#and I have to go through and disinfect everything after I shower
habits-white-rabbit · 7 months
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Don't know if anyone asked but what would the yandere's reaction be to the reader patching them up after they get injured?
Warnings: mentions of cuts, blood, killing, yandere, feeling depressed? (I'm not sure what to call it)
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He is strongly against you seeing him in this kind of condition. He’s supposed to be your protector, supposed to take care of you … not the other way around. But you manage to push him down on the toilet and start to clean his wounds while he hisses and curses, although afterwards, he’ll shower you in kisses and tell you how grateful he is.
“You’re not supposed to — fuck — do this. I can take care of myself, you know. Give me that — oh motherfucker — that disinfectant and I’ll do it myself. Yes, I am happy that you’re worried about me, but this isn’t my proudest moment, baby. Let me spare some damn dignity.”
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Dr Kry: 
He has cut his palm deeply on one of his sharp tools while cleaning up after a surgery. He returns to your room where he keeps all of his stuff. His hands are shaking too much to be able to clean it. You decide to help him before he bleeds out. Dr Kry guides you through the process to make sure you do everything as you should.
“Take that and pat it on my hand. Be careful though, that disinfectant is pretty strong. Ouch — I’m fine, don’t worry. Then you have to take the bandage and wrap it around my hand nad wrist. Don’t wrap it until my hand turns blue, but make sure that its tight. Good job, Y/N. I think I’m good now. But now you need to get back to bed, you know that you shouldn’t be out too much … as a thank you, I can get you dessert after dinner, alright?”
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King Edmund:
Cut in the shoulder by a sword. An enemy had caught him in a vulnerable moment. You sit him down on the side of the bed and remove his shirt before starting to clean the wound. Edmund groans and throws his head back to avoid seeing the mess. Although complaining a lot, he doesn’t want anyone else treating him. No one but you are worthy enough to touch his body.
“Hurry up, please! For the love of all mighty, aren’t you done soon? I’m going to die! Yes, I am, you wouldn’t know. I’m going to mangle that scum who had the nerve to dislocate my shoulder. Y/N, you are going to take care of me until I’m well again, won’t you? You have to. I’m your king … your husband. You need to take care of me.”
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Another one who’s extremely against you seeing her in this condition. She tries to push you away when you try to help her, but she’s too weak. In the end, you manage to corner her in the bathroom and treat her bloody wounds. For once, her hard demeanor seem to fall. She’s quiet, limp. You ask what’s on her mind, fearing for why she’s not being her normal dramatic, sarcastic self.
“I honestly thought that I was going to die … I have never been so … scared before. I’m pathetic, aren’t I? Yes, I am. Don’t try to tell me otherwise. I know it already. You should have left me alone, Y/N. You shouldn’t patch me up. You should have left me to die. I love you. I know I don’t say that a lot, I just wanted you to … know. Sorry for being a pathetic pussy … I just … nevermind.”
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She’s crying while you clean the wound on her cheek. She had been shaving off some baby hairs — a trick she’d seen online — but had been too uncertain, resulting in her cutting herself. You clean it softly and place a bandaid over it. 
“I look so ugly, don’t I? I can’t go to school like this! People will laugh at me. Everyone will know that i tried to shave and that I couldn’t do it. Please stay with me, Y/N, stay with me forever. You’re the only one who doesn’t care what I look like. It doesn’t look … that bad … right? I never want to be without you, i dont think i could do it.”
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I just had a late night call for my full service persona. This young Saudi was in town for work and requested an outcall. He was a professional guy so I thought he was okay to see. But he turned out to be pretty rough in bed. It was terrible. He was treating me like I offered PSE. Also, he was a little drunk. Not so drunk that he couldn’t remember to guide me through the hotel, back to my car, but drunk enough to lose himself a little. During play, he offered more money to go bare…
dutty skunt… 😒
I’m finally back home and just sitting in my garage. I feel a little violated. That was a bad appointment. I’m grossed out. I’ve blocked his number. Never seeing him again. I’m going to write a report on him as well. Also, I’m never seeing clients for last minute nighttime appointments. Many girls have said that late night guys are usually drunk and I had to find out the hard way.
Bro. That was fcked up. I would console myself with food but I don’t have any sugar free chocolate and I’m doing a 16-hour fast anyway.
The good news is that I did charge him extra for an after-hours appointment but I would have done better to avoid that appointment altogether.
I’m going upstairs to take a shower and then disinfect everything in my purse.
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45: worst date you’ve ever been on
I haven’t been on very many but I do think I have a decent answer even if I don’t like thinking about it.
Just over a year ago, a trans woman I matched with on tinder invited me with no notice to go to her place to watch a movie and hang out. It was, by all circumstances, not a great idea. I had sudden unplanned events, it was snowing pretty bad, and it was already like 7 pm. However I was in a bout of extreme loneliness and was desperate. So I drove 30 minutes during a snowstorm to get to her place. I want to preface this by saying that I have struggled throughout my life with being kind of a germaphobe. Not like so extreme that I have to wipe down and disinfect my apartment every week or anything like that, but I’m tend to wash my hands waaaaay too much and just be easily grossed out in general. Anyway her place was absolutely disgusting and filthy and a mess. I feel a little bad saying that but like it was bad. I mean I didn’t see like bugs or mold or anything, but everything was covered in stuff that had been carelessly left there, every surface and most of the floor covered in empty food containers and like crumbs and god knows what, that probably doesn’t sound that bad but I don’t know how to describe it better and I don’t want to keep thinking about it much longer. I’m not the neatest person and my apartment is usually a bit of a mess, but the idea of inviting someone over without cleaning it first is so against the way I do things that I was and still am baffled by it. Anyway I didn’t want to judge too much (I really am trying to get over the germaphobia stuff but it’s hard ok) and I was still a very lonely bitch so I sat on her gross crumb covered couch and watched the Sonic the hedgehog movie, (bc I had mentioned to her in a conversation that I never saw it). She was touchy and cuddly and I quickly got kinda overwhelmed but, again, I was super lonely, I hadn’t spent time with anyone in months (unless you count going to classes but I don’t) so I didn’t want to bail. After the movie we talked and she was sweet and cute and she respected my boundaries and worries because I was very inexperienced with anything remotely resembling dating. But it was now like 1 am and there was a snowstorm outside and she was saying I should probably stay the night, even being upfront and saying we don’t have to do anything, but she was hinting that she might want to. But at that point the mess and dirt and whatnot was really getting to me. I went to the bathroom to pee and sort out my thoughts, but it was like 10x nastier in there, I don’t want to describe it even thinking about it makes me want to take a shower. After that I wanted to be as far from there as possible. I told her as politely as I could but probably not that politely, that I had already gone way out of my comfort zone and that I wanted to go. This wasn’t a lie or anything, basically everything I did that night was well beyond my usual comfort zone that night. She seemed very disappointed but I was beyond feeling bad anymore, I got out of there and went to my car where I rubbed my hand with hand sanitizer like three times and drove home through the blizzard going at a snails pace on the highway bc of the weather, and the whole time I felt like throwing up. When I finally got home over an hour later I took a shower for like another hour.
Now that I typed all that out I’m realizing I used way more words than I needed to say that my worst date was going to a girls place and it was really gross so I didn’t stay longer than a few hours. It’s also not like much of an interesting story and I wrote all that out and relived those memories for what is ultimately not that interesting.
Although even if the circumstances were different I still don’t think I would like the sonic movie
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latenightsimping · 2 years
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“...There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who’ve gone over.” - Hunter S. Thompson, Hell’s Angels
Summary: A part of the deal to freedom included a stay at Pennhurst. It’ll take everything to keep the hope that one day the locked doors will open, the windows will no longer have bars that block the view, and that one day, the name Eddie Munson will be synonymous with the word ‘innocent’. The hope, he never realised, would also come to be synonymous with your name.
Chapter: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: angst, heavy themes of inpatient treatment/hospitalisation, heavy themes of mental health, institutional deprivation of liberties, body injuries, mentions of suicidal ideation, themes of institutional abuse, can be a dark read (continue with that in mind, look after yourselves), canon divergence, Eddie survives the demobat attack, post-S4 timeline, slow burn romance, eventual smut, 18+, eventual fluff
AN: This was an idea that I’ve had for a little while, and finally getting around to writing it. There will be multiple chapters, and we’ll get to meet the reader in chapter 2. I’m pulling on many references, some of it being my own experiences of being in an inpatient facility a couple of times in my teenage years. Write what you know, and get some catharsis through angst relating to it, innit. I will say though, look after yourselves, and seek help if you need it. Inpatient sucked, but it’s what I needed to keep myself healthy and alive. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, I promise. And if you think it needs extra tags, please lemme know. I can see replies but cannot answer due to this being a sideblog, so keep that in mind. Anyway. Hope you enjoy.
Taglist: (lemme know if you wanna be added): @edsforehead​
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Eleven vertical steel bars, five horizontal. eighty-seven bricks on the wall just past them. Sixty-four pinstripes on the pillowcase. One hundred and twenty one days since the last breath of fresh air. 
There’s only so much counting to be done, before you go as insane as they report you to be. 
Eddie had prided himself in independence, before everything went to shit. He could get up when he wanted, go to bed at a time of his choosing. Choose what clothes to wear, when he wanted to shower, what food he ate. But that had all been stripped away. A uniform of white was given to him on arrival. White undershirt, white button down and pants, white vans, white socks. A colour that he typically hated, now forced upon him with no room for argument. The food was shit, the attitude of the staff even worse. Bed so uncomfortable that what little sleep he could manage with the screams and yelps of the damned ringing in his ears, he would always wake up with a soreness that could never be taken away. 
He thought he’d witnessed hell. Skies of red and thunder, twisted vines and flapping of wings and razor sharp teeth. But this? 
This was worse.
He had woken up bathed in bright light, and for a second he wondered if this was Heaven. Only took a couple of seconds to realise that it was likely that the promised paradise wouldn’t smell of disinfectant and have incessant beepings of heart monitors. A couple of times in his life, he had been in handcuffs. Drug related charges that Hopper had conveniently lost the paperwork for, letting him go with a stern talking to and a slap on the wrist. But this time? This time, the steel that connected him to the bedframe of the hospital bed felt permanent. He was lucky to be alive, according to the doctors, who told him with disgust evident in their features. It should have been you who died, was clear to translate from furrowed brows and the thin press of their lips. Eddie couldn’t help but agree with them sometimes. Nurses would often ‘forget’ to give him the pain medication prescribed, leaving him in a near constant state of agony. 
The demobats had really done a number on him; lacerations and chunks of flesh torn from the left hand side of his body, trailing up his neck and ending on his jawline and cheek. More on the right pectoral muscles, the backs of his hands, forearms and upper bicep. If he wasn’t facing the barrel of the death penalty, he would have cracked a joke about losing his nipple. Each and every wound was a constant ache, his jaw near permanently set to grinding his teeth to bear with it. Only when Wayne was finally allowed to visit, hollering his lungs out about how much pain his boy was in, was he finally given those syringes of relief that he so desperately craved for. Not for long, only until they decided to neglect him again. But those moments were the reprieve that were sorely needed.
It had been Hopper’s idea to turn himself in and feign insanity, when he had visited his bedside. Something about a plan, and that he would just need to hang tight for someone high in the food chain to be contacted to fix the mess. He was promised that the chief of police would make sure he wouldn’t go to jail. Just to have trust, have faith, and repeat the words told to him to plead insanity. He couldn’t remember anything past the point of letting Chrissy into the trailer. He couldn’t remember killing Fred Benson or Patrick McKinney. Couldn’t remember attacking Max Mayfield, putting her in the hospital. Couldn’t remember how he got hurt. Deny, deny, deny. It had been easy to convince the cops that he’d lost his mind; easy enough that it was borderline insulting. The last of Vecna’s victims had wounded him to find out about, and had nearly caused him to lose face. He didn’t know Red well, but he’d seen her around the trailer park, looking as lost and broken as he did at that age. Got to know her better over the time they spent together, and had admired the strength and tenacity that was in her, too much of those qualities for a fifteen year-old to carry. He just prayed to a God that he didn’t believe in that she’d pull through. 
Many years ago, he had made a promise to himself not to ever turn out like his father. That waste of space that chose drugs over his own flesh and blood. But getting processed in what remained of Hawkins police station, ink still damp on his fingertips as he clutched the name board while his picture was taken, that’s exactly how it felt. The hospital booted him as soon as he was medically stable, no doubt not wanting to harbour a serial killer in the halls that were meant for healing. At least he could be thankful that the station was only a detour, a short stop to what would be his home for God knows how long. 
Pennhurst Mental Hospital. 
In four months, life had blurred into a monotony that was barely endurable, with no end in sight. He was afforded no luxuries; the cell he was kept in made up of nothing more than necessities. Bed, sink and toilet, desk and a chair. No windows, and the only view past his bars being a dirty grey brick wall.He’d counted the cracks in it the first week in. Counted the ones on the ceilings in the second week. The rest of the time had been spent packing back and forth, like that tiger he’d once seen at some shit zoo. The lack of fresh air had suffocated him long ago. He could swear that he hadn’t taken a deep breath since Chrissy’s body flung itself to the ceiling.
It was the boredom that was the thing that was slowly poisoning him the fastest. The unending, unyielding, mind numbing boredom. Where all he had was his thoughts, and no possible escape from them. Thoughts of the past and the future threatening to pull him under, to drown him in regrets and missed opportunities. He was going to finally graduate from high school. Corroded coffin could have gone somewhere. He was going to start a new campaign for Hellfire. He was planning to finally move out of the trailer, and into a place of his own. Back and forth, the rumination so intense it made his head spin. Made him pace even harder, until he was near the point of over exertion. The only outlet for a man that barely ever stood still in his life.
 A nurse that must have had a shred of humanity left passed a book through his bars the first couple of weeks in, evidently having enough sense to realise there was no possible way for him to do damage to himself or others with it, and most likely sick of the sound of rubber soles against cement. The Count of Monte Christo was a book that he vaguely remembered from school, no doubt an essay that he didn’t hand in considering he’d never read it in his life. But by this point? He could have recited it in his fucking sleep. 
It was during another countless repeat of reading it that his attention was caught by the calling of his last name, a loud bang of a fist hitting metal that snapped him out of whatever dissociation he found himself lost in. Snapping his head towards the sound, he was met with the unkind face of one of the orderlies, one that seemed to have it in for him since getting here. Eddie had heard him be called Bradford before. He must have caught the confusion on Eddie’s face, considering he followed it up with an eye roll. 
“Get your ass over here,” was the gruff response he got, the jingling of keys audible as the one to his cell drove home into the cylinder. “Must be your lucky day.” 
Though there were multiple questions ruminating in Eddie’s mind, he knew better to push his luck. Gift horse in the mouth, and all that. The steps he took towards the door were methodical; slow and steady, as if it was all one sick prank, getting him into trouble and thrown into the solitary confinement cells that he’d been borderline threatened with multiple times. 
A firm hand planted to his chest stopped him in his tracks, the contact to the still healing scars making him wince and take a sharp breath. It was instinct to lower his eye contact upward, though it quickly dropped to the floor as the man loomed over him. “Any trouble, so much as one foot out of step, and I’ll make it my fucking mission to put you back in here. Do I make myself clear?” the man warned under his breath. The smell of stale coffee and cigarettes hitting him square in the face, making his stomach churn. 
Swallow down the disgust and agony, as much as it hurts, the reasonable voice inside him whispered. Don’t do anything stupid. In another life, he would have given this figure of authority hell. A sarcastic quip heavy on his tongue, a middle finger to those who wanted him under their boot. 
But this wasn’t that life. And he needed to play it smart. 
“Crystal, sir,” he mumbled, fight well and truly snuffed out from the system that wanted him locked up and the key thrown away. 
It seemed to have appeased the orderly, for now. The man took sure steps towards the exit, Eddie following his heels at a close yet respectable distance. Head lowered, frizzy curls now wild and unruly falling like a curtain in front of his face. It was near laughable to him that the ability to walk in a straight line further than ten feet was now a luxury. Could finally properly stretch his legs, though the destination was still a mystery. 
The shift from dim lighting to sunshine with the ascension of a set of stairs that he’d only travelled down once made his eyes screw near closed on instinct, turning his head away from the windows that let it in. Once upon a time, he enjoyed sunny days. Like the feeling of sun on his skin, and the wind in his hair. Nowadays he didn’t even know what season it was. 
