#and I just imagine that to chip seeing that is terrifying
leapdayowo · 11 months
Fish and chips
fish eat chips
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ratioaven · 6 months
spoilers for 2.1 !!!!!!!
aventurine rant, please keep in my mind that these are my own thoughts and interpretations. im extremely sleep deprived lol so im sorry if i got anything wrong
something thats been on my mind since yesterday are these lines.
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from the start to me, it was very clear aventurine had self esteem/worth issues because of how he treats his own life, but the line that says “the other hand is below the table, clutching your chips for dear life” stuck out to me.
i always assumed aventurine was so incredibly confident in his luck but in reality he is afraid. he’s terrified that he’ll lose. it’s an act. he convinces himself, he fools himself, he forces himself to act like he’s confident he’ll win, when in reality even if he does win, he’s still clutching his chips under the table for dear life because of how terrified he is of losing.
that really messed with me to be honest. i feel tricked and what’s ironic is that he tricks his opponents into thinking he’s confident, and he also tricked ME the player but really, this made my heart break in two because i had absolutely no clue up until now.
so why does he act this way
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all throughout his life, aventurine has had his pride stripped away. just try to imagine being in his shoes. i myself do not think i could deal with the situations he was put in. i cannot stress this enough, aventurine has a mark on his neck that screams to him that he has once belonged to someone. he has had his pride stripped away from him countless times. but it’s ironic because aventurine is introduced as a very prideful and flashy man. you start to realize the front aventurine puts on is his own way of protecting himself. it’s how he’s able to live basically. i wanna go into more detail but i will later.
as it was said before, aventurine is an uptight person who worries. he is extremely afraid of losing and he has a massive inferiority complex. aventurine may seem like a go lucky person on the outside, but in actuality he is not. he is not happy. he has no self worth, he believes he has nothing to live for, and he has no problem with throwing his life away. aventurine believes the only good thing he brings to the table is his luck.
but this brings me to my next point.
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aventurine may not realize it, but he is so much more than his luck. he has so many good qualities and he doesn’t seem to realize it. even if some of it may be an act, he’s still able to pull it off. he’s still an intelligent business man who is both charming and cunning EVEN if it may be an act, those are still amazing qualities to have in his line of work.
but more importantly, aventurine chose to live. despite witnessing his family die, being a slave, and tortured, he chose to live. he chooses to. i cannot stress this enough. this man has gone through hell and back. he truly has had an incredibly difficult life to the point where my heart hurts so so badly for him. he made the decision to stay alive.
that says more than enough about his character.
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and last but not least, aventurine wants one thing, and that is to be with his family. he’s witnessed horrible things in his life that no one should ever go through. he lost everyone close to him, he lost his people. he has nothing to live for and he values his life so little to the point where he has no problem with dying. the only real thing that he wants is just to see his family.
and he will one day, but in the meantime, i genuinely hope this man can find a reason to live, and ratio already gave him one just by that note. i just truly wish aventurine happiness while he lives the rest of his life.
i guess this is a topic that really hits me hard because i know all too well that choosing to live life isn’t easy sometimes and i just love aventurine.
let’s all appreciate how truly amazing his character is.
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nomsfaultau · 5 months
Dark sbi where Tommy accidentally kidnaps Philza, not knowing he’s a crime lord. And he swears it was an accident! He just, you know, panicked. Tommy and Tubbo were just minding their own business slapping graffiti on a building (practicing their art skills, you see) when a cop started screeching at them, apparently not an appreciator of the fine arts. And since Mrs. Innit would KILL him if he got arrested, Tommy panics and takes a hostage, shouting at the cop not to take a step further or he’ll kill the random civilian he’s ducked behind so he can’t get shot.
Meanwhile Philza isn’t entirely paying attention, and realizes there’s suddenly a small child sheltering behind him from a cop. He gives the cop the nastiest look imaginable, which causes them to back off enough that Tommy thinks his plan is working. Once the negotiations start Philza is baffled by who would have the gall to kidnap him, and so poorly at that. Frankly it’s an umbrage to face the work of an amateur.
Well, till the abductor asks his name. “…do you not know who I am.?”
Tommy squints at the guy. His suit looks kinda fancy? Is it better or worse for him if he managed to randomly capture some Wall Street schmuck? “Hell no,” he hisses. “And I don’t care. I’m a dangerous guy alright? You don’t know what I’ll do to you.”
Philza’s laugh causes the cop to advance, wagering the situation isn’t intense. But because Tubbo’s ‘Yes And’ game is a force to be reckoned with, he casually pulls out a nerf gun (painted to look real for a prank on Ranboo) and trains it on the cop. Philza is positively delighted as he realizes just how amateur his abductors are. Oh this will be a riot to watch.
With more bluffing than Tommy knew he had in him, promising the hostage 20 bucks if he pretended to go along with it, the pure manic chaos bleeding from Tubbo’s eyes and ample gun waving, and creative use of spray paint in the eyes of the chasing cops, Tommy and Tubbo somehow manage to book it. For some reason the hostage keeps up with them instead of escaping. Huh. Can you develop Stockholm syndrome that fast? Tommy would ask, but he’s panting from sprinting. And as they live in an unjust world, hostage guy isn’t even breaking a sweat despite the three piece suit.
“You’re not going to get far on foot,” Philza murmurs. As corrupt and useless as the cops are for most things in this city, he doesn’t imagine there’d actually be that much fuss over a random man being kidnapped, but he wonders what they’ll do if spooked a little more. It’s been amusing thus far. The boys bicker, then elect to force him to drive as neither have licenses. They don’t ask him to drive to their homes, instead some secondary location. Smart, albeit Philza will definitely know both addresses within the hour.
While Tommy is busy ‘threatening’ Philza about the consequences of not getting them there, Tubbo just leans over from a bag of chips he’s munching on and offers them to Phil. Tommy rounds on him, less for showing exploitable kindness to the hostage and more for eating the Doritos that were meant to be his. Philza almost chides them for revealing each other’s names, but decides it might just be easier to hand them notes at the end of this. So far they aren’t getting a passing grade in abduction. But he has to admit it’s far more entertaining than the ‘business’ meeting he was planning to attend.
(Techno, meanwhile, hasn’t heard from Philza and is going BALLISTIC trying to figure out who kidnapped him. From the police report Phil just kinda went along with it, and looked terrified after a private exchange with the abductor, which has to mean the threat is ungodly to convince the Angel of Death to submit. Techno’s about to have a panic attack imagining the unthinkable horrors happening to his best friend, and is only holding it off by doing atrocities about it. This is the THIRD secret criminal organization he’s ripped apart in the last two hours and PHILZA ISNT HERE EITHER!?)
Philza has decided he likes his kidnappers. They’re not experienced in the slightest, but they make up for it with bravado, determination, and a certain lack of rationality that is necessary in the line of business Philza is in. Yes. They’ll do nicely if given a little guidance.
It’s half an hour before either of them notice Philza is driving aimlessly and they don’t recognize the city around them at all. “Hm? Next time I don’t recommend you give the hostage control of the vehicle. I could have immediately driven to the police station.”
Tommy frowns, almost more nervous at the implication the obvious blackmail would go unused. “…why didn’t you?”
“There’s no love lost between the cops and I. And even more importantly, you amuse me. I like your…potential.” He grins at the soft click of Tommy covertly trying the handle and finding the car doors locked. “Getting out at this speed is almost always fatal, Tommy.”
Tubbo lifts the muzzle of the fake gun towards him. “Let us go right. now.”
Philza leans over, ruffling Tubbo’s hair. The teen gulps at the glimpse of the holster Philza’s jacket was hiding, sharing a wide eyed look with Tommy. “I’m not exactly scared of foam bullets, mate.” He chuckles lowly at the tension freezing both of them. “Relax. You’ll be home by dinner. After you went through all the effort of kidnapping me to avoid trouble with your parents, I don’t intend to ruin it. I like you two; you have spunk I don’t see often. After all, it takes a lot of guts to kidnap the leader of the Syndicate.”
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bluesidez · 5 months
Can’t get Firefighter Miguel out of my head because of the Miggy discord.
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content warning: nothing but fluff...for now 😗
word count: 1.3k, not proofread
Next ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅𓌉◯𓇋 Masterlist
Imagine you’re trying to get into baking or something and you’re not used to your oven AT ALL.
Cherry pies? Ruined.
Apple fritters? Apple crisps.
Chocolate chip cookies? Charcoal chip cookies.
Brownies? More like burnt brownie brittle.
Your process would be going so well until it was time to actually put your dessert in the oven and it was like your oven plotted against you.
You set the right temperatures. You pre-heated. You even placed things in the right part of the oven. How is it that everything goes wrong?
The only desserts that saw the light of day were the no-bake ones. You’re not sure how much more no-bake cheesecake you could take anymore.
The day that really sets it off is the day that you attempted to make a simple vanilla birthday cake. Your friend’s birthday was coming soon and you wanted to gift her one of those cute bento cakes.
Your icing is finished and delicious. You’ve been practicing the decorations all week and they were pretty cute! The cake just a few more minutes left to bake, then you could take it out to chill.
As you’re piping a bag of baby pink icing, you look up to see that the room is a little foggy. You turn in a panic and notice puffs creeping from the oven.
“No, no, no!!!” you cry as you turn to open it.
You can’t do anything but cough as a ton of smoke hits you in the face.
Your cake on fire. Orange and yellow light illuminating the oven.
You panic as the fire seems to grow brighter once it hits the air.
“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!”
Where was your fire extinguisher? You tried fanning at fire with a towel, but to no avail. You couldn’t even get to the knobs to switch the oven off.
You step back, terrified. You felt like sobbing watching the flames take over. Why aren’t the sprinklers on?
By the time you run out of your house, the fire alarm decides it can sing its tune. You call 911 with a shaky voice, hoping they can get here faster than your alarm decided to make itself known.
You stand outside peeking through your eyes as you could see the flames grow near your kitchen window.
Thankfully the firetruck makes it in time, the firefighters working quick to get inside.
One of them asks is anyone else inside and you shake your head no, thankful that it was just you.
It doesn’t take long for them to put it out and come back outside.
“Are you ok?,” one of them comes to ask you. You look up to this tall, dark, and handsome man. He’s sweating a bit obviously from the summer heat and the fire as he takes his helmet off. His hair is curly and dripping. You ogle him a bit, watching his chest move up and down.
