#and I thought *this box is perfect except being a little too big. haha I bet I can cut out a pattern for a smaller one!*
the-trans-dragon · 2 years
“Haha, fun, a trivial but new activity. This’ll be fun to do for 10 or 15 minutes”
*3 and 1/2 hours later*
“Where’s the fucking sun”
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headheartbellarke · 4 years
Paper Rings | OWEN JOYNER
Requested by anon: “Owen request? A series of events that leads Owen to finally working up the courage to propose to his girlfriend?” PAIRING(s): Owen Joyner x fem!reader WARNING(s): some language, mentions of abuse, panic attack, anxiety, and fluff haha WORDS: 3.7k SUMMARY: Five times Owen almost asks his girlfriend to marry him, and one time he actually does.
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    Charlie looks around, feeling out of place amongst the big mirrors, bright lights, and the sparkling diamonds. When his best friend, Owen, told him that he wanted a ‘guys night’ (he’s still unsure as to why he wants to have one: they live together, it’s guys’ night every night – he was expecting bars, or clubs, or fancy restaurants; things they don’t get to do every night, because of work. But he definitely wasn’t expecting to be dragged into a jewellery store.
  “O, buddy, what are we doing here?”
  Owen shushes him, walking ahead to a counter. A woman with kind eyes greets him. “Mr. Joyner!”
  He smiles, familiarity pooling in his eyes.
  Charlie frowns. He didn’t expect Owen to be into jewellery – sure, he buys stuff for his sister and mother, but he always takes them with him.
  He thinks of Y/N, Owen’s girlfriend of about five years – there’s a possibility that he may be buying something for her, but it’s highly unlikely. Y/N has been pretty vocal about the fact that she hates diamonds, and who’s to blame her, really? Her father used to buy her mother a diamond necklace after every time he hit her or when he came home smelling of another woman’s perfume.
  Charlie exclaims, “Owen! I’m gonna die if you don’t tell me what’s going on!”
   “I know, I know.” He shushes him, again, and Charlie feels like a child, even though he’s older than the blonde boy. Owen turns to the woman in front of him, Miranda, as her name tag reads, and says, “I hope it’s ready.”
  She nods, excitedly. “Yes! I have it right here with me.”
  She disappears beneath the counter, and Charlie expects her to return with a big box, like a magician’s apprentice. But, instead, she emerges with a small, tiny box and he wonders –
  As realization dawns upon him, he feels a rush of euphoria. “Oh my god, are you –”
  Owen nods, his face aglow with anticipation, hope and adoration. “I – I walked into this store a couple of weeks ago, after I decided that I wanted to marry her, I mean, I’ve known it for a while, you know? I can’t see myself being with anyone but her for the rest of my life, and I want a family with her. She’s my soulmate, dude. And I – I think it’s the right time, too. She’s got that amazing job, and my career’s going great, so, yeah. I wanna marry her.”
  Charlie sniffs, feeling tears at the back of his eyes. “Bro.”
  His friend grins. “Bro.”
  Charlie pulls him into a hug, but Owen pushes him away, and they swat each other’s hands for a second before Owen whisper shouts, “Do you wanna see the ring or not?!”
  Charlie’s eyes widen and he nods. They turn to the woman in front of them, and she points to the box placed on the counter before them. “If you’re ready.”
  Owen nods, and Charlie feels amazed at the determination clouding his irises. He opens the box, and the Canadian boy gasps.
  Inside sits a simple platinum ring. Except at the middle, there’s a diamond shaped like a star. It’s so beautifully built, every edge looking like they’re fit to cut steel. And the entire ring – it’s so simple, yet beautiful, and Charlie knows why he picked it.  
  It’s a mirror of the way Owen sees Y/N – something gorgeous, something priceless, something elegant, yet something so simple to him, and something that will always makes sense, no matter what.
    Owen inhales, staring at his reflection in the full body length mirror in front of him. He’s going to do it today – he is going to ask his best friend, his soulmate and the love of his life to marry him. He has planned it all – even Charlie went out with the rest of the cast tonight to give the twenty-three-year-olds some privacy. (Charlie, Y/N, and Owen live together in Vancouver, at least while shooting the fourth season of Julie and The Phantoms, so, as one can guess, it’s really difficult to get a moment alone – but since the both of them love Charlie so fucking much, they don’t really mind.)
  He straightens his tie and hears soft footsteps in the hallway outside his room. Y/N’s head pokes in, her face lit up like Christmas lights.
   “Don’t you look sharp!” She says, while walking up to him and wrapping her arms around his torso. Owen smiles, catching her eyes in the reflection. “Are the bad puns ever going to stop?”
  She gasps, dramatically, and exclaims, “You don’t gotta be so mean about it!”
  He shakes his head, and feels love swell in his chest for the woman behind him. “I love you so much, you know that, right?”
  A mischievous glint appears in her eyes. “I could use a reminder.”
  Owen grins, turning backwards and cups her face in his hands, about to kiss her, when a voice stops him.
  “I think I just broke the coffee machine!”
  Y/N’s eyes widen, and she yells, “You did what?!”
  Owen’s brows furrow. “Is that –”
  She casts him an apologetic glance. “Zoe, yeah. I forgot to tell you, but Cece had to go out last minute, so I offered to watch her for the evening!”
  Usually, Owen loves kids, especially Y/N’s cousins like Zoe, but right now, he feels like jumping off a cliff. She seems to sense that as she runs her hands down his arms, and says, “I’m sorry! I know you said that tonight was gonna be just us, but you love Zoe, don’t you? And it’s gonna be fun, I promise!”
  It’s not. Owen had booked a table at Y/N’s favorite restaurant in Vancouver, and he would have proposed midway through the dinner, when the musicians there would start to play ‘Love Story’ by Taylor Swift, and when they got to the bridge, he would have dropped to a knee.
  Ignoring the weight in his chest, he plasters a smile on his face. “Yeah. Yeah. I’m sorry, I just – it’s been a while since we’ve been alone, you know? With work and all. But I’m sure it’s gonna be great with Zoe, too!”
  She nods. “Thank you. We can go out alone next week when Charlie has that photoshoot with Madi!”
  He nods. “Absolutely.”
  The little black box stays hidden in the pocket of the beige coat in his closet that he never wears.
    As Y/N smiles at him, Owen thinks that this is it. This is the moment he’s gonna ask her to marry him.
  As the light from the fire illuminates her face, he thinks about how perfect this weekend has been. After long days, and even longer nights of filming, they finally got a weekend off, and Charlie immediately booked a cabin in North Vancouver.
  And there’s no one better at planning trips than Charlie.
  Along with Owen, Y/N, and Charlie; Madison, Jadah, Jeremy and his wife, Carolynn, Savannah, Sacha, and Tori are here, too, everyone basking in the peace. Throughout the weekend, they’ve done anything and everything they can do in snow – from skiing, to making snow angels, and finally, as the shades of evening rolled on the last day of their trip, they are tired.
  After dinner, everyone wordlessly returned to their rooms, and Owen knows that they’re all fast asleep, right now – except Y/N, who is still as bubbly as champagne.
  When they returned to their room, Y/N quickly lit the fire – because no matter if it’s snowing or if it’s fifty degrees outside – she is always freezing.
  It’s the opposite in Owen’s case, though – he’s always warm, and that’s why Y/N wasted no time to settle in his lap.
  Owen quickly pats his pocket to check if the ring’s still there. It is, and it’s been there for the whole weekend. He’s been searching for opportunities, but they were always either with someone, or it wasn’t a good time.
  “O?” She asks, her voice soft.
  “Hmm?” He replies, threading his fingers through her hair.
  Her eyes brighten up, putting the fire in front of them to shame. “I’ve just had an idea.”
  “Later. First, I have something to ask you.” He says, his hand reaching into his pocket again.
  She smiles. “I know what you’re gonna ask.”
  Owen’s surprised. “You do?”
  She nods excitedly. “Yeah. Charlie told me!”
  He must have had a horrified look on his face because her eyes widen quickly. “Oh, he didn’t want to, believe me! But, now that I know, tell me, when are you gonna do it?”
  Owen stammers, suddenly feeling breathless in this room. The anxiety starts to pool in his stomach, along with an anger, directed towards Charlie. “I – I – I can’t believe he told you this…”
  She shrugs. “You know that he can’t hide anything from me. He’s like the brother I never asked for. Anyway, so he was showing me some of the designs, and I love you, but I don’t think you can handle a tooth piercing.”
  Owen’s brows furrow. “What?”
  “Like, totally no offence, but you passed out when the dentist came to do a routine check up on your teeth. I don’t wanna imagine what would happen if you got them pierced.”
  “What are talking about?!”
  “Charlie and your matching piercings, dummy! What else would I be talking about?” She looks at him as if he’s grown a third head.
  Owen’s lips part. “We are not getting matching piercings – I wasn’t gonna ask you that!”
  “Oh!” Her eyes widen. “What were you gonna ask, then?”
  He gulps, thinking to himself – this is it. This is it. This is it.
  “Do you wanna go home for New Year’s?”
  He mentally curses when that question comes out of his mouth, and even with Y/N’s bright smile, he starts to feel queasy inside, knowing that he still isn’t confident enough to actually ask her.
    Owen wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans and stands up. “Y/N, I have to tell you something.”
  She nods, her eyes sweeping across the mostly empty LA beach. He brought her here today to finally ask her to marry him – his past attempts have been nothing short of disastrous.
  As he opens his mouth, he feels a pang in his heart, and his mind starts to race. All kinds of thoughts race through his mind, like – what if she says no? what if she hates him for ruining what they have? What if Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift becomes his most relatable song? What if she –
  Y/N stands up, and her hand finds that of Owen’s, a reassurance, and he knows that she can sense his anxiety. She doesn’t ask him to talk about it – she knows that he will, eventually, when he’s ready. For now, she shows him that she’s here for him, and somehow that is enough.
  As she brushes his hair, his mind starts to calm down, his erratic breathing slowing down and involuntarily matching the pace of her breathing. She whispers, softly, “You’re okay. You’re safe. Everything is okay. You’re okay. I love you. I love you –”
  She keeps repeating that, until it’s like a mantra in Owen’s head, turning the racing thoughts to mere background noise.
  He opens his eyes, and looks into hers, and finally feels calm. He exhales. “That… uh....”
  She nods, comfort flooding through her eyes. “I know, baby. But it’s okay. You’re safe now.”
  He shakes his head, taking his hand in hers. “I – I – I think that maybe you and I should, uh, get – um, matching tattoos. Yeah. That’s what I wanted to ask you.” He lies.
  She nods enthusiastically. “Yes! Of course. You don’t even have to ask – we’ve always talked about it, and I think that now is the perfect time! Do you wanna –”
  As Y/N talks about designs, he thinks that he’s a fucking coward.
    As Owen laughs, he feels confident, for once. He knows that tonight he’ll be able to ask her to marry him, especially in front of all his family – he loves his family, and so does Y/N and vice versa. He remembers the first time he brought her home three months after they’d started dating. He remembers feeling absolutely euphoric about the fact that she fit right in with his family. That was also the day that she had told him, for the first time, that she loves him.
  He looks around the table, and watches Y/N talk animatedly to his mother. His parents think of her as their own daughter, especially after finding out about her rocky relationship with her father. Y/N’s mother sits next to Owen, and he loves how carefree she looks – her ex-husband, really, was an asshole.
  He takes the little box out of his pocket, and his cousin, Elias, gasps. “Is that an engagement ring?” He whispers, his face scrunching as if the sentence left a bad taste in his mouth.
  Owen nods. “Yes. Elias, I would appreciate it if you kept it down.”
  His cousin raises his hands. “Always, homie.”
  He rolls his eyes. “Right.”
  Elias looks around. “Hey, do you think that it’s a good idea to propose now?”
  “What do you mean?” Owen’s brows furrow.
  “I mean people do it in private for a reason. What if she says no and then you get embarrassed in front of your entire family and hers? It’s sympathetic looks for the rest of your life, bro. And your parents wouldn’t be able to talk to her, nor to her mom, ‘cause it’d be, ya know, friggin’ embarrassing. Everyone’s probably gonna hate you.”
  Owen’s eyes widen, and he toys with the truth in his cousin’s words. Elias shrugs, and takes a sip of his water. “But it’s up to you, dude.”
  Slowly, Owen slides the ring back into his pocket.
    Owen looks around, checking if any distractions could be in this room. None. How could it, though? He’s standing in an empty classroom, in the middle of winter break. Nobody in their right minds would be here.
  Well, that would mean that Owen’s not in his right mind. To be really, really, really honest – he is kind of losing it. He has been trying to propose to Y/N for the past month, but every time – every god damn time, something comes up and ruins everything.
  So, he decided to break into his middle school. Well, ‘break into’ isn’t the right phrase – he asked the guard to give him the keys for the night, and even thanked him with a hundred dollar note. Unlike his girlfriend, he’s incapable of breaking rules.
  The guard thought that it was very romantic of him, but really, he’s just tired and wants to get married already. He taps his foot anxiously, and finally hears the door opening, signalling Y/N’s arrival.
  God, she looks absolutely adorable. Her nose is crimson from the cold, and she is bundled under what seems to be ten layers of clothing. She huffs, grinning when she notices him.
  “Are we here to make out? Because your house was much more comfortable and so, so warm.”
  Owen shakes his head. “Nope.”
  “Well, are you gonna murder me, O? Because, well, it’s certainly the perfect location.”
  “I have to tell you something.” He says, taking a step toward her. He looks around and sees that there is nothing that could possibly ruin this moment, and smiles brightly, preparing himself. Y/N’s eyes gleam with anticipation, as she nods for him to continue.
  “Y/N, I still remember the day that I met you. I remember the way you smiled at me even though I had spilled black coffee all over you and ruined your very pretty, white dress.”
  She laughs. “I was really mad at first, yeah. But the cutest boy in all of Oklahoma was in front of me, and well, you know that I was a goner.”
  He smiles fondly. “And the beautifulest girl in the world was in front of me.”
  “That’s not a word.”
  “I know. And then you laughed at my dumb jokes, and even agreed to go on a date with me.”
  “To compensate for that absolutely gorgeous dress.” She clarifies, a teasing smile on her face.
  He grins sheepishly. “And then somehow, somewhere we fell in love, and somehow, you became my other half, and somehow, I can’t imagine a world without you. I don’t want to. You are my best friend, and you are the one person around whom I can be completely myself and face no judgements.”
  “No, I do judge you. You’re a little questionable.”
  “And what would I do without your wicked sense of humour?”
  “Honestly? You’d be lost without me. I mean, you forget to even put your socks in the washing machine.”
  “You’re not supposed to wash them. They go on your feet. Obviously.”
  “That is disgusting, and you know it.”
  He laughs. “I wanna be with you for the rest of my life, and I… I… I want a family with you, you know? I know that we’ve never talked about this, and I don’t know how you would feel about one, but still, if you’re up for it, I’m too. But, if you don’t, that’s okay, too. More than okay.”
  For a moment, an unrecognizable expression crosses her face, and he wonders if he’s hurt her. But then the biggest smile blooms on her face.
  “We should have talked about this. But I would like a family with you, too. I mean, I’ve never really wanted one, and you know why. But, after seeing you and your family, I realized that a part of me does want it. I do want to have the home that I never got to have with you and I wanna do better. I know that you’ll be an amazing dad, and I wanna raise my kid the way that kids should be raised. And I want it with no one else but you.”
  Owen feels as if he’s on cloud nine, and he stares at her for a moment, wondering how lucky he is to find a girl like her. He says, “Y/N, I –”
  Before he can ask her the question, though, her ringtone cuts through the silence of the empty classroom. She whispers an apology and takes her phone out from her jeans pocket.
  She accepts the call and speaks into the phone. “Hey, Luka, what’s up? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Luka, slow down.”
  She exchanges a panicked look with Owen.
  Speaking of Owen, he’s losing it. Absolutely. He was so close. And for the first time, he had both confidence and hope. And something had to happen. He starts to feel annoyed at Luka, his sister, and then immediately feels bad about it, but then starts to feel annoyed again.
  “Oh no, you did what? Do you need me to come?”
  At Y/N’s last sentence, Owen bursts out. “Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
  Y/N raises her brows at him. He feels anger replacing all his emotions, anger towards the world, it’s timings, and mostly, towards himself.
  Sensing his rage, Y/N gives him a weird look. “What is wrong with you?” She whispers.
  “Everything. Everything is wrong!” He whispers back.
  He starts to feel breathless, and the familiar sensation of a panic attack starts to overcome him. He looks around, trying to focus on something, anything, when he spots the door.
  He looks at his girlfriend, and says, “I love you, but I’m gonna lose it.” With that, he walks by her, and out the doors, while she yells after him.
    It’s been twenty minutes since he last talked to Y/N, and he has lost all hope. He’s now sitting on a park bench a couple of minutes away from the school, and he is listing all the reasons why his life is absolutely shit.
  “Hey, you okay?”
  Owen looks up, and notices Y/N walking up to the bench, with a concerned look in her eyes.
  “I – I just… I’ve been trying to ask you something, Y/N, for the past month. And every time I try to do it, I’m either interrupted, or I’m not confident enough. And, today, there were no distractions, and I was finally feeling confident and hopeful and then my sister decides to ruin it – is she okay, by the way?”
  She nods and sits down beside him. “Yeah, she misplaced her dress for tonight.”
  He grits his teeth in annoyance. He loves her, but his sister has the worst timing.
  Y/N rests a hand on his, an odd look taking over her features. “You should know by now that the answer will always, and obviously be a yes.”
  Owen sharply turns towards her. “What?”
  A brilliant smile makes its way onto her face. “You are gonna propose, aren’t you?”
  A gasp involuntarily escapes him. “How’d you know?”
  “Well, you just said some pretty nice things about me. Also, I can see the outline of the ring box, and you keep checking your pocket for it every two minutes, even if you don’t realize it. You’re literally doing it right now.”
  In his defence, he wasn’t, or rather, isn’t consciously doing it. He slowly retracts his hand from his pocket and gives her a sheepish smile.
  She stands up. “Really, O, are you gonna do it or not –”
  “Yep, yep, yep.” He clears his throat and stands in front of her and drops to a knee. He takes the ring out, and flips open the box, and as the diamond’s reflected light dances across her face, Y/N gasps.
  “Oh my god, that’s gorgeous!”
  He grins. “I have great taste.”
  She smiles teasingly. “I know, baby.”
  “Will you ma–”
  “Yes! Yes, yes, yes!”
  “You didn’t even let me finish!”
  “Someone would’ve probably interrupted you and I couldn’t take the chance of you losing your shit again.”
  “You do have a point.”
  “I always do.”
  He slides the ring onto her finger, and she kneels in front of him to match their heights. She wraps her arms around his neck, and he wraps his around her waist, both desperate to be closer, closer, closer.
  “I love you so much.” He whispers into her hair, and she kisses his shoulder.
  “I love you. Forever.”
  She untangles herself from him, and as she kisses him, Owen realizes that he had no reason to be worried at all.
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reblogs are always appreciated!! <3
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hongnanglen-arina · 4 years
Good care | Hong Joshua
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Genre: Fluff, implied smut
Pairing: Joshua x fem reader
Warnings: alcohol (:
Words: 2k
A/N: Hi there! This is my first drabble request. Sorry for taking so long but I recently changed jobs so.. yeah haha... but I had so much fun writing this :3 hope you like it! ♡
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“This is the last one.”
