#and I know it was supposed to just be a stream joke!.. But I'm just taking it and running lmao
cloudsrust · 2 years
Alright uh random but- Flesh Maze Tango came up in my playlist and it made me remember goddamn italian Dedan and I'm absolutely losing my shit because-.. yeah it's funny when you're imagining the stereotypical italian-english accent... but personally actual italian swearing scares the hell out of me.
So imagining an italian Dedan, especially an angry one, just makes him 10 times scarier to me... I both hate and love it oh noo,,
..God now I want to draw him speaking italian ough,,
Alright alright this is all for the absolutely random OFF re-emergence gfdg
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shockercoco · 1 month
Chasing Feelings
Tyler Owens x reader
warnings - mutual pining, jealous!reader, some swear words, fluff
word count - 2838
a/n - this was literally supposed to come out within a week of the release of twisters, but I’ve been gone for a month lol. I took so many breaks while writing this, so I'm not completely sure everything goes together, but it should. thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy :)
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You’ve had a crush on Tyler ever since the day you met him, and to you, he was way out of your league. You also weren’t the only one who felt this way; the amount of girls who showed up at empty fields just to meet Tyler was insane, but could you really blame them?
Tyler has so much charisma to the point where it seems like he’s attracted to everyone he meets. 
When he stares directly into everyone’s eyes, giving them his undivided attention, and flashes that charming smile of his, it’s kind of hard to tell who he actually is or isn’t flirting with. 
You, of course, were no different, so how the hell were you supposed to know that he liked you back?
Tyler was from Arkansas and he and his team decided to move to Oklahoma to storm chase several seasons ago. When he first showed up that day at the gas station with Boone filming his every move, you thought that he was just another adrenaline junky wanting to see a tornado  up close for views. At the time you were a part of another group of chasers from Oklahoma, and since you had already made up your mind about him, you decided it was best to ignore him.
But, he made it hard.
You were surprised to see him walk over to your group and start chatting it up with a couple of your teammates. Turns out, they knew him from his youtube channel and were fans. Having him so close to you made it easier to check him out, which Tyler had noticed, but never called you out for it.
He came up to introduce himself to you, giving you a smile and taking off his sunglasses as he walked towards you. 
“You’re a long way from home,” you had told him – you had overheard him talking about his hometown in Arkansas.
“This is my home now,” he had said.
He had pointed out that he was familiar with some of your work and began joking around with you so casually like he had known you his whole life. Unfortunately, you became immediately hooked.
You spent that night binging all of his videos and past live streams because you were oh so wrong about him.
That day led you to where you are now, a part of Tyler’s crew and regularly going out on chases for the fun of it.
“How are you doin’ today, Bambi?” you hear Tyler walk up and come stand next to you as you adjust the lens on your camera. You, and all the other crews, were currently at a gas station preparing for the coming storm.
When he had first given you that nickname, you had told him it was basic, which resulted in him smirking and saying, “Ain’t nothing basic about you.”
You still think about that moment to this day.
“Just fine, Tyler, is there something I can help you with?” you answer, not taking your eyes off your camera.
“What, I can’t talk to my favorite person?” he asks. 
You can hear the smile in his voice, and when you finally turn around to look at him, you aren’t surprised to see it spread across his face. “I thought Boone was your favorite person?” you tilt your head at him.
“I can have more than one favorite,” he says, nudging you with his soldier.
You raise your eyebrows and glance over at Boone, who was already looking in your direction with a knowing smile, and say, “I wonder how Boone would feel about that.”
Boone was Tyler’s best friend and had known you had a crush on Tyler the day you joined the team, and since then has repeatedly told you to confess to Tyler. Every time you tell him no, he just tells you yes because according to him Tyler feels the same way about you. It didn’t take long for Dani and Lily to catch on either, but unlike Boone, they don’t pressure you.
“No need to start any trouble,” Tyler jokes, and you laugh at that. He opens his mouth to say something else, but stops when he hears the sound of more vehicles pull up. 
The two of you turn around in time for you to see the crew exit their vehicles, including Javi and what you know to be Kate. You’ve never met Kate given the fact that she rarely decides to come back home to Oklahoma, but from what you’ve heard she’s really good with tornadoes.
You watch as the pair head towards you – Javi coming up to hug you while Kate goes to hug Tyler. Javi shoots you a look as he glances over at the two, and you quickly give his shoulder a shove, causing him to let out a laugh.
Javi is also amongst those who know you like Tyler. This crush is honestly starting to become a little pathetic.
Kate pulls away from Tyler and looks over at you with a kind smile, holding her hand out for you to shake. “Hi, I’m Kate. I’ve heard a lot about you from Javi, so it’s nice to finally meet you.”
According to Boone, Tyler couldn’t keep his eyes off of Kate the last time she was here. At the time your migraines had started to come back so you had decided to sit the chase out, and good thing you did because there was no way you could handle watching that scene unfold.
You offer Kate a smile back as you shake her hand. “Same here, it’s nice to meet you.”
“What brings you city folks out here?” Tyler jokes.
Kate rolls her eyes at the nickname. “I’m doing the same thing the two of you are doing – storm chasing,” she replies as she looks out at the horizon at the clouds forming, her hair moving with the breeze.
“I thought you left Storm Par,” you say to Javi as you motion your head towards the white trucks
“We did, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use their equipment. They have some really high tech stuff – we might as well put it to good use,” Javi explains. He then looks over at Kate and gives her a nudge. “Not like we need it since Kate’s here.”
Kate gives him a small smile at the compliment.
“Well, city girl, which direction are we going in today?” Tyler asks as Kate bends down to take a dandelion into her hand. Tyler takes his sunglasses off in order to get a better look at the sky. 
It’s a question Tyler usually asks you when it’s just the two of you in his truck with the rest of the crew following behind in their vehicles. You have no right to be jealous, but that doesn’t stop the feeling of jealousy from growing in your chest. Choosing to ignore it, you take a deep breath and watch Kate, waiting for her answer.
You watch as a gust of wind blows the specks of dandelion out of her hand, causing Kate to look up into the sky at a dark funnel beginning to take form.
“That one,” Kate points.
“Are you sure?” Tyler questions in a teasing manner, one of his eyebrows raising.
“I’ll tell you later,” Kate replies, and then follows it with a question, “ do ya mind if I ride with you?”
“Not at all,” Tyller answers, but then turns to look at you,” as long as my trusty navigator doesn’t mind.”
What the hell are you supposed to say? No? 
You don’t even notice your tense jaw until you open your mouth to answer. “Of course not, you two go ahead,” you tell Tyler, looking between him and Kate as you offer up a smile.
“Well then it’s settled, let’s ride. Just make sure you don’t get me lost,” Tyler smirks as he turns to walk towards his truck. Kate rolls her eyes as she follows him, a small smile on her lips.
Javi turns to you once the pair are out of earshot. “You don’t mind?” he repeats your words, not believing you for a second.
“I don’t,” you give him a shrug as you begin walking towards his Storm Par truck. Javi follows right behind you, his hands stuffed into his pockets.
“Mhm. You look like you were about to pop a blood vessel,” Javi lets out a laugh.
You stop in your tracks and turn to face him. “Was it that obvious?” you ask, your eyes wide.
“Relax, I’m kidding,” his smile drops once he sees the look on your face. You release a breath and continue walking. Once the two of you are in the safety of his truck, Javi asks, “you really like him, huh?”
“Unfortunately,” you huff out. “I’m slowly trying to get over it, though.”
“Because it's a useless little schoolgirl crush, and it’s not like he’s actually going to like me back, so there’s no point in continuing to suffer.”
Javi just hums in response, starting the vehicle and placing his hands on the steering wheel. Then he glances over at you, “I say you should hold out, what’s the worst that can happen?”
Before you can answer, Tyler’s truck pulls up beside you guys on Javi’s side of the car. Tyler leans forward to look over at the two of you before moving his finger in a swirling motion and driving off.
“That’s your man, huh?” Javi gives you a questioning look, his tone light.
You let out a small laugh, “Just drive the damn truck, Javi.”
The chase was eventful as always. Kate’s instincts were right and led the group right into the tornado’s path, where Tyler stopped to anchor his truck. The rest of you hung back as you watched Tyler shoot fireworks into the eye of the storm. 
Even though you had some distance on them, you could still hear the hoots and hollers coming from their spot in the field. The group of tornado watchers that had decided to join the chase got out of their vehicles to join the celebration.
Javi looks over at you and shakes his head in fake disappointment, resulting in you rolling your eyes.
After the chase everyone decides to go out for drinks before heading to the motel. From your spot at the bar next to Javi, you can see Tyler in the back of the bar throwing darts with Kate.
“You know, you should blink every once in a while,” you hear a voice say in your ear. You jump and turn around to see Boone standing there with a grin and a beer in one of his hands.
“I don’t think she cares at this point, she has been ignoring me all night for that redneck,” Javi jokes.
You scoff, “No, I haven’t.”
“Oh really? What was I just talking about then?” Javi looks at you with his eyebrows raised. Boone joins him and turns his attention back to you.
Your mouth opens, but you quickly close it when you realize you don’t have an answer. You let out a sigh as you drop your head into your hands. “I’m sorry,” you say in defeat.
“Don’t worry about it,” Javi says, “I just can’t wait for the two of you to finally get together so this can end.”
“You and me both, brother,” Boone says, clinking his beer bottle against Javi’s.
As the night starts to come to an end, you say your goodbyes to the group before heading back to the motel. It was just across the street, and the majority of the people in the area were tornado chasers, so you had no problem walking back by yourself.
After making your way up the stairs and into your room, you decide on taking a quick shower before heading off to bed.
When you get out, you’re about to turn the lights and the tv off so you can go to sleep when you hear a knock on your door. Assuming it was Boone, Dani, or even Lily, you open the door without hesitation, only to reveal Tyler on the other side.
He stands in front of you, his hands in his pockets as he looks down at you with a gentle smile and his clothes still on from the day. “Hey, there. You left without sayin’ goodbye.”
“Well I told Boone, Javi, Dani, and Lily goodbye, so technically I did,” you tell him. A gust of wind from the night breeze blows through the doorway, causing you to cross your arms over your chest.
“Ouch, I see I’m not important anymore,” Tyler says.
You let out a small laugh. “I’m pretty sure you don’t need me to tell you you’re important.”
“You know I do,” he says.
You let out a small hum in response before asking, “So where’s Kate?”
“I’m actually not sure, last time I saw her, I think she was talking with Javi,” he answers, his eyebrows furrowing as he glances back at the parking lot. Then he shrugs and says, “I had to leave her since she was kicking my ass in darts so who cares.”
“Didn’t enjoy having your ego bruised, huh?” you joke, and Tyler rolls his eyes.
“Hey, I don’t have a problem with gettin’ beat by a woman,” he chuckles.
“Whatever you say,” you smile at him. “Was there something else you wanted? I was just about to go to bed.”
Tyler clears his throat. “Uh yeah, there is actually,” he tells you as he stands up straight. You raise your eyebrows as you wait for him to continue. “I was wonderin’, well hopin’, you would want to do somethin’. You know, just the two of us,” he says.
Is he - No, let’s not jump to conclusions.
“Don’t we always?” you question.
“Well, yeah, but I meant…you know,” Tyler begins to scratch the back of his neck, and glances down at the ground, “Like a date.”
You blink. And blink again. And again.
Then when Tyler notices your silence, he adds, “But I totally understand if you don’t want to.”
You blink again. “Like seriously?” you finally ask. Your eyebrows are furrowed, still not completely believing him.
“Yes,” he says.
“Okay,” you nod, a small smile starting to form on your lips.
Okay? That’s all you have to say?
“Yeah?” Tyler perks up, and you nod again.
“Yeah,” you confirm.
Tyler chuckles. “You know, I don’t know why I was nervous. I already knew you had a crush on me.”
You choke on your spit as you give him an incredulous look. “You what?”
“Yeah, and you know I figured you would catch on to me by now, but I wasn’t sure if you were and just ignoring me or what,” he smirks.
“And how exactly was I supposed to catch on?” you ask, adding air quotes at the end.
“I’ve been flirting with you this whole time,” he tells you like it’s obvious.
“Tyler, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you flirt with anyone,” you tell him.
“No, I don’t,” Tyler’s face twists up, and you give him a look. He thinks for a second before saying, “Well, yeah, I guess I do. Kind of.”
“What the hell do you mean ‘kind of’?”
“I feel like my serious flirting is different from my usual charming self,” he shoots you a wink.
“No. No it’s not Tyler. Your usual charming self made me think you like Kate,” you tell him, causing his eyebrows to raise in amusement.
Well…maybe you should’ve kept that last part to yourself.
“You thought I liked Kate?” he smiles, leaning in a little bit more.
You roll your eyes and decide not to answer. Tyler takes your silence as a greenlight to keep talking shit.
“Were you jealous?”
You scoff as your eyes widen, “how dare you!”
“You were!” he exclaims, your reaction giving you away.
Feeling your face begin to heat up and wanting to hide from the embarrassment you back up to be able to close the door in his face. “Goodnight Tyler,” you mumble, fully ready to be alone once again, but of course Tyler puts his hand up to stop you.
“Oh come on, Bambi, don’t shy up on me now,” he smirks, going back to leaning on the door with his palm still on the door.
“Says the one who got nervous to ask me out,” you point out, causing Tyler to laugh. “Goodnight,” you repeat, and once again you try to close the door, but you’re met with resistance.
Tyler’s laughter dies down. “Alright, alright, I’ll stop,” he tells you. “Can I come in?”
“I don’t know,” you reply, giving him a stern look.
“Come on, I promise I won’t tease you anymore.”
You sigh. “Fine.”
Tyler thanks you as you step aside to make room for him to enter the room, but as he walks past you, he says, “But Kate? Really?” 
Yeah, he isn’t going to let this go anytime soon.
like what you see? check out my masterlist :)
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prael · 17 days
Kinktember Day 9: Spa
Newjeans Danielle x male reader smut
words: 7,422 Kinktember Masterlist
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"My client, did you see her come in?" you ask.
"No, why? Is she famous or something?"
"Well, that would explain the secrecy, and it would also explain a woman barely twenty having cash to burn at a place like this," you whisper to the colleague who is far too jealous of how you just got requested by name because that usually means big tips for a good service.
"Did you get her name?"
"Supposed to be a secret." Your answer dissatisfies her, and she throws you a side-eye. "Okay. Okay. Danielle something... Marsh?"
"Shut up!" She hits you on the shoulder. "No fucking way. Let me take this one and you can have my next ten VIP bookings."
"Sorry, but she asked for me by name," you tell her. She mutters an obscenity under her breath. "Want to tell me what I'm getting into here?"
And then the girl spews out a jumble of ramblings about K-pop this and K-pop that—the kind of reaction that only the truly obsessed can have. Millions of views on this, charting on that, really fucking popular is the gist of it. So basically the whole planet Earth knows who this Danielle is. Well, shit. No pressure or anything. "Get in there already, do your best work and maybe get me an autograph."
A few forceful pushes out of the staff room and you find Danielle where you left her, her cleansing mask still on her face, sitting in that long white robe. You step barefoot over the soft wood, heat rising from underneath it.
As you draw near, you ask, "Miss Marsh, are we ready to begin?"
"Dani, please," her voice says from beneath the mask. It's hard not to be intimated after being hit with the fact that the woman before you is world-renowned. Though from here, she looks like any other delicate young woman. Her feet are small. Bare, tiny and arched, they hang just a few inches from the floor, and they are as perfectly still as the rest of her. "No need to be formal, I'm here to relax."
"Then let me start by offering you a drink." The bottle pops as you twist it. The label is adorned in cursive. "Bottled at source, premium mineral water." Your arm raises the bottle so she can see the brand clearly.
"Is it magical water?" There is a playful lilt in her voice, "Maybe it has some healing powers?"
"Guaranteed to nourish the soul and unclog those emotional pores," you deadpan.
The facemask stretches with Dani's wide smile, and she lightly chuckles. "That's good, laughter is good for the soul."
"Right." You pour from a height and a theatrical stream flows. When the flute is halfway, you stop the flow and pass it to her hands, which take it gently.
"What? You don't even hold the glass for me? Put it to my lips and tilt?" It's another tease, the joke stretching on her grin, but now it is her hands holding the flute, her fingers long and smooth around the stem.
"I serve, not control."
"Those don't have to always be exclusive." She laughs, and the sound makes you feel something. "But I appreciate the intention. I hear you're the best in the business."
"I'll let you be the judge, Miss Marsh. Now, allow me to remove that mask. I have raised the temperature in here to help open the pores, and I would like to begin with a facial."
"I do love a facial." Danielle smiles to herself. "And again, please, just Dani is fine."
You step over behind her, where her head tilts back against the chair, her long hair cascading below, shimmering in the moist air. Lightly, you place the tips of your fingers along her jawline, finding the edge of the mask and gently lifting it upwards. She doesn't flinch at all, and you watch the wet mask give way to her face. Even upside down, Danielle is indeed beautiful.
With her sun-kissed hair, radiant skin, and effortless, elegant beauty. She is, in summation of all her parts: perfect. The image the word calls up has always been fuzzy around the edges, an abstract idea more than a specific concrete thing, because real people aren't like this. That's what you believed until you laid eyes on her.
"You take good care of your skin, Miss—Sorry—Dani."
"Thank you," she says simply, no joke this time. Your fingers ghost over her chin and then trace to her cheekbones, moving lightly to test her texture, all so smooth.
"First, I shall cleanse away any impurities," you say and lean down to examine her face. Even when you are so close, there is nothing for your scrutiny—no visible crevice, no blemishes, despite there being not a trace of make-up. It's all-natural.
There's a light whisper on her lips, one that you barely make out, "Good luck with that."
