#I should be nice and refuse the money from mom and be like ‘oh u don’t have to do that it’s fine’
psychoticwillgraham · 5 months
after a rlly bad fight this morning, mom and dad have both agreed to actually pay me for once for doing mom’s whole route for her (which I should’ve been being paid by mom this entire time once I started doing it most of the time) but I don’t expect much. I bet she’s gonna give me like $20 and be like ‘that’s more than enough and that’s all you’re getting period’ and dad, despite him being absolutely loaded with money, will probably only give me $20 too. tbh they BOTH owe me like $100+ a piece. him for babysitting his dog for 8 months and mom for doing her job for her.
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
Uhh may I make a request for Ouran High School Host club? Just a headcanon for how the host would react to meeting someone how is a big time animal lover. (Like they pretty much live there life like the Irwin family)
A/N: I was thinking about how I’d write this and my brain just went ‘they lost their shit at the sight of instant coffee’, so uhh I hope this is to your liking. I tried to get as much animal variety as I could even though I didn’t really touch on marine animals that much)
Warnings: Like 2 swear words (pinky promise), slight drug mention(literally so small you might not even notice it), spoilers (minor) for Tamaki’s mom
Word Count: 1292
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So this is under the assumption that like the Irwin family, Reader (or their family) has access to a wide variety of animals (from domestic to wild)
All of them respect the passion you have for animals
While they all might have various feelings on animals (see below), they can’t deny that you truly do love animals
Your family’s sanctuary focuses on healing injured animals and rehabilitating them so they can go back into the wild
Of course, your family has many sanctuaries around the world and some focus more on conservation while others focus on research
The one closest to the school focuses mainly on conservation and as such, is massive and functions like a zoo ( in terms of having people come in and see the animals)
Anyways, the host club is very supportive and often helps you with organizing donation events
Oftentimes, your family will collaborate with them and allow them to rent out parts of the conservation center for events
Aside from the conservation center though, your family owns a few ranches and farms (not for commercial profit, although yall have sold a few animals)
The farms and ranches are relatively small scale but they make great venues for the host club and a great place for getaways/vacations
Your main house is where you keep most of your favorite animals
You have an aviary attached to your room (connected through a hallway that connects to your room) as well as a butterfly garden in the backyard
You also have an aquarium tank, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 snake, and a hamster that visits on weekends
You had to be stopped at some point
Tamaki loves animals
He was never really around animals growing up because of how sensitive his mom’s immune system is
So when he sees that you’re an animal person, he’s super excited
Like this man is already planning playdates between Antoinette and your pets/animals
You love his enthusiasm, just one small problem
It’s a little too much enthusiasm
Yes the animals are well trained, but how would you react if a 6′0 giant with long arms came barreling towards you screaming showing its teeth?
So yeah, Tamaki tends to set the animals off/ make them nervous
Because of that he’s only allowed around certain animals (ex. certain monkeys, certain birds, etc.)
He’s happy that he’s allowed around some animals but he still pouts every time there’s an animal he can’t be around
This man
Kyoya does not fuck with animals. Like at all
The first time the host club went to your house, you were holding a hamster and Kyoya moved back about 10 feet
When you asked him what was wrong, he just said “Rats are carriers of many of the most deadly diseases”
You told him that you were holding a hamster and that while hamsters were rodents, the worst he’d get sick with would be salmonella
He doesn’t believe you, but yeah sure whatever
For Kyoya it just gets worse after that
The first time he sees you holding a tarantula, he loses his shit
“Look how cute it is Kyoya!”
“Get that vermin away from me!”
I could go on and on about how much Kyoya doesn’t like animals (even domestic ones like cats and dogs)
He hates going to your house, but he often has to go there in order to set up events for the host club, what a nightmare
While he doesn’t care for animals, the business side of his brain can’t help but think of a marketing opportunity
Is one of two hosts that are going to be chill about it
He doesn’t feel one way or the other about animals and thinks it’s cool that you’re interested in them
Only thing is; if Honey’s afraid of your animals, he will have to ask you to leave he won’t hesitate to step in “harm’s” way
Surprisingly though, that actually makes him the chillest with your animals
Much to your surprise (and Tamaki’s sorrow), the animals love him
He just has this calming vibe that sets the animals at ease
It also helps that he smells nice and is super tall
For most of them it’s like sitting on a giant tree
He’s not really complaining though, it makes his job of protecting Honey that much easier
Oh boy
He might actually be the worst with animals
It’s not even an issue of being unable to defend against aggressive animals (Honey could probably solo a grizzly bear)
It’s just he has a very strict “cute” animal policy that changes wildly depending on his mood, the temperature, the angle of the wind, the humidity, etc.
He’s very bougie when it comes to what animals he will tolerate and what animals he will refuse to see
The general safe choices are rabbits (especially bunnies), kittens, cows, tits (the bird species), and baby animals of almost every domestic mammal species)
Him and the hamster you see on weekends are best friends
Also, you have had issues with him trying to feed the animals sweets
Explaining to Honey why rabbits can’t have carrot cake was not an easy conversation, nor was it one you thought you’d need to have
Because of how specific he is about what animals he finds cute, you likened him to a crocodile (because of how sensitive they are to temp. changes in egg)
Needless to say...he was not pleased
So him and Kaoru don’t really care for animals but they try to relate to you in somewhat similar but different ways
Hikaru is always trying to get you to do/recreate stunts with the animals
“Hey Y/N, we should-”
“No Hikaru”
“You don’t even know what I was gonna say”
“No you cannot use the dolphins for hoop tricks, no you cannot teach the gorillas how to roll blunts, no you cannot “bribe” the koalas with eucalyptus...”
Yeah he’s a menace
It’s mostly all in good fun though
Hikaru doesn’t really care for animals but he does find it hilarious that the animals like him more than Tamaki
Also, completely random but Hikaru definitely send you those “horse-sized duck vs duck sized horses” memes
Kaoru also tries to use animals on the internet to relate to you, but he’s a lot tamer than Kaoru
Kaoru is kind of like the parent who learns one thing you like and is like “that’s your entire personality right?”
Poor bby is trying his best
Anyways, whereas Hikaru tries to recreate memes, Kaoru sends you them
They range in quality and format; from top text, bottom text to “is this a ____”
At least once a day, Kaoru will send you a meme or picture of an animal with a caption that says ‘this reminded me of u :)’
It’s so endearing that you can’t even be mad about it
Is the only other one who’s kind of cool about the whole thing
She’s really only been around animals in the park or the occasional pet store
Growing up, she didn’t really have the time (or money) to go to the zoo, that and the fact that Ranka doesn’t care at all for animals (she thinks they’re weird and gross)
When Tamaki hears this, he works himself up into a frenzy, torn that his “daughter” has never been to a zoo (even tho he hasn’t either)
But she likes the fact that you’re so passionate about animals
At heart, she’s a scholar, so she loves learning new things she didn’t know before, she could spend all day just listening to you talk about animals
Not to mention the fact that you’re basically giving her a free informational tour  every time you see an animal
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Ten Years - JJ Maybank
Request: could u write something abt y/n and jj who have been together since they were like 12 and just make it super fluffy🥰
A/N: so there wasn’t really like, a full plot request so I just kinda went with this...hope you like it!
Outer Banks Masterlist
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
JJ stood in the entrance to the dressing room, phone in hand as he texted back and forth with Pope and swiped through different online stores. He was shirtless, wearing a pair of actual trousers, a far cry from the cheap ones he used to wear when he bused tables at the island club. He was supposed to be trying on different suits but it’d taken you an hour just to get him into these pants, you couldn’t imagine how the rest of the shopping trip was going to go. 
“Matching sweatshirts?” JJ asked, holding his phone out to show you a picture of dorky matching sweatshirts that said ‘player 1’ and ‘player 2’ respectively.  
You fought the urge to roll your eyes as you rubbed a hand against your forehead and took a deep breath. You should have known that trying to shop would go south with JJ. “I love you so much but there is no way in hell I’m wearing matching sweatshirts with you.” 
“I can’t believe you’re not gonna wear matching sweatshirts with me.” JJ whined, pulling his phone away to send the picture to Pope. “I’m gonna get a new girlfriend who will.”   
“Ask Pope.”
“I am.” He replied, continuing to text.  
“Not right now JJ! You’re supposed to be getting a suit anyway, not standing around on your phone shopping for cheesy sweatshirts.” You sighed, finally standing up from the ottoman that was available for seating outside the dressing room. You tried to grab his phone from him but he slid away, socked feet gliding on the laminated floor. He backed further into the dressing area, toward the stall you’d ushered him into earlier.  
“What if you didn’t have to wear it out?” He asked, holding his phone out of reach when you tried to grab it again. As much as you enjoyed the sight of JJ in nothing but a pair of nice pants, and you did enjoy the sight quite a lot, he was starting to get on your last nerve. Especially when he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you against him, still holding the phone away with his other hand.  
“So what I’m just gonna walk around our house wearing a sweatshirt?” You asked. The little blue ranch house that you and JJ were renting on the cut was set back a little from the road but it wasn’t entirely void of neighbors. Not to mention the amount of times any of the pogues dropped in without warning. When you looked up at him you realized his eyes had glazed over, pupils dilated as he stared, completely unashamed, right down the front of your tank top. “JJ!”
“What...you in only a sweatshirt? Let’s skip all this and go straight to the honeymoon.” He suggested, grinning as he leaned in to kiss you.  
You let him, though you finally gave in to the eyeroll as he pulled away from you. It was like trying to corral a child into doing something. “Not exactly doing the big tent wedding here J. Now pick a suit.” 
“But if you don’t have to go out?” He whined, mind still on his stupid sweatshirt idea. You’d never matched clothes before and you’d heard him on more than one occasion mock couples who did, so why he was suddenly interested in the cheesy tradition was beyond you.  
“Oh my god, buy the sweatshirt, please.” You groaned, stepping completely away and heading back out of the dressing room, “but finish trying on suits first!”  
“Love you!” 
Your mom wanted a big wedding with all the people she was friends with invited as well as family members none of you had even seen in your lifetime but you had refused. It felt silly to do the big white wedding, silly and costly and not like you and JJ at all. The money saved for it had been spent on converting a VW bus that was a nicer version of the Twinkie, that he had parked out front of the house you’d been renting together since you turned nineteen.  
Still, even without the wedding, you wanted a semi-nice dress and him in a suit when the two of you went to City Hall at the end of the week to get married.  
Married. You were waiting for the word to make you feel different but so far it just felt normal. Like it was just supposed to happen.  
“Why are your eyes covered?” You laughed, walking into the living room to see JJ standing there in his suit with his hands covering his eyes. He’d obviously just been smoking before you came in because his juul was still in his hand too, trapped between his fingers.  
“I don’t wanna see you before the wedding!” He exclaimed.  
“You’re driving,” You laughed, grabbing at his hands. When you pulled them away he had his eyes shut. “JJ, open your eyes.” 
He opened one eye and then the other, slowing smiling as he took in the sight of you in the simple white dress, you’d picked out with Sarah a few weeks ago. It’d been sitting wrapped up in the closet so he couldn’t see it without you in it. “You look really beautiful.” He finally said, kissing you. “You’d look even more beautiful in matching sweatshirts.” JJ teased.  
“Oh my god JJ. I’m not wearing matching sweatshirts to get married.” You replied, taking the juul from him so you could put it away.  
“Then I guess the dress works.”
“Wow thanks.” You laughed.
Before you could walk away from him JJ grabbed your arm, drawing your attention back to him. “Hey, before we go-“
“We have like thirty minutes to get there.” You said, cutting him off. There was no way the two of you were going to make it in time.  
“It’ll be quick, promise.”
“I know we’re not doing vows but I didn’t exactly get any points for a romantic proposal either...considering. So I just wanted to say something before we leave, without everyone else around.”   
JJ’s ‘proposal’ had come about on a Tuesday morning. It wasn’t romantic, there wasn’t even a ring picked out yet. Instead JJ had been sitting on the other side of the island, trying to steal pieces of bacon off of Pope’s plate while he was in the bathroom, when you told him that your mom was giving you a hard time about the two of you living together.  
Your mom’s favorite words were ‘just a phase’ when she talked about you and JJ. It was just a phase that you were going through that had you attracted to someone she viewed as a ‘bad boy’ in every cliched sense of the term. Though you highly doubted at 22 that it was a phase. Especially when you’d spent the last ten years basically dating. Since the 6th grade winter formal when JJ asked you to dance with him.  
“She said ‘once you get out from under that roof you’ll see’ and I told her that I’m never moving. We’re gonna like get married and get a cat and have windchimes like Lana.” You had said, smacking JJ’s hand, “stop eating Pope’s food.”
“He abandoned it.” JJ pointed out.
“He’s in the bathroom, stop it.” You said, waving the spatula at him. “Anyway...she just...” you groaned, “I can’t stand when she does that like. We’re not in highschool anymore. Why can’t she drop the whole ‘this is temporary’ thing like...do you see these four walls? Not temporary.”
“Marry me?”
“What?” You froze, spatula in hand, staring at him in surprise.  
“Marry me.” He shrugged. “You said it yourself, this isn’t temporary. So, marry me.”
The wedding day, though it wasn’t really a wedding, had come quicker than the two of you had expected and now, if you weren’t out the door in five minutes, you knew that you’d be late. JJ was an erratic driver but nothing would get you to the other side of the island on time.  
“You’re gonna make me cry before we even get to the courthouse?” You asked, already feeling yourself get teared up. “That’s mean JJ.”
“I just want you to know,” He started to say, trying not to laugh when he realized you were starting to cry, “hey, come on...I didn’t even say anything yet.”
“I know, I know I just-” you looked up at the ceiling and blinked a few times, “oh god this mascara isn’t waterproof.”
“We’ll survive if your makeup doesn’t stay intact.” He promised.  
“JJ!” You laughed. “Okay fine, go, I won’t cry. I just...won’t look at you.”  
“You’re ridiculous.” 
“Just say the thing.” You insisted, waving your hand for him to go ahead.  
“When I asked you to marry me it was spur of the moment but it wasn’t just something I said because I thought it’d be fun or cute or whatever. We’ve been through...hell...together and I know how hard it's been and there isn’t any guarantee that it won’t be hard-”
“That sounds awesome,” you laughed but JJ could already hear the slight crack in your voice.  
“-shut up. You never let me finish anything.”  
“I do too!”
“You literally just interrupted me trying to be nice and tell you something romantic.”
“I’m sorry...go ahead.”
“No, the moment’s ruined.” JJ shrugged, grabbing his backpack off the table so that the two of you could leave.
You grabbed JJ’s hand, trying to pull him back toward the middle of the living room and away from the door, “no finish, tell me!”
“Fine, fine. You’re such a brat.” He laughed, “I was gonna say-”
The door opened and you groaned as Pope stuck his head in, “yo...guys, lets go.”  
“Hold on!” You whined and JJ wrapped his arms around you, holding you close and kissing your forehead.
“I’ll tell you later, while we’re in our matching sweatshirts.”
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj  @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @mysticsthinking @heavenlymama  @rudy-pankow-needs-an-oscar @babymatilda @raekenliar @jolomez @timotaychalabae  @summerkaulitz 
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
so sorry im late asking this (i was waiting for you to get more, super surprised you didn’t get more asks tbh) but could I hear more about your wips “I have a crush on Barbara Holland” “baby fic” and “HOH Steve” also if it’s not too much “girlyfriends” and “cali house” and “medical emergency” ik ik that’s a lot but I’d honestly want hear about ALL of you wips in that list if i could. thank u in advance
It’s alright anon! I’ll accept these asks until I run out of WIPs to talk about!
I have a crush on Barbara Holland- This one is a soulmates au, where Steve has his soulmates initials, B.H., on his wrist, and he is whole heartedly convinced that that person is Barb. He’s very much in love with her, and there’s lots of talk about how pretty and nice she is (hence the title lol) but eventually she reveals that he isn’t her soulmate. Before she had hid the initials on her own wrist under a watch or a chunky bracelet, but she feels guilty, and shows Steve that her mark had long ago faded, because her soulmate passed away when they were in elementary school. Steve decides, despite how much value he used to hold in the whole soulmate thing, he doesn’t care about who some stupid mark says he should be with, so him and Barb date until her death. He’s heart broken, but the sadness very quickly turns into so much anger after Billy Hargrove, another B.H. rolls into town with a little S.H. on his wrist. He feels like the universe or whoever is even in charge of this soulmate bullshit is spiting him for thinking he could fall in love with someone he wasn’t destined to be with, so he rejects Billy for a long, long time, even after he himself figured it out that Steve is his match. When he does start to feel that way about Billy, he struggles with so much guilt and has to go through a very long grieving process to be comfortable with his feelings, because he’s not even sure if they’re his genuine feelings or the work of this soulmate bond. Very long and very angsty.
baby fic- Nancy gets pregnant that first time at the party with Tommy and Carol, and her and Steve try really really hard to make things work out for their baby, but it just isn’t meant to be. They make an arrangement that the Harringtons are very not pleased with, where Nancy has the baby at the Byers house half the time (because let’s be honest I think the Wheelers house is not really a safe place to be raising a baby) and Steve has her the rest of the time. Because it was like, a much more mature breakup without the cheating and the drunken confessions, they’re still pretty close friends. When the upside down starts making an appearance again, they have to try to figure out how to navigate it with this little four month old baby, and that means getting some help involved. Billy shows up at the Byers and instead of a fight, Steve’s all exhausted like oh good, you’re finally here, and gives him the worlds fastest run down of this monster fighting shit with a crying baby on his hip, and like, Billy just can’t say no to him asking him to go into the tunnels while he watches the baby. There is eventual Harringrove after a while, but it’s a slow burn for sure. This is also probably the least serious and least angsty thing I have ever started to write.
HOH Stevie- They’re all in the government hospital getting their post Starcourt once overs, Billy and El of course being rushed into surgery, and Steve’s about to get discharged when he gets addressed by name and just, does not respond at all. The doctor is like hmm, and checks his ears, and they find out he has almost no hearing in his left ear, and only about forty percent in the right. All that head trauma from the Russians and then all of the explosions of the fireworks, it leaves him deaf.
Everyone tries to be supportive, but his dad refuses to let him get hearing aids because he doesn’t believe he actually needs them (Steve’s a diagnosed hypochondriac) so for the next several months while his parents are still home waiting for their next trip, he’s struggling. He basically gets iced out by the party because he just can’t hear anything they’re saying, and the kids get tired of repeating themselves, and Nancy got insulted the one time he told her her voice is too quiet, and Robin wants to do things right for him, but she forgets sometimes, and will ramble on about something without looking at him and everytime he’s like great, I didn’t catch a single word of that, lovely talk though. It’s very frustrating and isolating and nobody seems to want to make accommodations for him.
The very same day that his parents leave for their latest vacation, he goes back to hospital. At first he just has to get more testing done, since it had been upwards of six months since the last time they saw him, and on his way out he notices Max in the waiting room chairs. He hadn’t seen much of her at all since Starcourt, so he checks on her, and at first she tells him to go away, because her friends have said some not so nice things about how much time she spends at the hospital, and assumes Steve is there to tell her Billy isn’t worth it too. Because that’s not the case, he ends up going in the room to visit Billy with her.
They do the small talk, the awkward, sorry about the fact that you’ve been in the hospital for six months now and nobody wants to come see you thing, and at some point Billy realizes that Steve can’t hear a damned thing he’s saying. He tests his theory by saying Steve’s name when he’s not looking and just waiting for him to answer but, surprise he doesn’t because he didn’t hear it at all, and Billy’s just like, you’re deaf aren’t you?
The progression of the fic is basically Steve coming to visit Billy everytime he has an appointment for his hearing (and more, but Bill doesn’t know that) but the day of his last appointment to make sure his hearing aids are functioning as well as they ever will for how bad off his hearing is, Billy’s acting different.
When he’d first walked into his room Billy had been surprisingly bright eyed and bushy-tailed for what he went through, but now he’s just acting all mopey. Max makes him tell Steve what’s wrong, and he confesses that he feels like he’s going to get left behind now that Steve’s all better, because then he has no real reason to visit him anymore. But Steve has one very good reason, and the rest of the story is him making sure Billy knows it.
girlyfriends- This’n’s sort of a non-canon compliant character study about aromantic! Billy, focusing on how awful and uncomfortable he felt with his past girlfriends, messing up dates and never going as far as they wanted him to, which at the time he pinned on liking boys instead, but then after he gets with Steve, he feels like this is different and he likes it, but he’s still not too big on all the lovey dovey, romance stuff. He rationalizes it as like, maybe just being a side effect of him being an asshole or something, but he‘s actually super insecure about how he is in relationships. There is a fluffy resolution though where he embraces his identity, it’s really not all doom and gloom, boo hoo I hate myself stuff.
cali house- Years after Starcourt, the boys have moved to a decent house in California using their government hush hush money, and they’re there for only about a month when Billy’s mother shows up at their door.
She says she caught wind that her son was back in town and wanted to come see him, after all this time. Billy of course lets her back in his life immediately, his mom meant so much to his recovery process and now that she’s here, he can’t turn her away, but Steve’s a little suspicious of her intentions.
He thinks that if she wanted to see Billy, she would’ve done that years ago before he ever even left Cali in the first place, or that you know, she wouldn’t have fucking left him behind. He tries to bring it up with Billy gently, but he won’t hear it, and he feels beyond hurt by the suggestion because he thinks Steve is just jealous that he’s spending time with his mother, who he hasn’t seen for upwards of fifteen years at this point.
They fight and avoid each other for a few days until Billy’s momma admits when he brings it up, over lunch or something saying like, “Steve thought you were using me or something, isn’t that crazy?” and she’s just like “Well, actually...”and tells him that money was tight, and she needed a little extra money, so Billy and his disability checks and his rich (boy)friend seemed like the perfect opportunity to get some.
