#and I don't know why the water hasn't frozen yet
bonefall · 8 months
Now we've got all six of em, can I just say that CRIPES ALMIGHTY the titles for a starless clan suck major ass! Both separately AND as a group!!
Remember: Don't get too attached yet, the only one I can say with certainty will show up somewhere is the title of Book 4.
ARC RENAME: A Starless Clan -> A Prayer Unanswered
The original name is really good but I'm getting a vibe that the theme of the rework is going to be... when love isn't enough.
It's about how some things can't get better. It's about how all the kindness in the world couldn't get Bramblestar to turn around as a leader. It's about how Heartstar might have had good intentions, but occupation never works out in the end. It's Nightheart's relationship to his family being salvageable, not because they don't all want to fix it, but because his life has worked out best with distance from them.
So, Prayers Unanswered is both about the religious part of how RiverClan doesn't have a leader and can't get in proper touch with StarClan, but it's also about every other wish that hasn't come true.
River -> Starcrossed One of the VERY large changes I'm considering is actually massively reducing Nightheart's POV. I'm thinking of doing this, not because I dislike him, but because I think it might actually be a better story if the audience is guessing as to his intentions just as much as the other characters are. So, until he's ACTUALLY needed later, his chapters are short and sparse. So Starcrossed would be about setting up the troubles of the Clans, especially the parts of the conflicts I want to highlight more in BB. It would be setting up the rule changes for "starcrossed lovers" (lmao) but also the brewing anger that the cats have towards code changes... and StarClan, if I do decide to keep the newest revelations and work them in better, in hindsight.
Sky -> Fracture There's a phrase in my head that is so interesting to me that I need to do something with it. "Only frozen water can fracture." I want to make the RiverClan situation worse than in-canon. First of all, there's going to be identifiable groups this time which begin to scramble for power. Instead of having the cats just... forget how to do the chores they've done their whole lives, the Clan is splitting up into factions. This is why they won't be able to win against Heartstar later, when she decides to take drastic measures. They're not fighting like a Clan; they're fighting like a bunch of disorganized teams. There should also be a bunch of needless injuries, maybe even a border aggression that lead to a death, before Heartstar barges in. I also want to make this a bigger part of the story, Erins willing. Too much time was spent on the Catnip Patrol, imo, we're going to have ANOTHER big trip and I don't want this one to eat up so much time. Rowankit is also still going to die; and maybe a couple of elders around the Lake too.
Shadow -> Snakes and Turnclaws Berryheart's hate movement has been too tame, from canon books 1 - 4 as of the time of writing. It's ridiculous that they haven't even injured anyone in the Battle Cat series. I saved Antfur from the previous arc so that she can die here. We've been seeing the Anti-Turnclaw movement rise from the first book, so now with Nightheart's boldness leading him to a place where he will be unsafe, we need to see his rusty butt in actual danger. I'm even thinking that, instead of Nightheart failing his task on purpose, Sunbeam makes him fail by stopping him from getting killed. I need to know the ending of ASC first though, because I MIGHT be having Berryheart getting her exile here. Whatever kills Antfur is either deniable enough that she's able to squeak by while Sunbeam quietly leaves (refusing to accuse her mother of anything publicly) OR it's so obvious that Heartstar casts her out on the spot. Meanwhile, we see the OTHER half of ShadowClan's conflict as RiverClan finally unites... against them, as their common enemy. Task failed successfully, Heartsy
Thunder -> The Source of the River I'm still unspeakably proud of this outline. There's so much I want to do here. She's going to come back with a DND party and I'm hoping that all of them end up in RiverClan with her; INCLUDING Nightheart. I want the fact that he accompanied Frostpaw to actually be the final straw for him. While he's away, Sunbeam is acclimating to ThunderClan and falling in love with her new home. There are parts she misses about ShadowClan, but as she's adopted by Sparkpelt, taken as a secondary apprentice by the deputy, smiled upon by Squirrelstar after she pressures Bramblestar to abdicate... this starts to feel like this is where she belongs. And that's too hard for Nightheart to ever come back to. "You come to the source of the river, and are vexed that you do not find the water that is flowing downstream" dude.... man. That's what BB's about. Change. I also really want Nightheart to choose HIS OWN NAME by the end of this series-- so at some point in this book he should finally admit "Nightheart" wasn't his choice either. (I'm thinking Deltastep. Because his journey with Frostpaw begins at the southern delta of my reworked map.)
And I haven't done them for Book 5 or Book 6 yet, especially since I might end up condensing them or chopping them up to put into the other books.
I do know I'm really love to play with the idea of a starless sky for one of the last books though, I may or may not keep Splashtail's lack of faith in StarClan (hate the Evil Atheist thing they keep doing), but the idea of a "Pitch-Black Star" absolute fucks as symbolism, ngl. Maybe something like "A Gap in the Stars" or "Constellation's Void" or "The Stolen Star"
Also also also I'm having Curlfeather come back as a Dark Forest Demon for at LEAST one scene.
I don't give a good goddamn if they don't go to the Dark Forest or not. ONE weird coincidence that could totally have been Just Good Luck but was actually Curlfeather. Let Her Drown Splashtail, she deserves it. Let her be a malevolent spirit who protects her baby. RiverClan can whine all it wants about Mothwing who ooo doesn't believe in God, Frostpaw's got a demon. Cry about it
Also I hope Frostpaw becomes leader because I'll make it go hard
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fistfuloftarenths · 7 months
rugan headcanons pt 3
he's cleanshaven because his beard is going grey much faster than the hair on his head and he's vain. has to grow it out in winter when otherwise he'd have to break ice to get shaving water. grows his hair out, too. undercut doesn't keep the top of his ears warm. he hasn't lost anything to frostbite yet and he doesn't intend to start now.
prefers plain solid armour to that fancy stuff. muchly less likely to catch an arrow first in ambush. like wearing a sign that says i'm important kill or rob me first. conversely his underlayers are as fine as he can afford. chafing is the worst. he has learned there are some women you can talk to about chafing, and most women you can't. also that the temple of sune has a surprisingly affordable line in salves and unguents.
has extra coins and a knife tucked away in his boots, just in case
not a great singer. not an awful one. where he excels is knowing all the words to all the verses of a large number of filthy drinking and working songs. whistles or hums them absent-mindedly sometimes, along with snatches of luskan working songs.
prefers being rearguard - always has been - but can ride a horse or a mule and can drive an ox-cart competently. capable of doing a lot of jobs well-ish if someone's injured or sick or if they're shorthanded. not much room for dead weight on a caravan.
having said that, hedge wizards are welcome in his crew. the shittiest of them can cast prestidigitation which means no fleas and no lice. shape water can turn a muddy wheel breaking sinkhole into a frozen surface you can get a wagon across, or clean out a wound and stop it going septic. mend? he would almost - almost - consider paying for someone to learn mend before setting out. wizards add utility and contingency, even if they're useless in combat. if they're not, well, fire bolt is more of a deterrent than a crossbow, and he'd rather the bandits fucked off than play hide and stab in the trees with locals.
is charming because it doesn't cost him money and it pays off, over and over again. he grew up hardscrabble poor, hand to mouth for years, and he won't give over coins if he can do it with flattery.
he's been working these routes for years. consistently not being a dickhead means he gets the bowl of stew with an extra piece or two of meat and a warning about which barrel had a drowned rat in it. he's got useful working relationships with people who'd otherwise be wary as hell about a bunch of zhents strolling in. nah, that's just rugan. everyone knows rugan.
adding to that he also his crew under control in the caravanserais. don't hassle the barmaids. don't get too drunk. don't wear your boots in bed. don't be a fucking dickhead. he wants his not-ratty pint and if you interrupt him because you couldn't keep your cock or your knife under control he's going to be very fucking furious.
fucks. often and well. once he got out of luskan and found that a large swathe of the sword coast found his big blue eyes and his accent attractive he was a terror. privately considers the surest sign of tymora's favour is that he doesn't have the pox. has occasionally had nightmares about someone dumping a kid into his arms when his caravan rolls into town.
am considering him using sheep gut or fish gut condoms mostly because they're reusable and i want to imagine him asking sal to cast prestidigitation on it between partners. and sal's face. mostly sal's face. this is not why he went to wizarding school.
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canthavetoomuchchaos · 7 months
Quiet houses.
Platonic Asher +David.
This will be set during the Quinn problem, as I can't think of something else to make David tense enough for this.
Tw: yelling, flinching, avoidance,
David is tense at work, Asher tries to help. It doesn't go over well. Tank being Tank has kept their crazy ex boyfriend being loose a secret, so now he doesn't know who is safe and who isn't. (Tank is not in this fic.)
David ran his hand through his hair for the millionth time in the past half hour, his other hand filling out some contracts for the next few upcoming jobs. He blinks and slams the pen down harshly with a loud growl, Angel hasn't answered their phone for 15 minutes and they usually answer right away.
"David?" Asher pokes his head into the doorway of his office, a concerned grin on his face.
"you okay buddy? Sounded a lot like you just threw something just now" he takes a brief look around the room, finding nothing, he makes his way into the office. As he takes the few steps to get behind David he can see the tenseness of his shoulders. He doesn't realize it's not stress tensing him up, but anxiety, which would have changed his course of action drastically. He approaches slowly, gently reaching his hands to his best friend's shoulders and squeezing.
Asher barely gets a few rolls of his thumbs in David's shoulders before he is pulling his hands away, David's hands had slowly gotten more and more tense, gripping his desk as he tries not to snap at Asher. Ash takes his hands away and leans forward to check on his friend, a concerned look to his eyes.
"hey buddy, you alright? You're real tense today.." He uses a quieter tone, maybe David has a headache?
"you need me to do anything? I can get you some meds, or maybe some cold water? Oh! Milo showed me a cool pressure point by your ear for headaches! Do you think that will-" Asher is cut off by David's fist slamming against the desk, a fiery glare in his eyes as he stares straight forward, his mouth spouting words he never, ever, wanted to say to his best friend ever again.
"Asher! Just shut the fuck up for once in your fucking life! I've got too much shit going on for you to be rambling in my ears, especially not right now with fucking Quilt or whatever the hell his name is! so just leave me alone for one Goddamn minute before I fucking hurt you"
David's breath was labored as he finished speaking, Asher was frozen, his face blank and confused as he tried to will the heavy lump in his throat to go away. He nods, picking his lips nervously, and swallows. He takes a breath and walks back to the door.
"okay. I'm sorry." His voice is quiet, hardly a whisper of his naturally loud voice. And he leaves the room.
A week later and David has yet to figure out why Asher won't speak to him, he's confused. Asher will stand next to him like normal, though he seems more tense, more like he's trying to appear professional. He won't come into David's office anymore, instead texting or Emailing him for whatever he needs. It's unbearable. Finally David corners him after a job, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling him into his office. Asher stands there, bewildered and very, very tense.
"....David? Why'd you pull me in here..?" David stares for a moment as he registers his best friend calling him by his name. He never uses his name, it's always one of those nickname she comes up with.
"why aren't you talking to me? I've been trying to figure it out all week, and nothing I can think of would make you avoid me like this. So, you and I are staying here until we figure it out." He says, a concerned look to his eyes as Asher shifts his weight, looking almost....is he uncomfortable?
"...David, it's fine, I'm just having an off week or something. Really we don't have to stay here-" he tries to move toward the door, though he is cut off by David's body.
"I know you Ash, if you were having an off week you wouldn't be avoiding me and only me. You would be pretending you were fine and giving me half hearted innuendos right now. What's going on?" He pauses
"did your partner break up with you?" A very offended "no!" In response.
"did you do something and you're going it from me?" Asher shakes his head. David pauses again.
"....did I do something?" His voice is lowered, now rethinking the past week as much as he can recall. Asher doesn't respond and David says nothing, getting all the confirmation he needed from the silence. It hits him like a truck when he remembers the words he said in his heated stress. His eyes widen and his heart drops.
"Ash, I didn't-" he's cut off by a suspiciously wet, sad voice from Asher.
"it's fine David, really. I get it. Can I go? Please...?" David huffs a breath, feeling helpless. He then, no hesitation, shifts on the spot. A large wolf appearing in front of Asher, head hanging low as he allows himself to let out quiet whines.
Asher wipes his tear filled eyes, a confused frown on his face.
"what're you-" he laughs briefly
"what're you doing David? Shift back" he only gets a short growl in response.
"why not?" He says, fighting the smile trying to grow as he kneels next to David. David has done this to cheer him up since they were kids and he couldn't shift yet. David would shift so Asher could play with the 'puppy' when he was sad.
David huffs and puts a paw over his muzzle, hitting himself multiple times. Asher huffs and sits in front of David.
