#and I loved tankhun as always
misspoetree · 1 year
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And adding this text post meme again because it's a very important fact:
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KinnPorsche + Text Posts: Arm Edition
[Character Editions: Pete Part I & II & III | Vegas Part I & II & III | Tay Part I & II | Tankhun - Part I & II | Big Part I & II | Porsche Part I & II & III | Kim | Porchay | Chan | Kinn Part I & II | Macau | Pol]
[Themed Editions: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ?]
[Episode Editions]
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harurio · 7 months
one of my many unpopular (?) kp opinions is wet cat emo boi kim is all very well but filmania kim would've saved the show with his unparalleled swag and weapons grade cunt
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porschesbabydaddy · 10 months
Listen I’m a kinnporsche girlie forever and for always but I think a post-canon temp break up/enemies era would be SO fun for them
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aeternallis · 1 month
Kim and his home / A Meta Rant
Y'know, in a lot of post-canon fics I see for Kimchay, there's sometimes this common theme of Kim refusing to move back home, either because he likes his freedom too much, or he just hates Korn to the point he refuses to share a roof with him.
And tbh, strictly speaking from my own personal experience as an Asian, I've always felt this aforementioned theme to be more in line with a western individualistic mindset, rather than the one the show is more accurately set in: an eastern collectivist mindset.
So I thought I'd talk about it~ Having said that, please do not take this as an attack or critique of anyone or their works, it isn't. Fics are fics, headcanons are headcanons, they're meant to be enjoyed as they are. This is simply an observation I made, so again, I want to yap about it.
See, I am of the opinion that since Chay has moved into the Theerapanyakul compound, it’s actually more in line for Kim to move back into the mansion as well, rather than continue to keep away.
This idea is also foreshadowed by Tankhun when he asks Kim in ep. 5:
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But before I continue, here's a theory I've been nursing for a while: technically speaking, if one were to line up how Kim and Chay were left off in the show, and how their story picks up in the first KP novel in that order, we already have some idea of how their story would have gone, had BOC and DAEMI’s working relationship not broken down, they weren't as problematic to work with, and Build didn’t have his scandal(s). 
At the very least, we have the skeletal roadmap of what BOC theoretically would have had to work with, had they been greenlit for a KP season 2.
A short summary of KimChay in the first novel:
During Porchay’s special chapter, Chay secretly follows Porsche to the Theerapanyakul mansion. When he’s at the gates, he makes a show of bravado of justifying why Porsche shouldn’t work there anymore, until Korn sees him. Korn tries to calm Chay down, but to no avail, until Kim pulls up in another car. It’s at this point that Chay mentions being familiar with Kim, and that they have some bad history that was never resolved. Kim corners Chay against the wall like the Theerapanyakul hubby that he is, until Chay kicks him in the nuts for acting all intimidating. 🤣 The special chapter ends with Chay getting dragged away from the compound, unbeknownst to Porsche. Later, Chay moves into the compound around the time Porsche and Kinn are kidnapped. Before facing the kidnappers, Kinn had told Chay to get ahold of Pete and ask for help, hence why Chay is brought to the compound in the first place. Presumably, this would also be around the same time he gets reacquainted with Kim (and most probably makes up with him). During the kidnap scene, Kinn tells Chay to call Pete and ask for back up. The next time we see Chay, he's visiting Porsche in the hospital, and Kim volunteers to take him home (as in, back to the Theerapanyakul mansion); it's implied that they've been spending quite a bit of time together, if Porsche's comments about it throughout the rest of the novel aren't indication enough. The rest of the story has them appearing here and there, mostly when Chay is complaining about the prospects of Kim cheating and/or no longer being in love with him. Lol There are some especially important moments between Chay and Porsche when they talk about their circumstances, but I don't want to spoil that scene in this rant too much.
In the show however, Chay's moving into the Theerapanyakul household is delayed later in the show's adaptation of the events, and he doesn't move in until the incident with his own kidnapping. By the end of the show, he's seen to be firmly ensconced in the Theerapanyakul compound, as we see in his last two scenes.
Focusing on Porchay's special chapter and his mention of the "bad history" between him and Kim in the novel, I'd always wondered if BOC had taken that line from the book and just ran with it, yknow? It would make sense (to me personally, at least), since Kimchay's story is different in the novel when compared to the show.
Although their stories are different, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they contradict each other. And with the first official art of the KimChay novel having been released, it’s clear now that DAEMI/Tiara_ME intend to incorporate the show’s KimChay story into their own (to what extent, who knows).
Having said this, let’s get back on topic: the likelihood of Kim moving back into the mansion had KP been greenlit for a season 2.
For a little bit of cultural context, I'll bring up three points (very generalized, mind you).
In Asia, the idea of children moving out once they’re 18 (or older, depending on the country’s age of consent laws) is very much a western concept. Most children in Asia don’t leave their family homes until they’re married, and even then, they sometimes still opt to live with their parents along with their spouse, so they can save money to buy their own in the meantime. In fact, a lot of Asian households can also have multiple generations living under one roof (I myself am also in this situation, at least part of the time when I go home overseas). That's not to say that children moving out early, or running away, or getting kicked out from home is unheard of, but for the most part, it's a rarer scenario compared to how normalized it is in the US.
For all that Kim goes behind Korn’s back, outwardly and at least towards his two elder brothers, Kim is a good son, in so far at least that he’s willing to go undercover in order to figure out the stink of what his family is connected to. He is loyal to his family—he’s protective over Kinn, and he’s gentle in how he interacts with Tankhun. Despite having moved out, the bored ease with which he strides into the compound shows that he visits often enough that it’s not an uncommon occurrence; the deference the bodyguards show him also supports this theory.
And finally, perhaps the strongest clue: when Chan tells him that Korn wants to see him at the end of ep 13, Kim cannot bring it in himself to disobey his father, no matter his own desire to go after the Kittisawasds. No matter what suspicions Kim may have of his father, at the end of the day, as my previous point—he is a good son, a filial one (all of them are, tbh). He doesn't outwardly show disagreements against Korn, and even during that tense meeting between them in ep 5, Kim shows some level of affection by bringing his father food. And yes, while I do agree that a lot of his smiles and behavior towards Korn is just for show, it doesn't change the fact that Kim doesn't want to disrupt the family harmony amongst them. At the very least—he actively chooses not to be the cause of that disruption.
So, with this context in mind, I’m of the opinion that Kim is more likely to move back into the compound, rather than continue to keep away. In fact, in the book, this is one of the big themes with Kim and Porchay: it’s due to Chay’s presence at the Theerapanyakul household that Tankhun comments about how Kim is often at home now.
It's Chay's presence in the mansion that brings Kim home.
The way I see it, Kim moved out because he had the luxury to do so. And I don’t mean this in the way that he’s able to discard his family obligations and pursue his own dreams, not at all.
I mean it in the most basic sense: Kim—or rather, the Theerapanyakuls—have the financial luxury to allow for Kim to move away. For any person that age, who wouldn’t choose to have their own space if they could honestly afford to do so? Besides that, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that the apartment complex Kim lives in is owned by their family, hahaha! But I digress!
Getting back on point: Kim is most likely to move back in, because he now has a reason to do so, that being Chay.
I've always been of the belief that throughout this couple's story in the show and all the way from the beginning, it was always Chay unknowingly stepping into Kim’s world of the mafia and becoming further involved, not just because of his brother, but more because of Kim’s growing feelings for him.
And then by the end of the show, how it makes for a resounding statement that it’s Kim who reaches out to Chay: he’s now the one stepping into Chay’s world—which just happens to be the world of the mafia.
In that sense, it’s Chay’s presence that ultimately brings/keeps Kim home, literally and figuratively. The way I see it, the fact that it's Chay's singular, enduring presence that would be the one to inspire Kim to come home is what makes their love story a powerful one, and one that can measure up equally to the other two.
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hamliet · 1 year
Kinnporsche: The Symbolism
Not really a meta. More a collection of baby meta ideas I have and/or symbolism I noticed watching the series that didn't make it into my review.
Oh How The Tables...
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I'm just saying that it's certainly ironic that Kim's first scene in the show is him mocking Big for his unrequited love for Kinn. He asks Big if he should write Big a song about heartbreak, and ends the series writing a song about his own heartbreak and begging Chay to take him back.
Big and Tawan
In general, I think Big and Tawan were the best done minor characters, and the best done characters in the series, if you look at their complete arcs, after Vegas and Pete (Kim and Chay would be next, but their arcs aren't entirely complete and never will be).
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The same episode where Tawan concludes "if I can't be happy, then no one can," and commits suicide (intended murder suicide at that), Big sacrifices his life to save Porsche's, not because of Porsche, but because he loves Kinn. He dies assuring Porsche how much Kinn loves him.
In other words, Big reached the opposite conclusion of Tawan: even if it means he can't be happy, he wants Kinn to be happy. However, the story actually takes a nuanced, complex look at it and doesn't code it as Big=good Tawan=bad; Tawan is framed as tragic instead and you're meant to feel sad over his patheticism, not feel gleeful.
Tankhun, Kim, and Vegas all have self-portraits in their rooms, and these portraits are all kind of symbolic of how they see themselves--though not necessarily accurate perceptions.
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Well, except Tankhun's. Tankhun's just just a neon portrait that fits with his flamboyant decor. It's in the corner near where he watches his series, and is very straightforward because Tankhun, himself, is pretty straightforward. He's not hiding the same way the others are.
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Kim's self-portrait is a watercolor of himself, but you can't any discernible features. Of course, this symbolizes how he hides himself behind many masks.
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Behind that portrait, though, is his bulletin board of his family and all the players. Because no matter how Kim acts distant and aloof, he's actually always strategizing and planning to thwart any threats to his family.
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Vegas's self portrait is in a secret room that can only be entered via a passcode, symbolic of how it's really hard to reach the true Vegas because he keeps his vulnerabilities locked up. But when you do enter that room, you see a portrait of a misshapen man that looks more monster than human. That's how Vegas sees himself.
Kinn notably does not have a portrait (that I saw), but his walls are instead windows that overlook Bangkok, which can be symbolic as well: that he doesn't see himself fully as a person, but instead as someone who's supposed to be controlling and surveying something much, much bigger than himself.
Kinnporsche Sexy Times
The idea for symbolism here wasn't fully developed, but it's there, so.
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The first two times Kinn and Porsche have sex mirror the first sexual encounters with others we see them engaging in. The first scene is the Bad Scene, or really, where Kinn basically assaults Porsche since Porsche is way too out of it to consent. But during this scene, Porsche draws attention to the beauty of the city view, which is a callback to how Kinn's hired prostitute remarked that he wanted to see the entire view (and then opened the curtains to find Porsche there, because Kinn's answer to who he is is more adequately found in Porsche than the city).
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Of course it's also kind of a comment on how Kinn views himself in terms of the city, which is not entirely a good understanding lol.
The next time they have sex--and the first time it's consensual--is in the backroom of a club, which mirrors where we see Porsche having sex with the two girls in the series. I'd argue this is probably supposed to be seen as Kinn meeting Porsche where he's at, and to a degree vice versa, but also Kinn's is more morally questionable than Porsche's in terms of consent and power.
Kimchay - The Little Mermaid
I talked a little about the fairy tale motif that was never actually explored in the story despite it having a ton of potential in my review, and I'm going to talk more about it now because I can.
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Listen, if Vegaspete and Kinnporsche are both loosely based on Beauty and the Beast (Vegaspete more directly a retelling, right down to resurrection), Kimchay is probably based on "The Little Mermaid," the other story that gets a direct shout-out in text. Here, both characters are both mermaid and prince.
Kim wants to live a life as part of a different world, and uses his voice to get there. In the end, just like the mermaid in the original tale, he loves the prince (Chay) too much to risk him coming to harm, even if that means his own doom. However, it's precisely that selflessness that helps him live above a filthy world.
Chay also wants to live in a different world and uses his voice to get there. Only, despite all he risks to get there, it doesn't quite work out. The prince (Kim) doesn't return his feelings... well, except he does, but he sure made Chay feel like he didn't for awhile there.
Succession: Kinnporsche Version
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The novel apparently mentions this but I'm not interested in reading it for Reasons, but I did find it intriguing that the mafia family isn't exactly going to continue considering all five of the current generation (Khun, Kinn, Kim, Vegas, and Macau) are all gay. For all the talk about being an heir and succeeding Papa Korn, it's not gonna go for another generation. I actually like this and think it could be a major thematic point if emphasized appropriately, or brought up at all in the series.
Like. The family burdens the kids because of mafia stuff, trying to pit them against one another and using them to solve their grievances... but love can save the day, and also give life, and quite literally stop the cycle--but it's love that isn't traditional, in a sense. It's queer. This also doesn't mean the characters can't have kids, obviously, but symbolically they have to come up with different, nontraditional ways to do so if they do, symbolic of having to like... break from the traditional patriarchal violence of their mafia upbringings.