He goes back home to Steve and expects him to be mad, to rub it in that he was right, but he’s really not, he’s super supportive, and you know, Billy finally realizes he doesn’t need to have this bullshit family thing with his mother, because he already has one, Max and Steve and his friends and all the people that actually care about him.
medical emergency (tw attempted suicide)-
Billy, who’s living on his own in an apartment downtown after Starcourt, deliberately doesn’t get his prescriptions refilled because he’s so done. He’s weak and he’s hurting and he doesn’t feel like himself anymore, and he just feels like he wouldn’t care if his body gave up, if he suffocated in his sleep or had another heart attack. So he doesn’t take care of himself, and when he runs out of oxygen he just doesn’t go get anymore, but he’s halfway to choking on his own blood when he realizes he doesn’t want to die.
He calls Steve, because he’s not calling the cops and he can’t remember anyone’s numbers in his panic, but Steve’s is written on his calendar, scribbled there because they were supposed to make plans for something with the kids. Steve takes him to the hospital, having to fight him to put the CPAP on him to make sure his lungs didn’t collapse before they could get him to Hawkins General, and Billy’s just, so bone tired.
They do all their treatment stuff and get his body back under control, so Steve finally asks him what happened, if maybe he needed someone around to help him remember his meds and stuff, and Billy just, he breaks, like a dam overfilled he just pours out with all of this helplessness and sadness he’d been feeling, how he doesn’t want to live the way he does or at all anymore, and Steve’s heart just breaks for him.
He moves in with him, nobody’s willing to leave him alone after what happened, and Steve (along with Billy getting a new therapist because the old one was incompetent enough to not notice how bad off he was) helps him to realize he has something to live for.
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forgive me
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anon request: “I really love the way you write angsty stuff so if u want, can u write a scene where jungkook is like involved in illegal stuff like drugs or maybe he's a hitman, Y/N and Jungkook have a conflict about that because she's not happy with what he does, he gets hurt a lot but he enjoys his job and doesn't wanna give it up cuz he loves the thrill. It can be an emotional scene where Y/N tells him that she's afraid of losing him because of what he does. Honestly come up with anything, I don't mind 😂”
prompt: Jungkook is a druglord, you’re a waitress at a shabby burger place. He loves what he does and even though you try to ignore it, it scares you. You fear you’ll lose him if he doesn’t quit and he’s all you have. Your so called family are full of lies and if it wasn’t for Jungkook, you don’t know where you’d be. You wonder every night if the sirens you hear are for him—you pray it’s not for him. Secretly, he feels the same about you.
pairing: Jungkook x reader
genre: angst, drabble, mental health issues, mentions of murder, mature subject matter
author’s note: For the anon who requested this, this is for you! I hope you enjoy~ did i watch Truth be Told and decide to make the OC a twin? yes, yes i did
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When you opened your eyes, you started to feel around for your cellphone. When you couldn't feel for it, you rolled over and yawned, it's probably under the bed. That's where its gonna stay too. As soon as you got home from work, you fell face-first into your bed and taking a shower was the last thing on your mind. But now you're feeling the stale department store smell on your clothes. It takes about two minutes for you to roll out of bed and realize you that Jungkook should have been here by now. You grab your phone and see two missed calls and a text from 2 hours ago.
jungkook💖💫: im sorry ill be over a little later baby, something came up 
jungkook💖💫: i miss you angel
You smile, he always misses you. And you miss him too, but you know he's probably out there in the slums of the city, doing what he does. How you lucked out with him, you have no idea. One night you were trying to call an Uber to get home from a birthday party at the club. It was around midnight and you had to work so you couldn't hang with the hardcore crowd. You went outside to call for a ride but you were being watched. Some guy kept catcalling, just outright harassing you. It was the scariest night of your life. You were telling him to leave you alone but he was drunk or high, either way, he wasn't all there. He snatched your phone. Just when you thought he was going to grab you, a black sports car, one you would have had to work two lifetimes to afford, stopped at the light. And before you know it, the man trying to get you is being dragged into the alley where he probably would have taken you. You remember being frozen, all you could hear was cursing and blunt force. The mystery man, whose car is still in the middle of the road, emerges from the dark corner between the buildings.
You were completely taken. The smile, the hair, the tattoos, and dangling earrings, paired with a striking gaze—he was an angel. He was so beautiful and he was just looking at you stand there with your mouth open.
"If there's one thing I hate, oh here you go," He hands you your phone and you get a nice look at his hand tattoo, "it's motherfuckers who can't leave women the fuck alone. Sorry you had to deal with that, but he won't be bothering you or anyone else after tonight, or use his hands again," He sighs, fixing his clothes a bit and wiping the blood from the corner of his lip, "are you okay?"
"Yeah, thank you," You slip the phone in your bomber jacket pockets, "not a lot of people would stop a stupid guy from bothering a girl they don't even know."
"Yeah, I'm Jungkook by the way," He introduces himself with a smile, situating his nice clothes, "do you- Um, did you need a ride? I'm not a creep I swear," He holds his hands up in surrender when you furrow your brows at the suggesting—great, now she thinks I'm a pervert. 
"I didn't stop that guy as blackmail to get laid, I just-" He pauses to grapple for the right words, "I saw you just standing on the curb and I know it's not safe out here-"
"If it's not any trouble," You interrupt his rambling, "I live about 15 minutes away, I was gonna call a ride but if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it. My name is Y/n, by the way."
That night changed your life forever. It was the first time you had wanted to kiss a stranger, the first night you ever came close to a soulmate. He confesses to having seen you in the club, he was at the bar, refusing offers from every girl from the bartenders to cougars out on the town, at least that's what you always thought. In that little fifteen minutes, you got to know very little about him but you felt so comfortable sharing things about yourself when he asked. He dropped you off and said if you ever needed anything, to give him a call. 
You never got to use the number because you ended up seeing him again. He showed up to your job, but he wasn't there for you, he was there for one of your money laundering and pill-popping associates. You were taking a break and for some reason, the break room was eerily empty. After you heard gunshots and the whole store went into chaos. You remember trying to leave and suddenly being swept away and into an outside electrical room apart of the building. You calmed down enough to realize that it was him but you were baffled.
"What're the odds that you would work at the same place as that bastard," He fiddles with the gun, tucking it to his side and flipping on the safety and pulling off his mask with a toothy grin, "do you remember me?"
"You?... Jungkook, how did you- Why are you-..." You make a small step back and swallow, scrambling to think of something to say. "Have you been following me like some creep?!"
"No! this is just a run-in by fate, I swear I didn't plan it. I'm not even supposed to still be here but I couldn't just leave, not without saying something to you."
"Okay...What do you want to say? I have to get back on the clock." You look him up and down, his all-black clothes and heavy boots intimidating but alluring in many ways.
"Wanna grab a coffee?"
For some reason, you said yes to the familiar stranger.
"Sure- I mean no! No, I can't Jungkook, I have to get back to work-"
"Trust me, just come with me," He extends his hand for you to take and smiles, "you won't regret it."
You took his hand and never looked back.
* * *
Nights like this.
When it's too early to ruin his life and too late to pretend like he wouldn't care. So when he shows up to the lounge to enforce an unpaid debt from a client, he leaves with bruised knuckles, two grand, and a rush of adrenaline. He went a little hard on the guy, but can you blame him? He messed up his plans. Tonight is date night, also known as 'crash at your place' night. It worked out though, you had to work late so he wouldn't be too tardy. Judging by the fact that you haven't answered your phone, you must be knocked out.
He slips his hand into his pocket and fumbles with his keys until he finds the one to your apartment. When he walks inside he hears the sink on and smiles to himself, you must've just woken up. 
"Baby, it's me," He announces himself, "how was your day?"
"Fine," You step out in your work clothes, still trying to get your earrings out, "as fine as a day working for the devil could be." 
"That bad?" You take note of the silk black shirt that's rolled up to his elbows, letting you see his beautiful sleeve of tattoos. When he comes dressed like this, and smelling like smoke you know he's been out into high-end clubs. The way some of the women look at him makes you feel small and a little self-conscious. But he always reassures you that you're who he wants, not some woman who sees him as an experimental one-night stand. When he tells you to meet him in the restroom because he needs to tell you something, you're reminded that you're all he wants.
"She screwed the schedule. My only day off was taken because her favorite, Kasey, has to go out of town."
He unbuttons the buttons on his shirt with deliberate fingers. "You walked out on a job for me before, remember that?" He smiles, letting his shirt fall from his shoulders like a dream. A bruise on his upper arm catches your attention but you don't say anything. "If you're not happy, just leave. I can take care of you, you can be my sugar baby."
"Yeah, my step-mom would love that, I could see it now," You cringe at the thought, "Hey, just a heads up, I'm not working or married but I have a sugar daddy who pays all my bills and lets me use his money for free, oh, he's also a drug lord. She'd really think highly of me then." 
"Fuck Carol, she's a judgmental priss anyway," He comes up to you, hands finding your waist, "why do you care what she thinks about you?" 
"I don't care what she thinks, but if she finds out she'll tell my dad and I don't want to hear it from him. If he pretends to not be disappointed by the lesser-twin one more time, I'll actually cuss him out...He's such a liar, he lied to my mom and he lies to me.”
"Quit saying that," Jungkook grabs you under your thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist so he can sit on the edge of your bed, "you're not the lesser-twin, you're the cute and sexy twin." You sit back on his thighs and you both laugh at his attempt to lighten your mood.
"Well, I'm not a successful surgeon and I'm broke as hell, but at least my boyfriend thinks I'm cute." His hands find their way to the hem of your shirt and pull it over your head, revealing a disappointing tank top.
"See, this is disappointing. Why are you wearing a tank top? It's a hundred degrees outside." He sighs, looking up at you like a pouting little kid.
"Because I want to," You grin, brushing his hair from his brows, revealing a scratch, "you're cut."
"Yeah, had a run-in with an old friend, we're obviously not friends anymore."
"You should take me with you on these deals and stuff, I'd make a great bodyguard for you," You joke, "if you showed me how to use a gun."
"You?" He giggles at the image of you secretly acting as a bodyguard, a dagger, and a gun in a garter under a skintight dress. "That's not a bad idea, they'd be too distracted looking at how fucking beautiful you are to see you as a threat."
"Yeah, I always saw as the Bonnie & Clyde type of couple," He leans up to kiss you and you smile through it before he pulls away, "eh, you need to shower, you smell like weed."
He furrows his brows, a snarky smile on his mouth. "And you smell like French fries, but I still kissed you.”
"Touche." You can't argue with that, the French fries smell gets to you too.
He picks you up, carrying you to the bathroom with a beaming smile.
"Let's shower then."
 * * *
A deal went bad, he got grazed by a bullet and spent a few hours at the emergency room.
When he pulled in to the driveway and saw your car, he sighed in relief—he was hoping you'd come. After work, you had come by earlier to clear your head and take a breather from your cramped apartment and rowdy neighbors. Ever since his 'new position' he was put up in this huge mansion, equipped with a full staff. Luckily, they were off tonight so no need to keep quiet.
It's getting late and you've been trying to watch a baking show to stay awake but it was getting difficult. He hadn't called or answered any of your calls or texts. When you hear the garage door open, your heavy lids lift and you yawn, trying to wake up so you can tell him how your day has been.
He opens the door with a deep sigh and he's glad you can't see the thick white bandage on his upper arm and tired shadows under his eyes because of the dim lights. "Jungkook, it's so late..." You mumble, sitting up. "what took you so long?"
"Yeah, baby, I just had a mix up with someone who owed the group a lot of money, they, uh- They opened fire and we had a lot to clean up." He offhandedly mentions that and goes to the bathroom to change and you just wait for him.
The painkiller is wearing off but he manages to brush his teeth and slip into some sweats and a t-shirt. After flicking the light switch off, he falls into bed with a heavy exhale. Glad to finally have him close so you can tell him about your terrible day, you turn to hug him, and instantly a wince of pain leaves his mouth. 
"Sorry," You giggled, thinking he was just kidding until you see the bandage on his arm, "Oh my gosh," You sit up, hand reaching for his bandage with concern in your brows, "what happened?"
"It's nothing baby, I was grazed by a bullet and had to go to the ER," He spares you a weak grin, hand rustling through his damp locks, "but it's nothing, I feel fine."
It's always nothing to him. You lean down and place a gentle kiss on his forehead, one he would normally place on you. Nights go by and you know he's out there risking his life, not thinking how devastated you would be if one night he doesn't come back.  
He caresses the apple of your cheek, lips parting when sits up to try to kiss you, but you pull away.
"Hey, I've had a long day I just want to kiss you," He sits up now, "talk to me." 
"Talk to yourself, I'm going to sleep."
"Where the fuck is this coming from?" He glares at you, tone firmer than before. "Y/n, cut the crap. What's the problem?"
"Jungkook, there's no problem I just worry about you."
"I don't mean to make you worry," He speaks softly, "but you know this is what I do, I can't stop now, even if I wanted to."
"I know," Sadly, "but you're all I have."
He tilts his head, a bit confused. "What happened?"
"My sister called when I got off of work. My dad isn't doing well, his liver is in terrible condition and he needs a transplant...He's on a wait-list now." 
Knowing the severed relationship you have with your family, he treads lightly when requesting this. "Do you want to go see him?-"
"No!" You snap. "Why would I want to see him? This is what he gets for killing my mother."
"Y/n, you don't mean that..." Jungkook gets uncomfortable when you enter that head-space, you become ruthless in your words and your eyes glaze over with something he has yet to understand.
"Why not? It's true. He was cheating on her, that's why he never came home and she thought something was wrong. So drove out in the middle of the night during a storm and ended up crashing into a tree, because of him. My sister has always defended him, but I think it's because she didn't like mom either...The two of them may have cried at the funeral but I know them, they were glad she left us. That's why I need you, Jungkook, I don't have them or want them..."
"Y/n, you have to learn to forgive them for whatever you think they did, it's going to drive you insane if you don't...Fuck them, spend your energy on us, okay?"
"I'm already insane, I'm with you, aren't I? You come close to being killed every week, and it bothers me to think you might not come home...But I'll go through that if it means I get to have you, I love you, I only love you..." You lay your head on his shoulder.
He’s your angel.
You aren’t sure what you are to him.
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officialleotolstoy · 4 years
Oh Dolokhov Brainrot We’re Really In It Now, aka Dolokhov playlist annotations!
A note on the cover photo: I don’t really like this one but I got tired of looking at men on Pinterest so I gave up. The window symbolizes the rum window and the smoking symbolizes uhhhhh habitual bad life choices idk
Drinking game take a shot every time I say “it’s about the vibes”
Wrecking Ball - Mother Mother
“I break it just because I can”
This is THEE ‘I am going to cause problems on purpose’ song and that is like his entire narrative purpose!! Argue with me about this one I dare you
The Good, The Bad, and the Dirty - Panic! At The Disco
“If you wanna start a fight you better throw the first punch, make it a good one”
Partially its just vibes, I won’t lie. But also the consistent spoiling for a fight is very in character
Shoot to Thrill - AC/DC
“I’m like evil, I get under your skin”
It’s got I Am Morally Repulsive But Also I’ll Steal Your Girl energy which really hits all of Dolokhov’s character traits. And of course the added bonus of gun imagery.
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
“It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this”
I added it strictly for vibes, but then I realized the quoted lyric is very much him @ the Kuragins if you take the reading that he refuses to admit he actually like them but grows genuinely fond of them over time even though he initially got to know them with a lot of ulterior motives.
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
“Mama, I just killed a man”
The amount of songs that are on these playlists just for what are essentially your mom jokes since Dolokhov loves his mom so much is a little pathetic. But I’m not wrong! I can’t really put it into words but something about this song has Dolokhov energy.
Feel It Still - Portugal the Man
“Give in to that easy living, goodbye to your hopes and dreams”
A good deal of what I find interesting about Dolokhov is the internal conflict he has of knowing he’s become rather wicked and problematic but also not really trying very hard to change and almost enjoying it so a lot of the songs on here are about that, including this one. The “I’m a rebel just for kicks now” also very much screams Causing Problems On Purpose.
The Bidding - Tally Hall
“I like to take advantage of the bourgeoisie”
His whole role in volume one and two is to take advantage of the bourgeoisie! This song also oozes confidence and a sense of superiority that comes from being better than the sellouts in high society, Dolokhov’s not like other girls uwu (he really is, but I don’t think he would admit that).
Say Amen (Saturday Night) - Panic! At The Disco
“I could be better but baby it’s Saturday night”
Embracing his own wickedness! The idea that he knows he could be better than he is but he doesn’t want to take that opportunity...yeah vibes
Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) - Fall Out Boy
“I became such a strange shape from trying to fit in”
This is the epitome of the “woe is me I need to be purified” phase he goes through when he’s into Sonya. Also “I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color” reminds me of Comet Dolokhov’s stupid eyeliner <3
Some Nights - fun.
“So what is this? I sold my soul for this?”
There’s a long stretch of this playlist that just boils down to “Woe is me I need to be purified” crisis hours, because Dolokhov’s oscillation between embracing his own cruelty and trying to be a good person is super interesting to me. This song captures the idea that he’s still having fun and there’s some good there, but he’s also aware that he’s losing himself a bit
Roaring 20s - Panic! At The Disco
“I don’t even know me”
“Woe is me i need to be purified” crisis AGAIN. This song gets more to the annoyance with society as a whole and feeling kind of lost in it
Send Them Off! - Bastille
“Help me exorcise my mind”
“Please purify me 16 year old girl! I’m 27 this isnt creepy at all ahahahha”. I do despise Sonyakhov but this has the vibes of a man feeling his own evil and wanting a woman to fix it. Not a great look.
Easy Days (Demo) - Bastille
“I don’t wanna fall back again, back into the easy days”
Near the end of the “woe is me I need to be purified” phase when he’s kind of drifting back to his old ways and he’s like wait no- wait- and then he does anyway because he’s horrible. I also really like the acknowledgment that his horribleness is easy and pleasant for him, and he has to fight against that (and he loses that fight HDJAJJD).
Undisclosed Desires - Muse
“You trick your lovers that you’re wicked and divine”
This is a Dolokhov/Nikolai song I do not take constructive criticism. Undisclosed desires...not being straight...lots to think about! It feels almost like a corruption arc? Nikolai isn’t corrupted nor does their...fling (?) last very long but Nikolai is obviously enamored with Dolokhov despite him being The Worst so I think this fits. I don’t have enough songs for a Nikolai/Dolokhov playlist so I just add those songs to both of their individual playlists
Thnks fr th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
“Thanks for the memories even though they weren’t so great”
Also mostly a Nikolai/Dolokhov song. This man has never ended a relationship on good terms, huh. Also. Sighs heavily. “He tastes like you only sweeter” never fails to make me laugh when I think about it in the context of Dolokhov post-duel being like oh?? You’re just a stupid WOMAN Hélène your brother and/or Nikolai is hotter than you :/ which is not exactly what I think happened but it makes me laugh to consider. Dolokhov ur bitterrrrr
Dangerous - Royal Deluxe
“I’ll be the last man standing here, I’m not going anywhere”
I feel like this has the vibes of his cruelty, especially in that bit after the Kuragins have died when he and Petya infiltrate the French army.
Another One Bites The Dust - Queen
“There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man”
He will hurt you and kill you so violently :) It’s about the vibes.
White Wedding Pt. 1 - Billy Idol
“It’s a nice day to start again”
In the exact inverse to his “woe is me I need to be purified” phase, he’s like ok yes i will pick up bad habits again and enjoy them because frick you! I read once that this song is about a relapse into drugs, but I’m making it analogous to his relapse into Terrible Person Behavior after Sonya’s rejection. Also the repetition of the phrase little sister does something for my brain idk, after we know he loves his mom and sister it just fits.
Highway to Hell - AC/DC
“I’m on the highway to hell and I’m goin down”
Like White Wedding, it screams acceptance of his problematicness. He knows he’s cruel and evil and he revels in it. This is the phase we see him in most I think.
Back in Black - AC/DC
“It’s been too long, I’m glad to be back”
I think this plays every time he gets reinstated to an army position he lost by being reckless earlier. Just kidding sort of but listen to this song and tell me it doesn’t have Dolokhov vibes. If you do, you’re wrong <3
Poet - Bastille
“I have written you down now, you will live forever”
This is just here cause he ghostwrote Anatole’s love letters and I think it’s funny. It’s MY playlist and I get to choose the barely relevant Bastille songs
St. Jude - Florence + The Machine
“Maybe I’ve always been more comfortable in chaos”
This one’s more scattered lyrics than an overall vibe. “Each side is a loser so who cares who fired the gun” has duel energy also.
Hey Look Ma, I Made It - Panic! At The Disco
Confession: I hate this song. However, it’s about the about the MOM R U PROUD OF ME vibes (she is. Should she be? Probably not).
Rich Kids - Bea Miller
“It’s never enough for the stuck up types”
The not coming from wealth and having to almost scam your way into being part of the aristocratic scene is very Dolokhov. Also in my mind the rich kid he’s roasting is specifically Nikolai.
Money, Money, Money - ABBA
“It’s a rich man’s world”
I’m not SAYING the wealthy man they talk about is Anatole but - [i am shot]. Scheming and clawing your way up to wealth is Dolokhovcore.
This Is Gospel - Panic! At The Disco
I literally have no justification for this other than that i think modern AU Dolokhov would vibe with it. Look at the amount of eyeliner he wears in Comet and tell me he didn’t have an emo band phase. You can’t.
Trouble’s Coming - Royal Blood
This is not about the words at all, it’s more about the vibes. It just sounds Dolokhovish to me, don’t ask me to explain.
Sleep Alone - Two Door Cinema Club
“They’re just ghosts and they can’t hurt him if he can’t see them”
This gives me post-Kuragins’ death vibes, and I can’t pin down exactly why? I think it’s the idea of being very alone and closed off.
