#ok I know he only showed up as a Cure for one episode
kitty-pilled-gamma · 1 year
wait so today was Ciel / Cure Parfait's bday and I didn't knew until now...
maybe it's a little late but happy birthday Ciel!
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also happy birthday to Pikario / Cure Waffle :)
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every episode of house md part 3
high school teacher: alright class settle down, it is time for chemistry!
the students moan
random student #1: please mr roberts can we just use this period to do homework
mr roberts: no, chemistry is important, you see-
mr roberts starts choking
random student #2: oh my god! someone get him some water!
mr roberts stops choking
mr roberts: sorry about that folks, moving on-
mr roberts falls to the ground, unconscious
*** house and wilson are walking together
house: wilson, my guy, you are wearing a nice tie. you must be cheating on your wife
wilson: you’re just trying to find a way to compliment my tie without seeming nice. so, thank you. anyway, i have this case. high school chemistry teacher keeps randomly choking on nothing.
house: so? he has anderson’s choking disease
wilson: no, it doesn’t only occur when he’s sleeping. not anderson’s.
there is a brief moment of homoerotically staring and grinning at each other
house: ok, i’ll take it.
he grabs the file
house: ok people, new case. man can’t stop choking!
cameron: hmmm… can’t be andersons…
foreman: could it be cancer in his throat?
house: that only shows up for a minute or two every few days?
chase: longmedicalnameadocis!
house: good thinking, test for that, in the mean time start him on fancydrugname.
*** in the clinic
house sighs, pops a few vicodin, and enters a clinic room
clinic patient: my knees hurt.
house takes a good hard look at the patient. he’s ancient. every inch of him is wrinkled. his head has only a few surviving white hairs. next to him is who house assumes is his daughter.
house (sarcastically): hhhmmm… now this is a hard one.
daughter: please take him seriously! just a week ago it seemed like he was way younger! he had barely any wrinkles, he was running 4 miles a day- he was healthy and fit! something’s up!
the patient coughs and begins to struggle to breathe. he takes out an inhaler.
daughter: a week ago he didn’t need an inhaler. now he’s using it multiple times a day!
house (not sarcastically this time): interesting… i want to run a few tests.
*** in the office
foreman: fancydrugname made him worse.
house: chase you idiot you were way wrong.
chase: 😣😣🥺🥺
house writes the new symptoms on the board
foreman: i think it’s neurological.
house: okay, what neurological disorder could cause this?
foreman thinks in contemplation
cameron: insertanotherlongmedicalnamehere?
chase: there’s no treatment for that.
house: wrong. we can do surgery
foreman: surgery?
house: take out part of his brain
*** cuddy’s office
cuddy (angry): NO! you cannot cut into this man’s brain with no proof! it’s a rare condition, most people with it die and this treatment has never been used for the condition before!
house: i have proof.
cuddy: oh really?
house: yes. i think it will work and i’m always right.
cuddy shakes her head
cuddy: no.
*** in the clinic, same patient as before
daughter: please tell me you know what’s wrong with him.
the patient has a bag of almonds in his hand. he is shoveling handfuls of them into his mouth
house: jeez, that’s a lot of almonds- **epiphany moment** house: i have to go!!
daughter: what? what about my dad!!!
house (from out the clinic room): get him to stop eating all those damn almonds!!
*** mr roberts’ room
house: have you been exposed to large amounts of almonds recently?
mr roberts: yes, my son just started working at an almond factory.
house: aha! my proof!
house leaves, leaving mr roberts confused and in distress
*** mr roberts gets the surgery and is cured
once again, wilson and house are walking together. wilson is eating almonds
wilson: want one?
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poppitron360 · 2 months
Raise your hand if you have a million bajillion works-in-progress!!!
Because I sure as hell do.
Anyway, I want to see which ones I should prioritise, so I’m doing a poll. Out of the 97 fic concepts i have in the vault, all with varying levels of completion, I have narrowed it down to 12 (the max number of poll options on Tumblr).
Please Vote!
Category 1- ANGST:
1. Ok not too many spoilers for this one but it’s SUPER angsty. All I can say is Leo faces a very creative punishment from Nemesis for cheating the prophecy and coming back to life, and it’s called “The only sad person in paradise” (undertones of Valgrace).
2. Leo deals with coping with the trauma of dying. LOT of angsty headcanons, including one where the design for the chb bead for the summer hoo is set in was the moment of Leo’s death. And he just has to keep that around his neck the whole time, and it’s chocking him. The opening line is “Every so often, Leo needed to remind himself that his heart was still beating.”
3. A curse befalls camp half-blood that’s slowly reversing the effects of their powers. Hecate cabin’s spells are being undone, plants are un-growing, arms healed by Apollo cabin are re-breaking. Magic is being unwound, and then Leo’s body starts to ache, and he realises… does that include a certain Physician’s Cure?
Category 2- VALGRACE
4. Platonic Valgrace (Romance implied)- “Never go to bed angry”- Leo and Jason have an argument on the Argo II. Jason thinks Leo won’t understand him because he’s never had to live up to the expectations of leadership that come with being a child soldier. Leo thinks Jason won’t understand him because he’s never had to fend for himself, he believes everything Jason has is because of who his father is. They storm off (Jason in the literal sense), argue with themselves for a bit- I did a really cool thing where I switch POVs every line or so, as their arguments parallel each other, like in a TV show where two characters are rehearsing a conversation with the other, but using the HOO multiple-POV thing- and then they go to sleep. They both have weird vision/flashbacks/prophetic dreams, where they experience a day in the other’s childhood. They then realise they completely misunderstood one another, and they’re not as different as they thought.
5. Jason and Leo go to New York pride. That’s the whole fic.
6. Instead of… whatever that ending to BOO was, the Gods reward Leo for his sacrifice by bringing Esperanza Valdez back to life. She thanks Jason for taking care of Leo while she was gone, and they have a heart-to-heart. They are officially boyfriends in this. Jason keeps being reminded of his own reunion with Thalia, and how Leo had stayed with him through that. He vows to do the same.
7. Leo and Jason get married (A classic “Wedding Episode”)
8. Just a fic describing married life with Leo and Jason- it’s called “Violets and Marigolds”
9. A fic from the POV of Leo and Jason’s kid, Isabella Valdez. Some angst, but I don’t have the full plot outlined yet. She’s adopted, and they don’t know her true godly heritage, and Leo suspects she might be mortal, and maybe Lupa made a mistake. Leo and Jason argue over whether she should join the Legion (They’re living in New Rome). Leo struggles with his fear of hurting the people he loves with his powers.
10. Platonic Perleo- Percy and Leo get captured by government agents and have to escape Area 51 (Vaguely inspired by an episode of Helluva Boss)- VERY NERDY. This is a very fun one.
11. Leo talks to Hestia about… life, I guess. I started writing this while still on TLH and never found an ending, but it’s a good concept. Leo learns to accept his powers as something that can be good, when he only sees the bad. Hestia tells him “If fire was only about danger and destruction, then it would be the symbol of Ares, not Hephaestus.”
12. Thalia, Luke and Annabeth find little Leo while on the run. Leo and Annabeth bond over engineering. Luke tries to use Leo’s trauma as leverage to get Leo angry at the Gods. He tries to put the blame of Leo’s mom’s death on Hephaestus, since he’s responsible for giving Leo his powers. He points out how the Gods are all-powerful, and yet they leave the four of them- their own children- to starve on the streets. Leo in canon harbours a lot of resentment for his situation growing up, and Luke could easily spin that to justify his own anger.
Tagging people who might be interested:
@four-leafed-queer-gal @lavenderfairiez @child-of-helios @green-tea217 @puzzled-pegasus @imasimpdealwithit @123letsgobestie @ginnyluna @euryvices @ollieisanerd @sleepyycapybara @twomanyfandomshelp @lokiwiiiiiii @yoshuko-ew @keefessketchbook @frankzhang-appreciation-posts @hollow8007 @fairytalesociology @via-rant @daonedaonlyskh
If you have any suggestions for things to add to these fics- leave them in the comments. A lot of these I’ve struggled to flesh out/find endings for. Any help is much appreciated and you will be tagged in the fic if I use it.
Also, Lmk if you want to be tagged in any/all of these!
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traineecryptid · 20 days
NPSS Weibo Q&A (20240831) Part 2
This is a Q&A session held on Weibo. People will tag their questions with the hashtag #南派三叔藏海花在线答疑# (#NPSS Zang Hai Hua Online Q&A#) and NPSS will look through the tag to pick some to answer. The event started at 1500 hours on 2024 August 31st.
Folder with screenshots and big compilation google doc is here. Part 1 is here.
Q: Shu, why was the patriarch's item changed from the bronze bell to the Heavenly Staff ? Is it to match Tianshou? (T/N: Tianshou could be translated as Heavenly Orders)
A: I’ll explain it like this. If Wu Xie wanted to tell this story to someone else and this story was then retold by that someone else, it would certainly differ in certain details from the truth in his notebook. Perhaps it is to keep people from knowing the full story or perhaps it is so that others could better understand it, or perhaps [he] didn’t want to explain too much.
Q: How do you manage to have both actors that fit the roles very well and actors who don’t in every show?
A: Problem with availability. 
Q: Which is the most tragic character in ZHH aside from Xiaoge?
A: Wah, this is a good question. You have to keep watching yourself because this is a very hard-to answer question.
Q: The dramas suck doesn’t mean that your books suck. Don’t worry at all. A: If the dramas really suck, could I have kept making one after another?
Q: Sanshu, is there any way to make Wu Xie and Pangzi immortal? I can’t bear to see Wu Xie die. It would be hard for Zhang Qiling to adapt, right? A: When I was little, I also hoped to have this kind of medicine to give to my grandmothers.
Q: Sanshu, Xiaoge had already inserted the Heavenly Staff and cured everyone from the Tianshou sickness. So why Xiaoge wasn’t cured?
A: Not only wasn’t he cured, all the Tianshou was borne by him alone, fragmenting his memories.  
Q: Sanshu, Wu Xie’s dream house is a courtyard with a moss pond. What kind of living environment would Xiaoge and Pangzi like? A: Tianzhen still breathing when they wake up is considered heaven (ptsd) for them.
Q: Sanshu, what do you think is Wu Xie’s greatest specialty? Is it his long eyelashes like Xiazi said?
A: His little boss spirit. (T/N: according to this article I skimmed, little boss refers to the kind of boss who is very lowkey, keeps themselves on the same level as everyone else and focuses on their business without prioritizing growth.)
Q: In the most recent episode of ZHH, why does Zhang Jiuri and the others hate Zhang Qiling so much?
A: It will be explained right after this.
Q: The universe’s man crush, I would like to ask: When Xiaoge saw Wu Xie treating him all friendly in the beginning, did he not dare to believe that there was someone who solely cherished him and wanted to protect him without any ulterior motives?
A: Zhang Qiling could see through a person’s heart with just one look. Not because he’s smart, but because he has seen a lot. People are a very simple thing for Zhang Qiling.
