#to all my Jewish trans peeps
So! Since some people are clearly INCREDIBLY dense, let me make myself perfectly clear. If you are buying that game, I do not like you and you deserve to feel any and all guilt that decision brings you. :)
I do not condone death threats or any other harassment or hateful/violent speech towards any human being. However,,, letting someone know they are actively causing harm and by knowingly doing so have lost my respect and any trust/validity in my eyes is NOT harassment. It is simple fact.
I personally have never gone into anyone’s comments/reblogs/replies/etc. and shamed anyone. Ever. However… this is my blog and I hope all of you buying this racist bullcrap feel shamed and ashamed of yourself. I hope your experience with it is terrible. I hope you take one look at that disgusting excuse of a “plot” and vomit. I hope you learn from your mistakes and do better.
But if you don’t… you do not deserve my respect. It’s very simple. I feel like a lot of people have said this in much more descriptive terms than me, and I’m not looking to engage in discourse, so I’m not going to attempt to change your mind. I will say that if you are thinking of buying this game, and you’re feeling guilty? Good. You should feel guilty.
We are not children anymore. I would hope for everyone’s sake that we have grown the capacity for compassion and love of human beings. I would hope we have all learned to think critically and use kindness. But if you haven’t… you should do some self reflection, because blaming trans people for your guilt over a nasty decision YOU MADE is NOT OKAY.
I personally don’t care if you disagree. I personally don’t care if you’re an ignorant misogynistic racist transphobe. But DO NOT claim to be an ally and disregard it when it’s convenient to you. You do not get to spit in my face and tell me it’s raining. Shut the fuck up and go be a bigot elsewhere.
If you disagree do not argue with me… you will be blocked immediately and I will move on with my life secure in the knowledge that my worldview is not based on insecurity and vile hatred. I am actively working on being a mindful of others as I can. This does not make me weak or soft or stupid or whatever the fuck. This makes me actively stronger and smarter than any terf has ever been.
I will be blocking anyone who comments/replies/reblogs any stupid ass comments. If anyone wants to add their rants on this post feel free. I’m tired of this shit. I’m angry. It’s okay to be angry about other peoples harmful behavior. It’s okay to call them out. It’s also okay to block them when you get overwhelmed or sad at the state of this shitty world. I highly suggest playing the block game with any terf/idiot in the replies/reblogs. It’ll help you to just slap a ban hammer on them and move on. You will live rent free in their minds knowing they took time out of their day to reply and you didn’t bother responding. And you can move on and never think of them again!!
Anyway, to any of the many people being harmed by Rowling and her nasty terf cult. I love you. You’re allowed to be upset, but just remember this is ignorance and insecurity. None of this is your fault and you are beautiful. We are beautiful. Have a beautiful day lovelies! 💜
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catboygretzky · 3 days
Do I even want to know what happened in the last 24 hours 😭 I'm almost afraid to ask but I'm also insanely curious
You probably don't want to know but I'll tell you because you have no choice. This will be long and...awful. But there are sources so that's fun! Please keep in mind that this was all released within 24 hours on Thursday, September 20th, 2024 and that, unfortunately, I haven't mentioned everything.
But! The GOP was certainly having a wild one yesterday.
To start things off:
The first 'Big News' to break was about Mark Robinson.
For those saying 'who the fuck is Mark Robinson', he's the current (R) Lt. Gov of North Carolina that is running for Gov. Before yesterday, he was best known for openly hating LGBT+ and Jewish folks, being a Holocaust denier, being (forcefully) anti abortion, saying it was better when women couldn't vote, anti immigrant, hating the civil rights movement, etc, just being a hateful Evangelical nasty fascist. MAGA to his core. Trump has endorsed him, saying he should be cherished and calling him "MLK on steroids". (Robinson is Black).
So, yeah, that's bad enough right? Yesterday it got even worse. CNN released a report about some comments he made on a porn site forum 12 years ago, the most prominent being 'i'm a black NAZI'. He also commented that he wished slavery was legal and that he'd own a few, and called himself a 'perv' that used to 'peep' on women in public locker rooms when he was a teenager.
Also the tale as old as time that I'm sure you could guess when I mentioned 'GOP' 'loudly transphobic' and 'porn site scandal' - trans porn was a favourite of his. Because of course.
Also of course - the GOP hasn't taken him off the ticket, and he will continue to be the nominee for governor in North Carolina!
Read the article, there's more about him and the situation in general. Mind the warnings.
Now on to our favourite worm brained bear eating anti vaxxer conspiracy theorist, Robert F. Kennedy Junior! I'm putting this under a read more now.
The first thing to drop about him yesterday was the news of an investigation after he allegedly cut off the head of a dead whale and took it home 20 years ago. Now I bet you're thinking, wow that's bad! Unfortunately for RFK Jr yesterday got worse. It was then revealed that he (70) was having an affair with right wing journalist Olivia Nuzzi (31) after New York Magazine suspended her.
Everything I learn about RFK Jr I learn against my own will.
Saying goodbye to RFK for now, let's move on to Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida! This Matt Gaetz, with the botox if you didn't recognise him.
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Scary lookin, right?
This isn't a completely new story (here's an article about how he alledgedly paid for sex with a minor) but new court filings were released yesterday alledging that he attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal.
Sure is great to have such trustworthy men representing this country!
OKAY, on to the next.
This wasn't really breaking news because this is just Trump being Trump but he gave a speech at an ANTI ANTISEMITISM EVENT where he preemptively blamed the Jews for being the reason he'll lose this election, telling them they need to get their head checked if they vote for Harris (that's pretty much part of his stump speech by now though) and saying he'll reinstate his Muslim ban. White fascist blaming Jews? Wow, I did Nazi that coming.
I genuinely could go on, I really truly could.
Oh! Kamala Harris went on Oprah and it was really nice and not at all insane and she talked to the family of the first known victim of Trump's abortion ban and it was very touching. Trump's official social media then posted a clip of her talking about her gun and saying 'If somebody breaks into my house, they're getting shot' like it was a snatch when in reality Republicans in the comments are saying 'actually, this would make me vote for her'. Thanks, Trump Team for the free advertising!