Being led through winding corridors, for the first time he saw other patients, all eyeing him with paranoid looks. He couldn’t blame them. But he could feel the tendrils of fear beginning to grip at his gut. Would he end up like these people eventually? How long would it take? A couple of months? Years? A subtle shake of his head as he tried to dislodge the thoughts. He couldn’t think like that. Hopper promised he’d be out of here soon. He just had to have hope. 
The orderly came to a stop in front of a door, deep green and paint chipping off with age. The nameplate on the front gave him pause, when he finally spared a glance at it. DR. EDITH MILLER, etched onto the brass. He’d had meetings with Dr. Miller since he got here. Once a week, the nosey bitch would try and get information that didn’t even seem relevant. He’d managed to evade some of the questions, embellished the truth on others. But if he was being summoned to her office? This couldn’t be good. 
The orderly’s knuckles rapped on the door three times, a call of “enter,” being audible seconds later. Eddie was ushered inside, the homely looking woman with already greying hair barely looking up at him from her paperwork as she motioned with the pen in her hand towards the chair nearest to them. At least in his cell, he was somewhere that he knew back to front. This was completely different, completely new, and his nerves were already on edge as he shuffled inside. 
“Need me to stay?” Bradford asked, hand still grasping the door handle as his eyes flickered around the room. No doubt his mind was already thinking of possibilities of what could happen with a suspected murderer left alone in a room with a defenceless woman. The thought of people thinking that he was capable of atrocities weren’t new, but it still made Eddie sick to the core. 
“That won’t be necessary,” she replied, hazel eyes finally shifting upwards to look at the two men. Her monotone voice gave nothing away, face devoid of any emotion either. Bradford faltered for only a second, before Eddie finally heard the door close behind him. Only then was he given the barest hint of a polite smile as she motioned her hand towards the chair again, to which he obliged out of the need to be polite. “How are you feeling this week, Eddie?” she asked, head slightly tilted. 
She was the only one to call him the name he preferred. Everyone else just called him Munson. He wasn’t stupid; he knew it was a ploy to get him to trust her. Make him comfortable with small signs of respect, though it was likely she didn’t in the slightest. His hands settled on his lap as he fidgeted with his fingers, eyes glued to the worn tiles of the linoleum and absentmindedly counting the cracks. “Fine,” he replied, the word devoid of any emotion or energy. 
The truth would be sharing too much; the fear of being honest bringing the risk of even more restrictions under the guise of safety. There wasn’t a delicate way of saying “I want to close my eyes and never wake up some days.” 
He heard scrawls of the pen, no doubt more notes that would dig him a grave of pills and cell bars. A pregnant pause before she spoke again, and an intake of breath. “And how are you feeling with the medication changes? Is your mood still low?”
He had to bite his tongue, to stop his lips turning up into an incredulous smile. The truth again being evaded in the answer. “Fine,” he repeated, this time with a slight shrug of his shoulders. “The pills make me feel sick every hour of the day, make me into more of a ghost than I already am.” 
Another scratch of ink on paper. “Your case was brought forward to the panel this morning. We’ve decided that we should ease your restrictions, given that there’s been no record of violent tendencies to yourself or others since the time you’ve been with us.” 
That made his ears perk up, the sparks of hope threatening to ignite in his chest. Head snapping up to finally make eye contact with the good doctor, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What does that mean?” 
Her eyes studied his face for a few heartbeats, a small smile gracing her features, one that seemed to be an attempt at easing anxieties. “It means we’ve decided to move you to a medium security wing. It comes with certain privileges, but also with expectations, Eddie.” 
The words coming out of her mouth seemed to blur together, becoming a background noise to his rapidly beating heart. He was finally getting out of the damnation he had been trapped in, perhaps finally allowed into the light. To be able to breathe lungfuls of outside air from a crack in a window, to not have to sleep just to evade the hollow boredom. It was relief; as if the hand of an angel had reached into the pits of hell, to bring him to salvation. And if that hand was one of the likes of Miller, he’d clasp it with both hands and not let go until the end was in sight.
“-we’ll still need to see improvement to give you certain privileges, but we can play it by ear. How does that sound?” Her voice finally tuned back in, a little hazy at the edges, tears of joy and relief threatening to fall from his eyes. 
“When can I go? When do I move?” he blurted, the only question that mattered. Fuck, if she’d asked him to crawl through broken glass right now, he’d do it with a fucking smile on his face. 
Her eyes flickered downwards as her wrist came up, a brief glance to her wristwatch as she pulled herself to a stand. “You’re just in time for recreation, and there’s no time like the present.” She rounded the desk, taking sure steps to the door and looking back. “Shall we?”
It was instinct to move as fast as his legs could take him, quickly snuffed out with the realisation of where he was. Slow, sure movements, make yourself as least threatening as possible. Keep hands visible at all times, open and by his sides. Three steps away from the doctor, passing many twists and turns of the corridor and being led through multiple sets of steel doors, until one was finally opened for him that he was expected to step through alone. 
It wasn’t until the door slammed behind him that he finally looked up to take in his surroundings. Chipped and scuffed beige linoleum tiles, walls in just as sorry a state. Large windows that bathed the room in natural sunlight, though the bars on the windows were a reminder of where he truly was. A couple of tables and chairs dotted around the room, most occupied with other patients. Who seemed to be in various stages of lucidity. A couple of benches, some more chairs crowded around an ancient TV. 
In any other situation, he would call this place what it was; an abject shithole. Somewhere he wouldn’t be if you paid him. But recent events had changed his mindset, had lowered his expectations until the bar was practically on the floor. This was a damn palace, compared to his last recent address. It had the lack of staleness in the air, albeit now replaced with bleach and something he couldn’t place. It had space, and light. 
It had hope. 
But with the luxury of choice, came the immobilising aspect to it. What the hell was he supposed to do now? Where was he going to sit, or do? Strike up conversation and hope that the person didn’t know about what had put him here in the first place? 
He was still making his choice when he heard a voice. A woman, tone bored yet slight amusement playing on the words. 
“Are you just going to stand there? You’re making the place look untidy.”
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faithintaiwan · 2 months
july 27 - taitung rice museum, green tunnel, & aboriginal museum
It’s our first day back to our program! Last night in the hotel was definitely an experience I would not like to repeat. I was so exhausted after traveling all day only to be met with the dustiest hotel I had ever stayed in. It didn’t have a shower head in the tub rather the shower head was hung next to the toilet with a flimsy curtain separating the two areas. In my complacency, I had not bought slippers like I said I would before I left and it was definitely needed for this. The hotel had two pairs for us in the room but they were absolutely not ones that had been replaced or cleaned anytime recently. Fanny and I trekked in the rain to Family Mart where I bought more disinfecting wipes and a travel set of soaps. After wiping everything down, I was able to take a shower which went better than I thought it would. The room also had a door that led to Andy and Eli’s room so we had fun yelling at them through it!
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After eating convenience store food for four days straight and tons of it before the typhoon I am so sick of it. Luckily we had the best hotpot today! There was so much pork, lamb, and beef I almost cried of happiness. I have never craved a homemade meal more in my life but we don’t have a kitchen so it isn’t possible. The hotpot definitely saved me, though.
Unfortunately, it was raining all day so some of our activities were cut short. Our first stop, the rice museum had the cutest cat and a store full of snacks but not much in the way of educating about the industry. After not getting to pet the adorable kitten at the hotel because she was so skittish, I was so happy that a cat had come up to me to be pet!!
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The second thing on our itinerary was the “green tunnel”. Imagine for a second what that would look like. Maybe a tunnel through the mountain that’s been painted green or a cave with moss. No. It was a normal road with trees on either side. We stood outside it and stared at it as it poured rain. A low moment in my life for sure.
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But it’s ok because the aboriginal peoples museum was incredible. There were so many exhibits detailing the prehistoric details of Taiwan and the history of the native people. It even went up to modern day with commentary about harmful stereotypes and major contributions to Taiwanese society and culture. I’m really glad we got to explore the museum and read about everything! Even if I was suffering through the rest of today this definitely made up for it and was a highlight of the trip!
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Luckily there is only one more night at this hotel before we go to Kaohsiung. I am so excited for there to be more than only two wall chargers, a shower with an actual barrier, and food that’s not an hour away by bus!
Academic Reflection
On the party bus before we reached the rice museum, Peter told us about the industry. He said that Taiwan is self sufficient for rice with the biggest producer being in Taichung. The new generation is also not demonstrating as big of a demand for rice resulting in many governmental efforts to increase the popularity of it. People are now going for pasta or other goods that have to be imported making it more expensive and putting rice farmers out of business. He said to eat some rice while we’re here to support the local industry! This definitely made me feel better about spending so much money on sushi in the past few weeks.
Our next major stop was the prehistoric and aboriginal people’s museum. Here we learned about how Taiwan was created out of a complicated tectonic boundary that remains active resulting in destructive earthquakes like the one a couple months ago. Much of the infrastructure is thus created with earthquakes in mind reducing the deaths that the country unfortunately experiences with each major one. Taipei 101’s giant ball is one example we’ve seen of anti earthquake measures. Taiwan also boasts tons of mountains with many of the volcanoes now dormant and only two active ones left. The museum also detailed the history of the aboriginal people. Similar to the Native Americans, the people here crossed 30,000 years ago when the Ice Age lowered sea levels enough to expose a strait between China and Taiwan. They then created villages and cultural regions with differences in beliefs, lifestyles, and even themes in pottery. One particular thing that stood out to me was in the 1970s and 80s the Taiwanese government dumped dangerous nuclear waste under the guise of a fish cannery onto Pongso no Tao. The waste infected the water of the fishing grounds that the people survived off of and greatly harmed the local population. Rising levels in fish mutations, cancer, and more have been effects of this dump
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brooooswriting · 2 years
id like to request kate bishop x reader. they’re friends and kate comes to reader after getting injured and she is all worried and patches kate up and kate is wondering why she’s so worried and feelings are revealed and they get together and kiss and it’s just cute and fluffy (:
You and Kate have been friends for a while, you’ve been at nearly all of her archery events, you’ve been there when she destroyed the tower and you were the first person she called when she met Hawkeye. You, of course, were unbelievable happy for her, she now had a real chance of becoming an Avenger but you’ve never been more scared.
For you Kate was everything and the thought of her getting hurt killed you every night. But hey, you were just the best friend. All you could do was sit there and help her when she was hurt.
Which led to now. She sat on your couch with scratches and blood all over her face. Her suit was ripped at various places and even more blood soaked through the purple fabric turning it a dark brownish red color.
You tried to keep your tears in as you ran trough your flat to find your stuff. When you finally returned you had some tears running down your face but you continued nonetheless. You were dabbing her face with a cotton drenched in Disinfectant to clean the wound before putting band aid on it. “Now pull off your cloths so I can look at the rest of your wounds” your voice wasn’t even nearly stable as you helped her stand up. “What’s wrong y/n/n?” She asked as she pulled down the top of her suit revealing some deeper wounds. “Is that a freaking stab wound?!” You kinda screamed. “Wow calm down.. it’s not as bad as it looks ok? I’m fine” she tried to convince you as you got out some needles and other stuff to sew the wound.
“You’re Fine? You fucking need Stitches Kate!!! Stiches… You should be happy my parents force me to enroll in medicine!” You hissed while getting ready to do the stitches. “Y/n, I’m ok. What is the problem? Aren’t you happy that I’m an avenger? Or that I could at least be one? I fought some really bad guys today, they got Clint so I went to save him. It didn’t go as planned but you know what does go as planned? Nothing right?! So, and then I went…” Kate kept rambling on while you did your best not to hurt her.
“We’re all done, you should go take a shower. Have you eaten anything really today?” She mumbled a no making you shake your head and sigh. “Go shower” you demanded before walking into the kitchen. You quickly fixed some pasta and a drink before also getting some ice packs.
She came back down in sleepwear she always left at yours and wet hair. She looked as beautiful as ever to you even with all the bandaids and bruises in her face.
She settled on the couch as you gave her the food and her drink. “You really are a lifesaver. I wouldn’t know what I’d do without you” she said placing one of her hands on your thigh. You only mumbled a mhm staring into the distance.
“You should go to bed. I’ll take the couch” you said as you brought the plate in the kitchen and started to wash it. “What? That’s crazy. We always sleep in the same bed, why not now? I don’t like sleeping alone after stuff like that you know that… so what’s wrong that you don’t want to sleep in the same bed?” She asked concerned as she stood behind you. “I just don’t feel like it alright?” She nodded before making her way upstairs. What you didn’t see were the tears that were streaming down her face and her concerned look.
So here you were sleeping on your couch, well trying to sleep. Not only was the couch extremely uncomfortable but you also couldn’t really sleep without Kate after a mission like that. But you had to distance yourself if you wanted to survive this.
The archer also laid awake in your bed but soon decided that this was stupid. There was clearly something wrong so why wouldn’t you tell her? She decided to make her way downstairs to see if you were also awake. She approached the couch as quietly as she could until she saw that you’re awake.
“Hi, also can’t sleep huh?” She asked as she laid down behind you on the couch spooning you. You hated how it made your heart swoon and even more how you needed this. “Yeah…” it was barely a whisper as it left your mouth. “What is wrong? You’re hiding something and you shouldn’t. We always tell each other everything and I have the feeling that it’s hurting you. And even worse I have the feeling that it has something to do with me, so please just tell me. I can handle it. I promise.” You kept quiet first until she pressed her face into the back of your neck and pulled you even closer. You put your hand on top of the one that was on your waist before speaking. “Katie, it’s going to make things worse” you said stroking her hand. “No it will not. Just tell me. It hurts me to see you hurt” she insisted making you sigh.
“I hate to see you come here hurt every damn day. It hurts and I’m so damn scared. But I can’t say anything about it because I’m just your stupid best friend. I’m so scared that you’re going to get killed out there and I haven’t even had the chance to tell you how much I want to be with you! And so I’m sitting here every night hoping to see you in front of my door alive. It feels terrible. Especially because I know that you’ll be the greatest avenger ever, no matter what your stupid mom says, but it’s getting too much” you finally confessed and by now you were crying.
“Oh y/n why didn’t you tell me earlier? I can’t stop being me but I would very much like you as the girl I’ll come home to every night” she said which shocked you. The long pause scared Kate making her think that she misunderstood your whole monologue. “I mean only if that is what you want, I just thought you know, we like each other so this could be great. We do like each other right?”
“As Long as I’m the girl you’ll stay alive for in every mission that’s totally fine with me” you spoke out as you turned around to face her. “So you’re my girl now right?” She questioned nervously. She let out a ‘sweet’ which caused you to giggle. “Now kiss me you fool”
And oh boy, she did kiss you. She kissed you like no one has ever before. It wasn’t just a kiss it was a complete and signed love confession from the one and only Kate Bishop. “Clint is gonna be so happy about this” she grinned causing you to raise a questioning eyebrow. “The whole time I was only ever talking about you, the way you make me feel and how I want you to be mine. And now you finally are” she explained and kissed you again making you melt into her. “Only yours”
The next time Kate came home with way less injuries and Clint as she wanted her idol to meet the love of her life.
Kates life was finally going great, she didn’t need a supportive mom or a great college degree. She was going to be an avenger, she was friends with her role model and even more important she now had Y/n Y/l/n forever by her side.
I hope you have a great day :)
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aintgonnatakethis · 2 years
I got top surgery on Wednesday 9th November 2022 and thought I would record the experience here in case it could help anyone. Basically a step by step of the process (with a few problems along the way). I’m happy to answer any questions anyone might have.
The receptionist confirmed who I was, my address, and how to contact my next of kin, then checked I'd had no covid symptoms for the past 30 days and no one in my family had any them in the past 90. We still remain super careful due my grandmother being 91 and my mother being immunocompromised so everything was good.
My ward nurse took me to my private room. I was very pleased about not being on an open ward as I can have odd sleeping patterns. She said my name and then my deadname which after I stiffly corrected her she apologised and pointed to her nametag which said her name was my old one. Ironic and much better than the first thing the medical staff doing being deadnaming me lol
She went through my list of meds with me (quite a few) and gave me a special sponge to use in the shower to disinfect myself and change into a medical gown. Despite the radiator not being on the room was sweltering (in November) so I had to ask them to open my window. Was definitely thankful for the warmth after I got back from surgery as I was very cold then.
A woman with a massive menu came round and asked what I wanted in my post-op sandwich, for dinner that night, and breakfast the next morning, I'm normally an NHS patient (not really sure what the equivalent is in the US, maybe medicare? - but it's basically the underfunded underpaid free healthcare and I was referred to a private hospital because their waiting lists were too long.) With the NHS you get whatever food you get and this place was like a fucking restaurant!