Joshua let his gaze travel through the room after placing the said box next to the others. After you two celebrated your marriage half a year ago, you found a perfect place and finally moved in together. It had enough space for the two of you to dive into your hobbies but also for future plans. Hearing his words, you walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where your husband was standing next to his friend.
Soonyoung was kind enough to help you with the moving. He joked that it would be a free workout and seeing how much both of them were sweating, it was true. Their shirts were soaked and you felt relieved that Joshua didn’t choose a white one because it would surely be see-through by now. As you passed by to reach the open kitchen area, he gave you a small peck on your cheek and let his fingers brush through his damp hair. 
“I’ll get you something refreshing to drink. Soonyoung, are you staying for dinner? I thought about ordering something since our fridge is empty except for drinks.”
You grabbed two cans of beer, giving one to your husband and earning another soft peck on your other cheek, causing you to smile sheepishly.
“Oh, that sounds nice but I have to decline. I have to prepare for the dance class tomorrow. Don’t wanna be laughed at by the kids, you know?”
“Didn’t you say earlier that you’ve already mastered the steps?”
“Well… a little more practice won’t hurt.” Soonyoung laughed and thanked you when you offered him the other can. 
Apparently both men were very thirsty because they finished their beer in seconds and it didn’t take long until Soonyoung said his goodbyes to you. Placing the empty cans on the kitchen counter, you looked up to see your husband close the apartment door and walking back to you.
“Is my little girl hungry?”
Snorting, you let him wrap his hands around your waist, placing your own on his chest and feeling the damp fabrics beneath your palms. “I’m not so little anymore, you know?”
Joshua poked your nose with his, a smile on his lips. “You will always be a little girl for me… my little girl.” He was about to kiss you when you turned your head to the side, grabbing your phone to order food and you suppressed your giggles when you heard him let out a soft whine.
“Hey, I’m hungry!” You said and couldn’t hide your grin as you saw his pout.
“I’m hungry, too.”
“See? Very good then. How about that family pizza we saw from the place downstairs?” You opened their website on your phone and felt Joshua move a little closer, nuzzling his nose in the crook of your neck. “I’m not hungry for pizza, babe.”
“We can’t survive with just love. Humans need food also,” you giggle when his kisses started to tickle your sensitive skin. 
“But at our wedding, I swore to take good care of you always.”
“You always do, Shua.”
“But I need to do that now.”
“You can do it after the food.”
Joshua pulled back a little to face you, shaking his head no, the pout back on his lips so you gave him a quick peck. His satisfied noise changed to a whine when your lips left his again. He was so cute when he was needy.
“Say, are you drunk?” At your question, he shook his head no again, pointing at the empty cans behind him. “I only had one can, that’s not enough to knock me out. You should know that by now.”
Laughing, you showed him your tongue and wiggled your way out of his arms, his eyes followed you curiously. “Where are you going, babe?”
“Getting our food!”
“You ordered already?”
“Hahaha yes? You were too distracted to notice I guess.”
“Wait.” You stopped in your tracks and waited until Joshua was next to you, taking the keys out of your hands. “I will get the food, you can relax. Won’t be long.”
Opening your mouth to say something, you watched how he quickly got dressed and opened the apartment door, sending you a flying kiss before closing it behind him.
Blinking, you smiled to yourself. Such a gentleman.
While you waited for him to come back with the pizza, you put your clothes into the wardrobe in your bedroom, going through the stuff in your boxes. You lost track of time when suddenly the apartment door opened. “Your man is back with the food! Sorry for the wait but you sent me to get the food when they got your order seconds before. But that means, it’s hot. Just like me.”
Suppressing a laugh, you stood in the door to the living room, a can of beer in your hand which you opened after Joshua left, leaning against the frame as you looked at Joshua placing the pizza on the little coffee table, motioning to sit down and to join him on the floor. Smiling, you did as he told you but as he was opening the box, you crawled closer to him, one hand on his thigh as your lips were barely touching his ear. You could feel how Joshua’s body had stiffened, waiting for whatever you were about to do. You decided to tease him a little and let out a soft moan before saying, “Do you want more beer?”
You pulled back and met Joshua’s dark eyes, poking his inner cheek with his tongue. “You little vixen…”
“Is that a yes?” Not waiting for an answer, you got up with your almost empty can to get new ones, swaying your hips, well aware that your man was watching you.
When you sat down again, Joshua was leaning back on his hands, licking his lips. You opened both cans and placed them on the coffee table. It seemed like Joshua was thinking so you asked him.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Oh… nothing.” With a mischievous grin on his lips, he handed you one slice of pizza before taking one for himself. You were curious but the hunger was stronger so you started eating. You decided to ask him later. 
After a while you forgot the question as you two talked about the day and your future together. Each of you had the last slice of pizza in front of you, on the coffee table 4 empty cans of beer. Most of them were from Joshua. The warm feeling of the alcohol clouded your mind a little. You only had 2 cans while Joshua just emptied his 4th. Holding your 3rd beer, you felt Joshua’s hand carefully stroking over your blushed cheek.
“Now we can do whatever we want, whenever we want.. wherever we want…” You looked up from your food and to the man beside you who was winking at you. Giggling, you took your beer and drank from it, unable to stop smiling. This was exactly what you wanted, what you two have dreamt about for the past 3 years. It was a little difficult to have alone-time since you two were still living with your parents. So mostly you met up outside or at home whenever your parents weren’t there which made you feel like teenagers but you had no other choice. You couldn’t count how often you had rented a hotel room just to sate your needs.
But now you didn’t have to worry about it anymore. You had your own home.
“We should celebrate it, don’t you think?”
Lifting your can, you looked at him confused. “But aren’t we doing exactly that right now?”
Showing you his slightly red face, Joshua shook his head no at your words, moving a little closer to you. “I don’t mean that.”
He took the beer out of your hand and turned it around so he could take a sip. Your eyes automatically traveled lower and saw how he swallowed the alcohol, absentmindedly biting your bottom lip.
After Joshua placed the can on the table, he gave you his full attention again, brushing your hair behind your shoulder. “So now your cute little belly is full, time for dessert.” He started to kiss your exposed neck, making you giggle sheepishly.
“Aren’t you tired from moving?”
“Not at all.”
A relatively hard suck just below your earlobe caused you to gasp out loud, holding onto his broad shoulder, feeling him smirk against your skin because of your reaction. 
“Your cute noises tell me that you want it too.”
The way he was talking proved that he was drunk. And a drunk Joshua always meant a sexy Joshua. Feeling his teeth graze along your neck and leave love marks on your shoulder and collarbone, you closed your eyes and bit down on your lip. The alcohol in your system combined with his slow and sensual treatment tried to trick you in believing that you were more than tipsy. 
“My little girl likes it, mh?”
“Mmmh…” Your fingers were massaging his scalp while his lips were sucking at your skin, earning soft mewls from you.
“Should we take it to the couch? The floor is a little hard for what’s to come, don’t you think, babe?” Joshua placed a last kiss on your neck before looking into your eyes, his dark brown orbs hypnotizing you in an instant. His bedroom gaze sending shivers down your smile as he stroked your cheek again, admiring your blushed face. “You are so pretty.”
Normally, you would tease him for his slurred words as you found it funny but being with him like this in your first own apartment on your first day was different. His gaze dropped to your slightly opened mouth and he couldn’t stop himself from connecting his lips with yours for a passionate kiss. Exchanging moans while your tongues were fighting for dominance, you felt his big hand on the back of your head, deepening the kiss which slowly became messy. 
Your knee hit the coffee table, causing you to break the kiss and as your eyes lock, you two chuckled. “It’s time to change to the soft couch.” Sheepishly nodding at his suggestion, you slowly got up but had to help your husband. He surely had too many cans.
“Is dessert okay in your current state?” You giggled and he gave you a playful glare.
���Oh babe, I’m capable of so many more. Just you wait.”
His hands were everywhere on you on the short walk over to the couch and you almost missed out on when he removed his shirt, pulling you on top of him when you two flopped down on the soft furniture. 
Joshua grabbed your ass and instantly moved you against him, making you hiss into the kiss. “S-shua… let me get some blankets. I… don’t want to ruin our new couch on our first day.” You propped yourself up on his chest, watching him lick his lips and think for a second. 
“But come back quick. Your man is quite impatient.”
Nodding with a grin, you stood up and ran to the bedroom, opening a box where you thought you had seen blankets in before. You were lucky with the third box and took two of them back to the other room.
But when you arrived in front of Joshua, you saw him fast asleep, rolled to the side, even snoring slightly. You felt a little disappointed but understood. He carried all the heavy boxes all day long and was still so sweet and caring to you despite his exhaustion. And tomorrow you still had to rearrange some of the stuff.
This was the first day. You had so many more to come so you could call it a day and join him on the couch. Smiling, you gently placed Joshua’s head on a pillow which caused him to stir.
“Mmmh… y/n…” He turned around and opened his arms, eyes still closed as he waited.
Giggling, you unfolded the blankets and joined Joshua on the couch, covering the both of you under the soft fabrics.
He was fast in pulling you closer and against his chest, his hand lazily stroking your back.
You patted his head lightly. “Good night, Shua.”
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nsr-simp · 4 years
Green’s first fan letter
Green woke up from sleep-mode with his brothers, excited. It was evident with his bright green hue on his cheeks. He saw Red getting dressed up in his favorite outfit, a leather jacket with his snake cowboy boots and bootcut jeans.
“It’s vlog day, right?” Green asked eagerly. Red only chuckled at the youngest’s enthusiasm.
“Mmhmm, better dress up,” he reminded him. “Neon says to dress your best today, we’re getting mail.” Green became more giddy and went into his closet, pulling out his favorite sailor suit. After donning it and adjusting himself in the mirror, he looked at the hoop on his hair and made it presentable. Ideal boyfriend had to be the perfect boyfriend.
    He raced out onto the limo, everyone dressed up. Neon kept his fur jacket while Blue had a vest tuxedo, White wore his casual attire since he felt it suited him the best, and Yellow had a glimmering gold tuxedo, of course wanting to show it off since he just got it last week.
“I can’t wait!” Green plopped himself next to White. White gave an encouraging smile, others giving chuckles that faltered. 
    Usually, they would be excited for Green, but every Friday at the end of the month was when they opened fanmail. They got letters of love and admirations, boxes of candies and gifts, art, CDs, all gifts ranging from A to Z… except Green.
    Sure, he was still new to the band, but he’s been there long enough. The brothers thought for sure he would at LEAST get something… but he never did. And after every vlog, after a fake smile, Green would lock himself in his room and sulk. He never got any mail. Never admiration. 
    Sure, the siblings did their best; boasting about him in videos and even making their own letters to him, but he was too clever for them. Despite being the gullible and sweet one, he knew a fake letter when he saw one. He would thank them, but just put it in a drawer.
“Heh, we’re as excited as you!” White put an arm around his shoulders. Green beamed, White sharing the same expression. He was very well at hiding feelings, it was his best trait. It made him the leader since he could solve solutions rationally and he was looked up upon and put in charge when Neon was out.
“You think I’ll get something?” Green wondered.
“Of course! I bet that mailbox is FLOODING with mail for the most adorable bro we know…!” White chuckled, pinching Green’s cheek. He could only giggle as the limo rode off to the post office. Blue got his camera cleaned up, Green watching him. He was the usually the one who video tapes the videos with his cool and monotone attitude, that also being the best trait. They all had their best traits. Red was brave and would protect, Yellow was spontaneous and outgoing, and Green was adorable and sweet. 
    However, the one trait every other brother shared at that moment except Green was fear. What if Green didn’t get anything and once again, would snap? That was always their fear. Sure, he could be remade and have his memories back, but the thought of him breaking down to a boiling point was something no one wanted to see, on camera or anywhere else.
    An hour later, Neon brought a sack on board, Green’s hope clinging on. It was a huge bag!! Bigger than last month’s! Maybe this was it… this would be his first fan letter! He didn’t care if it was even from a five year old, he wanted something. 
    Neon handed out packages and envelopes while calling out the names.
“Red, Blue, Red, Red, White, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, White, White…”
    It felt like Christmas for Green! Waiting for his name to be said! Just to open his present! He watched the others open letters and read them to the filming camera and react to sweet treats and gifts. An hour past… and so has Green’s hope. It was the size of a grain of rice. He pointed his face away from the camera to hide his guilt. Why was he feeling guilty…? Was this… selfish of him…? To expect anything? Would he never receive anything?
“Thank you so much for these chocolates, Jennifer!!” White smiled into the camera. “Your appreciation and love is-”
    Green suddenly stood up, Blue looking at him. “... Green?”
“I need to go,” he quickly replied in a shaky voice. He sped walked off to his room, shutting the door and sitting on the bed. Neon watched him go and then the others. 
“... let’s… give him time,” Yellow replied. “We should maybe edit that part out…”
    Green curled up on his bed, muttering to himself.
“Be the ideal boyfriend… be the ideal boyfriend… be the ideal boyfriend… be the ideal boyfriend…” he sniffled in. He never really felt this way. “You’re being selfish… people don’t have to send you stuff… it’s okay… it’ll be okay…”
    He rubbed his face, shuddering out. He didn’t like this feeling… his motherboard felt so heavy…
“Let’s just finish up the letters… and I’ll talk to him,” Neon offered. They all nodded, Neon pulling out the next letter. “Gr-...”
    They all stared as Neon looked up, his expression, though hard to tell… was thrilled. “... Green.”
    The sound of his name made Green bolt out of his room, not caring that his hair was a mess. Not caring that his black oil tears stained his cheeks. Not caring he was halfway in his panda pajamas. He looked at Neon, who had a letter in his hand. Blue focused the camera to Green, never wanting to miss this moment. White spoke up, his happiness not being contained.
“You got a letter!!”
    Green hardly believed his ears. Neon offered it, Green shakily taking it and looking at it. A pink envelope with purple hand writing. It… was so beautiful. In stunning cursive. They all watched with wide smiles as Green sniffled, tears starting up again as he opened it and looked in it.
“... wellllll?” Yellow leaned in. “Read it outloud, silly!”
    Green snapped back into reality, gulping in and nodding.
“R-right! Um… it… it says…”
Dear Green,
I’m your BIGGEST fan in the world! I love 1010 as a group, but to me, you stand out…! Everything about you is wonderful to me and I look up to you. You’re kind. You’re sweet. You’re gentle. You’re my ideal boyfriend. I would’ve sent this earlier, but I was scared… I was afraid… guess a coward, but I finally did it…! I know a little letter isn’t much, but I know it’ll mean a lot to you, like you mean a lot to me.
You inspire me to do a lot. Seeing you dance and sing, although you’re nervous and get the jitters before the camera and the lights really shows how amazing you are! I’ve been doing more because you helped me. I’ve got my own song out and it’s based after you! When it comes out, I’ll send you the CD! Maybe I’m your only fan, maybe you have millions more, but know I’ll always be your biggest fan.
-Love Titi.
    Green stared at the letter, rereading it over and over and over, tears falling from his cheeks. White thought it was because he only got one letter, so… being the big brother he is, he stood up and went next to Green, wrapping one arm around him in a hug.
“Green…” he started.
“I… I got my first letter!!!!” Green squealed out. He jumped up and down, hugging the letter and laughing out his worries and stress, more tears falling onto the floor. Everyone shared a heartwarming smile as Green giggled and tittered more until he nearly shorted out. When he finished, he looked at the letter… then at the camera. “... thank you so much, Tit” he sniffled in. “This… is the most… most amazing thing I’ve ever read in my life!! Oh my gosh, I’m going to cry again! Haha!” He gasped and looked at the letter. “I’m going to go frame it!!!”
    With that, he ran off as the brothers all laughed happily, White looking into the camera.
“Well, that’s going to be all for Fan Mail Friday! Thank you all for your letters and gifts! Stay electrifying!”
    Tatiana finished watching the live stream, chuckling and giving a smile, pausing at Green’s happy, tear filled face.
“... you’re very welcome.”
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Will They Won’t They | Part 4/4 [Reggie Peters]
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Pairings: Reggie Peters x fem!Reader
Words: 6.0K
A/N: oh my god it’s finally here. the last part. our baby. i literally can’t believe it i’m almost in tears. thank you so mcuh for being with us this past week and sharing the joy drea and i have had writing this for you guys. please i’m literally begging you guys to SEND IN MEMES you’ve made related to this series they make our day. anyways lots of love babes - mimi
“(Y/N) excited for a school function that doesn’t require academics?” Rose questioned.
“Someone called the police there’s been a kidnapping!” Alex exclaimed.
“Oh so now you want the police involved,” you crossed your arms and rolled your eyes.
“How are you still not over that!” Luke exclaimed. “I took you in and fed you, and bought you clothes and loved you,” he said exaggeratedly and you just pushed away his pouting face from yours.
“And how am I not allowed to want to go to a school dance? I like having fun every once in a while. The last time I checked that wasn’t a crime,”
“Yeah it’s not a crime if you’re anyone but (Y/N) (L/N),” Bobby nudged you and you sighed loudly. “Hey where’s Reggie by the way? I thought he was going to come,”
“I think he is,” Alex nodded. “He said something about maybe having to walk, his parents are busy,”
You bit the inside of your cheek hoping the Peters could hold off fighting for one night, Reggie deserved a break. They might not have realized it, but he secretly blamed himself for it all even though it could be nothing further from the fact. You knew that well enough.
“Hey I’m here,” Reggie said, jogging up to the group that was waiting for him so they could head inside the school. “Sorry I’m late,” he apologized. “I got a little distracted when leaving.” You could tell he was lying but didn’t speak up about it.
Luke shook his head, patting Reggie’s back with the hand that wasn’t holding his guitar case. “It’s all good,” he said with a grin. “What matters is that we’re all here, and ready to rock these nerds!”
Rose made a sour face. “We’re still here,” she pointed out, gesturing to the two of you.
“Right,” Bobby nodded, elbowing Luke in the ribs. “Let’s rock these nerds except for our fashionista Rose and (N/N)!”
You beamed. “Thank you!”
“The ultra nerd!”
“Fuck you!” you shot back.
Reggie pulled you into a side hug. “Leave Cookie alone,” he told them. “The only one who gets to tease her is me.”
You rolled your eyes as Luke grabbed you by your wrist. “Hands off my daughter,” he warned. “And for the record, no one teases my child? Say one word and I’ll fight you myself.”
“If someone pulls me like a rag doll one more time it’ll be your sorry asses that get beat,” you threatened.
Luke beamed at you, pinching your cheek. “Oh, she learned how to threaten people!” he gushed. “Like mother, like daughter.”
You pushed them all towards the stage. “Alright, you dorks,” you grumbled. “Get on stage. Make me a happy bunny, or whatever.”
The boys saluted before marching off. “Got it, Lady Bunny!” they cheered as they made it backstage.
You glanced over at Rose who had her arms crossed on her chest as she shook her head. “Those boys,” she sighed. “I can never understand how we put up with them.”
Shrugging your shoulders, you took Rose’s hand in yours. “You gotta admit, they’re growing on us,” you joked. “Now come on, let’s get to the dance floor!”
You and Rose watched as the boys finally got on stage, their instruments ready in their hands. Luke took the microphone and smiled widely at the crowd.
“What’s up, Los Feliz High?” he said into the microphone. A roar of cheers followed, making Luke laugh. “We’re Sunset Curve, and this is one of our original songs. It’s called Now or Never.”