Golden Days - Panic! At The Disco
I can’t put a specific lyric to it but it’s the vibes of looking back on your hedonistic youths with nostalgia and rose-colored glasses. Post-Kuragins’ death vibes again.
Go Get Your Gun - The Dear Hunter
“One foot in the grave, the other one’s kickin’ its way right down to hell”
All we see of him after the Kuragins’ death is just him being particularly cruel and reckless, almost careless. This feels like it encapsulates that energy.
The Fallen - Franz Ferdinand
“They say you’re a troubled boy just because you like to destroy”
I’m aware that a good portion of this song is about a Christ figure but I’m going to respectfully ask you to ignore that bit and just focus on all the Sketchy Things the guy does instead. Thank you. He does in fact like to destroy things! Señor Cause Problems On Purpose back at it again at krispy kreme, huh.
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lilikags · 4 years
That’s My Decision.
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ೃ‧₊› a b o u t  t h i s  p o s t° ➮ Pairing: Kenma Kozume x fem! reader ➮ Series: Back to Me ➮ Tags: fluff, royal au, reincarnation au ➮ Part: 9 ➮ Word Count: 1602
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-- Kenma's POV --
His mom had given him a week to decide- a week to settle on a lifelong partner. That didn't really seem like much, but to most people during that time, getting a choice would be a blessing. Most marriages were often arranged by parents, who took several factors into consideration when choosing a partner for their child. It was common belief that one should trust their parents, and the parents must choose a partner best for their child. Children sometimes had a say with the decision, but it really depended on the family. In any case, it was rare for anyone to choose their own spouse.
Kenma had an easy decision- really there wasn't anything to "debate" on, really. Sure, Langelica could probably help him with his work better than y/n, but he figured he and y/n would be able to figure it out. After all, y/n was responsible (enough), and nothing really seemed to change too much. He felt no connection with Langelica, and he couldn't really care. Probably, with y/n's last letter to him describing her and Langelica's recent pleasant conversations, he'd have her as an advisor or something; that would be good. Plus, he and y/n were soulmates, shouldn't that be enough of a reason?
He absolutely hated where he was going- well, more like what he was going to do. He knew he had the final say, but it was just really hard to say, "I chose y/n and that's it." He absolutely knew his mom was going to try to persuade him to choose someone else, probably Langelica or even Daphne- he saw his mother show some partialness to Daphne at some times.
As he entered his mother's office, he took a look at one of the guards with a nervous face, which almost said, "Uh-", and took a seat on one of the fancy chairs she kept in this room. She got to him right away after she sent a guard to deliver some papers she had just signed.
"You've decided, yes?" she started, with a serious expression. Anyone could tell she was expecting one of the few people in her mind. "Yes. y/n- I chose y/n," Kenma said, expecting some sort of look of disappointment from his mother's face. The queen wasn't particularly surprised, but she was definitely thinking, "Why?" She knew y/n and Kenma had seemed to share some kind of bond, somehow, which she never really understood, other than thinking that it must've had to do with the whole soulmate thing. "Oh? Why?" she crossed her arms and leaned back, ready to listen to a whole story of "excuses".
Kenma brought out the reasons he had brought to the table, while being interrogated by his mother. She was sharp, always finding some sort of hole in the argument. Most debatable topics had some sort of hole, weak point, etc.- and she had the ability to find that weakness in the point. One could say it was perceptiveness. The more he talked about y/n, the more he revealed about the bond you two had. He tried using the soulmate excuse, but his mother wouldn't believe in the whole excuse thing. Even though she had heard it herself from the High Priest, she still believed that a Queen was to be made from hard work, not something decided by the Goddess. She still believed in her, as that was her religion, but she was not as religious as everyone else.
Kenma had brought up the point of "y/n knowing him very well", and his mother crossed her arms once again, "Oh?" He knew he messed up and had to tell her. Well, it would be a good argument point anyways. So, he lowered his guard, and started to tell her his whole past- the secret he and y/n had shared. He was nervous about telling her, but it would really help him win the argument. With telling the story, actually quite messily but still getting the point across just fine, his mother started to believe him a bit, especially with the "it happened because we're soulmates" reason for reincarnation.
The Queen still wasn't sure if her son was making it up- she had no idea why he would choose y/n out of all the options he had, and she didn't necessarily trust y/n as much as Langelica. It could have been a scheme by her parents, people whom she didn't trust as much as well. Giving up on the position long ago and suddenly working hard for it- seemed suspicious to her.
-- Y/N's POV --
You were reading some novels in your room. It was the closest you had to anything immersive; video games, social media, light novels, anime- those weren't available and that was just sad. Well, there wasn't anything you could do about it anyways. The only thing you could do was do the best you could and find an interesting novel to read. The most popular trope these days was the one about a commoner becoming a princess- which probably described the mass's desire to become rich and royalty. Well, having money would be nice, you supposed.
"Lady y/n, her majesty has arrived," Elisa informed you.
"Wha-" you blinked, not expecting this at all. Results were supposed to come at around this time, yes, but it was to be sent out by mail. For what reason would she have to come here herself, in person?
You hurried to the front door to greet her immediately, not caring how frantic you looked to the servants. You told them to prepare some tea in the guest room, anything was fine. You caught your breath as you neared the front door, as to not look as frantic in front of her highness, and greeted her with a curtsy, "Welcome, your majesty."
She greeted your back with a quick nod, less than what she would usually do. That really couldn't be good. You led her to the guest room, anxious to hear what she had to say to you. The small amount of words she was speaking was unusually small, which was definitely scary. The two of you sat down and the tea was served.
"I have a question," she started off, taking a sip of her tea. You nodded. "How close are you with Kenma?"
You took a long sip of your tea. Does she know? Did he tell her?  You really didn't have much of an idea, but the look in her eye told you "I know something here". So, you decided to start general, and work your way to the point. You started off with what people already knew, so the lady sitting across you changed her question, "Do you believe in soulmates?" With that question, you were really sure about what she wanted to know. Lying would definitely be counted as treason, and the punishments for treason.... were not pretty to say the least.
And so, you told her like you would a story. You started from the beginning, working your way through your history. At first, you started off a bit general; there wasn't much need to go into much detail anyways. You described how you first met when you were at school. You saw him around sometimes, but you really never talked to him that much, until you joined the boy's volleyball club as their manager. You didn't really want to be interrogated; it would be best if you could say as much as she wanted, but no more and no less, though you did get a bit sidetracked and told a couple more than enough funny stories of little antics and pranks that happened within the team. You started to talk with more affection, expressing your care for each one in the team, especially for Kenma when you got to him. You also ended up expressing your gratitude to Yaku, who literally saved your sanity by taking care of the rest of the rambunctious boys on the team.
She listened on with a straight expression on her face, which one could tell that she was also thinking about Kenma's story. She was definitely thinking about how they lined up; this wasn't made up at all. And some of the ideas described and lifestyle were so different than in the kingdom that she doubted that anyone could come up with a life like that. One would need to be an extraordinary author to do so, especially because it just seemed so foreign to the ideas of the time of the kingdom.
By the time you were done, it was already time for dinner, and you could smell the food waiting for you. It was one of your favorites, (fav meal), and you couldn't wait. You invited your guest over for dinner and she refused, saying that it was time for her to head back to the palace. You waved her goodbye, and headed to the dining room for dinner.
A couple of days later, you received an invitation to the palace. You headed there, expecting to see all the other remaining candidates there, but you were the only one led into the waiting room. Perhaps she wanted to see you individually. After a few minutes, Kenma walked in, surprisingly, and sat next to you. Her highness showed up too, and smiled warmly, "Congratulations." He rested his head on your shoulder, continuing to fiddle with the marble maze thing that he had discovered recently. You smiled softly at him, missing the physical affection the two of you had before.
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『••✎••』 Extra Info * ˚ ✦ ⇢ If you haven’t read the other parts, find them here! * ˚ ✦ ⇢ Taglist: [n/a] If you would like to be on my taglist, send me an ask! // if you do not specify what you would like to be tagged for, I will be putting you on my general taglist!
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A/N: I FINALLY GOT THIS DONE OAJEAISJEOFJSOAFJOSEJAJ I totally didn't put up an ask event on my tumblr and it was totally not only one person who participated... Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and the series is nearing its end, wow
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Flight of the Little Bird: Three Months Later.
Previous | Master List 
Its the end! I know I said I’d have this up a few hours ago, but at least I finished it, right? (I’m still so sorry about the Late At Night series, I swear I’m still working on it.)
“Dad, stop being mean to the bees.” Your laugh rings out across the large garden as you watch your father try to catch the bees buzzing around his tomatoes. “They’re friends.” 
“You wouldn’t say that if they were hornets.” He counters, adjusting the straw hat he was wearing. You both grin at his words, squinting due to the southern California sun. You had missed this place, with its sprawling land, the old adobe mansion your grandfather had bought so many decades ago, and even the bees that always returned to your father’s precious garden every summer. 
“Hornets are bastards, its different.” You point out, returning your attention to the pumpkins you were weeding. “How long do you think it’ll be until these babies are ready for the market?” You wonder, gently caressing the squash in front of you. 
“Not until early October at the earliest, we could sell them for Jack-o-lanterns” He informs you, finally leaving the bees alone to check his other garden inhabitants. “These cucumbers might be ready next week though.” 
“The bell peppers too,” You stand up, pointing to the section of garden he had set aside for his varied peppers. “We should check the mushrooms as well, I could make stuffed bell peppers and-”
“Honey!” Your mother’s voice has both of you looking back towards the house, and you can tell from the way she’s fiddling with her wedding ring that something is wrong. 
“What’s wrong, mom?” You call, and she immediately waves your concerns away. 
“Its nothing sweetie, I just need to talk to your father.” You don’t believe her, but still shrug it off anyway. You share a look with your old man, who’s clearly as confused as you are, “Don’t worry, we’re almost done weeding, I’ll finish up the pumpkins and go check the shrooms.” 
“Alright, thank you.” He tips his hat dramatically to you before following his wife inside the house. Weeding takes only a few minutes, so you find yourself meandering towards the front of the house to find the mushrooms before either of your parents have made it back outside. 
You wish they had come out to stop you.
The moment you round the side of the house, you’re met with two large black vans, a sight so familiar to you that for a moment you’re excited, wondering where you’re about to be whisked off next. Then, you remember. 
It had already been three months since you had left, and the boys hadn’t contacted you once, not even Mark, which hurt most of all. You had no doubt they probably hated you, so what were these vans doing here? Were you about to be kidnapped?
“Please, just hear us out.” A familiar voice begged. 
“Not a chance. If you had wanted to talk to her you should have called first, don’t think she’ll want to see you just because you showed up at her house.” Your mother argued, voice stern, a rare occurrence. Slowly the crowd of boys were backed out of the house, though none of them had noticed you yet. 
“Mark Tuan, don’t you dare “mom” me right now. You think you can just ghost my daughter for three months and I’ll welcome you back with open arms? It’s your fault she got her heart broken in the first place. If you think I’ll just forgive you in an instant-”
“Mom.” This time, it was you who called to her, making her stop and all of them looked over to you. Seeing you must have been a shock, the last time you had all been together you wore only designer clothes, stylish pants and dresses, things that screamed money. Now, you stood before them in dirty overalls and a work out tank top you had stolen from Jackson years ago. Your hat blocked the sun from your eyes, but you knew you looked tanner than before, having spent almost every day in the sunshine. 
“Oh honey, you were supposed to stay in the garden.” Your mom sighs, clearly distressed. 
“Mom, go inside.” 
“Mom.” You say more firmly, finally tearing your gaze away from the boys to look at her. “I’m a big girl, I can handle my own problems. Go inside please.” She doesn’t say anything, just nods and turns around to head back inside. The moment the door closes, the boys surge forward, but your step backwards has them stopping. “Why are you here? My mom was right, you don’t make a single effort to contact me, and you just show up?”
“You really think you get to be upset right now?” Jinyoung asks. 
“Yes I do.” You retort immediately. “I apologized several times. I explained I was leaving the company but you were all still free to contact me, and none of you did. So yeah, I think I’m allowed to be upset.” 
“I’m sorry.” Mark pipes up, stepping forward to stand at the front of the group. “We were shitty friends, and I’m so sorry for that, but that isn’t why we’re here.”
“Then why are you here?” 
“We want you to come back, to come home.” Youngjae finally admits, voice small. There was no humor in your laugh as it bubbled up. 
“I am home.” You manage to say, throwing out your arms to gesture to the property. “Do you even understand why I left?” 
“Y/n.” JB tries to start but you stop him. 
“I left because your beloved Aghase turned on me and Jackson the moment they found out about us. They’ve always hated me. Every time I’ve been seen by them they spew nothing but hate and that takes a toll. I can’t do that anymore.” 
“They don’t hate you.” Mark almost yells. “And who cares if they do? We’ve spent three months trying to accept what you did but you didn’t think about how we would feel.” Mark was angry, a sight you had seen a few times, but had never been towards you. “You expected us to just forget about you, to move on. I have been your best friend for over two decades!” His heart broken shout made tears immediately spring into your eyes. “I would have understood backing away from the group, or even lying to the public about your relationship, but running away? That’s not like you.” 
“You didn’t try to stop me.” 
“Because I thought I would be okay!” He was crying now, and you felt about to but you tried your best not to let it break you completely. “I thought we would all be okay and I would just be upset for a while until I could see you again, but it wasn’t just me. Everyone has been upset, everyone has been hurt and it was your selfishness that did it!” 
“I did it for you, to protect you from those assholes who called themselves your fans!”
“That’s enough! Both of you!” Jackson interjects, stepping in between you. “You are both right, and both wrong.”
“Have you not been on social media at all since you got here?” Jinyoung asks casually, earning a shake of the head from you. 
“I didn’t want to see what the company said, or you guys.” You confess, letting out a deep sigh, trying not to burst into tears. 
“The boss wasn’t having it. He threatened to sue anyone who was defaming you, or spreading malicious comments.” Jinyoung explains, looking for something on his phone. “They published a post about you leaving, about how it was the fault of so many hateful comments, and that we would be taking an extended hiatus due to, how did he phrase it?” he pauses, trying to remember the words. 
“Stress and heartbreak from losing a dear friend.” Jackson says, refusing to look at you. “None of us wanted to keep going without you.”
“I told you, we couldn’t just forget about you.” JB pipes in, taking the phone from Jinyoung to show you. 
Comment from: @/wang-gaepark-gae:
What the hell is wrong with people? Jackson and Y/n should be allowed to date without everyone throwing a fit #justicefory/n
Comment from: @/y/n_protection_squad:
Her concepts were so cool! Who cares that they were dating, y’all just took the coolest production designer away from them! This is why we can’t have nice things. #justicefory/n
Comment from: @/wouldletbam_bam:
Does this mean we’re getting the person who did girlsgirlsgirls back? Cause I’ll find Y/n myself if that’s the case.
Comment from: @/notjae6: 
Even if you didn’t like their relationship, you didn’t have to ruin everything for everyone. You probably ruined her life #justicefory/n
Comment from: @/aghasefory/n:
Is this why Youngjae looked so sad in his last Vlive? Wait what about Mark? They were besties right? #justicefory/n
“Are they all-?”
“Most of them. Our fans really like you, and they love your work more.” Jinyoung explains. “They’ve trended the Justice for Y/n hashtag for almost three months, and they’ve been releasing their fav clips of you.”
“Wait, clips of me?” 
“Yup, people saw you a lot more than you think. You are the person we were closest to besides our managers.” Mark chuckles, wiping his eyes. 
“The boss already agreed to let you come back. He says he’ll make sure any malicious comments are met with legal action.” JB interjects, giving Jinyoung his phone back. 
“Why does it matter so much?” You almost huff, refusing to look at the boys, knowing it will make you start crying. 
“Because we could have lost you. Forever, permanently.” Jackson finally spoke up. “Mark told us about high school, and about the bridge.” Your heart rate increases drastically as you think back to that day, the day you almost died. 
“We’ve been so worried this whole time.” Mark begins. “So worried I would never get to see you again.” 
“So why didn’t you call?” 
“You said you wanted to leave, and we did our best to respect that.” JB explains, stepping forward, now not only as your friend, but as Got7’s leader. “So we are here to apologize, and to ask you, beg if we have to, to come home with us.” All seven of them drop into a 90 degree bow, each one apologizing at once. You glance towards the house, where your parents are pressed to the screen of the front window, listening to the whole conversation. Both of them nod vigorously, gesturing towards the boys. A small chuckle bubbles up from your chest as the tears start spilling onto your cheeks. 
“I’m so sorry, you guys.” You squeak out, making them slowly come upright, “I thought I was going to be okay, I thought you would just forget about me, and I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left.” Their faces erupt into grins, with Mark dashing forward to scoop you into a tight hug. The other boys join in a second later, squishing you at the center of the circle. “I really missed you guys.” You croak from where your face is squished into Jackson’s shoulder.
“We know.” Bambam grins, patting your head. 
“And now you're not allowed to leave.” You bring your head up, finally looking into Jackson’s eyes. 
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cybernightwanderer · 4 years
How whats left of me faded away, and how my first christmas home became my last : - The day my mom died. - The concept of family finally ended for me. - And how “ it doesnt get any better”.
23rd December.
These past few months i have been on psiquiatric medical leave from work due to a very severe depression thanks to the amazing workplace enviroment that has now crippled me so deeply physically and mentally, more before.
Its funny how when i try my hardest to recover and get my life back, its becomes so clear its a fucking joke.
Begining of the year i managed to fight off my mom on the money she was forcing me to pay her, and i managed to pay less from what i was paying before, and due to these medical leaves and corona, i get very little support finnancialy. I managed to save up almost 1k, i was ready to start believinng i could fix up my life. However i still pay her what i have to monthly, half the bills, 50 euros for food that i may consume at the house, and i also buy my food and my own things like i always did.
My mom has the tendancy to force me to take borrowed money she lends me.
For example mid corona time, i had to have gum surgery due to an old tooth infection, wich turned out to be 3 tooths, and i took out 2, needless to say my mom helped me with half of the apointments, i payed the surgery ones but then i needed follow up apointments so i wouldnt lose 4 more teeth. Apointments i canceled right away , beause i didnt have any money, and my mom being the mom that she is i always refuse her “ loans “ due to her being worse than a fucking stereotipical loan shark that takes that money back with interest, but in mental health and sanity. However she kept squedueling the apointments without me knowing, then tell me 1 day early, then get mad at me because id tell her i had no money so i told her to cancel and not make apointments without my consent and knowledge. This to wich she responded with screams , name calling , telling me to cancel myself and the general griefing of : “OK fine ill never help u with anything again “ / “ ok fine i dont care anymore then “, “ what you are too good to take my money is that it? “ Then when i standed my ground , proceeding to treat me miserably for the following week, demanding me to do random chores, just for the sake of punishing me , leaving dirty dishes of her own food acumulating so she could force me to do them and threaten me with a beating if i didnt, or making me wash the bathroom everyday for no reason.
With all this mess, half the money i had saved up + using it on the apointments and paying her back right away at the end of the month the consultations i owed her. I was left with 400 bucks.
Wich later on were also spent in dentist urgency apointments, because i kept having infections, psiquiatrist apointments and medicine and a laywer for the work harrassement situation, and then and there, all my money was gone.
The situation goes by, im home , receiving basic support for the medical leave, i pay my share of the bills and i do my own thing, however depression has gotten worse, my attacks have gotten worse, and everything just feels like rock bottom here.
These last 2 months, ive been trying so hard... so hard to get back on my feet, i was taking my medicine, i was taking a languague course, i was going to the doctor. I was really, really trying. Its funny how hard i was trying, for the first time in my life i was really trying to believe it could get better.
My mom was even acting nice and it almost seemed like she was really supporting me and trying.
December 23. Me and my mom go the psiquiatrist apointment for him to avaluate my condition. For the first time the apointment wasnt so heavy, it didnt leave me so weary from it. I finally believed. By the end of the consultation my doctor asks my mom to make sure i dont go back to that work place, because it might have a huge take on my life. My mom turns to the doctor and says : “ I know she cant go back , but she cant be unemployed either.” And the doctor says : “ I know, but if she goes back it can make her worse, we cant let that happend, its damaging her“ ( meaning she could kill herself, due to the last apointments conversation ) On to wich my mother replied : “ Well i cant be providing for us both with my money “.
When we arrived at the car i asked her why she said that and what she meant by that. And i told her that i pay for my food and that i pay for the things i eat that she buys ( wich is not much ) and that i also pay for half the bills.
To wich she agressivly threatned me to shut up and started yelling right away and acting like a victim with her mild aneurism that happend quite a few years ago in wich she HAS BEEN FULLY HEALED AND PERFECT HEALTHY, but always uses as an excuse to dodge the discussion after demanding certain shit or just plain insulting me. After a lot of lying and name calling and even telling me that i eat her food and that i live off of her. Into wich i replied, i dont always eat your food , and theres a lot of times when i dont eat and you yell at me and treat me badly for not eating your food wich led me to just eat cereals for months everyday as all 3  meals or not even eating and skipping meals for being too afraid of making my own food in the kitchen.
And so on... And i asked her what she wanted from me. And after a long car fight and a lot of gaslighting, she finnaly admitted she just wanted more money “ because if all your friends pay normal rent , you should too “ ( meaning a 450 rent ).
And then i just gave up and told her ok, ill pay you a full rent and i will also never toutch your food again. She laughed and made fun of me. And said : like ur even gonna buy your own food, you always use my things. to wich i asked what things? Oh you use my shampoo and toilet paper. To wich then i replied, everytime i buy toiler paper for me, you just take it as your own, and i dont use your shampoo or body wash i buy my own and i have been buying my own. And she just kept fighting me on it saying i do...and i told her i dont, if i by any chance dont have shampo ill use body wash as shampoo or vice versa. She just wanted to be right, so i just told her, ill pay you anything you want, i just dont wanna fight anymore im tired. To wich then she just kept saying “ oh now ur just trowing a fit “ And i sayd to her, why me agreing to what u ask and calmly shutting up to not fight anymore , how is that trowing a fit? i just gave you what you wanted, you dont need to be angry anymore.
