#and I kept checking my older pics
hyperionwitch-art · 9 months
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Did you think I was done posting art today?? Let's officially ring in 2024 with the Terrible Kids! This time in Ald Ruhn, enjoying some delicious sauced meat on flatbread.
Tev/Dren Masterpost
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average-kitty · 11 months
Complete Bliss 💕
Warnings: Lanuage
Summary: A rough day at work turns for the best
word count: 2k
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Some people may call you crazy, which is completely understandable but how could you not be a little crazy for being in love with this girl? She seemed perfect, sweet, quiet, put together, knew how to take a stand for herself… The kind of girl who would put you in your place if necessary, your kind of girl. You always wanted to try and talk to her after class or even in class but- you just couldn’t, that little interaction all those weeks ago was all you could manage for a little while- which was pretty sad for anyone who was watching from the sidelines, but you didn’t care- maybe watching from afar was better than actually trying to do anything and accidentally ruining it.
But of course, some people wouldn’t let that slide- “You're STILL not talking to her?! Not even saying hi and bye in classes or the hallways?!-“ Your friend screamed through the phone speakers, making you jerk the phone away from your ear- You two had been friends for a while even though neither of you had even met in person, you two were like best friends. “It’s not even that serious-“ “IT IS!-“ she squealed, making you lower your phone again, rolling your eyes with a soft scoff before placing the phone near your ear again “Your insane.” “You're insane for letting opportunities like that slip everyday!” She hissed through the phone as you chuckled softly “Piper it’ll happen when it needs to…” “Well it needs to happen sooner Y/N, i'm getting hella inpatient. If you don’t make a move yourself I’m gonna fly my ass over and MAKE something happen!-""OKAY BYE PIPER I HAVE WORK-“ You hung up the phone and sighed,rolling your eyes before groaning. You knew Piper was right about you needing to make a move but you just weren’t sure if it was the right time.
You sat up on your bed, rubbing your head before setting your phone down on your mattress and getting up and walking to your closet grabbing a random shirt off its hanger and slipping out of your school clothes and into the older shirt for work. You walked over to your dresser and grabbed a pair of shorts before grabbing your phone off your bed and checked the time- you were late. “SHIT-“ you quickly shoved your phone into your pocket and stumbled over your feet, hitting the floor with a light thud- groaning out of pain and frustration before grabbing your shoes and pulling them on. Sure you were terrible at keeping track of time, courtesy of Piper- but you knew how to hurry when necessary. You rush out of the door and find yourself running half a mile and bursting through the back door of your work- panting heavily as you let your head hang, before looking up and meeting the eyes of one of your favorite coworkers- Sam.
“Geez what’s got you practically dying?-“ Sam questioned with a small chuckle as you groaned.
“I was running late- I had to run over here again…” You mumbled as Sam gave you a small sad smile.
“If you keep showing up late you know Rachel is gonna fire you right?-“ Sam questioned as she set down the box she was carrying and walked over to you and tried to help you fix the mess of yourself you had made in your hurry to get over there.
“Yeah, but Piper kept me longer than I was expecting-“ You responded as you face scrunched at Sam licking her finger and wiping away some of your leftover mascara that had smeared, earning a chuckle from her.
“She seems to do that a lot.” Sam replied calmly, as you gave a light nod, putting your hair up in a lazy bun and sighing softly.
“She’s my best friend Sam, we live too far apart for me to just not talk to her one day-“ 
“Your being too sweet.” Sam replied as you roll your eyes.
“We’re practically married okay? I have to give her some sort of attention.” You retorted with a small whine, as you clipped on your name tag and put on the stupid apron you were required to wear.
“Yeah yeah, since you were late you can go reorganize the shoes for me.” Sam said as she picked up the boxes she had put down earlier.
You almost wished you didn’t run all the way from your apartment to work- you hated reorganizing the shoes… but you gave Sam a nod and walked out of the employee break room and over to the shoe aisle- your eyes widening in the amount of dread and horror you were feeling. The aisles were in complete disarray, shoes on the floor, shoes mismatched, just about everything that would need to be fixed, needed to be fixed. You groan and swear under your breath before you begin to pick up all the shoes not on the shelves and in their boxes. It was gonna be a long afternoon…
What felt like 3 hours of picking up after all those inconsiderate people you were finally done, sweating a bit but satisfied with yourself. Sam walked past and saw the large smile on your face and snorted softly, walking over to you and placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Surprised you actually did it, looks a lot better.” You gave a nod and continued to smile and your work before turning around to look at Sam.
“I’m gonna go work at the register.” Sam gave a nod as you walked off to the register, flipping up the slab of wood that closed off the register to customers and took a seat at an open register, sighing softly. Most of the customers were manageable for the rest of the day, you were getting ready to leave for the day but one woman walked up to your register to set down her basket, you turned to look at her before biting at the insides of your cheeks but you began to scan her items. Down to the last few things you stumbled onto an unmarked bag, raising a brow as you grabbed it, looking on every side and even on the inside of the bag for a price tag but you couldn’t find it. You looked over to the computer at your side and looked up the bag’s brand- it wasn't there, which either meant it was new in stock hadn't been put out or she had put her bag in by accident. But it couldn’t be a accident- 
“Ma’am I can’t check this out for you…” You turned to look at her, as her brows narrowed.
“Yes you can!” She hissed, her voice was extremely bitter and made you flinch back a bit.
“There’s no price tag, and I can’t find it in our stock…” you mumbled, making the woman even anger, raising her voice even more.
“Then just give it to me!” “That’s against our policy, you went into the back and grabbed this bag. I'm going to have to ask you to leave…” You whimpered.
The woman seemed even more furious as she slammed her fist on the counter “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!-“ She growled, you were going to respond but she kept going. This continued for the next few minutes before Rachel,your manager stepped in. Luckily she was able to get the woman to leave but you weren’t able to leave early which was incredibly unfair. But you had to suck it up, you were muttering to yourself and cussing out Rachel for making you stay as you set the bag under the counter then- 
“Hello?-“ that sweet and familiar voice rang out, you immediately shot up- slamming your head on the bottom of the counter that sat the register on top, making you groan in pain as you lifted up completely- rubbing your head. Meeting Tara’s eyes, ones filled with worry for your voiced pain. 
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?!-“ She yelped as you tried to laugh off the pain, wincing at the new bruise forming on your head.
“Yeah I'm okay… uh- if you could just hand me your basket I’ll get that checked out for you..!” You nervously squeaked up, Tara nodding and handing you her basket. You took out the various pairs of sweats,hoodies, crop tops, and a bunch of other clothes and scanned all of them, your eyes trying to peer up to look up Tara but your mind refused to allow it. You finished scanning her items and bagged them up before leaning over to the register and reading the number out loud for her-
“135.45$, Uh cash or credit?” You looked up from the register and offered her a smile, which she returned to your surprise and spoke up with a soft giggle. 
“Credit, my sister works here so I should get a 15% discount.” Your eyes widened a bit as you turned the card reader to her for her to stick her card in.
“Oh really? W-well who’s your sister?” You questioned as curiosity ran through your voice, as you watched her hand move over to Sam- your eyes widening.
“Sam, you know her right?” You glanced back to Tara as she was smiling at you, making you give a nod.
“Y-yeah!- she’s a good friend of mine actually!” Tara hummed in response as you grabbed her recipient for her, looking for some way to try and keep the conversation going.
“Say, you're in Film Study right? We should compare notes sometime, i-i struggle with the class a little bit.” You're lying, you love that class more than anything when it comes to taking note of the small details, but it was an excuse nonetheless. Tara glanced up to you as she grabbed her bags of clothes, shrugging lightly.
“Maybe, I mean it’d be good for both of us.” You tried so hard to hide your smile as you give a nod.
“Yeah! Maybe tomorrow in class or some other time? I get off of work at 6-“
Suddenly she cut you off- “I said maybe.” 
You felt like you had overstepped a boundary you didn’t even know existed yet, you kept your smile to try and seem un-bothered but the hurt was clear in your voice.
“O-oh yeah- sorry, Makes sense.” You chuckled as you handed her recipient to her,Tara taking it in her own hand as your fingers grazed her, sending butterflies through your body. You swallow nervously as you get ready to leave for the day, another coworker walking up to take your register before Tara called out to you.
“Hey, maybe isn’t a no. I’ll think about it.” You turned your head slightly as she walked out, a wide smile spreading across your face as you tried to keep yourself from squealing, practically skipping back to the break room. You took off your apron and name tag, stuffing them both in your locker as Sam walked in, making you freeze in your tracks. 
“What’s got you all excited?” She scoffed, looking you up and down, as you turned around.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!- anyways I’ve gotta go! See you tomorrow Sammy!” You bolted out the back door, before quickly coming back and grabbing your phone.
“Sorry I forgot this-“ before Sam could even get a word in, you slammed the door again- she didn’t get what sparked your sudden change in attitude but she was sure it was for some good reason. You walked down the street to your apartment,smiling the whole way as you blew up Piper’s phone- sending a text every other second as you tried to get home as quickly as possible. You rush to the elevator of your apartment building and rush in, quickly stepping in as you continue to blow up Piper’s phone, praying to god she hadn’t fallen asleep. As you stepped in your apartment room Piper finally responded, giving you the go ahead to call her- she sounded groggy and pissed off.
“Why did you send me 186 texts….. this better be good-“ she muttered.
“It is! Remember how we were talking about Tara earlier today? Well something happened-“ you were about to drop the bomb that you had gotten a date of sorts with Tara but Piper’s idea of what happened was completely different from what you expected…
“DID YOU TWO FUCK?!-“ She practically screamed as your face flushed a deep red.