The ingredients are there! It could have been a thing!
Namphueng: The King
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Namphueng's room has a chessboard pattern on the floor, which ties into the chess motif that Korn was always messing around with. While the audience was led to believe the queen was Porsche in all Korn's playing scenes--and they were right--they were also led to believe the king was either Kinn or Korn. Incorrect. The king was Namphueng, not Kinn or Korn.
The king, after all, isn't really free to move. It theoretically can move in any direction, but only one space at a time. It's quite limited.
I do wonder--not that this will ever be answered--if Namphueng's story is intended a lot more important than just "foster sister." Like maybe her family was wiped out because she was the heir of a far more important family or something.
The Victor Writes History
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Or so Korn said. Again, not that we'll ever get it cleared up, and I personally like the ambiguity wherein we don't know precisely what happened between Namphueng, her husband, Korn, and Gun. I wouldn't actually have wanted it perfectly cleared up. Thematic! Complexity!
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Gun's memories match better with Porsche's than Korn's do--the cabinet where Porsche hid is open in Gun's memories, but not in Korn's, and Porsche remembers Korn standing while Gun sits, which is what happens in Gun's version. However, whenever there are multiple versions of a story, the truth is probably in the middle, and it's hard to believe Gun, of all people, had purely selfless motives.
My personal guess is Korn did kill Namphueng's husband, but it was less about "how dare you not come back!" cruelty and more a long-game plan to get his and Gun's father to spare Namphueng and fake her death to protect her. I think this fits best thematically with the story and the characters as present in the series, in that Korn's motives can be both caring and selfish and power-seeking at the same time. It's also tragic, because killing someone loved by someone to protect them actually has a way of killing them even if you didn't plan on it. Someone can still be alive but have lost everything, a statement that multiple characters made in the show.
It would also fit that Korn misunderstood the power of love, because he definitely doesn't get it. But he didn't ruin every love story, because Kinn and Porsche end up together.
Whose Handprints?
I am annoyed i never got the answer to whose finger paintings Korn had in his desk drawer (the ones Kim found). I presume it's Porsche and Chay's given that there are two handprints, not three, and one is far larger than the other (plus the emphasis on Namphueng and art) but who knows.
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ae-azile · 5 months
Kind of have a Chan/Big one-shot in my head that I am thinking about writing but have no time for. I'm going to bullet point it here to have on hand for later.
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Big still takes the bullets for Porsche. When Kinn arrives, he initially thinks he is dead. Tawan still presses the button and kills himself. However, the bombs Tawan placed end up being duds and the effort was for nothing.
Once they realize the place isn't about to blow up, they go back inside to get Big's body. He turns out to be unconscious but alive. They rush him to the infirmary and he miraculously pulls through, but is going to be there for a while.
Despite the Drama™️ going on, Kinn, Porsche, and his fellow guards visit him. Kinn is very thankful and sorry, Porsche is thankful as well but feels like Big should value himself more highly and tells him as much, and the rest are trying to be present.
Even Tankhun visits him. He usually talks about how he should put demands on Korn to change up the decor of his room. But occasionally, he tearfully thanks Big for saving Porsche. There is also one time that he tells Big he deserves a better ending than the one he tried to give himself. That he may not have leading man energy, but he could totally be half of a secondary couple in a K-Drama if he just found the right person.
"And sometimes the secondary couple is more interesting anyway!"
But out of everyone, Chan visits the most frequently and has been putting the most work in when it comes to Big's care.
The thing is, Big notices two guards aren't around: Pete and Ken. The guards tell him Pete is visiting his grandmother, and they sound believable enough when they say that, even though it seems like strange timing. But they won't meet his eyes when he asks about Ken, and their stories never line up.
Chan eventually tells him. While the truth paints Ken as a traitor and there is no getting around that, Chan tries his best to empathize with Ken by telling Big that Ken was likely approached by Gun with an incentive to be a double agent. If he would have refused, it would have cost him his life a lot earlier on. He says it to let Big know it's okay to mourn Ken. Ken was still his roommate and his friend, regardless of what he did.
They become closer after that night, and Chan talks to Big in a way that is less gruff and more gentle. Big finds comfort in him, and has prior to this. Chan was the one who made sure Big took an extended break after his father died. He drove an hour each way to check on him at his mother's house back when that happened. So Big has felt comfortable coming to Chan in his moments of worry or doubt, and he has always viewed Chan with respect and affection while the other guards tended to be more intimidated by him. But something feels different now.
He doesn't know who to talk about it with though. Ken is dead, and he probably would have teased him and said he had a crush on their boss.
Does he?
Chan is at least ten years older than him. He probably shouldn't have a crush on him. He's also actively taking care of Big, and Big has a long recovery in front of him. He's setting himself up for unrequited love. Again.
Speaking of, Kinn is continuing to visit. He does so frequently, and Big can see that he's wracked with gullt. Big still feels his heart beat a little faster whenever he walks into a room, but that is starting to feel different too. Kinn almost feels like a friend now. That's probably inappropriate as well, but on a lesser level.
So he holds it in. He plans on doing so forever until he wakes up gasping from a nightmare. Chan had fallen asleep in the chair, but wakes up when Big does. Instead of telling him it's just a dream, he scoots closer to comfort him, strokes his hair, and holds his hand until he falls back asleep.
Big ends up telling Pol, of all people. It just slips out. Pol doesn't seem like the right person to tell, but not the wrong person either. He manages to strongly empathize with and defend Tankhun, while most of the guards tend to steer clear of him, so maybe he will understand this insanity.
Pol is actually nice to talk to. While he doesn't completely understand a potential crush on Chan because Chan is intimidating, he gets having a crush on someone a good bit older. He thinks he might be into a bartender friend of Porsche's, and she has several years on him.
The conversation doesn't give Big any answers, but it does make him feel a little better. He's able to be around Chan and not feel like freaking out.
That is, until Korn "dies" and the attack approaches. Chan has Big moved to a more secure location a day prior. Big wants to stay, Chan won't let him. Big only feels okay about leaving when Chan says he will command from the armory while Arm sends out remote attacks, that he won't be a frontline guard.
Chan lied.
Does he die? Does he miraculously live like Big manages to in this canon divergent fic or like Vegas does in canon? Depends on how much I want to torture Big, I suppose...
Jk, I want them as infirmary roomies falling in love, all while Pol wheels in to visit while he heals from his less serious injury. I also want Chan to be finished with Korn altogether after everything he pulled.
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yujeong · 3 months
I hope it's ok to throw up some Pete thoughts into your inbox, but that last rb of the fake vegaspete scenes has me thinking soooo many thoughts too. Even thinking about the original scene with Pete giving Porsche blocking advice... Do you think it's hard for Pete not to just see the violence in everything? Do you think it's hard for him to tell the difference? Was it easier for him to project his trauma onto Vegas than it was Porsche? Sorry sorry, my brain is kicking around so many hypotheticals that I almost want to write poetry
Oh anon, first of all, you can always come and throw at me *all* the Pete thoughts, I assume you've seen my blog and know how I'm like about that man. Second of all, damn, those questions are fascinating. I've never actually thought of Pete and violence and sex in that way before, at least not consciously (I think - I've only been thoroughly obsessing over him for almost 2 years lol). But anyway, for starters, I don't believe Pete is a stranger to sex. Even if he's a virgin in the show (something that was never confirmed), he's not oblivious to it. No matter the show's insistence at using Pete for comedic purposes in regards to him not knowing KP were a thing, I refuse to believe it! So, while, unfortunately, the scene with Porsche and the hickeys cannot really be interpreted in any other way than Pete having misunderstood what he saw on Porsche's neck, your question raises a good point for his character: does every act, including sex, involve violence for him? In my opinion, yes. Yes it does. Pete seeing the potential violence in everything could be a trauma response or a defense mechanism, both of which highly probable, as evidenced in ep4 with the table scene (though in that one, we had actual violence and potential escalated violence, depending on Tankhun's behaviour which Pete tried to control). Because of this, I don't think it's a matter of him finding it hard or not; it's a subconscious thing. I also don't think it'd be hard for him to tell the difference, but rather, Pete wouldn't *need* to tell the difference, because sex isn't something made for him. He's never thought it'd be something he would experience in his life before Vegas, so why distinguish one kind of violence from another? This is one of the main reasons why I utterly love their NC scene: it wasn't violent. Sure, it might have been painful - Pete hadn't completely healed yet, he was still wearing bandages and, depending on one's headcanon or not, penetration surely hurt to some degree - but it wasn't violent. It was hot kisses and licking necks and ass eating and slow thrusts and more kisses and.. yeah, you get the point. I believe it wasn't what Pete expected, same as the audience who witnessed it. Perhaps he expected another kind of violence, but got something completely different in the end, which is why Vegas using the handcuff again hit Pete so hard. The usual kind of violence returning, after the lack of it. He got too comfortable. He forgot to protect himself from the violence. Now, in regards to your last question, I believe Vegas' trauma is easier for Pete to project himself onto because it's a mirror (something @loveliesblood has actually said, because their brilliant character interpretations are brilliant). Pete's been there before, so he can empathize with a lost Vegas who's only response to the abuse is to blame himself. There's also the safety of distance: the days he'd been subjected to boxing against his will are over, so he's not in direct danger of his father abusing him like Vegas is. With Porsche, it's a little tricky. Taking as a hypothetical that he learns about what happened to Porsche somehow, the story hits a little *too* close to home for him to be able to process the trauma. There's no distance this time: it's here and now and he has to face it. But Pete is a hypocrite with no clue of what introspection means, so he shields himself from it, like he tries to do in ep13, in the infamous bathtub scene with Porsche, my favourite scene in the whole show. He cowers and hides and deflects. It's gorgeously agonizing to watch and I love it so, so much. This ended up being a little too long and I'm scared that I fucked up your incredible ask, but to salvage it a little bit, I'd like to highly encourage you to write the poetry you mentioned; we can never have enough of it, especially in the VP fandom. I'm sure it'll be wonderful ❤️ (Shoutout to @musictooth and their series of made-up vegaspete scenes, thank you so much for the brainworms haha)
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tumsa · 1 year
turn this knife the blunt way around
happy belated birthday, @kimchaybrainrot!💛 you're lovely and deserve all the treats! i tried to write fluffy soft things but failed spectacularly because angst and i are besties. i promise there is some sweetness at the end.
here is some post-canon kim + kimchay:
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Kim is not surprised when Porsche shows up and enters the café exactly when Kim is wrapping up his set. Kim has ignored calls and messages from Kinn, Tankhun and the Unknown caller. So he signs a few autographs, takes selfies with fans and lets his manager tell them that Wik is very busy and needs to go. Porsche meanwhile orders a caramel macchiato for himself and his bodyguard and waits until Kim packs away his equipment. 
"Khun Kittisawat," Kim finally says loud enough to annoy Porsche's security guard, who is holding his drink as he has never seen coffee before.
"I know you helped Chay at the warehouse and at Yok's," Porsche says, ignoring pleasantries, making it sound like an accusation, "but you have to leave my brother alone."
Porsche has taken well to his new role. He manages to sound steely, not heated, like someone in charge of the situation, and he doesn't have to add any threats. It's an order, even if Porsche has no hierarchical power over Kim. Porsche doesn't know that Kinn is just a placeholder for Kim. 
"Okay," Kim says, with his perfected poker face and neutral tone. He can tell from how Porsche squints and grips his macchiato that Porsche had expected some resistance. 
"Okay," he finally nods, sips his drink and turns to leave. Kim picks up his guitar and waits for Porsche to take a few more steps.
"Porsche," he says because there is a good reason why Kim has trailed Chay for a few months now. Kim has killed at least seven people that wanted to get their hands on the precious innocent baby brother of the minor family's new leader. "Chay's bodyguards are horrible."
Porsche freezes. There are still people around them, some of Wik's fans lingering around, as well as regular customers, so they cannot talk openly. Kim knows that's why Porsche had chosen the location, but it's funny to see him regret that choice now. Porsche opens and closes his mouth, quickly figuring out Kim's words' meaning.
Kim leaves. 
- - - 
It's not surprising that Chay barely gets to leave the compound afterwards. And when he does, his security detail matches one of Kinn's and Porsche's combined. 
"He hates it," Pok says, sliding a photo over Kim's desk. And yes, Chay looks miserable in the image; he looks small in his soft hoodie and loose jeans. Kim knows how it feels to be surrounded by all these suited men and still feel isolated and lonely. 
Kim hates how thinking it's for the greater good, his own safety doesn't chip away at the guilt he feels knowing it's his fault.
- - - 
It's also not surprising that another few months later, Chay moves out. Just like Kim, Chay is not made for golden cages; there's only so much that your love for your brother(s) can balance out, and Chay has always been brave enough to go after what he wants.
