#and I can't stop thinking about how I didn't grab her properly and how I'm lucky she let me carry her home without wiggling too much
merspots · 8 months
Another reason not to let your cats free roam
TW: Animal injury (but hopefully the cat will be okay)
Well, I just had to rescue one of my neighbors' cats from dangling from a fence by her back leg :/ I don't know how long she had been stuck there, but hopefully not too long, and she's with her owners now so will be getting checked by a vet.
She was lucky that I seem to have an ear for crying cats, though, because no one else was out looking for her, not even the people in the houses on either side of the fence she was stuck in. I fear what would have happened if I wasn't one to go looking and she was stuck there until who knows when.
Just remember this when you let your cats free roam - it is very easy for them to get injured and for no one to find them until it's too late. So please don't let them if you can.
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phoenixblaze1412 · 7 months
HCs for reader and Dottore who have a child pls? - 🐓
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Having a child of his own was a topic that Dottore rarely talks about. He already has his segments of different timelines and ages, why would he need a child when he can create a child segment of himself?
During Pregnancy
Dottore didn't expect for you to waltz into his lab, hug him from behind and suddenly announce that you're pregnant with him going to be a father soon. Even the segments stopped working on their tasks as they stared at you in shock.
You were shocked to see the doctor faint and fell to the floor, the vials he was holding shattered when he dropped it. You were panicking the whole day while the segments reassured you that Dottore will be fine.
The news of your pregnancy eventually reached the ears of the other harbingers. Most of them congratulated you while some, Pantalone mostly, just teased Dottore at how a mad scientist like him could be able to create an infant properly instead of creating it in a lab.
Regrator even gifted him with books like 'Parenting 101', 'How to care for an infant', 'How to be a good father and husband'. Dottore was definitely pissed about it.
The whole pregnancy progress actually went smoothly. With your husband as a doctor and scientist himself, he immediately has a medicine for any pain or cramps that you are feeling.
The only thing Dottore couldn't handle well was your cravings and mood swings.
Sure he experiments on a lot of things, humans and machines for example. But he doesn't experiment on meals. He and his segments could only watch in shock as you eat a Jueyun Chili popsicle. You literally just froze the damn ingredient and stuck a popsicle stick on it.
"Are you sure you're supposed to be eating something spicy while pregnant? I don't think that's good for the baby, love."
"If you don't shut the fuck up, I will stick this up your ass."
He immediately turned and walked away when he saw you bite a large chunk of the food, proving you weren't bluffing. He decided to just let you be, you would come to him later and ask for affection anyways.
Whenever Dottore is busy and can't be by your side, Pantalone is there to be your company at the time. Pantalone would literally spoil you, if you ask him anything you want, he only need to snap his fingers and you immediately get the thing you asked. Dottore didn't liked it though.
"Come now, doctor. She told me you weren't letting her have what she wants most of the time."
"That's because I'm doing it for both her and the baby's health. Besides, she is my wife, Regrator. Go fuck someone and make them pregnant then you'll come to experience what I'm going through."
During Labor
When your time for labor came, Dottore was the one to personally help you deliver the baby. He doesn't trust any other doctors or midwifes. Besides, his segments are also there to assist him.
What he didn't expect though is for you to crack Delta's fingers from gripping too hard. Strangled Gamma when he encouraged and told you how easy it is to just push the baby, when it's not. Even punched Alpha to the gut when he tried to calm you down. Omega and Theta had to hold you down by grabbing each of your arm so you wouldn't hurt anymore segment.
What surprised him even more was when you yelled out curses and threats towards him.
"Just one more push, darling."
"I'm already pushing you fucking cocksucker! If you weren't such a whining bitch, I wouldn't be in much pain! I'll fucking chop your fucking dick off and feed it to the rishboland tigers!"
Dottore could only stand in shock as he held the baby in his hands. He knows he's supposed to be happy since he's holding his child in his arms but your threat made him froze in fear and possibly traumatized.
Epsilon and Sigma gently took the crying infant in his grasp before cutting off the umbilical cord and went to clean the blood off.
In the end, both you and Dottore were tired from the whole event but you two happily held your newborn baby.
Your child was loved by not just the segments, but the entire fatui harbingers as well. Pierro and Pulcinella becoming the grandfathers while the rest of the members are either the aunts or the uncles.
Dottore actually did read the books Pantalone gave him and surprisingly, he's doing great.
Whenever you or Dottore are busy, Dottore would let a segment or two babysit your child. He doesn't trust his fellow harbingers when it comes to taking care of his kid.
One time he let Arlecchino babysit, he came back to see both her and Columbina dressing up your child like it was a doll. It was cute, from what the damselette said, but he prefer his child wearing the same color palette as his.
He is not going to let 'Uncle Childe' babysit. He could already tell that the ginger war freak would try to teach your infant how to hold a weapon at a young age.
You had to convince your husband to not be too overprotective of your child and let the others at least spend a bit of time with 'mini Dottore', Sandrone was the one who gave the nickname.
Your baby's first word was 'Lonnie'. Both you and Dottore had to chase Pantalone around the palace for him being your child's first words instead of Mama or Dada. Luckily their second word was Dada, you were a bit disappointed it wasn't you.
Your child has Dottore's soft, blue, curly hair meanwhile their eye color was the same shade as yours. The only problem was they had the same sharp teeth as your husband. You had to endure all the biting from both your child and husband.
Dottore would be the one who teach your child how to read and learn. He lets you teach them how to write, his own handwriting is barely understandable and he doesn't even have the patience for it.
You have a family picture of you three and another with all the segments placed on your bedside drawer.
There was another time where you and Dottore let the segments take care of your child while you both go out to the city and enjoy dinner together.
You both came back to see your child asleep in Omega's arms while the other segments were trying to wipe away the colorful doodles your child drew on their faces.
Since Dottore is the last one to go to bed due to him wanting to finish his work for the day, he would expect to see you and your child on the bed asleep already.
He would lay down beside you, your child in the comfort of your arms as you both dozed off to sleep. Dottore could only smile and place a kiss on both of your foreheads before wrapping his arms around your figure and pulling you and your child close to him.
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sunsetkerr · 7 months
TELLING THE TEAM | s.kerr the sweet nora universe, masterlist
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summary: you and sam decide that it's finally time to tell the girls about your big news.
pairing: mum!sam kerr x fem!reader
notes: love love love this one
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august 2019, 3 months pregnant
"Y/N, HAVE YOU SEEN my boots?!"
you tried to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at sam before calling back to her, "which ones?".
"my mercurials!"
"which ones?!" you yelled back, knowing she had over five pairs of mercurials.
"the pink ones!" you held back a groan, knowing exactly where she had left them.
"they're under the bench!"
"where?!" sam's footsteps grew closer as she began to stomp down the stairs of your brisbane apartment. sam came into the living room, watching as you rounded around the kitchen counter, kicking out her black mesh training bag.
"they're still here, in yesterday's training bag" you kicked the bag over to her. sam had a bad habit of leaving her things laying around and then forgetting where everything was. you had a good habit of finding them all for her.
"i was looking for that" sam raised her eyebrows as she picked up the bag.
"mhm" you hummed, going back into the kitchen to finish getting breakfast.
"you're the best" sam stopped you in your tracks, snaking her arms around your waist. she rested her hands on your tiny bump that had began to form. "how are you feeling?" she asked, kissing you on the cheek before leaning her chin on your shoulder.
"better," you nodded. "tired still" a sigh escaped your lips, recalling your sleepless night. were you too hot? too cold? you couldn't decide. sam just so happened to sleep through the entire ordeal. 
"we'll have an early night," she drew circles on your bump with her thumb, giving you another kiss. "i'll be home around two?" she looked to you for confirmation that the times worked for you. if, in a hypothetical world, they didn't; you knew she would be home whenever you needed her. 
"okay," you nodded, leaning back into her embrace. "have fun, good luck" you whispered, turning your head to kiss her cheek before she left for practice. 
"oh babe," sam pulled back a little so she could see you properly. "i think.." she lead, "i think i wanna tell the girls".
you blinked a few times, processing what she had said. "really?" you asked her, your eyebrows raised. 
"yeah," sam looked down at your belly, drinking in your new glow. "can't hide her forever" she smirked softly before meeting your gaze again. 
"when do you wanna tell them?" you asked, still a little taken back that 'mrs. lets keep it to ourselves for a bit longer' wanted to tell her teammates. 
"today?" she shrugged, "did you wanna come to prac? i'll set you up in the shade" sam suggested.
you shook your head straight away, "i dont wanna barge in on practice, sam" you told her.
"you're not!" she argued, "they love you".
"i don't want to annoy anyone" you gently pulled yourself from her grasp and went to walk back into the kitchen.
"i want you to be there when we tell them" sam followed you, propping herself up on the counter that you needed to get into. she forced you to look at her, stopping you from getting a bowl for breakfast. "please?" she leant forwards and grabbed your hands in hers, engulfing them in a tight grasp.
you sighed, closing your eyes. "fine" you huffed, "now move" you waved her away, you were verging on hangry.
"thank you" sam smiled, pushing herself off of the counter. she grabbed your hand and pulled you along and away from your cupboard, away from your cereal. "come on, i'm late" she scooped your bag and her training bag off of the bench and hiked her duffle bag on her shoulder, leading you to the front door. 
"my cereal!" you whined.
"shh" she kissed your cheek a few times, quieting you down. "i'll get you breakfast on the way. i'm running late" she chuckled, locking the door behind you both.
"you.. late? really?" you looked back at her as she rushed you towards the car. "no!" you exclaimed, a faux look of shock on your face as you got into the passenger seat of sam's car.
"shut up" she deadpanned before closing your door on you.
the drive wasn't too far, brisbane traffic was kind to you this morning. as you pulled into the car park you saw alanna getting out of her car as well. sam called out to her as she pulled her duffle bag from the back seat.
alanna turned around and you were met with a big grin as she realised that sam had you in tow. "what are you doing here, missy?" she grinned, pulling you in for a hug. you tried to keep your belly off of her as much as possible without being too obvious, not needing your tiny bump to press against her and give it away.
"i'm in my rookie season" you chuckled.
"oh yeah, course" alanna laughed as if it was obvious. "silly me," she scoffed.
"sam dragged me out," you walked with alanna, her arm now interlocked with yours.
"sounds like her" 
"right here" sam piped up, reminding you both of her presence. 
"we know" alanna shrugged, giving her a look with a scrunched up file and a sarcastic smile.
"i'll bench you," sam raised her eyebrows at her.
"then how will we win games?" alanna looked from her captain to you, a confused look painted her face. you let sam and alanna talk about football while you all made your ways to the change room. 
"y/n!" emily smiled as she watched you walk in with sam and alanna. she made her way over to you and pulled you in for a hug. 
"hi," you smiled, giving her a tight squeeze. "how are you?" you asked as you pulled away to look at her.
"good," she smiled, "what are you doing here?".
"new recruit," sam cut you off, draping her arm around your shoulder, pulling you in close. emily chuckled and spoke with you about how you had been. it was only a few minutes before ante came into the room.
"alright girls," he clapped his hands as he walked into the change rooms, grabbing everyone's attention. "hi y/n," he quickly shot you a smile as he walked into the centre of the room. "we've got some new drills we want to run today for the midfield, and then i want to run a strategy session" he explained, the coaching staff trailing in behind him. "y/n, you can help me yell at them if they run too slow" he pointed over at you with a small smile on his lips.
"perfect," you nodded, arms crossed over your chest.
"she's good at yelling at me" sam looked at you, a few of the girls laughing at her comment.
"oh, whatever" you rolled your eyes, shaking her off with a smile.
"alright, let's get out there" ante held his thumbs up before heading out, "sunscreen on! it's hot" he called out.
"c'mon, i'll find you a spot" sam put you back under her arm, now a little bit taller with her boots on. "we'll tell 'em after" she whispered in your ear. you all made your way out onto the field and you silently thanked yourself for wearing sneakers this morning so you didn't ruin the turf.
"how are you, y/n?" ante asked as you and sam made your way out.
"good, ante. how are you?" you smiled at him as sam walked off with caitlin. 
"great," he grinned, "joining us today for prac, hey?"
"i've been dragged out, yes" you nodded, chuckling softly.
"it's always good to have you around," he gave you a light pat on the back before heading off to speak with some of the coaching staff.
"y/n!" sam waved you over to the player's bench. you walked over and met her where she had set up a spot for you. "have you got your water?" she asked.
"yep" you nodded, grabbing it from your bag.
"here," sam crouched down in front of you and opened the bottle of sunscreen that the team would use today. "put this on, then i'll take it over to the girls" she told you, squeezing some out into your hand.
"sam-" you went to argue.
"i'm literally not kidding" she looked up at you, not a glint of a joke in her gaze. you rolled your eyes before rubbing in into your face and neck. "ears!" she reminded you grumpily. you chuckled, shaking your head at her. "don't shake your head at me" she gave your leg a little shove. 
"happy?" you asked her, your face oily from the sunscreen.
"very," she stood up, giving your thigh a squeeze beforehand. "i'll see you after, try not to stare at me too much" she playfully tapped your knee with the sunscreen before walking off to meet the girls.
"mm, i'll try" you chuckled, "have fun".
"love you" she called out to you. "sunscreen?! does anyone want some sunscreen?" she shouted as she met up with the girls.
"skip!" katrina called out. sam walked over to her, reaching out to pass her the bottle. "c'mere" kat waved her away from the others, isolating themselves from the bigger group.
"what?" sam lowered her voice.
sam watched as katrina struggled with her internal voice for a moment. "did you.." she sighed, trying to phrase what she wanted to say the right way. "is-" she cut herself off again, before committing to her words. "is y/n pregnant?"
sam's jaw dropped, and she looked around to see if anyone heard what katrina had said. "wha-" she looked back at katrina, "shh.. how did you know?"
she crossed her arms over her chest, and looked up at her young captain with raised eyebrows. "the last time you brought her to training, you told us you were engaged" she reminded you. sam nodded slowly, realising that he had been right.
sam bit her lip before admitting the truth to her teammate. “she's only a month or so along" she whispered, hoping no one was taking notice of their meeting.
"sam! that's amazing" katrina tried her best to contain her excitement. "congratulations! awe i wanna hug you," she knew how important this was to you both. having been the first person to be told that you were going through rounds of ivf, mini had been waiting for this day to come. "i'll keep it on the down-low" she promised.
"thanks min," sam whispered, letting a smile break through finally. she often had moments like this. where it actually hit her.. she was going to have a baby with you.
"i'm so happy for you" kat whispered again.
"sam, katrina!" ante called out, "eyes up!"
training flew by for sam and the girls. not so much for you, who had been sitting in the hot sun. the cool breeze that would come past every few minutes and your water bottle were your only relief. 
"shit, it's hot" caitlin sighed, grabbing her water bottle from the cart. the girls began to gather around the bottle-carts, getting a drink after their drills. 
"i'm dying here" macca agreed, taking off her keeping gloves.
"bring it in girls!" sam clapped. she gathered the girls over by the playing bench where you were sitting, granting them all a moment of solace in the shade. "obviously, i know it's going to be a busy few months. we've got a world cup to go win, i know lots of you have commitments to other clubs too, so i just want to tell you that if you are struggling, make sure you come have a chat with me or with ante. i don't want anyone to feel like they can't come forward if they're not one-hundred percent, okay?"
the girls nodded as sam spoke, listening to what their captain was saying to them. "especially because next year i'll be a little preoccupied so i want you to talk to me now as much as you can" 
a few heads shot up. confused looked were shared between the girls.
but it was alanna that spoke up, "what?".
"because when y/n has the baby next january i might be a little busy" sam nodded, a smile breaking through her neutral exterior. 
