#and I could totally picture stiles saying the same about derek
Stiles: Derek, you're a gigantic bearded god of a man who I see almost everyday, and you're probably straight, but just in case you're maybe a little bit not, I just want to clarify a couple things.
Stiles: Is it really that gay if you just top every time? I'm totally, TOTALLY okay with that. Um! I don't need to top you.
Stiles: Like, I'll do all of the gay things, doing the things with my hands and mouth, I like doing all that stuff. If you don't like doing all that stuff, uh, because you're not that gay. That's fine!
Stiles: I see what you're looking at behind me and you can have that, you can have that anytime, all day, all day and all night. And you don't have to change your identity or anything. You can just have it.
(Inspired by this video)
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returntobeaconhills · 2 years
Point Pleasant
Derek cocked his head first to the left, then to the right, but Stiles knew better than to ever compare him to a puppy. “It looks like a bad Marvel villain.” And he should know, Stiles had made him watch everything Marvel had ever produced.
Stiles’s mouth fell open, aghast with horror. “What? He’s terrifying as hell!”
“Why are the wings so veiny? And there’s holes in them? How is it supposed to fly with holes in the wings?”
Stiles patted the metallic statue as if to console it from Derek’s harsh words. “This is just a statue. The real thing doesn’t look like that.”
Derek rolled his eyes. “There is no real thing, Stiles. The Mothman is a legend.”
Stiles lowered his voice so only Derek’s super hearing would pick up his reply, “People might say the same thing about werewolves.”
Derek crossed his arms over his chest.
Stiles bounced around under the statue. “Come on! You said we could do whatever I wanted for my birthday. The big 2-5! This is what I want.”
“I told you we could come to this festival. I didn’t say I had to agree a giant flying moth guy was real.” Derek tried to sound put upon, but the corners of his mouth were threatening a smile. “I still can’t believe this town has a whole festival for an insect man.”
“Oh, it’s not just a festival. There’s a Mothman Museum and Research Center!” Stiles shoved his phone into Derek’s hand with the camera pulled up. “Now hurry and take a picture of me with this guy so we can go get some Mothman pancakes.”
Derek snapped the photo, the red eyes of the Mothman glinting in the sun. It reminded him of the eyes of an alpha.
As if he could read his mind, Stiles chirped in, “If he is real, I bet you could totally take him.”
Stiles threw an arm over his shoulder as Derek grumbled, “Of course I could take him.”
“He does have wings though,” Stiles pointed out, barely suppressing a laugh.
“If he’s so great, why don’t you go marry him instead,” Derek said, swatting Stiles’s ridiculous Mothman hat down over his eyes.
“No way! I’d much rather have you.” He yanked his hat back up and settled it on his head. “Now, Bigfoot. That’s a different story…”
Derek “accidentally” knocked Stiles’s face into the whipped cream of his pancakes, but Derek licking him clean was worth it. Werewolves were definitely better than any Mothman, Stiles decided. 
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IT WAS UNFAIR, Stiles thought, that Derek Hale was so freaking hot.
It wasn’t just because it was a summer day and he swore, it had to be over a hundred degrees. It wasn’t just because the man had shed his shirt long ago, working alongside the betas as they started the paneling of the Hale house’s unfinished porch. And it wasn’t just because Stiles was a raging bisexual and Derek Hale was exactly his kind of dream guy.
Except maybe it was all of those things. Maybe it was because Derek Hale was so goddamn gorgeous, so very shirtless, and so freaking muscled, Stiles couldn’t wrap his head around it all. And— and shit. It wasn’t fair, Stiles thought. 
It wasn’t fair that Derek Hale was so freaking hot.
Sighing, he took another long drink of his lemonade, protected by the shade of the trees from across the lawn. He’d started out the afternoon helping the others work on the Hale house, he really had. But Stiles was just human, okay? He wasn’t nearly as muscled or effortlessly tireless as the others. And he’d never admit this any other time, but he was totally okay with being the token human for the day while the others worked their werewolfy asses off.
Sitting next to him, strawberry-blonde hair whisping slightly in the faint breeze, Lydia looked like she felt exactly the same.
“I never thought I’d look at a handful of shirtless, sweaty boys and feel nothing,” she said, tilting her head thoughtfully. Stiles choked on his sip of lemonade and Lydia smirked, glancing over at him before her gaze drifted back across the lawn toward Derek. “Just like I’m sure you never thought you’d look at such a hot, shirtless Hale and feel so much.”
“Oh my god, Lydia, really?”
Lydia just hummed and Stiles desperately tried not to blush, dropping his eyes to the dirt. Because his worst nightmare was that one day Derek would overhear what Lydia voiced in ‘private’, and he might just have to throw himself off a cliff if that ever happened.
And he was too young to die.
“Please, just never say that again,” Stiles said. “Like, ever.”
“You know it’s true, though.”
Stiles shot her a sharp look, which the girl completely ignored. But if Stiles had anything to say about it, Lydia was definitely wrong. And— and even if she wasn’t, it wasn’t like he was that obvious about certain things, okay? He definitely wasn’t obvious. 
In fact, Stiles would like to state for the record that he was the total and complete opposite of anything Lydia ever said. 
Because Stiles had never tripped over his own feet after Derek flashed red eyes in his direction. And he’d never run face-first into a wall when the man had simply growled his name. He’d never accidentally spilled coffee down the front of his shirt when Derek had brushed a little too close and he’d never almost had a heart attack when Derek had shoved him into a wall after Stiles had spilled a certain... beverage all over the man’s shoes.
Okay, okay, maybe he had done these things before. Once. On the same day. But that was just once.
Just once.
And Stiles was pretty sure nothing like that would ever happen again. In that order, at least.
Yet, here he was, doing his best to pretend like a shirtless and sweaty Derek Hale wasn’t doing unseemly things to him. Unseemingly things like fixating only on the unseemly that he’d like Derek to be doing to him. Because, well, the things he’d let Derek do to him...
“Stiles,” Lydia said, interrupting his daydream. “You’re drooling.”
Stiles snapped back to reality, shaking his head, and automatically flushed at her smug look. “I am not.”
“You are. And it’s a bit pathetic.”
“Okay, you know what? You’re a bit pathe—” Lydia gave him a dangerous look and Stiles promptly snapped his mouth shut. “Never mind.”
“Wise choice.”
“But I wasn’t drooling.”
Smirking, Lydia gazed back toward the Hale house. Then, a devious look crossed her face and she glanced over at him before nodding toward where the others had stopped to take a break on the half-finished steps. “You know, you could be over there giving Derek a reason to drool over you.”
Stiles blinked. “Uh, you mean get all sweaty and gross too? No thanks.”
Lydia rolled her eyes. “I mean stop hiding over here and go get yourself worked up over there. Show those idiot wolves what Stiles Stilinski has to offer.”
“Okay, first of all, that is never going to happen,” Stiles said. “And seriously, Lydia, you’re a menace. Do you know what lies under all of this?” He gestured down at himself and accidentally sloshed lemonade over his hand, cursing. Point one for what Stiles Stilinski had to offer. “Absolutely nothing, that’s the answer. Nothing but pale skin, weak everything, and the proof that I’ve spent most of my life living off of curly fries and milkshakes instead of that green crap I make my dad eat.”
Lydia raised an eyebrow, looking slightly amused. Sighing, Stiles turned his gaze back across the lawn.
“What I would give for some werewolf abs, though.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works.”
“Oh, that's absolutely how it works,” Stiles shot back. “Trust me, I know. I’m the pack expert, remember? The packspert, if you will. And you all rely on me to know these things.”
Stiles took another sip of his lemonade, eyes still on Derek. Because he definitely was the pack expert, thank you very much. And werewolves like Derek Hale were definitely hot— it was part of the package deal. 
Stiles, on the other hand, was lacking hotness on many levels. 
And that’s why he was here, sitting far away from where Derek and any of the other werewolves who could catch wind of his... thoughts, daydreaming about a grumpy-growly alpha who would never see him as more than ‘skinny, defenseless, Stiles’. And he was totally okay with that, Stiles told himself. He was.
He’d always been better at lying to himself than others.
Three months before Stiles graduated Beacon Hills High, the Hale house was finally finished.
He thought it was a little strange how four years ago, the first time he’d laid eyes on the old house it had been nothing but a skeleton, the remnants looking like they could collapse in on themselves at any moment.
It was all different now. 
The Hale house looked a little bit like the ‘before’ pictures Stiles had once caught Derek studying— although there were also a few different things added on. Like the archery targets, for example. Or the giant porch that curved around to the back of the house, complete with a fire pit and a grill. 
Stiles couldn’t wrap his mind around ever seeing Derek Hale grill.
And yeah, the house looked a bit like these pictures Stiles had once caught Derek studying. The man had slammed them down and given Stiles a red-eyed alpha look before he could get a good look, but Stiles had ducked back into the room much later, finding a picture left behind that showed the Hale family standing in front of the house before it burned.
The younger version of Derek Hale had been smiling. Stiles didn’t think he’d ever seen the older one look like that before.
He’d left the room feeling a bit conflicted.
Two weeks after that, Stiles swung by the fully finished house after school, the first one to arrive before the rest of the pack. The Camaro, he noticed, was parked near the trees, but the Hale house itself seemed quiet, the newly built porch so much more welcoming than it had been all those years ago.
Stiles hesitated before climbing out of his jeep, debating waiting for one of the others to show up. Scott would probably go to Allison’s first and Lydia would probably be at Jackson’s. Stiles had no idea what the other three betas were doing, but thinking too much about what they got up to outside of Derek’s supervision never ended well. 
Stiles had learned that the hard way years ago. 
Faintly, looking at the silent house, he wondered if it would look like this after the summer of graduation. Something about that made Stiles’s stomach clench and he shook his head, trying to banish any thoughts of Derek Hale being stuck in an empty house all alone when they were all gone.
Forcing himself out of the car, Stiles pulled his backpack over his shoulders and started toward the house.
It was eerily silent when Stiles stepped foot through the front door. He hesitated and craned his neck to glance up the stairs, then down the hall. But the house seemed completely empty.
“Uh, Derek?”
There was almost nothing in the house yet, so Stiles’s voice echoed off the empty walls. He moved through the house quietly, checking each empty room that he passed. But the big bad alpha of Beacon Hills didn’t seem to be anywhere around.
Stepping into the living room, Stiles paused. Sitting across the room was a single chair, facing where Isaac had stated the ‘necessary’ pack TV had to go. Behind it was a single picture frame on the wall and as Stiles moved closer, he realized it was the same one he’d seen weeks ago.
The glowing eyes that reflected back at the camera were only a little creepy.
Stiles spun around so fast, he nearly tripped over his own feet. Derek stood in the doorway of the room, hands stuffed into the pockets of his jacket and a confused, if not a little concerned, look on his face. “What are you doing here?”
“I… thought we were all meeting here after school?”
Derek raised an eyebrow but didn’t offer an answer. Fishing out his phone, Stiles scrolled through his unread messages and— shit. There were a number of cancellations from the others, one after the other.
Stiles swallowed hard, glancing back up. “Okay, I might be wrong.”
Derek just continued to eye him. Stuffing his phone back into his pocket, Stiles glanced around the near-empty room and desperately wracked his brain, trying to think of a reason that he should not be around either. Because what was he even supposed to do now?
This was not going according to plan.
“Well then,” he said, avoiding Derek’s unnerving stare. “I should be going.”
The silence continued to reign and when Stiles glanced back up, Derek just shrugged, turning away. And Stiles didn’t know where the hell the werewolf had come from or where he was going now, but he was not going to wait around and see.
Things did not need to be any more awkward.
Gripping the straps of his backpack tighter, Stiles made for the back door instead— the quickest escape route. Though, he still paused at the doorway and glanced over his shoulder. Derek was gone now, but Stiles noticed a single empty plate on the table next to the single empty chair— the few things in the near-empty room
The house suddenly seemed even quieter than before. 
Stomach twisting, Stiles swallowed hard and shook his head, ducking out the back door into the cool evening air. And he didn’t look back until he was in his jeep again, staring at the looming house.
He thought he saw movement in the highest window; the quickest flash of shadow. But when he blinked and looked again, the window was empty and the house stood still. Still, dark, and almost a little more menacing than before.
Stiles jammed the key into the ignition and drove away faster than was probably necessary.
Stiles thought his crush on Derek Hale started sometime after his freshman year.
After Derek stopped scaring the ever-living crap out of him and Stiles came to terms with his possible bisexuality, he realized that yeah, Lydia Martin was hot. But Derek Hale was hot too. And it was kind of hard to look at either of them without his heart skipping a beat or two, which Stiles figured probably meant something.
But his possible attraction to Derek didn’t matter, he’d decided. His sixteen-year-old self was sure that he’d be marrying Lydia Martin one day and with that picture in mind, he could just appreciate Derek for what he was— a hot guy.
But then sometime around his junior year, Stiles realized he probably wasn’t going to marry Lydia Martin. And that… that was fine too.
One year later, he was completely fine with how everything had turned out. 
By the time the Hale house was fully furnished, the pack spent nearly every afternoon there. It was nice; close by and large enough for them all. And sometimes, when Stiles came through the front door and met Derek’s gaze, he thought he could remember this one strange feeling he’d had the very first time he’d laid eyes on the man. So many years ago.
Or maybe, that one time in the pool. Or the kanima incident at the sheriff’s station nearly three years ago.
Or the first time Derek had come through Stiles’s window looking for research help.
“Stiles? Bro, Earth to Stiles.”
Stiles snapped out of his thoughts as an elbow jabbed into his side. Yelping, he glared sideways at the offender; and Scott just grinned innocently back, nodding toward the others. 
“We’re all gonna go see a movie tonight. You in?”
“A movie?”
“Yeah, man. They’re doing replays of Star Wars all weekend.”
Stiles raised an eyebrow. “You do realize there’s a TV here, right? One that Isaac literally said was a ‘life or death’ necessity.”
Sitting on the floor across the room, Isaac flushed. “It is.”
“Yeah, but Star Wars,” Scott said. Stiles snorted.
“Dude, I literally own all of them. What about a movie night here? Oh, we could even get pizza!”
Scott exchanged a dubious look with Allison, who shrugged. Stiles glanced at Erica, where she was wrapped around Boyd on the couch. The girl hesitated, then cast a dreamy look upward, smacking her lips together. “Movie popcorn easily outweighs boxed pizza, Batman. I vote for the movie theater.”
“I second that,” Jackson said, smirking over at Stiles. Stiles glared at him.
“You don’t get a vote, lizard boy.”
Jackon’s eyes flashed gold. “Say that again, Stilinsksi.”
“Okay, okay, that’s enough,” Lydia said, giving Stiles a warning look. He just rolled her eyes and the red-haired girl considered for a moment, before shrugging. “I agree with Jackson.”
“Ugh,” Stiles groaned. “Don’t side with the snake.”
But the decision was already made up, apparently, as Scott jumped to his feet with a grin. “Sweet!” he said, pulling Allison up too. “Let’s get out of here then.”
Stiles didn’t even have a chance to protest before Erica was snatching the jeep’s keys off the coffee table and taking off toward the door, the holler of ‘shotgun!’ left in the air at her back. Groaning, he ran a hand through his hair and then slowly pushed himself up too.
It was only then that he noticed Derek hadn’t moved a muscle from his spot in the furthest corner of the room.
“Uh, hey, Sourwolf, you coming?”
Grey-green eyes lifted from his book and Derek gave him an unimpressed look. “No.”
“What? Why not?”
This time, Derek’s brows furrowed. And yeah, Stiles supposed the book and the whole grumpy-growly attitude Derek had going on was probably a pretty telling answer. But he still couldn’t squash a strange feeling of disappointment.
“Come on, dude, it’ll be fun! Movie popcorn! I’ll even buy.”
To his surprise, the furrow between Derek’s eyes actually seemed to soften a little. Well, maybe it did. Just a little bit. “No, Stiles. You go.”
That strange feeling of disappointment grew even more. Stiles frowned. “Seriously, dude?”
And just like that, the unimpressed furrow was back again. Along with a flicker of red. “Yes, Stiles. Go.”
And yep, that was the Alpha werewolf that used to scare the crap out of Stiles all those years ago. Sighing, he turned away and waved a hand over his shoulder in dismissal. “Fine, Sourbutt. But you’re missing out on a good time!”
Stiles didn’t get an answer. But he hadn’t really expected one.
The house was silent as he left.
The weekend before graduation, Lydia had a party.
Stiles had been looking forward to it for weeks. Mostly because, yeah, the last party Lydia had hosted ended up going horribly wrong, but weren’t things different now? They hadn’t faced a supernatural threat in months and Stiles was finally starting to remember what it felt like to be a normal teenager again.
So, he was pretty excited for Lydia’s party. And of course, if he had still been in love with her, this would have been the most nerve-wracking night of his life. But Stiles was all good now and he was ready to have fun, do a little dancing, and maybe get a bit drunk if he thought he could get away with it.
He didn’t get a little drunk.
Somehow, three hours after arrival, Stiles was pretty sure he was wasted.
Keeping up with the werewolves was hard, he quickly came to realize, even if they laced their drinks with wolfsbane for a little extra kick. One hour in, Scott, Allison, and Isaac were nowhere to be seen. Two hours in, Erica was doing her best to convince Boyd to go around scaring the shit out of other drunks with their flashing eyes. And three hours in, Stiles had no idea where Lydia had gone, but the entire room was spinning so fast, he was pretty sure he was either going to pass out or hurl. Whatever came first.
He didn’t actually do either. 
Instead, somehow, Stiles ended up at the Hale house when the moon was high in the sky. It was dark enough that he could barely see the way to the front door, but that proved not to be a problem when he fell face-first out of his jeep the moment he managed to open the car door.
And shit, his dad was going to kill him if he ever found out about this.
Rolling onto his back, Stiles blinked up at the dark sky and groaned. He was pretty sure getting back up wasn’t an option, not unless he wanted to just go right back down. So maybe he’d just die here…
Except suddenly, a looming figure blocked his view and Stiles shrieked, kicking upward with all his strength. His foot connected with something solid and the figure grunted— and Stiles realized much too late what he’d done.
“Dammit, Stiles!”
“Oh my god,” Stiles said, voice barely a whisper. Half-bent over, Derek glared at him and Stiles mustered his best smile, desperately hoping that would keep him from getting his throat ripped out on the spot. “Er, hey there, Sourwolf. Fancy seeing you here.”
Red flickered through the man’s eyes. Stiles winced and after another long moment, Derek straightened up, giving him a look that held the promise of possible murder. 
“What the hell are you doing, Stiles?”
Stiles blinked at the man. Then he shrugged, shifting a little in the dirt. “Resting.”
Derek’s expression tightened. The man leaned over again, sniffed deeply, and then his face twisted. “Are you drunk?”
“Only a little.”
“Dammit, Stiles!”
“Oh, please don’t ‘dammit Stiles’ me. I came here so I wouldn’t have to hear that exact statement from my dad tonight—”
But suddenly, Derek went rigid, his eyes flashing again. Stiles cut off, looking at the man in fear, and Derek gave him the most terrifying red-eyed look that Stiles had probably ever seen. 
The man really looked like he could kill someone now. And Stiles was the only person around.
But then when Derek spoke, his words were so calm, so steady, Stiles thought that was even scarier.
“Stiles, did you drive here drunk?”
Oh, shit.
Stiles opened his mouth— then closed it again. Derek’s face was carefully blank now and Stiles was pretty sure if he could actually stand, sober him would be running right now. Because this was scarier than he’d ever seen Derek— even when the man had been that grumpy-growly “I’ll rip your throat out” asshole when they’d first met.
But before Stiles could even think of an answer, he was being scooped up. A sputtering noise of surprise left his mouth as Derek all but hauled him over his shoulder and then turned around, starting toward the Hale house.
Stiles’s head pounded. His stomach churned and as he watched the ground just a few feet away from his face, he wondered what would happen if he hurled all over Derek’s back.
As if the man could read his thoughts, Derek’s grip tightened. “Don’t you dare.”
Stiles did his best to keep everything down.
The dirt of the front driveway turned into the porch steps, and then the front door slammed as the ground Stiles was looking at became hardwood. Derek hauled him into the living room and dumped him on the couch, making Stiles groan loudly.
“Oh my god, dude, my head.”
Derek gave him a look of pure fury. Any more complaints dying on his tongue, Stiles shrank back.
“I mean, never mind. I’m completely fine.”
“No, Stiles, you’re not.” Derek’s eyes sparked red. “I can’t believe you would do something so stupid. So irresponsible. ”
“I… what?”
But Derek just shook his head and turned away, stalking from the room. Stiles stared into the darkness for a moment, his thoughts moving slowly, and he totally blamed it on the alcohol. Except, he really just didn’t know what to do with what was currently unfolding.
Derek had actually sounded upset. Concerned, even.
Stiles figured he was even drunker than he’d originally thought. In fact, maybe this was all just a spiked-punch induced hallucination. Just like last time Lydia threw a party.
Except, this definitely wasn’t a nightmare.
The sound of approaching footsteps pulled Stiles right back out of his thoughts and he blinked in surprise as Derek stepped closer with a trash can, a glass of water, and a white bottle of pills.
“Uh,” Stiles said, utterly dumbfounded. Derek scowled at him and he shrank back again.
“You throw up on my floor,” the man growled. “I’ll rip your throat out.”
Wordlessly, Stiles nodded. Derek shoved the glass forward.
Stiles didn’t need to be told twice. He drained the water in a few seconds and Derek set the bottle of pills on the side table, giving Stiles another dark look as he took the empty glass back. “Don’t take any of those until morning.”
Again, Stiles nodded. Derek set the trashcan next to the sofa and turned away again, vanishing into the darkness once more.
This time, the silence lasted a little longer. But still, Derek came into the room after a few minutes, another glass of water in hand and a rolled-up blanket tucked under his arm. As Stiles stared, the man set the water next to the pills, then unrolled the blanket and draped it over him.
Stiles felt a little bit like a child.
He honestly didn’t know how to react.
Then, finally, finally, Derek stepped back and folded his arms over his chest, surveying the entire scene as if he was satisfied with his work. Stiles stayed stock-still, kind of worried that any sudden movements would mess everything up.
Whatever ‘everything’ was right now.
Catching him staring, Derek glared again. “I’m going back to bed. If you wake me up, I’ll kill you.”
“...Got it.”
The man gave the room one more once-over and then turned away, heading back for the hallway. But before he could vanish into the dark all over again, Stiles sat straight up, internally screeching as the blood rushed to his head. 
The broad-shouldered silhouette paused. Stiles swallowed.
“Thank you.”
He didn’t get a single response. Not even a nod.
Stiles blinked and Derek was gone.
Graduation came and went like it wasn’t even worth the hype.
Stiles had avoided going back to the Hale house since that night, but it was like it never happened. In fact, if he hadn’t woken up to an empty house with a cup of coffee next to the glass of water and pills, Stiles might have believed it hadn’t.
But it had, which meant he’d made a complete fool of himself. And as Stiles had dragged himself off the couch and toward the front door, he’d been pretty sure he could never face Derek again. It didn’t really help that he could barely remember anything that happened that night, because what if he’d said or done something totally dumb?
Dumber than usual, that is.
So he’d decided to avoid both Derek and the Hale house for as long as possible. He’d noticed his dad never said anything too, which meant Derek hadn’t dropped by to say a word of whatever the hell had happened.
Things were fine. It was all fine.
But then, when they were all hanging out after the graduation ceremony was over, Scott told him they were holding the graduation party at the Hale house.
“Oh,” Stiles said, his throat going dry. “Oh, that’s great. Great, great, great, dude. Absolutely great.”
Scott gave him a small look of concern. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah, great, I’m just fantastic,” Stiles said. Then, sighing, he shook his head. “Okay, no, I'm not. Remember that one time I told you Lydia Martin was the only person I’d ever have feelings for? Like, ever?”
Slowly, Scott nodded. Stiles swallowed hard and rubbed a hand over the back of his neck.
