#and Hinata is trapped in the middle
bunny-hoodlum · 6 months
Sharing this because I feel like it. ☺️ The first 900+ words of Idle Hands (rewrite) so far. 🥹 In case you didn't catch previous now deleted post, I gave up on the 'stressful childhood' direction. Now it's more of a retelling, but I'm still calling it a rewrite. This Naruto is interesting imo. Ahhhh, I hope I'm doing this right? I guess bear with me here. Contradictions may be inevitable, Idk. So, he falls under the Obliviously Evil trope this time around. I'm shooting for 'cheerful yet stressed (traumatized) and actually secretly crazy'. Doesn't fit the standard Dark Naruto depiction, so I can't really say one way or another which he leans the closest to. 😭 He hasn't broken yet, but he's going to get there, so we'll see. 🤭 Hope this instills some hype! :3 Becuz I'm making progress babyyyy~🎵
Idle Hands (2024)
Pairings: NaruHina, eventual NaruHinaSasu
Smut, Freeuse, Dacryphilia
cw: toxic behavior, dubcon, ijime
Summary: There's nothing to do in the sticks. There's even less to do when you're on probation. There's even less than that when: Your dad is the most popular man in town/You've been raised to be a boy and are invisible when you try to be a girl/When your exciting city boy lifestyle has been taken from you.
Or when two losers and a fuckboy choose all the worst ways to have fun. Not that one of them had much of a choice.
There in the middle of an overgrown clearing sat a rusted, abandoned car, wheel-less and sitting atop four cement bricks. The dense forest trees towered in the distance, their foliage deep green and billowing in the wind. Beneath the car, you can follow the remnants of a gravel path out of the clearing, towards an abandoned auto factory – you know, when having an auto factory way the fuck out here somehow made sense. Back before the bubble burst when everything went to shit. But what does he know? He was only six when it happened. Not like that shit ain’t affecting him well into the Y2K or anythin’.
Naruto lounged in the backseat with a nudie magazine and a sage green quilted blanket over his lap, his cheeky eyes devouring the curvaceous models on the pages. Oiled up, lips spread, pouty eyes peering and pleading for his cock.
He nudged his toe in the soft belly beneath the blanket, or maybe he threw it a little harder than he meant to, forcing a slight cough from her throat as her mouth retreated from his cock after gagging.
The blanket rose up from his lap.
“Hey, I didn’t say ‘stop’.” He cupped the back of her head and forced her lips to press against the underside of his rigid girth, teeth sliding and catching against his tender flesh. When the wet, warm vacuum pull of her mouth around his cock returned, he settled back into place, flipping pages like he was reading the newspaper.
Green eyes stared back at him. Earnest, yet cold. White skin framed by black hair. Her tits squished together in a string bikini as she bent forward, her arms crossed underneath their swell.
Shizuka. Didn't matter that she was twenty-four and he was sixteen. There were plenty of ways he could ruin her that life hasn't yet.
His breath quickened, shallow quiet pants puffing past his lips.
Her rich green eyes were growing on him.
Maybe his first girlfriend will have green eyes. If only.
Women like them didn’t exist out here. Not in this dying town of theirs, where their only market street was rows of shuttered-up shops, their storefronts heavily tagged and dirty with runny rust-stains.
Dsy by day, this place was turning into an old person’s home. Or a fucking casket.
Day by day he passed by a chain-smoking mummy, half-deaf and half-blind yet still nosy enough to cuss him out. Every day those same disapproving stares like he was some kind of disease, some kind of curse.
He wanted a woman like Shizuka. He wanted softness like hers to make him forget. He wanted eyes like hers fixed on him in every mundane context, like two lovers, their names signed on the lease just the day before. He wanted her silent worship.
God, he couldn’t wait to get out of here. Couldn’t wait to get a taste of real women.
He was wasting his fucking youth here. His mind too, not that anyone believed he had much of one to begin with.
He imagined someone beautiful, someone way, way, way out of his league taking him inside her, wanting him more than anyone else inside her. She would rewrite his entire history in a single night.
Excitement arced up his spine as pleasure pooled in his groin, building and building–
Naruto grabbed the back of her head. He thrusted into her hot, slimy throat, ignoring her startled whines, the gagging convulsions tightening around his invasive cockhead.
“Gotta train your throat again, huh, Hinata? C’mon, just endure it. I ‘ppreciate you not playing with other dudes while I was away, but you’ve really gotten sloppy. But that’s fine, too, actually. It’s kinda cute.” He threw his head back and closed his eyes, surrendering to the soft, clinging sensations thrumming around his cock. He was melting against her devoted tongue, so persistent to please him no matter what as she licked and laved the ridgid underside with broad sweeps that left echoes of each across his turgid flesh.
Knock knock knock!
A rhythmic tapping on the glass beside his head startled the lewd occupants and Naruto threw his toe into her stomach again.
He lowered the nudie magazine atop her head and turned his face out the window.
Bent over at the hip stood the thorn in his side that his dad personally stabbed in him the moment he found himself in front of the family judge again – no less than two months after his release from the Juvenile Training Facility.
The silver-haired man with the lazy, lidded gaze mimed cranking a handle backwards and Naruto sighed. He reached for the window crank, lowering the window just enough that he and Kakashi could properly exchange words.
“Go to school, Naruto.”
Naruto sank into seat, clearing his face of any hint of expression as he leveled Kakashi with a cold, ignorant stare.
His toe had other ideas, as he nosed around the convergence between her legs, finding the soft resistance of her panty-covered cunt. He idly teased her clit while he waited for the weary douche to give up like he always did.
Not like his father’s favorite student was all that invested in him, anyway. The dude was freaky smart and found ways to make his minor infractions such as truancy go away. Precisely to his father’s satisfaction, and not the system’s.
Obito told him someone like Kakashi would have proposed lifelong marriage to ‘The Rules’ if it had taken the shape he most desired.
The fact that he could give two shits about integrity these days convinced Naruto that his dad knew Kakashi’s state of mind. And that he was exactly what his dad was looking for in a probations officer.
Someone that would take Namikaze Minato’s side, always.
Someone that would protect Namikaze Minato’s image, always.
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haikyu-mp4 · 5 months
Media presence, part 3
word count; 1526 – gn!reader, final part of the mini series
go read part 1 and part 2 first for the best experience
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You were tapping your foot under the desk like a bunny, lips pursed as you tried to choose who to talk to first. Your eyes settled on Hinata. “Sweetie,” you started, and he nodded eagerly as if he awaited praise. “You don’t have to do everything Atsumu and Bokuto do.”
Hinata visibly deflated, but puffed out his chest to put on a brave front. “Yes, boss,” he said, and it brought forth a small smile because you did like it when they called you that.
“Imagine how much you could have earned if Calvin Klein was the one asking you to do it. Now it’s just out there for everyone.” you kept saying, visibly frustrated. Once again, Sakusa was thankful that you couldn’t see the smile behind his mask as he watched you from the side.
You turned your attention to Bokuto and Atsumu, who were so perfectly placed in the middle of the four, both wearing very guilty smiles.
“It’s not about posting thirst traps, obviously hot guys draw attention,” you said and just missed the way Sakusa’s nose scrunched. You gritted your teeth, breathing through them as you stared at the angry message from one of your bosses that was open on your computer screen. “It’s the fact that Black Jackals has taken in four younger players and three of them are doing a flexing competition on social media like they’re 17 years old,” you said, definitely rambling at this point.
Did I forget to explain what happened? If it’s not obvious already, all three of your problem children posted shirtless thirst traps on their stories last weekend and hashtagged it with HottestMSBYJackal, and then Atsumu posted another one with a poll on it so people could vote between the three. While they gained a lot of younger followers from the stunt, your bosses were not happy as older fans of the team found them to be way too vain and busy with their bodies, and not focused enough on the sport or whatever. What you felt about it was irrelevant. Caring about what everyone else thought about them was your job.
Bokuto pouted and nodded, not understanding what he did wrong but still not liking your tone. “Sorry, boss.”
“I’m letting you off with a warning, just please think twice before posting stuff. Be normal,” you begged them, shooing your hand as a hint for them to wrap up the meeting.
Atsumu must have put some extra audacity in his smoothie this morning because he seemed to let the whole thing fall off his shoulders when you said they just got a warning. “I need to ask you something first, it’s important.”
“Let’s just go,” Sakusa said. He was trying to herd them outside without touching them, which always proved equally difficult. Perhaps he had an inkling about his teammate’s question.
“Which one would you vote for?” Atsumu asked, a toothy grin growing on his face that usually did great for advertisement. You sighed. They probably expected you not to answer.
“Sakusa,” you said, which made all three start yelling for different reasons. He was your favourite today after not participating, knowing that if he tried to stop them it wouldn’t have worked anyway. You covered your ears, regretting answering immediately.
“Quiet down, this isn’t a playground! Let’s go.” Sakusa commanded, this time with a sternness that made the others kick into gear.
“Keep your shirts on, thank you.” They were all on their way out, Bokuto and Atsumu hanging with their heads like wounded puppies who startled once you spoke again. “Not you, Sakusa.”
“Not keep my shirt on, or?” he asked, that Atsumu-coded smirk ringing from his voice.
“Don’t test me, sit back down,” you said, and he shrugged before following your orders. The other jackals had turned around and were looking between you two curiously until Sakusa closed the door in their faces. He sat down and excused them for being so loud, which you brushed off.
The bosses had instructed you to scold all of them, even though you insisted Sakusa was not part of it. Those old men only saw how everyone referred to the MSBY four online.
Honestly, you had no idea why you asked him to stay, so you had to pull something out of your ass real quick. Your mind was racing with all the things you had to do because even though this wasn’t the biggest scandal, it still came on top of everything you usually did. So instead of lying, you rested your head in your hands for a second. “I’m not sure why I asked you to come back inside.” It wasn’t some grand confession, but just that made it feel like a tiny butterfly was fluttering its wings in Sakusa’s belly. He was so pleased that he wasn’t sure what to say, choosing instead to scoot his chair closer to the desk and wait for you to unbury your face again. You eventually did, resting your chin on your hand instead. “Did you think about my suggestion yet?”
You smiled, nodding your head as he once again gave you one-word answers. Feeling like there was too little air in the room now, you went to open the window. That might soothe your headache. “Once again, the quality of your answers rock my world,” you said sarcastically.
Sakusa hesitated for a moment before speaking up again. “You do a great job,” he said just as you sat back down. For what felt like the first time that day, you really let your eyes settle on him. His hair was a little extra nice that day, in your opinion. You liked it when it was more messy, not picture perfect. Behind the hair, you could still see how his eyebrows were drawn together. More than usual, you’d say.
If you were honest, you would have told him you didn’t always feel like you did great. That you felt like it was so difficult to understand who you were supposed to cater to when everyone had a different opinion and kept expecting you to bounce back every time you met a new challenge. Because you were so good at your job, that came with expectations.
However, your relationship with Sakusa wasn’t like that, so instead your eyes teared up a bit and you whispered a weak “Thank you”.
He nodded but desperately wished you were close enough that he could ask you to tell him everything. To rest your head on his shoulder and hug you until the pain went away. But he knew he had to go back to practice any minute now, and you two would stay an unspoken thing.
You might have only started looking at him now, but he had practically been staring at you since the second he and his teammates came into that office. “I’m sure those idiots will charm everyone with time,” he said, an added assurance he didn’t usually give anyone else. “I’ve seen Bokuto practising his Bokuto Beam, lately.”
“You’re right,” you said. The Bokuto reference did make you laugh and quickly wipe at one eye where a tear threatened to fall from the pressure. It had been a long day. “I’m just glad you didn’t join them, imagine you finally started posting and I had to yell at you.” Sure, you would love a shirtless photo of Sakusa, but your job came first.
“Mm.” He cringed at the thought, hands stuffed in the pockets of his training jacket. After a beat of silence, Sakusa’s frown slowly loosened up. He was glad he could make you laugh a bit, that wasn’t usually his strong suit. “Anything else?”
“No, you can go,” you sighed. “They need you.” He nodded and silently got up, wondering if he should say something more. But he didn’t, he just left. It left you staring at the door, sighing deeply as you realised your predicament. You felt something special for Sakusa Kiyoomi.
As Sakusa got home and settled into his sofa after he was freshly showered, he unlocked his phone and opened messages. He wrote a message, deleted it, and then repeated this a few more times before switching to Instagram. There, he opened the story camera and angled it to show a small part of his pristine living room where the last lick of the sun was shining across the floor. Imagine you finally started posting, were the words that rang in his ears.
The picture he took was nice enough, and he added “Good evening.” in white before spending a while choosing the font he liked. He even added a calm song he heard the other day and grew to like.