You tilt your head as you reach over for a fresh sponge, run it under hot water until it is filled, squeeze out the excess, and slowly drag a path of heat across her forehead. As your other hand holds the sheet over her neck to catch stray water, your first-hand works in large strokes from above, rinsing her skin with each successive pass.
As you focus, she leans back into the chair, and a soft hum escapes her lips. "Feels nice already," she murmurs.
You say nothing, working her in silence. Her eyelids are closed, her lips slightly parted, and she remains so still that, if not for the sound of her breaths, she could be easily mistaken as unconscious. This silence has a tranquillity and familiarity to it, one that feels like home, and without thinking, you are smiling.
She stays just the same as you begin to exfoliate her, brushing across her face in ever-widening circles. It's with such tenderness that her cheeks take a pink tint as she grows hotter and she smiles as you rub in gentle swirls, one spot, then the next.
Time passes in silence as you finish the exfoliation and apply all manner of natural, topical lotions, toners, and peels to Dani. When her skin is primed, you press your fingers against her skin and, starting at her forehead, you massage her face to a rhythm of long, soothing strokes. You enjoy touching her, you admit, which isn't exactly right for a professional, but since you have no outward reaction from her, you assume it isn't the end of the world.
Throughout it all, she keeps her eyes shut. Over time you move around her face, applying more pressure in some spots than others. She shifts and sighs, soft exhalations of her warm breath tickling your arm, yet otherwise doesn't move an inch. Her shoulders relax against the leather of the seat. "You really know what you're doing," she says, with a smirk. You pull her skin with your fingertips, moving them in large circles as it comes to an end. Finally, you tap your fingers gently over her skin to soothe.
"Now, your body, Dani."
Her eyes crack open, but slowly. "Are we moving?"
"I'll wash your skin over there, but the massage will be in the next room. Now, I'll need you to—"
Dani doesn't let you finish your sentence before she rocks forward in her seat and pushes herself to a stand. She's facing away from you and puts her hands in front of her, then she throws the robe back off her shoulders and lets it slide off her arms to the floor in one quick motion.
"Good," she says. "I was for too hot in that thing anyway."
Of course, as a professional, you would never gasp in surprise, yet, at the sight of her ass, the muscles tight, small, and round, the curves of her waist so thin, hair over her shoulders threatening to hide her slender back and those long slim legs, you manage to just barely gulp.
Too hot, she certainly is, you want to tell her and not just in the sense that perspiration coats her skin. Tiny beads of sweat that, as your eyes crawl over her, are in the process of running downwards. This glistening on her flesh is hypnotic. The curve of her ass, the slight tilt of her hips forward, the way the base of her spine leads downward, right down to a crack between her—
Focus. You remind yourself you have a job to do.
"In the far corner. The stone pool. Please, stand by the edge." It takes a second before Dani's head bobs, and then she slinks forward, slow and catlike. Her stride, and every motion of her muscles beneath her flesh that accompanies it, are mesmerising. And with every sway of her hips, you love her tight body more.
She pauses, a foot by the edge, and looks down into the water. Steam rises and envelops her form in a pale white that hugs her curves.
"Please, step in," you say as you walk over to her side and take her hand. Now, you catch a glimpse of her profile, and her chest, small, round and perky, and as you avert your eyes to guide her down the step, you tell her, "Watch your step now, go from stone to stone until you stand in the middle just there."
"Got it," Dani says. She steps with confidence and the hot water reaches quickly above her ankles and then halfway up her calves. With each careful move down the next step she gasps, soft and light. The water splashes with her movement and then swallows her up to the upper thigh.
"Please, take a seat there, on the wide stone." You reach to help steady her as she sinks down, her knees bending as she perches down so the water is at her hips as she sits.
"I just sit?"
"Yes, Dani, and I will bathe you." You step into the pool until the hot flowing water covers your knees, and then you stand behind her. You reach for a sponge, submerge it, and watch it fill, then draw it out and over her lower back and drag a large circle across her soft skin. "How's the water? Feel okay?"
"Great. Wow." She goes quiet as you work up and down her back, long, relaxing, soothing strokes until all the tension has left her shoulders. "That's wonderful," she says.
You clean her shoulders and then down her arms, the sponge dipping under the surface, and caressing her in a movement that feels like worship. With a slow rhythm, you run the sponge over her shoulders and around her neck, and finally, reaching over her, down to her chest. She shifts back as you do, resting herself against your legs. You run it over her chest a few times before coming up again to her shoulders.
"So soft..." her voice says, almost a breathy moan, and you catch a hint of it. Maybe she realises how it sounds because she soon goes quiet. Next, you work downwards, to her tight, toned stomach. Slowly you make sure you cleanse every part of her body. All while her back rests on you and her breathing is warm and pleasant.
"Miss, I mean Dani, can you stand now? We need to get you clean." You prompt, a hand on her shoulder.
"Sure." Dani snaps out of it. She stretches and cracks her neck before rising, leaning forward for a moment. When she rises, ripples run out in all directions and your eyes drift over her ass. It looks plump, perky, perfect. Then you sponge it, giving purpose to your stare. You push it down, over her cheeks and Dani shivers.
You repeat your slow, languid movements. Wipe away any trace of imperfection from her hips and thighs and then when you make her slowly step out of the pool, you work down her bit by bit. Finally, she stands on the edge of the pool, looking down at you, towering over you in her naked glory. She presents to you her foot and you hold her ankle to steady it and clean each digit, scrubbing between the toes.
"You can take the towel, on the peg, Dani."
"You do it." Dani doesn't move at all, keeping her eyes on you, staring into your eyes and through you.
You cautiously nod and then climb from the pool. You keep eye contact and wrap the towel around her small, wet frame. In your arms, she feels so fragile. You rub her down, first her legs. Long strokes, left and right. Each, in turn, both legs. Then you bring the towel up. When you wrap it over her hip and move upwards along her torso, Dani presses herself to you.
"You really know how to put someone at ease," she mutters.
You nod silently in return, and finish drying her shoulders, down her arms, back up, and down her back. You remain stoic as the heat between you builds, and she turns around without prompting. You wrap her again and bring the towel all the way down. Then over her rear. Soft, short circular motions with your palm.
"The table in the next room, Dani. Start by lying on your front, you can use the towel on the table to cover yourself. Once I see you settled in, I'll join you."
She laughs quietly and starts her slow walk to the door. You take your own towel, drying your legs, the water has soaked into the front of your shorts from where she leant against you.
She's on the bed. The towel, provided for her decency, is in a pile on the floor.
"Dani, the towel..."
"I'm fine, I want it off. I want everything off. Is that a problem for you?" There's this undeniably confident quality to her like the universe just has to be as it is because she likes it that way.
"Not a problem," you tell her. "It does tend to get in the way."
You're close to the bed now, looking down at her, still so perfectly nude. So vulnerable and relaxed, and not a drop of shame in her eyes. She gives you a look that says she's in charge, and that she's been waiting for this, and now it's finally going to happen. And that smile is impossible to refuse. "You could join me if it helps. Make it feel more like an equal partnership."
"Miss— I—"
"I'm joking," she winks. Danielle bunches her hair by her head and turns her head to the side as she rests.
The first of your oils, imported, rich and infused, drip with a consistency thick as honey over her. You watch it roll from the top of her back and run down her spine. Its warmth makes her twitch gently.
Slowly you reach out, press your hands into her skin and drag them from top to bottom, following the oil, making sure you cover her.
She hums in delight.
With great care, you begin your work. Fingers sink in, and your thumbs feel her muscles. Stroking and rubbing, from the top of her back, your fingers coax and prod at the flesh beneath. Pressing it back and forth, at times as gentle as a summer breeze and then as hard as a hammer.
There are knots in her back, beneath the tender surface. You find them easily and work at them to relax, coax them into submission, untying the muscles until they go soft. She gasps at your touch as you release them. Her body responds to you in the sweetest ways. With the smallest of whispers, the little fluttering breaths, and with her skin taking on a pink glow.
When the last knot goes soft, she writhes in response, and a content, relaxed murmur comes out of her.
"Oh god, that's it, don't stop," she says, the first words to come from her for a while.
"You were very tight." You reach across, add a small amount of more oil and start working back upwards. One stroke at a time. Up her neck. Over her shoulders. She trembles when you go deep into her flesh and reaches out to grasp at something, anything, and finds the edge of the table, holding herself steady. Her arms now, you lift them one by one, prying them from her grip and then holding and rubbing and pulling to coax the stiffness out.
Oil over her legs, next. Slowly you run your hands over the outside and inside and rub them into her skin, kneading it into her. Danielle keeps her mouth firmly shut the whole time. No jokes. Nothing funny. You lean down to her, focusing on her thigh that refuses to let go. Bending down, you push into her. As you feel her tension drain, you are rewarded with another quiet hiss.
You place the oil upon her feet and work it into her soles with a finger, an instant trigger, she cackles as her foot recoils at your touch. "Sorry, that's a bit ticklish," she tells you, apologetically.
Her feet go still and she inhales deeply as you set back to your task, much to the quiet amusement of Danielle. It's the slowest you have ever worked on a client, with long, dragging strokes to make sure she really enjoys it. Each is careful, so careful, to pull and tease. "Keep working it all the way up, all the way up my legs," she orders, quietly. "Nice and slow. Can you do that?"
You agree.
You hear Danielle sigh as you move your hands slowly up her calf. So soft and firm at the same time as she breathes so gently. A trace of laughter, an easy smile. You work her in the same manner, up her thigh, as slow and relaxing as before, massaging deep and heavy. Danielle begins to roll her hips as you grip the flesh at the top of her thighs and dig in.
"Higher, please, just for me." Danielle makes a little hum to accompany the instruction. You obey, knowing where this is leading. You take the oil, and let it pour lightly onto the peak of her cheek, it threatens to roll away so you capture it in your palm, a firm squeeze of her rear, a spread of oily warmth. She shivers and pushes up her hips in silent encouragement.
Your hands trail along, smooth and oily, each touch brings more shivers. Her legs part slightly, a slow squirm of her hips. Your fingers glide on her tight, round cheeks; running across, back and forth as she breathes deep. You press deeper with each sweep and listen as her gasps become a little louder, and her body moves a little more. She bends her arm, reaching back, as you watch it shake. Her nails claw onto the side of the bed.
The more you tease her with your touch, the harder she grips and the more she parts her legs. You've known the perfection of her body, just by seeing it, but this feeling confirms it.
Your hand wanders with long, oily strokes as you glide up her back, tracing the curves of her slim back up, all the way to her neck. There, you hold her as you lean in. "You can turn over now. Let's work out your front," you say, and Dani nods in agreement.
She smiles, though she remains silent, slowly, with such care, turning onto her side, then twisting to face you, her face flush, eyes drowsy, her mouth agape. She rests upon her back, arms by her sides, legs flat against the bed, open, as you gaze into her eyes.
You apply the oil with long slow strokes down her stomach, feeling her as she flinches, watching the dimples at her waist appear then vanish with her body's twists, with every flexing of her muscles. When you trace up, her flat, beautiful chest, and slowly slide a finger beneath her small pert breast, Dani takes a deep, quick, raspy breath, then says, "They didn't lie when the reviews said you have the best hands in the world."
Your oil-covered thumbs graze upon her nipple, soft at first, gentle in pressure, but this becomes firmer, building and rising, faster. Round and round it swirls, and this delight sends Danielle's breath to hitches and sharp, shallow pants. As she squirms in delight, her legs twist, rubbing and clenching. Her teeth bite down on her lips. The flesh of her body glistens.
One hand reaches, down a thigh then back up, across her stomach and down the other. Repeated in pattern as the other thumb never ceases on her pert nipple. Dani's eyes go blank as your touch continues, circling, teasing, stroking and grabbing. Her body responds and you are delighted to witness every tremor and gasp as it arches. And finally, for the first time, a full-blooded moan rings free.
Your hand goes lower. Deeper into the pit of her thigh as she spreads her legs wide. You seek out the inevitable and when you reach her crotch, you watch her tense up. And when the touch slides between her pussy's folds, and against her clit, there's an immediate reaction, her body jumping as you make the slightest flick of motion with your middle finger. You lift and let a trail of oil roll down her slit and back down to her rear.
"I wasn't really joking before," she gasps. "You should be naked. It would make this whole experience better." Dani tilts her head, fixes her drowsy gaze onto you, and holds the stare for what feels like a hundred heartbeats. "Don't you think that's fair? The way things are going?"
You hold the eye contact and consider this, a sudden lump in your throat making any immediate reply a struggle. Her eyes don't move from yours. Even her chest barely heaves with her short, fast panting.
"Go on, I want you naked. I'm going to feel so, so empty otherwise..."
That's all it takes.
How could you deny her?
Your hands, still covered in the hot oil, reach for the buttons at your collar. You slip them in order from the top and release one after another. Danielle's lips twitch, and her teeth rake them to a shine. Your clothing drops to the floor. Bared. It feels so wrong, and unprofessional, yet Dani looks on and gapes with a hungry, dark delight.
"Nervous now?" Her eyebrow twitches up.
"Never," you bluff.
Danielle's mouth stays open wide, and her breaths get caught and flicker as your touch returns to the same spot as before. Gentle, light touches flutter with your fingertips, drawing the tips of your fingers back and forth, back and forth, over her clit. You watch as her eyes widen, how her legs straighten out and she starts to kick her feet with the faintest hint of frustration as you tease.
"I paid for a deep massage." She emphasises the adjective, dragging the syllable out like a whine. "This teasing is bad for my heart," she whispers.
Her arm rises, then reaches for your chest and trails its way downward. The pressure of her finger, nails lightly scratching at your skin, trailing down to the waistline and then she wraps her slender fingers around you. It's hard. Incredibly so.
"And I'll show you how generous I can be with a tip."
She licks her lips slowly and sensually as her eyes meet yours with a mischievous gleam.
You grunt, pressing down with your fingertip, and then without a second thought, push it inside of her. Danielle throws her head back in silent bliss.
"Holy shit," she mumbles in a muffled, muted moan. "Don't hold back." You circle inside her slowly with one finger, letting the oil's moisture guide you. Then, adding a second digit, you delve back into her, pushing in deep and making sure she can feel it all the way inside as the palm of your hand pushes against her crotch.
Dani rolls her head to one side as you work, staring you right in the eyes and biting down on her lip as she throbs and you press down inside of her, moving in all sorts of subtle directions that are impossible for her to guess. With that, she moans again and there's a little grunt from deep within her. Her fist twists around you and she gets bolder with her touch.
You build it into some sort of rhythm and she moves, each time, reacting so well with your own thrusts. When she's relaxed enough for it, you introduce another finger.
"I— You can— Go a little bit faster," she pleas. Stretched wider, Dani starts to grow even more restless. This time, instead of small, languid strokes, your whole hand works, fingers rubbing and swirling, thumb finding her clit to massage it with purpose, building, always building, until she is shuddering under you, every single time, tensing and twitching with every change in direction.
"Come on—more," she pleads, bucking up against your hand, so slick with arousal.
She's barely jerking your cock, not even intentionally, just the jolts through her body causing the occasional twist of her grip or slide of her palm. You let it just rest in the loose curl of her grip and focus on doing what she commands, twisting your hand, gripping and stroking, tugging in circles and holding inside. The quivering gets worse and worse. And her breath grows heavier.
You keep working her relentlessly, as she squeals a drawn-out curse. Dani nearly loses control. She grips you hard, tightens her fist around you in spasm, a pained wince on her face, as she curls her toes so hard.
"Don't stop. Don't stop. Don't stop." It's the only thing she says, no jokes, no banter, as her eyes roll back, mouth agape as if the wind's been knocked from her, and a final, body-length spasm overtakes her. Her whole body. Back arched off the table, eyes pinched shut. It lasts for the longest time, almost impossible to sustain, you watch with an odd mix of terror and wonder. Her hair is a mess. Her naked, stretched-out limbs, glisten in the warm light.
It takes her a good half minute to fall back down, her lungs now sucking in the air as if there were none at all. One leg quivers. Her breaths slow, her eyes open again and you're holding her stare, her cheeks a faint scarlet, strands of hair plastered across her forehead.
More oil. More rubbing. From tension to relaxation again. Slowly she softens and you turn her whole body limp beneath your hands. All while you barely manage to hold yourself back from ravishing her. She keeps her eyes fixed upon you, so you force a smile, ignoring the ache clenched in her fist. You could kiss those lips, right now. Taste them. How soft and smooth would she feel pressed against you? What noises would come out of her?
You'd be forgiven for letting your imagination run wild with desire, but not forgiven for taking this service in any direction that Danielle didn't command.
She watches your thoughts as they float by, and seems to be considering the same. Then she smirks, and just with a look, reassures you that it's going to happen, and it's going to happen just exactly the way she wants it.
You're working your slick hands over her midriff, and have been for a minute or two, waiting for instruction. You work slightly up her body, perilously close to taking some initiative, but then she speaks, "That was... unexpected."
"Was it? Seemed to be your plan all along."
"Planned to tease. Planned to be touched. But did not expect it to be that good." She shakes her head softly, her cheek touching her shoulder as she stares with a fuzzy, dreamy look that is impossible to decipher. She has a cute, beautiful way of pouting her lips that's fascinating, you're struck still, hypnotised by the sight and the motion. "A few more would be perfect."
"You have me booked for another hour, and the client gets what the client wants."
Dani laughs. A light, melodious chime. "I know what I want," she tells you, gently rocking her palm over your cock. "I'm incredibly hard to fully satisfy, you better get to work."
Dani releases you from her grasp, and turns back over to her front, stretching out once more and looking back at you over her shoulder, holding a stare as she parts her legs. This stare could kill a man if his heart were too weak, and though your heartbeat quickens, your mind focuses on your purpose.