And she just kept going at it, trying to poke my nerves until i just completly yelled and when crazy. The she acted like a victim again.
I am so drained, i am so tired....
After that discussion it was just 10 minutes of silence. I made a decision. That woman is not my mother anymore.
She wants to be a landlord so bad, she will be one.
My mother has died.
After a few minutes almost home , she decides to turn the “ mother mode “ on, and goes like “ oh you have to go to the doctor blah blah lets get your medicine etc. And i just told her, no. Ill go to the doctor on my own means, and ill buy the medicine when i have money.
Obviously she completly dismissed what i sayd and tried to drive me to the doctor and the pharmacy. After a few NO’s , she went home.
I got home, i took care of my things and i sorted out my doctors paperwork, she tries to come into my room, and acting like a worried mother like : “ oh did you do this -- etc” ( what i was already doing ) and i just told her, to stop. That she doesnt get to “ talk to me about those things anymore, or about my buisness.
Shes not my mother anymore. She doesnt get to act like a mother do just order me around and controll me. She is just a landlord now.
A few hours later, shes wrapping up presents and asks me to do it and asks me for my gifts wrapping thingies, and i told her no. Immediatly got mad at me and kept trowing provocative comments. And i told her, i didnt want any xmas gift from her, and that i wouldnt be spending xmas with her.
She made that usual smirk she mades when she sees me upset.
fast forward, the next day.
24 December
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prorevenge · 5 years
Evil Stepfather gets what he deserves.
TLDR at the bottom.
When I was 15, my mom started dating a man she met on a dating website. I didn't like him the first time I met him and two months later he moved into the house.
About three weeks after he moved in, he took my skateboards, self-built halfpipe, ramps, BMX bike, ice hockey gear, and many other things to the dump one day while I was at school. He said he did this because he didn't want all of my crap cluttering up "his" garage.
Maybe two months later he punched me in the stomach for the first time because I got up from the dinner table without asking to be excused. From there it escalated into full-fledged beatdowns for the smallest perceived slight to his authority.
One day he decided to take my extensive Pokemon card collection, even more extensive comic book collection, My Game Boy and PS2 with all the assorted games, and my fantasy and sci-fi book collection and got rid of it all because "15 boys should be playing football and baseball, not being a fa**ot nerd playing with Polemon cards and reading comics and books"
I would like to add that he was a middle school teacher, and then his off time refereed and umpired local middle and high school sports games.
My mom never intervened, and in fact acquiesced when he demanded that she stop giving me lunch money, because "the little shit will just spend it on comics and other gay shit"
One day, I took maybe $3 and change out of his change jar so that I can buy a slice of pizza and some fruit punch during lunch at school, because I was tired of being hungry. My twin sister was always a bit of an asshole, and frequently blackmailed me into doing her chores from a young age. I was fed up and refused to do something, so she told him what I had done. This man actually called the police and pressed a larceny charge against me, and once the police had left beat me senseless.
At that point I ran away. When the cops found me and returned me to my home, I found out that he I've been trying to talk my mom into sending me away to military school or something of that nature. I ran away again, and between having run away several times and the larceny charge ended up turning 16 in juvenile detention.
I spent the next couple years miserable and afraid, frequently contemplating suicide. Once I left home, I didn't speak to my mom for several years. We eventually reconciled, and by that point they had married. I was a lot bigger then I had been as a young teenager, and had gotten into weightlifting so he no longer acted like he was going to punch me to make me flinch, much less actually hit me nd we basically avoided each other for the most part.
My mother found out that she had stage 4 cancer, and no longer wanted to waste any of the time she had left with him, so she had a lawyer draft up a separation agreement whereby he would receive a set amount of money upon separation, and would have 45 days to retrieve his belongings from the house. He had spent his entire inheritance in six months and then had to sell his mother's house that he grew up in in order to settle his debts shortly before they started dating oh, and my mother bought the house back from the bank before they married. She allowed him to keep the house and he moved back into his mother's house.
My mother passed away about nine months after their separation and despite the agreement have been allowing him to come and get his stuff piecemeal. I put an immediate end to that.
I sold his baseball card collection (around $14k) and his autographed sports memorabilia (roughly $11k) and also sold all of his woodworking equipment, along with several finished pieces of furniture that he had made ($6,500 I think).
I kept his mother's engagement ring (platinum band 3 diamonds roughly 2 Carats), wedding band, his coin collection (I also collect coins) and some tools and other odds and ends.
Around a month ago I ran into him at the grocery store. I told him what I had done as he was pushing his cart out towards his car and he took a swing at me multiple times. Several of these punches missed in the ones that they connect didn't have much effect because he's nowhere near as strong as he was 20 years ago in his forties, and I no longer a skinny little 15 year old. He continue to try to punch me as I called 911, and was actively ramming his grocery cart into my new Toyota as the police officers pulled into the parking lot.
He was arrested for assault, communicating threats, and destruction of property. As a result he lost his job (and pension) at the local Middle School, and because he had never learned how to save money while married to my somewhat wealthy mother ended up having to sell his mother's house because he hired an expensive lawyer thinking he could somehow beat the charges.
My nephew, who was on the football team made it well known to his friends that he not only had just been arrested and convicted of assault as well as other charges, but that he had also beat me as a child caused several parents to call for him to resign from refereeing and umpiring for local sports games.
My niece, and my girlfriend's much younger sister are enrolled at the middle school where he worked, and say that he was not only universally disliked, but when he came up to the school to get his belongings, he made a big scene and ended up hysterically crying as he was leaving. At least that's what they've heard from the kids who were attending summer school at the time.
His son, who he was equally abusive towards as a child refuse to take him in or help him out so he ended up having to take a job as a cashier at Walmart so that he could afford the rent on his crappy little trailer in an absolutely awful neighborhood.
Even though that Walmart is not the closest Walmart to my house, that is now the only place where I go grocery shopping or to purchase anything that I need. I purposely stand in line longer than I need to just so that he can be the one who has the pleasure of ringing up my purchases. The first time I went through his line he attempted to ring up multiple items more than one time to overcharge me and when I called him on it said that I was mistaken. I asked for a manager, and the manager believed him that it was an accident but he learned that he can't get away with that. The second time, I made sure to be as nice as possible and had to ask for a manager because he was overwhelmingly rude. The people in line behind me back me up and he got in some trouble for that.
Every time I go there and step into line, I see him die a little bit inside, and it may be Petty but it gives me such satisfaction. Sometimes I'll say that I'm paying with exact change and as I'm about to hand him the money I'll say "Oh! I didn't realize I had (rare coin from his collection) in my pocket! I guess I'll use my credit card"
I just sold his expensive ratcheting wrench set, and so on Monday when he works again I'm going to go buy my daughter one of their better above ground pools, and as he's ringing it out tell him "I know that (daughter) is just going to love this pool. It's not like I would have ever used those expensive ratcheting wrenches anyway"
TLDR; Asshole stepfather got rid of all of my prized possessions as a child and beat the crap out of me regularly. I ended up getting all of his prized possessions and selling most of them, and when I told him he tried to assault me in public, which resulted in criminal charges, losing his job, and his house. Now I get to see him all the time and rub his nose in it.
(source) story by (/u/Kveldson)
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i am very much enjoying my vague void! it's currently blasting hozier at full volume and that's almost louder than my internal screaming (don't worry, everything is fine, i just saw a spider)
i've never once in my life have followed a recipe correctly. all of my measurements are completely random and whatever happens happens. it is no longer in my hands. whatever eldritch entities exist take the wheel. and i absolutely refuse to spell anything in english without autocorrect because y'all have way too many double letters and random vowel placement
thank you! sadly, i won't have a break right now, because we just had christmas vacations, but the start of the new semester is always pretty chill. and you're absolutely right, i should take up necromancy! the snow and the cold will add to my mysterious vibes. i just need to get a big black cape with a hood to complete the aesthetic
i definitely picture everything above 5'6 feet as the same height. 5'7 and 6'2? the exact same thing. no difference here
how is morepork a real bird name. it's just... more pork? but the bird is magnificent. i completely approve of your first order as bird queen, not that you need approval from mere peasants like me, but it's a great order. ohhh salps look really cool, and it does look a lot like it! when you said boob implant i thought of mermaids and them using salps as boob implants but then i realised wait wouldn't jellyfish be better for that? because of their shape? ignoring their little leggies they're quite boob shaped, no? and then i realised that i was thinking about mermaids and alive boob implants... if i had to think it, you have to read it. i'm sorry
i was sold before but now i'm even more sure that i want to hire you. and I'll make sure to have lactose free cheese for the backflips (unless you want the lactose version? i'm not judging). will the biting of ankles cost extra?
that sounds like a brilliant set-up for a horror movie where they kill off all the children one by one. it's absolutely horrifying. if something like that would've happened to me i would've most likely just passed out. whatever happens afterwards is not my problem. and now i really don't want to know what the hell your leg was caught on because that seems like knowledge that would get me killed
ah so you're a fellow dirt eater? according to my mom my favourite thing to do outside when i was a little kid used to be eating sand. just shovelling handfuls of it into my mouth and crying when my mom made me spit it out. which i refuse to believe. if there are no photos it didn't happen
you warm climate people are starting to make me think that i'm better adjusted to the cold than i thought i am! it's either that or our buildings are better heated. i definitely don't know if anyone else calls hot water bottled hotties but i like it so from now on i'm using it
that's so cute! i was clearly a way more selfish child because when i found any amount of money i just kept it and bought candy as soon as i could. i clearly couldn't save money then and i can't now. we have stores like that (or i'm assuming that they're like that solely based on how they sell lollies) and they used to be my favourite thing because you could get so many lollies for such a small price!! and my mom even used to let me order for myself sometimes so i always felt like a very big girl jsjshsbsjk
also the fact that i can't send pictures on anon is a crime (yes i know why and it's good that that's not possible because can you imagine anons being able to send pictures? oh no is all i have to say about it) but anyways. because i have this one super cursed photo that reminded me of you and now i can't share it :((
duuuuude, sick void bro. sounds like a vibing void. I feel like I haven’t seen a spider in awhile. Other than daddy long legs. But they’re chill. They mind their own business. 
I nearly always follow recipes exactly. My mum is like oh cook this for about 7 minutes? Yeah sure. I’ll take a wild guess. I’m like they say exactly 7 minutes so I’ll set a timer for 7 minutes and start a stopwatch so if it does seem to need more than 7 I can keep an eye on the extra time and be aware of exactly how long it takes me for next time. Other people are like oh let's see I have [lists 5-10 things in their fridge], hmm...oh I know what I could make with that! I’m like I have beans in my freezer because one recipe required them and no other recipes I know how to make do so what am I supposed to do with these now,,, this is stressful,,, basically I barely know how to cook and recipes are the only things saving me in that area. That is entirely fair. Except for the fuck duck, and murder is not the word you want surely, situations, it’s pretty helpful.
Ohhh I see. At least the start is chill! For a little! Before your entire situation spirals out of hand and you’re behind in every class and it’s taken you a whole day to read 10 pages and you’re exhausted and it’s only week 2. Just me? ok. fair. anyway. I want a cloak so bad. One of my uni friends tempted me to class because she said she was wearing a cloak so my depressed ass honest to god dragged myself out of bed and to said class just to see it. It was worth it. They’re incredible. Everyone should own a big cloak for the aesthetic.
I’m glad it isn’t just me hahaha. I can visualise my own height in feet but everything else is just the same size that is a vague amount taller than me, mentally.
It’s also known as the ruru. But the name morepork amuses me. It’s named after the call it makes haha. It does sound like it’s asking for more pork if you know to listen for that. thank u for ur approval, it means a lot, turns out becoming bird queen didn’t ACTUALLY get rid of my anxiety disorder weirdly enough so validation is great! lmaooo. What if the jellyfish stung them tho? At least salps wouldn’t do you dirty like that. The mermaids would just look like there are hundreds of bugs crawling around in their boobs, flesh shifting as they float around. Which is a vibe. If you’re into that. Jellyfish WOULD make a more solid, single, implant, some of them are definitely boob shaped. But that’s kinda boring no one’s gonna be traumatised by that. Salps on the other hand...yeah, that sight will DEFINITELY traumatise someone.
To be PERFECTLY honest I haven’t done a backflip in years but for lactose-free cheese? Dude. I’ll be going back to training. Gonna be the best backflip you’ve ever seen. As long as it’s not Tasty cheese I am content, but lactose free IS better. The biting of ankles will not cost extra, it is a pleasure to be allowed to do that.
Oh it absolutely would be. It’d be very funny if it reached the wider world bc people would probably be like ok but who would send kids into the bush like that,, it’s an odd concept. meanwhile everyone who grew up in nz is gonna be like y’all, you’re not gonna fuckin BELIEVE what i experienced growing up, it’s real dude. On one hand, I feel like murdering kids in a movie is questionable, on the other hand, It exists, so maybe people would be down for it. I feel like it’d be a good concept even if it wasn’t murdery tho. Like psychological horror? I’m not sure if I’m using that category correctly I don’t watch much horror. A kid following the rope but then being shifted into a different horror dimension but they never take the blindfold off because their teachers said not to and they’d probably have to let go of the rope to do it...I feel like this could work super well as a short film. The viewers see everything. The child just knows something is off and no one is coming when they call for help. I am so down for this. I also do not want to know what my leg was caught on. Some things I am better off not knowing.
yes! I am a fellow dirt eater! We had a sandpit at home (that’s a little bold. It was a large plastic shell that my parents filled with sand. technically a sandpit. but not fancy sdflsdkfsdf) but I don’t think I ever tried to eat it. Then again, I possibly did and just don’t remember because there’s no photo evidence of that one. I’d have to ask my parents sdfhsjdfs, I would however fully believe them if they said yes. it’s very characteristic of me. I don’t doubt it for a second. muuuum that’s my emotional support sand don’t make me spit it out smh the disrespect these days.
Oh I’m absolutely terrible even by most people’s standards around here when it comes to cold and hot temperatures. I remember sitting in the sun in my school shirt and school jersey in summer on a blazing day like it’s a bit chilly, isn’t it? Meanwhile my friends were in the shade absolutely dying from the heat. Likewise in winter I’d be shivering, teeth chattering, dying with my long sleeve thermal, my school shirt, my school jersey, my school jacket, my longs, warm socks and sneakers and gloves and school scarf while ppl would be walking around in a shirt and shorts like it’s a bit warm this winter huh? my body didn’t learn how to thermoregulate and it shows. But yeah NZ does also have a reputation for shittily insulated buildings and such. It shows. skhdfsfs if it’s not common use maybe don’t say can i have a hotty to someone without context but otherwise go ahead lmao. it’s a fun shortened version.
I was typically a very good saver, to the point where my extended family started gifting me gift cards and vouchers for Christmas and my birthday because if they just gave me money I’d put it in my bank account to save towards uni once I hit like, 12 years old. Which I think was a smart move. But apparently, I’m supposed to buy myself ‘something nice’ with it. I think I’m still an okay saver but I’m not as strict anymore. I’m aware of how much I can spare and I’m not just like you can never get anything for yourself ever, so I do get lil things for myself sometimes. oooo yay! At least you know what I mean. But yes. They were the gold mine for lollies. Absolutely terrific stores. My mum would be like hey lindsey how about you order? And I’d be like mother, I am 7 years old and I have an undiagnosed anxiety disorder everyone assumes is child shyness why would you think I would want to do that. Instead I will whisper my choices to you. After therapy tho I felt pretty rad for picking my own lollies by myself. I was like 13 at that point but sdfkjhsdf listen I got there in the end.
sdfkjsdfkjhsdf I like that a cursed photo reminded you of me. That’s all I need to hear. Tumblr said no anon dick pics but they also said no anon cursed photos either,,, very sad. for the latter part. the first part thank god. If I could turn on photos on anon I absolutely would just to see this but I don’t think I can :(
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forkanna · 4 years
They were about to find out.
Okina City had more opportunities for fun compared to the sleepy town of Inaba. Lots more shopping, dining, sights, sounds, smells. Rise breathed in the atmosphere with a huge grin as she walked through Okina Station, a slight warmth blossoming in her middle; even if she was very comfortable in her hometown, she did start to feel stir crazy due to the limited activities available. It was nice to get out once in awhile.
"Ebi-chaaaaan!" she called out to her cheerfully as she jogged down the station steps. The teen queen clad in the pink A-line with the kitschy black belt barely turned to look at her when she was tackled from behind.
"AH! Hey, hey, easy on the merchandise! Which is me, of course."
"Nope! We're gonna start bonding right away! I won't let you down!" That was one of her catchphrases in a drama she had starred in briefly. She even threw in a wink.
"Ugh. I'm not a hugger, okay?"
"Well, you said you wanted to give friendship a trial run, and this is the kind of thing friends do."
"Fine. Now that we're here, Atzrbucks or that fancy place? Chagall?"
Rise waggled her eyebrows at Ebihara, who only raised her own. "Oooh, fancy. You going to treat us with Daddy's money?"
"Sure. I mean, what do I care? As long as I don't buy a random sports car it's like the bank account is bottomless." Then she sighed. "No… I said I would stop doing that. And I will. But I don't think going to an upscale cafe would be a problem."
So they moved on to the Cafe Chagall. As they walked, Ebihara cast a longing look aside at a clothing store called Croco Fur, but she didn't stop until they were inside the lovely restaurant just past the boutique.
"Hey, you sure you didn't want to hit that place?"
"What?" Ai asked distractedly as they claimed one of the seats in the corner. "Oh… no, not really. I used to go there a lot… with…"
She didn't even have to finish. Rise frowned across the table at her. "I miss him, too."
"Hey, we don't have to spend this whole time throwing ourselves a pity party," she scoffed. "To hell with that. We are a couple of gorgeous, fierce women, and the world is our oyster. Maybe we can cruise a few guys."
"Oh, you're over Yu-kun already?" she asked, surprised.
"No. But it doesn't seem to matter, does it? He's gone anyway."
Rise felt her heart strings twinge. Poor Ai didn't even want to admit that she missed him — or at least, not the full extent of how much she missed him. So she reached across the white-and-blue-plaid tablecloth to pat her hand.
"So is that a no on cruising for guys?"
"I dunno," Rise laughed softly, taking her hand back as a man with dark glasses approached. She would have thought he was some random creep if not for the apron denoting he worked there.
"Good morning. You are more brave than I expected from girls of your age."
"I… huh?"
"My brewing process results in a blend that requires strong intestinal fortitude to weather," he went on in an ominous tone, jaw set behind his goatee. "I refuse to compromise my standards for anyone, even women."
"Excuse me?" Ebi demanded with raised eyebrows, sitting back and folding her arms over her chest. "You think we can't handle your coffee just because we're girls?"
"Hey, we're a lot stronger than you think, dude," Rise shot up at him. But unlike her friend, she felt guilty afterward and bowed slightly. "Sir." He was their elder, after all, and the owner of the establishment by the look of things.
"Are you?" he murmured, turned away from their table and staring off into the distance like some kind of anti-hero. "Very well. Then you shall place your order and the chips will fall where they may."
They both stared at him for a moment before Ai said, "Anyway… I'll have a nonfat latte, a drizzle of caramel."
"We don't serve that here. Not on my watch."
"Then what do you sell?" Rise asked more reasonably, hoping if she wasn't rude they would get this interaction over with quicker. "I thought I saw some pastries in the case on our way in."
"That is none of my concern."
"What kind of place is this, exactly?" Ai demanded in a rising tone of voice. "Do you want us to be clientele or do you want us to take our business elsewhere? Because you sure don't act like it matters if you make a sale right now!"
The man slowly shook his head, still staring into the distance. "That matters not. Only the experience, the rejuvenation of your mind."
Before her friend could speak again, Rise quickly said, "Two! We'll take two, and a couple of scones. Or whatever cake. Just bring us something."
The other two looked a little surprised, but the man did nod and move off behind the counter. "Got rid of Mr. Intensity 1994," Ai whispered. "I'm impressed, Kujikawa."
"Thank you, thank you. I'm doing my best!" She gave an exaggerated wink and giggle, earning her a long sigh from the other girl. "Okay, okay. So now we're here, we ordered coffee. What's up next?"
"You're asking me? I thought you were some big expert on friendship. Everybody knows you."
Rise smiled, looking around at the rest of the customers in the cafe. People going about their lives. "You would really think so, wouldn't you?"
"Listen. Just because I'm popular now doesn't mean I always was. Nobody expected me to amount to anything my whole life. And my parents… I still don't think they care about me. When I was little, all they wanted was for me to behave myself, so I did my best, like I always do, hoping that would earn their love. At least my grandmother has always believed in me, but even her, I would overhear her talking to my mom, telling her how worried she was that I wasn't going to be able to find my way in life. So… until I won that idol competition, I pretty much thought I was trash along with everybody else."
There was a small noise from the other side of the table. When she looked up, she could see Ebihara's lips squirming. "Ugh. It's really hard not to insult you when it's so easy. You're making it easy! Are you trying to trip me up on purpose?"
"What? No! God, can you stop being so paranoid? I'm really opening up to you — and you're the one over there coming up with insults!"
"FINE!" But immediately after half-shouting that, she ducked her head and covered her eyes. "No… you're right, I'm being a dick. Ignore me."
"Yeah, that might be a little difficult when the whole point of today is me getting to know you," she laughed.
"Hey. You seemed to talk with no problem last night, over text. Is it just harder to do it in person?"
This time, despite being taller than Rise, Ebihara looked small and helpless. With visible effort, she leaned forward and whispered, "I don't have to hear people's tone."
"Huh? What tone?"
"Mocking tone. You… tease me, everybody's teasing me… it's been like that my entire life. I had to change my behavior and assert my dominance, take control of my destiny. Or I would have been kicked around forever. Surely you can understand, after what you just told me."