“Yeah. I think I’m in love with Derek.”
In a moment, Scott’s eyes rounded twice their usual size. Stiles winced and almost instantly wished he could take back his words. Especially when Scott nearly shouted his next words.
“You’re in love with Derek?!”
“Oh my god, Scott,” Stiles swore, clapping both hands over Scott’s mouth. But the boy just ducked away and looked at Stiles like he’d grown two heads, mouth opening and closing a few times before he spoke again.
“What does that even mean?”
“Well, gee, Scott, I don’t know. What does being in love with someone even mean?”
“You... like him?”
“Seems we’re both coming to that gradual realization, yes.”
“Like, in a good way?”
Stiles stared at the boy. “Okay, please tell me you’re kidding right now.”
But Scott just continued to stare. Then, he glanced around and leaned closer, words hushed as if he was divulging his deepest secret. “Do you mean find him... attractive?”
Stiles pulled a face and gave the boy an incredulous look. “No, Scott, I don’t think werewolves who like to growl a lot and could probably crush me like a bug are attractive. And I definitely don’t think Derek is the hottest guy I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
Scott blinked. Then frowned.  “Okay, but you’re not lying.”
“No, Scott, I’m not!”
If Stiles could go back about five minutes ago, he would probably punch his past self for ever thinking he could tell Scott something like this in public. The boy looked like he was still lost and Stiles mentally prepared himself for more questions— before Allison came out of the crowd and linked her arm through Scott’s own, giving Stiles a warm smile.
“Hey, the others are heading to Derek’s. You guys ready?”
Scott looked from Stiles, to Allison, then back. Stiles gave him a sharp, warning look, but the boy just winced apologetically and let Allison lead him away— with knowledge Stiles never should have provided.
Closing his eyes, Stiles took a few deep breaths and then trudged after the two of them, silently hating himself for every decision he’d ever made.
If he wasn’t fearing for some kind of inevitable doom, Stiles might have been amazed by how the Hale house looked in the darkness that night.
Okay, that was a lie. He was still amazed.
Lights had been strung through the rafters of the porch and multi-colored garden lanterns were stuck in the ground all around the lawn. Stiles smelled barbeque before he even stepped out of the car and almost instantly zeroed in on his dad behind the grill, looking like he was the happiest person on the planet.
Except, Derek stood beside him, laser-focused on whatever the hell the Sheriff was grilling. And Stiles was pretty sure they were talking.
“Oh no,” he whispered.
But before Stiles could rush over and intercept what he could only imagine was not a very promising conversation, there was a hand on his sleeve and he was being pulled across the lawn instead. Stiles spun around, cursing, and nearly stumbled over his own feet to see Erica looking at him with a sharp grin. One that made his blood run cold.
Yeah, this might be worse.
“So, Stiles, ” the girl said, letting go of his sleeve only when they were at the very edge of the lawn, far away from the sound of music. “You’re in love with our alpha?”
Stiles froze. Then groaned. “I swear to god, I’m going to kill Scott.”
Erica barked out a laugh. “Oh, Batman, your puny little werewolf friend didn’t have to tell me a thing.”
Stiles blinked. Erica’s grin turned sharper.
“You spent the night here,” she said smugly. “Last weekend.”
“Last weeken... oh my god.”
Crossing her arms, Erica gave him a triumphant look. And Stiles didn’t even know where to begin before the girl was speaking again. “So you’re totally head over heels for Derek then? I mean, clearly you two bange—”
“Woah, no, stop!” Stiles said, waving his hands through the air. Erica narrowed her eyes but closed her mouth, and Stiles took a deep breath, rubbing a hand over his forehead. “I did not sleep with Derek.”
“I didn’t,” he hissed. “It was after Lydia’s party and I was drunk. I needed somewhere to crash.”
Erica raised an eyebrow. Stiles sighed.
“I almost passed out in the driveway and then nearly threw up all over him. Trust me, you menace, that’s about as far away from sleeping with Derek that I can possibly get.”
“Okay, then,” Erica said, studying him. “But you're definitely in love with him.”
Stiles opened his mouth to protest, then snapped it shut. And the beta’s face lit right back up as she laughed.
“Oh, I knew it! I am so going to win this bet.”
“Wait, what?”
“I mean, Boyd didn’t think it would happen until the end of summer,” Erica continued, completely ignoring him now. “And Isaac clearly has his head up his ass because he didn’t think it was going to happen at all—”
“Hold up,” Stiles said, cutting her off. “What are you talking about? What bet?”
Erica straightened. Then, she grinned.
“Nothing. No bet.”
“Oh, hell no,” Stiles said, shooting a look over his shoulder. Thankfully, no one seemed to have noticed them yet and he was going to get answers out of her before anyone could interrupt. Because if this was another one of the beta’s stupid pranks— “Erica, I swear to god, I’ll skin your little wolfy ass. Talk, now.”
“Well, see, it all started at the beginning of the summer…”
But suddenly, Erica’s eyes lit up and she trailed off, brushing around him. Protests already rising on his tongue, Stiles spun around after her. Only to freeze.
Derek stood a few feet away, hands behind his back as he glanced between them. Stiles was pretty sure his heart skipped at least two beats.
“Oh, alpha of mine,” Erica said, approaching Derek and giving him a sharp grin. “So good to see you. Also, I’m gonna go now.”
Derek raised an eyebrow and watched her move around him, head tilting slightly. Then he turned to look toward Stiles, who was starting to feel like he could be sick. “Er, yeah. Hey, Derek.”
“Was I interrupting?”
“Absolutely not.”
Stiles probably spoke too quickly because Derek’s eyebrows climbed even higher. Flushing, Stiles dropped his gaze and silently cursed himself. 
“I mean… no. You weren't.”
When he finally glanced up again, Derek still didn’t look very convinced. Biting down on his tongue, Stiles searched for any other kind of conversation diversion.
“So. Grilling.”
Derek’s expression turned even more incredulous, though his lips twitched a little. Stiles winced, turned his gaze downward again.
“I saw you and my dad earlier.”
“Oh. Yeah." Derek said thoughtfully. As if that wasn't disturbing news. "He offered me a position at the station two weeks ago. Deputy. I thought it was time I gave him an answer.”
Stiles’s head snapped back up so fast, he swore he heard something crack. “What?”
Derek slipped his hands into his pockets. “I’m taking it.”
“You’re— I— what?”
Derek didn't look too bothered by the fact that Stiles was nearly having a heart attack. But Stiles’s head spun and he felt a little bit confused, a little bit shocked, and kind of betrayed all at the same time. Because two weeks ago? That was plenty of time for his dad to at least mention something about possibly hiring Derek Hale.
“Now the house is built, I’m going to need to do something,” Derek said, studying him. “Over the summer and afterward.”
The moment the word left Stiles’s mouth, he felt like an idiot. Because, duh, they were all going to be spread out across the state pretty soon. Except for Lydia, of course, who was going multiple states away. But all this time, Stiles had imagined Derek being lonely and isolated in the Hale house when they were gone… 
And just like that, he felt like an even bigger idiot.
Looking at Derek with new eyes, Stiles suddenly remembered the past few months a little bit differently. 
Derek, working alongside his betas on the new house— all amused looks and soft smiles. Then, that one picture on the wall, right next to the lone chair that soon sat right alongside the rest of the furniture; with enough space for the rest of the pack to be right next to him. And even beyond that, the contented silence when they all went off to do their own thing. Like he knew they were going to be back, no matter what.
A lump formed in Stiles's throat and he stared at the man, feeling like an idiot. “You’re not lonely here."
Derek tilted his head. “No.”
“It’s home.”
Once more, Derek’s lips twitched. Stiles swallowed hard. 
“Last weekend…”
“You’re lucky I hadn’t taken the job offer yet.”
So, Stiles hadn’t made a fool out of himself that night. But maybe he’d been making a fool out of himself long before then, and ever since. He’d found it so easy to look at Derek Hale and think about all those years ago, like the man was still a part of the past. But maybe Stiles was still the one living back then, not Derek.
Glancing across the lawn, Stiles watched the others for a moment. Music floated through the air and he didn’t see a single person other than him and Derek standing apart from the crowd. And they were all different now, weren’t they? It’d been years.
Stiles took a small breath and glanced back toward the man. They were all different now.
“Do you want to dance?”
Derek’s eyes flickered and after a moment, the man nodded. Hands trembling nervously, Stiles followed him away from the edge of the lawn, back toward the others. Gaze drifting a little ways further, Stiles's stomach flipped to see Erica watching with a wide smirk and a wad of cash in hand.
And then, like the entire world thought this was amusing too, the music slowed.
Stiles froze, looking back at Derek. But the man just raised an eyebrow and Stiles thought that maybe he could die on the spot. Because there was nothing even hot about that look. No, Derek Hale was drop-dead gorgeous and Stiles couldn’t believe he was standing literally inches away from the man that he had somehow fallen in love with. And he hadn’t even done anything stupid yet.
Then Derek stepped closer, Stiles’s heart stopped, and he promptly tripped over his own feet, spilling right into the man.
Someone barked a mocking laugh to the side; it sounded suspiciously like Jackson. Wincing, Stiles pulled himself back up and slowly met Derek’s gaze again. 
“Let me.”
Fingertips brushed against his own and Stiles’s heart hammered against his chest as Derek took his hands. And shit, how many months ago had he been drooling over Derek like a teenager? Grey-green eyes danced in the glowing lights and Stiles remembered Lydia’s words faintly, flushing a little despite himself.
Give Derek something to drool over.
“You know, it's kind of unfair,” Stiles mumbled. “That you’re so freaking hot.”
“Oh, really?”
Stiles chewed on his lower lip, trying to avoid Derek's full-on gaze. “You know. Like, in a ‘I might be kind of in love with the big bad alpha of Beacon Hills’ way.”
Derek suddenly paused and Stiles’s throat tightened. 
“Only if that’s okay.”
Beyond them, the music had changed again, turning into something more lively. But Derek still didn’t move and Stiles forced himself to meet the man’s eyes once more, trying to expect literally anything— he didn’t even know what to hope for anymore.
Derek’s brows were furrowed. His expression was a little quiet, a little gentle.
“It’s about time.”
And Stiles blinked, mouth dropping open. But before he could even say a word, even wrap his mind around what had just been said, Derek was leaning forward and Stiles closed his mouth right back shut as warm lips brushed against his own.
In an instant, some part of his mind screeched. Some part logged off and logged back on again. And one more part replayed that one time he’d run into a wall after Derek had simply growled his name.
Then, Stiles fell right into the kiss and thought what had he even been feeling again? 
So much.
But when Derek kissed him for the first time that night, the first time since they'd met, all soft and warm with the Hale house lit up behind them and the smell of barbecue in the air, Stiles realized he only felt one thing right now.
It kind of felt like the future. Kind of felt like home.
There was another picture hanging on the living room wall after Stiles went off to college, right next to the one of the Hale family. In it, some eyes glowed kind of creepily, some eyes didn't. Some people were holding each other tightly, some weren't. But they were all side by side, and they were all smiling. Older Derek Hale was smiling, just like all those years ago.
Standing next to him, eyes glowing for completely non-werewolf-related reasons, Stiles Stilinski was too.
- -
A/N: so I kind of mixed and matched prompts for this and it ended up being waaay longer than I expected. But I hope it turned out alright? I adore you both @wolfile​ & @pickosita5stwin​ !
149 notes · View notes
asterekmess · 3 years
S3A - E9
The last episode took me Hours to get through with all my notes, let’s hope this one doesn’t hurt my fingers so bad.
My fingers hurt too much to come up with a clever pun so Read More:
This is a dumb first bullet point, but I love Tara’s hair. It looks like it’s braided or something, then in a bun at the back? I like it.
What exactly was the reasoning for her walking into the school alone like this? Let alone going That far into it? If it’s a 911 call that she’s so nervous about she has her hand on her gun, then shouldn’t there be more than one officer??
ALSO, that seems like Very Bad routine procedure? You got a 911 call (but we get no explanation as to what it was FOR) and the first thing you say when you see someone is “Why are you here?” shouldn’t you be asking “Who made the 911 call?” And then you tell them to leave, and to tell anyone Else they see to leave. When they could easily SEE the person you’re wanting to aim a gun at and TELL them to leave because there’s a cop in the school.
So I’m torn between Julia being just that sick and wanting to terrify each of her sacrifices (which...she talks about them like she’s Genuinely sad she had to kill them, but it was necessary to save the world, so that doesn’t sit right with me?) or fear being a Necessary part of the ritual, like, that the sacrifices Couldn’t be willing?
Honestly, Lyds, that’s so smart and reasonable. “I had to have the weird blackout to get here. YOU get to go find the body.”
What was the point of the staging in the shower room if she was gonna get thrown onto the sign?? Why move her at all?
ALSO if this is supposed to be a threefold death, then didn’t she do it wrong? She killed Tara by strangulating her, but didn’t do the head bash or the throat until after she’d moved her body, for some reason??? Don’t they need to happen like..near the same time?
No to mention that there wouldn’t be much blood bc her throat was slit After death, so the blood wasn’t pumping. Even laying her down wouldn’t render a large amount. But they’re going for horror, so...i guess i’ll let it pass.
Why does it feel like Julia is going after people close to STiles specifically? First Heather, now Tara? And then his Dad? That’s a weird coincidence when she’s got the entire town to choose from.
Also, sheriff, i love you, but ‘they’re not going to get away with killing one of our own.” is a REALLY fucked up line. Police getting pissed ONLY when other Police are the ones killed is SO FUCKED UP. Logistically, police are FAR more likely to get killed than citizens are, aren’t they? They’re the ones that’re supposed to be running into danger? Like, Soldiers don’t Only get pissed when other soldiers are killed, right? It’s literally like...your job to be in potentially fatal situations? that’s not even my point! My point is that your line implies that law enforcement was Half-assing it before a cop got killed. half a dozen people have died, so Beacon Hills should be Swarming with cops, but for some reason the big guns don’t come in until a cop dies? Your phrasing sucks, Noah. Were you gonna let them get away with it if they killed everybody BUT the cops? I’m being sarcastic on that last bit, btw.
I’ll admit, it’s nice to get some actual SUNSHINE in CALIFORNIA
Is Chris letting Allison stay home because she saw a dead body? FOr as long as she wants? I’m so confused, she’s seen Much worse things, shouldn’t it like raise an alarm that she’s choosing NOW to stay home?
Your badassery is tainted by the fact that you’re wearing a dress and fishnets, Allison. If you’re gonna go hunting put on some pants. or shorts AT LEAST. that’s just not Practical.
I love how blatant a lie Stiles is telling Julia in class. “do you play?” “No, my father does” when we Know he plays, and besides if his dad plays then stiles MUSt because that’s a two person thing most of the time? But no, he doesn’t want Julia to know Shit about him.
the loyalty of Lydia not going near Aiden after learning he killed Boyd is SO refreshing. I TOLD you, if she knew Aiden was a murderer she’d never have gotten with him in the first place.
NOt Derek. CORA. MY BABE BONDS FAST. (I mean, she was locked in a bank vault with him for however long)
FIrst off, I love Stiles losing his shit. Second, the acting here is so sub-par, and it looks like a writer’s mistake. okay, so, in acting, interruption is an ART. You have to let someone say enough to get their line across, but INterrupt them before they can finish in a way that looks natural. And you have to make sure not to come in late or you get an awkward pause (this is more common with newbies bc experience actors don’t stop their line, they keep it going until you figure it out.) So like The line is ...And shove it up your freaking--” Now, Scott needs to interrupt without being late, otherwise, unless Stiles Continues the line, he’ll pause after saying ‘freaking’ and it’ll be noticeable. here, the way scott interrupts him feels So Wrong, in part because he let’s Stiles get so far into his threat.
Also, I’m fucking pissed that Scott is downplaying how angry Stiles is. “okay, we get it.” is just...a garbage way to respond to a friend who’s hurting and clearly on edge, thinking Ethan is threatening him.
Exactly How do you “Know” Ethan didn’t want to kill Boyd? You weren’t there, fuckface.
Is this set after school? They’re shouting their heads off and no one’s coming? Even Stiles was shouting about wolfsbane.
Hearing Cora’s little gasp as her head hit the wall hurt my heart.
Normally I’d be pissed about the girl standing back and not doing anything, but Lydia would be ripped apart and I do not blame her for shouting from the sideline.
I don’t understand what the hell is going on with the Chris stuff. Like, I guess he’s supposed to be looking into it on his own, but that still doesn’t explain where he got the information on this very specific ritual.
But I do understand Allison’s hesitance to outright ask her father what the fuck he’s doing, since last time that happened she was taken to a chained up derek in an underground tunnel system. Finding out her family are monsters is kind of her entire life, unfortunately.
Honestly, fuck yes. Cora go off. Though, I’m sad that no one is mentioning Erica, like At All. You realize she ALSO died at the hands of the ALphas, right? why does no one mention her when they talk about getting revenge?
I...am not talking about this scene.
I gotta say that I enjoy the fact that Allison called Stiles. That’s just...that’s p cool. BUT while it’s cute that her contact picture is from her conversation with Stiles in s2, it’s weird bc it’s a screenshot of the show, and we know that Stiles wasn’t taking pictures at that moment. But the effort is sweet!
I will say that it’s interesting that Cora doesn’t fight Stiles about helping him with his dad. She just finished yelling at Scott, Lydia, and presumably Stiles, and she’s clearly unhappy with literally everyone but Derek, but she’s been very humoring of Stiles. In every scene together, even when she’s snarking at him, she’s not an Asshole.
This conversation with Morrell makes...no sense. Scott literally said in the last episode that good liars wouldn’t have jumping heartbeats when they lied. Then he immediately went to ask Morrell if she was the killer and believed her (even though she’s sketchy as fuck) just because her heart didn’t jump. Wtf?
“But if I kill someone, I can’t be a True Alpha, right?” WHO SAID THAT EVER? WHO TOLD YOU THAT? SINCE WHEN? WTF?
I don’t know if it was intentional (maybe they mention it, but i haven’t gotten that far) but technically having this history teacher disappear leaves an empty class for Kira’s dad to fill when she shows up. Which is neat.
I will forever be angry that Aiden is touching Lydia here. He shouldn’t be near her. And that’s not even me being cranky! She IS PISSED AT HIM. She was avoiding him before today and even then the only reason she went near him was to act as a distraction.
Also, again, I am amazed at Cora’s PATIENCE with Stiles here. Seriously, they’ve clearly been there for a while as Stiles tries to find the words, but Cora didn’t just get pissed stand up and say “I’m a werewolf. People are dying. Help.” She continued to wait for him to talk.
When does stiles rearrange his room? I swear in the beginning of this season it was still in the previous formation with the corner bed sticking out and the desk under the window. Now the desk is facing a totally different direction and his bed’s up against the wall. It’s great, but like, when does it happen? Isn’t this literally the second time we’ve seen his room the whole season?
that’s such a weird text. “Mr Westover Missing” like I don’t know if it’s from Lydia or Scott, but you’re allowed to add some detail? Your keystrokes aren’t limited and there are no government agencies watching your texts for information.
Oh, poor Cora. I honestly wasn’t expecting to bond with her so quickly when I first saw her, but there’s something about getting to see characters being calm that really helps me vibe with them? Like, when they’re nothing but Fight Fight Fight it’s hard to actually relate in any way, but when you actually get to see them talk or relax, then you worry about that being taken away from them.
However much I hate Isaac and everyone else Constantly saying “But I want Scott here. We should ask Scott, blah blah blah” I will say that it’s getting REALLY annoying that Allison’s entire personality is “I”m going to run in with almost zero backup bc I want to be powerful and strong, but then I have to be saved bc I refused to ask for help in the first place.”
Wtf do you mean ‘i’m not that good at this yet’ Isaac? You’ve been a werewolf for literally like 5 months, only like two months less than Scott, and you were LIVING with a born werewolf for that ENTIRE time.
Chris you were shooting at nothing for like two-thirds of that time. That was an empty room. ALSO, if you’ve been there the whole time, why did you wait until he was dead to come out shooting?
Chris yells “help Him” and you go run to stand next to his body without bothering to pull him off the cord around his neck? You realize he might not be completely dead right? Or is his throat already cut?
Also, I wanna note, it was daylight when Cora passed out. Now it’s dark! He went to the ER with her and STAYED with her. I get that people say STiles is kind of callous, but he Constantly goes out of his way for near strangers, and I don’t think that should be overlooked.
No youfcking wouldn’t have Chris, you had tons of time while they were using the garrotte and you just stood there. They came in just before the kill was done, and except for Tara Julia has been leaving people’s bodies where they fall so she wouldn’t left right after. You were NOT ‘this’ close.
Yeah, yeah, and you’re both fucking guilty of being incapable of conversation. Chris you are the adult here, fucking act like it. You had a million chances to confront your daughter and you didn’t. Apparently that’s a habit she picked up from you.
What are they talking about, Scott healing himself?? He was thrown back, he wasn’t injured. I literally just went back and rewatched that scene. He falls backward and he’s completely fine. Stiles, there are so many better instances you could point to. For example, things that actually Happened.
That line is never gonna not hurt.
Stop touching Danny. Stop being near Danny. You are a literal serial killer, get your hands off him. GOD. your brother literally said he would murder danny if he saw you with him anymore, why are you putting him in danger? FUck you.
.....okay, lydia’s speech was meaningful until she fucking turned it into scott worship. Why couldn’t you have stopped at letting her say “maybe I’ll find them before it happens” Why couldn’t it be about HER for once? Why did you have to make it about how everyone thinks sunshine comes out Scott’s ass even though he’s literally not done a single thing to warrant it. He hasn’t Saved Anyone. He hasn’t done Anything to warrant all this trust. Lydia wasn’t there when he made Derek kill Gerard. SHE was the one to save Jackson. And Scott was the one who had to be saved BOTH when Allison had to stitch him up and when Stiles had to go after him in the gasoline. Jackson is the one who saved Lydia when Peter went after her. Scott Didn’t save deaton, that was Noah. He wasn’t the one who killed Peter, that was a combination of Stiles and Jackson’s molotovs and Derek’s claws. Scott wasn’t even the one to protect Lydia when Derek and the pack went after her, that was Stiles, Allison, and Jackson. SHe had no idea that Scott was even THERE until she ran out of the house. Scott didn’t stop Matt, that was Allison’s family scaring him off and then Gerard killing him. THe only possible thing that could count was him saving the two little kids while Boyd and Cora were running around in the woods, and Lydia doesn’t even KNOW about that. Scott has canonically done NOTHING worth all this faith and ‘leader’ nonsense.
were...were they hinting at a Scott/Lydia relationship before they brought Kira in? Holding hands isn’t really a friend thing...?
That....is the softest most broken little ‘hey’ that I’ve ever heard and I’m Instantly on the verge of tears, holy shit.
Derek, honey, what do you mean ‘not again’? You’ve never left Cora, unless you count moving to New York with Laura and Cora was in South America! This line would make so much more sense if they’d given us Any idea what happened to Cora after the fire.
Normally, i’d be annoyed that Melissa is just ignoring the laws about paperwork. I’d even be annoyed that she did it for the Sheriff. BUT, Melissa is in the know about the supernatural and she KNOWS that the murders are supernatural. I’m sorry but Supernatural needs trump human laws. Melissa is totally a boss for this.
EYYYY actual druid (specifically magician druids) thing they got right (though i’m not sure it was on purpose). Magician Druids were Very Well Known for their nature magic. For causing storms and droughts and high winds and fog. The building storm around the school is like, Peak magician magic.
