#and I bet a lot of y’all are feeling the same so respect tbh
meggsssart · 1 year
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My behaviour about this fictional man is completely normal
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
The whole time traveling children has me feelin some type of way tbh. Imagine Mirio, Kaminari, and Tamaki walking into their respective rooms and there are just small children vibing. Mirio with his daughter, Kaminari with a daughter and Tamaki with a son. 😭
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as i said, parent!bnha is SUPERIOR
A/N: So, instead of making these separate asks, I’m just going to make it one giant post. I thought it would be easier that way. Probably the only post that’ll have more than three characters lol
Warnings: none
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Kaminari Denki:
when kaminari walked into his room, he didn't expect to see two children on his bed fighting like wild animals
the younger girl was totally beating the boy’s ass tho
kinda embarrassing bc she’s gotta be like, seven, at most
as if it’s not the weirdest thing he’s seen (bc it’s not) he rushes in to break them apart
he manages to separate them with his arms 
the boy with yellow hair snaps his jaws at his sister’s fingers
“hey! bad! no biting!” he scolds
the little girl blows a raspberry and taunts “yeah! papa says no biting!”
the older sibling just rolls his eyes “rat”
meanwhile, denki is literally malfunctioning
the only person’s pants (and heart) he’s been trying to get in to for the past three months was y/n’s and he sure as hell would remember if he did
he didn't have kids
especially one that was his age
“sorry! you two are cute, but i’m not your pops”
thus, they begin to tell denki about how they mayhaps followed him and their mother into a dangerous mission and got hit with a time travel quirk
denki just nods his head
tbh, he’s not that weirded out
weirder things have happened
but, he does have one question
“who’s the lucky woman?”
coincidentally, you bust into his dorm room, wet from a recent prank and head steaming with anger
“Kaminari Denki!”
his son juts a thumb over to you
“the woman that’s about to murder you”
“oh say less”
his life literally couldn't get any better
before you get the chance to throttle him, the little girl jumps in your arms and your anger is immediately quelled 
“hey mommy! i just wanna let you know that it was [son’s name]’s fault that we followed you when you told us not to”
you’re to busy trying to get them from killing each other to comprehend anything that’s going on
kaminari is in a love-struck gaze bc hot damn, he won the jackpot, huh?
if he wasn't in love with you before, he’s in love with you now
you and your feral children
it was nice being God’s favorite
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
funny thing was
kirishima woke up from his afternoon nap with his mini-me in his arms!
at first, he was really confused as to why there was an 8 yr old boy with spiky teeth and (your hair texture) black hair on his bed
he thought he was dreaming
then the little boy bit his nose and grinned like he had done the funniest thing in the world 
did he get hit with some duplication quirk?
and what was that he said...daddy?
as in, father?
kirishima is wide awake now, but before he can ask the kid what’s going on, the boy is up and making use of his punching bag
he decides it wouldn't hurt to get a morning work out in, so he decides to humor the kid
after a mini workout, kirishima is in near tears as the boy tries to flex the little muscles he has 
eventually, he gets the kid to tell him what happened and finds out he was hit with a time travel quirk of some sort
instead of being weirded out, kirishima is ESCTATIC 
he has a family in the future 
he’s so excited and proud that he just has to show his son off to his friends!
the first thing he does is go and bother bakusquad in the common room
he’s bragging like shit to them and his ego swells as they all swoon over how cute and handsome the kid is 
you and bakugo come out of the kitchen to see what all the commotion is about and the little boy excitedly runs to you and jumps into your arms 
“momma! you’re here! you’re so pretty! why’d you marry daddy when he looks so unswol?”
it’s silent before bakugo fucking dies of laughter 
“y-you finally let shitty hair hit it? and got knocked up?? LMAO”
everyone’s dying and kirishima wants to die
he can’t believe this was how his long-term crush on you was getting outted
by an 8 yr old boy
so not manly
you look confused before you put the pieces together
the kid did look like you and kirishima
you want to console kirishima about the crush that you lowkey knew he had on you, but your son was one step ahead of you
with a gracious smile, he hits bakugo’s head
“what the fuck kid!?”
“don’t make fun of daddy, uncle bakugo! at least daddy didn’t faint at his wedding″
Bakugo’s contemplating murder and everyone’s rolling on the floor
even ten years later, bakugo still holds a grudge against your son
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Togata Mirio:
i’m about to kill y’all w this one
since year one, mirio has been feigning over you 
but 1) you were too dumb to notice 2) you both were really busy with, y’know, school and 3) he lowkey gave up bc he thought you deserved better
so imagine his surprise when he sees this four year old girl on his bed
and she looks like you with his features
mirio might not be the brightest crayon in the crayon box
but he’s got eyes
and it wasn't like he’s memorized your features to the T
the tiny girl is swinging her legs absent-mindedly before exploding with happiness when he sees him
she runs to mirio and he catches her with open arms 
“daddy! daddy! i got hit with the coolest quirk at school today!”
proceeds to tell him about her best friend discovered her quirk and it was a teleportation quirk 
mirio can’t help but giggle along with her even tho he knew it was a scary situation for the parents
speaking of which...
he innocently asks her who’s the mom
“mommy is the prettiest mommy in the world! she has e/c eyes, hair like me, and the most beautiful s/c skin! her name is togata y/n!”
if he wasn't geeking before, he’s geeking now
not only did he manage to marry you, but you let him be your baby daddy?
big bet
mirio doesn't even care at this point
he’s parading around UA with the fattest smile as he introduces his daughter to damn near everyone 
everyone’s freaking out bc wtf when did mirio get someone pregnant??
maybe he should've explained himself, but he sees you at your locker and makes a b-line for you
“good morning, y/n!”
he doesn't notice that you slam your locker close and hide the confession letter you wrote to him behind your back
you’re a stuttering mess and he’s too busy basking in the fact that he’s holding y’alls child 
y’all look like a mess
but he’s ready to lay it on thick when the little girl kisses your nose and cheers,
“mommy, i missed you”
he explains the situation 
you cant help but smile, “you know this could potentially ruin the timeline?”
and you feel like melting as he gives you the softest smile 
“there’s no way I’m letting that happen. not when i end up with the woman i’m in love with. we’ll just have to twist fate together”
and twist it you did
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Tamaki Amajiki:
tamaki wasn't the bravest person ever 
and he knew his crippling anxiety got in the way of a lot
but he had never been more proud of himself for managing to invite you to his room
it was supposed to be a study date
despite how bold you normally were, he took comfort in how nervous you seemed 
now, you two were leaning in, about to kiss
and then a voice from behind interrupts 
“uh, am i interrupting something?”
you two let out the ugliest squeal and jump 50 feet away from each other 
you’re all over the place, trying to explain the situation
tamaki’s heart is barely beating at this point
it takes the kid, who looks about 16, about thirty minutes to calm you down and revive tamaki
explains that he’s from the future and a descendant of tamaki’s family
decides to leave out that you two are his parents so he doesn't risk possibly erasing himself from the space continuum 
that would be bad
despite how surprised you two were, you two take it rather well 
you three spend the day together bc you and tamaki feel this weird sense of responsibility for the guy even though he’s only two years younger
the boy is trying his hardest not to expose himself, but it’s so hard
you two are asking him everything from his favorite food to if he has any siblings
he’s good at pretending that he’s cool, calm, and collected, but he wants nothing more than to jump into his parents’ arms and cry about how scared he is of messing up
but he won’t 
bc he’s a strong boy
but he slips up
“how far are you down the future?” tamaki asks
“uh, about like 100 years or so--”
“you’re lying”
the kid nearly chokes on his food as his father blinks at him
you try and scold tamaki but he continues
“i don’t mean to be mean, but your nose twitches when you lie. y/n does the same thing”
that’s when the jazz record stops and everyone is staring at one another
this time, you nearly pass out
y’all had a kid together???
the boy, coincidentally, starts fading and he thinks he fucked up
now he’s full out sobbing into the both of your chests, scared that he’s disappearing
despite the news, you and tamaki calm down, look at each other, and hold your son
“don’t you worry, baby” you coo, kissing his fading hair
“i have a feeling we’ll see you quite soon” tamaki comforts, closing his eyes
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Bakugo Katsuki:
bakugo finally understood when his mom said
“the meaner you are to your parents, the nastier your kids will be to you”
he regretted being such a demon bc his kid was literally the spawn of satan
katsuki didn’t need an explanation to know that that...thing was his kid
he looked damn near identical to him with features that he couldn't quite place
but anyways, that wasn't the focus rn
rn, he was trying to figure out a way to keep that animal caged
as soon as katsuki took his eyes off him, the six yr old ran out the door as fast as his little legs could carry him
“catch me if you can, you old bastard!”
yup, it was his kid
his son is blasting his way through the halls, skillfully evading Katsuki’s grabbing hands 
he’s wildly laughing as he flips and turns through the doors, watching with glee as his father falls on his face
multiple times
the small boy latches on to a cupboard and smirks
“no wonder mom always beats your ass! you weak!”
katsuki nearly looks like the devil, eyes white, and face red with fury
his pride suffering by the second
he’s about to cuss the kids to hell when you come out of the kitchen, confused
you were about to ask why katsuki looked like a rat with rabies before you caught sight of a basket of fruit teetering on the edge of the cabinet, above the little boy’s head
“look out--”
the basket falls on the kid’s head and he’s on the floor, reeling from the hit
katsuki would've normally laughed his ass off, but he felt kind of...concerned?
he watches you run towards the child who’s trying his hardest not to cry
the boy holds his head, fat tears in his eyes as you pick him up and coddle over him 
“i’m sorry, baby. I'm sorry i didnt get there in time” 
cue the waterworks 
the boy is full-on sobbing into your chest about how his head hurts
you bounce him and kiss his forehead as katsuki checks over the red bump 
“you’ll be okay, brat” he comforts, voice softer than usual
in that moment, katsuki can’t help but notice how much a family y’all look like rn
then the dots start connecting and he goes 
oh shit 
so, maybe, he’s had a tiny crush on you
and it didn’t help that you two were friends with benefits bc yall were horny teenagers
but who knew he’d get the balls to ask you out on a proper date one day
he was such a simp for you gosh it was ugly
“you have to be more careful from now on,”  you say to the boy 
the brat suddenly looks innocent and katsuki wants to throw him
“sorry, mommy. i’ll be gooder”
the look on your face is priceless 
bakugo uses it as a chance to kiss you 
“i guess now’s a good time to tell you that i want to be your dick on demand but with feelings and shit, dumbass”
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onlyhereforangst · 3 years
I really wished I had gotten this done before the rollercoaster that was today. Yeah I’m looking at you NCIS press staff who threw the entire fandom into a spiral with this uploaded then deleted nine second clip that threatens to make us all riot. Looking. At. You. 
Anyways, this is gonna be short in comparison to Sangre because honestly there wasn’t a whole whole lot and also my mind is scrambled 🥴
So Nick at the elevator with Ellie’s firearms scorecard had be dying. Either he knows exactly when she shows up everyday because this is Eleanor Bishop and she’s nothing if not punctual, it’s just who she is. Or they are in such constant contact that she had literally just sent him a text that she was parking and coming up to the bullpen now. Or he’d been standing there for the past half hour while McGee tries to rib him for looking like an idiot and him refusing to move because she has to show up to work eventually. But my bet is the second honestly. Ellie acting coy and giving Nick a hard time is everything though because this is so usually not how it goes. He’s usually the secretive one (up until recently, I’m aware) and now she’s the one who’s all mysterious like yeah I’m a badass shot (and you know this Nick, duhhhh) but I’m not gonna tell you why my score is even better now so good that I maxed it out since it has to do with the training I’m getting from Odette that I *still* haven’t told anyone about. But shockingly enough boy learned his previous mistake last year in the jail cell and dropped it and didn’t ask more questions because he knows Ellie will tell him when Ellie is ready and ok to tell him 🥺 the respect for her and also trust she’d tell him if it was big (which ahem Ellie if this *is* because of Odette, oooooo you done messed up). 
McGee being bitter about not getting the body call had me cackling. Poor dude does not have a poker face 🤣
And then I stayed laughing with Kasie’s little commentary about streets for cars and oceans for sharks (my husband who dabbles in cycling would not be on the same page with the first part but definitely the second Kasie, I hear that). Why does Ellie’s look at the back of Nick’s head and his immediate getting Kasie back on track seem like they’ve just got perfect telepathy and know literally what the other is thinking, they’re just so in sync 😩
More ellick as partners and it’s just adorable as usual I love how they work together, they so efficient they already two steps ahead of McGee with everything. And 🥺 Nick’s catching Ellie’s attention while she’s thinking about Gibbs, that slight worry in his face as he knows this is hard for her because of their relationship. I love how much he cares without showing he cares. He would do everything for her, he wants to wrap her up and protect her from the dangers and hurt of the world. THIS IS WHY YOU’RE NOT LIKE MIGUEL NICK, THIS. YOUR DAD WOULD NEVER. Also Gibbs tells Ellie its not his call so she immediately defers to Nick to see what they should do? Ugh the trust. I love. 
OK so the hotly disputed scene in interrogation with McGee, Bishop and Hannah. I have thoughts and yes I wear ellick-colored glasses while I watch this show so yes I’ll be biased. Just like everyone has their own bias when watching so we can all believe what we want to believe since we also all know that we will never, ever get clarification. NCIS writers would never. Past plot lines coming back up, that’s cute. SO ANYWAYS. I love that it was Ellie’s idea to do the skeptic and hopeless romantic, for being a logical agent she sure is using her heart a lot in recent episodes I see you Ellie you can’t hide that Ms. Big-Hearted Bishop 👀 and yes the shaaaaade she throws out is 100% real you cannot convince me otherwise. Half these guys wouldn’t know love if it smacked them in the face?? yes. agree. A thousand percent agree. SHE SPEAKS FROM EXPERIENCE OK. And then the someone special in her life 🥺🥺🥺 oof we know you love him Ellie it’s ok you can just say it. You can say Nick has wormed his way into your heart with his dancing hips and his smart tongue. We know it he’s special to you he’s more than special he’s your loooooove 😭 and yes the GROWTH Y’ALL. We went from not trusting him with her phone- her pHONE. To now she trusts him with her life???? Because this man vowed from that night in the bullpen in 16x11 to prove to her that she can trust him and ain’t that IT. Good god is someone cutting onions around me?? He stood in the bullpen realizing how much he fucked up and said, that won’t happen again. She will trust me with everything big and small, to the point she’d trust me with her life and it will be my mission in life to prove this to her no matter how long it takes because yes it matters. Boy even pushed her out the way of a speeding car and almost died himself all for this lady and yes nick she knows you risked her life for hers and that’s when she realizes that shit this is so incredibly real and I’d put my life in his hands and he’d put his in mine without hesitation this is love. So yes if he asked her to do something (relating to Hannah here and also I think a piece of her knows that if nick had died, she would have been the one to kill Xavier), she would in a heartbeat. She would do anything for this man and while yes some of this is dramatized and played up a bit to get Hannah to open up, I firmly believe that it comes from a place of truth. That she pulled from experience and what she feels in order to play it best. Also partly why I don’t think this is in reference to Gibbs. She told McGee she was going to play the hopeless romantic card and she’s literally trying to appeal/connect with Hannah who is in a *romantic* relationship with the suspect. So naturally she’s going to mirror that with a romantic angle, not a father-daughter angle (that’s creepy when you think about it tbh - related to a woman who’s in love with a guy by saying you understand because you feel similarly about your “dad’?? No thank you) So yes, I’m in the camp that Ellie was picturing Nick while saying all this and surely she laid it on a little thick for the sake of the interrogation, but there’s an undercurrent of truth to her words and you can pry that out of my dead, cold hands because I will believe this to my grave unless NCIS writers magically remember old plots and prove me wrong. 
Nick busting out Hannah’s rhymes while Nick gives the little head bob yessssss. How many times had they done that before McGee got that update 🤣🤣😅
He’s still at her desk 👀 he’s always at her desk 🥰 and then the celebratory drink part…Nick’s look at Ellie…more silent communication because they’re just on the same page and you honestly did not need to look at each other that long but ok, can’t keep your eyes off one another even though McGee asked a simple question. But the better question is did they still go get that celebratory drink with McGee or did McGee decide to go home since Gibbs screened their call and they went out to get that drink by themselves 👀👀 and really it’s just Ellie drinking and getting flirty throwing some arms around some shoulders 👀👀 I don’t hate this is that why you guys get all cozy in the bullpen next episode huh nick 👀👀 can’t stop it after tipsy Ellie is falling all over you with how close y’all are now I see how it is 👀👀
But yeah tonight’s episode. I’ve gone on a clown rollercoaster today and I can tell you I’m not looking forward to the emotional turmoil that will be tonight- however it turns out. Who am I kidding i live for this shit I’m a clown forever through and through. 
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writing-fool · 4 years
mlqc | sunday morning
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I recently (well~like three months ago) got into this game called Mr Love: Queen’s Choice, and after doing some ‘research’ aka gaming, I felt confident enough to write something. So, here’s a little headcanon about a blissful Sunday morning with the boys~
Warning(s): ever so slightly NSFW (insinuations of a dirty-minded author), profanity/swearwords
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Victor’s quite the workaholic, as we all know
like this man will be working 60-70 hours a week, often bringing work home with him 
you’ll be on the couch in pajamas and acting like a total bum while he’s literally next to you wearing glasses and breezing through 50 reports and documents
you steal his laptop and glasses when he starts criticising your report 
“Victor noooooooo~work mode OFF!” as you zoom past him with his prescription glasses (he got them fancy glasses with the blue light filter because he’s A WORKAHOLIC and he’s always staring at a computer)
needless to say, this man doesn’t usually have time to spare
sunday mornings are yours though
Victor doesn’t necessarily take the entire day off, but after a certain dummy’s whining, he has agreed to try and have a lie-in on sundays
he *usually* still wakes up before you, because he functions on like 5 hours of sleep (lemme tell y’all, it’s a curse and a blessing in one) 
Vic’s a total tsundere, but these moments definitely show off his #SoftCEO side
his little lovebug is sleeping peacefully, wearing one of his pyjama shirts (I bless you with the headcanon that Victor sleeps in silk pyjama pants sans shirt because he runs HOT)
actually, you’re drooling a little bit but even though Victor’s going to pretend he’s annoyed, he never is
oOOhh, also canon that this man is the big spoon in sleeping positions. he naturally gravitates towards you and holds you tight because he’s NEEDY
sometimes you’ll sleep facing each other. Victor holds you against his chest and just cradles your body in his like his life depends on it
100% will entangle his long ass legs with yours
strokes your hair and presses kisses on the crown of your head to wake you up in a gentle way (despite his demeanour, he’s actually remarkably gentle y’all see why i call him #SoftCEO?)
as you wake up, he’ll mock your bedhead with this incredibly fond look in his eyes baby boy these words don’t match your actions
you guys actually get up rather soon after, cos you are both busy people...
fun times in the bathroom not like tHAT well actually kinda~ but for legal reasons everything you do is PG, please spare author-nim who’s still ~barely~ underage
you take a shower and belt your favourite song that’s playing from the built-in speaker (did Victor get a built-in speaker because you thought it was cool? yep. did you ask? nope. did he do it anyways? yehep.) while he goes through his simple morning routine
you probably have more steps in your skincare routine, but he uses a serum, cleanser, moisturizer and some eye cream on the daily
has given you permission to do his skincare at night whenever you both have time
to reciprocate, he dries your hair after your shower you guys HAVE listened to the Right Beside You ASMR, right? ...it’s on YT for free because we’re poor, i know
also canon, blowing raspberries on Victor’s bare back while he’s brushing his teeth will make him choke on toothpaste. tested and approved by MC
“Dummy. What on earth are you doing?”
he hangs around and waits for you to get ready if he’s already done, you do the same. time is something Victor knows all too well, so the precious time he has, he wants to spend with you.
you guys DON’T shower together in the morning because really you’re not getting cleaner ahhh author-nim should really stop
afterwards, you get dressed in some relatively casual clothes (i’m talking a dress shirt without a tie or a polo shirt because no way that this man owns actual t-shirts) and have a simple breakfast
he cooks, obviously. 
always makes a balanced, Chinese breakfast (congee or wonton, noodles, tofu pudding, etc.) because he wants you two to start the day well, even on a slow sunday
also, he travels a lot, so he likes eating Chinese food whenever he’s home
ahh...waking up with Victor just sounds like a dream
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i’m a bit biased on this bitch because he was my first favourite in the game so this might get long. might not. just,,,we’ll see
Lucien is a bit like Victor, where he doesn’t sleep much and works a lot
On the other hand, his work is...ehem...shadier, so he usually works in his office when he’s at home
you’ll both have your own space to do whatever you need to do
days off for Lucien are rare. he usually powers through until he drops
for someone who constantly reminds you to take care of yourself, he’s mediocre at doing exactly that
after getting to know him better, which wasn’t an easy feat because damn this man has more layers than an onion he’ll also make you cry more bUUT we’re not ready to unpack that suitcase, you start noticing when he needs a day off. often even before he notices
you lock his office door and force him to take the FULL day off at least
he could technically open his office again, but he loves you and he’ll humour your attempts
Lucien wakes up before you. always. you’ve seen him asleep like 3 times in your entire relationship. 
