#and I think he deserved more recognition for this
iamnmbr3 · 9 hours
Put this in a chat originally, but I'm still thinking about it so it's going here too. I really think Ginny got done so dirty by how Hinny ended up turning out in the books. She really truly does deserve better imho. It's so tragic because Ginny gets kind of overlooked a lot and diary!Tom seems to be the only person to really listen to her...ever. And he doesn't even actually care about her. And once he's gone she never gets that again. He gloats in the end of book 2 that she once told him "no one's ever understood me like you, Tom" and that's still true.
Harry never tells her anything nor does he seem to bother to learn anything about her. Never mind the Horcrux stuff that he only shares with Ron & Hermione and never even considers telling her about. He doesn't even tell her about the prophecy after book 5. And in book 7 he goes into her room briefly and mentions that he's never been there before. All that time he lived with her and he never looked in.
And he shows no sign of recognition when he sees what posters she has up there. He doesn't think "oh of course she'd have that" because he never even found out basic things like what teams or music groups she likes. The one person who ever bothered to care to actually find out these sorts of things and show interest in her was Tom...who turned out to be using her. It's really sad.
I do actually like hinny happening in the books and find it realistic given both their characterizations - given the way Ginny idolizes Harry and probably feels pressured to change to become his "perfect girl" and to not "bother" him with her problems and the way Harry thinks he might be dead soon and Ginny symbolizes to him all the normalcy he thinks he might never get to have, more an idea that a person, and also seems to be physically attractive to him. I just don't like it as an endgame relationship. I think it's realistic they would get together under the circumstances they did. And I think they would break up after the war when Harry realizes he's not comfortable talking to Ginny and Ginny realizes Harry doesn't respect her and they both realize they don't really know or understand one another.
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puppy-pill · 11 months
wait so today was Ciel / Cure Parfait's bday and I didn't knew until now...
maybe it's a little late but happy birthday Ciel!
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also happy birthday to Pikario / Cure Waffle :)
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someominousecho · 9 months
thinking about how Five has been trying his entire life to just save his family. he's got so much trauma after seeing them die/dead so many fucking times. and yet they never appreciate his efforts??? this man would bend heaven and earth (and has, at this point!!!) to keep you all safe but the moment anything goes wrong they immediately blame him
like damn
how are they so ignorant about this
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stillcarmine · 4 months
I love the idea of Leo loving Hestia, but since they never interacted/ no one’s seemed to tell him about her, the god he’d most likely make sacrifice to if he stayed at camp would be Asclepius
(maybe Nike if he felt it was worth the risk of reminding her about them abducting and sticking her in a pegasus stable. Occasionally Nemesis if he’s feeling some kind of way [usually about Hazel and Frank] and once Hera but he doesn’t like to dwell on that)
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hackfurs · 2 months
unfortunately i have become consumed by the urge to make the main romance of one of my stories soooo much more toxic. originally the small one was a power hungry little ball of rage and the big one was a more reasonable moderating force but tbh thats kind of boring and i need them to enable each other in the worst way possible to the detriment of everyone around them. okay bye
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thinking about how raph, april, and mikey are less focused on by the fandom than donnie and leo, the only two main characters in rottmnt with white voice actors
#to be clear this is not a “callout” nor am i trying to inspire discourse/attack anybody#it’s just something i’ve been thinking about for a while that i feel deserves more... ig recognition? by the fandom at large#like i know a part of it is definitely the shows’ fault and their own unspoken biases#but i can’t turn a blind eye when i see human versions of the turtles that consistently have see and lee be lighter skinned#even if they are all represented as poc#like to reiterate: this is not a call-out#it could absolutely just be the niche of the fandom that i find myself in (in which this is a massive self report)#and i absolutely need to do better as well!!#but i haven’t seen this talked about as much as i feel it should#esp with april— i mean i already am aware about the fandom bias toward male characters#but it makes it doubly hard for her character which is a shame seeing as she is a queen#+ my fav representation of april in the entirety of the tmnt canon so far#i understand with mikey that it could be excused due to the fact that his character was focused on less#but raph? he has sooo much good characterization that i often see given to leo in fic/fanart#like i said: this is a lot more nuanced than what i’ve talked about#and i am by no means perfect#i just think we as a fandom should at the very least recognize this aspect of ourselves#idk i’m definitely not the best person to be talking about this#but i’ve been turning it over in my head for a while so i figured i might as well just. say it#rottmnt#rottmnt meta#racism#tw racism#internal bias#if anybody has something to add feel free#just like. be civil please? like i don’t think anyone is doing it on purpose (obviously)#just something to be aware of
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byberbunk2069 · 2 months
the winner for Cyberpunk 2077 is CDPR's public relations
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notsoattractivearenti · 10 months
guys! i’m doing my own little research 👀
if you consider yourself a fan,
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tia-safalin-daily · 6 months
step-by-step tutorial on how to simulate your FAVORITE yttd daily blog (me) is still running!!!!!!!!
look at my old artworks again and pretend theyre new
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permafrown · 18 days
I didn't even know Blade was in the comics?? That's what I get for not reading a lot of them ig...
