#and I know I’ll do it again the next time I crave a hamburger
emeraldbabygirl · 3 years
N.Flying reaction to you being on your moon
So I decided to write a thing. I’m not sure if this is a reaction but I know it’s not a headcannon..at least I don’t think it is. And I wanna start with this one and from here on out write the titles at the top and fix any previous works that are framed like this so it looks better? I’m still trying to figure out how I want my layouts to look like. Btw for some reason tumblr is whack and it’s not showing me any gifs of N.Flying except for like five and they’re all recent from the Moonshot mv and it’s not what I’m looking for. It’s been happening with me a lot not whenever I search for a gif it only spits up a few and they are recent like everything else got deleted? Idk it could be a bug on my end or just tumblr doing its stupid thing so this reaction unfortunately won’t have gifs :( I’m sorry
Seunghyub: Seunghyub was a man that would come running to you at the drop of a hat. He was very gentle and understanding with you while you were on your moon and he loved showering you with cuddles and kisses in hopes it would cheer you up cause he knew how moody you could get. You came home from work and not meaning to sound like a bitch you grumbled at his friendly greeting. Seunghyub was too smart to frown as he knew you couldn’t help it. He followed you down the hall entering you room and then the bathroom to draw you a nice bubble bath. He figured the light might be to harsh if you had a headache so he lit a couple candles around and found you in your room attempting to crawl into bed with your work clothes still on. “Darling come here I drew you a nice bubble bath.” He said pulling you out of bed. You grumbled and attempted to fight him like a cat afraid of water. “Come on now you don’t want to sleep in your clothes. You’ll feel better after a bath huh?” You huffed in defeat as Seunghyub led you into the bathroom. Helping you with your clothes he held your hand as you stepped in the warm water. You immediately sighed and began relaxing. Seunghyub let you close your eyes as he gently washed your hair and scrubbed your back. “Thank you for this Seunghyub really. And the candles are cute.” You smiled warmly at him. Seunghyub hands are covered in bubbles but he still cups the side of your face to kiss you. “Anytime Darling.”
Chahun: For the most part you were calm as far as mood on your period but your cravings for random foods and your appetite always increased. Chahun has picked you up from work and you were passing every fast food place and restaurant in the universe. Well that’s what it felt like. “Hunnnnn I want fried chicken..or a hamburger. Look there’s a sushi restaurant right there let’s get something to eat pleaseeee” you whined pressing your face against the window. “It’s late love, we’re going home. I’ll fix you something then okay?” Chahun said. You appreciated and loved Chahun cooking for you but you wanted greasy food right now and you felt bad about him always cooking despite you knowing full well how to. “Chahun..don’t you think you cook too often for me? I mean..wouldn’t you like a break? Besides I really want to go out.” The rest of the ride was silent. You sat at the table in sweats and watched Chahun shuffle around the kitchen. You loved watching him cook you just felt bad that he was always doing it and even when you weren’t hungry he still insisted. You felt even worse when you were on your period. Chahun finished up and plated food for both of you landing a kiss on the top of your head before placing your food in front of you. “I know you want fast food and I know you think I cook to much for you but I think home cooked meals are better on your tummy, especially during your lady time. Also you are my girlfriend and I enjoy cooking for you as a sign of love. Now eat up and then we can do whatever you want for the rest of the evening.” You smiled taking a bite of food. Chahun was too sweet.
Jaehyun: Jaehyun always did his absolute best to cheer you up whenever you were having your monthly and most of the time he could get a smile out of you. Tonight though you were laying on the couch in tears from the cramps you were having and Jaehyun couldn’t seem to cheer you up. He tried jokes, dancing goofy, breaking one of his sticks on purpose but nothing was working, you were in too much pain. Jaehyun kneeled in front of you moving your hair away from your face so he could wipe the tears that were falling. “Sweetie I’m sorry you’re so much pain..is there anything I can do?” Jaehyun was sad seeing you like this. “Rip out my uterus please” you said. This sent Jaehyun into a laughing fit. The sudden outburst from him and seeing him roll around on the floor from how silly you were being put a small smile on your face but that went away when you got a cramp the felt like you got kicked really hard in the stomach. Jaehyun settled down and noticed your silent suffering. “Hey, let’s lay down on the bed it’s probably more comfy. I can make you some tea and..” Jaehyun stopped talking. You probably didn’t feel like getting up. Jaehyun decided to just sit with you and comfort you as best he good. He heated up a hot pack and placed it on next to your side. Running his hand through your hair helped you relax a little and the hot pack slowly started to help with the cramps. Jaehyun covered you up with a blanket as you drifted off to sleep and quietly cleaned up the living room.
Hweseung: Hweseung was use to how moody you were. He comforted you whenever you cried wheather it was cramps or you got sad, he bought you your comfort foods when you were hungry and cranky and he even put up with your random laughing fits. He knew how your emotions could get on your time of the month but he was confused this month as you kept initiating sex. You weren’t normally like this and poor Hweseung didn’t know how to go about it. “Fuck me Hweseungggg” you blurted out while you to were on the couch watching tv. Hwesung was so surprised he nearly spit out his tea. “W-what?” Hweseung said after catching his breath. Did he hear you right? “Come on I’m hornyyyy” you whined starting to attack his neck with your lips. “Babe, do you really feel like having sex right now? It’s messy and you might hurt more. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable..also you don’t want to get pregnant now do you?” Hweseung was very aware of the ovulation cycle and knew that today would be the best time to have sex if you were looking to make mini yous. “Yesss let’s make lots of babies please Hweseung. Fuck me I’ll feel better.” You said against his neck. Hweseung sat as you cuddled and crawled all over him. Hweseung himself wasn’t fond of the idea of period sex at all. He definitely thought it was a bad idea while you were menstruating but he didn’t want to upset you. After contemplating for awhile and going over the possibilities of you actually getting pregnant he decided he would go through with it. But he took to long as he could hear your light snoring as you must’ve conked out from exhaustion. Hweseung sighed in relief seeing you out with your head on his lap. You looked like a cat, it made Hweseung smile. He repositioned your head in a more comfy direction and rubbed your lower back while he continued to watch tv. He chuckled to himself at the thought of you falling asleep during sex. You were just too tired and you needed your sleep.
Dongsung: Dongsung was really good to you around your time of the month. He would give you hot packs if you were having cramps, cook for you or order anything you wanted, draw you baths or set clothes out for you after a shower. He would tend to your every need and you were thankful but he was always running around too much. “Dongsung,” you said coming out of your room after changing from your work clothes. Dongsung practically rushed to your feet with a concerned look. He was always so adorable it made you sad that he felt he had to tend to your every need. “Is everything okay babe?” He asked worry in his voice. You sighed. “Can we just watch a movie tonight. You always work so hard to help me and I just want you to stop and relax. Can we just have an easy night tonight? Please?” Dongsung nodded quietly and grabbed your hand and you both walked to the living room. “Can I still make popcorn though?” You smiled out how perfectly silly he was. “Yes of course, but hurry up please I wanna cuddle.”
I did Hweseung’s last so sorry if it’s kind of crappy towards the end. It took me two hours to finish this cause I was distracted from vibing to N.Flying lmao. Anyway I wanted to make this cause I’m in my N.Flying feels again and I just thought this would be a nice lil thingy. (Also side note I feel like Hweseung would be really sweet and neat during sex in general and even more so if it was period sex even though period sex is gross and messy but I just wanted to add all the aspects and things around your moon time)
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onzeziggy · 4 years
Maybe right now, Sander is sitting all by himself on his bed, way too big for just one person on top of it. His parents were busy working until late tonight and Robbe had exams going on. Sander knew his boyfriend had an exam of maths first thing tomorrow morning and decided that he could best stay at home and give the younger boy some peace so he could fully concentrate on his studies. The older one had passed some time by drawing some sketches of everything and nothing. He also tried to get started on a project that was waiting for already a week on his desk for him to finally be touched. But the only thing Sander could think about was a little, brown haired boy who could make all of his worries disappear, just by smiling at him. Sander took his phone, opened his contacts, looked at the picture next to Robin’s name and couldn’t do anything else than start typing.
Sander: “Are you ready for your exam tomorrow?”
Robbe: “Almost, there’s only one thing left to do to be done completely.”
Sander: “Robbe, it’s 7pm, do you still have to start studying that last chapter you didn’t understand anything about during the year?”
Robbe: “No, it’s not that, there’s something else I still have to do”
Sander: “Okay good, but what is it then?”
Robbe: …
Sander: “Robbe, you’re making me nervous for you, please-“
Sander was interrupted in texting his boyfriend by a knocking on the door. It weren’t just two or three knocks as people usually would do. This time it were 2 knocks, a pause, one knock, another pause, and again two and one knock, harmonically following up each other. Wait that couldn’t be true? There’s only one person who knew about this little code. Sander immediately dropped his phone on his bed and started running down the stairs to go and open the door. “What are you doing here?”
Before Sander, his boyfriend stood outside with the biggest grin he had ever seen. Robbe didn’t say a word before grabbing one of Sander’s boots at the front door and running with it to the kitchen. The older boy tried to stop him and asked for some kind of explanation, but Robbe kept moving straight to his target while letting out a small giggle and looking over his shoulder from time to time.
Sander arrived at the kitchen a few seconds later than Robbe did. “I’ve never seen you this active in a kitchen before baby, what are you up to?” The younger boy already felt at home in Sander’s kitchen so it didn’t take him a lot of time to find everything he needed. After walking around for a few seconds with Sander’s doc in his hands, he proudly put his artwork at the table while having the biggest smile on his face. “So, do you like it?” Sander looked at his shoe, the three sugar cubes lying on top of it and a cucumber coming out of it. “Do I, do I like it? You’re a real artist Robin, I love it. But I mean, you have an important exam tomorrow, so you didn’t have to do this just for me baby” Robbe’s wide smile made place for a smaller one while putting his hands around Sander’s. Robbe lifted up Sander’s head by putting his thumb on his chin and locked their eyes.
“Remember last year when you started this tradition for me after I said I didn’t have any? Well, I couldn’t let it pass just like this, could I? I love you too much for that” The biggest twinkle appeared in Sander’s eyes before letting go his last hand being held by Robbe’s and cupping his face between his hands. Robbe responded by closing his eyes and slowly approaching his boyfriends’ lips. Just before the gap between their lips was closed, Sander turned Robbe’s head and found his way to Robbe’s neck. The last one let out a deep sigh as response and tilted his head to give Sander more room for exploring his skin. Sander moved up, kissed his jaw, afterwards the spot right beside his mouth and ended up by his ear while taking his earring in between his teeth. “I love you so much Robbe. Did I already say how good you’re looking tonight? And fuck, those laughlines you have will be the death of me one day!” Robbe let out a small giggle before placing his hands in Sander’s hair and finally closing the gap between their mouths. They touched each other as if the last time they did was years ago. Breathing in each other and their lips in sync moving against one another. Sander’s hand had quickly found his way from Robbe’s back right into his backpocket. Their make out session was stopped abruptly by Sander pulling back his head and holding a fold up piece of paper next to Robbe’s confused eyes.
“What’s this?” the older one asked. “Sander, you weren’t allowed to see this yet, give it back to me!” “Just tell me what it is baby and afterwards I’ll give it back to you” After minutes which seemed like hours discussing with each other, Robbe gave into it and told Sander what the little paper was about. “You know, I've never got any letter like you, uhm I mean Sinterklaas, wrote to me last year any time before. And then I’m not even talking about the penthouse suite you booked for just the two of us that night. It was the best night of my life, San. At least before you started craving a hamburger and ran away naked”, Robbe ended with a wink. “Hahaha, very funny!”, Sander responded sarcastly. “Anyway, this is my little surprise for you in return this year”, Robbe said while a shy smile appeared on his face. The older boy couldn’t believe his ears and gave Robbe his piece of paper ik return. “You’re too cute Robbe, but can I know what’s on the paper pretty please?” Robbe took the paper, put it in his backpocket again while saying “If your hands weren’t this adventurous, you wouldn’t even have known anything about my surprise yet. I’ve already said too much by the way and a wise boy once told me patience is the best virtue” “You’re such a tease mister Ijzermans!” Robbe gave his boyfriend a little eskimo kiss while whispering “And you’re loving it”
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alonely-dreamer · 5 years
The Valuable Sun | Chapter 21
Summary: The sun is dead. Long live the sun.
Pairing: Eric x OC
Warnings: 18+
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there.
Words: 3178
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20
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When Brooklynne opened her eyes, it was dark and cold. She didn’t know where she was, but she knew she wasn’t alone. There was a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, she knew it was Eric, but still, she couldn’t figure out where she was. She couldn’t breathe, but, oddly, she didn’t need to. There was something on her, all around her, everywhere, something cold, getting inside her clothes, her socks, her shoes… Was it… dirt?
Panic took over her and she tried to move, but couldn’t, making it worse. She realized she was buried in the ground and knew it would be difficult to get out of the hole on her own, she tried nonetheless. She crawled up with difficulty, for minutes that seemed like hours. Sometimes feeling like she was digging herself deeper in than out. Finally, she got out, her hands gripping the grass as she pulled herself up with a force she didn’t know she had, a force no human had.
She took a deep breath as soon as she could, dirt in her mouth, in her eyes, falling down from the top of her head… She fell on the ground, her chest coming in contact with the cold and humid grass. She coughed, and coughed again, but managed to sit up. She felt something warm and wet on her cheeks and quickly wiped it out with the back of her hand as she realized she was crying.
She jumped, startled, as she heard her name. She looked up but was blinded by the lights in the dark sky. The stars. She brought her hand to her forehead, trying to shield her eyes from the blinding lights, but they quickly got used to it, and she found Eric standing right in front of her.
“What did you do?” she asked with a trembling voice and angered tone. “What did you do?!”
“I’m sorry,” he quickly answered as he knelt before her. “I didn’t have a choice. You were dying.”
As he said those words, looking at her with fear, worry, and yet relief, she remembered her last moments before everything went dark. She remembered hearing a gun shot, she remembered the blood, she remembered the pain. She gasped and started crying again as she took it all in at once. She was dead. He had saved her life.
“You’re gonna be okay,” he promised her as he cupped her cheek with his hand.
She put hers over his, with unusual speed that surprised her. He moved his thumb over her tears, giving her a reassuring smile, which quickly turned into a frown.
“What? What is it?”
“Your tears… they’re… normal.”
 To hell with Bill, to hell with Marnie, to hell with all of them. Eric and Brooklynne were probably needed, but they didn’t care. They needed time. She needed time. And a shower.
When she got out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but an old and discolored blue towel, her hair falling wet on her shoulders, she felt hungry, and worried. As she was now a living-dead, she shouldn’t feel hungry, not for human food anyway. She should be crying blood and craving human blood, but all she wanted at this moment was a big fat hamburger, with extra-bacon, and fries.
“Is it possible the… transformation went wrong?” she asked as she sat next to him on her bed.
“No. I did everything right. I was… I was afraid it wouldn’t work… I was afraid it was too late…”
“So… it’s because I’m a fairy, isn’t it?”
He shook his head, sighed, then nodded. “Probably. You were half-human, half-fairy. Now that…”
“Now that I’m dead,” she cut him off. “I’m half-vampire, half-fairy.”
“There are easy ways to find out.”
“I might actually be able to walk in the sun…”
“I’ve never heard of… hybrids, before.”
She chuckled, making him raise an eyebrow.
“What’s so funny?”
“I was a freak when I was human. And I’m still a freak as a vampire.”
“I wouldn’t call you a freak,” he said, as he took her hand in his.
“And what would you call me?”
“Probably the strongest creature out there.”
“Is ‘creature’ better than ‘freak’?” she asked with humor.
“We’re all creatures. And it is better. Especially since you’re the strongest one of us.”
“You don’t know that.”
“If you’ve kept your powers…” he paused.
“What is it?”
“Now that you’re a vampire… can you hear my thoughts?”
She frowned. She hadn’t thought about it, and maybe that meant she couldn’t. She was supposed to be stronger now, wasn’t she? Which meant her powers would be stronger as well. His thoughts hadn’t invaded hers, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to invade his.
“If she’s half-fairy every vampire in the world will come for her, for her blood, they’ll come for the sun, they’ll come for her. They’ll come for her. They’ll come for her. They’ll…”
She winced as she removed her hand from his.
“Did you…”
“I should have thought about something else. I didn’t think you’d be able to…”
“It’s fine….”
A heavy silence took over the room as both of them thought of ways to keep each other safe. Only one solution seemed to be good enough, it had worked so far, after all.
He slid his hand down her back and rested it on her waist, bringing her closer to him. He placed a kiss on her temple before he whispered:
“You’re gonna be just fine.”
“I’m not mad at you.”
He frowned, confused at first, then sighed, then chuckled as he understood.
