#anakin's poor date: so anakin --
tennessoui · 4 months
wait lol au where post-war, the jedi order does a date auction a la every cliche ever where they auction off a date night with one of their jedi generals. it's supposed to raise credits for various post-war charities as well as stoke good feelings about the order (the smear campaign was pretty effective, even if sidious died before the genocide bit)
obviously both the hero with no fear and the negotiator are put on the metaphorical chopping block. anakin is a Good Husband™️ so he clears this with Padmé first, and she laughs and agrees and wishes him luck in surviving the hoards of fans that desire him carnally. she says as a senator, she will be expected to attend and maybe even bid. they both agree that it would be way too obvious for their super secret marriage if she bids on anakin, and anakin asks her to bid on obi-wan in a spur of the moment thing.
it's just. obi-wan was really hurt aboard the invisible hand and then he was hurt again when fighting with grievous. and is anyone vetting these random people who will get to go on a date with the jedi? anyone could win!! a disgruntled separatist could win obi-wan's attention for a night and then take him on a date and then kill him!!!! under anakin's very nose!!!
anakin actually gets like. super concerned about this possibility. like super concerned. he gets padmé to promise that she will bid however much it takes to win obi-wan's hand (she is after all generationally wealthy) and she agrees because she loves him and then also follows through because she's a woman of her word.
anakin gets bid on by several people, one woman wins, it's whatever, anakin doesn't care. what anakin cares about is making sure he and this person can go to the same restaurant as obi-wan and padmé. just like. to make sure obi-wan is alright. he was looking quite flushed during the bidding? anakin is Concerned.
and anakin's poor date, who paid millions of credits for his attention, has to deal with an anakin who is obsessed with what's happening a table over and why are they laughing and are their knees touching beneath the table and maybe anakin should go over and like? break it up? his master is obviously a bit uncomfortable in all this candlelight. he looks beautiful, obviously, but he's clearly uncomfortable and he would feel better if anakin were there. obviously.
and anakin's poor date ALSO has to deal with meeting obi-wan kenobi after/during dinner because anakin can't keep in his lane, and general kenobi is downright hostile and cold to her because he's feeling incredibly overprotective at the thought of anakin having to spend time with some woman who bought him. as if he were a slave again.
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dammit-stark · 2 years
i present to you, obikin university au:
Anakin didn’t make a move until after he turned in his final paper. He may be a horny, bisexual disaster, but he was also a responsible adult, okay, he knows the rules, and he knows what’s at risk.
That being said, he turns his final paper in to Professor Kenobi in person specifically so that he can hit on him. Anakin Skywalker is a man with goals, okay? And that goal right now is to get in Obi Wan Kenobi’s pants. He’s simple like that.
“I enjoyed having you in class, Mr Skywalker,” Obi Wan says, tucking Anakin’s final paper into the side pocket of his briefcase, “You always brought a… refreshing perspective to our discussions.”
Anakin grins. He knows what he is. He’s a goddamn menace. He leans forward against the edge of Obi Wan’s desk and says, “And I enjoyed coming to class every day professor. Always good to see you bright and early in the morning. And please, call me Anakin.”
Obi Wan blinks at him. Anakin really is laying it on pretty thick. Oops. Obi Wan clears his throat, shaking his head, “Yes, very well, Anakin. Will do. I hope you take another class with me in the future, I really appreciate your voice in the classroom.”
Anakin takes a step closer, “I’d like that professor, really, but I don’t think I will be. I mean, that’d make this a conflict of interest.”
Obi Wan squints, “What?”
And Anakin kisses him. In his office. Boldly. Wonderfully. Because Anakin Skywalker is a man on a mission and Dr. Obi Wan Kenobi, professor of religious literature at Coruscant University is very, very hot.
“Oh.” Obi Wan pants as Anakin pulls away.
Anakin grins, bobbing his head. He wipes at the corner of his mouth with his thumb, “That okay?”
Obi Wan hums dazedly, but it’s far from a no. Anakin gravitates closer.
“Can I do it again?”
“Uh-“ Obi Wan’s eyes dart for his closed office door. His cheeks turn pink, “Sure.”
“Brilliant,” Anakin says, and he stalks toward the professor.
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starwarsbundle · 2 months
The Clone Wars Headcannons they probably deserve; pt. 1/6
And we are back, baby!
With what, I hear you ask? Why, THE CHAOTIC SHENANIGANS OF COURSE. Since ya’ll loved my Bad Batch Headcannons so much, now it’s finally time for the Clone Wars!
And who better to start out with than our sad-sassy-b1tch(tm), Obi Wan Kenobi?
(Also if you haven’t simped for this man at SOME point, you’re lying to yourself.)
Obi Wan is the kind of guy who is secretly ripped but no one realizes it - and that’s primarily because he always wears so many layers that he just comes across as soft. It was discovered at some point when he for some reason decided to spar shirtless, and every single Jedi who’d thought he was basically just a soft dad has gone 0_0 - until someone basically has to throw a robe over him like the Birth of Venus to keep everyone from melting in awe.
Drinks caf to live. Even in the low moments of the war, this man is a walking talking stress-bag, who DOESN’T get enough sleep - to the point where Cody has to basically file a restraining order on his General to force him to nap.
Fight flirts and Serious flirts. We all know Kenobi is the biggest sassiest flirt on the face of the earth, but here’s the thing - there’s two different types of flirt he uses, playful-I’m-not-actually-interested-in-you-romantically and seriously-can-you-take-me-on-a-date-or-marry-me-PLS. Cody and Satine mostly get the latter, but it is SO hard to tell the difference to the point where nobody knows whether to take it seriously or not. (Poor Cody takes it seriously)
FUN FACT: Rex is the only one who can tell the difference, and has been trying to help Cody figure it out for a while - with no success.
Is not the serious and sensible one of the Disaster Trio. Oh boy NO. He only looks sensible compared to Anakin - but away from him is basically the biggest disaster and danger magnet EVER SEEN. (Where do you think Anakin-dramatic-ass-Skywalker got it from, hm??)
Has great personal hygiene. Always smells like soft, sweet soap.
Is physically incapable of giving hugs (is touch starved(tm)) but would melt like butter in a hot pan into a hug. Might even cry a little too - he’s only held together by sass, stress, and caf, okay?
Is pedantic about having his robes ironed. He tried to drum this habit into Anakin - with many sighs and no success.
Absolutely has used his Disappointed(tm) Voice on everyone at some point. Cody has picked up on this voice and uses it on Anakin frequently.
Reads romance novels. Take this as you will.
Gimme Gimme Gimme A Man (After Midnight) by ABBA is absolutely his JAM. (Also if you haven’t listened to this song and thought of Kenobi, where’ve you been?)
Has a sweet tooth - and unfortunately no time to indulge it.
Obi Wan Kenobi… I swear everyone new to the SW fandom is like “no I will not simp for this man”, and then has the biggest Obi Wan simp phase ever.
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virahaus · 6 months
Thinking more obikin thoughts,,,,
(I should make this a series at this point aknsksns)
Anyway in a fix it universe where padme and Anakin are just besties, and Obi-Wan promised Anakin that after the war they could do whatever they want (comic compliant that's right),,, we arrive to completely-oblivious-of-his-feelings!Anakin & trying-to-woo-your-former-padawan!Obiwan combo 👀
Obi-Wan trying to give Anakin presents and bring him out on dates all over the galaxy, keeping his arm always around Anakin's waist and being affectionate,,,, all of this and Anakin, while drinking it up like a sponge, just doesn't get it. He thinks Obi-Wan is being affectionate because the war is over and after their last almost-death situation the council just doesn't care to reprimand about their obvious attachment anymore.
All of this is resolved, impossibly, by anonymous fanmail. The Jedi (even if they survived in this scenario) took a mighty blow on their public imagine with all the subtle propaganda Palpatine sprouted about them so they are trying to reply to the galaxy concerns and misconceptions about them. All jedi who are knights and masters are eligible for this fan mail stunt and the more famous they are the more of it they get.