"okay. I'm not upset anymore. It just hurt. Words hurt a lot sometimes..." David whines loudly, almost like a husky yell. Asher laughs.
"I'm fine big guy. I know you were stressed. I didn't realize I was avoiding you." David snuffs and headbutts Asher in the stomach, knocking him over.
"what- David! I'm fine now buddy, you don't have to keep doing this, I know you hate it." He gets a growl in response as David plops his head onto Asher's chest. Asher lifts his head to pet David.
"really? This is how we're resolving this? A cuddle?" David huffs, closing his eyes and letting out a grumbly sound. Asher snorts and relaxes onto the floor.
"alright. I guess this isn't so bad."
Ta daaaa~
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clatterbane · 1 year
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New batch of pickles just dropped!
I had one big zucchini left that I didn't know if I'd get eaten up soon enough, so why not. It still feels very strange turning out a jar or two of pickles at a time, but that's apartment living for you. May as well work with what you've got.
Today that also included a big carrot, because why not.
The direction I decided to go in was pretty close to this:
Only, I also threw in one pretty generic pickling spice blend, hillbilly style. Mustard seed, peppercorns, a few allspice berries, red pepper flakes (before I remembered we have some whole chiles stashed in the freezer), bay leaf. That got sliced ginger and chopped frozen garlic, since I forgot we were out of fresh bulbs.
The turmeric is still sitting on the bottom there and hasn't colored the brine yet, btw.
A few green tea leaves have worked really well in the past for a touch of tannins to help keep things crispy, without adding any strange flavors. Here's hoping the leaf Assam black tea--which was the best option we had today outside of bags--won't get overpowering. I thought these pickles might be spiced enough for the tea not to overwhelm, but I guess we'll see.
Considering I am still not so used to working with the coarse salt we have, this time I did actually go ahead and get the weight of the combined veggies and water, to add 3% of that in salt. Weight to volume can vary an awful lot depending on the crystal size you're using, and may as well play it safe. IME summer squash can also be touchier than some other vegetables, so yeah.
I cut part of the carrot into sticks, to help hold those sliced vegetables down better under the Kilner pickling weight meant for a narrower mouthed jar. Wedged-in carrot can work pretty well to keep everything else from floating up to the surface of the brine and molding, even if you don't use a weight. One minor lifehack I figured out through some kitchen MacGyvering years ago.
Originally, I was planning to use one of those Kilner jars with an airlock lid--which won't fit anything else in the house 🙄--but the one I had out to use escaped to the floor and broke. (Leading to some fun cleanup last night, since it happened to be mostly full of some old dill pickles Mr. C made last year and promptly forgot about in a cabinet. I took it to dump the contents down a toilet, so thankfully the jar did meet its end on the tiled bathroom floor rather than wood. I am still getting whiffs of Swamp Pickle in there, though.)
Anyway, I said fuck it, and just grabbed one of my old trusty saved jars today. This one is actually from some Polish brine dills. An airlock provides some extra insurance against anything you don't want getting in, but basically any jar will work fine for fermented pickling. Just make sure everything is well covered with brine, leave the lid a little loose to avoid jarsplosions from the CO2, and you should be good to go.
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And, going! Banished to one of the pantry cabinets for probably a couple of weeks. Definitely in a container to catch any brine overflow once it starts bubbling away, especially with no more headspace than I left in the jar. 😒
I am planning to check it periodically for the first few days, and also scoop out any floating bits of seasonings or anything else. Pieces of the sliced onion are already wanting to bob up around the edges of the weight, because of course they are.
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Her Song part 27
Two days later, we get the news that we can finally go home. We'll have to bring Syd back in for checkups and chemo treatments, but other than that, the doctors say she should be alright at home.
To be perfectly honest, I'm so damn excited to go home. I have not left the hospital once since Syd was admitted. Florence went to the apartment to get us clothes and stuff, and David and Ash have been running the shop.
"C'mon, my demon spawn, we're almost ready," I say. Florence had something work-related, but agreed to meet us at the apartment later.
I help Syd change out of her hospital gown and into some sweatpants. The bandages have been removed but she didn't like the bright pink scar on her head, so she's been wearing a beanie. Since all the necessary discharge forms have already been signed, I sling our duffel bag over my shoulder and pick Syd up, resting her on my hip to carry her out of the hospital.
I buckle her into her car seat, making a funny face to provoke a laugh. She's awfully quiet as we ride through the city, so I suggest, "You know, some ice cream sounds pretty good right now..."
She gasps, and I look in the rearview mirror to see her eyes as wide as saucers. "Please! Can we please get ice cream, Momma, please?!"
"Hmm, I don't know," I pretend to debate it.
"Please, I swear I'll be good forever and ever," she begs.
"Forever and ever, huh? Sounds like a deal to me. We'll get whatever kind of ice cream you want."
She cheers and I change course to her favorite ice cream shop, playing her favorite song, "You'd Be Paranoid Too" by Waterparks. I pretend not to notice when she sings the swear words. As long as she isn't swearing at someone, I don't really care. Although if that someone deserves it, I'm perfectly alright with her calling them a fuckwad.
We get there and order two soft serve cones—strawberry for me and cotton candy for the little satanist. Sitting at a picnic table, she swings her legs and bounces around as she focuses intently on the frozen desert in front of her. Definitely a step up from that shit they call hospital food.
She's much more hyper on the ride home, likely due to the sugar electrifying her system and rotting her teeth. When we get to the apartment, she runs into her bedroom to check on each of her stuffed animals as I unpack our stuff and clean up a bit. After that it's bath time, and then we sit down on the couch to watch a movie.
She tries to hide it, but I can tell she still gets really tired. We've been fortunate so far because she hasn't gotten extremely sick from the chemo, but she still isn't in top condition. After a few hours, there comes a knock on the door and a smile breaks out on my face because I know exactly who it is.
I get up and open the door, leaning against it and watching the woman in the hallway in awe. "Hey," I whisper with a smile.
"Hi," she giggles. She looks over my shoulder to see if Syd is looking. I guess she isn't, because Florence leans in and presses a brief, yet passionate kiss to my lips, then walks into the apartment, leaving me flustered.
"Asshole," I mutter as I walk past her in the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.
"Why such vulgarity, hm?"
"If you think that's vulgar, you're in for quite the surprise," I whisper in her ear. This time, it's me who leaves her flustered. This is the way things have gone for the past few weeks. When things with Syd's condition don't feel so hopeless, we always end up sneaking more kisses and whispering dirty secrets.
I'm not gonna fucking lie, I really need to get laid. The sexual tension is killing me.
"People treat me like I'm an asshole, but I don't text when I drive though! I can't say that they're all wrong, no, cause I still use straws on the down low!" Syd screams the lyrics, running around the living room and eventually throwing herself at Flo's legs in a giant bear hug.
"What in heaven's name are you singing?" Flo asks with a laugh, picking Syd up off the ground.
"It's my favorite song. Mom, tell her. Tell her all about it."
I raise my eyebrows at her sudden burst of energy. "You did this," I mutter to Florence, patting her shoulder as I walk over to the table to fold laundry.
"I'm going to have a tea party with Mr. Teddy Bundy," Syd says. I hear her footsteps disappear in her room, and then a pair of arms wrapping around my waist from behind.
"I missed you," Florence mumbles, pressing a slow kiss to my neck.
"It's been one day."
"That's too long." Her kisses on my neck pick up intensity as one of her hands creeps up my shirt towards my chest.
"Hey, knock it off. I've got mom shit to do," I instruct, half wishing that I could just drop everything and fuck her on the table.
"Fine, then let me help." She moves to the side of me and starts helping fold the clothes.
"Flo, you don't have to. You've done enough, trust me," I bump her shoulder with a smile. I struggle to express how I feel sometimes, so I've been trying my hardest to show her how much I appreciate her. I could think of a few ways to do that, but we've been otherwise occupied.
She just hums, not replying. After a few minutes, I hear a low groan rumble from her throat and I side eye her with a raised brow. My jaw drops as she turns to face me, holding one of my lace thongs and biting her lip. "Now, Miss Y/L/N, what do I have to do to see you in these? Because name it and, I swear to God..." she trails off, smirking.
"Oh shut up," I blush.
"Make me," she quips back instantly.
I push her back against the table, bringing one hand up to her throat as the other skims down her front, pausing at the apex of her thighs. I cup the area, smirking as her eyes squeeze shut.
"Fuck," she whispers as I apply more pressure, moving my hand back and forth across the seam of her jeans.
"Look at me, Florence," I husk. She does, and I move my hand to pop open the button of her jeans. I capture her lips in a searing kiss, overflowing with desperate need as my hand slips into her underwear. "So wet," I mumble against her lips.
"Florence! Come have a tea party with me!" Syd yells from her bedroom. I practically jump away from Florence at Syd's voice, my heart beating erotically.
We hold eye contact for a few seconds before she starts walking to the bedroom. I watch as she walks away, not-so-subtly checking her out. She turns around just before she walks into the bedroom, and I raise my hand to my mouth, sucking the remnants of her off my fingers, never breaking eye contact.
Even from across the room, I can see her pupils dilate.
Yeah, I really fucking need to get laid.
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blueseachelle · 2 years
What A Wonderful World. Sanemi x Optimistic (Fem) Reader ~Part 2~
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Y/n ran as fast as she could back to the Butterfly Mansion. As soon as she got there, she immediately disappeared to her room (Shinobu has a designated room for her because she is there enough so, it's convenient for it to always be open for her.)
She sat on her bed and stared at the wall.
'Why did I even say anything? What if I hurt his feelings?'
She was always the person that put everyone's happiness above her own. She cares for everyone and doesn't want to be a downfall to them. Yes, Sanemi may get on her nerves but, she still cares for him and his feelings.
She usually doesn't do her missions like how she performed today. Y/N had a bad feeling about that so-called "Mayor". She asked around and found out the truth and knew that demon wasn't doing what she was doing at of pure evil as others do. She needed freedom. She needed to be recognized and told that everything is okay.
Y/n eyes started to water. She looked up towards the ceiling.
'I know you are okay now. Tell Mom and Dad hello for me.'
*Chirp Chirp*
The slight chirping was coming from the window behind her.
She turned to her Blue jay companion. Her messenger bird wasn't a Raven like the other's. The only other person with something different like her was Zenitsu. That little Sparrow was in the same boat as Aoto. They wanted to help. Every time she gets knocked down, she thinks of their stories. It helps her prevail and succeed. If they can accomplish their goals, what's stopping her?
Aoto flew and landed on the girl's shoulder. He nuzzled her cheek and did a little whistle. She finally smiled and wiped her tears.
"Aoto. I missed you."
*Whistle Chirp*
"I'm okay. Let's just get going on the next mission."
*Chirp Chirp Caw*
Let's get going then! Lead the way!"
Y/n picked herself up and headed out. All you can do is brush it off until it's brought up again so, that's what she did.
_____----______~To Sanemi~_______---_______
After the whole ordeal between them, he went and reported to the Mayor that everyone is safe now. The Mayor wanted to celebrate but, Sanemi cut it off and told him he has Hashira buisness to attend to. The Mayor had to agree because well.... It's Sanemi. He just walked out of his office and (surprisingly) rushed to the Butterfly Mansion. He needed to see her. They need to talk.
Once he arrived, he barged into the kitchen where the girls where.
"Where's Y/n?"
Aoi glared at him.
"She was with you last. She hasn't been back yet."
Sanemi glared back.
"She came back her right after. Where. Is. She."
Aoi put her hands on her hips and looked at him with the same look he was giving her.
"Like I said. She. Was. With. You. Last."
Sanemi growled.
Aoi and Sanemi instantly turned their heads to the door. It was Tanjiro with Zenitsu and Inosuke behind him.
"She was going down the road and we bumped into her. She said she had a mission up the mountain. Something about people disappearing from a small village and that she's gonna love it because it's snowing up there right now."
Sameni didn't even say anything to anyone and walked out. They all just looked at each other and shrugged.
Sanemi ran as fast as he could in the direction of the mountain. She had a 6-hour jump on him. He needed to get to her as soon as possible.
'I need to talk to her. She needs to know how I feel.'
-----------_______-----Back to Y/n-------_________-----------
Once up the mountain, she and Aoto took a deep breath of the wonderfully frozen air.
"Aoto, Come here. You need your scarf and hat. You'll freeze. You know I can handle this weather perfectly. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
Aoto landed on the fence post that they were walking by. Y/n grabbed out of her pocket a matching dark blue hat and scarf to match her outfit. She gently put the hat on the bird and the scarf around his neck and made sure that the scarf hung out of the way of his wings and the hat was tied under his chin properly.
"There you go! All warm and toasty!"