“PIPER!-“ You hissed, covering your face with your hands. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!-“
“Wait was I wrong?” She squeaked.
did you guys like this one?-
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pleasereadmeok · 9 months
A Goode year ... 2023
Time for my usual review of Matthew Goode's year. Every year I sit down to write these thinking - hmm - we didn’t see enough of Matthew Goode this year.  [NEVER enough]  But then each year I’m surprised by how busy he is. But this year we had several months of Goodey being MIA. How did we cope?
January -
You can tell I'm searching for 'news' when the biggest thing that happened in January was the release of a 13 year old interview with Matthew on the Ellen Show! Well it got us excited coz most of the old YouTubes of it had disappeared.
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[📷 screenshot by @matthewgiggles - she did 1061 of these babies 👏] Oh and Matthew was robbed in the Critics Choice Awards for his performance in 'The Offer' . ROBBED!!! Oh well - at least he was nominated.
February -
Not a Goode month - I seriously couldn't find any Goode news in the archive.
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March -
In March we got excited about Matthew playing either A RABBIT or a hedgehog (coz we will take ANYTHING during this drought) in a new animation 'Tally Ho' also known as 'Spiked'.
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📷 @goodecollective Hoping Matthew plays Walter the rabbit coz that's a bigger part - but I guess he could be the older brother.
April -
We got our first look at Matthew filming 'Freud's Last Session' -
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[📷 Mark Doyle/Splash News]
... and the first 'official' promo pics from Sony Pictures Classics -
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... And, bizarrely, the Whitehead Railway Museum (a location for FLS) spilled the beans that we'd see this in December.
May -
We were starved of Goode news -
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June -
I mean WTF happened in June?
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By July -
We were starting to worry....
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August -
Luckily some more FLS casting news started trickling out and we were READY.
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Oh and some of Matthew's costumes for ADOW were up for auction - so hopefully some lucky fans are sniffing those as I write this -
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In September -
We started getting little bit of buzz about Matthew being a contender for Best Supporting Actor Oscars. 😯
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And then towards the end of the month - this happened -
Matthew and ex F1 World champ Jenson Button doing lots of outdoorsy stuff to promote Hackett London's Autumn Winter collection -
Hallelujah - proof of life at last!
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As well as the vid we were treated to loads of gorgeous promo pics by Charlie Gray. 😍
October -
Started off about the devil game golf. Matthew played at the Dunhill Links golf tournament -
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📷 Dunhill Links and 'Gaz the Caddie'
So great that @asgoodeasgold was there so we got some gorgeous pics. Check them out here -https://www.tumblr.com/asgoodeasgold/730860856364122112/im-so-glad-you-enjoyed-goodeywatch-thank-you?source=share
Then, at last, we got a sneaky look at 'Freud's Last Session' -
... and guess what? Matthew was SO goode.
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The movie premiered at AFI Fest but sadly, due to the strike, we missed out on seeing Matthew there. The review started appearing and guess what - our guy did good. More than holding his own working with Sir Anthony Hopkins so who could ask for more?
The superlatives about Matthew's performance as C.S. Lewis kept on coming. AND Matthew was spotted in Seville with his mate Jenson again for yet another Hackett campaign...
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📷 all from @RenegadeJFG Twitter.
OMG there has been so much Goode action I don't know where to start. Matthew packed with so many interviews, zooms and articles to promote 'Freud's Last Session'. Exhausting for Matthew and a bit overwhelming for fans - but I'm not complaining. Here's just few appearances -
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Matthew's interviews gave us some fascinating insights to the type of human he really is and what he believes - as well as the usual fun, laughter and the constant 'non-verbal leakage' that he is SO aware of.
AND a few hints that he is in talks to reprise BOB!
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We got the official trailer in December and 'Freud's Last Session' had a limited release in the US (L.A. and New York).
Matthew has continued to receive great reviews for his work in FLS and let's hope that directors and award voters sit up and take notice!
So what will the next year bring? Well - it's looking goode.
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evangelineshifts · 7 months
(This has been sitting in my drafts since feb)
I just had the weirdest shifting (?) dream ever???
Warning: sorry if this is confusing I’m literally losing my mind trying to process this. It probably won’t convey as dire as I’m making it out to be but I’m very disoriented still
Basically the dream started out normal (which for me isn’t normal at all) I was in my living room with my family when all of a sudden my front door slammed open and in comes my older brother- my older brother who DIED SIX YEARS AGO. I did have it in mind to manifest him being alive again but I was gobsmacked. He comes in and everyone acts normal as if he’d never left and I audibly went “oh my god” in the most horrified voice ever and they all looked at me and I ran upstairs to my room (which also hasn’t been my room up there in years) and went to grab my phone which was still like modern to these times. My Lock Screen was different and stuff but like I could read everything on the screen. Which is weird cause in dreams you shouldn’t be able to do that. Everything was clear I read the date it said it was Wednesday, December 8. I fuckin lost it I was going insane. I was like crying cause I was overwhelmed and I went to google and I searched up what year it was (idk why I didn’t just go to calendar but I was distressed). It said it was 2016 which I thought was a bit weird cause I didn’t manifest I wanted to go back to 2016 I wanted to go back to 2021 when I was 15 but I didn’t complain cause my brother was back. (Woke up and checked if Dec 8 was on a Wednesday in 2016. It wasn’t but it was in 2021 😭😭)
So I went to snap chat and checked my friends list and there where tons of new people that I had sent pics too but I was looking for one in particular- the girl I script to be my bsf in every DR that I wanted to manifest was real here and lo and behold, there’s her name “Savanna 😊🙈” i was 🫨 so anyways the dream goes on and looking back at it, it didn’t make as much sense as I thought it did at the time but I was sort of confused then too cause things weren’t how I wanted only half like it. So I told someone (who I think was meant to be savanna but looked nothing like her) about what was going on and I told her “I haven’t always been here” and she went “yes you have 🤨” and I went “no like this current awareness, this consciousness hasn’t always been here” and she just looked at me blankly and went “ok” and kept walking while I was loosing my shit. I saw friends from my dr that I wanted to manifest into this reality and my bf from my better cr dr and he called me over to him and he literally just held me and looked at me with the biggest smile but then I realized he didn’t look like my boy. Like his hair was lighter and his eyes were brown not bluish green like usual so I like decided to go away and look for other people. I found Jules (Leblanc) and she’s my best friend in a ton of my drs and ran over to her like practically sobbing cause I was so confused cause everything seemed clear and yet not at the same time and it feel like my brain was exploding and she just hugged me and listened as I babbled on about how I just woke up in the wrong year and my dead brother was suddenly alive and nothing was exactly how I wanted it yet it was close???? I was just so confused and overwhelmed and everyone was really supportive and trying to comfort me as I was literally losing my mind but I could visibly see the confusion on their faces which made me more distressed cause I didn’t understand. And then after awhile the dream got. all weird again. If anyone and I mean ANYONE has any ideas of what the fuck this could’ve been I’d be open to theories cause a whole month later and I still got nothing 😊
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formulapookie · 4 months
marc would have that photo of dovi printed out and kept somewhere safe I saw it in my delusions
ooooo for sure but the problem is: how safe from Vale's reach?
I'd say not too much. Imagine one day they're at Marc's moving some things around the house because they're renovating and Vale ends up finding a dusty pile of paper and when he's about to throw it away that pic falls out of the pile and ends up face up on the floor and Vale is just- staring at it, blood practically boiling because what do you mean he has a picture like THAT what did he even need it for?
And Marc waltzes in the room talking about something when he sees Vale staring at the floor and once he gets close he sees *what* he's looking at and goes all red and quickly mumbles something and goes to throw it away but he's stopped by Vale who by then had dropped all the papers he had in hand and asks him "What was this picture for?" and Marc goes even more red and stutters out a "nothing" that wouldn't convince anyone.
Vale obv gets jealous of a PICTURE and at night he has a lot of fun teasing Marc about it and reminding he's the only one in Marc's life and that if he has more pictures he has to get rid of them.
Next morning Vale wakes up to a paper bin full of crumbled pictures of older drivers.
also @sammyche has a few posts about this kind of trope go check them out!
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slothquisitor · 24 days
Invisible String: Chapter Three
A Baldur’s Gate III Modern AU.
Chapter Summary: Liv receives messages from her newest match. Now with 100% more references to mind flayer erotica.
Read from the beginning.
Read on AO3.
Liv discovered in her early twenties, much to her dismay, that she was a relationship girl. It was a bit of an inconvenient discovery since that was the time of life when everyone she knew was experimenting with everything from casual relationships to polyamorous ones and no one was looking for anything serious. 
It got easier as she got older, but also harder in a lot of ways. Her last serious relationship had seemed to be going so well until her girlfriend came home and announced that she’d taken a job in Amn. Liv had already begun mentally trying to wrap her head around moving when she’d told her that she didn’t expect Liv to pick up and move her life just because of her job…and suddenly the whole relationship had unraveled. She’d expected to be more heartbroken than she was, kept bracing for the inevitable break-up breakdown…but it never came and she realized that comfortability and love are not the same. 
Joining the Weave had been a half-hearted attempt at trying something new. Absolutely anonymously and from the comfort of her phone screen. It had taken a day or two for the first matches to roll in, but they had. She’d struck up the conversation first with RavenHearted, but it had fizzled out pretty quickly. The second had seemed promising for a whole day and a half until they started asking her to send pics of herself and she knew how that would go, so they got blocked. 
But this evening, a brand new match sits waiting. FangtasticLover. Really? Perhaps proximity isn’t really the algorithm of true love. She hasn’t blocked the new match yet, but she plans to. There’s no way anyone with a username that cringe-y is going to be a good match for her. 