Anakin gets a lot of fanmail where they gush about his and Obi-Wan romantic relationship and while at the start he's totally dumbfounded about it, the more they cite things he and Obi-Wan have been doing in these last few months (and years, let's be honest) the more he being (unknowingly) in a relationship with Obi-Wan makes sense. He gets his freak out with padme (who thought they were just being discreet and smacks some good sense into Anakin) and so for the next outing Obi-Wan organises for them, Anakin tries to up the game to see how Obi-Wan responds,,,, and Obi-Wan is Enthusiastic™ about it (poor man was going mad thinking he was doing something Wrong and now all of a sudden Anakin begins to initiate,, some more encouraging touches so he's Ecstatic).
Just think: them going on romantic dates for months, but with no kisses, Obi-Wan staying patient because he knows Anakin has never done this before but getting progressively more depressed thinking he may have interpreted this wrong, and then out of the blue Anakin kisses him after their date. Obi-Wan mind is blown. Man is going to worship is boy now that he has the all clear lmao
(even funnier is thinking about Obi-Wan pestering other jedi about it and getting smashed while crying that Anakin maybe changes his mind. Quinlan just drops him into his apartment and vows to never ask about Anakin again while Obi-Wan drinks: it only gets him Obi-Wan dirty old man rants or his infinite sadness rants. No in between).
Even more hilarious is the fanmail being explicit at some point (everyone says to Anakin that he must be enjoying Obi-Wan big dick energy so much) and Anakin first thought is be offended that ppl would think of him as the bottom - and then getting turned on by the thought of being fucked into incoherence by Obi-Wan. Classical Anakin behaviour Mr."I want to be in control" and then having a meltdown the second he gets the supposed control he wanted. Poor boy just needs to be fucked pliant and he'll be good.
Anyway, that's it. My 1 am obikin thoughts strike again.
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bunnie-online · 1 year
just ask. {A.S.}
juuuuust thinking about (modern!)anakin being your boy bsf (and roommate) catching you coming home from a verrrry disappointing dick appointment
part two
warnings: MINORS DNI 18+, suggestive, possibly ooc ani, fem reader
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it was 1 am, you fully expected Anakin to be asleep, doing this 'walk of shame' in front of him would be exactly that... shameful. you has just had one of the WORST hookups of your life with some dude you met off tinder a couple of days ago, he was alllll talk. the definition of 'sounds to good to be true'
he didn't know ANYTHING about the female anatomy, like seriously, he basically dry humped you and rolled over. lame.
you unlocked the door of your shared apartment, opening and closing the door as quietly as possible, as not to wake Anakin. to your surprise he came walking into the living room with a mug in his hand. he was in his usual pajamas, blue and black plaid sweatpants and topless. you tried not to stare but your gazes always seem to linger when it comes to Anakin. "Hey! Thought you'd be home tomorrow?" he tilted his head in that adorably innocent way he always does. his mannerisms never matched his face, or body for that matter.
"Ah noo" you chuckle and cast your gaze downward. "Oh? Your date didn't go well?" he asked again this time raising his eyebrows with the word 'date'. he might look and sometimes act innocent but Anakin was far from it, he knew what your intentions were for the night. "Ugh, not at all." you roll your eyes and set your bag down by the door. "This dude was soooo lame." you whine.
"Aw, poor thing" Anakin says in a joking tone. "C'mere, I made some tea" he offers. "Since when do you drink tea?" you laugh "I like to pamper myself from time to time!" he said feigning offense, clasping his hand over his heart in a classically Anakin fashion.
"Tell me what happened." he sits in the bar stool at the kitchen island after handing you a cup of tea. "Ani, I don't know, it's embarrassing." your face turns pink. "Please I know about the thing you did in middle school. I think I can handle this" he laugh at you cringing from that horrid memory from your pre-teen years. "Oh you know you can't bring that up all willy-nilly Anakin!" you swat at him. his beautiful laughter filled the air
"Okay so I was going to hook up with this guy-" you start. "Shocker." Anakin smirks, interrupting you "one, rude. two, shut up. three, anyyywayys, I was going to go hook up with him and it sounded sooo promising because, damn can he talk himself up. He was so good with his words! And we get down to it and dude lasts like, two minuets! Anakin, I wish I was joking.." you bury your head in your hands out of frustration (mostly sexual). "That's the third guy this month! Like can men just be honest if they're mediocre at sex?!"
Anakin chuckles. "Blows my mind that there are guys out there who're putting up false advertisements for dick." you toss your head back and laugh "false advertisements is CRAZY" you laugh harder and Anakin joins you. "Did I lie?!" he jokes again, earning another laugh from you. "You got a point" you agree with him.
"Seriously though, that's a shame. I'd never lie like that." he takes another sip of his tea. Your mind starts swirling with questions. 'what does he mean by that?' 'I wonder what he's like in bed?' 'he has to be huge, right?' "Like honestly that's so fucked up." his voice breaks you out of your thoughts. "This sounds personal for you, what're you doing? Handing out trash dick or what?" you laugh. he chuckles again. "Hah, no. But if I was, I'd at least be honest about it."
your eyes widen but you regain composure quickly. "Oh? And what makes you so confident?" you smirk at him, wanting a rise out of him. "Well, I'm sure some of the girls weren't crying because I was dishing out bad dick." he smirks. "Wow you sure are cocky." you say with fake confidence hoping he wouldn't double down. your hopes were crushed when he stood up. he made his way behind you, placing both of his arms around you, resting his hands on the counter trapping you. he leaned close to your ear. "You know, you don't have to act out for me to prove it to you. You can just ask." his voice completely changed. you have never heard Anakin speak in such a low, sultry tone. you noticeably shivered.
i highhhh key wanna finish this tomorrow bc it's midnight and i'm SLEEPY
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sendpseuds · 2 months
Me: I should work on Perfect Spiral
Brain: Drabbles
Me: No, I really have to—
Brain: Divorced Dad / Mall Goth drabbles
Me: ...fine
“Yeah, Dad! Leave him alone.”
It’s far from the first time Anakin has decided to take out his devastating boredom on some poor unsuspecting middle age, middle-class, middle-management looking mother fucker in a stiff button-up and a corporate vest.
Hell, it’s not the first time today.
They come in several flavors.
The financial advisor desperate to relive the glory days, flipping through posters of naked women and pretending not to peruse the enhancement products.
The pharmaceutical salesman with the maturity of a fucking middle schooler, waving around dildos Anakin is sure would make the meathead cry for his mother.
The delusional IT technician who seems to genuinely believe that the girl he's been talking to on Tinder isn't going to freak the fuck out when he pulls out a pair of fuzzy handcuffs on their first date.
Then there's "Dad."
Almost always divorced.
Almost always depressed.
Almost always being dragged around by a horribly hormonal teenage boy with a scowl on his face and a chip on his shoulder.
But in all the time Anakin has been working at this stupid mall, he has never seen a Dad quite like this.
He's never seen a Dad this fucking hot.
"Well, that's definitely unexpected."
Given the age of the kid calling him "Dad," Anakin had assumed the man would be at least in his forties if not pushing fifty but now he's thinking this guy might have knocked up his high school sweetheart.
The man's expression is frustratingly unreadable, though his bright blue eyes are sharp and curious, watching intensely as Anakin shamelessly looks him up and down. Much to his delight and dismay, the man only becomes more and more interesting the longer he looks — the shocks of early silver in his hair and his beard, the tattoos poking out beneath rolled-up shirt sleeves, the well-loved pair of Converse on his feet — and Anakin finds he wants to see a lot more.
Placing his hands flat on the counter in front of him, Anakin hinges forward at the waist, arching his back in a way he knows makes him look like a slut, flashing a slanted smile when the man tilts his head in interest.