Your hands glide over her oil-coated thighs, wet and glistening. Dani rests her head back down and you are unable to stop your gaze from wandering along her spine, the gentle dimple above her ass, the two tight round cheeks below and the line bisecting between them. Up over her ass, you caress, then you slip and stroke in the valley, this, she clearly enjoys, judging from how her butt rises to greet your touch, her hips rolling once more.
Lower now. Lower and lower, until once again, your finger meets her lower lips and she hisses an inwards breath and tenses. Her body is so reactive to every touch. It makes this so easy, so rewarding, so deeply arousing. You are confident you can build her up, high, and crash her down in waves, for hours, until the sun breaks.
Two fingers again, to begin, that same twist and swirl to coax her towards delirium. Her quiet huffs and suppressed moans fill the air. With a heavy push, you dive in deeper, to watch as her whole body, muscle by muscle, starts to become lost in the sensation. And when you curl your fingers down and grind the heel of your hand over her clit, Dani absolutely loses it. She bites the sheets, body tight, hands trying to grab the far edge of the bed to give something to hold onto.
Her feet kick uselessly and a series of incomprehensible phrases fill her breath and break apart on the way out of her. Though you don't quite understand them, you grasp the meaning. This is what she wants you to do right now, to see how high you can bring her.
Her whole body starts trembling again. Tingling, quivering, shivering. It's one constant shake and her moans are louder, and longer. She struggles to breathe out a scream. Sweat begins to mix in the oil, and she lets out another unintelligible mess of words as you pull away. Dani collapses back into a quivering heap, gasping for air and stretching her hands out as if reaching out to the void, reaching out, grasping for something in the dark.
She lies there, spent, breathing deep. Her entire body is hot and burning as her muscles relax. Each breath is a moan, and her thighs clamp tightly together as if the feeling of nothing after being so worked up is torturous to endure.
Your fingers are soaked in her creamy fluids, it drips down onto the bed below. Yet somehow, this isn't over. No. There's a single goal, right in the back of your mind, that's never stopped clawing. If only you could taste her. Sink your face between her firm ass cheeks and tease her with your tongue and suck and devour her, the entirety of her.
Maybe you could ask. Or maybe you could just start kissing her lower back, your nose rubbing against her tailbone, working to the left, towards her hip and tease, trailing your lips ever lower to a spot just over the peak of her butt, until she wants your tongue to dive right in.
The thought is interrupted by her blessing, "Again. Another. However you want," her words stumble upon each other, a raspy, spent quality to her. "Whatever you want."
You kneel at the very end of the bed, lean over and take her hips and you lift them up with an abrupt strength that earns her immediate interest, judging by her sudden gasp. You put her on her knees, ass in the air. Beneath it, her lips shine and spread. You're going to drown in her. You lean over, planting kisses along her body until they land right where your fingers had been, right along her soaked pussy.
The taste is so sweet. Dani whimpers as her body twitches. Your lips part her, and your tongue stretches and laps her up with an unshakeable excitement. Dani tastes amazing, like every inch of her, hot and rich and so unbelievably delicate. She is desire—concentrated and distilled into the female form. Your mouth descends, kissing every tiny spot you can reach, your lips closing, sucking the sticky warmth into your mouth. You might spend the rest of eternity here, savouring her juices.
Each rough lick gives Dani a small burst of pleasure. This is perhaps not the most elegant approach, but you wouldn't dream of stopping and so you continue, over and over, eager to return Dani to her previous, tranced bliss. So wet and sweet and smooth as velvet, your tongue flattens over her clit.
Dani cums twice like this. Ass in the air, your face in her cunt, two more delicious releases and you lap up both. They come accompanied by Dani's musical screams and moans and swearing and mumbles and complete incoherence. Every part of her body tenses. Every movement becomes forced, with less control, until every part of her, quivering and shaking, is taken by a rapture. Her throat chokes off her moans and breathy whimpers, and then she becomes lost for a time, struggling to remember to breathe, caught up in the overwhelming, and unstoppable waves.
"Enough, enough," Dani chokes out, and so you stand back, watching as she twists back into a flat position on her back again, her hips shaking with the effort. She trembles for a while longer before lying perfectly still on the table. As you gaze at her, she still appears ethereal, unattainable. She gazes up at you with lidded eyes and the drowsy content smile that rests upon her lips—she is a goddess. Even after all those body-racking orgasms, she settles into that same elegant grace that makes you question what makes her mortal.
Dani raises a hand and curls a beckoning finger, "Come here."
And you come to her, to her smile that draws you in, a moth to a flame and the moth will burn, not the flame, it will never tire, it will consume anything. She takes you in her hand, hard and throbbing under her delicate touch, and yet so helpless against it. With a pull, Dani draws you in—to consume.
She parts those pretty, pink, curled lips and then looks up into your eyes and sighs as her warm breath runs across your length. Danielle curls her tongue to the underside of your head and engulfs it. She doesn't raise her head from where it rests, instead making you clamber up to her, so you put a knee on the wooden frame and a hand next to her shoulder. The heat grows, and Dani is swirling her tongue over your tip, making you twitch and throb in her grasp, a slave to her touch.
You're pushing forward, leaning over her, as her mouth opens wide and lets you in, then, all at once, tightens. Her tongue and lips stretch around your thickness and then enclose you, sealing tight. She makes a point of looking you in the eye, holding your stare, a curl at the corner of her mouth that only further sets a tremble to your loins. She pulls, slow, agonising and without hurry, her mouth holds tight and sucks back.
You pull out of her, an inch, and she stays clamped tight and as she draws away, she uses the time to slowly slide her tongue along and around your crown and against the sensitive underside. Once Danielle has pulled right off with a wet smack, the warmth of her breath covers your cock once more. She flicks her tongue against your tip, first as a long, sweeping, lingering brush, then a rapid flick that teases.
"Dani, fuck," you groan.
"That's the idea," she whispers, right against you, her warm, panting breath driving you crazy, her own burning desire barely contained. "Get down there and do me. Right now."
Then, in one fluid movement, her hands find her legs. She grips behind her knees and pulls her thighs up and back. She spreads her legs wide, with her feet in the air.
"Fuck me. I mean it," she states firmly, fixing you with that stern gaze. Her words send a flaming arrow directly to light the most basic of your instincts.
She has presented everything to you and wants to give even more. You can think of nothing else but ploughing her into the table until your vision fades to white. It takes only seconds and you find yourself over her, between those slim legs. You put a hand on each thigh and spread her.
Cock bearing down on her leaking cunt, you lower your body until she has all of your weight on top of her. Her hips squirm under your pressure, and she drags your arm tighter around herself until she finds exactly what she's been looking for. A rub between her folds as your length slips against her, up and down.
"Mmm, yes," she giggles, "put it in, all of it."
In an almost unconscious action, you place the head of your cock against her opening. Her wetness provides no friction, and Dani uses her nails to scratch your back impatiently. Slowly you flex forward. Every inch. So warm, so fucking hot. Tighter than anything.
"Oh, yes," is all Dani has to say as her breath cuts short. You feel the intense squeeze, you have no doubt this is a step beyond the pleasure your fingers gave her, and her entire body tightens, and she pulls you in, deep and full. Her eyes grow wide and her fingers dig into you as you draw back and drive in once more.
Another moan, her pitch gets deeper, this one drawn out from her very core. You hear it right in her chest, from the depth of her lungs, before it squeals free, right into your ear. "Worth every penny." Her words are thick and drawled, hard to make out, she can't seem to decide whether she wants to open her mouth or close it and keep it shut.
She wraps her arms tight around your neck and pulls you in deeper, you push her legs higher, folding her body up and it only makes things tighter, a thrill she clearly relishes.
You roll forward, holding her close to you, giving you a better purchase with her feet held up so high. Dani groans as you bite and suck at the soft skin along her neck. Your thrusts are still slow, so damnably slow. You push, and fill, and wait. Over and over, it's a cruel torment to both of you.
"Ah, come on. Give it to me, hard," Dani says, raking nails on your neck. She turns her head. Finds your mouth. Seals her lips against yours. Teeth nibble and then her tongue penetrates your mouth. Her hips start to rise and drop. Her sex grabs at you, pleading to pound her.
So you let go of your iron self-restraint and fuck her. Fuck her good.
Your tempo grows more powerful. Her walls squeeze and pull and writhe with a desperate need. It's tight, so, so tight, the way she envelops you, the slick warmth around you. Each stroke sends a shudder through her. Another ripple follows and with it, her high, pitchy wails. Dani's never been so loud, so demanding that her pleasure be delivered.
Number five is close, you can feel her body going rigid, the quivering, twitching, curling of her toes, the growing tension, you go faster, a force building within, trying to rush her to the inevitable. Dani screams, moaning incoherently, her eyes screw tight as you throw yourself into her with such ferocity, like an animal, with no regard for pace, or rhythm. Pure, unrelenting pleasure.
She grips so hard on your shoulder, and then her other hand goes back, over her head, gripping the edge of the table in white-knuckled desperation. "I'm... cumming," Dani spits through a clenched jaw, unable to even form her tongue around the word.
Her orgasm feels more powerful this time, so much more; it flows through her and you can't help but stare. Watching the way the pink blossom blooms on her face and how the rest of her pales. One orgasm into another, you think, it's difficult to discern. You're in no rush. No race. Instead, you delight in the absolute loss of control you see in Danielle's face and you feed off it.
Her mouth forms a soundless scream and she reaches up and sinks her nails into your chest and drags them across, not breaking the skin, but hard enough to leave marks. It feels amazing. All the more so watching Danielle break herself, willingly.
"Holy shit..." Danielle pants then sucks air into her empty lungs.
Her little, flexible body, pinned beneath yours, seems incapable of even the tiniest motion, save the trembles.
Through gritted teeth, she says, "I want— I want a facial. My face. Cum."
This is the single sexiest thing she could have possibly said at that moment. For all the time you've spent watching that pretty doll-like face contort in a hundred different ways, you want nothing more than to see it coated with your lust. To paint every last bit of that sweetness on her lips, on her cheeks—everywhere. To witness that brief moment, after climax where she is confused and awash with bliss and trying to remember how to breathe, and it's interrupted by a load of your cum. You want it.
You round the table, standing over her head, lowering down and watching her eyes spark with anticipation. Danielle knows how bad you want it, how close it is, and you watch, enraptured by the way she tilts her head up and licks her lips. Her little, eager tongue.
Dani wraps her fingers around you and strokes and pumps fast, pulling, urging you to completion, teasing you to spill over her, onto those pretty, dainty features. Your skin feels alive, like static and pinpricks and pure lightning, like your nerves have come to the surface. Pent-up energy coils low, threatening to snap. You cannot resist her anymore.
It all unfurls in a glorious, explosive instant. Blinding. A shiver climbs up your spine, spreading to every limb in one long spasm. A long, raw growl in your throat as you shoot thick and hard, some on her face, and some overshooting onto her chest. Dani gasps a cute little "Oh" and then starts to giggle as the second rope lands right over her perfect little features. And then another, this time across the bridge of her nose and her cheek and down her lips. Her tongue collects whatever it can.
Dani's small hand keeps a hard grip and keeps coaxing, even as you feel like you have nothing to give, with it all painting her face, still, she jerks up and down, until you are empty, trembling and drained. Still, she goes, forcing you through painful shivers, laughing the whole time until the pain becomes too much, and your hands take hers and pull.
You prop yourself against the table, looking down at the mess you made. Dani's happily laughing to herself, licking up what she can. "You'll need to clean me again now, won't you? Sponge away all your dirty filth," she giggles.
Her giggle is intoxicating. Loving. It warms you right through. You wish you could bottle up her laughter.
"Need a minute," you grunt, and there's so much pride on her cum-strewn face.
"Aw, need time for recovery?" Dani quips. "I'll just lay here, all messy and defiled. Waiting to be tended to. Enjoy the sight of me, of your filthy cum all over my sweet, innocent face, until you get the strength to lift me. Really, don't rush, I love this feeling."
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mehiwilldoitlater · 24 days
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When you were taken by your original world and sent into some kind of ancient China, full of demons and monsters, you weren't exactly sure why you were supposed to assist the "Destined one." Damn, you didn't even know how this.
When you find out that this destiny one was some kind of successor of Sun Wukong, saying that you were surprised was a joke.
His eyes scrutinized you; they were dark with a tint of gold when the light stricked them. He silently circled you, creating some distance between you, himself, and the other monkeys, curious about the mortals that presented themselves on their mountain.
Every time you tried to keep some distance, he was ready to close it enough to never leave his sight. What a strange situation, and what strange creature was sent to him just at the dawn of his journey.
The stories portrayed Wukong, as the name says, as a monkey kind of guy: cheerful, ready to make some jokes, who liked to make fun of people and laugh. And yet, the destined one was nothing like this trope.
He was composed, serious, and always straight forward. It was like he decided to expel every fun side from him in order to fulfill his duty.
Despite that, he showed more side to you: he was caring, trying to understand your confusion and fear while in a new world, always remembering to keep your peace while walking to make sure that you didn't get lost around. He was your protector, always ready to strike at every danger, and a good friend in the moment of agony.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't cry for these things, but... I'm sorry, so sorry."
You missed home. You never could believe yourself, but you missed your monothone and unsavory life. You missed waking up, going to walk, listening to endless hours of your boss rumbling—you missed even the crappy food of the cafeteria!
Everything seems so far away, without hope of reaching it. And you felt like trash because he was the one that was there to listen. You felt ashame, ashame of the fact that you were there complaining about what you lost while he was there fighting for both of you. You tried to cover your eyes, holding your breath to calm down, but nothing worked at all.
A stream of tears keeps on crashing down, hiccups escaping your lungs without stop.
Then, you felt his arms—two pairs of strong and soft arms, protecting your now vulnerable state from everything and everyone. His tail followed his gesture, keeping you in place and warm—so warm.
"Please." His high peech voice is now reduced to a whisper. "Don't hold it. Don't hold the pain. I can't see you like this. Please, whatever cloud your heart, speak to me."
Soon, you both became inseparable. You followed him like a shadow, carrying pills and balms, making plans with him for your next move. Damn, even Bajie couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you behind the monkey, a little afraid of the newcomer of the group.
You weren't anymore just some random mortal the Destined one had found and kept at his tail; now you were the Destined done caompanion and trusted friend. His journey became your journey, and his task your task. You both became bound by a silent vow.
"Say...why don't you choose a name? A real one this time."
"I never thought about it." He started to play with a leaf fallen from the nearby tree, thinking about your new idea.
You reached his side, holding his hand in yours, caressing the black claws on it. Once those scared you, now you wonder if a nice manicure could make them look prettier than now.
"Well, you can't let me call you Destined One or Monkey forever! You need a proper name! Something nice! ...umm...how about... Yuánfèn?"
"Um? Since when can you name people here?"
"Well," you continued, "it's destiny in Chinese, no? Like..fate!"
He looked at you, then laughed between his teeth a little. "There's no difference in how they usually call me then!"
"Yes, but...this is how I call you! So is different!"
Soon, you start to not miss home that much. You start to hope to be closer to him—to not go back. You hope that, after your honeymoon, you can stay together and that, despite all, there can be a happy ending for both of you. And silently, in his head, he hoped that too.
"May i?"
He gave you his silent consent, allowing you to caress his cheek with your so small fingers. Your lips met his own, your gesture so timid and gentle that you ask yourself if it's still a small image in your mind instead of something that you're actually doing now. He hasn't moved an inch; confusion starts to come to him and yourself, to the point that you need to stop. Now you just feel ashamed; you felt that you crossed a line, and now you don't even know if you can even go back.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
A small shush from him, his finger holding your chin and guiding you against him. This time, he's trying to mimic your gesture, a blush forming from his face to the visible part of his ears. His kiss is trembling but fierce. He waited long enough to see your still puzzled face.
"I...may don't get how you did it...Can you show me...again, please?"
You don't need to let him ask again; soon your lips smash together again, showing him exactly what's happening.
Your fate is sealed with that kiss, and there's no force on heaven and earth to undo it.
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multifandomgirl08 · 3 months
Redline [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Mother!Reader (Established Relationship)
Summary: "I'm sorry, mijn leeuwin. I know you were excited to announce it to everyone."
Warning(s): N/A
Words: 1.9k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
It had been around 12 in the afternoon when Max had been streaming with Team Redline on iRacing during their normally planned Wild Wednesday. Max had been occupied looking at the virtual race track before him, being used to blocking out all of the sounds of the other guys in his ears. Crane had been jokingly reading through the chat like normal, throwing out random comments left and right.
“Max is busy, chaps.” Crane said. “With his wife, four kids, and three cats. He doesn’t have time for us anymore in his schedule.”
Max knew that Crane was exaggerating. Over the last few months Max hadn’t been partaking in Redline streams as much. Niki had started walking and he had been chasing him around the house. Nico needed help with homework in the evening before they sent him off to bed. Max, Nico, Y/N and Niki would sometimes spend weekends at the karting track giving Nico the tools to get ready for when he would be able to fully race in karts when he was a little older. Max always tried to make time for the Redline guys but it had grown hard in the last few months.
“Four? Crane, Y/N hasn’t even had this one yet.” He let slip out trying to focus turning in the Formula 2 car he was driving.
“This one?” He heard from Gianni.
“Max moves fast.” He heard Crane say. “Like he currently is into turn 12 of this race.”
A moment later he heard from Crane again, “Max, people in the chat are asking if Y/N is in fact pregnant again.”
He barely let his eyes go wide. He was going to be in trouble with his wife.
“MAX!” He heard from the next room over. Y/N had been inside the baby’s room putting away some clothes that had been gifted to them from Victoria, Martijn, and Daniel.
He could hear her footsteps going from one room to another. He was lucky that the race had just ended and he had just finished P2. He was quick to mute his mic before looking at her when she walked into the room, heavily pregnant, holding her belly with a thin light blue dress under her fingers.
