#and Homra helps out too like I think Kusanagi would be super proud
ridiasfangirlings · 5 months
Yata Misaki taking in orphans that happened to be dangerous strains? (Of course, two of those orphans just happen to be Minoru and Megumi, -because why not?-)
Yata Misaki’s School for the Gifted and Talented XD Imagine this as like a post-ROK thing, where all these new Strains have popped up as a consequence of Hisui releasing the Slate. Megumi and Minoru have both been exhibiting minor powers but haven’t said anything to their parents, not really sure what’s going on and not wanting to worry them. Then Yata’s family gets caught up in some dangerous Strain situation that leads to Yata’s mom and stepdad dying and Minoru and Megumi both awakening their powers (kinda like how Neko’s powers awoke when the Kagutsu Crater happened). Luckily S4 are there to handle the aftermath and of course Fushimi immediately recognizes Yata’s siblings. When he realizes they’re both Strains he takes them aside, tells the squad to get them some food and watch over them, and then he immediately phones Yata. Poor Yata is obviously devastated to find out that his parents are dead and then on top of that he learns his siblings are Strains. Fushimi offers to reach out to the Golds to see what kind of power dampeners they have on hand but say there aren’t actually a lot of those around anymore, maybe some got destroyed in the Green clan’s rampage through Mihashira and the rest are being used on dangerous Strains who can’t be imprisoned without having their powers sealed.
Yata takes in his siblings and figures the best he can do is at least try to help them with their powers, they’re both all wide eyed and surprised when they find out that their big brother also has powers (though maybe Minoru expected, because he heard you could get powers from jungle and then he got that mail from Fushimi telling him to stop using it, and he kinda connected the dots that maybe Fushimi has powers and if he does Yata definitely does too). Imagine Yata takes them to the bar so Anna can help them with control and everything is going pretty well. In the meantime Yata starts winning skateboard competitions and even getting sponsors, making enough money to move to a bigger place where Minoru and Megumi can have more space.
One day there’s a big catastrophe involving some other criminal Strains near where Yata lives and Fushimi shows up at Yata’s place looking annoyed and toting a kid about Megumi’s age with him. He tells Yata that the kid is an orphan Strain who got caught in the mess, S4 will handle her eventually but right now they need someone to watch her and he knows Megumi is about the same age. Yata complains that he isn’t a babysitter but he takes the kid anyway because he can’t say no to a crying kid. Soon the kid is playing with Megumi, who’s showing her how to contain her powers, and Yata starts wondering what S4 is planning to do with her anyway. The kid might have other family but can they handle someone with powers and what if they turn her away, what if she gets pulled into shady stuff just because she’s different from other people.
And that’s how Yata suddenly finds himself taking care of a whole bunch of kids. I imagine him talking to Kusanagi and Anna about this and maybe Kusanagi helps him out some, Yata using the money he’s been winning from skateboarding and Kusanagi providing the business expertise to help set up like a Home for Wayward Strains. S4 assists with this too, imagine Fushimi showing up at Yata’s place to help him handle the financials, claiming it’s not like he wants to help Yata but Munakata thinks S4 should work with Yata as a partner on this and anyway here’s how we get you a bunch of government grants. It’s not all orphan kids, like some have parents but those parents can’t handle their kids’ powers so they stay for a while at Yata’s place until they learn control. Meanwhile whenever S4 finds a dangerous child Strain without parents they get brought right over to Yata’s place for help. 
Maybe some of the Strains that were working at S4 get brought over to Yata’s place too, as like teachers to help the kids learn control (and after she graduates Anna tells Yata that she’s always wanted to be a teacher, like Honami, and eventually she becomes one of the teachers at the school too). Yata has no idea how this happened, because he never thought an idiot like himself would run a school. At the same time he’s also kinda excited because after years of not really knowing what to do with himself he’s finally found something he’s passionate about and he gets to help all these people, he’s able to make sure all these kids will always feel like they have a place to belong no matter what.
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rubldus · 5 years
♡(ŐωŐ人) // i was obligated
Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Fushimi x Yata (4/4)
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Name: Fushimi Hana (伏見花)
Physical appearance: She has long, bright orange hair that she keeps pulled up in a ponytail, and sky blue eyes. She’s petite and wears reading glasses, and she can most always be seen wearing some shade of blue.