Q: The universe’s man crush, the world’s man crush, can you tell me what Zhang Qiling would think if he knew that Wu Xie had called him “Menyouping-needing-a-thousand-cuts” before? (T/N: “needing a thousand cuts” is similar to “damned” as in “that damned troublemaker” and is apparently very rude… since i guess you’re cursing on someone to be tortured?) A: A thousand cuts? Are you a candle? You think I’ve only taken a thousand cuts on your behalf? I took your 60 million but I’ve never ever asked you for a single cent more!
Q: Are there any fixed requirements when casting actors? For example, the Iron Triangle.
A: No. As long as the platform approves, the actors approves, the director approves and the original author approves, then it’ll be OK.  It’s not that difficult. 
Q: I feel like ZHH is a very close reproduction of the novel and it even elaborated on some scenes. I feel like I know the characters better and understand them more now.
A: Thank you. It took very long to write.
Q: Actually, Shu, I watched ZHH and I feel that it’s a close reproduction of the novel. Of course, I read the novel a few years ago and some parts have gotten blurry. But when I was watching the drama, I would suddenly remember the scene. Undeniably, some parts have changed but the majority isn’t that different. It’s really, really the best when an adaptation follows the original closely because Shu, your novels are the foundation and the novels are very well written! Although I don’t know why [people] won’t let go of the question of actors, neither were there praises for the scenes. The requirements aren’t high, it’s enough that I can recall the scenes in the novel while watching the drama. Sanshu, remember, no matter which drama it is, it has to follow your novels. The novels are really, really the best! I’ve always felt like actors were a type of feeling, they won’t be able to convince people no matter who plays the part. But the scenes would always resonate with people! A: Everyone has the right to express their own opinions. I also have the right to work hard at promoting. It’s a difficult world. It’s enough that we be ourselves and not leave regrets.
Q: Sanshu, there are already changes to Wu Xie’s blood and he could deter bugs like Xiaoge and all that. Would Wu Xie live forever without aging with Xiaoge?
A: Wu Xie’s only works now and then. Maybe it has something to do with what he eats.
Here's another 15, this section seems to have a lot of longer questions. Can you believe that we're only an hour into the questions? There's like... an amount more. Thankfully NPSS has slowed down.
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exitvelocities · 5 months
thinking about grief and love and my two favorite cdrama ships today, namely di feisheng/li lianhua (dihua) from mysterious lotus casebook (mlc) and lin chen/mei changsu (linsu) from nirvana in fire (nif). i apparently go for the old married couples where one of them is actively dying.
both mcs and llh are main characters dying from incurable poisons and both are more or less ok with that whereas their partners are less so. after that they do diverge quite a bit; lin chen rather famously declares that he doesn't know lin shu, mei changsu's previous identity, only mei changsu. di feisheng, on the other hand, is obsessed with who li lianhua used to be, li xiangyi, di feisheng's one and only rival.
lin chen shows up at the beginning of nif to set up mcs and then fucks off for 40+ episodes only to show up at the end to try to discourage mcs from fulfilling what he feels is lin shu's (his) destiny, because he's no longer lin shu but mcs and mcs has inherent value of his own. dfs starts out forcibly trying to cure llh to turn him back into lxy, but grows closer to llh over the course of mlc and they drink nuptial wine together and talk about the moon. at the end, dfs leaves the probable cure for llh's poison with him rather than shoving it down his throat like he would have at the beginning.
most relevantly to me, lin chen gets the chance to go with mcs to the very end. he enlists and follows him to meiling. he works to keep mcs going as long as he possibly can, he looks mcs's death in the face and does his best to delay it. he's there until the very last second. llh doesn't even leave dfs a body.
lin chen lives with the grief as it looms closer and closer and knows the shape it takes in his life. he's a doctor, he's faced this before even if it's much, much more personal this time. dfs is left widowed at the altar at their beach wedding with a hundred guests. he searches relentlessly for llh with all of the considerable resources available to him, and finds nothing. i wonder a lot about how long he searches. does he search forever? does he eventually give up? does he, a man steeped in death since childhood, actually know how to grieve?
i don't really have a conclusion to draw. i'm just thinking about who these two men leave behind and what different pictures the ones left have to work with. mcs leaves behind letters, but not to jingyan and not to lin chen, who most likely has to coordinate their delivery. llh leaves dfs his only letter where he offers fdb as his successor.
maybe it's that lin chen has to watch mcs die but gets the closure of being with him up until his final moments and dfs gets nothing. no goodbye, no grave, just the shards of lxy's broken sword. llh didn't even leave him those on purpose. maybe he gets the hope that it's not true, but at what cost?
god i love these two ships so much.
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captainimfangirling · 3 months
The Boys Season 4 Episode 4
Major Spoilers
I love how they're basically making the cartoon (The Boys Presents: Diabolical) canon showing how Homelander was tortured as a child. Many just assumed because of that deleted scene of Homelander killing his tutor that he was the evil one in charge of the scientists but there's so much more to it. Homelander not killing Barbara proved my theory that he doesn't kill people who are scared of him like Butcher, and Vogelbaum. I f*cking knew Vought brainwashed Homelander as a child. That's basically what they did when they brought in the psychologist in order to mold him into someone who needs love and approval.
Did anyone noticed Homelander's expression when Barbara said he basically killed his surrogate mother when he was born? I'm kind of surprised he didn't want to know more about her since he always wanted a mother but then again he's trying to cut out that side of him. What female DNA did they use to create Homelander? It couldn't just be Solider Boy. What if Barbara is his biological mother? What if he donated her egg for science? Maybe Homelander knows and that's why he doesn't want to kill her?
Decided to watch the scene last year when Ryan was trying to save Homelander from Solider Boy. That's probably the first and only time someone begged for his life and tried to help him. That's why he's very attached to Ryan. It's not that he wants the best father for Ryan, it's that he wants to be good enough for Ryan to feel loved. By the way I like how they gave Ryan's birth story to Homelander because it was supposed to be Ryan who killed Becca when he was born.
I noticed the parallel between Hughie and Homelander. Hughie decided to forgive and Homelander decided to get revenge in the most violent way.
I understand why he wants to save his dad but I don't think it's gonna go well because of that one episode in the cartoon where an old man tries to save his wife dying of cancer. I'm not sure about the mother. Deep down I thought there was something off about her but I didn't talk about it because I felt bad for judging her when she tried to unalive herself. Maybe she feels guilty for leaving her husband but I'm not even sure if that's true because if felt guilty about it why was so quick to pull the plug on her husband?! I feel like she has a motive and only let her husband slowly die was so Hughie can hurry up and get some V. Another theory (I hate saying it) what if she lied to Hughie about why she left? What if she wanted to give Hughie Compound V and his dad didn't want it? What if she's a supe and wants to whole family to be supes?
Girl can't win! I was so happy when she kicked Firecrackers ass but yeah her past is gonna haunt her. I'll be honest I'm just not into Starlight like I used to be. I preferred her when she was in The Seven and being Starlight. Political Annie is ok but there's already Victoria. Also I think everyone that's happening is changing her. It was suggested last season when she killed that innocent guy and she said she felt nothing.
Mother's Milk
Not sure how I feel. He hasn't felt the same since the actor "lost weight." I mean I'm glad he's healthy but my gut feeling tells me there's something else going on. He feels like a different person. Is it just the weight loss or is something else going on? Because I feel like his expressions are very different.
I still love Butcher. Poor guy just wants to keep his promise to Becca. I wonder if he actually exploded that guy or if it was someone else trying to save him like Ryan? I don't know but it's interesting. I hope there's a cure for him because I don't want him to die even though it makes sense for him to die when Homelander dies because they're both have many parallels. I mean in this episode both were bloody except Butcher didn't know what he was doing and Homelander knew what he was doing.
Frenchie & Kimiko
Love Frenchie but deserved it. I hope Kimiko helps him like he helped her and actually get together or at least heal together. I loved Kimiko's interaction with Hughie. To be honest I'm losing interest in her fight with Shinning Light only because I feel like it's her own thing and not a group thing. I think it would be more interesting if they all work together as a team to take them down instead of doing their own thing. They haven't been a team in so long. I hope they will later on it the season.
Sister Sage, The Deep, & Black Noir
Ok I loved how she has to give herself an lobotomy in order to have sexual human desires and dumb herself down. I honestly feel like she's doing the same thing to Black Noir but I love that man and I hope she stays away from him but that's not gonna happen. I still think Black Noir is gonna become crazy obsessed with turning into Black Noir that he thinks he's Earving or the original Black Noir doing everything Black Noir did without knowing Earving was a sensitive scared man.
I'm all for his redemption but I really hope they don't kill him off because I feel like they're doing the redemption thing right when it comes to A-Train. There's no need to kill him off in order for him to be redeemed. I HATE it when they kill off characters in order to redeem them. It's lazy writing.
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maidragoste · 2 months
hello, its your newest nuisance writing to you, but this time...
ok, now that those cautions were taken I hope your day has been well and when you do watch the episode, I hope you I was gonna say find joy, but each episode I become crazier than the last and each episode is either 1/4 good or 3/4 bad.
like Aemond is becoming worse and worse before my eyes, Alicent doesn't even want to go back and is on a religious retreat like some sort of "find myself and meditate" regimen. Rhaenyra is hosting a game show called: "Welcome to the dragon games!! let us see who can claim a dragon and survive!!" Ooooooo!! And she's not even giving a waiver, smh. Like they were told nothing except that they'd possible claim a dragon, like if I left my job/life to die, don't you think I should get a notice?? Also, Ulf is the man he said he was lol.
Jace being man low borns can claim dragons is funny because they have about as much parentage as him lol. They're all bastards like himself, the only difference is those bastards parents didn't have the means to keep them like Rhaenyra did and on most occasions the parents didn't want them so Jace best count his blessings that his mom didn't leave him to the streets and that his grandfather was willing to turn many blind eyes because not everyone had that (Saera we're looking at you sis, because I know you have a multitude of babies running around).
Also, this dragon testing is like in Grey's Anatomy when Meredith and Derek were testing out cure's for tumors like it reminded me of that because in the beginning they had bad results and in the end, they did it and "weeeee, happy ending for alllllll!!" well....except those that died.... Maybe Rhaenyra watches Grey's when she's not kissing everyone on sight??
This episode wasn't bad, but like again, I think it's the writing like whomever is in the writing room needs to stop with the fillers because season 2 was clearly a filler to season 3 where the real events begin, like I get wanting a show to have many seasons, but it should have many seasons if there's cause for it. And I know that Fire and Ice is an unreliable narrator to the plot events so anything could be hypothetically cannon, but like, do we not take ideas from hypotheticals and fill in the gaps? This show is like watching one's own head cannon of events like if that's the case, let me have my turn to write up what's gonna happen next.