The surgeon then came by to draw lines and dots on my chest, then the anaesthesiologist to go through my meds again. When I told him I had a phobia of needles he said he'd be happy to provide me with laughing gas before he put the canula in. The nurse then fitted me with compression socks, which help prevent blood clots post surgery. They weren't uncomfortable at all, just felt like regular socks but with no toes. I have to wear them for 2 weeks after the surgery.
I waited in my room for two hours so even if you're not staying overnight I'd recommend you bring some form of entertainment. I brought my laptop with some books downloaded onto it and obviously a direct line with home so I could keep them up-to-date.
A new nurse then came in, got me into a dressing gown and took me down to the operating theatre. They didn't undress me until I was unconscious, just rolled down one gown sleeve to put a blood pressure cuff on. The surgeon rubbed a local anaesthetic into the back of my hand and had a bit of trouble finding a vein for the canula (which wasn't unexpected as I have very poor circulation). While he was doing this the nurse held the laughing gas mask over my face, which made me light headed and a bit slurred when I spoke.
There wasn't any slow falling asleep or blur out like on TV when he injected me with the anaesthetic. One moment I had the laughing gas mask on, then I blinked and had an oxygen mask on and was in the recovery room. I didn't realise everything had been done, but my body certainly knew something was up as it almost immediately went into shock.
Would NOT recommend doing that!
Can safely say it was the worst pain I've ever felt, a sharp stabbing sensation across the whole of my chest. The only thing I could think was that if I moved it would be worse so I had to stay as still as possible. It took a dose of Morphine and 3 doses of Fentanyl before the pain lessened. I was too out of it know how long they took between doses but they seemed pretty on it so even though it felt like a long time in that level of pain it probably wasn't. They were insistent on verbal responses from me between doses.
I was wheeled back to my room and have a foggy memory of three nurses clustered around me all quite worried about how blue my fingers were. Things got better from there quickly though, had no nausea or dizziness when a nurse helped me up to go to the bathroom, so had a sandwich and they gave me Tramadol for the residual pain. Ate dinner without a problem (rich peoples' hospitals and their actual food, dude!) and had no constipation from the anaesthetic.
Didn't sleep well but I never do in places that aren't home, and the nurses were coming in every 2-3 hours to check my blood pressure and the drains. In the morning the left drain had a lot more blood coming out than the right so the surgeon decided to keep me in another night. In the end we had 50ml in the right and 300ml in the left and I bled onto the bed quite a bit around the area where the left drain was in. Apparently one side just sometimes bleeds more.
Having the drains out the next day was... an experience. I was still on the Tramadol and the pinch of pain wasn't so bad, but the sliding sensation of a rather long tube coming out of me felt real weird. The background pain dropped a LOT as soon as they were out. Minor leakage around the left wound, but nothing too bad.
Had fresh bandages put on then two nurses wrapped me up in a binder like a burrito. The stiff material of the binder is gonna be right up in your armpits so I'd recommend you do something about any hair you have there before you go. I ran a hair trimmer over both pits.
I can't really offer any advice about if you have a long car ride home. I had a 90 minute drive (as the passenger obvs) and I had black edging into the corners of my vision by the end of it. Standing up before getting into the car was fine, but then not being able to breathe properly plus the movement of the car made me feel very light-headed and nauseous. Went straight to bed when I got home and feel much better since I've woken up. Can do basic movements of putting on a button up shirt, brushing my teeth, etc, but was standing up for twenty minutes to talk to someone and that was enough for me. Have been taking codeine as a painkiller as that's what I take for other issues - have a little burning and aching across my chest (and chafing in my my armpits >.<) but nothing I wouldn't expect from just having had surgery.
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harperfrogspad · 10 months
Partners: Chapter 10: Anything You Want
Kay unlocked the door to his apartment and let Lou in first. She stepped into the space, “their home” as Kay called it, she felt like it had been weeks since she had been there. And yet, everything was exactly as she’d left it just two mornings ago.
Kay gently led her to the couch and sat her down. “I’m going to get some dinner going. Would you like to lay down?”
She shook her head. “No, I want a shower, that disinfectant made me feel gross.”
He chuckled. “Ok, see you in a bit.”
Kay went to the kitchen to work on dinner, Lou just sat on the couch. Then she noticed Kay’s jacket on the arm of the couch, she pulled it into her lap, hugged it, and breathed in his sent.
When Kay came back that is how he found Lou, sitting cross legged on the couch, hugging his jacket with her face in it. The sight warmed his heart. He came up to her quietly, not sure if she was asleep or not. He knelt down in front of her, she looked up at him and smiled.
“Hi,” he said smiling back.
“Hi,” she reached out and touched his cheek.
“I thought you wanted a shower?” He said.
She lowered her hand from his face and dropped her gaze. Kay knew. He knew what she was going to say before she said it, he knew before she reached for his hand, he knew before she looked back up at him with that vulnerable look in her eyes.
“Would you come with me?” She asked.
“Of course,” he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and then touched her face gently. “Anything you want.”
She smiled tiredly.
Then he took his jacket out of her lap and put it back on the arm of the couch before taking her hand and pulling her to her feet. Still holding her hand Kay led her through the bedroom and into the bathroom. Once there he turned to face her, Lou felt a sudden and inexplicable surge of nervousness, and she knew Kay felt it too because he was still touching her. She immediately felt ridiculous after that, there was no reason for her to be nervous , this was Kay. She was more open with him than she was with anyone else, he probably knew her better than anyone too. But there was such confidence in his every move that was contrasting her residual fear and helpless feeling that made her feel nervous.
“I don’t have to stay, if you don’t want me to,” he said so gently.
That simple statement immediately changed Lou’s mood. She wrapped her arms around his neck so suddenly that it took him by surprise, but it was her words that cut into his heart.
“Don’t leave me,” she nearly sobbed.
“Alright, alright,” he hugged her tightly and kissed her head. “I would never leave you. I just wasn’t sure if you wanted me to stay or if you wanted space.”
“I don’t wanna be alone,” she said clinging onto him.
“Alright,” he gave her a little squeeze. “Anything you want.”
Lou relaxed in his arms.
“You still want that shower?” He asked.
She nodded against his shoulder, he could feel how tired she was.
“Do you want my help getting undressed?” He asked.
She nodded again.
He kissed her head, “alright.”
Kay slowly ran his hands down her back and then under her shirt. Taking a small step away from her, he pulled her shirt off over her head. Her pants followed, his hands slowly gliding down along her hips pushing them to the floor. Lou watched him with surprisingly little emotion. Kay looked into her eyes, she was calm now, still very tired, and thankful. Kay smiled, brushing his knuckles tenderly along her cheek. Then he stepped over to the shower told it to turn on, and pulled off his own clothes. Lou watched him, her face stoic, her emotions numb.
Kay then took off the underwear Lou still had on and led her into the shower. Lou sighed as she stood under the hot water, Kay began unbraiding her hair. Then he rubbed shampoo into it gently, lovingly, slowly moving from her head down to the tips of it. Then he repeated the process to wash the shampoo out. As Kay washed her hair Lou sleepily washed her body. He could feel her exhaustion, so whenever she seemed too sleepy he’d lean down and kiss her neck, shoulder, face, back, wherever was closet to him. Once she was all washed Kay turned off the water and dried her off and then himself. Kay took Lou’s hand and led her into the bedroom where they both put on comfortable home clothes, then Kay took Lou into the table and had her sit. The he went to the kitchen to check on their dinner, he returned with two plates. As they ate Lou was fairly quiet, she was very hungry and tired; Kay didn’t try get to her to talk. When dinner was over Kay cleaned to the plates and then they headed into the bedroom. Lou set to brushing out her hair, but was very lethargic and was having trouble with knots, so Kay gently took the brush out of her hand. He sat down on the edge of the bed and had her sit right in front of him, and his gentle, dexterous hands brushed it all the knots from her beautiful, long, blonde hair. When he was done he stood up to admire her.
“My sunshine,” he said lovingly as he ran his fingers through her freshly brushed hair.
Lou smiled at him. Then she pulled her hair to one side and braided it again.
“Come on now,” he said shooing her teasingly. “Get into bed.”
Lou smirked and crawled under the blankets. Kay did the same and pulled her back against his chest, then kissed her neck. “Sleep, sunshine. I’ll be right here.”
As tired as she was Lou couldn’t seem to fall asleep, she laid in Kay’s arms listening to him breathing, feeling his heart beating against her back, his comforting smell all around her. She didn’t know how long she laid there for, but she was sure it must be well passed midnight. Giving up on sleeping she carefully crawled out of Kay’s arms and got out of bed. She went to the kitchen unit for a drink of juice, which she drank while standing on the balcony looking out at New Paris. Once she had finished her drink Lou headed back to bed, where she tried to get back under the covers without walking Kay. As she was settling down next to next to him Lou put her hand down and the bed felt wet. She tired to look at the bed and her hand in the darkness, but couldn’t see anything.
“Kay?” She said softly, trying to wake him, but not startled him.
He was silent.
Lou touched his shoulder to give him a little shake, he felt cold. Lou was concerned now she turned away from Kay to turn the light on and then turned back to him and she screamed. Half of his head was gone and there was blood everywhere.
“No, no, Kay, not you!” She cried out.
Lou bolted upright in bed in a cold sweat, her heart pounding like it was about to bust out of her chest. “NO!”
She was immediately wrapped in familiar arms. “Shhh, I’m here, I’m right here,” Kay’s voice reached her ear.
At first she clung to him and then when she remembered the nightmare she pushed him away and reached for the lump on her bedside table.
“Lou?” Kay was confused why she had pushed him away, he’d felt her emotions he knew she needed reassurance.
She turned on the light and turned back to Kay and stared at him as he looked at her, eyes full of concern. Then she looked at her hands and the bed, seeing that they were clean she looked back at Kay who was very much alive and very worried looking.
“Kay?” She said his name like she wasn’t sure if it was him.
“Yes, of course,” he desperately wanted to touch her, to hold her, but he didn’t want to push her.
“Kay,” her voice sounded confused. She reached a shaky hand out to his cheek but didn’t touch him.
“It’s okay,” he told her. He put his hand on hers and put it on his face.
Feeling the warmth of his skin she nearly leapt into his arms. “Oh my God, Kay!”
She held onto him like her very life depended on it, she pulled at him as if she wanted to crawl into his very skin.
“It was horrible,” she cried against him. “It was just like Cane, but it was you, and, and, r-right here… in our bed, blood… e-everywhere.”
“Shh, sunshine, I’m here, I’m here” he whispered to her.
Between ragged breaths what she said broke his heart. “There’s… no… sunshine here… only… darkness.”
“My dearest,” he said rocking her gently. “You will always be my sunshine, my joy, the light of my life.”
Lou just shook her head.
“It’s true,” he assured her. “But if you are in darkness right now, then let me lead you back to the light.”
“How?” She whispered.
“Tell me about your dream,” he said.
Lou shook her head hard.
“I know it’s upsetting,” he said. “But talking about it will help get it out of your head.”
She was quiet for moment, thinking.
“You know I wouldn’t ask if it wouldn’t help you,” he reminded her.
Lou sighed, and smiled very slightly. “Okay.”
Kay smiled encouragingly, and laid her down on her back. “Where do you want me?”
She patted her should, “here.”
Kay rested his head on her shoulder and held her gently. Lou wrapped her arms around his neck, buried her face into his hair, and sighed. This was her favorite place. She sighed again, calming herself and then she told him, in detail, about her dream. It was hard at the end, but he waited patiently and she got through it.
“No wonder you were so upset,” he said, hugging her tightly. “That’s my worst nightmare too.”
She kissed his head.
“I was so scared when I realized it was your fear that I was feeling,” he told her. “You were afraid that you were going to die.”
Lou pulled away and looked at him. “You… you felt that?”
He nodded. “Yes, it was the most terrifying moment in my life. Knowing your life was in danger and not being able to do anything about it.”
Lou’s heart filled with both love and sadness as she listened to him, she kissed him again and snuggled back against his head; he could feel her emotions as they started to shift.
“Kay, I…” she brushed the hair out of his face. “I love you.”
He looked at her surprised and happiness in his eyes.
Lou chuckled softly. “Why are you looking at me like that? You had to of known.”
Kay shook his head. “I didn’t.”
He smiled. “You must have just realized it yourself.”
It was Lou’s turn to shake her head. “I realize it out there. When you were the one I couldn’t stop thinking and worrying about.”
Kay smiled. “Say it again… please.”
Lou played with his hair. “I love you, Kay Stone, so much. More than anything and like I’ve never loved anyone else.”
Kay felt it, she meant it. Her love washed over him, bright and warm, like sunshine, but also wild and powerful, like a hurricane.
Lou watched with joy as he closed his eyes as his Psi-Empathy absorbed her love.
“Lou,” his voice was low and husky from all the emotions. “I love you too.”
“I know,” she said.
Kay chuckled.
“You’re not exactly subtle,” she smiled, “or shy about your feelings.”
Then she kissed him wanting to seal their declarations, but when their lips met, another feeling arose. A deeper desire to reconnect, emotionally, physically, sexually. Kay felt all of it.
“Are you sure you want that right now?” He asked, his voice soft and sensual. “You aren’t too tired?”
“No, I’m sure,” she said quietly.
Smiling Kay shifted from his spot on her shoulder and propped himself up on his elbow. Then he kissed her, softly, tenderly, slowly, with no intention of getting more intense. Lou’s one hand was gently stroking the back of his head, the other hand was running along his back. Kay began to remove her clothes, she arched her hips under him trying to help him get pants and underwear off, but she also pressed against him causing him to moan against her mouth.
Lou’s smile broke their kiss. “I’m sorry, am I bothering you?” She asked too sweetly.
Kay’s smiling eyes watched her enjoy teasing him. “No, not at all.”
She hooked her thumbs into the waist of his pants and pulled. Amused by her attempt, Kay chuckled, then took them off himself, hers followed. Kay was in no hurry, he enjoyed slowly placing kisses down along her body. Lou was, perhaps for the first time since their first night together, not impatient, rather she just felt. Her hands were in his hair as his mouth explored her body, if her emotions got too intense he would stop kissing her and wait for her to relax again. This game continued for a while until Lou’s hands started to explore his body. She started at his shoulders then down his chest, along his toned stomach and lower. His mouth was suckling her neck when her hand reached its goal, he moaned against her skin. Lou chuckled softly enjoying the effect she was having on him, she continued to tease him forcing him to release her neck.
“Lou…” his voice was strained and a little breathless.
“Hmm?” She watched him, amused. “You want more?”
He buried his face into her hair and groaned. Lou chuckled and hugged him with one arm. Then she felt his hand slide over her thigh and in between her legs, she took a sharp breath when he touched her.
“Two can play this game, you know,” he whispered seductively in her ear.
Lou tipped her head back into the pillow harder and moaned softly as his fingers continued to tease her. She hadn’t forgotten what she was doing with him though, she continued to caress him, soft and slow. Then Kay raised his head and kissed her, their mood mirrored in their kisses, soft, slow, sensual. Neither one of them wanting to rush, they took their time teasing each other’s bodies, pausing if either one got too excited. Eventually it became too much torture and their bodies demanded more. Kay shifted from beside her to on top of her, Lou looked up into his eyes, reaching up to ruffle the hair that fell over his face, he smiled. He entered her slowly, she closed her eyes briefly before looking up at him as he started to move. Lou touched his face with incredible tenderness, her eyes so full of love, her emotions filling Kay with more love than he’d ever felt. He leaned his head down and touched his forehead to hers, they both closed their eyes. Lou was filled with Kay’s emotions, she could feel him in her soul, loving everything about her. Every look, every smile, every frown, every mood, every pain, every strength, every weakness, every perfection, every flaw. She felt his love and returned it all to him. She felt a wet drop land on her face. Lou opened her eyes, worried his eyes were bleeding, but there was no blood, only tears.
“Kay?” She said quietly, voice full of concern.
He opened his eyes to look at her as he smiled.
“A-are you okay?” She wiped a tear from his face.
“I’m so much more than okay,” his voice was light and calm. “I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”
Lou’s eyes filled with happy tears. “My beautiful empath.”
Kay smiled, his dimples bigger than Lou had ever seen them. Then he pressed deep inside her filling her with pleasure. They held each other tightly, as they kept their slow pace filling each other with as much physical love as emotional love. Their souls entwined becoming one, one soul, two bodies. Their love making went on as they just couldn’t seem to get enough of each other. When the room was barely beginning to brighten from the raising sun is when it finally came to an end. Kay was laying against Lou’s body, one of his hands tangled in her hair, the other laced with one of her hands as he pressed it into the bed, Lou’s other hand clawed at Kay’s back. His mouth was leaving marks on her neck as she whimpered. His pace had slowly begun to increase until he was barely in control of himself. Just as Lou was thinking she couldn’t take anymore she felt him fill her deep inside, then she felt his heavy breath on her shoulder; it took him awhile to calm down. He tried to shift off of her, but she didn’t let him, she held him tightly, until she fell asleep and then Kay shifted.