Chris Rufo (known racist and anti immigration right wing activist) got revealed to have an illegal immigrant wife, and then got revealed to be a user of Ashley Madison (database where people go to cheat on their partners)(Robinson was also on Ashley Madison).
Jasmine Crockett during her thing and ripping white republicans to shreds. (idk this was just fun to me)
Actually Republicans and Project 2025 got ripped to shreds and shut down in general by multiple Congress members.
GOP is on the brink of causing a government shutdown, because of COURSE they are.
Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX over “invasion” of land on US/Mexico border.
Anyway there's actually MORE believe it or not but I can't remember if it happened yesterday. Thank you for reading, I'm always open to discussing current events. I don't think it's a well known fact that I'm into politics because I don't talk about it on tumblr because people are kinda stupid. Anyway!
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leam1983 · 2 years
Boycotts Don't Work
I think we can agree to this, a few weeks after, well, You-Know-What.
America's on the verge of passing a slew of anti-trans legislations, I haven't heard a peep from Montreal's B'nai Brith in regards to local kids being exposed to a "troubling" or "antisemitic" product - but sure. Let's use the Streisand Effect to boost a game that a variably small chunk of the LGBTQA community considers prejudiciable; in the face of several Trans gamers having come forth and stated they would purchase said product.
Trying to fuck with someone's royalties has never and will never work. I think it's high time we learned that lesson. You want to help the community? Donate to clinics and organizations that support our respective causes. Write to Congress and prevent Republican asshats from being able to claim that erasing your existence is somehow a moral imperative. Contribute to food banks, join help groups put together by doctors assisting people through their transition - be fucking available for direct fucking action. Even if it seems unrelated, even if it looks totally fucking tangential, like helping out at a job fair - your odds of helping a member of a community in some way, shape or form are observably higher than if you just Tweet stuff.
Screeching online and asking that others do something is not direct action.
"But I'm broke!" you might say. "I can barely support myself!"
Fair enough. Can you spare time? If so, then you've got something to give. Walt, Sarah and I give a few hours every other weekend at our local food bank, and we regularly bulk-buy essentials with the intent of helping the food bank portion and hand it out. It doesn't involve insulting other people, it doesn't give me the safety of screeching into the void from the safe promontory of my Mastodon or Twitter accounts. There's one week per two months where we don't bring in any food but give our time to help prepare baskets and bags. People can come in, just grab one with a week's worth of prepackaged essentials, and walk out.
It's concrete. It produces results. It helps us network. It's won me friends and it's even helped parts of my job. Some of the best List Integrators and Level 1 IT techs I've worked with were students stuck on the breadline or people who couldn't make ends meet otherwise, and whom we met through the food bank. It's not just me and my polycule now - we've got twenty people willing to jump ship with my guys once we start our own company, and eight of them are gay. It's going to amusingly upset the Macho crowd in our dealership contacts - you have no idea how.
That Stupid Wizard Game making loads of cash was preordained. She Who Must Not Be Named herself making loads of cash off of the royalties was painfully obvious. That the local Jewish associations stayed mum on the subject and continued to fund their usual projects was, in hindsight, to be expected. There's dozens of bigger trash fires to put out each year - such as my own city's rise in hate crimes and armed assaults - which the selfsame Jewish associations recognize.
The short of it is the Net's denizens really need to start managing their expectations. Our median age is climbing (statistically, we're all between 25 to 34 years old, at roughly 33.8% on Statista) and the more it'll climb, the more you're likely to see your peers disengage from certain avenues of protest.
It's time we started recognizing the difference between what merely feels good and what makes a difference.
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nityarawal · 8 months
January 31, 2024
Morning Songs
Big Mothering
(Get On With It!)
Big Mothering
Want Me To Mommy You
4000 Nerve Endings
Off Every Middle
Eastern Baby
Is No Laughing Matter
We Cry Inside
Anti Semitic Choke
You Want
Big Mothering
You Want Sweet Truth
Yes We Love Your
Yes We Really Do
Yes We Love Your
Yes We Love Your
Yes Physicists
Turn Us On
With Direct
Straight Up Truth
Don't Break My Face
With Your Memes
My Symmetry
AI Beg For Pictures
Through Their Slaves
We'd Rather Oblige
From Home
We'd Rather Not
Oblige At All
To Peeping
Jewish Santa's
Military Rapists
Sterling Men
Found Us By
And Lawyered
Our Families
With Cohens
Ed Noyes
Bernards Bros
And Attys
Goddesses Let Down
Their Hair For Elon
On X
We're Not Lions
To Parade Around 
Like Political
You Be The Rooster
In All Your Natural
Glory And Love
Will Get
The #Rockets
Why You Think A Robot
Can Give You An
Eternal Happy 
Then Why You Want
She'll Squeeze
Your Balls
Just Like Your
Until Junk Falls
And You'll Program
Her With Nazi
Can't Sustain The
Trans Immigrant
Greencard Soldiers
Trafficking Border
With In House
Lab Moms
In Invitro Wars
Or Rape For
Abortion From
The Soldiers
Big Pharma Has
An Insatiable 
But No One Wants
Court Hookers
Or Banks
To Violate
Her Mother's Sisters
And Daughters
With Pfizer
Or Marry A Dickless Robot
On A Plea Bargain
With A Transvestite
Military Sex Worker
On A Promise
Of Matrix Alibis
Red Pills
Blue Pills
Give Us An Out
A Sovereign 
Royals Need Autonomy
And Grace
You're Gonna Crucify
Our Top Pilot
With Prime Minister
Lab Moms
Or Let Him Assist
Us To Mars
Not Going To Space
Without My Top
So Leave Him
Return Our Kids
And Let's
Get On With It
Nitya Nella Azam Davigo Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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shego1142 · 3 years
Hmmm…. Can I make a post that’s probably going to upset people?