*Chirp Chirp Whistle*
Aoto landed on her shoulder and they continued to the village. They arrived a couple hours before nightfall. When they got there, they were greeted by the head of the village.
The older man greeted her with a warm smile.
"Why, isn't it The Blue Angel, we finally get to see the the hero everyone has been talking about."
Y/n smiled back at him.
"I'm here to help, Sir."
"No, please. Call me Sora. I'm here to just tell you the situation since I've been here the longest. I guess you can call me the Elder of this village."
"Of course, Sora."
Sora motioned to follow him.
"You see, Angel. We are about 2 hours away from sundown. As you can tell, we live in fear to the point we stay inside for these hours and the night. We live with the lamp always trimmed to have this monster not able to come in because of the light. No shadows in any home. We look baren but, we have many people here that want to stay. If this menace keeps up how it has been for the past month, no one will be here. Either by moving elsewhere or death. No one knows what this thing is because no one has lived to tell the tale. All we know is that it is a demon. Nothing else."
As they were walking the man led her to a small cabin.
"This is our guest cabin. We are giving you this for the night. Make yourself comfortable using this as your base of operation for as long as you need. We all pitched in to keep it clean and supply anything thing we though you may need. Extra wood for the fire, Everything."
"Thank you so much for this. I promise that this will be delt with tonight. I give you my word."
Sora smiled and tears started to stream down his face. He hugged the girl.
"Thank you, Angel. Thank you. We thank you."
Y/n smiled and hugged the elderly man back.
"Don't worry. Everything will be alright."
After the hug, the man handed her the key to the cabin.
"Here you go. I'll will be praying to the higher powers for your success."
He hurried off as fast as he could back to his house. Y/n looked up at the setting sun and the growing shadows.
"I have 45 minutes. Aoto, you will stay in the cabin. I'll leave the window cracked if you need to escape or need to report me.... Ya know."
Aoto shook his head, squawked, and nipped her ear. She sighed.
"I know Aoto but, we have to think the worse just in case. I promise I won't go down without a fight. That demon will know the power of a blizzard. He will fear the cold if I don't make it."
Aoto chirped sadly. He rubbed her cheek as she walked into the hut. She set Aoto on the bed and cracked the nearby window just enough for him to get out. She kissed the bird on the head and smiled.
"I'll be okay. No worries."
With that, exited the cabin, locking the door behind her. Aoto chirped softly and just sat down, there was nothing he could do now except hope for her safety.
_____------______ Back to Sanemi _____ -----________
'Shit. It's almost dark.'
Sanemi snarled to himself.
'I'm almost there. I got to go faster'
He upped his pace once he got to the base of the moutain.
--------________------- To Y/n--------__________---------
Y/n stood in the middle of the village. She just stood there looking around and taking in her terrain. If the demon did attack her, the first thing would to be lead it away from the homes around her.
'I wonder what Sensei is doing. I bet he misses me. I should visit him after this.'
Just after the last thought, she heard a thump and a growl. She closed her eyes. She now knew exactly where the demon was. On top of the building to her Southwest (To her left and a little behind her), the demon's aura was disgusting. No sadness or despair. He chose this path. He wanted to kill people and terrorize everyone.
Y/n took a deep breath. She turned and faced the demon. Her E/c eyes lock with his blood-red ones. She smiled brightly.
"Hello, Mr. Demon. It's nice to meet you!"
The demon then pounced toward her. She dodged every swipe of his long claws. She saw how they are purple, meaning poison on them. She'll have to play her cards carefully. She just kept her hands folded behind her back, slowly backing up, leading him out of the village.
"Y-ou. Y-ou d-die. I-I Eat."
Y/n shook her head and giggled.
"No no, Mr. You see the uniform. Y-ou Y-ou d-die. I-I live. This is my terrain. Speaking of that,"
Y/n pulled out her katanas. They were far enough away from the village to fight now.
"Ice Breathing. First form, Ice Terrain!"
She yelled and the ground under her and the demon turned to ice. The demon lost his balance while Y/n was moving around normally, skating on the ice.
With a howl the demon crawled towards her, using his claws as some form of friction on the ice. Y/n skated around him.
"Ice is fun! Especially in this weather! Ice breathing. Second form, Ice pillar!"
The demon was then launched into the air because of the ice pillar that shot from the terrain under him. Y/n jumped up and sliced his head off midair.
"You shall pay for your sins."
The demon's head fell to the ground and his body kept moving towards her.
"Ice breathing. Forth form, Frozen Kunai!"
Kunai made of ice shot from her sword and hit the body, pinning it to the ground and freezing it in place. She then smiled.
"All done! Easier then I thought. They made it sound scarier than it was."
She then heard a breath behind her. She turned to see Sanemi standing there. Y/n just stared at him and said nothing.
"We need to talk."
She just turned away from him and walked toward her cabin to her waiting birdie. Sanemi just growled and followed her.
"Did you not hear me?"
She continued to ignore him. She got to the cabin and unlocked the door. She opened it to be rushed by her Aoto.
"Hi, Aoto! I'm okay! No more demons anymore. Now, your turn to report the mission completed! Okay, Aoto?"
Aoto nodded, chirped, rubbed her cheek and flew off. Y/n smiled at the direction that her friend went
'Be safe.'
"So. Are we gonna talk or not?"
Y/n just sighed and walked in. Sanemi was expecting here to shut the door in his face. She just stared at him.
"Are you gonna come in or not?"
He just nodded and walked in. He stood there as she locked the door and fully shut the opened window.
"What's so important that you chased me up here?"
"We need to talk."
"About what?"
"I don't hate you."
"You make pretty clear that you do. You always pick on me more than anyone else."
"It's not that I don't like you."
"Oh really?"
Y/n put her hands on her hips. Her face became serious.
"Listen, Sanemi. All that I'm going to say is that I am sorry for blowing up on you. I don't handle most of my missions as I did then. I know you saw this one because you were right behind me when it was over. So, I'm sorry. You are forgiven in my book. No worries there. You can leave with a guilt-free conscious now. Frankly, I just want to cry just looking at you because I haven't got the chance to take a long pause after what happened between us. You are a rough-skinned individual that is out for blood every time you see me. I know why too. I'm not dumb. It's my optimism. Every day is amazing as long as you're alive. No matter how cold, stormy, or windy it is. It's a wonderful world. Even though we have a demon problem. Now, please leave."
Sanemi just looked at the wooden floors of the little cabin. He took a deep breath. He soaked in what she said. He didn't know that she knew and could read him like a book. His past is dark but, who's to say hers wasn't either? He thought about everything. Everything he has done to her, his past, everything in that one split second.
"Y/n. I'm sorry-"
"I forgave you so, please leave."
She started to walk towards the door to open it but, not until he caught her wrist.
"Let me finish... Please."
She sighed and nodded slightly.
"Yes, You are right. I hated your optimism since the being. You are too kind and smiley in a world like this. We have so many issues yet, here you are. Living every day like it's the best thing in your life. I wish I could be like that but, I can't. I'm an asshole. Not to blame my past but, that is the reason I put everyone at arm's length. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry that I'm such a dumbass."
Y/n's eyes softened. She looked up at him and took a small step towards him.
"Don't call yourself names. You're okay. Everyone has a reason for how they act. You're no different, that's why I always was nice to you. You're okay, I promise."
Sanemi locked eyes with her finally. They looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. You don't deserve how I treated you."
Y/n got on her tiptoes and kissed him. He was shocked. He stood there for a second before returning the kiss, leaning forward and wrapping his arms around her waist. After they kissed, Sanemi rested his forehead on hers.
"Y/n. I've been thinking about this for a while."
"About what?"
"I don't get feelings for anybody but, I care for you. I'll admit. I'm not the best at this but, I know my heart."
"What does your heart say?"
"It says to keep you close and never let go. I think it's time for me to give into its needs."
"Please do. I feel the same way."
"Well, I have to ask you formally or, I'm not a man."
He cleared his throat and moved his hand to cradle her left cheek, softly running his thumb over her cheek bone.
"Y/n. Will you be mine?"
Y/n smiled, her eyes filled with tears. Finally, she had someone now. Yes, she always had a crush on him and that was mostly why she was so patient with him. She knew he was soft inside. She knew he was a good person somewhere amongst his spiny exterior. Tears of happiness ran down her cheeks,
"Yes, Sanemi. I would love to be yours."
"H-hey. Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?"
Sanemi's eyes filled with worry as he moved his other hand to cup her face and help wipe the tears. She just smiled and giggled slightly.
"No. You were perfect. These are happy tears."
Sanemi let out a sigh of relief,
"Good. I didn't want out relationship start out worse than it was before."
Y/n just shook her head and kissed him again. Finally. They both can have someone to rely on. Sanemi needs her way more than she needs him but, when the time comes and she needs help, he will be there. Though the emotional or physical turmoil.
'She may use Ice Breathing but, she is my sunshine. A breath of fresh air. I will protect you, Y/n. No matter what. You are precious to me. I won't let you go.'
'Like I thought, everything turned out amazing in the end. Sanemi, I promise to protect you with everything that I can. I will help in all fields. I'll be your nurse when you are sick or injured. I'll be your duo in this war we are fighting. I'll be your light in this darkness that surrounds us. I can't help but thank the heavens to have brought you to me. All I can say is, What a wonderful world.'
*Author's note* Hey! I hope you enjoyed this little read. If you want anything done. I am taking requests. If you want a Part 3 and learn more about yourself (Backstory, etc.) and Sanemi's relationship, leave a comment or message me. I might include steamy time if you want a Part 3. Thank you for your support!
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abubblingcandle · 1 year
i saw your recent post and i haven't read the snippet yet bc i got distracted by you saying it was hot and i think you're european right? so no AC? as someone who lives in the southeastern US, allow me to bestow some comfort tips for unreasonable summer temperatures without air conditioning. apologies if you know all this already or anything, but i'm currently surviving one of the worst heat waves i can recall in my 40+ yrs of living in the ass end of the devil's swamp so i'm a little zealous about making sure nobody is dying of heat
(my credentials are that the heat index was over 110F - 43C - every damn day for over a *month* even central air can't keep up my house hasn't been below 80 since early june)
at night, open at least two windows. put the fan in front of one of the windows, with the back facing the window, so it'll suck in cooler air. warmer air will get pushed out the other window. even better if you have two fans, have one sucking in from one window and one pushing air out the other window
during the day, keep the windows covered as much as possible and overhead lights off. i have blackout curtains for this. i have also put aluminum foil (shiny side out) on the windows like those windshield covers before. it worked but was a pain in the ass to put up and take down
wet several t-shirts and stick them in the freezer. rotate accordingly while lazing about indolently like a freeloading lion (seriously those mfers are thee worst)
ice packs on pulsepoints. wrist, groin, neck, wherever you can strap a bag of frozen peas i don't judge
keep ice water in a spray bottle and mist yourself in front of your fan for evaporative cooling. un-iced water will help too but obviously iced gets you maximum relief
the bowl of ice in front of a fan has never worked for me because it's way too humid here but depending on your humidity you could try it
i sleep with ice packs and a towel covering my pillow because the pillowcase getting sweaty is a sensory nightmare and the towel is somehow less horrifying
popsicles (i'm assuming that's what an ice lolly is?) are excellent keep it up. also to counteract the effects of sweating your balls off, you can sprinkle a little salt on the popsicles. i do this with the watermelon ones
if you are subject to the horrors of boobs in a heatwave, my remedy for swamp tits is to adhere panty liners to the part of the bra that goes under the boobs. because nobody wants swamp tits (i might also have been known to put a bag of frozen peas in my bra you do what you gotta do)
liberal and self-indulgent amounts of whining. it won't make you any cooler but at least you're sharing the misery
You are an absolute angel. Yeah I'm a northern Brit so no AC (I have taken to hiding in coffee shops where there is AC but unfortunately they ... you know ... close) and my body functions on the belief that anything above like 12C is t-shirt weather and anything above 25C is dear god no weather so I am truly not built for this 🙈 I once spent one day in 40C and it was the worst experience of my life so I could not do what you're going through!
So tips from someone who has to endure worse than this and regularly are super appreciated 🧡🧡
Some of these I did know but some of them sound like real good shouts. Unfortunately the damn health and safety of my flat means my windows open only a teeny tiny and I have slatted blinds but foil over is a super good shout.
I don't know why I hadn't thought of freezing wet t-shirts. Cause the problem I was having was wet tshirt then just turned into warm and still wet tshirt. Hence sitting in front of the fan because it then stayed cooler but frozen ... yes
And omg yes for wet pillow sensory nightmare, just had to say, yes makes my skin prickle.