After everything that had happened in the last 24 hours, Lou slept late. Kay had woken up before her and crept out of bed to make breakfast. While he was waiting for it to cook Rebecca called.
“Good morning, Rebecca,” Kay said cheerfully.
“It’s afternoon already, young man. You sound like you are in a good mood,” his grandmother said.
“Oh,” he checked the time, “so it is. And yes, you could say that,” the smiled on his face made it into his voice.
“Well, do you care to share?” Rebecca asked.
Still smiling Kay said: “Lou told me that she loves me for the first time last night.”
“Oh, Kay,” Rebecca’s voice was filled with happiness. “That’s wonderful!”
“Yeah,” Kay sighed happily. “But you must have called for a reason?”
“Well, yes,” she said. “Ann and I were hoping that the two of you could visit soon.”
“Well, as it happens,” Kay said. “We do have today and tomorrow off.”
“Either would be perfect,” Rebecca said.
“I’ll talk to Lou and see what she wants to do,” Kay said.
“Alright, baby,” Rebecca agreed. “You two talk and then send me a message when you decide.”
“Okay, will do. Do you want me to bring you anything?”
“Surprise me,” she said.
Then they said goodbye and hung up.
When breakfast was ready he prepared a tray and took it into the bedroom. He set the tray down on the nightstand and sat down on the bed next to a sleeping Lou. He brushed some wild hairs away from her face, and stroked her cheek tenderly.
“My beautiful sunshine,” he said gently, still smiling.
Lou stirred, blindly reached out to grab Kay and pull him towards herself. He chuckled and let her pull him down next to her. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tightly against her shoulder. Kay breathed a happy sigh and just let her hold him for a while.
“I’ve got breakfast for you,” his voice was muffled against her.
She loosened her grip on him and he lifted his head to look at her.
“You brought me breakfast in bed?” She asked.
“I did,” he smiled at her.
She sighed and hugged him tightly again. She didn’t say anything, but Kay felt her love. Then she let go of him and sat up in bed and he put the tray over her legs. Along with with their breakfast and coffee, there was a sunflower in a vase.
“Where did you even get that?” she asked pointing at the sunflower.
“I have some growing on the balcony,” he said.
Lou titled her head and squinted at him. “Since when?”
Kay looked a little guilty. “I may have bought a new plant.”
Lou just smiled.
As they ate Kay told her about Rebecca’s call. They decided to go visit the women who raised them that day, but first they were going to go shopping to bring them something special.
After their shopping they headed out to Rebecca’s home. They were greeted with smiles and hugs. Kay had brought all kinds of foods that were hard to get in the country. Lou had finally gotten around to getting her mom a new picture of the one she’d given her from when she was 6 with her mom and dad. She had the picture enhanced, made it bigger and put into a organic wood frame. Ann was speechless and teary eyed when Lou gave it to her.
“Lou, baby,” her mother said. “This must have cost a fortune!”
“Eh,” Lou shrugged. “I’ve got a nice bonus coming.”
“Oh?” Rebecca sounded suspicious.
Lou smiled. “Yeah, The Prior asked me to guard an Inquisitor on a trip and was pleased with my work.”
“That’s wonderful, dear,” Ann said.
Rebecca looked from Lou to Kay and back, clearly thinking that there was more to Lou’s explanation. Ann was oblivious to the exchange, enthralled by the picture.
“I’ll have to find a place to hang this in my room,” Ann said.
“Speaking of which,” Rebecca said, gently nudging Ann. Then the two linked arms. “Ann and I have something to tell you both.”
Lou stepped back slightly to press herself against Kay.
“Should we be scared?” She asked him in an intently loud whisper.
Rebecca spoke before Kay could answer. “No, we don’t have a surprise wedding waiting for you.”
Lou wasn’t sure if Rebecca was actually annoyed or not.
“We didn’t give them enough warning for that,” Kay teasingly whispered to Lou. His grandmother gave him a playful glare.
“If the two of you are done?” Rebecca said, somewhat sternly.
“Yes, ma’am,” the partners said together.
“Ann,” Rebecca turned to her.
“Baby,” Ann started. “I’ve decided to stay here.”
“Yeah?” Lou don’t understand why her mom was telling her this, she already knew. “I know. Work is slow on your place, but-”
“No, dear,” Ann interrupted. “I mean, permanently.”
With Lou still pressed gently up against Kay he felt the roller coaster of emotions that went through her. She looked back and forth between the two women before settling on her mom.
“You are going to move in here and stay with Rebecca?” Lou asked.
“If you don’t mind?” Ann said tentatively.
“Why would I? Also, it’s not really any of my business,” Lou answered.
“Both of your opinions are very important to us,” Rebecca said. “If it bothers either one of you, we won’t do it.”
“Of course it doesn’t bother me,” Lou said, stepped away from Kay and reaching out for Ann. “Ma, all I want is for you to be safe and happy. I know you are safe here, and if you and Rebecca are happy with this solution, then I’m happy for you.”
“You won’t be sad about our old home?” Ann sounded guilty.
“Of course not, Ma,” Lou hugged her. “Not if you are happy here.”
“Your dad bought us that house when I was pregnant with you,” Ann said.
“I know, Ma,” Lou smiled. “But dad would want the same thing I want for you: to be happy and safe.”
“But you grew up there,” Ann said. “All your memories of your dad are there.”
“No, Ma,” Lou shook her head. “My memories of dad are here,” she touched her head, “and here,” she touched her chest over her heart.
Ann touched her daughter’s face lovingly. “You are so much like him.”
“I know,” Lou smiled.
“Now come help me find a place to hang this picture!” Ann got excited, grabbed Lou’s hand, and they left the room.
Kay waited until the two Reeds were out of earshot before he spoke. “This is your solution?”
“Yes, it is,” Rebecca sounded indignant.
“Are you truly okay with this?” Kay asked.
Rebecca held her hand out to him, stepping closer the empath took her hand. “We are both perfectly happy with this arrangement and I didn’t say anything to Ann about Lou.”
Kay smiled. “I’m glad.”
Rebecca looped her arm around Kay’s. “You know I love it when you come to visit and now Lou as well, but you two are busy, as young people should be, and well… it’s been nice having Ann here. She’s closer to my age than the two of you and we have greatly enjoy discussing our time raising each of you and sharing hobbies. And we have our own spaces if we want to be alone, other times we just sit here in the living room quietly doing our own things. I’ve really enjoyed it. So don’t screw things up with Lou.”
Kay laughed, “I’ll do my best not to.”
“Now are you going to tell me the truth about that bonus of hers?” Rebecca said.
Kay chuckled. “Nothing gets passed you.”
“That’s right,” she agreed. “And don’t you forget it, young man.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said then he told her about Lou’s trip to the Perimeter and his involvement in it, leaving out the gorier details.
Rebecca turned to face Kay and put her hand on his cheek. “Baby, I don’t tell you enough that I’m so proud of you. You have grown into a such fine young man, and though I wish your work was less dangerous, I’m still proud of you for doing so well at it.”
“Thank you, Rebecca,” he hugged her, then he felt Lou.
Kay pulled away from Rebecca and turned to look, he saw Lou standing there watching them, Ann behind her.
“I’m sorry,” Lou said. “We didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Nonsense,” Kay said smiling. “Come here,” he reached out to her.
Lou walked over to him and he hugged her too. “What are you so happy about?”
She titled her head to look at him. “You felt that too?”
He nodded, smiling.
Lou shook her head. “Even the happy ones?”
“I like the happy ones,” Kay winked at her. “Are you going to tell us why you were so happy?”
“I’m just happy that you have someone who loves you so much,” Lou admitted.
“Other than you?” Kay teased.
“Yes, other than me,” she nudged his shoulder. “Well you know, with how your parents are.”
Rebecca smiled. “That feeling you’re having is exactly how I feel about you, love.”
Lou smiled at Rebecca.
“Are you kids hungry?” Rebecca asked.
“Always,” Lou answered.
Rebecca got dinner cooking and then she led the group to the sitting room with a view of the garden to wait. When they entered the room, a room that Lou had never been in, she noticed a large picture on the wall of a man that looked like an older version of Kay.
“Is that Kay’s father?” She asked Rebecca, walking up to the picture.
“Grandfather,” Rebecca answered. “My late husband, Finis Stone.”
“He looks just like Kay,” Lou said, still staring.
Rebecca chuckled. “It’s the other way around, dear.”
“Not to me it isn’t,” Lou teased.
Lou walked slowly along the wall where there were even more pictures. Next to the portrait of Kay’s grandfather was a picture of his grandparents with two young boys, his father and uncle as children. And then a picture of Rebecca’s two sons as grown men, Lou stopped and stared at them. Rebecca to stand beside her.
“My sons,” she said sadly.
“Is this one Kay’s dad?” She pointed at the man on the left who also looked a lot like Kay and Finis Stone.
“No,” Rebecca said, she pointed to the other man, who had a very serious face. “This one is.”
Lou wrinkled up her nose. “This one,” she pointed to the man on the left again.
“No, THIS one,” Rebecca pointed at the serious one again.
“But,” Lou started to say.
“You think I don’t know which son my grand baby came from?” Rebecca asked.
Lou leaned away from Rebecca slightly. “Kay, she did it again,” she reached her hand behind herself for him.
Kay chuckled and came up to her, took her hand and put his other hand on the back of her neck causing her to involuntarily sigh.
“What did I do?” Rebecca asked.
Lou had leaned her back against Kay’s chest and his arms had naturally wrapped around her.
“When you talk like that it makes the hairs on the back of her neck stand up,” Kay explained.
“Like what?” Rebecca demanded.
“Like that,” Kay and Lou said together.
“Hmph,” Rebecca muttered.
“Authoritatively,” Ann said from her chair. She had been knitting, quietly listening to the exchange. “Alfie was like that too, that’s probably why it effects you like that, baby.”
Lou and the Stones looked at Ann. “She’s not wrong,” Lou admitted, looking at her mother in surprise. She had just mentioned her dad with becoming sad and even called him by his nickname.
Not knowing what to do with that Lou looked back to the wall of photos and spotted one that must be Kay’s parents on their wedding day, they where both dressed in fancy clothes and on the frame it said: Robert and Adele, followed by a date. Lou stared at the picture as if she was trying to see into the souls of the people who had created Kay and yet rejected him for not being pure. How could anyone not love that sweet little boy? That perfect, happy, loving little boy. And what about the wonderful man he’d grown into, how could they not love him?
Kay, who was still holding her in his arms, had felt her getting more and more upset as she looked at his parents picture. He leaned down and put a little to kiss her neck, she flinched slightly and looked at him.
“Sorry,” she said realizing that he’d felt her.
“You never have to be sorry for your feelings, Lou,” he told her, giving her a squeeze. “I just wanted to comfort you.”
“I just don’t understand why,” Lou said.
“Why his parents don’t want him?” Rebecca asked, picking up on what was going on.
Lou nodded as Kay buried his face in her hair.
“Genetics,” Rebecca said.
“That’s not a reason,” Lou said angrily. Knowing what she knew about the truth of Psionics true origin only made her angrier. “That’s a just a bad excuse.”
Kay’s face was hidden in Lou’s hair so no one saw when he placed several kisses on Lou’s neck, but she drew in a sharp breath, attracting attention.
“Is he bothering you?” Rebecca asked suspiciously.
“No,” Lou tried not to sound defensive. “Is he bothering you?”
“No,” Rebecca smiled.
“Okay, then,” Lou said, leaning on Kay.
“Try not to let my idiot son and his empty-headed wife upset you, love,” Rebecca said. “There’s no making sense of any of it. It’s their loss, they are just too blind to see what they had. What you need to remember is that he’s loved and he always has been.”
“Yeah, I know,” Lou said, hugging Kay’s arms that were still wrapped around her. “But that doesn’t stop me from being angry about it.”
Kay kissed her neck again, this time she just sighed allowing his calm to relax her.
“He stops me from being angry about it, though,” Lou said, nudging Kay playfully.
He finally raised his head from his place on her shoulder, smiling. “I’m not sorry.”
“I’m aware,” Lou said, then she looked at Rebecca. “You have no idea how many perfectly good, bad moods he’s ruined.”
Rebecca smiled, “I’m sure. He’s good at that.”
There was such a deep sigh that came from the sitting area that the three of them all turned to look at Ann; she was still knitting.
“Such a sweet young man,” Ann said, dreamily.
Lou stared at her mom for a moment before whipping her head back to Rebecca and whispering: “What have you done to her?”
Rebecca spoke in a normal voice. “Lou would you like to help me get dinner set up?”
“I’d love to,” Lou said, eyeing the older woman.
Kay quietly smiled at the exchange. As Lou and Rebecca headed into the kitchen Lou heard Kay’s voice.
“What are you making there, Ann?” He said.
“Come here and I’ll show you, love,” Ann said before Lou was out of earshot.
Once in the kitchen alone with Rebecca, Lou asked: “what’s been going on here?”
“I’m going to need a bit more information before I can answer that,” Rebecca said.
“I haven’t seen my mom look this happy since…” Lou thought for a moment. “Before my dad died. And she was talking about him without getting sad and she called him Alfie.”
Rebecca smiled. “We’ve been working through her loss.”
Lou just stared at the older woman.
“Don’t just stand there, help me with these,” Rebecca handed Lou some plates and headed into the dining room.
Lou followed her. “It’s been 12 years since he died, and she’s never wanted to talk to me about him.”
Rebecca stopped, put down what she was carrying, and put her hands on Lou’s shoulders. “You lost your father, but your mother lost her husband, the love of her life. The grief just isn’t the same, love. And I know exactly what she has been through, so it made it easier for her to talk to me about it.”
For a moment Lou just stared at her, then she hugged Rebecca. “Thank you, for everything you’ve done and are doing for her.”
“Of course, love.” Rebecca smiled. “I truly enjoy having her here.”
The two woman finished getting dinner set out and then Lou went back into the sitting room to get Kay and Ann. The moment Lou stepped into the room she had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing. Kay was wearing a half knitted, multicolored sweater that Ann had been working on while she stood in front of him explaining how it should look when it was done. The amusement in Lou was so strong that being quiet didn’t stop Kay from noticing her. He looked at her as she was still trying to not laugh.
“Oh, Kay Stone,” Lou said, unable to keep quiet any longer. “You missed your calling. You are wasting your life protecting people when you should have been a fashion model.”
“Don’t tease him, Lou,” Ann said as Rebecca walked it. “I think he looks very handsome.”
“I didn’t say he wasn’t handsome, Ma,” Lou said, blatantly eyeing Kay. “I’d have him right here if it wasn’t for you two.”
“Lou Reed!” Ann was completely scandalized. “Don’t be so crass! It’s unladylike!”
Lou laughed out loud. “Ma, I’m only ladylike at work, when I absolutely have to be.”
“And then still begrudgingly,” Kay added.
“That’s right,” Lou agreed.
“Dinner is ready,” Rebecca said.
After dinner and the next day the four of them moved the rest of Ann’s things to Rebecca’s and Lou put their old home up for sale as is. Thus removing a burden from Lou’s shoulders.
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mysynthfetish · 2 years
Omicron and on and on and on and on
What was that 90s song, "Onward ever ever on, destination Eschaton," Shamen or something? Weird how I recall random shit like that but ask me what I had for dinner yesterday and I'm like duhhrrrr... but anyway so yeah Omicron got me.
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So that was fucking loads of fun. I've had three vaccinations so far. Time came for the 4th and I was like nah. So would I have caught this if I'd went and had that vaccination? Who knows. Anyway, I felt kinda funky Friday, then Friday night around 2am the fever hit and hit hard. Chills and cold sweat while simultaneously burning up with fever, and my knees and lower back were screaming, what the hell? Took some Target brand Advil, one of the staple take-back-to-japan things I buy when in the US, fever went down. Went to the local PCR test center, result was negative. Hmmm? But then Sunday it was roller coaster fun between normalcy and feverishness, headache, and then the sore throat from hell started. Seriously the worst sore throat I've ever had. So I went to the local outpatient clinic and did the double whammy flu/covid two-for-the-price-of-one test and welliwelliwell, positive. Doc said I probably did the first test too early or the reliability of the test I took was questionable. I don't care which. Told the doc about the sore throat and he was like "ah, omicron!" So he gave me these drops you flip in a glass and then dilute with water and gargle with, check the color of this shit out:
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Funky! If I wasn't half out my head at the time I woulda busted out the UV LED flashlight I have and seen if it glowed. Shit worked wonders though. Wife went on full panic mode. Basically sequestered me off in the gear room and forbid me to come out except to use the loo, after which I have to wipe down everything with disinfectant flushable wipes, or to use the shower after everyone else has gone, then she goes in with a spray bottle of bleach and douses the entire bath/shower unit. Gotta wear a mask and plastic gloves when I leave the room. Madness. All this and my older daughter still caught it. Unavoidable really. And I offered to fuck off to a business hotel for the duration but no that costs money. Hmph. Anyway... Hell of a way to end the year.
