#and I got so scared I threw a key at her I missed thankfully and I stared apologising immediately and she began laughing
velmashaircut · 9 months
I went to an escape room today with my friends, the theme was Creepy Carnival and it was SO SCARY OH MY GOD.
The room was dark, we had a small flashlight and there was creepy music playing the whole time. Occasionally we’d hear weird noises like creaking doors or a clown laughing and we’d shit ourselves and huddle together and scream. After we solved a stage we’d be too scared to open the door to the next room cause we were so sure someone was going to jump out to scare us.
In one room we were trying to solve a puzzle and one of the doors suddenly slammed open and a man in a clown mask just came out to scare us I screamed so loudly like I don’t ever scream at all but I was shrieking so much my throat hurt after.
Even tho it was scary af i had so much fun and want to go again
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 10 months
I got an 6th Barbie AU Idea, or was it 7th. How about the Barbie and the secret door AU with Riddle as the star of it :D
I'm on the car, so I'm too lazy to check (internet gave up on me mid-way and I had to restart)
Man... This is hand in hand with the double Isekai and the MLB bandwagons. :'3
Well... For the premise, we can say that Riddle is the son of the king and queen, but he saw his parents arguing so much, that he tends to go and hide in the garden. Usually his father finds him and they have sum bonding time together.
It's one of those days when Riddle wished so much that he could have magic so he could magically make his parents not argue anymore. As such, lost in thought, he wonders off further than his usual places where he would go in the garden. He realises he never saw these more wild and untamed parts of the garden, but inevitably stumbles upon a stone wall.
That's when a door seems to materialise in the stone. Riddle is taken aback and even scared about it, but his parents were arguing worse than any other time and the redhead was sick of this cycle, so his desire to escape this situation, he opens the door and closes it behind him. He wanted to be alone for a while.
Well that wish doesn't get fulfilled, as he finds himself in some new clothes, in a magical land. He is so in awe that he is easily captured by Floyd and Idia. The 2 are surprised by such a small guy, but Riddle had a 'wand' on his belt so he had to be sum sort of royalty, as such, they let him free and beg of him to help them.
Idia used to be a fire spirit, while Floyd used to be a merman. Their magic was taken away by the current princess who instaured a regim of terror by stealing everyone's magic.
So taken aback, Riddle tries to explain that he is not some great wizard, but he is encouraged to use the wand and realises that with it, he could do magic. It was like a fever dream, but Riddle was absolutely wonderstruck by the fact that HE could do REAL MAGIC. It was like the universe answered his wish in the form of this pretty lil wand.
So with this new hope, Floyd and Idia lead Riddle to their secret camp, where a few magical creatures, that escaped from being stripped off their magic, were also hopeful that Riddle could help them.
Among them there is also Jade, Floyd's twin, but he discloses that Idia's brother, Ortho, wasn't as lucky as Idia and got taken and now who knows if he is locked in the dungeons or worse, much like the others captured. They needed a plan to save them and also restore the magic and Riddle was their key.
Riddle bearly knows how to use that goddamn wand. :'D
But from the others, we find out about the unicorn queen, the most powerful unicorn of all and the only one missing from the princess's collection.
Cue Floyd, Idia and Riddle venturing together to find that unicorn. They had to face off a few of the princess's minions, but overall it was more of Riddle figuring out how this whole spell casting works.
They find the unicorn queen, who is named Vorpal, and she seems to like Riddle. Not so much on Idia and Floyd, but I guess they aren't also the best examples. :'3
But they get captured! :'D
At the palace, Riddle is brought face to face with the princess, who apparently was a spoiled rotten 10 years old with a staff that can absorb magic. Riddle's wand was confiscated, but when the minions tried to cast a spell, nothing happened. As such, they threw it on the floor bc it was 'a useless pretty stick'.
The princess firstly takes the unicorn queen's magic, before inquiring on why this useless redhead was even brought forth to her. Riddle himself tells her that he is prince Rosehearts, the sole heir to the throne and that as an upcoming ruler, it's his duty to make justice for those who can't, just how the poor people of the magic lands were terrorised by the princess.
Thankfully, you have Floyd, who despite being held in a cage, managed to reach out and grab the wand, throwing it to Riddle. Once caught, Riddle uses it in order to shoot at the scepter, yet it was useless, the spell bouncing off and hitting the cake from there, making it to burst into confetti.
As such, we have a magic duel. Riddle noticed that the scepter was starting to crack under all that magic stored inside, so an idea comes into his mind, offering himself as a sacrifice, if the hostages are at least let free. The princess agrees and as such Riddle has to leave himself be magicless yet again.
But not for long, because apparently, his magic was too much, making the scepter to burst from the a mount of magic inside and as such, the whole magic is lt to run wild and return to where it came from.
And Riddle gets again, a new look, along with a different wand, this time more pretty looking. Of course, first course of action was to fully restore the remaining magic, while everyone was cheering.
But in the end, with all of this amazing adventure and magic, when Riddle is asked to stay, he is reminded why he found this place in the first place. He is overcame by guilt, most likely his father searching everywhere for him. His father always made sure to find Riddle and at least ensure that his son was safe and knew that he was loved. His papa was the reason why Riddle turned so much to hide in the garden, because they used to play hide & seek when Riddle was little, in the very same garden.
He wonders if by chance the magic will follow him outside, but if it doesn't, Floyd give to him a very sparkly shell, telling him that it would at least help him remember that he had magic inside him and he used it to save a whole land.
Surprisingly, when Riddle returns to the door, his clothes change back to how they used to be, but his wand was still kept in it's special holster attached to his leg and belt. The door seems to disappear once he closed it and as such, first Riddle wonders around, before hearing his father and finally tackling him in a hug. The man seems reassured, since he searched for Riddle for hours. The boy tells him that he maybe just fell asleep in his new secret hiding spot. As such, the 2 wonder through the garden together, Riddle not uttering a word about his adventure.
His father does notice the wand and also the shell the redhead has and he asks about them. Riddle tho, responds that those are just some thing he found and that they are a small reminder of how he needs to strive to be a great prince and a good future ruler. His father does not really question him, as the 2 go back inside for a tea and some cookies.
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thebadboyfanclub · 3 years
You Are My Light (Rio x Reader)
Hey, so I'm super excited for this cause I haven't written for Rio in so long. Enjoy!
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Rio was a tough cookie, a man of crime which only meant he was surrounded but those types of people. When he had met Beth back in the day he was intrigued because her life was so different from his, so... Colorless and grim, a life of routines and packed sandwiches. For a while it was fun to shake up her life, until she became like all the others in his cycle, greedy for power and sneaky, now she was "his girl" which meant she was his fall person, gave her the keys and put her name so if anything goes wrong she can be the one to take the blow.
"Alright little man today is mother's day, you gotta pick the best flowers for mama"
Rio said to his son as they stood in the flower shop, Marcus was going all around the shop, dragging the man that worked there with him so he can point out which flowers he wanted.
"Your son has a great eye for arranging a bouquet"
"He's a momma's boy that's why"
At that the phone rang. The man went to pick it up and it seemed to be important, he covered the phone and yelled a name, then she came out. A girl with hair falling on her face and wearing an apron
"Can you fix the bouquet for the gentleman? I need to take this"
"Umm o-ok"
Rio was interested as soon as he saw her, her soft spoken voice was barely above a whisper as she approached the counter top and clearly tried to avoid eye contact. Her hands were not that steady but she seemed to know what she was doing, rio thought that she was acting like this because she wasn't comfortable doing it in front of a crowd. As she was finishing up she finally looked up to him but only for a quick second as she bit the inside of her cheek to look back down.
"It's ummm 30$ s-sir"
Rio smiled at her shy demeanor it felt like a century had passed from the last time he had met somebody so timid, it was mesmerizing to him. He gave her the money and then passed the bouquet to Marcus who seemed super excited for this purchase and the creation he had made
"Excuse me miss, may I ask your name?"
"(Y-y/n)... Sir"
"Call me Rio, I'll see you around sweetheart"
After that Rio came to the flower shop every day to buy a single white Rose and every day (y/n) found one waiting on her cars windshield with a note that always said "you looked beautiful today. To say she was flattered was an understatement, one side of hers was thrilled that such a handsome man was showing interest in her, the other was surprised that a man as confident and as determined as he was had decided to take the time and pursue her in such romantic way. After two weeks of roses he had waited to give her the rose in person along with the proposal of a date.
That's when he found out she wasn't comfortable with anyone in general, it wasn't about his presence that made her shy, she was like that with everyone. After a while he felt the need to be the one to take care of her, protect her in any way, even if that was making an order for her at the restaurant while she scooted closer to him and held the him of his shirt to feel secure.
"I'm going to the bathroom"
"Ok mama"
Rio said as (y/n) left him at the bar, it was Rios birthday so they had gone to a bar to celebrate. She finally had a reason to wear the midi white satin dress Rio had bought her, she had to admit it looked beautiful and she slowly came to the realization that Rio had connected her with the color white. As she reached out her arm to open the bathroom door a man grabbed her arm to stop her
"Hello gorgeous"
She felt like somebody threw cold water at her, she froze on her spot while the man smiled at her in a way she could tell was not just friendly. (Y/n) immediately looked down as she took a step back to get some distance from the man.
"Did I scare you? I'm sorry I just wanted to know who you are"
"She is taken"
Her head shot at the direction her boyfriends voice came. She didn't even realize that she was walking to him and then proceeded to stand behind him, hiding away from the man that had scared her. She grabbed his shirt and leaned in to him as she tried to stop her legs from shaking.
"I didn't know she was mute"
"She is not, she just talks to people that respect her personal space"
Rio thankfully had seen the scene go down and in a blink of an eye and out of pure instinct he had shot out of his chair and basically ran to (y/n). The man wasn't already laying at the ground for disrespecting her because he knew how upset (y/n) would get. She hated any type of fighting and even after dating for so long (y/n) didn't really know what Rio's occupation was, he didn't want her to be scared of him.
"I don't want no trouble man"
"Yet you tried to put your hands on a woman, see where I'm from that means you are asking for trouble"
Rio stood proudly in front of his woman as he could feel (y/n)s shaky breath on his neck. The man looked uncomfortable and a little bit scared, just how she felt before Rio stepped in. All Rio could think about was how this scene might have played if he wasn't there and that angered him even more. He might be a man of the night and balls deep into illegal things but he respected two rules "you don't touch women and you don't touch children" unless you trynna see God.
"(Y/n) go back to our spot please"
"(Y/n)!.... I'm sorry, go and wait for me ok baby?"
He didn't mean to yell at her, he just wanted to shield her from seeing his ugly side. So he turned around and placed and gentle kiss on the top of her head before (y/n) walked away, as soon as her back was turned and she had made a few steps he pulled the guy into the man's bathroom and slammed his back against the wall.
"What's your name?"
"Jason Adams"
"Now you listen here, by an hour I will know every detail about you. If I find out you ain't keeping your hands to yourself again... You won't even hear the knock on the door. Got it?"
At that Rio let him go, the guy let out a huff and turned to the sink to splash some water on his face. As Rio turned to leave, (y/n) came to his mind, how scared she was and the sound of her breath as she hid behind him.
"On another thought"
Rio said and grabbed the guys head, with one swift powerful movement his forehead got smashed to the sink, the sound was deafening and after that the guy was unconscious, Rio knew he wasn't dead so he just fixed his collared shirt and walked out of the bathroom.
(Y/n) was sitting down looking at something on her phone, Rio knew she would pull out her phone went she was alone as a defense machenism to hide from the world. As he approached he gave her a big hug that she very much needed. She felt her muscles relax as she took in his cologne, she closed her eyes to fully let go of her worries and feel safe once again as her man was here. She looked up and smiled at him, feeling the warm sensation of serenity taking over her.
"Thank you"
"Don't ever thank me for protecting you, I am here for that"
She smiled even brighter as Rio leaned in to give her a gentle, intimate kiss on her painted lips. She was his source of purity in this love, this warm light that showed him what it feels like to surrender to love, to fully know that the person next you could never harm you or anyone else.
"You are my light"
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
The Right Chapter 2 || Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Hello besties, laptop is going haywire but for the moment we are back!! 
Read chapter 1 of this fic here!
TW: This chapter contains swearing and descriptions of domestic violence. Please read at your own discretion! 
wordcount: 2.6k
tagging: @the-modernmary @greeneyedblondie44 DM to be added to the tag list :) 
Josh fell asleep on your ride home. You roused him gently as you pulled into your designated parking spot outside of your apartment.
“Josh,” You whispered, pushing at his shoulder gently. “Come on, we’re home. It’s late. Let’s go to bed.” 
He jerked awake. “Fuck. I was sleeping. Jesus.” He barked. 
“Sorry, baby. We’re home.” You repeated.
“Don’t know why you even bother calling it home. You’re never fucking here.” Josh grumbled, clumsily unbuckling his seatbelt and sliding out the passenger seat of the car. He went on ahead as you went into your backseat to gather your go-bag and purse. When you got to the front door, he was still fumbling with his house key. 
“Here, let me.” You took the key from his hands gently, unlocking the deadbolt and opening the door. 
Before you could even turn around, you were on the floor in the doorway, your nose slamming into the carpet. You were bleeding onto the floor, your blood soaking the tan fibers. It takes you a moment to realize that he’d pushed you. 
“Josh, what the--” a well placed kick to your hip cut off your protest before you could finish it. You rolled over, looking up to see him panting, with angry eyes. 
“You think you’re real slick huh? Staying late at work with the boss? Jesus, sweetheart. I thought you were better than getting a promotion on your back.”
“We were working, Josh. There’s nothing else going on there.” You argued, scrambling backwards away from him and propping yourself up on your elbows. You know that there should be some sort of instinct kicking in, one that allows you to disarm him as if he were an unsub, but you feel helpless as you struggle to put distance between the two of you. He followed you across the room, kneeling over you and pinning you against the floor before delivering another harsh slap to your already-swollen cheek. 
“Listen to me when I’m talking to you.” He growled, and you gulped. He smirked, before grabbing you by the hair and throwing you against the closest wall. You see stars, but you will yourself to stay awake. You’re scared of what he might do if you can’t fight back. 
“Oh yeah? Just working, at 2AM when everyone else is gone? And what was that he called you? Invaluable.” He spits out, pulling you up roughly by your forearms. He leaned in close, presumably to intimidate you. You don’t give him the satisfaction, looking him in the eye and doing your best not to let your glare betray your fear. “Well, we’ll see about that.” He smirked, reaching an arm around to take your gun out of its holster, placing it against  your chin. Your face dropped. 
“Josh… Joshua, you’re drunk. Let’s just go to bed, okay? I’m sorry I was out late. I’ll make it up to you in the morning. I swear.” You’re frantic, your training leaving you once again. De-escalate, de-escalate, de-escalate. “I’m sorry, baby. It won’t happen again, I promise. I’ll request a transfer so I don’t have to travel anymore.” 
He chuckled. “Okay, dear. We can talk in the morning. I’m going up to bed. Get that blood out of the carpet, will you?” He placed your gun on a nearby end table.
He kissed you on the forehead before he went to the bedroom, but the gesture had never been less comforting. He left you there, standing against the wall, blood streaming down your face. You slid down the wall, knees curled up into your chest on the floor, regulating your breath for a few minutes before you rose again. You holster your gun before tending to the blood on the carpet, realizing belatedly that you can’t get it clean because you’re still dripping all over the stain. You chuckled a little, although none of this is really all that funny, sitting back on your heels and looking up at the ceiling, wondering how the fuck you ended up here. Realizing you had no clue what time it was, you reached out your work phone, seeing a missed text from Aaron. 
Please let me know that you’re safe.
You looked around, at your blood on the carpet, at the dent your head had made in the drywall when Josh threw you against it. You brought a gentle hand to your face, feeling how your nose was definitely not in the same place it was when the day had started, and you sighed. Things with Josh were never perfect-- but this was too far. You texted Hotch back. 
I need help. 
Hotch could have easily blamed his inability to fall asleep on the cups of coffee you both had been drinking well into the evening, but he knew that wasn’t the case. If that were so, there was no reason for him to be flicking his eyes over to his phone every three minutes. But here he was, in his study, file open in front of him, and not a word of it absorbed.     
Finally, finally, his phone buzzed. He unlocked it fervently, anxious for the assurance that you were fine. Your text provided no such assurance. 
“Are you safe right now? Do you need medical?” He texted back, trying to keep his head for your sake. 
“Not urgently. Can’t stay here.” 
“You alone?”
“He’s asleep.” 
“On my way. Pack a go bag.” 
“Don’t come in. Light sleeper. Just text.”
You were suddenly grateful for the load of laundry you’d left in the dryer that morning, tossing it all in your go bag without folding it. When you realized that you didn’t know when or if you’d be back here, you took the lockbox off the top of the fridge and pulled out all of your important documents-- your passport, birth certificate, social security card--you tuck them all into a file folder as you feel your phone buzz. 
“Outside.” Hotchner texts you plainly. You gingerly pick up your bags and slip out the door, careful not to make any noise. 
Hotch is out of the car in an instant once he sees you-- he doesn’t know what he expected, exactly, but somehow you look worse, even from a distance. 
“Hey, hey, give me that.” He said, taking your bags from you. “You said you didn’t need medical.” He said, accusatory, but not mean. 
“I said not urgently. I didn’t want you to send an ambulance.” You told him. “I feel fine. I just need advil.” You said as the two of you climbed into his SUV. 
He looked you over, incredulous. Your nose was definitely broken, and he couldn’t tell in the dark of the night, but he was pretty sure you were still bleeding. Your cheek was swollen from where he slapped you, and you were sporting a black eye, likely a complication of the nose. And that was just what he could see. He shuddered, although he tried to hide it from you. 
“We’re going to the hospital.” He said, turning his key in the ignition and taking off.
“Hotch, I just want to sleep. Please. I’ll take myself to the hospital in the morning, I promise.” You practically begged. 
He turned his head towards you. The only thing he wanted more than to give in, in that moment, was to make sure that you were safe. “Did you hit your head?” He asked, 
“What?” You asked. 
“Did you bump your head at all, when everything happened?”
“Yeah,” you told him, running a hand over your head and feeling the tender bump that was forming there. You cringed, and Aaron caught it. 
“I’m sorry, but we need to take you to the hospital. You probably have a concussion.” He apologized. 
“I really don’t want to go through the whole ‘you were clearly involved in a domestic dispute’ thing that they’re going to do,” you complained.
“You don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to answer. I just need to make sure you’re okay. Everything else goes at your pace.” He promises you, sneaking a glance away from the road and over to your face. You’re already looking back at him. 
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
Already looking back at the road, Hotch took one hand away from the wheel and gave your forearm a quick squeeze in response. You drove in silence for a few moments before Aaron pulled into the hospital.
“Alright, let’s get this over with so we can get you to bed.” He told you, climbing out of the car before coming over to your side to help you walk. Truth be told, you didn’t really need assistance, but your hip hurt so badly that you were limping, and it seemed better to have Aaron slowed down by helping you, rather than just by watching you. 
The emergency room was, thankfully, deserted, and you were seen relatively quickly. Aaron offered to stay in the waiting room but you asked him to come with you. 
“I, uh. I don’t really want to be left alone right now, if you don’t mind.”
“No, no, of course not.” He said, standing and following you and the nurse. 
“What brings you in, dear?” The nurse asked, moving slowly to accommodate your pace. 
“My boyfriend beat the shit out of me.” You said, figuring she might make it easier if you  just bite the bullet, and Aaron shot you a glance. You shrugged in response, and then noticed the nurse’s eyes shifting between the two of you. 
“Oh, no. Not him.” You assured her with as big of a smile as you could muster, given the amount of pain that you were in. “He’s a friend. He picked me up.” You explained as she led the two of you into an exam room, shutting the door behind you. Aaron helped you up onto the exam bed gently, choosing to stand nearby rather than sit in the chair provided.
“Okay, ma’am. Our policy for domestic disputes is not to involve police unless requested by the victim.” You cringed at her word choice. “We don’t want this to be more stressful than it already is. What we do instead, is we take a detailed account of everything that happened to cause you bodily harm, and if you decide to pursue any legal action, we can send those records along on your behalf. So can you tell me what happened tonight?” 
You glanced over at Aaron before you started, taking a deep breath. He wasn’t going to like this. You told the nurse, clinically, what had happened, leaving out the things he had said to you for Aaron’s sake. You did your best to keep your emotions in check, although regurgitating everything that had happened was making you feel sick. You glanced over at Aaron-- his jaw was set, his mouth in a straight line, nostrils flaring, even as he stared at the linoleum tile on the floor. You closed your eyes and attempted to zone out as you continued, as if you could distance yourself from the emotions by imagining that it was just a story you were telling. 
“And then he pulled my gun out of my holster---”
“Ma’am, do you have a gunshot wound?” The nurse interrupts you, voice slightly panicked.
Oh, shit. You probably didn’t need to include that part. Your eyes are open in an instant, and you look over at Hotch. He’s pissed, and not looking at the floor anymore.
“No, no. Sorry, that is um--- that’s clinically insignificant. He didn’t fire the gun or strike me with it. That’s how it ended.”
“Okay, hon. Why don’t you get changed,” she said, handing you a hospital gown, “and I’ll send the doctor in in just a second.” 
“Thank you,” you said, and Aaron echoed his thanks. 
“Clinically insignificant?” Aaron asked incredulously as the nurse shut the door. 
“Can you turn around? I need to change.” You deflected.
He turned to face the wall as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “He pulled a gun on you, (y/n).” He shook his head as you quickly changed. 
“I know. I’m sorry. You can turn back around now.” You told him.
“No, I’m sorry. How long has this been going on for? How did I not notice?” He asked as he turned to see you, practically swimming in the oversized gown.
“I think we all work really, really hard not to be profiled, Aaron.” You tried to comfort him.
He was interrupted before he could respond by the doctor knocking and then swinging the door open.
“Good evening, folks.” The smiling blonde woman said. “Let’s get you home so you can sleep some of this off, yeah?” 
It takes a couple of hours, but you’re sent home with a nose that’s set back in place, as well as a prescription for enough pain killers to put a large dog in a coma, in addition to the confirmation that you did, in fact, have a concussion. Your hip, thankfully, was just bruised. 
“She needs to be woken up every couple of hours for the rest of the night and the day tomorrow. Just to be safe.” The doctor told Hotch. 
“Not a problem.” He said resolutely. 
“Do you have any questions?” She asked, turning to you. 
“When can I go back to work?”
“Well, if you work at a computer--”
“I work for the justice department. So, I guess I’m really asking about field work.” You clarify.
“At least ten days, and that’s if you’re feeling better.” She said, giving you a stern look. You visibly deflated, knowing that if the doctor said ten days, Hotch wasn’t letting you in the field for at least twenty. 
“Thank you, doctor.” Hotchner said, placing a hand on the small of you back as she opened the door and allowed you both out. 
“Of course. Call us if anything changes.”
You trudged out to the car in an exhausted silence, sure that you’ll fall asleep as soon as the car starts moving. Once you’re buckled in, Hotch speaks. 
“I’ll tell Strauss that we aren’t coming in today,” he says offhandedly as he cranes his body back to pull out of the parking spot, his arm strewn across the back of your seat for leverage.
“We?” You questioned. 
“You need to be woken up every two hours. I can’t exactly do that from the office.” He reminds you. 
“I can just set an alarm on my phone, it’s not a big deal.” 
“Uh huh, and when the alarm doesn’t wake you up because you have a brain bleed?” He’s teasing you, but you also know him well enough to know that there is a very real twinge of anxiety behind it. 
“Hotch,” you scoffed at his joke, breaking into a smile despite yourself. “I don’t need you to take care of me.” You added more seriously. 
“I know you don’t.” He placates you. “But will you let me do it anyways? Plus, you’re not the only one who didn’t sleep last night.”   
“I guess that’s my fault.” You admitted. 
“Hey, I’m glad you called me. And I’m also glad the bureau has a generous sick leave policy. We both need it right now.” 
You can sense that this is an argument that you’re not going to win, and even if you could, you don’t have the energy to try. You close your eyes and lean back against the headrest in the car, giving him a resigned nod before you fall asleep.
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charliedawn · 3 years
How would they react to the new arrival ?
" Hi everybody. My name is Y/N and I am the head nurse around here. If you have any questions, you can ask them to me. I see here that two of you are transfers from St John's, so you'll be assigned to miss Harrison's department..However, I see here that mister Wendell Crumb has just been released from prison ? Who is mister Wendell Crumb ?"
A close cut man raises his hand with a slight smile.
" That would be me."
You smile back before checking something on your file.
" Fine. You'll be transferred to my department. However, I see here that you've got many names..May I ask who I am talking to ?"
Wendell Crumb suddely straightens up and stares right at you with a very unsettling smile.
" I'm Barry. Nice to meet you.."
You raise an eyebrow suspiciously before looking down at his file. Creepy smile. Judgy stare. Feminine stand..Yeah, definitely not Barry..
" I'm sorry, but in order for us to get along, honesty is the key..Now, could you please tell me who you really are ?"
The man's smile only widens as he congratulates you.
" Clever girl. I'm Patricia. Nice to meet you."
He then claps with both hands and you narrow your eyes, trying to figure the new patient out. He seems harmless enough, even though his file seems to suggest the contrary. A great pretender. After all the effort you had put in getting the patients to trust you, this one would surely bring chaos. You could already tell by just looking at him in the eyes: he wasn't here to get better.
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You sigh before closing the file and signaling to the patient to follow you as Harrison enters. Wendell Crumb is almost too eager to follow you. You can feel his stare on you, as if he was sizing you up and down.
" The patients are eating, I suppose it is a good time to get acquainted with them and make some new friends. What do you think ?"
You smile and try to be nice to him, but he doesn't answer. He only huffs before looking away. You open the door to the cafeteria and feel the stare of all the slashers on you and the new arrival. Patricia seems to be doing a quick assessment of each slasher before finally landing on you.
" By what I heard, I thought I would be meeting fearless and bloodthirsty demons..But all I can see is a bunch of old-timers."
Your eyes widen in shock at his words and you can see some of the slashers tense. However, far from being intimidated, Kevin widely grins and seems to slouch slightly, taking another personality you guess.
" Hi guys ! I'm Hedwig ! I'm soooo excited to meet all of you ! Patricia said you were like us ! That's like, totally cool !"
To that, Freddy is the first to answer with a mocking smirk.
" Great. Another kid..Me who thought we would finally be enough to play poker. What a disappointment..Can he at least change his own grown-up diapers ?"
Suddenly, Hedwig's joyful expression shifts to a much serious one that glares daggers at Freddy.
" What did you say, steak face ?"
Oh oh. Freddy's expression darkens and he stands up to face Kevin that only arks an eyebrow at him, a silent challenge. One that Freddy is eager to respond to.
" What did you call me, baldie ?"
But, far from feeling intimidated, Kevin only stares down at him with a little smirk.
" You heard me, midget.."
You can feel the tension rising and put yourself between the two of them promptly.
" Hey ! That's enough ! Be nice ! And you.."
You turn towards Freddy with furrowed eyebrows, clearly displeased.
"..I told you to hold your tongue with them."
Freddy only humphs unhappily before getting out of your grip and glaring at Kevin that only grins defiantly at him.
" What ? That's it ? This is the infamous Freddy Krueger ? The bringer of nightmares and slayer of children ? I must admit that I am deeply disappointed.."
Patricia, she wants to rile him up. You quickly get another nurse to get Freddy to sit back down before he gives in to his violent impulses. You then glare at Kevin before taking him by the arm for him to follow you outside of the room.
" What are you trying to do exactly ?! Get killed ?!"
But, far from feeling guilty, Kevin's grin only widens as he stares directly back at you for several seconds, as if looking deep inside your soul..At the end, he pretends to be apologetic by raising his hands in surrender and finally giving some kind of explanation for his behavior.
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" I'm sorry. I'm just feeling overwhelmed, garden variety issue..You understand. We mustn't let the bad seeds take roots, or we may end up with bad weed issues.."
At this, Pennywise that had followed you discreetly gets out of his hiding spot to growl menacingly at Kevin.
" Bad weed ?! Who are you calling bad weed, pal ?! I'll show you bad weed."
But one stern look from you, and Pennywise reconsiders. But, he is still glaring daggers at Kevin that only giggles maniacally while you get him back inside. However, he doesn't miss the way you instinctively hold on to the pendent hanging around your neck..What a strange necklace..? He turns his head towards the slashers that all seem on edge now, like a pack of wolves ready to attack. However, it's even worse when he suddenly takes you by the shoulders to smell you behind your ear, his gaze still fixed on the gang that seems ready to jump into action at any moment..Even Pennywise doesn't notice that he is munching on his spoon instead 9f his actual food. You try to get out of his grip, but he only tightens his grip on you as a response.
" What ? Are you all her lapdogs now ? I see the appeal..But still, to think she managed to have you all around her little finger..The strongest men on Earth, all submitting to that small bite."
As if to prove his point, he starts nibbling on the top of your ear, waiting for a reaction. However, before anyone could do anything, Kevin feels something piercing his skin and turns around to see a smirking Five with a needle in his hand.
" Nighty night."
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Kevin collapses and you quickly kneel by his side to take his pulse. Thankfully, he's alive and you ask some nurses to bring him back to his room. You had agreed with the hospital not to use the collars unless it was a case of extreme emergency, looks like this could be one..
" Thank you, Five. But, dont use medical supplies without my permission again, okay ?"
He doesn't lose his smile before replying casually, hands in his pockets.
" Can't promise anything.."
The slashers are still staring at Kevin that is dragged out of the room. It takes you a while to reassure them that you're fine, even longer to convince yourself. However, Five seems even more suspicious than usual, he seems to be eager to return to his bedroom, and he was late for lunch..But, you don't have the time to worry about him. You finally manage to get them all to return to their bedrooms and walk inside your own. There, you let the mask fall and collapse on your bed, burying your face in a nearby pillow in order to muffle your tears and screams. Each time, you try to contain your own fear for the safety of the patients and yourself, but just with one touch, this new individual had made all of your walls crumble. However, you have to get it together, you couldn't let the other patients see you like this..You get up and cough a bit before cleaning yourself up. You then open the door, not expecting all the patients tumbling inside as they were listening in..You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.
" What did I say about listening on doors ?"
They all stand up and look at everything but your face or simply try to justify themselves.
" Look, hon..We were only worried..Kinda ?"
Freddy tries to explain, but you take a big inspiration before stepping out. This is just what you needed: serial killers worrying about you.
" It's the hour of your medication. How about Michael and Five come to help me in the kitchen while you wait in the your rooms ?"
You finally decide to ignore Freddy and are surprised when Arthur takes you gently by the arm so you can look up at them.
"Hey, don't shut us down. Freddy is right, we were only worried."
You eyes soften at their genuine concern, but you quickly shake the feeling away. You had faced far worse, but this patient scared you the most..because he had attacked you as if he already knew, as if he knew who you were before you even introduced yourself. You will have to keep a close eye on that one, that's for sure. Fortunately, the patients hadn't reacted too extremely, or it would have turned bad, very very bad..You don't know why the hospital had suddenly decided to add another patient, but one thing is for sure, this new patient wasn't transferred here, he was sent here with a purpose. Now, your goal is to discover whatever purpose that is. You are on your way to his room when you realize something..You hadn't seen Jason all morning. He wasn't there for lunch either. You feel cold sweat running down your back when you suddenly hear some fighting noises. You run in the direction of the sounds and are shocked to see Jason, Five and, surprisingly, Klaus in Kevin's room. You don't have the time to ask what the last one is here that Jason takes Kevin by his shirt and throws him through the window.
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You look at Five for an explanation, but he doesn't look at you and looks at the broken window instead.
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" Did he just..?"
" Yup. He just did.."
Klaus confirms before turning towards you with a small awkward smile.
" Can someone please explain to me why a civilian is here and why Jason just threw Kevin out of the damn window ?!"
You exclaim and for once, Five is speechless and it's his brother that decides to step up to explain the situation to you.
" Hi. I'm Klaus, Five's older brother and I was about to help him escape until we heard noises of a fight outside. We got out and saw a bold man talking and fighting our dear sweet Jason that threw said man flying through the window. Literally."
Your eyes widen at the news of his planned escape and then look at Five with a confused frown. The idea of escaping wasn't what surprised you the most, but why would he want to leave now ? However, before you could ask, Jason, who is clearly upset, pushes right past you with angry groans and an uneven breathing. You give a stern look at Five, clearly signifying that this discussion isn't over before running after Jason before he could murder Kevin. When you get out, you see that all of the slashers had encircled Kevin that seems angrier than ever.
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" I'll kill you all !"
He shouts, but Freddy only cackles while leaning against the wall, with the sunglasses you had given him sitting on his nose, and Pennywise that has a bowl of popcorn in his hands.
" Come on, Jason ! We'll enjoy the massacre..There are no witnesses. Just show that clown who's the boss ! No offense.."
He quickly adds at the end to Pennywise that only smirks before fist-bumping him.
" None taken."
You run to stand between the two huge men that don't seem to even notice you. You look at Michael for help, but he only crosses his arms, clearly implying that he wouldn't interfere. Great..You think before turning towards the devil you know, your hands outstretched towards him.
" Stop, Jason. Please. This is not you. Whatever he told you, it is not worth this. You will be punished, severely. They will maybe not kill you, but they will lock you away, somewhere nobody will ever find you again.."
Jason seems to finally snap out of it and you smile when he takes your hand and yanks you forward with his supernatural strength. You chuckle, relieved while he hugs you. But then, you hear a loud sound behind you and turn around swiftly to see..Brahms ?! Brahms just took Kevin by the throat to crash the back of his head against the concrete and his hands are now around his throat, squeezing painfully tight. You run towards them and try to get Brahms to let go, but he only tightens his grip on him as you yell.
" Let go, Brahms ! What are you doing ?! I said let go !"
But he doesn't listen to you, even worse, he gives you a hard blow to the stomach with his elbow that knocks all air out of your lungs. However, you still find the strength to get up and this is when Brahms finally shouts furiously.
" He took my doll !"
You are surprised how he managed to form a whole sentence without stammering and also horrified by the news. Brahms' doll is Brahms' most precious possession, no wonder he wants to kill Kevin. But then, Kevin laughs and spits blood on Brahms' mask.
" Idiot. You kill me, you won't get the doll and they'll throw you in the darkest deepest hole they can find.."
You know that he is telling the truth and look at Brahms that doesn't seem to be willing to stop. You take a big breath before finally taking out the pendent they had offered you. You hold it tightly in your hand before ordering Brahms to stop.
" Stop, Brahms ! Let him go ! Now !"
Suddenly, as if under some kind of transe, Brahms straightens up and finally releases Kevin. Brahms then slowly turns towards you and walks to you until he is barely a few inches away from you and leans in so close you can hear his hectic breathing. You almost fear for your life and hold on to the pendent even tighter.
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However, he only humphs and walks away. You look up and, for once, see the disappointment in the different slashers' eyes. They all saw what happened, what you used to control Brahms.
" I..I didn't want to.."
But it's too late, the damage is done. The Joker, that had stayed silent so far, suddenly bursts our laughing, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes as he tells you bitterly.
" You know why Jason attacked Kevin ? Because he said that you were using us..Looks like he wasn't so wrong after all.."
He walks past you, not even giving you a second glance. You turn towards the rest of the slashers that seem either angry or even fearful of you.
" P..Penny..?"
You try to extend your hand towards Penny that is eyeing you warily and who growls warningly at you when your hand is too close. Suddenly, a hand snatches yours to yank you backwards.
" Back off, lady !"
Pennywise cautions you, his eyes glowing yellow in the dark. However, suddenly, some armed forces enter the yard and get out tazers to restrain the patients. You see one of the guards tackle Pennywise to the ground. To your horror, Penny bites the guard's shoulder that screams loudly in pain. Before you could say anything, another guard shoots some tranquilizers at the Penny that collapses.
" No..No !"
You run towards Penny and cradle his face with tears in your eyes. It wasn't supposed to go this way. What had gone wrong ? You look up at Pennywise that is now restrained and muzzled. He tries to break free to reach Penny, but the guards won't let him.
" Pennywise..I'm..I'm so s.."
But he glares at you and cuts you off harshly.
" Nah. Save your breath, princess.."
Pennywise says while eyeing you up and down with new-found disdain, even Freddy is not smiling anymore. The slashers are brought back inside with shackles and you feel your lower lip quivering. You didn't want to use the pendent, but he was going to kill Kevin and..You look back to see that Kevin is smiling. He even dares giggles when some guards come to take him away.
" Rejoice ! You are of the worthy ! You are broken !"
You don't understand and frown in confusion, but he doesn't add anything. You sigh deeply before getting back inside as well, you had to make it up to them..somehow.
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" You really think it's a good idea ? We aren't even sure that Kevin will be able to accomplish his mission."
But the woman, far from being worried, only puffs out a cloud of smoke and replies with a confident smile.
" Believe me, John. It will work..Soon, we'll have the slashers at our mercy. They'll be our little tin soldiers. And nothing will be able to stop us, brother.."
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floralseokjin · 4 years
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PBN drabble; A surprise
warnings; smidgen of angst, fluff!!  word count; 1.6k
author’s note; i know i’ve missed a lot of the in between, and i will try to catch up on those drabbles at a later date, but the need to write this was too much. it’s been an idea of mine for ages, finally had to share!! please enjoy the surprise 😘
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Yoongi would be home any minute now. Your gut turned, a new kind of sick twisting your insides. For the past four days you’d felt awful. Throwing up a handful of times too. Yoongi was hellbent it was the steak you’d eaten on the weekend. You weren’t so sure. The restaurant you’d had it from was your favourite. You always ate there. 
No. This was a different kind of sick. You’d had food poisoning before, it was horrific. It wasn’t stomach flu either. Yoongi was fine, so it wasn’t catching. This was different. More of a constant nausea. It reminded you of carsickness. You used to suffer with that a lot when you were kid. 
You hadn’t thought much of it at first, maybe you were just tired or something, under the weather, but then Seulgi and her logic had suggested something yesterday afternoon. Maybe you were pregnant. Of course she’s been joking around, but you couldn’t shake it. What if you were?
You’d stopped taking the pill two months ago, wanting to try another form of contraception after giving your body a few months break. You’d been told your periods could be irregular to start off with, so while the first had come on time, you hadn’t thought much of the second one being late. Some of the signs had been there. Bloating, painful boobs, tiredness... just no actual period. A quick google search told you they were also early signs of pregnancy. Impossible. Surely? You’d been using a condom every single time. Although maybe they weren’t the most effective. What if one had split without you both realising? 