Kim keeps his promise and stays away, he's too busy trying to keep Wik's career from exploding. He knows his father will end it if the fame draws too much attention to their family. The freedom Kim has is imaginary; it's just a leash made longer, long enough that sometimes Kim forgets it's there until he makes one step too far, and it chokes him viciously.
"Do you want me to keep following Khun Porchay?" Pok asks.
Kim thinks about his father's chess board, the pieces he moves around, and the plans he executes. He thinks about his father saying: "I will fake my death", "the minor family will attack", and "you have to protect Porsche's brother, I know what you've been doing with him". He thinks about Korn killing his own brother, Vegas and Macau being pushed away their whole lives only to be embraced when they are no longer needed on the board, and Chay's mother, drugged and unaware.
"No," he says because he is tired of being his father's son. He makes a choice and tells himself to be brave and be like Chay. "Leave him alone."
Pok nods and leaves quietly.
- - - 
Kim buries himself in music because music loves him back. 
- - - 
"Your new album is so sweet," the boy says, and his voice shakes slightly as he smiles shyly, handing over the card to be signed. His older sister is recording their conversation with a cheeky grin on her face. Kim can imagine that this will be future blackmail material. 
"Thank you," Kim smiles, "what's your name?"
"Rune," the boy says, still in awe, as Kim writes him a small, personalized note. 
"I am glad you wrote some happier songs," the older sister says conversationally, unbothered that Kim is Wik, while Rune picks up his signed card like it's the greatest treasure. "All the sad ones Rune was playing for months made me a bit worried for you. He still gets teary-eyed about the Why Don't You Stay one."
Ah. Kim is saved from answering it because Rune is mortified and pulls his sister away, telling her to shut up, oh my god.
"Hi!" the girl that was next in the line waves at him with a big grin on her face. "I love your new album; it's very sweet!" 
Kim smiles back.
- - - 
Your new album is amazing, and we are so proud! We miss you. 
Kim reads the message again and again; he swallows tears and thinks about the song he wrote weeks ago, about the tiny hints he left there, knowing that nobody but him would know. He didn't think that-
"Kim?" Kinn picks up right away. He sounds hopeful, and Kim realizes that their father is so wrong. The love has not made Kinn weaker; it has made him human.
"I miss you too," Kim says. He can hear Kinn smiling.
- - - 
"I am disappointed," his father says, and Kim thinks nothing has ever made him feel more proud than Korn's disappointment. "Maybe I was wrong about you."
"Maybe," Kim says, and they both know he means, yes, yes, you were.
"I don't know what I did wrong," Korn says, defeated, in a rare moment of honesty, "how all three of you ended up like this."
Like this, he says. And he means stupid, weak and pathetic. He means, why would you pick anything over power, ambition, or being the victor? Why would you willingly lose a fight? Who would you do that for, and why?
"You wouldn't understand, father," Kim smiles, pushing Kinn's ring across the table, "after all, you killed your brother and locked up your sister."
He gets up and leaves, half expecting a bullet in his skull, but it never comes. 
- - - 
The knock on the door makes Kim jump. Only a few people know where he lives, and all the ones who do know to inform him before their arrival. Tankhun has started to show up unannounced, but Kim (now) knows that Wednesdays are shopping days; Tankhun has discovered the magic of shopping malls, and they are a lot shinier than Kim's apartment.
Kim finds the gun before heading for the door but puts it down when he looks at the security camera. He unlocks the door, suddenly very aware of his messy hair, worn shirt and mismatched socks that Kinn had gifted as a joke.
"Hi," Chay says. 
Kim has not seen him for almost two years, so he files away the new haircut, a bit broader shoulders, a sharper face, but the same sweet smile and big, innocent eyes. 
"Hi?" Kim answers, unsure because Chay's smile is short-lived, and he looks closer to tears.
"I know you loved me," Chay says, and he might as well kick Kim in the stomach, "I mean, I listened to your new album, I mean, sorry, it's none of my business, I should not say that, I just, well," he keeps talking, nervously shifting, looking anywhere but at Kim, "I need you."
Kim feels like someone dropped him in an ocean, leaving him to drown. There are waves of feelings crushing him, pushing him down to the seabed. I know you loved me. Apparently, Chay still knows how to flip Kim's world around. Kim moves before Chay can flee, opening the door wider and stepping aside.
"Come in," Kim says, his voice trembling funnily. And then, because he cannot help it at all, he asks, "You listened to my new album?"
"Of course," Chay says, and it reminds Kim of Tankhun's eye rolls.
Did you like it? Kim wants to ask, but he doesn't. He doesn't get to have this, and he won't be selfish if it hurts Chay, not anymore, and he's been doing good so far. 
"Why do you need my help?" Kim asks instead as they walk to the living room. Chay sits on the sofa, back to looking like he is about to cry, but like crying is not a choice he is allowed to make, and it makes Kim's insides hurt. Chay needs to point, and Kim will aim his gun. 
"It's about my mom," Chay explains, "I don't know how much you know, but-"
"I know everything," Kim says, and their knees brush as he sits down next to Chay. "I am sorry, I-"
"It's okay," Chay brushes it off quickly as if what Kim did is not a big deal. And Kim wonders if it isn't for Chay anymore. Maybe Chay has learned that there are worse things than stalking and using someone, maybe Chay is helping Porsche now and has done similar things, or maybe Chay has killed someone. Kim has no idea, and it's making him a bit dizzy.
"She remembers everything," Chay explains, and Kim doesn't say that he suspected that too. He looks at Chay's hands that are nervously moving around, wants to grab them and keep them still, but talks himself out of it. "She told me a while ago, she remembers that Uncle Korn killed dad, and wants to tell Porsche, but she's worried that Uncle Korn will... And I am so worried about her and Porsche, and I think Porsche maybe knows too, and something is about to happen, and I-"
"Do you want me to kill my father?" Kim asks carefully. He realizes that he would if Chay asked.
Chay looks horrified. "What? No, of course not!"
Kim is lost, has been lost since he opened the door. "So, what do you need me to help with?"
"I didn't say that," Chay says so quietly that Kim almost doesn't hear it. "I said I need you."
And because Chay is the bravest one of them both, he climbs into Kim's lap, hugging him like he did the very first time, with everything he has, and bursts into tears.
"I don't know," he whimpers in Kim's neck, his tears mixing with Kim's, shaking as Kim holds him closer, "what I will do if Porsche dies. I don’t want to be alone anymore, Kim."
Kim wishes he could hide Chay inside the walls of his chest, away from everything, but nowhere is safe with his father alive.
"Shhh," he says instead, "it will be okay, you are not alone."
- - - 
"Chay," Kim says hours later when it's getting dark in the apartment. They are still on the sofa, and Chay is half lying on top of Kim, cuddling like they used to, except Chay is quiet and looks defeated under the weight of the world. 
Kim takes a breath and tells himself he can do this. If Tankhun can go to the shopping mall and Kinn can choose Porsche over their father, Kim too can face his fears. "I want to apologize. I am sorry; I know I hurt you, and you didn't deserve any of it. I wish I could take it back."
Chay hums and looks up through the bangs that are half covering his eyes; there's a small smile on the corners of his lips, and Kim wants to press it there, make it stay, and never let anything make Chay sad again.
"I forgave you a long time ago," he says, "Porsche told me how silly Theerapanyakul siblings are. I am very proud you used words this time."
He's teasing Kim, and Kim can't decide between laughing or crying; he settles on neither, holds Chay closer, and moves his hand to stroke Chay's hair gently. He thinks fate is being funny, giving him something only after he learned to let it go.
"And you did write me fourteen love songs."
Kim laughs.
- - - 
He returns early in the morning when the dawn settles over the city, a new morning ahead. Chay is still on the sofa, covered in blankets; he gets up when Kim enters the living room.
Kim puts down the gun on the coffee table. He knows he is still covered in sweat and smells like cigarettes that he shared with Porsche when Chay hugs him. 
"It will be okay," Kim promises, and buries himself in Chay. 
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bisexualbard-writes · 10 months
Ella Enchanted AU where Kim has to do whatever he's told to do :)
OH SHIRLEY I LOVE YOU. Ella Enchanted MY BELOVED. So. I think Kim would Not Respond Well to being compelled to do whatever he's told. And by that I mean there are two Theerapanyakul recluse brothers in this story.
Kim hides away from everyone except his brothers. He's practically considered a ghost, most people who work in the compound think he's a ghost, the other half doesn't think he exists at all. Before his mother died, she told him not to tell anyone of his obedience affliction for fear it would be exploited.
It gets exploited anyway by Korn. His father commands him with a smile and a soft word and sends Kim on dangerous missions he's literally not allowed to refuse. Kim tries to hide from him, but then his father told him he wasn't allowed to avoid him. The best thing he can do is just try and avoid everyone else.
His brothers are the exception. They always try and make sure that they're asking him to do things, and if they accidentally give him a command Kim can yell at them and they'll change the command into a suggestion.
His only refuge is his music. He adopts the persona of WIK and releases his music on YouTube, but he never takes WIK beyond the four walls of his room. He can't even IMAGINE being a celebrity out in public. Fans scream the most ridiculous things, and even a single "wik, have my babies!" would ruin him. Thank goodness he doesn't have to obey the comments he sees written on his videos.
One day a new bodyguard starts, and Kim avoids him like the rest. But then the new bodyguard lures Tankhun out of the tower, and Kim is delighted for his brother and also kinda jealous and grumpy.
Then one day, a kid is allowed to just wander the compound and accidentally finds his way up to KIm's rooms. Kim doesn't have time to get his soundproof headphones or kick the kid out before he's flailing and saying, "hecking shit, I didn't know you lived here Wik, please be my guitar tutor!"
Which is a command, and Kim is really disgruntled by that, but he can't not obey.
So he tutors the kid, Chay, and he tries to keep it as short as possible, but then Chay tells him to stop and listen to his song. So Kim has to do that then. But then... Kim really shouldn't be spending time with this fan, but...but his music is lovely. And Kim isn't going to admit it anytime soon... but he might be lonely.
And Chay's not dumb, he realizes Kim's a shut in, or there's something clearly wrong with him. Sometimes Chay can't find him, and then when he reappears he's extra grouchy. Sometimes he's hurt. But he also seems happy to hang out with Chay. And when Chay suggests they go out into the world, Kim agrees! (because "please, P'Kim, let's go to the movies" is technically a command.)
But Kim is finding he doesn't mind being ordered around by Chay. He should probably avoid Chay, it's risky going out into the world, especially in public with other people and without someone who knows about his afflection. But oh no, it's the curse, he can't help but spend time with this cute boy.
But Korn takes notice that Kim has been distracted recently. He commands Kim to tell Chay he was just playing with him and that he never wants to see Chay again. Kim screams at his father, and is commanded to speak politely. He tries to attack Korn and is commanded to never let Korn come to harm. Kim tries to destroy his father's office but is commanded to stop throwing a tantrum and respect his father.
Kim has no choice but to obey.
He leaves Chay like he does in canon, walking away while Chay is on the ground crying.
He thinks that's it. Kim locks himself away again, not opening the door for the staff or his brothers or anyone. The only one who can get in his Korn, and that's because Kim is forced to pay him his respects. But then he gives Kim another command: A coup is happening soon. Find Chay, bring him as leverage.
Kim dreads this and resists as much as he can, but he's compelled to go. He finds Chay at hum bar. The only thing is, he also finds his uncle's men there. Part of brining Chay to his father means keeping Chay alive, right? So he fights off his uncle's men.
In this version Chay turns around and sees Kim fighting for him. After Kim wins, Chay throws himself into Kim's arms, which is a blessing and a curse because he gets to be close to Chay but also he's one step closer to bringing him to Korn. Kim draws out the conversation as long as he can.
Chay: You kept me safe? Kim: I wanted to. Chay: You broke my heart though Kim: I had no other choice.
But eventually the curse fights him and he slowly brings Chay back to the compound, trying to delay at every moment. Chay can tell something is wrong, Kim is physically fighting for something, but he doesn't understand what.
Kim brings Chay to Korn before Porsche and Kinn get there. His father has a different plan now, keep Chay locked up with his mother. It's leverage over both Porsche AND Kim.
Kim refuses to help. He's not going to let that happen, not under his watch. He's not allowed to resist though, and he feels like his body is going to tear itself apart. Chay holds him tight as Korn keeps giving orders and Kim screams and shakes and falls apart and builds himself anew. His determination and Chay's help break the curse. Finally, Kim rises, shakey on his feet but whole again. Korn: Don't hurt me Kim. You cannot hurt me. Kim: I do what I want
And then he kills Korn.
After that he and Chay have a lot to talk through, but it's much easier now that Kim's lips aren't magically sealed.
(send me a trope, maybe one you hate, and I'll attempt to kimchay it)
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the-wayside · 1 year
I'm clearing out my fic rambles of things that I wrote that might have been things but probably won't be (at least for a while). I just need them out of my brain space so I can focus on the important stuff.
the memories of you, t/m?, 2k. Older Porsche/younger Kinn. A prologue I guess? It traces to the point at which the hypothetical story would start.
