#to all my Jewish peeps
So! Since some people are clearly INCREDIBLY dense, let me make myself perfectly clear. If you are buying that game, I do not like you and you deserve to feel any and all guilt that decision brings you. :)
I do not condone death threats or any other harassment or hateful/violent speech towards any human being. However,,, letting someone know they are actively causing harm and by knowingly doing so have lost my respect and any trust/validity in my eyes is NOT harassment. It is simple fact.
I personally have never gone into anyone’s comments/reblogs/replies/etc. and shamed anyone. Ever. However… this is my blog and I hope all of you buying this racist bullcrap feel shamed and ashamed of yourself. I hope your experience with it is terrible. I hope you take one look at that disgusting excuse of a “plot” and vomit. I hope you learn from your mistakes and do better.
But if you don’t… you do not deserve my respect. It’s very simple. I feel like a lot of people have said this in much more descriptive terms than me, and I’m not looking to engage in discourse, so I’m not going to attempt to change your mind. I will say that if you are thinking of buying this game, and you’re feeling guilty? Good. You should feel guilty.
We are not children anymore. I would hope for everyone’s sake that we have grown the capacity for compassion and love of human beings. I would hope we have all learned to think critically and use kindness. But if you haven’t… you should do some self reflection, because blaming trans people for your guilt over a nasty decision YOU MADE is NOT OKAY.
I personally don’t care if you disagree. I personally don’t care if you’re an ignorant misogynistic racist transphobe. But DO NOT claim to be an ally and disregard it when it’s convenient to you. You do not get to spit in my face and tell me it’s raining. Shut the fuck up and go be a bigot elsewhere.
If you disagree do not argue with me… you will be blocked immediately and I will move on with my life secure in the knowledge that my worldview is not based on insecurity and vile hatred. I am actively working on being a mindful of others as I can. This does not make me weak or soft or stupid or whatever the fuck. This makes me actively stronger and smarter than any terf has ever been.
I will be blocking anyone who comments/replies/reblogs any stupid ass comments. If anyone wants to add their rants on this post feel free. I’m tired of this shit. I’m angry. It’s okay to be angry about other peoples harmful behavior. It’s okay to call them out. It’s also okay to block them when you get overwhelmed or sad at the state of this shitty world. I highly suggest playing the block game with any terf/idiot in the replies/reblogs. It’ll help you to just slap a ban hammer on them and move on. You will live rent free in their minds knowing they took time out of their day to reply and you didn’t bother responding. And you can move on and never think of them again!!
Anyway, to any of the many people being harmed by Rowling and her nasty terf cult. I love you. You’re allowed to be upset, but just remember this is ignorance and insecurity. None of this is your fault and you are beautiful. We are beautiful. Have a beautiful day lovelies! 💜
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june-xoxox · 1 year
don’t starve wilson doesn’t like anti-semitism, be like wilson
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pettytiredandjewish · 23 days
To all my Jewish and Israeli peeps- I love you. You all are amazing and wonderful people. Please stay safe and please take care of yourselves ❤️
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catboygretzky · 4 days
Do I even want to know what happened in the last 24 hours 😭 I'm almost afraid to ask but I'm also insanely curious
You probably don't want to know but I'll tell you because you have no choice. This will be long and...awful. But there are sources so that's fun! Please keep in mind that this was all released within 24 hours on Thursday, September 20th, 2024 and that, unfortunately, I haven't mentioned everything.
But! The GOP was certainly having a wild one yesterday.
To start things off:
The first 'Big News' to break was about Mark Robinson.
For those saying 'who the fuck is Mark Robinson', he's the current (R) Lt. Gov of North Carolina that is running for Gov. Before yesterday, he was best known for openly hating LGBT+ and Jewish folks, being a Holocaust denier, being (forcefully) anti abortion, saying it was better when women couldn't vote, anti immigrant, hating the civil rights movement, etc, just being a hateful Evangelical nasty fascist. MAGA to his core. Trump has endorsed him, saying he should be cherished and calling him "MLK on steroids". (Robinson is Black).
So, yeah, that's bad enough right? Yesterday it got even worse. CNN released a report about some comments he made on a porn site forum 12 years ago, the most prominent being 'i'm a black NAZI'. He also commented that he wished slavery was legal and that he'd own a few, and called himself a 'perv' that used to 'peep' on women in public locker rooms when he was a teenager.
Also the tale as old as time that I'm sure you could guess when I mentioned 'GOP' 'loudly transphobic' and 'porn site scandal' - trans porn was a favourite of his. Because of course.
Also of course - the GOP hasn't taken him off the ticket, and he will continue to be the nominee for governor in North Carolina!
Read the article, there's more about him and the situation in general. Mind the warnings.
Now on to our favourite worm brained bear eating anti vaxxer conspiracy theorist, Robert F. Kennedy Junior! I'm putting this under a read more now.
The first thing to drop about him yesterday was the news of an investigation after he allegedly cut off the head of a dead whale and took it home 20 years ago. Now I bet you're thinking, wow that's bad! Unfortunately for RFK Jr yesterday got worse. It was then revealed that he (70) was having an affair with right wing journalist Olivia Nuzzi (31) after New York Magazine suspended her.
Everything I learn about RFK Jr I learn against my own will.
