within your line of sight. You nodded, steeling yourself for the inevitable discomfort, and closed your eyes, bracing for the sensation.
"Relax," Sam's voice broke through the tension, his tone soothing yet tinged with a hint of excitement. Despite his attempt at reassurance, you couldn't help but feel his gaze lingering on your exposed chest, his curiosity palpable.
As you focused on regulating your breathing, you couldn't shake the awareness of Sam's presence beside you, his unwavering attention drawing a flush to your cheeks. Despite the nerves that fluttered within you, there was a strange sense of comfort in knowing that he was there, offering silent support during this intimate moment.
"Took it like a pro," he whispered softly, his hand a reassuring presence on your back as you both emerged from the place. There was no denying the pain, it was sharp and present, impossible to ignore. But even in the midst of it, you couldn't help but be aware of Sam's gaze, lingering a bit longer than necessary on your chest.
His eyes traced the movements of the piercer with keen interest, noting every grimace and subtle shift in your demeanor as the needle pierced your skin. It was as though he was cataloging every moment, every reaction, committing it to memory with a mixture of fascination and concern.
And damn well you were taking him like a pro now.
"You think you're special, princess?" he sneered as he loomed over you, your legs tucked up, stuffing you fully. "All dolled up, begging for it like a good little slut," he taunted, his gaze burning with raw dominance.
"Just like those piercings, you're gonna take every inch of me, whether you can handle it or not," he declared, with each aggressive thrust, he asserted his power over you, his cock buried deep in you, his balls slapping against your skin as your juices flowed freely, dripping all down your ass.
"You're nothing but a toy for me to use," he growled, reveling in your surrender. "Beg for more, beg for it like the desperate whore you are," he commanded, his voice dripping with authority.
"oh fuck, sam!" you cried out, eyes squeezing shut.
"That's right, take it all, take it like the filthy little slut you were meant to be," he snarled, his lips assaulting your neck in a possessive kiss before he left his mark, branding you as his in the most primal of ways.
"So fuckin' sexy," he murmured against your skin, his lips finding purchase around your breast, his eyes locked onto yours as his tongue teased over the piercing.
"Sam," you pathetically whimpered,
"mhm," he mocked in response, the vibrations sending a delicious sensation through you. "You like that?" he asked, pulling away for a brief moment before attacking your other nipple with a fierce hunger, sucking hard.
"yes, yes, yes," you moaned, your fingers tangling in his hair, urging him on as pleasure surged through your body.
"I can feel you getting off on this," he snarled while he pushed his fingers into your mouth. "You tryna' let everyone know what we're doing baby, hm?" he taunted, his lips grazing your ear with a hint of menace.
"m'gonna cum" you whined out, squirming beneath him.
"Even your dear brother?" he sneered, completely ignoring you.
"He'd tear me apart if he caught us like this," he warned, his fingers probing deeper. "But you know damn well I won't stop, no matter who walks in," he growled, his desire fueling his aggression.
"Do you like 'em?" you managed to choke out, your voice strained around his fingers, but he only chuckled darkly.
"You know I do. Watching you squirm as you got them had me throbbing," he admitted, his grip tightening on your hair.
"I've been waiting for this moment since the damn beginning," he spat, the anticipation making him reckless.
"And now that they're healed, I'm going to show you," he promised, his voice dripping with cruel intent.
"I'm going to show you just how much I love 'em, how much I love you ."
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kingdomhate · 7 months
Calling Them Cute Scenarios!
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Kylo Ren: He smiled and brought himself closer to you, intimately wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a cozy hug. "I think you're adorable," Kylo raised your chin gently to look into your eyes. "And so, so precious." He leaned down and kissed you with an unspoken devotion. The act making your heart pound and a soft pink hue spread lightly across your cheeks. Kylo reaches for your hand, intertwining them as he deepens the kiss, steadily increasing his passion. His black leather gloves, deliciously cold in stark contrast to the heated kiss you both shared in the intimate moment.
As he pulled away, his eyes flutter open to meet yours, and his head spins. You are so pretty to him. He feels a surge of protectiveness wash over him as he embraces you again, resting your head against his chest.
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Armitage Hux: Armitage stared down at you, his nose wrinkling at the thought. Him, cute? "Pardon me?! I am not cute, I am powerful! I am the brains of the First Order!" He spits. "You're adorable." You coo, touching his cheek. Despite his efforts to remain in control, he softens. Weak under your touch, under the influence of your words. He sighs and looks at you, the look in his eyes resembles deep affection and tender love. "I love you." He whispers to you, as you place a kiss to his forehead and lips. The kiss is tender, reassuring. Wrapping your arms around his neck as he wraps his around your waist, leaning you down slightly.
"You're so special," You utter into his ear, making his breath hitch. "I love you too."
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi smiles and blushes, hiding his face a bit. Once he has your composure, he turns back to you. "That title belongs to you, my dear. Just you." You smile and approach him, your hands going onto either of his cheeks. "Is that so? How adorable." You lean in to give him a kiss. Obi-Wan engulfs you in a warm, soothing embrace, reminding you of his endless love. "Yes, my love. Nothing short of it." He leans in to kiss you once more, holding you close, wrapping you in his brown Jedi robes, you welcomed the affection and giggled.
Resting his head against yours, he gazed into your eyes. His jade eyes boring into yours, more than ever, you feel like you could get lost in them. Would you be upset if you did? No. What a perfect paradise. "I adore you, Obi." You pull him closer, wanting nothing but the feeling of his skin against yours. "As do I, my love. As do I."
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Luke Skywalker: Luke grins sheepishly at your compliment, was he really? Bashfully, he shied away from your eyes, and you playfully nudged him. "Do you think you aren't?" You asked, gazing at his blushing figure. "I-I do," He turns shyly to look at you. "Just- it sounds weird when you say it aloud." You tilt your head. "What? Why?" Luke rubs the back of his neck, seemingly nervous. "It's lovey-dovey." You cross your arms. "You love it." You tease. Luke turns away dismissively. "N-no! I don't.." You could practically see the blush in his words, as he spoke dismissively. You smirk. "Yes, you do!" You spin him to make him look at you and you plant a sweet kiss on his lips.
"It's fine if you don't, you know?" You assure him, sitting next to him. He nods. "No, I like it!" Luke insists, taking your hand in his, giving you a reassuring squeeze. "Really?" A smug smirk begins forming on your lips. "I love you, my cute boy." You press your lips to his again.
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Anakin Skywalker: He grins at you. "I am, aren't I?" He says smugly, and you giggle. "Of course you are." He goes over to you and looks at you, still grinning. "But you're adorable, so monumental." You blush at the sudden compliment and playfully shove him. "Aren't you a tease?" Anakin smirks at you, laughing a bit. "But you love it." You couldn't help but nod. "Duh." He wraps his arms around you, pulling you to his chest. "God, I love you." He admits, resting his he chin atop your head. Lightly caressing his hair with his mechanical hand and holding you with his normal one. "I don't know what I would do without you."
His words send affection straight to your hand, and you you smile uncontrollably. "Me neither. I love you more than I could ever describe, sweetie." You lean back, touching his cheek. "I live for you, my love. You are my purpose." You melt, his words causing small tears to prickle your eyes as you quickly wipe them away. "I love you so much, Ani."
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