"oh my god!" 
"are you fucking kidding?"
you and sam watched as the girls let the news set in. ellie had already ran over to you and engulfed you in a tight embrace. "holy shit! y/n!" she grinned, holding you tight. you laughed at her as other girls came over to say congratulations to you.
"thanks girls" you chuckled, leaning your head on ellie who still had a strong hold you on.
"i knew she wouldn't drag you out for nothing!" lydia smiled, giving sam a little shove.
"she didn't even wanna come!" sam yelled, throwing you under the bus.
"y/n! that’s low" clare held her hands up in the air, looking over at you now.
"she's a liar," you smirked, meeting clare's gaze.
"i can't believe it!" tameka brought sam in for a hug. "congrats guys" she looked back over to you afterwards.
"we're gonna have a baby!" alanna cheered, clapping her hands as mackenzie hugged her.
"i'm gonna be an aunty!" macca exclaimed.
"the kid's gonna have like twenty aunties" sam laughed, earning a few chuckles from the others.
"we’ll, i'll be her favourite so i don't mind" alanna shrugged, earning a glare from mackenzie.
as you looked around you realised how lucky your baby would be, because sam was right; they had twenty plus aunties ready to love them as soon as they was here.
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meetmymouth · 11 months
leave the door open...
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The dishwasher makes a weird noise as Harry presses the button, and she lets out a sigh, wiping her hands on her joggers much to Harry's dismay. There's a few seconds where they just stare at each other, and he lets out a chuckle, turning behind so he can put the kettle on.
It'd only been six months.
Two months during him on tour that they'd been in a relationship, and four months post tour–and four weeks of living together in his London flat–. She knew him for a few years, having met in New York through mutual friends, including her short-term-girlfriend at the time, so living with him, or being with him hasn't been too different.
She loved it.
They both did, especially now that he was off tour.
They argued over silly things, like who would cook that night, or the temperature of the room, or how she forgets to unload the dishwasher– 'the light tells you when it's done, babe', 'well I don't come in the kitchen and look at the bloody dishwasher so excuse me for forgetting a couple of times, Harry'.
They've never been one of those couples who felt very shy around each other. Perhaps it's to do with the fact that they're both confident in their relationship, and the fact that they're very laid back.
After a night out with her girlfriends couple of weeks ago, she presents a new 'conflict' in their relationship: Farting.
She'd found him sitting in bed after coming in, glasses on as he typed away on his laptop. After a few kisses, cuddles, and a few more kisses, she looks up at him with determination in her eyes.
"Why do you never fart around me?"
"What?" Harry had laughed. In fact, she had to wait for him to calm down for more than ten minutes.
Harry had continued, face confused but still chuckling. "Where is this coming from?"
"Michael farted after the third-month mark. So did Nick. And Jen."
"Baby, are you upset that I... don't fart?"
"I'm sure you do!" She'd waved her arms around. "But never around me, Harry. Are you embarassed? Are you not comfortable with me? What is it?"
"You're– baby," he'd held her hands to his chest. "I love you. I guess I just... don't really fart?"
"I mean, I might've done it couple of times when we're asleep or rather... when you're asleep. I didn't– why have you never farted around me then, hm?"
And that was it.
They'd laugh about it, and it was over.
It was silly.
Now, though, Harry really enjoyed being 'nasty' around her.
He's such a boy when he farts in bed, under the covers, and threatens to lift up the covers since 'you wanted me to fart so bad'.
Another thing he's been doing lately is, leaving the door ajar when he's in the toilet.
Now, she wouldn't mind if he was just weeing.
Or doing something else– anything else other than... number two.
It's not that she minds it, it's... she's rather confused.
So, with the kettle on, she gets their favourite mugs out, and Harry excuses himself to go to the toilet.
She knows why, because she'd figured his toilet habits out by now.
Every night around this time, he would be in the toilet for about ten minutes.
He goes, not without kissing her on the lips, and she can't help but laugh when she doesn't hear the door shut properly.
Five minutes pass, and she looks at their empty mugs, wanting to pour the water when he's back.
She's about to call for him when he beats her to it.
"Yeah?" She looks in the direction of the downstairs toilet, as if she would see him.
"I need toilet paper."
"Fuck sake, Harry–" she puts her phone down on the counter, and walks upstairs, and grabs a few before making her way downstairs.
She stops in front of the door.
"Helloooooo," Harry drawls. "I need to wipe my ass."
"Why do you leave the door open like that?" She thinks out loud.
Harry lets out a groan. "Baby give me the toilet paper."
"Ahh, bet it stinks in there, H."
"Come on."
She goes inside, and hands him one.
Can't help but laugh at the sight of him just sitting there, hair messy and forehead extra-shiny.
"Okay," she pauses.
"Okay... I'll wipe my ass now if you just... y'know?" Harry looks up at her.
She realises how vulnerable he is at the moment.
"I could easily punch your dick right now," she murmurs, leaning against the door, and it closes shut with a click.
"You're so– why would you even say that– baby I fucking need to wipe my ass, just leave."
"No, I think this," she lets out a laugh when she notices him opening the toilet paper. "This is a level up in our relationship! I've never been inside the toilet while you poo."
"Farting and now pooing, you're so fucking weird. Okay, I'll–"
They just stare at each other for a moment before Harry lets out a sigh.
"I don't know how to do– please don't look."
"You've never wiped your ass?"
"Babe, what the fuck, of course I have," Harry says, through gritted teeth. "Just never in front of an audience!"
"Why do you leave the door ajar, then, you twat!"
"It makes me feel less lonely when I can properly hear you do things around the flat, for fuck's sake, just–" he moves his hand. "Just don't look."
She laughs, feeling a bit sorry for him. "Okay, I'm sorry, wait– I'll leave. I'm really sorry, I now realise this is... weird," she laughs, and turns around, hand on the door handle.
"No– don't leave."
"Ah, fuck, we're so disgusting as a couple," he laughs.
She leans against the door, but her eyes are focused on the tiles.
She waits until she hears the flush.
"I can't believe you wanted to watch me wipe my ass," Harry finds her gaze in the mirror.
"It's not– wow, that sounds so creepy, please don't ever say that. I didn't want to watch you–" she shudders visibly. "Please don't say that, wow."
"Creepy?" He laughs, wiping his hands before he turns to her, and grabs her cheeks, smushing them. "Disgusting more like."
"Okay, please don't kiss me– you just done a huge poo and it's very stuffy in here–"
"Oh, fuck off, get out!"
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saintslewis · 8 months
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˖ ࣪⭑ pairing: sir lewis hamilton x fem!oc
˖ ࣪⭑ summary: didn’t lewis say he’s a professional dancer? let’s test it out!
˖ ࣪⭑ warnings: cussing, outfit descriptions (the norm), links to posts, typos
˖ ࣪⭑ wc: 4.7k
˖ ࣪⭑ saint’s team radio!: hi babies….SORRY Y’ALL LMAO. i clearly skipped the 10 day mark but that’s okay! that’s why i made it longer for y’all to enjoy! I hope you enjoy and once again, tags are down below and let me know if you want to be tagged! and pls do click on the links to see the visuals, it’s important! (you can do it after)
pls like, comment and reblog!
renaissance:the series masterlist • previous chapter
general masterlist
The FaceTime ring chimed as Nadia adjusted her phone on the dashboard of her car, her cradled body in the driver's seat as she sniffled and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.
"Yo. What's-" Lewis made sure to look at his phone correctly to see the sight before him. "Nads? Are you okay? Where are you?" Lewis asked, slowing the car down a bit.
"I'm in the school parking lot with some pastries next to me." She sniffed again before continuing. "Like I don't know if I can even go in there after our posts because those kids are ruthless and also these pastries are so good and this car is giving me so much stress and you're so pretty and i can't get raye tickets and this wig didn't wanna lay this morning and jeez, it's just so much and i'm just a girl." Nadia rambled as she hid her face in her hands, not even looking at her phone.
"Sorry to call you so early but I had no one else to call so I just decided to call my husband. Do you wanna see the pastries? This girl gave them to me for free in the bakery." She spoke, tucking her hair behind her ear and grabbing the pink box to show Lewis, not missing how big his smile was.
"Nads, do you wanna talk about it? There's a lot to unpack." He asked, his face holding a smug expression as he watched her place the box down and give him a look.
"No thanks, we can keep everything in the bag. Anyways, I'm the only one in the parking lot and I've got a class in 25 minutes but I don't wanna see my colleagues." She said, looking out of her window to see if anyone was lurking around. "Where you headed?" She snapped her attention back to him.
"Brackley. Got a meeting with the team for upgrades." He said, eventually speeding up the car and she nodded. "Okay don't go quiet on me. Have you checked your socials yet?" Lewis asked the girl. "Nope, I muted the app after Rihanna called me sexy." She replied with a big smile on her face, making him jokingly roll his eyes. "I'm assuming you did the same?" She asked and it was his turn to nod.
"So just to make you aware, I'm free on Wednesday after 12 so if your friends are available maybe we can meet them then?" Nadia suggested, packing her stuff up as she sat properly in the car seat. "Uh I'm sure they'll be cool with that. We can have a thing at my place, like a game night or something. Also why are you leaving work early that day?" He asked, stopping at a red light and put all his attention on her.
"School's are closing for like two weeks." She answered.
"Well then, have you ever been to Miami?"
"No..." she gave him a side eye as he continued to drive, the engine roaring.
"Well, we're going there next week for the Grand Prix so do you want to go? Then afterwards we leave for Malibu."
"But what if I wanted to watch Love Island during that weekend?" She muttered, making the man giggle.
"You can watch Love Island in Miami." He smiled, seeing her jokingly roll her eyes. "Fine. But wait, who do I need to speak to for like flight tickets and race stuff?" She mentioned.
"Tia'll have everything ready." He assured her, kind of surprised at how willingly she agreed to his proposal, something he had been nervously thinking about the whole morning.
"Alright then, pookie bear. Talk later, I have to face those ruthless critics i call my kids." She picked up her phone and did a little pose, to which Lewis didn't hesitate to take a Facetime photo of. They both waved at each other cutely before hanging up.
"You're the flyest babe on the planet, you can do this." Nadia hyped herself as she gathered her things and got out of her car.
The hallways were empty, the silence gnawing at her as she glanced through some doors to see students either sleeping on their desks or actually focused on what the teacher was saying.
Continuously taking deep breaths as she got closer and closer to her designated classroom, she could hear her Year 12 students talking about whatever gossip was going around the school. Goosebumps slightly covered her skin as she held her arm out to touch the door handle, her conscience screaming at her to turn around and drive home just to stress about this very situation.
Eventually gaining the confidence, she opened the door and it was as if the world stood still. All her students turned around to look at their frightened yet fashionable teacher slowly walk to her desk as she tried her hardest to not make any eye contact with their smug faces.
Placing her things down onto her little shelf next to her organised desk, she flipped her hair a little and walked to the front of her desk, leaning her whole body weight against it.
"Now before you lot start with your questions, just know I wasn't ready to be out there yet and truly, I wanted to tell you guys a while ago but now was a good time for the..launch." She announced and watched as her students continued to smirk at her, her heartbeat rising as the silence grew more and more.
"Can we see the ring?" A student, Daniela, asked loudly as she walked closer to her teacher. The minute Nadia extended her shaky hand out, they all came flocking to get a closer look at the diamond ring.
Eventually settling the class down with the fear that the Headmaster could just pop in, everyone was seated as Nadia was racking her brain on how she could sell this marriage to teenagers who could definitely see right through her.
"So how did you two meet then? You mentioned that you were from Stevenage like a while back." Vicky, the class leader, asked sitting in the front row and maintained eye contact with Nadia the whole time.
"Well it was our parents actually. They're all really close but Lewis and I never built that bond for all these years. It took a dinner invite from his parents for us to really fancy each other. We properly met the year I started teaching here." Nadia was cheesing, proud of the story she came up with that was half-true.
She could tell that their gears were turning in their heads, making comments to each other as if they were judges on a panel. Nadia hadn't expected the silence that would follow after each of her answers but it was quite unsettling.
"Since you said you weren't seeing anybody and you weren't the least bit interested in Formula one, how'd you end up with thee Sir Lewis Hamilton?" One of her male students asked from the back, Nathan. "I'm still very clueless about that sport and that's why I wanted you guys to teach me today. Can I count on you guys to help?" Nadia asked, pulling her chair closer to her desk as she clasped her hands together to look around her classroom to capture all the excited faces.
"James, where's the slideshow?!" "Ha! Give me my money." "We used to pray for times like this!" "Wait till Miss hears about brocedes!"
Those were amongst the shouts from her students, reminding her that she couldn't leave them alone even if she wanted.
Interrupting her train of thought as her students scrambled around the classroom, her phone buzzed with two notifications following each other. Opening her phone and heading for iMessages, she audibly gasped when she saw what Lewis had just sent her.
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"What are you blushing at, Miss?" A kid pointed out, Nadia not even realising she was smiling quite hard at her phone.
"Do you want to teach me about F1 or should we go back to the French Revolution?" She sassed, making the class groan as they all somewhat surrounded a desk and whiteboard for her F1 lesson.
Holding the tub of cookies close to her, she thought back to the previous days and what her students informed her about the sport. As much as she can admit that she had forgotten most things they told her, a few thoughts lingered in her mind throughout the days, her emotions were on all time high for the man she married. Not wanting to come to one sided conclusions, Nadia decided to address these issues with Lewis when the time was right.
It doesn't help that she, once again, went down a rabbit hole of Lewis to see what his fans were like and how they thought of him from their perspective.
A knock from her front door snapping her out of her head, standing to open it up. Lewis stood there dressed ever so casually with a graphic tee and shorts paired with high top Jordans. Nadia would never say it out loud but seeing him wearing a cap, be it in a picture or right in front of her, brought slight butterflies to her stomach.
"The person who handles security downstairs is really looking out for you. Also, hello Nads." He smiled as he brought his hands forward to show a pink box with croissants inside, Nadia's heart melting, he remembered that she said she likes this specific bakery when they first met.
"Lewis, you didn't have to. Thank you." She said patting him on his exposed arm, wanting to keep her hand there for a little longer. "Hello to you too. Why do you say that about the guards?" She asked, taking the box of pastries from his hand and cradling it close to her, walking into her small kitchen to place them next to the flowers from the weekend.
"Well, when I drove in, he warned me about all the people who came to the entrance overnight. Apparently, they would go from building to building looking...for you." He said, slowly closing the front door as he walked into her home.
The goosebumps were very evident, her tattoos eerily coming to life with fear. "O-oh. Tia did warn me about this, just never expected this so early on." Nadia nervously smiled, the multiple locks on her door not enough to make her feel safe. "Hey hey, it's okay. I know this is overwhelming. Would you be more comfortable with a few of my security guys to be around until you make your moving decisions?" He asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. Seeing how scared she was and how she seemed to be overthinking it, he desperately wanted to change the subject.
Choosing to not answer verbally, she nodded and gave the man a small smile as she lifted herself off her kitchen counter. "Let's get the negatives out," Nadia sighed out. "Let me get my shoes and phone then we can get to your place in time. You can wait on the couch for now." She turned around, looking straight  ahead as she headed for her bedroom.
Taking the invitation, Lewis made his way to the comfortable looking grey couch. Beneath his feet sat a custom carpet in the shape of the infamous Murakami flower logo, a small smile etched on his face. The living room filled with all types of scented candles and incense sticks, two plants on either side of the tv stand. A full length mirror hung on the wall right in between the kitchen and living room, the arch of it filled with star stickers. A few vinyls were plastered onto the wall behind him with something written underneath each one and a custom piece of art sat in between the black discs, a painted picture of two people hugging with matching NY caps on. The little signature at the bottom spelling out 'Rea' and tiny initials signing 'R + N'.
