#and I can’t watch it till tonight so I’m gonna be stressed all day now
mintmentos · 1 year
I’ve got the fear seeing yellowjackets trending and knowing shaunas giving birth this week
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harlowsbby · 2 years
Need You Right Here
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Requested : Jack gets overwhelmed and stressed and takes it out on the reader.
It was safe to say Jack was stressed I mean he’s been performing at festivals back to back all summer and the lack of sleep and the amount of pressure to put on a good show was getting to him. He didn’t know how much more he could handle but he knew it wouldn’t be much longer till enough was enough.
You’ve been with Jack for around three years and you knew how he got when he got stressed or overworked so keeping your distance was best.
“Jack so you’re gonna open up with talk of the town right and then end with first class correct?” Neelam was going double checking everything with Jack and he’s been able to tolerate her up until now.
“What no Neelam I’m opening up with I got a shot then ending the show with face of my city seeing as I’m in Kentucky.” He said sarcastically making Neelam glare at him if anybody was able to handle Jack during his grouchy faze it was Neelam.
“You never confirmed that with me Jack we already have the dj set up to go and everything it’s honestly way too late to change anything now.” Jack’s jaw clenched before unclenching knowing right now wasn’t the time or place to have an outburst.
“Whatever you say Neelam I don’t care I have a headache just let me be for a few minutes.” You smiled sadly at Neelam before she smiled back leaving only Jack and You in the little backstage area.
“You want some water Jack or some tylenol I think I have some in my purse.” You went to go dig around your purse for some but all the rustling that was going on inside your purse was making Jack’s headache worse.
“Y/N can you stop making so much damn noise at this point don’t even bother giving me the tylenol I’m good.” He spat at you before getting up and leaving you alone you frowned and dropped your head in embarrassment as a few people that were around you two started whispering and pointing at you.
“Y/N what are you doing Jack’s going on stage now.” Urban told you and you smiled before getting up and following him even though Jack was acting like an ass all day you were still going to show up and show out for him. Even if Jack was drained of energy he always made sure to give his all to his fans because if it wasn’t for them he wouldn’t be where he is today.
After Jack’s performance that frown was placed back onto his face which honestly made you sad because all he needed was a good nights rest or two but you overheard from 2fo and Nemo that everyone was going to this party that was being thrown by Sunni.
“Jack you going to the party tonight? Heard Sunni’s got something crazy planned up his sleeve.” Jack grinned and nodded as everyone went back to the suv but you grabbed Jack’s hand and pulled him to the side.
“Do you really think you should go partying at Sunni’s house I mean look at you babe you look really tired Jack I think maybe it’s best you stay back at the hotel.” Jack groaned and rolled his eyes making you stop mid sentence.
“Baby I’m 24 not 2 if I wanted advice from my mom I would’ve called her up.” Ouch that one hurt.
“I think I’m capable of knowing how much I can handle and can’t handle I don’t need you watching over me like a hawk like Neelam does.” You winched as Jack got closer to your face all you wanted to do was make sure he was alright but clearly checking up on your man wasn’t the move.
“All I’m saying is you’ve been overworking yourself a lot this summer Jack and I think missing a stupid little kickback Sunni is having will be good for you.” He clenched his jaw and looked down as your fist started to ball up you always did that when you got angry.
“Come on guys we’re gonna be late are you coming or not!!” Urban yelled from the window and you shook your head at him.
“Y/N isn’t but I am just give me another minute.” Urban sighed but nodded before rolling up the window again. Jack turned back to face you his face now slightly red from being irritated.
“Just fuck off Y/N I don’t need you babysitting me I’m a grown fucking man I can do what I want when I want.” He barked back before getting into the suv that drove off and leaving you standing there stunned and alone.
“Y/N babe? What’s going on I heard yelling.” Metta came around the corner and you sniffled before dashing into her arms. Metta lost her balance for a quick second put her arms wrapped around you.
“What happened babe? Where’s everyone at I thought we were all going to the party together.” You pulled back and once Metta saw your tears she knew what had happened.
“Come on babe we can go back to my place and drink a nice glass or two of wine how does that sound?” You smiled slightly before nodding the two of you taking a cab back to Metta’s apartment. If Jack wanted to act an ass to you just for caring about him then you’d fallback and show him just how much you didn’t care.
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shreddedparchment · 2 years
Perennial Pt.21
Pairing: Bucky x Florist!Reader          Word Count: 2,420
Warnings: blood, violence, angst, pining, cuteness, language
Featured Flower: None
A/N: I can’t believe I was able to get this one out tonight. It’s highly unedited. Sorry. I’m still in a lot of pain. Lots going on in my life right now but I want to focus on this chapter. If you read it, let me know what you think and if you enjoyed it! What did you like about it? Distract me, y’all. xoxo
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After a few days of Bucky’s absence, you’re worried.
Finally, at the end of the week, he sends you a text.
Bucky: Miss me?
You: Duh! Where are you?
Bucky: Sorry, kid. Better to keep that under wraps until things are done.
You: Which will be when?
Bucky: I don’t know.
You: Bucky…
Bucky: I know, sugar. Trust me.
You: Why did Steve ask me for my keys?
Bucky: He and Tony are checking out the apartment to make sure it’s safe. They’re gonna install a security system. Top of the line. No one is getting anywhere near you again without me and the entire Avengers team knowing.
You: Wouldn’t it be easier to just have you with me all the time?
Bucky: I wanna come home, kid. I’m sorry I didn’t text sooner. And I probably won’t be texting with any more frequency. If anything, you might hear from me less.
You: I know. I’m sorry. I’m just stressed. You just got back and now you’re gone again.
You: Kinda feels like I saw you more before we started dating. Maybe we should break up and then I can see you more?
Bucky: …
You: A joke, you grump.
Bucky: Jokes are supposed to be funny.
You: And a new couple is supposed to be happy. I’m just trying to bring some levity to an inescapable situation, okay? You know damn well that now that I have you there’s no way I’m letting you go. Do you know how long I watched you from afar? Wishing?
There’s a pause and you think he might be done texting but then your phone dings again.
Bucky: When I get home, I’m gonna make sure you know how much I miss you.
You: Sap. You threatening to dick me down?
Bucky: Pfft, do you have to say it like that?!
You: lol How else should I say it? I want you all the time.
Bucky: Nowhere near as much as I want you.
You: Wanna bet?
Bucky: Once your place is done, you need to make sure you stay there from now on. It’ll be safer than mine.
You: Fine. But I’m taking your pillow. And some shirts.
Bucky: Take them. Whatever you need.
Bucky: Shit, I gotta go.
You: Okay. Bye.
Bucky: Love you, kid.
You: I love you. Be safe.
Two Months Later
“Wow, apparently the corruption went all the way into the royal family,” Kamala exclaims in quiet awe as she watches the TV you’d installed in the corner of the coffee shop.
Normally you have it set to some relaxing music that you know your flowers enjoy just as much as your coffee patrons, but as you’re closing, you give Kamala reign over the remote.
“Is this what Bucky has been doing?” She wonders, turning to look over at you as you finish counting the money in the till.
“I don’t know,” you admit. “I haven’t heard from him in three weeks. And honestly, he can’t really tell me anything about what he’s doing. Safety and all that shit.”
Kamala shuts the TV off and moves to put the remote in its spot by the register. She’s smirking, her young face full of amusement as she leans against the counter.
“You miss him lots, huh?” She guesses.
You sigh, realizing that the bitterness you’re feeling at his lack of contact is because you truly do miss him more than you ever thought you could. Even when he’d disappeared you hadn’t missed him like this.
Dating him is making things harder.
“So, I guess that means you have no idea when he’ll be home, huh?” She asks, seemingly already knowing the answer from the tone of her voice.
“Nope. Just gotta wait.” It’s the waiting that’s killing you.
Knowing he’s out there somewhere. Knowing that he’s alive and not calling. Not texting.
And he is alive because you won’t let yourself think anything else.
You can hear Kamala talking as you wrap up the profits for the day and slip it into a deposit bag. She follows you as you place it in the safe in your office and make sure it’s locked securely before shutting off the light and getting your bag.
She’s still chirping away about Steve and her trip to the tower as you’re pulling down the metal shutters of your shop. With a sigh, she takes the keys from you and bends down to lock it for you before placing the keys back in your hand.
“You didn’t hear anything I said, did you?” She asks, not really waiting for an answer because she already knows you weren’t focused.
“I’m sorry,” you shake your head, remorse and worry lacing your slight bitterness from before. “I’m just…I want him home.”
Kamala nods, adjusts her bag, and then reaches out to pat your shoulder.
“I have math homework. Bye, boss.”
You watch her turn on her heel and march–well, almost skip–off into the city. “See ya.”
You stare until she’s a small figure in the distance and just as expected, just as Steve said, you see the glimmer of her power shine for a split second before it zips up into the sky above the tall buildings.
She’s still so young and yet she has that much power. Such a heavy burden for such a young girl. Worse that she doesn’t exactly see her gift like the heavy responsibility that it really is.
You can’t blame her. At her age, you’d have probably been just as excited to stretch your muscles and see what you could do had you been gifted with some type of power.
A strange yearning takes hold in your chest as you turn to head up into your building, wishing that you really had been given powers of some kind. At least then you could be with Bucky when he leaves for this long.
You’re so wrapped up in your missing Bucky that you don’t notice the looming figure resting against the wall beside the elevator doors as you exit on the top floor. Your brain, on some level, notices the shape in your periphery, but you don’t turn until the accented voice calls your name.
You freeze, keys clutched more tightly in your fist and turn to look at the familiar Sokovian.
He looks like shit. His hair is a mess sticking up in several directions and laced with grime and some type of sticky clear substance. His long fur lined coat is frayed and torn, smeared with dirt. His pants are no better. The purple mask clutched in his hand is ripped in several places so that if he were to put it one of his eyes would peek out unobstructed, cheekbone and temple too.
“Where is he?” you gasp, unable to catch your breath as your stomach drops and your chest goes cold.
Zemo swallows, pushes off of the wall and approaches you with surprising calm.
“Come,” he urges you and reaches to take hold of your forearm.
You don’t resist as he pulls you back into the elevator and ride it all the way down to the first floor. He steers you towards the back alley exit, releasing your arm when he’s sure you’ll continue to follow him.
Neither of you speak as your hands grow cold and sweaty. Your neck prickles as dread fills your belly and Zemo continues to stalk through the dark city streets.
It’s probably minutes–though it feels like hours–of walking later when Zemo finally stops in front of a rusted warehouse door, his eyes scanning the area quickly before he ducks inside and you match his urgency and shove into the darkness behind him then round him as he shuts out the dim city lights.
You can hear the dust of the abandoned space shift beneath his heavy boots as he walks around you again and when his hand closes around your forearm again you let him pull you along through the darkness.
Silhouettes of broken crates, old metal lockers, warped metal stairs, and the smell of rust surrounds you. There’s a faint dripping somewhere to your left as you pass an open doorway but inside is more darkness that you only glance at as Zemo leads the way.
The heaviness in the air fills your nostrils, the dustmotes kicked up by your feet tickle your nose and you somehow manage to resist sneezing as Zemo stops again, this time a long vertical silver line shines ahead.
He hesitates then after a moment drags you the rest of the way to the silver line which you realize is light seeping through the crack between two large wooden doors.
He knocks and a shift on the other side blocks out the shine for a second, the outline of a masked figure darkens the space before the doors are pulled open.
“What the hell are you doing?” The aggression in the masked man’s voice makes you bristle but you have no time to be offended by the curl of his lip as he watches Zemo and waits for an explanation.
You’re busy devouring the space behind him, the large expanse and the single metal gurney at the center of the empty warehouse where a dark figure lays too still.
“What I promised,” Zemo says.
You see a shine of dark metal on the gurney and your gasp catches in your throat as your eyes sting painfully. Your feet move on their own, dragging you forward into a run towards the figure but before you can even make it three steps a tight grip takes hold on your upper arm and yanks you back roughly.
“Stop,” the helmeted man growls. “What is this?”
“Let me go,” you demand, no fear in your voice. Only anger at being stopped.
“I haven’t put a bullet between your eyes out of respect for the acquaintance we share. If you do not wish to end up on a missing person’s report, I suggest you release the woman.”
Zemo’s threat is real but still the masked man doesn’t let go.
“Walker…” Zemo warns.
Another two seconds pass and you can feel John Walker’s hand slowly loosen. You pull out of his grip and race to the gurney with watering eyes.
“This is an unnecessary risk,” the U.S. Agent says.
“If that were you laying there, he would not have hesitated to bring your wife.”
John makes some type of noise in the back of his throat but doesn’t say anything again.
Bucky looks like shit too. Just like Zemo, only worse. He’s so pale, his lips almost blue in the dim light that filters in from the long line of horizontal windows along the top of the warehouse walls. As coated in dust as they are, it isn’t much.
“Oh my god, Bucky…” you sob quietly, your heart breaking at the cuts to his beautiful face. His right arm is broken and crudely slung across his chest in what looks like torn up old shirts or sheets.
As you explore his body you notice a long gash along his right thigh, a stab wound just underneath his ribs on the right, and his face is black and blue in the spots that are not pale as a ghost.
You sweep his greasy black locks out of his sweaty, dirty face and bite down hard on your lip to keep from crying out.
“What happened?” You ask the two men behind you.
“We were moments from victory,” Zemo begins. “The last of the threat was nearly contained when Barnes noticed the trap set for us. He saved us both with the last moments he had before the bomb went off.”
You sob as your hands flutter pointlessly around his handsome, grimy face.
“When the dust settled,” Walker says, sounding bored by his words as he speaks them. “He was just laying there. Didn’t move. Wouldn’t move. We were able to finish the job but Bucky didn’t and hasn’t woken up in a week. It took us forever to get him back here unconscious and under the radar.”
The way Walker talks about the ordeal of getting Bucky home it sounds as if he’s annoyed by the inconvenience. You almost reach for Bucky’s knife at his hip and throw it at him but resist the urge and instead start rifling through your purse.
“I would have taken him to your apartment,” Zemo says softly. “But we thought perhaps moving him again might do more damage. His pulse is very weak and we’re not sure why he isn’t healing. I think something is suppressing his abilities. Normally I would rejoice in the new possibility of nullifying his type of strength but despite our turbulent history, Barnes is not a bad man. I promised to make certain that you two were reunited.”
Zemo sure did keep his word. Your fingers move at lightning speed through your contacts and you press your phone to your ear as it rings frustratingly slow.
“Who are you calling?” Walker asks, sounding irritated.
“Steve,” you tell them.
“Then this is where I leave you,” Zemo says. “I have kept my word. I hope you find a way to save him. Truly.”
When you turn to thank him for at least making sure you two managed to get back together you find he’s already gone.
Strangely, Walker moves towards you and unholsters the pistol at his hip. He removes the safety and then turns it around to offer you the handle.
“You know how to use one of these, right?”
You nod.
“I can’t be here when they get here. If anyone asks…”
“I get it,” you take the gun, fingers tingling at the powerful weight.
Walker gives you a nod, gives Bucky one last glance, then turns and leaves through the same doors that Zemo had brought you in through.
The phone finally stops ringing and Steve’s sleepy voice calls your name, “What’s wrong?”
“Steve,” you sob loudly finally.
“Where are you? What’s happened?” Steve demands, already breathing hard as you’re sure he’s pulling on his clothes and heading out the door.
“Bucky…” you begin. “Help me, Steve.”
“Turn on your bracelet,” he orders. “We’re on our way.”
The line goes dead and you reach with wobbly fingers to pinch the repaired silver button on your bracelet. It warms under your touch, vibrates once very quickly, and you hope that Steve and the others are fast enough to get here before you fall apart completely.
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dove down my rabbit hole of wips and one of my wips isnt a wip anymore! so here, have some gay shit....
“Kelly wants to get married in the woods, I want to get married in Midvale. So, apparently, our wedding will just happen via Zoom. Her in the woods, me at the beach. Ain’t that just fucking grand?”
Alex comes through the door like a hurricane covered in leather. Her helmet lands on Kara’s counter loudly. Her keys haphazardly thrown somewhere in the general direction of the bowl by the door.
“Then have two weddings.”
Alex follows the voice and her eyes zero in on her sister’s best friend.
Lena is sitting on the floor of Kara’s apartment, wearing an oversized sweater. Her dark hair spilling down her shoulders softly. A hand wrapping around a wine glass, the other typing on her laptop, not even jumping in the slightest at the commotion that is Alex’s entrance.
Alex plops down on the couch sighing loudly, not even batting an eye at this utterly domestic scene that is her sister washing the dishes with Lena Luthor on the floor of her apartment.
Lena doesn’t comment at the Danvers’ Sisters antics and Alex doesn’t call them out on the ridiculousness that Lena and Kara are still keen on keeping up.
The three of them already well desensitized to one another’s preferred brand of bullshitery.
“You know, sometimes I forget you're a rich-ass bitch and then you say shit like that and suddenly, I remember,” Alex says, smoothly snatching the wine from Lena’s hand.
She finishes the entire glass in one gulp and Lena rolls her eyes. Alex had finally proposed to Kelly the other week and well, that meant this week all of them had fallen victim to the Olsen-Danvers wedding debacle. It seems today isn’t the day that that whole dilemma is going to stop.
The wedding, of course, was still a few months away, but both parties were stressing about it as if it was going to happen immediately the next day.
Kara swoops in then, mussing up Alex’s hair, earning her an annoyed Hey stop it! before putting down another wine glass and pouring for Lena. Her arms are still wet from washing the dishes.
Lena murmurs her thanks and continues what she was saying, “Well, since you’ve finally remembered that I’m a billionaire. Let me pay for two weddings.”
Alex chokes on the wine.
“What? You’re kidding me, right?”
Lena continues typing, ignoring Alex’s shock, you’d think she didn’t just offer to pay for a wedding.
“Well, I mean, I’m never gonna get married,” Lena explains, “but if you let me do this, I can brag around that I’ve paid for two weddings. Not to mention I’m gonna make two brides very, very happy.”
“Or,” Kara interjects, lowering herself on the opposite side of the couch, perfect for Lena to lean back between Kara’s legs and lay her head on the side of her thigh. “You can just wait for Kelly to get here,” Kara says, pointedly. “Talk it out like normal adults and reach a compromise.”
Kara’s hands start to snake their way from Lena’s hair to Lena’s shoulders, massaging, all too aware that Lena won’t stop whatever it is she’s working on on her laptop till everybody gets here.
Lena lets herself melt and closes her eyes, sighing as Kara’s fingers dip at the junction of her neck and shoulder with just the right amount of pressure.
“I don’t wanna get married in the woods, Kara.”
Lena opens one eye to take a peek at Alex, who looks exasperated, her eyes pleading, gulping down another glass of wine.
“Don’t tell me,” Kara replies. “Tell Kelly.”
“The bugs, Kara,” Alex moans. “Imagine the bugs, and the moss and the ughhh.”
She dramatically thumps the back of her head on the couch.
“Imagine the soil. Clumpy wet soil. Eurgh. Ew. What if I fall face first in that? What if I trip over a stupid tree root in my heels? In my wedding dress?!”
“Alex, you don’t even have a dress yet,” Kara deadpans.
“I thought you were gonna wear a suit,” Lena adds.
“You two suck.” Alex pouts.
The rest of their friends arrive and Kara finally succeeds in prying Lena’s work laptop away from her. Alex was already teasing the line from tipsy to drunk by the time Kelly comes through the door.
“Let’s get married in Vegas!!!!” Is how Alex decides to greet her fiance.
Kelly laughs, gives her a peck then answers, “As much as that sounds like a very convenient wedding, I don’t think Eliza would appreciate that, baby.”
Alex frowns at being rejected, sags against the couch and crosses her arms. Why does Kelly always have to be right?
“How much has she had to drink?” Kelly turns to Kara.
“Uhh ask Lena. She made her switch to whiskey.”
Lena—who Kelly thinks was way too busy nuzzling against Kara’s neck to even answer her question—mumbles something that sounds like “S’was just two glasses.”
Kelly just shakes her head, makes Alex drink a glass of water. Her ring making a clink against the glass.
“Alright, what if,” Nia sing-songs, eyes sparkling with mischief, “we just settle this whole wedding thing with Charades?”
Nia claps her hands together like some gameshow host and Kelly takes a deep breath through the nose.
She’s been to enough Game Nights to know where this is headed.
Everybody else was intoxicated enough to accept the suggestion as a grand idea, not at all even thinking that: Hey, isn’t this something we should all take seriously?? Maybe ask the brides what they want, maybe???
Kara nods enthusiastically, agreeing immediately, “Oh!! That’s a great idea! Fun and fair at the same time!”
“Olsen vs. Danvers. Brides get to pick their teams.”
Nia pulls a white board out of nowhere, uncaps a marker and writes “Team Danvers”, “Team Olsen” separated by a neat line in the middle.
“Are we really letting Nia take charge of our wedding venue?" She hears Alex whisper from where she has her tucked at the crook of her neck.
Kelly sneaks a glance at the chaos happening before their eyes; Brainy already claiming to be on Kelly’s team, J’onn shaking his head opting to be the game scorer instead and refusing to participate, somebody’s shouting about: NIA, DREAM PROJECTIONS AT CHARADES IS CHEATING!!!!
Guess this is their life now.
Kelly smirks, boops Alex on the nose and says, “Scared you’ll lose, Danvers?”
Alex loses by three points.
“How was I supposed to know you were gesturing 'Transformers'!?!” She barks at Kara, throwing her hands in exasperation.
“I pointed at Nia!” Kara huffs, incredulous at the fact that her sister is blaming her.
Nia lost them a point too!
“What does Nia even have to do with it???” Alex’s voice grows higher in pitch. Her brows furrow in a mix of confusion and frustration.
“Trans, Alex. Trans.”
“Oh my God,” Alex groans. “How are you this dumb?”
And that was the story of how Kelly got her dream wedding.
The frenzy finally dies down, some time between Nia making up another drinking game and J’onn making her sit back down. A movie that none of them were watching provides a background noise to the almost lazy atmosphere. Kelly and Alex were pressed close on the far end of the couch, enjoying the temporary quiet.
“Guess we’re getting married in the woods, huh?” Alex murmurs.
“I guess we are,” Kelly whispers back. Alex beams at her, grinning dopily at the thought of finally getting the ending they deserve. It would be the perfect day, she has no doubt about that. No matter where they are. It would be perfect because they got there together.
Alex can’t wait.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Alex continues to smile stupidly, nudges her nose to Kelly’s.
“Just— I don’t really care where we get married, I guess.”
“Oh yeah?” Kelly raises an amused brow at her.
“Mm-hm. So long as you’re the one walking down the aisle.”
Alex presses their lips together, breathes Kelly in deep and for the first time that night, she feels that the future isn’t so scary, even though there is still a very large possibility that she might trip over a tree root on her wedding day.
Somebody interrupts their kiss.
“She’s only saying that ‘cos she lost.”
“Shut up, Luthor.”
“Text me when you get home!”
Lena hears Kara call loudly after her sister, before closing the door. Game Night has officially ended and as usual she’s still here. She’ll always be here, she thinks for a brief moment. The thought holding more depth than it should.
Kara didn’t even question her when everybody began filing out and Lena just started picking up the discarded dirty plates and walking them to the sink. They’re well past the point of asking each other if the other would stay over.
It was already some unspoken rule.
Already well past the point of Lena wanting to ask Kara what the hell it is they’re doing.
She’s bent over the sink, scrubbing—Kara doesn’t own a dishwasher for the sole reason that she finds doing the dishes therapeutic—when Lena takes a glance over her shoulder.
Kara is sitting on a high stool near the counter, casually flicking through her phone. It was Lena’s turn to do the dishes tonight. Once upon a time her doing the dishes would have resulted in a fight. “I can superspeed the dishes. Why would you even want to do them?” A statement that would be met with an eye roll.
Kara has learned not to fight her on it again, after around the 7th time that Lena had stubbornly insisted and Supergirl got doused with dishwashing liquid.
And now, it’s become some sort of routine, Kara does the dishes after lunch and Lena does the dishes after dinner. Oh, how the paparazzi would kill for this—Lena Luthor Knows What A Sponge Is?
“Is it true when you told Alex you’re never going to get married?”
Kara decides to break their quiet.
“Yeah, pretty certain about that one, why?” Lena turns around, cocks a curious brow. If she’s being honest she’s beyond certain that she’s not going to get married. She always jokes about how she’s married to L-Corp but it isn’t till now that she realizes how true that is, and...how lonely.
“I don’t know,” Kara murmurs, not meeting Lena’s eyes. “I just like the idea of you getting married, I guess.”
“What?” Lena chuckles at that; genuinely confused but still curious.
“Well, I mean—” Kara wobbles through her words.
“I guess, I just— I like the idea of you walking down the aisle...in a white dress,” Kara muses.
Then, “Or a suit!!” she quickly amends. “If you wanna wear a suit, that is. That can totally be arranged, you know?” Kara waves her hand around and it’s like now that she’s started, she can’t stop.
And Lena’s just standing there, water still dripping from her elbow, unsure of how to feel about Kara imagining her getting married. Quite an incredulous scene isn’t it? Her getting married? What a crazy thing to say, an even crazier scenario to imagine!
She snaps out of it, realizing Kara’s still rambling.
“I have no objections whatsoever with that, if you wanna wear a suit. And yeah, you know? I just— I like that idea. I like the idea of you dancing to your wedding song. The idea of you exchanging your vows, the idea of you-”
“Kara,” Lena decides to put a stop to it, since it’s clearly evident Kara won’t be stopping any time soon. And Lena's feeling way too many things that she doesn’t want to feel at the moment. She’s sure that she’s going to feel more, if she doesn’t put a stop to it herself.
“I’m well aware that it’s the best friend’s job to help with the bride’s wedding,” She says, “but, darling don’t you think you’re putting just a bit too much effort into this? Certainly seems like you’ve thought about it a lot.”
At that, Kara’s cheeks turn a light pink, squirming sheepishly under Lena’s questioning gaze.
Shouldn’t Kara be thinking about her own wedding? How beautiful she would look walking down the aisle. How her blonde hair would look so nicely with her dress. How happy she would finally be after finding someone she could share her life with. Not that Lena's been thinking about those kinds of things. No, of course not. That’d be hypocritical of her at this point. Why would she even— Why were they even talking about this again???
Lena tries to rein in it, tries to focus on Kara again; hands finally finding a dry towel, hesitantly walking into Kara’s space to hear the blonde more clearly.
“Well, I mean- Like I said, I do really like the idea of you getting married,” Kara repeats herself slowly.
And before Lena can come any closer, “Like the idea of you getting married…to me. More specifically,” Kara adds more quietly.