“Would it be useless to ask you to stay out of my head?”
“Sorry,” she smiled, amused, and a little embarrassed. “I just can’t help it sometimes.”
 Their unspoken agreement to keep Brooklynne’s abilities a secret left them with one last question to answer. Would she stay human to the eyes of the world, or would she be a vampire, stuck to live at night and renounce the sun, at least in parts?
While she was trying to figure out how she wanted the world to see her, she stared at her naked body in the mirror as she wondered who she wanted to be. Her fingers moved down her chest to her belly, only to get back up where a bullet hole should have been. She remembered the blood, the pain, but mostly, she remembered the chaos. She remembered feeling like she was dying, feeling like her life was ending when it had barely just begun. The weakness she had felt at that moment had since turned into rage, and all of it was directed in a certain witch’s way.
Eric appeared suddenly in the mirror, a towel wrapped around his waist. She watched as he leaned over and placed a kiss in her neck as he slid his hands on her belly.
“You okay?”
“No, not really.”
She saw sadness take over his face, but it only lasted a second, as an unusual unconfident smirk appeared in his lips.
“I thought you enjoyed our little… shower,” he said as he turned her around.
“I did. I always do.”
“What’s wrong then?”
She sighed before she slightly raised her arms to his chest, her fingers sliding up his skin.
“That’s not how I thought it would happen.”
“How what would happen?”
She looked up at him, her answer clear in her eyes.
“Oh,” he said, quite speechless. “I didn’t even know you… were thinking about it.”
“Of course, I was,” she replied as if his answer had offended her. “Of course, I was. Weren’t you?”
“I was too,” he nodded. “And the possibility of… this… happening… had crossed my mind.”
“Our first job for Bill… I was terrified you’d get hurt. I was terrified I wouldn’t be fast enough to… save you. That’s not how I wanted it to happen. But I’m glad it did.”
She closed her eyes and shook her head and each second of silence was like a needle in his heart.
“Are you glad it did?”
“I…” she sighed again. “I… I can’t… be happy about it… right now. Because of how it happened. Because… Because right now I just want to tear that bitch apart.”
There was a spark in his eyes, like she had just awakened something in him. He agreed, of course, and she knew that. Maybe she should have known he’d be proud.
“Eric, I want to spend eternity with you. I don’t want you to think I don’t. I just… I need to… get used to the idea that I’m not human anymore. I need to see what’s changed, how I’ve changed but… there’s something I know hasn’t changed, something I know will never change.”
“What is that?”
“My unconditional love for you,” she said as she took his face in her hands. “I love you. I wanted to spend eternity with you yesterday, and I still do now. You can never doubt that. Even if sometimes… I miss my human life.”
He smiled, relived, before he placed a kiss on her forehead.
“I love you too,” he whispered. “Now let’s go tear that bitch apart.”
 It was around 3AM when Eric and Brooklynne stepped inside the King’s house. Bill was waiting for them, for her, with guilt written all over his face. Somehow she knew Bill would have been dead by now if he weren’t King of Louisiana. They stopped in the hall, all three of them, staring at each other in silence. Brooklynne wondered what pitiful excuses he was going to try and make, Eric just tried very hard to stop himself from committing treason and condemn himself to a certain True Death.
“Well isn’t this a happy reunion,” Pam said as she joined them from Bill’s office. “You’re still alive.”
“So to speak,” Brooke’s reply was as dry as Pam’s tone. The vampire smirked, surprising the fairy hybrid, who didn’t think her new ‘sister’ would be too happy about her new ‘condition’.
“Brooklynne I’m…”
“Sorry?” she cut Bill off. “Don’t even bother. You know, I wouldn’t even be mad if it had just been an accident. But you tried to kill Eric, and that, I’ll never forget. And I’ll never forgive you either, so don’t waste your breath. We came here to kill Marnie, and you owe us the backup.”
Bill’s sad eyes didn’t even make her flinch and the vampire nodded regretfully as he accepted her request.
“Where’s Sookie?” she asked.
“Home, I suppose.”
“She wasn’t there,” Eric said.
“You don’t know where my sister is?”
“I… I,” he stuttered. “She said she never wanted to see me again then left. I thought she’d be waiting for you at your house.”
“She might be with your brother,” Eric said in an attempt to reassure her, though he knew exactly what she was thinking. Sookie had gone for the witch, and she hadn’t come back.
 Bill had called Jessica as backup and they left the house with an SUV filled with all sorts of automatic weapons. The red head had landed Brooklynne some black clothes, and the five vampires were inconspicuous as they walked down the empty road leading to Moongoddess Emporium, heavily armed.
“I’m so sick of silvering myself all day every day,” Jessica rumbled. “I’m pissed off all the time. This is what PMS used to feel like,” she continued, and Brooklynne was pleasantly reminded that she wouldn’t have to go through that anymore.
“Our objective is to kill the witch, finish this one way the other,” Bill said. “But we’re gonna finish this tonight. Are we clear?”
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Brooklynne replied as Jessica picked up the bazooka and aimed it at Marnie’s shop.
“Can we blow up these Wiccan dispshits already?” Pam complained. “I got a mani-pedi at 4.”
“Wait, Marnie’s not alone in there?” Brooke asked.
“Her accomplices are with her,” Bill answered.
“Are Tara and Lafayette inside?” she questioned angrily as Bill was about to let his progeny blow up the place with her friends inside.
“Who cares?” Pam shrugged.
“We’re not killing Tara and Lafayette.”
“They tried to kill us,” Pam reminded her.
“I don’t care,” she growled.
Pam raised an eyebrow as she put a hand on her waist.
“How are we gonna get Marnie out of her there?” Eric asked, putting a stop to the debate.
“Why don’t we just go in there and rip her head off?”
“She can control the dead, remember?” Jessica said. “And you’re dead now.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,” Jason shouted as he ran towards them, appearing from across the street. “Stop, stop, stop, stop.”
“Jason? What are you doing here?”
“Brooke? Oh my God,” he breathed out as he went to hug her. “We thought you were dead!”
She grimaced, though he couldn’t see her face. She hugged her big brother back for a few seconds before gently pushing him away.
“Yeah… I… I am.”
“I am… dead.”
“Wh-“ he took a step back as he realized.
Uncontrollable rage took over him as he turned to Bill to punch him. The vampire didn’t even try to avoid the hit.
“You son of bitch!” he shouted. “You killed my sister.”
Bill clenched his jaw but stayed calm. Brooklynne didn’t try to stop him.
“Why should we stop?” Eric asked, changing the subject back.
“What?” Jason frowned. “Oh, yeah,” his entire demeanor changed as fast as he had gotten angry, and was now back to his normal panicking self. “You can’t blow up the place up. Put that down,” he told Jessica as he pointed to the bazooka. “Sookie’s in there.”
“I told her to stay away!” Bill said.
“And you expected her to listen?” Eric asked.
“Damn it, Sookie,” Brooke sighed.
“’Damn it, Sookie’?” Jason repeated. “She’s in there to avenge your death!”
“I can avenge my own death, thank you very much!”
“We must abort,” Bill gave up. “We have to find another way.”
“And just so you know, Marnie put a spell around the place,” Jason said as he picked up a rock from the ground. “Watch this.”
He proceeded to throw the rock towards the shop and it collided against an invisible wall which lit up and disintegrated it in seconds. “This goes around the whole damn place.”
“We have to disable it,” Bill said.
“How are we gonna do that?” Brooke asked.
“I have no ide-“
Bill never got the chance to finish his sentence as he was pushed to the ground by a sudden appearance. His back painfully met the ground and he was now face to face with one of his missing sheriffs, Kirsch, sheriff of area 1. Eric was snatched right next from where Brooklynne was standing and the Viking was pushed against the wall across the street. Brooklynne growled and her fangs got out unintentionally. She didn’t let the surprise stop her as she launched herself at Duprez, sheriff or area 2. She pushed him to the ground and Pam had already stabbed him before he had any chance to get back up. He turned into a pool of blood at their feet.
“You okay?” Eric asked Brooklynne as if he weren’t the one who had just been attacked.
She didn’t get the chance to answer as they heard a scream to their right. They turned to see Kirsch lying on her stomach on the ground, Bill’s foot positioned on her chest to stop her from going anywhere.
“Antonia,” he called. “Show your face, witch! Hiding behind magic like a coward does not become you!”
Brooklynne turned to the front door of the shop, and waited. One minute. Two minutes. When, finally, Sookie came out.
“You’re alive!”
“Shall we return to the matter at hand?” Marnie spoke up from behind Sookie.
The fairy-human hybrid rolled her eyes. “Marnie wants to negotiate.”
“How may I serve, Antonia?” Kirsch asked, still possessed by Marnie’s magic.
The witch said something in Latin which allowed Kirsch to free herself from under Bill’s foot. The King, however, did not let her go, seized her and threw her towards Marnie where she came in contact with the wall. She screamed in pain as she burned and went up in flames before exploding into a thousand pieces.
“Amazing, isn’t it?” Marnie said. “The power of the sun harnessed. The protection spell is impenetrable to most humans, and not fatal but to vampires, one touch is a death sentence.”
Brooklynne looked up at Eric with a look he only understood too late.
“You’re so dead,” Brooklynne said before she ran towards the ‘impenetrable wall’. She was met with some resistance, though she felt no pain and reached the other side in less than a minute. Marnie stared at her with surprise. She was so stunned she didn’t even realize she was in danger and only started to worry when Brooklynne had her trapped between her body and the wall of her shop. She opened her mouth, showing her fangs to the witch.
“You did this to me,” she told her before she dug her teeth in her neck.
“Brooklynne!” she heard her sister call but ignored it.
Marnie screamed but soon became quiet as life left her body like it had left Brooklynne’s the night before. She let go of the witch once she no longer felt a pulse and she collapsed to the floor, drops of her own blood falling from Brooke’s lips to her face.
She licked her lips, realizing she had blood all over her mouth and chin. She tried to wipe it up with her hand but only stained herself more. The wall disappeared as soon as Marnie died, and Eric hurried to Brooke’s side.
“You could’ve died!”
“The sun can’t kill me.”
“You didn’t know that!”
“I can feel it, Eric. It hasn’t changed.”
“What do you mean?” Sookie asked.
Brooklynne turned to see her sister’s shocked face. She was joined by Jason who didn’t look any better.
“I’m still a fairy,” she shrugged. “I know it. I can feel it.”
“You’re a vampire-fairy hybrid?” Bill asked, as stunned as the rest of them.
“And none of you will ever repeat it to anyone, ever,” Eric threatened and made himself very clear to the King and his progeny.
“You’re a vampire,” Sookie whispered as she realized, feeling stupid for thinking Eric had been able to heal her after he left them at the hotel. “Are you… are you okay?”
“I will be,” she said as she took Eric’s hand in hers.
Sookie tried to hide her grimace. She turned to Bill once more and gave him a look he knew meant she would never forgive him.
“What should we do about Marnie’s accomplices?” he asked.
“Apart from Roy, they’re all hostages in there,” Sookie told him.
“Are you kidding me?” Pam scoffed.
“I swear, she even killed one them like ten minutes ago.”
“Fine,” Eric said. “Let’s find this Roy. So I can rip his heart from his chest.”
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @raegan-hale @colie87 @heavenly1927​ @abbey7103​ @with-love-maddie​
This is the beginning of the end...
Thank you for reading!
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Hello! I was wondering if I can request a cheating angst for beelzebub please! I would like a sad ending if possible 🥺🥺💖
Sure thing Anon-san, and sorry it took me so long to reply, I TOTALLY didn’t forget my Tumblr password and panic for two days straight. I didn’t know if you wanted Beel cheating on you or the other way around, but I hope you like either way!
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Love Letter
Another normal and boring day at RAD. Beel was devouring another bag of chips, you had lost the count at this point. You had tried to keep track of how much food he ate once, but you had given up at the realization that Beel was capable of eating an entire hamburger in a single bite, without you even noticing. You smiled bitterly, looking at him once more, remembering when a couple of weeks before you had asked him why he wouldn’t hold your hand. It wasn’t such a big deal, but it bugged you. “Oh, I’m sorry MC, I just don’t want to make your hands dirty with crumbs or sauces…”. Of course, it was because of food. Was he trying to be considerate or was he just giving you an excuse so he could have both hands free to eat? You didn’t know and probably didn’t even want to.
It didn’t bother you at first, but as time passed by you started to feel like he was always going to prioritize food over you. Beel was a nice guy, he never got mad, he was really sweet when you were alone (and his stomach was full) but was he in a relationship with you or with his food? And what about the constant crumbs on his and your bed? It was basically torture. You sighed. No, you were just trying to justify yourself, to make that sense of guilt go away. But it was your fault, you had gotten yourself in that situation and you had to solve the problem in a way or another, even if it meant someone was going to suffer, you especially.
And while you were still thinking about the decision you had to take, with munching in the background as your irritating soundtrack, you noticed it was time to go. You were going to be late at this rate!
“Sorry, Beel, I have something to do! I’ll see you later at the House of Lamentation?”, you forced a small smile, kissed him on the cheek and started running towards the exit, while putting away your notebook in the small backpack you had. You didn’t notice you had lost something, you didn’t hear Beel call your name, you just disappeared behind the door, leaving Beel alone in the hall with an empty bag of chips in a hand and a pink envelope in the other.
His eyes fell on the envelope in his hand and furrowed his brows. The scent coming from the paper was sweet, like honey and roses, and it was addressed to “the most beautiful human to ever exist”. The paper was burning his fingertips, he had to read it. 
He quickly got rid of the empty bag of chips, forgetting his hunger, forgetting he had to go practice with the team. He slowly opened the letter and held his breath, before reading the content. It was sweet word after another, a shower of praises, and it made him angry. This person, this demon, knew you well enough to be able to write things that were sure to get to your heart. How long had that been going on for? Days? Weeks? Months? And he never noticed. He blamed himself, blamed himself for not giving you enough attention, for not being able to tell something about you was off. But he couldn’t shake his anger off. He went straight to your locker, forced it open like the lock wasn’t even there. It wasn’t difficult to find many other love letters like the one that had fallen from your bag. There were dozens of envelopes, all with the same scent. He grabbed one and read it, then another one and yet another one. They were all love letters. All talking about how he wanted to meet MC again, see them, hold them.
His anger was now over the roof and could not hold himself from punching the locker, making the door fall on the floor. He hadn’t even noticed that he had transformed into his demon form, not until one of his brothers gently grabbed his arm. 
“Hey, Beel, what’s going on? Are you okay?“ 
He didn’t reply, he just gave his brother one of the many letters that were now on the floor and just stormed out of the school. He had to find you.
You were just enjoying your evening with the demon you had been exchanging letters with. When he had the idea you thought it was incredibly romantic. Maybe a little bit inconvenient, but you couldn’t resist the romance. You had been craving affection, sweetness and, especially, talking. With Beel, there wasn’t much dialog at all, but with him it was different. You loved the avatar of gluttony, you truly loved him, but you just couldn’t resist the demon that was sitting next to you, holding your hand. That’s what you were missing from Earth: normality. You missed walking in the park at night, eating ice cream, you missed going to the movies and kissing in the dark. And with the demon next to you it was actually possible, you could go to the movies and be able to hear everything because you didn’t have the sound of popcorn-munching covering every other sound. 
You smiled, feeling relaxed, feeling at peace, even happy, with the demon next to you that was trying to steal a kiss from you since you had arrived. You giggled, denying him a kiss once again, just to tease him, but the laughter died in your throat once you saw exactly what you didn’t want: Beelzebub, in his demon form, looking at the two of you with fire in his eyes and one of your letters in his hand. You lost all color in your face, immediately getting up, distancing yourself from the demon next to you.
“Beel… Wait, I-I can explain, I swear–.”, you tried to say, just so you could buy some time, gather your thoughts, tell him what was actually going on. But he wasn’t looking at you and he wasn’t coming towards you. 
You saw him grab the demon and raise him in the air like it was nothing more than an object, before slamming him on the street. You screamed, scared and worried, while the demon you were just holding hands with tried to fight. He was obviously no match for one of the seven most powerful demons in all the Devildom and tears started streaming down your face as Beelzebub’s punches started distorting the other demon’s face. Every punch sunk in your heart, killing you slowly. 
“Stop! Beelzebub, please, stop!”, you tried to tell him, touching his arm, trying in some way to calm him down. But all you accomplished was to get yourself thrown far away with a simple push. You could feel your arm bones’ snapping just like you could hear the last breath draw from the demon on the ground. 
Beel’s hands were covered in blood. You had never seen him like that and the same murderous eyes were now looking straight at you. You were sure that was it, that was your end, you were going to die there.
“I’m sorry Beel… I’m sorry…”, you tried to say, not even trying to justify yourself. You knew what you had done was wrong. You could have broken up with him and then date the other demon, but you had decided to cheat. You couldn’t be forgiven.