After it was posted, the likes flooded in, but he turned on silent mode and switched back to messages. He wondered if seeing the story would make you do another victory dance. Once again, he opened your contact and wrote, deciding to finally send it.
What are you doing for lunch tomorrow?
You: Probably eat
Sakusa rolled his eyes yet smiled affectionately. Eat with me.
You: Okay:)
You: I look forward to it
No more 'unspoken thing'.
part 1 ║ part 2 ║ part 3 (final part) ║ headcanons ║ masterlist
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cottonlemonade · 7 months
Keeping Quiet
word count: 864 || avg. reading time: 4 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Suna x chubby!Reader
genre: smut?, at the very least very very suggestive, established relationship
warnings: mdni, nsfw, cursing
synopsis: Suna is enjoying his birthday present
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You were already regretting having opened this door for him. As a small surprise for your boyfriend’s birthday you had bought a pair of pretty, white panties with a little pocket. Not having had the opportunity to try them out thus far because of a tournament, it fell onto a week after Valentine’s Day to finally give in to his constant begging. Earlier, while you had been in the bathroom getting ready for your date, Suna sat at the kitchen table in his fitted black suit, playing with the quiet little vibrator that came along with the purchase, testing out the different settings on his phone, an ominous grin on his face.
Right now you were sitting in the passenger seat in the parking lot, wanting to grab your purse before heading into the restaurant, when you got the first suggestion of things to come tonight. Suna ran his hand up your inner thigh, gently stroking and squeezing your soft flesh like he often did but with his free hand selected a low firework setting on his phone. He grinned as you pressed your legs together in surprise, loving how you trapped his fingers between them. After two or three buzzes, he turned it off again.
“This is going to be so much fun.”, and with that, he opened the door and helped you out of the car.
The restaurant had a busy, yet comfortable atmosphere. You were led to a corner table, set with a bouquet of pretty flowers and crystal glasses.
“I’m so happy to have some time with you again.”, he said sweetly and leaned in to kiss you, not missing a beat and turning on the lowest setting as his lips softly moved against yours.
“Uhm, this is a restaurant, not a club, keep it in yer pants.”, both of you looked up to see Hinata and Atsumu standing by your table, a look of mock disgust on the blonde‘s face while the other beamed as usual.
“What are you doing here?”, Suna asked, a crease forming between his brow.
“Just out for dinner and ya talked so much about this place lately, we thought we’d check it out. Mind if we join ya? The other tables are all taken.”
Your shoulders sagged a little as you exchanged looks with Suna and then nodded at the two boys, believing your little experiment to surely be ruined now. So you let out a small surprised squeak when you felt the vibrations being turned up for a few seconds, before being turned off again. You threw a questioning glance at your boyfriend, but he pretended like nothing had happened, just interlacing his fingers with yours on the table and starting a conversation with the others.
In utter disbelief about his boldness, you joined in, trying to keep your thoughts straight, while also staying on alert for any possible ambushes. Hinata was just complimenting Suna on his performance in his latest game, when the vibrations started up again.
At some point after the entré, he just left it on a constant low buzzing, either because he forgot to turn it off completely or - more likely - because he wanted to see how far he could go before you broke and gave yourself away.
To add insult to injury, he had begun to caress your thigh under the table again.
“You’re doing so well, princess.”, he praised you quietly, “Keep it up and you’ll get a reward when we’re back home.”
During the main course, the conversation turned to you and what you had been up to since the last time they saw you and you had to close your eyes, when your little bastard of a boyfriend, turned the setting up again. You squeezed his hand, hoping he would get the hint. He did not. You were in the middle of telling them a story about your current project when he chose a setting that was sending random surges of vibrations of varying levels between your legs.
“Yer really just always on yer phone, huh?”, Atsumu asked, a little annoyed.
“You‘re right, I’ll put it away.” And he did. Still leaving it on that setting with you in hell.
Oblivious as ever, Hinata gave you an encouraging nod to continue your story, but Atsumu suddenly squinted in suspicion, looking imploringly at Suna, who offered him the smallest of winks.
The blonde‘s eyes widened in realization and looked down at his plate, a slight blush creeping into his cheeks.
You started to shift in your seat and more than once lost your train of thought.
You wanted to scream, you wanted to grab your boyfriend’s hand and show him what he had done to you. Instead you mumbled something about a minor headache and fell silent. Hinata turned to Atsumu to ask about dessert. From the outside appearing to be a concerned boyfriend, Suna put his arm around your shoulder, while his free hand moved up under your dress for the third time this evening. With a devilish smirk on his lips, he leaned close to your ear and said, his voice dripping with condescension, “I know it’s difficult to focus, but try a little harder.”
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art: @ruirui07131 on Twitter
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xstrawberry-jamx · 4 months
9th: Intimacy Ch.51 [Posted]
18th: Serenity Ch.14 [Posted]
23rd: Intimacy Ch.52
Total Word Count: 220k
Ch.52: 1.9k*
Ch.53: 0.2k*
Ch.68: 0.3k*
Ch.1: 0.5k*
Ch.?: 0.1k
Ch.10: 0.1k
Ch. 11: 0.6k
Ch.12: 0.1k
Ch.13: 0.1k
Ch.14: 0.3k
AU of Intimacy, where Harry is the Emperor, having inherited the position from Dumbledore. Tom becomes one of his few concubines early in his reign.
Ch.1: 0.7k
Total Word Count: 89k
Ch.14: 4.1k* (POSTED)
Ch.15: 0.3k
Ch.?: 0.7k
Ch.1: [Longevity]: 1.2k
Total Word Count: 41k
Ch.16: 0.6k
Ch.2: X
Time Flies [When You're Having Fun]
Haikyuu, Time Travel AU: Hinata ends up in the past, in his younger body, during the Shiratorizawa match and tries his best to help the team win nationals.
Ch.1: 4.7k
Ch.2: 0.1k
From Feathers to Fur
Haikyuu, Inarizaki Hinata: Hinata transfers to Inarizaki after the first year due to his sister's failing health, her best hope laying with a specialist in Hyogo.
Ch.1: 0.7k
Ch.2: 0.1k
A Little Surprise
Harry Potter, Solo Levelling, Gamer AU: Harry, bored with his immortal life after centuries as MOD, is transported into the world of Solo Levelling, where his parents are alive, monsters roam the earth, and he has a weird game system arguing with him in his head.
Ch.1: 2.0k
Pity the Living
Harry Potter, Time Travel and Gamer AU: Harry dies eventfully, and is summoned before Death, who sends him back to the 1940's as the last male Peverell, equipped with a Game System.
Ch.1: 2.2k
HP Elflings
Harry Potter, LOTR, Tomarry as Elflings: When he dies, instead of being sent to the afterlife, Harry is reincarnated as an Elfling in Middle Earth. He enjoys his new, long childhood, until the Elves raising him introduce him to the other Elfling who has been living in another settlement. And that Elfling just had to be Voldemort, trapped within a child's body. And the Elves have a strict no-violence policy between them in place.
Ch.1: 0.2k
Elflings From the Leaf
Naruto, LOTR: Naruto and others are transported to Middle Earth when they accidentally activate an ancient seal, and it turns them into pointy-eared, long-haired children in the middle of an unknown forest. Try as they might, they can't avoid the adults of their new kind for long in these new bodies.
Ch.1: 1.1k
Naruto, Imperial Harem AU: Naruto is born as the son of the Emperor, Minato, First Emperor of the Dynasty. His childhood is filled with scheming, the one bright spot being his friend, Sasuke, the second son of the Uchiha Clan Head, one of the previous reigning Dynasties. That is, until his friend usurps the throne, and initiates him into his Harem.
Ch.1: 1.4k
Ch.2: 0.5K
Ch.3: 0.1k
LOTR Elfling
LOTR, Reincarnation: Callum, now Cel, is reincarnated into LOTR in the body of an Elfling. Raised by his adoptive mother, of the race of Man, in a small village, he believes he can live his life, not in luxury, but in peace. However, as the years pass, his Mother grows frail with age, and after her death, he is chased from the village due to the people's fear the Elves will seek vengeance for their stolen child. Cast out, he wanders, until a group of his kind come upon him.
Ch.1: 0.2k
Hunger Games x HP AU
Post Date: 27th March 2025
Hunger Games, Tomarry, Alternate 75th Games: After last year's showing, with star-crossed lovers taking the Capitol by storm, and President Snow growing ever warier of the couple, the newest Gamemaker, Dumbledore, needs to make this Quarter Quell a spectacular one. And, with the President's consent, two Victors are to win once more, but their love must be convincing, and they can't hail from the same District. As for the twist to keep the Games fresh, well... Hadrian, 'Call me Harry', Potter, from District Two, has been trained for this. He will win with the girl from One by his side, she's pretty enough, and he's sure he can make this work. Tom Riddle, from District Twelve, thinks little of the new implementations for this Quarter Quell. He will win it by himself, as there is no one within the Districts that could possibly catch his eye.
Ch.1: 2.7k*
Ch.2: 2.0k*
Ch.3: 0.1k*
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weathertheraine · 1 year
So happy to finally make something for this au !!
Most of the cast are spirits - the AU started out with me getting emo about name meanings. It turned out so well and I have so many thoughts, so I’ll put the broad strokes of the plot under the ‘read more’.
Song: ‘The Woods’ by Cosmo Sheldrake
Edit: still frames
The roles:
Asahi: The morning
Nishinoya: The evening
Hinata: The sun
Kageyama: The shadow
Tsukishima: The moon
Yamaguchi: The mountain
Kiyoko: The river
Tanaka: The dragon
Daichi: The traveler
Suga: The student
Takeda: The teacher
Ukai: The listener
The plot:
- We open with Daichi, a wandering-knight-type who has been badly injured travelling on a mountain path. At the peak, at night, in the rain, he stumbles upon a long-abandoned shrine
- At sunrise, he wakes, and finds he’s not alone. Asahi tends to his wounds, and gives him some of the little food he has, and sends him on his way. Daichi makes the rest of the journey to the village safely
- In the village, at an inn, he meets Suga and Takeda, who he tells about his journey. To his confusion, they insist that the mountain shrine hasn’t been tended to in decades. The ‘priest’ Daichi remembers does not exist.
- A clue appears when Daichi sees the statue in the centre of the town: two men in a loving embrace. One of them is Asahi.
- Takeda is knowledgable about the spirits and mythology that surround the town - the mountain on one side, and the valley on the other. He tells Daichi the legend associated with the statue. Two spirit lovers, the morning at the evening, the peak and the valley. On the equinox, the pair would meet in the middle of the town, and the city began throwing a festival to honour the event, which is still held to this day.
- Suga, Takeda’s student, returns with Daichi to the shrine to investigate. When they wait for sunrise, Asahi appears again - delighted to have visitors.
- From him, they learn: he is indeed the spirit from the legend. Over decades, as the mountain pass became more dangerous, fewer and fewer travellers visited his shrine. Asahi grew weaker, and was no longer able to protect the travellers - making the journey more dangerous in turn. Now, he is so weak that he can only manifest at sunrise, and has lost his connection with the other sprits on the mountain. He can’t reach out to Nishinoya anymore, and it’s been decades since they were able to meet.
- Suga and Daichi resolve to help Asahi, and to help him find Nishinoya again. To do so, they must find and help the other spirit pairs on the mountain, who are weakened and fading thanks to Asahi’s disappearance.
- Hinata and Kageyama are phasing out into sunlight and shadow respectively, and cannot see each other.
- Tsukishima and Yamaguchi’s ages fluctuate with the phases of the moon, but they have been knocked out of sync.
- Ryuu is stuck in dragon form. Kiyoko is trapped behind her waterfall.
- No one can find Nishinoya at all.
- And… we go from there! With the help of Daichi, Suga, Takeda, and Ukai (a man who speaks to spirits without realising and assumes weird teenagers just keep hanging around his workshop), the spirits are brought back together and of course Noya will be found :>
- There are more scenes in my head but that’s the jist of it. If you read this far I love you
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plotbunnybreeder · 4 months
Crows, Claws & Paws
After Kei spent his middle school years as a loner and was dragged along to hangouts with Hinata and Kageyama during high school but never brought them home, Akiteru refuses to allow his little brother to go off to college "depressingly alone". He gifts Kei a cat, and honestly, Kei loves the feisty furball, especially when it picks up on Kei's moods and swipes at people who annoy him.
His love for his cat is tested when, only days after moving into town, his cat adopts a dog and refuses to leave its side. This is not the scenario he imagined for his attractive neighbor to ask him, "Should we take this to your place or mine?"
Why Tsukishima walks his cat outdoors:
Hinata: I never see your cat, why doesn't it ever go outside?