The entire school adored Sunset Curve and their music. By the time they were finished, they were cheering for more. It made you happy to know that those boys were bound to go far with their music.
You and Rose met the boys backstage where they were putting away their things and getting ready to come and join you out and dance.
“Guys that was amazing!” you exclaimed with a grin. “You all played so well,”
“I’m so proud of my little renters,” Rose joked and the guys all laughed, tossing their things aside before dragging you and Rose to the dance floor.
Now that the DJ had taken over, the guys were able to finally dance with you guys. In a circle, the group and you sang along to the music, occasionally jumping up and down and screaming the lyrics.
In the corner of your eye, you saw Rose continuously glancing back at a boy in the back of the gym. Following her gaze, you lit up at who you saw. You pulled Rose down to your level, whispering in her ear,
“Ray Molina, an absolute sweetheart and my coworker at the cafe. Loves photography and apparently you. Now go!”
Rose blushed, shaking her head repeatedly. “No, I can't,” she stammered.
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed her shoulders and pushed her towards your friend. “Ray!” you greeted excitedly. “This is Rose! She loves espressos and photography.”
The shy boy put his hand out for Rose to shake. “Hi,” he whispered nervously. “I like your jacket. The flower is...gorgeous. What is it?”
Rose grinned. “A dahlia,” she replied, finally going back to her normal, extroverted self.
You sent Ray a big thumbs up from behind along with an exaggerated wink before heading back to the boys.
You saw Alex awkwardly shuffling his feet while Luke, Reggie, and Bobby were dancing and making complete fools of themselves, but that was kind of the point wasn’t it.
So you made your way to him, grabbing his hands and pulling him more into the dance floor with you.
“Come on Alex you gotta let loose!” you insisted while attempting to twirl him around.
“Um who are you and what did you do with the real (Y/N)?” he joked and you rolled your eyes.
“Already been over this Mercer! Seriously though, I know you get anxious and nervous, I do too and you know what helps me?” you whispered. “Singing,”
“Yeah! It calms me down,” you admitted. “So come on, you know the song! Belt it with me!”
Alex scrunched his nose and you frowned and started to sing, proving to him just how much it could help.
Slowly he got more comfortable until it felt like it was just the two of you dancing around like friends did and singing Whitney Huston’s greatest hit.
“Oh, I wanna dance with somebody! I wanna feel the heat with somebody! Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody! With somebody who loves me!”
Alex, finally out of his shell, danced along energetically to the music with your hands intertwined. Occasionally he would pull you close and spin you like no one was around. You had to admit, the boy had a talent for dancing. He would definitely make Mrs. Leona proud.
Reggie watched you and Alex dance and fool around, laughing with your heads tilted back. Reggie couldn’t help but smile as you belted the lyrics with Alex joining in. He was shocked, to say the least, to see Alex so carefree. You really did bring out the best in people. He would know, you brought out the best in him.
Reggie barely noticed Bobby walk over to him, his eyes following Reggie’s to the dancing friends. The boy smirked, shaking his head. “You got it bad, don’t you?”
Reggie couldn’t help but nod. “Yeah, I do,” was all he could say.
“You gonna do anything about it?” Luke joined in and Reggie shrugged.
“I don’t know. Sometimes I wonder if maybe if I say something or do something, that look she has, how happy she is, it’s gonna change and I don’t want that to happen,” he admitted.
“I know it’s a weird thing to ask, but what do you like most about her?” Bobby asked.
Reggie had a stupid smile on his face, shaking his head and covering his mouth with his hand,
“Everything,” he shrugged his shoulders. “Absolutely everything,”
You and Alex had since then finished dancing to the song and ran up to the other three boys who were chatting. You were out of breath with a huge grin on your face when you looked at Reggie who couldn’t stop thinking about how adorable you looked with your flushed cheeks.
“Everything alright Flicka?” you asked.
“Everything’s perfect, Cookie,” he nodded.
And perfect it was.
You sighed as Rose brushed through your hair for probably the millionth time that hour.
“Can you guys at least explain what you’re doing to me?” you whined. “I feel like I’ve been sitting here for ages and have like...a hundred layers of makeup on my face.”
Alex glanced up from the random magazine he found on Rose’s bedroom floor. “Nope,” he responded, sprawled lazily on Rose’s bed. “You’re going to find out soon enough.”
You grumbled to yourself. “If you make me look like a clown, Rose-”
Rose laughed, taking a lipstick tube and swiping it against your bottom lip. “You’re fine,” she reassured you. “Besides, this is my work we’re talking about. I have skills, and I’m going to flaunt them.” You giggled, finally relaxing as the girl continued to fix your hair and makeup.
Nearly another hour passed when Alex glanced at the clock. “Shoot, we have to be at the arcade in twenty minutes.”
You rolled your eyes. “And with your grandpa driving, we’re not going to get there until the next decade.”
Alex rolled off the bed, waving his keys in front of your face. “Who’s the one with the driver’s license again?” he asked.
You stuck your tongue out at him. “Fuck you, my driver’s instructor totally had it out for me. And you don’t even have a real van, it's a minivan.”
Alex flipped you off. “Haha, now let’s get going.”
“One second,” Rose said. The girl reached into your jewelry box, pulling out your horseshoe necklace. Before you could protest, she clasped it around your neck. With an approving smile, Rose pulled you up to your feet. “Come on, Cinderella,” she teased. “You’re ready for the ball.”
“Let’s stop by the studio first,” you said, straightening out your white shirt. “I left my bag in there.”
You and Rose made your way to the studio, parting so that you can grab your bag that was sitting on the coffee table. Rose followed close behind, picking up the lone red flannel on the couch. Walking behind you, Rose quickly tied the flannel around your waist.
“Rose, what’s this for?” you asked, eyeing the flannel.
She waved your question off casually. “It completes the look,” she explained. “Now, let’s get to the van before Alex leaves us!”
You hopped in the van with Rose as Alex drove off to the arcade, much faster than necessary to prove he wasn’t a slow driver, not that you thought this was how he was going to retaliate that comment.
By the time you reached there Luke, Bobby, and Reggie were all waiting by the claw machine.
“What took you guys so long?” Bobby asked and you pointed at both Alex and Rose in blame.
“Wow, I think I just saw the bus that you decided to throw us under,” Rose shook her head, turning it just the right direction to see a certain amateur photographer sitting at one of the tables with a few friends. Immediately, her face turned into a million shades of red.
“Oh is that Ray?” Luke asked, quickly joining in on the conversation.
“Um, can we maybe address that later?” Reggie asked. “Cause I’m pretty sure that’s my flannel,” he pointed to the fabric tied around your waist.
“Oh my God is it? Is it? I knew it looked familiar,” you said while trying to untie it from your waist but Reggie put a hand on yours, stopping you from doing so.
“It’s fine Cookie,” he shrugged. “Keep it, I have a few. It looks good on you,”
You blushed and nodded, tightening the flannel again around your waist.
“Okay, so what’s the first thing you guys normally do?” you asked, knowing them they probably did some sort of voodoo ritual before playing games, they were weird like that. “Oh and Rose you should call Ray over to join us cause if you don’t I will,” you said in a sing-song voice. Rose’s face turned red as she repeatedly shook her head.
Luke called out to the group to get everyone’s attention. “Game plan, kids,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “Of course there’s a game plan,” you groaned.
The guitarist shot you a look before continuing. “Anyway,” he said. “First we start with the basketball shooting game, then we work down the aisle, all the way down to the claw machines. Don’t spend any longer than five minutes on each claw machine game. We all know those games are bullshit. If you have any coins left, use them on the game you’re best at.”
You made a sour face. “Yet you guys call me the nerd of the group,” you scoffed, crossing your arms on your chest.
“Hey, don’t disrespect the arcade kings,” Bobby shot back. “We practically own this arcade.”
“Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“(Y/N) why don’t you come with me and play some basketball,” Alex suggested.
“You’re just saying that cause you know my hand-eye coordination sucks and you wanna see me fail,” you said sticking your tongue out at him.
“Yeah and I’m not even gonna deny it, come on,” Alex said, dragging you over to where the game was and placing some tokens in the machine.
“Alex,” you whined. “I don’t wanna,”
He shot you a grin in your direction. “Let’s play, and the loser has to pay for pizza later?”
You narrowed your eyes in determination. “You’re on, Mercer.”
Time continued to fly by faster than you preferred. You and Alex had played every game nearly three times now and you were running low on coins and energy. Losing count on your wins, the two of you decided to call it a tie.
“Let’s go sit by the skeeball machines,” you suggested.
Slightly out of breath from running down the aisles to race you, Alex nodded gratefully. Hand in hand, you guided Alex through the waves of teens and children to finally find the benches in the quietest — well as quiet as an arcade can get — part of the building.
You glanced over at Alex, his cheeks flushed from playing. “You want me to go get you some water?” you asked, slightly concerned.
“If it’s not too much trouble,” he said, smiling slightly.
Standing up, you made your way to the vending machines, only to be stopped by the sound of a high pitched giggle. Hiding behind one of the game machines, you peeked to see Reggie and some blonde girl talk to each other. They were standing far too close for your liking as the girl pulled Reggie down to her level, whispering something in his ear that made him laugh.
Your face was burning. Something about the two of them together didn’t sit well with you. After a second of thinking, you decided you were upset because Reggie left you guys to go hang out with some girl. You were upset about the band not spending time together. Definitely not because Reggie was talking to another girl...smiling at her the way he does with you, and holding her waist like he did with you during your dance detention, and absolutely not because he’s joking around with her like he used to with you.
Ripping your eyes away from them, you stormed back to Alex, chucking the water bottle at him. The poor boy barely caught it, raising an eyebrow in confusion at you.
“(N/N), you okay?” he asked, setting his water bottle down to place his hand on your knee.
You nodded rigidly. “Of course I am,” you briskly answered.
“Sorry (N/N), I know fine and this clearly isn’t it,” Alex countered, still not understanding what was going on until he stood up to take a quick stretch, seeing Reggie tucked away by one of the arcade games with another girl. “Oh, I see,”
“What do you mean you see?” you asked. “There’s nothing to see,”
“Um I’d beg to differ,” Alex countered yet again. “(Y/N) if you’re upset you should just go talk to him, I’m sure Reggie will be reasonable.”
“Yeah right, reasonable is Reggie’s middle name,” you said sarcastically.
“(Y/N),” Alex said pleaded, “I swear to sweet little baby Jesus just go to him, please, put me out of my misery,”
“I guess you’re going to have to suffer,” you said stubbornly, making Alex roll his eyes and groan.
Luke and Bobby ran up to you guys. “We think it’s time we head back to the studio,” Luke told you two. “It’s nearly dark, and you know how much Alex hates driving at night.”
Alex shuddered. “Fine, let’s go,” he said before turning to you. “Don’t think we’re done with this conversation.”
The entire group filed into the car, Rose giving Ray a kiss on the cheek before joining you. Rose began to tell you about her little date, not skipping any detail. For the time you were together, you started to forget why you were mad.
But then Reggie entered the van. “Hey guys!” he greeted energetically, finding his spot in the back. You remained silent while everyone else said their “hellos.”
“How was everyone’s time at the arcade?” he continued to talk. Reggie glanced over at you. “Did you win against Alex? I know he’s terrible at playing games, but so are you so it’s an equal playing field.”
Normally, you would have laughed. But this time, you didn’t even look him in the eye. “It was fine,” you said stiffly.
Reggie snorted. “Just fine, come on, Cookie, I-”
“Why don’t you tell us about that girl you were talking to the entire time, then?” you cut him off, staring out the window to stop yourself from crying.
“What girl?” Rose asked, whipping her head around and narrowing her eyes.
“No one” he answered quickly.
You scoffed, crossing your arms on your chest. “So it’s okay for you to lie, but not me?” you muttered.
Reggie raised an eyebrow at your weird behaviour, but remained silent for the rest of the ride. If there was something wrong, he’d talk to you properly, and in private.
The moment Alex parked in the driveway, you quickly unbuckled your seatbelt and left the van with Rose glued to your side.
“What happened?” Rose asked in a hushed voice.
“Nothing!” you said frustratedly. “You and Alex keep on making things out of nothing. I’m telling you, there’s nothing wrong.”
As the night continued, you were still bitter towards Reggie, occasionally throwing out a sarcastic remark towards him. The group, to say the least, was very confused as to how your friendship with Reggie somehow shattered in just five hours.
“Let’s watch another movie,” Rose proposed after the first movie ended. Everyone else nodded, as Reggie piped up,
“Can we watch Star Wars?” he asked. “I’m really in the mood to-”
You groaned. “Will you just shut up,”
Reggie looked over at you stunned and just before Luke was going to say something Reggie grabbed your arm and looked at you with a serious face,
“Can I talk to you? Alone,” he said cooly.
You were about to respond with a sarcastic retort, but he stopped you by pulling you up and dragging you out of the studio into the brick open-spaced area around the rock garden.
“What the hell (Y/N),” he deadpanned.
“What do you mean what the hell?” you asked innocently and Reggie scoffed, letting go of your arm and looking away.
“Enough of the fucking bullshit (Y/N)!”
“What bullshit Reggie please enlighten me because I wasn’t the one ditching the gang to spend time with some random blonde,”
“You have no right!” Reggie angrily exclaimed, pointing roughly at you. His eyes were dark with anger, unlike anything you’ve seen before. “You have no right to say- t-to act like a child after what happened?”
You rolled your eyes. “What are you talking about?” you demanded.
Reggie laughed to himself, frustratedly running his fingers through his hair before looking back at you. “I don’t fucking understand you,” he hissed. “You’re so frustrating and unpredictable. First, you joke around with me, blush when I tell jokes or better yet flirt, but the moment I step out of line even an inch, you turn around and hate me again! I don’t get it, what the fuck do you want from me?”
“I want you!” you cried out. “Dammit, Reggie. I want you, but sometimes you’re so far up your ass you can’t even tell!”
“Me?” he yelled back. “I gave you so many chances. You wanted time? I gave you plenty of it! I have you so many opportunities that you ignored so don’t you fucking dare pin this on me.” Reggie didn’t bother letting you try and defend yourself. “You said it yourself, you wondered when people will leave you, and that you’ll be left alone again. Here’s the reality, (Y/N). People don’t leave you, you push them away. You put the blame on everyone but yourself, so all you’re left with are your own broken pieces. Face it, you’ve never changed.”
You staggered back, feeling as though you were caught under a wave of emotions. He was right. Every single word he said...was right. And damn, it hurt so much to realize it.
Reggie looked up from his shoes. “I want that necklace back,” he said in a low voice. “I don’t want to see you with it, or any piece of me, ever again. You hear me? I’m done. I’m done with your mind games. I’m tired of waiting for you. I’m done with you.”
There it was. The moment you were waiting for, the reason for Reggie to step out of your life again. Or, in reality, the reason that made Reggie realize you weren’t worth it anymore.
You quickly unclasped the necklace, throwing it on the ground along with his flannel.
Before leaving, you looked at him one more time. “It was always me, wasn’t it?” you whispered in a broken voice. “I was always the reason. The problem. The second choice. Right?” Reggie refused to look you in the eye. You wiped away your tears, a sad attempt to, really. More tears just took their place.
“I tried, Reggie,” you told him in a quiet voice. “I really did. B-but if I’m the only thing that’s holding you back, then let me go.”
Reggie remained silent. Taking it as your cue to leave, you ran down the street, not bothering to say goodbye to your friends.
And just like that, you were alone again. Just like you predicted.
As if your week couldn’t get any worse, the universe didn’t fail you. You had detention with him. And even better, you were forced to sit in silence with him.
Seriously you thought to yourself Did he actually fall asleep while supervising detention.
Mr. Alderman, the gym teacher, was fast asleep, snoring at his desk.
You hadn’t spoken since your fight a few nights ago, the emotions still fresh under your skin, burning your eyes and throat, just making you wish for it to end.
Reggie muttered something under his breath and for the first time in a few days you took a good look at him.
His eyes were sunken and he seemed angry. It radiated off him like light bouncing off a mirror.
“Have something to say, Peters,” you whispered quietly.
“Yeah, I’m leaving,” he nodded, standing up and grabbing his bag.
“You can’t leave,” you said flatly.
“Watch me,” he turned his back and you followed him out of the class and into the hallway.
“Reggie stop,”
“No (Y/N)! I’m not stopping anymore! I’m not waiting anymore!”
“I’m not asking you to do that Reggie! It’s me, I’m leaving okay?!” you exclaimed.
“W-What?” his voice grew quiet.
“I’m transferring out at the end of the week,” you look at him with stone-cold eyes. “Not that you would care.”
“(Y/N), you...Wait you can’t-!”
“Stop telling me what I can and can't do Reggie! I hate that my fucking feelings are controlled by you! I hate that my entire life will be spent trying to find someone to live up to you! I just want some fucking peace and quiet for once in my life!” you sobbed, unable to bottle things up anymore. “I work and I work and I work and I get nothing! I try and I try and I try and I still get nothing! And maybe that’s because I can’t be in control when I’m around you so yes I’m leaving!”
Reggie didn’t say anything, he just stared at you blankly, the only sound in the empty hallways was that of your soft cries.
“I can’t do this anymore,” you choked out, turning around and running out through the back of the school and into the pouring rain, not even bothering to hide for cover under the pavilion; falling to your knees and wrapping your arms around your waist as the most devastating sounds ripped from your heart and soul.
You cried until you couldn’t cry anymore. Scream until your throat was raw. Pulled at your hair and kicked yourself, ashamed and frustrated, until the pain was too much. But even then, it could never match the pain you were feeling in your heart.
It felt good, felt right to feel this way. Ever since middle school, you had been told you were a robot, an emotionless nothing.
Look at you now. Crying like everything had up and left in your life because it did. You were alone, left behind to pick up your broken pieces. Just like Reggie said.
You hated how Reggie was right about everything. You had no right to be mad because it was true. You pushed everyone away, placed the blame on them so that you didn’t have to get hurt. Is this how he felt? Did you ever make him feel this way?
The cold air angrily nipped at your fingertips, your eyes red from the weather and your tears. Turning your head, you looked at the school door, internally hoping that maybe it would swing open. Maybe Reggie would come out of the building and take you in his arms and tell you that everything will be alright.
The door never opened. Reggie never came. You were left alone with your thoughts in the pavilion.
And the rain continued to pour on and on.
Reggie was distracted the entire practice. His fingers would roughly strum against his strings as he stared off into the distance, a faraway look on his face.
Luke, having noticed Reggie’s odd behaviour, stopped playing.
“Hey, Reg you wanna cool it on those strings?” Luke asked.
“Or does he need to mention how much money we have combined,” Bobby added.
“It’s negative seven hundred forty-five dollars and thirty-two cents.” Luke deadpanned and Alex rolled his eyes.
“Are you mad at Alex again?” Bobby asked and for a moment the blond drummer looked frightened.
“No, it’s not that,” Reggie shook his head.
“It’s (Y/N), isn’t it,” Rose said softly, looking at the bassist with sympathetic eyes. Just as Reggie was about to ask how she knew, Rose answered the question. “You keep looking at the spot on the couch where she used to sit during practices,”
Reggie chewed hard on the inside of his cheek while Luke came closer to him, laying a hand on his shoulder.
“You don’t need to bottle it up,” Luke whispered. “We’re here for you. You know that.”