But, who am I lol, I'm not a film writer. Welp, thank you again for listening to my rant and you have yourself a marry day.
hey bestie i love reading your opinions of the show episodes. sorry for taking so long to reply i was busy
honestly as an aemond girl and an alicent girl it's painful to watch this season for me 😭😭
you are so right about the Rhaenyra thing. not only did she not give them any direction but she also wouldn't let them leave which is an idiotic move because she was supposed to be looking for a rider for silverwing too ☠️☠️
About Jacaerys in my opinion he is right to be angry and i understand his point of view. i really liked the scene of him facing Rhaenyra. But I admit that at the same time I have mixed feelings because in the book he is the one who comes up with the idea of the dragon seeds
I didn't watch Grey's Anatomy so I don't know what you're talking about lol
The episode was good but I feel like this was a season of transition and as you say instead of following any of the hypotheses of the book the writers are doing what they want 😭😭
I hope you're okay anon, thanks for writing to me 🥰💖
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bluegalaxygirl · 10 months
Old Friends (Zosan X reader) P2
Plot: Reader is the 9th doctors old assistant but soon moved on to other things, joining the straw hat pirates and falling in love but now their paths cross again (only he has a new face, 10th Doctor) when they go to see an old friend in a strange hospital. Unfortunately there's some one else there that wants to start trouble.
One piece and Doctor who cross over (10th doctor), its based off the new earth episode. i thought since David tenant as the doctor is coming back in November it would be good to get this idea out.
Reader is Female (Sorry), Zoro X Sanji X reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
Warning: Illness, Death, bad language and Making out.
P1 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14 - P15
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Entering the loud kitchen you see Robin's hands over the button on the table while Luffy jumps around her asking questions. Nami's now sitting next to the Black haired woman studying the hologram map while the others talked. Walking in Sanji closed the door behind you three and kisses your cheek before going into the kitchen to make everyone some tea and Coffee. Zoro rubs your hip as he holds you close "You ok?" the swordsman asks earning a nod form you. "Your back... are you ok?" Chopper jumps off his chair and runs over to you seeing your red puffy eyes "Yes i'm fine... i'm feeling much better now" you smile down at him patting his head making the reindeer smile and head back to his seat as. Zoro sits back down in his seat as you place the box on the table and pull out the keys form your pocket "What is that?" Franky asks since he's never seen it before but as the others turn to look some of them gasp. "THE BOX" Chopper, Luffy, Nami and Usopp yell their eyes wide and mouth open, you can't help but laugh as Sanji walks over with the drinks placing them down for everyone before taking a seat next to Zoro. Luffy runs over to stand next to you watching as you open the box, inside were several thick leather books with leather straps around them, rolled up maps, photos, pieces of metal and alien star gazing equipment. You make room on the table and place everything out so the crew can see, some look confused while others looked in amazement.
You grab your captains hand as he reaches out to grab something "Not that" you almost yell in a panic not wanting him to touch the bottle of metal pieces in case he breaks it. "I hope you won't think i'm crazy" you look up at your crew letting go of Luffy's hand as he pulls his hand away and looks over your worried face "Of course not, this stuff is awesome" The captain laughs with a wide smile before looking back down at the stuff on the table but keeping his hands to himself for now. "I guess i should start off by saying the hospital were heading too is... alien" you brace yourself for laughter but it never comes, everyone seeming take you seriously and listening to you. Opening one of the books you flip to a page that shows the hospital, a page full of writing and art work of the place. "It's on this planet but not even the government knows about it, you can only find it and get through the shield with the button. I've only been there once, it's the best hospital in the universe able to cure anything.. Well except death and old age" you comment Choppers eyes going wide when you slide the book over to him, Robin leaning over along with Franky to look it over "B-but how?" the reindeer asks looking over the book, he can't believe what he's seeing, but he trusts you won't lie to them especially when its so detailed. "I don't know. They won't tell." you shrug only for Nami to walk up next to you and pick up another of your books, you let her before grabbing a few items and putting them back into the box "You can have a look now" you nod to Luffy happy for him to touch the stuff outside the box. He picks up some star gazing equipment and looks it over as Nami flicks through the pages her mouth slightly open.
"What is all this?" Sanji asks flicking through another book Zoro leaning over in his chair to look while Brook stands behind the two. The pages showing monsters and Aliens, describing them in deal and some having sketches. "I used to work with a man, well an alien called the doctor. He's a time lord, able to travel through time and space. We helped people and stopped deadly creatures... I took notes on everything, there was so much i couldn't keep up some times, the other stuff is from other planets, gifts of thank you's and parts of things long forgotten" you smile seeing no one look at you like your crazy, it's a first for you, normally people would laugh in your face until their shown the tardis or see one of the many aliens. "This is.. Incredible" Robin smiles helping Chopper flip through the pages running her fingers over some of your drawings of beautiful creatures and landscapes "Why did you leave?" Nami asks next to you her eyes fixated on a star chart on the book, your hands grip the table at her question. "I didn't really want to but... There's only so much you can take" you sigh as the navigator prying her eyes away from the book to look at you, Usopp reached over to take the book off her and read through it while Nami steps closer and places a hand on your shoulder for comfort "When you work with the doctor you encounter things beyond comprehension, deadly and destructive creatures that only live to kill, People die and you can't always stop that. There are things called fixed points in time when no matter how many die you can't interfere no matter how much you... beg or plead" you grip your teeth trying not cry again only for Nami to suddenly hug you.
You gasp in surprise at her sudden action, she knows what its like to stand bay and watch people suffer unable to do much to help, Nami pulls away looking up at you her eyes slightly clouded with tears. Zoro and Sanji were about to get up to comfort you before Nami stepped in, the navigator is your best friend and even though she hugged you once in a while it was never like this. If she needed comfort you were there for her but when you needed it you avoided everyone as not to burden them, so now was her chance to comfort you and give back all the love and kindness you gave everyone else. Hugging Nami you thank her with a small smile, maybe it isn't so bad to let others comfort you "I'd love to hear more of your adventures but first" Nami smiles pulling away and taking the button off the table "I'll set us on coarse to see your friend" after giving her a nod you watch the girl leave dragging Usopp behind her to help, The snipe try's to protest but sighs throwing the book he was holding to you before he left. You catch it with a laugh as Zoro pulls his chair back and pats his leg "Come here" the swordsman smiles at you, walking over he places a hand around your waist and pulls you onto his lap kissing your cheek. As everyone looks through thing you answer any question they had, they didn't think you were crazy in fact they wanted to know everything about your travels and Luffy asked several times if he could meet the doctor but you only shrug. You have no way of contacting the man and you have no idea if he even has the same face anymore, he could have changed, you've never seen it happen, but he did tell you about it after almost dying once.
As the day went on and you were all on cause for the hospital everyone went off to do their own jobs but you left the stuff out on the kitchen table since Robin was very interested in it all. If they had a question they would come and find you, it was ok at first but after a few hours you hardly got anything done so you snuck off to find a hiding place until dinner. It took a while to find one but when you did you finally had the peace you needed to work, you loved your crew but some of them can be a bit much no matter how many times Sanji or Zoro told them to leave you alone. Sitting in the cramped corner of a storage closet on the lower level of the ship you went over your notes from last night and made a chart of the planet. You didn't know how long you were in there for, you just focused on your work and once in a while took a break to look through the leather book you took with you. You couldn't move on form three pages, the pages about the face of Boe, the stories he would tell you and the advice he gave. You would finish reading it only to go right back to the first page on him to read it again, there was no sketch of him, you didn't think you needed to put one in but now you wish you had, maybe when you sit by him in the hospital you can sketch him? The thought crossed your mind a lot but most of the drawings in the pages brought you back to the moment before you put them in and most of them were bad. You didn't want it to be the same with Boe, looking at it and thinking about him on his death bed.
You were broken out of your thoughts when the door opened with a male grumble. You recognized it right away as Zoro, watching him step in and grab a mop and bucket, as he turns to leave his eye spots you so he stops in his tracks and looks down at you. The swordsman sighs and closes the door behind him putting the bucket and mop down before squatting in front of you careful not touch the large paper you were using sitting on the ground in front of you. "So this is where you've been hiding" Zoro comments with a small smile "Sanji freaked out when he couldn't find you at snack time" he laughs a little, he wasn't too worried about you going off on your own and knew you needed time away form everyone even him and Sanji. "I'm sorry... i just needed to get work done and all the questions were getting on top of me" You close the book you were reading through and look down at your planet map, your sketch was good enough for your liking and all the writing on the side done but you couldn't bring yourself to leave yet. "Iv been done for a while but i-" Your cut off by Zoro's hand being placed on your cheek and his lips meeting yours, in shock you freeze for a second but soon lean into it kissing him back as he rubs your cheek with his thumb. Zoro pulls away and presses his forehead against yours "No need to explain baby. Stay here as long as you want" he goes to pull away but you grab his kimono stopping him form going anywhere "Stay" you whisper moving the map out of the way with your other hand, so he can get closer.
The swordsman instead grabs your thighs and pulls you onto his lap before wrapping his arms around your waist making you straddle his hips "Whatever my queen desires" he smiles up at you placing his lips on yours again which you lean into harder than normal, wrapping your arms around his neck you cling onto the back of his kimono as you press your body into his causing him to moan into you gripping you tighter. His tongue forces its way into your mouth but you don't stop it, in fact you welcome it opening your mouth for him and moaning slightly. Your lips moving together makes you feel safe and loved, its something you really needed, and he was happy to provide. You're the first to pull away panting for air pressing your forehead against his as he rubs your back "Ready to leave?" he asks kissing your jawline and down your neck. "Yea" you replay managing to get out of his grip, grab your stuff and stand up. Zoro stands and grabs the mop and bucket letting you out first before he follows, walking with Zoro up the stairs and into the fading sunlight you look the swordsman over giving him a puzzled look "So what do you need the bucket and map for?" you ask holding your stuff close to your chest "The kitchen sink broke so Usopp had to fix it and for some reason i have to mop it up" he sighs carrying the bucket and mop in one hand as you make it outside "Did you brake it?" your question makes the swordsman stop and turn to face you with an annoyed look "No. your the third one to ask" he grumbles making you hold back a laugh, you know there's more too it so you keep quiet just staring at him. The silence between you two is killing him, his grip on the bucket tightening almost braking the handle before sighing and looking down "Fine... yes i broke it. Don't tell Sanji" He whispers with anger in his voice making you laugh again and pat his shoulder "I'll keep your secret, pinkie promise" you hold out your pinkie for him which he glares at before putting his pinkie in yours "Your such a child" he mumbles before letting go and walking to the kitchen with you in toe.
Zoro pushes the kitchen door open to see a very stressed out Sanji, puffing on a cigarette like his life depends on it, the ash try on the counter he's leaning on completely full. "What took you so long, Dinner will be late" Sanji yells not bothering to look up form his shoes that are tapping on the floor. "Sorry honey that's my fault" Your voice makes the cooks head shoot up to look at you, tossing his cigarette into the ash tray he runs at you and pulls you into the kitchen giving you a hug. Still holding you papers and equipment to your chest, you couldn't hug him back, but he seemed happy to just have you close. "Oh my love. Where have you been? i thought i lost you. i was so worried" he cry's a little making you sigh, you adjust the stuff in your arms so you can reach a had up and rub his shoulder "Sanji, i needed time away form everyone.I didn't intend for it to be hours though. Sorry" You watch Zoro walk past the two of you to clean up the water on the kitchen floor before looking up at the cook who pulls away enough to look down at you "I'm just glad your ok" The cook pushes some hair out of your face, he was worried you were off crying somewhere or that you got hurt but looking you over he see's your fine, no cuts or bruises and no puffy red eyes. "Just next time tell me where you are so i know your ok" you nod at him before leaning up and placing a soft kiss on his lips, it was only a short kiss since you didn't really like the amount of smoke on his lips.