I’m not fakeclaiming (because I hate that so much)
But there are a lot of people who are using their autism diagnosis to bring down the autistic community and silence the voices of other autistic people
And you’d think we’d be fucking past that in the year 2022
But I keep seeing a lot of people saying things along the lines of
“If you like xyz then you’re a bad person! Even if you’re autistic and it’s your special interest! I’m autistic and when I have a problematic special interest I simply stop having that interest! UwU”
And then completely ignoring all the countless autistic people who explain that it doesn’t work that way for them.
I have “problematic” special interests that will not go away. They won’t stop, sometimes even if I am being harmed by them or by certain controversies surrounding them.
To stop having that special interest would stop me from being myself. Without my special interest and my ability to talk about and engage with said special interest, I am in both emotional and physical pain that drains me of my energy and general wellbeing.
Autism is a spectrum in that different aspects of it affect different people differently and whatever aspect special interests are, it affects me greatly.
And the same goes for thousands of other autistic peeps. 
For many many people, that means we can not “get rid of” a special interest. It’s there. Sometimes for a little while, sometimes for life.
That’s why I am so so so over “cringe culture.”
That’s why I’m unfollowing people who say “if you still like Harry Potter then you’re a bad person” or “read a better book”
There is not an interest an autistic person could have that would actually cause serious harm to others.
Interests are not actions you take. Interests are neutral, they can’t be inherently good or bad.
Autistic people who still like Harry Potter aren’t evil anti Semitic transphobic assholes, we’re fucking stuck with JKRoldemort breathing down our backs like some menacing monster.
We’re just as fucking pissed off, just as hurt, just as ostracised by her as everyone else (she’s super ableist too if everyone has just forgotten)
I’m trans. I have Jewish family members who also love HP like I do and many of them also have it as a special interest. I’m disabled both physically and neurodivergently.
I recognise that she is a shitty person and that her books aren’t always great. But it’s still a special interest of mine. I still love the fics and the fandom. I still love to watch the movies or reread my copies of the book.
And this isn’t just about HP, this is about literally any and every special interest ever.
Sure there are ways to reduce certain forms of harm that could potentially be done, you know, like pirating Disney shows, or not buying any officially licensed merch, etc.
All my books are bought from secondhand shops (in particularly one that supports my local library!) and when I have the $ to do so if I’m going to buy merch it will only ever be from individual small businesses ran by fans.
Like sure, watch where your money goes, yea that could be a good idea.
But honestly? Even that’s still exhausting and very fucking performative.
You’re not some holier than thou paragon of goodness just because you refused to read a book or a fic.
You’re not some amazing martyr because you’ve forced yourself to become smaller and are advocating for others to do the same.
Stop acting like you are.
And listen to people when we tell you we can’t do something or that it would cause us harm.
And if you’re sitting there, reading this and thinking “oh well my autism doesn’t affect me this way”
Then listen to me, because mine absolutely does affect me that way.
Either accept it and move on or block me and move on
but do not dare and try and tell me that I am not trying hard enough to be good enough to live up to the bullshit standards you’ve set for yourself.
I get that from neurotypical able body people enough as is and I am so sick of it.
I tried to make myself smaller, to tear myself down and hide my “upsetting” “problematic” “cringy” interests.
And I lost so much of myself in the process. I hurt myself because people on tumblr told me it was “what was right”
Fuck off.
I am not a bad person.
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puraiuddo · 2 years
re: you ever think about how fucking low the bar is for Harry Potter fans 
Cho chang is a real Chinese name,
It’s literally not and here’s a breakdown.
If you think Kinglsey Shcaklebolt's name is a sing the author ahs racial hatred just because it has "shackle" in it, your paranoid. Likewise combing  names from different asian cultures isn't  sign of race hatred anyway.
Have you ever heard the term
microaggression [/ˌmīkrōəˈɡreSHən/]
a statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority.
I’m not saying that JKR’s screaming from the rooftops that poc suck.
I’m saying that she’s put so little effort into the naming and characterization of any non-white characters, that she shows her internalized racism by choosing the most stereotypical (prejudicial) names and traits for poc actually, really, she put no effort into anyone who’s not british and claiming it’s just being clever.
It’s a literal meme to joke about what your JKR-name would be based on your ethnicity.
Muscle mass, etc nothing to do with skin tone and therefore nothing to do with racism.
I legitimately snorted at this.
“Differences in body composition between black and white women have been well established. Black women have more bone and muscle mass, but less fat, as a percentage of body weight, than white women..”[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9395578/]
Numerous jews ahve refuted the claim that she is antisemitic, dismissed claims about the goblins as paranoia/not even meant ot be taken seriously, and pointed out Rowling is and lay AGAINST antisemitism: [1] https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/campaign-against-antisemitism-defends-j-k-rowling-jon-stewart-goblin-claims-1278891/ [2] https://momentmag.com/debunking-the-harry-potter-anti-semitism-myth/
I wonder if you even read the first article... in which they say that the association between goblins and Jewish people is so ingrained into Western thinking that Rowling probably just didn’t even think about it!
Which, once more, leads to my statement that her liberal standings are purely performative. She has a barely passable understanding of everything she totes around for brownie points. She’s an ally when it’s easy and when it’s safe. Which is, honestly, hardly allyship at all.
She has never been as supportive of LGBT community or racial equality or any other positive movement, as much as she has been in her campaign to kill off trans people.
 In the US, there are foot tall spaces between the floors of bathroom stalls and the walls. he would not need to bust down the door.
You never answered: do you HONESTLY believe that if man really wanted to attack or peep on a woman in a bathroom that he’d change his mind if there was a law that specifically says he can’t claim to be a woman and do it?
And why don’t you provide some statistics on how often a trans woman has been caught peeping if it’s clearly such a prevalent, pressing issue? Meanwhile, I’ll counter with dozens of article of cis men simply hiding cameras.
Moreover, by your logic, couldn’t a lesbian be just as dangerous?
And, flipping the situation on its head, who’s to say all this suspicion and paranoia (over a non existent issue!!) isn’t going to lead to TERFs peeping through stall cracks to make sure you don’t have a penis? It’s already led to countless cis women being harassed or even ejected from bathrooms.
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US legislation doe snot represent the gender critical feminist movement. Plus a simple DNA test can prove someone's chromosomes not need for an invasive vaginal swab.