“I messed up,” the tone of his voice was wavering as he tried to make sure it didn’t crack. “I messed up so fucking bad. The only thing I’m good at is pushing the good things in my life away until I fuck it up entirely. I’m a time bomb. It’s only going to get worse the longer people are around me,”
Reggie carefully slid his bass’ strap off his shoulder and placed his instrument against the couch where you would normally sit.
“No you’re not,” Alex told him, quickly coming to join Luke next to his friend. Bobby and Rose followed soon after and before long Reggie’s head was tucked in Luke’s shoulder as tears finally streamed from his eyes and his friends surrounded him like a shield from the cruel world.
“Aren’t I?” Reggie croaked. “I can't even talk to you guys without exploding or storming off, a-and (Y/N), she’ll never forgive me for all the things I’ve said and done… I don’t deserve any of your guys,”
“Reggie cariño, everyone deserves a family,” Rose said in a soothing voice. “And we’re each other’s family. Family sticks together no matter what, even if you don’t think they should.”
“And what about (Y/N)?” he whispered. “How could I possibly erase all that?”
“You don’t,” Luke spoke up. “You use it, use it to apologize. Use it,” he repeated, placing his songwriting pen in Reggie’s hand.
Reggie bit his lips and took the pen from Luke, seeing his tattered red book resting on the couch.
He was sure it wasn’t the first time he wrote something for you and it definitely wouldn’t be the last, but it just might have been the first one you’d hear, so it had to be perfect.
And somehow, just like you’d always managed to do, the only thing on Reggie Peters's mind was his Cookie.
“Rose I already said I don’t want to come here,” you sighed as your friend dragged you through the crowd of people waiting to get into the show.
“(Y/N) come on, these are your friends! They want you to be here,” she tried to convince you, but you were still skeptical, and it didn’t help that you didn’t know if you wanted to see Reggie or not right now.
Rose gave you another tug, but you dug your heels into the ground. The girl sighed, giving you a look. “It’s your last day as a Los Feliz high student,” she told you softly. You stiffened at her words, looking down at the floor. “At least spend it with us. Then, I’ll leave you be. I promise. You don’t have to see another gig -better yet, another bass- ever again. Will you do at least that for me?”
You finally glanced up from the ground. “For you,” you answered begrudgingly.
“What’s up Los Feliz High,” Luke said into the mic and was met with cheers.
“We’re Sunset Curve,” Reggie added. “And this is a little something we wrote called I Remember,”
There was a soft opening with Reggie’s bass and Alex on drums, slowly layering in the guitar riff intro before Reggie came close to his mic,
“I remember those nights, stayin’ up late, listenin’ to the radio.
I remember the days, callin’ your name, running to your patio,”
Rose glanced over at you, grinning as you tried to listen to the lyrics, finding a sense of familiarity in the words. Luke and Bobby now joined as backing vocals taking a lower and higher harmony.
“And as the years went by slowly you - left my life and I can’t, I can’t, I can’t figure out why, why?”
Alex led to the chorus with a drum fill before the hard rock beat came in, Reggie, Luke, and Bobby really getting into playing to the beat and rhythm, before all coming in again singing the chorus.
“So tell me, tell me when it all fell apart. Tell me, tell me can we go back to the start.”
The music backing instruments quieted slowly as Reggie leaned into his mic, looking directly at you. Your breath hitched at you finally made eye contact with him. You hadn’t bothered to look at him in so long, you wanted to burn the feeling into your memory so you never forget. His eyes glistened with tears as he began to sing,
“Tell me, tell me what happened to us Cookie,”
You looked over at Rose who only smiled knowingly as you tried to hide the fact that you were most definitely losing your composure, your heart beating faster and your vision becoming blurry.
“I remember I hurt you, a stain on my heart that’ll never go away. I remember I kissed you, my heart said to stay but my feet ran away.”
They transitioned back to the chorus and you couldn’t help but try to push back the lump in your throat as you looked up at your Flicka, singing for you. Reggie took the mic and walked over to you. His hand was stretched out to you, face lighting up in hope. Pushing down all your doubts, you took his hand in yours, squeezing it tight.
“And I promise, I promise, I promise I’ll never go away. And I promise I promise, I promise I’ll be there every day. Just tell me, just tell me, just tell me you’ll look the other way. Cause if I lost you one more time I don’t think that I’d survive,”
Tears streamed down your face as you listened to the lyrics, each word slowly chipping down the walls you put up around your heart. Reggie leaned in close, removing his hand from yours and placing it on the side of your face, wiping away your stray tears.
“So tell me, tell me when it all fell apart. Tell me, tell me can we go back to the start.”
The music slowed and quieted one last time, Reggie’s eyes interlocked with yours as he sang the last line,
“Tell me, tell me, will you be mine Cookie?”
Silence followed as everyone turned to you, waiting for your answer. You glanced over at Rose, who was just as impatient.
Locking eyes with Reggie, you nodded. “As long as you’ll be mine, Flicka,” you whispered so that only he could hear.
Not waiting any longer, Reggie dropped his microphone, hopping down from the stage and taking both sides of your face and pulling you into a long-awaited kiss. The crowd cheered, but your mind blocked them out.
You missed Reggie’s lips that tasted faintly of that cherry chapstick he always used. You missed feeling his hands against yours, warm and comforting.
You missed your Reggie. But now he was here, and he was never letting you go.
“Lady Bunny!” Luke cheered, running up to you backstage and pulling you into the tightest squeeze. “I missed you so much,” he whispered and you held him close against you.
“I missed you too, mom,” you sniffled while Luke pressed a friendly kiss to your hair before you were promptly tossed around the group, hugs and all exchanged along with the chatter of
“You’re gonna stay, right? You can’t transfer now,”
All to which the answer was yes, especially when you looked over at Reggie, the brightest smile on his face.
“Hey guys can I have a minute alone with Cookie?” he asked and they all complied, moving out of the way of the new couple.
“Have something for me Flicka?” you asked, slight teasing in your voice.
“Actually, yeah,” he nodded, fishing out a necklace from his pocket. “I shouldn’t have taken it from you. Or told you that you were the problem. You never were, I promise.”
“Water under the bridge,” you smiled shyly. “What matters is that you’re here now.” You turned around, allowing him to clip the silver chain around your neck, not without sneaking a quick peck to the corner of your lips after turning you back around.
“Perfect,” he told you, his lips quirking up into a smile. “You’re perfect.”
“And you’re overly cheesy,” you shot back jokingly.
Reggie grasped his chest in feigned hurt. “You love me, Cookie,” he pouted.
You went on the tips of your toes, kissing him softly. “Yeah, Flicka,” you whispered. “I do.”
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I don’t know if I can properly do a review for Neo the World Ends With You. I can talk about the bullet points about the plot and how it’s the perfect sequel to TWEWY there, but other than that... I feel like it’s just going to me being like, “It’s good. It’s good. It’s so good” and gushing about my favorite parts. But you know what? Here I’m going to try it, anyway:
So, I saw someone complaining about how the artwork for Neo wasn’t original, because if you put it beside TWEWY (the Switch version), if you didn’t know any better, you might think you had two copies of the same game... And that’s because the creators tried to make this “TWEWY 2″ in every way possible, even with the box arts being so similar. And I just- I love that so much! 
I feel like Neo is almost moreso now an act two to TWEWY--the final act--than a sequel, per se.
But, like, a lot of us were theorizing from the beginning that Rindo’s mask thing might be tied to him not speaking up, like Neku’s headphones were tied to how he shut people out. And this was true. And, ahh. What a beautiful thing this was. To have such protagonists for the two games and to see them grow. And while I expected Rindo’s character arc, it was honestly a lot better than I was expecting. I grew to like him a lot more than I thought I would. And I loved him making the decisions to go back and try to save his friends, even though he knew it might make things worse, when before he could rarely make a decision on his own. I really felt his struggle here, and it was executed well and this was pay-off after everything that came before it.
TWEWY gave us Taboo Noise and Neo gave us Plague Noise. At first, this kind of bothered me. Because I thought if one could make Plague Noise, surely someone like Sho or Mr. H would have tried that in the first game, when they were trying to become Composer and save Shibuya, respectively. But now that I get what they were going for with it, I’m all for it. And TheDeliveryGod points out that they might be a reference to Covid with the “Plague” name and with Rindo wearing a “mask”, which I hadn’t thought about. I know they started coming up with some of this before that, but maybe. Edit: This all ties into Neku and Rindo’s character arcs, too. Originally, Neku didn’t want anyone to force their values on him and probably would have been happy if they all thought like him. But in the end, everyone IS thinking alike and it’s not what he wanted at all. In Neo, Rindo has a problem of speaking up and making decisions. And in Neo, this leads to people not being able to think at all.
Anyway, TWEWY had everyone brainwashed by the end and Neo had it so they couldn’t think at all. And oh my gosh, I did not think that Nagi and Fret’s psychs would come in to save the day (and Neku and Tsugumi’s as well), but this is another amazing payoff and I could watch this segment again and again. Eep! It was such a beautiful text bubble scene and cutscene!
And when I was first playing the game, I was starting to worry if they’d delve deep into the characters... and really explain everything, make me care about everyone and everything and add replay value. But they did. They really did. I never thought they’d make me care about the Shinjuku Reapers, but here we are. I feel so bad for that tragic family now. And ahh! Knowing that Shoka is Swallow now has so much replay value! ...And makes her and Rindo even more shippable, of course. I’ve gone back and played a few chapters and I can see it now. Ahh. And of course, the character development is spot-on. Which is what TWEWY is all about. I never should have doubted. I really loved all the flashbacks with our girl Shoka, too, and seeing her and Ayano’s relationship, and what she was like before she found herself with Gatto Nero.
Rindo gets pulled back into the RG similarly to Neku’s ending! And at first, you think that’s his happy ending, too! But all is not right, of course. But because Neku’s struggles (him finally letting people in) got the attention (a change of heart) of another higher being (the Composer, Joshua, and he gave Neku and the gang their happy ending), it does the same thing with the angel Haz. And can I just say... there’s something about this whole segment that is just sublime? I want to watch it over and over and over again. It oddly might be my favorite part of all of TWEWY now, and that is really saying something. But Neku’s story was about letting people in and he did that, so story out. But Rindo’s was about making decisions... and he has one more important decision to make--the biggest one--before he can get his happy ending, and Haz leads him to it, subtly. Sort of like how I think Joshua was subtly trying to get Neku to change his mind about destroying Shibuya in TWEWY.
Oh. And you finish off the big bad by doing a Fusion with your whole party again, and you all sort of land/flash on the ground afterwards like you did in TWEWY, too!
And I’ve rambled enough about the new NeShiki scene in my NeShiki posts since Neo. But that essentially being a continuation of their scene from TWEWY: MMM. My heart! It almost makes not seeing Shiki’s face all these years worth it for that moment. Almost.
And then the title changing to “The World Begins With You” again, but with Neo this time... is just the most beautiful and awe-inspiring thing they could have done and I can’t thank them enough for it.
And the sheer joy I felt when I realized that this game had Another Day, too.
There are other smaller things, too. Like I’m pretty sure shark Noise start appearing on the day they did in the original (the day Rhyme got erased). And how Transformation--a song that plays as boss battle music against Sho--plays when you first meet him in TWEWY.
Neo really is TWEWY2 through and through, even though the developers didn’t want to call it that (so newcomers knew they could play it without knowing the first game), and I can’t thank them enough for that. What a wonderful world this was. ^_^
Oh! And the ending scene with Rindo and Shoka playing FanGo was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen--the perfect ending, really--and felt like it came straight out of a Disney movie.
It makes me wish I could rewatch all of this in one-go... except I can’t. Haha.
Oh, and of course I love that we get a new menu art, ala what FFXV did, where the darkness is gone and we have Neku in the art, too:)
And now onto a few tidbits of some of my million favorite scenes: 
I love that Beat calls Nagi Pinny. LOL. I love everything about Beat in this game. Speaking of:
That one quest where that one guys becomes possessed with Noise and is fretting about his sister and you fix him up, and Beat says, “I love a guy who cares about his little sis.” :)
And when you’re exploring the urban legends (that is very Twilight Town KHII, I must say. Side note: Stealth Sneak from KH, I can’t believe you made it here, too), and you’re doing the stair ones, and Nagi falls down them and Beat’s like, “Yo, Pinny. You, ai’ight?!”:D:D:D
I think this was another part of the urban legend day, but when that guy imprinted on that girl to just end her friendship with all her friends, since she was stressing about friends growing further apart, so he decided to just cut her losses. And Beat was like, “How about I imprint you to stick your hand up where the sun don’t shine, yo?”
Or in Another Day, when Beat says to Neku, “We’re not getting much screen time,” and Neku replies, “Let’s let the kids have it. That gives us more time to...” Beat: “That’s right: Tin Pin Slammer!” Nagi: “Those two sure seem to have gotten themselves into something exciting over there.” Shoka (I think it was Shoka): “Oh, they’re playing that game that was super popular three years ago.” Hahaha. I also loved the reference to Reaper Creeper with Rhyme and Coco, and Nagi and Fret being like WTF is that?
All of the character interactions are wonderful, and you know I’ll be making posts upon posts about them. But I love that we passed the Bechdel Test with some sweet Shoka and Nagi moments.
That whole scene where Joshua helps Shoka and Rindo is just the greatest. I keep watching it over and over. I love that he helps her in such an asshole-y way. Everything’s a game to him (though you know what? Maybe it’s also a reference to Rindo and Shoka meeting and bonding through FanGo) Oh, Josh. But maybe that was the only way he could do it. The Neku and Josh scene is also wonderful (he tried to help Neku after Coco shot him. He did... even if it was to lock Neku in Shinjuku for three years, because he didn’t trust him to blab that Josh was the Composer? I’m kind of with Neku on that one, “Oh, brother”. But it all worked out in the end, and the following moment with Neku and Josh is really special).
Though I really am wondering why he didn’t help more, and why no one thought to get the Composer for help... probably because he couldn’t interfere. Got to get those secret reports to explain everything, I’m sure. You know what? I’m sure he was actually pulling some strings behind the scenes.
Adore all the stuff with Rhyme. I’ve gushed about that in other posts. She’s so cute now! Always was. And I’ve so proud of my hacker daughter!
Shutting up now. And expect a million more Neo posts in the future. What a game. What a series! So glad I can say that about TWEWY now.
Edit: And I’m so glad that angels were in here, and that that plot got expanded on from the original!
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fishylife · 3 years
Street Dance of China, Season 4, Episode 7
- The figures make a return!!! I love them, they are so cute.
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- Anyway, it’s cute that each of the teams have kind of a common room to chill. Helps with the team atmosphere, I think.
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- Yixing playing the flute/pipe that has a gourd at the top. I recall seeing a video where he’s played it before, so the production crew probably got it so that he could show off a bit.
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- The fact that Han Geng’s having a cooking class is just reaffirming my beliefs that Han Geng would be the best captain to have if I was a contestant. They have the most fun.
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- Yibo is so super serious though. While the other teams are chilling, he’s already thinking of his redemption plan. I’ll be honest, it feels....a little too tense. As a captain, I think he needs to take time for his team to relax and regroup.
- My boy Yixing recruited my boy MT-Pop T_T He gave him the Baymax to accompany when he’s feeling lonely because apparently MT-Pop said that he missed home often T_T Also Yixing was watching for MT-Pop’s expression except he was emotionless and Poppin’C was like no, don’t worry, he’s always like this XD I thought that Baymax suited MT-Pop too because he likes monsters so I think it’s not a reach to guess that he likes superheroes and comics and cool characters. Also, like Baymax, MT-Pop is also friend-shaped. Anyway, I wonder if he was feeling emotional here because he missed home ;_;
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- Yixing gave Momo the CUTEST cat lamp T_T
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- In the captain interview, Momo asked Yixing if his stomach was alright. I saw in some behind-the-scenes photos that Yixing had a bad stomach that day, so I guess that was why he was so disappointed with his performance. I’d initially thought it was his back problems (because he was shown getting some back massages/chiropractic stuff done to his waist in other behind-the-scenes footage), but I think the back/waist stuff is something that’s been going on for a longer time.
- Lmao Nelson being like “I know girls, they love that cute stuff” XD And he noted how Momo seemed more comfortable with Yixing. To be fair, he’s onto something, I am girl and I love cute stuff and dudes that make me smile. (Though in the end, Momo chose Yibo)
- I thought it was cute that Momo was talking through the wall to MT-Pop, asking if he’d already chosen his team. I love the friendships between the dancer contestants v.v
- Yixing gave copies of his Lit physical album to the Gogo Brothers...all of the fans who couldn’t get their hands on a copy are gonna be mad haha.
- Yixing’s team tried to surprise Gogo Brothers when they joined their team ^^;;
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- This is as wild as Yixing is going to go lol. He was waving the scarves being all “WOOHOO!!”
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- Yixing and Han Geng’s teams shouting for Bozi across however many rooms made me laugh XD Especially because Bozi is such a stoic dude.
- Yixing’s relief at having recruited Bozi. As we know, he doesn’t have much confidence in recruiting dancers.
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- When Bunta and Henry had their interview they were being all “HEYYY MY GUY!!!!” Very buddy-buddy. And then Henry to his team was like “I’ve never talked to Bunta.” The art of faking it gets you far.
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- For the contestants who get to choose between two or more captains, they get an extra blind box with a little doll in it. I wonder what that is. It’s so cute, I want one v.v (I love dolls)
- The rejection on Han Geng’s face XD Is this the first time he’s been outplayed?
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- In addition to getting everyone on his team to sign the card, Yixing also asked Rei from Gogo Brothers to come with him to recruit Bunta, and it worked in the end.
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- Yixing turning the party into a concert being like “MAKE SOME NOISE!!!”
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- Not gonna lie, the performances aren’t the best, probably because they’re just for funsies anyway. It doesn’t bother me that much though, at least they look like they’re having fun. As a wise man once said, fun must be always.
- OMG YES YIXING. He went full memery on this XD
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- There’s so much going on here. The song they danced to was a famous song by Xiaohudui (a Taiwanese boyband). When questioned about their choice of music, Yixing was like “yeah, we’re an international boyband!” We know Yixing is super serious so the fact that they did this cheesy stuff is supremely surprising but also SUPER AWESOME. The other captains were like “you were too serious!” but the reason why this worked was because they were serious tbh. As Psy once said, dress classy, dance cheesy. Anyway, I’m a fan. Look at how fabulous they are.
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- Yibo’s team danced to the Huluwa song. Look at Liangliang’s hair lol.
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- You can’t see this very well but Bouboo carried Yibo away in a fireman’s hold.
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- So this is how Han Geng’s gonna play it, huh
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- There’s just A LOT going on here
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- Henry getting lessons from Xiaoji on how to have swag (ft. Xiao Jie as the teaching assistant).
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- Yixing kept being like “ge, watch the expression!!”
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- You can tell who did and didn’t get their hair done just by looking at who is wearing the headphones properly. Also, I used to be super whatever about cat ear headphones, but now I am so down for them. I want a pair of cat ear headphones even though I never use headphones (prefer earphones).
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- Ok this is cute. Xiao Jie is trying to explain the passage to Bouboo in English, but Xiao Jie’s English is a bit limited. At this part he was trying to explain a watermelon to Bouboo and was like “it’s an apple but it’s bigger and it’s green.” Han Geng and Yibo are just having a ball. Look at how big Yibo is laughing? Boy never laughs like that.