Pushing away using your free hand Sanji looks at you confused holding your hips so you don't walk away "How many cigarettes have you had?"The cook gulps at your question letting you go, so he can fix his tie while looking away form you "Well not that many" he nervously laughs as you move your hand from his chest to his chin pulling it to make him look at you "How many?" you glare with a stern look making the cook sigh and look at his shoes "20 i think" he shrugs honestly not sure, but he has used up a full pack, you've been gone for a few hours, and he's been smoking like a train. You take your hand off his chin and hold it out "Hand them over" you demand giving him a look that told him you weren't joking. By now he knew the drill, if he smoked too much you would take his stuff away for the rest of the day or night maybe even both if you were mad enough. Taking out his cigarette packets and lighter he places them in his hands and watches as you hold them tight "You'll get them back tomorrow after I wake up" you state putting them in your pocket before walking past him.
After dinner, you helped wash up with Nami before heading outside to watch the sky. Sitting in the grass leaning against one of the trees you watch the sky, the star's shining brightly but Jupiter nowhere to be found, your now glad you stayed up as long as you did. Sanji walks over to you placing a blanket over your legs before sitting next to you and putting his arm around your shoulder. You move closer to him pulling the warm blanket closer while laying your head on his shoulder,"So have you been there?" The cook asks pointing to the large bright moon in the sky. "Yea i have, the earth looks so beautiful from up there" you smile remembering that day quite fondly. "Do you miss it?" Sanji asks laying his head on yours his eyes scanning the sky. "Honestly i only miss the sights. There are planets out there that are just amazing. Some even made out of pure crystal or emeralds" you look up at him seeing his relaxed face "Be careful Nami doesn't hear you say that" Zoro yarns walking over to you two flopping down onto Sanji, the swordsman laying in between the cooks legs with his head on Sanji's chest. You smile at the swordsman rubbing his back before pulling the rest of your blanket over him while Sanji runs a hand through the swordsman's hair and down his back "Not on watch tonight?" You whisper happy to see him spend some time at night with you two, Zoro wrap his arms around Sanji's waist with a hum "I asked Franky to take over, he had work to do anyway" Zoro yarns again placing a hand on your leg under the blanket. Sanji scotchs down a bit to get more comfy pulling you with him a little so your not sitting up straight.
Zoro hums in content snuggling into Sanji's chest and closing his eye as you lean over placing a kiss on the swordsman's head "Sleep well my prince charming" you giggle a little as the green haired man grumbles. Sanji leans down and kisses the mans head before turning to you and placing his lips on yours. "I love you two" you whisper pulling away and laying your head on Sanji's shoulder. "Love you both" Sanji reply's laying his head on yours looking up at the starts. Zoro mumbles something before yawning and falling asleep, you guess it was an i love you or something but the poor man was too tired for words. You close your eyes feeling the cool wind on your face and the soft sound of the waves around the ship, it calms you and soon you can't help but fall asleep.
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questforgalas · 1 year
Sibling moments in the Bad Batch that live rent free in my head
S1E11 "Devil's Deal" and S1E12 "Rescue on Ryloth"
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The batch are literally in Devil's Deal for 2 minutes so we be doing a joint watch babes. Special recognition to the introduction of the greatest hair in the GAR, Captain Howzer, and a lot of screen time for my favorite babes who I wish would stop committing war crimes for the Empire
Devil's Deal
Nothing says family bonding like black market weapon runs
You can't tell me Omega doesn't know all the things she's showing Hera because she's 10000% sat in the copilot chair while Tech flew and asked "what's this? and what's this? and what's this?" repeatedly for days and it was probably the best days of Tech's life
"Did you know flying's about a feeling?" and Tech's immediately concerned "What feeling?" while giving concerned eyes at Hunter
Rescue on Ryloth angsty siblings 👏 angsty siblings 👏 angsty siblings 👏
Crosshair babe please stop hunting down children
Hunter's immediate appearance as soon as he hears sparks and a mini explosion happening
Gonky is the best side character of TBB
"You gave her our comm channel?" oh no big bro is exasperated
Hunter getting absolutely owned by the optimism and rose colored glasses of a pre-teen girl
His face is so "god dam it I'm really proud of you right now but I also wish you'd take a break for just one second"
Tech and Wrecker glance Tech and Wrecker glance
After Hera says "I don't have anyone else to ask", Echo mirrors Omega's same facial expressions and head movements behind her, the little empathetic babes
The grumbles after Omega points out Crosshair's there 😂😂
Here's why I'm putting that as a sibling moment - we've seen this squad face down entire cities worth of troopers at this point (Raxus was just 2 episodes ago, and we've seen them take on 3 ships worth of clones too) without even batting an eye. But one sighting of Crosshair and they're all grumbling and that's what throws them in the "we can't pull this off mentality" and I interpret that as coming from the continuing theme of the Batch being so proud of each other's skills and enhancements, they're so in awe of each other, and the only thing that could ever give them a challenge is one of them. He may be their enemy right now, but they still believe in Crosshair's skillset so much that just him makes them decide to abandon the mission
Wrecker's smile at Echo when Hunter drops down on the probe droid
Crosshair seeing a from-above POV scan of the Batch and knowing exactly where they would've been staking out
"She's trying to save her family, Hunter. I'd do the same for you" BOOM OMEGA COMING IN WITH THE FAMILY FEELS ARROW RIGHT IN THE CHEST
Oh no, this one really hurts after season 2
"We have a battalion of troopers right outside." immediately countered by Crosshair's "That's not enough!" emphasized so much he's jabbing his finger into Rampart's desk. They may be enemies but god these bros are all up in the proud feels
Shout out to Howzer for standing down immediately when Crosshair started glaring at him. Smart guy knows a battle he won't win
"Because he's my brother." this is such a cute Omega episode
Omega's coaching Hera about coming up with a plan is 100% Hunter teachings
"Wh-that was my plan!" sibling 101: never let them have credit
Wrecker and Echo glance Wrecker and Echo glance
the surprised "Really?"s when Hunter gives the ok on the plan like they can't believe their hairbrained scheme actually worked on big bro
Tech's fun smirk when Omega says "Do some damage Wrecker" and Wrecker starts laughing in the gunner seat
Crosshair figuring out the true plan like god dam it they were all so in synch I need a Bad Batch curing the clone wars show immediately I will literally fund it with the $10 in my bank account
The Hunter and Crosshair cut scene stares
Wrecker's high five with Omega on Ord Mantell 😂 he's so proud of his little war criminal sister
Nothing like sibling bonding via showing how to scramble a ship's signature
Tech and Wrecker's smiles at Omega they're so proud of her for making a friend
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
https://youtu.be/EoCmh6fC-xQ What would everyone’s reaction to the Quest for Pizza episode of the Super Show? No doubt Super Show Mario would feel bad that his poisoned condition drove his Luigi to tears because he thought he (Super Show Mario) would either die or never wake up again while Game Luigi gets flashbacks to when his Mario got Bean Fever.
Oh yeah I know that one! Luigi tries to revive Mario with some of his favourite dishes, only for them to be told that a certain special pizza can revive him (yes this actually happened).
Supershow Mario/Luigi: Mario hugs his Luigi and tells him how brave he was. No special pasta dish is worth anything if they are parted forever ❤️💚
Paper Mario/Luigi: Paper Mario technically nearly lost Paper Luigi to Dimentio, which (in his opinion) is just as bad as poison. And Paper Mario remembers how hard he had to fight to save his brother...Paper Luigi pats him on the shoulder, unsure of what to say but trying to offer comfort...
1993 Mario/Luigi: Mario turns to his Luigi and tells him very sternly that he would never rest until he found a cure, if he was ever poisoned. Luigi jokes that Mario would be the one to be poisoned, because he eats any food there is. Mario threatens to put him in a headlock xD
Game Mario/Luigi: Both recall that time Mario got Bean Fever from the Invincishroom (technically he wasn't poisoned, it was turning him into a bean!). Luigi never wants to go through that again, even though he managed to get the cure. Mario takes him in his arm and promises he won't never again. Luigi doesn't miss the fact that his Mario's voice is trembling a little, and the way his eyes shine a little....
Movie Mario/Luigi: Just the idea of any of them getting poisoned is too much to bare! Mario would be a mess. He would travel to the ends of the universe to find a cure. He would fight anything in his way! Luigi tell him that's sweet and all, but maybe the most logical thing to do would be to look in a book in the castle library first ^^;
Ok side note: I would LOVE to see a scene in the movie verse where one of the bros gets poisoned (maybe recreate the Bean Fever moment from Superstar Saga). If it was Luigi, Mario would be in hysterics (I want to see Mario at a breaking point ok I'm sorry!) - he hold Luigi to him, begging him to stay awake, nuzzling into his mop of hair as he tries to be strong but can't stop the tears from escaping....
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minsarasarahair · 7 months
I don't know if I can make this a gifset so I'll just write here LouZuo's line comparison from early episodes vs later episodes. I love it when the narrative repeats what was mentioned in the beginning for the ending to show the growth of the characters.