“gender critical feminist movement“ funny way to say TERF
Also, are you sure? Are you real sure?
GOP senator quotes J.K. Rowling while blocking vote on LGBTQ bill
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having over 3,000 followers, i know at least a few of you don’t agree with what i agree with and believe, and i don’t want you following me or interacting with my blog at all!!!
aros and aces do belong in the lgbt+ community
you don’t need dysphoria to be trans
trans men do exist
trans women are women
bi people are not inherently panphobic or transphobic
pan people are not inherently biphobic
non-binary is a valid identity
there are way more than two genders
i fucking hate trump
i fucking hate capitalism
i fucking hate fascism
i fucking HATE nazis and nazism and everything to do with it
all neurodivergent peeps are welcome and accepted with open arms
all ethnicities and nationalities and religions are wholeheartedly accepted. this includes jewish peeps and muslim peeps and all peeps of color!!!
all genders and sexualities are welcome and valid and real!!!!!
MAPs and SOMAPs need to leave forever and are NOT part of the lgbt+ community at all in any way shape or form
cishet people are welcome
ignorance is an excuse only as long as you work to change it. if you ask me a question out of pure confusion or curiosity, i will gladly answer!!! it’s okay to ask me what a gender is or means or what a sexuality is or means!! it’s fine!! i’m glad you’re asking because then you’ll know and be informed and such!!!
if you disagree with any of the above points, don’t debate me or try to start anything. just leave. unfollow and block me!!!! please!!! just fucking leave and don’t return!!!!! if you wish to get more info and explanation, feel free to dm me, but if you’re just here to argue, save your time and leave!!!!!
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barbaricjester · 5 years
Hey yall, pride starts tomorrow, so I wanted to point some stuff out:
Ace and Aro and Agender people? Y'all valid as fuck
Bisexual people? Yes!
Pansexual? Hey I'm one, we're pretty cool.
Lesbians? God damn y'all are amazing. It took one (1) lesbian to make my mama one, too.
Trans/nonbinary buddies? Holy shit y'all. We're tight as fuck.
Queer people? I love you guys
LGBT+ POC? Fucking hell, you guys are amazing.
LGBT+ Jewish people? Muslims? Christians? Satanist? Buddists? I support you all.
Gay men? Aw fuck yeah.
Closeted peeps? You're under no obligation to come out this month. Stay safe. I've got your back.
People who are still figuring it out/questioning their identity? I'm proud of you.
Mentally/physically disabled LGBT+? Love you guys to hell and back, I'm proud of yall.
Transmeds/truscum/TERFs/aphobes/homophobes/biphobes/transphobes/police/ect DNI. Not valid. Fuck you.
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via-the-ghoul · 4 years
Okay new pinned post
(Note: since this is a pinned post I have not trigger tagged it, so each section shall have a warning at the beginning. The beginning section, however, does not have anything that, at the very least I think, need to tag. If there is, tell me.)
Hi there, you can call me Via.
I am asexual, but attracted to girls romantically, and a demigirl, and I use she/they pronouns.
I am also a minor.
I am also autistic, someone with ADHD, and anxiety.
This blogs is a place where I (usually) talk about headcanons and post art for my fandoms, which include, (but are not limited to),
Animal Crossing (though I haven’t been talking about it as much sadly)
Danganronpa (yes, I have no dignity, I accepted this before I joined this fandom at all)
My own ocs
This blog is a safe space for:
Jewish people
Any religion, really
Nuerodiverent people
Gay people (including those that do not use normal pronouns for whatever their sexuality is)
Lesbians (including those that are not she/her)
Bi people
Pan people
Ace people
Aro people
Demisexual people
Greysexual people
Omnisexual people
Poly people (do I mean ploymorphous or polysexual? Both!)
Trans people
Intersex people
Nonbinary people (with nonbinary being used as an umbrella term, including:)
Agender people
Demigender people
Bigender people
Trigender people
Pangender people
Heck, genderqueer peeps in general
Genderfluid people
Probably more peeps that I’m forgetting, feel free to ask.
DNI if you
(Note, here’s where things start getting off: trigger warning for nazis mention, serial killers, serial killer fangirls, pedophile mention, necrophiliac mention, terf mention, transphobia in general mention, homophobia in general mention, abeilism in general mention, racism in general mention, antisemitism in general mention, insest mention, yeah)
Support Nazis (what?!? The heck?!?)
Are part of... that side of the TCC (the fan girl side) (guys these are real people who killed equally real people)
Are a pedophile (Seriously see a therapist trust me I am literally 15 I cannot consent)
Necrophiliacs (again see a therapist,)
Are a terf (This goes against everything feminism stands for)
Are transphobic in general (This goes for you to transmeds)
Are homophobic in general
Are abelist in general
Are racist in general
Are antisemitic in general
Age fluid people (do you know?!?? How age works?!??!)
Support/commit insest
This is very different in tone than everything else on this list, and you are free to joke about that, I know this is odd, but simp over William Afton
Probably something else I’m forgetting, feel free to ask.
And last but not least, I like my posts being reblogged, so that your followers can see them too! It just helps support.
Okay, that’s all, thanks for reading! :)
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hollisi · 5 years
Meet The Gang!
Hello, and welcome to the blog I’ve created for my batch of Trendersonas!
These characters live in an ideal world where everyone’s identities are respected and everyone is just vibing!
So! Without further ado, meet The Gang!
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Forest: (Bottom Middle)
This is Forest, my first and main Trendersona!
She’s Trigender and Pomosexual! Her three genders are Gendercute, Stargender, and Genderfuck/Genderpunk! Xe uses she/her, fae/faer, xe/xem,🦌/🦌s, it/its thon/thons and 🌈/🌈s pronouns!
Xyr gender alignment is Crystalforestic: a xenic alignment to both crystals and forests!
Fae is also otherkin! Faer kintypes are wolf, rabbit, snail, goldfish, maple tree, daisy, moss, succulent, Fredo Corleone from The Godfather, Tulio from The Road to El Dorado, Pops from Regular Show, Loki from the MCU, star, angel, vampire, demon and popcorn!