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- Somehow Bouboo understood Xiao Jie’s English, and then Bouboo was like “your English is very Chinese” which prompted another round of laughs. He would know, he’s probably been around a lot of Chinese people trying to speak English to him.
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- Yo, Rochka’s Mandarin pronunciation is REALLY good. He’s really good at replicating the tones.
- Henry, San’er, and Rochka turned their final answer into a song XD
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- Yixing tried to game the system lol. Instead of reciting the whole passage, he picked the easiest words. It wasn’t totally perfect, but his method allowed the players to focus on key words instead of memorizing the small details and preposition words. Smartest catboi (y)
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- We already knew Henry was good at piano (I know he has at least RCM Level 10, probably has his ARCT too), but he’s also appropriately showy about it.
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- OMG ROCHKA SINGING 月亮代表我的心 (ft. Henry harmonizing)
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- Now Boris!
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- Of course this mf had to whip out the violin.
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- Okay so I kept seeing that clip of Yixing dancing to the sexy dance with Ibuki and Qiao Zhi and I had no idea what it was from. NOW I KNOW.
- Henry is SO MEAN he keeps bullying C-Lil and telling him that if he doesn’t do well he has to go home. STOP BULLYING HIM!!!
- The captains keep roping in team members to do the dances with them haha.
- Waiwai was saying how she’s never seen Bozi and Qiao Zhi smile while breaking and yet they look like they’re having a ball learning the sexy dance.
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- Yibo did some magic tricks. Something I’ve noticed is that Yibo is actually quite good at public speaking. He makes very few mistakes, barely uses any filler words. Anyway, his first magic trick didn’t quite work, but the rest of them did (y) 
- Han Geng performed a dance that he said he learned when he was very young. I remember when he was still doing stuff regularly with Super Junior, people would ask him to show off the ethnic dances that he’d studied. This performance was exactly that, plus some added shenaniganery at the end.
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- I really liked Ma Xiaolong and Rochka’s performances. Ma Xiaolong is such a good singer? Like it’s not just the skill, but he has creativity when he sings. As for Rochka, his performance was just so much fun. He was a good singer too but he also brings such charisma.
- Really sorry to hear about Zyko’s sister :( I can’t be mad, he needs to go home. He looked so down too when he was calling Han Geng. All the best to his family :(  I did really love Zyko on the show. He was so open minded and so easygoing. All the best v.v
- I’m glad that the other contestants got to see him off (AC, Ibuki, Rochka, Ma Xiaolong). Rochka looked so sad. He strikes me as a sympathetic guy, so I don’t doubt that he was troubled by the news too.
- Not gonna lie, the news about Zyko kind of brought my mood down. It’s not that the show is “ruined,” it’s just the idea of his sister being so seriously hurt that’s hard swallow for me. I can’t believe how Zyko must be feeling. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still going to watch the rest of the show, I guess the news was just a stark reminder that we live in the real world. 
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2ynjns · 4 years
wrong package || tomorrow x together
day 30 of 31 days of christmas with ydale
pairings: txt x reader
genre: neighbors!au, slice of life, fluff
warnings: slight profanity. this is inspired by my own experience except the txt part and i found friends HAHA kms. and also this is the last txt christmas upload of the series! WOOHOO! i hope you all enjoy it!
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you excitedly unlocked your phone to check the notification you got. you ordered some clothes and miscellaneous items online as a christmas gift to yourself. you have been patiently waiting for this day to come most especially you can’t wait to unbox the items you bought and use it at home and keep yourself sane during quarantine.
your package has been delivered!
**** Express 0000000 from KOREA delivered as of 12/30/2020 04:21 PM.
Reply STOP to cancel msgs.
you giggled out of excitement and rushed to your front door.
you swung the front door open wide and didn’t see any package at all. you figured the delivery man probably left it inside the mailbox. you quickly ran back to your room and took your jacket to wear so you could go outside and check your mailbox.
“mom! i’ll be back. imma just check the mailbox!” you didn’t wait for your mom’s answer and just headed out your house and ran to your mailbox. 
you walked quickly because first, you’re wearing a thin jacket and shorts and you’re only wearing flip flops. the cold breeze of nature hit your legs and your face even though you barely stepped out of your house.
you opened the mailbox and found a box inside. the box isn’t relatively big or small, it’s just a perfect sized box that fit inside your mailbox.
what could fit inside this box that i ordered? you asked yourself.
you ordered so many items online that you can’t even keep track of it. all those tracking numbers that you have put on your phone is uncountable, really, you didn’t hold back on spending your money.
you ran back inside your house and rushed to your room. you grabbed the box cutter and clapped your hands, happily giggling to yourself and started cutting the box open.
“yaaaay! here i c-- what the hell is this?”
you were dumbfounded from what you saw inside the box. you quickly closed it and checked the name on the box.
Choi Soobin
**** Cherry Blossom Ave
South Korea
“who the hell is choi soobin?” you said and scratched your hair from frustration because one, you got the wrong package: two, you don’t know where your actual package is: three: who the hell is choi soobin??
oh wait, you thought. this is literally the same street as my house. you muttered to yourself.
“lemme search the address!”
you grabbed the phone and opened your maps apps and searched the house address stated on the shipping label.
“it’s my next door neighbor?” you whispered to yourself carrying the box outside to your living room.
as soon as you got to your living room, you found your mom talking to someone at the front door. you peeked to see who was your mom talking to and you saw a tall guy holding a huge box while smiling.
“oh, there you are y/n. our neighbor said your package was delivered to their address. he dropped it off for you.” your mom opened the door wider, exposing you looking shocked than before.
you shuffled to come closer to your front door and asked the tall guy. “are you choi soobin?” he smiled at you and nodded his head. 
you looked at the opened box you’re holding and passed it to him. “uh, here’s your package. i accidentally opened it cause i thought it was mine.” you awkwardly giggled and took your correct package from him.
“don’t worry, i immediately closed the box as soon as i saw what’s inside.” you said and continued your awkward laugh.
soobin just blushed and smiled at you. “no worries, it’s okay. the packages are mainly for my friends anyway.” he said and tucked the box to his sides.
“what are you gonna say, y/n?” your mom said to you while both her hands are on the side. you looked at her and pouted.
“yeah, uh. thanks for dropping off my package.” you said and bowed. he boxed back and smiled one last time, “no problem. thanks for this too.” he said and waved at your mom.
your mom pushed you aside and took your spot as she talked to soobin.
“you’re that neighbor from next door right? the one with your four other friends? don’t you only live with them?” your mom went no chill on her questions. you nudged her a bit and pouted and eyed her at the same time. warning her to stop asking so many personal questions.
soobin looked back to see his four other friends hysterically waving their hands in the air. he turned his gaze back to you and your mom and smiled. “yeah, me and my friends live alone without our parents.” 
your mom smiled and opened the door even wider this time. your eyes almost popped out from her action making you step back a little bit, too.
“poor kids. why don’t you have dinner here with me and y/n? Invite your friends too! and don’t worry we won’t harm you, well y/n might. but i won’t. have a proper meal with us, treat us like your own family from now on.” you mom said letting soobin in and calling the four other boys who were waiting outside.
you glared at your mom and made an irritated face. you looked up to see soobin starting down at you and that made your shy and hug the package your got.
“i guess we’re friends now?” soobin smiled and handed his hand out. “i’m soobin, and y/n right?” he asked. 
you looked at his hand, then back to his face, then back to his hand and hesitated on shaking his hands. but you did anyways.
“yeah, i’m y/n. and that’s my mom, y/m/n. sorry if she’s being weird right now. i hope you don’t mind. but yeah, please feel free at home.” you said and watched four more boys entering your house.
“wow! you’re such a cool neighbor. hi mrs. neighbor. i’m huening kai.” one guy said. your mom giggled from his introduction and guided your neighbors to the dining table. the boys introduced themselves one by one and your learned that their names are soobin, yeonjun, beomgyu, taehyun and huening kai and they all live together for university.
“well, feel free to feel at home. you can visit us anytime too, please give my child a social life.” your mom patted your head. you looked at your mom and pursed your lips.
“geez, thanks mom.” the boys laughed.
“don’t worry, mrs. y/l/n. we’ll take care of y/n.” yeonjun said and finally started eating.
“oh, christmas is next week. you all should celebrate christmas with us.” your mom suggested. you sighed and took a bite of the rice. “y/n’s dad will be home and you all should meet him. he’d love to have more children at home since y/n is an only child.” your mom added.
you drank water from your cup and looked around. oh, yeah. it is christmas next week.
“sure mrs. y/l/n! we’ll try to bring in food too.” taehyun said. “i’ll bring christmas hats.” beomgyu added.
and from then, you found new friends, aka your neighbors.
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stardustintheabyss · 4 years
BNHA Headcanon!
How Kaminari, Bakugo, Todoroki, Shinso, Dabi and Kirishima ask a certain question 💍 x fem!reader, y'all in your 20's
Warnings: cursing, long af(I couldn't help myself, I love all kiri's and non kiri's equally) no regrets.
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Haha boi proposed on the first date tbh
You laughed at one of his cheesy pick ups. You did you unrestrained 'ugly' laugh. Like someone has to make you reeeaaallllyyy laugh.
Bb fell hard for that laugh,"marry me, y/n"
You fell just as hard "alright"
Him blushing like crazy 👍🏻⚡👍🏻
Fast forward a few years
If you don't think he's gonna do something big and romantic and on the verge of embarrassing, lol your wrong
This guy proposes with a fucking flash mob
1. How did he organize this? Bakusquad unite!
2. How'd this beautiful loud blonde keep it to himself? Mina threatened his existence & Bakusquad
So there you both are surrounded by family and friends, Denki down on one knee, opening a small box with a gorgeous ring inside.
"Y/n, can I do you the honor of telling you pickup lines for the rest of our lives?"
"You, dummy."
He falters a little. Um what? Sad boi
"I told you on our first date I would." You leaned down giving him a kiss.
Bb shines brighter than the three great sunshines combined. Yk who
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you too, Denki."
Your guy's version of ily is some random pickup line unless your in a serious mood
Everyone collectively groaned at your guy's wedding vows lmao
They were literally all cheesy pickup lines, terrible puns and bad jokes.
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Bakugo fucking Katsuki is a closet romantic and you can't change my mind
He takes you hiking on one of your dates
You find a gorgeous spot accidentally you just had to take a short cut
Crystal clear lake w/ cherry blossom trees and a mt view? Heaven
This becomes your spot
You think nothing of it when katsuki suggests getting away for a weekend see romance
Getting in the car he throws a blindfold at you. "What's this for?"
"Just put it on idiot."
You roll your eyes, grinning like a fool but does what he asks
You drive for a bit then feel the car stop
"Can I take it off now?"
"No, I'll tell you when you can take it off." 😳 "I'm going to put noise cancelling headphones on you, do you trust me?"
You've learned to roll w/ his shenanigans cuz they are rare but always welcome. "Don't ask stupid questions, babe." Last thing you here is his 'tch'.
He gently tugs you out of the car and then sweeps you up into his arms. You can't help but smile.
He's been carrying you for at least 2hrs. "Kat, do you need a break?"
He just kisses you in response and silences you #1 hero bakugo doesn't do breaks
Al-righty then
Another hour goes by and you feel bakugo set you down softly, making sure you have your footing. He takes off the headphones
"Take off the blindfold."
You do. Your at your spot. You turn around to find your boyfriend toying w/a little black box
*heart palpitations ensue*
You look at him wide eyed.
He opens the box and you see a ring that is his mom's family heirloom. It's a vintage beauty that you've adored.
Tbh when he asked his mom for it he almost said never mind when she started asking a bunch of annoying questions.Old hag
"Will you marry me or whatever..." he's still bakugo lol
"Whatever." You say with the biggest grin
Bb narrows his eyes at you confused. "HUH?" Cuz how dare you???
"Saying 'yes' is too ordinary an answer. And you katsuki bakugo are anything but ordinary." You say as you slip the ring on your finger. Your man is stunned by your answer to do it himself. Lol
Just cuz you got him flustered and blushing does not mean he won't pull you into a passionate kiss.
Who's the mess now, dumb dumb?
Instead of saying 'I do' at the wedding you both say 'whatever'.
Nobody knows what the fuck is going on except kirishima because he's the one marrying you two.
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You've know eachother since high school and started dating your 3rd year
Now years later, your both well established pro heros
Did you say vacation?
Because Shoto heard 3 week romantic dream vacation w/ a proposal ending
He worked so hard for this. He didn't want to use his father's money for once. This was going to be all him, no one else.
Well except his mom and sister helped pick out a ring. Clueless bb
He took you to all the places on your bucket list, ending in greece.
It was your last night there.
On a cliff overlooking the moonrise over the sea, you were snuggled up next to him. Warm wind gently caressing your skin.
You've noticed him being antsy and fidgety the last couple days.
And that is not like your shoto, at all
"Sho, you okay? You've been acting weird." You ask gently.
"Um, yes. Can I ask you something?"
You give him a kiss and nod.
"Would you do me the honor of becoming mrs. shoto todoroki?"
At least that's what you thought he said. He was so nervous it came out a jumbled mess.
He pulled a ring out of his pocket.
It was perfect. In fact it was exactly what you and fuyumi talked about in one of your guy's games of crazy hypotheticals. Haha jokes on you
You definitely started crying
Your sweet oblivious sho "If you don't like it-"
"No. It's perfect, I love it. Just like you." You pepper his face with kisses. "And yes I will marry you."
He has the biggest smile on his face as he takes your hand and slides the ring on.
You thought the Todorokis and your family were chaotic before? Lol let's throw in wedding planning 🙃
Two months before the wedding you two are sick of everything. Everyone trying to do everything the way they want this wedding. You both wanted a somewhat small gathering. Yeah no *insert monamas hysterical laugh*
Elope? Elope.
You gather a small group of your closest friends. Ok. More like all of class 1a
Shoto buys first class tickets to greece for everyone. No qualms of using his dad's credit card this time lol
You and shoto get married in front of all your friends on the cliff where he proposed.
It was beatiful & perfect. Exactly what you guys wanted.
So when the 'real' wedding (endeavors words) happens you and shoto fuck with it any way you can.
You both have the best time messing around. Your guy's parents not so much. But they end up seeing how happy you both are so they give up on having the perfect wedding.
A few years later when you find out your pregnant you both seriously debate faking your deaths and going into hiding. Wouldnt be the first Todoroki to do so
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You guys frequently visit the animal shelter to give loves to all the animals
He saw how attached you were with a bonded pair of ragdoll kittens he loved them too
This gave him an idea, he had been having a hard time of thinking how he was going to pop the question
It was pur-fect don't judge me
It was early in the morning, you were still in bed when you felt something tickle your nose
"Mmh,...toshi. Your hair is tickling me." Still sleepy, not even bothered to open your eyes.
You were greeted w/ small meows
Your eyes never snapped open so fast in the morning
Two tiny kittens before you. The ones from the shelter
Wide awake now you began petting them and playing with them
Haha shinso who?
He was silently watching from the doorway smiling, waiting for his moment
You looked at the kittens collars. Scribbled in shinsos handwriting "marry" on one "me" on the other.
You gasped and your mouth formed a little o.
He was waiting for this. He walked over and got on his knee, ring in his hand
"Y/n, please, will you be mine, forever?"
Leaning in lips almost touching "only if you'll be mine."
Say no more, boi is putting a ring on it and closes the gap between your lips.
The only thing that breaks the kiss is a soft tiny paw patting your cheek and another playing with shinos hair
You giggle. "You got them for yourself just as much, didn't you?"
He just rubs the back of his neck and gives you a smirk
You spend the rest of the day trying to pick names.
You guys decide on satori & kotaro haikyuu reference ftw
The day ends. You come to find your two new bbs sleeping on a sleeping hitoshi a miracle ikr
A photo shoot? Hell yes! Dadzawa needs to see this.
You take the pic and send a quick text along with it to Aizawa. Your future f-in-l. 'Guess how toshi proposed?'
You get a quick response "I'm a grandpa now? I get them twi-three times a month."
Your snort woke your fiance
Him seeing your phone. "Did you take a picture of me? Creep."
"No." You say slyly. "I took a picture of my boys." You show him. As you set it as your wall paper.
"Send it to me please." You do, what you don't expect is a pic in return from him
It was of you in bed the s'morning. With your new kittens, kotaro and satori, before you even knew they were there. also his wallpaper
And damn if you don't smile "who's the creep?"
"What's this text from my dad about 'custody of his grandchildren'?"
You laugh and explain
Yes you had your cats in the wedding. They started all this yk.
They were ring barers. Complete w/little tuxes shinso insisted
Lmao it was like the hunger games when deciding who was going to take care of the cats when on your honeymoon.
Shota won obviously
"They are staying w/their grandfathers and that is final." *scary hair whoosh*
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When you joined the LoV, you confused dabi.
You were kind and caring to everyone. Wtf?
Even when they didn't deserve it
Why are you with the villians? Are you stupid?
That is until he saw the rage and hurt in your eyes the first time you fought together.
It reminded him of himself
Of how he got where he was
Slowly you had unconsciously worked your way into his heart
You caring for his wounds(new and old), your soft smiles and warm eyes. You never looked at him with disgust, fear or malice.
You were the first to ever do so in a long long time. Since his childhood.
He never wanted to fall in love but here was fate pushing you two together.
You fell just as slowly. You thought you were never really worthy of love. But it didn't stop you from giving it to those around you. Loophole you thought.
But you would find dabi doing little things. Things that made you feel something you shouldn't. Things you didn't think you deserved.
Throwing a blanket over you if you fell asleep on the couch.
Getting your favorite snacks
During fights he would casually move between you and your enemies. Protecting you.
Well shit here you both were. Madly in love, but still apprehensive.
But when he asked you to call him by another name and you did?
That's when dabi kissed you for the first time. It shocked you both tbh
It wasn't rough like you had imagined. But soft and sweet. Nothing like the mask he wears for everyone.
After about 8 months of dating dabi realized he wanted to be yours forever. And you his.
So fuck proposing. He did a surprise wedding. He didn't want to give you chance to change your mind. because insecure bb🥺
He got everything ready.
Now he just needed you
Their was a beautiful knee length white lace dress laying on your bed with a note "meet me here. Kurogiri will warp you.-t"
Running your fingers over the dress, you smiled. You always did like surprises from him.
You got yourself ready for your date with the love of your life and went to find kurogiri.
He met you with a blindfold that matched dabi's eyes
"He requested you wear this."
You nodded and let him tie it on
Next you thing know you feel dabi's warm hand in yours.
"You ready, doll?" You can hear the smirk in his voice.
"Until the end, babe."
He slips off the blindfold
You're in a forest with twinkle lights strewn about and a blue flamed candle walkway to a beautiful arch covered in your favorite flowers. Your closest leauge friends are here too.
"Will you let me stand by your side, until the end?"
You gently cup his cheeks in your hands, brushing your lips against his. Whispering for no one else to hear
"Yes, toya. For you, even longer."
He doesn't even need to smirk. You can see the overwhelming happiness in his eyes.
When you say your I do's surprisingly enough all your friends have happiness written on their face too. Even shiggy
The next day he gets a new piercing on his ring finger and you a small blue flame tattoo on yours.
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You've had eijirou kirishimas heart since your first year of UA together
One day he was feeling insecure about his quirk and you showed up changing the way he saw himself.