This morning Yoongi had already left for work by the time you’d woken up, still feeling rough. Your heart had sunk. There was only one thing left to do. Just to put your mind at ease. You needed to take a pregnancy test. Calling out of work (for the third day in a row), you’d gotten showered quickly, making the short walk to the drugstore in record time. You were being stupid, you kept telling yourself. You repeated it over and over again as you walked home. Over and over again as you rushed to the bathroom and peed on the stupid stick. There was no way you were pregnant. There couldn’t be. 
Could there? 
Waiting those three minutes for the results were the most nerve-racking (and longest) of your life, but nothing could prepare you once you saw those two pink lines. It was like your world had stopped. This wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. You immediately threw up. Whether it be from actual morning sickness, shock or panic. All three probably. 
You weren’t ready to have a baby, surely? Yes, you and Yoongi spoke about it from time to time, but it was mostly done in jest. You loved one another but that didn’t mean you were all set to have a baby. You’d been together 4 years, living together for just over one. What would he say? What would you even tell him?! 
You spent the rest of the day numb. Curled up on the sofa, the television playing to itself. You wanted to call your mom, you wanted to tell Seulgi, but you knew Yoongi should be the first to know. So alone, your thoughts orbited around all your anxieties. 
Hearing his keys in the front door, a fresh wave of nausea turned your gut. You heard him in the entry way, kicking his shoes off, his keys landing in the bowl on the little side table you’d both picked out. You’d made a home for yourselves so easily, the thought comforted you for a quick second, but then you saw his face come into view, stood in the doorway. 
“Hey,” he greeted softly, a puzzled look on his face. “I thought you were at work.” 
“I called out.” Your voice was hoarse, you hadn’t used it in a few hours. 
As you cleared your throat, Yoongi’s frown deepened. “Are you still feeling sick?” He rushed over, taking a seat next to you, an arm wrapping around your shoulders. 
You leaned your head against him, letting your eyes flutter closed. Comforted by his warmth, his smell. Maybe this whole thing wasn’t so bad. You were in this with the man you trusted most in this world. The man you loved so fricking much. He loved you too. Always had. 
“It was that steak from Bruno’s, I’m telling you.” He was adamant, stroking a hand through your hair, fingers combing through the tangles. You’d been so out of it today you hadn’t even brushed it. “We should call them up, get our money back.” 
You pressed your face into his warmth, taking one last moment for yourself before you moved, left him, creating a distance between your bodies. “It wasn’t the steak.” 
You could hear the concern in his voice when he said your name. “What’s wrong?”
You shoved a hand in your hoody pocket, fist clenching around a stick of plastic, psyching yourself up. Beside you, Yoongi rubbed your back, getting more and more worried. He chuckled awkwardly. “Come on, babe, you’re scaring me.” 
You didn’t want to scare him. You found your voice, removing the test from your pocket as you spoke. “I’m feeling sick because I’m pregnant.” 
Saying the words out loud for the first time felt weird. Yoongi stiffened up beside you, eyes wide as he stared at the test in your hand. Hesitantly he took it from you, bringing it closer. You didn’t miss the way his fingers trembled. 
“What are we going to do, Yoongi?” Your voice was a whisper. “I don’t understand how it happened. We always use protection.” 
You didn’t think he heard you, still staring at the stick. “You’re pregnant?” You nodded as he finally tore his eyes away and looked at you. You watched the beginnings of smile twitch at his mouth. “We’re going to have a baby?” 
For a moment your chest felt lighter. “If you want to,” you heard yourself say. 
This time he broke out into gummy grin. Despite still looking and sounding dazed, he seemed...happy? Excited? “Of course I want to!” He exclaimed, in his own little world as he stared at the test again. 
He was holding it in both hands now, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. “You’re pregnant,” he pretty much awed. Your heart swelled. After feeling heavy all day it was  a very much welcomed improvement. 
“Wait–” He turned his head, suddenly realising something. “Do you want to?” Your earlier behaviour had only just dawned on him, now his forehead creased with fresh concern. 
“I’m in shock.” You answered honestly. “We didn’t plan for it. I thought maybe you’d...” You petered out. Why had you been so worried to tell him again? Taking his arm, you smiled. It felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. “I want to too.” 
Suddenly you found yourself embraced in his warmth, a bear hug of sorts, Yoongi’s arms squeezing you tight. You felt his lips at your crown and closed your eyes, gripping his sweatshirt, safe and sound. 
“Shit. We’re having a baby?!” He laughed in amazement, over your shoulder. He was still clutching the test. 
“I’m fairly certain.” You chuckled, a hand rooting around inside your hoody again. “I took three tests.” In a bid to be sure, you’d driven to a drugstore ten minutes away. All three had given you the same result. You were definitely pregnant. 
Yoongi broke away, laughing at what he’d just heard, eager to see the evidence. He held them all, gazing at each line and cross and even the word ‘pregnant’ in small black font. “Fuck. How did you piss so much?” 
The laughter bubbled from your throat. Of course it did. He had that ability. No matter the situation he could always get you laughing. You were even more thankful in this moment. 
“Anxiety.” (Although, you had read it was an early symptom of pregnancy too – peeing a lot.) 
Despite your laughter, a couple of tears trickled down your cheeks. Yoongi caught them immediately. “Hey, don’t cry,” he murmured, dropping the tests in his lap to reach for your face and kiss them away. 
“They’re not sad tears,” you reassured. You hadn’t cried all day but seeing Yoongi so happy was what got you in the end. 
His eyes were still filled with concern though, pushing the hair out of your face, searching for something in your eyes.. “Were you worried about telling me?” 
“I don’t know why,” you confirmed. It seemed silly now. All your worries seemed pointless. Why had you been so scared at the prospect of raising a child? Of course you could do it. Especially with Yoongi at your side. 
Yoongi understood you. He rubbed your upper back. “I know it’s a shock but it’s not the end of the world.” You smiled thankfully, letting his words soothe you. “In fact, you could say it’s the beginning of the world.” His happy little grin got you, giggling at his lame ass line. 
He leaned in, rubbing his nose with yours. “Our world.” You cupped his face as he pressed a kiss to your mouth, letting your eyes close briefly before he pulled away. “I love you,” he sang softly. 
His eyes were twinkling, the happiness he felt obvious. “I love you too,” you sang right back. 
Chuckling under his breath he was still amazed. “We made a baby.” 
Running your fingers through his dark hair, you grinned and confirmed. “We made a baby.”
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flowerwrites06 · 4 years
break my mind’s eye II — jjk
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Plot: Jungkook thinks marriage is the only way to seal a deal.
Pairing(s): Druglord!Jungkook x Fashion Designer!OC (Name: Belle)
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Parts: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Special 
Word Count: 5k+ 
Genre: Mafia | Angst/Smut/Fluff
Tags & Warnings (for entire series): drug dealing, marriage through trickery, explicit smut, drug use, dubious consent, prostitution, miscarriage, lots of manipulation, impregnation through manipulation 
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“You’re…letting me go?” Belle stared at her manager Yeeun who, by her clear frown was not mistaken in her harsh words. The two stood in the others’ office with her rack of clothing standing hopelessly in the corner of the room.
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to book a venue for a designer with no prior backing?” She continued with her berating.
The younger female assumed it must have around an hour since she arrived and began the onslaught of scolding for missing her fashion show. Belle tried to explain that she needed to help her brother out in a personal situation but family commitment apparently to her was not deemed that important.
“I trusted you and you fucking humiliated me in front of fashion critics.” Yeeun gestured wildly before pinching the bridge of her nose. “You had so much potential too.”
Her heart dropped; slowly wishing that she would go back to just scolding her instead of reminding her of what could have been achieved if the fashion show went on. All the building blocks tirelessly built to get to this point now crumbling down. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry isn’t going to bring back what you just threw away.” The older female spoke in brutal honesty as she usually did except it hit Belle harder than normal. “Go on. I can’t help you anymore. Not when there’re plenty of other designers who actually care enough to come to their first fashion show.”
Belle bit down her bottom lip, sun dipping outside casting a dull grey-ish light in the minimalistic office. Photos of all the different designers Yeeun represented now staring down at her in disappointment as she dragged her rack of clothes out of the office.
The morning welcomed sharp chills even through her coat and scarf adorned her body. She grabbed the two pieces of clothing hurriedly since her new wardrobe was organized by Nana who didn’t really know how the girl usually kept everything. Of course that led to a crap load of confusion in the morning when Belle tried to pair something decent and it turned out to be too thin for the temperature she struggled through now.
It didn’t help her situation when her lower belly still ached a little from last night and her head pounded from the lack of proper sleep.
Belle stopped short in front of the office building to see two men standing in front of her, one of them familiar enough for her to realize who they were for. “He’s having you follow me now?” She seethed.
“Master Jeon found out your car was still in the carpark and you took a train so he asked us to drive it here.” Jongho explained plainly, gesturing to the Camry behind them.
Who knew the mere sight of a vehicle could bring this much relaxation in the midst of this stress?
The female sighed pushing the rack towards the hood. “Thank you but please don’t call him ‘Master Jeon’ in front of me.” Belle kept her voice firm, opening the hood and placing all her clothes into an empty box she had with all her discarded designs.
“But we have to.” Jonghos’ brows furrowed, pouting a little; silently reminding that he wasn’t all the much older than any of them, perhaps even younger.
The other guard besides Jongho took the liberty of pushing the rack away in front of the office building.
Belle dared to take another look at the building again. Not too long ago, she walked into this very building with bright eyes and possibly an even brighter future. Memories of Yeeun smiling at her newest designs, approving them to a point where she even got her a chance at a fashion show. Three critics sat at the audience that night and every single one of them looked more important than the last. Unfortunately Belle had someone far more important than any fashion critic or opportunity. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing grew harder and harder to determine.
“Out here, he’s Jungkook.” She spoke still looking up at the building with a more sour expression now at the sound of his name coming from her lips. “And I’m driving.”
Jongho didn’t protest much on the demand and gave her the keys.
“So what’s the real reason Jungkook sent you?” Belle asked as they drove through the city streets. The car had been pleasantly so much warmer than outside or in the train and she grew more thankful as the ice under her skin melted.
Jongho stammered lightly before sighing. “Master—” He cleared his throat. “D-Jungkook did get a little…suspicious that you might try to find a way to get out of the deal. It’s all still—fresh, I guess.”
The female scoffed, fingers tightening around the steering wheel. “He put my brothers’ life under threat and thinks I’m going to run away like some sorry bitch?” She spat pressing down the urge to stomp on the brakes and hopefully run over Jungkook accidently when they reached the mansion. “You’re both going home.” Belle finalized ignoring any stutter of disapproval from the two males.
“But he—”
“But nothing…if he’s so scared of me running away then he should come meet me himself instead of sending his men.” Past the bustling city, Belle drove into the familiar road towards the secluded mansion.
The last time she drove down this path her life was so much more different than it was now. How could it all just change in the span of a day? All because one man had too much power over others.
Then she stomped on the brakes, the shaking hand of the speed checker accelerating at a worrying rate up to the hundreds.
Muffled tire and engine sounds numbing her ears as her stomach jumped from the push across the slightly graveled road.
Heart pumping adrenaline, fueling the wildfire in her body, pushing away memories of his fucking hands on her skin, the disappointment she brought to everyone even herself.
“Ma’am!” A frightened voice called out from behind her, mentally slapping her back to reality.
Letting out deep breath Belle slowly braked the car again bringing them back down from the rush as the mansion now came into view. “Sorry.” She glanced over at Jongho who looked more concerned for the female compared to the guard at the back who feared for his life in a split second.
Into the courtyard she stared at the collection of guards who once again stood lined up the entrance of the mansion. An intense feeling of déjà vu flushed over her before turning to the two guards. “Alright, out you go. I need to get to work.” Going to the fashion-house now became the only thing that could make her day that little bit better.
“Master Jeon—he’ll be angry at us if we left you alone.”
Belle saw something oddly familiar in Jonghos’ eyes that she couldn’t shake off. Seeing the recognizable glint reminded her that Taehyung was not the only victim to Jungkooks’ power. “If Madame Saito sees two strange men with me, she’s going to try and call the police. I don’t want her involved in this whole mess.” She explained. “Is there any way you can keep yourself hidden so Jungkook at least knows that you were doing your job?” Both men nodded thankfully.
She rested back on the seat, closing her eyes as her body reminded her again of the anxiety burning her from the inside. “I need to get some warmer clothes anyway so stay here.”
Nana told Belle that Jungkook was out all morning and a little bit of the day on important business meetings around the city. Not that the younger female really gave a shit where he went but once again…common fucking courtesy.
The drive to the fashion-house was quiet aside from some light music playing on her radio.
They arrived at Madame Saitos’ fashion-house. An elegant slab of purple and gold with the monogram of the Japanese Kanji symbol that meant ‘elegant’. Belle remembered getting the job a few weeks before her parents passed away. It immediately turned from a dream job to the only thing keeping her from breaking down after Taehyung started going into a downward spiral.
Now more than ever she needed the sweet caress of fresh fabric under her fingers to calm her down, to prevent another incident like the one on the road from happening. As per her request, Jongho and the other guard who later introduced himself as Jisung, opted to walk into a nearby café.
Belle walked through the glass doors, all her worries seemingly melting away at the look of neatly organized clothes on the different shelves and stands. Her clothes fit warm and snug on her now and the level upstairs for designing awaited her arrival.
“Bella, darling!” She heard the familiar voice echo through the building.
Turning to the right Belle couldn’t help but smile seeing the bright woman walk over to her in a gorgeous purple pantsuit. She gave her a small bow which she waved away.
“How many times have I told you? You’re a fellow designer.” Saito tapped her chin which would have made her giggle.
But her stomach dropped when reality sunk in and she realized Saito was wrong. “I’m not a designer anymore.” Belle smiled sadly.
“And why is that?” She raised her own chin, deep purple lips looking more defined and her dark brows furrowed.
It was as if her mind opened up the millions of drawers she tried to lock up to help her survive the rest of the day but the younger female adorned a much smaller smile. “Yeeun let me go. I couldn’t go through the fashion show on a family emergency.”
Saito scoffed loudly before waving her hand. “Managers don’t make designers. Designers make designers.” She pressed hand over Belle’s heart. “She’s one manager, darling. Don’t let it get to you.”
If it were a less strange time than this, Belle would instantly be consoled by Saitos’ words but there was so much more. So many more things she wanted to talk about but she feared no one’s ears were understanding enough. Even she couldn’t hear herself talk about what happened. “Thank you.” She muttered forcing her mind to feel somewhat relaxed.
The older female smiled, patting her cheek. “I have to go personally deliver this to a client.” She rolled her eyes looking down at the cover hanging over her arm. “He’s this big businessman who wants a suit tonight and just needs to thank the designer in person.” She scoffed making Belle chuckle. “You’ll be in charge for the rest of the day, darling.”
Belle’s heart fluttered in excitement as she immediately nodded.
“Oh and…since you have more time on your hands without Yeeun pestering you. I was wondering if you wanted to work on a few designs for the Spring Line.” Saito smiled casually not entirely noticing that fireworks were going off in her mind in celebration.
She was getting a chance at another line. Another opportunity. Belle couldn’t help giggling a little but she quickly stopped herself. “You’re not joking?”
“Of course not. You’re the best designer I’ve had in years.” She patted her shoulder comfortingly. “One thing though, I’ll need four designs by tomorrow morning so we can be ahead of schedule. I’ve done six that you can look at to see what the concept is but let your wonderful mind run wild.”
A light hint of anxiety seeped through the thick elation bursting through her veins but Belle ignored it, merely smiling at the older female as she walked out of the building.
Sun dipped behind the skyscrapers, warm light shining through the glass giving the whole store a deep warm glow as Belle stood in front of the main counter. Hand ached a little from holding onto the pencil for too long. Grey scratches against the ecru paper of flowy trains and minimalistic patterns to symbolize re-birth in some way.
Something she admired about Saito was her excessive need to shy away from the norm of flowers and nature. Maybe thinking a little deeper into what spring meant and really bringing the art out of her fashion. Part of why despite their prices, people still walked in and out purchasing their numbers.
It was a breath of fresh air from the line of fashion and a wonder to behold during Fashion Week.
Unfortunately Belle’s little bubble of inspiration was rudely popped when the door opened with Jonghos’ voice echoing in the building.
“Ma’am…Master Jeon is asking for you at the mansion.” He tried to speak quietly but the walls resonated even the smallest of sounds.
Her brows furrowed, dropping the pencil on the table making her fingers cramp up ever so slightly. “What does he need me for?” Anger rose and burned through her eyes.
“He said it’s important.” Jongho shrugged.
The woman huffed averting her gaze before jumping off her chair. “Did he call you? Is he still on the phone?” Belle stomped over to the male who tried to back away a little but the glass door closed behind him. “What could he possibly want from me now that’s so damn important?” He already got everything else.
“I don’t know, ma’am…he—he didn’t say.”
“Well tell him that I have a lot of work to do and he can wait.” She glared at the young male even though truly he wasn’t the one she was angry at.
Eventually Jongho walked towards the car with slouched shoulders leaving Belle to go back to work on her counter. The scratches were a lot harsher due to her shaky fingers so she reminded herself to re-do some of these sketches again when it was time for coloring.
“Ma’am?” Jongho called out again in a much softer voice.
Belle’s pencil broke off making her fingers curl up into a fist but she forced herself to take a deep breath. “What is it, Jongho?”
“Master Jeon wants to speak with you.” He held out a phone walking towards the counter.
She glanced at the male before down at the phone, accepting it gently and putting it on her ear. “Yes?”
“Are you trying to be a fool?” Jungkooks’ tone took a dark turn from what Belle heard yesterday; more growly and deep like he had been yelling all day.
“I already said I’m working.” Belle muttered calmly. “What’s so important?”
“We need to go to an event. My aunt and uncle have invited me to come tonight and I need you to be there to get rid of any future suitor arrangements.” He explained with that same infuriating voice acting like she was doing something wrong trying to work.
“I need to some things done, Jungkook, can’t we re-schedule a meeting with your aunt and uncle?” Hands brushed away the pieces of led that broke off from her pencil.
“No we can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t think you realize just what’s at stake if you piss me off too much.” He challenged.
“Your deal was that you’ll stay away from Taehyung if I stay with you.” She corrected.
“You should know that I can change deals in an instant.”
Belle gripped onto the phone suppressing the urge to throw it across the room as she gulped down a lump in her throat. Her dormant anxiousness now fully erupting through every limb in her body. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” She stated before hanging up not wanting to hear his voice anymore as she gave it over to Jongho.
Angrily packing up her stuff, she decided to let Jongho drive this time to prevent any incidents on the road from her heated up mind.
So much for fucking freedom. He couldn’t even re-schedule a meeting to let her work. Maybe it was an overreaction but looking at the situation, Belle thought that being livid and frustrated was called for.
The sky turned purple by the time they reached the mansion and Belle barely waited for the car to stop before she climbed out. Grabbing her things, she walked through the entrance ignoring any attempt at the guards trying to hold the bags.
“Finally her Majesty has arrived, what took you so long?” Jungkook, already dressed up in a black suit with a white shirt slightly unbuttoned, jabbed at the female right as she walked through the archway.
Belle merely glared at the male walking past him up the stairs while Nana followed her helplessly. The older female almost wanted to apologize for him but couldn’t find the time as she chased her.
In their shared room, Belle placed the bags of her work next to her side of the bed. Tears of frustration flooded in her eyes a little which she tried her best to hide when she saw Nana come up behind her.
“Dear…” She muttered comfortingly but the younger female shook her head.
“It’s okay, please. I’ll get ready myself.” Belle smiled through teary eyes before walking past her.
Ankle length daffodil-yellow dress adorned her freshly showered body, long curls with the top half clipped away from her face and some shoes to match. As she coated her lashes her mind tried to organize how she was going to rush to the event and then come back to finish all the designs. The deeper the thoughts moved, the more anxiety bubbled inside her almost making her makeup application a little dodgy but decent enough.
“Dear, Master Jeon is calling for you.” Nana spoke gently as if knowing that the sound of his name stroke a nerve in her constantly.
“I’m done, I’m coming.” Belle answered, hands leaning against the edge of the vanity table in the walk-in wardrobe trying to calm down her breathing. I hope you’re okay, Taehyung. It was only the first day and she could feel the weight of it all bearing down on her body. For the first time since yesterday, the woman almost wanted to admit that she may be lot more vulnerable than she thought.
Shaking her head roughly she stared at herself in the mirror. Dusty rose lips mimicking the light hint of colour on her cheeks and a glimmering eyes mostly from the illusion in the shimmery eyeshadow. At least she looked put together. Her body and mind were a whole different story.
Nana held onto her hand as they walked down the stairs, Belle held onto the dress to ensure she didn’t trip and make her stressful day even worse. Little bits of her hair dropped over her face but it was only when she reached the end.
Her eyes slowly trailed up to see Jungkook staring at her up and down the way he did the first time they met.
“What’s wrong?” She looked down at her outfit for a moment, seeing absolutely nothing wrong but Jungkook must have had something to say.
The man stayed silent for a few minutes shifting in his position. “Nothing. Let’s go.” He muttered coldly walking to the exit with three of his guards already walking behind him like robots.
Belle followed the trail, gripping at her clutch purse.
Dull blue hue adorned the sky when they were outside. The guards dispersed to the sides giving Belle way to move forward where she saw Jungkook looking over his shoulder as if he was searching for someone.
Not a word uttered, Jungkook raised an arm and let it hover over her back as they walked towards the luxurious black Sedan shining even in this grey-ish light.
Throughout the car ride, Belle tried to ask Jungkook what the event was for and what they would be doing for the rest of the night. All her questions answered with detached replies that gave her no explanation whatsoever making it highly difficult to keep her patience.
“At least tell me how long it’s going to be?” She asked in a much softer tone now.
“An hour or something, alright? Now just keep quiet and don’t embarrass me.” Jungkook snapped before looking out the window.
Belle wanted to be shocked at the sudden change in behavior from the dashing and charming man she saw yesterday but this just served as a good reminder. This was all a fucking joke. She was dressing up to play pretend with a scum of a man who had no care for anyone but his own needs and reputation.
The momentary silence broke by muffled sounds of flashing cameras and people calling out or yelling at the glimmering bodies on the carpet.
Jungkook had the car door opened for him and the second he walked out, he could hear the people growing more restless and the cameras going wild.
Belle shifted towards his side now keeping her clutch purse on her chest.
He held his hand out and she accepted it to keep up appearances, adorning an elegant smile on her rosy lips. Their fingers intertwined with one another as they walked past them with their personal line of guards on each side.
Sounds of violins made her ears prick up and the smell of chocolate touched her nostrils, her stomach rumbling a little. Thankfully the incessant noise from every corner was able to conceal it.
The event hall shone in golden light with a crystal chandelier centering the ceiling, buffet standing on the far left, slow dancing in the middle and a sitting area on the far right. People were crowded but nothing like a bustling city. Instead of strangers pressing against each other in trains or trying to push past to get to work, people kindly slithered through crowds or made pleasant conversation before they moved onto the next group.
Though Belle despised the reasoning for being here, for years this was an event she has always wanted to attend. The class, the culture, the clothes; all of it surrounded her like a welcoming hug and she didn’t really protest when Jungkook led her further into the hall.
Fake elegant smile now melted into something more genuine as she curiously peered over at the performers in gold satin dresses dancing in the middle of the hall. On her left, a vast selection of foods, some she didn’t even recognize but the chocolate fountain wasn’t hard to detect and her stomach shouted again.
“Auntie!” Jungkook called out, his usual sour mood moved to a smile as he leaned to press a kiss on an older womans’ cheek.
The lady looked as elegant and bright as the hall they were in, wearing a white dress with golden hair pins in her neat bun while the man next to her—Jungkook’s uncle wore the same simple suit his nephew did. Except he had a bow on unlike her ‘partners’ more unkept look. “I’m so happy you could be here!” His aunt cheered softly, her wide smile showing off all the lines on her face.
“Why would I not? Your events are always my favorite.” He smiled again almost to a point where Belle almost suspected it may have been fake.
“There’s someone I want you to meet.” His aunt nodded at the younger male whose lips twitched a little making him grin wider.
This one looking a lot more obviously forced.
His aunt turned to the side and called someone over. A woman who looked around their age, tall and slender with long black hair flowing past her lower back and her body adorning an azure dress, loosely stitched rhinestones in large clusters. All of that topped up with some bright red lipstick and shimmering blue eyeshadow to match the clothes. She gave Jungkook a big, advertisement smile.
Belle felt Jungkooks’ hand leave her and immediately hold his out towards the woman which she accepted happily. She introduced herself as Suyeon, only side-glancing her before fixating her gaze on the man instead.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Suyeon.” His charming tone sounded all too familiar.
“I think you two would hit it off really well.” Her aunt declared already off of a two second conversation. Finally the older woman managed to look over at her. “And who’s this?”
Jungkook hummed in question before looking at Belle. “Right this is—” He paused for a moment staring at the woman as if he was already starting to have second thoughts. “This is a friend…Belle.”
Belle smiled at the three new people even though her heart burned with anger at how quickly he changed his mind.
“Of course.” His aunt smiled.
The four elites dived into deep conversation as Belle quietly smiled and admired the performances instead; hoping they would distract her somehow. None of them really cared about her presence here which didn’t help her fury towards Jungkook.
Ah Jungkook.
He who conveniently shifted on the other side of her so he could stand next to Suyeon instead, conversing with her pleasantly. Everything about their deal now seemed long forgotten leaving Belle to worry about the fate of her brother.
“So…uh—” Suyeon spoke towards her now.
“Belle.” She answered softly, keeping up with that smile tiresomely.
“I’ve never seen you in these kinds of parties before.”
“This is my first time.”
“Ah—” Suyeon gave her a fake smile. “Makes sense.” She eyed her up and down as the other three of them laughed.
Even Jungkook didn’t seem to stop finding it funny.
“I mean…no offense, darling but yellow isn’t really a nice color for these events. They look a little—childish.” Venom flowed from her tongue when she spewed those words.
Whatever anxiety burning Belle from the inside now was momentarily pushed down as the fashion lover inside her scurried up. “It’s called daffodil…not yellow.” She emphasized the word making it sound like an uncouth description to use. “If we are talking about childish, perhaps you could take a closer look at the plastic rhinestones on your dress hanging on for dear life on a single thread.” She looked at her up and down this time. “I highly doubt that’s Louis Vuitton work.”
Her words silenced the four of them immediately. Suyeons’ photo-worthy smile now turned into an ugly frown, the aunts’ brows were raised in intrigue and Jungkook stared at her in shock. Belle merely smiled as the older woman of the group tried to change the topic now into something more lighthearted.
Once the confidence drowned out, anxiety kicked in again wanting to walk out of this vicinity right now and never look back. The four of them dispersed a little but Jungkook walked straight to her, holding her arm and bringing her close. “Behave yourself, alright? There’s no need to be rude.”
Belle scoffed yanking out of his grip and walking towards the buffet hoping that some food would help her mood. The clip in her hair began to prick at her aching head and her shoes felt like they were tighter by the minute. Nothing felt right about this night.
“Oh Belle…” She heard a drawling, sickly sweet voice.
Just her luck. Looking over to her side, she gave Suyeon a similar grin trying to look as friendly as possible even though their previous interaction was anything but that. “Suyeon—”
“I hope there’s no hard feelings about my comment.” There was no genuine nature in her tone in the slightest but Belle played along, once again playing pretend that everything was going swell.
“It’s all forgotten.” She shook her head.
“I also hope you could give me some more fashion advice.”
Belle turned to look at the female and a dampening chill trailed all the way down from her chest to her torso, body stepping back in shock. She looked down at her daffodil dress now stained with red almost forming into an orangish color. Gasps echoed throughout the room and she could feel the stares on her. Staring up at Suyeon, she was holding out an empty glass with a sinister smirk on her face.
“What color is that, little rat?”
Belle could’ve sworn she heard Jungkooks’ aunts’ yelling but she was already heading for the bathroom, the whole day picked at her final straw.
If in a better mood, her eyes would have been shining in glee at the gorgeous white marble bathroom with bright gold detail. But right now they were flooding with hot tears that stained down her cheeks. Body shivering a little from the harsh chill on her entire front, some pieces of her hair completely damp and the skin on her chest reddened as well.
Belle whined lightly under her breath, lips quivering as she grabbed some tissues and dabbed off the excess liquid not wanting to face the crowd outside.
She heard a woman squeal a little when the door opened but she couldn’t care less to look.
Her head was numb, her body flushing from hot to cold and her body too stubborn to stop shaking from the cold and anxiety.
Finally her eyes flickered to the mirror to see a familiar figure standing next to her. The mere sight of him caused her to sigh in elevated frustration. “If you’re just going to yell at me—” Belle spoke in a cracked voice.
“I saw what she did.” Jungkook immediately replied in a mutter.
Belle sniffled washing off the liquid from the ends of her hair, feeling her clothes now sticking to her dampened skin.
The male padded closer reaching out to touch her shoulder.
“Don’t touch me.” She backed away as one hand held onto the dripping hair. “You chose your wife, now leave me alone.” Belle hated that Jungkooks’ previous behavior created a lump in her throat, fresh tears arriving at the brim of her eyes.
A sigh passed his lips as he lowered his head, leaning against the edge of the counter. “Her joke wasn’t funny.” Jungkook murmured. “I just laughed for the sake of my aunt, she stares at my every move when I make conversation with these suitors. I can never seem to gain the courage to upset her.” He shifted in his position. “Truth be told, you were the most beautiful one here.”
Belle shook her head, another tear dropping down her cheek even after touching up her makeup. “I just wanna go home…” She tried to hug herself but it only made the clothes on her front more uncomfortable. “Please.”
Jungkook searched the womans’ expression finding nothing but distress and discomfort in her whole being. He nodded before shrugging off his coat with a sigh. “Here.” He held his coat out.
She hesitated for a moment glancing up at the man before caving as she draped the coat on. Thankfully it was big enough to cover up most of her dress. Once again his hand hovered over her back as they walked out of the bathroom.
Most of the people were back to their own conversations save for Jungkooks’ aunt who still looked worriedly at the two.
“I didn’t know she was going to behave like that, sweetie.” His aunt genuinely looked like she regretted inviting the menace to the event. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?” She rubbed her shoulder a little.
Belle smiled at her and nodded. “Thank you.”
“We’ll talk to you at a better time, auntie.” Jungkook kissed her cheek again before they walked out of the hall in silence.
Trying their best to ignore the paparazzi, the two were led into their car and were driven home in silence. Belle scooched on the far side on the back seat looking out the window hoping that this day would end. But it couldn’t.
Heat flushed at the back of her neck when she looked at the time. Her work tomorrow would start at around nine after she paid a visit to Taehyung in the rehab center. So that left only a few hours with no sleep to finish the rest of her designs for the spring line. Right up until they reached the mansion, her head began planning all the ways she would keep herself awake and finish the job she was set.
“What happened, mistress?” Nana asked and Belle just replied that a snake got a hold of a wine glass before they walked upstairs.
Jungkook walked over to the bar the last time she glimpsed back only for a second.
Forcing herself to have a cold shower, she put on simple pair of grey sweatpants and a matching sweater with her hair up in a ponytail. Her body million times more comfortable now in dry and warm clothing while her dress was being soaked. Annoyance washed over thinking of the possibility that she might not be able to take the stain off.
Belle sat on the floor of the walk-in wardrobe, the perfect place to lay out all her designs and begin her sketching session.
Jungkook walked into the room when she was figuring out where to add details on one of her dresses. He paused a little looking at her deeply engrossed in her work.
She merely glanced at the male before going back to her tasks. Talking to him or even looking at him would only remind her of the time he stole away and for what? Humiliation and a wine stain on one of her favourite dresses? Belle even physically shook her head at the thought. The fact he even threatened to break the deal for this shit only worsened the fury.
But she couldn’t break any more pencils over her anger. Now Belle had to work. If anything needed to go well, it was this. So as the hours kept ticking away, the woman did nothing but do what she did best.
While Jungkook giving one last glance at her, fell fast asleep on the bed assuming she might just come there when she’s ready.
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rosemary-writes · 4 years
What are you afraid to see?: Part 1 (Dwayne x GN! Reader)
An: This story is a soulmate au!
Word count: 2.1k.
Warnings: swearing
Soulmates were strange. Especially the ones that had big secrets.
That was the one thing in life that couldn’t be predicted, or changed. It made everyone curious and nervous. Mainly nervous.
Everyone was eventually going to see the absolute worst thing that their partner had done. The moment they kissed a vision would appear of the worst thing they had done up until their kiss. Most people were scared to find their soulmate because they didn’t want to see the possible horrors. Still, there was a good side to the soulmates. There was a unique pull with each pair that would subtly guide you to them.
You, however, honestly didn’t worry about such things. A couple of your friends had met their soulmates and said that it was nothing terrible or shocking. You never worried about what you would one day see.
Instead, you worried about your paper that's due tomorrow. Your english professor had asked everyone to write their final essay about “What you learned about yourself during the school year.”
It was dreadfully boring; However to celebrate the end of the year, you and some classmates were going out on the boardwalk.
Earlier in the semester, they tried to get you to join them on their nights out ,but you were too concerned with your work. Instead, you wanted to wait and celebrate for something big.
Thankfully, you were three sentences away from finishing. Your hand cramp was steadily increasing ,but you ignored it and pushed on. The lamp above you clicked as you raced to finish the second sentence. In a blur, the second and third sentence were finished and you threw yourself back against your chair. The pencil had fallen out of your hand as a groan fell out of your mouth.
Your hands came up and rubbed your exhausted eyes. Quickly, you got up from your chair and grabbed your coat. You didn’t want to look at the desk or be in your room as a matter of fact. So, you rushed down the hall to your living room and sat on the couch. You looked over at the clock and it read 7:45. The sun had already set and your classmates would be here any minute to take you to the boardwalk.
Richard, your favorite classmate, had told you to dress comfortably but in style. Sadly, he would be disappointed. You had only dressed comfortably. The t-shirt was well loved and so were your pants, but they weren’t dirty. The sneakers you had were a bit worn but they did their job well. You slipped the shoes on and grabbed your wallet and house keys.
As you shoved them in your pockets, a car pulled in front of your house. Quickly, you grabbed your jacket and ran out of the front door. You locked the door and then ran to the car. Slipping into the backseat, your classmates greeted you enthusiastically.
“Did you get your paper done?” Richard asked.
“Yeah, and it was a real pain in my ass.” you said as the car pulled out and began driving towards the boardwalk. From the passenger seat, Ruth, your classmate, groaned and covered her face.
“Can we please not talk about our shitty papers? I want to enjoy myself tonight.” she exclaimed loudly. To your right, Chris, your other classmate agreed. Richard grumbled to himself as he glanced at Ruth. Alice, the girl on the other side of Chris engaged Ruth in conversation.
“Do you think we’ll see those bikers again?” Alice asked. Ruth turned around in her seat and gave Alice a look. “They hang around the boardwalk all the damn time. If they aren’t there, I will be very surprised.” Ruth proclaimed. “Who knows, one of them might be my soulmate.” she said giddily.
“Are these the same bikers that you saw pick up multiple women?” you asked, leaning forward. Ruth huffed, “Obviously. Why? Are you suddenly interested in them?”
“Ruth, stop acting like they admire you from afar. Those guys probably have their soulmates.” Richard said, as he pulled into the parking lot. Chris chuckled as Ruth tried to sputter out a response. You rolled your eyes at the two and unbuckled and stepped out of the car. The others quickly followed.
“Chris, back me up! Those guys are not interested in any of us.” Richard asked. Chris held up his hands as Alice walked over to you.
Ruth huffed and glared at Richard. “Okay, can we please drop it? I want to go and have all of us enjoy ourselves and celebrate!” she snapped. Now you remembered why you didn’t like to hang out with Ruth. However, she was an amazing help with homework.
“Okay, fine.” Richard grumbled. Ruth looked accomplished and began walking toward the boardwalk. It wasn't too far of a journey so you wouldn’t be sweaty. Quickly, you tied your jacket around your waist and sighed. Alice looked over at you and gave a reassuring smile.
“Hey, if people do hit on us, wanna band together and try to get a hot date?” she asked, grinning. You purse your lips in thought but, before you could answer, Richard stuck his neck into the conversation.
“Obviously, they won’t grab a hot date because they didn’t take my advice. Now how is your special someone supposed to find you?” he said. You rolled your eyes at his remark.
“Rich, would it kill you to not tell everyone how to dress?” Chris asked as the five of you got closer to the boardwalk. Richard snapped his head towards Chris and looked him up and down. “Christopher, is that any way to speak to me? Your possible soulmate?” Richard asked. Loudly, Ruth groaned and Alice laughed at Richard’s sudden change.
“You haven’t kissed me yet, and I don’t plan on seeing you throwing coffee on a teacher again.” Chris replied back with a chuckle. Richard rolled his eyes.
“Oh look, there’s the entrance!” Ruth said quickly. You looked up and noticed the big flashing rides and the sea of people walking in and out. Most of the people looked like college students celebrating the end of the semester.
“Oh my gosh, we have to go on a ride first.” Richard declared.
“What ride? You just want to go see if there is a band performing.” Ruth said, jokingly as the five of you got closer together.
“You damn right I do, I only said that for Alice’s sake.” Richard said, smiling. Alice thanked Richard with a grin.
Chris agreed that he wanted to go on a ride as well.
“Okay, us three can go on a ride. Do you want to go with Richard?” Ruth asked, looking at you.
“Yeah, I’ll go and see what’s kicking at the stage.” you said, going next to Richard. Ruth, Chris, and Alice said they would meet you and Richard at the ferris wheel in about twenty minutes. Excitedly, Richard grabbed your hand and began walking towards the stage area.
“Y’know, Ruth can be a real pain in the ass.” Richard said, as the two of you slipped into the sea of people. You laughed at his remark and the two of you began chatting about what you were going to do for the summer. He said that he was going back home to visit his hometown friends and hopefully go on a trip with them to New Orleans. You had told him that you would stay here for the summer and enjoy Santa Carla before you actually had to leave
The sounds of a guitar shimmered in the air. Drumsticks, carefully thumped and someone spoke into a mic.