Popsicles are ice lollies yes! I'm currently on a mix of strawberry frozen yoghurt ones and these absolute nostalgia on a stick
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And the whining is required. Me and my dad have a daily chat and today's was talking about how shit England were in the football and both of us going "what did you do today?" "Sit about because it is too fucking hot" "Yeah me too"
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jojo0039 · 1 year
*Pogue for Life* Tapping the Rudder Part 2
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Jo is sitting at the table that Rafe had on reserve for them.
She watches as he sits at the bar talking and laughing with other men.
She looks at the glass of rum and coke in front of her that she has left untouched.
She knows why she can't make herself drink it.
It's the same reason why she hasn't looked at the pregnancy test in her pocket yet.
She's scared of the outcome.
She's afraid of losing all of her friends and JJ if the test comes back positive.
She looks out at the water to try to find calm and peace.
She feels a presence at the table and turns to see one of the bartenders standing at her table.
"Hi, I'm Sofia. I heard a lot about you. Can I get you a different drink?" she asks.
"Oh? Uh yea, can I just get a strawberry lemonade please?"
Jo hands her the glass of her untouched drink.
"Yea, absolutely. I'll be right back."
She quickly walks off to make her a new drink.
Jo feels her phone vibrate in her pocket.
She looks at it and sees that it's a group chat with all the Pogues.
Sarah sent out a mass message and wants everyone to meet at the Chateau.
Jo's heart leaps to her throat.
She feels like she can't breathe.
She quickly stands up and rushes over to find Rafe.
She finds him at the bar talking to Sofia.
She stops and looks and sees the way Sofia is laughing at what Rafe is saying.
She is completely infatuated with him.
She shakes her head and walks past him.
He spots her and rushes after her.
"Hey! What's wrong? Where are you going?" he questions.
He grabs her arm and pulls her around and to a stop.
"I can't be here right now Rafe. I have to go."
She tries to pry his fingers off her arm.
"What are you talking about? We just got here." he exclaims.
"I don’t belong here Rafe. This country club lifestyle. It isn't me." she says to him with tears in her eyes.
He stands there frozen with wide panicked eyes.
"What the hell are you talking about? Of course, you belong here! With me!" Rafe exclaims.
She shakes her head as tears come down her face.
"I don't, not anymore. Maybe once I belonged here. But after everything that's happened. I can't do this. You want someone to take care of and I'm not that person. I need adventure and excitement. I just feel suffocated here."
She tries to pull away, but he won't let her.
"Why didn't you say anything to me before? I don't want you to leave me. You're all I have left."
He pulls her closer so that their foreheads are pressed together. "I need you. Please don't leave me." he begs her.
"Rafe please-"
He gives her a sad tight-lipped look.
"It's them, isn't it? You're leaving me for them." he questions.
"I love you, but I can't be in this lifestyle. I hope you understand."
She pulls out of his grasp and he doesn't stop her.
He just watches her with pain-stricken eyes as tears roll down his face.
"I can't be a part of Ward ruining you again. I can't watch you go down that path of destruction."
Rafe's chest gets heavy and he starts breathing heavily.
"I'm sorry." She whispers before she runs away from the club.
Rafe tries to run after her, but he gets stopped by other businessmen wanting to talk.
He pushes past them and rushes to the parking lot.
Just as he runs out there, he sees her get in a car and it drives away.
Rafe grabs his chest in agony.
He starts to feel like he's dying.
Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth.
One side for the Pogues.
Another for the Kooks.
From the moment you're born, you're told which side you belong on.
But I think it's not what people tell you, you are.
It's what side you choose.
Its which side your heart is on.
Everyone is standing outside of the Chateau waiting as Sarah arrives.
"Hey, thanks for waiting. Look who decided to come home."
Sarah turns her head and John B walks into the yard.
"Look at you boy!"
"You gotta be kidding me!"
Sarah looks around.
"Where's Jo?" she asks the group.
"I haven't heard from her." Kie responds.
JJ kicks at the dirt.
"She's probably off with her Kook boyfriend. She can't be bothered with us anymore." JJ angrily comments.
Pope looks up and his eyes widen.
"Hey." he shouts out.
Jo walks timidly into the yard toward the Pogues.
"Hey." Jo greets softly.
JJ's eyes widen and he has a look of hope on his face.
The thing is, I made my choice.
Deep down I always knew where my heart belonged.
What I didn't know is if my friends would welcome me back after everything that has happened.
"Good, now that the gang is all here, I have something I want to share with you guys." Sarah states.
"I can get us down to Orinoco." She informs the group.
"Are you serious?" JJ stutters as he comes to stand beside Jo.
She glances at him briefly, but he doesn't look at her.
"Okay, how is that gonna happen?" Cleo questions.
"My dad is gonna let us use the plane." Sarah informs them.
Jo's eyes snap up to Sarah in confusion.
"Ward? Is just gonna let everybody just use the plane?" Jo questions.
"Yup. I convinced him. He's not gonna be a problem for us. We just lay low tonight, then wheels up first thing in the morning." Sarah tries to remain optimistic.
"Okay. That's a lot to process. Your dad actually helping us." Pope comments.
"I talked to him. He'll do it." Sarah confirms.
"So we're trusting Ward now?" Cleo questions.
"We trust Sarah." Kie states.
"Alright. That's all I need to hear." Pope states.
"I just have one more thing to say." Sarah gets their attention.
"Since we've gotten back from the island, I've done some things that I regret." Sarah says as she sneaks a peek at John B.
He clears his throat.
"Yea, I feel like we've all done a thing or two we regret." he says.
Jo glances at JJ who is already watching her.
"Poguelandia, it's all I've been able to think about. We were all together on that island. And it was a good thing and I don’t wanna ruin a good thing."
Jo feels her heart stop.
She wasn't there with them.
They bonded while on that island and she wasn't there with her best friends.
She tries to stop the tears as she quickly turns around and runs away from them.
"Jo?" Pope calls out.
JJ instantly takes off after her.
She reaches the car and goes to open it, but JJ's hand stops her.
"Where are you going?" he asks her frantically.
She watches over his shoulder as the rest of the Pogues follow behind.
"It's clear that I don’t belong here anymore. You guys all had Poguelandia and I wasn't there. You had that bonding moment and I'll never be able to experience that with you. So who are we all kidding here Jay? You were right. This isn't my life anymore."
JJ grabs her face in his hands.
"I was wrong. You are just much a Pogue as any one of us. Just because you weren't there with us doesn't mean a damn thing. You belong with us. You belong with me."
Jo feels more tears in her eyes.
"I missed you." she tells him.
He presses his forehead against hers.
The rest of the Pogues gather around them.
"So are we really doing this?" John B asks as they all huddle together.
Jo hugs all of her friends and she finally feels at peace.
They take the party back to the house.
John B is sitting in his room and Jo watches Sarah follow behind him.
She smiles and shakes her head.
She sees Pope sitting on the couch and she walks over to him.
She sits down next to him.
"Hey." she greets.
"Hey." he greets back with a smile.
"I just wanna say I'm sorry. About the cross and Rafe, and my involvement in that. It was a shitty thing to do and I feel like a horrible friend." she confesses to him.
"The thing is, I don't care. The cross was just a materialistic thing. The real treasure is all of us together. Your friendship means more to me than any cross. You're one of my best friends. I couldn't stand to lose you."
She wraps her arms around him in a hug.
"I love you Pope." she whispers to him.
"I love you too. Now go fix this shit with JJ. I'm tired of him moping around waiting on you." Pope says to her.
She locks eyes with JJ from across the room.
She grabs a beer from the fridge and takes it to him.
"Whatcha thinking about?" she asks as she jumps up on the kitchen counter across from him.
"Just about everything that's happened. About you."
He makes his way slowly toward her.
He grabs her thighs and pushes them apart so he can get in between them.
"I've been thinking a lot about you too." Jo tells him.
"I miss you and I don't wanna lose you. I love you, Jo."
He grabs her face and kisses her.
She freezes in shock but she kisses him back.
She wraps her arm around his neck and pulls him closer.
His hands grip her waist.
She quickly breaks the kiss.
"Hold on. We can't do this."
She pushes him back and jumps down from the counter.
She quickly rushes past him and heads for the bathroom.
He is hot on her tail following her.
"Why the hell can't we? You said so yourself that you still love me. So what's the problem?" he demands to know.
"Because it's not just you I'm in love with. I'm in love with Rafe too. And it's not fair to either one of you for me to string you along. You deserve better than that. So I'm gonna do something very cheesy and cliché. I'm choosing me. There are a lot of things in my life and I need to figure out who I am before I can even think to choose between you and Rafe. I just don’t want you to hate me for it."
She finally takes a deep breath.
She feels like a huge weight has been lifted from her shoulders.
She stands and waits for him to say something.
"Okay." he tells her simply.
She gives him a confused look.
"Just okay?" she questions.
"You're right. We have more important things to worry about than whatever this is. I love you, Joanna. That's not gonna change anytime soon. I'll wait for you for however long it takes." he confesses to her.
She gives him a smile and wraps her arms around him in a hug.
"Thank you, Jay." she whispers to him.
He leaves her alone and she closes the bathroom door.
She takes a deep breath and grabs the test from her back pocket.
She looks down and her breath catches in her throat.
Two pink lines.
She throws the test in the trash and pukes.
She washes out her mouth and jumps when a banging on the door startles her.
"Jo! There's a fire!"
She quickly opens the door and meets the wide eyes of JJ.
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leopoldainter · 23 days
Who has a glass ceiling or lives under one or whatever fringe
It'll save huffun andraft..so not that anyone asked
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Kins decade and it's cold so crowd inbefimore Bambi and stageis forest of hells kitchen. Risszo
It's just dingy. Somehow to get .
I broke my favorite nail I can't autopilot from the enamel bay.
De bris? Drugs owl
Whose this Not knowing party shoe
Nicely cut
I really see th3 saft incandescent
Яskill precious waif it's a comically oversight GBA cartridge left pinside dothfortified by:stalegravita
Yeah not the cafeteria
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It's like un flowered flowerbed
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The airdecypts Mt myseldompiperb this that ima now what safe for futurehat for ziplocGreenfusion
Well then what's the pull out frozen drawer for. New coolant is freeon
What's it smell like.
In case it leaks I want to have time to get out.
She said it was a boat. I use them vegetable oktrident is for under water where hell's she0herdpie eh.v o ow look Pyrex glass.raised headbleatherin
So what could be the big problem that spell little with the letters it's all cartonmjri blir go for the Chinese cement topiary for clicks and dentistry
I don't know that sarajevo has a nice part. Sojnds like it's always nicer from the nicest point. Trans Siberian Orchestra. That's lime the Maffia but just the carolers and the tuners. And sometopograph monastery I have a pebblos in 9 2 .
No way those ones are feathers
See a fishbone carried by mouth of allycat
Now say anchovies on half.
And a jalapeño popper side.
Well I can't be there and on this phone. No i used an extension just to place the call do you take orders. GWL. Do you have volleyball intramurals. Ok can you stop pretending carbondating ...please hasn't Wikipedia been donated till they lost him on the ambassador payroll to kerning Joe.ccouke be Singapore most likely something south zmerican
I can picturbjjnhrl vines humidity
Pyloc. I actually aCi ciao si ciccino Cincinnati I think in some ways shawshaked sticks at her all night.
Did anyone see it actually achieved sediment yet. You see the trucks they came dowbinDove right. You're warden titular that's celedon dept. Get it front to operatic3 and living breathing external Korean in summation of the emotuon diskfolosiф
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Yes all the sounds have stilled
display crestvClonkvrrrr its
A working compactor without takis makes sim nice sound difference.
Jeepers Creepers
And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper?
9 Of Zebulun; Eliab the son of Helon.
And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light, and his lamps, and his tongs, and his snuffdishes, and all the oil vessels thereof, wherewith they minister unto it:
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And I spake unto you at that time, saying, I am not able to bear you myself alone:
Something Happens[someone asks themselfves(why<me>?)&]
Sound familiar?
bamboo grass cut completely benevolence cut righteousness the year before last
Track 9:fallen
Silent sith with leaps in hers oils threads mother Theresa from tone nd Front pressed Toam blank storken eyes glassy see just fine
Woah i thought you were asleep
I am that and you can tele too and
Snickers bar cracks in windshield 52g
Left a dent in the hood. That's on the internet forever.
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Just a guess bit people don't take up yodeling. I5s like there's family traditions and giving uo because down the road you found out they enjoyed having the fun ride include rises both ways. That's the spirit behind your schooling as I was just in a different time mine was in Williamstown.
Did you see something we're talking about barney's gets psychrd misk
Allvurus maloy
Answer: these are all brass ones.