God, it really....it really grinds my gears watching Isaac’s progression toward the most abuse he can find. You notice how, in season 2 when Derek was attacking the Betas on the regular and doing awful shit like breaking Isaac’s hands, Isaac was loyal as Fuck to him? (right up until randomly going to Scott to decide whether to leave town) Then, this season, we start off with Derek being pretty fucking gentle, there’s no indication that he’s been continuing the abuse. Isaac questions his command and Derek’s response is ‘do you trust me?’ to which Isaac easily says yes. In fact, Isaac asks Derek to be the one to hurt him for the memory seeking thing, and Derek refuses because he wants to do what’s Safer for Isaac.Then he throws the glass and Isaac bails bc it’s a direct reminder of what his dad did. Only he goes to Scott, who was incredibly violent toward him in the previous season. (And who we know will be violent toward him in the future as well) But the only time he lists away from Scott, is to go after Allison, who Tackled him to the ground and held a knife to his throat, and whose father inherently hates werewolves and is a constant danger to him. Yet he never goes in the direction of people who Haven’t hurt him. He could go to Deaton, who’d taught him the pain-drain thing and was nothing but kind to him in that short time. He could’ve gone to Boyd after Derek’s lashing out, his pack member, who would never hurt him. Hell, he hates Stiles’ guts, but he could still have gone to him. Stiles was the one to help Derek free him from Jail after all, and he’s not wanted anymore so Noah wouldn’t have anything against him. Stiles may have threatened Isaac to keep him from hurting Lydia, but he never personally laid a hand on him. But he went to Scott. Someone who’s beaten him bloody multiple times.
So, really focusing on the details here, but on Julia’s death record, her  ‘jane doe’ occupation is listed as “Child” Oh, and apparently there was Froth present on the body.
Okay, so I think I understand what they’re saying. The reason Julia lived after getting to the hospital was because the birds sacrificed themselves and their life force kept her holding on. Now, either this was a spontaneous thing, and the birds did it For her. Or she Made them, because we know she doesn’t need to Be There to control weird shit. She could’ve set it up before she left the Nemeton or passed out or whatever. My confusion is. If that’s the explanation for the bird suicides, then what the Fuck happened on the first day when all the birds came crashing through the window?? There was no reason for that to happen. She was totally fine! And doing it to frighten people doesn’t make sense because she set off the radars of everything supernatural in town. (And Stiles.)
This kind of mass mind-control is kind of insane and makes the situation with Derek just That much more awful. I am so sickened.
Now, on the subject of the chanting, I assume it’s part of the ritual since it’s present at the deaths so much. The question is, where did Julia Get it? THOUGHTS: This chant isn’t present at any of the virgin kills. It’s not there with Heather, and while we don’t see the boy at the pool’s abduction/death, Emily Also didn’t hear it during her hallucination. What if it’s part of the virgin sacrifice perk? Like, Julia could Only Use it after killing the virgins, because it’s got some kind of mind-control thing about it?
Wh--why didn’t Julia tape her arms down before she woke up? Why make the garrotte before ensuring her victim couldn’t Punch her in the face??
I thought you JUST said she wasn’t going to be a sacrifice?
Still confused. You didn’t sacrifice Lydia, so that doesn’t count as the third philo, but then the teacher who died onstage wasn’t a threefold death, or the hanging thing, they just got their throat cut and they were poisoned. So....what? Was that supposed to count as your sacrifice?
Nobody TOUCHES Noah, who managed to be the only fucking cop on tv i’ve ever seen follow sensible procedure which is to shoot them in the fucking leg when they walk toward you menacingly, rather than threatening to shoot them in the head and doing nothing.
Final Thoughts:
There was a lot in this episode that didn’t make sense. It’s very clearly an amping up for the finale thing, but it’s annoying that after all this time they’ve essentially made the Alpha pack a time waster. The whole thing with getting Derek in the pack is relatively meaningless now that there’s a Darach going after the Alphas. I dunno, feels kinda off.
Anyway, onward.
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cinematicnomad · 3 years
1, 7, 25 for the fanfic end of year ask :)
001. favorite fic you wrote this year i have a soft spot for take my hand (take my everything) which was the first fic i wrote this year! and kind of the first step back into writing creatively on something new that wasn’t the 7 year monster sterek fic. also my first foray into 9-1-1 fic and was just a lot of fun! 
007. longest completed fic you wrote this year the longest fic i wrote was my second for the year! so show me (family) wound up being around 16k+ for 9-1-1 which kind of burst out of me over the course of one 48 hour window unlike take my hand which took a few weeks to crank out. 
025. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read SO MANY FICS DUDE!!! i’m gonna rec a couple, some that i re-read this year and some that i discovered for the first time, all from a variety of fandoms. BUT heads up, you didn’t specify a fandom so it’s gonna be a little scattered. also someone else sent me this same question but specified 9-1-1, so i’m gonna reserve those recs for that ask. GET READY!!
and this, your living kiss by opal_bullets (7/7 | 84k+ | M) destiel; AU: college/university; john winchester’s A+ parenting; angst with a happy ending
only a very few people in the world know that the celebrated and reclusive poet jack allen is just kansas mechanic dean winchester, a high school dropout with a few bucks to his name. not that it matters anymore; life has left him so wrung out he never wants to pick up another pen.
until, that is, a string of coincidences leads dean to auditing a poetry course with one dr. castiel novak. the professor is wildly intelligent, devastatingly handsome...and just so happens to be academia’s foremost expert on the poetry of jack allen.
note: i discovered this fic back in the pre-pandemic times of feb 2020 and i’ve read this fic TWICE since, leaving a lengthy comment each time. the poetry in the fic itself is stunningly gorgeous and i have a habit of reading it out loud to myself while reading bc it begs to be heard. this fic is seriously beautiful and makes me want to read all the poet!dean au’s out there in the world. unfortunately there aren’t that many so i just keep coming back to this well. i don’t think i can express enough how much i love this fic. 
lost time by ARCurren (105/105 | 350k+ | T)  bransonxsybil; AU: canon divergent; outsider POVs; original characters; slow burn
the story of a free spirit who was asked to give up the man she loved for a system she didn’t believe in and what happened next. AU after 3.04. 
note: did i think, when i stumbled across this fic years ago, that it would wind up being one of my all time favorites that i return to time and again to re-read? never. did i re-read it for like the dozenth time this year?? 110%. this fic is everything i want from fanfiction—it’s beautifully written, expands on canon, and shows me all the hidden moments the cameras never did (not to mention it’s historically accurate and delves deep into irish politics of the time). the first third or so of this fic is all about tom and sybil’s slow burn romance at downton, but the fic really bursts into its own when we follow the two to dublin and get introduced to all of the author’s deliciously detailed oc’s. heads up warning: this fic was never officially completed, though the final chapter is a beautifully written summary of the final arc of the fic. even so, it’s fucking worth it. 
misfire by mothlights & unpossible (6/6 | 28k+ | T) sterek; time travel; angst with a happy ending; alive hale family; magic; alternating POV
“the debt must be repaid,” she says, and it has the weight of a vow. the words resonate through him, ringing through his ribcage and the bones of his jaw, and stiles loses his breath and maybe his grip on reality because she draws herself upright and where there had once stood a supermodel-level MILK now there is galadriel’s much hotter older sister, a presence of unmistakable power in their ordinary, smells-vaguely-of-thai-takeout hallway. 
“oh shit,” stiles says. 
note: this fic is the first in the misfire ‘verse and i need you to understand that it literally broke me when i binge read these fics a month or so ago. i am a sucker for a solid time travel fic especially bc there are such few good ones in fandom. but this gets at the heart of it all by exploring the idea of stiles getting the chance to save derek’s family and taking it...after he and derek are romantically together in his true timeline and then actually dealing with the ramifications of how that alters everything and how stiles survives in this new present where he and derek are virtual strangers. everyone should definitely read this, but you should also know that i fucking sobbed while reading the sequel (which also has a happy ending, but really digs deep into the nitty gritty angst of the repercussions). 
map of the world by seperis (11/11 | 154k+ | M)  destiel; end!verse; alternate universe; canon divergent; original characters; slow burn
the world’s already over and they’re already dead. all they’re doing now is marking time until the end. 
note: look, if you don’t know about down to agincourt by @seperis, what are you doing with your life?? the series is over 1M+ words so far, the fic author is on book 4 out of a planned 8, and it’s fucking phenomenal. i know i’ve tagged a couple of these recs as slow burn but...this is the slowest slow burn to ever burn. canon!dean travels back into the end!verse timeline just as lucifer kills dean and somehow cas made it out alive and has to keep dean safe while he learns to become his end!verse counterpoint. the world building in this series is intense and i cannot recommend it enough. i’m still in the midst of my re-read bc it’s SUCH an endeavor but i highly recommend it to everybody. 
invictus by ellanasan (116/116 | 355+ | M) hayffie; au: alive abernathy family; pre-hunger games; canon prostitution; slow burn
“so then, before i can even think about doing something stupid like trying to stab him with his fucking golden paperknife, he gives me a choice, see?” haymitch continued, almost detached. “either i play nice like all the other victors or he’ll kill my family. i could either become his puppet—greatest punishment he could give me, according to him—or i could become the example.”
AU in which haymitch’s family lives.
note: hello, have you ever wondered what the hunger games series would be like if haymitch’s family were alive? i fucking hadn’t until 2 years ago when i stumbled across this fic and fell head over heels in love with this ship. @ellanainthetardis is my go to hunger games fic writer for anything exploring canon and i’m obsessed with anything she writes about the OG victors pre-canon (finnick, joanna, chaff, etc). this fic is just 300k+ exploring that world and all the intricate details of how cruel the games could really be. HIGHLY recommend. i definitely re-read it this fall when i needed a pick me up.
don’t know what i’m supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you) by crazyassmurdererwall (1/1 | 30k+ | T) sterek; canon divergent; angst with a happy ending; ghosts; stiles POV
stiles sees dead people. yep. seriously.
(he’s got this. he’s totally got this. so what if one of them is derek’s mom?)
note: did you know that @crazyassmurdererwall is one of my all time favorite people? and that she’s wicked talented? and that in our spare time she’ll send me a billion fic ideas that are amazing and i get to hear all the intricate details of her plot bunnies? but i digress. this fic is one of my all time fave sterek fics i’ve re-read it sooo many times. there’s just something about the heartache and stiles’ insecurity and the way he tries to shoulder it all on his own. and then there’s alli’s brilliant writing, the way she weaves through a scene and paints a picture just so and manages to tug at your heart strings with her precise word choice. there’s some amazing world building in this fic as it explores this other facet of the supernatural that canon teen wolf never touched upon, and i’m so grateful for that bc alli is the only one who should be allowed to write about ghosts and teen wolf together. 
lagavulin and guinness by snarfle (10/10 | 163k+ | explicit) hartwin; slow burn; PTSD; suicidal thoughts; graphic depictions of violence; domestic abuse
plenty of people had looked down on eggsy throughout his life. he had gotten fairly used to it. didn’t mean it was fair, but he knew how these things worked. what really sucked was that the new arthur was worse than the old one.
“eggsy grimaced. he didn’t know how to explain to harry—who seemed like he hadn’t been discriminated against a day in his life—that the new arthur kept giving him what amounted to suicide missions, and that he was currently bleeding out in a warehouse because of the deliberately bad intel she had given him.”
also featuring: dean is harder to get rid of than eggsy thought, his mum is going off the deep end, there are way too many nefarious plots in play, and eggsy is really beginning to wish that harry would stop holding his hand and kiss him instead.
note: look, i know i recced this literally less than a week ago but i ALSO stayed up til 5AM re-reading this last night and it was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. i was on a bit of a kingsman kick earlier this year, so i’ve actually re-read this fic TWICE so far in 2020. i will give you a serious warning in that this fic delves deep into domestic abuse through the lens of a variety of different relationships. it also explores the potential for abuse in hartwin, bc this fic is one of the few that actually commits to the fact that they’re literal spies who murder people. actively. a lot. but seriously, this fic is one of my fave in the fandom and i STRONGLY recommend it. 
waste of breath by bryrosea (1/1 | 22k+ | M) loganxveronica; canon compliant; missing scenes; navy; past child abuse
logan echolls, the nine years, and the navy.
note: bryrosea has an obscene number of amazing logan and veronica fics (her canon divergent series stay with me is another i re-read this year), but i’ve found myself returning to this fic a lot over the years. i’m a sucker for canon compliant fics that explore the missing scenes in between canon and this fic hits all the right buttons by diving deep into how logan echolls went from being a trash fire at hearst college at the end of s3 to being a decorated navy pilot by the movie. it explores logan seeking out therapy and making a life for himself that he can be proud of, all while pining after the girl who got away. and bc this author is amazing, she followed it up with a sequel from veronica’s point of view in the series done by only me. 
the law of equivalent exchange by awed_frog (8/8 | 60k+ | M) destiel; POV castiel; pre-canon; post-canon; canon compliant; immortality; reincarnation
“and what’s the point of it?”
“of love? there isn’t one. loving is its own purpose.” 
note: i mean??? i don’t really know what to say except that this is one of the truly most beautiful fics i have ever read. it follows castiel through time as he meets different reincarnations of sam and dean across history and falls ever more deeply in love. it is achingly tender and so ecstatically written that i die just thinking about it. and that summary? i mean. holy fuck break my heart why don’t you? i don’t know how i missed out on this fic for so long since it was published in 2015 but i only learned about it for the first time back in july and it was. life changing?? when the fic finally reaches the canon timeline and he meets THIS dean it’s peak yearning. 10/10 will read again.
ahead in the count by elisela (17/17 | 50k+ | E) sterek; AU: sports; pitcher!stiles; teacher!derek; long distance relationship; getting together
“yankee fan,” derek says, laughing when stiles makes a disgusted face. “the bronx bombers, stiles, you can’t be a new yorker and—”
“stop talking right now,” stiles sighs, shaking his head. “i can’t believe i still want to kiss you after that,” he says, pulling derek in by his coat. “this is making me rethink everything.” 
“i’ll never watch them again,” derek promises, and stiles laughs against his mouth. 
or: stiles is a starting pitcher for the NY mets when he meets and falls in love with derek. derek doesn’t know. 
note: i read SO MANY of @elisela’s 911 fics this summer, which i loved, and then she got into teen wolf and started writing sterek and i just about died. this fic is amazing, one of my fave sterek AU’s that i’ve read in years. it’s just the right amount of drama and angst and fluff filled with all the joys of miscommunication and character relationships that makes reading sterek such a joy. reading this fic and finding out eli needed fic recs pushed me to dive back in to reading sterek fics for a bit this fall so i can say with the utmost authority that this is one of the best i’ve read in a long time. 
i used to think one day we’d tell the story of us by notequitegucci (2/2 | 32k+ | M) gendrya; alternate universe—modern setting; outsider POV; friends to lovers; friends to lovers
9 times a stark encounters gendry + 1 time he meets the starks.
note: again, this is the first in a 2 part series titled love me like you do that explores arya and gendry’s dynamics together through the point of view of her family. game of thrones ended last year with a whimper but i keep returning to the gendrya tag on ao3 to seek out new, amazing content and also to re-read some old favorites. i can’t remember if i came across this for the first time last year or this one, but i’ve read it and re-read it more times than i can count since and i love it more than i can describe. i’m a total sucker for outsider POV fics and my biggest pet peeve in canon is the fact that none of the stark’s ever found out that arya and gendry had a history together. this modern au fic almost makes up for it by giving me a gendry encounter with every family member and then the big reveal. it’s peak content. 
theeeeeeese recs got a little away from me. i wasn’t originally intending on adding lengthy notes to each entry but ... oh well!! these are all amazing so please enjoy. 
fanfic end of the year asks
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lavender-lotion · 3 years
3, 4, 16 (DON'T say cherik), 22, 28
oh my god i absolutely hate you for asking me these aha you’re my favourite person in the entire world 
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
to date, it’s been X-Men (alt timeline movies, ofc) despite the rocky beginning I had. in this fandom I’ve learned so much about my own writing, and my writing style has grown SO greatly since I first joined and has taken shape into... well whatever the hell it is now, which is something I really like (most of the time)!
I fairly quickly created a small, tight circle of people I really enjoy being around in this fandom, and have since cultivated my own little fandom space that I really, really enjoy. it’s filled with people I love chatting with, people as open-minded as accepting as I am, and it’s a place that I strive to make feel welcoming for all who join, as well! I run an 18+ X-Men Alternative Timeline Movies focused discord, so if you’re interested, join us here! 
I am trying to branch back out into The Fandom a little more after feeling a type of way for some time, and I’m honestly enjoying that a lot too! it’s been interesting to follow some more folk, and I’m really happy to see my dash start to thicken up after being close to barren for so long. 
currently, I have a small group of close friends I care a great deal for (hi, Mid!) that has absolutely made this fandom into one of the best i’ve been involved in. 
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
very very very simplified and slightly unture answer: no. every single bad experience has taught me something that I’ve carried into my other fandom experiences, just like life lmao, but for more of a meaty answer to this question: yes. 
so much yes. 
I have SO MUCH regret around teen wolf, actually, for so many different reasons, but I’ve also learned SO much. seeing a server ran in a way I Did Not Like has helped me better mod my own fandom spaces, and I am very anti-totalitarianism and am VERY against showing abject favouritism to specific members, while I also always try incredibly hard to ensure no one feels ignored. I was reminded of how finicky friendships are, and learned not to be the person who puts in the sole work to keep ‘em going (and how to recognize if I am) because... when you stop the friendship might stop, too. I learned NOT to hit on close friends, no matter how much I might want to, and I learned the importance of open, clear and precise communication in romantic endeavours, which was actually a very good life lesson because I’d never been in a situation that could teach me it before. I’ve learned, or, am LEARNING, not to let personal experiences with one-on-one relationships taint my view of a fandom—this one is hard, and is something I am trying very, very hard to work through as I’ve recently been hit with a very strong and very sudden wave of inspiration for teen wolf.
but like, with that all said, I still absolutely LOVE the teen wolf fandom and have had so many amazing amazing amazing experiences that I wouldn’t change for all the bad, and that the bad experiences are really localized to the ship-focused spaces I was in and the personal relationships that I had, NOT with the fandom as a whole which I am slowly dipping my toes back into! I learned so much about myself and my writing during my time in the fandom, and that is another thing I absolutely wouldn’t change for the world. I am over the moon that I’m writing here again, honestly, and the reception I’ve gotten has been SO insanely amazing. 
starker is another one I regret-but-don’t-totally-regret-because-I-learned-shit. starker taught me the importance of 18+ fan spaces, and showed me what can happen when people... aren’t careful. when mods are minors themselves. I learned that cross-generational nsfw spaces are a RED flag, and that they mean GET OUT, and that anyone who would willingly allow minors and adults to mingle over explicit content are people I Do Not Want To Be Around. I learned a lot about myself there on an interpersonal scale, and I found out a lot about my sexuality and kink preferences, too (which was a wild time). while I do very much enjoy the lessons I learned from being in the space I was in, I could do without some of the more negative things I witnessed, even if they taught me a lot. 
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
SINCE I CAN’T SAY CHERIK I’m going to have to dig a little deeper and talk about Sterek, lmao. I was really, really, really into Sterek starting around... 2014? I read... fuck tons. absolutely insane amounts of Sterek fic. and I wanna say... around 2015? maybe? there was a really popular trope in Sterek, wherein Derek would push Stiles away (by being mean, by pretending to date one of the Pack (usually Erica), by bullying him, by telling him the pack didn’t want him, etc, etc) so that he could... keep Stiles safe? it almost always went the same way. there is a threat no one told Stiles about, Derek did “what he had to do” to keep Stiles safe (i.e cutting him off from all his friends and massive, obvious crush) and then when Stiles got hurt, the pack would come to his rescue and save him (only after Stiles got a little beat up), and then Derek would care for him, or not leave his side, or check up on him, and Stiles would wonder why he cared after everything that had happened and... bam. Derek would admit his undying love. And Stiles would just like forgive him and they’d get together and be happily ever after as a pack and...
that was so damaging lmao??? I can’t even tell you how many fics fitting into this trope that I read, to the point where I was like... “wow Derek loves Stiles so much he’s such an amazing person for keeping him safe by pushing him away and making him feel isolated and alone and hated” BUT LIKE WHAT. WHAT. that’s horrible??? so so so horrible??? I am so fucking thankful it isn’t something I really saw too much of when I came back around to the fandom around 2017, but.... oh boy. for a ship that I considered an OTP and read like the entire tag of, I have VERY few sterek fics of substance (when compared to the rest of my teen wolf writing) and this is the reason why. 
this trope and it’s absolutely ludicrous popularity a few years ago really, really turned me off the ship. 
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
content-wise: no. very, very easy no. I don’t regret any of the pairings or kinks I’ve written & I don’t think I ever will (I’m very anti-shame, lmao. if you like it, flaunt it). 
but... I do regret some of the emotional labour I’ve put into works? the emotional attachment I have with certain fics, or genres, or pairings, and how I’ve tied them to a specific person or persons. like, I can’t write ageplay anymore, because of how strong the association of ageplay is to someone I cared for deeply and no longer have in my life (and even if I ever manage to write it in general, I’ll never be able to write Steter ageplay). I have 13k of a fic that was supposed to be a surprise gift to a close friend that I hadn’t heard from in... ages, to the point where I gave up on sending the occasional monthly-message. I have one thing I wrote for a dear friend (who never interacted with it) and now I can’t help but feel like the story is awful, despite not doing horrifically stat-wise.  
I write because I love it. I write for people I care about, because writing is a labour of love, and it’s a way I can show them how much I care for them, but... sometimes that bites me in the ass, I guess. 
I’m working on it, lol. 
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
god okay there is NOTHING better than the idea of this. I’ve had a few mood boards made for me here and there, which are always SO loved and cherished and massively appreciated down to my BONES, but I don’t know if I’ve... ever really gotten fan art? I had someone make some really, really cool like... OG bit-moji type art of a couple of my fics, which is amazing and I have it on my phone still, and @hd-hale once drew me a GORGEOUS sheriff stilinski inspired by Daddies’R’Us, but to get FAN ART i would CRY lmao
right now, I think something from to love and be loved by you would feel really, really extra special because even at 6/17 chapters posted, it’s my longest work ever. what would it be a picture of?? hell if i fucking know but probably something that hasn’t happened yet, lmao
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stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (A Stiles Stilinski Fanfic) - Chapter 5
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless
A/N: Night School is one of my fave episodes but also has a lot happening so I had to cut it down some! Really excited for the next chapter though :)
Chapter 5: Punching
(Season 1, Episodes 5, 6, 7)
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After their free period trip, which included a drugged Lydia getting way too close to Stiles and a terrifying picture found on her phone, Ramie and Stiles headed to the Stilinski’s to try and get a hold of Scott and tell him what they found on Lydia’s phone.
“That has to be the alpha,” Stiles told Ramie, slamming the door to his room behind the two of them.
“Obviously,” Ramie replied, dropping her backpack on the ground. “20 bucks Scott is with Allison. It’s her birthday.”
“I don’t care who he’s with, he just needs to answer the phone,” Stiles said, his phone up to his ear as he paced back and forth across his room. “Hey, it’s me again,” He said to Scott’s voicemail. “Look Raim and I found something and we don’t know what to do, just please call back. Or else, I’ll kill you.”
“Stiles,” Ramie sighed. Stiles gave her a death glare and she rolled her eyes back at him, laying back onto his bed. Stiles sat down on his desk chair, laying his head on the back of it.  A knock on his door made them both jump as Stiles’ dad entered the room.
“Ramie, hi,” Noah said, giving her a smile. “Didn’t know you were here. Where’s Scott?”
“Long story,” Stiles huffed. “What’s up?”
“Please tell me I’m going to hear good news at this parent teacher conference tonight,” Noah sighed. Ramie scoffed.
“Depends on how you define good news,” Stiles said.
“I define that as you getting straight A’s with no behavioral issues,” Noah said, glancing at Ramie who now had her hand over her mouth.
“You might want to rethink that definition,” Stiles said, pulling a face as his Dad sighed again. Noah looked between Ramie, who was trying to hold back a laugh, and his son.
“Enough said,” Noah nodded, leaving the room. He went to close the door behind him but then glanced between Stiles and Ramie, and opened it all the way. Stiles didn’t notice this at all, but Ramie did. Did Noah really think something was going to happen between her and Stiles? The boy caught her attention, pushing away her thoughts as he checked his phone again, groaning.