Saying goodbye to RFK for now, let's move on to Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida! This Matt Gaetz, with the botox if you didn't recognise him.
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Scary lookin, right?
This isn't a completely new story (here's an article about how he alledgedly paid for sex with a minor) but new court filings were released yesterday alledging that he attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal.
Sure is great to have such trustworthy men representing this country!
OKAY, on to the next.
This wasn't really breaking news because this is just Trump being Trump but he gave a speech at an ANTI ANTISEMITISM EVENT where he preemptively blamed the Jews for being the reason he'll lose this election, telling them they need to get their head checked if they vote for Harris (that's pretty much part of his stump speech by now though) and saying he'll reinstate his Muslim ban. White fascist blaming Jews? Wow, I did Nazi that coming.
I genuinely could go on, I really truly could.
Oh! Kamala Harris went on Oprah and it was really nice and not at all insane and she talked to the family of the first known victim of Trump's abortion ban and it was very touching. Trump's official social media then posted a clip of her talking about her gun and saying 'If somebody breaks into my house, they're getting shot' like it was a snatch when in reality Republicans in the comments are saying 'actually, this would make me vote for her'. Thanks, Trump Team for the free advertising!
Chris Rufo (known racist and anti immigration right wing activist) got revealed to have an illegal immigrant wife, and then got revealed to be a user of Ashley Madison (database where people go to cheat on their partners)(Robinson was also on Ashley Madison).
Jasmine Crockett during her thing and ripping white republicans to shreds. (idk this was just fun to me)
Actually Republicans and Project 2025 got ripped to shreds and shut down in general by multiple Congress members.
GOP is on the brink of causing a government shutdown, because of COURSE they are.
Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX over “invasion” of land on US/Mexico border.
Anyway there's actually MORE believe it or not but I can't remember if it happened yesterday. Thank you for reading, I'm always open to discussing current events. I don't think it's a well known fact that I'm into politics because I don't talk about it on tumblr because people are kinda stupid. Anyway!
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aidenlydia · 7 months
Hey, just letting you know Jack Black isn't a Zionist, Zionism is the belief of Jewish self determination in a Jewish state. Unless he's said anything specifically about that, saying no civilians should be hurt and that Jewish people are afraid right now (true, antisemitic hate crimes have sharply risen) isn't Zionism, and equating that too Zionism is antisemitic and part of the justification for the harassment Jewish people are facing right now even if they aren't talking about what's going on.
It's good to talk about what's going on, but a lot of stuff is drifting hard into antisemitic dogwhistles and conspiracies and Jack Black should definitely be called out for his support of Autism Speaks, but not for saying Jewish people don't deserve hate and expressing concerns about all the civilians and the hostages. It might be helpful to talk to some Jewish folks about it too, even if you don't agree with them.
Jack Black is using the language of Zionists and that is worth criticizing.
1. Calls a literal GENOCIDE “nuanced and hard to understand” which is used by Zionists across the world (including my own country, which supplies Israel with tank ammunition) as an excuse to not call for a ceasefire.
2. Only talks about the images of kidnapped Israelis and attacks by Hamas, not a peep about the *well documented genocide* (doesn’t even use the word).
3. Calls Hamas terrorists - completely ignoring the 75 year long occupation, displacement, imprisonment and murder of the Palestinian people. (It’s ok when white people fight back against oppressors, but not when it’s Arabs)
4. Talks about the rise in antisemitism, but not the continued unaddressed and actively deadly Islamophobia.
These type of posts never focus on the deaths of the Palestinians and heavily criticize Hamas instead of Israel, despite Israel being the aggressor for decades. Yes, rising antisemitism is absolutely a problem and yes it’s the Israeli government that is to blame, not Jewish people. We know that. However that’s no excuse to be this incredibly one-sided and tone-deaf. Not when the Palestinians have been facing ethnical cleansing by an apartheid regime and are now on the brink of obliteration by both starvation and unimaginable amounts of violence, all while the world watches and supports it. Jewish people and Israelis aren’t the only victims here. Ignoring that is simply unacceptable. Jack Black is downplaying Palestinian suffering.
And I know what Jewish people think about this "war". I know Jewish people see this and call it an inexcusable genocide - that Israel started this long before October 7. You know how I know? Because they come to protests and make their stances clear. They aren’t afraid to speak up. This isn’t a Jew vs Muslim war, it never was.
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jewishbarbies · 8 months
I'm not Jewish but I am forever done with Leftists. All they do is ignore the crimes of Hamas, downplay them, claim it never happened, or sneer at the victims and anyone horrified by it. They will constantly talk about Gaza but will never make a peep about the hostages. They think all Israelis are evil combatants regardless of age and that no civilian exists there. They willfully spread the most hateful god awful shit and then claim anyone pointing it out is twisting their words even when presented with THE EXACT FUCKING WORDS THEY THEMSELVES TYPED!!!! The level of audacity, gas lighting, lack of brain cells, complete and utter willful ignorance, refusal to listen, atrocity denial and blatant in your face antisemitism has made me permanently fuck off from their circles. I've lost friends but they aren't worth the friendship. I don't know where to go from here there isn't any political party that doesn't make me want to pull my hair out
I feel ya there. I’ll do what i have to do to keep hitler (america’s version) out of office, but I’m tired of this, grandpa.