Forest is Nondysphoric! She has only socially transitioned, and that's all she plans to do!
She's 18 years old!
Clifton: (Top Right)
This is Clifton, a demisexual, conceptum, nondysphoric trans boy! He uses he/him and they/them pronouns, and likes EDM, Candy Guro, and Anime!
He's a furry!
He's 17 years old!
Caroline/Percival: (Bottom Left)
This is Caroline/Percival! Fae is Femdoux, Genderpan, Hologender, Felisgender, Wizardic, and Plutongender! She uses she/her, fae/faer, and it/its pronouns! She's Asexual, Lithromantic, Panplatonic, and Pansensual!
Caroline likes My Chemical Romance and Oceanator! It also likes cosplay, Lil Peep, Avril Lavigne and makeup!
Fae is also nondysphoric.
She's catkin, tigerkin, servalkin, and lionkin! She is also fictionkin, and her fictotypes are Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler and Remi from Remi Sans Famille!
She's 16 years old!
Bugs: (Top Middle)
This is Bugs! Bugs is Intersex, Transfeminine, Pangender, and Bisexual/Polyamorous/Objectum!
She uses she/her and ✨/✨s pronouns!
She's bubblegumkin and angelkin!
She loves the arts! She plays the drums, and loves to paint and act!
She's not dating anyone right now, but has a crush on her car!
She was born with only one eye!
She's 18 years old!
Damien: (Bottom Right)
This is Damien! He's a Gay Demiboy who uses he/him and thon/thon/thons/thonself pronouns!
He's Jewish, and really likes sewing, dancing, and acting! He's in the same community theater as Bugs!
He's 17 years old!
Amaya: (Top Left)
This is Amaya! They're Genderqueer and Ceteroromantic/Aceflux/Ceterosensual!
They use they/them pronouns!
They're Muslim. A lot of people assume that they're a girl because of their hijab, but they're very much not!
They like watching hockey on TV but have never actually played! They also like cleancore and going to the museam. They want to be an archaeologist!
They're 18 years old!
This blog is basically a place for me to write little drabbles about them, share art of them, and talk about them and their identities!
Thank you for visiting, and have a wonderful day!
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I don’t normally make posts like this on this blog, and I would hope this is already pretty clear from the way I have talked before, but with all that is going on I am going to be explicit.
If any of you following me are Islamophobic, antisemetic, sexist, racist, piece of shit white nationalists, I want you to get the fuck away from me. I don’t want any of you as followers. I hate Nazis. I HATE Nazis and there is no place for you here. If your way of life involves spewing hate against someone different from you, if your way of life harms another human being, you are not welcome.
It is my firm belief that Shakespeare should be open to all marginalized people, that his works should be used to give the voiceless a voice. His plays are queer, his plays do not belong to one race, there is something for everyone in what he writes about.
Except for hateful extremists. And the quiet people who endorse those extremists. I want to make it clear I do not endorse any of that. This is a safe place for all my black, brown, Asian, Native, Muslim, Jewish, disabled, autistic, and queer (and I’m talking my trans and non-binary peeps here along with everyone else) family. Get your hate the fuck away.
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povlichenkos-ghost · 4 years
So I'm a trans woman. Late bloomer and all. Well I chair an org teaching firearms to #marginalized ppl. I've been doing this for about two years now. I chose my name about 5 years ago at a time when I was trying to distance myself from gun culture.
My Irish ancestors must have been with me when I picked those, I was researching my Irish heritage last week. My first name is Errynn, which is a combined spelling of Welsh and Irish spellings, in both languages my first name means Ireland. My middle name I chose literally as a cool gaelicy sounding combination of letters, Anwen. Turns out the it's included in Gaelic languages as a derivation of "holy" or "righteous". My last name Rodgers, I chose b because of Mr Roger's and the impact he played in raising me. I spelled it with a D however as my partner was Jewish, and I was planning on converting. Well Rodgers is a name originally denouting renown, or prowess with a spear.
I realized yesterday that my name, in Irish / gaelic is essentialy Ireland's Holy Spearmaiden?
Additionally that there is essentialy a holy spear of Ireland in Irish mythology?
Irish peeps help me out?
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mikhalsarah · 4 years
This is the most depressing “defense” of a liberal by a liberal in I don’t know how long.
Police unions lead the conservative pillory project against anyone standing for oversight on police and respect for suspects’ rights because it’s not in their interests that the police have oversight or that suspects have rights respected...does it magically become slightly more in their interests when a white man says it, than when a Black/South Asian woman does? I can’t fathom how...
The essential message here is that it’s so very hard to be a Black-identified female that it’s sorta ok for anyone who is, no matter how otherwise privileged, to be an ambitious political opportunist who cares more about getting re-elected than about the values they claim to stand for. For a politician to be so is certainly nothing new, but the idea that people should not criticize politicians much for it if they happen to be the wrong colour or gender because “it’s a problem with the system and its racism” is quite new and dangerous, not least because we are essentially caring more about how “unfair” life is to an educated wealthy person because they might not get re-elected, or might get their feelings hurt, than about the people down at the fucking bottom of the dog pile who might get executed or spend decades in prisons for crimes they didn’t commit. “She did what she had to” sounds an awful lot like, “I only did what I was ordered to do”. Except, of course, she didn’t have to do anything. Nobody had a gun to her head, she chose to do it to fulfil her own vaulting ambitions.
And I’m sorry but all that, “but then she wouldn’t be in a position to do so much good as VP in a few months!” is so much bizarre quasi-fascist garbage like Saruman trying to tempt Gandalf into joining with Mordor on the grounds that at some hypothetical point in the future they might “come to direct it’s courses”. Sorry, I’m not “Woke” or morally compromised, I’m Jewish. I may suck at it, but I’m still good enough at it to not hold with the idea of permitting evil now for the sake of some hypothetical good in the future. A good which is by no means certain. First Biden has to win, after all (which is possible)...then Kamala Harris (along with Biden) has to decide doing right is more important than getting a second term, and then there’s the prospect of becoming “the first African-American female president” which two terms as VP might set you up to be tempted by (so I am not holding my breath but who knows, maybe she’ll do a little of that hypothetical good in her final term as POTUS, 12-16 years from now.) 