Rise started to defend herself, the words were on the tip of her tongue. But she forced herself to say nothing until she had fully absorbed everything her schoolmate was telling her. Then she reached across to grasp Ebihara's wrist — ignoring the way she started at the touch.
"I'm not making fun of you all the time. Teasing you sometimes, yeah, a little. Nothing major. But even when I do that, it doesn't mean I think you're stupid, or not a person! You're just a huge bitch to everybody and I feel like you deserve being poked at now and then. To keep your head from getting too big."
Though her friend had tensed all over at the b-word, she relaxed as she listened to the rest, even if her expression was not too terribly thrilled. "I guess I am a huge bitch. But everybody else was to me first. I thought that's what I had to do to survive."
"Yeah," she chuckled. "It's a pretty valuable skill. I had to learn that one, too, but I also learned to start off with a big smile. So it's… kinda both? Works out best using both but starting with charm."
"Hmm… I don't… have that." Now she just looked completely lost. "You're probably sitting there thinking how pathetic this all is. How pathetic I am."
"Nope. Just that it's really sad everybody around you was so mean that they turned you into Regina George. It's not your fault. I think you probably did the best you could to be fabulous instead of frustrated."
"I did. And when we moved to Inaba, I swore to myself that I would never be bullied again. That I would take control of my destiny and totally reinvent myself. And I did! But I guess… you and Narukami have really proven to me that my journey isn't finished yet."
"Nope," she said with a big grin. And this time…
Ai smiled back at her. The expression was hesitant, the smile tiny, and her eyes were just as sad as they had been before. But it was such a big step in the right direction that Rise felt her heart leap in her chest. It was working! Maybe deep down, she had believed it was a pointless endeavour, but it was working against all those odds. Miracles happened every day.
"I got you," Rise said quietly, gripping tighter. "For real."
"Gross. But… thank you." The moment passed, and Ai pulled her hands back into her lap with a clearing of her throat. "Ugh, too much sharing and caring. Now I feel weird. Where is our goddamn coffee?!"
"Right here."
Both girls practically threw their chairs back from the table as their intimidating waiter set down a tray in front of them. As requested, two cups of coffee, and two scones.
"Oh… I, u-uh, thanks," Rise managed with a shaky smile. "What do we owe you?"
"Perhaps nothing. Perhaps… everything. Only time will tell." As he adjusted his sunglasses, a gleam reflected from the lighting; it was oddly cinematic. Privately, Rise thought she should probably mention this guy to the next casting director she worked for.
"Freak," Ai muttered as she pulled her cup of coffee closer once he had left them in peace. "Alright, it smells pretty good, but strong… should we just suck it up and, well, suck it up?"
Giggling, she said, "Good one. Alright… one, two… three!" Both of them took a healthy swallow.
And the world turned itself inside-out. The twisting in their guts couldn't possibly have been natural. Who would craft such a beverage? Why did they hate humanity?! It was as if they were being directly injected with adrenaline, all while the warmest, darkest creature ever spawned tried to claw its way out of their stomachs. This was far too much for any teenage girl to be expected to tolerate. In fact…
In fact…
                                                                  ~ o ~
When Rise came back to herself, she found she was lying down. Why? And where was she?
Once she sat up, she saw the barely-familiar surroundings of Cafe Chagall and only felt her confusion grow. Did she really pass out in the middle of a restaurant?! This was going to be some spectacular tabloid fodder if anyone had recognised her and decided to whip out their cell phone; not that everyone would do that, but just enough people to make it a concern. They would probably all start whispering about her having an underage drinking problem.
Well, to hell with that. Careful not to rub her face so she didn't smudge her barely-there makeup, she pinched the bridge of her nose and looked around.
Ebihara was blinking across at her, in a similar dazed state. Then she suddenly scooted away… on the long bench they were perched upon. Which wasn't even where they had begun — they were at a table with chairs! Though if they were both like that, it probably meant…
She had been lying with her head in Ai's lap. Wasn't that a little too close for them barely being friends?
"What… the hell…?"
"What did you do to me?" Ai breathed, her hazel eyes wide, chest rising and falling rapidly. Then a little more strongly, "Hey, I did not sign up for this. You had better explain yourself right now."
"Me?! Are you kidding? You had better be kidding, I really hope you don't think I could do something like-"
"Well I never thought we could have some kind of serial killer in a crappy little town like Inaba, either, and look how that turned out!"
Rise shook her head out firmly, clutching it through her hair as she pushed all that from her mind and tried to focus. "That coffee... call me crazy, but I think… that had something to do with it?"
"You are correct."
Both girls just about jumped out of their skin again before Ebihara shot to her feet and snapped, "Are you insane? I should have my daddy sue you for trying to frighten us to death!"
"To die would be a grand adventure," the mysterious man replied, eyes still shrouded by his sunglasses.
"Wow, not your choice. As soon as you're done spouting weird mystical crap, you can see about giving us a refund."
A long pause. "We do not believe in the myth of refunds."
"Just give us our money!"
                                                                  ~ o ~
"Well, I guess that was kind of a bust."
Ebihara looked as furious as Rise had ever seen her look as they stomped their way out the door. "Can you believe that weird old man? He might even have been some kind of creep — maybe he did things to us while we were unconscious! He-"
Suddenly, she stopped dead in her tracks, and Rise nearly ran into her. "Wha- hey! What's wrong? I hope you're not thinking about going back in there, I've had enough!"
"No… no, I suppose he wasn't a creep. Or he would have…"
With no forewarning, Ai took a sharp left and speedwalked inside Croco Fur. It was all Rise could do to keep up with her, still completely bewildered as to the reasons behind her bizarre behavior.
"Hello hello!" called out the cheerful woman behind the counter, bowing quickly. "Welcome! It's been a while, Miss Ebihara!"
"Yeah, yeah," she replied distractedly as she glanced behind her, as if she were running from some kind of demon. But the only one there was Rise — whose eyebrows were lifted so high they were practically part of her hairline now. "U-um, what do you have that's on sale?"
The woman started. "On sale? You've never been interested in that before, you just wanted to know what was new or trendy. And then told me-" She suddenly cut off and cleared her throat with an awkward smile. "My apologies, you can shop for whatever you want, of course!"
"Thanks, Reiko. C'mon."
Rise nearly stumbled when she was suddenly being dragged across the room toward sale racks. But she was too poised to actually faceplant; all that modeling experience.
"Okay," she hissed once they were in the corner, their lowered voices covered by sugary pop music playing overhead. "Spill, Ebi. What's gotten into you?"
"I'm just… really creeped out about that guy. Sorry." Ai finally refocused on her companion and grimaced. "Sorry, really. I know I'm acting like a spaz."
"Yeah! I mean, I'm freaking a little myself, but I'm pretty sure he just moved us to that couch because we passed out. Wow, what does he put in that coffee?!"
Out of nowhere, Ebihara started to chuckle. The sound was so unexpected that Rise just blinked at her for a moment, bewildered, before she finally started to laugh along with her. Then they were clutching each other's shoulders to keep from falling over due to the overwhelming power of their mirth.
"What the hell?!" Ebi finally giggled. "It's… not funny, it's terrifying!"
"I know!" she laughed back, wiping her eyes with her free hand. "We should probably call the police or something!"
Nodding as she grinned down at her friend, the girl who was normally such a bitch now looked like she was having the time of her life. Such a stark contrast. "Okay… okay, I'm done. We should probably shop so we don't look stupid."
Which they did. They didn't find much of interest, but they did enjoy flicking through the racks and commenting on how bad some of the selections were. Ebihara found a scarf she rather liked, even though it wasn't scarf weather, and Rise found a tube top with a popular cartoon character in the middle that Ai confirmed was cute enough that she could work it. A few other odds and ends ended up at the register by the time they were through. They soon departed with their bags of goods, in much better spirits than when they had woken up.
"Oh, I needed to pick up something else," Rise quickly spoke up when Ai started to turn toward the train station steps.
"Hm? What?"
"My friend needs a poster for… well, it's Yukiko. She needs a poster for Chie's birthday."
Ebihara smirked slightly. "You forgot I actually know who they are, didn't you?" When Rise only squirmed, she shrugged. "I know. This is officially the first time I have ever been nice to anyone, so you probably forgot I was the same person as that raging cunt from Yasogami High."
"Hey, I never said 'raging cunt' in my mind," she hissed at her. "So do you know where we could get something like that? A poster from an old kung fu movie?"
"Hmm… yeah. I mean, not for sure, but there's a place right down that way. Not far."
                                                                  ~ o ~
Okina Books wasn't especially bustling, even for the weekend. Few customers were poking around its crowded innards, in search of CDs or books or DVDs to fill gaps in their collections. The world's oldest music was playing from the loudspeakers, and Rise tried not to cringe; was this really the most modern choice available from their stock? It didn't even sound like it was from this millennium.
"Hey, Ebihara."
"Hey, Ohashi," Ai said to the cashier. She knew that overweight guy? Ai knew that guy?! "Anything new for me?"
With a little shrug, he stuffed the rest of his Pocky stick into his mouth and prised himself out of his seat to rummage around behind the counter. At first, Rise wasn't even sure he had heard her — until he came up with a CD that looked just as old as what was currently playing. If not older.
"'Purity'," he told her with slightly more enthusiasm than before. "With the original obi. This is some choice city pop, believe me."
Ai picked it up and tapped her chin. "Ritsuko Kurosawa… yeah, I don't know her. Really, who is… wait, did she do 'Hot Boy'? Or was that not her?"
"YES! Poor Rizco, she really didn't quite hit her target audience… just…" He made a whooshing motion with his hand over the glass countertop. "Blew on past and nobody saw her."
"I'll see her," Ebihara breathed with her eyes closed. Then she sighed and said, "Alright, how much?"
"Oh, two thousand."
"That's it? Wow, you spoil me." She handed over a couple of thousand Yen notes. Rise thought that might have been a little steep for an old CD, but not too unreasonable. "Any luck on…?"
They both looked up at the ceiling when she pointed, and Rise's eyes followed. It was still the same upbeat disco as before. "Oh, Mariya?" he chuckled easily. "I'm sorry!" His words of English were practically in time with the woman singing the very same, and Ai laughed with him. "No, no, it hasn't popped up on my radar. Sorry, really. But you'll be the first to know; I would call you for that one."
"Um… I don't get it," Rise finally put in with a slight laugh. "What are we talking about?"
"'Plastic Love'," they both said at the same time.
"I… huh?"
"It is pretty obscure," Ohashi admitted with a shrug at her. "Didn't chart much back in the 80s, either. Can't really blame you for looking at us like we're from… Mars…"
But now that was precisely how he was looking at her. He didn't even have to speak and Rise already knew what was coming; she had seen that look a thousand times before, and she was already summoning up her skills of both acting and diplomacy. Bracing for impact.
"Wait… are you-?"
"Yep!" she said cheerfully, but quietly. "But I'm just here with my friend, so if you could please-"
"Whoa, whoa, Risette is in my store. This is a special occasion!" Laughing a little more, he whispered from behind his hand, "Listen. You sign one of my copies of 'True Story' and I will comp you two whatever you want! Er, within reason, of course. Don't bankrupt me!"
Though Ebihara looked a little embarrassed that he was reacting this way, Rise quickly said, "I would be happy to just because you asked. Just one, though; I want to focus on my time with my friend here."
"Naturally." Then he was hissing at Ai, "Why didn't you tell me you knew Risette?"
"Because I have only gotten to know her recently," she sighed impatiently. "Guess it doesn't matter that I am a loyal customer."
"Well, it does, but… I mean… look, it's Risette."
"Yes, I am aware," she told him frostily before storming off into the recesses of the bookstore.
Honestly, Rise couldn't blame her. Even while she was cheerfully responding to Ohashi's gushing and relenting to sign not one but two copies of her last single for him, she felt a little twinge of guilt for stealing Ai's thunder — no matter how unintentional. But what else could she have done? Now all she could do was hope her new friend wasn't so upset that their tentative friendship ended before it began.
                                                                  To Be Continued…
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maslow20-21 · 4 years
                                    Beauty From the Pain     
     Once upon a time, there were three orphaned ladies who lived deep in the forest. Their names are Maria, Leonora, and Teresa. Maria and Leonora are twins, both having dark skin and black hair. Their eyes are as round as the moon but they aren't as tall.
Despite these beautiful traits, they are very jealous. They envy Teresa everything about her! They resent Teresa's skin, which is as white as snow. They want Teresa's shiny hair so bad, which could attract any man in the nearby village. They despise Teresa's small eyes so much; they could only wish they could have it. Maria and Leonora were never contented with what they have. As a result, they make rude remarks about her all day. Alongside their ill behaviors, they never share their food with Teresa. She could only eat the leftovers Leonora and Maria have half-heartedly given.
One night, Teresa hears her stomach churn. She went out and decided to find some food. While foraging in the dark part of the forest, a chill breeze greeted her. She stiffened and felt something different from her growling hunger and fear. She decided to run back to her house but a light so bright shone in front of her. She stood frozen as the light approaches. It was a fairy! The flying flicker of light first studied Teresa's emotions and feelings, and was amazed at how pure she was! But Teresa's face begged to differ. She was distraught and sad.
“What's the problem?" the Fairy asked.
"I haven't eaten for days, my lady. I'm afraid I am getting weaker day by day." Teresa replied, worried.
The fairy lends her wand to Teresa, saying that she could make any of her wishes come true. Teresa refused, saying that she only wants food for her hungry mouth. Again, the fairy was amazed at how she was such a pure soul! So she gave her some food and her wand too.
Teresa trots back home, tummy filled and her strength restored. As days go by, Maria and Leonora can't help but wonder why Teresa has not been eating their leftovers. She also seemed more joyful than before.
One night, the jealous twins decided to sneak up on Teresa. Their jaw dropped! As they saw Teresa swivel a golden stick, different sorts of food appeared out of thin air! They ran back to their house and planned to break the wand.
In the morning, they asked Teresa to buy bread in the nearby village. As Teresa went away, the twins hurriedly scavenged for the wand. They flipped the whole house upside down in search for the golden wand and alas, they found it below the bed of Teresa. As Teresa returned home, she opened the door and found a grueling sight. The jealous twins have taken ahold of her wand. She calmly begged them to give it back to her. But Maria broke out a cruel and evil laugh as she snapped the golden stick into two.
Teresa couldn't move and tears have started to form in her eyes. She ran fast out of the house and went to the bald and barren spot of the forest, where she cried her heart out. She returned home devastated. She didn't speak to anyone and decided to just directly go inside her room.
Meanwhile, in the barren spot of the forest where our beautiful Teresa cried, the soil appeared moist. This seems to be the result of Teresa's tears when she cried hours ago. Little did she know that she has replenished the dying part of the forest. After a month, a tree sprung to life! Coincidentally, the prince of the small village ventured to this part of the forest and saw the sturdy tree, which was the product of Teresa's tears. He wanted a taste of the luscious fruits the tree offered. His mouth watered at the sight of the fruit. In a desperate attempt to have a taste, he announced to the entirety of the land that he would marry whoever could get ahold and pick the majestic fruit from the tree.
Every woman in the village tried, but none has ever succeeded. The branches of the tree stray away from the desperate ladies themselves. Even Maria and Leonora tried, but to no avail. One morning, Teresa was hungry again. She went out and saw this tree with the best fruit she has ever seen. She noticed that a lot of people are surrounding the magical tree, that's why she inched closer to it. As soon as she was close enough, the branch lowered itself and allowed Teresa to pick the most glorious fruit of all. All heads turned to Teresa and the tree branch as it moved. The prince was shocked but Teresa has no idea on what was about to happen. The prince knelt on one knee and sincerely asked Teresa,
"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and the only one who has won the challenge I have set. We are made for each other. Will you marry me?"
Teresa was joyous! She finally agreed and they lived happily ever after.
( GROUP 1 )
           Wants and Needs: To Treasure and Realize
      There is a girl named Adi. Adi was born with a wealthy family and lives in a large house with lots of expensive stuff. Adi can have anything she wishes she can buy, all the expensive clothes, a lot of expensive foods and even buy expensive gadgets that she wants, she can actually have anything she wishes to, but she is not contented enough of what she has. One day, when Adi had a glimpse on her window and saw a girl that is throwing a bag of garbage outside their neighbor’s house. Adi ran down stairs to see who that girl is because she never saw a girl like her age came out from their neighbor’s house before, but unfortunately Adi did not have a chance to talk to that girl because the girl goes inside to their house already. On the next morning, Adi woke up early and waited the girl to come out on their neighbor’s house. After an hour of waiting the girl finally come out on their house bringing another bag of garbage again. Adi did not waste any time and she called the girl; “Hey!” Adi said. The girl looks at Adi and greeted her back nicely. Adi asked the name of the girl, my name is Abbiegail but you can call me Abbie. Abbie is an average girl from an average family. Abbie is a hardworking girl; she needs to help her mother clean the house and save up for her studies and some important needs for their family. Abbie knows how to be contented and be happy of what they have. After Abbie introduced herself to Adi, Adi introduced herself back to Abbie. After she introduced herself, she asked Abbie; “Are you new here?” and Abbie replied “Yes” we are just new here, we just transferred here a week ago. Adi asked if Abbie is the daughter of them? Abbie replied; “No” because I’m just a maid here and I’m working with my mom here. After Adi knew about Abbie's life story and experiences, she asked Abbie to play at her house, Abbie said yes but she need to ask permissions first. They went to Adi’s house and play. Abbie was amazed when she entered their house, she told Adi, "Your house is like a castle and you’re the princess who is living in it!" but Adi said to Abbie, "Is this is what a castle looks like to you? This is not a castle because it is very small, I wanted larger than this. When I grow a little older, I will buy a larger house rather than living in this small house. For me it is more than enough." Abbie said. "We should stop talking about this house let’s go to my room." Adi said. When they entered the room, Abbie looked around the place and still can’t believe of entering this kind of house. Adi and Abbie played the toys that Adi have. Abbie is so happy when she experienced to play an expensive doll that Adi has. Adi saw how Abbie was so happy playing that kind of doll and told her, “You can have that cheap doll I am going to throw that anyway because I am going to buy a larger and more expensive doll rather play with that cheap doll", Abbie was surprised when Adi gave her that doll. Abbie told Adi that she is very thankful of having it because she never experienced of having a doll on her own in the case that her parents can’t afford to buy unnecessary things that is not really important. Adi didn’t mind how thankful Abbie was. After how many hours of playing, Abbie needs to go home already because she needs to help her mother again. It is Monday morning already and Adi needs to go to school. When Adi is going to school, she saw Abbie walking to the school and gives her a ride and ask her why are you walking to the school? Abbie replied I need to save up money and besides the school is just near here. Adi also ask how did Abbie enrolled on an expensive school, then Abbie replied I am a scholar from the family where I work right now. They let me study on this school in exchange of working as their maid. Its break time when the two girls meet again in the cafeteria. Abbie brought sandwich for snacks while Adi bought lots of food but she didn’t finish it all and leave only on the table. Abbie started talking to Adi about her doings, she told Adi that next time when she buys food, she needs to make sure that she finishes it all and will not waste any of it because many unfortunate people are not eating three times a day. But Adi just told Abbie that she can do anything she wants and no one can stop her. When they arrived home, Abbie invited Adi to visit their house this weekend and Adi just agreed with the idea of Abbie. When the weekend comes Adi went to the house of Abbie with Abbie’s mother, when they reach Abbie’s home, the family of Abbie warmly welcome Adi like their family and Adi was astonished because of that kind of welcoming. Abbie talk to Adi and asked if she is comfortable in the small house that they have with cheap furniture in an average place. When Adi is looking around the surrounding, she slowly realizes the value of all the things she has no matter how big or small, cheap or expensive things, she needs to be happy, thankful, and contented of what you have.