Tsukishima: It doesn't need to go outside.
Hinata, pointing at a stray cat: Why's your cat not like that one?
Tsukishima: Because I love my cat?
Hinata: So you have it trapped in your basement?? That's weird, bro.
Kageyama: That's not-- that's not how cats work, idiot!
Hinata, still looking at the stray: Uh huh, sure... Are you bringing your cat to beach day? There'll be fish there! Cats eat those, right? Or are you weird about your cat's food too?
Tsukishima: sigh...
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team7-headquarter · 4 months
Dropping the official teams for the first Konoha 12 come back mission. As a treat <3
The kunoichis of the Konoha 12 are back, but after so many years of working for Tsunade or spending time perfecting their clan techniques, they have to prove themselves.
The operation belongs to Konoha Police Force and is directed by Fugaku Uchiha. Since the whole goal is to prove that a) the kunoichis are capable of holding their on and b) they are loyal to Konoha, Tsunade can watch, but she cannot participate in any way.
Fugaku decided to separate the girls from their genins teams to truly test them.
Mission Status:
Konoha Police located a rogue nin base that they have been following for quite some time. The orders are to get in, neutralize the enemy, contain the situation, rescue any hostages and get out without casualties.
The Teams :
They're the first step. The "previously".
This team is full of deemed specialists in what one could call espionage. Be it shapeshifting, mind control or remote control of elements able to transfer information, they know how to get in, blend in, find the information they are looking for and get out as if they were never there to begin with.
Since they work mostly alone, they're some of the most in danger. There's also a myriad of unpleasant situations they'd have to participate in. Long range is preferable, either that or the type of subtle technique that can be used up close and leaves no evidence.
Unlike many other infiltration teams, this one focuses on details that no many would pick up on. Sound, smell, even your mind. No one is safe with them around.
EXTERNAL TEAM — Shikamaru, Tenten, Choji.
Once the infiltration team relies all the info they need, the external team sets in.
Their job is to prepare the operation so nothing would go wrong. They set a perimeter, fill the selected space with traps to avoid any enemy escaping, they lay the basics of the mission and connect everyone to the headquarters.
Although Fugaku is leading the operation, it's more of a supervision than anything else. The external team must control the scene with the parameters they were given.
Since they have to keep an eye on everything and everyone, there's often a specialist on every attack range (close combat, middle range and long range combat). They must be tricky and hard to evade, but also low-key enough that the enemy won't spot their exact location.
ATTACK TEAM — Sasuke, Hinata, Naruto.
They kick-start the real action!
( and cause everyone else a headache)
This team's job is to directly engage with the enemy, to both neutralize them and to provide a distraction for the retrieval team to act. They must be loud, they must be capable of being lethal, they must be capable of taking damage or at least capable of engaging for long periods of time.
In truth, the top requirement for anyone who wants to join an attack team is to be annoying and resilient. Attack teams don't really know what they'll find, for how long they'll have to fight or if the other teams would be available to give them any help.
Along with the unpredictability and endless energy of a jinchuuriki, the attention to detail and the battle IQ of an Uchiha, they have the high range vision and chakra blockage of a Hyuuga. Nothing screams Konoha like three of the best clans on the attack team.
RETRIEVAL TEAM — Neji, Sakura, Rock Lee.
The shifters. They can become any of the other teams if needed.
In a perfect scenario, they never engage with the enemy, follow the info provided by the infiltration team to get to the hostage, get the hostage out the place and into the protection perimeter set by the external team and repeat until everyone is safe.
In the real world, the retrieval team often fights their way to the hostage only to find one too many problems to fix at the second if they do want the hostage alive. They're the backup for every other team, they are the ones running in and out of the battlefield, as many times as it's needed. Although, while the hostage is alive and it's capable of being saved, they maintain their status and only the retrieval matters.
Long range is not really necessary, 'cause their mission is not to be noticed. They need to be fast as to not get caught and in case there's no way around it, close combat is a priority. They
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The girls once said:
- I'm RESPECTFULLY looking at your tits sir
- TITS OUT 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Sir your tits! 😳
Father's Day
Or Hinata keeps surprising Naruto in bed.
Three girls on discord talk about their favourite characters #3
2k smutty words loosely based on Womo_Ots' juicy Naruto fanarts on Twitter
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“Today, I would like to try something…new.” 
While Naruto was basking in his post-nut fog, he realised his wife was suddenly back at being uncertain about herself, shyer than when she was rubbing his length in the tight space between her boobs at a fast and confident pace, giving her all to make him explode on her face.
Mission accomplished, she was staring at the ropes of thick cum dripping across her chest, mixing with spit and creamy milk that would soon feed their child. 
Naruto could still taste the sweetness on his lips after thumbing her puffy nipples, picking up spilled whiteness only to lick it off his fingers. And he wanted to have more of her on his tongue, but Hinata had something else in mind. Although she was struggling to voice it as if she hadn’t been the one proposing to get him off with the soft poking of her toes and the shape of her sole months ago.
“I’m up for anything,” he said, low and huskily.
She perked up, eyes searching his. “Really?”
“Yeah, whatever you want.”
For a few beats, she stayed quiet then her hands released the hold they had on the sides of her breasts, freeing his cock she had slowly slipped between her rounded mounts and kept trapped until it had turned soft. 
The lubed glide of their skins was still heaven and he shivered at the sight of Hinata reaching for his help as she was trying to stand up despite her baby bump, her knees probably sore and her chest feeling raw from the friction of his flesh rolling down his cock each time his tip had poked through the grip of her tits.
“Help me please?”
Wrapping his arms around her waist, he grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her on the mattress as she was placing her knees on either side of his hips. Hinata on top of him, she was fitting snugly in his lap, straddling him and blinding him with her glow. 
His palms were more callus than hers, but he felt her melt under the lazy caresses of her hips, wandering along her inner thighs, turning slick and sticky with her arousal the more he touched her belly, circling the tight skin around her navel. 
A kick collided with his hand and even though it wasn’t the first time, Naruto couldn’t help but be in awe at what he and Hinata created together.
It stirred his cock to life, growing against her ass which made her moan.
Her arm curled around his neck and she sighed when he pressed his lips to hers, trying to relax her from whatever thoughts were pulling that little brain of hers into a twist. Her mouth was hot, her sunshine taste mingled with the saltiness of him she gathered while sucking him off. His tongue immediately lapped softly against her teeth, dancing with hers until she tugged on his t-shirt.
“Please, take off your t-shirt.”
In the middle of June, the night was hot and the air felt thick, leaving Naruto’s skin sticky with sweat as he peeled his shirt off before throwing it behind her. Somewhere he couldn’t see because Hinata was pushing on his shoulders, silently asking him to lay down.
The mattress sank under his weight, and all of these pillows furled around his head comfortably.
“Are you going to tell me what you have in mind?” he chuckled, running his hands up and down the front of her thighs now. “The suspense’s kinda killing me.”
Long, silky locks of hair slipped from behind her shoulder and Naruto was quick to chase them. He caught the strands between his fingers and pushed it back out of the way, tucking them behind the pink tip of her ear. That’s how he caught the faintest traces of that perfume they both know he liked. It was sweet and airy and it reminded him of flowers opening up under the sun. 
Now watching her moisten her full lips, he swallowed and her face was colouring with embarrassment.
“I- We… Let’s call it a pregnancy craving, okay?”
Her fingers feathered over his abdomen, this barely-there touch skimming across his navel, his happy trail. Her lashes fluttered in that way that made his heart pound, and suddenly her eyes were on him. 
“It started when I saw you rocking Boruto to sleep. He looked so comfortable and safe tucked in your embrace.” Her hands travelled to his arms and squeezed which stuffed Naruto’s chest with warm, soft appreciation, “How you were holding him so delicately and yet nothing could have disturbed him with you. With his tiny fist not letting go of you even though you were cooing words of reassurance in his ear, I just melted. At first it was lovely, but the more I was watching you, the more I was- I realised… It was sexy.” 
Too dumbfounded, Naruto couldn’t tell when she started petting his pecs, tips of her fingers flattened and following the shape of every bulge.
Did Hinata’s hormones shift her interest from the outline of his cock in his grey sweatpants to his nipples jutting through his white t-shirt?
If that’s so, given how horny she would get every time he was wearing sweats during her first pregnancy, he was in for one hell of a ride.
A surprised groan rumbled in his chest when she stroked his stiff nipples with gentle, light, circling motions.
He knew he would be affected by the simplest mundane things Hinata would do. And yet, never had he thought that sensitive part of him being teased by his bashful wife would turn him on so much. 
How it must feel ten times better for Hinata when he groped her tits or begged her to suck on them as soon as she talked about pumping the surplus of milk. 
Eyes rolling in the back of his head, he closed them shut. Even his nails dug in the rolls of flesh at Hinata’s waist to try and control the twitching of his cock, standing tall now and clearly flowing precum at his slit and the crack of Hinata’s ass.
“Do you think that it’s weird?”
Naruto blinked before frowning at her fidgeting, “‘Weird’? Hinata, I think we’ve already gone over what’s socially acceptable a long time ago, isn’t that right?”
“Nah,” he resumed stroking the small of her back and saw her watch every muscle undulating under his skin, “if you want to fuck my tits, then fuck them.”
A glint of hesitation shone in her eyes, but the heat of her body wasn’t lying, already warming his blood to the point that one half heated his cheeks and another half rushed to his aching dick the more she traced the meat of his chest. 
Eventually, her hand rested on the juncture of Naruto’s neck and shoulder, the tendon twitching beneath her touch as she scooted from his lap to his ribs. 
Adjusting herself, he was face to face with her slit, folds drenched and swollen, the scent potent. Then she sat down on him and the feeling was cold right above his heart beating wildly.
Could she feel it in her cunt? The banging of his organ and the rumbling of his groan? Feel how his body was singing for her?
“I can feel it pulsing,” he stupidly voiced for no reason.
Whining, Hinata was red in the face when she tentatively executed a first thrust of her hips.
Then she paused, supporting herself with one hand on his abdomen and the other curled around her mouth. His own chest was heaving slightly, aroused beyond reason because of only one little slide of her sensitive skin over his pecs.
Before he could say anything, she began moving again, angling her hips to seek out friction, and little by little, probably timing his breathing with her rocking, she started to really grind on him, her little bundle of nerves rubbing against his sweating skin, catching on the dips and lines of his muscles.
His mouth started watering at the sight of her hips rolling heavily on top of his ribcage, bones jabbing at his lungs each time he would breathe. 
At the trail of juices she left behind, her pussy lips kissing the planes of his chest and the low curve of her belly glueing to the middle of his bone structure at each slide forward.
At the heat her thighs were spreading at his sides, her breathless mewls vibrating through him like unrefined electricity each time she would brush his nipples against her clit, her hole fluttering and leaking more slick on them. 
Soon they were glistening under the small light in the bedroom and Hinata shyly pinched them, making Naruto’s head feel dangerously heated as he choked out a low growl at the sting. 
His muscles already burnt from holding him back from tackling her on the bed and sinking his pulsing cock between her sloppy walls, but the strong shudder of her body ricocheting on his skin turned him a bit more tense as goosebumps bloomed across his arms and wet pecs. 
“You’re so large…,” she suddenly confessed amongst wet sounds and loud panting. Though she almost didn’t have to say anything. He could see the muscles of her thighs were flexed to the max, displaying her cunt wide open to his keen eyes , “I’m so stretched out…more than what I’ve expected.”
The thought of her fantasising about that part of his body for a while made his pulse race, the powerful stroke to his ego going down inside him like he just leaped into the void. It set the base of his balls on fire, his cock throbbing from hearing about their size difference, the odd stimulation of his torso and the pleasure coiling in the pit of his stomach.
“Hina!” he failed to hold back his whimper, “Fuck...”
Her fingers had curled around his hair, pulling his head back in the pillows, exposing his throat as his Adam’s apple bob. 
Eyes up, he could only see her.
The top of her rounded belly, her soiled breasts hanging low and heavy, probably getting engorged and ready for another nursing, pushed up between her upper arms and still jiggling, dry cum contrasting with the pink tint of her skin.
Back arched, she was humping the inner side of his pecs with a blissful expression gracing her facial features; lips apart, eyes half-lidded and gasps coming out in quick and short bursts. Sweat began gathering between her knitted eyebrows. Her hair like curtains around them, she clinged to his fringe to find some stability in her dazed state.
Toes curling, fingers clawing at the fat of her ass, teeth gritting tight, it felt so damn good to have her drag herself on him, leaving his skin red and his cock pumped and painfully ready to come into play.
But he also wanted to see her come apart on top of him. To witness her turn to gush on him.