I DONT BLAME YOU ONE BIT. I didn't even know until I went to a comic book store and saw a few issues. Hell, I didn't even know he was a marvel character until some months ago LMAO
He initially started as a side character for a series called Tomb of Dracula! But then started getting his own comics, and after the movie came out, they started adapting his image to reflect the movie.
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I own this one issue bc the art goes hard as hell ☝️
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Long Live the Pumpkin Queen: Dr. Finkelstein & Sally
There's a lot of heavy criticism circulating Dr. Finkelstein’s character in the novel. It’s completely understandable as to *why* - he and Sally are the only two major characters to have their stories/pasts completely rewritten, for Long Live the Pumpkin Queen. And if you’ve grown up with these characters & their tales, you’d be taken by surprise with the spin the novel took regarding their relationship.
Spoilers to Long Live the Pumpkin Queen below.
It’s revealed in LLTPQ that Sally is a ragdoll who was born, and her parents are Albert and Greta, the governors of Dream Town. She is part of a Rag Doll species who serve as dream weavers – in the human world lulling children and adults to sleep. The Rag Dolls we meet are the Governors, who tell Sally she was kidnapped as a child, taken through her bedroom window, by a man with a ‘large head and small eyes’. They show Sally her childhood bedroom, toys, and belongings - which she finds vaguely familiar. 
We later get a confession from Dr. Finkelstein, who claims that he kidnapped Sally from Dream Town and brought her back to Halloween Town, where he gave her a ‘forgetting potion’ so she couldn’t remember her prior family/home. He even replaced her original cotton stuffing with leaves. He did this because he had a book about the Holiday realms, and read about ‘Dream Sand’, wishing to experiment with it. So he went into the woods and found Dream Town. Apparently, he had also been failing to create a Rag Doll daughter of his own at the time, and once he saw Sally, made the decision to take her for himself. 
Greta tells us that they searched for her after she was taken. But Dr. Finklestein was the one to completely block Dream Town’s door, effectively making it a forgotten realm. Jack Skellington is furious with this news and sentences him to 100 years of community service for Dream Town.
…As you can see, it’s a pretty big…rewrite for his character. And Sally. 
In the original Nightmare Before Christmas, I always believed Dr. Finkelstein and Sally were a parody of the classic Frankenstein-and-his-creation tale, where she was brought to life by electricity and assembled by the Doctor himself. But the novel tells us that it was simply a trick - that he was lying to her all along, making her believe he created her. That she is actually a living Rag doll who came from her own species.
In a way, I can understand this from a narrative point of view - it brings a complexity into Dr. Finkelstein and Sally’s relationship, having him be her *literal* captor, someone so swept up in his pride and inventing abilities that he claimed to create something that he didn’t. And it would explain Sally’s feelings of being an outcast in Halloween Town, who couldn’t relate to anyone. It works as a storytelling tool – however, there are also…problems with these concepts. 
First off - the Rag doll species. I'm both fascinated and confused by Albert and Greta. The way the novel words it, Sally was ‘born’, and was once a child who grew to the age of 12 before being taken by Doctor Finkelstein. It’s mentioned Albert has graying hair, so we can assume Rag dolls age. But how can it be that they’re born with stitches, assembled and can tear apart? Or, in their world, does ‘born’ mean stitching a baby? Do they periodically build Sally, or does she age naturally? And how do Rag dolls reproduce? Is there any genetic code to them, or do they simply build each other? 
–The novel doesn’t answer these, so I can’t say. 
Another thing to mention – the book heavily villainizes Dr. Finklestein, despite the Sandman being the antagonist until he gets a redemption(a discussion for another post). We’re simply *told* that Sally was taken, and the Doctor was struggling, desperate to keep her – but we don’t get to see the build leading to that. We don’t read about Finklestein struggling to assemble a daughter, failing with his inventions and creations, where it would drive him to do something as extreme as **kidnapping**. This backstory lacks depth because it doesn’t care to spend more time on the Doctor and his intentions, his past, etc. It paints him in the light of ‘man who kidnapped beloved main character from her family, and kept her captive for the rest of her life while lying to her’ — even though it could’ve held so much more emotional complexity if more time were simply spent on him. We’re only ‘told’, not so much ‘explained’, it feels to me.
Dr. Finkelstein isn’t the hero regarding Sally’s story - he has always been her captor, locking her in her room and discouraging her curiosity with the outside world. He’s overprotective. But he deserved more than being heavily demonized for the sake of shock value.
