#and I figured killua was voiced by a woman
givemebishies · 2 years
Hold on Himeno has the same va as KILLUA?????
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 years
Illumi x Reader
Part 5
pt. 4
pt. 6
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(Name) failed to stand while her friends ran over to help her. The girl thought for a moment she might be hallucinating when she saw a red tint in Kurapika’s eye as he knelt down to her.
“Are you alright?”
The boy placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch light as a feather. (Name) nodded, and with Kurapika’s help she stood.
“I think he was just toying with me. Probably got bored standing around,” she attempted to calm herself by reasoning that was his intention.
“Perhaps. We should stay away from him just to be safe.”
Leorio gripped the handle of his suit case so tight (Name) was afraid it would break. “Fucking creep. If he wasn’t so terrifying and I wouldn’t be at risk for elimination, Id teach that clown a lesson on how to treat a lady.” he huffed out, his nostrils flaring.
(Name) gave a weak smile at this, even letting out a short chuckle. Killua watched her carefully as Gon held her hand.
“Just stay near us, ok? Aunt Mito always said that you should protect ladies from creeps.”
(Name) laughed and ruffled his hair. “Your Aunt Mito is a smart woman, and she raised a very sweet boy.”
Gon skipped around happily at this compliment. Killua followed after him, sparing her a glance.
“Be more careful.”
He remarked, before turning away. Once they were out of sight (Name)’s smile faded into a frown.
‘I hope he doesn’t do that again. Hisoka seems like an unpredictable guy and I don’t want to get involved with him.’
(Name) sighed.
Soon after the incident, they were instructed to continue following Mr. Satotz, this time through the swamp.
“Now everyone, please make sure to follow close behind me. I can’t guarantee your safety if you don’t.”
(Name) shivered at the thought of getting lost. She wasn’t the best at directions or tracking, so she tried her best to keep pace with the front of the group.
“Don’t overexert yourself.”
(Name) turned to see Kurapika jogging effortlessly beside her, having sprinted a bit to catch up. “You remember how long the last Phase was. You don’t want to use up all your strength now.”
(Name) bit her lip. She knew he was right, she was already exhausted and was running on fumes. If she didn’t pace herself she’d end up passing out.
“Don’t worry Kurapika, I’ll slow down. Im just… scared of getting lost.”
He nodded, watching her to make sure she slowed her pace to a jog, taking her place near the middle of the pack.
Illumi watched her out of the corner of his eye. Hisoka grinned.
“You’re staring at her again, ‘Lumi.” Hisoka purred, his cold eyes glancing between Illumi and (Name).
“Not staring, observing.” He smacked away Hisokas hand that reached out to touch his cheek.
“Don’t call me that either. I’m already angry with you for earlier, trust me when I say you don’t want to incur any more of my wrath,” he whispered, his monotone voice cold as ice.
30 minutes ago
Hisoka slinked away from (Name), having achieved what he had sought her out for.
Said man stopped in his tracks, his grin spreading across his face.
“What is it dear?” He almost sang out his response towards Illumi.
The space around them grew tense, and reeked of intense bloodlust. Hisoka turned to face Illumi, his smile faltering slightly at the sight of the enraged man.
In a second there was a needle at Hisoka’s throat, the tip causing blood to bead at the surface of his pale skin.
“I understand you’re curious and want to push my buttons, but you will NOT touch her again. She is not yours to play with. Do you understand?”
There wasn’t any room for negotiation. Hisoka huffed and pushed the needle away with his index finger.
“You’re such a party pooper, ‘Lumi.”
Illumi tensed at the nickname and pressed the needle against his jugular again.
“Fine. I won’t bother your little pet.”
Illumi relaxed and slid the needle pack into his sleeve. He left without another word, his figure being watched by Hisoka as he did.
“For now.”
Current Time
Hisoka licked his lips.
“Mmm… I think I’ll hang near the back. I feel some animosity towards me and I would love to stretch my legs a bit.”
Illumi nodded. “As long as you behave yourself I don’t care what you do.”
“Oh dear.”
(Name) glanced around her, her heart racing a million miles a minute. She could hear anguished screams and cries all around her, but couldn’t see a single person. The fog had gotten too thick to see anything.
“Kurapika? Leorio? Gon?”
She called out their names to receive no answer. She could barely even hear her own voice over all the screaming and wailing.
The girl sighed and closed her eyes before running in the direction away from the screams. She figured going towards them would only result in her own death.
As she ran, she regularly yelled her friends names. Still, no one replied.
About ten minutes had passed since she lost sight of her friends, and her surroundings had grown eerily quiet.
The sound was gone, but it was replaced by the awful scent of decay and rot. (Name) scrunched up her nose, gagging a bit as she tries to navigate her surroundings.
The fog finally began to let up. (Name) was surrounded by long, thin trees with thick trunks, which roots stretched into murky water. She realized she’d nearly walked right into the depths.
She shivered. (Name) wondered if there were any alligators nearby, ready to eat gobble her up.
“I wonder if anyone else has found themselves in this part of the swamp.”
She muttered aloud, tracing her fingertips on the bark of the trees as she walked by.
The smell was becoming more pungent, and for a moment she questioned if she’d find a dead body.
Lucky her, there was no dead body. But where the smell was most concentrated (Name) found a field of flowers.
She stopped, kneeling down to closer inspect the flower.
This was a mistake.
Before she even realized it, the flower sprayed a mist into her eyes. (Name) let out a blood curdling scream, falling into the flowers while holding her eyes.
The last thing she saw before losing consciousness was a corpse carefully hidden within the field of flowers.
(Name) opened her eyes to see… nothing. For a calm moment she thought she was still asleep, cuddled up with her stuffed animals in bed.
Then she remembered what had happened to cause her to pass out and jolted awake, struggling against something her still numb mind couldn’t comprehend.
“I see you’re awake. Calm down, if you don’t stop struggling I’ll drop you.”
(Name) wiggled for a second more before she gave up, resting her head against something soft. Soft?
She then realized she was being carried on someone’s back. Strong arms held her firmly in place, keeping her from slipping with ease.
“I can’t see.”
She stated plainly.
“I know.”
She reached her hand up to and felt around before feeling something smooth. A hand grabbed her own and placed it gently away from what she’d been touching.
“Keep your hands to yourself and stop moving. I can’t see.”
Oh. She’d been touching their face.
“Found you in a field of Blinding Blossoms. You really should be careful.”
(Name) was still too groggy to question why this stranger was helping her. She just nodded her head and leaned against their shoulder.
“I will. Thank you.”
She leaned forward and planted a small kiss on the persons cheek.
He stopped, nearly falling over. (Name) let out a squeak, nearly being launched off their back.
She grabbed wilding for something to hold on, and it ended up being hair.
“Eek! What was all that for?”
She steadied herself, letting go of the silky soft hair she’d pulled on before and softly apologizing.
The person didn’t reply, only continued walking, this time faster. (Name) huffed as she relaxed again.
“Sooo. Never been kissed before?”
“Please stop talking.”
The rest of the ride was quiet. (Name) didn’t want to be dropped off into a ditch while she was helpless so she didn’t tease him any further.
At some point she was gently sat down against a tree for a moment. The person who had been carrying her had said he’d needed to use the bathroom. She did too, but there was no way she’d ask for their help with something like that.
A moment later he was back. (Name) wondered how he was able to pee so quickly, before the sounds of clicking and cracking was heard.
“What’s… that sound?”
The person didn’t answer, instead he picked her up again, this time bridal style.
“I-I can walk!”
She said, flustered. The person shrugged.
“Much easier to carry you than hold your hand and guide you. That would take too long.”
His replies were always straight to the point. The girl reluctantly nodded.
She reached up to touch his face again, this time his soft cheeks were tense and rough. She tilted her head curiously.
The man sighed, again pushing her hands away.
“You are a curious creature. If you continue to touch me I’ll have to tie your hands together. You’re being very distracting.”
Even his voice had changed. She didn’t question it, opting to stay quiet. Maybe he spontaneously went through puberty while taking a wee.
(Name) heard chatter up ahead. At this point, the man had put her down and instructed her to hold onto the back of his shirt. She wasn’t complaining though, she was tired of being held.
“Two more have passed this phase.”
She heard someone call out as she was guided to the finishing point. (Name) let out a squeal and hugged her guide’s back in excitement.
“We made it! Thank you… uh…”
He hadn’t told her his name before. The man tensed, stepping out of her grasp so quick she nearly fell over.
“You’re welcome.”
He replied hesitantly. The two stood in an always silence before she felt him grab her hand and place some cloth in it.
“Rub your eyes with this. Should help.”
She obliged, and when she opened her eyes again, he was gone. All that was left behind was a handkerchief.
Written on the edge in neat cursive was “Property of Illumi Zoldyck”.
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
The Moon and Sun (Big Sib Reader x Gon/Killua)
Ch 6: So Long Greed Island, Hello...Not Ging???
Synopsis: After healing everyone's injuries, a contest for the final card is held. Gon gets to find out a little more about Ging, leaving you to figure out what exactly it is you want. (Spoiler alert: it might have to do with your two boys)
It didn't take you long to reach the meeting place, even with the extra weight you were carrying (and dragging). There were of course questions from Killua and Bisky about what the hell had happened to Gon. All of which you made the injured boy explain himself, in great detail, about how careless he'd been while you lined up Genthru with his goons.
It was decided the four of you would wait until the bombers woke up to fix any damage taken in battle.
God you couldn't wait to have your leg working again.
A few hours later and Genthru finally awakened. Malice gone from his aura, replaced with a sense of defeat.
"You awake? Hurry and get your binder out," Killua ordered.
"That's right. We want you to return all the cards from the people you betrayed," Bisky added.
Betrayed was putting it lightly, very lightly.
"On one condition," Genthru's voice was weak. Gon must've done quite the number on him.
"Use Angel's Breath to heal Barra of his injuries."
You wanted to laugh.
How absolutely ridiculous.
This man, who had killed hundreds, and was about to do the same to your kids, was asking for his partner in crime to be healed.
All the people who died for this man's greed, he killed with a twisted smile on his face. But one beating and he's begging for his friend's injuries to be healed.
It wasn't fair and it sure as hell wasn't right.
They deserved to suffer
Your relaxed expression turned into a grimace. They deserved to be left the way they were: suffering in agony. And yet....
And yet you knew the boys had made the right decision. They wanted a fair fight with no casualties from either side. Because killing or leaving them to fend for themselves with their wounds, would make them no better than the bombers.
They were good kids.
You were not
"We have a Clone card," Genthru tried again.
"Don't worry about it. That was always apart of the plan," Killua dismissed.
"We already prepared 7 copies of Clone for just such an occasion," Bisky said.
Genthru's eyes widened in shock. Seems he wasn't expecting your group's kindness.
Bisky summoned an Angel's Breath. The first one to be healed was Gon. (it definitely didn't have anything to do with your insistence.)
A beautiful woman emerged from the card.
"What manner of aid do you wish of me?" Her voice was soft as she asked.
"We need you to heal his hands," Killua started. "And while you're at it, maybe fix that eye too"
"Just heal every single injury he has, got it?" You butted in.
"That is a simple task, and so I shall restore his body to its former state."
A bright light surrounded Gon and his injuries were healed in an instant. He stared in amazement at his new arm before cheering.
You hardly had time to react before small arms wrapped themselves around you. You stood stiff for a moment as Gon jostled you around.
This was new.
Not necessarily bad, but new.
"Okay, you're all better. Now let's fix tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum before we can get too exited, okay?" You slowly pried the boy's arms off you.
"Sorry, I'm just really happy right now!" Gon ducked his head down in slight embarrassment.
Next up to be fixed was Barra from Genthru's team. Whatever Bisky did to him had his face all sorts of messed up. His nose was completely broken and his face had splatters of blood. With Angel's Breath, he was as good as new in a few seconds.
It would have been Killua's turn next if Goreinu hadn't messed with the cards to stop your group from healing Genthru's.
"If you use Angel's Breath to heal these murderers, then the trade is off," Goreinu threatened.
"Could I use it?" Killua asked.
"Yeah, of course."
"But I'm an assassin."
Oh, you knew where this was going.
Killua had a point about that, one that you hadn't considered because of your own personal biases.
"Sure they've killed, I've killed more," Killua continued.
"Every player in this game risks their life in one way or another. That doesn't mean it's okay to kill people...but all the people I killed weren't nearly as ready to die as these guys did. I'm way worse than they could ever be."
Worse than them, maybe. But worse than you? You were scum compared to his entire family.
"You're wrong, you're not at all like them," Goreinu argued. "I mean, I like you, but these guys, I hate their guts."
"You can hate somebody with everything you have, it still doesn't make it right to have them suffer for your peace of mind." Your tired eyes met his.
It was something you had a hard time coming to terms with yourself.
"Yeah but-!"
"Let me level with you here. I'm not exactly a good person either. I'd love nothing more than to leave them here for everything they've done, but is that really justice? What's separating us from them at that point? It just doesn't make a whole lotta sense that way."
"Forget sense, it's how I feel!"
"Y/n's right. It's not our place to leave someone to die just because we hate them." You were thankful for Bisky backing you up. It gave you more time to think.
Damn, just how soft had you gotten.
"Both sides risked their lives in battle, and both are prepared to kill if necessary. But when the fight's over, well... Those rules cease to apply," she explained.
It was Gon who spoke next.
"I still haven't forgiven Genthru for killing all those other players, not yet at least."
And you'd never forgive him for almost killing your boy.
"But before the fight even started, the four of us agreed we'd bring 7 clone cards with us just in case. I don't really remember why we decided that, but I do remember one thing: it wasn't based on logic and reason."
No, no it was not.
But you remember in that moment feeling the auras around you. All of them determined, and none malicious, even when the possibility of leaving the bombers behind came up.
"It just made sense to us," Gon continued. "Once the fight was over and we obtained the Angel's Breath card, we would use it on whoever was hurt. We made the decision together, so we wanted to stick to it....But I get how you're feeling Mr. Goreinu, guess it can't be helped."
Then he turned to face both you and Killua.
"Sorry guys, do you think you can wait a little longer?"
"Not a problem. My hands will eventually heal on their own," Killua assured.
"I'll live but I'll probably need some assistance from a boy who likes to be reckless and show off. Whaddya think Mr. Jan-Ken-Rock?" You lightly teased.
Gon flashed the both of you a grateful smile.
"It's a promise then."
It was decided shortly after that the final Angel's Breath would go to Genthru. When he was all healed up, the four of you prepared to leave for Masadora.
"Wait!" Goreinu stopped all of you before you left.
"All right you can have Angel's Breath! Whatever you guys want!"
"Really!?!? You're sure???" Gon questioned.
"Well, to be honest, even before you told me everything I wanted to give it to you. And not just Angel's Breath, but all the cards that we gathered in the game."
A collective gasp of shock came from your group. You focused your eyes on Goreinu, sure enough he seemed genuine. He went on to explain that Tsezguerra and his team agreed to it, and they were all officially quitting.
After making a few more Clones, Killua's hands were finally healed. He threw a few punches in the air to get a feel for them. And being the gremlin he is, he then proceeded to zap you from his finger tips.
Then it was finally your turn.
"What manner of aid do you wish of me?" The angel repeated for the sixth time. You lifted up your throbbing leg.
"Fix this for me, will you?" And before she could grant your request, Gon and Killua quickly pushed their way in front of you.
"And make them not tired anymore!" Gon shouted.
"Yeah, and while you're at it, get rid of those bags under their eyes too!" Killua added in.
You stood shocked for a moment before you started sputtering over your words.
"Now hang on just a second!!! I didn't ask for all that-!!! You're both goblins!!! Absolute goblins!!!"
Then you were engulfed in the bright light and all the pain from your leg vanished. And for once, you didn't feel so exhausted.
You placed your full weight on what had been your injured foot. Once you were sure it was fine, your head snapped up in the direction of your troublesome kids.
"Ah man, they've still got those nasty circles under their eyes," Killua huffed out.
"You've got until the count of three before I chase you two down for being little menaces." Your tone was playful enough that it let them know you weren't really mad.
Gon took your warning a rushed off while Killua stood where he was.
The duality of goblins.
"Ooh! I'm so scared!" The mini assassin taunted.
"I gave you a head start."
In the blink of an eye, you appeared in front of him and tossed him over your shoulder. He let out a small screech and lightly pounded on your back.
"No fair! You didn't even start counting!"
"Boo hoo, cry me a river why don't you....Now for the other one."
You spotted Gon a little ways away. He was hiding behind a pretty stable boulder. Too bad you could see his aura anyway.
You jumped on top of the rock and leaned over him.
"Found you!"
He jumped, started and before he could take off again, he was already hauled over your other shoulder.
Killua stopped his previous assault on your back and waved at Gon.
"Hey, just got here huh?"
The boy in green nodded.
"Yup, but at least I did better than you."
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
You were close enough to Bisky and Goreinu to hear part of their conversation. It was something along the lines of splitting money? Eh, not like you needed it anyways.
You were, unfortunately, barred off from hearing anymore of the conversation thanks to the shouts of the boys on your shoulders.
"Y/N!!!" They both shouted.
You paused your fast steps.
"Who did better!!!!"
You shook your head in disbelief.
"Just say it was me, I stood my ground. Unlike somebody!" Killua gave a fake glare at Gon.
"Oh yeah!?!? Well I didn't scream like a girl when they caught me, unlike you!!!"
You should've dropped both of them right then. But you were just so damn flabbergasted. They were not actually arguing for your approval, were they?
"Here's a tidbit, you're both the absolute worst and suck." You answered. It was silent for a second, then-
"Are you still upset about the eye thing?" Killua broke the silence.
"We just didn't want you to be tired anymore, and it was Killua's idea. So don't be mad at me," Gon tried to sway you.
"Hey! Traitor! You said you wouldn't tell them!!!"
You let out a loud laugh.
They were such boys.
Then you got a brilliant idea. A very brilliant idea. If they could see your aura right now, all they'd see is mischief.
"We're going down!" Then with no other warning, you flopped forward, effectively crushing both boys under your arms.
"Hey! You're heavy! Get off!!!" Killua whined.
"Is this one for the eye thing? Come on, Sib we can't move!!!" Gon complained.
You stilled for a second, in thought.
"Sib, huh? What's that about?" You flopped your head to Gon's side. Said boy was currently trying his best to avoid your gaze.
Killua, seeing an opportunity to get back at Gon, decided to out him.
"Yeah, Sib. He came up with it. Short for sibling. He wanted to give you a nickname like the ones you have for us."
Your head flopped over to Killua's side.
"All by himself?"
The small assassin's aura was mischievous like yours.
"All by himself."
You lifted up your right arm.
"Okay, Gon. You're free to go."
"What!?!?" Killua panicked.
Gon on the other hand jumped up, and when he caught Killua's gaze, playfully stuck his tongue out before rushing over to Bisky.
"How come he gets to go free?!?!"
"Because I don't hear you coming up with something that considerate."
"Oh I have a few names I'd like to call you right now, but you won't let me curse!"
"I can roll over, you know?"
"And I can bite you."
"Eye bags."
"Okay you know what-" you were cut off by a sudden weight on your back. Causing you to lift up your arm and for Killua to squirm away.
"Gon! You didn't leave me in the trenches after all!" Killua celebrated.
You turned over and caught sight of both of them.
"Betrayed by my own boy. How cruel. After I carried you to safety."
"Boo hoo, cry me a river," Killua parroted back to you.
You shot back up.
"Round two?" Gon nervously laughed.
"Round two," you confirmed.
It was about an hour later that you finally quit terrorizing the boys. They were eager to start filling up their binders with the cards Tsezguerra left behind. As Gon put the last one in his binder, something strange happened.
An announcement was made to every player that someone was one card away from winning the game(Gon) and a special quiz event would be held for the final card.
You tensed up as you felt several new auras approach. Bisky and Goreinu were caught off guard by them as well.
You quickly took a protective stance in front of Gon and Killua as best you could. Two of the uninvited guests walked forward.
"Don't worry, we didn't come here to interfere or anything." The bigger one said.
"You might say we're here to assist," said the other.
"Assist from a distance then," you warned. You could feel something was off with their aura. It was disingenuous somehow.
The duo held up their hands in surrender and stayed put.
"To assist?" Gon questioned.
"That's right. If we get the top score on the quiz and obtain the final card, we'll sell it to you for 2.5 billion." The taller one answered.
Money again?
God, these bozos were only proving your point about hunters. At least you didn't feel any bloodlust coming from them.
"That's just 5% of your total reward. A pretty reasonable price don't you think?"
Gon and Killua nodded to each other.
"Sounds good to us, if you guys win," Killua answered.
You let out an irritated sigh.
"Don't let them extort you, dummies. There's nothing stopping them from just taking the card and running."
You glanced down at Bisky, silently pleading with her to help you stop the boys' from being stupid. Thankfully, she took the hint.
"With the game coming close to the end, they're probably hoping to get some, if not all, of the reward for themselves. It's tricky for sure, so...What should we do?"
"Well, I think that we outta do it by ourselves!" Gon answered.
Killua's eyes lit up at the idea.
"Yeah! And whoever gets the lowest scores gets punished!"
Gon beamed right back at him.
"Yeah! I'm in!"
You really should have been prepared for this by now. It happened so often, you should've seen it coming. But you were still completely caught off guard when they both looked back at you with huge smiles.
"And Y/n can be the one who decides the punishment!!!" The mini assassin exclaimed.