Luci sleeps like 8 hours,,,a week.
he watches you sleep i feel like that makes too much sense for his character. we love a creepy boy. and wholeheartedly feels at rest with your sleeping figure by his side
in his sleep, Lucien lies on his back, holding you by the waist as you sleep on top of him. your leg is often slung around his middle, so you’re enveloping him. he likes the weight of you on top of him; it keeps him grounded and he likes feeling like he’s yours as much as you are his.
on another note, Lucifer—ah whoops—sleeps butt naked. i honestly can’t imagine him wearing clothes in bed. he’s not shy about his body and feels absolutely no need to cover up for his significant other. 
you, however, don’t usually sleep naked. well...nowadays you end up sleeping naked more often than not because alright author-nim’s horrible. can’t help it, he’s a fucking scorpio?
because you guys take a day off, Lucien’s content with waiting and watching until you wake up
he feels you stir on his chest and honestly your drowsy eyes make him swoon
“Already awake, my beautiful butterfly?”
his slightly husky morning voice *really* does things to a person tbh
you guys stay in bed for a good half hour after you wake up, just cuddling and talking, also sneaking in a kiss here and there
you have the same habit of tracing each other’s bodies with your fingertips
his fingers flutter over your waist, you trace his chest or hands with your index again, it’s a very grounding experience to Lucien
when you do get up and head to the bathroom, first thing you do is shower together
he likes washing your hair
bathroom bits might happen, but surprisingly, it’s not a thing that happens a lot so don’t come at me. we’re being wholesome
Lucien’s incredibly intimate and his love language is touch. Yes, he has a way with words but he’s also a really good manipulator
he’s used his words for evil too often and therefore can’t trust words anymore. so he uses physical intimacy as a way to show love.
Lucien has a skincare routine of dermatologically approved products. a double cleanse, serum, essence and moisturizer. he uses anti-age sometimes to prevent later wrinkles.
they’re also one of the reasons why he smells clean and fresh
will tickle you when you’re rinsing your mouth. you’ve sprayed water all over the bathroom mirror before. he loves the reaction. 
if you’re having a day off, you’ll probably just wear sweatpants and a t-shirt or a sweater. Lucien’s closet is relatively plain but clean. he has the best cable-knit sweaters/cardigans though.
your breakfast consists of western things like yogurt or oatmeal. Lucien likes having fruit at the start of the day
the rest of the day is spent relaxing and lounging, walking in the park, biking, reading, drawing, whatever you’d like
maaan...i wish i had more days off
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Gavin’s actually a decently laid-back person on weekends
like, sure he has to work a lot, but his job doesn’t necessarily force him to work from home, so you pretty much have his full attention at home but also he can’t bear to not give you his full attention so what are we expecting
the nasty thing about Gavin being a police officer is that sometimes, he gets called up and needs to work at unconventional hours
also, he gets injured. most of his injuries are minor, but that doesn’t stop you from worrying.
but anyways, he’s not a total busy bee when he’s at home, and relaxing isn’t exceptional
sunday mornings are...well...active. Birdcop goes on a run/hits the gym every morning, so he’s awake by 6am. what did y’all think i was going to write
afterwards, he takes a quick shower and joins you in bed again. 
Gavin sleeps in a pair of basketball shorts and a singlet. he’s somewhat shy about sleeping shirtless, and god forbid he sleep naked. but it’s all good and he respects your boundaries. besides, he’s comfortable in his sleep and that’s all that matters.
you spoon in your sleep. sometimes, he’s the big spoon because he likes being able to ‘protect’ you in his sleep. other times, he relishes in the comfort of being the little spoon and feeling you pressed up against his back. 
very important headcanon! you’ve learnt to sleep with the bedroom window open. on workdays, Gavin gets home late and jumps right into the bedroom. it’s become a typical habit for you two, although you used to be grumpy about not being able to sleep with the noises of traffic. 
you’re usually awoken by the sound of the shower and Gavin’s humming it’s canon that he hums now, bitches. also I bet his singing voice is amazing
so it’s less ‘sleeping in’ and more ‘lounging in bed like the lazy bastards you are’ i’m kiDDING
if he’s able to, Gavin might convince you to go on a run with him....but let’s be honest, you rarely agree
Gavin’s a total cuddlebug though, so be prepared to spend the next forty-five minutes in the tightest hug ever (to be fair, you’re not complaining)
he’s completely soft for you and you’ll have to wrestle out of his grip to get to the bathroom
you don’t shower in the morning, so everything’s pretty quick
Gavin doesn’t actually have a good skincare regiment tbh...he’ll slap on some cream and that’s it. probably washes his face in the shower with body wash...AND HIS SKIN STILL LOOKS AMAZING
you like making funny faces in the mirror while brushing your teeth and making Gavin laugh while he’s watching you in the doorway. he loves how you just make his day with the smallest things.
you guys both dress in really casual clothing, like hoodies and shorts/sweatpants/pj pants unless you’re going somewhere
Gavin has them grey sweatpants, if you know what I mean okay I’ll chill, sorry~
you wear his shirts a lot because they’re super big on you and Gavin secretly not-so-secretly thinks you’re adorable in them (a good thing about Gavin is that he’s easy to read; he blushes rather quickly)
“Ahh...it’s just—you look so tiny and cute.” guess he’s not the only one blushing now
i see Gavin as a ‘bun for breakfast’ kind of person. he picks them up at the stall a couple of miles away when he heads home. sometimes he does so running, other times...well he’s not called Birdcop for nothing
you guys have 2 buns each for breakfast because they’re delicious 
lounge time is often spent gaming or cleaning the house (you’re both busy people and Gavin tends to get messy because he just chucks clothes on the floor after a hard workday)
you make the most out of your sunday, hoping Gavin doesn’t get called in
who wouldn’t like being domestic with Gavin?
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Kiro, unsurprisingly, has an incredibly busy schedule
one that, similar to Gavin, isn’t really decided by himself
i suppose his situation is a tad bit worse than Birdcop’s, since his workdays don’t even actually end when he gets home. he constantly practices choreos, singing, etc. at home
so, full days off are few and very, very far between
this makes them extra precious
it helps to have a lazy morning once in a while though (in Kiro’s case, lazy sundays are most likely a bi-weekly thing)
you wake up first! Kiro needs his beauty sleep, and damn this boy can knock in 16 hours of sleep if need be
you’ll probably lay in bed for a while and then attempt to get up and ready for the day
until...you feel Kiro’s arm tugging you back
for a skinny, lithe boy, he’s remarkably strong. he pulls you back to bed with the groggiest, cutest sleep-laced voice EVER 
“Mmm, Miss Chips, it’s not time to wake up yet, is it?” 
he snuggles into you and refuses to wake up unless you give him kisses
during the night, Kiro sleeps in actual pyjamas with cute characters on them. when he feels lazy, he’ll probably just slip on a t-shirt and some boxer shorts, but he likes putting in the effort to wear matching couple pyjamas
Kiro cuddles with you 24/7, and sleep makes little difference here. he’s often the little spoon because he does like feeling your presence and your grip on him. he moves around when sleeping, so you might end up out of each other’s embrace, but Kiro subconsciously always touches you in some way or form, like holding hands or intertwining legs. he’s a man with many identities and needs your presence as a reassurance that he’s still the man that you love
he loves to pepper your face with kisses after getting home from rehearsals/concerts, claiming that it gives him energy
you do the same in the morning, anything to hear that sweet giggle of his
he’s deceptively cute though, and innocent morning kisses tend to spiral into...something more let’s just be honest, his stamina is something else entirely i’M SORRY 
morning exercise? check. Hotel? Trivago. non-sponsored~
you guys don’t shower in the morning. Kiro’s used to showering after practice, which is late at night, and you shower in the evenings to help you relax
however, on a rare occasion, you’ll draw a nice bath together and play around with bubbles and scented bath bombs so fun and relaxing
Kiro totally has a 14-step skincare regiment. you don’t get that beautiful baby-smooth skin without some effort.
he has the best ‘mid-range to high-end’ products on the market, and loves sweet and floral scents for his skincare and makeup. you guys try to line up each other’s routines to be able to do them together every morning.
Kiro also has a huge bedhead in the morning! it’s your job to get this sleepyhead styled for a fun day
even Kiro’s casual loungewear is top-notch hip and trendy. he has fun sweatpants with chains, belts, patches, you name it. he likes holding a little fashion show with you, no matter what you two are wearing
old jeans? strut it. thrifted shirt? vogue, honey.
Kiro’s on a strict diet, so usually he has a smoothie and some tofu pudding for breakfast. on occasion, you’ll indulge him in something decadent, like French toast or pancakes. on moments like these, you swear he loves you juuuuuust a little more but don’t tell Savin!
you guys are a relatively active couple, so unless you’re inside gaming or busy working, you’ll spend some time in thrift stores or karaoke bars, arcades, fun fairs,...
just thinking about Kiro brightens my day...
As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this! I’ll try to bring out more content for K-Pop idols, otome characters and anime characters during the holidays. Requests are still open, so don’t be afraid to send a little message in my ask-box!
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BNHA as Hetalia Characters (Axis + Allies only)
Hahahahaaaa.. I’m still Hetalia trash 😇
Mirio Togata as America
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I first put Denki as America but then I saw a post and now I can’t stop thinking about BTT SeroKiriKami so yeah-
Mirio and America have more things in common other than being blond, blue-eyed precious beans that need to be protected
First of- s t r o n g. They’re both canonically some of the strongest characters in their respective series despite their relatively young ages (Mirio being above some pro-hero levels despite still being in high school and America being well America lmao)
Additionally, they both have drive; they have a determination to become as strong as they possibly could, and stop at nothing to get there
Also, they love helping people! Mirio wants to save a million smiles, and America is a self-proclaimed hero (who admittedly isn’t the best but he’s trying okay)
Both of them kinda also have a hidden intelligence? Like, as in one would never think of them to be highly intelligent people because they’re so goofy and energetic
Since it’s implied that both Tamaki and Mirio game in their free time, him and America are also avid gamers (imagine them playing smash together lmao I feel like they’d break all the controllers)
Both v v competitive too (not as much as the next duo tho)- they’ll never back down from a challenge and face it head on with all their might!
Also, they’re basically the blond boy of the month but it’s every month lmao
(In my eyes they’re both cute little golden retrievers shshsjdjskal)
In conclusion, they’re sunshines who deserve the world and more
Katsuki Bakugo as England
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Okay fr hear me the fuck out-
I know it’s an unlikely pair
But they have their similarities just bear with me here
Yes, I was initially going to put in Romano for Bakugo (anger issues gang)
But then the more I thought about it, the more I realized that unlike Romano, he wouldn’t back away from a challenge or run at the slightest scare- Bakugo would take that shit and smother it into the ground
And while England may sometimes be portrayed as a prude gentleman type, we can’t forget his history- this man is probably one of, if not the most, ballsy countries to exist (at least back in his prime)
England is smart, calculated and cunning- how could you not be when you’ve conquered nearly the whole damn world?
He’s proud and maybe a bit too egotistical, and while lacking the anger issues and probably dead vocal cords of Bakugo, he sure as hell matches him in the pride and power aspect
Bakugo, on the other hand, is literally top of his class; boy is a nerd and has a perfect record
So he’s by no means any less smart than England, maybe a little more reckless, but he’s 16- you can’t exactly compare his mindset to a country’s
Even so he does act quickly on the battlefield, much like England assessed situations very precariously (most of the time)
Both of them would probably look an opponent dead in the eye and tell them to do it, bet you won’t pussy ass
On a lighter note tho, they’re two blond, spiky-haired tsunderes who are way to proud and smart for their own good
They also both listen to rock/punk so there’s that too
Aoyama Yuuga as France
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I know I just said SeroKamiKiri is the BTT but once again hear me out
I couldn’t not put Aoyama in as France
It’s literally a match made in Heaven guys cmon
They’re both sparkling, flamboyant and fabulous blondies
Although sometimes their attitude can be interpreted as holier-than-thou, really they just know that they’re amazing and don’t care what people think (we stan confident kings 😤)
They also know that they deserve the best luxuries in life, and definitely won’t settle for anything else
In terms of courage, they’re pretty much on the same level; they get scared easily and will more than likely either back out of the challenge or give up the moment they feel tired
The difference is, France will never regain whatever bravery he had before the French Revolution, but Aoyama is slowly building his courage up in his journey to become a hero
They also take things in stride, willingly or unwillingly (whether it be an ugly outfit or a defeat, they won’t be a sore loser lmao)
While not necessarily flirty like France, Aoyama can still charm people with his whims. Also, their relationship towards people that they can’t charm kind of mirrors one another? (Might be reaching here lmao)
I do think though sometimes that Aoyama shows some similarities with Poland/2P!Romano, but he has the most similarities with France so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Toga Himiko as Russia
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You may say she’s more like Belarus but nay nay I say
Belarus is the more kind of ‘stoic’ cruel in my mind; she doesn’t show much emotion besides annoyance and getting angry
Russia however
He’s ‘childishly’ cruel- looks innocent but is capable of some horrible, monstrous things.
Even though his face says otherwise, he does take some glee in torturing harming others (like, a lot)
Toga also does this, but in a much more obvious way lmao. She’s a villain, who drinks blood, there’s no doubt she hasn’t killed anyone. She also takes a lot more pleasure from hurting people than Russia does
They not that close with people, but the ones they are close to they are immensely protective of (Toga and the LOV, Russia and his sisters)
They also are capable of being highly intelligent, knowing more than what people think they know (Toga helping Twice our, and I high key headcanon Russia as a manipulative and cunning bastard who’s done many horrible things to people to get his way)
(I still love you Ivan)
I think this goes without saying but they’re really really violent
Russia just likes using his magic metal pipe of pain, and Toga likes her knives
They also have some really shitty pasts that have lead them to be who they are today
They may look cute on the outside, but they are oh so very cruel on the inside
Shota Aizawa as China
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Haha, old man syndrome-
These two have more in common than you’d think
First off, they have that wisdom that comes with age, and are trying to get the younger ones to learn it (Aizawa does this better lmao)
I can totally see them complaining about ‘kids these days’ even tho they’ve done the same shit back then-
Along with wisdom comes cunning and craft. I headcanon China as a low key genius, so he’s probably on par with Aizawa, if not better (in terms of battle strategy and such)
Even though they come off as strict, all they really want is the best for their students/siblings
They’re both physically strong (China was probably once hella jacked, and Aizawa speaks for himself)
They do tire out quite easily tho so there’s that
Both have a penchant for cute animals like cats (Hello Kitty’s a cat don’t @ me)
On a darker note, they’ve both suffered losses of close friends. While China has definitely lost a lot more, Shirakumo’s ‘death’ still took a huge toll on him. Likewise, China has lost all his ancient friends over the years, making him the last one left (except turkey and Mongolia they don’t matter rn)
Tenya Iida as Germany
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You cannot tell me this isn’t also a match made in heaven
They’re literally, at their very core, almost the exact same person
Iida is a stickler for rules- he follows every single one of them. Any and every. Pretty organized too, if I do say so myself
Likewise, Germany is also very strict with rules and regimens. He’s also canonically OCD so mans cannot stand messes (people or things)
It may make them seem like pains in the neck but really it’s the only way they know how to interact
Also have some angsty connections with their brothers
Although not as easily provoked as Germany, Iida can still be just as terrifying (mans tried to kill Stain I mean come on-)
As with nearly all of these characters, they’re both strong as hecc
Also, I feel like both of them are somewhat pressured by what their other family members have accomplished and want to achieve the same thing (Iida coming from a family of superheroes, and Germany really looking up to his father and brother and wanting to be like them but less yknow)
They don’t really know how to communicate well?? Like, of course they can talk and hold conversation but they have difficulty with most social interactions (it’s adorable)
More often than not the louder voice of reason within their friend group (Everyone in the Dekusquad besides Deku himself is the voice of reason lmao, and Germany is a no-nonsense kind of guy)
Smart bois (In Gakuen Hetalia, Germany is said to be one of the smartest students and tutors Italy, and Iida tries his best)
All in all very awkward and loud losers beans that need to learn how to not be so stiff lmao
Shoto Todoroki as Japan
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Y’all already know I had to pair the introverts together
Calm, collected and reserved- these two mind their own business like it’s a sports championship lmao
Even though they may come off as intimidating sometimes, in reality they’re just shy and don’t really know the basics of social interaction (more than Germany and Iida lmao)
They’re both fairly strong, too (Todoroki with his icy hot quirk makes him one of the most OP characters in MHA imo, and Japan definitely doesn’t carry around a katana just for show)
Very very convoluted and not so great childhood (Think the sengoku period was Japan’s childhood so he was basically torn up as a kid while Todoroki had to deal with Endebitch)
Also both pretty smart??? Like, high key they’re both very intelligent and skilled
Both their friends are slowly helping them get out of that super duper introverted mindset, but the poor bbs are still trying to learn how to be a lot less stiffe
They’re also really into architecture esp traditional Japanese architecture (canon in both)
I honestly think they’d get along pretty well if they met, tbh
(Japan would get him into anime and manga and the bookworm in Todoroki can’t resist)
The strange circumstance of Italy
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Honestly, I could not find anyone in MHA that was remotely similar to Italy
I was very close to putting in Mina or Nejire, since those two come to mind whenever I think of bright and bubbly (Maybe Kirishima too, but it just doesn’t fit)
So while those two are pretty much the most fitting I feel, they don’t completely encompass his character enough yonow?
Like, I genuinely cannot find anyone who is similar enough to compare him to
So for now, until I can find a suitable pick, Italy won’t have a MHA character to be paired up with 😔 sorry guys
What do you guys think? Do you agree or do you think different characters should be put in place?
If this gets enough notes, I might make a part 2 including female nations and the others (or whatever characters you guys request)
Requests are still open! You can ask for edits or character imagines/headcanons!
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soft-ris · 4 years
CP - 👽 - If that last slot is open, I'd like to request for a friend. Hes 5'8, brown eyes, brown short hair. He's very friendly, likes to talk a lot but is an introvert. He likes D&D, horse riding and plants. He has a phobia of needles and wasps. He is very generous with everything but money, he hoards money in his bank account. He's usually non violent but has punched someone to the hospital once because they insulted his mother. He's a cool dude. His favs are Jonathan, Wamuu and Melone.
Cupid’s Pick for your match made in heaven is...
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... Jonathan!!
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He's usually nonviolent but has punched someone to the hospital once because they insulted his mother.
Jonathan and Wamuu gets it.
Jonathan mainly because he too would punch someone if they had insulted someone he cared for, and the result would be the same as yours because fuck you see his muscles right?? Yeah, that’s that strong protective couple vibe y’all both emit <3
He might be a gentleman, sweet and positive, but if someone talks shit about your loved one? He’d throw in an extra punch for you too because NO ONE talks about your mom like that. He’s got your back, and he knows you got his too HMPH
Wamuu is all about fighting and honour, so he gets it. He would’ve had the same damn reaction (but I think rather than a hospital, they’d be in at the funeral home…). He also would have a whole new level of respect for you because damn, you can fight and you’re filial? He’s bringing out a ring and it’s not a poisoned one, that’s for sure.
I’m not gonna say all 3 of them would get turned on by that because they think it’s hot… (but they wouldKSKSKSKSK, just at varying degrees ofc).
He's a cool dude.
I can see Jonathan low-key swooning tbh? He himself is more of a gentle giant, like sure he was popular, but he never really saw himself as a ‘cool’ guy (imo). So when he sees how cool you are, it’s probably how his crush started. Just admires it and has stars in his eyes like ‘damn, my boyfriend’s so cool’ type of shit uwu. Would definitely be one of the first qualities about you that he brags to others about.
He likes D&D, horse riding and plants.
Jonathan looks like he horse-rides as a hobby? So horse riding dates are for sure a thing between the two of you. Y’all can ride a horse together into the sunset, or race and see who would win in a friendly competition with cute (or nsfw) bets and rewards and punishments, & etc. Just very cute horse riding centered couple’s activities/dates uwu
Melone looks like he’d understand D&D the quickest, with Jonathan being second & Wamuu being the slowest to pick it up (pls be patient with these 2KSKSKK). Melone can even do a 3D holographic version of it probably lol
Jonathan also looks like he’d indulge in your plants interest. Asking you questions, listening to you talk about them, and all that jazz. Would even buy you some if you want (as gifts). I can’t see him remembering the scientific names of the plants well, so him mispronouncing some of them would be a cute little inside joke between y’all uwu. He also remembers your favourite(s) and would press them into bookmarks or into a necklace or something equally sweet as a gift for you
He has a phobia of needles and wasps.
Out of all the 3, I think Jonathan would be the one who wouldn’t push you to get past this fear or do something weird with it to you. He’d understand and try to keep these things away from you as much as he can. Like if a wasp appears near you? Mf will punch it away or hamon it away, that’s 10000% for sure. Needles in the vicinity? Gone before you can even notice its presence. Overall very thoughtful and sweet about it.