His only solution while waiting was to palm her belly, cupping his breasts and matching his rubs of her nipples to how she was forcefully bending his with each succions of her greedy hole as he was chewing hard on his lip. 
Her attention and gaze shifted down to his and their eyes locked.
“I-I can’t stop,” her blush somehow managed to deepen, “You feel sooo good, I can’t stop…”
“Then don’t,” just by making her happy again, his heart felt like flying away, “Don’t stop, Hinata.”
His hands on her waist encouraged her to quicken the pace over the sweaty puddle that formed between the hard space of his muscles, causing the bed to creak. 
The tremor that went through her made her squeak and tightened around him, hands pulling on his roots, her knees pressing in his external oblique and her ankles in his solar plexus.
Intense gaze set upon the ‘o’ shape of her mouth, his lips curled into a grateful smile.
“You’re doing it so well. You’re so pretty, so beautiful.”
From the way her voice hitched and her nails scraped over his scalp, he figured that was what she wanted to hear. 
So he kept talking to her until his throat was dry.
Until she cracked apart in the middle, tension leaving her body with a heavy sigh, and she squirted all over his upper body, arousal dripping down his nipples as he yanked her to his face and cleaned the mess with his mouth.
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twilightmalachite · 9 months
2×2 - Epilogue 1
Author: Akira
Characters: Yuuta, Hinata
Translator: Mika Enstars
"So are you taking responsibility accordingly and marrying Aniki? Are you going to become my sister-in-law!?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Spring
Location: ES Live Stage Dressing Room
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Following the recording of 2×2 episode 5, in the performer dressing room…
Yuuta: …Hm? Huh, Anzu-san!
Thank you for all your hard work today~♪ What’s up? You don’t often enter the performer dressing room, don’t you?
I get it. It would be awkward if we were in the middle of changing, wouldn’t it.
Hm? Oh, Aniki? Ahh, humm, so you’re here for Aniki…♪
Unfortunately, Aniki was called to the agency earlier and left in a panic.
Apparently Ran-senpai didn’t get permission from the agency, or rather, Vice Prez Saegusa Ibara, to appear in 2×2.
It probably had already begun to air by the time he noticed, so he probably let it slide until it was over to give a lecture about it—Or well, that’s probably what Vice Prez was thinking.
Aniki and Ran-senpai are prooobably getting thoroughly chewed out together right now.
Yeah. Well, it looked like Ran-senpai had a lot of fun, he’ll probably back Aniki up, so it should be fine. The Vice Prez has a soft spot for him, after all.
And for us too. He’s seriously been pretty good to us, hasn’t he~!
Of course, so have you, and YamadaP too.
Although it’s pretty aggravating for me to admit that fact right now…♪
—So? What are you here for, Anzu-san?
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Yuuta: So are you taking responsibility accordingly and marrying Aniki? Are you going to become my sister-in-law!?
I’m just kidding about that, though… I think Aniki and Ran-senpai might’ve picked up on that too.
Don’t know about Shinobu-kun, though… He’s kind and doesn’t hate even me.
But I don’t really care about your feelings, so I’m just going to be honest with you. Truthfully—It’s unpleasant to be conveniently manipulated and toyed with, right?
I was certain about it ever since I poked YamadaP about it to gauge his reaction.
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Yuuta: Hey, answer me honestly.
You switched with YamadaP, didn’t you, Anzu-san?
Switching places is copyrighted exclusively to us twins, it’s been stolen!
Or no, actually, is this something like revenge to us causing mayhem by switching places in Twin Peaks or something?
It isn’t? Well, here’s what I think—
The producer showdown, secretly held under the cover of 2×2, was an important match to determine the future head of the P-Association.
To keep the match fair, you lied to us.
Specifically, you secretly switched the name of the producer in charge each time, didn’t you?
On the outside, you were credited as the producer for the first episode and the odd numbers following it, but…
But in reality, it was the other way around, with YamadaP in charge of the first episode.
But since we don’t know that, if we had favored Anzu-san and became motivated only for those episodes—
In the end, YamadaP would have won, the actual person in charge.
Rather, the one who organized this, the P-Association, swapped you two’s names in anticipation of that. Isn’t that right?
Because generally, Yumenosaki idols blatantly favor Anzu-san.
And the P-Association figured we’d be the same, so they set a trap for us.
And they did that, because the P-Association wanted YamadaP to win.
As someone who found great success in SS, and is especially loved by everyone in Yumenosaki, praised as the “protagonist of the modern day”, you must be an eyesore for them, Anzu-san.
And so, they wished to uproot you. That’s probably why they even had the producer showdown, just to get you removed from the P-Association.
But, the miscalculation on the part of P-Association was who was appointed to be your successor, YamadaP—
Who had no interest in being incorporated into ES.
YamadaP has a solid reputation outside of ES and has a place he belongs there. I doubt he wanted to become a part of the gigantic monster called ES only now.
That’s why he was cutting all those corners. He wanted to lose on purpose.
He wanted to lose so he wouldn’t have to become the head of the P-Association, which would be nothing but a pain in the ass.
That’s why for the odd-numbered episodes, the ones he was actually in charge of, he betrayed his reputation as a skillful producer, the content being so boring it felt like I had already seen it somewhere before.
No, that’s exactly why something began to feel off to us.
You’re no longer a beginner who doesn’t know what’s right or left, Anzu-san. You’re a talented producer who is recognized and loved by idols.
And we had already known that.
[ ☆ ]
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arunikas · 2 years
ー𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚
𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾'𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝗎𝗋𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗁𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎'𝗏𝖾 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇?
Blank. The far stretch of infinite void is the only thing they could see. Their bodies float like they’re trapped in outer space, in the middle of nowhere, no anvil whatsoever to keep them in place. In reflex, securing his wife's safety is all he could think of. He hurriedly reaches out to hold her hand, gathering her so close until there leaves no spaces between them. At least, if they can’t find anything to hold on, they’d still have each other. Like how he’d promised her.
He’d questioned many things since the portal closed; when the image of his adopted son, Kawaki, vanished from his sight, swallowed in the black swirling that was the door separating their realm. He’d questioned a lot of things.
How did everything end up like this?
Since when did things start to go wrong?
If anything, it was his decision. 
Taking Kawaki in was what he decided. Keeping him as a member of the Uzumakis. Addressing him as his own son, the brother of his children. Giving him the love and warmth of a family that had never once bestowed upon him.
Even after witnessing with his bare eyes how he killed his son–one who shares flesh and blood of his own, he still decided to keep him. 
So, if anything, it was his decision. 
Everything…it was his fault to claim.
And once again, he fails to protect his family. 
He finds his eyes rise to look at his wife; tear stricken face already staring back at him and her eyes gleaming with the unspoken scream of her litany, a lament of her desperation. 
Naruto feels so beyond ashamed, finding it hard to keep his eyes on her wife due to the weight of shame pressing down his shoulders. Because after all…it’s his fault. His son is going to be killed by the one he considers as brother. And he can see the storm looming above the sunshine of his family.
And him…he feels so hopeless, desperate, devastated. All the years of being a shinobi, the hero of the 4th shinobi war, bestowed the title of the great hokage, named the strongest to be alive in all over shinobi world. Everything…all of them stomp on his being, upon his incapability to protect his own family.
Naruto lets his eyes drop from the comfort of Hinata’s gaze. How can he look at her in the eyes…?
How is he supposed to tell her that everything’s gonna be okay, like how he’d always been…?
Uzumaki Naruto has always been a man of his words. But right now…he doubts himself. No, he utterly despises himself. Mouth pressed shut. Words forever lost.
A warm cradle lands upon his cheek, gentle tumb strokes his skin in a leathery way. “Naruto-kun…look at me.” 
He can’t. He can’t.
Hinata knows. Even though not a single word is spilled from his lips, she knows. Everything is translated through the deep blue of his eyes. That he’s desperate, just like her. 
That he drowns his mind in self-loathe, just like her. 
That he despises every strength, jutsu, and power he has under his arsenal only to make no use of them when it matters most, just like her.
She’s just as helpless, desperate, and devastated as himself. But she knows, there’s still hope. 
“Look at me, dear. Please.” Her pleas come out as something heartbreaking. And he hates himself more because of it.
Slowly, he looks up. Finding those orbs of what he’d defined as the star of the cosmos. 
She smiles. 
“Remember the moment Boruto was born?” she cups his cheeks in her palm, and he doesn’t have it in him to resist. He leans into her touch. “His tiny fists were held high in the air and you happily proclaimed that he’s ready to fight the world!”
A soft giggle escapes her lips upon unraveling again the memories. “And not long after, we had Himawari. Our little princess whose smile is brighter than all stars aligned and heart is filled with kindness even vaster than the sky.”
His lips are still pressed tightly, wallowing in the melody of her voice.
“And then we had Kawaki. Our poor, broken son.” Hinata takes a pause. There’s pain in her eyes but she decides to let it all go along with her sigh. “All I want to say is, don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault–”
“No. It is! I can’t keep my promise to you. I can’t keep our family safe–”
“Shh,” Hinata presses her thumb on his lips. “It’s not. We are together in this.”
“But–Hinata, I-I’m...sorry. I don’t–I don’t even know if they’d be safe–”
“Uh-hum,” she shakes her head. “Our children are strong. We have to believe them. Boruto, Himawari. All we have to do is to believe them. They’d bring Kawaki back. They’d make everything right again.”
Naruto’s mouth falls open to say something but he stops when he feels his feet become numb by the sudden freezing. Cold slowly creeps up and he finds himself not being able to move.
“It’s okay…it’s okay.” She smiles to calm him down. “I hope this is not our last…but if it were,” she pauses, bringing her eyes to look at him as deep as she can, to touch the depth of his soul, “Do you remember when you asked me where’s the furthest away from home I have ever been?”
Tears start to gather inside the pockets of his eyelids, while his voice is forever buried in the pit of his throat. 
“My answer was the moon, the place where we sealed our promise to be together for the rest of our life. But now, my answer changes.”
Hinata caresses his hair and presses their foreheads together. “The furthest away from home I’d ever be is you, Naruto-kun. Even when I’m trapped in the middle of nowhere, my furthest away will always be you. Because I know, you’d always be there by my side. Just like this.”
“Hinata…” tears melt from his eyes when his eyelids no longer can hold its weight. And a smile so genuine and broken adorns his lips.
He can feel the cold already freezing half of their body. And at last…as if it were their very last…he gathers her tighter in his embrace. 
“From now on, forever and ever, until I die, I want to be with you,” Hinata recites the words from her memory, “Thank you for keeping your promise, Naruto-kun.”
And Naruto finally smiles, welcoming her own that never leaves her lips like they’re made for it. And he leans closer, with a heart so full and surrender. At least, there’s still a promise he can keep.
As the world starts to freeze and the time stops flowing, they never let go of each other. 
They kiss, as if it were their last.
They hold each other tighter, as if it were their last.
Even if it were really their last, they hold no regret. 
Because, at least, they still have each other.
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rfaromance · 3 months
For what it's worth, these are the Visions that I would give my CMCs. In case that helps explain my thought processes on how Visions are bestowed/gifted/granted.
Beatriz would have a Dendro Catalyst. She traveled halfway across the world to study in an effort to find a cure for her insomnia. She wants to learn more about chemistry and medicine so that she can help others. Naturally she's going to have her head in the books, so tomes make sense for her weapon.
Jiwon would have a Pyro Polearm! He's very passionate about his work, and he's just like an eager puppy when out in public. He's constantly striving to improve his acting and singing, and I think that burning passion lends itself well to Pyro. Polearm because it's elegant and he's a rich boy. Also he's tall and muscular lol
Sae-eun would have an Anemo Sword! Right now she feels trapped by her father's expectations, but Yoosung helps her find the bit of freedom she needs to express herself. And once she feels comfortable... she is a whirlwind. She isn't studying what she wants to quite yet, but a little push will definitely bring her closer to that freedom she seeks. She gets a Sword because you can't be Saejoong's kid without having a little bit of main character energy. Lol
Rose would have an Electro Bow. Rose is unwaveringly loyal, perhaps to a fault. They are always working hard to try to prove themselves, to be helpful, to be useful. I think "I'd follow you to the ends of the earth, just to see you smile" is a form of eternity in and of itself. They change and grow, but that's just part of life! They get a bow because Rose is not the main character type; they're happy to be a support, working from the sidelines.
Ariella would have a Hydro Polearm! Hydro is the element of justice, and that's the logical choice for Miss "autistic sense of justice so severe it sometimes causes her physical pain." Also she's a lawyer haha. She gets a polearm, but specifically the trident polearm with a longer middle prong, because upside-down (i.e. when she plunges) it looks like the scales of justice! Also a trident makes sense because she loves the ocean ~ Never leave her alone with the twins in an aquarium. They will never leave.