(Heads up, there is ten years' difference and they meet when Kinn is thirteen. nothing underage happens.)
Porsche has worked for the Theerapanyakul family a long time and even amongst all of those years, his loyalty has only ever been to the one who picked him up off the street, bloodied and broken in too many places, and told him he would help him take care of his brother. P’Chan had been his hero in more ways than one, but unfortunately, it’s been almost as many years since Porsche stood at the bottom of P'Chan's open grave and said his goodbyes to his mentor, replacing him as the head of security. Now pushing thirty-seven, he’s got the greys and the body aches that come with the life he’s lived.
He also knows that in and amongst all of it, he was little Kinn Theerapanyakul’s first love. Introduced at twenty-three to his charge’s younger brother, a pale little thirteen-year-old with braces and a bright smile, Porsche found him endearing in his openness. He never said a single word to Porsche for months but his eyes would always light up when Porsche walked into a room and he was distinctly quiet during their training sessions when Porsche would peel off his sweaty vest and wipe his face with it. More than once, Kinn had disappeared with a flushed face and an awkward boner passed off as needing to finish his homework. Porsche left him be because he was harmless. His crush made him interested in things he was not natural to, like gunmanship and knife fighting.
“You need to be as good a shot with your left as your right, Kinn,” Porsche bit his tongue not to call him, Little Dragon, his pet name for Kinn when they first met. Small, but fierce.
Kinn wasn’t a natural, but he was outstanding. And puberty finally blessed him. It cleared up his skin, and with his braces off, his winning smile became blinding. He was still a little scrawny as a teen so Porsche frequently had Nya, the compound chef, cook him up some more chicken and eggs which he tried to push off.
“I can’t eat anymore,” Kinn groused as he rubbed his little belly full of food.
“You need protein to rebuild your muscles. Can’t get strong on rice and salad,” Porsche reminded him.
“You don’t even eat this much,” Kinn whined and Porsche smiled.
“I’m not built to be a heavyweight. You could pack on some serious muscle if you wanted to, Little Dragon.”
Kinn flushes, “Don’t call me that.”
“Why, ‘cause it’s cute?” Porsche teased him, “You are the littlest dragon. Maybe one day you'll grow—”
“I’m grown,” Kinn volleyed with conviction and Porsche stopped because there was an iron to it that he’s never heard from Kinn.
“Are you now?” Porsche replied to ease the tension. “You won’t mind if we do ten proper rounds tomorrow then.”
Kinn exhaled because he’s bought himself a world of pain, but Porsche ruffled his hair, “Don’t be in such a hurry, Kinn, growing up is the worst thing you can do.”
Porsche had watched him grow and become a young man and he was proud. It was an awful day when Khun Korn had set his succession on Kinn’s still too slim shoulders. He smiled like he was grateful and honored, but Porsche watched as the light dimmed from his eyes. He was only eighteen. His ‘adulthood’ had coincided with a changing of mantles. No longer was Tankhun the heir to the family business, it was now Kinn, with all the knowledge that Porsche taught him and then some.
“Did you know?” Kinn breathed as they stood out on his suite balcony.
“I did,” Porsche told him honestly. He knew his work would transition from one heir to the other.
“Fuck you,” Kinn spat at him and Porsche accepted it with a shrug.
Kinn pushed him and said it again and Porsche did nothing to defend himself.
Porsche grabbed still thin wrists and pulled Kinn into him for the hug he didn’t get from his father, “You’re going to be okay; I promise, I’ll take care of you.”
Kinn sobbed for the life he would never have only once, buried in Porsche’s shoulder as he stroked his hair and rubbed his back.
Porsche cupped Kinn’s face when he emerged, puffy and red, and rubbed his cheeks with his thumbs, “There you go.”
Kinn has big brown eyes under thick eyebrows and they made Porsche smile and he stroked his hand over Kinn’s face. The air shifts and Kinn’s hands gripped tighter on Porsche’s waist.
Porsche was about to stop him when Kinn looked down at his lips, “Just once?”
Their dynamic was about to change completely. Porsche would stop being his teacher and shift into his bodyguard, his humor replaced by a list of requirements to ensure Kinn’s safety. They would never be Porsche and Little Dragon again.
In a way, Kinn now in a way looks exactly like the boy he met five years ago, but he’s also a man and Porsche understood him perfectly. He wanted a memory to hold onto. Porsche isn’t so cruel as to deny him that.
“Just once.” Because it’s stupid, irrational, and likely to get him fired and lose everything.
Porsche tipped Kinn’s face up by his chin and sealed his lips over Kinn’s. Kinn sighed and relaxed like it drained all the unhappiness away from him. He fumbles a bit as he opened his mouth and tried to tease Porsche, but it was clumsy, so Porsche worked with him, gentling him and pushing his tongue into Kinn’s mouth as he tugged on Porsche’s hips to bring him in closer. Teaching him as he had always taught him. And then Porsche could feel him pressing hard against his thigh as he licked Kinn’s soft palate and dragged his tongue over Kinn’s before he let them part with a slow kiss against Kinn’s lips. Kinn trembled and Porsche silently folded that up into himself because it was beautiful.
Kinn looked at him with a dazed expression and his lips were red.
“I’ll report to you 7 am sharp tomorrow, Khun Kinn.”
It’s a simple sentence, but it destroyed everything. Porsche was reassigned to Khun as if nothing had changed and Kinn disappeared to study abroad. Porsche only ever heard from him to have weekly updates via teleconference, no video, to keep him in the loop on his brother’s progress. It was as if Porsche was being held away by the length of an invisible stick and Kinn would not let him any closer.
He knows now that wasn’t the end, but it was the beginning of the end. The true end had come at when Kinn was twenty-three and he had come back from school and his year abroad in France, strong and more defined in himself and even more set on his feelings. Confronted with a man who knew what he wanted Porsche struggled to keep the line between them. Kinn wasn’t a child and he wouldn’t be contained.
“Porsche,” Kinn called him over and he walked up to the front of Kinn’s desk. He bowed politely and Kinn pressed his hands together under his chin, the rain a distant sound that prickled between them. “You were wounded on the last excursion.”
He had some fantastic bruising and there is a tense moment between them where Kinn expected him to raise his shirt and he did not.
“I appreciate your concern, Khun, but it’s nothing to fret over,” Porsche immediately realized he had set Kinn off. A rookie error.
“I don’t need you to define what my concerns are,” Kinn scolded him. “If my family is to remain protected you had best be up to the job and to prove it.”
Kinn motioned for Porsche to come and stand before him as he turned his chair away from his desk to make space for Porsche in front of him.
Porsche complied to save a fight and unbuttoned his suit vest, stripped it off and then his shirt. The biggest bruise bloomed ugly on his waist and up onto his ribs. It looked and felt like he had been hit with a boulder. Kinn’s fingers reached out and hovered over touching him. Porsche also realized that he’s softer in places than Kinn remembered, Porsche’s want and willingness to lean and hone his body had taken somewhat of a backseat due to his lessened workload. He’s still cut and his stomach ripples as he turns away from Kinn, but there is a soft overlay that cushions his stomach as Kinn grasps him and holds him by the pained part of his side.
“Ow,” Porsche can’t help it, and perversely, Kinn digs into it harder. Porsche pushes him off and Kinn grabs the back of his thigh and Porsche stumbles into him. Kinn hooks his hands around Porsche’s thighs and somehow hikes him up onto his lap in the chair.
Porsche is left to look down at Kinn, his thighs on either side of Kinn’s as Kinn held his hips, eyes trained on his bruise. He asked Porsche, “Did you kill them?”
“Of course, I killed them. They could have harmed the family.”
Kinn ducked and pressed his forehead against Porsche’s bare chest, “The family.”
Porsche yelped as strong fingers dig into his rear and he tried to pry Kinn loose, “Khun—”
“Fuck you,” Kinn told him once again, those big brown eyes coming up to scorn him. One hand loosens and grabbed Porsche by the back of the neck and yanked him down to press him against Kinn’s mouth. Unlike the clumsy eighteen-year-old, Kinn at twenty-three had practiced, and he stole Porsche’s breath away as he consumed him, tongue demanding entrance into his mouth, doing anything, including jabbing Porsche’s bruise to get it. Porsche gasped, startled and Kinn was inside. His grip meant that Porsche couldn’t go anywhere, he was left pinned as Kinn leaned up into him and repeated back to him the same kiss he was given when they kissed last, but it was not the same. It was not humble or kind. Kinn owned him and left him wrought and raw, breath heavy as Kinn finally let him go.
Porsche was about to speak, to curb the insanity, when Kinn hauls him up with strong, stronger than Porsche remembers, arms and carries him towards the bedroom. Porsche pushed at him, “Kinn.”
“I’m a better fuck than half the guys you’ve been with. If not, I’ll never say another word.”
Porsche should have ended it, but he didn’t. He could make infinite excuses: he was weak, he was lonely, it had been a long time, and Kinn was there. The only one that was true was that in that moment, Porsche wanted him. He forgot about the history, he forgot about his place in it all and he simply wanted the gorgeous man in front of him who made him feel special because five years had passed and Porsche was still at the forefront of his mind. Because it was Kinn.
He still remembers how he cried out when he came, shameless, and Kinn crowing victoriously he wrapped his fingers around Porsche’s throat to hold him back to Kinn’s chest. The window Kinn pressed him into was cold and his legs ached but his body shivered hotly. He mewled and shook and it was exhilarating and embarrassing because Kinn was right. He was a better lay, and within an afternoon, ten years of respect went down the drain. Not respect for Kinn, Porsche’s self-respect because Kinn was his charge, even when he wasn’t, and Porsche couldn’t keep it, or his legs, together.
Maybe Kinn thought that if they slept together things would change. Porsche would change. But he didn’t. He showered and dressed and he presented himself to Kinn’s bedraggled hair and sleep-rumpled face.
“You have a meeting at 10 am, Khun Kinn.”
Kinn glares at him, “You’re fired.”
Porsche nods, “Of course.”
His father put Porsche on Khun’s detail far away from Kinn until he left for a business trip that was supposed to last six months but it ended up being three years.
Porsche figures they must have it under control by this point so that when he greets Kinn now, it can be as his true guide and mentor.
Kinn gets out of his Maserati but the passenger side door also swings open and a man, a little older than Kinn but younger than Porsche, gets out with a wide, almost smarmy, smile.
Pete nudges him in the side, “That’s Khun Kinn’s boyfriend, right?”
Porsche has no idea, “I think so.”
“When he said he was bringing him home, I didn’t think he’d go through with it,” Pete murmurs but Porsche has Kinn pinned with a look. He doesn’t know what his face is saying but Kinn is staring back at him just as hard.
Pete reaches out first with a bow, “Khun Kinn.”
“Pete, Tawan, Pete is part of my brother’s detail under Porsche,” Kinn gestures to Porsche.
Porsche doesn’t bow, “I serve as the head of security under Khun Kinn’s employ.”
He lets his gaze slide over to Tawan, “You’ll understand if we have to make some adjustments while you stay here.”
His voice is thin and tight and Kinn barely conceals his glare. Porsche doesn’t care, Tawan seems none the wiser, “That seems reasonable, it was a very abrupt visit after all. I’ve been bugging Kinn to meet his family for months.”
Months. They were fucking the last time Kinn came home and Kinn looks at him while he makes the calculation. Not that he should even have to, Kinn isn’t his boyfriend or even his fuck buddy. He’s pretty sure Kinn has a detailed list about that rather than informing his head of security that he’s bringing an unvetted individual to the compound.
“There’s no problem, is there, Porsche?” Kinn smiles but it’s vacant and he wraps his hand around Tawan’s wrist like a shackle. Porsche eyes his hand and then looks at his face, “Why would there be?”
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misspoetree · 1 year
So the lovely @haahka and I were talking about Tay and how it's a bit sad that the fandom only ever seems to send him on shopping tours or focus on his fashion (you guys know that I'm obsessed with the KinnPorsche Fashion myself, but it's just a little...unadventurous, you know).
And then I got waaay to deep into headcanons with the equally lovely @tumsa (I'm not even sorry for the spam 😌❤).
Now, there are two things I want to do: first, I'd love to hear more Tay headcanons - feel free to throw them at me (as an ask, in the tags, added to this post, whatever you prefer). Because I'm really curious. 👀
And second, I'm going to share a few of mine:
Tay is way more capable than anyone thinks. (But no one needs to know that.)