She turns her attention back to the cozy baking show she has on a constant cycle. She’s not very good at watching things, but when she does sit down to watch something it’s this or the occasional bad rom-com. Astarion has a premium subscription to every streaming service so she even gets to enjoy the episodes without being jarringly interrupted by commercials.
Then her phone vibrates. 
FangtasticLover: So is your username more of a pronouncement or a challenge? 
She stares at the message, debating whether it is worth answering her mystery match. But then again, she’s currently in her pajamas and nestled in a blanket nest on a Tuesday night and what else is she really doing? 
Books>People: Would you like it to be a challenge? 
FangtasticLover: That depends on the nature of the challenge, am I convincing you that people are better than books or that just my particular person is? If the first, I cannot take that on since I agree with you. If the second, challenge accepted. 
As far as dating app openings go, this one isn’t too bad. He, and she does double-check the pronouns on the profile, has surprised her by actually making her smile rather than rolling her eyes. 
Books>People: You have an awfully high opinion of yourself. 
FangtasticLover: Well, someone has to. So, am I up against a particular book or books in general?
Books>People: How about you tell me about yourself and I’ll decide which book in particular you’re up against? 
FangtasticLover: What are your qualifications for selecting the book? How am I to know that you are a true book connoisseur? What if you consider self-published mind flayer erotica to be the pinnacle of literature?
Books>People: Wow. Self-published mind flayer erotica is the pinnacle of literature. 
FangtasticLover: Perhaps I have judged it too harshly. You’ll have to send me your favorite.
Books>People: I just did an internet search for self-published mind flayer erotica, and I’ve seen things I can’t unsee. Do I send you my therapy bill?
FangtasticLover: It actually exists? It was a joke, but of course it does. Yeah, send me the bill. Your clear disgust tells me you do have taste in books.
Books>People: Does that mean you’ll trust me to pick a book you’re up against?
FangtasticLover: I suppose.
Books>People: You are the one who wanted a challenge. 
FangtasticLover: I did. Alright, do your worst.
Books>People: You said you agreed that books are better than people. I’m curious about your reasons. 
FangtasticLover: Is it not self-explanatory why mind flayer erotica is better than people?
Books>People: And here you didn’t trust my taste in books. 
FangtasticLover: Books are quiet, never demanding more of you than you want to give. They’re enjoyed in isolation, but they rarely make you feel alone. 
Perhaps she was too quick to judge her mystery match based on his username alone. She already wants to like him. The sentiment he describes feels as though it could be plucked right out of her own feelings about books. She’s trying to formulate a suitable reply when another message comes through. 
FangtasticLover: All that and I only ever feel truly alive when reading Tentacles of Love . 
Books>People: I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything else from the person who proclaims his prowess in bed on a dating app. 
FangtasticLover: Says the person who joined a dating app with a username proudly declaring that she’d rather be reading. 
Books>People: Hey, I thought you agreed with me. 
FangtasticLover: I agreed that books are better than people, but you’ve confirmed you’d rather be reading than talking with me. Which, rude.
FangtasticLover: You also haven’t told me which book I’m up against, unless of course, that means I’ve already bested the challenge by being better than the selected book. 
Books>People: I’m putting you up against a particularly fussy short story anthology. 
FangtasticLover: Short and loud? Darling, I’m hurt. 
Books>People: More like surprisingly dense and difficult to understand. Spanning several genres. 
FangtasticLover: I’m going to take complex and run with it. Do you actually like this short story anthology? 
Books>People: So far so good. 
And then she immediately buries her head in the pillow and groans. Did she just tell this person she likes him, thirty minutes into messaging him? He’s playing it cool keeping it with the book metaphors and she’s over here already telling him…what? She’s not entirely sure if this can be considered going well, but she is having fun which is a huge improvement from most of her dating app experiences. 
FangtasticLover: I guess my plan is working. Besides all the mind flayer erotica, how else do you fill your time?
Books>People: Mostly I work. One must to survive, unfortunately. 
FangtasticLover: Oh this is awkward, I was only on the app to marry for money. 
Books>People: Shoot. Same here. We are truly a disappointment to each other. 
FangtasticLover: Even though it will never work out between us and our gold-digging ways, perhaps we can still chat. Commiserate, trade tricks of the trade, that sort of thing. 
Books>People: And share mind flayer erotica recs?
  FangtasticLover: Obviously.
Over the next few episodes, she learns vaguely that he works in public relations and spends too much time online (his words not hers) that his drink of choice is red wine and that his favorite book genre tends to be whatever he’s currently reading, which is fair. She tells him that her favorite book genre tends to be books about books whether it is books within books or books dealing with libraries. She tells him that she works for a university, but gives him nothing else. And he doesn’t seem to mind, able to instead pivot the conversation with ease. She stays up far too late messaging him, but then she does eventually leave him on read and goes to bed. 
But there was something really pleasant about this evening. 
Astarion finds himself drifting to the living room most mornings before Liv wakes up, and the two of them chat while she drinks her coffee. Or sometimes they simply sit in comfortable silence, but the quiet is one of his favorite parts of the day now. That and his constant messaging with Books>People. He hasn’t had this much fun with a match on the Weave in a long time. 
It’s been nearly four days of nonstop messaging throughout her day and some of his nights, and she hasn’t even once brought up meeting or anything even like it. She’s witty and clearly an academic, they’ve kept things pretty vague but he’s got guesses. That’s half the fun of this anyway. She’ll regularly go hours without messaging him though, only to come back with a witty two-line response as if she hasn’t been gone at all, so he gathers that she’s busy…or at least has a job where she can’t message all the time. They haven’t quite gotten to the ‘headed into a meeting’ communication. It’s still new after all. 
Between matching on the Weave, Liv being the world’s most unobtrusive roommate, and his latest Chirper threads doing very very well, Astarion is riding high going into the weekend. Plus, today is the best day of the month because it’s blood delivery day. 
His dietary restrictions are somewhat troublesome in this day and age. Now that he no longer spends his evenings at a vampire den masquerading as a nightclub under the most sadistic asshole he’s ever had the displeasure of being tied to, blood is difficult to come by. He no longer trades sex for blood, not since he learned that there could be another way…another existence he could carve for himself. 
Now, he has a supplier that his erstwhile rescuer had arranged for him. A butcher just outside of Baldur’s Gate who is happy to pack up blood and send it via an expensive courier service directly to Astarion’s door. It’s animal blood and not nearly as satisfying as humanoid blood, but it does the trick. 
The package arrives in the middle of the day while Liv is at work, as he had planned. Her shared calendar is good for some things, after all. He takes the package into his large, walk-in closet and parts the clothing obscuring his new freezer. 
He used to keep the blood in the refrigerator in the kitchen like a civilized person, but then he had to go and get a roommate who doesn’t know he’s a vampire. So now he has his closet freezer of shame which is conveniently hidden behind a very multicolored row of expensive clothing. She’ll never suspect a thing. 
Also, he’s done very well so far buying groceries and making sure they disappear from the refrigerator before they can go bad. It’s a bit of extra work, but he finds he has a hard time resenting it because the freedom of not worrying about whether he can make this month’s mortgage payment is very much worth it. 
Later, it’s almost dusk and he has no particular plans and is wondering what Liv will think of him if he actually spends a Friday night at home. Liv’s proximity and full life, shared in digital form on their calendar, has been a strange reminder of his own isolation. 
It turns out that his concerns about being judged are entirely unfounded since when he walks into the kitchen it is to find Liv fully in pajamas making popcorn and pouring a very large glass of wine. 
“Big Friday night plans?” he deadpans. 
She grins. “The biggest. You jealous?”
He shakes his head. “Can’t say I am.”
“But you haven’t even heard which movie I’m watching!”
He taps his chin and begins to consider. “It’s a period drama.”
Liv laughs. “No, that’s for next week when I’m hormonal.”
“Is that on the calendar?”
She rolls her eyes. “Oh, you mean the one you don’t use?”
He hasn’t added a thing to it, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t check it. “Okay, tell me what movie you’re watching.”
“ My Almost Perfect Date .”
“That movie is like twenty years old.”
She looks offended. “It is from the renaissance of great romcoms. It’s fine if you don’t want to join, but I do plan on eating popcorn in proximity of the sofa.”
He’s not really sure why that’s supposed to bother him. “Enjoy?”
She gives him a complex look he can’t quite parse. “Do you want to join me?”
“For movie night?”
She shrugs. “Plenty of wine.”
Well, he does like wine. “Ugh. Alright.”
The smile she gives him is so brilliant, it looks like she’s won something. “Amazing. But there is a rule to movie night.”
“And what is that?”
She gestures to his clothing. “You can’t wear that.”
He looks down at his perfectly respectable cashmere sweater and tailored pants. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
“It’s not movie night dress code. Pajamas only.”
He’s not entirely sure he even owns pajamas. He didn’t pay as much as he did for high thread count sheets to not feel them on his skin each night…but he might have something that will qualify. It certainly won’t be anything to rival the little silky set Liv is wearing that’s covered in tiny clouds and rainbows though. He does manage to track down the most informal things in his closet, a pair of fitted sweatpants he’s dressed up before, but decides he ought to dress down with a plain t-shirt for this occasion. 
When he returns, Liv does nothing more than give him a cursory look before continuing to set up what can only be described as a blanket nest on the couch. The movie is already queued on the T.V., simply awaiting them both. 
“Wow. You do take this seriously.”
“You’ve clearly never attended a proper movie night, so I’m just ensuring you get the best experience possible,” she replies smugly before holding out a glass of wine to him and gesturing at the spot of blankets. 
He settles in, it’s quite comfortable, and she does the same on her side of the couch. She sips her wine and gives him a sideways look. “I really thought you were going to fight me more about food and wine on the couch.”