“Did you just let it slip on stream that I’m pregnant again?” She asked, holding up her phone to show a direct message of a picture of a tweet that she got on Instagram from a friend of hers.
The tweet in all caps read, IS Y/N VERSTAPPEN PREGNANT AGAIN???!!?!?!
He gave a nod to her, and could hear Crane in one ear saying that he was in trouble. He wanted to knock his headphones off his head, or at the very least reach up and turn his camera off.
“You weren’t supposed to say anything until next week.” She said with the hand that was holding her phone falling to her side.
It had always been the original plan to wait until she was closer to the end of her pregnancy to announce that she was pregnant to everyone who wasn’t family. 
Max reached his hand out towards her as she was standing close to his sim rig. She was just out of view of the camera so no one could see her belly. “I’m sorry, mijn leeuwin. I know you were excited to announce it to everyone.”
Given how busy they both were with the kids and both of their work lives they had waited much longer this time around to announce that Y/N was pregnant again. Things at home for them were just starting to slow down.
Maybe now would be just as good a time as any.
She hung her head for a moment, and Max was waiting to hear the sound of irritation in her voice but instead she just shook her head. Max caught her hand, moving to take his headphones off with one hand. He placed them on top of his keyboard, before dropping her hand and then moved out of the seat of his rig. He took her in his arms and placed a few kisses into her hair.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered again. “If you want I can make Crane apologize. You know that he was just joking around.”
None of the Team Redline guys knew that Y/N was pregnant. Crane had just thrown something out there and happened to be right this time. He felt her drop her head onto his shoulder and felt her shake it side to side.
He stroked his fingers over the small of her back and could feel a few drops of what could only be tears start to soak the fabric at the shoulders of his shirt. He kissed the side of her head, and could feel that she was pulling away from him. He looked to meet her eyes, and saw that they were red rimmed. He ran his fingers over her cheeks, removing the tear tracks, and kissed her forehead.
“You can post it later today,” He whispered. “I’m sure half of the internet won’t even notice.”
She gave him a stiff nod, and hugged him once more and he made sure to hug her back feeling her baby bump against his stomach, placing a kiss on her hairline in apology before she let go of him.
He watched her walk out of the room with her shoulders slumped forward. He let out a heavy sigh before climbing back into his sim rig and put on his headphones again. He looked at his screen to see that the stream had ended and it was just him, Crane and the rest of the team.
“Max,” He heard from Crane. “You’re being a little too quiet for my liking mate.”
Max pressed the button on his steering wheel, turning his mic back on. “Yeah, sorry guys. I have a very unhappy wife right now.”
He could hear the far away sound of a door opening, and it sounded like it was coming from Nico’s room.
“I’m sorry to hear that Max,” He heard from Crane. “Let Y/N know I didn’t mean to spill the beans.”
“I’ll make sure that she knows.” He replied with a tight tone to his voice.
Max stayed on talking to the Redline guys for a few more minutes catching up with them, hearing about how 24 hours of Nurburgring had gone without him this year. Before they had all logged off Crane apologized again. Max told him not to worry about it.
Later in the evening after dinner, Y/N seemed to disappear into Niki’s room for a while.
Max couldn’t tell if Y/N was still upset about earlier today. He knew that she had posted the photos that were taken of her to Instagram, with the almost jilted announcement that was her caption, Our secret got spilled a little early but I can't wait to meet you in July. After he had received several congratulations from being tagged in the comments of her post.
Max had been helping Nico with his homework, and by the time they were done Nico needed to head to bed. Max had loaded the dishwasher, and cleaned the counters quickly. He turned the light off in the kitchen and walked downstairs to the master bedroom to see Y/N on her side of the bed, she looked to be asleep, Niki and Nico were also in their bed, curled close to Y/N. Max changed out of his clothes from the day, throwing his team redline shirt to the side and took off his shorts before walking back into the bedroom.
Max had never been kicked out of his own bed before, but he walked to his side of the bed and moved to get his pillow. It seemed like he would be sleeping on the couch upstairs tonight.
He pulled the pillow from the bed and was just about to leave the room when he heard, “Maxy,” in Y/N’s sleep riddled tone.
He turned to look at her, and saw Niki’s head against her chest with her hand holding the little boy.
“Where are you going?” She asked, obviously seeing the pillow in his hand.
“Thought I would sleep on the couch.” He wasn’t sure if she was still mad at him, but he wasn’t going to sleep in their bed if she was.
He saw her shake her head a little before doing her best to reach over without jostling Niki while he slept and pulled the sheets back on his side. So, she wanted him in here, she wasn't as mad as he thought she was.
He climbed under the sheets eventually, dropping his pillow back in its place, and as Nico moved closer to him, Max made the assessment that they would need a bigger bed if the younger kids wanted to sleep in here at any point.
All five of them wouldn’t be able to fit into a king size bed anymore.
Nights like this didn’t happen often, and Max didn’t want to assume that Y/N’s reaction was because she was hormonal and pregnant even though he knew that it was. She was feeling emotional and needed to be surrounded by him and the boys. It was almost like she was nesting in a way, needing to have the things that were important to her in arms reach.
He moved Nico slightly, so the little boy's back was pressed up against his chest before looking at Y/N. She reached for him first, pressing her hand to his cheek.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
“I know.” Max laid his hand over hers. “It’s only a week earlier than planned.”
“It just slipped out.” He tried to reason. He hadn’t been dying to tell the world that he was going to be a father again in less than four months. He had been excited that Y/N was pregnant again and that they were having another boy but going through all of the extra things for the announcement didn’t do anything for him. He was more concerned with his wife giving birth without any complications and his son being born healthy.
“I know,” She pressed her head further into her pillow. “I know that Crane just says things while you guys are on stream. I know he didn’t mean anything by it.”
She didn’t sound emotional now, and he knew that her hormones were back to normal, or as normal as they could be when she was 32 weeks pregnant.
“You’re not angry then?” He asked just to be sure.
“I’m not, Max.”
Then why did he feel like he still needed to find a way to make up for it somehow? Max started to run through what he could do to set it right. Maybe order her a big bouquet of flowers, or go and ask Victoria to take Y/N out to lunch the next time they were in Belgium? Let her max out one of their credit cards, even though he knew that she was too financially responsible to let that happen.
“I was hormonal and over reacted. Don’t worry.” She said as if that settled the matter. She pressed her head against his shoulder and he felt her eyelashes flutter closed against his skin. He was going to find some way to make this up to her.
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Mini Verstappen taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay, @minkyungseokie, @mynameisangeloflife, @ursforever129, @aundercover, @bborra, @mindless-rock, @cixrosie, @barcelonaloverf1life, @taylorslovesswifties13, @konsti081, @mellowarcadefun, @smnthnclj, @brekkers-whore, @lpab, @thedecalcomania-blog, @xoscar03, @em-gvf01, @haikyuen, @shelbyteller , @geniusalpaca, @princessria127 , @mysticalnightenthusiast
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amirasainz · 4 months
I need more amira and lamdo interactions pls. I’m begging my queen 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
My sweet child, your wish shall be granted. I'm currently trying out writing some smut, so that's what we have here. I hope you enjoy reading and let me know what you think. If you have any request, let me know.
No Part 2!!!
The pheromone perfume
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It was supposed to be a joke. Everyone on TikTok posted a video of how their partners reacted to the perfume. Some were extremely funny while others very very sweet. All in all, Amira thought is was just some scam. So, like any other young adult with money on her bank account, she bought it.
When the package finally arrived, Amira was as exited as a child in the candy store. Lando was still in his gaming room, streaming with Max and some other fans. Before the delivery man came to her house, she was busy preparing dinner. While she let the food continue to cook on a lower temperature, she finally opened her delivery.
To be faire, she wasn't expecting anything huge like confetti and glitter. But the sad little spray thingy truthfully looked, well sad. "Dios mios, what did I even buy this for. Stupid TikTok's. Stupid perfume. Stupid delivery service" was the things she muttered while cleaning up her mess.
However, she couldn't let all her money go to waste so she put a little bit on her neck, her wrists and behind her ears. As expected, she couldn't smell anything.
After approximately 17 minutes, Lando made his way to the kitchen. The sight that greeted him was the most beautiful on the whole world. There stood his girlfriend, looking as breath-taking as always, moving around their kitchen with ease. Like always, he went up behind her, tucking his face in her neck. Lando took a deep breath and
"Baby, are you wearing a new perfume?" he asked, still keeping his face in the crook of her neck. Amira tensed up and breathed a confused "What?" "Yeah baby, you smell really amazing" he whispered in her ear. His strong arms pulled her tighter against himself, almost possessive.
Lando couldn't have enough of her. He easily picked her up and manhandled her on the kitchen counter. His nose ran along her neck and collarbone. Without hesitation he kissed her neck, lightly sucking her skin between his teeth. Amira leaned into him and let out a little moan. Her hands flew up into his hair, pulling him a bit away from her.
"Amore, what's gotten into you" she asked him, her chest moving up and down quickly. Lando turned his face into her right hand, smelling this amazing scent on her wrist. He groaned deeply and surged forward to kiss her. He pulled her to the edge of the counter, her feet winding around his waist. "God baby, you make me go crazy" he told her between kisses.
Amira only smirked at him. When she kissed him, she decided to rile him up some more and startet to grind against him. He could only groan and put his forehead against hers. "Right, that's it" he said, picking up Amira and walking towards her bedroom.
Safe to say that dinner got delayed that night.
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copper-16 · 5 months
I'm Sorry
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Elena wakes up with a fever, and her need to wake her mothers up in the middle of the night brings up some worrying emotions.
(a/n: I was just speaking with a friend today about how her nieces loved to be cuddled when they were sick...and well one thing led to another and here we are! Hope you guys enjoy this :) I didn’t proofread it in the slightest…oh well!)
Elena was, historically, very very good about sleeping through the night. 
She had been ever since she was a baby, both of the women honestly a little shocked by how lucky they had gotten. 
“Are you sure she isn’t yours biologically?” Ingrid had joked when they were standing over her crib one morning, looking over at her wife with a teasing glint in her eyes. Mapi had rolled her eyes easily at that, scoffing slightly. 
“I don’t know what you ever could mean,” Mapi fired back quickly, though she shrank just slightly when the Norwegian fixed her with a pointed glare. 
“During our last away game, you slept through a fire alarm. An ENTIRE fire alarm,” Ingrid pointed out, and the Spaniard rolled her eyes, letting out a weak chuckle. 
“Man, you sleep through a fire alarm ONE time!” Mapi muttered, but she knows damn well she’s lost the argument. 
And it was true, because if there was one thing Mapi loved more than her family, it was her beauty sleep. A trait that she seemingly had passed to their daughter, who after a brief regression when she was one year old, generally slept well through the night. They kept a good bedtime routine that Elena was used to and was working well. 
She had never really gotten nightmares, or come into bed with the Barcelona defenders. Ingrid had always been pretty strict on no co-sleeping, apart from the occasional allowance, Elena knew that it wasn’t something to ask for. 
And normally, that wasn’t really a problem. Her mothers would put her to sleep, and then by the time she woke up when the sun was shining through her curtains, someone in the house would already be up. There was no deficit, no problem that needed solving for the little girl. 
That was, until she woke up one morning long before the sun had begun to stream in through her curtains. In fact, her entire room was dark, save for the little night light that was kept on the far side of her room. 
Elena shifted under the covers slightly, realizing just how poorly she felt. Her entire body felt icky, her skin clammy and pale as her baby hairs stuck to her face. 
The little girl pulled the covers up over her body, despite the fact that she herself was radiating heat, trying to will her body back to sleep. She wasn’t really sure if she should get out of bed. She knew she wasn’t really supposed to get out of bed, but she also knew that her Mami told her if she needed anything, she could always come to her. 
Elena knew it would make Mama upset though, so she tried to settle back in bed, burrowing under the covers and closing her eyes. 
But it seemed to be to no avail. Sweat beads drip down her forehead onto the pillow under her, and she shimmies as she tries to get more comfortable. Her entire body is radiating with a dull ache, and she feels tears beginning to well up in her eyes. 
Her resolution to be a good girl is overturned in favor of slipping out of bed, pushing her almost closed door open and making her way slowly toward her parents room. She leans against the wall slightly, suddenly feeling woozy for a moment before she regains her balance, continuing on her journey. 
Luckily, Mapi and Ingrid’s door is slightly ajar, and so Elena can push it open easily, surveying the scene in front of her. Her Mama is closest to her, but she also knows that Mama is going to be upset that she is awake right now, so the toddler quickly chooses to make her way around the bed to her Mami’s side. 
Mapi is turned toward the middle of the bed, her back to Elena, who reaches forward to very lightly tap on her Mami’s back. When Mapi doesn’t respond, Elena tries a little harder, but she’s rapidly feeling worse and worse, and her inability to wake her Mami up only adds to her stress. 
Tears are dripping down her cheeks now, and she’s caught both with the intensity of how poorly she feels and the fear of realizing that she needs to wake her Mama up. She once heard her Mama speak about how hard it was to wake Mami up when she was sleeping, and now seemed to be no different. 
It’s with a nervous air to her movements that the little girl walks back around to the other side of the bed, coming to stand by Ingrid’s side. Unlike her wife, the dark haired woman is lying facing the edge of the bed, so Elena can see her face. 
The little girl reaches up hesitantly, tapping Ingrid’s hand, which is placed out in front of her. Tears are still trickling down her cheeks, and her head pounds painfully. 
“Mama?” Elena tries instead, tapping slightly more furiously. “Mama!” The little girl says more sharply, and it’s this which wakes Ingrid, who is up in two seconds flat at the sound of her daughter finally penetrating her through her sleep. 
“Elena?” Ingrid asks, still confused and sleep ridden, noting quickly that it’s nearly four in the morning. When she looks back at her daughter as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she finally notices the tears and distress of her daughter, and she’s hardly even thinking before she’s scooping the little girl up. 
“Mama I’m so sorry,” Elena wails quietly, and Ingrid’s heart plummets when she feels how warm her daughter is. “I-I didn’t mean to wake you up, I’m sorry!” The curly haired girl insists, and Ingrid is quick to shush her gently, pulling Elena into her easily. 
“No, no, my little love there is nothing to be sorry about, you can always come get me if you need me,” Ingrid promised, her heart cracking at the fact that her daughter was apologizing for needing her. She kicks herself for not making it clearer to the little girl, but resolves to focus on the situation at hand for right now, and do better in the future. 
“I don’t feel good,” Elena admits quietly, pressing further into Ingrid and relishing in the way her Mama’s arms tightened around her. She still didn’t feel good, but she felt better here, with her mother. 
“I–I tried to wake Mami up, but she didn’t move,” the little girl continued, and Ingrid barely managed to repress the annoyed noise that bubbled up in her throat. 
“María!” Ingrid hissed, lashing out with her foot and kicking her wife in a vague attempt to wake her up without letting go of their daughter. 
Luckily, the center back jerked awake at the feeling, looking around wildly. 
“What! What is it?” Mapi sputtered, her hair tousled by sleep. She clocks the fact that Elena is in Ingrid’s arms with the swiftness only a mother could have, and her eyebrows are furrowing instantly. 
“She’s sick, I think she has a fever. Can you get the thermometer and some medicine?” Ingrid asked gently, keeping her voice low for Elena. The Norwegian feels a little more grounded knowing that her wife is awake, the Spaniard quickly slipping out of bed as Ingrid rocked Elena back and forth. 
She begins to hum softly, rubbing over Elena’s back soothingly as their daughters eyes flutter closed, and she let out a small huff of air. There’s a crease in her forehead, and she’s clearly still in pain, but she’s no longer squirming in Ingrid’s arms which is good. 
“‘M sorry Mama,” Elena tries again quietly, and Ingrid pauses her movements to lean her daughter back, running her hands over Elena’s forehead gently. 
“Jenta mi, you can always come get me if you need me, you do not have to say sorry, ever. Mama always wants you to come get her if something is wrong, okay?” Ingrid implored, her voice just a hair desperate. She had never felt worse about her parenting in her entire life, she was pretty sure. 
But Elena’s face seemed to soften at her words, and she nodded very gently. 
“Love you Mama,” she rasped, coughing gently. Ingrid pulled the little girl back into her, cradling her in her arms before she leaned down to press gentle kisses to her daughter's forehead. 
“I love you so much Elena,” Ingrid insisted as she pressed another kiss to her daughter's forehead. She couldn’t help but cringe at how warm she was, and it was clear even without the thermometer that the toddler had a fever. 
But luckily, it was as she was finishing her sentence that Mapi came back into the room, a whole host of things balanced in her arms. She leaves Ingrid with the medicine, taking the washcloth she got into the bathroom to run it under some cool water. 
The Norwegian turned on the bedside table lamp so that she can get the correct dosage of medication, before sitting Elena up to take it. The little girl throws a face at the taste, and Mapi swoops in with a little bit of juice she had brought with her from the kitchen, having expected that reaction. The brunette pressed the cool wash cloth against Elena’s forehead, letting out a small breath of relief at the way her daughter seemed to lean into the feeling, her body releasing some of the tension that it was holding. 
“Please don’t–don’t wanna go back to–please,” Elena whined with no real annunciation, and Mapi’s brows furrowed with confusion while Ingrid was quick to quiet her daughter, rushing to assuage her fears. 
“Don’t worry, you aren’t going back to your bed. You will stay here with me and Mami in our bed, okay?” Ingrid promised fervently, and Mapi watched as Elena’s entire body relaxed, melting into Ingrids as she nodded, whining softly. 
Mapi removed the washcloth that had grown warm, settling back in bed as she offered to Ingrid that she could take their daughter, if the Norwegian needed her to. But Ingrid shook her head very tightly, clutching Elena as though Mapi was going to take her away from her. 