“Do we need to call you an ambulance?” he says, placing a heavy hand on your shoulder.
“Oh! No! So sorry, I’m still a little…winded from everything,” you say, embarrassed.
“Ok, well as long as you’re fine. Do you mind telling me what you were doing?” he asks.
You cast your eyes down. Here was such a fine man standing before you and you had on pajamas and a frilly maid apron with flour splattered on top.
“I was trying to make a birthday cake. As we can see, it completely failed,” you reply. “I don’t know what happened. I followed every instruction. The oven was set at 350 degrees.”
He tilted his head at you as you whined away.
“Is this the first time that something like this has happen?”
You shake your head no, “This is the 3rd burnt dessert in a week.”
“Hm. Well I’ll have the crew here check it out.”
An hour and some change later, one of the firefighters tells you and the tall glass of water, who learn is a captain named Miguel, that you have a damaged gas line.
“You’re really lucky that you were only getting blackened sugar. One more cake and that could have been the end,” Miguel says to you with hand on his hip and another on your shoulder. “And also, never open the oven if there’s a fire. If this happens again, turn the oven off and wait until it dies down.”
You felt your head nodding, heart beating at how awkward everything felt.
Miguel looked down at you again, “Do you have anywhere you can stay over night? Or until I can get someone up here to get this gas fixed?”
“My grandma lives a couple of streets down,” you say, cheeks heated at his intense eye contact.
“Tell you what, how about you settle there for the night and I’ll come back personally to help you grab your belongings tomorrow morning?”
“That would be amazing! Thank you so much. I’m sorry for all of this,” you gesture to your house.
“It happens. Nothing you did here was your fault. Besides, I’m the captain. Fighting fires is what I do. Now, how about a ride in the truck to your grandma’s?”
You feel giddy when he practically pulls you in the truck. No seats are left so you have to settle for sitting on Miguel’s lap, heartbeat racing.
The other firefighters try to hide their smirks and snickers watching their captain hold you so softly in his arms. One big bump in the road has you clinging to him to not fall off.
You straighten back up, embarrassed by the little slip. Miguel chuckles at your actions.
You pretend not to hear their wolf whistles as he guides you to your grandma’s front door.
Miguel knocks firmly, waiting with you until she opens it.
She’s about to fuss at you for not stopping by sooner until she looks up at Miguel.
“And who is this?” she says, a bit shocked.
“My name is Captain O’Hara. I just wanted to drop your grandbaby off. Had a little baking accident.”
Your grandma listens to Miguel as he explains the situation calmly and professionally. It doesn’t stop her from fussing over you, grabbing and turning you to check for any damage.
“I’m ok grandma. I just have to stay here while my gas gets fixed.”
She thanks Miguel profusely, “Son, what’s your favorite food? I’ll have it made and sent down there for you.”
Miguel laughs heartily. You’re about to tell him he doesn’t have to answer that until he beats you to it.
“Whatever your specialty is, I’ll take it,” he says with a sweet smile on his face and holding your grandma’s hands.
“Cap! We gotta another fire at the college dorms. Someone burnt noodles in the microwave again,” a firefighter yells from truck.
“Well if you all can excuse me, duty calls!” he says and runs back to the truck.
“I can’t believe you burnt a cake! Haven’t I taught you better? And you know you’re making him that food, right?” your grandma says as you step inside.
“Grandma,” you say, affronted. “It was the oven, not me! And he might not want to even eat what I make after this.”
“Hmph,” she says, with a click of her tongue. “Well, you better get ready to use this kitchen here. You need that man as a husband.”
“I have some ham hocks in the freezer, some turnip and mustard greens. I think the church sent me some potatoes. We need to go to the store too. You gotta get him through his stomach.”
There was a silence as you and your grandma stared at each other.
“So are you thinking pork chops or catfish to go with the side dishes?” she said, grabbing a pencil and an empty envelope.
You just groaned and crumpled in your chair.
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divider by: @benkeibear ❤️‍🔥
the grandma convo is heavily inspired by my own grandma lol. tagging @miguelhugger2099 @kit-and-wolfe @huniedeux @ugh-ok-fiyn because I want y’all to see this 😗
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httpdwaekki · 6 months
phobia | b.c.
summary: you have arachnophobia but luckily you had an aussie to help you with it.
wc: 1.1k
warnings: mentions of spiders! i tried not to get too specific but they are still mentioned heavily.
a/n: my first request ah! @anjian03 ty so much for the request, i hope i did this justice :) i honestly might write a felix version in the in the future so definitely let me know if that's something you'd want :) anyway! i hope you guys enjoy and as always, drink water, eat something, and take ur meds. <3
my library
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(pictures are not mine! credit to owners!)
you never liked bugs, never have, never will. spiders in particular, terrify you. no matter how small, what color, you will always hate them. naturally, you fell in love with an australian, which was both a blessing and a curse. 
now chan is well aware of your dislike of bugs, even more so of your phobia of spiders. so when he invited you to go back home with him, you were hesitant. of course you wanted to meet his family and berry but all you could think about is the 8 legged arachnids that reside in his home country.
chan could see the immediate panic that took over your features. you were well aware of how irrational your fear was, and you definitely didn’t want it to get in the way of you meeting your boyfriend’s family but you couldn’t help it.
“you’re worried about the spiders right?” you nod, picking at the now chipped nail polish that covered each finger. you were sat across from him on your couch, head hung in embarrassment. he gently grabbed your hand, rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand. 
“hey,” he shakes your hand gently, making you to look at him, “i get it, okay? you don’t have to go if it’ll stress you out too much. you don’t have too, okay?” you quickly shake your head.
“no no, i wanna come.” you reassure him. “are you sure?” he asks, searching your eyes for uncertainty. “yes, i wanna meet berry and your family and see where you grew up.” you nod smiling, squeezing his hand. 
“okay, i’ll be there the whole time okay?” he reassures you. you lean forward, placing a loving kiss to his plush lips, before wrapping your arms around his neck. “i know channie,” placing a soft kiss on his neck. “thank you.”
a few months later, chan finally has a break and you find yourself in the warm city of sydney, australia. you had been there for a few days, and it wasn’t as bad as you had imagined. you hadn’t even thought about the arachnids since meeting his family.
 simply focusing on chan enjoying the limited time he had home with his family. it was nice to see him so relaxed, and carefree, not worrying about deadlines or comebacks, just enjoying life.
and that’s exactly what he looked like now, playing with berry as you helped his mom clean up from the delicious dinner she had cooked. she was finishing washing the last of the dishes as you dried them. you both went back and forth, telling your own stories about chan, laughing and smiling at the precious boy in the next room.
after the dishes, she starts tying the bag in the trash can. you stop her, “oh, mrs.bang, i can grab that.” she quickly shakes her head. “no sweetheart, you’re a guest, i’ve got it.”  you shake your head right back. 
“please? you cooked all day and i think my mother would yell at me if she found out i didn’t do more to help.” you insisted, reaching for the bag. she relents, handing you the bag, “okay, you win, the trash is  just around the house, but make sure you put on the light. you never know what nasty buggers are running around out there.” she laughs.
your blood suddenly runs cold, a stark reminder of the things that made you scared to come here in the first place. you knew she was joking, just a light hearted comment but you couldn’t help but freeze.
she looks at you concerned, “are you okay?” you smile, nodding. “yes sorry, i’ll be right back.” you make a quick exit, finding the side door, making sure to flip the light switch first.
once outside of the door you take a moment to breathe. you look out to the australian sunset, trying to relax for a moment. it was still light out, but still dark enough to need the light. after a moment or two you finally move towards the trash cans.
unbeknownst to you, chan had made his way out to follow you. his mom asking him to check on you as you were taking a while, before making her way to her room. this set off silent alarms in chan’s head, as he was well aware of the presence of the specific 8-legged creatures that you loathed surrounding the trash bins.
as he made it to the door, he hears the unmistakable sound of your scream. he quickly yanks the door, yelling your name. you run into him, letting out another yelp. “hey hey, jagiya, it’s just me, it’s chan, you’re okay.” you shove your face into his neck, hands shaking as you wrap your arms around him.
he wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back, glancing behind you where he finds the trash bag on the floor, and the dreaded 8-legged creature on the handle to the trash bin. he places a kiss to the side of your head, “are you okay to wait for me by the door?’ he whispered into your ear. you nod your head, slowly releasing him, making your way back to the door.
he quickly moves to grab the bag, brushing the spider off with the bag before lifting the lid, placing the bag inside. he makes his way back to you, opening the door, ushering you inside. “come on, let’s wash our hands quick, then we can lay down.” you nodded, making your way to the sink.
the shaking slowly subsides as you slowly wash your hands. chan notices the slight shake stil present in your hands. he softly wraps his soap covered hands over yours, stopping your movements. “you okay baby?” he leans over, whispering into your ear. you nod your head, you’re face heating up in embarrassment. “i’m sorry.”
he shakes his head, quickly rinsing your hands before drying them. he places his hands to your warm cheeks, your eyes shiny as they look into his. “you have nothing to apologize for, okay?” you slightly nod your head.
“you got scared, it happens it’s okay.” his thumbs gently rubbing your soft cheeks. “i’m so proud of you, my brave baby.” your cheeks become even warmer. you let out a giggle, dropping your head, shaking it a bit. 
“i’m serious bubs, i know you were scared to go out there but you still went.” you smile, placing a kiss on the side of his mouth. “ come on, let’s go lay down.” he grabs your hand, leading you to his childhood room, where you spent the rest of the night, cuddled together, looking at chan’s babies pictures.
you may never get over your phobia but at least you have chan with you to help you.
do not repost
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troublesomesnitch · 9 months
Phonesex with Aemond
Modern!Aemond x Reader
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Modern AU - Aemond calls you after the dinner fight, and you cheer him up in the best way you can.
Contents: some quick smut. New relationship, mentions of oral sex, p in v sex and brief anal exploration (f receiving).
Warnings: brief mention of terminal illness.
Words: 3300
Thank you @arcielee for test-reading, tidying and generally helping out with this little experimental fic!