Before you could give a rebuttal, the other boy hurriedly spoke.
"And the winner gets to get carried for the day!!!!"
"Now you're talking! Ha! I'm gonna be a giant!"
"You wish!!! There's no way I'm gonna lose now!"
You bonked the two of them on the back of their heads.
"Now hold on! I don't remember agreeing to these terms! And I don't recall volunteering to help the vertically challenged!"
"Aww come on! Don't be like that, sib!" Killua whined.
You felt embarrassment creep back up.
"Don't you 'sib' me! Like hell I'm gonna let you butter me up!"
Then you felt a small tug on your arm. Looking down, you were met with the most powerful puppy dog eyes you've ever seen.
Gon was staring up at you, a small pout evident on his face.
And damn him and those honey colored eyes. And damn the other one for wearing you down with just one word.
You heard a chuckle from the side, and gave a small glare at the person who it belonged to. Bisky waved back in response.
"You know they won't leave you alone until you agree, right?" She teased.
You let out a very exhausted groan.
"Fine." You were immediately met with cheers.
"But, I get to decide what day. Got it, goblins?"
They nodded excitedly and plopped down on the grass to start the quiz.
Gon seemed pretty confident with his answers while Killua got stumped by a few. It was only a matter of time before the winner was announced.
"With a total of 87 out of 100 points, the winning player is...Gon."
You couldn't contain the smile that broke out across your face, nor could you contain yourself from cheering alongside the two boys.
You were just so glad he was able to beat his father's game.
"That means Killua's gonna get punished by Y/n," Gon teased his best friend.
"And I know just what we're gonna do: speed training," You jazzed your hands for emphasis.
"Demon," Killua muttered.
Gon stuck out his tongue while you laughed.
The peaceful moment was interrupted by the screech of an owl that dropped down a letter. Inside it was a Non-Specified Slot Card.
It was called Ruler's Invitation and only the one with the card could go to the designated location. Which meant, Gon would have to go inside the building by himself.
While the three of you were discussing, some more goons came by to try and take cards.
"Okay, then. Let's have a competition. Winner gets all your cards." You didn't have to be close to that idiot to know his breath was rancid.
"Sorry, but you don't have a choice," his buddy backed up.
You were so sick of these people. For fucks sake, these were kids they were trying to steal from. Were they mental?
It seems you were at your breaking point because before you knew it, you kicked off your shoe and into your hand. You covered your eyes and threw it as hard as you could towards the buffoons.
This didn't count as fighting, right? Surely you earned yourself a freebee after dealing with so many of these creeps. And your eyes were closed, totally non-fighting behavior.
Two loud thuds were heard, and like a boomerang your shoe flung back in your hand. You uncovered your eyes to see the two men laying face down on the ground. You focused your attention on putting your shoe back on as you noticed a trickle of blood come from one of their noses.
You turned your attention back to the two boys who knew better than to ask what just happened, lest they risk your wrath next.
"Sorry, munchkin. Think you could repeat that?"
It was decided that Drift would be used first, then Accompany to get the rest of you there. The four of you arrived as the sun started to set. Gon went in by himself, leaving you, Bisky, and Killua behind.
"Wonder what he's feeling?" Bisky asked.
"What do you mean?" Killua questioned in return.
"I mean, he might actually meet Ging, right? The father he's been searching for all this time." She answered.
You doubted that was the case, but you didn't want to say anything.
"Oh, Y/n," Killua called out. You nodded to show you were listening.
"I've been meaning to ask you. You kept calling out a name in your sleep."
You immediately stilled. Had you been so careless in your sleep that you let something slip? Had you been letting your aura slip?
"Let's see, what was it? Oh! Kari! You kept saying 'Kari' in your sleep. I wanted to ask you who that was." Killua didn't notice your tense posture, but Bisky did. Was this it? Was she finally gonna get answers from you?
A little more silence.
Then, in the softest voice they've ever heard, came your answer.
"She was someone very close to me....Hey Killua?"
At last, the small assassin sensed your discomfort. Maybe he shouldn't have brought it up after all.
"Don't ever ask me about that again."
Your eyes looked so empty in that moment. They were devoid of any of your usual laziness.(softness) They weren't your eyes.
You got up without looking at either of them.
"I'm going for a walk."
They didn't stop you.
And when Gon came back with great news, they didn't tell him about your sudden coldness. Even as he suggested they look for you, they told him it was best to leave you be.
You didn't know where you were going. All you knew was that you needed to get away. It was just too much for you.
You wanted to scream, to cry, anything that would take your mind away from things. But you didn't deserve relief. You deserved to suffer.
You could control what you said and did when you were awake. But the fact that you had slipped up in your sleep. You were an idiot, a disgrace.
Were you really that careless, or was it because you had let your guard down so much?
Whatever the reason, you were pathetic. You shouldn't have been that cold towards Killua. He didn't know, he couldn't have possibly known not to ask that.
It was just something you weren't ready to talk about, or ever talk about. No that wasn't right.
You didn't want to remember.
You let out a tired sigh.
God, you really messed up, didn't you? Maybe you could apologize? Would they even accept an apology from you? Could you even go back?
You still haven't even decided what you were gonna do. Stay here or leave.
What was there for you if you stayed? An eternity of loneliness? You supposed you deserved it anyways.
But what was there for you if you left? You could tag along with the boys if Killua agreed to forgive you. But what then? Gon would find his father and then what?
You'd have to face reality again.
You clenched your fist.
You weren't strong enough to protect them if something happened.
"I don't like it when it rains." The older one huffed out.
"How come?"
"All the bugs come out and they're sooo scary!"
"Ha! Well, I'll save you from them. You do so much for me, it's time I protected you."
You let out a pitiful laugh.
Maybe you could play pretend just a little while longer. Look out and protect each other. Do what you can do so they can do what you can't.
Your mind was made up.
The sun was up and there was still no sign of you. Both boys were worried sick about you. Bisky did her best to console them, saying you'd be there any minute. As a last resort, they used an Accompany to find you.
They landed at the bay area, much to their surprise. You weren't just gonna leave, were you?
"We were looking everywhere for you!!! Why'd you just leave like that?!?" You didn't look up as the boy in green tried to lecture you.
Gon was the one who found you. He shouted to alert Bisky and Killua, then hurried towards you. You sat near the edge of the water, legs folded to your chest.
You could feel nervous auras from the other two, Killua's especially.
"I'm an idiot, that's why," you mumbled. "That and I needed to think about what I wanted."
"What you wanted?"
After what felt like an eternity, you raised your head up and looked behind you.
"Yeah...I'm sorry for leaving. I didn't mean to make you worry." Your words were directed at Killua and Bisky.
The white haired boy crossed his arms and avoided your gaze, embarrassment flooding through his aura along with relief.
"Whatever, just don't do it again."
Bisky's eyes softened.
"You're fine. The only ones you worried were the boys."
You gave a tired smile at that.
"Hey, when you said you were thinking about what you wanted, what was it?" You sensed hopefulness from Gon.
Maybe he knew the outcome before you did all along.
"I want to stay with you and Killua. At least until we find Ging. Someone needs to keep you two out of trouble, you know?" This time it was you who ducked your head down in embarrassment.
"That is, if you're okay with me tagging along."
You felt yourself being pulled up and into a hug. But unlike last time when you stood stiff, this time you returned it.
Something else you hadn't done in years.
"We wouldn't have it any other way, right Killua?"
"It's not like we were gonna leave the game without them."
Well, didn't you feel special.
Beating Greed Island meant Gon got to choose any of three cards he wanted to bring into the real world. Bisky got a gemstone card while Gon and Killua chose the other two.
They did feel a little guilty and asked if you wanted anything, to which you replied they'd owe you a favor that they had to do no matter what.
You took your first step out into the real world since 2 years ago. It didn't feel any different, but you knew you had to be more careful. You glanced to your left, seeing Bisky get all happy with her new gemstone.
Which begs the question, what exactly did the boys get?
You could sense some mischief from Gon as he exited the game.
Your suspicions were confirmed when he brought out the Paladin's Necklace card and used it on the Strip of Beach. It transformed into an Accompany.
Bisky thought so too as she questioned them about it.
"It's just, if I hadn't been the first to enter the game, then I wouldn't have noticed," Gon explained.
"Noticed what?" You didn't get it quite yet.
"Do you two remember when we played rock-paper-scissors?" Killua continued.
"You mean Jan-ken?" Bisky clarified.
Then Gon took over explaining again.
"See, I was the first person to enter the game. And while I was standing there waiting for Killua, there was nobody else around. That means the first person I met in the game should've been the second to show up: Mr. Goreinu.
"But it wasn't. When I checked my binder, it said that there was somebody I met before him...Ging is spelled G-I-N-G."
And then it clicked. His father had used an anagram:Nigg.
Still weird, but kinda clever. It meant he did leave behind a clue for Gon after all. And with the Accompany card, he could meet his dad right now.
"Maybe this was his way of trying to tell me if I'm ready to give up everything I have and go find him, then I have to get strong enough to clear the game."
You bonked the boy on the back of his head.
"Don't be stupid and say things you don't mean. You'll do what you can to find him. You're not gonna give up anything important to you for a man who wasn't there."
Gon giggled slightly.
"I guess when you put it like that...But you know what I mean."
"You're a tenacious one. It's impressive," Bisky said. "Well, what're you planning to do once you find Ging?"
Gon's face lit up once again.
"That's easy! I'll introduce him to Killua! I'll tell him he's my best friend in the world!"
The other boy quickly became flustered and stumbled over his words.
"You what-!?! Shut up!!! That's embarrassing man!"
To which you laughed at before Karma got you.
"And then I'll introduce him to Y/n. I bet he'll be glad to hear about how much they've helped me, and I'll make sure to tell him that they've been a really great big sibling.
Your face felt scorching hot as you hid behind your hands.
"What did I say about talking like that? You can't just say stuff like that out of the blue, you know!"
You were caught off guard by Bisky's sudden crying.
"R-really?!?! O-oh stop!?!"
It was kinda funny to see someone so headstrong and strict break down from a few soft words.
"I-hiccup- can't take it! It must be my age, but it's so easy to make me cry!!!"
"Oh hey! Why don't you come with us to see Ging, Bisky," Gon offered.
She stood silent for a moment before answering.
"Thank you, but I think I'll pass...I'm not interested in men with kids."
The hell did that have to do with anything????
But unlike you, Gon and Killua just brushed it off.
"Okay! I guess that's it then. Take care, Bisky!"
She smiled brightly at the three of you.
"I will. And you guys too, okay?"
With one final 'thank you' for Bisky, the three of you'd used Accompany to find Gon's dad.
You would never get used to the sensation of that, or how much faster it was compared to your speed. In just a few seconds, you'd landed in a foggy area.
Having previous PTSD from Hisoka, you guided the boys behind you and used your eyes to scan the aura ahead of you.
There was some shock(no doubt caused by your abrupt entrance) but other than that they seemed calm.
They were sitting under a tree with their back facing you, fishing pole in hand. So far so good right?
Tentatively, Gon took a step forward.
"G-Ging?" You could feel his hesitance to call out. Like he couldn't believe it was true.
But something wasn't right. As soon as Gon had taken a step forward, the person sitting down got up and their aura shifted.
In a speed that rivaled yours, the man who you could see clearly now, hit Gon to the left and Killua to the right. He met your panicked gaze and before he could make a move towards you, you jumped back with a skid.
What the hell was going on!?!?
Your eyes widened as he summoned what appeared to be a small clown.
"In my mouth is a roulette containing the numbers 1 all the way through 9. You get a different weapon for each number on the wheel. I AM THE GREAT MAD CLOWN, CRAZY SLOTS! HOPE YOU GET SOMETHING GOOD!"
The thing, it spoke!?!?
Then it's tongue started to spin.
The clown then turned into...
"Damn, bad roll," the man muttered. Then he aimed the gun towards Gon's direction.
Oh no
Not again
You summoned all your nen towards your legs and were in front of Gon in an instant. As the trigger was pulled and the sound of shots filled the air, you were already over to Killua.
You covered both boys with your body until the shots stopped. Upon further inspection, you could notice the small bodies of what looked like ants get blown over in debris.
"Are ya hurt?"
You stiffened at the man's voice. Your previous fear now replaced with anger. From under you, both boys could see a very familiar look that crossed your features during the meeting with Asta.
You were already up and stomping towards the assailant.
"Cover your ears!" You tossed your head back as you addressed them. Not wanting to upset you further, they did as you asked.
Well they half covered their ears, but you didn't need to know about that
Fun Fact #7: Y/n doesn't fight because they can't. They don't fight because they made a promise not to
Tags: @fandomhoe101
An: If you'd like to be tagged for this story, please let me know 🤗
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Heyo A! How are you today?
I neeeed some Illumi kidnapping his darling after falling in love with her. At first there’s some rough patches but Stockholm syndrome takes her over quickly. Killua sees how Illumi is obsessively in love with a girl who is a total angel, he is surprised when he realizes how sweet and kind his darling is, she is so different from his family. His darling ends up being a maternal figure to Killua bc he's a really touch-starved bby. Would Illumi try kill him when Killua takes her away? Would he agree to have Killua around if he promised to help his darling fall in love with him? How would their family react to all this?
I love the way you write the character yandere's just I feels it so true, your writing is great keep it up! Remember you're awesome. Much love~❤︎
I'm fine, thank you for asking☺️. Just had my second vaccination today.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, kidnapping, isolation, sabotage, controlling behavior, Stockholm syndrome, Zoldyck family not being too fond of the s/o (except for the children), Illumi being a menace for everyone
Too sweet for this family
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🤎Starting with being majorly confused about those weird sensations his darling stirs up inside of him, Illumi comes eventually to the conclusion that he loves her and for that decides to take her. It really doesn’t matter who you were before and if you loved someone else. For Illumi you are now simply his and nothing will ever change that. And no one will take you away from him. If you did have any partner before or had someone you were interested in, Illumi will swiftly remove them. His darling should really only love him and no one else. And he will make her love him. She’ll eventually have to return his feelings, doesn’t she? That’s at least what he thinks.
🤎Isolation is the best way to achieve this goal, isn’t it? Initially it really is just because Illumi doesn’t want anyone else near his darling. I have a feeling that his family might not be too fond of his darling at first, if they are a normal citizen who can’t use Nen so much more. They want probably someone strong for Illumi and it took them all by surprise when their eldest son one day came back to the mansion, carrying a woman with him and explaining shortly that she would live from now on with him. That was pretty much all the explanation they got at first.
🤎There was certainly some disagreement after Silva and Zeno had managed to sit down with Illumi and discuss everything with him, both of them already having had a good idea from the beginning what this all was about. Let’s just say no one of those two had seen it coming that Illumi had fallen in love. With the little emotion the man expresses no wonder, though both of them might have sensed the slight confusion and irritation in him shortly before. Kikyo might just be the one to voice her doubts about all of this out at first, quite bluntly wondering if you were a good bride for Illumi and that she wished to have him choosing someone worthy. It was Illumi’s reaction that made her shut up quickly, soulless eyes staring directly with empty intensity at her and a suffocating aura seeping out of him.
🤎Everyone comes to the quick realization that their son is in fact not in love, but rather obsessed with the darling. But no one can really do anything against it. Illumi is like a shadow guardian, he is somehow always with his darling and keeps anyone away from her. With him knowing that his family is not sure how to feel about the s/o, he is so much more unwilling to let them anywhere near her. Silva and Zeno barely got a few minutes to talk with her whilst Illumi was still there and she wasn’t what they had expected Illumi’s future wife to be. The darling was friendly, gentle and very sweet. Nothing for their world of raw power and assassination. It isn’t like Illumi was ever willing to listen, believing himself to be the only person who would really be able to protect you.
🤎All his siblings are kind of curious to catch a glimpse of Illumi’s infamous darling because rarely anyone gets to see her most of the times. Instead she is locked away in a safe room where only Illumi has real access to. Merely when he has to go on a job he would let someone in, though only under strict restrictions since he doesn’t want anyone else who his darling gets close to. Not even if she is already in love with him. Milluki tried one time before to get a chance to talk with you and get to know you better. It nearly ended in an catastrophe and after that incident Milluki avoided his older brother out of pure fear for months. He still does and Illumi won’t have it any other way.
🤎Killua seems to be a special case since Illumi seems to have a platonic brotherly obsession of some sorts with him as well. It isn’t like Killua spends very much time with his family, he doesn’t like them. But the gossips regarding his older brother Illumi will eventually reach him as well and when he hears that his brother has kidnapped a poor girl and keeps her locked away, the boy feels extremely sorry. His first instinct is really just helping you out of there and safe you from the monster that is his brother. But getting to you in the first place is already hard enough since Illumi refuses to let anyone near you, something that frustrates Killua. To be honest, the boy had troubles believing his brother would fall in love in the first place. It isn’t until he gets to hear all the stories that he gets a bad feeling.
🤎Observing his brother, how he reacts when someone mentions your name and how scary he even is to people he should see as his own family awakes in Killua quickly the impression that this is not some innocent love story. His suspicions are made true when one day his grandfather and father explain everything to him, looking not happy with all of this either. Even those two, together with Kikyo, have come to the conclusion that for Illumi’s darling this is the wrong life. But no one dares to take the s/o away from the oldest son of the Zoldyck’s since you know there were already some accidents which even ended deadly. All because someone got too close to Illumi’s darling.
🤎When Killua gets to meet you for the first time, he really just feels extremely sorry. Isolated and forced to live with such a terrible man like his brother is. His first impression is exactly what he pictured you from all the stories he’s heard. You really don’t fit in here, seemingly weaker and far too innocent to be here. So incredibly different from the rest of his family. He only got to meet you shortly before Illumi’s dark presence was behind him and he told his little brother with an emotionless voice to leave the two of you alone.
🤎Maybe it was the fact that you were so different that drew Killua closer to you, a certain warmth and kindness coming from you which he had never really felt before. You certainly were with simply one smile for him more precious than any of his other family members, except Alluka and Nanika of course. The caring side you showed him was new, but alluring and so Killua started seeking every opportunity to somehow spend time with you. Be that times when Illumi did take you shortly out to meet his family, when he wasn’t around or on longer missions. Curiosity and also the part of him that wanted to get on the nerves of his brother turned into fondness and protectiveness. You were like the mother he never had and every moment he spent with you was one of the best in his life so far. You even were friendly to Alluka, treating her kindly and not wanting to control or use her.
🤎That caused growing tension between Illumi and his younger brother. Killua started rebelling against Illumi’s ways of treating you. Even if he seemed to get the s/o things she wanted to have, she still wasn’t meant fo be in here. Killua wanted the darling to be free and happy like they used to be. Something that hit Illumi in all the wrong places. He had waited quite some time until his darling finally started warming up to him and returning his affection which had made him really happy and now here his little brother was, trying to ruin everything again. His darling is happy with him, they don’t need to be outside, with their family and certainly not his little brother interfering with anything.
🤎It only continues to annoy Illumi when he sees how happy you seem to be with Killua and how incredibly touchy his younger brother gets with you. Loving it when you ruffle his white and fluffy hair or give him a reassuring hug. Whenever he catches you two together, he always interrupts and drags you somewhere else. He simply forbids it, even if you love Killua more as a younger brother or son. He warns Killua to stay away from you as well. I would say that from everyone in the Zoldyck family, his darling will be the closest to Killua, Alluka and Nanika, Kalluto and even Kikyo. His mother grows fond of you after some time as well, though no one gets to spend even half as much time with you as they would like.
🤎Don’t really see any chances that Killua would ever help his brother, not when he constantly takes the darling away from Killua. The white-haired boy will be more selfish in that case and he still wants to save the s/o from Illumi’s clutches. So yeah, he definitely plans on taking Alluka and you one day away from this evil family and live happily with both of you freely. Alluka and Nanika love you like a mother as well and you love those two precious sweeties as well so there won’t be much of a problem. Killua knows what will happen afterwards though. Illumi won’t stop trailing his entire life after you and the amount of bodies he’ll leave in the process will be huge. Ultimately Illumi only really cares about his darling and if Killua would try to take her away from him, he won’t be getting out of it without severe injuries. Now if Killua succeeds with it and manages to escape for a longer period of time, he will be seething with rage and will get rid of anyone who keeps his darling away from him.
🤎Illumi additionally doesn’t really want anyone helping him with making his darling love him. It’ll happen naturally soon in his mind and that is another good thing about him isolating her from others. Like this he is the only one to really spend time with her and eventually she’ll have to get attached to him. He isn’t above using needles when it is needed, but he just really wants the s/o to love him without any use of Nen. Once this happens he really only gets more possessive because he won’t share with anyone. Not as long as he can do something against it.
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farlynthordens · 3 years
SKB Volume 2 Summary
exactly as the title says, it’s a summary of important points from the novels. I just finished vol 2, and I plan to do this for every volume! contains major spoilers, including new characters.