People treat Tay like a princess within the show - I mean, he isn't even allowed to help in the kitchen at Porsche's. But I don't think Tay IS a princess. I think it's a protective façade. Because letting oneself be underestimated is a (survival) strategy in a world of money and constant power struggle, and a smart one at that. Yes, Tay is really good at reading people in general, but I also feel like people tend to let their guard down around him. Because he's kind, and understanding, and compassionate - and he seems harmless, a bit spoiled even. His 'softness' puts people at ease, makes them talk, makes them more honest than they probably should be. He's not a threat after all. I bet he knows a lot of things he shouldn't. I bet he's smart enough to use that knowledge (to help other people, to help himself, if needed). And I bet Tay could be fucking dangerous if he ever chose to (and wouldn't that be exciting 👀).
I also like to think that Tay has a strong survival instinct that goes beyond 'pretending to be incapable'. He and Kinn have been friends for ages, their families know each other, he basically grew up surrounded by mafia. He probably witnessed Tankhun's kidnapping back in the day. The horror and trauma of it. Tay's family is rich. He's close to the Theerapanyakuls. To the future head of the family. But he DOESN'T have an army of bodyguards following him around. And the downside of 'being harmless' is looking like an easy victim. Tay is too smart to be unprepared. So in my headcanon he knows how to handle a crisis, knows how to deal with danger, knows how to survive. Knows how to get out of the country quickly, how to get money without leaving a trail, how to get an unregistered gun. How to land a mean punch even though he hates it, how to apply (good) first aid EVEN THOUGH HE HATES IT. (I do think that he really isn't a fan of physical stuff, so the princess image is not completely off. Or, well, he lets it work in his favour.)
Tay's reaction to being hurt, being really hurt, is to shut his emotions down completely.
I don't enjoy how Tay's often written as dramatic and over-emotional in his confrontations with Time after what happened at Hum Bar. He isn't sober when he catches his boyfriend shoving his tongue down another man's throat, and well, his boyfriend is shoving his tongue down another man's throat. So of course he's fucking angry. And emotional. Right then and there. But the thing is, Tay had time to think, time to cool off in those other confrontations. And that's just the way to describe Tay's demeanor then: cool, cold, like ice. I like to think that he just freezes over. Turns into a statue of neutral disinterest. Just imagine: someone like Tay, always so kind and compassionate, staring you down with an expressionless face, not reacting to anything you say, looking close to fucking bored. Imagine what that would do to Time, always so full of himself, always so used to getting reactions out of Tay. Walking straight into a wall of ice. Completely out of his element. Really forced to put the work in for once. And it truly is hard work to break through to Tay once he closes his feelings off from you. A little bit of grovelling might be necessary. (That said, dealing with his emotions like that isn't good for Tay either. Of course not.)
There's...'something' between Tay and Vegas, some kind of understanding
I never got over TAY asking after Vegas in the final episode. Or the way Tay watches Vegas as he passes him during the auction. So I'm having a lot of fun wondering about the 'relationship' between Tay and Vegas, or how potential interactions could have gone down.
I mean, Tay 'belongs' to Kinn. We know that Vegas wants everything that belongs to Kinn (I bet he thinks Kinn must have fucked a pretty boy like that at least once. Even though it's not his usual type. Why else would he stick around?). Tay's caring and understanding. We know how Vegas can react...to something like that. (Not him falling in love after one free therapy session or something like that.) Tay is really good at reading people, he is really good at reading Kinn. And we know Vegas is not so different from Kinn (in some ways), even though he would murder anyone suggesting something like that to his face. Or maybe that's exactly what Tay does. Telling that to his face. As Vegas tries to seduce him, in the earlier days. But Tay doesn't try to wound him with that, to be cruel or mean, it's just an observation, spoken in that calm and understanding tone of his. And a younger Vegas is so shocked by that statement that he just...stops? And stares at Tay who just keeps going with that warm look in his eyes and those observations that hit a little too close to home until he can't take it anymore and turns on his heel to...definitely NOT run away like a dog with his tail between his legs.
Vegas keeps his distance after that. That princess isn't worth the effort, he tells himself. Or maybe he doesn't. Maybe he stops trying to seduce Tay, yes. But they end up talking again. And again. Because Vegas desperately needs to know what Tay meant with those things he said. And there's just... something about their conversations that keeps Vegas coming back. Until (stealing some thoughts from @tumsa here <3) Tay tries to convince Vegas that the competition between him and Kinn is dumb. Vegas does keep his distance, then.
And Tay gives up trying to help, trying to make him see how futile all of this is because it's clear Vegas won't listen to anyone but his father. But he still cares about Vegas, and seeing all the things Vegas does to himself without realising, seeing that ever-growing self-destructive obsession with Kinn sits like a leaden ball in Tay's stomach. The knowledge that he can't do anything to help is a bit like its own form of torture.
Anyways, (stealing again from @tumsa) Tay definitely ends up going to the hospital to visit Vegas. In secret, of course. And seeing Vegas and Pete together, seeing Vegas being changed by love, seeing him try to be a better person for Pete, putting all this effort in to make it work - maybe all of this forces Tay to reflect on his own love life for once. To reflect on the things he wants. The things he deserves, after all.
Nearly everyone had a crush on Tay, one time or another
You guys know the thing we do with Vegas? Like how VegasPete is the holy grail of endgame ships but it's so much fucking fun to ship Vegas with everyone and to imagine all his possible encounters and escapades? Because he's manipulation, seduction and psychological issues stacked on top of each other and wrapped in a velvet shirt?
Well. I like to do the same thing with Tay. For more or less opposite reasons. Because he's understanding and warm and compassionate and smart (and really pretty). In a world full of violence and trauma and repressed emotions, only sharp edges. I mean, who wouldn't crave the warmth, who wouldn't want to bathe in the sunlight for a while? I'm pretty sure people are falling en masse for Tay. And I think Tay doesn't always know how to handle it. Or genuinely doesn't realise what kind of effect he has on those poor bastards for doing nothing more than showing them a bit of kindness. Or maybe he's simply choosing to ignore it because he only has eyes for one person and one person alone.
Anyways, a lot of fun directions to go with this last headcanon for now. (And I'm keeping it intentionally vague and without examples because otherwise, this would turn into a multichapter fanfic I don't have time to write just now. 🤡)
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bl-bracket · 1 year
Best Siblings Round 4: Tankhun & Kinn & Kim (Kinnporsche: The Series) vs Lan Xichen & Lan Zhan (The Untamed) vs Vegas & Macau (Kinnporsche: The Series)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Tankhun & Kinn & Kim: "listen the way they love and care for each other is subtle. Kinn always makes a point to make sure Tankhun is comfortable and has what he needs and his safety is one of Kinn's priorities. Tankhun repeatable has Kinn's best interest at heart and will do whatever is in his power to protect him. Kim, even though he doesn't live at the compound, makes a point to see Tankhun to check in on him. Kim investigates Porsche after he was suspiciously hired because he was concerned about Kinn's safety. And Kinn is just so fucking sad that Kim doesn't talk to him. He just wants a relationship with Kim and he has no idea what Kim does in the background to make sure that both Kinn and Tankhun are safe."
Lan Xichen & Lan Zhan: "They just never let conflict come between them."
Vegas & Macau: "They aren’t in a ton of scenes together, especially compared to some of the other siblings in the show, but when they are, it’s almost always going to be heartwarming in a show that can be anything but a ton of the time, especially when it comes to these two characters. From the scene of them making merit together to the scene of Vegas ruffling Macau’s hair to the scene of Vegas, Macau, and Pete snuggling up together when Vegas is in the hospital, these two brothers have been shown to be some of the only characters who give and receive love to each other, and given what we know about their father and how they were raised, that’s a huge deal. Obviously, Vegas’s character in particular has done horrible things over the course of the show and I’m not trying to justify that by any means, but when looking at the dynamic between these two alone, especially in the context of their environment and what their father has been shown to be like, I just find these two to be very almost refreshing in a way? I don’t know how to describe it. There’s some quote about siblings being the only people who truly understand how each other were raised, and that is always ringing around in my head when it comes to them."
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jkfanfr · 1 year
Vegas and Pete FF- KinnPorche The Series (BL)
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Let me tell you something real quick, this couple won my heart once i watched the series. Their partnership was incredible and i recommend watching it (sexual content warning, maybe not the first bl you should watch but amazing nonetheless)
It’s my first work on Alpha and Omega stories, so i’m sorry if there is any mistakes, but have fun my lovelies!
Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to actual actors, this is pure fantasy for the series characters 🤍
Let me know if you can see the signature line~ 😏
Italics are thoughts 
What does an omega do when he’s in heat, but attending an important meeting with his alpha who is the CEO?
Well, Pete is an omega and his alpha is Vegas. 
Vegas is serious, talented, smug, and always gets his way. Very handsome, with a muscular and toned body
Pete is a caring, introverted sweetheart. Seems weak, but is actually so skilful, strong and athletic 
People were head over heels for that type. When it comes to Pete and Vegas, you’d think people will be awed and obsessed with such a physic and man like Vegas, but no no no. It was true that many were interested in Pete.
His quiet and blunt soul was one which caught many eyes, him being an omega was just a treat in addition to all of that goodness. 
Vegas was not happy about that at all, i mean.. who would want many guys and girls falling over their lover? No one. Vegas wasn’t into sharing either, never was, and never will. 
The omega was all his, belonged to him, devoted to him. Even if they’ve only been dating for a couple of months, his handsome alpha knew he was the one. The one he loved, was whipped for, and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Pete felt the exact same, not wanting to end the beautiful love they shared with each other. It was golden, maybe even magical, and truly never-ending. 
In the meeting room, Kinn was at one end of the table with Porsche beside him. Arm and Pol sat down on one side with Tankhun on the other side. There was an empty seat next to him which Pete made his way to sit in. 
On the way, he saw Kinn’s tail caressing Porsche at the back, making Porsche turn red. Pete laughed quietly to himself, as he sat next to Tankhun, to which, he smiled and bowed to him out of respect.
Vegas was sat at the other end, giving a small smirk to Pete as he sipped on his coffee, his ears looking as fluffy as ever as his tail wagging behind him. 
Kinn- “So Vegas..why are we here?”
Vegas- “Right. I wanted to inform you all on my new business plan for the company. As the CEO, and you as my buisness partner, i have to let you know the changes right?”
Kinn- “Right, so, what’s your idea”
Porsche- “It better not be stupid like that time when you were making Arm and Pol dress up like inflatable balloons.”
Vegas- “Actually, that was was Tankhun’s idea”
Tankhun- “Well, jokes on you Porsche, it worked. Entertainment wise, and sales wise”
Arm- “Not gonna lie, it was fun to do”
Pol- “Baby don’t lie, it wasn’t”
Arm- “Only because you tripped and fell down a block of stairs in front of everyone”
Porsche- “Wait?! You fell?!”
Arm- “Yeah! He did, Pete has the video”
Porsche- “No way..! Pete you better send me that!”
Arm and Porsche burst out laughing, Tankhun laughing too. Pol crossed his arms over his chest, giving Arm an annoyed look. Pete brought out his phone, showing them all the video as he laughed happily with them, Pol sulking a little, but couldn’t stop himself from laughing too. 
Vegas couldn’t help but laugh too, as his omega sat there, turning a little red. He suddenly  was feeling uncomforted for some reason, his body rising up in heat. 
Pete smiled it off though, trying not to make it obvious that he wasn’t feeling his best. 
Vegas- “Ok ok, enough of that, let me show you all my plan then.”
Pete changed his focus to Vegas, his body playing with itself and the heat. He didn’t know what it was, it just wasn’t normal. 
Vegas had eyes of a hawk, he easily could tell something was off about his omega. He didn’t look this red when he entered, that’s because he always looked at the little things when it came to Pete. Vegas loved every part of him. 
Vegas- “Ok, so, to get business booming, i think we should focus on celebrities, maybe them becoming a partner in our company.”
Pete- “Hold up.”
Everyone took an eye on Pete, who was still a bit red, but looked up a Vegas
Arm- “What’s up Pete?”
Pete- “May I add something Vegas?”
Vegas- “It’s Mr Theerapanyakul to you”
Vegas gave his signature smirk, as Kinn scoffed a little with Porsche.
Porsche- “God you’re so extra Vegas”
Vegas- “Shush, let me hear you Pete”
Everyone shushed up at Vegas’ request as Pete stood up from his chair. 
Pete- “Vegas, let me add something”
Vegas- “Call me Mr Theerapanyakul Pete.”
Vegas’ tail swished side to side, as Pete grinned. Pete decided to walk up to where Vegas was. He physically pulled him by the arm, making him sit down in his own chair next to Tankhun. The rest of them laughed softly, as Pete controlled his alpha, something which wasn’t so common. 
Tankhun- “Well done my Pete”
Pol- “It’s the fact that Vegas wouldn’t let anyone else do this”
They all laughed at that, even Vegas himself as he looked at Pete with playful eyes, his smirk sprouting again. 
Pete- “Let me bring an idea to the table”
Kinn- “Show us what you got then.”
Pete stood infront of the table, bringing some of his files with him. 
Pete- “Alright, so Kinn, i think instead of celebrities, influencers would be a better choice.”