( GROUP 2 )
                                              Levi's POV 
      Staring at the ceiling, feeling empty. Thoughts are wild in my mind. Thinking about how i'm gonna survive this mess. "Levi!" My friend Kageyama called. "Hey bro, what's u-oh what happened to your hair?" I asked while laughing. "Why? Do I look like a tangerine?" He asked. He said tangerine because he colored his hair orange. "Of course.." "Of course what?" "You know what I'm wasting my time on you haha let's go inside our classroom." I said and laugh at him. "You jerk!" He said and poked my head. I just laugh and shrugged it off. We've been in the class for 5 months already, my classmates are close now with each other. But there's one girl who really caught my attention. She doesn't like to meddle with others, she's always alone. Even if our teacher do grouping, she always chose doing the task alone. It's been five months already, but I never saw someone talk with her. I gathered all my courage to talk to her. "Hi, I'm Levi Ackerman. How are you?" And offered a hand shake. She glance at my hand, then at my face. Okay, to be honest, this girl is pretty. Her eyes looked like the ocean, her pointed nose, pinkish lips that doesn't need a liptint, her wavy hair that below shoulder long and her fair skin that matches her perfect looks. Oh, now this is awkward, I stared at her. But to my surprise, she talked. "H-hi, I'm Hiraya. I-I'm fine thanks for asking." She talked and not making eye contact. She stuttered, I think she's not used to talk to people. But, I'm gonna make her my friend, it hurts not having someone to talk to when you have problems right? Weeks have passed, i'm still making Hiraya comfortable with me. But I think, she is now, uh just a little? "Hiraya, knock knock." I asked while smiling at her widely.   "Uh, wh-who's there?" She asked but not making eye contact again, damn. "Mustache." "Mustache who?" "I mustache you a question, but i'll shave it for you later." And I smiled widely, BUT the looks this girl giving me is like disgusted.   "Okay what a funny joke." Uhh damn. 2 months have passed, it's our intramural's day. I am excited because I'm gonna play basketball. And if you ask me what happen to me and hiraya... She's now my friend. I'm happy that she's now smiling at me. I really am, when I look at her, I feel like I made her walk out of the shell.  It makes me proud. I got out of the shower, feeling fresh. Now dressing up in the locker room. I just finished my game and we won. I'm done wearing my shirt. I took my phone out in my pocket and texted Hiraya. Me: Hey, what are you doing? She replied. Hiraya: Nothing, u? Me: Intramurals' done, how abt we meet up? Hiraya: Sure, I want to tell you something too. Outside her house. "Hey." I said and smile as I saw her walking towards me. "Hey." She also smiled, purely. Who would've thought that I would fall in love with this girl. For the past 3 months we've been together, she made me happy. Her cute cheeks that turns red when I tease her, made my heart flutter. Her laugh that is like a music to my ears, her-scolding me because of my rude actions, made me fall in love with her. "I- want to tell you something." She talked and that makes me go back to my senses. "Oh, what is it?" We walked through that little park in front of her house. "We-" She gulped as her voice cracked. Her eyes is also teary, I wouldn't notice it if i didn't look at her. "Hey what's wrong-" She cut me off. "The doctor said I only have 4 months left." After saying that to me, she broke down. Watching my love crying, makes my heart break. "You're- you're sick?" I looked at her in the eyes with my shocked face. She sniffed "Y-yes, that's why I am not talking with our classmates, I'm not making any conversation, the reason why I eat alone- I- I don't want to hurt them and leave them hanging at the end. Also you! I don't want to be friends with you but- for the first time in my entire life, I felt special. You made me realize that living, even if I have a little time in this world, is worth it." She told me as her tears rolling down her beautiful face. As I hug her, I broke down. Watching the love of my life look miserable, makes my heart torn into pieces. After 9 years A cute little girl jumped in front of me. As she smiles, she resembles my first love. "Daddyyy why are you crying again? " Little Hiraya Celestine is pouting again as she wiped my tears. "I just missed mommy." I smiled at her and kissed her cheeks. "Do you want to visit mommy?" I asked her. Her smile automatically wide. "Yes daddy, I also missed mommy." I put the flowers beside her. "I missed you." Tears rolled down my cheeks as I talked. Hiraya lived longer than I thought, we were happy, we made a lot of memories together, traveled outside the country and married each other. Our love for each other  made her life longer. Her last words are the words I cannot forget. "I didn't regret talking to you back Levi, when "I didn't regret talking to you back Levi, when you asked me if I'm fine, it really made my heart flutter for the first time. Except from my family, you're the only one who asked me in the school if I am fine." She smiled. "I distanced myself with people because I am afraid I would leave them in no time. But you made me feel that even if I have 2 hours of living, I would make it special with people that I love, Please take care of my little Hiraya Celestine, I love you". She said and sleeps... Forever. "Your daughter grows up beautiful just like you." I smiled. "Wherever you are, I hope you're fine. I promise in our next life, i'm gonna find you my Hiraya Manawari." (My dream/hope) 
( GROUP 3 )
                            The Legend Of Lady Finger 
   In the land of terias, there was a fine lady a beautiful lady that has a wavy hair, a heart shaped face that has an innocent chestnut eyes, small and pointed nose, a high check bone that more defining her features, and kissable rosy lips. Maria Corazon "Cora" Tampyado, who really work hard for their future by working in the farm together with her partner Alejandro. They are not yet married, because of lack of money and resources and they cannot even provide a simple wedding. But even though they are poor as rats and many are against on their relationship, they didn't give up. 
 One day, In the farm where Cora and Alejandro work, Cora was sitting under the tree of mangoes, and she noticed that Alejandro wasn't there, so she asked the other workers if they saw him. But all of them didn't know where he is. Until night came, Alejandro is still  nowhere to be be found. Cora is cring while thinking negatively, she think that Alejandro might be in danger, that Alejandro was kidnapped, even in her dreams Alejandro was still there. 
 While Cora is sleeping, she heard some noise coming from the outside, so she hurriedly came out, thinking that it will be Alejandro, and she's right its her Alejandro washing his feet on the well. 
"Alejandro, where have you been? I'm so scared that I'd lose you" she said while hugging Alejandro very tightly And Alejandro only respond to her hug And starting that day, Alejandro seems so very distant to her, like everything has change after he came back. And those changes lasts a weeks, months. While she is in the middle of her siesta, Alejandro woke her up and what he said made her jaw dropped "Let's get married" 
Everything went fast, until she saw herself wearing a long conservative white wedding dress, holding a flowers, walking on the aisle together with her parents while crying. She can't believe that finally she will get married to the man she ever been love, Alejandro. Wearing a Barong Tagalog, a slacks, and a black shiny shoes. Her Alejandro is dashing right now, with a clean cut hair, pitch black eyes that full of tears right now, pointed nose and those sweet lips that is smiling while looking directly to her eyes. I really love this man, she said to herself while holding his hand 
 She doesn't know where Alejandro get the money to afford an expensive wedding like this, but all matters to her is her and him, will get married. 
 " Do you Juan Alejandro Arsagon take Maria Corazon Tampyado, as your lawfully wedded wife?"
 "Yes, I do" but while Alejandro putting the ring on her finger, someone spoke that made them stop
 Someone who is beautiful like a goddess from Mt. Olympus, and she's crying...
 "So, that is the reason, why I've been forgotten uh?" She said while wiping her tears
 "Acacia, stop this, let's talk after the ceremony" - Alejandro 
 "Okay fine, not after this!" And the last thing happened is when everyone is in the floor, lying, not breathing. 
 "That's the cost for hurting and using me Alejandro!"
 But, Alejandro is still breathing and before his last breathe he want to put the ring on Cora's finger, that symbolized the promise he made to her, but while he is holding Cora's hand who's lying beside him he can't feel the ring finger of Cora. And that's the question that is on his head before he died. As time passes by, while one of the worker of the church cleaning outside, he saw a plant, a strange plant that form like a lady finger, so that's what he named it, Lady finger or also known as "okra". 
( GROUP 4 )
                                 Loving Girl In Town
Once upon a time, there was a sweet girl living in a sittio who loves her family so much. She is sweet, caring, loving and a good daughter for sure. She doesn’t really mingle with other people for her family is enough for her. One day, her mother planned to go to town to do some errands and buy their necessities. Her mother marched her way to her, “Veronica, I’ll be home a little bit late. I know you won’t let anything bad happen to you siblings and I trust you but for now, just don’t go out, okay? Just stay here at home.” Veronica nodded, “Yes mother! Take care!” Then her mother made its way to the town. Veronica have three siblings. Next to her is a guy names Leon and their youngest are twins namely, Jia and Jea. She knows she loves them so much, up to the point where she would do and risk anything just to make them happy. She looked at them playing and a sweet genuine smile plastered on her face. “How I love my siblings,” she thought. While doing the household chores, Jea approached her and said, “Manang can we go out to play with our playmates? Please?” Veronica didn’t left her eyes on her younger sister’s face. It was pleading and her sister was genuine on asking her. She didn’t know what to do for she want them to be happy but she doesn’t want to disappoint their mother. She sighs, “Sure just don’t go far and come home earlier than you usually do, alright?” “Yes manang! Thank you so much! You are the best!” And the three left their humble home. While watching them walk away, she thought, “Maybe mother wouldn’t notice it. She said she’d go home late, and I told my siblings to go home earlier. And what’s the case? They usually play with their playmates and noting bad happens. Maybe mother was just a little bit paranoid.” And she continued her chores. After doing all her chores, she lounged on their wooden chair in their sala and listened to the hums of the birds. Her eye hit the clock. It’s already 4:30 pm! And maybe her mother would arrive at 6! By 5:00 pm they should be cleaned and fresh up so that their mother wouldn’t notice what they’ve done. She panicked and got nervous. She hurriedly walks out of their home and started searching for her siblings. She asked almost every people she passed by. She looked everywhere and searched every corner of their sittio, but they are nowhere to be found! Her heart is beating so fast, it would burst out. “Hey have you seen Leon and the twins?” She asked a girl with her age who she knows, “I’m sorry I haven’t noticed them. Maybe they’re just back at you home?” And the girl walked pass her. She nodded and continued the search. She was asking someone when her acquaintance approached her and said, “Veronica your mother has been looking looking for you. You should go home now.” She was shocked and didn’t know what to do. She thought that by now, their mother already knew what happened and oh no, she would be mad at her for sure and she still haven’t found her siblings! She had no choice but to go home heavy hearted and nervous. As she is approaching their home, her sight already recognized their mother’s figure. She ran towards her mother and kneeled with head bowed down, “Mother, I’m sorry. Mother, something happened, they were lost and nowhere to be found.” “Manang we’re just here,” Leon voiced out. Veronica quickly search where the voice is coming from and she saw her three siblings. She ran to them and hugged them tightly, “I thought something happened to the three pf you already!” She was sobbing non-stop. “Manang, sorry we tricked you,” Jia said. “Huh? Tricked?” Veronica wondered. “You see manang, we passed back door to surprise you but then you weren’t inside the house,” Jea replied. Their mother walked her way to them and tapped Veronica’s shoulder, “I see what happened here. You disobeyed what I told you earlier.” Veronica turned to look at her mom, “Mother I’m so sorry. I just want them to be happy mother and I thought you wouldn’t know about this so maybe this would just be our little secret from you. I really apologize mother.” She replied with a sad tone. “Come, four of you, sit here,” Their mother gestured them to sit on their long wooden chair. “No parent wants harm to their children, remember that. Everything parents do is for the wellness of their children and not for their harm. Therefore, you should listen to what we tell you for it will lead you to a brighter future.” “I’m sorry mother, I promise I won’t disobey you again. This will serve as a lesson for me,” Veronica apologized. Their mother sighed, “Enough, Veronica. I forgive you, just learn from this and don’t do it again, okay? Now come here you four and let me hug you.” The five of them gathered into a huge hug that made Veronica realized that even though she loves her siblings that much, their mother knows best and every decision their mother makes is for their good. Moral Lesson: Whatever the circumstances may be, we should listen and obey our parents for what they do will lead us to a successful future.
( GROUP 5 )
                                           The Flute Player
    In the land of the rising sun, there lives a lady who bears the name Kiyoko which means "pure child". Neighbors and even visitors from the far lands would describe her beauty as 'ethereal' for she possesses porcelain-doll like skin and jet black hair. Her eyes were big and round unlike her petite figure and a small face. Kiyoko came from a poor family which. To help her parents provide their needs, she practiced playing the flute. She would walk to the village square and sit in the corner beside the fountain hall and play the flute. Villagers would come and gather to listen to her smooth and melodious music. It was pleasure to their ears and her beauty is a completion to the package that would give such scenery to their eyes. Some would offer money to Kiyoko just to have her play the flute in occassions and she would gladly accept the opportunity. "Mom! I'm home." she cheerfully greeted her mother and was excited to tell her the news of her special performance in the village square for the upcoming festival. "Kiyoko, can you stay here for a week and take care of your mother?" A woman from the neighborhood said in a low tone. "For the week? The village leader offered me a big job for the festival mom. They'll pay me big amount too. It will greatly help us." Kiyoko explained the excitement she felt in her heart but their was no sound of happiness in the house. It was purely solitude and lonesome. The woman went out leaving Kiyoko and her Mom alone in the house. " You should go and do your best in the festival." her mother said in a low tone. "What's wrong, mom? You don't look well." she was confused but her mother told her not to worry about her and enjoy the festival. "I'll continue selling herbs in the market, you should have fun." Kiyoko obeyed her mom and went to her room to practice for her performance for the next day. Kiyoko played the flute and amazed the village folks. Her face could light up the whole town with the smile she showed to everyone. It was the most beautiful day of her life. The village head payed her a huge amount of money. She rushed to go home and tell her mother the good news she brought. By the time she arrived infront of their house, there were people going in and out. Their eyes were watery and sad. Kiyoko's excitement washed off as she walked slowly entering their house and saw her mom lying in their bed, pale. "What happened?" tears began to drop in her eyes as her voiced cracked in weakness. "She endured the illness too long that her body couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry for your loss, Kiyoko." the woman from yesterday approached her and tapped her shoulder. Tears piled up and started to fall. She did not know her mother was dying, she was left brokenhearted in their house with no one to cry to. She knew no relatives, it was just the two of them. Her father left them when she was still a baby. With no knowledge of how to live her life alone, she spent all the money she earned for her mother's burial. She did not know that she should have just saved it for her future. With the age of 10 years old, she wandered everywhere with nothing in her mind. The beauty she possessed attracted the people including the men from the courtesan house, they would tell the workers to hire Kiyoko and be a courtesan for her beauty is a prize to them. Kiyoko without doubt rejected it and lived her life alone. At the age of 18, she worked as a housemaid in a common family to provide for her needs. She then lived not too hard like before. She left the household when he fell in love with a samurai named Jun'ichi. She was so in love with the mere guy that she would do anything just to be him. Kiyoko lived her married life full of love by her husband and even the people in village. She is a very loving and a caring wife to Jun'ichi as well as a welcoming neighboor to others. She does all the chores in their house. She would wash the clothes, prepare the food and clean the house. Every afternoon, while waiting for her husband she would play the flute which resembles her mother. She would remember her mother as she played the flute given to her. Everyone would agree that Kiyoko is indeed a very loving and an ideal woman to all. Many would envy her husband for having a good and faithful wife but it was not the same for Jun'ichi. Kiyoko grew up and was discovered to be infertile. She could not bear a child which Jun'ichi finds his married life incomplete.
Jun'ichi therefore changed. From a faithful and loving husband he turned out to become a cheater. He cheated and slept with other women out there, leaving Kiyoko alone and waiting. Because the love Kiyoko had for Jun'ichi is pure and true, even if she's aware she still doesn't say a thing just for Jun'ichi not to leave her. But what Kiyoko feared the most, happend. Jun'ichi left her for some other women. She blamed herself again just like how she blamed herself for the death of her mother. She thought that it is her fault that his husband ran away with other women because she can't bear a child, she can't fulfill her part as a woman. She had no one left, she was all alone again with solitude surrounding her. She gave up on everything and waited for the time that everything would give up on her too. Kiyoko died alone as the time for her to go came.
( GROUP 6 )
                                              Lazy Child  
       In a small town with a quiet village, there is a young girl named Niña which means "child" in Spanish, she was smart and beautiful young girl. Her beauty is simple but admirable, she has a long black hair, pale white skin and her lips were red as blood. She was the only child of Rose and Cliff. Niña's father is a Business Man who came from a poor family unlike Rose, who is a simple woman who came from a rich and famous family. Rose's parents have a high expectation when it comes to inheritance of their family, they did not agreed to marry Rose to Cliff but because they fight for their love and overcame the unexpected trials, they surpassing their love until the end. Niña is only 11 years old. She is a smart and good when it comes to academics, she is a consistent honor student and she gets a lot of awards every time there is a competition at their school. But despite of her intelligence and beauty she is lazy when it comes to household chores and most especially when it comes to her mom. It was 7 o'clock in the morning, and her class starts at 7:45 am. "Niña, wake up! It's already 7 o'clock in the morning. I don't want you to be late for your class." Rose said in a raised voice. "Mom later, my grades are high enough and my teacher in our first subject is kind so it's okay mom, I can handle it." Niña replied while still lying in her bed. "What if I'm gone? who will take care of you? Look, you haven't clean your bed again. You also did not put away the scattered papers. I still have a lot of things to do, so get up and fix yourself." Rose said with a problem on her face. "Okay, okay mom here it is." Niña replied and she immediately got up and take a bath. The next morning, it was Saturday. Niña doesn't have classes so her mother ordered her to wash the dishes and clean the backyard. But Niña doesn't reply and she just ignored it, instead of cleaning she chose to play computer games and spread the book papers on the floor. Her mother was too busy putting her messes away while she was just sitting and doing nothing. Her mother could do nothing to her daughter. Even if Rose repeated several times to remind her. She would still not listen to her mother. Until Niña's graduation day arrives, Niña is very mad to her mother because she has been waiting her for an hours. She expected that her mother will come early, as she was one of the honor student in their class. But her trust was completely broken on her long-awaited day. Her mother did not make it to hang her medals and awards but Niña waited her for a few more hours and her mother was still not there. Niña lose hope and she just went home to their house. She still expected that when she came home they would have a surprise. "I'm home!" her voice was full of excitement. But when she heard the last words of her father uttered about her mother, the smile on her lips was replaced by sadness and she cried out over and over again. "She's gone. your mother she can't make it." Cliff said. "W-wha-at happened?" she asked. "She was supposed to go to your graduation day but the car she was riding in had an accident due to a collision. I'm so sorry" He replied. The only thing on Niña's mind was that she loved her Mother so much and she knew it was too late to realize that. After her mother passed away she learned by herself how to cook, wash dishes, clean the house and other household chores. She even taught other kids to do other household chores and reminded them to value and obey their parents. And because of that, she became more independent until she was able to live alone at her young age. The mistake she made before became part of her testimony to other children. And Niña will continue to learn a new lesson in the future. A regret is a simply mistake but the most important is we learned from our past mistake. The End.  
(GROUP 7 ) 
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The Rook Chapter 3
Alright, y'all, here it is! The grand finale!! (Though there may be an epilogue!)
I hope you enjoy!! (btw, comments and asks are my absolute life!)
The song for this is 'i hate u, i love u' by gnash ft. Olivia O'brien 
Oh, by the way, I sobbed writing this, so tissues are recommended.
        I Hate You (But I Love You)
She wakes on her office couch, the now empty bottle of Scotch beside her reminding her that her pounding head is her own fault. She refuses to open her eyes, even though the curtains are drawn and the room should be mostly dark.
She just wants to not think, about Kara, about Supergirl, about how stupid she was for not realizing that the woman she was in love with was hiding  a whole identity from her.
So, she lays there, pondering how long she can put off getting up before someone interrupts her relative peace.
Turns out the answer is about five minutes before the door to her office swings open.
“Come on, up and at ‘em. Early bird gets the worm, yada yada yada.”
“Ugh, Jess, no.” Even behind her closed eyelids, she can tell when Jess flips the light on and she groans, throwing her arm over her eyes.
“Nope, none of that! Come on, busy day ahead.”
Lena groans again but complies, shifting into a sitting position and blinking until her eyes adjust enough that she can see the aspirin and bottle of gatorade that Jess is holding out for her. She takes them gratefully, swallowing the pills and following them with a long, slow sip of the neon colored drink.
“Gotta say, boss, the drunk on a work night look does not work on you.”
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Good, cause we have a lot to do today.” She thrusts a small bag in Lena’s direction. “Here are some toiletries, there’s a dress that just came from back from dry cleaning in your closet, oh and be sure to wear some sunglasses to cover those bags under your eyes - I called the press so there’s going to be photographers.”
Lena looks up, pressing the cool bottle of gatorade to her forehead.
“Photographers? For what?”
“Oh, right, sorry, the plane for Metropolis leaves in . . . “ Jess checks her watch. “Two hours.”
“Metropolis? I’m not going to Metropolis!”
“Yes, you are, in two hours; so chop chop.”
“Jess, what are you doing?”
Much to her surprise, her assistant kneels down so she's at eye level.
“Look, Lena, you pay me a lot of money to know . . . well, everything. And we may not exactly be friends, but I care about you, and for the past few weeks you’ve been really . . . not yourself. And I’m not going to mention any names, but we both know why. You need some space, and you’re going to get it. For a month. In Metropolis.”
“A month?!”
“And, speaking of she who shall not be named, there’s quite a list of things that you’ve been meaning to do in Metropolis that you’ve been putting off because you didn’t want to leave her. Now is the perfect time to tie up all those loose ends. Plus, my mom has been begging me to come visit, so it works out great. Three birds, one stone.”
“You’re coming with me?”
“Of course, dummy, who else is going to keep you straight!” Jess frowns. “Well, not straight, cause you like the ladies, but you know what I mean. Now come on, we gotta go.”
Jess turns for the door, and Lena watches her, stunned for a moment before calling out.
“Hey, Jess?” she waits for Jess to look back at her before continuing. “Thanks.”
“No problem, boss. Oh, and you might wanna put your hair in a bun today, it looks kinda -“ She trails off, her hands making some sort of jazz hands gesture around her head that makes Lena laugh.
“Yeah, of course. Oh and Jess? Can you make sure the plane has some hashbrowns for the ride? Preferably smothered in gravy."
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Long story short, Jess is a genius.
For starters, the photos of Lena leaving her office and getting into the SUV for the airport are stunning. She looks hot, by any standard, regardless of the fact that the sunglasses covering her face are hiding blood shot eyes and there’s a gatorade and saltine crackers tucked into her purse. All that matters is that her wine colored dress has a plunging neckline and her matching lipstick is one of Kara’s favorite shades.
It doesn’t matter that she almost breaks down on the short ride to the airport, because the Page Six spread makes her look like she’s fine.
It’s a sort of evil satisfaction, knowing that Kara will see the photos and wonder why she’s so put together.
She only wishes she really was that put together, and that her heart didn’t feel like it was shattering into a million pieces as she watches National City fade from view out the plane window.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Metropolis is . . . refreshing.
She doesn’t see Kara in her mind’s eye every time she walks down the street or steps into a restaurant. Everywhere isn’t tainted with the memory of the best friend she thought she knew like National City is. After a few days, she can actually breathe, she can actually exist for longer than an hour without thinking of Kara’s smile.
She works pretty much from the time her eyes open until the time she falls asleep; but the exhaustion is welcome. Jess was right, she did have a lot of things to take care of in Metropolis, which is why she’s surprised when Jess leaves a break in her schedule on a Tuesday afternoon.
“Jess?” She calls over the intercom. “What am I doing from 3-4?”
“Oh, sorry, I forgot to pencil it in. You have an appointment with Dr. Fowler.”
Lena frowns.
“A doctor’s appointment? It’s not time for my yearly.”