Volume 2 (here) | Volume 3 | Volume 4  | Volume 5  | Volume 6 | Volume 7
*Note that names of new charas and places haven’t been officially translated yet, so the way I write them may not end up being canon
Milo and bisco were headed to Shikoku, which is apparently where bisco is from
They learn about an undying Buddhist priest name Kelsinha who lives somewhere in Izumo’s 6 Great Towers - a town dominated by 6 towers each representing a branch of some religion (izumo is a real place but the towers are made up)
They go to a bar disguised as girls and run into some people who are impersonating them. Fake!bisco tries to flirt with milo, and milo gets upset when bisco doesn’t jump in to save him. Later, fake!milo (a woman) tries to flirt with bisco and milo is fucking PISSED. he threatens her and she runs away. bisco thought milo’s scary side was cool
we learn that bisco’s tattoo is the rust eater symbol
Near Izumo, they find a nearly dead old man. After nursing him, the old man pulls a killua move and steals bisco’s stomach. it turns out the old man was kelsinha
Amli amlini (14 years old) and ruskenny jau (an adult woman who amli calls “teacher”) are also after kelsinha. they all start working together to figure out a way to defeat him
amli has silver hair in a bob cut, has one purple eye and one green (the green eye is a prosthetic). ruskenny is noticeably tall, has spiky, long blonde hair in a braid, and has a mandala tattoo covering her entire upper torso
After bisco’s stomach is stolen, he has frequent convulsions that cause rust eaters to grow from his body due to the rust in the stomach wound and his mushroom powers fighting each other. amli can remove some rust from people’s bodies, so she helps bisco by doing this alongside milo’s rust eater injections
Amli tries to flirt with bisco and won’t stop touching him, causing milo to shout at her and lie that bisco is engaged
According to ruskenny and amli, kelsinha steals people’s stomachs and eats them to retain his strength. they estimate bisco only has about 5 days to live
The 6 towers are water, fire, earth, nature, gold, and a central giant rust tower. the team comes up with a plan to steal the sacred sutras from each tower to keep kelsinha from getting them, as he can absorb them into his body to become more powerful. when infiltrating the gold tower, milo and bisco run into tirol (who somehow became a priestess there) and she joins their group
Due to kelsinha’s powers, milo is blinded in one eye by rust, and hears kelsinha’s voice in his mind. this causes him to hallucinate, becoming violent and distrusting to anyone that comes close................ except bisco, who is able to calm him down
Bisco’s condition is rapidly getting worse, aggravated any time he’s stressed. even so, he keeps trying to handle everything himself and let milo rest. milo doesn’t accept this, accusing bisco of trusting ruskenny and amli more than him, before storming off alone
Bisco is good at scripture karuta (this was the only game mushroom keepers played in his village), but bad at shogi (can’t read the kanji on the pieces)
we learn one verse from a karuta card: 星割りて降り注ぐなり砂の海 - “break open a star, and out pours an ocean of sand”
A: “people travel to izumo because they fear rust, and death. why would you, who has achieved immortality, want to throw it away?” B: “a while ago, I made a promise to milo. i don’t know if he even remembers it, but... he asked if we would be together forever. and i... said yeah, we would. even though us mushroom keepers don’t really do that kinda thing. / i already broke my promise once, and died before he did... and it made him cry a lot. he cried, he was angry, he told me to never leave him behind again, so that’s why I...” As amli listens, she thinks of how bisco and milo are like a single life residing in 2 bodies.
Kelsinha reveals that bisco isn’t immortal, just that he has strong regenerative powers and slowed aging. he also says that rust is an agent of change - things that are weak will die to it, but things that are strong are able to take on the rust’s power and evolve into something new
Kelsinha tortures milo and threatens to kill him unless milo acknowledges him as a god. milo refuses, saying that he already has a god in his life and has no room for another: “ ... I’ve already given my entire heart and soul to him. / i desire nothing. i only exist for his sake. i don’t even care about becoming a martyr, as long as I died fighting for him...”
Bisco is able to hear milo’s screams from miles away. when he arrives, he beats the shit out of kelsinha: “Before I kill you, I’m going to pay you back for everything you did to my partner. Get the fuck up and tell me where you want me to tear you a new one.” / kelsinha stabs a spear into his own (aka bisco’s) stomach, causing both of them immense pain, but bisco only takes the spear and stabs it in deeper. kelsinha screams and bisco responds: “Milo screamed more than that. It was enough to make my ears bleed...”
After defeating kelsinha, both milo and bisco are on the verge of death. bisco rushes to milo’s side and cradles him, holding his hand as they talk: b: “think you’re not gonna make it?” m: “yeah, sorry... I tried, but... / bisco, i’m sorry... I wanted to protect you, but...” b: “it’s okay. we’re archers... i broke my promise to you once, but i won’t do it again. we’ll be together now, wherever we go.” m: “we’re... we’re definitely going to hell...” b: (to amli) “there you have it... this is as far as we go. you can leave our corpses here, but it might be dangerous. giant mushrooms will probably grow all around where we’re buried”
Amli uses bisco’s stomach, the 2 sacred sutras kelsinha had, and part of her own life force to awaken bisco’s rust eater powers. his regeneration ability is able to heal himself and milo. this also causes milo to become a half-immortal like bisco due to absorbing the rust eater’s power, so now their problem of differing lifespans is solved, yay!
when milo wakes up, he’s very unhappy that his hair turned green (his natural blue color + orange from the rust eater)
Ruskenny shows up. she’s pissed that amli used the rust eater’s powers because they’re supposed to be avid devotees of Mashouten (the rust god, aka kelsinha), and it’s revealed that she is amli’s mother
Ruskenny tries to take bisco’s stomach and the sacred sutras for herself
Pawoo shows up to save them! she frees milo and bisco from being tied up, and they chase after ruskenny. she’s also very upset about milo’s green hair
It turns out ruskenny is trying to fully revive kelsinha by giving him all 5 sacred sutras. this would let him perform the mantra of control, which could turn everyone in japan into his worshippers (thus able to obtain more power from their combined prayers). she makes amli perform the mantra of revival to bring him back to life
Ruskenny’s husband - amli’s father who she’s been desperately wishing to see but never knew who he was - is kelsinha
Ruskenny asks kelsinha to give amli immortality, but he tries to kill amli instead so he can have her incredible rust powers. when ruskenny tries to stop him, he kills her and turns her into one of his puppets. amli tries to take revenge, but isn’t nearly strong enough to do anything
Milo realizes he can use the power of mantras, having stolen the knowledge from kelsinha when he was inside milo’s mind. he is able to summon emerald green cubes (this is what’s shown on the cover of vol 2) that are formed from a balance between the rust and the rust eater’s power, which can re-form into various shapes or cause green mushrooms to grow in their target
Milo saves ruskenny from kelsinha’s rust that was controlling her
Amli kisses bisco during his final fight against kelsinha BUT it at least helps save his life. she did it to transfer some of her rust energy to bisco to revive him
Bisco’s bow breaks. milo tells bisco to imagine the most powerful bow he can, and creates a new, stronger bow with his emerald cubes based on bisco’s thoughts. bisco is able to shoot thru kelsinha’s defenses with it, piercing his chest. he then fires one last arrow that glows as bright as the sun, and finishes off the undying priest
This happens as kelsinha dies: ... In his bloodied vision, he saw two bright stars, red and blue, supporting each other [holding each other up so they wouldn’t fall] ... k: “I... was... mistaken... akaboshi himself was no god. the real god [godlike power]... resided in their bonds...” #power of friendship and love
All 6 towers are completely destroyed, replaced by giant rust eaters. the town becomes a place that worships mushrooms (kusabira-ism), and amli becomes the high priestess of this religion. she asks the 2 to stay and guide the people, but they of course refuse. amli lightly flirts with bisco again and milo Does Not Like It.
Bisco and milo head out toward shikoku again. milo still has some of kelsinha’s power in him and is able to summon the cubes a little, but it’s greatly faded away. also, his hair will go back to being blue as it grows out - the green was only a temporary effect
milo thinks about kelsinha’s last words. he had talked of someone far stronger than himself, who would likely come after the 2 of them in the future. he also mentioned the tokyo crater, but died before he could finish his sentence.
Other notes:
The “final battle” of this novel takes well over 100 pages, which is like 1/3 of the whole book................
we’re introduced to the new captain and vice captain of the imihama watch: nuts and plum (from the children’s fortress). I didn’t think their scenes were important enough to include above, but their intro is when we learn that pawoo is in izumo
😞 amli is definitely too young to be flirting with bisco. the fact she calls him “big brother” also makes it............weird.
there are some unnamed priest side characters who appear for all of 5 seconds who are labelled as ok*ma (a japanese slur/stereotype of gay men or trans women). i was REALLY hoping this series wouldn’t go there, but they did...
fake!bisco flirting with milo (p31 and 34):
The large, redhead man gave a creepy grin as he approached the girls, reaching out to the closer one, the one with sky-blue hair, and tilted her chin up towards him. “Look at this one. No way a girl this gorgeous is from a nowhere town like this. Hey little lady, where’d you come from? Hm? Say, wanna have a drink or two with us?” ... [when milo turns to bisco for help, he’s just eating without a care in the world. milo starts a fight and they beat the shit out of fake akaboshi] ... Milo seemed pouty as he put his bow on his back, and then shouted at Bisco as he ran over to frantically re-dress his wounds. “Real nice of you to just chill there and eat while I’m in trouble. Do you not worry about me at all?!” “Why should I worry? You can take care of guys like that, easy.” “You have zero compassion! No morals!”
fake!milo flirting with bisco (p36-37):
The “fake Nekoyanagi”, who up til now had been cowering in fear, spoke in a soft, coy voice as she slid up to Bisco and wrapped her arms around his neck. ... “Mhmm, no way you’re a girl with muscles like these. I can’t believe I fi~nally found you! Hey, you know, I was tricked by that fake Akaboshi. I’m also a victim here, yeah? I feel sooo safe, seeing the real Akaboshi here in front of me. How about you come back to our...” Bisco’s entire face went red as the fake Nekoyanagi whispered into his ear. Then, Milo put his hand on the woman’s shoulder, gripping her with unbelievable strength as he wrenched her off of him. ... “Your birthmark. It’s on the wrong side. It’s on the left. Not the right.” Milo glowered at her with a dark, piercing stare as he spoke, seeming the complete opposite of his usual self. “Want me to give you a real black eye?” ... Bisco was just as surprised as the woman was at his behavior. “You should use that threatening sorta voice more often!” “I don’t normally get that way.”
milo getting angry at amli (p85):
.. When her fingers reached Bisco’s chin, Milo could no longer stand it and shouted angrily from where he stood beside her. “Hey! No more of this!!! You’re done, aren’t you?! Get the fuck back from him! I’ll take care of doing his IVs and stuff!“ “You needn’t worry, this is also one of my healing procedures.” “Don’t lie to me! You can’t be doing this, because...! B... Bisco is already engaged!“ “Oh, I see. Pardon me, then. He was just so handsome...“ ... “Hey. Do I really have a fiancee?” Bisco asked. “I said that because I had to... but are you sure you didn’t get up to anything with Pawoo?” “The hell’d I even do with that gorilla? Have banana eating competitions?” “You might think she’s not paying attention to you since she’s busy running Imihama, but she actually put a listening device in this ring I wear.” “WHAT?!” “Kidding.”
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writingindulgence · 4 years
Illumi x F.Reader - Expectation
Pairing: Illumi x Female Reader
Story tags: Arranged marriage, typical Zoldyck behaviour, angst-ish, heavy manipulation, ILLUMI, unhealthy one-sided dependence : ) my guy just toxic
3,200+ words and why? I don’t even like the dude. Also, two points of view.
The sound of fancy porcelain tea cups clinking against the glass table is soothing, along with the warm rays shining on your face. Times like these are what you are thankful for. The smell of purposely picked flowers, arranged to please the eyes. Not the stench of trash dumped for the sole convenience of other countries. Colourful butterflies and bees, instead of flies and disease ridden rats. A home cooked meal ready for your consumption rather than scraps of rotting food that you more often than not nearly died for.
Kukuroo mountain is infinitely more beautiful compared to Meteor City.
“(Y/n) dear, it’s unbecoming of you to make noise with your tableware,” a powerful feminine voice chastates your mistake. The woman sitting opposite you is none other than Kikyo Zoldyck. Or as she forces you to call her, mother.
Your heart flutters in relief, an apologetic expression weaving onto your face. She must be in an agreeable mood since her fan hasn’t struck your hand. Sometimes you are let off with a warning if she spots a blunder on your part. Sometimes, she resorts to physical punishment. It always depends on whether or not a family member said anything to ruin her day. In fact, any matter concerning Killua will set her off in a positive or negative direction.
Just like Illumi whenever you bring up his younger brother.
“I apologise mother, I’m too excited because Illumi is returning,” you proceed to take a sip and this time around, gently settle the tea cup down.
A content hum comes from her direction, her visor flashing for a split second. “Oh (Y/n), you’ll make such a good wife one day.” She picks up a fork gracefully and stabs it into the cake she asked for from the family cook.
The compliment ignites a multitude of feelings in your chest. It spreads out, only one thought in your mind.
How immensely grateful and happy you are to hear it.
Many of your friends from when you were young, starved to death. Some were beaten up by other desperate residents. Others lost their will to fight, a state you threaded on a magnitude of times.
Being taken away by the mafia one day was what gave you back the spark, a life in the city no more out of your reach. Until you figured out what type of work they wanted to sell you and other kids for. Stories from the older girls back in Meteor City came rushing back.
Your bloodlust and instinct to survive are what happened to change your life for the better. Out of all the line-up of children, you were selected by the Zoldycks. Instead of being the pet of some old pervert, you found a home within the assassin family.
There were many times when you felt like giving up. When the training you went through was worse than simply dying. However, you promised yourself to never throw away the chance you received all those years back.
You were indebted to the Zoldycks.
Hearing words of encouragement from one of the people you looked up to the most brought tears to your eyes. You wiped them away with your thumb.
Mother is a role model to you. It helped when you found out that she originates from Meteor City too. In a sense, it is easier to place yourself in her shoes and strive to achieve what she did. Being an amazing assassin, wife and mother.
A sudden scraping of a chair brought you back to the presence, startling you into a defensive pose. The knife under your sundress clasped in your hand.
Out of the corner of your eye you notice Kalluto coming out from behind the bushes, his paper fan also ready for action.
“My Kil, what is he doing?! Quick, we have to stop him. Kalluto go call for Milluki right now!,” she orders shrilly before running into the mansion.
Without hesitation, you rush after her. It is expected of you. A nagging feeling in the back of your head also foreshadows that whatever is going on, it will have dire consequences if not stopped.
Killua is in the foyer, being kept idle by the servants. But not for long. You can see the irritation growing on his face, his muscles tensed.
You’ve known Killua since he was a baby, having been inducted as a future family member when mother was pregnant with him. There’s no doubt that if something wasn’t done, it would lead to a messy aftermath.
A few seconds after you make it inside, Milluki shows up and the servants are all dismissed.
“Kil, my little Kil, what’s wrong? Why did I hear that you’re leaving to take the Hunter’s Exam?,” mother’s voice is aghast, the idea of her favourite child abandoning the nest filling her with pain.
You too are taken aback at the news, a protective sensation coursing through you. Your fingers flex at your side.
“It’s boring here and I heard that the Exam is difficult so I’m going to test my skill,” he shrugs her worry off and spins his skateboard. Your heart begins to pound uncontrollably.
Hearing the disrespect, Milluki steps up and lashes out at Killua. “You brat, what’s with that arrogant attitude you-,”
“Stop that!,” mother’s voice sharply cuts him down.
She begins pleading with Killua to stay, her voice cracking multiple times. It pains you to watch someone you respect growing so desperate.
Killua is too young to understand what he’s putting the ones around him through. Of course, a rebellious phase is healthy-
A prickly discomfort surges through your head and you clutch it. Your unexpected movement grabs everyone’s attention. You try to brush it off, not wishing to be a burden.
It isn’t expected of you to be one.
“Killua, you should stay here. The world is a dangerous place,” your words try to reach him. “Illumi is coming home today,  why don’t we-”,
“I don’t want him around! Just leave me alone,” he angrily interrupts. The air grows heavy. Heavier than it’s been since the beginning.
Mother gasps in shock at his behaviour since Killua never really yells at you. Yes, he gets annoyed as much as any other kid but when he shouts, he doesn’t really mean it.
It’s expected of you to coerce him into calming down.
“You’ve changed during the past few weeks (Y/n), after Illumi came back before leaving again. Anyway, I will kill you all if you try to stop me,” Killua promises in a cold voice, his blue eyes a piercing ice.
This rouses an onslaught of insults from Milluki and a mix of agony and happiness from mother.
However, you’re currently stuck in your own mind, reflecting on Killua’s comment. It is true that during the past three weeks you doted on him more than ever before. Usually you try to split your attention between him and Kalluto when you have free time. What changed?
Nothing should have changed, Killua is the priority of the family.
A high-pitched scream echoes around the foyer and your clouded head awakens. The sight in front of you freezes your blood and it takes immense strength not to bite your tongue.
Mother is kneeling down on the ground, her hands covering her bloody face. Before you can take a step, Milluki rages and charges at Killua. The young boy bounces back and proceeds to plunge the knife into his older brother. Milluki curses and grabs his wound.
On impulse, your hand is already equipped with a knife and you’re ready to protect yourself as well as mother Killua.
Killua mistakes your movements as an attack and strikes his own knife across your arm. A long gash appears on your skin, the blood seeping out moments later. You take in the pain as punishment. Punishment for letting it get this far and failing.
You’re a failure.Failure.Failure.Failure.Failure.Failure.Failure.Failure.Failure.
Taking the chance to escape, he kicks his skateboard up and runs out.
And you were helpless to stop him.
It’s been a while since Illumi has been back home on Kukuroo mountain, his previous mission requiring him to travel across multiple locations. The target was a cautious person so they moved from place to place, leaving lousy decoys. That did not impede Illumi at all, it was simply an inconvenience at worst.
After all, nervous-wrecks are the ones who put their emotions out on display. They are the first to slip up due to the fact that they care about others.
Which is concerning because Killua is at a stage where he is showing his rebellious streak more often. It is crucial that he can snuff it out before his dear brother falls further down the slope of idiotic fantasies . In which case, it is a slight relief that (Y/n) is here. She tries to keep Killua in check in a subtle way instead of hanging over his shoulder or perpetuating his moody behaviour.
Though the last time he visited there were hints of her growing soft and losing her devotion of raising Killua to be the next head of the family. He is ashamed to confess that it irked him to some degree. It’s expected of her to put her desires down for what he wants. And he wants Killua to be the next head.
Even so, he thought that he dealt with this the last time.
However, imagine the surprise he felt when his mother came wailing to him, begging him to follow her little Kil to the Hunter’s Exam. To think that instead of a joyful family reunion, the news of his stray younger brother reached his ears before anything else.
That won’t do.
Currently, it’s close to midnight which is the time (Y/n) comes to his room to say goodnight. Why she even bothers is beyond him. The effort of keeping up with formalities could be used for better activities. It’s already indisputable that they are arranged to marry in the future at the request of his parents, so there is no reason to be close together in any romantic sense.
In fact, Killua will succeed as the head which is why there is no point in thinking about his own future.
A sigh leaves his mouth.
There is only one positive outcome that came out of this whole arrangement. He has an extra set of eyes and he’s sure that she will listen to him without question. All he has to do is play into these formalities and she’s wrapped around his finger.
An affectionate hug here, a tiny smile there...Normally he’d be concerned that a future Zoldyck , even if not by blood, would be so easy to deceive. However, since every carefully planned step is coming from him he’s not surprised in the slightest.
It’s expected of (Y/n) to be loyal, just as much as it’s expected for Killua to take over the family business.
The wooden clock hanging opposite his bed strikes 12 but there is no sign of (Y/n). She never runs late.
The fact that she hadn’t even greeted him when he came back is also unusual. Normally she’d be pacing in front of the entrance door but today his mother took over that role. He heard that she got injured by Killua but (Y/n) has experienced worse so what’s the fuss?
It’s not his problem, he’ll just take a bath before bed. She’ll come running eventually.
Illumi’s right arm is beginning to grow numb. He hasn’t moved from the water in over an hour. Not because he needed a break to relax, taking time off for yourself is inefficient. No, he hasn’t moved because he’s been waiting for the familiar steps and hesitant knock to come from outside his room.
Discerning who someone is from the sound of their footsteps and how they carry themselves is second nature to any professional assassin. For instance, Milluki hovers in one spot when walking while Kalluto creates soft patters with his toes.
On the other hand, (Y/n) always shuffles her feet forward just before his door. It takes her approximately 2 seconds to knock when she’s unsure, 1 second when she’s in a normal mood and 0.5 whenever she has news deemed worthy enough for him to hear. Reading the mood of someone before they see you face to face is important.
Coming to terms with the fact that today she won’t pay him a visit, he steps out of the bathtub, water dripping down his naked body. He throws on a plain black bathrobe and leaves the bathroom. Giving his bed a quick-over, he walks out the door.
Guess it’s time for him to pay a visit instead.
If he actually bothers and gives it some thought, it’s not a mystery as to why he hasn’t even seen her shadow today. She’s ashamed. Ashamed of being a failure for letting Killua go.
Her scrambled mind is most likely trying to piece together what she should say. How she should ask for forgiveness and repent.
He wonders if she’s starving herself or if she’s contemplating about going to the self-confinement room.
Normally he’d push her into whatever she makes up but a stick approach by itself won’t be enough. There needs to be a push and pull factor involved if he wants her to listen to him unconditionally.
And what better way than to appear before her, disheveled and still wet in his robe? She’ll jump to conclusions.
Further guilt will set in, how she unnecessarily worried him by skipping the usual goodnight. His state will continue feeding her imagination, connecting unrelated dots to make her believe that he cares for her.
Truly, a puppet and its real master.