You closed your eyes, ready for it to be over, but just as you felt Beelzebub get close, you heard the familiar voices of the demon brothers coming to help and restrain Beelzebub.
Mammon immediately came to help you stand up, but you couldn’t see any kindness in his eyes or in any of the other brothers. So they knew.
“You can’t kill the human, Beel. We can’t ruin Diavolo’s project.”
Lucifer’s voice was colder than ever and you lowered your head, not able to look at any of the brothers in the eyes. You were back to just being “the human”, no smiles, no compassion. Not a single one of them seemed worried for you and you thought it was right, you deserved it. Your gaze reached the demon on the floor, as Satan verified if he was still alive. Tears streamed down your face when you saw him shaking his head and calling Leviathan so he could help move the body.
“You’re right”, you heard Beel say, “I won’t waste any more of my time with this excuse of human being." 
You raised your head, looked at him, tried once again to say that you were sorry, tried to explain yourself, but his gaze made all your efforts vain.
"You’re even worse than a demon, congratulations.”
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My Bloody Valentine: Final Part
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,045
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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If the key to getting to Famine was through souls, then you needed to go to the last person who died which meant going to the morgue and talking to Dr. Corman. Dean knew these people better than you, so he did all the talking when he spotted a nurse he was familiar with.
“Hey, Marty. Is Dr. Corman around?”
“You haven't heard?”
“Heard what?”
“He died last night,” he sighed, taking you three to see the body. The nurse uncovered the head so you could get a good look at him. “Guy's been dry for the last 20 years, but this morning, he left work, went home, and drank himself to death.”
“It’s Famine,” Castiel admitted.
“Would you give us a minute, please?” you asked.
“Sure,” Marty nodded, leaving the room.
“Shit! I really kind of liked this guy,” Dean sighed. Castiel placed his hand on the stomach of the body to get a feel if the soul was still intact or not.
“They haven't harvested his soul yet.”
“The only way to get to Famine is through a game called “Capture the Soul.” Our best shot starts with him,” you noted.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Dean sighed.
The more you spent hiding this secret of yours, the more guilty you felt, but it would be worse now if you told him since he didn’t even have a say in the matter. It’s hard to even look at him without falling apart, but you had to try and get past it on your own. Maybe you can make another kid and this won’t even matter. However, the same issue still stands as before—you couldn’t raise a kid right now with everything going on. You couldn’t do that to them. All you could do right now was work the case even if your guilt was eating your insides.
You and Dean waited in the parking lot until you saw a demon exit with the doctor’s soul. Right now, there was nothing so the waiting was excruciating. Dean was just sitting there in silence, and you thought if you told him now, he could begin the process of healing. Before you had a chance to say anything, Castiel appeared in the front seat with a bag full of hamburgers. He opened one and began eating it with a smile.
“Are you serious?” Dean asked.
“These make me very happy.”
“How many is that?” you asked.
“I lost count. It's in the low hundreds.”
“Okay, you need to stop,” you muttered, sliding over to his side and placing both hands on his head, your fingers digging into his forehead.
Both hands glowed bright blue as you gave him an even bigger dose of your magic. As soon as you let go, Castiel dropped the burger since he no longer craved it.
“You can’t keep giving me that.”
“I know, but it’s just temporary until we find Famine,” you sighed.
“Fine,” he said, leaving the car in silence. It was like that for a few minutes until he broke it again. “What I don't understand is where is your hunger, Dean?”
“Well, slowly but surely, everyone in this town is falling prey to Famine, but so far, you seem unaffected. We know why Y/N is immune to it, but I don’t know why you are.”
“Hey, when I want to drink, I drink. When I want sex, I go get it. Same goes for a sandwich or a fight.”
“So, you're saying you're just well-adjusted?”
“God, no. I'm just well-fed.”
“Look there,” Castiel motioned with his head.
Looking at what he was pointing to, you saw a demon exit the hospital with a black briefcase with the soul in it, no doubt.
“Yeah, that’s a demon, alright,” you sighed.
“Let’s go,” Dean declared, turning on the car to follow him at a safe distance.
The demon led you all the way to a diner, and by the looks of it, there was no one inside—no one but Famine and demons.
“You want to go over the plan again?” Dean asked, but Castiel didn’t answer. The magic you gave him apparently wasn’t enough since he was eating another burger. “Hey, happy meal. The plan?”
“I take the knife, I go in, I cut off the ring hand of Famine, and I meet you back here in the parking lot.”
“Well, that sounds foolproof,” Dean scoffed.
The angel disappeared in a flap of wings, so it was just you and your boyfriend left. Castiel was a good angel, and he was quick at getting things he wanted, but this was just taking too long. He should have been in and out in seconds.
“This is taking too long,” you sighed.
“I agree,” he said, and you two got out of the car to investigate.
Walking inside the diner, you looked around to see nothing but dead bodies everywhere—one in the fryer, three on the ground, and the rest inside where the tables were. Passing by the window that separated the kitchen and the counter, you noticed a certain angel on the floor eating something. Upon further inspection, you noticed it was ground beef.
“Castiel!” you hissed, trying to gather his attention.
He looked back but continued to eat as if he couldn’t stop. So much for your magic trying to help him. Two demons appeared from either side of you and Dean, so you took care of yours while Dean did the same. Blasting the demon with you magic, you flung him through the wall with ease, creating a big hole to the outside. Two more demons filed through, and they collectively used their powers on you which was enough to at least subdue you. The demons took you and Dean into the main room where Famine was waiting in a… wheelchair?
“The other Mr. Winchester and Ms. Singer.”
“What did you do to him?” you demanded, motioning to Castiel.
“You sicced your dog on me. I just threw him a steak.”
“So, this is your big trick? Huh? Making people cuckoo for cocoa puffs?” Dean glared as he struggled against the demons.
“Doesn't take much—hardly a push. Oh, America, all-you-can-eat, and all the time. Consume, consume. A swarm of locusts in stretch pants. Yet, you're all still starving because hunger doesn't just come from the body, it also comes from the soul.”
“It's funny, it doesn't seem to be coming from mine.”
“Or mine,” you glared.
“Yes. I noticed that. Have you wondered why that is? How you could even walk in my presence?”
“I have a little back up,” you explained, your eyes turning bright blue in the process.
“Ah, yes, Amara. That son of a bitch. Can’t touch you, my dear.”
“Well, I like to think it's because of my strength of character,” Dean chuckled.
“You, however, I disagree,” he said, moving closer to Dean and touching his arm. “Yes. I see. That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean. Can't fill it, can you? Not with food or drink. Not even with sex.”
“Oh, you're so full of shit.”
“Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to girlfriend, and lie to yourself, but not to me! I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just keep going through the motions. You're not hungry, Dean, because inside, you're already... dead.”
“Shut the hell up,” you glared, the blue in your eyes getting brighter.
The fact that he said this made the guilt slam into you at full force. A kid would have brought life and happiness into Dean’s life, and you stole that from him without him even knowing. All of a sudden, you were filled with such guilt and anger, you didn’t know how to deal with it.
“Let him go,” Sam said from behind everyone.
Famine turned around to face the younger brother, and you gasped in shock when you saw the same black glow he had around him when he was dining with Ruby. His face was also covered in demon blood, so that was a dead giveaway.
“Sam,” you whispered, the light in your eyes dying just a bit.
“Sammy, no!” Dean yelled.
The two demons guarding Famine start to move towards Sam to attack, but Famine stopped them.
“Stop! No one lays a finger on this sweet little boy. Sam, I see you got the snack I sent you.”
“You sent?”
“Don't worry, you're not like everyone else. You'll never die from drinking too much. You're the exception that proves the rule. Just the way... Satan wanted you to be. So,” he lifts his hands and gestures to the demons guarding him, “cut their throats. Have at them!”
“Sam! No!” you yelled.
“Please, be my guest,” Famine grinned.
“Sammy, no!” Dean repeated you.
Sam didn’t want to drink the blood; he wanted the demons dead. He lifted his hand, closed his eyes, and started to pull the demons from their meatsuits. All of them started screaming, and once you were able to move, you stepped back next to Castiel who just kept eating. Sam was hell bent on destroying these demons, and you raised a hand swirling with blue magic when Dean stopped you.
“Let him.”
“He’s getting rid of the demons.”
“He’s killing himself!” you yelled.
Sam continued to do what he was doing until all the demons were out of their bodies. He lowered his hand, opened his eyes, and glared at Famine.
“Well, fine. If you don't want them then I'll have them,” Famine said, tipping his head back and opening his mouth wide.
He devoured all five demons at once, moaning happily when he got his fill. Sam steps forward and extends his hand toward Famine, trying to do the same thing he did to the demons.
“I'm a Horseman, Sam. Your power doesn't work on me.”
“You're right. But it will work on them,” he grinned, doing exactly what he said he was going to do.
The souls inside of Famine began pouring out of every crevice and nook, and the more power he used, the more his nose began to bleed. Famine screamed in pain until every single soul was ripped from his body. Every single soul disappeared, and Famine slumps in his chair, his eyes empty.
“Sam!” you said in a judgmental tone.
Castiel got up, no longer filled with the need to eat red meat.
“You don’t get to judge me! You, of all people do not get to judge me!” he yelled right back.
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Your dad was gracious enough to let you use his panic room to lock Sam in since that was the way to rid him of the demon blood. You, Dean, and Castiel stood outside of it as Sam screamed to be released.
“Let me out of here, please! Help!”
“That's not him in there. Not really,” Castiel sighed.
“I know.”
“Dean, Sam just has to get it out of his system. Then he'll be—”
“Listen, I just, uh... I just need to get some air,” Dean interrupted, leaving the room as fast as possible.
Once he left, you broke down crying before knocking into the wall behind you since your knees buckled beneath you.
“What the hell did I do?” you sobbed, looking at Castiel for help.
He felt bad that you were in this situation even if he felt like you should have done better about it.
“He’s going to hate me when he finds out,” you gasped, your cheeks stained with dried-up tears.
Your lungs started caving in on themselves, and all it took was the shortness of breath for you to realize you were having a panic attack. Black splotches entered your vision as you fought to get your breathing under control. Dean was very good at making them go away, but then you would have to explain what set it off, and you couldn’t do that right now.
So, all you could do was suffer through it since you deserve at least that.
“He won’t hate you.”
“Of course, he’s going to fucking hate me!” you sobbed louder. “I hate me.”
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Omfg thank you for your precious answer you're my favorite tumblr !! I have so many things I'd like to ask you bc you explain so well lol, first of all what do you think of the story of Tony Manero ? Do you think he tells the truth with his story ? Again thank you for your answer love youuuu
Hey again, dear anon! (I’m assuming you’re the one from before) Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m truly happy you're enjoying the blog, and that it is engaging enough to make you want to ask questions. I’m more than happy to try my best at answering them because I learn a lot in the research for these posts too!
For context, Tony Manero was a Brooklyn singer/dancer (who claims to be the inspiration for the main character in 1977′s Saturday Night Fever, though no movie-related source mentions it).
He comes up frequently in Beatles’ fandom circles as a “key witness” in the ongoing case of John Lennon’s sexuality. His testimony appears in Geoffrey Giuliano’s Glass Onion (1999), where he is interviewed on his encounter with John Lennon on the streets of New York City, on May 1974:
New York, Summer 1992
Question: Tell me your story about meeting John Lennon.
Tony Manero: It was back in May of 1974. I saw three guys walking down the block. John was always my idol. I went up to him and said, "I know a lot of people hassle you, but I just want to thank you for your music. I've enjoyed you and you've helped me through a lot of emotional times." Outside Jimmy's Bar in Greenwich Village he said, "Why don't you come inside for a drink?"
Question: Who else was with him?
Tony: Harry Nilsson was also there. After we ordered drinks, John switched seats to be next to me. He said to me, "Are you gay?" When I told him I wasn't, he looked really disappointed. He could have been joking, but he wasn't. My initial reaction was fear. And yet I wouldn't leave because it was John Lennon. I said to him, "No, man. I don't go that way." "Are you sure?" he said, "Look, I'll take you to Hollywood." John was calling me "the pretty one." He told me, "You're the prettiest chick I've seen all day." He said, "You look like a pretty little Indian or Arab chick," because of my color skin. I remember Harry was borrowing one hundred bills from him.
Question: Then what happened?
Tony: At one stage I went out, and when I came back he was talking to this woman and he said "She said, 'I thought he was Paul, meaning McCartney.'" So John turns around and says, "No, he's prettier than Pauly. He's got a nicer mouth than Pauly. Pauly's got a small mouth." Then he turned to me and said, "Let's go get some chicks." This man was giving me a dream to pay millions for. I hung out with him. John almost admitted his gay tendencies. He put his arm around me. He said, "It feels good to hold someone. You know what I mean?" Prior to that he said, "There's nothing wrong with being gay. Two people exchanging feelings is not wrong. Did you ever try it?" People were following us. We were wasted and he put his arm around one girl and said "Suck my cock." He stuck his tongue down her throat. We were loaded. Somebody stole the hat right off his head! He was so nice. I remember we had a hamburger. Later we went to his hotel rooms, 1608, -9, and -10. There was Harry's bedroom, John's, and a living room with a keyboard. He gave me a guitar, but it was later stolen. He propositioned me in the street. Hassled me if I'd ever made love to a male. "Will you give me head, man?" he asked. But I wouldn't do it. "Come on, Tony, why won't you give me head?" We went back to his hotel and he propositioned me again. After John died I wished I'd done it. He tried to kiss me. He put his arm around me. He was making moves on me like a guy would make on a woman. We were on the couch and we lay down. I said, "Wow, maybe I should have." I never asked him if he'd had sex with a man, but it was obvious to me he had. I was at the hotel for a few days. But he never bothered me in the middle of the night. He never attempted it again. There were feelings and looks. He was very loving, like when a guy is very lonely. The man was bisexual - there is no two ways about it. He was feeling me out.
Question: What do you say to people who might not believe your story?
Tony: John did come on to me. He did try to make love to me. He asked me to perform a lewd act - that's the truth. The man was bisexual - there's no two ways about it. Any of his fans who can't dig that, I'm sorry, because if you listen to his music, sensitivity and experiencing is what it's all about.*Tony Manero was the inspiration behind the seventies film Saturday Night Fever and a successful New York businessman.
— in Geoffrey Giuliano’s Glass Onion: The Beatles In Their Own Words (1999), part Seven: Friends (pages 315-317).
Concerning Manero’s recollections, some familiar elements pop up.
There is "It feels good to hold someone. You know what I mean?" which seems to echo Paul’s recollections of his last hug with John, where the latter commented, “It’s good to touch.” It is a classical example of John craving physical affection.
"There's nothing wrong with being gay. Two people exchanging feelings is not wrong. Did you ever try it?" reminded me immediately of the poem John submitted for Len Richmond and Gary Noguera's Gay Liberation Handbook, on 30 May 1972.
Why make it sad to be gay?
Doing your thing is O.K.
Our bodies our own
So leave us alone
Go play with yourself - today.
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Also, there are his comparisons to Paul, "No, he's prettier than Pauly. He's got a nicer mouth than Pauly. Pauly's got a small mouth." 
First, there’s the use of the adjective pretty, which he’s used for Paul before:
I remember we were going down to the studio [...] and there was a great crowd pressing against the car. John was sitting in the back and he said, “Push Paul out first. He’s the prettiest.”
—Victor Spinetti, in the documentary You Can’t Do That! The Making of ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ (1995).
Also, there’s “that Paulie business” (note that’s it’s Paulie, not Pauly; and John will object if you use it, especially in a condescending way!).
Moreover, to me, the whole exchange strikes the same tongue-in-cheek tone as this late 1975 interview:
John: Yes, all your best friends let you know what's going on. I was trying to put it 'round that I was gay, you know-- I thought that would throw them off... dancing at all the gay clubs in Los Angeles, flirting with the boys... but it never got off the ground.
Q: I think I've only heard that lately about Paul.
John: Oh, I've had him, he's no good. [Laughter]
— John Lennon, interviewed by Lisa Robinson for Hit Parader: A conversation with John Lennon (December 1975).
John had already insinuated his relationship with Paul in a similar way in this humorous self-interview:
Q. Have you ever fucked a guy?
A. Not yet, I thought I’d save it til I was 40, life begins at 40 you know, tho I never noticed it.
Q. It is trendy to be bisexual and you’re usually ‘keeping up with the Jones’, haven’t you ever… there was talk about you and PAUL…
A. Oh, I thought it was about me and Brian Epstein… anyway, I’m saving all the juice for my own version of THE REAL FAB FOUR BEATLES STORY etc.. etc..
