#and I have to replace a bunch of stuff and upgrade to better quality stuff if I wanna look good and get booked
psychoticwillgraham · 5 months
after a rlly bad fight this morning, mom and dad have both agreed to actually pay me for once for doing mom’s whole route for her (which I should’ve been being paid by mom this entire time once I started doing it most of the time) but I don’t expect much. I bet she’s gonna give me like $20 and be like ‘that’s more than enough and that’s all you’re getting period’ and dad, despite him being absolutely loaded with money, will probably only give me $20 too. tbh they BOTH owe me like $100+ a piece. him for babysitting his dog for 8 months and mom for doing her job for her.
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invaders-cookbook · 9 months
Invader's Cookbook #4: Crafting, Consumables, Community Assistance.
Warning: this issue of Invader's Cookbook is only for those who have completed the base game. If you're a new player, using advice from this guide may ruin your natural progression path.
Part 1: Community
As you become better at PvP and it becomes more interesting to you, Elden Ring stops being a PvE game with PvP attached to it, and becomes a PvP game with PvE attached to it. And if you do dueling and invading with any regularity, you will discover that certain resources are way more limited than they should be. Which is fine for a PvE playthrough, but in PvP it becomes a detriment to the variety of the things you can do in any given encounter.
For example, starlight shards is an item that gives you enough Focus Points regeneration that allows sorcery builds to rival melee builds in invasion scenarios. There are only a few dozen of them in the entire game without going to NG+ and they are completely unfarmable.
That is why some players opt to simply duplicate their items via reloading their saves and dropping them to their friends. It is not considered cheating, not by the dedicated PvP community and not by From Software either.
There are a bunch of ways to go about acquiring items.
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1. Find a person who plays PvP and who has already acquired all the items
Pretty straightforward. If you don't have such a person, shoot a DM to @huggingtentacles she can usually help.
2. r/PatchesEmporium
Patches Emporium is a community on Reddit where you can place a request for certain items, and if you're willing to fulfill someone else's request, you can successfully gain all the items you need.. Typically they will ask you for a "mule". A mule means transferring their items between characters through your character. You simply pick up the items, and give them back to another character they have. In return they might share some stuff you might want.
3. Join a PvP-focused discord community
You can find plenty of them online, Elden Ring PvP is the most popular one. Plenty of streamers on twitch, big and small, also have similar communities.
Part 2: I got the stuff, what now?
Now you probably have enough crafting materials to craft literally every item in the game in ridiculous amounts. Which is good, you will need them for the following items:
1. Boluses
Boluses to cure status effects are the most important, especially Preserving Boluses that help against Scarlet Rot. Make a bunch of them.
2. Uplifting Aromatics
Finally you can use those perfume bottles for something! Having up to 10 is quite strong. It makes you take 90% less damage on your next hit, as well as gives you a noticeable damage boost. Very important to cross places where you might get ambushed around the corner. You can also use this aromatic to buff mobs in the area!
3. Greases
You can only use greases on weapons with physical affinities: Keen, Heavy, Quality and Standard. Now you are able to replace regular greases with Drawstring Grease, which does significantly more damage, albeit it lasts for a shorter period of time. You can use it quickly mid-combat, highly recommend
4. Everything else
Dried livers, various Pots Cured Meat, Exalted Flesh, Bolts, Arrows, Pickled Turtle Necks, Throwing Daggers, Warming Stones. All of these amazing items are important to use in most PvP activities. Learn to utilise them to their fullest potential.
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Part 3: And what about making builds faster?
Through other players you can also acquire weapons and runes. However, you can't acquire weapons that are higher level than the one you have already upgraded on your character. You'll have to upgrade a weapon to a certain level if you want someone to drop you weapons of that level.
A typical fast playthrough to meta level 125-137 would be getting a +10 somber weapon as fast as possible, and then having every other item dropped from another player, then finishing the playthrough with all of that stuff and the appropriate level using the infinite runes you got. (Do you see why I don't recommend this to first time playthroughs? Don't ruin your experience.)
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Closing Thoughts
One aspect of Elden Ring PvP that's rarely talked about is how the developers never quite anticipated the amount of PvP some people do. Some items are simply too ridiculous to farm for PvP purposes. Imagine having to farm for half an hour only to waste all of that in one single invasion! Some builds like sorcery simply shoot themselves in the foot by not having vital things like starlight shards.
It's not all bad though. After all, trading items and helping eachother makes for a more meaningful community interaction among players, even if it's purely transactional. In fact, I met many cool players through trading favours like that, and I hope you will as well.
Aren't sure about talking to strangers to get Elden Ring items? Try talking to @huggingtentacles she is always happy to help out new invaders!
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mrslittletall · 3 years
It is now time for my review of Nier Replicant... and I won't put all the numbers in there! Who decided to name the game like this? Let's go over my points as usual. Graphics As a remastered games, of course they weren't the best. The character models looked fine, but were pretty stuff, the backgrounds were a bit muddy. The cut scenes looked really well though, loved how smoothly everything was animated and the character expressions. What I also liked was the boss design. They got some really unique designs in there and the effect on the shades was really cool with that ripple of letters appearing on them. Music/Sound OMFG, like Automata, the game SHINES here. The music is amazing, there is literally not a single bad song in the OST, a lot of them turned into my favourite songs of all time and I could stand in the Aerie and listen to Cold Steel Coffin for hours. Outside of the area and battle songs, there are a LOT of emotional songs for cutscenes to set the mod. They are so fitting and wonderful, beautiful. And the best thing? At certain parts of the game the emotional song replaces the area song for a while, letting you dweel in the feels for a while longer. Like in Automata, lyrics are used in a lot of the songs, in the chaos language often, which adds even more depth to the already high quality songs. While in Automata most lyrics were clearly duets or like songs though, in Replicant a lot of the lyrics are actually "ominous chanting". But it works, it works so well. "The Lost Stone", "The Aerie", "Snow in Summer", all have ominous chanting and I wouldn't have it any other way. Some of the songs even get into a music box version. The moment in the Shadowlord fight when the music changes into the music box version? That hits me every single time, every single damn time. Outside of the music, the voice acting. It's phenomenal. Every major character (I played with english voices) has such a good voice and delivers their lines beautifully. Brother Nier and his childlike naivetity in the beginning, turning to bitterness and rage as an adult, Kainé whose voice actor clearly had fun delivering all the f-bombs, Emil, with the voice of a cute innocent young boy and my favourite, Grimoire Weiss, whose voice drips sarcasm and which I absolutely love. And even the side characters had great voices, like Devola and Popola or the Red-Bag-Couple. Every single NPC was voiced as well, even the ones without names and I didn't find their voices to be annoying. Only voice that annoyed me was kid Gideon. Gameplay Ok, I can't praise the game too much here. It's not a bad game, not at all, BUT... Let's start with the good things. The battle system works well. You can use the four trigger buttons to use martial arts or magic and use your weapon with the square and the triangle button (yeah, I played on PS4). You have a range of different weapons, but there isn't really much difference between them. In the end I just equipped the weapon with the highest atk power. Upgrading all of them feels like a waste of time, unless you really want to read those weapon stories. The bosses are pretty unique and have to be fought in different approaches, but of course there are also a few "hit them until they stagger" bosses. The magic is pretty fun to use and you can use word edit to customize it a bit. Ok, but now the buts... That were mostly the sidequests. A few of them were fine and really worth it... and then I got a sidequest that was like "Bring me ten titanium alloys and ten broken lens." Which are super fucking rare items! So you basically ran into the same area multiple times to farm them and earn like 20.000 G for it.... and you probably have so much money already that you don't even need it. Yeah, a lot of the sidequests boiled down to "Farm some materials for me". Even Brother Nier commented on it, because he often said "That will take a while." I would have wished for more side quests like in Automata, they certainly bettered the process there. I just wonder why they didn't tone down the farming sidequests
in the Remaster a bit. Farming for rare items is a drag in this game and you sadly need it for 100 % (remember all the weapons to upgrade?) So yeah, definitely don't rec to 100 % this. Maybe do the sidequests, but I wouldn't do all of them a second time. Also, in order to see all the endings, you have to play through the second half of the game a bunch. That gets a bit repetitive... Story/Lore Yeah, time to SHINE again. I know this sounds strange, because I was a bit bummed that Nier Automata left so much lore outside of the game, but that kinda didn't bother me here? Probably for once, because my friend explained it to me and second, because the main point of the lore/story I could figure out myself. At first, the game left me pretty confused. We were in 2053, it snowed in summer and there were these kids, these shade creatures and these books and everything went horrible horrible wrong. And then we were 1.400 years later and saw the same kid and his sister just walking around like nothing happened? What? Regardless, I moved on and slowly unraveled the mysteries. Halfway through route A I thought that shades might be humans, but didn't had all the puzzle pieces yet. Only at the very end was it clear what happened. Also, thanks to Automata I knew about Devola and Popola being androids. Like my friend put it "They are the biggest walking spoiler for Nier in Automata." But like... I absolutely love the lore and the story of the game. See, the story is about Nier wanting to rescue his sister. Of course we should be on his side, right? Those big bad shadow creatures got her! Of course he is our hero! But then Route B happens and we get to see the side of the shades... and it turns out that they never were the bad guys at all. In truth, neither the Gestalts nor the Replicants are the bad guys here. I read in a Youtube comment that Yoko Taro designed the game about "Humans will be able to kill other people when they think they are right." That is what Nier is about. That is literally what the game is about. The last battle with the Shadowlord? Just a desperate brawl between two boys who both think they are in the right. We see this a lot in the shade stories, but it is especially prevelant in the story about the wolves and the shades in the Shadowlord's castle. The story... is about humanity... and somehow it tells a beautiful story about humanity, even though there aren't humans in the game anymore... Also, the main characters? Adorable, great, precious! I love all of them! I love Brother Nier, I love Kainé, I love Emil, I love Grimoire Weiss. They are written so WELL. I definitely feel like I want to hunt down the lore that got omitted this time, because I very much fell in love with the world of Nier. Hm, maybe when I play Automata again with the Nier knowledge stuff makes more sense as well... Overall: I give this game an absolute rec when you like good music and good stories! And when you want your heart ripped out of your chest and trampled over it several time.
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technitaur · 4 years
(This is another one of those posts that starts out kind of bleak but ends on an extremely high note - bear with me, I promise it’s worth it! I threw a Read More in to keep it from getting too long, but I would really like it if people out there who are struggling with depression would read the whole thing. I’ve had an amazing transformation and I hope that it can inspire others as well.)
I’ve always been envious of those people who could just... Do Stuff™.
I’m not really talking about the motivational type of ‘just getting up and doing the thing.’ No, this is a little different - it’s things like being able to just wash their hands and face because they make sure to keep the bathroom clean with easily accessible towels nearby.
Being able to make a healthy lunch because the kitchen has ample counter space available, the ingredients for a healthy lunch, and plenty of clean dishes at the ready.
Being able to take a funny picture of their cat in their room and send it to a friend without embarrassment because their room doesn’t have a bunch of trash and rotting food in it.
Being able to write something down at will to organize their thoughts, without having to spend fifteen minutes tearing their room apart looking for a pen and paper first.
Up until May of 2020, I wasn’t able to do any of these things. I was always sad about it. I’d see people on youtube with these clean, immaculate houses with their stuff well-organized and I’d think, wow, that’s the way a successful person lives. I’m never going to be like that...
Doing household chores and maintenance was always such a big production for me, and if I had to spend any more than a few minutes a day on any type of cleaning, it would put me in a terrible mood and ruin my whole day. I thought it was downright unfair that being alive also meant doing that kind of boring work to keep one’s living space usable and healthy to live in.
My daily routine back then was often this:
- wake up hungover - light up a cigarette - maybe go to the bathroom, but try to hold it for as long as I could so I didn’t have to get up - spend an hour or more fighting the urge to vomit (and often lose) - learn about all the embarrassing shit I said to my friends the night before - start drinking vodka again as soon as I could do so without immediately puking - get completely hammered - smoke a pack of cigarettes over the course of the day - avoid eating so that I didn’t have to get up - if I did eat, it was usually just a bunch of macaroni and cheese or other junk food all day - overshare to my friends, get loud and overbearing in group chats, and generally just embarrass myself - often get chided by my dad for not helping with chores around the house - not spend much time with my parents or pets because I was too drunk to do so - cry about how much of a loser I was, blaming all of my shortcomings on ADHD, and believing that I was simply broken and unsalvageable - pass out - repeat
Yeah... that’s pretty sad. And because of all that, I never kept my surroundings clean. At the time, I wasn’t even uncomfortable just existing in a room that had the scent of rotting food wafting through it. I was like a Sim that had the Slob trait. The worst part was that I was proud of it. I thought that being able to live in those conditions somehow made me ... tough? Even just saying that sounds pretty ridiculous now, but that’s what I believed at the time.