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Yay officer K's spinner from Bladerunner 2049. I've been watching that movie on repeat for the past three weeks now. And the original, both theatrical release and final cut versions, of course. I'm very intrigued by the sound design and soundtrack. They had some serious shoes to fill following Vangelis with the original, but I think they did damn good. I'd love to know what they used as far as synths/softsynths go, effects too. The piano at the start of the film sounds like it was run through an Eventide processor, the H9 and the H3000 I had way back when did stuff like that, reverb and reversed, pitched delays. Super neat but not cheap.
Well I hope you peeps out there had a better end of the year than we're having here right now. Who knows what madness awaits in 2023. More shenanigans for sure. Be well, and remember, слава україні, путін хуйло, йована русня!
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levieske · 2 years
𝟐.𝟏 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
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Cora woke up feeling bittersweet. She rolled on her bed, trying to avoid the light that escaped into her room. After some grumping, she finally got up, closing the curtains midway through. The sun had woken her up earlier than she expected, but alas she suspected she wouldn’t be able to get much more sleep anyway.
Sneaking in the night before, Cora stumbled around until she changed her bloody clothes to her favorite graphic tee. She hid under the covers, staring at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. The events replayed in her head, the guilt eating her out for not being honest with Mikasa.
They barely exchanged any words after leaving the vault, Mikasa was probably too shocked to bring up what had happened. Her best friend would be either terrified of Cora or thinking she was playing with her. Cora wasn’t too fond of any of the options, but she hoped Mikasa would just get angry at her for “joking” like that.
Realistically speaking, there wasn’t exactly a way of explaining what she did without digging her own grave deeper. Cora didn’t fully understand it herself.
The girl massaged her temples. It wasn’t humanly possible for her to cover up everything. She shouldn’t have gotten Mikasa into this to begin with. She would have to deal with her later, as there were unfinished business with Mikasa’s vampire relative still, who was conveniently locked up in a fucking basement waiting for her.
Sounds like the perfect weekend. It checks all the boxes: sneak out with your best friend, visit a cemetery at night, trespass an old tomb and awaken an immortal being with unknown intentions.
Cora chuckled at her thoughts and finally decided to get out of her room to have a shower. Refreshed and much less bloody, she got back to her bedroom and put on a pair of wide jeans and a short-sleeved top. As she was applying mascara to her lashes, her phone vibrated on her pocket.
When do I pick you up??
She completely forgot. Marco had plans with her that afternoon, they were going to try a new dinner near her house. Cora exhaled and threw herself on her bed, debating on her answer. It wasn’t like she could just cancel him; it was an opportunity she had been dying to get after all.
Cora mentally insulted the blood-thirsty man waiting for her.
At 7:30?
She put her phone down. The blonde would have to be quick with Levi if she wanted her date to go right. But she was completely lost as to where she was going to find the blood to give him.
No, offering herself wasn’t on the table. She might be stupid for helping him, but not suicidal. Also, not homicidal, she wasn’t going to give him a random civilian to devour.
Cora laid on her bed, as she thought about it over and over again. She didn’t want to cause any harm because of her stupid decision making. There was still an option, one that wouldn’t be as bad as completely offering herself.
She inspected the cut on her wrist. It wasn’t deep, barely a scratch really, but it drew a little blood. If she were careful, she might be able to get more, just enough without bleeding to death and all. Cora exhaled and got her wet hair out of her face. She could easily off herself by mistake.
But it had to be done. Cora had made a promise and she didn’t want to get any other person involved into this mess. It was her mess, so she dealt with it.
The first step was taking a knife and a bottle from her kitchen. It was a miracle her parents had decided to go on their weekly walk earlier that morning, but she didn’t plan on questioning it. Cora then brought a disinfectant ointment and a bandage to her bedroom. She created some space on her desk for everything she needed, putting away her stuff and grabbing the journal. She safely stored it inside her bag. She had many questions for the vampire, but so would he.
She hoped he wouldn’t be too angry about having read his journal.
Cora swallowed when she had the knife in hand. She positioned it near her wrist, horizontally, as she moved her arms over the bottle. Applying a little pressure, she was able to make a cut. The girl bit her lip; it did hurt. But she endured it. Cora was able to fill a third of the bottle, more or less. It wasn’t much, but she was feeling dizzy and she didn’t want to risk it.
She cleaned and disinfected her wound, covering it with the bandages she had brought. Whatever she was planning on wearing that evening, it better hide the bandages. She didn’t want to worry Marco, or her parents for that matter.
Cora put back the disinfectant and washed the knife. She leaned over the sink in the kitchen, breathing heavily. Taking her hair out of the way, splashed some water on her face.
“Okay, it’s done.”
It was time.
She put on a sweater and grabbed her bag, reminiscing of the day she first saw what Levi looked like.
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afireyearth · 1 month
do you ever think about who life pairs you up with?
I was talking to my friend and former roommate (one of my favorite roommates - tied with my college roommate) recently. We were talking about my roommate who most recently moved out (replaced my friend). She showered maybe once a week. I was talking about how her lack of bodily hygiene as well as her lack of cleaning skills really brought me a lot of stress. The fact she never put sheets on her bed made me want to skin myself alive. I could not trust her at all. I could not ask her to clean the bathroom or the living room or any of the dishes because I did not trust her to do so without leaving some sort of grime behind. Her lack of self respect instilled a deep suspicion of a lack of respect for communal spaces. Which was later then reinforced by numerous instances of her not cleaning things properly-her cat shit on the rug and she didn't use a disinfectant, she didn't clean her dishes fully, she didn't sweep the floor after dragging cat liter through the house (etc, etc).
She wasn't the first roommate of mine who was like this. The roommate I had right before my friend and I lived together (my friend was between these two roommates), also didn't shower but once a week and openly confessed to not mopping the floors in over 2 years. She never deep cleaned anything in her house. Was a maximalist who had a layer of deep dust on everything in the house. And in the end of me living with her, we had a roach infestation, rats in the attic, and a gigantic mold problem (the whole house was infested and I suffered months, if not still, health problems once I moved out). That roommate was the worst living situation I found myself in. This all happened after I had developed debilitating OCD around cleanliness. I was showering morning and night, couldn't go to sleep without showering (and hating myself if I did), and refused to move in with anyone at any point for fear of living with someone who I found gross. I would obsessively clean day and night and thought any moment of my house being dirty was an indication of myself allowing evil to precipitate into my life. I was exhausted by my own rituals. I couldn't continue to live like I had. Meanwhile I was totally fearing living with someone who didn't care. Who didn't clean. Who didn't believe in the higher power of a clean space. I am not sure what all I have learned because of these roommates, except maybe self acceptance. And patience. I know that I don't need to shower every second of everyday to feel spiritually clean, but I've also learned that in order to feel like I respect, honor, and love myself I can't go longer than a day without showering. If i do, it's a sign something in going wrong in my life (I'm not caring or able to care, for myself.).
Life might have paired me up with people I deeply feared, thus teaching me more about how to confront my own feelings and make decisions for myself, but I did not enjoy one moment of it. I have not been able to find the gratitude for these situations yet. I am suffering real ramifications from living with these people. I can't go into my former roommates room without being grossed out. I never will be able too. I will always have a deep subconscious pull towards the belief my couch is irreparably damaged by the fact my roommates cat sneezed all over it. Why did life decide to push me into these situations where I want to set thing son fire. Where I experience some of the greatest discomfit of my whole life. Could it only be to teach me to confront these things? To ask me who I am? To force me to live by my own truth?
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sapphossapphicsimp · 1 year
I've progressed in my writing.
I want yall's honest opinion,enjoy this 3-am writing session
There was a loud creaking sound, as my door opened. "Honey you have been in your room for over a week now, don't you think you could just go outside for a little bit?" Aunty Mei asked with concern laced in her voice. She had been leaving me alone ever since the incident. I ignored her and pulled the blanket even further over my head. She sighed and left closing the door behind her. I know I shouldn't be like this with her, she did after all volunteer to take me in when nobody else wanted to. I got out of my bed throwing the blankets to the ground and walked towards my bathroom and squinted as I turned the lights on.
I turned to the mirror and I saw my long brown hair was a mess, dirty as well. My eyes were puffy from crying. My eyes that once held a sparkle in them were now a void of that, I walked to my shower and opened the faucet and got undressed as I waited for the water to be the perfect temperature. My body still had some marks and bruises on them,the one sticking out amongst them all was the scar that on the right side of my abdomen, I traced a finger along the mark,it went from just below my chest to my navel. As I traced it the memories began to go through my mind again.
"NYRA RUN, GET AWAY, DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME! JUST GO! GET HELP!" I could hear my mother's voice screaming at me. Suddenly the bathroom changed back into our old house. Everything was blurry for me, it was hard to concentrate. I felt the adrenaline pumping through my body again. She was trying to stop my father, she had sacrificed herself for me. It was almost as if I could hear the sirens again. The smell of disinfectant as I was rushed to the hospital...When I snapped back to reality I turned to look at the mirror. I was as pale as a ghost. I pulled away with a sigh and went into the shower letting the warm water wash away my memories. The rest of it is still a foggy memory which I want to remember but at the same time I'm too scared.
I left my room in an oversized black T-shirt that and a pair of grey sweatpants, my hair tied into a ponytail. My hand slid down the railing as I kept walking downstairs for the first time in weeks. I looked at the clock on the wall it was 10 in the morning. "I know I know. I'm trying but she has been through something no one her age should. I'll try again later-" Aunty Mei was pacing the living room back and forth but once our eyes met she dropped her phone on the ground and pulled me into a tight hug
"Nyra sweetheart! How are you feeling? I'm sorry if I pressured you to come down I didn't mean to-" You could hear the joy in her voice as she kept on talking.
"Aunty Mei it's okay you didn't pressure me so calm down. I'm feeling fine so don't worry okay?" I said with a forced chuckle. It had been so long since I had physical contact with anyone so it felt quite strange to be hugged again. She immediately let go of me as if sensing I was uncomfortable. "Right! Now Are you craving anything? I can make your favourite for lunch." I could tell she tried to cheer me up. "It's alright it's only twelve in the afternoon and I'm not really hungry.". "Are you sure? I mean I haven't made something for you in a while...but if you say you're fine then I'll believe you." She patted my head. If there was one human interaction I missed it would be that. It felt like my heart was being crushed. My mum used to pat my head. I pushed her hand away.
"Please Don't touch me" My voice sounded colder than I had expected. I could see the pain in her eyes as I took her hand off me. I couldn't stand seeing that look in anyone. I walked past her heading towards the front door. I needed to get away from here, I couldn't bear the feeling, I just wanted to escape from everything and everyone. "I'll be back later..." I mumbled while closing the door behind me.
I roamed the streets for a while. My hands were in my pockets and I kept my head down. I tried keeping the tears inside and just kept looking at the ground as I walked. The neighborhood wasn't busy during the afternoon,, well maybe not this neighborhood. Sure some cars went by and some people would walk past me,not having a care what's wrong with me, but whenever someone finds out what I have been through, they immediately begin to pity me and I hated that. As I walked past a liquor shop I could see a homeless woman sitting in front of it. She had a bottle in her hand and as I walked past she had a stench to her that made me nauseous. It smelled as if a cat had died and had been rotting in her for weeks.
"Hey lady got any change?"She asked in slowed slurred speech. She was drunk. I ignored her and just kept walking past her, when I suddenly felt something grab my wrist; I turned around and saw that it was the woman, she had anger in her eyes and her face slightly flushed, the way she glared at me had made the memories pop up again. I was back inside our house...I remembered how mum yelled at my father to think this through and not be impulsive. I remember the shock in her eyes when the knife had entered her abdomen.I could remember the fear I had, the pain which I had experienced. The rest is still blurry. If I could describe it, it was like TV static, unclear and fuzzy feeling. "LET GO OF ME! DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled as I got my wrist free and pushed the woman away. I was scared and I hated the fact I felt like that again. The woman was now even angrier. She came closer and faster. I was frozen in place, my body was too scared to do anything or that was what I thought, until she came close enough for me to hit her in the face...there was a bone crunching sound when my fist connected to her face and that's when the blood began flowing from her nose. She was pissed, I could tell even more than before,that's when everything became blank and the next thing I knew I was on top of her ruthlessly hitting her. I could feel all the emotions I had bottled up come out. My anger, heartache, guilt and lastly disgust for myself. I poured them out as I kept beating her. My fists kept going down on her even when she was unconscious, I kept going it was as if my body was on autopilot and that's all it could do.
The next few things happened without me realising. For one when I came back to my senses I was being held back by someone taller than me telling me to calm down. My fists were bloodied and swollen. The person holding me turned me around and held me by my shoulders.Their grip was strong and held tightly onto me.There was worry in their turquoise blue eyes. It was a male, a handsome one at that. "KID ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" His grip was tight and I could see something I hadn't seen in anyone's eyes for a long time. He sighed "What happened for you to lash out like that?" He mumbled softly. He was so calm that it had caught me off guard,leaving me just staring at him. I felt my hand twitch which caused me to look at it. It was swollen and bloodied but numb. The man looked down at my hands and I could see a quick change of emotions in his eyes. He let go of my one shoulder and pulled out his phone and typed something before holding it to his ear. "Hey yeah I need a ambulance at 27 Wilton street. Here's a woman on the ground unconscious and bleeding. Alright. Thank you." He hung up and looked at me. "So you got two choices here. One you wait here for the ambulance and explain why you almost killed the woman or come with me to my Cafe and let me treat your hands and let people just think it was another fight between two homeless people"
I having developed trust issues, had decided to go with a third option. That option was to run away which I did, but in this sequence. I took his hand off me. Bowed as my way of saying thanks then I ran away with everything I had. Thanks to me hiding in my room for over a week without doing anything active. Running became more exhausting than I could remember.Once felt I was far away I stopped and put my hands on my knees, my breathing was heavy and I had a few sweat droplets on my forehead, the sun was still high up making me heat up even more as the sun rays hit my skin. I stayed like that for a while until I had regained my breath,I slowly got up taking in a deep breath and letting it out. I calmed down quickly, looking at the area I was I could see people eyeing me as if I was insane. I shook my head and continued walking, the problem was that I was lost. I never explored every place in the city and this had to be one of them. I slid my hand into my pocket to get my phone but the pocket was empty. That made me slightly nervous, I just told myself it was in the other pocket, it was empty as well, I mentally cursed myself for being so stupid. I had one choice and that was to ask a stranger for help. I gulped at the idea, it had been so long since I had spoken to someone out of my own will, I had been hiding in my room for almost two months, I'm surprised I still know how to talk to people well by people I mean Auntie Mei.
I saw a couple walking by they looked happy not afraid of the world or anything just in their own little world...I Slowly walked up behind them building up the courage to ask them for help but it seems they noticed me because the man turned around. He had short chocolate brown hair with just a few strands longer than the others "Hey would you stop following us? It's annoying and your acting like a serial killer or shit." His hazelnut eyes gave me a look that could kill, his voice was harsh but it seems his girlfriend made him still. She whispered into his ear unknowing that I could hear her. "She's the kid whose father went nuts!" Now that, that right there had me. His whole demeanor changed from hostile to friendly and that pissed me off. I had thought after moving to different city everything would be different but who was I kidding? It was on the News almost everywhere. He spoke again but softly with a smile just screaming pity. ",Hey kiddo sorry about that outburst over there! Now is there anything you need?" He tilted his head a little as if to search for something. That made me self-conscious, his gaze felt like it was taunting me, begging me to show how weak I had been, how I couldn't do anything but stand by and watch as my own mother died right infront of me. I looked at the ground, finding some random crack to keep me from doing something I'd regret, the sun felt even hotter than it did before. "Kid?" He asked in a soft voice, I could see him bend down a little as if he was talking to a little kid, my hands began to feel clamy and wet. It felt as if I was put into a oven, my eyes darted from his eyes to the crack frequently . I didn't know if I was having a panic attack or not but I hated it,this feeling. It felt as if everyone was out to hate me and make me remember my failure.