Lena stands frozen.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard y- Kara, did you just?”
Lena’s heart is pounding away in her chest. Did she hear her right? Did Kara really just—
Lena’s a step away from her and Kara uses this to her advantage. She pulls Lena closer, tugging at her wrist, the towel dropping from Lena’s hands. Kara summons enough willpower to stare into Lena’s eyes.
“I like the idea of you getting married to me, Lena Luthor.”
“Kara, I’m sorry- What?” Lena jerks away from her, the words finally landing.
“Is that a no?”
Kara lets her go. She can’t focus on Lena’s heartbeat to assess the situation more. Kara’s own heart is betraying her, drumming so loudly in her ears.
“Uh- no, that's definitely not a no?” says Lena hesitantly, eyes wide, breathing nervously. She turns away from Kara for a minute to take a breath, hands fidgeting about.
She whirls around again to face, mutters, “You do realize marriages are for people who are—”
She pauses.
How do you exactly phrase that wedding proposals are for people who are actually in some kind of romantic relationship? And not for people who casually stay over every goddamn Thursday without fail?And okay, maybe sometimes, in a much different reality, would willingly commit fratricide to save the other? And in an also much different reality, willingly expose a secret identity to save the other?
Lena can’t find the right words.
“Oh, I don’t know, Kara,” Lena scoffs, shaking her head disbelievingly. “Marriage is for people who are actually dating each other.”
Kara takes her sarcasm as a good sign and pulls her in again.
“Well,” Kara begins. She can hear Lena’s heart thumping erratically, now that Kara’s gotten her bearings.
“We can always have our first date after the wedding, right?”
Aren’t they well past the point of dating anyway?
She’s got Lena standing between her legs now, her hands wrapping around her waist.
“First date and honeymoon all in one. That sounds great, doesn’t it? I can fly you wherever you want, Paris, Maldives, hell I even have a Fortress in the Arctic, if you’re into that.”
Lena stares at her, blinks once, twice; shakes her head and lets out a noise between a laugh and a scoff.
“Kara Zor-El, you are one ridiculous woman,” She breathes, putting a hand on Kara’s cheek. Because what else is there to say? This whole conversation really is ridiculous. But at the same time Lena feels like she’s floating? Like this may be the best moment of her life, and of course, it’s going to be ridiculous. This is Kara she’s dealing with, after all.
She doesn’t know what she’s going to do if Kara reveals this to be just some sort of joke.
But the way her blue eyes are piercing through Lena’s, so earnest and so warm, argues otherwise.
“So, what do you say? Wanna get married?”
“Are you serious right now?” Lena asks, still unbelieving. This is beyond crazy. They’ve fought aliens and monsters and traveled through time but this? This is just beyond crazy.
“Lena, do I look like I’m joking? And besides, you’d already offered to pay for two weddings, why not pay for our two weddings, instead?”
She shakes her head again, let’s herself fall closer to Kara, lets out a laugh against her neck.
“Mm. You want a Kryptonian ceremony too?”
“Yeah.” Kara’s voice turns shy. “If that’s alright by you.”
“Of course, that’s alright by me. I’d be honored.”
Her heart feels more than full at the thought of Kara wanting to share that part of her with Lena. She’s always had some doubts whenever the topic of Kara’s Kryptonian heritage arises, always half-afraid she’s overstepped on something that isn’t hers.
But looks like there was nothing to fear all along.
“So, we’re getting married, huh?” Kara wiggles her brows, her face breaking into a wide grin.
“Yes. Mm-hm,” Lena hums against her. “I do. I’d marry you. Let’s get married.”
“Seal it with a kiss?"
Lena blearily opens her eyes, follows the soft voice, her bare back being caressed by the sun filtering through Kara’s curtains.
“Hi,” She whispers back. All this feels much too like a fever dream. She’s half-tempted to pinch herself just to check. She’s woken up beside Kara a million times before but she’ll never get used to the sight of soft golden hair and sleepy blue eyes.
Kara gives her a soft peck and the feel of her lips sends Lena reeling.
The previous night was a whirlwind in her mind’s eye. The moment Lena murmured her 'Yes, please.', Kara kissed her passionately. Once they broke away, Kara had zipped around the apartment, Lena too dazed to even ask what it was Kara was looking for.
She watched as Kara tore off a keychain from one of her bags, curled the keyring to fit Lena’s finger and whispered, “This’ll do. For now.”
Kara had kissed her knuckles reverently, her lips making Lena’s blood sing in her veins. The feel of mangled metal fitted just for her left hand is an imprint on her soul. A promise of more to come.
They didn’t make it out of the kitchen the first time. Kara had lifted her by the waist and set her down on the kitchen counter. Which was a good thing, because Lena couldn’t feel her legs after.
They didn’t make it to the bedroom the second time either. She had tackled Kara onto the couch, pinning her wrists together, licking at the shell of Kara’s ear. “My turn now,” Lena had whispered. The way Kara shivered underneath her was enough of a reward. How long had they been waiting for this?
Flashes of last night had her hips bucking slightly unto Kara’s leg sandwiched between her own, but before it could escalate further...
“I have exciting news to share,” Kara tells her.
“Mm-hmm,” Kara hums, now nosing at Lena’s hair.
“What is it?” Lena asks.
“I’m getting married.”
“Oh you are?” Lena plays along.
“Yes. I’m getting married to my best friend,” whispers Kara, almost conspiratorially. “How cool is that?”
Kara looks giddy with excitement and Lena knows she’s mirroring that exact same expression right now.
“Mm. Very cool, darling.”
Kara giggles and they trade more lazy kisses before Lena breaks away to breathe.
“Quite a coincidence though,” Lena husks out against Kara’s lips.
“Oh really? Why?” Kara asks, tries to keep a serious neutral face despite her nose scrunching up in that cute smile that Lena can’t resist
“I’m also getting married,” Lena confides, “To my best friend," she adds, eyes flashing. "Isn’t that great?”
“Very great.” Kara nods slowly, blonde hair falling into her face, a hand running through dark tresses.
“I love you,” Lena whispers, her lips brushing Kara’s softly.
“I love you, too.” Kara kisses her harder then, her hands lazily wandering along Lena’s skin.
They lie there quietly for a few moments, basking in the morning glow and then, “Alex will kill us.”
Lena snorts, twists in the sheets and says, “I think your sister is too busy planning her wedding to even think about plotting our murder.”
read follow-up here.
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lxvislxdy · 3 years
Lock and Key | Bakugou K.
Summary: It all started out as a harmless prank - Denki’s idea, to get the two of you to talk. It was no secret that you had feelings for Bakugou Katsuki, at least, not amongst your friends. Denki had meant well, sure, when he’d handcuffed the two of you together, but when the key goes missing... well, let’s just say, it’s gonna be a long 24 hours.
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x reader
Warning(s): Swearing, that should be it
Notes: Reminder that my requests are open! Let me know what you’d like to see on my page! Hope you enjoy this cute little fic for Bakugou :) I just wanted to write something soft and lighthearted, and cute, so this is that.
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You were going to kill Denki. That is, if Bakugou didn’t get to him first.
“Calm down, Bakubro! Murdering one of our classmates would not be very manly of you!”
And if it wasn’t for Kirishima, holding Bakugou back with all of his strength and giving you a sympathetic look as you were dragged along, Denki would’ve been toast. Literally. 
“Look, man, I’m sorry!” Denki was saying, hiding behind Mina and Sero, “It’s just a prank, dude, a joke! Don’t kill me!” 
“I’m gonna end you, spark plug!” Bakugou growled, “Get over here and get this shit off of me!”
Sero, barely holding back his laughter, said, “Aw, come on, Bakugou, I wouldn’t call y/n ‘shit’!”
For a moment, Bakugou blinks like he’s stunned, but then his murderous glare returns ten fold. “That’s... That’s not even what I meant, dunce face! I meant the handcuffs! Get. Them. OFF!”
You know, from the look Mina is sending you, that you’re blushing. 
“Okay!” Kaminari scrambles out from behind the two, smiling sheepishly as he searches all his pockets, “No worries, man, let me just... let me... get the... key...”
Bakugou finally settles down, and you breathe a sigh of relief as he drops his hand, yours falling with it. You rub at your wrist lightly, eyebrows drawn together. You’d been handcuffed to Bakugou for almost ten minutes now, and your wrist was already sore from being yanked around so much. 
“What’s taking so long, dunce face?” Bakugou grumbles.
“Well, you see, uhm... okay, listen, don’t be... don’t be mad, bro, just...” Kaminari laughs, eyes wide in fear, voice dropping so low you could hardly hear him, “I can’t exactly find it.”
You yelp in surprise as Bakugou activates his quirk, feeling the heat against the back of your hand. 
“What did you say?!” 
Everyone winces as he yells, face almost as red as Kirishima’s hair. 
“Careful, dude, don’t burn her!” Kirishima says, hand on Bakugou’s shoulder. 
Bakugou shoves him off, but listens to him nonetheless, and the heat subsides. 
“It’s okay, Kiri, I’m fine.” You tell him quietly. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry,” Denki says, guiltily. 
“Yeah, you’re about to be real sorry.” Bakugou says, “If you don’t get these off in the next five seconds!”
“Look, let’s just calm down for a minute, okay?” You say, stepping between the two. You feel Bakugou’s arm tug back against yours, as you move farther away from him, and your blush deepens. “Sorry. Anyway... why don’t we just see if Momo can make an extra key? Right?"
“That’s a good idea!” Kirishima says, optimistically. “See? Everything’s fine.”
“Yeah, why didn’t I think of that?” Kaminari scratches his head.
“Because you’re an idiot.” Bakugou mutters darkly.
Mina purses her lips, shifting back and forth on the balls of her feet. “Yeah, that would be great... Except Momo is visiting her parents, and won’t be back till later tonight.”
And just like that, Bakugou explodes again. “WHAT?!”
After a stressful call with Momo, involving Bakugou taking the phone from Mina not once, but twice, and telling her to ‘get her and her stupid ass ponytail back to UA NOW!’, it’s finally decided that you’ll just have to wait it out. Even Bakugou can’t say he’d rather go to Aizawa, because explaining this meant explaining the handprint shaped burns in Denki’s door.
Of course, Momo promises to help as soon as she’s back, but that’s still hours and hours away. 
Bakugou, who still practically had steam coming out of his ears, sat beside you on the couch silently. Across from you, the rest of the group watched in sympathy (and fear). No one dared to break the silence, in fear he’d blow up on them again. You couldn’t say you blamed them. 
“Come on.” Bakugou’s sudden command startles you.
“What? Where are we going?” You ask, following his lead and standing up (you were getting dragged along, either way). 
He rolls his eyes, sighing, “I don’t know, but I’m not just gonna sit around like an idiot all day.”
He doesn’t wait for your response, marching out of the room. You look over your shoulder on your way out, a silent cry for help, and Denki has the audacity to give you a thumbs up and wink. You glare at him, sending your friends into a laughing fit.
“What are they laughing at?” Bakugou mutters, brow raised.
You flush in embarrassment, shrugging. “Dunno.”
The two of you eventually end up in the kitchen. You knew Bakugou could cook, everyone did because he regularly kicked everyone out of the kitchen so he could, but you’d never actually seen him in action. He was much calmer now that the two of you were alone, but the scowl never left his face. 
After a few minutes of awkwardly trailing behind him as he gathered ingredients, you mustered up the courage to ask, “Can I help?”
He doesn’t answer for a moment, and you begin to think he’ll just ignore you, before he’s handing you a spoon. “You stir while I chop vegetables. I don’t trust you with a knife.”
Ignoring the backhanded comment, you take the spoon from him, happy he’s letting you help. You stir with one hand, resting the other on the counter beside him, so he can use both hands to chop the vegetables. It’s not easy, trying to cook while handcuffed to the angry blonde, but the two of you eventually find a rhythm. 
“So what are you making?” You ask, turning to look at him. His focus is all on what he’s doing, and he looks so serious you try your best not to giggle. Does Bakugou ever just... relax? Still, the way his lower lip just barely juts out and his brow furrows, when he concentrates hard, is really cute.
“We’re making zosui.” 
You’re heart does a little flip as he says ‘we’. He doesn’t mean anything by it, you know that, but you still have to turn away in an attempt to hide your smile. As mad as you were at Denki, you had to admit that being able to actually spend time with Bakugou doing something so... normal, domestic? It was nice. You’d spent an embarrassing amount of time daydreaming about a moment like this (except, in your daydreams, you weren’t handcuffed, and maybe there was kissing involved), but you’d never thought it would actually happen. The only time you got to spend time with him outside of class, normally, was if you asked for help with the homework or agreed to spar. But that was rare, these days. Bakugou normally sparred with Kirishima, anyway, and you always felt like a bother when you asked for help. 
Sneaking another look at Bakugou, you find he’s already looking at you. He takes the spoon from you, gently bumping his hip into yours to move you out of the way, and you watch as he adds the veggies to the soup. As he stirs them in, he asks you to hand him the spices he’d set out beforehand. 
“What, have you never seen someone cook before?” He asks.
You laugh sheepishly, “I ate a lot of microwave dinners growing up.”
The look he gives you is incredulous, borderline angry, and he scoffs. “You’re kidding. That shits terrible for you!” 
You laugh, wrinkling your nose. 
He meets your eyes for a moment, lips parted slightly, and you raise a brow at him. Before you can ask, his attentions is back on the soup, and he’s quiet again.
It doesn’t take long for the soup to be done, then, after he adds the rice. And you have to admit, even though you hadn’t helped much, you do feel a sense of accomplishment when you sit down to eat a meal that you made yourself. 
The two of you sit down beside each other, forced to scoot your chairs so close that your thighs are almost touching. Surprisingly, he doesn’t complain.
“Thank you,” You say quietly, before digging in. “Wow! This is delicious!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” He rolls his eyes, but you recognize the slightly smug look on his face. “You helped.”
You giggle, bumping shoulders with him. “Sure, but you’re the chef, here!”
He hid it behind another bite of food, but you could have sworn you saw him smile, too. 
The two of you finish your meal in silence, Bakugou waiting with surprising patience for you to finish eating, before putting the bowls in the sink. 
He gives you a look, “For what?”
For being so nice.
“For teaching me how to cook!” 
He shrugs, muttering out ‘whatever’ in reply. 
“So... what do you want to do know?” You ask, hoping his tolerance for your company would last. 
You end up back in his dorm, awkwardly huddled together at the head of his bed. He was reading, as you mindlessly scrolled through your phone. The silence wasn’t awkward, like you’d thought it would be. It was comfortable, almost calming. You found yourself getting tired, the more you sat there. 
Eventually growing bored of your phone, you turned to see what Bakugou was reading, and started reading the pages yourself. You didn’t think he’d noticed, until he slipped his finger behind the next page to turn it, and paused. 
“You done?” He said, quiet and soft, his cheeks tinted the slightest pink. 
Your eyes widened, blushing, “Uh, yeah. S-Sorry.”
He turned the page without another word, looking at you from the corner of his eye. You tried to ignore him, pretending to read, before he sighed. 
And then, Bakugou began to read to you. 
“W-What are you doing?”
He stopped, narrowing his eyes. “Reading, dumbass.” He snapped. “You read slower than me, it’s annoying.”
Despite the backhanded remark, you grinned. “Oh. Okay.” 
He started again, sounding significantly less irritated, and you tried to slow the beating of your heart. In all the times you’d imagined hanging out with Bakugou, you had never thought of something this sweet. You especially hadn’t anticipated his voice ever being this soft, and calming. 
As he read to you, you shifted closer, eventually resting your head on his shoulder. He faltered for a minute, hiding his fumble with a cough, but otherwise didn’t acknowledge it. It wasn’t until he reached the end of the next chapter that he realized you’d fallen asleep. 
And he definitely wasn’t blushing, no, not Bakugou.
Hours later, when Momo and all your friends piled into his room, he whispered harshly, “Wake her up, and I’ll kill you!”
Maybe Denki’s plan had worked out, after all. 
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
Operation Boyfriend Scenario 6
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: It’s girls night
Word count: 3109
Series Masterlist
Plans were made for girls night to happen Thursday since that was the last day you, Wanda and Kate had classes that week and Kate’s roommate just had a class Friday evening. It worked out in a way that it starts off your birthday weekend and you couldn’t think of a better way to spend it. You just have to kick Pietro out for the night which gives you the idea to force the guys to have their own boys night. You get Sam and Bucky over with a simple urgent text around noon.
“What’s wrong? Why’d you need us over here so quickly?” Bucky goes straight to your side when he walks into the apartment and his hands go to the sides of your face to search for any sign of distress.
“Nothings wrong, Buck. I’m just placing Pietro in your guys care tonight. Go have a boys night and like drink or play video games or something. Just stay away from girls' night.”
“Oh this is gonna be fun.” Sam says as he high fives Pietro with the news of their guys' night. They soon get into a conversation of what kind of games and consoles they have and your attention goes back to a frowning Bucky.
“I can’t babysit your boyfriend tonight Y/n. I have to go to sleep early because I have something I have to do early tomorrow.”
“You don’t have to stay up all night with them Buck, just keep him away from the apartment till you go to sleep then leave it all up to Sam.”
“Alright, okay I can do that. Sorry I’m just stressing out about tomorrow.”
“It’s alright.” You shrug before poking at his chest. “But stop stressing no one's allowed to be upset on my birthday.”
“Doll, I think that only works for you.” He sends a teasing smile your way. “Besides, your birthday isn’t till Saturday.”
“This whole weekend is my birthday. Now go away, the girls are gonna be here soon.” 
“Have fun tonight girls!” Sam hugs you and Wanda before leaving the apartment.
“Goodbye Wanda.” Pietro lays a kiss on his sister's head before moving over to you. “Bye Printesa, I’ll see you in the morning, yes?”
“Yeah, maybe the afternoon, depending on when everyone wakes up.” You both smile at each other before he kisses the edge of your lips and backs away with a blush on his face. You follow Bucky to the door where he pulls you into one of his bear hugs.
“Have tons of fun tonight doll. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Good luck on whatever you’re doing tomorrow morning Buck. I hope you can stop stressing out so much soon.”
“If you need anything don’t hesitate to call alright? That goes for you too Wanda!” He yells back into the apartment just to get a ‘get out of here lover boy’ yelled back at him. He chuckles a bit, bids you another goodbye and starts down the hall.
“So what are we up to tonight Wands?” You skip into the kitchen finding her doing the few dishes from this morning.
“Probably watch some cheesy rom coms or maybe some horror movies and drink. Y'know easy things to help get to know each other more. Really we can do whatever you want to do though.”
“Alright, do we have snacks?”
“Are you kidding me? There’s still how many cookies and brownies in this apartment and you’re asking about snacks?”
“Well yeah, do we still have chips and popcorn? I just want to have choices.”
“It’s your job to keep the snack cabinet stocked, you should know.” She shrugs and turns around to face you as she kicks the dishwasher closed. 
“Good point, we should then because I think I just went out with Sam to stock it up a few days ago.” You nod to yourself as you speak looking around the kitchen before your eyes settle on Wanda again. A smile spreads across your lips to match the one on her face. “Wanna help me gather up all the blankets and pillows?”
“Start in my room then move to the jackpot in yours?”
“You already know it.” 
It takes the two of you no time to get all of the pillows and blankets out of Wanda's room, she only has three pillows and a couple of blankets. When it came to your room though, you each needed to take multiple trips. Your bed is mainly just a pile of pillows and you own way too many blankets because you’re always cold. Wanda yells at you everytime you come home with a new one. On your last trip to get the last few pillows your phone vibrates and you pull it out on your way out.
Steve: Hey Y/n/n Bucky told me you’re having a girls night tonight have fun! I’m glad to hear you’re making new friends. And just wanted to tell you how proud and happy I am to see you coming out of your shell!
You smile down at the message as your vision blurs with unshed tears. You send him a quick response telling him how much you love him as there's a knock at the door. You will the tears away and run out to meet Wanda at the door while throwing the pillows in the living room.
“Hey guys!” Kate walks in first followed by a smiling blonde. “This is my roommate Yelena.”
“The party is here!” She says holding up two bottles of pink whitney.
“Hi, I’m Y/n this is Wanda.” You wave at Yelena before giving Kate a hug.
“I also brought mac and cheese and hot sauce. I don’t know if you guys have eaten yet but I’m hungry. Just tell me you have actual silverware and not plastic takeout ones.” Kate groans at her words.
“When are you gonna let that go. I have real silverware now.” She turns back to you and Wanda and starts to take her bag off. “I brought snacks, lemonade and some movies.” Wanda starts to lead the way into the living room and Yelena pauses by your side, dropping her voice into a whisper.
“Don’t let her fool you, she brought Twilight and The Hunger Games. Don’t worry though I snuck in some good ones.” She winks and the two of you chuckle as you follow them. 
One pot of mac and cheese and half of a twilight drinking game later you’re all a little tipsy and not paying attention to the next movie that’s playing and instead you’re all talking about whatever comes to your mind. Yelena’s explaining how she gets most of her clothes thrift shopping because you can find the coolest things there and you’re hanging onto her every word.
“We should totally have a thrifting date!”
“Yes! That’s perfect!”
“So Y/n.” Kate interrupts yours and Yelena’s screaming. “How’s your fake boyfriend doing?”
“He’s good, I mean Pietro’s always good. I had the biggest crush on him when we first met but he never seemed to be all that interested especially after Wanda shut down the two of us dating.”
“Oh, Y/n I didn’t know you liked him then.” You just shrug.
“It doesn’t matter, the relationship probably would’ve failed like all of my other ones. This way I still get to be friends with him.” You then turn to Kate, your face scrunched up in confusion. “How do you know about the fake boyfriend thing?”
“Oh, Wanda’s brought it up but she didn’t give me the name of who you were trying to make jealous.”
“I thought we weren’t telling anyone about it Wanda.”
“Hey, woah in my defense she doesn’t know Bucky so it’s not like she would be able to tell him he’s your fake boyfriend. And I needed someone to tell me how brilliant the plan is because you sure weren’t.” You sigh and run a hand down your face before taking another shot.
“Wanda here seems to think that our dear friend Bucky is in love with me.”
“He is! And you love him! You’re just both ridiculous and won’t admit it, hell you could be Y/n Barnes right now if you two would’ve said something to each other years ago!”
“Wait hold on, you’re talking about Bucky Barnes? Like dark, moody, always seems to be angry, Bucky Barnes?” Yelena joins in looking shocked.
“Oh trust me he’s not all dark and moody around our Y/n here.” Wanda laughs and gives your shoulder a little shove.
“Why do you know him?”
“Yeah, he’s in one of my history classes and I had him in an English class with me last year. I’ve never seen that man smile and the only times I’ve ever really heard him talk is when he’s fighting with his friend Sam.”
“Yep, that sounds like our grump.” 
“Wanda! Bucky’s not all dark and moody, and he smiles all the time. You know that.” You’re more confused at everyones words than upset that they’re being said. You’ve known Bucky forever and sure he can have his moments where he’s grumpy but even then he’s trying to hold back smiles after you try to crack a cheesy joke to him. You knew he could be angry, having cleaned him up a few times after fights that his now hidden anger issues had gotten him into, but he hasn’t had issues with it in years. The two of you had worked on him keeping his anger at bay together.
“Babe, you don’t see him when you’re not around. You’re like this bright light in loverboys life because when you’re not around he’s all frowns and death stares.” Your face scrunches up as you take in her words. “Now lets do more shots!”
A couple shots later and you and Kate are standing across from each other after deciding it would be a brilliant idea to learn how to fight now. The logic being something like if you learn now and perfect it drunk, you’ll be the best when sober. Wanda and Yelena are sitting on the couch laughing at how you get into a Streetfighter stance. 
“So how much do you know already?”
“I know how to throw a punch, my cousin taught me that much growing up.” Steve had taken it upon himself to teach you self defense himself after you came home from one class stating that your teacher was a creep. He taught you the right way to throw a punch in his garage after canceling plans with Bucky that same night. To this day you act like you don’t know where to put your thumb when he checks that you still know how just to annoy him. The two of you always chuckle and he shakes his head before pulling you into a hug. 
The memories flashing through your head have you smiling and then tearing up as a loneliness unlike no other starts to fill you. It’s a loneliness that can’t be filled by other people and can only be filled by the one person you can’t be around. A loneliness that can only be felt after growing up and constantly being around someone your whole life and then having this great distance between the two of you where you only communicate through texts and calls and only see each other a few times a month if you’re lucky. 
“Oh no what happened?” Kate's voice brings your attention back to the girls around you and you notice the tears falling from your eyes. Kate looks over at Wanda who immediately stands up and makes her way over to you, pulling you into a hug the moment she’s in reaching distance.
“What are you feeling right now?” She whispers into your ear.
“Lonely.” There was no point in lying to Wanda about it and besides she understood this kind of loneliness, feeling it all the time with Pietro. Your voice breaks on the word though and you start sobbing into your friend's shoulder.
“Is she okay?” Kate asks, coming up next to you two and hesitantly placing a hand on your shoulder.
“She’s going to be fine. She’s missing Steve, that’s all. When she’s drunk it’s easier to trigger that feeling. Can you take her to the couch while I make a phone call?”
“Yeah, of course.”
The minute you’re sat on the couch Yelena pulls you into a hug and Kate gasps at how quickly her badass roommate has decided to show you physical affection. It had taken her a couple months to get a hug out of Yelena. She wasn’t jealous though she got it, after the one brief moment the two of you had met she had been ready to do anything for you. She knew Yelena had to have felt the same way when she had you try on the flannel she was wearing.
“It’s alright Y/n. You know I understand missing someone like this.”
“You do?” You can just vaguely hear Wanda speaking into her phone but you’re more focused on the blonde in front of you now.
“Yes, my older sister Natasha moved over to the states way before I did. I was left in Russia with our parents and the cult we were stuck in for years without seeing her. And then when I made my way over here we moved in together for a couple years before she got a scholarship to a different school and moved out so I had to move in with Kate. I know it is different relationship than what you and your cousin have but I still miss her desperately.” Kate had been ready to bring up how she didn’t know that but stopped herself when she saw you tackle her friend and hide your face in her throat while Yelena sat there wide eyed about it but still holding you against her in a hug. Kate just started to rub your shoulders to help calm you down.
Bucky was dead asleep when his phone started ringing, or at least as dead asleep as he could be with two drunk assholes yelling in the living room about who’s winning and who’s cheating. He was ready to send it straight to voicemail assuming it was Sam again trying to get him to join them or maybe Steve but he freezes his hand midair when he sees Wanda's name. That wakes him up enough to sit up and basically shove the phone against his ear.
“Bucky, I need you to come over.”