Cho Hee would have a Cryo Polearm! Beneath her glitter, sequins, and chiffon, she's quite lonely. She's never felt supported and had to suppress her existence for a long time in her stifling household. While she does her best to make others smile and to live freely now, those wounds and her trauma still linger, making it difficult for her to truly trust others. She's also VERY strong and has a black belt in taekwondo, so she gets a polearm.
Hinata would have an Anemo Bow! Hinata's dream of becoming an idol helped her escape a life she didn't want, a life chosen by her overbearing parents. She's had her ups and downs, but even at her lowest points, she never abandoned that dream. She wants to live life on her own terms, and nobody will chain her down. I think a Bow makes sense, because the cupid-esque look would bolster her angelic image 🤭 also there's a joke to be made about a Rika MC with good enough eyesight to use a bow
Aoi would have a Cryo Catalyst. Aoi is someone who is admired by many, but known by few. Being a model has earned them many fans, but nobody knows the "true" Aoi. They're very skilled at putting on masks, and he adjusts his aura and image to whatever each photoshoot requires. She is far lonelier than she lets on. "Aoi" isn't even their real name; it's a stage name. He gets a Catalyst but specifically one of those floating jewel types, because she knows what it feels like to be a "treasure" that is only adored for its luster and not for substance.
RIP to Geo and Claymores. My characters are too silly and scrawny.
I almost gave Cho Hee a claymore, but is that flashy enough? I'm still debating. Strong women make me go brrrrr
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Family - Nagito/Hajime Fic
Prompt: Meeting the Family
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Prompt from: @yearoftheotpevent
Media: Danganronpa
Genres: Non-despair AU, no talents AU (???), all three mainline games (+UDG) exist in the same universe, Hope's Peak is just a normal high school, pre-established relationship, fluff (?), nerds being nerds (ig)
Characters: Nagito Komeada, Hajime Hinata, Rantaro Amani, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Makoto Naegi (mentioned), Komaru Naegi (mentioned), Kaede Akamatsu (mentioned), unnamed parents of Nagito, Hajime, Makoto, and Komaru
Pairing(s): Hajime/Nagito, Makoto/Taka (implied)
CW/TW - Brief mentions of Nagito's backstory, implied adultery & divorce
Other Notes: wow my first danganronpa fic and it's komahina. I usually try to do rarepairs for these monthly challenges but I saw the prompt and the story had been laid out before me I just had too </3 (I'll do some more dr rarepairs in the future).
this is entirely based off of me seeing Rantaro's sprites and going "wow you look like you could be related to Nagito!"
I also have yet to beat drv3 so uhh if Rantaro's characterization is weird that is why olol
Word Count - 3888
“Hajime, would you like to meet him?”
“I’m sorry?” The wind tossed around the fallen yellow leaves carelessly, the trees swaying gently. The hot air trapped the humidity in Hajime’s clothes, and he felt at least five degrees warmer than he should’ve. It wasn’t as hot compared to the summer months, but sitting out in the sun still seemed to cook him alive. His clothes weren’t particularly heavy, especially compared to Nagito’s, but he seemed to be sweating like crazy. …It probably didn’t help that he was sitting directly in the sun, when all of the shade seemed to conveniently cover Nagito perfectly. How did he even survive in the summer heat with that heavy green coat of his?
Hajime made a point to sit as far away from Nagito on the bench as possible, not wanting to be smothered by said coat. The humidity killed any chance of Hajime allowing Nagito to get near him at all. Although, that didn’t stop Nagito from trying. Without properly scooting over, Nagito leaned to his left, his hand slowly crawling over to Hajime’s. With a heavy sigh, Hajime complied, his tan fingers intertwining with Nagito’s. They were both a little sweaty, but in this heat? That was just fine. It was an oddly serene moment, something they hadn’t had in a while. And, much to Hajime’s surprise, Nagito was being relatively normal about it all!
At least, until he asked that odd question. “Him? Who is him?”
Nagito smiled, a facial expression Hajime was familiar with. Even though his gray eyes were soft, Hajime knew better than to believe that he was about to say something even remotely sane. 
“I’ve just been thinking…” Not a good sign. “We’ve been dating for a while, right?”
“Well, I think it’s about time that you met my family. That’s what couples do, I think.”
“What family?” Hajime asked before he could stop himself, an eyebrow rising. Last time he checked, Nagito was an orphan.
“Haha, ouch Hajime!” Nagito chuckled to himself, holding his hands up to his chest. “Although I don’t blame you for thinking that, it’s my fault you got the wrong idea about my family situation…”
With a soft hum, Nagito thought for a bit, a hand going up to his chin. Hajime could almost see the lightbulb appear over his head as he let go of Hajime’s hand. He shifted around in his pockets for a moment before pulling out his phone. Hajime scooted a little closer, leaning in as Nagito pulled up a photo.
“Who is that?”
“My brother. He’s the only other family I have left!” Nagito said it with such conviction that it was difficult to remember how heartbreaking it was. The photo was dated about three months ago, in the middle of the summer. Nagito and his brother, little brother, Hajime assumed, were in front of a store that Hajime didn’t recognize. Maybe it was out of town somewhere? Regardless, the other man in the image was nearly a splitting image of Nagito, or, perhaps more accurately, their parents. There were some obvious differences, sure. That was to be expected with siblings, but these two were similar in ways that Hajime didn’t even expect.
For starters, they had the same smile. In just a simple photo, Hajime could see the same curt smile that Nagito had on his little brother. That smile drove him nuts, as he could never tell what exactly Nagito was feeling at any given time. He couldn’t believe it was genetic. He almost had the mind to wonder which parent gave it to the both of them, before disregarding the thought. His little brother had light green hair, perhaps it was dyed? Hajime wasn’t sure. His hair had the same texture that Nagito’s did, albeit being much shorter and more controlled. His bangs were swept to the left side of his face.
“His name is Rantaro.” Nagito said, watching Hajime’s face as he looked over the image. Hajime’s eyes landed on the multiple piercings in his ears. There was one in his lobe and five along the outside cartilage. “He did all those piercings himself! I said that we had the money for him to get them done professionally, but he didn’t want to do that. Isn’t he so cool?”
“Rantaro?” Hajime asked, sitting up as Nagito slipped his phone back into his jacket pocket. “Like, Rantaro Amani? Same guy?”
“Yup. Same guy. He took our mother’s maiden name when she passed. But according to the law he’s Rantaro Komaeda.” Nagito looked up into the sky, smiling to himself. “I’m excited to introduce you to him. Unless, you’ve already…?”
Hajime shook his head, leaning forward on the bench in an attempt to get some airflow between his shirt and sweaty skin. “I’ve seen him around but we’ve never officially talked.” He nudged Nagito with his elbow. “I can’t believe Rantaro is your brother. He’s really popular, you know.”
“I do know, Hajime!” Nagito grabbed Hajime by his shoulders, gripping onto him tightly. Nagito smiles, his light eyes filled with a loving somberness. “I was so worried about him for the longest time. But here, at Hope’s Peak, he’s making friends and he’s talking with people! I was terrified that he’d end up like me, but he’s not and I’m so proud of him.
“And, just between you and I, Hajime, I think it’s this school. I knew I had found a good place for him when we enrolled here. Aren’t I just the luckiest?”
With a slight nod of his head, Hajime grasped Nagito’s hand, intertwining their fingers once more. “So, when can I meet this brother of yours?”
A smile appeared on Nagito’s face once more. “Right now, if you’d like. I can drive to my place. He doesn’t have any after school activities on Thursdays, so he should be home right about now.”
Despite Hajime nodding and not protesting when Nagito led him to his truck which was parked in the Hope’s Peak school parking lot, a sinking feeling of dread pooled in his stomach. It wasn’t that Nagito was a poor driver, quite the opposite in fact. He followed all traffic laws, made safe decisions, and had never gotten a ticket (or, so he said). That didn’t stop the intense anxiety from gripping at Hajime’s heart when he strapped himself into the passenger seat of the car and tensed as Nagito placed the key into the ignition.
The engine shuttered and groaned. Nagito’s truck was a piece of work, and Hajime was fairly certain that it must’ve belonged to his grandparents with how old it was. There was never a ride that Nagito took Hajime on where he didn’t worry about being blown to smithereens due to a gas leak or something. The truck was a manual, and whenever Nagito changed gears, the engine would sputter and growl, and Hajime swore he could see soot coming from beneath the hood at times.
If Hajime could do the impossible and look past the poor condition of the truck, then Nagito’s actual driving skills were impressive to a scary degree. If he didn’t know Nagito as well as he did, he wouldn’t allow him within seven feet of the wheel. For the first few years of their friendship, and the first month or so of their relationship, he did just that. It wasn’t until a situation much like the one he was currently in, where he was on the passenger side of things. Nagito wanted to show Hajime where he lived and suddenly he was in the passenger side of the old, gray truck. He could’ve sworn he’d seen his life flash before his eyes. 
Nagito’s house was about a forty-five minute drive from Hope’s Peak, and it there was generally uneventful. Nagito and Rantaro lived in a large house, not exactly mansion level but it was definitely on the verge, that sat atop a large hill. There were a few other houses in the area, and Hajime had to guess that the taxes in such a place were astronomical. The first few times he went over to Nagito’s place, he hadn’t seen any evidence that he had a little brother. The house was…relatively bare, which only made it seem larger. He was sure that there were photos of Rantaro somewhere in the house, he just hadn’t seen them. He and Nagito mostly spent time in his bedroom or in the living room. He had to guess that Rantaro had been avoiding those rooms whenever he came over, so as not to disturb them.
 The truck pulled into the driveway, but not into the large garage. The door had been left open and a second, smaller car, had been parked dead center inside. The garage was big enough to fit two cars relatively comfortably, but the truck wouldn’t be able to fit on either side of it. Hajime turned to Nagito who grimaced, one of his eyes twitching as he put the truck into park and pulled the key out of the ignition.
“Rantaro…” He grunted quietly as he shoved the keys into his pocket. Hajime slung his backpack over his shoulder as he exited the car along the same time as Nagito, closing the door behind him. The truck beeped as Nagito locked it with the keys, slipping them into his pocket. Hajime hadn’t noticed before, but the keys had a small, beaded decoration on them. It didn’t look like anything else Nagito owned, so he had to wonder where it came from.
The pair walked over to the open garage and Nagito rubbed his forehead. “He could’ve at least closed it…”
“Haha.” Hajime looked at the car, supposedly Rantaro’s, and squinted. It looked…awful. He couldn’t point out the exact model, but looking at it, it had to be at least a decade old. It was a small black car with paint chips here and there, as well as a dent or two. Nagito had all this money, and he had yet to get his little brother a new car?
That wasn’t normally a thought that Hajime had, but he knew around the amount of inheritance that Nagito had gained, and buying another small car wouldn’t be hard on his income.
“He’s getting a new car for his birthday.”
Nagito smiled, pressing the buttons on the outside panel to close the garage. He gestured for Hajime to follow him as he began the ascent up the stairs to the front door. “I could tell what you were thinking, about his car, I mean. I know I seem awful for not getting him a new one sooner and making him drive around in that awful thing, but I knew I wanted to get him a new one for his birthday! So I had to make him wait.
“But you can’t say anything, okay, Hajime? It’s a surprise! He has no idea.”
“Yeah, of course.” Hajime nodded, his hands in his pockets as he walked. “Your secret is safe with me. Do you know what kind of car you’re getting him?”
“Mm…” Nagito hummed, “I’m not completely sure yet, but I have a few in mind.”
The two reached the front door, and Nagito jiggled the doorknob. Locked.
“Oh, so he locks the front door but doesn’t close the garage? Typical…” Nagito muttered to himself as he pulled out his keys. He fumbled for a moment, before getting the right key into the front door. It opened with a swift click and Hajime wondered why he didn’t just get one of those locks with a code instead of a key. Maybe the house was just built that way? He wasn’t sure.
With an apologetic look on his face, Nagito turned back to face Hajime. “Ahh, sorry about that, Hajime! Come on in.”
The door was held open, and Hajime walked in, Nagito following suit. Hajime had to pause when he entered the house. It wasn’t the first time he had been there, but he had to marvel at it every time. The interior was absolutely gorgeous. He slipped off his shoes at the front door, setting them next to the other pairs of shoes. He set them next to a pair of brown hiking boots, and he supposed that they had to belong to Rantaro. When he first saw them when he came over, he just assumed they were Nagito’s. But he had never seen Nagito wear them (nor did he think that Nagito actually hiked), so they must’ve been Rantaro’s. He quickly set his school bag on a nearby hook, making sure to not stray far from the entrance.