Wamuu, I can kinda see him trying to get you to stop having a phobia of these things. Would ask you to fight it somehow and make it into a battle analogy somehow lol
Melone would file it under your phobia facts and might or might not try to get you to stop having a phobia of them too, but much less active in his plans than Wamuu I feel.
He's very friendly, likes to talk a lot but is an introvert.
That’s cool because Jonathan is a warm soul and a sweetheart. He’ll listen to everything you have to say, he’ll give you space when you tell him, and he won’t be pushing you to hang out if you tell him no. He’s friendly too so y’all would hit it off easy, and his more extroverted nature would pair well with your introverted nature. It’s as they say, complimentary traits for that good balance between a couple yk?
He is very generous with everything but money, he hoards money in his bank account.
I can see Jonathan falling for your generous personality trait. He thinks it’s sweet in how you are so kind hearted and have a lot to give. IMO I can’t see him necessarily understand the money bit since he came from a rich family, but he does know money has a lot of value and over time, he would get why you hoard money. It doesn’t grow on trees after all. Would ask for financial advice or tips from Speedwagon if you need any in order to increase the numbers in your bank account tho
Wamuu doesn’t get why because money doesn’t matter to him lol, he’s more of a fighting and honour and loyalty to his masters type of guy. While he doesn’t get it, that won’t mean if he sees something worth lots of money he won’t give it to you because he will. Wamuu would equate your love of money to his love of fighting and honour, and he’ll gift you with expensive stuff or just money in general for your bank account.
Melone toooooooootally gets the whole money bit. His whole team tried to go against Diavolo because of power and money too, so he 100% gets the hoarding money thing. Won’t judge you on it. I can also see Melone taking advantage of your generosity if you’re a push over? So make sure to call him out on it and reign him in if that happens (he’d probably enjoy that too if yk what I mean lmao)
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janiedean · 5 years
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hello dearest (not) anon, excuse me if I don’t reply to you directly but as I want to block each single one of you I’ll keep the original so I can lovingly delete it after I’m finished. :)
now, I was this tempted to just delete or troll you, but as y’all have honestly seemed to not realize that you’ve gone overboard and that I didn’t want to get further involved with this dumb shipwar but you’re basically making me go like
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so fine, whatever, I’ll address this one because it has all the single dumbest arguments we could have and I kind of want it for safekeeping, so.
point one: starting an ask with you freaks and then complain we don’t complain about jaime calling brienne ugly makes me wonder if you actually re-read your asks before you send them or if you even bother to make sure they’re internally coherent, because sorry but you’re basically saying this entire fandom is made of **freaks** which last I know was not a compliment to anyone’s aesthetic, so you already don’t have ground to stand on;
point two: stupid is actually a universally degrading word when referred to a specific person and used to undermine their intelligence, especially if continuously repeated. now, in *itself* it’s not damning - an argument can be stupid, a discussion can be stupid (I mean I’ve seen people savagely arguing over who had to wash the dishes, that’s a stupid reason to argue with anyone), a law can be stupid (all of italian bureaucracy is definitely a challenge for anyone for one), of course it’s all about how it’s used. for one, if used ironically and not meaning it, as in ‘my stupid son charging against dragons’, it’s not damning either, because wow, wait a moment, every single person who says that also knows that jaime is doing that out of ptsd fight instinct and that there’s nothing funny about it, but as we are people outside the narrative who love the character, we don’t mean it in a demeaning way. obviously charging at a dragon is suicidal, and it’s exactly what he’d have done (probably also in book canon I’ll give them that), but we all know why he did it, and btw dork is nowhere near on the same level as the stupidest lannister, it can be meant positively as well and tbh it’s used way more positively than that - I mean, there’s dorks in love and idiots in love as ao3 tags, no one uses them to insult the people in the ship they’re writing about now, do they? however, the whole thing about ‘the stupidest lannister’ is completely different because it implies cersei, someone jaime trusts implicitly and who’s his sister and, to him, also his lover and his other half - going by your own/their own definition - continuously demeaning his intelligence. now, I don’t think you quite realize how emotional abuse works or how that works, but let me tell you: if people you are that close with or have a fundamental impact in your upbringing (your parents, your siblings, your first teachers etc.) tell you that all the time, you end up believing that. and what comes with it? if you think you’re more stupid then them, then it means that their decisions will be better than yours because you’re too dumb to take them properly and they’re not, and you won’t even start to wonder that maybe they’re wrong and you’re right, and it’s an exceedingly common thing that happens between abusers and their victims, ie convincing them that they’re not smart enough to know what’s good for themselves, and so coming from cersei who also doesn’t want jaime to put two and two together and realize he’s a different person from her and actually, worse, doesn’t even consider the possibility that he might actually not be a different person from her, it’s straight up emotional abuse of the ugliest kind and it has nothing to do with *fans of the character* calling him a dork over his utter lack of smoothness when hitting on people, because we know why he doesn’t know how to hit on people. other than that, in the show they made jaime canonically dyslexic. now, if you even don’t get that calling someone stupid for thirty years will do a great fucking lot of damage to them (I mean, I’ve been told I was snobbish for three years by a teacher I didn’t even particularly admire in my formative years and I still have to finish unpacking the consequence of that shit, I can’t imagine being constantly demeaned by your relatives or people you trust implicitly) I doubt you’ll realize the fucking wrongness depths of the implication that the only lannister with a canon in-show learning disability is *the stupidest lannister* especially when there’s still the stigma about dyslexic people being dumb because *they can’t read* when that’s not true at all and they just need different ways of approaching a text and then they’re good to go and it has nothing to do with how smart or no they aren’t, but I’m going to tell you: it’s ableist as hell, falls under harmful stereotypes about dyslexic people that tv shows should go against, not reinforce and it has really disgusting connotations, so excuse me if I am pressed about it and other people are pressed about it and your opinion belongs in the trash and I really hope you’re not a teacher not are planning to become one;
point three: now we go at how you don’t get at all how those two work and how brienne’s character is structured, but here, let me explain you: a) jaime calls her ugly when they meet and after he loses the hand he only calls her ugly in his head and/or to her face when he’s irritated or she has misunderstood his intentions or he feels hurt by the fact that she misunderstood his intentions (when he gives her oathkeeper in the books), and in the show he stopped mid S3. on the other side, she calls him an oathbreaker and all the worst things she can call him - if you missed it, they insult each other and they start their relationship thinking the worst of the other person, and even with that he spends the entire first chapter of his in asos checking her out but you didn’t notice that I suppose; b) jaime does not call her ugly at all after he punches ronnet connington and in the show again he hasn’t since mid s3, and given that they were supposed to start as enemies and she insulted him right back, I won’t be here being pressed about them trading insults when the entire point of the story is that they stop insulting each other after they get to know each other and get closer to each other, or have you missed that too? c) the fact that he calls her ugly is actually narratively important because let me explain you something that you don’t know because you obv. haven’t read brienne’s chapters: most of the time she remembers being hurt by other men when it comes to her feelings, it’s when she found out they lied to her about her looks. she got her first trauma related to her looks when her septa told her that people who called her pretty were lying, and she got hurt during the bet with hyle and so on because those people were courting her and telling her nice things and then they were all planning on screwing her literally and metaphorically, so if someone went to brienne and told her ‘oh hey you look hot as hell let’s bang!!’, she wouldn’t believe them. let me guarantee you, she wouldn’t. the fact that jaime did not compliment her at all if not going all the way around to do it about her fighting prowess and maskerading it as insults means that he never lied to her about her looks or about anything, and the fact that then he changes and genuinely respects her and trusts in her and gives her THE THING SHE’S WANTED MOST IN HER LIFE ie a sword and a knightly quest and someone actually believing she could be a knight and carry out her vows instead of thinking she was a joke weights a lot more than any insult he might have thrown at her in the past and actually, she can trust him to not make fun of her/she can know for sure he’s not joking exactly because he never had a problem with calling her ugly (which she knows she is according to westeros beauty standards in the beginning) nor to tell her mean things when he thought them, and so since he never lied to her before and she can see that he changed, she has no reason to think he could or would lie to her after, and considering that most of her trauma is tied to having been lied to in that sense... sorry but no, it doesn’t bother me at all because if it’s an enemies to lovers kind of trope I really don’t think I’d expect him to gift her flowers at their first meeting. I mean, *enemies* to *lovers* implies that at the beginning they don’t like each other, or did you forget that words have meanings? also, hairy is not an insult. I suppose that for people who insult other people about the peach fuzz mustache most women have it would be an insult, but let me tell you: it’s not. and given that I’ve seen posts over posts about how it’s an expression of feminism to not shave I really think you haven’t even checked that discourse lately - personally I don’t care for it but like, having body hair is not automatically a crime nor a reason why you’re unattractive. get lost. and like, excuse me if insults traded by people who didn’t know each other and that they both outgrew when they did know each other are nowhere near on the same level of making someone think they’re too fucking stupid to take their own decisions and always have to follow someone else’s lead, and excuse me if I’m way more than mildly worried that anyone in this fandom would look at that stupidest lannister bullshit and actually don’t feel horrified at it.
now, honestly, can y’all just stop with this grasping at straws which happens to also be ableist as hell while pretending to give a fuck about brienne as a character - because you don’t, it’s obvious from how you don’t understand her issues at all - and keep to your own lane or what? because honestly, it’s obvious no one has ever called you ugly in your life and that you never had to deal with anyone demeaning your intelligence because you were most likely too busy demeaning other people’s, but you’ve been at this bullshit since 2013.
didn’t you get bored?\
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kuchenackerman · 6 years
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The poll was opened on January 6th, 2019 and closed on January 13th, 2019. It got a total of 403 responses and the main focus was to explore the shipper’s thoughts and feelings, especially after Chapter 112.
It consisted of five sections:
General questions
On chapter 112 and current feels
On eremika content
Content creators
General demographics
I’ll present the results’ interpretation by section and in almost the same order the questions were asked to make all the information a bit easier to follow. This way if you aren’t interested in one of the sections you can just scroll down until you see the title of the next one. I recommend using the shortcut CTRL+F to look up for the section results you’re more eager to read or to just jump to general result key words faster.
I want to thank Selena and Heidi again for proofreading the poll back then and suggesting some questions. Big thanks to EVERYONE who participated and took their time to write their thoughts down ❤  
Most of the respondents answers will be shared, and I mean “most” since I had to group up similar worded replies. For example, short answers like “chapter 50”, “ch 50”, “in manga chapter 50” got summed up. However, even if I tried to summarize things, there were too many answers that I’ll be sharing with you all anyway.
I apologize in advance for any grammar mistake or error in the presentation of the info. This turned out longer and required more time than I thought it would. Besides I’m tired and I don’t have as much free time as before.
I hope you enjoy digging in the results of the EM focused poll~
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1.1) Regarding when did the respondents started to ship Eren and Mikasa, over 65% of them does since 2013-2014 (35.2%) or 2017-2018 (30%), concurring with the years when we got Season 1 and Season 2 of the anime, respectively. Then, 24% of the respondents said to ship it since 2015-2016. About 11% of the respondents started liking the pairing before we even got the anime adaptation: 5.5% since 2011-2012 and 5.2% since 2009-2010.
1.2) Eremika is the main SnK ship of 66.5% of the total respondents. 12% (33 responses) of that 66.5% have other OTPs besides Eren and Mikasa. More than half of these shippers (19 of 33) support another hetero pairing as well.
1.3) When it comes to the people that don’t consider EM as their main ship, over 50% of them have another hetero ship as their main. Around 30% have a M/M ship as main, almost 10% a F/F ship and 6% an OT3 / trio.
1.4) Almost 70% of the respondents started shipping Eren and Mikasa while watching the anime. Besides the manga (27.3%), some of the shippers started liking the pairing because of fanart (including a “rather steamy NSFW” one, lol), fanfiction or because of some people in the fandom, like someone they follow that influenced their shipping feels or because of an enthusiastic friend.
1.5) 65% of the total respondents has NEVER stopped shipping eremika (y’all good), while 35% has stopped doing so at some point only to jump back on the ship again (I declare myself guilty of this, I’m a damn traitor), though a small part of that 35% never really jumped back on it and just drowned in the waters of their full betrayal.
1.6) On which character of the ship is their favorite, more than half of the respondents prefer Mikasa over Eren, who got 18.4% of the votes. 28.5% like both characters equally.
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1.7) On canon looks of the characters:
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The thirst for manbun Eren won this time and got a bit more than 37% of the votes. Our traditional short-haired Eren follows with 22%. There’s a tie between hobo Eren and middle-short haired (?) Eren at 12.4%. Almost 16% of the respondents don’t have a preferred look for our boy.
In Mikasa’s case, the responses were more even between all her looks. There’s a tie in first place with 22.6% of the votes between ponytail Mikasa and traditional bob Mikasa. Short-haired Mikasa and long-haired Mikasa got 21.3% and 20% respectively. 13% of the respondents couldn’t choose a specific look for her as their preferred one.
1.8) Now, time to share the shippers’ answers and the results about the specific moment of the manga or anime that sold eremika to them. There was a total of 289 written responses to the question. I tried to organize them in quantity of mentions of certain scenes or chapter/episodes. Some replies mentioned more than one moment.
The first place was taken by S2 Episode 12 / Chapter 50 from the Clash of Titans arc, since about a hundred people mentioned it as the moment where they started shipping Eren and Mikasa.
Trost Arc got second, third and fourth place: S1 Episode 6 / Chapter 6 got almost eighty mentions, while S1 Episode 8 got around fifty mentions and S1 Episode 7, with a bit more than twenty mentions.
Eight times people mentioned they started shipping EM since they were introduced in S1 Episode 1/ Chapter 1. Some don’t identify a specific moment but talk about their appreciation toward their general relationship, dynamic or scenes together.
S1 Episode 14 / Manga Chapter 19 trial scene got mentioned about seven times.
The final episode of season one got mentioned five times.
S1 Episode 12 / Manga Chapter 13 and Chapter 51 got both mentioned at least four times.
[ Answers to 1.8 ]
~ S1 Episode 1 / Manga Chapter 1
Literally the first scene Eren dreaming abt Mikasa with that scarf and asking why her hair got longer and when he gave the scarf to her
Her tossing his ass into the side of a building, spilling the firewood everywhere
When Mikasa threw Eren against the wall in episode 1 season 1
In the first op when they're surrounded by dead comrades and mikasa looks at eren. The shipping feels started. The scarf scene (entire backstory of Mikasa and Eren's meet strengthened my feels)
Mikasa taking care of him since day 1
~ Unspecified
No specific moment. I just knew they were meant to be together from everything they did!
I don't remember exactly. It just felt naturally that they have to be together.
The very first time their dynamic was truly shown. It's so rare and interesting to see a het pairing where the girl is the cool, stoic protector and the guy is the reckless but good-hearted damsel in distress!
It grew on me over time - they just seem to both really care for and look out for each other.
All eremika scenes 💕💕💕
Idk....it just kinda happened.
No specific scene, it was just that her desperation wore me down over time
just their bond and dependence on each other through hard times and how resilient their unspoken trust and faith in one another is
Tbh I was originally an Ereannie shipper and don’t really pay too much attention to other characters at least in that aspect of going to ship them but after rewatching the anime series for who knows how many times I came to realize that Eren and Mikasa were just a ship that I can’t deny in which I think it’s only natural for them to be together.
I had watched all of season 1 without focusing on shipping. It wasn’t until I reflected later on and rewatched that I started shipping Eremika very much <3
~ S1 Episode 6 / Manga Chapter 6
When for the first time they slain evil, love at first kill.
The World the Girl Saw! I had this inkling feeling that I was going to ship them ever since the beginning, but this really did it for me.
Eren saving Mikasa from kidnappers / Mikasa losing her parents / Eren wrapping his scarf on Mikasa
I think it was the scene in the anime (as I watched the anime before reading the manga) when Eren wrapped his scarf around Mikasa and her face softens because of his kindness to her.
Episode 6 of the anime, when we got the backstory of Mikasa, but also, while reading the manga chapter 50 killed me.
Episode 6 of the anime; the scarf scene melted my heart
When Eren saved Mikasa from the thugs and told her to fight. Also the scarf scene really got me.
Episode 6 of the anime when Eren wrapped his scarf around Mikasa sealed the deal for me. ❤
The chapter/episode show Mikasa's past and especially when Eren pull Mikasa's hand while blushing, I knew that my whole life is for these two.
Their first meeting. It left an impression on me.
Mikasa's memory of Eren wrapping the scarf around her and grabbing her hand. Mikasa looked so grateful and happy in that moment.
Mikasa's tragic backstory and being saved by Eren who then gave her the scarf. And the moment she finds out he's still alive inside the attack titan and cries while hugging him.
Eren saving her when he didn't have to. (Kidnappers)
Episode 6 - when Eren wrapped the scarf around Mikasa when they were kids. It made me realize how strong Mikasa's feelings were for Eren, and how their bond was sealed the moment he gave her the scarf.
Mikasa's backstory episode earlier in Season 1. It only took that scene to validate me the fact that these two are meant to be always together. Call it string of fate or whatever. She is attached to the boy that saved her life. Chapter 50 of the manga also further validated my point.
The moment Eren gave Mikasa his scarf. It's a heartwarming moment as it gives Mikasa new hope to live and a home together with Eren.
I fell in love with Eremika the first moment I saw them when Mikasa was staring at sleeping Eren in the first episode, but I started shipping them when Eren wrapped the scarf around Mikasa and gave her a home. And one of my favorite scenes if not my favorite is when Mikasa started crying when she heard Eren’s heartbeat in S1E8 after he came out of his Titan form the first time. God that’s a lot to say :D
Since retrospection of their adventure in stabbin cabin
The moment I found out they are not blood related
Scarf scene (bet everyone's gonna put that though) but also their constant care and concern for each other throughout the series
I started watching the anime before fully reading the manga. I always thought Eren and Mikasa would be cute together from episode one. I didn’t really have a reason I felt that way, it was more of an instinct. However I didn’t fully ship them until Mikasa’s backstory in episode 6. I enjoy how their relationship is “tough love” instead of a in-your-face sap show. They just belong together. Their relationship matches the world they are in, and I always had a thing for ships that take a long time to come together. The end result is more satisfying.
Seeing their backstory of how they met because before reading/watching I saw people saying they were siblings. But that's not actually true so it expelled my worries about the ship.
When Eren wrapped his scarf to Mikasa and said "let's go home…"  
When eren saved mikasa as kids and also the end scene of season 1 when eren picks up the scarf and says "that thing has seen it's best days, ill just get you a new one" and mikasa is like but it's special :c
“As long as you’re alive I can do anything” scene after her back story
~ S1 Episode 7 / Manga Chapter
Ep 7 of season 1 where Mikasa is about to get grabbed by a titan and in her last moments she thinks of Eren, and she's just like "If I die, I won't be able to remember your face". And decides if she goes down, she's gonna go down fighting, the way she knows Eren would want her too. ;_;
Scarf scene. Also when Mikasa remembers smiling down at a sleeping Eren and regains the will to fight, then Eren's titan shows up and protects her
First Attack Titan appearance and Eren saving Mikasa
when titan!eren came to smash the titan as mikasa was about to stand for herself after her pomegranate speech
When Mikasa thought Eren had died, and her reaction to that, that's when I REALLY started to ship them.
This is too difficult to answer lol. But if I choose one scene that charmed my heart with them it's would be that scene in ep.7 (s1) when Mikasa gave up to live. She remembered the words that Eren said to her in the past to keep fighting! TATAKAE! and the emotion that trigger in her the streght to protect the last memories that she had of him... MAN, I always get goosebumps at remember her speech! "If I die, your memories will die with me, that why I will fight! No matter what! I will live!"
Mikasa's being suicidal and hopeless after Eren's supposed death at the Battle of Trost District made me realize how much Eren means to Mikasa, and so I was sold on this ship.
ep 7, "I'll never give up again. If I died, I won't be able to remember you"
The episode where Eren dies and it flashes to Mikasa thinking about him, I knew I shipped them. I was a bit concerned because the anime wasn't clear on their relationship if they were brother or sister at that point, but the next episode was Mikasa's backstory and I knew it was safe to ship them!!
pomegranate scene was just too good :')
CH7, related to CH6, but seeing her find her resolve so quickly after losing him was sobering. I interpret this moment as a big precursor to CH50, but that's another moment
When Mikasa decides to live, because if she died she would not be able to remember Eren. And also when she sees that Eren is alive and runs to and embrace he.
~ S1 Episode 8 / Manga Chapter
In the anime when Eren emerged from the titan form and Mikasa ran to see it's Eren.
When mikasa cried holding eren after his first transformation as a titan
When Mikasa found out Eren was alive in trost
It wasn’t anyone thing. It was a lot of moments, but mostly the scene where Eren is revealed to be a titan shifter and Mikasa holds on to him and cries. That or the reveal of their backstory. Mikasa's clinginess suddenly made a lot of sense.
Mikasa being openly emotional for the first time while embracing Eren in ep 8
Definitely the scene where Eren comes out of the nape of his titan and Mikasa sees him.