Personality: A very outgoing and easily excitable person (much like Misaki), Hana has a deep and very passionate love for what she cares about. From Saruhiko, she maintains an endless unquenchable curiosity. She’s protective of the ones she loves and strives to keep an air of happiness amongst her family and friends. 
That being said, she loves dearly her little family, all of them: but she’s daddy’s little princess. She loves her dad like nobody else, and he saves a soft spot just for her. Her big brothers are pretty up there too however, and she’s constantly being smothered by them. She’s very spoiled but is very careful not to take advantage of their tendency to spoil her, and doesn’t like using it to get what she wants. She’s her family’s god-sent little angel and if anything happened to ruin her innocence they might just kill a man. Not just her parents and brothers, but all of HOMRA and Scepter 4 too. They’re all very protective. 
She lacks patience for those she considers ‘bullies’ and is always the first one to jump on people who pick on others. Her admiration and adoration of ‘heroes’ create her views on certain things to be slightly warped. She doesn’t always understand things and looks at the world through rose colored lenses.
She’s a child prodigy and, if believable, is even smarter than Koji. She taught herself to read and was speaking in whole sentences before she was a year old, writing in full sentences by four, and reading war and peace by age five. 
The most prominent part of her personality, however, is her desperate longing to be part of Scepter 4. Her parents say NO to clan joining of any kind, but she thinks her dad is literally superman, and sees Scepter 4 as superheroes that protect and help people. She wants to be a part of that. It’s the one thing in the world she’s been told no to and won’t give up on or stop pursuing. In fact, it’s something she’s wanted from a very young age. She asked for a toy saber for the very first birthday she could comprehend doing so, and every one thereafter was a common theme- toy police stations, gymnastics, sword fighting lessons from Munakata, boxing with Kusanagi, blue clothes, etc. 
With continuous begging and pleading, Saruhiko eventually signed her up for fencing because he can’t say no to her, and her new favorite thing became training with him. He doesn’t go easy on her however, because he wants to deter her from wanting to join the blues. Even so, she was amazing at it right away (of course) considering whose daughter she is. She still hasn’t been able to beat her dad, but she’s managed to best Hidaka and Enemoto once or twice- which is pretty impressive considering they’re on the special squad. It’s hard for her dad to get irritated about it, because she gets so proud of herself and she always comes to tell him excitedly about what she’s learned and how many matches she’s won- always with the goal of getting to spar with him. But her dad is clever, and he makes getting to spar with him extremely challenging to try and prevent her getting to practice, and his rules are ‘only once she beats x person can she spar with him. And if she loses she’s gotta do it all again.’ She isn’t discouraged though- nothing can make her discouraged because she’s stubborn like her ‘mom’ and really wants to spar with her dad. 
Her parents tend to really beat themselves up because they screwed up so badly with the other kids. That’s why she’s their little angel. It’s not just because she’s their only girl, its because she’s a really good, sweet, kind hearted kid. Sure, they might’ve fucked up with the others, but then there’s Hana- who picked up only the good things, like her Misaki’s friendliness and excitability and high energy, and Saruhiko’s intelligence and sense of reading people and desire to watch over the people he cares about, and even his curiosity and desire to learn that Niki tried so hard to stomp out. She’s sweet to other people and good at socializing and she loves to help others. She’s their insurance that they have to be doing something right.
First love: Gojo Hibiki (五條響), eleven years old. The biological child of Mishakuji Yukari, left as an infant with one Sukuna Gojo who reluctantly kept and raised him. His father isn’t in the picture and his current whereabouts are unknown. He was named Hibiki- meaning ‘echo’- because that was how Sukuna felt about this child- just an echo of Yukari that he didn’t want, the fact only becoming more true as Hibiki grew older and proceeded to resemble his dad more and more. Hibiki sort of raised himself as a result, Sukuna making it a point to almost always be out of the house, put him in school/daycare/whatever until super late, and never really look directly at him. Therefore, Hibiki understood he wasn’t wanted from a very young age and now maintains that mindset as he moves through life, keeping almost completely to himself. He also goes to a not so great school with not so great kids, but it isn’t an issue for his guardian and frankly, for him either. 
