#and 2. i dont want to explain 1 million times that yeah im still looking. no xyz didnt call me back. yeah i know i shouldnt worry etc etc
silverislander · 5 months
my graduation ceremony is at the end of the month and istg if i still don't have a job/any plan by then i'm going to be unreasonably upset
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shoezuki · 4 years
This is a post on the cheating accusations around dream mostly surrounding his response video.
If you don’t want to see this or any of these posts then blacklist the tag #discourse
SO I’ve been doing a lot of digging into what dream has said in his response to Geosquare’s original video and report, which was compiled and conducted by the Minecraft Java mods on speedrun.com. 
I won’t talk about that original report in detail, but basically: the mods came to the conclusion that Dream had a 1 in 7.5 trillion chance of getting the pearl bartering rates and the blaze drop odds that he did within the 6 streams he did. As in, someone would need that luck to replicate what dream got. Therefore, he cheated. 
I’m going to put this into a sort of ‘point form’ in according to topic, attempting to put it in chronological order.
Dream’s Initial Tweets
Ok so first like. these are bad. these tweets are what he said (on twitter, excluding in the speedrunning discord) directly after the video was Uploaded to Geo’s channel. 
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worth noting he did apologize later, although i wanted to talk about these two instances so i felt the need to include it. 
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there’s a lot of interesting wording in the apology tweet itself too. I personally find that when he apologizes he tends to still be very subtextually angry in them with the tone, but more specifically. where he says ‘although i have reason to be upset’, that’s kinda weak and really unneeded. Alongside the ‘intense criticism’, it reads as him trying to say he’s still in the right. kind of like “im sorry i was rude even though I had reason to be rude’. Its an apology sure but he’s not saying sorry for how he really reacted; its justified to him.
Dream’s Response Video
Dream posted a response on his side channel DreamXD on the 22nd, along with the report he had a supposed astrophysicist conduct. I’m going to talk about the report separately from the video for reasons I’ll explain. 
Frankly, the video doesn’t really summarize or explain the report in a meaningful way. At most, it takes some points from it but tends to twist the numbers around, misunderstand the probability and math, and also what the report itself concludes. 
Essentially, dream’s video insists that the numbers found by the mods are wrong and therefore he didn’t cheat at all, yet the report concludes that the numbers found by the mods weren’t entirely accurate, however they’re still extremely unlikely. This is also all under the assumption that the report is entirely correct (ill say how its not next)
His first point is that only his 1.16 run (that was at 5th place two months ago, would have now been 16th) was deemed cheated. This is true; the mods have said that he isnt banned outright and theres no reason to question the legitimacy of his 1.15 runs. 
He also concludes that Geo’s statement that Dream didn’t cooperate with them, and that he deleted 1.16 mod folders, was false. This one is a little more complicated. It could more be chalked up to a miscommunication, although it’s relevant. Geosquare posted screenshots of the specific conversation they had:
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Essentially it wasn’t entirely clear, i can understand how geo and the mods interpreted it in such a way. Altho April added in a quote retweet thread that dream didn’t supply the folder she asked for, so he didn’t supply everything they asked for like he states in the video
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Essentially: yeah, misleading and weird on both ends. I dont think this is really anything quantifiable, although dream talked about this in the video heavily. 
Out of this though, Geo DID correct himself in the description of the mods’ video. Dream shows this in his own response, but it crops out some of what geo says. here’s from dream’s video
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that Update 2 is where he corrects himself. literally why the fuck would you crop it like this and put it in the video i mean this looks so weird and genuinely doesnt provide anything. Here’s what geo actually said
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Dream specifically cut it before the line where geo mentions how he said he deleted his specific 1.16 speedrun profile. This one is just so dumb to me. I’d say ‘why not include that’ but either i feel its a) so there’s no potential for people to say what he had actually said could be interpreted otherwise easily or b) doesnt want people to know he got so upset he deleted files (ego wise yknow). Again, I dont think this is definitive of anything but god. it feels scummy lmao
The Video: Incorrect Representation of His Own Report
Dream straight up doesnt present the report’s numbers properly. In fact it makes the entirety of his visuals forfeit, i.e. the gold block analogy that goes on for like 20 minutes. 
The mods said his luck was 1/7.5 trillion. Dream’s report says its 1/10 million (with the addition of 5 other streams) or 1/100 million (only the 6 streams).
I’ll only consider the 1/10 mil odds, since its all dream really brings up. but Basically; there’s not much difference between 1/10 million and 1/7.5 trillion. 
Dream says that the difference is 7.5 trillion minus 10 million, aka 7.4999 trillion. This is what his entire visual with the gold blocks is based on. This is absolutely incorrect, i cant stress that enough. 
You can’t find the difference of fractions by subtracting only the denominators. Like. this is elementary school math. it just doesnt work. 
It’d actually be calculated as: (1/10 000 000) - (1/7 500 000 000 000) = (74999/7 500 000 000 000)
If the mods are wrong, they’re only wrong by 749999/7.5 trillion. that’s literally only  0.000000099999866666667. 
Dream no doubt saw the numbers, considered 10 million vs. 7.5 trillion, and used these big numbers to hold his own point. PROBABILITY DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT. I really think he was just taking advantage of the seemingly big numbers here and wrote it out in a way that favoured him. The gold block analogy in the video played throughout the entire video practically, jokes were made on it, and he made a point of it being ‘so big the game crashed’. 
It’s just plain wrong. even so a difference in the odds doesnt prove shit. He’s downplaying his own odds that he found too. 1/10 million isnt a small number. Even though the legitimacy of that calculation is in question, it is still significant enough to proclaim he cheated. 
Some quick points before I move onto the report; these aren’t as significant in my eyes but it adds to the picture
there’s been criticism of his joking manor throughout the entire video, very specifically the Bill Nye joke. Considering he doesnt actually have a name to provide for his astrophysicist, this joke doesnt feel right
the mod he had a voice clip from (willz) even believes that he cheated and has agreed with the mod team the whole time. 
Dream never has a name for the mod who is apparently on his side (more understandable), the minecraft developer he quoted, or the astrophysicist (most damning)
Dream states that fabric is used by most speedrunners which is true, but fabric and fabric API are different; dream also had the latter installed. my knowledge of how theyre different is limited, all i really know is the API is what can enable editing of the code while fabric is more a modloader. im not entirely sure on this
Dream has said at the end of the video that all funds will go to the mod team so they can make a client that will regulate cheaters. this has been noted as feeling manipulative or like a ‘bribe’, but it definitely puts the mods in a bad position. 
either they accept it and look like they ‘gave in’ to dream and therefore acknowledge him in the right
they deny it and look selfish/taking dream’s kindness for granted
geo said they would insist it goes to a charity instead
Dream constantly disregards the mods as young, inexperienced, ‘just volunteers’ etcetcetc, despite the fact that theyre analysis has been discussed by people with confirmed PhDs without much criticism
Dream’s Report
The report itself is extremely interesting, in that it’s very questionable, but even so it doesn’t come to the conclusion that dream didn’t cheat. The tone between the video and the report is drastically different. 
This is from the “3. What are the goals of this document?” section:
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It essentially says this isnt intended, from the very beginning, to completely exonerate dream of cheating. Also note that the author says the mods’ report was mostly correct. 
This is at the end of “9 Conclussions”:
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It does notably say cheating isnt the only explanation, but it doesnt actually go as far to say that it’s not possible that he cheated. 
But this can be argued to not matter if we consider the validity of the report as a whole
Dream’s Report: Criticisms
Possibly the first and most known debunking of the report is by u/mfb on reddit, although there’s been much more such as this programmer criticizing the code provided at the end of the report (partially due to how the author of it stated that piglins barter 4-7 pearls, which is incorrect: it’s 4-8), Andrew Gelman, an actual statistician professor from harvard, commented on the original mods’ report as ‘impressive’ while Dream’s report is being regarded as something funny in the comments, and even analysis of dream’s behaviours and his argument by a law student
But what u/mfb posted is what i’ll focus on. Some background into the user; he’s a particle physicist, is moderator in subreddits like r/cosmology and r/astrophysics, he’s regarded as a reliable source on r/askscience and r/askreddit. Basically, multiple other people have vouched for him and before all this he had many posts in these fields. 
that’s already better than the unnamed astrophysicist. 
The post is better speaking for itself but here is a few exerpts from it;
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Essentially, the report’s methods are debunked by u/mfb-, alongside that a moderator of r/statistics regarded the report as ‘nonsensical in its application of statistics’ and linked to u/mfb-’s comment. 
i’m going to end this here. Partially because severe backpain or whatever,.
but I want to say at this point its practically definitive that dream cheated, that he lied to us, and that he continues to do so. Much more could be said on his video such as his tone, intentions, the overt emphasis on the ‘biases’ of the mods. 
I havent even mentioned that the ‘astrophysicist’ themself may be a scam; they are sourced from a website that is extremely sketchy, has no names attached to it, and was created less than a year ago (with practically no traffic on it until maybe a month ago). 
But i hope this is coherent. I have interest in this so if theres questions im always open. 
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
okok here it is, i don't have a working title yet lol and i wrote the first like three paragraphs a year ago and only now finished it
but uh here it is ig (it's long so below the cut)
oh and i named the characters before i read chog believe it or not so there is no correlation lol
Prologue - Cordelia
May brings with it the memory of battles fought and won and the ever looming presence of a war not quite lost but certainly nowhere near done. As I hand out threadbare blankets around the flickering fires of the temporary war camp, I have to force my mind not to stray to all the people who should be here but are not. Well, the one person, really. I don’t allow myself to dwell, for I know that if I let my heart open to loss, there will be no hope at closing the hole left behind. No one here will tolerate that.
Yet no one criticizes Halen when she fumbles and breaks her fragile composure, storming out of the planning tent, the memories glistening in her eyes threatening to spill over. No, when it’s her, they rush to comfort her, to appease her, and they tell her to take all the time she needs. After all, has the poor girl not been through enough? they whisper pityingly as though we all haven’t lost others to this fight. But, of course, it’s not my place to comment on the actions of the mighty Chosen One. Even if she is my friend.
I look down to find my hands are empty. Tir has taken the last blanket from me without my noticing, and he’s settling down against his pack with his bare feet at the fire. I scowl; he isn’t allowed to speak against Halen either, despite being her older brother.
Heaving a sign, I slump down next to my friend and pull a corner of the blanket over myself. Tir shifts slightly so I can lean against his shoulder. We don’t speak. There are no words big enough to dispel the cloud of grief that hangs over us.
I know Tir is thinking of Zo today, just like he knows I’m thinking of Cherry.
Both of us, I’m sure, are also thinking that Halen ought to be here. She ought to be spilling those tears she always threatens and apologizing meaninglessly for deaths that aren’t her fault. Since when did she choose to be distant and calm? Couldn’t she at least have the decency to break down with the rest of us?
I scowl at a gecko as it skitters through the dirt toward the treeline to the west. I should say something to Halen. I should scream at her, sob at her, cry out until she understands that we need her as a friend, not just a commander.
My mind made up, I stand quickly, earning a confused stare from Tir. “Where are you off to?” he asks, his voice thick.
I shake my head. “Somewhere that isn’t here.”
He chuckles and reaches up to squeeze my hand. It’s enough. He was never one for many words.
I smile sadly down at him and set off to the eastern shore, where the purple and gold tents of the Eneris royal tents have been set up. Their fire and sun emblem shines bright on the tent flaps behind guards dressed in layers upon layers of robes and wraps and blankets. I scoff. The army settled just twenty yards away is shivering under thin blankets and dying fires while the royals and their company dine on mutton and venison. Not that I’ve come to expect anything else from them. They recruited Halen and built this army from the ground up—of course they believe themselves worthy of a few more precious coins exchanged for better conditions.
Even today, the first anniversary of Monvira’s troops storming villages and uprooting lives, they haven’t so much as acknowledged the flood of pain that’s sweeping through their army. I wonder if they even know what May first means to their people.
I stop mid-stride, staring straight ahead at the Strategy tent, where I know Halen spends most of her time these days.
It hits me: May first. The sky is clouded and the birds are silent, but it’s May first and no one bothered telling me that I forgot my birthday. Which was April thirtieth. No one noticed.
Weariness pushes at the back of my eyes, and I blink heavily against the tears blurring my vision. Memories from last year flood my mind as I turn and hurry towards Halen’s private tent. It bares the same colors and seal as the others.
I collapse on her bedroll and let out a single sob.
Last year, on the night of my birthday, Cherry had wrapped a blanket around us both as we stumbled back to our village after a whole day spent together at Renton Lake. She’d kissed my hand and twirled me toward the hut I shared with Halen, giggling in the moonlight, her dark unbound hair spilling over her shoulder like a waterfall of night. The memory rips through me, forcing another sob out of my quaking body.
The next morning, she’d been gone.
I’m not sure how long I lay there, my tears collecting in a pool around my head, but eventually the shaking subsides and leaves behind a solemn heaviness. Only when I hear the tent flap ruffle do I stir. There’s a small gasp, then: “Delia?”
Halen’s nickname for me only makes the smallest dent in my sorrow. I push myself to a sitting position, sure that my face is red and splotchy and my hair wild and tangled. All in all, I don’t blame her for looking taken aback. “Delia, what is it?” she gushes, crouching before me and taking my face in her hands. “What’s wrong? What can I do?”
This is exactly what I wanted when I stormed in here. Now, I nearly laugh. It’s pathetic, really, all this time I’ve spent cleaning up after Halen, chasing her, thinking maybe she could do something that would fill the cavity growing inside me. I see it now, as her hazel eyes rake my face. “Nothing,” I tell her. Her thumbs are soft as they wipe away the tears that trickle down my cheeks. “Not anymore.” My voice is scratchy, and I push down against a wave of shame. I’m better than this. I’m better than breaking down in my friend’s plush tent. I’ve never been the emotional one—that was always Halen.
I wipe away my tears, feel myself stand and walk out of the tent, my mind still occupied with hazy revelations I’m too exhausted to fully pursue. There’s a feeling in my gut, the only one that matters right now, and it’s an overwhelming cry to get out.
The grass is silent under my feet as I walk, and I’m distantly aware of Halen calling after me. Her cries of “Wait!” and “What’s going on, Cordelia?” follow me, even after she stops.
I keep walking.
I don’t look back.
so uh yeah that's it 👉👈 i can give u the idea of the book if u want or you can just take this offering and run lol <33
Im gonna give you my unfiltered thoughts with no order or organization
1) i have a basis for how the crown is unfair (based on cordelias description) ALSO HOW CORDELIA DESCRIBED "i wasnt even sure if they knew what may 1 meant to their people" IDK BUT I LOVED HOW OT WAS WRITTEN. Its not explicit BUT LEAVES THE MESSAGE SAID
2) basis to whats going on? C H E C K
Artie i've told you a million times but I adore your writting style, i always adored it BIT READING YOUR ORIGINAL WORK
Your style is perfect
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i was high almost the whole time this is a reaction ig sjsjsjs
Clay is narratating baby boy
Who tf died?