The Spaniard backed off immediately, instead helping Ingrid lay back down with the little girl curled into her, the defender turning on her side, using her arm to keep Elena pulled into her body. The toddler cuddled into her mother easily, shifting uncomfortably every few minutes. 
It took several minutes of Ingrid rubbing her hand up and down Elena’s back soothingly for the little girl to drift back off to sleep, her breath coming in hot puffs against Ingrid’s collarbone. 
Mapi’s brow was knitted in concern, her voice low as she spoke. 
“What happened?” She inquired, hoping to be filled in on what was going on. Ingrid shook her head very gently, making sure not to jostle their daughter. 
“She came in a few minutes ago. She tried to wake you up but you didn’t wake up, so she woke me up instead,” Ingrid explained, and Mapi blanched, a guilty look blooming on her face. 
“Shit, I really need to work on that,” Mapi scolded herself, but Ingrid once again shook her head. 
“María, you can’t control how heavy of a sleeper you are,” the dark haired woman reasoned, and the center back relents slightly despite the fact that she still hated this part of herself. 
“What happened then?” She asked instead, knowing that there was more to the story. Ingrid’s face fell just slightly, confirming the brunette’s suspicions. 
The dark haired woman holds their daughter tighter to herself, leaning down to kiss the top of her head lightly. When she speaks, there is clear emotion in her words. 
“She felt bad about waking me up. She thought I was going to be mad at her, and kept apologizing. I didn’t realize I made her feel like she couldn’t come to me,” the defender admitted with a small voice, and Mapi softens in sympathy as she reaches forward to place her hand on Ingrid’s chin, tilting her head up so that the Norwegian is looking at her. 
“Hey, she still came to you when she needed you, because she knows that at the end of the day you love her more than you could ever be mad at her,” Mapi murmured soothingly, and Ingrid nodded as she tried to take in her wifes words. “It was never your intention to make her feel this way, and now that you know you can work to change it moving forward. We’re all just doing the best we can with this parenting thing, and clearly she still adores you regardless,” the center back emphasized, gesturing to the way their daughter was currently clinging to her wife. Ingrid’s face relaxes at that sentiment as she cuddles into Elena. She’s struggling to keep her eyes open any longer, sleep beginning to pull at her once more, even as she fights it. 
“Sleep, mi amor,” Mapi urged, and Ingrid nodded gently as allows her body to relax, pulled back into sleep as her daughter rested against her. 
When Ingrid woke up the next morning, the bed was entirely empty, devoid of both her wife and daughter. 
The Norwegian had never been out of bed so quickly, half walking and half running toward the kitchen. She entirely speeds past where Elena and Mapi are on the couch, until she hears a little, slightly subdued giggle from behind her. 
She turns back to see Elena laying on top of Mapi, the two of them laid out on the couch together. 
“Mama, why are you running?” Mapi teased in an overly conspiratory voice, and their daughter’s laughter at her words turned into coughing before she managed to recover, despite the anxious look of her two parents. 
“Yeah Mama!” She tries to say, but it’s slightly breathless and wheezy. Ingrid walks over to the two of them, crouching down and feeling Elena’s forehead. Warmer than it should be but not as bad as it had been last night. 
“She just had more medicine about thirty minutes ago when she woke up,” Mapi explained, and Elena perks up slightly. 
“Mami woke up when I did!” Elena says softly, and Ingrid looks up to find that her wife is looking overly proud of herself, if the large smile spread across her face is any indication. 
Ingrid fights the urge to laugh at the sight, choosing instead to lean forward and kiss Elena’s cheek softly. 
“Maybe a warm bath would help?” The defender postulates, and Mapi nods before passing their daughter over to her wife. Elena is like a ragdoll in Ingrid’s arms, laying against her mothers shoulder as she’s led back into the bathroom. 
The bath is short, but the warm water does seem to bring some relief to the little girl, who remains quiet and reserved even as she’s pulled out of the tub, Ingrid beginning to dry her off. 
“Mama?” Elena asks softly, her voice small. 
“Yes my love?” Ingrid responds instantly, helping her daughter into some lightweight pajamas. When she’s finished dressing her, she notices the downcast expression her daughter is wearing, and her brows are instantly furrowing in ferocious concern. 
“Is everything okay? What is it honey - you can tell Mama, I promise I won’t be mad,” Ingrid assures, her words gentle and soft. Elena looked up at her through her eyelashes, a slightly crinkle in her forehead. 
“Can we cuddle more in your bed? I’m tired,” Elena admitted softly, and Ingrid is quick to swoop her daughter into her arms, carrying her right toward the bed. 
“We absolutely can. We can do whatever you want to do today - anything!” Ingrid promised, her voice low but filled with truth. The little girl thinks for a moment before shaking her head, looking toward the bed. 
“Just want to cuddle with you. Can Mami come too?” Elena asked hopefully, and the defender nodded quickly, reaching for her phone as she sat down in bed, shooting Mapi a quick text. 
It still amazed her sometimes, what it felt like to love this little human being so much. To know that she could have anything, but all she wanted was Ingrid and Mapi when she didn’t feel well. It was a different kind of love, genuinely. 
“Absolutely love. Mami is on her way, come on let's get you all snuggly,” Ingrid promised, laying down and bringing Elena to lay on top of her. The little girl laid her head sideways on Ingrid’s sternum, held in place securely by the Norwegian’s hands on her back holding her firmly in place. 
Her whole world in that moment was her Mama, and she felt endlessly safe and protected. She still didn’t feel well, but nothing seemed quite as bad when Mama held her like this, like she was the only thing in the world that mattered. 
“I heard we were having a cuddle puddle!” Mapi whispered rather loudly as she entered the room, Bagheera in her arms as she came around to the other side of the bed. 
“Mami!” Elena breathed out, her voice tired but excited still, and she was reaching for Mapi instantly. The Spaniard set their cat at the end of the bed to curl up as she slid next to her wife and daughter, reaching out to engulf Elena’s little hand in her own. 
Elena relaxed fully only once both of her mothers were pressed against one another, and she could open her eyes and see them both. 
“We love you Elena,” Ingrid murmured softly, and the little girl smiled softly as she cuddled into her Mama, letting out a soft, content sigh. 
“Sleep, mi sol,” Mapi urged, smiling gently up at her wife as their daughter finally relaxed fully into her, safe and asleep in her mothers arms. 
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prazinos · 2 years
Ghost in the Austrian Asylum
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Pairings ~ Ghost x You x König
König had a crush on both you and Ghost, but he would be surprised to learn that the two people he was practically infatuated with were married. Lucky for him, the two of you want him as well.
WC : 3K
Warnings ~ Oral {F&M} | PiV | Anal {M} | Toys | Masturbation {M} | Threesome | Unprotected Sex | Sub!König Switch!Reader Dom!Ghost | Descriptions of violence (just a little not a lot) | Creampie |
No use of Y/N (i don't think, there isn't supposed to be)
Not proofread (yet)
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When König joined the 141, he was terrified. He knew of Price's habit. Picking some of the most lethal men in the military.
So he was surprised when he met you. The notorious 'Asylum', greeting him with a smile and a hug. Talking about how she had seen his file. Really impressive work.
König knew about your file as well. Knew that most of it couldn't be seen as it was marked as 'confidential'. So, why were you called Asylum?
When he asked Soap about this, the Scotsman merely laughed, telling him that he'll find out soon.
Find out soon he did. You were on a mission, and the team had a guy kidnapped for questioning. Nobody could get anything out of him.
'We should send her in' Price stated, lighting a cigar.
Ghost merely chuckled while Soap went white.
'Put König in with her. He should see what she's capable of' Ghost suggested.
Price nodded and motioned for you both to head into the room.
König followed you closely. Curious as to what you would do.
The man tied to the chair lifted his head, smirking when he saw you.
'And what are you gonna do pretty girl?' He asked.
You merely got closer to him, leaning down in front of his face.
'Listen, you could tell me what I need to know, or you can be in a world of pain' you said quietly.
'Fuck. You. Whore.'
You sighed, getting up and exiting the room, before coming in with a duffel bag? König stared at you.
Watching the way you dumped the bag on the ground. Grabbing a hammer out of it.
You gripped the hammer tightly before slamming it into the mans left kneecap. The man screamed out in pain, the sound of his knee cap breaking making König shudder slightly.
'Are you gonna tell me anything yet?' you asked, almost kindly.
the man kept his mouth shut.
you shrugged, reaching back into the bag, grabbing pliers.
'I'm gonna pull out your teeth one by one, until you give me an answer. If the answer you give me isn't worth my time or untruthful, I'm ripping out a nail' you said grabbing his jaw.
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By the time you had gotten your answers, the man had only 4 teeth and 3 fingernails.
König understood why you were called Asylum now.
And he hated to admit that the scene had him feeling things. Watching you make this man who was at least twice the size of you break and cry, had him thinking.
But what felt most unsettling, you were back to smiles and jokes almost immediately after the ordeal.
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König had a crush. He hated that word. He had a crush on you...and Ghost. But he couldn't help it. Ghost had this voice that drove him crazy, and your lighthearted personality compared to you on a mission had König's head spinning.
And what was worse? Soap knew.
'You haven't got a chance lad' he laughed.
'W-what why? I-I think I'm nice enough' König spluttered
'because they're married-'
'wait what'
'-to each other'
God that did not help König in the slightest. His mind now swarming with images of the two of you fucking. You pressed against a wall, Ghost fucking into you hard enough that picture frames were falling off the wall.
Images of you giving Ghost the most soul sucking head, Ghost fucking your face, tears streaming down your cheeks.
Images of Ghost biting your thighs before shoving his face into your cunt. You gripping his hair like a vice. Bucking your hips, practically riding his face.
But his mind crossed into new territory. Something he hadn't thought of before.
You and Ghost fucking him, together.
You grinding on König's cock as Ghost fucks him. Ghost grabbing your hair, pulling your head back to spit in your mouth.
You sucking König's cock, leaving a sticky ring around the base of his cock from your lip-gloss. Your ass in the air as Ghost fucks into you from behind, causing you to moan around König's cock, creating a vibrator effect.
The idea of you and König tying Ghost to the bed, teasing him, using a vibrator all over him, except the part he needs it most just to have his hard exterior crumble.
'König!' Soap said loudly, waving a hand in front of König’s face.
'Sorry, got distracted' König sighed
'I can tell' Soap chuckled.
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Thankfully, Soap didn't bring it up again. Merely throwing a glance when König would stare at you and Ghost for too long. To which König could feel himself burning up under the mask.
But one day Soap told König that you and Ghost were sparring. One of your guys' infamous sparring sessions. Everybody on base talks about them. Especially Soap.
As König and Soap walk in, already seeing the two of you in the sparring ring, König whispers to Soap.
'This is hardly a fair fight, they're gonna go easy on each other because they're married'
Soap just cackled, slapping König on the back.
König was so, so wrong. As soon as Soap said the word, you and Ghost were kicking, punching, König even thinks he see's you bite Ghost at one point.
König watched as you pulled Ghost's head down towards your raised knee. hearing the crack of Ghost's mask. Holy shit.
König hated how turned on he was. Watching you smile down at Ghost sweetly, before landing a punch on his jaw.
'I have to go' König mumbled
'Have fun!' Soap yelled
König got back to his room fairly quickly. rushing to lie down on his bed, his hands flying to get his belt unbuckled and fly unzipped.
Pulling out his painfully hard cock, he spat in his hand, stroking slowly, as his hand reached the tip, he swiped his thumb over the slit, causing himself to whimper quietly.
He couldn't get you and Ghost out of his head. What Ghost's cock would taste like, what you would taste like.
He imagined himself and Ghost, holding you, sandwiched between the two burly men, Ghost fucking into your ass, König fucking into the tight heat of your cunt. Your head lolled onto Ghosts shoulder, unable to hold in the whimpers.
And then his mind flew to having you sit in front of a full length mirror, Ghost devouring your cunt as you sat between König's legs, watching yourself come over and over on Ghost's tongue as König sucked hickeys and tweaked your nipples.
König was so close to his release. His eyes shut in pleasure, one more swipe of his thumb over his slit, he knew he would be done for.
But König was suddenly grabbed by his shirt, and slammed against the wall. His eye's shot open, to see Ghost, his piercing eyes, full of anger. König whimpered, he was fucking terrified, but he couldn't help the feeling of arousal that flooded through him and down to his cock.
Ghost looked ravishing. His balaclava not covering the chest that peaked from his tight fitting shirt, his chest (of what König could see) was sweaty, and König wanted to lick the beads of sweat that were probably running down Ghost's face.
His cock jumped at the thought, and that didn't go unnoticed by Ghost. König was roughly pulled from the wall before being slammed back into it
'You like getting off to the thought of fucking my wife?' Ghost practically growled.
'N-no! I swear, I swear I don't! Please!' König exclaims, tears filling his eyes.
'He's right honey, he wasn't getting off to the thought of just me' you giggled from behind Ghost.
Oh fuck, this was so much worse. So, so much worse. You were here too.
Ghost huffed letting go of König
'Are you okay König? Hope Simon didn't hurt you too badly' you asked, moving in front of him.
What was going on? You should be terrified, disgusted, mad, furious. But you're caressing König's face instead.
König swallowed thickly, looking down at you.
'We know about your dirty little thoughts König' you smile.
König wanted to die. Right then and there. How? How did you know?
'You aren't very quite soldier' Ghost said gruffly. König's eyes widened as he looked between the two of you.
König couldn't get the two of you fucking him senseless out of his mind. His hand moving at an almost inhumane speed, he tried covering his moans. But some slipped through.
'Scheiße! Bitte! Asylum, Ghost please, please let me come! oh Scheiße!'
Fuck. That was a week ago. König could've sworn he heard footsteps outside his door. But he couldn't care less as his orgasm rocked through him.
'König~' you said, his eyes snapping back to you. You reached down and gripped König's cock.
And König came.
König fucking came.
From your hand merely grasping his dick.
König could hear you and Ghost laughing together as he rode his high, bucking his hips into your hand.
As he came down from his (mind-blowing) orgasm, whimpering as he felt a hand stroking him still.
He looked down to see Ghost's gloved hand, König's head shot up, looking at the only slightly shorter man.
'Ha-ah~ Ghost, please~!' König cried out
'König, sweetie, you don't have to call him Ghost anymore. Call him by his real name, he'll go feral' you voiced from the bed.
'Si, Scheiße, SiMON~!' König wailed as cum spurted from his cock again.
König felt like he was gonna pass out, he felt tears under his hood.
The fabric sticking to his face was annoying him, and he wanted it off. He looked between the two of you, before yanking it off; hoping it wouldn’t ruin what was happening.
'Oh Köni~ you're so pretty' you smiled walking up to him, grabbing his face, pulling it down and inspecting it. Rubbing your thumb over the scar on his cheekbone.
He could feel the rush of blood go to both his cheeks, and cock.
'Isn't he pretty Si?' You asked the masked man now behind you.
'Real pretty' Ghost agreed.
You pulled König towards the bed, pushing him to lie down.
'Already hard again Big Boy?' Ghost asked. And König nodded pathetically.
'He has good stamina Si' you said, straddling König.
'God look how deep he's gonna go sweetheart, he's thick too. Have to stretch you out doesn't he' Ghost chuckled darkly.
He wasn't wrong. König stared at how you held his cock to you, seeing how far he would go. He would reach so far into you, the thought making his cock jump.
König moved his hands to your waist and moved you, so you were lying underneath him. He sat up on his knees, turning his head to Simon.
'Are-Are you sure this is all-um, okay?' he asked.
Ghost removed his balaclava, and grabbed König by his chin, locking their lips.
König gasped as Simon slid his tongue into his mouth. Moaning into the kiss.
They broke apart, a string of saliva connecting their lips still.
König could really admire Simon now, his blonde hair and sharp jawline. Something he thought he would only dream about.
König heard you whimper underneath him.
'She's so fucking impatient' Simon whispered. To which you groaned.
Simon helped König to his feet before practically tearing his clothes off. Doing the same to himself. And both men looked at you hungrily.
Fear flooded you but also flooded your hungry need.
König got back on the bed and pulled your pants along with your panties off. As Simon helped you to remove your shirt and bra. König settled between your thighs.
He wet his lips, moving forward to lick into you, but before he could he felt Simon grab his hair. Pulling him just enough so he wouldn't be able to taste you. No matter how hard he tried.
'Beg for it' was all Simon said. Staring directly into König's eyes.
'Please? Pleasepleaseplease, wanna taste her so bad, know she'll taste good, she'll taste so good. Please Simon!' König asked.
Simon shoved König's face into your dripping cunt. Almost immediately you arched your hips. König's large hands gripping them, and pushing them down.
You writhed in his iron grip. The pleasure overwhelming as he sucked your clit, moving his tongue to lap the juices practically pouring out your cunt.
You were close. Your hands pulling harder on König's hair. Moans moving to a higher octave.
Your thighs started shaking, so, so close.
Simon pulled König up from between your thighs. König's whines being louder than yours
'Please! She was so close to cumming! Please just need to feel her come on my tongue. Please!' König whimpered.
God he needed you to come more than you did it sounded.
Simon shoved König's face back into your cunt. König whimpering happily as he lapped up your juices.
König was gripping your hips and thighs like a lifeline. Something to keep him grounded.
'What's this?' Simon asked amusedly. König's eyes shot open and saw Simon standing next to his bedside table. Dildo in hand.
'No need to be embarrassed baby. Something we can have even more fun with' Simon said grabbing the bottle of lube from the bedside table.
König focused back on your clit, sucking on it like a lollipop, and your thighs started shaking again.
König removed his right hand from your left thigh, his finger dipping into your cunt, curling to hit the spot that would have you falling over the edge in no time.