“Why?” It didn’t matter that it was late and he really needed to sleep and this could just be a drunk Wanda's plan to try to get you and him to hook up again, he was already up and throwing sweatpants on before she could answer.
“Y/n’s having a little bit of a breakdown.”
“I’m on my way.” He hangs up the phone then and just grabs a shirt not bothering to throw it on until he’s already on his way out of the room. He barely gets out an ‘I’ll be back’ to the two men bickering on the couch about a blue shell before he’s out the door.
He doesn’t bother with the knock before he’s rushing into your apartment and into the living room. He finds you curled up on the couch between two girls, your head in the neck of a familiar face. He doesn’t bother with greeting either of the wide eyed girls next to you before he’s kneeling in front of the couch and taking your hands from Yelena's shoulders and keeping them in his own.
“Babydoll, what is it? What’s wrong?”
“Bucky?” You sniffle and you sit up straight, your watery eyes going wide as you take in the man in front of you.
“I’m right here doll what’s wrong?” You dive into his arms and one of them wraps around your back while the other moves so he can caress the back of your head. He looks at the girls on the couch waiting for some sort of explanation.
“She misses Steve.” Wanda says as she walks into the room. “Gotta say you made it here in record timing Barnes.” He ignores her comment and focuses his attention back to you.
“Y/n, doll, darlin’.” The pet names work to get you to look up at him, no longer crying as much as you were before he had shown up. He takes the side of your face in his hands wiping away tears with his thumbs as you lean into his touch. “You want me to call him for you?” He knew it was a bad idea to ask you that when he knew Steve had to wake up earlier than he did the next morning but he hated seeing you cry like this and would do anything to stop it.
“No, it’s too late.” The palm of your hand comes up to rub at your eye as a yawn breaks out. “I don’t want to wake him up.”
“What do you need me to do to feel better?”
“I already feel better.” You murmur as you put your head back into his neck and let out another yawn.
“Well, since you’re here you might as well meet our new friends. Bucky this is Kate and Yelena, guys this is Bucky.”
“Barnes.” He and the blonde nod at each other in a greeting before he turns to the brunette and offers up his hand to her.
“Thank you for helping take care of her before I could.”
“Oh, it’s no problem really. Honestly I would stop traffic for her and I barely know her. There’s just something about her that makes me want to put all my trust in her or shrink her down and keep her in my pocket for constant good vibes.”
“Kate, you're rambling.” Yelena puts a hand over her mouth before looking back at Bucky. “She’s right though.”
“I know. Alright I’ll leave you girls to it then. I’m gonna put you back on the couch now doll alright?”
“You’re leaving?” The way you look up at him as if him leaving will break your heart makes him never want to again.
“I don’t want to interrupt your girls night any more than I already have.” He places a kiss on your forehead before lifting you up onto the couch. “But I’ll be back tomorrow when I’m done with my thing.”
“Promise.” He takes your outstretched pinky with his own before giving you one last kiss on the top of your head and leaving.
Series Taglist: @lovelybarnes
Bucky Taglist: @koressecretidentity @stevieintheimpala @unmagically @peachytea01 @the-chocoholic-writer @perksofbeingatrex @rachmmb @quokkatrash @vanillamaa @strawb3rrydr3ss @that-sarcastic-writer @spideyycents @mackycat11 @rosiemotion @dissectiontime @aiyanalevina @mooncaffeine @fanofallthefics @jewelsrocks99 @yoongisdumplingcheeks @sailormajinmoon @sophielovesbarnes @collywobbl @majo240820 @alina02 @toothhurtyam @gaya-is-weird-af @the-lady-vanora
Marvel Taglist: @its-the-autism-innit-luv @pogueslandia @rorysreallyrandom @myalupinblack @lieswithoutfairytales @sugarbutterbailey @1-800-ch3rry @amelia-song-pond @neenieweenie @officiallyunofficialperson @rocketxgirl @fluffy-bnny @bunnyweasley23 
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fwkei · 3 years
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Draken x fem!reader (mainly fluff slight angst)
Finally got my first request yall 🥳 I couldn’t strictly follow the request like i wanted to but i hope thats alright, the gist is still there. anyways thank you sm for it and i hope you enjoy 
TW/CW: Mentions of sex, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex work
WC: 7k (omg the most ive ever written🙆🏻‍♀️)
Note: I changed my writing style a bit for this request so i hope yall don’t mind! and again i dont read my stuff over so my apologies if theres any mistakes lmao
You sat on the street, overheating as you watched the ‘heat waves’ coming off the ground. You held your hair up with one of your hands since you had nothing to tie it with, while the other held a lukewarm water bottle. You sighed, you felt so anxious and frustrated.
What now?  
You thought letting your mouth part due to your heavy breathing 
You took things too fast. It had been about 3 weeks since you left your parents ‘home’ and why did you leave? Well there were a number of reasons that are a bit too much to list, but all that matters now is that you’re completely and utterly on your own. 
You only managed to scavenge small jobs here and there to get some money to buy some basic necessities but nothing more. 
“Sorry Y/n, my niece is coming down to Tokyo and I told her she could have a job here and stay at the studio above...I’m gonna have to let go. I’m sorry.” said your boss to you only a couple hours ago, with pity filled eyes 
“...No it’s fine really! I understand.Thank you for taking me in while you could.” you said bowing your head at the man, biting your inner cheek trying to keep a level head 
“I’m happy you understand. You can leave your apron and hat on the cashier. On your way out.” he said patting your shoulder as you slowly brought your head up 
“Right..” you said taking off your apron and hat as you walked slowly to the cashier, placing it down 
You brought your hands to your temples out of stress, trying to figure out what you could do now. You only had very little money, and there was a heat wave striking Japan this week. At least your boss allowed you to live and pay rent in the small studio right above his store, which had an AC, but now that was for his niece.  
This had been the first time in a while where you had no idea what to do. You had always been the type of person to be able to take care of yourself and your problems..on your own. All your life since you can remember, you always had to be the one to take care of others, not that you mind or minded...but you were only so young. You never really had a childhood, at least not that you can remember. You do remember cleaning up after your parents who lost all will just to even... parent. You remember taking jobs as a babysitter at a really young age in your apartment complex to make some money.. You remember being the reliable older kid of your school and complex, where kids would come to you asking for help with things like homework all the way to buying something for them to eat because they were hungry. Not once did you ever say no, because you really did want to be there for those kids who’s parents didn’t give them the care they needed. But it just became too much.. You ended up spending all of your saved up money on them, just so they could have something to play with or something to eat. 
Before you even realized it, you were in your last year of high school, with no money saved over, no scholarships, no one to rely on but yourself. Not even a friend. Was it really the right thing to do? Use all your money that you worked so hard for to help kids he lived next door? Or just plain stupid? You knew you couldn't support them forever...but you tried so hard to. All you wanted was to give them a childhood they never had, and someone to look up too. But now you left them. All because you were frustrated. You felt so unbearably guilty. All the work you put into your studies to get at least some type of scholarship just went to waste because you couldn't handle your life anymore. You were being so so so stupid. 
Before you even knew it, the sun was going down, and you grew even more tired and sleepy. You signed, taking a jacket out of your bag and placing it on the ground so you could rest your head on it. You brought your hands to cushion your cheek as your eyes started to close. The air finally got a little cooler making it easier to breathe and well...do anything. 
As you were falling asleep you could hear chatter and laughing, and finally a tap on your shoulder waking you up. You cringed your eyes before opening them up more to see 2 women. One had blonde hair and the other had pinkish hair. They looked older than you, maybe in their 20’s. One held a bag and the other held a bottle of wine with two glasses, they bent down so their heads could be closer to yours. After examining you for a bit they turned to each other and smiled happily before turning back their gaze to your confused face. 
“Hey?” you said sitting up more, a little startled by the intimate contact they were giving you 
“Hey there, say...what’s a pretty girl like you sleeping on the street for?” asked the girl with pinkish hair that was tied into pigtails 
“I uh..don’t have a place right now so..” you said scratching your head 
“Really? Hmmm.” said he one with blonde hair 
“How old are you? And what’s your name? I think we can help you out! Woman to woman!” said the pink haired girl smiling sweetly making you feel fuzzy at their niceness 
“18, and it’s Y/n.” you said smiling nervously 
“Nice to meet you Y/n, I’m Remi, this is Rema, my twin sister.” said the pink haired girl pointing to the blonde as she waved sweetly 
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you too..!” you said bringing your hands to your thighs smiling 
“So did you just turn 18?” asked Rema 
“Sorta, 2 months ago, why?” you asked 
“Oh good!” they both said 
“Well, it’s your choice really. One of the girls left today, and the boss sent us to scout another girl to take her place, buttt we just went to buy food with no intentions of finding someone but luckily we just found you! It’s perfect!” said Remi 
“Oh? What work?” you asked getting excited 
“Oh silly, we live in a brothel! It’s really not all that bad you know, great pay and rooms...so what do you think?” asked Rema 
“A brothel..” you said under your breath 
Your mind was in a serious state of concentration. 
It can’t be all that bad, right? You just have to please people and go on with your day so… that’s what i've been doing my whole life… plus… there's a bunch of women in those things right? I probably won't get too much attention from customers if there's sweethearts like Remi and Rema walking around...so...just for the time being… I think it could really work out in my favor. 
You thought to yourself 
You brought your head up, giving the girls a closed eyes smile before shaking your head ‘yes’ making them jump in excitement. 
“Oh good!” yelled Remi grabbing your hands 
“I’m so excited! We haven't had a new girl in years! How do you think Ken will react?” asked Rema smiling as you 3 all started to walk 
“Ken?” you asked furrowing your eyebrows at the familiar name 
“Oh right, We’ll have to introduce you to him and everyone else tomorrow. He’s the bosses foster kid..I think you two are actually the same age.” said Rema bringing her pointer finger to her chin 
“Mhm mhm! Oh and since you're new, tomorrow I will take your pictures for the board, you can borrow one of my sets till you can afford to buy one for yourself, how does that sound Y/n?” asked Remi smiling and holding your hand 
“It sounds..great! Thank you so much.” you said bowing your head slightly 
“No worries! Hopefully the boss will take you in.” said Remi patting your head 
“Yeah..” you said as you 3 continued to walk to the brothel 
You couldn't seem to get your mind off of that familiar name..Ken? You swore you knew someone named that. It definitely wasn't a popular name so it’s not like you knew it from some type of T.V program.. After thinking hard your whole way to your new home you couldn't seem to remember them. The person named Ken. And so you decided to brush it off for the time being. 
The brothel was pretty big, and consisted of 12 girls, not including yourself. It was really late so everyone was asleep. Remi and Rema showed you to your room which was much more spacious than your room at home. They told you that you were allowed to decorate it and style it however you wanted. But they told you it was important to know that this was the room where business would be done, and not to leave important things around since some of the men came into brothels for the sole purpose of stealing. Remi even told you a story about how one of her clients tried to steal one of her panites, but then the boy named Ken stopped him by knocking him out with one punch to the stomach.   
“He sounds strong-” you laughed as they gave you a small tour 
“He sure is! Like the bodyguard of this place! He’s a sweetheart!” said Remi smiling 
“I’m sure..!” you smiled 
“Alright that’s about it, you should shower now and get ready for tomorrow. The boss will probably wanna take a look at you before seeing if he wants you. But I'm sure he will! You're pretty so it’ll go smoothly!” said Remi handing you her shower stuff for you to use for tonight and a set 
“Got it, and again...thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” you said again 
“Of course! Remember..we’re neighbors so feel free to knock whenever you need something..Also I can give you some tips before your first client so you know what to do.” she said smiling 
“Right, goodnight then!..” you said feeling your face get hot at how she so easily talked about sex. 
After that, you did exactly as she said, you showered. You thoroughly washed your body, face, and hair. Getting out you looked down at the set Remi gave you. It was just a black bra and matching panties with a silk cover up which made you feel better knowing you could cover up with that.  
You rubbed your mouth as you started to rethink your decision. I mean...you respected sex workers..but was this life what you were willing to settle for? Aimlessly waiting around for some random horny man to choose you and do things with you just for you to get only 40% of the payment? Was this all really worth it? Leaving home to avoid your problems...to end up here? You were grateful, yes, Remi and Rema were so sweet and open with you. You could only hope that the others were just as nice. You really wanted things to go well, and that can only start with some good rest. 
You woke up to a knock on your door, to see Remi and Rema walking in with a smile 
“Morninggg!” they sang as you quickly got out of bed 
“Hi!” you said frantically 
“No need to rush! Usually men start coming in at 10, but since you don't work here officially yet you got to sleep in a bit! But the boss called for you, you should go to the set up room down the hall to get ready, remember it?” asked Rema 
“Yeah I do. Thank you for waking me-!” you said smiling and grabbing your stuff and shoes 
“Course, good luck Y/n!” they said as you quickly walked out of your room to get ready 
As you walked in, there were a few other girls getting ready. You smiled and introduced yourself to them, and them to you. They were all so nice and pretty. It made you feel a little bit better about being here, and less nervous since they complimented your looks. You got ready in about 10 minutes, letting one of the other girls help you out with your hair and stuff like that. You gave yourself one last look in the mirror before stepping out and waving to the girls ‘bye.’ 
You nervously walked to the boss's door. You took a deep breath before knocking. You heard a muffled ‘come in!’ so you walked in smiling while holding your covering close. You gave a nervous closed eyes smile before seeing his office was simple, just a desk with a bunch of papers and a chair on the other side. 
“Y/n, correct?” he asked placing down his paper and taking off his glasses to look at you
“Yes.” you said smiling 
“Pleasure-” he said leaning over the desk to shake your hand 
“Likewise.” you said smiling, shaking his hand firmly before sitting down
“Well, I’m sure Remi and Rema told you just about everything you need to know, I take 60% of your earrings, I use that stuff to pay for rent and bills for you girls and my kid… which usually takes up about 30% of that 60%, meaning you make a profit of 40, while I make only a profit of 30 per girl.” he said 
“Yeah, I was told.” you said smiling nervously fiddling with your hands
“Good good, now that that's over with..” he said getting up ad signing 
“I’m just gonna take a look at you, no need to be nervous I’m not gonna touch you or anything, so please don’t feel worried.” he said smiling 
“Right!” you said getting up 
“Alright just do a quick 360 with arms up.” he said smiling 
“Okay.” you said doing as he said 
He looked you up and down but not in a lustful way at all, it was more of like a ‘just seeing how you’ll hold up’ kinda look, almost like he was a bit worried for you. 
“Thank you-” he said sitting back down as you did the same feeling nervous
“I was also told you’re 18? Right?” he asked looking down at his papers 
“Yeah that's right.” you said 
“Well I don't usually have this talk with the other woman because they're older. I know the age of consent in Japan is 16 and blah blah, but you’re still pretty young, are you sure you wanna work like this?” he asked looked into your eyes 
“...Not entirely but it’s the best I can do right now.” you said with a determined face
“I see- we’ll then welcome, and just remember you can leave whenever you want, but give a 2 weeks notice. When Remi is done, ask her to take your picture.” he said 
“Understood, thank you!” you said said smiling and leaving   
You walked out of the room, closing the door carefully signing in relieve 
That went pretty well.
You thought 
You started to walk down the hall so that you could ask Remi to take your picture. But when you put your ear to the door, you heard lewd noises letting you know she wasn’t done just yet. It was already 5, and the brothel closes at 10. You didn’t really know what to do, so you walked over to the kitchen, sitting down at one of the stools waiting for Remi and or Rema to finish up with their work. You tapped the pen that was on the table and started to look around the kitchen. You remembered Remi told you there were snacks in the cabinets, so you got up and started to open and close them one by one to find something to eat. You finally found a cabinet filled instant ramen, you grabbed one and started to pour water into it, popping it into the microwave that was on the counter top. You stood in front of it waiting, playing with the loose strings of you covering when suddenly you heard the door open. 
“I’m home.” said the tall boy with dark hair tied back to reveal a dragon tattoo on the side of his head 
Is this Ken? 
You thought as the microwave beeped, making his eyes turn to you
You quickly shot your eyes to the microwave, hoping he didn’t notice your stare. He looked so familiar it was almost irritating how you couldn’t remember him. You took the hot cup out of the microwave, placing it down on the counter top, ignoring his presence as he walked over, placing down the plastic bag in his hand, noticing your frustrated face trying to figure out where the utensils are. 
“Left of the sink are where they are.” he said sitting down on the stool across from you after looking at your face a bit 
“Thank you.” you said smiling nervously turning around to grab a pair of chopsticks 
“Are you new here?” he asked taking out a styrofoam box from the plastic bag, opening it to reveal a hot meal of meat and rice and vegetables 
“Yeah..I was supposed to start today but I don’t have my pictures taken yet.” you said smiling turning back to mix your noodles 
“Could you grab me a pair too?” he asked realizing he forgot to take a pair of chopsticks from the restaurant 
“Sure-” you said turning back quickly to grab some for him, placing it in his hands as he gave you a soft smile making your eyes widen slightly. 
“You look familiar..” you both said at the same time making both your eyebrows raise in shock then turn into a slight scoff from the both of you 
“Glad we’re on the same page then.” he said taking a bite of his food as you did the same still standing 
“You know you can sit down, don’t feel nervous.” he said looking up you slightly 
“..yeah.” you said smiling, walking around and sitting next to him. 
“So when’d you come?” he asked turning his head slightly to see your mouth filled with noodles making him smile a bit 
“..I came by last night, really late with Remi and Rema.” you said after finishing your bite
“I see...I feel like I remember you from somewhere, can’t pinpoint it though.” he said looking back down at his food 
“Same here, and you must be Ken though, right? When I first heard your name I swore the same thing but I just can’t remember..” you said before sipping some of the broth of your soup
“Yeah, but you can call me Draken and your name?” he asked getting up to grab a napkin from across the table 
“Draken...sure! Oh right, my bad. It’s Y/n. Nice to meet you-” you said smiling holding your hand out for him to shake
He only completely shot up to look into your eyes with his wide ones. You gave him a confused look as you watched him get knocked out of his thoughts, bring his hand up to shake your hand before clearing his throat and walking back over to sit. Maybe you struck a nerve? Maybe had the same name as someone who hurt him in the past? You really didn’t know but it made you feel interested. He looked like he just had his life flash before his eyes or something. 
“Are you okay?” you asked 
“Uh yeah, I’m fine. My head just hurts a bit.” he said looking as if he was deep in thought 
“Oh? I have some tylenol in my room.. You want one? Or I can make you a cold drink, you’re probably dehydrated?” you asked smiling a bit 
Draken turned his head to look at you, his mouth was parted, and he just looked so..anxious? You couldn’t even tell, almost like congested because he wanted to say something. 
Draken felt his heartbeat quicken when he heard your name. As soon as you said it, a random memory that was buried deep in the back of his mind hit him as he quickly re-lived it. But could it really be you? The Y/n he knew from so so so long ago? Around 10 years ago? There could be no way, he remembers the girl moving to a different city..the chances were so low that it could really be you already. 
But the second you said those words.. Those words of offering to make something for him, or give him something, despite you thinking you only just met him...Made him know that it was really the Y/n he met when he was only a little boy...but how the hell did you turn up here? In a place and part of town like this? He was so confused and just wanted to ask you...but you still didn’t remember him. 
“..No I’m alright, thanks..can I ask you somethin-” said Draken before being interrupted 
“Y/n!! Come on, let's take your pictures!” yelled Remi coming out of her room waving as a man walked out too buttoning his shirt 
“Sorry, just remember what you wanted to say and tell me later.” you said smiling and standing up and walking over to Remi
Draken watched you as you walked away. He saw Remi give you a hug, and the man that was walking out checked you out to which Draken gave him a pissed off look. Making the man smile nervously, wave, and leave. 
Do you really wanna live your life like this, Y/n?
He thought to himself before packing up his trash and throwing it away
Remi took your pictures, telling you to do different poses etc, and you finally settled on one. You walked over to the front of the house to place your picture in its designated area above your name. You signed, stepping back to look at it, fixing your gaze to see Draken was walking over with his hands in his pocket, looking as he was going to leave. You saw him glance at the photo making you feel slightly embarrassed.
“Nice.” he said smiling but looking into your eyes in a way where it looked like he was concerned for you. 
Just as you were about to thank him a man walked in and started looking at you making you feel nervous. The man requested you, and so you smiled at him pointing your hand to where the showers were, as you started to walk behind him, you turned your hand giving a thumbs up to Draken with a nervously flushed face, smiling, as he he brought his hand up giving you a thumbs up with soft and concerning eyes before opening the door and leaving. It made your smile fade slightly, you’ve seen that face before from him. But not from today.. And it was all you could think about during your work. 
As you laid in your room, after work you couldn’t help but feel a little bit...stupid? You felt so unsatisfied, not because of your customers but because you just couldn’t remember. It felt like an itch you couldn’t scratch hard enough, and with every interaction you had with the boy almost felt like a tease, like the itch just became more itchy and your scratches just became more weak. Maybe if you spend more time with him, you’ll remember? 
It had been about 4 weeks, 4 weeks of saving your money, and every 4 weeks the boss collected his fair share of the cut. It wasn’t a pretty 4 weeks, it was probably the worst 4 weeks of your life. But... you and Draken would often exchange stories about your lives late at night which you enjoyed a lot. It always makes you feel better. But yet again you still couldn't figure him out. You felt as though you’ve met him before, and as though you two have had these kinds of talks before. 
Draken only grew more and more helpless, seeing how you still haven’t remembered. He was slowly watching your life crumble. He felt so angry that you settled and believed you deserved to live like this, barely scraping by. He felt so awful, and saw how you grew so tired of it all. He just so badly wanted you to remember him, so that he could once again talk to you like he did before.
You had one last customer before closing, going through your usual routine, this n that, the man offered you a drink. You stupid obliged drinking it, hoping it would make your time more enjoyable but you were wrong, so very wrong, and so very stupid for drinking that stupid drink. You remember some parts, you did your job, then it all went black.. You woke up after hearing knocking on your door. You jumped out of bed, confused. You remember seeing the man leave as you started to fall asleep but that's about it. Usually you never fall asleep after the work because you never do much, your mind started to panic. But the door opened revealing Remi smiling.
“Hey sleepy! Boss says it’s your turn, come on, get your cash!” she said smiling 
“Right let me just..it’s in my drawer..I don't know why I fell asleep so fast I think alcohol makes me sleepy.” you said getting out of bed and kneeling in front of your drawer to get the envelope of cash you had been saving.
“Heh, same here. I never accepted drinks from clients..they never had good intentions with that!” she said coming over and sitting at your bed 
“..yeah.” you said starting to feel that panic arise in your body when seeing the envelope was...gone.
“What's wrong?” asked Remi noticing you were frozen 
“I- the money..It’s gone..he took it..” you said with wide eyes feeling as though you were about to sob realizing you had just lost thousands of yen.
“Don’t say that..it..it probably just got misplaced! Come on, I'll help you look!” said Remi getting up  
You couldn't even respond because of the amount of panic you were in. Your heart was racing and you felt tears fall from your eyes. After about 15 minutes of looking, you two found nothing. Absolutely nothing. You sat on the floor with your hand over your mouth, again, trying to keep a level head. 
What now..?
You thought to yourself feeling hot tears stream from your face.
“Hey..guys? Boss is calling for you Y/n..what’s going on?” asked Rema walking in seeing you covering your face, crying 
“She was robbed by the guy who just left, he put something in her drink to knock her out while he looked around and took the money...she doesn’t have the money.” said Remi 
Rema’s mouth parted in shock and pity. 
How could you mess up something so easy? All you had to do was keep your money safe. But you even failed at that. 
“You have to tell him, Y/n.” said Rema rubbing your back
“Yea..yeah, could you two just give me a second? I’ll be right out.” you said smiling while wiping your face 
“Sure.” they said frowning and walking out 
You fisted your hands, and grabbed your covers before screaming into them to muffle your sounds..
Okay..it was a couple of thousand yen...not too bad right? I can promise the money by tomorrow..I’ll pick up some sort of street job...yeah! That’s good. Everything is fine..it’s fine.
You thought to yourself before wiping your face on more time and slapping both sides of your cheeks to wake you up.
You got up and walked to the bosses door feeling the eyes of people on your back. You knocked on the door before opening it slowly, refusing to make eye contact as you went to stand in front of the man with your arms behind your back.
“Alrighttt, let’s see here, in the last four weeks you had a total of 37 customers, so you should have around 300,000 yen, correct?” he asked looking at his paper 
“Yes.” you said still looking down
“Alright, just hand it to me so I can count and divide it, you can sit.” he said smiling holding his hand out 
“I..I don-” you said before being interrupted by a knock 
“Come in.” he said 
“Hey sorry dad, Y/n left her money with me while she went out. Thought I should bring it to her. Remember, Y/n?” said Draken walking in with an envelop in his hand smiling as he came to stand next to you, as you nodded your head ‘yes’ 
“Oh, thank you Ken.” he said smiling and taking the envelop 
Your mouth parted as you gave a confused look, Draken only smiled and gave you a thumbs up while his dad counted the money. You felt so guilty and shocked, and all you could do was just stand there, like an idiot. 
“Here you are...120,000 back..” he said, patting the money on the table to make it flat, putting it back into the envelope and handing it to you
You hesitantly brought your hand to grab it, glancing over at Draken who gave you small smile
“Thank you-” you said to him seeing Draken was already opening the door to leave 
You quickly followed after him as he walked into his room. Before entering his room he turned around and looked down at you 
You felt your eyes soften as you felt as though you were about to cry again, you tilted your head and neck down biting the inside of your cheek to keep in your cry. 
“I promise I’ll pay all of it back by tomorrow, all 300,000.” you said 
“Do you ever give yourself a break?” he asked as you brought your head up to look at him seeing he looked almost irritated 
“You didn’t even ask why I did it, you just immediately jumped to feeling guilty. And you don’t need to pay me back. Really.” he said bringing his hand to close to the door, but you stopped him by grabbing his wrist making his breath hitch 
“Why?” you asked looking into his eyes 
“You still don’t remember? Even after all this time we’ve spent together?” he asked smiling as you took your hand off his wrist 
“Remember...?” you asked furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, but then it suddenly hit you
“I swear it wasn’t me! I didn't steal!” yelled a little boy with blonde hair as two cops stood in front of him 
You tilted your head and walked closer, but still keeping your distance to hear. It was a winter day and you were on your way to the corner store to buy some snacks, but you were met with an interesting scene. You kept your hands in your pockets as you listened over to the boy screaming and pleading his innocence 
“I wouldn’t steal something so stupid! What would a kid like me need a lighter for!! I don’t know how it ended up in my pocket! Lay off!” he yelled as the officer dangled the lighter in front of his face
A lighter?