I called it monty fucking lived I FUCKING *flips tables*
So winston shut the fuck up if alex fucking goes to jail 🔪🔪🔪
Monty is horrfying omfg also the way hes talking abt the racial system
period tell him clay
aYO WHAT THE FUCK CLAY??? Is monty alive???
Clay looks so good shut the fuck up everyone
Dylan Minette pls sir get in guts
Clay is going insane lowkey scared
I miss Ryan Shaver n Scott Reed, end post
clay is too pretty im-
i hope tyler is okay ;-;
They are dating iM IM SORRY????
i just realize wtf is sheri? Where has been😭
clay lowkey reminds of tony
Tyler :(
tyler and clays friendship>>>
"ass shoes" - jess
Shes MOVING????
"Clay-cray" "clazy" the way i wanna marry Jessica
The way im high as hell the monty illusions i hate em
Alex dad >>>>
The only cop i stan
quick break: black lives matter.
okay Tony serve the looks
Where has justin been
ohhhhh justin was OHHHH
Okay but im zach showing up eveeywhere high as hell
justin n clay >>>>
Matt >>>>
jess n justin >>>
god i love this show sm sm
tony = tylers mom
Zach n alex stay a million feet apart for no reason
did he replace scott where is scott fuck u
cookies: stan
alex is so nervous
I love zachs vibes
oh new guys name is charlie sisjsj
justin what ;-;
you know what you tell her honey :(
I feel you lowkey jess :(
oh no ;-;
alex looks so good rn sir pls
everyone: alex dont say anything
alex: SO FUCK YOU-
why does bill looknso diifferent
winston: mourning over his bf :(
winston needs to stoo being weird
Justin n clay getting new phones so sweet
Clay looks so good in that pic ;-;
why does everyone look so goddamn goos in the season wtf
ani n jess would make good friends with Sheri :(
I am one of the few who does like ani ngl
Justin serves looks sir pls
i swear i lean toward women but yall 😭the men in this mf show
Clay quit being awkward
I want ani and jess to live together
she best see her mom every weekend
does ani not like clay????
Yall jess best not be starting a forest fire
I forgot ani and bryce were fucking
ani is thicc lowkey
Yall i have work im upset
Is that the same whisper sound from assassins creed
ayo what the fuck?
yes jessica you fucking tell him
wtf is metal detector gonna do bro
I hate boland anyways
Estella is so pretty
Who is she Jess??
Im confused
Zach >>>>
zach breathes and im all "wow so hot"
is no one going to college???
you getting cut if you are mean to my boy
thank god for ani
Fuck winston this lil mf gives me the heebegeebes
justins going to college imnso proud
oh shit winston is fine tho
also wtf do you mean it can kill you ima mess this mf up
okay ani pls dont call clay out (she wants a knife to her face)
poor clay has to pretend hes okay for everyone else
Im tired of seeing monty beibg a creep
Ani: *whispers* clay no wait-
fuck off yall bitches
who the fuck ONG
monty n hannah n bryce: haunts ppl
yall mfs really wanna box HURT CLAY-
ani n clay: know who killed bryce
im sorry???
tell ani clay :(
alex: worried abt alex
zach quit being mean to ur bf
zach is being so inconsiderate eat ass bro
:( they still wont take them back annoying
justin dont-
Snitches get stitches end up in ditches qnd get no bitches bro you know the code
okay clay dont get all pissy bro
that was a weird transition
i had no idea he was a senior why didnt they say that
oh ny god this explains the absence of ryan then ig but i miss scott more than anything ong
This confirms clays in love with scott i dont make the rules
clays jeans >>>
i was expecting hannah tbh not ani
omg no clay :( u cant save everyone- it would have been more powerful coming from hannah lowkey disapointed
clay is finally getting help, proud
Clay looks so fine omg im sorry but he looks great
everyone in this seasn is looking so fine wtf
Winston is so pretty :(
he rlly liked monty my heart lowkey is broken
no :(
Im going to sob
I have a feeling theyll kiss again and itll be on zachs volition
The anxiety i havfor alex
Also lowkey zach kissed back
the fucks i give ima write so many fics istg yall
brb ima go get high rq
they are gonna trace it all back to clay im so nervous
tyler best keep his mouth shut
Clay is so funny sjsjsjs hes so scarcastic like okay emo edge lord
season 2 is still superior i stand by that statement
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ADHD sides hcs :3c
self projection time? self projection time
feel free to add ur own hcs onto this im jus usin my own experiences here 
startin w PATTON
emotional regulation? who’s she? patton only knows feeling emotions with Every Single Atom in his body so powerfully he might one day Explode
if he’s happy hes HAPPY!!!!! it’s like his body fills with light and he’s walking 2 feet off the ground and nothing could go wrong — and then whoops, something goes wrong, and wh o o ps, hes crying, whoops —
has a million stuffed animals sitting aLL around the house so he always has something to Squeeze
Squeezing is a good stim dont @ me
he throws his whole body into stimming
flapping, bouncing, jumping, spinning — his body must be moving at all times or he will die 
starting things is. Very very hard for him. executive dysfunction hits DEEP and he’s just,,, paralyzed. he wants to do the thing!!! he really does!!! his brain just Wont Let Him
logan used to get very frustrated with him but then patton like, explained how it felt and a little lightbulb went off in logan’s head
“patton, I think you have adhd.”
“... i’m guessin that doesn’t mean im a-delightful-hip-dad?”
then they did some Research together and put together a plan to help patton work around executive dysfunction and, it works, sometimes
when it doesnt, logan makes hot cocoa and sits with him
“Hey, Pat, what’s for dinner?” “huh?” “I said, what’s for —” “meATloaf”
hearing is an uphill struggle so sometimes he just Signs instead but a lot of the time he gets so excited about what he’s trying to say he just dissolves into flapping halfway through the sentence
lots of hyperfixations !!!! so many !!! he cycles through em one after another suuuuper quickly 
he never forgets a hyperfixation, and the mention of ANY old hyperfixations will have him cry-flapping
roman: hey did u know they’re making another phineas and ferb movie -
patton, vibrating intensely and sobbing, .5 seconds away from launching into orbit: theYR E MAKING A WHAT
singing is his absolute FAVORITE STIM
that moment where u reach a point in a song where ur chest just, Swells and u can feel ur voice Vibrating ? yeah
sometimes Does Not warm up beforehand bc ??? he has No Choice but to sing along to certain songs and he cant always control when they come on so his voice sometimes gets Very Raspy from belting without warmups
aside from that twirling and doing Ballet Poses are also very good stims. he stick his leggy out Real Far mmhm
roman: *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt finish it *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt finish it* *starts a new project and doesnt fin
his room is a MESS and NO he will NOT clean it LOGAN he has a SYSTEM 
he doesnt have a system and the mess stresses him out to no end but he has one (1) braincell and it’s dedicated to Starting Projects And Not Finishing Them so
needs validation to survive
like legit if he doesnt get validation he will DIE 
on the flip side, if he gets any sort of rejection, he will also Die
logan: so I read through your latest script, and the idea is solid. We can definitely work with this. I did notice one oddly structured sentence so I fixed that for you —
roman: so you basically hate it and i should die 
rejection sensitive dysphoria is the one villain he has yet to figure out how to slay
contrary to what u might think, he keeps his hyperfixations Very close to his heart. he doesnt think he would survive it if one of the others were to criticize them
the one exception to this rule: disney. 
you cant look at this boy and tell me hes not hyperfixated on disney i mean did you s E E him in that one ep cmon
he will ramble about disney to anyone who will listen for hours. days, even, if you give him the opportunity. infodumping about disney is like injecting pure sunlight right into his bloodstream; by the end of it he’s glowing
once, after accepting anxiety, virgil and roman ended up in another debate about the Meanings of disney movies, but this time it was friendly, and by the end of it roman had gotten to ramble about each and every one of his favorite movies and he had never been happier
it was the first time virgil ever saw him Flap
they still get together to talk disney sometimes
virgil: *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while listening to mcr* *stims while liste
like roman, Music is virgil’s main stim, but he prefers to just. Move. bouncin his leg and drumming his hands in the air and shaking his head etc etc
it takes. literally foreVER for him to trust the others enough to stim around them. music is his main comfort but, for a Long Time, he wouldnt let himself listen to it when the others were around, just bc he knew he’d want to stim and he couLDNT bc what if he got juDGED
but then one day roman starts singing and patton jumps up and starts spinning and virgils like “???” and logans like “that’s how they stim” and virgils like “!!!!”
he Tappy Leg Real Fast
he also has a string of beads he carries everywhere to twist around his fingers bc bead,,, Good Texture
he struggles with rsd just as badly as roman, but he shows it in a Different Way
roman hurts, but hes an actor. he’s not about to invite more rejection by letting them know how much their words hurt! no no no, he keeps up the bravado until hes back in his room and then he breaks
but virgil. the rsd hits and its like, a physical blow to his chest and he crumples, wilting in on himself, and the world around him just sorta, ebbs away. for virgil, rsd is static
after AA the others start to learn his Signs for when hes feeling Bad™ so whenever he shrinks away they’ll stop the conversation and talk him through his insecurities until he feels better
went to Halloween Horror Nights one (1) time and now listens to the music on repeat and just. stims for hours
also hes in love with austin gumbam from academy of villains me? self projecting? never 
knows Every Obscure Fact from Every Horror Movie Ever and the urge to infodump is Consntantly at the forefront of his mind but he Never Does
unless someone gives him permission 
virgil: oh? chucky? thats a. cool movie.  did you know that — uh. nvm
logan: no no, go on
virgil, vibrating at a speed that could shatter glass: iF YOU INSIST-
this bitch is just as bad at Emotional Regulation as patton
hes just better at hiding it
that little stunt w the paper in lntao? he is Constantly .5 seconds away from going apeshitt. that was just A Glimpse into the chaos
he’s just,,,, very very bad at Identifying what he’s feeling. patton hid his feelings from the others, but he still knew what he was feeling, and he knows how to identify emotions
logan, on the other hand? 
logan: passion and anger are both Hot. they must be The Same Thing
patton: i. i mean. not really
logan: goddamnit
patton: logan? are you crying?
logan, touching his cheek and finding Tears: hm. tragic. and here i thought i was “happy”
he’d much rather just,,, Not feel but thats not an option bc he still feels things intensely, he just doesnt know What he’s feeling most of the time
quiet stims. he runs his hands along the fabric of his tie, feeling the grooves of the stitches, and readjusts his glasses constantly. if he’s feelin extra wild, he’ll even pull out his rubix cube and solve and re-solve it without even looking
LOTS of obscure hyperfixations
he has so many books on so many different subjects,,,, his room is more of a library than a bedroom and thats just the way he likes it
throwback to that one time he hyperfixated on reptiles and thomas’ little “slimy boy” outburst had him chasing deceit around the mindscape trying to feel his scales “FOR SCIENCE”
memory. problems.
he HATES hates hates hates the fact that things slip his mind so easily. hence, the notebook, and the daily planner, and the deluge of postits hanging around his bedroom
it frustrates him to no end especiaLLY when he forgets important information in front of thomas
patton watches out for the signs of Frustration and brings logan a cup of tea later than day and helps him sort through the Mess of notes on his desk to catalogue the Important Info
just let logan and patton be adhd buds @god bls i beggeth
but when he does remember The Information and thomas praises him? effervescent
logan, after thomas called him cool, kicking down pattons door: I FINALLY KNOW WHAT HAPPINESS TRULY FEELS LIKE
patton: hey! cool your jets there, kiddo!
patton: :3c
logan, turning around: neveRMIND
patton: nO WAI T-
the day thomas called him cool was the first time he ever Flapped
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ruffiorocks · 6 years
Lena Luthor and her lack of support no matter what she does.
Long post. Not really Kara friendly, but its past events. 
Soooo, losing myself down a Youtube rabbit hole of Supergirl clips, i have concluded that Lena Luthor does not receive any kind of support from her friends andor/significant other if whatever she is doing doesn't fit in with their ‘hero code’ that for some reason she still isnt really privy to or involved in. Despite the fact that she has saved the world and Supergirl MULTIPLE  times!
It really does play out like this:
Lena, ‘I am going to invent......
Super friends ‘NO Lena you are not allowed to invent that because WE dont think its right!’ 
Lena, ‘I am pro..
Super friends ‘NO Lena!  You cant’ support that because its the opposite of what we think’. 
Sooo yeah, basically no matter what Lena does, unless it supports the Superfriends and it has their seal of approval she is some how wrong. Why? Because she has  a mind of her own and isnt a senseless drone who believes a smile and hope will fix the worlds problems. 
Lets look at some examples: 
1. Lena invents the alien detection device, because she believes that humans have the right to know if an alien is among them. Kara, against this purely because she is an alien, actually struggles to come up with an argument against it. But when Lena turns around and says if aliens want to live in America thats their right and if humans want to know who they are than thats their right to, Kara, without a second thought destroys Lena’s device! Lena of course changes her stance at the end of the episode (and Kara does a little to) but even if she hadn't, it doesn't make her a bad person. 
Lets review: 
Kara went to the sister of Earths biggest alien hater to ask her view on the Alien Amnesty Act. Kara didnt like what she heard, she struggled to actually come up with a decent argument that didnt involve ‘I am an alien’. She then destroyed something that Lena probably spent months of hard work and millions of dollars on because ‘it didn't meet with Kara’s approval’. (Im actually really happy Lena got this working again to use it on Rhea!)
2. Lena manufactures Kryptonite to help save the life of her friend Sam who came to her for help. Now lets remember that Sam did actually go to Alex for help at the DEO and Alex found nothing. So it wasnt like Same didnt have options. But she clearly felt safer with Lena. To be frank,who wouldnt? I wouldnt want to knock on the DEO’s door and be like ‘hey! Im Reign, the murderous alien you've been looking for, but its not my fault’. I digress! Lena made Kryptonite to help Sam!
So, when Supergirl/Kara finds out that Lena has kept Sam a secret and had the nerve to have Kryptonite,(we learn later she made it, but told Kara it was Lex’s)  what did she think? Well it was ALL about Kara! Sam wasnt even given a second thought. Kara doesn't agree that Lena should be allowed to have Kryptonite because she doesnt approve and apparently everything Lena does now needs the Super seal of approval. I mean, even Alex was sound with Lena after Lena explained.
Lets review, Lena has Kryptonite and used it to help keep her friend contained so she wouldnt go out murdering people. All this at Sams request, but the first thing Kara thinks of is Kara, because SHE isnt happy and wasnt involved . Because for some reason Kara has to know and be involved in all things and they have to have her seal of approval or Lena is some how bad. 