König focused back on your clit, moaning as he felt Simon push a thick finger into his ass.
Simon moved his finger trying to find the spot in König that would make him-
'Mmmph!' König moaned around your clit, causing you to cum all over his tongue and finger. Pulling at König's hair and hips bucking sporadically.
König was addicted to your taste. His tongue lapping at your abused cunt.
You whined, overstimulated as König kept moaning around your puffy clit.
You shuffled out of König's grip finally. and motioned for Simon to remove his finger from König.
Simon did so, and flipped König over, smiling at his red chest and face.
'More' König moaned pathetically.
'Greedy' you laughed.
Simon squeezed a glob of lube onto the toy, pushing it slowly into König's hole. König let out a soft moan at the intrusion before relaxing into the pleasant sensation.
'How close were you? Huh König?' You questioned, letting a glob of saliva fall from your lips and onto König's cock.
You leaned down licking at his tip.
'So, so close!' König moaned.
You smiled, sucking on his tip. Causing him to buck his hips into the sensation.
You pulled off him, Simon pressed a button on the toy, a loud humming sound filling the room.
König moaned loudly, and you covered his mouth.
'König honey, I love your sounds but you don't want to get us caught do you?' you asked sweetly.
König shook his head no. And you started fingering yourself with two fingers, stretching yourself out. Watching as König's eyes rolled in the back of his head.
'Sweetheart, get on his dick' Simon said.
You smiled at him, before looking at König, his eyes almost comically wide.
You moved over and positioned yourself over König's large cock, sinking down slowly, your mouth falling open at the stretch, König moaning as you slid down his cock.
'Si-Simon' you moaned, swallowing before continuing 'fuck him'
You saw König's eyes widen again and he whimpers quietly from the feeling of Simons fat tip nudging at his hole.
You started bouncing on his cock, moaning quietly, and König moaned very loudly at the feeling of Simons cock entering him.
You leaned down quickly, covering König's mouth. Still bouncing on his cock.
'We gotta buy him a gag Si' you smiled
König nodded enthusiastically at the idea.
'He's such a slut' Simon commented.
You continued bouncing on König's cock, grabbing his hand and guiding it to your lower stomach.
'Feel that Köni?~ you're so deep' You moaned.
König’s eyes widened as he felt the bulge that disappeared and reappeared as you slid up and down him, and you grabbed your panties that were discarded to the bed and shoved them into König's open mouth.
His eyes opened widely before rolling to the back of his head, the taste of you invading his mouth, only adding to the mind blowing pleasure he was feeling.
'Fuck I'm gonna cum!' you moaned, reaching your fingers down to your clit, rubbing messy circles.
'Me too lovie' Simon groaned, fucking into König relentlessly.
König whined around your panties as Simon’s cock pounded directly into his prostate, sending shockwaves of pleasure up his spine and adding to the coil that was rapidly tightening in his abdomen
König still couldn't believe this was happening. Watching your tits bouncing in front of his face, his eyes couldn't stop glancing down to the bulge that continuously appeared.
'I think Köni has a size kink Si' you sighed softly
König heard Simon chuckle, his hips somehow pounding harder into him.
'Gonna cum!' König moaned, although muffled.
'Come for us Big Boy' Simon moaned, and König was gone.
His vision went white, he doesn't think he has ever come this hard in his life. And then he felt you clenching around him, your juices covering his cock, he also felt Simon shoot his cum inside of him.
He doesn't know if he came again or if his last one never ended. He swears he passed out.
He actually passed out.
He woke up to feeling a cold sensation on his dick, he whined but heard your muffled voice tell him that you were just cleaning him up.
He relaxed soon after, but not for long because he felt a water bottle be pushed against his lips.
König's tired eyes opened and saw Simon mouthing something to him, no he was saying something.
'come on, you gotta drink König' he said.
König gulped down the water, and pushed it away.
He felt somebody's warm body next to him but he couldn't care less who it was, he wrapped himself around them and judging by the size, it was Simon.
He soon felt your body on the other side of him and he didn't know what to do, did he hug Simon? Did he hug you? Should he have just left? It was his room though.
'You guys don't have to stay, I know this was probably a one time thing' König whispered.
'We're not going anywhere Köni, and this is totally not a one time thing'
'definitely not' Simon agreed.
König felt you pull his shoulder and he let go of Simon.
He felt you hug his side as Simon hugged the other, the sounds of soft snores quickly filling the space.
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HI BOZOS!!!!!!!!
Longest fic in a while goodness me
I did this in one sitting jesus.
Anyway hope ya'll liked it, lmk if you did by liking, commenting, reblogging, or maybe even following idk.
oh also that little title i did, i thought it was pretty funny
I think i'm gonna start writing more COD stuff just for funsies
Ok it's 3:19am and im tired
BYE BOZOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dontcryminecraft · 11 months
red team purgatory day one
half of red team isn't here, nobody knows how to actually PLAY MINECRAFT, and the only person remotely good at pvp here is philza. Carre carries everyone and is off doing his own thing. Even IF the other half of the team is there, the only person i can accurately gauge the ability of is WILBUR, and i have zero faith in his skills lol. Everyone is realizing how much they're going to have to stream, and some will have to change their schedules in order to play effectively. Charlie doesn't stream for 5 hours, but he has to be here for all of this, and it becomes VERY CLEAR, VERY QUICKLY, WHY HE DOESN'T. His voice is dead and he is unravelling at the seams. He hates it here more than anyone. only half of his breakdown is a joke. They're drying. Cellbit and Slime had ENOUGH and just beat each other with sticks. They're devolving and screaming about how much they hate this and they're manic and their arms feel numb and tingly and badboyhalo keeps killing them and they keep dying and life hates them. Jaiden told badboyhalo to kill himself. In a fit of rage they declared that they no longer care about the eggs and they'd rather just go home. They're planning on logging in on Monday only to build a house and start Egg Island Survival LetsPlay where they make an Emerald Empire and only respond in Villiager Hrmms. now they're sing/screaming as their base burns around them, and i can't tell what they're supposed to be singing but they kept repeating "say something I'm giving up on you" and someone started playing the Living TombStone FNAF song. Phil got a globe and gifted everyone a fidget toy to spin and they're just sitting and spinning. Baghera just realized that Phil already had all the saplings they need and she wasted her time, so Phil took off his armor so the two can could fight. Baghera lost even though she had a diamond sword, so Phil just let her kill him so she can be happy. Corpses scatter across their yard. They're killing each other. I started typing this with 20 minutes left and I'm witnessing the longest fucking 20 minutes of my life how is there still 7-whatever minutes left??? CELLBIT JUST CONFESSED TO THE MURDERS AND THEY'RE CONFESSING TO THEIR SINS NOW???? I CAN'T TELL IF CHARLIE'S CONFESSION ABOUT JUANAFLIPPA AND THE CODE IS CANON???? Charlie suggests a cannibalism arc and everyone wants to go absolutely FERAL and cellbit it trying to act normal about that idea and kinda fails at it. And it all ends with everyone being banned to enforce the 5-hour rule. We're Free...for today. And despite this, they don't want to change teams and they're actually looking forward to suffering with friends :) ...nevermind they're planning on selling wilbur to get a better advantage.
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thrillered · 3 months
You know I Mountain Dew it for ya Pt.1 | Spencer Agnew x F! Reader |
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You started working at Smosh when you were 26, a few years after graduating college. In your down time you wrote and produced your own music. Not that you had much down time, which wasn’t necessarily a problem, you loved your job, you got to work with some of the most creative, talented, and hilarious people you’ve ever met. After working on it for months you finally finished writing and producing your latest single "Espresso". The song blows up but Smosh fans begin to wonder if the song is about her dear friend and coworker Spencer Agnew.
*Every piece of this work is fictional. I was inspired by Sabrina Carpenters song Espresso when I noticed how much it could apply to Spencer lol, I did NOT write or produce Espresso*
Pt. 1: Lunch
“Hello everyone!! And welcome back to another TRY NOT TO LAUGH!” Amanda started, a burst of energy shooting throughout the sound stage. “Don’t worry, we’ve heard your requests so we grabbed Josh to do another MUSICAL episode!”
The cast cheered, you smiled as you stayed ducked behind them. “Because we’re doing a musical episode we invited the one and only Y/N to join us!” Courtney smiled, the group— Amanda, Courtney, Shayne, Angela, and Chanse— splitting to allow you to pop up. 
“Hey everyone!!” You began, the cast and crew clapping and giving whoops of encouragement. “Okay, okay, that’s enough you’re making me blush” you joked, hands behind your back and twisting your foot.
“Don’t stop blushing yet Y/N, we aren’t done talking about you.” Chanse added, shaking your shoulder. 
“We may or may not have had ulterior motives for this musical episode.” Amanda continued. “We invited Y/N to join us because she is releasing a new song!”
“AND because I'm hilariously witty, right?” you joked, causing shayne to roll his eyes. “But! Yes, the day this releases my new single “Espresso” will be premiering at 10 pm PST, like, everywhere you get your music! This song is super fun so I hope you guys like it!” The group cheered and with that the round began.  
With Amanda in the stool first you decided to bust out your Sarah Christ impression for a beautiful ballad about how no establishments will let you smoke in them anymore. Amanda was quick to laugh, almost spraying you in the face, followed by a compliment about how good your Sarah Christ was. 
The game went by smoothly, or as smoothly as a smosh video goes, everyone making each other laugh. During your time in the stool Shayne sang, or rather yelled, one of the lowest notes you'd ever heard. You stayed strong until he had been holding the same note for probably 10 seconds and his face turned the most pained shade of red. 
“Oh thank god!” He said, leaning his hands on his knees as he caught his breath, “I think I would have gone until I passed out” 
The final round ended and you began the outro with applause, “That was so much fun! I demand to be invited to every musical TNTL from now on. Thank you guys so much for watching, we hope you laughed just as much as we did.” 
“Don't forget to stream “Espresso” by Y/N!” Chanse added, resting his chin lightly on your shoulder. 
“It’s SO good! Like, I swear to god, it's been stuck in my head since I heard it for the first time.” Angela added.
“And with that we must part ways..” You began, in a deep melodic tone. “Don’t forget to like and subscribe and check out one of these two videos on your screen! Okay bye!” 
That was two weeks ago and the Try Not To Laugh was being posted today. Your single premiering tonight.  
You sat at your desk, anxiously bouncing your heel as you tried to focus on the doc in front of you. You were supposed to meet with the games team later that afternoon to discuss possible creatives for some upcoming live streams. But the only thing you could focus on was what people would think about your song. 
You aren’t new to making music. In fact, you’ve been writing it since college and even performing it at some open mics and small gigs. But, most people who knew you online knew you from Smosh, not from your musical career. You had about 3,000 monthly listeners, which always astounded you, but this was the first time that you were releasing music that was being promoted by such a large online entity. 
“Keep shaking like that and you’ll cause an earthquake” You turned to see Spencer approaching your desk, hands in his pockets. You opened your mouth to respond but he cut you off, “Everyone is gonna love your song, Y/N. You don’t need to worry.”
“You haven't even heard it yet, Spence” You retorted, having made Spencer (Along with the rest of the cast, minus Angela) swear that he would wait until the release party to listen to it. You leaned your head on your chair to look at him as he sits next to you. 
“Yes, but, you would only put out something good so I trust that the song slaps.” Spencer tried to ease your running mind, only to get a huff in return. “Okay fine.” He began, standing and grabbing your phone while simultaneously turning off your monitor. 
“Wha- Hey” You started, trying to stop him but reacting too slowly.
“We are going out to lunch.” Spencer said, matter of factly.
“But what about the games meeting?” You asked.
“Got moved back an hour, don’t you look at the slack?” he chastised.
“Okay, but isn’t everyone going out tonight anyway?” You questioned, remembering that some of the cast and crew insisted on going out to celebrate your song release.
“Yeah but that’s everyone.” Spencer began, already walking towards the door, “Consider this your pre-game with your best friend.” 
“A pre-game at..” You looked at your barren wrist, “two pm?” 
“One: you’re not wearing a watch. And two: okay, a social pre-game. Plus, I’m not taking no for an answer, so come on and let your wonderful best friend buy you lunch.”  Begrudgingly you agreed. You walked side by side to Spencer's car, him opening the passenger door for you before rounding the front and getting in the drivers side. 
You smiled as you realized where he was taking you. He took you to a little hole-in-the-wall ramen place you two had discovered the year prior. It quickly became you and Spencer's own little spot. Neither of you ever went there without the other unless it meant stopping by to take it to go on the way to the other's apartment for a game or movie night. 
The older Japanese-American couple that owned the restaurant greeted you with warm smiles, “The usual?” the husband, Kenji, asked. 
You both nodded as you took a seat in one of the four small booths that lined the wall. The comforting smell of hot broth and spices calmed your anxious mind as you closed your eyes to take a deep inhale. You and Spencer talked about some upcoming shoots and how his Baldur's Gate 3 save was going as you waited for the food to arrive. 
 It didn’t take long for Emi, the other owner, to bring out your food, “You two are just the cutest, such a wonderful young couple.” She cooed.
“Oh we’re not-” 
“Thank you Mrs. Ito, that's so sweet, we really love coming here.” You cut Spencer off, smiling at the woman's kindness. She walked off, heading to grab an order for a driver. 
You turned to find Spencer staring at you with an eyebrow slightly raised. “What?” You asked, sipping on the steaming broth.
“So you think we’re the ‘most wonderful young couple’ huh?”
“Of course I do honeybun.” You jested, leaning over the table and tapping Spencer's cheek sarcastically. Resuming your meal as Spencer rolls his eyes.
The rest of your lunch is pleasant, filled with chatter about everything yet nothing. You tried to pay for your lunch when Mrs. Ito brings the bill but Spencer insists on covering it since he wanted to take you to lunch to distract you. 
“Thank you spence, I really needed that.” You said, grabbing Spencer’s hand in thanks as you walked back into the office. 
He squeezed your hand lightly, “I always know what you need.” And he did, Spencer was a consistent support system for you, had been since you began at Smosh. Beginning as an editor you worked with Spencer a lot. Your friendship blossomed over a shared love of movies and games. 
Over the years you got closer and closer until you were unequivocally best friends. Weekly movie nights, breakfast, lunch, and dinner dates solidified that years ago. Now there’s hardly any time you spend without each other. 
You walked hand in hand to the conference room, ready for the games meeting now that your head was clear.
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its-avalon-08 · 5 months
CONTROVERSIAL BUT - y/n leclerc and carlos sainz are dating. - she finds out about the ferrari announcement for 2025. - she flips out and is furious - argues with charles, both sob. - carlos's future (pls make it happy)
i love this with my whole heart. i did cry while writing this im sorry <3
please smile amore (cs55)
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the champagne had barely dried on the podium before the news hit y/n like a rogue tire. her boyfriend, carlos, ecstatic from his surprise win, was pulling her into a victory hug when charles, had his face pale and eyes downcast. the phone started buzzing and ferrari's announcement about lewis hamilton moving into ferrari in 2025. y/n's eyes grew wide and carlos stiffened knowingly.
the room seemed to lose all sound. y/n froze, the echo of the murmurs words bouncing around her skull. carlos, oblivious, released her from the hug, a triumphant grin splitting his face. "y/n amore please breathe."
"i'm so sorry carlos, im so-," charles mumbled, avoiding y/n's gaze.
a low growl escaped y/n's throat. her vision narrowed, tuning out the congratulations and backslaps raining on carlos. "fuck off. no, fuck off. what the actual fuck does ferrari want? he fucking won char."
charles flinched. "it's not about that, y/n. it's..."
"it's about what?" y/n's voice rose, each word laced with a tremor that threatened to erupt. "is it about you needing another yes-man, charles? someone who won't challenge you?"
charles' head snapped up, hurt flickering in his blue eyes. "that's not fair. you know i respect carlos!"
"respect?" y/n's voice broke. tears welled up, blurring her vision. "respect doesn't put food on the table, charles! it doesn't secure a driver's future!"
"they have a plan, y/n!" charles pleaded, frustration creeping into his tone. "they..."
"their plan is a joke!" y/n screamed. "at carlos' expense!"
the room fell silent. everyone, mechanics, team personnel, even the bubbly podium girls stared at the leclerc siblings, their joyous celebration replaced by a chilling silence.
carlos, his face crumpling, finally stepped between them. "y/n, honey..."
"don't you 'honey' me, carlos!" y/n snapped, tears now streaming down her face. "this is your dream, your life! and they're throwing it away!"
"y/n, please..." charles choked out, his own voice cracking. "this isn't how this is supposed to go."
"how is it supposed to go, charles?" y/n's voice hitched on a sob. "tell me! how is it supposed to feel when they cast your teammate aside like yesterday's trash?"
charles flinched visibly. tears welled in his own eyes, mirroring y/n's. "i... i don't know."
silence descended again, heavier than before. the weight of their argument, of the broken dream, suffocated them both.
y/n, chest heaving with unshed sobs, turned and stormed out of the room. carlos, his own victory celebration forgotten, chased after her. charles stood frozen, a single tear tracing a path down his cheek. he felt utterly alone, despite being surrounded by people.
later that night, y/n sat on the edge of their hotel bed, staring out the window. carlos sat beside her, his arm draped around her shoulders, a silent comfort in the storm. y/n leaned into his touch, the warmth a small solace in the cold reality.
"i'm so sorry, princess," carlos murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "i never meant..."
"it's not your fault," y/n interrupted, wiping away a stray tear. "it's theirs. it's ferrari's."
they sat in silence for a while, the only sound the city lights humming outside. finally, y/n spoke, her voice quiet but determined. "we'll figure something out, carlos. we always do."
carlos squeezed her hand. "i know we will. but about charles..."
y/n sighed, the anger from before replaced by a dull ache. "i just... i don't know what to say to him."