“Stiles I should go,” Ramie got up off the bed.
“What? Why?”
“My Mom’s home tonight because of conferences and I told her I’d be home for dinner,” Ramie told him as she grabbed her backpack. “I’ll call you if I hear from Scott, okay?” Stiles grunted and Ramie walked over to him, giving him a small pat on the shoulder before leaving his room and heading home.
Stiles and Ramie were already in class when Scott showed up the next morning. Stiles was blaming Scott for his Dad getting hurt the night before, and had offered to bring Ramie to school, but not Scott. Ramie glanced behind her at Stiles when Scott entered the room. Stiles saw Scott and rolled his eyes, blowing a sharp breath of air out of his mouth.
“Play nice,” Ramie raised her eyebrows at Stiles, who ignored her. Ramie heard the two boys bickering throughout class about Stiles’ dad and Derek, but kept her head towards the front of the room. However, at the end of the day when Ramie was waiting for Stiles to drive her home after the detention he and Scott had earned themselves, the two seemed back to normal. Over the course of the day, Stiles and Scott had figured out that Allison actually helped control Scott’s ability to hold back a shift, not make it worse as they previously thought. It’s like she held him down, kept him grounded.
Stiles and Scott took off after dropping Ramie at home, who decided she was going to stay out of whatever they were getting themselves into that night and do homework. However,  when she got a text from Stiles at 10 that night saying he needed to see her at the school, Ramie of course went, against her better judgement. She told herself she was going in case something serious was going on, but she knew deep down she was in so deep with him, like Danny had said.
She called Lydia to ask for a ride, since her Mom had the car at work and Stiles was the only other person who ever drove Ramie anywhere. Lydia was with Jackson, much to Ramie’s dismay, but a ride was a ride so she accepted Lydia’s offer for the two of them to pick her up. When they three of them pulled up to the school, they noticed the front doors open and swaying slightly in the wind. Ramie knew back entrances that didn’t usually get locked, so she figured she would get in through one of those, until she saw the doors wide open. And something felt off.
“Why did you come here again?” Jackson asked, getting out of the car with Ramie. Lydia gave a huff and unbuckled, quickly following the two of them around to the front of the car.
“Stiles asked me to,” Ramie said, eyeing the school, wondering if maybe Stiles was waiting for her in the front hall, which was why the doors were open. She started walking towards the school, the other two following her.
“He asked you to meet him here, alone?” Lydia asked, a smirk crossing her face. Ramie rolled her eyes.
“I’m sure Scott’s here too,” She shot a glare towards Lydia. Ramie had never explicitly told Lydia about her feelings for Stiles, but the strawberry blonde wasn’t as clueless as she pretended to be in front of Jackson.
“Ew, you’re gonna hook up with that spaz with your brother around?” Jackson raised his eyebrows at Ramie.
“No!” Ramie nearly yelled. “Stiles and I are not hooking up, now, or ever. He’s my best friend.” “He totally likes you,” Lydia nearly sang. Ramie ignored her.
“Yeah, I’ve definitely seen him check out your ass a time too many,” Jackson scoffed. Ramie stopped on the stairs and turned around, giving Jackson a glare. He shrugged.
“You’re delusional,” Ramie nodded towards Jackson. He scoffed back. “He has a fat crush on your girlfriend, not me.” Ramie turned on her heel and started walking back towards the school again. Ramie had told Lydia many times that Stiles had a crush on her, but apparently Jackson hadn’t been let in on this information, because Ramie could hear him bickering with Lydia about Stiles as they made their way to the school.
“You guys can go now, I’ll get a ride home with Stiles,” Ramie said, turning when she go to the top of the stairs. Jackson went to turn and leave but Lydia grabbed his arm.
“Absolutely not,” She said, pulling his arm as she walked up the rest of the stairs. “This feels weird, I’m not letting you go in by yourself.” Ramie opened her mouth to protested but Lydia walked past her, holding Jackson’s hand and dragging him into the school. Ramie followed the couple with a sigh, looking around the lobby. It looked like no one was around.
“Stiles?” Ramie called into the darkness. Her voice echoed through the empty lobby.
“I don’t like this,” Lydia stated.
“You’re being dramatic,” Jackson rolled his eyes at his girlfriend. Ramie shushed them both, thinking she heard something. Lydia shrieked as someone burst through the doors to the left, that lead further down the hall. It was Stiles and Scott, looking very confused. It was Ramie’s turn to jump as a door burst open behind her, the one that lead to the pool. However again, it was someone they knew, Allison.
“What are you guys doing here?” Scott looked at all of them.
“You asked me to come,” Ramie and Allison said at the same time, Allison looking at Scott and Ramie looking at Stiles. Both boys furrowed their brows.
“I just got dragged here against my will,” Jackson said, earning a glare from everyone in the group. Ramie pulled out her phone and showed Stiles and Scott the text she received from Stiles, Allison doing the same. They both were exactly the same, yet both of the boys said they never sent it.
“Can we just go now, I’m freaked out,” Lydia said, walking towards the doors. Before anyone could answer, there was banging coming from above them. Ramie saw Allison grab Scott’s hand and Stiles’s stepped closer to Ramie, looking at Scott.
“Run!” Scott yelled, turning to run down the hallway. Stiles grabbed Ramie’s wrist, tugging her after them and Jackson and Lydia followed behind. The six sprinted through the school, looking for somewhere to hide. Ramie didn’t look behind her as Stiles dragged her along, but she definitely heard growling from whatever it was that was following them. Ramie assumed it must be the alpha. They finally rushed into a classroom, throwing things up against the door to block out whatever was chasing them.
“Guys,” Stiles called, no one listening as they kept stacking desks and chairs in front of the door. Ramie turned to him, her gaze following his. He was staring at the opposite wall, which was entirely made of windows. Glass certainly wouldn’t keep out what was following them. Ramie and Stiles both continued to try and get everyone else’s attention, which didn’t work until Stiles yelled at all of them.
“Great job guys, really, great work, but what should we do about the 20 foot wall of windows?” He dramatically gestured towards the wall.
“Shit,” Jackson muttered. And Ramie nodded, as if to agree with him.
“Can someone please tell me what’s going on because I’m really freaked out,” Allison said, near tears and clutching Scott’s arm. Lydia was clinging to Jackson and Ramie suddenly felt awkward, taking a step away from Stiles and sitting down on top of a desk, rubbing her hands over her face. Scott gave Stiles a panicked look, walking over to the desk next to Ramie’s and leaning over, putting his elbows on it and placing his head in his hands.
“Somebody killed the janitor,” Stiles said suddenly, walking forward. Ramie noticed his hand scratching at the side of his jeans and knew he was either extremely nervous, or lying. Or both. Lydia let out a squeak that almost sounded like a “what?” “Yeah, he’s dead.” Stiles continued, Scott visibly shaking and not saying a word. Ramie hopped off the desk and walked over to him, rubbing his back.
“Who did it?” Allison asked.
“No this was supposed to be over,” Lydia stuttered. “After the mountain lion this-“
“Don’t you get it, there was no mountain lion,” Jackson interrupted her.
“Who is it?” Allison said, a little too loudly for Ramie’s liking, considering they were supposed to be hiding. Allison’s eyes didn’t leave the back of Scott’s head, who was still breathing heavy despite Ramie’s attempt to comfort him. She could see he was on the verge of tears. “Scott!”
“Uh, I, I don’t know,” Scott stammered, turning around but not looking anyone in the eye. “If we go out there he’s gonna kill us.”
“Us? Who?” Lydia questioned, still clung to Jackson.
“Who is it?” Allison demanded, looking between Scott and Stiles. Stiles’ mouth opened and closed a few times, clearly thinking of something to say.
“It’s Derek Hale,” Scott said after a second. Ramie’s head snapped to him, probably too quickly. She made eye contact with Stiles, who looked just as shocked as she was. “It’s been Derek the whole time, he’s killed everyone. And if we don’t get out of here, he’s going to kill us too.”
After Lydia attempted to call the police, much to Stiles’ dismay, and failed, Ramie, Stiles, and Scott were bickering as quietly as possible in the corner of the classroom.
“Derek? That's the best you could do?” Ramie glared at her brother. “You could’ve just said it was a stranger.”
“It doesn’t matter, Derek’s dead anyways so they’ll never know the difference,” Scott explained.
“Dead?” Ramie said, probably a bit too loudly. Stiles reached out quickly, putting a hand over her mouth. He dropped it after a second and gave the two boys a sheepish look. “The alpha killed him?” The boys nodded at her.
“Okay, assheads,” Jackson stepped towards the trio. “How about Stiles just calls his useless Dad and he can get us out of here.” Stiles rolled his neck and tightened his jaw, giving Jackson a glare.
“Watch your fucking mouth,” Ramie said, stepping towards Jackson.
“He’s right,” Scott said to Stiles as he grabbed Ramie’s arm, not allowing her to step closer to Jackson.. “Tell him the truth if you need to.”
“I’m not having my Dad come here just to watch him get his head ripped off,” Stiles spat back at Scott, clearly getting frustrated. He shook his head, stepping away from Scott.
“Alright, give me the phone,” Jackson stepped forward, grabbing Stiles arm. The second Jackson grabbed Stiles’ arm, Stiles turned, punching Jackson in the face, hard.
“Jackson!” Allison yelled, running forward to help him while Scott pushed Stiles back, holding him away from Jackson. Ramie just stood there with her mouth open. She glanced at Lydia, who was looking at Allison and Jackson, who were now both crouched on the floor, Allison’s arm around Jackson. Stiles caught Ramie’s eye and she gave him a look that she hoped he understood. He seemed to, because he pulled out his phone, dialing his Dad, but only getting his voicemail.
As Stiles was trying to leave a message for his Dad banging began on the door. Ramie took off first, leaving the classroom through a different exit and running down the hallway, finding another classroom to hide in, the rest following her.
“We need to do something,” Jackson said after they locked and barricaded the door in the new classroom.
“What about this?” Ramie was pulling on the handle of a door to the roof, but it was locked. “We could go up the roof and down the fire escape, we’d be in the parking lot quickly.”
“It’s dead-bolted,” Stiles pointed, at the door.
“I’ll go get the key off the janitor,” Scott said without hesitation.
“Are you crazy?” Ramie looked at her brother. “You’re not going out there.”
“There’s nothing else we can do,” Scott said, walking towards Allison, who looked like she could cry any second at Scott’s new announcement. “I’ll go get the keys and then we’ll be out of here."
“You need to at least bring some sort of weapon,” Allison nearly begged. Scott looked around, grabbing a pointer off the desk. If the situation wasn’t so serious, Ramie would’ve laughed out loud at her brother’s stupidity.
“Well it’s better than nothing!” Scott said, in protest to the dumbfounded looks everyone was giving him as he waved the pointer in front of him.
“There’s gotta be something else,” Stiles said, craning his neck to look around the classroom. Ramie noticed his right hand was shoved in his pocket since he punched Jackson.
“There is,” Lydia said, nodding towards the cabinet in the corner of the room, which held many different chemicals.
Minutes later, Lydia had made Scott a self-igniting molotov cocktail to bring with him as a weapon. Scott left a crying Allison and shaking Ramie behind, but went out to face the alpha. Lydia and Jackson sat with Allison while Stiles paced. Ramie looked up to see him with his back to the rest, inspecting his hand, flinching a bit when he tried to make a fist. As worried as she was for her brother, Ramie figured patching Stiles up could be a distraction.
“You’ve gotta stop doing this,” Ramie said to him, grabbing his good arm and dragging him to the back of the classroom, where there was a sink.
“Doing what?”
“Punching people,” Ramie made eye contact with him, giving him a disapproving look.
“Jackson deserved it,” He muttered. Ramie hummed in agreement, pulling Stiles’ hand under the water. His cuts from punching Derek had opened back up, and his hand definitely had bruising. Ramie was quiet as she dried his hand, bandaging it up carefully. She could feel his eyes on her the whole time, but she didn’t dare look up. If she met his honey colored eyes, she would turn to mush instantly, and with everything happening at the moment, she was more worried about Scott. Stiles mumbled a small thank you when Ramie finished.
“You’re always taking care of me,” Stiles chuckled. “Isn’t it supposed to be the guy taking care of the girl.”
“You’re my best friend Stiles,” Ramie placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll always do whatever I can to help you. And fuck those stupid gender roles anyways.” Stiles chuckled again and followed Ramie back towards the front of the room.
When Scott and Ramie got home, Ramie filled Scott in on what happened with Jackson, how he had a screaming fit like he was in pain after the alpha roared, and then was defensive about something weird on his neck, and Scott told Ramie what happened when he encountered the alpha and nearly killed all of them, but held himself back because of Allison. Scott also told Ramie that Allison had broken up with him once they had made it safely to the parking lot, since Stiles’ dad and other officers finally arrived. Allison had told Scott she didn’t feel like she could trust him. It seemed like the only good news was that Scott’s boss was not the alpha, and of course that they had all made it out alive.
Scott and Ramie stayed up late that night, talking. Scott finally told Ramie everything that had happened the day before from figuring out Allison was basically Scott’s anchor, to Scott keying a car and what happened with Derek.
“I miss talking like this,” Ramie said to him after they had caught each other up on everything. “We used to be inseparable and now sometimes I feel like we barely talk.”
“This wolf stuff is kind of ruining my life,” Scott sighed.
“You’re handling it way better than I could,” Ramie told him. “I would’ve ran away and lived in a wolf den far off in the woods by now.”
“You’d never leave me and Stiles behind,” Scott teased.
“Nah, I don’t need you guys,” Ramie shrugged, laughing with her brother. It was the first time she had seen him smile all night. “Allison will come around. I promise.” She told him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. He gave her a weak smile that didn’t look too convincing, and headed off to bed, Ramie following.
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thehollowprince · 4 years
Exact same thing happens with Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale and Derek Hale (to a slightly lesser extent). Stans swear they love them but proceed to ignore their flaws and ignore 90% of canon. They even give Stiles Scott's personality in most fic, give Peter Deaton's role while saying Deaton is an evil bastard, froze Derek in his season 1-2 development and made him even *more* of a brooding caricature. Like, sis, at that point, just make OCs lol
Yeah. I never understood that whole phenomenon.
You go into a fandom and see characters like Stiles, or Tony Stark, or Kylo Ren, or Snape and Draco or Peter and Derek or virtually any conventionally attractive white man in a show/movie/book/comic/etc. and they're all presented as these uwu soft boys with horrible backstories, often times drastically exaggerated or even outright fabricated, that are usesld as an excuse for every bad thing, or even mildly inconvenient, they do so that we as the audience know that its "not their fault".
But then you go an actually engage with the canon source material and they're nothing like how the fandom portrays them.
I am so lucky that I had actually watched Teen Wolf before I ventured into the fandom, because if it had been the other way around, I'd have been confused as to why Scott seemsd to be the center of the show and not Stiles, or why the grumpy looking muscle man was constantly putting the moves on a teenager.
Hell, even having watched the show first I was thrown off because you go into fandom and the characters are nothing like their canon counterparts. The worst was the fandom literally stripping everything about Scott that made him Scott and just draping it over Stiles in a totally unsubtle attempt to let everyone know who they thought should be the real protagonist of the show.
The "Stiles in Scott's clothes" trope that permeated the fandom was particularly obnoxious to me because these are the same fans (usually Sterek shippers) who go out of their way to let you know they the reason they didn't like Scott was because he was "so boring". They don't like how he always has to be the good guy in every situation and he should be darker and blah blah blah. But then these very same people turn around and give all of the attributes they just claimed to hate about Scott and bedazzle Stiles with him before singing his praises. The Stiles of canon is this loud, brash, sarcastic smartass who has an inability to shut his mouth even in the the direst of situations, but the Stiles of fanon is this uwu soft boy who speaks five languages and cooks for his poor dad while struggling with his own eating disorder while being unable to sleep because of his ADHD and always having to do all the research for everyone and juggling all of his advanced classes and struggling with his attraction to an older guy while dealing with "Scott's homophobia" and.... it just goes on and on and on.
They go out of their way to create this fantastical character that doesn't at all resemble the canon Stiles in any capacity except for physical appearance, and even then that's suspect, because while Dylan O'Brien is six foot tall and decently built, the fanon version of Stiles is this perpetually smol child who wears skinny jeans and is dwarfed by Derek.
This just goes to further show that most of them view Stiles as some sort of self-insert character, which is made even weirder by the fact that so many of them are women (not all of them, but most of them). They twist canon so much to create these little scenarios for whatever fantasy they've concocted in their head that at some point the question has to be asked of not only whether or not they've actually watched the show, but if they don't enjoy anything about it that actually happens, then why are they so invested in it. It costs literally nothing to just create one's own original characters where they can say "hey, I picture this character as being played by Dylan O'Brien".
And this way, they can create their elaborate fantasies without going out of their way to twist canon and try to paint Stiles as a saint and Scott as a devil. The racist implications aside, this way they could stop erasing the character of Scott from his own narrative and maybe stop trying to smear Posey at every opportunity, or sending death threats, and all the other horrible stuff they've flung his way as if under the impression that if Tyler's doing well, then somehow that means Dylan isn't.
And that's just Teen Wolf!
How many shows or movies or comics have devolved into this giant fandom mess because of contradicting opinions regarding characters in canon and then the fanon versions that large parts of the fandom prefer? How many fandoms have devolved into a civil war because of a deliberate misappropriation of a character or characters?
I've watched as Tyler Lockwood was painted as a vicious animal in the TVD fandom so that they could prop up Klaus and make Klaroline more plausible. I've watched as Tony stans have bent over backwards to absolve Tony of every bad thing he's ever done, either intentionally or through negligence, while simultaneously condemning Steve as some kind of imperialist warlord because he wears a costume with the American flag on it. I've watched as Star Wars "fans" have stripped Finn of his entire identity - his backstory as a brainwashed child in the First Order, his exceptional Force-sensitivity, his relationships with Rey and Han - and give it all to Kylo Ren to create this Ben Solo persona.
This happens in every fandom in some form or another.
And I know someone must be reading this asking themselves what all this has to do with the original ask, and while I might have gotten a little sidetracked, the point is right there. So much of fandom discourse happens because there are those vocal members of said fandom that go out of their way to antagonize those who actually like the canon material, trying to push their fanon as what really happens, and it always devolves into this back and forth that generally ruins the enjoyment that most people get out of it.
It's a question that after all my years in fandom I still can't answer: if anyone dislikes a particular show or book or movie or whatever, to the point that they completely disregard canon, then what about it keeps them there? That's bordering on hate-watching and that sounds so sad.
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jjmaybankx · 4 years
She looked down at the book in her hands, squinting so that she could see the words over the glare of the sun hitting it. She sighed, deciding that it would be more annoying to try to get some reading in during Stiles and Scott's lacrosse practice than it would be to listen to Coach yell at the boys. When she looked up, however, she immediately packed her book into her back and broke down into a sprint.
She ran after Scott and Stiles, somehow missing the commotion. The entire team was swarmed around Jackson as Stiles helped Scott get off the field and towards the locker room.
"Stiles?" she called out, panting, seeing her short-haired friend standing outside the locker room with a fire hydrant, breathing heavily.
"Stay," Stiles said to her, so she stopped abruptly. He peeked into the locker room.
"What happened?" she heard Scott asked, and Stiles ventured into the locker room.
Haven took that as a sign that it was safe, and she followed after him. Stiles put the fire hydrant and his lacrosse stick down, and Haven peered in to see Scott on the floor, sweaty and out of breath. Stiles angrily took off his gloves.
"You tried to kill me," he told his best friend, throwing his glove. "It's like I told you before, it's the anger."
Haven leaned against one of the blue lockers as Stiles sat down in front of Scott, crossing her arms as she looked at them.
"Scott, I love you, but you're getting dangerous," she sighed. "It's your pulse rising."
"Exactly," Stiles said. "It's a trigger."
"But that's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game—"
"Yanno, Kaeden used to say that lacrosse wasn't a real sport—" Haven pitched in, but she stopped when she noticed the glares on the boys' faces.
She murmured as she bobbed her head side to side mockingly.
"Maybe don't mention your asshole ex while I'm talking about how angry Scott turns him into a murderous Scott?" Stiles quipped. "He played baseball. He has no say in saying what is and isn't a real sport. All he did was stand on the outfield for like seven innings not catching a single ball."
"Who's the angry one? Me or you?" Scott asked.
"Anyways," Stiles ignored that comment, shaking his head. "Things are gonna be more violent if you end up killing someone on the field. You can't play Saturday. You're gonna have to get out of the game."
"I'm first line," Scott complained.
Stiles sighed. "Not anymore."
Haven sat down on her bed, her mom knocking on the door.
"Hey, sweetie," Mrs. Salazar said, coming inside. "This one is a good one."
Her mom laughed, showing her daughter the picture on her phone. Haven groaned, shaking her head as her mom snickered.
"That boy knows how to take the best embarrassing photos," her mom said, letting out a happy sigh as she sat down next to her daughter.
On her phone was another photo from Stiles, documenting Haven getting out of his car to show he had indeed gotten her home safely. She was in the middle of saying something, and somehow looked a bit constipated with the frame Stiles ended up capturing.
"God, I hate him," Haven said.
She looked down at her mom's outfit and she sighed.
"Heading to work?" she asked her.
"Night shift, sweetie," she said.
She had met Scott McCall when they were younger through a mutual friendship their mothers had. They both worked at the Beacon Hills Hospital, which lead to play dates for their kids on the women's days off. Sometimes, only one of the two mothers were able to race to the school to pick up both of the children. With Scott came Stiles.
"Don't stay up all night on the phone with your idiots, and try to get some sleep," Mrs. Salazar said, mocking what her daughter tended to call Stiles and Scott.
As her mother walked to the door, as if on queue, her laptop starting ringing. Her mom let out a chuckle before closing the door and leaving her daughter to her own devices.
She opened her laptop, accepting the incoming group video call from Stiles to her and Scott.
As they talked, Haven and Stiles's eyes zeroed in on Scott's screen. Haven's heart beat quickened at the silhouette of someone standing behind Scott, and Stiles typed out what he and Haven both saw, before Scott got pulled from his seat and pushed into a wall.
"What do you mean you don't think Derek is a complete psychopath?" Stiles asked Haven as they sat in his car eating Taco Bell during lunch.
Scott had to talk to Coach, so the two snuck off campus because Haven was craving.
She shrugged, stuffing her mouth with a slice of Mexican Pizza.
"I mean that I don't think he's a psychopath," she said, mouth full.
Stiles rolled his eyes at her.
"And how do you not think that?"
"Okay," she said, moving in her seat so she was facing Stiles better. "Scott becomes a werewolf, almost wolves out in front of people on several occasions, and there's hunters that moved back to Beacon Hills, right? So, logically, of course, if the Argents realize the Scott is a werewolf, they'll also realize another wolf is here since they, as you said before, travel in packs. And who else to be back than one of the original werewolves they tried killing a long time ago? The Hales?"
"So... you're saying that Derek is violent with a reason?"
"Yes," she nodded, smiling as it seemed like she was finally getting to him.
Stiles sat back straight in his seat, shaking his head as he took a sip of his drink.
"Yeah, no, he's totally still a psychopath. You just think he's hot."
She nodded at his response, crumpling up a napkin and tossing it at him.
He threw it back, and they went back and forth like that for a few minutes, just laughing like that together.
"This is nice," she stated, earning a concerned look from Stiles. "With everything going on with Scott and being a werewolf, it's nice to feel normal for once. Not like we're living some double lives as the werewolf protection squad."
"Do you ever just wanna leave?" Stiles asked. "Just cut us off and go back to being a normal girl without whatever the hell is going on with Scott?"
"It can't be that bad," she shrugged. "And no. I don't think I'd ever be able to just cut you guys off. You're Stiles, you're my best friend, and Scott, he's—"
"The guy you've had a crush on since the seventh grade?" he finished for her.
She threw the napkin at him again.
