lilybug-02 · 2 years
Do u think animals have like, souls? Like, an actual cat existing in the UT/DR universe. Would it have a soul??
Okay actually 👀 surprisingly I have huge Biological/Evolutionary theory that would make a lot of sense in context 👀 (I really like this type of science too)
The theory is in this world, all matter has magic. Monsters and humans both evolved from animals, but store magic in a different way from most organisms, through concentrating much of their magic through a central vessel called a “soul”. With a theory like this, animals (and possibly plants), despite not having the technical definition of a “soul”, can still retain magic elements. They can be sentient and emotive despite this lack of a soul, which they do not need in order to survive, unlike Humans and Monsters.
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linkedin-offficial · 1 month
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me when i get the opportunity to think about speculative biology and non-existent game mechanics in media i like
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wanderingokali · 1 month
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The Kadez is a medium-sized river chelicerate, living in particularly pure, well-oxygenated streams. It tolerates very cold temperatures and as such is often found in mountain streams. They turn over pebbles with their legs in search of small invertebrates, roe, and other small prey to eat. It is quite an active creature, and in areas where they are abundant, they'll often come up onto land for other food sources. That said, they are quite skittish, and surprisingly fast -especially underwater-, so it isn't always easy to approach them.
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styllwaters · 9 months
if youre still taking requests - Draw a cool species youve seen in the spec bio community mayhaps?
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Enamoured by @sparrowlucero's space whales
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theladart · 3 months
Rapidash/Rainbow Dash ponymon fusion: Firestorm!
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Inspired by @pinxpony‘s Pinkie Pie/Flaffy fusion, Flaffy Taffy (hope you don’t mind the tag :P)
Edit: Found out that the rapidash pic I got for reference is a fakemon mega evo designed by CaseyDeanFakemon on Deviantart
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palossssssand · 5 months
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plant animal
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printerinksoda · 4 months
it makes me so sad when people who are watching/reading dungeon meshi for farcille find the early chapters/episodes boring. yes of course farcille fuckin rules but you dont like the mollusk living armor? the hermit crab mimics? snip snip :(?
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silverpsychedelic · 11 months
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I wrestled with these for a week BUT, a bunch of lore for Arctic Zora. Can you tell I've been super into speculative biology lately
Arctic Zora (or 'Titans' as they're more commonly known) are a clan of Zora which separated from their mainland ancestors a very long time ago, heading north towards the polar caps. They exist beyond the Hyrule continent and are divided from their inland cousins via a huge sea, but you can find them on travels around the region. They earned the term 'Titan' due to their much larger and far more robust size in comparison to the Zora of Hyrule, and often stick to the colder climates where they are more comfortable and less likely to suffer heatstroke.
These are just a small portion of notes I have on them, and I'd like to do more lore pages in this style!
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yellosnacc · 6 months
Welcome to a very important announcement.
So I was thinking a lot and I think this month is a great time to say I'm working on a new show called Alien Recovery Center (in hell).
It will be an epic series about aliens recovering!
Here's a preview of the designs!!!!!!
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Hope u are full of epic excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!
aliens belong to these kind people
@grox-empire - grox
@lichpassing - c singers
@t34-mt - maanul
@dokupine - belugirin
@charseraph - crown
@iguanodont - birg
@shuttlecarrier - geoling
@velociraptortrick - vyreen
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da-janela-lateral · 28 days
I've always been curious about esper aura textures. Do they form based on the way psychic energy emerges from its source and weaves itself into an external structure? Do their appearance have a genetic factor just like the very presence of ESP, or its purely a matter of a person's soul? Are there registered patterns in which they can manifest? Do their shapes, colors and movements have a general reason to appear like that, or does it depend on the person? Can the patterns change? Do the patterns interfer in sensorial properties, like perceived temperature, texture or hardness?
Oh that's an anime only thing right.
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saliinthia · 1 year
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First named Salii'Qi character :) her name is Sillca and she lives and travels with her rancher girlfriend. Sillca is less hands on and makes and embroiders clothes with hides and fibers found in the desert plants. Oh, you can also draw her for Artfight if you'd like <3 https://artfight.net/character/3465357.sillca-rasayae
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linkedin-offficial · 1 month
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not all are so lucky in the face of calamity.
contrary to popular belief, dark plants do indeed feed off of light, like their more active darkness brethren. these plants naturally emit what could be classified as an "artificial warmth", that feels like and acts like natural warmth from a light source. however, it is not that of course, and is actually spores. dark plants are known to produce spores that would attract creatures that also seek light (like vultures and bats), so they may latch onto the host and spread them further.
if you feel warm while standing next to a dark plant, then it is most likely the plants' spores clinging onto you. a nice and long bath is highly recommended. those who do not heed such a warning, may start to feel ill as time marches on. seek medical attention when possible, or else your light may be at risk.