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It has been six days since Aemond kissed you goodbye and shoved his skis and his snow gear and his aluminium suitcase into the back of a taxi. Six days, and you haven't heard from him since, not a single message, and no indication that he's read yours either. Six days, and the farewell kiss was just a sterile peck on the side of your mouth, because the driver was watching, and Aemond was in a foul mood already.
You suppose the thought of two weeks with one's extended family can do that to a person. And especially when one's family is as messy as Aemond's.
They're in the tabloids sometimes, Aegon with a model on his arm, Rhaenyra spotted topless in Ibiza, Viserys leaving the hospital looking more dead than alive. Old money, and every bit the stereotype too, with their luncheons and country estates and public feuds over inheritance. And the incident, of course. But Aemond never talks about that.
The family trip is solely his father's idea. Or, his father's command, really. His final wish; that they should all spend one last Christmas together at the chalet, eating venison and going cross-country skiing and whatever else rich people do on their alpine retreats. It is all very Town & Country, so far removed from anything you know. They have a coat of arms, for fucks sake, and Aemond wears it engraved on the back of his watch; on the cufflinks that sit in a velvet box atop his dresser. For special occasions, and you'd be lying if you said the thought had never crossed your mind: Aemond in coat and tie and cufflinks, yourself decked out in white and his mother's antique veil. Champagne fountain and monogrammed napkins and an article in Vogue Weddings. Double spread.
But you're getting way ahead of yourself. You have only been seeing each other for about three months, and it is still very new and foreign. Terrifying as well, and your heart leaps to your throat when your phone starts ringing and Aemond's name lights up on the screen.
Six days, and it's a quarter to midnight now, so that almost makes it seven.
"Hey," he says softly. "Did I wake you?"
"No!“ you exclaim, a little too excitedly despite your efforts to sound casual. “I was just watching something. How's St. Moritz?"
"Fine," he says, but it doesn't sound at all convincing, and there's a faint sound in the background. Like a scraping noise, and you imagine that he's picking at his cuticles; at the little chips in his nails.
"Aemond," you call, somewhat alarmed by the silence. "Is everything okay?"
The scraping gets louder before it finally stops and Aemond says sort of.
There was a fight at supper, apparently. An actual fight, with punching and shoving and everything. Straight out of Real Housewives, only even more insane, and Aemond started it, because of course he did. And all because of a stupid joke his nephew made.
"Isn't he like, fourteen?" you ask, and Aemond sighs on the other end of the line.
"Yeah," he mutters. "Something like that".
You are tempted to ask him why he would do such a thing, but you kind of already know. Because of his father, because of his sister, because of the incident. Because Viserys would rather dote on his grandsons than his own children, and because Aemond has chronic pains, and the prosthetic gets itchy, and he dented his car when he couldn't see how close that concrete pillar actually was.
And probably also because he doesn't hold his liquor very well.
"Aemond, you're a grown man," you begin, and your voice is kind and gentle, but you can almost hear how he's pinching the bridge of his nose. "I mean, I understand why you'd be upse - angry, but like. He's a child."
"I know," he sighs, shuffling around with something. "I shouldn't have done it.”  
There's the click of a lighter and then a deep exhale as he blows out smoke, and it reminds you of when you first met. You used to watch Aemond all the time before you worked up the courage to talk to him. He would lean so leisurely against the wall, cigarette in hand and that haughty smirk on his lips; leather jacket, black jeans, hair artfully tousled and tied back. Tall and handsome and just so fucking cool.
"Thought you quit," you tease, and it sounds a little chiding, but it isn't meant like that.
"I did," Aemond says. "I got this one from my uncle - it would have been rude to decline.”
He is quiet then, but it's a sort of contemplative silence. Like somehow you can feel there is more.
"It pisses me off," he finally says. "This whole charade - it's exhausting.”
Yes, you think. It must be. All of his family trapped under the same roof, forced to confront so many painful memories, yet act as though none of it ever happened. Smile and laugh and play house, and all so Viserys Targaryen can pretend he was a better man. Go to his grave with the comfortable illusion that he did not create the rift that tore his family apart.
If Aemond was with you right now, you would wrap your arms around him and kiss his face and his lovely hands, but all you can do at this moment is give a weak yeah, I understand.
"It has been the most miserable week," he moans. "Although - Aegon did fall off a lift today. He's fine, it was just a T-bar. But that was fun."
You giggle. "Oh, poor Aegon.”
"It was his own fault," Aemond snorts. "He had Jägerbombs for lunch. Anyway - " he clears his throat, back to the brooding mood and somber voice. "I'm sorry I called you so late. And for not being in touch. And for... everything else.”
"It's fine," you shrug. "I don't mind. But, Aemond - " you pause, thinking of how best to word the next part, "I think you should at least consider apologising to -"
"No." he cuts in. "Absolutely not.”
There's an awkward silence then, and you worry you might have overstepped your boundaries. He is so difficult to read sometimes, so elusive. You never quite know what he needs from you, sympathy, or flattery, or reassurance, or nothing at all.
You can, however, think of a way to distract him from his brooding. And maybe sex isn't the healthiest way to cope with one's issues, but still. It is miles better than beating up family members.
You twirl a lock of hair around your finger, even though he can’t see it. "What are you doing right now? Are you alone?"
“Yes,“ he says, curious. “Why?”
"What are you wearing?"
"Same thing I always wear," he responds, but then his voice turns coy and teasing, and he asks "what are you wearing?"
You look down at your fuzzy socks, your faded shorts, the worn-out knickers underneath.
"Honestly? Not anything nice."
Aemond laughs, a real laugh this time, and then he tells you just make something up.
The first thing that comes to your mind is that dress you saw the other day. Aemond would like it. He is not into extravagant lingerie and things like that, always likes it best when you are just you. Dry patches on your lips, bruises on your legs and all. Natural. 
But he is still a man though. So, not too natural.
"I'm wearing - I'm wearing a little slip. Silk, and it's the prettiest colour. It is soft to the touch," - you run a finger up your thigh, imagining it - "and it is very short. My legs are out and everything. And my tits look so good in it.”
"They always do," Aemond says, and he sounds a little husky when he asks what is underneath?
"Those panties you liked last time. With the little bows on them?"
"Yeah," he breathes. "I remember.”
"Good. Just the panties, and nothing else. And the dress is so thin - it feels like nothing when you touch it."
You lay back on top of your bed, your hand working its way down the waistband of your sleeping shorts, phone pressed to your ear. 
"I want to touch you," Aemond sighs, voice all soft and gentle. "I want to feel your body against mine.”
You blush. He is quite the romantic sometimes. Jesus, Aemond is so out of your league. You can hardly believe he'd even look in your direction, let alone kiss you and hold you and let you sleep with your head on his chest.
"Aemond" you whisper, slowly stroking your between your legs. "I'm getting all wet. All wet for you".
His breath hitches, and there's a faint oh, followed by the rustling of fabric as he palms himself over his pants. Lowering his voice and breathing touch yourself.
"I already am" you purr. "I wish it was you, though. Wish you could feel how much I want you."
Aemond says fuck, he wishes that too. You're getting him so hard. So hard just thinking about your pretty cunt.
"I'd like to suck your cock" you sigh longingly, and he immediately responds with a sharp breath that makes warmth spread in your stomach.
"Wait -" he mutters. "Hang on".
You hear the metallic clink of his belt, the sound of his zipper, and you bite your lip thinking about what he's doing. Taking his stiff cock in hand, brushing slender fingers along the shaft, running a thumb over the tip to collect the little drops that have already leaked from it. He has the prettiest cock, long and thick and veiny. Uncut, and blushing red at the tip when you slide his foreskin back. 
How you wish you could feel it in your mouth.
"Tell me how you'd do it" Aemond pleads, and there's a slight strain in his voice that suits it so well. 
"I'll start out slow," you whisper, "with just my tongue and my hand. Get your cock big and hard before I take you in my mouth. And then I'll wrap my lips around the head, and I'll press my tongue against the little slit there. And - and I’ll lick the tip of your cock until you’re begging me for more.”
He sighs, and you can hear how his hand settles into a steady rhythm, up and down over his hard cock. Filthy. 
You close your eyes and continue.
"I'd take you so deep, all the way to the back of my throat. And I would tease you - I'd be real fucking mean. I want you leaking in my mouth, all needy and desperate for me. Like, so you can barely hold it back anymore. You'd be ready to explode.”
"Don't stop - " he pants, still keeping up the stroking, pausing just briefly to spit into his hand.
"I'll edge you before I let you come. So many times, you'll be desperate for release. I want your balls so tight and heavy - all tender from how much you need to come - ”
Aemond moans, and he's stroking himself faster, tugging and tugging and filling his bedroom with damp, lewd noises. You know how he likes it; firm grip when he moves up, slack going back down, slight twist at the tip.
"And then?"
"I'd let you come in my mouth."
"No," he breathes. "I want to come inside of you.”
You give a little giggle; he always wants that. Occasionally he’ll finish all over your breasts, or in your mouth, but mostly he likes it the old fashioned way. Your bodies molded together and his cock pulsing deep inside of you. Pressing his forehead to yours or moaning into the back of neck. 
You like that too - but there are other things you might like to try as well. 
"You should come on my panties," you say coyly. "Like, inside them. And then I'd wear them all day, and just walk around with your cum between my legs.”
Aemond groans again, loudly, hoarse and strained and so fucking hot.
"You'd like that?" you tease. "I would feel it there all day. All wet and warm in my little panties. Right against my cunt."
"Fuck," he moans. "Fuck - I'd like that so much."
The sounds of his tugging get louder and faster, and you picture him laid out on his bed, cock throbbing in his hand, hips thrusting up and up into his own grip. Lone eye closed and mouth falling open. 
He lets out a soft moan, and a whine - and then the stroking abruptly stops. Close call, that one. Aemond curses, and you can hear him taking deep breaths, calming his body, halting the mounting need to ejaculate. Too soon.
“Can't wait to have you,” he mutters, and you give a quiet hum in response. 
“Please tell me how.”
He takes a slow, steadying breath.
"I want to be on top of you" he whispers, low, so no one will hear.  "Don't care if you're on your back or what, as long as you're underneath me".
"I'd be on my stomach. You can fuck me from behind".