“I thought you were going to get us lost, Rich.” You said playfully. Richard laughed as the two of you made it to the crowd at the stage. “Thank god, we made it just in time.” Richard said, as you both squeezed your way to the middle of the crowd.
The main vocalist, you assumed, stepped up to the microphone and loudly spoke to the music hungry crowd below him. The second he was done speaking, sound erupted from the band.
You and Richard began to listen and dance with the notes and lyrics that soaked the crowd. Honestly, you didn’t care if you danced like a fool. Most likely, Richard looked like a bigger fool than you. However, the rhythm was perfect and the two of you just let loose.
Many minutes passed before Richard leaned down to you and asked if the two of you could go to the ferris wheel. You agreed because you started to get sweaty and very out of breath. Carefully, he grabbed your hand and the two of you slipped out of the dancing crowd. As you two emerged, Richard immediately steered the two of you in the direction of the giant wheel. He was walking like he was scared.
“Richard, why are you walking so fast, slow down.” You said, trying to keep up with him. He didn’t answer but, he did glance behind the two of you. Quickly, he pulled you up to him and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. He leaned down, “Surf nazi’s are eyeing you.” This time, you turned your head around. Sure enough, he was right. The guys were looking right at you. You whipped your head around and put your arm around Richards waist. You didn’t want them to think you were up for grabs. Richard obviously didn’t want the guys to bother you.
Richard would always keep up with the news and how people went missing every day. He always suspected surf nazi’s but he never outwardly said it.
The two of you kept walking until you reached the wheel. You stopped underneath a light and kept close to each other. Richard subtly tapped your shoulder and you noticed that the group of guys were about to walk by. They didn’t seem so interested anymore. So, to make it look believable, you leaned your head on to Richard’s shoulder and closed your eyes. You didn’t want to see those men as they walked by.
“Finally! What took you two so long?” Ruth loudly asked. You opened your eyes and looked up at her to see Chris and Alice with wind blown hair trailing behind.
“We got stuck in the crowd. Some people, am I right?” Richard said, slowly moving his arms off of you. You picked your head up and noticed that the men had walked away and began ogling other people.
“It is pretty crowded tonight.” Chris said, rubbing the back of his neck. You slipped your arm off of Richard and untied your jacket. As you began to put it on, Alice walked next to you. Ruth and Richard began talking about what to do next and Chris just stood by for a third person input.
“Don’t look now, but you’ve got an admirer across the way.” Alice said, leaning into your ear. You groaned at the thought of another surf nazi staring you down. Slipping your jacket on, Alice spoke again, “It’s one of those bikers.”
Your head shot up at the mention of them. Your eyes scanned until you noticed the bikers near an exit. Three of them were talking with some women and it was obvious that the ladies were enjoying the attention. However, the only one that wasn’t engaged in conversation, was staring directly at you. As soon as you made eye contact, you looked away. Alice giggled.
“Do you want to go say hi?” She asked, gripping your arm. “No, I’ve had enough attention on me tonight.” you said, pulling the front of your jacket closer to your body. Again, you looked up and he was still staring at you. You noticed how he almost looked like he was shaking. He must’ve been the voice of reason amongst his friends. His eyes looked you up and down before he turned away. You noticed the three women had no longer taken an interest in his friends. The men looked annoyed and started to rev up their bikes. Before they left, your admirer had looked at you again. Something inside your chest twinged and As soon as he looked at you, he had already driven off behind his friends. You were speechless, as you watched him fade into the ever growing darkness of the night.
“Hey! Are you listening?” Ruth asked, slapping your arm. You looked up and noticed that everyone was looking at you. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” you asked.
“I asked if you wanted to go down to the beach. Rich and Chris want to sit and enjoy the waves.” Ruth said, folding her arms with a huff. You nodded and the group began heading down to the sandy shore. Before you followed, you looked back over your shoulder to see if the guy was still there.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be back tomorrow.” Alice said, putting her arm around you. You nodded and turned around to walk to the misty beach.
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eivorsjawline · 4 years
tw: the usual blood and cuts visuals
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Chapter 7: Turn Back Time
Reader’s POV
A crescent moon lit up the night sky and the grass remained damp from the recent storm, crickets and frogs sang nearby. The wet, muddy terrain on the hill worked my calves as well as ruined my shoes. My escort finally dropped me off at the stones. Though I know it's odd dropping a strange woman off at a landmark in the middle of the night, he never asked any questions. The atmosphere was dark and cold, part of me felt scared to go back. There is always the chance that the stones could send me to the wrong time period, or even further back. I found love here, and even friends of my own. At least what I thought was love, even if the feelings were not mutual. How could someone so sweet and loving towards me flip within an instant. I questioned if I truly knew Eivor at all in the time I spent here.
Everything changed through the years, but the stones remained the same. Unchanged by any shape or form of mankind. People have come and have gone as they have sat and watched patiently. I wonder whether people have even noticed my absence and how I would explain where I was. It's difficult bearing the truth but having no one to tell it to otherwise I’d be deemed insane. I was back where my journey started, in the same spot engulfed by the tall rocks around me. The standing stone I had touched previously stood directly in front of me. However, I couldn’t bring myself to touch it as if a magnetic force was pulling me away. My name echoed in the distance from a voice I could recognize no matter how far.
Eivor stepped down from her horse with caution and let out a groan. Her knees appeared weak as she stumbled towards me and her voice dry and tired. I still felt anger towards her and wondered why she didn't just apologize earlier.
“Y/n, wait!”
“Why, Eivor?” 
“Im sorry, I’m drunk and I can't think right now. Please, forgive my harsh words… You deserve more than what I can offer you. So I…”
She paused and placed her hand on her stomach before dropping to her knees. I quickly moved her hand and lifted her undershirt to reveal she had been wounded. Though I’m not an expert, It was clear to see the wound was deadly. Eivor reached her hand outwards towards me for support. I screamed out her name whilst the anger in my body was now replaced with fear.
“Eivor, get up!”
She could hardly keep her eyes open and her body refused to stand up. For once, I had no time to think of what to do next. Running on pure adrenaline, I reached behind her and grabbed underneath her arms in an attempt to drag her but she was too heavy. My panicking only worsened from that point forward.
“Eivor, I need you to help me please… Just for a moment.”
Her eyes flickered with what little fight she had left in her body. I placed her arms around my neck, holding her wrist. This allowed her to place less of her body weight on me as I led her to the stone. She groaned in pain and could barely support herself. I quickly pulled her free hand onto the stone alone with mine.
This is the only way… 
Eivor’s POV
Consciousness started to return to me as a bright light shined in my eye, I could make out the voices of other  people around me. Everything was colorless, only white. For a moment, I truly thought I had died. I looked up to strange sounds coming from a machine that had cords hooked up to various parts of my body. Men and women wearing white coats surrounded me and they seemed to somehow know my name. I sat up to get a better view of my surroundings and my jaw dropped, unable to fix the frown on my face. I began to tug and pull out the lines connected to me and a woman advised me to stop.
“Where am I? Who are you people?”
“This is a hospital and we’re trying to help you. I need you to lay back down.”
The lights around me were so bright and everything so foreign, I felt genuine fear forming in my body. They mumbled towards one another, words I could not make any sense of. The woman in front of me started to fidget with a set of tools near my bed until I grabbed onto her wrist and she flinched. She squirmed and tried to pull my hand off before I finally released her.
“Tell me where y/n is… Please.”
“She's waiting for you outside… Doctor, she's moving too much she needs to be put back to sleep.”
What does she mean put back to sleep?
Before any further thoughts could form I felt a pinch in my arm and my eyes started to grow heavy. I could not fight my drowsiness so I succumbed to it.
Readers POV
I waited outside Eivor’s room anxiously. Thankfully, I had been placed in the exact same time period I had left. Nothing changed and I knew no questions would be plastered onto me by anyone I know. The door to Eivor’s room opened and a doctor greeted me, papers in his hands of x-rays and tests. He was a tall freckled man with thick brown hair and his glasses kept falling from the bridge of his nose. I stood up to shake his hand and waited for him to tell me any news of her.
“So, the wound has been disinfected and is ready for proper healing. We’ve done a few tests on her brain activity and everything is functioning normal. However, she has multiple scars all over her body. They look to be battle scars, oddly enough. I understand you tell me she’s a new friend of yours but do you know anything else about her life?”
“All I know is that her life has been a rough one… Now, when can she be released?”
“Soon. She’s very confused right now, unaware of her surroundings. Perhaps, once she's awake you can help jog her memory.”
“Could I at least see her now?”
“I’m assuming you’re not family therefore, I can't allow that. Leave your number and we’ll let you know when she’s ready to be brought home.”
I jotted down my number with the black-ink pen the doctor gave me. He told me she needs to be aware of her surroundings before any further stimulation. Even if the doctor seemed suspicious, they know only so little. I felt bad on the walk to my car, I didn’t wanna leave her all alone there but there was nothing I could do about It. I feared she would be angry with me once I picked her up. I started up my car and pulled out of the driveway, the rain trickled onto the front of my window and I turned on my windshield wipers. The drive back home was somewhat rejuvenating, being back relaxed me, I didn’t have to witness war and blood every second of the day.
I neared the driveway of my parking lot and pulled in. On the passenger seat my keys laid, I grabbed them and shut the car door. When I unlocked the front door to my apartment everything remained just as It was before, like nothing changed. My cat greeted me with a meow and I replied back with a scratch on her neck before making sure her food bowl was filled. I missed my life entirely, though I hadn’t been gone terribly long, a feeling of deja vu still resonated within me. The night would be long as I waited for my phone to go off. I turned the television on in my living room and kicked back, my cat laying next to me.
Just like old times...
Traveling through time seems to tire me, so I laid back and let my mind drift away. 
Eivor’s POV
I awoke from my practically forced sleep. I knew my journey to her would bring me here, to her strange world. Some more clothes would have brought me more comfort rather than this sheet they have me in. My wound was healing nicely, the pain of it wearing away though still sore. Some good ale would help me endure this. The nurses treated me well, making me regret how aggressive I had been in the beginning. My knowledge of the world around me made them suspicious but they knew I was fully responsive. We discussed my release, and they gave me news that I should get ready to go home. One of the nurses placed a bag on the chair next to my bed.
“Your friend left some clothes for you to change into when she left.”
A simple shirt and pants, strange material though. Surely, for such an advanced time I would have thought the clothing would be more complex instead, It was rather minimalist. The shirt fit rather snug but the pants were fine and felt comfortable. No one bared any weapons or armor, I felt nude without anything to defend myself with. Everyone seemed content and relaxed, I envied the people around me and the sheltered lives they had always lived. They walked around completely oblivious, and so did I. The concept was foreign but trying to fit in with the people around me was easy, just act like everything is okay. I heard a knock on the door once I finished dressing and the doctor came in to consult with me. He shook my hand and smiled.
“Hello, Eivor. Your wound is healing wonderfully. How are you feeling?”
“Better than I was.”
“The severity of your wound was extreme, even I’m surprised you made it… Your scars, how did you get them? If you don't mind me asking.”
I threw my hands up in the air trying to spare some time, my voice became soft.
“Oh, you know. Used to be a troublemaker, got into some bad fights.”
“I assume you're still troublemaking since that wound is fresh.”
“This one was an.... accident.”
Reader’s POV
The familiar sound of my phone started to ring. I knocked out so hard, I’m not even sure what time it is. I wiped the corners of my mouth before clearing my throat, the hospital was calling me. Anxiously, I answered the call and It was the doctor I had spoken to prior. Finally, I can pick her up from the hospital. I never got up quicker, throwing on some clean clothes and grabbing my keys on the way out the door. I whipped out of the driveway and headed towards Eivor, I think I may have even been speeding. Upon arrival I made my way to the desk to check into Eivor’s room. I took the elevator and pressed the floor number I needed to go to. Ugh, I hate the smell of hospitals. Disinfectants and chemicals everywhere, yet the taste of nothingness in the air at the same time. I found myself at her room door, and knocked to make sure she was ready for my entrance. The door handle twisted and opened swiftly, my heart began to beat faster when I saw the way she looked at me. I wrapped my arms around her neck and gave her a warm embrace.
“I’m so sorry It happened this way. We’ll get you back, I promise.”
“There’s no need for apologies, you saved my life. These people saved my life, there would be no going back home if it wasn’t for your quick thinking. I will admit for the first time there is true fear in my body for what lies out there.”
I chuckled, sure enough she had the look of fear in her eyes.
“Eivor, there’s nothing to be scared of. Come on, let me show you my home. Oh, I just picked the shirt and pants out real quick, sorry if the fit is wrong. We’re going shopping as soon as possible...”
Eivor looked overwhelmed, perhaps the bright lighting and a bustling hospital was a lot to handle for her. We stepped in the elevator and made our way down, the buttons and how we dropped seemed to fascinate her. When we got outside to the parking lot she was surprised to see all the cars moving fast, faster than any horse could go. When we got to my car I made a short, “ta-da!” movement with my hands.
“This is my humble stallion, she takes me wherever I like.”
Behold, my silver car. A few years dated but in almost pristine condition, I seemed quite proud of myself somehow. I opened the door for her and had to remind her to tilt her head down when entering.
“More of those…”
She pointed at the numbers in my car.
“They're called buttons, love.”
I turned the volume dial on my car and played some tunes. The surprised expression on her face when she heard what we consider music, we shared a look before smiling and laughing at each other. The moment was short when she ran her fingers over the functions, the radio station changing repeatedly and the heater kicking on and off… Like a child in a candy shop, touching everything in sight. Though I was trying to contain my laughter, her face remained serious and extremely focused. I got on the road to go back home, making sure to play some of my favorite songs for her entertainment.
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thedumpsterqueen · 4 years
Standards of Performance, Chapter 6: Buckshot and Tequila
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
AO3 Link
Finally, I write most of the chapter before the day I’m supposed to post it. This was mostly done on my laptop (which I’m not used to) as we just moved and my PC is barely set up, so forgive anything that looks weird or wonky. As always, I hope you enjoy. I love getting all your kind messages <3 (Also message me if you want to be on the taglist - I suppose I should be better about that!)
Summary:  You’re the BAU’s newest intern, desperate to prove yourself amongst an established team of much more experienced profilers. Agent Hotchner, the seemingly infallible team leader, sets strict expectations for your performance. He commands your respect without even trying, but is there something more to your relationship than a simple desire to impress your stony-faced boss?
Chapter: 6, Buckshot and Tequila
Chapter Summary: Events during a new case test your ability to keep your feelings hidden, and a night out takes an unforeseen turn. 
Words: 3736
Rating: Explicit, 18+. Warnings on AO3.
Pairings: Hotch x Reader, Hotch x You
Turns out, lying to Hotch was easier than you thought.
It helped that you were lying to yourself too, of course - that you pretended your gaze didn't linger on his form whenever he was in your vicinity, that the swell of pride in your chest when he agreed with something you said was purely professional. There were times, though, that the facade was much harder to maintain. The most recent case had been one of those times.
You had been tracking down an unsub abducting children in a rural Iowa town. Three kids had gone missing in the span of two weeks, and after Garcia matched the victimology and MO with neighboring states, it looked to be close to a dozen in the years before that. The case started off rough enough - locals refused to believe it could be one of their own, police resisted the BAU’s guidance, the usual - but it came to a head when a fourth child went missing during the investigation.
Thankfully, the team figured out the identity of the unsub relatively quickly. Reid did a geographical profile of all the locations where victims were taken and found a public health clinic that had branches in each area. Garcia cross-checked the employee records to find that only one doctor had done travel shifts at each clinic during the time the children were taken, and within minutes, you were rushing to his address.
The SUV carrying Hotch, Rossi, and Prentiss arrived long enough before yours that by the time you pulled up, they were already kicking down the door and entering the home. The first thing you heard after you flung the car door open was the deafening crack of a weapon firing, and despite your lack of training with firearms, it was apparent that it was not an FBI-issue pistol.
You would never describe yourself as fragile - you couldn't be, not in this line of work. But when you registered the implications of that sound, your knees buckled, instantly bringing you down onto the dusty ground outside the farmhouse. The rest of the team sprinted in, guns drawn. You faintly registered Prentiss yelling inside, then more gunshots, but your head was ringing so loudly from the visceral panic that you couldn’t make out anything specific.
When Hotch burst back out onto the porch, you thought you might honestly sob with relief. That is, until you caught the glint of the sun in the slick, dark blood dripping down the sleeve of his suit.
That was when you puked.
Something about the sight of Aaron Hotchner bleeding felt so wrong that even as you struggled to your feet and stepped over the pile of sick you left in the dirt, even as you got closer and saw the rivulets of blood drip down to his fingertips and dot the wooden floors of the porch, you felt like you were in a dream. Your mind couldn’t grasp the sudden shock of his mortality, that he could bleed, that he could die, even, and he very well might, depending on what vessels were hit. You made it up the steps, only managing to call out his name - his first name - your throat still burning from bile. Despite the chaos of the current moment, he still whipped his head around at the sound of that, as if hearing the name Aaron desperately falling from your lips was more attention-grabbing than the rest of the team gathering around him trying to stem the bleeding.
“It looks worse than it is,” said Rossi, peering through the holes in Hotch’s mangled sleeve. “It was just buckshot, and he barely hit you. Nothing a few stitches won’t fix.”
He turned out to be right, thank god, and later that afternoon, Hotch was freshly bandaged and sitting across from you on the return flight to Quantico.
So, yeah, the “lying to yourself” thing wasn’t going so well at that moment. Hotch was absorbed in paperwork while the rest of the team napped - because of course he was; even being shot didn’t sway his apparently relentless refusal to relax - and each time he winced at the movement of his arm, your vice grip around your chest tightened a little more.
He must have sensed you staring, because he looked up, frown softening slightly as he saw the concern on your face.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine,” he assured you with a half smile.
Teetering on an emotional precipice, too scared to respond for fear of falling over the edge, you went back to your reading. After a few minutes of listening to him write while not turning a single page in your book, he set his pen down and took a breath.
“You were screaming my name,” he said, quietly, despite you two being the only ones awake.
“Earlier,” he clarified, “when we went into the house. I could hear you outside, yelling my name.”
You looked at him, incredulous. “Of course I did. I heard the shotgun go off. Clearly,” you gestured at his arm, “I had a reason to be worried.”
He shook his head and cleared his throat, as if you didn’t understand the question. “Dave and Emily were with me. Any of us could have gotten hit. You only yelled for me.”
You shrugged. “You’re the team leader. It’s my instinct to call for you when something goes wrong."
It was a lie, and a bad one at that, but Hotch gave you an unreadable look and let the subject drop.
The rest of the flight was uneventful, and when you finally made it back to your apartment, you had no plans other than to sleep off the stress of the case and the embarrassment of Hotch calling your actions into question. Garcia, however, wasn't about to let that happen.
BAU-tiful People Group Chat
Garcia: *added You to the conversation*
Garcia: Ok, my lovely children, I know you’re all tired, but I miss your faces, so I’ll see u at Whimsy tonight at 9! Notice I didn’t use a question mark bc it is NOT a question!
You knew from overhearing the team talk that Whimsy was a bar downtown they liked to frequent, but you’d never been invited before. Despite your overwhelming exhaustion, the idea of going out with the team, of finally feeling accepted by them, was enough to make you amenable to the concept. It may have seemed insignificant on the surface, but Garcia adding you to their group chat was the biggest welcome gesture you’d received yet.
Morgan: Only if you wear that dress you know I like ;)
You lived for the day they would realize they were actually flirting with each other instead of just pretending to.
Prentiss: Garcia… you’re killing me… but you know I’ll be there.
JJ: Contacting the babysitter as we speak.
Morgan: Fuck yeah!!! Pretty Boy, you in?
Reid: Can’t we ever go somewhere quiet?
As the group chimed in with various iterations of, “Shut up, Reid,” you hesitantly typed out a text to confirm your attendance. You were excited, of course, but nervous to be the new kid at their favorite hangout. After today's events, though, the desire not to be sober won out over nerves.
You: I’ll be there! Thanks for the invite!
Rossi: Hope you kids are ready for me to drink you under the table, as usual.
Morgan: Eyyy, you KNOW we party hard! See y’all tonight.
Turns out, Morgan was not exaggerating. Not even a little bit. By the time you arrived, 15 minutes late, everyone looked to be at least 3 shots deep. Garcia ran over to greet you, squealing, and wrapped you in a suffocating hug.
“I’m so glad you came! What do you drink? Tequila? I’ll grab the next round!”
You laughed and confirmed that tequila sounded great, and as she scurried off to the bar with Morgan on her heels, you had a chance to look around.
The atmosphere of the club surprised you - it was all glass and steel and modernity, packed with people dancing to something with intense bass - not the low-key joint you’d pictured the team wanting to unwind at. But as you watched JJ, Prentiss, and Rossi cheer on Reid as he threw back a shot, doubling over in hysterics as he coughed and sputtered at the taste, you realized that this place was just loud and energetic enough to keep them from thinking about anything other than work. In that way, you definitely saw the appeal.
“I come bearing shots!” Garcia yelled as her and Morgan made it back to the table. “Grab yours… here we go- whoops! Alright, everyone got theirs?”
She turned to you, grinning behind a pair of hot pink spectacles. “Cheers not ONLY to rescuing four kidnapped children alive, but also to our lovely intern and her first Whimsy outing!”
The team erupted in cheers and you smiled back, downing the tequila. You chatted with the group while Garcia ordered more drinks, and then more drinks, and soon you felt a pleasant buzz filling your head.
“Morgan, you better ask me to dance right now before I go find another man to do the job,” Garcia said with a wink in his direction.
Morgan grinned and mock-bowed, holding out a hand for her to take, and led her off to the dancefloor.
“Should we join them?” JJ asked around the table.
“Someone’s gotta make sure they don’t do anything worth getting kicked out for,” Prentiss shot back. You giggled and followed the girls, leaving Rossi and Reid behind at the table in the midst of a heated debate about childhood brain development that you couldn’t even hope to comprehend.
Not long after you started dancing, you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder and turned around, looking up into the stunning green eyes of a man who looked to be about your age. It was hard to really tell what he looked like in the dim lighting, but by the way Prentiss was giving you a thumbs up and mouthing, “Go for it,” from your side, he was good enough for you.
“Do you want to dance?” he asked above the music. You smiled and nodded in confirmation, letting him wrap his arms around your waist and pull you to his hips.
He knew how to move, that was for certain. He ground against your backside lightly, snaking his hands around your stomach. You weren’t used to this kind of thing - dancing with random men at bars, letting them touch you like this - but the combination of the music and the booze and the relief at the last case being over was making you feel more free than you had in recent memory.
You exchanged grins with Morgan, who was dancing a few feet away in a much more R-rated manner with Garcia. The man behind you (whose name you didn’t know, but who cared?) leaned down to kiss your neck and you arched against him in response, reaching up to run your hand through his hair.
Throughout the song, you had rotated back to facing the table where the rest of your team was sitting. You glanced over, saw Reid and Rossi still deep in discussion, along with another man in a black button-up with a very familiar side profile and-
Hotch was here, and as if the powers that be were insistent upon proving to you that the opposite of serendipity existed, at the exact moment you had that realization, he turned and made direct eye contact with you. Drunk, wearing a skintight dress, a random man grinding on your ass, and staring right back at your Unit Chief at the motherfucking Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Your heart dropped to your stomach, and if you had been drunker, you might have hurled tequila all over the dancefloor. Instead, you pulled away from the mystery man behind you, ignoring his shocked, “Wait!” and beelined to the bar.
“Tequila. Shot. Please, I’m sorry, just saw someone I didn’t expect to,” you blurted out to the bartender, swearing you could feel Hotch’s eyes on your back from across the club.
The bartender, probably having seen much worse, nodded in understanding and poured your drink. You gulped it down, wiped your mouth, and leaned on the bar to get your bearings.
It’s not weird. It’s not. It’s a bar, it’s outside of work hours, it’s perfectly fine that you’re buzzed and dancing and having fun. Everyone else is!
Really, it wasn’t that you were worried about your job, or even that he would judge you (he probably would, but that was unavoidable regardless of the setting), it was just that you hadn’t mentally prepared yourself for the possibility that he would come. He was in the group chat - obviously, if he had seen Garcia’s invite - but had never struck you as the social type, the kind of boss that would interact with his team outside of work.
“Did you see that Hotch is here?” Prentiss asked breathlessly, appearing at the bar beside you.
Apparently, you weren’t the only one surprised.
“I did,” you whispered back, despite the thumping music and the rowdy patrons making it logically impossible for your words to reach the table 20 feet away. “Does he usually join you guys?”
“Never,” she said, before thinking and correcting herself, “Not in years, anyways. When Haley… we used to drag him out, but we stopped after a while.”
“Why do you think he came tonight?"
She shrugged. “Who knows? Far be it from me to explain why Hotch does anything.” An idea seemed to pop in her head, and she grinned. “Maybe it’s because of you!”
“M-me?” Your reaction to the suggestion wasn’t nearly as nonchalant as you’d tried for, but Prentiss was too drunk to notice.
“Yeah, gotta help initiate the intern on her first night out, right?” She grinned and clapped you on the shoulder, then turned away to head back to the dancefloor, leaving you alone. You sighed, gathered yourself as much as you could considering the effects of the tequila, and turned around to go greet him.
“Hey, Agent Hotchner. Didn’t expect to see you tonight!”
“Yes, well. Thought I’d show up for a bit; it’s been a while.” He gave you a tight lipped smile then looked back down at his glass of whisky, the awkward energy palpable.
Probably because he just saw you basically dry-humping some random dude.
“Well, I’m glad you came! Feel free to, uh, come dance if you want! Morgan and Garcia are showing us all up,” you said, gesturing to where Morgan and Garcia were in fact drawing the attention of several onlookers.
He chuckled at that. “They’re certainly a sight to behold, aren’t they?”
You nodded in agreement and headed back to the bar, the brief conversation pointing you towards yet another drink. Talking to him was so easy , sometimes, and others it was like pulling teeth to get a human response out of him. Could you blame him, though? Your last one-on-one interaction was you basically inviting yourself over to his apartment with takeout and listening to him spill his guts about his dead wife and kid, and he probably felt uncomfortable with you after that, and then you went right to this case without any chance for things to go back to normal, and then he got shot, and oh my god, you didn’t even ask him how his arm was doing, how fucking rude can you be, dumbass? and-
“Whoops! Shit, I’m sorry!”
You looked at the person you’d just bumped into in the midst of your internal crisis.
“Hey, it’s you!”
The man you’d been dancing with earlier, now much more obviously handsome in the brighter lights of the bar area, grinned in recognition.
“Hey, I thought I’d scared you off there!”
You laughed and shook your head. “No, I’m sorry. Just saw my boss and freaked out a little bit.”
“Oh shit, your boss is here?” he asked. “That’s uncomfortable, damn. I’m sorry.”
“No worries, it’s just… yeah. Anyways. Wanna pick up where we left off?” you asked, more desperate than ever to get Hotch out of your head. If he didn’t want to see you having a wild night, he shouldn’t have come to the club.
He took your hand, looking pleased. “Lead the way.”
It really was so much easier, you thought, to let yourself feel attraction for guys like this. Uncomplicated, willing to take what you give them, no backstory to speak of. They weren’t riddled with tragic history, unattainable in both position and personality, not to mention impossible to even imagine ever returning your feelings. Guys like Cooper (you’d finally learned his name somewhere amid the grinding and groping) were easy and fun and they didn’t keep you up at night agonizing over whether that thing you said at work was impressive enough.
But then again, they didn’t give you the roller-coaster feeling in your stomach that Aaron Hotchner did every time you locked eyes.
And lock eyes you did - an increasingly frequent number of times, actually. It seemed like whenever you turned to face his direction, he was staring you down. He always went back to his conversation with Rossi and Reid, but you noticed that he seemed to get more and more pissed off with every song that played. His frown was deepened, his expression dark, and you could tell even from a distance that his knuckles were white from gripping his glass.
You shrugged it off as Hotch being Hotch - who knew what that man was thinking? And besides, you were trying to forget him, damn it. At least, that was until a particularly raunchy song came on and you were in the middle of getting your ass felt up, when you felt a hand squeeze your shoulder and whip you around, bringing you face-to-face with your boss himself.
“Hey, what’s going on? Is something wrong?” you asked, utterly bewildered as to why he was interrupting you.
He ignored you, instead staring down Cooper, who very quickly decided Hotch wasn’t one to fuck with and walked away.
“Hotch! Is there a case? Should I grab the others?”
He shook his head. “Can you come with me, please?”
Perplexed, you acquiesced (not that you had much of a choice, with the way he was gripping your elbow) and followed him through the crowd, out the back door, and into an alley. He let go of you then, sighing and crossing his arms.
Your mind was wild with questions - did you do something you shouldn’t have? Get too drunk? Everyone was drunk, though, and you weren’t even half as wasted as some of the others. Did Reid or Rossi tell him something bad about you? Were you about to somehow get yourself fired off the clock?
“The boy you were dancing with was bad news,” he said, after an uncomfortably long period of silence.
What the fuck?
“What the fuck?” you repeated, this time out loud, and you knew you shouldn’t be talking to him like this, but you were too caught off guard to conduct yourself more appropriately.
“He was a drug user,” Hotch said, as if that would explain everything.
“A drug user,” you repeated back, no less confused.
“Cocaine,” he continued. “He was high - his pupils were dilated, he was rubbing his nose, and he's been to the bathroom several times.”
“So… you’re going to arrest him? For doing cocaine?” you asked, still baffled as to what he was insinuating.
“What? No,” he said, “I’m trying to warn you not to get involved.”
You had entered some parallel universe, you decided. There was no other explanation for your boss, a man you’d known all of four months, dragging you outside a bar on a Friday night and telling you not to dance with a hot stranger because he was on cocaine.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself before you really did get yourself fired. “Sir, I appreciate the concern, but I don’t think it’s really any of your business.”
His face hardened at that. “It is exactly my business,” he said, eyes boring a hole through your skull, “to watch out for things that may compromise my team.”
“Compromise your team?” you repeated his words again. “I was dancing, not getting engaged to the guy.”
“Should I allow you to dance with a sexual sadist if it’s just dancing?” he pressed, using the stern voice that usually caused any sort of dissent to whither and die right in your throat.
It didn’t work this time, probably because he was acting fucking insane. “Are you seriously comparing a sexual sadist to a guy who does cocaine while he’s out partying?”
“It’s not just while he’s out partying, by the way he conducted himself, he was a chronic-”
“It doesn’t matter!” you said, nearly yelling now. “You had no right! I'm sorry, what are you, my dad?!”
His eyes flashed at that. “If I hadn’t already had to sit through an 8 hour surgery not knowing if Garcia was going to make it out alive because her date shot her, then perhaps I would have no right. But as it stands, I do. Please be more careful with who you associate with, even if it’s just dancing.”
He spat that last part out, more vitriolic than you’d ever seen him, and stalked back inside. You were left outside in the alley, alone, reeling from confusion surrounding the entire interaction and shock at the emotional charge he’d leveled at you.
Reentering the bar, you saw that Hotch’s seat had been vacated and his jacket was gone. You rolled your eyes, and on your way to the bathroom, nearly ran into Cooper again.
“Hey!” he said. “What was that all about? You good?”
You looked up at his face and for the first time, noticed faint traces of white dust around his nose. He looked keyed up, jumpy - his pulse racing and visible on his carotid. You sighed.
“I’m good. Just not in the mood right now, sorry,” and pushed past him into the bathroom.
Hotch was an emotionally stunted asshole with a control complex, but he was also never fucking wrong.
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burnsopale · 4 years
So back in August I ensconced myself in a cabin on a mountain to do some writing, and I decided to do a take on the classic “Volkov returns from prison”-scenario.
I got five chapters and 35 000 words in and I will never ever finish it because I have no dicipline. So I figured I could at least share some of the readable bits with you.
Working title: Ashen Characters in this clip: BBA, Russian boys, PPB, mention of the Euro-team Setting: 7 years after season one, Russia, a beyblade park in the evening Summary: Volkov has escaped from prison, attacked PPB headquarters and taken back Black Dranzer. The Russian boys have been living with the PPB, and were used and hurt in the attack. Yuriy left with Volkov for unknown reasons. Daitenji Kogoro has gathered the troops and sent them to Russia to find out what Volkov is up to. Meanwhile, Kai’s grandfather is on his deathbed, and Kai is struggling to deal with it.
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The crowd swelled, until there was no way that Takao was going to get any kind of private conversation with his friends. He gave up on the notion for the present, and threw himself into matches. He played the kids who wanted to, holding back as much as he could and leaving Seiryuu simmering in the blade, but eventually they called for a match between Takao and Kai.
Takao loved blading against Kai; somehow, he could never do less than his best against Dranzer, but when Kai now took his place on the other side of the small, grounded dish, something felt off to Takao. Kai looked dull, like he was going to the dentist and just had to get it over with. He fitted Dranzer into the shooter with a look like he was miles away.
“Hey,” Takao said, having to raise his voice a little to get past the crowd. “Are you there?”
 Kai looked up, a little surprised. “What sort of trash talk is that? Are you there?”
 “Just checking. I’ll be in your care.”
 “You’ll be under my heel,” Kai said darkly, and now Takao knew something was wrong, but a beybattle had always been Takao’s way to get through to people, so he just bent his knees and raised Dragoon in front of him.
 “Tri, dva, odin! Idi strelyay!”
 Out of the corner of his eye, Takao saw Emily startle, but he’d have to wonder about that some other time because Seiryuu would not be contained any longer and came out roaring.
Dranzer took Dragoon’s attack head on. Seiryuu bent over it like he was confused as to why Suzaku wasn’t joining him. For the longest moment, Kai just stood there, while Takao watched in disbelief.
 Then, as if he was lifting a great weight, Kai breathed in and cried, “Suzaku!”
 Even the vermillion bird herself didn’t so much soar out of the bit chip as climb laboriously out. Seiryuu hissed, offended by this poor showing, and the battle was over in less than a minute.
 Kai picked up Dranzer and went to stand next to Boris and Kyouju without even commenting on the results. The audience was, thankfully, satisfied, but Takao was not.
 He played Eddie and got a much better match out of him; Trypio was one of those tricky blades that you needed strategy and forward thinking to beat.
 Afterwards he got a chance to say two words to Emily about Kai.
 “He is going through a tough time,” she said.
 “Yeah, but he doesn’t usually let it hurt his blading.”
 “He can’t still be grumpy about the finals?” she wondered.
 Takao shook his head. “Nah, he agreed Ralf deserved that one.”
 Emily nodded, biting her lip in pleasure as she thought back. “Ralf was incredible. It was a team win, but he had the best individual result. The data output was like a laden buffet table.”
 “Ooh, buffet! ... Did he lose at all?” Takao didn’t think he had, but he hadn’t been able to catch every battle.
 “Hmm. Rai came close; lightning is good against such massive holy beasts, and it was close for Kai too of course, but no one can quite top the sheer mastery Ralf has over Griffolyon.”
 “It’s not mastery; it’s teamwork,” Takao insisted, frowning.
 “Call it synergy, then,” she said, shrugging. “Ralf knows his business, that’s all I’m saying. They all do, those European bladers.” She chuckled. “You know, Ivan calls them Earthquaker, Wingshaker and Heartbreaker, from back before he learned their names.”
 Takao matched the nicknames to their right bladers in his head. “... What does he call Johnny?”
 “The hedgehog.”
 “What about you?” he asked, nodding to the dish where Max was getting ready to battle Steve. “Are you going to play?”
 She shook her head, a look of pain crossing her sharp features. “Trygator is ... missing. He was taken in the attack. Volkov has it.”
 For a moment, Takao found nothing to say. Inside he was boiling. “We’ll get him back, Emily,” he vowed, clenching his fist. “I swear it.”
 She smiled a dangerous smile, not unlike a crocodile’s. “Yes, we will.”
 Eventually the group detangled themselves from the crowd and began to journey home. The world was growing dark, but the sky was still pale above. Long stretched of road lay without light, which came in handy when they had to escape from a few fans who apparently wanted to know where they were staying.
 They stopped on the lawn outside the hotel where Emily and company were staying, and Takao finally got to ask his question.
 “What happened?”
 The others looked at each other, except Boris who looked down, and Kai, who now said a brief goodnight, reminded them where to meet in the morning, and walked away. Max made a soft sound, but didn’t try to stop him. Kyouju seemed torn between not wanting to pry and dying to know.
 Emily made it easier by briefly telling them of her encounter with Peter Trotty. “Turns out his real name is Trotsky. He’s one of three Borg spies that have been undercover in the PPB for years. Or rather, one of the three we’ve found so far.”
 “What did he mean by that thing he said? Baba who?”
 The Russian boys shifted their feet. Sergei’s lips pulled back from his teeth in a silent snarl.
 Kyouju could, as usual, not help doing a bit of teaching. “Baba Yaga is the name of a witch in Russian fairy tales. She is an old woman who rides through the woods on a mortar, and lives in a house that stands on four chicken legs.”
 “Chicken legs?” Max echoed doubtfully.
 “She is sometimes an enemy, but can also help the hero or heroine, if they do the tasks she sets them.”
 “In this case,” Sergei said, “she is a real woman. She was in the abbey. She trained us, Ivan and me, and sometimes Yuriy.”
 “Don’t ask about her,” Ivan said, putting his hands over his ears. “I hear the creaking in my head all the time. I thought I was rid of it. I thought it was over!”
 “She is dead,” Sergei said with conviction. It sounded like something he needed to believe. “She was old when I came to the abbey; she must be dead. But they had her voice on a tape recorder and ... it’s hard to disobey.”
 “Fuck her!” Ivan exclaimed, and then grew suddenly pale as if he had said something dangerous. “No more,” he said, more lowly. “She’s a fairy tale now. Only fit for scaring children.”
 For a while they stood in silence, and then Kyouju asked the other question, the one that had been hanging over them all day. “Why did Yuriy go?”
 “Because he’s an idiot!” Boris said, holding up clawed hands like he would like to wrap them around Yuriy’s throat. He turned away and roared behind his teeth up at the darkening sky. “He’s a stupid mudak! Fuck!” He kicked a turf of grass so dirt sprayed up. “Fuck, fuck fuck!”
 They watched him stomp repeatedly on the uprooted bit of turf, and then move on to a flower that was unlucky enough to stand nearby.
 “What Borya said,” Sergei agreed.
 “But we’re to blame too,” Eddie added, pulling his jeans jacket around himself like he was cold. “We thought we were doing a good job making them feel at home.”