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l0vedove · 4 months
Gonna be a hater for a bit, enjoy the negativity about the new falsettos production from bow tie productions, no hate to the peeps but I want to rant and my falsettos irl friend is busy.
Here’s what I liked:
Jason was actually played by a kid!!
Randy Lei Chang really embodied Whizzer well, though I think his performance was lacking at times.
Joshua Kilmnik played a great Mendel, just the right amount of insufferable (again great job)
Marvin and Whizzer had great chemistry
Taylor Long is an amazing singer (more on this later)
Choreo was well done
The set was cool
Costumes were well done, not very 80s but embodied the characters very well
Jason actually did a great job, especially for being a kid
Mendels little crowd interaction at the start of act 2
I liked March of the falsettos a lot, especially Mendel and Whizzer (will also touch on later)
Nice detail to have Mendel put a menorah in “the home” during making a home
The SCREAMs for the lesbians were amazing
Trina and Marvin had great chemistry together (as in great chemistry for hating each other)
Now for my hating <3
I’m pretty sure Olivia daniels was the only actual Jewish actor (maybe Marvin?) in a musical about Jewish people in the 80s so that’s something, that’s not a negative per say but its just a little disappointing Y’know? But I’m also not Jewish so I can’t really say anything
On that same note Trina’s actual voice was not great at times, she fell flat and offkey at times, but everyone’s only human. Also she didn’t feel manic enough during the first act, especially breaking down.
It was a very cool idea to pull people in from the audience during March of the falsettos but it undermines the point of the song. Same with them being in baseball uniforms, cool idea but defeats the purpose of song.
I think Marvin was had to much going on at times but Taylor Long has a history in opera so it makes sense he was a bit much at times
Lack of a chess prop throughout the musical was disappointing. Especially during chess game (obvi) and Jason bits of being a shut in who *plays chess* in his room all day (in act one)
Marvin’s mic was too quiet in about time
I stopped watching at year of the child so I can’t say crap about the rest of it. This was my two bits, over all everyone did a great job though!! This is mostly being nitpicky. I am one of the 52 likes so go show this production the love it deserves!!
Here’s the show!! Go watch and make your own opinions please!!
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whumpsday · 1 year
Writing Masterlist
content: vampire whumpee, buried alive, begging, rescue, asphyxiation, religious whump, death wish, starvation, claustrophobia, sensory deprivation, touch starvation, comfort, harming self for vampire feeding purposes, possible historical inaccuracies
Whumpmas in July Day 15: Buried Two Weeks of Whump Day 14: Coffin
this is vampire whump, but it does NOT take place in the K&J universe! i wanted to play around with some vampire mythology that i chose not to incorporate into K&J lore.
thank you to @lost-in-labradorite-halls for beta-reading and helping my clueless jewish ass with the christian bits and generally inspiring this piece via the wonderful vampire torture you regularly concoct!!
also have a song:
Petrichor's endless, airless torment was punctuated once again by the sound of a shovel entering the earth.
It was worth noting strictly because anything was worth noting down here. The digging wasn't out of the ordinary: it was a cemetery, of course.
This time, it sounded close. Every time it sounded near, Petrichor dared let himself hope it might reach him, though he knew such a thing was absolutely ridiculous. People dug graves to bury bodies, not exhume them.
It was utterly maddening. Someone was so close, another soul- a soul, rather, given he did not possess one any longer- and he was unable to make even the slightest peep to alert them to his distress, all oxygen having vacated his tiny box what must have been decades ago, if not centuries. At least he didn't require air anymore.
A tear rolled down his cheek at the thought, his body unable to conjure up more than that. He could not even raise an arm to tap on the wood of the coffin, the weakness having deprived him so effectively. Petrichor listened to the digging longingly, laid still and silent in his grave, the corpse he was.
I'm here. I'm still here, after all this time. Please, it can't be like this forever. I care not whether I'm rescued or slain, but please, someone put an end to it. Dear Lord, I know I'm not one of Your creatures any longer, but please help me.
As if answering his prayer, the digging slowly grew closer as the hours passed. It was odd: usually there would be a bustle of people around, and only one grave would be dug. But he could hear nothing but the digging, and it almost sounded like multiple graves. Perhaps some tragedy had befallen the family owning the plot next to his.
It was disappointing, in a way. The voices, though he could hardly make them out from under the earth, were the only human connection he had left in his horrible fate. Sometimes, he could even make out bits and pieces of the priest's sermon, which never failed to make him cry. He could not even utter a prayer aloud in his wretched state, if the Lord would even have him as he now was. And clearly, He wouldn't.
Petrichor's melancholy thoughts were swiftly interrupted when the sound of digging grew yet closer. Much closer.
As if it were right above him.
Oh dear Lord, please. This could finally be it, couldn't it? If his grave were to be exhumed, for some odd reason?
The shovel knocked against wood. Petrichor could feel it reverberate through the coffin, the first physical sensation interrupting the suffocating stillness in longer than he could know.
He wanted to weep for joy. It was finally happening, it was over. His prayers had finally been answered!
Someone opened the coffin, trading the wooden finish he'd stared at for so long for a starry sky.