He remembers then his lie about the curtains and protecting his couches. Which necessitates covering it up, which bothers him for some reason. “Do you plan to spill wine and popcorn on the couch?”
“I’ll do my best to avoid it,” Liv replies. “Ready?” 
He sighs. “I suppose.”
And then she hits play. He’s not sure what the etiquette is for movie night with Liv, but he refrains from scoffing or making jokes for a good part of the movie. And then a truly terrible outfit comes on screen and he feels wrenched back twenty years. 
“Oh gods, that’s tragic,” he mutters.
Liv laughs. “It’s a choice.”
And with the silence broken the rest of the movie passes with laughter and hilarious jabs at everything from the dialogue to the fashion to the absolutely terrible love decisions. It’s over too soon, and he finds himself a bit sad. He’d been enjoying that. 
As the credits roll, he gestures at the screen. “You know how sometimes you watch these movies and you go, oh they’re definitely divorced in six months?”
“Those two don’t even make it to the altar. They’re both equally terrible even though all of his flaws are the ones portrayed as the problem to be fixed. What about her? She can’t communicate and set a trap to trick him.”
Liv leans back on the couch looking rather impressed. “Wow, I didn’t think I’d be getting such strong opinions out of you on movie night.”
“It’s the wine,” he replies. It is decidedly not the wine. He would have to drink much much much more than this to even feel a hint of a buzz. 
“I’m just curious which other rom-com couples rank on your ‘definitely divorced’ list and if we should put that on next.”
He glances at her, and she’s serious. She looks at him like…like she wants to hear his thoughts, his opinions. Like she actually cares what he has to say about the world. It’s…nice. This whole evening is feeling perilously close to bonding, but there’s nothing wrong with that is there? She’s his roommate. Which is probably the only reason he admits to a particularly mortifying fact. 
“It’s not a romcom, but have you seen Crown of Shadows? ” he asks, words barely above a whisper.
In his defense, he watched the first episode because it had gone viral on Chirper and he wanted to know what the hell all the memes were about. He has no defense for the fact that he spent the next two weeks binging all seven seasons. 
“I have not,” Liv replies with a raised eyebrow. 
He snatches the remote from where it sits between them next to the nearly empty popcorn bowl. “There is a couple devoid of any chemistry and yet they are still together season after season and I need to know if you clock them immediately or not.”
Liv grins. “Oh, challenge accepted.”
They watch almost three full episodes before Liv tells him that she’s falling asleep, but those two hours are spent just as pleasantly as the first. In fact, it isn’t until Liv disappears into her room that he checks his phone and realizes with a bit of a pang that he hadn’t heard from Books>People all night long.
“You matched with someone, didn’t you?” Gale asks her on Sunday morning as they wind through the aisles of the Wide. The large market is bustling this morning, but Gale assures her that it’s not nearly as busy as it can get in the height of summer. The building itself is all interlocking green metal under glass ceilings tucked just beneath the train tracks in this part of Baldur’s Gate. There are food stalls and colorful booths boasting homemade trinkets and art, but Gale is leading her to the secondhand book stall, piled high with well-loved paperbacks and crates of hardback books. 
Liv smiles and puts her phone back in her bag. “I have actually.”
She shrugs. “And nothing. It’s going well; he’s fun to talk to. We have a running joke about self-published mind flayer erotica.”
Gale looks at her with mock alarm. “I thought you said it was going well.”
She rolls her eyes. “Haha, you’re very funny.”
“Yet another of my friends lost to the Weave.”
She holds up her now-empty hands. “I put it away! I’m sorry!”
He gives her a slight smile. “I’m mostly kidding. I’m happy for you, really.”
And she believes him. Gale isn’t a good liar anyway. Once, back in undergrad, a girl who lived on Liv’s floor asked him out and he’d stuttered through an excuse so bad turning her down that their entire cohort knew about it. He’d tried to let her down gently at least. 
“I’m sorry if bringing it up bothers you,” Liv says. “We don’t have to talk about it.”
Gale sighs, fingers lingering over worn-out paperback spines. “At this point, it’s less that it’s painful or truly bothersome and more that I don’t wish to do something simply because everyone else is?”
“How very hipster of you. Tell me more about the band you knew before they were famous.”
He grimaces. “Not like that. I don’t know. My last relationship…it was…it made me question things about myself and not in good ways. I feel so often that I can barely trust myself or my perception of things now. Technology only muddies that.”
Sometimes Gale says things and it feels like staring into a mirror. It had been so easy in college to see his brilliance and his work ethic as a direct challenge, but knowing him now she knows that he’s just like her. And all of that was an attempt at obfuscating just how perilous it all felt, that any mistake or fumble would lead to people discrediting the only thing they’d ever been praised for. 
“For what it’s worth, I like you and I think anyone would be lucky to catch your attention technologically or not,” she says. She wants to ask what happened between him and his ex, but she doesn’t dare. It’s something he can offer or not, the fact he’s sharing how he feels is enough. 
“I wish we’d kept up with each other better after Waterdeep; I could have used a friend like you when my life fell apart,” Gale says. 
The admission lights up something within her and makes her feel like she’s doing this friendship thing right for once. Gale had invited her out today, and she’d spent the whole morning wondering what she could do for him, what she has to offer in return. As if she has to find some way to convince him to keep her around, she always seems to be carrying this strange anxiety in her chest that she’s going to get ditched the second something better comes along. All of her friendships in adulthood have been positive experiences, so she’s not really sure where it all comes from, just that even here, hanging out with him she keeps wondering if it’s going okay. 
“Me too,” Liv manages. 
They browse the books for a while, looking for rare treasures buried in the piles and piles of common junk. Liv does find an old, faded edition of The Great Gatsby . It’s not worth more than the three dollars she pays for it, but she’s still thrilled with the find, with finding something old and rare, even if it’s unwanted. 
Later, they buy lunch from one of the food stalls, a delicious curry for her, and a hand pie for him, and eat along the riverwalk. Gale tells her about the area, about the historic theater not far from here, and points out his favorite ice cream shop, which they conspire to duck into later. 
“I have to admit, I was somewhat surprised at how willing you were to leave Cormyr for this job,” Gale says as they pause walking to lean against the side of the pedestrian bridge over the river. 
From this vantage point, they can see most of the major downtown sights, the tall buildings crowding the skyline juxtaposed with the old stone masonry of the city’s past. Liv rests her forearms against the metal railing. “It was just really good timing for me, honestly. And I was so excited, I was happy to drop everything and come here.”
None of it is a lie, but it’s not the truth either. She doesn’t like talking about her family, about what happened. It’s fucking humiliating. She wishes she could be the kind of person who could turn it into a joke, but instead, there’s this weird, persistent ache in her chest every time she thinks about her family. There’s a fear there too. Maybe if she tells anyone what her family thinks of her, the way they didn’t even fight or seem to care when she cut off contact with them, that they’ll make the same calculation…that they won’t want her either. 
That’s the part about going no contact that no one talks about. Everyone always says what a relief it is to finally cut ties, and she did feel that relief, absolutely…but she also felt a wave of disappointment that they didn’t even try to stop her. Family are the people who are supposed to love you no matter what, so what does it say about her that hers can’t seem to want her at all? It would have been a million times harder to leave if they had fought, but just once, Liv wishes someone had asked her to stay. 
Gale is a good friend, but he’s also an only child. She’s not sure she could explain any of this in a way he’d understand. The last thing she wants is for him to think less of her.
“And you’re happy? That you took the job, I mean,” Gale asks her with a sidelong glance. 
She’s pretty sure he sees there’s plenty she’s not saying, but at least the answer to this question is simple. “Yeah. Every day I walk into the library and sort of gaze up at the building in a sort of awe and think ‘this is my job!’”
“Years in and I still feel that way,” he admits. 
She gives that perfect view of the city one last take-it-all-in glance before smiling at him. “Is it time for ice cream?”
His answering laugh echoes over the river. “I believe it is.”
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wildnya · 28 days
hey hey my lovelies i have something to share~
i’m playing a new gatcha game that released last week on tuesday called cat fantasy: isekai adventure and i’m addicted!
i love all the characters designs, the battle system is nice and simple, and best of all the story has me in a chokehold alongside honkai star rail. i highly recommend you guys at least check it out, i want the community to grow and go big!
so if you like pretty anime catgirls, interesting and lovely characters, immersive stories, and most of all cats take a look under the cut!~
quick fyi’s
there are both humans and catboys/girls, the later has a normal cat form too
i can’t find much info about the developer (i didn’t look very much) but from the quick search and what i’ve witnessed in game i believe the developer is from Japan
common anime tropes will be present. a few examples: walking in on opposite gender naked, oh no i’m late for my first day! (literally opens on this one), and classic character stereotypes such as teasing older anne-san, tsundere, and kuudere
your squad (as of now) is all catgirls but you get to choose your gender and so far the only person that has shown romantic interest is a side character who just happens to live nearby. from what i’ve seen it doesn’t look like the story will have any romantic subplots and your squad won’t have any squabbles over your attention or anything like that in case that’s a turn off for you
catgirls are the only battle units available you can pull enemies to fight with (unfortunately no catboys so far 🥲)
also no i am not sponsored
quick story intro:
the story opens up with you (the mc) having a reoccurring nightmare about a doomsday. you later discover you have a year (might be a few days off) to stop it from happening. then you wake up and realize you’ve been hit by the classic anime ‘oh no i’m late!’ trope and from there get a rundown on your job is and lore.
battling is easy peasy for the most part, there might be some terms you’ll have to look up if you don’t know what terms outside the normal attack, defense, crit rate, etc mean. (i still need to look up what what armor PEN means-) just be careful to not make a full team of four that doesn’t have any characters that can’t do damage-
the gatcha system has a pity rate of 80, (hoyoverse could never) and similar to hsr if you are pulling for on the limited banner if you don’t get it the first time you’re guaranteed next time. they also have a fated summon that lets you choose 5 standard SSR’s for you to pull for.
i love 99.4% the catgirls and catboys we’ve met so far. what i love most about them is that the creators did a fantastic job of incorporating their breeds into their designs and personalities. my favorite character Triss happens to be my favorite breed of cat (ragdoll) and i think they did an absolutely fantastic job with her.