"I think I'd rather call you Daddy."
The man's brows shoot up, his mouth falling open with a small surprised gasp and Anakin wants to suck his perfect teeth.
"I— I beg your pardon?"
Oh and if that isn't just the cherry on top.
A voice so silky smooth Anakin wants nothing more than to hear it unraveled.
"My pardon?" he repeats innocently, bending forward even further to rest his forearms on the counter and looking up through long heavy lashes, "I'd beg you for a lot more than that, Daddy."
That seems to get his attention.
"Young man," he startles, eyes wide and cheeks flushed a fluorescent pink, "That is— that is extremely inappropriate."
"Damn," Anakin scoffs, still smiling as he straightens back up and steps out from behind the counter, taking another step forward when the flustered man doesn't move, "I was aiming for downright offensive."
The man looks a bit like a deer in headlights as Anakin comes closer still, but just as he's close enough to reach out and touch, the man seems to snap out of it, taking a small step back and startling when he collides with a display of novelty shot glasses.
"What are you doing?" The man hisses, looking around in a pretty panic, "My son is right—"
"He's not paying any attention to us," Anakin says confidently, taking another step closer and reaching out to play with the zipper on his vest, embroidered with the letters of what Anakin thinks is probably a law firm, drawing the toggle down an inch to reveal more of the tartan shirt beneath, "Got his nose buried in a graphically illustrated sex position guide." He pulls the zipper down another inch, watching as the man's eyes narrow sharply, "Do you think he's looking at the girls or the boys?"
"You're trying to get a rise out of me," he says, his smooth voice low and dangerous and Anakin wants to hear him say so many filthy things, "It won't work."
Whoever this man is, he's clearly never met Anakin Skywalker.
"Oh, I think it might," he purrs, pulling the zipper down the rest of the way, confident even as the man's expression hardens and all Anakin wants to do is break him, "Come back during my lunch break and I guarantee I'll get a rise out of you."
The man quirks a curious brow at that and it feels a whole lot like victory.
"Your lunch break?" The man repeats, his voice frustratingly even yet tantalizingly firm.
"I only get thirty minutes," Anakin explains, hooking two fingers in one of the man's belt loops and trying not to tell him how lame it is to tuck in his shirt, "but that's more than enough time isn't it?"
The man gives no ground as he sucks his own tongue, studying Anakin's face like he can read every lie he's ever told, asking simply, "Enough time for what?"
Well, if you're going to make me say it…
"Enough time for Daddy to fuck me—"
"Hey, Dad?"
The man tries to get away from Anakin so fast he backs into the rack of shot glasses and proceeds to practically jump out of his skin, spinning around with a yelp to steady the rattling display.
"Yes, Korkie!?"
Stupid name, Anakin thinks but does not say, stepping back to give the flustered father some space because, while he absolutely wants to continue making the handsome stranger blush, he has no interest in traumatizing the teen who comes wandering out just a moment later looking hopeful and holding a small box in his hands.
"Can I get a black light for my room?"
The man turns around very slowly, his expression a mixture of panicked horror and exhausted parental exasperation.
The kid looks obliviously innocent.
Anakin can't help but laugh.
"Korkie," the man sighs like he really doesn't want to have this conversation, especially not in front of a stranger, his eyes briefly shifting to glare at a still chuckling Anakin before focusing back on his son, "I don't think that's a very good idea."
"Why not!?" Korkie exclaims, holding up the box in his hand, waving it in his father's face as if he has no idea what a black light is, "It's only, like, five bucks!"
The man groans softly, pinching the bridge of his nose like he's trying to fight off a migraine or concentrate hard enough to spontaneously combust and avoid this situation all together and Anakin decides he can't simply stand there and let this stupid hot stranger suffer.
"Because spunk glows under black light, champ," Anakin intervenes, watching as two sets of blue eyes snap to his face, father and son going red in unison and Anakin can't help but laugh, "So unless you want Daddy here to know exactly how often you polish your lightsaber—"
The kid disappears so fast Anakin thinks he should be impressed.
The man is still there, still blushing, still staring wordlessly at Anakin who only smiles in return.
Still hot as fuck.
"My break is at two-thirty," he hums, glancing quickly at the back of the store to make sure the kid is still hiding his adolescent embarrassment by the lava lamps before stepping forward to press a kiss to the stunned stranger's cheek, "You can thank me then."
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xzaddyzanakinx · 11 months
Modern Anakin x Female reader
18+ MDNI
Greevs is just general grievous. I hate him so much and I wish to see him suffer. No more lightsabers for his collection.
Warnings: oral female receiving, alcohol, car sex, semi-public, poor grievous was exposed to your unholy acts
Not proofread
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The restaurant you sat in was filled to the brim with people. Fancy dresses and black suits blended in amongst the sea of nameless faces traipsing through the dining area and into the ballroom. Anakin loved to bring you to this place, Alderaan the most lavish and sought after date-destination in America.
The first time you’d come here Anakin had fallen in love with you. The low lighting of the ballroom had given you a halo of glitter from the pins you’d placed in your hair, the drinks had pinked your cheeks and the atmosphere of the whole place had you drunk on the experience of it all. He made a promise to himself in that moment that he would take you here as often as possible.
So here you are, at a small table in the back of the room where you have a standing reservation for the first Saturday of every other month.
“Ani?” You asked excitedly.
“What is it Princess?” He turned his head toward you.
“Let’s go please? I’ve finished the cake see?” You pointed to your plate, knowing Anakin would refuse your request if you hadn’t eaten everything.
“Finish your champagne darling.” He gave you a soft smile, sliding one hand across the table to entwine your fingers with his while he watched you eagerly gulp the last bit of champagne.
Just as you were about to wipe the lip gloss from the rim of the glass, Anakin tutted, taking it from you. He brought the glass to his lips and licked the pink tinted gloss, setting it down before shooting you a wink and pulling you from your seat.
You pulled your dress up just far enough to make it easier to keep up with Anakin’s long strides as he quickly pushed through the crowd to enter the ball room. Sweeping you up in a little spin on the outer part of the dance floor, he brought you closer with a hand firmly on the small of your back. His breath ghosting over your neck while he snuck a delicate kiss to the soft skin under your jaw.
“You look lovely, really you do.” He pressed your foreheads together, swaying you gently to the violinist’s rendition of ‘Never Enough’.
You giggled, as many times a day as he tells you how beautiful you are, you can’t help but blush. His full lips upturned into a grin, his blue eyes glinting in the low lighting with each turn you took.
You soon found yourself in the middle of the dance floor, your heels clicking on the cold marble tiles. The crystal chandelier hanging above you throwing crescent moons on every surface it touched. The crowd was beginning to thin out, a quick glance at the clock showed 11:45.
“Anakin,” you started.
“I know sweetheart. Just a bit longer hm?” His voice deep and gravely.
How could you say no? You could never deny him something as simple as this. So you let him pull you closer, let him graze his lips across your bare shoulder. You let him nip the crook of your neck and snake his tongue up the shell of your ear. You let his hand wander from your waist to your ass, you let him tilt back your head to kiss you in a way that no one should’ve seen.
And just like that he was whisking you away, a wild look in his eyes as he held your wrist and rushed to the coat check.
“Slow down!” You laughed, hiking up the layered fabric of your dress.
“Nope, can’t sorry.” He grinned, pulling out your tickets to hand to the man at the door.
“Just a moment Sir.” The man nodded at Anakin who just smiled in response.
The moment the man left to grab your things Anakin had you in his arms again whispering sweet nothings while you waited.
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“Headed home Sir?” The chauffeur asked as Anakin slid into the backseat after you.
“Yes, make it quick please.” Anakin laughed, “I think we may have had too much to drink.”
“Was it a good time my Lady?” He asked.
“Of course! It always is. You should join us sometime Greevs!” You reached up to pat his shoulder through the partition before sliding it closed.