Oh, the guilt sunk in quite quickly in those few moments as he observed a small part of her home. That's exactly what it was to Nadia, her home. Purely hers. Everything in his sight clearly held a special significance to the woman and because of his situations, he was taking that away from her. Her 'best teacher' pillows sat neatly on the couch, definitely gifted to her by her students that she loved. The picture frames and polaroids sat nicely on the side table, Nadia's smile wide and bright as she had stood with family and posed wildly with her friends.
His scandalous decisions had roped in a woman who looked like she had finally found her own way in life and he was taking that away from her. Everything she had worked for would be reduced to just being known as his wife. The thought making him cringe as he could picture the headlines.
Nadia fixed her shoelaces quickly as she found Lewis sitting on her couch staring at nothing, his arm sat high on the edge of the couch. "Lew? Are you okay?" The woman's soft voice went into his ear, his head turning to see her ready to go. The Barcelona jersey untucked, her jean shorts displaying the very few tattoos she had on her legs and the gold anklet contrasting with the stark white appearance of her Air forces.
"I know we're about to leave but do you mind if we talk a bit?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the couch and clasping his hands together. "What? You about to divorce me already?" Nadia joked but seeing him give the smallest smile only for it to fade away slightly scared her. Going to sit next to him, she sat one of her pillows over her lap and leaned on her elbows to hear what he had to say.
"Are you truly sure about this marriage? I feel like everything's just hitting you all at once and I feel bad. It feels as if I'm taking away your independence all because of stupid things people have said about me. I looked around and you already made a life for yourself and I don't want to do anything to hurt you." Lewis confessed, hands constantly fidgeting with the rings he had on. He was so sure that he would see her agree with him but seeing her downward smile surprised him.
"We already signed the papers, Lew, and it's going to sting you like a bee if we even think of letting this go. From my perspective, we're two people who are building a friendship who just happen to be married. I still am anxious about leaving my life behind but one thing I won't allow for myself is to be deduced to be someone's wife, no offence." She stated, seeing him nod.
Breathing in a little before continuing, she sat a bit comfortably on the couch facing him. "This is a very weird situation, one that not a lot of people go through but we're learning and that's the cool part. You and I have lived incredibly different lives and there's a reason why our lives are intertwining so much. I just ask for some time to figure out how to live in the limelight, right now I'm grateful for the journey. Except for the ysl heels, those bitches are uncomfortable." Nadia laughed a little, ending her sentence with a joke. He giggled along, his eyes crinkling with the left eye closing a bit more than the other. It was such an adorable sight to see.
"I appericiate the honesty, Nads. It's something that's been on my mind for quite some time and to hear you voice it out lifts some weight off my shoulders." Lewis chuckled, the sight of her smile was one he wanted to keep in his mind forever.
"Glad I could help, pookie bear. Tell me, do your friends like cookies? I made a bunch yesterday because I was stress baking." She asked, standing up and walking towards the kitchen. The nickname clearly sticking to him but he didn't mind, it was special.
"It would be weird if they did not like cookies. They smell good too." He complimented, unconsciously jingling the car keys in his hands. "Thank you, also made them vegan friendly." Nadia smiled, picking up the plastic tub and headed for the front door. Lewis couldn't control his eyes as they fell to her retreating figure, little peaks of more tattoos showed under the hems of her shorts. Taking a breath in, he walked towards her as she fiddled with her keys with the front door open.
"Oh my god, Tia sent a list of people she picked out for my team." Nadia gasped, tugging on the red seatbelt of the Range Rover a bit while going through her texts with Tia to see random faces with all their details laid on text.
"Really? That was fast." He said, one hand on the steering wheel with the other resting on his leg. He turned into an avenue, the car's engine roaring through the quiet street as they passed by homes that were hidden behind large gates and trees.
The pair spent the whole 35 minute journey just jamming out to their scarily similar music taste and getting a few snacks for the game night that'll be held, Nadia not realising that she's actually becoming famous because multiple people recognised her and asked for pictures. Once she got back into the SUV, she laughed about the situation until tears came out.
"They all look around my age or a bit younger, oh this is some scary shit." She joked as she looked through everyone's photos, to which Tia then said that Nadia will meet everyone in Miami before Lewis' media duties.
"And when are you meeting them?" Lewis asked, slowing the car down and turning into a driveway before stopping in front of the large gate. "Miami" She muttered. Pressing a button somewhere, the gates opened to quite the driveway with the motor court right in front of the large modern home. The beat of the song completely changed as the house came into view, Nadia taken aback at the visuals in front of her and she completely understood why the trees were hiding such a masterpiece behind them.
In the motor court, there stood a black Mercedes Benz amg gle coupe and an arctic grey Porsche 992 Turbo S outside of the garage looking fresh out the dealership. "My God..." Nadia muttered as she covered her mouth at everything she was seeing. Lewis definitely loved seeing Nadia astonished and excited at everything he's shown her so far.
Parking the Range Rover next to the Porsche, the two got out of the car and grabbed their belongings along with the snacks they bought earlier. "Is anyone else here yet?" She asked, only carrying her tub of cookies whilst Lewis carried everything else.
"Nope, just us. Was thinking of showing you around the house, just to get used to it." He smiled and slightly giggled at the side eye she gave him. "Now now, pookie bear. I still have to decide. But let's put the stuff inside." She smiled at him and watched as he opened the door with his fingerprint.
The moment she entered the massive house, her breath was taken away by the beauty of the foyer alone.
"So which floor do you wanna start with?" He asked, leading her into the living area, the kitchen space looking like it came out straight from the magazine. Looking to her left, she looked at the abnormally large garden with so many chill spots and what looked to be a tennis court.
"And this is all yours?" Nadia was stunned to say the least. The amount of luxury surrounding her was staggering and she wanted to hide within herself, scared to even comment until Lewis answered her question.
"Well, it's ours now that we signed on the dotted line."
And it's safe to say that the cookies surprisingly weren't dropped onto the floor.
Walking outside the home to marvel at the creation before her, Lewis followed right behind and watched her take it all in. "Are you able to take one more surprise? I think the closet did it for you." He grinned. His hands were behind his back as always and she looked back at him with a smile.
"You've done so much for me already, Lew. What could possibly top the Harrods trip." She asked, hands on hips while slightly joking. His smile grew even more as the butterflies in his stomach reacted to the nickname.
"How about a car? Would that be better than Harrods?" He asked, mischievously putting his finger on his chin as if he's thinking. Nadia's eyes widened for the upteenth time, her hands flying to cover her mouth.
"Are you fucking with me right now? Lewis, I swear if you're joking, I'm going to kick you in the ass." She exclaimed as the man held out different keys in his hand, the smile never leaving his face.
"Lewis whatever your middle name is Hamilton, are you serious? I'm going to fucking cry, oh my god." Nadia's voice was already quivering but she refused for her tears to fall.
"Wait no don't, you said that they would ruin your lashes." Lewis genuinely wanted to laugh at her reaction but he felt so happy that he could do this for her and hopefully get her used to it.
"First it was the Raye tickets then the croissants then an entire car? Not to mention the new shit I got. Oh this is gonna be so fun." Finally uncovering her mouth, they both smiled at each other then laughed. "Let's go look at it, Nads, before everyone gets here." He suggested and like lightning, the girl was already standing next to the car and was eagerly waiting for it to open.
"My God, Lewis! You didn't tell me she was so beautiful. Like crazy beautiful." Currently, Nadia was being cradled in the arms of one of Lewis' closest friends, Amara.
Standing in the entryway of the house, everyone exchanged greetings and hugs as the friend group hadn't seen each other in a long time. Moments before, the pair watched as cars rolled in the motor way as each of his friends climbed out of their cars hyped as ever, carrying different things in their hands.
" 'Mara, if i could kindly have Nads back, I can finally introduce you guys." Lewis jokingly rolled his eyes at his friend who didn't want to let go but eventually did.
"Guys, this is Nadia. Nads, this is my crew. We've got Miles," He pointed at the tall man with the brightest smile she's ever seen. "Amara, who's cradled you just now," The woman waved to Nads who definitely returned the energy.
"Charlotte, who threatened to sue if she didn't meet you," Lewis then pointed to the woman standing next to Amara, she was as stunning as ever. "Daniel or 'Spinz' if you will." Another man smiled at her, tilting his cap like a cowboy. "Andrew, and right next to him is Natalia." He ended off by pointing at the two right next to Daniel.
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Nadia as you know." She shyly greeted back, never the one to introduce herself as much. Everyone spoke at the time, patching the words together to say that they're delighted to meet her.
"Uh, we've got snacks in the kitchen and the games are set up in the living room already." Nadia suggested as she pointed behind her, not even realising that Lewis' arm was around her shoulders the whole time.
"Oh please lead the way." Natalia piped up as walked over to hold Nadia's hand and walk to the kitchen, the rest of the woman following suit and immediately started complimenting the woman.
Deciding that they would tell their friend groups the truth about their marriage, Nadia and Lewis happily agreed to their plan and it most definitely seemed to work.
"God damn, your parents chose good, man. The Barcelona jersey and she's just a teacher? Can your parents hook me up because damn." Daniel spoke up, shocked at Nadia's appearance knowing that his friend barely explained how she looks.
"And don't even get me started on the tattoos, Spinz. I'll call my dad for you though!" Lewis laughed as he walked away, the rest of his mates laughing, walking towards the living area.
An hour into the game night, Nadia and Lewis had won both boards games, celebrating as if their favourite team won the league. The atmosphere was light, conversations flowing as music played in the background, well that was until 'Love Is Wicked' by Brick and Lace started playing and that's when the nostalgia hit.
It was as if everyone lost their minds, immediately clearing the space to dance. Somehow, Lewis and Nadia found sunglasses and started dancing together. Amara being the friend who films everything, filmed the two having the time of their lives. Lewis trying to copy her dance moves whilst they both sung incoherent lyrics to the song, laughter spreading while the songs played out loud.
The song switched to 'Work' by Rihanna and the girls went crazy. Moving the party to the outside porch for fresh air and more space, the well light outside lights lit quite well. The girls were moving the hips to the beat, shaking ass nah chance they get. Nadia being the dancer here, just wowed the girls even more, hyping her up so much that the boys included themselves in the dance and they eventually created an unforgettable night hanging out and laughing until the moon rose.
"So, how was it?" Lewis asked, laying next to Nadia on a blanket on the grass. The rest of the crew were laying on the other blankets across the large backyard, resting after an intense game of hide n seek. "I haven't had this much fun in quite a while. It felt nice to feel like kids, just having a good time. Once again, thank you. For this, the Porsche that i still can't believe is mine, even the ring that I stare at all day." Nadia expressed, lifting her hand to look at the ring once more.
"If you need or want anything, don't hesitate to let me know and I'm very serious, Nadia." Lewis said, turning his head to see her staring up at the night sky.
"You're bluffing." She scoffed until she turned to see his face, a raised eyebrow as he stared at her. "Anything?" She asked.
"Anything." He scrunched his nose a little, the diamond studs glistening under the moonlight.
"New wig? With a new bracelet?" She turned her entire body to face him, leaning her head in her hand.
"Done." He smiled. "Although that was severely underwhelming, bruv." He said, turning on his back once.
The two shared a loud laugh afterwards, their laughs travelling to the moon that watch over them.
taglist: @non-stop-imagines @folkloresthings @tispys-blog @userlando @lorarri @thisismeracing @thatsdemko @myescapefromthislife @slytherinjimin3nthusiast @jamie2305 @like-fire-love-blog @sugardontbesweet @simpfortoomanymen @mauvecherie-writes @queenshikongo3 @eugene-emt-roe @deepgothfiremuffin @18754389 @cherry2stems @anubisnoir @littlelizzies-world @httpsserene @apenasumlug4r @youre-sooooo-funny @eddiesbitch83 @arshiyuh @alika-4466 @peyiswriting @sunfairyy @roseseraj @vsfavs @goldenleclerc @mistruscity
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dividers by: @cafekitsune
pics: pinterest and ig
Nadia’s fc: @/unclewaffles on ig!
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IOTA Reviews: Emotion
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Hey, remember Felix? You know, that minor character who is the entire reason Gabriel has all of Ladybug's other Miraculous? The writers remembered he existed more than halfway through the season.
Let's get into the eighteenth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Emotion
We start off with Marinette and Adrien getting ice cream, and just like last episode, right when they're about to kiss, Adrien stops at the last second. While we don't see it, it's heavily implied that Gabriel is behind this. It turns out that Adrien has to get ready for some dance for rich people. While it has a name and I think it was mentioned in a few earlier episodes this season, it's really just some dance for rich people, so I don't care enough to remember it. Of course, all of the rich characters we know are invited, like Kagami, Chloe, Zoe, and Prince Ali. Lila, on the other hand, wasn't invited. This might sound important, but nothing happens with her until the end.
Zoe isn't going because of the “character development” she's gotten, so she offers to let Marinette wear her dress to the dance, which just so happens to be a masquerade ball. Tikki asks why Marinette even wants to go to this party she wasn't invited to, but all Marinette says is that it's so she can tell Adrien that she didn't have to keep the dance a secret from her. Why didn't Marinette just call Adrien? Because then we wouldn't have a story.
At the ball, Adrien and Kagami are the king and queen or whatever because their parents are really determined to make their ship sail even though the two show no real interest in each other (insert your own joke about the writers here), but they're interrupted by Amelie, Emilie's twin sister and Felix's mom. She's worried because her son has been missing for weeks, but Gabriel couldn't care less about the little twerp.
At the party, we get a somewhat amusing joke where Chloe fails to recognize Marinette under her mask, where Marinette not only says her name is Zoe, but her “underling” is named Chloe too. But speaking of...
Chloe: How rich are your parents? Rich? Very rich? Immensely rich? Of course, otherwise you wouldn't be here! It's too bad we can't bring out underlings with us. I'm sure these tin cans can serve properly but we can't make fun of them! (grabs a drink from a butler robot before kicking it) So lame!
Okay, did the writers just stop caring about writing convincing dialogue for Chloe? This is a problem I've noticed a lot this season. Yeah, Chloe was bad in the last four seasons, but here, she constantly talks about how Sabrina is her “underling” (Passion), or how she finds Marinete's suffering to be amusing (Derision). It's not really out of character, but it's weird how she's so much more blunt when it comes to boasting about how full of herself she is. It feels like a lot of her lines this season were meant to be placeholders for stuff the writers thought they'd change later, but then they decided to keep it in anyway. And of course to show how stuck up the other rich kids saying the same kind of stuff Chloe normally says, which is somehow less subtle social commentary than Hop Pop shouting “EAT THE RICH!”.
Adrien and Kagami talk about how they're expected to follow orders, while pretty much saying that Kagami is a Sentimonster since the camera really wants to show off her ring.
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Oh wow. what does this mean? Wow, this is such a compelling mystery with so many twists and turns. I am so very invested right now.
However, as the two talk, it's clear that Adrien isn't himself, literally.
“Adrien”: Let's leave, I dare you.
Kagami: Are you insane? We can't do that.
“Adrien”: Of course, we can. I can.
Kagami: (gasps) You'd do that?
“Adrien”: Wanna bet?
Kagami: No, we can't.
“Adrien”: See? You're not as free as you claim. Don't you think we should be able to decide our future?
I'll get back to this later.