“Keep it down! We know how troubled you kids are here! Especially with those tattoos!” yelled back the cop as the boy grew angry and fisted his hands, ready to punch the cop
“Hey!!!” he heard a voice yelled 
“Hey wait a minute!” you yelled waving your hand smiling as you ran to the scene 
“Can we help you?” asked one of the cops in a soft tone 
The blonde boy grew quiet, and you saw his hands loosen as he looked at your smiling face 
“Yeah, why are you two yelling at my brother?” you asked furrowing your brows at the two grown man 
“...Your so-called brother stole a lighter from the corner store right behind you, where are your parents? We would like to have a word with them.” he said standing up straight 
“Yeah, and talk about how they let their son tattoo himself already..” said one under his breath making the other laugh 
You looked over at the boy growing angry, you gave him a smile..making him calm down.
“He said it was just an accident, I asked him to pick up a lighter from the store so that we could light a candle at our father’s grave! See!” you said digging into your bag to pull out a candle 
“He probably felt pressured because I asked him to get it, so if you’re gonna get mad at someone, get mad at me!” you said as you started to fake cry 
“It’s our father's death anniversary, and you're yelling at kids for making a mistake.” you faked cried
“Yeah!!” yelled the boy making you smile under your hands as the two officers became anxious, feeling bad for what they had just done.
“..we’re sorry. Please let us apologize.” they said slightly bowing at you two 
“I don’t think we can accept it...you two also made fun of the dragon tattoo on his head!...dragons were our dads favorite animal. He risked his life fighting for Japan and you two are laughing at him! Is that how your mother taught you how to behave?” you asked pretending to wipe you tears as the blonde boy watched you in awe seeing you toy with grown men 
“Please let us treat you both to whatever you’d like from the corner store as an apology!” they both said bowing lower making you smile and look back at the boy. You gave him a thumbs up as a smile grew on his face 
“Fine..come on then?” you said as both the officers raised their heads, opening the doors of the corner store for you both 
You and the blonde boy walked around the store, filling your baskets with all types of things. The blonde boy watched you in just pure awe as you walked around picking your favorite snacks, as he did the same, glancing at you every now and then. 
“Here.” you said smiling at the cops 
“Right!” they said frantically taking out their wallets as the boy placed down his stuff nervously, still watching you
“Oh and-” you said reaching your hand to grab the lighter from the officer and placing it into the bunch of snacks 
You smiled, your hands were behind your back as you watched the officers pay for yours and the boys' food, placing them into bags for you guys too. You grabbed the lighter and your bag, as the boy did the same 
“Mom told us to meet her at the cemetery steps, remember?” you said looking into the boys eyes
“..yeah, I remember.” he said smiling feeling his face become hot 
“Let’s go then.” you said smiling and taking his hand as you two ran out of the store 
After a bit you two stopped and sat on the curbside while you both chose a snack to eat.  
“Here’s your lighter, you don’t have to stay with me by the way.” you said handing him the steel lighter 
“..Thanks” he said 
“Sure- what do you need it for anyway?” you asked smiling 
“My boss asked for it.” he said putting it in his pocket
“Oh, are you in some type of delinquent group?” you asked looking at him 
“Yeah..” he said smiling 
“That's cool, what do you guys do?” you asked taking a sip of your drink 
“We kinda just...like...do stupid stuff and fight..” he said 
“Sounds fun, but...stupid.” you said laughing making him scoff 
“Why’d you do it?” he asked 
“Do what?” you asked back turning you gaze to him 
“Come in to cover me. You could’ve gotten in a lot of trouble because of me.” he said with a frustrated face 
“You’re right, I just wanted to, that's all.” you said smiling making his mouth part and cheeks redden
“You seem pretty fun too so I thought we could be friends or something..” you said nervously 
“Yeah! Sure- We can be friends!” he said happily making you feel flustered 
“Well then, it’s nice to meet you, my name is Y/n, yours?” you asked holding over your hand 
“Ken, but you can call me Draken-” he said taking ahold of your hand gently as you gave him a closed eyed smile blushing 
“where the hell did you find that candle and com up with that whole sob story Y/n?”
“Dunno, I saw the candle on the ground by a newspaper, I kinda just winged it- “
After that day you remember hanging out with Draken almost every other day. You remember him telling you how he and his close friends started their own gang and needed some sort of funding, and so you gave it to him, on his birthday.
“I saved up! You said that you and your friends needed some money to start off so that you guys could buy a flag or banner? Right? Well, here’s 30,000 yen for your birthday!” you said handing him an envelope and a small balloon.
“Are-are you serious right now Y/n?” he asked taking the gifts, opening the envelope to look inside to see the money as his eyes lit up 
“Yeah, I babysit more kids now so I was able to put some aside for you.” you said smiling satisfied with his reaction 
He didn’t even say anything, all he did was bring his arms around you upper body, hugging you tight making you laugh as you brought yours to hug him back 
“Thank you- you’re the best! The guys will be so happy!” he said smiling while grasping your wrists in excitement. Your eyes traced over his face as they soften. You smiled. 
And- after that, you remember the day you 2 separated as friends. You both sat on the curbside, you remembered you called him to come and see you. It was a winter night and the sun was going down. 
“I uh..well I don’t really know how to say this without sounding cliche but-”
“What? Are you gonna confess that you’re madly in love with me or something?” he asked grinning, making you sweat drop 
“Jeez be quiet...I’m trying to make this a memorable moment-” you signed smiling, placing your palms on the cold cement 
“Alright let’s hear it then Y/n-!” he said bringing his hands to the back of his head as he laid down looking up at the stars 
You only frowned slightly, you shifted your position so that you could sit beside him and have a good look at his face. 
“You’re scaring me..” he said jokingly making you smile 
“It was really fun the past year.” you said smiling as Draken shot his head up to look at you face to face 
“The hell are you talking like that for?” he asked furrowing his brows 
“My parents can’t afford living in any districts in Tokyo anymore, so we’re moving to another city… about 4 hours train ride from Tokyo so-” you said looking down at your hands on the floor
“So? You act like I won't be able to come and see you or you come and see me..” he said ducking his head a bit so that you could look at him 
“Draken, train tickets are about 220 yen per person, I can't afford it, and if you came by to see me I'd feel guilty because you’d be wasting your money just to only see me for like an hour.” you said 
“How can I be wasting my money on you? It’s not wasting if I wanna do it and see you, plus what makes you think it'll only be a couple hours?” he asked 
“I’ll have to start working once we get there, so I wouldn’t have anytime...I wanna start saving so that one day I can come back to Tokyo and live here, so that I can see your dream come true of helping your friend create a ‘new era of delinquents’ you know? I’ll even help you guys if you want with financial stuff or something.” you said smiling at him 
Draken bit the inside of his cheek. He wanted to tell you so bad how he felt but..
“Look, I have a feeling I know what you’re gonna say..just remember what you wanted to say and tell me later, okay?” you said placing your hand on top of his causing his eyes to widen 
“...You’ll remember me, right?” he asked looking into your eyes deeply making your mouth part 
“Yeah, I’ll remember you as long as you remember what you wanted to tell me. Cause I feel the same” you said smiling as a tear fell from your eyes 
“good...I will.” he said smiling back and tilting his head and wiping it off your face
After the memories hit you, you stood there with wide eyes and tears, with your wrist covering your quivering mouth. You had completely suppressed your memories of Draken, and your feelings because you knew you wouldn't be able handle being apart from him for so long. And he did the same. You couldn’t imagine how unbearable it was for him to be waiting up like this. You looked up at him seeing his eyes were softly looking at you. You could do nothing but bring your arms around him hugging him, as he brought his arms around you to do the same. You were still such in shock. 
“I never thought you’d end up in a place like this, living a life like this.” he said against your ear 
“I don’t wanna see you like this, please let me take care of you like you did for me..” he said said tightening his grip slightly  
You could only cry at his words, you didn’t even wanna try to speak because you knew it would only come out as a sob. Was it really alright for you to rely on someone so much?
He pulled back from the hug and looked at your face, seeing you were still crying as you nodded your head ‘yes’, he smiled and wiped them away with his thumb. The smile on his face...he looked so satisfied...and happy...happy that you finally remembered. Finally remembered him.
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keiichikuzuryuwu · 3 years
Place Your Bets
Implied (Future) Keiichi Kuzuryuu x Reader
Summary: This is a reimagining of the manga’s version of the Four of Clubs game, featuring a very stubborn, very smart mother hen Y/N instead of a gentle girl.
A/N: I have literally never seen anyone write for Kuzuryuu and that made me sad, because I love him. Also I know very little about how to actually take care of a baby so please be forgiving.
TW: Blood, leg injury, a crying baby
Walking along a deserted street, a man in a hat was making his way toward tonight’s game. Based on his body language, you would think he didn’t want to go, but in honesty, he was tentatively looking forward to it.
“Oh my god, another person!!” The voice of a woman caught his attention, pulling his gaze away from the lights in the distance. As he looked over, he took note of how clean she was, all glow and innocence compared to the world around her- a new arrival, clearly. But what truly surprised him was the fact that she was carrying a sleeping baby in her arms. It was rare to come across a child here, much less a baby. Perhaps it was her’s, which was why she hadn’t abandoned it yet, “You wouldn’t happen to be this baby’s father, would you? Or at the very least have seen anyone who could possibly be their parents?”
So it wasn’t her’s. The man wondered how long it would be until she gave up on it.
“No, sorry. I’m on my way to a game, so if you’ll excuse me,” He tipped his hat and took a step, only to feel his arm grabbed.
“Wait, what game? Should I be heading there too?”
“You… don’t know about the games? Are you new here?” He already knew the answer, but no point in signaling that to her. She may end up a Heart Specialist and get into his head, after all.
“Yes, actually! One moment, I was going to meet up with my friends, and the next, the entirety of Shibuya was powered down and empty except me and this little one here,” So she’d walked all this way from Shibuya in just a few hours? Maybe a Spades Specialist, then.
“Well then you should come with me. We need to get you registered for a game so you don’t end up a day one victim.”
“Woah, what?? Day one victim??” The color drained from her face, before she grabbed his hand and began walking, “What and where is this game? Is it Trivial Pursuit? Because I’m really good at Trivial Pursuit! Wait, but that’s a one winner game and this is looking more and more like the set up for a death game manga but in real life,” She looked back at him, “Did I get stuck in a death game manga but in real life?”
“Um…” He didn’t really know how to respond to this woman. Regaining his wits, he caught up to her brisk pace and pointed in the direction of the lights, “See those lights? That’s where the closest game is. And, yes, you unfortunately did…”
“Brilliant, let’s go,” She still held onto his hand as they walked, confusing the man. They were complete strangers and he’d just told her that she was walking towards her probable death, yet she continued to hold his hand as though they were allies.
Walking up to the glowing tunnel, the man spotted the registration phones on a table, three of them already missing. The already registered participants were scattered nearby, looking at them strangely. Did they perhaps think he, this woman, and the baby were a family? The thought almost flustered him.
“So what do I do?” The woman asked him when they got over to the table, “Just take one of these phones?”
“Yes, here,” Handing her one, he watched as she tapped to turn it on.
“I don’t like the fact that this facial recognition already had me registered with an ID number,” She scoffed, putting the phone in her skirt’s pocket before hesitating, “Wait, do I need to register this baby too? I mean, obviously I’m not gonna abandon it, but… they’re a baby, they can’t really play a game.”
“No, unfortunately they need to be registered… Here,” Picking up another phone, he held it up to the face of the babe, the ping of the completed registration sounding a moment later, “You keep hold of this one too, since you’re holding the baby.”
“Alright, sounds good to me,” Placing the other phone in her pocket, she cooed at the baby, “You better hope this isn’t Trivial Pursuit or I’m gonna have to kick your butt, baby~ That’s right, that’s right~”
“Please don’t taunt the baby like that. It’s… unnerving…” Nervously pulling on his collar, the man was surprised when she just laughed.
“Sorry, I cope with stress by joking around…” She placed a hand on the back of her neck as they walked over to the others, “The only way this baby isn’t surviving is if it’d be better to do a mercy killing. Other than that, I’m fighting tooth and nail to make sure they get through this with me.”
“You for real??” One of the men closest to them, with spiked, pitch dark hair, scoffed, “You really think you can keep a baby alive here? Put yourself first if you wanna live, lady!”
“Come on, don’t say that!” The woman snapped back, before taking a breath and calming down, “Here, how about we start over and introduce ourselves?”
“This could be a Hearts game, or the rules could state we need to kill each other,” The only other woman there, a stark, gothic contrast to the Mori girl aesthetic of the woman with the baby, stated coldly, “I’ll pass.”
“One minute until registration closes,” A calm, female voice suddenly came from all of their phones, startling the woman with the baby.
“Huh?” Taking out her phone, she looked it over, “Guess it speaks too… These are my least favorite part of this nightmare so far,” Then, she took note of the camera app, “Ooh! Hey, wanna take a selfie?”
“You want to… take a selfie with me?” The man she’d arrived with questioned her, utterly befuddled by this woman.
“Yeah, come on! This might be the last chance we ever get to take a good picture!” Moving in close, she held up the phone, making sure to get both them and the still sleeping baby in the shot, “Awesome! Thanks for indulging my possibly last request!”
“You are way too chipper, lady,” A new man spoke as he walked up. Short cropped hair with designs buzzed into it and a mean face, this man screamed gangster. In reaction, the woman held the baby tighter.
“Entry has now closed,” The phones spoke again, “There are a total of seven participants. Please proceed into the tunnel.”
“I just hope it’s not Spades… I’m not very good at physical games…” The man in the hat grumbled, causing the woman to raise an eyebrow as they walked into the tunnel. About 100 feet in, the woman suddenly stopped, “What’s the matter?”
“I hear something…” Straining her ears for a moment, she suddenly looked up at the top of the tunnel’s entrance.
“Wha?! What the hell?!” Just as the words left spiky haired man’s lips, a barrier fell from the ceiling, creating debris and, more importantly, blocking them in.
“UWAAAHHH!!!!” The baby had woken up due to the world shaking from the force of the barrier’s impact with the ground, only for the woman to pull out a pacifier from her purse and stick it in the infant’s mouth.
“Thank goodness I thought to grab that…”
“W-We’re trapped in??” Goth woman shouted, panic taking over, “But that isn’t the standard!!”
“Guess they really don’t want us to be able to choose the coward’s way out this game…” Gangster guy placed his hand on the wall.
“ARGHH!!” Everyone’s attention was directed to the man in the hat, who was sitting on the ground, blood gushing from his leg, “Some rubble… it went into my leg!!”
“On no!!” The woman with the baby was the first to react, rushing over to him, “Hold the baby, we need to wrap this up and restrict the blood flow!”
“O-Okay…!” Carefully, he took the baby, doing his best not to shake as she took an extra baby blanket out of her bag and used it to create a makeshift cotton bandage.
As she worked, their phones chimed again- “The game will now commence. Difficulty: Four of Clubs. Game: Runaway. Rule: Endure the four trials and reach the goal within the time limit. Clear condition: Reach the goal safely.”
“Trials? Goal? What’s it talking about?” The goth woman mumbled.
“It looks like these are the trials it’s referring to…” At a man in glasses words, everyone turned around and saw what he meant.
In the floor, walls, and ceiling were various doors and hatches. The first door was in a wall, marked ‘Trial One,’ with a timer stating the lock released in fifteen minutes. Next to that, several round hatches labeled ‘Trial Two’ were going to release in thirty minutes. Trial Three’s vents in the ceiling were releasing in forty five, and Four’s hatch on the floor was set to release in an hour.
Spiky haired man noticed a placard on the wall by Door One, and walked over to inspect it.
“The distance to the goal is written here… But I can’t read the most important part. Damnit…” Sure enough, where the number should be, instead was worn down metal.
Looking down at the ground somberly, Glasses stated, “A conjecture… ‘Runaway’ means to flee… Something will come out of each of these four doors after a delay. Perhaps it means we should run towards the goal while running away? If the fourth lock opens after an hour, and we were to run for that amount of time, then the distance to the goal is around ten kilometers…”
“Game… start.”
At that moment, the timers started counting down, and their phones switched to an hour long timer as well.
“Ten kilometers in an hour is cutting it too close! We can’t afford to waste a second!” With that, everyone save the woman with the baby and the man in the hat started running.
“Can you stand?” The woman asked him as she took the baby back, genuinely concerned about this stranger.
“With help, I think I should be able to…”
“Hey, you lot! Care to help a lady out??”
“I make no promises that I’ll hold on to you till the end…” The gangster helped lift the man to allow the woman to continue carrying the baby safely.
“Thank you in the meantime…” The man got out through labored breaths as they walked.
Within the first five minutes, everyone reached a bus covered in graffiti, the first car they had seen since the game began. By the time the man, woman, and gangster got there, it seemed their fellow players had exhausted it.
“There’s nothing here except junk, and it’s not going no matter how hard I hit the gas!!!” Spiky hair complained as glasses looked underneath the bus.
“The belt is cut, that’s why. Looks like this isn’t meant to be our method of transportation…” Getting up, he began running, “Looks like we have to run! We lost time here, so let’s hurry!”
“Gaaah!! I’m at my limit… There’s no way I could run…” The man in the hat groaned, “Don’t worry about me anymore, you all should hurry on ahead…”
“It’s like he says,” Goth woman cut off the other, “The first trial is about to start… In order to survive in these Borderlands, sometimes we have to do callous things. If you don’t learn that quick, you won’t be long for this world,” With that, she began running as well.
For a moment, the man, woman, and gangster didn’t move, until the gangster helped the man over to the first step of the bus and set him down before walking away.
“You too??” The woman angrily called out after him, “You’re going to desert us??”
“I tried helping… But now, things have changed…” He picked up speed, quickly catching up to the others.
“Selfish cowards!!” She yelled, shaking her fist at them. Sighing, she turned to the man, “Guess it’s just you and me, huh?”
“Are you sure? You should go run-”
“Nuh uh. I’ve decided I’m staying here, so I’m staying here,” Scooting around him, the woman gently placed the baby into the dip of the driver’s seat before helping the man up and to a seat so he could prop up his leg, “Let’s see…”
“What are you doing?” He raised an eyebrow as he watched her go up and down the bus.
“In order to slow the flow of blood more until we can get you help, we need to raise your leg. By doing that, the blood will- Here-” She took the baby and handed them to him again before looking around more, “The blood won’t be able to pump up there as fast, and it should give us some wiggle room.”
“You seem awfully knowledgeable about this. Are you perhaps a doctor?”
“Hah, no, I just remember a lot. Picked this up from a medical book I read when I was sixteen for fun. I’m actually a Masters student working towards simultaneous degrees in Psychology and Religion with a focus in cults,” Before the man could comment on how impressive that was, the woman sighed, “I’ve found a Japanese to English dictionary, a space heater, a set of keys that turn on this motionless bus, and a gum wrapper, but nothing to prop up your leg,” Sitting in the chair across the row from him, the woman took the baby back and gently bounced it, “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens…”
“I’m sorry I’ve dragged you down with me…”
“Nonsense!” She waved her hand dismissively, “I’m not much of a runner, and I’ve got this little angel to look after. There’s no way I could run to some mysterious goal even if I wanted to. Besides…” Her eyes shifted back and forth before leaning in and dropping her voice as though they were being watched, “Something about this game is striking me as odd.”
“What do you mean?” The man leaned in as best as he could, voice dropping as well.
“Before I tell you my theory, could you explain what exactly the card level of this game means? You said you hoped this game wasn’t Spades because you weren’t good at physical games, while the woman stated we shouldn’t tell each other our names in case it was a Hearts game. That means the different suits represent different types of games, while the number represents how hard it is, right?”
“You picked that up quickly. Most people don’t realize that their first game, it generally takes someone explaining it to them their second or third game for them to get it,” Thinking for a moment, he nodded, “Very well, since we’re going to be here for at least an hour, I’ll tell you. Yes, the number on the card connotes how hard the game will be, with Ace being the easiest, while King is the hardest. As for the suits- Spades represent physical games, lots of moving around and exertion. Diamond games are intelligence and wit based games, and are the least physically demanding. If you were to find a game of Trivial Pursuit here, it would fall into that suit.”
“I see,” She sounded enraptured.
“Hearts,” He paused, considering his words, “They’re psychological games…  They mess with your mind and your morals, and are widely regarded as the most brutal of the four suits. If possible, you do not want to join a Hearts game.”
“And Clubs?”
“Clubs games like this one refer to team battles and a mix of the other’s elements. It’s an unofficial rule that there is always a total win scenario, that it’s possible for all participants to make it out alive.”
“Then that puts us at an advantage!” She nodded decisively, “If Clubs are a team battle, then by sticking together, we have a better chance at survival!”
“But we’re just sitting in a bus?”
“Look mister, I’m trying to remain positive here, so if you could work with me a little?”
“Alright, alright,” The man put his hands up, chuckling. From the sound of it, it was an unfamiliar noise to come from his mouth, “We’re at an advantage because we stuck together while the others are only thinking of themselves.”
“That’s the spirit!” She held out her hand for a fist bump, which the man would have returned, had it not been for the bus suddenly lurching forward, “The hell??”
“UWAAHHH!!!” The motion woke up the baby again, but neither the man or the woman had time to calm them down again, as water was quickly rising around their enclosure and leaking in through some gaps in the windows.
“Oh no, you take Yuuji, I’ll stop the water!” Handing the baby to the man, the woman began to shed layers of clothes, using her jacket, cardigan, tights to plug the gaps. In the end, she was left in just a camisole and her torn up skirt, having even used parts of that to slow the water, “There, that should keep us relatively dry as long as the water goes down soon.”
“You called the child ‘Yuuji,’” The man commented, a bit surprised.
“Huh? I did, didn’t I?” Laughing sheepishly, the woman sat back down, “Don’t know why, they’re not my kid. I don’t even know if they’re male or female.”
“Well, I suppose they do look like a Yuuji,” He looked down at where he was bouncing the slightly calmer baby on his shoulder, “Can I ask why you chose to take this baby with you? You even grabbed their diaper bag.”
“Guess I felt bad about them being abandoned by their parents,” She shrugged, “Something just told me I needed to hold onto them and protect them; which makes no sense, given that it’s not like I grew up with great parental role models.”
“Maybe you just possess a natural maternal instinct, bad parents or not.”
“Who knows? Maybe you’re right.”
For several minutes, neither of them said anything as the man calmed down the baby, lulling them back to sleep.
“It seems as though the water is going down,” The man finally commented, the woman looking out the window to see that they were no longer surrounded.
“Yeah, but now it seems like the temperature is dropping fast!” The woman was right, the air was indeed getting colder, “I’ll go turn on that space heater before Yuuji wakes up again!”
“Sounds good to me.”
With the space heater on, the bus quickly warmed back up, keeping the baby asleep in the man’s arms.
“This cold must be the… how much time has passed?” Looking at her phone’s timer, the woman's brow furrowed, “Forty five minutes?? When the heck did the first trial happen??”
“We must have missed it somehow while we were talking.”
“Weird. Maybe it just passed right by us,” The woman didn’t let it bother her too much, just grateful to have not had to deal with it. Silence passed for a few more minutes as the woman held the baby, before she spoke again, “Okay, something’s been on my mind for the last half an hour, and I gotta know before we die… You were totally faking your personality when we got here, right?”
“H-Huh??” The man’s eyes widened, and he could feel his pulse quicken.
“Acting timid and stuff. Fake, right?”
“I… I…” Sighing, he looked her in the eyes, “How’d you know?”
“I sorta guessed around the time you told me about the suits. Your speech pattern started getting more eloquent, your sentences became longer, and you didn’t bat an eye at the fact that I’m working towards two Masters degrees at the same time. That last thing doesn’t really have to do with the timid thing, but it did tell me that you’re smarter than you seemed. That accident with your leg was very real, something you didn’t account for that truly did leave you near helpless; but before that, it was all strategy so we’d underestimate you in case this turned out to be a single winner game.”
“That’s… phenomenally impressive,” He stared at her in awe, “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“Because I’ve been having fun talking with you and didn’t want to make it awkward,” Laughing, she shrugged, “But my natural curiosity got the better of me. I want to die with as few regrets as possible, and I’d regret not getting to see your actual personality,” Tears welled up in her eyes, and she kissed the top of the baby’s head, “I hope however this ends is clean and painless. I doubt it would happen, but if my family were to ever find my body, I wouldn’t want their last image of me to be tainted by something like decapitation, y’know?”
“Yes, I… I understand,” Moving closer, the man took the woman’s hand and squeezed it gently, “I promise you, if we survive this, I’ll do whatever I can to help you survive long enough to reunite with your family.”
“Aww, thanks,” She smiled sadly at him, “That means a lot. You’re a really nice guy, even if you are a crafty strategist.”
An explosion violently shook the bus, causing the baby to once again wake up and cry.
“Quickly, on the ground!” The man pulled the woman and baby into his arms and got on the ground, shielding them with his body as the bus continued to shake. It seemed to go on forever, the shaking, as the bus grew warmer and warmer, far warmer than the heat the space heater would have been able to produce. But, finally, the shaking did stop, and the world became quiet outside of the baby’s cries, “Are you two alright?”
“Y-Yeah, I think so,” After she was helped up by the man, the woman grabbed the baby’s pacifier and returned it to their mouth, “That was the fourth trial, right?”
“I believe so,” He nodded, looking out the window, “All I can see are scorch marks, so I can’t tell, though.”
A little fanfare like tune emitting from their phones answered them, however.
“Game clear. Congratulations! To the survivors of the game, we will now supply you with a Visa.”
“G-Game clear?” The woman’s eyes widened in surprise, “You mean… we won? But that would mean…” Handing the baby to the man, she threw open the door to the bus and hopped out, running around the bus, almost immediately spotting the confirmation she sought, “The goal… It was the bus…”
“It was the bus??” The man limped out of the bus, handing the woman the baby due to feeling shaky as he saw what she’d found, “The graffiti… G-O-A-L… Dear lord…”
“Your injury saved us,” Tears flowed down the woman’s cheeks as she suddenly hugged the man, laughing almost manically, “It saved us! I don’t normally believe in luck, but tonight I think I’ll make an exception!”
“I can’t believe it, though! You were right!” The man laughed as well, “We stuck together as a team instead of only thinking of ourselves, and we survived!”
“Wait- oh no!” Pulling away, the woman frowned, “Those poor people that ran on ahead!! They… If the trials didn’t kill them, then… what did?”
“Anyone who breaks a rule like leaving an arena before the game is over or doesn’t achieve game clear… They’re struck down by a laser from the sky…” His words cause the woman to gasp, a hand covering her mouth, “I hope for their sake, their deaths were as clean and painless as the one you had wished for…”
Taking his hand, she squeezed it gently, “I’ll carry their memories with me, and push forward. As ill as they treated us, I can only hope that wherever they are, they find peace.”