3. Lena approaches Kara/Supergirl telling her she has something for her to help fight Reign and not to be alarmed because its in a lead lined case. Kara instantly alarmed because apparently that super hearing is useless and she is so lost in her current prejudice towards Lena that she has forgotten that Kryptonite can’t hurt her when its encased in Lead. Something that Lena JUST TOLD HER! Supergirl ‘is that Kryptonite?!’ ugh..duh Kara! Anyway, Lena tells her its to help her fight Reign, you know since NOTHING Kara has done so far has had any impact, but Lena (angel that she is) offers her the solution. Kara, ignoring what Lena just said gets pissed and tells Lena she has gall lying to her face, Lena finally sick of Kara’s bullshit and rightfully so, tells her she didnt lie. she made the Kryptonite. (OK i know she did lie, but you saw Kara’s reaction to Lena simply having what she thought was Lex’s kryptonite, could you imagine what she would have said if  she knew Lena had made it to begin with? I can promise you one again Sam wouldn't have even factored into it.) Lena tells Kara she made it, and she super charged it for Reign. Kara, once again ignoring the possibility of defeating Reign,  saving Sam and the world takes this personally and is like ‘You what?!’ Because once again Kara is the only person on the planet that matters right now. She then ORDERS Lena to give up her formula and anything Kryptonite related and give it to Alex and the DEO and tell her she is never going to make Kryptonite again because errr... KARA says so! I do love how Lena is just rolling her eyes at her. Lena tells her she thought she would be grateful, Kara once again thinking only about Kara doesn't understand how she should be grateful that Lena made the once substance on Earth that can kill her. Errrr because it can stop Reign you selfish, self involved, self righteous Kryptonain arse hole! Lena then tell her lots of things can kill humans but you dont see us being whiny arses about it.
Lena tells Kara she has a God complex, in this situation she isnt wrong. Kara goes off on one about the effects of Kryptonite and a smug Lena tells her thats exactly what she needs to subdue Reign. Kara, realizing that she does in fact need this Kryptonite because she has failed to come up with a solution herself, picks it up and even has the gall to turn around and say to Lena ‘even if we were on the same side’. No Kara! You are on the same side! Lena has been helping, keeping Sam safe and has come up with the solution you need
Lets Review, Lena told Kara she had something and not to be alarmed to which Kara was instantly alarmed. Kara got pissed at Lena for learning to make the one substance that could in fact save the day. She ignored the fact that it could in fact help Sam and thats why Lena made it. No it was ALL about Kara. Kara even told Lena they were not on the same side, even though Lena has done more to help Sam/Reign that Kara has and no one else seems to have an issue with Lena at all.  It was all about how this would effect Kara and how wrong Lena was for making it. Once again Lena is in the wrong because Kara doesn't agree, it didnt have karas’s seal of approval, hence forth Lena is in the wrong. 
4. While Reign is locked away in Lena’s cell, Lena uses a forcefield that blocks out Reign seeing them, even X ray vision. Kara,who literally just heard Lena say it blocks Reign looking at them decides to try to look through, because reasons i guess? Of course it hurts her and she gets pissed. Even though she just did that to herself! Then she decides to get pissed at Lena (AGAIN), Lena tells her the shock of looking through it keeps Reign in check. But of course that part goes over Kara’s head and it becomes all about Kara. She tells Lena they ‘talked about this; and if Lena made any weapons that could hurt Kryptonians she would tell her. Can i interject that this is Kara’s supposed ‘best friend’ and she immediately jumps to every bad conclusion she can? Lena says its not a weapon and then puts Kara in her place by telling her she will tell her about Kryptonite but she doesn't think about her while she makes other things. 
Lets review, Kara who was just told by Lena that the force field blocked out Kryptonians decides to look through it anyway and gets in a mood and all offended because it hurt. Shocker!  Lena tells her its to keep Reign (the murderous alien who just threatened to rip out Lena’s spleen, in check). This once again goes over Kara’s head and she immediately jumps to the conclusion that the force field is a weapon that can be used against her and how dare Lena even think of making something without informing this random super hero she barely knows who has no authority other than what she has given herself and from a secret government organisation Lena isn't even supposed to know exits! Kara is going no thought what so ever to Sam (again) or that Lena’s spleen is being threatened. Why? because Lena had the nerve to something without Kara’s approval or thinking about Kara first and we cant have that because the world revolves around Kara.  Henceforth Lena is bad. 
5. Kara, not trusting Lena at all asks her BOYFRIEND to break her trust and break into her vault to see if there is more Kryptonite there. Kara once again thinking of only Kara, thinks its OK to betray your best friend by getting her boyfriend to break into her personal vault. Kara then gets pissed at James because he suddenly grew a conscience at the very last second, after already breaking into L Corp and getting to the door of the vault, but not going in. Kara is annoyed that James decided to tell Lena what Kara/Supergirl asked him to do. Why? He literally just made the situation worse to score points with Lena. Lena will later learn that Supergirl did this and is notably pissed. Kara meanwhile is surprised by this. 
Lets Review, Kara, once again thinking only of Kara, asked her best friends boyfriend to break into her personal vault and betray her trust because Kara is paranoid. Kara may have had a reason to be paranoid, but once again thinking only of Kara she manipulated James into betraying his girlfriend, Kara's best friend. (I dont care if he didnt go in, he still broke into L Corp. If my partner broke into my home but then decided not to steal something i would still be pissed and call the police!) 
There are so many other things i could write about, like how Lena saved James’ ass from the DA but he treated her like crap for it. Lena helped to get rid of the Daxamites, but because Kara didn't like the method, one again it was ALL about Kara and her happiness with Mon El, because f**k the fact people are dying. Its technically not just Lena who brought the Daxamites, but Kara and Mon El’s selfishness.(Rhea didnt even attack until Mon El refused to go back with her) Kara not willing to let go and Mon El not willing to give up a cushty life to actually go and help his people become better people) Lena had to suffer the cold shoulder for weeks!) 
But lately. its Lena and her idea to give people super powers and work with the government, James is instantly against it because it doesn't fit in with his moral code even though he told Lena he was fine with what she was doing. Until it involved the government.  So once again Lena is the bad guy. 
No one has a problem using Lena when she is needed though, Like when she saved Supergirls ungrateful ass from Kryptonite poisoning. Or when she created harun el to save all the people of Argo city. Or when she pilated the ship and helped Kara and Mon El fight Reign. Or when she managed to get her and Mon El to safety on the daxamites ship. Or when she saved all the aliens from being poisoned. Or when she brought cat co. Or when she killed the man she loved to save Supergirl etc etc. 
Lena, does not receive support unless she is fitting in with other peoples ideals. She has got to have their approval or she is deemed the bad guy or questionable. At this point its a wonder she hasnt gone mad and simply become a villain already. She wants to save the world her way, she does in fact save the world a good few times. But because she doesn't kiss Supergirls ass and look for approval she is seen as the one in the wrong. Oh and Kara, as much as i do love her, can be the most self involved person on the show! Poor Lena proves herself over and over again, but she is never given full approval or trust. The poor girl can not win no matter what she does. Id like to say that Kara’s attitude has gotten better, she has been the one to support Lena defend her, but ONLY if it doesnt effect her directly. This latest season she has barely said two words to her, so only time will tell. 
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frankensteindotpdf · 6 years
Jon’s TGWDLM Livestream
I offered to write out all of Jon’s answers in his q&a (not verbatim, just a summary but also it got a little long, sorry for that) so here it is! sorry if there’s typos, i wrote this at 2am lmao i put most of the qs in bold
it was hard not to kiss jeff in WDYWP, especially because his face was so close (great way to start it off)
“Sing the beginning of Moana wasnt improvised”
He loves Not Your Seed and Show Stopping Number
His favourite piece of fanart is one of the first ones with red paul blue paul (in let it out) and he had it as his homescreen for a while
he got into starkid by doing Power Prom with jeff and lauren, (as well as another show with jeff and another with quite a few of the starkids) and then they asked him if he was interested in auditioning and he sent in a video audition and tah dahhh
if he could play any other character from tgwdlm it’d be hidgens (though he says part of the reason he loves hidgens so much is because robert did such a good job fleshing him out)
“how close are you and jeff” “uhh who’s jeff?”
paul’s job was originally gonna be a movie critic (buzzfeed-esque) (and at one point in WDYWP they brought up how he was reviewing a Hamilton movie musical-which was, incidentally, his fav deleted bit) but it ended up being at a customer service center “but most of the time he fixes printers and plays on the internet”
jaime helped out with some of the lyrics to CORC/COPC because she’s a barista
his fav memory with the cast was before shows and one time when they hung out after the show at a diner
his fav line that almost made him break every time was “Latte hottay...my wife...yknow like borat, dude” (it made him break a couple of times but he was always walking off stage like right as he said it)
he really liked the line “we’ll make a jammin’ cup of java, mocha latte with the froth for you, jack, frappuccino!” he just thought the wordplay was real good
fav joke was probs the moana bit (he broke a couple of times there too)
fav song was Show Stopping Number (and he said the way the songs flow when you’re listening to it on the album is so good)
he never found it boring to go to rehearsals because James and Lauren are such good choreographers and all the actors are so good at singing and dancing he got to watch them perform all the time and he really enjoyed it (how pure)
his reaction to hearing the show’s plot was “hell yeah, this is gonna be so much fun”
when he first heard let it out he was stoked because in high school he had tried performing Confrontation from Jekyll and Hyde with just a boom box so no one could actually hear the music and it didnt go well so he felt like that song was letting him redeem himself
his fav moment from the show’s run was the first show because they were so stressed because it was the first time they went all the way through the show with tech and music and it went really well “It was magical. we were all,like, on this adrenaline endorphin high and, uh, it was awesome.”
fav character from any starkid show is either nick playing robin or nick playing obi wan from Ani (he’s seen the scene where obi wan walks into the bar “probably a million times” because he loves the timing and the dry humour) but also nick gage as sultan from Twisted
fav moment to watch in the show was the part after Not Your Seed when the aliens were trying to talk at the same time
“would i have wanted to sing more? no, because i got to sing these two awesome songs” Let It Out was really fun to do but also daunting, and in Inevitable he got to sing parts of the other songs
no real mishaps with the blood capsules, just getting fake blood all over his face and shirt (but that was fine cuz it made him look like more of a badass in the next scene, as long as he remembered not to wipe it off)
fav line that he said? “ok”
“will i ever make my own version of Love Never Dies?” he wants to be in a musical about death (more of a “silly fun romcom”) and thinks that concept has so much potential
he’s inspired by The Adventure Zone and that’s where he got the name Travis from (idk what he’s talking about being inspired about, he never really says)
if paul drank the coffee, he would have been infected
there were no pranks, but
before one of the last shows he was rehearsing outside and he “stepped in human poop” like 20 minutes before he had to go on (he threw out the shoes ofc and luckily a member of the band had extra shoes that fit)
general advice? “number 1 surround yourself with people who love and support you and that you trust and you like to have a lot of fun with 2 if you can develop a skill that you l can support yourself when you’re not working, develop that skill, its really important just so you can put food on the table and also you’ll hear a ton of advice and there are a lot of training programs about how to act and how to sing but find whatever works for you...understand the character and do whatever you can to remove tension” (that was a lot lmao but i thought it was good advice)
there were lots of little improvised bits in the show but his fav was trying to figure out what he and emma were gonna say when they were going through the alleys
before every show they’d put their arms around each other and make a one word story (i can explain the game if you dont know what it is)
paul still wants a carpet
the starkid actor he’d want to play paul (if it wasnt him) would be brosenthal or brolden
fav food is “fuh”?  im sorry im a dummy ive heard of it but i cant spell it but yeah he likes it cuz it hydrates you and it’s delicious
he doesnt know the “alexa play despacito” meme
he’d love to speak mandarin (and do a film in china, he’s never been)
paul cant hear the background music when the aliens sing
his fictional band would be named either Territorial Fashionistas, The Light Quixotic, or Immortal Bond
fav fan moment was with a fan who had just had a really bad breakup which reminded of himself and how being true to yourself is more important than staying with your partner
dark mode looks cooler on his phone so he likes it best
in songs where he got to watch others singing and dancing, he was smiling on the inside and the fact that he couldnt sing or dance for most of the musical was made up for by the songs he did get to 
MY QUESTION!! (yes, i screamed) “Why did Paul offer bill and mr.davidson a ‘nice caramel frappe, nothing better’ when he only ever ordered black coffee?” he’s gotten them for Bill before cuz it’s his favourite, and he was just saying anything to try to get away from mr.davidson
he knows the lyrics to Moana because he secretly loves musicals after having watched so many with Alice growing up, but he wont even admit it to himself “he says he likes hamilton way more than mamma mia, so, yknow. he has an opinion”
he hopes it’ll come to chicago but he doesnt know if it will
his fav musical is a tie between Chess and Little Shop of Horrors
the backstage was really nice
he was honoured to have lauren spit on him
he was, of course, sad when it was over (but he’s stoked to move to LA)
finally, in the ending he revealed what his decision was for the end with paul, but i think it’s better expressed through a gif so check out: https://showstoppinnumber.tumblr.com/post/182153650669/theguywhodidnotlikemusicals
that was so long haha sorryyy i didnt wanna leave out anything. it was fun! hope you enjoy it, @realshowstopper!! if y’all have any qs hmu
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Pairings: Romantic Logicality
Warnings: None, just a bunch of fluff
AUs: None/Cannonverse
   It was absolutely exquisite, all of it. The wide open field had a solemn few trees, about five sprawling angel oaks in the endless acres of prairie. The grass was speckled with bluebonnets, flag irises, blue columbines, and virginia day flowers. It was uncut, reaching up about knee high, thin and soft enough to be visually pushed aside when Patton and Logan tread a path through. In the background, you could hear a small, tinkling clear water stream. The water was habitat to small fish, hunting ground to the cranes, birthplace of miniscule frogs, backs wet with dew, as well as watering hole to the harmless rodents, felines, and canines that snuck in the dark. Everything was given a dull, pulsing glow by the millions of fireflies and rest languidly on the grass and ground, some buzzing around the air, going high enough to look like false stars glinting in the distance.
   However, the most beautiful, positively bewildering sight was the night sky. The dome of midnight blue was comparable to a planetarium, better even. Logan could see all the constellations clearly, and point out bright spots that were actually planets in the distance. The two of them could see whole galaxies, and whenever Logan pointed out a constellation, it would connect and the image would become somewhat of a transparent drawing around it so that Patton could visualize the picture better. Soon, the sky had warriors and animals drawn across it, and Logan explained the history of each one.
   They were laying in the grass, stargayzing, and pointing at the sky. Patton sat up, resting his body’s weight on one hand and picking a flower with the other. He twisted it between his finger and thumb a few turns, and then placed it behind Logan’s ear, tucking it behind his glasses. A small peach bunny edged out of the grass and to the pushed down vegetation that served as a type of bedding for the couple. Patton’s face lit up, and Logan smiled warmly at the sight. The tiny creature moved closer with each hop, eventually reaching Patton, who was now sitting criss-cross. He reached his hand out, and it sniffed him hesitantly, whiskers tickling Patton’s fingers.
   “Lo, look. Look.” Patton whispered excitedly. He looked almost childlike, his hair lit up by the lightning bugs’ glow, cheeks and nose catching the light as well. His clothes were covered with stray flowers, the stems of which had wormed their way into the fabric. His knees were grass stained, and his hands were just slightly reddened and dirty from climbing the trees and dragging his fingers through the grass. The picnic basket beside him was since emptied and then refilled with a bouquet of flowers to put on the dinner table back at the mind palace.