Kinn raised his eyebrows, Porsche giving Pete a smile of admiration. Pete was an intelligent man for his kind. As an omega, he has wits and a smart brain, some others were a bit brainless and clumsy, aka Porsche.
Pete- “The reason for this is because influencers have many followers, with many viewers. They upload daily, with many taking an interest in what they do in their life. Celebrities don’t always have this kind of popularity. If this would be possible, our company should reach out to these influencers, so they could advertise our products we provide, and they could give a good rating to possibly thousands of viewers.”
Tankhun stood up, giving Pete an applaud as he smiled nervously. They all gave an applaud, except for his stubborn alpha, who was looking a little salty, but still giving Pete a smirk
Tankhun- “Awh! Pete, you’re brilliant!”
Kinn- “I must say Pete, you’re more smart than you think”
Porsche- “Mhm, i’m fully in with the idea”
Kinn- “Me too, i agree with it all, i think it’s really good”
Arm- “We both agree as well, what about you Vegas?”
Vegas kept quiet, sipping on some coffee as he looked at Pete. His omega leaned over the table, looking at Vegas directly in the eyes, his ears kept high as always. 
Pete- “How was it Mr Theerapanyakul?”
Vegas- “Ok ok, it wasn’t bad. I agree with it”
Pete grinned as he looked at Vegas, becoming a little more red as he sat in his normal seat, Vegas going back to his own.
Tankhun- “Wow Pete, you should come up with the business ideas more often”
Pete- “Haha, thank you Tankhun”
Vegas- “Yeah yeah, alright, let’s go over the people we already have now”
As Vegas, Kinn, Porsche and Tankhun went over some files, Arm and Pol talking amongst themselves, Pete was sitting down quietly. He felt some heat pulse through him, so much to a point it hurt. His abdomen hurt really badly after some time, making him breath heavily and turn red. 
He held into his stomach a little with his hand, feeling like his gonna burst with pain. Tankhun was the first to notice and put his hand on Pete’s shoulder for support.
Tankhun- “Are you alright Pete?”
Pete- “Oh, i’m alright don’t worry”
The omega smiled the pain away, but as everyone continued to talk and as his alpha, Vegas instantly knew something was wrong. His senses kicked in and it was very strong, something he couldn’t ignore. He sniffed a little, and was instantly caught in a sweet scent.. like Pete?
Pete was breathing heavily, his heart palpitating. He tried to hide it as much as possible, by re-reading files over and over again, hoping Tankhun wouldn’t see and question him again. 
Vegas continued to sniff around, the sweet scent getting better and better, to a point it’s intoxicating. 
Kinn- “You alright Vegas? Why are you sniffing nothing?”
Vegas- “I’m not sniffing nothing you idiot. Don’t you smell that?”
Kinn, Porsche and Tankhun started smelling the air a little, shaking their heads, pretty puzzled.
Porsche- “There’s nothing”
Tankhun- “Yeah, what are you smelling Vegas?”
Vegas stayed quiet, the sweet smell of what was the exact same as Pete getting stronger, making him desire something. He looked over towards Pete, noticing he’s covering up his face a little, but had a gut feeling that it was coming from Pete.
Vegas- No..is Pete in? Heat?! It can’t be..
Arm- “Are you guys done yet?!”
Pol- “What’s the point of us being here if you’re not gonna talk to us?”
Tankhun- “Ai! Shut up Pol, i’m trying to focus”
Arm- “Hey! Leave my baby alone”
Arm put his arms around Pol, holding him sweetly. Pol gave him a weirded out expression, but then smiled warmly at him
Pol- “I’m not your baby Arm”
Arm- “Then what are you? My honeybun?~”
Pol- “If i’m your honeybun, then you’re my cutie pie~”
Arm blushed profoundly as they both sweetly smiled at each other. Tankhun looked at them with disgust 
Tankhun- “Ugh, you guys are so in love..”
Pete- “Khun.. Love is a beautiful thing, forever and always devoted to one another”
Arm and Pol nodded appealingly, as Kinn and Porsche’s ears straightened up, meaning he was satisfied. Vegas smirked at Pete’s words, admiring the omega. He was an interesting mixture of things, but all in all, he was perfect. 
Tankhun- “As if! I hear Kinn and Porsche moaning at each other all the time.”
Porsche- “Huh?!”
Porches and Pete nearly chocked on the coffee they were drinking. As omega’s, they were beyond shocked at Tankhun’s sudden words. The alpha’s grinned a bit as the rest of them looked at each other, still stunned at Tankhun’s words
Vegas- “What do you mean by that?”
Tankhun- “They’re always complaining at each other.”
Pete- “Oh.. i see..”
Pete and Vegas made suspicious but playful eye contact at one another before giggling softly. They all burst out laughing expect for Tankhun
Tankhun- “Guys? What are you laughing at? Pete?”
He tapped Pete’s shoulder, as Pete attempted to stop laughing. 
Pete- “It’s nothing, don’t worry”
The omega let out a soft groan out of pain from his abdomen again. This time the pain worsened. Tankhun put his hand on Pete’s arm out of support. Vegas immediately picked up that sweet scent again, becoming attracted to it once more.
Porsche- “You alright Pete?”
Pete- “I’m ok, don’t worry. I just have a stomach ache”
Porsche- “Are you sure that’s all?”
Vegas- “Mhm, if you’re not well Pete, i can take you home.”
Pete was going to decline, but as the pain deepened in harshness and heaviness, he felt his face go red again, his mind filling with desire. His alpha continued to sniff that sweet smell, which seemed to be coming from Pete.
Vegas- i knew it was heat, oh my baby..you’ll be ok, i promise 
Pete- “Actually.. that would be better if that’s ok with you all?”
Kinn- “It’s totally fine Pete, take it easy”
Porsche- “Yeah, let me know when you’re better”
Pete- “Thank you guys”
Vegas stood up from his chair, his tail swishing from side to side as he took his omega’s hand, slowly taking him through the office door and into the hallway, which they walked through to get to their car.
Vegas- “What’s up with you baby?”
Pete- “Nothing, it’s just my abdomen hurts really bad”
Vegas- “Does it?” he’s in heat, his first heat. that’s why he doesn’t know if it is or not. i’ll treat you well Pete, my love
Pete- “Yeah..i feel really hot babe”
Vegas- “Do you want some water?”
Pete- “No..i don’t want water Vegas..”
Vegas stopped for a second, putting one hand around Pete’s waist as he put his hand to his forehead. 
Vegas- “Goodness love, you’re sweating”
Pete- “It hurts..”
Pete held his abdomen again, feeling sweat drip down his forehead and hit his nose. He didn’t know what it was. His ears dropped down out of the pain he was in. 
Vegas- “Baby, i..i think you’re in your first heat”
Pete- “Huh?”
For a smart omega like Pete, he was a little clueless when in came to things like this. Even Pete thought for a bit and realised it as well.
Pete- “Baby..i-What do i do?”
Vegas- “What do you want baby?”
Pete- “I want..”
Pete looked at Vegas’ red eyes, getting a little heated and giddy on the inside. He desires something, or someone perhaps..
Pete- “You”
Pete looked at him, his frosty eyes deepening in red as his ears were pointed upwards, still. His tail swished excitedly but lustily, hoping Vegas would give him what he wants. He’s always wanted Vegas to pound into him as he curled his fingers around his ears, his tail linked with his as they continuously moan at the deep and pure pleasure.
God those horny thoughts tortured the omega, making him growl, and nearly cum in his boxers. He looked at Vegas with desperation, praying that he’d agree. As an omega, he was a pretty horny one, not like Porsche. He’d always masturbate when he needed too, of course, without his alpha knowing, otherwise he’d get spanked. He shivered a little remembering that. Pete would though imagine his first time with Vegas, and it being the best he’s ever had.
Pete- “P-Please baby?~ Na?”
Vegas was lost for words, Pete’s actions and words just made him wanna melt like ice on fire. But damn was Pete hot when he was all desperate and horny, he’d never seen anything like it, but was gonna make sure that it was always seen. Of course, just for himself, he’s not gonna share such perfection with someone else. God he’d never. Vegas would never get enough of Pete, and especially not this side of him.
Pete- “Can you do it for me na?~”
Vegas- God help me..…
Pete brought his mouth close to Vegas’ ear, making him lean back against the wall. Pete kept his hands on the back of his neck as he whispered in a deep and breathy tone, his hot breath hitting the alpha’s ear.
Pete- “Oh please hun?~ I want you so badly, so badly i’m in pain.~”
Vegas growled at Pete, making him grin in victory. Vegas smirked deafeningly, pulling Pete along with him by his hand. They reached the car, as Vegas threw him inside the front passenger seat. He sat in the drivers seat, going to rev up the engine as he hastily put his seatbelt on
Pete- “What’s the rush babes?~”
Vegas- Damn it Pete, you’ve got to stop before i lose my mind
The omega kept on teasing him, having the most amount of fun while doing so. The man loved making Vegas groan with much heat and desperation inside of him. Though the alpha said nothing, his eyes were turning to a deeper red than before as his ears stood proud on his head, you could tell he was impatient and horny, wanting to do the most to his devilish omega. 
Pete put his seatbelt on, as he grinned once more, declaring victory again as his alpha looked at his expression. Vegas just wanted to kiss him so much, make him fall deeper in love with him as he begs for mercy under him as his cock is crashing against his prostate. 
The alpha felt pre cum swirl around in his boxers as he felt his legs twitching, his trousers tightening against his skin. Pete kept that innocent tone and expression on his face, driving Vegas absolutely mental.
Pete- “Don’t drive so quick hun, otherwise you won’t make it home, well, we won’t make it home”
Pete giggled a little, keeping that innocence on the prowl, making Vegas groan softly, continuing to drive at a higher speed. Right beside him, was Pete, taking his shirt off, which made Vegas’ eyes widen.
Vegas- “What are you doing Pete?!”
Pete- “I’m hot baby..~”
Vegas- Which hot do you mean? Both seem correct to me, fuck i’m getting hot inside. Pete you have to stop before i lose my shit.
 Vegas nodded at him, placing his hand on Pete’s thigh as he took his shirt off, feeling the cool breeze of the ac hit his body, as he sighed, satisfied. 
Time skip 
(i can’t wait) 
The alpha grabbed some handcuffs, and a blindfold, throwing it on the bed as he pushed his omega further back, making him lean on the headboard. 
Vegas- “Choose a safe word baby”
Pete- “Umm.. Green”
Vegas- “Lovely, whenever you wanna stop, just say it to me, and i’ll end it immediately”
Vegas talked in a assured tone, putting his deep needy and horny self to the side for a second. He was so infatuated with Pete, wanting to keep him safe and protected at all costs, never wanting to let him go. 
Vegas- “Understood baby?”
Pete- “Mhm, i got it”
Vegas- “Now, i was thinking of taking some chances with you tonight, but only if you’re ok with it”
Pete- “I’m ok with it Vegas”
Pete replied swiftly, making Vegas a little unsure. He didn’t want Pete to regret anything tonight, even if he had a safe word. He wanted to make sure Pete knew what he was getting into
Vegas- “Are you sure baby?”
Pete- “Give me all you got daddy~”
Vegas’ eyes widened, as he growled a bit, his tail caressing Pete’s legs as he stood on his knees in front of him, getting closer and closer. The omega winked at him, his cheeks dusted in a florescent pinkish colour. Vegas gave his signature smirk, grazing his chin with his fingertips, looking at him with love and lustful passion. 
Vegas- daddy huh Pete?
Vegas looked at him, keeping that same smirk on his face the whole time. 
Vegas- “What did you just call me?”
Pete- “Daddy, why?”
Vegas was surprised at Pete’s confidence, but god he was obsessed already.
Vegas- “If you keep calling me that, i can’t guarantee you can walk tomorrow”
Pete- “I wasn’t expecting to be able to anyways”
Pete already had this all planned in his head, his wet dreams, sinful fantasies and stories were all coming true.  
Vegas- “You’re just what i desire, come here hun”
And with that, the alpha pulled Pete close to him, smashing his lips on his, giving force and thrash in the kiss. Though it was intense, it truly showed how much they wanted this, how much they waited for such a moment. Vegas’ hands scrolled down to Pete’s tail, helping them both rock their bodies against each other. Pete moaned in between the harsh kisses they were so devoted too, sending Vegas shivers down his spine. He hadn’t heard anything like it, but god it was gonna be his new obsession
Vegas’ mind was completely full of infinite things and ideas, as he nonstop kissed his lover, shoving his tongue deep within his warm cavern, sending Pete to heaven already. The heat pulsed through their body, as they kept nice and close to each other, basically sharing that burning passion they had alit. 
The alpha spreaded out Pete’s legs, after throwing his trousers to the ground. His eyes glistened with that red glow, showing how ready he was to just obliterate his omega with that pleasure he’s been longing for. 