The crack in the sidewalk started to become a blurry sight and I had to blink a few times to try and see it clearly again, I gulped trying to get rid of this throbbing feeling in my throat that had begun to form. I kept staring at the crack in the sidewalk and answered him aggressively. "I'm not a kid anymore, I'm nearly 18.." He seemed offended with my tone of voice and started to turn his back on me. I quickly grabbed his arm, my grip was so tight. He whiped his head back into my direction and glared at me.I immediately let go of his arm and bowed my head in shame. "I- Im sorry I-Im lost and need some directions" I could hear him let out a breath of relief, he nodded slowly and answered, his voice was reserved. He gave me the directions though he was a flat out asshole. I partially listened to the directions before walking off. The walk home wasn't anything special but the previous events that had occurred had started to reappear. I had snapped out of my thoughts as I felt something rub against my leg. I looked down and saw it was a grey tabby cat. It was rubbing against my leg and purring, begging for me to pet it. I couldn't help but give in and bent down to pet it, a small smile forming on my lips. "Oh no collar? Maybe I could take you in hmm? Auntie Mei would love you." My voice was soft and I couldn't help but giggle at how the cat turned it's head to the side. I was snapped out of my state of joy when I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I turned my head to see who it could be, it was a girl probably around my age or older by a year or two. She looked almost out of breath, her face was stressed but relaxed once she saw the cat. "I finally found you buddy. You scared the living shit out of me."
0 notes
myfriendtheghost · 2 years
my roommate knowingly exposed herself to covid today (after I asked her multiple times not to ✨) which means I’m gonna lock myself in the bedroom for the next week
what I’m saying is y’all better drop some banging josh x reader fics this week because I’m gonna be really stressed and bored lol
5 notes · View notes
hobeemin · 3 years
of bane & roses
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genre: smut, pwp, romance, supernatural au, hybrid au
pairing: werewolf!jeon jungkook x nurse!(f) oc
rating: 18+
warning(s): swearing, violence, biting, scratching, fighting, blood, scars, injuries, pining, knotting, praise kink, scenting, masturbation, clit spanking, pussy/cock worship, begging, exhibitionism, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, unprotected sex, penetrative sex
word count: 7.2k
credits: a HUGE thank you to @joyfulhopelox​! Thank you Maria for looking this over and giving me great feedback 💜💜💜
resources for banner found here ~ 1, 2, 3
Pleasure Hollows⁂ Hosted by: Professor Kat through @bangtansorciere
⤐ AU Type: coven (roommates to lovers au)
⤐ Themes: werewolves/hybrids, mutual pining
⤐ Kinks: knotting, praise kink, scenting, masturbation, clit spanking, pussy/cock worship, begging, exhibitionism 
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“Damn it!”
Big doe-like eyes shot her a pouty look but were ignored as she busied herself blotting the disinfectant on the laceration on his arm. He was covered in cuts and bruises, but at first glance, this happened to be the worst of it.
“You’re lucky this wasn’t any deeper otherwise you would have needed stitches,” she scolded.
He winced, looking away, trying to make light of the situation. “It’s not that bad.”
“Oh really?” She shot him a look that wiped the smirk off his face. “Do we need to go over the other injuries you’ve sustained?”
“No,” he muttered, and his cheeks reddened. 
“That’s what I thought.”
She swiped some antibacterial ointment over the wound, covered it with gauze, and wrapped it with adhesive tape. “Alright, I’m done.”
A smile spread on his face. “Thanks, Devon.”
“You’re welcome, Jungkook, yet again,” she answered flatly.
He frowned, rubbing the back of his head. “Ouch. Harsh.”
Devon snorted as she put her supplies back in the medical bag. “You need it, Kook. How many times have I patched you up with no explanation?”
“I told you I–”
“Yeah yeah. I’m over the excuses,” she interrupted, rising from her seat. She played with the necklace around her neck to distract herself. Guilt immediately took over as she glanced back at him. Even though he towered over her by at least six inches, he seemed so small right now. She huffed and turned to face him, noticing the bruise near his temple. She brushed back his bangs assessing it.
“Does it hurt?”
“Not really,” he answered.
Devon clicked her tongue. She pressed around the bruise until he made what sounded like a whine. “You could have a concussion.”
He pushed her hand away as he curled up on the couch. “I’m fine. Nothing that some sleep won’t cure.”
Devon narrowed her eyes as he started to yawn. She rolled her eyes and stormed off to her room.
“Fine. See if I care,” she grumbled, slamming the door behind her. 
This was not the way she wanted to end the evening. It seemed like no matter what, Jungkook caused her more stress. She was already dealing with enough at the hospital. Still annoyed, she took off her scrubs and walked into the adjoining bathroom. As Devon stepped into the shower, her mind wandered back to her problematic roommate. 
He’s given her nothing but stress, since day one.
“I can’t believe the night we had! What is it with full moons? All the crazies come out.”
Devon glanced at her co-worker, adjusting her bag as they walked out of the hospital. She waved to the security guard as they headed to the parking lot. “Hobi, it wasn’t that bad.”
He let out a short laugh shaking his head. “Did we work the same shift? I’m pretty sure those patients from that fire at that frat house say otherwise.”
Devon sighed as she fished her keys out. “Good point. It got to a certain moment when everything meshed for me.”
“Lucky you,” Hobi muttered as they walked on. They reached her car, and he leaned against her hood, yawning with a stretch. “I plan to pass out for the next few days. After doing four back-to-back 12s, I’m dead.”
Devon chuckled. “Lucky you, I got one more shift on Saturday. I shouldn’t have switched with Jimin.”
Hobi snorted, giving her a poke. “Your fault. But look at it this way, at least he stopped hitting on you–”
Devon held her hand out, looking into the darkness. She frowned, stepping forward. “You hear that, Hobi?”
A groan cut into the darkness, and he pointed in the direction. “I think it’s coming from over there.”
They ran over, listening for any more sounds to pinpoint the location. Devon looked around the cars until she saw a hand on the ground. “Hoseok! Over here!”
He ran over to see her kneeling by a man leaning on the fence. Devon shook his leg gently. “Sir? Sir, are you okay? Do you need any help?”
Hobi glanced over the injured man. “He looks pretty beat up, Devon.”
She could see the numerous cuts and bruises littered all over his face and hands—barefoot and torn clothing.
“You think it was a mugging?”
“Maybe,” she answered. She noticed him holding his side. He was still out of it, breathing erratically. She lifted his jacket and her eyes widened.
“Oh shit.”
She pointed at his side. Blood seeped from deep gashes along his chest. “Fuck. We need to get him to the hospital.”
“N-No hospitals.”
They jumped as the male finally spoke. It was barely above a whisper but his voice rang clear. To their surprise, he tried to stand only for Hoseok to push him back down. “Bad idea, man. You’re seriously injured. We can’t have you moving around on your own. We need to get you checked out and call the cops–”
“No!” His eyes opened as he wiggled out from under Hoseok’s hand. “No!”
Devon’s lips pursed as she poked the man in the arm. “We’re trying to help you! We’re both nurses at that hospital.”
He shook his head again. “No!” He winced as a surge of pain went through him and fell back against the fence post. 
She clicked her tongue in annoyance. “Your ribs could be broken. Let us help you.”
Hobi sighed as he made eye contact with her. “We can’t force anyone for medical health.”
“I-I know,” she bit her bottom lip. An idea popped into her head. She had a feeling Hobi would hate, but it was worth a shot. “How about I take him home?”
“Have you lost your mind?!”
Yep. Hobi hated the idea.
Devon gave him her infamous puppy dog eyes as Hobi tried to fight it off. The next thing he knew, he was helping her carry the man to her car. Mumbling angrily, he pushed him into the backseat with a grunt. “You owe me bigtime, Devon.”
“I have a feeling you’re not gonna let me live this down.”
“Ya think?”
She exhaled and poked her head into the backseat. The man’s breathing was still irregular, but his eyes were open. “I’m taking you back to my place to fix you up. Can you tell me your name?”
He lifted his head as he shifted his position. “J-Jeon Jungkook.”
Devon smiled for the first time that night. “Nice to meet you, Jeon Jungkook. I’m Devon Lewis.”
After that fateful day, Jungkook would seek out Devon whenever he had any injuries. True to her word, she never reported anything to the hospital or the authorities. He was an MMA fighter, insisting they were rough fights. As repayment, he would help do odd jobs around her apartment, until he eventually moved in. He was quiet, minus those random nights of his tournaments, and that suited her just fine.
She grumbled to herself, putting on a long nightshirt and her bonnet, and climbed into bed after the well-deserved shower. Nothing but stress. He was going to be the death of her. She shook her head in disappointment and snuggled into her covers.
“Fucking Jeon Jungkook.”
The smell of bacon and eggs invaded her nostrils and roused herself awake. Rubbing her eyes, she slipped out of bed putting on her slippers and walked into the living room. To her surprise, Jungkook was in the kitchen...cooking.
He hummed to himself as he flipped the bacon in the skillet. He turned to put it on the plate when he saw her standing by the counter. Jungkook grinned, giving her his famous bunny smile.
“Morning, Dee!”
She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. “You seem chipper today.”
He nodded with a hum as he fixed her a plate and slid it across the counter towards her. “I feel great. Thanks again.”
She grunted and sank into the chair, grabbing a fork and stabbing at the eggs. He joined her moments later, setting a large mug of coffee down near her. He winked before he started shoveling food into his mouth. Devon’s lips thinned as she stared at the food on her plate. With a huff, she threw her fork down.
“Damn it, Jungkook!”
He dropped his fork in surprise. “What’s wrong?”
She rounded on him, glaring. “How can you be so blasé about everything?! You almost died last night!”
His shoulders dropped as he looked down at his hand, studying the dark lines etched into his skin. “Why are you making it a big deal? I’m fine. See–” he pointed to the bruise that was on his head. It was faded. Yet again, the notion of his injuries healing so fast left Devon stumped.
“I told you I got strong antibodies. I heal fast. Always have.”
“I don't want anything to happen to you,” she muttered.
Jungkook reached over and squeezed her hand. “I promise I’m alright.” He scooted closer and nuzzled against her hair making her roll her eyes. “You’re my guardian angel Devon – always have been.”
That still didn’t seem to calm her mood. Jungkook continued to eat in silence, oblivious to the looks Devon shot him. She worried about him more than she let on. These MMA fights were getting out of hand. 
What if he comes back with serious injuries and I can’t help him?
She shook the feeling away, deciding she’d at least eat the breakfast he made. A rare occurrence indeed. Maybe he was trying to get on her good side. It was working. She was pretty shocked to see how well he did with cooking. Didn’t taste bad at all. Jungkook stretched his limbs and patted his stomach.
“Ah, I’m full.”
Devon’s eye zoomed down while Jungkook stretched. His shirt lifted, showing off the well-toned muscle definition.
She looked away as the heat bloomed from her cheeks. “Heading out?”
“Yeah, gonna go to the gym for a bit.”
“I’ll clean up. Go on and do your workout.”
He picked his plate, set it in the sink, and ran over to Devon, engulfing her in his arms. He kissed her forehead with a smile. “You’re the best, Dee. I’ll see you later!”
Devon didn’t have time to say anything as Jungkook grabbed his bag and ran out the door. Once she heard it close shut, she got up from her seat and started to clean up the kitchen. 
As she washed one o` the bowls, her mind wandered to Jungkook. When did he become so good-looking? She frowned, rinsing out the bowl under the hot water. So inappropriate. He was her roommate. Let alone the fact that she was older than him.
It’s only by three years.
Not helping.
Muttering to herself, she scrubbed at the pan angrily. The last thing Devon needed was a distraction. There were much more important things going on in her life than daydreaming about Jungkook.
But those muscles…
She threw the sponge down, breathing hard. Why these thoughts all of a sudden? She’s never looked at him in that way before. He was her adorable, sometimes aggravating roommate.
Who also came home with life-threatening injuries.
Okay. Good point. 
Devon distracted herself with cleaning the rest of the kitchen. Once she finished, she went into her room and freshened up. Shaking her curls from under her bonnet, Devon put on a tank top and yoga shorts. She went back into the living room and plopped down on the couch. Her shift didn’t start until eleven in the evening, so she occupied her time paying bills and getting some reading done.
A few hours later, Jungkook walked in, tossing his bag near the door, as he kicked off his shoes. He noticed Devon fast asleep on the couch, laptop open, and a book covering her face. He smiled fondly and tip-toed over. 
“Dee? Dee?”
When she didn’t respond, Jungkook walked over to the throw blanket draped over one of the armchairs and brought it over. He covered her with care and made his way to his bedroom, being mindful not to disturb her. Closing the door to his room, he stretched, looking in the mirror. Gazing at his reflection, he frowned.
“Yeah. I need to shower.”
The sweat from his workout made his shirt stick to his body and was becoming uncomfortable. Tossing the shirt towards the hamper against the wall, he ran his fingers over the numerous scars etched over his chest and torso. He frowned, feeling the raised skin. Any of these could have been fatal if it hadn’t been for Devon.
He closed his eyes, dropping his head.
“Just one more night, and it’s over.”
His phone rang, shaking him from his thoughts. Glancing at the number on the screen darkened his mood. With a scowl, he answered with a growl.
“How rude. I thought you would be happy to hear from me.”
“You thought wrong. What do you want?”
“You’re up tonight.”
Jungkook’s brows knitted in frustration. “Why? My last fight finished. I’m done.”
“I say when you’re done. I expect you to be at the usual place before then.”
“This wasn’t part of our agreement,” he protested.
“Ah, young pup, that’s where you’re wrong. I make the rules; you follow them. Either show up, or things get messy.”
“You can’t do this!”
“I can, and I will. Besides, you don’t want anything to happen to that little nurse, do you?”
Jungkook’s face paled. How had they found out about Devon? His hand trembled, holding his phone. “Keep her out of this.”
“Then do as you’re told. See you tonight.”
The line went dead. Jungkook sank to his bed, dropping his phone as he fell back onto the pillows. What could he do? Worry crossed his face. He didn’t have much of a choice when it came down to it. He’d do anything to keep Devon safe. The guilt already ate at him for all the times he came home hurt and needed her help. Sometimes he felt like he was using her. 
But you care about her.
He shook the thoughts aside.
No, that would be bad. Getting involved with her would only complicate things. Friends only. He sighed and began to prepare for the night ahead.
Devon didn’t wake until the alarm on her phone went off. She jumped off the couch with a start as the book slid off her face. Looking around in a panic, she finally calmed once she saw the time. With a deep breath, she got up, noticing the blanket as well. She raised her brow, looking around.
“Jungkook, you home?”
His door was closed, and she shrugged, going back to her room to get ready for work. She found her scrubs and changed quickly. Just as she walked out of her room, Jungkook exited his room, carrying his duffel bag. He jumped in surprise, seeing her there.
“D-Devon! What are you doing here?”
She set her bag on the couch, giving him a strange look. “I live here, Kook.”
He chuckled as he bounced on his heels nervously. “Yeah. I know that, but I thought you left for work.”
“Um, dude, you know I get coffee with Hobi before our shift. He’s picking me up today.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Where you headed? I thought you went to work out already.” Frowning, she pointed to his bag and state of dress.
Jungkook tugged on his hair, placing it behind his ears. “Got a match.”
Genuine disappointment etched on her face. “You didn’t tell me you had a match. I would have come!”
“Eh, it was last minute,” he muttered, glancing down at his watch.
Devon felt a slight pang of hurt hit her stomach just as the sensor at the door chimed, signaling that someone was at the front door. Her phone went off at the same time, showing a text from Hoseok. She grabbed her bag and headed towards the door. She turned toward Jungkook as he paced in the living room.
“Well, I hope you win.”
“Uh-huh,” he said, distracted in his thoughts.
Jungkook didn’t hear the door close as Devon left. He stared at his phone with intense concentration. Soon he’d get a message with the address. The phone vibrated on the table. With shaky hands, he pressed the button to open up the text.
: Warehouse District, meat packing building :
Devon sat down in the coffee shop, lost in thought. Hoseok walked over to their table, holding both their drinks. He waved his hand in front of her face with a pout.
“Hello? Earth to Dee. Your latte’s gonna get cold.”
She blinked a few times and smiled. “Sorry, Hobi.”
“You alright? You seemed a little down when you got in my car,” he replied.
She sighed deeply, taking a sip of her drink. “I don’t know. Jungkook is being weird.”
“More than usual?”
“Uh-huh. Just felt off. I don’t know how to explain it...he seemed unnerved.”