If we’re going to be hypothetical about things, what if Kamala Harris had never made it so far as an election and instead some other candidate with actual moral backbone had been run and now THAT exemplary candidate was just chosen for VP? Would it be just awful if that exemplary candidate happened to be a man and a WASP? Or perhaps she herself, having stood her ground and earned some grudging respect, might have won later on? Or some other worthy minority candidate?
But, as C.S. Lewis put it, “nobody is ever told what might have been”. You ultimately can’t run life based on hypothetical things that might have been or on hypothetical goods that might appear. You make the best choice you can based on the existing evidence and the likely trajectory it shows. A lifetime of opportunism and ambition does not suggest much to me by way of upward moral mobility so I’m gruntled not to be facing this choice as a voter, which resembles the choice I gave to a preschooler who doesn’t like art smocks this morning...do you want the green smock, or the red smock? (Because you’re wearing a smock or you don’t get to paint.)
This is part of the longstanding trope that “the problem is really racism” and all the wars, profiteering and predatory capitalism would stop if only we had more diversity at the top, because self-evidently BIPOC and female people educated and wealthy enough to run for public office would vote totally differently on the issues than educated and wealthy whites and men.
Do they though? I’m still waiting for it to happen.
And wasn’t that the god-damn point of all the diversity we were trying to get into government, that it was going to smash the patriarchy and white-supremacy and the good old boys’ mutual back-scratching club? And here’s Beinart come along to tell us that it’s actually working the exact opposite way and that all our diverse candidates are way too shit-scared of not getting elected to have more morals than the old white men they’re replacing. This is like Wile E. Coyote sent away for the ACME Social Justice Kit and it’s now blowing up in his face. 
What was it, “They can’t afford to have Bernie Sanders’ moral purity”? Why, because it’s such a cake walk being a Jewish socialist starting your political career during the Evangelical “Moral Majority” and Reagan cold-war years? And then running as an Independent in what has long been considered an unbreakable two-party system? Not even Bernie Sanders can afford Bernie Sanders’ moral purity...which is why the Dems didn’t run him against Trump when they should have...yet he still has it, and seems to mysteriously prefer sleeping well at night to whoring himself out for a few shekels and an office where ordering new carpets requires calculations involving Pi.
And the loss of that election was basically guaranteed by the fact that the Dems were all pissing about with identity politics trying to get a *vagina into the presidency even if it lost them the election. Which it did, so thus pissed away all the hypothetical good having a female president might have done, which was only ever going to be symbolic anyway. Clearly they have learned absolutely bobkes from that. *And yes, when the only thing you really care about is the genitalia of the person you’re trying to get into office, you’re no longer running a woman (a person who happens to have a vagina) you’re running a vagina.
This all reminds me of my annoyingly sanctimonious sister. She natters on and on about how many tenured professors are BIPOC and then looks at me aghast when I say I don’t actually give a shit how many educated and wealthy BIPOC people get bit more wealthy and secure. I care more about how many people can’t eat and pay their rent, or can’t afford their utility bills and are getting their power and water shut off. I care about people worse off than I am, not better off.  The toejam in the toe-cleavage peeping out of Kamala Harris’ pumps is more privileged than I will ever be, (and I’m not so badly off at the moment) and more privileged than 99% of the U.S. populace, so the idea that she needs a horde of people rushing to her defense is patently absurd. If she didn’t get chosen for VP what...she’d be so oppressed she’ll be living out of a rusted hatchback by next week???
 This entire drama of the Biden running mate has basically been “which woman of colour should Biden choose to best capture the vote” as opposed to “which of the available candidates is the best possible choice to achieve our progressive goals” and that’s a bit horrifyingly Orwellian.I It’s like a sort of trophy-wife...which one will bring me the most prestige and help me “win” at life. And, echoing my earlier comments, there’s something distinctly disturbing about the degree of emphasis on choosing a racialized woman. I’m not sure how electing a vagina with more melanin to office is an improvement over electing vaginas in general. Women have been complaining for decades about the tendency of some men to view them as disembodied sexual parts. How did it become something progressive women now cheer about? Whereas if he’d said, “All other things being equal, I intend to chose a running mate that will best embody the Democrats’ commitment to diversity and better proportional representation.”, I would not be feeling like women and minorities were just being added to the ticket to make up numbers, like goods in a packing crate; we need 6 of this, and 4 of that...
 If the Dems win are people next going to be discussing which Latinx he needs to appoint to the Senate, and which Indigenous person to the Judiciary and which trans doctor will replace Fauci when he retires? You’re laughing now, but let this sit on the floor awhile and see if the cat licks it up. I was right about the moral trajectory of Israel 15 years ago, something Beinart only discovered this summer, and I feel good about my odds on this prediction. Left unsupervised, these “woke” ideologies will do what all ideologies do, and reach peak stupidity, which will, of course, result in a a wild and reactive attempt to correct for them by rejecting everything about them. The only thing stopping that is for people to look at them critically now and correct for extremism and ideological blind spots before an iconoclastic paraxysm. I’m not societies great hope here...I’m just a woman with a tumblr adding my two cents to the critical mass needed to do that. 
I happen to heartily endorse more types of people getting into government who currently are kept out, just not at the cost of *good government itself, and not based on the laughable premise that a room full of people all from the same tax brackets, who all went to the same schools, is “diverse”. Honest to God, America should just stop having elections at this point and start mailing out notices to randomly selected citizens. Then they might get actual diversity, as opposed to La Senza diversity, where there’s only one actual bra but hey, it comes in 37 different colours so, hooray for choice.
*whether anything in American (or any) politics resembles actual good government is debatable but we’ve spent the last 4+ years finding out just how much further the GOP can get from the ideal than we’d ever thought it could and Right and Left always mirror each other. To my mind electing and appointing people by identity rather than competence freed from unnecessary stumbling blocks is also a giant leap backward from it.