"You guys are invited to another outing," Scott said, hopping into Stiles's Jeep with not that much time to scarf down his food.
"I'm sorry, what?" Stiles asked, glancing into the backseat at his best friend while Haven tossed him the bag.
"Tomorrow, after the game. Me, Allison, Lydia, Jackson, and Allison told me to invite you two," he said quickly, opening his food and chewing.
Stiles and Haven shared a look, Haven hiding the look of disgust on her face over hanging out with Allison and Scott at the same time. She hated the fact that he disliked being friends with Allison considering the fact that the girl was surprisingly really nice to her. She was just jealous.
"So... you didn't tell Coach you weren't playing tomorrow?" Stiles asked.
When Scott just looked up at them, Haven shook her head. "You're hopeless, and about to die at the hands of Wolfy McHottie."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"She has the hots for Derek," Stiles sighed, shaking his head as Scott looked ready to puke.
Haven laughed from the Jeep, watching as Stiles sprinted from the driver's seat into the McCall house, not even knocking. She was surprised with how they just left their front door unlocked all the time, but she shook her head, unbuckling her seatbelt and walking inside nonchalantly.
"What did you find? Where did you find it?" Stiles asked, out of breath as he stormed into Scott's room.
Haven walked in a few minutes later, bouncing on Scott's bed, laying down on his pillows as she watched the boys talk, Scott sitting on the edge of the bed.
"And yes, he's had a lot of Adderall," Haven stated.
"I found something of Derek Hale's," responded Scott.
"Are you kidding? What?"
"There's something buried there there, I could smell."
"That's awesome–I mean, that's terrible, who's blood?" Stiles asked.
"I don't know, but when we do, your dad nails Derek for the murder," Scott said, standing up and pointing to Stiles. "And then you guys both help me figure out how to play lacrosse without changing. Because there's no way I'm not playing that game."
Stiles looked at Haven with a proud smile, and she shook her head with a small smirk at the confidence Scott was having.
"Where are we going?" Haven asked, standing up.
"To the hospital," replied Scott, and she groaned. "What?"
"It's gonna get cold," she said.
She had left her jacket in her locker when it got warm, and had assumed she was going home after Scott's house.
"You can borrow one of mine," the boys said in unison, then looking between one another as Haven looked at them all weird.
"I, uh, have one in the car if you wanna borrow that," Stiles said to her.
"Or you can borrow something in my closet," Scott suggested, shrugging. "Up to you."
Scott walked out of the room before the other two, Stiles looking at her expectantly.
"So, you're gonna wear one of his so you can smell like him, right?" Stiles asked her teasingly.
"Shut up," she said, her cheeks going red as she walked towards him. "I'll wear yours if you're gonna tease me like that."
Stiles was shocked as she walked out of the room without one of Scott's hoodies. Before Allison, she would always jump at the chance to put on an article of Scott's clothing, and Stiles would watch her lovesick eyes as she smiled to herself in the backseat of his Jeep. He wondered how the hell Scott never caught on.
When he got to the car, he saw her standing outside of the backseat with the door open, slipping on his gray and red zip-up hoodie. She got inside at the same time as Stiles did, sticking her tongue out at him as she put on her seat belt.
The three friends arrived at Beacon Hills hospital. Stiles pointed Scott in the direction of the morgue while Stiles and Haven went to the waiting room. Haven, who was looking down at her phone, bumped into Stiles's back. She looked up to see he was looking at Lydia, who was sitting in one of the blue waiting room chairs.
She watched from behind, where she stood against the nurse's desk, which she found herself doing often, as Stiles leaned a hand against the wall, trying to sound cool as he said, "Hey, Lydia. You probably don't remember me. Um, I sit behind you in Biology."
Lydia twirled her hair in her finger.
"Uh, anyways, I always thought that we just had this kind of conne—" he started, but Lydia looked past him.
She smiled, clapping her hands together, cutting Stiles off. "Haven!"
Stiles frowned, looking behind him at his best friend. She shrugged, but walked forward as Lydia beckoned to her. The strawberry blonde took headphones out of her ear, revealing she actually hadn't heard a word that Stiles was saying.
Then, Lydia looked at Stiles and said, "I do remember you. Buzzcut boy with the Jeep."
She grabbed Haven's hands, saying, "Hey! I haven't been at practice since the party, how have you been? Thinking about it, I didn't really see you guys at the party...?"
Haven looked to Stiles for help, but he just shrugged, not knowing what to say either.
"We went for a bit," Haven said to her. "But then there was a problem with Scott, so..."
"Yeah, Allison said he just left her out of nowhere," Lydia said. "Weird."
"...Yeah," Haven faked smiled.
She sat with Lydia for a bit while Stiles sat in a seat on the other corner of the wall. Lydia stood up when Jackson walked towards them.
"Did he do it?" she asked her boyfriend.
"He said not to make a habit of it, but one cortisone shot won't kill me."
"You should get one right before the game, too," Lydia said. "The pros do it all the time. You want to be a little high school amateur... or do you want to go pro?"
She got close to her boyfriend, kissing him while Haven's eyes widened, averting her eyes awkwardly.
"Bye, Haven," Lydia waved at her as she walked away with her boyfriend.
"Since when did we know her?" Jackson asked her.
"Shut up. I like her," Lydia whispered, but Haven was able to hear her.
Haven got up, going to sit down next to Stiles, who was eyeing Jackson like a hawk.
Scott ripped the newspaper from Stiles, scaring him.
"Oh my God!"
"The scent was the same," stated Scott.
"You sure?" Haven and Stiles asked together.
Stiles sighed. "So he did  bury the other half of the body on his property?"
"Which means we have proof that he killed the girl," Scott concluded.
"I say we use it," Stiles said, looking at Haven who was frowning. "Don't give us that look. Wolfy McHottie is a killer, okay?"
"How are we gonna use it?" Scott asked as Stiles walked away.
He turned back around and said, "Tell me something first. Are you doing this because you want to stop Derek, or because you want to play in the game, and he said you couldn't?"
"There are bite marks on the legs, guys. Bite marks," Scott said softly.
"Okay," Stiles nodded. "Okay. Then we're gonna need to drop off Haven at home, and then we're gonna need a shovel."
"Drop me off at home?" Haven exclaimed at the same time Scott said, "Drop her off at home?"
"I love you, and we are not dragging you to a murderer's house to dig up the grave of one of his victims," Stiles stated, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and tugging her along. "Because if something bad happens to you, your mom will be throwing me into the morgue."
She rounded the car, standing next to the driver's side. She put her elbows against the open window, looking at Stiles.
"This isn't fair," she said. "I wanna go with you guys."
"No," he shook his head. "I am keeping you safe."
"Stiles, I can keep her safe. If she wants to come, she should be able to come," Scott intervened.
Stiles rolled his eyes, looking at him and asking, "You comfortable with us bringing Allison?"
"No, of course not."
"There you have it," Stiles said to him, turning back to Haven. "Go inside, Hav. We'll be fine."
She groaned, "Fine."
Stiles waited until she was inside of her house to drive off. Scott was looking at him with a proud smile, and Stiles gave him an irritated, "What?" as a response.
"You have a thing for our best friend, don't you?" Scott smirked.
"What?" Stiles asked, swerving before he got the car back in the right lane.
"You just compared you not wanting her to be in danger to me not wanting Allison, the girl I like, to be in danger," Scott reasoned with him.
"No," Stiles said, shaking his head.
"C'mon, I know you and Haven better than anyone," Scott said, earning a scoff from Stiles.
You obviously know nothing, because if you did, you'd know she's been in love with you since the seventh grade, Stiles thought in his head.
"I like Lydia," Stiles said to him. "As I've had since the third grade."
"If you say so," Scott said, but it was evident that he didn't actually believe Stiles. He then smacked Stiles's shoulder in a friendly matter, adding, "She looks cute in your clothes."
"I will purposely crash this Jeep right now."
Haven broke down laughing, listening to Stiles replay his conversation with his dad.
"You are the most sarcastic little shit I've ever met," she said, still laughing about his "depends on how you define lying" joke.
"Thanks, that's totally the point of the conversation," he replied to her, shaking his head. "I lost Scott!"
"I'm sure he's fine," she shrugged.
"Oh, so you're not worried that I can't find the love of your life?" Stiles asked her.
She threw one of her pillows at him. "I've gotten over that crush."
"Yeah? When?"
"When Allison started existing in our lives."
"Hav—" he started.
"C'mon," she said, getting off of her bed and grabbing Stiles's duffel bag that was on the floor. "We got a game to get you to."
Haven sat in the stands next to Mrs. McCall and her own mom, her mother sitting in the middle. Haven laughed when Lydia grabbed Scott and pulled him close, whispering something while Stiles looked at them ridiculously.
"What's wrong with Stiles's face?" Mrs. Salazar asked her daughter, earning a stifled laugh.
"It's permanently stuck like that, I suppose," replied Haven.
Stiles was on the bench when Sheriff Stilinski went to stand behind his son, talking to him. Haven told the two mothers that she'd be right back and jogged over in time to hear the conversation.
"So, you think you'll see any action tonight?"
"Action?" Stiles asked nervously. "Maybe."
Sheriff stood up and looked at the girl approaching, smiling down at her.
"Hi, sweetie," he said.
"Hey, Dad," she smiled back. "My mom and Mrs. McCall are over there."
He nodded and made his way towards the parents of his son's friends. In the time the three had been friends, there was one thing that was a common factor for all of them: they were being raised by one parent. Haven and Scott had mothers while Stiles had his dad. Noah Stilinski had gotten used to the girl nonchalantly calling him dad years ago, understanding that he was the closest she had since her dad passed away when she was a baby.
"Hey," Haven said to Stiles, wrapping her arms around his shoulders from behind, placing her head on his shoulders to look at the game in front of them. She winced when Scott collided with someone. "Ouch."
"H-hey," Stiles breathed out to her.
"Salazar!" Coach Finstock yelled her name out, both herself and Stiles turning their heads in his direction quickly. "Why in the heck are you on my field?"
"Moral support?" she said with a question mark at the end of her statement.
"Get off!" he said, pointing to the bleachers. "You can canoodle with your bench warmer boyfriend later."
"I'm not her—" Stiles stuttered.
"He's not my—"
"Off my field, Salazar!"
On her way back she saw Allison and Lydia hold up a "We love you Jackson" sign. She glanced over her shoulder at Stiles, both of them mumbling, "Brutal."
The jealousy seemed to make Scott play the best game of his lacrosse career. Everyone in the home bleachers ran onto the field to congratulate the win. Haven ran on looking for Scott, ending up just like Allison as they stood on the field watching him take off in the other direction, towards the woods. When Allison went towards Scott, Haven decided it was best for herself not to go after the rising couple. She frowned, letting out a sigh of disappointment and turning around to find Stiles.
She sat on the bench with him as his dad made a call, her mom sitting on the front row of the bleachers waiting patiently.
"Dad, what's wrong?" Stiles asked him.
Noah just put a finger up, telling his son to wait.
"Let's go find Scott," Stiles whispered to her.
"Allison went after him," Haven whispered back.
"What if he's about to wolf out?" he asked her.
"And what if they're making out?"
"I thought you said you weren't into him anymore."
She glared at him, and he put a hand out for her to take. She huffed, placing her hand in his as they stood up.
"We're uh, gonna go look for Scott," Stiles said to his dad and Mrs. Salazar.
The two parents nodded, and Haven let go of Stiles's hand as they ran towards the locker room.
Stiles went in first, but he dipped back behind the locker, grabbing Haven to block her from going.
"I was correct wasn't I?" she whispered in his ear, listening to the sounds of two people making out.
"Sorry, Hav."
"I gotta get back to my dad," Allison whispered.
She walked near them, waving. "Stiles, Haven."
"Hey, yeah," they chorused hellos to the brunette.
When she left, the two friends ventured back towards Scott, who looked like a lovesick puppy.
"I kissed her," he said, dazed.
"I saw."
"She kissed me."
"Saw that, too," Haven said, and she looked up at Stiles with a smile when he intertwined his hands with hers behind their backs.
"That's pretty good, huh?" Stiles asked Scott, rubbing his thumb on Haven's hand comfortingly.
"I-I-I don't know how, but I controlled it," Scott said happily. "I pulled it back. Maybe I can do this. Maybe it's not that bad."
"Yeah," Stiles said, glancing down at Haven. "We'll talk later, then? Hav and I's parents are outside."
As they turned around to walk away, Scott placed a hand on Stiles's shoulder. "What?"
Stiles sighed. "The, uh, medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found."
"And?" asked Stiles.
"Well, I'll keep it simple. Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal, not human. Derek's human, not animal—"
"And hot," Haven piped in.
"Derek's an ugly human, not animal," Stiles said, "Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail."
"I love the lack of grammar," Haven sassed.
"Are you kidding?"
"No, and here's a bigger kick in the ass. My dad I.D's the dead girl. Both halves. Her name was Laura Hale."
"Wolfy McHottty's sister," Haven said.
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For @foreverthemomfriend and @ice-mage because my askbox freaked out or something and crashed ;)
12. “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
- -
The thing is, Stiles liked Derek’s leather jacket.
Like, he liked-liked the leather jacket. Not that he’d ever admit that out loud, but if Derek one day walked around in nothing but his leather jacket, Stiles might have a heart attack. He’d literally die.
It was his secret shame. Or… non-shame. Whatever. The point was, Stiles liked the leather jacket.
He also liked the man that wore it.
It started (or got out of control?) when they were chasing a wendigo through the preserve. You know, as things normally do when one’s life is literally a series of chasing monsters and trying not to die.
It just so happened to be raining that night as well. Stiles thought that perfectly summed up his life.
Derek Hale was not impressed.
They’d split up into pairs and because Stiles would never be Allison, he’d been the odd one out. And of course, because Derek would never be a non-grump, he’d been singled out too. Which meant they were perfect for each other. Or something.
Stiles was seriously underdressed for the weather.
He hunched miserably in his red hoodie, the thin material sticking to his arms and chest. It’d been soaked through hours ago and at this point, he thought there was literally no use for it. 
Derek didn’t look like he was faring much better. But at least the water slid off of his leather jacket instead of soaking through it, so Stiles thought he had no room to talk. Or not talk, whatever. Derek’s grumpy expression was expressive enough. He looked like he was about to murder someone.
“You know,” Stiles said, wiping water from his face. “We could always call it quits for the night and go back to the loft. I could go for some hot chocolate right now.”
“We’re not calling it quits, Stiles.”
“I’m just saying, Sourwolf, it wouldn’t kill anyone to put off the search—” Derek gave him an incredulous look and Stiles winced as he listened to his own words, quickly backtracking. “I mean, it might kill someone, but that’s seriously doubtful. Do you really think the wendigo is out in this crappy weather like us? The thing is probably being smarter than we are and hunkering down somewhere warm.”
“We’re not calling it quits,” Derek said again, and Stiles resisted the urge to groan. He felt like the cold was sinking into his very bones. He didn’t think he’d ever been so wet in his life.
“Fine,” he said, sticking his hands into his pockets even though that did nothing. “But when I catch a cold and die because of this goddamn rain, you better feel guilty.”
Derek glanced over, eyes taking in Stiles and his pitifully soaked form as if he was just seeing it for the first time. Which, he probably was. Stiles tried not to roll his eyes, he really did, but they rolled on their own accord.
He couldn’t control it sometimes.
“You’re soaked,” Derek said, as if that wasn’t obvious. Stiles huffed.
“No, Sourwolf, I’m sweating. See all this? It’s sweat.”
“Are you cold?”
“S—seriously? Dude, I can’t feel my fingers!”
Derek looked constipated for a long moment, hands stuffed into his own pockets. Then, before Stiles could comprehend what was happening, the man was sliding off his leather jacket and pulling it around Stiles’s shoulders.
Stiles didn’t know how to react. He stood there for a moment, mouth hanging open, before he snapped back to reality and tried to shrug the jacket back off.
“Dude, no way! Now you’re the one that’s going to get cold!”
“Werewolves run hotter than humans,” Derek said, turning away and starting through the trees again. “I’ll stay a lot warmer than you are.”
“Dude, dude! Stop walking away from me and get back here!”
But Derek ignored him. Stiles hurried after the man, wrapping the leather jacket around his shoulders so it didn’t slip off. To be honest, the sudden warmth was very welcome and it smelled like Derek— aftershave and pine. But he totally had to give it back. Right?
Before he could decide, a loud howl cut through the pouring rain. Stiles squawked and pinwheeled around, right as something with glowing yellow eyes leaped out of the darkness.
Derek shoved him sideways seconds before the wendigo cut him to ribbons and Stiles went stumbling, his vision turning to a blur of rain, mud, and faint roars as he hit the ground hard and grunted in surprise. 
Stiles heard what sounded like a pained yelp. Then it was cut off by a sharp animalistic scream of agony.
And the only sound in the night was that of falling rain again.
Stiles scrambled to his feet. Derek’s leather jacket hung at an odd angle as he spun around and squinted against the storm. He could barely see anything in the darkness and the rain in his eyes only made things worse. But Stiles was pretty sure that if the wendigo had won the fight, that wouldn’t matter for much longer.
He heard a crack to the side and yelped, spinning around with flailing limbs. He barely caught sight of glowing red eyes before his fist collided with the side of Derek’s face.
The man let out a startled growl and stumbled sideways, hand flying up to cradle his face. Stiles squeaked.
“Oh my god, dude, I’m so sorry!”
“Dammit, Stiles,” Derek said, blinking the red from his eyes. There was a thin gash across his temple, Stiles noticed, but it was already healing and the rain had washed away the blood. The man shook his head and massaged his jaw for a second, before fixing Stiles with a glare. “Come on. We’re going back to the loft.”
“What about the others?”
“You can call them when we’re in the car.”
Stiles sighed, but didn’t protest. He was cold, he was tired, and now his knuckles hurt. He turned around and took one step forward— and then yelped, stumbling back. 
The wendigo lay at his feet with its throat ripped out, blank yellow eyes gazing upward at the storming sky.
Stiles rammed into Derek’s chest and the man caught his shoulder, steadying him before he could fall. Stiles turned his face away from the wendigo and into Derek’s chest without meaning to, bile rising in his throat. Derek’s grip softened.
“Stiles, are you okay?”
“That’s so disgusting, dude.”
“I know,” Derek said, chuckling softly. He led Stiles around the body of the wendigo and they started back through the trees. Stiles huddled deeper into his leather jacket, water dripping from his hair and down his nose. Derek’s arm stayed around his shoulders.
The Camaro wasn’t a far walk, thank goodness. Derek opened the passenger side door and nudged Stiles inside, and he went without a complaint, dropping onto the seat with a wet squelch. He had no doubt he was going to ruin Derek’s fancy leather seats.
The man didn’t say anything, though, pulling himself into the driver’s side seat with a sigh. He shook his head and sent water droplets flying everywhere and, despite himself, Stiles couldn’t resist barking out a laugh.
“Oh my god, dude.”
Derek gave him a confused look. “What?”
“You just— you literally just— oh my god, never mind. I hate you sometimes, you know that?”
Derek looked offended. Stiles reached into the man’s leather jacket pockets and thumbed out his phone. It was surprisingly new for the werewolf; Stiles had expected a flip phone or something.
“I’m calling the pack. Do you mind?”
“Wait, Stiles, no—”
But Stiles had already clicked the phone on. 
Derek went still next to him, hand inches away from yanking the phone from Stiles’s grasp, and all Stiles could do was stare at the lock screen. 
Because… because his own face stared back out at him. One from a picutre he’d taken long ago with the pack, a few days after they’d finished Junior year. Except, the rest of the pack was cropped out. The only thing was Stiles and his grinning face, smile stretching from ear to ear.
Stiles stared at it until the screen went dark again. Then he looked sideways at Derek.
“Derek… why am I your lock screen?”
“You weren’t supposed to see that.”
Stiles didn’t know what to say. He blinked at the man who had gone a brilliant shade of red, before turning to look at the phone again, turning it back on. He bit down on his lower lip and felt a small smile tugs at the edges of his mouth. “Derek, I’m your lock screen.”
Derek made a small noise at the back of his throat and when Stiles looked over again, the man actually looked distressed. Something welled up in his throat. He quickly lowered the phone.
“Stiles, just give it to me.”
But Stiles pulled the phone into his chest, shying away from Derek’s reaching hand. “Derek, why am I your lock screen?”
“Dammit, Stiles, just give it to me!”
Stiles blinked at him. Derek dropped his gaze and drew back his hand.
“It doesn’t mean anything.”
For some reason, that made Stiles’s stomach twist. He loosened his grip on the phone and looked at the man, a surprising emotion of hurt tugging at his heartstrings. “It doesn’t?”
Startled grey-green eyes snapped back up to look at him. Derek didn’t say anything.
“Sorry then,” Stiles murmured, passing the phone back over. “It’s uh, a good photo. My dad has that same one framed. Uh, with the entire pack though.”
Derek’s ears turned red. He took the phone quietly.
The car was silent in exception to the raindrops on the windshield, the faint sound of thunder, and the tapping of Derek as he texted the pack group chat. The message went off with a little ting and then Derek just sat there, eyes not raising from the screen.
Stiles nervously wet his lips. He dug out his own phone and flipped it on, nudging Derek’s side. The man looked over in confusion.
Stiles’s lock screen was the grumpy cat meme. Derek raised an eyebrow.
“What is that.”
“You refuse to take pictures,” Stiles said, feeling his face turn hot. “But when you get all eyebrow-y, it looks like the Grumpy Cat. So… you know. Lock screen.”
Derek’s expression was incredulous. Stiles ran a hand through his wet hair and chuckled nervously. 
“That totally doesn’t mean anything either, though.”
When the man looked back at him, his face was soft. Derek nodded and pulled away, slipping the keys into the ignition. Stiles turned off his phone started to slip it away. But then, before he could loose his nerve, he glanced back at the man.
“But you know, there is this thing called taking selfies. You know, something that friends do when they're uh… friends.”
Derek raised an eyebrow. Stiles flushed. 
“Or not.”
“I mean, you did lend me a jacket. What’s that supposed to mean, Sourwolf?”
Derek rolled his eyes and Stiles grinned. The man looked constipated for a moment before he turned the car back off and nodded toward Stiles’s phone. Stiles’s heart leaped into his throat. “Really?”
“No one will ever know about this. Or I’ll rip your throat out with my teeth.”
And Stiles couldn’t help grinning.
Because yeah, he liked Derek’s leather jacket. Like, he liked-liked the leather jacket. And if Derek one day professed his undying love wearing nothing but the leather jacket, Stiles would have an aneurysm. He would literally die.
But he liked Derek Hale too.
And he thought a lock screen might be a start.
- -
Oh my gosh, I loved writing this one. Thank you both for sending it to me! And sorry about the asks. I sent out that prompt list and my askbox continued to have it’s own aneurysm. 
(if you enjoy my writing, consider supporting your underpaid student writer? Seriously, I’d adore you guys so much). https://ko-fi.com/rh27writer
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fanficimagery · 5 years
Imagine celebrating New Year's Eve with the Pack and someone makes their feelings known for you when they realize you're unattached.
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Peter X Reader
Arms full of supplies for the New Year's Eve gathering you and the Pack are having at Derek's, you enter the loft with a skip in your step.
"Feliz Navid, bitches. Momma's back." Several heads snap in your direction- each and every one of them yelling back a greeting in response. From his spot perched on a metal table, you grin at Isaac. "Hey, Lahey. Be a sweetheart and go grab everyone's gifts from the trunk of my car?" He hops off the table and you toss him your keys. "Thanks, puppy."
He ducks his head as he passes you and Lydia chuckles as she makes her way towards you. "Are you ever going to stop calling him puppy?" She asks while briefly hugging you.
"Never. He might be a vicious werewolf when the occasion calls for it, but other than that he's perfectly docile and adorable."
She rolls her eyes, but the corner of her lips twitch. "Whatever you say." You hum back and then she eyes the small ice chests you're carrying in each hand. "What's in those?"