“Dr. Fowler is a psychiatrist.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Yeah, I scheduled you an appointment with her, thought it might help with your . . .  girl problems.”
“Jess, I don’t need a psychiatrist.”
“Ok, boss, noted. but it’s already booked and paid for, so you might as well go this first time.”
Unfortunately, Lena can’t find the logic to argue with her.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
She sits on the comfortable chair in Dr. Fowler’s office, staring down the woman across from her.
She seems, nice, for a psychiatrist.
Her shoulder length brown hair is tucked behind her ears, and her gray suit is non-threatening. She has a kind face, Lena thinks, unable to think of anything negative. Still, she refuses to cave, and fixes her eyes on the clock above Dr. Fowler’s head.
“My assistant made me this appointment.” She says for explanation. “I don’t really need therapy, so I’m sorry to waste your time.”
“I don’t mind.” Dr, Fowler smiles. “We can always just talk. No therapy needed. Are you from Metropolis?”
Lena debates answering her, but common manners win out.
“Well, mother was from Ireland, originally, but that’s . . . “
“A story for a therapist.” Dr. Fowler guesses, and Lena nods.
“That’s fine, we don’t have to talk about it. What brings you to Metropolis? Business? Pleasure?”
“Business.” Lena answers immediately, but guilt creeps up her spine, and she adjusts her answer. “Well, sort of. I live in National City, but . . . well, my assistant thought I could use a break from some people there so she scheduled me some time away. L-Corp has offices in both cities, so it’s convenient.”
“Ah, L-Corp. I remember when you opened up a branch in National City. I thought you were just supposed to stay there for a few months to make sure that everything was going smoothly, what made you change your mind?”
Lena hesitates, unwilling to share more than she has to, but still, she is paying for this; she might as well see what crazy advice this sham has to offer.
“I met someone.” She explains. “A friend.”
“A friend?”
“Well, sort of.”
“Sort of? Do I sense gay drama?” Dr. Fowler’s eyes sparkle, and Lena’s gaze catches on a picture of Dr. Fowler with her arm around another woman, a yellow lab sitting in front of them.
Of course Jess would do her research.
“She’s like . . . sunshine personified.” Lena offers as explanation. “Or at least, she was. Now, I don’t know what she is.”
Dr. Fowler shifts in her chair.
“What’s changed?”
“She . . .” Lena hesitates, reluctant to rehash her heart break. “She lied; about who she is. It turns out that she has this whole other persona that she just . . . hid from me. And you know what the worst part is?” She laughs mirthlessly. “I was friends with the other persona! and she just lied to me! Over and over again! Like I’m some kind of fool! Because I’m the idiot who can’t figure out that Kara Danvers is Supergirl!”
Her eyes flash to Dr. Fowler at her accidental revelation, but the other woman just smiles.
“Everything you say here is confidential. The secret is safe with me.”
Lena nods softly, but it seems that once the dam is broken the flow of her words can’t be stopped.
“She lied to me. For three years! I had to learn the truth from my dying brother! And then when she finally got the guts to tell me, do you know what she said?”
Dr. Fowler shakes her head.
“She said she loved me. That she wanted us to be together. Do you know how long I’ve waited to hear that?!”
“For three years?” Dr. Fowler offers, and Lena chokes back a sob.
“I’ve been in love with her for so long! And she was just oblivious. I guess like I was oblivious about her being Supergirl. But then she just tells me that she loves me. In the same conversation that she tells me the truth.”
“I’m sure that must have been devastating.” Dr. Fowler comments quietly, and Lena sets her jaw.
“I don’t know how I feel about her anymore. I don’t know if I can trust her.”
“That’s fair, you deserve to feel that way.”
Something in Lena settles at that. Up until now, she’s been berating herself for her anger. Like she was wrong for thinking bad of the great Supergirl. But now, she feels validated.
“I bought a whole company for her, you know. . . “
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The rest of her session with Dr. Fowler is cathartic, if only because she can finally air out feelings without fear of judgment, with someone who gives her constructive feedback.
On her way out, she checks in with the receptionist.
“Jess scheduled you for two sessions a week, your next appointment is Thursday at 2. Is that okay?”'
Lena can’t help but roll her eyes. She definitely owes Jess another raise.
“Sounds perfect.”
* - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It’s surprisingly hard for her to fall into her post Kara routine. More often than not, she finds herself looking for her best friend in her downtime.
Kara’s presence has become a staple in her life, and she can’t help but mourn the loss.
Even though she knows whatever dream she had of them is lost.
It’s infuriating.
The one time she gets attached to someone,  it backfires.
Dr. Fowler says that she has ‘abandonment issues’, but she doesn’t feel abandoned, just. . . lost.
Kara Danvers was her reason for existing for so long. The drive behind every decision she made.
She just wanted Kara to be happy, but it turns out that Kara is a completely different person than she thought.
Dr. Fowler challenges her, asks her how she feels about Supergirl, separate from Kara.
And honestly, she doesn’t know.
At first she felt like she had to like Supergirl, if only to combat her brother’s dangerous rhetoric with Superman.
But then . . . Supergirl was nice, and good, and she saved Lena’s life on numerous occasions.
Not to mention she was the most beautiful woman Lena had ever seen, minus Kara, of course.
Kara with her glasses and dorky blunders.
Though she supposes, now that she thinks about it, that those blunders come from less of a place of awkwardness and more from the place of an alien being unsure of earth customs. She finds it endearing, in a way that makes her uncomfortable, and Dr. Fowler smiles softly before letting the subject drop.
The good thing about being in Metropolis is that she doesn’t hear a single news story about Supergirl.
Superman, maybe, but Supergirl is noticeably absent.
It’s refreshing.
So it shocks her even more when she gets a surprise visitor.
“Ms. Luthor, I’m sorry, I tried to stop her, but she’s got a badge, and a gun, and I wasn’t sure if -“
Lena’s eyes settle on none other than Alex Danvers.
“It’s fine, Jess, don’t worry about it. “
Jess looks between them for a long moment before she heads back to her desk.
“Alex.” Lena says once Jess is through the door.
“Lena. Kara told me you know her secret.”
“Ahh, are you here to mock me?”
“Mock you?” Alex brow crinkles in a way that’s so much like Kara it almost hurts. “I’m not here to mock you, I’m here to see if you needed a friend. I know I’m not as close as you and Kara, but I thought I’d at least offer my support.”
Alex sighs heavily.
“Look, ever since I was 14, protecting Kara’s secret identity has been my main goal. My parents entrusted me with it, and . . .  I never really got over it.”
“She never lied to you about her secret identity though.” Lena scoffs.
“No.” Alex concedes. “But I lied to her about mine.”
Lena’s head snaps up, eyeing Alex like she’s the last oracle.
"For four years, I lied to her about my job. I told her I was involved in biomedical engineering, that I was a sales rep for some company when really I worked for the DEO.”
“The Department of Extranormal Operations.” Lena clarifies.
“Exactly, and I didn’t even tell her what I was doing, because I wanted to protect her.”
“That’s still not -“
“I shot her down,” Alex continues. “I shot her down with Kryptonite arrows. Because I didn’t trust anyone else to make the shot. I shot my own sister with the one thing that hurts her, when she thought I was a sales rep.”
“What’s your point, Alex?”
“My point is that sometimes we lie to the people we love because we think it will protect them, even if it ends up hurting them in the end.”
“So you side with her then.” Lena concludes.
“No, I don’t, I . . . look, as Supergirl’s protector, I’m glad she waited to tell you, because the less people who know, the better, it’s not even because you’re a Luthor, it’s just common sense. But as your friend. . . she was wrong not to tell you, and you deserved to know the truth. It’s not always black and white, sometimes good intentions make for bad actualities. I can understand why Kara didn’t tell you, and I can also understand why you’re upset. I’m just saying, sometimes things don’t work out the way we want them to, sometimes we lie to the people we love and sometimes we think we know what’s best for them, even when we don't.
“But no matter what happens between you and my sister, just know that you’re still my friend, and I still support you. I know we’re not as close as you and Kara, but I’m here for you; if you need me. “
“You’re here for me?” Lena asks incredulously.
“I’m am, and I’m sorry you got the raw end of the stick. If it were anyone but Kara, I’d go beat her up for you. In fact, I have a red sun room for training, I still can if you really want me to.”
Lena’s voice breaks in a sob, and Alex stares at her strangely.
“Oh god, don’t cry. I don’t know what to do with criers, please don’t.” she holds out her arms and Lena collapses into them. “Do you want a hug? Will a hug help? I can do a hug.” She whispers as rock solid arms close around Lena.
Are both of the Danvers sisters jacked?
“Did you really shoot Kara down with Kryptonite arrows?” Lena hiccups.
“Yeah, I did. One of the biggest regrets of my life. Just like I’m sure not telling you the truth is one of Kara’s.”
“You’re her sister, you’re supposed to say that.”
“Look, maybe I am. But I don’t have to say this - stay mad for a while, she deserves it. But I hope to see you around soon, game night just isn’t the same without you.”
Lena wants to say more, but she doesn’t, letting Alex pull away.
“I couldn’t tell you the truth, because I’ve been protecting Kara since she was 13 years old. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t deserve to know the truth.”
“Easy for you to say. You were in on the secret.”
“I was.” Alex concedes. “And now you are too, what are you going to do with it?”
Lena doesn’t answer, and Alex backs away.
“I have to get back to National City, but call me when you come home, ok?”
Lena nods, even though she’s unsure of the details of her returning to National City.
She feels the warmth of Alex’s hug long after the other woman is gone.
* - - — - - - - - - - -
She stays in Metropolis for a month and a half, a fact she’s sure Jess and Dr. Fowler are conspiring together towards.
She can’t deny that she feels exceptionally better on the plane ride to National City than she did on her trip to Metropolis.
She hates to admit it, but therapy really has helped her, and she has Dr. Fowler’s number stored in her phone and ready for face time sessions.
She doesn’t exactly forgive Kara, but she maybe understands where she was coming from - even if she doesn’t agree with it.
Still, she doesn’t expect what she finds when she comes back to National City.
Supergirl is no where to be found.
According to all reports that she can find, Supergirl disappeared two weeks after she did. It makes sense, she supposes, but what she doesn’t understand is where Kara is now.
Lena's back now, so where is Supergirl?
She tempted to text Kara and ask, but she holds out, unwilling to give in like that. Curiosity isn’t enough to send her crawling back. The anger has faded, but the hurt still lingers. She misses the Kara that she used to know, but she still isn’t sure where she stands now.
A few days after she comes back, she meets Alex for lunch - at a craft beer bar, because Dr. Fowler says it’s important for her be around people who care and she figures Alex is the closest she’s got. But still, she refuses to ask about Kara, and Alex doesn’t offer any information; though she does insist on meeting up again soon.  
Despite the million other things she has to do, one question overtakes her mind.
Where is Kara?
A look at CatCo records reveals that she’s been clocking in to work as scheduled, so maybe the question she should really be asking is ‘where is Supergirl?’
Later, back at her apartment,  she pulls out the switch that Kara sent her and sets it on her coffee table. An hour of staring at it doesn’t give her anymore answers than she had before.
* - - - - - — - - - - -
She finally gets her answer a week later when a school bus is locked up in a battle  with a few aliens. The bus stop is on her walk to get coffee, so she gets an unintentional front row view.
Her mind is racing, trying to think of some way to help in this post-Supergirl world that they're apparently in.  Luckily the DEO vans show up just as she’s debating how weaponize a fire hydrant, and she breathes a sigh of relief.
She breathes an even bigger sigh when Supergirl shows up out of nowhere to join the fight, and all of National City + Lena is enthralled. Especially when she sees Kara’s new suit.
It’s an all blue, skin tight number that Lena definitely hasn’t seen before, and the missing skirt adds to the attractiveness.  
Unfortunately, it doesn’t do much to distract Lena from the fight, especially when Kara puts herself in unnecessary danger.
The anger she thought she was over is back, only this time, it’s for Kara.
How dare Supergirl put her friend in danger like that, by fighting that horribly! Her speed is definitely slowed, and some of her movements are jerky and uncoordinated. Frankly, she looks like a prize fighter that took an extended leave of absence and showed up to the championship match without even a warm-up.
Which, Lena supposes, is exactly what happened.
She holds her breath for what feels like hours, refusing to exhale until the hostile alien is deposited with the waiting DEO agents nearby and Kara is safely on the ground.
She knows the exact moment that Kara spots her, shoulders tensing and her forehead crinkling.
Grinding her teeth, she watches as Kara takes a tentative step in her direction.
“Lena, I -"
If Kara had gotten hurt because Supergirl was on some hare-brained, self righteous mission to just jump back into action without even making sure she’s ready, Lena’s going to . . .
Well, she doesn’t really know what she’s going to do.
In fact, she barely realizes she’s made a decision until her fist is halfway to Supergirl’s face.
Bad move.
Stupid brain.
Thankfully, Kara shifts with the punch, but it still feels like she laid a haymaker into a brick wall.
“Shit! Shit! Fuck!” she doubles over, clutching at her hand, but soft fingers pry her hands apart and cold air leaves a frosty mist over her bruised knuckles as Kara uses her freeze breath to soothe the sting.
“Nothing’s broken, thankfully. Damn it, Lena, you really could have hurt yourself, you have to be careful -“
“I have to be careful?! I have to be careful?! I’m not the one who’s going around fighting aliens when it looks like I barely remember how to fly!”
To her surprise, Kara actually looks remorseful.
“I tried, Lena, I tried so hard, not to be Supergirl, but I -“ she gestures at the school bus. “- the kids, Lena, I couldn’t let them die just because -“
Lena interrupts her.
“You tried to stop being Supergirl?” That would certainly explain things, but it’s a concept Lena has a hard time wrapping her head around. “Why?”
Even as she towers over Lena in her cape and boots, Kara still somehow looks so small.
“Because you hate Supergirl, and I didn’t want you to hate me. I thought maybe if I could stop being Supergirl then maybe - well, I don’t know what I thought, but . . .”
Kara continues to speak, but Lena stops listening.
Instead, her eyes settle on something glinting in the sunlight.
A white gold chain around Kara’s neck, the sapphire of the pendant nearly hidden in the blue of her suit.
Suddenly, everything is too much.
Horns are honking, people are talking, and there’s a stupid bird that just won’t SHUT UP. Almost before she can make out what’s happening, Lena finds herself at the brink of a panic attack.
“Kara,” she fights to stay upright, holding up  a hand to stop the flow of the other woman’s words. “Get me out of here.”
“Get me out of here, please.”
“Where do you want to go?”
“Anywhere, please, just - “
Before she can blink, Kara’s scoops her up and they’re flying off. She has no idea where Kara is taking her, but it takes long enough that by the time they touch down, her panic attack is mostly over; Kara’s strong grip and the white noise of the wind working wonders.
They land on a deserted beach, and Lena looks out over the ocean for a long moment, trying to place where they are.
Until Kara clears her throat.
“Umm, should I like . . . put you down? I mean if you want me to hold you that’s fine, you’re really light, I just umm, well I didn’t know if you wanted to -“
“Kara.” she squeezes the shoulder under her hand, bringing the adorable rambling to a stop. “It’s fine, you can put me down, thank you.”
“Right, umm, here.” Kara bends, lowering her arm so that Lena’s feet can reach the ground, and she uses Kara’s for balance before stepping away.
“You know if I would have known it was really Kara Danvers holding me all those times you saved me, I would have enjoyed it a lot more.” Lena says without thinking, and Kara blushes all the way to the tips of her ears.
“Sorry!” she immediately backtracks. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, it was just awkward, and I thought ‘why not make it more awkward?’”
“No, it’s fine! I mean I like holding you.”
The awkward tension lingers between them for a long moment before Lena breaks it, turning to stare out over the ocean. She waits until Kara steps up beside her to speak.
“Where are we?”
"Somewhere in the Caribbean? I don’t know the exact coordinates, just a little place I found when I was looking for a place to think and look at the stars after you . . . after you left.”
“It’s beautiful.” Lena observes, and she can feel Kara’s eyes studying her profile. After a moment, she turns to look at Kara too, taking in the face she used to know so well.
“You cut your bangs.” she finally says, and Kara blinks at her from beneath the fringe.
“Well, you said you hated my ‘stupid hair’, so . . . “ Kara shrugs, and Lena holds back a smile.
“Is that why you changed your suit too?”
“No!” Kara’s forehead crinkles. “Maybe. Yes. I just didn’t want you to hate me anymore.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“You hate Supergirl.” Kara counters.
Lena turns back to the ocean with a sigh.
“A while back, my therapist asked me how I felt about Supergirl, apart from you. And when she asked, I didn’t know what to say, because I wasn’t sure. But I’ve had some time to think about it, and I’ve come to some conclusions.”
She faces Kara before continuing.
“Supergirl is . . . she is kind, and she is good, and she's saved my life on numerous occasions. But she is also self-righteous, and arrogant, and stubborn - almost to the point of being foolhardy on occasion. . . She broke my heart once.”
Lena’s voice cracks, and her eyes fill with tears as Kara’s head drops to look at her boots.
“But she also made the decision to put on that suit and help people - people who don’t always deserve it - at great risk to herself. She could just hide away her powers and be a reporter and spend her Thursday nights playing scrabble with her friends instead of putting out factory fires. And I would love that person, because that person is enough. But instead she chooses to use her powers for good, she puts her life on the line to protect people. And for some reason she has this deeply rooted belief that people are good; even when I know for a fact that she’s seen some of the worst that humanity has to offer.”
“Lena -“
“Let me finish.” she says gently and Kara nods, tears streaking down her face.
“I don’t hate you, Kara. I could never hate you. And it’s taken a lot of therapy, and a lot of long talks with Alex, but . . .” She takes a moment to put her words in order.
“The way I see it, I have two options. I can move to a new city. I can work at a different office in a different state where nothing will be tainted with your memory and I can pretend like Kara Danvers never existed. But I don’t like that option.”
Kara’s face lightens marginally, but her eyes are still wary.
“What’s option two?”
“Option two is that I forgive you, and we start over. This time with no secrets - not about our identities, or our feelings, or our pasts. I want it all out on the table, and I want us to try. And it may not work and it won’t be easy, and I want you to see Dr. Fowler with me. But my heart has been shattered, regardless, and I can either fix it with you or without you, and I want to do it with you; because life is so much better with you in it. Even the bad parts.” The tears spill over now, and she chokes out a sob, Kara’s face crumpling.
“Lena, I am so sorry. And I never in a million years meant to hurt you. You’re my red sun. You make me feel so grounded, and home. And I realize now that I was using you as crutch to deal with this double life I lead, and I thought maybe somehow if I kept you separate then things would be different. But I was so wrong to do that to you. I should have told you the truth years ago, and I promise I will never keep secrets from you again. I will do whatever I have to, to make this work. I’ll go to therapy, I’ll communicate, I’ll literally fly to the moon if I have to.”
“Will you share your potstickers?” Lena can’t help asking, desperate to lighten the mood, if only for a second.
Kara sobs a laugh.
“You can have all the potstickers. I would never eat a potsticker again if it would make you happy. I would do anything you asked of me and not give it a second thought to show you how sorry I am.”
Lena studies her for long moment.
“Would you really give up being Supergirl for me?”
“Lena . . . I don’t think you understand. You’ve made me indestructible. Whatever weakness I still have under this yellow sun, you’ve come up with the technology to fix it. Nothing from earth can hurt me. But that day on the rooftop, when you walked away . . . it was like watching Krypton explode all over again. And there’s some sort of poetic justice about the person who made me indestructible also being the only one who can bring me to my knees. But would I give up Supergirl for you. I think showed today that I’m not very good at giving it up, but I would try again, for you.”
Lena can see the sincerity in her eyes, in the way that her arms are halfway outstretched as if just waiting for an invitation to pull Lena into a hug.
“I would never ask you to give up a part of who you are. In fact the reason that I was so upset when I found out was because you felt like you had to hide it from me in the first place. I want you to be yourself, and Supergirl is part of you; I just need you to share her with me.”
Kara nods slowly.
“I can do that.”
They stand there, staring at each other on the beach, the waves lapping against the shore, and for the first time since Lex told her the truth, Lena feels at peace.
“I know this is kind of awkward but . . . can I have a hug? I really missed your hugs.” Lena shifts awkwardly in the sand, but she shouldn’t have worried, because Kara’s eyes light up and her mouth twists into the soft smile that Lena loves so much.
“Of course, get in here, bring it in.” Kara’s arms widen even further, and she takes a step towards Lena before wrapping her up in a bear hug.
“I’ve missed you so much.” Kara whispers against her hair. “I was afraid that I’d never get you back.”
For a few long minutes, Lena just lets herself breathe, content in the way that Kara’s arms are just slightly too tight around her, her fingers clutching at Kara’s cape.
“It’s kind of weird, hugging you in the suit.” She says, finally breaking the silence.
“I can change?" Kara offers, starting to pull away, but Lena holds her in place.
“No, I wanna get used to it. I can’t limit my hug time to just when you’re not in the suit.”
Kara settles at that, and Lena waits another minute before she pulls away, unable to stop the smile that’s spreading across her face.
As much as it hurts, it’s good to have Kara back.
“So what now?” Kara asks, seemingly nervous in the aftermath of their hug.
“Now we’re going to get dinner. I’m picking,” she clarifies, “and paying, because it’s going to be fancy, and I’m going to make you eat vegetables.”
Kara’s nose scrunches.
“Fancy just means smaller portions.”
“Perks of being a billionaire, I can buy you as much food as you can eat.”
Kara’s nose stays scrunched, but she doesn’t complain further, so Lena continues.
“Then we’re going to talk, we’re going to lay everything out in the open, and we’re going to start this off right.”
“Your place? Or Mine?"
“Yours please, I left my NCU sweatshirt there last time I was over, and I want to get it back.”
“I’m sorry, your NCU sweatshirt?” Kara scoffs.
Lena raises an eyebrow.