Soaking footprints follow behind him on the floor, the dim candlelight making them difficult to notice. He knocks once before letting himself in and shutting the door, back turned to the only other person inside.
A small gasp penetrates the silence and a rush of steps follow suit, stopping just behind him.
“Illumi, welcome back,” (Y/n) is the first to speak. He stays silent.
A nervous shuffle. “Is..everything okay?”.
The voice quietens downs the more she speaks. That should be enough for now.
He turns around and looks down at her concerned face, with no emotion of his own. Her eyes widen a fraction after registering his condition. Before she can open her mouth to question him further, Illumi crinkles his eyes and smiles.
“It’s nothing. I was just worried since I didn’t see you today,” he gazes away, giving her enough time to fix her expression. It’ll be harder for him to get her to open up if she thinks that he sees through her lack of control.
“I missed you too-,”
Presumptuous to think that he missed her.
“-and I’m sorry for not saying anything. I just…,” she stops right before confessing her shortcoming.
He doesn’t provide her with any more time to compose herself, a full day is already generous. Grabbing the door handle he gives it a slight tug but her hand shuts it and pulls his sleeve. That’s new. (Y/n) rarely takes the initiative.
He allows her to drag him over to the bed, slightly curious about her next move. Is she trying to entertain him as an apology or simply trying to put distance between him and the door?
Both tactics aren’t half bad when it comes to simple targets.
He sits down on the covers and analyses her.
A long white nightdress, face ready for bed, barefoot, and a long knife wound going up her arm.
A shred of pride for Killua’s work passes through his head but he doesn’t showcase this. If by any chance she spotted the look, it would demolish the picture he wants to paint.
(Y/n) kneels down in front of him and takes his hand into hers. It’s warm, though not as soft as it used to be. Her breasts rest atop his knees.
His attention migrates from the sudden action to her face, looking for answers. He made sure that she will only expect affection coming from him, not the other way around. It would be too tiring to keep up a loving demeanour- no, scratch that. It wouldn’t be tiring but the expectations would eventually rise and it would result in less time spent on bringing up Killua.
Oh, he zoned out.
(Y/n)’s eyes are full of regret and desperation, the hand holding his trembling just enough to tell him that today’s event is eating at her. Is she waiting for him to say something?
Finally after what feels like an unprecedented amount of time, the scene unfolds.
Her smaller hand pulls his to her face and rests it against her cheek. The second his skin touches hers, he detects slight heat radiating. She must have not treated the cut. The knife was probably dirty too, Killua slacks off in that regard.
“I’m sorry for being a failure, I’m very sorry Illumi. I have no excuse,” the apology flows out of her mouth, bottom lip quivering. The pain of looking at someone she disappointed forces her eyes to shut close. Her free hand latches onto his thigh and she digs in before continuing.
“You can slash my other arm as punishment. Or hang me upside down in the self-containment room,” she throws out. “But please, please don’t give up on me. I can do better Illumi”.
And as if to prove how determined she is, her eyes open up again, staring deeply into his own. Unwavering. Confident.
Though the thumb that he has under her jaw gave the hammering pulse away.
1,2,3. 1,2. 1,2,3.
He stretched out the silence, pretending to ponder over his answer. The unsettling emotions influencing her thoughts will prove beneficial when he flips her assumption around.
He removes his hand from her cheek and moves the one on his thigh to her side. (Y/n) adopts a look of relief, believing that he agreed to her conditions of punishment. What he’s about to do is infinitely more cruel though.
She catches her breath when he follows her example and kneels in front of her. He pulls up the sleeve of her nightdress that’s slipping down before grabbing her shoulders, gently.
“How can I not give up on you when you give up on yourself,” he lectures her, peeking down at her wound. Make the target question their actions.
An expression of remorse adorns her face, a downward tug of the mouth.
He pulls her in, arms encircling and resting on her lower back. The material of the nightdress is light enough for him to make out the feeling of skin.
“Though I won’t give up on you.” Affirmation and a moment of reassurance.
One of his hands travels deliberately slowly up to her neck. It rests on the back of her head, fingers entangled in her hair. Illumi locates the present that he left her the last time he visited and pushes it back into her head. It has moved slightly out.
This prompts (Y/n) to hug him in response, her previously hanging arms now resting comfortably around him. Good, as for the finishing line.
“Though your failure is a disappointment, I know that you will not repeat the same mistake, because you
love me, right?”.
Her head moves to rest between the crook of his neck, nodding in agreement. She doesn’t ask him if he loves her.
It’s expected of her not to.
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
get out, you prick.
request ; @yvsevie​: hi, sweetheart! can i request some short scenarios with kise, edawrd, killua and giyuu? i was thinking about situation when they’re in love with girl, and she’s obviously in love too, but they’re too dumb to notice it aaaand once they (boys) see when she’s harassment by an old, pervert man and they’re helping her <3
# tags: scenarios; crush culture; bit of drama; but also fluff; sfw
includes: female reader ft. ryouta kise {knb}, edward elric {fma}, killua zoldyck {hxh} & giyuu tomioka {kny}
author’s note: i love you and only you, zuzia <3
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“Ryo-kun, I have to go to the toilet, so please, wait for me!” You spoke in a half-whisper tone, then followed the colorful, wall signs. You two were on your way to the stands to watch a basketball game, but at one point you wanted to pee. So you had to apologize to your precious, tall bestie and leave him in the middle of the corridor for a few minutes.
After you washed your hands and improved your hair, you stepped out of the ladies’ public restroom and checked the time on the phone; luckily there is still some time before the game starts, so you could even buy yourself something to eat or drink. However, before you reached the blonde waiting for you again, your way was blocked by an older man. He apologized to you for causing trouble and asked you where the entrance to the grandstand A3 was. You thought for a moment and, looking at the signs, pointed in the right direction.
“Ah, yeah, you’re right. Thank you so much, pretty one.” He smiled, and your eyebrows frowned slightly. “By the way, since you’re here too, why don’t we watch today’s game together?” He asked, touching your shoulder and you took a step back.
“No, thanks. I’m here with someone.”
“Really? I can’t see anyone.” His grip tightened, and you swallowed, wanting to scream for help.
Fortunately, help showed up sooner than you thought it would.
“Any problems, old man?” The stranger turned to insult Kise, but when he saw his wide chest and then looked up to make eye contact with him, he let go of your body and laughed awkwardly. After a while, he left the two of you, and the blonde asked if everything was okay with you. After all, you haven’t been coming back for a long time, and additionally this disgusting situation with a perverted guy... Kise was furious but you assured him that you were fine. “... Okay. Then let’s go and take our seats. Unless, you are hungry... I’ll buy you something tasty.”
“No, no. We’ll eat something after the game. Let’s go, Ryo-kun.” You answered in a soft voice, taking his big, warm hand and walking forward.
His cheeks flushed slightly.
(Yours too.)
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You were waiting next to one of the tall, wooden bookcase, reading the titles of the old books. Your blonde-haired friend was looking for some alchemy book, and you decided to look around the National Central Library, where you were the first time in your life. It was a nice experience, but you wanted Edward to come back to you already because you two were going to go for a walk and then for a picnic outside of town.
After five, long minutes, you heard a low cough, so you turned and bowed gently as you saw the older than you man with the Captain’s badge who stand in front of you.
“What is such a beautiful lady doing alone in the National Library?” He asked with a smile, and you laughed nervously as you looked around for Ed.
”I’m waiting for my best friend. He went looking for some important book for him. I haven’t touched anything, Captain, I just read the titles.” You answered truthfully to which the man nodded.
“I understand, but unfortunately you cannot stay here unattended. I’ll take care of you. So let’s go, miss.” He replied, grabbing your arm, and you stiffened slightly. “If you want, we can talk over tea and a cake.” He added, and you sighed as you looked around once again. Unluckily, you couldn’t refuse anyone with a badge on the shoulder, especially since you were in the Library in Central City.
Thank God, the conversation between you and the stranger Captain reached to the Edward’s ears, who finally found the huge book in a maroon hardcover. He quickly followed the noise and the clatter of shoes, and when he saw your body being led out by the man in the blue long coat, he clasped his hands together and touched the floor, causing a stone fist to pop out of the wall and after a while hit the old guy’s jaw. You opened your eyes wider, then turned away. Before you could say anything, Ed grabbed your hand and ran out of the National Library, laughing under his breath.
“I’m leaving you alone for a short moment and someone wants to take you away from me...” He said in an amused tone, squeezing your smooth hand. “All right, Y/N?”
“Yes. Thank you for coming and saving me, Ed.” You responded warmly, smiling at him, and both his cheeks reddened instantly.
“S-Stupid! Of course I would come and save you! Always!”
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After defeating six dangerous prisoners, you and five men were locked in a small room as punishment. You felt quite insecure around so many males, but you chose to ignore your own unnecessary thoughts. Kurapika was very polite and totally harmless, and Gon and Killua were totally charming... You were only worried about Leorio and Tonpa’s behavior – the latter you were especially afraid of.
When everyone decided to go to sleep, you chose a place away from everyone; you covered your body with a brown blanket and pressed your face against the pillow you found. Unfortunately, shortly after falling asleep, you felt something touch your waist. You opened your eyes and turned your head, almost squeaking, as you noticed an older man in a blue T-shirt lying next to you.
You felt disgust and your heart beat faster as his hand touched your hip.
“... Kurapika? G-Gon? Killua?” You whispered softly, barely breathing. “Someone help me, p-please.” You added a little louder, but still whispering so as not to wake everyone up at once. Happily, that night (or day because all of you didn’t know what time of day right it was right now), Killua had a light sleep.
Hearing your terrified voice, he quickly opened his eyes and searched for your sleepy figure. Seeing what this disgusting, pervert guy was doing, he got up and came up to you. Then, he grabbed his clothes and threw him against the wall, waking everyone around.
“Y/N, are you okay? I’m sorry, I fell asleep and I didn’t think that would happen.” He muttered in a nervous tone and you sat up shaking your head.
“Don’t apologize to me, Killua. You were tired... but could you...” You started softly, looking away. “Could you sleep closer to me? I would rather sleep with the thought that you are next to me.”
“Yes, sure. I’ll be here. Goodnight, Y/N.” He smiled and you breathed a sigh of relief, thanking him in a soft voice and lying back down again, cuddling your head against the soft, white pillow. “... And you, old man, touch her once again and I’ll do with you what I did with Johness before.” He added warningly, looking in the direction of the sore Tonpa, who turned pale at the sound of his serious words.
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You were waiting for your friend next to the souvenir stand, wanting to buy something for yourself and for Giyuu. You noticed a few pretty, fabric pendants, so you chose the two most interesting and asked for them. A sweet, old lady in a peach haori packed them into a paper bag for you, and you were in the process of taking money out of your pocket when you heard a low, slightly hoarse voice.
“I will pay for this, beautiful.”
You glanced to the side and immediately noticed an older man gives grandma some money. You were surprised and stop his actions right away.
“No need, sir. I can pay for it but thank you very much.” You answered with an uncertain smile.
“I insist. As compensation, we can go to dinner at that restaurant.” He pointed his finger towards the little building and you sighed lowly.
“Thank you, really, but I’ll pay myself and I’m not hungry. I’m waiting for someone right now and then, I’ll continue my journey.” You answered a little louder and more confidently, but the older man grabbed your arm, turning your body towards him.
“Listen, sweetie. Don’t deny others their kindness, because you will be alone for the rest of your life, and no lady wants that, I am right?” He asked and you snorted under your breath.
“... Someone said she would be alone?”
You turned and then breathed a sigh of relief when you saw your dark-haired best friend who come back to you. As soon as you handed the old woman the right amount of money, you thanked her with a low bow and then quickly approaching Giyuu, hiding behind his body. The older man who had been harassing you just a moment ago left, muttering something to himself about ‘how rude young women are to men’, and then disappeared into the crowd of people. After a few, short seconds you stood beside the demon slayer and touch his haori while taking out a tiny pendant with the color of your own eyes.
“It’s for you... Lucky item, you know...” You smiled as you tied a string to his belt, next to the scabbard with a sword.
“Thank you, Y/N. Let’s go further. I bought us something tasty, so if you will hungry tell me.” He replied with a soft smile, touching the gift by his finger.
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💙I'm scared💙
Jana Diamond oc x Hisoka Morrow
Feat:Illumi, Gon, and Killua
Warning: Mention of Death, Slight Angst, Angry Hisoka, Mentioned of Blood and fluff in the end
It was was a very unexpected scenario in myself
I saved Gon and Killua from being killed by My Nemesis Kyoka and fight with her. Even though I know I can defeat her I still need to be careful in order to prevent Hisoka to interfere our Fight
So Kyoka and I fought against each other and after an Hour of a fighting I finally take Kyoka Down But I think It was my Mistake because I spare her and turn my back not realising a secret attack from her
Hisoka, Illumi, Killua and God were so Shocked about this situation
Even though I felt the pain Turn around and beheaded Kyoka Without a doubt and then Anything went Black
~Hisoka's POV
I immediately approach her and took her in my arms
I know she's a strong woman so I didn't worry everytime she fought into someone but this time She's here in my Arms Injured
I stood up and immediately leave to take her to the nearest hospital as soon possible. I don't feel scared for myself but seeing her like this makes me weak and helpless
When we reach at the hospital The Doctors immediately treated her but they said that the wounds were too deep and severe and they don't even know if Jana can Handle it herself
As she was at the operating Room I was waiting outside trying to make my negative thoughts goes away
I waited there until a familiar figures appear through my sight. It was Gon, Killua and Illumi
I've never been so angry in my life and seeing these boys makes my Blood Boils in anger so Impulsively attack them but Illumi Stop me from doing it
"Get out of my Way!" I said Full of anger in my voice scaring Gon and Killua
Illumi didn't flinch even though I Threatened to kill him "Calm down" Illumi calmly says at me "How Can I calm down?! If they didn't go there this won't be happening at all!!" I angrily responded back
"If she dies I'll kill you all" I said "If You do that do you think she'll be happy about it?" Illumi said only to make me realize Her words at me before
"Don't kill innocent people Hisoka" these words rings through my head so I stop from acting harshly
We've waited for an Hour and then doctor approaches me and I Immediately Asked him about my Jana "She's fine now" The doctor said only for me to calm down for a bit "She just needs some rest" He added and then the Doctor excuses himself and leave so I entered my Girlfriend's Room only for me to see her feature
I've stayed there waiting for her to open her eyes
I'd never felt a slight tiredness into my Body this time and set my mind that I have to he the First person she sees with when wokes up
~Jana's POV
As I slowly open my eyes I instantly felt that My Body feels Unusual and a little heavy too
I see his Worried look yet shocked Eyes as she Stared at me
Hisoka calls out the Doctor and when the Doctor arrives he examined me for a while and tell Hisoka that they will come again after an hour then left
My attention towards my wounds and try to heal myself up but Hisoka take my hand and prevents me from doing it "You're too tired out to do this so let it he" He said in his unexpected worried tone towards me
I Nod in response and then Looks away from me only for me to be confused at his action "Is there something wrong?" I ask in a low yet clear voice, and then he hides his face through his hands and it shock me to hear him Crying
I'd got worried and ask him what is wrong but again no response from my Boyfriend so I let out a sigh "Love?" I said in A sweet Tone and then he look at me and I his face was in mess, his makeups were in mess and his face were stained by Tears
"Again" He said while wipe out his tears "Love?" I said again then Hisoka Hug me tightly but not enough to hurt me
I patted his back and Caress his Crimson hair "I'm so sorry for making you worry" I said "Please Promise you won't do it again" He said "I won't I promise" I respond giving his temple a kiss "I told you don't to spare your enemy" He said in tone like blaming and it make me laugh "Alright I promise next Time I won't spare my enemies" I responded full of happiness in my Tone
He hugged each other for a while like that savouring the moment and taking away the sadness from both of us
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sekceesimps · 4 years
A Rose Made of Chains Ch 2
a/n holy crap! thank you guys so much for all the nice comments and positive feedback about this story. This is the best Christmas gift ever. Hope you enjoy! Chapter 3 out tomorrow (Tuesday) night. 
Sincerely, Coffee
teaser.     Ch 1    Ch 3
teaser for part 2,    Ch 4,     Ch 5
Kurapika (aged up) x reader x Chrollo
warnings: This chapter does get very violent and angsty. If physical branding and torture triggers, you please don’t read  
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Don’t scream. Don’t scream. You silently chanted to yourself after waking up from a horrible nightmare. For once you wake up before your torturer has a chance to dump water on you. There were no windows or other sorts of indication about the time. You analyzed your surroundings. For whatever reason, you felt motivated to fight this time. Your “room”, if it could even be called that, was made up of a small charred blanket on the ground to act as a bed, a rickety looking bucket, and a sturdy chair being held up by thick gray shackles. Just looking at the iron chair sent shivers up your spine, it was where most of the torturing had been taking place after all. You had tried using your nen ability when you had first gotten here, but it had proved futile, as it seemed that there was something that forced zetsu upon you. It wasn’t like your nen could do anything  to escape to begin with. You had no issue with being a manipulator. You were an incredibly talented and special user according to Kurapika himself. Your nen ability was being able to manipulate and influence the movement of light. It made you incredible with stealth and diversions to help your friends, but terrible at actually being able to fight back. Your ability was too weak combatively, it was kind of why you were even here in the first place. Mumbling, you continue looking for a way out as your mind goes back to the day you were taken. 
»»————-  ————-«« 
That day had started so beautifully. You had woken up to sweet humming from Kurapika as he lazily flipped through the pages of a book. After passing out on the ground next to his hotel bed the night before, he had graciously pulled you up next to him. His long arms hold you close to his warm body, making your face flush, an action only reserved for lovers, but he did so nonetheless with you. 
“Good morning, Y/N'' he greeted and put his book down. You’ll never forget the joyful glint in his eye, one that was becoming less and less common to see, as his face nuzzled into your neck. It was times like this when you wished that you could just tell him that you were his soulmate. Unfortunately, you couldn’t do that to him now. He was busy planning on what to do with the spiders. You had helped him with this plan, but he often made it clear that he didn’t want your mind to be burdened with the violence of his future actions. “Can you go to the store? We don’t have much food left and I’m tired of eating junk with Gon.” he mumbled against your neck. 
“5 more minutes,” you whined and cuddled closer against him. His warmth was intoxicating and the heavy smell of lemongrass that came off of him made you want to stay next to him forever. You don’t want this moment to end. You never get to see Kurapika smile and you’ve never seen him so vulnerable as he is in the mornings. You’d never admit it out loud, but you love to fall asleep on the ground next to his bed, knowing full well that he’s much too polite to leave you down there alone. 
“Get up, lazy” he answered and untangled his arms from your body. You know the two of you aren’t dating, but it sure did feel like it on mornings like this. “I can’t come with you today  because Leorio wants me to help him with something. Make sure to get breadsticks! Oh, and don’t forget to get something sweet for Killua” he snaps you out of your thoughts.  
“Alright alright. I’ve got it, do you need anything else,” you remarked as you dragged yourself out of the comfort of his bed. It creaked softly at the shift in weight. He shook his head and wished you goodbye. 
You never made it to the store that morning. After you had left the hideout, you stupidly decided that you wanted to take the scenic route to get groceries. Unfortunately, the scenic route at 8 in the morning is also a dangerous one. With no one out on the streets yet, safety in numbers dwindles down to ominous empty and open areas. Soft footsteps and the feeling of eyes burning into your back were felt as you made your way quickly through a quiet alleyway. You had thought nothing of the dangerous feeling until you were shoved onto the ground. You were a hunter, a natural born fighter too. However, you weren’t wise enough to anticipate an attack and bring a real weapon. It honestly didn’t come as much of a surprise when you had been quickly overtaken by three shadowy figures. You were quick to spring to the defense and had managed to give up a small fight until the tallest figure muffled your screams with a large cloth. Being pinned to the ground and knocked out was not what you had expected on your peaceful trip to the store. I’ve got this, you thought to yourself as your vision blurred and you slipped into the black abyss. 
»»————-  ————-«« 
Finally! You shriek in your head. You had found a small curved nail in the corner surrounded by dust. If you could just use it to break the padlock on the door you’d be out of your dingy room. Your inner clock was warning you that it was almost time for the water wakeup. An even better but more risky idea suddenly popped into your head. It’s going to be risky you think, but I’ll have to fight my way out of here if I have any chance of leaving. You clutch the nail in your sweaty hands and lay back down on your “bed”. The door handle lowers slowly, slowly. Creak, the hinges squeak, you close your eyes, pretending to be asleep. Footsteps come closer. You jolt up before the man can react. Surprise and luck on your side. With one sharp movement you stab the nail into the short man’s upper thigh and run as fast you can. You would have made it out too if a new woman hadn’t grabbed your collar and knocked you to the ground.
“Feitan, did you let this little mouse out? She looks a little lost.” you looked up at her serious face. Her lovely pink hair smoothed up into a ponytail. With wide and begging eyes you  pleading with her silently to let you go. She looked past you and glanced at your torturer instead, who was grumbling on the ground with his bleeding leg.                                
“I’ve got it from here.” he replied as he got up. “Time for something new anyways. The little mouse isn’t screaming as much as she used to.” he made his way over to you and grabbed the collar of your shirt roughly from her. You make yourself as limp as possible, trying to stall your impending doom. He was a small man, so it surprised you by how much strength he had as he dragged you back into your room and secured the heavy ropes onto your arms, securing you back  into your chair. 