The moment when Mikasa clutches Eren and tries to hear his heartbeat after they see him emerging from his Titan the first time. And when Eren defends Mikasa from the cannon and then at his trial, that's when it changed from one-sided to full-on Eremika for me.
Episode 8 of Season 1 when Mikasa found out Eren was still alive and started crying
Episode 8 Mikasa crying whilst hugging Eren after he comes out of his titan form. Chapter 50. Chapter 51 Eren worrying about Mikasa and apologising.
When Eren appeared for the first time out of his Titan form and Mikasa run to him, when she started crying while listening his heart beat I was sold.
"I can hear his heartbeat"...I cried when Mikasa ran to hug him and heard his heart beat, and then cried and cried. Like...she's so strong and brave all the time - that really hit me. You could feel the amount of love she has for him. Either that one or the scarf scene where Eren wrapped his scarf around her and welcomed her into his family!
Hugging eren when he first emerged from the attack titan
when she found out he was alive again and started crying
when eren appeared out of the titan and mikasa hugged him
I first bit when Eren wrapped the scarf but they reeled me in when Mikasa finds out he wasn't really dead and first comes out of his titan
Cap 8 anime, Eren sale del titan y Mikasa corre hacia él y lo abraza y llora
The manga equivalent of episode 8. Forgive me I can’t remember chapter numbers for the life of me.
When Mikasa ran to Eren after he first emerged from his Titan corpse and cried as she embraced him.
I think I've always loved the idea of them being together romantically since Eren saved Mikasa as a kid. However, the scene of Eren first coming out of his titan and Mikasa holding him while crying will forever be a highlight from the show/manga that I won't forget.
when Eren comes back to life in season 1 & Mikasa sobs while clutching him hard against her chest, uncaring about everyone watching/hearing around.
When mikasa started crying after she found out that eren was alive, when she said “If i die, i won’t be able to remember you” and the scene from season 2 episode 12, “I’ll wrap that around you as many times as you want. Now and forever... as much as you want!” that line makes me cry every time.
The scene when Mikasa hugged Eren and cried in relief that he’s alive.
When mikasa hugged eren tightly after he came out of his titan form on episode 8
MIkasa crying into erens chest after she pulls eren out of his tian for the fist time in Trost, season 1, plus the last episode of second season had me bawling on the floor tbh it  was such a great scene
When Mikasa realizes the person emerging from the Attack Titan is Eren, and she immediately goes to him, holds him, and cries.
~ S1 Episode 12 / Manga Chapter 13
When Ian pointed out Mikasa’s feelings about Eren during the Trost battle
When Ian called Eren Mikasa’s boyfriend - and she blushed.
Cliché haha but: when she blushed when Riko said that Eren is her boyfriend I was like ohhhHHHHH girl
~ S1 Episode 14 / Manga Chapter 19
When Eren defended Mikasa during his judgement
The court trail scene where Eren stood up for Mikasa
The scene in the anime in the courtroom where Eren defends Mikasa after the bystanders accuse her of being like him
It was when Eren was at the court house he said it was all his fault and not to blame Mikasa
Either it'd be the scene in chapter 51 or the moment Eren stood up for Mikasa during the court trial back in season 1
~ S2 Episode 12 / Manga Chapter 50
Chapter 50 10000%
the "I'll wrap this scarf around you as many time you need" scene
The anime scene at the end of season 2 where Eden unlocks the power of the coordinate to save mikasa
when she encouraged him right before meeting Dina.
Chapter 50 “I’ll wrap that around you now and forever, as much as you want”
When she confesses while they are surrounded by titans about to die, and then Eren declares “I’ll wrap it around you as many times as i need to-“
Season 2 when Mikasa says thank you.
Cuando Mikasa le da la gracias la Eren por enseñarle a vivir, y colocarle la bunfanda, y él señala que siempre lo hará.
Season 2 almost kiss scene - you know it bro, and her falling asleep by his bed
the scene... "I’ll wrap it around you again, again and again, forever" bruh...
When mikasa talked about how eren saved her and gave her the red scarf.
Had been there for a while but chapter 50 solidified it for me. Mikasa's heartfelt words giving a broken Eren the strength to fight.
Eren saying “ill wrap that scarf around you as many times as you want”
In the chapter 50 of the manga (scene from the SnK S2's finale) when Mikasa confessed her feelings to Eren
Season 2 episode 12, when mikasa confessed to eren, and him promising to her.
Chapter 50 had the best EreMika scene so far because Mikasa really went heart-to-heart about her feelings to Eren (in the anime, we see her leaning in)
When Eren activated the Coordinate for the first time when saving Mikasa.
There was a lot of stuff in the earlier chapters but chapter 50 took the cake
Although their relationship has always been meaningful to me, I first began shipping them romantically after I read the scene where they’re sitting in front of the smiling titan, and Eren promises to wrap her up in her scarf over and over again, before unlocking the power of the coordinate when he contacts the smiling titan.
The scene when Mikasa almost kissed Eren
La escena en la que Mikasa casi besa a Eren y el se levanta y dice: "Te la pondre las veces que quieras" siempre veo esa escena cuando hay tambaleo en el ship
There is too much but I would say chapter 50 (like a lot)
I think that the first one, was the one in chapter 50. I discovered Snk too late, and I fell in love for them since this chapter :)
Chapter 50, Mikasa worrying over the post-experiment Eren in Chapter 54.
Eren and Mikasa second confrontation with the Smiling Titan/Dina's Titan
I think it was THE eremika scene in the manga, aka the infamous chapter 50 scene, but idk anymore
The Eremika shipper's Bible, of course! Ch. 50. Specially when Eren basically says he's always gonna be there for her. Also, when Eren apologizes to her right after the whole thing and she's recovering from her injuries. And that panel when he's thinking about everything's he's lost during their journey to end this for good, but he looks back at her and says "No, not everything" or something along those lines. And when Mikasa is sitting next to him when he's unconcious and Armin leaves and he has this fucking little smile and he just  k n o w s and Mikasa knows he does. Oh, and when Eren, Mikasa, Hanji and Levi finally get in the basement and they're both looking at the things down there together and when they open the book together, their hands barely touching. Oooh, and when Eren tells everyone they're special to him and Mikasa's blushing and looks up to him and kind of smiles and he looks away?? Gold. Oh and of course, Ch.112's cover! The soft and tender look in their eyes while looking at each other is just so painful !! And soft !!
~ Post time-skip. Chapter 101 onwards
I started to ship them when they both blushed at each other in ch. 108
Flashback of Mikasa Chapter 108
Manga 108 when Eren and Mikasa have their own panel and both of them were blushing at each other
I started shipping them a longggggg time ago, but i think it was chapter 108 in the manga, (i think) when Eren says that he cares about them all, but hajime gave Eren and Mikasa those two seperate panels of them blushi,g at eachother. That one really chained my heart to this ship, and i will stay with it whether it sails or sinks.
I started shipping them after post-time skip. There wasn't a specific scene, but rather, both matured and their relationship would be more balanced.
Eren talking to Mikasa in ch 112- it was so obviously a contradiction to their relationship that it actually proved (imo) mutual feelings
The moment in Marley Arc when Eren is looking at her before the WH comes to
I became interested in their romantic dynamic after Mikasa's, "Come home," line in the Marley arc. I'd always loved content with both of them, but I hadn't found their relationship very interesting, so I just hadn't thought about it much. The recent developments have changed that.
Nothing in particular. Maybe when Eren attack Marley and Mikasa looked at him tearful. It’s not romantic but I appreciate the heaping amounts of angst of the ship.
Liberio reunion
~ Other responses
Eren looking up at Mikasa and then transforming into Rogue Titan when fighting Female Titan.
When mikasa tries to save eren from annie
When Mikasa put a blanked over Eren in RTS
Anime episode 13
When mikasa picks up eren
When Mikasa announced that she'd join the scouts with Eren.
they breathed and i was like ‘otp’ joking— the moment eren was out here pushing her away using his forehead and mikasa said ‘please don’t die’ because that scene spoke to me and then the history of them (childhood, eren saving her you know the drill) kicked me and my feelings.
[After a dream]: “It was a straight up fanfic in my sleep. I woke and was like "I guess I ship them now?" I used to not be so into Eremika but since then I've been a bit more accepting of it.”
Either when Eren first turned into a titan and wounded her/left the scar on her cheek or the courtroom scene, most likely the first one
The last episode of season 1, Eren and Mikasa in the room, she holded his hands, I found this scene intense, and started to ship them even more.
The hand hold when Eren was lying on the bed
2.1) The 403 respondents’ got multiple choices to check that could fit their first thoughts and feels about the alternative cover for Volume 27. 
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38.7% of them simply appreciated Mikasa, Armin and Eren being cute in it. 36% called Isayama a bitch, 34% reacted with Queen’s “IS THIS REAL LIFE? IS THIS JUST FANTASY???” because yeah, no one was expecting such a blessed cover, and 33.3% reacted with Backstreet Boys’ “Quit playing games with my heart~” because Isayama loves hurting us all and has probably been plotting to do so since the 90′s. 31.5% of the respondents saw the cover as a shippy exchange between EM, as they considered they’re staring at each other in a flirty way, and 31% checked the keysmash and cry choice... (I understand)
13.2% considered Eren was looking at both Armin and Mikasa, without anything explicitly eremika going on and a bit more than 7% are so dead inside they felt nothing with such a wonderful cover (RIP their miserable souls).
~ Added answers:
Let them have babies please ;^;
I think this cover gave me the strongest dose of Eremika feels ever. I can't look at it without grinning from ear to ear~
It's beautiful. Nothing to freak out about tho.
How dare I get taunted with this blessed image when I know shit's about to go down between the three! 😭
It's so peaceful and beautiful. I wish it happened in the manga.
I have a theory actually for this...
Armin is cute
It is actually the first time I see this cover and it's very cute and nice but after the chapter I can't feel nothing about it. Only hate for Eren and his words.
I can see how it can be interpreted in both ways and if we lean towards eremika then: cute!!!!!!!! so sweet!! but it makes me cry!!
Both Eren and Mikasa sees each other as their most important person in the world
they just look happy and looks like eremika actually canon but isayama try to cover it.
Mikasa clearly looks super in love with Eren. Eren may be looking at either mikasa or both mikasa & armin. I’m not sure...
My soul left my body.
Id say they're all three looking at one anoth another tbh
I love the Eye to Eye contact of eremika
Must protect
crap i think eremika is dying, BUT I DON'T WANT IT TO DIE, so i hope that this scene was just a build-up for their relationship (otherwise i'm knocking on Isayama's doorstep at 3am)
The hurtful words will save Mikasa's spirit, so Eremika shippers should support Eren's efforts in freeing her.
Is this foreshadowing that Eremika will become canon?
How cute and pure the way Eren look at his Mikasa XD
Poor Armin gets ignored by the two lovey-doveys 😠
You trynna fuck
Armin: okaaay, I will be going...
I knew by just seeing that cover that it was gonna hurt lol
I just liked that they were all together just like the old days
OMG are they finally canon? Please isayama sensei make them canon *.*
I thought it was nice but I knew it was ironic.
There’s a dagger hidden under the cover.
2.2) When it comes to analyze the cover in relation to future manga developments, most respondents (47%) see it as a glimpse on Eren's authentic feelings toward his friends, around 39% see it as a symbolic image, 36% see it as a trap meant to make us hurt more after what happened in chapter 112 (we know you, Isayama), 25.6% consider it foreshadowing, 20% a somewhat alternate reality / timeline, almost 19% see it as an utter lie or that Isayama is just trolling, 13.6% only see it as a blessed cute cover and 5.7% think it’s irrelevant story-wise.
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~ Added answers:
Im torred between a foreshadow or just a cover…
What it could have been
This isn't teasing or trolling; its Isayama's way of telling us to have hope/showing Eren's feelings.
An ironic and nostalgic cover
A mix of possible 'alternate‘, maybe end-game, but for me mostly a CLUE to something...
Mikasa's hopes for the future
Honestly I don't know what to think after all that happened. But I hope it's foreshadowing toward his true feelings about Mikasa and Armin. Especially Mikasa. Maybe Isayama gave us a hint that Eren loves his friends and so we shouldn't buy all his words.
It's all Eren wants but it's something he'll never have again
how things could be if differences didn't stand in their way
Eren and Mikasa fucking
That was Eren's real feelings, but I believe he is partly hurt by believing that everything Mikasa has ever done for him is because of Ackerman's blood. Eren is also blinded by the idea that he is free and that he can make his own choices without being manipulated by his blood or the personality of someone in his head.
2.3) What was your initial reaction to Chapter 112 regarding all the things Eren said to Mikasa?
In this other multiple choice question, 55.6% of the respondents said they wanted to hug Mikasa so badly after what Eren said to her, 44.7% checked the “Eren: why the fuck you lying, why you always lying?” option, 40% wanted to punch Eren so hard and felt so proud when Armin did it, 37.7% were shocked, almost 29% called it bullshit / laughed / pfft-ed at Eren’s “I’ve always hated you”, around 25% just reacted with an “Eren, pls”, 22% were just as heartbroken as Mikasa and cried their eyeballs out, almost 13% have been crying ever since so not very “initial reaction” only, 11.4% checked the “Chapter 112? I don’t know her” option and 9.4% checked the “Uhh.. I didn't feel much because everything was too odd...” option.
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~ Added answers:
I was kinda thrown off guard for a sec there when I first saw the conversation between them but then I think abt how this could actually leads to a better development in both Eren’s and Miaksa’s characters (romantically) I mean their feelings for each other have been a constant which I think this would hopefully trigger something between them.  
Eren is lying
Shocked at first, but I think it's an interesting development.
I laughed
I actually felt encouraged! No way it was true, Eren was obviously lying/being controlled.
Immediately knew that Eren was only doing this to protect Mikasa
Carla, your son's gone rogue again...
Was angry and felt Mikasa should‘ve retorted back aggressively. But honestly, I‘m more intrigued by his words.
I want to go there and kidnap Mikasa immediately, then Eren gonna suffer til the rest of his life
Cried multiple times bc of it.
I tought that his words couldn't be true
the first real step between Mikasa's and Eren's romantic relationship
Eren is cancelled
Enjoyed the drama and didnt get sad over it. Since it happened so suddenly it took me by surprise and the conversation was nothing like what I expected it to be. Barely a glimpse of emotion from Eren and Armin being the one to start a fight? I was dumbfounded.
It feels like a huge giant misunderstanding and Eren sucks with words. I can't believe Isayama builded the deep of their relationship just to end into this bs. If everything is going to end badly for Eren and Mikasa then Isayama doesn't know how to write.
I feel all of that
Had a bad feeling something like this would happen so I wasn't horribly shocked
I actually love it, mainly for the angst. Love the drama, love the feels n im such a sucker for angst lol
Eren seems to at least partly mean what he said, but maybe not as strongly as he said it. I also think he’s being influenced by memories/zeke/wht so I’m not too concerned.
I already know that's not the same Eren so I was just shocked by his wording more or less but that's it.
It needed to be said
I enjoyed it
I was expecting Eren to have a moment like this, tbh. Not because I believe he really hates either of them, but because he is clearly spiraling and isolating himself.
fight between mikasa and eren similar to sasuke and Naruto
eren can do no wrong in my eyes so idk
Conflicted. What he said was hurtful but I also felt like it wasn’t completely untrue. Mikasa has been having major doubts recently and this thing in Eren she won’t face. The Ackerman instincts don’t have comelktely grip over her but they do contribute majorly to a lot of things. It’s awful but at the same time I feel like if it was all nonsense then why did it trigger those memories and why did Mikasa just keep shrinking into herself. Mikasa doesn’t shrink away from things.
OMG, Eremika has become so exciting, dramatic and awesome!
I think I kind of expected the outburst
There is no way he hates her really
I was glad Armin punched him and I hated Eren more than I ever have before.
2.4) "You only cling to me because of your instincts as an Ackerman." If he truly believes the information he got and said about the Ackermans, could Eren be hurt because he thinks his relationship with Mikasa was never authentic?
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Around 69% ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) of the people think Eren is indeed hurt or that there’s a possibility of him being hurt because of what he nowadays thinks (?) is the true nature of his relationship with Mikasa. The rest of the respondents have really no idea what to think about it or just plainly discard Eren hurting because of Mikasa and her cursed Ackerinstincts. 
2.5) From 1 being "influenced by the Ackerbond" to 5 being "of her own", how do you see Mikasa's feelings for Eren?
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Most of the respondents (over 77%) think her feelings are mostly determined by her own person and not the Ackerbond. Only 6.7% consider Mikasa’s feelings are fully or very influenced by the Ackerbond and 16.1% think there’s a 50/50 situation.
2.6) Around 160 people decided to share their thoughts in relation to what happened in chapter 112, focusing on Eren and Mikasa of course:
Even if he won’t admit it, I think Eren still cares/loves Mikasa. His eyes seem tired and dead, but I noticed that they glimmered differently right before he told Mikasa he always hated her, and then they changed again when Armin asked if hurting Mikasa is the “freedom” he sought/had. If there is one thing that hasn’t changed about Eren, it’s his inability to hide what he truly feels. It’s obvious that he’s upset and perhaps feels betrayed, but i definitely think he still cares.
Yeah I believe the Ackerman stuff influences it *a little bit*. But her emotions are mainly real and she truly does care for Eren.
Eren deserves a good Ackerpunch to be honest.
Mikasa needs to realise that all her feelings are her own, and Eren needs to know, too.
His facial expression through the whole confrontation was CONFUSING like you can't tell if he is ANGRY or if  he is  HURT or if he really just have genuine hatred  toward his old friends? Like I am confused about his facially expression when Armin  told him "does freedom means hurting mikasa feelings" his expression was completely different than the rest of the panels. His expression had more emotion for some reason.
I hope that people didn’t forget abt the scene where Mikasa punched Eren in the face when he was being mean and venting off his anger towards Armin when the were at the refugee camp after the fall of Shiganshina.
Look at his face: this poor boy is as broken as us. There's a reason behind his actions.
I'm sure eren want mikasa to get away from him in order to keep her safe, this was the only way to broke the acker spell
I think Eren was rejecting Mikasa to free her from the ackerbond. I wrote an analysis about eremika due to ch.112 incidents here : https://nhamstory.tumblr.com/post/181741856688/eren-and-mikasa-relationship-from-now-onwards
I hope Mikasa leaves his ass
I don’t think she’ll give up on him easily, but I think she needs to let go, for her own well-being
Eren is only partly right. Mikasa's instinct to always be near him and protect him (incidentally the things that irritated him) come from the Ackerbond impulses. Her life and affection for him are her own. Eren obviously doesn't hate Mikasa and he wouldn't treat her this way without a very good reason. They both have genuine care for each other.
Eren is a bitch and Mikasa didn’t deserve that bullshit
I think Eren is genuinely mad (his morals and arguments consistent with his character from the very start) and, if anything, is deeply wounded. I wouldn’t be surprised if those emotions inspired him to act out, even though it’s wrong. He also has 3 titans inside of him, so I’m sure his brain is super jumbled and loud.
Its interesting how Eren never hurt Armin until the Yaegerists entered the room...
I think the Ackerbond brought them together but they stayed together for love
Mikasa deserves the world. Eren
I really don't believe a happy ending is in store for them, but I want to be wrong so badly. My biggest fear is that Mikasa will have to be the one to bring Eren down, or that the Ackerbond is exactly as Eren says.
i really hope that when he said that he hated mikasa that it was all a lie
It is just really confusing.
Eren still cares about Mikasa. It wouldn't be like Isayama to just pull a complete 180 out of the blue like that and not have a reason for it. I remember he said a while back that the thought of Mikasa having nothing else to cling to but Eren was sad and that she'll have to grow apart from him in order to get development, which I believe will happen soon. That doesn't mean that she can't still be happy with him though, so I'm sure this conflict will be resolved in some way near the end.
I think that Eren doesn't hate her but wants to make her free from her ackerbond. He would like to see her real self.
It's weird, but I think the extra attention Isa gave to Eren and Mikasa's relationship is actually a good thing, despite the negative context. As readers we're supposed to obviously know that Eren allegedly hating her is a white lie. Could he harbor resentment for a particular aspect of her character? Maybe. But it's already been blatant that he truly cared about her. I don't know if we're headed towards a tragic or satisfying ending from a shippers perspective, but I do believe that it indicates that we will get some sort of mutual acknowledgement of their real relationship. For starters though, we really need Isa to tell us what the hell's going on inside Eren's head.
I believe we need to get more info about Eren’s thoughts and intentions before assuming anything either good or bad about Eremika for now
We just need to wait for more chapters everyone. I still have faith💜✨💕 No one should go berserk or riot, not even later.💖✨🌅
"Only know you love her when you let her go", Eren gonna suffer because of this, one day.
I pity Eren for not being able to tell the truth about his feelings. It must hurt him to hurt Mikasa.