"Kirishima, you're the unbreakable Red Riot. It's not about how flashy a heros quirk is, it's about their resolve. Your tenacity to protect and save people..." you smile, "if that isn't the making to be a great hero I don't know what is."
And tbh he had yours since that 1st yr too. You always admired his courage & his dedication to his friends even if they didn't want it cough bakugo
For two years you both danced around your feelings for eachother. Flirting but never taking the next step.
That is until bakugo not mina, & yes shes jealous she wasn't the one that set you 2 up got fed up one night of your guys flirting.
And I quote "Oi! Would you two go on a fucking date already. I'm tired of listening to shitty hair pine after you." he did out of love for his bestie
It was the only time you've genuinely seen kirishima want to kill bakugo
Shyly you answered, "I'd like that."
Bb turned his head around so fast he almost got whiplash.
You've been together 5yrs now and it was your birthday. Kirishima wanted to make it extra special.
A picnic in your favorite park, he was lucky your bd was at the same time as the cherry blossoms blooming. You loved them.
Setting up the picnic kirishima reminisced.
It was your favorite park because that's where your first date was. It was unusually hot. He got you both popsicles.
It was the first time he had seen you eat one. *crunch crunch*
boy was staring, shook
You blushing "I know, people say it's weird to eat popsicles like that."
"I dont think so." He smiled as he crunched his own. Must be fate.
Now here you two were cuddled laying down on a blanket, your head placed on his chest and his hand around your waist. Finished with lunch
"Thanks for the birthday lunch, babe. I loved it." You sighed contentedly.
What you didn't notice is that he was fiddling with a little red box. "Its not quite over yet. I have one more thing." He sat you both up and looked deeply into your eyes with so much love. " Y/n you-"
Just then a downpour of rain happened.
Kirishima scrambled to pick up the picnic supplies. His hair beginning to fall from its signature style
He turned to grab your hand to pull you under cover. So manly
You were a few feet away. Your eyes closed and head tilted back. A warm smile on your face. Letting the rain wash over you.
He'd never seen anything so beautiful
Picnic supplies forgotten. He knelt in front of you on one knee. He grabbed your hand with one of his.
You opened your eyes and looked down at your eiji. Your rock, your home.
"Y/n, you give me the strength to be unbreakable. Would you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" He opened the little red box.
Your heart beating as wildly as his
Inside was the most beautiful ring. It held your favorite gemstone. Long ago in hs you and mina were doing girl talk while the guys played video games. You'd told her diamond engagement rings were lame and what you preferred.
He remembered? That was before you were even dating...
You smiled through happy tears "yes eijirou, yes I'll marry you."
"There's an inscription." He said softly.
You looked closer at the ring, even after 7 years of loving him he still found ways to make your heart flutter
'forever unbreakable'
"Oh, Ei, it's perfect."
He slipped it on you and pulled you into a kiss. "Let's get you out of this rain. Wouldn't want you to get sick." we stan a gentlemanly king
"Just a little longer, I hear rain is good luck for this type of thing." You wave your newly ring adorned hand.
"Anything for you." He whispered before kissing you again.
You've never loved the rain more
The wedding day came
You stood before the love of your life and he his
You slide his wedding band on
Engraved inside
'my rock, my home'
"Now the bride." said the person marring you.
"Here you go shitty hair." Said the best man, handing kirishima the ring.
Did you think bakugo wouldnt want to be best man? Haha he's the one that got you two together your welcome or whatever
Kirishima tenderly slipped the ring on your finger.
Of course it decided to pour just then
Everyone ran for cover but you two
Bakugo, "tch, those idiots are going to be sick for their honeymoon." he cares ok
Mina sighing, "so romantic."
You tilted your head to the sky laughing, "babe, the universe is wishing us good luck."
He gently grabbed your chin, making you look at him. "guess we were meant to be." He whispered as he pulled you in for a long passionate kiss in the rain, him still making your heart stutter.
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Not that anyone asked (but seriously I’d LOVE for someone to talk to me about PokeSpe (just no spoilers past vol 13)) but since I made an offhand remark about my Top 5 favorite characters, it occurred to me that I actually DO have approximately 5 top favorite characters, and I’m procrastinating on work, so I’m gonna ramble
**just in case, note that a lot of this will revolve around my childhood experience with gender in a “I’m AFAB (and present-day me still identifies as a cis girl) but I don’t fit in with what media is telling me girls are like” way, a brief childhood feeling of homophobia, and probably general TMI about my opinions and emotions throughout my life, haha
1. Yellow
Okay, so, I was a little kid when Pokemon Adventures started coming out in English, back when manga was released as single-issue monthly comic books instead of complete volumes.  So I was rereading the same chapters over and over while anxiously awaiting the rest of the story (and wound up missing a bunch of issues anyway)
I enjoyed the RGB arc, I thought it was fun, but I didn’t LOVE the series until Yellow showed up.  At that age my ideal crush was “a cute boy my age who would be nice to me” and Yellow was presented to the reader as a cute boy my age who was sweet and kind and gentle, but also good in a fight, as all shounen protags must be.  Extra bonus points because they had just a few physically weak Pokémon and tried to fight battles in a way that minimized damage to their own and the opponent’s Pokémon, which meant they fought in a particularly smart and clever way.  And I was considered “smart” for being good at school, so being a SMART cute “boy” my age who would be nice to me, Yellow was PERFECT.  I mean, I loved the arc in general because of the clever battles, and the mystery of what had happened to Red, why these people were after Pikachu, why Yellow was so secretive about themself and their mission, etc was really engaging.  But also I adored Yellow as a character and partly in a “I wonder if ‘he’ would like me??” kind of way X’D  So to my tiny child self who didn’t even know it was possible to like-like someone of the same gender (because I hadn’t read Cardcaptor Sakura yet XD ), the reveal that Yellow was a “girl” was devastating—I had to cross out floating hearts on at least one drawing of us holding hands (scandalous!) and, while kind of stunned and shaken for a while, decided that what I’d felt all along was a deep, intense desire to be friends X’D (which probably wasn’t too far from the truth since I was pre-puberty and later turned out to be asexual)
(Also note that I never got the RGB issue that had the chapter where Red helps a little ‘girl’ capture a Rattata—later proven to be Yellow’s backstory—so the gender reveal really came out of nowhere for me.)
But anyways, I still love Yellow as a character for all the above reasons, without the crush aspects because I’m way older than them now.
Also when I reread the series ten years ago, I finally realized “wait, aside from surprising the reader, there’s no real plot reason for Yellow to pretend to be a ‘boy’ except that Green told ‘her’ to—so why did ‘she’ do it?”...and because at that time I didn’t even know that nonbinary genders existed, I decided it was cus they had low self-esteem and pretending to be a different person gave them courage (the same reading I had for Mulan at the time).  These days I’m more inclined to “yeah, I think Yellow’s nonbinary,” but that other interpretation was deeply relatable to me and only made me love Yellow even more.
2. Bill
Bill’s definitely a character I’ve grown to love more as an adult, since I’ve gone from seeing myself as “a protagonist doing cool things” to “a side character just living their life who hopefully gets to do something once in a while.”  But as a kid and now, I like him mostly for the slapstick and goofy expressions and the (early chapters Viz translations) outrageous accent  X’D  My brain desperately craves endorphins and the best way to get em is through a good laugh.
But also, I liked that he was introduced as a goofy character-of-the-week who got into ridiculous trouble and had to be rescued, but then kept being brought back, was slowly built up to be the “smart sidekick who explains things,” and eventually got to the point where he was participating in big battles (the Yellow finale on Cerise Island).  I rambled about this in the tags of another post, but I liked that he was a character who was “weak” without being “useless.”  As a kid who was good at school, I was obsessed with being good at things and had developed a black-and-white view of the world where either you were “strong/smart” or “weak/stupid” to the point that failing or just being not-so-good at anything was devastating (it still kind of is), because that meant I was actually “weak/stupid” when I was supposed to be “strong/smart.”  So it was kind of awesome that this guy who kept getting into trouble and having to be rescued—and didn’t even want to BE part of the final battle—managed to hold his own and get through it and help out instead of being a burden that dragged everyone down.  Seriously, he used a MAGIKARP effectively—the Pokémon everyone makes fun of for being “useless” and he used its one attack to save his life!
(Bonus points for all this happening in contrast to my devastating childhood experience of stanning The One Girl Character in every popular shounen series, waiting desperately for her to get to do something in battle, and then her one spotlight episode revolved around her struggling because she was so weak...not only was that actually happening to a boy for once, it was actually happening in a more satisfying/empowering way :’D )
3. Gold
I have extremely specific tastes when it comes to “the dumb shounen/action movie protag,” because as a kid I hated it when the main character was “dumb” because I was “smart” (re: good at school) and people who were “dumb” shouldn’t deserve to be the main character and have all the cool powers and save the world and stuff.  As an adult, I hate it when male characters are dumb and/or jerks but it’s treated as fine or even sexy(??) and the other characters fawn over them, and I generally still kind of hate it when characters who are dumb and/or jerks get the big important role when there’s a female character RIGHT THERE who’s more competent (and OF COURSE she has to wind up falling in love with him)
But anyway, I have extremely specific tastes, and Gold is it  X’D  He’s the perfect combination of “unshakably confident in his own stupid/egotistic views” and “treated as annoying and/or comic relief by the rest of the cast” with a bonus dash of actually being really clever in battle (so my inner child goes “Ah yes, technically, he is ’smart,’ and therefore...worthwhile“)  Making me laugh while also impressing me is like the key to my heart.
4. Crystal
I’m too lazy to look it up, but when Viz was publishing Pokemon Adventures as monthly comics, they must have switched to publishing it as trade paperbacks only and/or had a huge gap between the end of Yellow and the start of GSC, because for YEARS I’d thought Yellow was the end of the series and was shocked the first time I saw later volumes.  (My dad was buying us the monthly issues at the local comic store, and either they wouldn’t have ordered the trade paperbacks or he wouldn’t have thought to check those shelves.)
Anyway, that’s a long lead-in to the statement of “Crystal would automatically be my #1 or #2 if I’d read her arc as a kid.”  She’s a girl, she wears pants, she’s EXTREMELY smart (genius-level “book-smarts” about every Pokémon’s behaviors and weaknesses PLUS being clever in a battle), was tough as nails (she KICKED her Pokéballs!!), had no interest in romance or her appearance, AND had a short arc about losing her confidence and training herself back up to full power.  I would have KILLED for a character like that when I was a little girl being told that “girls don’t like action shows like Dragon Ball Z” (but I was a girl and I did???) and that girls were supposed to be pretty and obsessed with fashion and dating, and that girls were never the main character of action series, just side characters who either did nothing or got one chance to do something and were pathetically weak (see above, and/or Sakura’s fight against Ino (Naruto), those couple filler eps where Téa/Anzu played Duel Monsters (Yu-Gi-Oh), Videl getting pummeled by Spopovich (DBZ), etc).
So anyway, she’s awesome, she’s exactly the type of character I would’ve loved as a kid.  The only reason she’s behind Gold here is because at my age, “makes me laugh” > “the kind of main character I used to wish I could be”
5. Green (the girl trainer...I’m just too loyal to the Viz version to call her “Blue”...)
I’m trying not to rehash the same “I’m a girl but none of the girls in my shows/comics are like me!” childhood woes over and over, haha, but as much as I always enjoyed Green for being extremely clever and outsmarting the boys and being funny when she did so, she always lost points with me for being “pretty” and flirting to get her way, because that put her in the box of “girls are supposed to be pretty and desired by boys and obsessed with their appearance and romance” that was so foreign and disheartening to me as a kid.
But her staredown with Ho-oh at the end of the GSC arc TOTALLY got me.  As a sad adult with anxiety, watching characters who are absolutely terrified overcome their fear, watching characters who are completely beaten down struggle back to their feet and keep fighting, is like my ultimate power fantasy.  That sequence genuinely had me in tears.
Also her bond with Silver is super precious, especially since that’s like the first time in the series we’ve seen her be genuinely emotional and vulnerable with someone instead of teasing or manipulating them.
Honorable mention: Sapphire
I haven’t gotten up to R/S in my reread yet, and I only read that arc once over like a weekend ten years ago, but I’m pretty sure she’s gonna be a Top Fave cus again there’s that “I'm not like other girls!” childhood feel  (last time I’m saying it, I promise)
It’s a story arc where one protag wants to fight the gyms and the other protag wants to win the beauty contests, but the one who wants to fight the gyms is the girl!!  And she’s the typical “dumb but extremely good at fighting” shounen protag but she’s the girl!!  She’s feral and illiterate and a total tomboy and wins all her fights and she’s a GIRL!!!!
Anyway, those are my kids and my dude and my probably way-too-personal reasons why.  If you wanna reblog, reply, or send an ask about your own faves...please
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Sorry for asking again because your writing is good but what would the boys, (all 3 or 2 or even 1! Your choice!) Reactions be if their crush that they had a crush on for 1234567810 years confesses that they like them? How would they be?
Hey love! Theres NO LIMIT to how many requests you can send, so send as many as you want! I feel like HEAVENS doesn't get a lot of love so i wrote for all of them :3
STARISH + QUARTET NIGHT + HEAVENS reacting to their crush liking them back 
Doesn't even let you finish the sentence before he embraces you. All he heard was "...and I like you, like, as more than a friend." And was overcome with joy. "Awee! I was so worried (Y/N)-chan! I thought you didnt like me like that. I'm so glad you feel the same!!" 
Was planning to tell you over a cute little date. Had everything planned out and the dinner went so perfect. He was so nervous underneath his little façade and took your hand in his to kind of ground himself but then you blurted out that you like him and he was kind of shook? He was the one who was supposed to say it? What? Just blinks at you for a second and then softly smiles "I was just about to say that but i suppose you beat me to it. I like you too, (Y/N), I hope we can expand our relationship." 
You were probably listening to one of his stories of Agnapolis when you just commented how cute he was by accident and silence fell over you two. He'd try to laugh it off at first until he realizes the opportunity but then you apologized and said that you always thought he was attractive and that you like him way more than a friend and hes overcome with such joy! 10/10 jumps into your arms and tells you that he's felt the same way. "I love you, too, my princess!" Plz dont comment on how he went straight to the big words. He truly does love you. 
Doesnt talk about his feelings and tried to avoid them for soooo long but then you just had to go ahead and step in front of him like that. On one hand, a huge pressure is lifted off of his chest that you feel the same way, on the other hand he wanted to confess in the most romantic way possible? "Lady… *chuckles* I was supposed to tell you that. Either way, I feel the same way." 
Honestly it's so obvious that he likes you because he's just a blushing stuttering mess all the time around you. He always thought he messed up his chances by being so awkward so when you tell him you like him too he almost breaks down crying because omg you like him too!!! Grabs your shoulders and almost yells, "I like you too (Y/N)! A-and i have for a while… youre so pretty and kind and you never judge… and funny and you stick around and I want you to be with me forever and…." Please just love this boy ;-; 
You guys were so close and it was almost painful every time you'd do the simplest things together. You could be walking down the hall and your hands accidentally brushed or watch King of Fighting and you just happen to lay your head on his shoulder. God he has been falling for you so bad and he just couldn't bring himself to say so, but when you had the guts and told him that you like him too, he almost had a heart attack. "(Y/N)... This whole time I wanted to tell you that… I cant believe you feel the same" softly embraces you and doesnt let go for a while; hes so happy. 
Boy he likes to think he can hide his crush pretty well and apparently so except that everyone knows except you two. He is so nervous all the time, so scared of messing up and or you finding him boring and not impressive enough. But every time you sit together and talk about life and every time you're willingly close to him he feels like he does have a chance and then he actually does? Almost spits out his tea when you tell him and you might take it as a negative response so he quickly apologizes and explains that he likes you too "... Y-you have been on o-on my mind and i-in my heart  for s-so long and… I can't keep this inside me a-any longer… I like you too, p-please be m-mine..?" So nervous. Almost passes out. Never thought this would happen. 
Somewhere in his mind he had no doubt about the fact that you like him too, but still he couldn't shake off the feeling of what would happen if you did not see him as that. He's getting old, and he knows, and any relationship that may come his way, he wants that one to be the last because he doesn't have time for games anymore… so when you tell him that you believe he's the one and that you want to be with him for as long as possible he's so shook. "(N/N)-chan… I'm so happy you feel the same way!! I've liked you for so long… be mine?!" Goes in to hug you and somehow almost kisses you which may or may not have been intentional. 
Doesnt wanna talk about it. Only Reiji knows about his crush and ONLY because Reiji is nosy AF. Thinks he could have a shot but thinks you deserve better. So terrified of rejection no cap. Was gonna take his feelings to the grave, but then you spilled your own feelings out to him one evening over movies and take out and he almost choked on his pasta. You? Like him? Too??? Literally grabs your shoulders "eh??!! You like me??!! I have literally been trying to tell you that for AGES and here you go so easily saying that? Tch… just be mine already, babe." Grumpy emotional. Just lay your head on his chest and watch his blush spread across his cheek plz. It's adorable. 
He had everything to offer you and more and yet he could just not bring himself to tell you how he feels. His pride wouldnt let him. Let someone have emotional control over him? No thank you he will just bury his feelings and hope they go away but oh here you two go again to another pastries shop and somehow you got him to laugh and here we go again with these butterflies. Is so annoyed with himself that he almost didnt catch you confess to him but of course he heard the three words that really matter "...I like you.." He's silent after that for a few moments, mainly because his heart is beating so fast and his brain is replaying the words, and he's trying to maintain a cool persona. Finally settles on a small chuckle and a smile "I like you too… fool…" fool? Mentally slaps himself but you seem to be taking it well since you're laughing. 
Ai has such a hard time understanding what's going on inside him and when he does finally understand, he tries to keep it to himself. But every time he sees you and you interact with him, his heart flutters a bit and he soon realized that he cant keep these feelings in forever. He wanted to take you out to one of your favorite restaurants for lunch and then tell you but halfway through the main course, you just kind of told him yourself and it was said so calmly, like you've said it before and he almost wondered if you two were already together? "You like me, too?" Gets such a cute little smile, "I like you, (Y/N), I have for a while.." :')
Lolololololol has so much confidence. Of course you'd like him back, hahaha….unless??? Cant manage to tell you in fear of his pride being hurt, but he makes sure to try and show you in small ways? Like buying you lunch, getting you VIP tickets to the concerts, spending time with you, etc… And then one day he's doing exactly that, buying you lunch, because he's memorized your favorite everything, but you tagged along because you wanted to be around him and you just were telling him how appreciative you were of him and everything he does and next thing he knows you're confessing to him and he almost drops the take out box. Shook 103. Almost doesnt know how to answer but his smugness comes back sooner or later "my my my angel… I guess I have to confess that I like you too." Plays it off cool but inside his heart grew by like 65 sizes. 
He's so quiet and honestly love was the last thing on his mind and then you came along and messed it all up. Suddenly he was talking and all of HEAVENS was shook and realized way sooner than Kira ever could. At some point the feelings started overflowing and he cant deny them anymore and you just happen to sit so close and then you take his hand oh? Those were the words he was dying to hear. "... I like you too…" theres a small blush on his face and you find it so cute. 