Choice - Learning to make a choice for yourself Lou Zhu: "Your background doesn't determine your future. Zuo Dao is Zuo Dao. Zuo Yunqi is Zuo Yunqi. They are different people. It isn't easy for him to distinguish what right and wrong in such young age. Everyone has the right to make a choice for themselves." ZYQ: "My whole life has been beyond my control since the day I was born. You said everyone has the right to make a choice for themselves. This is the first time I heard it. If my death could make up for the wrongdoings of my father then let me bear the cost. Lou Zhu, thank you." (S1 Ep 1)
ZYQ: "The world won't be destroyed. I hope all of the poisons in the world, including you, can be cured. I'm not your clone. I just want to live my life my own way. You may regard me as a hypocrite but if a group of people abide by their principles, isn't that a proof of hope? Its easy to make things worse but its hard to get back peace. It doesn't matter if I'm smart or stupid, I only know I contributed a little to that peace. Even if I'm gone, there will be thousand of people who will make the same choice as me." (S2 Ep 22)
Interview - Story starts and ends with ZYQ's interview Lou Zhu: "To interview you, is it? Tell me. How did you transmigrated?" (S1 Ep 1) Secretary: "The Da Liang Daily scheduled an interview with you to talk about the successful experience of the sect's transformation." ZYQ: "Ok. Add that to my schedule." (S2 Ep 24)
Be a businessman - Lou Zhu's suggestion became real Lou Zhu: "I request His Majesty to send you to the medicine farm at suburbs. Do some business like me." (S1 Ep 2) "Its not difficult for instant success, I did this one this he said. Zuo Yunqi is something. What's the experience of being the head of royal treasury? According to ZYQ, he did this one thing. Pay for full text." About Jewelry Appraisal ZYQ (S1 Ep 2)
[ZYQ, Nutritionist expert partnered with Da Liang] (S2 Ep 24)
Carefree life - A good balance in life matters Lou Zhu: "Live freely everyday." ZYQ: "Not everyone can be carefree like you." Lou Zhu: "You're right. The handsome one is called living freely while the ugly one is called lazy." (S1 Ep 2)
ZYQ: "Being carefree is good enough." Lou Zhu: "Being carefree doesn't mean having no concerns. If I encounter something interesting, I'll write to you." (S2 Ep 24)
Naihe incense - a small item became the medicine to their big problem ZYQ: "The small one is not enough for medicine but adequate as incense. Naihe incense is a martial arts gem. It's coveted by many. I'm giving it to you to make up for what happened." (S1 Ep 3)
ZYQ: "Where is the thing I asked you to keep for me when we first met? Fortunately, I went back to Pangmen. The Naihe incense might come in handy. " (S2 Ep 22)
Guard - His bodyguard for the rest of his life ZYQ: "What do you want me to do?" Lou Zhu: "If you can't pay, sell yourself. After the incident with Wulin, the guards all ran off. Gosh, it's been a mess lately. I haven't been sleeping well. I feel not secured. Why don't you-?" (S1 Ep 3)
Lou Zhu: "Why are you here? This has nothing to do with you." ZYQ: "Really? I'm your bodyguard. I should protect you." (S1 Ep 11) ZYQ: "I am arrogant and always obsessed in perfection. So I always hesitate and regret. I am a fool who makes a mountain out of molehill and always need your enlightening. I'm not a good bodyguard. I'll change." (S2 Ep 7)
Lou Zhu: "I'll help you realize your dreams." ZYQ: "Forget it. Without me, how can you survive on your own?" (S2 Ep 12)
Consultation - ZYQ opening up with Lou Zhu Lou Zhu: "Your father wants to hone his martial arts and you don't?" ZYQ: "Yes." Lou Zhu: "Hand it over to you father then! Why did you even come here?" ZYQ: "My father is obsessed in Naihe incense. If he really gets it, I wonder what will happen to him." (S1 Ep 2) ZYQ: "I am a fool who makes a mountain out of molehill and always need your enlightening." Lou Zhu: "If me being shot could help you become enlightened, I think I'd better get more shots." (S2 Ep 7) ZYQ: "And if I encounter difficulties, can I write to you to ask for advice?" Lou Zhu: "Are you planning to rely on me for the rest of your life?" (S2 Ep 24)
Secretary: "There's a costumer who's waiting at outside of main gate for consultation." (S2 Ep 24)
Lou Zhu's life goal - He destroyed his neutral mindset & cowardice Lou Zhu: "A lifetime of peace, my foot! Darn it! Why do I keep getting bombarded by problems of all sorts? Why is my life so hard? Considering my looks... and intelligence... The world should have been my oyster! Why am always in desperate situation? Never ending complications! All I wish for is to live the life of a bum. Why would they want to take away my dream?" (S1 Ep 12)
Lou Zhu: "I can't work for other people. I can't work for others like my life depend on it. I'm not as ambitious as Jiao Jiaoran. But if one day, I'm going to lose the pleasure. I'll have to find my way out for myself." (S2 Ep 2) Lou Zhu: "I'm not noble as you said. I just wanted to survive in a fight. But I didn't expect it'd come this far and I even let Lin Kai became involved. If you want justice, there is a greater price to pay. I'll just protect as many people as I can." (S2 Ep 9)
Lou Zhu: "If I am born in an era of peace, I will lie down and enjoy my life. But now I'm here, I can only take things as they come." (S2 Ep 12)
A Beautiful Place - Their home is a person they love ZYQ: "I've found a beautiful and peaceful place for you. You can retire peacefully. If I don't come with you, how can I show it to you?" (S2 Ep18) Lou Zhu: "I'll probably travel around, exploring mountains and rivers. Since I came to Da Liang, all I've been doing is working. Now that I finally have a rest. I want to enjoy a carefree life and retire in a beautiful corner of the world. Perfect." (S2 Ep 24) Lou Zhu: "A hidden beautiful corner with mountains and river. Not bad." ZYQ: "Long time no see." (S2 Ep 24)
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tyler Hoechlin- Our Love
No More Secrets
March 2011
"Ok YN Tyler ready for your last scenes?"
"No" I pout looking at Jeff making everyone laugh. I raise my hands up ready to be handcuffed on some railings. I've made a family here. Tyler and I have been dating secretly now for the last 4 months. Not even the rest of the cast know yet
"Ok quiet on set. Episode 12 scene 9 take 1. And action"
"Der?" I say weakly
"Hm" he hums back but doesn't look at me
"Just in case we die..."
"We won't" his head snaps towards me. He then shows me that one of his hands are free
"I love you" I blurt out as Estella, before Tyler (Derek) can reply a man walks in
"Ready to have some more fun. To be honest my knuckles are kinda hurting so I brought some help" he lifts his bat up "I need to warn you. I sit to play in collage" he goes to swing at me but Tyler as Derek grasp the bat and behind him is Tyler P as Scott. He knocks the guy out
"Scott help Stella out of them" he nods towards the cuffs
"Not until you tell me how to stop Peter"
"You really want to talk about this right now?"
"Yeah I'm with Derek. My arms are kinda numb and I'm starving"
"He going after Allison and her family. He's going to kill them"
"So what?" Tyler shouts.
We continue the scene until we hear cut.
Time for dinner. Thank goodness because I'm starving. Before we all walk to the food truck on set and order our food, I head to my trailer to grab a coat because it cold out this evening. As I walk into my trailer I'm pushed in and the door closes. I immediately panic, that is until Im turned around and facing Tyler
"What are you doing?"
"Coming to give my girlfriend a kiss, or am I not allowed?" Tyler's hands move round my waist
"Of course but your going to make us obvious. Yesterday you followed me in here and we exited together. There going to get suspicious"
"But that's the fun of it" he smirks leaning down to place a kiss on my lips, I of course let him. He pulls back and holds me close to him
“I love you Ty”
“And I love you”
“We best head back” I sigh
“I’ll grab my jacket. Make it look like that’s what I came for” I give him a hum letting him know I’ve heard him.
Once Tyler has his jacket we head to the food truck, we gab our food and sit down. Tyler sits next to me earning a look off Crystal
"So YN how do you feel about your first acting job?" Holland asks
"Great. I mean it helps that we have such an amazing cast. All of us get on so well"
"It definitely helps" Posey laughs "I've felt like we've really become a family over the last year"
"We are" I give a little smile “I’m going to miss this while we’re on a break from filming”
Our next scene is outside in the dark. I'm only wearing a tank top and I'm freezing. Tyler and I wait until we're needed in the scene so we both have blankets over us and are huddling together in our prosthetics watching the scene play out in front of us. It's one of the final scenes in the episode where Peter is kills Kate and Scott attacks him
"Cut! Can we have YN and Tyler ready on set?" I hand the blanket to Holland who is watching the scene as well. We both get ready to walk into the scene "ok and action"
Tyler and I walk over to Ian who's lying on the floor with fake blood over him. Tyler kneels down
"Wait you said the cure comes from the one that but you. Derek if you do this, I'm dead"
"You've already decided" Ian whispers
"Do it Derek you deserve this" I tell him.There's a bit of sfx that makes it look like Tyler's just slashed Ian's throat
"I'm the alpha now" he says. His eyes will glow in post production
"And cut! Thats a wrap on YN and Tyler for this season thank you" everyone applauds and cheers making me feel a little emotional. In 3 months time the first episode will be aired and I'm super nervous. Tyler wraps me up is his arms and hugs me. I notice Holland give me a smirk and raised eyebrows.
We walk to our trailers, which are next to each other. Once away from eyes Tyler takes my hand in his
"I think we should tell everyone about us” I say to Tyler entering his trailer “we’ve finished filming today, the others finish tomorrow. And we’re not going to see them until we go to comic con in 2 months. Then after that we probably won’t see anyone for 9 months or maybe more”
“If you want to tell everyone we can. I’m happy if your happy”
“Thank you” we stay in a comfortable silence until I realise something “how do we tell everyone. Like do we gather them around and say, hey we’re dating and have been for the last the last 4 months”
“Or we could walk back to set holding hands. See if they notice?”
“I’d still like to keep it out of the public eye. For now at least. Just while I’m starting my career. I don’t want anyone to think Im piggy backing of anyone or creating news just to boost the show or…”
“Hey that’s ok. I actually agree. Keep it quiet for now. Still need to have some fun” he laughs making me laugh along with him.
So that’s what we’re doing. We’re walking back to set holding hands where everyone else is still. Holland is the first to notice and screams
“Finally!” Crystal shouts
“What?” I frown laughing
“Well I mean it was kinda obvious. Constantly next to each other, going into each other’s trailer”
“Ok well now that you guys know. We’d like to still keep it on the down low for now. Away from the public”
“Of course. Just glad you trust us enough to keep it a secret for you” Holland walks over and embraces me into a hug
“Of course. You guys are family”
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Spider-Man - Season One (1967-1968)
And done so much quicker than I was expecting.
So this blog is supposed to be a list of things attached to the MCU, starting with this series, and honestly, I think my initial beliefs were right in all the MCU connections. The music, the pointing meme, and obviously Spider-Man himself all make appearances in season one of the show.
Review wise I can say that most of the show seems to be fine, enjoyable but some of it has aged like very, very old, sour milk.
Under the cut I’ve made a breakdown of every episode in season one, covering personal thoughts, recurring plotlines and important character introductions.
Just as a heads up, there is one episode (Episode 9a) that I honestly believe is just racist, I’ve marked that episode specifically with a content warning.
Episode 1a - “The Power of Dr. Octopus”
First thing to note, before the episode even starts properly, the theme song. It’s a bop and incredibly iconic to boot. I’m not going to be mentioning it as we continue with this series as it appears at the front of every single episode, but it’s good to start with.
Characters introduced:
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
And our main man of the hour, Peter Parker is the first face we see in this show. Apparently he’s supposed to be a teenager here, but I can’t see it; He looks and sounds like he’s in his 30s. Anyway, he quickly changes into Spider-Man at the beginning of the episode. This incarnation of Spider-Man is accurately quick-witted and honestly I can see why he’s the face of many classic memes.
Doctor Octopus
Never referred to by his actual name of Dr. Otto Octavius, but this is our first appearance of Doc Ock. He doesn’t have a very interesting design in this version, just wearing a blue jumpsuit, with his mechanical tentacles coming out of his sides.
J. Jonah Jameson
As expected, JJJ has graced us with his presence at the start of this adventure. The ol' brush-head comes with his signature boomer mentality and sheer hatred of Spider-Man.
Betty Brant
In more recent depictions, Betty Brant is a significantly minor character in the Spider-Man mythos, but she's the main female lead in this series. I by that I mean she's the only woman that appears for most of the show.
Episode 1b - “Sub-Zero for Spidey”
Firstly, Pluto’s not a planet, Parker, you should know this. Secondly, this seems seems like a good time to mention this show's goofy ass animation. Thirdly, the only new characters in this episode, Dr. Smartyr and the Plutonians, are original characters for this show, so they ain't relevant.
Episode 2a - “Where Crawls the Lizard”
Motherfucker just made a swamp boat out of webs. That is all.