“Rantaro?” Nagito called as Hajime did small circles near the front door, glancing around for the slippers that Nagito had provided last time. He didn’t even want to think about stepping onto the shimmering wooden floors in his socks. “Are you in the living room?”
“Hey, Nagito? Where are-?!” Before Hajime could finish, Nagito grabbed him by the hand and pulled him onto the floor anyway. He looked at Nagito with wide eyes, his head cocking to the side in shock. Nagito raised an eyebrow before laughing softly to himself. He dismissed Hajime’s concerns with a wave of his hand and continued to drag him through the large house.
The pair entered the kitchen, and Hajime locked eyes with the one and only Rantaro. He looked almost exactly like the photo that Nagito had shown him earlier, his hair just being a bit longer. Only the piercings on his lobes had earrings at the moment, but he had other jewelry on. He had on a necklace with a leather chain and a crystal attached to it, and if he and Nagito were akin at all, the crystal was completely authentic (although Hajime couldn’t tell exactly). He also had a variety of bracelets on, being both metal and leather.
Rantaro was sitting at the table, one leg crossed over the other. He was wearing a thinly striped blue sweater, and he leaned into his knuckles. His backpack was a foot or so away from him, so Hajime suspected he had been doing homework, or had been using his laptop for something or other. The two soon joined him at the table, both sitting across from him. His green eyes flickered from Hajime to Nagito and he raised an eyebrow.
“What’s going on?” He asked, no sense of distaste or anxiety in his tone. It was just a simple, sincere question.
“I figured that it’s about time for you and Hajime to meet properly.” Nagito said, his hand subtly moving over to land on Hajime’s thigh. However, it was swiftly moved, their fingers now intertwined. “I’ve met his family, so it was only a matter of time until he met you.”
“Oh, cool.”
“And don’t worry, this visit won’t take long. You’ll be able to finish up your work soon.” Nagito stood up, and Hajime raised an eyebrow at him. He placed his hand on Hajime’s shoulder, looking down and smiling. “Would you like some tea, Hajime? I could make us some.”
“Hm? Oh yeah. That’d be great, thanks.” 
With a swift nod, Nagito walked away, leaving the two at the table by themselves. Hajime picked up on his intentions almost immediately. Nagito wanted him and Rantaro to try and hold a conversation without him. Which was reasonable, he supposed. That didn’t mean it was any less awkward. He knew very little about Rantaro, and was unsure of how to start a conversation with him.
Much to his luck, Nagito came through for him. At least for now.
“Rantaro, where’s the tea we got this week?”
To respond, Rantaro leaned to his side so he could look at Nagito. Hajime did the same. His face scrunched up slightly as he spoke: “In the garage I think.”
The cabinet door closed and Nagito looked at his little brother with exasperation written all over his face. “Why is it in the garage?”
“You said we didn’t have any room in the pantry,” Rantaro said, crossing his arms. “So you told me to put the extra packages in the garage when I brought the groceries in.” “And you didn’t bring any in when you saw that we were out?”
“I don’t drink tea, Nagito. I only drink it when you make it. So, yeah, I didn’t notice.”
Nagito muttered something that Hajime probably didn’t want to hear before walking off, presumably to the garage. Rantaro sighed, putting his crossed arms on the table, he pushed some of his green hair out of his face as he did so.
“Sorry about that.”
“Haha, it’s no problem. I ended up doing the same thing to Nagito with Makoto the first time he came over.”
There was a pause and Rantaro gave him a small smile of disbelief. “Naegi’s your brother?”
“My half-brother, yeah.”
“Which side?”
“We share a dad.”
Hajime hoped that Rantaro wouldn’t press further. He didn’t feel like going into the intricacies of the drama between their shared father and their mothers. It was a whole thing, and he was tired of hearing about it.
“Is Naegi as awesome of a brother as he is a guy?” “Yeah. He is. He’s pretty cool.” He was thankful for a brother like Makoto. In some other family, he might’ve been considered a bastard child or something. Maybe it was the bare minimum, but he was really appreciative that both Makoto and Komaru just treated him like another sibling. It was nice. Their mother was a whole other story, but he’d rather not think about all of that at the moment.
An awkward silence fell over the two, and Hajime figured he should be the one to try and start up the next conversation.
“So…I’ve seen you around Hope’s Peak.”
“Yeah?” “Yeah. I’ve seen you with uh, this blond girl? Is she just a friend or…?”
“Ah, Kaede?” Rantaro put the side of his face into his palm, really leaning into it. He smiled, his eyes drifting off to the side. “She’s a good friend of mine. If you get the chance, you should go to the music festival. She’ll be playing piano. She’s really good.”
“I’ll see if I can catch her performance.” Hajime nods, his fingers drumming on the table. “I’m going anyway. A few friends of mine are doing a performance.”
“Oh nice.”
Another silence.
Goddamnit, where was Nagito when you needed him?
“...You don’t really drink tea?”
“Yeah.” He hummed, his eyes rolling back to look at Hajime. “But Nagito does, so whenever he makes it I take some as well.”
The pair went quiet, except this time, it was to listen in on something else. Nagito’s muffled voice reverberated across the house, but neither were sure what exactly he was saying. There was another voice, and the two glanced at each other. Hajime stood up, unsure of what was happening. With Nagito’s luck (or bad luck, really), who knows who he could be talking to. His guard stayed up until the voices got closer and he recognized the person’s voice.
The beginning of the sentence was lost, but Hajime managed to get the last little bit of it. “...for something, not an emergency, but he said that it was urgent.”
Rantaro stood up as Nagito and the other person entered the kitchen, and both his and Hajime’s bodies relaxed. Standing next to Nagito was a familiar face, whose red eyes lit up.
“Hey Taka.”
“Hello Ishimaru.”
Taka placed his hands on his hips before smiling at the two. “Greetings to you both! I apologize for the intrusion, but Makoto sent me to pick you up, Hajime. I would have contacted you and asked when I should pick you up, but he said that it was urgent, so I simply did not have the time.”
“Urgent? Is everything okay? Is Komaru alright?”
“Komaru and the rest of your family are fine, do not worry about that.”
As Taka and Hajime continued to speak for a moment, Rantaro got up and slowly slinked over to Nagito. The two stood next to each other, watching for a moment before Rantaro asked something quietly.
“Who’s Komaru?”
Nagito leaned down a little and whispered back, “Naegi’s little sister. She goes to a different school.”
“Amani!” Taka turned from Hajime after he finished speaking and placed his hand onto Rantaro’s shoulder. “I saw the video you turned in regarding our student body. You have quite a way with words! It was beautifully said!”
“Oh, hah, thanks.”
“I figured I’d tell you the next time I saw you in person, instead of via email.” With a smile, Taka put his hands on his hips once more. “I believe that it’s much more personal that way!”
Before Rantaro, or anyone else, for that matter, could say a word, Taka turned back to Hajime. Nagito could’ve sworn he felt a gust of air fly past him as Taka did so. The two exchanged quick words, with Hajime saying he’ll only take a minute to say his goodbyes. Taka left swiftly aftwards, giving Nagito a quick nod to thank him for allowing him inside his home. “Sorry about all this. I wish I could’ve stayed longer.”
“No worries, Hajime.” Nagito smiled, his hands shifting into his pockets. “I’m sure you’ll be back soon enough.”
A scoff left Hajime as he leaned over and pecked Nagito on his cheeks. It was especially chaste, but he didn’t want to embarrass Rantaro too much. “I’ll let you know what happened when I get home.”
“Don’t worry about it! You just take care of things.”
“And, I’ll see you around man. It was nice to meet you.” Hajime gave Rantaro a small smile and held up a fist. It took Rantaro a moment, but he caught on quickly and gave Hajime a fist bump.
“Yeah. Cya.”
Hajime, who just had too, gave Nagito one more goodbye kiss before walking back through the kitchen to the front door. He was followed by the two who lived there to send him off. He slipped his shoes back on, his bag slung over his shoulder. He opened the door, and once more he was hit with a wave of hot, humid air. God, he was so thankful for air conditioning. He gave Rantaro and Nagito a quick goodbye wave, getting one in return from the former, before leaving.
The only sound that was made for a moment or two was the sound of Taka’s car starting and then driving off. Nagito had shifted over to the front window and watched the car drive away.
“So?” Rantaro raised an eyebrow.
“What do you think?”
All Nagito got was a shrug. “He seems nice. I see why you like him.”
Nagito beamed. It had been a quick meeting, sure. One that he would’ve wanted to go on for much longer, but there wasn’t much he could do. However, a good first impression was all that he could’ve hoped for from both parties, and it had been successful! He watched Rantaro as he walked back into the kitchen, a smile still on his face. It had been a rough few years, for the both of them. 
But maybe, just maybe, things were getting better.
He had hope that was the case.
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shsl-baby · 2 years
🎫 for yuu (ult-mechanic)
They have to admit, they’re surprised. They never thought the Future Foundation would ever let them off the Island, let alone for an event meant purely for fun. Part of them wondered if it was some kind of trap, but if it was then they were really bad at it since most of the people working the various rides and stands were still dressed up in their dress shirts and stupid ties. That must be really uncomfortable.
Apparently, it was some kind of party being thrown for Naegi’s whole division, or something. They weren’t really paying attention because he had his shoes on the wrong feet the whole time and they were waiting to see if anyone else noticed. As far as they could tell, nobody did. 
Normally they would run off to the ice cream stand right away, but because they were the youngest, of course they had been left with someone on ‘babysitting duty’. They’d given up on convincing Hinata that they could handle this on their own. What, like they were gonna get kidnapped by one of the government agents in the middle of a crowded ass fair? It was annoying, but at least they could’ve gotten stuck with worse people. 
Speaking of which, they looked over their shoulder at Kaz, the unfortunate one who drew the short straw. They figured he didn’t want to be stuck with them, either, but they were also certain that they wouldn’t hear the end of it if Hinata found out they split up. Sticking by the pink-haired man was a superior option to sitting through a long lecture about everything that could’ve gone wrong.
“I wanna go on all the rides. Especially that one that spins around real fast so you get stuck to the wall. I threw up on that one once. It was gross.”
… They're more than a little excited.
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weathertheraine · 2 years
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Choice breakdown pt 4 - Kageyama
Kageyama’s frames from my Karasuno five ‘choice’ video !! Drawing his eyes in this diamond-shape was surprisingly hard, oof - but I also like that he’s a little less expressive than the others overall, though of course there are subtle differences, and I had fun drawing his pupils differently each time.
Video here!
CONTROL: for the first round of more ‘obvious’ word associations, Kageyama gets ‘control’ as a nod to his position as the ‘control tower’ of the team, as well as the incredible control and skill he displays in his setting, AND the control he feels he needs to have over his middle school team.
LOVE: potentially a less obvious theme- but something I think is truly very central to Kageyama’s character. He loves volleyball, he loves his teammates, he loves Hinata - he’s just ill-equipped to deal with those feelings and to express them properly. I wanted him to look more vulnerable/caught off-guard as he feels uncertain about how to respond to his own feelings or how to show them
BRAIN: back to more of a comfort zone - again, associated with Kageyama’s skill and intelligence on the court, as a contrast to how ill-equipped he is to deal with his feelings outside of it. I wanted his pupils to look kind of robotic, nodding to how he ‘calibrates’ on the court in season 4 which I found a really fun detail, and how much he’s thinking about the layout of the court.
WAKE UP: Kageyama gets this one as a call to get out of his own head. He can get trapped in his thoughts and his emotions, becoming fixated on things to his detriment, like he does when he refuses to change his and Hinata’s quick - and, of course, his treatment of his teammates in middle school. This ‘WAKE UP’ call can be seen as him ‘waking up’ in a horrible way when they turn on him, realising that he’s been behaving like a tyrant - but also in a more positive light when it comes to his teammates at Karasuno. It’s a call to wake up and remember his teammates around him - both to ensure he doesn’t become a tyrant, but also to remember that his new friends care about him, and are sticking around.
Yamaguchi / Tsukishima / Yachi / Kageyama / Hinata
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“I spoke fire, laughed smoke, and madness spilled forth from my inspiration.”