This time he pulled a dark brown belt  and fastened it around your head and stuffed it into your mouth. You let out a muffled yelp in protest to this intrusion. This man had done so many unspeakable things to you. You had been burned heavily, close to drowned, had fingernails ripped out, but each time you had prided yourself on staying as strong as you had. You were unbearably tired of fighting. It had been so long since you saw the sun. You would give anything to have rays of light touch your skin again. 
“I have to admire your strength. Many don’t last as long as you have. Will you join the phantom troupe? Will you join us?” your torturer asked curiously. You shake your head in a vehement no. “That’s a shame. I hope the boss doesn’t mind that I do this.” he replies nonchalantly as he takes out his many knives. This time though he has something different. This time, he has an iron. 
You barely flinch at this point when he begins expertly cutting up your skin. There was a certain art that was in the way he opened up your delicate flesh and created such pain and terrible marks. For what seemed like hours he did this, ripping apart barely healed wounds, creating new ones, all the while he smiled and kept asking those four annoying words. You briefly considered entertaining him and saying yes. No! You refuse to do that. 
He removes the belt that acted as a makeshift gag, asking those four words again, “Will you join us”. You boldly spit your blood onto his face and smile wickedly. This seems to egg him on as he takes a lighter and begins warming up the iron. You hadn’t seen it before. It was beautifully shaped and at the very end you saw what looked like a… no. It couldn’t be. The more you looked at it, the more your stomach hurt and rage began building in your chest. At the end of the iron was an expertly crafted 12 legged spider. You hadn’t realized it but the rage had turned your eyes into the most passionate crimson. A shade that you refused to show anyone who wasn’t trusted. Your torturer smiles, “The boss always liked those eyes”,  as he quickly shoves the leg of your pants up to leave your thigh bare and open. The iron was sure to be hot now. The reality of the situation was setting in as the man tugged your gag off and said happily, “be as loud as you want”, before he shoved the iron onto the area beneath your soulmark. Pure pain, white hot pain blinded you. Your only form of agency now in this hell was to be quiet. You knew that sleep was taking you again as your vision darkened and your head nodded off as you passed out. 
»»————-  ————-«« 
Panicked breaths tore through the silent room. Your ragged gasps for air breaking the peace of the pitch dark stillness. As your eyes slowly adjust you try to calm yourself, you focus on your soulmark and the level-headed blonde that has the matching one. It started to feel like reassurance but now it’s become a mark of pain and conflict. 
“How are you feeling?” a calming baritone voice spoke through the darkness. As he steps forward you take in his menacing appearance. He was tall and had the funniest looking coat you’d ever seen. It was fur and looked expensive. His whole appearance and tone just screamed wealth and power. He was a man who was clearly sure of himself. He’d come to visit your torture sessions several times before already. Each time he would stand close to the shadows, just out of sight, but still close enough for you to catch a glimpse of his outline. He never said anything, choosing to watch you instead. His smoky gray eyes are always on you and drinking in your appearance. 
“I’d feel better if you just let me leave” you whimper softly. The ropes that a spider had secured on you when you had gotten here were digging roughly into your skin. You felt like your aura was constrained and it was hard to breathe. 
“You know I can’t do that darling,” he all but purred, the pet name setting your face on fire with blush. “all you have to do is say yes.” he continued, coming closer and closer to your face. You do your best to move away from him. “Perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is Chrollo Lucilfer. It truly is a shame that we had to meet like this.” he had his finger raised now and languidly stroked the less bloody side of your cheek. 
You whimper softly at his movement. His intense ashen eyes felt like they were piercing your soul. “All you have to do is say yes and all of the pain can go away,” he grinned down sweetly at your pitifully shaking form. 
Your tangible fear seemed to edge him on as he got closer and closer to the side of your face. “I don’t want to,” you stated in a last attempt of defiance. 
His warm breath was fanning across your bloodied cheek. “Oh, but you will.” He remarked casually before leaning down further to your flushed body. 
His lips were soft and they had meshed well against your own dry ones. This was the first sign of  comfort you had been given in your time here. You refused to kiss back at first, but he was right, you would give in. As he politely nipped your lip, asking for permission to take it further, you couldn’t help but take it as a sign. A sign to cling onto any warmth you could get. You had no idea if you would see this man named Chrollo again. A part of you screamed that you were betraying your soulmate, but the hungrier and more desperate part of you cried to let him comfort you. 
You pulled your head back. “I’m sorry. I don’t know anything about you.” you mumbled and bit your lip. Missing the warmth that the raven looking man had provided you with. 
He smiled sadly and sighed, “That is unfortunate. I’ll be back tomorrow and the day after that. We have some time to get to know each other before you join me.” He backed away from you and let a hand linger in your H/C hair. Pressing his lips lightly against your hand, he let you go and left the room. The heavy door slammed shut and the lights flickered off as he left. 
Wind, you thought to yourself. He smelled like the fresh and intense wind that came after a hurricane. He tasted like a small dash of sugar and fresh fruits mixed in the best tarts. You determined that you liked these new feelings. They weren’t foreign but they were still unfamiliar to you. You want to experience more, but that would hurt your soulmate wouldn’t it? You yearn for him with all your soul, but your body can’t help yet yearn for the raven haired man who offers you protection. The ghost of comforting warmth lingers on your lips as you start to feel uncertain about your future here in the spider’s den. 
a/n hope you enjoyed the tieback to the teaser and first appearance of Chrollo. The reader and Chrollo are going to have a very complex and intricate relationship that will be explained much more later. Next chapter will be in Kurapika’s POV and will be the last chapter until we hit another milestone. thanks everyone! 
Also very sorry about the formatting. I don’t understand spacing at all, I hope it doesn’t bother anyone too much. 
askbox is open if you want to talk or leave requests. 
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sweetchup · 4 years
The Hard Path
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Type: Oc Story request
Word Count: 4K words
Warnings: Past abuse and PTSD
Author Note: I know I’ve been gone for a while. Not really any excuse except school has been beating me up. I hope @lelewright1234 likes her OC request.
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“Oh, Great Gods from above. The ones that protect us and our families every day…”
Leah kicks the man to her right and attempts to escape. Though it was proven to be futile as she was preceded to be thrown back into the harsh muddy ground.
“Please accept this child as a worthy sacrifice…”
“No, let me go! Stop!” She shouts as the men forcibly drag her up the wet stone staircase to the altar, “Please anyone! Help me!”
Leah’s pleas and cries fall on deaf ears. She couldn’t tell if it was the sound of the downpouring rain drowning her out or if the citizens chose to ignore her. Though, she soon believed it was the later as the citizens from her village began chanting in unison with the great priest.
“Wang-go, Monster of destruction and creation. Please accept this child as your sacrifice and new holder.”
The great priest holds up a ruby dagger he took from his pocket. As he showed it off to the crowd, they roared with excitement. Though as soon as he lifts up his palm they fall into a deadly silence. Taking one last look at Leah, he swings the dagger above his head before plunging it into—
Leah is startled awake and pants heavily. She realized she wasn’t there. She wasn’t back at her village.
“G-Gon.” The curly haired girl chokes out. Gon gives her a concerned look as he proceeds to sit down next to her. Leah tries to say something else in response but stops short of answering when a cold feeling hits her clammy forehead. Very startled, she looks up to see Killua on the other side of her pressing a cold water bottle to her forehead.
“What are you doing startling us like that, idiot?” Killua says jokingly. Though his face didn’t reflect that as he looked at her serious and slightly concerned.
“Startled you?” Leah slowly repeats mumbling. Using a napkin from the dinner they had a while ago, she attempts to wipe some of the cold clammy sweat from her forehead. Ever so slowly she seemed to be coming back to reality. She wasn’t back in her wicked village. No, she was on a blimp with Killua and Gon going to York New City. She wasn’t some sort of kid anymore, she was a hunter learning Nen.
“Yeah, you kind of started to fight in your sleep while mumbling something and all of a sudden a gigantic storm started to form.” Gon explains sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Oh. I’m sorry about that.” Leah apologies, though  it comes out almost robotically. Unconsciously, she traces her chest over where her heart was, the whole reason she got chosen for her “gift”. Killua and Gon look at each other concerned before Killua lets out a soft sigh. Leah feels Killua ruffle her puffy hair making her look at him.
“Don’t apologize idiot. It’s not your fault you have some ancient disaster god or whatever in you.”
“I know you are right Killua. But still—“
“If you’re thinking of saying something about how you should have been able to control your powers better, don’t. Remember Gon and I are Hunters. Leah, we aren’t going to go down that easily.”
“Yeah!” Gon shouts, finally back in an enthusiastic mood. “Plus you’re our friend Leah. I don’t think you would ever hurt us.”
Killua and Leah blink together before Leah breaks let’s out a small giggle and Killua lets out a sigh.
“W-what? What did I say?”
“I swear you’re an idiot sometimes.”
“Hey! No I’m not!”
“Yes you are! After you went and fought Hisoka, you might actually be counted as a mega idiot.”
“Killua. Gon.” Leah interrupts, grabbing the two’s attention. Giving them both  a warm smile, she ever so gently says. “Thank you. Thank you very much”
Both burst out into a bright red blush with Gon letting out a cheeky laugh and Killua mumbling something unheard under his breath.
The cute moment is disturbed however, as all of a sudden a crackling sound comes over the intercom and the pilot's voice is heard throughout the blimp.
“Thank you for joining Blimps-RS for this trip. In about 15 minutes we will be landing in York New City. Please remain seated and remember to fly safe with Blim—“
“Hey guys look at this!” Leah looks over to Gon’s loud call and her eyes widen. Her and Killua scramble over to the window. Looking down the three wowed at the great lights of the city. Leah had never ever seen a city so gorgeous before. She had only heard in books at how magical cities were but she had never imagined, nor dreamed such a sight as this one.
Ever so slightly Leah smiles to herself. Maybe this trip wouldn’t be that bad.
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“Ok so you remember what to do right?” Killua says for what felt like the 108th time in a row. Leah lets out an exaggerated sigh as she repeats what she had been saying for the last 20 minutes.
“I have to disappear for 2 hours around town while you guys help Kurapika with the phantom troupe. If I get into any trouble make sure to call Leorio. I also will make sure I don’t converse with any strange people because they will only have bad intentions for me.” Leah repeats, sassily imitating Killua’s voice at the end.
“Killua. I think Leah gets it. Let’s go.” Kurapika says, dragging Killua out of the restaurant.
“You better stay out of trouble, you hear me!” Killua shouts one more time before he disappears out of sight. Leah sticks her tongue out towards him in response before shaking her head. Here she was thinking this trip to get some video games would be fun but all she has been doing is being forced to hide from these “phantom troupe” people while the others go on a manhunt to try and kill them. She didn’t even have a moment to spare to check if there were any special books up for auction.
As she was grumbling to herself in misery about her bad luck, she feels a hand on her shoulder. Looking up she sees that Leorio hasn’t left with the others yet. Watching closely, she sees him reach into his pocket and take out some cash.
“Hey Leah. I know things haven’t been great for you, having to hide for most of the time on this trip. Why don’t you go buy something nice on this trip? Maybe a souvenir or something?”
Leah hesitantly grabs the money from him, “Are you sure? You don’t have to give this to me. I have a hunter license just like you and can use some of that money.”
“True but think of this cash as my thank you for being the only sane person on this trip.” Leorio says, slightly grumbling in self misery at the end.
“Okay then. But don’t think of asking for anything back later. I’m not giving you a single cent~” Leah teases out to the tall man. Leorio only shakes his head before leaving the restaurant to catch up with the others.
“Bye leorio. Stay safe!” Leah shouts out before quickly turning back to the cash in her hand. Counting it, she realizes she has more than enough to get a new needed book. Now just the question was where could she find one. Letting the thought sink in, she leaves the restaurant and begins to walk around the streets of York New.
She knew any new book would solve her thirst of knowledge, but it would be much more convenient if she found one about her powers. The books explaining her village gods and the chosen ones to hold them are few and far to find. Especially hers,.... Wang-go.
Wang-go, The god of destruction and Creation. Originally locked away by his brothers and sisters who feared him. He was locked up for centuries on end until eventually the chains that kept him trapped down began to slowly snap and break. Fearing for the worse, the people of her village offered the gods a vessel to lock him in. A woman with a type of heart defect, a husk empty heart. Now, per tradition, anyone who is born with a husk heart bears the burden of having Wang-go sealed away in them.
Herself was the most recent holder with the last being almost 6 generations ago. This makes the information Leah seeks few and far between. However,...
Sneakily smiling to herself. Leah searches through the auction menu. In no ways is she giving up. She will be able to master her powers and not just a little bit, no, she will figure out a way to perfect them.
“There you are..” Leah eyes a specific item on the auction menu. Zaviers’ ancient artifacts and wonders. On the menu, the store had just auctioned off a scroll yesterday that was only just 30 kilometers away from her village. So there is a high enough chance that the store had a book or artifact about her village gods.
Now all she need is to get there and search those shelves.
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“Damn it…” Leah sighs, slightly frustrated. An hour had gone by being in this store and there was still nothing about her gods. “All I need is one book about Wang-go, just one book.”
“Wang-go huh~?”
Leah freezes up as someone blows on the shell of her ear. The next thing Leah knows, she is half away across the room and feeling slightly nauseous. She thanked her stars for practicing her teleportation power recently.
“Oh~ how exciting. You never do fail to amaze me, don’t you, Lele?”
“Hisoka…” Leah mumbles angrily under her breath. This wasn’t good, she remembered Gon and Killua mentioning to her that they found out he’s part of the troupe. Plus after seeing him fighting in the arena against Gon, she doubts she can stand a chance against his Bungee gum. Shifting her feet slightly, she gets into a readied stance, ready to bolt out of there when she has a chance.
“Now, now, I’m not looking to fight you. I’m actually here to ask for your help.”
“Help? Not a chance. Give me one good reason I should help someone like you.”
Hisoka let’s out a chuckle as he pulls a clear bag out from behind his back. He twirled them around with his bungee gum as he waits for Leah’s response.
“Wait a minute…T-those are…”
“Wang-go scrolls? Why yes they are, Lele.”
“How in the world did you get your grubby han—“
“Now, now~ I’m on a tight schedule. How about we chit chat more about this…” Hisoka takes the bag back into his hand before waving it around. Making it disappear in a cloud of smoke like magic, “... later~.”
Leah pauses for a moment, taking in her options before sighing. “Fine. But, I swear to god if any of this plan has to do with hurting any of my friends I’m out, you hear me?”
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“Okay… so I know I agreed to help. But, why the heck is Illumi here as well?” Leah groans, scooching more into the corner of the backseat of the car. Hisoka lets out a small chuckle from the passenger seat but he chooses not to respond and continues to toy with his cards.
“Chrollo paid me some money for a Job and I need to pick up the rest in person.” Illumi says, his bug like eyes trained on the road ahead. Does this man just not blink?
Leah just decided the best option would be to ignore Illumi’s presence for now. Looking out the car window, she decides to somehow entertain herself by watching the little water droplets racing down the transparent surface. It was strange, the rain in New York. Mostly due to the fact that the city bordered a Desert.
Letting out a sigh, Leah thinks of the possible scenarios as to why Hisoka would need her. Well, she actually didn’t exactly need to guess why, she knew that he needed her for her powers. It was actually more for what. She just— Suddenly she feels her phone go off in her pocket.
Hesitantly, she sneaks a glance at the two men sitting in the front and sees them occupied in a conversation. Leah, determining it was safe enough, unlocks her phone. She bites her lip as she opens the missed messages from Killua.
From: Killua Hey where are you? The plan fell through.
From: Killua Get back here as soon as possible.
Leah blinks and knits her brows in confusion. What is Killua talking about? They planned to track the base to tail a specific member. How did that fall through?
Sent: Leah
What do you mean it fell through?
Leah’s blood ran cold as she read the next message.
From: Killua
The troope has already left York New. Kurapika also got a message from Hisoka saying that their partnership is over with.
Sent: Leah
Killua. Hisoka hasn’t left, I’m with him right now.
Before Leah could see what Killua could send back, a card splits the screen in half. Flinching she drops the phone on the car floor, watching it glitch and fizz out.
“Now. Now, Lele~. Let's pay attention to the situation at hand shall we.” Hisoka tells the young girl with a smile. Leah lets out a shaky breath and decides the best option would be to not test her luck for now. Fighting Hisoka right now would be a bad option especially with Illumi here as well to back him up if need be. Watching carefully, she observes as they drive through the maze-like outskirts of the city. After a couple of turns, they come to a stop in front of a train station.
Looking around confused, Leah mutters out “Why are we here?”
Illumi and Hisoka both ignore her again as they get out of the car. Hisoka comes around to the back doors to let her out.
“Hisoka! I’m serious. Tell me why we are here?”
Hisoka stares at Leah as she glares back at him. Somehow seeming to contemplate his answer, he finally says. “You're a gift.”
“Excuse me?” Leah stutters out as Hisoka grabs onto her wrist, pulling her out of the car. Hisoka begins to explain as he forces her to walk with them into the station.
“You’re a smart girl aren’t you? I’m sure you can understand this quite well. The boss has found out that I’ve had some connection with the chain user. So I’ve lost some… trust… with him per say.”
Illumi signals to Hisoka to go through a specific doorway, causing the three of you to enter an empty hallway with hardly any people. Even with the lack of people, Hisoka doesn’t relax his grip against Leah’s wrist as they continue to walk.
“I thought I was at a loss you see. I had lost the boss’ trust and lost a chance in getting so close to fighting him. But then I remember, your cute little face—“
“Don’t call me cute you narsistik clown.” Leah snaps back as the three of them return to a crowded area. Though after a quick look around, Leah realizes they are back outside yet this time on steel platforms with many trains coming to and from.
“Some just don’t know how to take a compliment.” Hisoka laughs unbothered by the girl’s offhand insult. He just continued on with his task of yanking Leah onto one of the train cars. “It’s just I remembered the Boss being so disappointed when he couldn’t find the chosen ones from the tribal areas of Aruni. Thankfully, I realized quickly that since I knew you are one of those chosen ones, the boss will surely find you interesting and in return, hopefully forgive me.”
Catching Leah off guard, Hisoka suddenly harshly pushes her into one of the private train cars before closing the door.
“Hey Hisoka!” Leah yells, stumbling up rather quickly from being thrown on the ground and tugs at the door handle. Though she curses under her breath as soon as she finds out it is locked shut, “Open this up righ—“
“A Child?”
A shiver goes up Leah’s spine as she hears a male’s voice from behind her. In a flash, maybe due to her instincts or maybe her training, she leaps to the other end of the cabin. With a hammering heartbeat, she observes the black haired male in the same room as her. The train car was not that large, so it gave her a rather good glimpse at him. Some being the cross-like tattoo on his forehead or the crystal blue earrings poking out from the tufts of his hair.
“Oh my. How interesting.” The man seemed to marvel at something and take a step closer. “What sort of power is going on with your hands?”
Quickly, Leah takes a short glance around and gasps as she sees her hands glowing and sparkling. She wanted to practically bang her head on the wall for making a stupid mistake as to activate her powers.
“Oh I see.” Leah takes a step back from the man as he continues to approach, “That’s not a Nen ability is it? I guess Hisoka wasn’t bluffing this time around.”
Ever so suddenly, the man pauses his approaching movements and instead takes a seat at one of the booth chairs. Gesturing to the seat across from him, he unnervingly smiles and says “Please, take a seat.”
Leah breath and heart stutters in unison. There was nothing friendly about that man's smile. It was like staring at the teeth of a poisonous viper, ready to sink its teeth in and go for the kill. Taking a gulp to hopefully moisten her dry throat, she knows she has to force herself to move. That man was not asking her to take a seat, it was an order. Cautiously she makes her way and sits down from across the man.
A thick silence enters the room as the man pours himself and Leah some tea. He takes a light sip of his tea but Leah doesn’t copy his movements. She can only stare at the hot dark black water in front of her. Even with her throat as dry as sand, she doesn’t attempt to drink it.
The man opens his mouth to speak but a loud whistle cuts him off. The main lights of the cabin suddenly shut off and the train begins to slow chug forward, now leaving the station. Leah turns to look frantic out the window.
“I need to go.” She breathes out, her heart beating faster the further they get away from the train station.
“My friends. They are still in York New City. I can’t—“
The man lets out a chuckle causing Leah to pause. Crap, what was she thinking. She can’t let her emotions get carried away. This isn’t some normal person she is conversing with, it’s the leader of the phantom troupe. A person with a class A bounty on his head.
The man takes another sip of his tea, finishing it off, before looking back at Leah. “I’m going to ask you some questions. Answer them if you can.”
Leah slowly nods her head. She knew she didn’t have a choice in the matter.
“First, What’s your name?”
“Leah.” Her voice cracks a little as she speaks causing an uncomfortable feeling in her throat. In order to sort the discomfort, she grabs her cup of tea and takes a sip. Surprisingly, the man waits patiently before asking another question.
“What’s your god?”
Hesitant, she decides to answer it simply and vaguely. “Wang-go”
“Ah, The God of destruction and creation. Though most considered him to be a Monster due to him being predicted to look as a ugly mix of boar, man and crane.”
“How do you know that?” Leah speaks out. Such information was only known by city elders and holders such as herself. The man ponders for a little, taking a quick glance at the desert scenery that has come to view now that they have left the city, before getting up and grabbing something. Coming back, he places the bag down and takes out a scroll.