Marinette tells “Adrien” that she loves her, but Chloe figures out that Marinette crashed a party she wasn't invited to. Of course, because this is Chloe, we're supposed to ignore how unnecessary this plan was for Marinette. Seriously, Marinette crashing the party in “Gabriel Agreste”, as illogical as it was, made sense, because they needed to stop Chloe from showing Gabriel incriminating footage of Marinette. Here, Marinette had no real reason to crash this party when all she had to do was call Adrien, and Chloe, like her or hate her, makes a good point in that she wasn't invited. But again, since this is Season 5 Chloe, she could say she opposes human trafficking, and the writers would still find a way to make her look like the bad guy.
Chloe tells the other rich kids to help her expose Marinette, but because they're so stuck up and entitled, they refuse to touch her. I'll give you all a moment to groan from that unfunny joke. Then we get this conversation between Marinette and “Adrien”.
“Adrien”: All eyes are on you.
Marinette: They're looking at me like I'm a monster.
“Adrien”: Look closer, Marinette. (whispers into her ear) They're the monsters.
I officially take back everything bad I ever said about the Canto Bight scenes from The Last Jedi.
While I get what the episode's going for, we really haven't seen a lot of the 1% doing things that would actually warrant this level of scorn from the audience. Yeah, most of them were egotistical snobs, especially Chloe, but you can't really see this as a shot at the elite when it's aimed at their children instead of their parents. All we've seen in this episode is the rich kids being jerks (and even then, it's played for laughs), Chloe rightfully trying to get Marinette thrown out of a party she had no reason to crash, and Gabriel and Tomoe trying to pair their children together. If you want to show the audience how bad rich people are, you need to show them actually abusing their power and mistreating others. As bad as the aforementioned Canto Bight scenes were, they still worked because it managed to back up the point it was trying to make.
Compare this to characters like the Ferengi from Star Trek or the World Nobles from One Piece. These are allegories for the 1% that work because they do a better job at exaggerating aspects of them that can translate to how we see the elite in our world. With the Ferengi, they represent everything wrong with cutthroat businessmen who base their entire society over financial gains, and with the World Nobles, they represent the disconnect with the common people by being so arrogant, they wear helmets that prevent them from breathing the same air as the commoners. If you wanted to show how bad the rich were, especially considering what's going to happen in a few minutes, you needed to do more to make the audience not like them so we'd be more happy to see them get their comeuppance.
Marinette figures out that Felix impersonated Adrien once again (it honestly stops being impressive when he's done it during literally every episode he appears in), and he decides to transform using the Peacock Miraculous in public for some reason, calling himself Argos.
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Argos' design is okay. The suit and coattails look pretty nice, and the coloring on his face works a lot better than Gabriel's. The only problem I have is the way the hood looks. It looks too goofy to go with the rest of the suit. It kind of reminds me of that salmon suit Squidward wore in that one episode of SpongeBob SquarePants.
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Before anyone else at the party can do anything, Argos reveals a Sentimonster he created, Red Moon.
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Red Moon is... a red moon. It's just a red moon that floats above the city, and it gives Argos the ability to make anyone bathed in its light disappear with a snap of his fingers. If anything, this shows how overpowered the Peacock Miraculous is, and that Gabriel was a real idiot for not trying anything like this while he was Shadowmoth.
Anyway, after making everyone think his cousin is a supervillain as part of his brilliant plan, Argos decides to tell everyone in the room about what his Sentimonster can do. He demonstrates this by, of course, choosing to snap away Chloe before targeting Gabriel and Tomoe. You really have your priorities straight, buddy. Argos then carries Marinette outside before throwing her in a dumpster, because if he snapped her away, than Ladybug couldn't fight him.
But then Argos decides to go to the streets, and decides to snap away a bunch of innocent civilians... while singing a jazz song. To anyone curious as to what it sounds like, I must warn you, it isn't for the feint of heart.
I take back everything bad I ever said about the Hawkmoth rap.
First off, I'm just going to say it, Bryce Papenbrook cannot sing. Argos is clearly trying to sound like a suave and confident villain like Doctor Facilier from The Princess and the Frog, but his delivery is terrible. It either ranges from flat monotone to trying to shout while dealing with a sore throat. The point I'm trying to make is that there was a good reason someone else did the singing voice for Adrien in the recent movie.
Second, this doesn't do anything to make us root for Argos as a character, because there's no reason for him to be doing this. I can understand why he'd use his power to get rid of Gabriel and Tomoe (even Chloe, given we know how much she's done), but why is he suddenly going nuts snapping a bunch of random people who haven't even met him before? The episode tries to make him a character who only does bad things because he has no choice to, so him doing this to a bunch of innocent civilians makes no sense.
Finally, WHY THE HELL IS THIS SCENE A MUSICAL NUMBER?! It's hard enough to see Argos callously wipe out a bunch of bystanders, essentially committing genocide, but the tone of the song is all upbeat and cheery, while the lyrics are about how Argos should get whatever he wants. What is the purpose of adding a song here? Are we supposed to find this funny? Is it meant to establish Felix as a wild card? Is the song supposed to make us like him more because of how catchy it is? What was the writers' endgame here? Like I mentioned earlier, this flies in the face of the characterization the episode is trying to establish for him.
Marinette transforms into Ladybug and arrives on the scene, confronting Argos over what he did last season.
Ladybug: You're the reason why I lost the other Miraculous in the first place! And why he took them! You gave them to him without any regard for the consequences it might have with the people of Paris!
Argos: True, except I work for no one. I only helped Monarch cause it served my plans! I needed the Peacock Miraculous and today I need yours and Cat Noir's so I can make my wish!
Ladybug: Your wish?! What do you want?! What are you trying to do?! You're destroying the world and we don't even know why!
Argos: When I merge your Miraculous together, I'll make a wish to create a better world! A free world, where no one will be under anyone's control anymore, where no one will be excluded like I was! A world without people like you to decide what's right or wrong! Who gets powers and who doesn't!
Dude, you're literally playing God right now by snapping away people who did nothing wrong, while singing a song at that. You have no right to lecture Ladybug on how to use power responsibly. And once again, even though we just saw him happily snapping people out of existence like the kid from that one Twilight Zone episode, the episode is going back to portraying him as someone who's only doing this because he has nothing to lose.
Ladybug tries to use her Lucky Charm, but gets nothing in response. This is because her plan is to get Argos to give up, but even in episodes where her plan was to get Akumas to give up, she still got her Lucky Charm (Rocketear, Qilin, Penalteam, Reunion, Perfection, Intuition), so this doesn't really make any sense. Ladybug calls Argos' bluff, so he wipes out everyone from existence. After running into Kagami and snapping Adrien back into existence, Argos is surprised that they aren't thanking him for wiping out all of humanity, and in fact, see him as a complete psychopath.
We then learn Felix's true plan. Earlier that day, Argos capitalized on a opening he had been hoping he would get for weeks, and then created Red Moon. Right after Adrien's date with Marinette, Argos ambushed Adrien, and snapped him out of existence with Red Moon's power. He then decided to impersonate Adrien so he could infiltrate the dance and snap Gabriel, Tomoe, and everyone else out of existence.
I think my feelings on this plan can be perfectly summarized by Tony Stark.
First off, why did he need to sneak into the dance? All Felix had to do was transform into Argos, and nobody would know who he really was.
Second, why did he need to impersonate Adrien? Felix claims he's doing this for him, yet all he did was steal his girlfriend and ruin his public reputation. As a matter of fact, why did he even snap Adrien away? You're already wiping out all of humanity, so I don't think temporarily doing the same to Adrien will earn you any goodwill.
Third, why did he waste so much time screwing around with Marinette and Kagami? I sort of get why he would try to get in Kagami's good graces (keyword being “try”) by trying to convince her to rebel against her mother more, but why did he dance around with Marinette while pretending to be Adrien? Felix later says he wanted to spare Marinette for Adrien's sake, but he barely knows her, and whether she finds out Felix impersonated her boyfriend or not, she's going to be pissed at either you or Adrien because of your galavanting. In fact, I don't think he ever told Adrien that he danced with Marinette while at the dance in the first place.
Finally, he really needed to wait for this for weeks? If your goal was to get rid of Gabriel and Tomoe, why didn't you just ambush them yourself instead of waiting for a public function? This isn't like has last few appearances where he needed to rely on his intellect. He has superpowers now. All he has to do is create another Sentibug or some kind of assassin Sentimonster and he can be rid of them easily. Instead, he waited weeks for a chance to steal his cousin's identity, dance with his girlfriend, talk trash about Kagami for listening to her mother when he's supposed to be helping her and Adrien, blow his cover in a crowded area by transforming, and use his killer moon to erase all of humanity from existence while singing. Remember, this is the show that usually makes jokes about Marinette's obsession with unnecessarily complicated plans.
Anyway, Argos tries to use his powers to bring Marinette back, but for some reason, they won't work. My best guess is that it's because Marinette transformed into Ladybug, but that shouldn't chance the fact that Argos snapped her with Red Moon's power. After trying to justify his genocide by saying he never wanted to hurt Adrien and Kagami, Argos remembers how his powers work and brings everyone back. After Ladybug lets him go scot-free, Argos goes to a private place realizes that he may have made a few mistakes for almost wiping out all of humanity, tearfully snapping Red Moon out of existence, calling it “his sister”. Because I guess we were supposed to emotionally connect to the giant moon that showed little to no signs of sentience this entire episode? Argos transforms back to Felix, and we learn that Amelie knew where he was the whole time, and she was apparently testing Gabriel for some reason.
After Adrien explains to Marinette that his father ordered him to not tell her about the dance, Adrien goes to talk to Gabriel about it. Gabriel, being Gabriel uses his control over Adrien to force him to never talk about Marinette again. Gabriel then gets a call from Lila, and even though she's been nothing but helpful to him since Season 3, he's apparently tired with her. Why is he suddenly rejecting the help of his most competent (by comparison) ally?
Also, the episode ends with the revelation that Lila somehow knows Gabriel is Monarch. Why? How? I DON'T CARE, BECAUSE THIS EPISODE SUCKS!
Oh my God, this episode was just terrible! “Derision” and “Adoration” definitely got to me with the way their stories were handled, but this was the first episode in a while to really piss me off. The plot was contrived as hell, basically being a repeat of “Gabriel Agreste”, and you all know how I wasn't exactly a fan of that episode. Think about it: Marinette sneaks into a party, Felix tries to scheme against Gabriel, and Marinette and Adrien end up getting caught in one of his schemes.
The social commentary about how bad the rich were just felt more pretensions than anything else. I get that it's meant to teach children a lesson about the real world, but the episode feels so confident in what its trying to say when it's not that deep, even by kids' show standards. Rich people are bad? Yeah, I think someone like me who lives in the same country as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg knows that. Will you actually teach kids about the financial conditions that allow the wealthy to abuse their power or the cutthroat methods they'll resort to in order to turn a profit? No? You're just going to tell kids that rich people are jerks without giving any actual evidence in the same episode you're using to try and to teach them? Man, these writers just keep hitting it out of the park here!
This whole “Rich people suck” message also falls flat because Felix is the one pushing it. You know, someone who already comes from a rich family? It's not like Bruce Wayne where he uses his money to help the people of Gotham, as Batman or not. Felix just whines about how “tHeY'rE tHe MoNsTeRs.” when he's just as well-off as they are. The episode tries to do a subtle discrimination message as evidenced by his rant as Argos earlier, but it doesn't work because we have never seen anyone discriminate against Felix for who he is. Yeah, the episode once again tries to hint at him being a Sentimonster, but because the show hasn't just pulled the trigger and confirmed it, it's hard to really sympathize with him being “excluded” when we've never seen him being treated differently by others in earlier episodes, and even if he was a Sentimonster, nobody would know or be able to discriminate against him in the first place.
I don't know why the show keeps trying to excuse Felix's actions when once again, he pretty much committed fucking genocide yet the episode still wanted us to feel bad for him realizing his actions had consequences. If he actually wanted to own up to his mistakes, he'd either hand over the Peacock Miraculous to Ladybug or help Ladybug stop Monarch. For someone who claims he hates when people abuse power to make others suffer, he's no better, judging from how both times he's gotten to use a Miraculous, he's either screwed over Ladybug (Strikeback) or endangered a lot of innocent people. And if you're wondering why I didn't point out any double standards between the treatment of Felix compared to Chloe, that doesn't really matter. No matter how you feel about Chloe, whether you feel like she got screwed over or not, it doesn't really make how the writers are glorifying Felix any better or worse, as his potential “redemption arc” isn't off to a good start.
The plot was stupid, Felix was an idiot, and it felt like more effort was put into the musical number than the writing. In my opinion, this is easily the worst episode of the season so far.
Although at the very least, now that we have even more evidence that Adrien, Felix, and even Kagami are all Sentimonsters, I think I know what clip I can start using to describe my feelings on this plotline.
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For someone who managed to outsmart Gabriel on multiple occasions with no superpowers, Felix's intelligence really took a nosedive the second he got the Peacock Miraculous. He came up with a completely unnecessary plan that involved impersonating his cousin's identity and mocking his friend when he's supposed to try and win their favor, he danced with his cousin's girlfriend without his consent, transformed in public, smearing his reputation even further, and proceeded to gleefully wipe out humanity through a musical number, and needed other people to point out how immoral his actions were. Of course, Marinette gets second place thanks to her plan to break into the party and later letting Argos get away.
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"𝑻𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝑩𝒂𝒅"
A/N: This is part two of "You can't run forever". //Divider- @cafekitsune
Summary: Tom finally gets the chance to tell you how he feels and shows you how badly he wants to be with you.
Tw: fingering, unprotected s*x, degradation, public s*x, smut
<<Previous Part
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After Tom's wake-up call, he got ready and walked across the street to your house. He knew you would be leaving for work any second now.
As you opened the front door you instantly saw Tom sitting on the bottom step and the scent of smoke in your nose.
"Mornin' Tom." You close the door behind you getting a glimpse of your mother sitting at the kitchen table who has a smirk on her face and gives you a wink.
"Love." Tom puts the cigarette out and stands up. "What we up to today then?"
"Workin'. Covering for Mandy, she's sick." You both start walking down the path. "You?"
"Not much." He watches the occasional cars pass by in silence. "Actually...I want to ask you something..." Tom grabs your hand and stops walking.
"Alright...what is it?" For a moment he just stands there staring at you. Tom had never had any struggles talking to women but when it came to you it is as if he forgets how to even breathe properly. "Tom?"
He blinks quickly and takes a deep breath in. Deep down you already know what he is going to say but you want to hear it from his own lips.
"I-I was wonderin' if you'd maybe want to...go out sometime? Just the two of us..." His heart is pounding in his ears as he waits for even the smallest of reactions from you.
The little girl inside you is jumping for joy. Tom Bennett just asked you out! But there is a woman who stands in her way from getting with her childhood crush. Tom ignored you all through school, flirted with friends and ignored you when you left for college. Now after all of that, he wants to take you out on a date? Yeah, not happening.
"Listen Tom..." His heart dropped, he already knew how this was going to go. "...For so long I had a crush on you and I waited for you to ask me out, but instead you flirted with my friends and then completely ignored me whenever I tried to talk with you."
"I know...I just. You've always been so good. You're smart, a good daughter, you help people without being asked and-" He cuts himself off and sighs. "I was worried that I'd ruin that, that I'd ruin your goodness."
Tom had never been one to talk about his feelings. He preferred to always be a jokester and run away from them. It was nice hearing him finally be open and honest.
"And me? I'm not even half of the person you are, and I never will be. But for you, I-I'd like to try." With your hand still in his he pulls you closer to him. "And I'd hate myself if I didn't. So...just like how I made you wait...I'll wait. I'll wait for you to tell me if we have a chance."
Before you can say anything he kisses you on the cheek wishes you a good day at work and leaves. You stand there on the sidewalk jaw slacked and wide-eyed...who was that? Cause surely that couldn't be your Tom.