 “We thought Michael was taking care of Yuriy,” Steve said, stern with himself. “But Michael and Yuriy are nothing alike. It didn’t work out.”
 “And we didn’t notice,” Eddie finished.
 “Don’t talk like that,” Ivan hissed. “Like we were your homework!”
 “But you were,” Emily said in her factual, merciless way. “At first. Then you became our friends. Now you are ours, whether you like it or not. You won’t rest until Yuriy is liberated, but neither will we. He’s coming back home with us.”
 “We’re with you too,” Max said quickly.
 Takao and Kyouju nodded determinedly.
 “The first step is to figure out where Volkov is and what he is planning,” Kyouju said.
 “And that means getting to bed, so we are ready for tomorrow,” Emily added. “Come on, boys. I promised Judy I’d tuck you all in by ... well not this hour, but she doesn’t need to know that.”
 Takao, Max and Kyouju watched them go, Sergei grabbing Boris by the lapel and pulling him away from the flowers he was chewing up. Then they turned and headed for their own hotel and their beds.
 “What do you think we’ll find tomorrow?” Max wondered.
 “We’re going back to the abbey,” Takao answered. “We could find anything.” A feeling of foreboding was growing in his stomach.
 Takao surprised everyone by being the first to get up that morning. He was too keyed up to sleep any longer. He was digging into his second round of breakfast when the others arrived, but politely stuck around to keep them company until they too were finished. It gave him time for round three anyway.
 “You’d think I don’t feed you,” Dad said as he brought his plate to the table.
 “You’d think Grandpa doesn’t feed you,” Takao retorted, looking at the mountain of food on his dad’s plate.
 Kyouju sipped his tea, two slices of toast with honey lying neatly on a plate in front of him. “Like father like son, I suppose.”
 “They snore like father and son too,” Max said, yawning as he took a seat between Kyouju and Kai.
 Kai smiled. He had his own room.
 Their friends arrived from the other hotel a little before ten o’clock, and at ten precisely, two large black cars came to a halt in front of the hotel doors. A huge man stepped out of the first car. He had bushy moustaches and bushy eyebrows, and a great big belly, and he wore shorts, sneakers and a yellow Hawaii shirt that looked deeply out of place in the middle of the city. He shook hands with Takao’s dad, and with Kai and Emily.
 “Hello hello, everywan,” he said, sounding exactly as jolly as you’d expect, like a big Russian santa. “My name is Gregor Gregorovitsj. You can call me Gregor. I will be your guide today. I understand that some of you will be coming with me to look at the papers and other inventory that we cleared out of the abbey, while some others of you,” He looked to Takao’s dad. “Want to go see the abbey for yourself.”
 He looked at them expectantly. Then his eyes alighted on Sergei, and travelled to Boris, and down to Ivan.
 “Oh.” He said. He scratched his head. “... They didn’t tell me why you wanted to go there. Why would you want to?”
 “You haven’t heard about Vladimir Volkov escaping from prison?” Emily asked.
 Gregor looked surprised, and then a little embarrassed. “To be honest, nobody tells me anything. I am only archivist, but I speak English, so they sent me. I have never been guide before.” He frowned. “But if that man has escaped ... hmm ... that explains some things. I may not be told anything, but I do hear things.” He frowned a little more. Kai cleared his throat, startling him out of his thoughts. “But we should get going! Okay, those who want to go to abbey go in the first car; the driver knows way, and someone will meet you there to show you around. Everyone else, in second car with me.”
 “Who is going where?” Takao wondered. “I’m coming with you, Dad.”
 “As am I,” Kai said.
 “And me.” Boris took a step away from his own group towards theirs. “You won’t find anything without one of us going with you.”
 Kai turned to him. “Then it should be Ivan or Sergei.”
 “No,” Boris said simply. “It will be me.”
 Emily pushed her glasses up and surveyed her troops. “Sergei is taking point on the textual evidence, and Steve and I read enough Russian to aid him. Daitenji Kogoro mentioned a warehouse with inventory, so Eddie and Ivan are going there.”
 Kai rolled his eyes in disgust. “And how do we know you won’t have another episode?” he asked Boris bluntly. “You think going back to that place won’t trigger any memories?”
 Boris lifted his head stubbornly. “There will not be an episode. I am going.”
 “You are not safe,” Kai growled.
 “Stop it!” Takao placed himself between them, facing Kai. “If Boris says he will be fine, then he will be.”
 “Why?” Kai sneered. “Because you believe in him?”
 “Because I trust him,” Takao answered.
 Dad put a hand on Kai’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Kai; we’ll be together the whole time. If anything should happen, we can handle it, but I think Boris knows best if he will be alright or not.”
 Kai shrugged off the hand. “I agree,” he spat. “I just also think he would lie about it.”
 Emily, Eddie and Steve were looking on in confusion and shock, while Ivan and Sergei’s faces were growing dark.
 Boris said something in Russian that was clearly an offer to throw hands, and Kai turned back to him like he absolutely meant to take that offer and go through Takao if he had to, until Max suddenly stepped in front of Kai and drove him backwards.
 “That’s enough, Kai!”
 Takao exhaled in relief as he saw Kai’s attention snap to Max with the irresistible awareness that Max always commanded of him.
 “This isn’t about Boris,” Max said, putting his hands on his hips and leaning forward like he was at work and lecturing one of his kindergardeners. “It’s about you. If you don’t want to go to the abbey, then you don’t have to! But don’t take it out on Boris!”
 Kai’s face got all red and pinched.
 Max straightened up and exhaled. “Kai.” He shook his head. “I’ll come too, and like Kinomiya-san says, we’ll go together, and if you’re scared I can hold your hand and then it will be fine-”
 “Just get in the car,” Kai said in a strangled voice and immediately followed his own advice.
 “Guess I’m coming with you,” Max said, nodding to himself like he thought he had done a good job, and Takao thought so too.
 Max had a way of diffusing – or confusing – Kai that sometimes came in handy.
 Takao just wished they could get to the heart of the problem. This was not about the abbey, he didn’t think so, though it was about going together, and about being lonely even when you were surrounded by friends.
 “Well,” Gregor said, swinging his hands back and forth by his sides. “That was awkward. Would you like to go now?”
 Kyouju decided to go with Ivan and Eddie to the warehouse, and so the teams were agreed upon.
 Takao didn’t know what Daitenji-san wanted them to find in that black stone labyrinth, but as they left the city centre and began to near the desolate edges where Volkov had picked up so many of Moscow’s orphaned and abandoned boys, his feeling of foreboding grew stronger. Something was waiting for them. Something they were not prepared for.
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Part 11
Summary: Girls night doesn’t go as planned...
@ma10427 @lasnaro @certainstatesmantoadartisan @iamaunicorn4704 @riverdaleserpent04 @justcallmesams @sspidermanss @tangledinsparkles @jellyfishbeansontoast @hurricane-abigail @poguesnobx
Part 10  Part 12 
Note: I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you guys love it!
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“Wait, but do you really have to go?” JJ asked, pouting as I repacked my clothes.
“Yes, babe, I already told Kie I was coming. I can’t back out on her.” I said laughing at how cute he looked. He was sitting up in my bed, the sheets covering his lower half, and his hair was a disaster. 
“I won’t get cuddles tonight though” he whined.
“And here you are telling me you’re a manly man” I mumbled. 
“I’m allowed to be upset that my girlfriend is leaving me” he said matter of factly.
“Oh my god JJ, I’m staying the night at Kie’s not leaving the country.” I huffed at him.
“Who’s going to keep me warm at night? Who am I going to kiss goodnight?” he asked.
“My brother?” I said.
“Babe! This is serious!” JJ said throwing his hands up, he was such a drama queen. 
“Alright well, I’m ready to go. Are you taking me or am I taking myself?” I said, rolling my eyes at him.
JJ flopped back on the bed. He threw his clothes back on, huffing the whole time. Me getting a nice view of his ass. He grabbed his hat, backpack, and took the keys from me. We piled ourselves in the van and headed to Kie’s house. I texted her that I was on the way, her replying that the other guys were there too, so JJ could chill with all of us for a bit. 
“Kie said the other guys were there too if you want to stay for a minute” I said looking over at JJ. He smiled, pulling our entwined hands up to kiss the back of my hand.
We pulled into Kie’s house, seeing my brother and Pope sitting on the front porch. We got out shouting our hellos. I grabbed my stuff and walked up towards the boys.
“Evening gentlemen” I said, fist bumping Pope, and doing a handshake with my brother. 
“Brethren,” JJ greeted in a posh British accent, hugging both Pope and John B. I laughed at them, leaving them to their guy talk to go find the girls.
Kie and Sarah were in the kitchen baking something because it smelt heavenly when I walked in. I went upstairs and sat my bag in her room. Then I met them in the kitchen, hugged both of them, and let out a girly squeal for how excited I was to see them. Thankfully, Kie’s parents weren’t home so we had access to all the beer we wanted. 
“What’s baking? It smells awesome.” I asked, inhaling deep.
“My dad’s famous chocolate chip cookies” Kie smiled, knowing they were my favorite.  
“I’m excited to try them,” Sarah said, rubbing her hands together excitedly. 
“What took you so long to get here?” Kie asked. I turned about fifty shades of red, earning giggles from my girlfriends. “That explains a lot” Kie said.
“We got in a fight and well...we made up.” I said sheepishly. 
“I’ll say” Sarah laughed. 
The guys then piled in the house. My brother coming to stand between Sarah and I, JJ coming to my other side, and Pope standing between Kie and I. We talked and laughed about anything and everything. The guys having a few play fights. John B and I getting into an argument about who was getting the last cookie.
“I’m the oldest!” I yelled.
“Well I’m the youngest!” he yelled back.
“I’m a girl” I stated
“So?” John B asked.
“I have rights as a female to the last cookie” I said matter of factly. 
“That makes literally no sense,” JB said.
“Because you’re dumb” I said, darting my hand out and snagging the cookie. 
“Hey!” he yelled. 
“You snooze you lose” I said with a mouthful of cookie.
“Are you guys 17 or 5?” Pope asked. 
It was time for the guys to go so the girls night of fun could begin. I walked JJ to the van, going straight into his arms. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t going to miss him. I loved feeling his warmth next to me every night. 
“I’ll miss you” I said into his neck. He squeezed me tighter.
“I love you baby” he said, kissing me quick on the lips. What turned into one quick kiss turned into multiple pecks all over my face.
“JJ” I giggled.
“I-love-you-so-much” he said, kissing somewhere new with every word. I was so overwhelmed with love I could have cried.
“I love you J” I said, giving him a final squeeze before going back into Kie’s house. I watched the guys pile into the van and take off. I went into the living room with the girls so the fun could begin. 
We painted our toenails, baked more cookies, and watched a scary movie. We went through an entire bottle of wine, a lot of beer, and some vodka shots that Sarah had brought. At the moment, Kie was blasting music through her speakers and we all danced around her living room. I heard a loud bang and looked behind me. The girls didn’t notice so I told Kie to turn the music off.
“Did you hear that?” I asked.
“What?” Kie asked.
“I didn’t hear anything.” Sarah said. Just when she said that, there was another bang.
“What the fuck!” I shouted.
All of us went to investigate, finding nothing of course. I started getting nervous, hoping it was all just imagination. Hoping we were just scaring ourselves from the movie we watched. 
“Kie your parents are out of town right? They aren’t coming back early?” Sarah asked.
“No, they are gone all week” Kie said.
“Should we call the guys?” I asked. All of us agreeing, I got out my phone to call JJ. No answer.
“No JJ” I said, starting to panic. I tried my brother, again no answer. Of course when we need them they aren’t picking up.
“Pope didn’t answer” Kie said.
“JB didn’t either” I said.
“What do we do?” Sarah asked, panic clear in her voice.
Then there was pounding on the door, all of us screamed. I went and checked to see no one was there. Then there was pounding on the back door. We huddled in a circle, both girls hiding behind me.
“Why am I in front?!” I yelled.
“Because you���re the better fighter!” Kie yelled back.
“That’s not going to help when they are at the front and back!” I yelled again.
Now there was banging up stairs. We bolted to the kitchen, looking around for anything to use as a weapon. I tried calling my brother and JJ, still no answer.
“JJ! Please pick up! There’s people trying to break into Kie’s house!” I cried into the phone, hoping JJ would check his missed calls. 
“Birdie, someone is trying to break in, please pick up!” I said to my brother’s voicemail. 
We went back into the living room, I paced back and forth. Then the power went out, we all screamed again. We huddled together, Sarah starting to cry, and Kie trying to comfort her. If this was the guys idea of a joke, I was going to kill them. We had no escape plan since we were blocked at all possible exits. The window upstairs crashed open and we all froze. The back and front doors busted open, two figures appearing. They were tall and burly looking, wearing all black, and with ski masks on. I couldn’t see if they had weapons or not, I was terrified more for my friends than for me since I wasn’t afraid to fight. 
“We know you found it.” the man by the front door said.
“What are you talking about? Who are you?” I asked.
“We know you found it Routledge!” the one upstairs said. They knew who I was which scared me even more.
They started coming closer to us, we huddled closer together. We backed up as they came closer, I whispered to Kie and Sarah to keep calling the guys. 
“Where’s the damn gold?!” the man by the back door asked. 
“I don’t know!” I screamed. “I have no clue what you’re talking about!” I looked at all of them, trying to think of how we could get away.
“You’re old man was crazy about it. Got himself dead because of the fucking gold, so don’t think you can play dumb” he said. 
I saw something shiny reflecting in the man by the back doors hand. My eyes widening when I realized it was a gun. We were absolutely fucked. No way we were getting out of here. 
“When I say, run as fast as you can to the front door, it’s the best option” I whispered.
“Seriously?!” Sarah whisper yelled.
“You got any better ideas Cameron?!” I said to her. 
“Guys, there’s a full window behind us, it’s going to hurt but we need to jump through it. I think if we all go at once it won’t be as bad” Kie whispered.
“Ok on three....one...two...three” I said.
All of us sprinted behind us to the huge glass window covering a side of Kie’s house. The three of us held on to each other as we burst through the glass and onto the grass below us. I felt several stings where glass had cut me, but I couldn’t focus on that now. I needed to get my girls out of here alive. We scrambled up, none of us having any serious injuries, and took off down the street.
We could hear them coming behind us, shooting off rounds that barely missed us. I pushed myself faster and faster, encouraging my friends to do the same. We saw headlights coming towards us and I recognized the van right away. I cried in relief. We shouted for the guys to open the door so we could pile in. JB was driving with JJ riding shotgun. Pope swung open the door and everyone piled in. 
Everyone except me...
One of the men chasing us caught a hold of my hair and yanked me from the van. I screamed for my brother, for JJ. I heard all of them screaming for me. I punched, kicked, scratched, anything to try and get me free. 
“You know what we want Routledge!” the man holding me said. 
Next thing I see is JJ running full speed at me, taking all of us to the ground. My breath left my body, but my adrenaline was high enough for me to keep focus. The man’s hold loosened enough for me to roll away, leaving JJ beating the absolute shit out of him. 
“JJ come on let’s go!” I yelled, pulling on his shirt. 
I heard to cocking of the gun and went stock still, I turned and saw one of the men pointing it at JJ. He wasn’t paying attention to me, my brother saw my intentions and ran to the same spot I had in mind. 
“NO!” John B shouted at me.
We collided into each other, and the shot had rang out.
Everything went dark.
Ooooohh cliffhanger! Let me know what you guys think!!
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pandoraswrld · 4 years
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— in which kasper is sick
characters / oh aejung, kasper yang
words / 2k
warnings / mentioned drug use, vomit/throwing up, bad vibes all around — if i missed anything please let me know!
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수파 at 9:31: aej
수파 at 9:36: aejung
Aejung hadn’t seen the string of messages Kasper had sent her within the last hour, she had no immediate reason to, she had only just gotten back to the dorms a couple minutes ago.
This was one of the few nights she had picked out to hang out with the girls, ones she had promised them all when she moved out only a few months ago. The whole event had been planned to the detail by her: go out with the girls and do what they like and then come back to the dorms and stay the night there. It was pretty simple, and it was supposed to be a fun night.
After having spent hours walking around with everyone, Aejung was glad to finally reach home and call it a day. She missed her bed back at the dorm and it was the perfect opportunity to indulge in the freshly washed sheets she had left there.
She had only kicked off her shoes before she realised her phone had been blowing up with notifications, each one a message from Kasper slowly getting more and more concerning and ending with several missed calls.
수파 at 9:43: aejung please answer me please
수파 at 9:43: please answer me i need you i’m so scared
수파 at 9:44: help me
She almost raced to her contacts, immediately calling him after reading each text. He picked up quickly but there was no noise coming from his end, rather just the static of his phone taking up the space.
“Kasper what’s wrong? Where are you?” Aejung was worried now, even when he was high with her he never talked like this, and to be greeted with nothing but silence? She couldn’t bear it.
“I don’t know what’s happening, I’m at home but please, please just help me.” She sensed urgency in his voice, an urgency she hated hearing. Fuck she had no idea what to do.
“Okay just stay where you are and I’ll come to you, please don’t do anything bad before I get there.” She hung up the phone and ran towards the apartment door, barely stopping to grab her coat and keys.
It’s times like this that Aejung is glad she finally got her driving license. She knows it’s a more mundane thought to have right now, especially when her boyfriend seemed to be having the worst experience of his life but she had to fill her head full of mundane thoughts, anything to get the idea of something seriously wrong happening to leave her head.
With the rate she was going at she was surprised she made it all the way to their apartment without getting caught for speeding. The elevator had never seemed slower than it did as she waited for it to bring her to the right floor, speeding out to their apartment as soon as she saw the door opening to the familiar hallway.
“Kasper!” She called out his name, worried when she couldn’t see him slouching on the sofa like he always did.
“I’m in here.” His voice was so weak, she wouldn’t have been able to hear it over the sound of anything else.
Aejung slammed the front door shut and ran towards the bedroom, finding his limp body only a few centimetres away from the pool of vomit near the door, the sight almost made her tear up.
“What did you take?” Aejung threw herself onto the floor beside him, careful not to step in the vomit.
“Please just hold me.” He sounded exhausted, his sluggish body heaped on the floor and his head just barely resting on the edge of the bed.
She pulled his body into her arms so that his head rested over her shoulders and his legs were laid over her own. He seemed so lifeless, like some doll that she could just throw about.
This wasn’t the man she had known for the past three years. A couple of months ago he would have been the one cradling her in his arms, stroking her hair and singing her to sleep. She didn’t mind, she thinks she shouldn’t anyways, she likes taking care of him but this time was different. He was different.
Still, she continued to run her hands up and down his back and hum some childish lullaby, anything to get him to calm down, “It’s okay, this will be over soon.”
“I-I took a tab, I think, Insung gave it to me.” He was shuddering, clearly cold despite the warmth radiating around the room.
“You took something from Insung?” Aejung knows she can’t be mad, not in this moment, he was too vulnerable. Really she should place her frustrations with Sera but that’s at the back of her mind once Kasper starts talking again.
“He said I would be fine, I thought I would be fine, b-but I don’t know what happened. I was just thinking about you and then the next thing I know I’m throwing up and suddenly everything was so dark.” God, he sounded so scared, she hated seeing him like this.
“How long has it been since you took the tab?” She kept her voice calm, she didn’t want to freak him out even more.
“I know that I took it at around three but god it feels like it’s been so long Aejung, is it still the ninth?” He looked up at her and she had to hold herself back from sobbing right there.
She caught his eyes first, his eyes that were once so full of love just staring back at her entirely empty and dilated. She saw that his eyes were now accompanied by incredibly dark circles in the space where they once were faint, Aejung used to adore his eyes.
She chose to exhale deeply, a shaky breath exiting her mouth before she began to speak, “It’s about ten o’clock now which means you’re seven hours into a trip, but it’s okay I’ll stay here with you for the rest of it.”
“But weren’t you doing something with the girls today– oh god I’m keeping you here, I’m so sorry.” There was genuine concern in his voice, it was unmistakable and it only made it harder for Aejung to want to stay.
“Please, it’s okay.” She rests his head back down on her shoulder and goes back to rubbing circles on his back.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He just kept repeating those same words over and over until he had stopped shaking.
Something had changed in the room. Aejung wasn’t sure if it was the fact that the only thing she could see was the streetlight through his window or the fact that both of them were crying silently, almost as if they didn’t want to alert the other of their tears.
“We have got to get you into a better mood!” Aejung tried to be positive as she wiped her tears away and quickly put on a lighter voice.
“I feel like I’m going to die.” Aejung supposed that she shouldn’t take his statement to heart, people say all kinds of things on acid but he just kept on repeating it.
Over and over the words rattled in her head, slowly going from “I feel like” to “I’m going to die” and she simply couldn’t put a stop to them. She couldn’t be here, she couldn’t deal with the thought, but there’s no way she could leave. She was stuck, with her boyfriend breaking down in her arms, she had nowhere to go. This was her home now, he was her home and she couldn’t just leave him here.
“Please, stop.” She sighed, “You’re not going to die, I’m going to make sure of it.”
“How do you know that? This feels like the end Aej, I’m scared.”
“I know you are, but you’re strong, you can do this!” She tried believing her own words but it was so hard when he just seemed to be decomposing in front of her.
“Oh god I’m gonna be sick again.” Aejung took that seriously, trying to pull both herself and the five foot ten man towards his bathroom as quickly as she could.
She had only made it about halfway there before he had thrown up again, thankfully nowhere near anything important.
Aejung slumped back down to the floor, her back leaning against his bedroom wall. She was going to have to clean this up at some point, wanting to groan at the thought.
Out of all the thoughts she had processed within the last hour the ones that hurt her the most were her own musings of the situation. She wished and wished that Kasper hadn’t texted her, that she could’ve just gone to bed and got the sleep she had desperately been needing. She knew it was selfish of her to think such thoughts but it also wasn’t her job to take care of a grown man through a bad trip, actually it wasn’t her job to take care of him at all. It was his.
Every time, Kasper always promised to be safe, he always told her where he was going, what he was doing and with who. He trusted her, she trusted him, and they respected that all throughout their relationship. She didn’t have to ask him to tell her things and yet he decided to keep this one hidden, she reckons this is his consequence but she shouldn’t think such things.
“Do you want to lay down on the bed, it’s comfier.” She tried talking to him again.
He simply nodded at her words and tried getting himself up this time. His arm was slung over Aejung’s back, desperately leaning into her as they both walked over to bed and laid themselves down side by side.
Aejung’s hand went over to brush the stray white hairs out of his eyes. He was beautiful, he always was, even in his moments of fallen grace.
“I don’t – no – I can’t sleep, not now, not tonight.” The panic started rising in Kasper’s again. She sat up, preparing herself for just about anything from him now.
“Why not, love?” She tried her best to be understanding, using a mellow voice and leaving her hand over his, but she wanted nothing more than to be asleep.
“I won’t wake up, I just know it.” There he goes, Aejung expects another mortifying rant from him to take up the next few minutes, “I feel it Aejung, like the moment I drift off that that will be the end for me.”
“I will watch over you, think of me as your guardian angel,” She gave him a tired smile, “As your angel, I don’t think I’m ready to let you go just yet.”
Kasper noticeably softened, his once tense expression now painted with soft lines and the glimpse of a smile. His knuckles were no longer white as he loosened his grip on the blanket and Aejung could’ve sworn she saw his familiar brightness begin to fill up his face again.
“You know you’re glowing right now,” he looked up at her as though she were the only thing in the world.
“Am I?”
“Mmmh, you’re glowing slightly golden, just like how I imagined you would.” She can’t begin to fathom what Kasper was seeing with his brain on acid but hearing his words made her feel warm inside. They made her feel loved, probably for the first time that night.
“Does that make you feel better?”
He nodded, shuffling up the bed to sit by her side. His head rested on her shoulder ever so delicately, he seemed calm. Aejung only hoped that he had finally made it out of the deep end.
Everything seemed as it normally would, Kasper and Aejung hand in hand, resting on their shared bed with only the fluorescent beams of the streetlight outside highlighting their faces. Aejung finally felt at peace, her fingertips were no longer cold and her heartbeat attempted to match Kasper’s. He had finally stopped thinking at sixty miles per hour and enjoyed the slowed moment, trying his best to push all the dark thoughts out of his brain.
Aejung was his guardian angel, she was there to protect him. He couldn’t fall tonight, not any more than he already had. For now, both of them could just revel in the moment of comfortable silence between them, all worries to be left for another day.
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My Green Signal Samurai Girlfriend ~ Miles Edgeworth/Mitsurugi Reiji
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(( This GIF was called WAIFU and this cracks me up so much- ))
(( Also, this is going to be part of a 2 parts series, the other one, a Sequel, being called My Green Signal Samurai Fiancee, that I’ll hopefully write...And finish soon enough~! Edgey deserves some love ~ <3 ))
“Ehhhh?! Sis, you never told me you were friends with Nick!! How come?! When?!” Maya jumped up an down in shock, her big, sparkly eyes boring into her elder sister’s amused eyes. “Really? Phoenix never bothered to mention me? At all? Nix, I’m hurt, what about this?!” the elder girl mocked being hurt and taking out the Green Signal Samurai keychain. “What’s with that thing and why do you all seem to have it?” she asked again, admiring it closely. “A-Ahhh...W-Well, I’m sorry, Y/N, I guess it didn’t cross my mind that Maya didn’t know about our friendship. We’ve been friends since we were little, in school. Larry and Miles have one too, it’s a symbol of our friendship. Y/N had green, I had blue, Larry yellow and Miles red.” Phoenix explained, taking out the keychain from his drawer. “You keep it hidden away in a drawer, while I’ve had it attached to my keys since then. You truly are cruel, Nix!” she laughed, ruffling his spiky hair. “How did you become friends anyway? You 4 are so different...It sounds so weird!” Maya asks again, sitting on the opposite arm rest of the sofa her sister was on, while Phoenix sat in the middle, a nostalgic smile on his face. “Well, you see...It all started one day...” and so, Nix began narrating the story of the 4 Signal Samurais.
It was a normal school day like any other, with Miles studying, Y/N doodling and passing notes with Larry, who fell asleep mid-class, and Phoenix who looked cluelessly at the blackboard, since math was never his subject, so he had to ask the girl for help all the time.
That day, however, Phoenix wasn’t feeling well, so he skipped P.E., preferring to do some homework in class, which is when he found an envelope that was supposed to have money in it...But it was empty.
As he was holding the envelope, looking at it curiously, realising that the owner must be missing it, the door suddenly got opened, and a girly gasp was heard, which created chaos among all the other kids coming in.
Phoenix Wright was accused of being a thief.
The teacher made everyone get in a half-circle around him, making them point their fingers accusatory at him, saying ‘THIEF!’, while the teacher was watching with an almost satisfied expression on her face, seeing the kid cry, not being able to defend himself.
“Tell the truth, Phoenix.” she’d say, not even caring to hear his end of the story. “But I didn’t do it!” he tried to say, which made the teacher sigh and shake her head. “Now, Phoenix, apologise to Miles.” she said again, which made one of the girls that leaned on the wall, away from the commotion, get out of the shadows, standing in a defending T-pose in front of her friend. “THAT’S ENOUGH! If Nix said he didn’t do it, then he didn’t do it! Look at him, he’s a whiny cry-baby, do you really think he’s capable of thievery?! You should all be ashamed of you for being such bullies! SHAME ON YOU!” she screamed at everyone, even the teacher, not caring about any repercussion. “OBJECTION!” a loud and stern voice boomed from behind them, just as Larry was about to get up. “Miles...!” the girl’s eyes widened in shock and appreciation as she saw the boy point at the wave of kids with a determined and firm expression on his face. “Edgeworth...?” Phoenix’s bottom lip quivered as he clenched the back of the girl’s Tshirt, watching the boy shine. “It’s as Fey said. It wasn’t you who stole my money, was it?” Miles asked, as the boy was merely able to nod. “Then hold your head high. Everyone’s been shouting that you did it, but no one has any proof.” he continued, looking sure of himself. “Wh-What are you saying?!” one of the boys asked in confusion. “It was your money that was stolen.” another girl pointed out. “We don’t need proof.” a new boy shrugged uncaringly. “In a court of law, evidence tells all.” Miles slammed his hands on a desk, as if he was a true lawyer, like his dad. “Before you have the pretension to hold a class trial, at least realise that!” he scolded everyone. “Yeah, knock it of already! He said he didn’t do it!” Larry stepped on the desk, yelling at the others. “Larry...!” Phoenix looked at the chestnut haired boy with shock. “This is always how it is, everybody ganging up picking on one person. Aren’t you guys ashamed of yourselves?” Larry continued defending his friend. “The defendant has pled not guilty. Without evidence to prove his guilt...Your Honor, this boy is innocent! I rest my case. This trial is over. Court is adjourned!” Miles ended this whole charade, and the teacher could only agree and dismiss the class.
Phoenix ran after Miles, and Larry ran after them, which made Y/N rush to get to them as well, grinning at how cool that was, as the brunet boy thanked all of them.
“Always help the ones in need! That’s the Signal Samurai’s signal motto.” Larry said walking ahead, holding a bag of dog food in his arms. “Oh, you like Signal Samurai too?! I watch it every week!” Phoenix gasped in glee. “I’m totally Yellow!” Larry grinned, turning around to look at the others. “And I’m Blue!” Nix counted in. “Good choice, that guy is sharp!” Larry praised his choice. “Oh, oh, can I be Green?! Pretty please?!” the girl smiled timidly, clasping her hands together. “Ah, yes, of course! That gal is so cool!” Larry nodded his head vigorously. “Ultimate Move: Sally Forth!” Nix got the Blue Samurai’s pose. “What about you, Miles?” the girl asked the boy who seemed so confused. “Why are you three getting worked up? You aren’t kids.” the boy in cause rolled his eyes, as if he was an adult. “But we are kids!” Phoenix grinned at him.
Then, Miles asked about the dog and why Larry had dog food on him, and as soon as the girl looked down, she started squealing and picked up the puppy, cuddling and nuzzling her face in its extra fluffy fur, as the pup started licking her face.
As soon as it was done with licking her face, it started looking intently at Miles, struggling a bit to get the boy to pet it. That’s when they found out that Larry found the pup in an adoption carton box, which pissed off the girl big time.
But then...They realised that nobody could keep it, so they started looking for the owner, and thankfully, Miles was smart enough to deduce the place from the almost erased address on the cardboard box.
During the walk there, the dog kept trying to get Miles to acknowledge its presence, as the boy only did the Hansel and Gretel trick, but with dog treats instead...
And every time to puppy would make a cute sound, the girl would squeal at how adorable it was, hugging it more.
“Like I said, I’ve never seen this dog before.” the woman from apartment 2202 said. “Really? Because he’s so happy to see you!” the girl gave her a suspicious look. “Look, we don’t care anymore.” the woman scoffed in annoyance. “Abandoning small animals is a crime. If you’re reported, not only will you be investigated, you may also be fined.” Miles spoke in an almost business-like tone. “Oh? Let’s see you try! I’ll pay as much as it takes!” the woman yelled at them, scaring Miles. “So you have the money to pay for fines, but not for taking care of a small dog? Why did you even get it in the first place, huh? How can you be so cruel and abandon a living being who loves you more than it loves itself?! Are you sure you even have a heart at all, you stone cold heartless bitch?!” the got in the woman’s face, yelling at her loudly. “Who do you think you are?! A little snotty brat, threatening an adult?!” the woman glared down at Y/N. “Don’t you feel any ounce of sadness or pity for him?! Would you throw your own child on the streets when you get bored of him too?!” the girl refuted instantly. “Sh-Shut up already! G-Give it a rest, or I’ll call the cops!” the woman started stuttering, realising how much of a jerk she was. “Forget it! This dog deserves better! It deserves a place where people genuinely love him and show him affection, not this...This! Not you! You don’t deserve any kind of love for being so cruel!” the girl had tears welling up in her eyes, as she picked up the dog and rushed away from there, not wanting to let those tears spill.
As soon as she got down from the building, walking in the park, she quickly wiped her tears with the sleeve of her dress and hugged the dog, kissing his head and nose.
“You were so cool, Y/N!” Larry praised the girl, who only looked down. “I just...Can’t stand injustice against animals who can’t speak or defend themselves...” she muttered softly. “All right, but didn’t you say you couldn’t keep that animal?” Miles asked in curiosity. “...That’s right. I’ll...I’ll...I’ll try to buy him food...And I’ll make a little bed for him from my old clothes...And I’ll try to train him to stay in front of the house so I can take care of him....” she spoke, not even once raising her head to meet their eyes. “Then I shall take him. You can come help me raise him, if you want. I shall ask my father.” he spoke nonchalantly. “R-Really?! You’re the best, Miles! Promise I’ll come every day to help!” the girl threw her arms around the boy, the dog in between them, licking his face, as he couldn’t help but blush like crazy. “You’re so cool, Miles!” Phoenix grinned at him. “You’re kind of a bro, Edgey!” Larry fist pumped the air. “D-Don’t be so ridiculous! And y-you’re too close! ...Let’s just go home.” he started walking ahead of everyone, revealing the trick he made as the dog started following the treats, and when they got to the crossroads, everyone convinced the red clothed boy to watch Signal Samurai.
Of course, his dad was incredibly understanding, no matter how stiff he appeared, and thus, blossomed a beautiful friendship that would last for ages in their hearts...
- - -
“EHHHHH?! Nick, you can’t be serious! Y/N sounds much too excitable than now!! Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?!” Maya gasped, shaking Phoenix by his shoulders. “H-Hey, Maya, I was a kid too, you know?” her elder sister sweat dropped. “At least we know Larry didn’t change too much, huh?” Nix chuckled in amusement as he turned on the TV...
And saw that Miles Edgeworth was accused of murder.
The girl gasped and rushed out of the place before anyone could even blink, and go to the Detention Center, asking to see Miles in the Visitor’s room.
“You’re the last person I was expecting to see.” he said, not daring to look at the woman in front of him. “What in the world happened, Miley? I know you are not a murderer...So...Please tell me the truth.” she finally managed to take a deep breath and sit down in the chair opposite of him, on the other end of the glass. “Don’t call me that, we’re not 9 anymore.” he scoffed, a faint blush of embarrassment on his face. “The blush on your face says otherwise. Besides...You will always be my dear Miley, no matter what you say.” she smiled softly at him. “Give it a rest. I have no way of getting out of it, even though I didn’t do it. There’s too much evidence that points against me.” he shook his head, crossing his arms and leaning back on the chair. “That doesn’t mean that you did it! Justice always prevails, Miles Edgeworth! Don’t think that I or Nix are going to let you be taken away from us again!” the girl smirked in a cruel and dead-set determination. “What does Wright have to do with anything?” Miles tried to ask, but the door was slammed open, revealing the person in cause, along with the woman’s younger sister. “I’ve never seen you run so fast, Y/N.” Nix panted, catching his breath. “I only run like that when in danger or when responsibilities are chasing me.” she giggled in amusement. “What are you doing here?” Miles asked with a condescending voice. “Edgeworth, tell us what happened.” Phoenix demanded in a strict voice. “What are you going to do about it?” he shot back. “Let me defend you.” the lawyer said, but the prosecutor chuckled in mock amusement. “Defend me? You? Don’t be ridiculous. You’re a novice who’s only been in 3 trials. Yes, you’ve got lucky and won all 3, but your luck’s bound to run out some day. You need real skill. Experience. And regardless, I don’t want either of you involved in this. Leave.” Miles got up to leave, which made the woman shot up from her chair, making it fall from the sudden burst. “Are you crazy, Miles Edgeworth?! You think that after all this time, I’m going to allow you to walk away from me...From us...Again? Let us help you for once, damn it! You’re not alone in this world!” the h/c woman slammed her hands on the table in front of her, making the man stop dead in his tracks, not saying anything. “Let me just ask you one thing, Edgeworth. You didn’t do it, right? Right?” Phoenix asked again, but Miles only hung his head. “Stay out of this case.” he muttered, before leaving completely. “...I’m gonna kill this guy. I’ll go investigate some place...And I’ll try to get him to accept your defense. See you later.” the woman’s voice was dry, almost deadpan, which confused her younger sister. “Why is Y/N so upset over this thing with Edgeworth? Isn’t he a total jerk?” she asked, which made Nix look down with a small smile. “Miles Edgeworth and Y/N Fey hold a...Much stronger bond than we ever did, and I’ll leave it at that. Let’s go investigate too, Maya.” he explained, leaving the girl more confused than ever.
There were many places to investigate in just a few mere hours, but when they were done, they all returned to the same place, yet this time, Phoenix and Maya got there faster than Y/N.
“Hmmm....? Phoenix, don’t try to steal Miley from me.” she tried to stifle her laugh with her hand. “Wh-What?! N-No, Y/N, this is not-” Nix’s eyes widened with panic, as Edgey could only look away with a soft blush. “So, on a grim note, if Phoenix is here, I’m sure this means he realised this relates to the DL-6 incident, huh? Did you get over the details, Miles?” she asked, leaning on Phoenix, who was sitting. “You’re incurable, Y/N Fey, but you’re not wrong, of course. That night, Hammond asked to see me for the first time in 15 years. He said he had something to tell me about the case. We set out by boat, but before he told me anything, I heard gunfire, and the next thing I knew, I was alone on the boat.” Miles explained what happened. “Any clue who shot?” she asked, paying attention to every word. “No, I didn’t see anyone. I picked up the pistol without thinking...I really...Don’t want you involved in this case. It’s my problem and mine alone.” Miles looked down again, making the woman tsk in annoyance. “Yours and yours alone? First of all, what about my mother, Misty Fey, who disappeared after people started threatening her and calling her a fraud? I’m sure that I and Maya deserve to know the truth behind the DL-6 incident. And...Honestly, Miles? I said it once, and I’m going to say it again, for the last time. I’m not letting you face your problems alone anymore.” she glared down at him with fire in her eyes. “It’s exactly as my sister said...No matter how painful it is, we have to know the truth! And not only that, but Y/N, Nick and Gumtree believe in you from the bottom of their hearts! So please, place your faith in us, too! Let Nick defend you and let Y/N support you!” Maya raised her voice to get Miles to accept. “Very well. It pains me to ask this now, but...Would you please defend me?” he asked, almost embarrassed. “Say no more. We were going to defend you, even if you didn’t accept.” Y/N shrugged with an obvious smirk on her face. “You can count on us!” Nix smiled at his friend. “Who could have guessed this day would come?” Miles closed his eyes in disdain. “This is my chance to finally repay you." Nix spoke with enthusiasm. “Repay me...?” Edgey blinked in confusion. “Never mind. It’s okay if you’ve forgotten.” Nix shook his head dismissively. “This is going to be an uphill battle.” Miles warns them. “Yes, I know-” Nix tries to agree, but is quickly cut off. “No, you don’t. You don’t know how terrifying the God of prosecutors, Manfred von Karma, is.” Miles says, making all of them gasp in disbelief. “Karma’s going against you?!” Y/N bit her lip in worry. “In his 40 year career, he has not lost a single case. He is truly a miracle prosecutor. Manfred von Karma...A frightening man who will do anything and everything it takes to win.” Miles muttered, his voice holding a tint of worry. “...And we have the Miracle of Christmas on our side. And the Four Signal Samurais. Not even Hurricane Karma can go against us.” Y/N scoffed condescendingly, making the man in cause chuckle softly. “Hurricane Y/N, rather.” Edgeworth chuckled softly, barely audible, making the girl grin widely. “That’s the Miley I know and love!” Y/N almost seemed to be glowing with determination and fire.