"he's your brother, y/n," carlos said gently. "he probably feels awful."
y/n knew he was right. charles had never been good with emotions, especially his own. but the image of his tear-filled face haunted her.
the next morning, y/n found charles in the team lounge, hunched over a coffee, a defeated air clinging to him. she walked over and took a deep breath.
"can we talk?" she asked, her voice soft.
charles looked up, startled. his eyes were red-rimmed and puffy. he nodded curtly.
y/n sat down across from him. "look," she started, "what i said last night... it was out of line," y/n finished, her voice choked with emotion. "i was angry, for you, for us. but it doesn't mean i don't understand your position."
charles stared into his coffee, his jaw clenched. "i just... i don't want to hurt you, y/n. or carlos."
"i know," y/n said, reaching across the table to place a hand on his. "we'll figure this out. together, like always."
a flicker of warmth appeared in charles' eyes. he squeezed her hand briefly before withdrawing it.
"speaking of figuring things out," a voice broke the tension. max verstappen, arms crossed, stood by the table, a hint of amusement dancing in his steely blue eyes.
y/n's head snapped up, surprised. max, known for his bluntness, rarely ventured into such emotional team territory.
"y/n and i were just having a chat," charles muttered, avoiding eye contact.
max's amusement widened into a smirk. "actually, charles, your teammate and i were just having a very interesting conversation." he looked at y/n, his smirk softening slightly. "let's just say your boyfriend might have a new home soon."
y/n's eyes widened. "what do you mean?"
max's eyes twinkled. "let's say red bull is always looking for exceptional talent," he said, glancing at carlos. "and sometimes, opportunities knock when you least expect them."
the following days were a whirlwind. news of carlos' potential move to red bull sent shockwaves through the paddock. initially, ferrari put up a fight, but when details of red bull's significant offer leaked, they conceded defeat.
the official announcement came a week later. a joint press conference displayed a jubilant carlos in red bull colours, flanked by christian horner and helmut marko. cameras flashed, reporters shouted questions, and a sense of bittersweet joy filled the air.
y/n, watching from a discreet corner, felt a knot loosen in her stomach. while she'd miss carlos being by charles' side on the track, the competitive fire back in his eyes was a sight to behold. he deserved this chance.
after the conference, y/n found charles by the team truck, staring out at the racetrack. he looked lost, a mix of relief and disappointment etched on his face.
"hey," y/n said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. charles turned, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before he offered a small smile.
"how are you holding up?"
"surprisingly okay," charles admitted. "i'll miss carlos as a teammate, but it's a good move for him."
"it is," y/n agreed. "and who knows? maybe it'll spice things up a bit next season."
charles chuckled, the sound genuine and warm. "maybe." he looked at her, his eyes reflecting a newfound determination. "besides, with carlos at red bull, the competition just got more interesting."
y/n laughed, feeling the tension dissipate. it wouldn't be easy, but they'd adjust, navigate the new dynamic. one thing was certain: the leclerc siblings were a team, and they'd face the future, victories and defeats, together.
the press conference lights dimmed, the final question answered. carlos hopped off the stage, a wide grin splitting his face. he scanned the room, his eyes landing on y/n standing by the side door.
a wave of relief washed over him, erasing the nervous butterflies that had been fluttering all morning. he weaved through the crowd, his steps light and eager.
y/n's smile mirrored his when their eyes met. she pushed away from the wall and hurried towards him. the second they were close enough, carlos swept her into a hug, the familiar scent of her hair filling his senses.
"you did amazing, mi amor," y/n whispered, her voice muffled against his chest.
carlos chuckled, tightening his hold. "we did amazing," he corrected, nuzzling her cheek. "couldn't have done it without your support."
y/n pulled back slightly, a playful glint in her eyes. "oh, really? so all those motivational breakfasts and pep talks were for nothing?"
carlos feigned a gasp, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "you wound me! how could you forget the pre-race good luck kisses?"
y/n giggled, leaning in to pepper his cheek with kisses. "alright, alright, you win. you're the best boyfriend a driver could ask for."
carlos beamed, his heart swelling with love. "and you're the best cheerleader a driver could ask for." he held her gaze for a moment, the seriousness in his eyes a stark contrast to his playful demeanor moments ago. "thank you, y/n. for everything."
y/n squeezed him tighter. "always, carlos. always."
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staytiny-dreams · 4 months
dating streamer! beomgyu (c.bg x reader)
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pairing: choi beomgyu x gn! reader
genre: streamer! au, fluff, tiny bit of angst but not really
warnings: some parts focus on covid-19 pandemic if that's a trigger for you, i think that's all but lemme know if you think i missed anything
wc: 3.4k
note: so tired at 3am i accidentally hit the post button when it wasn't ready so if you've already seen this, no you haven't. i'm unsure how it turned out so let me know, i've also never formatted it like this before so any feedback on that lemme know too, and... look forward to the other members versions <33
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squeals leave beomgyu as the tension rises, the anticipation of the jumpscare he knows is coming getting the better of him
the chat speeds by
“i thought you were supposed to be good at horror games”
“what happened to beomgyu has no fear”
“we told you you should play fnaf beomie!”
“took you this long to play fnaf?”
beomgyu whines at all the ‘i told you so’ comments
“come on guyssss im so late to this how am i supposed to know you’d be interest-” he cuts himself off with a guttural scream as freddy finally makes his long awaited appearance
seeing the bamtoris laughing at him in the comments he pouts at them
“chat you distracted me okay, i let my guard down because of you!”
his pc pings with a notification and the text to speech reads out “themarcotoyourpolo says ‘HAH you are such a liar beom you would’ve screamed either way’”
when beomgyu was seventeen, he spent his time like every other teenage boy did
playing video games
but sometimes his best friend would come over and he’d pull himself away for a few hours
only to sit with you and watch streamers play other games
honestly you didn't mind when beomgyu played games when you were over
he was entertaining to watch
really entertaining actually
“hey gyu, don't you think you’d be a good streamer?” you suggested one day jokingly.
you both giggled at the little game of ‘yes and’ that followed, planning out an entire future together where beomgyu was rich and famous, and you lived in a mansion together that was just a haven for video games and your friends, but after your little tangent, the thought was dismissed as quickly as it came.
or so you had thought.
a week later, sitting across from each other at the cheapest your favourite restaurant in town, beomgyu brought it back up again.
“do you really think i’d make a good streamer?”
“why are you actually thinking about it?” you snorted, taking a sip of your water thinking he was joking again, but when beomgyu didn't say anything you tilted your head up at him.
“oh shit are you actually thinking about it?” beomgyu gave a noncommittal shrug and picked at his food, staring down at his plate. he refused to look at you until you knocked the table in front of his plate lightly.
“beomie,” you started as he stared at you with wide eyes, “i could watch you play for hours.” you don't think you could ever forget the way his smile took over his face at your words.
and that led to the next few months spent with you and beomgyu on call for hours a day
playing mostly minecraft together although occasionally he’d branch out to other games
you hit all his milestones together
he still remembers the day you first got a double digit view count
excitement flooded through the both of you as the kind soul who raided you spams your comment section
the same day, beomgyu also hit ten followers, prompting you two to make his discord server
whenever you were too busy to join him on stream beomgyu would whine and complain like his life depended on it
more often than not he’d actually end up cancelling the stream for that day
one day you didn't feel well but you decided to sit on call with beomgyu while he streams so that he wouldn't cancel
beomgyu chattered on as he normally does, yelling about how, “beomgyu never dies,” but he noticed that today you were not reciprocating that same energy.
in fact you had been so quiet that he wasn't even sure you were still alive on the other side.
“(y/n)ie are you alive over there? (y/n)? marco?” he asked and ever so faintly he heard a weak ‘polo’ sound throughout his headphones.
“one moment, chat,” he said to his 20 something viewers before deafening on discord and muting his mic.
he wriggled his phone out from where it hid in his pocket, opened your contact and called you. it dialled almost four times before you picked up.
“i’m so sorry, beomie i fell asleep. i really didn't mean to but i-” he cut you off before you could go on.
“are you okay (y/n)ie?”
“to be honest beom, i don't feel very well i-” cutting you off again, beomgyu announced that he would be coming over to cure you before promptly hanging up and ending stream leaving both you and his chatters confused.
turns out, curing you meant bringing you his mothers soup and watching youtube in bed with you until you fell asleep. your burning forehead left patches of sweat on his chest, but he couldn't find it in him to care.
from then on you had a system in place where you would check if the other was still there by calling out “marco”
and if the other person was okay they’d call back “polo”
sometimes you regretted this system on days beomgyu decided you were too quiet and abused the marco-polo system by continually calling out marco like a broken record
a little while after beomgyu turned eighteen, the pandemic started and so followed lockdown
it was a really hard time for beomgyu
you were supposed to be starting college together that year, along with your close friends from high school soobin and taehyun
but now all classes were online and he wasn't allowed to see any of his friends
going from seeing you everyday to never took a toll on beomgyu that he didn't expect
he just hated knowing you were only a few streets away and he couldn't just walk over to you whenever he felt like it
beomie :>: are you looking at the moon rn and wondering if i’m also looking at the moon rn?
ynnie <3: beom we called for six hours today
beomie :>: i know right, i miss you too :((
ynnie <3: omg fine get back on disc lets watch a movie
but with his ray of sunshine by his side, he eventually found his footing in this apocalypse
a lot of his time was spent on call with you
working on your respective assignments
watching your online lectures on 2x speed
any other free time was spent streaming
since everyone was stuck at home, due to his frequent streaming schedule
and infectious energy
beomgyu’s audience quickly grew
going from 1000 followers when lockdown had started to hitting 3000 followers within a few months
taking your advice, he also became more active on his other social medias
even posting clips of his streams on tiktok
a few of which went viral causing his channel to grow substantially again
he also started a youtube channel for those shorter games
or ideas that required more editing to execute than a stream would allow
one day, while checking his twitter dms his eyes almost fell out of his skull
he dialled you immediately
“(y/n) (y/n) (y/n) (y/n) (y/n) (y/n)!”
you took a deep breath in, prepared to repeat his name back to him in the same tone, but you didn't get the chance.
“do not copy me, we do not have time for that, this is a code blue, (y/n), code blue!”
“what on earth is a code blue?”
“big creator dmed me (y/n), come on, we’ve discussed this!”
“we’ve never discussed a code system in our entire life.”
“what that is such a lie, you just never listen to a word i say!”
“well sorry beomgyu if you talk so much nonsense that it's hard to keep up,”
“nonsense? you take that back!” he screeched, but you could only giggle at him.
“i will literally never do that. come on gyu, what’s the code blue?”
“oh, yeah! j-hope messaged me (y/n). he asked if i wanted to join his friends' discord and play among us with them.” you squealed for him, excitement rushing through you.
“oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! beomgyu, what did you say?” suddenly beomgyu felt sheepish, realising he’d just been sitting there with the message open, too busy bickering with you to have responded.
“oh um�� well, nothing yet i called you first…” now this time you screeched.
“you left 20 million youtube subscribers, 1.5 million twitch followers jung ho-seok on seen? beomgyu!” you scolded. beomgyu didn't know whether to be afraid or laugh, but his endearment got the better of him and he burst into giggles at your tone.
“don't laugh at me mister, text him back right now and tell him you’d be honoured to play with them!” and as he began to type out a reply to his senior, all beomgyu could think about was how he couldn't wait to have you in his arms again.
joining such big creators in playing among us put beomgyu in contact with even more big creators and had his channel blowing up
he met many new friends including someone who would become one of his closest friends
huening kai
as covid restrictions were eased and tightened again, beomgyu made sure to see you any time he could
but due to social distancing laws, he wasn't able to tackle you in his affection the way he wished
at the end of 2020 the second wave of covid set in
your anxious mother decided that you were not allowed to leave the house until the pandemic was over
beomgyu struggled with this news
his weekly outings walking six feet away from you - but still with you - were helping him hold on to his ray of sunshine
but with your assurance that you'd spend even more time on call with him and watch all his streams, he was able to keep his mood-maker demeanour in front of his fans
“so what are your plans for valentine’s day, (y/n)?” beomgyu asked, already knowing your answer.
with february 14th approaching, beomgyu was kicking himself for not having said anything sooner because your mother still wasn't letting you out of the house and beomgyu wanted to say what he had to say in person
“what do you mean gyu? you know i’ll still be stuck at home.”
“hm… well, maybe we could do a minecraft date, like a valentine's day special.” he suggested tentatively.
“like for your stream?” you asked and he shrugged.
“we don't have to stream.”
“but beom, aren't our friends all having dinner at soobin’s that day? don't you want to join them?” you reminded him and he simply shrugged again.
“don’t want to leave you all alone on valentines day (y/n)ie.” your face felt hot. you loved your mother to pieces, but sometimes her self imposed covid restrictions really got on your nerves.
and then march came, and for the first time in twelve years you feared you wouldn't be able to spend beomgyu’s birthday with him
“mum please, i’ll do anything,” you begged, “legally four people are allowed at an indoor private gathering.”
“and what if someone there has covid (y/n)? you have asthma it could really affect you!”
“it’s only going to be gyu, soobin and taehyun. you know all of them, you trust them! plus we’re all going to test before we go!”
“and what about transport, (y/n), what if you catch it on the bus?”
“i’ll take a taxi.”
“and what if the taxi driver has it? or what if you get in the car with a bad driver or a kidnapper?”
“mum! where is all this coming from? please. it’s beomgyu’s birthday, i can't miss beomgyu’s birthday. i swear i will never ask to go out again. just please let me go see him tomorrow.” tears welled up in your eyes. you hated fighting with your mother, but you couldn't let beomgyu down like that.
but the fight was all worth it when you knocked on soobin’s door the next night and beomgyu opened it.
he pulled you inside and slammed the door shut before squeezing you tight to his chest.
“you're here?” he asked, voice muffled as it was buried in your shoulder.
“happy birthday beom,” you smiled, arms tight around his stomach.
he pulled away from your hug and before you could joke about how your mother would never let you see the light of day again, beomgyu pulled down your mask and pressed his lips to yours.
two seconds passed where you stood still, wide eyed in shock before you registered what was happening and jumped into action.
one of his hands still held your mask, and the other came down to your cheek which you’re sure must’ve been burning him from how hot your face felt. you followed his lead, grabbing his shoulder with one hand and pushing your other through the hair at the bottom of his neck.
too soon, beomgyu pulled away, resting his forehead against yours.
“i’m sorry (y/n). i wanted to wait, until after lockdown, i wanted to talk to you first but i saw you and i just-”
“i love you beomgyu.” you cut off his rambling and he let out a flustered laugh.
“i love you too (y/n), i love you so much.”
due to covid still ongoing and your mother’s strict rules, you and beomgyu decided to take things slow after that night
there were no more meetings in person as you kept your promise to your mother
nothing much in your relationship with beomgyu changed due to your agreement to take things slow
he flirted a little here and there but there were no new pet names or anything of the sort
beomgyu continued to focus his energy on streaming and you continued to focus on your studies
beomgyu’s streams always providing the perfect background noise
but don't tell him that you don't devote a thousand percent of your attention to him at all times
luckily as 2022 approached, your mother began to let beomgyu visit your home provided he wore a mask in common places and if he had any symptoms he did not come over
and in april 2022 most legal restrictions were lifted
with your second booster vaccination, your mother lifted your house arrest
it had been over a year since you confessed your feelings to each other and your 20th birthday approached
you both had a big discussion about giving your relationship a real try
beomgyu now had almost half a million followers on twitch
after grinding for two years, he now had a rather large fan base
you expressed that you were a bit worried about having your relationship public to them
beomgyu didn't quite understand your concern as you had been participating in his streams and been a prevalent figure on his social media since the beginning
however, respecting your wishes, you both worked to keep the romantic nature of your relationship between yourselves and your close friends.
while beomgyu seemed to have found his schtick after 3 years of streaming
playing horror games on stream and co-op games with you for his youtube channel
and the occasional vlog
the friends he had made playing among us, huening kai, ho-seok and jungkook had begged him to join a minecraft server and stream with them
so with your encouragement
and his conditions that his partner and best friends also join the server
beomgyu joined the bighit smp started by kim namjoon
it was only a few months after you officially started dating
just before his 21st birthday and both of your fourth and final years in college
when beomgyu came to you with his proposition
“move in together?”
“is it too soon? i know we've only technically been dating a few months, but-” you cut beomgyu off with a hand on his mouth.
he stared at you wide eyed for a split second before his expression changed. luckily, you recognised the suspicious sparkle in his eye and removed your hand from his face before he could lick it, leaving him pouting at you.
“don’t look at me like that,” you giggled but his pout only deepened and he reached over to grab the hand that was previously on his face.
“so? what do you think? you wanna live with me?”
“hmm… i think…”
“(y/n)…” he whined, dragging out your name.