Eventually, you realize you're going to be late and continue your walk to work. During your entire shift, your mind keeps running over his words. He sounded sincere, he looked sincere. It was only natural you still had your doubts and worries but you had wanted this for so long and it was finally happening.
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In the week that passed Tom backed off a bit. He stopped smothering you and gave you the space you needed to think over what he said. Though he did occasionally walk you to work he'd stop you from giving him an answer just yet, insisting you think over it a little longer.
Today you finally got a day off and not just from work. Your dad was getting better and your mom had plans to stay home for the day. Lois had invited you out for drinks where she'd be singing for the night. You weren't one to go out really but Lois had been like a sister to you all your life and you wanted to support her and her dreams. Plus your mom insisted that you get out of the house and spend some actual time with people who weren't your parents.
So you sat at a table with some people all of you cheering her on as she sang. You hadn't dressed up too much but still wanted to look your best. For totally no reason at all and not for anyone in particular.
You offer to get a fresh round of drinks and head over to the bar. As you lean on the bartop waiting for your drinks you feel a hand snake around your waist. You immediately tensed ready to fight off whatever drunken idiot lost his mind.
"You're driving me nuts in this dress love." You relaxed as you realized it was Tom's hands. As his head rests on your shoulders you can smell that familiar alcohol smell. "Saw ya sitting next to Dan. Should I be worried?" You roll your eyes with a smirk on your face.
Dan had too shown some interest in you when you came back, but even you weren't dumb enough to get with him.
"That man is more committed to his beer than he is to women." You turn around and face him. Tom adjusts his hands so they're still resting on your waist. "You finally ready for my answer?"
Tom narrowed his eyes and stared at you for a moment before shaking his head.
"Not yet." You were starting to get annoyed. Although he said he would be the one waiting it felt like it was you. You could feel yourself getting irritated.
"Tom. I have an answer just let-" Tom pulled you in and kissed you. It was gentle and slow. Not the type of kiss you'd ever imagine having with him. You pegged him as an aggressive kisser type of guy but this was a pleasant surprise. Once he feels you relax into the kiss he pulls away slowly.
"I'll walk you home later. Tell me then yeah?" Tom walks away and joins his group of friends. You turn and grab the drinks you ordered and return back to your table. You enjoy the rest of your night and cheer on Lois.
When the night comes to an end you say goodbye and head out of the pub. As you step out you wrap your jacket around you tighter.
"Ready to go love?" You turn around and see Tom leaning against a wall smoking. He puts it out and walks over to you taking his hand in yours. You both begin walking. Tom's finger brushes over your hand gently as you walk. You can feel how clammy his hands are.
Once you two reach the last bit of walking before you're outside your house you stop holding his hand tightly so he can't walk away.
"Tom." You grab his other hand. "Can we talk now?" You sigh. "Listen-"
"Don't. Please." You were immediately confused. "I know your crush on me was a long time ago and we-" You put your hand over his mouth.
"Tom. Shut. Up." He stared at you wide-eyed. "I was ready to say yes to you the second you asked me." Within moments Tom's lips were on yours and his arms wrapped around you.
Tom leads you both down the alleyway behind your house stopping at your back door.
"I know it's not the most romantic of places but I can't wait any longer." He presses you against the wall as his hands dive in between your legs bunching up your dress and just brushing softly over your clit through your underwear.
He kept gently rubbing you through your underwear as he kissed you deeply, feeling you get wetter by the minute.
"Please..." You needed more. Tom smiled kissing the corner of your lips before moving your underwear to the side. He slowly pushed a finger inside painfully slow. You reached down and started undoing his pants.
"Is this what college turned you into?" He leaned in kissing your neck whispering in your ear. "A needy whore?" He curled his finger searching for that spot as he small hickeys over your neck. He adds another finger pushing in and out of you gently and agonizingly slow. "Always thought I'd be the one to take your virginity." He kept his slow pace. "That's alright. Ill settle for being the man who fucks you the best." He whispers in your ear.
You lean your head back against the cold brick of the building as his fingers do their work. Your moans get louder as he brings you closer to your peak. You cum around his fingers knees feeling slightly weak as he holds you up.
In an instant, Tom picks you up using the wall to help keep you steady as he frees his cock from the confines of his pants. He runs the tip through your folds covering himself in your slick.
"Tell me your mine." Hold holds himself just at your entrance teasing both himself and you. "Say it." He used the thick tip of his cock and circled it around your clit.
"I'm yours." Tom smiled and then slowly pushed himself in. As he bottomed out inside of you he let out a soft groan.
"Fucking perfect pussy." His hands go under your ass as he drags himself in and out of you watching how you coat his cock forming a white ring around his base.
He picks up pace pounding into you as his hands squeeze your ass chasing that feeling. You lazily wrap your legs around his hips locking him in place as his cock hits that perfect spot.
"Fuck! Right there!" Tom can feel you tightening around him. He moves from the wall and steps one foot up onto the steps leading up to your backdoor.
He lowers you deeper on his cock the only sounds in the alleyway being his balls slapping against your ass and your moans. He continues to fuck roughly into you as you both near your climax. Tom kisses you again as you both moan into each other's mouths.
"fuck fuck fuck." As his movements become sloppy your cum hard around him your legs slightly shaking around his body. You can tell he's close by how his face is screwed up. Just before Tom comes he pulls himself off and you take him in your hand finishing himself off, his cum coating your leg.
He sits on the steps with you on his lap and his head resting against your chest. "You meant it?" Tom mumbles. You lean back take his head in your hands and kiss him.
"Yeah. I did. Im yours." He kisses you again before helping to straighten back your dress and tucking himself back into his pants. You sit and talk on those steps for a while longer before you kiss goodbye and head into your house.
You silently close the backdoor and slowly remove your shoes while a stupid grin is painted on your face.
"Glad you went out then yeah?" Your mom doesn't look up from her book but has a cheeky grin on her face.
Meanwhile, Tom climbs up into his bedroom. The only thought on his mind is you as he revels in his victory.
"Finally turned the good girl bad."
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A/N: This took me so long to write! I have so many essays due! But I hope you guys like it! This is the last part, it was just a short story ❤️😊
General Taglist: @valeskafics @thought--bubble Series Taglist: @dixie-elocin
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psychwxrdd · 4 months
you are unfixable.
rafe is a possessive individual. obsessive, controlling. but you love him, right? so you surely must obey when he tells you not to do something, thats what he expects and thats how it will be. you're his.
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warnings: abusive relationship, toxic boyfriend, possessive and obsessive behaviour, side jj x reader, domestic violence
(not mine gif)
the air felt scary inside his car, you were quietly staring at the window, not even breathing properly, scared of how your boyfriend would react. the silence made you even more anxious that if he was yelling instead.
no music, nothing. just the sound of the wheels.
till he broke it.
"what were you two even talking about? huh?"
"i told you, rafe, he just tried to have a normal conversation!" you said clearly annoyed.
he glanced at you.
"i already told you several times, i don't want you talking to that guy!" he almost shouted. his face looked red. his tone was harsh, but he tried not to scream yet.
"rafe...this is crazy! please, see things how they really are, i'm your girlfriend! it is not like i would go out there flirting with anyone else, i love you!"
you wanted to cry at how angry and sad you felt.
"i- i know, but..." he nodded his head, staring at his own hands "i know jj likes you, okay? and i just want to make sure he doesn't think he stand a chance with you"
"what are you talking about?" you furrowed your eyebrows. jj and you were never close, but whenever you had the opportunity to talk, it was something nice, fresh. he was a good company. you were sure he never saw you as anything else than a possible friendship.
"i see how he looks at you... the same way as i do, y/n" you breathed heavily. rafe wasn't just dramatic, he was THE drama queen himself. "don't give me that look!"
"what look?"
"the one you're giving me right now! like...like i'm crazy or something!" his eyes were full of tears, he was holding the steering wheel with a tight grip, his hands looked white.
"look" you said, trying to calm down . there was a brief moment of silence, you were thinking about the right words. "i've been thinking a lot about it, and... rafe, i'm not being healthy for you. our relationship is not healthy for you."
his eyes went wide, knowing what you were about to say. his heart beated so fast he considered he would might have a heart attack.
he knew it. he knew he was a fucking freak, but he couldn't find a healthier way to cope. he was totally, completely obsessed with you, he felt like throwing up by the mere thought of life without you. he knew it was far more than love, he knew it was sick.
"you need to focus on yourself by now, you know? try to stay clean, go see a therapist, take care of your mind and soul-"
before you could finish, he raced the car again. but this time, much faster than before.
"rafe, slow down!"
he kept going faster and faster, till the point where you were almost crying.
he didn't. and thats when you grabbed his arm, desperatedly trying to make him stop.
"please, please rafe, stop right now!"
you were so scared. it was a dark road, you could barely see anything in front of you.
he stopped.
you were breathless. your heart felt anxious, remembering the times where your dad used to fight with your mom and race the car, exactly like this, and threat to kill you and her.
rafe grabbed your wrist on his arm, tightly. "look at me"
you stared immediately, scared for your life. for some reason, you had jj in mind. would this ever happen if you were with him instead? what about the calm, fresh love you always wanted? this wasn't life. love wasn't supposed to be this dark. what if you had never met rafe and were close to jj instead?
of course he was also up for some trouble, but clearly not as extreme as your boyfriend.
"i love you more than i even love myself. but that doesn't mean i will let you hurt me like this and be just fine" he then cupped your jaw. you couldn't hold your sobs anymore.
"i can't live without you, baby, i'm not even phisically able to do it... so you're gonna be with me for the rest of my goddamn life, you get it? i'm gonna marry you soon and we're gonna leave this piece of shit of island, and it's gonna be just us. none of those filthy friends you have, none else but me and you." he tapped your head with his fingers, he didn't blink during the whole time he was saying this. staring at you dead in the eyes. "i'm not joking when i say that i would kill for you, and that including you, baby. you're not gonna leave me, ever"
"i wish i never met you" you cried. immediately regreting, but your emotions were speaking louder.
the slap was so hard you felt like your face and ear was burning on fire.
"we're gonna wash that little pretty mouth of yours once we get home."
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woso-lover · 1 year
The other side of Manchester | Alessia Russo
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Alessia Russo x foden!reader
Phil Foden x foden!reader
Summary: A anonymous dating app lets Alessia Russo, the Manchester United star striker, and Y/n Foden, the die hard citizen, fall for each other.
Warning: language, rivals to lovers?
English is not my first language
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Bantr. It was the new trendy dating app everyone's using. It's a complete anonymous dating app, where you find your partner without any pictures or whatsover, only the things your counterpart says the you. This is the formal description of Keeley Jones, the developer of Bantr. Everyone in your surrounding and who's single has this app, exept for you. It wasn't like you weren't against the idea, but you didn't believed in every trend. With you the only single one who has not the app, your and your brothers teammates were basicly forcing you to download this app.
"Comon, Y/n. You know it going to work, since you look more for personality and everything. And wouldn't be home alone anymore." Your brother whined. Since weeks he tries to get you to download this app. He even put your own teammates against you, who were always on your side.
"I'm everything but lonely, Phil. And who knows maybe in two weeks no ones using this shitty app anymore" He raised an eyebrow.
"Y/n/n you are lonely. And who cares about this stuff. If you don't do it on your free will I will. And I will find you a hot chic who has both looks and personality." With that he grabbed your phone to make his threatment reality.
"Alright, alright. But at least let me do the fucking profil on my own."
"Alright, heartbreacker" He smiled as he gave you your phone back.
"I hate you" you said as you opend the app and logged yourself in. Phil kept a close eye on your phone until Jack walk over to the next room
"Yo Jack. You own me 20 bucks!" Phil yelled at him.
"I can't belive you fucking bet on me" You said shaking your head.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
On the other side of Manchester it looked a bit different.
"Tooney, I think I'm gonna delete this app" Alessia sighed.
"What Bantr? Don't you dare." Ella muffled with a mouth full of crips.
"Because it's useless."
With that Ella stop whatever movie they were watching. It was movie night at Alessias like every friday. "Why? I thought there was this one girl you wanted to meet up with."
"Well she canceled"
"What? Why?"
"I don't know. Can we just go on with the movie?"
"Of course yeah. But I swear on my boyfriend that I and this app will find some one for you." Ella said while putting on the tv again.
"No don't swear on him. He's actually nice" Alessia said smilling.
A few hours and two movies later Alessia and Ella still sat on the couch, with Ella sleeping besides her bestfriend. Alessia often tought about going also to sleep but the movies always kept her awake. So the blonde finally decides to put the tv off and closing her eyes too. But as she wanted to drift off, her phone beeped. With a sigh she looks at her phone and frowned at the bantr message.
Hey, sorry to disturb you. But my brother wouldn't leave me alone, if I wouldn't text anyone on this stupid app. ;)
Alessia smiled at this message. She ddebated if she's going to answer or not. In the end she decided to give it a try.
Hi. No everythings fine. I share the same opinion with this app. My bestfriend forced me to get it.
A thing Alessia didn't know was, that you were smilling on your phone to her respond. Happy that there was someone who shared the same opinion as you.
Looks like we have the same story. So do you maybe know how this app works properly?
I could help you indeed
I'm all ears, Bantr master
Alessia couldn't stop smiling. She wrote with many girls, acording the Ella it's necessary to find the perfect match, but never smiled this much in the beginning. She adjusted herself on the couch and text the anymous person.
You texted each other for hours until you had to put a stop into this. On sunday you had a game and with that a little training and a meeting. Your told her you had to work, not what you do for living. You didn't feel like telling a stranger that you are a footballer and maybe get used for this. But your texting partner didn't mind and you fell asleep thinking about her.
Alessia on the other side couldn't sleep, thinking to much about her texting partner. The conversation you two had was easy. It was easy to talk to you. Easier then with the other girls she texted with.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Ella woke up, searching for her bestfriend on the couch. Confussed she couldn't found Alessia, Ella walked around Alessias house, only to find her sitting on the kitchen counter with a smile in her face. She was looking down at the phone in her hands.
"What got you so smiley today, Lessi?" Ella asked. With that Alessia looked up and aknowledge for the first time her bestfriends precence.
"Nothing!" Alessia said quickly and turned her phone off quick. Too quick for Ella to believe.
"Well I think, you got a match on bantr, right?" Alessia nodded her head frusterated. There was no point in lying.
"Ohh. What's her name? Dies she lives in Manchester? Tell me everything you know." Ella commanded.
"Well she's a private person" Ella nodded suspicious. "Her names Y/n...uhm... yes she lives in Manchester and her favourite colour is Y/f/c"
Ella looked at her bestfriend dumbfounded. "Is that everything?" Alessia nodded her head slowly. "Oh dios mío. You really don't know how to talk to people. But let me handle this... Oh I got one. Ask her if she supports United or City."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
"So how's bantr?" Lauren Hemp, your bestfriend, welcomed you, when you entered the pitch
"Good morning to you too, and how do you even fucking know about that one?" You asked her confussed while you tied your shoelaces.
"I have my trust sources" You shook your head. Your brother must tell someone and one of his teammates told it Lauren or it was Jack who told then Lauren. "So found any matches?" She asked curious.
"Yeah, I started texting with someone yesterday" You said proudly.
"Show me!" You gave Lauren your phone, so she could read the chat. "Why aren't you answering her?" She shoved your into your face.
"You see the kind off question she wrote down, right? So know imagine she supports fucking united. I wouldn't know what the fuck to do."
"You don't do anything, silly. You just have to shake of your pride and look over this, mate, if you like her. You do, right?" Lauren asked with a smile.
"The fuck, Lauren. I don't even know her. We texted yesterday. How can I like her then?"