The next day, they had to walk to the courtroom, and everyone seemed nervous...Anxious for the trial to come.
“Manfred von Karma is 10 times as vicious as I.” Miles gave Phoenix a heads up, and he seemed to gulp. “They say that the biggest threat in the world is a scorned woman. Karma won’t know what hit him.” she smirked, flipping her long hair back. “Don’t take him lightly, Y/N.” the silver haired man gave her a warning look.
But before she could reply, they noticed Karma waiting in the middle of the corridor, no doubt waiting for them, just so he could shame his adoptive son.
Giving the elderly man the stink eye, before taking Edgeworth by the arm and guiding him to the court room, not before giving his hand a reassuring squeeze and winking at him.
                            December 26, 10 AM                     District Court - Courtroom No. 3
Prosecutor: Manfred von Karma
“Court is now in session.” the judge hit his hammer to make everyone silent. “The defense is ready, Your Honour.” Phoenix spoke out, loud and clear. “Is the prosecution ready?” the judge asked Karma, but he sketched no gesture.  “Uhh...Prosecutor Karma?” the judge pressed on, only for the lawyer to snap his finger and point one of them towards us, the defense, with a patronosing look on his face. “Fool! You seriously think I would stand here, were I not completely prepared?” Karma snapped his head. “R-Right, my apologies!” the judge hid his face behind the hammer. “What a pushover!” the Fey sisters, along with Phoenix, were jaw-dropped at how stupid the judge is.
And so, Karma called the first witness to stand before us and testify.
Witness: District Police - Detective Dick Gumshoe
“This is a map of Gourd Lake, the crime scene. At 12:10 AM, a woman heard a gunshot and looked at the lake, where she saw 2 men on a boat. The next instant, another gunshot rang out, and one of the men fell into the lake. The night of the murder, the lake was covered by fog-” the detective explained in detail, until he was rudely interrupted by the prosecutor. “That’s enough! Next, testify to the court about your arrest.” Karma ordered the policeman. “Actually, I’m the one who’s supposed to handle these proceedings...” the judge tried to say, but was once again stopped by the jerk. “Wrong. There is only one thing you need to do here. You will slam down your gravel and say the world “Guilty”.” he pointed towards the judge, who once again, hid behind his judge hammer. “Don’t get too hasty, throwing such accusations, unless the trial is over! You’re going to influence the jury and the judge!” Y/N yelled accusatory at the prosecutor, who only smirked at her in victory. “The police got a call after 12:30 AM and arrived at the scene 5 minutes later and apprehended Mr. Edgeworth, whom they found nearby.” GumDick explained further. “Did they find anything at the time?” Karma asked professionally. “Yes, sir. The pistol thought to be the murder weapon...” the detective said, looking a bit unsure. “Were there any fingerprints on it?” Karma pressed the policeman, until it was confirmed that Miles’s fingerprints were on the gun. “The next morning, a man’s body was found in the lake. Estimated time of death was around midnight. He was shot once through the heart...Fatally.” Gumtree continued his testimony.
After that, Karma brought forth the bullet and had the detective confirm it was the matching bullet...
Only to have Nix stupidly asked again what “ballistic markings” means, which made both Fey sisters and the detective fall to the ground at the idiotic question.
Then, we found out that Mr. Hammond summoned Edgeworth to the scene...And since Miles refused to explain why he was summoned...
Karma used all the evidence provided so far to use them to proclaim Miles as the culprit...
And called the next witness, who heard the gunfire, and he asked her to describe what she saw on the night of the murder.
Witness: Self-Proclaimed Journalist - Lotta Hart
“It was Christmas Eve, just after midnight, I reckon. I was asleep in my tent, when I heard this bang comin’ from the lake. I looked toward the lake and faintly saw two gents in the fog. Then, there was another bang.” Lotta explained in a very dramatic way. “She happened to take a photo of the moment.” Karma snapped his fingers, showing a picture of tho people standing in a boat. “It was the victim and the defendant on the boat, ergo, it couldn’t have been anyone but Miles Edgeworth who fired! There we have it, this trial is over.” Karma pointed accusatory towards Phoenix, making him hit his back on the wood wall behind him. “OBJECTION! That picture is clearly much too foggy to be certain that one of the person is surely Miles, while the other is surely the victim! You can’t give a verdict so soon! The defense hasn’t even cross-examined your statement!” the girl glared, slamming her hands on the table in front of her. “Very well. You may ask one, and only one, question.” Karma scoffed condescendingly. “You have no right to asses limits to our question limits!” she refuted immediately. “If it changes nothing, we will proceed to the verdict.” the prosecutor smirked at us. “The judge gas already found the prosecution’s evidence decisive. We have no choice but to accept his terms.” Miles frowned, closing his eyes, accepting his fate. “To hell with that, Miles Edgeworth! I’m not leaving this place until we’ve declared you innocent! Karma, we accept your conditions. Phoenix, I’m sure you realised the plot hole in Lotta’s testimony!” the girl spoke with such a strong sense of justice that it made Miles snap his eyes open, looking at her in awe. “Plot hole...? Hmm....Hmmmmm....Ah! Yes, you’re right, Y/N! Ms. Hart, when you heard the second...” Nix began, making the woman continue. “There was a loud bang, and then another.” she turned around, throwing her arms in the air. “Did you clearly see the boat or the two men?” Nix asked, making the girl sweat drop awkwardly. “J-Just look at the photo. Clear enough for you?” she tried to defend her testimony. “I wasn’t asking about the photo, I was asking if you saw-” Phoenix corrected her, only to be interrupted by Karma, which in turn made the judge end the cross-examination. “Then give your verdict, judge!” Karma smirked in victory, only for the woman to yell at him. “OBJECTION! Lotta, your testimony isn’t 100% true as you claim it is. I clearly said before, but it seems nobody wants to listen, being prejudiced against Miles Edgeworth. The fog makes the photograph unclear, so nobody can be certain who the two people actually are. In addition, you refuse to elaborate whether you saw the two man or not, which makes me believe you didn’t, which is why you’re trying to evade this question. Tell us the truth, Lotta Hart! This is a matter of life or death! We are talking about the innocence of a man here, this is not just some game or a silly journalistic sensation you put in a newspaper! It’s the life and future of a person!” Y/N L/N had tears welling up in her eyes, her heart hurting so much, that she was afraid it would burst...Miles Edgeworth...Miley...He didn’t deserve something so cruel. “Why’re you makin’ me out to be the bad guy?! I-I saw him! I clearly saw Edgeworth!” Lotta stuttered, pointing towards Miles, who couldn’t keep his eyes away from the woman defending him so fiercely. “Judge! Declare the defense in contempt of court.” Karma pointed towards the defending table. “Escord Mr. Wright out of the court-” the judge cleared his throat, making the woman sigh and hang her head. “Wait! I was the one who made the outburst and spoke out of line. Phoenix Wright did nothing improper. It should be me taken out of here, not him. I’m not a lawyer, I’m a doctor, and I act on emotions and try to bring justice and save the people I care about. If you want to give a punishment, I’ll take it, but Phoenix Wright is innocent...However, did you hear what Lotta Hart said? She said she clearly saw Miles Edgeworth. THAT was not in the testimony!” the woman pointed towards the witness, only to make the prosecutor growl in irritation, obviously feeling called out. “Judge, throw this woman out of the court!” Karma accused her, making several policemen burst in and escort Y/N outside of the place. “I have faith in you, Phoenix! Save Miles, I know you and Maya can do it!” were her last words before being thrown out of the courtroom.
Miles couldn’t even concentrate on his own case - His eyes were fixated on the door, the very door through which Y/N was dragged out, just because she had too much fire wanting to defend him.
His thoughts...Y/N...Why would she go through so much trouble just for him? 
She was never one to want to stand out or embarrass herself...She was always a shy and cute kid, not wanting to bother anyone...
And yet, this is just as before, when she defended Phoenix.
It was then and only then...And that time with the puppy...That he ever saw her so angry, so thirsty for justice...
She was always passive when it came to anyone else but the people around her.
No, it wasn’t the people around her...
It was the people dear to her.
There weren’t many - It was only him, Phoenix, Larry and any animal on this world.
She truly had a heart of gold...
And cared for him endlessly.
More than he ever deserved.
Y/N L/N was Miles Edgeworth’s angel, his light in the darkness, the one being that would remind him of his humanity...
And he didn’t deserve her in the least.
That is not to say, however, that he wouldn’t bail her out of the courtroom jail...After all, her intentions were purely addressed to him.
Miles truly accrued an unpayable, infinite debt towards this girl.
He couldn’t understand why was she chasing after him, a mere shadow, so much, almost as if clinging to dear life.
She’s not after his money, power or glory...
So what is she seeking so dearly?
What does he hold that she needs so much?
Of course...Miles Edgeworth knew...He wasn’t stupid and nor was he blind...
But he didn’t deserve her, and she doesn’t deserve all the hurt he put her through, nor the one that he could potentially bestow upon her by merely being around her.
For the rest of the day, Phoenix, Maya and Y/N went to the lake to investigate, and the things they found out were to be taken into account...
Especially the parrot reminding the old man about the DL-6 incident...
Witness - ???
The witness was kinda sleeping - Is he narcoleptic?!
Karma brought him here...Why, they wondered? It’s a great mystery...
The witness, the old man, allegedly doesn’t remember his name, nor anything beyond the last few years...And yet, he runs a noodle shop and rents boats by the lake.
The woman could only wonder how the parrot is going to come into the equation and if the old man was truly as amnesiac as he claims to be.
“It was the night of the 24th, just after midnight, ayup. I was lying down in my room when I heard a loud bang. When I ooked out of the window, I saw a boat just a’floating on the lake, then I heard another bang. A while later, the boat returned to shore, and a man walked by my window. That’s about all I saw.” the witness explained everything he saw. “Defense, you may begin your cross-examination.” the judge expressed. “Are you sure you heard the gunshots after midnight?” the man had to be awakened, just to throw a semi-certain answer. “But when I spoke to you yesterday, you said you didn’t remember. How are you so sure about it now?” Nix asked, needing clarity. “I remembered it while talking to the prosecutor.” the witness declared nonchalantly. “Wouldn’t that mean Mr. Von Karma manipulated your testimony?” Nix asked, raising an eyebrow. “Objection! That is a baseless accusation, kid.” Karma growled at him. “Then, I’ll change my question.” Nix nodded in understanding. “From the lake, when I heard a bang, I looked out the window and saw the shape of a boat. And then I heard another bang.” the witness explained again. “It was the sound of gunfire, correct?” Karma asked, which the witness confirmed. “Who was in the boat at the time?” Nix asked, and after some amnesiac-idiocy from the old man, he answered properly. “Well, it was pretty far away and it was all covered in fog.” the old man stated, making Nix ask the fated question...But the answer was surprising. “Later, someone passed by the window of the boat shack?” Karma asked, making the old man claim it was the murderer...Miles. He saw Miles.
As soon as he mentioned Miles’s name, he fell asleep...And on the floor.
Y/N slapped her hand to her mouth in desperation, trying to clear her head to think properly. She knew Miles wasn’t a killer, so what was she missing?!
“The testimony just now is decisive evidence that prove the defendant’s guilt-” the judge was about to pass the verdict, only for Phoenix to jump in. “Wait a second! We already proved that my client didn’t fire that gun! The murderer fired with his left hand, but the fingerprints on the gun were from the defendant’s right hand!” Phoenix objected the statement. “That’s easy to explain! He could have worn gloves during the act and carelessly left his prints on it later.That is probably what happened. Everything is crystal clear now. The defendant is guilty! In a court of law, the evidence tells all! Haven’t you realised that, you damned amateur?! Judge, I demand you declare the verdict!” Karma pointed towards the judge. “Therefore, I shall pass the verdict towards Mr. Miles Edgeworth.”
                                       G U I L T Y
Are you kidding?
This judge is such a moronic pushover...!
But just as Y/N was about to throw another rage fit, The Yellow Signal Samurai, Larry, jumped from the jury seats to stay by his friends’ side.
“That’s right! You were there on the night of the murder!” Y/N gaped at her stupid friend. “Yeeees! The murder occurred on Christmas Eve, right? I was there, and I heard it. I heard the gunshot. The old man’s testimony didn’t quite sit right with me, so I can’t just sit here and let you call Edgey a murderer.” Larry spoke loud and clear. “The verdict has been decided already. I call for adjournment.” Karma frowned, seeing his plans being ruined, and the judge on their side. “This is it, Nick! Larry’s given us one final chance at this!” Maya tried to cheer Phoenix up. “Your Honour, if there is another witness, it is our duty to hear him speak!” Nix spoke out. “In all court proceedings, it is our duty to prevent an inaccurate verdict, therefore, we must examine every piece of evidence and listen to each witness! I withdraw my previous verdict of GUILTY! Now, testify to the court about what you saw on the night of the murder.” the judge hit the gravel to let Larry speak. “Finally, some sense to this trial.” Y/N muttered, stealing a glance at The Red Signal Samurai from the corner of her eyes.
“That night, I was in a boat out on the lake, I was looking for the Steel Samurai.” this made the judge confused, making Nix explain what happened with the mascot. “So I went, uh, looking for it. I finally found it and returned the boat at the dock. That’s when I heard this BANG. Naturally, I looked out over the lake, but I didn’t see a boat. After that, I dragged the Steel Samurai back to the stall.” was Larry’s testimony, which let the defense begin the cross-examination. “When did you hear the noise?” Phoenix asked his friend. “Oh, it was around 11:00 PM when I went out in the boat and I was out searching for about an hour. I guess I heard the gunshot at around midnight.” Larry answered, which made Karma avert his attention to them. “That matches the other witness testimonies. This is pointless.” Karma flicked his fingers towards Larry, making him fall to the ground, silent. “But when he heard the shot, there wasn’t a boat with the victim and the defendant on the lake. Isn’t that right, Larry?” Phoenix asked, making Maya speak out. “Besides, you only heard one shot, right?” she asked, making Larry agree again. “Two witnesses have already testified that they heard 2 gunshots. This man’s testimony is hogwash!” but before Larry could yell at him, Karma flicked him again effortlessly. “Larry, you sure you only heard one shot that night?” but a little friendly feud came between them, making Y/N slam her head on the table in exasperation on their antics. “I’m not sure...You know I always listen to the radio at night! Headphones on, I was listening to Auralia’s Midnight Lovey-Dovey Rendez-vous! Hey, it’s almost Christmas! All you lone wolves, your aural lover, Auralia, wishes you a Merry Christmas!” Larry spoke enthusiastically. “Wait, so that was barely before Midnight, but everyone else mentioned hearing 2 gunshots AFTER midnight. That means there was a total of 3 gunshots that night?!” Y/N’s head shot up in realisation. “When this picture was taken, it was 12:10 AM on December 25th.” the judge nodded. “That means the other photograph that Lotta Hart’s camera took, it was the first gunshot that Larry heard! Sure, there is nothing but fog and water depicted, but look at the time on the back. December 24th, 11:50 PM. This confirms Larry’s testimony!” Y/N smirked, knowing they had the upper hand, for once. “Mr. Butz heard it 20 minutes before the other witnesses Ms. Hart’s camera too the other picture at 12:10Am...That means Y/N’s deduction is correct, 3 shots were fired that night. One at 11:50 PM and Two at 12:10 AM.” Phoenix explained in further detail for the judge and jury. “Oh, please, that man probably sneezed and triggered the camera.” Karma accused Larry. “Yeah, a sneeze as loud as a gunshot, huh?” Y/N rolled her eyes in disgust. “I did not!...But I did yawn and fart.” Larry admitted, making the woman facepalm. “Regardless, this evidence isn’t enough to overturn the verdict. End these proceedings at once!” Karma yelled at the judge, only for him to ask the defense if they have any objections. “Miles Edgeworth is innocent and this whole case was meant to frame him and throw him in jail. Everything is much clearer now...Phoenix, explain the case, you are his official lawyer. Be The Blue Signal Samurai you’re supposed to be.” Y/N crossed her arms, leaning on the wood wall behind her, listening to the story. “10 minutes after midnight, gunshots were heard from the boat on the lake. One shot. And another. And then, the victim fell into the lake, leaving the defendant, Miles Edgeworth, alone on the boat.” Phoenix explained the beginning. “The victim was shot from a meter or so away. Only the defendant could have done it!” Karma defended his case. “But what if that wasn’t the time the victim was shot?” Y/N butted in. “What if the shot that actually took Hammond’s life was the one from 11:50 PM, that Larry Butz heard?” she continued in a cheeky tone. “Don’t be stupid! This photo doesn’t even show a boat on a lake!” Karma shouted accusatory. “Yes, that means Hammond was murdered somewhere else.” Phoenix explained. “Which means the two people from the boat were Miles Edgeworth and the actual culprit who framed him, who faked being the victim and then jumped in the lake!” Y/N explained, making everyone gasp and talk between themselves. “Framed? Explain!” the judge hit the gravel, making everyone silent. “After the murderer killed Hammon at 11:50 PM, he wore his coat and assumed his guise to meet the defendant whom he’d summoned to the lake beforehand. The two of them set out on a boat...And then, the murderer fired 2 shots on the boat. The first was to make anyone near the lake to look at the boat. He probably fired into the water. Once he grabbed their attention, he fired the second shot. Due to the fog, anyone looking at a distance wouldn’t be able to tell who’d fired. That means the shooter wasn’t Miles Edgeworth, but the real murderer, disguised as the victim!” Phoenix explain in great detail everything that happened. “It’s just as I stated previously. The murderer pretended to be shot and jumped into the lake. To someone watching from the shore, it would appear that a murder had taken place before them. They would think they saw Miles Edgeworth who’d been left on the boat, murder the man with him. The murderer then swam back to the shore, put the coat on the corpse and threw it into the lake. It was all done to frame Miles Edgeworth for murder!” Y/N spoke confidently and loud, being clearly heard by everyone.
Miles could only look at her dazzling smirk, that confident expression that only appeared whenever she was 100% certain of herself and her deductions.
She was a doctor after all, not just a mere kind soul, and it was moments like this one that reminded him that he was, after all, just a human.
Because his heart was beating faster than ever whenever she was around him...
And that scared him..And more than than, it scared his past self so much that he felt the need to run away for the first time in his life.
Now, Miles Edgeworth realised that he had no reason to run away, and that her aura was a pure and benevolent, and it was all addressed to him.
He was a fool for running away from her.
But now, a greater crisis arose for Miles Edgeworth.
Who was he anyway?!
“If you are this confident, then I assume you know the murderer’s name?” Karma chimed in with a gremlin smirk. “No, I don’t know his name. I don’t know...Because he never told us. Please bring forward to the stand the caretaker of the boat shop!” Phoenix told the judge, whose bottom lip quivered in realisation.
But as if on cue, a policeman burst through the doors, saying that the very man in cause disappeared without a any notice.
The old man fled.
That was guilt.
The court was adjourned and the trial will continue the tomorrow.
That night, back in the cell, Miles looked out of little window and pondered about his past.
Long ago, before his father died, and he wanted to become a defense prosecutor...And yet, there he is, a filthy, evil prosecutor, just like the man who took him under his wing.
How vile, and yet, there’s no turning back from that.
He cannot atone for the way he treated his only friends so long ago...Fifteen years ago...Has it really been that long? It must be.
And yet, somehow, he stumbled into the girl once, when he had to take Pocky to the vet, and she was working there as a Vet student. He can still remember so vividly her beautiful eyes, filled with so much shock and emotions once he told her his name to write in the register and the pen fell from her hands.
He didn’t understand it at first, until she rose up and stared into his eyes.
There was no more need for words, for he remembered. And more, she showed him the Green Signal Samurai keychain she had attached to her keys. He couldn’t believe his eyes...
Y/N was right there, in front of him, and he had the chance to rekindle their relationship, after so long.
He could do that. He really wanted to. His heart was yelling at him to ask for her phone number, to give him her address, to at least let him take her out for dinner or walk her home - At least as a thank you pretext for taking care of his dog...THEIR dog...
But he couldn’t.
Inside, he was still a broken man who was afraid to approach the people he cared so much about.
But she was brave, and he knew she missed him endlessly, and she did the first step to ask for HIS phone number and ask him to accompany her to lunch for some ramen and sushi.
The ‘date’ was really great, and they had fun, they laughed and shared old memories, as well as recent things happening...And he was happy.
He truly was happy around her, he knew that, and yet...He didn’t deserve this happiness, and he didn’t want to taint her angel heart, so after this, he decided to ghost her, step by step, no matter how much his own heart was breaking, and he knew hers was as well.
Miles Edgeworth, you god damn jerk, you are vile. You are the worst of the worst. How could you be such a terrible terrible jackass with someone who cares so much about you, even after all these years? Why do you have to hide behind that invisible wall of loneliness you created because of your pent up emotions and unresolved family issues? Why can’t you just accept that you are a human and have emotions? Why can’t you just accept people in your life and learn how to live again?
You truly are a fool, Miles Edgeworth.
He regret the day he met her again, and more, he regretted that he left her...Abandoned her...Just like that old hag abandoned Pocky before. 
He truly was the worst, without a doubt.
So why...Why...Is she still here, heart and soul, completely sold, working night and day along with Phoenix and her little sister to get him out of this mess that he created?
He doesn’t deserve it...But she deserves better. No matter what he does, he only brings her misfortune and pain.
But one thing alone was certain, and for that, he knew that his sinoatrial node was still continuing to make his heart pump at a rapid pace, thanks to his ridiculous sympathetic system that hasn’t worked properly since 15 years ago.
Miles Edgeworth was completely enamoured with Y/N Fey.
- - -
Detective Gumdick managed to capture the fleeing suspect again and confirmed that no crime happened on the boat, the real crime most likely having happened  in the old rental shack, and with the help of Polly the Parrot, they managed to open the safe.
And a letter was there, with no sender.
“Get revenge on Miles Edgeworth. This is your last chance. Now is the time to get revenge on the two men who ruined your life.”
This message was obviously the plan to murder Hammond and frame poor Miley...But the mastermind...The sender...And how is this connected to DL-6...?
Her suspicions have always been Karma, otherwise she couldn’t understand why in the world would he want to incriminate his own adoptive son...With such hatred and condescence nonetheless.
The DL-6 incident...When Miles, a poor little kid stuck in an elevator with his father and a stranger... And he shot his own father in an attempt to protect him. How stupid of him. He shouldn’t get out of this mess...
- - -
                                   December 28, 10 AM                         District Court - Courtroom No. 3
“Court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Miles Edgeworth. Your opening statement, Mr. von Karma.” the judge declared, making everyone stay silent so we could begin.
And so, Karma got the old man to testify once again...This should be interesting.
Witness - ???
“Er, I’m really sorry about just leaving yesterday like I did. I, uh, went to buy Polly some food, see. My partner, you see.” the witness said, which made me raise by eyebrow in confusion, while Karma clarified it was a parrot.
But...Polly is a girl name...Albeit, also a very popular Parrot name...And yet, the way he referred to the Parrot as a partner...Could it be he named his pet after a potential old girlfriend of his?!
“Yesterday, you claimed that you’ve lost your memory. Is that true?” Nix asked the old man, who defended himself quickly. “What’s with that scary face, Keith? You’re making Dad very sad.” he claimed, making the girl roll her eyes at his absurd behaviour. “If we consider that you killed Hammond, you should remember committing the murder!” Nix accused the man, with a more serious face. “Objection! That is a baseless accusation! If you say the witness does, in fact, remember his past, then show us proof of it!” Karma smirked triumphantly, making the elder girl match his expression. “I was waiting for you to say that! You want proof, have this!” she chuckled, taking out the letter and presenting it as evidence. “This is a letter we found in his room, inside the safe! This letter has detailed instructions on how to exact that revenge.” the girl continued her explanation to the judge, who nodded in understanding. “Dear me...It details the exact same process the defense explained yesterday.” the judge rubbed his beard like an old wizard. “The witness carried out this plan and tried to frame my client. That means he had a motive to seek revenge! And this letter is irrefutable proof of his guilt!” Phoenix explained the evidence he held. “Then, let me ask you a question. That letter does not contain the names of the sender or recipient, does it? It is a mere scrap that anyone could have sent to anyone. We can hardly call it proof. The defense’s claims are still only unfounded speculations. In the first place, nothing links this witness to the defendant!” the prosecutor thought he won it all, but clearly, he was 1 step behind the defense. “Objection! The victim, Hammond, and Edgeworth shared a connection. The DL--6 incident! The case in which the defendant’s father was murdered. And Hammond was the one who defended the suspect!” Phoenix looked at the judge with a fierce expression. “Clearly, the DL-6 incident, which occurred 15 years ago, is at the root of this murder. There is one man who knows what happened back then.” the elder Fey girl sat on the defense table with her legs crossed, wearing a knowing smirk. “The defense would like to call Marvin Grossberg to testify!” her and Phoenix called out at the same time with perfect sync.
Witness - Marvin Grossberg
“I am Marvin Grossberg, an attorney. The victim in this trial, Hammond, once worked for me. The DL-6 incident happened 15 years ago, on December 28th. Coincidentally, that is also today’s date. It occurred here, in the district courthouse. That day, there was a majour blackout and 3 people were trapped in an elevator. Hours later, when the rescue team got in, they found Gregory Edgeworth dead inside. He had died instantly after being shot through the heart. There were two others in the elevator with him - Miles, who was 10 years old at the time, and a court bailiff...Yanni Yogi, I think his name was. At first, it was considered an open-and-shut case, that Yogi had shot the victim in a panic. However, he plead not guilty. The investigation hit a dead end, and the police turned to a spirit medium for help. The victim’s spirit said that Yogi killed him. The medium’s name was Misty Fey. Her overwhelming power left all who witnessed it speechless. The defense admitted that he might have fired the gun, but added that, due to severe lack of oxygen, in the elevator, Yogi hadn’t been of sound mind and couldn’t be held responsible. With that claim, Hammond forced a verdict of not guilty. Because of that, despite his acquittal, Yogi was socially vilified.” the attorney explained in detail everything that happened so long ago. “So an acquittal wasn’t enough to truly save Yogi?” Nix asked for confirmation. “Due to Hammond’s defense, he lost everything - His work and his family. One year after the trial, Yogi’s fiancee committed suicide.” this statement made the girl ponder for a few seconds...
Yogi’s fiancee...Could that have been...Polly? It would make sense...And it would mean why Yogi would hate Hammond - And if he truly was innocent, which she doubted, he must also resent Miles’s dad’s spirit for accusing him of murder.
Phoenix then accused the old man of being Yanni Yogi, saying he could compare the fingertips, but surprise surprise, he burned his fingers in an ‘accident’ years ago. What a pleasant coincidence.
It was obvious that the defense attorney was thinking over and over how he could prove the witness was Yanni, making the girl scoff.
“The defense would like to cross-examine the witness’s pet parrot, Polly. If my theory is correct, based on the word-slip of the old man, who claimed Polly is his ‘Partner’, perhaps he named the Parrot after his deceased fiancee. Who else would he trust with the combination of the same that held such an incriminatory letter in his own shack?” the Fey girl snapped her fingers with a knowing smirk towards the judge.
Witness - Polly
“Sis, I’m counting on you. Polly loves you more than she loves us.” she chuckled at her sister, tilting her head for her to go ahead.
Maya began with a simple question, asking the parrot what its name is, and it answered clearly - Polly - Amazing the judge. Then, Maya asked for the combination to the safe, and just as easily, came the answer - 1228 Next, she asked if there was anything we’ve forgotten...Which was met with silence as an answer...
Karma clearly expected this...But Phoenix took out the DL-6 file, and searching through it, Y/N found Yanni’s profile, and there, “Polly Jenkins” was written as his fiancee’s name.
“Ha! Karma, you think you’ve bested us? You are wrong! Your Honour, look what’s written here! Polly Jenkins, Yanni Yogi’s fiance! The parrot is clearly named after his fiancee, as I suspected! And if we look into it, the cobination for the safe! 1228...12-28! December 28th! That is the date of the DL-6 incident!” the Fey girl jumped from the defense table and showed the judge Yanni’s profile so he could be convinced as well. “Judge, get rid of this bird already! These are mere coincidences!” Karma tried to desperately get rid of the important witness, but Y/N was pissed off. “No! A wise man once said - In a crime case there is no room for coincidences! If there are, it’s clearly a pattern, not a mistake! That means that you, witness - Your name is truly Yanni Yogi, isn’t it?! Stop hiding and reveal the truth already!” Fey shouted at the man who was feigning his sleep.
The courtroom became a huge calamity with everyone screaming, until the witness yelled for everyone to shut the hell up and raised to his feet, his expression no longer lost, but sharp and sure of himself.
“Enough. I’ve accomplished what I wanted. I’m done. As the defense said, my name is Yanni Yogi. I used to serve as a bailiff in this very court.” the old man admitted, after so long. “Th-Then...You admit to killing Hammond and trying to frame Miles Edgeworth?” the judge gaped at the change in behaviour. “Yes, I admit it. Fifteen years ago, that attorney paid absolutely no heed to my words. I didn’t shoot that man, however, that attorney made me admit to it, saying it was the only way to acquit me...But my release didn’t change a thing. Everyone continued to treat me like a murderer...I couldn’t do a thing...And Polly...She said she was sick and tired of it all...Ever since, I’ve lived my life away from the public eye, dreaming of the day I’d get my revenge!” the old man had tears in his eyes, and rightfully so. “I understand your motive for wanting revenge. It is humane...However...Why did you have to go to the lengths of framing Miles, who was a mere 10 year old at the time, and the child of the murdered person? He went through enough trauma as it is, you didn’t have to add more, y’know?” the Fey girl crossed her arms, looking at the man with slight pity, but also anger in her eyes. “Why don’t you ask him?” Yanni muttered, looking at her with a sharp expression, which made her widen her eyes in realisation at the implication of his words. “Your Honour! The boat shop owner, Yanni Yogi,has just confessed to the crime! The defense asks that you declare the defendant not guilty!” Phoenix shouted to the judge with fire in his voice. “What do you say, prosecutor von Karma?” the judge asked, waiting to see if there was any more refuting from his side. “I suppose he is innocent...In this case, at least.” Karma scoffed, looking away with a devilish expression...This isn’t over...Not even close... “I shall hereby hand down the verdict for Mr. Miles Edgeworth.”
                                          NOT GUILTY
“YES! Finally, we did it, Nix! Miles is safe!” the elder Fey girl jumped happily in her spot, only for the man who was once so silent to speak up, loud enough to silence everyone.
“OBJECTION! Your Honour...I confess my guilt. The true culprit in the DL-6 incident...It was I!” Miles admitted, and it felt like the sky fell on the girl.
Why...? How...?!
Even if that was the truth, who cares? You were a kid trying to protect your dad, Miley, stop with this idiocy!
“For 15 years, I have had a recurring dream. I’m in the dark, and it’s hard to breathe...Eventually, I hear a gunshot and a terrible scream. A blood-curdling scream that I still hear to this day. It’s only a nightmare - That is what I’ve always told myself - But if Yogi didn’t actually kill my father, the nightmare points to a horrifying truth, that I was the one who killed my father that day!” Miles’s confession came, and the judge asked for a 15 minute recess to think things over.
Miles, along with Phoenix and the two Fey sisters went to the lounge to look over the files, but the elder girl was pacing left and right, trying to calm down her unstoppable running thoughts from her already overthinking brain.
She was never a violent person, but she knew that, despite the stoic facade she always kept, her heart was soft and overly-emotional, and now, she was barely restraining herself from breaking down to weep and punch the silver haired man repeatedly.
“I’m sorry Wright, I’ve just wasted all your efforts.” the man in cause spoke from the corner of the room. “Is that truly what you should be saying right now, Miles Edgeworth?” the girl’s voice was sharp, dripping with acid, as she glared at him harshly. “I am sorry, Y/N. I know you wanted nothing more but to get me out of there, but-” he kept speaking, but his voice only grated the girl’s mind. “Shut the hell up, Edgeworth. Your voice pisses me off. Me sensible for once, read the fucking room. You’re an idiot, and I’m never, in this life, or any life, going to forgive you for the stupidity you just pulled there. If you wanted to confess, you could have gone to a priest, not a judge! But of course, you are Miles Fucking Edgeworth, and you HAVE to be extra and cause everyone around you an exorbitant amount of problems! Do me a favour and stop opening that mouth of yours before I break it for you.” he was shocked, he had to admit, since he never thought she would snap like that at him, but by Phoenix’s reaction, and Maya’s alike, they were expecting that. “Leave her alone, Edgeworth. If you annoy Y/N when she’s already stressed, nothing good will come out of it.” Nix muttered, still focused on his files.
the silver haired man nodded, not daring to say anything anymore, and just watched with sad eyes as the girl he loved kept having her heart stabbed continuously by his own selfish actions.
Looking out of the window, he pondered to that horrible night when Karma came to pick him up from home, and Karma threw the Red Signal Samurai keychain on the trash bin cap, before getting him inside the car, accompanied by his daughter.
Before he stepped into the car, Y/N, Phoenix and Larry ran to him, calling out his name, so they could at least have a proper goodbye... But he just left, without a word.
He wasn’t sure, for many years, what happened while he was gone, until he met that day with Y/N and she told him everything in precise detail.
Larry was pissed off when he found the Red Signal Samurai keychain on the trash cap, threw it on the ground, wanting to stomp on it, but Y/N threw herself at him, making the both of them fall to the ground, while Phoenix put his hands over the keychain to protect it.  Then, the former threw his own Yellow keychain to the ground, saying their friendship is no more, and then left.
On the way to his new home, Miles did the Hansel and Gretel trick, just like before, and let dog food on the ground, so he could return and get his keychain. She told Miles that she knew he wasn’t a jerk and the keychain left there was a sign he will return, and so, she was the first to notice the dog good on the ground. When he returned, however, he wasn’t greeted by his keychain, but by Y/N and Phoenix, wearing soft smiles on their faces.
“How did you know I would return?” Miles asked, his face so innocent and shocked. “I just knew. When I saw the keychain there, I started looking for dog food, and when I did...Well, here we are, waiting for you. You’re a smart boy, and you deeply care about our friendship...So, here, this is yours.” Y/N grinned at him, putting his red keychain in his palm, holding his clenched fist in her hands. “We knew you’d never throw it away. We’re gonna be friends forever! Take care, Edgeworth.” Nix shook Miles’s hand, which made the girl giggle. “I will miss you, Miley. I hope we will meet each other again very soon!” she smiled softly, and it seemed like the rain and dark clouds were illuminated by a Goddess, if not, only by a split second. “...Y-Yes...I hope so too...Fey.” he muttered, looking down, embarrassed. “Call me Y/N, silly! We are friends, and Pocky’s parents!” she giggled, hugging him and kissing his cheek, which made his face erupt in a violent blush. “D-Don’t do that...I-It’s improper...” the poor boy stumbled over his words, which only made the girl laugh at how cute he was being.
At that exact moment, Pocky started barking oh-so-cutely and Larry, carrying three umbrellas, cleared his throat awkwardly, came in, feigning to look for something.
“Where could it be? I dropped something around here, too...” Larry spoke, not daring to look at them yet. “You’re such a dork, Larry!” the girl chuckled, holding Miles’s arm. “I’ve got it right here, Larry! Look, your Yellow Signal Samurai!” Nix handed him his keychain, making him cheer in glee. “Why do you have three umbrellas?” Nix asked in confusion. “Oh, uh, you know...Y/N always shares with Miles...B-But the rain already stopped...” he played it off cool, making the rest chuckle at his great intentions. “Anyway, Edgey...From what I can see, he ate all your markers. How are you gonna get back?” 
This simple statement was enough to make the whole gang laugh at the funny mistake, and put their keychains together, as a way to show that their friendship will truly last forever.
But he screwed up...He was the first to screw up. Things could have been so different. Maybe he could have actually been a nice Defense Attorney like his dad was...Maybe this friendship would have helped him heal, and having Y/N by his side would have mellowed his heart that got frozen by Karma so cruelly.
His life was filled with unanswerable questions, dilemmas and uncertainties, but at least he knew that there was a weird sense of security whenever he saw her smile.
He felt the warmth of home, and he didn’t want to lose it again.
If he got his life back, he wanted to let in the past all those uncertainties, the guilt, the hatred and everything that had him stuck in the past, and try, with help, to move into the present and learn how to live life once again.
But then...He was disturbed from his thoughts by Maya, who told him Phoenix’s reason for becoming an attorney - It was him - He wanted to find out what happened to him, and why he became the abominable, heartless wretch in front of him.
Miles knew that - Yes - he stepped on his dreams, he was blinded by revenge and hatred, and chose the path of the Prosecutor, of Karma, because he hated defense attorneys. He hated Hammond and his shady acquittal. It was Karma who taught him that justice should be perfect and cold-hearted. A merciless hammer to be used upon all. He wanted to make as many criminals as he could atone for his sins.
“Who the hell do you think you are? Ma’at? Anubis? You are just a human with too much imagination who got swept off by guilt and manipulated by that bastard. I’m a doctor, I know my stuff, and listen to me. You think you became a prosecutor to escape the in you committed? But...You did nothing. You keep talking about that nightmare, how you killed your dad, but you were 10 years old! You’ve been living in trauma all this life, and from your guilt formed that nightmare. You are trying to justify a reality that never happened, just so you could have some sort of answer. You, Miles Edgeworth, are a damned idiot, that’s what you are.” Y/N shook her head at him, which made him, once again, widen his eyes in shock and ponder over her words. “...But we’ve got this far...And I’m not giving up on you. You deserve being given up upon! You really do! I’m pissed off at you, you understand that, right? Even so, my pride as a doctor doesn’t allow me to give up, especially not on you. You’re more helpless than you believe, no matter how much power you think you have.” she scoffed looking out of the window.