“You’re an incredibly kind woman, Miss…?”
“Oh wow, we never did introduce ourselves, huh? If we’re gonna be sticking together, we should probably at least know the other’s name,” Wiping away her tears, she laughed, “My name is Y/N L/N, Y/A years old, Masters student, and guardian of this little angel until further notice. It’s nice to meet you, Mister…?”
“Kuzuryuu. Keiichi Kuzuryuu, 37 years old, attorney at law, and Diamond Specialist here in the Borderlands. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Miss L/N.”
“Please, we just nearly died together! You can call me Y/N. Mind if I call you Kuzu?” She looked at him so hopefully that he couldn’t find it in himself to refuse her.
“Alright, you may call me ‘Kuzu’… Y/N.”
“Excellent! Now let’s get out of this place! I’m tired and we need to get you off that leg.”
“I believe I saw a furniture store near here that we could use as shelter before finding something better tomorrow,” He offered as she helped him limp out of the tunnel, the barrier to the outside having been blown off in the explosion.
“Perfect, let’s go there. There’s some supplies to take care of Yuuji in this diaper bag I grabbed, but we’ll need to find some more tomorrow as well.”
“Sounds good to me.”
An hour later, as Y/N and Yuuji slept soundly in one of the spacious beds on display in the furniture store, Kuzuryuu stood outside and pulled out a walkie talkie.
“HQ, please respond. This is Four of Club’s observer, Kuzuryuu,” Taking off his hat, he pushed back his hair and slipped on his glasses, “Surviving players- two of six. Dispatch the cleanup squad to deal with the disposal of tools and materials.”
“Copy that, sir. Anything else?”
“Yes… Tell the others I won’t be back for a while,” He looked back through the doors to where Y/N and Yuuji slept, a small smile on his lips, “I have a player I’d like to place my bets on.”
Clubs Specialist
End of Day One of Sojourn
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asciendo · 3 years
I Have Something to Tell You
Zuko has just started his reign as the new Fire Lord and everything seems to be falling into place. 
That is until Y/N finds out she’s expecting and doesn’t know how to tell Zuko, afraid she’ll ruin the perfect bubble they’ve been living in. 
It’s been five months since the end of the war and since Zuko became Fire Lord. Life was good, the four nations were in harmony under the protection of Aang and you and Zuko were stronger than ever.
Your family was welcomed back in to the Fire Nation so you had your home back, but you spent most of your time with Zuko at the palace.
There were so many close calls during your time with Team Avatar, which made you, and Zuko appreciate and value your relationship even more. Zuko would include you in his important meetings and valued your opinion, you were there for him when he’d question his capabilities to run the Fire Nation, he’d constantly visit your family and you’d wake up to each other every morning.
Everything was going smoothly until the day you found out you were expecting. You weren’t certain at first, you were late and felt sick in the mornings. Zuko was concerned, thinking it was something you ate so sent a doctor to your bed the third consecutive day you were throwing up. When the doctor told you that you were pregnant, you couldn’t talk or move for a good hour. When Zuko came back and saw your shocked state, he rushed to your side immediately. You told him it was food poisoning and had to be kept in bed the rest of the week. He placed a kiss on your forehead then went back to work.
After your week of “food poisoning” was over, you started to think of how to tell Zuko that he was going to be a father. You weren’t sure how he was going to react, as you knew he was still getting used to ruling over a whole nation. You hated keeping secrets from him but you wanted to wait till you were even used to the idea of being a mother. The situation made you distant from Zuko and he was starting to get frustrated with your cold demeanor.
“Hey, do you want to go for a walk after the state dinner tonight?” Zuko asked hopefully one afternoon. It was week two of your cold demeanor towards him and everyday was more stressful than the one before. “No.” you stated as you read by the window in Zuko’s bedroom.
“Figures.” He rolled his eyes as he turned away from you. “What?!” you snapped back, you didn’t know what it was, the hormones maybe, but other than distancing yourself from Zuko, you also found yourself snapping at him more often.
“Nothing.” He said through gritted teeth as he began to leave the room. “No, Zuko, say it!” you slammed your book shut and sat up from your lounging position.
“Nothing! I’m just not surprised with your attitude anymore!” he turned to face you and you could see the frustration in his face.
“Attitude?! Just because I don’t wanna go on walk doesn’t mean I have an attiude, Zuko!”
“It’s not that! You’ve been so—so—“
“So what?” you raised an eyebrow waiting for him to finish his sentence. “CRANKY!”
“Well if I’m so cranky then why would we even go on a walk together, then?” you were standing up now with your hands on your hips.
“Forget it!” Zuko huffed and left the room.
“Agh!” you collapsed on the couch. You hated yourself for acting this way towards him. He didn’t do anything and he certainly did not deserve your attitude. The whole thing was so confusing for you and the truth was, you were scared. You and Zuko were only seventeen and you just won the war. Bringing a baby into the mix now is a whole different ball game that you weren’t sure that either of you were ready for.
That evening at the state dinner, you sulked on a couch in the corner of the courtyard.
“Hi.” Zuko sighed as he sat next to you. “Hi.” You said back but didn’t look at him.
“How are you?”
“I’m bored.” You laid your head on the wall. “I know. Me too.”
“I’m hungry.” You sighed and looked up at him and he huffed then stood up to get you some food.
You were getting impatient until you heard a voice coming from the crowd. “Move! I have to bring food to my cranky girlfriend!”
“Really, Zuko?” you rolled your eyes as he handed you the plate of food. “What’s wrong now?”
“Telling everyone I’m your cranky girlfriend isn’t exactly chivalrous.” You snapped.
“I can’t do anything right with you anymore!” he was whispering so no one else would hear but there was strain in his voice. “I’m gonna go.” you didn’t want to look at him then made your way out to the balcony.
You were so angry with yourself for being this way. This wasn’t you and it made you think about what kind of mother you would be if you couldn’t even comprehend the thought of having a child. Of course you wanted a family with Zuko, but you never expected it would be this soon.
Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned to see Katara. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just needed some air.” You smiled but you could tell she didn’t believe you. “How are you and Zuko?” she asked.
“Uhm, we’re okay? Why do you ask?” you nervously stared at your feet as she looked at you with a concerned expression.
“Y/N, come on it’s me. You can tell me, I won’t judge I promise.”
“I’m fine! Really, me and Zuko are okay.” She rolled her eyes as you continued to lie. “I heard him talking to Aang, alright?”
“What did he say?”
“He thinks you’re going to leave him.” Your eyes shot wide open, “WHAT?!”
“Yes! That’s why I wanted to ask you first!” Katara raised her arms in relief, as she knew you were finally going to open up to her.
“Oh no, this is all my fault.” Burying your face in your hands, Katara placed her arm around you.
“I’m so awful to him! He’s been nothing but amazing towards me and I was the biggest jerk!” your face was still buried in your hands as Katara watched you with concern.
“What’s going on?”
“Katara...it’s just...” there were tears forming in your eyes as Katara pulled you in for a hug. “It’s okay, I’m sure whatever it is—“
“Katara I’m pregnant.” She froze as soon as the words came out of your mouth. Katara stood there frozen and just staring at your face, then at your stomach. “I know, that’s how I reacted too.” You turned to face the open air as she continued to stare at you with her mouth wide open.
“OH MY GOD CONGRATULATIONS!” She suddenly pulled you into a tight hug.
“Katara it’s not that simple!” there were so many factors that would make having a baby complicated, how young you both were, Zuko just started his reign, and you not knowing the first thing about being a mother.
“Y/N, this is a good thing!” she squeezed your shoulders. “How? I mean...I don’t know how to feel about it yet...” you looked down.
“We’re only seventeen! Zuko just started his reign! I-I don’t know the first thing about being a mother!” you paced back and forth as Katara giggled.
“Why are you laughing?!”
“It’s just...Y/N you’re looking at all the bad things. Yes, we’re all still young but you both won’t have to do it alone. You have all of us! Can you imagine how loved your baby will be?” she smiled and you stopped pacing and looked at her. “Aang is going to flip! Sokka would spend every single day here if he could, and I know I would make the best godmother.” She winked and you laughed.
“But Zuko’s been so worried about how he is as the new Fire Lord...he has a so much on his mind and I’m so scared the baby will just add more stress for him...” you sighed and plopped down on one of the benches.
“He’s going to be happy no matter what. Zuko is going to be a great father and you’re going to be a great mother.” Katara sat next to you and put her arm around your shoulders. “I was so awful to him Katara...”
“It’s completely understandable, you were scared. Heck, I would probably be the same too! But you have to talk to him.”
“I know...thank you. It feels so good to finally tell someone!” you laughed in relief. You’ve been keeping this secret for so long it felt good to tell someone.
“Of course, I’ll always be here for you! But now you have to let Zuko be there for you too.” She smiled sweetly and you knew she was right. The both of you made your way back to the party laughing at the thought of Zuko changing diapers.
As soon as you entered, you spotted him in the middle of conversation with his generals. Your eyes locked on his and he quickly averted his gaze back to his own conversation.
“Good luck.” Katara smiled and left you with your thoughts.
The state dinner was over and you were making your way to Zuko’s bedroom. As you entered you leant by doorway and watched Zuko try to remove his ceremonial robes.
“Let me help you with that.” his body stiffened at the sound of your voice. “I’m fine.” He grumbled but continued to struggle. You sighed then walked over and helped him. “Zuko...I need to tell you something...” you fumbled with your fingers as you sat in front of him. Zuko stopped then sat down in front of you but he was avoiding looking in your direction. There was sadness in his eyes, which confused you at first, but then you remembered what Katara told you about how Zuko thought you were going to break up with him. “Zuko...I’m sorry.” You began and he didn’t react. “I’m sorry for being such a jerk to you these past few days...or weeks.” You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly. “Zuko can you please look at me?”
“Why should I? If you’re going to break up with me just do it.” he said bitterly. “Zuko, I’m not breaking up with you!” You grabbed his face with your palms and he was finally looking at you. His eyes were staring at you intently waiting for you to speak. “It’s just...” tears started to form in your eyes as you began to speak. “Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?” Zuko suddenly looked at you with so much concern that your heart melted knowing that no matter how awful you were to him, he was still the sweetest to you.
“No, no, it’s not that it’s...” you stood up and started pacing back and forth and Zuko watched you in confusion. “The reason why I’ve been such a jerk to you is because....I didn’t know how to tell you and I also didn’t fully, I still don’t actually...uhm...the information hasn’t really sunk in for me either, so whenever I thought about telling you, I still didn’t believe it myself so I didn’t tell you!” the whole thing was making you nervous so you started to ramble. Zuko stared at you with his eyebrow up and head tilted so you knew he was confused.
“W-wait I don’t get it. The reason why you were a jerk to me is because you did something I wouldn’t like?” he asked looking at you with a little bit of fear in his expression. “I didn’t do anything...well I kind of did by not telling you when I should have but I didn’t tell you because I still don’t sort of believe it myself?” Zuko’s expression was still a confused one you didn’t blame him. “So you’re hiding something from me?” you nodded and he huffed. “Is there someone else?” he looked down to the floor. “NO! God no, Zuko there is no one out there for me but you.” you quickly grabbed his face again.
“Then what is it?”
You sighed and turned to face him directly. “Okay, I’m going to tell you what it is now.” You said slowly as if convincing yourself that you were actually going to do it. Zuko stared at you with big eyes in anticipation of what you were going to say. When you still didn’t say it Zuko shot up from his seat and started making his way out the door.
“Y/N if you’re just going to keep me guessing the whole night you might as well not tell me!” he stopped by the door but was refusing to face you.
“If you don’t trust me—“
“ZUKO I’M PREGNANT!” the words finally came out of your mouth as you waited for Zuko to react. He stopped in his steps and slowly turned to look at you. His eyes were huge in shock and his mouth open.
The both of you stared at each other without saying anything until you finally broke the silence. “I know I should have told you! I was just so scared...I mean I don’t know how to be a mother. I’m so sorry for taking out my worries on you by being a jerk and I know how stressed you’ve been being the new Fire Lord and I didn’t want to worry you even more. I’m so so—“ before you could finish, Zuko’s lips were on yours and you fell into each other.
“Y-you’re not mad?” you looked up at him. “I’m mad because you didn’t tell me.” He looked at you with a serious expression and you looked away. “But not about our baby.” He pulled your face to kiss you once more. “Why would I be mad about the start of our family?” he looked deep into your eyes. “I-I don’t know, I guess I thought you’d be scared about it but I guess it was just me.” You buried your face in his chest again.
“I’m so sorry you had to deal with this on your own. That must have been terrifying.” He whispered in your hair. “No, it’s my fault, I should have let you be there for me.” You smiled and he kissed you on the forehead. “We’re going to be a great family.” He said and at that moment, you couldn’t be happier.
The next day, the both of you decided to have the gang over for lunch to tell them the news. You told Zuko that Katara knew, he was a little upset at first that he wasn’t the first to know and you understood. You promised he’d be the first to know if anything ever happened with you again and he forgave you.
Zuko sat at the head of the table and you to his left. Uncle Iroh was seated to his right but you haven’t told him yet as well. Katara and Aang arrived first and Katara gave the both of you a knowing look. Sokka and Sukoi came next with Sokka telling everyone he had big news to share. Toph was last as usual saying she was busy throwing melons at strangers.
“Uhm, guys we have something to tell you.” Zuko smiled looking at you while squeezing your hand.
“Wait wait!” Sokka stood up and everyone stared at him. “I think we should start with the most important news first. Don’t we all agree? And I have an announcement!” Sokka started to prance around the table. You started to chuckle and Katara was glaring at him. “Yes, let Zuko talk!” she said with annoyance.
“But I don’t think whatever hot head over there is going to say is more exciting than mine!” Sokka glared back at his sister. “Sokka—“
“No it’s fine, go ahead.” Zuko smirked and you punched him in the shoulder playfully. “What’s your announcement, Sokka?”
“Glad you asked Y/N!” Katara rolled her eyes and slumped to her seat as Sokka grinned from ear to ear.
“I have been declared BOOMERANG MASTER!” Sokka declared while everyone stared at him with amusement. His proud expression quickly dropped and you started to giggle. “WHAT! I am!”
“Who even declared that, Sokka?” Toph teased. “THE BOOMERANG CLUB!” Sokka’s face turned red and the rest of the gang laughed. “There’s a boomerang club?” Aang asked and Sokka sat back down and Suki rubbed his back but she was laughing as well.
“Okay, if that doesn’t excite everyone then I DON’T KNOW WHAT WILL!” Sokka fumed which made everyone laugh harder.
“I’m pregnant.” You announced and Zuko was staring at everyone with a huge grin on his face. Katara was smiling as she already knew, Aang stopped mid drink, Toph yelped, Suki’s eyes were large with excitement and Sokka’s jaw dropped to the table.
“Y-you’re what?” Aang jumped up in excitement as Katara hugged you. “She’s pregnant. I’m going to be a father.” Zuko announced proudly. Aang rushed to hug the both of you while talking about how he’s going to teach your child how to go penguin sledding. Katara started asking you about baby names. Toph was already planning on making a crib for your baby. Sokka was still in shock while Suki whispered to him that she was excited about his boomerang master status.
“OH MY GOD!” Sokka burst out then rushed to hug the both of you telling you guys he’s going to give all the boomerangs he could find to your future baby. You were all so happy to tell the rest of the group and to see their excited reactions. You were looking for Zuko but then saw him hugging Uncle Iroh tightly and you saw tears in his eyes. That moment, you knew you were so lucky to have a child with the best father there could be.
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gingerxarmy · 3 years
Confessions pt2 - Reader x Driver
So here we have part two of Confessions . I had a hard time to understand how much I wanted to actually write. But it ended with some hard makeout session at the end. So if you ain't comfortable to read it to (--), it's nothing graphic more than naked skin. BUT ENJOY!
You ended up meeting him for the date night he promised you
Words: 2700 (ish)
Warning: Mention of alcohol and smut-ish
To overthink was nothing new, somedays you had better days, but lately it has been a constant thing for your to-do-list, everything started when you realize that he was the only one with a new phone number. You couldn’t contact him, if you didn’t send a direct message on Instagram. But thanks to him being a famous racing car driver you knew that he wouldn't be contactable on the app.
After that night you had been waiting for a text, a phone call or just something to ease your racing mind. To make you know that he thought about you just as much that you thought about him. He had confessed his love to you. If he wasn’t just drunkenly babbling stuff. But drunk sayings are sober thoughts as they say.
One thing that really made you uneasy is his reputation, what was so special about you that made him want to change? It was an open secret around the sport that he was a player. He always liked the attention, the girls flocking around him. Or so it appeared in interviews and videos. He would give a lucky girl a night to remember, but for him, it was only a challenge to get a girl the fastest and take her home. And you, you weren’t a one night stand kind of person, never been and never will be.
So here you are now, one and a half weeks later, in total radio silence. Waiting for him to reach out. In the heat of the moment you didn’t think about getting his number as well when he asked you about yours. And it felt wrong to send him a message on Instagram of all places. And who knews, he probably never checks his direct messengers on the named app. If it was you, you wouldn’t even bother to check the thousands of messengers they probably get sent everyday.
With phone in hand you scrolled through Instagram, trying to smooth the nagging feeling in your chest by looking at his profile. The whole circus was in the Netherlands this weekend to race. The new posts from this week were only pictures on his car from practise sessions. Which in say might not be so bad, the car’s livery is amazing this seson and you couldn’t say that it wasn’t kind of hot to see him drive on track. But just in this moment, you missed his face. Just to see in his eyes that he maybe did just as bad as you did to be countries apart.
You sight and put away your phone, it doesn’t make anything better to be here, late at night, looking at pictures of a man who probably only thought about racing this weekend. It was late, midnight was soon about to pass and you were working tomorrow. Bedtime it is, you decided.
After brushing your teeth and getting ready for bed you heard your phone go off. Vibrating like it’s life depended on it in the silence of your apartment. You picked it up and faced the display, unknown number it said. Who would be calling you at this time? A small part in you hoped that it would be him. That he had been laying awake, thinking about you, not being able to sleep and just needed to call you, hear your voice. You answered the call with hope in your chest. What if it wasn’t him?
“Hi,” you let out a breath you didn’t know you held when a familiar voice came through the line. “I’m sorry that I haven’t called earlier. It’s been a stressful couple of days.” You could hear it in his voice how tired and apologetic he sounded.
“It’s alright. I understand, It’s been a lot for me too,” you lied. It had been calm at work the past couple of days and it stressed you out. You needed customers to keep your pub going and the few regulars wasn't enough anymore when the business premises rent increased.
“So, I’ve been thinking about that date we talked about.” He said and your heartbeat started to race. Was he actually serious about that date after all?
“Yeah, what did you realise from that?” You let yourself ask.
“That I miss you, dearly,” you melted. He was actually serious! Or so you hoped that he was. “And we have two weeks till the next race after this one. So I thought about paying you a visit. If that’s not a problem. And like, I don’t know, make that drink I now owe you.”
“I would love that,” you smiled to yourself.
“Perfect, I really need to sleep now. But I call you and we make up the day and time!” You let out a small giggle and agreed, wishing him good luck on the weekend and a good night’s sleep before ending the call. The anxiety you had felt the last couple of days disappeared in an instant, making you fall asleep with a smile stuck on your face.
It was five days after the phone call that you decided to meet up, he was supposed to pick you up at five to invite you to dinner at his place, at his place! You were elated and had been trying to pick out something to wear for the last hour. What was the meaning for this date? Get to know each other? You had been talking at your pub for months. Sure, you didn’t know who he was alone, between the four walls he called home. But you could say that you knew who he was quite well when he was out. But five different dresses, two pairs of jeans and a skirt later you decided for something casual. A dress would be fine, it was quite sexuall in you should be honest but you felt yourself tonight. It was him, you had seen him drunk more times that when you had seen him sober at this time.
Five past five you got a text messenger that told you that he was outside, waiting. Putting on a jacket and your shoes, you made your way outside. His sports car stuck out along the sidewalk, making you feel small and out of place. He was rich, you knew that, but did he have to flex it on you?
You open the car door and slink into the soft seat. It was an amazing car, the outline of it made it easy to look at and the inside was screamingly expensive.
“Hi, you look beautiful tonight,” he said quietly. It made you feel better that he acted as nervous as you felt.
“Thank you,” you gave him a smile as he put a hand on your bare thigh. As a reflex you put your hand on his. Everything felt so natural, like the two of you had done this thousands of times before.
“I’m going to say this now so you are aware. But I got a spare room! But I promised you drinks and I’ve been to the shop just now, and I’m going to drink as well so I won’t be able to drive you home later.” You appreciated his honesty. But if you should be honest, you had been secretly wishing for a night at his place.
“I’m fine about that. Kind of had it coming when you talked about alcohol involved.” You watched the city move past the windows off the car as he drove you two, music on low volym and his hand still on you. Your chest is warm with so many feelings that you couldn’t name.
The car ride wasn’t long, the both of you had made smalltalk about the previous race weekend and his result. How he felt about it and what he expected for the next one. It was easy, almost too easy, you couldn't shake it off how everything felt so right.
“So, this is me.” He had said when you later had parked the car and made your way up to his apartment. He opened the door and the first thing you noticed was the view. It was a beautiful city you lived in and his apartment had the best view. The sun was setting and the pink and orange colors colored the white walls with a livingness you otherwise only saw in your dreams.
“It’s beautiful,” you say when you could tear your eyes away from the view to look around his home. It wasn’t big but it was really cossy. The kitchen was neat and the living room was framing the big windows that caught the beautiful city outside.
“Thanks, I thought about making you dinner first, don’t want you to get alcohol poisoning from my amazing drinks,” he said as he was on his way to the kitchen.
“Oh, please. I don’t think it’s something positive to kill someone on the first date you know?” He flashed you a challenging smile.
“If you say so.” The two of you started the dinner he had preplanned. You prepared the potatoes as he got the meat ready. Set the table and lit candles. It was melting your heart to get to do all this with him. To set the atmosphere together.
The food soon was placed on the table and you both enjoyed the meal. Talking about how both of your jobs went and what the plans were in twenty years, what you had for goals in life.
“Okay, I’ve been practicing. I’m not gonna lie.” He said as he started to take out a couple of bottles. “And because everyone likes Moscow Mule, I'm going to make one for you as a starter.” You nod in agreement as you watch him mix Smirnoff and Ginger beer.
A couple of minutes later he poured up two glasses, one each, and made his way over to the soffa where you had seated yourself with a pillow you found in your lap. You take the drink from him when he takes a seat next to you, an arm behind you on the backrest. You take a sip from the drink, trying it, seeing if it’s as good as the one you make daily.
“This is really good,” you say. And you can hear it in your own voice how the surprise came out.
“I said it before, I only go to your pub to get to see and talk to you, I usually make my own drinks if I feel like drinking.” He says and you feel how he lays his arm around you, it’s hesitated but he hugs your shoulder and you can’t help yourself as you lay your head against his shoulder. Taking another sip on your drink.
The candles now on the coffee table in front of you make it perfect. The two of you, a drink each and the small tune of some romance playlist he absolutely should have playing in the background. You had been arguing about the music before you started to cook the food, but now, he was right. It was an amazing playlist and fit the mood.
You finished your drink when you saw that he was already done with his. You had decided that you should be taking turns on mixing drinks. You gesticulated for his empty glass and made your way over to the table he had put all the bottles on.
“One or two?” You ask.
“Hmm, which one is the strongest?” He asks with a smile on his lips.
“They are quite equal in that, but I think you would love this one,” you said and started to blend the ingredients. You bring the finished drinks back and give him his glass back. Watching him take a sip, trying it out.
“Oh, my God. This is amazing.” He says and takes another sip. You laugh.
“That’s the name of it. Isn’t it amazing. The Oh, My God drink.” You laugh and take a sip of your own.
“It’s an amazing name for it.” He places his arm behind you again, playing with the ends of your hair. Drinking the drink and watching the candle dance in front of you.
His hand found his way into your hair, feeling how it stops and how he starts drawing circles behind your ear. How he gently turns your head so the two of you face each other. You get eye contact before you turn your gaze away, the nervousness starts to creep up on you. Your heart sped up and you can’t help but let your gaze linger on his lips. Wishing for the plump lips to be on yours. But what you didn’t know was that he was thinking the exact same thing. You could see how his lips came closer to your face as you let your eyes meet him. You can see the question in his eyes, licking his lips. And without overthinking about it, you press your lips to his, placing your drink on the table and then place your hand in his hair. Oh, what you had fantasised to drag your fingers through his hair.
He had placed his own glass at the table and soon had his hands on your hips, guiding your leg over his so you straddle his hips. Deepening the kiss as you feel his hands roaming your body as he tries to remember every inch of every curve that makes your body yours. You both high on each other, his hands not still on one place longer than a second and your hands in his hair, trying to get a grip on the situation. You feel how his tongue tries to get past your lips, and with no resistance at all, you part your lips. Both your tongues fight for dominance as you continue. But soon the air in your lungs ends and you need to break the kiss.
“If we continue this, I’m not sure I can end it.” He says breathlessly. His face is buried in your neck and you feel how he leaves kisses from your ear down to your collarbone.
“I don’t know if I want you to stop,” you let out a moan as he placed a kiss behind your ear on your sweet spot.
“You sure?” He asks, leaning back to look into your eyes. You meet his eyes and for a second you only sit like that. Letting the situation sink in, you in his lap, his kiss swollen lips and a desire for the both of you ecually strong for each other. You let your eyes close as you lean into his touch, breathing in his scent and feeling how he guides you to a new kiss.
“Then let's take this to the bedroom instead.” He grabs your lover back with one hand and carefully stands up by pushing himself up with the other hand. You lock your legs around his hips as his free hand finds its place under your bum, squeeze it as he connects your lips once again.
He guided the both of you to his bedroom, never breaking the kiss more than to breathe. He stops walking and you break the kiss to ask why he stops, but the only thing that leaves your lips is a small surprise sound as he drops you onto a soft fabrik, the bed.
“I’ve been thinking about this for so long, you have no idea what you do to me,” he says and buries his head in the crock of your neck, leaving kisses downwards.
“So have I, and I hope all your rumors are more than talk.” He looks into your eyes before pushing your dress up, letting his hands explore your naked legs, but his eyes never leave yours.
“Oh, baby, you have no idea what I can do to you,” and you hadn't, the evening had ended with the both of you, high of the orgasm and a new feeling he had named that day in your pub when he had first told you about his feelings. He was the love of your life as well. And you hoped that your story had only started.