“That doesn’t sound like him,” Hoseok commented. “Maybe he’s just nervous about the match. He’ll be back to his normal self in no time.”
They chatted some more; Hoseok mostly complained about the schedule they had and their cranky boss. Devon listened and laughed when needed, but she still couldn’t shake the anxious feeling she had about Jungkook. As they walked out to his car, something caught her eye. She saw Jungkook standing on the corner across the street. 
I recognize that face anywhere.
As soon as she tried to call out to him, a van pulled up next to him, and he jumped in. “Um, Hosoek.”
“Go on without me. I just remembered something.”
His lips turned downward. “But we start our shift in half an hour.”
“Cover for me, please,” she asked with a pout and puppy dog eyes.
“Damn it. Alright, but you owe big time.”
“You’re the best,” she ran off with a wave. Her eyes darted down the street. The van had stopped at a traffic light, and she hailed down a cab. 
“Where to?” the driver inquired.
“See that van with the stickers on the bumper?”
“Follow it.”
“Lady, I don’t follow cars, just addresses,” he argued.
“I’ll give you $100 if you do it.”
The silence seemed like a good indication that he agreed. Sure enough, he turned off the taximeter, put the gear shift in drive, and took off after the van. Devon watched as the city setting changed from midtown to industrial. Her brows furrowed once she noticed they headed to the warehouse district. Most of the buildings were abandoned as businesses lost money throughout the years—forgotten ventures left this part of the city an industrial wasteland.
They came across the van parked in front of a dilapidated meatpacking plant. The cab stopped a few feet away.
“Here we are.”
Devon held her end of the bargain, fishing out a hundred-dollar bill, she handed it to him. “Thanks again,” she said, getting out of the car. The driver waved her off as he drove away, leaving her alone in the quiet of the street. She rubbed her arms as the chill caught up with her. 
“Maybe I should have worn a warmer jacket,” she muttered to herself, staring at the building. It was now or never.
Gathering some courage, she crossed the street, searching for an entrance. Voices grew louder, and she hid behind the van. Two large men walked out of a side door and leaned on the side of the building all the while one lit up a cigarette.
“Ready for the fight?”
“Always. Got some decent competition tonight.”
“I’ll say. Even that young pup is here.”
One of them smirked with a shake of his head. “He doesn’t know what to expect.”
“He better hope Cash doesn’t murder him tonight.”
The man closest to Devon’s hiding spot threw the cigarette butt down, and the two men walked back into the building. She ran out once the coast was clear and headed to the door. Not wanting to be discovered, she saw a broken window above the dumpster. She used the leverage of a box to jump up on it. Covering her hands from the glass, Devon hoisted herself through the window. Luckily it wasn’t a far drop. Looking around, the hanging fluorescent lights flickered, casting shadows. Devon strained her ears, listening to any indication of people. Being mindful of her steps, she tip-toed towards the middle of the building. As she got closer to the central part of the building, the shouts grew louder. She covered her mouth and nose as a stench smacked her across the face.
I know that smell anywhere!
The metallic scent of blood filled the air, mixed with body odor. There was another smell as well, almost similar to a wet dog. Devon frowned as she got closer. Wanting a better look, she noticed a staircase that led up to the rafters. Devon took the steps slowly, worried the rusty metal would give away her presence. Fortunately for her, the railing was tall enough to hide behind but had openings to see out onto the factory floor. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. A chain-linked dome was constructed in the middle of the floor. Under it, was a circular ring. Her stomach churned at the dried blood smeared on the mat. At least fifty men surrounded the dome, screaming and shaking the chains. A man entered the ring covered in tattoos and wearing leather.
“That last match was a close one! I hope you dogs are still bloodthirsty for more.”
The men cheered all around as the man grinned, a glint of madness behind his eyes. “Next up, we have our reigning champ, Cash!”
The crowd went wild as a large, muscular man stepped into the ring. His head was shaved with an intricate design etched into the skin. He was shirtless and wore a pair of black basketball shorts. The announcer pointed to the opposite side with a sneer.
“Next up, our contender for the evening, the golden pup himself, Jeon Jungkook!”
Devon’s eyes widened like saucers as her mouth dropped. A combination of cheers and jeers rang out as the young man entered. Jungkook’s eyes darted around before removing his shirt and coming to the middle of the ring.
The announcer sneered at the two fighters. “Remember, there are no rules. The bloodier, the better. Make sure to not kill each other too early in the fight.”
An attendant locked the cage, and a bell rang in the distance signalling the start of the fight. Jungkook and Cash paced the ring, eyeing each other down. Cash faked out, trying to unnerve Jungkook, but he held his ground. The announcer stepped out of the ring and gave the nod.
“You better hope for a quick death, pup.”
Jungkook snarled as his eyes narrowed. He bared his teeth at his opponent. “We’ll see about that.”
The two men ran at each other head-on. As Jungkook ran forward to swing a left punch, Cash grabbed his fist and twisted it around. The bone cracked instantly, and Jungkook’s screams echoed through the arena. The sound almost deafened her ears. She watched in horror as Jungkook’s arm bent at a weird angle. He whimpered, jumping back against the chains. Staring hard at Cash, Jungkook grabbed ahold of the limb and straightened it out. Devon’s jaw dropped to the ground.
What the fuck.
Wanting to return the favor, Jungkook attacked Cash with a barrage of punches, one slamming into his kidneys. The older male gasped as he doubled over in pain, the wind knocked out of him. He noticed blood coating his hand, and he looked up at the younger male. Jungkook smirked, raising his hand to show claws.
The announcer chuckled into the microphone. “Well, things are starting to heat up, but why don’t we take it up a notch.”
The crowd around stopped shaking the chains and threw their heads up, letting out a resounding howl. Devon covered her ears as to her horror; something unexpected began to happen. Jungkook and Cash fell to the floor, shaking. Jungkook tried to get to his feet, but his legs gave out. He let out a scream as his body began to twist and bend in obtuse angles. Before her eyes, pitch-black fur sprouted all over his body. His limbs and head contorted as they shifted into something only found in nightmares. The sound of bones breaking and reconnecting rang out in the building. 
Once it was over, two giant wolves stood on their hind legs: one black, another auburn.
“Oh my–”
The announcer grinned looking at the two wolves. “Jungkook–” the black wolf snorted. “Cash–” the auburn-colored wolf barked out, “Let the Blood match begin!”
The wolves growled, baring their fangs at one another. Jungkook was slightly taller than Cash but leaner.  Cash snapped his jaws at Jungkook, trying to catch him off guard. Jungkook avoided the bite by digging his claws into his thigh. The wolf howled in pain, trying to shake him off. Jungkook kicked his legs from underneath him and grabbed Cash by the throat. Cash struggled in his grasp, whining as the pressure began to suffocate him. The crowd grew restless, angry that Jungkook could get the upper hand. 
The announcer met Jungkook’s eyes and gave him a wink. Jungkook blinked in understanding and bit down on Cash’s throat crushing his windpipe. The wolf instantly stopped moving. Jungkook opened his jaws, letting the dead wolf fall to the ground with a thud. 
The crowd roared as the ring shook with bloodthirsty screams. The announcer ran in, raising his arm in the air. Slowly Jungkook transformed back into his human form, cuts, and bruises littering his body. His hair damp from the sweat, stuck to his neck and forehead.
“We have a new champion! Jeon Jungkook!”
He held his side and exited the ring going off to the locker room.
Devon scrambled up from her hiding place, trying to get away. What had she just seen? In her frenzy, the chain on her necklace broke and dropped from her spot and landed just as Jungkook walked by. His eyes zoomed in on the faint white gold. He recognized that necklace anywhere.
Fear crossed his face as he looked around. She couldn’t have been here. Taking off, he ran out of the building. Honing his senses, he smelled the faint notes of her perfume and followed her in that direction. It didn’t take long to catch up with her as she headed towards a park nearby.
She froze in her tracks at the sound of her name. Everything screamed for her to run away, but the bass in his voice made her stop. Jungkook jogged up to her, breathing hard.
“What are you doing here?”
Something in her snapped. Maybe it was the stress from her job or Jungkook always coming home injured, but Devon had had enough. She rounded on him as her fists shook. 
“That’s the least of your worries! What the fuck, Jungkook?! I-I don’t even know where to begin. I mean–” a short laugh stopped her words as her body shook– “a werewolf. A fucking werewolf! I-I just...this is...I,” she babbled, sinking to a bench staring off into the distance. 
He watched her reaction, waiting for her to quieten down, and he took that chance to speak. “I only kept it from you to protect you. These people are dangerous.” 
As the adrenaline began to wear off, Jungkook’s face filled with exhaustion. He slumped to the ground. “I was giving up that life. My last fight–or so I thought–was finished the other night. I couldn’t turn it down because–” he faltered off, looking away. 
Devon raised her head to look at him. “Because what?”
His eyes welled with tears as he looked at her. “They threatened to hurt you, Dee.” He exhaled loudly, staring up at the sky. “I care about you too much to not do anything. You mean so much to me that I fought tonight to keep you safe.”
Even if she was furious with him, his confession made her heart flutter. “Kook–”
“You know the reason no one caught on to you being there?”
She shook her head no.
“You smell like me,” he answered.
She raised her brow with a frown. “What do you mean?”
Jungkook coughed slightly as his cheeks dusted with pink. “Remember all those times we’d watch movies, and I cuddled up to you?”
Did she want to know where this is going? “Uh-huh.”
Jungkook’s face looked like it would combust. “I marked you...with my scent. Any wolf that comes across you won’t try anything because you’re already...claimed.”
“Claimed? Claimed?! Jeon Jungkook, have you lost your ever-loving mind? I am not a piece of meat that you can keep for yourself!”
He winced away from Devon, whining and curling into a ball. “Not literally! It was for your safety,” he pouted, looking up at her. “I’d be beside myself if something were to happen to you.”
Jungkook rose to his knees, all but crawling over to her on the bench. He took her hands gingerly into his. 
“I don’t know where we go from here, but I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart for keeping this from you, but you have to understand—if you were in my position, would you want me to know?”
Good point.
Devon sighed as the comfort from his hands relaxed her nerves. “Kook, this is a lot to take in.”
“I know. I understand if you need some space,” he replied. His head dropped, resting on her knee. Subconsciously, Devon raked her fingers through his hair. 
This wasn’t so bad, right? 
My roommate is a fucking werewolf.
Jungkook vibrated with a sound as he suddenly pulled away from Devon. She gave him a curious stare. “What’s wrong?”
Jungkook felt the heat rise in his face as his pupils dilated. He swallowed loudly and stood up. “I-I should get you home.”
Devon frowned but remained seated. “Seriously, Jungkook, what’s going on?”
He let out a whine as his eyes darted around. “I-I can’t tell you.”
“Jungkook,” her voice firm, “No more secrets.”
His cheeks puffed, feeling the embarrassment grow on his face. He began to pace. “Fine! You’re in heat.”
Devon’s mouth dropped open as her eyes rounded. Jungkook ran his hands through his hair, avoiding eye contact. “It’s becoming unbearable. I have to get you away from me.”
She bit down on her lip, staring at her hands in her lap. “But what if I don’t want that?”
He stopped pacing and gawked at her. “What?”
Devon rose from her seat and walked up to him. Her eyes glinted with mischief. He was still only wearing a pair of torn jeans. Cuts and bruises were healing at an accelerated rate. Jungkook froze as Devon’s hands slid across his abs, outlining them with her fingers. 
“Do I have to spell it out for you? Kookie–” she nuzzled against him, standing on her tip-toes, so her lips ghosted his earlobe, “I want you.”
Jungkook suppressed a moan. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to keep himself calm, but he was losing whatever restraint he had. He was a wolf, after all, and with her standing there wanting him, he couldn’t resist anymore. Opening his eyes, he looked down at her as his eyes glowed faintly in the dark.
“Do you know what you’re asking? Are you sure?”
She nodded, making him frown slightly. “Words, Dee. Yes or no.”
“Yes,” the resolve in her voice. “I want this; I want you.”
Suddenly, Jungkook gripped the back of her head and crashed his lips to hers. Devon, caught by surprise, didn't know what to do with her hands. They hung at her side as Jungkook guided her against a tree. Her back bumped against the trunk as he caged her in. His tongue pleaded for entrance, and she obliged, opening her mouth. He sought the delicate muscle, lightly caressing it with his tongue. 
Devon, her senses awakened, placed her hands on his shoulders and played with the long strands that laid on his neck. She moaned into the kiss, begging for more. Jungkook felt the air in his lungs struggle, and he broke the kiss, resting his forehead on top of her head. Catching his breath, he felt buzzed as her fingers massaged his skin.
With a grin, he lifted her chin, placing soft kisses every few moments. “I could kiss you forever,” he murmured.
“That makes two of us,” she responded with a giggle.
He closed his eyes with a hiss. “You smell intoxicating.” His eyes opened again as they glowed faintly. His nostrils flared as hunger took over him. “Wanna ravage you.”
“What are you waiting for?” she taunted playfully. Her fingers danced down his chest, making him groan with want. She tugged on the band of jeans after feeling his length hardened against her thigh. Only one thought crossed her mind. How was she going to take it all? She palmed him over his jeans, and much to her astonishment, he grew even harder. Jungkook clenched his jaw, trying to keep in control. Devon removed her hand and touched the button on his jeans.
“May I?”
He bit down on his lip, staring at her with equal parts lust and devotion. “It’s all yours.”
His words alone made her thighs clench together. With the same amount of fervor, Devon sank to her knees, unbuttoning his pants. His cock sprung out, slapping against his stomach. Devon was sadly mistaken if she thought it was an adequate size from just feeling it in his jeans. This man was a work of art. She’d need both hands to handle him. It was mesmerising, the head red and swollen from arousal. Beads of precum coating his stomach by now. The veins along his length throbbed as his cock twitched just from her looking at him. Devon reached out and cupped his balls, heavy and full. Jungkook braced his hands against the tree breathing through his nose. Devin ran her hands up and down his length, stroking him slowly. She brought her lips up to the head and kissed it gently. 
The sounds he made only excited her more. She ran her tongue along the tip, coating her tongue in his essence.
“Tastes good,” she cooed.
Jungkook reached down and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. “I won’t last long if you keep doing that,” he warned.
Devon bit down her lower lip, still stroking him off. “Oh? How can I not appreciate what you have? It’s the most beautiful cock I’ve ever laid eyes on.” 
Jungkook eyed her with a smirk. “Show me how you want to appreciate my cock.”
Devon consumed him with ease like a woman starved, tongue wrapping around the length as she relaxed her mouth to take him all in. Once his tip hit the back of her throat, she paused, hollowing out her cheeks. In tandem with sucking him off, her hands pumped the remaining length. 
Jungkook’s knees almost buckled from the sensation of her mouth and tongue. He whined, watching her move. “S-So warm and wet,” he whispered languidly. 
The slurping sounds rang out in the night as Devon tried her best to deep throat him. Jungkook cooed praises while stroking her cheek. When Devon’s eyes met his, he almost came right then and there. Tapping her cheek, she stopped bobbing her head and slowly came off his cock with a soft pop. Saliva and precum coated her lips and his cock. He picked her up off the ground, cupping her chin, and kissed her with unbridled passion. The kiss nearly knocked her off her feet. He sucked at her bottom lip sensually, still turned on by her actions. 
“My turn,” he teased. 
As much as he wanted to rip her scrubs off, they were out in the open. Being as gentle as possible, Jungkook tugged them down, drooling at the smell permeating from her. He noticed the wet patch on her underwear and licked his lips, his nose bumping against her pubic bone, trying to hold onto his restraint. He swallowed thickly, meeting her gaze.
“Baby, can I have a taste?”
She combed her fingers through his hair, nodding. “Yes, Jungkook. Please.”
His tongue licked a thick strip on her underwear, causing her to jolt. Gasping, she gripped his hair, anchoring herself in place. With his teeth, he tugged down her underwear past her knees. He smirked, enjoying the view.
“So lovely. And all for me.”
He massaged her inner thighs, placing soft kisses along her skin, making his way up to her pussy lips. His finger stroked her slit gauging her reaction. Devon hissed as her hips bucked, making a chuckle escape past his lips.
“Already wet and needy for me, hmm?”
He spread her lips apart, eyeing her clit. He flicked it gently, followed by a smack. Devon bucked her hips with a gasp. Jungkook gave a tentative lick collecting her arousal on his tongue, and let out a wanton moan, covering her clit with his mouth. Devon threw her head back, grinding against his mouth. He let go of her clit, letting his tongue travel down to her entrance. He moaned against her, enjoying the feast before his eyes.