What if what she said was true? What if that nightmare was what he believed happened? A fabricated answer to an unsolvable riddle? A fake answer that trauma created over the years.
Did he just destroy his future because of guilt? Is he still the innocent and scared little boy from that elevator, even now?
“But I’ve admitted by guilt! I’ve admitted that I was the one who killed my father, Gregory Edgeworth! There’s no way to back down from my confession.” Miles replied to her, his face betraying the hopelessness he harboured in his heart. “Do you remember the 31st episode of the Signal Samurais?” Y/N asked in a low voice, her nails digging into her arms, trying to contain the smirk threatening to creep on her face. “Huh...? What’s this about...?” Miles raised his eyebrow in confusion. “Ah, I know! It’s the episode where the Red Signal Samurai gets kidnapped, and the Green Signal Samurai Goes to rescue him, while the Blue and Yellow help her out, right?!” Phoenix raised to his feet, speaking a bit too loudly, for it caused the girl to burst into that gorgeous, confident, condescending smirk of hers. “Yes, Nix, you’ve got that right! Miles’ nightmare is bullshit, and even if he doesn’t believe in his innocence, I do! I, the Green Signal Samurai, am going to save the idiotic Red Signal Samurai from his demise!” she took out her keys, letting her keychain dangle proudly, leaving the man in front of her jaw dropped.
He was so in love with her. God damn it, his chest hurt so much, and all he wanted was to hold her tightly to his chest and cry out all his emotions for the rest of the day.
But he couldn’t.
He had to stay strong and fight for his freedom. He owed her at least that much.
“Phoenix, look at this picture. There’s this bullet hole here...And there is the corpse here...Then, that means...!” were the girl’s last words of wonder before they were summoned back to the court.
                               December 28, 3:30 PM                       District Court - Courtroom No. 3
The judge recapped what happened, allowing the defense to begin the cross-examination.  The reason for Miles being there was to observe his dad’s trials. He didn’t remember what the case involved, only that, coincidentally, he was against Karma.
That clears up a lot of things... Karma was afraid of the competition, not wanting to tarnish his perfect record, and killed the best Defense attorney. What a joke...
Help didn’t come for hours, and gradually, the air within the elevator began to thin, making Yogi panic and attack Miles’s dad. From then, his memories are jumbled, and all he remembers is a shot and a terrible scream, just like in his nightmare. He lost consciousness and when he woke up, he was in a hospital bed.
“There’s no room for doubt.” Karma smirked victoriously. “I wouldn’t be so hasty saying that, Karma. Look at this photograph of the crime scene. It contradicts Miles’s testimony. There is a bullet hole in the door, but Miles said he only heard one single gunshot. But in the picture, there are two bullet holes! One in the body and one in the door!” the girl went to the TV, pointing to the obvious contradiction. “The bullet that killed the victim could have pierced his body and hit the door.” Karma snapped his fingers confidently. “You’re wrong. The data from the files say the pistol was fired twice. The evidence contradicts Miles’s testimony.” the girl clapped her hands together, shrugging nonchalantly. “But there’s no proof that the second shot was fired at the time of the murder.” Karma wagged his finger at her to deny her statement. “The pistol was fired twice, and there were two bullet holes at the crime scene. It’s natural to assume these facts are related. The defendant was still a child back then, and he lost consciousness after the first shot, which means, the someone else was at the crime scene to shoot the second shot! The actual murderer!” she shouted, and for Miles, it seemed as if she was enveloped in a divine aura of justice and light. “OBJECTION! Unfortunately, there’s something you seem to have overlooked! Look at the file, only one bullet was found at the crime scene! The bullet that claimed the victim’s life was lodged in his body. No other bullets were found at the scene! That means the second shot was never fired. Ergo, your claims are unfounded!” Karma refuted with a perfect argument, making the defense frown in panic, trying to think of what happened.
In the background, Maya was trying to channel the spirit of her sister, while the judge was confirming whether or not Miles truly threw the pistol in an attempt to save his father, which then resulted in an unexpected tragedy, that the idiotic prosecutor confirmed without a second of doubt.
Thanks to Mia Fey’s guiding words, Phoenix was able to regain his confidence and stop the verdict from being spoken.
“A second shot really was fired at the scene that day! The second bullet disappeared, and there is but one possible reason why! The murderer took it from the scene!” Phoenix spoke, continuing his trail of thoughts. “Objections! Why would he do something so pointless?” Karma sniggered at the defense attorney. “The only possibility is that the other bullet hit the murderer! If the murderer was also shot at the time of the crime, he would’ve been forced to take the bullet, which is why there is no second bullet at the scene of the crime!” the elder Fey girl spoke up in a firm tone, trying to lead the conversation towards her own deductions. “OBJECTIONS! There is no record of anyone else shot at the courthouse that day! So long as we have no suspect, we are finished here!” Karma snapped his fingers at the judge, making the girl gasp, then laugh. “HA! I knew it! I KNEW it! Karma, you are wrong! There is one suspect and one suspect alone! Marvin Grossberg claims that after Gregory Edgeworth’s death, you took a day off, out of respect for your rival, is that correct? The ONLY day off in your entire career! What if that day off was, in fact, for you to heal, not because of respect? You have respect for no one! Fifteen years ago, the murderer who took a bullet before killing the victim and vanishing from the scene was YOU, Karma!” Y/N shouted loudly, her voice dripping with righteousness and rage, but above all, she was smug and confident - Miles realised then that she suspected Karma all along, and she was right, once again.
Her explanation was so powerful that it shook Karma, hitting him on the jury stand behind him, making him glare at her with an almost demonic look.
“How dare you?! Do you think you’ll get away with such an outrageous claim?!” Karma yelled at the girl, who could only smirk and cross her arms in victory. “It’s as Y/N said. On that day, fifteen years ago, you took on Gregory Edgeworth in court. You won, but your victory wasn’t a perfect one, for you’d submitted falsified evidence. You’re a prosecutor who strives for perfection, and Gregory Edgeworth tainted your perfect record. That could have been your motive for murder!” Phoenix continued the girl’s argument, and they were truly in sync. “Judge, stop them from spouting any more baseless slander!” Karma growled at the judge. “You’d think it was from the shock of having his rival murdered, but think otherwise, what if he was forced to take the day off? The ONLY day off in his 40 year career? Perhaps...To extract the bullet that hit him during the murder?” the girl pressed on assertively. “But it’s impossible to recover from surgery to extract a bullet in one day.” the  judge pointed out, making the girl nod. “Obviously, I know that, I’m a doctor, which is why I present you with another possibility. The murderer never took out the bullet from his body. And to see if that’s correct or not...Maya, give me that metal detector.” Y/N took the metal detector from her little sister’s hands and went to Karma. “It’s the moment of truth! The defense requests permission to examine Karma’s body!” the girl shouted, smirking with intense confidence at the elder man in front of her. “Ridiculous! I refuse!” Karma growled, gripping his right shoulder. “But if you’re innocent, you should have no reason to refuse.” the judge said something good, for the first time in the whole trial. 
And so, the girl approached the metal detector to the prosecutor’s shoulder, and as soon as it reached the bullet, it started beeping loudly, the meter going to maximum, making the girl yell in satisfaction.
“This makes it clear! The bullet fired fifteen years ago still rests in Karma’s shoulder!” Phoenix pointed towards the evil prosecutor, only for him to laugh cruelly, pointing right back and snapping his fingers. “Indeed, there is a bullet in my shoulder, I will admit that much, but it has nothing to do with this incident. A few years ago, I accidentally shot myself while examining a pistol to be used as evidence.” he spoke so innocently with the tongue of the devil. “Stop bullshitting, it’s getting annoying! Admit to your sins, Karma!” the girl gritted her teeth at him in rage. “Can you prove it?” the older man provoked the girl, who nodded nonchalantly. “Let’s compare the ballistic makings of the two bullets.” the girl opened the box in which the bullet was resting...”WHAT?! H-How did you...?!” a wave of dread and panic splashed the girl away from this reality as she realised nothing good was going to come out of this mess. “It appears this is as far as your delusions go! Now, end this trial!” Karma shouted, looking at the Judge.
No...This can’t be happening...They were so close to the truth...How could he let it slip past his fingers like that?  They worked too much for this to be over, in vain...SHE threw away her heart and soul for him, and this happens now...? No...No way...He had to do something...Something flashy, that will attract attention and will give them some time off to think... And he knew just what. Fake a heart attack.
He gripped tightly at his shirt, falling over the table and grunting in pain, earning gasps from everyone, yet only the girl in cause had quick reactions, as any doctor would, and ran to him in a split-second, checking on him.
“Judge, we need a time off! He’s having a possible heart attack!” the girl shouted frantically, and with the help of Phoenix, they carried him into the lobby, laying him down on the red couch. “That was close...” Miles muttered, opening his eyes as soon as he knew they were safe. “Can you PLEASE stop making me worry about you for just ONE SINGLE FUCKING SECOND?! I don’t know how much more my heart can take, damn it.” the glared at him, and his heart melted, realising she was barely keeping her facade on. “It was the only way to stop the verdict.” he spoke, looking down. “...You really are something else, Miley...What can we do, though? The data is gone...” she pouted, looking down. “Detective Gumshoe. If the data is gone, there’s only one thing we can do. Someone has to sneak into Karma’s office. He always hides disadvantageous evidence in his office. Listening to your defense finally made me realise that I...I want to believe in myself. I will accompany you partway. Only prosecutors can enter the offices. The doors use retinal identification. ” Miles began to explain the plan, making the girl giggle at him. “You’re more trouble than you’re worth, Miley. Let’s get this clown fiesta started.” the elder Fey smirked mischievously, rubbing her palms together, imitating a generic villain from cartoons. I will accompany you partway. Only prosecutors can enter the offices. The doors use retinal identification. “You look like the villain from the Signal Samurai show.” the silver haired man pointed out, with a hint of a smile on his face, making the girl chuckle and nod in approval. “Yes, indeed. After all, I am going to do something rather villainous, aren’t I?” she winked, walking to the Prosecutors’ Office.
Since the recess was only 5 minutes, and Miles would be back in 10, the plan was to fool everyone by dressing up Larry as Miles. Flawless plan.
                                  December 28, 3:55 PM                                Public Prosecutors’ Office
“Leave the rest to me and rush to the court.” the girl spoke boldly, in a shushed voice, holding eye contact to reassure him. “I’m...I’m very sorry to make you do this...And everything...For me, Y/N. I swear I will make it up to you.” he spoke in a gentle, yet guilty voice. “You’re taking me out on a date once this is over, clear? Now go back...My faith in Larry is close to null.” the girl winked at him, pushing him away. “Crystal clear.” with a faint smile, Miles left back to the courtroom, leaving the girl on her villainous plight.
Of course, in the courtroom, nobody was fooled by Larry’s terrible impersonation, but in Karma’s office, the girl managed to find the secret button to unlock the locked shelf, and she found the pistol and bullet right there, as Miles predicted, and quickly took them.
She wasn’t expecting to get tasered and to fall unconscious for a split second by some corrupt bailiff who worked for Karma, but the idiot didn’t bother taking the bullet too, only the pistol, so she snatched it and quickly ran back to the court, thanking whatever deity above from having enough stamina and speed, while also wearing light sneakers, as she arrived fairly quickly to the courtroom, with a flashy entrance.
“OBJECTIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!” she panted for air, holding the bag with the bullet up, in the air, for everyone to see. “Karma, you’re a true shitbag! I have the defense’s fresh evidence!” she yelled triumphantly, feeling incredibly satisfied seeing Karma’s crestfallen expression. “This is the bullet that killed Miles’s dad! To think you would go to such lengths to hide this, along with the pistol, in your office, and more, to have some bailiff bribed to taser anyone who got in! You are a true criminal, Karma!” she shouted loud and clear, glaring with confidence at the man, her power making him completely drop his prosecutor facade. “Extract the bullet in Mr. von Karma’s shoulder at once and compare the ballistic markings of the two bulets!” Phoenix also pointed towards the villain, yelling with righteousness. “If they match, that will mean they were fired from the same pistol...” Miles continued the trio incrimination monologue. “AND PROVE THAT YOU WERE AT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME! PERFECTLY!” the trio shouted sternly, in perfect synchronisation, making the prosecutor glare and grit his teeth, realising there was no getting out of this, and let out a shrill shriek, that Miles recognised as the scream from his nightmares. “Miles Edgeworth! You and your father are my curse! You both dare defy me?!” he tried to snap his fingers, but it was useless, just like him. “You will be judged by the law. That is all there is to it.” Miles spoke, regaining his composure and confidence, making the girl look at him with pride. “That day, 15 years ago, I was in the court records room. The elevators had ceased functioning due to the blackout. That’s when it happened - I felt a horrible, burning pain in my shoulder. Just then, the elevator door opened before my eyes and I saw three people inside, lying unconscious, one of them being Gregory Edgeworth, the attorney who had tainted my perfect record. A pistol lay at my feet and I knew then that it was destiny! Yes, he died, never knowing who had shot him!” the jerk explained, almost hysterical. “So wonder his spirit said Yogi shot him. And to think it’s all your fault for everything that’s been happening so far...Miles’s dad’s death and his childhood ruined, my, Maya’s and Mia’s mother fleeing the village because of all the backlash and us never knowing what and why our world was turned upside down...Phoenix and Larry losing their best friend...You truly are the worst, Karma. And your name suits you well, as a reminder, that if you do bad, you will receive bad.” the elder Fey girl glared at him with disgust. “I never imagined the bulled from the past would pierce me a second time. Is that also destiny?” the villain muttered in desperation. “It wasn’t the bullet that shot you, Karma. It was truth and justice brought upon you by a scorned woman!” Y/N yelled at him, and this time, his cane broke, making him fall to the knees truly defeated. 
And with that, Karma was sent to jail, and the 5 friends went to the lobby to recover from all the mess that happened in the courtroom.
“I’M SO STOOOKED! You guys are seriously the greatest!” Larry cheered loudly, flailing his arms randomly into the air. “I always believed you were innocent, Mr. Edgeworth!” Dickgum spoke, crying rivers. “We did it, Y/N, Nick! Oh, and, thank you! That was from my sister!” Maya yapped cheerfully, as always. “Wright...” Miles got his attention, as he grabbed his arm and looked away with slight embarrassment, just like when he was young. “So, it’s finally over, Edgeworth.” Nix smiled at his friend, turning to him and pushing Larry away. “You have my gratitude...Uhmmm...Thank you for all your help.” Miles smiled at him, and they shook hands, as a sign of solidarity and friendship. “Finally, something good happened. About time.” the girl chuckled, looking away to hide the happiness on her face. “Hey, you’re being so gracious today! Nice, nice!” Larry grinned widely. “I hope with this I managed to repay you a little.” Nix spoke, confusing Miles. “Repay...?” he muttered, raising his eyebrow questioningly. “I know, I know! The case of the missing lunch money, right?” Maya butted in, making her sister smirk. “Yes. You defended me that day. That made me who I am, it’s why I’m here now.” Nix explained, making his friend blink. “When is my turn to be repaid, hmmm~? After all, I was the first one to step in and defend you, riiiight, Nix~?” the girl leaned forward, teasing her old friend. “Ahhhhh, I thought- But, I- W-Wait, Y/N - !” Nix stumbled over his words, making the girl chuckle mockingly. “You’re so easy to tease, Blue Signal Samurai! I have to say, the Green Signal Samurai truly was the best character from the show!” the girl boasted, taking out her keys and rotating them with her finger in the keychain. “Remember this?” Nix asked, taking out his own keychain. “You guys truly still have that? I have no idea where it went.” he gaped, seeing the two samurais. “Shut up, you still have yours too. I’m sure that, if it’s not at your keys, it’s somewhere on your desk.” the girl teased her crush, making him close his eyes and blush. “I wonder who really stole the money though...” Maya pondered softly. “Yeah, that’s a good question.” Gumtree nodded in agreement, only for Larry to look away and hand Miles some money. “The lunch money was 38 dollars, right?” Larry asked sheepishly. “U-Uh...Larry...?” Maya blinked at him in disbelief. “You didn’t...” Miles sweat-dropped, frowning slightly. “You must be kidding me-” the elder Fey girl’s jaw dropped, looking at him with a crestfallen expression. “LARRY, IT WAS YOU?!” Phoenix yelled in irritation at his best friend. “Y-YOU’VE GOT IT ALL WRONG!!!” Larry tried vehemently to defend himself. “I had a good reason for what I did!!” “I’LL SUE YOU AND PUT YOU ON TRIAL!! I’ll become a prosecutor to make perfectly sure you’re punished!” Phoenix pointed angrily at his friend. “I WILL SUE YOU FOR MALPRACTICE AND LONG-TERM CHILDHOOD TRAUMA!” Y/N shouted at him with the same fire as her friend. “EDGEY, YOU DEFEND ME!” Larry shouted, pleading for his friend’s help. “Well...I suppose I’ll have to.” Miles looked away with a smile, joining in the chaos. “You’re the victim! Why would you defend the culprit?!” Phoenix yelled at Miles while him and Larry were pulling on each other’s ears. “...You guys are truly hopeless.” the girl got over the shock of the news, allowing herself to enjoy this rare moment of peace together. “We’re having a party tonight! Yaaaaay!!” Maya cheered, jumping up and down, making her sister and Miles share a look. “Perhaps we can leave that for another time.” he muttered, looking away and stepping towards the exit. “Ehhhhhh?! Why don’t you want to celebrate your innocence?!” Maya gaped at him, only for him to blush furiously. “Ohhhhh! About time!” Phoenix grinned at his two best friend, as the girl winked at him. “Tell me about it.” Y/N chuckled, going to take Miles’s arm and waving at her friends. “Laters~!”
The two went to the same restaurant as before, where they got some ramen and sushi, but it was clear the man was still clinging to his past regrets.
“Doesn’t this scene look pretty familiar?” the girl jabbed at him playfully with a maki sushi between her chopsticks. “A bit.” he muttered, biting his lip. “Is it going to be followed by the same outcome?” she asked, taking a bite of the maki, watching him attentively. “No, it won’t. I promised I’ll make it up to you, and I will keep that promise.” he shook his head, daring to hold her hand. “Good. I was getting pretty tired of chasing ghosts.” she smiled, intertwining her fingers with his. “Since I saw you again, I kept thinking about you...About us. I kept thinking what I should do to break the shackles holding me in the past...And I think I need a to go on a journey of self-recognition. To discover again who I am, because clearly, I’ve forgotten everything I used to stand for. The person I’ve become isn’t the Miles Edgeworth that deserves you, and I want to become again that person.” he spoke, squeezing her hand gently. “And I will be there to support and cheer on you with every step you take, holding your hand and encouraging you, just as I’ve always done. Because you’re not alone in this world, Miley. You have all of us. We all love you, and that will never change. Don’t forget that this time too, okay?” she winked at him with a smug, kitten-like smile. “I promise I won’t make the same mistakes I’ve done before. Would you...Would you...Join me? I know it’s a lot to ask, that your life is here, and I would be taking you away from your career and passion...But...I would love it if you were by my side.” he asked in a low, timid tone, making the girl smile at how sweet he was being. “Bold of you to assume I would temporarily leave everything I’ve build to be with you...” she teased him, grinning at his solemn face. “And bold of me to even insinuate that I wouldn’t join you. I’ve been waiting for you for 15 years, Miley. There’s nothing in this world, except for yourself, that could keep me away from you. So...This time, when you leave, you better tell me so I can walk by your side. To the Moon and back.” she confessed softly, turning on her chair to look at him with a gentle expression. “Just like my love for you. The Moon and back. I promise you won’t regret it.” he caressed her face with the back of his hand, before boldly cupping her face and leaning in to kiss her, all the pent up love and emotions that were once caged inside their hearts bursting out, released into this act of intimacy they’ve been craving for ages. “I will never regret choosing you, Miley. I love you more than you can even dream of.” she chuckled softly looking at him with content and peace. “Thank you, my dear Y/N. I’m happy. I truly am.”
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shadowhuntertrash · 4 years
High Notes
Chapter 7
I dont own anything Cassandra Clare does 💕
  The first thing Thomas noticed when he woke up was the unfamiliar weight across his stomach. He opened his eyes to investigate and felt his heart skip a beat because he remembered now where he was.The memories of last night flashes in his head like a movie and Thomas had to fight the groan rising in his throat.
   He was in Alastair’s room. He slept with Alastair. Thomas felt himself blush at the thought. He hadn’t slept with Alastair; he had just slept next to him. Or under him, his mind suggested unhelpfully. Thomas blushed furiously and looked down at Alastair.
  Alastair always looked peaceful when he slept. His head was cushioned against Thomas’ chest, his arm slung over Thomas’ stomach. It was so very intimate that Thomas couldn’t help but smile and stay frozen hoping against hope that he could lay there for a while longer. 
   Fate seemed to be in a good mood because Alastair remained asleep for another ten minutes. Thomas watched his face, the way his eyes moved under his eyelids. The way his mouth ghosted with a smile or a frown. The way he twitched when something occurred in his dream. Thomas wished he was able to read minds, he wanted to know what Alastair dreamed about. Thomas almost laughed at the thought, knowing that if the roles were reversed and Alastair looked in on Thomas’ dreams he would find them filled with himself. 
   Alastair started shifting his eyes fluttering as if he was trying to open his eyes but they were too heavy, Thomas assumed that’s what they felt like. Thomas sighed and Alastair froze. Thomas cursed himself mentally and stretched his arms as if he was just now waking up. He yawned loudly and Alastair scrambled off of him with much more grace than Thomas could dream of having.
   “Good morning.” Alastair said, awkwardly shifting from foot to foot. Thomas smiled at him as if this was completely normal. “Good morning. Sorry for crashing.” Alastair snorted and Thomas smiled wider. So cute.
  “It’s fine. Is your head still hurting?” Alastair asked softly stretching. Thomas’ eyes drifted to where Alastair’s shirt had ridden up. He was toned and Thomas knew for a fact that he had a six pact, how was it even allowed to be that attractive. With his stupidly hot and stupidly smooth skin and his beautiful eyes. His full lips- nope.
   Thomas cleared his throat and shook his head. He started feeling around him and checked his pockets. He looked up curiously at Alastair. “Where’s my phone?” Alastair lifted an eyebrow and started looking around as well. Eventually Alastair picked up his phone and chucked it at him, a blur of red that landed roughly on Thomas’ lap. 
   He flinched at the impact and Alastair rushed out an apology which Thomas just waved off. Thomas turned his phone on and it lit up with a picture of him, Matthew, James, and Christopher. Lucie had taken it and it had an aesthetic that Thomas loved. The sun was setting in the background so all you could see of the boys was their shape, they looked like shadows and he loved it.
   He had a bunch of texts from James, Matthew, and Christopher. The memory of standing in front of James and Matthew’s door came back and Thomas screwed his face up and shook his head. He did NOT need that to stay in his head. 
   He decided they didn’t need to know where he was yet and threw his phone back to the bottom of the bed and flopped down. Alastair was still standing next to the bed with a crooked smile on his face. His phone case was clear but there was a polaroid picture of him and Cordelia is fancy clothes from some party.
   Cordelia’s words fluttered back into Thomas’ head. ‘Thomas, be careful with him.’ He flicked his eyes up to the ceiling not wanting to be caught staring at Alastair right now. He ran over the words in his head. Did she mean to be careful with him because Thomas could get hurt? He knew it was likely that his… affection was not reciprocated and that he would likely get hurt but for some reason that didn’t feel like what she was trying to say.
   Was she insinuating that Thomas should be careful with him because Alastair was fragile or something of the like? Thomas was growing frustrated. He couldn’t hurt Alastair if Alastair didn’t like him. Cordelia was off her rocker, she must be to think Thomas could ever hurt him, he wouldn’t ever even want to. 
   Thomas was pulled out of his internal monologue by Alastair's smooth voice. “Do you want to go get breakfast? It’s,” He paused to check the time on his phone and chuckled. “It’s eleven so the other’s probably already ate and the hotel breakfast isn’t serving so we can go get something.” Thomas groaned. 
   He was supposed to have gone to practice with the boys at nine. No wonder he had so many texts, he felt bad but at the same time he had never missed any rehearsals before and wanted nothing more than to go eat with Alastair. 
   “Alastair.” He groaned dragging out the ‘r’. He briefly wondered when they had become close enough to not freak out about being themselves with each other. When they started being friends and not acquaintances. He had been under the impression that they weren’t friends but Alastair had acted as if they were lifelong friends since the moment they saw each other. Well, besides him calling Thomas ‘Lightwood’, but honestly Thomas didn’t mind it.
   “Lightwood.” Alastair said in response laughing and dragging the ‘d’ for an unnecessarily long time. “I was supposed to meet the boys but if they ask when I get there tell them I woke up right before going there. Don’t mention breakfast.” Alastair laughed and nodded. “We haven’t even been on this tour a week and you’re already skipping? Deal anyway cause I’m hungry and need socialization. Where are we going?” Thomas shrugged to show his indifference. “You pick.” Thomas said, finally getting up.
   Alastair flopped on the bed laying where Thomas had been moments before. Thomas was trying to breathe correctly as it hit him at full force the fact that they had been sleeping together. As in cuddling, snuggling, dating kind of thing. Thomas and Alastair. Oh god oh god oh god.
   Thomas could feel himself start spinning into a panic attack he took a few staggering steps and sent Alastair an exasperated look that he was sure would have scared him had Alastair not been draping his arm over his eyes. “I-I’m gonna c-change. I’ll b-b-be right back.” He said all but running out of the room, ignoring Alastair’s distressed calls. 
   The hallways started spinning and Thomas fought it rushing to his room. He got to the door before realizing he had no idea what he did with his room key and Christopher was out with James and Matthew. They’re going to be upset Thomas thought distraught. He stood there shaking staring at the door too conscious of everything around him. No one had passed the hallway thankfully but Thomas felt bad. He felt as if he needed to get out of his body, like he was itchy and someone was wrapping their hands around his neck. 
   Thomas turned and slowly slid down the door to his room. He had almost calmed himself down when he saw Alastair walking quickly towards him. “Stupid hotel has too many hallways are you okay?” He asks kneeling in front of Thomas, not too close which Thomas was eternally grateful for. Thomas just nodded before stopping and shaking his head. “G-give me a second.” Alastair nodded and sat back on the balls of his feet.
   Thomas sighed and rested his head on the door. He gave it another five minutes and when he thought he was in the clear he sat up more and ran a slightly shaky hand through his hair. Alastair reached forward tentatively before deciding that was the wrong thing to do and retracting it. 
   “What set it off?” Alastair asked quietly. Thomas blushed, how was he supposed to say sleeping with him had? “I guess I just got stressed about missing rehearsal already.” Alastiar frowned, I was only joking you know that right? "I wasn’t trying to freak you out, it’s totally fine you missed. You weren't feeling well anyway.” Thomas nodded and leaned forward a little to rest his forehead on Alastair’s collarbone. 
   He always got touchy after panic attacks. Normally it was James or Matthew who received it but they weren’t here so Alastair would do. 
   Alastair brought his hand up hesitantly and started rubbing soothing circles on his back. Thomas felt his heart skip a beat and was glad Alastair couldn’t see the blush on his face. “I’m sorry.” He said so quietly he was sure Alastair hadn’t heard. Alastair let out a breath and Thomas would have given anything in that moment to know what Alastair was thinking.
   “You don’t have to apologize for things like that Thomas. Not with me or anyone I promise.” Thomas smiled weakly and pulled away, running his fingers through his hair. Alastair followed the movement and Thomas laughed lightly. “Okay. Thank you.” 
   Alastair shook his head a playful smile on his lips, “As much as I’m loving this, I’m rather hungry and you’re a snack but I’m thinking IHOP?” Thomas blanched and started sputtering while Alastair laughed standing up and reaching his hand down for Thomas to take.
   Thomas took it, avoiding eye contact because did Alastair just freaking flirt? Did he just call Thomas a snack? That was a good thing right? He made a mental note to ask Matthew what it meant later. They walked together in silence, not uncomfortable but calm, and when they got to the car Alastair casually opened the door for him. 
   Thomas raised an amused eyebrow, Alastair wasn’t one to exactly be a ‘gentleman’. He was a nice person but he didn’t really go out of his way to help other people.
   Alastair got in the driver's seat and turned on some music before pulling out of the parking lot. They listened to a few songs before one of Alastair’s songs came on, his voice filling the car. Alastair blushed and reached out to turn the channel but Thomas grabbed his wrist to stop him and just started singing along.
   When the song finished Thomas turned to look at Alastair with an excited look, and was surprised to see Alastair still blushing. “Okay but hear me out,” Thomas started excitedly. Alastair turned to look at him for a second before turning back to the road. “I’m listening.” He said with an amused tint to his voice. Thomas ignored it and went straight to his idea. 
   “What if the last few concerts we start doing random groups for a few songs? Like we do our normal concerts and then mix up the groups and each mixed up group could sing a song?” Alastair pulled into the parking spot in front of IHOP and turned to look at Thomas. Thomas could practically hear the gears turning in his head.
   “So what like we put names in a hat and draw kind of thing? Or we just break the groups up?” Thomas thought about it for a minute before nodding, “I think the hat idea would be fun don’t you? We could stick to having a solo, a group of four and a duet but have them different every night.” Alastair threw him a crooked smile. “Honestly, that sounds super fun and I’m one hundred percent down.”
  Thomas smiled brightly at him as he ran through possibilities. The only thing he didn’t want to happen was get the solo part. He hated doing things solo but he felt like it wouldn’t be the end of the world. He knew some fans wouldn’t like it, but they couldn’t please everyone.
   Thomas and Alastair spent breakfast talking about the tour and what to expect and how excited they were. It was an hour later when they finally parted ways and Thomas walked into the building they had supposed to be practicing in for the last few hours.
   Thomas walked in the main room and was greeted by a load of questions. “Where did you go last night?” “Why are you late?” “Why weren’t you answering your phone?” “Are you okay? Don’t do that again you scared us!” Thomas just shook them off with a roll of his eyes.
   “I had a migraine so I went to go get some meds from Matthew’s room but Matthew and James were uhm…” He cleared his throat uncomfortably and was pleased to see the blush rise up on Matthew and James’ face as they realized what he had walked in during. “Anyway they were busy so I went to go see if Lucie happened to have any, but then I wound up at Alastair’s and threw up and then passed out there for the night. Nothing happened.” He said glaring at Matthew who was now wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. 
   Matthew nodded emphatically. “Oh of course and so you just woke up right?” Thomas nodded slowly knowing by Matthew’s tone that Matthew didn’t believe it at all. “Oh okay then why did you leave me on read for the past two hours?” Thomas froze realizing he didn’t have a good answer to that.
  “Okay so we might have gone to have breakfast, and I might have slightly ignored y’all because I was tired and wanted to have breakfast with Alastair.” Christopher and James laughed while Matthew mocked offense. 
   He put a hand to his chest as if Thomas had physically hurt him. “Thomas you wound me! We haven’t even had five rehearsals yet and you’re already skipping out?” Thomas rolled his eyes and noticed for the first time a boy, around their age, standing off to the side watching the boys interact with unreadable eyes.
   Thomas froze and just stared for a minute. He had dark black hair and startling green eyes. He was tall and slender, ghastly white skin poking out from the sleeves of his shirt. Thomas cleared his throat embarrassed at having been staring. “Sorry I didn’t see you there, I’m Thomas.” The boy put on a polite smile and shook Thomas’ outreached hand.
   “I’m Jesse, I’m the sound manager. I’ll be working with y’all for the trip. I’ll mostly be around before concert nights just to make sure things run smoothly and obviously I’ll be here for the concerts and such.” He said in a slightly monotone. Thomas was getting mixed vibes from him and didn’t quite know what to think of the unreadable boy in front of him.
   He had a feeling that this person was going to be important but didn’t quite know why or how. Thomas shook his head plastering his smile back on when he realized it had fallen slightly. He clapped his hands and turned back to his band mates. 
   “Okay so are we still practicing?” The boys nodded and went to grab their respective instruments while Jesse went around the table to the board that had a bunch of buttons and slidey things and Thomas was greatly appreciative of the fact that he didn’t need to know what they did. 
   “What song are we practicing?” Thomas asked Matthew as he slid the guitar strap over his neck and began tuning. “Do you want to do a new one or an old one?” Matthew asked him, adjusting the microphone to his height. “How about 7 Years?” Matthew nodded and looked at James and Christopher who both nodded back. “Okay.” Matthew said pointing to Jesse who pushed some buttons and pointed back signalling them to start.
Once I was seven years old my momma told me
Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely
Once I was seven years old
It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger
Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker
By eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquor
Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure
Once I was eleven years old my daddy told me
Go get yourself a wife or you'll be lonely
Once I was eleven years old
I always had that dream like my daddy before me
So I started writing songs, I started writing stories
Something about that glory just always seemed to bore me
'Cause only those I really love will ever really know me
Once I was twenty years old, my story got told
Before the morning sun, when life was lonely
Once I was twenty years old
I only see my goals, I don't believe in failure
'Cause I know the smallest voices, they can make it major
I got my boys with me at least those in favor
And if we don't meet before I leave, I hope I'll see you later
Once I was twenty years old, my story got told
I was writing 'bout everything, I saw before me
Once I was twenty years old
Soon we'll be thirty years old, our songs have been sold
We've traveled around the world and we're still roaming
Soon we'll be thirty years old
I'm still learning about life
My woman brought children for me
So I can sing them all my songs
And I can tell them stories
Most of my boys are with me
Some are still out seeking glory
And some I had to leave behind
My brother I'm still sorry
Soon I'll be sixty years old, my daddy got sixty-one
Remember life and then your life becomes a better one
I made a man so happy when I wrote a letter once
I hope my children come and visit, once or twice a month
Soon I'll be sixty years old, will I think the world is cold
Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me
Soon I'll be sixty years old
Soon I'll be sixty years old, will I think the world is cold
Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me
Soon I'll be sixty years old
Once I was seven years old, my momma told me
Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely
Once I was seven years old
Once I was seven years old
   Matthew stopped singing and Christopher and Thomas stummed the last notes. Jesse smiled at them. “That was really good guys.” He said in a sincere voice Thomas smiled back at him. “Thank you.” He said politely watching Jesse start turning things off. Thomas turned to James who had also started packing up. “Are we done already?” Matthew raised an unamused eyebrow.
   “We have been practicing for hours, you didn’t bother to show up so I think you should practice a little more.” Thomas rolled his eyes. Most people would have found that rude but he knew that Matthew was just stressing over everything going well. Thomas had already planned on practicing extra anyway.
   The boys packed up and left after saying goodbye. Thomas continued plucking a few notes before he got out his notebook and a pencil to start writing. 
   About two hours later Thomas met up with the boys who were doing an instagram live with Cordelia, Lucie, and Alastair. Thomas smiled when Matthew flipped the camera around so they could see Thomas. “And here’s the late one. He decided to get breakfast with a friend instead of coming to rehearsal today.” Matthew said while Thomas laughed and rolled his eyes before turning the camera back to him.
   “Anyway back to the questions.” Matthew said squinting at his phone screen. “This one is for you Jamie, Levy wants to know what your favorite song is by The Beautiful Cordelia.” James screwed up his face, a tell tale sign he was thinking and finally looked back at the camera with  a smile. “Probably I Love It, that was a really good song.” Lucie laughed and nodded. “I loved that song Cordelia wrote most of it.” Cordelia blushed and rolled her eyes before looking at the phone and smirking as she read the next question. 
   “Thomas this one’s for you. Who were you skipping rehearsal for?” Thomas blushed and debated telling the truth or not. He didn’t want Alastair to get the wrong idea if he lied, he didn’t want him to think he was embarrassed or anything but he also didn’t want to say Alastair because then people would start rumors and Thomas didn’t want there to be dating rumors between them because then he would have to continuously deny something he wished would happen.
   Thomas shrugged. “I’m skipping that one.” He said calmly watching and Alastiar, James, Lucie, and Cordelia’s eyebrows all shot up. He mouthed tell you later and went around the couch where Matthew was sitting so he could read the questions coming in.
   There were quite a few that just said Thomas is all caps when he came into view but eventually they went back to questions. Thomas read them and then picked one he liked. “Alastair, this one wants to know if you have any new songs in the making.” Alastair smiled as Matthew shifted the phone so they could see him. “I do actually. I’m not sure yet when I’ll release them though.” 
   A bunch of comments began flooding in about how excited they were about the news. Thomas laughed reading them. He read one that asked when they’re first official concert was. “The first concert is happening tomorrow night.” Thomas chuckled at the excited comments. “I am very excited as well. I’m excited to meet you guys tomorrow.” He said  straightening and stretching, his muscles sore and fingers aching from hours of guitar. 
   Matthew started laughing and handed Thomas the phone. “The comments.” Matthew said unable to refrain from laughing hysterically. Thomas raised an eyebrow at his friend and looked at the comments, immediately blushing bright red. Apparently his shirt had ridden up to reveal his toned stomach.
   “Guys!” Thomas said eyes wide as he read the highly inappropriate messages. Thomas covered his face with his hand, handing Matthew the phone back. He hadn’t stopped laughing and couldn’t take it so Thomas thrust it in James’ hand instead. James took one look at the comments and started laughing as well.
   Thomas flipped them off with a groan, turning and walking to his room. He wanted to get a moment alone, something that would be scarce to come across the next few months. He let out a deep breath when he stepped into the room. He sat on his bed and pulled his songbook and guitar out.
   There was something different about writing and practicing. Sure he played the guitar in both but practice felt more forced and it automatically annoyed him, writing was more of a stress reliever for him.
   He got his phone out and took a video of the new song he was writing so the boys could practice it if he happened to be late. He was singing so Matthew could hear it first before he tried to just read the notes.
   When he was done he took a shower, turning the water as hot as it could go trying to ignore the growing pit of anxiety in his stomach over the fact that in less than twenty four hours they would have to go in front of tons of people performing songs that meant more to Thomas than any of them would ever know.
   Thomas shook the thought off and put new clothes on heading back to Lucie’s room to hang out for about an hour before he went to sleep, hopefully socializing would help distract him.