The moment the partition closed Anakin jumped you, a sudden clash of tongue and teeth took you by surprise. You laughed and returned the kiss, sweet and calm as you smiled against his lips before he turned it into something deeper, something more.
“I’ve been waiting to get you out of this dress since you walked out in it.” His tongue flat against your throat as he sucked gently on the thin skin.
“Ani… wait just-“ you started, trying to help him find some reason.
“I’ve waited hours. Please?” He slid out off the leather seat and into the spacious floor of the town car.
He laid his head over your thighs, one hand trailing up your calve and the other laced in your fingers. The crystal blue of his irises reflected the moonlight flitting through the trees in an ethereal manner, like he had enchanted them just to distract you.
Before you knew it, he was bringing your palm to rest in his hair. Giving a devilish smirk before flipping up the hem of your dress and spreading your thighs. His hot breath sent shivers up your spine, tiny kisses littering your inner thighs while his fingers traced circles around the outside of your panties.
“Anakin!” You whisper shouted, “Anakin please I want to-“
Your words were stolen from your lips as he slipped a finger beneath your underwear and dipped it into the warmth of your core. You could practically hear your own eyes roll back in your head at the sudden intrusion. A nip to your mound had you squealing as you smacked the top of his head.
“Everything alright Ma’am?” Greevs knocked on the partition.
“Oh-yes it’s fine.” You giggled nervously.
“Almost home m’lady.” He responded curtly, and you hoped he was as oblivious as he sounded.
You could hear Anakin snicker from between your legs and just as you were about to scold him again his tongue made its way over your clothed clit. His nipping and licking over the fabric had you gripping the leather seats so hard it squeaked under your strength.
Your chest heaved, your face was flushed and you wanted nothing more than to let out a low moan. You let your head thump against the window, shifting your ass slightly so Anakin had more room. He hummed against your inner thigh as he pulled the fabric away from your soaked cunt. His fingers working in and out of you quickly, hooked up and dragging against the soft top wall.
Those perfectly plush lips finally suctioned around your clit, effortlessly bringing you minutes away from bliss. Your legs spasmed, jerking against his head as you tried not to crush his skull with the intensity of your oncoming orgasm. His hand intwined with yours left to clutch at the doughy flesh of your ass, kneading it roughly.
The pavement ended, and the car began to crunch on the long gravel drive up your house. Your eyes widened, trying to push his head away despite wanting the opposite. He smacked your ass to stop your squirming, and tightened his grip to hold your hips in place.
Your breath caught in your throat, the car was almost to the front porch and Anakin was not letting you get out without cumming. His mouth working overtime, sucking and pulling your pussy between his teeth, rolling your clit against his tongue while his fingers worked in tandem.
You couldn’t hold back your noises any longer, a low croaky groan let your throat just as the car was thrown in park.
“Shall I get the doors?” Greevs asked.
“Uh- oh god “ your eyes squeezed shut, bracing yourself for what was coming. “N-no that’s okay.”
You could feel Anakin’s grin against you, trying not to laugh at the predicament. The lewd wetness of the noises he was making just added to the overwhelming urge to cum.
“Gr-reevs? Why don’t you get the front d-door for us hm?” You asked shakily.
“Of course Ma’am.”
The drivers door opened and shut loudly, and his foot steps faded in the gravel. Finally you allowed yourself to succumb to Anakin’s tongue. Your body locked up, jittering from holding back as your legs held him firmly in place, his fingers never stopping as he helped you through it. A high pitched whine left you when he finally stopped moving and your body settled into the warmth of your after glow.
He emerged from beneath your dress looking like he’d just washed his face, your juices coating his chin. A wide grin plastered on his lips while he wagged his eyebrows at you, opening up the car door to help you out. Your legs wobbled as your feet hit the ground.
“Need a lift Angel?” Anakin’s cocky smirk audible in his words.
You wordlessly hopped up onto his back, letting him pack you up the large steps and past Greevs into the foyer of your home.
“Sir?” Greevs coughed, not looking at either of you directly.
Anakin gently let you down, and immediately you began undoing the uncomfortable heels your were wearing.
“Yes? Oh- right.” Anakin took the car keys from Greevs and patted him on the shoulder.
Once he closed the door behind him and made sure Greevs was on his way to the servants apartments Anakin turned his attention back to you.
“I think he knows.” Anakin laughed.
“Really? You were so discrete!” You huffed and rolled your eyes as he licked his lips that were still coated in your slick.
“Aw c’mon… lemme make it up to you yeah?” He cooed, brushing a stray hair behind your ear and snaking his arms around your back.
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 month
He Doesn't Like Sand Either (Male!Reader x Percy Jackson x Anakin Skywalker)
@jayfeather965 Ok so. Can I request a story about living with anakin and Percy in the Pokémon world?
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The gods are strange things indeed.
They have been here forever and yet they are new.
The have existed since the beginning, and yet their stories have only been told for a fraction of the universe's lifespan.
None are quite sure what to make of the stranger form the stars.
Percy found him a few years ago because, as he grumbles, his life just isn't allowed to be normal.
Percy has grown to a fine man in his thirties, far past where he thought he'd be able to live. Though he and his Dewott still train in the warrior's style, he is happy with his life, which by any metric might even be called boring.
Percy loves it. And you.
Anakin was stunned at the existence of Pokemon - here there are creatures that are truly one with the Force. They display incredible power, but their true wonder is something that goes almost unnoticed - their ability to form true emotional bonds with each other and with their Trainers.
But with your help, and that of Percy, he came to accept this odd system he had been stranded on - and the very likely possibility that he'd never be able to return to the galaxy he called home.
Now that he's been dating you both for a few years, Anakin has finally given in to the offers you both make - to help him bond with a Pokemon of his own.
He feared, for a long time, that a bond with him would corrupt a Pokemon - these creatures of pure Force should not be bonded to a nearly-fallen Jedi, should they?
But the beauty and tranquility of this world has convinced him.
In living with Pokemon, this world has found the secret to living in the Force.
Percy has some times to the Professor of the region, and you gladly bring Anakin to find a Pokemon right for him.
They have a rescue - a Poochyena, the runt of its litter of Eggs.
Far from their usual habitat, it was born on the beach, and perhaps knowing it was abandoned, goes wild at the feel of sand, barking madly.
"Anakin... you were worried about being able to bond and train a Pokemon." You remind him. "Aren't you just a little concerned about taking in a rescue?"
"He needs me." Anakin says simply. "Or maybe I need him."
"Hello, little friend." You watch Anakin speak to the Pokemon, kneeling down low and offering it a treat with his flesh hand.
The Poochyena sniffs suspiciously, gazing up at Anakin.
"I know what it's like to be left behind. And to feel so afraid there's no room for anyone else. Someone very special to me saved me from that feeling. And I hope that I can be the one to do the same for you."
His Poochyena leaps into his arms, and Anakin cries healing tears at the feeling of something so pure and innocent trusting him.
Anakin and Percy often excercise together, though Anakin also takes his Poochyena on a walk. When he meditates, the poor thing gets so bored it either falls asleep in his lap or come to find you for attention.
Anakin becomes more outgoing and curious the more time he spends with you and his Pokemon. Becoming a Trainer is a way he can feel connected to the Force, even here and now, and he thrives in it.
He's always a little more stern and quiet, especially compared to Percy, but you'll catch him smiling when it comes to his Poochyena.