“F-Fuck Kook….like that….don’t stop,” she pleaded breathlessly. 
As her legs trembled from standing, Jungkook paused, looking up at her. He couldn’t get enough of her. He smiled again as he hoisted her legs up and propped them on his shoulders. 
His strength alone was turning her on. Devon gripped his hair as she cried out into the darkness. The spring coiled tight in her abdomen. She was close. 
“K-Kook, I’m gonna....gonna.”
“Baby cum for me, let me taste it all,” he purred.
She rutted against his mouth as her hips jerked. Jungkook held her tight just as she stopped mid-scream. Waves of pleasure crashed over her as the coil finally released. Devon’s chest rose as she came down from her high. Pupils dilated, she tried to catch her breath. Jungkook happily lapped up her juices, humming with content. Once he cleaned her up, he gazed up at her intently.
“But I’m still hungry.”  
A shiver ran down her spine. He noticed the way her pussy lips throbbed just from his words. Smirking, he removed her legs from around his neck and stood up from his position. He wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing close to her. Devon held on to his shoulders, returning the smile as he nuzzled against her, kissing her neck.
“I need you now, baby.”
“S-Still sensitive,” she whispered.
Jungkook kissed her forehead gently, with a hum of understanding. “Gonna have to fix that eventually.”
She hit his arm playfully with a grin. “Oh? So there’s gonna be a next time?”
“Hell yeah! I already laid claim,” he teased.
“Without me knowing?”
He gave her his famous bunny grin, and a blush crept into his cheeks. “I mean...if it’s alright with you, Dee.”
“Fuck me, Jungkook,” she mewled.
A growl formed in his throat as the animalistic urge took over. “It will be my pleasure,” he husked. Lining himself to her entrance, he stopped himself from thrusting in. “Is this okay? I mean, I don’t have protection, Dee.”
“Jungkook, if you don’t fuck me right now. I swear–”
The wind got knocked out of her as he thrust into her. Jungkook grunted as he rested his forehead on her shoulder. “Was that too much?”
“J-Just move...fuck Kookie, move!” she begged.
Gripping her hips, Jungkook felt his cock swell inside her pussy. “Oh shit,” he choked out. 
He began a slow, steady rhythm, making sure she was okay with the pace. Of course, he felt the need to go quicker, but he held off. This was only their first time, and he didn’t want to do anything she didn’t agree to do. 
She didn’t care about the tree bark digging into her back. All that was on her mind was this amazing man fucking her silly. She felt so full. He sought her lips, kissing her feverishly. Their grunts and moans filled the emptiness of the park. Devon, now more alert, began to bounce on his cock. Jungkook bit down on his lip, holding back a moan. She was snug around him. He didn’t want this to end. She could feel him throbbing inside, knowing soon he’d come. 
“W-Where do you want it?” he gasped, nibbling on her earlobe.
“In me, Kookie. Fill me up.”
“Oh fuck. I will. I will,” he chanted.
For the second time that night, Devon saw stars as her orgasm slammed over her. It rippled through her body as her pussy quivered around his cock. Jungkook became sloppier with his pace, seeking his own pleasure. He tugged her hair to the side, bitting into her neck to hold in his sounds, but it was too much. He threw his head back as an earth-shattering howl ripped into the night. His cock twitched before spurting out his seed deep into her womb. 
After a few moments, when they caught their breath, Jungkook picked her up with care and laid them both in the grass. Still attached to her, he kept her in his lap. She laid her head on his chest, content with the beating of his heart.
“That was–”
“Incredible? Mind blowing? Magnificent?”
Devon rolled her eyes, attempting to keep still as he was still buried in her pussy. “You give yourself way too much credit.”
Jungkook’s fingers danced along her skin with a giggle. “Do I? I’ll have to try harder.”
Devon let out a slew of curses making him laugh out loud. To prove his point, he raised his hips, making his cock brush her spot. She growled before twisting his nipple. Jungkook yelped, trying to turn away.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
Devon snorted out a laugh, bending down to peck his lips. “You’re forgiven.”
“Good, but seriously. Are you okay? It wasn’t too rough, was it? Sometimes my wolf can get a bit off-kilter,” he frowned, looking up at the stars, “I’d never wanna hurt you, Dee.”
She felt her heart swell as she stroked his cheek. He leaned into the touch letting out a soft whine. “It was everything I’ve ever wanted Jungkook. You’re amazing.”
“Really?” he looked at her hopefully. 
“Really,” she answered with a grin. He laid back in the grass, closing his eyes briefly. Dragging her nails down his chest, a glint of mischief appeared. “Oh, Kookie?”
“My, my, what big eyes you have.”
He opened one eye. “What?”
“Oh, humor me. I’ve always wanted to say this,” she pouted.
He snorted out a bark. “Fine,”–he sat up, staring at her sinfully. “The better to see you with my dear.”
Devon cooed as she took his hands into her. “My, my, what big hands you have.”
Jungkook gripped her hips, sliding his hands up her back. “Better to hold you with, my dear.”
Devon leaned down to whisper in his ear. “My, my, what a big dick you have.”
He flipped their positions, towering her with a snarl. His eyes smoldered, staring down at her. His lips traveled from her neck to her sternum, nibbling the skin as he went. Devon purred, feeling her body become alive once again.
“The better to fuck you with, my love,” he growled.
By the end of the night, Jungkook had Devon howling his name at least ten more times. 
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dudeandduchess · 3 years
Baseball Player!Kyōjurō x F!S/O: ❌📛🔞Locker Room Fun🔞📛❌ (Modern AU, NSFW Scenario)
Summary: (Y/n) visits her husband during training, and is in for a surprise when he makes the most of things… in the locker room.
Note: After a while of thinking, I decided to finally pick this back up. Also, I didn’t have much time to research, so the description for the stadium’s interior is based solely on my experience. 😅
Warnings: Smut, Teasing, Vaginal Fingering, Mild D/s Themes, Daddy Kink, Creampie, Hair Pulling, Loud Sex, Mild Sadism, Semi-Public Sex
If (Y/n) were to take a guess, she would say that Kyōjurō was doing what he was doing just to tease her. From the way that his ass looked so good in those pants, to the way that he would stretch his arms up over his head and show off his muscles— she had to admit that he looked scrumptious.
Tasty enough to make her bite down on her bottom lip, as she squeezed her legs together to alleviate the need building between her thighs.
But, as far as she knew, Kyōjurō couldn’t have known that she was there— since her visit was supposed to be a surprise. That fact made it so that Kyō wasn’t doing anything on purpose; he was just that naturally sexy.
Especially with the way that his uniform clung to him, and the way that a few strands of his hair peeked out from beneath the cap he wore. Everything about him had (Y/n) fighting back her lust, and she was barely winning.
However, when Kyōjurō spotted her in the stands, he gave her a cheeky grin and wave— as well as a saucy wink— that had her practically swooning in her seat. It was just fortunate that she was good at keeping a poker face, otherwise everyone would have known just how flustered she felt inside.
And with the way that he started stretching his legs, and squatting on the field… (Y/n) swore that Kyōjurō was really trying to get mauled, by her specifically. Unfortunately for him, his wife had more self control than he gave her credit for.
If anything, he was the insatiable one when it came to sex.
So, instead of outwardly feeding into his provocation, (Y/n) merely clenched her thighs tighter together; simultaneously wishing for Kyōjurō’s practice game to drag on, and be over already— because it meant she could either keep on ogling his sexy ass, or she could finally get the kiss that she’d been craving since after he left that morning.
An hour and a half later though, the game was already over with Kyōjurō’s team winning with a two-point lead. Cheers were thrown around, as well as friendly thumps on each other’s shoulders— yet Kyōjurō merely grinned at his teammates and threw a wave over his shoulder, before dashing towards the ground railings and lifting himself up onto the bleacher area with ease.
He even found himself taking the stairs two at a time— like that would help him get to his wife faster. Meanwhile, (Y/n) got out of her seat and met him halfway; arms wide open as her husband wrapped his own arms around her waist and hugged her tightly to his chest.
“I missed you, baby!” And without so much as a care about their spectators, Kyōjurō leaned in and slanted his lips against his wife’s delectable mouth. He even went saucier and opened his lips to snake his tongue between her lips— loving the way that she immediately gave in to his whim.
From below, they could hear whistles and cat calls, yet they paid it no mind. Rather, (Y/n) couldn’t focus on anything else except Kyōjurō’s lips sucking on her tongue, as well as his hands making their way down to her ass. And, unmistakably, she could feel his cock slowly getting hard against her.
“I can tell, Kyō,” (Y/n) answered with a cheeky grin, catching her breath during the reprieve that her husband had given her. “I can help you out with that… at home.”
“I can’t wait that long, (Y/n). I want you so bad,” Kyōjurō whispered heatedly, cupping her ass in his hands and pushing his erection more insistently against her body. He would have given in and just fucked her right there, especially with how tempting she looked from the moment he saw her, but he really wasn’t in the mood to be fined for indecent exposure.
So, as if a lightbulb went on in his head, Kyōjurō put a stopper on his overflowing need for his wife, and blurted out, “I have an idea… but we just have to wait a few minutes.”
“Why do I both love and hate the sound of that?”
“Trust me, baby. You’ll love it.”
And not even half an hour later, (Y/n) found herself getting dragged into the underbelly of the stadium; her footsteps echoing against the concrete floors and walls.
Everything was so wide and spacious, with carts going to and fro every once in a while. It was honestly a little daunting, which was why (Y/n) found herself hugging her husband’s arm; on top of already holding his hand.
Kyōjurō also smiled and waved at a few people, even going to accept a few hand shakes and pats on his shoulder from people they passed by. He was the epitome of a golden boy in baseball, that it was literally stated in his contract that he had to keep up a good rapport with his fans.
And (Y/n) couldn’t help but let her thoughts get the better of her— admiring her husband so much, that it made her want him so much more than she did before. Everything in her told her to pounce on him, like he had with her, and she was about to…
That was, until she and Kyōjurō reached a door that led off to a carpeted— and much quieter— area; away from the hustle and bustle of the people outside.
It smelled like disinfectant in there, and a little bit of sweat, which was why she was thankful that Kyōjurō practically ran with her deeper into the room; until they reached the showers. On one side was the communal shower area, and on the other— where her husband was pulling her to— were a few shower cubicles.
Kyōjurō wasted no time then, merely looking around to check if his teammates were already back from their cooldown workouts, before stripping his uniform off and heaping them in a pile right outside the stall.
All the while, (Y/n) could only bite down on her bottom lip as inch upon inch of her husband’s skin was revealed to her. And from the way that his abs looked, down to the way that his muscles moved— everything was making her so wet and needy.
Especially the sight of his big and hard cock.
Before she could stop herself, she had already pounced on him; wrapping her arms around his neck, while he lifted her up and held her up under her thighs. Thankfully, she had conveniently ‘forgotten’ to wear any panties beneath her sundress— as if a part of her just knew that it was going to happen.
Kyōjurō then pressed her back flush against the cold tile in the stall, making her gasp at the sudden temperature change, and making his cock twitch right where it was flush against (Y/n)’s pussy.
“Be quiet, baby, otherwise we’re going to get caught,” the young man teased with a grin, leaning in to kiss his wife’s lips, before nipping at her bottom lip with his teeth.
The action had (Y/n) chasing after the blond’s lips, making the blond chuckle as he gave in to her wishes; capturing her mouth in an open mouthed kiss, which she gladly reciprocated.
Until Kyōjurō inched his right hand higher up the underside of her thigh, pressing his fingers against her entrance and even pushing his ring and middle fingers inside up to the first knuckle.
That action, however, was already enough to have (Y/n) moaning in pleasure, all while she crossed her legs by the ankles— using that leverage to start rubbing her clit against the underside of Kyōjurō’s erection.
“Please, Daddy,” (Y/n) whispered in a plea, eyes fluttering closed as she felt his fingers going deeper inside her— scissoring within her walls, all to get her much wetter for something bigger.
“Please what, baby? You have to tell me what you want,” The young man teased, kissing his wife’s cheek as he felt her thighs clench harder around his hips.
And, as if to stir her up even more, he began to move his hips against hers— dragging his cock against her clit, in turn making her eyes flutter shut as salacious moans spilled free from her lips. “Please… fuck me. Fuck m-”
(Y/n)’s words were brought to a pause when she felt Kyōjurō’s fingers pull out of her, leaving her pussy feeling so empty; much, much needier. However, before she could even beg for more, her husband had already taken pity on her and lifted her up a little bit, if only to align his cock right with her entrance.
Then, he pushed in the barest inch— making (Y/n) moan aloud as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her breaths came in short bursts then, with her head feeling so heavy and her entire body getting so warm for him. It was as if an electric current passed through her, with how much pleasure she got from that one move alone.
Kyōjurō couldn’t help himself, he pushed in even more, gritting his teeth when he felt (Y/n)’s hands at the back of his neck— one of them scratching at his nape, while the other one curled into his hair. “Fuck, baby, I didn’t even eat you out but you’re this wet.”
“I’ve been wet since I saw you on the field, Daddy,” The young woman admitted through a moan, eyes hazy with delirious pleasure even as she tried to look right into her husband’s flame colored eyes.
At that, Kyōjurō claimed her lips in a kiss, letting it consume both of them until he moved his hips to begin thrusting against her. Every push of his cock inside her had her moaning against his mouth, all while her fingers kept tugging at his hair and gently scratching at his nape.
It only served to egg him on, to the point where a part of him didn’t care about how loud they were being; not when he was drowning in so much pleasure, and so much warmth in his wife’s arms.
Really, he’d already known that he was so lucky to have her— that moment was just reminding him of how much.
Every move felt like it was knocking the breath out of (Y/n), yet she held on tight and let herself sink into the heady pleasure she had been craving for. Especially when Kyōjurō pushed in really deep and brushed against her cervix.
Her legs tensed up at that, as a mix of white hot pleasure with just a hint of pain, ran down her entire body. “Deeper, Daddy! Deeper, please!”
Kyōjurō did as she asked, angling his hips to hit the part that made her absolutely crazy, only to be rewarded by her tightening her legs around his hips so she could meet him thrust for thrust. Her efforts weren’t doing much, but it was enough for him— given how he had her pressed up against the shower wall.
In the midst of things, he’d almost forgotten about his teammates— and how they would be done with their cooldown workouts soon— so, when the thought hit him, he began to thrust faster. He chased after his and his wife’s orgasms enthusiastically, not minding the noise they made since he was sure that no one other than them were in the showers.
If anything, them being so loud was turning him on even more. Especially with the way that his wife kept moaning his name in between kisses; he was loving every second of it, and wanted to prolong it as much as possible.
But slowly, he could feel the pleasure finally about to reach a tipping point within him. It was evident in his wife too, what with the way that her walls clenched down around his cock.
If he didn’t know any better, he’d have thought that she was trying to keep his cock in her forever. A hot thought, but definitely well within the realms of fantasy more than reality.
“Fuck, baby, I’m so close,” He whispered through winded breaths, keeping up with his initial pace before going for one last burst of speed— a move that had (Y/n) keening in pleasure, as she threw her head back and came around his cock.
It was the headiest thing that he had seen since the night before, when he’d fucked her much harder with her all tied up in their bed. And it also served to have him opting for slower and deeper thrusts, all so he could savor his own orgasm— and maybe wring out another one from her.
Her walls fluttered around his dick, adding to the headiness he already felt bubbling within him; pushing him closer and closer to the edge, until he couldn’t take it anymore and gave in— sliding his cock in to the hilt and pressing his slit up against (Y/n)’s sweet spot as he came.
He could even feel her shaking, as it triggered another orgasm from her.
And by the time that his thoughts were clear enough to make sense of what had just happened, he pulled back a little to look at how blissed out his wife was; feeling the corners of his lips tip up into a smile, before he leaned in to press the sweetest of kisses to those lips that he loved the most in the world.
“I’m so lucky to have you, baby. So, so lucky.”
“Has anyone seen where Rengoku went?”
Kyōjurō’s eyes immediately widened when he heard the voices coming down the hall— right into the shower area. And with a panicked look over his shoulder, then right at his wife, he had only realized that he didn’t even pull the shower curtain closed.
So, with his quick reflexes, he pulled the curtain closed just in time to hear the first of his teammates enter the shower area.
“Hey, Rengoku’s already here! His things are on the floor.” And those words had Kyō panicking even more, because there he was— with his dick still in his wife— in the team’s shower.
“We are not doing this again, Kyōjurō,” (Y/n) hissed under her breath, all while praying that no one would mess with her husband and open the curtain. Because really, they’d get more than they bargained for.
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