Anyway this episode introduces some new characters to the mix, granted only one of them is actually important to the Spider-Man mythos as a whole, but let’s go through ‘em anyway.
Characters Introduced:
Dr. Curtis Conner / The Lizardman
Ok, so immediately if you’re a Spider-Man nerd some things may look off here. Yes his name is supposed to be Dr. Curt Connors, not Conner. Not once is the Lizard actually called “The Lizard”, he is almost exclusively referred to as “The Lizardman”. And Dr. Connors in this continuity very noticeably has both his arms, with the lizard formula being made to cure swamp fever rather than regrow limbs.
Grace Conner
Honestly, all I know about her is that she’s Curt’s wife and that her name in the main 616 continuity is Martha, not Grace. 
Billy Conner
Curt’s son. That is all I know about him.
Episode 2b - “Electro, the Human Lighting Bolt”
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Would you look at that, Spider-Man behind a desk. What will he do? Become a meme apparently, or get shot at by Electro; depends on who you ask.
Also, I’m fucking sorry, did Pete just say he added asbestos to his web fluid. Bruh. This show sure knows how to show its age.
Anyway, this episode seems to be our first case of JJJ blaming Spider-Man for shit he didn’t do and having the police chase him; a common trope moving forward. It’s also the first appearance of the Spider-Tracer, although called the Electronic Spider Device in this episode.
Characters Introduced:
Good ol’ characterless Max Dillon makes his debut in this episode. This time Electro seems to be a thief that likes hanging out at carnivals, because I guess there’s nothing better for him to do.
Episode 3 - “The Menace of Mysterio”
Ah, the classic Mysterio story, framing Spider-Man for a robbery and then wanting to be seen “bringing him to justice”; you love to see it. Of course this plot comes with a healthy dose of the police and Jameson after Spidey too. But, I’m not gonna lie seeing JJJ actually getting his comeuppance at the end of the episode was very cathartic and funny,
Something of note during Mysterio and Spider-Man’s second confrontation in the film studio, Spidey declares that his powers are magical. This isn’t relevant to anything, just something strange I noticed.
Characters Introduced:
Joe / Mysterio
Ok, so who the fuck is “Joe” and why does he look like Namor the Submariner. Basically, he’s pretty much just Quentin Beck under a different name. But he is very much the classic Mysterio.
Episode 4a - “The Sky is Falling”
Did the Vulture fucking call Spider-Man a boob? Lol
Anyway, that was indeed an episode. I think I’m gonna start running out of things to say soon.
Characters Introduced:
The Vulture
So apparently this isn’t Adrian Toomes, but is instead a guy named Raniero "Blackie" Drago. I really fucking hope that nickname doesn’t have a racist origin, cos it has those vibes and I ain’t here for it. Bro has an infinity sized chin. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Vulture actually controlling birds before.
Episode 4b - “Captured by J. Jonah Jameson”
Other than seeing triple J taking a more villainous role this episode, there’s nothing really of note.
Characters Introduced
Henry Smythe
Ok, so Henry Smythe is more or less the same as his 616 counterpart, Spencer Smythe. Ngl tho, the Spider Slayer in this episode looks hilarious in comparison to how I’m used to seeing it.
Episode 5a - “Never Step on a Scorpion”
Other than the obvious JJJ creates the Scorpion storyline, this episode also introduces Peter’s sheer incompetence in talking to women. It should also be noted that Jameson sounds more like a whiny bitch than usual in this episode.
Characters Introduced:
The Scorpion
Mac Gargan rears his ugly mug as the Scorpion, making his animated debut. Looks like he’s stoned out of mind on all close up shots. For some reason he roars like a constipated T. rex.
Dr. Farley Stillwell
Originally I had a sentence about how I was only including Stillwell as an important inclusion because I had heard of him once before, but I decided to redact it as they didn't seem fair. This character seems to have more to do than just be an occasional background character in the 616 continuity, so it would be a disservice to disregard him just because I'm ignorant to who he is.
Episode 5b - “Sands of Crime”
Yet another Spidey framed story. Literally nothing else of note really.
Characters Introduced:
The Sandman, everyone’s favourite dream god… wait, no, wrong character. The Sandman, everyone’s favourite dusty thief, makes his debut in this episode. So I made some discoveries while researching for this episode. I went so long believing Sandman to be Flint Marko, but apparently that’s only in a few continuities. Sandman’s actual name is William Baker, who I thought was a separate guy this entire time. Like, yeah honestly believed there was two Sandmen.
Episode 6a - “Diet of Destruction”
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“Walloping Web-Snappers!” is such a shit catchphrase. Anyway this episode brings us an original enemy that is never seen again (which they kept calling a monster, despite being very clearly a robot) and flying cars.
Episode 6b - “The Witching Hour”
So this episode finally introduces a few key aspects of Spider-Man.
Pete dipping out in the middle of a date. (Poor Betty)
On his eternal quest to legalise weed and do magic shit, Spider-Man's arch nemesis finally makes an appearance.
And for fuck sake, why does JJJ with Spidey and the Green Goblin are the same person. Man is legitimately stupid sometimes most of the time.
Characters Introduced:
Green Goblin
At last, Norman Osborn makes his grand entrance to the world of animation. Now, this may be a product of its time, but Goblin seems to be a lot more magic focused than I’m used to him being. Not really a problem, just something I noticed.
Episode 7a - “Kilowatt Kaper”
And here’s our first episode to feature a returning villain; this time it’s Electro up to no good. Other than that there is nothing else of note in this episode.
Episode 7b - “The Peril of Parafino”
Another episode with an original villain; but honestly if you had told me Parafino was a prototype for Cletus Kasady I’d believe you.
Episode 8 - “Horn of the Rhino”
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Spider-Ball, thanks, I hate it.
Anyway, this episode is yet another one of Spider-Man getting blamed for shit he didn’t do. Only this time JJJ spends a night in lockup for trying to trespass onto military grounds. What a dumbarse.
Characters Introduced:
Aunt May
May Parker makes her long awaited appearance. As expected she holds a caring position over Peter, but still holds onto JJJ’s anti-Spider-Man rhetoric. Honestly, it’s good to finally see her.
Aleksei Sytsevich, sounding less Russian than expected, makes his animated debut in this extended episode. Why the Rhino gets a full 20 minutes and Doc Ock & Green Goblin only getting 10 minute slots is honestly beyond me.
Episode 9a - “The One-Eyed Idol”
CW: Racism
So, we learned both Pete and Betty are racist, that’s just really not cool. Seriously, I’m pretty sure this is the first time we actually see a black character in this show and he gets called both a monster and a dog. The fuck. Like, I know this show is old, but bloody hell, this is some very, very poorly aged milk.
I was gonna make a joke about JJJ getting hypnotised again, but now I just don’t feel like it. Mood’s dead.
Episode 9b - “Fifth Avenue Phantom”
This episode features a freak that uses android mannequins to steal shit and turn things into toys, I think. Literally nothing of any actual note.
Episode 10a - “The Revenge of Dr. Magneto”
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Yet another meme for the collection: Peter Parker reading a book.
Anyway this episode adds fuck all to the greater list. “But wait!” I hear you say, “Isn’t Magneto in this episode? He’s in the title.” Unfortunately not, Dr. Matto Magneto has no relation to the actual Magneto. Sorry Erik, your time will have to come later.
Episode 10b - “The Sinister Prime Minister”
Another episode of stuff that happens. Anyway the only important part of this episode is…
Character Introductions:
Charles Cameo / The Imposter
“Teri, who the fuck is this and why are you bringing attention to them?” Because Charles Cameo is the 60s Spider-Man incarnation of Dmitri Smerdyakov, The Chameleon.  Now Chameleon’s first comic debut does pre-date the show, so I do wonder why they didn’t just use Dmitri, but eh whatever, I’m counting it.
Episode 11a - “The Night of the Villains”
Ah yes, the return of Parafino, because he was just so memorable the first time. Seriously, for the show's second returning villain, you’d think they’d pick someone with an actual stage presence.
Episode 11b - “Here Comes Trubble”
I’ll be completely honest, I was more focused on hatching pokémon eggs than actually watching the episode, which is fine cause bugger all happened anyway.
Episode 12a - “Spider-Man Meets Doctor Noah Boddy”
How many times can someone get bailed out of lock up before that just stops working? I’m just curious as JJJ getting permanent prison time would’ve been funny.
Episode 12b - “The Fantastic Fakir”
Since when were webbing and rope snakes? Also did Spidey just fucking killed a guy by opening a door. 
Unlike Episode 9a, I’m not gonna call this episode overtly racist, I’m just gonna heavily imply it. But in all honesty, I really doubt a single Saudi Arabian person was involved in the making of this. It just had some really not good vibes.
Episode 13a - “Return of the Flying Dutchman”
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So Mysterio’s back in this episode, and for some reason he has decided to be a pirate, because of course he has. Much more importantly Pete fucking with JJJ at the end of the episode is honestly just great.
Episode 13b - “Farewell Performance”
Mostly forgettable honestly, but it is nice watching Spidey outsmart JJJ again.
Episode 14a - “The Golden Rhino”
Rhino’s back but this time instead of destroying the world, for some reason his plan is to make a solid gold statue of himself. Priorities, I guess. Anyway, add this episode to the list of JJJ blaming Spider-Man for shit he didn’t do.
Episode 14b - “Blueprint for Crime”
Ok, so I get Pete’s plan in this episode was to draw the Enforcers out by framing himself, but that then started to get JJJ to question how Pete gets photos of Spider-Man. If this show actually had a plot I’m sure that would come up later. Anyway, this episode has three villains, the main one, The Plotter, I’m pretty sure is original to the show, the other two however…
Character Introductions:
Cowboy & Ox (The Enforcers)
Jackson Brice, usually called Montana but referred to as Cowboy in this, and Raymond Bloch, the Ox, are a criminal team known as The Enforcers. They make their animated debut here. I personally don’t know much about them other than Montana doesn’t stay as Montana in a show I plan to get to much later. (I’m very excited to get to it tho)
Episode 15a - “The Spider and the Fly”
I’ll be honest, the most interesting thing from this episode is what the Flys actual names are: Stan & Lee Patterson. Get it? Stan Lee. Hilarious. I am positively pissing myself with laughter (Written with a face that can only be described as -_- )
Episode 15b - “The Slippery Doctor Von Schlick”
I am running out of things to say on episodes that don't do shit.
Episode 16a - “The Vulture’s Prey”
So, The Vulture and his enormous chin have returned to bully Jameson. I am ok with this. And to be completely fair, the ending with Spidey refusing to help JJJ without saying “please” was actually funny, in my opinion.
Episode 16b - “The Dark Terrors”
The Fifth Avenue Phantom returns to play with shadows, how cute.
Episode 17a - “The Terrible Triumph of Dr. Octopus”
Hooray, Doc Ock is back. With a new voice, I think. Oh yeah, that scientist that spoke with the ice guys, yeah he’s also back, but he’s much less important. And oh goodie, a “spiders aren’t insects” joke, I’m surprised it’s taken this long.
So many episodes in and honestly Octavius seems to be the only villain in the show that is actually threatening. Like, the show butchers almost everyone in characterisation, but Ock is portrayed really well here, actively outsmarting Spider-Man for most of the episode only for his downfall to be his own hubris.