“Though I can’t read your native language, I had a native translate bits and pieces of it to me a long time ago.” He seemed to skip over the obvious part of slaughter some to get the scrolls, but Leah decided to not press into that topic.
“Do you know what’s in these scrolls, Leah?” Leah shivers. The way her name rolled off his tongue like they were old time friends was extremely disturbing to her.
“I’d have to read them. I was never allowed to look through them.”
“I see. Then, who taught you your powers? I heard they had to be trained and practiced over many years to use on command.”
“Well, I do have a book that I got a while ago…” Leah pauses for a second. She was in a tough spot. If she revealed that she hasn’t mastered her powers, she could be considered useless and killed. Though, she could also be let go instead. Was it a good idea to take that risk though…
“I see, so you're not well versed in your abilities yet.” Leah freezes. This was going horribly for her right now. She in no way was stupid or trying to make it obvious in her hesitation, it was just this man always seemed to somehow be one step ahead of her.
Being extremely on guard, Leah watches as the man leans his hand over to her. He strangely extends his pinky out to her. She gives him a confused look as a sudden lightning strike flashes on both of them.
“How about we make a deal, Leah.”
“A deal…?”
“I will allow you to use all of the scrolls and books I have to help you gain your powers.” The man pauses for a second and a serious look comes onto his face, “However, in exchange you will become the troope’s temporarily new number 11 and I will personally be in charge of observing your progress.”
Knowing she has no choice, Leah reaches over to agree but stops short when he speaks up again.
“I want your honest commitment. Not to force this on you.”
“Why? Won’t you just kill me if I don’t agree?”
The man hums in agreement, “Usually I would but in this case it would be such a waste to kill you. As well as the fact that it would be an honest nuisance if you agreed and tried to escape every chance you got. So it would be beneficial if you agreed willingly.”
Leah thinks for a moment. She knew the right choice was to go back with Gon and Killua as well as the rest. It was so obvious, they were her friends. Yet,... why couldn’t she just do so.
“Leah! Stay here! Killua and I can take care of this.”
“Idiot. You have to be careful, you aren’t as strong as us yet.”
“Don’t worry Leah. I’ll make sure to retrieve those idiots, just stay here and read a book.”
“Trust me, Leah. I don’t want you to come. You aren’t fast enough yet to go against the troope. You’ll just end up being an easy target.”
Oh… she knew why. She was just tired of being left behind again and again. She wanted to prove she was just as strong as her friends. She wanted to join them on their adventures as well.
Gon…. Killua….Leorio. And Kurapika. I’m sorry but… I can't continue to be left behind anymore.
“I-I. I accept.” Leah says, hesitatingly connecting her pinky with his. She shivers at his strangly cold hands touching hers. Even more strangely, like out of a movie or book, thunder and lightning crashes throughout the sky in that moment
“Excellent. I realized I haven’t formally introduced myself. My name is Chrollo Lucilfer but you can just call me boss.”
Standing up from his seat, he gestures for Leah to get up as well which she does as well. Lightly, Chrollo places a hand on her shoulder and begins to lead her out of the private train car. “I say we go introduce you to the other members.”
“Of course…
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samwise-writes · 3 years
The Gala: A Dance?
Part one, because this got really heckin' long. I've sat on this for too long, so here, have a thing.
Follows A Promise and The Invitation so those might be worth a gander for context!
CW: Hisoka; stalking; Possessive behaviour
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She was uncomfortable. The fabric that was draped around her body felt as though it was suffocating her - she was painfully aware of how the outfit restricted her movements and of the overwhelming number of blind spots in the room. She fidgeted with a lock of hair that had escaped the carefully crafted updo she had managed to wrangle her ginger strands into only a few short hours earlier.
She was brought back into a more present state of consciousness as Mairi took a step closer to Serena's side. She must have sensed the shopkeep's uneasiness, as when Rea met the other woman's gaze, sympathy coloured the Hunter's blue eyes.
Rea held back a cringe and forced a smile onto her face, attempting to ease her posture into something even just slightly less defensive (at least in appearance). It certainly wouldn't do for the entire ballroom to observe how uncomfortable she was - the last thing she needed was hundreds of Hunters and other highly dangerous people to mistake her discomfort as something more threatening.
"I wasn't being facetious when I told your clown that these sorts of events were not my cup of tea."
Mairi made a face of displeasure at the mention of the redheaded magician - "Not my clown."
Rea snorted and a genuine smile cracked across her face for the first time since they had stepped into the building.
"Hey, you brought that nuisance into my life, he is yours." She paused thoughtfully before smirking, "Anyways, he seems to be a bit of a package deal with your boyfriend... so, he's yours, no take-backs!"
Mairi looked confused for a split second before a look of realization dawned and transformed into a look of horror, "Excuse me? No? Illumi is not my boyfriend." Rea cackled at her friend's reaction.
"If he isn't your boyfriend then why is he always lurking around the shop like he thinks he's being stealthy whenever you visit me?"
Mairi blinked at Rea.
"He what?"
Rea was not expecting her friend's reaction to be... well, what it was.
She didn't know that he had followed her to the shop all those times.
Rea was thinking as quickly as she could; now was not the time nor place for frightening revelations, (as one of the Zoldyck family members following you tends to be).
"You are way too easy to tease, you know. He only seems to be around when Killua is with you, so you can chill out. Probably just being a creepy and possessive older brother, like you said he has the tendency to be."
It was a lie - he hadn't only been there when Killua was with Mairi, but she didn't want to send her friend into a panic. She paused, closely observing the other woman, but for once Mairi's expression was difficult to read. Linking an arm with the Story Hunter she started pulling her deeper into the room, "let's go find something to drink."
She hadn't realized how much of an effect her words would have. Although reflecting, she should have known better. She herself had had a similar reaction to the Story Hunter’s when she first noticed the assassin's presence. It had taken a while to even become aware of him (and if he was anyone other than a Zoldyck she would've accused herself of getting rusty).
The eldest Zoldyck child was very much the opposite of Hisoka - while the magician was more than happy to make himself known through his loud and dramatic behaviour, and by flexing his aura and bloodlust all over the place - the assassin kept a very tight control on his own: if he didn't want you to know he was there, you wouldn't, at least not until it was much too late. It was a coincidence that Rea had even noticed him - and it was very much thanks (unfortunately) to Hisoka. The magician had seemed to sense something when he was in her shop one day, and the flare in his bloodlust seemed to trigger the slightest slip up in the assassin's aura (it was, after all, incredibly difficult not to instinctively react to Hisoka's bloodlust). That day Mairi had yet to make an appearance, so the shop owner hadn't initially connected the assassin's presence to her friend. She had a moment of panic where she lost control of her own aura, thinking that the Zoldycks had finally figured out who she was - and she had to fight to retain her control. She wasn't quite quick enough, and when she dared to glance at Hisoka he was looking at her with a manically delighted look. She hoped that he thought her reaction was simply from the unexpectedness of the flare in his bloodlust; something in his eyes, however, told her that he knew that she too had become aware of the assassin's presence and that the ravenette was the cause of her momentary loss of control. Needless to say, he was very interested to know what the possible connection between the little shopkeeper and Illumi was: as far as he knew only the Story Hunter had met the assassin before. In an attempt to deescalate the situation, Rea had stuck her tongue out at him in the most childish manner she could muster and told him to: "stop looking at me like that, you creep."
After that, Rea had been able to pick up on the assassin's presence whenever he did make an appearance. He never came in, but the former-Hunter was able to connect the fact that his appearances often coincided with her friend's visits. While she was concerned for her friend, she felt herself relax in the knowledge that he wasn't there for her, and therefore the Zoldycks likely still didn't know who she was. She never brought up the issue with her friend, she had clearly wrongly assumed that the woman had known.
Despite the levity that Rea had attempted to introduce by teasing the other woman (because let's be honest that royally failed), there was something undeniably charged in the atmosphere of the room. It was making the back of Rea's neck prickle. She wasn't sure if it was due to the disquiet that had fallen over her friend, or simply her own unease of being at the gala.
Unfortunately, it wasn't nearly as simple as that, and it didn't take very long to understand the true cause of the uneasy atmosphere.
The two women had managed to collect champagne flutes and were standing off to the side of the ballroom's dance floor, talking in hushed tones, both seemingly comparably more at ease than they had been just a quarter of an hour ago.
Suddenly Rea tensed up to a greater degree than at any other point during the evening so far. She stood stalk still as a certain aggravating presence loomed up beside her.
"Well, don't we just look positively delectable tonight," Hisoka purred in her ear. She could practically visualize the smug look the magician would be sporting; Rea had to fight every instinct in her body not to whip around and smack the man in the face. The women, in a controlled manner, turned to face the magician and another unexpected figure.
Rea thanked Mairi for what she did next because frankly, Rea had not expected Hisoka to look like that.
"What are you doing here?" Rea's eyes were going between a very normal(?!) looking Hisoka, her friend's quickly reddening shocked face, and a man with long black hair, a blank face and dark eyes that resembled pieces of the void. After she got past the initial shock of Hisoka's appearance Rea gathered enough wherewithal to discover that the dark-haired man was in fact the assassin who had been stalking her friend.
"You know, it is only good manners for you to return the compliment," Hisoka tore Rea's attention back to him, getting in her face with a smirk.
"You know,” Rea gave the magician a practiced bored look, “it’s bad manners to fish for compliments." She was proud of her acerbic tone. She would NOT give him the satisfaction of knowing how attractive he looked. He kept staring at her, a smirk growing wider - she could feel her own face slowly becoming more and more flushed by the second.
She gave a huff, and crossed her arms, trying to play off her affectedness with nonchalance, eyes returning to her friend who seemed to be growing tenser and tenser.
"You don't look like a clown for once: congratulations."
The assassin's eyes moved from Mairi for the first time since the men approached them, and fell to Rea, before quickly angling toward Hisoka; he blinked as though taking in the other man's appearance for the first time.
"She is right, you know."
Rea had to swallow the laugh that came bubbling up her throat at the ravenette's monotone delivery and oddly unobservant treatment of his companion. She wondered if he really hadn’t noticed or if he was just acting like he hadn’t in order to get under the magician’s skin.
The assassin returned his gaze to Mairi, his eyes drinking her in.
After a short pause, he spoke again: “To answer your question… I was invited.”
Rea watched her friend blink a few times face getting even redder, shifting ever so slightly under Illumi’s gaze.
“Oh. Right. Yeah, that makes sense.” There was a pause and Illumi seemed perfectly intent on continuing to stare at Mairi. Finally, she cleared her throat and began again, “Um. Right. Hello.”
Rea wanted to save her friend from the awkward situation but was also attempting to ignore Hisoka, who looked unfairly good in a suit and was staring her down as though she was his favourite dessert.
Rea slipped her arm through Mairi’s again, but this time pulled the other woman into her a bit closer, she proceeded to intertwine their fingers and gave the hunter’s hand a squeeze. Illumi’s eyes narrowing the tiniest degree, fell to their hands, before following Rea’s arm back up to her face.
“So, what, Hisoka,” Rea started, returning her gaze to the other man and inwardly cursing herself for doing so, her voice much breathier as she continued “I refused to bring you, so you annoy this guy into doing so? Wanted to dance with me that bad, huh?”
Hisoka took a step closer so that there were mere centimetres between them, and Rea had to tilt her head up to meet his eyes: they flicked down to her mouth momentarily before meeting her gaze once again.
“Is that an offer?” His voice was so low it sent a shiver down her spine. He grinned at her reaction – and then suddenly he had one hand clasped around the back of her neck, thumb stroking over her pulse-point ever so slightly. A small gasp escaped her lips – she hadn’t even seen him move. Fire spread over her shoulders, and up into her face – she could only imagine how flushed she was.
"Oh, is this why you didn't want me to be your date? Because you knew your undeniable attraction to me would be a distraction from the evening?" He had bent his head down, his red hair tickling her forehead, as his breath danced across her ear. That snapped her back into action. Using her one free hand, she pushed him away from her with a solid press to the middle of his chest.
She sputtered, "NO YOU CLOWN. Shut UP. Just. Leave. I'm leaving."
Then she tugged on Mairi’s hand, attempting to draw her attention away from the other man who was back to staring at her: however, to Rea’s dismay, she was met with a sight she hadn’t expected. Illumi had one hand extended to her friend – was he asking her to dance?
She saw her friend was looking at her with wide eyes, as though looking for an escape. Serena opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out, Hisoka stepped closer to her again, placing his hand now lightly at her waist.
“Dance with me.” His voice sounded in her ear again, this time more serious than Rea had ever heard him. She made an apologetic face at her friend. They were stuck in the situation, it seemed.
Serena redirected her gaze, opting to trace the pattern of the marble floor, rather than meet Hisoka’s too-close eyes.
“I don’t know how to dance.”
There was a pause and Rea finally met Hisoka’s gaze. It seemed he was waiting for her to do so, as his sharp grin spread further across his face.
“Worry not, Dearest, I won’t let you fall.”
She cursed under her breath “Sure you won’t.”
She heard him chuckle, assuming he had heard her, as he proceeded to guide the woman out to the dance floor. He stopped a reasonable way in, avoiding the other dancers who had already begun to gracefully move through the waltz and then turned to face Rea.
She stared at him wide-eyed for a moment, as he rearranged them: taking her right hand in his left, and placing her left on his shoulder, before replacing his hand back at her waist.
“Wait – do you even know how to dance?”
He just raised an eyebrow at her for a moment.
And then he took the first step.
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A/N: Frankly I had way too much fun writing this, and once again, I blame @crocworkships and our fantastic conversations for this.
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lunariasilver · 4 years
The Virtuoso: Prologue
I figured I’d start posting my Quotev Hunter x Hunter Story here on Tumblr too.
Chrollo x OC
Ivela was the apple of her family's eyes. Emphasis on the word was. The moment that Killua was born, she was always second best. The spare. In case he died. You know.
Of course, that was fine with Ivela. She knew how to deal with her problems. It wasn't long before she had a plan on how to deal with her Killua problem. She was going to give him a fantastic birthday present... Unfortunately, it didn't work out. It was okay though, Ivela was nothing if not a good sport. Besides, she...felt a little guilty about it. Her family wasn't pleased with her, and banned her to Meteor City under threat of death if she were to ever leave. Naturally, leaving was unthinkable. Although, the longer she stayed, the more the place grew on her....and the more she found herself wanting to disobey the last order her family had ever given her.
OC: Ivela Zoldyck
Eldest Zoldyck child. White hair in a bob and blue eyes.
“This is it.” My grandfather said, unceremoniously dropping me from his back.
I landed on my feet gracefully and looked around, my face impassive. Internally, I was screaming. This place was awful.
“This is to be my new home?” I asked in a monotonous voice.
He turned to face me and regarded me harshly. “Don’t sound so unimpressed. You brought this on yourself.”
I blinked slowly. “This is just the way I sound.”
His eyes narrowed for a brief moment before he sighed. “Ivela. You understand that you deserve this?”
I nodded blankly. “Of course.” Of course I deserve this. There was a part of me that disagreed though. It was wrong, of course. I almost wished I could believe it.
“Well then. I wish you the best.” And then, he was gone. My grandfather, and pretty close to the only link I had left to my family.
I sighed, my eyes finding the violin case that I had brought with me.
I reached back with my free arm to see if my rucksack was still there. It was.
This time when I sighed, it was a little less heavy.
With my belongings now checked, I took in my surroundings.
Honestly, at my core, I was a rich kid. In all of my 15 years I had wanted for nothing. Truly, I was born blessed. Having next to nothing was a strange concept for me.
I was surrounded by trash. I couldn’t see where anyone could have possibly made a home here. What a dismal place.
Nonetheless, I started walking, trying to find…something. An opening in the garbage here, maybe?
I could tell there were people nearby. I was actually fairly certain that they were watching me. It wasn’t actually much of a problem for me. What could they possibly do to me?
I kept walking aimlessly for what felt like hours, unable to find a break in the garbage.
It would be just like my grandfather to leave me on top of the scrap, instead of leading me to any kind of opening into what I assumed would be some kind of shanty town.
After a while, I was bored. I could still feel people around me, though there were significantly less than before. I almost cared enough to seek them out, but…why?
I ground my feet to a halt before unceremoniously plopping myself down onto what I could only assume was a large piece of scrap metal. At least the sky here looked the same. I was above Meteor City. I knew that. I understood that I had not yet even made it into the city. And yet, my only thought was…
This place sucks.
I didn’t know how long I had slept. Time seemed meaningless. All I knew was that there were some unsuspecting fools trying to creep up on me. As if I would sleep without being aware of my surroundings. I had wondered how long it would take somebody to make a move. It was really what I was waiting for.
Without a word, I kicked my feet up, effectively jumping to a standing position.
There were 4 people staring at me in shock. I regarded them through half lidded eyes.
“What took you so long? I need a guide into the city.” I stated.
The woman in the group was the first to laugh. The other followed her example. “A guide? Lady, we’re here to rob you!” I assumed she also intended to murder me afterwards, but…
I didn’t dignify her with a response. I found that often, actions spoke louder than words.
By constricting the muscles in my left hand, I effectively made it into a blade. Not my weapon of choice, but efficient. I launched myself forward, coming face to face with one of the men accompanying the woman in an instant. Slitting throats was something familiar to me. Calming, even. Despite myself, my lips curled into a soft smile.
Nothing about being here was normal except for this. Taking a life was as familiar as breathing. Oftentimes it was as easy as breathing.
My father wouldn’t have approved of me slitting their throats. Too messy. And he was right. As I dispatched yet another of the thugs, (who I vaguely registered freaking out and trying to defend themselves,) blood splashed onto my clothing.
The difference between my father and I was that I kind of enjoyed the blood.
The third man was down.
I stood in front of the woman now, with my hand pressed against her throat. At least there’s one thing about my life that hasn’t changed.
“Can you guide me into the city?” I asked the woman, the smile having dropped from my face. I briefly wondered if my dead eyes would forever be ingrained in her memory.
“Yes! Fuck! Yes!”
Next Chapter
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A Hunter’s Prey: Clouds and Letters
Airship rides became a monotonous chore when you’ve become so used to riding with others. Illumi was able to get me a first class seat upon one of the soonest boarding ships to depart. He didn’t want me to have to see him off like this. We stayed in each other's arms until right before the last call. 
“Gon, shouldn’t be an issue,” said Illumi while handing me the bag of clothes and a card with an unknown amount of money. “Kill, on the other hand, might be. If you get in contact with Kill, then return home. I don’t need you dying while I’m not here.”
Our parting kiss was one of sweet sorrow. A single touch that felt finality. “You stay safe too,” I mutter against his lips. “You better come home to me or I’ll find Chrollo myself and kill him.”
Illumi only patted my head before pushing me to get on the last call from the ship. Now an hour into the flight, and I’m already homesick. Worry fills my face as I watch the clouds from far above. For the first time since I met Illumi, I was officially alone. With the Phantom Troupe, I had Machi who would protect me if things got too dicey. Visiting this strange person and figuring out what he knows is going to be a struggle. 
I open the backpack that Illumi had left for me for the tenth time. My seat neighbor was starting to get annoyed with the nervous clicking of the bag straps. He’d put in his headphones about ten minutes ago. 
Ever since last night, I hadn’t gotten a chance to look at everything that Illumi had bought me. My eyes spotted many conservative shirts and long pants. Typical. The debit card was tucked deep within the backpack’s outer pocket so that I can constantly check to make sure it’s safe. Illumi had promised me that as long as I bought things with this specific card, I’ll never run out of money. 
The last thing I pulled out was my phone. My phone showed the lockscreen which I replaced my normal one with a picture of us together. I had to force Illumi to try and take a picture with me because he was worried about his identity getting out to the public. A smile crossed my face as I could see the same on Illumi’s. Rather than looking at the camera, his only focus was on me. 
The last few hours seemed torturous as Illumi forgot to pack a book or anything to keep me busy during a long flight. Hours were spent in constant wonder if Illumi was okay or curiosity if he’d be fine. All of this only brought up my heart rate. 
My mind became a stir crazy mess of anxiety filled nightmares that only sadistic villains could create. Finally, the plane landed in a small airport by the ocean. 
“Welcome!” said the cheery receptionist that guarded the front gate. Her plastered face must be sore from all the basic interactions that she had to perform throughout the day. It was almost unnerving how happy she was. I smiled at her even though the same shaking feeling wouldn’t leave my body. 
“Hello,” I introduced. “I was wondering if you could point me towards how to get to Whale Island.”
“Whale Island?” she questions. “Oh that tiny island! A boat should be leaving in an hour or so. You’ll have to talk to the front desk for tickets. I would recommend staying here for the day. It’s much better here than that island. 
“Oh I’m looking for someone. Thank you,” I said while walking away. The front desk was almost less helpful than the bubbly lady. I was able to purchase a ticket for the boat that was leaving in thirty minutes, not the hour.
My trembling hands grabbed the backpack as if it was my only lifeline for this broken world. I swung the bag so that I could wear it on my back; however, a sharp pain made me instantly remove it. I’d have to check out all the contents when I was on the boat. 
I wasn’t expecting a rickety old boat as our transport to this island. Paint had long disappeared with the crashing of waves; however, the crew seemed as eager as ever. The captain looked like any other pirate captain. His hair was an old, dusty grey that was all placed within a sea cap. He walked on a peg leg as if this all was a cartoon. 
“Good afternoon mam’,” said the captain in a deep throaty shout. “We’ll be at Whale Island within a few hours. You can stay down under the ship until our destination.”