He met Hana one day while walking home from school, when he saw a bunch of older kids ganging up on an old man. He was going to keep walking- but then this kid in blue came up behind him and started muttering about how ‘he had seen it too’, was ‘there to help’, etc. and ‘on three’ they would go. And then, before he could stop her, this tiny little girl with a bow in her hair bounded out and started smacking the boys with her bag. Stupefied for a moment, he told himself it wasn’t his problem..but then he saw one of the kids coming up behind her and, unable to stop himself, rushed forward and joined in. Eventually, the older kids left: but not before he and Hana were both beat up. He got up to leave but was shocked to see Hana laughing, and even more shocked when she grabbed his hand, smiled up at him, and introduced herself with a ‘good job’! The old man interrupted them, offering them some popsicles from his convenience store as payment, and Hibiki somehow managed to find himself sitting on the grass in one of the city’s parks- eating ice cream next to a strange girl whose eyes sparkled while she talked. 
She told him about herself, and her family, and how she wanted to join the blue clan. He sat quietly with her, and finally told her his own name. She replied with ‘that means echo, right?’ and his response was ‘because i’m only an echo of someone else.’ To which she looked at him, smiled, and declared all at once that the ‘ki’ in his name meant heart, so he must have had a big one, and she was going to call him that. He stared at her a moment before she asked him what he wanted to do with his life, using her popsicle stick to mimic sword fighting. Nonplussed, he told her he didn’t know quite WHAT he wanted to do. It was when she stood up and matter of factly stated that she was going to ask him ‘again tomorrow’ to see if he’d figured it out that he became interested in Fushimi Hana.
( Oh, and it should be mentioned that Saruhiko and Misaki are completely unaware of their friendship, but if they knew then there would be QUITE the issue. After all, both are quite #AntiHanaandAnybody and even more #AntiGreens and most of all #AntiSukunaandYukari )
Future: After a long while of some form of skinny love, the two ended up officially dating during their freshman year. Being the whiz she is, Hana kept burning through assignments levels above her grade with no issue, and was able to finish university by the time she was eighteen. Hibiki wasn’t stupid by any means, but he wasn’t the prodigy she was either. So he finished up school in the typical amount of time and opted out of higher education after high school. Instead, he and Hana- after lots of begging to her family on her part- eagerly joined Scepter 4 at nineteen as their simultaneously most enthusiastic and promising new recruits. Rare though it was for them to get field assignments, (Hana’s overprotective father worked in the same building, after all, and his prerogative was the utmost safety for his daughter. Anything beyond desk work and intel gathering through computers was intercepted as often as possible by him) once in awhile something slipped through and Hana and Ki approached it as partners and equals (Fushimi/Gojo, ready!) and made quite the reputation for themselves while doing so.
At twenty-three, after a close call involving a strain that left Hana partially blind in one eye and Ki lacking two fingers on one hand, relief and adrenaline brought forth a mutual decision for marriage and ‘the highest form of partnership, permanence!’ according to Hana. Her parents put up a huge fight in their disapproval, as did her brothers- but they were married all the same, a sweet outdoor winter ceremony in the snow, themed white and blue- which they and all their guests wore. All of their friends and family attended, and it was a beautifully simple event per the couple’s request. 
With twenty-seven came the unexpected arrival of their first and only child, a sweet little lilac haired boy called Yuki (ゆき), meaning ‘happiness’. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
All of the best cooks in the K universe have a food battle.
With Fushimi on the judging panel because he's the hardest to please XD So I wonder who would get to be part of the best cook challenge, Kuroh and Kamamoto definitely. Yata probably gets to be in there too, he's not like an amazing cook but he's still pretty good and proud of his skills. Kusanagi I think could join up, he makes food for the bar and feels that he's pretty respectable. On the S4 end definitely Kamo, though the fact that he was an actual chef is admittedly cheating a little. Totsuka and Awashima enter because they feel that their cooking skills are fairly good and everyone fears getting their meals to taste test (for opposing reasons, you don't know what's in Totsuka's food and you do know, unfortunately, what is most definitely in Awashima's). I imagine this stems from some kind of argument over whose cooking tastes the best, like Neko's at the bar with some Homra guys who are praising a meal Kamamoto made and that he's the best cook and Neko pipes up that Kuroh makes the best fish. This leads to a discussion of who cooks better and soon it's like a whole thing, how do we prove who cooks the best dish.