"Because I know you. But you can't tell me you don't know anything."
"Well, her name is Alessia-"
"Uh like Alessia Russo." Lauren interrupted you. It was to tease you, because she knew about your rivalery you had in the league and who gets the starting on the Lionesses, since you both a striker.
"Don't Lauren, or I fucking-"
"Hey! Everyone to the middle!" Your coach yelled. As soon as everyone was in position, he went on. "Alright girls. Tomorrow we have a game to warm us up against United next week. As we know Tottenham is nearly on relegation, I do not wanna see any mistakes. It's also important that we win this game, so we are going to be second, since Chelsea lost against Arsenal. And with a win next week we are going to be first." He looked everyone of his players in the eyes. "Okay, so today is a short training with an tactic meeting afterwards. So want you all be ready at 2 o'clock in the meeting."
With that the training started. It was not intense, just something to train the things that didn't worked. After the coach dismissed y'all, you went instenly to your phone, to look what Alessia had texted you. You texted her in a pause.
Well isn't this sad, because I think Manchester is red ;)
You smiled at your phone for a short time. Something that didn't went unnoticed by your bestfriend.
Don't know if you support woman football, but they are playing next week. I think you going to see there, that Manchester is blue.
"Make sure your ready at 2, heartbreacker" Lauren said, when she walked to the showers.
Quickly you grabbed your towel and speeded after her. "Where do you get all this Informationen?.... Wait!... Are you talking with Jack again?" You yelled and ran after her.
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In the next days the texting with each other has grow to an routine of the other. When you had your meeting for the game against Tottenham, what you won 4:0 with a hattrick of yours, you couldn't keep your hands and eyes of the screen. It went this far that the coach had to take it away from you.
With the win against Tottenham ManCity was one point apart from ManUnited. The tension got thicker in training and everyone worked hard to win this derby.
You and Alessia had a bet to finally meet after the long time of writting. If City wins Alessia had to orginze the date and if United wins you had to it. It gave you both something to work harder, to impress the other one, even none of you know that you both are playing profionall football for the Manchester clubs.
You felt attracted towards the woman. You liked her personality and of course that she is big football fan, who also watched the womans game. She on the other side felt like she had fallen for you. Alessia was known as a person who falls in love very easily. It has it pros and cons. One con she doesn't even know you properly. She only knew a version you could have created. But she was looking forward to the date.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
It was matchday. Your nerves went crazy like on every other big game. Steph Houghton gave the last prep talk before everyone lined up after her. You stood to your annoce next to Alessia Russo. You gave each other a look that meant, whoever wins this game gets the starting spot for the upcoming international break.
The game was intense. Both didn't want to give the other the win and with that the first place. It was 35th, when Alessia shot a beautiful goal with an assist from Ella. The United girls celebrated the goal loud with their fans. Then there was halftime. You went with anger of yourself in your locker-room, but it went away quickly, when you saw that Alessia had texted you.
1:0 for me, opps
You wish, honey. City still got full 45 min to score at least one goal
Not going to happen
Ella saw Alessias smile and smiled to herself before she sat next to her. She looked at her bestfriends phone before their coach called for everyones attention.
The game got more intense, than it already was. You had chances over chances, but nothing worked. Neither it was Mary or the last defender.
With that the game ended 1:0 and United stayed on top of the table. You were ready for a teasing comment from Alessia, like always when she wins against you, but that didn't happened. She just ran to the locker room. Weird, you thought. She always stays for the fans in the end. Since you played abroad, you also just went to the locker room. You were frusterated with yourself. You wanted to win against Alessia, but also wanted to impress the girl you had to admit were falling for.
When you entered the locker room you could see the disappointed and frustration in your teammates faces. You the first thing you did after you sat down, like all the other times, you went straight to your phone and of course did Alessia message you.
So since Manchester is red again, where does our date lead us. ;) ♡
Alessia was eager to finally meet you. To see if she not fell for a version the other person created. So she went straight to the lockerroom, forgetting for once the fans and texted you. She knew it sounded desprate, but she hoped you were too. Slowly the other girls were entering the locker room and started to celebrate their.
"Lessi, why are you on your phone? Come celebrate with us. You can text or whatever later." Ona said. But the blonde ressist.
"I'm good Ona" But the spaniard wasn't not pleased with the answer. She wanted to ask Alessia again, but interrupted by Mary, who put the music on.
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Today was the day for your meeting with the girl you had fallen for over the last two weeks. It felt like falling for a mystery. Alessia wanted nothing fancy, like going out to a restaurant or something. So you decided to go to Café. Both of you were nervous to meet the other person. Alessia was a mess and put on every outfit she had. But with Ellas help she finally found something to wear. She also helped Alessia with the hair, that she at the end wore down.
You were also not better. Lauren came over and helped you with an outfit and gave advice on how to style your hair, but also to calm down your nerves. She swears she had never seen you this nervous. And of course your brother called you. He told you how he knew you find someone on this app and that he wishes you the best luck. With a look in the mirror you made your way to the Café.
But you still were running late so you texted her about it.
It's fine I'll wait outside
And she did it waited for you, but it looks like you were not coming.
Because you knew that Café very well, you drove a little bit different, so Alessia wouldn't see straight away. With a last look in the mirror of your car, you walked to the Café. But as you got closer to it, you couldn't believe your eyes. Alessia mf Russo stood there with her phone in her hand.
I'm outside. Where are you?
And now it hit you. The name Alessia, supporting Manchester United, having two brother. It now all made sense. And you stood there on your spot frozen and for the first time you didn't know what to do.
"Fuck me"
Part 2 maybe?
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evangelic-echo · 1 month
ℭ𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔞𝔩 𝔓𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱
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Part 3:
Part 2<
You were new to heaven, that part was obvious. Compared to the others you stood out, looking a lot different from the rest.
You were made to fit in more with the humans, God's newest creations. You had only one pair of wings instead of three, making the clear distinction that you were different from the rest. Due to your purpose being taking care of humanity, your appearances were made to fit in more with the humans than your fellow angels. All the other angels had such unique features while you were given boring human characteristics to adhere better to them.
The few, early moments of life was great. Living in harmony with the few angels that had been created along side with you. One of the being Lucifer Morningstar, known to be as God's favourite. However, you knew him to be your greatest friend up here in heaven. Since the moment of your creation he's been there, showing you the ropes and being an overall helping hand with your duties and responsibilities.
Today was the day our Father had announced the creation of humans. They were mortal beings created by the soil of the Earth, residing in The Garden of Eden. As you walked with Lucifer, all you could do was wonder about how things were going to change with the new mortals being now your new priority.
You looked to your left to see Lucifer looking at you with a longing look on his face.
"I thought I told you to stop calling me that Luci?"
"You just remind me of a Bird that's all! I love those two wings of yours."
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You brought your focus back to the girl before of you, cursing those pitiful thoughts away.
"Hi! It's so so soo nice to meet you! My name is Charlotte but you can call be Charlie, I'm so happy that Heaven is giving us another chance!"
Being preoccupied with your own thoughts, you hadn't noticed that the young woman had gotten up from her seat to greet you. Now that she was more closer to you, you took note of her other features you hadn't noticed before. Like her height for example, she definitely gotten that end of the stick from her mother.
Another thing you noticed is that while greeting you, she kept both her hands behind her back, not showing any effort to properly greet you with a handshake.
Deciding to look past it, you extend your hand towards her instead as you introduced yourself. However, Charlie instead looks down to your arm, hesitating to reciprocate.
"Not to be rude, but uh, Adam tried the same to thing during my first meeting with him."
"Excuse me?!"
You would have never of thought that on this Saturday morning, instead of being at home, watering your plants and chilling on your bed. Your instead dealing with Lucifer's daughter, who he apparently didn't think to teach her basic manners.
"I know you're a hologram, you're up there in Heaven while I'm down here in Hell."
Now you're even more confused. Hologram? Was she not up here in Heaven?
Impulsively, you reach for Charlie's arm, but instead of you grabbing onto her scarlet red sleeve, your hand just falls through while her arm glitches out. You call out to the Cherub as you exit the room, seeking answers as to why it was crucial for you to take part in this fancy ass facetime where you essentially spend your whole day in a room alone, because the only other person you'd be speaking to isn't even physically in the room with you.
"You called me Ma'am?"
"Please tell me why both mine and the princesses time is being wasted by making us communicate through these shitty holograms?!"
"Heaven has always communicated with Hell this way Miss. I- uh, can't do anything about that. Sera believes that..."
You started to tune out the Cherub as he mentioned the Seraphim's name, you could care less about whatever the little creature was preaching about. Turning your back towards the angel, you opened a portal to the embassy down in Hell. Your not against technology or whatever, but using holograms instead of basic face to face communication was just too much for you.
"What are you doing?!! Creating a portal to Hell is absolutely unacceptable! If you step through that Sera will..."
You stepped through the portal without a second thought, cutting off the Cherub.
"I didn't think you were coming back"
Looking around you noticed that the embassy here in Hell looked exactly the same one back up in Heaven. If it wasn't for the fact that you could feel a physical difference between here and Heaven, you would've thought you opened a portal to the meeting room you were previously in.
"So sorry for the hiccup dear, I just prefer to speak face to face when it comes to matters such as this."
"Right! Of course, I completely agree. Well- uhm, it's nice to 'officially' meet you"
Without hesitation this time she extends her hand in your direction and you, of course, take her hand into yours, reciprocating her greeting. Internally taking back the initial thoughts you had of her only a few seconds ago.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too Charlotte"
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You were sitting on one end on the unusually large table while Charlie was sat on the other, ranting incredibly fast while pitching her Hazbin Hotel to you. You absolutely did not have the heart to tell her this meeting was scheduled to talk about the shit show of the recent extermination. You also had to admit that this hotel had caught your interest after speaking to that Sir Pentious guy. But looking at Charlie now as she tells you about this project so passionately brought you back to those old memories of you and Lucifer as he would tell you about his plans for the Garden of Eden with that same passion and ambition, which honestly weighed down on your heart a lot more than you'd like to admit.
"Even with the destruction of our hotel during the exterminations, it allowed us to undergo huge renovations which have led to the Hotel looking the best it ever has since opening!"
"With all due respect Charlie, but the exterminations were literally yesterday. It's hard to believe you constructed a whole hotel after it got obliterated in a single night."
"With the help with mine and my Dad's magic, as well as the rest of the residents, we were able to build the Hotel from scratch! With even more rooms and wayy better infrastructure! If only I could prove to you how amazing it looks now! I may have a picture on my phone if you give me a second..."
As she pulled out her phone, humming and muttering to herself as she was browsing for said photo. You got up from your seat and walked towards the door, realising that she could in fact show you the new and improved hotel. Noticing that you were walking towards the exit, she lowers her phone as she focuses her gaze on you instead.
"Hey, uhh- I found the picture!"
"Or you could show me your newly renovated hotel now, in person. It's nearby is it not?"
"Really?! Yeah it's a few blocks down but I didn't think you'd want to venture further than this room."
Charlie did have a point, walking out and around on the streets of hell wasn't a great idea considering you weren't from around here. It's possible that the majority wouldn't be able to notice, but it takes just one demon to notice your energy being very different than the traditional hell spawn. But that should be fixed with a quick portal.
"Oh that's no problem at all. Although, I do have certain expectations for when I'm there."
Charlie, evidently excited to show off her hotel to someone new, nodded her head in response as she waited for you to continue.
"I want to see Lucifer."
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A/N: It's been sooo long since I posted and I lowkey missed sitting down and just writing. ALSO THANK YOU ALL FOR THE FOLLOWS🫶. The taglist has significantly grown as well. If you want to be added just feel free to just comment and I’ll add you to it on the next update, which I promise is coming soon!!
Taglist: @alientee @froggybich @simbalioness @elementwind91 @tsukiko26 @weirdgirlislonely
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reginaaxxwrites · 1 year
Almost a Regret (Sebastian Sallow)
I'm back!! This is not Harry Potter Fanfiction but rather a Hogwarts Legacy. I just watched the gameplay and immediately fell in with Sebastian Sallow. So I decided to write a fanfic about him because why not?
Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Reader
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"Avada Kedav--" The timing was perfect. She blasted a spell on him before he could kill his uncle.
"Anne! Go. Now!" She commands her. Anne was next to her uncle. She was angry and hurt, so she decided to destroy the book.
"Bombarda!" She cast. The book was completely burned and destroyed.
"Goodbye, brother," Anne said to her twin brother before disapparating together with Solomon.
They went silent for a few moments before she went closer and grabbed him by his robes. MC decided to leave so they could give them privacy.
Sebastian was still leaning between the wall and the floor. His hand was on his stomach while enduring the pain because Y/N cast her spell on him too strongly. But she didn't regret it.
"Y/N..." He started. But she glared at him. Her fists turned white from gripping his robes. She was starting to cry. And he could tell that she was restraining herself.
He knew that she had every right to be mad at him. He was about to do something he'll regret for the rest of his life.
This was different. Sebastian knew this was the worst he was about to receive from her. She was always a woman of words. But this time, she was quiet, glaring at him.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't." Her voice was shaking from anger. "What the hell were you thinking?! You could've killed him! Your own uncle, Seb..." She was hurting. Sebastian couldn't look at her. It was because he can't control his emotions. It was letting him do things he'll regret.
"I know you love your sister. And I do too. Merlin knows how much I cherish the two of you. And I know whatever happened to Anne pains you, pains all of us." Her tears started to fall. She hated it when she cries.
"I can cure her. I know I can." He said, looking at the book that his sister destroyed.
"Please, just stop..." She whispered. Her hands left his robes. Sebastian could feel his anger. Stop? How could he stop? His sister is sick. She might die and he won't let that happen.
Y/N was her sister's best friend. Why is she giving up on her?
"This is Anne we're talking about, Y/N! Why is everyone giving up on her?!"
"I'm not giving up on her!" She defended. She was really not. But Anne was rather the one who was giving up.
"This is about what Anne wants, Seb. This is about giving her what she wants. Have you ever thought of that? Maybe even asked her?"
"Then, what does she want?"
"To end this madness! To stop you from getting yourself into trouble that'll ruin you. To stop you, to save you from your obsession with finding a cure!"
Sebastian didn't know what to say. After all this time, they still have each other's back. They were saving each other and it was starting to hurt both of them.
"Anne... Anne already accepts her fate. It pained me, truly. I tried to talk and convince her that we'll find another way to save her. Nobody wants her to die. I do not want her to die." She tried to look at him. But he couldn't.
"I don't want her to die." His voice was starting to crack.
"I know."
"I'm sorry." He tried to apologize again.
"Not to me. To Anne and Solomon." She was about to wipe her tears but Sebastian beat her into it.
He fixed his position to face her properly.
"I owe you an apology, Y/N. I am truly, deeply sorry. If you hadn't blasted a spell on me, I could've done something horrible. And--"
"Anne will never forgive you."
"Precisely. I'm already losing her. I can't do something she'll hate and curse me forever." He pulled her closer to him for a hug.
"Thank you. Thank you, Y/N." He kissed her temple while caressing her body.
"What for?"
"For everything." He slowly let go of the hug. His hands found their way to her waist. Their heads were getting closer. They can feel their breath, exchanging as if they breathe for each other.
"Guys," MC realized they came at bad timing. Y/N immediately pulled away from Sebastian. But he didn't remove his hands from her waist.
"I'm really sorry." They apologized.
"It's not necessary, really." She said. Sebastian stood up and helped her to get up on her feet.
"Could you turn your back for a bit?" Sebastian politely asked his friend. They nodded and did what they were told.
Sebastian immediately grabbed her waist and pulled her into a kiss. She was surprised but continued to kiss him back anyway. The kiss was short yet it calmed their aching hearts.