Can you tease only like the tin out of one so I can
This more silvery
Ok good remember brown will stay wood as the axe breaks the surface
Where will you be
Look Liverpool curvatorium.
I'm holding arboro letsvfling
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 6 months
Dundee the Saltwater Crocodile playing in the rain‼️ #gatorland #crocodi...
It is a tiring place I'll tell you when you get to why this crocodile is in the movie crawl I can tell am Iw looking it's willing to mess around with a few different places like then then Garth moves the cabin there Uncle Tom's and now movej the over here we over here
And the movie is important and it's because of flooding up there it has not flooded yet but it's good soon and they were lucky as it brings down the water level it's going to have an house stuff
Too many people are saying that you have to move in and take care of them and do that now.. is the second group of cork running around marotting and VGA is trying to kidnap our son. The first group was rounded up and arrested and put in jail the rest of it's doing well there are a bunch of mini bikes Frozen or not street legal but oddly enough there's a scooter that's pretty big tires nasty it's teeny. we do have an idea of what he is saying this is a real cheap and you can drive around the street if you can legal and it's not too hard and we rather not see it but
People are evacuating and that bja is a past it's a girl too Jesus Christ is your f** he's a massive fag. And 1.5 more got up yeah and something to 3% on top of the 1% and this morning that's a lot that's very huge and one day the pseudo empire has cooled off on of creating corridors and such and they're not doing it at this time and will probably do it again.
You have some issues with family members of our son and that they try and put him in the mental hospital and he doesn't want to be there they're making him sick and poisoning him he's not sure why they keep doing it it started with McCracken and he is this guy Trump and he murdered a girl and a son went there because he broke up with Carrie I thought it would help and it was misery and it was worse and he got out and they put him back in and it was his family again now I don't know about you but we remember what happened his dad could not stand what was happening and it was violence around him and things like that and he was angry at his son because he was put into the hospital by his wife and she's the one who did it and it's a similar mix who's vice president and this country is done nothing for a son since the hospital this is very dark crap show a dog craft show and she was pivotal in putting him in there and this one who is vice president is a nutcase about it and wants him in there and to make him more docile and just complacent and compliant and wants him to live in her house or something and her son doesn't want to be near her and she just sat there and did nothing and this goofball wants to do the same thing. And she's not very bright and she is a demon and we cannot allow her near our son in the first place and she's restricted from here every time she came down she almost got hit or he did because of her and we are not allowing her here or near him and we will not allow her to assume these identity d identity and she would never have done it if she didn't have that brain transplant but she has to be watched and so does Ken he's always been saying it you have to go in the hospital and get your medicine he hasn't said it for a year but really he's saying it when he's in the house and he needs to shut his mouth I never say it again or he won't be seeing our son at all because he's going to be away and we think he keeps doing it and he goes away and when you mix these people with the demons they get them upset and try they try and put him in the middle hospital mental hospital he's telling care if you you're putting me into a prison if you put me in there you're dead meat and Ken didn't listen so if he tries again he's going to be excommunicated and we mean it unless he gets his brain fixed after he's not coming down here and that's why I won't go there if he keeps doing that s*** one more time okay that's all you have you and your buddy and you're nuts you should understand it but you don't you want to go to the hospital with can you idiot and he says no then what the f*** would you do it to me for you definitely going if you do it that's what happened to her and he's starting to think about that truthfully
There's other things going on that are damned annoying but really nothing is topping this Trump guy and he costs a lot of that mental hospital stuff and needs to pay for it and he needs to pay our son money and we're putting teams together I want to start beating the living s*** out of them and we need it this guy has to go
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
drawing-dinos82 · 2 years
Snowbirds Chapter 1
Ember is a fighter, not that they particularly enjoy it. The heat of a fight is nice, but all the praise is too much for them. Only problem? Now they’ve made the mistake of facing off against the beast that terrorizes their village, the Nightwolf. But when a literal goddess rescues them, everything changes. Who is this beautiful deity and why would they care about such mortal affairs? 
Short version: Ember is a fighter, they face off against a beast that might be bit too dangerous for them, and get rescued by a goddess.
Story time!
Ember had been waiting for days out on the cold, unforgiving tundra. The weather had been harsh with frequent snowstorms but despite how long they had been waiting, The Nightwolf had yet to emerge from the fog.
Ember sighs. It is cold and they have been out here for literal ages. Why can't this monster just show up so they can murder it already? Or slay it, would be the official term, but that sounds so stuck up and haughty. They much prefer to call it murder, since that's what it is. Some people call it butchery, but that isn't right. No one wants to eat the creature. Ember doubts it would taste good. 
They sit down on the icy ground next to the pathetic fire they built. It sputters and flickers weakly, but it's held on this long, and Ember isn't going to let it have the mercy of going out now. They pull another small stick out of their pack and are concerned to see that the fuel for the fire they brought has greatly diminished, and they will most likely run out soon. 
Maybe they can return to their village and collect more? No. They vowed that they wouldn't return until the monster is dead or they are. Looking back they realize this was probably a foolish thing to do and the latter is looking more and more likely. 
Ember glances up as something howls in the distance. They hope it's the Nightwolf, but with their luck, it's probably just the wind. Sighing, they go back to rummaging around inside their pack, seeing what food they have left. Some dried meat, a few animal skins full of water that miraculously hasn't frozen, three bread rolls, and a handful of dried apples. Just great. They eat a bread roll.
A sudden gust of wind blows snow across the icy expanse of the tundra and they shield their face from the airborne snow. Some get past their arms and nips at their face in small, freezing bites. When the snow clears, they look up, straight into moon pale eyes, boring into them.
The creature is huge, thrice the size of a full-grown mare. Its pelt is dirty gray and flecked with sparkling particles of ice and snow. Each of its paws bears a claw as long as Ember's arm and wicked sharp. It growls and they can see blood-stained teeth, big as a sword blade and just as dangerous. 
"Hello," Ember whispers meekly. " I don't want to be of any trouble. You know what I think I might leave now.¨ They slowly stand up, shouldering their pack. ¨Bye.¨
The Nightwolf doesn't seem to like this. It growls and sprints toward them. They barely have time to throw their pack to the side before the monster is on top of them, its foul breath hot on their body, but that doesn't warm them in the slightest. 
Ember pulls their sword from its sheath, a glimmering five feet of metal, sharp enough to cut the toughest of monster pelts, and stabs the creature in the paw, hoping to cause some kind of damage.
Unfortunately, they fail. All it does is aggravate The Nightwolf. It lifts its paw into the air and shakes it vigorously. Ember clutches the hilt until their knuckles turn white and try to hold on as they're swung meters above the ground but their fingers slowly slip away. 
They fly off at the peak of a swing. Of course, it's the highest point. Ember soars through the air flailing wildly. They land on their shoulder and hear a pop, followed by a bright burst of pain. They lay stunned for a moment, stuck in a haze of pain. They're not stupid. They come from a long line of Warriors turned Medics and know that when something makes a weird noise in your body and then it hurts, there is probably something wrong. 
They only snap back to reality when they hear the deep growl of the Nightwolf above them. Opening their eyes, they can see that it is standing over them, its mouth dripping with saliva, ready to devour Ember. 
The warrior rolls to the side just as jaws larger than a polar bear snap down where she had just been seconds before. Their shoulder throbs horribly and they're pretty sure it's dislocated. Which wouldn't be a problem if they were in the village, full of people who wouldn't think twice to help another living thing. But out here? At least a mile from their village and all alone? There wasn't a chance in Helheim that they could get it back into its socket. Only one functional arm? Amazing.
Ember staggers to their feet, scanning the ground for their sword. Something glimmers a few meters away, their sword if they're lucky, just some ice if they're unlucky, but they have to take that chance.
Stumbling across the ice, they slowly make their way toward the shiny thing. It's a polished silver color, attached to a dirty bronze curved T shape. Their sword. They snatch it from the snowy ground and spin to face the Nightwolf, who has followed them and is looking pretty angry at this point if its bared teeth and flattened ears are any sign.
Ember can feel their hand shaking as they raise the sword.
The Nightwolf stares down at them as if to say This is your best? Really? And I was hoping for a challenge. It almost seems to sigh before raising its paw to smack them halfway to the ocean. 
As the paw comes swing down they duck and roll, despite how much their shoulder screams in agony. They pop back up, trying to balance their sword and swipe the snow off their face at the same time, which is annoyingly difficult since one of their arms is next to useless. 
They turn to face the increasingly more agitated beast but nearly fall back to the ground as their side explodes in sharp, stabbing pain. Glancing down they can see that their tunic now sports a long rip across their side, which is dripping blood, staining the snow below them dark crimson. The beast did manage to land a hit. 
"Wow, my good sir. Y-You are a formidable opponent." The blood trickling down their side is quickly turning cold and they shiver from a mix of that and the missing chunk of clothing, which leaves their skin exposed to the freezing temperatures and bone-chilling winds. 
The wolf doesn't seem to like compliments, judging from what it does next. 
It suddenly pounces and Ember is forced to throw themself into a snowbank. The snow grinds against their wound and they hiss in pain.
The Nightwolf doesn't pause as it closes down on empty air. It immediately leaps up again and lands mere feet away from Ember's hiding places, causing them to flee the hiding spot. This continues for several minutes, a twisted game of cat and mouse, with Ember constantly having to run away from the wolf, as it tries to pin her down. But Ember is getting tired and there is more time lost each time the wolf crunches into the snow behind them.
Their foot catches on something buried in the snow, maybe a rock or animal borrow, whatever it is doesn't matter. They stumble, trying to regain their balance but they fail and fall face-first into the snow. instincts take over and they roll onto their back, just before a massive paw comes crashing down on them. 
The sickening sound of bones crunching and breaking echoes in their ears and they cry out as their chest explodes in pain. Their vision goes white and they fight back the sour bile that rises in their throat. 
They try to curl up into a ball, trying to shield their vital organs but they can hardly breathe. The wolf removes its paw and bends down, sniffing the unmoving form of Ember. They close their eyes tight, trying to stop their tears. It can't end like this but they know it's going to. They're going to fail their quest and lose their life, which they probably deserve. 
A flash suddenly lights up the sky, diverting The Nightwolf's attention from Ember. Its head snaps up and it bounds over to investigate the source of the light. 
Ember groans as they slowly sit up, their ribs protesting violently. They look up just in time to see a spark of light and feel the intense heat on their face as the wolf is vaporized, revealing the source of the commotion standing behind them.
The figure is tall, taller than anyone Ember has ever seen, and glowing with a faint light. Their hair is the pale yellow of buttercups and floats around her like water. She is wearing a lavender, flowy, ankle-length dress that is incredibly impractical for this climate, but despite how much skin is exposed, they don't seem to be shivering in the slightest. 
Glancing up from where the wolf had just been, the mysterious figure notices Ember and hurries over. 
"Oh wow, that thing was giant. Are you alright?" Their voice is soft and calming, like the sunkissed flowers that grow on the selling hills that surround Ember's village.
"Eh, more or less. That overgrown puppy can't keep me-" Ember breaks off coughing, which sends more sharp spikes of agony through their body. When they manage to get their breath back, they realize that small drops of blood now decorate the snow next to them. "Ah snake sheddings," they curse.
"Oh no, that's not good," The stranger murmurs, dropping to her knees. "You're hurt more than you want to admit aren't you?"
"Nah, I'll be fine. Just need a bit of rest and I'll be fit as a fiddle. That's a weird saying when you think about it right? Like how can a fiddle be fit? Come to think of it, what even is a fiddle?"
"I think it's a stringed instrument, similar to a violin," the stranger says absentmindedly. "I need to take you back to my castle so I can fix your injuries properly. I need to put you under a sleep spell first alright? Is that ok with you little mortal?"
"Mm ok. Wait! What do you mean by castle? And spell, also why are you calling me a mortal?" Ember tries to ask, but the pretty stranger is already placing a delicate, gentle hand on their forehead and they feel their eyelids getting heavier and heavier.
"Have peaceful dreams little warrior." is the last thing they hear before their eyes close and everything goes black
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fangsandbloodmoon · 2 years
It's a quite afternoon. I'm sitting in a library, with a book in my hand but i don't read it. I'm staring out the window, but I'm suddenly aware of a girl who comes and sits across me. She's beautiful, an effortlessness in her beauty, i envy and admire. Her face beams as she greets me with the sweetest smile I'd ever seen. Her smile. I was mesmerized. I intended on being alone, but now i couldn't resist the urge to spend the rest of my day with her. She was a stranger to me and she'd come with a purpose. She wanted to know something. Or perhaps, uncover a mystery i was yet to realize. "What do you want from life?" She asks me, wide eyed, sitting across the table with her palms cupping her cheeks. She's smiling from ear to ear, eager to hear me answer this ridiculous question she asked out of the blue in the middle of a tuesday. I would have just shrugged it off but i had been thinking about it too. What do i want from life? Is it success?