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fun fact of the post! ragdoll cats get their name from how they will go limp when picked up. they’re a very friendly and loving breed. Triss’ personality reflects this very well. she gives off gentle n’ sweet older sister vibes. ragdolls are also known for having very soft and fluffy fur. Triss has well kept hair and (though you can’t really see it in the pics above) her tail looks so fluffy and soft i would sell a kidney for a chance to cuddle with it for 10 minutes. Triss is my first official wifu i have never loved a female character as much as i do her all hail lady Triss a goddess bestowed upon us by the heavens.
*ahem* i did not mean to go on a tangent like that but i’ve already typed it so it’s here to stay.
since the game has just been released there’s a huge campaign going on. there’s a 30(?) day login that will give you 3000 free pulls along side a free outfit and extremely SSR character that’s perfect for beginners. i was lucky and pulled her in one of my first handful of pulls and she’s been a huge help with her ability to make shields and her ultimate taking all damage from enemies for 1(?) turn. i got to star her up for free~
you can ascend characters rarities (i’m not sure if it’s possible for you to do it more than once for lower ones) so even low rarity cards can be used in harder levels. i’m not sure if it’s possible to make “bad” characters good if you give them the right equipment and support like you can genshin and HSR but i think it’ll probably be possible as more updates release.
if any of this has you interested please click the link below and check it out! i get rewards for it
cat fantasy: isekai adventure
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elisabeth515 · 1 year
On this day, 111 years ago…
(31st March, 1912)
If you preferred a video that summarises this post, go check out my TikTok! (It’s recorded yesterday so part of this post are not covered)
This is also the first post for Titanic Month, hope you guys like it!
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Henry Wilde, while ceased to be chief officer of RMS Olympic, was waiting for his next assignment. He was to command SS Cymric, yet unfortunately, the coal strike happened, so he was to be assigned to another ship…
“[…] I am awfully disappointed to find that all the arrangements for my taking command of the “Cymric” this time are altered, due to this coal strike and having to cancel so many of the ships and sailings. […] I am now going to join the “Titanic” for a time until some other ship turns up for me. […]”
Letter to Annie Jones Williams (Henry Wilde’s sister-in-law) on 31st March, 1912; Sincerely Harry by Mike Beatty
According to his letters, as earliest as 30th March, he was aware that he would be on RMS Titanic. He was pretty much ready for captaincy, having been as chief officer[a] since 1906 and briefly commanded the Mersey and SS Zeeland in 1908 and 1910 respectively. At the same time, Olympic’s sister ship, Titanic, was to be in her maiden voyage on 10th April, 1912, and she required around 850 tonnes of coal a day. So, as there was a lack of coal due to the coal strikes, White Star Line has to transfer coal from other ships in the fleet to Titanic in order to have her sail as scheduled. Unfortunately, Cymric, the ship that Wilde was to command was one of the ships that had to be laid up, thus he was assigned to another ship. As for Wilde himself, he was to visit his family in Walton, Liverpool, yet this has somehow thrashed his plans… Now he is in Southampton, waiting for the decision from White Star Line for his next assignment—still at least, he was aware that he was to be onboard the brand new sister ship of Olympic, though things are not confirmed officially yet.
So, was he really a last-minute addition as everyone may believe? Officially, he signed on the Titanic on a day before sailing (9th April). Nevertheless, according to his letters, he was already onboard of the ship as early as the Easter weekend of 1912 to assist everyone:
“[…] I have been kept very busy on board all day on Good Friday and again today Sunday with the crew getting the ship ready. She is very far behind to sail on Wednesday. […]”
Letter to Edith “Edie” Williams and Norah Williams (Henry Wilde’s nieces) on 7th April, 1912 (Easter Sunday); Sincerely Harry by Mike Beatty
Hence, in terms of the date of Wilde signing onto Titanic, it seemed to be a last minute decision. However, Wilde was already aware of being transferred to Olympic’s sister ship since 30th March, and he was even onboard to assist everyone throughout the Easter weekend to make sure that Titanic is sailing as scheduled. So, it seems like White Star Line was making use of the fact that Wilde, himself a very competent officer and probably the most promising of all (like, he is just half a year older than 1st Officer Murdoch who had been stuck on this position for a while), was idle due to the coal strikes and they decided to put him on the maiden voyage of Titanic because maybe they thought it was better than nothing for Wilde (being part of the staff on the maiden voyage seems to be quite a thing—I mean you got a pic taken after this like what they did for Olympic last year). Also, Murdoch, the original chief officer, had not been chief officer before and White Star Line wanted a better choice for Titanic’s maiden voyage just as Olympic’s (Joseph Evans, the chief officer on Olympic’s maiden voyage[b], had been chief officer on another ship for a while—think is one of the Big 4), and it happened that Wilde was idle due to the coal strikes so he’s assigned to Titanic. Of course, these are just my own speculations.
Wilde’s assignment was only for Titanic’s maiden voyage. Nevertheless, the temporary demotion of Murdoch and Lightoller (to 1st Officer and 2nd Officer respectively) has disappointed both.
Did he really have a bad feeling on the ship?
Interestingly, in the same letter that I have just mentioned, we can first see him commenting Titanic being “an improvement on the Olympic in many respect and is a wonderful ship.” He also mentioned similar comments on the ship in later letters which were sent from Cohn (Queenstown). Nevertheless, it is common knowledge that Wilde had written another letter to his sister, Ada, where he said:
“I still don't like this ship... I have a queer feeling about it."
This letter was mentioned and quoted in “The Maiden Voyage” by Geoffrey Marcus who had talked to surviving friends of Wilde in 1950s. While it was true that Wilde himself was disappointed over this appointment (as expressed in his letter to his sister in-law[c]), based on the letters that are available to us, the above quote has a very different tone: in the letters, Wilde was positive about the ship and mentioned Titanic “being an improvement of Olympic” multiple times, nevertheless the quote above was contradictory to that. However, the original letter to his sister is presumably in private collection, had it existed, so we would not know the context of the quote until we have the chance to read it[d].
Additional notes:
[a] The Chief Officer was the captain’s second-in-command until the introduction of the Assistant Captain/Staff Captain position after the sinking of Titanic. Both White Star Line and Cunard Line had installed such position, given that Olympic had a cabin for assistant captain after her refit and Lusitania had a staff captain by the time of her sinking.
[b] A lot of people thought this picture below was the officers of Titanic (as tagged under the picture) but it was actually a picture of the officers of Olympic after her maiden voyage. The guy who was wearing the chief officer uniform (3 stripes) was Joseph Evans, who was later replaced by Wilde. The only 3 who were actually on Titanic are: Captain Smith (4 stripes), 1st Officer Murdoch (2 stripes) and Chief Purser McElroy (wearing a different type of collar)
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This picture was taken when Wilde was chief officer of Olympic. Captain Smith, 1st Officer Murdoch and Chief Purser McElroy are also seen in this picture. And you see my boi Harry is still looking facking depressed (cries)
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[c] See quote from the letter on 31st March, 1912
[d] Although a lot of Wilde’s letters have been auctioned, since its discovery in 2012 (his family did not throw them away, which is great for historical research), only 28 of all his letters are published (in Mike Beatty’s “Sincerely Harry”) as Beatty was only able to acquire 28 of all the letters. Sadly, the letter to his sister was not one of them and is presumably in private collection, had it existed.
Sources used:
Sincerely Harry by Mike Beatty
Encyclopaedia Titanica forum (for the random stuff I gathered)
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pynkhues · 11 months
I recently watched The Newsreader because I saw some mutuals on another site posting about it and really enjoyed it! Was wondering (a) if you've seen it/the most recent series and (b) whether you had any other Australian tv recs? I just realized I've seen very very few Australian shows and am looking to check out some more.
Yes! The Newsreader's so good! I actually haven't gotten around to watching a2 yet, so I am a bit behind, but I loved s1 a lot. Sam Reid and Anna Torv are always great, but I have a big soft spot for William McInnes - he's lowkey an Australian TV icon.
And yeah! Look, Australian TV's a mixed bag - it's criminally underfunded and operates in a really different way to American and UK TV (funnily enough, a lot of what the WGA strike was fighting against - in particular mini rooms, writers not being on set and the lack of a showrunner - are industry standard here), so I do think a lot of Australian shows tend to be undercooked.
But! Let's focus on the good, because there is still a lot of good. I wasn't sure what you fancied, especially since The Newsreader touches on so many genres, so I've tried to breakdown genres and rec that way. Hopefully there's something here that piques your interest :-)
I've spruiked Safe Home on here a few times before, but it really is just such a great little series. It's about a women's community legal centre who poaches a publicist from a major lawfirm when they discover they're at risk of being defunded by the government. They mean to use her to try and raise the profile of the non-profit legal centre, but end up throwing her in the deep end when it comes to stories of family violence which make up the majority of the centre's clients. It's harrowing in parts, but also emotionally rich, full of interesting relationships and feels pretty tragically true to life. It's only a miniseries, which is a bit of a bummer, because I really feel it could've kept going.
Other dramas:
Total Control - an Aboriginal woman is recruited as a senator by the prime minister after she has a heroic moment facing off against a gunman outside a courthouse. The premise sounds a little soapy, but Total Control is a really compelling political drama that explores the complexity of being a First Nations woman and a First Nations politician in a colonial state. Deb Mailman is it as an actress too, quite frankly.