I hoping that the theory about eren being controlled by the will of the attack Titan is true and chapter 112 eren wasn't really "our" eren. Also, eren never hated Mikasa. The will of the attackTitan hates Mikasa. It even tried to kill her way back in season 1 while eren's consciousness was trapped in some fantasy where his parents were alive and he even saw Mikasa in it. If Mikasa can be so dear to him that she becomes an element of fantasy of security and family, then I'm sure our Eren never hated mikasa. So yeah. I'm hoping our Eren is still in there somewhere and will regain control of his consciousness and thus EMA will be a family again. Hoping. Fingers crossed.
There's a river called the Nile, I am in denial! (About what happened in chapter 112)
Eren doesn't hate Mikasa at all. Look at the court scene in chapter 19 when Eren defends her when they accuse her of being a monster and threatened to dissect her. Chapter 50 when he promises to wrap her up in her scarf again and again forever. As well as chapter 51 when Eren looks concerned as Mikasa lies down with broken ribs.
fuck you eren fuck youeren
That scene just hurt too much
Their relationship didn't ruined
I hate Eren now, though I really liked him very much before time skip. I don't know what I want more now: all of it to be a mistake/some cunning plan of Eren to save friends or I want Mikasa to be free from the feelings for this bastard and be happy on her own, without need to always protect and care about this stupid child Eren. Maybe still I like the first option more.
Sinceramente no creo que esto sea el final entre ellos, sino que es un preludio para que en un futuro cercano Eren se de cuenta de lo importante y de lo que tanto ama a Mikasa.
Mikasa will realize that she truly love Eren in a romantic way
I honestly think that their relationship is not going to end like this. I have a strong feeling that Isayama is going to make everything work out in the end for Eren and Mikasa, slowly but surely.
Chapter was powerful, yes, it hurt my shipper emotion, but powerful hands down. Isayama is genius.
Eren is cancelled
I think Eren has a goal in alienating his friends like this, he isn't just 100% apathetic toward them all of a sudden. He might be trying to keep them out of something BIG that's going to happen soon. Maybe his entire plan with Zeke is doomed to failure but for a greater goal, and he wants to keep them away from the losing side?
eren and mikasa’s bond is the only beautiful thing in this cruel world sO PLS STOP YOU GUYS DONT BE LIKE THIS 😭
Not need, but Eren is such a hoe. But I love him.. But he's still a bitch.. But I lo-
Eren is controlled by others so I believe he is kinda lying. He love Mikasa and Armin so much but now he has to hide it
Mikasa  should move on
Et tu Isayama
"stop being a bitch, eren." -- armin.
I mean what else would I have expected from this depressing af series
They still love each other regardless of what Eren says and how hurt Mikasa is. They're bond is too strong to be broken and thrown under the rug after 1 chapter.
Bless Armin for standing up for my girl.
2019 is our year, guys. Just wait.
Wouldn't be satisfied if they reconcile without Eren heavily kissing Mikasa ass tbh.
He seems hurt by the thought of hurting her.
The attack titan "always pushes forward" plus he's probably seen things via the paths hense Krugers whopping out the EMA
why you can't just be honest with each other guys? honesty is one of the important things in realationship
I have no idea what Eren's true objective is and I really want to know WHY he'd do that to his best friends. I mean I'm hella biased so I'll still be on his side even if it turns out he had no real excuse but...
I just wonder if he said that for mikasas own good,so she could have a life apart from him.
When Eren said that he hated Mikasa and was 'bullying' Armin around, I think he was really just lying to keep them away from him and not hurt them as a consequence of his future actions. I remember in a chapter where the new Levi Squad were building train tracks and Eren saying he cared about all of them. I bring this up because I truly believe that he still sticks to his words from that day, and is trying to push them away including Mikasa so they don't get killed like Sasha did.
Eren is playing 4D chess. Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt though.
we need another eren flashback okay
It was a (good) highly emotional chapter
Mikasa’s ackergene may have activated because of Eren, but she fell in love when he wrapped the scarf around her and extended friendship to her. Her love is true. Eren is just cray cray right now because he is influenced by memories/has spotty information.
I just want Eren to get hurt back by Mikasa herself
Eren truly is shocked from hurting Mikasa, he doesn't enjoy what he is doing.
Still wondering what is really going on in Eren's mind and his plan
Eren just want to keep safe her
per question above: Mikasa had protective feelings for him before he was a Titan which would still influence her feelings in the present, so I feel they have a genuine bond that's developed.
Isayama is just trying to make us hate Eren, and he knew this would hurt like a bitch! I have faith in our boi
It's pretty clear the truth isn't being spoken by Eren
It was both shocked and saddened to see them falling apart.
Mikasa is a strong character with potential. At this point I only want her to develop into the best strong girl boss she can be. As her own person with or without Eren.
I want to punch eren in the fucking face i want to dress him up like a cabbage and feed him to the snails
"Eren don’t you ever make my baby cry ever again or else
Mikasa is a little bit obsessed with Eren, so I understand why Eren used such cruel words, because they would get through her tick skull.
I think he lied to them (or at least told them half-truths), for what purpose I do not know. But if he really meant it he wouldn't look so hurt in that panel where Armin called him on his bullshit. Plus, I believe that if really believed in what he said, it would make his character irredeemable, and I don't think Isayama would ever do that (but that's just a guess though).
Sad babes
I feel like in this chapter that Eren is protecting Mikasa so she doesn't have to get hurt and Eren have to do that and I feel that Eren doesn't really mean all of that.
he’s definitely doing this to protect his friends
Fuck Eren in this chapter, but fuck Zeke more.
At this point Mikasa deserves better
I no longer ship them because Mikasa deserves so much better after everything she’s done to care for him. His words were too horrible, and therefore, they can never be a dignified ship again :(
Please wake up, Mikasa.
I await for a good Mikasa development arc and a tender Eremika and EMA reunion.
I want them to be back together again
They have'nt chemistry and common things.
It was cute and predictable
"just kiss already you two!" lol 1/2 jk
Eren is acting way too controversial recently. What he said isn't really what he truly feels, in my opinion.
I think, even though there was still emotional devastation on my part because of Mikasa and Armin’s reactions, it took a long time for me to evaluate the possibility that these were actually Eren’s words, since the whole thing was so bizarre and the degree to which he’s being controlled still hasn’t been clarified. I still believe that Zeke or Kruger may be influencing him, just because this is so antithetical to the Eren we know.
I think what Eren said is Isayama's way of setting up the inevitable confession of Eren's true romantic feelings for Mikasa somewhere along the way. I think Eren's pushing Mikasa (and the others) away so they won't get involved and be hurt on his future decisions, lest something bad happen to them. I've seen this thing happen before in other shonen stories, where the protagonist pushes away their potential romantic interest only to come back to them to apologize and confess. Idk I could be wrong though. I could never know what Isayama's really planning lmao
It's rewind time
it will give mikasa good character development
The ship is dead
If they were to mend back their bond, it wouldn't be the same as before. This is not a playground where they will all be happy. This is reality and they are bound to hurt each other whether they like it or not.
Eren is pulling the oldest trick in the trope book to try and force his friends away to protect them from his own fate
La ignorancia de Eren y el apego de Mikasa
Ok first of all Isayama himself said the Ackerbond is a CHOICE. Also even for Eren, that was an impressive amount of bullshit that came out of his mouth.
Eren looks so affected for Armin saying he made Mikasa suffer and we can appreciate he is truly hurt when he proves true that Mikasa is under influence of the Ackerbond while pushing Armin against the table. Plus, his reaction when Mikasa cries because she is disappointed of him in Liberio... thus it’s pretty obvious he DOESN’t HATE HER in my humble opinion.
I need to see the story through Eren's eyes again for me to have a solid opinion.
I think that deep down Eren is doing everything to make him see Mikasa as a woman and not as a second mother. Deep down I think he loves her as she loves her
Well, someone previously mentioned before the contradiction found between Eren declaring that Armin is becoming soft and the fact that Armin suggested to have a titan devour and inherit Eren's powers back at chapter 108 which i totally agree with. Thus, i believe that the full truth has not yet surfaced and that it is still too early to judge on things that happened in chapter 112.
I really want to what he has in mind currently.
Mikasa's bond to Eren seems way stronger than Levi's to Erwin or Kenny's to Uri, so I feel that it's half Ackerbond and half lust
Eren lied to protect his friends
I think it's funny how a whole fandom can just totally overlook every moment between the pairing because of one chapter🤷‍♀️
The chances for EreMika to become canon has increased and we might get a kiss and a sex scene between the two
I believe Eren is lying and Mikasa is really love Eren not because her ackerbond
I didn't expect this development so I still feel confused. I have a small hope Eren at least admits to himself he loves Mikasa.
I think Eren is brainwashed by Zeke. Also clearly hurt by the thought of his relationship/friendship with Mikasa being fabricated by her Ackerman genes since IMO he confessed back to her when he said he’d wrap her scarf as many times as she wants.. when she was about to kiss him cause she thought it was the end of both of their lives. Furthermore, whatever his plan is I think he wanted to keep Mikasa & Armin out of it to protect them cause i do not believe he could just start to hate them overnight. I hope this situation is temporary.
He doesn't hate her. How could he? I only hope her not to forgive him too soon (for herself, I mean). And I hope her to express her feelings just to, maybe, feel better.
@ eren why you gotta hurt her like that, MAMA DIDN’T RAISE YOU LIKE THIS!
Eren is obviously hurt for hurting his friends
I'll just wait for future chapters. Don't wanna make early conclusion
Lmao Yams is trolling
I have faith in eremika
I know mikasa won't end up with eren, but I just wish eren has same feeling like her.
I REALLY FUCKING HOPE eren is going to feel sorry for what he said to her, and that they‘re going to make up!
Eren is so blantantly obviously lying. Maybe Mikasas Ackerman genes have a bit to do with her protective nature, but not her feelings for Eren. There may have been times where Eren was frustrated with Mikasa, but he never has hated her. There is so much canon evidence he cares about her. For example him showing concern about her widget loss, the blushing scene, and him standing by her when she was injured. Much more where that came from. Maybe he said he hated her because he thought her Ackerman genes have control over all her feelings (which I don’t believe to be true, but perhaps he does.) Thus, sets her free because he cares about her that much.
it hurts eren to hurt his friends but he's got limited options here.
Eren better apologize to mikasa
I honestly think Eren's lying. We all know he's never been a good bullshitter, and he's transparent as HELL im 112, so tbh, i think he's partially being controlled be zeke who probably forced Eren to do what he did, and that he didn't mean what he said to Armin and Mikasa, and that he's doing it to keep them out of danger. Relationships like that don't just break off because someone said something hurtful. There's history behind the EMA friendship, and considering the type of person Eren is, he wouldn't just backstab them like that and tell them all those things, especially if he knew they'd cut deep. Eren's just a really, REALLLLYYYY terrible ass liar. (Wow i wrote a book here)
Something is up with Eren. While I think what he said seems harsh and unfair, I think what he’s expressing is true but the reasoning is off. I dunno how to explain its like... Eren isn’t the kind of person to say something like this for dramatic effect or do I see how pointless drama serves this kind of story at all. That and Mikasa’s reaction to what he said and her own doubts I can’t ignore that as much as I want to. Something is up but I think there’s is some truth in there
As much as I like Eremika I want Mikasa to get rid of Eren.
Eren you bastard... why are you like this
It hurt Eren when Armin said that, his face says it all .. just that Eren got mad because he got a reaction out of it
Fuck u eren
The points he makes are quite logical, but the bond between them and the strong development of their relationship throughout the years  just make every harsh thing he said sound really really odd and although sounding like a truth - give the feeling of an utter lie
bitch i was ready to swing this edgy hobo boi is on some dumb shit obviously lying out of his ass to keep them safe or make them hate him for their own well being but he went too far with mikasa >:c
I believe Eren is simply way too aware of his and everyone's on the island deadly position/situation (Sarah's death definitely triggered him,too) hence his harsh words towards Mikasa and Armin in order to push them away and making whatever Eren has to do in order to safe them easier (i strongly believe Eren will die by the end of the series)
I wanna see more pain. (I’m sorry, I like the angst)
Just makes me sad that their relationship has always & seemingly will always be based around tragedy
Im scared and excited at the same time
Zeke's a liar and must die for giving Eren this bogus intel. Also, this scene is really similar to that anime only one from EP2, isn't it? It's the scene where Mikasa punches Eren after he implies Armin is a parasite, has to be canon now that Isayama is approving changes. If there's anything to call a smoking gun over disproving supposed genetic influences, this would be it.
Mikasa is most likely a key character in understanding Eren's behavior and general goal. For me this dark turn clearly paves the way to some juicy development in the future.
He might just be pushing her away so that when he dies she can more easily move on.
Maybe he purposely wanted to hurt her because he thought it was best for her for some reason. Maybe he’ll do something dangerous and he didn’t want her to be involved so he tried to push her away (don’t know, I’m just hoping so much that this will turn out to be positive)
I'm so sad y'all
Bull *wait for it* shit
I'm more confused, baffled and kind of amused at Eren than sad or even angry. It's just... what the fuck? Like, yeah, he's been all mysterious and shady for a while now, but this??? wth
Eren and Mikasa forever !  Seriously 112 was tough but we all know that Eren never hated Mikasa , what he did was because he had to .
There will be world war against eldians and eren tries to break his bond with mikasa cuz she should go to hiruzu far away from war. She is no eldian and eren thinks it's not her war.
Feel like Eren thought the only way to make mikasa free was to try and cut the “ackerbond”
chapter 50 exists and shows Eren's real feelings!! all's good!!
Eren might have memories from previous titans overlapping with his own memories and feelings - hence the change of attitude
Eren doesn’t hate Mikasa and doesn’t hate the fact that she’s an Ackerman. He was and always will be her family before anything, I know that he wants to set her free from her ackerbond and I know that he’s hurt from the inside cause he’s causing so much pain to his only family left but I know deep down that he still loves her and cares for her. I was never affected by the whole ‘Eren hates mikasa she should forget him he’s ungrateful and blah blah’ cause eventually he’s doing everything for his friends just like what he told them in CH108  I know I’m not the only one who believes this. In the end it’s up to isayama to decide everything and I hope that Eremika will end up together due to many factors that I can’t explain but clear in both the manga and the anime <3
I think Eren’s just going through some shit right now/is being manipulated by Zeile and hopefully Mikasa will help him come to his senses soon.
She deserves better
Eren is trying to cut off the ties he has to people important in his life.
bless Armin for saying: this is what you wanted??: the "frEed0m" to hurt Mikasa? fuck Eren, ackerbond or not what the motherfucking fuck are you thinking??
Pues creo q Eren solo dijo eso para proteger a sus amigos
There has to be a plan up his sleeves. A plan that temporarily had to sacrifice his relationship with the closest two people in his life but in turn it will protect them and they will one day realise this fact. I am just petrified that by then Eren could be dead. Isayama will finish me off if this turns out to be his plan all along.
2.7) Did Chapter 112 affect the shippers’ feels for eremika?
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A bit less than 8% of the respondents are thinking about stopping shipping Eren and Mikasa or they don’t ship them anymore (74% of the people that checked this option have another hetero ship as their OTP and around 19% have a male/male ship as their OTP. None of the pickers of this option has eremika as their main ship, they either dropped it already or they never actually had it as a main)
Chapter 112 didn’t actually affect the feels for the pairing for 33% of the shippers, while it made 21.3% of the respondents to ship eremika even harder. 
There’s also the people (27%) that got affected by what happened in 112 but are trying to remain positive about the future of the ship and, on the other hand, less than 11% of the respondents are feeling down about it.  
2.8) Despite everything going on in the manga, 53.4% of the respondents still have high to very high feelings toward the ship, while 19.9% have very low to low feels toward it. The remaining 26.8% are in some sort of shipping limbo, they don’t ship them too hard nor too little.
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2.9) "I'll wrap you up in it again... Again and again. Forever." Will Eren's promise be ever brought up again?
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The majority of the respondents (70.2%) consider Eren’s promise to Mikasa has to be addressed again in the manga, while 24.3% are not so sure about it happening and 5.5% think it won’t be brought up again.
2.10) Considering everything that's going on in the manga, do you think Eren and Mikasa will become a canon couple at the end?
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47.1% of the respondents think there’s a high chance for the ship to become canon by the end of the manga - almost 9% of them claim to have always been sure about it happening. 23.6% don’t know what to think anymore due to confusion or other reasons (Ereh, pls) and almost 14% don’t mind if the ship become canon or not.
15.4% don’t think the ship will become canon or that it sunk already. From this percentage of people, about 76% of them don’t have eremika as their main ship. Something similar happens with the ones that don’t mind the ship becoming canon or not.
Regarding the last four questions of this section, and to no one’s surprise, the more you ship a pairing the more positive you are about thinking it may become an official thing one day, meaning you consider the characters can overcome the obstacles or see these obstacles as chances.
The less you ship a pairing, the less you care about it becoming canon or you are more prone to interprete any obstacle between the characters as a signal of a doomed ship. This doesn’t surprise anyone either.
3.1) Around 46% of the respondents look for eremika content often to very often while 32% never or almost never does. 22% do it sometimes.
3.2) The favorite type of content that the shippers look for is Fanart with 47.6% of the preferences, followed by Fanfiction (24.6%) and written analysis or discussions about the ship (21.6%). Edits or memes and videos only got 4% and 2.2% of the preferences, respectively. No one chose cosplay as their favorite type of content.
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3.3) With 399 responses, the frequency that the shippers reblog, retweet or like fanarts / edits 41.4% often to very often, 34.5% almost never or never do it and sometimes 24.1% of them do.
3.4) With 371 responses, around 44% of the shippers say they never (29.4%) or almost never give some sort of feedback to EM Fanfiction writers… which, sadly, isn’t unforeseen. A bit more than 17% claim to do it very often and about 39% do it sometimes or often.
3.5) 39% of the respondents have at least once made content for eremika and 31% still create content for the ship.
This section was optional and 73 content creators responded to it. 
4.1) Around 60% of them are Fanfiction writers, 37% are fanartists, 20.5% are graphic makers and/or analysis writers, 8% of them make videos and almost 3% do cosplay. Other responses included writing headcanons, EM Facebook page and group admin, sewing EM plushies plus photographing and editing the pictures to add dialogue and effects, animations and someone will try their best at fanart.
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4.2) Their favorite kind of content to create is Angst with 20.5% of the preferences, followed by Fluff (13.7%) and Smut (8.2%). 35.6% of the respondents stated to like all the types of content listed: Fluff, Angst, Smut and Humorous. A bit more than 12% claim to not really have a favorite kind of content. Other responses included “Fluffy and Humorous”, “a mix of angst yet powerful”, “canon compliant stuff”, “angsty, fluff”, “[...] all eremika content is GOOD FOR THE SOUL” and “I like to write rated M stories that don't just focus on the smut factor of the rating.”
4.3) On how often they create and publish their content, about 29% rarely do, over 27% do it once every a couple of months, 15% do it monthly and less than 10% do it at least once a week. Other responses included whenever they feel like it or are inspired and have time to do so, someone “create a fair bit but rarely publish anything”, someone else tries everyday to do something even if it’s not EM related, a writer used to update their fanfic monthly but nowadays barely writes, someone never publishes what they make but gives it to their close friends, a fanartist draw eremika all the time but never publishes it because they “know no one will like it”, someone else talk about EM with a friend everyday and they theorize together, and a writer used to write often but they rarely do anymore and it seems it’s been more than a year since they did.
4.4) Most of the respondents rate the support of the eremika fandom toward their content as regular (31.5%), a bit more than 23% rate it as very high, almost 25% as high and 20.6% as very low or low.
4.5) 42.5% of the respondents consider they help circulate other people’s creations very often while around 58% do it sometimes or often. Less than 3% said they never help to do so.
5.1) This section was optional, except for the fandom and social media question, in which 72.3% of the respondents said to participate on Tumblr, almost 35% of them on Reddit, around 23% on Twitter and 17.7% on Discord. There are mentions of other social medias like Instagram (less than 8%), Facebook (a bit more than 2%), Youtube (1%) and Amino, Pinterest, a French forum, 4chan, DeviantArt, Fanfiction.net, Archiveofourown, Wattpad and real life. 5.5% of the respondents stated they don’t participate in Fandom.
5.2) In terms of geographical location, 47.5% of the 398 respondents to this question are from the American continent, almost 35% are from Europe, 13.6% from Asia, 2.3% from Oceania and 2% from Africa.
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5.3) The native language of the respondents, considering 390 responses:
English 43.8%
Spanish 13.8%
French 5.1%
Italian 4.4%
German 4.1%
Russian 3.6%
Arabic 3.1%
Filipino / Tagalog 2.5%
Portuguese 2.3%
1.8% Hindi, Indonesian
1.5% Greek, Polish 
1.3% Mandarin Chinese
1% Dutch
0.8% Swedish (one of them also speaks Thai), 
0.5% Thai, Malay / Malayalam, Finnish, Romanian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Serbian, Bulgarian, 
At least one of the respondents speaks either Hebrew, Tamil, Welsh, Ukrainian, Urdu, Danish, Hungarian, Cebuano, Turkish, Bengali, Cantonese, Bisaya and Sami. 
5.4) When it comes to age ranges, almost 62% of the 398 EM shippers that responded to this question are between 18 and 24 years-old, 21.6% are between 13 and 17 years-old, 15.1% are between 25 and 34 years-old and only 1.5% are between 35 and 44 years-old.