   The rabbit had decided that he liked Patton and Logan, and hopped into Patton’s hands causing the side to almost cry of joy. He was petting it’s little head with his pointer finger, and marveling and his ridiculously long ears. “I suppose he likes you, Patton.” Logan remarked, cocking his head slightly to the side. He reached his hand out a little, stroking the bunny’s spine, to which he arched said spine in delight. Patton gasped, and the lightbulb above his head was almost visible. “Oh, Logan, can we keep him? Please?”
   He chuckled at his boyfriend’s euphoria, thinking it over while Patton placed the small creature in their basket. He nodded. “Yes, Patton. We have the means to keep him, and I think he will make a good pet.” Patton practically launched himself into Logan’s arms, wrapping around his torso, half sitting in his lap. They nuzzled into each other, and both giggled at the other’s happiness. The bunny settled into the picked flowers, laying himself down for the night and dozing off. They watched the thing for a few beats, and Logan grasped Patton’s hand.
   “Come, starlight. I have something to show you.” And ask you he added to himself, blushing at the thought. They started walking over to one of the trees, fireflies scattering, and lighting up the atmosphere around them. “Almost seems like we should have mood music, huh?” Patton looked around at the scenery, baffled by the detail that Roman had produced for the “perfect date” that he asked him to create. He must be the luckiest father figure figment in the entire Thomasverse to have such great friends, and such a wonderful companion. The moral aspect gazed over at his boyfriend, and was almost brought to tears for the millionth time that night, overwhelmed by love and adoration. He remembered why he brought him out here tonight, why he asked for this date, and he almost let a tear roll down his cheek.
   “Yeah, mood music would be nice.” Logan replied, and not a moment after, a few notes started to sound out of nowhere. Maybe it was the manufactured sky, or the creek, or the ground, or the trees. Whatever it was, it sounded like water dripping in a repeating melody. It played over in the same order a few more times, and a tenor voice started singing, tambre just a little robotic, but soft enough to slow dance to. You would not believe your eyes, if ten million fireflies… Logan smirked, and Patton laughed out loud. “Fireflies, Lo! By Owl City! Like the lightning bugs in the grass!” He almost doubled over at the situational pun, and when he settled, Logan offered his hand.
   Lit up the world as I fell asleep. Patton took his hand and they started to dance, slow and swinging. Cause they fill the open air, and leave teardrops everywhere. The world lit up around them with more displaced fireflies buzzing around the couple. You’d think me rude but I would just stand and stare. They looked into each other’s eyes as they waltzed, speeding up just a little, pace matching their heart rates. I’d like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly. The chorus crescendoed as they picked up pace, going from their simple waltz to Logan spinning and turning Patton in his arms, pushing out and pulling in as close as they could go. It’s hard to say I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep, cause everything is never as it seems.
   Their dance continued until the song was over, ending with a dip and a kiss that they never wanted to end, and continued to linger on their lips when they broke for air. They strolled for a little longer, taking in the starlight, fireflies still lighting up the grass, but mostly settling back into their original positions. The couple held hands, and filled the time with a small, mostly meaningless conversation, both of their minds off in some other place, pondering.
   “Logan, the reason I wanted to be out here tonight so bad, in fact the reason I was so happy when you accepted, was that. Well. Gosh. I...I need to ask you something.” He looked up hopefully at his boyfriend, waiting for a response, seconds seeming to be minutes.
   Logan cleared his throat. “I too, wish to ask you something, Patton. It’s good that we seem to be of a one track mind on this.”
   “Logan, it’s just that you make me so happy. I almost don’t know what to do with myself.”
   “Patton, love, you are… indescribably beautiful. Inside, out, and everywhere in between.”
   “Oh, you’re so sweet Lo. From the tip of your nose to the tips of your toes, and everything above your nose too. I really do love you, so so much.”
   “Darling,” he took a breath in, “may I ask you a question?”
   “Well ya just did! But yeah, hit me. I need to ask you something too.”
   Logan seemed slightly taken aback. “Oh, then you first. I insist.” He straightened his necktie and his back, ready to answer whatever Patton’s query may be. “How about at the same time.” Patton proposed, smile bright, but nervous. “As you wish. On the count of three?” Patton nodded, and began to count down.
   “1… 2… 3.”
   “Will you marry me?” Both men had taken a knee at the same exact time, summoning rings, and proposing to each other perfectly in sync. And for a heartbeat, only one, they both were stunned silent, each looking at the other in utter disbelief. But then that heartbeat passed. They both jumped into their fiance’s arms, tumbling to the ground, fireflies erupting and lighting up the moment. They were both lying down, taking in the petrichor and crying in each other’s arms. They put the rings on each other, and kissed. Patton sniffled when the embrace broke, looking up at Logan with watery eyes. “I guess that means yes.” Logan nodded. “Yes. Yes, always, of course, and forevermore, yes.”
   The binoculars hanged in midair, Roman willing them to stay suspended as he watched from a tree branch in the distance. Because, you see, he had been approached by both of his friends, both planning to propose to each other tonight, both begging him to make them the perfect date in the imagination, which he had control over. He smirked, looking on and the newly engaged couple. “Hehe, gay.” he whispered to himself shoving another handful of popcorn in his mouth.
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Stream of Consciousness Lover Album Reaction
I wrote out my first thoughts while listening to the album and put them in one big post. I hope you find them as funny as I do lmao
1. I Forget That You Existed
LOL so that’s what the drake Easter egg was about!
Who is this about????
This track is somehow savage and adorable at the same time
2. Cruel Summer
This is giving me Katy perry vibes
The devils roll their dice line is from this?? Didn’t expect that
This is maybe the catchiest song I’ve ever heard
Why is this not a single??????
This also kind of gives me Jonas brothers vibes, why???
Again.....what is this about???
OooOOoooOooWhoooooAAAAhh i loveeee this
OOOH no you know what this gives me GETAWAY CAR vibes
Wait...do we think that at the beginning joe wanted to keep their relationship private and Taylor agreed but then changed her mind? WAIT NO.....is this about her having to keep her love for joe secret at first the summer they met because she was with someone else/it was too soon??
3. Lover
Ok SUPER WEIRD transition into lover but OK
As much as I love albums with a clear narrative like rep I also like being all over the place so this is fine
I wonder what inspired her to use the term lover? Does she not know that normal people don’t speak like that?
WAIT IS THE REASON LOVER COMES AFTER CRUEL SUMMER because of the 3 summers line?? Like look how we started...now were here
Does the album begin with i forgot you existed because its like ok this Kanye situation happened...but now were gonna forget about that and talk about the realer real story of the past couple years of my life rather than seeing it through the lens of that story like on rep
4. The Man
Honestly though i actually thought this one would be more savage, i thi
Never mind this is as savage as i wanted
I should know better than to judge a Taylor song before the bridge
Again why isn’t this a single.....it better be
5. The Archer
The emotional whiplash this album is giving me is insane.
It’s like RED but with synths
Is the archer placed here because part of her lack of self confidence comes from the things the media says about her (because she’s a woman not a man?) INTERESTING THOUGHT
Don’t have much else to say about this, we already know
Wow the cake i bought for tonight is somehow way too sweet
6. I Think He Knows
Definitely didn’t think i think he knows was about being horny af
But this is so catchy
Why is everything so catchy?? Literally every song should be a single
BOY I UNDERSTAND the confidence!! After the archer!! I love that he makes her feel that way1!!
This gives me teenage dream vibes and i fucking love that song
7. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
Ok time for the one with the weird title
I love how she keeps comparing her current feelings to how she felt as a teenager!! How its the same and different....very good.
More dice!
Is she imagining what it would be like if she was in this relationship in high school? Because I DO THAT ALL THE TIIIIME GIRL SAME
I really like this one. I didn’t expect I would.
This should be a single.
8. Paper Rings
She’s singing so fast on these songs!!!! I CANT KEEP UPP
This is so retro and i loooooooooooooooooooooove it
Ok baby boy that’s kinda weird but you know what..
Ok its still weird but maybe it will grow on me
This should be a single.
9. Cornelia Street
The storytelling!
Wait......is this about before they ran away together in CIWYW?? Like she thought he didn’t really want her so she was gonna run away alone...but then he was like no i really do lets go
I totally thought that this was the one with the staring out the window like I’m not your favorite town line was from
She ended it with the line she started with (i think)? Ike she used to!
Kinda feel like people hyped this one up too much but i do like it
10. Death by a Thousand Cuts
The piano!!!!
Like a thousand notes a thousand cuts
Look through the windows of this love - like the heart on her eye! I get it I GET IT lmaoooo
If this song was on red it would have the saddest production but on this album its a bop
11. London Boy
I don’t know if this song is supposed to be as hilarious as i think it is but i really do think its hilarious
What does like a Tennessee Stella McCartney even mean????
I kinda feel like this song is too specific to her life to be relatable so maybe that’s why i feel that way about it?
12. Soon You’ll Get Better
Ok great... so we went from that to the sad one
I have to prepare
I didn’t tell you i was scared....
Cause you have to...
The fact that this is the country song...
I cant
That was the only song so far i had to actually stop typing for. God....I’m so sad for her and her family.
13. False God
I can barely take this song in because of what just came before.
But i really like it. And i really like the theme of religion on this album
14. You Need to Calm Down
This album is literally all over the place, i keep trying to assign a narrative to it and its not working out so I’m just gonna give up
Sometimes albums are just collections of songs and not a coherent, linear story and that is ok! Even if its not what i prefer
It certainly didn’t bother me on her first few albums.
The one thing i take away from this is like...no wonder she’s so determined to be so overly positive, i think for her its that or break down crying in the face of what’s happening in her family
15. Afterglow
I really love this song!!! Hashtag relatable
Man..you can really tell even just from my typing that my heart isn’t in this anymore after that song
I think I’m just sad for me too, because i know that i will go through that too sooner rather than later and I already have friends dealing with losing a parent.
16. ME!
My only thought on this is god bless brendon Urie for injecting so much additional joy and energy into this song and making Taylor happy, i just get the vibe that she really needed that
We’ll see if its on my physical cd copies when they arrive...if not then maybe it was always planned to be a line only in the single version
17. It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Ok I don’t really like this song that much but i really like the messages she’s trying to send like...real love feels like hanging out with a childhood bestie, so comfortable
18. Daylight
Also something about the chorus reminds me of the chorus of starlight
My feelings are everywhere. Some songs disappointed me but some blew me away - soon you’ll get better is basically the new Never Grow Up for me which is saying a lot. Everything is catchy a hell though even the songs I didn’t like as much. Ultimately i would have liked more songs about varying subject matter esp. self love but as it is, it is still somehow so all over the place. It really just shows how many emotions and phases can be contained within one relationship (i mean I’m assuming every song about a relationship is about joe). I really think that the song about her mom maybe should have been placed somewhere else...I don’t know where I would have put it but that shit is HEAVY. I am so honored that she and her family would share that with us though. I have a million question about how Andrea is doing and if my theory on why tour hasn’t been announced is correct...maybe she will explain more in the interviews/secret session audio we’re getting in the next couple days. I think my favorite song is Lover but that may change. I don’t think any song on here tops my current all time favorite Taylor song though which is CIWYW. That’s a little disappointing but not every song or album has to be my fave! And this album will probably grow on me esp as i hear Taylor’s explanations of it. Rep did. I really did nooott feel good about most of rep at first, it took a few days.
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amateuranxiety · 5 years
Ken Rants About “Vanishing World” for Probably Way Too Long
Good evening. My name is Ken, I am a dumb, overanalyzing nerd, and I have completely fallen for the narrative Vocaloid producer Grey (a.k.a. Monstrosity) has set up in the first two songs of her series, Vanishing World. I know only two out of the ten-ish-maybe? songs have been released so far, but I’ve been stewing on my thoughts for a while now and I felt that I absolutely needed to get them down somewhere. in this essay i will- I hope that people are able to see this and possibly be interested in checking the series out? I just feel like it deserves a lot more attention. I highly recommend listening to all the work on her channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrq2qxXTl7u-YKeSqIJ5xZA Now, without further ado, I give you my analysis. i feel like im giving myself too much credit for my hyperfocused ramblings lol
This writing discusses themes of mass death and other death related subject matter. If you are disturbed by these things, then please proceed with caution. Stay safe.
Basic Plot Summary
Vanishing World is the story of the end of the world, and the beasts who cause it. One beast for every element or force of nature or whatever. So far, they seem to choose a human to “cooperate” with in order the wreak their havoc on Earth. Human resistances rise up around the world, although not much information has been provided about them yet. Our story begins in the twenty-fifth day of the month of June, they year 2000.......
Part 1: Aberrant Garden 
Kaylee Tagetes was a young girl with a remarkable, and almost scary, gift for gardening. However, as she grew, she spiraled out of control. She began fusing plants with other forms of existence, creating a deadly army for the first destruction god, Carnation. where are your parents??? Also she had this weird flower with a face growing out of her head, but I don’t think it’s that relevant also it just scares me so I’m just gonna ignore it unless I think something up about it, ok? Ok.
An investigator dispatched to “the site of the anomaly (I’m assuming this is Kaylee’s house)” finds this information and more inside of a conveniently placed exposition note that was probably just lying on the ground I guess. 
Some important things I want to highlight in the note:
“However, as she grew older, she became... curious about something. Almost like a mysterious force was feeding her thoughts. What was this thing she was curious about, you ask? Simple!
...”By what means? That part... shall remain a mystery.”
“...and it was at that moment when she was poisoned by a spider monster. Acid flowed through her veins. She fell, passed out from blood loss. Probably dead.”
“‘My name is Carnation, the Monster of Flora. You shall hear more about me in the afterlife- your time is up.’“
“Into a giant maw she was dropped... no one ever saw her again as Kaylee Tagetes.”
What these things mean (probably):
Every beast is able to get into the mind of its host and pretty much possess them and lead them to do what they want.
Whoever wrote the note wants the process of monster creation to remain a mystery.
Probably dead. Probably.
use your real name, nerd the one you made up sounds stupid
She was eaten. Trapped within the monster’s stomach.
Our investigator pal jumps on the bandwagon with his own exposition!
“In the year 2100, the apocalypses rises, fear the chrome god monsters and their trapped traitor humans.” 
He goes on about how weird it is that Carnation woke up 100 years before the rest. Also that note was pretty strange too I guess. But the question is, who wrote it? Well, my friend, it seems obvious that it was written by a human being, so I propose the theory that Kaylee herself wrote the note. I’ll explain my reasoning soon enough, but for it to make any sense at all (even though it still probably won’t), I need to move on to.......
quick note: the more i think about this the more stupid it sounds for reasons ill get into in a moment, but im just gonna keep the Kaylee Note Theory here in case it somehow leads to me having some grand revelation about the true author.
 edit:upon further reflection it may be possible, but i still think there is plenty of room for error within my theory.
Part 2: Ulterior Spectacle
Our Earth was at peace. Finally. But they didn’t let it last.
Stephan Alexander, nineteen year old photographer and the second traitor human in our story. Using a device gifted to him by the Monster of Ice, Morzogo, he is able to freeze any landscape and turn any human being into stone with the click of a button. This device is the grand Tundra Lens. One of the worst birthdays I’ve ever heard of ngl. He goes around killing millions over a period of five months because of what Morzogo had told him.