Love Me - a relationship drama, Love Me focuses on three different generations within one extended family as they pursue romance. The show steers clear of schmaltz though as its particularly about the desire for intimacy and the complexity of being vulnerable with a new person, and I think it lands to mixed effect throughout the series, but man, when it lands, it really lands. Fair warning, there's pretty explicit sex in this (although very tenderly done! And I went to an amazing panel with the intimacy coordinator on it who was so interesting talking about it all). Also: Hugo Weaving in his best role in a minute.
The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart - full disclaimer, I haven't finished watching this one yet, but I've enjoyed what I've seen so far! Plus they somehow managed to get Sigourney Weaver in it?? Wild. It's about a girl who's reunited with her estranged grandmother on a flower farm after her parents die in a mysterious housefire. CW though for incest and family violence (although that's before Alice ends up with her grandmother).
Offspring is proooobably my favourite Australian show ever? Or at least it will forever rank top five. It's part romantic-comedy, part family-drama, part medical procedural, and part ever growing portrait of birth and death as it follows Nina, who's both obstetrician and chronic sufferer of Middle Child Syndrome, her older sister and little brother, and their divorced-sometimes-still-hooking-up parents. It's funny and charming, but has also made me sob like no other show on TV, so if you're ever in the mood for something like that, this is your pick.
Other dramedies:
Deadloch - I've posted a million gifsets of this show, haha, which actually seems to have picked up tumblr traction (unheard of for an Australian show!) but it's both a hilarious spoof of nordic crime mysteries, and a genuinely great crime series. Plus it is the most sapphic show you'll watch in a minute.
The Let Down - a really sweet, funny dramedy about new parents navigating life with a baby, while also looking pretty keenly at postpartum depression. Just watching the trailer made me want to watch it again, haha, but also my sister worked on it, so I might be a little biased.
Bump - okay, I'm just realising how many dramedies Australia makes about having kids, haha, but this is just a cute little YA show about a teenage girl who doesn't realise she's pregnant suddenly having a baby. It's a lot about parenthood, particularly about her own relationship with her mother, but it also leans into so many
I've actually only just watched Fisk with a friend, but am enjoying it so so much. It's got Kitty Flanagan, a beloved Australian comedian in it, and features her as a newly divorced, freshly fired contract lawyer who ends up back in Melbourne at a wills and estates law firm having to deal with people (and grieving people!) for the first time in a hot minute. It's very funny, but also just totally charming, and the cast of characters feels pretty fresh for this sort of fish-out-of-water sitcom.
Other comedies:
Utopia - imagine The Office, The Thick of It and Veep had a baby! Part office-drama, part bureaucracy political hellscape! It's set in a fictional government department called the National Building Authority that manages infrastructure and it's very funny. If you're in the Succession fandom too, Sarah Snook's husband's a lead in it!
Upper Middle Bogan - okay, the trailer for this one isn't very good, but I love this show a lot. The premise is a woman in an upper middle class family discovers suddenly that she was adopted, and her biological parents were teenagers when they had her and are - - well, bogans, which is basically the Australian equivalent of a hillbilly. It's funny, but also genuinely just has a really big heart.
Black Comedy - I do find this pretty hit or miss, but its a sketch show, so I feel like that comes with the territory. But! This is an Indigenous sketch comedy show! And man, when it's good, it's really, really good.
Period drama
Okay, this is kind of a cheat, because it's not really a period drama, but it's designed to feel like one. Plus! It has Sam Reid and Essie Davis in it! Three nuns who've been living isolated on an island together are faced with the modern world when a priest from the mainland arrives hoping to sell the island for redevelopment. Things get! Out of hand!
Other period dramas:
ANZAC Girls - World War I drama about ANZAC (Australia New Zealand Army Corps) nurses in the Gallipoli peninsula, which is largely regarded as the battle that made Australia 'come of age' through the tragedy of the loss.
New Gold Mountain - miniseries set within the Chinese community during Australia's Gold Rush. It loses its way a bit towards the end, but it's also a really thrilling little miniseries that provides a compelling insight into the culture clashes and interests of this early chapter in Australian history.
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries is such a cult hit, and it's for good reason! Set in the 1920s in Melbourne, Phryne Fisher becomes a private investigator following her sister's disappeaarance. It's equal parts camp and dramatic, romantic and personal, and it just really scratches the itch of an oldschool murder mystery series. It's perfect.
Other crime series:
The Principal - a miniseries set in a rough highschool in Sydney where the faculty is left to deal with the fallout when a student's murder reignites racial tensions among the school community. It's heavy and harrowing, but also an insightful look at the broader fallout of a crime.
Wentworth - imagine a darker, grittier Orange is the New Black. Australian shows so rarely get more than three seasons because they no longer get government funding at that point which often makes them untenable, so its a testament to the quality and the audience of Wentworth that it lasted eight. If you want a show about dangerous women, you can't really get much better than this.
Science fiction / fantasy
Australia unfortunately doesn't make a lot of science fiction, which always bums me out, but Cleverman was such an exciting series when it came out, and I think still has a real legacy in terms of entwining Indigenous cultures with genre storytelling. It's was created by Aboriginal writers and directors, and pulls Dreaming myths into a dystopian future in a way that's just so compelling. It's a pretty great series with a unique take on the genre.
Other science fiction / fantasy series:
Glitch - I mean, technically its a zombie series, but it really feels like so much more than that. A bunch of people come back from the dead in a small town in regional Australia, only they have no memories of their life before they died. It's a deeply felt series about grief, but also identity and relationships, and if you're into genre shows, this is definitely one to watch.
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humanpurposes · 4 months
Read both De Facto and De Jure and the timing is just perfect because ever since the premiere pics came out, I have been looking for modern!Aemond and these fics truly delivered!! I don’t know what it is but Ewan’s green carpet look emphasized his eyes more. Oh god, it’s so hypnotic and it’s exactly what I imagined reading in Aemond especially in De Jure when he was convincing our OC to take the position. His stare is soft yet dare I say it, slightly manipulative because he knows the power of those damned eyes.
Has Aemond had relations with Alys? Or is she just really good at reading people and situations? Because she said Aemond was sweet but gorgeous for his own good, which made me think he had done this before only for the person to either get sloppy at work or want more - both of which Aemond couldn’t afford to have happen to him at that ime hence why personal advisors could only last two years. Or when Alys warned her, was it about how Aemond would possibly entrap her?
Is OC older than Maris? To me it looked like Maris was hoping she’s get private sessions with Aemond and is pissed because she thought OC is stealing him from her. Alys is right, she sounds desperate, which is why I thought her younger.
Also as someone with a degree in International Relations this made me excited hahaha. You don’t know how happy I am that OC does her job well before sleeping with Aemond and she’s got a Master’s too. I’m not sure how Otto knew of her involvement in handling Aegon but I think he was also onboard because OC is the entire package - she’s smart, capable, and has a clean record. I don’t think Otto cares about her personally but he cares that she can make Aemond look good and actually deliver in his duty. I mean they make the ultimate power couple and it’ll surely secure the Greens position in parliament.
I also remembered the background check, does this mean Aemond was already looking for a potential partner/wife even then?
Lastly I’m imagining what will happen now that she agreed. Will Aemond suggest they drop little hints of their relationship? Or will they just surprise everyone with a bomb that Aemond is going to be engaged, they kept their relationship on the down low but now that OC proved her worth, they wanted to come clean, etc to endear them even more to the people. Wanted to ask yout thoughts on it! Hehe
Thanks so much for reading!! ✨
De Jure has been in my drafts for MONTHS and the pics from last night catapulted me right back into the PM!Aemond brainrot and I have many thoughts 🤩
I see Alys as being a very intelligent and observant person, who sees through others easily and who also lives for the dramaaaa. In my head, nothing's happened between her and Aemond, but I can see them being a bit flirty haha. Alys won't know exactly what's going on in Aemond's head, but she would have picked up on the initial attraction and known something was going on as things developed between Aemond and pov character. Aemond is the PM, he's also only a piece in the Hightower political machine, so I think her warning comes from genuine concern. He's "too gorgeous for his own good," because he's charming, handsome, and he draws people in. Aemond will have been taught to be strategic and opportunistic, so he'd use that all to his advantage.
Thinking about it, it would make sense for Maris to be a year older than pov character because Maris' contract runs a year ahead of her's. I included her as a bit of a reference to F&B but Maris kind of demonstrates the extent of Aemond's attractiveness? People chase his approval but not everyone will get his favour.
Omg yes!! I did Politics and IR at uni and this is probably the best use I've made of my degree. The idea for this fic started off as a joke but I genuinely enjoyed thinking about the modern Westerosi political system and all the details.
It would have been on Aemond's mind that having a partner and a family would benefit his image, but this scenario specifically was a mix of coincidence and strategy. The way things worked out, he meets his new advisor, intrigued by her application, but he doesn't expect to be attracted to her. He'd try to restrain these feelings and rationalise them, but he's also a bit insane which is why he does the background check, he wants to know everything about her. If Otto knows who she is it's because Aemond talks about her. The fact that she's intelligent and capable would only make him more attracted to her. I think it's a slow process of realising that he wants her to be with him permanently, especially seeing how well she handles a crisis. Once the seat opens for Duskendale, that's when he'd put forward the idea to Otto and Alicent. It's a bit of a cop out for the Greens that Aegon has been dismissed for inappropriate behaviour, so they replace him with a young woman to get away from that image of misogyny. The Blacks have Jace but the Greens have a selling point of female empowerment which is why Otto and Alicent are happy to go along with it. It's a win-win for Aemond, he retains his power in Parliament and he can get the girl he wants.