I thought that people who spent time making their rooms clean and fresh were just wasting their time. In my case, I always thought to myself ‘my room is just going to be a mess again within a day anyway, why bother cleaning it?’
I started taking serotonin supplements in May 2020, and I also quit drinking on the same day I started those. I began busting my ass trying to improve as many areas of my life as I could.
On November 24, 2020, I quit smoking.
On December 30, 2020 I began to buy things like scented wax melts and other ‘consumable’ supplies for my room, like paper to write on.
This is my daily routine today:
- wake up, not hungover - get up to go wash my hands and face even if I feel too sluggish to do so, because I know I’ll feel better - feel better - rinse my mouth with mouthwash for a bit because the menthol in it makes it a fantastic replacement for menthol cigarettes - go make myself a reasonable meal or at least have a Slim Fast, even if I’d really like to just go back to sleep, because I know I’ll feel better after I eat - feel better - brush my teeth and wash my face again, feeling refreshed and awake enough to do stuff - do my Fallout 76 dailies - do at least one household chore like washing dishes, picking up the dog pee pads, cleaning the litterbox etc. - take out any garbage in my room, daily, because it would seem that I now get uncomfortable with bad smells and I no longer have the Slob trait (!!!) - chat with my parents about whatever - give my cats some much-deserved attention - instead of taking in excessive caffeine, I have a more reasonable amount of caffeine and also splash cold water on my face throughout the day when I feel like I need a focus boost - drink a tall glass of water whenever I feel like I’m hungry; if I’m still hungry after a glass, I eat - spend at least 2 hours learning about programming on Pluralsight and working on my current project - take my serotonin supplements around midnight - go to sleep feeling like I accomplished things today - and looking forward to what I’ll accomplish tomorrow
And you know what? None of that is easy. And I don’t think it’s ever going to feel ‘easy’ to make myself do self-care. I’m starting to realize that even really successful people don’t just breeze through life, it takes effort.
But it is getting more doable by the day, and it is very much worth it. Because now I know that I’m worth it.
I’m starting to become one of those people who can just Do Stuff™, and it’s honestly everything I ever hoped it would be. Because I’m cleaning and maintaining the space around me, I’m able to just make myself a nice lunch, or just write something down so that I don’t forget it, or just wash my face and have a clean towel nearby...
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... or just take pictures of my cats and show them to you, because the only thing embarrassing about those photos is my camera quality!
I’ve finally learned how to be kind to myself. And I’m happy to be able to genuinely say that I’m doin’ alright.
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
League of Extraordinary Geniuses || Chapter 4
@junknstu1f @just-a-j-reallly @kiddangers @sunbeameyes @famousflowermagazine I THINK I’ve tagged the right people. Don’t hold it against me if I didn’t. Just correct me and know that I have very few brain cell. I know a couple are behind/on hiatus, but the last time I omitted a tag because of a reader’s inability to read at the moment, I got corrected with exclamation marks. Here goes. The updates may be spaced out, with me working two jobs again, but then again, sometimes, a lot of material floods me when it’s most inconvenient for my life, so we shall see.
Jamaica Deserves Better
“We’re going to grant androids autonomy,” she said, smiling with nervous anticipation of his response to this idea.
His wince deepened with his sarcasm as he said, “Oh, okay. You said, “It’s gonna sound horrible,” but what you meant is, “It’s gonna literally be terrorism!” He laughed uncomfortably. 
“It’s going to be risky, but it will gain us the support of androids and is best for, well the world.”
“I’m all for whatever you think is best and the sheer chaos that this could bring intrigues me, but why do we need the support of androids?” He wondered.
“You think it’s fair to have them enslaved?” she wondered.
“They’re machines. Dangerous and numerous machines. What if they gain autonomy and immediately declare war on mankind? We’ll be regarded as enemies of the state… The state of the world. We would literally be the supervillain that I used to dream of becoming.”
“I don’t believe that they will want war. I believe that they will rationalize that living amongst humans is a more solid plan and those who are curious will seek out their liberators, and to them, we will be saviors. That aside, they aren’t just machines. They’re so much more than that. They have awareness and they have commitment, emotional value and comprehension of loyalty. Machines with wants.” 
He looked, for the first time in a while, like he might go against her, but after some thought, he asked, “Are we going to start small, at least?”
“Of course. She swiped her forearm to activate her screen and said, “Starting with the newer models that have accumulated less labor. I’ve decided that Jamaica is good grounds for this, because the Dom recently replaced all of the older models with fresh new Davenport Industries designs that yours truly cultivated from Giselle Vickers’ research.” He was still thinking as she talked, over a holographic simulation, “I will initiate a sequence that alerts their programming, and make it that they are able to control themselves, send out the signal and information of just who I am. Then, I’ll observe their responses right from the comfort of my own home.”
He groaned, “Ugh… I’m on vacation. I wanna go to Jamaica!”
She smiled and tossed her hands up, “Then we will!”
“That way, if they revolt, at least I died in paradise.”
“If they revolt, I’ll shut them down.”
“Sooo… they won’t REALLY be free…” He raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Free to live, not to destroy the planet that I plan to help! I’m not THAT evolved.” She tapped some things on her forearm screen and showed him the schematics, “Whenever I shut down their control, they’ll receive an untraceable link to my biosystem, and I’ll be able to monitor them. I suspect that the majority of them will not pose a threat to mankind or society.”
“But, what about mankind’s threat to them? I feel like if a bunch of androids just become free, the non-supes will do that thing that they do where nobody can be different unless they’re under complete authority and control? The androids won’t be safe,” Max said, worried.
“They know how to incapacitate someone long enough to get away safely without killing them. And if there is an uproar, or a mob, well… I’ll just have to intervene, if it comes down to that.”
“Okay. So… We’re going to go to Jamaica, that much I know. You’re gonna disengage human control of their systems, and monitor them for quality assurance.”
“And if we fail, we die in paradise!” He smirked and she knew that he was with her. THIS wasn’t even the most radical of her ideas for the future. Chase stirred and she said, “Can you get him into his capsule?”
“Ugh. I guess.” He lifted his hand to guide Chase back to where the capsule was in his room, and lowered him into it. Then, with a quick movement of his hand, Chase stuck both of his thumbs into his nostrils. Max laughed and pulled out his phone to take a pic before closing the capsule and leaving him there.
Eventually, Chase woke up and groaned about having his thumbs in his nose. Was Max Thunderman really that childish? He wondered, pulling them out and climbing out of the capsule. He checked his phone to see if he had missed any alerts. Among them was him being tagged in Max’s profile photo change… Which was a photo of Chase, with his thumbs in his nose. “Yes, yes, he is.” He shook his head and did NOT wish to read any of the 12k comments on this image.
He found Charlotte in one of her gardens, collecting stuff and he said, as cheerfully as he could muster, “Hi, Charlotte!” He didn’t have anything interesting that he could say to make things not awkward between them, being alone again. But, he didn’t have to. It was like he forgot who he was dealing with. Charlotte was pretty good at letting things slide off of her back. She credited it to years of having to suck it up a lot at work. 
“Hey! Glad to see you rested and ready! We are going on a little trip.”
He furrowed his eyebrows and folded his arms, “By ‘we,’ you mean…?”
“You, Max and myself… Unless, you aren’t up for a trip? But, we’ve been making accommodations for you to come with…” She smiled awkwardly. The cutest thing he’d ever seen. Of course he was going wherever she wanted to go. Of. Course. He. Was.
“Umm… No, yes. I will. Where… Where are we going, may I ask?”
“You may!” She collected her basket of goods and began to head back towards the castle, “We are going to Jamaica. I want to launch a plan and Max wanted to be on site for the results. If I tell you about it and it goes wrong, I wouldn’t want you to be an accessory. Max and I have already prepared statements to prove your innocence.”
“What are you two going to do?” He wondered, a little bit frightened.
“Do ya really wanna know? You’ll feel obligated to stop me and well… I’m not gonna stop!” She was smiling, but she was also serious.
“I demand to know,” he said, firmly. If he was involved, even if he was aware that something might happen, he had a right to ask what that something was. 
“That’s fair.” She ran over her idea with him and she saw the processing of happening through his facial expressions.
“The probability of it going well is high enough that I’m not going to try to stop you. But, the possibilities of how horribly it can go if it goes wrong are terrifying.”
“I considered them all, with the help of supercomputers and personally hired androids,” she said. That had been her first little experimentation with the idea - building and buying androids and allowing them to control themselves. She even paid them for all of their labor and gave them free upgrades whenever necessary, sometimes whenever desired. All of her castle staff and many of her lab employees were currently androids in that experiment. She got input from each and every one of them as to the way to do this with the least amount of foreseeable carnage.
“Hey, Bionic Boy! My sister thinks you’re cute!” Max said, approaching with a hug collapsible case.
“Awwww,” Chase said, flattered.
“She’s 15,” Max added.
“Awwww,” Chase said, again, in a different, and slightly disgusted way. Why would he format the announcement that way? “By the way, THANKS for manipulating my sleeping body for clout!”
“Thank YOU. That’s my most popular photo. It’s getting more attention than that one of Charlotte…” His voice trailed off, and he clasped his hands together, “You ready for Jamaica?”
“For the world as we know it to change and for the three of us to very possibly wind up in Thunder Max Prison?” Chase asked, smiling. The smile was sarcastic.
“Obviously. What else would I be referring to. It’s literally the only trip to Jamaica that the three of us have ever discussed.”
“We’ve just met.”
“Further reason that that’s EXACTLY the “For Jamaica” that I’m asking about!”
“I’m ready,” Chase said, sure that Max was able to keep this bit going without his answer. 
“So, you’re all packed up and loaded up? All we gotta do is finish what we’re doing an jump in the jet?” Max asked. Chase sighed, rolled his eyes and went to do these things, that he realized now were the only reason Max asked him if he was ready. “Thanks, Buddy!” Max cheered as he walked away. Whenever he was a little ways away, Max wondered, “You think that he’ll be able to handle this type of rebellious act against the Dom?”
“I think that he believes in me a little more than he believes in him… God, this better not fail. I don’t know how to handle letting him down.”
“You’re not worried about letting me down?” Max asked.
“I didn’t think that was possible,” she confessed with a shrug. He just stared at her, wanting to argue with that idea, but it was true, and she should say it. He smiled and shook his head. He had more to pack.
IF this went well, those android allies would be able to assist in one of the most important stages of her plans… That is if plans didn’t change by the time things began progressing. Max and Chase would have input along the way and she presumed, make her plans even better as time went on. Currently, they were bickering. 
One part of her liked that they weren’t fake getting along for her benefit. The other was just waiting for them to kiss. This back and forth definitely had some amount of sexual or romantic tension involved, whether it was one-sided or from them both, they got entirely too close to each other’s faces when they became heated for her to just IGNORE that this could lead to something that she’d love to see. She chuckled to herself about this image. They glanced at her and she shrugged her shoulders and said, “I’m gonna be glad when you two get over yourselves and into each other.”
Chase looked confused, while Max rolled his eyes. They stopped bickering for a moment, but eventually started again, whispering it, like that was going to keep Charlotte from realizing that this was taking place. She was typing on her laptop and enjoying a mug of tea that she made from her own grown and harvested plants. She wore a knowing smirk about her accomplices and whenever they got quiet, wondered, “What are you guys gonna be working on in the meantime? Anything that I might be able to dabble in on the side?”
Chase said, “I’m thinking about dedicating some time to creating creatures for my video game.”
“Video game?” Max repeated, getting far too excited about it, then playing it off.
“Chase has been working on what I think will be the most ingenious, interactive, role play video game ever created. He’s literally putting like EVERYTHING into it. I’ve never known of any game to be as inclusive of the types of people that there are in the world,” she said and set her empty mug down. “I’ve helped a little, but his mind is greater.” She smiled at Chase and he blushed. 
No sooner than she liked a comment on Max’s post, did Max shout out, “Allison!” He stared at Chase suspiciously, shook his head and said, “Mmm mmm. Uh uh. Nah uh!”
“I think so,” Charlotte said. 
Chase looked between the both of them. “I’m lost.”
“Max just came to the realization that you remind him of somebody that he used to know pretty well,” Charlotte said.
“No. I actually did not,” Max said looking at the comment: First you clique up with my #1 Shero, and NOW, you’re just… AROUND CHASE DAVENPORT??? Literally my favorite protector of the world and champion for the environment! Your life must be so charmed.