Smirking, you hold up the red ice chest at eye level. "In the red we have jello shots for the weres and in the blue," you say as you hold up the other one, "are jello shots for the humans."
"Did you say jello shots?" Stiles comes up, eyes sparkling as he takes hold of the blue ice chest and holds it to his chest as if it's something precious. "Last time you made jello shots we got into a lot of trouble. Are you sure the boyfriend is okay with this?"
Your heart practically skips a beat at the mention of a boyfriend, and you slightly narrow your eyes at Derek who raises an eyebrow in response. "The boyfriend can't be mad if there is no boyfriend," you mumble. Lydia and Stiles' smiles falter, and you roll your eyes. "Relax. I'm the one who broke it off. I'm good."
"Well in that case, darling, let me go ahead and take these and put them in the fridge." Peter comes up from behind you and takes the ice chest from you before taking the other from Stiles. As he passes you, he winks and you chuckle as he heads for the kitchen.
Stiles grumbles and follows after the werewolf, and Lydia sidles up to your side. "You sure you're okay?"
"Yeah. I'm perfectly happy with my decision."
"Good. He was a slob anyway. You could do so much better." You snort and nudge her with your shoulder. "I'm serious," she muses quietly. "And now that everyone here knows you're single, Peter will not leave you alone tonight."
You groan. "Not this again. Peter is.. Peter. You're reaching, Lyds."
"I'm really not, but if you wish to remain oblivious then please be my guest."
"Thank you."
Isaac soon returns with Scott and Malia in tow.
"Who gets what?" Isaac asks.
"Lydia and Malia get the rum-filled chocolates, plus the gift cards to Starbucks."
Malia's eyes subtly widen. "You got me something?"
"Duh. You're Pack, silly."
Malia, the one member of the Pack who rarely let her guard down even after you were let in on the big secret, flashes you a small grin. Lydia passes her, her gifts and she eagerly opens the box of chocolates to snack on.
"Peter and Derek get the bourbon bottles, plus the big wrapped rectangles. And you, Scott, and Stiles get the rest of the bourbon bottles, plus the rest of the gift cards to Starbucks as well. Enjoy!"
Seeing as Isaac had passed Derek the two large wrapped gifts, plus two bags that hold a bottle of bourbon each, you excuse yourself from everyone as you follow after Derek who has gone to seek his Uncle. "Hey, Hale, wait up." He waits for you and smiles when you sidle up to his side. "I, uh, I kind of want to be there when you and Peter open your gifts. They're kind of.. personal and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I mean, to me it would seem like a good thing, but you never know."
"Y/N?" Derek muses, smirking. "You're babbling."
"I'm sorry. I'm just.. really excited. I hope you like your gifts."
In the kitchen, Peter is leaning against the counter with two empty jello containers beside him and a smug smile plastered across his face. "I haven't gotten a gift in a long while. I'm pleased you thought of me."
"Well with the way you wear those v-necks it's kind of hard not to think of you," you mumble. Derek snorts and you tense, red blossoming across your cheekbones. Glancing at the younger werewolf, you elbow him. "Just shut up and give Peter his gift so you can open them together."
Derek does as he's told before setting their liquor aside and together they rip the wrapping paper off the front. You hold your breath as the two Hale's blink down at the portraits in hand and your heart starts to pick up speed the longer they remain quiet.
But when Derek meets your gaze and you see the tears swimming there, and the faint smile curling his lips, you sigh in relief. "Where did you find this picture?"
You shrug. "As you know, I flew across country to spend Christmas with my grandparents. Apparently before they moved, they were really good friends with your grandparents. Nana was going down memory lane and I found that picture of your family in a box. Immediately I had it taken to the store and blown up so you could hang it somewhere or whatever."
"I remember this day," Peter suddenly murmurs. "We were celebrating Laura's eighth birthday and since we can't look at a camera head on, your Nana went around snapping candids so our eyes wouldn't flare." He finally glances up and your throat tightens up as you witness the once psychotic werewolf with a teary gaze of his own. "Thank you."
"It was no problem."
Derek's the first to move, he wrapping you in a one-armed hug as he kisses your temple. "Really, thank you. You don't know how much this means to me. I don't have any photos of them."
Your bottom lip trembles as you glance up at him. "You're welcome, Der. Now go hang it somewhere before you make me cry." He chuckles deeply before leaving and before you can even exhale, Peter's embracing you tightly. Barely managing to move your arms, you wrap your arms around his waist. "Seriously, you guys are going to make me cry," you chuckle wetly.
Peter's chest rumbles and you inhale sharply as he rubs his cheek to the opposite temple that Derek hadn't touched. The Hales.. they're scent marking you. "You truly have no idea how much this means to us, do you?"
"Uhh.. umm," you gulp. "I might have an idea."
Peter chuckles as he pulls away, he smiling softly down at you. "You truly are a magnificent woman."
Your eyes widen since your tongue seems to fail you, and his smile transforms into a smirk the longer you remain quiet.
"Ahem. I'm not interrupting, am I?"
Glancing towards the kitchen door, Lydia is smiling far too innocently.
"Not at all, Miss Martin. I was merely thanking Y/N for her gift." Peter gently caresses your jawline with his fingers before he really steps away, he then grabbing his portrait and leaving the room.
"He totally wants to bone you."
"I second that," Stiles says, leaning around the corner. "And if his gift is the same as Derek's, he's going to wanna bone you ten times worse. Or woo you. Either or, you're in for some major wolfy hanky-panky courtesy of Peter Hale."
You groan as Lydia chokes on a laugh. "I hate you both. Go away."
"Whatever you say, Y/N," Lydia teases you. "But don't act so shocked when Peter steals a kiss at midnight and you wind up in his bed."
Stiles snickers as you stomp passed them, exiting the kitchen. "Scott!" You bellow. "Lydia and Stiles are being assholes."
But instead of Scott taking your side, you find him sheepishly smiling. "Well, they're not wrong. Have you really not noticed how much nicer he is to you?” You start to glare at the Alpha, but only end up gaping as he continues talking. “Why do you think you two are always paired up? He's much more agreeable when you're around."
"I- but- what?" Scott nervously chuckles and you exhale loudly. "Not you too! That's it. I'm going to stick to Malia's side. At lease I won't have to hear about boning from her." As you glance at Malia, the girl in question raises an eyebrow in response. But when she goes to retort, you point at her threateningly. "Not a word, Tate. Not. A. Word."
The pack all laugh as you plop down in a vacated sofa chair, you then making yourself as small as possible when Peter returns to the room. With the clothing he wears and how it shows off every rippling muscle on his werewolf body, you know you're completely fucked. Especially when he steals a glance at you as he sits across the room, his gaze darting up and down as his expression turns thoughtful. You shift in your seat and he slowly smirks.
Yep. Utterly and totally fucked.
Despite all the alcohol floating around, you only partake in a few jello shots and nurse a couple of mixed drinks. The party is later taken to the rooftop and you immediately make a beeline to the small portable chimney that has a lit fire on the inside for the humans to keep warm.
You watch as Stiles and Isaac duel with Roman Candles, ducking out of the way every now and then when they flail with the fireworks still in hand. Malia and Scott soon pair off, followed by Lydia and Deputy Parrish when he finally arrives. Derek eventually focuses on keeping an eye on Stiles and Isaac to make sure neither of them fall off the roof, and you remain huddled by the fire.
Someone sits next to you and you immediately cuddle into the warm body when their arm is wrapped around your shoulders. "Whatcha up to, Peter? Not having fun with the other puppies?"
"I'm right where I want to be."
"Mmm. Is that so?"
"Yes." Peter smirks as he keeps his eyes on the dancing fire and you huff in response. "I didn't say it earlier," he then murmurs, "but I am sorry about the failure of your relationship."
Snorting, you shake your head where it lays on his shoulder. "No you're not. Everyone hated James. Especially you. You'd taken to snarling when he did something you didn't particularly care for."
"Well he was a bum, darling. You worked your pretty little ass off to make ends meet and what did James do? He sat on your couch and played video games."
"And that's the exact reason why we broke up a couple weeks ago."
"Mhm. It was pretty ugly," you admit. "I'm surprised Stiles didn't find out and tell the pack since I had to call in the Sheriff."
Peter growls. "Did he hurt you?"
"No. He just shouted and threatened, and then tried to make off with items that didn't belong to him. Stilinski set him straight and kicked him out of my apartment for me. I was kind of embarrassed about it all, but I got over it. I just needed to find my groove again."
"And now you're here getting trashed with the puppies."
Chuckling, you nudge Peter. "Am not. I'm totally in control of all my.. whatever. I'm just cold and sleepy and waiting until we can all go inside. I totally plan on bribing you out of the guest bedroom so I have some place to sleep tonight."
"Sweetheart, if you want to share my bed-"
You and Peter both laugh at the quickness of your answer, and soon enough the both of you then fall quiet. The Pack rowdily start a countdown and Peter pulls you up as he leads you over to the ledge of the building. Stiles and Scott are a little too cheerful with their countdown, and you smile as Malia manhandles her boyfriend into paying attention to her when they near one.
Fireworks sound off in the distance as midnight strikes, the sky lighting up in various colors and sparkles. Closing your eyes, you inhale and then exhale deeply as the year starts anew.
"Hmm.." You glance up at Peter and your breath catches when you see the heat in his eyes as he stares at you.
"Happy New Year."
"Happy-" The rest of your words are cut off as Peter presses his lips to yours. Momentarily frozen, you're then brought out of your stupor when his hands gently cradle your face.
Despite the hardness of Peter's body and his reputation within the Pack, he's gentle with you. Your eyes then close as you finally return his kiss, your fingers hooking into the belt loops of his jeans as you lose yourself in him when he boldly deepens the kiss.
You jerk back in surprise just as you had taken Peter's bottom lip between your teeth and he growls as his own tongue soothes the sting you’d left behind. But knowing Peter, the growl is more for the interruption rather than the maybe painful nip.
"..what?" You mumble, glancing around until your attention lands on the one person paying you any attention.
"I told you Peter had a thing for you and you didn't believe me," Lydia muses.
Sighing, you roll your eyes. But before you can blurt some excuse, the knowing look in Lydia's eyes and the way Peter is practically purring has you realizing the truth. Utterly and totally fucked indeed.
"Well?" Lydia then grins. "Are you going to keep denying it?"
"Nah. I rather spend my time riding this werewolf's dick than making excuses and sleeping alone." You bluntly state while gesturing to Peter.
Lydia cackles and Peter somehow ends up behind you, his hands gripping your hips as he tugs you back into his body. With his mouth near your ear, you shiver as he says, "Promises, promises."
And feeling more bold than you have had ever felt in your life, you press back into his groin while smugly grinning over your shoulder. "What do you say we start off this new year with a bang, Hale?"
"I'd say it's about damn time. Lets get out of here."
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Hi! I was wondering if you could update the insomnia tag? Thanks for everything you do, I’m truly grateful!
We sure can. Here’s the tag. - Anastasia
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Breaking Point by Duvrangrgata
(1/1 I 900 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Sometimes he had the feeling of coming back whole only under Derek’s fingers and lips. When he touched him, every breaking point weld and, even If Stiles knew they never totally disappeared, he wasn’t afraid of them anymore. He didn’t know how it was possible and he didn’t really care. Everything that could ease that feeling of always being about to break was welcomed, and if it meant that Derek had to use certain parts of his body on him to do so, he certainly wouldn’t be the one complaining about it.
Love is a battlefield, they say by NCSiastas
(1/1 I 1,629 I Not Rated I Braeden/Malia)
All Braeden wanted to do was her job. How did things go so bad?
Night Terrors by orphan_account
(3/? I 1,753 I Teen I Stydia)
Beacon Hills. It’s where is mother died and he hoped he would never have to return. But after a strange accident, Stiles ends up living as the foster child. Trying to figure out his new “family” will be hard enough, but now he’s having terrible nightmares and he can’t seem to get a certain girl out of his head.
the hope that you provide by VanillaPudding
(1/1 I 1,845 I Mature I No Pairing)
Zipporah isn’t exactly “ok” with Stiles dating LydiaShe kind of has a breakdown that Liam helps her throughSurprise surprise they bond and things take an unexpected turn
Old friends know best by bitterf_tta
(1/1 I 2,434 I Teen I No Pairing)
It wasn’t so much that Stiles lied to the rest of the pack. He never told them, per say, that everything came easy to him. The problem was that he seemed to be giving away the impression that everything was. Easy, that is.
At some point the rest of the pack had stopped viewing him as the weak human, and started viewing him as the unofficial problem solver. Whether they needed help with school, or help figuring out the latest big bad, or just somewhere to sleep when parents became overwhelming and overbearing, Stiles was all of that. He might bruise more easily, but he was fiercer than most and loyal to a fault.
or, Stiles can’t sleep and has a panic attack after a fun interaction with trolls. Seriously, trolls.
Daddy, I’m Bad News (bad news bad news bad news) by Spitshine
(!/1 I 3,335 I Explicit I Steter)
Peter is naked already when Stiles turns the corner, and her mouth goes dry. She swallows once, twice, and her throat clicks. She’s really never going to get used it—Peter’s thick thighs and arms, the curve of her belly and the sparse hair climbing up it, the slope of her shoulders leading up to the shaven back of her head, her heavy tits drooping a little under their own weight.
How to Build Humans from Sorrow by DeathsLights
(1/1 I 3,908 I Teen I Sterek)
They don’t talk about how sometimes Stiles wakes up with a scream in his throat, or how Derek places a hand over his heart and rubs, smooths the scream away. They don’t talk about how Derek likes to put his nose between the curve of Stiles’s neck, his hand under Stiles’ shirt as his thumb sweeps against the soft belly.
Dough-ohs by totallyrandom
(4/4 I 4,788 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles is sitting at the table with a bowl, an open box of Kashi Go Lean, and a fork—no milk—when the Sheriff walks in. …Stiles frowns at him and pulls the phone out of his penguin pjs pocket. He types: need to sleep with u to keep dad safe come and get me
The phone rings. “Stiles. What the hell!”
“I’m tired but dad’s here.”
“Come pick me up.”
“Put me to sleep.”
The Sheriff rolls his eyes and grabs the phone. “Who is this?”
Insomniacs Unite by Late_to_the_fandom
(10/10 I 6,657 I Not Rated I Sterek)
He was glaring at the clock again, just in time to see it change to an extra minute too.2:23 AMFucking insomnia.
He swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up. Might as well get some productive shit done since sleep was as elusive as ever.He grabbed the blanket and made his way to the small office, twisting the fabric until he resembled a burrito with arms. The light from the small desk lamp had him squinting and he blinked to clear the brightness, grabbing blindly for the mouse to wake up the computer.The machine came to life a few seconds later, opening to his Facebook page. He refreshed the page knowing full well there wouldn’t be anything new, the motions more reflex than actual interest, then closed the app after confirming he was the only one awake at this ungodly hour and opened his blog.
A Reason to Fight by Gia279
(22/42 I 22,342 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Derek Hale was the worst housekeeper in the history of housekeepers. He barged in without knocking, he cleaned half of the bathroom, and he only handed over fresh towels under duress. So what the hell was he doing working at the Mystic Inn, ruining Stiles’s day every chance he got?
The Mystic Inn, in Charming, Colorado, was a summer destination. The inn stayed open all year, but it was no secret they did most of their business in the summer, with their picturesque lake mansion. Charming was small, most of their guests were locals, or summer tourists who’d gotten lost and fell in love with the place. They didn’t get semi-famous, mysteriously undercover photographers showing up on their doorstep, soaked to the bone and exhausted, at midnight. Laura Hale was many things, but a fool wasn’t one of them. Their guest was running or hiding, and she intended to find out from what, and why.
Keep On Keeping On by Suphomie
(5/? I 35,859 I Not Rated I Steo)
Whenever Stiles pictured his future, living in New York wasn’t part of the plan. In fact, he had a very specific plan, he used to plan everything out to the exact detail, had an exact timeframe for every little thing.
One thing Stiles has learned since his days of planning was that nothing will ever work out the way you want.
(When found alive after months of captivity, Stiles leaves Beacon Hills for years. When he gets a call from an old friend, he’s forced to return. There’s a lot of reasons not to come back, but the main one is who he left behind. Theo.)
Time, Pressure and Time (Are All It Takes to Blow the Mine) by LittleRedRoamingWolf (ADayDreamingDream)
(16/16 I 35,890 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles leaves after the Nogitsune wakes latent Shadow Kitsune abilities that have been trapped inside Stiles and is now fighting with his Spark for control. With his life and those around him in danger because of the internal conflict Stiles feels that it is no longer safe to stay in Beacon Hills.
The void you left me with. by Rezzekmood
(16/? I 45,067 I Mature I Stetopher)
Stiles gave everything for Scott’s pack for two years, then they all leave him behind.
He protects Beacon Hills for sixteen years before he is forced to accept no one will be able to live through the hell mouth that is Beacon Hills, when Peter dies it’s the last straw and as he lies upon the stump of the Nemeton tree he ends his life.
But fate didn’t seem to get the memo … he’s alive and sixteen years back in time, to before Scott was bit and where Peter and his dad are alive.
Maybe things aren’t too bad.
Don’t Give Me Up by Apinchofsanity
(37/37 I 66,378 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles is drifting, unmoored and sinking all at the same time. His emotions are haywire and his life feels like it’s falling apart ever since the sacrifice to save his father. Plagued by nightmares and feeling more alone than ever, Stiles drowns his sorrows by partying and drinking. A road which leads him straight into Nicholas’s arms. Will Stiles survive Nicholas?
89 notes · View notes
asterekmess · 4 years
S3A - E5
AAaannddd, we’re back, with another episode! Wow, this rewatch is gonna take for-fucking-ever isn’t it? Yeah, I thought so. Anywho, on with the show.
Read More’s Are Polite
Boyd and Isaac sharing a bus seat, even though there’s clearly empty seats available. I love it. I love the packness (I will cling to the barest hints at pack until the day I die)
I think this is the most I’ve ever heard Boyd talk. I want MORE BOYD.
Also, all these fucking twenty-somethings riding the bus, tryin’ to pretend they’re just wee little 16/17 year olds. HA. They look so uncomfortable.
This is also the most I think I’ve heard Danny speak. I want MORE DANNY.
Oh god, this episode is gonna give me a headache. I don’t even know how to start going about writing this. Do I follow the show, with the flashbacks every ten seconds? Or do I actually follow the timeline and try to piece together all these lil bits? Oof.
Why why won’t Scott talk to Stiles about the Darach thing? This is literally the exact thing that Stiles said was happening, and now Scott’s beloved Deaton has confirmed it and Scott just...refuses to talk to him about it?
As usual, I’m on Stiles’ side. Why the fuck are they going to this cross-country meet after what happened?? “safety in numbers” what does that mean? NONE of you should be going???
Also, injuries from an alpha take longer to heal yeah, but like, not days? There’s no reason that Scott should think that’s normal. Surely he went to Deaton with his injury, right? Did Deaton tell him it was normal?? ALSO, just to get that whole anti-scott thing out of the way. If Scott’s becoming a real Alpha, then there’s no reason the injury shouldn’t have healed way before this. It’s almost like he only has a few cosmetic traits of Alphas, but none of the biological ones. Hmmmmmmmm.
*slides in from the left* also, side note, it’s canon that wolves in a pack are stronger and faster “better in every way” which includes healing faster. So It makes total sense for Boyd and Isaac to have healed way faster than Scott. Scott’s an omega, while Boyd and Isaac have a pack. They’re literally automatically more powerful than him.
That was such a random way to introduce the premise of the episode. “I can’t believe he’s dead” where is that line coming from? We were talking about the slash in your side and werewolf healing abilities.
wow. that’s literally the first time I’ve heard Scott say ‘i looked it up.’ I’m actually....impressed? He actually did research...of his own volition? I’m fucking flabbergasted.
where the hell did he hear about that agreement between Allison and her dad? Did Chris tell him? Did he say it in the last episode and I can’t remember?
I...okay hear me out. I see the tension/teasing they were going for between Allison and Scott, but like...I still don’t vibe with it? Like, the point of the conversation is “Is Allison capable of fending off a werewolf” and it’s like....yes? Obviously? When she says “I have skills and training” she doens’t just mean with the bow, dude. She was specifically taught how to fight someone who is far faster and stronger than her. Her training included how to deal with claws. Your argument is just ‘I have all the same traits as what you were taught to defend yourself against’ and it doesn’t actually lend itself at all to him being too capable an opponent?
WHERE? Where does Scott get these moves from? I’m not sorry, but hand to hand abilities are not innate. Scott doesn’t get to just be a fighting genius because he’s a werewolf. Derek was trained. Isaac and Boyd were trained. Allison was trained. So what the fuck is up with Scott suddenly being able to do all these things? Reflexes don’t cover that. It’s the fucking lacrosse thing all over again. Being a werewolf isn’t a replacement for actual skill. And why are they so desperate to show that she’s not capable of fighting him? What is romantic about her spending months training to fight a werewolf, only to be immoblized by a fucking omega? That’s terrifiying?(not to mention it makes no sense for her training to have sucked that bad when her family is one of the most deadly hunter clans in the world?)
for that matter...how does he know where she lives now?
....did he have do the creepy “looking up through eyelashes” thing with the ‘and they should scare you too.” he just looks fuckin demonic with the grr face. It’s almost as bad as that nasty grin they gave Derek at the end of S1.
also, WHY are all the camera angles tilted diagonally? That’s how I take instagram pictures, not how to shoot a fucking tv show. everybody looks like they’re in a fun house??
Do the argents know that there is an entire pack of alpha werewolves living above them? Did anyone think to tell them?
Derek. STOP just telling people that they’re going to help you. You’re supposed to ask. Peter’s a horrible influence on you. I also kind of hate the implications of this fight Derek is planning. I hate that it’s more than just them killing Erica. It’s Derek trying to do what his sister wants him to do. She was pissed at him for not attacking them, and he tried to explain they weren’t ready yet, but she was so fucking angry at him. So now he’s doing this, to prove to her that she shouldn’t be disappointed in him. Can you imagine the pain of finding your long lost sister alive again, and the first thing she does is tell you that you’re a complete disappointment and you’re weak and she regrets coming to find you?
*snort* in these random slow-mo flashes to the mall fight, it’s so easy to see how fake the fighting is. Like, obviously I don’t blame them, cus’ it’s not like they could actually beat each other up, but watching Derek’s fist completely miss is hilarious.
Dude, obviously he’s listening. You’re two seats away from him. JARED is listening. The both of you, get some fucking volume control.
How’re you plannin on stopping them, Scott? Hm? Boyd’s been able to take you down since day one, and Isaac is a beautiful lil vicious boy.
Why is the default plan always murder? Um, because these are literally serial killers and there is no form of human law enforcement that could ever take them down? God, the idea of ‘reasoning’ with them is literally like reasoning with Hitler. Every one of them personally murdered their entire pack to be a part of Duke’s group. They killed Erica. There is No Reasoning with them.
Oh how I love Cora. Yes. Good girl. And No, Derek...he didn’t? He followed you into the vault begrudgingly and then enlisted the help of a fucking hunter who helped more than he did. Like...? I don’t get it? PLUS. What do you mean save her life? You already know that the Alphas intended for them to get out and they weren’t planning on killing Cora. They wanted her to kill other people so you would have to kill her. Which you were never gonna actually do, so how did anybody have to save her life? Derek? Wtf?
They already made the first move by kidnapping your sister and your betas, then killing one of them, and then injuring another. Honestly, they’ve made like five moves and ya’ll are super behind.
.....dude what is with this whole ‘Scott suddenly gets all the literary references” thing? I mean, i get that he’s supposed to have gotten all enlightened over summer break, but why tf was he reading the myth of Herakles? Also, spoiler, the Lernean Hydra was defeated by Herakles working with Iolaus to cut off its heads and cauterize the wound before more could grow back. So cutting its heads off still fucking worked. (Fun side-fact: Only two of the Hydra’s heads did the double growback thing. The middle head was completely impervious to Herakles’ weapons and was immortal, so he chopped it off as close to the body as he could and just buried it. Worked pretty well.)