Haha feelings are stupid. Denies it. No one is gonna get him to confess. Nada. Niente. But the more he hangs out with you the harder it is to deny. He even tried insulting you and you know what didnt work? That! That didn't work! So one day he just stomps up to you and goes , "Listen here,you little---" "i like you, nagi-san!!" Did you just interrupt him? No, wait did you just confess to him???!!" Taken aback. Nagi doesnt work for a second. "Y-you.. Do? Well good thing you feel the same because I was just about to tell you that." Plays it off cool, died on the inside. 
Precious little thing doesnt know what to do with himself and these feelings. Is so nervous around you but tries to not overstep any lines. LOVES to hang out with you and play stupid board games with you, so one night when youre over and you guys are playing UNO, he is almost ready to tell you, but then you said it and his soul left his body for a minute. So overcome with happiness he almost cries, "oh (Y/N)... I like you too… I'm so happy you feel the same!" 
Cute. Of course he was gonna fall for someone eventually but this was just SO unexpected. You came into his life and rocked his world in such an unexpected way… suddenly flirting with you doesnt become easy and he is trying so hard to not mess up and ugh here he is trying to explain his feelings to you and wait did you just kiss him and then tell him you feel so deeply for him? Aidjsjqjjasjqoqooosn. SO taken aback. Actually blushes a little? Is this real? Immediately pulls you in and tells you the same, "oh angel! I feel the same way and… can I get another try at that kiss?" 
Denies his feelings by taking laps and going rock climbing, basically anything to get his mind off of you and focused on something else. Cant tell you, too scared of rejection. So when you asked to join him on one of his runs he almost freaks out because now he HAS to talk to you or it'll be awkward. Halfway through the run you take a water break and you knew that now was the time. "Yamato, I have a crush on you." He was ready for the next 2 and a half kilometers when his knees almost gave out at hearing you say that. Swears on God his heart stopped beating for a second, "good, because otherwise this would be really awkward" and kisses you? He has no clue how he got that confidence and his face is turning all shades of red right after but at least now you know, right? 
His whole life he tried to prove to everyone that he was worth it. And then you came along and you saw that he was worth it and you never expected anything of him, and it is such a nice feeling to just be accepted by someone… he couldnt help but fall for you. Shion wanted to be yours so badly, wanted for you to be his so badly, so when those words left your perfect lips, so many stones fell off his shoulders. He visibly relaxed beside you and gently took your hand in his, "i like you too… Thank you, (Y/N)..." 
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pahsmina · 4 years
Wardrobe post 2021 part 1 - dresses (image and text heavy)
For years I have wanted to tag along the trend in the EGL community to make a wardrobe post. But I just never took the time and effort to go through with it. Perhaps it’s because I’m so used to writing about merchandise that I sometimes feel a little lost what to write when it comes to clothes? 
So let’s go 2021, let’s do this! 
In this post I will focus on dresses, so get ready for a lot of pictures, along with my endless ramblings. 🙏
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Rabbit Circus by Zhijinyuan - Release unknown
Now this dress is a walking mystery for me, which most offbrand dresses often becomes for me. I first saw this on google image search while checking out different circus cords, and I fell in love with it instantly. 
However every site I managed to find it on seemed to be a bit shady, so I was a little bit cautious if I would end up with something similar to the stock photos of it, or a nightmare of cheap fabric. 
At the end I stumbled across it on a Japanese lolita store called Alice Doll, which seemed to be a reseller of some taobao dresses. The price was around 4000 yen, which made me think “at least it’s not a too good to be true deal” and placed an order. 
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And I’m so glad I ended up ordering it! 
Yes the skirt part of the dress does feel a bit cheaper in the fabric than my other brand ones, but there is such a lovely attention to details in it! Plus I’m a big fan of the jacquard texture in the fabric. 
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Jewelry Print Chiffon JSK by Alice and the Pirates - 2007
Being an adult means I can purchase old dream dresses I used to have as a teenager. And this is one of them!
Funny story, I used to own this print in another model and colour. But sold it because I mostly bought it as a compromise for not finding this specific model. 
So here I am, years later and owning that exact dream. It fits wonderfully, and the asymmetrical cut is even more beautiful in person. 
Sadly mine is missing the pearl chain in the front, so I replaced it with a navy coloured bow instead. 
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Twinkle School Tartan JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2007
This feels like a piece of Swedish lolita history. 
Over the years I have seen several people in the community all over Sweden own this dress, and also bought it secondhand from a Swedish lolita. 
I wonder if this is the same dress that all those people have owned before, or if there are more Twinkle School Tartan jsks floating around here? 
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Titel unknown by Mary Lolita -  Release unknown
I’m a really big fan of balloons, especially hot air ones. It’s just something about them that always makes me smile. 
So when I found this dress I immediately had to get it, despite not knowing too much about the brand. 
It’s easily one of my most comfortable dresses, and works perfect for more casual, yet colourful outfits. 
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Miracle Rabbit by 由纪的八音盒 - 2020
My absolute favorite theme for lolita dresses are circus and rabbit prints, so I was overjoyed when I found out the existance about this dress. 
And not only that, I was quite lucky since it was sold out in almost every model, except my most desired cut, colour and size. A match made in heaven 🐰
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Holy Night Story Switch JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2010
Another old dream dress of mine!
I bought this after my last breakup to cheer myself up a lil bit, but despite being purchased during such a sad time I never feel sadness whenever I look at it. 
Except for circus themes, I’m a huge sucker for anything reminding me of marching band outfits. And also rats, rats are very important too. (Yes they are probably mice but let a girl dream) 
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My favorite detail on this one is that it’s missing one of the original buttons, and the owner before me replaced it with this crown button instead. I don’t know why, but I just find it super cute haha. 
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Dot Jacquard Circus JSK by Innocent World - 2008
More circus dresses! 
I ended up loving this dress so much that I am actually on the hunt for the black one as well. 
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Bertille OP by Mary Magdalena - 2009
Despite often dressing in OTT sweet lolita prints, this dress often makes me feel a little bit too overdressed sometimes? It’s just so elegant that I feel a little bit out of place sometimes haha. 
But I don’t have the heart in me to sell it, because when I do end up wearing it I just love the silhouette way too much to even consider parting with it. 
(I do have the bow for the front, I just forgot to dig it up from my accessory boxes) 
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Dressing Up Bunny-Chan Corduroy JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2006
Time really has taken it’s toll on this dress. 
I love it to death, but it makes me a little sad to see how much the blue has faded to more of a grey colour. The zipper is also broken and have to be replaced.
Sadly it’s not a hyped enough old school dress to ever see a re-release. So I will continue to care for it till the day it finally gives up. 
...and then buy a new one , because boy oh boy, I love it so much. 
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Sugary Carnival OP by Angelic Pretty - 2009 or 2011
I was SUPER lucky when I purchased this dress last year, even if it arrived to me in a condition that is unacceptable in my eyes. 
Always imagined myself buying the JSK version of this colourway, but I ended up liking the OP more than I thought. 
The fabric is quite faded over the years, and I’m a little bit worried it might not match too well with the 2020 re-release of the headbow, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. 
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Tiara Rose Tiered JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2009
My very first Angelic Pretty dress, and it’s still with me. 
Originally purchased to wear to a wedding I was gonna attend, and kept ever since. 
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Dreamy Dollhouse Switching JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2009
Another dress from my breakup phase. 
Purchased this while I was hospitalized as a “Bitch you’re gonna get though this”-gift to myself.
I was quite lucky with this find, since I managed to get the JSK and headbow in a set for 5000 yen. 
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Frederick Party Picot Lace JSK by Innocent world - 2007
I used to own this skirt in pink many many years ago, but sold it when I was getting into figure collecting and desired money for that instead. Big regrets on my part, since I ever since then desperately wanted it back. 
Since then I have not managed to decide on which cut I desire for the pink one, but I was 100% about the blue one. And luckily that exact cut and colour is hanging safe and sound in my closet 💖
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Milky-Chan the Fawn Ribbon JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2009
It’s kind of funny that for SC my plan was to get the JSK, but ended up with the OP instead. And it’s the complete opposite with my Milky-Chan. 
This is another dress that I might not use too much, but it’s mostly because I’m a big slob and terrified of spilling something on it. Plus it’s a nightmare to iron with the ribbons on the straps and the pearl details haha. 
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Lyrical Party Going-out JSK by Angelic Pretty -  2011
My love for bunnies of course includes loving Lyrical Bunny. The design of this lil bun is just so cute and I can’t get enough of seeing it. I want to get more items such as accessories and novelties, but there’s always something that stops me from getting them. Like when they do pop up i’m out of cash for the moment, or sell out super fast. 
So I feel lucky to at least own the Lyrical Party JSK. At first I planned on getting this in lavender, but I’m quite happy I ended up with the pink one instead. 
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Melty Chocolate High Waist JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2010
My pride and joy, my absolute dreamdress. 
I was on the hunt for this colourway for so long that it drove me crazy. It popped up secondhand on sites not quite perfect for my timezone, so it often sold out while I had been asleep. 
But a few days after Christmas in 2019 it finally showed up while I was still awake, and I purchased it with no hesitation. 
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Sugary Carnival JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2021
Not yet in my wardrobe, but I want to mention it anyway. I can’t wait till October😭😭 
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lambourngb · 4 years
1 Hi! I saw the Michael wants a family w/ Alex thread & saw you're maybe planning a fic. First off I am such a fan and feel free to delete this if it in anyway offends bec i I swear it's never my intent. It's your fic and you can 1000% write w/ever you want. I can't figure out how to reply to the thread but I saw someone putting in a request not to shade M for not wanting kids. So I thought maybe it'd be okay to reach out too w/ a concern (i hope I'm not overstepping, if so ignore me please).
2 I get that the idea of including her in the 1st place was from a comment who wanted a fun petty moment (no judgement) but it grew to addressing Michael's passiveness. I just wanted to put it out there that I hope incl. her doesn't come off as if she's the 1st option for this. Given the OG text post, it'd be great if Alex is the 1st person Michael thinks of when thinking about a child. The idea of it being a last resort or that he went to someone else 1st just makes me so anxious and sad.
3 I feel like Alex deserves better & that Michael chooses him because he wants to not bec he has no options so I hope it isn't written like that. The show forcing things is tiring me out and it's making me anxious about things I'm usually pretty chill about. I don't even know if you will write it and I don't mean any harm. I hope you're not mad and I didn't offend & this isn't coming off as whiny or demanding, I was just rly hoping to reach out to voice a concern. Thanks for reading.
Hi Nonnie- first of all, thank you. I’m glad you enjoy my writing! That’s always nice to hear. And second of all, I’m not offended and I completely understand your anxiety about Alex being a second choice here with Michael. I’ve always believed that Maria has been Michael’s second choice in canon. He’s convinced himself that things are too hard with Alex and it’s best to give up. I hate that for Michael because it says a lot of things about his non-existent self esteem and his abandonment issues. Anyway, my “Michael wants a family” story is just a nebulous idea at the moment and is obviously something I won’t dive into until I finish off Last Year’s Wishes. I basically smack my brain with a rolled up newspaper and say “No! focus on the thing you started before you start another!”.
When I am ready to dive in- here’s what I’m thinking and hopefully this helps gauge your future interest in this story- like Last Year’s Wishes, I like to write from one limited point of view. I have only tried briefly to write from Michael’s POV, but I feel like this story has to be told from his and that’s intimidating as hell, haha, especially because I feel a deep connection to Alex.
What we know from canon regarding kids and a family is- Michael wants a family. Other than Isobel leaving the door open for herself in the future, he’s the only one who has definitively said he wants kids. I don’t know how Maria or Alex feels about kids, Maria I think I can guess on (more on that below), but Alex, other than saying that Roswell felt like home for the first time because of Michael (triggering Maria’s iconic line “Home can be a person”) hasn’t said much in the way of marriage and family. The fact he bought or rented a house in Roswell, instead of the cabin - maybe that signals he wants to set down roots? Maybe he just hated the commute from the cabin?
Maria is a little easier for me to make a guess over, and I could be wrong, but she’s been working extremely hard to support herself and her mother for many years. Did she dream about being a singer? Did she ever want to leave Roswell? We don’t know, but she is savvy with money and is constantly looking for opportunities to better her position in life financially. And that financial security is still shakey with her 24/7 hustle. Nursing home care in the US is so costly it could be considered a crime, and with Mimi not being old enough to qualify for social security or medicare, that cost is on Maria’s shoulders. From a young age- Maria’s entire focus on the future was based around the knowledge that she was going to have to take care of her mother. I don’t know if that leaves energy for the idea of taking care of a child. Maria also knew she too would face this neurological disorder at some point and become a burden herself. Now does the bracelet stop her decline? How long does the pollen’s keep things in check? And if she does keep her mind healthy and intact, what sort of thing would she be passing on to a more-than-50 percent alien child?
Again I could be projecting my own feelings here, but I just get the vibe that Maria has a lot of caretaker burnout still and is reaching for things that make her feel good in the moment but is in no hurry to take on another big future responsibility outside of making enough money to survive.
And what does that mean for Michael’s relationship with her? If he wants to have a long-term relationship with Maria, he would have to let go of the idea of kids. Here’s the thing, that Michael himself said, he’s good at giving up. He gave up college, he gave up on hope/people, he gave up on the idea he could have a happy ending with Alex- everywhere you look in canon, you see him holding up empty hands when it comes to things he wants and basically saying “I tried for a bit, it was hard, so I’m done trying” (and personally I think he tried for 10 years with Alex, the longest and most stubborn grab for happiness).
Other people get him to keep pushing past that impulse to give up - Liz when it came to curing Isobel, Liz again when it came to saving Max, and Alex- when it came to looking for some hope in a dark story (Nora and Tripp). So I want Michael to be the one who pushes himself past that impulse. I want him to come face to face with his oldest, most wanted desire (A family) and draw a line in the sand, and so no, “I want this, I want this for me” and not back away when it causes conflict with someone else.
But here’s the thing, Michael’s so used to “going where you want me” that I think even in the face of Maria saying “you know, kids aren’t in the future here” he would still try to make it work. I have long joked that I ship everyone on RNM with a therapist (except for Kyle, who is perfect) but I really want Michael to seek out help. I think he would go, but for entirely the wrong purpose- in my story, he would go see a therapist and say to them, “I can fix a busted transmission, but I can’t fix this. Can you help me with this? She doesn’t want a family but I do. How can I change myself”
And oh boy is that a pandora’s box for a therapist. Digging into the meat of you don’t think people will stay so you push them away- Alex, then when they do express they want you, you don’t believe it will last so why bother trying again. In the process of Michael trying to fix himself so he can preserve his relationship with Maria, he discovers though guidance - that he can’t be a good partner if he’s not good to himself, and letting someone else’s desires supersede his own isn’t healthy. Then finding the balance after you figure out you can say no- because compromise is also important.
Somewhere in this mess is Sanders, who after hearing that Michael’s ready to ditch the idea of being someone’s dad, shakes him by the shirt collar. Explaining to Michael that just maybe he should have tried harder all those years ago to be someone who could adopt him, that shame never leaves him. Trying twice was good but not good enough, who’s to say the third time wouldn’t have been successful? But somewhere along the line Sanders decided it was easier to be the old gin-soaked junkyard dog than be someone who was willing to do the work of sobriety. Does Michael want to follow in his footsteps? Leave some kid in a place they don’t belong if he has the ability and desire to provide a home? And Michael decides he is done telling himself it won’t work out, that he wants this with an impulse stronger than his self-defeatist instincts.
And that is the death knell on his relationship with Maria- incompatible.
Then, because I’m a Malex shipper through and through, there’s Alex. He’s shown up for Michael all through season 2. And in my eyes, they’ve worked on their friendship (drown in those 2x04 feels) and Michael calls him for advice, lays out what’s going on with him and Alex supports him on that path to being happy. Alex gently probing him about how long he’s had this dream of being a parent, hearing how it predated senior year, but after senior year Michael inserted Alex into the dream. Michael sharing even after everything, he still thinks of Alex of being there, maybe an uncle? And Alex, overwhelmed by how serious Michael was and maybe still is? Takes it slow, this can’t be a rebound, just urges him to take the small steps, like mentoring with Big Brothers/Big Sisters or through the YMCA.
Those logical steps get escalated when Michael discovers a hitchhiker stowed away in flatbed of his tow trunk after a stop at a rest area. He sees himself in this angry, but desperate kid. He doesn’t want to give the kid up and so he calls on Alex yet again, to do a background check to make sure the story is true and then pleads for him to help. Make Michael foster-parent worthy in the eyes of the law. I don’t know if this skirts the fear you have that Alex is the last resort? In my mind, his two oldest desires are having a kid AND having Alex, and once he works out he can have the first, he realizes that all is not lost with Alex as well.
Anyway my very long thoughts on this story I AM NOT WRITING RIGHT NOW: a take on ‘fake engagement because of CPS’ where Alex installs Michael into his house all so they could give a home to this stray kid. 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you have a taste in your mouth right now? What of? Just the faint taste of coffee since I have a cup at the moment but haven’t drunk from it in the last few minutes. Which is your least favourite day of the week? I’ve lost the concept of the days of the week for a few months now, man. Back when we used to do things, though, I hated Sundays as I felt loneliest on that day. It was always an automatic thing too so I had little control over it. If told to clean the house, would you be more inclined to clean one room really well or clean all of the rooms with hardly any effort? Clean all rooms with maximum effort. I’d be really bugged if I didn’t strive to be perfect with the whole place lol. Do you put glue on the object you're sticking down or on the paper? Object, so that the amount of glue I’m putting would be accurate. What was your last dream about? I don’t remember the details anymore but at the very least, I know it was very vivid since I remembered it throughout the morning. I’ve been having very detailed dreams lately – it’s the depression for sure. 