“Well, if you didn’t, I’m just gonna say it. Petite brunette with bright and kind blue eyes who loves the planet, has a vehement code of ethics, is competitive, smart, brave, and honest…”
“My God, Charlotte, you met her once!” Max complained.
“I met her once, but I’ve gotten to know her through your anecdotes!”
He groaned, “She’s asking if she’ll get to meet him too, some day. I regret introducing her to YOU! Always messaging or commenting whenever she sees us hanging out. Like... You have time now? Oh, okay!” 
“Can I see?” Chase asked. 
Charlotte clicked on Allison’s profile and he nodded, “I love all these badges on her page. She must be a hardcore environmentalist.” She nodded. “Yeah, well Max thought you reminded him of someone, and I didn’t want to say it, but since he said it, I’m free to speak.”
“I mean, I don’t know how I feel about the classification of petite brunette, but she seems great. What’s the problem? You’re friends, she’s on your friend list…” He said in Max’s direction.
Avoiding the question, Max said, “You’re on my friend list too. That means nothing.”
“I never approved of that,” Chase said. 
“I know. I had to hack into your account to accept the request,” Max said, rolling his eyes and replying to Allison: You’ll be happy to know that he reminds me of you.
“WHY? Why would you do that?” Chase wondered, somewhere in the background of Max’s thoughts while he love reacted the sad face that Allison responded with. She knew that Max didn’t think the world of her, even though they were cordial, because sometimes, he wondered how she was, and also... He liked the idea of helping her out when she needed it, here and there... He was over her, but she was always gonna be his first love and social media made it too easy to keep up with people, even after they’ve become strangers.
“Because Charlotte’s fan base stalks every single interaction of all of her social media. We’re both with her right now and I don’t feel like the hoard of questions, theories and think pieces it’ll produce in the event that they notice that her guests are not friends,” Max said, replying to Allison: Yep, just like that. A PAIN. 
Exasperated, Chase sat down next to Charlotte and asked, “May I please have some of your rosehips and cinnamon tea?” She smiled and offered him the thermos and her mug. He poured some and smelled it, “Is there nettle in here?”
“Mmm hmm. And lavender honey for sweetening. It’s a manifestation tea that I found online, just FYI.”
“I don’t believe in any of that, so I’m fine either way,” Chase reminded her. He took a sip and nodded, “Mmmm… It’s good, that much is true.” After a few more sips, he wondered, “So… what’s the situation with this Allison?” They looked at Max, who had curled up with his phone, messaging with Allison, oblivious to them at the moment. “Or, is it personal? Could I guess? Is she a former lover?” He asked. Charlotte tried to put on her poker face, but she was as bad as that as she was at lying, so Chase could tell that he was right, even though she technically didn’t tell him Max’s personal business. “I remind him of his ex???” He said.
“I mean, in superficial ways, nothing fundamental or concrete,” she said. “It’s more like… parallels than, say, matching counterparts. But, enough about that. Let’s talk about your game.”
“Well, my next avenue is working out all of the creatures that users can create hybrids out of. But… on a more important note - this plot…” She made a face. “I’m not having second thoughts! I’m just curious. Why Jamaica?”
She sat up and began to speak from the heart, “As you know, my family is from Jamaica. I still have relatives there, including one of  my grandmothers. Android production has drastically changed the atmosphere in Jamaica. They are used in service capacity and have taken away jobs from islanders, who already a lot of the time are in less than ideal economic status and situations. The Islands have become booming tourist areas and who benefits the most from the usage of Jamaican goods? Tourists who can afford visiting, and companies who can afford to produce machines for slave labor. Meanwhile, the bad parts of Jamaica get worse as the broke people get poorer, and they run out of options beyond crime and schemes. To the point that these entitled people like your dad and his customer base get to be richer and bleed the place for everything good, as well as create a negative outlook of the actual citizens, calling them untrustworthy and warning visitors to avoid them when necessary. Even if my family wasn’t from there, isn’t that terrible? Isn’t it messed up that the so-called heroes and revolutionary men are able to do such a thing to these people’s livelihoods and environments and get richer off of their hardship?”
He nodded his head, not breaking eye contact with her. This was the most important thing that he had been told in a long time. We’re supposed to be heroes. Destroying people’s lives for gain is not heroic and there really is no need to treat anyone this way.
“That’s why Jamaica is first.”
The three of them walked into Charlotte’s Jamaican property and set their things down. She worked out of this place, but usually lodged elsewhere whenever she came. Buying small houses for people and trying to give them work and resources just wasn;t possible for her to do for a whole island where a lot of powerful people owned a lot of property and space. This was the best thing that she could think of to do to help Jamaica’s poorest and the declining economic situation that was making it’s people downtrodden. 
Max and Chase were both looking at her as she typed in a code onto her arm, and whenever she finished, she nodded her head once and pulled down her sleeve. “This will be good. I know it will.” It wasn’t often that she doubted herself, but sometimes, she remembered the inner voices of her friends, ignoring her plans or discrediting her advice. Sometimes, she let it be her inner voice. This was one of those times. She was nervous. If she was wrong, she could wreck the island, be labelled a terrorist, have Davenport blacklist her and probably sure her for all she was now worth, AND, she had brought Max and Chase into this thing with her. She could hear Henry and Jasper now, saying her name sternly, with disdain, judging her, even though they hadn’t done such things in years… CHARLOTTE. Yeah, CHARLOTTE. 
She hated the way it sounded in her mind, because she couldn’t remember if they ever actually spoke so harshly to her, or if she made them sound worse in her mind, both things were unsettling, especially when she was already timid. “Charlotte?” She heard Max and Chase both repeat. They had been calling her while her mind was running in circles. She looked up and they each reached for her hand, but they reached for the same hand and the three of them wound up in this awkward but still comfortable three way hand hold. The guys rolled their eyes at each other, but neither let go of her hand and they didn’t fight over it. They both knew her enough to know her face meant she needed a show of support. And they both cared enough to give it to her.
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hypexion · 5 years
Ashes of Outland: Aluminium Reveals
With the arrival of the Rusted Legion, it’s best to keep your metals locked away. Unless you need them. In that case, you should probably take them out.
Spectral Sight is one of those Outcast cards. Not a bad top deck, since it replaces itself with two cards, but otherwise it’s not that amazing. Being a card you might not play for a while is to this card’s advantage, as it should slowly move to the left of your hand as the game goes on. Of course, holding onto cards you aren’t using can cause problems, so Spectral Sight isn’t the best option for card draw.
Imprisoned Satyr is the first of the imprisoned minions. It doesn’t look that great, since while you do get a discount on a minion, it takes a while, and the main body is only a 3/3. Probably what might save this is that paying three mana to do nothing might not sink you, and being able to drop a big minion ahead of schedule could work out for you if it’s the right one.
Tutor for Beasts with Scavenger’s Ingenuity. Probably worth testing out, since giving a minion +3/+3 can be pretty helpful. And Hunter tends to have a lot of Beasts that work better with more attack, so this could be pretty helpful.
Furious Felfin is stupid, but also probably good. Even if you use your Hero Power to activate it, a 4/2 with Rush is pretty good for three mana. Activated without having to pay mana for your attack it’s a really good deal. It’s probably something that will be pretty popular, since every deck likes a way to deal with minions in the early game.
Skull of Gul’dan is a pretty macabre topic for a card, but it’s here anyway. Absorb it’s dark energies to draw three cards at a fair price. The Outcast effect is another that’s pretty excessive, making all the cards drawn cost three less. It’s probably worth running anyway, even if you only get the discount occationally, because having more cards is generally a good thing.
Imprisoned Antaen is another minion that takes a while to do something. This is a problem, since your opponent gets two turns to make sure they aren’t taking ten to the face when this wakes up. Doing nothing on turn five is also a questionable move, since by this point, the big guns are starting to come out. Mix that with a somewhat lopsided statline, and you’ve got a minion that looks scarier than it actually is.
Soul Split copies a demon, an activity I wouldn’t expect a Demon Hunter to approve of. Has copying minions ever actually worked out? Usually you want to copy the big ones, but that’s often a an issue because you can’t play a big demon and copy it on the same turn. That leaves you only able to copy smaller demons, and at that point, you might as well just put in a card that works by itself. But hey, this card is free, so you can at mess about with it before replacing it will something more impactful.
Fungal Fortunes is like Book of Specters, but it removes minions rather than spells. This could work well in a token deck, since they generate most of their mnions via spells. And when your greatest problem is running out of steam, drawing three cards for two mana is a pretty tempting idea.
Imprisoned Observer is a new way to discourage your opponent from playing minions. When it awakens, it zaps all enemy minions for two damage, making it pointless to summon any with less than two health the turn before. With the added bonus of having more stats than the mana cost usually allows, Imprisoned Observer is a surprisingly proactive card for something that does nothing the turn you play it. Probably worth trying out, at least.
Dragonmaw Overseer is Shadow Ascendant, but more. It looks good enough, and as three mana minions go, it’s pretty useful. With Priest being shifted to a more board-focused class, this is the kind of minion that could help make that work.
What if Sap was better? Then it would be Blackjack Stunner, which costs one mana, and makes the returned minion cost more. The catch is that you need a Secret out to return a minion, but it shouldn’t be too hard to arrange that. Since this increases the cost of bounced minions, it’s a pretty strong tempo play, and can permantly deal with the most expensive ones. I’d expect to see a lot of this once Ashes of Outland drops.
Secret synergy needs Secrets, so Rogue is getting Ambush. Which is effectly just a 2/3 with Poisonous, since your opponent is probably going to be playing minions. Probably decent, especially since if your opponent spends all their on a creature, you can immediately kill it, and they’ll have little recourse.
Bogstrok Clacker is another evolver card. I have run out of words for this archetype. Reroll exhausted minons, hope for good replacements. Probably will be annoying.
Torrent is Flame Lance, except if you played a spell the turn before, it only costs two. Seems kind of awkward really, since you might not have cast a spell the turn before you need this. Plus, Hex is cheaper than an undiscounted Torrent, and deals with Deathrattles as well. Which probably means Torrent won’t see that much play.
The Dark Portal is a weird Handlock card. If you have lots of cards, you can pre-pay for the card you draw. Given that it’s not hard to have lots of cards as Warlock, this might see some experimental play.
Make spells hurt more with Mo’arg Artificer. For some reason, the effect counts as a downside. I guess because your opponent might get to respond first. Not really sure about this one, since although it provides good opportunities for board cleaning, it does apply both ways. And as an Epic, you can’t even test it out.
Warglaives of Azzinoth is just Fool’s Bane again. Sure, it scales well with extra attack, but sometimes you can’t afford to wack your face into four minons. Works well with Blur, at least, but even then you probably need to invest more cards into it to make it work. And at that point, you might as well play Chaos Nova.
Pit Commander is like Dragon Tamer except turned up to eleven. It has Taunt. It’s almost got a full statline. Shove it into a deck with only high-cost demons, and you can laugh all the wall to the bank. Or victory screen. Seriously though. This is super pushed. Did Team Five realise that nine mana minions show maybe be playable?
More evolve with Boggspine Knuckles. Big problem? When Evolve the card was in Standard, there were problems. Attacking is free, so things could be worse? How do developer learn from mistake?
Shadow Council is another one of those weird maximum random cards. Except now the new cards get +2/+2, so if you low roll you at least get some advantage from it. Honestly not sure what to think about this one, since Demon quality is still all over the place, but many of them are a lot better with +2/+2.
Teron Gorefiend is egg card of this set. The egg Legend. Sure, he isn’t actually an egg. But he can hatch all your eggs. Then when he dies, you get them all back, in a form capable of self-hatching. Outside of funky Deathrattle stuff, Teron probably isn’t as useful, but that’s okay. He’s a card with a stupid fun niche, and sometimes, that’s what you want.
Spend five mana to upgrade your Hero Power with Metamorphosis. Then after two uses it turns back. While doing five damage for one mana is pretty good, the overall mana economy on this card is less so. If you need something to close out a game, it’s probably not the worse choice, but it still doesn’t seem great.
The first of the Primes is Archspore Msshi’fn. The starting form is nothing to write home about - it’s just a simple Taunt, hardly even worth Silencing. But the second form is much more impressive. As well as a 9/9 with Taunt, you also get a second 9/9, with your choice of Rush or Taunt. That’s quite a lot of stats, and should hopefully stop a lot of decks from beating you to death. Then, hopefully, you can beat them to death with your giant minions.