Q. It seems like you’re saving quite a lot for when you’re 40...
A. Yes, there might be nothing better to do, tho I don’t believe it.
— John Lennon, interview conducted by/on John Lennon, and/or Dr Winston O’boogie, for Andy Warhol’s Interview Magazine (November 1974).
I introduce all of this because if there’s one thing I at first found odd in Manero’s account, it was John’s forwardness. John doesn’t strike me as a guy to openly proposition another man. Was he really just super keen on it? Was he getting liquid courage from all the substances? Was he trying to get those rumours off the ground? A mix of all three? 
But perhaps it’s wrong to look at 1974 as just a normal year. 
Lennon’s Lost Weekend was the time of his life where we can see him be the most publicly vocal about his curiosity. He was open about being open. 
And striking friendships with gay musicians like Elton John probably gave him someone who he could talk to, or at least explore the world of gay bars with. Whatever gets you through the night, it’s alright, after all. 
One of those “dancing at all the gay clubs” episodes has been recounted by musician and music producer Mark Hudson. In a “weird but beautiful” moment, John urged the group to join him on the dancefloor, when The Three Degrees’ ‘When Will I See You Again’ came playing through the speakers and he exclaimed, “I love this song!” 
Because it’s always informative to pay close attention to the songs that were resonating with them at any particular time, I’ll provide the lyrics to ‘When Will I See You Again’ (released in the US on September 1974):
Precious moments
When will I see you again
When will we share precious moments
Will I have to wait forever
Will I have to suffer
And cry the whole night through?
When will I see you again
When will our hearts beat together?
Are we in love or just friends?
Is this my beginning
Or is this the end?
When will I see you again?
May Pang reports in her book, Loving John (1983), that after she and John left LA to go back to NY — where, after some time at The Pierre hotel, they moved to small penthouse apartment on East Fifty-second Street, around July 1974 —  the McCartney’s had paid them a visit.
John would spend the next two months recording Walls And Bridges, before releasing it on 26 September 1974. It included tracks such as the aforementioned ‘Whatever Gets You Through The Night’, ‘#9 Dream’ and also the beautiful ‘Bless You’:
Bless you wherever you are
Windswept child on a shootin' star
Restless spirits depart
Still we're deep in each other's hearts
Some people say it's over
Now that we spread our wings
But we know better, darlin'
The hollow ringIs only last year's echo, oh-oh
Bless you whoever you are
Holding her now, be warm and kind-hearted
And remember though love is strange
Now and forever our love will remain
As a song, I think it's the best piece of work on the album, although I worked harder on some of the other tracks. In retrospect, that seems to be the best track, to me.
— John Lennon, interviewed after the release of the album, cited in John Blaney’s John Lennon: Listen to This Book (2005).
(I’m sorry, I got sidetracked by their love for one another...)
But getting back to Manero’s story, you asked me if I think it is the truth or not. And honestly, there’s really no way to be completely certain of the veracity of these accounts. Having said that, I don’t really see this story as the scandalous, explosive news it is often made out to be. Not because I think it might be untrue, necessarily, but because I personally feel like John’s interests in homosexuality come through in his own words, as we’ve seen in the previous post.
For me, it seems clear that there was an attraction there. Now, an even more interesting question, I feel, is how much of that attraction was about the physicality of the male body; how much was about the contact with one’s softer, more sensitive side, not allowed in the classic moulds of toxic masculinity; and how much of it was seeking sexual contact as a way to epitomize emotional intimacy? 
And with the complexity of human beings, it is fair and likely that there were little bits of all three elements involved. But perhaps, it’s best to continue that line of thought in another post...
But what do you guys think? I'd really like to hear your thoughts on the subject!
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dyanlzbb · 5 years
The recovery of the lost Moon
Jason Todd x Sister!OC 
SUMMARY: Jason finds a girl and decides to help her find her mother... the only way to do it is with a DNA search. He gets surprised by what he finds. 
Part 1 of 3
Jason was having one of those days in which everything seems to go wrong.  He got on the bad side of Bruce and got in an argument with Alfred. Then he had to run away from Dick who had one of his wonderful bonding ideas, sarcasm intended. And finally he got notice of another smuggler trying to go big by marketing a new dangerous untested drug. No problem, he was used to deal with that kind of people. However he wasn’t ok with this smuggler using children to do the dirty job and he had to do something about it.
He needed a lead on the small smuggler and he knew where to get the clues he needed. He went to a neighborhood he was familiar with in the East End to find informants. But before he was able to talk to anyone, Jason stopped at a grocery store to buy cigars… God knew he craved them badly when he was this stressed.
Jason payed and left the store to light the first cigarette outside. Maybe he was too absorbed on his thoughts, but the thing is that he didn’t notice the girl coming to his way, so she bumped him. Jason came back to his senses to see the girl walking away and the lighter out of his hands. It was his luck that precisely this day, his lighter fell to the sewer. Great! I’ll need to buy a new one he thought and reached for his wallet on his back pocket.
However the wallet was gone. He was certain he had it with him after he pay for the cigarettes and it wasn’t on the street. That little rascal! The girl must have taken it when she bumped him. It took him a second to do a light recognition of the situation and in a secondhe was on his way to the last place where he saw the girl walking.
Lucky he was fast. Jason found her on an ally going through the content of his wallet. “Hey girl! What do you think you’re doing?”  Jason called out loud surprising the girl. She looked at both sides finding herself trapped by high walls and far away from the fire escape.
Damn she thought. It was the first time she had been caught since she started pickpocketing a few years ago. She was trapped and in no possibility of escaping the broad guy in front of her. “Oh… I found your wallet and was checking where I could return it.” She was trying to sound convincingly innocent to make a clean exit without being taken to the cops.  
“Nice try kid.” Jason knew she was lying, but she was so composed lying to his face that he was surprised. He took another look at the girl. She must be around 12 years old and although her clothes were not dirty or ripped, you could see how worn out they were. He recognized the signs, she lived in the streets. “Now, I have a question and I’m only going to ask you this once. You better give some serious thought to your answer.” He paused for a second trying to add drama to the moment “Are you hungry?”
The question took off guard at the girl. She was expecting a confrontation for saying the least, a treat to take her to the police station or something along that line. The man in front of her knew for sure that she tried to rob him and yet, he was here asking if she wanted to eat. She open her mouth and was about to tell him to leave her alone, but her stomach decided that it was the perfect moment to manifest itself and groaned so loud that gave Jason the answer.
And he just laughed out loud. The girl was mad at the timing of his stomach. She was about to deny her need for food in order to run away from the man. Yet he was there just laughing at her. She was huffing and frowning. It was amusing to see her expression. Before she got even angrier, Jason approached and took her by the shoulders. “Come, I know a place nearby.”
There was a burger place nearby. It was similar to the place where Batman bought two burgers the night he found Jason trying to steal the wheels of the Batmobil. He was surprised at the similarity to the moment now sitting in front of the girl.
“So… I’m Jason. What is your name?”
“Lina? That is an unusual name. Where do you live Lina” Jason asked as he took the first bite form his hamburger. He was staring at the girl that only looked down to see the really interesting spot on the floor.  “mmph… I see, so, you don’t have a home”
Before he decided it was a good idea to take her to the cops or authorities, Lina hurried to give an excuse, she wasn’t going to childcare or to some foster parents. “I’m staying at this old lady’s place. She allows me to stay if I do a little housekeeping.”
“What happened with your parents?”
“I… I used to live with my mom… but I got lost when I was 6 and since then I have lived here and there.”
Jason knew the story quite well. It was a shame that Gotham had so many of these kids living in the streets and susceptible of crime. “I see… listen Lina, the truth is that I need help. Maybe you can help me and in exchange, maybe I can help you.”
“How?” She meant on both questions. How was this man planning to help her and what would he possibly want from her?
“Well, I need information about a guy that is trying to get kids to do the dirty job of selling his garbage… if you help me get the information, I can help you find your mom.”
“I’ll help you, because you’ve been good to me. But I doubt you can find my mom… she’s never looked for me.” Lina was ashamed to admit that she was abandoned. She had never told her whole story to anyone, nor the old lady she lived with or her friends.
Jason stayed in silence. It was rare that a mother would not look for a lost child. He was intrigued by the case that found him. He waited for the girl to provide more information about her decision.
“I may know about the guy you look for. I was with a friend… Tom… trying to…” She made a pause, she was not ready to admit that they were eying a victim that they planned to rob “… to make a living…” it was enough for Jason to understand what they were trying to do. He just nodded inviting Lina to continue. “He came to us and offered a job. I asked him what kind of job. He wanted for us to go with him to a warehouse that is three blocks from here. I declined his job and told him that Tom and I get enough money from our parents and he left.”
This was the information he wanted to receive. Jason couldn’t find the shine gleaming in his eyes. “Do you remember how he looked like?”
“He was small; he looked like a rat, like an anxious rat. Thin blond hair, chubby face… I think his name has a Zole in it. He later talked to another friend, Eddie, and convinced him to sell his stuff.”
The case became interesting by the minute. Jason started to think that this girl was sent to help him. “What I am about to ask you… you don’t have to agree to do it or anything… but… it would help me a lot if you could get me a sample of the goods this Zole is selling.”
“Sure thing!”
Jason wanted to offer something to the girl, in exchange for the information. Not money because he wasn’t certain how this could benefit her. “Now, about your mom...”
“Mr. Jason, you don’t have to…”
“Drop the Mr. and I offer.  Now, how about you give me the details you remember and I check it with a database and find your mother?”
She sighted. For the last six years she had been convinced that her mother never looked for her. Perhaps it was a good riddance that she went out and got lost that august summer night.
Jason waited for her to say something about the story but she just look at him weary.  Lina just narrowed her eyes suspiciously “Are you one of those undercover cops?”
“No, I’m not. But my brother is a cop and he could grant me access to his database to look about your mother.” For a moment Jason saw the scared expression on her face “But don’t worry, I won’t tell him what I am looking form. Alright? You are safe with me.”
Noticing that she wouldn’t give him more information, Jason went back to the drugs case. “Now… how about we meet here next Friday at 4 to update your progress? You tell me about Eddie and Zole and I buy you a meal again…” He smiled seeing that the smile retuned to the girl’s face. He understood that if he wanted to know about the girl, he had to search for himself.
He removed her hair from her face with the excuse of not wanting her hair to fall in her burger. Yet he got what he wanted, a strand of hair to get her DNA and find her mother. He did it so casually that the girl didn’t notice.
When they finished their meal, they parted ways. “Ok. See you next Friday! Jason… and thank you for not arresting me!” before he changed his mind, Lina ran away as fast as she could.
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merakiaes · 5 years
Welcome To America - Bucky Barnes
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Requested: Yes
Warnings/notes: Some Bucky fluff for anon! You said I could choose the Avenger myself so I hope it’s alright I chose Bucky even though he’s basically not an Avenger. And seeing as I’m Swedish, I hope it’s alright that I made the reader in this Swedish because I don’t know anything about other cultures. I hope you like it!
Wordcount: 1571
Summary: Reader is Swedish and new to America and find the things they do really strange, you share some of your Swedish culture with Bucky
Americans were weird, that much you had been able to determine during the three weeks you had been living in the country.
You had been in America several times before you actually moved there full time, helping S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers out on several cases with your skill in combat, much like Natasha’s, along with building a relationship with the one and only Bucky Barnes.
But during those times you hadn’t been there for longer than a few days at a time and had never really taken the time to think about Americans’ habits. But now, thanks to yours and Bucky’s relationship taking another step, you had moved there for good.
You had first noticed how different their culture was from yours when you suggested taking Peter to a pub on his eighteenth birthday. Apparently, he couldn’t go out drinking until he was twenty-one, whereas where you came from, you could buy alcohol at a club or pub when you were eighteen.
The second thing you noticed being different was the dinner-times. You usually had dinner between three and five in the afternoon in Sweden, but dinner in America, at least with the Avengers, most of the times weren’t until seven or eight.
There was cars and subways everywhere, literally everywhere. Where you came from, you only took train or cab when you were going a long way, otherwise taking a bicycle most places. But here? You called an uber even when you were only a minute’s walk away from your destination.
And their food. It was good, sure. But it was so damn unhealthy. Hamburgers, cheesy pizza, KFC, and not to speak about pancakes for breakfast. All you wanted was a sandwich with liverwurst or Kalle’s caviar. Was that really too much to ask?
Apparently, it was, as the team had more or less thrown up in their mouths at the taste of two of your favourite things in the world and banned them from ever being in the refrigerator again.
But there were things that were better in America, as well, one of them being that the stores were open for longer during the nights. That’s where you found yourself now. It was almost midnight. At home, the stores would’ve closed already three hours ago, but not here.
You were just coming home from the grocery store with Bucky after getting the necessities you would be needing for the midnight snack you had woken up craving. Bucky, ever the gentleman, had gotten up with you and come with you, and was now walking ahead at you with the bags in his arms.
As you stepped out of the elevator, you stomped your feet on the mat softly to rid them of any dirt and by that avoiding bringing the dirt with you further into the room. Taking a few steps further into the room, you then stepped out of your shoes, putting them to the side.
Bucky, already having put the bags on the kitchen counter, leaned against the wall and watched you with a small, amused smile, his arms crossed over his chest.
“What are you doing, (Y/N)?” He asked then, causing you to jump slightly and stop in your tracks where you were moving your shoes.
“Uh-“ You hesitated, looking between him and the shoes. “Taking my shoes off?”
“You’ve been here more times than I can count, and you’ve lived here for three weeks now, and you still haven’t learned that you don’t have to take your shoes off.” He chuckled, shaking his head.
You scoffed at that, leaving your shoes by the door where you would have left them at home and walked into the room. “I would’ve gotten yelled at by my mom if I walked inside with my shoes on at home.”
“Well…” Bucky said, coming up behind you to put his arms around you as you reached the kitchen counter and started unpacking the bags. “It’s a good thing I’m not your mom, then, huh?”
You smiled softly as you felt him kiss your shoulder. “Still, the floors get dirty.”
“We have people for that.”
“It’s still rude to make it dirtier than it has to be.”
Bucky chuckled tiredly, leaving one last kiss on your neck before letting go of your waist and moving to your side where he started unpacking the second bag with snacks and groceries. “Things seem to be pretty different where you’re from.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” You shook your head.
“Well, why don’t you tell me about it? I doubt we’ll be able to fall asleep again anytime soon once we’ve eaten.” Bucky shrugged.
Glancing at the man beside you, you offered him an excited smile. “What do you want to know?”
Bucky thought for a moment, humming under his breath. “Do you celebrate Christmas?”
You nodded your head. “Of course.”
“Valentine’s Day?”
“Uh, no, actually.”
Bucky’s head turned to you at that, eyebrows shooting up. “You don’t? But what about the turkey?”
You let out a laugh. “Well, Thanksgiving doesn’t own the turkey. We still eat it, just not on any particular holiday.”
“What more holidays do you celebrate then?”
“Uh…” You thought for a while, while unpacking a bag of apples. “Midsummer. I think we’re the only ones who actually celebrate that Holiday.”
“I’ve never hear of that one before. What is it?”
“Well, traditionally, Midsummer was celebrated on June twenty-fourth, the feast day of St. John the Baptist. It used to be considered a time of magic, where anything nature-related was thought to have special powers. Gathering flowers to weave into wreaths and crowns was a way to harness nature’s magic to ensure good health throughout the year. It also used to be extended to the realm of romance. It was said that, for unmarried girls, if you picked seven types of flowers and slept with them under your pillow, you would dream about your future husband. Not many people are aware of the magical origins of the tradition nowadays, but we still follow the traditions for the most part. The flower crowns for example, those are a must. And we dress up a big pole in leaves and flowers and dance around it while singing about frogs.”
Bucky raised his eyebrows at that, looking at you with a doubtful expression. “Are you serious? That’s really a thing?”
You laughed. “I know it might seem silly, but it’s really fun. And the food is amazing. Swedish meatballs, herring, fermented Baltic herring, new potatoes and egg halves with caviar and shrimp. That’s the good stuff, as opposed to all of the shitty fast food restaurants you’ve got here in the US.”
“Hey.” Bucky protested, his hand coming to rest on his chest in a feign-hurt manner. “I don’t like those restaurants, either. I prefer real food, although I’m not sure I would count stinky fish as real food.”
You hit his arm, giving him a teasing smile. “You better stop insulting my country’s traditions, or I’ll make you eat a whole can of fermented Baltic herring next year.”
“I’m not even sure what it is, but it doesn’t sound pleasant so please don’t.” Bucky wrinkled his nose at that, going back to cutting the apples you had handed him some time during your conversations.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” You agreed. “Not even half of the population back home wants to go near it, so I would imagine an American like yourself wouldn’t even be able to be in the same room as an open can.”
You felt a small grin rise on your lips at the thought, finding it rather amusing. Bucky hummed then, wiping his wet fingers on his leg before turning you towards him and pulling you closer to his chest. Looking down at you, he offered you a warn smile, lowering his head to peck your lips carefully.