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Naps - Luke Patterson
Request: Hey!! Could you do “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this.” with Luke?? 🥰🥰
A/N: I wrote this and then I wrote a second version 😭😭 so I answered this ask twice technically. 
Julie and the Phantoms Masterlist
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Good girlfriend status dictated that you should’ve been sitting at the bar or standing right in the front watching your boyfriend and his band rehearse for the show they were playing at the hole-in-the-wall venue they had booked for the first show of their California tour. It wasn’t that you weren’t proud of them or that you didn’t scream all the lyrics to their songs until your throat went hoarse every time you saw them perform live. It was really just that you were running late. Really, really late. But Stanford wasn’t going to let you out of an interview with the Dean of Admissions because your boyfriend was playing a show two hours away and you didn’t want to drive in the dark.  
So you were forced to show up late to soundcheck, flashing the backstage pass that Luke had given you the day before, and walking backstage to where their stuff was set-up. Or more accurately, where they had dumped their backpacks when they first came in. You could hear them rehearsing, the opening chords of Late Last Night, their closer, echoing in the back hall as you dropped your bag next to Luke’s and dropped onto the couch. It was probably weird to say that the sounds of 90’s rock music lulled you to sleep but it was true. Maybe it was just Luke’s voice but there was nothing like listening to your boyfriend’s music after a stressful day to help you calm down.  
It helped you calm down so much, it seemed that you were almost totally asleep when the music died down to nothing, footsteps carrying down the hall as Luke came into the small backstage area with Reggie, Alex, and Bobby.  
“Man, that was so awesome,” Luke said, lifting the hem of his shirt to wipe away the sweat on his forehead, pushing his hair back in the process, “wait till it’s packed tonight!”  
“We totally killed it,” Reggie agreed.  
As Luke fixed his shirt back into place he smiled, taking in the sight of you laying on the couch, back to them. “Thank god that was only rehearsal, considering somebody missed it.” He said, loud enough that even in your nearly-asleep state you could hear him. Luke grabbed the back of the couch as he slowly lowered himself to sit down on you, forcing you onto your back as he sat halfway on your stomach, keeping some of his weight off you.
You groaned, refusing to open your eyes as you tried to swat at Luke and missed, by a longshot. “Luke, get off.” You hissed. He dropped a little more of his weight, shifting around and wiggling his butt on your lap. “Luke!” You groaned.  
Luke laughed, grabbing one of your hands before you could hit him again. “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this,” he teased.
“You’re so cute when you’re being an asshole,” you grumbled, trying to pull your arm away.  
“Alright, alright,” the weight lifted off of you and suddenly Luke was grabbing your other hand, pulling you into a sitting position before flopping back down on the couch, letting you lean against him. “How was the interview?”  
“I don’t wanna go to college,” you bemoaned, though it was really an empty statement. “How about I just like...become a roadie for you guys?”  
“Alright but, we can’t pay you.” Luke replied, brushing your hair away from your face and kissing the top of your head. You were halfway to falling asleep again, unbothered by Luke’s post-rehearsal sweatiness and more so just happy to be with him. The day had been stressful and, while school was super important to you, the thought of being away from Luke was a little unbearable. “Hey,” he kissed you again, seemingly aware that you were upset. “It’s okay, we’ve got all summer, touring around California.”
“I know,” you muttered, tucking yourself further into his side, trying to chase those last fleeting feelings of sleep, “I just really hate the thought of being away when September comes around.”
“I’m sure a few hundred miles won’t change the amount of time you see Luke,” Alex piped up, finally reminding the two of you that you weren’t alone backstage.  
Reggie and Bobby laughed as you perked up, moving away from your boyfriend to hug them and Alex, telling them all that you were sorry for missing the rehearsal but how excited you were for the actual show tonight. “I saw the marquee, you guys sold out?”
“It’s not a huge venue,” Bobby stressed, ever the realist of the group. If only because your boyfriend always had such lofty dreams and Alex and Reggie were always pulled into them with him. Someone had to keep a level head and it wasn’t you.  
“It’s still amazing that you sold out.” You insisted, “I mean, it’s a huge step.”
“That’s what I’ve been saying.” Luke piped up, drawing your attention back to him. “It’s gonna be awesome, this tour. Just think of all the possibilities that’ll follow.”  
“Let’s get through tonight.” Alex replied.  
“Well, I can’t wait to watch you guys perform tonight.” You mentioned, looking back at Luke.  
“If you stay awake,” he teased, laughing when you glared at him.  
“It was a long drive!”  
“We’re trying to make rock music here and my girlfriend is in the back snoozing.” He looked at the guys as he spoke, trying not to give you any attention as you swatted at him again.  
“I already apologized!”  
Luke wrapped his arm around you, pulling you back into his side so that he could kiss the side of your head again. When you turned your head to look at him, he stole a quick kiss before the guys could complain about you being too “gross” in front of them. You could still feel that heaviness that came with being tired but you knew there was no way you were getting a nap before the show. You’d push through the exhaustion of the day until you were alone with Luke tonight. For now, you would just enjoy being with your friends and your boyfriend. 
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babygirl-diaz · 3 years
Samtember 23: Happy Birthday
2193 Words | Rated G | For @samwilsonfest
Sam felt like he was missing something when he woke up this morning. But he shrugged it off, thinking that if it was important, it would come to him eventually. So he went on his usual run, came back home to shower, make himself coffee before heading out to the base to train Joaquin. All the while, he kept getting the sense that he was forgetting something important.
As he flew up in the air with Joaquin behind him, he heard the younger man's voice in his ear...
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Sam. Happy birthday to you," he sang. "Sam, get to the ground, I want to show you something."
"Show me what?" Sam asked.
"Can't tell you, man. It's a surprise."
Sam rolled his eyes behind his goggles and dove towards the ground. When he got to his feet, he looked around and found a couple of guys from the air force standing around, looking up at the sky. Curious, Sam looked up too, and his eyes widened. Joaquin had written "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAM," in the sky.
"Happy birthday, Sam."
"Happy birthday, Cap."
The air force guys wished him.
When Joaquin got back to the ground, he gave Sam a broad smile and pulled him into a hug, much to Sam's surprise. "Happy birthday, Cap!"
"Thanks, man," Sam awkwardly pat him on the back.
"Wanna get lunch? My treat," said Joaquin.
Sam contemplated the offer. He didn't have to do anything for the rest of the day and he was far from home, so it would be nice not to spend his birthday alone.
They ended up at a bar, although it was only 1 PM. After a cheeseburger, a couple of beers, and a great conversation with Joaquin, Sam was a happy camper. Once they finished lunch, Joaquin headed to the bathroom, giving Sam time to finally look at his phone.
"Shit," he hissed when he realized he had 20 missed calls from Sarah as well as 5 messages asking him to call her back.
Figuring that Sarah must want to wish him on his birthday, he called her back.
"Sam! Where have you been? I've been trying to reach you all morning!"
"Hello to you too, sis," Sam chuckled. "Sorry, I was a little busy--"
"Sam, I need you to come home."
Sam sat up straight, the buzz of the beer immediately wearing off when he heard the worry in his sister's voice. "What's wrong?"
"Can't tell you that over the phone. Could you please just come back today?"
"I- I can't drive. I've been drinking."
"It's only 2 PM there! Can't you catch a flight? I'll pick you up from New Orleans."
"Okay," Sam replied. "Yeah, okay, I'll be there. Whatever this is, can't it wait till tomorrow?"
"No, it's really urgent, Sam. I'm kinda in a whole lotta trouble."
"Shit, Sarah. What did you do?" Sam rubbed his forehead.
"Just get here!" Sarah said before hanging up.
"Everything okay?"
Sam looked up to find Joaquin giving him a concerned look.
"It's my sister. She's in some kinda trouble. She needs me home right away."
"Damn," said Joaquin. "What you gonna do now?"
"Head home." Sam sighed as he looked up flights on Google.
"You driving?" Joaquin asked.
"Been drinking, Joaquin. Can't drive," Sam replied, although he felt much sober now.
"I could drive you! A road trip will be nice!"
"You've been drinking too, buddy," Sam reminded him. Joaquin looked visibly disappointed, but he nodded. Sam booked the flight and got up from his seat. "Thanks for lunch, man. This was great. Let's catch up when I get back."
With that, he gave Joaquin a quick hug before heading back to his apartment to pack.
On the plane, Sam tried to relax but he couldn’t.
“You alright there?” Sam’s neighbor asked.
Sam tried not to groan. So the person beside him was a talker. “Yeah, I’m good,” Sam replied and finally looked over at the person. He had to do a double-take because the guy looked so much like Steve. But that wasn’t all. Sam had actually seen him somewhere before.
“Wait… Don’t I know you?” Both the guy and Sam asked at the same time. The guy laughed and shook his head.
“I’m Toby,” he introduced himself.
“You’re the guy that plays Steve Rogers on the Broadway show…” Sam trailed off. Sam felt a pang in his heart as he continued to watch the guy.
“Yeah and you’re the real Captain America,” the guy -Toby- said, giving him a smile. “Sorry, this must be really weird,” he continued.
“You have no idea.” Sam laughed humorlessly and shook his head.
“Can I ask you something?” Toby asked.
“No, he was a terrible singer,” Sam replied.
Toby looked confused for a second before he burst out laughing. “You a mind reader too, huh? Is that your superpower?”
“I wish,” Sam scoffed. “No, but really, what was your question?”
“Is he on the moon?” A smirk spread across Toby’s lips.
“Yeah, he’s totally on the moon. Just chilling up there. I actually fly up there every uh-- Monday and Thursday and we hang out.” Sam rolled his eyes.
That made Toby laugh even more. “Man, you’re hilarious,” as his laughter died down, a serious look spread across his face, “Can I make this even weirder?” He asked.
Sam raised an eyebrow at him but didn’t reply.
“Happy birthday,” said Toby.
“How did you--”
“I follow you. Quite extensively,” Toby replied, visibly cringing. “I am kind of a huge fanboy.”
Sam blinked at him and tried to find the right words. He was flattered… but also weirded out.
“And now you look like you’re looking for an escape route.” Toby awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “And that wasn’t even the weird part.”
“There’s more?” Sam asked, surprised.
“Yeah, I was going to ask if you would like to go out with me sometime?”
“Oh…” Sam mumbled. “Look, I’m flattered but…”
“But it’s weird. Dating your potentially dead best friend’s look alike?”
“Yeah, something like that,” Sam laughed awkwardly. “I wish the circumstances were different cause you’re a very good-looking guy. Besides, I live in D.C. and you live in New York… it wouldn’t work.” Speaking of New York, Sam looked down at his phone and realized he had no calls or messages from Bucky. He felt another pang in his heart. Did Bucky forget it was Sam’s birthday? Sam could forgive Sarah for forgetting since she was stressed out, but Bucky had no excuse.
“Hello?” Toby brought Sam out of his thoughts and Sam looked over at him to find the guy giving him a curious look. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. And sorry again.”
“Oh, don’t sweat it. Can I have your phone?” Toby asked.
Sam looked at him suspiciously, but then he unlocked his phone and gave it to the actor.
“That’s my number. If you ever wanna watch the show, just hit me up and I’ll leave you the tickets. Or if you ever just wanna hang out, lemme know.” The guy gave him a charming smile that resembled Steve’s before handing over his phone.
They landed soon and Toby wished Sam a happy birthday once again before they parted ways.
Sam’s phone rang as he made his way to the exit and he quickly took it out, only to find it was Sharon. He tried not to sound disappointed as he answered the phone, “Hey Sharon.”
“Happy birthday, Sam,” she said, making Sam smile.
“Thanks,” Sam replied.
“Where are you? I was hoping to take you out to dinner tonight. Figured you wouldn’t want to be on your own on your birthday.”
“I’m in Louisiana,” Sam replied. “Just landed here.”
“Oh wow. That wasn’t in your plan until yesterday.”
“Plans changed,” Sam replied, shrugging, although she couldn’t see him.
“Well, I owe you dinner then,” said Sharon. “Catch up with me when you get back?”
“Will do.”
They said their goodbyes and hung up by the time Sam got to the exit. Sam then called up Sarah. “Where are you?” He asked.
“I’m almost there,” Sarah replied.
Sarah was there 5 minutes later and when Sam opened the passenger door to get in, he heard part of the conversation she was having on the phone. “I’m on my way,” she said to someone. “I swear Bu-- Bonnie, if you mess this up--”
Sam frowned at that. He was so sure Sarah was about to say Bucky.
“What, you too old to give your sister a hug now?” Sarah asked after she hung up.
Sam rolled his eyes at her dramatics and reached over to hug her. “How you doing?” He asked.
“I could be better,” Sarah replied.
Sam pulled apart and gave her a sympathetic look. “You wanna tell me what’s going on now?” He asked as she pulled out of the loading zone.
“When we get home,” Sarah replied. “Can we talk about something else for now?”
“Okay,” Sam sighed and let it go. For now.
They talked about Sam’s Cap job. Sarah seemed proud of him. She even said so multiple times, which made Sam smile throughout their ride to Delacroix.
“So who’s Bonnie and why were you threatening her?” Sam asked as they pulled up in the driveway.
“Oh, she’s just one of the moms in PTA. We have a fundraiser coming up but it’s hard to leave her in charge of things.” Sarah replied as she typed away on her phone.
“Then why do you?” Sam asked as he got out of the car and grabbed his backpack.
“I ask myself the same question,” Sarah mumbled under her breath, but Sam still heard it.
The house was eerily quiet when Sam and Sarah got inside. “Where are the boys?” Sam asked. But then he heard noises in the backyard and immediately became alert. “Is there someone back there?” Sam asked.
“Why don’t you go check it out?” Sarah suggested.
Her nonchalance took Sam aback but he said nothing as he made his way towards the backdoor.
“Shit!” Sam almost fell back when a group of about 30 people greeted him in the backyard. “What is happening?” Sam asked, dumbfounded.
“Your birthday, that’s what, Uncle Sam!” AJ laughed as he and Cass came over and hugged him. “Happy birthday, Uncle Sam,” both kids wished him at the same time.
Sam felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see Sarah smiling broadly at him. “Happy birthday, Sam,” she wished him but couldn’t give him a hug as she was holding his birthday cake. So Sam gave her a side hug instead.
“Is Bucky here too?” He asked when he noticed the Oreo cake Sarah was holding.
“Yeah, he’s in the back there, trying but failing to grill,” she laughed. “Go get him while I get the cake set up.”
Sam nodded and made his way through the crowd, greeting and talking to pretty much everyone.
“So this is why I didn’t get any calls or messages from you,” Sam said when he finally got to Bucky.
Bucky turned around and smirked at him. “Had I known you were waiting for my call, Wilson--”
“I wasn’t!” Sam answered a little quicker than necessary.
“Right…” Bucky trailed off. “Well, get over here so I can wish you!”
“Alright, bossy,” Sam shook his head before walking over to Bucky and giving him a tight hug.
“Happy birthday, Sam,” Bucky said, hugging him back.
They pulled apart but stayed close together, Sam’s eyes briefly trailing down to Bucky’s lips.
“You gonna kiss me?” Bucky asked.
Sam immediately looked up at him. “What? No!”
“I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you did,” Bucky replied.
“Of course you wouldn’t,” Sam laughed and moved away from him. “So you and Sarah plan this?”
“The boys came up with the idea. Sarah called me up last week and asked if I was in. Of course, I was.”
“You came all the way from New York, just to prepare for my surprise birthday party?” Sam asked, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Don’t look too happy. I did it for Sarah and the boys.”
“Right…” Sam trailed off, rolling his eyes. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“Nothing does. You’re kinda in my thoughts all the time.”
Sam opened and closed his mouth a few times but no words came out.
“I’m as the kids say ‘a simp for you’” Bucky snickered at his own terrible joke.
Sam put his hand behind Bucky’s head and pulled him in to kiss him. Bucky seemed surprised at first but then he kissed him back.
When they pulled apart, Sam smiled at Bucky. “Now come on. Time for my terrible Oreo cake.”
“Hey! It’s the best cake out there!” Bucky protested. “And this time I made it myself.” He added, much to Sam’s surprise.
“I didn’t have a death wish on my birthday,” Sam joked.
“Haha hilarious,” Bucky said with a roll of his eyes.
“I’m a grade-A comedian!” Sam winked at him.
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
Sooooo whatya think of the new episodeee?
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Oh it’s definitely my favorite episode of the series so far, i was having such a good time at every turn. I’m glad i went out of my way to avoid spoilers, cause i was glad to actually be surprised by some elements on first watch.
I think this had by far the best opening for an episode so far, we finally get back to the villians, we meet the coven heads, we get insight on belos’s plans-
and then belos gets constipated, which starts getting into the more character driven lore, which is the best part. You instantly can tell GG and Kiki have some bit of tension between them to be Belo’s favorite, though granted i wonder if hunter is the only one to know belos is cursed and actually just always insists to help belos with his fits to prevent others from seeing them.
Including kiki.
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It’s honestly unclear how aware anyone is that belos is cursed, like him eating pailsmans is apparently not something he hides, but like....i feel him being cursed is something that people would know universally if it got out...so i’m left wondering if anyone knows besides hunter.
Regardless, belos turns into a goop monster with an angry side, and i guess his mask doesn’t transform with him compared to the rest of his body so he breaks it again because i guess he goes though masks like crazy.
Hunter turns away in this scene from his outburst and even though he’s masked here i can already tell he’s most likely pained in these scenes. Like he’s probably seen this happen so many times, and i can’t imagine it gets any easier for him, it’s probably awful to watch belos suffer like this for him (Regardless of the abuse)
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And to be honest, it seems pretty painful for him, i think this ep seems to at least confirm whatever this thing is that takes over belos’s body.....belos never actually wanted it in the first place. 
Yeah so after Hunter tells belos there’s not enough trees to medicate him anymore, we’re hit with the “UNCLE”. Which, when i first watched it i needed a second to even process the fact they confirmed their relation.
and i was like “CLOSE ENOUGH”, not his kid but uncle still works just fine for me, i’m just happy my assumption they were related actually came to ahead.
And i rewatched this episode a few times, and on second watch i realized more what happened in this scene. Hunter was talking about his interest in wild magic, and making more pailsman to help belos, and some method that could heal him and as soon as belos looked at him he instantly shut down.
He was clearly rambling about wild magic cures for belos because of his interest in it, and then suddenly remembered his uncle hates wild magic and felt super awkward.
It seems highly likely his interest in wild magic came from trying to cure belos and spending a lot of time reading up on the stuff. 
And then we get hit with the whole “Our family is dead because of wild magic” line, which.....i’m curious to know what happened there. But it does at least explain why belos feels how he does, if wild magic both killed his family beside hunter AND cursed him in the first place. We’re just gonna need more info on what exactly happened.
Also while Belos is def abusive and does not treat hunter how he should, this scene actually does read off to me like belos does care about hunter to some degree. If belos is cursed and his curse works in similar ways to how Eda’s curse works, then it’s worth reminding ppl that eda mentions early this season how stress can amplify the curse even more.
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And sure enough, belos goes goopy on hunter’s shoulder all of a sudden when he grasps him. Which could be considered a sign of stress and that the idea of hunter dying or being in danger actually does stress him.
You could very much also assume this is just due to his curse not being fully handled and just getting worse, or that belos only cares about hunter for selfish reasons....but i’m not taking anything off the table here.
Belos can still be a shitty uncle, and still care about hunter, these aren’t mutually exclusive traits. But we need more episodes for now on this.
But anyways he asks hunter if he can rely on him, kiki is pissed......and we move on.
So i’m glad luz’s impulsiveness is addressed a ton in this episode, they actually bring up a lot of good points. That luz has no plan, that the time she’s spending here might render moot if she goes back to earth, ect ect.
Hunter even calls her out a lot later for not thinking things through, it’s a whole deal in this episode. I’m glad it was brought up cause it’s actually worth asking a lot of these things.
the set up here works, they actually made a good reason for why a pailsman didn’t bond with her. Speaking of which the adoption thing is cute and i love it, it’s a great idea. The designs are all very cute and fun.
Bump face reveal was a lot for me to process, but i find the idea of his pailsman being a pet that can help with his disabilities a good idea.
Also like, i did find it odd that they got staffs so early because we’ve never seen kids their ages with them before, but i guess it’s a new tradition? Does everyone at hexside now have one?
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Honesty not sure why batqueen left the nest there overnight, i meant i guess she assumed they were safe with that shield but in context i dunno why she didn’t take them home after the school day was over.
but whatever, luz stays there overnight hoping  a pailsman will bond with her and GG just kidnapps them cause of pure luck on his part a bunch of pailsman were in a vulnerable spot tonight.
So GG continues to be charming, by whistling the theme song and then being blasted off his ship hilariously, before cockily teleporting himself right back on it seconds later. Like he and luz have great banter, he’s so extra like this it’s so funny, and god he’s so FAST with that staff it’s scary but so awesome.
Yeah so then hand dragon crashes them and i was so excited cause it meant face reveal. Poor dude looked so in pain and then we find out kiki tried to effing murder him because of course she did. But like, i think killing your boss’s nephew is the WORST way to get a promotion tbh.
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(Also i got confused for a bit cause his mask has always been drawn as a mask, but now it’s a helmet in this scene for whatever reason but-)
Anyways, face reveal, Like honestly ppl weren’t too far off with their guesses, really the only thing people didn’t get was the tooth gap (That was fair tho, we couldn’t have guessed that). But it did make him even cuter.
like the banter is funny, he licks her hand, she slaps him, he looks SO pissed at her for this mess.
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and i guess that outfit is his under armor apparently.
He’s lucky she didn’t run away immediately and followed him, but maybe he assumed she would since she had no where else to go.
Also his expressions in this ep are glorious, these had to be fun to draw.
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Also we find out that the coven team members have never seen his face i guess? They just assume he’s a silly kid and are awful to him, so i guess he’s not only the youngest member of the coven but he never really shows his face much.
(”Call your parents”, ha ha.....whose gonna tell them who his uncle is?)
He is however, REALLY good at parkour and he’s fast even without his staff, so he’s well trained alright.
And then they reveal he’s not magical and i was SO happy cause i was so sure something was up when he wasn’t doing magic like the other witches despite his pointy ears. So they outright confirmed what i thought.
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Hunter is pretty smart tho, like he can tell luz wouldn’t hurt him and wouldn’t flee so he knows he has the high ground here. Like he might be being a bit of a dick, but to be fair luz has been nothing but a dick to him throughout the whole episode (Everyone in this episode has been a dick to him tbh)
They team up and i get excited cause i love this kinda stuff and it gets more wholesome because hunter is super interested in her magic, he thinks it’s cool and you can tell how much he actually loves wild magic but then again...shuts himself down because of belos making him fear the stuff.
An then because luz asks, he tells her his backstory.
honestly with how this world treats people who aren’t magically powerful, living and growing up in a world that would find you useless sounds....awful. Hunter must be an anomaly around here, human blood or not.
Luz coming here to learn is different then growing up in a world and being the only one with no abilities and no future without them. Belos provides him with magic and a future, it’s no wonder he stays with him despite everything.
the whole “Found me” thing is weird, cause belos implies they’re blood related and hunter makes it sound like belos semi-adopted him. Which....if he did i dunno why “Uncle” and not “Adopted dad”, but ok....guess that’s for later.
Apparently hunter is important for something tho with the “Titan has big plans for me” thing, not sure what, but-
But yeah as soon as Hunter talked about wanting to make his own future and Rascal tried to land on him i knew EXACTLY where this was going, it was so cuteeeeee. The lil birb wanted to be with hunter, that’s so wholesome.
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And he’s so terrified because of belos and what wild magic did to him, the poor bab.
But yeah, luz then trusts him with his staff back, because again....impulsive. But hunter does actually ask if she’s sure, so he might as well be asking if she trusts him.
The plan goes ahead, and hunter nearly betrays her.
though granted, hunter never promised her he’d stop and let her take them away, the truce was supposed to last till kiki was stopped and they were gonna fight out who got the pailsman. But it does bother luz cause she was hopeful he was better then this.
But just like he did before, she calls him out and he doesn’t betray her, because he’s ALSO too nice to do it, just like he said she was. He says his name (Which also took a moment to process), and then beats the crap out of kiki while letting luz get away and protecting her like a badass.
He might not have magic, but he’s good at fighting
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like he can easily teleport to luz and take the pailsman, but he doesn’t, he lets them get away and luz knows this. Even though she also knows hunter has to go back to the emperor too and they have to separate.
It’s only slightly bitter terms, because in the end he came through for her and she knows it.
honestly, the worst part is i can’t even be mad at hunter for it, i’m sure he was terrified to fail belos. Both because he loves him and doesn’t want him to suffer....but also because of well...being punished. Really says something when his near betrayal doesn’t even make me mad at him, and i can understand why he nearly did it.
He let her go, knowing he’d be in SERIOUS trouble and that it would hurt someone he actually loves, so....ouch.
so yeah at this point i knew rascal wanted him so it was only of matter of what happened next.
Which was, luz getting the wood, which i like more anyway. Eda and King doing this offscreen and coming home like this is actually very funny, and honestly i appreciate the message of it being ok to wait.....means a lot to me.
yeah so belos is like...being an ass, like the kid tried his hardest, you don’t need to hit him with the “Is this the thanks i get?”. He’s a kid and he’s trying to cure you you dick, give him a break he doesn’t remotely have to help you like this.
Also apparently belos has not even told hunter HOW this happened, like...dude. Hunter is trying to be entirely reasonable here and belos spikes at him, which does imply some physical abuse though the only reason hunter doesn’t get a new scar is because he moves.
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but how he reacts implies this has happened before, he is bracing for impact and he flinches. It’s pretty sad tbh, especially since hunter loves him and belos’s respect means something to him.
Belos is such an idiot, like c’mon dude, hunter is trying to help you and you don’t listen to him you dick. Kid shouldn’t have to say sorry for anything he did nothing wrong, he was just trying to help.
Anyways, he gloats at kiki (So at the very least she knows what he looks like under the mask), which he deserves a chance to do anyway. So i guess he didn’t rat her out for trying to kill him, personally my guess why is blackmail.....he was gonna hold it over her head to keep her from doing it again and threaten to tell belos.
But kiki quickly tells he LET the pailsman get away since he was the one to fight her (Curse his cute loose hair strand). So i guess now they have dirt on each other, so that’s fun.
His room is adorable, though the med kit by the bed is concerning.
Rascal comes for him and it;s so cute....though you can tell hunter nearly hurts him on instinct because of force of habit, but it’s so cute how he cares and how the birb loves him and is his new staff.
it was well hinted to as well, it’s so subtle, but the bird being cheery, curious, and his constant habit of escaping boundaries was perfect for hunter. He represents what hunter wants to be and why they got matched is done so well, all without explaining anything.