“Thank you,” I smile while following his sweeping motion towards the bottom of the ship. Once my butt hit the hard ground, I noticed a few other people that were traveling on this ship. Most of the people seemed to want to be left all to their own which I’d happily oblige. 
My focus was back on the backpack that somehow stabbed me earlier. I was able to pull out every single thing within the small bag. Three shirts, two pants, a second pair of shoes, a few pins, and a hidden package wrapped up with cellophane and some tape. 
I pick up the pins in extreme confusion. One of them was logged into the backpack from all the movement. I held the three small pins in my hand and shifted them around. Suddenly, I remembered the pins that Illumi threw at me the night I was learning Nen. 
To not hurt myself, I placed them in the same pocket as the debit card. My next thought was to open the package. Ripping through the clear plastic revealed a box that was the size of the palm of my hand and a note. I held the box up to my ear and juggled it back and forth.The brown box in my hand which shook like a maraca. Rather than spoil the surprise, I decided to take a peek at the letter. Illumi’s perfect handwriting was scribbled so much that it filled up the sheet. It read:
Dear Y/N,
I wanted to write you a note since I would not be able to contact you for so long. I hope this letter reaches you after we have parted. A letter seems like a better form of communication rather than a message. Mother told me that girls enjoy letters. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy this one. 
Inclosed, I have made sure to put down Gon’s home address so you can find him on the island. From my understanding, it shouldn’t be too hard. I have also included Killua’s most recent phone number in case he wants to know my location. 
I, also, wanted to discuss the box that came with this note. I’ve included some of my pins. Use them carefully because they will help manipulate a person into doing your bidding. For activation, make sure to stick one in a person, give a command, and they should do that command. 
Lastly, time seems like a fleeting ship passing before our eyes. Truly, I wished we’d met on better terms; however, I knew you had to leave. I couldn’t stand idly by and notice all the negativity in the world and you knowing nothing. I had to save you. 
I never thought you’d end up loving someone like me. I don’t think my mother and father could love me the way that you do. In your eyes, I can see hope and happiness. I haven’t had this thrilling feeling in the pit of my stomach since I was a child. 
I want to spend my life with you. Your beauty, intelligence, and strength outways any that I could muster from my form. I was terrified that you’d actually leave when I left. Once I closed that door, I realized my mistake. 
Now that I have you in my arms, everything is complete. You love a monster like me. Which is why I gave you the present. I will return, my love. We’ll be married upon my return. 
I love you,
Illumi Zoldyck
Wet spots appeared on the thin paper. I pulled the piece away while wiping tears from my saddened eyes. He was never this vocal about our love. Trauma should be the culprit for that notion. My hands pulled the note tightly to my chest as if I were to consume the note, Illumi would appear. 
This mission was much harder than what Illumi mentioned. It had nothing to do with the actual task but being away from the person I loved so dearly that my heart could break at any moment. 
Once I felt composed, my hand went for the box. Inside, lay two things. One of them was the leather bound book that held all of Illumi’s details. The second thing was a small engagement ring. I held it to the shimmering firelight so that I could get a glimpse of its bright shine. I slid the ring onto my finger. Perfect fit. 
I couldn’t help but let out a sob as I crunch the piece of paper again. All I wanted was to make sure he’d be okay which, at this moment, I didn’t know. All my body could do is sob. 
The boat finally let off at the dock by the shore of an extremely miniscule island. It was night time when we unboarded. I held tightly to the ring and the bag as if my life depended on it. Reaching land made my knees wobble with the change in sways. 
I was able to get the address of Gon’s house easily due to the lack of people on the island. Gon seemed to be a legend on the island and the person I spoke to only gave praise. Walking up to the house, everything felt surreal. Was I really about to go talk to this person that I did not know about his best friend?
My hand knocked on the door before I had time to think through the full answer to my own question. “I’m coming,” came a female voice. A quick unlock revealed a slender woman with a light auburn to her hair. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” I say with a smile. “I’m here to talk with Gon. I was wondering if he was here.”
The lady looked at me with confusion before calling out “Gon, there’s a lady at the door that wants to talk with you.”
“Thanks, Aunt Mito!” called back someone who sounded like a little boy. My confusion grew as this child bounded down the stairs to the front door. “Huh, who are you?”
“Oh, uhm, hi,” I stuttered while waving my hand. “I’m Y/N. I wanted to ask you a few questions about Killua. I’m friends with his brother, Illumi.”
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crying-gay-tears · 4 years
Brighter Than The Sun
Chapter 2: The First Day
“G-Gon?” Killua’s mouth fell open in surprise. “What are you doing here? How did you find my room?” Gon looked so excited and he had no idea why.
“Killua!! I didn’t know this was your room! I just got home and wanted to meet my roommate!”
“Home? Wait, does that mean-” realization hit him suddenly.  “Are you in 405A??”
“Yes! We’re roommates!” 
Killua stood in stunned silence for a moment, unsure of how to feel. Of all the people on campus to have as his roommate, it turned out to be Gon, the bubbly and strange boy he had ironically just been thinking about. 
“Can I see your room? I peeked in earlier when I arrived but it was empty.”
“Uh, sure” he stepped to the side, letting him into the room. “I haven’t really done anything in here yet. I got in right before orientation, so I didn’t have time to start unpacking. When I finally got back after the library I put some stuff away, but I’ve mostly just been hanging out.” Killua blushed, suddenly hyper aware of the chocolate robot wrappers on his desk, and his haphazardly arranged belongings. His suitcase was lying open on the floor beside his dresser, stacks of books were scattered across the desk and floor.
“I think it looks great already! I haven’t had the chance to unpack or decorate at all yet.  Is this your favorite band?” He nodded to the crooked poster on the wall above the bed.
“One of my favorites, yeah. It’s the one playing right now.” He motioned to the bluetooth speaker sitting on the windowsill. 
Gon walked over, sat on his bed, and began bobbing his head to the music.
“They’re really good! You’ve got nice taste in music.” 
Killua chuckled, “This is only one song! I like a lot of different stuff, there’s a lot to listen to.”
“Well, you’ve got the whole school year to show me!” 
His smile was warm and real and it shook Killua up quite a bit. No one had ever really shown interest in the things he enjoyed before, but here was someone he had just met, genuinely excited to be listening to underground rock with him. 
They hung out while Killua finished unpacking his suitcase and getting settled. After that, Gon wandered back to his own room to start his unpacking and when he did Killua followed and this time Gon played the music. His taste was a little weird, and mostly pop, but Killua didn’t mind. He was enjoying the view as Gon danced around his room, tossing clothes into his dresser and arranging trinkets on his desk.When he went to the bathroom to unpack his toiletries, Killua stood over the desk, checking out all of the small momentos Gon felt were important enough to bring with him to college. Among them was a few seashells, a green ring, and a fishing hook in a small glass jar. A photo in a blue frame near the corner of the desk caught his eye, and he leaned in for a closer look. Gon, wearing a graduation cap and gown, was facing the camera, eyes squinted with a beaming smile on his face. One arm held his diploma in the air, while the other was wrapped around a teary eyed woman. Her head came up to his shoulder, and where her hazel eyes and orange hair bore no resemblance to him, her warm and genuine smile was a spitting image. She must be-
“That’s my Aunt Mito!” Gon chirped, eyes lighting up as he walked over to where Killua was standing. “She burst into tears right after this picture was taken. I know she was proud and happy for me, but I’m pretty sure she was really sad that day. Mostly worried about the future, I think.” His face fell a bit. “She knows I want to follow in my dad’s footsteps, and since he’s so busy and always overseas I think she’s worried I’ll just leave and never come back.” 
“What does your dad do?”
“He’s an archaeologist.”
“Wow, that’s so cool!”
“Yeah, that’s why I want to see for myself! If his job is so amazing that it was worth missing out on my life and Mito-san’s life, then I want to know what it’s like!”
Killua felt kind of bad hearing that. He knew what it was like to have a dad ditch you for work, but at the same time, his parents were also very involved with his life. Suffocatingly so. They had appearances to uphold, afterall. His parents were far from perfect and even farther from pleasant, but he still couldn’t imagine one or both of them just leaving and not returning. Plus, what would Gon do if he finally got the job and it wasn’t as amazing as his dad made it seem? Killua knew from experience that hope usually just led to disappointment. 
He pulled out the desk chair and swung his leg over it, nestling backwards in the seat, his arms folded across the top rail of the chair, and his chin resting on top of them. “So what’s your dad like?” 
Gon sat on his bed across from Killua and was lost in thought for a moment. “Well, I’ve only really seen him a few times in my life. . His name is Ging. Ging Freecs. He’s pretty rough around the edges, but well respected. He’s famous in parts of the world for his finds and research. I don’t know much else, except a few stories Mito-san has told me from when they were kids on Whale Island together. She says I’m a lot like him though. ” He shrugged, “By her tone of voice,  I can never tell if she means that as a good or bad thing.” 
Killua surprised himself when he spoke, “Whether you're like Ging or not, and whether that’s good or bad doesn't really matter. You’re you. And for what it’s worth, I think you’re pretty cool.” 
They locked eyes and a huge smile broke out on Gon’s face. 
“Thanks, Killua. I think you’re really cool too! I’m glad we’re roommates!”
Killua just grumbled a bit in response, his mouth set in an awkward smile. Gon could be so embarrassing sometimes.
They slipped into a comfortable silence after that, music still playing softly through the room as Gon continued organizing his stuff and Killua scrolled on his phone. After a while Gon let out a huge yawn and decided it was time to call it a night. They were both mostly unpacked, and even though classes didn’t start for two more days, he wanted to get up early to explore the campus some more. Yawning himself, Killua followed suit and once behind his closed door, stripped to his boxers and flopped onto the bed. Staring up at the ceiling, his mind began to drift.
It had been a hell of a day. Aside from his text letting them know he arrived safely, he hadn’t spoken to his parents at all. Where this wasn’t too different from the norm--they were usually too tied up with work and social ladder climbing to give him much attention--it was still nice to have space from them and his life back home. He’d been so excited for the freedom college was going to provide him. Freedom from the claustrophobic walls of the Zoldyck estate, from his siblings, and best of all, freedom from his parent’s cold judgement. He was finally able to live his life without them breathing down his neck and criticizing his every move. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with his life, but he was so happy to finally have the space to explore and figure it all out. 
The only thing he was really worried about when he left for college was who his roommate would be, and he was pretty relieved to have Gon. They’d barely known each other a day, but he had the feeling that living with him was going to be a good time. He’d never met someone so… open and warm. His joy was almost contagious, it was a nice contrast and welcome change from his boarding school roommates and family. For the first time in a long time, he fell asleep excited for what the future would hold.
The next two days were a blur of course catalogues and video games with his roommate, and before he knew it, Gon found himself on the way to his first college class, Biology 101. He was practically skipping down the brick walkway and, thanks to all of his previous exploring, he was able to find the classroom with no issue.  He snagged a spot towards the front by a window, and as he sat, noticed a neatly bound packet lying face down on the desk. He was curious, but resisted the urge to flip it over, choosing instead to check out his surroundings. There were a few other students scattered at the tables around the room, and a short woman with green hair stood at the front. He watched as she neatly wrote in neat and swoopy cursive across the white board. 
Dr. C. Yorkshire 
Adjunct Professor 
Biology 101 
Fall Term
Class A 
So she was the professor, Dr. Cheadle. She looked put together and kind, but he’d be lying if he said her calm demeanor was enough to soothe his nerves. School was never really his thing, he much preferred to be outside learning with his hands and on his feet, and his grades usually reflected the trouble he had with studying. His teachers in the past had always been nice enough, but he hated disappointing them with his test scores, and he wanted college to be different. He wanted to put his best foot forward with his new life and really prove himself. He was determined to give it his all. 
A few more people shuffled in and filled the open desks, and when the wall clock marked the top of the hour, the professor faced the class and cleared her throat. 
“Good morning everyone, and welcome to Biology 101. I’m Dr. Cheadle Yorkshire and I’ll be your professor. As you should know, this class is accompanied by a mandatory lab that will meet once a week. You’ll all be partnered off and expected to work together for the lab as well as in class activities.” Her eyes scanned the room, mouth set in a stern smile. “To kick things off, I’d like everyone to turn over the packet in front of you. This is a copy of your class syllabus, I took the liberty of binding them for you, as you’ll be referencing it throughout the entire semester.  It contains all of the information you’ll need to be successful in this class, including classroom policies, expectations, assignments, required reading, my office hours, and more!” 
Gon held the syllabus in his hand and was staring at it like it was made of gold. Everything he needed to do well in this class? It was like he’d been handed a treasure. 
“Now, I’ll call out the lab pairings, and you can find your partner and arrange your seating accordingly, then we can begin our first activity!”
When Gon’s name was finally called along with his partner’s, he was giddy with anticipation and just as he stood to scan the crowd for his partner, a blue satchel dropped down on the table and a tall boy sunk down into the seat next to his. His blonde hair framed his face and hung just above his shoulders, his smile was tight but genuine as he held a hand out to Gon. 
“I’m Kurapika, nice to meet you, partner.” 
Gon shook it and chirped back “I’m Gon! Nice to meet you too!”
They sat in silence while Cheadle finished calling out the rest of the pairs. When everyone was settled, she addressed the class.
 “Alright, now that everybody is paired off, we can begin today’s activity! In order to get to know your syllabus and your lab partner, I’ve created a scavenger hunt! Simply peruse your syllabus and use what you read to answer the questions on this handout!” She waved a stack of papers in the air and with a proud smile on her face, began handing them out. “You can begin as soon as you get your worksheet and you are dismissed whenever you finish!”
When their worksheets were placed in front of them, Kurapika turned in his chair to face Gon. 
“Well, I suppose we better get started, eh? We can both read through the syllabus and then answer the questions together, does that sound good to you?”
“Sure!” Gon nodded in response and they got started. Gon was a little overwhelmed with the amount of information on the syllabus. It was pretty stressful seeing an entire semester of work listed out like that. He was excited for the lab though, all of those assignments seemed pretty hands on and a few of them were even supposed to be done outside. Maybe this class wouldn’t be so bad afterall. After a few minutes, they began answering the questions together. It wasn’t too tough to find the answers, and with two people it went by pretty quickly. Gon didn’t want the whole class to pass without getting to know his lab partner though, so he tried to strike up a conversation between questions. 
“So, Kurapika, what’s your major? Are you a freshman here too?”
Kurapika didn’t look up from the worksheet when he answered. “I’m not a freshman, but I am new. I’m a sophomore and I transferred here this year.I’m double majoring in Psychology and Criminal Justice.” He glanced up and over at Gon. “What about you? Have you decided on a major yet?”
“I have! Well, kinda. I’m considering Anthropology or maybe  Environmental Biology. Still trying to figure out which would be best, but I don’t think I could handle double majoring like you. Your majors sound really great! What do you want to do with your degree?”
“I want to become a detective, I’m still deciding between public and private.” He scribbled something on his paper. “The answer to number 12 is ‘Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-5pm’ by the way. Three more and we’re finished.” 
Gon was hastily writing in the answer when Kurapika asked, 
“What do you want to do when you get your degree?”
“I want to become an archaeologist, like my dad! Or possibly a similar job within the field.” He perked up when he noticed that Kurapika had put down his worksheet and turned his focus to their conversation instead. 
“So you're a transfer student, how do you like it here so far? Where did you transfer from, and what made you leave?”
 “Woah Gon, you’ve almost got more questions than the assignment.” Kurapika chuckled but still pressed on. “So far it’s fine, but I’ve only been here for 3 days so we’ll see how it goes. I transferred here from Meteor City Community College, but I never really wanted to go there in the first place. This was my first choice school, but I wasn’t able to move here last year because of some family stuff. This year I was able to, so I did. And how are you liking it here? What made you choose YNU?”
“It’s my dad’s alma mater, so it was an easy choice. So far I’m really liking it! I was a little nervous before I got here, but everything has been pretty awesome. I’ve gotten to know and love the campus already, and I’ve got a great roommate too! Plus, my first class is going well! And that’s what I was the most nervous about.” 
“It’s good that you like your roommate. That can cause a lot of trouble for some. It definitely did at my last school, so that’s actually what I was most worried about here.”
“I’m sorry you had trouble last year, but is your new roommate nice I hope?” 
“Well, I actually lucked out and got a suite to myself. I requested one when I filled out the transfer paperwork, and told them about my last experience. I wasn't counting on it to work out in my favor too much, but it did.”
“I’m glad it did!”
“And I’m glad you’re feeling better about your classes now that you’ve got one under your belt.” He slid his worksheet over with a pale slender hand,  the last three answers were written out neatly.
Gon quickly jotted them down and slid the paper back to Kurapika. “Thank you!”
“No problem, it was a team effort after all.” He smiled as he slung his satchel over his shoulder and stood up to turn in his paper, Gon grabbed his backpack and followed behind him. 
After they handed her the worksheets, Dr. Yorkshire complimented their effort and teamwork, and dismissed them for the day. They were in the hallway and Kurapika was waving goodbye when Gon spoke again. 
“Kurapika, do you wanna grab lunch sometime? I know we’re just lab partners, but you seem really cool and I’d like to be friends!”
Kurapika looked puzzled for a moment but his voice was soft and sincere when he spoke. “I’d like that, Gon.” 
With that, they exchanged numbers and went their separate ways. 
The rest of the day breezed by, and Gon was pretty much on cloud 9. He was excited about his classes, and even more excited about the people he met in each one. He had lunch scheduled with Kurapika for later on that week, and he decided to check out some of the clubs a few of his new friends suggested to him throughout the week as well. It was going to be a great year! He texted Killua and they decided to meet up for dinner in the cafeteria, so he headed that way after his last class.
When he arrived, he scanned the room until a crop of silver hair caught his eye at a small table by the dessert station in the far corner. He made his way over and plopped into the seat across from Killua, who was surrounded by plates of different desserts.
“Gon, the dessert bar is amazing. You’ve gotta try the chocolate cake, and there’s cookies too!”
“It looks great! I’m gonna go grab some, and maybe some regular food too!” He stuck his tongue out teasingly, Killua just rolled his eyes in response. 
“Have you been here long?”
“Nah, I got here a few minutes before you. I just headed straight for the dessert.” 
Gon laughed out loud. Dessert for dinner, Mito would’ve killed him. College really was a different world.  “Do you want me to grab something else for you while I’m up?”
“Eh. I’m fine for now, might grab some pizza or something in a bit.” 
Gon nodded and left to make his plate. When he returned, Killua was scrolling on his phone, fork in hand hanging lazily at his mouth. 
His stomach growled and he quickly twirled a bite of spaghetti around his fork. The day was so eventful he hadn’t even realized he was hungry. 
“So, how were your classes? Did you like your professors?” he asked, shoving the huge bite of pasta into his mouth. 
Killua put his phone down and draped his arm over the back of his chair. “They all seem pretty boring, but I’m mostly getting gen ed classes out of the way for now, until I decide what I wanna major in, so that’s probably why. I don’t even remember any of the professors’ names, so that answers that question I guess,” He shoveled another bite of cake into his mouth, “What about you?”
“They all seemed nice enough, but I think I liked Professor Satotz in Anthropology the best. He seems interesting, so I’m excited to see how that class goes. Did you make any new friends?”
Killua quirked an eyebrow at him. “Uh, no. Did you?”
“I did! A few people, and I actually have plans to hang out with one of them! I’m gonna check out some clubs here too, I can definitely make some new friends there! And you’ve gotta come with me Killua! We can check them out together!” As he spoke he was practically buzzing with excitement.
“What clubs are you going to?” Killua asked, his curiosity piqued.
“Well, There’s a bunch of them to choose from, but the Great Outdoors Club, the GSA, and the Ultimate Frisbee Club were all recommended to me, so I’m gonna start with them I think.”
“It stands for Gay Straight Alliance.”
Killua almost choked on his last bite of cake. “O-oh. Right. Why are you going to that one? Are you... gay?”
Gon’s face scrunched up a bit, his gaze suddenly intense.
“Not that there’s anything wrong with that if you are!” Killua backpedaled. “Just asking!”
“Yeah, I’m just thinking about it. I guess I don't know? I was gonna check it out ‘cause I liked the idea of an alliance, and I wanted to go to show support I guess, but hey, maybe the club will help me figure it out!”
Killua’s cheeks were tinged pink. “You don’t know? Haven’t you ever gone on a date or to a school dance or something before?”
“Well, I’ve gone on dates with girls before, never with any boys though.” He rested his chin on his hand. “To be honest, I’m just not sure. I guess now I’m pretty excited to see what I learn from this club!” His eyes squinted up in a bright smile. 
“You should come with me when I go! It’s for everyone to come together, so I don’t think it even matters if you’re gay or not anyways.” 
“Yeah, maybe, we’ll see.” He awkwardly rubbed at the back of his neck. “ I’m gonna go grab some food, be right back.” He stacked his dirty plates and quickly shuffled off.
Gon leaned back in his chair and rubbed his full belly. He looked around the cafeteria, already starting to recognize people from his classes amongst the crowds at tables and in line at food stations. His first day was really amazing and if this was what the year was going to be like, he was so ready for it. 
After wandering between the different food stations for a few minutes, Killua finally returned to the table with a plate of spaghetti and some soda. The food on campus was actually pretty good, so that was a plus. It was almost good enough to distract him from the nagging questions that the mention of the GSA brought up. Almost. 