"You just got yourself detention, Sallow. And do not forget to apologize to Anne. Especially to your uncle. As well as you." She called MC, who just turned to face them again and nodded at her. They almost forgot that she was a prefect.
"Will do, ma'am." He answered and then kisses her forehead.
How did I do? After months of being on hiatus. I'm not sure my writing skills improved. But then again, it's good to be back. Thank you for your support. I love you guys!
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solitarydemise · 2 months
!BullyEddie !Enemiestolovers !FemReader
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Summary:You hate Eddie but you can't deny the fact that he's attractive,you're on the project together.
Warnings:+18,MDNI,smut,unprotected piv,squirting,oral f receiving and more
Mrs. Smith looked at Eddie as he whined. "If you keep this up, you'll be grounded for the weekend, Munson." Eddie looked at you sitting diagonally across from him and talked whike he was rolling his eyes "It's better than being a partner with her."
When you heard this you laughed sarcastically and looked over your shoulder at Eddie who was already looking at you "It's nice we have the same thoughts" you showed him your middle finger.
When the recess bell rang, you gathered up your books and looked at Eddie as he walked by. "Hey, Jerk." Eddie stopped his steps and slowly turned around to look at you. “Don't call me that,weirdo.”
"Or?" you said with a smirk. Eddie rolled his eyes "Just tell me what the fuck are you gonna tell" you rolled your eyes just like him "We have to hand in the homework in 2 days and I don't want to fail the class because of a retard like you."
Eddie looked pissed off "If you want to be a partner, learn how to speak properly,you idiot." You looked at Eddie and crossed your arms "Why would I? I don't like you." Eddie sneered "Oh really,that made me so sad you stupid bitch".
This time you were annoyed too "You know what,I'll do the fucking homework on my own and you'll continue to fail the class,moron."y ou grabbed your bag,slammed yourself Eddie's shoulder and walked out of the classroom. He didn't care at all.
Hours had passed and you had been studying in the library for a long time trying to finish this stupid homework. You looked on your phone screen,took a deep breath and continued writing again. A few minutes later, with the books placed firmly on your desk, you looked straight ahead and saw Eddie. You were still angry at him, but it was a normal thing, you were always angry at each other.
"What the fuck do you want?" you asked aggressively. "To pass the fucking class" he answered while he was sitting next to you. You ignored him and turned back to your laptop,rolling your eyes. A few seconds later Eddie looked at you "So what are we doing?" No wonder he didn't follow the library rules-at all-,he was quite loud.
You frowned and whispered "Can't you just shut the fuck up?" He looked at you while he was playing with your pencil case "How are we suppose to study if I shut the fuck up?" You knew Eddie was like this,he was bored and found a great opportunity to make fun of you again. You exhaled deeply and mumbled to yourself as you tried to stay calm. You had no choice but to ignore him.
A few minutes later,just when you thought he was silent,he continued in the same tone of voice "What are you doing with all these pens?" every time he spoke people would tell you to be quiet and look at you judgmentally. You looked at him "Eddie can't you just lower your voice?" he looked at you and thank God he spoke in a quieter voice "But that's my tone.". You closed your eyes for a few second and looked at him back "Then just don't talk". He raised his hands slightly in the air and looked at you "Alright, promise." he looked around and took a deep breath,he was feeling bored. While you were carefully searching through the document, Eddie spoke louder than usual "Do you know how to play D&D?". You looked at him with anger "For God's sake Eddie!"
You adjusted your backpack on your shoulder and looked at Eddie "I can't believe we got kicked out of the library because of you." He looks at you "Because of me?You were the one who screamed my name" He hadn't expected it to sound this way when he uttered the sentence. He thinked about it for a few seconds and there were some things he liked about it.
You looked at him "Ugh,fuck you I'm going home you jerk." when you started walking,he looked after you and called out "I love you too,sunshine!" when you showed him your middle finger without turning around,he laughed and started walking in the opposite direction.
The next day,Eddie was putting his books in his locker,you walked over to him and looked at him "We have to finish this shitty homework till tomorrow so come over to my house after school and let's finish this shit." he rolled his eyes and closed his closet door "Am I going to come to your house?Like it's not just talking to you is annoying enough" when you gave him that sharp,angry look you always gave him,he took a deep breath "Fuck...Alright,just send me the address."
When the doorbell rang,you put out your cigarette and walked towards the door and smiled fakely when you saw Eddie in front of you "Welcome jerk". Eddie gave you the same fake smile "Shut your mouth". You closed the door behind him and pointed to the stairs, "Upstairs,second room on the right I'll be right back."
While you went to the kitchen,Eddie entered your room and looked around. Everywhere was full of band posters and albums. Iron Maiden was playing on the cassette player. It looked just like his room,only more expensive. He looked at the signed albums on the shelf "Shit…". You entered the room with two beer bottles in your hand,closed the door behind you and placed the beers on the table. Eddie looked at you while he was pointing the signed Black Sabbath album "Is this a replica or something?". You looked at him "No it's not". Eddie was regretting calling you a wannabe at one point. You were exactly the kind of girl he wanted,but you were both reluctant to admit it.
It's only been a few minutes since you were started to study and Eddie couldn't help but turn back to you "Do you play bass?" You hummed in agreement as you continued writing in your notebook, Eddie took a sip of his beer “You know,I have a band and-” You cut him off. "No,I like hanging out solo" he pursed his lips and just shook his head. "Still gonna call you poser" you laughed at what Eddie said and looked at him "Shut up".He smiled as you laughed "Wow, I didn't know you could do that."
You looked at him "I didn't even know you were even remotely funny either." He raised his eyebrows, "You don't know anything about me,little girl." As the conversation dragged on,you put down the pen in your hand and reached for the cigarette paper on the side. You sat back,put your feet up on the table and started rolling a cigarette "Fuck.that.homework".
Your oversize Dio t-shirt you were wearing covered your short underneath. It was like there's nothing underneath. The only thing covering your legs were your thigh socks. Eddie was examining all these details while you rolled your cigarette. When he came to himself a few seconds later,he felt like a complete pervert. He quickly turned his gaze away. You looked at him. “You normally never shut the fuck up and now you don't talk?” He smirked "I never shut the fuck up because you always telling me to shut the fuck up". You laughed loudly and took the lighter from the side "Freak." while you were enjoying the conversation,he was just in a weird mood,like he liked you.?
At the same time,you were still annoyed with each other. He just never give himself the chance to get to know you this closely. He watched you for a few seconds while you smoked your cigarette. "There's a concert at the metal bar this weekend,do you want to come?" You shrugged "Sure,why not 'best friend'" He chuckled at your speech,underlining the word "close friend". He took a sip of his beer. You both ignored your homework and were just chatting. From the very beginning, it seemed like you both wanted to say "I wish we had had this conversation earlier." but never did.
You put the Type O Negative tape into the cassette player. When I don't Wanna Be Me started playing you closed your eyes and sat back on the couch "I love this song".
"Yeah,me too" Eddie said. You turned your head to the side and looked at Eddie sitting right next to you and without wasting any time Eddie kissed you.
Eddie didn't know why he did it,he just wanted to do it. With mixed emotions,regret also seemed to be coming slowly. Your confused face made Eddie's heart beat faster with fear. You just stared at each other for a few seconds,Eddie was quite scared of your reaction but he didn't actually regret it.The beautiful taste of your lips and the softness of your skin were worth everything.Eddie was about to say the first sentence that came to his mind but this time you acted quickly. You grabbed him by his collar and your lips were together hardly. He quickly responded to your passion. You could feel Eddie's big hands on your waist,gently squeezing and caressing your waist. You climbed onto his lap as you continued kissing. After a few seconds,you parted your lips apart. You looked to his face from his lap. His pupils were dilated with pleasure,you kissed him so hard that his lips were red. He was surprised by how passionate you were. It's like you've both been waiting for this moment for years.Not wanting to wait any longer,you started kissing Eddie again. His hands were finding their way into your shirt. His cold rings made you shiver slightly.You could feel his cock getting hard while you were on his lap. The thought of his hardness underneath you was slowly making you wet. Eddie squeezed your breast through your shirt. This made you moan slightly while kissing,Eddie must have liked it because he squeezed your breast harder this time.
You were both kissing more passionately than ever before,because ever since you met each other,you were trying to suppress your weakness for each other with hatred and anger. You stopped kissing Eddie and took off your shirt. You were standing on his lap in just with your bra and short. He was watching you with admiration. You grinned and got off Eddie's lap and knelt in front of him. When he realized you were going to give him head,he closed his eyes and grinned. You unbuckled Eddie's belt and stared at him for a few seconds,as you pulled his pants down you could already feel how difficult it was going to be. You took off his boxers as Eddie looked at you impatiently,and you could feel your mouth watering at the sight of his veiny cock. He was much bigger than you had imagined,which both excited and scared you a bit.You moved your tongue around his cock,started from his balls.Eddie moaned softly as he settled further into the couch. After getting him a little wet,you slowly caressed him and took his dick into your mouth while looking into his eyes. Eddie was having trouble with keeping his eyes open "fffuck...ugh!" . He had never desired someone this much before. While you continued to take him into your mouth,he gathered your hair with one hand and helped you. You were having a really hard time taking it into your mouth because it was so big. Your eyes were watering and you felt like gagging,but you wanted to blow him away with pleasure and make him beg.
Eddie closed his eyes "Y/N...Oh god!" he was moaning while you were caressing his balls and giving him head. He grabbed you by your hair and pushed you down on his cock and you took almost all of it into your mouth.You pulled your head back and took a deep breath. you turned your gaze to Eddie and he was looking at you with pleasure. You licked your lips and grinned.Eddie was getting more and more impatient. He quickly took off his shirt and pushed you towards your bed. You were examining the tattoos on Eddie's body when your back met the bed. He came towards you and started kissing your neck hard. At the same time,he was squeezing your breast harder. You didn't say anything,didn't talk at all but you understood each other very well. Your passion and your body were talking. Eddie's hand slowly moved to your pussy. He caressed you through your shorts. A few seconds later,he aggressively took off your short and threw them in a corner. The thong underneath wasn't hiding your pussy enough. Eddie grinned and started kissing you hard,caressing you with his long fingers. You were constantly moaning and biting your lower lip while kissing. Even his touch could make you orgasm. Eddie was just caressing you and that was making you crazy.And he was never putting his fingers inside you. You bit your lower lip "Eddie…" you closed your eyes and moaned "Come on,I need you" Eddie loved the fact that you were begging him,the fact that you were wet made it obvious that you wanted him. Eddie easily took off your bra and when he saw the piercing on your nipples,he bit his lower lip and started sucking your breasts.Feeling his tongue on your breasts was driving you crazy.Eddie pulled back after a few seconds and entered her. He didn't give any warning and didn't train you. This was quite painful. You groaned in pain and closed your eyes. Eddie moved slowly inside you and moaned with his tightness, "Ugh…Fuck, you're so good." You were groaning in pain and squeezing the pillow next to you. "Fuck!" you screamed while he waqs stretching you.
Eddie placed his hands on your waist and spread your legs further apart. "Sshh,daddy is gonna take care of you princess" he was looking at your eyes while he was fucking you rough. He was so big and you could feel every inch of him. He started to get faster and faster.Thrusting his dick in and out of you faster and harder. You groaned with a tear falling from your eye and Eddie grinned. He leaned towards you slightly,wiped away your tears and placed a small kiss on your lips "Fuck..y-you're so big!" you screamed with pain again and moaned. After a few minutes you were getting used to Eddie's big cock and moaning with pleasure. Once you got used to it he put one of your leg over his shoulder and continued fucking you in a more comfortable position. He keept moaning too,you were so tight and beautiful. The sight of you underneath Eddie,was making him more and more horny and crazy. You bit your lower lip and squeezed your own breasts, pleasuring yourself even more. “Yes, yes, yes!” as Eddie got faster, you started to babble. You both were fucking hard and moaning without caring about anything. When Eddie felt like he was close to cumming he pulled out and looked at you “Turn around slut”. You immediately did as he said and turned around,leaning one hand on the headboard of the bed. He grabbed your waist and starts fucking you in doggy position. His cock was reaching your g-spot and it was driving you crazy. He was slapping your butt hard and continuing to hurt you. You were both enjoying it. Eddie got faster and faster and kept fucking your pussy harder than ever "Fuck..I can fuck that pussy all night"
You moaned and tried to speak as Eddie continued to fuck you. You were having the best time of your life. "E-Eddie!" you closed your eyes "God..FUCK!" No man has ever pleasured you like this before. You moaned "I'm gonna-I'm gonna cum!" he smirked and slapped your ass "Cum for daddy,doll".After a few seconds Eddie came out of you and you squirted at the same time. You were squirting everywhere and moaning. Eddie ignored you and turned you around and stood in front of you. You know what to do you immediately took him into your mouth and started giving him a blowjob. Eddie was about to cum and he was moaning. After a few seconds he moaned loudly and cummed in your mouth. Even though it tasted weird,you swallowed his cum and licked your lips,grinned tiredly. You threw yourself back onto the bed and closed your eyes. You were breathing very fast and your heart felt like it was going to explode. Eddie laid down next to you and looked at you "What the fuck just happened?" You laughed at him and closed your eyes "I don't know." Eddie said breathlessly "Fuck..If I had known, I would have tried to fuck you before" he giggled. You looked at him and hit his arm "Jerk." you pulled the duvet over you and Eddie pulled you close,hugged you and caressed your hair. You lifted your head and looked at him. He was beautiful,the best you had ever seen. He placed a small kiss on your forehead and it made you feel safer than anything else. You closed your eyes and buried your face in Eddie's neck. After a few seconds of silence,Eddie spoke "Is it really that big?" It wasn't unexpected for Eddie to be a total clown after having a romantic moment. You laughed and hit him lightly on the chest "Shut up Edward." Eddie chuckled and hugged you tighter,have you a long kiss through your hair.
The next day,you had Dustin to do your homework and you were walking to class laughing together. Mrs. Smith raised her eyebrows slightly when she saw both of you "I think this project helped break the ice between you" Eddie looked at Mrs. Smith "No I still hate her". He smiled with your laugh and placed a small kiss on your cheek.
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k4ulitzs · 7 months
can u do one where reader invited tom around to her house and she excuses herself to get some water and her mum comes in and starts talking about how he is not the man for her, but neither of them knew tom followed her and was listening? Ending with fluff? Ty
perfect ~ tom kaulitz
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little bit of angst, fluff.
thank u sm for this req anon, much appreciated !!
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Knock knock. My head shoots up from my phone, an ear to ear smile forming on my face as I knew who was knocking - my boyfriend tom who I had invited over. Just as I was about to stand up, my mum pokes her head through the kitchen door.
"who's that?" she asks, her eyes squinting. "don't worry, it's just tom. I'll get it." I sighed, reading the uneasy look on her face. My mum has to be the most judging person I know, and of course, she has not yet properly met my boyfriend, but just by the way she was looking at me, I could read her like a book. I stood up, not caring about her thoughts on him. I love him, and wether she did or not, it would never change how I felt.
"mum, can you please keep your opinions to yourself for now? I don't want you unloading on him. He's nervous enough, he doesn't need you piling on." I state, making it clear I didn't want her harsh opinions making tom feel hurt in anyway. After all, tom was a very soft person, so an opinion as unaccommodating as my mums would definitely hurt him.
She raised both her hands. "fine, fine." she sighed, disappearing back into the kitchen. I roll my eyes, knowing my mum, even though I had warned her, she would probably still say something. I walked towards the door and opened it, smiling once I saw his beautiful face.