I think they'd just drop the announcement. Aemond and the Greens wouldn't want a lot of speculation around the circumstances of their relationship and they'd try to direct the focus on the election. It's certainly one way to get publicity!
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yvesdeparfum · 2 months
Yves Loop Era Things
collecting fun facts from we learned during the era ( continuously updated)
Behind The Scenes Stuff
Yves is primarily signed to Paix Per Mil, a label/artist's collective (according to the PPM site) started by R&B artist Millic. But another company (Golden Dragon?) co-manages her- agency seems to mostly be the idol managers, and might be the one Yves refers to like her dad
The 2nd ceo secured the apartment where she and her older sister, Sumin, live. Most likely through a jeonse lease (which sounds like an awesome system ngl)
OT12 Related Stuff
During Loop showcase: Hyeju visited before it started, Chuu watched the start. Yeojin and Jinsoul complain about not getting invited/Yves check your KKT
From Fromm: Gowon just has the passcode and goes to Yves' apartment
060124 From this mini fanmeet clip with ARTMS (trans c/o Orrery) Q: Any stories from using the same waiting room as #Yves at MuBank? Curious on what it's like promoting together! Heejin: It was kind of like a dating thing, like we're in the same waiting room but there's just this wall between us, so we talk through that wall. And actually Sooyoung unnie's manager was our manager from a long time ago. So I think we all had a fun time. Choerry: It was fun. It felt new. Kim Lip: I said let's take some pics and she said "ok I'll be out right after this" and so I got out, but never saw her.. Heejin: It's because, you know the spot for photos at MuBank? Choerry: the stairs Heejin: People wait a looong time for that! Choerry: There's a line, Heejin: There's a line so... Lip: So I just figured we'll take some later. Heejin: Yeah we'll be on shows together again anyways
053124 question from Yves fansign (trans c/o Orrery) Today at MuBank, with my #ARTMS friends, we just had a wall divider between us in the waiting room. I was taking selcas and someone kept saying "wow pretty", "nice pics", so I was wondering "are they talking to me?" and I looked over? And they had their phone sticking out from above like "this", taking pics of me? Such a scary experience~.. So, when they were changing outfits, I heard "time to change, time to change" so I stood on a chair and watched. And when Jinsoul was getting her makeup done she kept calling my name. If I didn't answer she'd keep calling my name. So it was a bit of a tiring? day today.
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Random Shit
calling herself a "delinquent apple bunny lyricist composer ninja football blogger idol" 😭 (about ninja, someone lightheartedly asked her why she always sleep at others' house and not hers so yves said shes "living the ninja life")
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girl-hobbit · 1 year
21 33 35??
"send a number" ask game!
ask sent by the lovely @bugsoda :3 🌿🪲💛🥤
21. something you've kept since childhood?
my parents and my annoying older sister (lol)
i think that would be the tactical army camo bracelet my dad gave me when i was nine, it has a little compass on it, a fishhook, and a whistle to blow if you get lost! 🧭💚
33. the last adventure you've been on?
nothing mind blowing, but me and my parents went on a little excursion to a park we had never been to and i took some nature pics, but i didn't really want to be there because my tummy hurted and i felt like i might throw up :(
then my dad was like "let's go check out that playground in the park next to this one"
and i was like..."you mean that thing that looks like exercise equipment?...in somebody's... backyard...?"
(we did end up going over there to check it out, and it was exercise equipment, but it was an installation that was part of the park for public use, so we did not in fact break into someone's yard 😅)
and finally
35. what's your timezone?
i think it's called "Central Daylight Time"?
or "CT Central Time" it's like 10:30 am for me right now (i have been up all night lol hashtag #swag🤙)
thanks for the ask bug :33
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starglitterz · 2 years
Quill!!! if it's not too intrusive, pls give us your top 10 y/n moments lol!!!!
HAHAHSKDJKJSD omfg who sent this in 😭😭😭 this is so funny tho i'll def do it (shameless plug btw, i have a whole series based on my irl experiences w romance called to all the boys i've loved before [totally original, ik] u should check it out!!)
these aren't in any particular order btw it's just the ones i rmb HAHA also i think these are pretty recent i tried not to include any of the ones i alrdy have in the series 👍
10. when i went for an anime con and i had just arrived, and after taking a pic w this one cosplayer his friend (in a kirito cosplay) came up to me and asked if he could princess carry me for a pic HSKJDK
9. when i visited my highschool for a festival thing and found out that one of my juniors had a crush on me (and still did??) and had told all his friends abt how cute and pretty he thinks i am HAHAHA (a total ego boost tbh someone should have told him that i am actually not all that)
8. being in a love triangle except it wasn't really a triangle it was like my two guy best friends had crushes on me at the same time and had a falling out over me (not to be amy dunne from gone girl but i did always want 2 guys to fight over me GOODBYE)
7. this one guy that was texting me and asking me on a date kept flirting w me and it was so stupidly lame that it was cute
6. going for my college orientation party and having a few guys ask me for my insta (honestly i had never expected this would happen I WAS SO KJASKJDKSJD ABT IT)
5. at the same orientation party some random older guy tried to hit on me so i ran away and this other guy i had met earlier was rlly nice and waited w me until my transport arrived and texted later to ask if i had gotten home safely 🥺 (the bar for men is like 700 feet under the ground)
4. at the anime con (same as earlier) i got kabedoned by this girl cosplaying gojo and she said i looked rlly cute and i nearly collapsed
3. HAHA I CANT BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT THIS BUT on my birthday i went on the bus to get home and the guy behind me was in my course, and he recognised me so we were talking for a bit until he realised it was my bday, and he literally asked the guy next to him to please switch places so we could sit tgt and he could wish me properly 😭it was so cute he had like golden retriever vibes HAHA and we were talking the entire time it was vv fun
2. yk that thing where u compare hand sizes but then they hold your hand HAHAHA that actually happened to me w one of my new friends 💀 he has rlly nice hands tho so no complaints here PLSKJWDKJS
1, ok guys now this one is some real life kdrama bs istg i felt like it was a movie while it was happening 😭 so basically the bus was pretty much full and i ended up sitting next to this rlly cute guy. and my brain was going 'damn i wanna talk to him', but i had to put my purse away first. so i was trying to put it in my bag, but it slipped and fell onto the floor and he was like 'oh!', and then i had to bend down and pick it up while thinking 'NOO this is so embarrassing he probably thinks im a dumbass'. and then i managaed to embarrass myself further 👍 guess what? while trying to sit back up again i literally hit my head against the chair in front of me and went 'ow!' out loud and the guy was like 'oh no are you okay 😭⁉' and i was like 'yeah... just super embarrassed HAHA' and we started talking from there KJSDKSJD i could talk abt this forever bc so much cute stuff happened but tldr he was like the total package but then i got ghosted BYE
ok thanks for coming to my ted talk as u can see i love talking abt myself pls feel free to ask more but i don't think i have any more romantic experiences atm 😭😭😭 i'm currently trying to manic pixie dream girl one of my guy friends in college so we can see how that goes ig LMAO,,, anyways thanks 4 reading ! interact w this post and give me validation please and thanks <3 (/hj)
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
"You two would be amazing together" - Who is Sia shipping?
.... okay, but what if she actually wasn't? Lemme toss a little sad cat into the mix.
Third-year students at Night Raven College have certain privileges that the underclassmen don't have, due to their rank. This includes easier permission to spend time off-campus, which was a treat that Sia would rarely indulge herself. However, when an invitation came from Cater Diamond, of all people, how could she possibly refuse?
They sat across from each other in a little booth at the Old Sage Diner. Cater had ordered a complicated dessert, decorated with flourishes of whipped cream and candy, and shoved it across the table towards her. "I got good pics for the 'Cam," he said, shrugging. "That's really all I wanted it for."
"So I'm your dessert disposal service," she snickered. "I see. I was surprised you put in an order for anything sweet, but it is lovely. Do you do this to everyone you take for dinner?"
"I usually make Trey do it, honestly?" Cater sat back, snickering as he took one of the untouched fries from the side of Sia's dish. "But he's stuck taking care of a p gnarly sitch with Riddle back on campus. #Sad." He pouted comically.
"Oh, so now I'm not even your first pick for dessert destroying." She picked up a swirl of the whipped cream - it was hand whipped, not the aerosol kind, and clung to her spoon - and gestured with it. "Well, I hope I do as well as your dear Trey at getting rid of it."
"Siaaaaa." Cater crossed his arms. "That's not the only reason I asked you along."
Sia sighed. "Has your sister been giving you a hard time again? I can talk to her if you would like. But she's really just concerned about her little brother, I'm sure. Just like any good older sibling."
"No? No. Hope's been totes chill with me. Tiff too." He raised an eyebrow. "But this is because you've known me longer than anyone on campus. I, um. Needed to get some advice. Like, romantic."
Sia's heart fluttered in her chest. She had never, not even once, let on that she even had an inkling of interest in her best friend's baby brother. Partially because Hope would have been positively merciless in her teasing about it, but also because she never thought that she could possibly be Cater's type. He was interested in cheerful, trendy girls, ones who were able to keep up with the latest in everything. Ones that didn't sound like little grandmothers. So she had kept everything on the back burner, not wanting to make a move and embarrass everyone involved. Better to wait and see if Cater himself ever acted...
Was he, though? Sia lowered the spoon, still heavy with stiffly whipped cream and red cinnamon hearts, and met Cater's eyes. She kept her hands in her lap, and her voice as steady as she could. Don't betray your excitement, girl. "I see. Well, I'm here to help."
And he told her.
And it wasn't her.