He really hadn’t thought too much about his own sexuality, or sexuality in general. He’d never even gone out with anyone before. Well, there was the one time he agreed to go to the winter formal with a girl he knew, but that night was a disaster and he only went because his brother had been giving him shit about his social life.
It’s not like he never found anyone attractive before. But now that he thought about it, most of the time when someone in a crowd caught his eye, they happened to be a boy. Like at orientation just a few days ago... But what did that say about his sexuality? How did anyone actually know if they were gay or straight or whatever? And what would you even do with that information once you managed to figure it out? 
“Eh?” The sound of Gon’s voice snapped him back to reality and when he looked up he was met with a pair of honey eyes burning into him. 
“What?” He gulped. Had Gon been sitting this close to him the whole time?
“I asked if you were ready to go.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” 
They grabbed their bags and began the trek back to their dorm. The cool night air was a welcome relief from the blush that spread across his face and up his neck.
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
Kurta’s Moving Castle Chapter 5
Summary: Gon and Leorio have a run-in with the Spiders, and Leorio learns Kurapika’s secret.
Word Count: 3,076
Disclaimer: Kurta’s Moving Castle Preface
Previous chapter: Chapter Four
Next chapter: Chapter Six
In the morning, Leorio woke and found it nearly impossible to move. Every joint in his body seemed to have swollen and stiffened up. That's the last time I sleep on this couch. If I'm going to stick around here, I need a real bed. I'm old, damnit! He eventually managed to haul himself up, popping and creaking like never before, and stumble out into the kitchen.
"Leorio," Killua's voice was grim and soft. "You need to figure out a way to break my and Kurapika's contract. For all our sakes."
Leorio blinked owlishly. "Is… is Kurapika back?"
"Yeah, and not looking too great either," Killua grumbled, snatching another log and pulling it towards himself. "Not to mention he's using up my hot water again!"
Kurapika barely stayed the day before leaving again. Leorio watched him go, trying to keep his concern from showing. It's not like we're friends or anything. Why should I care what happens to him? But, over the next days and weeks, the more he watched Kurapika come and go, the more worried he got when the wizard left.
One morning, when Kurapika stayed in bed later than normal, Leorio and Gon ventured out into the port to go grocery shopping. It was a fine, crisp morning; a little colder than Leorio's elderly body would have preferred, but it was still nice. It was his first time in the port. They tended to get most of their food by gathering and laying traps in the Wastes around the lake where the castle was still parked, and occasionally ventured into Swaldani, but today Leorio was determined to fry some fish for breakfast—and Gon hadn't had any luck catching some in the increasingly sparsely-populated lake the day before—so off to Port Zaban they went. The road outside the castle's magic door, which was set into the wall of a decrepit old brick building, sloped down directly to the sea, leading straight to the harbor itself. Leorio caught his breath as he stood at the top of the hill, looking out over the sea. It stretched out farther than he could see or imagine, speckled with white foam and ship's sails and utterly sparkling in the autumn sunshine.
"Come on, Leorio!" Gon was already halfway down the slope.
"Slow down!" Leorio grumbled, leaning heavily on his staff as he stumbled down the hill. Gon hurried back up and offered Leorio his arm to lean on, helping him traverse the terrain far more easily. "There we are. Thank you, Gon."
Leorio had managed to talk Gon out of wearing his full bearded disguise for the morning, but the boy had insisted on keeping his cape on and hood up. Even as Leorio called him by name, he glanced around suspiciously. "Don't say my name in public like that," he hissed. "The Spiders have spies everywhere. They could be watching us now. We don't want to lead them back to… home."
Leorio arched an eyebrow, wondering how seriously he should take Gon's words. He shrugged it off and headed for the already-bustling market by the wharf. The green-clad boy tagged along closely behind Leorio, who was hunched over his staff and hobbling slightly. The steep hill had taken far more out of him than he wanted to admit. Old age is for the birds, he grumbled to himself, checking out the stalls as they walked. The little market was stuffed to the brim with farmers selling produce, fishermen selling fish, and everything in between and beyond. Leorio stopped at a stall selling, for some reason, only potatoes and root vegetables. Oddly specific set of wares, he thought, picking through a huge basket of potatoes for a few large, good-looking ones.
"Pay up," he instructed Gon, heading off towards a fisherman who had just finished setting up his stand.
Gon handed a few coins to the vendor and hurried after Leorio. "I don't get what you're making all this fuss over anyways," he sighed, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Kurapika hardly eats anything anyways. He's not likely to eat breakfast, even if he's still there when we get back."
"Well, that just means more for us," Leorio grumped back, picking a fish up by the mouth and examining it closely, hoping that he at least looked like he knew what he was doing.
He was checking out another fish when a commotion began to rise on the pier behind them.
"Look! A ship!" someone cried.
"The battleship is returning!" an excited teenager stopped by the stall, directing his words to the fish-seller before darting into the growing crowd.
"It's back already!?" the fishman yelped. "Sorry, grandpa, I'm closed!" The last was shouted over his shoulder as he squeezed out from behind the table and hurried out onto the pier.
"Leorio, let's go look!" Gon tugged on Leorio's sleeve, craning his neck to see between and around the people in the crowd.
"No, thank you," Leorio said fiercely. "I don't have the stomach for things like that."
Despite his protest, Gon grabbed him by the arm and towed him into the crowd growing on the wharf. They watched in awe as a huge battleship drifted into the bay, flames sprouting from its sides as sailors leapt from the decks. Fishermen returning with their catch brought their boats as close to the flaming ship as they dared to help the sailors onto their own boats. Many of the men and boys on the dock hurried to rowboats and smaller vessels and joined the fishing boats in rescuing the crew of the battleship. Leorio glanced around warily. While he had dismissed Gon’s earlier paranoia about the Spiders, the crowd made even him nervous, although Gon was now completely enraptured by the spectacle in the bay.
They waited through several long moments of bated-breath silence, the gathering on the docks effectively shell-shocked by the war that had so suddenly become real to them. It was only after these minutes that Leorio caught a glimpse of them through the throng around them. A tall man with a large black topknot, carrying a long sword, stood next to a woman with spiky pink hair. Unlike the rest of the people around them, they weren’t focused on the spectacle in the bay, but were instead staring directly at Gon and Leorio.
Leorio gasped and grabbed Gon by the arm, yanking him back behind the shelter of a merchant’s stall.
“Hey!” Gon yelped, snapped out of his reverie. “What was that for?”
“The Spiders,” Leorio hissed. “They’re here.”
“Where?” Gon’s demeanor shifted instantly into something cold that Leorio hadn’t seen before.
“Over there,” Leorio gestured vaguely. “A man with a sword and a pink-haired woman.”
“Nobunaga and Machi,” Gon scowled. “We should go.”
Leorio nodded. They waited until the crowd began to flock to the docks to help the injured sailors off of the rescue boats, and then dashed back the way they had come, towards the hill street that would take them back to the magic door. Leorio didn’t see the man and woman again, but he did catch a glimpse of a big man in a tracksuit next to a small figure in an oversized black coat as they darted through the crowd. Like the first pair, these two were focused on Leorio and Gon instead of the chaos around them. Leorio lost sight of them as a few townspeople got between them, and when he looked again, the two Spiders were gone. He didn’t have much of an opportunity to think about it, however, as several shrill whistles and loud splashes sounded from the bay behind them. Leorio glanced over his shoulder just in time to see the explosions erupt from the water, the shockwaves sending him and Gon staggering into the wall next to them.
“What was that!?” Gon cried out, clutching at Leorio’s sleeve.
“Bombs,” Leorio said grimly. He’d treated enough injuries from explosive weapons in the infirmary to last several lifetimes, but had never actually expected to be anywhere near a bomb when it went off. He suddenly missed his comparably peaceful life back at the infirmary, and wondered suddenly about Melody and Zepile.
“Up there!” a voice cried.
Leorio and Gon looked up. Sure enough, a battleship was floating over the town. As they watched, a hatch in the back opened, and something began to flutter out of it. Leorio didn’t wait to see what it was; he grabbed Gon and began towing him up the hill as fast as he could move, panting as his lungs burned in his chest from the exertion. Gon was, in a rare occurrence, completely silent. The further they got from the port, the quieter everything got. It seemed like the entire town was either down at the wharf or holed up inside their homes--not that Leorio blamed them. And he was glad for the emptiness in the street; while it made the two of them stand out all the more, it should also make it easier to spot any Spiders that were tailing them.
Fortunately, they made it back to the magic door without further incident. Gon opened it, and they both tumbled inside, Leorio only making it up two of the steps before he collapsed, gasping for breath.
“Leorio! What’s wrong?” Gon asked, rushing to his side.
“Water,” Leorio gasped. He dragged himself up the rest of the stairs with Gon’s help and dropped heavily into the chair in front of Killua’s hearth while the boy hurried to get him a glass of water. 
The white fire perked up, peering curiously at them with wide blue eyes. “What happened?”
“There were bombs!” Gon explained excitedly. Now that it was all in the past, he was back to his usual cheerful self. “They fell into the water, and there was a battleship on fire and the sailors were jumping out of it, and”--
“Killua, is Kurapika here?” Leorio interrupted Gon’s chatter.
“Yeah, he’s upstairs,” Killua gestured vaguely with a tendril of white flame.
Leorio nodded and hauled himself to his feet. He left Gon to fill Killua in on the morning’s events and dragged himself up the stairs in search of the wizard himself. On the second floor, the only room that Leorio had never cleaned, or even entered, was Kurapika’s bedroom. It seemed best to leave the wizard’s things alone, to give the odd man his privacy, but Leorio didn’t care about that now. When he came to the door, he lifted a hand, but paused before knocking. What am I afraid of? He berated himself. What’ll he do to me for warning him about the Spiders? It’s not like I’m doing anything wrong. He nodded firmly and gave the door a sharp knock.
No response.
Leorio waited a long minute, and then knocked again, with the same result. After a long pause, he reached out and turned the doorknob. Almost to his surprise, it turned readily. He had half-expected the door to be locked. “Kurapika?” he called softly, opening the door halfway and taking a timid step in. The room was dark, but an eerie red light shone from the wall to his left. Leorio opened the door fully and took another step in. “Kurapika?” he called again. Still no reply. He looked around.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Leorio found himself drawn towards the glowing red wall. He stepped closer to it, and gasped as he finally realized where the light was coming from. The wall had long shelves built to fill the entirety of it, and the shelves were almost completely filled with jars. That wasn’t the disturbing part, though--what sent a sick, twisting sensation through Leorio’s gut was the contents of the jars. Bobbing in some kind of clear fluid were glowing red eyeballs. Most jars held only one, but a few larger jars held pairs. Leorio took another step closer, rubbing his own eyes to make sure he was seeing what he thought he was seeing. Sure enough, as the red smears left behind when he opened his eyes cleared back up, he was staring at an entire wall of jars full of red eyes.
“What the…” he mumbled, reaching out for one of the nearest jars.
“Get out.”
Leorio nearly jumped out of his skin as the low voice practically growled behind him. “What the hell is this?” he demanded, mouth and throat suddenly bone-dry, of the slight man silhouetted in the doorway.
“Get out,” Kurapika repeated, taking an unsteady step into the room.
“No,” Leorio drew himself up, anger coursing through him. “Not until you explain what all of this is.”
“I don’t have to explain anything to you,” Kurapika snapped. “You’re nothing but a foolish old man, involving yourself in matters that have nothing to do with you.”
Leorio scowled. “I guess you’re right. I am just a foolish old man, and this really doesn’t have anything to do with me. I can leave at any time, and wash my hands of this whole business. And honestly, if it weren’t for that little boy down there I would have left days ago. But Gon deserves something remotely normal in his life, some semblance of a healthy relationship. Whatever all this”--he waved his arm frantically at the wall of eyes behind him--”is, he deserves better.”
Kurapika shook his head and turned his back to Leorio. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“No?” Leorio demanded, striding forward. “You know what I came up here to tell you? That while we were in the market today, we saw some of the Spiders. They were watching us. I’m pretty sure we only got away because an enemy ship dropped bombs into the harbor. I know what the Spiders are. I’d heard of them even before I came here. Gon is a child, and they’re hunting him to get to you. He didn’t even want me to call him by name while we were out, in case they heard. He’s afraid of them. Kids shouldn’t have to be afraid like that. They should be afraid of things like spiders and the dark. Not of mass-murdering super villains trying to hunt them down and kill them.”
“If that’s how you feel, then just leave,” Kurapika mumbled.
“I told you, I’m not leaving Gon”--
“Then take him with you,” Kurapika snapped. He whirled around, and Leorio took an involuntary step back as he found himself staring down into a pair of glowing red eyes, just like the ones on the wall behind him. “Take him and leave. Get out. I don’t need you, I don’t need either of you. I had always planned on fighting this fight alone. That’s how I started it, and that’s how I’ll end it. So take him, and go. I don’t care. Just get out.”
Leorio took a slow step towards the door. “I don’t think you mean that,” he said softly.
“Get out!” Kurapika roared. Leorio heard the sound of chains rattling, although he couldn’t figure out where it was coming from.
“Kurapika…” Leorio started.
“LEAVE!” Kurapika bellowed. Something sharp and metallic hit the wood of the doorframe beside Leorio’s head, and he turned on his heel and ran, bolting down the hallway, and then the steps to the kitchen.
Gon was seated on the floor beside the fireplace, and both the boy and the demon stared at Leorio as he clattered down the stairs. “Gon, get whatever you want to bring along that you can carry. We’re leaving.” Leorio called the order over his shoulder as he ducked into his alcove to gather his own belongings.
“Leaving!?” Killua yelled, bursting upwards into a roaring blaze. “You can’t just leave!”
“It’s what Kurapika wants,” Leorio snapped. He shoved the last of his things into his rucksack, pulled on his jacket, wrapped his long scarf around his neck, and turned around, only to find Gon still sitting on the floor next to the hearth, staring up at Leorio with watery eyes. “Come on, Gon. We should get going. It’s late; we need to leave now if we want to find somewhere safe to stay for the night.”
Gon bit his lip and shook his head. “No,” he whispered, his voice thick.
“Gon, come on,” Leorio set down his rucksack and knelt down beside the boy, resting a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m not leaving,” Gon sniffled, staring down at his hands in his lap.
“Gon, it’s not safe here. We have to go.”
“No!” Gon pulled away. He looked up at Leorio, tears streaming down his face. “I’m not going. I can’t. Kurapika needs me, even if he doesn’t think he does, even if he doesn’t remember… He needs me. He needs you too. He needs both of us, or I’m afraid what might happen.”
“He’s right, you know,” Killua said softly after a beat had passed. “I know more about Kurapika than anyone alive. I can see and feel exactly what he’s doing to himself, because… well, just because. And maybe he doesn’t think he needs you, and he doesn’t really deserve you either, but… If you two leave, it’ll be just me and him, and trust me when I say that that’s definitely not healthy.”
Leorio stood up. “I didn’t come here to take care of a snooty wizard who can’t be bothered to take care of himself. He doesn’t want me here, and I don’t want to be here, so I guess I’m going to go. I wish the two of you the best of luck.” He picked up the rucksack and headed to the door. He turned the knob to open the door to the Wastes. Outside, it was foggy and wet, complete with pouring rain. It was later than he’d realized, almost completely dark outside. He looked back at the warm, inviting room one more time, taking it all in. The weathered table, Gon’s magic cloak on its peg, the curtain over his little alcove. Killua’s hearth. Gon, still sitting hunched forward into himself, his legs drawn up to his chest and his arms wrapped around them, back to Leorio and the door. Killua, on the other hand, stared at Leorio, something not quite readable written in his blue eyes. The fire burned low, mostly blue just barely tipped in white, with little electrical sparks bouncing off of the embers. Leorio lifted a hand in farewell, but Killua only closed his eyes and turned away.
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Black, white, & Gray (5)
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warning: fluff, children, 
Word: 1134
Summary: reader  is a prisoner in a high security prison in the Stark Tower, and she is incredibly dangerous, and Loki is being brought in by the avengers and he wonders why she is in there, They escape together and travel the Galaxy and then just stop on a planet and like start a new life but then Thor finds them and calls them to help on Earth and everyone sees how good they are afterwards and just lets them start a secret family Europe or something
1 | 2 | 3 | 4| 5 | 6- on going
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It had been total of 6 years since (y/n) and Loki’s adventure of life in space had begun. They had 3 children now the oldest Anastasia being 5 years old and the two youngest William and Natalia, Twins, being 2 years old. Though the two tried to settle down with their family it was never easy for them to find a place. It was a dangerous planet, the people didn’t accept humans, they didn’t accept Loki, or the species ate children. Either wat settling down was not an option so instead of struggling to find a new home they bought a bigger ship and called that home. The children didn’t mind they got to see something new every day, they were also four and two so they really couldn’t care. 
Along the way (y/n) and Loki had made friends Nebula, Juuzou, Todoroki, Gon, and Killua. Nebula and Loki had a bad history or connect that they bonded over so they weren’t really friends but gave each other a helping hand. Todoroki was from the planet Xandar his father was a mad scientist who experimented on him he escaped a 16 and has just been planet hopping ever since. Killua is a 12-year-old intergalactically child assassin it was the family business but ditched it to travel with Gon. Gon he was half human half-celestial being snatched from earth as a baby sold to the highest bidder living a happily alien life, now traveling the galaxy at 12 years old. Juuzou he’s the strongest out of everyone 100% human snatched off earth sold and tortured he is 19 now and an ex-Nova Corps soldier now.
These were the strange people they meet and stayed in contact with. They come and went as they pleased except Juuzou he stayed with them and basically joined the family as the 4th and oldest child. But he didn’t mind.
“Juuzou gets ready we’re landing” (y/n) called through the intercom as they got into the planet’s atmosphere “Hold on Babies mommy’s flying”.
“You’ve gotten much better” Loki commented as she landed without a swerve, jerk, or bump.
“Thank you. Took 3 kids and a wedding but the compliment finally came” (y/n) said sarcastically Loki chuckled unbuckling himself he kissed her forehead.
“I’m taking Juuzou with me to see the buyer. Be back in on hour two tops” Loki said as he packed his back and kissed the children.
 “I’m going to walk around a bit with the children. Remember to hide your face.” she kissed his forehead “ this planet doesn’t like you”
“Thank you love that is- that is really not helpful. Appreciate it.”
“I knew you would. Now go get my money”.
(Y/n) giggled as she took pictures of the children eating the planets most popular dessert William was making a complete mess of his face and hands good thing they wore bibs.
“Mommyyyyyyyyy he’s trying to touch my dress. Mommy makes him stop” Anastasia cried as her brother made grabby hands towards her (y/n) just laughed and started recording. 
Suddenly Juuzou jumped out of nowhere scaring the children on to their butts. Natalia was genially scared and crying whereas William was pissed and screaming and Anastasia was laughing at it all. (y/n) decided to stop recording them. 
“You look like a terrible mother,” Loki said stepping forward in disguises looking at the terrible scene in front of him. 
“I think I’m doing great. They’re well rested, fed, they were clean. Alive … I might traumas them later on in life but hey. The best people were neglected and abused”
“Says who?!”
“the hero's handbook. Take Thor for example and Natasha, Steve, Bruce, Bucky”
“I see your point. You don’t plan on abusing or neglecting our kids, right?”
“Nah I think a traumatic event will do the trick” Loki shook his head
The two sat on fountain watching as Juuzou ran around playing. “Loki, I’ve been meaning to ask”
“yes, love?”
“Why are you disguised as a woman...again?” she turned to look at him …or her. The woman next to her was basically the female twin to Loki. Tall, dark shoulder length hair, soft hands, short dress, long coat, knee-high boots and a body figure that made (y/n) attracted and jealous all at once.
“There are several explanations this time,” Loki said like he planned it.
“Alright so tell me” (y/n) folder her arms and waited.
“1) My disguise no one will know I’m the god of mischief with these breast they’ll just be attracted, 2) The buyer was male looking like this I got a higher sale price, 3) T get everyone’s attention and you know I like attention, 4)… Look at me I’m hot even you’re attracted to me. We could experiment with this”.
(y/n) laughed kissing his or her cheek. The kids didn’t say anything they had already grown used to their fathers’ shapeshifting and gender fluidness. This was no the first time Loki was a woman nor would it be the last.
(y/n) turned Loki’s head so she was looking  at her looking into her eyes “ Have I told you how much I love you?”
“no, not today,” Loki said with a smirk
“well I do” she laughed and kissed her.
The two stopped kissing hearing the voices of Thor looking around they couldn’t find him. Brother. “You hear that right?” (y/n) asked thinking she had finally snapped and gone mental. 
“You’re not mental I hear it too”
“Brother” now it was out loud. The two looked up to see Thor standing in front of them “brother”
“Thor? what are you doing here, how did you get here?” Loki stood up
“I may not be as magical as you, brother but I know enough to do this...what’s with the the-never mind. I need your help please return to earth”
“to earth so what you can imprison again” (y/n) stood up. Thor was shocked seeing her there but quickly recovered.
“It has been almost 6 years why would we come to arrest you 6 years later”
“because you couldn’t find us” logical answer 
“Heimdall has been watching you”
“because... the Avengers are jerks and just waited until we were happy to become petty. I don’t care how cool your cape is or how pretty your hair looks flowing in the wind we’re not going” (y/n) put her foot down.”
“(y/n) darling, shh. We’ll come” (y/n) looked at Loki hand on her heart completely shocked.
“Thank you, brother”
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Black, White, and Gray
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