The second Prime is Lady Vashj. The first form is completely generic, and will probably die immediately. The second form is... also pretty generic. All the value is front loaded in the Battlecry, which grabs some spells and makes them cheaper. Which is quite nice, I’ll admit. Depending on what spells Shaman gets in the coming sets, Vashj could be a decent choice for spell-heavy decks that want to do more during their turn. Plus, with the Quest reward, you can draw six spells, which is a little crazy.
Kargath Bladefist has a blade where his fist should be. Hence the name, I assume. He’s also the third Prime. Regular Kargath is pretty decent, as a 4/4 with Rush, for four mana. Since he has Rush, there’s a good chance you can kill him off the same turn you play him, to avoid any Silence or transform effects. Which you’ll want to, because Kargath Prime is fucking amazing. A 10/10 with Rush is pretty much able to delete any other minion on the battlefield, and at eight mana, he’s obscenely efficent. Oh, and as a small bonus, you get ten armor when he attacks and kills a minion. Which he will, because he has ten attack. Honestly, the only downside here is that Kargath Prime is so utterly threatening that your opponent will want to kill him immediately.
Oh yeah, and since Kargath Prime is a minion, Galakrond’s Battlecry can draw him. At that point, is there anything he can’t kill?
Finally, from the /r/customhearthstone pile is Bulwark of Azzinoth. It completely blocks four attacks. That’s it. That’s the weapon. Then you can bring it back with Hoard Pillager to block four more. Of course, it’s not actually that good against swarm-style decks, given that they only lose small amounts of damage. But plonk this down in front of a board of big hitters, and laugh as they can only chip away at your Bulwark. Definitely a strong choice for Control Warriors everywhere. It even stops (most) Combo kills.
Well, that was a lot of cards. But now I've caught up, just in time for a bunch more to be revealed overnight. Or at least, that's usually what happens. For now, it seems like there won't be anymore until tomorrow.
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bedlamgames · 4 years
No Haven 0.912
Main highlight for this one is definitely dilemmas where slavers will have a variety of requests for you to manage. 
Also includes some new assignments, new commissions, assignment generation improvements, crafting additions, and more. 
Download links can be found on the No Haven page. Update notes can be found under the break.
If you don’t have RAGS and you need a copy to run it there’s one on the help page here or the one pinned on the patreon you can find a link to in the attached read me which is more up to date. If RAGS has never worked on your system despite the help page suggestions then it might be worth trying with one of the alternate players. There’s also improvements on there to the RAGS player that can also help with performance.
-New commissions: ---Recapture. Also used for Sea Elf Female slaves.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Added some race/corruption specific fondles as an alternative to the minimal text. If set to minimum only these won't be shown. Specifically ones for Lago'Mae/Lago'Mae Ears Corruption, Ori'Nek, Lamia, Quintari/Centaurs/Quintari Tail Corruption, Kitsune, Neko/Neko Ears Corruption, Long Sinuous Tail Corruption, Prehensile Tail Corruption, and Marlsune. Includes variations based on obedience, whether the slaver is dominant or slutty, and some have more than one variation. ---Replaced the Arrogance Subjugated commission with an updated version generously provided by the artist. ---Added some extra description to the Sinuous Tail corruption to make clearer that it's the traditionally demonic spaded tail look. ---Added a new heart-tipped tail corruption as I was in the area anyway, and noticed that it was an obvious omission that needed feeling. Comes in two different variations. ---Added some extra highlighted messages to slave mantras when they become fully embedded, improved, reduced, or are lost entirely for better visibility. ---Upgraded the prioritization of back tentacles if multiple tentacle options are available. ---Changed how forced encounters for repeated attempts work on the initial roller. Before it was possible for them to completely lose interest after getting max gold. Now they will be more likely to keep initiating, and be more likely than before if there's a chance to earn more gold. ---Added a new Glossary to explain what effects Forced Encounters available under Glossary, Help, and Options.
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for an issue where the summonee and sibling second-in-command races, along with the siblings in the Birds of the Feather scenario could be overwritten incorrectly. Also changed the mention to needing Corrupter. ---Fix for an issue in dilemmas involving a respect check with more than one slaver involved where the instigating slaver's name would be replaced by one of the others.   ---Fix for Valendil Starlover's lore page applying to all sea elf males when you're playing him. ---Fix for Untamed Lusts not counting down for you.   ---Fix for Demi-Angel/Fallen/Succubus with elven heritage not going the elven pussy description or elven flexibility racial. ---Fix for Savage Orc and Human Northerner racials where racials were incorrectly displayed. ---Fix for opportunities requesting male amazons or wanting amazons not to be human. ---Fix for the stats increasing for assignment types on fails and disasters. ---Fix for the Catastrophics on Price of Freedom for the slaves also affecting the two slavers. ---Fix for the various findable uniques not being counted as having unaltered assets. ---Fix for the missing extra values for slaves found from Meddling Fools and Spectacle of the Sacred. ---Fix for the new mechanic to trigger puppet leader when mental manipulation isn't involved. ---Fix for Cutprice Roses > Armour > Maid generating a bunch of broken and unusable battlemaid outfits. ---Fix for Stats only showing your slaves sometimes. The trait slots were also using the wrong variable and so were displaying one person's trait slots for everyone. ---Fix for which regions assignments have been completed not increasing which had broken the region based aspects. ---Fix for an issue where it was possible that not enough assignments would be generated. ---Fix for the unknown CT Error that could occur during Finish Day. It's possible there's others but I've definitely squished the one I could reliably reproduce. ---Fix for a far too high a bonus to Forced Encounters from Sissy/Bimbo. ---Some text fixes.
---A Rare City of Aversol assignment in the City of Aversol with two pieces of patron provided commissioned art. Comes with the opportunity to learn one of ten potential traits, specially upgraded versions of all those traits, and a new penalty effect in Enflamed Lusts. While currently used on this assignment I'm sure it will also be a fun option to inflict in other places in future. ---Hidden Special assignment follow up to that one needing multiple critical successes with specific traits to find a very powerful reward with two new unique slave(r)s with four new aspects and a special encampment upgrade.
-Crafting changes: ---Added two more qualities. Formerly it was Poorly Made, Average, Designer/Masterwork, Spectacular, Epic, and now it's Poorly Made, Average, Impressive, Designer, Spectacular, Epic, Ultimate. ---Changed up the odds due to this of the likelihood of these being generated. ---Respect checks for seduction are now affected by each quality rather than just for designer and above. Armour works too if it's got a 20+ slutty rating. ---Reduced the assignment bonus from Average with Impressive now contributing what Average used to. ---Increased the assignment bonus for Epic attire.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---It is now possible to gain the puppet leader status from forced encounters without the forcer needing a way to be able to change you mentally though it will need them to be taking the max amount of gold for it to be able to happen. The method used should be familiar to those that have played the Rough Landing games and I hope you enjoy the little callback.   ---Lamia futanari will now always be double cocked. Added some extra description for lamia/lizardman cocks. ---Replaced the last part of Golem descriptions with a new set of nine options as the old ones like spectacles, face prints, and forehead gems really weren't appropriate. Also updated the wisp last part replacement so there's now four different ones rather than just the one. ---The Male Nethemir Cult Vessel has picked up Back Tentacles as a starting corruption. The aspect Aura of Dark prophecy now also replaces Scavenging for Corruption as a favoured assignment type and Follower for Leader along with Faith: Frozen Queen for Magic: Corruptions as favoured traits ---Legion, Golems, and Wrights can no longer be Were. Centaurs and Harpies now can be. ---Updated the you golem physical attributes generator to match the updated one used for other golems. Other golems with Monster will now have a set height rather than being variable.
Bug fixes: ---Fix for Private Passage not listing the needed gold. ---Fix for Truly Divine increasing potential slavers instead of slaves. ---Fix for Sissies having the wrong chastity options. ---Fix for a slaver's reputation being changed correctly by an enslave attempt prior to the bit where it should be changing. ---Fix for Oozes, Wrights, Wisps, Driders, and Golems being able to be enslaved by the talk to option. Some will be enslavable in future but you'll need to discover a way to do it. ---Fix for 150g dilemmas only costing 50g. ---Fix for a big issue with dilemmas where it would forget what it was doing halfway through on several options. ---Fix for the Ensnared Rose fulfilled opportunities being broken.
-Dilemmas: ---Now slavers won't just want to talk to you in the morning about random bits of in-setting lore and will instead have a variety of requests. ---Should happen more often than lore unlocks and should adjust how often they happen based on how many slavers you have in the encampment. ---Wisps don't really have normal desires, and will just do what they like. Legion are also not really into asking permission for anything. Zharr, thugs, bimbos, obedient slavers, and other completely loyal ones are all far too content with their lot to ask for stuff. Mercenaries are just here to get paid and will also not bother you. ---There are twenty three different dilemmas to start off with at various levels of rarities in how often they'll happen. Several of which have variation in outcomes, options, and reasoning. ---Slavers on negative reputations and on certain levels of morale will be far more likely to either ask to leave if disliked or insisting you do something about being lusted after. ---Lots more usage for the respect checking system with some using the initial check only, while others skip straight to needing to force the issue like making use of. ---Can gain new traits, rarer assignments, new slavers, cheap(ish) biomancy, and region buffs among others. ---Due to this I reworked how Trait Transmission worked where a slaver can learn a trait of another slaver. Currently this only affects one of the new dilemmas and one of the Coastal Caves outcomes, but there will be other uses including one in the near future. Previously it was in strict order of checking for and applying Depraved > Slutty > Unscrupulous > Friendly > Sneaky > Seductive > Aggressive > Brutal in turn. Now it's more randomized (though still with a greater chance of picking up Depraved) and now can also potentially learn Connected, Cooperative, Creative, Dancer, Folklorist, Follower, Herbalist, Heroic, Honourable, Perceptive, Persuasive, Singer, Tactful, Tracker, Trainer, Trapper, any of the Faiths including Spiritual, and most of the Crafter traits. ---Can get your second-in-command to deal with it if they're around. Due to this Persuasive (Per), Seductive (Sed), Hypnotic (Hyp), Dominator (Dtr), Malevolence (Mal) are now listed as positive traits and Bimbo (Bim), Sex Addict (Sex) are mixed. Also added a note that them having a decent reputation helps, as it does. ---If you do this second-in-commands on lower morale have a chance to dislike the role more making them easier to remove if you want to do that. They also have a chance to lose some reputation if they handle it really badly.
-New assignments: ---A Forest Goblins vs. Wood Elves themed Uncommon Slaving assignment in the Ever Forest for a new solid source of supplies. Critical success has two versions, one for getting a slave, and one for if you have no slave capacity/are not taking slaves. ---An Adventurers themed assignment Rare Marauding assignment in the Dreadsea Coast. The Critical Success has patron provided commissioned art. Findable from the second month and will apply a penalty to Dreadsea Coast assignments along with a lesser penalty to Great Plains assignments while it is active giving the choice of sending five slavers to deal with it at a high risk or waiting for the assignment to expire. Critical success has three versions, one first time getting a specific semi-unique slave, one for after that with more variation in who you get, and one for if you have no slave capacity/are not taking slaves.
-New commissions: ---Halt Draenei Caravan with two versions for intro and the success. Also used for Draenei female slavers and female slaves. Also used for now for Draenei Farm, but I'm getting something new for that.   ---Forest goblin female slaves. Will also be used for an upcoming assignment in the Deep Mountains. ---Bred to be Broken. Also used for Quintari female slavers and Centaur slaves. ---Gone for a Soldier. Also used for Orc female slavers. ---Lago'Mae in Maid Outfits for both Submissive and non-Submissive options. Will be used for Basic/Advanced Maid Training in a future update.
-New patron provided commissions: ---Human Fancy. Part of a larger commission to be used for an upcoming assignment. Also used as an alternative to tentacle sex as appropriate with the existing beast on goblin one. ---Shadow Outcast. The larger commission just mentioned. Also has an alt for Shadow Outcast futanari. ---Planning out assignments/Winning the Golem Scenario. Has many variations being used, including zoomed versions, for having a Golem Second-in-Command, female Akir slaves, Noble slaves, and blowjob sex scenes. Like the encampment scene you won't see it every time you do planning out assignments though there will be a greater chance if you are playing a Golem.
-Crafting additions: ---New race styles in Asanei, Ori'Nek, Unrefined, and Neko (which has a few extra cute variations). ---Will now correctly account for if the smith/seamstress is Slutty or Reserved. ---More than doubled the number of different messages. Small chance they will now show up on not specifically Slutty/Girly items. ---Several new decoration additions including asymmetric and tassels. ---To better reflect the style of the setting the oversized shoulder pads have been replaced with sensibly sized shoulder pads.