"hey baby." he smiled, lowering his head with a blush forming on his cheeks. I could tell he was nervous. And though he wasn't actually in a 'meeting the parents' situation, I could still tell he was unsure about coming here. After all, the previous encounter he had with my mum did not go so well, her throwing disguised insults his way all the time.
"hey love, come on in. Let's just go straight to my room, okay?" I say in reassurance, helping him realise we can avoid my mum. He slowly nods, seeing me holding my hand out, he takes it and let's me guide him in.
I quickly take him to my room, avoiding my mums presence as much as possible. I close my door behind me, and sit on the bed with him. I take a movie dvd out my drawer, and put it into my tv, watching the movie begin. he took my hand and pulled me closer, wrapping an arm around my waist and laying my head on his chest, his hand rubbing small circles on my waist as we both felt warm, watching the movie in eachothers embrace.
After the movie finished, i turned my head a little, seeing that tom had fallen asleep. Small breaths emitting from his parted lips, his arms wrapped around me comfortingly, his head resting close to my chest. I couldn't help but admire him right now.
I felt pretty thirsty, so somehow I had to go to the kitchen without waking tom up. I manoeuvred my way out of his hold as gently as I could and, somehow, I managed to without waking him up. Or so I thought.
I made my way into the kitchen, seeing my mum cooking dinner. I ignored her, because I knew if any conversation were to start, she'd somehow bring up her disliking for tom into it, so i stayed quiet. Grabbing a glass, I poured some water into it. Yet even my attempts to avoid any sort of talking with her, were not enough. "I'm telling you, he is not the one. You are blinded by his pretty looks, but does he even really lo-" I quickly cut off my mums words with my own.
"mum, can you please stop? I'm not blinded by shit, leave him the fuck alone. Can't you and me have a normal conversation without you finding a way to bring up how horrible you think he is?" I argue, not at all in the mood to hear her talking badly about him, again.
I just wish she knew what went on behind closed doors. In all, he was a genuine sweetheart and cared about me. She had no idea, and the reason being, because she had probably scared him with her quick assumptions, so now if he tried putting effort in, he would be worried it wouldn't be enough to please her, and in the end, all he wanted to do was make a good impression. However, my mum never gave him the chance.
"im never wrong, and I'm warning you here and now, he doesn't love you. He seems like the kind of man to take advantage of you. Why can't you just listen to me? I'm trying to protect you!" she argues back, but I didn't care, I was not going to let her insult him for no reason.
"what?! He would never take advantage of me, are you hearing yourself?! You have no idea what he is like because you were too quick to judge him. You've probably scared him off! You aren't trying to protect me, so don't feed me that bullshit." I scoff, my tone getting louder by the second.
Her mouth opened to say something more, but her speech was interrupted by a sigh that came from outside the kitchen. Shit.
I open my bedroom door, seeing tom lay there, his tongue playing with his lip ring, I could tell he was uneasy. "baby...? How much of it did you hear?" I sigh, disappointed in myself for letting all this pressure get to him.
His eyes flickered to me, "all of it, I got up after you left the room." he softly groaned. He suddenly sits up, speaking once more. "this is too much. I don't wanna sound rude baby I promise, but your mum is too much." he softly sighed, rubbing his temples.
"oh love..." I exhale, making my way over to him and sitting beside him. I take his hand, and hold it with both of mine, holding it just under my chin and giving it a few kisses, leaving him smiling. "I know how she can be, trust me. But just because she doesn't like you, doesn't mean I don't. I love you." I say the last part slowly, hoping it registers. But after his puzzled look and his silence, I immediately regret speaking.
"oh...! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have sa-" my words are cut off by his free hand cupping my cheek, and kissing me, the kiss so clearly full of love that we can feel eachother smiling. His tongue lightly grazes my bottom lip, laying one last soft kiss on my lips before pulling back and resting our foreheads on eachothers. "I love you more, schatz." he kisses my nose, sighing contently after he spoke.
I smile widely, and kiss his cheek. "and don't worry about my mum. I want you and only you, you're perfect." I whisper, before he has a wide grin spreading across his face, pulling me close and pressing his lips onto mine.
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Send anything in <3
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queenslimeball · 5 months
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The Coffee or The Man
Steve Harrington x male!reader
contents; fluff
Summary; steve finds out that his crush on his best friend was much more obvious than he thought
The clock ticks again, and again, and again. It had been ten minutes since M/n left to get a coffee for Steve, yet he can't stop staring out the window and glancing at the time. No matter how long Steve stares, nothing seems to change, so he instead appears rather desperate. The VHS tape in his hand still hasn't been placed on the shelf. He's a statue now, helpless and longing...
"Steve!" The familiar voice shakes Steve out of his trance. His head whips around to look at Robin, who's giving him a rather suspicious look. "Are you seriously that desperate for M/n to get back?" She teases, leaning against the shelf with a knowing smirk. Steve just scoffs, moving his arm forward. He tries to put the VHS on the shelf but misses and has to look to put it on properly.
"I don't know what you're implying, but I just really want that coffee." Steve replies, not looking back at Robin. Robin puts down her tapes and moves closer to Steve, trying to get his full attention. "You didn't want M/n to leave when he offered." She retorts.
"Look– I–" Steve cuts himself off, jaw hung low as he tries to think of some kind of excuse. He looks at Robin and huffs. "He's my best friend. I just wanted his company."
"Right, right. But are you aware of the way you look at M/n?" Robin tilts her head as if trying to get her point across. Steve is fully aware.
It all started not that long ago when M/n and Steve were trapped in the Russian basement together. M/n had sacrificed himself to protect Steve from any harm while he got tortured for answers. Steve was grateful, very grateful. But he also felt love for M/n in that moment. He tried to push it away. To convince himself that he's not the sort of guy that likes men. But he couldn't seem to change himself. He still can't.
Several months later, Steve is even deeper in love with M/n. He doesn't want to admit that to himself, talk about to Robin. It's all so confusing. Why has Steve suddenly started liking guys? And why his best friend of all people?
"I look at him how I look at anyone." Steve denies, grabbing a tape and continuing to stock the shelf. He wants to move on from the conversation. But he knows Robin will persist. "No, you don't! You love him, don't you? Just be honest with me." She continues to pry.
"Robin! I'm not gay. Just drop it. We talked about this. I like boobies or whatever." Steve argues, clearly getting more frustrated in his tone. "Just because you like women doesn't mean you can't like men. Specifically, M/n." She explains.
Steve doesn't quite know what to say now. He's been caught, and there's no denying it anymore. He can barely admit this to himself, talk about one of his closest friends. He can't quite force any words from his lips that agree to Robin's accusations. If Robin finds out, that means other people would eventually find out, including M/n. But also including Steve's parents. They'd kill him.
"I just want him to get back with my coffee. That's it." Steve says, finally able to get words out of his mouth, despite the devastating crack in his voice.
"Is it the coffee or the man that you want?" Robin asks, barely even considered a question. They both know the answer.
Steve and Robin look over at who's entered the store. M/n walks in, back pressed into the door as both of his hands are holding a cup of coffee. Steve completely blocks out whatever M/n is saying, too distracted by his own feelings at just seeing the boy enter. Exchanging a glance, Steve and Robin make a telepathic agreement to be quiet about this, nodding their heads once.
M/n doesn't need to know. Not yet.
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Unattainable | 7
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"Ah my little Schnucki! It's good to see you not through a Webcam! Are you sure you want to do the whole school thing?"
"Noiz! We already talked about this!"
That feeling of family warmth overtook your heart as you watched your brother bicker with his husband. Pulling on eacother's ears and cheeks as they went back and forth on the familiar subject.
"We can't keep them locked up for ever no matter how much we want to!"
"Why not? We have the means and Schnucki doesn't get along with others anyway."
"SHHH don't say that in front of them! (Y/n) we think your plenty capable of making new friends!"
"Well don't lie to them! They're better off staying home. It worked for me I'm sure it'll work for them too!"
"You were locked away for years and hardly knew how to talk to people!"
"And look at me now! It would suit them best to stay-"
"Don't. Undermine me, mister!"
Haruhi huffed at the sight. When would she stop baring witness to men acting like children? Idiots, all of them. She loudly cleared her throat, smiling cheekily when they turned to her. 
"Nice to see you two are as energetic as always."
The strawberry blonde chuckled holding his husband by the waist. 
"It's the only way I can keep him happy!"
He winked as Aoba hit his suited chest with a blushing face. Haruhi resisted the urge to gag turning to you. You were  staring at the seemingly bottomless container of your (f/t), pouting at the sleepiness that interrupted your joyful reward. Noiz crept beside you poking his forehead into yours as he looked down to sample your view. He looked up, identifying the tired glaze over your eyes.. Holding in a giggle he put a hand on your head, keeping firm as you looked up at him. Guiding you into his body he held you tight cradling your back as you hugged him.
"I see you found my 'secret' compartment!"
"Not much of a secret when the design is so obvious."
He feigned a stabbing pain in his heart, "Well leave it to my kid to see the idiosyncrasies of my engineering." 
"Sorry." The monotone voice would have come off sarcastic to anyone else. But Noiz knew. He knew that you meant it and you just didn't know how to say that without offensive social cues. He knew that your attempted eye contact was you're insecurity about reacting properly. And he was proud you were even trying.
""It's all good Schnucki!"
He let his hug reduce to an arm around your shoulders as he turned back to Haruhi and Aoba who seemed to be finished whispering about something. And he couldn't help but be a little petty.
"What're you two whispering about? Making fun of how much cuter the two of us are?"
Aoba quickly scowled before flashing a smile as he copied Noiz. 
"Not cuter than us I bet! (Y/n) will you judge us real fast?"
"Sure. They are the cutest."
"Gagh! How cruel! Turning my own child against me! But I'll do you one better!"
He pulled you along with his left arm while he reached for Aoba with his right. Firmly grabbing his husband's waist he looped his finger into his belt loops before cheekily holding him in place. Squeezing you both as tight as he could he turned to Haruhi.
"How about now aren't we just the cutest trio you ever did see?"
The reluctant host club member paused, taking in the way you playfully pretended to struggle while Aoba began to scold him. Pushing down an ugly feeling she let a somber smile spread on her face.
"Yep I can guarantee I've never seen anyone cuter...picture?"
She pulled out her phone while Noiz enthusiastically nodded. After a few seconds she tucks her phone in her pocket and Noiz finally releases his hold on Aoba. Doubling down to cuddle into you as you fruitlessly protested. 
"Send that to me Haruhi."
Looking into the golden hues of the Serigaki head she nodded, holding back laughter.
Aoba was truly talented.
She hadn't seen anyone be so threatening without meaning to at all. But Sharks aren't exactly aware they're considered frightening. Not until you were their next meal. 
Haruhi Fujioka had no intentions of being so, instead she'd consider herself a lesser threat. More like a feeder fish. 
Because she likes the remains of the initial attack. The remains of the defeated are exactly her type.
"Oh Haruhi, are we having the fish you like with those friends of yours?"
"I think we should. They've never gotten to taste it the Serigaki way. I think it'd blow them out the water." 
Schnucki - "Sweety" according to Google translate
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yeonjunszn · 10 months
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PAIRING! mark lee x f!reader
SUMMARY! you’re not exactly the best barista at zhong coffee, but for some unknown reason (his massive crush on you), mark thinks you can do no wrong. sick and tired of his favoritism and your lack thereof due to absolute obliviousness, your coworkers are determined to fix this problem. asap.
MORE! 🙀🙀🙀 LEE JENO WTF IS WRONG WITH U (i’m sorry for making u a bad person my sugarplum i love u but ur a milf lover so it worked for plot’s sake)
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As if your day couldn't get any worse, just earlier you were taunted by Jeno in front of multiple customers (Mommy of the Month and her little posse of soccer moms) for not knowing how to steam milk properly. Leave it to Mr. I Love Milfs to make you feel small in front of, well, said Milfs.
And now, as you huff in front of an older male customer, he yells at you for not knowing the difference between a Wet Cap and a Dry Cap. Was there even a difference? You don’t even drink cappuccinos.
"You know, that's what I hate about young ladies like you, taking job opportunities away from men like me. You're so stupid, you can't tell the difference between these two cappuccinos? They're different in weight and taste. Are you tasteless? Blind? Maybe both? How do you even work in a coffee shop?"
As the man goes on criticizing you, you can't help but feel the tears well up in your eyes and start dripping down your face. Yet another problem over the stupid milk. Drip, drip, drip. It takes only a few tears to fall down your face for the customer to start getting angrier.
"Oh, look. The idiot girl is crying. Get me your manager, I need to talk to him about lousy, useless girls like you."
Renjun, who just happened to hear the last part of the customer's sentence, whips out his phone under the bar to text Mark. He knows he can't deal with this customer alone, not when you're damn near shivering like you went for a swim in the middle of December.
It’s not long before Renjun steps into your way as Mark grabs your hand, pulling you away from the customer. He laces your fingers together as he guides you towards his office, making sure it's empty as he sits you down in a chair.
"Are you okay?" Mark asks, eyes filled with concern and heart aching for you.
You shake your head at him, not wanting to speak out of fear that your voice will quiver much like your body is right now.
"Y/N... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have had you switch your usual shifts," Mark comments. He kneels down before you, thumb brushing across your puffy cheeks to stop your tears. "I would have never done it if I had known you were going to be treated like this. I know you’re used to the usual mid shift customers."
Mark’s other hand pats the top of your head comfortingly as you sniffle, finally speaking, "No, I... I promised you I would help. I just didn't know Jeno was so mean sometimes. And that old guys were capable of yelling at me like that."
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I'll talk to Jeno and I'll switch you back to your mids with Jaemin and Yangyang," Mark sighs. He looks for any hint of upset in your eyes, but instead he gets a faraway look. Like there's something not quite there. "Do you want a hug to make you feel better?"
You nod your head slowly and Mark stands up, pulling you into his chest. His arms wrap around your waist as he begins to rock the two of you back and forth, swaying and humming to an imaginary tune.
After a while, you pull away and look up at Mark with a pout and hopeful eyes, "Mark?"
"Do you think I'm a bad barista?" you ask.
"Well, I think you weren't as good as the other baristas before, but you are getting better," he replies, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. If his hand had lingered for any longer, he would have been able to feel the heat pooling in your cheeks.
"Okay... Um, do you think I'm stupid?"
"No. It's practically impossible to tell those two cappuccinos apart unless you’ve been a barista for a really long time. That guy was just an asshole. If he ever comes back here, I'll beat his ass to a pulp," Mark answers you truthfully. He speaks clearly; he wants you to think highly of yourself and not listen to the words of some arrogant customer. A part of you believes him, taking his words to heart.
"One more thing..." you mutter, pushing yourself back into his chest and hiding your face.
"Can I... can I have your chocolate croissant?" you ask, hesitation in your voice.
Mark bursts out into laughter at your silly question, his entire body vibrating as he holds you tight. "Is that it?"
"Of course, Y/N. You can have whatever you want," Mark says. "Are you feeling a bit better now?"
"Yes. Thank you," you murmur, looking at his face — more specifically, his eyebrows. Something in you makes you a tiny bit shy, not able to look into his eyes as he smiles at you.
"Any time."
There's a racing in your chest, where your heart is, one that's never really been there before. Whatever it is, you hope that it will calm itself. Quickly.
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TWENTY — chocolate croissant
PREV! nineteen — i will force his hand into a blender
NEXT! twenty one — #xiaojun_out
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TAGLIST! @stardusthyuck @erin-calling @tddyhyck @bigheadchen @choiwonder @neozon3nha @sunflowerbebe07 @kissesfrmwonwoo @miyawwn @sserafimez @haechansbbg @lilyidk03 @mowchiie @jaemsrina @jeongintwt @shwizhies
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