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queernuck · 7 years
Why do you think some of us rely on our vices so much? Is the experience of life without it not enough? I don't mean to sound self righteous, but people around me are always looking for an escape beyond sobriety. Can't blame them life sucks! But the lil peep situation has me thinking about how much of our life is just coping.
there can be brilliance, happiness, fun, joy in coping. like, a lot of the people, myself included, who have coped or do cope through drugs and other vices are in many ways doing so in a way where we enjoy them. like, I enjoy many of my coping mechanisms, at least the ones that the DEA isn’t as jazzed about. the thing about sobriety is that like, as a state? it more or less sucks! being sober fucking sucks!
and that isn’t trashing straight edge or recovering people, either. like, as an ethos and a community, straight edge can have lots of problems, and many of those are tied into it replicating already existing social norms, but through a Hardcore aesthetic. that’s not unique to it as a scene, and is something that you see in other places, too. but like, as much as it’s not my scene, the way in which Derrida talks about drugs, the way that drugs induce a certain framework as a course of action, how they work upon the body and are characterized in a phenomenological sense, and it’s overwhelmingly similar to how Straight Edge culture characterizes itself, as a sort of conspicuous rejection of ways that one finds a sort of coping in drugs and drink, instead using other ways of inducing certain states of the body. It’s cultivated and not in particular more natural, but tbh I think that it needs to be absolutely respected, needs to be understood as a thing that can produce a lot of good.
same thing with being in recovery and sobriety as a paradigm of success: it can be shitty, it can be incredibly shitty to just be not on drugs rather than happily sober. cravings of any sort are a real monster, and when you deal with them on a continual basis like someone who’s kicking is, or going through withdrawals, then it’s even worse! feeling like you have to avoid your friends because you can’t be around them without being triggered, or pressured, or inadvertently exposed to the things that you were coping with before. 
like, that’s the thing. when you’re proud of it, happy about it, are finding other ways to occupy time, to cope, to fulfil yourself, sobriety isn’t sobriety as a marker of anything other than sobriety-qua-sobriety. when you don’t want to be sober and moreover don’t want to want-to-be-sober, that’s a different state of being entirely.
lil peep was coping. he was brilliant and making some incredibly promising music right from the start, he was coming from an aesthetic background that is so much like my own, that takes so many of the same influences, that resonates with me as someone from Long Island who loves emo, who loves rap, who loves drugs, who is depressed as shit and just wants to cope. the way that people talk about rappers like him as “glorifying” drug use are not meaningfully looking at the lyrical themes, looking at how this is about surviving the schizophrenic demands of late capitalism, that Lil Peep was one of the last Millennials, and that there are plenty of brilliant people on Long Island a lot like him who are dead, many by their own hand, even younger than Peep. 
especially for trans women, though, especially for kids who are gay, especially for kids who are growing up on Long Island and dealing with the disgusting antiblackness this place is full of, kids who grow up and have to deal with the antisemitism that surrounds any Jewish community, kids whose parents got a house when it was cheap and are now watching it fall the fuck apart, kids who got driven out of Queens by the expanding scythe of gentrification to a suburb where they have to ride their bike block after block to see the friend who lives nearest to them, kids who get made fun of for their accents or their hair or clothes or fucking whatever, kids who bum around the mall, Nassau kids, Suffolk kids, skater surfers football players, so many people in the age range of me and Peep who are just fucking coping. I know a lot of them, I see a lot of them come through at work buying books for fun because reading helps if only for some time, I see them laughing with people I once knew, I see them all sorts of places and there are plenty of people from here who are going to grow up to be shithead Long Island Cops, but there are plenty of others who are going to be living like this for a long time. 
and that isn’t just here, that isn’t just them, but that there was someone from the same place as a lot of notable emo bands making music influenced by that was cool and that coping eventually caught up with him is just fucking typical of the kind of place Long Island is, the way that from Gatsby to globalism to neoliberalism to late capitalism we have seen the changes visited upon Long Island and they have been horrid.
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nicemango-feed · 6 years
IDW Halloween Cards
Happy Halloween Folks! 
(I'll add the rest below the blogpost)
I thought I’d have some fun with IDW/Classical Liberal Halloween cards. There's so many more I could have done, but alas...I didn't have that much time. If you want to join in the fun...make one and tweet it to me @nicemangos :) 
Anyway - a clarification for the pedants: I use the terms IDW/Classical Lib to describe them, their dogmatic fans and the figures who hover around them....the Quillette, 'But what about anti-white racism' types...
...So it's not limited to the amazing bigbrained peeps mentioned in Bari Weiss' LOL-worthy article (featuring pictures of them jerking off trees or hiding in bushes)....you know the one i'm talking about. 
Why is it important to mock this pretentious circle-jerk as often as possible, you ask? I'll give you a quick rundown, even though I could write a bit on each central figure here, I just don't have the time to delve in that deep at the moment. 
Simply put though, its because they're pushing some dangerous ideas and providing cover for dangerous people. In a new, repackaged & polished format this isn't immediately recognizable to some.
They're driven by a strongly anti-left agenda, while often simultaneously claiming they are on the left ...or at least ‘not right wing’ (though they do have their more open RW types like Ben Shapiro/JBP, but I believe even Peterson has denied being a conservative), 
It's this dishonesty and attempt to mask what they're really pushing for that concerns me. 
I find it's almost better to deal with an open right wing, anti-immigrant type than to deal with a sophist covering their tracks every step of the way, leaving room for plausible deniability, while being an apologist for similar issues. 
In this era of a resurgent far-right and rising hate crimes.... this 'totally-not-right-wing' crew still focus their energies on the left while downplaying the dangers of the far right. 
Anything random campus SJWs do will be an outrage and indicative of the 'rot on the left'... but when it comes down to calling out Milo Yiannopolous, even after he's exposed for being a pedophilia apologist...there will be excuses.... deflections - even if it means pointing the finger at fictional plays and then realizing that your example is ridiculous. 
There will be reminders that Milo was smart and charismatic (they'll say they are no fans, of course!)...but even in the face of him defending sex with minors there will be 'he doesn't deserve this... let's wish him well and hope he can leverage his charm into a new life' type apologetics.   