“i think we’ll need to find a place with an extra bedroom, so you can stream in there and not in our room.”
living with a horror streamer
most days of the week it's fun
a substantial income
your boyfriend’s always home
your boyfriend is practically fearless… in theory
okay maybe he’s only fearless when it’s fictional media
even a little bit of clout, not that it matters to you
as you always have, you tend to join beomgyu and your other friends when they play minecraft in the bighit smp
as well as being in all of beomgyu’s vlogs
since you moved in together, you decided it was best to come clean to bamtoris (his fans) about your relationship
they were very supportive
due to your presence in his channel from the beginning, there were some long time shippers who were more than pleased to hear this news
and maybe a little cocky, plastering ‘i told you’ so posts all over their socials
yes, the beomy/n truthers were very pleased
of course there were those who were convinced he was dating other streamers
or those who shipped him with his other friends, soobin and taehyun
and just general psychos who simply hated you because he wasn't dating them
nevertheless you both saw the relationship reveal as a success
so sometimes you go and sit with beomgyu while he streams, just as you used to sit on call with him
but this particular wednesday night was a tough one
you’d been up late the night before working on your final project for college
then worked from 7 to 5 even though you were originally rostered for only 7 to 12
your head was pounding
and tonight, despite the soundproofing you had installed on the walls of the office
his shouts still reached your tired ears and made your head ache
you tossed and turned for a while, not wanting to ask beomgyu to quiet down as he was clearly having fun
but, after an hour of not being able to sleep you decided you were being stupid
beomgyu would never be upset with you for not feeling well
so you rolled out of bed, padded over to his door and knocked lightly, then cracked the door open
the light from the hall spilled into the room and caused beomgyu to look over at you with a smile
his hair was fluffy and his face was lit up by his screen and his purple leds and he just looked so soft
and before you could say anything, your face crumpled
and a few tears slipped down your cheeks
immediately muting his mic, beomgyu threw his headphones off and ran over to you at the door.
“baby, what’s wrong?” he asked, pulling you into his arms and you laughed at yourself.
“sorry, this is so stupid, i dont even know why im crying.” you mumble into his chest.
that night beomgyu ended his stream early and laid in bed with his arms wrapped tightly around you, whispering how much he loves you
and how whenever you wanted him to be quiet or even end stream he’d do it in a heartbeat
but, if you're not sick, busy or streaming with beomgyu, you're still watching his streams
and sending silly comments
you are simultaneously his favourite and least favourite chatter
your comments always make him laugh but are often at his expense
“themarcotoyourpolo says ‘poor baby, so scared of a big teddy bear’”
“you know what (y/n), get your ass in here, we'll put the headphones on you and see how confident you are then!”
but knowing you're in his chat has always given him comfort
and made him a smidge happier to be there
if beomgyu ever had zero viewers it'd be because you died and he knew that
even then if you ever wanted him to turn his computer off and hang out with you, he’d come running
at the end of the day, whether beomgyu’s screaming at his computer screen or peacefully cooking dinner with you, he is the love of your life and you wouldnt change a thing
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zepskies · 3 months
The Boys S4: Is it just me or...
Okay, anyone who knows me knows I love this show. And I don't mean to be overly critical, but...there's something missing for me in season 4. 🤔
Episode 4 brought me back in a bit more this week, but I have thoughts and just wanted to get them out. Which of course you don't have to agree with, if you so choose to dive below the cut. 😂
So here we go! Highlights and lowlights (and **spoilers**): ⤵️
Sorry in advance for my slightly stream of conscious-style thought process.
Lowlights (so far):
Kimiko x Frenchie: Violently pushing down something you built up for 2.75 seasons? Because "being more than that/family" can also be romantic? Why do you hate the fans, Kripke? 😂
The political "satire" is getting a bit old for me. A lot of the same jokes over and over. However, the problem of taking out Victoria Neuman is a very intriguing conundrum (and Bob Singer sweating over it while trying to keep supes out of the military/law enforcement is keeping me hooked).
THAT Rob scene: lmfao come on now. This was for gross shock value and nothing else. Even the exploding dick and Love Sausage in S3 served a narrative purpose. (But I enjoyed the footnote commentary while watching it on Prime: Rob B. apparently wants to remind everyone that he's a Shakespearean-trained actor. 🤣) I’m actually more disappointed that he didn’t have a more meaningful role in the show, because he really is a fantastic actor and I was looking forward to seeing what his character would bring. (Not that lmao.)
Overall, the season just feels...emptier than seasons 1-3? Maybe that has to do with the lack of Soldier Boy's gravitas as a new antagonist, and connecting the entire narrative and various conflicts of the season -- all while shedding light on the grisly past of Payback, Grace Mallory, and Stan Edgar. Stormfront also brought that ante up in season 2 in a similar way, all while shedding light on Vought's sordid history with the creation of Compound V.
We're missing the layers here in season 4. Now, this could just be because we haven't seen the full season yet as well, but that's what I see so far.
I think it also has to do with the odd dynamic the boys side is in right now. With Butcher on the fringe of the group, and the others splintered off on their own side plots, it feels like the supes' side of things are more...for lack of a better term, "unified" in the narrative.
Which I realize is probably to reverse parallel the state of each side in season 3. But it just feels "off" to me somehow, since we're supposed to be just as invested in the boys side lol.
Butcher and Ryan: Butcher's doing his best there now, and it soothes my heart.
Ryan's slowly seeing the consequences of his choice to join Homelander. In fact, I'm wondering where Ryan is in episode 4. Hiding in his room?
The Khan Worm that appears to be inside Butcher is both frightening and intriguing. I wonder if this is the key to saving his life? Or just another lovely side effect of taking V24 long term. 🐛
JDM (Joe) and Butcher: All their scenes were golden. And that subtle John Winchester reference? Being willing to train up his son to be a killer? Being able to grieve at his son's funeral, knowing he "saved the world?" *Chef's kiss* 🤌🏽
(And if Butcher or Joe end up being the one to break Soldier Boy out of his cryo coffin, my fangirl heart will freak TF out. 🤣)
The way that Homelander is noticing his age is fucking hilarious. Bet you wish you had that life longevity from your father/sperm donor, dont'cha? 😂
But also the way Homelander "confronted" his past in E4 had some truly WTF/Holy Shit™️ moments, in a good way. As in, I'm once again afraid of this unhinged psychopath--kind of way. 😅
A-Train continuing to struggle internally with the place he's fought so hard to keep in the Seven, versus recognizing the evil around him, his own complicity, wanting forgiveness from Hughie, and wanting a true connection with others (namely his family).
It's interesting that Hughie's mom is being brought back in at this time. And even MORE interesting that she seems to be the one who gave her ex-husband Compound V. Her story of why she left her family seemed so normal that I actually got a little suspicious of her. But now, even more so. 🤨
M.M. doing his fucking best. (Except for the way he suddenly had a change of heart about Butcher in E4. Not sure about that one.)
Tilda effing Swinton voicing Ambrosius. PLEASE. My Queen. 😭🤣🤣
I actually had more lowlights before I watched episode 4. There were some really interesting moments that literally had me gasping in shock (this time in a good way), more so than in the first 3 episodes. However, I still think seasons 1-3 were stronger from the get-go.
But even with my lingering reservations, now I'm actually more so looking forward to getting into the meat of the season in this second-half coming up. 👏🏽
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Headcanons for mcyt x reader doing a cooking/baking stream together??
I love your writing!!!
ooooo okay okay!!! yes of course bro ; also thank you!! I appreciate it sm 🫶🫶🫶🫶
MCYT ; cooking/baking stream
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language, grease fires
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you guys were making lasanga
Garfield jokes every five minutes
there's pasta sauce and cheese everywhere
he's constantly screaming to the viewers because you keep slapping him with the lasagna sheets, cooked or dry
"y/n! help! I'm being assaulted with lasagna sheets!"
he stained his shirt with pasta sauce 💀💀
almost set the house on fire bc he somehow left shit in the oven before preheating it
you turn on music halfway through and it turns into a karaoke stream
you were making soup because you found a good recipe you wanted to try
you accidently spilled the broth and covered your legs in it
he cut himself chopping up the celery (very minor cut dw)
"cooking stream? more like we injure ourselves for two hours stream"
"cooking stream? I hardly know her"
very chaotic but very good soup
during the intervals where you guys were just waiting for things to cook, you started a hashtag on Twitter to ask you guys stuff
and you answered them while keeping an eye on the food
afterwards you guys watch TV and eat your food while still streaming
"normalize eating on stream 2024!"
you were making breakfast for dinner on stream
you had to go use the bathroom while the bacon was cooking and left Freddie to tend to everything for less than a minute
and he started a grease fire.
after he got it extinguished he kinda just stood there waiting for you
meanwhile chat was exploding with panic and laughter
"Hey, y/n, I don't think we're having bacon tonight!"
"What the fuck happened???"
luckily no damage to anything other than the meat
the rest of it was really good though, and the stream had enough action for tonight 💀💀
you guys were making cupcakes
you dropped like two eggs 💀💀💀 so while she was getting new ones you were cleaning up all the eggshell fragments and the insides
you got the camera to show stream your fucking mess and someone sent a dono saying "butterfingers ass"
the cackling after that 💀
you're able to get them into the oven though
and while you're waiting for them to cook, you watch dance moms and discuss everything wrong with it
commentary youtubers? I hardly know them
she begins making the icing while you pull the cupcakes out to let them cool
10/10 cupcakes they're amazing
you guys had a pride flag theme so lmao
you were supposed to be making pancakes as a little challenge
his are literally raw and he put chocolate chips from the freezer straight in them
"that banana isn't gonna help anything"
"how do you know that??"
flour is everywhere. it looks like a war started
you put to much non-stick spray on the skillet and started a little fire
but Alex to the rescue dw
he couldn't even figure out how to use it and almost sprayed himself in the face!
goes on Twitter later to update that your kitchen was completely fine but the underneath of your microwave is a tiny bit melted
you blame him every time after that 💀💀
"my microwave melted a bit because you don't know how to use a fire extinguisher!"
"youre the one who used too much spray!"
chat always sides with you, too 😭😭
you thought making fried rice was a good idea? wrong
he literally has no idea what's happening
"can you make the scrambled eggs for me while I tend to the vegetables?"
"how many?"
"they're literally on the cabinet"
chat clipping every single funny moment too
"is the rice cooker even on? holy shit you left it on warm"
"I thought that meant it was on!"
"dude you've used this thing before, how long did it take for you to cook it?"
"like, forever"
"oh my god"
fried rice 10/10
he's complaining about the vegetables like he didn't have like two hours to say something about different veggies
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 7 months
sos smp is going great guys (transcript under the cut)
Oli: I was just telling them how- how-
Sausage: Huh?
Oli: I'm not- they were like "Be PG!" and I was like "You watch Sausage and you ask me to be PG?"
Sausage: I am PG, what're you talking about?
Oli: Sausage, I've- we've all seen the salmon.
Sausage: What're you talking about, "the salmon"?
Oli: Why do you think the salmon is funny, Sausage?
Sausage: [overlapping, taking out a noteblock] This guy?
Oli: Yeah, that guy.
Sausage: [placing a salmon head on the noteblock] Why do I think this is funny?
Oli: Yeah.
[Sausage starts hitting the noteblock, it makes the sound of a Minecraft salmon flopping out of water repeatedly. This plays for the rest of the interaction.]
Oli: [overlapping] Yeah, could you explain the co- could you explain the joke?
Sausage: [overlapping] It's a funny n- It's a funny sound! It's a funny sound!
Oli: [overlapping] Yeah, but could you explain why it's funny?
Sausage: [overlapping] It [unintelligable]
Oli: [overlapping] Lovely h- lovely hog behind you, fella. Lovely hog.
Sausage: Oh, yeah, do you have- do you have good cinematography? Do you have a good angle on my booties?
Oli: [overlapping] Oh, I do, I've got you nicely in the background, yeah, yeah.
Sausage: Ok, yes. The reason that I love this sound, Oli, is that it reminds me of my childhood.
Oli: Of your- [music stops] What?
[They both laugh]
Oli: Sorry?
[Music starts again]
Sausage: Yes! Growing up, y'know, I come home from school, I'm like a 13-14 year old boy, coming home from school, watching a little bit of TV in the background-
Oli: [overlapping] TV, yeah.
Sausage: Waiting for my mum to come to pick me up from, uh, from work. Y'know? And I'm- I'm at my grandma's house, I'm just hanging out. Door closed, she's in the other room, just watching her telenovelas, right? Her little Spanish soap operas.
Oli: [overlapping] Of course, of course. Très bien!
Sausage: And I'm just, y'know, in my room, nothing to do. I'm there- Just- I pick up a, uh, like a nice magazine or something, and I just start going through and just looking through it. [Music stops] And- uh- and then- [stuttering] Just one thing leads to another and leads to another and I have to go take a shower that.
Oli: [laughs]
Sausage: And then I go- and I go home.
Oli: [overlapping] Yeah? Cause you spilt your Pepsi. You spilt your Pepsi Max. [Music restarts]
Sausage: I spilt- I spilt my juice, my juice, all over my bed.
Oli: [overlapping] Your juice! Your delicious juice!
Sausage: All over my bed, Oli!
Oli: I can't stop them, chat, you know I can't stop him, chat. You- You've been in his streams! He can't be stopped! I just have to let him run! I just have to let him run his bit until it's too late and then what? Then what? What am I supposed to do? I'm sorry- to- to all of the chats watching. But what am I supposed to do about him? I can't- He's got more subscribers, he gets to choose what happens here. I don't have the power to stop him!
[Sausage is laughing the whole time Oli talks]
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patricia-taxxon · 1 year
So, I watched that response stream that DeadwingDork made about my furry boinking video, here it is if you're curious.
By some accounts, this gentleman seems like he means well, with regards to pronouns he pulls the "when in doubt, they/them" gambit, which is partway there. If he finds this, I'll politely let him know I don't use they, just she & it. Thanks!
I have good reason to believe he began this journey in good faith, but over the course of the video he slowly gives up being charitable, and it's very frustrating to watch. There's a few key moments of miscommunication I noticed that I'd like to clear up.
DeadwingDork and I got off on the wrong foot very early on, and part of that's my fault. I start the video openly lusting after Garth Alphandomega, and this put him on edge. This might be an ideological difference we can't get past, he says that Garth is "Just a wolf" when I personally think he's quite different from a wolf. After that, I do the joke where I say "If the opportunity presented itself I would fuck my-" and cut to The Flowers of Robert Mapplethorpe, but he didn't have the context to understand what I'm saying by cutting to that album in particular, so he thought I was jokingly saying I would fuck my dog. He spends the rest of the stream with that initial impression of me lusting after what he perceives as literal animals, it's kinda the initial rock that starts the avalanche and closes him off from understanding basically anything that I'm saying, until the end, where he's convinced I've just spent 43 minutes coming out as a zoophile.
This might just be a difference in artistic philosophy, like he interprets Alpha & Omega to be about wolves whereas I interpret it as being about people through the aesthetic lens of wolves. Metaphor isn't just for abstract art movies, after all. Garth walks on 4 legs, but he has enough obvious persistent human-like traits both visually and behaviorally for me to understand him as a person delivered via wolf. For the same reason, he is disturbed by my lusting for Shoukichi Pompoko, because he interprets that movie as literally being about tanuki. I think this the main reason the concept of a character being "simultaneously human and inhuman" completely whiffed on him. He skimmed over my segment on how Leo can be both a wolf and hispanic & didn't understand the relevance, because I don't think that contradiction can be resolved in his head.
The most frustrating part of this stream is the way he clearly picks up on a lot of the overarching subtext that I'm putting down, but by that point in the video he doesn't have enough faith in me to interpret it as being put there intentionally. He treats the connection between my special-ed dog training and my current animal identity as an unintentional self-report, when it isn't. There's this *maddening* segment where I talk about Pom Poko for the first time, and he... honestly quite accurately picks apart the picture I'm illustrating about alienation, but he handwaves it away in favor of his horrible mangling of the exact literal sentence I am saying at that moment.
He says:
"There's clearly a story here, but it's being buried. There's a lot of stuff that's leading towards... 'oh, you watched this movie and this movie and your parents did this and your fuckin' teachers did this, and that's why this is happening.' That's like the fuckin' undertones of this video, [but] the main takeaway is supposed to be that this movie... I dunno, makes you f.. is supposed to feel like how fuckin' animal people feel like they're... whatever, I don't, I don't... whatever."
He grabs at the subtext, the story I'm obviously telling with the surface level anecdote of my experience seeing Pom Poko when I was young. I say obviously, because he and his chat both understood it. But then he discards that, assumes it was unintended, and importantly, he doesn't have a good answer for what I'm actually saying divorced from that. Because... what's even left after you remove the subtextual story I'm telling with this anecdote? The anecdote itself? Of course he's empty handed.
Other notes:
He can't decide whether I'm an over zealous recruiter trying to call everything furry, or that I'm a gatekeeper trying to force robust definitions of 'furry' into the general lexicon. This isn't very important, it's just kind of funny.
He is dismissive of me saying I won't report news if my only source is Kiwifarms, but he doesn't really give a good reason for it. I am having trouble summarizing his argument for why I should have referenced a website whose users doxxed me. He hilariously suggests that I should negotiate with them to have my address taken down, as long as I'm not a "lolcow" about it. I'll be charitable and say that I don't think he's thought this through very much.
He hates that I "compare autistic people to animals," when that really just doesn't mean anything on its own. A comparison is a comparison, a follower of mine pointed out to me they could say that trans people are like cockroaches & it could either mean they are doggedly resilient in the face of harsh circumstances or that they are pests that need to be exterminated. I meant something specific by using an animal metaphor to describe my autistic identity, and it transcends the literal reading of "calling autistic people animals."
He derisively calls Echo a "gay furry sex game" when it simply is not. I'll forgive him for this because he hasn't played it, but Echo isn't porn, it's a horror game. There's sex in it, and it has the framework of a dating game, but it is far from the main appeal. I'm not saying this to elevate Echo above the degrading label of "porn," because Adastra is definitely porn and it's almost as good, just not as easily recommendable to outsiders.
He thinks its commendable that Sean Booth bought my album, which is nice.
Overall, I don't think DeadwingDork is outwardly hateful, but he is quite gullible. He accepts hate speech at face value and buys into narratives useful for hate movements. There's echos of trans groomer panic, that old "you're the reason people are transphobic" chestnut, and of course, using Kiwifarms as a news source. He said he came into the video knowing nothing about me and had no reason to be approaching me in bad faith, but he clearly doesn't trust me enough to think the main rhetorical thrust of the video was intentional.
bad stream lol
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