God, I’m still just so disgusted with this whole Lydia/Aiden Danny/Ethan thing. Like, I saw someone somewhere say that Aiden and Ethan were well over eighteen...but then...how did they get enrolled at the school? Whatever, even if they were seventeen/eighteen, or hell, even nineteen, My issue is with the MURDER part. THEY ARE MURDERERS. WHY has no one explained this to Danny or Lydia?? WTF?
Ew. Why would Lydia ever wanna bang in a school office? She has standards, people.
Scott, this is the one time when you could actually say ‘i can smell it.” or ‘i just know” Because that’s LITERALLY how chemosignals work. and instead you just point out his claws?
why is this elevator so fucking big???
...i do not know what to think about the whole Deucalion is blind, but only when he wants to be, thing. Like...why’d they give him a disability and then just make it so he could turn it off anytime he wanted? It would’ve been so much more badass if he was always blind and had just learned to use his actually hyped up senses to navigate the world instead? It would’ve been even more badass if the only physically disabled person they have on the show weren’t a goddamn villain.
Okay, but like, Peter and Cora. His greeting to her, such a quiet, unassuming introduction to her? Clattering something to announce his presence. Keeping his distance. “it’s just me, your uncle.” But then, it intrigues me that he specifies. “Your uncle Peter.” DID THEY HAVE MORE THAN ONE UNCLE???? And Cora’s instant tension, but keeping a sass that sounds so much like something she would’ve learned as a kid, mimicking that terminology. “Uncle Peter who killed Sister Laura.”
Okay, but timeline-wise. why didn’t anybody go to the bodies right after the fight? They all watched Derek and Ennis fall, but no one went to check on them? Huh?
what is with this voiceover??? You have no idea if Derek’s going to get them all killed! Them not doing anything is definitely going to get them all killed! “Don’t stop them, lead them.” GAG. Fuck you Deaton.
????I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Why does Boyd just randomly back down?? Is it supposed to be seeing that Scott’s hurt? Why would that matter? Is it supposed to be hearing that Scott cares? Cus’ that’s bullshit. Even if Scott does care, it’s not like he’s the only one? It’s not like Boyd’s all alone? Isaac’s RIGHT NEXT TO HIM and Cora and Stiles have all made clear they care about him. Even PETER is around.
Yes, Stiles, you do have a very perceptive eye for evil. It’s fucking wonderful.
.....when did Stiles get danny’s number? ARE THEY BROS? I see a previous text bubble from Danny above Stiles’ first message which means THEY”VE TEXTED BEFORE THIS. I”M CLAIMING IT.
Is anyone else like..super depressed that Ethan is showing more of a pack bond with Ennis than like...anybody else has with Derek besides his actual family? Like, yeah, Stiles has worried about him plenty and Boyd’s clearly fucking pissed off, but the actual fear in his eyes, that quiet worry, that’s so much more pack-like than anything else we’ve seen?
I am SO confused about why they can’t fucking hear this shit. Why can’t ethan hear them talking about it? Why didn’t Scott hear Ethan telling Danny? Just PRETEND for a MINUTE that these are fucking werewolves.
THey’re going after the others ANYWAY Morrell! Helping save Ennis isn’t going to change that. They’re gonna kill Scott ANYWAY.
Also, why can’t Morrell just open the gate herself?
why is Jared so nauseous? They’re at a standstill? I thought the point of car-sickness was the movement??
God, that moment with Lydia on the phone? I love it. I love it so much. Just the chill “Heyyy Stiles.” “...okay.” So good.
“Do I have a PhD in Lycanthropy?” I’m CACKLING. Fucking snorting like a pig, why is this so funny to me? God, Dylan your delivery is so perfect.
I can feel Stiles having a fucking aneurysm while Coach whistles at him. I can feeeeeell it.
“hey Jared. How ya doin?”
Dude..that is not...that’s not what happens when you don’t heal out of guilt. That’s just not. We see IN THE NEXT EPISODE that that’s not what happens. Their blood doesn’t turn BLACK. That’s a POISON thing. GUYS COME ON.
....i’m not sure if I’m supposed to feel bad for ennis but I like REALLY don’t feel bad for him.
Allison honey, this’d be easier if you laid him down on the floor.
JEsus CHRIst. HOw fucking toxic was her relationship with her mother than Allison hallucinates getting SCREamed at? Also, Allison seriously needs a doctor bc these hallucinations started way before the nemeton. This is so unhealthy.
Putting aside my fury at Isaac going to Scott after what happened with Derek, I hate this whole “you’re not going alone” thing. Like...what the fuck is this supposed to be? If Isaac knows what happened, then he wouldn’t insist on going for Scott’s sake. he’d be doing it for BOYD. HiS PACK. He’d be doing it for ERICA.
I love how chill they let Lydia be. “Ah, screw it.” God, it’s so nice for her not to have to be the hyper-feminine “better than all of you” character anymore. She’s allowed to have some depth.
duke you’re not...you’re not fucking blind. Also, how exactly did Kali GET up there?? and WHY DIDN”T ANYONE NOTICE? Scott’s just fucking useless at this point, but ISAAC? PETER? DEREK? BOYD? CORA? COME ON.
God, what the fuck is wrong with these people? WHy do they insist on making ethan and aiden masochists? It’s literally disgusting, having them fucking laugh every time they get the shit beat out of them.
NOpe. NOPE. NO. Scott does not get to do the Alpha thing. NO. I SAID NO.
I love Cora’s normalcy like yeah, she’s all wolfy, but she’s also so well-adjusted? KNocking on the door. It’s so fucking nice.
“Out cold,” Deaton says, and then Ennis immediately opens his eyes. Love it. Some vet you are. Deaton, what the fuck happened to “difficult for someone like Scott to cause me any trouble” “Not in here you won’t”?? Why is Duke suddenly able to kill his own packmate in your fucking office? And why can Duke leave with blood on his hands and no one realizes he’s the one who killed Ennis? Why didn’t Kali HEAR that??? Why Didn’t Aiden and Kali notice Peter and Cora hiding behind a CAR?
ALSO peter’s holding cora’s HAND. I LOVE FAMILY. (i’m complicated, okay?)
Yes, Allison THANK YOU. That’s the kind of shit I LIke “Sounds like saving your own ass” YES.
BUT. HOw the fuck does ALlison know where to go????
....Allison, the first three flashbombs helped. After that it’s just a light show. YOu could literally have killed the ALphas RIGHT THERE with an Arrow EACh to the heart. WHy were you aiming at the floor??
nobody questioned ALlison and lydia getting on the bus? Finstock? No? OKay, sure, fine.
I like Stiles getting to actually talk to someone about the Darach, since scott refuses. Lydia’s got his back.
for once, it’s true. That wouldn’t have been Scott’s fault. Slicing up the back of Ennis’ leg doesn’t make it his fault that Derek fell.
Shaky cameras are so gross.
NO. NO NO NO. NO. Fuck you.
Last Thoughts: This episode was just...bad. Like, it was just this constant contradiction of (Still flimsy) baseline abilities and behaviors set up for the characters. It’s even more Scott centric than all the other episodes and it’s SUPPOSED to be about DEREK DYING. How do you have an entire episode about Derek’s death without actually giving him any real scenes?? God, it’s so frustrating to get more satisfaction out of a three second scene with Peter and Cora than it is with any scenes with Scott in them.
Also, sorry I took so long to put this one out. This is slow going my dudes, it’s hard to get up the mental fortitude to watch these, make notes, and also make real notes about what I’m changing/adjusting in my rewrite. Oofta.
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Distracted Driving
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Sterek, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Bicycle Cop!Derek, College Student!Stiles, Car Accident, Erica Reyes/Vernon Boyd
3977 words, Rated T for language, (on AO3)
The sound of crumpling plastic and fiberglass snaps Stiles’ wandering mind to the present. He blinks, pulled from a daydream of a gorgeous, tightly muscled bicycle cop in booty shorts who is slowly peeling himself out of his skin-tight uniform. Stiles slides his gaze away from the real-life bicycle officer on the nearby sidewalk, the inspiration of said fantasy, to the car in front of him.  The rear bumper of his friend Erica's hatchback is cracked, tail light shattered. He can only imagine what the front end of Roscoe looks like.
"Stilinski!" Erica shrieks, and then she’s getting out of her car and stomping towards him. How she manages such an earth shaking murder stomp in stiletto boots he’ll never know.  “What the fuck? What kind of idiot dumb fuck rams into a car that is  stopped  in front of him?”
He sets his hazard lights and jumps out of his car, holding his hands out to her placatingly.  Cars honk angrily and pass around them as they step between the safety of their two cars.
"I'm sorry!  I'm sorry! I was, um," he steps in closer and drops his voice, "...distracted."  His eyes cut to the sidewalk where the bicycle cop, Officer Hot Stuff, tall dark and broody, keeper of the eyebrows, is making his way over. Oh shit!
"Oh shit. Me too!" Erica whispers and grabs his hands.  "Those shorts are  unreal  !  I thought they only wore those in movies-"
"Are you both okay?"  Officer Stubble asks. “What happened?”
"Um." Their eyes dart towards each other guiltily.
"Are. You. Okay?” he repeats, a little more slowly this time.  Maybe he suspects they sustained brain damage in the accident.
“Oh, we’re  fine alright.” Erica purrs.  Officer Dangle - it’s the shorts, and the whole thigh area to be honest - gets a confused look on his face.
“Yeah, yeah, fine. No damages.” Stiles says hurriedly.   “I mean, maybe damages, but I’ll pay. My bad and all.”
“What. Happened.”  Officer - Stiles peers at the badge pinned to the nicest uniformed chest he’s ever seen, and he's seen plenty - Hale is starting to look and sound impatient. Which is a shame because now that he’s looking, Stiles can see the blue-green-hazel swirl of Hale’s eyes, the sharpness of his jawline, the cute, bunny-like front teeth that show, just a little, as he’s waiting for them to answer. When he’s not frowning that is.
Stiles looks at Erica again.  He really doesn’t want to tell the officer he was too busy ogling him in his shorts uniform that he wasn’t paying attention to the road. She stays silent as well, widening her eyes and tilting her head at Stiles, a clear “you tell him” gesture.
“Is there something going on here?"  Officer Hale looks between the two of them.  They must look guilty, holding hands, huddled together, because he grabs the radio on his shoulder.
"Boyd.  I could use some back-up."  The radio crackles.
"What? Noooo. No back-up needed.  Nothing going on here. Just your run-of-the-mill fender bender. We're totally cooperating.  See?” Stiles holds his hands up and wiggles them in a faint approximation of jazz hands.
An even taller, broader shouldered and just as attractive officer approaches, walking quickly from the Jamba Juice on the corner. Unlike Hale with the grumpy cat frown and judgy eyebrows, Officer Boyd is stoic and calm looking with kind eyes. He must play the Good Cop, Stiles thinks.  Though, he also looks like he could take down a perp without breaking a sweat. Boyd glances at them, then around the scene, assessing the situation. The just-stepped-from-the-pages-of-safety-officers-monthly models nod at each other. "Hale. What’s going on?"
"Now that’s what I call  back-up  ." Erica mutters to Stiles.
"What was that?" Officer Hale turns back to ask her.
"I said,” Erica repeats, loudly enough for them all to hear, ‘Now that’s what I call back-up!’" She looks at Officer Boyd, smiling and batting her eyelashes.
There’s a moment of stunned silence.
“Uh.  What’s going on here?”  Officer Boyd asks again, eyebrows lifting, looking wary.
“Fender bender.”  Hale answers. “But…” He looks between Erica and Stiles again.  “Maybe we should get statements. Miss?” Hale holds a guiding hand out towards Erica, but she slinks past him and up to Officer Boyd.
“I’ll give you my statement.  If I leave anything out, you can take my number and give me a call.”  She slips her hand into the crook of his elbow and they move up the sidewalk a bit. Boyd holds her hand on his arm like he’s been cotillion trained (Stiles is around Lydia enough to know what that is, okay?) and looks down at her, a bit stunned but also enthralled.  And who wouldn’t be? Erica is a bombshell.
“Um.” Hale looks at Stiles cautiously.  “I guess I’ll take your statement.”
Great.  Could he sound any less enthusiastic?
“Sure.” Stiles is a little… sad.  Not that he expected a love connection or anything, just not the reluctance that is so apparent in Hale’s voice.
“So, I guess I glanced at the side of the road and didn’t notice that Erica hadn’t moved yet.  I saw the light turn green though, so I took my foot off the brake.” Stiles scratches his cheek, more out of nerves than actual itchiness.  Talking to attractive people has always made Stiles nervous. Lydia, once they became friends, told him she thought for years he had a thyroid imbalance, he was so sweaty and jittery around her.
“How did you see the light turn green, but not the car stopped in front of you?”
“Um.  I don’t know.”
“Were you looking at your phone?”
“Are you sure?”  Hale gives Stiles a skeptical look.
“Dude, I said  no . I wouldn’t do that!” Stiles folds his arms in annoyance. Even if his dad hadn’t threatened him with a slow, painful death if he ever texted while driving, he’s seen enough case file pictures of traffic accidents to know better.
“It’s just, it happens a lot nowdays.  You’re lucky this was just a minor accident.  People are killed all the time from distracted driving.  Lots of innocent bystanders too.”
“I wasn’t looking at my phone,” Stiles mutters sullenly.
“Do you know the other driver?” Hale continues with the questioning.
“Yes.” they both look over to where Erica and Officer Boyd are doing the same thing they are, albeit a lot more cheerfully.  Erica is laughing, the fingers of one hand on Officer Boyd’s arm, her other hand toying with her necklace. Boyd is leaning in, close-talking like they’re sharing secrets. His hand comes up and - is he stroking her neck?!  Erica tilts her head side to side and, oh. He must be checking her for injuries. That’s... a good idea actually.
“We went to school together.”
“Dating?”  Hale is looking at his notepad, pencil poised above it as if he’s going to write Stiles’ answer down.
“Nooo?” It comes out sounding like a question because, well, was it relevant to the accident? “I guess she sort of liked me, like, a long time ago, but that was before she knew me.”  Stiles thinks about how that sounds. “Not that I’m unlikeable, like you get to know me and think ‘yikes, no way’ or anything. I don’t think...” Come to think of it. Stiles really hasn’t had any relationships that lasted longer than a couple of weeks. Did that mean something? Did people-
“It’s just, you two seemed - intimate. And she wasn’t that angry with you.” Luckily, Officer Hale’s words cut off his self-loathing downward spiral.
“Oh, no.  She’s angry.  She’ll get me back.” Stiles has no doubt about it.
Hale raises an eyebrow.
“Nothing bad. Nothing illegal, like, bodily harm or anything.“
“Hm.” Hale looks skeptical again. He turns to look at the cars.  “I’m going to file a report. The damage is probably going to be over five hundred dollars so it’s-“
“No!” Stiles yells, then, at a more normal volume, “Uh, I mean. Can you, can you skip it?”
“Sorry, the damages dictate-“
“I would really, really like it if you didn’t file this.  I really need you to not do this.” Stiles wonders if getting down on his knees would be overkill.
“Is there some reason you don’t-“ Hale stops and looks more thoughtfully at Stiles. “I’m going to need to see your ID.”
“Fuuuck. Oh fucking, fuck no,” Stiles breathes quietly.
He gives one last try, “Look, my car - barely shows any damage. It’s always looked like that.  And Erica’s will be under five hundred, I swear! I know a guy. That’s like, three hundred, max!” Stiles’ hands gesture wildly, going nowhere near his wallet.
“Again, I’m going to need to see your ID.” Hale is speaking slowly and deliberately.  He looks angry, his eyebrows furrowed even more than before.
Stiles’ hands twitch as Hale crosses his arms over his chest.  Is it wrong that he takes a moment to admire the thick forearms and muscular chest shown to such advantage in that pose?  Now if only he could get Hale to bend over and pick something up.
Stiles slowly takes out his wallet and pulls out his driver’s license, hoping against hope that Hale changes his mind in the next two seconds.  But, no such luck. (He briefly considers dropping it so Hale has to pick it up, but restrains himself.)
Hale takes it and turns to walk to his bicycle which is parked in front of the sandwich shop one storefront over. “Don’t move,” he throws over his shoulder.
Stiles looks over at Boyd and Erica. They’re both laughing, heads thrown back in companionable humor.  Ugh. Hale is probably searching his name for priors. Stiles wonders if the search will notify his dad. Fuck.
Erica finally glances over and must see Stiles’ misery. She leans up and whispers something to Boyd who nods in response.  They make their way over, but Boyd detours and joins Hale.
“Hey, ready to go?” Erica asks.  She looks too happy for someone with significant - but hopefully not costly! - car repairs in her near future.
“Uh. No. Officer Hale is going to file a report for this.”
She looks shocked. “Why?”
“He says it’s because the damage looks like it would be over five hundred dollars.  I totally disagree. Hey. You think you could ask Officer Boyd to tell Hale to, to  not ?”
“Hm. I dunno.  I’ll give it a shot.”
She saunters her way over to where Hale and Boyd are standing at their bicycles, Hale looking at a laptop.  Officer Boyd smiles when she gets to them, but his smile disappears after she says a few words. Boyd and Hale look over at Stiles with identical questioning frowns.
Hale walks back.
“Mr. Stilinski, you are acting very suspiciously for a minor fender bender. That doesn’t give us enough probable cause for a search, but I’m telling you right now, I’m considering bringing you in for questioning due to-"
“Oh God. Please, no!  Boyd- Officer Boyd wasn’t even going to file the report on Erica! Why do you have to?”  Stiles is flailing and sweating at this point. He knows he’s not helping his own case, but he’s just moved into his dorm and classes are about to start on Monday. Couldn’t he just do this one thing without his dad being alerted to another fuck up on his part?
(He’s  just  finished paying back his dad for repairs to the high school chem lab after the small -  tiny - fire that broke out when he and Scott tried heating their nacho cheese with a bunsen burner. Stiles still maintains it wasn’t their fault since kids did that all the time.  Except this time, someone - not them - neglected to properly clean up an earlier chemical spill, which was what caused the, uh, the fireball.)
Stiles looks around for Erica and finds her over by the police bikes talking to Officer Boyd again, not paying attention to him at all.
Hale gives him an exasperated look. “It’s not that bad. If the repairs are as low as you expect, your insurance won’t even go up by much.”
“Please, I’m begging you. Isn’t there anything we can do so that you don’t file this?  Anything?” Stiles puts on his best Scott-like puppy dog eyes, dipping his chin low and blinking slowly.  Officer Hale’s mouth drops open. Ha! It’s working. Stiles reaches forward to try Erica’s fingertips on the forearm trick.
That causes Officer Hale to step back abruptly before they make contact. “What.  What are you saying.”
“I’m  saying  ,” Stiles gestures emphatically, giving up on the pleading look - apparently only Scott can make that work, “that I really,  really  don’t want you to file a report.  If we can work something out to that effect, I would be very,  very  appreciative.”
“That- Why do you sound like… Why do you sound so guilty?
“Me? No!  No guilt! Just a guy trying to stay off the radar, so to speak.”
Hale pinches the bridge of his nose and audibly exhales for what feels like a long time.  “Stay here,” he says and turns to go back to the bicycles. The bicycles with the computer.  The computer that files reports from the field.
“No, wait-“ Stiles, in a fit of unthinking hubris-slash-idiocy, grabs Officer Hale’s arm.
Before he knows what’s happening, he’s face down on the sidewalk with his arm twisted behind his back, a knee holding him in place, digging into the back of his thigh. Jeez, that was fast and he’s not even - Stiles does a quick inventory for bodily pain - not even injured.
“Boyd!” Officer Hale calls.
“Oh my God, Stiles!” He can hear Erica yell and footsteps running towards him.
He turns his head and sees Officer Boyd stopping Erica from reaching him, one strong arm holding her across the shoulders, her back to his front.
“No, no nononono.  Oh my God. My dad’s gonna kill me! He’s gonna kill me and then make me move home and put a detail on me!” Stiles would be shouting but the pressure holding him down is also preventing him from inhaling too deeply. His words come out more like strangled whimpers.   “I won’t be able to go out of the house without supervision until I’m thirty!”
“Why would-  Is your dad a diplomat or something?”
“Wha? No. He’s a sheriff,” Stiles says, all the fight leaving his body.
“Not- John Stilinski?” Hale’s movements still.
“Uh, yeah. Shit. You know him?”
“Yeah... it’s our county department. We work together, share resources sometimes.  You’re really his son?” Officer Hale removes his knee from Stiles’ thigh and pulls him to standing in one smooth move. Really, it’s smooth. The ease with which he can move Stiles from standing to prone to standing again would be alarming if it weren’t so… arousing. Then Hale’s words sink in.
“Oh shit, you know my dad!  And you’re gonna tell him about this, aren’t you?”
“You don’t think he should know his son was in a fender bender, which he tried to get out of by flirting with the responding officer-“
“Flirting!? That was not flirting!  Why would-“. Stiles pauses. Why would Hale say that? But then, he guesses, it’s probably something that happens to Hale and Boyd often, considering how good looking they are. Stiles looks up and notices the corners of Officer Hale’s mouth are twitching. “You’re fucking with me aren’t you?”
The corners of Hale’s mouth pull down, but it’s still a smile, Stiles can tell. It’s in his eyes.   “Sheriff Stilinski is a great guy. I wouldn’t want to upset him by possibly increasing his son’s insurance premium. I think we can let you off with a warning.  But,” Hale’s expression goes from smug to confused. “Why were you being so weird about it?”
“Ugh! Not weird! I just. Didn’t want my dad getting any notifications about me - I’m sure he’s set up an alert for my name. He’ll call me and give me hell. Or worse, I’ll get that tired, disappointed voice. ‘What did you do this time, Stiles?’”  Erica makes a noise of sympathy. She knows how mad his dad had been after the lab incident, plus any of the many other incidents that his dad has had to weather over the years.
“Disappointed?  I doubt it. You know how proud he is of you, right?  I mean, the guys basically know to not ask about you or he’ll talk our ears off about how you graduated top of your class or that you’re going to Berkeley on a full scholarship.  Or about the time - what was it Boyd? The missing minor case?”
“Yeah. When you figured out how the suspect communicated with the victim in their blog tags, when the detectives didn’t have a lead.”  Stiles glances at Boyd as he chimes in. He still has a hand on Erica’s shoulder but the tension, the ready anticipation for a fight is gone from his stance.
“Or the fact that you created the Dinner with a Deputy fundraiser to pay for the mountain lion specialist after all those attacks that one year.  The office upgrades you organized, the digitization project you implemented. Do you want more?” Hale looks wry but fond, however he makes that possible.
Stiles does not have tears in his eyes.  The wind must have blown a piece of dust in there.  Great, he’s blotchy, sweaty and red eyed: making a great impression on the hot-like-the-sun officers who are letting him know how proud his dad is of him.
“Oh. Uh.” His voice is raspy. He clears it.  “I guess you really do know him.”
“Yep. So, are you going to tell me how you crashed in the first place?” Hale crosses his arms again and the straining shirt sleeves make Stiles’ eyes glaze over.  
Erica’s bright laughter brings back his focus. When he turns to see her she’s leaning up, whispering something to Boyd.  He throws her a glare, but it’s probably less effective because of his burning cheeks. He sighs. Might as well fess up now, get all the embarrassment out there at once. “There might have been something, an attractive person. Who might have. Distracted me.”  It comes out in fits of words.
“Oh, okay.”  Something shutters over Officer Hale’s expression and he glances around the street, then looks back down at his notebook, the corners of his mouth pulled down slightly.
“He’s talking about  you, numbnut!” Erica yells.  Boyd laughs.
Stiles looks over and Erica is leaning back on Officer Boyd, almost like when he’d held her before when he was restraining her, but now it looks cozy.
“Oh.” Officer Hale’s eyebrows perk up considerably.  “Really?”