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Age 0:
Is born to Shuichi Himura and Rikka Sonoi  
Rikka abandons her with Shinichi 
Is raised primarily by her older half-brother, Rintaro
Age 4:
Shuichi in a drunken stupor sets the house on fire in the middle of the night
Shuichi quickly burns to death  
Rintaro awakens to the house on fire and tries to escape with Akari but is not able to 
Rintaro and Akari are barely saved from burning to death with Rintaro taking the brunt of the flames
Due to the amount of damage, he suffered Rintaro goes into a coma
Akari is put in the foster care system separating her from Rintaro
Age 5:
Her extreme intelligence is noticed with many wanting to foster her because of it 
Is abused by multiple foster families for constantly rebelling and not filling their picture-perfect idea of a daughter 
Age 7:
Becomes tired of being used for her intelligence 
Erases every bit of data on her intelligence 
Begins to hide her genius 
Age 8: 
Is put in the care of Kagami Saionji, a religious extremist 
Kagami severely abuses Akari under the assumption that she is possessed by the devil
One day she drags Akari into the bathroom and attempts to drown her in the bathtub 
Akari manages to survive 
Begins to plan Kagami’s demise 
Sets the house on fire with Kagami trapped inside. 
Age 10:
Is placed in an orphanage run by Gencho Hosen in Ikebukuro
Meets the Yamada Brothers 
Meets Matsuri Hinata and befriends her, their relationship soon becoming one of like sisters 
Akari for once in her life feels happy 
Age 12: 
Akari and Matsuri are kidnapped by human traffickers
Matsuri is violently murdered and dismembered in front of her
Akari snaps and escapes from her restraints
With what she is able to scrounge around, builds a bomb and sets it off
It completely consumes the traffickers’ base burning and killing everyone inside, from the traffickers to the other victims.
Learns that Gencho sold her and Matsuri out 
Murders Gencho as revenge, leaving his corpse hanging in the middle of a street in Ikebukuro 
Akari begins to hate humanity and swears to █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Age 13: 
Learns that the infamous “High-Rise Bomber” is her older brother Rintaro
Instead of feeling dread, Akari is inspired by his actions 
Begins to head out as the criminal “Cinder” quickly becoming infamous for her cruelty and love of fire
Makes plans to break Rintaro out of prison 
Meets Sumire Shinomiya and the other members of Scorpion Den, befriending  them 
Age 14:
Meets and befriends Ryōhei Nakashima
Meets Nagisa Sano and both leave a terrible first impression on each other
This leads to the two of them becoming enemies and eventually frenemies later on
Age 15:
Is ready to break Rintaro out of prison, however, learns of the deal he made with Chuohku
Scraps her plan 
Reunites with Rintaro
Meets Akihisa Mashiro and Touya Kisaragi 
Moves in with them 
Begins working on █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Secretly joins the Katsushika Division rap battle team, Death Row Block, alongside Akihisa Mashiro, Touya Kisaragi, and Rintaro Himura
12:00 a.m. - 4:00 a.m.: Out as Cinder 
4:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m.: Asleep
7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.: Awakens and gets ready for the day
7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.: Eats breakfast with everyone 
8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.: Is dropped off at school by Rintaro 
8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.: Hangs out with Ryōhei before class
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: Class
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.: Lunch 
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Class
3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: Is picked up by Rintaro
3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: Returns home
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.: Works on █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
6:00 p.m.  - 7:00 p.m.: Dinner with everyone 
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Spends time with everyone 
9:00 p.m - 10:00 p.m: Gets ready 
11:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.: Out as Cinder
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#Leave Me Alone
#Hidden Devil 
#Anti Social
Trauma Hashtags
#I Want My Big Brother!
#I’ll Show You Evil
#I’m Sorry For Not Saving You
Other Info
Hobby: Metalworking 
Weakness: Misanthrope
Trauma: “Humanity never gave a damn about me.”
Twitter: @HellGirl666
Drinks: No
Smokes: No
Special Skill: “I can make anything out of scrap parts.”
Intro Quote: “What do you want? I’m not in the mood to talk.”
Trauma Quote: “Humanity thought I was a monster and tried their damn hardest to beat me down. I’ll show them why that was a bad idea.” 
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kiljoius-writes · 2 years
Trapped In My Mind
Ao3 | FFN
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First Chapter
Chapter 7 (Final): The Way You Handle My Name
Hanabi looked beautiful as Natsu, as well as a few other Hyūga, surrounded her.
Hinata stood to the side, nervously fidgeting with her own dress robes.
Today was the ultimate test of her progress. A wedding to a Hyūga heir was always a large, formal event that many in the village were invited to attend.
Which meant she’d have to confront many faces she had been avoiding for so long now.
Naruto, Hero of the War. Sakura, his wife. Tenten, teammate, and friend to Neji.
Her father.
She looked towards the large room where the reception would take place. Where she knew those people would be.
But she also knew the people that she could count on would be there, too.
Kurenai. Shino. Kiba.
So as she watched her sister become her most beautiful self, ready to become betrothed to the Third’s Grandson, she hung onto that. Deep, controlled breaths. Funny enough, it was Kiba who had prepared her best for this.
“I think we’re ready to let guests in.”
Hinata looked up as one of the Hyūga gestured to the door, and she nodded, pulling it shut. On the other side, she could hear the chatter of guests flowing in. She clasped both hands over her heart, inhaling deeply through her mouth, and out through her nose. She did her best to keep her thoughts on the right track, thoughts of her beautiful sister, thoughts of her dear team, thoughts of her Kiba.
Her Kiba.
She wasn’t quite sure when she had decided she was laying claim to him but decided she didn’t much care.
Because if she was going to have someone as hers, she was happy it was Kiba.
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An incredibly traditional ceremony proceeded without a hitch. Hinata hadn’t felt that urge to run the entire time, which was a relief. She managed to stay composed, eyes fixed on her sister as she downed a shot of sake with Konohamaru. As the small glass left her lips, she gasped and lifted it into the air, a loud “WHOO!” leaving her as she did. Hinata giggled softly as the other Hyūga around her remained in their stoic states, contrasting Konohamaru who was swiftly picking her up to take her in for their first kiss as a wedded couple.
Hinata’s heart felt lighter and lighter as the ceremony came to an end.
Now the hard part. The reception.
Kiba found her almost instantly, and she was relieved for it.
“How’d it go?” Kiba asked, instantly hooking his arm through hers, and she gladly let him.
“Wonderfully,” she responded, looking up at him warmly. He grinned and pressed a kiss to her forehead, and she almost felt silly at how it was still making her blush.
Within moments, he had her in the middle of the dancefloor, and she was being whisked around. It was the happiest she had felt in…a long time.
“Hello, Hinata!” She whipped her head around to meet the eyes (sunglasses) of Kuri, who was approaching with Shino by her side. Hinata offered a smile, a sincere one, and nodded her head to the two.
“Hello Kuri, Shino.”
“Care to dance, Kiba?” Kuri offered her hands towards Kiba who glanced down at Hinata with a smirk, nudging her towards Shino. She reluctantly let go of Kiba to join Shino.
“May I?” she asked Shino with a little giggle and he nodded.
As Shino took her in dance, she found him to be tense—or at least, a little tenser than usual.
Then, he spoke. “Are you staying, Hinata?”
Unintentionally, she squeezed his hand. She stared at their feet for a moment before looking up. “I am.” As usual, his expression remained emotionless, but he did nod in return. A few more beats of silence before she spoke up, “when will…your wedding be, Shino?”
“Spring,” he responded instantly, and she saw his head tilt upwards, so she looked over her shoulder to see Kuri and Kiba dancing as well, now, engaging in happy chatter. “I prefer March…but Kuri seems to think April would be better.”
Hinata tipped her head as she looked back at him. “Is there a difference?”
“April is warmer.” She nodded. “March is sooner.”
“Oh.” She smiled at that.
“Hinata…treat Kiba with care.”
She nearly stumbled as her feet froze at his words, but his grip tightened to keep her afoot. Quickly, she regained her balance and cleared her throat. “What…what do you mean?”
He returned his head to face hers, and tilted it, slightly. “As Kiba said, we were both worried…and I am not sure if he will admit it, but he was by far more worried than I. Why? Because he’s in love with you.”
Hinata’s jaw flexed at the words. This was nowhere near in character for Shino to…be so open.
“I just request you do not let him down, again.”
She felt him squeeze her hand a little tighter.
“I am happy you have decided to stay, Hinata.”
Having Shino speak to this like her was both unsettling and reassuring at the same time, strangely enough.
Treat Kiba with care.
Well, if she had to keep a promise to anyone, she supposed it should be to Shino.
“I will, Shino.” She nodded, looking up at him with a little smile.
His grip relaxed, finally.
“I know you will.”
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Kiba ran a hand through his hair as he mentally prepared himself for the encounter he was about to force.
An encounter he desperately wanted to avoid, but really had no choice but to face. And it had to be now. Here, at Hinata’s little sister’s wedding.
At the very least, the Hyūga elder couldn’t try to start anything in the middle of it, even if he wanted to.
No, unfortunately, this was the perfect opportunity.
“Gotta talk to you.”
Hiashi Hyūga’s eyes looked behind his shoulder in surprise at the disturbance in his conversation, finding Kiba standing behind him with his arms folded.
“I am busy,” he spoke coolly, attempting to turn back around.
Kiba wasn’t having it. “Sorry, but it’s gotta be now. It’s about your daughter.”
He heard Hiashi click his tongue, then saw him gesture dismissal with his head tilted to the Hyūga he had been talking to. Slowly, he turned, hands clasped in front of him. Though stoic as ever, the man’s words hinted at sarcasm. “I do hope you’re enjoying her wedding.”
“Yeah, not about that one.” Kiba rolled his eyes, resting his weight on one foot. “But you knew that, didn’t you?”
“Speak what you must say, Inuzuka.” Kiba’s jaw flexed at the belittling tone.
“You don’t concern yourself with her anymore.” He got straight to the point, spotting the tiniest look of surprise flash over Hiashi’s face. Kiba cleared his throat. “She’s mine to worry about, now.”
Hiashi blinked up at him, letting silence sit between them. Kiba leaned his head forward to portray an air of confidence. He caught the little breath the old man exhaled before looking away. “She is no longer my daughter. I do not concern myself with her, regardless.”
Before the man could walk away, Kiba recalled him. “And the seal is coming nowhere near her.”
Hiashi stopped, head turning slightly, but not looking fully back.
“But you probably already knew that.” Kiba let out a mocking chuckle at the way the man’s eyes squinted. “Your other daughter would probably kill you before you tried it, and I’m pretty sure you’re well aware of that.”
With that, Hiashi was taking long strides away, and Kiba was satisfied with that conclusion.
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When Kuri beckoned Shino to join her at the buffet, Hinata found herself alone. She wasn’t quite sure where Kiba was, but she decided that was okay, for now. She could handle herself at her own sister’s wedding for a little while. That’s why, when she spotted a pink head of hair in the midst of a sea of people, she decided it was her turn to do right by herself.
She felt she had come so far, now. With the help of everyone around her, it was only right she take this last challenge upon herself. No more holding her hand through it.
So she forced her feet forward, politely excusing herself between bodies, until she came upon Sakura. And Naruto.
“Hey!” Naruto greeted enthusiastically; his arm slung around Sakura’s shoulders with a glass of sake in the other. “Sake?”
“I’m all right, thank you.” Hinata held up a hand, willing her beating heart to slow, just a bit. “I was actually hoping you’d dance with me, Sakura.”
“Me?” Sakura asked in surprise, eyebrows raised and a smile on her lips. “Yeah! Of course. Hold this.”
Hinata watched as Sakura shoved her purse into Naruto’s chest, who grunted with the force but ultimately chuckled, winking at Hinata. She forced a little smile as Sakura’s hand found hers and pulled her towards the dancefloor.
It was a little awkward, with the size of Sakura’s belly, but they managed to find a comfortable position to sway together in.
“Sakura,” Hinata interrupted, uncharacteristically. She had to do this now, or she wasn’t sure she ever would. “I’m very happy for you, and Naruto.”
“Oh.” Sakura looked like she was constricted of breath now as she looked down at Hinata, tilting her head. “Thank you, Hinata…”
“And just…just know that, whatever it was in the past…it remains there.” Hinata felt the urge to look away but forced herself to keep eye contact. Sakura’s eyes went wider with the words. “All I’ve ever wanted was for him to be happy…for all of us to be happy. And I am so…incredibly grateful to see you two find happiness with one another.”
A pause sat between them as their swaying slowed to simple standing. Hinata parted her lips for air, practicing that breathing as she awaited Sakura’s response. Then, Sakura’s smile split into a grin, and it reminded her of Naruto’s. “You’re so wonderful, Hinata.”
Hinata swallowed, unsure of how to respond. Kiba’s loud voice was heard across the hall, and they both looked up to see him and Naruto having some sort of squabble over the last piece of something at the buffet. She looked back at Sakura, whose gaze remained lingered on the two.
“And Kiba’s wonderful, too.” Sakura returned to Hinata, still beaming. “I’m glad you’re back.”