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tennessoui · 6 months
Anakin: I have a bad feeling in my stomach when I talk to this incredibly handsome man with pretty eyes and nice hair and a nice voice
Anakin: obviously he is a supervillain
superhero anakin is actually incredibly based for this i hate what having a crush does to me. all my crushes have been supervillains in disguise with the potential to be absolutely life-ruining
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hanasnx · 1 year
baby daddy anakin! totally says bullshit to your child so he can spend more time with you like dinner or watching a new movie together 💀 or convinces the child to tell him if "mommy had a date with a MALE friend" in a 'totally innocent' way
anon youre so fucking real istg its the shit he'd do. like using your kid against you in order to have an excuse to be around you, and your poor child is none the wiser. its so toxic and so manipulative, but for anakin he believes he's being strategic. like he's moving himself towards his wants, and this is the way to do it. everyone wins in his eyes.
your kid asks you for a "family dinner" for their birthday. anakin, you, and them. and it's one of those circle seatings around a round table. so anakin lays his arm behind the kid's head on the back of the chair, and strokes or rubs your shoulder. twirls a lock of your hair in his fingers... he's so diabolical
grilling the kid about if mommy had a date with a male friend oomfgmgm 💀 i fckn love that he so would
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queenie-official · 15 days
✨Behind the scenes ✨
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‘Summer Love’ series masterlist
alright so i decided to release the behind the scenes early since i hardly got anything for the q&a event lol
so without further ado here are a bunch of cut dialogue concepts and how scenes were originally going to go✨ as well as some other cool things:
from part 1, breakfast reveal scene:
“honestly shocking the Directors didn't catch wind of anything." Well that's not good but it can't be that bad?
it very much was that bad. she not only lied about small things like her birthday, how many siblings she had and about her ethnicity. but she also lied and spread rumors around about several of the other girls at camp that were pretty damaging. one of the lesser rumors was about a girl she said was a slut who slept around with all of the guys on camp.“
this was originally how Jasmine’s backstory was supposed to go, i had based her off the guy my bestie fake dated (which is what inspired this whole fic i’ll go into details later)
and this was some of the stuff he did which was fucked up but not messed up enough for me lol i wanted Jasmine to be like as close to a real life villian as possible (hence the outing of a older camper)
from part 2, opening scene:
“you drop the act when you turn to close the door behind you smiling brightly at her and sharing one last laugh. Unfortunately for you the moment is soured when you physically bump into someone else.
"oh my gosh i'm so sorry i-" you cut yourself off when you look up and see who it is. you and padme were often so much in your own world that it was easy to forget there were three of you assigned to the cabin, said third member was giving you the death glare.
if looks could kill you were sure you'd be slaughtered on the ground right now. "sorry" you push out, even though you hated Jasmine it's not like you lost your manners. she doesn't say anything, just snarls and steps back slightly.
there's a silence before she finally says something "are you going to get out of the way or what" you swallow and step past her. she doesn't spare you another glance as she walks into the room. anger burns under your skin but you persevere, pushing it down and letting it fizzle out before continuing your original mission of showering for the day.”
i ended up scrapping this whole part of the scene, it just felt unnecessary to add in my mind; especially when i realized as much as i wanted jasmine to have a bigger role in the fic i didn’t want her to be a antagonist for the reader. at least not in the way this would of solidified her, after all i wanted this to be more fluff than angst lol.
from part 2, the favorite camper scene:
“Anakin scoffs at Ben's answer. "forget that, she's also the coolest camper there is. my first year with her in my group she helped me sneak a bunch of " he cuts himself off only because he spots Windu walking past you guys.
he clears his throat once Windu is far enough away. "we broke into the Kitchen after hours and stole a whole case of pudding cups. snuck them into our cabin and hid it. the Kitchen staff was so mad and confused the next day. Ahsoka and I played innocent and helped ourselves to as many pudding cups as we wanted till we ran out" Anakin snickered.”
this was going to be what Anakin had said to answer readers question about Ahsoka being his favorite camper, i scrapped it because it felt lame 😭 and also seem more like something between two campers rather than a camper and a counselor. which is why our poor curly blonde boy doesn’t get to speak at the end of the scene 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯
part 3, late night walking scene:
“"hey me and Ben live together too, we got an apartment just a few months ago" you hold your shoes and socks in your hand as you walk in the shallow water, a small content smile on your face.
"you know, when i was talking to Honey about you guys and she saw a photo of Ben; she found him super cute. even wanted to reach out to him but realized it'd probably be to weird"”
so as you can tell i had originally planned on Ani and Ben loving together like Honey and Reader do; i decided against it when i thought the parallels between the four of them would be too similar
also wanted to expose Honey’s interest in Ben sooner with the intentions of Ben going into meeting her knowing she liked him, but decided against it the end. which worked out since we got that cute scene i wrote with Ben being flustered meeting her 🤭
part 3, possible bonus end scene dialogue:
“"oh my anxiety ridden, true crime obsessed bestie, how i've missed you."”
welp it’s pretty obvious i didn’t get far with this one 😀 so initially i had planned on including a bonus scene where Reader and Honey finally reunite after reader gets home and this was going to be her greeting dialogue to Honey.
scrapped it in favor of the bonus scene with Honey meeting everyone✨
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so i’m not sure if anyone picked these up but i did make a few references at the end of the series 😋😋 so ima point them out just so it gets the attention it deserves✨
so to start us off the first reference made is a hamilton one for us theater girlies 💪💪:
“whoever said in the eye of a hurricane there is quiet for just a moment was a liar- or you'd yet to reach that brief moment of respite.”
fun fact this wasn’t even the original reference, initially it had been a lot more direct. but it honestly felt out of place which is why i changed it- here’s the original, you’ll see what i mean
“mess as you move to lay on your stomach, opening your phone to text Honey. when Lin Manuel Miranda said in the eye of a hurricane there was quiet for just a moment he wasn't kidding”
out of place in the sense readers mind was very much not quiet yet 😭 sis was still going through it
anyway the next reference is a Julie and the phantoms reference 🤭:
“he holds his hand out and you feel your heart hammer in your chest as you take it without hesitation. and when he intertwines his fingers with yours you think you may just faint. this was different, not a sole around to see you two and yet here you both were.
"this is an interesting little relationship you and i have" he jokes and you can't help but giggle. he swings your hands beside you both as you guys walk. bright smiles that could outshine the sun on your faces. an interesting little relationship indeed.”
guess what, i’ve never seen Julie and the Phantom’s 😗 so why may you ask did i think to use this? easy it twasnt me 😌 it was Bestie @everydaydreamer
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so everyone give a round of applause and thank yous for this scene to Ren 🥰
next up we have a harry potter reference (no i do not support JKR but i did grow up with the movies and have love for them im sorry 😭):
“one that you mutually had acknowledged last night without actually discussing it. "mooorning" Ben greets you with a mischievous glint in his eyes as you sit beside Anakin. taking a long dramatic sip of his water before sending you both a wink. Anakin wasn't paying much attention as usual.”
it felt to perfect not to include!! i can so see Ben doing this the same way George did to Ginny and Harry✨
and lastly, completely unintentionally might i add (thanks to my bestie @munsondjarin for pointing out this accidental parallel) we’ve got a ROTS reference💃:
“"you know when i was younger, my mom would take me and my stepbrother camping with Ben's family all the time." he shifted you in his hold as he extended his own roasting stick over the fire, carefully twisting it as he roasted his marshmallows. "and i still remember the first time i was finally allowed to roast my own marshmallows. i burnt them to a crisp"
"how'd you manage to do that?" you laugh and he smiles against the back of your head, continuing to twist the stick in his hand. you follow his lead twisting your own as he spoke again.
"well for starters i was like 9 and ornery." his voice was low, it rumbled in chest and against your back. "and i was so focused on trying to mess with Ben that i forgot i was even holding a marshmallow over the fire to begin with. the worse part was they all saw the marshmallow on fire and didn't say anything! not even my own mother" you bite back a laugh, poorly as he can very much tell you’re laughing at him.
"my first betrayal- she'd said it was the natural consequence for messing with Ben. she was right of course but i still got upset and threw a fit" you mumble a quiet 'bratty' under your breath and he gently pinches your side making you giggle.“
i think it’s safe to say we all know what specific scene this reminds us of 👀
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*cough* *cough*
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next i have just some fun details to share💋
when coming up with the campers for Naboo cabin i also came up with names for all three of the main cabins mentioned✨
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i even pre assigned which counselor was assigned to each camper.