“I think I’ll stick with the hamburgers for now.” He agreed.
You could only smile, thinking about how happy you were to have a boyfriend like Bucky, who would gladly sit and listen to you rant on about your country and its traditions. God knew there wasn’t many men like that left in the world as they lost their manners more and more for every generation.
You watched as Bucky turned his head back to the counter then, without letting  you go, and as he picked up a piece of apple and brought it to your mouth, poking it to your lips in an attempt to get you to open up.
As you laughed at the small action, he took that to his advantage and pushed the small piece of fruit inside your mouth. You bit it off about halfway, watching as he put the second piece into his own mouth. The simple action of affection made a bright smile rise to your lips, and with your hands you brought him in for a sweet kiss.  
Bucky hummed; his lips still slightly wet from the fruit as they pressed against yours. “I love you.” He mumbled, the words coming out muffled against your lips.
You smiled, pulling apart briefly so that you could answer: “I love you, too. Thank you for coming with me to the store.”
Bucky smiled a warm smile, his eyes crinkling in the corners as they looked down at you. “Anything for you sweetheart.” He mumbled, before pulling you in for another fruity kiss.
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Part 1
The only reason Denki got out of his school-issued bed this morning was thanks to the ever-handy alarm vibrating itself off of his bedside table and onto the floor, making itself out of reach.
He shivered when his foot hit the cold wooden floor, making him even colder. The blond picked up his phone and glanced at the time.
3:00 am
Denki stretched his arms up arching his back. Satisfied with now awake muscles, he headed to his bathroom.
He showered and brushed his teeth. His blond hair was now held back by some clips. Gone were his pajamas, replaced by an old t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and some shorts.
If you asked anybody in his class, they would say that his room is probably not cleaned, that it would be the epitome of a teenaged boys living space.
But that isn't the case with Kaminari. He like to keep everything nice and organized. Shelves for his books, yes he reads, more than you would think, fairy lights were pinned against the walls, just below the ceiling.
He likes order and the peace that comes with it.
Denki started his routine, a deep stretch to start off the day, first warmup the arms, the the legs and after his stretching finished it was 4:30.
He opened the door to his dorm room slowly, like normal. He would never forgive himself if he woke up a classmate at these ungodly hours of the morning.
He wandered down the hall and entered the stairwell.
Never skip leg day, he thought to himself, bouncing down the steps.
On the usual days, the common room and kitchen are empty. Sometimes the occasional Tokoyami or the resident embodiment of IcyHot. Or the insomniacs that spend all night in the common space, mainly Midoriya or Shinsou. He had always managed to slip by his classmates unnoticed.
But today it was just him by his lonesome. The large space was dark, the only light source was from the light pole outside.
Denki strolled over to the kitchen area. Today they had hero training which allowed him a small breakfast. He settled on a boiled egg. 90 cal, leaving 110 for dinner. He didn't eat lunch.
He ate in small bites, taking too long to chew each piece. Finishing his meal, Denki headed to the door, grabbing his running shoes and putting them on before leaving the building.
Things were hard the first few weeks of living here. He had to readjust his schedule to fit within the curfew the school enforced.
He couldn't leave any earlier 5 in the morning and 11 at night. It threw his running off for a while, him being used to midnight runs to burn off the stubborn fat that seemed to pile up in his thighs and stomach.
His run lasted 30 minutes, like always and he slipped back into the dorms. This time the commons was occupied by another, Iida Tenya.
He usually was back in his room before anyone else began their morning exercise, so Denki walked quietly, trying to avoid confrontation with the boy.
But like everything else in his life, he failed.
"K-kaminari! You frightened me. What are you doing this early?"
He froze. So far he's been able to keep up his "I'm lazy and never put effort into anything" facade. It's made it so much easier to keep attention off himself.
Think Denki.
He looked over at the class president and smiled, "Oh hey class prez! I was takin some pics of the sun rise for my insta! It's hella pretty, you should check it out." He said with a cheery voice then waved at the boy and left as fast as he could.
I hate talking to people, he thought.
Once back in the safety of his room he fetched a fresh school uniform and jumped in the shower, taking extra time to scrub his skin raw.
Now 6:45, he had an hour until he had to head to class.
He finished his homework from the night before, then plopped down on his bed and spent the remained of his morning scrolling through his tumblr feed, rebloging some thinspo he liked and some workout routines.
At 7:55 he left his room, knowing he was going to be late. But he doesn't care. He never paid any attention in class anyway.
Denki walked alone to class, and entered a few minutes after the bell rang.
Everyone paused and looked at him, today is so not going to be good.
With a blank stare he looked at his homeroom teacher. "Sorry Aizawa-sensei, I didn't wake up on time." And lazily walked to his desk and sat down.
Fuck. I shouldn't of eaten breakfast.
The day passes by without any other hiccups, so when the bell rang signaling that lunch had started, Denki felt a little better than he had earlier.
Kirishima walk up to the blonde like normal.
"Hey Kami, you ready to head out? Mina's gonna go with Bakugo to review for the quiz next period." He smiled at the boy and scratched his neck.
"Dude I totally forgot about that. Ugh I'll just wing it, ya know?" He flashed a brighter, faker, smile at the red head.
And with that the two boys left the room and made their way to the cafeteria. Denki walked to their table and saw Sero already seated and eating.
Denki sat in front of him and took his phone out, opening tumblr and scrolled through his dashboard.
After a few days minutes, Kirishima joined them with his lunch. Today was American style food, and Kirishima got a hamburger with fries.
Denki's mouth watered at the sight of the food until the smell hit him, making his stomach growl loud, but still quiet enough to be hidden by the noise of the room.
He grabbed his water bottle out of his bag and chugged the whole thing.
"Damn Kami, thirsty much?" Kirishima laughed at the boy. But Denki was to distracted by the rumble inside him. The want, the need to eat.
He opened the Google app on his phone and searched for calories in a hamburger.
354 calories, 154 over my limit.
Your fucking disgusting, Kaminari. You don't deserve that many calories. Such a waste.
Denki could feel this breath picking up. His surroundings blurred and his focus was on one thing.
Shit, why did I eat this morning? He thought. He looked at his wrists, they were so small and fragile in his uniform. He reached his hand to his collarbone and dragged his hand along the protruding bone. It felt so good.
But never good enough.
He thought that if he were to touch his thighs, he'd puke. So he settled for just looking.
He saw how much space they took up.
He saw how they touched when he sat down.
How disgusting.
He jumped when a hand was put on his shoulder. He looked at the appendage with shakey eyes. Kirishima.
"Hey bro are you okay? I've been calling your name for a while. You look pale, are you sick?" Denki saw. The furrowed brows, the worry in his eyes, the hesitation in his voice.
Denki stood up. And gathered his stuff.
"Tell sensei I don't feel good, I'm going to my room." The blonde said, then he ran out of the seeming even louder room.
He ran down the stairs to the first floor, breath wild, tunnel vision setting in. He ran past Bakugo and Mina, who finished their tutoring.
He reached the dorms and kicked his shoes off, not bothering to put them in their spot properly.
He didn't even remember the trip up to his room, doesn't remember locking the door behind him. He doesn't know how he ended up emptying his already empty stomach in the toilet.
He just remember the egg.
That's how the boy found himself a few hours later, passed out on the bathroom floor, the smell of bile still hanging in the air.
He got up of the floor and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was out of place from sleeping, but the bags under his eyes would speak for the quality of his rest.
He exited the bathroom and groggily walked into his dark room. He fetched his phone from his school bag and checked the time.
3:50 PM
That meant his classmates were done with classes and heading to the building, since hero training always ran late.
Speaking of training since he wasn't in class and couldn't participate, Denki still needed to burn off the calories from this morning.
It had been a while since he had worked out on his own, since hero class satisfied most of his exercise cravings. He scrambled through his desk got a bit before he found the paper.
There were 3 levels of routine he had written. The first was a light workout, the second was his previous daily one and the third was a super intense routine.
He decided on the latter.
He stretched for a warm up and began his workout.
Arms, abs, and legs he all work, pushing his body to the max and then some.
You need to work harder. You lazy piece of shit.
He drank more water, getting ready to repeat the list again when he heard a knock at his door.
"Go away. I don't want to talk to anyone." Denki thought. But the knocking persisted. He wiped his mouth and tried to collect his breathing.
He opened the door to the class president.
"Kaminari! I hope you are feeling better, Kirishima told us you felt ill? Please do take better care of yourself." The boy spouted.
He was too tired to be happy. How could he get through this?
"I'm sorry, Iida. I just need some rest and I'll be better." Denki said with blank eyes. He motioned to close the door but was stopped.
"You should talk to Kirishima, he's really worried about you." Iida adds. And with that the blue haired boy left.
Denki closed the door and returned to his exercise. Yeah right. Like someone as cool as Kirishima would worry about him.
When 6 rolled around, Denki ignored his phone when it lit up, indicating a new notification.
He knew it was the class group chat telling everyone that dinner was ready and that everyone should head to the commons.
Instead, the blond changed into a pair of loose sweatpants, which at this point everything was baggy on him and switched off all his lights.
Might as well go to sleep early, not like anyone needs me.
Something was wrong with Kaminari Denki.
Or that's what Kirishima had come to conclude.
These last few weeks of living in the dorms he had noticed a difference in his friend, but couldn't quite figure it out yet.
At first, he chalked it up to living in a new space, with 19 new neighbors. Everyone was a little apprehensive at first. But everyone had gotten used to the changes throughout the first 2 weeks.
But what happened during lunch was new. It was as if Kaminari was a different person.
But the thing Kirishima hated the most was the expression on his friends face.
He looked so...
Something is wrong with his best friend and he'll figure it out.
The question is whether he makes it in time.
I cant. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't.
His mouth tasted like old medicine and his stomach felt heavy. Already were tears bubbling in his eyes, threatening to break the tension and pour hot tears down his face.
Immediately he made way to the bathroom, delivering dry heaves into the toilet.
His limbs pinned him to the floor, like weights. His mind was too clouded to think or move. The only thing he could register before passing out was the tears spilling down his cheeks and rolled down his face with gravity.
The first thing he remembered when he woke up was that there was classes today.
Denki forces himself off the floor and back into his bedroom, a quick glance at his clock telling him it was well into the day, morning classes would be over soon.
"Fuck it I'll go to the afternoon classes then." He mutters. He throws on his uniform, reaching for his phone only to see the thing is dead.
Denki decided to just leave the phone and heads out.
He gets to the main building when the lunch bell rings, allowing hungry students to flood the halls. The blond waits outside for a bit to let the hallways clear out before starting his trip to the 1-A classroom.
Pleased to find the room empty, he takes his seat and decides to sleep until lunch was over.
In the quiet of the room, you could hear grumbling, a plea.
It's okay, he's not hungry.
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metalchickaf19 · 5 years
The Bowers Gang: Ship #13 - Belch Huggins
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Request: Hi, how are you? I'd requested a ship before but it probably got lost so I'll re-send it 😊 I'm a 5'6 very skinny girl with hair half black half green. I never leave my house without eyeliner on and my headphones. I make mistakes speaking english cause my og language is spanish so I'm a bit shy when I first meet people but once you get to know me I'm really outgoing and I joke a lot. I'm kinda dirty minded but I tend to get embarrassed when they joke about it and my face goes all red +  like painting on my clothes, mostly on my jeans. I love music as well, can't spend a day without listening to anything at all. I enjoy eating and I do so perhaps more often than necessary, my favorite foods are hamburgers and whatever my mom makes. I like to sing and dance tho I'm not very good at that last one. I also can't be mean to people even tho they've told me I look intimidating (but I don't think so haha) but I don't take any bullshit from anyone. Thank you so much in advance💜
Okay, one thing needs to be said right off the bat: 
You choosing to hook up with Belch was an unprecedented win for him, and it’s kind of the greatest thing ever
Belch, Victor, and Patrick had a legit dog-fight when it came to who would get with you first, and do you know what Belch thought his odds were of winning that dog-fight?
- 5. He thought he had - 5 chances of winning you.
But, by some miracle, you ended up selecting our lovable teddy bear in the end, and now get to thrive off of his goofish ways 
* Good choice, just so you know - Belch is largely underappreciated by the women-folk, and they have no idea what they’re missing *
Hockstetter still tries to get in your pants on a regular basis, of course (dog-fights never end for literal dogs), but hey, it’s a fairly grope-free life for the most part
*Annoying, fairly immediate side-note*
Henry originally rejected you on the basis of your race (so many ignorant comments hurled from across the halls), but was basically forced to “accept” you into the group when all the rest of the guys developed an interest in you apart from him
... Seriously, it was kind of hilarious - Bowers was left to stand alone on his little island of hate for once, and none of the other guys would give him the time of day about it  
Got used to you being around the gang pretty quickly in the end though, because Henry’s level of racism (at least, where girls are concerned) is completely dependent upon whether or not he finds a person hot
And he knows damn well he thinks you’re easy on the eyes 
We’ll keep that little tidbit on the DL for now, though - wouldn’t want the citizens of Derry to know that Henry Bowers isn’t too skilled at genuine intolerance, now would we?
*Annoying, fairly immediate side-note over*
All the guys have a running joke that you’re a witch, because hair color choices 
Yes, Patrick was the first one to bring it up, and then it spread to the rest of the group - if you want to massacre someone over it, massacre him (please do it, I beg you)
Belch sometimes asks you to paint band logos on his T-shirts (mostly Slayer and Black Sabbath)
In return, has taken a pair of your jeans on two separate occasions to try and paint something special on them for you
... It did not turn out well in either case 
One pair got ruined when he spilled his dirty paintbrush water all over the backside (tried to give them back to you saying they were “tie-dyed”)...
... and the other pair got stolen by Patrick, who wrote “Property of The Bowers Gang” on the waistband in bright red sharpie 
That pair (the pair that was desecrated by Hockstetter) just so happened to be your favorite pair of jeans
... Meaning Belch didn’t want to tell you what Patrick had done to them for a long time
... Meaning, whenever you wore them, you walked around with “Property of the Bowers Gang” on your butt without knowing it until Patrick saw you wear that pair to school one day and d i e d
D i e d in the middle of the Derry high school upper-floor hallway
Remains one of Hockstetter’s favorite moments to this day, and we all hate him for it
Please don’t blame Belch, though; he just wanted to show his love through artistry 
Finds it friggin’ adorable whenever you mess up your English, to the point of having to verbalize his feelings in some way every time it happens (You: “*Flubs a word in the middle of your sentence*” Belch: *Trying to hold in his love for you, and ultimately failing* “... Awwww, baaabe.” *Gargantuan head-kiss followed by delighted Huggins chuckle*)  
... Patrick and Henry make fun of you about it like nobody’s business though
You knew this was coming - please don’t come for me
Every time you mess up your English in front of them, you hear a new illegal immigration joke (”You sure you’re where you belong, sweetie? ‘Cause I think I’m hearin’ more taco than bald eagle right about now.” *Ultra-annoying Hockstetter cackle followed by ultra-obnoxious Bowers chuckle*)
Yeah...have fun with that wear on your psyche
Alright, now gurl - you know you’re in the right place if eating is an activity you enjoy 
Welcome to a relationship with Belch Huggins, where food is the only thing you love as much as you love each other, if not more 
Belch has been over to your house many times for dinner, because he straight-up loves your Mom’s cooking 
Always shows up early to help in the kitchen, and always stays late to help clear the dishes afterwards (aka: your Mom loves him)
Pretty much down for anything (you’ve seen him slurp oysters like an all-out beast), but fishes for an invitation hardcore when he knows your Mom will be making traditional spanish cuisine for that night’s meal
Huggins loves that mess
... To the point where he once got caught spooning fried rice into a little tupperware container he snuck in with him, but please don’t hold it against him 
Belch just saw a lot of good food, and had no concept of the “to go” plate 
Once a week, you guys go on a date to a restaurant you haven’t been to before - your goal is to try every restaurant in town 
You both basically order the same things everywhere you go (some variation of burgers and/or chicken tenders), but it’s given you reason to explore new parts of Derry, so yay 
*Nice, emotionally poignant side-note*
Victor harbors a huge crush on you from the very beginning of your relationship (i.e. le dog-fight)
Would never act on it (because he truly loves Belch), but tends to make it obvious by accident with his soft boi eyes
Often steals glances at you within the group
Like Belch, thinks it’s sooo cute whenever you mess up your English, and sometimes tries to make it happen in the classes you share together (asks you to read him the questions off of worksheets, asks you to read him certain passages from your book that he knows have difficult words, etc.)