5.5) 396 people responded to the gender question and the majority of them identify themselves as Female (70.5%), 24.5% as Male and 3.8% as Non-binary. One person identified themselves as demi-girl and someone else stated they didn’t want to say it. 
5.6) Finally, regarding the sexual orientation of the 388 respondents to this question, 64.2% are Heterosexual / Straight while 35.8% are among the LGBTQ+ spectrum: 13.7% are Bisexual, 9% don’t know or aren’t sure about their sexuality, almost 4% are Asexual, 3.4% are Pansexual, 2.3% are Demisexual, almost 2% are Gay / Lesbian and less than 1% are Queer. Other replies include Pan-Demiromantic and Lesbian/Asexual.
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adecila · 5 years
Hi. Are you going to do the 2nd ep preview post? I would like to read your opinion.
Hi anon, thank you for being so patient. I watched the promo a bunch of times and I also saw the stills from the episode. Now, in case you avoid spoilers, I am not saying I have them, but I am not sure which information was confirmed by the show runners in interviews by now. I don’t count trailers, promo pics and still as spoilers. If the information comes from an interview, trailer or other official sources, it ain’t a spoiler. 
Moving on..
1. Jaime vs Dany ... 
I have seen some people are talking about Jaime’s trial in episode 2 but I was very confused. I was telling a few friends last night - nowhere have I seen it confirmed. I think someone speculated Jaime is on trial and the entire fandom ran with it. Happens a lot. No, we haven’t had any confirmation this is a trial. And I know people think this is the case because he is standing, you have armed guards behind him somewhere, you get a Dany table and a Jon table... well... no. I disagree. 
Is this meant to somehow parallel the Tyrion trial(s)? No... I don’t think so. Mind you, Jaime is not in chains. This to me looks a lot like a petitioner to the court would be received. You have the monarch (in this case the alliance - Dany in the middle, flanked by Jon and S.nsa), and then you have the rest of the court. Plus, it has been established the North side doesn’t like the Dany side, hence the two tables, hence they sit separately since the Northern Lords are like YoU cAn’T SiT WiTh Us. The guards would and should be there by default. Jaime is standing because he is addressing the Ruler. 
Keep in mind, the previous episode finished with Jaime arriving in incognito mode in WF. Maybe Bran calls the guards and Jaime is taken into the Great Hall to explain himself - not only is he arriving in non Lannister colours, he is also arriving by himself. He’s got some explaining to do, since last these people have met, he was to march to Winterfell with an army to aid in the fight against the Army of the dead. 
About Dany’s discourse - Dany and Jaime haven’t officially met. He tried killing her on the Field of Fire 2.0 and he almost got roasted by her baby Drogon (*pets* the best son ever). They also crossed paths in the Dragon Pit Summit (LMAO idk why I am calling it that; I guess it’s because fake truce or armistice is too much; oooooh let’s call it a parley). But they haven’t actually spoken. And Dany has some things to say to the man who killed her father. In my opinion (but who the fuck knows anymore since the writing is killing me and after episode 1 I have so little faith), Dany will have her Queen mask on, she is angry because quite frankly WHERE THE FUCK IS THE ARMY BITCH. Like ofc this means Cersei betrayed them, you don’t need a genius (*cough* S.. *cough*) to tell you that if he is travelling low key and alone. 
Dany needs closure. She will probably tell Jaime - listen, my brother told me all about you; because you killed my dad we had to flee; because you killed my dad we were poor and starving and on the run; the only thing that made us keep going was fantasising about all the ways we would kill you to avenge our father. I don’t blame them, tbh, it’s quite normal, considering what Viserys was feeding her. But! Dany knows now that Viserys was lying; that her father was a mad man. She knows this from Barristan Selmy. So I am REALLY hoping that heavy and meaningful speech that is making Jaime shit his pants (fo real look at his face lmao someone gif it pls) and Tyrion to look 10 years older is ending in something along the lines of “My daddy was cray cray; you did good; you can live; but try to kill me again and you die.” 
Why? Because it makes sense, and because we have seen Jaime fighting in the trailer, so we know he survives this meeting. 
On the other hands, the Starks also have beef with Jaime fookin Lannister - honestly get in line. 
Now... do I think Bran Starkashian the drama queen (present at the meeting) will drop the bomb that Jaime pushed him out the window? Hmmm... I cannot make up my mind. My issue is that if he does, then it’s gonna create more drama, and after episode 1 I think the writers can bring it up and just gloss over it (ugh remember how they dropped the Viserion is a wight news?). But, I also think that since Bran isn’t Bran anymore, then what does this matter to him? If this were still Bran, sure I could have seen a point in revealing it. They could also just do a Bran vs Jaime scene in which Jaime goes to apologise and Bran just says some trippy shit. 
2. S.ansa vs Dany in the Library (sitting in a tree K-I-.. neah we’re not there yet)
So, as it’s framed, I am guessing Sansa says something to Jaime, hence the look Dany has on her face at the table in the Great Hall - must be something surprising. Then I guess we get their private meeting over how y’all bitches should have never trusted Cersei. I guess S.ansa is at least directly talking to Dany not instead of, ya know, AT HER or ABOUT HER. We also have a still with a fake Dany smile, but I am hoping for some meaningful dialogue here. Dany and S.ansa have quite a lot in common so I really want some meaningful chat here so we can move the fuck on from the train wreck that was the episode 1 welcome. Will this be the episode the writers let S.ansa actually use her brain? We’ll see in 80-ish hours. 
3. Jorah x Varys x Tyrion and then some Sam and some Gilly stills 
I think this is either before or after a joint small council meeting. But since Dany is in her white outside coat again, then it must be after Tormund x Edd arrive. They look intense so maybe it’s more likely afterwards. Maybe something happens in that meeting. 
Also the stills of Jon x Arya and the one of Sam x Jon look from the same place. Sam’s intense look shows me that he might have some residual tension with Jon after that shit reveal. Jondry 5eva.  
The still of Sam x Gilly x Little Sam on the bed is so cuuuute. I hope this is post the crypt discussion with Jon and it’s when GIlly knocks some sense into it. Alternatively, it can be the night before the war for some more extra feels. 
4.  The Forge x Arya 
Guessing Arya is going to Gendry to pick up her new weapon and to deliver her Many Faces speech. Is she saying it to Gendry? I think so. Guess this is also where we gonna see sexy Gendry hehe *Gendrya intensifies*
5. And then it gets weird to me... two battle scenes? MAYBE? WHO THE HELL KNOWS ANYMORE
When I first saw the troops moving in the day, I said cool beans, so maybe preparations. But then I see a catapult going off during the day? And more stress? And more people moving. Tormund x Edd arrive during the day too. And we know they are technically behind the dead, since Last Hearth, where Ned Umber was supposed to be was already passed by the dead (since we got the message) so they can’t be arriving before the dead, can they? So how come they arrive and deliver a “they are coming message” and Jon asks how long do they have? How can they be moving faster than the dead? These aren’t slow zombies and Tormund x Edd don’t have a snowmobile laying around. Do they? 
But then you have night battle scenes or rather preparations: Missandei x Grey Worm kiss, Jorah with Heartsbane I hope (I hope this is Sam’s token of I have been a shitty boy to your Queen pls say sorry), Arya with a bow (I am so turned on btw), Jorah riding with the Dothraki, Tyrion on the battlements, Jon on the battlements, Lyanna Mormont in armour!!!! So something is happening as night too. Is this a continuation from the day prep? Is this something else entirely? Then why fire the catapult? Is it a test? Am I overanalysing? Certainly. 
What is sure though is that we won’t get a battle this episode, we will get the build up to it and everything in between. 
6. Jonerys in the crypts 
Ah again some actual leak info I have from when Friki was still allowed to talk (nothing new, just something he has already said), but I’d rather say in a different post. So this is clearly not following the Sam x Jon chat, since here Jon has his furs, and Dany is dressed again in her outside white fur coat. My bet is this is just before the battle, and Jon went to pay his respects to his dad (and mom?) one last time, because he is an emo sad boy. 
Is this about the reveal? Hmmm not so sure. It is very reminiscent of the Dragon Pit when Jon was sad he had fucked up with Cersei and Dany went to console him. Maybe this is post small council and Dany also goes to console him (she is wearing the white coat there). 
7. More small stuff from the stills that we didn’t get from the promo
Tyrion drinking in front of a fire - maybe he is with Bran, since he is also pictured close/next to a hearth. 
Sansa eating - she could be in the Great Hall. She looks quite relaxed so idk maybe this is in a more informal setting. Maybe it’s the same as the one with Tyrion. 
Bran in front of the Heart Tree during the day - I am hoping one more vision. Maybe this is before Tormund x Edd arrive? Or after? Is Bran trying to see the NK again? 
Gilly outside - maybe she is talking to Davos who seems to be in similar setting in a different still? 
I think I might have skipped some stuff, but feel free to ask :)
I have quite high hopes for this episode. I am hoping it will end the fucking drama once and for all and I am hoping they let Dany speak for herself more, since she was really toning it down in episode 1, in hopes of appeasing the North. But since that didn’t work, I am so fucking ready to see the Dany we know and love. The Queen we chose. 
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Hey, darling! May I please get a ship (Queen and Bo Rhap)? At first people may consider me as shy and distant but that immediately changes when I'm comfortable with you. Then I'm really chatty, sarcastic and kind and would love to give advice if needed. I'd like to think I'm smart. I hate talking about politics and religion. I'm a chubby hetero girl who has long hair and black (like my soul lol) eyes. Sometimes I don't pay attention at my surroundings, I'm just daydreaming a lot. Perfectionist.
god i’ve tried starting this like 100 times but recovering from spring break is killing me
SORRY FOR THE SLOW TURNOVER yall i’m drowning in projects so they’ll come when they come tbh
anyways!!! ships below the cut
For Queen, I ship you with John Deacon! (ignore roger in the gif even tho he cute as hell)
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I think both Roger and Brian are far too opinionated and politically-driven to mesh well with you. However, John doesn’t concern himself with those things nearly as much. He keeps to himself, and he doesn’t flaunt his opinions, and that works really well for you two. Religion may be a place where you disagree a bit, but he doesn’t force his religion on you at all. 
Plus, he loves the similarities between the two of you. The initial awkwardness made you both realize that you were one and the same, so you quickly attached to each other upon realizing that your proclivity towards quietness/shyness is just a sort of temporary wall that you only have up for strangers.
And since you’re a chatty girl, I think you met Deacon through Freddie. You and Freddie were friends through school and he invited you to one of his gigs because he swore he’d found your match made in heaven.
Although you didn’t particularly like his blind date setups, he seemed very insistent on this one, so you begrudgingly agreed to put on your best dress and come out to see them play. 
“You’re gonna love him. He’s a little sweetheart, really!” Freddie gushed as he wrapped his arm up in yours, pulling you through the crowded bar towards the door that led back to the makeshift dressing rooms. It was the earlier Queen years, where they were still playing pubs and colleges, and you’d apparently happened to show up on the night where they played the smallest pub they could have found. As a result, their backstage area was... well, a bit cramped.
“Freddie, what if he doesn’t like me?” you asked nervously, tugging him to a stop just outside where the other three were.
“Like who?” Roger asked, popping his head through the curtain before looking directly at you and smiling. You’d already met a few times at Freddie’s (Deacon never really went there much), and he’d grown to like teasing you about your aversion for politics. “Well, look who it is. You hear about Heath and Whitelaw and the IRA?”
“Roger, if you start talking politics right now, I’ll keel over and die before the show even starts. Would you like that?” Freddie groaned, pushing Roger back into the curtain before turning to you and taking your face in his hands. “And he’ll love you. I promise.”
“Love who?” you heard from inside the curtain, the voice sounding soft and prim and unmistakably like Brian. “Roger, paws off my beer, thank you. Don’t think for a second that I won’t wallop you.” Yep. That was Brian.
Before you had time to make a dash for the door, Freddie tugged you through the curtain, where you nearly ran into Roger as he backed away from an irritated Brian. Between the two of them was a young-looking man, maybe 20ish, with beautiful brown hair that cascaded down over his shoulders and silvery-green eyes that nearly made your eyes go like those cartoons where they turn into hearts and pop right out of your skull.
As beautiful as he was, it was only made even better when he gave you a painfully shy smile that had just the slightest gap in the front. He put his hands down, having been in the midst of breaking the two morons up. “Sorry,” he managed to say quietly, addressing you and Freddie, but mainly you. “Didn’t want them having a row before we played.”
“That’s alright,” you replied gently, returning the smile and letting go of Freddie’s arm. “I know how they can be. Especially Roger.”
“Well, hello, love,” Brian greeted cheerily, blissfully unaware of John and you lowkey making googly eyes at each other., and he came in to give you a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, which you reciprocated. “Haven’t seen you in ages. Has Freddie dragged you down to one of our shows, finally?”
“Well, he said I have someone to meet,” you replied unsurely, smiling a bit nervously before glancing over at Deacon, who was just to Brian’s left and still watching you quietly. “I’m assuming this is him?”
Your question was confirmed by a nod from Freddie, who went through a surprisingly only moderately painful introduction for the two of you. There was some small talk, but you didn’t get the chance to feel a conversation out before it was time for them to play. 
However, John pulled on his big boy pants after the show and bought you a drink, then managed to find a space at the bar where the boys couldn’t bother you, and from there, you bonded incredibly fast.
Nothing like sharing a general distaste for the drummer’s political hogwash.
Anyways, you started to hang around Deacon’s more often, Freddie complaining that he meant to bring Deacon around his place more often by acquainting the two of you. He’d managed to achieve the opposite - more often than not, you weren’t at Freddie’s now. 
You were with John instead, just spending time with him and only him. He was a lot of fun to talk to, particularly because his sarcasm matched yours really well, and he was able to have deep conversations with you without challenging your anti-political/religious stances.
One time in particular, you were both sitting on the bus late one night on your way back from Freddie’s, elbows bumping in the most unsatisfactory of ways - but it was okay, because the two of you were laughing at Roger’s latest conquest he’d brought that night. He had forgotten her name, which John hadn’t let him hear the last of all night.
“All I’m saying is that I wouldn’t be heartbroken if Roger conveniently forgot my name,” you giggled softly, shaking your head. “He’s got more notches on that bedpost than I’ve got hairs on my head.”
“A bit harsh, but you’re not wrong,” John laughed along, looking ahead of him and smiling for a moment before intentionally bumping you with his elbow and turning to you again. “Promise I’d never forget your name. As long as you don’t forget mine, that is.”
The sudden sweetness (and shameless flirt) made your cheeks turn a light pink, but since you no longer had your guard up around the man you’d seen become your closest friend as of lately, you didn’t back down.
“Forget your name? Don’t make me laugh, Mister.... er, remind me again?”
“Oh, you’re such a comedian,” he groaned, playfully crossing his arms as he slumped in the seat a bit. After a moment of thinking, he snickered to himself, a sign that he’d thought of something that probably was only funny to him. But he said it anyways. “If I ask you out now, would it be considered a blind date since you don’t know my name, apparently?”
You were right. It wasn’t that funny. But it was kind of cute, in an endearing dork sort of way, and that was basically John in a nutshell. And he was being far more direct than he’d ever been before, which was saying something... because that question still wasn’t direct.
“Why don’t you find out?” you teased gently, but there weren’t any malicious or ill-intended undertones to your voice. There was a kindness to it instead, one that fueled John’s confidence and coaxed him out of his shell - your kindness always brought out a more confident version of John. He was able to be himself around you, a more sure self.
“Would you let me take you on a blind date tomorrow, then? To the Italian place just down the street?” he asked, smiling a bit shyly, but still warmly, over at you. And you returned the smile, just like when you met.
“Of course. What kind of guy should I look for when I get there?”
“Oh, about 6′4, incredibly fit. Great hair, too.”
And for BoRhap, I ship you with Joe Mazzello! (the deacy duo wow blessed)
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I think Gwilym’s a bit too political for you, and Ben, although sweet, probably would egg on your perfectionism too much. Despite his rough-seeming qualities, at his basis element, he’s pretty type-A (look at his fashion sense, for example - only someone with a type-A personality dresses that well in an AIRPORT. I bet you’ve got hella fashion in the airport. Y’all would stress each other out in that respect, even though you’re not completely type-A from the sounds of it).
And although we love Rami, I think he’d be a bit too awkward to hit it off with you romantically. But, you definitely could be friends. And that’s how you would meet Joe, who is just dweeby enough yet outgoing enough to really mesh well with you.
You’d probably meet Joe by chance when you stop by Rami’s. And as chance would also have it, you would have no idea that Joe was there, so when you immediately start talking once Rami invites you in, your chatty Cathy nature and general unawareness makes you completely oblivious to Joe until you literally run right into him.
“Rams, if I had a dollar for every time you managed to remember to grab ALL of your things before you left my apartment, I’d be broke. Boxers this time, really? How do you forget those, you didn’t even had a second outfit, did you? You worry me,” you rambled as you walked in, handing him a bag that contained his missing boxers. He followed you down the hallway, grumbling as he did so.
“Thanks for bringing them here. But I absolutely had a second outfit in my bag. I’m not a heathen, you know!”
“Thank God you’re not a heathen, I was so worried,” you teased playfully, giving him a playful eyeroll before you rounded the corner into the kitchen and ran straight into another human. A yelp escaped your lips as you barely managed to catch the bowl of popcorn that you’d knocked out of his hands, some of it spilling directly onto your shirt and getting just a bit of butter stains on the fabric.
All Rami could do was snicker to himself as you stared at Joe, still a bit shocked by the abrupt encounter. And Joe, ever the blushing dweeb, was already laughing at himself and apologizing profusely while Rami grabbed paper towels.
“I am so sorry, what a terrible first impression!” Joe laughed, taking the popcorn back from you carefully before sitting it on the counter and watching you with a curious, yet guilty look as Rami returned with a few paper towels, handing them to you so you could clean up a bit.
“Oh, it’s my fault!” you dismissed quietly, your voice still a bit shy but sure enough to let Joe know that you didn’t blame him. “I didn’t pay attention to where I was going.” You laughed to yourself as you cleaned your shirt off as best as you could. Meanwhile, Rami put in another bag of popcorn to pop, then hung back while he observed the two of you awkwardly trying to salvage the situation.
“Well, either way, I’m so sorry!” Joe apologized again, tugging on his collar a bit nervously. When you were quiet in response, far too shy to try another joking response to someone you didn’t recognize, Joe shot Rami a quick look that could only be a cry for help.
“This is Joe,” Rami interjected, leaning on the counter as he gave you both an amused smile. “And this is Y/N. I think I’ve told you both about each other.”
“Is this the Pacific guy?” you asked, pointing to Joe as you looked at Rami questioningly. He nodded, and you grinned a bit as you looked back at Joe. “Rami seems to have a bit of a crush on you, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Oh, and I have just as big of a crush on him, for sure,” Joe joked back without missing a beat, sending Rami a quick wink before he grinned back at you, slightly intrigued by your wittiness despite being so quiet. 
But when you were quiet in response again, he just took it as an invitation to keep talking, which is exactly what you needed - Joe taking charge of the conversation from the get go greatly helped your initial awkwardness, and made the situation not so quiet and uncomfortable. Which, in turn, boosted your confidence a bit and made you not so distant in the future.
“And if you’re Y/N, that means I’ve heard quite a few things about you. Rami also speaks pretty highly of you, and returning his nasty ol’ boxers? Admirable.”
“Oh my god, Joe, don’t talk shit about my boxers like I’m not right here!” Rami interjected, making a jokingly hurt face as he picked up the boxers and stalked out of the room with them. As he left, the microwave stopped and Joe walked over to retrieve the popcorn, bringing it over to the bowl carefully.
“Promise I won’t spill this one on you.”
After that, you joined their movie night and you found you had a lot in common with Joe - he was very much like Rami in the sense that he was a big dork, which you immediately hooked on to. 
But he was also very charming when he wanted to be, which he definitely wanted to be around you. From the moment he saw you, he was pretty entranced by the long hair-dark eye combo. You looked like some sort of Lady Godiva character, and he found that attractive from the very beginning. And it goes without saying that he was pretty cute too.
So one day, when you were out on the town with just him and you mentioned cutting your hair just in passing, you thought he was about to have a heart attack.
“What? No!” he’d immediately protested, looking at you like he’d seen a ghost. You were both headed home from a game that he’d bought tickets for as a sort of date thing - you were both still feeling things out, but definitely had some sort of feelings for each other (yes, Rami was a proud momma hen when he found out). You’d noticed that you sort of liked the look of your hair when it was behind your shoulders, about shoulder length, when you were putting on his baseball cap.
“My god, Joe, are you gonna be alright?” you laughed, giving him a gentle nudge with your elbow as you both exited the subway car at his stop. Like clockwork, you both headed up to the east exit, on his side of the street. “You’re acting like it’s the end of the world. I didn’t say I was going to cut it. I just think it looks kinda cute short.”
“So you’re not cutting it?” he asked hopefully, looking over at you with an equally hopeful look as you ascended the steps together, walking in sync. “You better not be. I’ll fight hand and teeth for you to not cut it.”