“Yes,” he sighs. “I want to put my cock so deep inside you. I want you to feel how hard you make me. And I'll pin you down - I'll hold you in place when I take you" - his voice goes all ragged as he starts to slowly stroke his cock again - "fuck you're so beautiful when you're under me."
You mewl, and Aemond’s breath hitches.
“Yeah, and I'll fuck you slow, but hard. I want you squirming on my cock…”  he trails off, and for a moment there is only the sound of heavy breathing, his and yours. 
You had paused your own ministrations before, too focused on finding the right words, but now you begin your gentle stroking again. Underneath your knickers, fingers massaging right over your clit, so good that you let out a little whimper. 
“I love feeling you inside of me” you breathe, “I love it when you lie on top of me - ”
“Yeah?” He gasps, and you bite your lip. 
“Yeah. And I love it when you touch my - ass. Oh It feels so good when you touch me like that…”
Just saying it makes you a little flustered. You would not consider yourself very prudish, but there are some things that make you feel bashful, and this is one of them, the things he does to your backside when you’re together. And Aemond knows, and maybe that makes it even more arousing for him, the filthiness of it, the taboo. 
“How” he moans, his tone urgent and so incredibly intimate. “How do you want me to touch you -”
You have to take a very deep breath before you continue - you feel so sheepish, talking about that, but you are a woman in love, so for Aemond you’ll do your best. 
“I want you to slide your hand down my back and in between my cheeks,” you whisper, blushing all over. “It makes me so wet… feels so good when you caress me there - when you brush your fingers right over my tight little hole while you’re fucking me - maybe next time I’ll let you slip one inside…“
Aemond gives a strangled groan at that, quickening his strokes and hissing oh fuck. He is so close now, you can hear it. 
“Say my name” he begs, breathing so fast and tugging frantically on his cock. All hard and swollen now, his hips thrusting up, his balls pulling tight; oh you can imagine it so easily. 
“Aemond” you whisper. “Aemond, my love” - he moans louder, strokes harder - Aemond, I want you to fuck me, I want to feel your big, hard cock - 
Aemond chokes out a sob, and you say his name one last time as he reaches his peak. 
He holds back when he comes, muffling the helpless groans and grunts that you always love so much. But you can hear his strained sighs, his ragged breaths, and the sound is only slightly distorted through the speaker. If you close your eyes it's like he's there with you, gasping right in your ear. 
Oh you can’t wait to see him again, to get to touch him, cuddle up to him at night and run your finger down the perfect angle of his nose.
"You didn't come," Aemond says, accusingly, and you hold back a chuckle because he doesn't like it when you laugh at him. But it is as amusing as it is sweet, this need of his to do everything to perfection. Like if every time he is intimate with you isn't the BEST sex of your life, then he has failed as a lover; as a man.
“I did it on purpose” you reassure. “I'm saving it for you. All for you. Only for you.”
Aemond gives a somewhat dissatisfied hum, but he is occupied with something else now, moving around and fiddling with things. Cleaning himself up, you suppose. If only you were there to do it for him, you'd lick his cum right off his skin.
There is a loud noise in the background all of a sudden, someone knocking on Aemond’s door, and he scrambles to make himself presentable and tells you to hang on. The sounds are muffled - you assume he is covering the microphone - but you can hear another man's voice, and Aemond saying yes, I'll be right down, and then just fuck off, will you when the intruder won't take a hint.
"Sorry about that," he says awkwardly. "Aegon wants to go out. I should go with him".
You giggle at the thought - it is difficult to imagine Aemond at one of those tacky aprés-ski bars, glow stick and vodka-cranberry in hand. “Sounds fun!”
"Yeah, well, my mother would want me to,” he says sullenly. "You know, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.”
"What's the age of consent in Switzerland?" you jest, but Aemond just gives an exasperated sigh and mutters too bloody low.
You pause, unsure of what to say next, and again there's that loaded silence until he clears his throat.
"I will tell them about you. My family - I'll tell them soon. I promise.”
You can feel heat rising in your cheeks. 
Aemond purposely keeps you far away from his family, and he’ll go to great lengths to avoid running into them when you’re together. In fact he prefers not to go out at all, and you have never questioned it or complained. He’s got you hook, line and sinker - could tell you right to your face that he was embarrassed to be seen with you, and you would still be at his beck and call. 
You shrug. “It's fine. Don't worry about it. You don't have to tell them. It's fine.”
“No it isn't,” he says gravely. “You're important to me. So I should treat you as such.”
He says something else after that too, but you aren't listening, still stuck on the words you just heard. You're important to me. You're important.
It makes your heart leap with joy, and you are only pulled back to reality when Aemond calls out your name, and then sweetheart?
He doesn't call you that very often. It is always so nice when he does.
“Sorry” you blush. “I zoned out. But - I've missed you. I miss you. It's nice to hear your voice again.”
There's no way to tell, but somehow you feel like Aemond is smiling.
“Yeah,” he says softly. “Yours too.”
You tell him to have fun with Aegon and whatever horrid establishment they end up at, and Aemond tells you goodnight and says he'll call you as soon as he's back home. He doesn't say he misses you too, but that's okay. You know he does.
Because you're important.
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mcondance · 10 months
listen…hear me out…i’m imagining stu falling for a real sweet girl but this girl is like yuck i know your reputation playboy and since he’s obsessed with the chase he’s really gunning for it maybe even calling her as ghostface, getting her scared just so stu can swoop in and be like awh poor baby here i’ll keep you safe <3 big mean ghostface can’t get ya when im around
we should form a collaboration. (this got so long anon. i blame you. 18+) this idea has my brain turning like it gets him going so bad to scare you and then be able to come back and be your savior. it appeases the side of him that likes the chase, and the side of him that likes being in control. i think they’re both linked to his need for dominance and his sadistic nature so this is a win win for him.
you know him through sidney’s boyfriend billy, but you’ve never said more than a couple of words to each other outside of the friend group. aware of his reputation, your answer to his question is easy.
you tell him no, that you wouldn’t touch him with a 3-and-a-half foot pole. (he responds in typical stu fashion. he slaps a hand over his chest, expressing how hurt he is by your rejection, a knowing smile etching across his face.)
and so begins the chase. you turn him down over and over again, inviting sidney to the dates he asks you on, saying that the movie he wants to see with you just isn’t your taste— even if he knows he heard you talking to sid about how you wanted to see it just the week before, stupid little excuses to avoid everything he asks you.
he doesn’t mind. your rejections of his advances let him feel the way he does when he’s shrouded in that fearful black cloak, coming up with more and more ways to get you.
he keeps his distance— ghostface, that is. stu doesn’t want to scare you yet. with occasional phone calls that he directs to more people than just you, he lets you off easy, makes it seem like it’s just random.
but he’s getting a little anxious, and he’s always been impatient. he wants you.
billy and sidney are out of town for the weekend. and you’re terrified, more and more people close to you have been turning up dead. you resort to asking stu to stay with you for the weekend.
if he gets you to fuck him while he’s “protecting” you from ghostface? god he’d feel so good. he never forgets his alter ego, the slasher that terrifies your sleepy little town, but playing as your loving, caring little “friend” is fun too. he thinks you’re kinda stupid, to let him stay over at your house under the guise of keeping you safe.
you’d changed into your house clothes when you both got to your house, telling him not to touch anything while you were gone. when you came out he was in a t shirt and shorts, and he looked awfully good.
you’d let him have some of your snacks, throwing a bag of hot chips at him and perching on the other end of the living room sofa. you’d turned on some long ass video essay, and he actually found it sort of interesting, quizzing you on what certain stuff meant before you got tired and wanted to sleep.
he thinks, maybe you do have a thing for him. why else would you let a freak like him stay over? whatever the case may be, he’s here. in your pretty pink and white bedroom, he almost scoffs at the softness of it all.
“‘s cute.”
“yeah. i put blankets and shit on the couch. you sleep there.”
his lanky body barely fits on the small chair, but he knows he won’t be there too long, so he doesn’t complain.
the blanket you gave him smells like you, and he basks in it. your room is silent, for a while. in the darkness, your mind gets to you and you’re so scared even with stu right there.
“stu,” you whisper.
“can you come sleep over here? i’m scared.”
there it is.
“yeah, ‘f course.” he feigns genuine sympathy, though you’re smarter than that and no matter how hard he tries, there’s always a sliver of depravity peeking through his words.
you scoot from the middle of your bed to the one side, lifting the covers up to let stu take the other side. too terrified to even get smart with him, you welcome him into your bed.
what a terrible mistake you’ve made.
in the light streaming through your windows, he looks gorgeous, blue eyes gazing softly at your worried expression.
“hey,” he starts, reaching out to rest his hand on your shoulder. you don’t shrink away. you’re frozen. “i got you. promise i’ll keep you safe.”
he’s full of shit. but it works.
“can you just. . just hold me. don’t make it weird.” you scoot closer to him.
“i won’t. come ‘ere.”
shifting, you move until your back is pressed to his front. he wraps his arms around you, cradling you and your fragile psyche in the palm of his hand.
“d’you think he’ll try and come for me?” you ask him.
“i dunno. but i promise i’ll do everything i can t’keep you safe.”
god, he impresses himself sometimes.
“thank you.” you whisper, the words stuck in your throat.
“no problem.” you can feel him looking at you, can see him out of the corner of your eye.
with his arms wrapped around you, all the feelings you’ve gained for him over the past weeks come to a head. he’s warm behind you, and he’s holding you just tight enough.
you twist around to where you can see him, and if you were standing your knees would have buckled from his gaze.
“if i let you kiss me, would you promise not to make it weird?”