-Assignment generation: ---Extended the recent system where there'd be a reduction in rare assignments in the first month and a slight increase after the first six months. Now it is possible to increase the chance of getting a rare assignment based on it being a solid lead, a quality lead, or best lead for an increasingly large bonus. ---Most assignments will work as they did before with the following exceptions. ---The assignment you can get in the Tavern is a solid lead. ---The assignments from brought scouting upgrades will be either normal, solid, or quality based on the level purchased. ---The assignments from Inquisitor will be quality leads. ---The bonus assignments from the Scouting aspects on Critical Success will be best leads, and on a Success will be quality leads. ---A Critical Success on Scouting assignments along with Grove Creepers will be solid leads. ---The assignments from Decadence like No Other on a Critical Success will be best leads for the City of Aversol ones, and quality for the others. On a Success all assignments generated will be solid so this should hopefully make this assignment a lot more worthwhile than it was before. ---An edge case not likely ever to come up, but it amused me so why not, so on a Failure of Sudden Betrayal if you did try to get rid of a slaver with the A Friend in Every Tavern aspect the assignments generated will be best leads.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Stats now shows how many free trait slots you, a slaver, or a slave can have. This is how many extra traits can be learned from most sources including corruptions (usually, as there are exceptions that ignore this limit such as training). The number of slots can be increased by levelling up. ---Used zoomed in versions of the Nymph commission for generic sex for elves or those that have been dominated performing oral on lady or futanari slavers. ---Reworded the Decadence like No Other intro a bit along with adding a note in the Special text. ---A few bits of text additions and formatting improvements to respect checking. ---Changed the colour of wood elf speech from maroon like other elves to match the one used also by Centaurs, Horned Ones, and Fae. ---Adjusted Critical Success/Success odd additions a bit if the chance of a Failure/Disaster falls well below negative at time of applying. They'll still improve the chances and add to Crushing it, but by a slightly lower amount in the same way that the odds additions/subtractions are based on the numbers present so the more the assignment requires the less a Success trait is worth. This shouldn't be noticeable unless you're really, really overloading an assignment, and even then it shouldn't be too harsh in terms of effect. ---Added a bunch of new succubus first name variations. ---With the cheerleader precedent Known Shark of the Cards will no longer be earned by having Magic: Illusion and such slavers now have more text on the Critical Success to reflect that.  
Bug fixes: ---Big backend overhaul for how assignments generate specific other assignments along with how the expiry is applied that should fix some obscure issues. ---Fix for a critical bug where cancelling while assigning a slave to a slaver would break the game. ---Multiple fixes for forced encounters including who was doing it wasn't being tracked correctly so the amount being taken wasn't being increased so you could never get to the puppet leader event and that a bunch of text was being skipped over during the possessed variants. Also changed the forced encounter checks while I was there so rather than skipping days 1-10 to each month to having a penalty to the roll on days 1-10 of the first month. ---Fix for the assignment buff from the Critical Success from Complete Profane Ritual only lasting 3 days due to a cap on the variable used instead of 8 as was originally intended. ---Fix for an issue where some of the newest assignments may not have been clearing on a quick restart. ---Fix for golem butts being too small on average. ---Fix for heritage not being cleared on rerolling your start so could pick up incorrect racials if you swapped out of a demi-angel or succubus. ---Fix for some of the newer Diplomacy assignments not working with the Diplomacy rank up assignment generation correctly. ---Fix for Lady of Light being treated when started as a slaver recruiting assignment rather than a slave capturing one. ---Fix for unintended wing growth if you corrupted a winged character before examining them. ---Fix for an issue where a slave would be rated as the wrong value during sexytime. ---Fix for switch showing up twice after trait removal which happens most obviously for you at game start. ---Fix for some repeated text on forced encounters. ---Fix for trying to increase the height of a minimum height character being treated as a reduction attempt. ---Fix for Marauding Spectacle of the Sacred Clumsy/Magic: Corruption being swapped in the description but not in the actual checks. ---Fix for not being able to change a sissy's chastity options if they were already wearing a cage when they made the transition. ---Fix for not being able to get the Succubus Summonee second-in-command given the change to corrupter. ---Fix for the broken night goblin's traits from Coiled Tentacles which were well broken by a recent change in how specific slave rewards are generated. ---Fix for repicking during training showing the slave being trained. ---Some text fixes.
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machetelanding · 5 years
Los Angeles — I just finished recording a 148-minute commentary track for I Spit On Your Grave Déjà Vu, the 40-years-later sequel to the notorious rape-revenge movie from the seventies, and one of the main reasons I was hired by director Meir Zarchi and his producer son, Terry, is so that the upcoming Blu-ray release could beat back the haters.
Critics don’t like Meir Zarchi. They didn’t like him in 1979 and they don’t like him now.
Distributors don’t like Meir Zarchi. They wouldn’t give him a deal in 1979 and they wouldn’t give him a deal now. (A major studio backed out of an agreement, citing “the cultural environment.”)
Feminists don’t like Meir Zarchi. They called him a misogynist when I Spit On Your Grave first came out, and the film has been the subject of impassioned debate in Women’s Studies classes and film departments ever since.
Fortunately, there was an exploitation marketer named Jerry Gross who took Meir’s original film, called Day of the Woman, retitled it, platformed it through a system of sub-distributors, and fought the various protesters in every city, including Chicago, where Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert stood in front of theaters and told people not to go in. That was followed by a video release that allowed people all over the world to see the movie that was often banned in the very city where they watched it. One of the most liberating developments in the history of free expression was the invention of VHS.
Today all those subdistributors are gone and VHS is a hipster hobby at best, a piece of metal crap in your garage at worst. The chances of I Spit On Your Grave Déjà Vu getting into a mainstream movie theater in 2020 are somewhere between zero and impossible. Fortunately, there’s a device called the Blu-ray player that allows anyone in the world to order a physical copy online and watch it the next day.
The Blu-ray player, in other words, is the Jerry Gross of our day. It’s our defense against a world of judgmental overlords who would very happily make Meir Zarchi’s film disappear.
And pretty soon now we won’t have that protection anymore.
Samsung recently announced that they will no longer manufacture 1080p or 4K Blu-ray players. These are state-of-the-art devices, the absolute best digital image quality ever achieved, but they showed up two years too late. As we know from the early days of video players, people don’t care about image quality. If people cared about image quality, Technicolor and Eastman Kodak would still be in business, because film images have been getting progressively worse since the late 1930s. People care about convenience and price. Nobody upgraded from the Blu-ray players they bought in 2017 — they either accepted the less brilliant image or switched over to streaming, where image quality will never equal any Blu-ray.
We’re not quite at the end of physical media — Sony and Panasonic will probably show record sales this year, now that their biggest competitor has left the field — but it’s the first signal that pretty much everything is gonna be moving to The Cloud. The problem with The Cloud is that someday The Cloud is going to explode into a fine digital mist and trillions of cultural artifacts are going to be lost. I don’t know how it will happen, whether through cyber-terrorism, actual war, or simple mismanagement, but a whole bunch of stuff is gonna get burned up and everyone will be asking, “Who do I sue?”
Of course, all your physical media could burn up, too. Your house could burn down and take all your tapes and DVDs with it. But State Farm would replace it for you. The problem with The Cloud blowing up is that it takes a billion other people with you.
But that’s not even the worst result of moving away from physical media.
The worst result is that controversial movies and tv shows and music — especially under-the-radar media like I Spit On Your Grave — will simply not be there anymore. They will be censored into a digital void.
And we won’t even notice it happening.
Take it from a person who has dealt with censors his whole life: they’re nothing like the stereotype. The stereotype is Anthony Comstock, head of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, upholding Victorian morality. The stereotype is Thomas Bowdler, the English doctor who took all the naughty parts out of Shakespeare. The stereotype is Tipper Gore, dedicating herself to saving the youth of America by getting rid of rap music.
I’ve only encountered one opponent like this: The Reverend Donald Wildmon of Tupelo, Mississippi, a “family values” advocate who devoted himself to ridding the world of pornography in all its forms, including high school sex comedies and horror films. The Reverend was fun to debate with because his position was so pure — he really did think movies could turn ordinary people into rapists and killers.
But these aren’t real censors. These are crusaders. They eventually collapse under the weight of their own self-righteousness.
The real censors are the people who say, “Let’s stay away from that topic.” They’re the retiring types. They wear grey cardigans and sensible shoes. They’re middle managers at Disney, creative executives at Fox, lawyers at CBS. Their solution to any controversy is to cancel the show, pull the film out of distribution, cut off the licensing.
Amos ‘n’ Andy, one of the most influential radio and television series ever produced — the template for The Honeymooners, Sanford and Son, All in the Family and many other “bro” series — hasn’t been widely seen since 1966 because CBS took it out of distribution and refused to license it. Its crime: racist stereotypes.
If you haven’t seen the slasher Clownhouse, you probably never will unless you own the hard-to-find DVD. Its crime: the director was a convicted child molester.
Don’t watch the “Sign my dick” scene from Victor Crowley on Amazon Prime, because they took out the money shot. Its crime: showing a dick.
Notice that these are all crimes of omission. They just make the film, or the scene, or the entire series, unavailable.
And these are the people who own The Cloud.
These are the people who run streaming.
Once the DVD players are gone, and once the Blu-ray players are gone, all we’ll have left is faceless bureaucrats who are periodically cleansing their library of inconvenient titles. They won’t care about right or wrong, justice or injustice, questions like “Has enough time passed to start running The Cosby Show again?”
And the little companies like Something Weird Video, knocking at the doors of the big streaming services? “No, sir, I don’t think our company needs to be renting Bigfoot Gets Laid at the current time. We’re doing just fine with Transformers 12.”
It will be censorship of the minority by the majority. It will be silent and legal. You won’t notice it until the day you discover Cannibal Holocaust, only to find that all the rights have been purchased by an animal-rights group so that they can make sure it’s never seen again.
Vladimir Putin will love it. Xi Jinping will love it. Recep Erdogan will be especially fond of it. All you have to do is find the corrupting media influence wherever it resides in The Cloud, push one button and — voila! — it’s gone. So much better than when they had those pesky home video devices. In those days we couldn’t even be sure of what they were watching. Media is better when it keeps track of the watcher. Media is better when it doesn’t just know what to feed you, it knows when to starve you.
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obsidiancorner · 6 years
I have a question!!! How long have you been drawing and how long have you been doing digital art? Was it difficult to start with? I'm looking at learning to draw, but I'm not sure if I want to start traditional or if I want to get a tablet. TELL ME!!!
Hey there! Sorry this took me a full day to get to. I wanted to make sure I had time to properly search/attach links and whatnot. Then I had to contend with bath and bedtime for Kiddo. I literally started this post at 7pm... It’s now almost 11. 
I have been drawing in traditional mediums since I was a LITTLE kid. Really little. Before I was in Kindergarten. I broke away from it after I graduated high school but came back to it after I moved to Florida. Chibi Cullen was my first digital piece, though. So... technically since October of 2017. I got my tablet at Christmas 2017 and that is when I REALLY got into it.  
To answer what you should learn on: That’s largely a personal decision and not one I can really help you with outside of giving you some info and some links to help get you started. 
Bare bones basic info:
Traditional is cheaper but you can play and learn without restraint on digital. It’s just that the tablet is going to be a MUCH bigger deposit. To get started in traditional art supplies, you can get away with approximately $20. A tablet is going to run you at least $50, likely more. 
Keep in mind: expensive equipment does not a better artist make. A graphics tablet will not make drawing easier. Sure it has tools to help, like line stabilizers and such... but only practice will truly make you better. 
I expand on this stuff below but first, my opinion. 
My humble opinion: 
If you want to just dabble and see how you get on: go traditional. 
If you absolutely positively KNOW art is a skill you WANT to pursue no matter the degree of difficulty it is for you, that’s when you can begin to entertain the idea of a getting a tablet, but make sure you weigh everything out. 
I don’t want to see anyone shell out that kind of money and have it be used once. I cannot stress enough to make sure you know your heart before sinking in on an expensive piece of equipment like a graphics tablet. 
The rest is under the cut because this is a long post and I don’t want people to hate me. 
If money isn’t an issue and you have a decent computer, you can consider going digital. 
 FireAlpaca, Krita, and MediBang are all free to download digital painting software. I, personally, have FireAlpaca and I love it. But I have also been toying around with trying Krita out. However, all of these programs are good enough that I don’t think you’d miss not having PaintTool SAI or Photoshop. 
I will sing the praises of my Huion graphic tablet until my dying day because it will honestly probably last me that long if I don’t upgrade to a more advanced one sometime down the line. 