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aeriona · 1 month
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Jellyshroom Caves. (total drawing time: 8 hours, 36 minutes)
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styllwaters · 10 months
can u show the knights being a lil silly
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A Plains Knight Page (baby) for your consideration
Reference image:
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bonefall · 9 months
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Something like this?
Yeah! Very close to that!
From the top view, the toes would still be pretty indistinguishable because the fur would still obscure where one ends and another begins, but that's about right.
At this point in their evolution, you'd be able to tell right away from the tool claw that they're not Felis Catus Domesticus anymore. I had a specbio project I worked on for a while where I called them something like Felis Narrans I think.
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extrajigs · 10 months
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Whorls Reproduction Explanation Post! And most kinds of pentapods, think of it as like a base line. Nothing graphic below the cut, unless organ diagrams are graphic!
The first thing to note is the SETTUP!
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You can kind of cut up the area of the body housing the reproductive system into three parts. The first is the spine/core of the pentapod which both cradles the vital organs, anchors the limbs, and allows for the anchoring of the reproductive organs as well! Anchored to the core is the musculature involved with the usage of the spearing portion of their anatomy. And then the vast majority of the actual organs are surrounded by a thick coat of fat and connective tissue, mostly to stop spearing damage to internal structures. But this is also where excess fat will be stored, there and around the neck but that's a whole other post. Lets get more in detail about the exact organs going on!
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The Spear - This is the part dedicated to stabbing into their partner for insemination. It's made of the same material as their shells but may also be reinforced with copper during their younger years.
Palpal Bulb/Prostate/Fluid Sack?- Not sure for the name on this one yet but it functions as where the fluid housing sperm is made, but with a bonus. This also is a cocktail of various hormones to induce ovulation of their partner as well as reduce the immune response.
Vas Deferens- The tubes to move the sperm up from the testes, they're just placed on the outside rather than in. Slight design flaw there.
Testes- You know what these are.
Ovaries- These too.
Spermatheca- These are where sperm is stored after it is pulled from the blood stream, all the bloodflow from the fat runs through here. It is also where eggs will be released into to allow fertilization, most Whorls will have their children in sets of 8ish because of the settup there.
Tough Fat- The fat here protects the gonads, so it is a lot firmer than in other places. Honestly it's mostly sinew. With the texture of like.. those big novelty pencil erasers.
Soft Fat- The name is a little misleading because this fat still has the consistency of rubber! It is pierced easily but seals back up quickly, stopping much bloodloss.
The Womb- Whorls are ovoviviparous, so while the babies hatch from their eggs within the mother, there is no other nutrient exchange going on there. Once they hatch they are soon after birthed to begin their aquatic larval stage.
The Birth Canal- Where babies come out! And exit only! Whorls have a one direction reproductive tract.
Now the optimum stabbing strats.
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Not all stab wounds are created equal in the world of Hypodermic Insemination, a Whorls anatomy is built to favor some spots over others when it comes to mating. The most 'fertile' places to stab into are going to be the fat surrounding the baby making bits. Here the sperm is most easily acquired from the bloodstream. Nearby is the next best place as the blood can still carry it over. Pink areas may work rarely but the immune system is generally too fast in getting at the foreign material for it to get where it needs to go intact. Trying to stab the shell will result in just a awkward situation.
That's the main physical side of things! Other important things to note is that while Whorls can take on either role once they reach sexual maturity, they generally don't start being impregnated until later on in life. There are societal implications surrounding the stabber and stabbee, but typically the older or more dominate partner is expected to take on the duty of pregnancy.
Also important to note is that gender for Whorls is more closely akin to marital/familial status. Children/teens are not divided up at all, but once hitting adulthood Whorls will progress through several different genders and their roles within their lifetime. This is the way rough of the idea.
None- Prepubescent individuals still with their birth family.
Preened- Those who physically can breed but socially don't, and have also left their birth family.
Courting- Looking for a marriage/family to either start or join. 
Tender- Has married into a family and is helping to raise children. But does not actively help make the children. 
Piercer- Those who actively impregnate.
Vessel- The one who becomes preggo.
Dull- No longer breeding but have in the past.
But this is just the rough idea and not everyone follows the same path in life! Some may never be pregnant themselves, but father children or vice versa. Some may never breed at all to focus on their spouses other children. Some live solo lives! Varied experiences out here. That's all I gotta say about that for now though.
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