“They don’t deserve to see the world as you do. They deserve to be a part of a picture, do they not? Make them go still so you may have the perfect picture. Travel the world and make them allll stiiiill, so they’ll be with you forever.”
To summarize the end of the story:
 girl’s voice snaps him out of trance was that a pun?
instant regret for literal mass murder
suicide via medusa method (mirror, click, bye bye)
Also, if you watch the lovely PV, you’ll notice that that girl that brought him back to reality is literally Kaylee Tagetes. A twelve year old killed a chaos god of mass destruction that ate her after she was poisoned and lost a lot of blood. This takes place maybe around the year 2032 and she still looks 12. h o w ? guess she’s dead now idk all the humans are gonna be ghosts and talk about their poor life decisions in the afterlife i guess
So yeah that’s basically my explanation for my whole Kaylee wrote the note thing.
Explaining my Kaylee Note Theory:
I think I figured out how she killed Carnation. The poison in her blood. Ingesting that could have killed him. I don’t know what it takes to kill an old one or whatever those things are, but maybe??????
The prophesy just states that the human traitor are trapped. Not dead, right? dont know about poor stephan tho oof. unless the possession automatically gives you op protagonist powers. they’re probably still dead tho
I don’t know what motivation she would have for leaving the note behind though.
Maybe she wrote it as a ghost-type-person-thing????? idk i feel like im reaching at this point ive been typing for over an hour now.
also im not sure where to fit this in but some characters talk about The Crisis which is where humans randomly turn into monsters????? idk its just been brought up once so far so i dont know what to think of it.
Alright. The last thing I want to talk about today is.......
Zone-B and Codename:NULL
We first meet Codename:NULL in the description of Battle: Xelzerin (that’s Carnation’s real name btw. i guess he’s a dork who doesn’t think his full name sounds cool like me). She’s receiving an email from another Zone-B member, Codename:GANYMEDE, who basically gives us some information about Xelzerin we didn’t already know. Including the fact that Xelzerin isn’t dead??? i should have re-read everything before i started typing this has just turned into one big semi-organized mess im so sorry 
anyway!! foreshadowing about the Earth and Electric beasts, NULL’s name is revealed to be Madeline in the description of Ulterior Spectacle, and apparently Stephan froze over 70% of the world in only five months. Probably a rich kid.
if i weren’t so tired and had more information about a story that’s barely half-way done, i feel like i would be much more thorough with my analysis and theories. i may type out a part 2 once song three drops. until then, ill wait patiently. maybe ill choke out a little theory if i have a sudden revelation but nothing on this scale. maybe ill be able to choke out a timeline as well. i can barely spell i should probably stop hope you enjoyed sorry it go so messy towards the end especially right here ily goodbye.
proofreading: barely im sorry
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hypereactive · 5 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? my best friend
2. Are you outgoing or shy? shy
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? my best friend
4. Are you easy to get along with? depends. i try to be, but im also REALLY picky/have strong opinions on a lot of stuff, and im autistic..
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? yeah
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? a caring one, who listens before judging
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? yeah
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? my best friend
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? sometimes
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? probably my best friend
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “o”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? uhm. I like A LOT of songs.
billie ellish- bury a friend and you should see me in a crown
rag’n’bone man - human
rebel - black pearl (hes a pirate)
Aladdin soundtrack - Prince Ali and one jump ahead
arctic monkeys - Do I wanna know?
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? rarely
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? yea
15. What good thing happened this summer? new job, in my field of study
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? yepp
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? probs at least simple life
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? only if I run into him getting coffee (he works there)
19. Do you like bubble baths? if im in the mood
20. Do you like your neighbors? one i do, one i absolutely dont, the rest i dont interact w
21. What are you bad habits? im REALLY picky, and can come off as ungrateful (if u can’t do it right id rather u just not do it. apparently its more common to think at least you got something/they tried.)
22. Where would you like to travel? Anywhere w the right people. Nowhere without.
23. Do you have trust issues? kinda. More like I understand people wont understand me or meet my needs adequately.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? morning coffee
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? my chin/teeth
26. What do you do when you wake up? if I have ResponsibilitesTM i get up and get coffee and leave the house in less than 20 min, otherwise i lay in bed on tumblr until i have to get up due to responsibilities or hunger.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? im good w where its at tbh
28. Who are you most comfortable around? my best friend
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? yeah. 
30. Do you ever want to get married? yeah
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? lol yesss
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? none?
33. Spell your name with your chin. bdfuds
34. Do you play sports? What sports? not really. i like frisbee and longboarding if those count.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? no. I cant keep secrets.
37. What do you say during awkward silences? i usu dont. ill just go on my phone/leave/etc
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? my best friend. 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? hot topic
40. What do you want to do after high school? lol im not in high school
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? depends on what they did and why, and if they want to grow as a person/make it right
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? im tired/overwhelmed/content/bored
43. Do you smile at strangers? if i lock eyes with them and they smiled, i might smile back, but im pretty good at Not Looking At People
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? ocean
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? ResponsibilitiesTM
46. What are you paranoid about? having a heart attack and no one being around to help me/not noticing until its too late
47. Have you ever been high? yea
48. Have you ever been drunk? yea
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? no
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? black
51. Ever wished you were someone else? no, but i have wished my parents were
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? my chin probs. idk i like myself
53. Favourite makeup brand? i dont wear makeup
54. Favourite store? this is a duplicate question.
55. Favourite blog? uhm.
56. Favourite colour? black/grey/light pink/raspberry/celery green
57. Favourite food? cheese, cheddar brats, spinach, chocolate chip cookies, milkshakes
58. Last thing you ate? rice w beef, spinach, egg and soy sauce
59. First thing you ate this morning? coffee and nutella
60. Ever won a competition? For what? I think so but i cant remember. Oh i think I won an anti-bullying poster competition once.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? lol nopee
62. Been arrested? For what? no
63. Ever been in love? few times now
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? uh. no. cuz i didnt even like the dude.
65. Are you hungry right now? no
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? i only have one real friend so I feel like thats unfair
67. Facebook or Twitter? tumblr.
68. Twitter or Tumblr? still tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? lol no
70. Names of your bestfriends? no, bc hed not appreciate it
71. Craving something? What? not rn
72. What colour are your towels? grey or floral w pinks and blacks and oranges
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes, usu. 2
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? total? uh. 8?
75. Favourite animal? birbs prob.
76. What colour is your underwear? why?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate, unless its ice cream. then vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? berry (any) or cheesecake (also any)
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? grey
80. What colour pants? a darker grey
81. Favourite tv show? uh. i like sherlock.
82. Favourite movie? deadpool probs. or pirates of the Caribbean. or Aladdin. or detective pikachu.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? never seen either
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? never seen either
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? n/a
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? uhm. I cant remember. Probs the black and white one w the scar, or the starfish, or the sea gull
87. First person you talked to today? my sister
88. Last person you talked to today? my best friend
89. Name a person you hate? my past roommate
90. Name a person you love? my best friend
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? my past roommate and most recent ex
92. In a fight with someone? currently? no? ever? yes.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? 5
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? 6
95. Last movie you watched? i dont know
96. Favourite actress? i dunno
97. Favourite actor? i dunno
98. Do you tan a lot? no
99. Have any pets? no
100. How are you feeling? i dont know
101. Do you type fast? yeah
102. Do you regret anything from your past? yeah, but not overly
103. Can you spell well? i think so 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? no
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? i dont think so, but i want to (w the right people)
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? yeah, oops
107. Have you ever been on a horse? yep
108. What should you be doing? cleaning my house
109. Is something irritating you right now? no
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yea
111. Do you have trust issues? yea
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? my best friend
113. What was your childhood nickname? B. as in, just the letter
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yea
115. Do you play the Wii? no
116. Are you listening to music right now? yea
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? not usually
118. Do you like Chinese food? i think so
119. Favourite book? uhm. sherlock (the whole series). the uglies series (scott westerfield). the secret garden. Fahrenheit 451. 1984. 
120. Are you afraid of the dark? no, but sometimes im afraid theres something in it
121. Are you mean? no
122. Is cheating ever okay? no
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? if i want to
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
125. Do you believe in true love? im not sure i know what this means
126. Are you currently bored? no
127. What makes you happy? i dont know
128. Would you change your name? no
129. What your zodiac sign? gemini
130. Do you like subway? i cant eat there
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? lol weve been dating for a while now
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? my best friend
133. Favourite lyrics right now? uh. I dont know.
134. Can you count to one million? that would take a month, so no.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? i dont know. probably that i couldnt go to work bc i was “throwing up from a migraine” when i hadnt thrown up (yet).
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? it varies
137. How tall are you? i think im like. 5′8″?
138. Curly or Straight hair? curly. but not consistent
139. Brunette or Blonde? i am a brunette
140. Summer or Winter? winter. i can always wear more clothes
141. Night or Day? night. its quiet and calm
142. Favourite month? august and october
143. Are you a vegetarian? no
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? yes.
145. Tea or Coffee? yes. depends on time of day/year/mood/etc
146. Was today a good day? i dont know
147. Mars or Snickers? mars
148. What’s your favourite quote? “if you cant explain it simply, you dont understand it well enough” -einstien is one of them. but there are more
149. Do you believe in ghosts? i dont know
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “aunt lillian’s footsteps became more distant, became whispers, were gone.”
@ramblebrambleamble i got bored and answered all of them
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johobi · 6 years
✨thAT SCENE OH DEAR GOD THAT SCENE (well written btw i was really horny by the end of it 😂) like she was in an emotional ally vulnerable place rn and i just don’t think what went on with tae was the smartest idea and i honestly don’t trust what she’s feeling rn bcuz idK IF SHE LOVE TAE OR GUK WOMAN NEEDS SOME TIME TO JUST RECUPERATE IF ANYTHING like i want her to be with jungkook cuz i’m convinced he had a reasonable explanation for all this but after she fucked tae?? 2/?
((more under read more))
She was definitely in an emotionally vulnerable and chaotic place. Whether what transpired is what she truly wanted, we’ll have to see in the next chapter. But her feelings for Tae are certainly genuine; it’s just a case of where Jungkook factors into it all, now. She really loves them both. But in what way? How has her love for them evolved over the span of the fic? HMMM.
✨ i don’t feel like they would be able to get past (plus he lied to her for three months was it?? pretty hard to forgive someone about that too aHHH) & that last line dear god ur a fucking brilliant have i mentioned that? i’m sitting there like “dAMN OC & TAE IS GUNNA BE IT” & u pull that last line & now i’m here like gURL WTF IT WAS SO VAGUE (which is whY I CANT TELL WHO SHELL END UP W/ & FIGURE ANYTHING OUT UR A GODDAMN QUEEN & I LOVE YOU) LIKE WAS IT A GOOD DREAM? BAD DREAM? 3/?
Jungkook is gonna find out what happened between her and Tae in the next chapter. He’s in the wrong, for sure, but how will he react to this? How he does will seal his fate. If he’s indignant and aggressive, despite the fact he is the one that fucked up their relationship, then the reader, feisty thing that she is, seems like the type to shut him down immediately (and considering Tae is now in the picture, Kook being angry will not end well for him). If he’s remorseful and understanding, there could be room for a dialogue. 
Alkdjalkj that last line was intentionally vague. It seems like a 50/50 split as to whether people think it’s a good or bad dream ;PPP
✨UGHUGHUGH SO MANY QUESTIONS I WANT ANSWERED LIKE WHY DIDNT JUNGKOOK SAY ANYTHING FOR SO LONG? WHY WAS HE SO SCARED TO JUST BE OPEN ABOUT IT IF THERE WAS A REASONABLE EXPLANATION? I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT HIS FAMILY AND HOWS IS FIANCÉ DOING BCUZ UHM MS UR BOY IS A C H E A T E R aND what’s gunna happened when oc and tae wake up oOF like will it still be all happy lovey dovey or oc gunna be like i fUCKED UP bcuz she wasn’t in the best place emotionally 4/?
I won’t spoil how the reader comes by the info, but everything about Jungkook will be explained next chapter. It’s a good 50/50 split between him and Tae this time. And yeah the fic will pick up the next morning, so we’ll certainly see how that goes ;)
✨like she just found out her boyfie been cheating on her yOU DONT GO SCREW HER BRAINS OUT ON THE SAME DAY SHE FINDS OUT HER BOYFIE SCREWED HER OVER TAE GDI ughhhh i made this super long i’m sorry i just needed to let this all out and tell u i love u and ur amazing and honestly i’ll wait a million years for the next update bcuz if this is the content ur blessing us with it’s worth it all !!! sending all my love ur way
Please don’t apologise for sending me so many asks!!!! It was a joy to read them all and all the things you liked in particular and what parts of the story got to you the most!!! 
asldkjjj it’s very true that Tae kinda just fell into bed with her without much thought. But I think, to his credit, he did rebuff her on her first attempt because he could tell she was off (if only he could see inside her head and the extent of it tho). The confession caught him so off-guard - again, he wouldn’ve rebuffed her, likely, if she hadn’t reiterated it repeatedly - that it must have set his world askew. Because he’s obviously been harbouring feelings, too, and when the person you love most is pouring them out to you sincerely, kissing you back this time, then… I can’t blame him. I try to stay unbiased and look at my characters objectively, and after examining his actions in this chapter, I think his heart led him into their tryst. 
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gaymafia · 7 years
I’m legitimately curious why people didn’t like the last Jedi? I saw it and thought it was okay? Is there something I missed or? Like it wasn’t great but it was passable?
ok so i wasnt gonna do this here bc nobody fucking asked but u asked so thank u but also strap in ur ready for a while ride
TLJ spoilers, obviously. also my issues are going to be numbered in no particular order bc my thoughts on this movie are so fucking scrambled but here we go
1. Kyle Ron. First of all fuck Ryeanne for making me see so many goddamn closeups of Adam Driver’s ugly ass face. I did not need to see all that he is so goddamn ugly especially that fucking shirtless scene where he looks like a block of pasty ass pale wood.