But again - purely in the interest of satisfying his craving from afar
Criss will look at you with googly eyes forever, but he shall never touch you because gentleman 
*Nice, emotionally poignant side-note over*
All the guys love it whenever you get angry at someone, because you sometimes start yelling at them in “spanglish”
Patrick always makes a crack about it (he’s the one you’re yelling at most of the time, and we’re not at all surprised), but it literally turns all of them on faster than a special-edition Playboy 
Have fun knowing you hold that much power over them through your choice of words alone 
Also Belch asks you to sing for him sometimes when you’re alone together 
Primarily when he’s had a rough day, and just wants to drift off to sleep - he loves it even more when it’s a song in your original language 
Rub his back while you do it, and you’ll be repaid ten-fold in Huggins’ sweetness the next day, I promise you 
Overall, a very cute relationship that works well with the rest of the group
Kind of intimidating that 3 out of the 4 guys high-key want to fuck you, but hey, some people would consider you lucky 
It’s me. I consider you lucky.
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The Murderess from the Grunewald (27): Preparing for War (3a): "The Monster in the Petticoat" (1)
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“Hamburg / Alster” by StephanieAlbert 
Six months ago. One day after Jamie's fourth Attorney’s visit to Claire in prison.
         It was exactly 8:00 the next morning when Jamie arrived at the office. Tessa Lüttgenjohann greeted him and then asked:
        "Oh yes, will you make me a whole pot?"
        "It's almost ready. I'll bring it right away."
        A few minutes after Jamie took off his jacket and made himself comfortable at his desk, Tessa brought the promised coffee.
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“Kaffee” by  Luiz-Jorge-Artista
        "You're remembering having a conference call with Prof. Dr. Nerz at 10:30?"
        "Yes, but could you please remind me at 10:15?"
        "Sure. Is there anything else you need?"
        "No. But I don't want to be disturbed until then. I still have to work on an urgent contract. Please block the whole morning for calls, etc. And please register a visit to client Beauchamp at the correctional facility for tomorrow morning. I need to discuss important documents with her."
        "Will be done. Would 9.00 a.m. be ok?"
        "Yes, or does it collide with other appointments?"
        "No. I distributed your other mandates as you had ordered."
        "Good. I have to devote myself entirely to this matter. That is an absolute priority right now. Thank you.”
        Jamie nodded and signaled that the talk was over.
        Tessa also nodded and as she walked out, she wondered if in all the years she was working for “Fraser, Gowan & Coll.” she had ever heard such a sentence from James Fraser's mouth: 'I have to devote myself entirely to this matter. That is an absolute priority right now. Thank you.’? Tessa doubted it. James Fraser, as long as she knew him, was an attentive, conscientious, hard worker when it came to his mandates. He always showed 'full commitment' to clients and the passion with which he pursued his profession made him a boss for whom people liked to work. But since he devoted himself to the 'Beauchamp case', he seemed to work even more intensively and passionately than usual.
        Jamie poured coffee into his cup and began to work on the contract between Dr. Claire Elisabeth Beauchamp and the editor-in-chief of the ‘U-Turn-Magazine’. The work was relatively easy for him, as he had already negotiated and sealed similar contracts in the past.
        When Tessa Lüttgenjohann knocked on his office door at 10.15 a.m. and reminded him of the video conference, he was already able to give her his first handwritten draft. Then he went to the toilet. Back in his office, he looked into the mirror hanging inside his wardrobe, combed his hair, straightened his tie, pulled over his jacket and sat down at his desk. Jamie had already opened the page for the video conference and punctually at 10:30 a.m. he heard the signal that announced the call from Prof. Dr. Nerz's office.
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“Monitor” by Free-Photos
         "Good morning, Professor Nerz," Jamie greeted the lawyer on the other side of the video transmission.
          "Good morning, Dr. Fraser," Nerz replied, wearing his characteristic golden glasses and his well-kept beard. Behind him, a shelf wall made of expensive wood could be seen, which was decorated from top to bottom with folios bound in leather. For a moment, Jamie wondered whether this shelf wall was in Nerz's office or in his firm's library.
          "Thank you for agreeing so quickly to advise me."
          "Thank you for putting confidence in our firm," Nerz replied. After the first ice had broken, the Hamburg specialist for media law immediately turned his attention to the matter at hand:
          "I read the dossier on Dr. Beauchamp's case, which your secretary sent in advance. And I share your conviction that the case has the potential to be inflated by the media."
          Jamie nodded. He had expected Prof. Nerz to confirm his fears. 
          "What do you think if we take a look at the first case in the history of Europe in which the media played a decisive role? We can then draw conclusions from this for the case of Dr. Beauchamp."
          "Gladly," Jamie said and nodded again.
          "Does the case of Violette Nozière mean anything to you?"
          "The name sounds familiar to me, but ..."
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“Bücher” by JackPierce
         "Good. It's 1933 and we're in France. The world is full of crises. In Germany Hitler has seized power and you can literally smell that a war is coming. This is a good time for the newspapers because, in addition to information on world political events, people want to read more and more stories that distract them from these crises. A murder case shocks the Parisian society and, as a result, the whole of France. It is the so-called case of the "Monster in the Petticoat" and should become the most sensational case of the 30s.         The accused, Violette Nozière, grew up in the Rue de Madagascar in the 12th Arrondissement. Her father was Jean-Baptiste Nozière, who worked as a locomotive driver for the PLM railway company. Her mother is Germaine Nozière, now a housewife. Although her parents only come from the middle class, they try to give their daughter the best possible education. She is allowed to visit the famous Lycée Fénelon. This is expensive and not usual for a child from this class. However, the reports of that time show that the young woman preferred to spend her time with other young people in cafés rather than in school. She is also said to have had several friends, or rather lovers. It is also said that to finance her lifestyle, she stole money and other things from her parents and possibly other people.
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”Violette Nozière” by Agence de presse Meurisse [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons
         The family lives in a small, narrow apartment with only two rooms. Over time, tensions are said to have increased, leading to disputes, threats or blackmail. On August 23, 1933, Jean-Baptist Nozière and his wife were finally found lifeless in their apartment. Jean-Baptiste is dead, his wife is still breathing and can be rescued. The police investigate and after a week Violette Nozière is accused of murdering her father and mother. She is said to have intended to murder her parents with poison. She succeeded with her father and failed with her mother.           French society at this time is marked by the civil code, the Code civil, also known as Code Napoléon. And according to this code, the father is the pillar of the civil order. Imagine what a patricide means in such a society! Patricide is the worst of all crimes. And the crime was committed by a woman who is also the child. What a scandal!           But in the beginning, little is known and the newspapers can only report that two lifeless bodies were found in Rue de Madagascar. Violette Nozière is only mentioned as a daughter. Everything else is unclear. It could also have been a suicide. But then it comes to an interesting incident. When Germaine Nozière has recovered from the consequences of the poisoning in the hospital, the investigating police officer wants to confront the daughter with her mother. But Violette Nozière flees. And of course, that makes her very suspicious.           And now the bloodhound instinct of press is in full mode. Because, as I said, we have all the ingredients for a real scandal. And then, as now, there is this mantra of the press: If there are no interesting stories, one has to be found and made up. Violette Nozière is accused and the police search for her. And journalists who crave for sensations 'support' the police by also searching for her.           At that time, the press in Paris consisted of the so-called 'Four Big One’s’. These included 'Le Journal', 'Le Petit Parisien', 'Le Matin' and 'Le Petit Journal'. But in 1930 Jean Prouvost took over the newspaper 'Paris-Soir' and this changed the Parisian press landscape permanently. To stabilize the crisis-ridden newspaper financially, he increasingly relied on the printing of photographs. That was something that had been practiced in America for quite some time. And in 1931 he wrote media history with it. The paper published a total of nine photos on the title page. It is assumed that this 'Americanization' of the newspaper, as it was called, the use of the photos and also introduced large, shocking headlines, contributed significantly to its success. When Prouvost took over the newspaper, it had a circulation of 700,000 copies. He was supported by the well-known journalist Pierre Lazareff. And the success seems to prove the two men right. You know how it is, Dr. Fraser?"
          Jamie, looked astonished at his counterpart because he was still thinking about Nerz's historical lecture.
          "What do you mean?
          "Well, you know, Dr. Fraser, how the saying goes: “Numbers reflect success and those who have success are right," Professor Nerz said with a smile.
          "Oh yes, of course," Jamie replied with a clearly audible ironic undertone.
          "By 1937 the circulation of the "Paris-Soir" is increased to 1.8 million copies. This number should then increase again to almost 2.5 million copies. That was shortly before the German occupation of Paris started in June 1940. Photography had been known since the beginning of the century, but newspapers in Europe were still skeptical about it. This was to change with the "Paris-Soir". The journalists at the  "Paris-Soir" were of the opinion that readers should not only be provided with information for reading but also with pictures to look at. And of course, in the case of Violette Nozière, the readers also had the wish to 'see something'. Historians, lawyers, and media experts agree that this case also had a very voyeuristic component.
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“Journal Le Petit Parisien, édition du 2 septembre 1933″ via Wikimedia Commons
         And here we come to an application to our case: Like Violette Nozière, your client is also a very beautiful woman. That, in any case, is what I see in the picture that you sent me together with the dossier. And she is younger than the victim. One cannot say that the murdered man, Dr. Randall, could have been her father, but ... such things fuel the voyeurism of the masses. We won't be able to prevent the media from taking pictures of your client each day of trial. Even in the case of Erich Honecker, who was severely sick, the court wasn’t able to prevent it. However, we can attack any other picture report. But we should talk about this in detail later.           Let us come back to Violette Nozière's story. She was arrested on August 28, 1933, in Paris and in the "Paris Soir" illustrates the report about her arrest with a whole series of pictures. This gives readers the impression that the newspaper is very close to the real events. And, of course, these pictures help to reinforce the dark impression, that the public has about Violette Nozière. And so the verdict is pronounced before the accused has even entered a courtroom! Now other newspapers and magazines too publish more detailed reports - and with pictures! They report about the case and - call the accused a poisoner. Some newspapers draw a historical line from the well-known poison murderers of French history up to the year 1933, thus reinforcing the impression that the accused must be a treacherous criminal.           You shouldn't be surprised if anyone writes such crap about your client. With historical comparisons, the columns of the newspapers can be filled splendidly, if one knows nothing else to say about the case.         Historians and lawyers also agree that the Violette Nozière case was the first case in media history in which a defendant was literally hunted. Cases such as the one in Paris in 1933 are the stuff from which serial stories are made of. Murder, sex, mysterious rumors and surprising twists in a criminal case, that's what a serial story needs. And it's exactly these serial stories that give the papers the big money because they bind the readers and make them buy one issue after another. And that's it what most media are all about: money. I think we agree on that.” 
         Jamie nodded approvingly.
         “The reader,” Nerz went on, “thinks that it is information that is brought to him. But basically, reporting on such a case is nothing but a pure money machine for most newspapers. The whole story is split into many small parts, which are then fed to the reader piece by piece. For cash, of course!          That, Dr. Fraser, won't be any different in the case of your client. If Dr. Beauchamp's case causes the nation-wide sensation that we expect, then we have to assign at least one full-time person to look through the media reports daily and check for violations of the law. We might even need two people to do it."
         "Whatever you need, Professor Nerz, use it. You don't have to worry about the costs. Our law firm will take care of that."
         "Good. If you don't mind, I'll send you the draft of a contract, which we can talk about later this week."
         Jamie nodded again.  
         "Let's go back to Violette Nozière. As I said before, the political situation, the world economic crisis, led people to look for entertainment, for distraction. And the media was only too happy to offer people this distraction, or rather to sell it. Basically, we are dealing here with a kind of movement that we also know from the Biedermeier era. The time of the Biedermeier era, the time after the liberation wars against Napoleon and after the Congress of Vienna was characterized by a retreat of the middle class into the private sphere. Personal security and private happiness were the top priorities for these people. And it was similar in 1933. As in the Biedermeier era, the focus of people here was more on the inside. That is why the interest in her case was so huge. Personal stories, such as the one of Violette Nozière's, seemed to be closer to the life of the common people than the reports about political or economic issues. Political or economic processes were decided somewhere far away from the people. And no ordinary person could fully understand these things, let alone influence them.          And so this ‘serial story reporting’ in words and pictures, if I may call it that, for the first time gave the people the illusion, that there was something evil, but that one could control this evil. Media fulfilled this human need, which combined horror with subsequent reassurance. And the people were willing to pay princely for it. Today it's no different, only the nature and number of media has changed. Do you watch television?
          "Not very often..."
          Nerz smiled.
          "Good for you. Nevertheless, if you look at television, what are the three most common types of programs that are offered? What would you say?
          Jamie thought for a moment and went through last week's television program in his mind. Then he said:
          "Crime movies, comedy, satirical shows, and... well, everything you'd call 'heart-pain' movies."
          "Exactly," Nerz replied with a smile. Then he continued:  
          "The situation is still the same. In view of today's crises - an impending war in the Middle East that could set the whole region on fire, the economic upheavals in Europe and the world as a whole, the ecological crisis - the majority of people are turning back to the private sphere. Comedies are the answer to people's need for distraction. Did you know that between 1815 and 1830 almost 300 comedies were premiered in the Schauspielhaus Berlin alone, but only 56 tragedies?
          Jamie, who had listened to Nerz with growing attention, shook his head.
          "No, but that's interesting."
          "You addressed the satirical programs on television."
          Jamie nodded once more.
          "Did you notice that some of the best-known broadcasts in this format started after the 2008 financial crisis and that since the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, others have expanded their slots?
          Nerz nodded and Jamie made a mental note to check this information. His counterpart continued:
          "As I said, the way in which criminal cases are reported and how they are portrayed in films can make the viewer feel as if evil is controllable. It's a kind of 'wash my fur but don't make me wet' mentality behind it. You can enjoy the gruesome horror of the deed, but in the end, everything is fine again because the perpetrator is caught and sentenced. If the world out there is already in shards, here with us everything remains in order! ‘Crime and Comedy' are a great way to close your eyes to the real problems of reality. Either you have something to be upset about or you have something to laugh about. I am not saying that the desire for distraction is not legitimate, nor am I saying that the media do not have the right to meet this need for distraction. But I also say that people can be manipulated through their needs. And when, in order to do this - and to make money with it - the fate of our clients is used, the red line is already crossed. That is why we will sue everyone, and if necessary we will go as far as the European Court of Human Rights, which wants to abuse your client's case as an 'egg-laying woolly sow'. You have me all on your side, Dr. Fraser."
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Thank you for reading. Next time, read: “ The Murderess from the Grunewald (28): Preparations for War (3b): "The Monster in the Petticoat" (2)
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beatlejuice64 · 5 years
Destiel: Season 5 - A catalog of Supernatural episodes
A catalog of each episode in Supernatural that features scenes related to Destiel. This includes scenes between Dean and Castiel, scenes with other characters that address their relationship with each other, and scenes that allude to Dean’s bisexuality.
Season 5 Summary Analysis:
Castiel is frustrated that his rebellion against heaven to help Dean ended in failure. He spends time with Dean while Sam is away and they become close friends. Cas develops a strong respect and affinity for Dean, and he resents that Dean gives in to his fate after trying so hard to help prevent it from happening. Cas takes Dean’s resignation as a personal slight and acts like a spurned lover. Throughout the season, Dean exhibits slightly homophobic behavior, especially with regard to Cas. 
My interpretation: Cas has developed unrequited romantic feelings for Dean. Dean cannot reciprocate because he’s still closeted about his bisexuality, and he’s hyper focused on saving the world, not on his personal happiness.
5.01 Sympathy for the Devil 
Dean is bummed to find out Cas was killed by an archangel: “Cas, you stupid bastard.” 
Cas comes back and saves Sam and Dean from Zachariah, marking their ribs so that they’re hidden from angels. Dean is pleasantly surprised to see Cas again.
5.02 Good God, Y’all! 
Cas is back with renewed vigor because he feels like God is on his side. Cas is frustrated that Dean failed to stop Sam from raising Lucifer: “I killed two angels this week, my brothers. I’m hunted. I rebelled, and I did it—ALL of it—for you. And you failed. You and your brother destroyed the world, and I lost everything for nothing. So keep your opinions to yourself.” 
Dean lets Cas borrow his necklace to find God.
5.03 Free to Be You and Me 
Cas comes to Dean for help to find Raphael. They seem much closer than they were before, but there is some tension between them (possibly sexual?): “Cas, we’ve talked about this. Personal space.” 
Cas resents Dean’s thanklessness: “I need your help because you are the only one who’ll help me.” 
When Cas and Dean go visit the sheriff’s office, Dean fixes Castiel’s tie for him. Cas learns people skills from Dean as they’re on the case. 
Dean takes Cas to a brothel: “There are two things that I know for certain: One, Bert and Ernie are gay. Two, you are not gonna die a virgin, not on my watch.” 