“Would it really be a crime if I did?” you teased gently, reaching the top of the steps with him and heading for his apartment. After a moment of contemplation, he looked over at you. To help his deliberations, you pulled your hair back over your shoulders and gathered up the rest of it in your hand, hiding the length of it. With that, he sighed.
“Damn it, you’re right. You’re even cute with short hair.” Grumbling to himself a bit too much, he unlocked the front door to his apartment building and held the door open for you while you giggled softly at his melodramatic annoyance. “Oh, hush. You knew that I’d lose this argument, didn’t you?”
“Well, it wasn’t really an argument. You never got the chance in the first place,” you reminded him, and he gave you a playful eyeroll as you both got in the elevator together. When the doors closed, it was quiet again. A bit more quiet than either of you would have liked. 
But, the quiet did bring one good thing. Joe got the balls to say what was on his mind, mainly because the silence had spooked him a bit. Unbeknownst to him, you were just partially zoned out, easily having lapsed into a daydream that may or may not have been about Joe.
(It was.)
His voice did lull you out of the dreamlike state, though, and you listened as the elevator slowly rose through the building. “I just really like your long hair. You look like a badass, it’s really cute. But you also look like a badass with short hair, so that’s completely unfair to my case, you know? I guess I’m just trying to tell you to stop being cute, please and thank you. It would make my life a lot easier and asking you out on another date a lot less stressful.”
“That is.... so cheesy, Joe. But thanks,” you laughed, giving him another gentle nudge. This one, he returned, along with a goofy smile that made your heart melt. “And right back at you.”
“Wow, you think I’d be cute with long hair? I’m flattered.”
“Oh my god. The last part, smartaleck. Why do I even go on dates with you?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I guess I’m lucky we’re both cute.”
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illkickyourbass · 5 years
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Y’all are too damn kind to this bananastan. <3 Here we go! 
What do they smell like? 
Ran smells lightly of nice hair wax and cat. Once upon a time, he probably smelled like BPAL’s Whiff Lash -- aftershave, oiled leather, and dumb teenage band rat trying to prove everything to anyone who’d listen. 
What’re their favorite smells? 
There’s three of ‘em:
The hot, stuffy, stink of sweat and bad cologne at a small concert in a tiny venue, about two-thirds of the way through the setlist. Everyone’s tired but still shouting, thrashing, and giving their all. Sometimes the post-concert greenroom with all of Starish and Quartet Night heaving and fanning themselves smells just like that, too.
Dry cat food
There’s a nostalgic, delicious smell from childhood he’s never quite managed to figure out, something that sits in between Japan’s and the West’s cuisine. One of the few home-cooked meals from his mother, maybe, or maybe it was just something the hired nannies or chefs made frequently -- most of childhood has become vague and full of holes, so he’s not really sure. He’s figured out that typical family restaurant dishes that’ve reinterpreted Western food, just like his signature omurice, give him something close. And it’s that smell -- the one from family restaurant kitchens -- that he likes, because it’s something in his own power to grasp and realize and a reminder he can pick his own damn family. 
What do they wear to sleep? 
Black sweatshirts during winter, and printed boxers/lounge pants that aren’t especially outlandish but also don’t clash with his aesthetic where appropriate. (So...lots of plaid, haha.) More importantly, soft old band tees, the print cracked and ratty-looking on a couple of them. Some are from his old acts that came so close to being something, others concerts he attended. He tried to throw ‘em out as he left those pains and that life behind, but couldn’t ever quite do it. 
My favorite ship and a headcanon about them: 
Eh, I don’t have a favorite Ranmaru ship since he goes so well with so many, but I think Ran/Natsuki doesn’t get much love, so let’s do one of those! Ran is absolutely honest with Natsuki about his cooking, but effectively so. “Look, you can’t put fish guts AND chili oil in these chocolates. If you’re going to use fish offals’ rich, bitter flavor, you’re disrespecting the bitterness of the cocoa, and you’re better off just putting ground peppers if you want it spicy. Here, like this...” 
My favorite friendship and a cute hc about them: 
I read some of Masato’s and Ran’s twitter shenanigans during one of the Shining Theater events, and I really liked how their more mellowed out senpai/kouhai dynamic shook out. I imagine they were really supportive in prep for those roles, especially since Ranmaru’s Cheshire Cat performance is very outside of his typical wheelhouse. Masato would be so wildly earnestly blown away by the practice that must’ve taken and reach whole new levels of respect for him. Ranmaru frankly doesn’t know what to do with all that positive attention, so I imagined he goes in an ‘alright you said all these nice things about me I can’t deal with right now, so I’m aggressively going to make this about you. talk to me about your own method for this Mad Hatter,’ direction. He comes out the other end understanding Masa better and having more respect for him, too, even when he is too overthinky for his own good. 
A song that reminds me of them: 
I’ve talked about Motorhead’s Ace of Spades, but even moreso is Dir en grey’s Kodou.  The bass is at a balance of boisterous and technically skilled but not, like, in-your-face showoffy I think suits Ranmaru, and Withering to death.-era Dir en grey (and tbh also Kisou and Vulgar) is in the general “sits between hard rock, nu metal, and prog metal, but also gets super experimental” sound I imagined his pre-idol work as. The lyrics sure do feel like his brand of edgelord (unpretentious, honest, but not terribly poetic) and I can imagine him giving his all onstage to this, singing and playing bass at the same time. Maybe even sheds a tear during the screams toward the end.  
(Man I gotta get on sharing my Ranmaru playlist already. It’s all 70s/80s metal, more of that proggy/nu + slappy bass sound, and little doses of soft and sad.)
What animal would they be? 
One of those cats that needs a long time to warm up to a person, and even then just barely tolerates being smothered with kisses. Likes pets and sitting next to you, gets extremely upset if you go away for a long time. 
How do they sleep? 
Ugh tbh I don’t get the popularity of this question lmfao. I’m someone who falls asleep in pretty much any of the usual positions so I’m always like, “whatever feels comfortable that night??? what else??” I guess I’ll just leave a bed headcanon bc you bet he’s a big square who makes his bed the minute he gets out if it. 
Their favorite drink: 
Cool, well-earned water after a concert he gave his all to. 
A gift I’d give ‘em if I could: 
A really sincere, affecting compliment on his music. Like, really break down what works about his songs, the palpable passion in his voice, how happy that slappy bass makes me! One artist to another, expressing how their art helps them create!!! hire me for album art blssssssssss
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bokunoherokomikuko · 6 years
(Do not reblog the following)
Hi all my new followers!
I’m glad you liked my posts and such enough to follow me!
However, I should let you guys know some things now so you don’t find out later:
*My blog is not spoiler free, however I do tag spoilers with #bnha spoilers
**For the most part, I don’t really give that much of a shit about things cuz I’m here for a good time, ya feel//
Special Notice: 
If you follow me and see something you don’t want to see, do Not come after me for it. This is my blog and I can post whatever I want on it. Do your own due diligence and make sure the blogs you’re following are the types you want to be following.
I ship Tododeku and Kiribaku as otp’s. I’m also into multishipping, polyshipping, and dekubowl
This is a multifandom blog with heroaca as a mainstay.
In this house we believe in ship and let ship
In this house we respect and love Bakugo Katsuki
Horikoshi Sensei can do what he wants with his story
In this house we do NOT tolerate hate, negativity, antis, or other such nonsense
Bakudeku is valid, I don’t ship it, but I see the appeal, y'all good, lot of great content comes out of the bakudeku side of the fandom
Discourse? Not valid, keep it away from me. I do not want.
Politics? This ma fun blog, I don’t want it here. Although any kind of ’-phobe’ can fuck off. (I’mma add to this tho, because my conscience is weighing on me - Fuck Nazis, Fuck Supremacists, Fuck Discrimination)
Attacking other people? Definitely not valid. Keep that shit off here.
I support OTW and Ao3
I reblog and tag ‘NS/FW’. Do I draw it? No. But only because I’m not interested in drawing it, I could if I wanted to, though. I don’t have a problem with nu/de figures either since the body isn’t inherently sex/ual, but again I haven’t really drawn or uploaded that kind of content. I could if I wanted to. The most I’ve done so far is some very tame implied stuff, but that’s about it  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ((Most classically trained artists will feel and tell you the same.)) Anything of this nature on my blog will be tagged as NSFT (Not Safe For Tumblr).
I’m not here to cater to people, I’m out here doing what I do for me. Do not expect me to cater to you, I am a person living my own life. Other people’s entitlement can get bent. I owe no one anything.
I do not allow reposts of my content, under any circumstances. 
I’m a dumbass smartmouthed binch that yells a lot and can’t type //yeet//
Like I said, I’m letting y’all know now, so if you don’t like or don’t agree with anything I’ve said, you can hit that unfollow button with no hard feelings. You can block me, blacklist me, that’s all fine too. Just don’t go throwing any negativity my way and we’ll be golden. 
I hope you guys don’t take this like I’m aggressive or whatnot, I just don’t want negativity here. And I don’t want anything that can’t be more easily resolved with a simple block and blacklist.
Tbh, I always feel nervous sending a post like this out because I feel like someone isn’t gonna like how I worded something or that I didn’t mention something specific. Like can you chill? You don’t know my story. You don’t know my traumas, my triggers, etc. 
You can bet I’m not coming after you just because I disagree with you, so I expect the same treatment. But don’t take that as me not being willing to defend myself, because as friendly and courteous as I am, I’ve never said I was nice, and I am fully willing to prove that.
I don’t make this kind of post lightly, but if I don’t make my stances known, at least somewhat, then I’m going to have people I don’t want on my blog, and people who don’t want me, on my blog (for some reason?), and I don’t want that.
Sorry for bringing down the mood guys, I don’t posts things like this often, I just had to get them off my chest.
(on a related note, no one has sent me anything negative, at least nothing that’s hurt me in any significant way. I’m just a cautious person is all)
*I may update this in the future depending on necessity.
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samwrights · 6 years
The Game // [4]
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Summary: Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield, and Jacob Batalon started a game back when they first began filming Spider-Man: Homecoming—to sleep with as many different extras as possible before the movie premiered. Their current targets are the ladies of the band Navy Skies, a ragtag group of young adults that were blessed with the opportunity to play in the homecoming dance scene. Fed up with the boys’ sick game, Laura and Zendaya are taking bets on who gets their heart broken first.
Pairing: fuckboy!Tom x OC, fuckboy!Harrison x OC, fuckboy!Jacob x OC, hints of TomDaya
Words: 3094
Inspo:  Mr. Brightside // The Killers High Regard // The Story So Far Dancing On Glass // St. Lucia Placeholder // The Story So Far Closure // The Story So Far
Disclaimer: Lyric graphics were created by me, y’all. I’m not saying don’t steal it cause they’re not that impressive tbh but like don’t steal them.
Warnings: Mild sexual themes.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Weeks later, it turned out the girls had kept their word on never seeing Tom or Harrison again. Their world kept turning, just as it always did when minor setbacks presented themselves. Minor setbacks for them also always turned into new songs. Navy Skies had a whole new arsenal of songs to put on an EP they had been working on, as well as a new set list for their next few shows coming up. Cam had really outdone herself on writing this time around—she didn’t get stuck once and her band was easily able to make her imagination come to life.
They had a show tonight at the very same bar that Cam shot pool at three nights a week. Thanks to being good friends with the current manager of the bar, Navy Skies had a secured performance at the pool hall at least once a month. At the moment, the band was getting ready per their usual pre-show ritual. Mac was in the shower while the ladies did their hair and make up, warming up their vocals by singing along to modern karaoke favorites. Cam started off the bridge to Mr. Brightside. They each took turns doing a line, going a half step higher every time it was their turn including Mac who would chime in from the open bathroom door, despite hating this particular song.
The girls were dressed to kill, sporting leather pants and dramatic winged liner. Tonight, they were hoping for a big break with the launch of their self produced EP, maybe finally sign to a label. They needed to dress to impress tonight. Cameron finished lacing up her signature white Doc Martens as her band was heading out the door.
Being the local supporters they were, Navy Skies watched the other performers while shooting a couple rounds of pool before unloading their van. “Need a hand?” Cameron turned her head to see Tom, Harrison, and Jacob all walking up. She raised her eyebrow, an unintentional look of disgust on her face.
“What are you guys doing here?” She asked, not stopping from helping unloading their utility van.
“We saw you had a show, so we wanted to come watch!” Jacob said cheerfully, almost innocently. He knew he still had a chance to land his target, and he was going to seize the opportunity. Immediately, he started helping them unload a few heavy amps from their utility van. The tiny drummer thanked him profusely.
“Thanks a lot, social media.” Ruby grumbled, figuring that was how the boys found out about their show. She was helping bring their drum kit and a couple more amps forward until Harrison stopped her.
“Hey, can we talk?” He asked timidly, lending a helping hand by taking the amplifiers off the van and placing them onto the sidewalk.
“And then some? Ruby mocked icily. “There’s not much to talk about. You made it pretty clear that you and Tom were just trying to get into our pants, and Cam and I aren’t like that.”
“I know. And I’m sorry that I even said that because that wasn’t what I meant at all.” She looked at him expectantly, her tattooed arms folding over her chest. “We just wanted to impress you two so that we could keep seeing you.”
“I’ll give you a tip, then. Money doesn’t impress anyone, and neither does being a douche. I don’t care if you pay for my meals or my bar tab, or what kind of car you have, or how you dress. I care about what you have to offer that isn’t tangible and what you offer as a human being.” Harrison nodded his head slowly, taking in her words.
“Okay.” He responds finally as he mulled over her statement. “I’m sorry about what went down.  I meant what I said though—I want to keep seeing you, and I hope you forgive me enough to allow me the pleasure of taking you out.”
“I’ll think about it.” Ruby muses playfully, though it was clear that she held no grudge against him. They laughed together as they griped about moving the heavy equipment, the tension in the air dissipating after she forgave him. While this meant that Harrison still had a chance to snag his prey, it was the furthest thing from his mind. The only thing he could even think about was where he wanted to take Ruby out for their unofficial date.
Cameron was inside attaching all the cords to their respective inputs and outputs as Tom and Harrison wheeled more equipment in on a dolly. “Thanks.” She said shortly. Though Cameron didn’t necessarily have a reason to be angry—since Harrison was mostly speaking for himself and Tom the last time they had all seen each other—Tom never disputed his best mate’s words. In her mind, his silence meant agreement; it meant he was still doing whatever it took to sleep with her.
“Need anything else, love?” He asked, looking at her as she put together the rest of the cords in exasperation. She wouldn’t look at him.
“No, I’m good.” The boys looked at each other. Without physically saying anything, Harrison walked away to give his mate the privacy he wished for. Maybe Cameron would forgive him the way Ruby forgave Haz.
“Cameron.” Tom called out. She didn’t stop moving. “Hey, look at me.” She aggressively set down the microphone stand she had just assembled before turning to him
“I know I said sorry a thousand times the last time I saw you, but I am. Haz spoke for me, and I just want a chance to speak for myself.” Cameron looked at her watch before flashing her own brown orbs to his.
“You’ve got two minutes.”
“It was never about just taking you home,” He lied. “I don’t know why he even said that. If that’s all it was about, I wouldn’t have even bothered hanging out, I would have just moved on.” His silver tongue was working magic. Fib after fib, and she believed every bit of it. But she wouldn’t give in so easily. “But I want to get to know you.”
“One minute.”
“Please, don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry.” He begged, gripping her delicate shoulders to make her look at him. She groaned with a roll of her eyes.
“Okay, fine. I wasn’t really mad at you per se—mostly just at Harrison. And that’s not fair to you.”
“Friends?” He asked, hopeful.
“I’ll take it.” She had finished setting up all the wires after Harrison and Jacob brought in the rest of the equipment from their van. While her band was tuning their instruments, Cam was downing two drinks at the bar as fast as she could to help her overcome her innate stage fright. Tom was observing her from a safe distance, immediately noticing the restless tapping of her fingers on the bar and bouncing leg. “You’re anxious, love?” It wasn’t really a question despite the way it came out, but more so an observation.
“Yeah, I always get the jitters.” She replied as she downed another drink. “But I need to go do mic check.” She scurried away, waving to Tom as his friends flanked his sides.
“You guys good?” Harrison asked as they watched the band.
“Yeah, you guys?” Both of them nodded. “Perfect. Game on.”
The show began, flocks of young and older adults gathered around the small makeshift stage as loud power chords filled the bar. “Thanks for coming to the show tonight everybody! Let’s give a hand to the other bands that played!” Cam said into her microphone, causing her audience to erupt in applause. “We are Navy Skies and we were hoping you’d all like to kick it with us.” The pun she used signified the start of the first song of their set list—the very same song they played on the set of Spider-Man.
Their choreographed routine brought the most miniscule amount of nostalgia back to the cast as they watched from the very front. The way the lights were hitting the features of their targets and their incredibly overt, plucky personalities that shone on stage, the boys remembered their goal. Take out your prey, move onto the next. They were running out of time with just a couple weeks left of filming to complete, and Harrison was still in the lead.
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Being the punk band that they were, most the lyrics that fell from Cameron’s pierced lip often came out as garbled noise. But for some reason, every word always came out crystal clear to the ladies that had taken bets against their friends. “I almost feel a little sorry for them.” Laura chimed to Z, watching the band play from a distance.
“For who?” Her friend asks, sipping on her rum and coke.”
“The boys. They don’t even realize these girls aren’t going to put up with their shit.” Zendaya shrugs with a playful twist of her features.
“That’s their own fault. They wanted to play this game, but games usually have a winner and a loser. They just don’t know which ones they are yet.”
“Neither do we.” Laura reminded her, though they both were firm believers on their stances of the bet. The girls watched as the boys were jumping around enthusiastically with the band, awaiting patiently for future events to unfurl.
Meanwhile, the band was rolling through their set list; just having fun with their interactive crowd. They had just finished their fifth song and, while Ruby was switching out her guitars, Cameron took over the awkward silence. “So I know we play here kind of often, mostly ‘cause I basically live here and Wayne hasn’t kicked me out yet. Hi Wayne!” She waved to the manager who was standing behind the bar, who gave her a silly wave back. “But we’ve been writing quite a few new songs and we wanted to try something a little different. So I hope you guys like it.” She lead her microphone back to its stand that was resting in front of a keyboard.
A delicate upbeat rhythm came from the keys she played on as she lead her band through their newest song. It was so remarkably different from their typical angst and anger filled lyrics and chords that the audience was unsure of how to react. Typically, they’d be jumping around and bopping their aids, but the airy and nearly careless beat left them confused. Cameron hoped the drama leading up to the chorus got them moving like it did to her band, but she also knew their presence would play a factor in that.
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Cameron pulled away from the keyboard, taking a moment to pull her microphone back with her and jump along with her band as she sang the chorus in harmony with them. Much to her surprise, the younger folks in the audience were bouncing along, including Tom, Jacob, and Harrison. It was so different for them, but the positive responses were fueling confidence in the band as they transitioned into a ballad, Mac and Ruby each switching to an acoustic guitar. “We’re gonna slow it down, just a bit.” She announced as her guitarists started another semi-peppy beat.
Cam was bopping her head along to the strums of her mates guitars as the introduction started.
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From the very back row of the crowd, Z was smirking as Tom and Cameron made eye contact as she melodically sand such brutal words. The uncanny foreshadowing had to be obvious to more than just Laura and herself. Surely Tom knew that these lines had to have come from previous experience. Hearing such spiteful lyrics to whomever the subject was, was not attractive despite being ironically fitting. There was no chance of Tom falling for this bitter, heartbroken teenager in a young adult’s overly tattooed body.
Navy Skies closed out with another fast paced, angsty song. Cameron stepped off stage and surrounded herself with fans that were singing along with Tom standing at a safe distance. She stood in the center of a pit as she bobbed up and down with the beat of the drum.
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From the way the crowd was moving in sync with Cam, Tom gather that this particular song must have been a fan favorite. It was truly nothing short of magnificent to watch the energy that she was bringing to her people. Even her own band mates were coming alive on the stage, holding down the fort and keeping the reset of the crown entertained. “Ready?” Mac yelled into his microphone, the ever growing audience cheering loudly. “Get it!”
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Cameron ran back up to the stage, taking a bow as the reverberation from the guitars ringing on. Clapping and yells were sporadically filling the bar as Navy Skies took a collective bow. “Thanks so much everybody, have a wonderful night and get some safe!” The flurry of people slowly dissipated as the band began breaking down their equipment. Well, really it was just Malachi as the girls rushed off stage for their routine post show cigarette together.
“Thanks for abandoning me!” Mac yelled as he brought out both of his guitar cases. Jacob and Harrison were behind him, wheeling one amplifier at a time on a dolly and began helping load up their van. The girls simply waved their hands in dismissal. After they finished their smoke, they went back I to help clean up. Tom was sitting at the bar once again, this time with Zendaya and Laura flanking his sides with a total of nine shot glasses lining along the bar top. He turned to face the singer as she approached.
“Hey, love. Great show!” Tom stood up to hug the young woman, giving her the slightest amount of discomfort as he did so.