Munakata finds out about this somehow and because he has to make everything a production he decides that they should have a cooking battle. Imagine it's set up like one of those cooking shows, maybe they have to make an entire three course meal with an appetizer, main dish, and dessert. Munakata takes advantage of his position as a government official to like rent out a studio that belongs to a cooking show and he gets the full use of their pantry so that everyone can use whatever ingredients they need. There's a three judge panel, consisting of one judge from each clan – Fushimi is of course the Blue clan's pick and is the required Mean Judge from every cooking show ever, Neko is the judge for Hakumaitou and is just here to eat fish and be happy, and Anna is the judge for Homra, she's the fair judge who carefully tastes all the food and gives construction comments. Fushimi is given strict instructions that he's not allowed to remove points for the existence of vegetables.
The 'contestants' all start preparing meals and I imagine it's a fairly close race, Kuroh is definitely a frontrunner as is Kamamoto. Yata makes a pretty good showing but is helped by the fact that Fushimi's the hardest judge to please and Yata knows better than anyone what he likes and can adjust accordingly. Kamo is like the dark horse, obviously S4 knows that he's a great cook but no one else has realized that there's an actual chef working for S4 and I bet he gets super high marks for his main dish, a perfectly made fish that is definitely Neko's new favorite thing. In the end they probably can't agree on a winner, everyone's food is so good, meanwhile Kuroh, Kamamoto and Kamo are probably trading cooking tips and Yata's just happy that Fushimi had to eat some vegetables.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Saruhiko finds out he/she (female or omega your choice) is pregnant and tells his/her partner (sarumi or mikosaru or reisaru )what will be they reaction and homora and septer 4 reaction too plz I totally can see in mikosaru ship monakata will try to arrest mikoto for getting his kid pregnant
Mikosaru scenario is definitely the funniest so we’ll go with that one XD Maybe just an omega situation, to follow after that one alpha Mikoto/omega Fushimi ask from a while back. Imagine Fushimi discovering he’s pregnant and just storming over to the bar all you did this, Mikoto’s just like ‘…huh,’ totally chill while Fushimi’s glaring at him. Imagine they’re initially alone at the bar when Fushimi’s complaining about this, like this is why you’re supposed to leave me alone when I don’t have heat suppressants and basically just acting like Mikoto got him pregnant as a way to personally inconvenience him. Mikoto tells him he doesn’t have to give birth to the kid if he doesn’t want to and Fushimi huffs quietly and then mutters that he’ll have the kid, but this is still all Mikoto’s fault. Mikoto grins and comments about Fushimi ‘glowing like a new mother’ and Fushimi shoots him another glare. Just as they’re talking about this the door opens and in walks Kusanagi, Totsuka, Yata and the rest of Homra, just in time to hear that Mikoto’s gotten Fushimi pregnant.
Poor Yata doesn’t know how to feel about this, like if it was anyone else he’d be super proud that Mikoto-san’s going to have a kid but hearing he’s having a kid with Saruhiko is not something he ever expected to hear. Even better if Fushimi’s managed to keep his omega status under wraps until now and no one even knew he and Mikoto have been dating, like wait first you two have been having sex and now Fushimi’s pregnant what the hell. Kusanagi probably needs a drink, like maybe he did know Fushimi and Mikoto were together and he’s told Mikoto to be careful about things and of course Mikoto didn’t listen. Totsuka’s trying to calm everyone down and lighten the mood, patting Fushimi’s stomach (Fushimi twitches noticeably at that one) and suggesting they hold a baby shower. Fushimi’s like ‘you…’, gritting his teeth, and Totsuka just smiles. Anna probably ends up actually breaking the tension though, asking if Saruhiko’s going to have Mikoto’s baby and Fushimi looks away as he mumbles ‘Yeah. Guess so.’