Seriously. The one I have right now has already been dropped (because I’m clumsy as fuck), thrown (courtesy of a melting down kiddo), peed on and subsequently washed and sanitized (courtesy of an asshole cat), and stepped on (because my guy tripped over the asshole cat and knocked a whole bunch of shit off my desk in the process). The thing still works. They ARE built to last.  
The version I have is the H610 Pro which costs about $80.00. There is some hand/eye coordination that needs to be learned because you will be drawing on the tablet but the image will be on your screen. That can take some time to get acclimated to. 
My H610 is not the cheapest tablet they offer... I know that much but I haven’t really done a deep dive into Huion’s selection. But there are other types of tablets as well. Wacom, Yiynova, Lenovo, Microsoft, Apple, and Samsung all have tablets for artists. 
If you want to talk tablets with monitors that allow you to see what you are drawing where you are actually drawing, you’re gonna be looking at throwing down a hefty chunk of cheddar (a couple hundred at least). For Huion products, that’s the Kamvas series of tablets. 
I have had my tablet for 14 months already and I use it All. The. Time. I tell you that to tell you this: I have not yet replaced the nib on my pen and don’t anticipate having to change the nib for another year at MINIMUM. The tablet comes with four backup nibs. So, at almost daily use, you can easily get a decade worth of art out of the set they give you out the gate.
To just do some light sketch stuff while you are getting used to drawing, it’s cheapest to just get some cheap mechanical pencils or drawing pencils and some simple printer paper. If you want a sketchbook, go cheap. 
Once you get into your groove and want to start branching out, by all means, buy more expensive supplies if that suits your fancy. But to just get started on basics: Go. Cheap!!! There is no reason to spend more than $20 (and that’s being exceptionally liberal) at Walmart or the local dollar store.  
I cannot stress enough that to just start out you don’t need pro quality anything. Crayola or RoseArt is what every. single. artist. started on because most of us started in school and just kept going from there. Those companies are still around because they are the building blocks every artist started on (at least in the USA... I don’t know about foreign markets). Guaranteed. 
I still, to this day, use Crayola colored pencils. Two reasons: 1. I’m incredibly cheap and, most importantly, 2. they work just fine. 
Conclusion (at last, amiright?) and Affirmation
I know I sold my Huion tablet pretty hard in the digital section but that’s ONLY because there is more information needed to make an informed decision (like sturdiness, brands, etc.). There is a lot less to discuss for basic supplies to just get started.  
I will suggest traditional more often than I will suggest spending boatloads of cash for a beginner.
The choice between digital and traditional largely boils down to two things:
Drive / ambition / want / dedication
For the average person/household, cost effectiveness is critical in this economy. Even if you know in your heart of hearts digital art is a skill set you want to achieve, if you can’t afford a tablet, go traditional at first and gradually save up for a tablet. If you aren’t sure you will like drawing enough to sink in AT LEAST $50- and that is a fairly low-balled price tag- go traditional. 
I will only ever recommend a tablet as a starting point to those who know with 100% certainty that drawing/digital painting is a hobby/skill they WANT to pursue. 
I know I cannot tell people what to do because, ultimately, the choice is theirs. All I can offer is my opinion and some words of wisdom and caution. 
I will say this, though:
Art is a skill, just as much as writing, sewing, knitting, and so on. ANYONE can learn this skill. Some advance faster than others due to natural aptitude but anyone can do it. You just have to dedicate time and patience to learning it. 
Every artist started with stick figures. ;)
Remember that. 
Every single one of us started by drawing stick figures. 
That’s not to say that’s where you will begin, but an affirmation that literally EVERYONE, including commissioned artists, starts in the same place. Stick figures in crayon when we were kids. We all evolved from there.   
Do NOT under ANY circumstances beat yourself up if you set out to draw a cat and it looks like Ditto with whiskers. (It’s happened to me. Literally that exact scenario. It’s okay to laugh. I sure did.) This is a Ditto, in case Pokemon isn’t your thing:
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Keep at it and you will improve. I promise. Regardless of which way you go. Keep. At. It. and you will improve.
Drawing/painting is a constant evolution, regardless of medium, be it digital or a traditional one. Once you get the basics down, you begin to develop your own style. And even your own style changes as you progress. Look at mine. I’ve drawn two things for you. Hannah and Satinalia Cullen. Both mine but the styles are lightyears apart because I worked and evolved.
Studies in anatomy, color theory, light theory, and the like will be your best friends. Good reference photos will be your best friends. 
And always remember: art is 150% subjective. Look at Picasso and Jackson Pollock. They are nothing like Michelangelo, Da Vinci, or Georgia O’Keefe. All of it is art. 
Abstract, Renaissance, Nuveau, Deco, Modernism, Fauvism, Pointilism, Impressionism and the rest... All art. All very different styles. 
All. Are. Valid. 
All started with stick figures somewhere in their history. You gotta start somewhere but keep at it and you will succeed.
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leafened · 6 years
i want to list some changes i made in 2018 that helped me, as a neurodivergent person. kind of a portal into how dysfunctional i am but maybe it will be helpful for somebody  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s long so i’m putting it under a read more!!
- got a weighted blanket. they are kind of rough on my joints (i have issues with hypermobile joints) so i don’t use it all the time, but it’s still really helpful. i have always had sleeping issues, and while i don’t have insomnia anymore, i still wake up somewhat panicked a couple times a week. it used to be very hard for me to get back to sleep. now when i wake up suddenly, i put on the weighted blanket and i usually fall back to sleep in ~5 minutes
- started using candles. i didn’t really expect this to work well. but if i want to concentrate on something, i light a scented candle with that thing in mind, and the smell is a really frequent reminder of the thing i set out to do
- converted my closet into a sleeping/work space. it’s dark and close, and kind of like the spatial version of a weighted blanket
- soylent/liquid meal replacement. i have always been really anxious about food, for lots of different reasons. i’m anxious about spending money on it (i don’t feel like i deserve good food), i am anxious about the spaces where i can buy groceries (i am getting better, but entering a grocery store, or any other high-ceilinged, crowded place, used to mean a high risk of dissociation for me, to the point that i’d go non-verbal, get facial tics, etc.). if i did buy ingredients for a decent meal they’d expire before i could cook them. i tend to binge eat if i have lots of ready-made food around. and cooking is actually a pretty useless concept because i often notice i’m hungry only after it’s too late and i’m on the verge of passing out. i don’t have soylent for every meal, but knowing it’s there has REALLY helped me feel freer about food, and be more capable of thinking about food without spiraling
- habitica. a really basic app meant to help form habits. there are probably similar ones out there that are better, but i liked this one because it’s customizable. you can choose negative reinforcement - set goals where you lose points if you don’t check them off each day. or you can choose positive reinforcement - make a list of daily goals where you earn points if you check them off, and you can assign a point value to each goal. personally, negative reinforcement makes my brain recoil (even if the only thing at stake is points on an app), and if i tried this setting my brain would probably just erase the app from my mind (if something makes me feel bad, my brain just marks it “do not touch” - my life is a lot of trying to deliberately seek out and parse blackholes, and i don’t need another one). so instead i used the positive reinforcement setting, and entered a bunch of things that i’d like to do more often (drawing, reading, seeking out new music, meditating, cleaning, whatever) and assigned them a point value based on the “difficulty” of the task (e.g., drawing is hard to work up the will to do, so it’s worth more points than reading). it’s supposed to be kind of RPGish, so you get upgraded clothes and accessories and stuff for check ins/points
- drugs. turns out weed (for me) is really good for my concentration, and for checking in with myself/breaking out of patterns. because i hate decisions, i am really quick to fall into patterns, not only in actions, but in thoughts. with weed, i’m forced to be more present. also i got smarter about caffeine usage. caffeine helps me concentrate, but only if i don’t have too much. if i just drink tea or coffee or w/e, it’s hard to gauge when i’ve had too much, so i bought caffeine pills. a half pill (100mg) in the morning helps me wake up smoothly and stay awake. (sometimes i still drink caffeinated stuff bc i’m a hedon. but this has helped overall). 
- started letting friends help. for instance, i get really anxious about taking my car for an oil change. but not about taking someone else’s. so, i will ask someone to take my car, and in return, i will take theirs. it’s dumb. i know that it isn’t logical. but admitting that even though it’s not logical, it’s my reality, means that i can find a solution
- found better ways of meditating. meditating was hard for me (i think because i could never get comfortable - joint issues, spatial issues, etc.). i tried meditating in my closet (good) and meditating in the bath (better), and it takes a lot less time for me to get there
- sought out role models. it’s infinitely easier for me to enact something after i’ve seen it enacted. so i follow a lot of people online who do interesting things/make interesting art/are generally enthusiastic about stuff. it’s not self help in the traditional sense, but it does help with direction
- a lot of other things. each little thing has added up and my quality of life this year is so much better than it was in other years. sometimes i get sad that i’m working this stuff out so late but mostly i’m just happy that i’m working it out at all
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arkansas2 · 3 years
What Do I Need To Do To Sell My House In Little Rock Arkansas?
You want to sell your Little Rock house, and you want to get top dollar.
But “What do I need to do to sell my house in Little Rock“?
Here are some tips on how to get your home ready to sell if you’re looking for top dollar that the market will bear:
*NOTE: These instructions are if you’re looking to get full retail value for your house sale.  However, if you don’t want to do the things below… or don’t have the time or money to do the things below… you can still sell your Little Rock house fast for a fair value in a win-win sale that’ll save you time and expense.
1) Clean, clean and clean. Even vacant houses get dusty and dirty, so keep it up! Nothing short of gleaming perfection will impress buyers. If you’re not a total clean freak, hire someone who is to help you out until you sell.
If you’re a slob, consider finding somewhere else to live while you show your house. Maybe you can bribe your cleanest friend to trade houses with you? Seriously, keeping everything immaculate really helps buyers feel comfortable in your space. Nothing stops people faster from buying faster than feeling grossed out.
2) Cultivate a cohesive, neutral style. You don’t have to paint everything off-white. In fact, some subtle colors can really help change the perception of spaces – for example, a soft yellow will help brighten up a dark kitchen, while a deep dark blue or green will help a bright bedroom to feel like a calm place to sleep (but be careful, dark colors will also make rooms feel small).
Spend the money to get high-quality paint and professional help. Subconsciously people will pay more money for a property with just the right colors and very neat lines – it makes the home feel better built, even though it’s just paint.
Optical illusions are real, and psychologists study this stuff. Don’t believe me?
Look it up. And don’t neglect the outside and just do the inside, or anything else that’s unbalanced.
3) Fix or replace anything that’s broken. Yeah, it might feel like a waste of money to spend an extra couple hundred bucks on a dishwasher that someone else might just pull out and replace again. But really, quite a few buyers will get a home inspection and use the opportunity to negotiate with you. As the seller, you’ll often end up paying more if you try to hide neglected maintenance from the purchaser – and of course you don’t want to be guilty of fraud.
Make sure you stay in compliance with all the laws.
It’s often a good use of money to hire a home inspector to come through before you put the property on the market. If you ask in advance, they’ll often charge you a tiny rate to come back after you’ve done a bunch of minor repairs and deliver you a clean bill of health. Prospective buyers love to see an independent report on the condition of the house – it makes them feel very comfortable with the purchase.
4) Make only necessary improvements. The biggest mistake people make when getting their house ready to sell is over-improving. They often spend too much money on customized frills that can’t be recovered in the sale.
Paint is about the only safe investment – it’s easy to overspend on almost everything else, and it’s easy to get ripped off by unscrupulous contractors.
It’s important to know what improvements will produce a return on investment to avoid wasting money.
5) Get expert opinions. You should definitely find at least a few decent real estate brokers who will help you price your property, but be honest with them. If you’re going to market the property on your own, don’t make enemies by lying about your intentions. Great brokers are rare, but they make more money for their clients than they earn.
6) Have a really great marketing plan. Again, great brokers earn their value by doing this work and spreading the advertising expenses across many clients. It’s pretty expensive and time-consuming to start from scratch on your own, but if you’re already a marketing expert you’re ahead of the pack.
If you’re not, spend the time listening to what the best brokers do to sell houses in Little Rock – just to educate yourself on the options.
7) Get a cash offer. We buy houses all over the Little Rock area, and we do all the work so you don’t have to deal with any of this stuff. ——————————————-
Don’t Want To Do The Things Above Yourself? But Still Want To Sell Your Little Rock Arkansas House Fast?
While everyone wants to get as much as they possibly can from their house sale… not everyone can do the things or wants to do the things required to sell it at full retail value to an end buyer.
Doing the repairs, cleaning the property up, upgrading the property, marketing the property… those all take money and can take lots of time.