I am divided, personally - I love Albert and Greta’s characters, the concept of Dream Town and Rag Dolls - but Doctor Finkelstein isn’t a one-dimensional character. I can understand the depth to the story Shea Ernshaw gave him - it’s not a bad one on its own, in my opinion - but it lacks genuity in its writing when treated like an afterthought.
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robinsnest2111 · 4 months
whenever I see The Sopranos mentioned anywhere I'm reminded of my storytelling and programming teacher at college. it's one of his favourite shows and he had us analyse an episode in class.
that man gave me the worst anxiety of my life just by being the way he is and it not meshing well with my own issues but I hope he's doing alright nowadays
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baronessofmischief · 5 months
I think Tarzan also has one of the best setups for a villain who monologues their true intentions at the end of the movie.
Clayton’s introduction is someone we hear before we see, spending the entire time hacking through the brush bragging about his accomplishments as a safari hunter. He lives for the thrill of the hunt and the recognition, praise, and notoriety those exploits garner. It means when Tarzan is restrained at the end on the boat, it’s entirely in character for Clayton to brag about exactly what he plans to do in betraying them and capturing the gorillas. He doesn’t even have to do it for long, just long enough to break the spirit of the hero before throwing him to the lowest point he’s been in the story.
If you’re going to have a character monologue it can’t feel out of place or disrupt the flow and pacing of the movie, and it definitely can’t be out of character for that particular character to give it. Too often monologues can sound like they were written for the satisfaction of the writer instead of serving the story, and when that’s the case it’s a “kill your darlings” scenario; every word in a monologue has to be necessary, or else it needs to be cut out
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ourflagmeansbts · 2 years
If you haven't seen it, I think this is a nice addition to your blog: A fan had made a Jeffrey Fettering shirt and tagged the actor. He replied and sounded very happy. ( dominicburgess / status / 1603177887808425984 )
Hey anon!
Thank you for this! It's very sweet, but not really BTS, so I won't tag it but for anyone interested here you go:
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GenitalPirate: My heart belongs to Jeffery Fettering! I was screaming and crying before I even got it all the way opened. ⁦@dominicburgess ⁩ you have merch now! 💖 Thank you ⁦@SHRAAAMP ⁩ for the best gift I have ever received! I love you! I wish to be buried in this. 💖
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apotelesmaa · 1 year
Objectively yes five pebbles deserves most of the blame for every problem in rain world but I think seven red suns does not get near enough flack for knowing five pebbles wanted nothing more than to end it all, knowing he shared resources with moon, knowing 5P trusted and looked up to him and STILL choosing to send him the information on the very risky plan to die that requires constantly utilizing every drop of water at your disposal and requires complete perfection in execution to avoid giving yourself super turbo mega cancer. & then going Omg I can’t believe five pebbles has done this :( why is he so mad at me now :( my iterator in Christ you literally gave him step by step instructions on how to ruin his life and accidentally kill his sister what did you think was going to happen.
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reginrokkr · 7 months
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◜The stars illuminate all mortal destinies, but few have eyes to perceive their meaning.◞
◜Fate is a cruel and perilous thing. It bodes only ill, lurking in dark places like the Chasm. To me, that place is the epitome of human misfortune. People died there, far from their homes. People with hopes and dreams, dutiful to the bitter end... Different motivations resulted in the same tragic conclusion. People ought to fear disaster unless they can learn to draw strength from their fear. Perhaps Yelan is just such a unique case, undeterred by fate’s cruel design there is no path she will not go down in the pursuit of secrets.◞
◜Even I myself do not relish the solitary life I lead. When others are fortunate enough to meet a companion for their journey, I sincerely wish them the very best. After all, to this day, I hold that people should be authors of their own fate. Both the crane ready to make peace with the past and the beast with a grudge to bear have the freedom to make their journey home.◞
𝐂𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐕. Dain, sir. If you're trying to tell us something, please blink twice. In all seriousness now, it speaks volumes that even Dain was searching for his own destiny when he lost everything, even his purpose to live when he has no other choice but to continue doing so because of the curse of immortality. Only to decide that fate is a cruel thing. Re-reading this, I can't help but think that he has two fights going on, both of them in benefit to humans.
One, against the Abyss Order whose actions will certainly put in danger other people's safety and the second one against fate itself, highly likely the Heavenly Principles even, to reject this world (perhaps the current order). It gets me even more intrigued the thought that he's relevant to the possibility of re-weaving all threads of fate and I keep thinking that this would be his last act of kindness for not only humans, but this world and the other creatures that live in it. Because it's clear that fate is arguably the most messed up thing, specially if it can be decided just out of whim by some gods who are questionable at the very least.
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