But for real, Kylo Ren. I don’t actually take issue with his existence, because Kyle really does excellently represent rich ass white boys who have everything handed to them but throw a hissy fit when they face the slightest adversity an throw tantrums all the time. It’s nice to see a villain that represents most people real-life nightmares instead of like, a Sexy Temptress or Old Evil Man or whatever. That being said, kyle is not given the villain’s treatment in this movie. if you cut out all the scenes where ryan is not actively sucking adam driver’s dick and jizzing all over himself over kyle’s angsty white boy angst, the movie has virtually no real plot (”oh no we are in space with no fuel, nobody is going to do anything except get mad at each other, miscommunicate, and deliberately make all the characters of color worthless while separating Finn and Poe bc fuck the gays”). So much of the movie is spent not just establishing how kyle became kyle (which is good! backstory for villains is good!), but trying to get us to like, sympathize with him? which is the shitty part. I dont care that Luke “”””tried to kill”’’’ (he didn’t) kyle. kyle had turned to the dark side before luke’s mistake. kyle had a million and one chances to change his mind from the start of TFA to the end of TLJ, and he never did. Kyle is an evil guy. We need one of those. He’s a great evil guy bc he’s got so many shitty qualities. But ryin doesnt want us to hate kyle, even tho hes the villain. why the fuck doesnt reean want us to hate kyle? bc rayan is also a shitty little man who thinks giving ur white boy a sob story makes him a sympathetic villain and sidelining ur characters of color will help.
also again the fucking shirtless scene what the shit man that was so gross
2. Will be broken down into A, B, C, etc. bc TLJ treats its characters of color like SHIT. 
2A. Finn. Finn gets put in a coma bc why would anyone want to write anything interesting for john boyega its not like hes the MOST BEAUTIFUL MAN and the MOST TALENTED ACTOR who is being sidelined bc ryun hates black people. Yeah Finn is totally into Rey and he wants to save her and is willing to desert the rebellion for her. that happened in the first movie but why give your characters real arcs when you can recycle old ones to jerk off to kyle ron. the rose thing happens, shes like “we can disable the tracking” and like TWO SECONDS after he was dead set on desertion he’s totally down to risk his life for the rebellion at rey’s expense? that sure is a quick 180 with no real reason why and no writing to explain it! then there was the whole “separate finn and poe” thing ryain pulled for the shits and giggles.
2B. Rose. I was pretty chill with Rose, she had a dope backstory, her sister was badass, and I liked that they made that connection off the bat. I’m not mad about anything rayn did with her character but i genuinely believe thats only because i havent thought about it enough yet. give me a week and i’ll figure out how rain fucked it up. open to suggestions.
2C. Poe. Full offense but was I supposed to be mad at Poe for coming up with a plan when that bitch Holdo was like “I’m not gonna tell you my plan sit tight and be convinced we are all going to die :)” i legitimately did not understand how I was supposed to be mad at poe for doing what he thought was best for the rebellion after he asked holdo what the plan was and she was deliberately obstinate and refused to even be like “dont worry i have a plan” she was just like. so dumb. Also poe got thrown around a lot and i am A Little Suspicious of how much physical violence he experienced compared to many other characters.
2D. You guessed what was next! The slaps! Super awesome how the two men of color were slapped by white people!!!! So deep!!!!!!! For real tho uh the second time i saw this movie someone in the audience laughed when poe got slapped by space hitler hux and uh??? not funny. not funny or cute or clever to use the guy you built your entire nazi imagery on to slap the one black man on your cast. i dont care if it was supposed to make us “hate hux” or whatever more. i already hated hux reyn. you could have used that screentime in your 3 fucking hour long movie for something valuable, like giving finn a character arc, or literally anything else besides that goddamn slap. i was livid watching that.
and then with leia and poe? i get that part of the conflict was internal in the resistance and one of the major themes was how failure is the best teacher and all that but like? maybe stop physically assaulting all your characters of color? maybe uhhhh at least think about that first??
2E. like i mentioned before one of the obvious themes was how failure is the best teacher so naturally all the major characters had to fail at something, and then learn from their mistake to be better next time. with luke it was fucking up with kyle, with rey it was being naive enough to think kyle could turn, with poe it was the dreadnaught thing, finn was left out of this because raan dooesn give a shit abt finn bc hes a racist bastard, etc. but it was incredibly transparent how all of the white characters’ mistakes meant either personal losses or something small scale with one person, while the mistakes of the characters of color (poe/finn/rose) were all ones that cost the rebellion the vast majority of their forces. rey got out of her fight with kyle and snoke unscathed. luke got a lot of guilt and character development. What did finn poe and rose get? the deaths of like 99% of the resistance on their shoulders. A little too coincidental that even though rey LITERALLY GAVE HERSELF OVER TO SNOKE she was totally fine a-ok no real scars, finn and poe and rose doing their best to save the rebellion while admiral holdo refuses to tell them anything costs the resistance so fucking much. rey does the DUMBEST FUCKING THING with no real consequences and finn and poe and rose try their best and are punished severely for it.
2F. Really convenient how everything finn, poe, and rose did ended up being useless and just cost the rebellion lives, whereas at least rey’s mishap got snoke killed and taught her a lesson. reeeeaaaalllllyyyyyy convenient how finn, poe, and rose’s plan was a huge waste of time. it would have been much better for us to see an actual plot line with them that contributed to the story and their characterizations instead of “send them on a goose chase, make it pointless in the end, physically brutalize them along the way.
3. R*yl* bullSHIT: ryyn had a really fun time with a lot of very rape-y scenes in this movie. the whole force-connection thing with kyle and rey was soooooo uncalled for, it reeked of non-con fantasies, catered to the r*yl*s like nothing ever before, and was so goddamn gross. the obvious invasion of privacy and lack of consent was nasty, using it as a shitty device to make rey “come around” on kyle was NASTY and that whole thing was nasty. i know im not articulating this well but there was so much about that whole thing that bothered me. i just know reyhan was so fucking into it, inserting kyle into rey’s life, forcing her to completely drop all of her characterization in the first movie to suddenly thing kyle can be good, acting as if rey hasnt seen all the shit and known what hes done. the whole thing was gross and a really obvious example of why men shouldn’t be allowed to direct movies.
4. killing snoke was a dumbass fucking mistake. kyle is a tantrum-throwing temper-losing toddler. snoke was evil and mysterious and shit idk. we knew he was powerful as fuck, he looked like a testicle which is a great villain imo, he was the darth sidious and they killed him off while kyle is still in like. ep2!Anakin levels of angst. i get that kyle is already powerful or whatever but like. hes not cold and calculated the way snoke was. kyle is a good villain, but a weak main baddie bc hes dumb as fuck. he let the rebellion get away bc he was pissed at luke. that was dumb as fuck. kyle is ruined by his emotions, and snoke was a scarier main baddie bc he wasnt so fucking dumb lol
5. it was so fucking long. there were so many scenes that could have been cut or shortened. why did we need to see luke milking the tiddy of that weird alien cow thing. why did we need to see kyle ron shirtless. why did we need so many goddamn shots of the fucking porgs.
6. ya the porgs are cute or whatever but like. that whole “look at how sad the cute big-eyes porg is when chewie is eating his friend” thing was so dumb. i dunno why but i hated that the most. that was the worst thing the porgs did. they were cute but like chill disney u know they like ran algorithm after algorithm to make that porg the cutest it could be with science or some bullshit and like? thats dumb.
7. i get that the humor in star wars movies is shifting but i felt like there was too much of it and it was dumb. a lot of the riffs werent funny and there were too many of them for a star wars film. star wars usually doesnt take itself too seriously, but this one was a little too much for me.
8. there were too many plot twists for shock value. the story went on too long. it should have ended earlier but it didnt. i dont know why ryenn decided to have like 6 different climaxes but it was too much. should have let there be one climax buddy. thats it.
9. holdo. besides holdo being the white feminist icon why didnt she just fucking tell poe the plan. why. why was so deliberately obstinate when it was doing no good. like yeah of course poe sent out a crew to try to save the rebellion all u told him to shut up and let you handle it! obvously what she did in the end was badass or whatever but like uh hun next time dont be a piece of shit and then get mad when people react to you being a piece of shit. i would have been okay with all that happening if holdo wasnt treated like some hero who never made any mistakes. she did make a mistake, and that was refusing to tell poe what her plan was when she knew he was absolutely the type to do whatever he could to save the rebellion whether he had her permission or not. also apparently holdo is a lesbian or bi or not straight or something in like the comics or whatever and like 1. classic bury ur gays but also 2. no more word of god gay characters if a character is not gay in the movies i will not give you the gay cred for it sorry homophobes
10. i didnt buy the story w luke and kyle at lukes jedi training facility or whatever. surprisingly, i was ok with lukes story line and character development, and actually agreed with it for the most part, but i just like. i dunno i didnt feel like that was something luke would do. not because luke is infallible (even tho he is my gay dad who has never done anything wrong ever) but because the entire original trilogy is luke believing darth vader could be saved. and while im not opposed to luke changing his mind about whether or not everyone could be turned away from the dark side (luke was young and optimistic in the original trilogy, and as he grew older he would learn more about the jedi and their history like the whole speech he gave rey about how the jedi have to end bc theyre lowkey shitty). i actually kind of liked luke’s hot take on the jedi, because it was lowkey my hot take on the jedi (esp the prequels jedi who were shitty as Fuuuuuck but we are ignoring the prequels for now lbr) but also because i could believe it was a view luke would come to as he aged. but impulsively drawing his lightsaber to kill kyle before he had actually done anything bad, after suspecting that kyle had darkness in him for a while, even though he felt like he had failed? it just didnt feel like luke to me. i felt more like raeyn had chosen that particular backstory to try to make kyle a more sympathetic villain rather than give a believable and in-character back story for the characters. i understand that luke’s failure ultimately has to lead to the creation of kyle ron in this story line, but that didnt feel like the right failure to me. maybe this is just me being nitpicky but that felt off to me too and i dont know if i can quite pinpoint why.
11. rey was a dumbass fucking bitch in this movie. rey could not be a dumbass fucking bitch to survive as a scavenger who was orphaned at birth on jakku. rey would have had to be smart and not as fucking DUMB as she was in this movie. now im getting heated so i cant articulate this well but she just did so many dumb things that anybody who had to raise themselves would have never done. she would never have delivered herself over to kyle ron like what a dumb fucking idea. who wrote this goddamn movie. fuck u ryeen.
12. why did yoda come back as a force ghost. where is anakins force ghost. he would be so fucking pissed at kyle right now. he would be mad as hell. he would have ended this thing. he would have called kyle out like the shitdickbitch he is and put him in his place. i get that yoda is more like ancient and orginal star wars jedi knowledge shit or whatever and like more of an authority on the jedi but like anakin is off in like force ghost hawaii drinking force ghost martinis while his shitty fucking grandson is being a piece of shit?? nah man anakin would have shut that shit down they better bring him back for ep IX and i expect hayden christensen himself to show up to bitch at kyle about what a fucking dumbass he is.
tbh theres probably more like i know there’s a ton of little things i hated but as scathing as this review is there were things i liked. visually speaking it was a very beautiful movie when we werent getting atrocious close ups of adam drivers ugly ass face. i originally hated but have come to appreciate the darker tone, since it mirrors the mood of TESB in that the rebellion seems dead but obviously isnt bc this is star wars. i liked luke. i dunno. i had a lot of issues with the movie obviously. to be quite honest i cant actually think of anything else i liked atm which is telling.
anyway if anybody actually reads this long ass fucking post feel free to respond with what you hated abt TLJ
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the-mf-bread-babies · 4 years
Dennis, Aaron, Damon, Sawblade
It was a normal (or was it?) day. The alarm on the boy's phone rang loudly, and he woke up.
Two hours late. It was a Monday.
Too tired to care, he fell back down to his bed and went on his phone. He opened Twitter and was shocked to spot the #1 trending hashtag:
He rejoiced, opening it to find millions of tweets without any context. After ignoring various fancams that made him lose hope in the current situation, he stumbled upon a thread explaining the current situation.
“#DojaCatIsOkAgainParty : A THREAD <3” The first tweet twote, accompanied with four pictures: One of Doja Cat herself, one of Nicki Minaj, another of whoever becomes the next US president, and Lana Del Rey. What the hell is going on?
“As we all know, Doja Cat, Beyoncé, and many other artists have somehow been cancelled by Lana Del Rey within a week in May of 2020,” Okay… “This is due to Lana's satanic powers.” Oh, okay. Yeah, this was the same account who said that Avril Lavigne has a clone. Who was part of the CIA. Sure, man, whatever.
“At 3:56 AM today, Doja Cat had kidnapped [insert 46th president here] and escorted him to a secondary location. Then, Nicki stabbed the shit outta him. This has caused the America fandom to go insane.” what. “Lana was behind this. As we all know, she and Jessie J had hacked into The Pentagon and made Beyonce Knowles president, for clout.” what.
He put down his phone, questioning what the hell Stan Twitter was on now. The boy approached his cat, Sawblade, who was sleeping on the floor. Sawblade yawned dramatically and circled the boy's legs. He picked her up and laid her onto his bed.
“kwjdkwjjrjrjrkjwkjwjrkj” The cat purred. His phone buzzed. It was a notification from PlayStation Messages. He opened it, eager to know if one of his friends finally wanted to play multiplayer with him.
“#0.00 NULL$$ - Hello PLAYSTATION user! We at NULL HQ politely invite you to join us in making the world a better place one job at a time. Kindly go to this location and sign up for one of our many job offers! No résumé needed, only experience, hard work, and an interview and a fitness test! We hope to see you soon!”
Oh, a scam. He took a screenshot of the text, and then immediately blocked and reported the user, NULL000000. Huh, odd username. Whatever, he's not gonna reply–
One DM from Twitter.
“#0.00 NULL$$ - Hello TWITTER user! We at NULL HQ politely invite you to join us in making the world a better place one job at a time. Kindly go to this location and sign up for one of our many job offers! No résumé needed, only experience, hard work, and an interview and a fitness test! We hope to see you soon!”
The same thing, huh? This NULL guy really wants his money, he guesses. First Nicki commits manslaughter and now he keeps getting the same scam messages? It's only been not even an hour today and yet so much has happened. What next, Enya comes out of hiding?
“BuzzFeed News: Famous singer Enya comes out of her big-ass castle to collaborate with Nyan Neko Sugar Girls creators for new Apple TV miniseries”
Damn, okay, this is a dream. The boy wrapped himself in a blanket, hugged his bolster and wriggled around, trying to sleep. He couldn't, so he went back on Twitter.
jimin is fr**kin DEAD (@bangtanctwice):
“dont s-word me but like why is l/*n//a out of prison again. i thought she had the electric chair already ://”
illumi killed silva <3 (@hxhoverwatcch)
“ITSSB ACK !!!!!!!!! HXH IS BAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEAAHAJAHAHAAAAA DJDJJDJDJSNDNFJDDJ”, followed by an edit of Hisoka Morow.
oikawa⁷ (@HAIKYUUUUS)
“man how the hell did furudate think a crossover w yu yu hakusho mp100 bnha kny gintama n hgtv could save haikyuu. it practically ended the moment they all ate that volcano w departure in the bg”
Kerry Washington ✓ (@kerrywashington)
“LITTLE FIRES 6 OUT NOW!!!! I'm gonna EXPLODE Earth in this one!!! I'm going back to the Early Cambrian stage!!!! Bye Pearl!!”