Episode 17b - “Magic Malice”
What’s this? A double whammy of Spidey’s greatest foes?! Green Goblin is back, and I just noticed the length of his eyelashes, like girl you gotta tell me where you get those done, or at least what type of mascara you use, cos I’m jealous.
Not gonna lie, it’s funny watching the Green Goblin stoop to money and jewellery theft knowing how rich Norman Osborn is in literally every other continuity. 
Also he just took an axe to the arse and his only response is “ouch”. Not important, I just thought that was funny.
Notice how I have more to say with villains like Goblin and Ock. It’s almost as if they’re just inherently more interesting. 
Episode 18a - “Fountain of Terror”
First of all, the main villain from that racist episode is back, thankfully didn’t look like he brought that shit with him. More importantly Dr. Connors is back, and surprisingly not the Lizard. It's good to see Connors out of being a reptile.
Episode 18b - “Fiddler on the Loose”
The villain of this episode is called the Fiddler. Just take that in for a moment.
That is the worst villain name I have ever heard. I originally had a joke written here, but I decided not to and leave the joke to your imagination.
Episode 19a - “To Catch a Spider”
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Me and the boys forming the Sinister Six Fearsome Four Spider-Catchers.
Anyway, this episode brings Dr. Noah Boddy back to break Vulture, Electro, & Green Goblin out of prison. Together they form the Spider-Catchers. But as always with the Sinister-Six adjacent they also fall apart due to infighting, granted this time it was caused mostly by Pete knowing how to do voice impersonations, for some reason.
Episode 19b - “Double Identity”
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Eureka! The pointing meme! I have found it.
Anyway it’s a standard Chameleon plot, using recognisable faces to steal shit.
Episode 20a - “Sting of the Scorpion”
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Ok, what the fuck happened to Pete here? His everything is broken.
Also Scorpion becomes a kaiju in this episode, so that was pretty neat.
Episode 20b - “Trick or Treachery”
Another Spidey framed plot, this time orchestrated by the Fly twins.
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variousqueerthings · 9 months
Okay, well, what would you prefer then? The Dustmen?
Sleep No More! this season's dedicated spooky episode. I feel like I ought to have vibed more with this one than I did and I dunno why it didn't work with me that well. maybe I powered through s9 too quickly (EDIT: I have now analysed why it didn't work so well for me, ey!)
also: is this the first out trans actor we've had on this show? definitely some things to say about that
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 10/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 4/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 6/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 3/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 3/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 9/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 6/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 10/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 6/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 4/10
FULL RATING: 61/100 (if I can count….)
ok ok let's get into it!
PLOT-POINT: I mean, it's a standalone episode that doesn't do much beyond the episode itself, so it doesn't really need to give Clara much development. still, I think in a season in which Clara doesn't have many emotional beats, considering what's coming up in the very next episode... I'd have liked something perhaps
COMPLEXITY: it's complexity lies in its structure and I am nooot convinced by it. there's nothing wrong as such with found footage, but it feels gimmicky very fast, and I think there should have been more done with the fact that the dust was "watching" them
the fact that it's basically the beats of a low-budget horror should have meant I vibed with it more, but I think because in the end a lot of it is just running from place to place while going "whaat is even happening here" makes it feel a bit thin
also the ending is probably an "either you like it or you don't" type ending, so I have nothing against it as such. I think the single-episode characters were thinner than a lot of the other ones we've seen throughout the years, which is kind of a shame, because there is some interesting Stuff to dig into with the wider world they inhabit (which we'll get to) but these are all -- with the exception of Nagata I think -- relatively threadbare. this might also be a feeling arising from the other episodes being two-parters, so we got more time with the "under the lake" gang idk. but maybe actually that's why I'm judging it a bit harsher -- this is a concept I've seen before a few times, done better
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: nothing much here either, although there is a delightful little exchange between Clara and the Doctor right at the beginning that goes like this --
CLARA: Looks like a Japanese restaurant. Oh! Have you brought me to a space restaurant? DOCTOR: People never do that, you know? CLARA: Do what? DOCTOR: They never put the word space in front of something just because everything's all sort of hi-tech and future-y. It's never space restaurant or space champagne or space, you know, hat. It's just restaurant, champagne or hat. Even if this was a restaurant. CLARA: What about spacesuit? DOCTOR: Pedant.
I just think that gives me more on them as characters than often exists in their episodes together, which often feel like they go so fast and are so specific to Plot things, that I've often struggled to engage with their dynamic as ostensibly good friends. this was actually something I highlighted in "the girl who died" which was the way everything with them was constantly framed around danger and high stakes and how that takes me out of understanding what draws Clara to travelling, and this is a little counterpoint to that
COMPANIONS MATTER: ehhhh not really from my memory. she's there.
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: the Doctor just fully runs around like a headless chicken in this one. no that's not fair, he solves most of the puzzle. crucially not the really important piece at the end though, but I'd assume that happened offscreen, as the implications of that ending have never been brought up again on this show to my knowledge
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: couple of tiny references. actually it's more of a big send-up to league of gentlemen, considering Gatiss wrote it and Shearsmith plays the main bad guy
“SEXINESS”: again, cured!
INTERNAL WORLD: I think if this had had more world-building and less attempts at being a PG horror movie it might have been more horrifying actually, because the implications are already horrifying enough. but yeah, this, because of the characters, is quite a thinly built world, made all the more noticeable because the ideas within it are kind of compelling as heck and I do want to know more!
POLITICS: there's a couple of things in this, the first and more intentional of which is it brings up some good horrific capitalist world-building, and I wiiish whatever the story was was actually more about that. I mean, actually there's a really good TV concept on its own in it, that this episode didn't have the time or focus or ability to tell, because it's Doctor Who, we're not spending a season dwelling on the implications of functionally removing sleep from people, but ooooh I'd be interested in a story that did!
the other thing is that this has the somewhat dubious honour of featuring the first ever out trans actor in a lead role, played by Bethany Black, and... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I mean. I mean. she's a vat-grown grunt referred to with "it" pronouns (and not, I get the sense, because of personal choice, if personal choice came into this in the first place), who "cannot speak properly" because these "grunts" are frequently not... bred well enough? there's a loooot of episodes on Doctor Who that are about personhood and respecting that, and this... is not one of those episodes. 474 is never a focus of the Doctor in this episode, and in fact relatively early on both (she?) and this cis guy who frequently insults her the most (whom she is in love with???) are separated from the others. she then sacrifices herself for this guy, but it doesn't really matter because he's killed anyway shortly afterwards
it's just kinda messy and badly thought-out, but Bethany Black is great, and we know it's going to get better at some point. I want to make a point though as well that Bethany is fat and was in her 30s during this episode I think, and her character is presented in a relatively genderless way and smeared with camouflage paint or oil or smthin (and again, referred to with "it" pronouns), so I don't think a lot of people casually watching would have noticed that this character was a woman (if indeed, the episode understood that), in the sense that obviously trans people should get to play everyone and not "just" have to be prettified in order to be allowed onscreen, but it's a shame we couldn't see a fat trans woman being respected as a woman in this story, or youknow... get to assert her personhood, considering this is Doctor Who, and I hope that the wonderful onscreen transness we're getting will not be equated with thinness and youth exclusively in the future
but like, they could fully bring Bethany Black back as another character and I don't think people would recognise her as having been on the show before, so... do it cowards. you did it with fuckn Capaldi and Gillan and Cribbins and and and...
FULL RATING: 61/100 (if I can count….)
so I did actually check what the feedback to this episode was, and apparently at the time it was the lowest rated episode apart from Love & Monsters, which if anyone has been on this blog for a bit, you know I'm so into that episode. and I think that's worthy of a little comparison, because the thing about Love & Monsters is that while it is a bit gimmicky in format and to the left of a traditional episode, it does all of this in service to something. it's about specific people who exist in the sphere of the Doctor's influence, and that in turn explores a tertiary character (Jackie) who herself occupies a difficult space in this universe. it is, fundamentally, a very very human, softly tragic tale that builds up ideas that we'll return to many times over the course of the show
this episode does not have that. it's characters aren't very fleshed out, its world-building is shallow, and its purpose as the episode before a Very Important Episode seems to be to just. be there. and I think that's its fundamental weakness. if this were in another season, and given some tightening here and there to give it some kind of focus (my preference would be on giving some emotional insights on the Doctor and whoever the Companion is and/or making this very much about the single-episode characters For A Purpose, with the Doctor and Companion taking a backseat) I would have liked it better
as it is I don't dislike it, it's just oddly situated and relatively forgettable to me. Bethany Black should come back though
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spacebabe51 · 2 years
(Slides into ur messages) can I hear what u have to say about Dark Shadows and the theme of reincarnated love being attributed to Dracula? 🍿👀
crying throwing up etc yes you CAAANN thank you. and sorry it took me forever to type up this reply. it is,,,very long i'm so sorry i don't know how not to write essays when asked for a fairly simple explanation.
First of all, let me just say I'm not a pop culture historian and i don't live in the heads of anyone who's adapted Dracula, so I can't say with 100% certainty that any one thing inspired anything else unless it was explicitly stated.
OK! SO! I won't bore you with the entire history of Dark Shadows the television show. All you really need to know was that it was a live-to-tape Gothic soap opera created by a guy named Dan Curtis, who was a huge fan of classic horror (such as Legosi's Dracula films). The show adapted various horror classics like Turning of the Screw and Jane Eyre into a long running narrative about a rich family called the Collins, on the coast of Maine.
Initially the supernatural elements of the show were more subtle; but the show wasn't really landing and when the ratings started to tank around '67 Curtis and the writers decided to do something a little more bold and adapt Dracula. Just like in the book (spoilers for those reading for the first time!!) the vampire, Barnabas Collins, was meant suck some blood, kill some people, and die after wreaking the appropriate amount of havoc.
The thing about loose adaptations and Dark Shadows is that everything about it was made in an extremely adaptable format. The show was filmed live-to-tape every day and scripts usually only written a few weeks in advance; that meant that it gave the writers a lot of wiggle room to react to things the audience responded to well, and cut out things they didn't. And the audience really responded to Barnabas Collins; he was played by Canadian theater actor Jonathan Frid, who brought a lot of humanity to the part despite it being written in a very villainous way.
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The writers had a prominent ghost around Collinwood named Josette Dupress who was often referenced in the early parts of the show; so they worked her into the story as having been Barnabas' doomed fiancé, who just happened to look exactly like a local girl named Maggie Evans. This kicked off the "Lucy" part of the plotline, but from here the writers began to deviate from the Dracula storyline. Once it was clear that the vampire was immensely popular (essentially saving the show from cancellation) the writer's began to tweak the character in order to justify keeping him around. They began introducing more human aspects to his character in order to make him more nuanced; one of the most prominent ones being his obsessive need to find and be reunited with Josette.
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The show ran for over 1200+ episodes, and was a pop culture phenomena. By the end, Barnabas had firmly established himself as the main character of the series, and the Josette reincarnation plotline had been repeated several times. In 1974, two years after the series end, Curtis would go on to adapt Dracula into a television movie; he borrowed the reincarnated lover plotline from his own television show for that movie. Since then, it's become almost a trend in Dracula adaptations to follow this plot formula; sometimes with Lucy, but most often with Mina.