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personasintro · 5 years
Cheater | kth [oneshot]
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⏤𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; Ten proofs you got to find out the truth but you were too blind in love to see.
⏤𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: oral sex [female and male receiving], strong language, penetrative sex, protected sex, cum eating, creampie, soft sex
⏤𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: angst, smut
⏤𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 16.8k
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The darkest side of the love is, that it can break you in seconds. It makes you strong but weak at the same time. It depends on the person you’re in love with — and if that person is in love with you as well.
Hearing the rustling of the keys jolts you awake as you stir in the black sheets. You can hear fainted footsteps going around apartment before the bedroom door is being opened. You squint your eyes already sitting up and turning on the little lamp on your nightstand. Taehyung seems to be surprised by you being awake, his eyes slowly widening before a soft sigh leaves his beautiful lips. 
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” he asks quietly taking off his clothes, not minding you’re seeing him stripping off. Of course, he doesn’t mind. You’ve been dating for the past five years. You’re over that shy phase of your relationship a long time ago. He stays in his boxer briefs grabbing his clothes from the floor he threw them, giving you a quick glance waiting for your answer.
“You woke me up,” you answer softly wiping your eyes with tiredness. You check the clock seeing it’s already three in the morning. “I missed you, you said you’d come home before eleven.” you almost pout, not wanting to sound too whiny to your boyfriend. He runs his fingers decorated with silver rings through his brown soft hair before sighing.
“I know, I’m sorry. The guys wanted me to stay longer.” he apologises before scurrying to the bathroom. Soon enough, you hear the water being turned on and you close your eyes wanting to sleep, but it’s like your heart and mind are still waiting for Taehyung’s presence. So you wait. Him taking a shower doesn’t last too long before he’s coming to your bed in ten minutes. He lays next to you while you wait for him to cuddle you like he always does. You can see the slight light coming from his phone as he types something, before locking it and putting it on his nightstand. His arms wraps around your body pulling you closer. He gives your shoulder small peck causing you to smile in satisfaction. “Now go to sleep.” he softly commands and you quickly shut your eyes, already falling deeply asleep. 
The next morning you wake up to an empty bed and you disappointingly sigh. You check your phone seeing small text from your boyfriend.
taehyung: good morning, had to go to work I’ve to work an overtime :( will come home around nine
Great. Another whole day without spending some time with him. It might seem like you’re being one of those clingy girlfriends who won’t let their other half’s let breath and live, but it’s not like that. Lately you’ve barely spend any time with your boyfriend. It almost feels like you’re only roommates these days.
‘it’s okay, I’ll be waiting for you :)’ 
You text him back not waiting for response knowing it’ll be coming way later or never. He’s been too busy recently with his work. But knowing how hardworking Taehyung is makes you proud of him. You’ve decided to spend your day with cleaning up yours and Taehyung’s place. Even your best friend, Seulgi, is on holiday so you have nothing else to do. You’re in the middle of doing your laundry when you grab Taehyung’s clothes from yesterday from the laundry basket. You’re ready to throw his whole black outfit into the washing machine when the sweet scent of vanilla and some flowery scent fills your nose. You furrow your eyebrows slowly bringing his black T-shirt to your nose. You inhale almost sneezing covering your nose with your hand. This is definitely not Jimin’s or any guys’ scents. As you know Taehyung and his group of friends, they went clubbing or something. You don’t make a big deal out of it throwing his clothes to the washing machine. Although, you’re doing a mental note to ask Taehyung about it. When he finally comes back home, somehow later than he texted you but you’re still fine and pleased you get to spend some time with him, you cook a dinner for him. You both eat silently when you wipe your mouth with a napkin staining it little bit. You take a sip from your wine glass watching him chewing silently. “Where were you yesterday?” you suddenly ask, causing him to stop chewing for a second before continuing. You watch him as he swallows his food before looking at you.
“With my friends, I told you that.” he answers with a small smile taking his glass of wine. He drinks the whole red wine, something he has done for a long time. He loves wine. Although he used to dislike it for its bitter taste. He’d cringe whenever he’d take a sip from it.
“Yeah, I know. But where did you guys go?” you ask curiously and he arches his brow at you before smiling. 
“Clubbing.” he shrugs while answering your question and you only nod in response. Just like you thought so. You’re not even surprised some girl was probably clinging or dancing with Taehyung. You’re pretty aware of his attractive face and you trust Taehyung. You’re fine with him dancing with someone when you’re not there, as long as it has some limits.
“The dinner is amazing, thank you for cooking it.” he smiles at you taking another bite of his food causing you to smile at him. There’s nothing better than making him happy.
“I’m so happy you came. Both of you,” Mrs. Kim says for the fifth time causing a light giggle escaping your lips. “I haven’t seen your for a few weeks.” she continues glaring at her son, scolding him for not visiting his parents more often.
Taehyung sits next to you, his arm holding you closer to his warm body. His familiar scent fills your nose and you want nothing more than to bury your nose in it.
“I’ve been pretty busy, mom.” He sighs drawing some patterns onto your shoulder. You lean your head against his shoulder enjoying the soft touch. You’ve always loved when he caressed you, he often jokes that you’re a cat in human body.
“I know, I know. I’m just glad you’re both staying over for a night.” she smiles happily at the both of you nudging her husband, Taehyung’s father, to look at you. He only smiles remembering him and his wife, long before Taehyung and his brother were born. The little start of their huge love. She’s ready to say something when Taehyung’s phone rings loudly causing her to stop. He sits straight pulling his phone from his pants. The ‘unknown’ number flashes on his screen causing him to stand up.
“Excuse me, someone’s calling me.” he mumbles leaving from the living room. He disappears from your sight causing his mom to cheerfully grin at you with big eyes, the ones Taehyung inherited from her. She leans with her elbows on her knees wanting to be closer to you. Mr. Kim just snorts, seeing his wife getting all excited about something which he already knows what’s this about.
“So, did he ask you?” she asks you with hushed voice causing Mr. Kim to look at you curiously as well. You shift under their gaze looking at them in confusion. 
“Ask me what?” you ask uncertainly, nervously laughing at Mrs. Kim’s grin like she’s expecting for you to say specific words. You’re reaching for your strawberry tea she made you slowly sipping from it.
“If he asked you to marry him?” you almost choke with the tea, quickly covering your mouth with your hand. She quickly holds a napkin for you and you bow, not able to speak. You quickly wipe your mouth coughing awkwardly. 
“No, he didn’t.” you answer calmly, Mrs. Kim’s posture falling down as soon as she hears your answer.
“Aish, this boy! When does he wants to pop that question?” she scolds her currently unavailable son. Mr. Kim laughs at his wife shaking his head. 
“Sweetheart, he’ll.. soon.” he tries to convince her but she only scoffs. Thankfully, Mr. Kim starts to ask you about yourself and more work related stuff and you find yourself in comfortable conversation with the both of them.
It’s couple of minutes later when Taehyung comes back.
“Who called you?” His mom asks him when he sits back next to you. He coughs looking at her reaching for some snacks on the table. 
“Just someone who mistook my number.” he mumbles munching on some chips.
His mom raises her brow. “You called with some stranger for ten minutes?” 
This time you look at Taehyung curiously who glances at you, his figure somehow stiffens.
“I went to the bathroom. Are you done, detective?” he jokes causing his mom to scold him about his attitude but amused smile is playing on her lips. 
You talk in their living room for another one hour before all of you decide to go to bed. It’s already pretty late so you rush into the bathroom. Thank god, there are two bathrooms in their house. Quickly grabbing your pyjamas from your suitcase you use the bathroom connected to his old bedroom, so you don’t have to worry about Taehyung’s parents seeing you in your thin pyjamas or naked covered with a towel. You stand in the shower, enjoying the water droplets falling onto your skin making your muscles to feel relaxed. 
You sigh in content, Mrs. Kim’s words appearing on your mind. Wedding. You would lie if you say you didn’t think about wedding and marriage in general. That’s like almost every woman’s dream. To find someone who you can spend the rest of your life with — and you found that someone. Taehyung. But none of you really talked about wedding — at least not too seriously. You’d be more than happy to see him on his knee asking you to marry him. That thought makes your stomach tickle with butterflies full of excitement. You’re too deep in your thoughts to notice Taehyung sneaking into the bathroom. He strips himself from his clothes making his way to the shower, where you’re mindlessly standing. He pulls the shower curtain before stepping in. You jump in surprise, chuckling when you see his cheeky grin. 
“You scared me,” you say as he shuts down the shower curtain. “What are you doing here?” you ask him as he stands behind you reaching for a shower gel. He squeezes some amount onto his hands kissing your naked and wet shoulder.
“I’m taking a shower, obviously.” he scoffs playfully and you roll your eyes at him but secretly smile at his cheekiness. He starts washing your shoulders moving to your back. You giggle when he washes your stomach knowing it tickles you. He chuckles before moving to your ass, squeezing it. But that’s not all — he pays special attention to your behind as he presses onto you and you almost gasp at feeling of his hard cock pressed against your lower back.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” you ask, amused feeling him pressing onto you even more, slowly cupping your breasts massaging them. You throw your head back, leaning against his shoulder.
“I’m touching you,” he mumbles with amused scoff, as if it wasn't obvious, moving his hand onto your hips before teasingly touching your clit. You bite into your lip feeling the water hitting your face. You find yourself getting turned on very easily — it’s not hard when he knows exactly where to touch and what drives you crazy. He knows it all. “I haven’t touched you in weeks.” he speaks, kissing your shoulder one more time before moving his finger up and down your slit. You moan quietly feeling him slowly inserting one finger moving it inside and out.
“Tae...” you mumble remembering you’re in his parents’ house. Even though there’s two doors hiding you and the sounds, they could still hear you if he’d continue. But Taehyung quickly shushes you with a light bite into your neck. 
“So fucking wet already.” he whispers into your ear and you whimper when he curls his finger in you. You clench around him making him growl pressing his hard cock between the cheeks of your ass. He turns you around as he pulls out his finger out of you giving you one of his sweet smiles and you almost melt at the sight. He backs you to the wall, your back pressed into the shower tiles. It’s too cold but you don’t mind nor care since your body feels too hot. Hotness, which Taehyung caused.
“Tae, we can’t do it here.” you speak, feeling his cock against your stomach now, making you clench around nothing. 
“Why not?” he asks, shrugging casually not really caring about the idea of fucking in his parents’ home. Well, it used to be his home as well. It still kind of is. He grew up in this house so it doesn’t seem too strange for him.
“They might hear us,” you answer and he only hums, tracing his finger against your nipples which are hardened way before he even properly touched you. “Imagine how awkward would it be the next morning.” you tell him and he acts like he’s thinking for a moment, before cheekily grinning once again. 
And you know you’ve failed miserably.
“Yeah, I don’t really care.” he shrugs and you laugh at him, causing a smile of joy and satisfaction lit up his face. 
His hands hooks under your thighs, lifting you into his arms. He gives you a lazy grin kissing you softly while your chest rubs against his, tickling your hardened nipples. He rests your thigh against his hips holding you protectively. Your wrap your arms around his neck holding onto him giving him a grin. Your both bodies are drenched in water, the water hitting especially Taehyung’s back but he could care less. He rubs his nose against yours, before softly kissing you. It’s soft and passionate at the same time, his lips making its way from your neck to your collarbones teasingly licking your nipples. The angle seems awfully uncomfortable, but it doesn’t look like he minds. You moan out loud gripping his hair on the back of his head at the feeling of his tongue on your skin.
“Do you want me to stop?” he asks with a soft tone, but you can feel the teasing smile across his lips. “You don’t mind my parents might hear us?” he continues nudging your chin with his nose. He pulls back to look at your expression waiting for any response.
You should get irritated with his teasing, but the pleasure dominating your senses and mind, mixed with the burn between your legs, you can’t seem to be nowhere near annoyed with him.
You breath out, licking your lips. “I guess we have to be quiet then.” 
And that’s all it takes for Taehyung to smirk at you, kissing you for the last time before he slowly parts your folds with his cock head. He thrusts into you in one go leaving a low moan from both of your lips. When he’s all in, he stays there for a second to cherish the feeling of you wrapped around him and giving you some time to adjust to him. You impatiently whine and he chuckles pulling out before thrusting back in with more force.
“Ah, fuck.” you moan throwing your head back, letting it bump into shower tiles. 
“You’re doing an awful job at being quiet.” he comments through a gritted teeth, continuing to thrust into you. He picks up his pace causing your bodies colliding with each other even more. Even the sound of water droplets couldn’t muffle your moans and Taehyung’s thrusts entirely. You clench around him uncontrollably Taehyung’s low grunts making you turned on even more.
“Come on, princess. I know you’re close.” he grunts into your ear trying to control his own orgasm. 
That one fucking pet name sending you over the edge, you let go. Orgasm washes over you and you moan out loudly from the sudden bliss Taehyung’s causing. He follows you right after, spilling his load into you while burying his face into the crook of your neck to muffle his low grunts. You’re both wrapped in each other’s hold trying to calm down your breathing. 
After a moment, Taehyung pulls away carefully setting you onto your shaky legs, hands still protectively around you as he sees your legs trembling. He smugly smirks and you lightly slap him in his chest leaning against the wall. He suddenly kneels down, seeing his cum leaking down your thighs, water not able to wash it off since it’s mostly dropping onto Taehyung. His hair is drenched up, water getting into his eyes but he doesn’t care. He holds your leg, slowly hooking it across his shoulder. 
“W–what are you doing?” you ask breathlessly but he doesn’t give you an answer. At least, not a verbal one. He dips his head down slowly licking the mixture of your and his cum swallowing it all. You gasp as you feel his mouth against your slit causing you to flinch, the overstimulation becoming too strong. You look down gaping at your boyfriend who swallows all of your cum. Soon enough he licks it all putting your leg down before looking up at you. He smirks at you causing your heart to beat faster.
“God, I love you.” you say to him as he stands back to his feet pecking your nose. He gently pulls the wet strands on your cheek away smiling at you. 
“I love you too.”
You’re cleaning Taehyung’s used socks and you scrunch your nose in disgust when the horrendous smell fills your nose. “God, Taehyung.” you grumble throwing it into a little basket in your hands. Taehyung is currently showering so you’ve decided to tidy up your bedroom. What is the better thing to do than clean your home at Saturday? Not really but Taehyung already have some plans with his friends and you’re staying home. You used to come with him a lot but lately he haven’t been asking you to come and you don’t question it. Maybe they want  to have some privacy — discuss some guy business or whatever. You’re picking one of your panties Taehyung threw there last night, your clothes scattered all over the floor. You’re humming a familiar tune of some song you heard on the radio, when Taehyung’s phone rings with notification. You’re not one of those girlfriends who invade someone’s privacy, even if he’s been your boyfriend for the past five years. But it seems like your eyes follow his phone which flushes with a new message. You don’t mean to read anything but your eyes catch ‘unknown’ number written on his screen. The screen turns off being a simple black and locked. You nervously bit your lip gently taping his screen — your curiosity winning this time.
unknown: I had fun yesterday, thank you ;)
Your brows furrows and your heart is unwillingly beating fast. You don’t understand that feeling but you don’t like it not even a bit. Who the hell texted him?
“What are you doing?” 
The deep voice booms in the room and you jump quickly turning around to see Taehyung looking at you. You nervously tighten your grip around the basket ready to tell him a lie. But his eyes soon follow his bright screen of his phone before looking at you. He doesn’t look at you like he’s angry but he definitely looks kind of intimidating. The whole atmosphere changing in your bedroom and it makes you question why does he looks so different all of a sudden.
You shift your way before straightening your posture watching the water droplets falling from his wet hair to his naked chest. The white towel is wrapped around his waist, the deep ‘v’ line visible and your eyes catch it fast. 
“Someone texted you, I wanted to bring your phone to you.” you say to him, not complete lie but neither complete truth. You’ve never really lied to Taehyung, but something about the way he’s looking at you made you lie to him. It was your first instinct to do that. He looks at you suspiciously walking right through you. He reaches for his phone scanning his phone screen. You’re watching his reaction carefully and you’re sure he can feel your eyes on him. But he doesn’t react like anything, simply locking his phone putting it back to its place.
“Why unknown numbers keeps contacting you?” you blur out, simply having the feeling like you should ask him. Because this is getting too weird. Is he in some kind of trouble? If he was then the text wouldn’t sound so... sweet. Maybe it’s—
“Weird, right? I’ve no idea. I feel like someone is pranking me or simply just mistaking my number,” he speaks chuckling little bit. You eye him nodding and he walks closer to you. He connects your lips together lightly kissing you. “Don’t worry about it.”
And you don’t.
It’s three days before your birthday but you don’t really realise it. You always spend your birthday with Taehyung, getting greeting cards from your friends and family. You usually planned some nice dinner followed with making love all night. You never really needed some fancy and big party. You were always content being with Taehyung — because he is all that you need. You are putting his fresh clothes into his chest of drawers when you feel something hard against his T-shirts. You furrow your brows pulling out a small box. It seems like... a present. You curiously bite your lip deciding if you should put it back. With your following birthday you’re sure it’s your birthday gift. It doesn’t look like a ring box, no it’s too big for that. Before you think it through, you’re already opening the baby blue box with silver glitter on it revealing a diamond necklace. It’s beautiful. The little heart is in the middle, decorated with diamonds making it look fancy and shiny. You squeal happily admiring it. You don’t even touch it, quickly putting it back to its place.
As you expected your birthday is being spend in fancy restaurant. The food isn’t too expensive but not too cheap, something you and Taehyung both agreed on. The food tastes amazing and there’s no reason to pay for something expensive when you get an amazing food for an amazing price. “Are you enjoying your birthday?” Taehyung asks as both of you are finished with the food. You wipe your mouth with a napkin, staining it with the food and lipstick. You smile at Taehyung sipping from your red wine he ordered.
“Of course, thank you.” you smile at him as he smiles back with his boxy grin you fell in love with. You see him pulling out something from his jacket and you’re excitedly watching with huge eyes. He pulls out small yellow box handing it to you.
“Happy birthday, love.” he says as you slowly take the little box from his hands. You eye the box before he nudges you to open it. Wasn’t the box in baby blue colour and bigger? 
You open it nevertheless already smiling at the thought seeing the diamond necklace. Your smile falters as soon as you see a small earrings. Taehyung watches your reaction his eyebrows furrows as he sees the smile fading away. It’s not the necklace you found. It’s some small earrings looking... cheap. That’s not even the issue, you don’t care about money or material things but... what happened to that necklace? 
“You don’t like it?” he asks slowly and you look at him quickly smiling even though it’s not an honest one.
“Oh, no, no, no. I like it. It’s just...” you trail off, putting the opened box with the earrings onto the table. It sits there almost mockingly screaming ‘you thought bitch’. He raises his brows knowing there’s something more. You pray he’d just let it go but he simply watches you, waiting. You sigh, already knowing you have to tell him truth. Honesty is the key. “Okay, I found this necklace you hid in your clothes. I just thought...”
You look down completely missing the sharp gaze your way. He clenches his jaw coughing trying to mask his anger. You’re looking down in shame, having no idea how he looks right now. “You were going through my stuff?” he tries to be quiet — you’re in the restaurant full of people — but he rises his voice a little bit causing you to shoot your eyes at him. You see how he tries to control himself and you gulp.
“No!” you quickly deny shaking your head. “I was putting your fresh clothes and I just--saw it. I’m sorry, okay?” you apologise and he stays quiet gulping the rest of his red wine. 
You really screwed up, didn’t you?
“So...” you start and he gives you a look which you don’t like. He doesn’t necessarily look at you like he’s really angry but something about his eyes — the way they’re not shining happily — makes you feel weird about it. “Where is it?”
“Where is what, Y/N?” he asks looking straight into your eyes and you gulp. He barely calls you by your name. Usually it’s full of pet names — especially your favorite one. “The necklace.” you answer with whisper and he clenches his jaw.
“It wasn’t mine.” he answers casually already pouring himself another glass of wine. You sit there dumbfounded with your mouth opened. 
“Oh,” you say awkwardly fumbling nervously with your fingers under the table.
“It was Jimin’s, he asked me if I can hide it. So I did.” he answers. 
You feel like a complete idiot, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. You’re idiot, Y/N. This is why you should never go through anyone’s stuff.
“Jimin has a girlfriend?” You asked surprised knowing how picky Jimin gets. 
He’s all about ‘I don’t need anyone to make me happy, I’m happy with myself and only myself’. You guess someone might broke his thick wall to his heart.
“Yeah.” he answers with short answer but you wait for more. 
“And? Tell me more. Who is she?” you ask suddenly feeling excited about this.
“Jesus, Y/N. Stop stuffing your face into someone’s privacy.” he exclaims suddenly and your smile drops. 
Wait, did he just roll your eyes at you? 
And the tone? The waiter comes to save the awkward atmosphere between you two causing Taehyung to ask him for the check. He takes the dirty and empty plates with him, telling you he’ll be right back with your check. You sit there quietly full of sadness, trying to somehow understand what the hell has just happened. He never really talked to you like that. So cold. This is just so not Taehyung you know.
“I’m sorry, this is your day. I don’t want to ruin it,” he speaks up, softly reaching to the table. You look at his hand waving with his fingers at you. But you stay sitting there feeling too offended and probably mostly hurt. He sighs pouting at you. “I’m sorry, I don’t want this day to be about Jimin or anyone else. I want this day to be about you.” he speaks and you look at him giving you an apologetic smile. You bite into your lip reaching for his hands which cups yours.
You pull the curtain away revealing short silver dress for Taehyung’s eyes. He scans your posture and bites his lips as he sees the dress hugging your curves perfectly. “I’m not sure about this one.” you mumble turning around watching your reflection. These dress look nice but you’re just not sure about them. You cock your head to the side, pursing your lips thinking if you should buy these or not. Taehyung stands up and walks up to you, hands hugging your stomach pulling you closer to him. You feel his chest on your back while he kisses your neck.
“You’re beautiful,” he says softly and you smile looking at his hands slowly caressing your stomach. “You should buy them.” he slowly caress your ass and you tense.
“Taehyung, we’re in the shop. Someone might see.” you speak quietly looking at him in the reflection. 
He smirks before kissing your neck softly with his plump and soft lips. You’re ready to tell him off but his phone rings causing him to grunt annoyingly but still pulls his phone out of his pocket. You don’t see who’s calling him, too busy with checking yourself out.
“Hey, I need to take this,” he says backing out from cabin his phone still ringing. Why doesn’t he answer? “I’ll be right back.” he says, quickly walking out of the cabins room. Why couldn’t he just answer the phone here? You shrug it off pulling the curtain, so no one would see you changing your clothes. After you’re back in your clothes, you decide to buy those dress just because Taehyung likes it. You’re still not sure about it, but the way he looked at you makes you think he definitely liked it. You pay for the dress seeing Taehyung nowhere in sight. You sigh thanking the cashier for the shopping bag she handles you. As you walk out of the store someone calls your name causing you to turn around in confusion.
Soon enough you see familiar smile your way and your face immediately lights up. “Jimin!” you call out already in huge hug he gives you. He pulls away grinning at you.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you in so long! Why don’t you come with us anymore?” He asks making you bite the inside of your cheek. What are you suppose to tell him? Sometimes you feel like you’d want to hang out with Taehyung’s friends like you used to. They’re fun people to be around and they all like your presence. But Taehyung doesn’t ask you to come with them anymore and you don’t want to exactly call out Taehyung for that.
“I’m busy,” you answer — which is a complete lie because beside your work, you don’t exactly do anything specific. With Seulgi being still on her vacation in Greece, you don’t get to spend your free time with her. Maybe you should find something active for you to do. Maybe some yoga or something. 
Jimin pouts at you, looking disappointed by your answer. Great, now he thinks you don’t want hang out with them or something. “Besides, you guys need to talk about your stuff and I don’t want to intrude.” you add seeing him furrow his eyebrows at you.
“You wouldn’t intrude, you know that.” he speaks seriously making you let out a nervous laugh. He amiles at you and you suddenly remember Taehyung’s words. You smirk a little bit, nudging his shoulder while he looks at you with confusion.
“But why don’t you commend?” you grin at him cheekily while he still looks at you with confusion. “Commend with what?”
Oh, he’s a great actor so he must be acting like he has no idea what you’re talking about. “You know, with your girlfriend.” you raise your brows at him teasingly but his features doesn’t change.
“What are you talking about?” he asks you while he lets out a laugh. He looks at you like you’re some lunatic and you stop grinning. 
“You’ve a girlfriend, no?” you ask back in confusion wondering if he’s just acting but he really does look genuinely confused.
He shakes his head. “Y/N, I don’t have any girlfriend.” he informs you while your eyes widen. You gulp thinking about what Taehyung said. He said Jimin, right? Maybe you messed up the name and he actually said someone else’s name. But then-- he really said Jimin. That’s why you were so confused. No, it definitely has to be Jimin.
“Oh, sorry then. I thought...” you trail off awkwardly and he chuckles at you. 
“Hey, don’t worry about it.” he assures you with a light nudge to your shoulder. “I gotta go, I’ll check up with you later. Don’t forget to come, we all want to see you!” he says as he backs away with wave. 
You wave at him with smile watching him disappear in the shopping mall. You walk out of the store completely confused. Why would Taehyung lie? What-- did he really lie?
Something definitely isn’t right.
Couple days later you’re cutting the vegetables to make a soup hearing the front door closing. You hear him putting his shoes away soon followed with his footsteps. You don’t turn around focusing on cutting the vegetable when you feel his arms wrapping around your frame. He kisses your cheek while humming. “What are you cooking?” he asks softly stepping away. 
“Vegetable soup.” you answer casually turning around to greet him properly. You smile excited to see him well because... you love him and you’ve missed him. You kiss him looking at his plump lips before scrunching your brows.
“You’ve something on your face,” you say putting your thumb in your mouth before trying to wipe whatever food stain he has there. Your brows furrows even more when your thumb only tugs the stain. It’s not just some stain from food. It’s lipstick. “What the hell, Taehyung?” you ask backing away from him. He stops smiling looking at you confusingly.
“What?” he asks cluelessly touching his cheek where you touched him.
“You’ve a lipstick on your face,” you answer feeling your heart beating somewhere in your throat. His eyes widens and you see something you barely get to see on Taehyung’s face. Fear. “What the fuck?” you exclaim while he rubs his cheek. He looks at his fingers which are now stained with red color. His cheeks are even more stained and red than before.
“It’s not what it looks like,” he says denying whatever thoughts you’re having right now. He sees the anger and hurt in your eyes and his heart clenches at that sight. “I met my old colleague and she kissed my cheek.” he explains and you almost scoff. You’re searching his face for whatever that could tell you if he lies. But he only pleads, sucking his lower lip looking with you with those big eyes.
“Are you telling the truth?” you ask softly and he bites the inside of his cheek. He nods reaching out for you pulling to his body. He hugs you closely kissing you into your hair. He closes his eyes holding you close although your eyes are fully open and heart breaking when you can smell the scent of vanilla and flowery scent. The perfume you already once smelled on his clothes.
You laugh at one of Hoseok’s funny expressions trying to mimic Jin’s broad shoulders. All of the guys laughing including you. “Yah!” Jin throws a fit reaching for a pillow laying next to him, simply throwing it at Hoseok. 
He easily dodges it continuing with making everyone laugh. Jin’s ears are all red from embarrassment but there’s a smile playing on his plump lips. You were finally invited to hangout with Taehyung’s friends and you’ve missed them. They’ve been in your live ever since you met Taehyung.
“Come on, cheer up little bit.” Seulgi says to you judging you into your shoulder while you roll your eyes. “It’s going to be fine.” she says checking herself in the mirror for the tenth time in the past five minutes.
“I don’t even know that guy,” you grumble hating how that lipgloss Seulgi put on you feels. It’s too sticky for you.
“Me neither, but I know Taehyung.” she shrugs and you loudly groan at her. This is going to be so embarrassing. 
Your best friend, set you up on a double date with her and some guy she likes. Wait, like is probably too weak of a statement. She’s obssesed about that Taehyung guy constantly talking about him to the point it started to annoy you everytime she mentioned him. He asked her on the date but it kind of became double date with you and his best friend. You don’t even know how but you don’t even want to know. All you know is that you’re feeling freaking embarrassing for her to drag you out on this date.
“They’re here!” she yells loudly and you cringe at her loud voice looking the way she’s pointing. You can’t see properly since it’s already dark outside and they’re standing on the side of the cinema where lamp lights doesn’t reach that much. You don’t even question how she could recognize Taehyung from this distance. She scurries from her car waiting for you to come out but you only sit there suddenly feeling nervous. You don’t even know the guy! What if he’s some douchebag? The hell, you don’t even know Taehyung only from her constant talking about him. 
The sudden sound of tapping on the window next to you makes you flinch in surprise and you see Seulgi impatient gaze. “Get out!” she exclaims and you roll your eyes before opening the door.
“You’re annoying, you know that, right?” you grumble while she grins at you intertwining your hands together. You feel fucking embarrassing when you’re coming closer to the two guys waiting for you. One of the guys turns around and you almost gasp. He even looks better than on the photos. He smiles your way waving at the both of you and you almost melt at the sight of his boxy smile.
“Hey!” he greets you with kind and generous smile. And his voice. It sounds too sweet, soft but deep and you suddenly get what Seulgi meant when she told you that.
“Hey, Taehyung.” she shyly smiles and you suddenly snort causing him to look at you. Seulgi and shy? Those two words don’t go together. She nudges you to your shoulder and you just innocently shrug feeling the pair of eyes looking at you. “This is my best friend, Y/N.” she introduces you kind of annoyed at you feeling like you’ve embarrassed her. Of course, she feels that way — this is her longest crush and you just snorted in front of him because of her.
“Well, nice to meet you, Y/N.” he speaks smiling showing his teeth, one of his teeth slightly crooked but it’s barely visible. God, you’re starting to sound like Seulgi. “This is my best friend, Jimin.” he continues pointing to the guy standing beside him. You finally notice him — he gives you an eye smile your way already reaching his hand for you to shake yours. You gladly obey liking that he isn’t as shy as you’re. You watch his features which gives you friendly vibe and god — he looks like an actual god. Where did Seulgi meet these guys?
“Hi, Jimin” you speak and the guy simply grins at you saying soft ‘hi’ with his angelic voice. You notice their height difference — Taehyung being slightly taller than Jimin.
“Can we go to see this movie? I heard it’s really amazing.” Seulgi speaks already walking to Taehyung’s side and he gives her smile while you just stand there and watch his face. “Yeah, sure let’s go.” he says.
The movie she picked is... well disaster. It’s supposed to be horror but instead it’s just cheesy scenes with loud sound effects causing everyone to gasp or scream. But the scene itself isn’t scary at all — and you’re mostly scared of horrors. 
“It’s awful, isn’t it?” you hear deep voice beside you while you’re munching on popcorn. You look down seeing some of the popcorn on your legs and you quickly eat them. 
“What? The popcorn?” you ask and you hear him chuckle. You look at him, the light from movie allowing to see his face clearer. He shuts his eyes while he laughs at you before opening them looking straight at you.
“No, the movie.” he answers and you feel the sudden rush of embarrassment fill you.
“Oh,” you exclaim putting the popcorn down on the floor praying it won’t spill. “Yeah, it’s awful.” you agree with him reaching for your coke. You slightly sip from it only to hear sounds your straw is doing — it’s empty. You’ve drank everything and you only sigh in disappointment.
“Let’s get another one, I drank mine as well.” he suggests and you happily nod just to escape from seeing this low quality movie. You both stand up causing Seulgi to look at you both in confusion. “We’re getting another drinks. Do you want something?” he asks her sweetly and she shakes her head smiling at him. You don’t see his face, only his back that it’s facing you. You follow him through the steps cursing at the low light on stairs. You pray you won’t fall down or something but you see Taehyung glancing behind his back at you keeping himself close to you in case you’d actually fall. When you’re out of the movie hall you both happily sigh causing the both of you to laugh.
“I’ve never seen such a horrible movie,” Taehyung scoffs walking beside you to a counter with snacks. “I’m sorry if you were the one who picked movie but...” he trails off but you only laugh shaking your head.
“I didn’t. Seulgi did.” you answer and he only nod greeting young guy behind the counter. He asks for your order while Taehyung answers him asking you if you want something else. You just kindly shake your head already fishing out your wallet but Taehyung quickly pays.
“Hey, I’d pay for it.” you say with pout taking your coke from his hands saying ‘thank you’. 
“It’s okay, I wanted to pay.” he waves at you giving you one of his sweetest smiles. In the hall, there are small red couches for rest — basically for the people who waits for the movie to start when the movie hall isn’t opened yet. “Do you want to sit down for a bit?” he asks pointing to the red couches. You gladly nod already sitting down.
“So, who are you really, Y/N?” he asks teasingly alright a grin causing your heart to beat somehow faster. You point behind him causing him to turn around seeing a small bin. He laughs at you shaking his head. “Stop it.” he says to you disapprovingly while still shaking his head.
“Why? I answered you!” you exclaim jokingly and small smile is playing on his lips. 
“You’re nowhere near that.” he suddenly says too seriously causing you to stop smiling. You blush looking down onto your thighs.
“But who are you, Taehyung?” you ask, quickly adverting attention onto him. Under the light, you notice small mole on his nose and on his lower lip making him look even more unique. He just grins shrugging his shoulders. 
“I’m still trying to figure it out.” he answers with soft smile. 
You both talk for another minutes getting to know each other little bit more. You find out he likes to paint in his free time but it’s hard to combine it with his hectic life. He talks about his parents and his younger brother, which he dearly loves and feels like he has to protect him at all costs. You get to know he likes hugging too much and is clingy. He gets to know that your parents got divorced when you were a kid, both happily with their other partners. They get along well even after the divorce, putting at least some peace to your heart. He finds out you like to spend your free time writing but you’re too insecure to do it more seriously. So instead, you’re anonymously posting it on different apps. You’ve never really told anyone about your writing — except Seulgi. You’ve no idea what made you entrust Taehyung but something is simply radiating from him. Something that makes you feel like you can trust him and tell him your deepest secrets and he wouldn’t tell anyone.
“She really likes you, you know?” you suddenly speak when it’s quiet between you two. Both too busy with your thoughts. He lifts up his gaze at you knowing that you’re talking about Seulgi.
“And you?” he asks carefully watching your every feature appreciating your natural features. He can see slight imperfections on your face but that’s what makes it you. Even the awful sticky lipgloss got washed away with your constant drinking and eating popcorn. Which you’re grateful for. You hold you breath looking at him. He suddenly looks serious and somehow nervous. “Do you like me?” he asks almost whispering and you gulp. Do you like him? You’ve met him for the first time just like three hours ago, but talking with him got you an idea about who he really is. And weirdly enough, you enjoyed his company and everything he told you. You listened carefully every word he let out from his amazingly plump lips.
“Yeah, I do.” you answer softly and he grins at you leaning towards you. 
“Good, because I like you too.” he says before people start to come out from the movie hall. Soon enough, Seulgi and Jimin walks to you with confused faces.
“Where did you guys go?” Seulgi asks as soon as she’s near you both. She holds your popcorn handing it to you and you stuff your mouth with it just not to be the one who has to answer. Taehyung snorts, loudly exactly like you did before you were even introduced to him.
“We didn’t really like the movie. Did it end?” he asks and Seulgi nods her head eyeing the both of you. “Good, do you guys want to eat?” He asks standing up.
“Yes!” you answer loudly and excitedly before anyone even could. “I’m craving for McDonald’s.” you say dreamily already imaging the taste of hamburger and extremely salty fries on your tongue.
Taehyung doesn’t wait for anyone else’s answer. “Great! McDonald’s it is!” he says grinning at you, you two completely obvious to Seulgi’s and Jimin’s side glances.
The whole time all of you were in McDonald’s, eating unhealthy but tasty food, you and Taehyung never shut up. You both talked the whole time barely trying to incorporate Seulgi or Jimin into the conversation. They silently ate while listening to your happy conversations. The weirdest thing is, Jimin — the little social butterfly — was quiet the whole time simply knowing grin on his lips supporting his best friend. When you said your goodbyes which involved hugs you enjoyed. Especially Taehyung’s legendary hugs.
When you and Seulgi are alone, you sit into her car but she doesn’t start the engine. She’s simply staring in front of her while you’re grinning ear to ear. “Well, this is the biggest plot twist.” she speaks and you furrow your brows for a moment.
“What is?” you ask completely obvious already seeing Taehyung texted you. While you were talking he asked for your number and you happily gave it him.
taehyung: I enjoyed today, hope I get to see you soon ;)
“My crush is having a crush on my best friend.” she speaks sitting there all dumbfounded while your phone almost falls from your hand. 
“W—what?” you ask nervously knowing how she really likes Taehyung. Maybe giving him your phone number wasn’t so great move.
“Come on! You obviously like each other and you’ve that... spark.” she explains but she doesn’t seem mad. She simply tells you still feeling kind of surprised by all of this.
“I—I, no... you’re wrong. It’s not like—“
She laughs causing you to stop and look at her all confused. “I’m not mad, dummy. I just never thought you’d like Taehyung so much. Thankfully, Jimin was dragged to this date just like you,” she tells you while you’re staring at her with opened mouth. “Actually, Taehyung is the only guy I officially approve with you.” she says, smiling at you before both of you starts to laugh at how the night turned out.
“Okay, okay! That’s enough!” Jin’s loud voice booms out while he stands out trying to look intimidating at Hoseok. He only laughs finally stopping at mocking Jin. You look around the room, your gaze stopping at Taehyung and Jimin talking. Your eyebrows slightly furrows when you see they’ve some heated conversation. Taehyung is trying to calm him down while Jimin covers his face with his hands. What the hell is going on? You quickly advert your eyes when Jimin’s coming into the living room. You see him standing not so far away from you and you decide to give him a glance. He looks at you in this weird way while he bites the inside of his cheek.
“Hey, are you okay? You look... stressed.” you speak up quietly not wanting to gain everyone’s attention. Taehyung disappeared somewhere making you wonder what their conversation was about.
“I’m okay.” he tells you and smiles at you but it’s different. It doesn’t look real and he quickly adverts his eyes at you, almost not wanting to look at you. 
You open your mouth to say something to him but he quickly stands up sitting next to Jeongguk. The weirdest thing is, the couch where he’s sitting is already full and there’s no place for him to sit. Instead, he sits on the arm rest nudging Jeongguk’s arm causing the younger to scold him. The couch where you’re sitting has still some place for him to sit. It’s like he’s avoiding you but... why would he avoid you? He gives you a quick glance giving you one of his fake smiles before nervously gulping.