And at the sound of the name he did say, she could feel her heart fracture a little. She didn't react, though. Just tilted her head and nodded neutrally. "I didn't even know you two were that close," she said. "You should absolutely let them know," she said. "You two would be amazing together," she said, and she twisted her hands together in her lap. "I'll be cheering you on," she said. And she wasn't lying, not really. She kept the big smile on her face, echoing his.
Cater sat back in his seat, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh em seven. You have no idea how much I wanted to get that off my chest! I'm feeling like I just got an update. Thank you so much, Sia! I'll make sure to follow your advice!"
"Great!" she said, sounding as enthused as he did. She finally released her hands from their death grip on each other, and picked the spoon back up. "Now I know why you ordered the burning love parfait, you silly boy. You're transparent as air sometimes."
"Who, me?" Cater tossed his hair. "And here I thought I was deep and mysterious." He winked at her. "Lemme go flag down the waitress and get our check. I don't wanna waste any time getting back to campus. Who knows? I might even get to be a boyfriend by the time we next hang out!"
"Lucky you, Cater." She pushed the dessert dish away, mostly untouched. "Lucky you."
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ohyespotatous · 3 months
Nisa hi omg I love love love your new blog theme its so beautiful! Love the icon too it's gorgeous <3
I haven't been on tumblr very much and I miss you guys :" How are you!! How have you been!! Tell me everything <3
Hiiii Thank you so much, Dr. Meg!
HAHAHA Can I call you that just once? I think it just goes well with you. Or maybe because you have this very academia vibe? (´∀`•) Jokes aside, THIS WHOLE TIME, I kept thinking that you were doing your master's degree even though you've been updating how you're preparing FOR it. My brain!! I swear, something is wrong with it (Just kidding, I love my brain. I don't want to scold this poor little thing (*' ー)ノ(ノд`) ).
Anyway, where were we? Oh, yeah, the theme//
I just wanted to try something new because that icon I previously used is so old. I drew it with my stylus pen in the IG Story editor back in 2019, lol. And then I found this cute picrew and a cute lil potato plushie pic :))
And thank you for checking up on me, Meg! I'm doing really well! I'm so happy because, even though I still haven't done much, I've progressed a lot since April. I finally got back the spark of getting out of bed and feeling motivated to do something toward my goals. That constant bed rotting in April caused me to binge-study these past three weeks to save the semester 😂. I got burned out in the first 4 days, but I managed to get back on track and relearn how to learn. The last week was pretty enjoyable for me :) I think I'm starting to love studying again :) I just finished the first exam this morning, and I'm so relieved! I think I saved this one (hopefully :v).
Some other things that happened in June: First, I (forcibly) learned how to cook because my mom moved out of town for work. Now I actually cook at home for my dad and me daily. Something I didn't think I would do. Second, the kittens now can run really fast! 🐈 We named them Reo (because it reminded us of Oreo) and Rui (because it's white). I love seeing them playing and running around the house. The older cats, Nino and Noni, love playing with them too. The kittens would play in this little basket, and Noni would flip it upside down, caging them inside. Silly Noni 😂 They really brighten this house :")
So, yeah, that's how pretty much June is.
Congrats on starting your study at the new uni, Meg!! I'm sooo sooo proud of you!! I also love seeing you so active these days. Dancing and hanging out with friends and family sounds so exciting. I actually have a lot to ask to you too. So, brb ;)
Anyway, thanks for dropping by, Meg! 💗💗💗✨💖
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yegas · 4 months
oh believe me, he does HAHAHAHA
lol same I swear, goldfish brain over here 🙃 he's actually the main character!!! his name's robota hatohara and he's so much like kuroko in a sense that he's always got this deadpan expression on hahahaha I haven't read so much of it though to get more into character development omg yes pleaseee it took me so long to get into it (blue lock) but no regrets (only the fact that I'm waiting for a second season for forever) UGHHHHG JJK!!!! ughhh I SWEARRRRRRR I saw your reblogs of some art!! you've started watching right? UGHHHHHHGHHHHHHGGGHGG I CANNOT EVEN just..don't get attached to the characters and be ready to get enraged (if you haven't finished the anime yet) I'm one of the angrier fans tbh hahahhahahaha and I'm trying not to be too... emotional about it (hard af if you've already started having a ship) ugghHGGHhGGgGGGG
otherwise for other anime recs.. hm.. tbh I haven't been watching a lot of the newer ones.. I've only been up to date with older anime that have new seasons (like bleach tybw) there's bsd, it's pretty old but one of my faves if you haven't seen and yes, jjk hahahahhaha recently a lot of my anime watching time has been dedicated to one piece. it's been a year since then and I STILL haven't reached the latest episode 🤧
IT DOES!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA his hair looks so misplaced I'm crying
I SAW THE PICS!!!! they're gorgeous but you passed out?? holy crap tg you were okay and you weren't crushed in the mosh pit??? were people doing that? and you were so young too!! yes this is definitely a valuable lesson for future concerts hahahaha tbh I was 15 too when I went to my first concert and didn't know "pre-concert preps" but these days people actually have tips about this now! esp in the k-fandom hahhahahahaha it really helps 😂 I'm sure it was amazing!! I'm from south east asia but am residing abroad for work. yeah I saw their tour dates. the thing is, I COULD go somewhere in europe to watch them BUT my passport is too weak to enter any of them AND it's a bit of work to get a visa.. then there's indonesia which I can enter BUT tix are sold out :') so I guess I'll have to wait till the next tour cycle and when /if I've secured a visa 🤧
KINGSLAYER IS DOPE one of my faves indeed. you should check out that's the spirit and amo! oli has a lot of vocals in those and it's really refreshing! OMG YESSSS HAYLEY WILLIAMS!!! her hair was GOALS I was in highschool when I discovered paramore and I swear I VOWED to dye my hair red once I was out of hs. I finally did when I hit college and basically kept the red hair (sometimes copper) for the entire duration. people in my department knew me as the 'girl with red hair' hahahahaha (unfortunately due to my work, I can't do any crazy hair colours anymore, but I'd love to do it once again when I'm outta here hahahaha)
I GAVE DEG A LISTEN!! and the devil in me really grew on me! I'm also listening to the albums you mentioned..I probably need a couple more listens to find my fave, hut so far so good! OH that one by gazette is also fire! I wanna recommend GODDESS by gazette as well, I feel like you'll like it!
yes plsss you won't regret! oh ateez I def know of them! but as for kpop groups.. well I used to be an ARMY and I was really into BTS but apart from them and the kbands I mentioned, I'm just a casual listener too (oh I had an EXO ohase as well hahaha) hahahaha omg the first time I saw helena was on you guessed it, mtv 😂 and I was in the 5th grade!!
yeah I've only ever kept it to connect with my friends..I was never a public profile anyway. holy crap so since I'm not on ig rn I've found myself on yt as well 😂 these reels are everywhere it's a pandemic hahahaha (ughhh yessss the dessert videos 😩 I used to watch mukabangs just to satisfy my food cravings bc I never keep a stock of guilty pleasures at my place to discipline myself hahaha) OMG DID YOU SEE WHAT WENT ON WHEN YOU GOOGLED? if you didn't that's fine too, you're saving yourself from major cringe
thank you :')
(btw I am so sorry for the late reply!! I went on a holiday and afterwards was thrown into work! honestly I don't even know how many days pass when I'm working! I was actually pre-typing this reoly many days ago, insert hectic schedule here, and am continuing now and by this time, the a7x concert in indonesia is done, just the other day 🥲)
he looks like a combo of kuroko and akashi im loving it! and yea i literally finished both seasons of jjk and the movie within like 4 days :'D i haven't started the manga but i've read summaries and spoilers and stuff and now that u say it IM SO GLAD I DIDNT GET SUPER EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO ANYONE at this point im just expecting everyone to die and be revived and die again lmaoo like nothing is surprising in this series!
can u believe i've never seen a single episode of one piece (am i even an anime fan lol) i've just never been fully ready to commit to 1k+ episodes hahah but is it worth it ??
yea lmao such a wild experience! i'm sure there was a pit at some point but it was way behind me cos i was in the 2nd row so i didn't get caught up in it, and the ppl around me were cool, i didn't get pushed around or anything. what was your first concert?? and ah i get you with the passport stuff, mine is among the weakest european passports (we're not in the eu or anything). it's fine for most countries in europe, but i need visas for pretty much everywhere else and it's so annoying... always dreamed about getting a strong passport but i don't think it's gonna happen hahah
definitely will listen to those! and omg red hair was a vibe!! i had it all throughout high school (it was dark red, not like hayley's fiery orange-red) and then i dyed it black in college, and i've kept it black since then. kinda bored of it sometimes but im too lazy to change it hahah
yay im so glad you like the devil in me!! you might like their newer albums then, phalaris and the insulated world, it's more similar to those rather than the older ones i mentioned (they've gone through sooo many phases in their discography). GODDESS IS AWESOME tysm for recommending! totally my vibe!
oh i loved a lot of bts too, mostly their earlier stuff. i watched a bunch of their interviews back in the day, but i wasn't active in any online bts communities or anything, so idk if i was technically ARMY hahah
lmao i get you, i can't have guilty pleasures at home either, like there's no way i can know there's a box of cookies at home, if it's there i HAVE to eat the entire box!! it's been such a problem hahah working on learning balance and self control w/ food right now but it's sooo freaking hard D:
and abt tumblr live i didnt really do a deep dive but should i now ?? haha i do love me some drama :')
nooo don't worry abt it! i'm sorry myself that it's taking me so long!! how was your holiday??? i went on a lil trip too, it was overall pretty great but with a few unfortunate situations aka my friend that went with me had her backpack stolen on a train :( and don't worry abt the concert you'll totally get to see them next time, i'm sure it won't be long til then! they won't be retiring anytime soon anyway i'm giving them at least 30 more years of touring lmaooo
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