Petrichor gasped for breath, his first in what may as well have been lifetimes, smelling of freshly-turned earth. It was nearly impossible to move, his muscles stiff and dry, but he was able to breathe through his nose, and open his mouth just a small amount. It was more than enough: he had air, his lungs no longer drowning.
"Holy fucking shit!" His rescuer tried to jump back, but they were inside his grave with him, and space was sparse.
It was difficult to move his eyes, but he managed it, fixing them on the first person he'd seen since his funeral. They looked young, around his age when he'd been buried or perhaps younger, dressed in an androgynous black cloak. Their clothes and face all ranged from speckled with dirt to absolutely caked in it.
Petrichor stared at them with wild, desperate eyes, and with fresh air in his lungs, made what little sound he could manage: a strangled, pleading cry.
"Oh my god. Oh my fucking god." His rescuer continued to take the Lord's name in vain and spew profanities, but Petrichor couldn't bring himself much to care. All that mattered was getting out of his coffin, the end of his suffering. But he was unable to move.
His rescuer seemed to recognize this as well, their string of expletives tapering off as they tilted their head, staring back.
They glanced up at his gravestone. "Here lies Petrichor Adams," they read out. "1797 to 1820."
They looked back down at him, squinting. "What the hell are you?"
Petrichor whined again, a tear making its way down his face once more.
His rescuer leaned in, their initial shock having given way to a surprising lack of fear. They knelt beside him, peering at his face. "You sure got some chompers in there, huh? What, like...?" They looked out over the edge of the hole, like someone would come out and announce it was all a trick, but no one did.
Petrichor could do nothing but stare pleadingly.
His rescuer tapped him on the cheek. The first touch he'd felt in forever, it almost tingled. They tilted his head to the side, exposing the scars he supposed must still mark his neck: the fangs that had condemned him to this fate.
"You supposed to be a vampire or something?" they asked, incredulous. Having picked up that he could not reply, they continued on. "Well, fuck. What, you need blood or something, is that it? Oh, no no no. I've seen the movies, I've played the video games, alright? I am not fucking with this." They produced a small rectangular object from their pocket, angling it at him in various positions and tapping it oddly before replacing it in their cloak.
The soaring hope in Petrichor's long-dead heart crashed against the rocks. He could not understand some of what the digger said, but the sentiment was clear: he would receive no help.
He would remain locked in his prison.
Petrichor's chest quaked with dry sobs. He trained his eyes upward, thankful that his wretched body could not produce tears very quickly, as his vision remained unblurred when he took in the stars. The sight of something beautiful, one last time.
The digger sighed, glancing at his headstone once more.
"Well. It does say you were beloved," they remarked. "Beloved son. They wouldn't've put that there if you were some bloodsuckin' serial killer, huh?"
Petrichor made no further attempt to look away from the stars, but allowed himself to hope again. Perhaps he would be allowed out, if the digger would take pity on him.
His rescuer shook their head. "I can't believe I'm doing this."
They produced a small blade, rolled up their sleeve, and sliced themself across the back of the arm. They positioned the wound just above his mouth, allowing their blood to drain across his tongue.
Petrichor had never tasted blood before- not posthumously, that was. He had been buried shortly after his death, without time to fall prey to his new, monstrous nature. It was nothing like blood had been as a human: the coppery taste when he'd split his lip roughhousing as a child. This, this was everything. It was the sweetest honey, it was the finest glass of red wine, it was the flavorful broth of his mother's pot roast, it was life itself flowing into his veins.
Slowly, the muscles in his body lost their stiffness, and he could move once more. He raised his head up toward the source of the lifeblood, but his savior placed their boot firmly on his chest, keeping him pinned to the floor of his coffin.
"Think that's enough for now. Don't wanna get woozy." They tore a piece of cloth from their cloak, wrapping the wound. "Cat still got your tongue, buddy?"
"P-please," Petrichor rasped, his voice weak from disuse, "Kind... sir? I cannot go on like this. Whatever fate you'd bestow upon me, I care not, so long as I'm not forced to remain inside this box. I am a vampire, it's true, but I had never consumed even a drop of blood before tonight. I mean no harm. Please allow me to leave this coffin." His voice broke, his words coming out squeaky. "I was human once, too."
Desperate begging. He'd never thought his life would come to this, but he supposed it never had. His life had ended long ago.
The boot was removed from his chest.
"Alright, Petrichor Adams, take it easy," his rescuer said. "I'm not gonna leave you down here no matter what you are. That'd be crazy fucked up." They extended a hand. "Robin."
Petrichor took their hand, his own shaking. "Thank you so very, very much. You've saved me from an unbearable fate."
Robin pulled him up to standing, his bones creaking with the unfamiliarity of movement. "Huh. It's almost like you time traveled or something. Says you died when you were 23, that's like, practically my age. Guess the 200 years in between don't really count."
Petrichor wasn't sure what came over him, but he burst into tears instantly. His body had no trouble with it now, two centuries' worth of crying flowing forth all at once as he bawled.
"They count!" he wept. "I was down there, I- I was down there the entire time! I did not sleep!"
"Alright!" Robin agreed with haste. "Okay, grandpa, you're 226 then, whatever's good. Jeez, c'mon, you don't gotta cry. It's gonna be okay."