📖= reader ⛈️= Jasmine 👑= Padme 🩵= Ani 💙= Ben 🦖=Rex
unassigned campers were for the other two conselours in Rex’s cabin who never get named 😗
Next fun detail to share is actually some messages between me and my bestie that are cross referenced in the fic 😭
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alright and i think that concludes this BTS post 🥳🥳
anyways i know i keep saying this but really thank you all for the love and support ��🏼🫶🏼 i’m glad you enjoyed Summer Love!! have a wonderful day huns Xx<3
series tag list: @anakinskwkler @anakinstwinklebunny @divineani @huayan @poppysrin @bxbyysstuff @dollhobigem @skywalkercinema @corio-letit-snow @avatarobsessedgirly @kelsxxyawn @7xss @throughparisallthroughrome @humongouscatfest @rhiannonhippiegirl @akixxrafiiy @ter-luer @w0rsh1psells @bulllsseye @anitaxl
in case you lovely’s wanted to see the BTS
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phoenixyfriend · 6 months
Shadow and Mirror
Read on AO3, written for this prompt
Cody has a new crush.
Well, a “crush” implies something much more childish than the point he’s reached in his life.
Cody has… felt a connection and really hit it off with someone he finds reasonably attractive.
His brothers are being less than supportive.
“He is my Jedi and one of my best friends,” Rex says, “but I just… for both your sakes, life will be so much easier if you don’t go for it.”
Cody is unfazed. “You do remember he was my Jedi Commander before he got promoted and took you with him, right? I know what he’s like, and I’m into it.”
Rex makes a face. “Uh, all due respect, Cody—”
Oh, this bitch.
“—but he’s changed in some pretty big ways since he split from Kenobi.”
“So’ve I.”
This earns him an eyeroll. “Yes, yes, you’ve discovered your romantic charisma and started charming the pants off of any sentient you encounter on leave. You do realize that’s part of the problem?”
“That I have game?”
“Skywalker doesn’t do casual,” Rex insists. “Open, maybe, if you talk about it, but he doesn’t do casual.”
After a moment of consideration, Cody shrugs. “I can work with that.”
“Can you?” Rex challenges. “Can you really deal with the full force of Anakin’s attention? With him losing his entire mind if you get hurt, and calling you up at three in the morning to chat, and promising you the galaxy in a bunch of flowery words that should be hyperbole, but really, really worryingly sounds literal and sincere?”
“…did you try dating him?”
“No, but I was there basically every time he hung with Amidala, and that shit continued past the point where he gave up on romantic seduction and settled into friendship,” Rex says, more of a grumpy complaint than anything, “and she’s just as weird as he is when it comes to all that, so it’s no skin off her back to match his energy, but you are not on their level.”
“I’m just saying,” Rex grits out from between clenched teeth, “that you like to have fun, and Anakin likes to dedicate every morsel of crazy knocking around his brain to whichever poor soul ended up in his affections.”
“I feel like insulting your CO that much is grounds for a court martial.”
“Echo told him, to his face, that he occasionally seemed crazy as a bag of tooka kits and about as hinged as a sliding door. General Skywalker took a second to process, and then laughed. He doesn’t care, not if it’s from a friend.”
Cody hums. “Which you are.”
“Enough to warn me away before I break his heart?” Cody asks. Rex looks away, and Cody can only chuckle. “You’re not that subtle, Rex.”
“I’m trying to make sure you do what’s best for both of you,” Rex insists, glancing at Cody for only a moment before breaking eye contact again, “so Anakin doesn’t get disappointed, and so you’re not walking in blind when it comes to him being… the most.”
Cody snorts. “I can handle Skywalker, Rex. I may not be a Jedi or a Senator, but I can handle one brat with a smart mouth, a bad attitude, and a couple of super-powers.”
Rex grimaces. “I mean… it’s not really… that simple. The Force stuff, I mean.”
There’s something a little odd to Rex’s voice with that one, more than just the weird pauses. Cody doesn’t dismiss it quite as easily as he might have. Instead, he carefully asks, “the whole ‘Chosen’ thing some of the Shinies were gossiping about? Kenobi said it was an old superstition more than anything, a metaphor taken too literally, and that even the Jedi argue about it.”
Cody’s expression must speak for him, because Rex clarifies without prompting.
“When did Kenobi say that?”
Cody looks past him at the wall, frowning as he thinks. Rex waits, and doesn’t take it too personally; they know each other too well for that. Finally, Cody shrugs. “A couple months in. Skywalker was still a Jedi Commander with the 212th.”
“So, before Mortis.”
Oh, for fuck’s sake. “This has to do with that shitshow?”
Rex looks uncomfortable. “You… aren’t 501st.”
“Yeah, and?”
“Well… Kenobi didn’t get possessed. Or channel a god. He just used an extra weird lightsaber for a bit.”
Cody gives it a few moments, and then finally says, “Rex.”
His brother continues to look uncomfortable.
“What did that place do to Skywalker and Tano?”
(Continue on AO3)
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fionajames · 9 months
circus au headcanons
A/N: Hey lovelies, hope your all fantastic! Have some circus au headcanons! Please send requests, I'm desperate. Please!
 Jedi Caravan:
Yoda, ringmaster: short man with long green and white hair, long green and white beard, green eyes and light skin.
Mace, second in command: tall man with brown skin, amber eyes, bald.
Shaak: tall woman with rosey skin, white birthmarks that look markings, long blue and white hair, yellow eyes. Aunt or some decent relation of Ahsoka.
Kit: man with long, afro green hair, dark eyes, dark skin.
Ki-Adi: man with light skin, blue eyes, bald.
104th Caravan
Plo: man with dark skin, short black hair, amber eyes.
Wolffe: boy with short black hair, one brown eye one robotic grey eye, tan skin.
Sinker: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
Comet: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
Boost: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
212th Caravan
Obi-Wan: man with ginger hair, ginger beard, light freckled skin, blue eyes
Cody: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin, scar on forehead
Waxer: usual appearance (i forgot)
Boil: usual appearance (i forgot)
Trapper: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
501st Caravan
Anakin: boy with medium length brown hair, blue eyes, light skin, scar over right eye.
Ahsoka: girl with orangey-tan skin, cream marking-like birthmarks, blue eyes, braided blue and white hair
Rex: boy with blonde buzzcut, tan skin, brown eyes
Jesse: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, bald
Fives: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, short black hair
Echo: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, short black hair
Tup: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, long black hair
Hardcase: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, bald
Members of other Caravans (only a few, doesn’t include all members.)
Depa: woman with long brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin
Caleb: boy with short brown hair, brown eyes, light skin
Cal: boy with scruffy ginger hair, blue eyes, light freckled skin
Jaro: man with short purple hair, dark skin, purple eyes
Barris: girl with long braided black hair, charcoal skin, green eyes, black freckles
Luminara: woman with short black hair, charcoal skin, green eyes, black freckles
Okay so, basically, the Republic’s circus (idk) is being funded by a wealthy man named Sheev Palpatine. Secretly, Palpatine is not only funding, but in charge of the Separatists’ circus. 
Most droids are in the Circus au, usually either horses, dogs or occasionally cats. 
A man named Jango Fett had a very large family with lots of sons and cousins and one daughter. No one knows why there are so many boys.
All the family apart from Jango and the youngest generation died, and then so did Jango, leaving them all orphaned. At that time, the circus was coming through their town, so many of them joined.
Most circus members are orphans or runaways.
Luminara and Barriss are probably very distantly related, same with Shaak and Ahsoka. 
Younger circus members are apprenticed to older members.
Qui-Gon was killed by a criminal on the run named Maul, who had actually been part of the Separatist circus. He killed Qui-Gon because he was guarding the money box.