“okay,” you breathe. and you kiss him.
what a terrible, terrible mistake you’ve made.
it all goes so fast from there. one kiss turns into many and you’re turning around so you can face him all the way.
he’s got you on your back and his hand down your shorts before you know it. his lithe fingers toy with you, his mouth swallows every single one of your sounds, his body provides you comfort, a distraction from the murderer desecrating your safe town.
you come for him. you make a mess on his fingers, the ones he knows are soaked with blood. he could almost shout from how elated he is to have you wrapped around his fingers.
over you he moves, pulled by his collar on top of you and to your lips again. he wants to be smug about it, to note the lack of 3-and-a-half feet between you two, but he doesn’t.
instead, he kisses you like a normal boy would kiss a girl he liked. instead, he professes his protection when you make him promise again.
instead, he kisses you through the stretch of him entering you. “‘s okay, you got it. doin’ so good.” he could blow his load now, at the sight of you in pain and pleasure, at the sound of your hisses and deep breathes.
he slides home. inches deep inside you and even farther in your mind, he fucks both. he’s done this before, fucked a girl in a show of devotion that she’ll fawn over, a false bridge of vulnerability that he inwardly laughs at. it brings him satisfaction he can only get one other way.
you feel safe. safe as he pushes his hips against yours, his cock kissing and sliding against every electric spot inside you. his hand is warm on your cheek, cupping your face and the other is firm on your hip. you whine with each rock into you, body tingling, ears prickling as he groans in your ear. sounds he’s only ever heard on the other end of the phone.
with slow, calculated moves he makes you come again, and god it feels good. in the back of your mind you’re embarrassed, cause all it took was being afraid for your life and stu got you where you know he wanted you.
but stu’s been in this situation enough times to know what comes next, and how to prevent it. it’s easy, kissing you before you have the chance to keep thinking and fucking you to another orgasm.
it happens again the next night. battered and paranoid, you’re being played into his arms and you don’t even know it. you’re embarrassed about it, but in your clouded mind it feels genuine. it feels like stu really cares. at first it didn’t, but now that he’s still coming around even after he got you in bed, maybe he does care.
sidney comes home and stu goes back to his and billy's place. you think you can calm down with sidney back and stu and billy coming over occasionally. you let stu stay the night in your room sometimes, and he gets what he wants from you again.
your neighbor's killed. what the fuck, when will this end? this time, stu comes over, and he stays. you can't sleep a night without him. you think you're being targeted. the only time you feel peace is when stu's fucking your mind away. you’re reliant on him. in his absence all you feel is fear.
the phone calls continue, and stu’s there to answer them, telling whoever’s on the other end to go fuck themself. again, he plays you into his arms. “don’t think about him. think about me.” he tells you, guiding your face from the phone beside your bed to his, and he lets you close the gap. he likes letting you make the first move. it fills him with pride at his psychotic deception, the way he’s turned you into exactly what you said you’d never be.
he thinks about sneaking out to don the cloak, showing up at your doorstep just to see the horror in your eyes. he resigns to dialing your number when you’re out, calling you and listening to your voice as you realize who’s on the other line. he follows you out sometimes and watches your paranoid moves, blood coursing hot through his body every time you look over your shoulder.
at your house, he comforts you when you crumple into his arms, suggests that maybe, you shouldn’t go anywhere without him. you accept.
god, what have you become. if you’re not full of stu then you’re full of terror, and he takes pleasure being the bearer of both of these things. you belong to him, your thoughts, your body, your feelings, it all belongs to him.
he loves to hear you go over his and billy’s crimes over and over again, lives for the disgust and fear in your voice when you recount the murders. he could probably get off to it, to your sad little words. and at night, he revels in being the only one that can make you feel okay.
you’ve become the perfect victim, and he didn’t even have to flash his knife. maybe he’ll keep you around.
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m3hgumi · 1 year
— when you have period cramps
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a/n: me at any minor inconvenience: omg more content 😍😍 cramps are hurting so bad and i was thinking about them … ooo the voices THE FUCKING VOICES
i’ll also be splitting the hcs into two parts with other characters so it’s easier to post
pairings: itadori yuji x f!reader, fushiguro megumi x f!reader, gojo satoru x f!reader
genres: fluff, hurt/comfort
word count: 853
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itadori yuji
baby was so scared and terrified and confused at first
he’s never had to deal with something like this before, having no female family members or relatives
so to say the least he was stumped
you tried to brush it off saying you were okay and the pain would pass until another wave of sharp stabbing pain hit your side
that’s when you told him to get the pain killers cause this was gonna be a Very Long Week
once you explained to him the horrors of being a woman with a functioning uterus, he didn’t hesitate to grab (steal) a heating pad from nobara’s room (which almost led to disaster, thankfully you had stepped in and no damage was done)
he hates seeing you in pain and tries so hard to make sure you’re comfortable
he’ll have you laying your head in his lap, sprawling the rest of you body on the sofa or bed of your dorm, and ruffle your hair as the two of you watch your favorite show or movie
when you’re napping, he’ll try to cook you something to keep your energy up and endure the pain
i bet he tries to look up recipes for meals that help with period cramps
and tries to cook them for you 🥹
even if he’s not the greatest cook, you appreciate those meals better than any craving you’ve had for the rest of the week
megumi fushiguro
he’s gone through this many times with tsumiki before so he knows exactly what to do
prepare a heating pad, stock up on pain meds, get her usual cravings and everything would be fine
though her cramps weren’t as painful (or so he thought, she just hid how painful they were from him) as he found yours to be, so he had to do a little bit more to help you alleviate the pain
including routine cuddles, plenty of kisses, many many blankets, and the occasional peace and quiet for your naps
he has your period tracker synced to his phone so he knows in advance when to stock up on any supplies you’ll need to get through the hellish time of shark week
he’d cancel any plans he may have had with nobara and yuji to stay with you (mad respect 🙏)
he’ll also summon his demon dogs for emotional support, even if it’s not allowed in the dorms (he’s such a real one 😭☝️)
he also has his phone notifications off so all of his attention is focused on getting you through this hellish week (ok but mans needs to catch a break too)
he’ll let you play with his hair as a distraction from the pain
if you ask for cuddles his face will get super red but he’ll oblige after
eventually he’d stop you from consuming all of chocolate and chips that is your cravings and get you to eat an actual meal
he won’t mind if you start complaining or yelling at him about something insignificant (like the temperature in the room being too low) because he knows it’s just the pain talking
instead he’ll pull you even further to his touch, soothing you and hopefully getting your mind farther away from your uterus twisting itself
gojo satoru
for ONCE his sweets stash under his bed is finally useful for someone other than him 🔥
i can imagine teen gojo first seeing you in pain and laughing (geto probably smacked him real good after that)
“wowww women have it SOOO hard 🙄” “OF COURSE YOU WOULDNT KNOW YOU ASSH-“
he has everything stocked up and ready for that time of the month: from pads to heating pads to pain meds (lots of them) and most importantly SO MANY SWEETS
he definitely uses this time of the month as an excuse to go out and buy an exorbitant amount of candy that will most definitely leave the two of you with diabetes
he’ll also bail out on any meetings or missions (except the ones with his students, he can’t leave them) so he could stay with you
if for any reason he can’t be physically be there, he’ll be on speed dial or he’ll get nanami or shoko to keep you company
you tell him not to worry and don’t bother staying since the pain will pass on its own and isn’t really anything to worry about, but he insists anyways
when he’s not busy he’s either cuddling you or having you wrapped around his arms, passing the time by watching his shitty collection of movies or any of your favorite shows
he’s definitely gonna feed you the giant chocolate cake he bought from the bakery down the street (and feed himself some ofc)
since gojo is just a giant pillow anyways, falling asleep on him isn’t much of a problem, even if your insides are attacking you with the worst pain ever
i’ve mentioned this in hcs before but he ABSOLUTELY has a whole album of pics where you’re sleeping on his shoulder or lap, cuddles are not excluded
(ok this is getting too long i should stop)
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How would you feel about dipper with a s/o that turns out to be a vampire?? At first he just sees them as a little odd since he only sees them around at night and they never eat the snacks he brings them to share, but sooner or later he figures it out!
A/N: I like this so much it’s so cute. I could see Dipper being so into like the paranormal / weird-shitness, that his s/o is either apart of it or just as into it as he is
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!
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Dipper Pines has always been drawn to the unusual, so when he starts dating you, he notices a few quirks right away. You’re always available to hang out in the evening, but you’re nowhere to be found during the day. He chalks it up to you being a night owl—after all, he’s stayed up late plenty of times himself. He also notices that you never seem to eat the snacks he brings along for your little adventures. Whether it’s candy, chips, or even your favorite drink, you always politely decline, offering a vague excuse like, “I’m just not that hungry.”
At first, Dipper doesn’t think much of it. Maybe you have some dietary restrictions, or you just don’t like eating in front of people. But as time goes on, he starts to wonder if there’s something more to it. He’s used to being around strange creatures and supernatural events, so the idea that something might be a little off isn’t entirely foreign to him. Still, he doesn’t want to jump to conclusions, especially because he really likes you and doesn’t want to scare you off with his overactive imagination.
One night, while you’re both out exploring the woods around the Mystery Shack, he notices something that makes his heart skip a beat. As the moonlight filters through the trees, it catches your eyes at just the right angle, and for a split second, they flash a deep, unnatural red. He blinks, thinking it’s a trick of the light, but then it happens again, and suddenly everything starts to click into place.
His mind races as he recalls all the little details—your aversion to daylight, your refusal to eat, the way you seem to glide rather than walk when you move quickly. He remembers the stories he’s read, the legends about creatures of the night who hide in plain sight. The realization hits him like a ton of bricks: you’re a vampire.
Dipper’s initial reaction is a mix of excitement and nervousness. He’s always wanted to uncover the mysteries of the world, and now he’s dating one! But at the same time, he’s a little scared. Vampires are supposed to be dangerous, right? He wonders if you’ve ever been tempted to drink his blood or if you’re hiding more secrets from him.
He decides to confront you, but he’s careful about it. The last thing he wants to do is make you feel like he’s afraid of you. So one night, after you’ve been wandering through the woods for a while, he gently brings it up.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” he starts, trying to keep his voice steady.
You glance at him, curious. “Sure, what’s up?”
Dipper hesitates for a moment, then takes a deep breath. “Are you… are you a vampire?”
For a moment, there’s silence. You don’t respond right away, and Dipper’s heart pounds in his chest as he wonders if he’s made a huge mistake. But then, you let out a small sigh, and your shoulders relax.
“I was wondering when you’d figure it out,” you admit, a hint of amusement in your voice.
Dipper’s eyes widen in surprise. “So it’s true?”
You nod, a small smile playing on your lips. “Yeah, it is. I’m a vampire. But I promise I’m not like the ones you see in movies. I’m not here to hurt anyone, especially not you.”
He relaxes a little at that, though he’s still processing the revelation. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I was worried about how you’d react,” you admit, your voice softening. “I didn’t want to scare you off. You’re… really important to me, Dipper.”