But if its success, is it the one that everybody had made it out to be or my own version of it? When i was a little girl, i dreamt of growing up to be a doctor, then a teacher, then a marine biologist, then a scientist and now having bloomed into an adolescent, i find myself pursuing the study of the mind. That isn't what i want from life though. In my opinion, life isn't the career you choose, it's not your job or how much salary you make. If i really give it a thought, if i go back in time and see how the little me saw the world and all the dreams inside her little mind, i will come to know that what i want is far more than what I've let myself believe i deserved. With the hardships over the years, you let go of things you once desired, the innocence of wanting to grow up withers down to merely wanting to survive.
The grown up me would argue that she doesn't know better, she hasn't seen the struggles that one has to go through, that sometimes, you can't afford to let your childish wonder rule how you see the world and what you want out of it. I believe that isn't fair to the kids we once used to be. Didn't she get me where i am today? Where would I be without her unfailing hope? Her pure untainted heart? And i am sure that if only i could have the courage and find compassion in my heart for her, i will find my answer. So i speak, with a faith once again found from deep inside my patched up heart, the answer to what i want from life, " the child i once used to be, running around in puddles, catching butterlies and chasing down rainbows- I want to live to bring her to life, and never let her go." She is the reason of my being. She will be the cause of the joy i will receive when i breathe in the fresh morning air every day. She will become the rejoinder. Upon hearing this, her eyes shone like it had clicked something inside her. She took me by my hand and led me through the doors out in the open. Ofcourse i followed her without question, what was there to lose? I trusted her, but i couldn't explain why. We reached near a lake, the sun was dipping in the horizon illuminating all the land and water in orange, pink and yellow. We sat down near the bank of a river and she reached her hand down, touching the water. I could do nothing but stare at her, in awe. Her skin glowed softly in the evening light. She took one look at me and i felt like i was flying. A hand landed on my chest, she heard my heart beating and she smiled, again, god that smile. Am i even alive? She leans in and whispers in my ear, "you know the truth, so go ahead, live". I couldn't bear but close my eyes as she closed the distance between us. I stayed there, waiting, frozen.
Suddenly a breeze swept my hair to flow in the wind to which i opened my eyes and found myself alone, near the lake, the girl nowhere to be found. I lay there in the grass till i could shake off the feeling of ecstacy i had experienced but all in vain. A while later, i stood up with a light heart. A love like a string of light branching all over my veins, making me come alive. I hope to see her again one day
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wiintersecho · 7 years
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“...and it was with the bright, burning rays of the setting sun brushing over the endless landscape, did the boy not feel loneliness - but, instead, welcomed the gentle embrace of peace.”
There’s been a lot of artists inspiring me as of late, so I thought I’d give it a go at doing a full, colored drawing for once. It’s...really been ages since I’ve done one, and this took me way longer than it ever should have. I’m still...not entirely happy with the result -- there’s some bits and pieces here I’m picky about, but I'll learn to live with it.
There were plans to put a small bunny in the pond (maybe even the Pooka himself) but, I think I like it better this way?
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thatgirlstrawberry · 3 years
Spencer's Secret
In which Spencer doesn't answer his phone and the team goes to check on him and an unfamiliar person answers the door
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of sex, horny!Spencer lol, uhhhh lmk if anything else was missed!
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Spencer Reid had never been sick a day in his life.
That's why when Morgan had received a voice-mail from him that he wouldn't be coming into work the next day (with a very unconvincing cough), Morgan had his doubts.
Spencer was actually just at home with his secret girlfriend. It was her birthday and the two just wanted to spend the day together.
Y/N wasn't a people person. So on her birthday, that meant no parties, no outings and no overwhelming gifts. Just the two of them, spending time with and loving one another.
The reason Spencer had never told the team about his girlfriend because he didn't want them all in his business and asking about her. And it worked out perfectly because he had told Y/N that his friends were very extroverted people and she wasn't by any means.
It was hard enough to try and get Y/N to get to know him because she was so shy and filled with anxiety. Now she was shy with anyone but him. With Spencer, she felt that she could be herself.
After a long steamy morning, Y/N and Spencer walked out of the bathroom wrapped in towels. "That was a good birthday present, Spence." She smiled, using a small towel to dry her newly washed hair.
Spencer hummed, catching up to her and wrapping his arms around her waist. He stopped her from walking and kiss her neck. "I'm called off of work today so we can do that as many times as we want."
"Mmm, I like that idea." She giggled, feeling his hands roaming her body. "I think we should pace ourselves though. We wouldn't want to get too exhausted." She smirked and spun around, wrapping her arms around his neck, standing on her tippy toes.
Spencer shrugged. "I wouldn't mind it." He shook his head before leaning down to kiss her. Y/N almost melted.
"Spence, we just took a shower." She groaned as she felt his hand clutch the top of her towel.
"Good thing we still have running water then. Huh?"
Morgan furrowed his eyebrows at his phone after listening to Reid's voice mail. Something wasn't right. He could've sworn he heard the shower running in the background.
"Morgan, is something bothering you?" Hotch asked as he walked into the bullpen.
The man nodded. "Yeah... Reid's not coming in today. Said he's not feeling well but something ain't right. I've called him six times and he hasn't answered. I'm worried about him."
"That boy has never been sick in his life." Emily said, shaking her head. "What if he's... in trouble or something?"
Rossi scoffed. "More like in someone." He mumbled. No one seemed to hear him.
Garcia bit her lip. "Maybe we should go check on him. Bring him some soup or something. If I'm being honest, it's worrying me that he won't answer his phone. I tried to call him this morning to tell him about the Doctor Who marathon in the park and he didn't pick up. Even after I left him the message." She nodded.
JJ sighed. "You guys, maybe he really is sick. We don't treat each other like this when one of us is sick." She paused as everyone took that into consideration. "Nah, who am I kidding. It's Spence."
"We should all head over there." Hotch told them.
Morgan was already advancing towards the doors. "I'll start the SUV."
After yet another shower, Spencer was trying trying his best to cook Y/N lunch seeing as the two had worked up quite an appetite. However, he was failing miserably. Spencer wasn't a chef and Y/N was perfectly fine with frozen waffles.
Y/N turned on the radio and danced in the kitchen while Spencer rifled through the freezer for the frozen waffles. All she had on was one of his navy blue sweaters and a pair of shorts and his socks.
"Do you have the blueberry syrup?" Y/N asked, standing on her tippy toes to peer over his shoulder. Spencer turned his head and kissed her cheek, nodding.
Before Y/N could tear him away from the freezer and kiss him, a knock came from the front door. Spencer groaned and sighed. "I'm sorry. Do you mind getting that? I know i have waffles somewhere in here."
"Sure, babe." She kissed his neck and then happily walked to the door. She opened it with a smile.
"Okay, everyone. We're here." Hotch said before getting out of the SUV. They were in front of Spencer's apartment building.
Emily squinted her eyes. "His curtains are open." She noticed.
"We should get up there." Garcia nodded, beginning to move to the door of his building.
The rest followed her quickly. They all walked up the stairs and JJ moved in front of the group when they reached his apartment. They all looked at each other when they realized that there had been music playing from inside. She leaned forward and knocked loudly on the door.
After a few moments, the door swung open and a woman in his unbelievably recognizable sweater (that was huge on her) and shorts met them with a smile. Her smiled dropped when she saw all of their shocked faces.
Derek glanced at Emily. "I'm sorry, do we have the wrong apartment or somethin'?" He asked. The girl furrowed her eyebrows.
"Sorry, who are you?" Y/N asked shyly.
"I'm Derek... who are you?"
She heard footsteps from behind her. "Hey, babe who-"
Spencer stopped in his tracks when he saw his entire team standing at his door with shocked looks on their faces.
"Is it just me or is there a girl in Reid's apartment?" JJ asked, not blinking. "And did he just call her babe?"
The doctor cleared his throat and nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Uh... guys, this is... Y/N... my girlfriend."
"Girlfriend!?" The team all simultaneously shouted. Y/N stepped back a little bit, feeling self conscious.
Spencer reached out to grab her hand and tugged her to his side. "Yeah. Uh, Y/N, this is Jennifer, David, Emily, Aaron, and Derek. These are the people I work with."
Y/N waved shyly and blushed. "Uh excuse me. I'm gonna go change... uh clothes." She stuttered.
The woman quickly broke away from her boyfriend's side and rushed to Spencer's bedroom and shut the door quickly. Spencer watched her go. He didn't look back at the team for a good ten seconds after she disappeared.
They were all silent until Morgan spoke. "Well ain't she cute 'lil thang?" He smiled. "Reid you... have a girl? For how long?"
"Six months, eight days, and about twenty-one hours." He told them, trying to avoid their eyes. "I've known her for about two years."
Garcia gasped. "Our boy wonder has a girlfriend!? And he didn't think to tell us!?" She asked rather loudly.
Spencer put his finger up to his lips. "Shhh! Guys she's really shy amd doesn't like new people all that much." He told them quietly.
One by one, they filed into the apartment, shooting him smiles. "My man!" Morgan smiled brightly, clamping his hand down on Reid's shoulders. Spencer tried to fight the smile that appeared on his face.
"I knew it, kid." Rossi shook his head. "I knew you weren't sick." He chuckled, shaking his head.
Spencer guiltily looked down. "I'm sorry I lied." Everyone looked at him. "It's just- It's her birthday, and she doesn't like to go out a lot and I just wanted to make her feel special since our job is so demanding." He told them, glancing back at his bedroom door.
"I understand Reid, but you could've told us." Hotch said. Spencer nodded and put a smile on his face when he heard his bedroom door open. He turned around and she had changed into the jeans that she came over in the might before but still had on his sweater with her hands stiffed inside the sleeves.
"So I take it Spencer never told you all about me?" They all shook their heads. "Well I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you all."
As the rest of the afternoon went on, Y/M found herself being a little more comfortable with these people whom she had just met. It was hard but she was really trying.
And Spencer couldn't love her any more for it.
Hey y'all!
I hope you liked this request! It was so fun to write because Spence being horny is just too funny 🤣
Love y'all and thanks for reading <3
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
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Kirishima x reader- Magnum
Chapter includes: Temp play (cold), blow job, sex in a small Space, slight praise.
After an hour or so in the freezer you were sufficiently cooled down, the hot summers day had gone cold as the sun lowered and you had spent your time teasing kiri. You had also ran out of ice lollies. 
But it was time to get out of the freezer. Because you were surprisingly getting cold, there was only so much your quirk could do especially since you were keeping two people warm, it was more work with the air cooling down. "Can you help me back out?" You asked, flailing your arms over the side of the freezer, It was a little too tall. 
Kiri on the other hand wasn't paying attention. His mind had been wandering for far too long. Popsicles. How dare they make you look so enticing. He couldn't stop the thoughts plaguing his head, and he felt a little guilty thinking such lewd thoughts about you. 
He looked up for a moment, he hadn't realised you were trying to get out the freezer until now when you were in a rather compromising position. You were bent over the side of the freezer your arms dangling and you continued to try to hop over the side. "W-what are you doing?" His face burned red and hot, images getting more vivid the longer he stared. "Trying to get out of this freezer, its getting kinda cold"
Suddenly his confidence grew 3x what it was, he stood up and you sighed thankfully expecting him to help you out. Instead he grabbed your hips pulling you back into the freezer and sat down again "I could warm you up?" He whispered lowly into your ear sending shivers down your spine that you knew weren't from the cold.
"H-how do you plan on that?" Despite your best efforts of sounding alluring it came out a mess. You chewed on your lip, your ragged breaths coming out foggy and your heart hammered in your chest. He shifted you so you were straddling his lap and your face erupted in flames feeling the hard tent in his jeans. How hadn't you noticed that before? It should have been VERY obvious.
He hadn't spoke, he kept his lips clamped shut he tilted your chin up, Your (e/c) eyes met his, the black pupils swallowed the crimson making him look more shark like than ever. He leaned in meeting your soft, warm lips with his icy cold ones. He swiped his tongue (which was even cooler) over your bottom lip asking for entrance and as if under some spell you granted.
Why were his lips so cold? 
You shivered and he pulled away with a grin holding an ice cube between his pointy teeth, it was melting fast and you looked away "where did you even get that? How did I not notice you put that in your mouth?" He shifted, and a bag of ice cubes was propping him up, you had thought the freezer was empty, guess you were wrong but how was he not absolutely frozen. 