A month before that, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had found Anakin and his mother Shmi. Shmi was very broke and decided her son would have a better life with them.
Padme and the rest of the senate are basically just wealthy people.
Padme and Anakin met two weeks after Qui-Gon adopted him. They meet up whenever they can. The relationship is sort-of-forbidden, very frowned upon because the wealthy people like the circus for entertainment and then think the people are poor and peasants.
Everyone in the circus knows Padme and Anakin are dating, even though they think no one knows. It’s very obvious.
If the Separatists and the Republic are in the same area, fights often break out. People sometimes die, but its more common for people to get seriously injured and leave the circus. 
The Separatists kidnapped Echo as a hostage and everyone thought he ran away but some new Jango-spawn members to the circus, Fives, Rex, Anakin and Ahsoka found him and brought him back.
Ahsoka left the circus at one point for a month after being accused of a robbery the Separatists committed but returned quickly. 
Some of the Jango-spawn (Fox, Thorn, Thire, etc) work for Palpatine as his guards, cause he’s a rich bitch.
Some members - if not orphans or runaways - like Anakin were simply given over in hopes of a better life. Ahsoka was one of these, also because her parents feared they weren’t good enough at being parents when she was taken by a mountain lion.
Ahsoka and Shaak come from an Indigenous tribe, and their teeth are more pointed and they still have their fangs. They hunt deer mostly, and cook it over the fire to eat. Their tribe are called Togrutas.
Obi-Wan was an orphan and found by Mace, who took him back to the Circus.
Obi-Wan and Anakin have an acrobatics act, whilst Ahsoka does Equestrian Vaulting. Rex and Cody play music. Jesse, Fives and Hardcase have a comedy act. After the show, a lot of the members busk to get extra money.
Fives and Ahsoka were messing around one day when they stumbled upon the Separatists camp. They were looking around when they saw Palpatine. They rushed back and told Yoda that they were being played.
Yoda cut the deal with Palpatine and made a deal with Bail Organa instead. It later turned out Palpatine was a wanted criminal, and he was sentenced to a life-sentence in a prison far away.
Palpatine’s Guard split, either joining the Republic’s circus or choosing to guard Bail. Bail treated them much, much better. 
Palpatine was also Mayor of the town, so when he was arrested, Bail took his place. Bail made it legal for the circus to marry the richer folk, claiming it was foolish and unkind, for no reason. Secretly, he knew of Padme and Anakin’s relationship, and wanted his best friend to be happy.
A few months later, Padme gave birth to twins. The Circus was still travelling, so Padme convinced Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Anakin to live at her house part-time. When the circus was close, they lived with the circus. When it was far away, they usually stayed with Padme. Ahsoka managed to convince Rex to do the same.
Anakin revealed that Palpatine had tried to get him to join the Separatists' circus before Fives and Ahsoka had discovered the betrayal. Palpatine had told him he controlled both, and that he would have more money and be closer to Padme if he joined them. However, Anakin hadn’t turned, as he loved his family too much.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed, please send requests!!!
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david-talks-sw · 9 months
any new Star Wars essays in the making, or are you moving on?
I don't know, honestly.
Part of it is "life gets in the way," I'm working a lot and so whatever time I have left is spent just messing around or meeting with my loved ones.
I've got a bunch of stuff in my drafts. I don't mind sharing it here, most recent to oldest:
Sort of a joke post of me pointing out how stressful being George Lucas' producer must've been, like this guy really DIDN'T WANT to write his fucking scripts, did he? Poor Rick McCallum. Abandoned because who gives a crap.
'Ask' reply on how EU-fueled fandom perception of the Jedi was flipped by the prequels.
'Ask' reply about the themes in Ahsoka and why the show doesn't know what it's about. Problem is, I go about it starting from the basics, so nobody's gonna sit through reading a tematic breakdown of the first Pirates of the Carribean movie, The Batman and the original six Star Wars films before I even get to the show at hand.
"Part II" post about what Ahsoka, Rebels and TCW get right about lightsaber duels, which the Prequels never did.
Quote collection & analysis on just how complex the Prequels were meant to be (in the late 80s, Lucas intimated that the Sequels were the story that was supposed to have gray morality, not the Prequels)
Quote collection on how the themes and principles of Star Wars align with Lucas' own opinions and philosophies.
Quote collection on Lucas defining Anakin's flaws.
Quote collection on Lucas talking about the fact that we need to be more proactive, which aligns with what Lumi points out sometimes about the Jedi: they should've been more politically engaged because we all should be.
Why I approach Lucas as "word of god".
Personal life/joke-y post dating from the time of the WGA strike about how Jack Black's School of Rock lyrics "In his heart he knew, the artist must be true, but the legend of the rent was way past due!" applied to me. Abandoned because I didn't wanna bum everyone out.
Correcting the notion that Dark Times-era Jedi such as Kanan or Ezra or Ahsoka represent what Jedi were supposed to be.
A comprehensive end-all outlook on how Anakin's flaws all tie together. I've written this one twice and I don't know how to differentiate it from my other posts.
A secret "Part 3" to my TLJ Luke post, in which I point out that RJ's being too "indie", while being a strong point for a big chunk of the film, hampers the film's ability to make Luke feel as badass as he does on paper. I want to illustrate a storyboard for this one, but that takes time.
The evolution of Star Wars' approach to transmedia.
Debunking Star Wars myths: a (very) comprehensive outlook on children in the Jedi Order.
Problem is that only like 2/3rds of these are fully-written... and I still need to find the relevant clips, turn them into GIFs, etc etc.
There's many other interesting Asks in my inbox btw. But I'm already behind on all these, so I haven't begun to touch them.
Then there's the drawings.
I wanna draw a comic of the meeting between Yoda and Dooku in Dark Rendezvous. I wanna finish the comic fight between Maul and Ben. I wanna draw Mace, Shaak Ti, I've got a Luminara fan-art that was supposed to be ready for Jedi June 2022 and an Anakin drawing that looks weird. No time, nor am I skilled enough. (Like, I trace, that's what I do, it's not a secret I've said so before... but it takes me a long while to do so. I'm not fast at drawing, let alone coloring.) I could commission some of these, but there are obvious obstacles there.
There's fun tidbits I've discovered here and there but nobody will care about them and I usually try to not drown my blog with bs posts.
Then there's the bigger problem.
All the things I've listed above? I'm not 100% motivated to finish. But a lot of the new stuff I wanna write about is hella negative.
I had a lot of stuff I wanted to say about Ahsoka. But it wasn't all good. It was mostly me bitching, be it about the show or the fandom's reactions to it.
I've also got more stuff to say about Filoni's take on Star Wars, but I've talked about why it's inaccurate like 8 times already, and I don't actually dislike the guy, like there's plenty of things he knows and does that I think are awesome but also people won't stop putting him and his takes on a pedestal and--
oh shit, there's Acolyte too, I forgot about that, gray morality galore, here we come. But here too, like... I've talked a couple of times about why this entire gray morality thing is actually just the gen X-ers trying to make the prequels "cool" and "complex". but I've never explored properly, with quotes and research and shit. but i've talked about it so many times that at this point it'd end up like the Filoni rants, redundant. "we get it already." as if this show didn't have haters lined round the block for absolutely sexist reasons.
Don't get me started on the mountain of lies and/or idiocy that is the YouTuber Star Wars Theory.
And yet he said one thing a few months ago which struck a chord within me and it's the fact that Andor is awesome, excels on all levels because it's treated seriously, like a proper show, not a Disney Plus one... why wasn't Obi-Wan Kenobi? Why wasn't Book of Boba Fett? And I've already established multiple times that I enjoyed Kenobi (yes, including the Reva parts) and I've established that I know what they were going for in Fett and I've established that this is mainly a "Disney Plus didn't know how to structure a fucking show pre-WGA strike" issue more than anything else... but when I think about how these could've been treated instead? When I look at the characterizations and emotional stakes of like Fargo Season 5? It's infuriating. Because it's not bad (talking about Kenobi, BOBF is awful)... but it could've been EXCELLENT and instead it was just "okay" to "good".