“Yeah. I mean…” Stiles gestures at Officer Hale’s everything, but then lets his hands move into a more neutral arm flail. Implying he’s only interested in Officer Hale for how well he fills out his uniform is probably not the path to take.
Hale smiles and - wow, he should do that all the time because it’s like those butterfly wings that look all plain when they’re folded but open to reveal their irridescent beauty, it’s that stunning - and looks down at his notebook as if to hide it. Or maybe he’s trying to hide the pinkness of his cheeks; they’re adorably pink and it spreads to his ears too!  “Oh, well. Would you. Do you think you’d. Like to. Um. Get coffee some time?”
“Yeah, get it, Stilinski!” Erica cheers. Stiles ignores her.  He nods at Hale vigorously.
“Coffee would be great. Um. When do you- when would you-
“We’re off duty in half an hour.  Want to meet us at the station? Does that give you enough time to take care of your cars?”
Stiles looks at Erica who gives him a thumbs up.  He turns back to Officer Hale, “Sounds awesome.”
“Woo hoo! Double date!”  Erica holds out her hand and Boyd meets her with a high five.
“Did you really raise that much money for the station?” Derek - Hot Bicycle Cop’s first name is Derek - asks.  They’ve finished their coffees and are still lingering at a table, talking. Erica and Boyd have moved to squeeze into a nearby oversized beanbag chair and are probably naming their future kids.
“Yeah. I mean, it wasn’t hard after the explosion.  You heard about that, right? We have a lot of nice old ladies in Beacon Hills willing to pay to spend a day with their favorite deputies. Why?”
“Well, we wanted to start a mentoring program with the high schools, but our budget is strapped since we just spent all this money starting the bike patrol.”  Picturing Derek mentoring kids melts Stiles’ heart even more than when he talked about Stiles’ dad.
“Oh.  Yeah, I can- You can do Coffee with a Cop. But, you know what would bring in even more money?  A calendar. You know. Each officer with a different themed photo shoot for each month. I could…art direct.”  Stiles thinks of a theme that would suit Derek. “Do you have a surfboard?”
Derek scoffs and looks down into his lap.  “Yeah, maybe if the Sheriff’s department does one too.  And only if the junior deputies are included.” When he looks up his smile is mischievous.
“Oh my God. Did my dad tell you I'm a junior officer?  Did he show you pictures?! Those were terrible!”
“Yeah - I mean - You turned out… better than expected.” He's smirking and giving Stiles a once over.
“What?- Rude! It was a bad haircut!  And. I’ve filled out since then! And Lydia’s trying to fix my clothes but-” Stiles is indignantly waving his arms when his hand is grabbed mid-flail and brought gently down to the table.
Derek pulls and Stiles is dragged bodily forward before he realizes what’s happening. His hand is now tucked under Derek’s and their faces are inches apart over the small table. Stiles can only blink and stare dumbly at the beautiful face in front of him.  
Derek smiles and looks down at Stiles’ mouth.  “I’m saying, if your dad had a more recent picture of you I’d have found an excuse to try and meet you sooner.”
“Oh. Oh cool. Maybe-“
He’s cut off by Derek moving in and bringing their lips together softly.  It’s slow and lingering and hints at more to come. Derek pulls back and Stiles opens his eyes, blinking away the haze of lust threatening to overwhelm him.
“Wow,” he breathes. “Totally worth paying six hundred dollars in car repairs.”
The next week a new framed picture appears on the Sheriff’s desk. In it, Stiles is smiling broadly, the arm not taking the selfie wrapped around someone whose nose is turned into Stiles’ cheek.
“Is that … ? Stiles!” The Sheriff stomps out of his office into the deputy bullpen. “Why is there a picture on my desk of you, hugging one of my officers?”
Stiles looks up from the cabinet where he’s pulling his notes from the last fundraiser.
“Okay, A, he’s not  your officer. And B, I was told that your lack of recent pictures of me was hindering my love life. Not that I need it anymore, but I’m rectifying that.”
“When were you going to tell me you were dating one of  my officers?”
“Um, I’m telling you now?”
“He’s coming over for dinner Sunday. Would you like to tell him or should I send an inter-office notice?”
“I’ll let him know,” Stiles says hurriedly.  He’s sure Derek would appreciate not being publicly singled out at his workplace by the county sheriff.
His dad gives a curt nod and takes the photo back to his office. He might not even realize he’s doing it, but Stiles sees his dad smile before disappearing through the door.  The fist pump reflected in the window to his office is definitely intentional though.
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dragon-temeraire · 6 years
Could you please do "I come to the library everyday to 'study' but I'm actually watching Netflix over your shoulder and I'm really invested in the series but the day we were going to watch the season final you weren't there and I feel personally betrayed" with Sterek please
Finally got a chance to write this! (On AO3)
Derek isn’t actually here to study.
Sure, it looks like he is—he has a couple of random booksoff the shelf open in front of him—but in reality he’s just screwing around onhis phone, and wishing he’d thought to grab his laptop before being sexiled byhis roommate.
He flips a page in one of the books, stares critically at apicture of a statue. Boring.
He stares at the ceiling, then at a row of bookshelvesacross the way, trying to figure out if there’s somewhere else he should go.He’s not particularly social, or rather, he’s not great at social interaction, so none of the popular spots on campus appealto him. He’s not looking to spend money on the terrible coffee at the campuscafé, either.
Maybe he should just head downstairs to the computer lab,see if he can—
A guy is suddenly pulling out a chair at the table closestto Derek’s, sitting down with his back to him.
Derek didn’t really get a good look, but he has theimpression that the guy is pretty attractive. His shoulders are nice and broad,anyway.
When he pulls out a laptop and fires it up, Derek feels anirrational surge of jealously, then rolls his eyes at himself. He tries to readthe guy’s name as he logs in, but all he catches is an S over the guy’s shoulder.
He can’t see much of the screen as S plugs in his headphonesand starts typing. But then he shifts his chair to the side, leaning back in acomfortable sprawl, and Derek suddenly has a perfect view.
S is on Netflix, starting some show Derek’s heard about, butcan’t remember the name of. It had sounded really interesting, though. Andsince he’s too cheap to actually have a subscription, he’s tempted to get upand ask if he can join S to watch it. But before he even starts to get up fromhis chair, S clicks the subtitles on, which Derek can read if he just leansforward a little.
So he stays right where he is.
If he’d tried to talk to S, he’d probably have just made afool of himself anyway.
 Since Derek’s roommate has an absurdly high libido, Derekfinds himself in the library again the next evening. At least he got his essaydone before he and his girlfriend starting moaning and grinding on each other.
He only has one book in front of him this time, because he’snot even trying to pretend to study. In reality, he’s just waiting to see if Swill show up again.
He ducks his head, starts casually flipping through thepages when he catches a glimpse of S coming through the door.
This floor of the library isn’t busy, so there’s a lot offree tables and study carrels for S to choose from. But he passes them over,and comes to sit in the same spot as last time. That makes Derek smile alittle, even though it probably has nothing to do with him.
It doesn’t really matter, though, because S has the nextepisode pulled up, and Derek is quickly absorbed.
 The next night, Derek’s roommate is out on a date with hisgirlfriend, which leaves the room delightfully free of moaning and wet kissingnoises. He takes a moment to enjoy the peace and quiet, then glances at thebooks on his shelf and considers just staying in. After all, he probably onlyhas a few uninterrupted hours before they’re back.
But he ends up stuffing his phone and keys into his pocketand heading over to the library, anyway.
He just really wants to know what happens next in the show.That’s all.
 It becomes a regular thing. Derek hangs out in the library,sometimes actually working on hisassignments, and waits for S to show up. Then they sort-of watch an episode ortwo together before S packs his stuff away and heads back out.
And every time, Derek considers going over and talking to S, but at this point, hefigures it’d just be weird. Especially because his first impression was right:S is really cute, and that just makes him more intimidating. The fear ofmessing up outweighs the possibility of having a nice conversation and gettingto know S.
Derek’s always been best at playing it safe.
 “Hey, did you make a friend?” Derek’s roommate asks idly ashe taps at his phone. Probably texting his girlfriend.
“What?” Derek says, because the two of them don’t reallyhave conversations outside of ‘are these your socks or mine?’ and ‘don’t lockthe door, I’ll be right back.’
“You haven’t been in the room as much lately. I figured youmade a friend, or maybe started dating someone. Either way, good for you, man.”
Even though his roommate is a horny, inconsiderate asshole,Derek is a little bit touched that he noticed anything different. “Thanks,”Derek says, even though he unfortunately has neither a friend or a date.
Though it’s probably time for him to go hang out at thelibrary like a weirdo again.
 Derek is fairly humming with excitement. They’ve made itthrough nearly all the episodes, and now everything is culminating in theseason finale. He can’t wait to see how all the loose threads are finally goingto come together.
He’s also wondering what show S is going to start watchingnext, and whether or not he’ll be interested in it.
He taps his fingers against his random book, trying not tolook like he’s eager to be here. That would be extra weird.
He’s distracted enough by his musings on the show, that atfirst he doesn’t notice the time.
S is late.
Derek tries to shrug it off. S doesn’t always show up atexactly the same time. And he might be sick, or he might have gotten held up,or maybe had a test to study for.
Derek sighs, flips to a new page, and decides to wait alittle longer.
It’s not like S knowsDerek is here, waiting for him. Derek’s never really on anyone’s radar.
Despite that, when S doesn’t show up at all, Derek feelsdeeply disappointed, almost betrayed. When he drags himself back to his dorm,and his roommate asks him if he got dumped, Derek honestly doesn’t know how toanswer.
 Despite his irritation with S, Derek goes back to thelibrary the next day.
But it seems like S might have bailed on him today, too.
Derek didn’t even grab a book this time, wasn’t in the moodto fake-study, so he pulls out his phone and decides to burn a little more timebefore completely giving up on S.
He’s just checking the weather forecast when he hears achair being pulled back, and looks up to see S sitting down across from him at Derek’s table.
“Hi,” he says, smiling. “My name is Stiles.”
Derek blinks a little at that, but he’s glad he at least gotthe first letter right. “Derek,” he replies, when he realizes Stiles is waitingfor a response.
“It’s nice to meet you, Derek,” Stiles says cheerfully. “Ithought I’d come by, and see if you wanted to watch the finale with me whileactually, you know, sitting next to eachother. Possibly while also eating snacks and making side commentary. It’syour call.”
“Um,” Derek says, because he can’t believe this is actuallyhappening. Stiles noticed him, and apparently doesn’t think he’s a weirdo. “Sure, that’d be nice,” he answers,because it seems like social interaction is a lot easier when someone else doesmost of the talking.
“And then, after that, we could go on a date?” Stiles askshopefully, and Derek freezes.
He really wants togo on a date with Stiles, but he doesn’t know if he should. It won’t take long for Stiles to figure out how awkward andquiet Derek is, or how little experience he actually has with dating, and willlikely lead only to embarrassment and—
“You totally have this ‘I’d live alone in a lighthouse if Icould’ vibe going on, so I’ll promise you now that the date will be totallylow-key,” Stiles says, still smiling, though it’s more tentative now. “It canjust be eating hot pockets in my dorm, if you want. I’d just like a chance—”
“Yes,” Derek cuts in, because he wants a chance, too. “I’llgo on a date with you.”
“Let’s go then,” Stiles says, beaming, and takes Derek’shand in his own before heading toward the library doors.
 “Of course I noticed you,” Stiles says a week later, tuckedin close next to Derek on his dorm bed, clicking through Netflix to find them amovie to watch. “It was cute, they way you would sit there and frown at thebooks. I kept trying to figure out a way to get you to talk to me that wouldn’tbe weird. Especially since you seemed kind of shy.”
Derek laughs. “Kind of,” he agrees.
“But after twelve episodes, I realized my plan wasn’tprogressing, and that I would have to take matters into my own hands,” Stilessays, nudging Derek with his shoulder.
“I’m glad you did,” Derek says, smiling back. “I feel likethings worked out pretty well.”
Stiles leans over and kisses Derek softly on the lips. “Hellyeah, they did,” he says, and forgets about picking out a movie for a while. 
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takenbyemrys · 5 years
Chapter: 1/1
Main Pairing: Derek Hale/ Stiles Stilinski
Summary: The pack returns for Spring breaks during their last year(s) of college and they play a game of never have i ever. They come to find out that very few of them actually know Stiles. Turns out Stiles isn't a virgin? And Derek like cannot handle confident/kinky Stiles.
It was during pack night that they truly learned that they didn’t actually know Stiles. It was after they’d all gone away to college, and they were in their junior and senior years. Derek had rebuilt the Hale house for all of them, and they stayed there when they came home from classes. It was during one spring break that Lydia suggested the game. They hadn’t drifted apart, per say, but they all lived in different cities now, so they missed a lot of stuff between them. 
Stiles and Cora had gone the farthest, to Caltech and UCLA respectively. It was a short drive between the schools, so they shared an apartment in the middle. Lydia and Allison were both accepted to Stanford, while Scott and Isaac were at UC Berkeley. Erica had stayed in Beacon Hills to go to community college while Boyd went to the Police academy. As a wolf, Cora made sure to come home every break to see her alpha, but Stiles had only come home every other break, citing homework or other things. Derek tried not to let it get to him, but the pack could see that not seeing Stiles for so long was taking a toll on their Alpha. They could all tell that Derek was ridiculously in love with him, especially when Stiles came home the summer after sophomore year, sporting a couple tattoos and very defined muscles. 
So when they were finally all together the spring break before they graduated, Lydia couldn’t help but suggest a good game of never have i ever. They each had five shots sitting in front of them, waiting to be taken. Stiles didn’t like the mischievous looks Lydia was giving him. 
“Okay! I will go first.” Lydia smirked around the circle. Groans went up, they knew they were going to be getting drunk fast. “Never have i ever, had sex with someone of the same gender.” Isaac, Cora, Derek, and Stiles all took shots. Scott tilted his head.
“Stiles why did you take a shot?” He asked. 
“Well Scotty, you take a shot if you’ve done the thing Lydia said. I did the thing.” Stiles snarked. 
“Wait, what?”  Isaac was so confused. 
“Guys, what’s so wrong with me having sex with a guy?” Stiles snarled. Cora started the giggle softly.
“It’s not the guy part Stiles. We just never thought you’d actually had sex.” Allison admitted. Cora was full of rolling on the floor now. Lydia was smirking. Stiles gave them his best bitch face. Even Derek was interested. 
“Guys, i’ve had sex. Jesus Christ I’m twenty two fucking years old.” Stiles huffed. “Who's next?” The pack shifted uncomfortably, but Isaac spoke up.
“It’s me. Um, never have i ever had sex in a public place.” Erica and Boyd smirked, clinked their shots and downed them.
“You two would,” Stiles snickered before downing his own shot. They were all openly staring.
“Okay, where the fuck did you have sex in public?” Erica asked. 
“Well, there was time i went camping in the Angeles national forest. I did it at the local country club in the restaurant bathroom. Cora, you remember when we went to museum of contemporary art in LA?” Cora blushed. 
“I knew you weren’t in the bathroom for that long!” She accused.
“I mean, I technically was.” Stiles smirked. “There’s a couple others.” He shrugged. “Erica, you’re next.” The blonde bombshell appraised him with a new respect. 
“Alright, never have I ever said the wrong name in bed.” She smirked. Lydia blushed and took a shot. Stiles tried to take his quickly.
“Jesus Stiles, whose name did you say?” Erica whistled. Cora was laughing again.
“Cor, shut up. I’m not talking about this.” Stiles blushed.
Cora snorted. “We can talk about it later. Boyd go on.” The wolf thought for a minute before he spoke.
“Never have i ever kissed the picture of a celebrity.” Boyd said proudly. No one moved.
“Scott.” Stiles said accusingly. The beta flushed bright red before quickly taking a shot.
“I forgot you saw that.” Scott mumbled.
“Oh my god, whose picture did you kiss?” Allison squealed with a grin. Scott mumbled something unintelligible. “I’m sorry, i didn’t catch that.”
“Leonardo DiCaprio!” Stiles chuckled. Scott blushed.
“I was like seven okay! My mom liked him.” Scott blushed. “Look, it’s my turn. Never have i ever had a threesome.” Stiles and Lydia took shots.
“It’s like I don’t even know you.” Erica whispered to Stiles, who just grinned at her.
“Well, what was it like?” Isaac asked, leaning forward. Lydia rolled her eyes.
“It was just sex Isaac,” Lydia admonished. Stiles shrugged.
“Pretty much. I wasn’t a huge fan of splitting my attention.” Stiles shrugged. 
“You like to give it your all, huh Stiles?” Erica smirked. Stiles gave her a wink. Derek was honestly stunned. Stiles was always as pure as fucking snow, and he would honestly love nothing more than to learn everything that Stiles knows.
“Okay, never have i ever fantasized about a friend's significant other.” Allison said. Erica and Isaac each took shots. “What you haven’t done that Stiles?” She teased. Stiles just shrugged. 
“Eh, i do have a line.” Stiles smirked. “Oh alpha, my alpha, your turn.” Stiles giggled. His four shots were hitting hard.
“You skipped me Stiles.” Cora said, sticking her tongue out at him. Stiles snickered.
“Sorry, Cor. Please, embarrass me more.” Stiles leaned into Derek’s shoulder. Cora smiled wickedly. 
“With pleasure. Never have i ever tried role playing.” Stiles slammed his empty glass on the floor. 
“You bitch!” He cursed. Cora was rolling on the floor again.
“Story time!” Erica said gleefully. Stiles noted that Allison, Scott, Erica, Boyd, and surprisingly Derek had all taken shots. 
“I can’t do it. Cora tell the story for me.” Stiles buried his face in Derek’s shoulder, who was frozen. They all rolled their eyes at their alpha and turned to Cora.
“Okay, so it was last year, and i was supposed to be out camping with friends, but it was raining, so we came home early. When i got home, i didn’t expect that Stiles had someone over, so i opened his door to tell him i was home and i still can’t ever forget this.” Cora was grinning, but she had to stop and take a deep breath. Stiles groaned in anticipation. “So this girl Stiles was kinds of seeing at the time, was totally not okay with me living there, just to put this out there for later. But anyway, i open his door and what do i see! Stiles is kneeling on the bed, wearing nothing but kitty ears and a leash!” Erica and Lydia squeal. Scott claps his hands over his ears, Boyd fucking laughs, and Isaac is tomato red. Derek, is even more stiff under Stiles.
“So, you’re the submissive type?” Derek smirks. Stiles groans.
“Quite the opposite actually. I’m very domineering. But jesus, come on guys. I’ll try anything at least once, okay?” Derek’s heart stuttered.”I’m out of shots. I’ll hold up fingers now.” Stiles lifted his face of Derek’s shoulder and held up a hand. He waited patiently for the wolves to stop laughing.
“So, why cat ears?” Lydia wheezed. “No wolf ears?” Derek couldn’t help but think of Stiles in wolf ears. His inner wolf growled with want. Stiles groaned.
“They were all she had. Jesus, let’s just move on. Derek, what have you never done?” Stiles asked. Derek cleared his throat and focused on the rest of the pack.
“Uh, never have i ever slept with someone in the room.” Derek said proudly. Erica, Boyd, Allison, and Scott took shots as expected. But everyone was floored when Cora and Lydia took a shot. They were even more floored when Stiles slowly lowered a finger. 
“You slept with me sister.” Derek growled. Stiles ducked his head. 
“I mean like, yes, but also, we were not in our right minds. It was like three years ago okay? And Cora, we decided that we were absolutely never going to talk about it.” Cora just snickered.
“Wait Lydia? Who did you sleep with?” Isaac asked. Lydia and Stiles avoided eye contact.
“Oh. My. God.” Allison said.
“Dude! I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you slept with Lydia!” Scott hissed. Stiles avoided eye contact with everybody.
“It was right after high school graduation, but uh… It… uh… didn’t end very well…” Stiles wined. Lydia covered her mouth.
“What happened? Was is not good?” Erica asked.
“Oh no, Stiles is definitely great in bed, but uh…” Lydia blushed.
“We each said someone else’s name.” Stiles finished. The entire group groaned.
“Ouch.” Boyd said.
“Whose names did you say?” Isaac asked. Lydia and Stiles met eyes and snickered.
“Can’t say.” She shrugged.
“Scout’s honor promise.” Stiles nodded.
“So you were both into someone you weren’t ready to talk about?” Allison asked.
“Oh yeah. So let’s move the fuck on.” Stiles said. Lydia was still blushing. Stiles leaned into her side.
“We’re a couple of hopeless causes.” She snickered.
“I am, you’re not.” He said. “Anyway, my turn, so never have i ever fallen asleep during sex.” Stiles grinned. Scott took a sad shot to the jeers of the pack.
“Shut up okay.” The game continued for a couple more rounds until most were out of shots. The pack learning that Stiles had used sex toys, had multiple one night stands in one night, hooked up with someone over tinder, and hooked up with a professor, thanks to Cora’s pointed questions. He had been injured trying to impress someone, he got a little quiet after that question, and Lydia pushed the game forward. 
The game ended when Cora smirked at Stiles. He knew it was over. “Never have i ever been in love with someone in this room.” Allison, Boyd, Erica, and Scott took shots. Stiles groaned and flopped his hand on the ground. They all turned as Derek picked up his glass and downed his last shot. Everyone was staring at him with awe. Stiles, because he’s really that fucking oblivious, and the rest of the pack, because they didn’t think he’d own up to it.
“Who the fuck are you in love with?” Stiles breathed. Derek blushed, looking anywhere but at his pack. Why did he feel the compulsion to take the shot? It was so much better when he could hide it away. He told himself he would be happy if Stiles had ever found someone. Derek sighed and caught Stiles eye. “Fuck it’s Lydia isn’t it?” Lydia face palmed behind him.
“No, you fucking idiot!” Cora yelled. 
“It’s you Stiles.” Derek said. Stiles’ jaw dropped. Derek flashed his eyed at the pack and sent them all running, abandoning the alcohol they had left. “Stiles?” Derek asked, resting his hand on the man’s shoulder. Stiles jumped at the contact, springing to his feet. Derek watched as he paced the living room, muttering unintelligible things to himself. Suddenly he stopped and turned to Derek.
“You can’t be serious?” He said. Derek sighed. Of course this was the reaction he would get.
“Yes Stiles, i am serious. I’ve been in love with you for, quite a while.” Derek sighed. Stiles stared at him slack jawed. He blinked before he was flinging himself at the alpha. Derek caught him with ease, and was more than stunned when Stiles captured his lips. They made out for several minutes before Derek pulled away. “What is this Stiles?” He asked.
“This is me, kissing the man i’ve been in love with since i was fucking sixteen.” Stiles groaned as he tried to capture Derek’s lips again, but Derek was frozen.
“What?” Derek breathed. 
“Derek. Ya know how we just went over that I slept with Lydia right after high school graduation?” Derek growled. “Right, well when we each called out the wrong name… i called out yours.” He finished lamely. Derek growled and captured the man’s lips once more.
“Well, now i’m going to make you call out the right name.” Derek growled. 
Basking in the sweaty afterglow of Derek’s chest was so much better that Stiles had ever imagined. “So, are you going to come home more often now?” Derek asked softly.
“Derek, the biggest reason i stayed away was because it was so painful to see you while i was pining.” Stiles admitted. “So, when i graduate, i plan to fully take up residence in my bedroom next door.” Derek rubbed circles on his back.
“Or, you could take up residence right here,” Derek breathed. Stiles swore his heart skipped a beat. He smiled into Derek’s chest and nodded. “Good, i need you here so i can keep an eye on you. I can’t have you sleeping with my sister again.” Stiles snorted.
“We’re never talking about that. For the record. I called out your name that time too. That’s why she had so much glee about it.” Stiles groaned. Derek couldn’t help but smile.
“Maybe when you get back after graduation we can scrounge up some wolf ears for you,” Derek growled, rolling on top of Stiles. Stiles couldn’t help but laugh, thinking about all of the fun they were going to have over the years.
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