Vegas- “Let me put those cuffs on you darling” 
Pete raised his hands up in the air, allowing Vegas to cuff them to the headboard, not to tight, enough for them to wiggle around a bit. 
Vegas- “That ok?”
Pete- “Mhm, it feels nice, but i wanna touch you”
Vegas- “You will love, i’ll let you in a bit, but for now..”
Vegas pushed him down onto the bed, laying him down as he rested his chin on Pete’s, making them seal eye contact for a couple seconds.
Vegas- “Let me pleasure my sweet and delectable Pete”
Vegas growled a bit, licking his lips as his ears stood proud and ready. Pete chuckled softly at his words, but it was soon silenced as Vegas immediately started sucking his sweet spot
Pete- damn it feels so good 
Pete’s eyes were shut, consuming all of the pleasure Vegas was giving him. 
Pete- “Love, you’re so quick”
Vegas- “I know you well honey”
Pete- “Maybe a bit too will Vegas~”
Vegas- “I wouldn’t use it to my advantage baby, don’t you worry”
Pete smiled a little, letting out soft moans from Vegas’ touch. 
Vegas- “Now, here comes the fun bit”
The alpha brought out his blindfold, brushing it across Pete’s chest, outlining his pecs with the straps of it 
Pete- “Are you gonna make me wear it”
Vegas- “You don’t have a choice hun”
Pete groaned a little, laughing softly as Vegas put the blindfold on. All he saw was the darkness, and could only guess where his lover was by his scent, and movements. 
Pete sniffed until he could perfectly tell where Vegas was, he had that musky rose scent, one which was flavourful and deeply coated around the man. 
Pete- “Come back here baby~ D-Don’t leave me alone..”
Pete was super desperate, the pain inside his abdomen was returning, he needed Vegas to give him his medicine. Not pills, not liquid, but his hard cock deep inside of him 
Vegas- “Give me a sec love”
Vegas took his clothes off, a smirk sprouting on his face as he crawled on the bed, pouncing on the man with a growl as he shoved his lips onto his, grabbing his nape as he pulled him closer. Pete was stunned for a second, but immediately gave back into it, the same strength, harshness and intensity, though filled with an immaculate amount of love and passion for each other. It seemed no one would be able to get them off of each other, they were glued together tightly, forever. 
Vegas- “You taste like candy baby”
Pete gave a flushed smile, as he continued to kiss his alpha, obsessed with the way he talked, moved and kissed him.  Everything about him was addicting, like a full on drug. The best kind.
Vegas- “Let me prep you, otherwise it’ll hurt real bad”
Pete- “How bad?”
Vegas- “Worse than the pain you have right now”
Pete have a cracked smile with a little worry, he was a bit scared that it would hurt. Of course, the omega knew Vegas wouldn’t purposefully hurt him. His alpha could read the anxiousness on his smile, as he held his cheek assuringly and adoringly.
Vegas- “It won’t hurt baby, and if it does, you have a safe word.”
Pete- “It’s ok, i’m fine. I trust you, it’s just i’m scared it’ll hurt nonetheless. I’ve never done this before”
Vegas- “Don’t worry my love, i promised i would always take good care of you, so i won’t break that promise”
Pete gave a warm smile, as he lifted his head up to give him a sweet kiss. Vegas’ red eyes, which seemed to be a bit more calmer than before, stared at the blinded sweetheart.
Vegas- “Sit nicely for me”
Pete sat up properly, his arms wriggling in the handcuffs. His eyes were seeing pitch black, though his nose sniffing Vegas’ scent and his ears stood up tall and proud. Vegas then put two fingers in Pete’s mouth, making him suck on them. His tongue swirled around his fingers, gasping for breath every couple of seconds.
Vegas- “Good boy, just a little more for me”
Pete continued to let his mouth play around, especially his tongue. His saliva covered Vegas’ fingers as he took them out of his mouth. Vegas played around with his cock, stroking it and getting it prepped with that pre-cum. He then stuffed his fingers up Pete’s hole, as Pete himself half screamed 
Pete- “Ah!~ Ow-Oh!~”
Vegas continued to finger him, adding not 1, not 2, but 3 of his long fingers, till they hit his prostate, sending him to heaven. 
Pete- “Oh god~ That’s so good, fuck!~”
Vegas- “Ready for daddy?”
Pete- “Mmh~ I-I’m ready for daddy”
Vegas- “You sure kitten?”
God Pete nearly growled at that name, though he was a wolf, being called that made him feel some things inside his heart and through heated body like warm blood. 
Pete- “Mhm, your kitten is ready”
Vegas- “Good boy, flip over for me”
Pete did as he was told, having a little struggle as he couldn’t see and move his hands properly. He made sure he did it just right for Vegas. He didn’t wanna wait any longer and deal with the pain, which was getting worse. 
Pete- “Hurry up baby!”
He complained, making Vegas kiss his cheek, ruffling his soft hair adoringly. The alpha knew his omega was in much pain, he also knew the first heat would be the worse with pain and harm to the body. 
Vegas- “I’m here honey, i won’t make you wait for too long.”
Vegas spread out Pete’s legs even further, luckily, he was quite flexible. Who knew it would be so handy when it came to sex?
Vegas aimed his long and hard cock at Pete’s tight looking hole, as he entered him slowly. Pete half-screamed at the pain and suddenness of him entering. 
Pete- “Ah~ V-Vegas!”
Vegas entered him halfway, giving him time to adjust to his size. Pete breathed heavily, his heart racing against his chest as he took the pain. 
Vegas- “You ok baby?”
Pete- “Mmh~ Y-Yeah..Can you move now?”
Vegas nodded, kissing his cheek as he thrusted inside of Pete, careful to go slowly so his omega doesn’t feel much pain. His tail encircled Pete’s foot, his ears low as the pleasure got to him quick. He continued thrusting into Pete, hearing the heavenly moans coming from his mouth. Pete rustled in his handcuffs, only seeing darkness but knowing Vegas was behind it, enjoying it as much as him.
Pete- “Uh~ Fuck Vegas!~ M-More honey~”
Vegas- “Can you take it kitten?”
Pete- “Yeah~ I can take it all my alpha”
Vegas smirked a little, excited to play around with Pete’s desires and fantasies. He bend down towards his lips, sucking on his bottom lip as he pounded into him. Pete was obsessed by now, his moans getting louder and louder, truly showing how much he loved this.
Vegas- “Good Pete?”
Pete- “Mhm~ So good~”
 Vegas kept on pleasuring his omega, feeling the warmth of him get better and better as he continued to pound against his prostate. Their moans, sounds of their skin slapping against each other filled the room with fire-like heat. But damn it was one that they never wanted to put out.
Pete- “Please Vegas..let me see you”
Without hesitating, Vegas took off the blindfold, revealing Pete’s twinkling eyes, little tears streaming down on his cheeks. Vegas melted a little on the inside as he kissed those tears away. He’s never want to experience Pete in tears, it would hurt his fragile heart too much. 
Pete- “I..I~ I’m c-close honey..~”
Vegas- “Cum for me baby, i’m here”
Vegas caressed his cheek, kissing his soft lips as Pete came all over his abs. He groaned at the smoothing and soothing pleasure coming to him as he filled Pete with his cum. Pete felt comforted at Vegas’ words of affection, knowing Vegas was here for him made him feel so cared for. 
Pete- “Mh..that was so good honey”
Pete laid down on the bed, as Vegas took his handcuffs off. Vegas sat opposite of him, their heads close to each other.
Vegas- “Do you know how sexy you are?” 
Pete- “Sexy enough for you”
Vegas- “You’re such a tease, who knew you’d be this good in bed huh?” 
Vegas gave his signature smirk, caressing his cheek as he laid a kiss on his lips. 
Vegas- “Sleep honey, you must be tired”
Pete- “Mhm, my legs are about to fall off”
Vegas- “You’re welcome Pete”
Pete rolled his eyes, though entertained. He rested in Vegas’ embrace, feeling the love taking over the lust that was once in the room. The devotion they had for each other, the passion and admiration was limitless. It’s something that couldn’t be compared too.
Later that night..
Pete- “Vegas..”
Vegas groaned a little as he heard Pete, he stretched slightly, talking in a groggy and tired voice.
Vegas- “What happened love..?”
Pete- “I’m hurting again..”
Vegas- “Need me again?”
Pete- “I know it’s the third time tonight..but..”
Vegas- “I don’t care how many time we do it, as long as you’re well and satisfied, i’m happy”
Pete- “Awh..i love you..”
Pete caressed his cheek, kissing his sweet lips softly.
Vegas- “I love you too Pete~”
Pete- “So..can we..”
Vegas- “Get on my lap and ride the shit out of me babyboy”
Pete widened his eyes a little and the sudden switch up of Vegas. There was two sides of him, one which he loved and one which he desired
Pete climbed onto his lap, Vegas’ hands gripping his waist tightly as they kissed each other’s plump and sweet lips, their bodies against each other and their tongues dancing the night away..
Gosh, a whirlwind, i hope Pete survived that night..
Thank you for reading! Hopefully i’ll be back soon to be able to supply you with many fanfics! <8
P.S- Feel free to request anything you’d like. I do SMUT and FLUFF. BL’s would be preferred though as i’ve watched many, so i’d be able to work on character depth and development better! :D
Thank you once more my lovelies~
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suzteel · 10 months
monsterfucker au of your choice 😌
You just want me to talk about Pete with two cocks, don’t you? Istg a person makes one typo…smh
Hmmm…let me think.
(You know it’s kinda funny because given their positions in canon one would think Pete would be the default monsterfucker in fanon and yet it seems Pete is usually the “other” in some way in AUs.)
Let’s go for alien!Pete because I love a good sci-fi or space mafia au.
Anyway let’s go with alien!Pete ok. And he’s from an alien race known for being incredibly feral in battle. Alien berserkers if you will. Fierce and deadly and have like no sense of self-preservation. Very good canon fodder, you know, but also someone you do not want to deal with in a fight because they won’t stop until you or them, or both, are dead.
Anyway, typically these are combat aliens, these aren’t guys you want as bodyguards, because sure, they’re willing to die for you, but in a battle rage they are very hard to control. Once you’ve pointed them at a target, good luck calming them down until that target has been eliminated. So it’s something of a power move and an intimidation tactic that Korn has one of these guys not only as a bodyguard, but lets him guard his oldest and most vulnerable son. Korn either somehow exerts an iron-will control, or is fucking crazy (and he lets you think whatever he needs you to think).
The truth is that Pete is a castaway, sold to Korn as a child because he was “weak” meaning he doesn’t have the battle rage. He’s a skilled and fierce fighter, and lacks a sense of self-preservation, but he doesn’t lose control the way his species is known to.
Does the backstory count as one fun fact of what happens? Sigh. Anyway, things go very similar to canon but
-Porsche is initially terrified of Pete. Like oh shit they want me to die rooming with this guy. But then he observes how Tankhun is around him and he can’t help it. He’s fascinated at how chill Pete is. And his gremlin heart can’t help it, he likes to tease Pete a because wow look at how chill he is! Porsche can’t believe he’s not getting his head torn off! And then he very quickly forgets he was ever scared of him and also forgets that other people are scared of Pete.
-Similarly Vegas is also kind of fascinated but initially it’s very much “oh what a curious little toy Khun has” kind of way. He’s aware Pete doesn’t get rages, and has this kind of patronizing view of Pete as like a lap dog when he should be a wolf. Oh look at it. How cute?
-When Pete foils his plans though, Vegas experiments. He keeps trying to get Pete angry, really angry, trying to trigger a rage. He grows more and more fascinated that despite Pete’s capability to be angry, he always retains a part of himself that stays in control. (Until of course he cedes control to Vegas but that’s another thing entirely.)
-Anyway, Vegas is actually successful in provoking a rage, he just…had to die first. And in this version it’s not just one bodyguard he fells.
-ALSO YES PETE HAS TWO COCKS. All this backstory for two penises! You happy now? And everybody knows it too because this Pete is as balls out as in canon.
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ae-azile · 5 months
Progression, Chapter 27: Preview
Chay: Kim and I have a son now. 🥹
Khun: Kim’s PREGNANT?! 🤰🏻 Kim! Why wouldn't you TELL me? 🖕🏼
Kim: I don't have the parts for that. 
Chay: Don't remind me 😞
Porsche: I'm going to ignore you just saying that and instead ask for clarification. Whose baby did you steal? You're too young to be a parent. You have your college interview and practical coming up. 
Macau: Does P’Pete’s dad have another baby he was mistreating that you took?
Pete: I am in this group chat, Macau. 
Macau: Sorry 😬
Chay: He's not a human baby! He's a dog! 
Porsche: Chay! Dogs are a big responsibility! What about college?
Chay: I can walk him on some parts of campus! You are acting like I can’t take him anywhere. And even if I can't take him somewhere, you are acting like you won't watch him. 