The sincerity in your voice melts away the last of his fears. He’s faced so many strange and terrifying things in Gravity Falls, and yet here you are, a vampire, and all you’ve ever shown him is kindness and affection. It dawns on him that you’ve been trusting him with your secret all along, and that means more to him than anything.
“I’m not scared,” he says, his voice firm. “I mean, okay, I was a little freaked out at first, but I’m not scared of you. You’re still you, and that’s what matters to me.”
Your eyes soften as you look at him, touched by his words. “Thank you, Dipper. That means a lot.”
Dipper reaches out and takes your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “So… does this mean you can turn into a bat? Or like, hypnotize people?”
You laugh, and the sound is music to his ears. “I can do a few cool things, but I promise I’ll never use them on you.”
As the two of you continue your walk, Dipper can’t help but feel a surge of pride. He’s dating a vampire, and not just any vampire—he’s dating you, someone who’s proven time and time again that they care about him. The revelation only deepens his feelings for you, and as the night goes on, he finds himself more in awe of you than ever before.
From that night forward, your relationship becomes even stronger. There are no more secrets between you, and Dipper’s curiosity about your vampire abilities only makes him want to learn more about you. You share stories about your past, about the different places you’ve seen and the things you’ve experienced, and Dipper hangs on every word, fascinated by the world you’ve lived in.
And you, in turn, feel a sense of relief and happiness. Dipper accepts you for who you are, without fear or judgment, and that makes you love him even more. Together, you explore the mysteries of Gravity Falls, your bond growing deeper with each passing night.
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kat651 · 6 months
Imagine: Loki finding the Norse mythology book in your room and thinking you’ll be terrified of him now.
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You set the book down on your bed, leaving it open at the spot you’d been reading, and walked out of your room, not bothering to close the door. You had no worries about anyone coming in. 
Well, except for Thor. And that would only be because he forgot something of his on your desk after playing a game with you and Loki. (By playing I mean losing miserably) 
Loki poked his head in the doorway. “Y/n?” When he didn’t see you he turned to leave but stopped, the brightly colored book on your bed catching his eye. He took one look at the contents and his stomach turned into a tight knot. You were the only one who didn’t judge him for his actions in New York. But now that you have read this? He would be shocked if you could even walk past him without cowering in fear. 
Loki walked down the hall with his head hung low. He went into the kitchen and plopped down in a chair. He had been planning to tell you something that had been at the front of his mind for weeks now. He was going to tell you that he loved you but now? Now he was heartbroken and angry with himself. Why did he have to be so foolish all those years ago?
“Loki, you ok?” You asked, bringing him back from his thoughts. 
Loki took one look at you and scooted his chair away, not wanting to frighten you. “I-I’m fine…” he said in a quiet voice, not meeting your gaze, trying to seem as unintimidating as possible. 
You went to touch his shoulder when you saw, though he tried to hide it, a tear slipped down his cheek. 
Your heart clenched at the sight and you gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “Are you sure you’re ok?” 
Loki trembled before letting out a sob that he tried to suppress, his whole body moving as he did so. He then stood and silently walked out of the room, brushing away tears as he did so. 
You waited a moment before going to his room and knocking on his door. 
“I need to be alone right now,” came a muffled voice. 
You frowned and walked away, wondering what was bothering him. 
You re-entered the kitchen and decided to make a batch of cookies. You’d overheard Thor mention that Loki hadn’t gotten to try many Midgardian foods yet. 
You settled on just a simple batch of chocolate chip cookies, nothing too extravagant. 
Thor walked in as you began to put the ingredients in the mixer. “What ya doin’?”
You looked over at Thor with a slight frown. “Loki is in a bad mood, something upset him so I figured I’d make something for him, sweets always seem to make me feel better.” 
Thor put an arm around you. “I’m glad Loki has you looking out for him.” 
You smiled. 
Thor ended up helping you with the cookies, occasionally sneaking chocolate chips along the way when he thought you weren’t looking. 
“Thor Odinson! Put it down! Quit eating the ingredients or there won’t be any left to make cookies with!” You scolded, shaking your head and playfully waking his hand as you chuckled. 
Loki decided to slip out of his room and head to the kitchen, he wanted to steal Thor’s leftovers from the Chinese restaurant. That’s when he saw you laughing as you held up a spoon to Thor's mouth. “Say ah.”
Thor ate whatever was on the spoon and smiled. “Perfect.”
Loki felt a new wave of tears and ran back to his room where he cried into his pillow. Did you love Thor?
When you finished with the cookies you put a few on a plate. “I’ll leave the rest for whoever wants it.” You said. “Don’t eat them all, Thor!” 
You knocked on Loki’s door. No answer. You slowly opened it and found Loki asleep on his bed, his shirt had ridden up a bit revealing a few scars on his back. You quietly walked over set the cookies on his bedside table and scribbled a little note. You then covered him with an extra blanket since he’d fallen asleep on the comforter. 
You were about to leave when Loki let out a sad whimper in his sleep. You frowned and hesitated before leaning down, brushing aside the hair that fell on his face, and placing a gentle kiss on his temple. “I love you Loki…” you whispered. “I wish I could say that to you when you were awake…” 
You turned to see Thor standing in the doorway, phone in his hand. “I got it all on camera.”
“Thor!” You whisper yelled and ran after him. “Come back here!” 
Loki roused from his sleep and placed his hand on his temple where you’d kissed him only a moment before. He looked over and saw the plate along with the note. He grabbed a cookie, biting it and he glanced at the note. 
‘I’m always here if you need someone to talk to
P.S. Thor helped make the cookies, I can’t take all the credit.’ 
Loki closed his eyes and slowly chewed, feeling a little better already, knowing both you and Thor went out of your way to make him feel better. 
Then Thor walked passed with you swung over his shoulder. “Put me down!” You hissed. “Oh Loki you’re awake! Please save me!” 
“No, she’s mine!” Thor yelled, running off. 
“Loki help!”
Loki found himself smiling. If you were asking for help, maybe you didn’t fear him after all. “Thor unhand the fair maiden!” Loki shouted, setting down the half-eaten cookie and running after him, dagger in hand. 
Loki tackled Thor then decided to take the chance.  He took you bridal style and walked away. 
You smiled letting your head fall on his chest. “Thank you, Loki.” Loki found himself blushing at your words and took you to his room, setting you on the bed. He sat next to you, offering a lopsided smile. 
That smile made your heart swell and you smiled back. “I’m here,” you whispered, squeezing his hand. 
And just like that, a sliver of dread coiled on his stomach. His expression fell and he felt tears threatening to return. 
Just as he was sure he’d break down in another wave, he felt something wrap around him. He looked down to see you holding him close. “I’m here, I’m willing to listen if you need it.”
Then, Loki’s phone buzzed. Loki put one arm around you and picked up his phone with the other. He clicked on the message from Thor, watching the video with the volume of. He watched with a straight face as you left the cookies. A small smile adorned his face when you put the blanket on him. Then shock when you kissed him. He looked down at you as you continued to stay with your arms wrapped around his middle. 
Loki smiled. “Y/n…”
You looked up. “What is it?”
“You really aren’t afraid of me?”
Loki frowned. “Y-that book you were reading… aren’t you… don’t I scare you?”
You sighed. “Is this what was upsetting you?”
Loki nodded, tears collecting in his eyes. 
You put your arms around his neck. “Loki, the past doesn’t define who you are today…”
Loki smiled. 
“Though I am curious as to how accurate that book is…”
He raised a brow. 
“Are you really a giant?”
Loki’s face lost its color. “I-I…” he sighed. “Yes…”
You looked up at him, placing your hands on his cheeks. “C-can I see?”
Loki hesitated for a moment before allowing his skin to slowly change to blue and his eyes to turn red. He expected you to cower. But instead, you slowly traced the designs on his body, stopping at the collar of his button-up shirt. 
Loki hesitated for a moment before slowly unbuttoning the shirt. 
You stared at this muscular chest as your cheeks heated up before you traced the outline of his abs. 
Loki blushed at the realization that you were admiring his body. 
You looked up at him and smiled. “Why would I ever fear this?” 
Loki felt tears prick his eyes once more. Not tears of sadness but of relief. You didn’t see him as a monster. 
You put your arms around him before shivering. “L-Loki your c-cold as ice…” Loki frowned, noticing Thor in the doorway. 
Thor smiled, winked, shoved an entire cookie in his mouth, and walked off. 
Loki hesitated for a second before placing a kiss on the top of your head. “I love you…”
You looked up at him and smiled softly, pulling his blue head closer and placing your lips on his. 
Loki turned back into his Asgardian form and you moaned from contentment, he was warm now. 
Fifteen minutes later, you were asleep at Loki’s side. A smile on your face. 
When you woke, you found Thor had posted a picture of you asleep on Loki’s chest in the avenger’s group chat with the caption. “Took these two long enough” underneath. 
Loki fumed for a moment, sighed, and tossed the phone on the carpet. “I’ll get for that later but as for now…” he looked at you with a smirk before pulling you closer and placing his lips on yours. “For now I’m content…” he mumbled, holding you in his arms and closing his eyes. 
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moodymisty · 8 days
How does a space marine mark their favourite serf?
We already know that Night Lords have their blood ink tattoos and Space Wolves simply pee on their favourite, but what about the other legions? How would Astartes go about specifically marking their favourite serfs as theirs? So it got me thinking about the other 20 original legions and what their answer to this conundrum would be.
Salamanders handcraft specific pieces of jewelry and give them to their serf, each has a signature style and that style acts as an identifying mark. Another for the GPS club.
Blood Angels leave behind bite marks from repeated feedings. The bite marks and where the bite marks are placed identify the Astartes based on feeding preferences.
Ultramarines have filed out specific paperwork form A5 - 69 that now has you listed as their support serf/support wife. You have the paperwork and everything on you at all times to flash at anyone trying to hit on you.
The Raven Guard gives you a nice simple permanent anklet with different inscribing denoting a particular Astarte. You may or may not be GPS-chipped now.
If you are lucky then your Iron Warriors master will simply fashion you a nice iron collar with their information hanging from a tab. If you’re not, then the Iron Warriors will simply brand you with a customized burning iron, it’s quite painful.