Hinata nodded, letting Sakura pull her into a forceful hug, trying to keep back a cough that threatened to escape as her breathing became restricted.
“Shoot, sorry!” Sakura laughed, arms relaxing around Hinata who shook her head, pulling her hair behind her ears. Just as they parted, both Kiba and Naruto approached them. Seemed Naruto had won the fight over who would take whatever remained of the karaage.
“Fighting, again?” Sakura tutted.
“I won!” Naruto beamed, thrusting the plate into Sakura’s hands.
“Cause you pulled the pregnant card,” Kiba pointed out, irritably folding his arms.
“Gotta keep a woman with child fed, Kiba.” Naruto tapped the side of his head.
Hinata smiled. The simplicity of this normal interaction felt so very good at this moment, after sweeping that weight from her heart. She closed the distance between her and Kiba, initiating public affection for the first time, and wrapped an arm around his waist. He looked down at her in surprise, eyebrows furrowing as he set a hesitant arm around her shoulders.
She tipped her head to him and rested her other hand on his chest. “He’s right, Kiba. Babies first.”
Naruto bellowed out laughter and it felt good to hear.
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A week after the wedding, Hinata was finally here, the one place she hadn’t been able to go to the entire time she had been back.
Before her sat a gravestone, engraved with his name.
Neji Hyūga.
Gently, she reached out to brush a small build-up of dirt from the name. It wasn’t much, which she was surprised about. She wondered who had been coming to keep it clear. But her answer was just behind her.
“Your sister’s wedding was beautiful.”
Hinata looked up in surprise at a familiar voice—one she hadn’t heard in what felt like…or what had certainly been years.
Tenten came to rest on her knees next to her, looking towards her with a sad little smile on her lips, and finally, she was seeing her eyes again.
With effort, Hinata nodded in agreement, her voice paralyzed in her throat.
“I’m sorry, Hinata.”
“Wh—what?” Hinata gasped out, clutching the fabric of her pants.
“I’m sorry for avoiding you for so long.”
Hinata quickly shook her head. “No, no, you shouldn’t be apologizing to me! You shouldn’t be apologizing to me at all—”
“Well, I am.” Tenten’s smile turned slightly crooked as she looked back toward the headstone. Hinata felt herself begin to shake, slightly as she joined her eyes on it.
“But it’s…it’s me who’s sorry, Tenten.” Hinata slumped forward defeatedly. “He…he died for me…I should have…”
“Should have nothing,” Tenten interjected, other hand raised to silence her. “Neji did what he did because that’s the kind of man he was. I never blamed you.”
Hinata sucked in a shuddered breath, forcing herself to look up to find Tenten looking back at her again. “O…oh…”
“Your eyes…” Tenten dipped her head slightly, maintaining eye contact as she did. “They’re just…they’re the same. It hurt to look at you because…I could only think of him.”
Hinata’s chest felt like it was expanding, uncomfortably.
“But that was my problem, not yours. We’re all healing…you should, too.”
Hinata’s hand tingled as Tenten’s found it and squeezed.
Healing seemed so far and away just a little while ago. Fear gripped her for so long, it was hard accepting she didn’t have to be afraid anymore. It was a state of herself she’d become so comfortable being. A comfortable state of discomfort.
“Even though he didn’t talk about his personal life a whole lot…” Tenten cast her eyes towards the stone, still holding Hinata’s hand. “One of the few things he talked about was you.”
Hinata tilted her head, her heart beating a little faster.
“You know Neji…he’s never one to talk openly about his emotions.” Tenten let a light chuckle go. “But you could tell he was proud of how far you’d come…together.”
Hinata looked from Tenten back to Neji’s headstone. She breathed a sigh through her nose, trying to cling to those words. “I wish he was here…”
“I do, too.”
Silence passed over them for a moment and Hinata was surprised to find her tight muscles finally relaxing with the acceptance.
Then, she felt the tickle of cloth against her hand and she glanced down to find a rag dangling above it. Tenten’s eyes were high with a smile, a genuine one. Hinata gently grasped it from hers and held it. “I’ve been taking care of him. But maybe now that you’re back…we could do it together?”
Hinata set her eyes on the stone. Polishing Neji’s headstone had been a task she’d taken upon herself after she’d recovered from the initial impact of his death. It wasn’t something she’d done in so long…
She scooted closer to it and carefully set her hand with the rag in it on the top. Slowly, she pulled it across to reveal the marble underneath and she actually felt a smile come on. Then, she dragged it down the right and made concurrent squares until she reached his name.
With one last swipe, she pulled the rag across.
Neji Hyuga.
Is this my destiny, brother?
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“Look at this one.”
Kiba looked up from the firepit he was trying to start to find Hinata crouched in front of a patch of flowers. He stood to his full height and threw himself into a stretch before coming up next to her. “Ah, what’re those? Irises, right?”
He caught her eyes flashing over him, a surprised look coming over her face. “Oh—that’s…impressive, Kiba. You’re correct.” She smiled warmly up at him and he chuckled.
“Spent over a decade with you, Hinata. I’d be pretty dumb if I couldn’t pick ‘em out.” He waved a hand.
She bit her lip. “I didn’t think you much cared, honestly…”
He huffed at that. “Figures.”
“I’m sorry,” she offered in earnest, and he shrugged. She gestured towards the flower. “I was actually talking about the insect.”
“Insect?” He involuntarily shuddered. He’d gotten used to bugs just fine after so many years as Shino’s teammate but couldn’t control a little shiver whenever an unfamiliar one was near. When he caught a glimpse of what looked like a yellow jacket, he immediately started backing away. “Hey—c’mon, get away from that thing!”
“It’s just a hoverfly,” she clarified, waving her hand towards herself to beckon him. He relaxed, slightly. “They’re pollinators. Perfectly friendly.”
“Oh…” He sighed, reluctantly coming next to her to sit on his haunches. He tilted his head at the little fly that looked far too much like something venomous, though it did lack a stinger. He felt her eyes on him and glanced over to see her smiling face observing him. Relaxing, he gave her a lopsided smile. “Look at you. Shino would be proud.”
He reached out a hand to pat her head and was surprised to find her lean into it. A little chuckle and he slid the hand into her hair to pull her a little closer to drop a kiss on her forehead. Her little giggle was sweeter than music, he thought. “It’s so peaceful here,” she commented quietly, looking out towards the forestry they had made a little camp in.
“It is, huh?” he agreed, dropping his hand. Her soft hand slid into his and he wasn’t ashamed to admit it made his heart flutter, a little bit. He fell back on his bottom and pulled her into his lap, eliciting another one of those melodic giggles. He placed his arms around her as she laid her back up against his chest. His chin found a home in the crook of her neck and he let his body rest against hers, eyes fluttering shut. For the first time in a while, he was finally starting to feel at peace.
“Thank you, Kiba…” she whispered. He smiled. She’d been saying thank you to him over and over again for the past few weeks now. Seemed she never missed a chance to do so. He squeezed his arms around her a little tighter.
“Quit thankin’ me,” he responded, softly. “Staying with me is thanks enough.”
She hummed, quietly, leaning her head against his.
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The next morning, Hinata roused to the smell of food that Kiba was undoubtedly cooking over the campfire outside. She lifted her arms in a stretch and inhaled deeply, letting the earthy smell of morning dew fill her lungs. In her travels, she’d become accustomed to it as a normal, everyday smell. She barely noticed it in those days. But now, having someone outside waiting for her, Kiba waiting for her, she could smell the pine, and it smelled fresh and crisp. It beckoned her out, along with her rumbling stomach.
So, when she saw Kiba sitting in front of the fire, working a pan of whatever he’d gathered, she smiled. And when he looked up to find her emerging, he smiled back, and it was comforting to think she could see that smile every day if she wanted. She just had to stay, and she was finding it easier and easier to accept.
“Mornin’.” His voice was bright and clear. He’d always been an early riser, compared to her. She was actually surprised on their first overnight mission together so many years ago that he and Akamaru had been up at first light, and were having to shake her and Shino awake. Whenever they were able to stop at inns and had time in the morning, it was always Hinata who slept in. It was a luxury not often afforded at home.
“Good—” She coughed into her elbow, blushing as her voice came out gravelly. He chuckled, reaching over for a bottle of water to toss to her. She instinctively caught it and twisted off the cap. She walked towards him as she took a drink, then settled next to him on the log he was perched on. She sighed as she recapped it, setting it on the ground. “Good morning.”
“You know you snore?”
She gasped, flashing her eyes over him. He was smirking down at her. “I—I do?”
“Must be a new thing, you never did before.” He shrugged, scraping against the pan. She frowned, looking down at the flames. “Not a big deal. It’s quiet. Kinda cute.”
She felt her cheeks heat up slightly, but she smiled regardless. “Sorry if it bothers you.”
“Not at all.” He shook his head. “Hungry?”
She nodded.
As she ate, she wondered how his cooking could still be so delightful out in the wilderness without all of his usual tools and ingredients. She decided not to question it, just simply be thankful for it. Once they were finished, she watched him deconstruct their little tent and begin packing away their things, and felt a little disappointment in her chest. Being out here with Kiba reminded her of their days as a team, but better because they weren’t worried about a mission. And of course because Kiba’s way with affection was something she hadn’t realized she’d been craving.
He was just so at ease out here in the wild, like it was in his nature. Probably because it was. It almost felt wrong going back to the village like this. Something in her wished they could keep going, at least for a little while longer.
The flames of the fire were put out by several handfuls of dirt as they both helped smother it. Something tugged at her heart.
A little sigh escaped her as Kiba threw his pack over his shoulder. He looked down at her with a head tilt. “S’wrong?”
“Oh, nothing…”
“Enough of that.” He chuckled as he set his large hand on her head. She tipped her head up at him, looking through her lashes. “Tell me.”
“I’m just…it was nice, to be out here…” She twisted her lips, eyes shifting to the side. “T…together.”
“Yeah?” Her eyes returned and he was giving her that same lop-sided smile he’d been giving her since they were just kids. It made her heart warm. “It was nice…could keep bein’ nice, if you want.”
“Huh?” she asked, blinking up at him. His hand slipped from the top of her head to the back of it, cupping it. She leaned into the hold, waiting for his clarification.
“Let’s keep going.” He gestured his head out towards the forest. She leaned away from him, a little grimace coming over her features. “Not for two years or anything like that.” He chuckled softly, thumb rubbing into her scalp. “But for a few weeks…me and you.”
“But…” She stopped, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth. As she contemplated, she released it. “Everyone back home…”
“Home?” He smiled at that. “We’ll go home. Let’s just call it a vacation from home.”
“Already cleared it.”
It almost felt like her heart had skipped a beat. She wondered when he had become so thoughtful, but knew deep down, he always had been. This was nothing new from Kiba.
“Show me some of those grand places you’ve been.” She let a smile tug at her lips. “You’re more experienced than I am, now, Miss Worldwide.” A soft giggle escaped. “You can guide me in your ways. That’d be somethin’, huh? Little Hinata showing me around.”
He pulled her head towards him, gently, and pressed his lips to hers. Despite it having been several weeks since they’d shared that first kiss, it still sent electricity through her every time. She reached out to tug at the collar of his jacket to keep him there because it really was just too good to let him go too soon. She shivered when she felt his chuckle tickle against her lips, that fang poking into her bottom lip slightly. He was the one that pulled away this time, and his eyes were warm on hers.
“Come with me.” His hand fell from her head to his side, fingers splayed in offering. She dropped her eyes to it and couldn’t think of any reason at all not to take it and just go.
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And it’s then that she realizes this is what she’s been looking for.
Someone who will pull her twisting hands from each other. Someone who will breathe with her to calm her down. Someone who will pull her back from the edge, relentlessly, every time. Someone who will pry her from her own mind and force her eyes open to what’s right in front of her. To pull her back to what’s real, to see what matters most.
Happiness is what she’s been looking for.
And happiness comes in the convenient package of one Kiba Inuzuka.
So she takes his hand, and it’s warm around hers.
This time, she takes the lead. She carries his hand in her own. She tugs him behind her.
When she looks back to find that boyish grin beaming back at her, her eyes land on that scar on his eyebrow. She thinks she’ll never let another mark mar his face again. She thinks she’ll never leave him alone and wanting again. She thinks she’ll never break his heart again. Because he’s her Kiba. Now, she realizes, she’s his, too. She thinks that perhaps she had been all along.
And she can’t believe it’s taken her this long to realize it.
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Special thanks to the song “Breezeblocks” by Tim and Cameron. I discovered it while I was writing this last chapter and was blown away by how perfectly it fits this entire story, I’d recommend a listen, it’s very good. I had it on repeat the entire time I wrote this.
Thanks for reading.
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