Your thoughts didn't seem to matter since he shrugged and pulled you forward locking your lips again, the icy cold cube melting against your tongue, trickling down your throat. You moaned into the kiss as he pulled you deeper under his spell, your hair stood on end, and you had goosebumps all up your arms. He pulled away from your lips and traced kisses down your jaw leaving drops of biting cold water off of his lips on their place. 
"K-kiri what are you doing" you shuddered, his lips travelled further down your neck the ice cube starting to melt rapidly the closer it got to your chest where your fire was stored. It was a strange sensation, the freezing cold felt… good? It was different, very different, but it wasn't at all bad. "Your enjoying this a lot more than i thought you would" he murmured against your neck, he was right about that much You didn't expect this reaction in the slightest!
His shark teeth nibbled along your neck down to your collar bone, occasionally they would accidentally pierce your skin and a pearl of blood would stain the vest he had given you. Hot purple marks littered up your throat and neck, down your shoulders across your chest, competing with the cold kiri was dragging across yor skin. 
"Slow down kiri, i can't be the only one getting attenton" you giggled, so innocent sounding for such a sinful situation. You grinded against him making him groan, the obvious tent in his shorts getting more obvious "is that your quirk at play or are you just happy to see me?" You teased, he rolled his eyes as if he's heard that joke a hundred times before and looks down at you. There's no innocence left in his eyes, they burn with desire and lust while he watches you unbuckle his leather belt and unbutton his constraints.
"No underwear huh? And in shorts too? How brave" you tease when his cock springs out of his shorts, laying flat against his stomach. Your only thoughts are 'Big… Very Big!' Almost on instinct you reach out and wrap your hand around the base of his shaft making him moan out, "i haven't even done anything yet!" You shout, both your faces are bright red and hot, the tips of your ears are burning like someone was holding a lighter to them. Kiri's eyes were squeezed shut as tight as possible, his fists were balled and the bag of ice crunched every time he moved. 
You moved your hand up and down slowly, watching his reddening face intensely. It looked like you were doing everything right, it definitely sounded like you were doing everything right from the tiny grunts escaping his mouth. You picked up your pace drawing a long moan from his throat, and you chuckled "Y-(y/n)" he groaned. Your name sounded so salacious coming from him right now, you weren't sure you could ever fill in another form without hearing kiri in the back of your mind and you wanted desperately to hear more like that. 
You would ignore the heat bubbling in your stomach, your thighs rubbing together for friction, and your now soaked underwear until you could satisfy kiri. You stopped your hand movements eliciting an annoyed growl and you shuffled forward again and sat on your calfs between his thighs. "Kneel" you instructed and he did as he was told. "Y-you don't have to if you don't want to (y/n), we can stop any time just say the word and its done" he said. You grinned contemplating how in the space of an afternoon you went from friends stuck in a freezer to, in a relationship while fucking in the freezer, either way you were glad to have someone so caring now. 
"I know" you grinned. You reached behind him and grabbed an ice cube popping it in your mouth and in an instant it was just cold water sitting on your tongue "just like a popsicle right?" You laughed nervously while kiri laughed genuinely. How in the hell did he find that remotely funny. 
You scooted closer wrapping your hand around the base and wrapped your lips around the head. he let out a high pitched moan, one you would never expect from him and you looked up at him through your eyelashes. His nails were scratching at the silver 'walls' of the freezer and his eyes rolled back the red on his cheeks, impossibility dark and his mouth hung open. "C-cold" he said barely above a whisper. 
You bobbed your head up and down using your hand to get what you couldn't fit. Nothing like a popsicle. “Holy shit” he whispered and without thinking gripped your hair pushing you further down his cock without thinking, making you choke and gag. Your waterline filled with tears a few running down your face leaving red trails “s-sorry” he grunted, you hummed accepting his apology the vibrations driving him crazy. 
You drew your head back watching his face for miniscule reactions, his nose twitching, his lip quivering, his hands tugging your hair and knotting it. You hollow your cheeks as you went taking as much as possible in his mouth when his member twitched, you looked up through your eyelashes "it hasn't even been that long" you said, though it was muffled but he could clearly hear what you were saying "shouldn't you be glad, your the one doing it" he rubbed his hands over the purple map of where he'd been and trailed his hands down squeezing your breast and rolling his thumb over your hard nipple. You couldn't argue with his logic so you used your mouth for other purposes setting out an unrelenting pace. He grunted and whispered curses and praises that bounced around the freezer then into your ears. 
"S-shit (y/n) i'm gonna c-cum" he said, his tone sounded almost embarrassed making you chuckle. You pushed your head forward. You were all the way down when he twitched again, this time cumming into your mouth almost making you choke. You pulled off swallowing what you hadn't and looked up at him with half-lidded eyes and swollen pink lips. you were both panting heavily and suddenly you were being pushed down against the floor of the freezer with your knees bent so you could fit. 
”aw getting impatient are you” you teased, he growled and pushed another ice cube in your mouth, his substitute for a gag even though it would melt in no time but you took it as a sign to shut up. He pulled his wallet from his pocket and fumbled through pulling out a condom and ripping it open with his teeth then rolled it on. 
”you want to do this right?” he asked, the harsh intensity behind his eyes replaced by softness and his hand rested gently on your cheek where you nuzzled into it ”yes. I want this” you assured him. 
Kiri had never cared for foreplay, it was the part he always skipped when watching porn, if he for some reason was reading fanfiction he would skim over it and go to the good stuff, and now in this situation, you were both far too desperate for him to even think about it. He knew you weren't a virgin, everyone knew you weren't, you wore it like a victory badge (some people do. Don't judge) and though he was upset it wasn't him he could never judge you. but God was he about to make you forget anyone else was your first, he would make you feel so good you would never say their name again.
He sucked on your neck adding to the gallery of hickeys trailing his hands down your stomach and pulling your shorts off. "You ready?" He asked and you nodded pointing to the bag of ice cubes. The cold made your heart race and the more you had the slower they melted. He raised his eyebrows, he hadn't expected you to like the ice as much as you had and he was really enjoying it. 
He dragged the bag over propping it up in the corner and put an ice cube in his mouth, you glared about to get one yourself but the firm "no" from him was enough to make you retract your hand and pray. His icy cold hands held your hips in place and he leaned down kissing you again with his freezing lips drawing a moan from you. "You make such pretty noises (y/n), you should do it more often" he mumbled biting your bottom lip gently. 
You whined desperately and he smirked "okay okay" he lined up with your entrance and pushed in. Your eyes rolled back and you bit back a moan. "Holy fuck" kiri grunted staying in one place "are you okay?" He asked. You nodded rapidly and reached up gripping his shoulder hard. He pulled out and slammed his hips back into you "A-AH KIRI!" You cried digging your nails into his shoulder "you're so gorgeous" he gushed. What a moment to be all sappy. 
He thrust at a relentless pace drawing a moan from you with every movement, You were convinced If you put this on pornhub you would make bank. "Kiri please" you whimpered stretching your arm to the bag of ice that was centimetres out of reach "fine, since you've been so good" he praised and pressed an ice cube against your tongue while his other hand trailed another down your stomach where it melted and dripped off your sides pooling around you. 
"Kiri god im so close please" you begged bucking your hips to meet his. Every time you said his name he went a little more feral and you had officially broke him. He pounded into you at inhuman speed gripping your hips so hard they would definitely bruise and the heat pooling in your stomach reached boiling point. "KIRI!" You screamed arching your back as your orgasm washed over you. Your mouth hung open in a silent scream while he thrusted a few more times until he came too. 
You huffed propping yourself up on your elbows and he pulled out. "That was incredible" you panted. You were a shivering mess, your quirk no longer able to heat you up but there was no way you were walking for hours. "Fuck yeah it was" he grinned switching immediately back to his cheery self "sorry i went to hard didn't I" he kissed the top of your head helping you put your shorts back on which was a very hard task for such a cramped space. "No it was amazing" you grinned trying to pick yourself up but to no avail. "Im really tired now though" you giggled. He nodded picking you up like a gentleman and climbed out of the freezer with ease. 
He carried you to your room and swaddled you in blankets to get the heat flowing through you again and snuggled next to you. "Is it to early to say I love you?" He asked "depends, how long have you loved me For?" "Since first year" he admit "then i'd say no" you nuzzled into him feeling your eyes get heavy and fighting to keep them open "then i love you" he wrapped his arms around you protectively even though there was nothing to protect you from "i love you too eijiro." 
And into a peaceful sleep you sank yet your dreams were far from it
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valeriethepussycats · 3 years
Inside Out
Chapter 4
Pairing- Loki x Reader
Warning-cursing and childhood trauma
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.
Flashbacks are in bold.
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“The celebration had been going on strong for the last few hours, and there wasn’t an end in sight. Asgardians strolled through the streets, rejoicing the fact that the Nine Realms were safe at last. Friends laughed, kids played, and warriors recounted their many victorious battles.
Y/n,Gambit,Sif, and The warrior three are all drinking in the castle, until Y/n starts to get flashes of Loki. He was in the scorching sun day in and day out,and they deprive him of water for weeks, and someone used the mind stone on him. Outside her head all the glass bottles and wine glasses bust, and Gambit immediately looks over at Y/n and see the black vines on her arm but before he could make his way over to her but time freeze.
Y/n gets up and runs to the dungeon, when she gets there she just stands in front of Loki’s cell looking down at her feet. Having a hard time looking at him and not see what she saw.
“Y/n, what’s going on?” Loki said as he looks around and see everyone is frozen. “Are you doing this?”
“why didn’t you tell me....why didn’t you tell me you were tortured.” Y/n questioned.
Loki looks at Y/n with wide eyes. “How do you do know that.”
“The stars, our minds all of that is Connected remember. How you not tell me.” Y/n said with Infrequent blinking.
“I didn’t want you to see that.” Loki answered.
“You were alone before you came to earth.” Y/n said as a tear rolls down her face.
The Black vines starts to slowly climb up her arm and appear on her face. Loki see that Y/n is in distress from what she learned. He knows what will happen if he let her feel those emotions. So he walks up the to the shield and use his up most calming and soothing voice he could muster at a time like this.
“It’s ok I’m fine Y/n look at me look at me.” Loki pleased.
Y/n looks at Loki with an empty stare. “No it’s not fine.....you were tortured. You were tortured into do what you did on earth. You was being watched. Even if I was aware of what was going on with you there was nothing I could’ve done. Nothing you could’ve done cause if you would’ve said or done anything differently they would’ve killed you.”
“I tried my best to get to rid those memory. I knew you would be able to feel it.” Loki said.
“I never wanted to experience those feeling.....not again?” Y/n quavered. “Not again.”
“What do you mean by ‘not again’?” Loki dais with a firm voice.
“The people that took me did this to me they put someone else’s X-Gene inside of me and I have to learn how to control it....and when I couldn’t control it they would put a collar around my neck then throw me into a dark room. The feeling of loneliness every day inside that room...if it wasn’t for Gambit....” Y/n trailed off. But Loki knew what she was going to say.
“I’m so sorry. I am here.” Loki puts he’s hand on over the Barrier of the cell walk and Y/n copies his movement.
“The person that did that to you.” Robin started. “What was there name?”
“Thanos” Loki answered.
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At that same time, back on Asgard, Heimdall, the all-seeing keeper of the Rainbow Bridge, stood at his post at the edge of the observatory, scanning the cosmos. He did not turn when Thor approached, but spoke as soon as the prince was behind him.
“You're late.” Heimdall announced.
“Merriment can sometimes be a heavier burden than battle.” Thor stated.
“Then you're doing one of them incorrectly.” Heimdall commented.
Thor chuckles. “Perhaps. How fare the stars?”
“Still shining. From here I can see Nine Realms and ten trillion souls.” Heimdall looks at Thor for a moment. “You recall what I told you of the Convergence?”
“Yes, the alignment of the worlds. It approaches, doesn't it?” Thor asked.
“The universe hasn't seen this marvel since before my watch began. Few can sense, even fewer can see it. A world that's infected can be dangerous. It is truly beautiful.” Heimdall explained.
They looks out into the stars. “I see nothing.”
“Or perhaps that is not the beauty you seek.”
Thor laughs. “How is she?”
“She's quite clever, your mortal. She doesn't know it yet, but she studies the Convergence as well. Even...” Heimdall stops as he senses something.”
“What?” Thor stressed.
“I can't see her.”
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We see Jane being infected by the Aether] [after Jane is infected with the Aether she reawakens in the factory, she runs out to find Darcy has called the police.
“Jane! Where the hell were you?” Darcy exclaimed.
“Tell me you didn't call the police!” Jane inquired.
“What was I supposed to do?” Darcy asked.
“Not call the police!” Jane yelled.
“I was freaking out.” Darcy stuttered.