They rubbed their thumb over his hand, and he gasped from the sensation. After so long, every touch felt one thousand times stronger than it was.
Petrichor attempted to pull himself together. "Yes, yes of- of course."
"And listen, you gotta be quieter. We're reeeeally not supposed to be out here right now." Robin hopped up, pulling Petrichor up with them.
A knapsack laid at the foot of his grave, varied pieces of jewelry and a few golden teeth visible from the top.
His rescuer was a graverobber and a thief. But Petrichor knew his situation was desperate, and chose to say nothing. He was no better, given what he was now.
Robin noticed the direction of his gaze nonetheless, offering him a mischievous smirk. "Yeah, Graverobbin' Robin, that's what they call me. And by they I mean me, 'cause no one knows I do this." They began shoveling dirt back into his grave. "Good thing I do, though. Never thought I'd save a vampire on my side hustle, but life throws you curveballs, I guess. You know baseball?"
"I do not, I'm afraid," Petrichor replied, watching mesmerized as his coffin became entombed once more.
"Bro, how are you gonna die in Boston and not know baseball? I gotta take you to a game sometime. Literally first order of business, now that I've got money for tix!"
None of it felt real. He was finally out, but two hundred years had passed. Everyone he'd ever known and loved was long-dead.
He turned, looking to his family plot, but his eyes instantly caught a horrible burning sensation. A headstone in the shape of a cross.
Petrichor averted his gaze. Of course: he'd almost forgotten. He was no longer one of The Lord's creatures.
Robin finished, slung their pack over their shoulder, and motioned him to follow. "You can crash at my apartment while you figure your shit out. I'll grab you some more blood from the butcher's once the T starts running. That's like the subway. Uh, I mean- never mind, not important. Hope pig's blood's enough for you, 'cause I can't do that every day."
At the very least, he had Robin.
"That sounds lovely."
this was originally gonna be a one-shot but i think i might write more? oh god, am i really starting another vampire series? THIS ONE WILL BE SHORTER. A MINISERIES.
if you liked this but want something a more hurt/no-comfort flavored i recommend Our Man Flint by @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night!!
tune in on tuesday for some kane & jim!
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everything taglist:
one-shots taglist (this is only gonna have 3-4 chapters max so im lumping it in with the one-shots):
event: @whumpmasinjuly @promptsforyourwhumpfic
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spacelazarwolf · 5 months
non-usamerican roman catholic here 😶‍🌫️ we know the prince of egypt is a jewish story and we do respect that! not in a cringey fetish way, like, we do acknowledge and respect you're the chosen peeps, but it is part of our scriptures and our liturgy as well. We do celebrate and recount the exodus during the catholic liturgy again and again (especially on the night of good saturday), like we sing the song of the sea in its entirety and on the same night we pray for the safety of all the jews of the world, cos we acknowledge that you of all people were the chosen ones. The catholic bible is a whole afaik, and the book of exodus holds just as much value as any other book.
All this to say, at least from my perspective, i don't feel like i'm 'appropriating' the prince of egypt when i celebrate it, we know it's about the jewish people, but at the same time it is an important part of our religion as well! 💙
do u ppl know how to read i never said u can’t enjoy the movie i said u shouldn’t erase the fact it’s a specifically jewish story.
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stephobrien · 8 months
Reminders for my fellow pro-Palestine peeps, because it sounds like some of y'all need this:
Being furious at Israel's government, army, settlers who are attacking Palestinian civilians and driving them out of their homes, and the protesters who are currently blocking aid to Gaza is absolutely legitimate. Taking it out on random Jewish people who are in no way complicit is bigoted, immoral, and counterproductive.
Israel =/= all Jewish people. Many Jewish people are actively speaking, protesting, campaigning, or otherwise acting against the current genocide, and have been protesting Israel's apartheid policies long before many of us became aware of them. There are also many Jewish people who are simply living their lives with no involvement in this conflict. Neither deserve to be lumped in with criminals who happen to be of the same heritage/religion.
Terrorizing innocent Jewish people will only make some of them more inclined to want a place where they don't have to deal with people like YOU, which is one of the ways Israel gets supporters. (The current Israeli government's treatment of Jewish dissidents, its history of propping up Hamas, and its insistence on antagonizing its neighbours make its claims of offering safety to Jews highly questionable, but that's a whole other topic.)
It's true that some people have used accusations of antisemitism to shut down legitimate criticism of behaviour that shouldn't be tolerated from ANYONE. It's also true that ACTUAL antisemitism is real and dangerous. Real antisemitism has been a problem for millennia, it's created serious generational and cultural trauma, and we shouldn't allow actual antisemites to use Israel's policies and the worst of its citizens as an excuse to harm innocent Jewish people.
There are genuinely antisemitic ways to voice legitimate criticism. If you criticize an objectively heinous action, while tying said action to the perpetrator's Jewishness or using it to invoke antisemitic stereotypes, you may be right to criticize the action, but you're still being antisemitic in the way you do it.
Jewish people are people whose lives and safety have value whether or not they advocate for Palestine. Don't treat their worth as human beings as if it's dependent on their advocacy.