It’s like he’s hiding something. Something he doesn’t want to tell you.
You close the front door, the familiar scent of home welcoming you. You put your keys onto the small chest of drawers before taking of your shoes. You’re hanging your coat onto the hanger when you can hear quick footsteps coming your way. “Where were you?” Taehyung comes into your vision, sternly looking at you — looking like someone just pissed him off.
“What are you doing home? Weren’t you suppose to hang out with guys?” you ask softly and he breaths out pinching the root of his nose.
“Where were you?” he asks lowly causing you to furrow your brows.
“I went to see one of my old friends because I thought you’d come home later. And I didn’t know what to do,” you shrug innocently and his gaze somehow softens. But it lasts only few seconds before he looks angry once again. “What are you doing home? Did something happen?” you ask him and he shuts his eyes for a moment.
“I just... got into a fight and I’m stressed out, I guess.” he answers looking even more frustrated and you feel like he’ll snap at you any moment. Taehyung barely gets this frustrated, it must’ve been a huge fight if he’s acting like this.
“With who? One of the guys?” The question itself is an innocent one and completely clueless, but it somehow makes him even more frustrated.
“Yeah,” he mumbles scratching the back of his neck. You’re about to ask more but he quickly speaks. “I don’t want to talk about it.” he adds and you only nod in understatement. He’ll tell you, eventually. 
You’re walking to your bedroom ready to change your clothes while he’s slowly trailing after you. He watches you as you strip from your T-shirt leaving you in your jeans only. He bites his lip slowly walking to the bed and sitting on the edge. The black bralette is holding your breasts perfectly and he shifts on his spot. You feel his eyes on you so you look up at him while fiddling with the little button on your jeans.
“What?” you ask innocently as he bites his lip. He shuts his eyes for a moment before he opens them. 
“Come here.” He speaks softly and you forget about the button on your jeans slowly walking to him. He reaches for you pulling your body closer. He buries his face into your naked stomach. His breath tickling your skin but you don’t pull away enjoying the closeness between you two. You hug his head more to your body playing with his dark hair which used to be blonde when the two of you met. He slightly pulls away just to kiss your stomach while caressing your hips. He looks up at you biting the inside of his cheek like he’s thinking about something.
“Taehyung?” you ask quietly suddenly feeling weird about his behaviour. Something’s off about him.
“Please make me feel good,” he speaks not looking at you. You wait slowly caressing his hair which is slightly damaged from the constant dyeing. “I need you, princess.” 
He sounds almost desperate and you watch him as he pulls away to look at you. His eyes are dark and almost hurt at the same time. You’ve no idea what exactly happened but you want to be there for him. And he needs you.
“What do you want me to do?” you ask, biting your lip and he almost curses at the sight. He doesn’t deserve you. He knows that but yet he is too selfish to let you go.
“Get on your knees,” he commands — his whole persona changing all of the sudden. His dark eyes are filled with lust and fire. You drop onto your knees looking up at him for a moment before you reach for his belt. You unbuckle it and he lifts up his hips to help you taking off his jeans. The black boxer briefs are holding is hardened length somehow in place and you almost drool at the sight of his bulge. It’s been awhile since you’ve had sex. You’re both too busy — well, Taehyung is. He comes home later than usual and he looks too tired to even pay that kind of attention to you. And of course, you don’t want to come as needy girlfriend who needs sex everyday. You slowly caress his bulge over his boxer briefs and he curses biting his lower plump lip. Those god damn lips. 
“Stop teasing me,” he warns you through his gritted teeth and you chuckle before pulling it down. His length springs free and you’ve to swallow all the saliva that was about to drip out of your mouth. You waste no time in gripping it in your small hands — but still not too tight. Just as he loves it. You slowly spread his pre-cum with your thumb onto his length slowly pumping it. He sighs in satisfaction and you reach out for a kiss. He kisses you slightly before you move to his neck. You kiss him there sucking his skin lightly before he speaks up. “No marks.” He says to you and your brows shoots open for a moment. 
No marks? Since when he minds it? 
He’s usually the one who leaves marks all over your chest and neck area and you barely do it — but he never minded that. You lick a long stripe from his balls to the very top of his length causing him to throw his head back. You put his length into your mouth trying to take as much as possible while sucking him. His fingers intertwines into your soft hair slightly pushing you onto his length even more before you accidentally gag around him. “Take my cock, princess. Do you like your pretty lips wrapped around my thick fat cock?” he asks with a raspy voice, gripping your hair even tighter but you don’t mind the slight pain. It’s pleasing so you hum around him — the vibration causing him to hiss. You pick your pace bobbing your head up and down feeling him hit the back of your throat. You’re trying not to gag around him focusing on breathing through your nose. You cup his balls into your other hand causing him to moan out loud. The small patch of hair hitting your nose slightly tickling it but you don’t care. You feel yourself dripping down your underwear, the simply sounds of Taehyung moaning turning you on. Your hand cups his thigh, your nails digging into his flesh when you feel your eyes getting watery as he hits the back of your mouth. He doesn’t mind your nails, not when he’s buried inside your mouth. You see his thighs clenching and unclenching and that’s your clue to know he’s close to his climax. You swallow around him and that’s when he lets go. He’s cumming in your mouth and you’re trying to swallow as much as you can. He lets out the most beautiful moan while his length softens in your mouth and you pull away licking his cum from your lips. Your lips glisten from his cum while your knees aches from the wood floor. 
“Thank you.” he says standing up walking to the bathroom. 
Did he just thank you for a blowjob? And did he just walk away leaving you... like that? You slowly stand up and sit on the bed sitting all dumbfounded while weird feeling is in your chest.
You nervously bite on your nails hating the fact that you’re ruining it again, but that’s what you do when you’re nervous. It’s a common habit amongst people and you’re a part of those people. Your thumb nervously fiddles above Taehyung’s phone number deciding whether you should call him or not. Lately, he’s been very distant and you don’t want to annoy him any further. But at the same time — you won’t let him step all over you. If you’d be the one who doesn’t really let him know about your whereabouts he’d throw a huge fit. But at the same — maybe he wouldn’t. It’s like he doesn’t really pay you any attention. After the blowjob you gave him two days ago he barely touched you. He doesn’t even kisses you anymore. It’s like you’re two strangers living in the same apartment. Maybe something’s bothering him and he doesn’t want to tell you. You’ve this weird feeling in your chest that you don’t want to even think about or say it loudly. Because then — it’ll became reality. You groan clicking on the ‘call’ button patiently waiting for him to answer. He doesn’t. So you try it again. It rings for couple of seconds and when you’re ready to throw the phone away, you hear his voice.
“Hello?” he asks, probably obvious who’s calling him. Didn’t he check who’s calling him?
“Hey, where are you?” you ask him trying to sound as much normal as you can. Silence. He’s silent for a moment before you hear some rustling on the other line causing your brows to furrow.
“Oh, hey. I’m just at... Jimin’s.” he answers but his voice sounds weird. Wasn’t he suppose to hang out with them at some pub? What is he doing at Jimin’s? It doesn’t just add up and you’re suspicious not letting your common sense win. You’re in denial.
“Oh, okay. Say hi to him.” you say biting into your lip. He coughs before letting out weird chuckle.
“Okay, I will.” He says but then you hear some other voice — voice you’ve never heard in your entire life. “Come back to bed.” It’s too muffled and that person want it it to sound quiet but you hear it nevertheless. Your vision gets blurred by your tears as you bite into your lip really hard. It hurts but you don’t care. The voice — it definitely isn’t Jimin. It sounded too feminine.
“Who was that?” you ask lowly trying to control your voice. You try to sound cluelessly and it probably works when he speaks. “Oh, Jimin is calling with someone. I gotta go, I’ll be home soon.” And just like that he cancels the call. But your tears are already flowing down your cheeks while you bury your face into your hands.
Later on, your best friend Seulgi comes back from her vacation. You’re trying to cover your red eyes by not crying which isn’t really that easy. You want nothing more than to bawl your eyes out. You think you did a great job at hiding whatever evidence of sadness when she seems cheerfully talking about her vacation and all the people she met there. She doesn’t question you, not even once. It’s just when she’s done with her rambling she looks at you searching your face. You laugh at her expression. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Spill it,” she says and you gulp. “What happened?” she gives you a knowing look letting you know you won’t get out of this so easily. And you don’t even want to. You want to talk about this with someone, you need it.
“I think...” you trail off trying to swallow that huge lump in your throat. You breath out while shutting your eyes. Okay, this seems worse than you thought. She doesn’t pressure you into anything, simply waiting for you to say something. “I think... Taehyung is cheating on me.” you say loudly for the first time. And just like that — it becomes reality and you start crying. She quickly scurries to you, her hands already wrapped around your fragile body pulling you closer to her. You’re wetting her shirt but she doesn’t care and neither do you.
“Are you sure?” she asks softly her voice kind of quivering not quite believing your words. 
Taehyung? That sweetheart who fell in love with you during the first date which wasn’t even yours? You pull away wiping your tears off telling her everything you know. From his constant disappearing, then lying about Jimin’s non existent girlfriend to today’s call. You don’t forget that awful scent you get to smell on his clothes. “I will fucking kill him!” she exclaims angrily, her face getting red.
“I—I don’t know it for sure. I just... I kind of know but I’ve never really seen any evidence. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe he just doesn’t love me anymore. I don’t know...” you say once you’ve calmed down. Seulgi shakes her head angrily at the thought of Taehyung cheating on you. You’re the kindest and sweetest person she knows. And you’re her best friend — nobody messes with her best friend. Not even a guy she used to have a crush on.
“Then we will follow him,” she shrugs and you widen your eyes. “No, we can’t!” you shake your head but the plan doesn’t sound so bad.
“Why can’t we? He’s acting shady and following him might give us that evidence.” she says stubbornly.
“I don’t think we should really jump right into following him.” you mumble. The thing is, you don’t mind following him. That’s not what you’re scared — of getting caught or whatever. You’re scared of knowing the truth. And Seulgi knows that.
“Fine, then I’ve a plan,” she speaks and you raise your brow in question. “You’ve to go through his phone. See any messages, photos. He might deleted it all but if you found out he deleted it, that’s when you know he’s hiding something.” she says and you nod. You agree with that.
Once Seulgi leaves and Taehyung comes — both not meeting with each other thankfully. Seulgi would probably jump right onto him beating his ass and it would ruin your plan. There’s a still chance you’re wrong. And you don’t want to look like an idiot accusing him about something which may not be even true. You wait as he goes to take a shower, which he went as soon as he came home. His phone lays comfortably on his nightstand. When you hear the sound of water droplets you stand up slowly walking to his phone. You press the home button revealing blue neutral lock screen and your brows furrows. It used to be a picture of you and him in Seoul, when you went there for a weekend. It pains you, even more than you’d like to admit. But you’ve a plan and job to do. You click it once typing the password. Your mouth opens when you’ve put the wrong password. It used to be a date of when the both of you met. You try it again in case you messed it up — but the same thing shows; ‘PASSWORD INCORRECT’. He changed his password. You don’t realize you stand there absolutely frozen, the sound of water stopping and him sliding the shower door makes you jolt awake. You quickly scurry to your side of the bed jumping into the sheets quickly grabbing your own phone. He comes out just couple of seconds after already in his pajamas. He silently lays down shutting off his light. He doesn’t say a word turning to you with his back. You find Seulgi’s number messaging her. ‘he changed his password’ and answer comes right after a few seconds. It’s like she’s been waiting for your message — but then, she probably did.
seulgi: that son of a bitch!!!!!
She writes and you bite into your lip. You need another plan.
You wake up as you feel weird feeling between your legs causing you to stir. You don’t open your eyes, ready to continue dreaming. But soon enough you feel fingers on your slit and you open your eyes. You look back seeing Taehyung pressed onto your back with his chest slowly kissing your shoulder. “What are you doing, Taehyung?” you rasp out with your morning voice but you’re soon cut off with a low moan when he teases your entrance. His hardened length is pressed onto your lower back and you look back to see him fully naked. When did he even take off his pajamas?
“I need you, princess.” he murmurs against your neck playing with the hem of your pyjamas shorts. He slowly takes them off as you help him. He cups your breast under your pajamas tank top squeezing it causing you to bite into your lip in pure satisfaction. “Can I have you?” he asks almost pleadingly.
“Oh, yes.” you moan out shamelessly as he inserts his one finger into your tight hole. He gives it a couple of pushes before he puts your panties aside. Bringing his cock head to your slit as he teasingly moves it up and down you groan at him. He smirks against your skin before slowly pushing it. You gasp out as you try take all of him, his width stretching your slick walls. He slowly thrusts into you enjoying the warmth and feel of you wrapped around him. This time it’s different. He’s not fucking you like he used to, it’s almost like he’s making a love to you. “Taehyung.” you moan as he hums against your skin gently biting into it. His thrusts picks up its pace and you feel yourself clenching around him. You’re close. You grasp his hand which is closed over your breast squeezing it hard as you shut your eyes. “Taehyung...” Your voice filled with love while you gasp into the soft pillow. “I...” You try to tell him those three words that you both haven’t said in so long.
“I know, I know princess.” he says, his voice sounding unusual and kind of quivering. You don’t pay that much attention to it quickly cumming around him as his thrusts turns sloppy and he’s emptying himself into you. He fucks his cum into you before pulling away from you laying on his back. You both try to calm down your breathing and you turn around onto your back.
You look at him seeing him stare at the ceiling, not covering himself. Something’s wrong. “Taehyung--“ You try to speak but he quickly stands up leaving you there laying in empty bed now. 
What the fuck has just happened?
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“You did what?! You’re fucking stupid!” Your friend exclaims ending it with a face palm. You bite the inside your cheek knowing she’s kind of right. Sleeping with Taehyung knowing he is probably cheating on you wasn’t one of your smartest and proudest moments in your life.
“It just happened... I don’t even know how.” you mumble and she raises a brow.
 “Should I tell you how?” she crosses her arms over her chest and you roll your eyes.
“You should shut up,” you grumble and she gasps at you but there is a slight glint of amusement in her brown eyes. “But what should I do? He changed his password and even changed his lock screen which used to be the picture of us. This is getting really shady and I don’t like it.” you tell her while she listens to your carefully. She tucks her fingers under chin to emphasize her thinking.
“Easy, we need to follow him.” she shrugs and to be honest you don’t really like that idea. And you exactly tell her that but she only scoffs.
“I don’t think this is good idea.” you say as you shift in the seat of Seulgi’s car. You’re currently parking near building where’s Taehyung working — having a perfect view of the entrance door. It’s quite big building so a lot of people comes in and out. But you’ve to give an applause for Seulgi’s following skills. She parked the car between others so it’s kind of hidden. There’s a small chance Taehyung would see her car — he’d have to probably look for it to see it.
“Oh, will you shut up?” Seulgi rolls her eyes before giving you a grin. You sadly smile back at her and she notices it. “No matter how it’ll turn out, you always have me. I’ll kick his ass for you.” she tells you and you let out small chuckle. Taehyung texted you earlier saying he’d hang out with the boys so he’ll come home later. 
When you first saw his message you weren’t even surprised. You feel like he’s avoiding you but maybe not even that — more like he doesn’t want to be with you. And it makes it even more real and possible for him to cheat. You’re not sure if you want to know the truth. Because you’ve a weird feeling it’s going to hurt you either way. But at the same time — you’ve to know the truth.
You sit there for a couple of more minutes — his shift ending ten minutes ago which means he’ll leave the building soon. You’re feeling even more nervous while you bite your nails. Seulgi notices but she doesn’t say anything knowing it somehow calms you down a little bit. Soon enough he’s walking out of the building in his black suit. His leather black briefcase is in his hands as he walks up to his car. He unlocks it before going into the car. You both are watching the car as the lights lighten up and he slowly drives out of the parking lot. That’s when Seulgi starts engine on her own car slowly driving behind him. “Don’t go so close, he will notice.” you say in panic but she only sighs.
“Don’t worry, he won’t.” she assures you but you don’t believe her even one single world. He doesn’t drive for too long simply parking it at some pub. He walks out of the car locking it before walking in. But you don’t see any further as wooden door closes behind him.
“And now what?” you ask dumbfounded feeling like your whole plan has just failed. But Seulgi has it cover as she grins, the slight provocative smirk on her red lips. 
“Now we’re going in.” she answers unbuckling her seatbelt.
“Wait, what? No, no, no. We can’t go in just like that. He’ll notice us for sure!” you panic while she stares as you. 
The thing is, she knows why you’re nervous. She’s already been there when she had her second boyfriend. He cheated on her and he fucked her up. That’s why she knows all these good following techniques. 
“Okay, so what are you suggesting?” she asks you and you sigh. You’re suggesting to go home but at the same time you don’t want to. You’re too close to just back out now. You’ll regret it later when something even more shady happens.
“I think I should go alone there,” you answer and her brows shoots upwards in surprise. “I need to do this alone.” you add and she understandingly nods. You unbuckle your own seatbelt opening the car’s door. She gives you an encouraging smile and you smile back, although your smile isn’t sincere. You feel your palms are sweating and the uncomfortable feeling in your stomach lingers. You could throw up right now from all the nervousness.
“Keep me updated, I’ll be waiting right here.” she says as you’re closing the door. You just nod slowly walking to the pub. 
As you walk in, it’s really dark inside. The interior is mostly made out of wood while music plays in the background. There are quite a lot of people which you’re glad about — you’ll blend in more easily. You’re trying to look for Taehyung but you don’t see him anywhere. You quickly sit in the corner of a bar, which isn’t that lighten up so you’ll be hidden in there. The older man comes up to you behind the bar asking you what would you like to drink. You order just simple coke ignoring his weird stares at you. He probably thinks what the hell are you doing here and ordering only a coke. But you don’t pay him any attention focusing around your surrounding. Soon enough you see the dark hair and his too elegant suit for him to be wearing it in a pub. But he’s not alone. The man puts your coke in front of you and you quickly thank him not sparing him even a glance. Your eyes are glued on Taehyung’s back as he sits down revealing Hoseok and Namjoon sitting there. You feel like a complete idiot already ready to text Seulgi.
You’re ready to stand up when there’s someone coming to you. You almost sigh in relief when it’s not Taehyung or anyone you know. “What pretty girl like you’re doing in this shit hole?” he asks, dark beard covering his chin. There are slight wrinkles around his eyes so you estimate he’s in his late thirties. He doesn’t look that bad actually — nice pattern orange shirt covering his torso while his hair are laid nicely.
What the fuck are you suppose to say? Oh yeah, I’m just following my boyfriend and you? “I don’t know, to be honest.” you mumble giving him a look before looking away. He doesn’t look like he’s dangerous but he’s still a stranger. And he kind of annoys you.
“Well, what are you drinking? Your next drink is on me,” he says as he looks at the drink in front of you. He chuckles when he’s seeing simple coke instead of any hard liquor he was expecting. “Are you smoking?” he asks as he puts his pack of cigarettes on the counter. The air is filled with smoke and you’re not a fan of it. 
You slowly shake you head and he chuckles once again. “Seriously, what are you doing here? You don’t belong here.” he speaks but in not an offensive way. It’s more like he’s really curious and he doesn’t understand why are you even here. You just shrug sipping from your coke. He stands there for a couple of moments and you find an awkward atmosphere between you two. “I’ve my motorcycle outside. Do you wanna go for a ride?” he asks you and that’s when you start to feel very uncomfortable.
You’re about to open your mouth somehow politely decline him, but someone beats you to it. “No, she doesn’t.” You look behind the guy seeing Taehyung’s hard and cold stare that he’s giving you behind the guy’s shoulder. You want to shrink in your seat as you nervously gulp. Fuck. You’re screwed.
The guy slowly turns around lazy grin on his lips. “And who are you?” he asks causing Taehyung to clench his jaw. You can see it perfectly as the dim light creates the shades of his face, his sharp features even more visible.
“I’m her boyfriend,” he bites and the guy’s grin slowly fades away figuring out Taehyung didn’t come to play. He straightens his posture looking at you before looking back at Taehyung. “Now get lost.” he snaps causing him to grab his pack of cigarettes walking away. The fact that the guy is older than Taehyung and still managed to scare him with his cold glare — you almost want to laugh at that guy’s scared expression but you don’t when you feel Taehyung’s cold stare.
“What are you doing here?” he asks lowly and you look behind him. Hoseok and Namjoon are looking at the two of you, too far away to hear you. But they seem to be surprised their eyes widened. Great, you just made a fool out of yourself.
“I came for a drink.” you shrug smiling at him but he doesn’t look amused. Not a bit. He looks at your coke in front you before he pinches the root of his nose. He’s not dumb. Plus he sees right through you.
“Are you following me?” he asks with his deep voice and you nervously gulp. You shake your head but your eyes are telling him a whole different story. He scoffs looking pissed. “Why the fuck are you following me?” he rises his voice at you — something he never really did. You want to stand up for yourself but something’s holding you. Maybe it’s that awful feeling in your chest when you feel you’re about to cry. “Stand up. We’re leaving.” he says sternly as he grabs your forearm pulling you up to your feet. You stumble as he smacks a bill onto the counter. 
He doesn’t even wave at his friends sitting there gawking at the both of you. But you see their looks your way completely confused with their mouths opened. Taehyung drags you out of the pub unlocking his shiny black car. He opens the door for you waiting for you to sit down. As you sit down he shuts his car door roughly causing you to jerk. He stands there for a moment pulling out his phone before dialing some number. You can’t hear anything as he speaks really lowly. So you quickly pull your own phone texting Seulgi you’re going home with Taehyung and you’ll explain to her everything later. She sends thumbs up but you still see her car parked there. You know she’s waiting for you to leave in case something bad happens. She’s looking out for you.
The whole way to your apartment he doesn’t utter even one word. But by the way he is gripping the steering wheel tightly lets you know he’s angry. When you come inside he barges inside letting you be the one who closes door softly. He spins around abruptly furrowing his brows in anger. “What the hell was that supposed to be? You following me?! That’s so low, Y/N. Even for you.” he raises his brows while you take off your denim jacket throwing it on the floor — not really caring anymore. You’re the one who furrows brows right now.
“Well if you wouldn’t acting so weird lately, I wouldn’t have to follow you around like some fucking stalker!” you yell at him and by the way his eyebrows raises and mouth opens for a moment you know you caught him off guard. He sighs running his fingers through his soft looking hair as he rubs his eyes in frustration.
“What would following me accomplish?” he snaps and you bite into your tongue. Maybe finding that one proof you’re cheating on me. You stay quiet as he frustratedly paces around the living room.
“I think I’m going away for a weekend,” you speak as his head snaps to yours. “I think it’d help us, at least I hope so.” you mutter walking to your bedroom. You pull out your travel bag already packing your clothes. Taehyung stands in the doorway leaning against it watching you.
“Where will you stay?” he asks quietly. The fact that he isn’t even stopping you is pissing you off. But at the same time — do you really want him to stop you?
“At Seulgi’s probably.” you mutter and he only nods. You pull out your phone from your jeans texting Seulgi if you could stay at her’s this weekend. She texts you back in seconds almost like she was waiting for any kind of message.
seulgi: i’m already on my way, be there in 5 minutes
The fact that he doesn’t even say anything, not even a proper goodbye makes you more sad than angry. It’s like he’s glad you’re going away — even if it’s only for a weekend. He just goes into the bathroom to take a shower knowing you won’t be there when he comes out. And you’re not. He walks into your bedroom finding your apartment — your nest of love which it used to be once — empty. You’re nowhere in sight.
It’s been exactly one day since you left to Seulgi’s place. No calls or even message from Taehyung. Not a single one. You’ve made yourself clear you’d come after the weekend but you still hoped he’d at least text you. Or maybe he’s just giving you some space. You gulp at the strong liquor Seulgi gave you — whiskey. “Oh god, this is strong.” You say with scrunched face in disgust when the alcohol burns your throat. You feel it trickling down to your stomach, your whole body filled with heat.
“It’s better than ice cream,” she shrugs and you nod. Ever since she picked you up she’s been by your side — trying to somehow occupy your mind so you wouldn’t think about Taehyung. “Do you feel better?” she asks quietly as she remembers you crying on her shoulder last night.
“No,” you answer honestly and her eyes are filled with sadness towards you. “He’s been acting so weird like... he doesn’t love me anymore. The thought of breaking up with him crossed my mind but...” you trail off sadly looking at the brown liquor. You can smell it from the distance which you’re not a fan of — but you still hold it anyway. Better than nothing. 
“But?” Seulgi asks slowly. 
She thinks this is at least some improvement — you talking. When she picked you up you were only quiet, she didn’t ask anything knowing you’d tell her when you’re ready. She respected that. As soon as she closed her apartment’s door and you both sat in her cozy living room — you started bawling your eyes out. Ugly sobs leaving your mouth while snot running down your nose — but you didn’t care. That’s how much you were and still are hurt. 
“I love him so much.” you admit with tears in your eyes.
You’re starting to think you should’ve told him about you thinking he’s cheating on you. You should’ve talk like two grown adults instead of you leaving away. The truth was way more hurtful, you guess. You wipe your eyes ironically laughing at yourself. “I should’ve told him why I was following him. I should’ve told him the truth so we could get this over with.” you say while taking a tissue from Seulgi. You wipe your nose scrunching the tissue in your hands.
She looks at you with sadness hating seeing you in this kind of state. “Maybe you should tell him.” she shrugs and you glance at her. You sit there and she raises her brow causing you to widen your eyes.
“What? Like, right now?” you exclaim while she’s already nodding. But maybe it isn’t such a bad idea. You stand up breathing out. “Alright, let’s go.” you say as she quickly follows you. You just pray you won’t be regretting this. The whole way to your home is spent in silent. You’re listening to some quiet music coming from the radio while you watch houses and trees you pass by. Seulgi parks in front of your apartment building giving you a hopeful smile.
“Just text me,” she only says and you nod. “Are you sure you don’t want me to wait for you?” she asks but you shake your head. 
You can always drive your car if anything. You get out of the car looking at the moon lighting the night sky. You slowly breath out. Okay, you’ve to do it now. You walk into the building already pressing your floor in the elevator. Your hands are getting sweaty once again and you don’t like how nervous you seem to be. This is your boyfriend you’re going to talk to. You’ve to be honest with each other. You stand in front of your front door slowly opening it with your key. Delicious smell of food fills your nose and you almost smile at the memory when Taehyung cooked for you. When you first started dating he didn’t really know how to cook. But ever since you’ve move in together, he asked his mom to teach him. You take off your shoes and slowly make your way further. You’re nervously smiling already imaging scenarios when both of you will hug and work everything out. But it all seems to crush when you hear unfamiliar voice. Not a voice. A laugh. A giggle. Your heart starts to beat even faster and you feel the huge lump in your throat. Calm down, Y/N. It might be all different, stop panicking and imaging different scenarios. You slowly make your way into the kitchen and your breathing stops.
At first, you see Taehyung. More accurately Taehyung’s back facing you. But he suddenly slowly shifts revealing someone else in front of him. A woman. She’s stirring something in your kitchen using your kitchen tools. You see as Taehyung dips his head into the crook of her neck — like he used to do to you whenever you cooked a meal for him. He’d always bother you craving some attention from you. He kisses her and she stops.
“Taehyungie, stop!” she giggles but not moving an inch. Taehyungie. What the fuck?! “Come on, princess.” Princess? He calls you that!
The sudden realization what you’re seeing right in front of your eyes causes your hands to shake and loose a hold on your keys. They drop to the floor with massive noise causing the two of them to snap their heads at your direction. You’re standing there with your mouth open, tears already in your eyes. The woman — she doesn’t look anything special. She looks real. Not some blonde with perfect skinny body and full make up face. She’s curvy while her jeans are hugging her figure nicely. But you don’t pay too much attention to her looks. She’s looking cluelessly at you and at first, you think she doesn’t know who you are. But then her eyes widens and that’s when you realise. She knows. She knows who you’re. You watch as Taehyung’s eyes widens as he grips the woman’s waist.
“Y/N, let me explain.” he starts but that’s when you’re already shaking your head not believing your own eyes. Your vision is getting too blurry to even see the both of them, but then maybe that’s better. Maybe it’s better for you not to see them.
“Explain what?!” you suddenly yell causing him to flinch. “That you’re cheating on me this whole time?! With her?!” you scream pointing at the woman who looks at you with apologetic eyes. Fuck her. He cringes at your loud voice as he tries to step forward to you, but you quickly stop him with your hands in front of you. “You’re fucking kissing her in our kitchen!”
His eyes are filled with sadness. “I know.” he says slowly and almost ashamed but you don’t care how he feels. “This is our home! Our home, Taehyung!” You yell through your sobs, your voice cracking as you quickly put your hand over your mouth. The woman looks at Taehyung before quickly walking away. As she walks pass you she looks scared almost like she’s waiting for you to attack her. Maybe you should’ve. Maybe you should put that bitch back to her place. But you don’t do anything, simply staring at Taehyung in full disappointment and sadness as your heart is slowly and painfully breaking. The sound of your door being closed echoes in your house.
“Please, let me explain, Y/N.” he almost begs coming closer to you. But you only shake your head crying your heart out as he watches you in sadness. “Please, let’s just... let’s just talk this through, okay?”
“I fucking hate you!” you sob, your vision too blurry to see him walking closer to you. You’re wiping your eyes just to see him walking towards you but you only push him. Your hands pushing him into his chest. He barely stumbles, almost like he’s been expecting it but he got the message. “Why her?! Why?!” you yell, your eyes red and puffy. His heart is aching at the sight of what he did to you. You think you’re ready to hear anything — anything from him. But his sudden words are like huge punch into your heart and whole body.
“I—I love her.” he says and the honesty in his voice causes you to sob uncontrollably.
“Y—you piece of shit!” you scream at him as you’re picking up your keys from the floor throwing it it at him. 
He avoids the metal object flying his direction as he quickly pull you into his body. He hold you close as you thrash against him smelling her perfume. She was the phone who was all over him, causing him to smell like her. She’s the one who kissed him causing his cheek to be red from her lipstick. She’s the one who stolen the love of your life. You’re crying into his pattern shirt wetting it with your tears but he only hold you tighter. “I’m sorry.” he sobs into your hair, his voice quivering and shaking.
“Why me?” you cry out but he only stays silent. He doesn’t even know answer himself. It’s just happened. He knows it’s his fault. You’re remembering the way he touched you, the way he made love to you — yet he was already cheating on you. Did he make love to her like he did to you? You’re imaging him kissing her and touching her the way he did to you. Telling her those three powerful words. You’re disgust. But not with yourself, you’re disgusted with him. You somehow break through his hold just to slap him right in his face. His face snaps to the side, red print decorating his cheek now. “You fucking asshole! I fucking hate you! You ruined my life!” you scream at him but he only stands there, listening to your every word knowing he deserves them. Your legs are shaking and you want nothing more than to fall on your knees. But you won’t give him such satisfaction. You’re turning around snatching the car keys.
“W—wait! Where are you doing?” he asks quickly running after you as he sees you taking the car keys.
“Away from you, you asshole!” you reply, your words filled with hate and disgust.
“You’re driving?” he asks, voice filled with worry. You don’t reply to him, but he sees you holding the car keys knowing you’re about to drive. “You can’t drive. Not in this state.” he interferes touching your hand slightly but you flinch away. It hurts him to see you this way — the way he caused.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” you yell as you quickly put your shoes shutting your front door in front of Taehyung’s face with loud bang. You’re running to your car with eyes filled with tears trying to start the engine. You see Taehyung running out from entrance door but you quickly put your car into the move, leaving. Leaving him. 
When you bang on Seulgi’s front door with your absolutely broken face and heart — she’s already hugging you tightly.
“I’m sorry! I’m so so sorry!” she mumbles into your ear while you loudly sob. She pulls you inside as you both fall on your knees. She’s not letting you go, holding you tightly as the imagine of Taehyung with that woman is replaying in your mind.
“What are you sorry for?” you ask weakly after some moment as the tears keeps flowing down. “You didn’t do anything.” Your voice quivers as she caress your cheek looking at you with tears in her own eyes.
“He should’ve broke my heart instead of yours.” And that’s all she says before hugging you once more.
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It’s been a few weeks after you last saw Taehyung. Everything reminds you of him and it doesn’t help that you’ve received constant calls and texts from him. It became too annoying to receive so you just blocked his number. Why you should ever talk to him? He cheated on you. The person you thought you’ll marry one day and have kids with. And he fucked it all just like that. Obviously, he doesn’t love you like he used to when he claimed he loves her. Maybe this is how it should’ve been.
You’re putting your wallet into your handbag — Seulgi’s handbag she borrowed you since all of your stuff is still at home. Home. Should you be even calling it that? It’s not a home anymore. You’ve to go there and take your stuff with you, but it feels like it’s too soon to go there. It’d only remind you of what happened even more. The imagine of them in your kitchen still craved in your mind. “Y/N?” Is being heard not far away from you and you lift your head up. Jimin walks to you with small smile.
“Hi,” He greets you as you greet him back. “Are you okay?” he asks suddenly with soft voice and that’s when your eyes snap at him. The sorrow in his eyes. He knew.
“You knew,” you speak almost in whisper as he looks down in shame. He fucking knew Taehyung is cheating on you and still, he hasn’t said anything to you. “I gotta go.” you say quickly turning back but he wraps his hand around your wrist stopping you.
“I’m so sorry. I swear, I wanted to tell you.” he almost pleads sucking his lower lip in frustration. He unwraps his fingers around your wrist as you furrow your brows.
“Why didn’t you?” You don’t mean to sound so rude to him but the way you’re reacting is understandable. He gets that.
“He promised me he’ll tell you soon.” he answers softly and sadly. Sudden realization hits you. Taehyung told him as all of you hang out. That’s why Jimin looked so furious and was avoiding you. You haven’t seen him since then and now everything falls to its place.
“Well,” you speak, finding a courage in your voice. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I already know.”
He just nods awkwardly hiding his hands into his pockets. “I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve that.” he says with slight smile as you feel tears prickling your eyes.
“I have to go, bye Jimin.” you quickly say your goodbye, not waiting for him to respond. 
You turn around wiping your eyes walking out of the store. When you come to Seulgi’s building where you’re staying at the moment, you check your reflection. You successfully held the tears away for the whole ride, something you couldn’t do not a long time ago. You’re picking up the shopping bags from your trunk as you lock the car. You’re slowly making your way inside, to the elevator pressing fourth floor. You’re fumbling in your bag trying to find your keys Seulgi gave you. When you finally manage to find them you look up stopping in your tracks all of a sudden. Taehyung is standing in front of Seulgi’s door and you suddenly curse at him knowing exactly where she lives. Of course he knows, you’ve been at hers more than few times. You ignore him quickly trying to unlock the door. 
You can feel his big eyes looking at you; “Wait!” he calls out with his deep voice and you shut your eyes as you hear him after a few weeks. You ignore him opening your front door wanting to close it right in Taehyung’s face. But he puts his hand between it, simply holding it from you closing it entirely. “Y/N...” he speaks softly as you turn around to look at his face properly for the first time after so long. He doesn’t look very different. His skin looks still flawless and it never lost its glow. He licks his lips to moisturize them as his big eyes are looking at you with hope and sadness.
“Leave me alone.” you speak and he feels a pang in his chest from your words. He knows he deserves them. All he wants is to talk. He gave you enough time.
“Please, let me in.” he pleads as you see his brows arch in pain and you already hate yourself when you walk further the apartment leaving the door opened. He quickly closes it before trailing right after you, not bothering to take off his shoes. He doesn’t care about some damn shoes right now or manners.
“What do you want?” you snap at him as you not so kindly put the shopping bag onto the counter. You lean against the counter as you cross your arms over your chest. His eyes slowly traces your figure seeing you’re doing better than the last time he saw you. He can see the hurt in your eyes but other than that, your eyes aren’t that red or puffy. But you’re still heartbroken, he can see that.
“I want to apologise.” he speaks and you scoff at him ready to throw an apple in the bowl next to you at him. Probably the bowl as well.
“You’ve already apologised, you can go.” you bark and he closes his eyes for a moment.
“I wanted to tell you, you can come back. I’ll move out, so the place can stay yours.” he says and you bitterly laugh.
“No, thank you.” you say sarcastically as he furrows his brows. So you decide to continue. “I’m not going to live in a place which reminds me of you... and her. You can happily live there.” 
Maybe it’s childish for you to acting like this, but then — maybe it’s not. Why it should be childish? All you feel is betrayal. Because you’ve been betrayed by him. He broke you into tiny little pieces you strongly try to put together. And it’s not working when he’s still in your life.
“Please, this is the least I can do for you.” he says and you bite the inside of your cheek. You slowly walk closer and he watches your move carefully.
“Oh, no. You’ve already done enough for me,” you walk closer to him, your chest almost touching. You can smell him so close. Smell which used to feel like home. But now it reminds you of your broken heart crying for help. “You’ve broken my heart. You’ve broken me.” you say every word slowly as he shuts his eyes in hurt.
“I don’t ever want to see you again. I don’t care why you did it, I don’t anymore.” you murmur as he opens his eyes. You can see his glossy eyes and it should’ve brought you some satisfaction, but it doesn’t.
“I lo--“
“Don’t you dare say it!” you bark at him as he doesn’t flinch. He simply stares biting into his lip to silence himself. “Not when you told me you love her. You do, right?”
“Do what?” he asks even though he knows what you’re talking about. “You do love her, right?” you ask waiting for his answer. He doesn’t say it verbally but he only nods and that’s all you needed.
“Just leave, Taehyung.” you say as he opens his mouth to say something. You’re so close to him. He wants to hug you or even kiss you. Just for the last time. But you’re too quick. “Please, leave.” Your voice quivers as you turn around shutting your eyes. You can feel him slowly walking to you, you can feel the warmth and his scent coming from his body. He doesn’t touch you with his hands, simply placing soft kiss into your hair before walking away. You hear the door shutting and that’s when you realize something. It’s the end. It’s the end of your lives together.
After some moment you find yourself staring at white screen of your laptop. The cursor blinking at you waiting for you to write. What you should name it? You anxiously bite your lip looking at the empty kitchen. Maybe coming back to doing something you love might heal you — at least little bit. Small clock ticking in the distance reminding you how silent it is. It’s the end. You remind yourself as you slowly type the words onto the white screen. You write ‘cheater’ as the title as you slowly begin to write every word with passion and from the bottom of your heart.
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