“You call the cops they tell the feds, the next thing you know we have Shield crawling all over area fifty-one-ing the place.” Jane proclaimed.
“We had a stable gratification anomaly, we had unheeded access. Our only competition was ten years old!”
“Jane, you were gone for five hours!” Darcy disclosed.
Suddenly the weather turns, it starts raining and they hear the sound of thunder, Jane looks around her and puts her hand out.
“That's weird.” Darcy noted.
They see it's raining but it's not raining on Jane and Darcy, there's an invisible barrier protecting them, suddenly Jane sees Thor standing a few feet away from them, Jane hands her gadget to Darcy and walks towards Thor, as she walks away the invisible barrier follows her and the rain starts falling on Darcy.
Jane walks towards Thor.
“As she reaches him suddenly she slaps him hard in the face. “Sorry. I just needed to make sure you were real, it's been a very strange day.”
“Well, I am. Jane...”
Suddenly she slaps him again. “Where were you?!”
“Where were you? Heimdall could not see you.” Thor said.
“I was right here where you left me. I was waiting and then I was crying and then I went out looking for you. You said you were coming back.” Jane said in a level tone.
“I know, I know, but the Bifrost was destroyed. The Nine Realms erupted into chaos, wars were raging, marauding hordes were pillaging. I had to put an end to the slaughter.” Thor explained.
“As excuses go, that's not terrible. But I saw you on TV, you were...you were in New York! Fighting with Y/n.” Jane said without trying to sound Jealous.
But she was he was spending all that time with Y/n. Ok she was the only person that believe him but Jane did to (with reason).
Does Thor have Heimdall to look in on Y/n.
“Jane, I fought to protect you from the dangers of my world, but I was wrong, I was a fool.” Thor places his hand Jane's face. “I believe that fate brought us together. Jane, I don't know where you were or what happened, but I do know this.”
“I know...”
“You do?”
“Do what?”
They lean in close and just as they are about to kiss Darcy interrupts them; referring to the rain.
“Hey! Is that you?”
Thor looks up and the rain stops.
“Uh...we're kind of in the middle of something.” Jane sigh of irritation as she look at Darcy.
“Um...I'm pretty sure we are getting arrested” Darcy replied.
Jane look over at Thor. “Hold that thought.” She turns and runs towards the police.
“Look at you, still all muscly and everything. How's space?” Darcy asked.
“Space is fine.” Thor answered.
Jane walks over to the police. “Excuse me?”
“Are you Jane Foster?” One of police officer asked.
“Do you know this man?” police officer said referring to Ian.
“He's my intern. My intern's intern.” Jane answered.
“This is private property and you're trespassing, the lot of you. You'll have to come with me.” The police officer goes t grab Jane's arm but suddenly the force from the Aether creates a powerful force which pushes the officer and everything else away,
Thor runs towards Jane who's lying on the ground.
“Jane! Jane?” Thor said as he helps her stand. “You alright?”
“What just happened?” Jane asked.
The other police officer approaches Jane apprehensively. “Place your hands on your head, step back!”
“The woman is unwell.” Thor answered.
“She's dangerous.”
“So am I.” Thor disclosed.
Talking into his radio. “Requesting armed response officers to the scene.” Thor grabs Jane and pulls her closer to him.
“Hold on to me.”
“What are you doing?” Suddenly the Bifrost opens and Thor takes Jane to Asgard; Darcy looks up as they disappear
“Holy shit!” Darcy shouted.
Thor and Jane travel through the Bifrost and enter Asgard where Heimdall is guarding as always, Jane looks around her in amazement.
“We have to do that again.” she notices Heimdall for the first time. “Hi.”
“Welcome to Asgard.” Heimdall announced.
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Returning to their homeland, Svartalfheim, Malekith kneels and grabs a handful of dust from the ground. “Look at my legacy, Algrim. I barely remember the time before light.”
Algrim places his hand on Malekith's shoulder. “Our survival will be your legacy.”
“The Asgardians will suffer as we have suffered. I will reclaim the Aether. I will restore our world and I'll put an end to this poisonous world.” Malekith replied.
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Loki is laying down on his bed, think about what happened the other day. The way Y/n was angry for him and what he saw. He didn’t know if he deserve such passion. What has he done to deserve that from her.
Maybe Odin is right
Y/n appeared in his cell, looks over at her and see she’s looks upset.
“What’s the matter? Did you have a another memory?” Loki said sitting up.
“No.... I just had to say goodbye to Gambit that all.” Y/n said with a downturned head.
“Gambit, he’s alive?” Loki questioned looking shocked.
“Yes, he is. Why you asked me that?” Y/n wondered then realization hits her. “Did you see one of my memories?”
Loki nods yes.
“Which one?” Y/n said with an intriguing voice.
“He was dying.” Loki answered.
“Oh.....that one.” Y/n said in a small voice. “That day would ever be known as November 18th. That was the day I lost control...caused an earthquake and black out in the upper east of the United States.”
“What happened?” Loki wondered.
“I had a nightmare but it wasn’t like any other nightmare it was vivid. I the way his blood felt on my hands. I ever since that day my father was trying to find ways to conceal my powers and when he did I will get the senses when something good or bad was gonna happen sometimes it was painful sometimes it wasn’t.” Y/n explained.
“You’re the only person I’ve ever told that to.”
Loki walks over to Y/n and lif her head up with his index finger so she’s looking at him. “Why would you tell me?”
“I don’t know it just felt like the right thing to do.” Y/n answered smile. “That’s what you do when you care about someone you open up to them.”
“You caring for me only make things worst.” Loki said with his head down. “After your two weeks you will never see me again. You dealing with the feeling of yearning will not be good for you or your powers.”
“My powers?” Y/n said in a curious tone. “What makes you think I won’t stay on Asgard?”
“Y/n...you just got someone you care about back into your life and you would willingly leave them behind for me?”
“Gambit, with understand.” Y/n replied.
“You would hate to living here on Asgard.”
“No, I won’t because you’re here.”
Loki walks over to Y/n and lif her head up with his index finger so she’s looking at him. “Y/n, when your two weeks are up....you are going to have to let me go?”
“No..No I’m not letting anything go.” Y/n said putting some space between her and Loki. “And don’t you say if you love me let me go.”
“If you don’t you could hurt people.” Loki said walking up to Y/n hugging her from the back.
“Since when do you care about people?” Y/n asked sarcastically.
“Because your care about people.” Loki answered.
Y/n turns around and gives Loki Direct eye contact. “Don’t ask me to let you go because I won’t.”
“Y/n....” Loki said struggling to find the right words to say.
“I should go I have to met your mom.” Y/n said.
And just like that Y/n is gone and Loki stands there facial muscles tensing.
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As the Asgardian physicians study Jane and the force within her. “What's that?”
“Be still.” Eir said in a snappy voice.
Thor watches with one of the nurses as they examine Jane. “This is not of Earth, what is it?”
“We do not know, but she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her.” the nurse turns and walks away as Thor looks at Jane with worry.
“That's a quantum field generator, isn't it?” Jane asked.
“It's a Soul Forge.” Eir answered.
“Does a Soul Forge transfer molecular energy from one place to another?” Jane questioned.
Eir looks impressed. “Yes.”
Jane looks at Thor and whispers. “It's a quantum field generator.” Thor smiles at her.
Odin enters the room as the Thor looks on to Jane as she is being examined. “My words are mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?”
”She's ill.” Thor disclosed.
“She is mortal. Illness is their defining trait.” Odin replied.
“I brought here because we can help her.” Thor told Odin.
“She does not belong here in Asgard anymore than a goat belongs at a banquet table.“ Odin replied.
Jane sits up and looks at Thor. “Did he just...?” Jane started. “Who do you think you are?”
“I'm Odin. King of Asgard. Protector of the Nine Realms.” Odin answered.
“Oh. Well, I'm...”
“I know very well who you are, Jane Foster.”
Jane turns to look at Thor. “You told your Dad about me?”
“Something is within her, father, something I have not seen before.” Thor explained.
“Her world has its healers, their called doctors, let them deal with it. Guards, take her back to Midgard.” Odin said as two guards approach Jane and go to grab her, suddenly the energy force within her sets off again throwing the two guards aside.
“Don't touch her.” Thor said as he leans down and tenderly touches Jane. “Jane, are you alright?”
Jane nods her head, Odin inspects the energy force running through Jane's body and realizes it's the Aether. “That's impossible.”
“The infection, it's defending her.” Eir said in a shocked face.
“No, it's defending itself.” Thor corrected.
“Come with me. There are relics that predate the universe itself. What lies within her appears to be one of them. The Nine Realms are not eternal. They had a dawn as they will have a dusk.” Odin said showing Thor and Jane an ancient book. “But before that dawn the dark forces, the Dark Elves, reigned absolute and unchallenged.”
Thor reading from the book. “Born of eternal night, the Dark Elves comes to steal away your light. They were these stories mother told us as children.”
“Their leader, Malekith made a weapon out of that darkness, it was called the Aether. While the other relics often appeared as stones, the Aether is fluid and ever changing. It changes matter into dark matter and seeks out to host bodies, drawing strength from their life force. Malekith sought to use the Aether's power to return the universe to one of darkness. But after eternities of blood shed, my father Bor, finally triumphed, ushering in the peace that lasted thousands of years.”
“What happened?” Jane chimed in.
“He killed them all.” Odin answered.
“Are you certain? The Aether was said to have been destroyed with them and yet here it is.” Thor specified.
“The Dark Elves are dead.” Odin commented.
“Does your book happen to mention how to get it out of me?” Jane questioned.
“No, it does not.”
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Y/n is sitting crisscross apple sauce in her room’s balcony. Thinking about what happened between her and Loki.
Was that our first fight?
Y/n’s emotions were at a frenzy. She didn’t understand why Loki was acting like that. She wanted to be mad. Something happened to change his mind on everything.
What if i’m overthinking it Gambit did say I think and feel more then anyone else
Y/n let’s out a sigh of irritation.
“It’s ok if my thoughts run a mile but focus on one.” Y/n said closing her eye.
So am I supposed to just sit here.
Yes I am going to be spinning this day with my daughter
Y/n can hear Frigga’s voice clear as day. She doesn’t know if it’s was her inner or outer voice.
“I didn’t know Thor had a sister.” Y/n mumbled to herself.
Y/n gets a knock on her door and she opens it with the flick of her hand.
“So I see your trying to meditate that’s a good start.” Frigga said walking in the room. The door shut close as Frigga makes her way over to Y/n.
“Yes. But I’m failing miserably at it.” Y/n laughed at herself. “I learned that my mind is a satellite. I’m always going to pick up others people thoughts. So I had to learn how to store them in the back of my mind. But even then it still feels crowded.”
“You poor dear, I can not imagine how you feel but I think I can help. Close your eyes imagine everything in your head.” Frigga said.
Y/n takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.
“Now I want you to think of the similarities of Asgard and Midgard.” Frigga said.
“That’s kind of hard Asgard is beautiful while Earth only as hidden gems.....the sunset are beautiful.” Y/n answered.
“When you think of the sun, what do you think of?” Frigga asked.
“Warm light.”
“And what is light?”
“Electricity....and electricity is power.”
“How does one turn off power?” Frigga wondered.
“By flipping a switch.” Y/n grinned.
“Now turn it off switch.” Frigga told Y/n.
Y/n flips a switch off in her mind and everything going quite. She opens her eyes and looks up at Frigga smiling.
“It’s gone. It’s not crowded anymore. Thank you.” Y/n rejoiced.
A rainbow appears in the sky as all the clouds disappear. Y/n gets up from the ground and hugs Frigga, then immediately letting her go.
She’s a queen you have to remember that
“Oh I’m so sorry.” Y/n said with a downward gaze.
Frigga smiles. “Y/n, it is fine.” Frigga looks out and sees a rainbow. “That wouldn’t be your doing would is?”
“Sorry.” Y/n goes to fix the sky but Frigga stops her.
“I think it’s rather lovely.”
Y/n smiles at Frigga.
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back on Svartalfheim, in his ship Malekith plots his vengeance against the Asgardians.
“The Realms will be aligned soon.” Malekith takes out a knife and turns to Algrim.“You'll be the last of the Kursed.”
Malekith stabs Algrim in the stomach with his knife. “Let my life be sacrificed. The same as our people.”
“You will become darkness, doomed to this existence until it consumes you.” Malekith started. One of the dark elves places a molten rock in Malekith's hand and Malekith places it inside Algrim's stomach. “And then no power of our enemies will stop me.”
“I'll destroy their defenses and resurrect the universe.” Malekith looks to one of his dark elves as he carries a mask.
A/n- I can’t believe the Loki tv show season one is done. (Sigh) I guess I’ll be waiting.
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