S4 would be even more confused than Homra, they’re probably all thinking that the Red King took advantage of Fushimi-san like a wild beast and they all need to defend his honor. Fushimi knows he should technically explain that he wasn’t taken advantage of but honestly the truth is almost worse, like does he really have to admit that he’s in a relationship with Mikoto. He probably figures that he should avoid telling Munakata as long as possible, so of course Munakata overhears him talking to the squad and immediately cuts in all ‘Is that so?.’ Munakata is simultaneously very solicitous of Fushimi’s welfare — he needs to have a proper visit with a doctor and take all his vitamins and keep his baby as healthy as possible — while being very snide towards Mikoto regarding ‘being irresponsible towards Fushimi-kun.’ Mikoto can’t help rubbing this one in Munakata’s face though, like imagine him stopping into S4 and when Munakata sees him Mikoto just casually grabs Fushimi and pulls him close while grinning widely at Munakata. Fushimi sighs and Munakata makes a comment to Mikoto about how he hopes Mikoto intends to take responsibility for once, Mikoto says yeah looks like he’s gonna have to. Munakata’s pleasantly surprised by that and Mikoto says he’d better behave or Mikoto won’t let him see his grandchild (all while Fushimi’s like ‘he’s not my dad!’ and they both ignore him). 
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
The "Misaki can't understand Scepter 4 joke and get upset for it" make me think, it's not easy to date someone on different clan, right? What if Misaki and Saru encounter some problem like that and they asked Izuseri for advice? For example, Misaki complains to Izumo about Fushimi can't date with him because of his job, or Fushimi asks Seri about how to prioritize his job when his boyfriend do something stupid that can hinder his job
This would be cute, I could definitely see this being something that Yata and Fushimi don't really consider when they start dating. Like post-ROK when they finally hook up there's this feeling between the two of them that everything's going to go back to just how it used to be, spending lots of time together and all that, but they are still in separate clans and Fushimi in particular is very often swamped with work and it makes things difficult. Yata also finds himself feeling a little self conscious, like of course he's proud of Homra and how cool they are but they're not exactly working with the law and knowing that even with the clans being more-or-less allied now there are still going to be times when Scepter 4's mission goes against Homra's wishes. And maybe he gets annoyed about it sometimes too, because they'll be on a date and Fushimi suddenly gets a call and needs to bail because his work needs him, or Yata will be meeting him at Scepter 4 and still hearing rank and file members gossiping about how is Fushimi really on their side when he's dating a Homra member.
One day Yata's hanging around the bar in a slightly down mood because Fushimi had to miss their date again for work stuff and he's starting to wonder if the Blue King is just screwing with them. Kusanagi notices that Yata looks a little depressed and Yata says it's nothing he just didn't realize how hard it is to date someone from another clan. Kusanagi gives this little chuckle like well there can be difficulties and Yata gets this sudden realization, looking a little embarrassed as he asks how Kusanagi does it. Kusanagi admits he's had the same frustrations as Yata at times, having Seri pulled away for work and knowing the possible stigma that could come from dating a Homra member but he thinks they've managed to work it out.
He tells Yata that what's important is to trust that Fushimi cares for him and to make room for the things that Fushimi finds important, like just as Homra is important to Yata Scepter 4 is important to Fushimi, and Yata would definitely come running if Homra called him for help even if Yata was on a date right. Yata's like 'well...if it was important, yeah,' Kusanagi smiles and says Scepter 4 has a lot of critical situations happening and Fushimi's an important member at times like that, and that something Yata can do is be a support when Fushimi's done with his job, be the guy he's happy to go home to. It's difficult dating people on opposite sides but it doesn't have to be, and Yata will get used to Fushimi's new rhythm if he gives it time.
Meanwhile over at Scepter 4 Fushimi's also having issues, like he's probably got his own insecurities over how Yata must feel when Fushimi has to run off all the time, or how sometimes when Homra and Scepter 4 are at odds Fushimi has to choose Scepter 4. He's probably just quietly stewing in his indecision, worrying that Misaki will think it's too much of a problem dating a Blue and leave him or whatever. Maybe Kusanagi takes this time to send Awashima a quick text about the issues Yata was having and suggests Awashima have a talk with Fushimi, who is surely suffering some of the same problems. Awashima takes one look at Fushimi, who's super focused on his computer but biting his lip and scratching at his chest, and she gives this fond sigh as she's like yes, it looks like there is a problem. Awashima decides to make them both some nice anko and tea and have a private discussion about any issues Fushimi may have been having lately.