Not many people know about Dark Shadows these days, but the show had a huge cultural impact in the late 60's. Again, I'm not 100% able to say that every adaptation that features this trope is borrowing from Dark Shadows. Likewise, while a lot of the 'sympathetic vampire' or 'vampire as an affliction/disease rather than a creature of evil' may have have been inspired by something prior to Dark Shadows (Varney the Vampire is something to check out) it definitely helped to popularize the trope and bring it into the modern consciousness. (Sidenote; any adaptation that features 'curing' vampirism through medicine is, most likely, inspired by DS, but I'm not sure how common that one is)
So, uh, anyway! In conclusion if you're trying to mark out your bingo board of Dracula adaptations checking out a few episodes of the original Dark Shadows (NOT the tim burton one i cannot stress this enough) might be worth it. As an added bonus you get the world's most tortured pathetic Renfield-esque character, and a badass female doctor in the Van Helsing role. Thanks so much for asking and if you're reading Dracula for the first time I hope you enjoy it!!
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arabian-bloodstream · 2 years
I sent the ask about Nettles because I find her story interesting and would love to see her as an honorary daughter to Daemon -_- there’s this very weird patronizing hostility among other Daemyra fans when people worry or critique at all. Anxious people worry and process that worry often by venting it, and no amount of “just enjoy it as it is” changes that anymore than yoga will cure depression. If it bothers you SO much you are welcome to turn anon off or your askbox entirely. Also the writing that made Daemon a bad father still sucks if he was depressed or not, depression is not an excuse to leave your children crying alone over their dead mother, and we know they cut the hug. Kthnxbai
I'm sorry if I come across as dismissive about the Nettles questions, it's just that I get so many and I find it dismissive of the current story that is being told right now. Before I explain that, I will say that I will tackle the Nettles of it all because I do keep getting asks about that and I don't want to turn off my ask box (anon or otherwise). I enjoy getting the asks, I enjoy discussing this show and Daemyra, and interacting with others in the fandom. So, I will go to town, all over town, on the Nettles of it all, and when I am asked about her -- as I invariably will… again, and again, and again -- I will link to this post.
As I wrote at the top, I find it dismissive of the current story that is being told when Nettles is brought up so consistently because much more often than not it is with the dreaded worry that the show is going to present her as Daemon's lover, and how terrible that would be. This is based upon the conjecture in Fire & Blood. I will get to all of that in the next section. But, first, my frustration comes with the fact that absolutely nothing in the show thus far should make one think that the show is going to do that. From literally moment one of Daemon and Rhaenyra's interaction they have been presented in a romantic light. Every single other "love" interest they have been shown with has been downplayed and swiftly dealt with in a quick one and done.
Cristin Cole? OK, fine, Rhaenyra lost her maidenhood to him. HOWEVER, she only did so because DAEMON had shown her the pleasure of sexual interplay, left her wanting and she wanted to get the job done, oh, and look there was Cristin. The scene itself focused on Rhaenyra's pleasure, Rhaenyra's satisfaction. It was about her finding that sexual pleasure that DAEMON had told her about, that DAEMON had first shown her.
Harwin Strong? The father of her first three children. He was impressed at her blood-soaked walk of victory, post-boar-killage. Which was paralleled with Daemon's post blood-soaked walk of victory, post-crabfeeder-killage. A smiling dance, which Daemon interrupted. Threw her over his shoulder to spare her the disaster of the wedding reception. Later we found out that Daemon took off himself to spare her the ruination of her life by running off with her. In the one episode post the bearing of the children, they shared a few smiles, and Rhaenyra was saddened upon hearing how the whole situation was hitting him. And that was it.
Laena Valyreon? Daemon's wife. There was an affection, a love there. But as Laena said herself, she was not the wife he would have chosen. As Daemon said, "we were happy enough." Not exactly a ringing endorsement, "happy enough." The most of this relationship we saw was a brief hand hold and fingers slipping away, Daemon kissing her pregnant belly, and, his sadness when she was burnt away by dragonfire. That's it.
In ten years, Rhaenyra had three children with Harwin and found love with him. Daemon had two children with a third on the way with Laena, and he too found love with her. And the show condensed those relationships to one episode, all the while making it clear that while they found love with these two people, their hearts still yearned for the other across the sea. Daemon still wanted Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra still wanted Daemon. And in the following episode when they did see each other again, when their eyes met, when they spoke, when they touched, when they kissed, made love, and when they wed, their love, and then happiness was clear. They had been living muted, shadowed lives without one another.
THIS is what the show had given us. And then in our first episode with the two married--six years later!--they are at peace, happy, in love still, always smiling at one another, within reach of one another, two souls together. Soul mates in every sense of the word.
Furthermore, the leaks and worried, anxiety-ridden fears would have us believe Rhaenyra loves Daemon more than he her. Is that what we have seen thus far? No, not at all. Daemon was a happy, contented man. At peace for the first time we have seen him since the show began. There is a trust, a completion between him and Rhaenyra. How quickly, calmly, easily he went to her with the letter from Baela. How they spoke in shorthand in that scene, knowing what the other was thinking. The casual hand-holding. The punishment of Vaemond for speaking of her sons, and her in such a vile way, their interaction during the brief period of peace at dinner, the smiles, the joy, the way he defended all of their children, hers and his. The leaks also "confirmed" that it was Aemond visiting Mysaria. Oops! Wrong again.
So, I say again…. can we please stop being dismissive of what we are getting from the actual show. We are getting a goldmine of Daemyra couple-age. And this is from a Game of Thrones show. Game of Thrones is a medieval-fantasy, political-back-biting, kill-or-be-killed, die-die-die!, traitors everywhere you look! type of show, and yet in the middle of it, House of the Dragon is giving us this EPIC love story. And they are not following the salacious and side love stories that were presented as possible alternatives in Fire & Blood. Nope, we are just getting that Daemon and Rhaenyra are IT. In eight episodes so far this has not changed one iota. Not even the tiniest, teeniest bit. Even a little bit. At all.
Could it? Sure. But it has not yet. Like even a teeny, tiny, miniscule. And that is why I say it is dismissive of what the show is giving us to constantly question what about this or that or Nettles (Nettles… Nettles…. Nettles… Nettles)
Fine. Let us address Nettles. Why I have not gone into depth on this is that we have been told that we are done with the time-jumps. There will be no time jumps next season, as such Nettles will likely not show up until the latter half of season 02. In fact, Nettles may not even show up until season 03! She could be that far away. Personally, I don't understand why when given such glorious bounty of Daemyra by the show that so many spend so much time worrying over a character that we won't see for two to possibly four years. I just do not know… but, alas, she keeps coming up.
Why? Because in the book, Fire & Blood, Mysaria, who has become Rhaenyra's unofficial Mistress of Whisperers, convinces the paranoid Rhaenyra that Nettles is a witch and has seduced Daemon and is his lover. It is easier for Rhaenyra to believe this because Nettles is one of the dragonseed, those who is not of "official" Targaryen blood, but a bastard Targaryen of some sort who has managed to ride a dragon. Team Black needs all the dragon riders they can get. Nettles succeeds and rides Sheepstealer, and she rides with Daemon during the war, the Dance of the Dragons. Nettles is fiercely loyal to Team Black, but per the accounts -- Septon Eustace and Mushroom -- Rhaenyra listens to Mysaria and when Daemon and Nettles are at Maidenpool, she sends a missive requesting the House's Lord kill Nettles, and send Daemon home. Instead, the Lord is disgusted by the Queen wanting him to break guest rights, the maester tells Daemon. Daemon lets Nettles go, and leaves Maidenpool.
Now, I bring this up for a few reasons. The accounts and Maidenpool. Septon Eustace was pro-Aegon II, and anti-Rhaenyra. Mushroom was wont to salacious tales. So pretty much anything that painted Rhaenyra in a more negative light was going to happen in any account from Eustace. And anything that was going to involve sexual shenanigans was going to happen in any account from Mushroom. So, then we head to the account from those at Maidenpool who had no skin in the game. According to the maester's account there, Daemon treated Nettles like a daughter, interacted with her as such, showing her how to properly handle utensils, etc. Also, no one knew who Nettles' father was. So, it certainly is possible that Nettles actually is Daemon's daughter.
Some like to bring up the servants' account that Daemon and Nettles bathed together. However, those accounts are given right alongside the maester's that Daemon treated Nettles like a daughter, and they are not transcribed in a salacious way. And this makes sense for the time period. Recall Game of Thrones, season 03, episode 6: "Kissed By Fire." Jaime and Brienne bathed together, there was nothing salacious about that. They were simply two people who needed to be cleaned up and so they were sent to the bathing chamber to do so. It wasn't sexual at all. Also, think of the difficult task of bathing in that day and age. Bringing the tub up, heating the water, bringing up the buckets of water, and then emptying the tub. That is a LOT of work. So sharing a bath isn't always a sexual thing, not in that time period. It just isn't.
Daemon cared for Nettles, and the unbiased accounts described their interactions as father and daughter like. She was the same age as his daughter. Their relationship being father/daughter like makes more sense. Because Daemon and Rhaenyra are the lovers in this tale. And those who are anti-Daemyra can talk about the "compelling" love story between Daemon and Laena all they want. They can pump up Rhaenyra and Harwin as some great love that was ended too soon. They can downplay Daemon and Rhaenyra in Fire & Blood, but even in that book, they were clearly in love. The accounts of their love story were given mainly by Septon Eustace who didn't like Rhaenyra, and Mushroom, who was clearly half in-love with Rhaenyra himself. And yet in between their accounts you can see that love is there between Daemon and Rhaenyra. The marriage between Daemon and Laena is an after-the-fact. The children with Harwin is because Laenor could not do his duty. Daemon and Rhaenyra had a relationship all along, when he was the heir, they spent time together, riding their dragons, he brought her gifts from Essos, etc. They have always been the love story. The show is just bringing that into focus.
When it comes to Nettles if the show makes any huge statement it will likely be that she is Daemon's illegitimate child. But even if they don't do that, I truly can't see the Nettles and Daemon relationship played as anything other than a father/daughter one. I just cannot.
Which brings me to my final subject. Daemon as a father. I disagree that he is a bad father. Rhaena said "father ignores me" in one scene at one point in their life. That doesn't mean that he has always ignored her. Laena told her that he's doing his best. If Daemon was a terrible father, I think we would have seen Laena talking to him about it. We saw Daemon being a good father to Baela. And, although the scene was cut, we know that he was talking to them, hugging them, which shows that he does have a relationship with both. I, like many, like you, wish the scene hadn't been cut, but the show had their reasons.
We also saw in this episode him ruffling the hair of his son when Rhaenyra was showing him to Viserys, defending her boys when they were called bastards (and Rhaenyra being called a whore), and defending ALL of the children (his and hers--including Rhaena) from Aemond. So, I think that we can forgive him a period in his life when one child felt ignored (and her mother defended him) when he was suffering from severe depression when all other evidence since has shown a good relationship with his children.
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