Hunter indirectly stated his deepest wish, to make his own choices, and rascal resonated with that. 
can’t wait to see where this goes.
great ending shot, love me some conflicted shots looking out of windows like trapped birds.
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also this title was a pun the whole time i can’t-
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seokiie · 4 years
𝚆𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 (𝙼)
+ 𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘺, 𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘺, 𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘺. 𝘔𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘺 (𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯) 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘮.
+𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 2.2𝘬+
+ 𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬/𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
+ 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘦𝘹𝘩𝘪𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘮, 𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘫𝘰𝘣, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘴' 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵
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It wasn't every day that you were invited out to a dinner party.
It wasn't every day that Jungkook himself invited you out to a dinner party.
As soon as you'd gotten the call, you searched through your closet for your nicest dress. It just so happened that your nicest dress was also your skimpiest. Welp, you had plenty of cardigans you could wear.
The reason Jungkook inviting you out to a dinner party was such a rare deal was simply because he liked keeping his work life and personal life separate. During the duration of your year-long relationship, you'd only ever met his six other bandmates three times. Three times. Of course, you knew it was in his best interest to keep you as far away from his busy idol life as possible. You only really met up in private to avoid prying cameras and invasive fans. He was also a bit possessive and uncharacteristically jealous for someone as hot as himself. He's always said things like, 'you're mine, don't even think about looking at other men'. You never had any complaints, though - a possessive Jungkook never failed to set your skin on fire.
"Wah, this is what you're wearing? You're really trying to make dinner difficult for me, huh." Jungkook looks up at you as you slide into the booth next to him, a wide smirk on his face. You'd arrived at the fancy restaurant via private car. It was safer if no one saw you arrive. When you're seated at the table with the seven men, you look around and realize that the whole establishment is empty, not counting the few bodyguards and waiters littered around.
"I couldn't find anything else under the lines of 'fancy but not too fancy, but still fancy enough for a fancy restaurant'." You laugh quietly and scoot closer to him till your thighs were just barely touching. You haven't seen him in almost three weeks. He had a busy schedule along with some overseas promos but you're just glad he's finally back.
"Regardless you look fucking delicious- I mean, that isn't quite appropriate for this setting..." You watch as his eyes roam over your frame hungrily. A familiar warmth curls through your body when a big hand covers your bare thigh. "You look fucking delightful."
"Ah, look at our Jungkookie! He's flirting, cute." Jimin giggles from where he's sat on the other side of Jungkook. You and a few of the other members laugh. Jungkook can't help laughing as well.
The dinner carries on nicely. You'd been a bit nervous at first because you didn't know the other members too well, but it seems you were nervous for no reason. Hoseok in particular managed to break you out of your shell the most with his antics and smiley demeanor. Somehow just sitting across from him made you excited.
A few minutes after placing orders, some appetizers are brought out while dinner is being made. While you were drifting between quiet and sociable, you weren't too fond of the fact that Jungkook had only said two sentences to you over the past thirty minutes - and that was when you arrived. Maybe you were just being overly clingy. You weren't gonna lie, you were pretty touch starved after going Jungkook-free for a couple of weeks.
You place a hand on his leg, just above his knee under the table. You were rightfully seeking attention in your opinion.
He doesn't seem to notice the hand on his leg and continues his conversation with Seokjin who was sitting across the table. Fine. You'd turn it up a notch.
"Y/n, it's been so long since we saw you. It's been three months I think." You look up to meet eyes with whoever was talking to you. It was Hoseok.
"Oh, yeah! I know how busy you guys are. You all work so hard."
"Ah, we try. By the way, if you're comfortable, you can talk casually. We've known each other long enough... even if we don't talk often." Hoseok gives a warm smile and you're dully aware of Jungkooks thigh tensing under your hand slightly. When you look over, he seems to still be conversing with Jin. You smirk.
"If it's alright with you. I heard working overseas was stressful, I was so worried when Jungkook called me..." You continue talking to Hoseok for a bit.
Jungkook was doing a good job ignoring the conversation going on to his right, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a little frustrated. He knows he shouldn't get mad at his friend talking casually to his girlfriend but come on. Everyone knew he had a little green monster sitting on his shoulder, especially you.
It isn't until he feels your almost searing hand crawl up his thigh that he fully grasps the situation. You knew he had a little green monster sitting on his shoulder. You knew this and you were talking to his hyung casually while touching him deliberately under the table. Did you want his attention that bad?
Sometimes Jungkook seriously wondered how his relationship with you worked out because you were so petty and holy shit, he was petty, too. So, so petty. If this was a game, he was not going to back down. He'd make sure you wouldn't get an ounce of his attention tonight.
That proves easier said than done because not only five minutes later, your hand is rubbing teasingly slow up and down his thigh, dangerously close to where his cock is nestled safely inside his dress pants.
Jungkook barely notices the way his legs open a little wider, inadvertently asking for more of your touch. Whatever Seokjin was talking about, Jungkook can't remember. Half his brain was focusing on trying not to get hard and the other half was trying to keep a straight face. Luckily, he was a good actor.
His dick? Not so much.
A minute passes before the teasing stops and suddenly there's a hand palming him through his designer clothes. Mid-sentence, he cuts himself off with a gasp. It's been so long since someone has touched him - since he's touched himself.
"You okay, Jungkook?" Jimin asks from beside him and Jungkook has no choice but to twist his startled expression into a small smile.
"Fine, just hungry. Can't wait for the food to come out." Jimin makes a sound of agreement. Thankfully, he doesn't hold his attention for long. Jimin turns back around to continue talking to Namjoon after giving him a concerned look. As soon as he's sure there are no eyes on him, Jungkook grabs your arm tightly and yanks you closer to him a little too roughly. This wasn't entirely uncommon. Jungkook was really, really strong and sometimes he forgot that he was... really, really strong. He had the tendency to drag you around and expressed guilt a few times thinking he's hurt you. In reality, it wasn't too bad and for some reason, you kind of enjoyed having Jungkook jerk you around. Especially in bed.
"Fuck do you think you're doing?" Jungkook says in a tone you can only describe as yelling as quietly as he can. His lips just barely ghosted over the shell of your ear and in an attempt to regain authority, you rub him a little harder through his pants, digging your palm slightly into the obvious bulge forming there. You can feel his cock twitch under your hand and he bites back a gasp.
"Nothing." You comment almost nonchalantly.
"Do you want to die? I'll give you a chance to let go, maybe I'll go easy on you when we get home." Jungkook hisses in your ear and now it's your turn to bite back a gasp. Negligent of his proposition, you continue touching him. Surprisingly, he had managed to get fully hard already, his cock having thickened up and now left a visible mark in his pants.
"Ah, foods here. Jungkook, your steak." At the sound of his name, Jungkook lets go of your arm almost as if your skin burned him. Seokjin takes the plates from the waiter and hands them to the respective member with Namjoon's help. Your food is placed in front of you but you barely pay any attention to it. How could you when there was a way better meal sitting right next to you?
The dinner continues like this for a bit. You stop touching him for a little while, waiting till he lets his guard down and brings a fork full of steak up to his mouth before returning your hand to his clothed length. He lets out a surprised, almost choked out moan only to slap a hand over his mouth. You have to hold back a snigger.
"Kookie, you sure you're okay?" Taehyung is looking at the maknae expectantly now, humor evident in his tone.
"Mmh!" Jungkook chokes back another moan when your hand unzips his dress pants and dips past the material. Why was he so sensitive all of a sudden? "'m alright! I'm- this steak, mmh, it's so good..."
"Is it really that good? Maybe I should've ordered that one..." Taehyung pouts slightly before poking at his salad. Whenever they went out to eat, Taehyung would order the coolest sounding thing on the menu, end up disappointed, then it would result in him eating the other member's food. Of course, they all happily offered to feed their precious Taehyungie - things like this always worked out in the end.
You continue your assault under the table, getting accustomed to Jungkook's length after weeks apart. There's a familiar curl of warmth under your skin when your thumb brushes over the thick head of his cock, his boxers wet with precum. How was he leaking already? The Jungkook you knew prided himself for being able to last almost five hours in bed, yet here he was, keening, thick and hard, dripping with precum after a little bit of fondling through his pants. There's a distinct feeling of power that flows through your blood at that thought.
"Hm, Jungkookie? Is it really that good?" You say quietly enough that only the man next to you can hear. Your tone was awfully smug and Jungkook didn't like that at all, not one bit.
"I'm going to fucking wreck you later, do you understand? Doing- shit- doing something like this in public? Ah, I didn't peg you as an exhibitionist." Jungkook's legs open a little wider and you really can't tell if it's subconscious or if he's doing it on purpose. Either way, it was clear he was enjoying it just as much as you were.
"I didn't peg you as an exhibitionist. You're so hard..." You say in awe. At some point during this whole encounter, you'd managed to forget just exactly why you were doing this. To be completely honest, you didn't really care.
"Wait, hah, y/n-ah..." Jungkook sputters out as quietly as he can. He had one hand on the edge of the lavish wooden table, gripping it with so much force his knuckles were turning white. You ignore his quiet pleas and instead slide your fingers over the sensitive vein that bulged on the side of his cock. You recognized it almost immediately even if you couldn't see it. Why wouldn't you recognize it - especially when you'd dragged your tongue over it so many times before. It never failed to make him go crazy.
"Y/n-ah, seriously... it's too- you're gonna-" Jungkook's legs open a bit more, his body aching for more stimulation as he bucked his hips up slightly. His cock twitches strenuously and before you can even think to pull your hand away, he's coming hard into his boxers.
Almost perfectly timed, his hand slips on the table and he knocks his wine glass over, spilling expensive alcohol all over the fancy wood and all over Taehyung's salad. The clanging of the glass on the table along with the way everyone gasps in shock overshadows the throaty moan that Jungkook lets out. He couldn't restrain it even if he tried.
"Ah, my salad!" Taehyung curses despite the fact he hasn't touched the salad more than once since it was served. Hoseok laughs at Jungkook's clumsiness and Taehyung's waterboarded salad.
"You weren't eating it anyway." Namjoon rolls his eyes and raises his hand to get the attention of a waiter. "Can we get some napkins? Or paper towels, please?"
As Namjoon and Jimin make an attempt to wipe up some of the spilled wine, you remove your hand from your boyfriend's pants. His cum had soaked through his boxers and there was a majority of it on your fingers. You didn't mind one bit.
Jungkook's eyes are far away for a moment as he comes down from the high of his first orgasm in weeks. As soon as his vision clears, you make sure the first thing he sees is you cleaning his cum off your fingers with your tongue. His eyes darken impossibly.
"I leave for a few weeks and this is what you do? You can't even wait till we're alone? The audacity of this girl." Jungkook mumbles, dialect peaking through. He quickly zips up his dress pants and he shivers at the uncomfortable feeling of cum in his boxers. He needed to get home and change asap.
"And you're laughing about it, too?" You giggle and nod. He sucks his teeth.
"I wasn't lying when I said I'd wreck you, princess." An almost sinister smirk pulls at Jungkook's lips and your smile all but falls. "Clearly, I need to give you some obedience training."
[© seokiie]
[I do not allow any translating, editing, reposting, or use of any my work!!]
557 notes · View notes
ah-ga-seven · 3 years
Till The End of Summer - Chapter 15 (Bonus: The End)
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>> series masterlist <<
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Reader
In a Nutshell: College!AU, Rich Kids, Friends to Lovers, Fuckboy athlete Yeonjun, Overprotective Best friend Soobin, contains all of TXT and other Idol cameos, Omnipresent perspective.
Genre: Fluff, Angst.
Synopsis: You and Yeonjun are caught up in a cat and mouse game because of unspoken feelings and endless pining for each others’ attention. With the summer break approaching and lots of college parties, will you finally get a chance to explore your feelings for each other; even though the world, Yeonjun’s family, past and reputation makes things complicated?
Word count: 7K
Genre:  Fluff, Angst
Warnings: None??
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Yeonjun was following you around the house like a lost puppy as you were running around like a crazy person, gathering stuff you needed while you were half-dressed and half ready to leave the house.
“Baby, slow down,” he says as he zipped up your dress from the back while you were putting on your heels.
“No, we’re gonna be late for our best friends' wedding. Ugh, I knew we shouldn’t have showered together, that always ends with dickstractions.”
Yeonjun stopped in his tracks, unable to suppress his laughter. “Did you just say dickstrations?”
You turn around on your heels, a little startled at how close he was. You hadn’t looked at him since he changed into his suit and suddenly you feel your mouth grow dry at the sight.
He noticed how you were gawking at him and grinned, holding you by your waist. “Like what you see?” he asks all seductively, running his hands through his roughly slicked-back black locks. He looked ravishing, even better than the runway models of his own fashion shows.
You nod, biting your lip as he inches closer for a kiss, but you stop him as realization hits you. “Babe no, my make-up.”
He rolled his eyes, letting go of you so you could finish getting ready, and sat down on your king-sized bed, watching you put on the diamond choker necklace he got you for Christmas last year.
“I can’t believe they’re getting married,” he mumbles as he stares into distance.
“That’s usually what happens when you get engaged, babe.”
Your tone was a little bitchier than you intended, but after 5 years of being together while all of your friends were getting married left and right, you had no idea why you hadn’t been proposed to yet.
The thing is, between Yeonjun starting his own luxury fashion brand and your demanding job at a scientific research facility, you haven’t had the time to even think about having a wedding of your own, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want one.
Yeonjun looked at you a little puzzled and just as he was going to open his mouth to speak, his phone started to ring.
You looked at him through the mirror as you put your diamond earrings on and by the frown that had taken over his features you knew it had to be work.
He picked up with a sigh. “I thought I told you not to call me today unless it was an emergency, so this better be good.”
Yeonjun as a businessman was a full 360 from who he was at home or with his friends. It’s not like he was an asshole but…the reason why his brand got to showcase its creations next to majors like Balenciaga and Céline so quickly wasn’t because of his soft side.
You make eye contact and you raise your brow in question, but he just silently mouthed that it was work as he opened your bedroom door.
He walked out, not wanting you to hear him rant to his employees about some fuck up on their side.  
You quietly put your lipstick in your clutch as you hear him close his office door behind him. Well shit. It must be bad if he doesn't want you to hear.
You hoped that whatever it was wouldn’t spoil the mood.
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You fix a piece of Yeonjun’s hair as he’s driving and pout. He was stressed and nervous, you could tell by the way he was biting the inside of his cheek. he was Soobin’s best man, and you were Mia’s maid of honor; so, you were heading there earlier to welcome the guests and help them wherever you could.
“Are you nervous baby?” you ask as you intertwine your fingers with his.
He sighs, raising your intertwined hand to his plump lips to give the back of your hand a sweet kiss before putting both of your hands in his lap. “I have so many responsibilities tonight, I thought weddings were supposed to be fun,” he mumbles, anxiety evident in his voice.
Yeonjun is a perfectionist, so everything had to go perfect today. And given the fact that he had quite the role to uphold tonight, if anything were to be less than perfect, he’d be to blame.
At least that’s how he sees it.
After all these years Yeonjun is still hard on himself, but since it comes from a place of love for Soobin and Mia his perfectionism is even worse.
“It’ll be funnnn” you drag your words as you shake his shoulder to get him to lighten up and it seemed to work as he displayed his pearly whites to you in a boyish smile.
When you arrive at the venue, you’re in complete awe of how beautifully the place was decorated.  
White flower walls and branches were set up throughout the place, they had starlight projectors, big round tables for their guests and the stage was beautifully decorated with polaroid pictures of them and their loved ones.  
It was breathtaking and absolutely adorable. From the details of the engraved silverware to all the guests' names on their respective champagne glasses, they literally thought of everything.
You excitedly look around as you hold on to Yeonjun's arm as you drag him around the empty venue. “Oh my god, and this! They’re polaroids from our college days look!” you point at one of the pictures on the flower wall in front of you and Yeonjun leans forward to look at the group picture of the boys, Mia and yourself.  
“This was at my welcome home party, look. I’m knocked out on your lap.” You giggle excitedly and start looking at the other pictures with childlike enthusiasm and suddenly Yeonjun finds himself simping over how cute you are right now.
He looked around him and noticed how a few staff members were fixing some flower arrangements or plates without minding the two of you, which gave him the perfect reason to be clingy.  
“You look so beautiful,” he says as he snakes his arms around your waist from behind, leaning his head on your shoulder.
You’re surprised by his sudden display of affection and try to turn around but he holds you in place as he softly kisses your neck.
“Yeonjun, stop. I swear if you leave a hickey, I’ll kill you. Both of our parents are coming.”  
He smiles against your skin. “We’re adults.”
“No, I’m the adult, you’re a man child” you argue with a smile and he let out an amused chuckle, reluctantly letting go of you.
“Fine. Just wait till we get home.” He threatens as he casually smacks your ass.
Your moment was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat and when you turn around you are met with Soobin’s tall and handsome form.
He was wearing the white suit Yeonjun designed for him, his hair was slicked back and he had the prettiest smile on his face as he laid eyes on both of you.
“Soobin!” you yell as you launch forward to hug him. He stumbled a step back and chuckled as you hold him at an arm's length. “Wow, you clean up nicely. You look great! So handsome.” You compliment him with a wink and he smiles at you all giddily. “Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself.”
“Ok, enough doting on each other,” Yeonjun says rolling his eyes as he pulls you back so you’d stand next to him again. The action made both Soobin and yourself burst out into laughter.  
“What are you jealous of, I’m literally getting married.’ Soobin boasts all confidently as he wraps an arm around Yeonjun. “I’m jealous that no one’s complimenting me.” Yeonjun pouts and your eyes nearly roll out of your skull as you hear Soobin trying to heal Yeonjun’s ego with compliments.
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You softly knock on the door before you peek your head through and make eye contact with Mia through the full body mirror she was facing. Her parents were next to her as well as her brother and her make-up artist.
You both look at each other with shocked facial expressions and when you lock eyes with her, you immediately start to tear up.
She looked beautiful. The strapless lace mermaid gown she was wearing was absolutely show-stopping. Her hair was down, long and wavy, and her make-up was also flawless. You had never seen her like this, and suddenly it hit you that two of your best friends were getting married to each other.
“Mia…” your voice was almost inaudible and when she turned around to see the tears in your eyes, she started to choke up as well.
“Shit, no. Don’t make me cry, my face will melt,” she says as she starts waving her hands to fan herself and the two of you start to giggle as you move closer to embrace her carefully without ruining her attire.
You greet her family before they left to give you a moment alone and turn to her again once they left.
“How does Soobin look?” she asks all excitedly. They hadn’t seen each other today and looking at Mia you were sure that Soobin would start crying once he saw her. “Almost as pretty as you do,” you joke as you walk to the small window of her dressing room that had a view of the main entrance.
“Are you nervous?”  
The place was already getting packed with friends and family, and you spotted the table you’d be seated at, seeing that the boys and their partners were already there.
“Nah, well maybe a little. I’m sure the nerves will go away once I look in his eyes.”  
You pout at her cute statement and look at the clock. “Half an hour till showtime.”
“Oh, shit. Well, I have to get going. I’m taking some pictures with my family before the ceremony, I’ll see you in a bit!”
You nod at her with a smile as she rushes out of her dressing room and make your way down the stairs. You were scanning the halls for Yeonjun but couldn’t find him or the boys when you swore you just saw them.
Your parents would arrive any minute now too, so your mind was in overdrive trying to find any familiar face at this point. You decide to just make your way to your table but halfway there you felt a slight tug on your wrist.
“Y/n? Is that you?”  
You turn around a little bewildered because you were so focused on finding either Yeonjun, your friends, or your parents but when you see the man in front of you, you almost want to disappear.
It’s your fucking ex-boyfriend. Of course, he’d be here, he’s Soobin’s cousin.
You try not to look too startled but when he goes in for the hug you can’t hide your shock at seeing him again after all this time. “Minjae?”  
“The one and only.”
Ew. He’s still smug. What did you even see in him?
You look around quickly to find an excuse to leave but everyone was still missing from your assigned table.
“Can I just say, you look gorgeous. Red is your color,” he states while biting his lip as he looks you up and down. The action made you awkwardly scratch your neck in response. “Uhm, thanks.”
“Why are you alone?” he asks as he bit his lip, unapologetically looking you up and down.
“Oh, I can’t find my boyfriend, I think he went to prepare something with his friends.” You made sure to mention that you were seeing someone and that that particular someone was here with you right now, but Minjae didn’t seem to be fazed by the information
Your relationship ended on bad terms since he cheated and you. You left for college right after your breakup so you never really got closure, of course, you had to run into him here. Just your fucking luck.
“Hmm, is he in his right mind leaving a pretty girl like you all by herself out here?” he asks with a smirk while you try your best not to gag.  
If you could tell him off, you would. But the last thing you wanted was to cause a scene at your best friends’ wedding.
“Uhm, I think I’m gonna go find him.” You try to escape but Minjae follows your figure and stops you from walking away by standing in front of you again.  
“Wow wow, not so fast sweetheart, let’s catch up.” He caresses your upper arm and you flinch at the contact, subtly avoiding his touch.
“I know we didn’t end things on great terms but I’m a changed man, I swear,” he says as he takes a step closer. He was trying to intimidate you and clearly wasn’t fazed by the fact that people were passing by the two of you left and right as it started to get busier and busier while you only got more and more uncomfortable by his presence.  
“Yeah…that’s nice Minjae but I-”
“and I mean, how serious could that relationship of yours be? I don’t see a ring on your finger.”  He interrupts you, wiggling his fingers around to show that he wasn’t wearing one either.
You’re at a loss for words and just about had it. The audacity?  
Soobin always hated Minjae, and now you are starting to understand why.  
“Do you see the man on her arm?” Yeonjun’s voice was crystal clear.
He showed up out of nowhere, grabbing your hand to snake around his arm as he nonchalantly put his hand in his pocket while he looked Minjae dead in the eye with a stoic expression.
You cling onto him, relieved that he showed up. He checked on you quickly but when he saw the distress in your enlarged pupils his jaw clenched.
“Was he bothering you?”  
Yeonjun didn’t give a shit. People were starting to look your way, including Soobin and his parents.  
“Oh, wait. You’re Choi Yeonjun, right? That designer.” Once again you are cut off by Minjae, and Yeonjun wasn’t having it, rolling his eyes as annoyance got the best of him.
“Yes. I’m surprised you know of my brand. Looking at your H&M suit I wouldn’t guess you could afford it.” Yeonjun says with a smug grin and all you can do is snort at his comment.
Minjae stiffened, not expecting Yeonjun to come for his throat like that but he tried to act nonchalantly; laughing it away.  
“I-it’s Zara.” Minjae tries, but Yeonjun licked his lip as he looked down with a smirk. He pulled you into him and placed a kiss on top of your head. “Let’s get going baby. Soobin needs us to be ready.”
Yeonjun placed his hand on the small of your back to guide you to where Soobin was standing and you finally start to breathe normally again.
“Who the fuck was that?” Yeonjun asks visibly annoyed.
“Choi Minjae. I used to date him in high school,” You explain in a hushed tone as you make your way through the venue.  
“Choi as in Soobin?” he asks wide-eyed
“Yes, they’re cousins.”  
Yeonjun stayed quiet but you knew this would be a topic of discussion later on.
He wiped the annoyed scowl off his face as he approached Soobin and replaced it with a smile.  
“What was that about?” Soobin asks as he turns to the two of you.
“Just Minjae being a dick. What else is new,” You sigh, making Soobin clench his jaw as he eyes Minjae who had by now sat down next to Soobin’s aunt and uncle at their assigned seats.
“It’s ok, Yeonjun told him off he won’t try it again. What’s a wedding without a little family drama am I right?” you try to calm Soobin’s protective side down a little, but even after all these years, nothing has changed in that aspect.
“He’s the ex that cheated on you right?” Yeonjun asked and you nod, giving him a look. “Let’s just let it go ok, the ceremony is about to start.”
Your attention is shifted to Hueningkai, who hugged Soobin from the back, making Soobin jump at the sudden attack. “Hiiii” he cooed as he rubbed his belly.
Soobin and Yeonjun start beaming at him and you watch them have their moment until he turns to you for a hug. “Hi babyface,” you tease, making Hueningkai cringe.  
“Stop calling me that, I’m 25,” he complains, but he secretly loves it and before you knew it you were joined by Beomgyu and Taehyun.
It wasn’t long before the ceremony would start. Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Hueningkai stood on Soobin’s side of the altar, and you stood on Mia’s side with Ryujin and some of Mia’s childhood friends and cousins.
As both yourself and Yeonjun were appointed as maid of honor and best man, you stood in the front. Yeonjun stood with his head held high, eyeing you and giving you a mischievous wink as you made eye contact. You winked back with a smile which made him chuckle and look down to control his facial expressions.
When you look out on the crowd you make eye contact with your dad who was shaking his head with amusement at how childish the two of you were being and suddenly embarrassment flushes over you, especially when you saw that Yeonjun’s mother had the exact same expression on her face as she was seated next to your parents. A sight you could never get used to.
The music started to play, all of the guests stood up simultaneously and the large white double doors at the entrance opened to show Mia holding on to her fathers’ arm. People started to cheer including yourself and the boys, and without much time Soobin was already choking up and biting his lip to suppress tears.  
Yeonjun looked at Soobin with glistening eyes, patting his shoulder to show comfort as Mia approached.
It was beautiful. All of it. From their vows to their first kiss as husband and wife, it was like a scene out of a movie. The pure happiness you felt for your friends was almost overwhelming and after congratulating the newlywed couple and dinner with soppy speeches by the boys, yourself and their parents it was finally time to party.
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You helped Mia change into something more comfortable in her dressing room and sighed as you looked at her. “How does it feel to be married?” you ask with a smirk, which Mia reciprocated. “Not much is different, other than the fact that I can call him my husband.”
“Must be nice, I’m in my late twenties and still call Yeonjun my boyfriend. It’s getting weird. The questions of people around me are even worse.”
“Like what?”
“Why aren’t you married, don’t you wanna settle down? Are the two of you in an open relationship, are you sure he’s not cheating on you? The list goes on.”  
Mia’s face contorted from confusion to disgust. “Who the fuck says that.”
“My co-workers.” You huff. “But enough about me, I’m sorry. This is your day.” You try to laugh it off, but Mia is a literal psychologist, so she wouldn’t just let this go.
“Hmm, no. The dance floor can wait,” she says as she sat down on the couch, patting the empty spot beside her to tell you to sit down.
You try to protest but she grabs your wrist and pulls you down with her, making you look her in the eye.
“Have the two of you talked about marriage?”
“Yes and No.”  
“Does he know you wanna get married?”
“Ok, then…why hasn’t he asked.”