It takes a bit of coaxing to get Fushimi to admit it but finally he mumbles out that it's such a pain seeing that idiot Misaki doing stupid things and hindering his job, and making Fushimi think he has to be stupid too in order to keep Yata from being angry. Awashima says that she's sure Yata Misaki understands this though, that even though they're together sometimes clan things can interfere and it's nothing personal. She also suggests he think about letting up on his job a little too – don't neglect it, of course, but Fushimi's worked twice as hard as anyone all this time and he deserves to finally spend some time on his own life too. There are times when he has to be the third in command of Scepter 4 but sometimes he should just let himself be Fushimi Saruhiko spending time with his boyfriend, and forgetting everything about being from separate clans. Awashima has had to deal with this herself, especially since she and Kusanagi were close even back when the clans were more antagonistic, and she thinks having the ability to separate herself from the 'Lieutenant Awashima Seri' was important for her relationship, that sometimes she and Kusanagi could talk to each other more plainly when they weren't acting in their clansmen roles but instead allowing themselves to just be two people in love. Awashima smiles gently at Fushimi and tells him it's fine for him to be happy with someone from another clan, and that no one would be upset if he finally let himself have some personal happiness rather than having to do only work all the time.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Now that the slate's gone, so she's no longer a King and clans don't technically exist anymore and everything has calmed down, do you think Anna would go to school? Shes the right age to be in Middle School and maybe even go to High School and College afterwords? Or do you think she'll just continue with homeschooling or whatever it is she's been doing?
I think it's been mentioned in at least one of the post-series short stories that Anna is going to school now like a normal kid. I can definitely see that being the choice too, like now that the Slate is gone and there's a chance for her to have a 'normal' school life I think Kusanagi would want that for her, to let her meet some kids her age and make some friends and get to enjoy being a kid a bit more. I think the final decision was probably up to her though, I imagine some time not long after the Slate's destruction Kusanagi notes that a new school term will be starting in a couple months and that it would likely be safe for Anna to go to a normal school, she's not likely to be targeted by anyone anymore and he thinks maybe it's time for her to broaden her world a little outside of Homra. He doesn't intend to force her to go if she doesn't want to and he's perfectly happy to continue homeschooling her if she feels more comfortable that way but he also doesn't want to hold her back and make her hang around rowdy guys all the time either. Anna's a bit nervous about it and she would probably take a little time to consider her options but in the end she decides to try and go to school.
All of Homra would be super supportive of her decision too, like imagine they all band together to go school shopping for Anna. Kusanagi finds a good middle school for her that's not too far from the bar (and which just so happens to have red school uniforms) and he drives her there the first day to make sure she gets there all right. For the first couple months in fact I could see the Homra guys accompanying her to school, either driving her or walking there with her just in case because they know that there are still Strains around and even under normal circumstances a girl walking alone can't be safe right, everyone being just a bit overprotective. Eventually Anna's determined to go to school on her own though and Kusanagi gets to watch as his fledgeling leaves the nest and starts to grow up all on her own. Anna I think might struggle a little right after starting school, just because she's so clearly different from the other kids that people are hesitant to approach her and it's hard to make friends. Eventually I think she might become fairly popular though, she's kind to everyone and I could totally see her being considered the school's 'princess' (and people wonder if she really is a princess too, like look at all her bodyguards that meet her going to and from school, and that guy in the sunglasses who shows up at all the parent-teacher meetings).
Then eventually from middle school she'd likely go on to high school (Yata's all proud of her because he never went to high school and Kusanagi's kind enough not to mention that most people don't drop out after middle school). I kinda like the idea that Anna eventually goes to college in order to become a teacher like Honami, knowing how her aunt was able in some small way to touch Mikoto when he was in high school and wanting to become someone like that. I think she wouldn't have much trouble getting into a good school either, I'm sure Kusanagi would start setting money aside for her education as soon as she starts going to a regular school and all of Homra would be ready to pitch in if she needed any help (and then imagine when she becomes a teacher there's rumors always going around that no one messes with Kushina-sensei because she's protected by some kind of yakuza or gang, if anyone ever asks her about it Anna just smiles gently and doesn't reply).