I remember this too. Cringe. I genuinely don't understand how u can have this attitude towards some of the worst ppl around, but feminists and campus sjws just don't get that kind of sympathy and understanding. https://t.co/U3WkJ0SwUE pic.twitter.com/zcNjk0CiwP
— Eiynah --- (@NiceMangos) January 12, 2018
Or at best, they'll say Milo can't be far right because he's gay and flamboyant, Jewish and has a black boyfriend . They'll dismiss him as a mere troll...justify his outrage at the 'liberal media bias'...and complain about his Twitter Ban. Or defend him using Breitbart articles. 
They'll be happy to threaten to quit Patreon over banning White identitarian Lauren Southern...meanwhile portraying her to their massive audiences as a mere 'conservative journalist'.  When it comes time to call her out, or state a solid opinion on an obvious extremist like Robert Spencer or... Tommy Robinson - if it's not blatant apologetics (like Rubin's where he literally positions Tommy as *Extremely Moderate*,
Rubin says Tommy Robinson strikes him as "extremely moderate". Tommy Robinson confirmed for The New Center™ pic.twitter.com/rm7rem1y15
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) March 2, 2017
...the best you'll get is a shrug and a claim that they 'just don't know enough' to make a judgement on him (while they retweet flawed defences of him).
Even in the wake of serious incidents like more than a dozen pipe bombs being mailed to Trump’s critics their priorities do not shift from the dangers of sjws and The Left.  They will minimize RW terror threats even, referring to them as "minor events"/a few malicious jerks...
Once again the press gets gamed, giving saturation coverage and agonized commentary to a minor event. It's not major news that a country of 325m has a few malicious jerks who (correctly) anticipate 15 minutes of notoriety with a vindictive stunt. https://t.co/zXnBJXCqdB
— Steven Pinker (@sapinker) October 25, 2018
But compare that with the wording you often see about The Left, 'Devouring it's Children' .. oh nooo: 
If not that, there's a general AllLivesMatter-ification, that really endears them and makes them very useful to the far right
I did a more detailed thread on Pinker here
Another Amazing take in response to the Pipe bombs was telling people we shouldn't make it 'costly to consider conspiracy' FFS
You kicked up a lot of dust, tried to tie me to Trump, to Alex Jones and to various claims that I've never made, but in the end you avoid my only point: If we make it costly to consider conspiracy, we hand power to those who would conspire, placing the honorable at their mercy. https://t.co/dvB1Mi6pg5
— Bret Weinstein (@BretWeinstein) October 26, 2018
Only the most Rational takes from the IDW, I tell ya. And while we're on the topic of conspiracies...who can forget the classic Rubin moment, when he claimed there's a necessary space for Infowars:
Dave Rubin says there's a "necessary space" for Infowars because mainstream media is bad pic.twitter.com/k9o1HW62nX
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) April 17, 2017
Those that follow this cheerful group closely, know full well how often they whitewash troubling views/figures ...or delete criticism of them if it happens to come up. 
It’s about joining hands with those radicalizing young men, with those who fear monger about immigrants, and the whiteness levels of London being too low (aka the far right conspiracy of 'white genocide') - its about giving these things more credibility in the mainstream, and helping to justify and rationalize people’s bigotries while making big bucks. 
It’s about amplifying the "#metoo has gone too far" message, about how women have it better and if they don't have power it's because they don't want to have more power,
  Support for publications like Quillette who publish garbage that’s indistinguishable from salafist mullahs at times, is not hard to come by in these 'Dark 'intellectual' parts of the web'.
What these IDW-type RationalSkeptic movements are about is pushing back against those who want equality, and those who want to minimize racism and sexism. 
It's about the maintenance of social hierarchies and the status quo. 
They often find a token minority person to champion 'controversial' views, so they can serve as a shield from criticism and accusations of bigotry. 
It’s also about proclaiming ....loudly... how identity politics is bad, but using identity politics at the drop of a hat when it suits you. 
Its about criticizing people who use the word racist, but using it happily yourself whenever it suits you. 
Casually accusing groups of people of having the intellectual and moral integrity of the KKK even, 
There you go. Sam Harris compares Salon and Vox journalists to the KKK. pic.twitter.com/hc6hRtmxFc
— IDW Misrepresenter (@aiizavva) June 15, 2018
It’s about discrediting the media as Rubin does with his Infowars support and CNN/MSM hate, and about discrediting entire educational fields too (Peterson has declared entire fields of study 'corrupt' because of postmodern neo marxism)... all the while, these heroes pat themselves on the back for being the Rational ones ...having 'tough conversations' and tolerating differing views (while tossing out lawsuit threats like halloween candy, of course).
It's about downplaying actual sieg heiling white supremacists while claiming that the term Nazi has lost meaning. 
I mean it's exhausting just pointing out the endless contradictions, holes and dangers of such self-important groups. 
These are the threats we recognized in islamist sanitizers posing as progressive...*immediately* in ‘skeptic circles’ but unfortunately...this crew has managed to convince many 'Rational', atheist-skeptic types that re-energizing conversations around ‘race science’, traditional gender roles, and anti trans sentiment from a ‘respectable, 'this is just science/rationality' angle is indeed ‘real liberalism’. 
So....this, dear readers, is a very quick rundown of why I think it’s incredibly important to mock and expose this group pushing alt lite/right adjacent talking points into the mainstream. Especially in today's political climate. 
This is where the real threat of literal regressiveness lies, currently - and I think we should do our part to push back.
Now that that's out of the way....here are some lighthearted Halloween cards, meant to be viewed with that perspective in mind (all that for 4 illustrations, I know! I've just had a lot I needed to get off my chest about this subject for a while):
 ---- A huge thanks to all my patrons who support my work. Without you, this isn't possible. These kinds of blogposts take forever to compile. If you enjoy this or my podcast, please consider supporting via Patreon A shoutout to new-ish Patrons who are owed a mention on the blog: Mish, Karl N, Shakhthi, Ernst & Margeaux. You guys r the best!
from Nice Mangos https://ift.tt/2Qe5JRX via IFTTT
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