Dark Angel will just stoically rub their face against you, trying to impart as much of their scent onto you as they can. Your goddam terrified and confused out of your mind as this occurs.
Iron Hands will augment you with specific pieces of valuable tech denoting you as being more valuable than other flesh bags, your permission is not asked for this procedure.
In the World Eaters, no one marks their serf as belonging to them, because of the simple fact that Angron would outright murder any Astartes he caught doing so, seeing too many connections between that and slavery.
For Luna Wolves they thankfully won’t impart their scent by peeing on you, they will however keep you in an all-night breeding session, arguing there is no greater way to claim a person than by getting them pregnant with their child. Truly their father’s sons.
For Word Bearers I don’t have any concrete ideas, but whatever it is it’s weird and it’s religious. Possibly a chastity belt, one that only they have the key for.
When an Alpha Legion astartes marks you there is no smell, mark or any other signifier. However any kind of marking ends up being somewhat moot. As when you are an Alpha Legionnaire, you are still obligated to share your serf with the rest of your Astartes brothers.
So apparently the White Scars ritually scar themselves with a long scar called an honour scar when they join the chapter. So any particular favoured serf is going to be ritually scarred in a specific manner similar to or resembling their master’s to showcase which white scar they belong to.
When it comes to the Death Guard I honestly have no idea for these guys and I don’t think I want to even consider it.
If an Emperor Children picks you as their serf then they’ll pick out very good and beautiful outfits to showcase that fact, there are a few specific pieces of high-quality clothing commonly used to denote a serf belonging to an Emperor Children. However, things get interesting in that regard when we get to post heresy…
To show ownership Imperial Fists will scrimshaw you a piece using some sturdy Xenos bone, with their scrimshaw style acting as identification.
If a Thousand Sons marks you as theirs, then expect warp magic shenanigans. How they mark you are going to be different with each Thousand Sons, though you’ll bet your bottom dollar that sorcery is always involved.
The Ultramarine one made me laugh out loud XD Some of these are definitely what I imagine what a SM of each chapter would do, within reason.
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theblueflower05 · 1 year
So I’m at work feeling particularly yuck(it’s okay I have a vacation coming up) and I don’t want to be in this office anymore-
So I escaped into my brain and conjured up maybe the most delicious maladaptive day dream ever.
Ao’nung x reader x Neteyam-
But the reader is human.
A human who was sent on the second wave to Pandora. And experiment of sorts. She sold her body to science and got a surgery that makes her able to breath Pandoran air(listen, logistics don’t matter)
She turned on the RDA and set out to warn Jake and the other rebel scientists about impending doom.
Blah blah blah.
She ends up in Awa’atlu with the crew.
And she can’t deny the hot rush of overwhelmed butterflies she gets when she catches the Matkayinan Prince staring at her.
Ao’nung is a slut. He loves pleasure; giving receiving it you name it. He’s slept around a lot and he’s very curious about the pretty little sky demon with wide hips and thick thighs. He wants to see what her full breasts look like when they’re not caged by her tawtute clothing-
Neteyam is having none of that shit.
He claims it’s because it’s on him to keep an eye on you like his dad had commanded back when you’d first come to them in the forest. You’re just another responsibility.
It has nothing to do with the fact that he’s been obsessed with you from the moment he met you. That the idea of another Na’vi trying to mate you makes him sick to his stomach.
Circumstances happen. Shit goes down.
Somehow you find yourself being courted by two fully grown, blooded royal male Na’vi.
And it’s like.
A lot.
A lot a lot. They’re overbearing and devoted and you’re just a human girl who’s always had intimacy and commitment issues.
All the attention feels as good as it does scary.
You get gifts of all kinds; jewelry and clothing, food by the pile. Pretty little trinkets that glow and glitter.
Ao’nung takes you to special secret places on the island. Goregous waterfalls and hidden tide pools.
Neteyam takes you on magical ikran rides, you soar above the sherbet clouds.
When you begin pushing them away- not able to choose and deciding that really it’s best that you’re alone anyway.
They form an unlikely alliance.
They both want you. They’ll just have to share.
Now here’s where it gets good.
Imagine these huge hulking beautiful men telling you that it’s okay. You don’t have to choose. You can have them both- as long as they can have you in return.
I could faint just thinking about it.
Starting a physical relationship with them?
Finding out that human pussy apparently tastes nothing like Na’vi women- you’re tooth rottingly sweet and potent and addictive to them and you find yourself with your legs spread and a big head forced between your quivering thighs on the regular.
It’s so much. Na’vi have insatiable appetites and stamina that is literally unbelievable.
As time goes on you learn about the two men.
Ao’nung is deceptively sweet. He’s a caring lover. All service top-y and devoted. He wants you to feel good. He wants you to have whatever you want. He spoils you absolutely rotten. Is pussy whipped from the jump. He is his daddy’s son.
Neteyam? Is mean in bed. He’s demanding and passionate. He loves overstimulation(both receiving and giving) sex with him always leaves you a bawling mess.
Both of them have that first born son chip on their shoulders. They’re more alike then they think they are. Every time you point it out they scoff.
More day dreaming-
Somehow you get kidnapped by Quaritch and Co and omg. The lengths your boys go to to get you back is actually terrifying?
And so hot?
This is my new fave imaginary scenario. I think I’ll escape into it for the foreseeable future byeeeeeee
Also @cinetrix I blame you for this. That new Ao’nung pic you posted has fucked me UP.
I do not have the time to write this but I want to so badly😭
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 28 days
Everytime I open a jrwi episode it’s a gamble on what I’m gonna be hearing and seeing
“You’re It” Episode 91, quotes and reactions
Bizly;”Charlie would make a great sim”
Ollie;”Damnit! I mean- dang it!…Darn it? SHIT!”
Gillion *in the most serious tone imaginable*;”No tag backs.”
Ollie;”Gillion what the fuck! I mean heck!”
Chip and Gillion in a barrel Chip and Gillion in a barrel- damn nvm mechanics stop it
Condi;”Jay disappears”
Bizly;”Now hang on 🤨”
Ollie;”It’s coming. I’m safe.”
Ughhhh propaganda propaganda blablabla
Gillion;”thats that girl that attacked us, what happened?”
Chip;”We handled it.”
Charlie;”Underage people cannot commit crimes in the world of riptide, which is a cool little world building fact.”
Gillion;”This is Queen, he can’t finish”
Gillion;”Falsetto? Is that what that is? I don’t know, I can only tell the truth. I only have a truesetto”
Gillion;”I’m sorry if it made you sad that I piledrived a cat through an entire city at 300 MPH :((. He started it >:(“
Chip;”Yk what they say, an eye for an eye”
Jay;”And the world goes blind?”
Chip;”…just forget the last part :DD”
God I love all of their dynamics so much albatrio I love you so much
Gillion;”If I were you I don’t think I could’ve answered her either..” AWWWGGHHSHDHDKDJXJD
Gillion;”I am the consequence I am the consequence.”
Fake caspian noises I love him HES A SIM
Fake Caspian;”Hakuna matata bitch.”
I feel like this little journal Ollie gave Chip is gonna emotional devastate me
Ollie;”I’m gonna kick you in the nuts” “I’m gonna burst the lump”
Chip;”You shouldn’t remember things like that!”
Ollie;”I remember everything I’m an impressionable 12 year old.”
Jay;”Great googly moogly! Kira!”
Gillion’s mom;“Eggs.”
Chip;”I see that shit every day in the mirror”
Jay;”You want breakfast..?”
Gillion;”……what are we having.”
Chip;”…he taken all the eggs :00”
Jay;”I think we need a therapist as our next crew member”
Chip:”It’s so early to be scary”
Gillion;”I think it’s pretty fucking late to be scary.”
Gillion;”I thought I’d make it more then a day before having to show these puppies off” *black oozing scars on his chest*
Charlie;”you fail the weed check and you die”
Literally any of their high quotes are fucking amazing
Chip *high as balls*;It’s your destiny to fuck that thing up dude”
Chip;”You’re Gillion, mother fucking, titty sucking Tidestrider”
Gillion;”How’d you know my middle name? 😦”
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h8ani · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers Headcanons
Crack Edition: Moody GF On Her Period
A/N - I hope 4 headcanons was enough! Feel free to request again! PSA this is my first headcanon so bare with me
Credits! The dividers were made by @benkeibear if you’re ever in need of any borders or dividers :)
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𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙮 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤
This man will do everything in his power to NOT piss you off
For someone as dangerous and terrifying as he is
Hearing the slam of the front door has his knees buckling
The house being a mess was a constant argument with you two and the last thing he needs is the demon coming out of you
The house is spotless
Laundry folded and put away
Breakfast, lunch & dinner made to perfection just for you
You have this man feeling pressure from the moment he wakes up when he hears you groan in pain from your cramps
He’s scrubbing the counter tops one morning focused on cleaning when he turns around and flinches so hard he slips once he sees you
“Why’d you fall?”
“Floors looked dirty, needed to clean ‘em…”
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𝙈𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙮𝙖 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞
Mans has your period symptoms and remedies down to a T
Your cravings are no joke
Hangry AF
No breaks in between at all
All of Toman fears your time of the month and they only know it’s time when they see Mitsuya carrying a bag of snacks with him
While he’s in his meetings you have the bag to yourself
But when everyone is conversing and you catch Smiley joking around with you and you don’t find it funny at all
That boy swore he saw his last day
That is until Mitsuya comes by and hands you a bag of your favorite chips
Anger diminished
Crisis averted
Smiley can live to see another day
You turn to look for another snack when you see a pack of cookies waiting for you on the steps of the shrine
Then a few more steps and you see a drink
And then more snacks
And more
What you’ll think of as a treasure hunt to find all of your snacks is actually Mitsuya leaving a bunch of snacks for you to distract you
All of Toman is in his debt for this
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𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙢𝙖 𝙎𝙝𝙪𝙟𝙞
He actually likes your cranky side
Mainly because he actually doesn’t bother you and it’s everyone else that has to watch out for you
You’re fairly okay when it comes to your period
You can do things and move around, so that didn’t stop you from asking Hanma to go to the farmers market with you
You make it through the entire trip without flipping out on anyone
That is until Hanma is paying for the groceries and items you two found when he hears a loud thump and a groan come from behind him
He turns to see you beating a grown man with a single pineapple
Where you found another he doesn’t know because the one you picked out was in his bag
He just watches you destroy the pineapple against the defenseless man because man, it was a sight to see
He only picks you up once he hears the man make a sexist comment
Hanma saw your eyes dart to the broom display a few feet away and he could only imagine what you were planning to do with those
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𝙍𝙖𝙣 𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙞
Ran is probably the worst one to be around on your period
He thinks everything is just so funny
You’re overly emotional? He laughs
Because “Why are you crying at the chef boyardee commercial?”