There are probably more things that need to be said on this subject, but it's late at night and my brain's turning to fudge, so I'll leave it at this:
Call out crimes and lies, and advocate for Palestinian freedom and equality, but don't be a dickbag to innocent Jewish people about it. And if you see someone being actually antisemitic, call them out on it.
Also, if someone more knowledgeable than me would like to add any pointers on how to distinguish between Actual Antisemitism and Genocide Apologists Trying to Get Away With Crimes by Crying "Antisemitism," that would be great. I'm trying, but I know people who've lived on the receiving end of antisemitism understand it better than my goy ass can.
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brandycranby · 1 year
ce characters + whether your asian parents would like them and how to win them over 🥺😣🫶🏻💕🍵
based on unfortunately realistic intrusive thoughts i have while reading self-insert fics
steve: military? hm. desi peeps leave ur comments bc idk how desi parents feel but i know ALL the east asian and southeast asian parents and grandparents might have something to say about that. the US army has left its mark.. just saying... better highlight his better features such as his sensitive artistic nature!! wait. wait. not that either, no need for them to call him a bum at the dinner table.
just... have him win your mom over with his stunning future son-in-law adorableness and charming smile 😀
andy: lawyer. that's it- no, no it doesn't matter if your EA mom prefers flower boys and he's a little too bearded. lawyer. the desi parents are messaging the Whatsapp group chat, they're calling the fam back in the motherland. look at that beard. lawyer.
tall ✅ upper middle-class ✅ drives an audi ✅ divorced? he has you now.
ari: handsome... ok.. but also. military. hmm. non-religious/non-abrahamic religious peeps, your asian parents might give him a better reception. but um, "divorced?" "has a daughter??" "soldier la??" "he have steady income???" 👁️👄👁️
my super religious background peeps, im so sorry. maybe the part where he's Jewish will get lost in translation. um. that's a fight and a half at the dinner table, good luck 🥲 maybe just elope.
curtis: ... I MEAN IS IT THE APOCALYPSE?? if not, your dad would probably like him. a man's man. strong, silent, built like a brick wall and does whatever DIY project he points him towards when you visit. your mom will call him scary. i don't think that would change whether you're E/S/SEA, your mom is pulling you aside in the kitchen and asking if you're really sure about him.
let Curtis show his gentle side. yeah, he's tall and intimidating but he has a soft heart. tell your lil cousins and niblings to use him as a jungle gym
jake: see Andy above- no, EVEN MORE POWERFUL THAN ANDY. yeah, military veteran, yeah, he's a lil awkward. but. computer science. information technology. wifi. tvs, laptops, phones. your parents are going to turn him into their personal help line and you might have to put a stop to it but goddamn if they don't call him son the minute this convo happens:
"he's in cybersecurity"
"what is cyba-"
"... IT"
ransom: he's rich. he wears L.L. Bean and probably has the Louis Vuitton travel duffle bag. ransom is the nicest dressed, actually fashionable, sleek, and nicest smelling compared to the rest of these bozos. your mom loves him already. your dad is on the fence but also, he's well off enough to take care of you.
don't... say that he writes. yes, he does write. but focus on the fact that he's connected to a big big publishing house. yes yes. if this is an au and he's in charge of Blood Like Wine. BUSINESS OWNER, TAKE THAT.
disclaimer, all asian parents different. my dad is a graphic designer/artsy (though idk if he'd want me to date an artist tbh...) if ur parents aren't represented feel free to reblog w ur thoughts 😌
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Remembering Dick Grayson (DC) and Wanda (Marvel) are canonically Romani. Idk but I'm not Romani myself but I get so happy seeing Romani rep. Oh- wait what's that? The MCU white washed Wanda and made her Christian despite the fact she was Jewish-? Oh.. STILL I RLLY LIKE ROMANI REP SO SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY ROMANI PEEPS!! ❤️
(also I am so so so sorry if I got the wrong flag and country name. If so please forgive and correct me!! 🙏)
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themagicalkidproject · 2 months
hello!! i'd love to see either a sheepgender or a raccoonboygender! whichever you want or feel more motivated to do ^^
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Sheepgender was requested by @t0mmy-loser! Sorry this also took me a literal year mate! I tried doing both but Raccoonboy kept fucking me over… I am STILL going too fast for my friend and Alt ID guy, so those will be added later!
Sheepgender is a gender that, from what I can find, is a gender related to sheep or a connection to sheep! No clue who coined it, I've looked literally everywhere but the best credits I can find are @pupyzu who coined Sheeptix and @xeno-aligned, who coined Lambgender- this variant of the flag, by Transfeminine on Deviantart, was clearly inspired by the Lambgender flag after all. Guys I have ADHD, I don't have the attention span for research hunts like this lol. If you have any further info PLEASE find a way to tell me.
This Magical Kid has a Sacrificial Lamb Theme! They use They/He Pronouns and Lamb/Lambs/Lambself, Baa/Baas/Baaself, Fluff/Fluffs/Fluffself, Wool/Wools/Woolself, Sheep/Sheeps/Sheepself, and Sheer/Sheers/Sheerself Neopronouns!
Their name is Bo, after Bo-Peep! He can clone other people- this is a reference to the first cloned animal being a sheep! These clones share Bo's consciousness, but are a bit more timid and prone to fleeing.