“Thanks. And thank you ladies for coming out as well.” She said sincerely, looking at Laura and Z.
“Yeah, it was pretty cool.” Laura added. The rest of the band as well as Haz and Jacob finally came to join after they hauled away the rest of the equipment.
“Ooh, did you buy us a round? Dani asked, glancing at the shot glasses all lined up. Tom started handing each of them out with Z’s assistance.
“Yep, one for everybody.” He raised his shot glass, everyone else following suit. “Cheers to a great show!” Everyone took their shot, followed by a string of whooping, but the celebration never ended there. Countless shots and drink later, and the band had completely lost track of how many drinks they had consumed. Dani was a dancing fool, grinding up on Jacob as the DJ played old school throwbacks. Laura, Z, and Mac were right along side them, giving off a girl’s night out vibe. Cameron and Tom were playing pool together, and Harrison and Ruby were god knows where. “How are you still beating me while you’re drunk?!” Tom jeered to a swaying Cam. She only laughed as she broke the rack once again.
“You just suck.” He scoffed playfully in response to her, taking his shot.
“Yeah? Why don’t we raise the stakes then, love? How about if I win this, you have to go on a date with me?” From the way things were going, it seemed like Tom had the chance to win.
“And if I win?” Cam tried her best to get her hazy mind together, formulating a plan for her victory.
“I’ll take you to the Spider-Man premier and lose the chance to take Haz as my plus one?”
“Deal.” She says as she finishes up a four ball run against him. They both had three balls left on the table before getting to the eight. Tom was fully confident he would win, though he wouldn’t mind it either way. Not that he intended to keep his word on bringing her to the premier. He had hoped the promise of taking her would give him brownie points and he could finally cross his target of his list. He had taken his shot, getting his solid ball towards the pocket, but it ended up rattling. Cameron sucked in air before clicking her tongue. “That’s a shame, Tommy boy. Looks like you’re taking me to the premier.”
“You haven’t even taken your shot yet!” Cameron laughed before finishing off her beer. She lined up for her shot, using delicate speed to get her to the eight ball.
“Back left corner.” She declared, pointing with her cue before she meticulously bent down and sank the eight ball. She turned to Tom, a smirk on her face as she threw a wink at him. A boisterous laughter bubbled from her chest as she saw the genuine disappointment on his face. “Let me know when the premier is.”
“Dammit, I was really hoping I could take you on a date.” He feigned disappointment. But so far, things were going according to his plan.
“I mean you still can.” She pointed out with slurred words as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Tom perked up at this.
“Yeah? When are you free this week, love?” He started to hone in on her, his hands touching her slightly exposed lower back. His fingers began to dance along her exposed tattoos as he looked down at her. Maybe it was the alcohol speaking, but the smolder burning in his brown eyes was affecting Cameron. He was making her weak. Her arms wrapped around his neck, bringing him close enough so that their noses were touching.
“I’m off Sunday night.” Her lips were just barely ghosting over, the metal bar in her lip grazing over him.
“Sunday night, then.” Was all he said before his lips crashed into hers, an act that didn’t go unnoticed by his co-stars as each of them turned to see the kiss.
@xxoerinnoxx @araeni @tom-hollands-eyelash
Apologies for any grammatical errors, I didn’t get a chance to proofread it before work. Let me know if you find anything and if you enjoyed this chapter or series, please make sure to like or reblog it!
Ready for more? > [ HERE ] <
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trr-fangirl · 6 years
TRR Theory!
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(^^^ me)
I’m not sure how long this theory is about to be but I’ve got screenshots for days and this theory has been on my mind since then. I know damn well PB is going to punch holes in my theory once Chapter 11 releases on Friday but hey, it’s worth a shot right? 
Okay, I have a few suspects, although... I’m not too sure about Leo but if you suspect him, let me know why! I seriously am curious because I can’t think of why he would want to kill his own parents and brother. This is mostly just me babbling about the random foreshadowing I’ve seen and my three suspects. Stay with me here! This is a lot!
Royal Palace
Chapter Nine and Ten is littered with hints of something going down. It’s the first time the court is back at the palace since the attempt. With there being a large group of people gathered in one small space, something is bound to happen. (I was waiting for something to happen in both chapters… this is Pixelberry were talking about.) This is also why we all know the big ass courtly event of a wedding is a bad idea aka Stop! Putting! MC! In! A! Ballroom! 2k18!
Defense Training
That was a clear tip-off to us that somewhere down the line, we’re going to have to fight. I think this is the reason Mara and Bastien aren’t seen immediately after the explosion (I thought they were going to rush towards them as soon as the first bomb went off) In Chapter Nine before going to the training room, If you choose, “Is this necessary when you’re around to protect me?” Liam says something along the lines of, “Mara can’t be everywhere at once.” but she does say that she’s working on it. (Sorry, I didn’t have those screenshots) I felt like this was giving us a hint that, ‘Yo, you’re gonna have to defend yourself soon.’
Another thing that they foreshadowed is pretty much Constantine’s death. His heartfelt speech to Regina, making amends with Hakim, being soft with his sons, and apologizing/offering the Cordonian Crest necklace to the MC (All those SS are below). These situations seem more like a ‘goodbye’ rather than just being soft and genuine. From the way Lucretia spoke about him and the way he was in the past two books, he’s not very sentimental in my opinion but that’s just me.
I personally think Constantine is going to pass before the wedding. From the explosion? Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not sure. These last two chapters with Constantine just gave me the feeling that he really isn’t going to be around for much longer. I thought that they would let him go to the wedding but from the way he was speaking and then the explosion... I’m not sure. (Watch PB throw this out the window and let him live.)
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My Three Suspects (aka they look fishy af)
Neville (aka Ratatouille)
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The duel between Drake and Neville seriously confirmed my thoughts that Neville’s ass is apart of this terrorist group! I’m not even trying to be funny but enlighten me if I’m missing something: I do not remember Drake and Neville ever having a conversation in book two. I don't even think they interacted in book two.
So, why does Neville have this burning hate for Drake? Where did it come from? If he is apart of the group, it would make sense for him to be upset that Drake stopped the bullet that would have killed the Duchess/Future Queen. Why else would he be so mad at a man he’s never had a decent interaction with?
There is also the fact that out of everyone that attended the Homecoming Ball and witnessed the attack— They showed some kind of emotion while talking about it. No matter if it was anger or sadness, they had emotion. (i.e Olivia, Bertrand, Kiara, and Penelope) but with Neville? He has none.
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If he’s talked to Drake prior to book three, let me know! But I don’t remember off the top of my head. If he isn’t apart of the group, I’m going to be surprised because there’s a lot of things against him.
Lucretia (this part is actually pretty long)
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I’m telling y’all! Lucretia knows something we don’t! She just does! I can’t put my finger on it but she knows.. something and it’s possibly pretty big! Now, I’m not sure she’s apart of this assassin shiz but if her sister was corrupt, I’m not putting it past her to be the same way.
I’ve been reiterating this to myself for months. I highly doubt that Olivia is apart of this! She’s not! I’m not just saying this because she’s my baby and if she would have became an LI, I would have dropped Liam like a hot-potato but because she’s been with us practically the entire book! She even called her own parents ‘traitors’! I cannot stress this enough. 
Lucretia is a different story.
As I read through this scene, I got a lot of information at once. I had to read it over a few times myself. Lucretia seems to have a (bull spit) reason for why she didn’t come to Lythikos to take care of Olivia once her parents died. It seems like she was trying to keep Olivia safe in her own twisted and unique way.
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Because of these five screenshots, she knows something about Constantine that we don’t and whoever these assassins are-- know this too. They called Liam a ‘scion of tyranny’ and from what Lucretia is saying here, it might be hella true. We already got a glimpse of how Constantine uses his power for his own personal gain aka the scandal.
The first video from the Five Kingdoms Festival now makes sense (to me at least) This group is afraid of Liam becoming power hungry and corrupt like his father and taking advantage of The Crown. So, in order to keep that from happening, they want to eliminate him (and his future wife if that’s your route) at all costs. If you're a duchess, I feel like this goes back to when Constantine said about having power around others who don’t.
Now, the last part when she says ‘And a reason why all of the plots against him failed.’ has me stumped. I honestly don’t know what she means by that. Help? Cause, I really don’t know.
Side note: I just wanted to point this out. The way her lines are written, it seems like she has no respect for anyone apart of the royal family. She’s not too fond of Constantine (I don’t think anyone is) and the way she speaks about Liam is... questionable. Not to mention (if Liam is your LI) she emphasizes on the fact that he’s marrying an ‘American’ and even called the MC an ‘unorthodox future queen’. Then there’s this:
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So, I’m not completely sure where Lucretia stands with those two.. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Justin (aka Court Dweeb)
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Because of this post here (credit to her for having a good ass memory bc it sounded familiar but didn’t know from where), I think he is a Nevrakis. Whether he’s Olivia’s first cousin removed, long-lost brother, or her father, someway they might be related! Or, he’s working with Lucretia and she said this to him as a mantra. But that wouldn’t make much sense if he was in the hospital for nine flipping chapters. I honestly think the family thing is the best bet because from what Olivia said, the quote was from her father.
And lastly,
The Explosion
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Firstly 😑
Formerly Crowned Prince Leo has THE. WORST. TIMING. EVER. Like damn boi, why you always here when something dramatic is about to go down? You ain’t even that special! (Though, I have no problem with him attending my wedding. That would be cool, lowkey) Anyways... This is what I was extremely excited about writing.
The first bomb that went off was a distraction but the second one was obviously for the Royal Family and MC. The position of the bomb and the timing was almost perfect. Right next to the King. How would the assassins know where to put the device to go off right next to the Royal Family and the MC?
It has to be someone from inside the ballroom. Yet again, a noble. It was way too close to Liam for it to just be a coincidence. They could have been anywhere in the ballroom but it was planted right next to Liam. If it was a nobleman, it would have been easy for them to slip out, place the bombs, and slip back in like nothing happened.
Going back to the Homecoming Ball, if a noble is on the inside working against the monarchy, that makes it easy for the assassins to walk through the front door (quite literally). Out of my three suspects, its either Justin or Neville and if PB wants to do it, make it an unknown third party.
There could be a third or fourth party. All these suspects could be working together or might not be apart of the conspiracy at all. Who knows? These last chapters gave a lot of information that I still need to go through and make sense of. This book is about to get good and I’m here for all the drama and theories that are about to come out of this! If you guys want me to continue to do something like this, I can. (I’ve got a lot to say about Lucretia, tbh) There was just too much in this last chapter. I had to get it out somehow! I hope you enjoyed this and please don’t hesitate to comment! I would love to see your theories and what you think! 💗
tagging those who I think might be interested: @blackcatkita @drakewalkerwhipped @trr-duchessofvaltoria
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juniemunie · 6 years
HTTYD Books: How To Ride a Dragon’s Storm Commentary :P (w/text pictures!)
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((shoutout to astrid-the-fearless that started the whole thing and giving me permission <3))
Yoooo this is how far I’m in the books right now thanks to the blessing of pdfs and I thought; “Hey? Lemme try reacting to this!!” 
Mind you, this is ridiculously long and it’s all because of the pictures I added in lmao so peruse for your amusement ((I might continue this just for kicks :P))
So it begins!
-everything went wrong when the fire nation attacked
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-OOh! Swimming competition?? Don’t count me in!! I’m terrible at swimming, in  fact, I don’t know how to do it at all!!! :DDD
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-of course the competition has to have a spice of suicidal bravery and possible death
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-clueless, tf dude
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-the judges are basically 99% old dudes 99% of the time
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-aweeee toothless u cutie
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-snotlout my boy, sometimes i really want to strangle u, u know
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-yooo sTOICK U'RE DOING UR BEST THE BEST ISNT aLaWYS THE MOST OBVIOUS he's trying im proud that he's trying
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-good ol teamwork
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-u got bamboozled 
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-only in the near end of his life, yeah
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-oh man hes gonna kill em again 
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-awe, she's just like meatlug
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-uh oh
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-bet y'all it gets worse
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-damn straight
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-i hear the Jaw's theme song guys
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-well you're a jolly dragon23
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-how was this marketed for children again
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-woh fist time getting a look on nobert and he looks cool
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-whoops u gon axe him again??
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-u mean an unfortunate series of events??? wink wink
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-i wouldn't go there if i were you its completely messy there
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-buddy this dude has survived so many times out of pure dumb luck
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-theres still more to go hiccup so much more
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-awww this is such a throwback to the first book
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-norbert is a crazy inventive dude i wanna see how well he goes with movie hiccup in the right circumstances :/
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-thats a problem
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-im not sure whether to be terrified or impressed
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-yoooo hiccup youre right youre prize is absolute misery
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oh no
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-whoops i guess this is where he became a slave??
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-bitter grandma is bitter than all my mates when discussing love42
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-my poor boy my POOR BOY
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-oh man i knew this already but its still giving me shivers
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-look at these drunk cuties lmao
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-perfect excuse toothless hiccup totally believes u
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-yOOO dragon nip exists in the books too!!!??
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-This is one happy lot
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-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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-Uh oh
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-Look at this happy boy <3
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-U sure??? I don’t think so
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-Oh shit.
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-u aint wrong tho
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-hahahaAHAHAHAHA not yET
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-well fuck
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-Oh. My fucking god.
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-Knock knock its death’s doorstep
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-Chances are, it wont.
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-“dafuq, why the hell is he running at us??” “maybe he’s given up”
“is it just me or is that an eye back there? “oh sHIT-“
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-Y’all these kids know the drill already
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-Toothless’ still asleep during the whole ordeal lmao
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-So that’s how it works…69
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-Stuff like that usually happens boyo they’ll prolly be back
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-Poor Ronald.
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-Shouldve made a spare and changed it while you were still in the border smh *Cinema Sins Ding*
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-a terrifying but intriguing thought.
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-These sweet loyal kids backin up their parents yo ((Poor Fishlegs))
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-i like the books that they portray a more worrier Stoick but the movieversion is also great too
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-what??? really?? That’s a dumb revenge excuse :/
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-Holy shit he survived ((just like his third son cOUGH COUGH))
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-In short; “Sorry to disappoint the masses, but I AM STILL ALIVE”83
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-Poor stoick, tbh if he was movie stoick he’d have a heartattack by now
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-Shit I feel bit teary in the eyes-DON’T LOOK AT ME!
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-True just like this post that has way too much pictures like tf
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-tbh this is both true
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-Basically every country that was going to pillage America
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-Oh shit times up
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-Hiccup u little shit
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-Discrimination between hair color too??? Jesus. Just when I thought skin colors -were ridiculous
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-Have I told y’all I love sword fighting hiccup?? Because I do
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-Nooo not his poor beard agaIN
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-Oh. Oh no.
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-Godzilla??? That u??
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-Tbh cats are sometimes really cruel ; - ;
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-Nope. Theres always a chance of death bro
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-This ridiculously huge shit
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-Geezus. You’re fucked hiccup.
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-Press F to pay respect
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-Tbh, he does have a point
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-Friendly reminder hiccup wrote this himself
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-Hiccup the Insane. Sounds about right
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-Me procrastinating some stuff i cant procrastinate while everything is going wrong
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-yOOOOOOOO tf he doin??
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-“yo bro”
“yeah loki?”
“some kid’s asking for your help. It’s getting pretty intense.”
“really? Lemme see”
*whistles* “wow, he’s crazy. I like it.”
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-“wtf is this dumb redhead doing??” everyone thought simultaneously
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-Benjamin Franklin can eat HIS HEaRT OUT123
“wow thor, you actually helped”
“how tf did you say that”
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-Ship: If I die, I die with STYLE.((Like Grimbeard fucker sang to his death while burning his entire kingdom down))
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-SWIM FISHLEGS SWIM ((wow he c an swim now amazing what near death experiences teach you))
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-Poor toothless ; - ;126
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-Itsss the cirrccccleeeeee the ciiirrrccclleeeee of liiiiiifeeeee
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-Lets hope I wont learn to swim in this emotionally draining way 0-0
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-Tbh this is kinda terrifying imagine if they died this way 0-0
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-Oh thank god
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-In short; “we have ship standards, peasants.”
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-G G. u did ur best lol
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-Awww berk would love u back in their own way too
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-*sobbing in the distance* ((fuckin alvin))
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-“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” screamed the Reader.
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-Happy sweet old senile future guessing dudes make me happy ; v ;
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-How tf would it be deer
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-Just like Grimbeard did.
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-SNOTLOUT DO U WANT TO BE DEAD??? ((before your proper death))
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-When Old Wrinkly is mad at u, you better be ashamed of urself.
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-He really is Grimbeard’s Heir ain’t he? ; v ;
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-Uhhh more common than u think boyo *turns to Harry Potter*
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-oooHHH u done for gumboil
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-My heart kindly says mercy, but my mind screams revenge
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-SHit stop giving me ides to draWWWWW
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-Somethings are often just found at home <3 like my MISSING PENCIL WHERE TF IS IT
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-Summary of Httyd 2 Hiccup
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that was a ride from start to end. (pUN INTENDED)
things are getting intensee
*scrambles to read the next book*
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hungryhungryhippo3 · 7 years
ok im kinda tired from studying all day and i just watched the latest episode, and ive got some thoughts??? but im not in the best state of mind to articulate everything so imma just do some dot points:
- letting everyone have a go as a superhero: i dont agree with; it sort of trivialises that kind of power and is contradictory to master fu’s own experiences with his carelessness,,, like did you even learn anything from hawkmoth lmao... idk why but this thing upset/made me most uncomfortable, it just seems like a lot of carelessness, but tbh this is also a kids show with a kids audience so i guess you do have to sacrifice some elements of common sense/rational thought and action/general consistency with fu’s decisions for some Cool Heroes and Fun New Powers
- leading on from this, what is our position on how we treat kwamis?? : these are sentient beings, these are actual gods ( i think?? i havent read the comics), who are chained to a miraculous. what is our (by that inclusive, im referring to the characters in the show + the actual audience + producers) actual position on them?? so we respect them as mentors and guides + actual gods, but do we also treat them with the same triviality as the miraculous object itself??? something to give away and lock up at will, something to utilise only in times of need?? and those are only in part rhetorical qqs, im genuinely curious and i wont judge if thats the way things are
- chat noir and rena rouge: y’all can argue that their interactions were strictly platonic but imma fight for this; he was blatantly flirting with her. he kissed her hand, he was *casually* leaning against his baton, leaning in towards her, ok admittedly, i know french culture is a lot more direct and touchy than western culture and i havent down my research lmao but it felt a lot like he was interested??? i mean these are the same stuff he does to ladybug??? and alya (maybe she saw it as just platonic) but she also indulged him even tho shes already in a relationship ??? lol idek maybe its just me, but the first introduction made me feel uncomfortable coz of that (the second interaction was much more platonic tho)
- keeping chat noir out of the loop: ive seen a lot about this already on the tags, and 100% agree. at this point i dont know what to make of the relationship between lb and cn. @the ml producers, whether you wanna sell them as partners or as a duo where ladybug is the Main, ill support, but pls: consistency. i feel like theyve always been presented as a partnership, like two parts of one whole, but this ep kinda went against that? marinette has visited fu many times (implied), he allowed her to choose a hero, he himself explained all that detail about the miraculous’ to her, she left chat noir to fend for himself (without explaining the plan) while she went to find fu. adrien, who took gabriel’s book to learn more himself, didnt even get the chance to learn properly. and i bet that had he been given the opportunity to read, lb wouldve been the first person he went to. partnership = developing together, making decisions together, being transparent and clear w/ each other. i didnt see that today. what i saw was something more akin to batman and robin, hero and sidekick
- development/consistency w/ ladybug and chat noir’s (general) relationship: again, ik this is a kids show, and each episode is meant to be independent of each other, and there isnt a fixed sense of continuity. and this dot point sort of touches on the last 2 as well, but a change in the dynamic had so much potential to progress on ladybug and chat noir’s relationship (there could’ve been conflict, there could’ve been insecurities, there could’ve been distance, esp. following the Glaciator ep). the producers could’ve used this opportunity to see a shift in their general relationship + some solid characterisation (in relation to their partnership/dynamic) and actually lay some solid groundwork beyond the whole lovesquare thing.
- alya in general: ok so a positive: some good characterisation for alya. it was gr8 to see some more insight about her family dynamic, her own interactions w/ her siblings, the type of person she is beyond school and the ladyblog. shes undoubtedly worthy to receive that miraculous; headstrong, focused, learns quickly (thats a bonus). but i gotta agree with some of the posts circulating, marinette, as professional as she can be when she has to, is still ultimately biased. master fu tells her himself to choose someone she trusts (according to the translation i got), and doesnt that entail some subjectivity??? thats not to say that she chose her just bcoz theyre friends because marinette would be blind not to see all these gr8 qualities in her bff. but like ppl are saying, i think alya shouldve been chosen by virtue by the guardian, who knows these miraculous’ more than anyone, knows the sort of characters each miraculous is suited to, instead of marinette randomly selecting one and giving it to her best friend.
- gabriel: is a hypocrite and does not deserve to be a parent, but what else is  new lmao
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