Internet Explorer Anitwt (@iloveboruto)
“Y’all Kurapika brought A SHOVEL to that fight with Uvogin!!! A Whole SHOVEL!!! 😂😂😂”
knas is canon !! (@moiiiraclones)
“guys i think bakugos a kurta..... think abt it.... red eyes... always stressed......”
vic (NOT SPOILER FREE!!!) (@myname_jeff)
“why is no one addressing the fact that jfk 2 is happening and like everyone involved has stans”
ray is ia rn (@cryptodorito)
“my dog just ate my dad ....... stan list !”
give moxxi another dlc (@TORGUEEEE)
“hey does anybody find it weird that gearbox just released borderlands 4 w no buildup At All. seems p fishy :(”
gerard's hand sanitizer (@raytowo)
“did mcr just do twelve concerts in three days. legends”
ceo of tanjirou (@hiskoamorron)
“pls stream jessie j now ;) or die <\3”
ceowo owof bakuwugowouwu (@bakubaby)
“yes, what i did was wrong. there are dogs everywhere starving and eating dog treats is not morally right. that said, (1/67)”
Okay, enough of that. No more. Please. Three hours have passed, and he's still very confused, if not even more confused than before. Is there some sort of event today that he missed? Why is every single tweet weird? Is all this real? Is he in a parallel universe? Is he dead?
The boy zoned out into the bedroom wall, thinking of all the possibilities of this happening. He was lost in his imagination, his train of thought splitting and exploding due to all the unusual occurrences. That was, until Sawblade voiced out her needs.
“YEEEEEEHEHEA” she yelled. She was starving, mainly because the last time she ate was like, a whole hour ago. Sad.
“Ye lah,” “Mew,” “Meow meow mew mew mew,” The boy meowed as he dragged himself to fill up his cat's bowl. “chyouooyoymeeeiielll,” he complimented, ruffling the cat's face.
The boy tripped over his Form 3 activity book as he was walking, a reminder that he should probably do his homework soon. He turned the doorknob and opened the door and he was shocked to find that his house…
Had been ripped in half.
He pushed his back against the wall and slowly inched along the wall towards the kitchen, staring down into the abyss below the house. The living room had a sofa missing, and the television looked like it was going to fall down any second. Furniture floated in the void below the floorboards, which was bent, with plumbing pipes exposed, as well as the metal rods holding the house together.
It reminded him of what Sanctuary looked like when it was floating in space in Borderlands 2. But instead of a city, it was a condominium unit. And instead of Lilith lifting it up, it was… unknown. If only he could gunzerk, or have siren powers, or be a ninja sniper assassin, or have a turret, or have a giant mech, or be super tall and have a buzz-axe. If only. But thank God there's no Mordecai. To hell with Mordecai. I hate Mordecai. He's the most straightest man. Ever. Claptrap is less straight than him. HANDSOME JACK is less straight than him. R O L A N D is CLEARLY less straight than him. Mordecai is the epitome of heterosexuality.
Thankfully, the boy reached the kitchen safely, but still very full of anxiety, and poured the cat food into a flat container, since Sawblade is so fluffy, her face can't fit in cat bowls. He emptied the water bowl, cleaned it, and filled it with filtered water, making sure it's slightly cooled. Sawblade likes it that way. As she cronched on the kibbles, he stared into the distance, wondering what his apocalypse name would be.
He grabbed a glass of water and a packet of muffins for his breakfast. As he ate it, he scrolled through his timeline as if it was the morning paper. Oh, Katy Perry gave birth to twelve kids. And Gowon killed X Æ A-Xii. With a machete. Ok. That's cool, I guess. Capitalism, y’know?
“my house got sliced in half. im just chillin here w my cat sawblade. considering eating cat food. not influenced by any recent drama ok”
Send Tweet.
As the boy was eating, he noticed the front door to the house was missing. The entrance lead to what seemed like the side of the street. In a foreign place. The lamppost was unfamiliar, and so was the pavement design. It seemed rather American.
He peeked his head out, and lo and behold, he spotted a pet shop just a couple of feet away. The sudden shock of all this made him forget about his cat, an indoor cat, a curious one. Sawblade stepped slowly outside, and as she went into the boy's view, he stormed to catch her, panicking and swearing profusely.
Of course, this made her way more terrified, and she ran faster, and… into the ajar door of the pet shop. “SAWBLADE!!! DON'T!!” he yelled loudly as he stopped in front of the building. The boy paused, unsure whether to proceed or retreat.
“Russell Family Pet Store, since 1965” wrote a large sign on the front. It looked rustic, but well-kept. The blinds were drawn, so the boy couldn't see what was inside. The building occupied two lots, and seemed to be two storeys tall. A nice rooftop garden was situated on top of it, and there were painted-over remnants of many posters plastered onto the walls. The walls were now coated with light brown paint. This building was surely cared for by a variety of owners.
Although hesitant, the boy stepped into the store, his hands shaking. He could've probably pass out right then and there if he wasn't searching for Sawblade. He sneaked into the building quietly, determined to get his cat and run like hell right after. However, his ideal plan was quickly foiled after he stepped on a squeaky toy.
“Shit, who's there?” A deep voice asked. It seemed like it belonged to someone tall, depressed, and very angry about capitalism. The boy was stuttering, both from the panic of being caught, and also because he had to speak to a native English speaker. “Probably just the delivery guy,” A second voice assured. This voice seemed quite hard to guess, but it was surely a kind one. Very trustworthy. “Jed, is that you?” The kind voice added. Yeah, these two are totally friendly. Probably. Don't take any chances, though.
A figure approached the boy, and it towered above him. The 5'9" hulking beast stopped. “Oh, sorry, we're closed. It's Judgment Day,” the kind man said. Well, of course it's judgement day. Why wouldn't it be judgement day? “Wait, no, I'm an idiot. Martin Luther King Jr’s day.” The man corrected. “How the hell do those two even remotely sound like each other?” The first voice said, the owner sitting behind the counter, shadowed.
“M-My cat's here.” “Have y-you sa-see-sawn her?” The boy was actually very fluent in English, even more than Malay, but the panic he was experiencing kind of absolutely extirpated any knowledge of it from his brain. Really, dude? “Sawn”? What is this, Texas?
Fortunately the two were understanding. The man behind the slau– counter stood up suddenly. “Holy shit, do you speak Spanish? Habla español?!” He asked excitedly. “No, why would I–? I'm Malay, dumbass,” the boy retorted, then realising that he just insulted someone much older than he was and that was… kinda rude. “WAIT SORRY” he blurted out, sending him back into the panic that he was under when he entered the store.
“HUH?! No, I’M sorry, I just assumed you were South American just because you couldn't speak English!” The man yelled, apologizing loudly. Yeah, this dude's sure as hell white. “I CAN!!! WHERE'S MY CAT!!!” The boy shouted back, very confused at where his priorities should be right now. “Oh!” said the man in front of him.
“IS THIS HIM– SORRY, HER?!” The man asked, reaching towards the corner. “We, uh, found her just straight-up running into here. Which is really weird, since cats, like, don't do that,” he said, holding Sawblade. Senang cita. “YES!! THANK YOU!!” The boy yelled. Why is everyone yelling?
Sawblade looked comfy all snuggled up in the man's arms. “He… seems to like you,” The boy said jealously. Usually, he was the one Sawblade loved most. “I have ten cats, so,” The man replied casually. “…How? Even?” he questioned as he carefully took Sawblade from the stranger. “I just do?”
The boy still remained very confused. “Name's Aaron, by the way. Please don't call me Ay-Ay-ron. Just… please,” the kind man said. “Ok” the boy replied. “Mine's. Um. Uh.” “…” The boy thought whether to say his real, legal one, or the one he went with online, which he seemed to prefer way more than his real one. “THE NAME'S DENNIS RUSSELL. I SHARE MY INITIALS WITH A VIDEO GAME.” The white guy said, interrupting the boy's statement. “Oh. Good to know. Hi, Mr. Danganronpa,” The boy politely said. “Fuck yeah,” replied Dennis.
“And if you're wondering which one of us is part of the Russell family that's running this shop,” Dennis began, “Den, don't,” Aaron interrupted. “It's my family. But, my dad became a magician, and my dad's choosing to indulge in his gardening hobby here, so the job's passed down to me now,” Aaron said.
“G//ay Ass!” Dennis shouted. “Okay, fine, Dennis, since we got married last month, you're part of the Russell family, too, honey,” Aaron said. “Just don't–” “YEEEEEHAAWWEE PARDNER WELCOME TO YE OLDE RYUSSELL PEYT SHYOP–” Dennis yelled loudly enough to give the boy a heart attack. However, this was probably the tenth time this week he did this, so Aaron was just very tired. “Jesus.”
“Um, what is this place?” The boy was still very much confused on why there was a pet shop sitting in front of his house, which was ripped in half. “I just told you…” Dennis said disappointedly. “No, like, where am I? Why are you guys American? I'm assuming? I'm not?” The boy said. “Well, our pet shop's in Toledo; Toledo, Ohio,” Aaron stated, gesturing towards a pile of papers. “If you're lost, we have some maps, some phone books…” he continued, unaware of the current situation.
“No, I live in Selangor, so– Selangor, Malaysia, not Ohio, out of all places, God, no, and my house is right over there,” the boy argued, pointing outside. “Well, half of it,” The two pet shop workers stood at their places, trying to process what the hell this kid just said. “Like? There? Outside this gracious state that occupies the #2 spot for most arson cases in the US? That's Malaysia?” Dennis shot back, also unaware. The boy was a bit excited after hearing him mention the name of his country, but shook it off to further develop the conversation. “Yes. Somehow. Also, I really don't think this is Ohio. Too many buildings and I haven't seen any corn fields,”
“Didja know there's over 75,000 farms in this 14-million acre state? There are, ya just gonna know where to look :)” Dennis stated. “What the hell? That's way too many farms. How does… what…” The boy replied in shock, almost dropping Sawblade. “I'm sorry, what?” Aaron asked. “Yup! Lotta farms in the buckeye state!” Dennis replied excitedly.
“HALF?!” “Of it??” It seemed like Aaron was the only one there actually concerned about the task at hand. “Huh? Oh yeah. Not really that big of a deal, though, honestly; enough food here for thirteen weeks,” How the boy calculated that, and how accurate it is remains a mystery. “Anyway, how do state fairs work? Like, do corn dogs taste good? I've had deep-fried Oreos once, they tasted really good. Really love 'em,”
Aaron ignored the exchange by the two very excited individuals and opted to step out to see if the boy was right or not. In his head, he was honestly convinced he wasn't, but that was up for change. Hell, he didn't even look at his phone or the TV today, so maybe the kid's right, his house is snapped in half.
Oh, it is.
“Holy shit, Denny, come look,” he yelled, gesturing to his husband. “Okay! I hope the aliens aren't homophobic or anything! :)” Dennis replied, running eagerly to the door. “HOT DAMN!” Dennis shouted. Now the boy could see how they both looked like, especially Dennis.
Dennis was definitely over six feet tall, he had balding, spiky red hair, and his eyes were big and sunken, and had bags under them. Aaron, on the other hand, had only seemed tall because of his hair. Aaron was missing a tooth for some reason. His lower-left fang. That's weird. They were both sporting uniforms; an orange shirt covered by a green vest with the logo of the pet shop sewn near the… like the… the end of it but like in the front? Like the middle? But like the logo was on the side. Yeah
“I don't think aliens are homophobic. Have you played Borderlands? Lots of g/ay people, and they're all technically aliens. I think the aliens are g//ay,” the boy explained thoughtfully. “I have, at my friend's house this one time, but then I died and I had to, like, pay, so then I just left his house, man,” Aaron replied. “Yeah, that's fair, usually I just save and quit whenever I die,” the boy added.
“Wait, what's your name, again? This whole time, you're being referred to as ‘the boy,’” Dennis asked, breaking the fourth wall. “Shrek,” the boy replied. The two men nodded in solidarity. “Good name,” Aaron complimented. “It reminds me of my childhood, and good times, and Shrek-flavored Oreos,” he added.
Shrek paused for a bit, hesitant to tell them his preferred name, but saying it anyway because they both seem quite nice and understanding, also, his family's not there. “I'm kidding. Shrek is but only my middle name,” Shrek explained, “Please, call me…”
Gender euphoria ran through his veins like that one time Thanos put on the infinity gauntlet and he was AAAAAGH, P O W E R,,, HNGGH, that but Yeah. “Cool! Hi, Damon!” Dennis said, watching Damon's eyes burn with joy. Oh, just saying, like in some more volumes, this little kid turns into a pyromaniac, so. Yeah. Watch out for that. This is Foreshadowing.
Aaron scanned the horizon, unknowing what the hell was happening. “Hey, guys, should we… go investigate or something?” Damon thought for a bit, but not too much because this thing going on seemed too random to properly scan and plan. “Um, I don't know,” he said wisely, “Did you guys hear about that thing with, like, Nicki Minaj and the president? Were you guys affected or whatever?”
“With who and what? Nick– NICKI?? THE PRESIDENT?? OF HERE?? WHATEVER THIS THING IS???” Dennis struggled to figure out what Damon was saying. “Yeah, she stabbed him or something. Doja Cat helped too :)” Damon explained, confusing the two even more. “Why?” Aaron tried. “I dunno. Drama?” “Heard Lana's involved too… but you didn't hear it from me, yeah?” Damon added.. “THE COW GIRL. HELPED NICKI. AND LANA. ASSASSINATE THE PRESIDENT. DAMON.”
- * Special Thanks * -
Gon Freecss
Killua Zoldyck
Leorio Paladinight
Kurapika Lastname
Hisoka Morow
(is that the correct spelling?)
Illumi Zoldyck
Kikyo Zoldyck (shes pretty, ok)
Kanamori Sayaka
Mizusaki Tsubame
Asakusa Midori
Machi Komacine
Moira O'Deorain
Freddy Krueger
Sideshow Bob
Spy TF2, Pyro TF2, Scout TF2, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Yoda, Darth Vader, he's cool, Sheev Palpatine, Developers of the video game “Tiny Thief”, Mad Moxxi, Ellie Kurta (shes a spiderant. my theory), Handsome Jack (Not Really, Burn In Hell) (during the period of time between me writing this and me copying and pasting this, i have developed a crush on not only jack, but his doppelgangers too. help)
Angel :)), Claptrap, Dr. Zed, NOT Marcus Kincaid, Dr. Patricia Tannis, Roland, Lilith, Brick (ga/y rights), Zer0, Krieg, Tiny Tina, Tiny Tuna, Louise Bob's Burgers, Mabel Pines, Stanley Pines, Lazy Susan, Sheriff Daryl Blubs, Deputy Durland, Officer Spectre :)), Yoda Again, 2003 Honda Civic, Ray Toro, Lynz Way, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Frank Iero, Linda Bob's Burgers, Bob's Burgers Bob's Burgers, Sans Undertale, Komaeda, Sombra // Olivia Colomar, Actually All Of Talon Bc They're Hot Af, Except For That French Guy Max, Torbjörn Lindholm, Torbjörn Lindholm, Torbjörn Lindholm, Spider-Man PS4, Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright, The Lil Psychic Girl, Uhhhh Mario Brothers
part 2 incoming.
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
What bag do you love in the picture of ney davi and bruna?
The one she has with her, but there aren’t any other photos of it. 
Anonymous said:I still find it weird that Carol doesn’t follow Neymar 🤔
She doesn’t? I never noticed, but we all know they have a good and mature relationship. Social media is not important to me tbh. 
Anonymous said:Brumar will be on/off for many more years to come. Bruna is 22 and Ney is almost 26. It’ll go on until they approach their 30’s and realise their self worth.