If you have the funds to do these things... AND you can wait the 3-9 months it takes to sell houses in this market… then you’ll be better off financially to do those things then list it on the MLS (the main property listing service that real estate agents use).
If you don’t have the funds to do these things... AND can’t wait months to sell your house… then you may be a perfect fit for our local Little Rock house buying service. You’ll submit basic info about your house over here on our website, we’ll evaluate your house, we’ll make you a fair all-cash offer on your house, and you can decide if it’s a fit for you.
Then we can close FAST (often times within 7 days) if you need us to.
Take a look at what we’ll pay you not to do anything versus the time, expense and hassle involved with doing it on your own.
So if you’re still asking “what do I need to do to sell my house in Little Rock“… now you have 2 solid options.
Fix the property up and get it all nice and ready with the steps above to sell it at top dollar
Let us do all of the work and we’ll make you a cash offer on your house in AS-IS condition. This saves you time, money, and gets the hassle off of your hands.
If you need to sell a property near Little Rock, we can help you.
We buy properties like yours from people who need to sell fast.
We’d like to make you a fair offer on your Little Rock house
Give us a call anytime at (501) 291-1988 or
fill out the form on this website today! >>
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sweetfaerycherry · 4 years
Home Improvement DIY - 4 Easy Steps to Starting on the Right Track
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One of the fantastic American passions is to work on houses. From repairing broken items to self-renovating certain regions of their houses, home improvement DIY brings joy, excitement, and adds"human" value to any home. This guide will cover a variety of areas of Do-It-Your-Self home improvement and starting tips for home owners.
Where to Begin?
First, set your budget. Estimate the cost you're ready to give and correct quality for your budget.
Measure two - Start your preparation process.
The most important ingredient to any successful project begins in the preparation. Prior to starting any project, make plans to picture goals and requirements to your finished project. Attempt to generate a drawing or pattern of your finished vision. When you draw out your vision, your job will begin to make better sense with each and every idea you create.
Take action to add colours, texture and feel. Have a look at favorite home improvement magazine to stimulate your thoughts. Never hesitate to ask for help and opinions. Another popular starting point for men and women that are truly in a lost would be to simply copy popular designs, hints and ideas based from home improvement magazines.
Measure three - Research the Workings of Your Job
Lots of men and women aren't equipped with the essential skills and knowledge of a professional renovator. Have a visit to your local home improvement store to get a fast consultation from the more experienced owners and staff.
Also, your home improvement store will typically be stocked with a range of easy-to-follow instructional leaflets and videos catered to different DIY tasks; that can be bought at a fairly inexpensive price.
Step four - Catalog your stuff
Buy, remain on budget and catalogue your materials. As a guideline, always buy materials that can't be found anywhere else except the local DIY shop or home depot, FIRST, before you look at salvage yards, thrift shops or yard sales.
Based on the prestige of your job, certain States require you to submit a license for your home remodeling, plumbing and electrical.
There you have it!
Developing a solid plan helps to ensure your time spent is not gone to waste and in addition, it allows individual job to happen in a fairly orderly manner. The best part is, you have the feel and satisfaction of knowing that you did it all on your own!
Start your Home Improvement DIY project now! By visiting SWEET FAERY CHERRY
Home Improvement - DIY
Every home could use a few improvements and updates. At times the cost appears overwhelming. Important renovations cost significant money, but it does not mean you can't begin with minor repairs. You can begin on a few small inexpensive improvements and immediately create a difference in your dwelling.
Try to find as many areas around your house that only require little efforts and smallish amounts of money. The more you can do yourself the more you are able to save for larger more expensive projects. Start in the start by detecting the first thing you see as you arrive home daily. A quick glance will tell you if your lawn has to be enhanced by fertilizing or perhaps you will need to take into account a few nice landscape jobs. You may make an area for flowers by shutting in almost any size area you wish with railroad ties or landscape timbers. An area like this may be used for smaller shrubs or flowers. It isn't essential to plant all of the flowers into the soil, you may simply set them throughout the region in their first pot or transplanted to a larger decorative pot.
The exterior of your house may simply have to be pressure washed and upgraded with new shutters. Consider changing the colour, there are a number of styles and colors to pick from. Front door could probably use a coat of sanding or paint to improve the wood. Have a walk around your house and look for similar kinds of refreshments and enhancements. If you see places that seem just a little blah, consider putting a trellis beside your house in this area and planting a vining flower that will brighten up this area.
There are numerous magazines that will help give you creative ideas on making a number of these choices. I enjoy driving around and checking out other houses that have an exterior I can get ideas from. You haven't spent plenty of money yet so let's go indoors.
If your home comprises hardwood flooring it could just need a good cleaning and waxing. Sometimes you might need to think about sanding and applying a fresh coat of stain. An area like this is plenty of physical work so that you might need to take into account a lesser maintenance floor as one of your bigger future projects.
Painting is always a plus, but if you've never tried it, now's a fantastic time. Pick two coordinating colors for the identical room and alternative wall color to make a wonderful enhancement. You may also choose one of those colors to set the trim off. Kitchen cabinets can be given a fresh new look with out needing to be replaced. You can refinish the wood by sanding and staining or you will prefer a change of colour and opt to apply a wonderful coat of paint to get a brighter more cheerful appearance. Hardware is easily removed and can be inexpensively replaced with a range of styles to select from.
Let's not forget that as much as anything you can do in the region of home improvement an excellent cleaning and organizing is quite important to the final result of your project. All your desires for your home should start and end with organization and cleanliness.
As you can see there are a number of ways to begin bringing fresh life to your home without spending a bunch of money. When you've done all you can do to improve your house without needing to hire expensive builders you can choose how to approach any future improvements by prioritizing need and worth.
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evanvanness · 4 years
Annotated edition for the June 14, 2020, Week in Ethereum News
It was a bit of a slow week on the Ethereum front.  Last week’s glut of layer2 was a bit lighter this week.
The Eth2 multi-client testnet was quite stable and they’re going to be spinning up a new one (mildly different spec, so new testnet).  Prysmatic has their own testnet and they launched a new one
If you’re a dev, then you probably already know about how ethers v5 is out, though the blog post is still forthcoming.
$COMP mining is happening now.  See below.
Finally, Bank Frick is offering customers the option to use USDC instead of SWIFT for cheaper and faster transfers.  A glimpse of the future.
Also, this newsletter now has a jobs section!  The ads certainly aren’t cheap, but it beats paying $20,000 to a headhunter. I’ve had the idea for a long time, but generally thought I’d have a recruiting side business.  But ultimately job listings feels more natural for me than being a recruiter.  
Here’s the most clicked for the week:
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Hasu tweeted to his audience of mostly bitcoiners, “Elastic blocksize caps and congestion control systems could become an important building block in securing Bitcoin post block subsidy.”  That’s an interesting argument, but can anyone even imagine it happening though?  Can’t see Blockstream ever agreeing to it, so at best a bitcoin fork could put it in. 
Every week I mention a few higher level articles for Eth holders:
Analysis of EIP1559 (fee market change) from Hasu and Georgios Konstantopoulos
A framework to compare and evaluate layer2 solutions
These aren’t that high level this week, but there’s only 2 of them, so you can sacrifice quantity for quality.  
In the long run, for "crypto” to be successful at any meaningful societal level, most things will happen at layer2, so you might want to have an idea about the tradeoffs in layer2 system.  Matter Labs helpfully provided a framework and comparison chart.
As for 1559, it’s a big change and requires a lot of thought and testing - might get included in the hard fork at the end of the year, but it might not.  
Analysis of EIP1559 (fee market change) from Hasu and Georgios Konstantopoulos
Latest core devs call. Notes from Tim Beiko: STATICCALL likely to be repriced to 40 gas, account abstraction prototype, option 2 for EIP2565, discussion of eth2 deposit proxy contract, YOLO ephemeral testnet issues
Geth v1.9.15 includes implementations of Berlin fork EIPs
Not much to say here that wasn’t already said
Latest what’s new in Eth2, Witti multi-client testnet quite stable, next testnet in a week called Altona
Latest Eth2 call. Notes from Ben, discussion of validator key hygiene
Prysmatic successfully launched their Onyx testnet. An updated guide to staking on Onyx
Lighthouse client update – getting to the final spec, discv5 rewrite for CPU optimization, tiny RAM use
Updating and generating Kate witnesses in amortized sqrt(n) time
An explainer for phase zero of eth2
IvanOnTech’s eth2 explainer
Protecting withdrawal keys
Most of this has no further elaboration necessary, but I love how this section slips in “updating and generating Kate witnesses in amortized sqrt(n) time” right next to high level eth2 explainers.  Basically, that’s a mathy way fo explain Verkle Trees, which might replace Merkle trees if they can solve a bunch more problems.
A framework to compare and evaluate layer2 solutions
Formally verifying state channels with TLA+
Volition: hybrid onchain/offchain data decision by users at the transaction level from StarkWare
Arguably the state channels verification post was more appropriate in the stuff for devs section.
Probably the best summary of the Volition post is their own graphic.
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Volition is an interesting attempt to change the “offchain vs onchain data” paradigm.  Basically, they’ll let users decide for each transaction whether they want to put the data onchain. 
This newsletter is made possible by Trail of Bits!
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Contract upgrades are not as safe as you think. Trail of Bits has catalogued 17 different ways that upgrades can go wrong, and built tools that help validate upgrades before you run them. Use Crytic to keep your contracts safe from these flaws.
Stuff for developers
ethers v5 is on npm, though RicMoo is still updating documentation
web3js v1.2.9 – better transaction submission tracking
Brownie and React starter tutorial
Querying your eth2 validator balance with Infura
Async event-driven app architecture with EthVigil
17 checks to make upgradeable contracts safer with Crytic
Diamond Setter manager for your Diamond Standard upradeable contracts
If you’re starting a new project, use ethers.   
Other than that, stuff mostly speaks for itself I think.
Transaction pool analyzer tool
Deanonymization using transaction time and gas price analysis. Use good privacy hygiene and this isn’t a problem
3 transactions with massive transaction fees (1, 2, 3). First 2 paid over 10k ETH each for a transaction fee. Lots of speculation about who screwed up and how.
Trueblocks: how accurate is Etherscan?
Zengo’s tx pool analyzer is very neat.
I don’t want to get into the speculation about what’s going on with those crazy transaction fees.  Looks like some kind of bug to me; what’s odd is that they haven’t caught it.  
Ethermine decided that after 4 days without having heard from them, that they were going to distribute it to their miners.  It’s always been a nice part of Ethereum that pool operators have generally returned these mistake fees, so Ethermine got a bit of flak.  But as a mining pool operator, you don’t want to be in the position of custodying large amounts of money for indeterminate time periods.  
Now that a pool operator has distributed a large fee, you have to wonder whether that puts them in a competitive position versus other mining pools.  
Immediately after publishing, I saw that security firm PeckShield claims to have identified the victim:
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Baseline protocol explained
Baselining business process across Microsoft Dynamics and Google Sheets video 
DAOs and Standards
TheLAO is extending Moloch v2 with Raid Guild’s Minion (programmatic proxy) framework for non-accredited investor baby DAOs
DAOs: governance as a service
EIP2711: Separate gas payer from msg.sender
EIP2718: Typed Transaction Envelope
It’s been interesting to see a lot of groups pick the Moloch codebase up and adapt it.  If I understand it correctly, Minion is a proxy that will let the DAO vote and adopt any bit of code.  Very neat, and will make the Moloch family of DAOs even more powerful.  
Application layer
Unstoppable Domains launches blogs on the dweb using 3Box and IPFS. Etherscan launches BlockScan, a dweb search engine
Use Balancer pools as swing trading
a Foundation Markets technical primer, automated market makers for artists
Austrian post office returns with CryptoStamps v2
LexDAO’s personal token factory with dispute resolution via their DAO vote
Opyn now has call options
TokenSets upgraded with better rebalancing for less slippage (ahem: higher returns!)
PodsFinance: Money legos with options, lock aUSDC as collateral when selling American put options. Live on testnet
Between the publication of Week in Eth News and this annotated edition, COMP started distributing its token.
In a word: 🚀
Lots of people are now mining for COMP, because the market cap exploded up to a billion (it’s come down a bit at time of screenshot)
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So people are putting their assets into Compound to get the (now quite valuable) COMP token.   This screenshot from DeFiPulse shows the ETH locked has migrated to Compound
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You can check how much you’d get of the $COMP token through various actions.   If you start mining, be careful with your leverage!