Cas is very uncomfortable in the brothel and accidentally upsets a hooker. When they leave, Dean is cracking up: “It’s been a long time since I’ve laughed that hard. It’s been more than a long time—years.” 
Cas is upset to learn from Rafael that God’s not around. He also takes a page from Dean’s book and dishes some trash talk: “Today you’re MY little bitch.” 
Dean consoles Cas: “There were times when I was looking for my dad when all logic said that he was dead. But I knew in my heart that he was still alive. Who cares what some ninja turtle says, Cas. What do you believe?” 
Cas makes sure Dean is ok before leaving. Dean appreciates having someone to connect with other than his brother: “I’ve had more fun with you in the past 24 hours than I’ve had with Sam in years, and you’re not that much fun.” 
5.04 The End 
Castiel waits four hours by the side of a road so Dean can sleep: “I’ll just... wait here, then.” 
Zachariah sends Dean 5 years into a dystopian future where Dean never said yes to Michael. Future Dean is a hardened soldier. Future Cas is a hippie sex guru. The two appear to have a history of closeness: “I thought you’d gotten over trying to label me.” 
Future Cas laughs at past Dean’s sarcasm: “What? I like past you.” 
Future Cas seems to butt heads with future Dean but goes along with his plans anyway (possible because they have built up trust over time). 
Past Dean calls out future Dean for lying to his people and singles out Cas: “You mean you’re gonna feed your friends into a meat grinder? Cas, too?” 
Back in the past, the waiting Cas grabs Dean right before Zachariah can get him. Dean is glad to see him: “Don’t ever change.”
5.06 I Believe the Children Are Our Future 
Cas wants to kill the antichrist, Jesse, but Sam and Dean want to help him. Cas tries to kill Jesse and gets turned into a plastic toy. Dean asks Jesse to return him to normal: “Truth is, he’s kind of a buddie of mine. Is there any way you could turn him back? He’s a good guy. He was just confused.”
5.08 Changing Channels 
Dean fanboys over Dr. Sexy, MD. He seems to have a crush on Dr. Sexy, even moreso than Dr. Piccolo or Dr. Wang. He knows everything about the character, including what kind of shoes he wears: “I swore part of what makes Dr. Sexy sexy, is the fact that he wears cowboy boots, not tennis shoes.” 
Dean forces Gabriel to release Cas: “Cas, are you ok?”
5.11 Sam, Interrupted 
Dean talks with a therapist (who is actually in his head) and we find out he’s never been in a long-term relationship (more than 2 months).
5.13 The Song Remains the Same 
Cas meets with Anna on behalf of the Winchesters to protect them from her. Cas regrets turning her in. Anna comments on his determination to protect the Winchesters: “You’ve changed.” “Maybe too late, but I have.” 
Cas sends the Winchesters back in time at great personal risk to himself. 
Dean demonstrates faith in Cas: “He’ll wake up. He’s, you know, tough for a little nerdy dude with wings.”
5.14 My Bloody Valentine 
Dean is “not feeling it this year” for picking up a girl on Valentine’s Day, and Sam is concerned: “It’s when a dog doesn’t eat. That’s when you know something’s really wrong.” 
Dean calls Cas and they just stand there staring at each other for a minute. 
The naked Cupid makes Dean feel uncomfortable, but he can’t stop checking him out. 
Famine causes Cas to start eating burgers and Sam to crave demon blood. Dean is amused by Cas’s hamburger eating and calls him the hamburglar. Cas comments on Dean’s lack of hunger: “You’re saying you’re just well-adjusted?” “God no. I’m just well-fed.” 
Famine doesn’t affect Dean because he’s given up on life and feels dead inside. Cas tries to comfort Dean when they lock Sam in Bobby’s panic room for detox: “You know, it’s not him in there, not really.” 
5.16 Dark Side of the Moon 
Sam and Dean are killed and sent to heaven. Cas guides them to Joshua, and he is extra touchy when talking to Dean. 
Cas is upset to learn that God has left and returns Dean’s necklace. Dean throws the necklace away because he‘s lost faith in his brother.
5.17 99 Problems 
Cas shows up drunk because he’s despondent about God’s absence. Dean gives Cas some pain pills for his hangover, and he commiserates with Cas: “I’ve been there. I’m a big expert on deadbeat dads, so yeah, I get it. I know how you feel.” “How do you manage it?” “On a good day you get to kill the Whore [of Babylon].” 
5.18 Point of No Return 
Dean decides to say yes to Michael, but Sam and Cas stop him. Cas is pissed off that Dean would do this and keeps glaring at him: “Maybe they wrongly assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them.” “Alright, you know what? Blow me, Cas.” 
Cas brings Adam to Bobby’s, and they stick Dean in the panic room. Dean seems surprised at how angry Cas is and taunts him with a wink: “Cas, not for nothin’, but the last person who looked at me like that, I got laid.”
Dean says he’s tired and doesn’t believe in Sam. When Cas goes to talk to him, Dean blows him away with the blood sigil and escapes. When Cas finds Dean, he beats him up in an alley: “I rebelled for this? So that you could surrender to them? I gave everything for you, and this is what you give to me?” 
Dean taunts Cas to kill him, but Cas doesn’t. When Dean comes to, he’s still irreverent: “Word to the wise, don’t piss off the nerd angels.”
Sam tells Dean he believes in him. Cas continues to verbally burn Dean, and Dean looks visibly taken aback by it: “You’re gonna take on 5 angels?” “Yes.” “Isn’t that suicide?” “Maybe it is, but then I won’t have to watch you fail. Sorry, Dean. I don’t have the same faith in you that Sam does.” 
Cas carves a sigil into his chest to help Sam and Dean save Adam. Dean ends up not saying yes because he didn’t want to let Sam down.
5.21 Two Minutes to Midnight 
Cas apologizes to Dean for being so hard on him: “You are not the burnt and broken shell of a man that I believed you to be.” 
Cas saves the Winchesters from Pestilence, despite having lost his powers. Cas is super bummed that most of his powers are gone, but he believes in the Winchesters: “You and Dean have a habit of exceeding my expectations. He resisted Michael. Maybe you could resist Lucifer.”
5.22 Swan Song 
Cas falls asleep in the back seat and Dean comments: “Aw, ain’t he a little angel.” 
After Lucifer gets away, Cas and Bobby are fatalistic and Dean refuses to accept it. When Dean heads for the cemetery, Cas is concerned: “I just want you to understand. The only thing that you’re gonna see out there is Michael killing your brother.” “Well then I ain’t gonna let him die alone.” 
Cas is inspired by Dean’s love for Sam and shows up to help: “Hey, assbutt!” 
After Sam jumps in the pit, Cas heals Dean and Dean says, “Cas, are you God?” “That’s a nice compliment, but no. Although I do believe he brought me back, new and improved.” 
Dean asks Cas what he’s gonna do now: “Return to heaven, I suppose. With Michael in the cage, I’m sure it’s total anarchy up there.” “So, what? You’re the new sheriff in town?” “I like that, yeah. I suppose I am.” “Wow. God gives you a brand new shiny set of wings and suddenly you’re his bitch again.” “I don’t know what God wants. I don’t know if he’ll even return. It just seems like the right thing to do.” “Well, if you do see him, tell him I’m coming for him next.” 
Dean is angry, but Cas tries to help him see the situation as a success and reminds him what it was all for: “He helped. Maybe even more than we realize.” “That’s easy for you to say—he brought you back. But what about Sam? What about me, huh? Where’s my grand prize? All I got is my brother in a hole.” “You got what you asked for, Dean. No paradise, no hell. Just more of the same. I mean it, Dean. What would you rather have? Peace or freedom?”
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lizwontcry · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Big Bang Theory (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sheldon Cooper/Penny Characters: Sheldon Cooper, Penny (Big Bang Theory), Leonard Hofstadter, Amy Farrah Fowler, Bernadette Rostenkowski, Howard Wolowitz Additional Tags: penny being pregnant is utter bullshat, so here is my answer to that Summary:
The baby isn't Leonard's.
While the light is still red, Sheldon leans in and kisses Penny gently. She feels an interesting sensation in her belly as his lips meet with hers, and she is hopeful that there will be a lot more kisses like that in her future.
For Sheldon's fortieth birthday, he and Amy throw a huge party and invite everyone they know. With their Nobel Prize money, they have cash to spend on this affair, which they host at a luxurious mid-century modern beach house in Los Angeles (obviously this was all Amy's idea and Sheldon reluctantly went along with it). Raj mans the grill, providing hot dogs and hamburgers, and there is plenty of alcohol available to enjoy as well--Penny makes sure of that, although she does not imbibe herself--for obvious reasons.
"Are you having fun, Mama?" Bernadette asks Penny, after doing three tequila shots in a row with Amy while Penny watches with increasing jealousy.
"Of course! I love seeing my friends getting drunk and then almost drowning in the pool," Penny says, and Bernie laughs too loudly.
"I'll toast to that!" Amy says, doing one more shot than Penny would have advised.
Kripke and Bert are in the corner of the pool arguing about the season finale of Game of Thrones, and Leonard and Wolowitz are watching some Youtube video of the latest particle physics discovery on the patio, preferring to stay in the shade until absolutely necessary.
Penny is sitting by the side of the pool, surveying the action, happy for her friends and the fun they're having. She is also trying not to think about ruining most of their lives with one small sentence, which will have to be done sooner rather than later.
Sheldon extracts himself from Amy for a few minutes and comes over to sit by Penny. They both put their legs in the water. Penny briefly touches Sheldon's toe with hers, which makes him twitch a little. Penny laughs. She knows how much he hates other people's feet.
"Happy birthday, sweetie. I hope you're having fun."
"It's not the worst party I've ever been to," Sheldon admits. "Although I'd much rather be eating Thai food at home while watching--"
"The new Spiderman Blu-Ray, we all know, babe," Penny says. She loves her weirdo friend.
"Yes, that's correct." Sheldon takes a sip of the spiked lemonade Wolowitz made. Penny does enjoy a semi-drunk Sheldon. That's how they got into this mess in the first place.
"So I suppose you haven't told Leonard yet," Sheldon says, looking across the pool at Leonard, who is now eating a hot dog while playing volleyball with Howard. Penny has never been less attracted to him.
"Oh, yeah, I told him last night and he took it really well. He can't wait to raise your baby and co-parent with you and Amy. He's over the moon."
"Sarcasm?" Sheldon asks.
"Yes, Sheldon. Obviously I haven't told him yet. I wanted to wait until after this party. He's so happy right now--he thinks he's going to be a daddy and he never stops talking about it. This baby was going to give him the chance to raise a child the direct opposite of how his mother raised him."
"Why would he want to do that? Beverly is a perfect mother," Sheldon says, and Penny ignores him.
"Anyway. I'll tell him tomorrow night. Are you ready to stick with the plan? I'm not putting my ass on the line if you're going to chicken out."
For a brief moment, Sheldon puts his arm around Penny and she rests her head on his shoulder. This public display of affection is not a good idea, but nobody is watching them, and Penny can always explain that Sheldon was expressing his newfound happiness for her pregnancy if anyone asks.
"I'm ready. Amy thinks I'm going to a conference in Colorado next week and that's why I've been packing in advance."
Penny nods. "Good. But... you don't have to do this, you know. I realize this isn't how you imagined your life turning out. I can deal with it on my own."
"Of course I know that, Penny. And yes, this is not optimal. I made a vow to Amy and I planned to uphold it for as long as I lived, but things change. Now that I've won the Nobel, I find that I am amenable to other possible outcomes. You are carrying my child, and I am committed to you and the baby. We can make this work."
Penny smiles. "We can. I know we can. Have you figured out how you're going to explain this to your mother yet?"
"No. I can't even picture how she's going to react. There's no telling what Jesus is going to think of my actions but I'm sure I'll find out soon." Sheldon sighs and Penny feels the familiar ache of how their lives are going to change so drastically and how many people it's going to affect. "I have to return to Amy now. You are going to tell him tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow," Penny promises, dreading every single second leading up to her telling Leonard that she is actually having Sheldon's baby.
"Then I'll be ready tomorrow," Sheldon says, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. He takes his shiny alabaster legs out of the pool and walks away to find his wife. Penny watches him closely. Although she occasionally had feelings for Sheldon in the last 12 years since they've first met, of course she didn't think they'd end up together. But it feels... kind of right? She doesn't love him, exactly. Not yet. She's hoping that will come after all the guilt from cheating on Leonard with his best friend, and taking her best friend's husband from her, has dissipated somewhat. It's right there on the surface--part of her thinks she's been falling in love with him one small moment at a time for a while now--at least ever since they went shopping together and Sheldon came out looking like a snack in that black suit of his. That's when Penny realized he was way more than a socially awkward comic book nerd.
Penny gets in the pool and swims over to Leonard, who offers her half his hot dog, which she takes gratefully--she's eating for two now. Bernadette joins Howard at the volleyball net and they play together, couple against couple, not knowing that there will be one couple less in the next 24 hours or so.
Telling him now. Meet you outside in hour. - P
Fine. See you then. - S
It’s about 8:13 PM on a Sunday night. They just had dinner--Leonard made a lovely meal of roasted chicken and mashed potatoes, which Penny had been craving for a week. Leonard is sitting at his desk, writing a grant proposal (or something, Penny isn’t really paying attention) and listening to a TED talk. In other words, just like every other Sunday night Penny can remember in the last couple years. She has no idea what Sunday nights with Sheldon is going to entail, but she’s definitely ready to find out.
This would all be so much easier if she went with her first plan, which was to leave Leonard a note and never speak to him again. But Sheldon vehemently disagreed with that method and convinced her to tell Leonard the truth in person. Penny hopes Sheldon’s inherent goodness will rub off on her.
“Hon? I have something to tell you,” Penny says. She’s sitting in Sheldon’s spot on the couch.
“One second, let me finish this sentence…” Leonard says. Penny waits at least two minutes before Leonard turns around. “Okay! What’s up? Is the baby kicking again?”
“No, that’s not it. But it does have to do with the baby. Um, remember that night when Sheldon and I went out for some drinks and then I came home and was too drunk to, you know… do it with you?”
“Yes… of course I do. The week before is when we made that baby. And as I recall, we haven’t ‘done it’ since then.”
Penny nods. The ever-present guilt is starting to make her a little queasy. The questions she asks herself over and over, day and night, are stacking up again--how could I do this to him? He loves me so much and I cheated on him. I’m the worst wife ever. And the like. Penny has always known her morals have been questionable. In a way, she’s not even surprised this happened. Her relationship with Leonard was bound to derail eventually, just because she is the way she is. This is what she thinks in her darker moments--most of the time she’s able to at least justify it enough to make the guilt go away for a while. But that’s not happening tonight. Most likely tomorrow she'll wake up and her other dominant feeling will take over--that she deserves this baby, that her marriage has been a disaster from the beginning, that Leonard cheated on her before they even got married... you know, that kind of thing.
“Well. Sheldon and I had a good time that night. We laughed a lot. He drank more than I’ve ever seen him drink. He was telling me about winning the Nobel Prize and Amy and the problems they’re having in their marriage, and I did the same…”
Leonard looks--well, he looks a lot of things. A bit hurt, a bit confused, a bit angry. He’s going to be a lot more of those things in a few minutes.
“Why would you tell him about our issues? We barely even have any. You know I don’t want to go around telling our friends everything.”
Penny resists the urge to roll her eyes. They have plenty of issues that her pregnancy was just going to provide a band-aid for; before she got pregnant they'd fight every couple of days about both the little things and the big things. From how Penny never takes the trash out to how Leonard doesn't want Penny to audition for anything because he thought her acting days were over. They fought about that one a lot.
She doesn't argue with him on this point, though, because she's the one currently at fault here. "I know. But I was drunk, and I was in a mood. Well, something happened. Something you aren’t going to like. I made a mistake. Sheldon and I both made a mistake. When we got in the car to drive back to the apartment, we sort of… ended up in the parking lot of the Pasadena Public Library. And…” Penny doesn’t know how to finish this sentence. It’s so bad. It’s so so bad.
Leonard has started to figure out that his worst nightmare may be coming true at this exact moment. “And what? You checked out some books and went home?”
“No. It was dark and rainy and we were both drunk. One of us kissed the other. Then we got in the backseat and things… happened.”
“What are you telling me, Penny? Because surely you aren’t saying that Sheldon got you pregnant? That would be utterly ridiculous.”
Penny stares at the floor. She’s glad she already moved most of her stuff into the car so she wouldn’t have to stick around much longer. Can she leave now? Does Leonard have all the information yet?
It turns out he has a lot more to say. Penny listens to Leonard yell, and cry, and accuse, and say all the mean things she knows are true. He deserves to let it all out, she thinks. He deserves a better wife, and she deserves a better husband. They were never right for one another--just because they lived across the hall from each other doesn't mean they are soul mates. It just means they lived across the hall from each other.