Porsche: I won't! You got yourself into this mess! I'm not taking care of him! 
Chay: Meet Koda! 
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Porsche: …I will protect him with my life. 
Pol: Awwwww ♥️
Nalin: You already are an uncle, Khun! 🙂♥️
Arm: Why are you in this group chat???
Nalin: To gather stray gossip about you. You're SO interesting despite how boring you can be. 
Arm: Who added you?
Nalin: Why do you not want me included? You could just be grateful that I take an interest in your life? 
Arm: Huh? 
Porsche: Did he pose like that? 
Chay: Yes! He was jumping for a ball. When I pulled my phone out to take a picture, he looked at me, then stood up on his hind legs and gave me that look! He's SO smart and sweet. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone. 
Porsche: Wow. Kim and I are RIGHT HERE. 
Kim: He has said it fifteen times to me and your ma already. We both accept it. He's a sweet dog. Great actor too. He acted sickly and depressed while we were at the shelter. We took him to the pet store and that all stopped. He kept pulling us through the aisles and taking all the toys he was interested in off the hooks. 
Chay: And he got every single one because he deserves them. 🥰
Kim: Not for his abilities on a leash. 
Chay: Fine. He needs some practice on a leash. But he doesn't jump on anyone unless you prompt him to jump up on his hind legs. He's perfect. And he wasn't faking being sick, Kim. You know he has problems. We can both see the polyp and inflammation in his ear! But Kim is telling the truth. His personality changed within minutes. It must have sunk in that he finally found a loving home. ♥️ Mindset and support can do wonders to alleviate depression and chronic pain! He's not even 3 yet and the staff said his asshole owner dropped him off there when he was only 8 months old! He was there for over two years and no one showed him any interest because of his ear problems. I can't believe that vet wouldn't come out and operate on him for another week. That's why we got a hold of Phoenix’s vet. We dropped his paperwork off at the office and he said he could do the surgery in two days. 
Kim: Probably for the best. That way, you aren't stressing about it and compromising your interview and practical. 
Chay: Or when we meet with your label next weekend. 
Kim: OUR label. 
Arm: Are you both sitting at the park together but talking through here? 
Chay: You all are free to jump in at any moment. 
Nalin: Your dog is really cute, Chay! I love dogs. ♥️
Macau: You do? I do too! I’ve been thinking about getting a dog. 
Vegas: Since when? You've never even had one. 
Macau: I've always wanted one. 
Nalin: If you get one, Preeda volunteers at a rescue near our apartment. 
Macau: I'll go there first ☺️
Nalin: 😁
Arm: 🤨
Vegas: 🙄
Pete: Do you have more pictures, Chay? 
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Pete: Very cute. 🙂
Kinn: I'm looking forward to meeting him. 🙂
Tankhun: I am too! 🤗 Although, it is bad timing. 
Chay: Getting Koda today was PERFECT timing. 
Kim: He will not take any critique that includes Koda’s name in it. Watch it. He's come up with three songs about him in the last twenty minutes.
Porsche: Aww. Are they good?
Kim: They’re…songs. 
Tankhun: I'm not critiquing a new family member. But I was going to reach out in a bit to see if you, Kinn, Vegas, and Macau were available tonight. I wanted to go to Yok’s together and rent out the VIP room for long overdue brotherly/cousinly drunken bonding!!! 😩
Vegas: You want to get drunk together?
Tankhun: Of course! 
Vegas: What's your angle?
Tankhun: Finding out Pa’s angle is my angle! And I want to spend time with my brothers - who know him the best, as well as with you and Macau - who hate him the most!
Vegas: How did the breakfast with him go? 
Tankhun: He arrived set on ending the relationship and ended up taking away Arm’s guard status!
Nalin: You don't have a job anymore, Hia???
Tankhun: He gave him a better job. Arm is to solely focus on the technical aspect of our security system. The only duty he will be keeping from his time as head guard is overseeing the intake and routine trainings. To fill up his time, Pa has offered him the Chief Information Officer for the Theerapanyakul Luxury and Amenities Brand. And then, he called him “son.” 🤢
Vegas: Sounds like he actually approves, but has taken an interest in him. That sucks. 
Macau: Congratulations on the new job, Arm. 🙂
Arm: Thank you? 
Vegas: 🙄 Suck up. 
Arm: What? 
Nalin: Glad you're not jobless. You get dangerous when you're bored. That's what Malai and Hansa always say.
Arm: They exaggerate. 
Pol: You literally built toy cars that explode on a slow work day. 
Vegas: YOU built those? 
Tankhun: To be fair, I gave him the idea. 
Vegas: Well, I figured that. 
Tankhun: Let’s get drunk together and move past it! Macau too! 
Vegas: No Macau. 
Macau: Hia, I am legally allowed to drink now. 
Vegas: Not around me.
Macau: Fine. I will just go somewhere else and drink. Alone. 
Vegas: You won't. 
Macau: Why can't I see you drunk? You're a messy drunk, aren't you? 
Vegas: No
Tankhun: I can't speak for Vegas, but I can assure you I am incredibly classy and low-key when I am under the influence. 
Arm: 😂🤣😂
Pol: I don’t remember Arm ever golfing when he was drunk…
Nalin: I want to see Hia drunk. 
Arm: Absolutely not. 
Tankhun: I promise we will have a girls’ night, Nalin. I am in full support of Arm inviting you girls to spend time with Pete, Pol, and Porsche. If you choose to drink together, that's your call. But I feel like an exclusive hang out with my brother and cousins is needed at Yok’s
Nalin: Fine. I will crash your hangout at Pete’s, Hia. 
Macau: I will be home too. Hia doesn't want me to go to Yok’s. Sorry, Khun. 
Vegas: Changed my mind. You can go. 
Macau: It's okay. I don't want to make you feel weird. That's how nice I am. 
Tankhun: You're going, Macau. It's required! 
Macau: Whatever…
Nalin: 🫶🏼
Tankhun: Aw, Nalin. You're so sweet. ♥️ you too! 
Chay: Kim can go. Koda and I will be fine. We're heading back now. 🙂
Tankhun: Yayyyyy! I can't wait to meet my new nephew and spend time with my brothers and cousins tonight!!! It will be so much fun!
Vegas: If you say so? 
Macau: …Yay.
Tankhun: Oh, fuck off! We all made up! See you at 8. 🖕🏼
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yujeong · 6 months
I saw ur post about wanting writing prompts so I thought why not lol. (This is my first time doing this 😅) but I have a few of AUs on my art blog that I would love to see expanded on like my Tall Pete/Short Vegas au, A band au with Vegas being a lead singer and Pete falling in love at first sight, or Pete being Vegas’ personal bodyguard instead of Tankhun’s. So yea if u find any of these interesting I’d love to see ur spin on it
OMG hi! Thank you so much for sending me this, I'm so flattered you thought of asking me to write sth surrounding your AUs ❤️ It kind of feels like the secret Santa event all over again, I love it haha. The timing is actually a little too perfect, because a few weeks ago, I randomly stumbled upon a YouTube short about the side couple in Laws of Attraction and I proceeded to 1. lose my shit, so much so that I decided to start watching the show and 2. write a whole page full of notes about an AU in which Pete is Vegas' bodyguard, based on the pool scene of said short. So, to give a little context: In this alternative universe, Vegas and Gun visit the main family compound for a meeting. At some point, Korn wants to talk to Gun alone, so Vegas goes to the pool area to find Porsche, along with Pete who follows him. Vegas proceeds to flirt with Porsche, as Vegas does, up until Gun suddenly appears and starts yelling at him for unclear reasons. He escalates it when Vegas asks, baffled, why he's being yelled at, by slapping him and putting his head into the pool. Pete normally doesn't intervene when Gun gets violent with Vegas, but his protective instincts here kick in and he stops Gun from literally attempting to kill his own son. As a result, Gun's anger gets redirected at Pete, who gets beaten up in Vegas' stead. The snippet I wrote for you is the aftermath of everything I described above. I hope you like it ❤️ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Silence, occasionally broken by a faint sound that resembled sniffing. Pete couldn’t tell what it was, but in his state he couldn’t really tell where he was either, so he stopped worrying about it. He tried, instead, to remember what had happened that brought him here, wherever “here” was. The last thing he recalled was the feeling of Khun Gun’s shoes digging into his forearms, which he used in his attempt to protect his head from his boss’ repeated, brutal kicks. Khun Gun wasn’t the strongest man Pete had ever met, but there were reasons he always tried to stay on his good side, and his cruelty was one of them. The cruelty that had so many times been directed at his own son. The kind he was eerily familiar with.
Khun Vegas’ face materialized in Pete’s mind. Droplets of water running down his nose, his sharp cheekbones, reaching his neck. His hair wet and disheveled, his chest heaving from the difficulty to breathe after having had his head shoved into the pool. His expression crumbling with worry, something Pete had no logical way of explaining. Fuck, where was he? Pete could only hope Porsche had protected him from his father’s fury afterwards. Khun Gun was unpredictable; he couldn't be trusted to only be satisfied by lashing out at Pete. Pete needed to go find him as soon as possible. Opening his eyes proved to be a challenge. A heavy fog was clouding his vision, and the pain that was engulfing his whole body was preventing him from doing the simplest of movements. He groaned as he shifted his torso in a futile attempt to get up, resulting in a gasp that startled him into opening his eyes to check where it came from. His mouth was hanging open as he took in the image of Khun Vegas staring at him, fidgeting nervously in the chair he was sitting on. His eyes were red around the corners and he looked ghostly pale. Pete’s breath hitched. “Pete… ?” he said, dropping his gaze to the floor. He always did that when he was feeling guilty about something. “Are you... ?” “I’m fine, Khun Vegas,” Pete replied, despite the numbness in his limbs and the headache that was starting to form. “What about you? Are you hurt? Should I take you to the doct-” “We’re at the infirmary, you idiot,” Vegas shouted, interrupting him, but his voice lacked the usual heat. “Stop acting like my bodyguard right now, it pisses me off.” That’s all I know how to be, Pete wanted to tell him, but remained silent. That’s all I’m allowed. He didn’t really mind Khun Vegas’ words. He’d heard worse things over the years, things that should have probably hurt him. Somehow, Pete had the ability to forgive him anything. The atmosphere grew tense between them. Pete had grown used to that, too, but he had never seen Khun Vegas be so self conscious before. He wondered why the sudden change. “I’m not thanking you,” Pete heard him murmur after a few seconds; he uttered the words under his breath, while staring at his feet. If Pete had a better view of his face, he’d argue Khun Vegas was pouting. Pete could only reassure him. “You don’t have to, Khun Vegas. I was simply doing my job.” It had the opposite effect. The creases between his eyebrows deepened as he lifted his head and stared at Pete. Astonished as his mouth was open agape, likely for a retort that never came. Alternatively, he turned his attention to the small table next to Pete’s bed. He stood up and approached it hastily, grabbing something that was resting on top of it, before Pete could take a closer look. “The nurse said you have to take this,” he said and extended his arm at Pete, revealing a small pill. It was probably a standard type of painkiller. Bodyguards never got any special medical treatment, especially those working for the minor family. It wasn’t worth the trouble. Pete tried to lift his hand to take it, but he bitterly realized it was impossible. He winced as he took a look at both of his arms and found them bandaged, smears of purple popping at places his skin was uncovered. He cursed under his breath. “Ah, I’m sorry, Khun Vegas, I’ll just call the-” Cold fingertips pressed on Pete’s chin. They felt even colder on his lips, the pressure just enough to make him open his mouth. The pill slipped between his teeth easily, with the help of a wet tongue he'd never thought he'd get to taste. Hot air hit Pete’s cheeks. His heart was beating rapidly. For a moment, he forgot how to breathe. Water traveled down his throat, taking the pill with it. Pete blinked. His head felt light, his body even lighter. He didn’t know how to describe the feeling, but he didn’t think it was bad. He focused, instead, on Vegas, who was standing above him with an unusual sense of confidence.  “Get well soon. That’s an order.” It was enough to ground Pete back into reality. He was thankful for it.
“Yes, Khun Vegas.” It was only then that Pete noticed how the color returned on Vegas’ face and how his slight trembling seized. “Has Pete woken up yet?” Both of them jumped at the sound of Porsche’s voice. He poked his head into the room, completely oblivious to what had transpired before he showed up. “Oh, he has. How are you feeling?” “Good,” he replied sincerely. The pain didn’t bother him anymore.  A smile spread on his lips as he added, “Khun Vegas just gave me my medicine.” Porsche returned it, though his was more mischievous than playful. “Pete, you should have seen Vegas while he waited for you to wake up. I’ve never seen him crying so hard-” Vegas punched Porsche hard on the shoulder to stop him from talking, which made loud laughter escape Pete’s mouth. It earned him a glare, one of Vegas' serious ones. It'd bring him hell later, but Pete realized he was fine with that.
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