What is your favourite part of the last movie you watched? Haven’t seen a movie in a while but the last thing I watched in full was The Crown; Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret really shone through in the last episode I saw. Have you stuck any stickers to the computer you're using? I put all my stickers onto my laptop case but not the laptop itself. I haven’t had the case on for a while now though, since I’m always just at home now. Do you ever write or talk to yourself in your head when you're bored? Yes or when I’m feeling upset, as long as I’m alone. I’ve found that talking to myself is a healthy way to address and deal with my emotions. What interests you the most about other people? What I find interesting always varies. I have friends who I find interesting for their music tastes; some others for their knowledge of random trivia; some for their jobs, etc. It’s always different. Do you ever take random pictures out of boredom? What of? Not really. If I take photos it’s because I want to remember a moment or because I find something cute or funny. Basically anything that elicits a strong emotion out of me, I’m bound to take a picture of. Do you prefer listening to things through headphones or speakers? Headphones. How many siblings do you have? Do you get on with them? I have two siblings. I only get along with my sister; I have not talked to my brother since last year and have no desire to again. Would you rather live in a log cabin or a brick house? Mmm I’d take the brick house. Log cabin would be nice for a quick getaway, but I wouldn’t want it to be my permanent home. There’s a psychological factor in there and I just think that staying in a log cabin would make me feel suffocated eventually, haha. Do you have a calendar up for this year? I have a ‘Job Applications’ calendar that I’m currently monitoring, and it tracks the applications I’ve sent out to different companies and how long I’ve been waiting for a response from each of them. Really needing some positive vibes and energy since I actually just got my first rejection notice today. Other than that this year has been pretty fucking boring and there’s been little need to keep an active calendar. What was the very first CD you bought? The first CD I remember asking my parents to buy for me was like the High School Musical official soundtrack. I was big on Disney as a kid and wasn’t a big fan of any solo acts or bands up until I was around 10. Do you keep things like old train tickets, etc? Yessssssss. Do you like your smile? Why (not)? I like it; I find my smile friendly and warm. I just hate smiling with my teeth at the present since one of my front teeth protrudes. Can’t wait to get braces again. Would you rather be able to sing or dance? Why? Dance. Dancers are super hot, lmao. What was your favourite colour when you were a kid? Do you still like it? It was purple/violet and it was mostly influenced by my great-grandma who lovedddd the color and had it everywhere in her home. When she passed away, my love for the color slowly faded away and I don’t think too much of it now. Have you ever said 'lol' in real life? Haha yeah sometimes. I pronounce it as ‘lohl’ and never ‘el oh el’ though. Do you like your friend's parents? I like most of their parents, though I’m aware that some have abusive tendencies. Most of the parents are super nice, though. JM’s mom cooked a big lunch for us once and his dad buys like four party-sized boxes of pizza every time we come over, Angela’s parents treat me like their own kid, Gab’s mom constantly tells me she loves me...it’s in the little things. How many times have you moved? I can remember just the two times, but I know that we moved several times more when I was an infant. Have you ever refused to try a certain food? Which? Most stuff with fruits, hah. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, like when a sushi roll has mango or if I’m having banoffee pie, but I almost always refuse a meal with some kind of fruit in it. What's your favourite type of soup? Not really big on soup. I just like miso. Very occasionally I’ll have mushroom soup too. What is your favourite candle scent? I don’t buy candles nor do I know people who regularly get them, so I’m not very familiar with the different scents. Does the sight of blood make you feel ill? In real life, it would. I always have to look away whenever Gabie gets a nosebleed ha. But I have no problem watching bloody wrestling matches and I actually enjoy the bloodier ones. Super weird quirk of mine. What do you call it when you're sick anyways? (Sick, ill, not well, etc) If I’m referring to a fever I call it sick/ill/not feeling well. If I feel like throwing up I say I’m getting dizzy/need to vomit. I’ve never referred to puking as ‘getting sick,’ and it took me a very long time to realize that it was a common American saying, haha. Did you ever really believe in the tooth fairy? I did, and I felt super betrayed when I put my tooth under my pillow only to see it again the next morning. If you had to appear in a movie, which genre would you choose? Coming of age. What do you do with unwanted gifts? I keep them, since I still appreciate the effort of the gift-giver. Are there any clothes you haven't worn in ages, that you've suddenly started wearing again? HAHA yes. There will be rare instances where I get to go out and I always take the time to look stylish as all fuck, even though I’m only running an errand and wearing flashier pieces would be so unnecessary. I just miss dressing up and looking cute, man. Do any keys on your keyboard stick? Like, if they’re sticky? No. Would you rather own a laptop or a computer? Laptop. Love it when things are portable. Do you think you'll look at old photos of yourself and be embarrassed? My teenage years are definitely bad especially with regard to my fashion choices lol, but so are everyone else’s so I’m not super embarrassed. I cringe at the photos but I wouldn’t mind if my friends poked fun at them because chances are I’d join in too. What was the worst hairstyle you ever had? I always hated it whenever my mom took me to the salon to have my hair rebonded. That kind of look has never worked with my face shape and so I usually did everything for my hair to start curling up quicker and go back to its original form. Do you like t-shirts with sayings on them? Why (not)? Not really. It’s just not a personal preference. I like plain or slightly printed pieces. Do you click on the adverts at the side of the screen? No. Have you ever coughed and sneezed at the same time? I’m sure it’s happened before. Are you embarrassed to show people your ID photo? Nah. Whatever dude. Have / would you ever become a cheerleader? I haven’t, but I would have loved to. We don’t have a cheerleading club or varsity in my old school though so I was never able to hone my skills, if ever. What's the longest you've gone without eating? Maybe a little more than 24 hours. What is one of your biggest irrational fears? Commercials airing at night. I find jingles and graphic effects unsettling by a certain hour lol. What comes up when you press Ctrl + V? “I reeeeally miss seeing you and your purple things and seeing you give glares to people who deserve it. what a lodi <333” omg aw. It’s Jane’s birthday today and I copied that bit of my greeting to move it to another paragraph so that my message would flow better. Out of the bands you listen to, were most of them around before or after you were born? After. When did you last jump out of fright? I don’t remember. Are you currently waiting on something? What? For a company to take me in. Does time pass slowly or quickly when you're on the internet? Usually it’s quickly, but now that I feel more and more useless around the house, time’s been more slow and for the first time the distractions of the internet haven’t been working. What about when you're at school / work? Depended on the amount of stuff I had to do and whether I’m enthusiastic about them or not. Does the thought of being pregnant gross you out? The thought of giving birth does, but not pregnancy. What was the last thing you made with your hands? I mean I made myself a cup of coffee tonight, but the coffee mix itself was already pre-packaged. I just mixed it with hot water. Are you good at making shadow puppets? I’d say no. Are you more hungry or thirsty right now? Neither. I’ve been so anxious and depressed these days I’m actually skipping every single meal except dinner, and even then I eat very little. I don’t even do it on purpose; my anxiety has simply stopped me from feeling hungry. No idea what the weighing scale’s gonna tell me the next time I check, sigh. Someone hire me plz. God it really sucks being a fresh grad in this current state of the world. Are you prone to headaches? No. They only come out during hectic schedules and stressful weeks. Do you forget things easily? The little and everyday things, like forgetting my school ID at home or where I placed my keys. But I don’t forget things that are more bigger-picture, like birthdays or faces or memories. Do you enjoy going out to dinner? I enjoy it and I terribly miss being able to do it. Would you ever go on a cruise ship holiday? I would and I have. Lots of fun. Would do again and again. What's your favourite sea animal? Dolphins and whales. Do you get coughs or colds more? Coughs.
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carmenxjulia · 5 years
Maybe I Love You
Title: Maybe I Love You
Description: Ivy's got a crush, and the time she has to confess may be running out.
[Read on AO3]
Team Carmen was spending one of their rare lazy days at their new warehouse base. Zack and Shadowsan were training in the gym. Or, more than likely, Shadowsan was attempting to train, while Zack tried and repeatedly failed to catch him off-guard. In any case, it left the two ladies of Team Carmen alone, in what could be considered the living room of their makeshift home.
Carmen was settled in a chair across from the couch, a coffee table filling the space between herself and Ivy. There had been silence between them for several minutes, which Carmen hadn't yet seemed to notice, or at least, decided not to acknowledge. Finally, it was Ivy who broke the silence.
"Hey Carm, do you, uh, like me?"
"Of course I like you, Ivy."
"Yeah, but-" she could feel her face flushing already, and gripped the couch cushion beneath her to steady herself. "You remember the night we first met, yeah? How I threw that anchor to help you out?"
"How could I forget? You really got me out of a bind."
"Yeah, well, the truth is, I might've been trying to impress you."
"You most certainly did."
"I wanted to make a good first impression because I kind of liked you," she grinned hopefully at Carmen, who finally looked away from her laptop. "And the more I get to know ya and the more capers we go on- I-" she rubbed at the back of her neck with one hand, "the more I kinda-"
"Do you feel okay, Ivy? You look a little flushed and… sweaty."
Ivy visibly gulped, trying to swallow down the lump rising in her throat. She was hoping Carmen could take a hint, but clearly, the thief didn't have a clue about what she was implying. That didn't bode well for her potentially having similar feelings. So, time to bail. "Yeah, y'know what, I'm just gonna go lie down or uh, go splash some cold water on my face," she made a beeline for the bathroom, stumbling over her own feet in the process.
Ever since the incident in Sweden, Ivy hadn't been able to get the image of Carmen out of her head.
She and Zack had driven out of Stockholm, further and further into the wilderness, where no human had any sensible business being. The more they drove, the tighter the knot Ivy's stomach grew. She kept checking with Player, making sure they were headed the right way, even though there was only one winding road to follow out here. Asking if he'd heard from Carmen yet. Asking again, when the last time was he'd heard from her. Mentally calculating how long she'd been missing. Wondering if they'd be too late. Terrified that they might lose Carmen, not to a potential enemy or threat, but to the elements. What a way to go. She shuddered.
And then seeing her, half-dead in the snow, helplessly watching her be surrounded by A.C.M.E. agents, and knowing she and Zack didn't stand a chance of getting her back.
The aftermath, when they let her go, and Ivy held her in the back of the van, as Carmen fought for her life.
Since that night, the thought had nagged at Ivy that she might lose out on her chance to tell Carmen how she felt. Actually, she'd been thinking about it before then, when they bought the warehouse and Daddy Sterling's offer was still fresh. But with how the mission had gone down, it didn't feel like the right time.
The events in Sweden got her thinking about it again. And now, she blew it.
After a few minutes, Carmen set aside her computer and followed after, concerned for her friend's well-being. She heard the faucet running, followed by what sounded like a splash, then a clatter and "oh man" (probably Ivy knocking something over), then the water turning off, concluded with a determined sniffle. She sounded fine enough, and Carmen was about to go back to her work, but paused when she heard her voice.
"It's no big deal. She doesn't have to like you back. You've been rejected before. No problem! You just have to see her and talk to her every day and live in the same building as her but so what! So you put yourself out there and tried to confess that you're in love with her, and it didn't turn out. No biggie. Yeah. I mean, c'mon, look at you! Why would you think you even had a chance? Carmen's a total babe and you're… you. Haha, yeah. Good one Ivy. Thinking you could score with a knockout like Carmen Sandiego. Smart, funny, pretty- and what do you got? I make tools, I get my hands dirty. That's not her type. She probably- ah. I can't say nothin' bad about Carm. Okay, Ivy. Chin up. Things just go back to the way they were. Stopping bad guys, righting wrongs, doing good in the world! Yeah! Nothing's different at all. Nothing. Yeah."
Carmen, too absorbed in trying to process all that Ivy had said, didn't think about the fact that Ivy had stopped speaking. She didn't think about how little space there was between the sink and the door, and how quickly her friend could step across the room and turn the handle. She came back to reality as the door clicked, eyes going wide when she realized her error.
"Carm?!" Ivy exclaimed.
"Ivy-" her expression conveyed that she'd heard every word, "why didn't you tell me?"
Ivy stood stock still, trying to remember everything she'd said in her pep talk. Thinking of all the incriminating things she'd said. Glad she had decided against putting Carmen down to make herself feel better (which wouldn't have made her feel better at all, actually). But, inarguably, Carmen was completely, totally, 100% aware of her feelings now, and there was no going back.
"I tried to tell you, Carm. I tried showing off for you. I tried doing extra nice things for you. I even tried sitting real close when there was plenty of space on the couch. But, ah, you didn't really seem to notice so I thought maybe you weren't interested. And that's fine, Carm. I'm a grown up. I don't need to be let down easy or nothin'. Okay?" she took a deep breath, not sounding fully convinced of her own words.
"I'm an idiot," Carmen slumped against the wall behind her, slapping a hand to her forehead.
"Nah, Carm, you're the smartest one of us-"
"And yet I couldn't figure out that you- you love me?" she looked surprised.
"Well, yeah, Carm. Pretty much since the first time I laid eyes on ya. I mean, wanted to get to know you first, but you've always had an irresistible charm. Charm, Carm. Hey, that rhymes. They should call you charmin' Carmen, because you're always charming the ladies. And probably the fellas, too," it felt good to have more relaxed chatter, in the midst of their awkwardness.
"Oh," Carmen still seemed to not have recovered from the recent revelation.
"Hey, are we cool, Carm? I'm sorry you had to hear all that. I didn't think anyone was listening."
"No, I'm sorry for eavesdropping. But I'm glad I know now. Turns out, I can predict V.I.L.E.'s every move, but I can't get the hint when a cute girl is making a move."
"You don't really think I'm cute, do ya Carm?" Ivy pushed her hair back out of her eyes, leaning against the bathroom doorway.
Carmen stepped forward, leaning on the wall next to Ivy, partially boxing her in. "I've always thought so, Ivy. I just didn't quite realize what that meant. We're always so busy, trying to stop V.I.L.E. Sometimes I feel like I don't have the chance to breathe or focus on anything else except the next mission. Maybe I'm afraid if I give in to my feelings, I'll get distracted," she sighed. "I think I've liked you for a long time, Ivy. Maybe since the day we met, but I'm not sure. I had other priorities then. I still don't know if I'm ready to juggle something like a relationship. But with Shadowsan here, I feel more relaxed. I feel like I have time for myself, and maybe- maybe for you, too."
"You serious, Carm? I don't want you to feel like you have to. I know stopping V.I.L.E. is important-"
"Ivy-" Carmen placed a finger upon her lips to shush her. She suddenly looked uncertain, staring down and reconsidering the questionably intimate touch. Those green eyes looked back, deep emerald pools, waiting for her to speak. "-can I try something?" she moved her hand to cup the side of Ivy's face, fingers threading through her short hair, as she felt Ivy lean into the touch.
"Sure, Carm," her voice was light, nearly a whisper when she answered.
Carmen slowly slid her hand down Ivy's cheek, feeling the soft skin beneath, and bringing it to rest under her chin. She bent down, every so slightly, eyes locked as she drew Ivy forward, bringing them close. "Is this okay?" she asked, when she was but a hair's breadth away from Ivy's lips.
In response, Ivy pushed forward, closing the gap between them, bringing their mouths together.
Carmen tasted like strawberry, her signature lip gloss that Ivy could always catch the scent of if they were close enough. She tasted like perfection and clarity, and Ivy pressed on, not fully believing this moment was happening, and wanting it to last forever.
Ivy tasted like salt and earth, sweat and dust, the marks of someone who worked hard and never gave up. A woman like herself, strong, determined, fearless. When Ivy drove forward, Carmen answered with matched fervor.
It was impossible to tell who pulled away first.
"Yeah," Ivy responded, breathing slightly heavily, "it's okay." She smiled, in a way Carmen had never seen her smile. Not just with those impeccable lips, but with her eyes, seeming to practically glow under the lights of the warehouse. Had she always looked so pretty?
"I think," Carmen took a deep breath, "we can make this work." She grasped Ivy's hand in her own, leading her over to the couch. She still had work to do, after all.
As Carmen picked up her laptop, Ivy snuggled into her side, head on her shoulder. She sighed contentedly, turning her face upward to plant a gentle kiss on her cheek. A smile formed from Carmen's serious expression, and she swiveled her head to respond by planting her lips against Ivy's forehead. It felt nice to do something that brought her joy like she'd never felt before. It felt nice to do something that made her happy, and even more so, something that made someone so close to her happy as well.
They could make this work.
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solesurvivorkat · 4 years
Sorry if this has been asked before, but how did you get the dialog for your Shadow of Steel fanfic? Did you use a site, watch videos, or something else? Your writing is amazing and I read it over so many times! I hope you’re well! ♥️♥️♥️
O.o  .......   ::stares at Ask and blinks slowly a few times::
...Someone is asking about my FO4 fic.....
;__;*  .......
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Okay, well... first of all, you made my night by asking me about it at all, so thank you for that, lol!   *^.^*   Second, thank you SO much for the compliment! I know I’ve said it a trillion times, but I swear, I swear that I’m not done writing it. I know my writing has been soooooooo slow and long in between chapters, & I seriously can’t apologize enough. Not trying to make excuses, but in between my son, work, moving to a new house last fall, my other hobbies (I don’t have a lot, but they exist, lol), on & off writer’s block, anxiety & depression (being treated, but those who have it know that there isn’t a ‘magic, 100% fix’), exhaustion, and now the whole pandemic thing (I had unrelated bronchitis a couple weeks ago too, and my son had a minor version, so that was a fun event too)..... it’s been a tough year or so. Not BAD, but tough. I’m determined that I’m going to finish this fic once and for all, even if it takes me another few years.
THAT said...
I did watch Youtube footage of game dialogue for part of my ‘research’ (I have a whole long FO4 playlist of dialogue & specific game events, lol). I also talked to people online who shared the same passion for FO4 as me, bouncing ideas back and forth ( @the-dubstep-strawberry, @scorpio-skies, and @lothrilzul have been amazing for this during my whole process, thank you so much guys! Love yooo! <3 @marvilus73 has also made some awesome FO4 posts that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading!).
But most importantly (to me, anyway), I scoured the internet for any FO4-related resources that I thought would be valuable for my fic. I really did do a lot of research, b/c I wanted to sound knowledgeable in my writing and not just like a person that played for like, 10min & was like, “Eh, good enough, I’ll just make up the rest” (not that I’m dissing anyone who has done that, it’s just not my method).
https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki has been the most valuable (again, for me personally) resource I’ve used. Though occasionally you come across some info that you kind of have to take ‘with a grain of salt’, it’s really been a lifesaver because there’s soooo much info there than came in handy. If you look up a particular character - let’s say for example, Danse - the site will list a lot of their main info/stats on the right side of the character’s page. At the bottom of this ‘info box’, it will often list a dialogue page (sometimes two) that lists all the dialogue (as far as I know) that’s in the game. This kind of info was like... a total ‘goldmine’ to me, for helping me to get my fic off of the ground.
.....THAT also said, a little piece of advice - if I had to go back to the very beginning & start my fic all over again from scratch (haha, never gonna happen, trust me, I’m just saying), I definitely would have done things differently. ...Yeah, I’m sure all writers say that, and my story would’ve been pretty much the same - but I feel that I relied on the game dialogue too much when writing my fic at the start. Plenty of people have played through FO4, and even for the people that never finished it, I’m sure they played enough to know how the game starts & what the main story is.
It’s fine to start a fic off at the beginning of a game/movie/series (what have you) as if the person reading it is experiencing it again, except through your character’s POV - but unless you’re going to have different experiences (at least somewhat) from what the actual character/POV player has, or offer deeper insight into what’s going on in their or surrounding character’s minds that we didn’t see ourselves while enjoying that fandom... it might feel a bit tedious and boring. Like... ‘okay, but... I already saw all this when watching/playing it myself, so... what’s my incentive to keep reading?’
Yeah, my Nora did have her own thoughts/feelings/experiences that weren’t necessarily canon for FO4 in the beginning of my fic... but I was a first-time fic writer, and I was nervous that if I didn’t put more game dialogue in the story, that my own writing wouldn’t interest other people, that they’d think my writing was bad/stupid/not ‘enough’, etc. I didn’t yet have the confidence in myself to not rely on the game dialogue to fill in chapters, instead of just enhancing them a bit.
My whole (VERY long-winded, I sincerely apologize) point to this is: if you - or anyone who reads this - go to write your own story/fic/anything, be proud and unafraid to be you. No one’s perfect, and many of us learn to write better as we go (I know I cringe when I read my early stuff, lol!). It’s totally fine to use resources, just don’t like... obsess over making them a big part of your writing (which is what I feel I did when starting out, hence my ‘words of caution’. I like... agonized over making my chapters as ‘perfect’ as I could, and I think I used up waaay more energy than I needed to while writing. ...Come to think of it, I still do that at times now, and drive myself crazy with it, LOL!).
...And... if saying the above stuff added to a question/point you weren’t intending to ask, then I sincerely apologize again for ‘going off on a tangent’, lol!  *XD 
Thank you again for saying what you said, it really did make my night & put a little spring in my step to know that people still appreciate my writing/fics, even if I haven’t had as much time to continue it lately!  <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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