“He found his way back home! He was left behind!”
He finds you most amusing when your anger spikes
Because why is his sweet little girlfriend turning into a demon of the night
You were snapping at him, snapping at his brother, you even snapped at the poor couch pillows going as far as chucking it across the room causing a glass to break
After that Ran’s eyes locked on his brother who was behind you with a cross necklace hanging from his hand and a squirt bottle
Rindou began chanting “Begone Satan!” while spritzing you with the squirt bottle
Let’s just say the necklace was now broken and Rindou was soaked, bottle now empty
Ran just sat back and watched while his brother now believed that the devil was in fact inside of you
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hollyhomburg · 9 months
I haven’t had an idea about hybrids in a long long time but 🥺 what about pup hybrid koo who gets abandoned by his owners for being too high energy, who waits by the door every day for them to come back, doesn’t like to talk to other humans because they’re not his owner but then slowly, the volunteer who comes into his room to talk to him every day and eat his meals with him and feed him treats starts to chip away at his heart and adopts him.
only to have him wake up Literally lying on top of them, deal with him breaking out of the house and following them to work, everywhere- jk is just so worried about being left behind again but! It’s a good thing his owner is really understanding and doesn’t mind that he’s a clingy little puppy.
And of course Doberman! jk is also still covered with tattoos just like irl jk 🥺 big floppy ears hanging over his face, the breed and tattoos usually turn people off from adopting him because Dobermans you know- they’re /protection/ dogs, they don’t see jks wide terrified eyes hidden behind his big ears. They just see the tattoos and piercings and walk the other way. Im imagining the first time jk ever falls asleep on the m/c, head on her lap, her fingers rubbing against the spot on the back of them where they’re sensitive and tingly saying to herself “at least he didn’t doc your ears, I would have expected- given the other /modifications/ he made to you, that he’d have done that. At least he had the decency to leave them alone”
And she asks cuz of course she does, why jks old owner covered him with tattoo’s and maybe she should have waited until he was more awake but jk just says “liked to come with hyung to work, saved his best designs for me”
Maybe years later they have a run in with Jks old owner and it’s one of the other boys, tattoo artist yoongi maybe? but 🥺 jk finally gets his closure because he finds out yoongi didn’t abandon him he just got into an accident and was in a coma for 6 months and then had 18 months of re-learning how to walk after that. How to do art, how to tattoo again and yoongis finally back on his feet. Even when he was in a wheelchair yoongi never stopped going to different shelters to try and find Jk. Yoongi never gave up looking for his pup 🥺
Imagine tattoo artist yoongi with arms full of pretty floral tattoos in the same style as the ones on jk’s arm 🥺 and the m/c once again questions him about it and jk gives her the honest answer of “I asked for them”
Maybe jk is now faced with the horrible choice of being the one who leaves his new owner who he loves a lot and going back to the person who he once missed more than anything! Of course his little pup brain just comes up with the simple solution! They both just have to move in together to look after him! That way he gets both!! And only- the m/c and yoongi are really opposites- but they decide to try and make being roommates work if only because jk deserves it.
And maybe yoongi starts taking care of her too because he always did let jungkook depend on him lots 🥺 for cooking and brushing out his long fluffy hair and showers after boxing class. And yoongi fusses because around her work schedule she forgets to eat a bunch and he ends up going to drop off lunches because honestly- the tatto shop kinda runs it’s self since namjoon and taehyung took over during yoongis accident- they never met jk because they only bought into the business after yoongis accident when he had to sell off half of it to cover his medical bills (I’m picturing calico mini- a new addition, who took over jks job of checking people in for their appointments and answering the phone)
But anyway back to yoongi and his babying It’s natural for him to say “up!” To her (a total accident he swears) when she’s wearing a soaked shirt after coming in from the rain, blushing hard, but kinda grinning when she follows obediently. Because jk always liked it when yoongi would dress him 🥺 hyungs perfect little puppy doll all pliant and good. And it would be okay if only she didn’t slip up too! Accidentally calling yoongi a good boy on more than one occasion or going in for a “good pup kiss” cuz jk is like- kinda a kissy puppy, likes good morning kisses and thank you for putting your dishes away and “I missed you cuz you just peed kisses and I was worried a monster was gonna eat you in the bathroom” kisses. Jk has them both very well trained.
Of course he’d tease her endlessly for that. “Maybe we should get you a pair of puppy ears for Halloween if you’re gonna listen to me the way that jk does” “yeah? I’ll get you a pair of kitty ears and tatto whiskers on you in your sleep” only what if one day yoongi reveals he actually does have whisker tattoos they’re just black light 😭
Only why don’t they kiss each other the way they give him good boy kisses 🥺 why don’t they cuddle each other like they cuddle him??? Why don’t they good hands the way they hold hands with him when he goes out so that they don’t get lost! Jk has to remedy this right away 😠 he can’t loose either of them ever again so he’s gotta set them up!!!
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exaltedfuzz · 3 months
hiii! this is really random but i was looking at your pinned comic again and what do you think gant meant whenever he would talk about swimming? idk if it's because there was so much going on while playing the case, but i could never really figure out if there was more to it and im curious about your interpretation if you dont mind !!
Well, honestly, I think it's threatening enough if it's just swimming. (Speaking as someone who can't swim, haha.)
Seriously though, I think it's a combination "let's be better friends and have fun" with an undercurrent of "you know I could hold your head under water at any time and everyone would think it was a freak accident". Because swimming can be brushed off so easily as simply something fun, there's a sort of gaslighting there too. Like "Now loosen up... why did you think I'd drown you? We're just having a good time, aren't we?" This sense of constant threat in something so supposedly happy. Just like Gant himself.
As for swimming with Lana, although he never proposes this in game, it's what I had in the comic, so I'll put some of the thoughts behind it here.
I'd imagine it as a purposeful disarming tactic again. Lana's design, I feel, is a collection of things to keep her looking strong, and importantly, to cover up her weak points. Her shoulders need squaring up, so she wears military style epaulettes. She's shorter than Gant, so she wears heels. She can't have her throat vulnerable, so she wears a scarf. One that's interesting is the medals. Firstly, her heart is the reason why she was able to be manipulated so entirely, since everything she did was to protect Ema, but the medals are on the wrong side of her chest to keep her heart locked behind her achievements. And Gant knows this, he flat out says it in game - that he "knew Lana" and knew that if Ema was implicated, she'd do "anything and everything he wanted" (don't remember who says this, think it might be Nick), despite being someone who "hated anything corrupt" (Angel). Second, I think this means Lana is a bit insecure. None of the other King of Prosecutors winners that we see (Edgeworth, Manfred) have any desire to show off the medals they presumably have (and though I know this is partly because they didn't exist when they were being designed, I also think it's interesting from an in-universe standpoint) so I think Lana is clutching at the things she can tangibly show off. (Interestingly, this actually makes her slightly like the other Chief Prosecutor we see, [Blaise] Winner. He's covered in the badges... I won't spoil AAI2 for what they are, but... The means by which they each obtained their medals and what they point to about them is, now that I'm thinking about it, a really interesting parallel. But that isn't the point.) She does the same thing with her grades, tells you she was the best in her class. I think that without these accolades she'd feel completely useless, so, this brings me to swimming.
Obviously, swimming, you're half naked. I propose that Lana's insecurities extend to this. Seems the sort to be arms folded in a T-shirt and jeans at a pool party. So, I think an invitation to swim with Gant would be something designed to unsettle her and make her uncomfortable, make her lose all her neatly put together armour. I'm not keen to read potential sexual motives into it, for Lana's sake. That poor woman has really been through enough with what's contained in the canonical text. But certainly, Gant would use it as a means of preying on her insecurities and pushing her buttons re: covering up vulnerabilities. The threat of being scrutinised, without any shields (chipped or not) under Gant's uncomfortably long stare, would be terrifying. I think with Gant, it's always the threat of how entirely unknowable he is. Of course, that unknowable-ness leads to him murdering two people as almost a reflex action, and all he seems to care about is making pawns and raising himself up.
Also, since it's water, it's a sort of washing the blood away style thing. Actually, now that I write that, when you look at Gant's design, he's got a huge cross on him. (And parts of his design went into Strongheart, who has a sort of clergyman-style coat) Maybe there's a bit of a baptism/washing away sins Christian style thing going on there. Not to mention the massive church organ in his office. (On Gant's cross tie, actually, something I noticed and found really interesting was that there's so much "red around neck" in RFTA. Gant's tie, Lana's scarf, Ema's bow, Jake's neckerchief, Angel's little octopus hotdog thing, the suit of armour in Gant's office even has a red scarf style thing. Something about the chains heavy around all of their necks. Naturally the most assertive red is Gant's, since not only does it branch out like a marionette controller, but at the center of it is his big badge. So having the chief position has given him control over all these other "red around neck" people, ready to tighten up the noose at any time. I'd say Angel gives credence to this too. She has the least red going on, and she's the only one who doesn't work there anymore. It's also not actually the thing around her neck, which is a black choker, but an accessory that she's attached to it. Emblematic of her really choosing to go back into this world however she can, and that includes emulating the "red string of fate", as it were. Neil's tie is pink (which is light red) so it's faded into memory, and Bruce's is blue with white spots. Now, this doesn't seem like red, but blood is red too, and the luminol reaction is blue. So this is the discovery point, if that makes sense. Where the red has been revealed to be blood under the blacklight, and things start to become undone. Ultimately, as well, the "white spots" become the holes in Gant and Lana's plan, so I think there's something there! But that isn't the point of the post.)
One thing I find interesting about "swimming" in particular is Gant's theming. His damage sprite is him going completely nuts electrical style. So maybe...
Thanks for your ask, sorry for going off on one. Hope I answered your question, haha!
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