Baas Magical Kid Weapon is a hunting horn made to look like a ram's horn! The horn will rally everyone who hears it to Bo's cause, increasing their strength, bravery, and stamina!
A useless fact about Bo is that, while he was raised Christian by his heavily Christian father, he is Jewish because his mother (who divorced his father) is Jewish! He's therefore kinda iffy with his Magical Kid Weapon because MAN is it similar to a Shofar, which he ABSOLUTELY should not be playing.
(A.N.: I AM NOT JEWISH!! I really hope I'm not wrong with any of the tidbits about Bo's backstory!)
The Magical Kid Project is a project wherein I steadily turn Pride Flags into Magical Kids! Requests are open through my inbox! Commission info is under the #commissions tag, I have a deal on Magical Kid Portraits!
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unhonest-iago · 1 year
Shanah Tovah
Corpse had the dates for all the Jewish holidays circled on his paper calendar, remembering that they changed every year. It was something y/n had mentioned once or twice in casual conversation. Corpse had picked up bread making as a new hobby, needing something to do when he couldn't come up with any new songs or music video concepts. Y/n could hear the clatter from their apartment next door, the walls unfortunately thin. And the kitchens even tinier to the point you could barely call them kitchens. Joking through the walls as y/n laughed at his one sided fights with tin foil.
Corpse decided to go with a three strand braid, not wanting to overdo it with his fibromyalgia. Already feeling a pins and needles sensation in a few of his fingers. The risen dough sat on his counter top, divided into three pieces. Rolling them into more a tube shape like you would clay for a coil pot. Corpse double checked the measurements, wanting to be sure it'd fit in his pan. Hands lightly shaking, quickly lacing the strands together. Still neat enough for his liking.
Sitting on the counter as he waited for the timer to ding, not having the energy to do much else. Y/n, picking up the smell of freshly baked bread assumed Corpse was trying a new recipe that he'd ultimately fuck up and curse up a storm about. Confused when they heard a knock on the door. Looking in the peep hole, seeing Corpse stood at their door. 'Hey Corpse, what this all about?'
'Heard it was a holiday for you and figured I'd surprise you. Swear on my life I didn't mess it up, tried it a dozen times just to make sure.' Rambling a little before handing it to them. Looking down, the poppy seeds staring back at them. 'Oh, jar of honey as well.'
Y/n thought of what they had planned for the day, or lack thereof. Shifting from foot to foot as they made up their mind. 'Wanna come in?'
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
God the amount of people on here I’ve, not just lost respect for, but become completely repulsed by in the last few days. People I share fandoms with who every so often would reblog those stupid “goblins are Jews so anybody who puts them in stories is antisemetic and should be shunned!!!” Which I usually just rolled my eyes and moved on. Those same damn people are on here justifying Jewish people getting slaughtered and kidnapped. And even if in their minds it’s truly just about “Israel vs Palestine”, not a fucking peep has been heard from any of them about the attacks now occurring to Jews around the world. “Punch Nazis! Listen to Jewish Voices! Be aware of antisemitism!” All goes out the window now I guess?
Gonna be setting everything to do with this situation to 'mature' and tagging "middle east mess" from here on in, this situation is far too much for lots of you and I get that I'm trying to balance things out best I can.
Go into your settings to the "content" filtering as well as "tag" filtering and punch in any terms you can think of to get most of this all off your dash.
Schrödinger's POC.
One thing I've come to realize in my observations over the years is the majority of the different activists, really loud ones at least, don't actually care about the causes they claim to care about, they don't actually want things to improve for people. Having perpetual victims while they themselves are not victims seems to let them look like they're trying to help and stand up for injustice and victimized people while still covertly looking down their noses at them.
Israel is a great example of that since they do a pretty good job mostly on their own surrounded by enemies on all sides, gotten a little less dangerous over the decades but they're still in the danger zone and generally still thriving.
That and they very rarely get involved in a difficult fight, much easier to virtue signal over a video game than it is when there's some fairly complex geopolitical forces at play. And hating Israel is the easier of the two routes to go in this one, you'll also be seeing the folks that say it's not Jews it's "Zionists" even if the overwhelming majority of Jewish people are Zionists.
Which hey, you're all entitled to your opinion but before you go and start bashing Israel on a hourly basis go ahead and look at all the other countries out there and see how you feel about them and decide if you honestly think you're judging them all by the same standard or if you're judging Israel (or any others) more harshly and then ask yourself why that is.
Amnesty went in to Ukraine at one point after several schools had been targeted by russia, amnesty pointed out all of the obvious signs that the ukrainian military had been using those schools as weapons cache's or staging grounds or any of a number of other military purposes and they declared that to be a big no no and properly laid the blame on the ukranian military and government. You made it a military target by putting troops there.
Oddly even though it's widely known that hamass does the same thing, somehow amnesty still goes after Israel who will "knock on the door" of places they're about to level that are legitimate military targets, if they're also civilian buildings. hamass using the roof of a building as a place for a communications array/radio tower they'll get a dummy bomb dropped in their lap and civilians have their 30 min notice to evacuate because it's going down in 30 min one way or the other, but somehow that's not good enough.
and Oh lord I was in the notes of a couple different post and people talking about the Jewish citizens of Israel not actually being the same people that are the indigenous population to that area, which dna tests have proven that wrong, but hey they're out there repeating talking points made up by goebels so remember that next time these people call someone else a nazi, granted they're stupid enough to call actual Jewish people nazis to their faces showing that they've really just turned that word into something that's on par with butthead at this point.