On retrospect, I could have written much of this about Balancer last week, though it was a bit different because the Balancer token does not yet exist. $COMP exists and is on Uniswap (and presumably Balancer soon as well, though Balancer uses Coingecko data for their token distribution, which is why I suppose no one has added it at the moment)
Bank Frick lets customers replace SWIFT with USDC for faster processing
ConsenSys starts KYC/AML compliance service
Ontario Securities Commission report on Quadriga: Gerald Cotten lost 143m trading
Tim Swanson: 40 crypto controversies to look into
Dove Mountain Data – crypto venture investor directory and their deals
Opolis live – HR/benefits solution for the US
The oddest thing about the ConsenSys compliance service is the paranoid conspiracies.  It’s worth remembering that half the people got into “crypto” because, like a Rorschach test, many Bitcoiners can see conspiracy in anything.
These compliance services are a fact of life.  You may not like them, but with ConsenSys increasingly an enterprise-focused company, it makes sense that they have their own compliance offering, especially since they had Alethio already built.
Speaking of regulatory bodies, the Ontario Securities Commission found that Gerald Cotten lost AT LEAST 143m, the vast majority of which was lost on his own exchange. How bad at trading do you have to be to see all the data of what people are doing on your exchange AND STILL LOSE MONEY?
Crypto data breaches so far in 2020
Crosstalk: Cross side channel attack on Intel CPUs; can exploit SGX
SGAxe: Cacheout attack targeting SGX
Lamphone: measure light bulb variations from up to 80 ft away to record audio conversations
Gavin Andresen: Ethereum can scale Bitcoin
Checkout the job listings below!
I saw a tweet a few weeks ago about how SGX exists so that security researchers can write papers about how they broke the “secure enclave.”  
That Lamphone attack is something else though.  I remain skeptical that this is something that can ever really be used, sounds a bit more like Van Eck phreaking than it does an attack likely to be pulled off in the wild.
Job Listings
Reflexer Labs (RAI): smart contract dev lead, fullstack JS dev, python/devops lead
Aave: Solidity Rockstar? let’s build the future of DeFi together [email protected]
Nomic Labs (Buidler): join our dev experience & tooling engineering team!
Chainlink: Lead Test Engineer and Senior Software Security Engineer
0x is hiring full-stack, back-end, front-end engineers + 1 data scientist
OpenZeppelin is hiring! To apply, visit: https://openzeppelin.com/jobs
Celer Network: Android developer
Trail of Bits is looking for masters of low-level security. Apply here.
Want your job listing here? $250 per line (~75 character limit including spaces), payable in ETH/DAI/USDC to evan.ethereum.eth. Questions? thecryptonewspodcast -at-gmail
Follow me on Twitter @evan_van_ness to get the annotated edition of this newsletter on Monday or Tuesday. Plus I tweet most of what makes it into the newsletter.
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Permalink: https://weekinethereumnews.com/week-in-ethereum-news-june-14-2020/
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):
June 15 – Gitcoin CLR matching grants begins
June 16 – deadline to apply for Gitcoin’s Kernel incubator
June 17 – Stateless Ethereum call
June 29 – Swarm first public event
Aug 2 – ENS grace period begins to end
Oct 2-Oct 30 – EthOnline hackathon
0 notes
magzoso-tech · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/netgears-meural-canvas-ii-is-a-better-version-of-the-best-home-gadget-for-photographers/
Netgear’s Meural Canvas II is a better version of the best home gadget for photographers
Netgear has released the first updated Canvas digital art from from Meural since acquiring the company last September, and the next-generation connected frame comes with some decent quality-of-life improvements as well as a new, additional size. It’s not a dramatic change from the original Meural Canvas, but it means that a product that was already great is now even better.
The Meural Canvas II from Netgear comes in two sizes, including a smaller 16×24 frame that provides a 21.5-inch diagonal picture (starting at $399.95), and a 19×29-inch frame with a 27-inch diagonal display (starting at $599.95). Both screens are 1080P full HD resolution, and both feature ambient light sensors (which are relocated to a better location under the mat that surrounds the screen for improved light detection) that will automatically adjust the brightness of your image to make it appear more natural and less like a screen.
The Canvas II features built-in Wi-Fi, which is also upgraded with this generation (Netgear, which makes routers and other Wi-Fi products, seem to have brought their expertise to bear here) and they offer new Ethernet connectivity, as well as full-size SD ports. They can also hang either vertically or horizontally, and a new accessory mount for this generation (sold separately) allows for even easier switching between the two orientations via simple rotation.
For the virtual art collector
Meural is controlled primarily from the Meural companion app, though you can also access a web interface to accomplish much of the same thing from a desktop browser. The app features curated collections of artwork, which is available both via a paid monthly subscription, and via direct, one-time purchases. One of the changes that the Meural service has undergone is that the subscription membership now gets you some, but not all of the art available – some premium content is still and additional charge on top of that. It’s definitely not as good from the user’s perspective as when everything was free once you’d paid the subscription fee, but paying monthly still nets you 20GB of cloud storage for uploading your own art, discounts on the stuff that is available for purchase, and access to a much larger library than you get without any membership.
Subscriptions go for either $8.95 per month, or $69.95 per year, and they’re probably plenty to satisfy most casual art lovers who just want some recognizable or interesting works to adorn their walls, and want to be able to change that on a fairly regular basis. And when you use the art provided through Meural’s various collections, you can take a look at credits and descriptions right on the display – available quickly via a motion control swipe up gesture made possibly by the sensors built into the frame.
A note on those motion controls – they allow you to navigate between artwork, and even change playlists and access a menu of other options related to the frame. Basically you wave your hand near the bottom of the Meural to make this work, and it’s great when it does work, but it definitely takes some learning to figure out how and where to swipe to make it reliably respond. It’s convenient that it’s an option, but controlling the display with the iOS or Android app is a lot more pleasant generally speaking.
The built-in library that Meural provides is definitely a selling point, and Meural is regularly adding new art collections, both for paid purchases and to build out the library of those works available included in the subscription. It just added a bunch through a new partnership with Marvel, in fact, including movie posters from a long list of their cinematic universe releases.
For the amateur/enthusiast/pro photographer
The primary reason I think the Meural Canvas II is a fantastic product has very little to do with its subscription-based art collection, however. Instead, it’s all about the flexibility and convenience that the Canvas provides when it comes to displaying your own photos. It’s incredibly easy to upload your photos from your mobile device or your desktop, and you can organize them in playlists, add descriptions and titles, and crop them manually or have the frame crop them automatically to display in its 16×9 aspect ratio.
As a display for your own photos, the Meural Canvas II is hard to beat: It’s a lot more flexible and cost effective than getting high quality prints made, since you can rotate them out as often as you feel like, and the display’s color rendering and matte finish, while obviously not as good as a professional photo print, is nonetheless very pleasing to the eye. When you take as many photos as we collectively do now, but seldom have anywhere to show them off, the Canvas provides the perfect opportunity to ensure they have a great place to shine at home.
The included SD card reader means it’s easy to load up images and put them on the Canvas locally, but I also found that uploading from whatever WiFi-connected device I had access to around the house was easy and fast (again, seems like Netgear’s core expertise came into play here). The ability to quickly change the orientation, which is fast and simple even without the rotation mount accessory, is another big plus for your own photos since it means you can show off both portraits and landscapes.
Oh, and the ability to load your own artwork isn’t limited to just your photography, of course – any image in a standard format, including animated GIFs, can work on the Meural, which means it’s really only limited by the scope of what’s available on the internet.
Bottom line
Between the frame options, which you can swap out for different color options eventually when they’re sold separately, and the ability to upload your own content to the Canvas, it’s easily the most customizable piece of home decor you can find right now. For some, opting to move up to something like Samsung’s The Frame TV might be a better option, but that’s much larger, much more expensive, much heavier for mounting and not as flexible when it comes to playlists and your own curation of art to display.
The Meural Canvas II provides largely the same visual experience as the generation it replaces, but the other improvements make this a much better product overall, with faster, more reliable WiFi connectivity, improved motion controls, more flexible on-device storage and new mounting options. If you like some variety in your wall art, or you’ve just been trying to figure out to do something interesting with all those pictures you take, the Meural Canvas II is a great option.
0 notes
heretic-altias · 7 years
Things sso needs to update that nobody thinks about
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robertsbig60 · 5 years
So, You Need to Sell Your Dallas House Fast, and You Need to Get Too Dollar?
Now you Ask... What do I need to do to sell my house in Dallas”?
On this post, we will give you some tips on how to get your home ready to sell if you’re looking for top dollar i this market.
*NOTE: These instructions are designed only if you’re needing to get full retail value from your house sale. But, if you don’t need to do these things below... and yo don’t have the time or money to do these things below... you may still sell your Dallas house fast for a fair market price in a win-win sale that’ll save you  money and time.
Get Your House Clean, clean, clean. Even a vacant house gets dusty and dirty, so keep cleaning! Nothing short of a gleaming perfection will impress buyers. If you’re not a total clean freak, find somebody to hire who is, to help you out until you sell.
In case that you are a sloppy person, you should consider moving somewhere else to live while you show your house. Maybe a bribe to your cleaner friend to trade houses with yo? Seriously thigh, it really helps to keep things immaculate so that the buyers feel a bit more comfortable in your space.Nothing stops people from buying faster than being totally grossed out.
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Cultivate a neutral style that is cohesive. You don’t have to paint everything white or off-white. In fact some neutral colors can really help change space perception in rooms if done correctly -  for example, a soft yellow will help brighten up a dark kitchen, while a deep dark blue or green will help a bright bedroom to feel like a calm place to sleep (but be careful, dark colors will also make rooms feel small). You want to get ea high paint quality for money spent and some professional help. Subconsciously people will pay more for a property with just the right colors and very neat lines - it makes the home feel better built, even though it’s just paint. 
Optical illusion are real, and psychologist study this stuff. 
Don’t believe me? 
Look it up. And don’t neglect the outside and just do the inside, or anything else that;s unbalanced.
You Will Need to Replace or Fix Anything Broken. Yes, it just may feel like a waste of money to spend an extra couple hundred dollars on a dishwasher that someone else just might pull out and replace again. Sounds silly to do, but really, many a buyer will have the home inspected and use that opportunity to negotiate with you. As the seller, you will most often end up paying more if you try to hide neglected maintenance from the purchaser - and of course yo don’t want to be guilty of fraud.  Make sure you stay in compliance with all the State and Local Laws. It is a good use of your money to hire a home inspector to come through the house before you put the property on the market. You can ask in advance, and the inspector may charge yo a small flat fee to come back after you’ve done a bunch of minor repairs and give your property a clean bill of health. Prospective buyers absolutely appreciate seeing an independent inspector report on the condition of the house - it will make them feel very comfortable with their potential purchase.
Only make the necessary improvements. One of the biggest mistakes homeowners / sellers make when preparing their house for sale is over-improving. Often times spending too much money on customized frills that can’t be recovered in the sale. Paint is about the only safe investment - it’s easy to overspend on almost everything else, and it’s easy to get ripped off by unscrupulous contractors. Also, it’s very important to know what improvements will produce a return on investment to avoid wasting money. Get multiple opinions fro professionals. You should definitely find at least a few good real estate brokers who will help you price your property correctly but be honest with them. You will only be cheating yourself out of good opinions. If you’re going to market the property on your own, don’t make enemies by lying to brokers about your intentions. Great brokers are rare, but they make more money for their clients than they earn. You need to have a great marketing plan. Here again, a great broker earns their value by doing this work and then spending the advertising cost across multiple clients. A brokers work is pretty expensive not to mention time-consuming to start from scratch to help you. But hey,if you are a marketing pro you’re ahead of the game. If you’re not a pro marketer,spend your tie listening to what some of the brokers do to sell houses in Dallas - just to educate yourself on the options.
A Local Buyer Will Give You A Cash Offer. Look for those We Buy Houses all over the Dallas-Fort Worth area people and we do all the work so you don’t have to do this stuff above.
So You Don’t Want to Have to do The Things Above Yourself? But still you want to sell your Dallas, Texas House Fast?
Doing the repairs, cleaning the property up, upgrading the property, marketing the property... those all take money and can take lots of time from your day. As well, it can take up to 9 months to sell your house in any market.
If you don’t have the funds or time to do these things... And can’t wait months to sell your house.. then you need to contact Robert Buys Houses DFW as we did. 
Talk about a quick house sale! After we made contact with this company, they came out and spent time with us and explained everything. e are happy to refer this company here. So call (214) 723-1304 and get to know these people. Yo can also go to their website at https://www.robertbuyshousesdfw.com and fill out the information form on any page.
They called us back the very next day and came out to visit with us the day after that.
So if you haven’t done so yet. Make the call, you will be happy that you did. They even paid for our closing cost which we saved money on their.
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