“Girl, you tell me.” You sigh. “Do you think he’s having second thoughts? With his brand and the people he’s around, they're a different caliber of gorgeous.”
“Y/n.” Mia scoffs. “Yeonjun would die without you, and you know he isn’t that shallow. He loves you more than anything. He still looks at you the way he looked at you in college. Just talk to him…”
“And say what? Hey dude, why haven’t you proposed to me yet?”  
“…yeah.” She shrugged, not getting why you wouldn’t just talk to him about it but you honestly didn’t know how to bring up the conversation. If you both talked about it and he proposed somewhere in the future, it’d mean that he did it because you wanted him to and not because he wanted to.  
“I can’t do that; my pride is in the way.” You explain giving her the short answer to your thoughts.
“I can talk to him.”
“No Mia, please. No.”
“Ah, come on. I won’t make it obvious; you know me.”  
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Mia plopped herself down on the seat next to Yeonjun.
“So, when are you two getting married?” she says without a filter, making you choke on your drink. You had fire spewing from your pupils as you look at her, mouthing a ‘bitch what the fuck’ to her which she just shrugged off, turning her attention to Yeonjun.
“Uhm…” Yeonjun chugged his champagne in one shot and bit the inside of his cheek.
Shit.. he only does that when he’s nervous about something.
“I mean, we haven’t really had the time. Our jobs are too demanding right now.” He explains with a soft smile, hoping that Mia would leave him alone about it, but he knew better.
You awkwardly shift in your seat and wanted to avert the conversation, but the other boys were already busting it down on the dance floor with Soobin, meaning the three of you were alone.
Yeonjun looked at you and noticed that you weren’t looking at him or Mia and sighed.
“I don’t know, the whole concept of marriage is kinda outdated right? I mean no offense of course. You just got married.” He gave Mia one of his hypnotizing smiles but if you heard that right then that was the confirmation you needed. He got up, kissing the top of your head. “You coming to dance with me?” he asked innocently but you just shook your head.
He isn’t planning on proposing to you. Not now, not ever.
“I’m sitting this one out.”  
Yeonjun nodded understandably and walked towards his friends, making a dumbfounded Mia look at you with concern.
“….He…thinks it’s lame?” Mia says confused as ever.
“I don’t know Mia, I’ll just let it go for now.”
“No, listen to me y/n. If this is what you want for your future, then you have to let him know. Otherwise, he’ll never get it. You don’t want to have to explain to your kids why daddy never married mommy.”  
You sigh loudly, slouching in your seat while rubbing your forehead. “Wait,” Mia says. “He does want to have kids, right?”
“Yes, he does.”  
“Ok…at least you have that in common.” She tries to joke to lighten the mood but you glared at her.
“Ah, I’m sorry. I know it’s not funny.” She shrugged, holding out her hand. “Wanna go dance?”
“No, I’m gonna look for my parents and Yeonjun’s mom.” You say looking around to find them.
Mia pouted at your rejection but she understood that you weren’t in the mood right now. “I expect at least one dance with my best friend, ok?” she pouted at you and you give her a weak-hearted smile.
“Ok, I promise. But later, ok?”  
She nods and you both get up as you part ways.
Yeonjun kept an eye on you and frowned when Mia approached without you.
“Where is she going?” he asked as he looked at Mia. “To say hi to her parents and your mom.”  
Soobin wrapped an arm around Mia’s waist and pulled her into him with a twirl. “There’s my lovely wife,” he says as he pecks her lips.
“Oh, Jesus.” Taehyun says shaking his head. “We’ve entered a new era.”  
“Let them be, they just got married.” Beomgyu chuckled as he swayed to the beat with Ryujin’s arms wrapped around his neck.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of calling you, my husband.” Mia says with a laugh as she threw her head back in laughter as Soobin attacked her with kisses,  and suddenly the puzzle pieces fell into place for Yeonjun at the sight.
The realization took over his features and he was immediately alarmed.
“I’m gonna go find y/n.” he says without looking back at his friends before he storms off to find you.  
“What do we do now?” Hueningkai asks in confusion.
“What was planned,” Mia says shrugging her shoulders.
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Yeonjun arrived at the table both of your parents were seated at, but you were nowhere to be found.
“Hey dad, have you seen y/n?” Yeonjun asks putting a hand on your father’s shoulder.
Your dad looked up at him with a smile and shrugged. “Haven’t seen her kid.”
“She went that way.” Yeonjun’s mother says pointing to the main entrance.
Yeonjun nodded and wanted to bolt off into your direction but your mother stopped him. “Everything ok?”
“Y-yeah, I just need to tell her something,” he says as he rushed off.
The three of them follow Yeonjun with their eyes in confusion while his mother lets out an exasperated sigh.  
“I hope it’s not serious.” Your dad says raising an eyebrow.
“Knowing my son, it’s serious.” She states as she downs her champagne,  grabbing another one of the waiters’ tray swiftly as they passed by.  
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Yeonjun made his way outside of the venue. The sun had set and it was chilly out; making him worry even more because if you were out here, you’d probably be freezing.  
He walked around the perimeter of the venue and stopped in his tracks when he saw you sitting alone on the steps, looking out on the lake with a wine glass in your hand.
He sighed as he watched you take a sip while you were lost in deep thought and took off the blazer to his suit as he approached you.
He draped it over your shoulders, startling you in the process but when you look up at him you instantly relax.
He sat down next to you with a low groan, taking the wine glass from your hold while taking a sip.
“That’s mine.” You try to sound playful but your tone of voice sounded rather sad, making him sigh while putting the wine glass down next to him.
“Why didn’t you tell me you want to get married?” He asks as he stares into what seems like your soul. It made you feel incredibly vulnerable and small.
“What did Mia say to you?”
“Nothing. It clicked to me when you walked off and then she called Soobin her husband and it just…”
He cut himself off as you avoided eye contact and closed his mouth with a slight pout.
“Baby…tell me.”
“Nothing I say will make sense to you,” you say with a bitter smile as you stare at the fountain in the middle of the lake. Your eyes fixated on the lights that changed color and your vision got blurry.
“Try me.” He says as he put his hand on your thigh but you stiffened at his touch, which made him frown. Having had enough of your vagueness he laced his fingers through your hair and made you look at him.
His sweet demeanor had shifted to a sterner one. He wanted answers, even if you thought they wouldn’t make sense.
He cocked his eyebrow and licked his lips, waiting for you to speak.
“Yes, I do, but I…” you take a deep breath to collect your thoughts and start rambling.  
“Of course I want to get married to you Yeonjun. It’s been five years. Incredible years at that, but as time passes, I want to be able to call you my husband. I’ll be 80 years old with grandchildren and a boyfriend, and call me old-fashioned but that’s not exactly how I pictured my life to be.”
He pursed his lips together as he listened to you attentively, furrowing his eyebrows a little to understand.  
“Yeonjun. If I have to tell you that I want to get married, then you’d only propose to me because I basically told you to do so and I don’t want that. I don’t want you to do something because you feel like you have to. If the thought never crossed your mind, then…that says enough”
“Y/n…I’m sorry. I just never thought that-”
“It’s ok. I’ll get over it.” You say interrupting him.
“No. Baby, hear me out.”  He made you look at him again. “You have to realize that the only example of a marriage I ever had was the one my parents were in. They hated each other. Married out of a business agreement and stayed together because a piece of paper tied them together. I don’t want that for us.”
“Yeonjun, we’re nothing like your parents ever were.”  
He wasn’t helping his case with that comment. You took his hand off of your cheek and reached over for your wine glass, taking a sip once you retrieved it.
Yeonjun’s eyes were darting back and forth, trying to find the right thing to say but he knew that nothing he’d say right now would make a difference.
“I’m sorry…” Yeonjun says with sadness. He looked like a lost puppy. Truly unable to grasp why you were so upset about this, and honestly you had enough of trying to explain to him why marriage was so important to you.
Your parents were the perfect example of a successful marriage, and all you wanted was something as genuine as their love.
“Can we just talk at home? I don’t want to spoil the mood for our friends. They must be wondering where we are.”
He sighed, rubbing his forehead in agony. He watched you get up and jolted upwards in lightning speed to match your tempo.
“I don’t want to go back in there like this, we need to talk about this somehow.”
“We just did Yeonjun. I want to get married, you don’t, and last time I checked I can’t marry myself so I’m just gonna have to deal with it.”  
By now you had arrived at the entrance. You downed your drink and set the empty glass down on a random tray and waltzed inside of the ballroom with big strides.  
“Hey bitch, catch!” Mia yells as she throws you her bouquet.
You hadn’t even noticed how the music stopped and look at her wide-eyed. What the hell was she thinking? Wasn’t the look of thunder on your face enough of a hint that you weren’t in for her jokes right now.
You look back and Yeonjun somehow disappeared from your line of sight, making you even more confused and annoyed than you already were.
“Mia, what the hell.” You furrow your eyebrows at her and notice how suddenly all eyes were on you.
People were standing in a circle and most of the tables were set aside to create the space that you were now standing in the middle of right now.
Soobin smiled at you, he wrapped his arm around Mia’s shoulder, pulling her into him as his eyes disappeared into crescent moons. He watched your eyes widen as Tae, Gyu and Kai approached you. Tae covered your eyes as Beomgyu and Hueningkai sat you down on a random chair they brought with them.  
What the fuck was going on?
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- Before the wedding -
“I can’t believe they’re getting married,” he mumbles as he stares into distance.
“That’s usually what happens when you get engaged, babe.”
Yeonjun looked up at you in surprise as you were looking at him through the mirror while putting on your earrings.
Are you on to him? He dumbfoundedly stared back at you, trying to find the right words to avert your attention to a different topic but then his phone started to ring.
It was Soobin.
His eyes widened. Lying wasn’t something he was good at, but he didn’t want you to catch on.
He picked up with a sigh. “I thought I told you not to call me today unless it was an emergency, so this better be good.”
He looked at you, mouthing to you that it was a work thing as he disappeared from your shared bedroom and into his home office.
He closed the door behind him, pacing back and forth.  
“Sorry, y/n was in the room,” Yeonjun says with a relieved sigh.
“Is she suspecting anything?” Soobin asks a little worried.  
“No, at least I don’t think so.”
“Good. We planned this for way too long for it to be ruined. Everything is set up. She won’t know what’s coming for her.”
Yeonjun smiled, retrieving the square box from his back pocket as he opened it, staring at the 12-carat diamond ring in its case.  
“I hope so.”
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As Taehyun removed his hands from your line of sight a still image was projected on the wall in front of you.
You blink a couple of times to look around and see how Mia and Soobin were giddily smiling at you. You give the boys a look but they just laughed it off, motioning you to look at the monitor, and that’s when the video started playing.
It was a full timeline of your relationship with Yeonjun, videos and pictures of your college days, videos of yourself and Yeonjun decorating the house for Christmas, family dinners, important milestones; he documented all of it.  
Deep down inside you knew what was about to happen but after everything that just went down, it was incredibly hard to believe.
You're entranced by what you were seeing, completely frozen and in shock to even move until the video cut to a clip of Soobin and yourself as kids, you guessed you were about 5 years old at the time.
Little Soobin and yourself were having a pretend wedding ceremony, making everyone in the room swoon and chuckle.
You still remembered this day clearly. You made Soobin dress up with you and play house but 5-year-old you came to the genius realization that in order to play house, you’d have to get married first.
Your eyes started to water at the sight, and then your dad who was behind the camera cleared his throat in the video.
“Soobin, are you going to marry y/n when you’re older?” he asks panning the camcorder around to show that both of your moms were present too.
“Ew dad, no.” you crossed your tiny arms over each other and gave Soobin a grossed out glare.
“No, probably not.” Soobin agreed too as he shrugged his shoulders.  
“But when I do get married, I’ll make sure y/n gets married too.” He says with a small lisp, determination evident on his features as he pursed his lips together to show off his dimples.
Your parents started to laugh in the clip. “That’s not how it works Soobin.”
“Yes it is!” little you agreed with Soobin, linking arms with him as you stared straight into the camera.
“Let’s pinky promise.” You grinned at him, linking your tiny pinky with his. “Promise!”
The video stopped and you wiped a tear from your face as you give both Mia and Soobin a sentimental smile. Beomgyu helped you stand up and ran off to stand next to the others, who were by now joined by your parents and Yeonjun’s mother.
Both yours and Yeonjun’s favorite song started to play softly, and you turn around to see where it was coming from as Daniel Caesars' voice rang through the speakers.
‘Through drought and famine’
‘Natural disasters’
‘My baby has been around, for me.’
You were met with Yeonjun’s charming smile as he walked closer to you, taking your hands to lace his fingers with yours.
“What is all this…” you look at him with watery eyes,  
“Aren’t you going to keep the promise you made to Soobin?”  
He smiled at you as he let go of one hand, taking a tiny black velvet box of out his pocket as he got down on one knee.
You cover your mouth out of shock, tears welling up in your eyes once more as you give him a small nudge.
“You asshole.” You huff in tears, making everyone in the room laugh including Yeonjun. "And all of you were in on it?" you ask looking back at your friends who were nodding their heads in unison.
You chuckled through your tears, averting your attention back to Yeonjun who was still knelt down before you.
“You’re my home y/n.” he says with watery eyes. “Throughout everything, you are the one thing in my life that is unchanged. I know it was far from easy to love me for the past 5 years, but with all the craziness you have stood by me. With this ring, I want to show you that I’ll stand by you too…until death do us part” he states with a soft smile, and by now your mother has started to cry, including Yeonjun’s mother; the ice queen herself.
“Y/n.” he says taking a deep breathe. “Will you marry me?”  
You sniff your tears away, scrunching your nose as you start to nod furiously.
Yeonjun smiled up at you, quickly putting the ring on your finger before he got up and spun you around in his arms as people started to cheer, even Minjae was bitterly clapping his hands to congratulate you.
Yeonjun hugged you tightly as you buried your face in his chest, crying at the surreal and perfect moment. He giggled as a tear ran down his face too. Burying his nose in your hair as he held you as close as possible.
“I love you,” you manage to get out before you lean in to kiss him.
“I love you too.”
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- 1 year later -
“Oooh my god Mia, you’re about to pop.” Yeonjun says with big eyes as he opens the door for Mia and Soobin to enter your home.
Yeonjun and yourself had gotten back from your month-long honeymoon a few days back and you invited everyone over for a Sunday dinner.  
“Gee thanks. It’s not like I’m 8 months pregnant or anything.” She huffs as she waddles to the living room to sit down next to Taehyun and his boyfriend of two years, who had already arrived prior to them.
Yeonjun chuckled, throwing an arm around Soobin.
“How are you holding up, father to be?” he asks as he squeezed Soobin’s shoulder
“I can’t wait till the baby comes. Her hormones have been crazy lately, she made me get cheese nuggets last night at 2 am.” Soobin says as he rubs his eyes.
“Oh, y/n makes me do that without the pregnant part.”
You emerge from your kitchen at the sound of your name. “You talkin shit Choi?”
“No, I just told Soobin how much I loved you.” Yeonjun says through his teeth with a smile and all Soobin could do was laugh at the interaction.
You roll your eyes, wiping your hands on your apron as you take it off.
“Dinner will be ready in like half an hour.” You announce as you walk into the living room.
When you lay eyes on Mia you immediately run over to her, squeezing her as you rubbed her belly. “She’s gonna be the cutest baby ever.” you pout.
“Have you thought of a name yet?” Taehyun asks as he reached over to touch Mia’s baby bump as well.
“We’re still deciding,” Mia says with a smile, and at that the doorbell rang once again.
You got up to open the door and were greeted with the smiles of a by now engaged Beomgyu and Ryujin, followed by Hueningkai and his girlfriend Won-young  
The night was spent enjoying the food you made, you reminisced about your college days and talked about everything from your honeymoon to brainstorming baby names for Mia and Soobin.  
Time flew by when you were all together.
The group was enjoying a drink at the bar area of your kitchen and you were pouring yourself a virgin martini in full concentration mode.
Yeonjun snakes his arms around your waist from behind and kissed your temple sweetly as he came to check on you. You leaned into his touch, the both of you stared at the group of people that you call your family, smiling contently as you look up at Yeonjun to peck his lips.  
“When do we tell them?” he asks as he rubbed your tummy.  
You turn around to face him, giving him a nervous smile. ‘I’m worried that Mia might give birth on the spot when she hears the news.”
Yeonjun snorted at your comment, touching your stomach once again as he stared down in wonder. “I still can’t believe it,” he comments as he's lost in thought to a month ago when you told him about it.
Yeonjun was quick to serve everyone a brownie for dessert, carefully instructing them to wait before they took a bite.
You got up to stand next to him at the edge of your dinner table and had the giddiest smile on your face.  
“…Brownies?” Beomgyu asks wide-eyed.
“The last time you made these I developed PTSD.” Soobin says, reminiscing back to the night where you told everyone you had bagged an exchange to Brown University.
“So, you have news again?” Taehyun asks carefully and Yeonjun just nodded with a smile, pulling out his phone to record their reactions once they broke off a piece.  
“You’re not immigrating to another country or anything this time, right?” Mia asked, making you and Yeonjun chuckle at the absurd guess.
“Come on guys, open it up.” You clapped your hands excitedly and waited for them to break off a piece with their forks.
Ryujin was the first one to catch on as she discovered the blue and pink cream filling, followed by loud gasps and screams from everyone.
‘WE’RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY IN THE FAMILY!?” Hueningkai yells with big eyes, asking for confirmation as everyone looked at the two of you with anticipation.
All you could do was smile and nod and suddenly you were bombarded with hugs, kisses, and even tears from an overwhelmed Mia.
“I-I’m s-so h-happy for you!” she sniffed through her tears as she hugged both you and Yeonjun clumsily yet tightly.
Soobin approached you next with a huge grin on his face. “Our kids are going to be just like us, like all of us” He said with watery eyes, looking at Yeonjun and the rest of the boys with proudness and love emitting from his pupils.  
“Together forever.”  
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A/N: Thank you so much for the overwhelming love and support all of you have given me throughout the series. Till the End of Summer has officially ended.
I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I did.
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kolsmikaelson · 3 years
fwb part three- sidney crosby
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word count-2k+ | warnings- none i believe| join my taglist| gif credits to owner. gif is not mine.|pronouns used: they/them| not proofread but enjoy!
“I want you to meet geno.” 
Those were the words that had been ringing through your head for the past few hours since sidney said them to you. A simple six word sentence, yet it held so much meaning behind it, sidney didn't have to tell you that for you to know.Geno is his best friend, everyone knows that. It had been two and a half months since you and Sidney had confessed your feelings for each other. You had grown closer since that night, even going to games of his in his jersey,a gift from him of course. You spent so much time at his home and vice versa, although he had never come over when Jaz was home.
You had agreed to meeting geno after the next game sidney invited you to. Before the game had started you were sitting in the stands fidgeting nervously until Sidney skated your way and pressed his glove to the glass after kissing it. You did the same before he skated away mouthing a quick good luck and making a heart with your hands in his direction.
A few hours later the game ended with another win under the penguins belt. You walk towards where Sidney said the dressing rooms are located waiting patiently. Not even ten minutes later, Sidney walked out with Geno by his side, both with smiles on their faces. Sidney spots you and immediately rushes your way and wraps his arms around your waist pressing a kiss to your forehead. Pulling away he starts to introduce geno to you.
“Geno, this is y/n. Y/n this is geno.” he said with a smile adorning his face. Geno holds his hand out and brings you into a quick hug. “Hi geno. Great job out there tonight.” you congratulate him after seeing him get a goal earlier that night. “Thanks y/n.” he says as the smile on his face widens and a twinkle in his eye. “Ready to go?” he questions. With a confused look you turn towards sidney, “go where? What did you tell me?” you say with a laugh. Sidney shakes his head before explaining that Geno wanted to take you and Sid out for a late dinner, to get to know you better. Nodding, “Yeah lets go.” you murmur happily.
Half an hour later you,sidney, and geno were sitting at a table at sidneys favorite restaurant. All three of you laugh till your cheeks are hurting from smiling and faces are warm from laughing. Geno had been making jokes all night trying to make you feel more comfortable around him, having sensed your anxiousness beforehand. You’d gotten up and headed towards the bathroom after finishing your food for the night.
“I like them. Seems good for you.” geno said when you were out of sight. Sidney could have sworn his heart got bigger at his comment. Happy that his best friend approved of the person he was slowly falling for. He hadn't wanted to fully admit it yet, still hurt from his last relationship, but he knew he was falling. He was falling for y/n l/n hard, and he could only hope you were doing the same. “Thanks geno, really. Means a lot to me.” Sidney stumbles over his words still lost in thought about you, a lovestruck smile on his face. This wasn't what was meant to happen between the two of you he thinks, he is glad it did though. Thinking about it now he doesnt think he could have done just no strings attached. He is sure that he would have fallen for you eventually. Moments later you're back at the table resting a hand on top of sidneys while talking about something new with geno. The feeling of your hand on his breaks Sidney out of his thoughts. It’s only when a waitress comes over and says it’s closing time that the three of you get up to leave.
When you’re all out in the parking lot, you and geno say your goodbyes to each other before you get into the passenger side of sidney's car, letting him and geno have their ‘bro moment’ with each other.
Once Sidney gets settled in the car he faced you and just stared. He didn’t think that tonight could have gone any better than it had. “So..how was it? Did you have a good time? Did you li-” you cut him off with a laugh, “it was fantastic sid, he’s amazing. Thank you for introducing me to him. I know how important he is to you.” “You know, he never liked my ex, at least not half as much as he likes you.” Sidney mumbles, “ i’m glad he likes you more y/n. I know i definitely do.” And with that, Sidney started the drive back to his home where you would be spending the night.
The next morning you woke up before sidney, which almost never happens due to his busy schedule. You decide to take this time and admire him while he sleeps. All the tension left from his face, his chest slowly rising and falling. You know that with his one thousandth game coming up today, he was getting more and more nervous about it, but you believe in him, you know he can do it. You decide you wanna make him a special breakfast for the day so when he wakes up he doesn't have to worry about it.
Once you're in the kitchen, you get all the ingredients to make his favorite pancakes. You immediately start cooking in hopes that Sidney will still be asleep when you’re finished. Unfortunately for you sidney wakes up and finds you in the kitchen half way through you cooking. “What are you up so early for baby?” he mutters, only out of bed because when he reached for you he hadn’t found you. “I wanna stay with you for as long as possible today beforei gotta go to the rink.” he says into your neck, wrapping his arms around you. “Go back to bed. I wanna make this special since it’s your special day.” you shoo him away. Holding his hands up in surrender, “alright, alright, you better be back in bed soon. It’s cold without you.” he pouts. You nod before finishing the cooking and bringing it all to Sidneys room for him.
‘Ta daaa.” you say in a sing-song voice, making Sidney grin. Which only widens when you hand him the plate and what you say to him after. “Hey sid, i know how stressed you’ve been the past few weeks but i know you are gonna be amazing tonight. Win or lose. I’ll be cheering you on and you know I will be. I am so sorry I can't come to the game tonight but thanks for letting me be part of your special day either way handsome.” With tears filling his eyes,he pulls you close to him muttering his thanks over and over. You smile while watching him eat the breakfast you had made him thinking about how excited you were for that night. You told him that you weren't able to come to the game that night because of work, but you had actually contacted geno and had it set up so you could surprise him. “Time for you to get ready for your big day babe.” you say excitedly.
It was finally time. You made sure everything was perfect beforehand. Sidney was watching his tribute video, teary eyed but the biggest smile you’d seen before adorning his face. It was finally the ending of the video which made you sigh in relief. Sidney thought the video had ended but when he hears your voice his head pops up immediately, watching the screen carefully. “Hey sid, i hope you know how proud of you i am. You’ll do fantastic tonight…” after a few more moments of your video you say one last thing,”Hey sid? Turn around for me would you?” confused he whips his head around , he sees you standing there in his jersey, with tear filled eyes you rush towards him and jump into his arms. “What are you doing here y/n? I thought you had to work?” laughing you shake your head, “nope, had to make sure i was here for your big day. Now get out there and kick some ass for me yeah?”
You go towards the dressing room after the game, a big smile on your face, happy that sid was able to win his one thousandth game.
“Hey love.” you heard from behind you pulling you out of your thoughts. Whipping around, you come face to face with a smiley Sidney, as happy as you think you had ever seen him. He picks you up into a hug and spins you around. “Gimme your phone, I wanna take a picture of us to remember this night.” he says as he puts you back down. You pull your phone out of your bag and open the camera for him while he pulls you close and takes picture after picture of you together. He takes one of him kissing your cheek, one of you kissing his cheek, one of you both making funny faces at the camera, and the list goes on, but he calls geno over to take one last photo of the two of you hugging. “I think it’s safe to say we won't be forgetting this night any time soon huh sid?” you tease looking through the photos he took. “Lets head back to my place now yeah?” he asks after saying his goodbyes to geno. You nod grabbing his hand leading him into the parking garage.
Once you and Sidney are finally back at his home,you lead him into the kitchen where you had some of his favorite food prepared for him ahead of time, thanks to jaz who came over during the game to make it, and sat him down to celebrate the night. After you had both finished you led him towards the bedroom to celebrate his win a bit more for the night.
The next morning you wake up with a smile on your face and a soreness between your legs from the night before. Sidney had his arms wrapped around you and they only tightened when you tried to get up. You nudge him softly mumbling his name, “sid, i have to pee let me up” only to hear a groan in response, “Five more minutes baby, please.” laughing you agree, “only five more minutes okay we both have to be up soon anyway.” you feel him hum into your neck in response “whatever you say baby, love being here with you.” your heart flutters at his statement , not quite sure if he really meant it considering he was still half asleep but you told yourself that he did mean it.
Five minutes later, just as promised, Sidney let you up and woke up for the day as well. You come out of the bathroom to the welcoming scent of sidneys cooking, walking through his room you grab a random hoodie of his and throw it over your bare body as you leave the room. You find Sidney at the stove and walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist while pressing kisses to his bare back. “Mornin baby.” you mutter into his back. He turns around in your hold and picks you up, wrapping your legs around him, clinging onto his body like a koala was one of your new favorite things. You hadn't done it many times before but each time was just as special as the last. “ that my hoodie babe?” he teases, knowing it is his with his number on the sleeve. “Mhm it’s soft. And it’s mine now.” you joke. With a laugh in his voice sidney agrees, “yeah okay baby okay.” with a shake of his head he sets you back on the ground and turns around to finish his cooking. “Hey sid,” you call out with a smirk, “yeah babe?” he questioned, “nice ass.”
taglist- @samsteel @joshsandersons @stars-canucks @2manytabsopen @only-goalies-allowed @passthehockeyplease @sidscrosbyy
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