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
So because there wasn't much hype about Anna's birthday the other day, could you maybe please scenario Fushimi teaching Anna something? Like maybe this can be post-ROK (or maybe even pre-series), and Fushimi's teaching Anna how to play piano or chess?
Aw, that would be so cute, I love Fushimi and Anna interaction XDMaybe he tries to teach her some magic tricks pre-series when he’s inHomra, like say one day he’s bored and one of Kusanagi’s previouscustomers left a pack of cards on the bar. Fushimi starts playingwith the cards and Yata comes over wanting to know what Fushimi’sdoing, Fushimi just kinda absently asks Yata to pick a card. Fushimiguesses the correct card and then maybe does a bit more slight ofhand to make it look like the card magically appeared in his hand andthen turned into a different card and Yata is just mesmerized by howcool Saruhiko is. Fushimi’s also suddenly surrounded by intriguedmembers of Homra who all got caught up watching him because thetricks were really kinda fascinating. Fushimi’s not thrilled aboutall this attention, like he’s fine with Yata watching him buteveryone else makes him uncomfortable and he just mutters somethingrude under his breath and tries to make his escape from the bar.That’s when Totsuka stops him because as it happens Totsuka has alsobeen thinking of getting into magic lately. Fushimi categoricallyrefuses to help him out even before Totsuka’s gotten all the wordsout and he’s ready to just make a run for the door when Anna tugs onhis shirt, looking very serious as she asks Saruhiko to teach hermagic. Totsuka’s so pleased to hear Anna ask because wouldn’t that bea cute bonding experience (and a lovely opportunity for adorablephotos). Fushimi’s about to refuse her straight out but Anna keepsstaring at him with this straightforward gaze and finally he sighsand says fine, he can show her a few things.
So the next day Yata comes into the bar and there’s Fushimi in thecorner on the couch with Anna sitting across from him, listeningattentively as he tries to teach her the trick. Anna’s super absorbedin it too, she keeps staring at Fushimi with this unblinking gazethat actually makes him a little uncomfortable. Fushimi acts liketeaching her is such a total bother but he’s also being reallypatient (for Fushimi, anyway) and he splits the deck and makes verycertain to give her all the red cards. Anna initially tries to useher abilities to work the trick, like Fushimi picks a card and shejust puts a marble up to her eye and tells him what it is, Fushimisighs but there’s something fond beneath the annoyance as he explainsthat it’s not magic if she uses her powers. Anna takes that veryseriously and nods as she puts her marble away and says she won’t useher powers then. Fushimi starts explaining the trick and then hecatches Yata watching and glares at him a bit until he leaves, Yatajust laughs a little and is like ‘right, don’t wanna give away yourtrick, right, Saruhiko?’ Fushimi rolls his eyes and clicks histongue, saying he just can’t concentrate with Yata there, but reallyhe doesn’t want Yata to find out the trick because then Yata won’tthink it’s cool anymore and the magic tricks are one of the raretimes now when Yata’s eyes sparkle while calling him cool.
Anna probably picks up on a lot of the trick pretty quickly and eventhough Fushimi acts like it’s not big deal he’s actually kinda proudof her. The first time Anna guesses Fushimi’s card correctly she’s soproud that she runs to Mikoto and holds out her cards to him, askinghim to pick one. Anna gets it right and Mikoto smiles and puts a handon her head before walking over to Fushimi, who’s all tense due tohis presence. Mikoto looks at the cards and books Fushimi has laidout and is like ’…magic, huh?’ before putting a hand on Fushimi’shead too and then walking off to go to bed. Totsuka meanwhile isfilming the whole thing and it is like the crown jewel of hiscollection, all the pictures of Anna and Fushimi pouring over a stackof cards while lost in heavy concentration and just being adorabletogether (and then post-ROK Fushimi’s recovering the hospital andAnna brings him a deck of cards to use to keep himself occupied. Thefirst thing she does is hold the cards out and tell him to pick one.It’s the Queen of Hearts and he guesses it right, Anna smiles softlyat him and thanks him while Fushimi tries to act like he wasn’ttotally touched by the whole thing).
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