Circling back round, like I said most of these activists they don't want conditions to actually improve for anyone, because they won't be special little guys helping out the poor oppressed people, they'll just be ordinary.
Cancer researchers would be very happy if they got put out of a job, professional activists not so much.
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This is all beyond very tragic both for the people of Israel and the people of gaza who just want to live their lives free of fear and hate, it is interesting to see people doing 180's on their stances on things like rape and child murder/infanticide and such given who's doing it this time round, if I were Jewish I would be seriously reconsidering my position of I want everyone who wants to and can responsibly do so to own all the guns they like, but having one isn't for me.
I'd cut that last bit out, I'd be armed everywhere I go.
There's lots of issues on both sides of this conflict, but only one side went in to a music festival and murdered 260+ people and dragged off hostages to rape, torture, and maybe attempt to bargain with at some point if the mood strikes.
That's not something the good guys do.
Side note, I'm surprised I haven't seen a specific insult tossed out between members of the Jewish community who are on different sides of this issue, for the curious it's a german word and I'm not going to type it out.
Had someone throw that one at me once which confused me given my lack of being Jewish, loses all it's punch at that point.
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readingsquotes · 4 months
"The problem is — and I will keep banging this drum as long as I have to — Biden’s incoherence on Israel and Palestine is both morally unforgivable and bad political strategy. He is bleeding support not only from young people, Arab-Americans, and others incensed with his continued support for a genocidal war machine, but also from pro-Israel moderates and Never Trump conservatives who are enraged at his furtive and contradictory efforts to ever-so-slightly rein that war machine in. I’ll give more details about that incoherence below. For now, I’ll just say that by trying to make everyone a little happy, he is making no one happy, as the pile of Palestinian corpses grows at his feet.
But that’s the narrow part of the question in the context of American politics. The bigger issue for me is why Biden’s management of the human catastrophe in Gaza is so salient. My answer is that it points to the larger and even more consequential failures of liberal politics over the last four to eight years.
....the heart of Biden’s failure to both recognize and confront the actual danger facing democracy. In a recent In These Times essay titled “Antifacism after Gaza,” the Italian philosopher Alberto Toscano subtly tweaked leftist Democratic politicians for whom “the threat of Trumpian despotism blunted opposition” to Biden’s Israel policy: “There is a bitter irony in granting primacy to the national fight against fascism over the campaign to stop a U.S.-funded genocide when the current Israeli government — in its exterminationist rhetoric, patronage of racist militias, colonizing drive and ultranationalism — fits textbook definitions of fascism far more neatly than any other contemporary regime.”
The campus protests would have been another opportunity for Biden to show his commitment to democratic and pro-social ideals. I’m not saying he had to support the protesters or their aims — they are, after all, in large part protesting him. But no one made Biden take the further step of employing reactionary talking points about the protests being fonts of antisemitism and supposedly genocidal rhetoric, or repeating memeified claims about “Jewish students” being “blocked, harrassed, attacked, while walking to class” — questionable claims that have been weaponized to justify state and vigilante violence against demonstrators exercising their First Amendment rights.2 Biden repeated those claims on May 7, Israeli Holocaust Remembrance Day. Yet he said nothing about the weeks of wanton anti-demonstrator violence by both police and unhinged pro-Israel counterprotesters. In fact, instead of condemning the episodic police state, he is pushing a new plan to funnel $37 billion more to police departments and hire 100,000 more cops.
The political problem here should be obvious. How do you explain to a student who just watched, say, the NYPD throw their friends down a flight of stairs for participating in a nonviolent protest — acts committed without so a peep of condemnation from the president — that a vote for him is a vote against fascism?
Nor is Gaza the only place Biden and the Democrats keep undermining their claim to being the antifascist party. The president has repeatedly pleaded with Trump to work with him in passing a MAGA-like immigration bill: one that prioritized enforcement, detention, and “shutdown” measures over, for instance, pathways to citizenship for undocumented migrants or those who came as children. When Trump didn’t take Biden’s obvious political bait, the president tried running even further to his right. Biden can insist, as he did at the State of the Union, that he “will not demonize immigrants” or endorse Trump’s Hitlerian cant about “poisoning the blood of our country.” But by adopting reactionary fearmongering about the need to “secure the border” above all else, all that remains of a message to voters is that even squishy libs think the fascists have a point about immigration — it’s just that they aren’t willing to do more to stop it.
The connection between state violence at home and genocide abroad isn’t lost on the students. Popular chants connect the dispossession and killing in Palestine to U.S. policy in the Philippines, Vietnam, and Latin America, as well as immigration policy here: “From Palestine to Mexico / border walls have got to go.” As Toscano notes, protesters at the University of Texas chanted at the Austin police: “APD! KKK! / IDF! They’re all the same!” — connecting domestic policing and racism to the Israeli military. And indeed, that connection isn’t purely theoretical: thousands of U.S. police officers have received direct training from the Israeli military on crowd control, use of force, and surveillance in recent decades, including the NYPD, and yes, the Austin police as well.
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