“I went to NCU and I’m the one who bought that shirt!”
Lena’s eyebrow gets even closer to her hairline.
“You went to MIT!” Kara insists, and they face off for a moment before Kara finally caves.
“Fine, it’s your sweatshirt. That you sometimes let me borrow when it stops smelling like me and you don’t want to wear it anymore.”
Lena blushes at being caught in her scheme, and Kara grins.
“Ha! I knew it! It was always suspicious when it would randomly show back up.”
The glare Lena gives her is withering, but it does little to shrink Kara’s grin.
“Will you please take me home? Before I decide to add a plate of Brussel sprouts to our order just for you.”
“Geez, I was just joking, you didn’t have to bring Brussel sprouts into this!” Kara says with a laugh before stepping forward.
For the second time that day, Kara bends to scoop Lena up into her arms, but before she can, a thought strikes Lena and she taps Kara on the shoulder.
“Kara, before we go, I just have one more question.”
“Why are you wearing the necklace?”
“Oh.” Kara’s hand reaches up to grip the pendant between her fingers. "That’s easy, because my best friend gave it to me, and then she disappeared, so this was the best way I had to keep her close.”
And Lena knows that they should probably take this slow, and they still have so much to talk about, but something about those blue eyes makes her lose all self control.
She leans forward, one hand  on Kara’s crest and the other on her cheek, and brings their lips together. She’s imagined kissing Kara more times than she’d like to admit, and she’s envisioned so many different possibilities for how it would be, but reality?
Reality is positively mind blowing.
For a moment, Kara seems stunned, but then she steps into the kiss; arms wrapping around Lena’s back and pulling her in.
It’s the best kiss of Lena’s entire existence, and as Kara’s lips move under hers, she can’t help but think that some things are worth fighting for, no matter the cost. Because not everyone is out to hurt her, and some people really do have good intentions -  at least that’s Dr. Fowler tells her. And maybe, she can start believing it too.
All too soon, Kara’s lips pull away, though her hands stay where they are - inching dangerously close to Lena’s backside.
“So just to clarify -“ Kara starts, and Lena takes a little pleasure in the way her cheeks are flushed and her breath is coming in puffs.
“Are we at the kissing stage now? Or this a one time thing? It’s cool either way, I just don’t want to overstep -“
“Kara Danvers!” Lena cuts her off with a laugh. “Shut up and kiss me.”
“Oh, wait, cause while we’re being open and honest -“
Lena’s heart rate spikes.
“- My real name is Kara Zor-El.”
“Zor-El, huh?”
Kara nods, a contented smile on her face.
“It sounds nice when you say it.”
“Well then, Kara Zor-el, shut up and kiss me."
And if she thought kissing Kara the first time was good, the second time?
Even better.
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foxyotomelady · 5 years
It wasn’t supposed to be, Chapter V (JuminxOC/Reader)
Author’s notes:
Wow, this chapter came out quite long :o
The slow burn continues~
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V (You are here) | Chapter VI | Chapter VII |  Chapter VIII | Chapter IX | Chapter X | Chapter XI | Chapter XII | Chapter XIII | Chapter XIV | Chapter XV | Chapter XVI |
Buy Me A Ko-Fi Have a nice reading!
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It's been several days since Riyu joined RFA. During this time the girl seemed to cheer up somehow, she was not so tense, less often he saw her motionless in deep thought. Something has changed. Like every morning, they ate breakfast together, and the girl pampered Elizabeth the 3rd, giving her scraps of her food. "You seem less stressed lately," Jumin said. Riyu blinked, "And I seemed stressed before?" "Yes." "Maybe it's because I finally have something to do." "Ah, yes, how are you dealing with inviting guests?" "Very efficiently, I've already convinced a few. Others help me a lot, they send me suggestions."
"I see," Jumin took a sip of coffee and tried to focus his eyes on the magazine. Recently, he found himself staring at the girl too often and he trying to fight it. "Besides, everyone is nice to me. And they are funny." "Funny? Yes, I understand why you can see them as funny." "But you rarely log in. Is this my fault?" Jumin raised an eyebrow, refusing to show any emotion, "Why do you think so?" "Because I suspect it must be embarrassing for you. But no one is making fun of our situation since I asked for it." "Believe me, jokes will start as soon as I get back there." Riyu rested her cheek on her hand, with an elbow on the table, with a sigh, "What a pity. Have you even seen my profile?" "I didn't pay attention. Is it important for some reason?" "Do you remember when I told you I once had a dog?" The girl put down her coffee cup, got up from her place, walked along the table and stopped next to him, "I set his photo on the background." Jumin's heart started beating quickly when Riyu leaned close to him, wanting to show him the screen of her phone. He heard her quiet breathing, felt the warmth of her body, the smell of her shampoo fell into his nose. "I thought you might want to see him. I know you love animals like me." "I-I see," He whispered, adjusted his tie, and examined the photo. It was a small dog, a mongrel, with a short mouth, clapped ears and protruding teeth. "What was his name?" "Hige." "That's a weird name." "Not at all!" Riyu was outraged and lightly hit him on the shoulder with an open hand. This gesture completely dazed him. "Have you ever watched Wolf's Rain anime?" "I haven't watched any anime. It's a waste of time." "What? You've got to be kidding me! I have to show you a few, then you'll change your mind. Hige is one of the characters from this anime." "Your favorite, I guess. Oh... your avatar." "Ah, yes. I just wanted to show everyone how lucky I'm to hug this beautiful cat." The girl returned to her place and tapped something on the phone. For some reason, he became interested and worried about who she could write with. "Maybe I'll actually start logging in more often," He wondered aloud. "It would be nice to talk to you there sometimes," Riyu smiled charmingly. Jumin looked away, massaged his temple, "Tell me, do you really care to get along or is it just your game?" The girl's face immediately took on a sharper expression. Her sweet smile disappeared, "Listen, someday, you want it or not, we'll be family in some way. So yes, I care about getting along." "Family..." Jumin frowned. "Are you really ready to marry my father?" The girl apparently swallowed, "Yes." "Why? Do you really want to torment yourself for money?" "I don't care about his money. And no, I don't torment myself." "Do you know that you are really bad at pretending and lying?" "So you should see when I tell the truth. So you should see that I really don't care about money." Yes, that was the strangest thing... He was really starting to believe that money wasn't her goal at all. But he had no idea what could it be. "If you don't do it for money, why?" She did not answer him, so he continued, "Just don't say you actually have any feelings for my father. You despise him. You even loathe talking with him." "That's not true," The girl shook her head. "I like to talk to him." "So why has my father recently complained to me that you rarely pick up calls from him?" "I just rarely have my phone with me." "From what I understood, you like to write on the messenger with others. So you must have your phone in your hand quite often." The girl narrowed her eyes, she was angry, "What is this? An interrogation?" He looked up at her and had to not control his cold eyes, because Riyu backed away, shuddered? Then her phone rang. They both looked at the screen. What timing! His father just called. Riyu stiffened. "Won't you answer?" Jumin asked. The girl looked at him furiously, then grabbed the phone, and when he heard this artificially sweet voice, he immediately regretted that he provoked her to pick up. "Good morning, Mr. Han! Ah, I'm just eating breakfast with your son. How are your business matters?" Jumin barely swallowed bites of food and sips of coffee when he heard her babbling to his father. He felt sick, his throat tightened. Their conversation on the phone lasted about fifteen minutes, so quite a long time for them. As if the girl wanted to prove something to him.
When she finally hung up the phone, she didn't look at him. In silence, she returned to eating her leftover breakfast. Jumin felt uncomfortable... He felt... guilty.
"I'm sorry," He sighed. "You don't have to do this anymore. Don't force yourself to talk to him."
"I don't force myself," She answered gruffly.
"Why can't you be honest with me?"
"I'm honest," Another lie. "I want to marry your father. I may seem uncomfortable with him, but it's because we still have to get used to each other. In time, I will feel at ease with him."
Jumin put down his coffee, put the magazine away, and got up from the table. Riyu eyes followed him, "Won't you finish your breakfast?" "I've lost my appetite." Jumin headed for the exit, but before he left he heard a quiet 'Have a nice day at work' behind him.
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[Jumin Han has entered the chat room]  Riyu: Seven, the weird hacker you suggested as a guest  Riyu: want my IP -_-  Riyu: I don't think it wise to give it to him 707: Give him my IP  707: I will send it to u thro message  707: if he tries to break into my phone 707: I'll just 707: destroy him 707: 
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Riyu: hello, Jumin.  Jumin Han: yes, hello.  707: JuJu!  707: You finally appeared! 707: I missed you! 707: 
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Jumin Han: The feeling is not mutual  707: so sharp T-T  Riyu: hehe, don't be sad Seven, he's kidding  Jumin Han: I'm not 707: lolololol Riyu  707: you're acting like a mom  707: oops! it wasn't right  707: since soon you will actually be Jumin's mother 707: lololololol  Jumin Han: 
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Jumin Han: you see, Riyu?  Jumin Han: I told you what would start as soon as I came back here Riyu: Seven -_- 707: sorry T-T 707: I couldn't help myself 707: it was stronger than me! 707: this huge urge to make a joke T-T 707: it's just painfull T-T Riyu: you know what else would be painful? Riyu: me smacking you straight in the face 707: Oooh~ 707: I get excited just now~ 707: 
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Riyu: sigh... -_-' Jumin Han: 
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707: but Riyu I want to ask you something  Riyu: don't 707: you can 707: choose between two rich guys 707: and you decided to 707: go after Mr. Chairman? 707: do you have a thing for older guys? lolololol Riyu: no, I don't and it isn't funny, Seven  707: but when I think about it 707: Jumin is also older than you 707: so why Mr. Chairman? Riyu: seriously Seven, it's not funny Jumin Han: yes, stop this Luciel Jumin Han: don't you see she's uncomfortable? 707: oh, you get so protective over her again lololol 707: but what about u JuJu? 707: aren't u jealous that she prefers your father over you? lol [Riyu has left the chat room] Jumin Han:... 707: oh.... 707: it was too much? 707: I'm so sorry T-T 707: I didn't mean to offend you, Riyu T-T Jumin Han: Seven, Jumin Han: you're supposed to be a genius Jumin Han: so how is it you don't know how to use your brain? [Jumin Han has left the chat room] Jumin regretted that he decided to log in to the chat room. He just wanted to talk to Riyu and from all of people, she was accompanied by Seven. He thought for a long moment, tapping his fingers on the desk surface, and finally dialed the girl's number.  "Yes?" Her voice was washed of emotion when she answered.  Jumin didn't know what to say, "Is everything... Are you all right?"  "Yes."  She was definitely not all right. And Jumin felt a great need to change it somehow, "You said in the morning that you would like to show me some animes."  "Yes, what about this?"  "I think I would like to see some. Maybe at the evening? I'll try to left from work earlier today."
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Jaehee was not happy that he had left work earlier because he had left her extra paperwork, but for some reason he wanted to fulfill the promise he made to Riyu. When he returned to the building and entered the apartment, he felt a strange smell. Did Riyu order dinner for them? But she wasn't in the kitchen and the food wasn't waiting for him on the table.  "Riyu?"  "I'm here," Her voice came from the living room.  So he headed there and before his eyes, an unusual view appeared. Riyu had already prepared several DVDs, probably with those animes that she wanted to show him. A blanket lay on the floor in front of the sofa. A box of pizza next to it - the strange smell coming from it. "I'm ready for our movie night," She said with a smile and sat back comfortably on the blanket, "If you need to refresh yourself after work, I'll give you only a moment. Be brief while the pizza is still warm."  Jumin was completely stunned, "Shouldn't we have dinner first?"  "This is our dinner!"  "Pizza? It's rather unhealthy." Riyu rolled her eyes, "Once in a while you can let yourself eat junk food. Come on, hurry up, or I'll start without you." So he went to refresh himself quickly and allowed himself to take off his jacket and stay in his shirt, he also took off his tie. When he returned to the living room, Riyu was already turning on the movie, "Hurry up, it's starting!"  A little hesitantly he sat down next to her, on a blanket and leaned his back on the sofa behind him, "Why are we sitting on the blanket?"  "It's better this way."  Jumin raised an eyebrow, "Is it? It's not good for your spine."  "Seriously, Jumin?"  "You also forgot to prepare plates and cutlery." "We don't need them for pizza!"  "So how are we supposed to eat?"  "Using our hands?" The girl reached for a piece of pizza into the box, dipped its tip in the sauce, then tilted her head back and directed the piece of pizza to her mouth. She bit off a fragment and began to chew it.  "It doesn't look very elegant," He stated at this view but couldn't help smiling. In fact, it didn't look elegant. It looked cute. The girl handed him a piece of pizza, "Eat, watch and relax. Apparently, you need it more than I do."  "Do you think that I don't take time to relax? That's not true, I think that relaxation is a very important part of life and work. When I need to relax, I go to a grape farm."  "It must be a very pleasant way to relax, but I promise you that the ways of the commoners also have their charm." So for the next hour, they watched anime, ate pizza and sat on a blanket. For Jumin, it was a completely new and unexpectedly pleasant experience. He actually felt relaxed. He stretched one leg forward, the other bent at the knee and put his elbow on it. The girl was sitting cross-legged next to him. They watched intently, sometimes exchanging comments. When they watched a few episodes and took a short break before the next, Jumin felt the need to say something. "I don't understand why this Hige is your favorite character. He is clumsy, irresponsible and only thinks about food and women."  Riyu chuckled and then shrugged, "When I was younger I thought he was cute." "Do you still think so?"  "Hmm. I still appreciate him because when he fell in love, he remained loyal to one woman for the rest of his life."  "If you really want to marry my father, you must be ready that he is not like that. He is not loyal. He has problems remaining faithful." The girl looked away, "You don't have a good opinion about your father." "On the contrary. I value him very much. But I know how he is when it comes to women."  Suddenly, Riyu's phone rang. The girl twitched, suddenly turned pale, but reached for her cell phone.  "You don't have to pick up if-"  "It's Seven. Ha! Let's see what he has to say." Riyu picked up a call in hands-free mode. "Riyu~ You picked up! I'm so happy~!" "What do you want, Seven? I'm busy watching anime and eating pizza."  "Whaaa? Do you value pizza and anime more than me?"  "It depends how sorry you are for your jokes."  "I'm terribly sorry, I am begging you on my knees for forgiveness!"  "I think you should also apologize to Jumin. That matter concerns him as much as me."  "I will certainly apologize to him!"  "You can do it now. He's here with me and you're on a speaker." Jumin barely suppressed a laugh. This girl... She was really something.  "Whaaa? Jumin is there with you watching anime and eating pizza? I can't believe it! You have to take a picture!"  "Where is your apology, Seven?"  "Huh?"  "I'm counting to five. If you don't apologize at that time, I'll hang up and never forgive you. Five... Four..." "Wait!"  "Three... Two..."  "JuJu, I'm so sorry! I'm on my knees now! I swear!"  Riyu burst out laughing and this time he couldn't stand it either. Agitated by her good mood, he laughed softly.  "Did Jumin Han just laugh ?! What a pity I'm not recording this because nobody will believe me!"  "Jumin," Riyu turned to him. "Do you think we can accept such an apology?"  "I think so, exceptionally."  "You're in luck today, Seven. Bye ~!" "I think he got his lesson, but since it's Seven, I doubt he'll ever stop fooling around," Jumin concluded.  Riyu sighed, "I know."  Suddenly something white flashed past them. The girl looked at the pizza box, "Oh no!" Then she jumped to her feet and ran somewhere, "Elizabeth, you can't eat that!"  Jumin got up quickly and hurried after the girl, "Did she steal a piece of pizza?"  Riyu just squatted and picked up a piece of pizza from the floor. She breathed a sigh of relief, "She must have dropped it along the way."  "She hid under the furniture. Your scream must have scared her."  "Most importantly, she didn't eat that." Suddenly Elizabeth ran out from under the furniture and fell straight into Riyu's legs. The girl stepped back so as not to stop on the cat, as a result of which she tripped over its small figure or maybe over her own legs.  Jumin reacted faster than he could think about it. He reached out one arm and the girl fell on it with her back. His fingers reflexively pressed around her waist. Riyu looked up at his face, slightly dazed. Her skin was soft, her eyes deep, her lips slightly parted. Jumin felt he was getting hot, and a strange thought flashed through his head... but he quickly chased it away.  He helped the girl stand straight on the floor and took his hand away. "Um... Thank you," She said, apparently embarrassed. He wasn't looking at her, "No problem. It wouldn't be good if you'd break your arm or something like that." "Yes, your father would not be pleased." "I wouldn't be pleased either." The girl was silent for a moment, then snorted softly, "Is this your way of saying that you care about me?" "I never said I don't care about you," He slowly turned to face her again and it was a big mistake. Now he could see that she was blushing and it make his heart race once more. "Will we go back to watching..?" Riyu suggested shyly.  Jumin nodded stiffly. He didn't even think about checking if Elizabeth the 3rd had been hurt. They just came back in front of the TV, sat down on the blanket and Riyu turned on another episode. At first it was awkward between them, but eventually, they both relaxed again. They watched anime till late at night. The ending was surprisingly brutal and sad.  Jumin noticed Riyu's lips tightening and her eyes sparkling. Was she stopping herself from crying?  "Are you all right?" He asked.  She sniffed loudly and rubbed her eyes, "Yes, yes. I just feel sad..."  Jumin raised his eyebrows, "Because of the movie?"  She nodded.  Cute. Incredibly cute.  "You shouldn't worry about it. It didn't really happen."  "I know, I know... But it's stronger than me." Jumin looked at his watch and only then realized how late it really was, "Ah, I should go to sleep now."  "I hope you won't be late for work tomorrow because of our movie night."  "Today, actually. It's past midnight. But don't worry about it. That was a surprisingly nice experience. I think I would like to repeat that sometime."  "All right, but next time you choose a movie."  Jumin nodded and rose from the blanket. The girl followed in his footsteps and started cleaning up, but he stopped her immediately, "Leave it. The Maid will take care of it."  "Ah, yes," She replied and straightened up. "I'm still not used to it."  They stood silently facing each other for a moment. Finally, Jumin broke the silence, "I have to admit I was wrong about you."  "What?"  "Someone like you - loving animals and crying at movies - cannot be a crafty gold-digger. Even if you can be quite bold and fierce at times as well."  "Uh... thank you?"  "Riyu... If you don't care about my father's money... Why are you doing this? You can be honest with me."  The girl's face narrowed instantly. She looked at her feet, "I'm honest. I just want to be with him." After these words, mumbled faintly, she moved towards the guest room. As she was passing him, he grabbed her wrist and stopped her. Why? Why did he do that?  "J-Jumin?" Her voice shook slightly.  "I'm sorry," Jumin released her hand or rather force himself to release her. "You should go to sleep now as well. Goodnight."
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lmattison · 5 years
& ; * - kathryn newton / heterosexual / she/her/hers ] isn’t it weird how close { laurel mattison } resembles { kathryn newton }? damn, i heard they are a { nineteen } year old { undergraduate } and a member of { pi gamma phi } studying { political science }. outside of class { laurel } participates in { honors council, environmental club, and newspaper } and their party anthem is { i have a dream } by { abba  }.
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can you tell im obsessed with abba??
anyway HI GUYS its ya girl paige, back at it with a second character. laurel is a fun time, really just a fun gal fam. here’s what yall need to know about my baby girl, laurel mattison:
laurel elizabeth mattison is a princess
and i dont use that word lightly
born in boston, massachusetts as the shiniest jewel in the crown of the irish mob
yes, the irish mob
years and years ago, her great great grandfather, collin donoghue, came to the US by boat, and began sending money back to his family in ireland. soon, more and more of his family (and “family”) members began coming over to boston, and they soon ran the city
since the early 1900s, boston has been run by the donoghue crime family
fun story: so every generation had a boy, right? and the son would become the heir to the family business, which is why it stayed the donoghue crime family
that is until laurel’s mom, cara
her parents had cara, and then her brother tim, who was 8 years younger than her
when cara was 25 and her brother was 17, their father was killed, and thus the boss position was passed down to tim
he could not handle it, and within 6 months he was in jail
refusing to be pushed to the side, cara took over and has been the acting boss since then
we stan lady power
i also love the movie the kitchen SO 
can u tell im a film major ANYWAY
cara and mark mattison met in college, and were already married when cara took over from her brother. they went on to have four kids, three boys and their baby girl, laurel
growing up, laurel got everything she wanted, but she wasn’t exactly spoiled. while her father was happy just letting laurel be that girl, cara was determined to make sure laurel had an active part in the family business
laurel was always super interested in what her family did, and when she decided early on she wanted to do something in politics, her family couldn’t have been happier
in high school, laurel was well liked but kept to her small group of friends. it was a fun experience, and she did well. she wrote for the paper and was on the superintendents council and planned prom
yale wasn’t her first choice, but when she was rejected from boston college, she decided that maybe it was a sign that she should go away for school, and she picked yale
her parents were all too sad to see her go, but they knew she had to spread her wings
now, laurel’s a sophomore studying political science and shes in pi gamma phi. 
oh and she’s dating mickey (and has no idea that hes cheating on her)
laurel’s a sweetheart, really is. you’d never expect that she comes from a mob family (and she’d never tell you that herself). shes just nice to people, but a bit of a pushover
possible plots
roommates!! current roommates, freshmen year roommates
i definitely want a best friend for her thats the opposite of her, like more loud and outspoken than laurel and pulls her out of her shell
like i said, laurel’s dating mickey, and shes a FAITHFUL HOE
but id love for her to have a male friendship where shes SUPER close to this guy, like hes her shoulder to cry on
also, guys with curshes on her. because i need her to have rebound material when she gets her heart broken
also someone be her big pls shes in pi gamma phi
um idk i suck at wcs yall know this
ok thats all i have, im gonna reply to stuff on her in a bit (i might nap) but hit that like button and we can plot!!
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