While he goes on and on, Penny thinks about how she used to love Leonard at one point in her life--it seems like a long time ago, but she wasn’t always dissatisfied and bored with their marriage. She should have done something about it instead of ending up in a backseat with Sheldon, but… it happened. Things can change so quickly.
“I’m going to leave now,” Penny says when Leonard has finally run out of things to say. Leonard doesn’t argue with her. Instead, he ignores her completely, which she actually prefers. She gets her purse and a few other things from her room, and leaves the past behind.
Sheldon is waiting for her in the lobby. They hurry to her car, and once Penny has driven a mile or so, she stops at a red light. She turns to him and is surprised to see that Sheldon is smiling. Like, a real, actual, human smile.
"How did she take it?"
"Not well, I'm afraid. I believe she's writing you several angry texts or emails as we speak." Penny knows there's a lot more to the story, and that Sheldon is devastated in his own way. Amy was the first love of his life. She hates what Amy is about to go through, but there's no turning back now.
"That reminds me..." Penny says. She lowers the window and throws her phone out of it. It lands with a satisfying thud on the road.
Sheldon, without even thinking about it, does the same with his phone. Penny is shocked but delighted.
"This is the new me. The 40-year-old father of a new baby. The 40-year-old husband of Penny. The 40-year-old Nobel Prize winning scientist. I like the sound of that," Sheldon says. Penny laughs. She can fall in love with this Sheldon. This is a much different version of the 20-something she met for the first time who proudly showed her his whiteboards so long ago. This is the man she may, in fact, spend the rest of her life with--and that doesn't scare her or bore her to tears when she thinks about the prospect.
While the light is still red, Sheldon leans in and kisses Penny gently. She feels an interesting sensation in her belly as his lips meet with hers, and she is hopeful that there will be a lot more kisses like that in her future.
"Let's do this," Penny says. Sheldon nods, and as the light turns green, they drive into their future.
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bmarvels · 5 years
Tag Game! 💙
Tagged by: @bearpluscat thanks lovely!! 🥰🥰
Nickname: Brit, Kee, Red...also have acquired Gingersnap, Evil Red, BB
Sign: Pisces ♓️
Height: 5’5”? Honestly no idea. Everyone tells me something different cuz I’ve never measured myself
Last movie I saw: Murder Mystery? Otherwise probably Zootopia 😂
Last thing I googled: Cape Comic Con 👀 cuz they have an anime con coming up in a couple of months
Favorite musicians: Music. Yes. Pffft it’s so hard to choose but I’ll try to pick only a handful.... BTS, Muse, Fall Out Boy, Skillet, Pink... there’s five, I tried to show a bit of my variety cuz I honestly listen to just about everything.
Song stuck in my head: since hubby has music playing right now, I currently don’t have a song stuck in my head (for once lol)
Other blogs: personally, no, but I am a part of
Do I get asks? I have received a total of one 😂 many thanks to the lovely @bearpluscat
Blogs following: many lol writers, artists, musicians, and fandoms across the board
Amount of sleep: I’m tired a lot but I sleep very little. I can’t sleep more than a few hours at a time. I wake up nearly every hour throughout the night but always manage to wake up at the same time regardless of what time I go to sleep. The most I’ll sleep at a time is probably 4-6 hours. 4 is my average but there’s been a few rare occurrences of 5-6 after being awake for over 72 hours 😂
Lucky number: 13, it runs in the family on my dads side
What I’m wearing: gym shorts and a tank top
Dream job: do I even have one anymore? How sad. Honestly I would love to have a job that has me working with any kind of animals, or with books, or even writing/editing
Dream trip: since I have been to japan, I would have to say backpacking through Western Europe would be the next big trip I dream of (and of course japan again but honestly I would love to live there lol)
Favorite food: Food. Yes. Lol I love food but if I had to pick them maybe sushi or steak. I love rice and my meats.
Play any instruments? In high school, I played trumpet, French horn, and mellophone. Nothing anymore
Languages: English. I try to dabble in other languages and pick up what I can here and there but nothing else fluent- don’t know if I can even consider myself fluent in English 🤣
Random fact: When I crave red meat, I eat raw hamburger meat from the package without cooking it. 🤷‍♀️
Describe yourself as an aesthetic: The angry looking redhead always with her nose in a book, a steaming mug of tea in her hand, a cat in her lap, and tucked away in a corner silently watching everyone and everything around her while living in multiple worlds and universes. Once you take a chance and talk to her, she turns into a sweet and sassy nerd ready to be your best friend. .....👀🤷‍♀️
Sorry if you’ve been tagged already but I’m always interested in seeing everyone’s! So if you aren’t tagged here and wanna join them go ahead!! @dark0angel13 @rosechi @renillustrations @phoneboxfairy @mccnfairy
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smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 3 Diamond Scene: McDermot’s
You turn to your wedding party with a grin. You: Since we’re all starving, what would you guys say to some McDermots? Our treat! Fiancée: Technically, it’s the studio’s treat… but the offer still stands! Han: That. Sounds. Awesome! You have no idea how long I’ve been craving chicken tenders. Bianca: Sure, why not? I’m hungry enough to eat one more carb at this point. Slater: More like fifty more carbs. Bianca: Shut up before I change my mind. Smiling and laughing, the ten of you hurry across the street and into McDermots.
The ten of you file into McDermots together, startling the handful of customers who are currently inside. You: Are you ready to feast? Omar: Not so fast. First, we need to get everyone in here to sign these NDAs. Fiancée: You really know how to suck the spontaneity out of things, don’t you? Omar: Just doing my job. While Omar and the crew pass out paperwork for the patron and employees to sign, you and your party grab a couple of tables. Eden: This is so exciting! I’ve always wondered what the inside of a McDermots was like. Han: You’ve never been to McDermots? Kiana: I’d expect nothing less from our resident rich girl. Eden: It has nothing to do with money! My parents were just very opposed to junk food. Slater: I hear ya. My mom was a total hippie growing up. She was all about clean eating.
You: Personally, I think… -A little junk never hurt anyone!
You: Honestly, I’d be happy if we could have McDermots catering at our wedding. Eden: You’re not serious, are you? Han: I hope they are! Bianca: Fiancée, please talk some sense into your fiancée. They’re clearly out of their mind. Fiancée: Hey, if it’s good enough for Jamie, it’s good enough for me.
-McDermots is a guilty pleasure.
You: Slater’s mom has the right idea. Pigging out is fun every once in a while, but fresh food is so much better. Slater: You say that now, but you’ve never experienced the pain of being a six-year-old who’s never had chicken nuggets. Kiana: Aw, poor baby Slater! Nuggets are the key to happiness. Officiant: And possibly heart disease. Fiancée: Shh. Let her have this.
Omar and a few crew members come up to the table with trays full of burgers, fries, nuggets, and milkshakes. Omar: Alright, everyone. The NDAs have been signed, so you’re officially free to chow down. Best Man: Finally. I’m starving! Kiana: I know exactly what to eat first. You all watch, stunned, as Kiana plucks a fry from the tray… and dips it into her chocolate milkshake. Eden: Babe. Seriously? Kiana: Don’t judge me! This is actually delicious. Han: She’s right. It’s like, the perfect blend of sweet and savoury. Kinda like Jamie and their fiancée! Han: …That sounded more romantic in my head. Eden: Han has a point though. You two are easily the best-matched couple I’ve ever met. You: That’s really sweet, you two. But my fiancée and I didn’t bring you here to talk about us!
You: We’re here to… -Celebrate you!
You: Everyone’s so focused on me and my fiancée, but we think you guys deserve more credit. Fiancée: They’re right. We’d be nothing without our kickass wedding party by our side! Kiana: Aww, you guys. Han: I promised myself I wouldn’t cry on camera… Officiant: Fiancée, Jamie… thank you for trusting us. It really means a lot.
-Chow down!
You: You guys wanted food, and we delivered! Fiancée: Yeah, everyone. Dig in before everything gets cold! Bianca: You don’t have to tell me twice. Slater: Seriously, though. Thanks for going out of your way to set this up for us. Officiant: This is Stacey and Eloise we’re dealing with. Whenever we need something, they make sure we get it.
Best Man: I’m with the officiant. This competition is about your wedding, but it’s great that the rest of us have a say too. Eden: You know what’s really great? This food. You look at Eden, who’s already finished one hamburger and is working on her second. Eden: I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this incredible flavour my entire life! Han: Check it out. Eden’s experiencing fast food nirvana for the first time in her life. Kiana: I’m kinda worried we just created a monster. Your wedding party laughs as Eden continues eating, unfazed. Han plucks a handful of fires off the tray and shoves them in his mouth. Han: Man, this is the life. All the junk food we can eat, and we don’t even have to pay for it! Bianca: As long as you don’t mind stuffing your face on national television. Han: Eh, it’s a small price to pay. I’ll never get sick of AME. Han: Kinda bummed this is probably my last season… but at least we’re going out with a bang! Slater: I gotta admit, since this season is a wedding special, I was worried the rest of us wouldn’t get much screen time… Bianca: Always focusing on what really matters, huh? Slater: I’m just saying, it’s cool that Jamie and their fiancée let us share the spotlight a little!
You: Well, why wouldn’t we? -You’re as much a part of this show as we are.
You: Sure, the show is about winning out wedding, but they made it clear from the start that we need you to make it happen. You: Keeping you guys happy is literally my job, but even if it weren’t, I’d be glad to do it. Fiancée: Yeah. You’re not just out teammates, we also consider you our friends. Fiancée: And the way I see it, we’re all the stars of this season.
-Being in the spotlight 24/7 is exhausting!
You: If the cameras were focused on me and Eloise every hour of every day, I think I’d lose it. You: Sharing the spotlight gives you guys screen time, but it also gives us peace of mind. Fiancée: Seriously. You have no idea how helpful it is, knowing we’re not carrying the whole show on our backs. Fiancée: We’re the grateful ones in the situation. Without you guys, we’d be ridiculously stressed out.
You: Besides, we have to seize moments like this when we can. We really don’t get enough opportunities on this show to just goof off. Best Man: I think we could all benefit from letting our inner child out every now and again. You glance around the restaurant and your gaze falls on the play area. You: That gives me an idea. Follow me.
You and your wedding party step into the deserted play area. You: Who’s ready to have some fun? Han: I’m so game! Maid of Honour: This is gonna make for some really interesting footage. Officiant: Hey, we’re supposed to be showing America our fun side, right? Bianca: I don’t know. Aren’t we a little old to be jumping into ball pits? Slater: Aw, you heard the best man! It’s time to let your inner child out. Eden: Oooh, I always wanted to play on a playground like this! Mother never let me. She was worried about the germs. Kiana: Not gonna lie Eden… your childhood bums me out. You: Come on, guys! When are we going to get another opportunity to let loose like this before the wedding? I’ll go first.
You: … -Jump in the ball pit!
You back up a few steps, before taking a running leap into the ball pit. You: BALLS AWAYYYYYYY! One by one, your friends and party members jump in and join you, scattering plastic balls everywhere. Derek: Red alert, red alert! Dive, dive, dive! Derek buries himself in the balls, leaving just one hand extended upwards as a ‘periscope’. Eden: They’re so slippery, it’s almost like being in quicksand. Rainbow quicksand! Kiana: You okay over there, Han? Han: I’m good, I’m just not used to handling more than one ball at a time. It’s a little overwhelming. Jen giggles uncontrollably as Eloise and Lanzo bob up and down in the balls like prairie dogs. Slater: Think the staff will let me bring my board in and try surf these waves? Bianca: Waves? This is a tsunami! Might be too risky even for an experienced surfer like you.
-Go down the slide!
You climb up onto the platform and shoot down the slide, landing in the ball pit with a rattle of plastic orbs. You: Whooooo! Take that, gravity! Maid of Honour: Impressive…? You: If you think you can do better, you’re welcome to try. Laughing, everyone lines up on the platform to try going down the slide in different ways. Your maid of honour slides down headfirst. Bianca: My turn. Let’s make this interesting. Bianca positions herself sideways and rolls down the slide, while Han curls himself into a ball and tumbles down end over end. Han: Owwww! This wasn’t as graceful as I thought it would be! Giggling, Kiana and Eden sit down like they’re in a bobsled and slide down into the pit together. Kiana: Teamwork! Slater: Step aside and let me show you all how it’s done. Bracing his legs, Slater surfs down the slide standing up, landing gracefully in the pit. You: That is how you do it! Who’s next?
Before you know it, you’re laughing so hard your stomach hurts. Bianca: Okay, you got me. That was a lot of fun. Officiant: Sometimes you just have to let go of common sense. Eden: I was really missing out on McDermots. I had no idea fast food places could be so much fun! Best Man: Leave it to Jamie to show us the fun in even the most unexpected places. Han: I think you mean funexpected! Maid of Honour: Stop. Please. Before you ruin a perfectly good afternoon with puns. Kiana: This is giving me some killer wedding ideas. What if you have a slide at your reception? Fiancée: Oh yeah, I’d love to see Great-Aunt Gertrude barrel headfirst into a pit of plastic balls. +50 You: I’m gonna have to veto the slide idea, but I get what you mean, Kiana. If our wedding isn’t fun, then what’s the point? Fiancée: Couldn’t have said it better myself. Feeling happy and satisfied, you and your wedding party pile back into the limo and let it take you back to the mansion.
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stayathomesurveys · 2 years
What do you dislike about the house you live in? Rent is ridiculously high for how small it is. I don’t like the cabinets - they are very thin and very deep. It’s hard to fit all of my pots/pans/bakeware/etc into the cabinets nicely, food gets lost in the back of the cabinets because I forget about it (because of how deep they are). The water pressure in the bathroom is a joke.  Do you prefer iced tea or hot tea? Iced tea. Is there a gas station near your house? When was the last time you went? Yeah, somewhat close by I think. How do you feel right now? What do you think has contributed to that? I’m tired and bored and just... blah. I don’t know why I’m so tired. I’m bored because there is nothing to do, or nothing that I would want to do. I’m too tired to do anything regardless. lol. And I just feel so hopeless about life in general. Do you watch a movie at least once a week? No.
What’s your favourite movie genre? Horror. Have you ever been clubbing? Did you have fun? Yes & yes. What were you doing in the year 2013? Finishing high school.
What’s the weather been like lately? Warm. Do you check the weather forecast regularly? No. Do you live in a city of at least one million people? No. A quick Google search let me know that as of 2020, my city has a population of a little over 63k. What’s your favourite colour? Pink, blue. Do you own any clothes in your favourite colour? Yup. Would you say faucet or tap? Faucet. Do you watch any sports? Yes. Have you ever eaten carob? No. Are there any plants around your house, inside or outside? Nope. Which bugs do you truly hate the most? Spiders. What’s your favourite kind of puzzle? Meh. If you were going on a daytime date tomorrow, where would you go? The beach. Where are you right at this moment? I’m in my bed. Describe the room or place you’re in. It’s pretty small, I guess. The walls are maybe eggshell white? There is one large window with broken blinds thanks to my cats. There are two doors on the same wall - one leads to the small hallway before the kitchen/living area and the other goes to the en suite bathroom. The bed is against a wall with a nightstand on one side and the dresser on the other side. Across from the bed is a dresser with a TV on it, and my vanity. There is also another nightstand near my vanity with a lamp on it. Next to that is a grey storage bench with two pillows on it, which is next to the window. I don’t know how to describe my room lol. Is your nose blocked right now? No. Do you live on a main road? I guess? Have you ever volunteered? Mhm.. What colours are you wearing today? Blue and grey.. How old were you when you graduated high school? I was 18. Describe your favourite pair of socks. Idk What holidays do you celebrate? Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day. If you could dye your hair any colour for one month, what would you do? I’d dye it red again. Art or science? I like both... but I’ll go with science. Do you own a pair of sunglasses? How often do you wear them? Yes. Whenever I go outside. What’s your go-to order at McDonald’s? Lately it has been a Big Mac meal w/ sweet tea. For breakfast, I have been getting the bacon, egg, and cheese McGriddle w/ a sweet tea. Do you know anyone who was born in the Caribbean? No. What brand is your fridge? I don’t feel like looking. Maybe GE? I have no idea. Speaking of fridges, what drinks do you have in there right now? Water, juice, eggs, cheese, lunch meat, hamburger, veggies, fruit. Are there any special rules about selling alcohol & tobacco in your country? Idk. Do you live in the northern or southern hemisphere? Northern. What’s your dream car? I don’t really have a dream car. Do you have a best friend? How long have you known them? Nope. How often do you take selfies? It depends. Are you hungry at the moment? What are you craving? No. What do you think your life will look like in 3 years from now? I hope it’s better. When was the last time you received a card? What was it for? I don’t know. Do you like yes or no questions, or questions that make you think? Depends on my mood.
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