We can only wait and see what will happen. 
Anonymous said:I don’t want to be mean (okay maybe just a little). But I see people saying that Bruna does not need pr, but in the “past” she has already had a fake relationship and has already been in a “date” with a singer and their team warned some paparazzi who “caught” they two. So pr is noting new to her.
How do you know her team warned the paps?? 
Anonymous said:P1. I think Bruna and Neymar both love the attention and publicity they are getting from their relationship. It seems like they are more in love with the idea of their relationship, I mean two of the most famous people in Brazil, than they are with each other. That is probably why they broke up so many times. If they were in love and “strong” just like they always say they are, they would be able to hold their relationship without any break ups or just breaks.Anonymous said:P2. They should ask themselves how much time they have to play games with each other. Bruna is young but Neymar is going on to his 26th birthday. It’s not just one of them who loves the spotlight because that relationship would’ve ended after the first or the second time of trying. Unless they become aware of the fact that they love what the person offers to them and not the actual person, they will continue breaking up and getting back together.Anonymous said:P3. After a break up they, especially Neymar, probably feel alone, not because the person, Bruna, isn’t there but the attention and love from the outside (Brumars) isn’t there too to cheer on their love, affection and actions. The idea of their relationship happening seems like it’s being misinterpreted as pure, selfless love in their relationship. That’s not only unhealthy but a vicious circle that will continue until one actually realises that they have to buckle up or let go of each other.Anonymous said:P4. Their relationship doesn’t have to be PR. When attention and encouragement is their foundation, they don’t need peopleto tell them to get together. People remember the feelings they get from one person. If Neymar and Bruna love the attention, they are going to remember the love and affection that may not be from within but that obviously doesn’t matter to them. Their relationship isn’t with passion, intimacy or commitment. It’s more of fatuous love.Anonymous said:P5. The Triangular theory of love by Robert Sternberg is my reference. Fatuous love is a relationship, often marriages, that exist with passion and with commitment. In this case their passion is shown by declarations and displays of their love publicly. I don’t know much about their commitment but it seems like they don’t cheat in any form on their partner. This is my theory (and kind of my experiment) because I’m reading about the psychology behind ‘love’ currently.
I think you’re right about Ney missing the affection and feeling of someone loving him and to come home too. 
I think they both have to put much effort in the relationship (also bc of the distance), but in all honesty I think they did that last time too. She was often in Barcelona and when she was she was there for a really long time. She was with him on vacay in the US and then Africa… Only thing that lacked - looking at it from the outside - was her supporting him from the stands. 
I dont get btw you say: “Their relationship isn’t with passion, intimacy or commitment. It’s more of fatuous love.”
Then you say: “Fatuous love is a relationship, often marriages, that exist with passion and with commitment”
So do they or do they lack passion and commitment? I was confused by that part. 
Anonymous said:Yep.. Libra and Gemini’s are the best match for Aquarius because they’re air signs. Kinda funny because Libra’s are dubbed the “soul mate” sign for Aquarius and guess who’s a Libra? CAROLINA LOL. All jokes aside, Astrology can be fun to get into but I’m a firm believer of God so hey who knows, maybe God has a plan for Ney&Bruna. Despite them being astrologically incompatible 😂
Hahah, well then I need to meet Ney 😜😜😜
Indeed if they’re meant to be: they will make it. I also believe in that. 
Anonymous said:[ part 1 ] their relationship is weirder than it ever had been before. You can clearly see that both are now way more active on instagram, especialy Bruna. She is getting over 1M likes now that she is back with him, she sometimes got 1M but now she gets in on every damn pic. And they also comment every time on each others post i mean ofc you can do that but EVERY DAMN TIME ?! another thing why it seems so forced. they are literally giving the “brumar” fans what they want.Anonymous said:[ part 2 ] on the websides with the „HIGH QUALITY PAPARAZZI PICTURES„ of Brumar all over the world speaks of her either as his „model girlfriend or the „Deus Salve o Rei actress„ and they are kissing so weird to me ?!?! i mean i saw Kevin&Izabel kissing next to them but it was far more delicate and cute. Btw Ney seemed taken back by her smashing her lips to her. She is an actress after all so she sure knows how to „handle„ all this.Anonymous said:[ part 3 ] the boat pics: oh well….. one fucking mood: „😴🌚„ Davi looked bored as fuuuuck dayum #MOOD. who the fuck brings their kid on a boring boat tour like that?! I remember Davi going on a boat party with Carol (tbh everywhere Carol goes with him it seems so fun!) and there was music and he was enjoying himself with her cute boyfriend who seems to be bonding quite well with him!! 💖 im happy for that since Neymar had only eyes for Bruna and Davi was only good for their pics lmao.Anonymous said:[ part 4 ] there is such a difference in the pictures of Ca/her bf/davi, where their pics seem more of a real, normal and simple. and Neymar/Bruna/Davi, too much trying to shape a perfect reality of life. which DOES NOT EXIST. I don’t see the passion in that „„„family„„„ pic of them. I have seen Davi kissing Ney’s cheek but someone just said kiss his cheek and he just did and that was kinda it, no passion whatsoever. all pics of him davi and bruna lack it. bye now imdone w this 4-part analysis😂Anonymous said:Bruna is getting a million likes & has about 1 million followers more than before. It’s just quite strange that she constantly posts about advertisements (on her stories and half of the post of the last week). She and her team is taking advantage of the situation pretty well.Anonymous said:Considering she hardly ever posts on Instagram, Bruna is sure milking the latest publicity stunt for all it’s worth. Well she has gained over 600k followers since NYE so i’m not shocked
Yeah I agree: it feels like they’re trying to force that ‘best couple of the world’ vibe on you. Like even Jelena wasnt that extra when they met up and continue to meet up tbh. They just looked really cute on that bike having fun (to compare comeback couples haha). 
And indeed her Insta - promo -activity together with the increase of followers is also just…. Maybe a coincidence, but a very lucky one then… 
Davi on that boat looked bored indeed, but we can’t say they didn’t do anything fun. I mean with Carol he indeed looked like he had more fun, but thats also bc they made it fun for him. Jumping off the boat and peddling on the sea… I think Ney didn’t thought that one out well and the fact that Davi likes to do things (like any kid his age). Like I said its also easier to bound when you do things with the other person. That way you also have something to talk about haha. 
I dont think he’s using him for pics or anything. But I agree the perfect family doesn’t excist. The perfect life doesn’t excist nor does the perfect person. Everyone has a scar or something going on in their lives. You may not see it, but everyone has their issues/thins they deal with. 
Anonymous said:i saw a non talking about a astrology i have to say I read a thousands and thousands of their sinastry and what seems to be the bigger problem is that they don’t know how to overcome problems and they tend to rush things too much, she is a Leo with moon in Scorpio and rising in Taurus, he is an Aquarius with moon in pieces and rising in Sagittarius (by the moon you can see they have an affinity) he has Mars in cap and shes in libra (they are so different in every level) shes a romantic and he’sAnonymous said:hes a person who all of his energies are directed to work and stuff.. and he has Venus in Capricorn she has in Leo. His Venus in cap searchs for estabilish in love, hes a serious type of person in that aspect (which means he won’t believe in anything crazy or a partner who claim they are in love too quickly) and she wants to be the star in the relationship wants a partner who will be her prince that explain why shes so into romance and all and why whenever shes with him it has to be all bout herAnonymous said:that could explain why they always coming and go, hes a person who gets too comfortable and established his entire future upon that person but at the same time hes an Aquarius who loves freedom and meeting people and shes a Leo who loves romance (she probably thinks it’s cute the fact hes come back she may the one and she like it) overall their sinastry says that the magnetic between it’s quick and the overall understanding it’s so easy between then but they are childish they love it all but+Anonymous said:but at the same time they hate, one proof that he didn’t mature yet it’s because he’s not into bullshit and drama and shes ain’t too but when they with each other they don’t care and it it’s the bigger problem
I have like basic knowledge of horoscopes. So this went way above my head also because I didn’t understand some of the words I think…. 
Like this: “Leo with moon in Scorpio and rising in Taurus, he is an Aquarius with moon in pieces and rising in Sagittarius (by the moon you can see they have an affinity) he has Mars in cap and shes in libra.”  OR “and he has Venus in Capricorn she has in Leo.”
I did my best and I really find horoscopes interesting, but this is a little too hard for me to understand… You did made me wonder how the moon etc is in my horoscope haha. I’m gonna search for that! 
And I like the second part of your message when you explain more about the Zodiac signs of them and personality. I think you can be really right with that tbh. 
Anonymous said:there was a rumour back in the day that the whole brumar thing started when neymar was looking for a woman with a clean image since he used to be seen with a lot of women ex BBB chicks and etc and first he was looking after marina but barbosa but something happened and he ended it up with Bruna.
I think I read about that too. But that rumor started around her wedding right? Or a little before… She’s a sweetheart and a gorgeous woman, but I dont think Ney’s type. 
Anonymous said:Which celebrity do you think would look good with Neymar? Just aesthetically.
I think Bruna looks good with him tbh. 
Anonymous said:Does bru not wear her ring that ney got
No idea… Sorry. 
Anonymous said:Hey what does Carol do ? Like is she studying or working?
No idea. I think she was studying something, but I think she stopped… She has that clothing line.
Anonymous said:Hmm, betcha all the money in the world she’ll turn up to Paris late Feb/early March during Paris Fashion Week. She turned up to the Paris Haute Couture Week in July. I believe that was her first ever appearance at Fashion Week. She wouldn’t miss out on the chance of “mingling” with her “idols” Kendall, Gigi etc.
Ughhh. Frontrow with Balmain then I guess… 
Anonymous said:Thank you for tagging your asks! 😘
No problem! (but I’m gonna tag this as well so I dont know if you gonna see haha). 
Anonymous said:So were gonna get a new Brumar pic everyday until the new novel series 😏☕️
#countdown haha. 
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thegirlandtheknight · 4 years
[started at // 04:03 am] UK
Okay tumblr its time for me to rant....
Sorry if i get side tracked, just put up with me and this is rant based on the people i have met and my personal opinion you are in no obligations to agree just read it at least before you come up with a verdict 🤗
Also just to put this out there punctuation/ grammar and spelling may not be on point but cut me some slack its late..or early..depends anywaysss :))
Why am i not allowed to vote?.....Okay so here in the UK we have our GCSEs which determine a huge factor of our lives and we make this life changing choice at 16. But get this we arent even allowed to vote at 16 in england (which is where i am) , so yes im telling you that The government is saying at 16 'yes,you are able to chose how you want to spend your life and what you want to do' BUT 'no, you are not old enough to chose how you want the country that you spend that life in to be like', sorry but let me just do a double take, surely i should be able to vote about the country i live in before im able to chose a path that i may take for the rest of my life??? Or is it just me.
They are telling me that The government which is full of mostly older generations are still telling the young people how we want our world to be , like no boomer you are gonna kick the bucket sooner or later dont leave us with a messed up world, please fix it so our generation can fix it more for future generations rather than leaving it messed up so we have to fix YOUR mess and then those generations have to fix what we didnt get to , because at this rate we will never improve fully..now will we.
I am not gonna stand here and act like i know what they go through because yes, deciding for a country must be hard, heck i cant even decide for myself half the time but i just think if the people in power decided to focus on something important and life changing by 2 decades alot more could be solved and achieved. Like come on UK!! stop crying about childrens sugar inakes and start handling the hate crimes. I believe If racism was stressed at the begining about how its wrong and we should grow up, things would be better. Okay yes, we would still have racism being a thing i am in no means saying we would all be normal all cherries and cream no course not! but surely it would be less of a problem if it was talked about more. Racisim isnt a naughty word okay LETS TALK ABOUT IT.
For example, No baby is born racist, sexist or anything really, babies are literally blank pieces of paper, that some grown ups just decide to scribble on and hope for the best. You can tell a child what it did was wrong and explain the seriousness then it doesnt do the same mistake, if you tell the child thats its wrong but dont go into depth it doesnt know the seriousness and will do if again for sure. Honestly in this day and age there is alot of things that if they were battled as soon as they started it would have saved alot more time and less heartshifts than giving up and deciding to treat it like an essay and try again later when you can be bothered.
One of those things is RACISIM which still happens madly enough. You maybe thinking 'yeah yeah we have heard this before' but hear me out.
So many people are still using race as a reason for why they do or dont have things, people using race as a reason to hate others like i think tf not sir, sure you can argue that yes, its against the law under the Crime and Disorder Act of 1998 (in the uk) but how can you say its sorted..like the amount of hate crimes that gets reported in England and wales has doubled in the last FIVE YEARS for those who may want specific statistics its gone from 42,255 to 103,379 imagine the ones that go unreported. If you dont believe me or think i am exagerating because yes those ARE big numbers, research it, better yet ( heres the link to where i found the information : https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/839172/hate-crime-1819-hosb2419.pdf)
And you may say 'oh here she goes again' but just the other month an Arabian woman on my street literally got her hijab ripped off her head and when she reported it to the police they pretty much said 'no proof, no case' that is disgusting! and just so you cant say i am biased 1) i only know this woman through her being a neighbour and have no other attachments to her. 2) i am a black christian so you cant say it is religion or race. So your telling me, that needs proof or there is no case..but God forbid you make a person of non-ethnic minority feel bad. It really feels that for white people it is the case of 'all are innocent until proven guilty' but those of ethnic minorities its 'all are guilty until proven innocent'. Im sorry but you cant even say its changed with COVID-19 happening the racisim towards asians specifically those from east asia has just gotten worse, how can you tell a person that was BORN IN THE UK that they dont belong here, like if they dont belong in the place they were born where tf do you suppose they belong, y'all seems to be good and making problems but when its time to find a solution you run away with your tails between your legs..how can you really stand there craning your neck and looking so down on people like really how does your neck not hurt. If i hear another person anywhere tell an asian that they caused the corona virus even though they were born here..oh lord give me the strength. Call it extreme but you judging them all because of what a few people of their race have/ are doing is like me hating all of another race of people because a selective few are racist, hypocritical, sexist and homophobic jerks.
Not only that its kinda sad that a few small minded british people, assume that only white people are british just because they are majority and okay ill give you that i guess.. but why is it then when i say south africa alot of people tell me about white people born there and not the black people even though "According to the 2011 Census, 79.2% of South Africans (41 million) were ‘Black Africans’, 8.9% were Coloured (4.62 million) and only 8.9% were white (4.59 million)"....but i dont hear nobody telling them to go back to their country..i mean im just saying.
How can people stand and say there are laws about this when the law is upheld and inforced by a majority of white, middle-classed men who wouldnt know racisim if it hit them in the face.
I really dont wanna get into the problems black people have to face because thats for a whole other document.
I am not just a hurt 16 year old black girl who just has alot to say, believe it or not i have never been shunned for my race. The majority of people around me are very accepting, good people. I have never felt like im lower because of my race some may say im ignorant and ignore it others may count me lucky but all i know is this is that this is what i believe should be heard i really hope alot of people read this because it needs to be heard alsoooo thank you to all who stayed through and read this. ♥️🌹
[finished at// 05:33 am]
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