I just miss live action lightsaber duels, man. Like, good ones.
and i dunno. maybe I should just let it rip on all this. "go off, king!"
but I think there's so much negativity re: Star Wars that adding my thoughts on these subjects, no matter how structured and reason, will just blend into a wave of needless, un-constructive hate.
maybe I should finish the writings in the drafts and just post them with no gifs, maybe just still images?
but doing any of that feels like a step back.
So that's where I'm at right now.
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Making Of Monday What to do with plot bunnies.
I've found that one of the wonderful and terrible things about being a fic writer is all the many plot bunnies. They breed, the little bastards, and I'll never be able to write them all, sadly. I do enjoy playing with them though, just letting my mind run wild with a weird idea. They're something positive for my overactive brain to focus on, and for that I'm grateful.
But what to do with them.
Of course there are the ones I choose to work on, the ones that end up being more than just a plot bunny, but those are the special few. There are many that I should kill off, but I'm possessive and can't bring myself to just let them go, so I put them in deep freeze (stasis sleep) so I can find them at a later date. The list is now incredibly long, there are so many small and large iders just waiting for their chance, but I have no idea if I will ever return to them.
A few I've released, set them loose on Tumblr so that they might torment/inspire others, and I should do this more often, but like I said, I'm possessive of them, so it's difficult.
In my note app on my phone, I have a running list where I can quickly write down the pesky bunnies when they come to me, usually at the most inopportune times. It can be anything from a single sentence, or just the title, to something more.
This is my current list: It's far from all my bunnies, as I'm constantly moving them to the deep freeze (a document on my PC) or promoting them into real plot ideas with their own note.
To have one last day with you
Ghost Ship
You're a pretty devil, I have to agree (Halloween fic angel and demon)
Same age Obi Luke Ani
The elven prince and his human, Elver Obi human Ani
To love a god is a terrible and wonderful thing
The dragon in the soul, Anakin turns in to a dragon
In to the woods, Quiobiani, Werewolves, Found in the woods, Forest time strange, Motorcycles
Hig treason, You are found guilty of having assinated the hig Chancellor and will be executed, They found Padmé in the crowd
Bride of the Dragon
Seeking comfort, Padawan and master sleep together, Ahsoka and Anakin didn't know it but with this they continued a tradition in their lineage.
The Pact, Sith and Jedi married every generation So there is this very old peace treaty saying that in each generation of Sith and Jedi two will be designated to be 'married' to maintain peace and balance (this would probably be in a universe where there are more Sith)
The dark fairytales of the galaxy
R2 secret recordings, Luke discovers that R2 has recordings of sex between two hot men and a woman. He shares with Han and Leia… Unaware that it's their parents and Kenobi. Poor R2…
first kiss reveals a soulmate
fan meet, Anakin Obi and Padme are all fans of meet, modern
song fic, you are the reason, in the end
darkness, gone blind, living in darkness, turning to new other senses, the power of sight.
Feel free to ask about these, I would be thrilled, and if there is one you would like to adopt, abduct, make yours, let me know, I need to practice sharing and letting go.
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canon-can-fight-me · 9 months
Drabblecember Day 9: A Walk Outside
Okay listen. Is it like ten days after the ninth? Yes. But I was too busy to write that day and this prompt was really cute so I wanted to post something for it 🥺
875 words
Pairing: Kai3po (pre-dating)
Tumblr media
He was so tired.
While promised that the event wouldn’t go on for long, and that he was sure to be an invaluable asset to the mission, Threepio served little purpose that night other than to be his former master’s coatrack. Granted, he was told to be on standby, should his services be needed, but at this point it appeared whatever Anakin and Obi Wan assumed was going to happen at the gala was nothing to warrant the lightsabers securely stashed away. The night had drone on for long enough, and while no verbal or physical labor had been required of him, he felt exhaustion coupled with utter loneliness. Standing still for hours, let alone with no one eager to use him for the one thing he was good for, was upsetting. That is, until his attention was brought to a flash of scarlet, in the form of a shiny red dress. The owner of said dress a familiar, not completely unwelcome sight.
“Well, don’t you clean up nicely.”
He turned to see Kaiyo grinning, gesturing to the bowtie Anakin had fastened to him earlier that evening. It had gone a tad crooked at this point.
“Thank you…you look quite radiant yourself.”
“I know,” she teased, darting her head around before facing him again. “Did you come by yourself, or is your date just in the restroom?”
He mimicked a scoff. “I do not have a “date”. Master Anakin asked me to accompany him and Obi Wan here for a mission, supposedly…although I’m unsure why my presence is even necessary at this point.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” She jerked her head towards his shoulder, suit jacket draped over.
“I believe that further proves my point.” He said.
“Well…if you’re not too occupied, maybe you could join me outside for a walk?” She sighed dramatically. “It’s so stuffy in here, not even the food is worth staying for. You’d think with how wealthy the owners are they’d at least have a decent menu.”
“A-As lovely as that sounds, I must remain here. What if I’m needed?”
“I’m sorry, how long have you been standing here doing absolutely nothing? Two hours?”
“Oh, you poor thing.” She took hold of his arm, tugging him towards the exit. “Let’s get you some fresh air.”
“I must remind you, that as a droid I do not require ‘fresh air’.”
He hadn’t protested much. Keyword much, though he knew realistically Kaiyo saw through his protests and was aware he was grateful for an excuse to take a break. While unaccustomed to the chilly night air, he slowly started to prefer it to the stuffiness of the ballroom.
“Soooo, what’s this mission about, exactly?”
“I can’t tell you that! It would go against my protocol to reveal such information.”
Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly.
“They didn’t tell you much of anything, did they?”
“Well—“ he began to protest, “I—um, of course they did…”
Kaiyo gave a small laugh, her suspicions all but confirmed.
Heat ran through his faceplate, and he glanced away.
“L-Let’s not talk about that. I’m rather curious to know what you’re doing here.”
She shrugged.
“You have your mission, I have mine. Let’s just say I wasn’t able to gather the intel I was looking for.” She pressed her lips together, hoping he wouldn’t question further. He wasn’t always adept at picking up cues, but he had someone grown to recognize her tells. One of which, he noticed, was what he understood was the natural human response to the cold: shivering. He could tell she was trying to power through it, slightly increasing her pace, and he wondered why she didn’t simply suggest going back inside.
“Kaiyo…” he began.
She paused, turning back to face him, eyes widening when she realized that she had outpaced him by quite a few feet in an attempt to generate heat.
“Oh, sorry! Am I walking too fast?”
“Well yes, but—“ she hurried back to his side as he spoke, “I was going to point out that you seem cold.”
Her cheeks flushed slightly. “It’s pretty chilly…”
Wordlessly, Threepio slowly slid Anakin’s suit jacket off his shoulder, gently placing it around Kaiyo’s shoulders.
“Oh!” Kaiyo glanced up at him, further burying herself in the jacket. “Are you sure Anakin won’t mind?”
“I’m sure if he needed it, he would have asked for it back by now,” Threepio explained. Kaiyo nodded, a small smile gracing her face. Threepio forced himself to look away.
She had no business looking so cute.
He thought if he just avoided looking at her, focused his gaze on the grass, the sky, anything else, that the rush of energy through his circuits would subside. That is, until she seemingly read his mind and decided to make it worse.
Granted, while she could technically read some minds (a perk of her mastery of the Force), he thanked the maker that such a trick didn’t work on droids.
But as she reached to adjust his bowtie, patting it down slightly with a satisfied smile that made him feel like his circuits were melting, he wasn’t so sure.
All he knew is that he was pleased that he had decided to walk with her that evening.
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